The Family of Moose News - California/Nevada Moose
The Family of Moose News - California/Nevada Moose
LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE WOMEN OF THE MOOSE s w e N e s o o M f o y l i m a F e Th April-May 2016 Volume 50, No. 06 Fairfield Women Elect New Officers At the regular meeting held on Tuesday March 22nd the following WOTM officers were elected: Senior Regent Robin Harper Secretary Treasurer Lynda Donovan Recorder– Sharon Naramore Although not an elected office, Kathy Rose, as Junior Graduate Regent, will also serve on the board. Congratulation to all of the officers. We are still in need of a Junior Regent to complete the Board of Officers. If interested in becoming involved, please speak to one of the officers. Robin is also looking to fill 5 chairmen positions. Please consider being involved and assisting in our mission to care for children and seniors at Mooseheart , Moosehaven, and in our community. Robin Harper –Senior Regent, joined the Fairfield Chapter on January 12, 2010. She served as Mooseheart/Moosehaven Chairmen during the 2014-15 year and as Junior Regent this past year. Robin is a special education teacher here in Fairfield. Although she is a fairly new member she has taken to her responsibilities and has done a great job assisting in all aspects of the chapter and has made every effort to learn all the protocols and procedures of our order. We are looking forward to a very successful Chapter year. “Educating Children Makes A BEARY Happy Life.” Inside this issue: List of Officers 2 From Administrator’s Office 5 WOTM News 6 Governor’s Corner 7 Community Service 4 Sports / Activities 8 New Members 9 Moose Charities 1 Membership Moose Legion Activities Calendar Every Friday Evening after Dinner LOOM ELECTIONS Are Set for Tues April 5, 2016. List of Nominees: Governor Junior Governor Prelate Treasurer 1st Year Trustee 2nd Year Trustee 3rd Year Trustee Junior Past Governor Administrator Joshua Young Robert Waldorf Lynard Clark Ruffner Gunn Gabriel HartCrolley Scott Roozen Carl Pullen Bobbie Keller Norrie Gardiner Our “Moose Year” runs from May 1st through April 30th of the following year. Thus we are at the end of this year and are gearing up to start the new year, Electing a good working Board of Officers is the first essential step in having a successful Lodge Year. Also needed are members willing to step up to fill the chairmen positions. Get Involved. Volunteer & say yes when asked to help. 10, 11 11 Insert PAGE 2 THE FAMILY OF MOOSE NEWS LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE FAIRFIELD LODGE # 861 WOMEN OF THE MOOSE FAIRFIELD CHAPTER 1379 BOARD OF OFFICERS Governor …………………… …….……..... Bob Keller BOARD OF OFFICERS Junior Past Governor………………..... Michael Harless Junior Governor…………………….…...Joshua Young Senior Regent …………………......…... Kathy Rose Prelate…………………………….…....... Lynard Clark Jr. Graduate Regent ……….…..……..Patti Flanagan Treasurer ………………………..……….Ruffner Gunn Junior Regent …………………..…......Robin Harper Administrator………………...….….….Norrie Gardiner Secretary/Treasurer ……………...…Lynda Donovan Trustee, 1 Year ………………..…………..…Luis Mass Recorder ……………………..........…..Mary Hagens Trustee, 2 Year ……………………Gabriel HartCralley Trustee, 3 Year ………………………...…Scott Roozen APPOINTED OFFICERS Sgt. At Arms ……………….………..…..…Les English Guide ……………………..…..........…Cheryl French Inner Guard ………………..….…............Robert Keller Asst. Guide…………………………..Veronica Angel Outer Guard…………………...…………….......Vacant CHAPTER DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN COMMITTEES Mooseheart Moosehaven Admissions…….....Bob Keller Membership/Retention ………......….Nicole Gardiner Mike Harless Mooseheart/Moosehaven….......…...…......Hope Snell Community Service ………...…….......Peggy Duncan Moose Charities …….………..………...Norrie Gardiner Activities and Sports……………...…….Genie Miller Membership…………………………….……..Ken Rose Application Review..………………….....John Flanagan STANDING / SPECIAL COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Community Service ……………...……Michael Harless Higher Degree Committee…………..Colleen Harless Publications Green Cap/Ways & Means ...…….…...Patti Flanagan Newsletter Editor….…………...……..Mary Hagens Sports Golf Chairman ……………...…….......Tony Padayao Bowling…………………..……..…...Norrie Gardiner Moose Legion Activities Chairman..……….Luis Mass Legion Asst. Secretary…………….……..Tony Padayao Family Activities……………………….…....…...Vacant Audit…………………………………………..….Vacant Fellowship …………………………....………Luis Mass Social Quarters Manager…………...…….…Dina Young Kitchen Manager………….…...…...…….John Flanagan Thank you, to all the dedicated LOOM members who are serving on the Board and as Chairmen this year. It is appreciated. Anyone wishing to be on a committee please call the Lodge at 707 422 3245 or Bob at 707 208 3741. Audit Chairman………………...…….….Carol Allen Application Review…………..……...Faye Hinchman Sunshine Chairman…….…….