1812 to 1830: Loretto seedlings flourish


1812 to 1830: Loretto seedlings flourish
Fall/Winter 2009
Volume 51, No. 3
1812 to 1830:
Loretto seedlings flourish
Update: Loretto ministries today
About this issue . . .
Sisters of Loretto • Co-members
Co-Members of Loretto
It is summer time, and our traditional issue in which to salute
some special
members of those who make Loretto bloom - our
s the year edges toward wintertime, and we are warm, dry, and
They it's
25 years,
or 75
to take
an in-depth
at years,
two centuries
three youngin
are their
neighbors to build log shelters and a school. These women sought the
18 privilege
of this special club, five diamonds, six golds, and
of a devout religious life and met the challenge of teaching the
We also
donors and
on the
far edge
of the our
In 1812,
Stuart, andwho
Ann Havern
the Sisters
have passed
of Loretto, the Lewis and Clark Expedition had completed their journey
only six years before. Kathleen Vonderhaar SL writes of Loretto's remarkAs able
first 18
of hard work,
rewards, and growth,
10. critiques
of Loretto Magazine are welcome.
Loretto ministries two centuries later are active and thriving. You can read
the latest news about some of these ministries on page 4.
Contact Neysa Chouteau CoL
signature fundraising
event for the
by The
at 327Development
Enola Avenue,
MO 63122-3420
Retired Sisters was enjoyed by everyone who took part. The photos tell
by the
at neysa327@charter.net
story of golfers who spent a delightful August morning on the course at
Raccoon Creek in Littleton, Colo., and who had a great time at the Silent
Auction and dinner afterward. Their generosity, and that of the many sponsors and donors throughout the country, contributed to the overall success
of our 14th annual "friend-raiser." The story starts on page 6.
Loretto Ministry Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2009 Golf Tournament & Auction Report . . . . . . . . . . 6
Story 1....................................
Series: On the Road to Jubilee 2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
page X
Remembrances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Memorials & Tributes of Honor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Story 2....................................
page X
We work for justice and act for peace
because the Gospel urges us.
Loretto Community members teach,
nurse; care for the elderly,
elderly; lobby,
minister in hospitals,
hospitals; provide spiritual
direction and counseling,
counseling; resettle
refugees; staff parishes,
parishes; try to stop
this country’s nuclear weapons buildup; work with
the poor;
rural poor,
and and
minister to handicapped, alcoholic,
and mentally ill adults. Our ministries
are diverse.
Founded in 1812, we include 250
sis300 and
200 co-members.
are thoseare
who, mutual
mutual commitment,
belong belong
to the Loretto
to the Loretto Community
a sharing
a sharing
of spirit
and values
and who
who participate
in activities
our mission.
For more information about the Loretto Community,
Loretto Community Membership Staff
300 East
So. Hampden
Suite 400
CO 80123-1308
Englewood, CO 80113-2661
Phone: 303-783-0450
Ph: (303)
Fax: (303)
Website: www.lorettocommunity.org
Loretto Magazine is published
three times a year by the Loretto
Development Office.
Development Director:
Denise Ann Clifford SL
Loretto Magazine is published three
times a year by the Loretto
Associate Development Director
Donna Mattingly SL
Longer Story
About the Cover: Photo by Carolyn Dunbar.
The white ash, a tree native to Kentucky, is one of
the hardwood
varieties found throughout Europe
and also in the woodlands of the New World. When
central Kentucky was settled in the late 18th and
early 19th centuries, the pioneers would have been
very familiar with this beautiful, practical tree.
Editing, Layout and Production:
Neysa Chouteau CoL
Carolyn Dunbar
Design and layout:
Regina Drey SL
Advisory Panel:
Martha Alderson CoL
Editorial and circulation offices:
Denise Ann Clifford SL
Loretto Staff Office
P J Manion SL
590 E. Lockwood
Susan Swain SL
Webster Groves, MO 63119
In the second article of our series, "On the Road to
Jubilee 2012," the early Loretto Sisters are compared to a tree that puts down roots, grows strong,
and flourishes.
Editorial Office:
Subscription rate is $5.00 per year.
Loretto Central Office
Third class postage is paid
4000 So. Wadsworth Blvd.
at St. Louis.
