visitor guide visitor guide visitor guide visitor guide
visitor guide visitor guide visitor guide visitor guide
THE SAN PEDRO SUN VISITOR GUIDE March 23, 2006 E E R F The Island Newspaper Amber gris Caye, Belize Central America The Beautiful Butterfly Jungle & The Kinkajou Plus, in the Caye Caulker Section: Basic Information on how to get around and places to see! Reservations: 501-226-2012 Fax: 501-226-2338 Email: The Airline of Belize March 23, 2006 Visitor Guide Page 1 Where did you read your San Pedro Sun? Where did you take your San Pedro Sun & Visitor Guide? Take a photo of you and the paper and send it to us at: Pictured above is Dr. Nimrod Montano, practising dentist, and his four lovely assistants, reading The San Pedro Sun Visitor Guide. They are in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. They were in Belize doing dental missions at Valley of Peace, and whilst down in Belize, visited La Isla Bonita, where they had a great time in “paradise” with the “warm and friendly” people. They visited during February 17th-19th, 2006. Photos taken in unique and unusual places are preferred. Be sure to identify who is in the photo and where the photo was taken. Don’t forget to include your names and what you were doing. Language can link us with other cultures, no matter how foreign the tongue may be. In an effort to share this form of communication with our audience, The San Pedro Sun proudly presents – Words of the Week. This week, we will present a few phrases in English and give you their Creole and Spanish translations. Special thanks to Sylvana Woods for her help with the Creole translations. Enjoy!!! The San Pedr o Sun is mailed everywher e. Pedro everywhere Publisher Editor Editor Associate Editor Staff Writer Staff Writer/ Graphic Design Office Assistant Mail Telephone US Telephone Fax E-Mail Internet/WEB Main Office Name The San Pedro Sun Ltd. Ron Sniffin Tamara Sniffin Kainie Manuel Maria Novelo Mary Gonzalez Nathalie Manuel The San Pedro Sun, P.O. Box 35, San Pedro Town Ambergris Caye, Belize 011-501-226-2070 (307) 460-4456 011-501-226-2905 #1 Fire Coral Street, San Pedro Address City State Zip Country E-mail: Receive The San Pedr o Sun & Visitor Guide weekly in your mailbox. 26 ISSUES (six months) US, Canada: $50 U.S. Domestic: $50 BZ. 52 ISSUES (one year) US, Canada: $90 U.S. Domestic: $90 BZ.(Other locations vary.) More foreign subscribers than any newspaper in Belize! Page 2 Visitor Guide English Creole Spanish When will the post office open? Yu ku show mi wehpaa di poas aafis deh? ¿Adonde esta la oficina de correos? English Creole Spanish The speed limit is twenty miles per hour. Yu noh fi goh faasa dan tweni mail an owa. El limite de velocidad es veinte millas por hora. English Creole Spanish There’s a telephone call for you. Di foan kaal da fi yu. Hay una llamada telefonica para Usted. Greetings to my visiting friends On behalf of the people of San Pedro Town, I extend a warm welcome to all visitors arriving to our shores. I assure you that your trip to “La Isla Bonita” will be no ordinary vacation. Our island is famous for its rich cultural diversity, where Mestizos, Creole and Garinagu blend to form a unique encounter. While here, I encourage you to explore the Caribbean Sea and find Belize’s abundant treasures. Hol Chan Marine Reserve and Shark-Ray Alley are just two of the many spots where you can enjoy our coral reef formation and abundant and breathtaking sea life. San Pedro is also home to world-class fishing and scuba diving. For the more adventurous, “La Isla Bonita” offers a wide array of water sports and for those looking to get a glimpse of the mystical world of the Maya, these historical ruins are just a short expedition away. You will also be able to discover Belize’s vast cave systems and many natural sanctuar- ies that are home to our country’s unique flora and fauna. Whether you are spending your honeymoon at an exclusive resort or looking for an adventurous, yet romantic escape, San Pedro is surely the place to be. I invite you to explore our home and see the many wonders it has to offer. We welcome you with open arms. Bienvenidos a San Pedro! Elsa Paz, Mayor, San Pedro Town March 23, 2006 Ambergris Caye’s first Butterfly Jungle Nower! y Bu East For The Butterfly Jungle is home to more than 12 species of Belizean Butterflies, including the beautiful Blue Morphos. Among the water sports and recreational activities that are readily available on Ambergris Caye, the newest attraction, “The Butterfly Jungle”, is among the most unique on the island. The Butterfly farm is home to more than 12 species of vibrantly colored butterflies. Owners Tom Thomas and partner Valley Ruddick are proud to house these magnificent creatures and are making their services available to the public. Designed as a live exhibition conservatory, the Butterfly Jungle is now successfully breeding local butterfly March 23, 2006 Fabulous Ne w Arriv als New Arrivals species of Belize. Visitors to the Butterfly Jungle will be shown how these beautiful insects are bred and raised, and later can freely wander through “the flight room”. You can see hundreds of colorful butterflies, including spectacular blue morphs, flutter from flower to flower. You’ll find plants that butterflies and hummingbirds love, such as lantana, banana, heliconia, passionflower, hibiscus, milkweed and many other exotic flowering plants, interspersed with lush jungle foliage. *Sleek Dresses *Tantalizing T-Shirts *Brilliant Bikinis *Wonderful Wraps *Sexy Skirts *Amazing Accessories *Pretty Pants *Marvelous Men’s Shirts Open Mon. - Sat. 