……Linda Chapiewski As you can see the structure of the Women of the Moose Officers and Chairmen has changed a great deal for this year. We now only have 5 elected Officers, the Jr. Regent has assumed the duties of the Chaplain. We are reduced to 4 Chapter Development chairmen and they are each responsible for 2 or 3 months. All the higher degrees are combined into one committee—Higher Degree—but each degree (A of F, C of R, and Star) will hold their separate meeting and honor that particular degree. We will all be working together to make this another successful year for our Chapter. Thank you to all the co-workers who have stepped up to take a position. New people = new ideas = more fun! PAGE3 Mark Your Calendars For These Up Coming Events The New LOOM and WOTM Boards will be busy planning this year’s events. Stay tuned! June 4 District 5 meeting at Napa Lodge June 11 Annual Rib Feed June 19 Fathers Day Special Breakfast July 4 Boy Scouts Pancake Breakfast, Watch for Parade and food function announcements THANK YOU TO: Our WOTM dual members from the Vacaville Chapter plus other co-workers from Vacaville, and Delta for all their assistance at the Reno Convention. We really could not have done a good job without you. Dottie, Rosie, Carolyn, LaVerne, Sharon, April, Paulette, Norma. Thank you to all the Fairfield Co-workers who spent so many hours assisting– Ida, Nicole, Colleen, Kathy, Cheryl, Rhonda. I know there were many more from various chapters who helped in some way. Thank You all ! Mary Moose International Website Get Involved Our Moose lodge is run by volunteers. We need fresh ideas and fresh interest to continue to be a strong organization. Get involved! Cook a meal, serve a dinner, offer to wash dishes, be a chairman or officer. We need YOU ! They have made some changes to the website and image, form, and function are the key focus points of the change. They hope to make it more intuitive and easier to use and to find things. They would appreciate feedback. Kurt Wiebe, Director of Membership and Chief Marketing Officer stated “A website is technology that’s never finished. ...We ‘re always willing to look at ways to make the website more appealing to members.” Member’s area requires last name and code 2014 Loyal Order of Moose Lodge #861 Lodge Hours In an effort to get the newsletter out in a timely manner, all The Social Quarters : articles for the June/July Sunday————8:30 on Breakfast mornings or 10am when no newsletter are due by May Breakfast— 9pm 18, 2016. Email them to: Monday---------——–--–— 2pm —10pm or turn them into the office. Tuesday——————-—— 2pm —10pm Wednesday----—-—-—--- 2pm —10pm Anyone can contribute! Moose International web site Friday---------------—-—–—- 2pm —10pm Member section password is – Saturday -----------—–—--- 2pm —11pm 2014 Thursday---------————-- 2pm —10pm Holiday Hours will be posted: Phone 422-3245 or 422-6425 Administrator—Norrie Gardiner Office hours: Monday—Saturday 9am — 2pm “The Family of Moose News, ” Apr/May Volume 50 No. 06 Published bi-monthly by Fairfield Lodge No. 861, Loyal Order of Moose Inc. 623 Taylor Street, P.O. Box 63 Fairfield, CA 94533. Subscription paid automatically as part of annual membership dues. CA-NV Moose Website If you are interested in keeping up with what is happening with our fraternity, don’t forget to check out the California/Nevada website. Lots of information. Learn who’s who in the state association. No password needed! Links to Moose International Web Site. Go to DID YOU KNOW? You can now receive this newsletter by email and in color? Send an email to Lodge861@mooseunits .org and just let us know if you want it only by email or if you also want a hard copy. You can help cut our copying and mailing costs. ALSO if we have your email we can notify you when events are added to the calendar. You can easily pay your dues on-line. Save on postage and continue to be a member in good standing. Go to Click on -Pay Dues Here PAGE 4 THE FAMILY OF MOOSE NEWS S u p p o rt o u r a dv e rt i s e r s HEART OF THE COMMUNITY The Moose Fraternity is well known throughout the United States, Canada and United Kingdom for its service to our communities. It might involve special events, donations or just a simple gesture of helping someone in need. The Fairfield Moose Family Center hosts Compassionate Friends on the second Thursday of each month from 7pm-9pm. We also host the Solano County Genealogical Society on the first Saturday of each month at 9:00am The Heart of the Community Report is a requirement of fraternal units, and must be submitted on a quarterly basis. The Fairfield Moose Family Center has received Superior grades for the first and second quarters of the 2015-2016 fiscal year. We can be very proud of our accomplishments. For the last 2 years Moose International has scheduled Community Service projects at the International Conferences. This involved food and clothing collections, blood drive and other events to assist the local area. The CA-NV Moose Association followed suit