t with all shares of TRADESPOT Arenwrra Eo
t with all shares of TRADESPOT Arenwrra Eo
POWEROFATTOR}TEY IIbJIHOMOIqHO TRADESPOT II{VESTMENTS I4IIBECTMbI{TC a company incorporated and IIYMYII?IX', Apyt(ecrBo IrrIKopuoPHPaHo n LIMITED registered on the territory of the British pemcrp4paHo Ba reprropruITa na Eprrrancrul Virgin Islands, Trident Chambers, P.O.Box Bnp.IpKIfircKIr ocrtr oBu, "Tpafigenr veu6rpc", Town, Tortola" British Virgin n K. 146, PoyA myn, Topnona' Eprrraucrcl 146, Road Islands, with Reg. No 533656, represented B4pAtstEcKn ocTPoBrr, P€r- M33656, by the Director ldaria Papadopoulou, the npeAclt!8JulB€lso oT ,{rpemopa Mapur company being a shareholder with 576 494 flauagonyrry, [ocJreAForo,qpyxecrBo B (five hrmdred seventy six thousand four KaqecTBoTO CIr Ha arqEolrep, qpnrexaBarqo ninety four) shares ofthe capital of 576 494 (netcrorttr ceAel\,rgecer n Inecr hundred GAMAKABEL JSC, town of Smolyan, I YrfiJls$r qelEpa0Toflm AeBsrAeC9I U Vernpn) Asparuh Str, entered in the companies 6pos aKIFE or xr rxala Ea Iftan register with the Regrsty agency, UIC ,,|AMAKAEHP A'4 crc ceAarurqe E alurec 830198492, on the grounds of Article 226 IIa ynpaB'Iesrle B rp. cuolff, yJr- "xan of the Trade Act in relation to Article I l6 of Acnapyx" J&1, Brrucano B TFProBqKnS Arenwrra Eo the Law on public offering of secwities ICbM ..TPEiTICIIOT PerlrcrbP hereby BnucBtfnu:rra,El{K 830198492, Ha ocHoBaurre .rt. 226 m T3 srr Bposra 3ItrII-K, c Eacrotlrlero c u. 116 m AUTEORIZES vlrbJmoMoqABA UIrs. Anastasiya Georgieva DimitrovalftnrmPona Kaloferova fiom the town of Smolyarl Karorlepona or rp. Claonror' qpr{rexaoaqa holder of ID card Je 192581749, issued on nr{Erga Kaltra Ns 192581749' IBAaAeHa Ha 07.06.2006 by the Ministry of lnterior07.06.2006 r. or MBP- Cuoaxn, E[TISmolyan, PIN- 7910236030 with the 7910236030 cbc cJIeIIrEre trPaBa : following powers: Anacrzans FeoPruena - [p upe4ctannma '"TPEtrUCIIOT I4HBECTMbIITC IIYIMYII}'Ip'' - To r€present TRADESPOT the INVESTMENTS LIMITED of the General Meeting^t ExFaordinary rr3BbHpeltrro o6rqo o6pame slrareholders of GAMAKABEL JSC which aKrluoreplrre ua,fauaxa6en" $o xoeno rqe will be held on 13.10.2011 at l1'00 a-m-, at ce npogeAe sa 13.10.2011 r. qr 11.00 saca s the main office of the company in the town cegbruqem Ira AP)DI(ecrBoro rp-Cruonnr' yl' of Smolyan, 1 Khan Asparuh Str., to vote Bcus]g rnacyla-c n Aa Acnapy/'Nel, ,,Xan all shares of TRADESPOT 'TPERACIIOT with nprrrexaBalrn or INVESTMENTS LIMIIED on the items of I4IIBECTMbHTC lIyb/I&ffyIil' aKIFE B Ea Ha the agenda as follows: l. Bseuane Ha PeEeEue O6qcrro cl6pauae Ia olo6pn nPeAonoBapxHero Ea ycnoBtrtTa IIO UpeAocTaaeE .[pyxecmoto 6amcos KPe;glr' fla cbnralcEo 1. Decisioa mriking the GM to approve the renegotiation of ihe temrs provided in the ComPanY bank loan granted apcordiag concluded with "First Invesbnent Brykl' Fle Loan ,{greement Ne 000CL-L- to ttrc cKJIIoqeH c ,,fltpra ruIBecrEIuoHIIa .6a.mca'A,{.