2007special gifts 2007 - The Summit Foundation


2007special gifts 2007 - The Summit Foundation
The Summit Foundation
Annual Report
Mission Statement
The Summit Foundation is a leader in building a legacy
of generosity, supporting organizations in our community
that foster Health & Human Service, Art & Culture,
Education, Environment and Sports.
Vision Statement
To improve the quality
of life in Summit County and
neighboring communities.
Purpose Statement
Building a lasting legacy of generosity by creating a community
of donors, who through their wealth, wisdom and work, support
organizations in Health and Human Service, Art and Culture,
Education, Scholarships, Environment and Sports.
“Never doubt a small group of thoughtful,
committed people can change the world.
Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”
– Margaret Mead
Dear Supporters of The Summit Foundation,
2006 and 2007 were years of growth for The Foundation.
A new Executive Director, Lee Zimmerman, and a new Development Director, Kasey Geoghegan,
joined the organization and are both making substantial contributions to our growth and vitality.
We modified our fiscal year from January to December to a October to September financial year to
better match our primary fundraising period (the ski season) with our key funding program (the
Patron Pass Program) as well as our season of giving with grant distributions in December and June
and scholarships awarded in April.
We began accepting restricted and designated funds as well as specific agency endowments, helping
us to achieve one of our goals of encouraging philanthropy in our community.
Both 2006 and 2007 calendar years showed good progress in the fundraising growth of the annual
operating fund – raising $89,814 additional dollars in 2006 and $160,205 in 2007, improving
11.1% and 17.8% respectively.
Over the two years, The Foundation awarded more than $1.6 million in grants to 76 organizations
in 2006 and 78 organizations in 2007. Additionally, The Foundation awarded $213,250 in
post-secondary education scholarships to 67 students in 2006 and 2007.
Specifically, our grants provided funding for 46 programs which supported children in our
community, supported 12 free community concerts and supported 16 different health care initiatives
for the underserved in the Summit County and neighboring communities.
In May 2006, the Board of Trustees was expanded to include former Advisory Committee members,
thereby disbanding the Advisory Committee structure.
The Summit Foundation continues to be the premier nonprofit organization in Summit County
providing leadership not only to our community but also to our nonprofit colleagues. We continue to
be a strong, healthy, growing organization meeting some, but unfortunately, not all of our
community needs, which continue to grow. We thank all our donors and contributors for their
generous and continuing support. It is very much appreciated and allows us to continue to do good work.
Yours truly,
Larry Beebe, President
From 2006 through 2007, The Summit Foundation’s unrestricted
fundraising revenue grew 31% from $810,000 to $1,060,000.
Employee payroll giving and employer matching
contributions increased by 56% to more than $106,000 annually.
For the first time in the history of The Summit Foundation,
the transferable ski passes donated by Vail Resorts,
Breckenridge Ski Resort, Keystone Ski Resort,
Copper Mountain Resort, Winter Park Resort
and Arapahoe Basin Ski Area were sold out and the ski areas
donated an additional 5% more passes, enabling The Foundation
to raise $780,000 in support of grants and scholarships.
The Donor Advised Funds and scholarship funds increased
from 8 to 20; adding over $560,000 to the Endowment Fund.
The Endowment Fund increased by 27%, with
Donor Advised Funds increasing by 23%
and the unrestricted Endowment Fund increasing by 32%.
Distribution of grant and scholarship funds increased by 15%.
In 2006, grants were made to 76 organizations, eight of which
were first-time grants. In 2007, grants were made to
78 organizations, 14 of which were first-time grants.
The Summit Foundation is taking the lead on a community project
to develop an online community resource guide and calendar that
includes all social service organizations, as well as the schools and
county programs servicing Summit County. This is a collaborative
effort with Summit County Government, Summit School District
and five other nonprofit organizations in Summit County.
Thanks to the encouragement of several individual donors, The Summit
Foundation has established a policy to accept agency endowment funds. In 2007,
agency endowment funds to benefit Breckenridge Music Festival, Continental
Divide Land Trust and St. Anthony’s Summit Medical Center were formed through
The Summit Foundation.