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. Sun. 10 a.m - 9 p.m. Front St. – outside of Fido’s 226-3494 Continued on Page 4 Visitor Guide Page 3 Butterfly Jungle Continued from Page 3 The duo acquires the most attractive varieties of these plants, in hopes that more local gardeners will plant butterfly and hummingbird gardens so these delightful creatures will stay on Ambergris forever. They raise all the butterflies you see at the jungle, plus you can see every stage of the transformation from miniscule egg to Stage 1 - Egg Stage 3 - Pupa Stage 2 - Caterpillar Stage 4 Adult Watching the magnificent creatures evolve from tiny egg to gorgeous adult is a fascinating process. lowly caterpillar to the compact chrysalis to the miraculous jeweled butterfly. You can also observe some very bizarre behavior like “mudpuddle clubs”, learn about the butterflies’ role in Belize’s rich ecosystem, and help ensure there are butterflies on our island. The San Pedro Sun took a behind– the-scenes tour of a working butterfly farm, beginning with an outdoor presentation on the plants they use to feed these creatures; the passion fruit. Then it’s a leisurely walk through the butterfly “flight room” where the butterflies fly freely and exhibit their wonderful colors while fluttering from place to place. The tour is very educational as Valley and Tom explain every stage of the butterflies’ life cycle. One can catch great glimpses of the free flying butterflies that are the star attraction which will capture the imagination of the young and old alike. This truly is an unforgettable experience. According to the owners, the real reason they built the Butterfly Jungle is to see the look of enchantment on the face of a child or visitors. Watching a butterfly emerge from its chrysalis is a truly wonderful experience and it is their hope that by educating children about the unique life cycle of butterflies, they can draw attention to the environmental issues which threaten these special beauties of our island home. Moreover, half the proceeds of their live pupae sales will go toward building butterfly/caterpillar habitats in the local schools, and providing educational materials so the children can experience the magic of Continued on Page 6 Page 4 Visitor Guide March 23, 2006 QUESTION: What are you doing here? “Whatever John wants me to do,” laughed Frank Cavallaro from St. Pete’s Beach, Florida, USA... “I’m just retired from the construction business and came down to look around.” Frank and friends all stayed at the Holiday Hotel. “I got my SCUBA certification,” beamed Bud Mast who came from St. Joseph, Illinois, USA with his wife Donna and two good friends who own a condo up north. Bud is an accountant with the University of Illinois and Donna runs a day care out of their home. “I fish and dive” said Jim Mathewson who moved here from Redding, California, USA five years ago. “I opened The Sausage Factory four years ago and just sold it so now I can have time to fish and dive.” Jim and his wife live down by Caribe Island. “I am a bartender at Coco Locos Bar” said Rose Cappello who lives with her husband Louis at The Villas @ Del Rio. Rose was born and raised in San Ignacio in the Cayo district and moved here last year. According to The Baldman “I’m waiting for the thief to bring my tray back! I am at Sweet Basil’s Restaurant on the north side of the cut 24/7.” WOMAN ON THE BEACH by Harriette Fisher Watch for Harriette walking the beach with her camera. What question will she ask you? March 23, 2006 Visitor Guide Page 5 Butterfly Jungle Continued from Page 3 Tom and Valley are proud to house the very first butterfly jungle on Ambergris Caye. metamorphosis, and be inspired with love and curiosity for our unique habitat here on San Pedro, while gaining a greater appreciation of science and nature. Apart from the jungle tour, a fascinating service which The Butterfly Jungle offers is butterfly releases for special occasions. Butterflies are magical and what better way to wow your guests at birthdays, quinceaños, anniversaries, or weddings? It’s no doubt, releasing live Belizean butterflies at your wedding or arranged event is an indescribably unique experience. Watch with delight as radiantly colored butterflies ascend into the sky with your wishes. You may choose from an elegant release cage or basket that holds up to 50 butterflies each, or a stunning decorated box that will keep your secret until the release moment. Whatever butterflies represent to you, be it love, freedom, beauty, change, or resurrection, having them for a special release can only enhance your special moment. Visitors can also visit the greenhouse filled with lush jungle plants and outlandish flowers and learn all about attracting butterflies and hummingbirdsto your garden or back yard. For more information on these splendid creatures or if you would like to take a trip to the Butterfly Jungle, stop at Rendezvous Resort just 4.5 miles up north in Ambergris Caye or contact them at 226-2911/610-4026, or check out their newly designed website at Make your special day even more spectacular with a Butterfly Extravaganza! $19.95 Large Buffet Featuring Ribs, Shrimp Pasta, Chicken and a Variety of Side Dishes, Plus Live Local Band. $25.95 Reservations Required. Call 226-2207 Located just 3 1/2 miles north of San Pedro. Page 6 Visitor Guide March 23, 2006 Now offering Casino Games Coconuts Grand Casino CoConuts Caribbean Hotel South Coconut Drive, San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye 226-3500 Stay with us in one of our 24 luxurious suites. All rooms are kitchenette furnished! Try our facilities for everything from weddings to office parties! Restaurant open 7 AM until 10 PM Lounge open 10 AM to 12 PM We’re here to please you! We cater to our tourist trade! Come enjoy our Finger-Licking Daily Barbecue! Featuring fresh seafood, and other great Belizean food! Monday through Sunday Beach Front Lounge Large Frozen Margarita only $8 BZ March 23, 2006 Coconuts Beachfront Hotel Only ten minutes from town! Visitor Guide Page 7 THE SAN VI S I T O R ’ S PEDRO SUN Water, Sports & Tours Tourist Information Belize Tourism Board - 223-1910. Belize Tourism Industry Association (BTIA) - 227-5717. San Pedro Tourist Guide Association 226-2391. Travel North of the cut to: Sundiver Beach Resort Journey’s End Church Services San Pedro Roman Catholic Church Sun. Mass: 9 a.m. English; 11 a.m. Children’s; 7:30 p.m. Spanish; Sat.: Confessions 5-7 p.m; Mass or Communion Service every night at 7:30 p.m. Living Word Church Service Sun. 10:45 a.m. Bible study Mon. 7:30 p.m. We do Christian charity work. 2262950. Assembly of God Church on Angel Coral St. T-W-Sat.