and also has community service projects at our Conventions. At our March convention there was a Stuff the Bus with food and clothing event and also a blood drive. The Reno and Sparks Fire Departments, Police and Emergency Teams all received scores of donated blankets and Tommy Moose. This shows our host cities that we do care about them and are willing to work toward that end. They were very appreciative. One of the many Community Services outreach programs that our lodge takes great pride in is sponsoring the Babe Ruth baseball team. Their major fundraiser is the Annual Pancake breakfast. Please mark your calendars for Sunday, April 17th and come out and support the Babe Ruth baseball team. Breakfast will start at 8:30am. We hope to see you there. When you receive your Moose magazine, please read the excellent articles concerning Community Service around our Country. You will gain better in sight on how important Community Service is to our Fraternity. We also can help our Mooseheart School with BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION. Just bring them in to me and we will get them turned in. Again, the Fairfield Moose Family Center #861 is to be commended for their service to our Community. Fraternally, Norrie Gardiner Community Service Committee Golden Poppy Council of Higher Degrees The purpose of the Council of Higher Degrees is to be actively involved in the retention of Lodge, Chapter and Moose Legion members. It also promotes and supports the programs of Moose Charities. The Council of Higher Degrees consists of: Loyal Order of Moose: Pilgrim Degree of Merit, Fellowship Degree of Honor, and Moose Legion Degree of Service. Women of the Moose: College of Regents, Star Recorder Degree and Academy of Friendship. Next meeting will be Saturday April 16, 2016 at the Martinez lodge . Let Norrie Gardiner or Mary Hagens know if you are interested in learning more about being a chairman. We need new interested folks to join us. Members and guests are invited. Executive meeting is at 11:30am, General meeting at 12:00 noon, followed by a light lunch and social time. NEW FRIENDSHIP , FELLOWSHIP, AND LEGION MEMBERS you are invited to join us. See Norrie or Mary for an application. Dues are $7.00 a year or $40.00 for Lifetime Membership. Dearest members of the Fairfield Chapter and Lodge, I cannot begin to express my deep thanks and gratitude to everyone who helped and supported our recent conference in Reno! Everyone I relied on certainly stepped up to the plate and delivered when the ball was tossed in their direction. From badge holder beading, making cookies, registration filing, decoration planning, program folding, toting bins, working registration at conference including A/F matriculates, proteming at opening session, handing out door prizes, participating in the A/F Session, removing banners, toting more bins, etc., everyone I asked for help did so in some way. A special thanks to Mary, Registration Chairman and Kathy, General Chairman. Thank you to Irene Hengst for being a class member at the Academy of Friendship Session and Thank you to Lisa Pullen for attending the ceremony on Sunday and receiving her Friendship degree which she qualified for in 2009. Congratulations to both Irene and Lisa. Colleen, Peggy, Nicole, Ida, Rhonda, Sharon, LaVern, Dottie, Rosie, Carolyn, Norma, Doris, April, Paulette, Mary, Don, Kathy and Ken. Thank you’s somehow just don’t seem like enough expression to really let you know how much you all mean to me. In Friendship and Fellowship, Carol Allen DGR 2015-2016 APRIL-MAY 2016 Administrator’s Corner As we approach the end of our 20152016 fiscal year our Nomination Committee, under the direction of Governor Bobbie Keller has been busy reviewing nomination requests and interviewing prospective officers for the 2016-2017 fiscal year. Our final meeting of the Nominating Committee was held and the final results of the Nominating Committee was read on the floor to the membership at the General Meeting. Elections will be held and read at the General Membership meeting on Tuesday, April 5th. At that time we will be voting on: Governor Joshua Young Junior Governor Robert Waldorf Prelate Lynard Clark Treasurer Ruffner Gunn 1st Year Trustee Gabriel HartCrolley 2nd Year Trustee Scott Roozen 3rd Year Trustee Carl Pullen Junior Past Governor Bobbie Keller Administrator Norrie Gardiner This year, we will be conducting separate Officer Installation ceremonies. The Women of the Moose will conduct their officer installations on Saturday, April 23rd, 2016. The Loyal Order of the Moose will conduct their officer installation on Saturday, April 30th, 2016. Please plan to attend and welcome in the new Boards for the 2016-2017 fiscal year. We have to seriously look at the success of our lodge home for the 2016-2017 fiscal year. The lodge does in deed need a strong and dedicated Board of Officers. We need YOU! We need members to assume the appointed officer positions and to chair