Littleton, CO 80123-1308
Circulation Office:
Loretto Staff Office
590 E. Lockwood Ave.
Webster Groves, MO 63119
2 • Loretto Magazine
Dear Friends of Loretto,
This year I have celebrated my Golden Jubilee as a Sister of Loretto. This event provided
a wonderful opportunity to reflect on and give thanks to God for the many blessings
that have graced my life and ministry throughout the past 50 years. I offer this Litany of
Thanksgiving to all who have graced my life and invite you to reflect on the blessings in
your life as you celebrate the holiday season.
In loving gratitude for:
My parents, who loved me into being and showered me with their love and
support; for their countless sacrifices and a firm grounding in my Catholic faith and moral
My siblings, their spouses and children for maintaining strong family ties,
sharing the joys and sorrows of our life journeys together; for the gift of hospitality,
extended to and welcoming those beyond the family circle.
My extended family: aunts, uncles, cousins, the “family village” who share
collective family wisdom and experience, offering support and encouragement.
My Loretto Sisters who guided me through years of education and formation, and
especially those with whom I have shared the joys of ministry and community living.
All the wonderful communities and enduring friendships
that have graced my life for the past 50 years at:
All Souls Parish and School, Englewood, Colo. (1963-1965)
St. Cronan Parish and School, St. Louis (1965-1967)
St. Pius V Parish and School, St. Louis (1967-1973)
St. Mary’s Parish and School, Taylorville, Ill. (1973-1981)
St. Michael Parish and School, Houston (1981-1995)
Duchesne Academy of the Sacred Heart, Houston (1995-1996)
St. Mary’s Academy, Englewood, Colo. (2002-2004)
All the faithful friends of Loretto whom I have come to know and
appreciate through my work as Development Director, and
my colleagues on the Loretto Staff and Executive Committee (1996-Present)
I give thanks to God every day for the gift of your presence in my life!
Wishing you and all who “gift” your life a
Happy Thanksgiving,
a joy-filled Christmas Season,
and a New Year overflowing with peace and blessings!
Sister Denise Ann Clifford SL
Development Director
Issue 2009
Date • 3
Loretto's many ministries serve
By Carolyn Dunbar
Summer concert raises $180,000 for primary
school in Akokoamong, Ghana, West Africa
hythm and Drums” and a
whole lot of singing filled
the Teikyo Loretto Heights
Theater in Denver July 11 to raise money
for school children in Ghana, West Africa.
The benefit raised more than $180,000
through ticket sales and sponsorships
for a school in Akokoamong, Ghana,
that will provide education for up to 125
impoverished children. These students
would otherwise have no school to attend.
Headlining the concert was Colorado jazz
singer Hazel Miller, who performed with
the African drum group, Koffi Toudji and
Friends, and guitarist Corey Harris.
Event coordinator Lydia Peña SL said, “I
was overwhelmed and inspired when I
walked into a full Loretto Heights Theater
at 6:50 p.m. on July 11. The energy was
palpable, with images of Ghana floating
across the huge screen as Koffi Toudji and
Friends drummed and danced on stage
below. I heard myself saying, ‘We’ve just
been transported to Ghana.’”
Concert photos by Donna Mattingly SL
The Akokoamong Leadership Academy
is a joint effort between the Sisters of
Loretto and their “sister” community, the
Daughters of the Most Blessed Trinity
(known as the FST Sisters), in Ghana.
These religious groups have worked
together to raise money to build, furnish,
and staff the school and adjoining convent.
The school, which is built and now being
furnished, will be formally dedicated in
Akokoamong Nov. 21. Loretto Sisters
Lydia Peña and Marie Ego will journey to
Africa for the dedication ceremony.
Lydia Peña said that the Loretto and FST
communities continue to raise funds. “Our
goal is to endow the school. When one
endows a school, one guarantees its future.
The larger the endowment, the better.
Endowments provide longevity; that is
the goal with Akokoamong. We’d like to
be able to guarantee quality education for
these children forever.”
This ongoing effort will make a critical
difference in the lives of children and
their families in rural Ghana, and is fully
consonant with Loretto’s commitment to
Pauline Albin SL,
who has worked for
nearly two decades
in Ghana, will join
Sisters Lydia Peña
and Marie Ego at the
ceremony. Mary Ann
Gleason SL, who
works in Uganda,
will travel west from
the mid-continent to
join her sisters for the
4 • Loretto Magazine
Jazz singer Hazel Miller headlines
"Rhythm and Drums" at July 11 concert.
With construction complete, the school
keys were presented to Sister Emily
Owusu-Ansah, president of the FST order
in Ghana. Several FST sisters will staff
the Akokoamong school and live in the
convent next door.