Agency endowment funds are established by donors or agencies who wish to
benefit a particular charitable organization/agency by receiving the proceeds of
their funds. The organization or any of its donors may add to these funds at any
time. Contributing to an agency endowment provides another avenue for
philanthropy and can enhance public awareness for a particular agency. Agency
endowment funds provide a vehicle for nonprofit organizations to pool investments with a larger investment pool. Designing an investment policy, selecting
an investment committee, and performing an extensive, thoughtful investment
advisor search can be a major distraction for any agency. Agency endowment
funds enable nonprofit organizations to establish a permanent pool of assets
while leaving the time-consuming financial management responsibilities to The
Summit Foundation. The agency benefits from the professional endowment
management, freeing the agency’s board and staff to concentrate on its programs
and mission.
An individual or collective group of donors or a nonprofit organization itself may
establish an agency endowment fund with The Summit Foundation. By combining funds with The Summit Foundation’s already invested assets, agencies
receive an exemption from filing a tax return or reporting on this fund since the
fund’s financial transactions are consolidated with those of other funds on The
Summit Foundation’s Form 990. Similar to the donor advised funds established
through The Summit Foundation, The Foundation provides semi-annual reporting to agency staff of the investment fund performance.
Established with minimum contributions of $10,000, additional contributions
can be made at any time in amounts as low as $1,000. Agency endowment funds
are held and managed by The Summit Foundation on behalf of these nonprofit
organizations. The funds are invested with The Summit Foundation’s endowment
assets. The nonprofit organizations in turn receive annual distributions from the
interest and dividends earned.
Total Grant Funding by Category
April 1986 – December 2007
212 Summit County Agencies ($8,076,434)
1106 Grants in Summit County
1,213 Programs & Projects in Summit County
338 Senior Scholarships ($911,000)
55 College Sophomore Scholarships ($77,000)
104 Foreign Study Scholarships ($57,475)
6 Foreign Travel Music Scholarships ($5,050)
53 Neighboring Community Agencies ($343,552)
85 Grants in Neighboring Communities
89 Programs & Projects in Neighboring Communities
6 Neighboring Community Senior Scholarships ($6,500)
1 International Agency and Grant (Tsunami Relief) ($25,000)
3 Agencies and Grants (Hurricane Katrina Relief) ($55,000)
Summit County Future Initiative Funding ($48,485)
“The support group has been so helpful for me.
I never knew that there were other women who were
going through the same thing that I was.
I am learning about my own patterns in relationships.”
– Domestic violence victim
Cumulative Grant History
April 1986 – December 2007
Grant Total
Cumulative Total
$ 19,926.68
$ 19,926.68
“A big THANK YOU for all your support.
I couldn’t have done it without you. I have surpassed all my expectations.
Thank you again.” – Summit High School Senior Scholarship recipient.
$81,100.00 GRANTED, 9.5% OF TOTAL
Alpenglow Chamber Music Festival - a grant to support a free concert performance at the Silverthorne Pavilion during the August 2007 season.
Backstage Theatre - a grant to support facility and equipment improvements.
Breckenridge Festival of Film - funding to support the projection equipment
rental and operation at Summit High School and for the “Student and Film”
program – seminars for young film makers.
Breckenridge Music Festival - funding for the 2007 Music-in-the-Schools
program to benefit Summit County and neighboring community students.
Funding for these programs is provided by The Summit Foundation and The
Lenzmeier/Williams Advised Fund.
Lake Dillon Foundation for the Performing Arts - a grant to support the Young
People’s Theatre Workshop, two free Sunset at the Summit concerts during the
summer of 2007 and support for the Mountain Summer Stock program.
Funding for these programs is provided by The Summit Foundation and The
Lenzmeier/Williams Advised Fund.
National Repertory Orchestra - support for a free concert performance, the
music therapy program and a commemorative composition. Funding for the
commemorative composition is provided by The Jack and Pat Thomas Arts
Advised Fund.
Summit Choral Society - funding to purchase performance music for the
permanent music library.
Summit Concert Band and Orchestra - funding for music and equipment
Summit County Arts Council - support for “Focus on the Child: Art as
Expression” program to be presented to students in Summit School District
during the 2006-2007 academic year. Students will participate in a variety of
art forms; classroom teachers will receive training in new art techniques and
the school district’s art supplies will be supplemented.
[ 2006 ]
Summit Historical Society - funding to support excavation work at the
Montezuma Schoolhouse to restore and preserve this important historic
structure. Funding provided by The Summit Foundation and The
Lenzmeier/Williams Advised Fund.