-Sun. at 7:30 p.m. Lighthouse Christian Radio - 101.3 FM. 226-4673, Cor. Buccaneer & Pescador Drive. Papi’s Diner Capt. Sharks Wet Willy’s The Miscellaneous The Lions Club of San Pedro relies on income from its Friday and Saturday Night BBQ to support the needy community. Help a great cause -have dinner with us! Green Reef A non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of sustainable use and conservation of Belize’s marine and coastal resources. Paradise Found Belize Tackle Box The San Pedro Sun Page 8 Visitor Guide SEASIDE REAL ESTATE – Many listings, from raw land to beautiful beachfront homes. We can help you own a piece of paradise. Call 226-4545 or E-mail SUNRISE REALTY - Land, homes, businesses, condos and investment properties. Call 226-3737, fax 226-3379 or E-mail: CASA CAYO REAL ESTATE - Serving Belize from the mountains to the reef. Phone 226-2791. www.casacayo real SOUTHWIND PROPERTIES - For all your Real Estate needs. Call 226-2005 or 226-2060 for information or E-mail: for current listings. PELICAN PROPERTIES LTD. - Fine properties on Ambergris Caye. E-mail: or phone 226-3234. BELIZE REALTY & BUILDING SERVICES - From raw land to dream home - we’re there every step of the way! PARADISE FOUND BELIZE LTD. REALTY - Land, Homes, Business, Investment. List your property with us. Office at CocoNet Internet. 607-9667 or 226-2835. Transportation... Capt. Sharks Papa Bear’s Asian Garden George’s Kitchen Isla Bonita Art Gallery & Frame Shop Woody’s Casa Picasso Victoria House San Pedro AA - 226-4464, 600-9061 Saga Society A non-profit “humane society” to address the stray cat and dog population in San Pedro. Phone 226-3266. SEARIOUS ADVENTURES Are You Ready? Lamanai, Altun Ha,CaveTubing with either Belize Zoo, Ziplining,or Xunantunich Mayan Ruin, Manatee Watch and Beach BBQ, half day snorkeling and more. We are located ON THE BEACH straight down from the airstrip. Call #226 - 4202/ 4206 or Cell #662-8818. SAILSPORTS BELIZE – Windsurfing, kite sailing and sailing. The latest equipment and expert instruction makes it easy to learn. 226-4488 SEADUCED – River cave tubing, manatee watch, Robles Beach BBQ, Mayan ruins and more adventures. 226-2254. SEADUCTION SAILING – First class Day Cruises to Caye Caulker or Mexico Rocks. Beach BBQ or Sunset Cruise. Charters also available. Phone Seaduced at 226-2254. Real Estate... IMPORTANT #s Emergency 911 Crimestoppers 800 922-TIPS Police 226-2022 Fire 226-2372 Wings of Hope - Medical emergency air ambulance. Phone: 223-3292. Lions Health Clinic - 226-4052; emergencies 600-9071 or Hours: Mon.Fri., 8am to 8pm; Sat., 8am - noon. Los Pinos Clinic 602-6383 and 2262686. San Pedro Chiropractic Clinic 2264695 Hyperbaric Chamber - 226-2851, Dr. Otto Rodriguez - 600-0287 or 226-2854. Antonia Guerrero - 600-5475 or 2062152. Eleazar Portillo - 610-4560 or 226-3195. San Pedro Polyclinic II - 226-2536. 8-12 and 2-5, Mon. to Fri. Emergencies 226-2555/2918 or 606-3864. Ambergris Hopes Clinic - 226-2660, Emergencies: 606-2316 US Embassy - 227-7161 Canadian Consulate - 223-1060 Mexican Embassy - 223-0193 Guatemalan Embassy - 223-3150 Honduran Embassy - 224-5889 GUIDE Map Sponsored by Monchos Golf Cart Rental 226-3262 or 226-4490 ISLAND FERRY SERVICE & WATER TAXI – Scheduled ferry service & water taxi for Ambergris Caye. Phone 2263231. MONCHO’S GOLF CART RENTALS - Four & Six seater golf carts available. Open daily 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. We deliver to your room. 226-3262 or 226-4490. CRYSTAL AUTO RENTAL – Largest fleet in Belize. Offices at International Airport and Belize City. 223-1600, 0-800777-7777. Services... KRYSTAL SHIPPING CO./MASH CO. - We deliver construction supplies all the way to Robles Point! Phone 226-2089 or E-mail: CASTILLO’S HARDWARE - Storm supplies, electronics, household appliances, tools, home repair items and a wide variety of paints, stains and varnishes. Pescador Drive. Phone 226-2302. Party...Party...Party THE HOLIDAY HOTEL - Every Wednesday, live music and a fabulous Beach Barbeque 6:30 p.m.- 9:00 p.m. Barrier Reef Dr. 226-2014. PIER LOUNGE - Home of the “World Famous Chicken Drop” every Wednesday night. Daily drink specials and two-for-one happy hour. Located beachfront in the Spindrift Hotel. Phone 226-2002. THE TACKLE BOX - come rock da box out over the water! Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday (starting @ 9:00PM) we have amazing live bands ranging from Reggae to Punta to old school Rock-n-Roll. We’ll have prizes, specials and always that breath-taking Tackle Box ocean view! Located off the San Pedro Water Taxi Pier at the end of Black Coral St. 226-4313. FIDO’S RESTAURANT & BAR - Dine under the largest Palapa in San Pedro! Enjoy a full lunch & dinner menu with live beachfront entertainment all night. March 23, 2006 THE SAN PEDRO SUN VI S I T O R ’ S GUIDE Dining Out... MATA CHICA - Mambo Cuisine - for food lovers. Homemade pasta, shrimp paté, bruschetta, charbroiled seafood and much more! Call 220-5010/5011. ROJO LOUNGE - Enjoy tropical lounge cuisine in one of the most beautiful beachfront settings in all of Belize - Azul Resort. 226-4012. ELVI’S KITCHEN - serving the finest food since 1977. Daily Lunch and Dinner Specials. Caribbean Night on Thursday. Mayan Fiesta every Friday - come try our Maya Buffet. Open Monday – Saturday. Lunch: 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Dinner: 5:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Call us for group reservations. Ph 226-2404/2176 “Where something good is always cooking!” CELI’S RESTAURANT ON THE BEACH at the San Pedro Holiday Hotel, serves Great Fajitas, salads and local dishes for LUNCH. DELECTABLE SEAFOOD SPECIALTIES for dinner. OUTDOOR & INDOOR DINING 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Beach barbeque every Wednesday night with live music. LILY’S TREASURE CHEST RESTAURANT - On the beach behind Lily’s Hotel. Join us for a cool breeze and the best seafood or USDA beef on our veranda by the sea. 226-2650. RAMON’S VILLAGE - Enjoy breakfast, lunch and dinner in a Mayan atmosphere or on the veranda overlooking the Caribbean Sea. Coconut Drive. Phone 2262071. Unique Offerings... ISLAND MINI GOLF & ICE CREAM - Sea Grape Drive (1 block W of Barefoot Iguana). Open Mon.– Thurs. 12 – 9 p.m.; Fri. – Sun. 12 – 10 p.m. SAN PEDRO FITNESS CLUB – A/C Gym at Belize Yacht Club, Fully-equipped. Open to the public. Tennis Courts, Lap and Family pools, Aqua Fitness and Toning Classes.Open 7am Daily, 8am Sundays. 