Sister Emily and Sister Veronica
Adomako-Manu spent six weeks in the
United States this summer visiting Loretto
sites, attending the Annual Assembly,
and helping prepare for the “Rhythm &
Drums” fundraising concert in Denver.
Donations for the Ghana school may be
sent to the Sisters of Loretto Development
Office, 4000 So. Wadsworth Blvd.,
Littleton, CO, 80123-1308.
From left: Sister Veronica Adomako-Manu
FST, President Emily Owusu-Ansah FST,
and Loretto President Cathy Mueller SL.
Sister Emily addresses the concert-goers.
people at home and abroad
Loretto's Pakistani sisters welcome President Cathy Mueller
to their native land; explore possibilities for mission in Faisalabad
he four Loretto Pakistani sisters
— Nasreen Daniel, Samina Iqbal,
Iffat Peter, and Maria Daniel — greeted
President Cathy Mueller when she
arrived in Lahore, Pakistan, Oct. 3. Sister
Cathy traveled there for three weeks to
accompany the sisters and collaborate with
the Catholic hierarchy in Pakistan as they
locate a new home in Faisalabad, a city in
the heart of the country.
traveled to Pakistan for the distinct purpose
of meeting with the Bishop of Faisalabad,
Bishop Joseph Coutts, to explore ministry
possibilities. He has also been instrumental
in locating temporary quarters for the
sisters. With his guidance, experience, and
understanding of the area, they now have
a base, a house formerly occupied by the
Marist Brothers, from which to further
investigate ministry options in the city.”
“I am very grateful to be with Maria,
Samina, Iffat, and Nasreen,” Cathy wrote
in an Oct. 6 e-mail message to the Loretto
Community. “We are so mindful of the
prayerful support that is coming from so
Pakistan is only one percent Christian,
Sister Denise Ann explained. The
Christian community is very close and
works together to build trust among the
people of Pakistan.
Sister Cathy Mueller wrote of an historic
moment the five sisters shared on their
first day in Faisalabad. “Sunday, our first
morning in our new home, we gathered
to pray, calling on the creative Spirit of
God and the spirit of Loretto members to
be with us in this beginning time as we
symbolically planted Loretto in Pakistan.
In the courtyard, there is a red brick
pathway; two lines that form a cross. In
the center is a lovely tree. We took some
of Sister Dorothy Mary Bauer’s ashes and
buried them at the foot of the tree, planting
her and Loretto in this land.”
“We are keeping abreast of developments
in the political situation. We hope to send
some of our sisters to Pakistan in 2010,
to be present to and supportive of our
Sister Dorothy Mary, a longtime Denver
resident, died in April 2006. She had
been a great friend of the Pakistani sisters
during their time in the United States.
Five hundred people attended the concert
in June.
to sing at the [Loretto] Assembly as our
evening entertainment for the community
to come together and enjoy songs I knew
would speak to their hearts,” Day said.
The Annual Assembly was held at the end
of June in St. Louis.
Director of Development Denise Ann
Clifford SL, who chairs the Pakistan
Committee, said, “Our president has
Photo courtesy of Donna Day SL.
Loretto singers join chorus
of several religious orders to
raise funds for Marian School
s they raised their voices they also
raised $4,000 for the Marian Middle
School in St. Louis, a school for girls
in the inner city. They are the Uprising
of Hope Chorus, established earlier
this year to perform at the fundraising
concert. “The choir of 70 women was a
collaborative project among 10 religious
communities and a few of our lay friends
sponsored by LCWR Region 10,” said
Loretto Vice President Donna Day. LCWR
is the Leadership Conference of Women
Religious, in which the Sisters of Loretto
actively participate.
Fifteen Sisters of Loretto sang with the
chorus, including Day, who has worked
with music in Catholic parishes. She
occasionally leads the singing at the St.
Louis Loretto Center, and likes to sing.
Pakistani sisters in their work,” she said.
Loretto is part of the sponsoring
intercommunity collaborative group in St.
Louis that oversees the school. The girls
study, build their confidence, and learn of
new educational opportunities, said Day.
Several students have gone on to high
school, including Loretto’s Nerinx Hall.
“The chorus was so much fun, and
sounded so good, I decided to invite them
“The music was all written by Carolyn
McDade,” said Day. “She is a composer,
quite renowned, writing in a feminist,
ecological spirit.” Will the chorus
continue? “I hope so. We have all enjoyed
it so much,” she said.