any of our various committees. When Governor Young approaches you please be open to him and respond positively when he asks for help for the new year. It is our membership that takes on the responsibility of helping us be successful in all the various endeavors that we undertake. There is strength in unity, and working together we will surely achieve success. Many of our members had the opportunity to attend the 82nd Mid Year Conference of the CaliforniaNevada Moose Association, held at the Atlantis in Reno. Our official visitors from Moose International were Kurt T. Wiele, Director of the Membership Department and Chief Marketing Officer and Janet P. Fregulia, Executive Director of Moose Charities. They gave informational and motivational speeches on the status of our Fraternity as it affects Mooseheart/ Moosehaven and our Communities. Among the meal functions we attended were Council of Higher Degrees breakfast, Moose Legion breakfast, Lodge Officers luncheon and Saturday night banquet. Senior Regent Kathy Rose will have information on the Women of the Moose. I just want to mention and congratulate two of our members, Irene Hengst and Lisa Pullen, who received their Academy of Friend- PAGE 5 ship degree at the annual convocation, held on March 20 th. Irene also was a class rep. Congratulations and well done to both. Every year, the Moose Legion conducts a Memorial ceremony to honor, remember and pay tribute to all Moose Legionnaires who have departed our Defending Circle. I was able to be an integral part of the ritual team, serving as Chaplain. The ceremony went very well and we truly honored our departed Moose Legionnaires. Sometimes I Kick back and reflect on the accomplishments of this great Fraternity and how every Moose Family Center impacts us all. Our children at Mooseheart depend on us. Our communities depend on us. As members of the Moose Fraternity we all help in our own way, not only by building membership growth, but by financial support to the various programs that greatly affect the success of our Order. Together, we can all achieve success in our endeavors. Please check the Membership board, bulletin boards and your newsletter for upcoming events and other information that affects our lodge, community and our fraternity. We hope to see everyone active in supporting our lodge and all that it does for Mooseheart, Moosehaven, our community and our fraternity. In order to make our Lodge home a strong, fraternal unit, remember this: “PUSH YOURSELF TO ATTACK A BIGGER GOAL THAN YOU’VE BEEN WILLING TO PURSUE UNTIL NOW. UNLESS YOU DO IT, YOU WON’T KNOW WHETHER OR NOT YOU CAN.” Take care and God bless. Fraternally Norrie Gardiner Administrator INSTALLATION TIME WOTM Installation Saturday April23rd. Theme is “Educating Children Makes A ‘BEARY’ Happy Life” (Robin is a special education teacher). Dressy casual, color theme is blue. Pictures at 5 PM with the ceremony at 6 PM. Chicken Cordon Blue Dinner by Jeff Collin to follow $10 LOOM Installation Saturday April 30th. Pictures at 5 PM with the ceremony at 6 PM. Dinner to follow the meeting. Check at the lodge for details after elections on April 5th. MOVING? Be sure to let the Lodge or Chapter know your new address. We want to keep in touch with you. Call the lodge or send a note to the Lodge or Chapter. Addresses are on back of this news- letter. Please use our P.O. Box address. We also appreciate hearing about new email addresses . PAGE 6 THE FAMILY OF MOOSE NEWS Senior Regent’s Corner Days of Wine and Roses Hello Members of Fairfield Chapter Women of the Moose: Wow, once again, attending a Moose Convention is so exciting! With all the great speakers, it’s very motivational! I had the extreme pleasure to be able to sit at the head table with Carol Allen, and our official visitors, Jan Fregulia and Cindy Raslavsky. We got lots of good information to pass on to our new Board of Officers and co-workers. We need to think about getting a member to be our Government Relations Representative, to be our eyes and ears, to listen to our lawmakers and find out if any of the bills being passed in our government affect the Moose Fraternity. Congratulations to Irene Hengst and Lisa Pullen for receiving their Academy of Friendship Degree at the conferral on Sunday, along with 103 other members from Chapters all over California/Nevada. Very impressive! Thank you to Frankie Harper for the decorations and Sherry French for the embroidery on our aprons. Also thank you to the ladies from Vacaville and Delta Chapters for your help. Your assistance made our registration process run smoothly and made sure all those door prizes were accounted for and given out. It all made the conference a little more special! Congratulations to the new Board of Officers for the WOTM. I’m sure you will have a very successful year! Be sure and come to the Installation of Officers Dinner on Sat., April 23. Also, Fairfield Chapter WOTM will be having our 50th Anniversary Dinner on