226-2683. CAYE COFFEE – Take a taste of our locally roasted fresh coffee back home. A wonderful cup of coffee makes such a great difference in your day. Try it and ask for more. 226-3568. WINE de VINE - Fine imported wines and cheeses. Olive oils, vinegars and specialty items. Located in the Vilma Linda Plaza on Tarpon St. Phone 2263430. OSCAR’S GYM - Free-weights, Pilates, basic Yoga, Balance Ball, Tae Bo and more. Affordable daily, weekly and monthly fees. Located in Boca del Rio 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily 226-2239. BIG TREE PRODUCE – Fresh Local & Imported Fruits & Vegetables. Seafood, meats, juices & milk shakes. Pescador Dr. 226-2322. PAPA BEAR’S - Full Service, Internet Access. Pastries, coffee and deli sandwiches. Open 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily. Located on Fairdale Plaza, on Coconut Drive. THE GREENHOUSE - Fresh Produce & Seafood. Belizean and imported speciality. Fresh herbs, cold cuts, chilled goods plus an exciting selection of groceries. A/C local on Barrier Reef Dr. 226-2084. THE SAUSAGE FACTORY - Largest selection of smoked meats and sausage on the island. One mile south of town. 226-2655. CAYE INTERNATIONAL BANK - Offering Demand Deposit Accounts, Loans, Savings Accounts, etc. or phone 226-2388. PROVIDENT BANK & TRUST - Offering a full range of International Banking Services. phone 223- 5698 services@prov GRANIEL’S DREAMLAND - Locally made furniture & accessories from all Belizean exotic hardwoods & Mahogany. On Pescador Drive, opposite Rock’s, Call 226-2632, ext. 18 or 226-2938. Open Mon-Sat 8:3012:00 noon & 1:00 to 9:00 p.m. & Sun 10-12 noon. BAREFOOT BOOKS - Features a huge selection of new and used books. Gorgeous greeting cards and gift items. Located at the southern end of Middle Street (Pescador Drive) across the courtyard from Mickey’s. 206-2577. EXECUTIVE SERVICES - Let Us Expedite All Your Needs! Liquor & restaurant licenses for January are due now, and we can help expedite the process! We are also consultants for work permits, retirement status, small claims and legal affairs. We’ll do all the traveling for you and get your paperwork pushed through. Call 606-8311 or e-mail DandE’s FROZEN CUSTARD and SORBET – If you like ice cream, you will Love DandE’s Frozen Custard! Delicious cones, shakes, sundaes and splits. Located on Pescador Drive next to Caramba Restaurant. Closed Wednesday. Phone 608-9100. ISLA BONITA ART GALLERY & CUSTOM FRAMING - art and crafts from Belizean and Caribbean artists + contemporary abstract paintings. Custom framing available 226-4650. SUNDANCER + MOONDANCER - Unique boutiques featuring beautiful, quality clothing, jewelry and gorgeous gift items for both men (Sundancer) and women (Moondancer). Phone: 226-3126. CORAL REEF ECOLOGY, Dr. Ken Mattes, TREC Topical Research & Education Center. Lecture every Thursday 7:30 PM. Details 226-3389 Taxi transport 623-8385. ASIAN GARDEN DAY SPA - Certified Therapeutic and Thai Massage practitioners; Hot & Cold Stone Therapy, Body Scrubs, Facials and more in a tranquil Asian courtyard. San Pedro Town, across from Ramon’s. Ask about specials. 226-4072. LUNA at Journey’s End Resort - Experience fine dining on the beach north of San Pedro. Visit our tropical bar featuring karaoke, dance and fun music. Phone 226-2173. RICO’S SURFSIDE RESTAURANT – A truly unique dining experience on the beach at Banyan Bay. Serving breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. Phone 226-3739 ext. 135. PAPI’S DINER – The place for fine food at diner prices. Taste the Caribbean. Call 226-2047. MICKEY’S PLACE - Open daily 6:30 a.m. - 10 a.m. for breakfast, 11:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. for lunch and 6 - 10 p.m. for dinner. Burritos on Wednesdays. Pescador Drive. Call 226-2223. BLUE WATER GRILL – Island cuisine with a twist! Wood-fired Oven Pizzas, Sushi & more! Open daily. Happy Hour 4 to 6 p.m. 226-3347. EL DIVINO RESTAURANT at BANANA BEACH - Serving breakfast, lunch and dinner from 6 a.m 10 p.m. Book your party or banquet today! Phone 226-2444. RENDEZVOUS RESTAURANT AND BAR - The most romantic spot in town featuring award winning chefs. Thai and French cuisine blended to make paradise taste like heaven, or so our customers say. Free Rendezvous Wine tasting from 11:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Fermented, blended and bottled here on the property. Open for lunch and dinner. Call 226 3426 for reservations and transport options. VICTORIA HOUSE - International and Island-Style cuisine. Open for breakfast, lunch & dinner. Reservations recommended, call 226-2067. CASA PICASSO TAPAS + MARTINIS - Small plates, big pastas and fantastic desserts! “Hippest martini spot”-Frommer’s. Nightly 5:30pm, closed Sundays. reservations 226-4507. THE TACKLE BOX BAR & GRILL - whether it’s a little break from the beach or a whole night out, the Tackle Box is just the place. The kitchen serves a wide array of affordable fresh comfort foods ranging from our big Tackle Box Burgers, special fried chicken, to some of our more local fare and seafoods. And what a better place to enjoy our dishes, than our back porch out over the water. THE STAINED GLASS PUB - located in the heart of Town featuring homestyle cooking with a gourmet flair; dine alfresco streetside or enjoy the air conditioned quaint European atmosphere in the unique Pub room. The Best Burger in town and several wines by the glass, full liquor bar...friendly & informative for visitors—A Must While in San Pedro ! Visa/MC 226-4147. GEORGE’S KITCHEN - Serving Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner. Located on Coconut Drive across from Corona Del Mar. Closed Tuesdays. Open 7:00a.m.