Summit Mountain Community Fair - support for Mountain Community Rodeo.
human services
$289,439.00 GRANTED, 33.6% OF TOTAL
Advocates for Victims of Assault - a grant to support the Peace Maker
Campaign, the Clinical Services Coordinator and a facilitator for the free
domestic violence and sexual assault survivors support group. Funding for
these programs is provided by The Summit Foundation and The Summit
Association of Realtors Advised Fund.
Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center (BOEC) - a grant to fund
scholarships for Summit County residents using programs at BOEC and to
purchase equipment. Funding for the scholarships is provided by The
Summit Foundation and The Highlands at Breckenridge Advised Fund.
Funding for equipment is provided by The Lenzmeier/Williams Advised Fund.
[ 2006 ]
Bristlecone Health Services - funding to support hospice and home
healthcare services for patients with limited or no health insurance. Funding is
provided by The Summit Foundation, The Oshlo Advised Fund and The
Summit Association of Realtors Advised Fund.
CASA of the Continental Divide - funding for program and staff support
to provide advocacy services for children in the court system in cases of
dependency and neglect. Funding for this program is provided by The Summit
Foundation and The Lenzmeier/Williams Advised Fund.
Colorado West Mental Health - support for mental health and psychiatric
counseling for uninsured and indigent residents of Summit County.
Early Childhood Options - support for the Quality Matters and Resource and
Referral programs.
Family and Intercultural Resource Center - a grant to support the General
Assistance program which provides resource and referral services and
emergency financial assistance for low-income families in crisis; and the
Families United program which provides home visitations for all parents with
children from birth to 5 years old providing information about parenting and
child development.
HealthQuest 2006 - funding to support a variety of health and fitness
screenings at the August 2006 HealthQuest at Frisco Nordic Center. Screenings will include chronic diseases, wellness and alternative health services.
Funding for this program is provided by The Summit Foundation and The
Summit Association of Realtors Charitable Fund.
Flight for Life/Summit Medical Center Foundation - continued support for
the construction of a helicopter hanger at St. Anthony Summit Medical Center.
Funding for this capital project is provided by The Lenzmeier/Williams Advised
League for Animals & People of the Summit - funding to support the various
spay and neuter programs in Summit County. Funding for this program is provided by The Summit Foundation and The Lenzmeier/Williams Advised Fund.
Summit Cancer Support Group (formerly known as Bosom Buddies of the
Summit) - support for meeting facilitators and for guest speakers. Funding for
this program is provided by The Eileen and Paul Finkel Advised Fund.
Summit Community Care Clinic - a grant to support a dental hygienist for the
oral health program at the Clinic. Funding for this program is provided by The
Summit Foundation, The Summit Association of Realtors Advised Fund and
The Millisor Family Advised Fund.
Summit County Early Childhood Connections - a grant to support trainings,
the home visitation and HIPPOtherapy programs for children with
developmental delays and special needs in Summit County. Funding for this
program is provided by The Summit Foundation and The Summit Association
of Realtors Charitable Fund.
Summit County Government Division of Youth and Family Services - a grant
to assist with funding for a Healthy Start program coordinator, a parenting
specialist for the Infant/Child program and English and Spanish facilitators for
the New Moms and Dads program.
Summit County Public Health Department - funding to support a comprehensive community health assessment.
Summit County Rescue Group - funding for the purchase of new and
replacement radios. Funding for this program is provided by The Summit
Foundation and The Lenzmeier/Williams Advised Fund.
Summit Medical Center Foundation - funding to assist in the purchase of a
digital mammography machine for St. Anthony Summit Medical Center.
[ 2006 ]
Summit Prevention Alliance - funding to provide program support and
scholarships for new drivers to participate in the MasterDrive program,
funding for the Asset Builders of the Summit resources and support for the
2007 Make a Difference Day program. Funding for this program is provided by
The Summit Foundation and The Lenzmeier/Williams Advised Fund.
Summit Youth Services Center - funding to provide services to English
and non-English speaking students who need preventive and primary care,
physical, and mental health services at the three school-based clinics.
TAME Foundation - a grant to support the training of two new horses for the
therapeutic riding program. Funding for this program is provided by The
Summit Foundation and The Lenzmeier/Williams Advised Fund.
Timberline Adult Day Services - a grant to support the services provided at the
center for patients needing adult day care and supervision, including exercise,
activities and socialization as well as respite for the patient’s family members.
Vail Valley Medical Center - funding for their Think First program to provide education, training and the purchase of ski/snowboard and bicycle helmets for
kids in Summit County.