Sat., April 9, a nice Ham dinner is planned. Tues., April 12, will be our Academy of Friendship Meeting, where we will be honoring our newest friends, Irene and Lisa. I want to thank each and every one of you that helped to make my year as Senior Regent very successful. Even if you only had a small part, we are all a part of a team and that’s what makes it successful. I want to thank Linda Chapiewski for being the Sunshine Chairman and for buying the hamburgers all year long to make our Wednesday Burger Night a little more special. Thank you to my board of officers: Mary, Robin, Lynda, Patti, and Sherry, and to my Chairmen: Colleen, Hope, Peggy, Nicole, and Genie for always being there and holding successful fund- raisers, the audit committee, Carol, Ida and Nicole, and the application review committee, Faye, Carol Allen, and Carol Alfolderbach. Thank you all! Respectfully, Kathy Rose Senior Regent WOTM Meeting Schedule The Women of the Moose Fairfield Chapter meets the 2nd and 4th Tues of each month at 7 PM. We would love to see more of our members, new and long term, join us for these meetings. .We could use fresh ideas and motivation. On the 2nd Tuesday we have refreshments prior to the meeting starting at 6:30. WOTM 50th ANNIVERSARY The Fairfield Women of the Moose Chapter will be celebrating their 50th Anniversary in April. Our real anniversary date is April 24th but we are having our anniversary dinner and program on Saturday April 9th. We are having a baked ham dinner with potato salad, baked beans, roll, and dessert. Tickets are on sale now at the bar or from Colleen Harless, Higher Degree Chairman. Dinner at 6:30 $10.00 We hope lots of our long time members are able to come and celebrate with us and enjoy an evening of remembrances. Kids having Fun at the Lodge This is a Family Fraternity APRIL-MAY 2016 PAGE 7 Loyal order of Moose news GOVERNOR’S CORNER The Music Hello Everyone: Man It’s been an eventful two months starting with the Feb 7th Superbowl Party. It was a lot of fun. Thanks to Bill and Linda Perry for heading it up and thanks to all involved. There was so much good food brought in. Thanks to all you good cooks! On Feb 13th we held the annual Legacy of the Moose skit and had a pork loin dinner and music by Top Shelf. Thank you to all the Moose Players who took part in this presentation. On to March 5th . The Crab Feed was a total success thanks to Ding and crew. Grand job! On March 27th the kids Easter party was a total success and it always is. Load of fun, cakes, and eggs to hunt. Thank you Ladies WOTM. Well this will be the last newsletter article from me.. It has been a pleasure being your governor for the past three years but it is time to move on and let someone else take the helm. But no worries, I will still be around pushing for the right improvements and squashing all the wrong ones, giving guidance as needed to all that will listen. Thanks for having me and supporting me. Your Governor Bob Keller More Legacy Pictures A special thank you is in order for our members for their generous support to Moose Charities. Without your generosity and selfless efforts to support Mooseheart, our Child City and Moosehaven, our City of Contentment, our children and senior members would not enjoy the quality of life they so richly need and deserve. Your generous support of Moose Charities is greatly appreciated. Moose Charities Heart of the Community program sponsors several Core Initiatives besides the Endowment Fund. They include the Youth Awareness program, Tommy Moose, Safe Surfin’ foundation, Special Olympics and Moose Alerts In previous newsletters, I have updated our membership on all our endeavors to the Core Initiatives for Moose Charities, as well as our Endowment Fund donations. We received our Moose Charities Quarterly Charitable Gift Receipt for the third quarter of the 20152016 fiscal year. Our donations are $100.00 each to Safe Surfin’; Special Olympics and Youth Awareness. We also remitted $1,185.00 total to the Endowment Fund through January 31st, 2016. I would like to thank all of our dedicated members for their support to Moose Charities throughout the year. February was Moosehaven Rocker month, where an annual Endowment Fund collection is made for Moosehaven. Through the generosity and participation of our members, the Fairfield Lodge remitted $339.00 to Moose Charities for their endeavor. As of March 31st, our total Endowment Fund donations are approximately $1,600.00. Thank you and well done As always there are Mooseheart/Moosehaven Endowment Fund receptacles in the Social Quarters and Dining room to receive contributions. Our donations are remitted to Moose International on a monthly basis. When you receive your Moose Magazine please read about Moose Charities and how we all impact our children at Mooseheart and Moosehaven. For a full report on the wonderful work Moose Charities has done go to Http:// uploads/2015/07/2015-Moose-Charities-Report-final-pdf. YOU WILL