Fall-Winter 2009 • 5
Golfers swing for the peaks at the Loretto
'Fore-Teeners' Golf Tournament and Auction
By Carolyn Dunbar
Photos by Donna Mattingly SL and Carolyn Dunbar
When the dust settled, more than $42,000 was
raised to benefit the Retired Sisters of Loretto!
t was still dark on a cloudless morning in late
August when a solid line of headlights began
to stream in from the main road to the Raccoon
Creek clubhouse in Littleton, Colo. Each car unloaded its passengers and golf clubs, and 109 tournament players made their way to the registration table
and their assigned golf carts.
The sun had not yet crept above the horizon when
Tournament Director Pat Tait announced, “Golfers,
start your engines!” marking the official start of the
14th Annual Golf Tournament and Silent Auction for
the support of the Retired Sisters of Loretto.
The play was swift, the morning flew by, and soon
the golfers joined the sisters and other friends at the
nearby Loretto Center to bid generously on a room full
The 2009 Golf
Committee Members
and Consultants:
Steve Beaudoin
Mary Kay Brannan SL
Dan Clem
Darlene Graham
Tom & Sharon Hernandez
Bob Kern
Mary Ellen McElroy SL
Mike Phelan
Alicia Ramirez SL
Marie Joann Rekart SL
Marlene Spero SL
Nancy Sunkel
Susan Swain SL
Pat Tait, Tournament Director,
Raccoon Creek
Mark Trail
Ken Werth
Individual Sponsors
Bill & Gracie Carr
Dan & Shelly Clem
Kathleen Crowley
Tim & Kathy Farrell
Joseph and Joann Furay
Danny Gryzmala
Barbara Hennigar
Karen Hill
Margaret M. McMahon
Nancy McMahon
Father Ben Meyer
William A. Miller
Lydia Peña SL
Mark & Gretchen Trail
Ruth Ann Zook
Individual Contributors:
Auction and Dinner
Glenda Adams
Elise André CoL
Jim & Mary Bruce
Mary Peter Bruce SL
Denise Ann Clifford SL
Elizabeth Ann Compton SL
Kathleen Corbett SL
Kathleen Crowley
Carolyn Dunbar
Trish Dunbar
Marie Ego SL
Maureen Flanigan
James Ford
Mary Nell Gage SL
Catherine Hupp CoL
Marilyn Jensen
Bob and Hazel Kern
Kelly Kern
Michaela Kolberg
Jane Kosters CoL
of auction items. They enjoyed drinks, conversation,
and a barbequed chicken meal prepared by volunteers
from the Knights of Columbus and the Ladies Auxiliary of Bishop Evans Council 10122.
Named “Loretto Fore-Teeners” for the 14th year of the
event, and for Colorado’s many mountain peaks rising
more than 14,000 feet, this annual “friend-raiser” succesfully raised more than $42,000 for the retired sisters.
Director of Development Sister Denise Ann Clifford
SL said, “We extend our gratitude and appreciation to
all who so generously contributed their time, talent,
effort, donations, sponsorships, and prayerful support
for this event. Without our golfers, sponsors, donors,
cooks, and many selfless volunteers, this event would
not be possible.”
Imelda Therese Marquez SL
Donna Mattingly SL
Pat McCormick SL
Ruth Meyer
Lydia Peña SL
Alicia Ramirez SL
Virginia Sandoval
Marie Dolorosa Simones SL
Susan Swain SL
Joan Van Leeuwen SL
Sponsors: Businesses
and Organizations
Braconier Plumbing &
Heating Co., Inc.
Form Design & Architecture,
Fransen Pittman General
Knights of Columbus,
Bishop Evans Council 10122
Ladies Auxiliary,
Bishop Evans Council 10122
Slattery & Company, Inc.
Spectrum General Contractors,
Rich Evans Insurance Agency,
Horan & McConaty Funeral
Mountain View Dental,
Steven Runnings, DDS
Donors: Businesses and
1515 Restaurant
240 Union—A Creative Grille
Applewood Golf Course
Arvada Center for the Arts
and Humanities
Avenue Theater
Bacchus Meadery
Banister’s Flowers
Bear Creek Golf Club
Bonnie Brae Ice Cream
Carino’s Italian Grill
Central City Opera
Century Casino
Cherokee Dining on 12th Ave.