[ 2006 ]
$189,965.00 GRANTED, 21.5% OF TOTAL
Boy Scout Troop 187 - funding for program scholarships for children in need.
Breckenridge Montessori - support for tuition assistance for children in need.
Carriage House Early Learning Center - a grant to support a scholarship fund,
staff training and classroom assessment and professional services to provide
assistance for a variety of classroom therapy programs for the children and for
window blinds. Funding for these programs is provided by The Summit Foundation and The Lenzmeier/Williams Advised Fund.
Colorado Avalanche Information Center - funding for avalanche beacons and
computer. Funding for this program is provided by The Summit Foundation
and The Lenzmeier/Williams Advised Fund.
Keystone Science School - scholarship support for Summit Middle School
sixth grade students to attend the Science School’s residential field science
Lake Dillon Preschool and Early Learning Center - support for their Nature
and Science Field Trip program, indoor play equipment and teacher education.
Little Red Schoolhouse - funding for teacher training, a child therapy
professional, a Spanish teacher and a creative movement specialist. Funding
for these programs is provided by The Summit Foundation and The Highlands
at Breckenridge Advised Fund.
Mountain Top Children’s Museum - funding to provide partial scholarships for
Summit County youth attending the summer program and support for
outreach programs to other children’s organizations in the community.
Summit County Preschool - scholarship support for “wrap-around” services for
five Head Start students to attend Summit County Preschool on a full-time
basis and to support Family Services for students in the program.
Summit School District - funding to support tuition for the children of two teen
student mothers at the Summit High School Infant and Toddler Center. Funding to support students that would otherwise not be able to attend all-day
kindergarten. Funding to assist in providing music and promotion for World
Fest 2007.
$48,300.00 GRANTED, 5.5% OF TOTAL
Colorado Fourteeners Initiative - a grant for continued support of the
Quandary Peak restoration project, including maintenance, monitoring,
restoration and trail closure work. Funding for this program is provided by The
Summit Foundation and The Lenzmeier/Williams Advised Fund.
Continental Divide Land Trust - funding to produce and print a Community
Outreach Brochure.
Friends of the Dillon Ranger District - funding for the Forest Stewards and
Adopt-a-Trail programs.
Friends of the Eagles Nest Wilderness - funds to support the Wilderness Training and volunteer coordination programs.
High Country Conservation Center (formerly Summit Recycling Project) - a
grant to assist in funding home energy audits and their Fall Energy Efficiency
promotion. Funding for these programs is provided by The Summit Foundation
and The Lenzmeier/Williams Advised Fund.
[ 2006 ]
Northwest Colorado Council of Governments Foundation - funding to
support Phase 1 & 2, also known as the Lowry Section and Sapphire Point
Section, of the Swan Mountain Road bike trail project. Funding for this project
is provided by The Summit Foundation, The Lenzmeier/Williams Advised Fund
and The Oshlo Family Advised Fund.
Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado - support for three trail projects in the
Golden Horseshoe, Mohawk Lakes and Willow Creek Open Space wilderness
sports &
$58,700.00 GRANTED, 7% OF TOTAL
Dillon Yacht Club/Junior Sailing Club - a matching grant to purchase and
install a prefabricated storage and training cabin.
High Country Soccer Association - scholarship support for the Latino
Outreach Project.
Quantum Sports Club - funding for hill training space at the Breckenridge Ski
Resort and for coaches work wear.
[ 2006 ]
Snowsport Outreach Society - funding to continue the SOS University
program in the Summit School District. The program is designed to not only
teach snowboarding but to encourage five core values that include courage,
discipline, integrity, wisdom and compassion.
Summit High Blue Line Club - funding to purchase off-season ice time for the
Summit High School Hockey Team.
Summit Hockey - a grant to provide scholarships for Summit Hockey
Summit Huts Association - funding to assist with the purchase and set up of
“Beacon Basins” at Janet’s and Francie’s cabins. Funding for this program is
provided by The Summit Foundation and The Lenzmeier/Williams Advised
Team Summit - a grant to support the need-based athlete scholarship fund, the
Summit Cup Race Series, and to purchase safety nets.
$63,645.00 GRANTED, 7.5% OF TOTAL
Colorado Fourteeners Initiative - funding for the Mt. Massive trail project, to
support the field program and project management.
Advocates of Lake County - funding for support services to victims of
domestic violence and sexual assault.