{ororop sa Icpelgr Nl 000CL 000056e6.02,2010 (Lotrn Agreement), for L-000036126.O2.201tt- (,{oronop 3a inal@sing the loan ariounJ to EUR xpeAlrr), cbcrof,qo ce B )rBelmsaBase !4 000800.00 /.fourteen million euro/, pa3Mepa Ea xpeAlrra no 14 000 000.00 vdrho'ut olranging the initially agreed (verapnragecer Ir,rxrmona) eBpo, Karo ce redmiptiou date ard other essentials of tlie Ioaa€olir@ee The provided inc:reased loan amount will be used fot investments and circulating funds. In the context ofthe agreed changes in the 6rne IfilIroJI3BllH 3a seoured debt, to authorize the company rpe,ryTa EHB€crItr[m^au o6o'pomrx cpegcrBa Ha representatives to sign annexes to a pledge BP63Ka c agreement on commercial undertaking and a Apyxec-rBoro. Bls machinerY and AOrOBOpeEnre rrpoMeHu B O6esneqeEoto pledge agreement BgeMaHe, E3 Ce B5&'IOXE HA equipme,n! and to enter the changes into tlre 'hpeAclaBrtBaqrre Ap)DKecrB{tro, Aa respective registers. in cKrrrogaT aEeKcu KhM AoroEop 3a 3aJlor Ha Prior to the due entry of the alterations T6PI1)BCKO trpeFtpumue E AoroBop 3a the pledge agreement on commercial 3anor BbPxy M:UULIHI{' sbOpb,I(eHI['I II undertaking in the commercial register with o6opypane, Ir Bllrlrtrar rIPoMeEIt:re B the Registry Agency and its secondary enfiry cborl€Tlure penrsrpu- Ao nqAnexarolo into the respective services on the batches of in the enterprise, the BrrlrcBlrHe IIa qtoMel rTe no AoloBopa 3a the included assets promissory note to 3UUIor rra TbpnoBcKo trPe,qlPgrmre B Company should issue a TsproBcM' penrcTbp IIpn Ar€HIE IIo the benefit of "First lnvestment Bank" Plc, /foudeen million BnIICBaUIEtTa tr BTopITqIIOTO It'Iy BuIICBage for EUR 14 000 000.00 period -31.01-2018 B srorBsruure oryx6n uo tragrrigTe Ha euro/, with submission expenses" BKrrrorleBme B npeElPnf,Tlrero atrcfllBE and with a'no protesf' and'no Al4rxecrBom Aa s3AA,[e B Iloffta Ha clause. 3aIra3BaT rIbpBoHalIaJIITO AOTOBOpoEUTe cpoK 3A nomctBaHe u ApyErFe csqecrBelru ycnoBE I CbrJIacEo AonoBoPa 3a Kpemr. Ynefirselilrrr Pa3MeP Ha . on ;;flrpna rnrectzqnouna 6arxa" A,{ saruc rra 3arroBeA 3a cyMara or 14 O00 000'00 (ucr4pmagecer wruroua) eBpo' rrJIum{M EA trPeAtBtBarre, ct,c cpoK lra npeArBrBane ao 31.01.2018 r. c yroBopKa ,,6es qpotect' ll ,,6es Pannocltu'"' [poercr ge peuenne: O6Eoro cs6panrle I)raft resolution: The GM adoPts the Directors and proposition of the Board of rrpEeMa 4peAJIOXeUUero Ha crwta Ea approves ure the renegotiation of the terms npeAoroBapantsro ogo6pxna u ArrpeKroplrre to the orovided in the r ycnoButTa IIo 4PeAOcTaBeII na ,flpyxecrrcno 6a.rucos 4pelgn' cbDlacxo cKrrroq€E c ,,fltpaa EmecrruIEouEa 6ama' A,{ ,{oronop 3a xpeAm JS 000CLL00fr036126.022010r. (,{oronop sa IEesr), qbcTorqo ce B yBetruqaBaHe Pa3MePa Ea Ha bank loan according concluded with "First Investment Bank" Plc Loan Agreement Nl 