– 3:00p.m. & 6:00p.m. – 9:30p.m. Phone 226-2974. The San Pedro Sun Visitor Guide EVERY WEEK we print a new edition covering the “good news” about San Pedro and Belize! Contact the San Pedro Sun for more information. (501) 226-2070 March 23, 2006 Visitor Guide Page 9 Buying a Piece of Paradise Buying real estate overseas can be exciting and rewarding. And what better way to get up in the morning than with a fantastic view of the Caribbean Sea and the white sandy beaches. Most visitors believe that buying a piece of property on Ambergris Caye is extremely difficult but not only does Ambergris Caye offer fantastic properties but amazing realtors that go the extra mile to make your move and your purchase as easy as 1,2,3. In the coming weeks, we will feature the different real estate professionals on “La Isla Bonita.” Southwind Properties is a real estate company that has been in operation since 1980. It was originally set up as a partnership between Mr. John Edwards and Mr. Stanley Ian Ritchie and was eventually incorporated under the Laws of Belize as a Limited Liability Company. Southwind Properties has been involved in the sale of millions of dollars worth of real estate over the years. During the last seven years, the company has been owned by Mr. Herman J. Penland. Claudio Azueta is the manager of Southwind Properties; he has been with the company for more than twenty years and has a vast knowledge in all areas of real estate. The sales team in the real estate office consists of broker Marianne Beuchert and her sales assistant Yoli Rivero, they have been with Southwind since 2003 and 2001 respectively. Southwind Properties is involved in real estate sales from single lots to hotel Continued on Page 11 Serving San P edr Pedr edroo since 1980! We at Southwind Properties specialize in the listing & sale of fine island properties - Homes, Condos, Hotels, Commercial, Income-Producing Properties & Land for homes or large parcels for development. Be sure to meet with Marianne, Lori or Claudio to discuss your particular needs. Southwind Properties prides itself in being there full-time for full service and full disclosure for all your real estate needs. Call 226-2005/2060 or E-mail for more information. Golf Car ts Carts We offer 4-seater & 6-seater golf carts Located at the Airport & on Sea Star Street Open Daily 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. We deli v er deliv to your room! Tel: 226-3262 or 226-4490 Condos/Homes & Commercial Property Coral Bay Villas, Unit 1A (N18). Rare opportunity! One bedroom/one bath condo, fully furnished with good and steady rental income. $250,000 US. Exclusive opportunity at Palm Bay Club! We can offer you three side by side properties each with a beach frontage of 60 feet and a depth of 130 feet, with beautiful coconut palms and a shared dock. *(E08) The house measures 20’x 20’, is a solid wooden construction and comes well equipped with septic and a 4000 gallon cistern. Excellent buy at $97,000 US. *(V17) Vacant but cleared lot that connects the other two available properties. Excellent b u y a t only $59,000 US. *(M47) The very well maintained wooden house measures 16’x 20’ and has both septic system and cisterns – ready to occupy! Excellent buy at only $97,000 US. The three properties can either be purchased separately or buy all three together at a reduced price. Buena Vista Residential: (W24) 2 storey house with 2B/2B on large beautifully landscaped property. Only 2.5 miles north of town center with easy dock & road access. Only $218,000 US. Raw Land Boca Del Rio (H31) Town lot on the main street connecting San Pedro Town with the northern part of Ambergris Caye. Great location for either commercial or residential. $110,000 Belize. Santa Paula (L19) – Secluded lot in the Santa Paula area. 80’x 80’. $60,000.00 US San Pablo (S46) – 50’ x 75’ for only $15,000 US. Boca Ciega (G31)175’ beach frontage & 60’ lagoon frontage. $348,000 US. Palm Bay Club (C41) Lot # 111 – 4th row lot, 100’ x 100’. Only $18,000 US. Basil Jones (S55) Large & Beautiful Basil Jones property with 145’ beach front & 400’ depth. Can be bought together with back property of 500’ frontage & 160’ depth. The land is cleared & has a fresh water well. Only $600,000 US. Terms possible. Robles (D17) Lot 31A measuring 75’ of beach front x 300’ & 31B measuring 150’ x 300’. Terms available. Asking price for both lots only $149,000 US. REDUCED $139,000 US. Eden Isle (R26) – Lot #407 - 75’ x 90’ – This is a 4th row lot, but is just 285’ off the beach. The back of the lot adjoins the Caye Caulker Nature reserve which will always provide some extra seclusion & the sights & sounds of the local nature that this island has to enjoy. Great investment at only $15,000 US. Have a fun news tip? Call us at 226-2070 Fax: 226-2905 or E-mail at: Page 10 Visitor Guide March 23, 2006 Property Buying Continued from Page 10 sites, from individual homes to condominiums and from raw land to developed property. They are a full service real estate company and over the years, Southwind has helped hundreds of individuals and companies to safely purchase properties, assisting them in all the legalities involved in such transactions. Some of the projects which Southwind Properties has helped to develop and market include the Belize Yacht Club, the Mayan Princess, Coral Bay Villas, Belizean Shores, Belizean Cove Estates and Coco Beach Resort. There are several projects on the pipeline for future development. They have also been involved in the sales of individual condominiums in almost every project on the island. The subdivisions that were developed and marketed by Southwind Properties over the years include areas like Tres Cocos Subdivision, El Tesoro Subdivision, Mata Grande Subdivision, Habaneros South Subdivision, Robles Subdivision, portions of Esmeralda Subdivision and portions of Holiday Lands Subdivision. Southwind Properties is located in the Alijua building right next to the post office and across from Atlantic Bank; you are always very welcome to come by for a free consultation. Condos/Residential Homes Commercial Properties Beautiful white sandy beach and coconut palms at Basil Jones! If this sounds like your dream, you can find the perfect beach front lot at prices from $75,000.00 US and up. There is a wide variety of condos and residential homes available on Ambergris Caye. The pictured property ‘Tara del Mar’ represents the luxurious higher end at $749,000.00 US but you can also find a nice affordable home for as low as $105,000.00 US. Beachfront Land Commercial properties range in price from $17,000.00 US for a small café to $995,000.00 US for the pictured property that offers both apartment rental income and 3,200 sq.ft. on street level with the perfect location for an upscale restaurant or supermarket. The Man Behind Southwinds To have success in any business, one needs a strong front person. Southwind Properties has certainly gotten far because of their front person – Claudio Azueta who has worked for the company for the past twenty years. In 1986, Claudio Azueta was hired as