Full Circle of Lake County - a grant to support the Full Circle Mentoring
project with training for mentors, and activities for youth and mentors. Funding for this program is provided by The Summit Foundation and The Eileen
and Paul Finkel Advised Fund.
Lake County Even Start Family Literacy Program - funding to support the
night-time ESL literacy program including a meal, childcare for children while
their parents are in the program and homework help for the school-aged
Lake County Music Boosters - a grant to purchase concert bells and Yamaha
Tympani covers. Funding for this program is provided by The Eileen and Paul
Finkel Advised Fund.
Small Steps Childcare Center - funding for continued support of the
infant/toddler child care center in Leadville.
St. Vincent General Hospital District - funding for a monthly community health
education and screening program.
West Park Elementary Homework/Tutoring Club - a grant to support the
continuance of an after-school homework and tutoring program. Funding for
this program is provided by The Summit Foundation and The Eileen and Paul
Finkel Advised Fund.
Horizons Specialized Services - funding for capital improvement to the
mobile home of a developmentally disabled couple in Kremmling.
Kremmling Preschool - funding for need-based scholarships for children at the
Summit / Grand County Child Find - funding for the child community vision
screen and vision scanning program.
West Grand School District - funding to purchase sound equipment and
to support the capital restoration and improvement project of the High School
auditorium which will be used for school and community events.
[ 2006 ]
Middle Park Fair & Rodeo - funding to support the fair program and the Rodeo
& Western Heritage events.
Middle Park Land Trust - funding to print informational brochures about land
conservation opportunities in Kremmling.
Rocky Mountain Rural Health - funding to support the capital project
to establish a health clinic in Fairplay. Funds will be used to meet ADA
requirements in the renovation of the parking and sidewalk areas.
South Park Community Recreation Center - funding to support the South Park
Skatepark Showdown weekend in August 2006.
Shaw Outreach Team/Cancer Caring House - a grant to support the capital
campaign to build the Cancer Caring House at the Shaw Regional Cancer
Center. The Caring House will be used by patients and patient families
receiving treatment at the Cancer Center. Funding for this capital project is
provided by The Lenzmeier/Williams Advised Fund.
$102,250.00 AWARDED, 12% OF TOTAL
[ 2006 ]
Summit High School Class of 2006 - scholarships awarded to the valedictorian, salutatorian and 23 other graduates pursuing post-secondary studies.
Scholarship funds provided by The Summit Foundation, Summit County
Government, The Merriman Family Foundation Scholarship Fund, The Robin
and Patty Theobald family and The Lenzmeier/Williams Advised Fund.
Summit High School Class of 2005 - scholarships awarded to seven Summit
High School Class of 2005 scholarship recipients to support their sophomore
year in college.
Vail Mountain School Class of 2006 - a scholarship awarded to one graduate
pursuing post-secondary studies; funds provided by The Summit Foundation
and The Lenzmeier/Williams Advised Fund.
Lake County High School Class of 2006 - a scholarship awarded to one
graduate pursuing post-secondary studies.
$31,360.00 GRANTED, 3.5% OF TOTAL
Grants to support education and the Kelly Smith Employment Center at the
Cerebral Palsy Foundation in Denver; funding provided by The Summit
Foundation and The Lenzmeier/Williams Advised Fund.
“When Mom is at Timberline (Adult
Day Services), I am relaxed to go to
work and not worry all day. She is
treated with dignity, respect, care and
kindness. The staff have helped me to
handle some tough times...”
– Family member of program
participant diagnosed with Alzheimer’s
“I learned that if we work
all together you will finish faster
and you will also find a solution.”
– 5th grade student participating in
Keystone Science School’s program
with Summit Middle School
“...Students gained an understanding
that kids are pretty much the same no
matter where they live. Middle school
is the first time kids are exposed to
others from different parts of the county.
It’s truly the first step in the ‘melting
pot’ process.”
– Summit Middle School Teacher
“Thank you very much for
awarding us a “Good Neighbors”
grant to continue the West Park
Homework/Tutoring Club.
Many of our children struggle
academically and we are now a
Reading First School. The result
of the tutoring in their test taking
skills has been truly astounding!!!”
– Sue Sodero
$164,450.00 GRANTED, 17.1% OF TOTAL
Alpenglow Chamber Music Festival - support for a free concert performance at
Silverthorne Pavilion in August 2008.
Backstage Theatre - stage and curtain renovation; funding provided by The Summit Foundation and The Jack and Pat Thomas Arts Fund.