000CLL-000036126.02.2010 (Inan Agreement), for increasing the loan amount to EUR 14 000 000.00 /fourteen million euro/, without changing the initially 000.00 (vernpmqAeccr agreed redemption date and other essentials urinrora) eBpo, Kam cE 3alranBar of the loan contract. The provided increased rrbpBorraqa[Ho AoroBopeEure cpoK 3a loan a.mount will be used for investments noracrlBase E APyrI{r€ ctsrqecTBeHE ycnoBE and circulating fimds. In the context of the ctnractro Aorronopa 3a KPeJu,tt. Ynemrsemf,r agreed changes in tlre secured debt, to pa3Mep sa fpe,@Ta Aa 6rAe I{3IroJBBarI 3a authorize the company representatives to nHBecrruu{u u oSopoTEr cpeAcTBa Ha sip. annexes to p pledge agreement on .{pyxecmmo. Bra rpraxa c AoraBoperrn€ commercial undertaking and a pledge npoMenf, r oSesneqeuoto EleMaue, Bb3JIana agreement on ruchinery and equipment Ha npelcmB'Isaqff€ Ap)Dr(eqm0m, Aa and to enter the clianges into the KpeAnnr ao 14 000 crJrroqaT aBeKcIl Ic6M AOmBqP 3a 3aJIOr Ea rsspective registers. Prior to the due entry of TrproBcKo trpe,wPn mre n AonoBop 3a 3aJror the alterations in the pledge agreement on Bbpry MarlI{Hn, sboptxelfltt u odopypane commercial undertaking in the commercial I,l BrMIrraT trpoMeEmre B gBoTBeTHme register with the Registry Agency and its perircrpu. ,{o ua4nexxono BItrncBnFe Ha secondary entry into the respective services npoMeEnre uo IOTOBOPa 3a 3rUIOr Ha on the batches of the included assets in the rrpFoBcKo rlpel[IpllrlTtre B TbPnOBCKf,t enterprisg the C.ompany should issue a penrcrbp npn Aremuu no BrlucBasllt'Ta H promissory note to the benefit of "First EIJR BTOpTIqITOTO My BITUCBaIIe B CbOTBSIIrATe Inveshnent Bankn crfx6u uo ttapru4rre Ea Brutlotlegrre B 14 000 000.00 /fourteen million euro/, with nPe.qrrpnf,TlIeTo atcfllBrl, AP)rrKecBOm Aa zubmission period -31.01.2018 and with a rBAaAe B noJBa ua.,fbpna IrEBecrI{tuoHEa "no protest'' and'ho expenses" clause. 6arma' AA sa$rc Ira 3alroBe..4 3a cyMara or 14 000 000.00 (vempnr44ecer rmluona) ei1po, rnannr Fa upeAtBrIBaHe, cbc cPoK Ea Plc, for 31.01.2018 r. ,,6ee npotecrtt n ,r6es Panuocro". rpegf,Bf;Barre to c yronopra EAIIEH HA TJIACVBAHE: MANNEROFVOTING: l. On the first item of the agenda-'TOR' L flo ro.rra lrtpBa or .4rreBHE peA ,,3A" adopting the proposition of the Board of npr{eMarre Ha qpertoxeHuero Ea Css€ta Ha Directors and approval o4odPxaane .rgrpeKroprrTe of the renegotiation u of the terms provided in the granted to the ilpeAomBaptHcro Ha yc[oBurlTa rlo Company bank loan according concluded uPeAocraaeE Ea ,{pyxecreom 6ancon with "Fi$t Investment Bank" Plc Loan rcpelgT, cbulacno cr,rKtqen c ,Jllpaa r.lb 000cL-L-0 0003 6 26.02.201 0 I rrHBecrnrgorrg a daflKt' A,[ ,{ororop KpeAtrr J{b 000CL-L-000036126-02'20ltr. (,{oroaop sa I<pe.ryr), cbcmtrllo c€ B for increasing the loan amount to EUR 14 000 000.00 /fourteen million eurol without changing the initially agreed redemption