BE AMAZED at how generous our members have been to the many programs run by Moose Charities. Thank you for your help. Together we secure the future of our twin cities. Mooseheart and Moosehaven. IT IS ABOUT THE KIDS AND SENIORS! Fraternally Norrie Gardiner Moose Charities Committee PAGE 8 THE FAMILY OF MOOSE NEWS GOLF NEWS The Tournament Schedule for the year is being finalized . Members are welcome to submit their suggestions for courses. The following courses have been submitted for consideration: Diablo Creek, Mikke Grove, Paradise Valley, Rancho Solano, Wild Horse, Haggin Oaks-Mackenzie and Arcade Courses, Lone Tree, Teal Bend, Bartley Cavenaugh, Adobe Creek, Mare Island and Kennedy. If you are interested in joining, membership is open to all Moose Members, both ladies and men 18 years and over. Information is available at the Lodge or join us at our monthly meetings, the 1st Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. at the Fairfield Lodge. The recent closure of the Green Tree course in Vacaville has impacted the Coed Golf 9-hole tournaments. We are still trying to locate a course to continue this fun outing every month. Any suggestions contact Mike Walker at Check the bulletin board in the social quarters for the latest news and to sign up to play. Susan Simmons BOWLING NEWS We are 3/4th through our season and Norma and Jimmy from Delta are in 1st place. They are followed by Damien and Michele from V V, Dan and Betty from F F, Lynda and John Galley from F F, and Duane and Makala from V V. All are having fun. If you would be interested in bowling next fall be sure to let me know or let Norrie know. Lynda Donovan, Bowling Sec\Tres TWIN RIVERS DISTRICT #5 President Mike Harless announces meeting schedule April 2 Delta Aug 6 Vacaville (picnic) May 7 Vacaville Sept No Meeting June 4 Napa Oct1 Fairfield July No Meeting Saturday meetings start at 6 pm for Exec Board with Dinner @ 7 PM and social to follow. Picnic @ 12 n. All members are encouraged to attend and get to met our fellow Moose members and hear what they are doing for fun and fundraising. Also your attendance may be the deciding factor in the attendance award. Fairfield has clamed it many times both for the LOOM and WOTM. Way to go. Annual Babe Ruth Pancake Breakfast Sunday April 17, 2016 8:30—11:00 am Come support our team! Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there. Will Rogers APRIL-MAY 2016 PAGE 9 WELCOME ALL NEW MEMBERS IN REMEMBRANCE New LOOM Members New Member Sponsor Marc David Angello Jason Duval Joseph Ferraris Patti Flanagan David Hirsch Philip Shoemaker Joseph Rene Levigne Marc Angelo Frank Villescas Jr. Kenneth Rose Leonard Donaldson Charles Moore Paulo Rivera Ronald Trapani Multiple Membership Robert Aldrich LaVerne Aldridge Neil R. Naramore Sharon Naramore Henry Diaz Aug 30, 1941— Mar 18, 2016 Paul D. Oliver Mar 18, 1947 — Mar 19, 2016 A special Welcome is extended to our new Lodge and Chapter members. Hope to see all of you at the Lodge for dinner or just because. New Women of the Moose Erin Eiserle Thalia Ferraris Carina Tucker Cheryl French Patti Flanagan Re-enroll Frankie Harper All of us need to remember the oath we took when we became members of the Moose Fraternity to Sponsor New Members. New members are the life blood of an organization. AND we also want to retain the members we have. Please keep your commitment. “Our Get Well” wishes go out to all those who have been ill or have family members that are ill. Please know that you and your families are always in our prayers. Please call and let us know when someone is ill. LOOM 422-3245 WOTM 330 4392 Take a few minutes every day to say a short prayer for all of our men and women in military service. They are putting their lives on the line every day for the rest of us. We appreciate all they do and sacrifice. “You could never give your mother as much as she gave you“ Mel Brooks THE FAMILY OF MOOSE NEWS PAGE 10 This is the current Moose International membership campaign. Hopefully you have earned your “BUILD OUR FOUNDATION” pin. Sign up 5 members and you will be part of the 5 Club and get a “5 CLUB” static window decal, plus these membership funds will be used to help replace flooring in the Indoor Playroom at Mooseheart Watch for new campaign after May 1st. LOOM #861 Continues Membership Promotions SPONSOR A NEW OR FORMER MEMBER LOOM Membership Promotion Be a Pillar Sponsor 5 members and get a special coffee cup from the CNMA Association. COMMUNICATION—UNITY— PRIDE = CUP . WOTM members count also. RUNS TILL SEPT 6,2016 Member Orientation 1st Monday of the month 7pm. Sponsors, bring your candidates or new members to learn about the MOOSE! Candidates get a free meal! Ken and Kathy Rose are doing our Orientation program for us. Come and check it out. Learn something new about our fraternity. Members, it’s time for all of us to pitch membership. We will be holding the drawing for the last membership campaign of a $100 Visa Gift Card and the