Cherry Creek Grill
Chocolates by Mary Carol
Colorado Symphony Orchestra
Cool River Café
Corner Bakery Café
Denver Art Museum
Denver Botanic Gardens
Denver Zoological Foundation
Doubletree Hotel Denver
Enstrom Candies, Inc.
Fortune Valley Hotel & Casino
Fall-Winter 2009 • 7
Georgetown Loop Railroad
Gethsemani Abbey
Governor’s Park Restaurant
& Tavern
Hapa Sushi Grill & Sake Bar
House of Windsor British
Tea Room
Hudson Gardens & Event
Isle Casino & Hotel,
Black Hawk, Colo.
John J. Erger Church Goods
King Soopers Corporation
Lodge Casino & Hotel,
Black Hawk, Colo.
Loretto Motherhouse
Loretto Spiritual Renewal
Center, Kremmling, Colo.
Maggiano’s Little Italy
Manitou & Pike’s Peak
Railway Company
Meridian Golf Club
Natural Grocers by
Vitamin Cottage
Noodles and Company
Omni Interlocken Resort
Piccolo’s Restaurant
Raccoon Creek Golf Course
Romano’s Italian Restaurant
Royal Gorge Route
Railroad Company
Sansone’s Bistro
Spero Winery
Sunset Printing
Tattered Cover Book Store
Town Hall Arts Center
Village Roaster
Virgie’s Beauty Salon
White Fence Farm
Wild Birds Unlimited
Willis Case Golf Course
Wingate by Wyndham,
Denver Tech Center
Knights of Columbus
John Barklage
Keith Fariss
Mike Harris
Tom Hernandez
Terry McGowan
Mike Phelan
Jim Wolz
Ladies Auxiliary
Cathy Barklage
Mary Frances Gillis
Sharon Hernandez
Joyce McGowan
Gloria Nevarez
Loretto Center Staff
Bob Kern
Mary Ellen McElroy SL
Barbara Schulte SL
Joan Spero SL
Marlene Spero SL
Mark Trail
Joyce Ackles
Marian Andrews SL
Judith Baenan CoL
Ann Barrett SL
Jim & Mary Bruce
Mary Peter Bruce SL
Patty Calixto CoL
Regina Drey SL
Marie Ego SL
Benedicta Feeney SL
Mary Jane Frederick CoL
Mary Nelle Gage SL
Joy Gerity CoL
Sylvia Ginder SL
Marietta Goy SL
Evelyn Houlihan SL
Catherine Hupp CoL
Theresa Kinealy CoL
Cam Kryzsko
Father Martin Lally CoL
Mary Ken Lewis SL
Imelda Therese Marquez SL
Pat McCormick SL
Betty McWilliams SL
Father Ben Meyer
Priscilla O’Leary
Lydia Peña SL
Mary Catherine Rabbitt SL
Marie Joann Rekart SL
Ruth Routten
Golfers arrive before dawn for a great day on the links.
Winning men's team; from left, Carl Walters, Charlie Arbogast, Jim
Machamer, Bob Schmitz.
Winning women's team; from left, Cathy Neisat, Carmen Massop,
Melva Hahn, Deb Bolke.
Memorial Gifts and Tributes of Honor
These gifts were given to the 2009 Loretto Golf Tournament and
Silent Auction in memory of or to honor loved ones:
In Memory Of:
Joe & Connie Clifford
Michael Mary Dea SL
Beverly Troudt
Errol Klein
Mary Boland CoL
Denise Ann Clifford SL
Rosemary Kellogg
Dan & Shelley Clem
Joe & Linda Loveland
Form Design & Architecture, Inc.
In Honor Of:
Denise Ann Clifford SL,
50th Jubilee
2009 Diamond Jubilarians:
Madeline Collins SL
Jeanne Cushing SL
Charlotte Marie Schwartz SL
Margaret Rose Knoll SL
Ainsley Lynett
The Musgrave Family Betty Obal SL, 25th Jubilee
Bill & Gracie Carr
Father Ben Meyer
Karen Hill
Ken Werth, with his wife Rita, have played
at all 14 Loretto tournaments. In fact, they
are among the founders of this fundraising
Mike & Priscilla O’Leary
Danny Gryzmala
William A. Miller
it by half
an inch!"
John Barklage savors
the barbeque sauce as
the Knights of Columbus
prepare a grilled chicken
dinner with all the fixin's.
Loyal golfers who have
played in 10 or more
Loretto Tournaments were
recognized on the Silent
Auction stage and given
individual plaques to commemorate their participation
and support.
Fall-Winter 2009 • 9