date and other essentials of the loan contract. The provided increased loan amount will be used for investments and circulating ftnds. In the context of the agreed changes in the secured debt, to authorize the company representatives to sign annexes to a pledge agreement on sa (Loan Agreement), yBeJrI{qaB:rBe pa3Mepa Ha KPeAETa Ao 14 000 000.00 (verrpwranecet rrrumoua) eBpo, KaTo @ 3aua3BAT nBPBOHaTIaJEO AOrOEOpeHnre cPoK 3a nonactBtllle u ApyrEre sbqecrBem ycJIoBIlrI GErJIaCHO AOrOBOpS 3a Kpe4m. YseJq.IeIrErr pa3Mep Ira KpeAEra Aa 6rAe [gnomgan 3a ngBecrlfl[ln u oboporma pledge cpeAcrBa na ,{pyxecramo. Bts EPb3ICa c conmercial undertaking and o6egneqenoro agreernent on machinery and equipment, AonoBopen[Te npoMenrr BgeMaIIe, B63JIa[a Ha. nPeAcTaBJrtBaIgre and to enter the ch4nges into the ApyxecBoTro, Aa cKllrorrar al{eKcn KaM respective registers. hior to the due entry of AoroEoP 3a 3aJIOr Ha TbpFoBcKo IIpeArIpEr.fIre the alterations in the pledge agreement on n AonoBop 3a 3aJIOr B6Pcy MaIIIUUU, commercial undertaking in the commercial cr<iprxe.wrr n o6opypane n BrrnrnFT register with the Regisny Agency and its npoMentrTe B c6orBerEnre pemcrPa. {o secondary entry into the respective services HqArexHom BrMcBaIIe HA trIrcMeHrITe trO on the batches ofthe included assets in the AOTOBOpa 3a 3aJror Ha TbPrloBcKo enterprise, the Company should issue a rlP€AtrpUrflie B T6pnoBcKn I perucrEp IIPE promissory note to the benefit of "First ELJR Aren+rs no BlrncBaslrtra u BTop[qnoro My lnvestment Bankn BrlrrcBaue B sborBgrllrrre cryx6n tto 14 000 000.00 /fourteen million euro/, with -31.01.2018 and with a Ilap,rEryIe Ha BKTIK)II€HIITe B upeAtrPrlf,rser0 submission period n'no *no expenses" clause. protesf' and aKTEBU, ApyxecrBofo Aa II3Ia,qe B noJBa lra gamrc sa ,,flrpna unrecruqroma 6aEICa" A,{ n a Plc, for giuoget e c}/Mara or 14000000.00 (sefipru4gecer rrznuona) eBpo, uIarI{M ga npeArBtBaEe, cbc cPoK Ha np€E IBTIBaIIe AO 31.01.2018 r. c ynoBoPKa ,,6es rryrorecd' n ,,6@ pa3noclor". Vrrrrurouorqasanero o6Isaqa EbtrPoc4 Kormo c:r BKIIIOTIeHI B ,ryeBuux peA IIPH ycJroBnrrra ta tn.23l, an.l or T3 r ne ca cro6qerur nflr o6seril cro6parno sn223 a or T3. The authorization covers issues which are included in the agenda pursuant to Art.231, Para. I of the Trade Act and are not reported or published pursuant to Art.223a ofthe Trade Act. utr.231', al.l or T3 In oases under Art. Z3l,Para. I ofthe Trade n6JrrroMolryFcbr sMa fipalBo sa co6grreua Act, the atlorney is entitled to their own nperleHr(r|, AaIWr Aa DIaCyBa u uo KaKEB discretion whether to vote and how B cryq{rrre Haquu. uo Cruacro qII. 116, [PeyrrhJIEoMOqaBasef,o rcpe qpaBa e nruqoxHo. arr. 4 3InnS c us6poeme uo- Pursumt to ArL I16, Para. 4 of the Law on Pubtc Offering of Securities the reauthorizafion ofthe above powers shall be deemed null. YIIL'IEOMOENTEJI/PRINCIPAL: ,{rperrop/Director c Y-"t'a;-t