Ham/Turkey at the LOOM Installation of Officers Dinner. Look to the lodge for the latest membership drive program. Remember, our lodge can only grow and prosper with new members, new ideas and also retention of our present members. For any members who have never attended a Moose Convention, you don’t know what you’re missing. Kathy and I had a great time in Reno, along with other members of the Moose Fraternity. One of the guest speakers, Kurt Weibe, Director of the Membership Department and Chief Marketing Officer for Moose International, was a very inspirational and entertaining speaker and gave some great ideas for membership and retention. Remember you can earn Moose Rewards by sponsoring members. The rewards are worth money, prizes or free membership dues. Its worth checking out. Fraternally Yours, Ken Rose Membership Chairman P & M Auto Specialties Over 30 Years Of Auto Repair Experience Philip Beargeon II Owner 50 Main St., Suisun City, CA 94585 Phone (707) 435-8318 Fax (707) 435 8031 Hours Mon-Fri 8—5 Phil is offering a 10% discount to Moose Members with a current membership card A A PP R R II L L -- M MA AY Y 2 2 00 11 66 PAGE 11 Lodge Moose Legion Committee (LMLC) The Moose Legion is known as the Degree of Service and our mission is to have fun while providing greater service to the Moose Fraternity. Membership in this Degree of Service offers you additional opportunities to serve childhood and old age, and opens the door to you and your family for theme parties, sporting events, community service projects and other activities. Our vision is to persuade all qualified lodge members to join the Moose Legion, and do some good thing for someone each day. To be eligible for the Moose Legion, a lodge member has to have six months of active service in the Order or sponsor a new or former member in the Order. The annual dues are currently $18.00. Application fees have been waived by Twin Rivers #207. If you are interested in joining with us, please talk to Norrie Gardiner, Charles Early or myself. Moose Legion Celebrations are held at various Lodges within the jurisdiction of your Moose Legion and serve as a means to share ideas and enjoy good times with fellow Moose Legionnaires. Leadership skills may be developed through the Moose Legion Committee of your Lodge or within the Moose Legion jurisdiction. All Moose jurisdictions within the CaliforniaNevada Moose Association are involved with a special contribution for our children at Mooseheart, our Child City. Collectively we fund the senior pictures, programs and diplomas for the graduation class. The Fairfield LMLC meets on the second Monday of each month at 7:00pm. Meals are provided every Monday by the Moose Legion from 5:30pm-7:30pm. We are in need of cooks to take a Monday during the month to insure every Monday is covered without burning out our existing cooks. On March 20th, Brother Bill Beath conducted the Annual Ham Shoot for Easter. The winners this year were Robert Swafford, Cheryl French, Charles Early and Barry DaSilva. Congratulations are in order to the winners and thank you to our members for their support of our fundraiser. The Moose Legion is valuable to the Moose Fraternity and all that we try to accomplish. With the help of the members of our Order joining with us and becoming Moose Legionnaires while supporting everything that we do, we will truly be successful. EAT BREAKFAST FOR FREE Fairfield LOOM and WOTM Moose Members If your birthday occurs this month, just bring your Moose ID, Drivers License, and this coupon and your Breakfast is free! Name _______________________ Fairfield Moose Lodge #861 Twin Rivers Moose Legion #207 Legion Celebration Schedule April 17 at Fairfield Lodge Board of Directors Meeting 1 pm Celebration 2 pm Meeting will include election and installation of new officers. Lunch and Donated Drawing to follow If you are a LOOM member in good standing ask any officer how you can join the Legion. They would love to have you become a member. Free Financial Workshop by Resendo Flores Resendo represents Transamerica Corporation and has been working with individuals to structure individual tax free retirement plans such as IRA’s, Roth IRAs, and annuities. Sat. May 7th 12 –2pm. Watch for flyers at the lodge. FELLOWSHIP MEETINGS Our meetings are held the last Thurs of each month at 7pm. Our newest Fellow, Bob Keller will now be in charge of this meeting, Fraternally, Luis Mass Chairman, LMLC Chairman Follow your passion, stay true to yourself, never follow someone else’s path unless you’re in the woods and you’re lost and you see a path then by all means you should follow that. Ellen Degeneres WOTM MEMBERSHIP PROMOTION Watch for a new membership promotion from the WOTM. Ask your friends and coworkers to join ourgroup. Bring them down to one of our events and let them see how much fun the lodge can be. Regular Events Special Events Sunday Breakfast 8:30-11:00 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays only Monday Dinner 5:30-7:30 Menu varies every week st 1 Mon. Orientation for new & prospective members 7pm nd 2 Mon. Legion Meeting 7:00 3rd Mon. Joint Officers Meeting 7:15 Tuesday LOOM or WOTM Meetings Wednesday WOTM food — 5:30 Thursday Ladies Night 1/2 price select drinks st 1 Thurs Golf Club 6 pm 2nd Thurs Compassionate Friends 7pm Friday Family Dinner 6:30-8:00 Steak on the 1st Friday each month Saturday Watch for special events April 2 April 3 April 9 April 16 April 17 April 17 April 23 April 30 May 5 May 7 May 7 May 8 May 15 May 29 June 4 June 11 June 19 District meeting at Delta Lodge Celebration of Life for Henry Diaz WOTM 50th Anniversary Party 6:30 pm $10.00 Memorial Service for Jim Copeland Babe Ruth Pancake Breakfast Legion Celebration 1 & 2 pm WOTM Installation 6 pm LOOM Installation 6 PM Cinco deMayo Dinner 5:30 Free Financial Workshop 12 n District meeting in Vacaville Happy Mothers Day No breakfast scheduled as of press time Private Party Legion Sponsored Breakfast District in Napa Annual Rib Feed Happy Fathers Day Address Service Requested Fairfield, CA 94533-0006 P.O. Box 63 623 Taylor St. Phone: Fax: Lodge#861 707-422-3245 707-422-6609 LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE PERMIT NO. 17 P.O. Box 3483 Fairfield, CA 94533-0483 WOMEN OF THE MOOSE FAIRFIELD, CA U.S POSTAGE PAID NONPROFIT ORG April 2016 Fairfield LOOM # 861 707-422-3245 Sun Mon Breakfast 8:30-11:00 Celebration of Life Henry Diaz 10 4 7 pm Member Orientation Legion Celebration 1 pm & 2 PM 24 5 7pm LOOM Bring your friends and Exec Meeting learn about the 8 pm Reg. Meeting Moose Lodge ELECTIONS New member & guest 9 pm House Com receive a free meal. 11 7 pm Legion Meeting Legion Food 5:30-7:00 pm K & K Wings 17 8:30-11:00 Babe Ruth Annual Pancake Breakfast WOTM Colleen Harless Wed Thu Call the Lodge to see if anything has been added to the Calendar and to check on the Friday Night Menus Loyal Order of Moose Lodge #861 3 Tue LOOM Mike Harless 18 12 Open Meeting A of F Chapter Night Meeting 7: 00 PM 6:30 Welcome Reception 19 WOTM Board meets 7pm LOOM Exec Meeting 6:00 pm 8 pm Reg. Meeting Joint Boards meet 9 pm House Com 7:15 pm 25 LMLC serving food 5:30-7:30 Call for Tonight's Menu 26 A of F Membership Committee 2nd Meeting 7 :00 Fri Sat 1 Family Dinner 2 9a Genealogy Society 6:30-8:00 PM Steak Night Billy Perry & Mike Harless 8 District Meeting at Delta Lodge 6pm Dinner 7 pm 9 WOTM 50th Anniversary Ham Dinner 6:30 $10.00 Tickets on sale now 50/50 drawing 6 Hamburgers and Hot Dogs served on Weds evening OR WATCH FOR A WEDS SPECIAL 7 Golf Meeting 6 PM 13 Hamburgers and Hot Dogs served on Weds evening OR WATCH FOR A WEDS SPECIAL 14 15 16 7 pm Compassionate Friends Support Group Family Dinner Memorial Service for Jim Copeland 1pm 20 Hamburgers and Hot Dogs served on Weds evening OR WATCH FOR A WEDS SPECIAL 21 22 27 Hamburgers and Hot Dogs served on Weds evening OR WATCH FOR A WEDS SPECIAL 28 Family Dinner 6:30-8:00 PM WOTM Audit 7 PM A of F Meeting Practice 8:00 pm 6:30-8:00 PM Family Dinner 6:30-8:00 PM 7pm Fellowship Meeting 29 Family Dinner 6:30-8:00 PM Family Dinner 6:30-8:00 PM 23 WOTM Installation 5 pm Picture 6 pm Meeting Chicken Cordon Blue Dinner to follow $10 30 LOOM Installation 5 pm Picture 6 pm Meeting Dinner to follow May 2016 LOOM New Board WOTM New Board Fairfield LOOM # 861 707-422-3245 Sun 1 Breakfast 8:30-11:00 Mon 2 7 pm Member Orientation Tue 3 7pm LOOM Bring your friends and Exec Meeting learn about the 8 pm Reg. Meeting Moose Lodge 9 pm House Com New member & guest receive a free meal. 8 9 7 pm Legion Meeting Legion Food 5:30-7:00 pm K & K Wings No Breakfast 10 Membership Chapter Night Meeting 7: 00 PM 6:30 Welcome Reception 15 16 Breakfast 8:30-11:00 WOTM Board meets 7pm LOOM Exec Meeting 6:00 pm 8 pm Reg. Meeting Joint Boards meet 9 pm House Com 7:15 pm Private Party 22 23 17 24 Membership Committee 2nd Meeting 7 :00 LMLC serving food 5:30-7:30 No Breakfast 29 BREAKFEST by Moose Legion. 8:30-11:00 Call for Tonight's Menu 30 LMLC serving food 5:30-7:30 Call for Tonight's Menu 31 Wed Thu Fri Sat 4 Hamburgers and Hot Dogs served on Weds evening OR WATCH FOR A WEDS SPECIAL 5 Golf Meeting 6 PM WOTM Audit 7 PM 6 Cinco de Mayo Special– details to follow Steak Night District in Vacaville 6 pm meeting 7 pm dinner 11 Hamburgers and Hot Dogs served on Weds evening OR WATCH FOR A WEDS SPECIAL 12 13 14 7 pm Compassionate Friends Support Group Family Dinner 18 Hamburgers and Hot Dogs served on Weds evening OR WATCH FOR A WEDS SPECIAL 19 20 25 Hamburgers and Hot Dogs served on Weds evening OR WATCH FOR A WEDS SPECIAL 26 7 pm Fellowship Meeting Family Dinner 6:30-8:00 PM 6:30-8:00 PM 7 12 n Free Financial Workshop Call the Lodge to see if anything has been added to the calendar. 21 Family Dinner 6:30-8:00 PM Call the lodge to see if anything has been added to the calendar. 27 28 Family Dinner 6:30-8:00 PM Check out our facebook page for the latest Loyal Order of updates on Moose Lodge events #861