the office manager for Southwind Properties, an emerging real estate company in San Pedro. At the time, Claudio was the only person working at the company apart from the two owners. As time went by he learned to do appraisals, title transfers and other legal work. Twenty years later, Claudio is the operations manager of Southwind Properties, which has become one of the largest real estate agencies in this country, handling multi-million dollar sales and investments. “Things here at Southwind have improved and changed immensely. To be working here for the past twenty Claudio Azueta of Southwind Properties. years seems like a great accomplishment.” SPECIAL Caye Caulker Visitor Section Getting Around Once you arrive on Caye Caulker, it is easy to get around by foot, but there are a few options for transportation as well. Perhaps the best way to get around the island is on the most popular mode of transportation, the bicycle. Rentals are readily available by the hour, day or week at an affordable price cost. Golf carts are available for rent by the hour, day or week, as well. Golf carts and large tricycles also provide taxi service. Money Matters & Services Provided *Banks There is only one bank on Caye Caulker (Atlantic Bank) and the bank also has an ATM available. Make sure you have ample cash or March 23, 2006 traveler’s checks as many budget accommodations and smaller service providers do not accept credit cards. The bank is open from Monday – Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. and on Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. *Internet There are several Internet cafes on the island. *Laundry A large laundromat is located on Middle Street near the football field in the central part of the island. You can also ask at your hotel if there is someone who does laundry either at the hotel or in the neighborhood. *Stores & Shops There are several grocery shops on the island and a few local fruit stands. Items may be priced a little higher on the Caye, as the transportation cost to get the goods to the island is an added expense. The local bakery is located on Middle Street and several local people circulate the island in the afternoons with baskets of freshly baked goods such as cakes, breads and powder buns for sale. *Restaurants Caye Caulker is home to many ex- cellent restaurants and cafes. Visitors can choose from Belizean, Italian, Mexican, Chinese and American style dishes served up in a variety of settings. Fresh seafood abounds making this an excellent choice at nearly every establishment. There are several local food stands offering take-out meals at very economical prices. Visitor Guide Page 11 The San Pedro Sun’s Virtual Taste Trip meal, about 40 seconds (1 1/4 cups). Coconut Bread Leave oven on. This bread is slightly sweet, like some corn breads. Make batter: Stir together self-rising flour, ground coconut, and remaining cup (untoasted) coconut in a large bowl. Beat together butter and sugar in another bowl with an electric mixer at medium speed until pale and creamy, 1 to 2 minutes. Add eggs 1 at a time, beating well after each addition. Whisk 1 cup water into flour mixture, then add egg mixture, whisking just until well blended. Bake bread: Pour batter into loaf pan, smoothing top with a spatula, and bake in middle of oven until a wooden skewer inserted in center comes out clean and top is evenly brown, 1 hour to 1 hour and 10 minutes. Cool bread to warm in pan on a rack, 10 to 15 minutes, then turn out of pan and set right side up on rack to cool completely, about 2 hours more. Cut into 1-inch-thick slices. Makes 1 loaf (or 8 servings). Ingredients: *4 cups sweetened flaked coconut (10 oz) *2 cups self-rising flour (not cake flour) *1 stick (1/2 cup) unsalted butter, softened *1/2 cup sugar *2 large eggs Preparation: Preheat oven to 350°F. Butter and flour a 9- by 5- by 3-inch loaf pan, knocking out excess flour. Toast and grind coconut: Spread 3 cups coconut in a large shallow baking pan (1 inch deep) and toast in middle of oven, stirring occasionally, until evenly golden brown, 20 to 25 minutes. (Watch flakes carefully; edges burn quickly.) Cool completely in pan on a rack, about 15 minutes, then grind in a food processor to a coarse George’s Kitchen NOW OPEN! Serving Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Located on Coconut Drive across from Corona Del Mar Closed Tuesdays Phone 226-2974 Open 7a.m.–3p .m. & 6 p .m.–9:30 p .m. 7a.m.–3p.m. p.m.–9:30 p.m. The Kinkajou forests of Southern Mexico, Central America and parts of South America. They are arboreal (living in or among trees) and stay in the forest canopy, seldom descending to the forest floor. They are found in a variety of habitats, from mature tropical forests to heavily disturbed and secondary forests. Kinkajous are extremely agile and fast, traveling quickly along the tree tops, jumping noisily from tree to tree. As nocturnal (most active at night) creatures, the kinkajou sleeps during the day in tree hollows or leaves to avoid all contact with sunlight. Closely related to the raccoon, the kinkajou is a small, furry, long-tailed mammal that lives in the lowland rain forests of Southern Mexico, Central America and parts of South America. They live among the forest canopy and seldom descending to the forest floor. Kinkajous are extremely agile and fast, traveling quickly along the tree tops, jumping noisily from tree to tree. The kinkajou, (Potos flavus), also known as the “Honey Bear” or “Night Walker” in Belize, is a furry, long-tailed mammal that lives in the lowland rain They are in the same family as raccoons (Procyonidae), and have a similar role in rainforest ecosystems that raccoons do in temperate forest ecosystems. Continued on Page 13 “We do catering!” For details about great properties in Belize, please contact our office: Ambergris SEASIDE REAL ESTATE Belize Barrier Reef Drive Phone: 011-501-226-4545 San Pedro Town E-mail Ambergris Caye Beachfr ont Beachfront Condos Page 12 Visitor Guide z Homes March 23, 2006 Kinkajou Continued from Page 12 This small animal has short, soft honey gold or brown fur, a round head, small round ears and a cat like face with very prominent eyes. The kinkajou has a fully prehensile (adapted for seizing, grasping or holding) tail that is used as support when climbing or resting. To aid in climbing, they can rotate their feet backwards so that they can hang from tree branches. The toes are joined by a membrane that extends a third of the way down each toe and each forepaw has five digits. Kinkajous have large scent glands on their throats and sides of their jaws, which are hairless. The length of the head and body is 16 to 22 inches, with the tail being the same length. They weigh between 4 to 10 pounds. Although kinkajous are evolutionarily derived from meat-eating ancestors, they are primarily omnivorous, eating both animal and vegetable food. Although 90% of their diet consists of fruit, they do consume invertebrates, small mammals, eggs, leaves, honey and nectar. They use their incredibly long tongues (around six inches long) to collect nectar and to get honey from bee hives. When collecting nectar the kinkajou turns upside down, on its side or on its back so not to lose any of the fruit juice. While doing this the creature also collects pollen on its face, making them the only carnivore that is also an important pollinator. They also use their clawed hands to pluck and eat fruit and in the dry season of Belize they often eat flowers for their nectar. March 23, 2006 A major method of communication between kinkajous is by scent. Kinkajous have scent glands near the mouth, on the throat, and on the belly. Making sounds (grunting and growling) is another way these animals communicate. They have a variety of vocalizations, from chatters to screams, and a “kissing” noise made when happy or interested. They also vocalize using small “peeps” for close communication and a shrill scream for far away communication The Kinkajou is a solitary animal, avoiding contact with other kinkajous unless mating. Each kinkajou has its own territory that it marked with its scent. They socialize only to mate and after a gestation of 112 to 118 days the female gives birth to one (sometimes two) cubs, this usually takes place from April to December. The cub is born in a dark den with their eyes and ears closed. Their eyes open within two to six weeks, and in another three to six weeks their tails become prehensile. The kinkajou mother is very protective of her cub. During times of danger she will carry the infant upside down just below her chest. The mother carries the young for almost four months, at which time the young are almost independent. Kinkajous play an important part in their environment. As pollinators and seed dispersers, they are considered a “keystone” rainforest species since they are necessary to the survival of the ecosystem they reside in. Their predators include diurnal birds of prey, which take sleeping kinkajous from tree tops, foxes, tayras, jaguarundi, jaguar, ocelot, margay, and people, who hunt them for their meat and fur. Kinkajou numbers are fall- ing rapidly as a result of deforestation and habitat loss. Kinkajous are sometimes kept as pets. Their personality tends to be playful and curious, and they are generally tame. However, some owners report unpredictable, vicious attacks by their kinkajous even after several years of non-aggression. In 2005, kinkajous were made popular as pets by celebrities such as Paris Hilton, who named hers “Baby Luv”. Visitor Guide Page 13 San Pedro Street Treats One of the features of life in tropical destinations like San Pedro and other parts of the Caribbean is the sale of in-season tropical fruits, vegetables, candy treats and home made pastries by road-side or street vendors. Usually, they occupy a very small plot of place. In the corner of a street or in any strategic spot along the street where they usually offer special warm dishes, fresh fruits/vegetables, candy treats and much more. During the year, it is a common occurrence to see or spot these vendors making a living by providing us with the very best selection of their produce. Walking the streets of San Pedro, one can take a look at a variety of yummy treats that are on sale, but do we know most of what they are selling? The Sun, took it to the streets to visit the many local street vendors and find out about the yummy treats they offer. Here is what we found out! Another way it is prepared here in you visit the local stalls. The sweet or Street Treats – Tamarind Sweets Belize is with salt, pepper and sugar sour treats are easy to make and is very It’s tamarind season, so you know which makes for a sour and spicy treat. yummy for the whole family to devour. what that means; you guessed it, lot and This way, the tamarind is mixed with the Purchase them at your local fruit and lots of tamarind treats are now available. ingredients and is usually bagged and sold veggie stand in Ambergris Caye, try This week, we feature the “tamarind as is. This candy (tamarind sweet) is fa- them today! sweets” made locally, this treat is espemously rich with its natural taste and Join us next time for another edition of cially yummy whether it is served sweet makes for a ‘must try’ for the next time San Pedro Street Treats! or sour. Among others, these one-of-akind snacks can be found at the street stalls of San Pedro. The fruit is, as the name suggests, a sweet variety of a fruit generally associated with an acid taste. After being peeled Ready for a sticky, sweet sugary snack? it is generally eaten fresh, though soaked Be sure to try the tamarind sweets in water it also makes a refreshing juice. available from street vendors! Other, more sour varieties of tamarind are used in various cooked dishes for fla- ucts; sugared and sour tamarind sweets voring. are often prepared as a confection. If ripe, The food uses of the tamarind are fresh, un-dehydrated tamarinds are availmany. The tender, immature, very sour able; this may be done by pressing the pods are cooked as seasoning with rice, shelled and de-fibered fruits through a fish and meats in some places. The fully- colander while adding powdered sugar grown, but still unripe fruits, called to the point where the pulp no longer “swells” in the Bahamas, are roasted in sticks to the fingers. The seeded pulp is coals until they burst and the skin is then then shaped into balls and coated with peeled back and the sizzling pulp dipped powdered sugar. in wood ashes and eaten. In Belize, the fully ripe, fresh fruit is relished out-ofhand by children and adults, alike. The shell lifts readily from the pulp and the lengthwise fibers are removed by holding the stem with one hand and slipping the pulp downward with the other. The pulp is made into a variety of prod- New Arrivals on Unique Gift Items! ORANGE Gallery - Gift Shop Mayan carvings wood turnings slate carvings crafts On Coconut Drive, San Pedro South 226-4066 Page 14 Visitor Guide pottery toys gifts Jew elr ewelr elryy furniture sculptures art hats sarongs drums caps and more! San Pedro’s Largest Gift Shop March 23, 2006 Wolfe’s Woofers Same Picture by Dennis Wolfe Equal Opportunity Employment “Hey, Steve. Did you ever find someone to work at the Internet shop?” “Oh, you saw the sign in the window?” Steve asked. “No,” I said. “I was just reading your ad in the paper in the classifieds. It says, ‘Help Wanted, must be able to type, work a computer and must be bilingual. We are an equal opportunity employer.’” “Yeah, I found someone,” Steve said, “but I’ll never put a sign like that in my window again.” Trivia Tidbits *On the planet Jupiter, your weight would be nearly three times greater than it is on Earth. *An adult sitting in a relaxed position inhales approximately one pint of air with every breath. *Lightning puts 10 million tons of nitrogen into the Earth each year. *There are many definitions in the dictionary for the word “bob,” which includes its use as a noun when used for a suckling calf. *With only a four-week gestation period, a cottontail rabbit can produce 5 to 7 litters, and as many as 35 offspring per year. *A King Cobra is the biggest of all poisonous snakes and can grow to over 13 feet long. A bite from a King Cobra can kill an elephant in 4 hours. *The country with the most post offices is India with over 152,792, compared with just over 38,000 in the United States. *The Bateleur eagle of Africa hunts over a territory of 250 square miles a day. *An unusual eating disorder called tomatophagia — but also known as pica — is blamed on iron deficiency anemia. People with tomatophagia develop unusual cravings for such things as tomatoes, ice, detergent, starch, clay, or even dirt. *A cow gives nearly 200,000 glasses of milk in her lifetime. “Why is that?” “The day after I put the sign in the window I opened up Coconet early in the morning. I heard a noise and a big brown dog pushed the door open with his nose. He went over to the sign and put his paw on it and whined. I don’t know how he knew it but somehow he seemed to know I was hiring and he wanted the job.” “Steve, that’s the stupidest thing I ever heard,” I said. “I hope you don’t expect me to believe that tale.” “It gets better,” Steve said. “I said, ‘I can’t hire you. The sign says you have to be able to type and work a computer.’ That dog jumped up on one of the chairs at a computer and proceeded to lay out a spreadsheet and downloaded a video about breeding dogs.” “Oh, come on,” I said. “Hey, you don’t have to believe me,” Steve said, “but I’ll tell you exactly what happened. I said, ‘O.K., you are one smart dog, but I can’t hire a dog.’ The dog jumped off of the chair and went over to the sign. He put his paw on the part that said, ‘We are an equal opportunity employer.’ I said, ‘Yes, but the sign says you have to be bi-lingual.’” He paused. “O.K.” I said. “I have to ask. What happened next?” “That dog looked me right in the eye and said, ‘Me-e-o-w.’” YOUR ISLAND SPECIALISTS! *BEACHFRONT HOMES *CONDOS *VILLAS *LAND *COMMERCIAL PROPERTY *HOTELS *ISLANDS SUNRISE Realty TEL 501-226-3737 / FAX 501-226-3379 E-mail: DEVELOPED PROPERTIES Banana Beach Resort: Condos and Suites with 2 Pools, beach, restaurant and bar.Banana Beach properties have guaranteed rental incomes! 3 bed beach condos $290,000. 2 bed beach condos $242,500. 1 bed beach condos $155,00 -195,000. 1 bed courtyard suites $123,500. 1 bed balcony suites $57,500. Villa del Mar – new custom built beachfront home, 1 ac, pier, 3 bedroom $995,000. Spacious rental beach home south of town. Sleeps 10 plus guest cottage. Pool, mature landscaping, large pier. Inquire. Caye Villas – Beach villas with pool. 2 Bed 3 bath fully furnished $394,000. 2 bed 3 bath fully furnished $395,000. Tres Cocos home 2 bedrooms with caretaker quarters. Location! $275,000. San Pablo canal home w/ 200ft water frontage, 2 boat slips, ramp, fully fenced, 2 storey duplex 2bed/1bath up 1bed/1bath down. $295,000. Mi Casa. Rental suites with spacious top floor owner’s quarters and loft apt. $650,000. The Castle 10 apt complex: $400,000. Miramar Villas Penthouse suite – 2,400+ sq ft – outstanding view. Inquire. Buena Vista Beach – Condo project. Pre-construction pricing. Now selling. UNDEVELOPED PROPERTIES In town beach lot! Commercial or residential. $490,000. Mexico Rocks area 178 ft beach $ 765,000. Playa Blanca beach lot 60 x 105 ft w/dock $210,000. Playa Blanca beach lot 52 X 120 ft $225,000. Boca Ciega 4.5 acres 170ft beach front. $350,000. Buena Vista Point ocean view 75ft x 150ft $79,000 each. Buena Vista Point ocean view 75ft x 150ft $89,000 each. Laguna Estates ocean view lots from $30,000. Laguna Estates commercial tracts & islands Inquire! Caribbean Coves 200ft ocean front west side $ 150,000. San Marcos 2 adjoining 50’ X 100’ lots - $35,000 each. Alta Mar 100ft x 100ft lot $65,000. All prices are in US dollars and subject to change without notice. For further details on these properties and much more call your AMBERGRIS CAYE SPECIALISTS March 23, 2006 Visitor Guide Page 15 , Ambergris Caye’s latest trendy restaurant, is now open. Serving Palm Tree Cuisine, a fusion of Central American and Caribbean delicacies, offers a selection of fresh local seafood, tender meats and exotic vegetables prepared by our renowned chef. Menu selections include: Jerk Seared Sea Scallop Crouton, Smoked Oyster Bruschetta, Spinach Pesto Goat Cheese Salad, Rib-Eye Steak Argentino, Almond Nut Crusted Grouper, White Chocolate Pudding laced with a cardamom anglaise sauce, Strawberry & Mango Ice Parfait. boasts an atmosphere of relaxed elegance and style, with inventive cuisine in an enchanting setting. At Journey’s End Resort Reservations: 226-2173 Serving breakfast, lunch and dinner… Page 16 Visitor Guide March 23, 2006
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arms. Bienvenidos a San Pedro!
Elsa Paz, Mayor,
San Pedro Town