Breckenridge Festival of Film - funding for film acquisition and educational
programming for the June 2008 Festival. Funding provided by The Summit Foundation and The Highlands at Breckenridge Advised Fund.
Breckenridge Heritage Alliance - a grant for construction, promotion and
maintenance of their website.
[ 2007 ]
Breckenridge Music Festival - funding for the 2008 Music-in-the-Schools
program to benefit Summit County and neighboring community students. Funding for these programs is provided by The Summit Foundation and The
Lenzmeier/Williams Advised Fund.
Lake Dillon Foundation for the Performing Arts - a grant to support the Young
People’s Theatre Workshop, two free Sunset at the Summit concerts during the
summer of 2008 and the Lake Dillon Theatre Company. Funding for these
programs is provided by The Summit Foundation and The Lenzmeier/Williams
Advised Fund.
National Repertory Orchestra - support for the community engagement program
and the music therapy program at St. Anthony Summit Medical Center.
Red, White & Blue Career Firefighters’ Association - a matching grant for restoration of a 1948 Willys Jeep fire engine.
Summit Choral Society - funding to purchase performance music for the
permanent music library; funding provided by The Summit Foundation and The
Jack and Pat Thomas Arts Fund.
Summit Concert Band - funding to purchase sheet music for the music library.
Funding provided by The Summit Foundation and The Jack and Pat Thomas Arts
Summit County Arts Council - funding for the Focus on The Child program to expose teachers and students to new art mediums. Funding provided by The Summit Foundation, The Summit Association of Realtors Charitable Fund and The
Jack and Pat Thomas Arts Fund.
Summit Historical Society - a grant to fund the inventory and cataloging of the
Summit Historical Society collections. Funding provided by The Summit
Foundation, The Jack and Pat Thomas Arts Fund and The Lenzmeier/Williams
Advised Fund.
Town of Breckenridge - funding for a hard shell roof on the Riverwalk Center. The
contribution is made to the RWC New Roof Community Fund. Funding provided
by The Summit Foundation, The Eileen and Paul Finkel Advised Fund and The
Jack and Pat Thomas Arts Fund.
human services
$314,056 GRANTED, 31.8% OF TOTAL
Advocates for Victims of Assault - support for the Peace Maker Campaign, the
Clinical Services Coordinator and a facilitator for the free domestic violence and
sexual assault survivors support group. Funding for these programs is provided
by The Summit Foundation and The Millisor Family Advised Fund.
American Red Cross, Summit County Chapter - funding to the Egon Gerson Service Center in Dillon for a preparedness brochure.
Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center (BOEC) - a grant to fund scholarships
for Summit County residents using programs at BOEC, for program development
and to purchase equipment. Funding for the scholarships and program
development is provided by The Summit Foundation and funding for equipment
is provided by The Lenzmeier/Williams Advised Fund.
Bristlecone Health Services - funding to support hospice and home healthcare
services for patients with limited or no health insurance. Funding provided by
The Summit Foundation, The Oshlo Family Advised Fund and The Brian G. Platte
Memorial Advised Fund.
CASA of the Continental Divide - funding for program and staff support to provide advocacy services for children in the court system in cases of dependency
and neglect. Funding for this program is provided by The Summit Foundation
and The Lenzmeier/Williams Advised Fund.
Colorado West Mental Health - Summit County - support for mental health and
psychiatric counseling for uninsured and indigent residents of Summit County.
[ 2007 ]
Family and Intercultural Resource Center - a grant to support the General Assistance program which provides resource and referral services and emergency financial assistance for low-income families in crisis; and the Families United
program which provides home visitations for all parents with children from birth
to 5 years old providing information about parenting and child development. This
funding will also be used to leverage a matching immigrant integration grant from
El Pomar Foundation.
Girls Scouts of Colorado - funding to support Girl Scout leadership development
program in Summit County.
League for Animals & People of the Summit (LAPS) - a grant for their spay/neuter
program and for assistance for low income residents for medical/surgical pet care.
Funding is provided by The Summit Foundation, The Lenzmeier/Williams Advised
Fund and The Summit Association of Realtors Charitable Fund.
Summit Chamber of Commerce - a grant for a health screening program for
nonprofit organizations enrolling in the Summit Chamber’s Group Health Plan.
Summit Community Care Clinic - support for a dentist for the oral health
program at the Clinic. Funding for this program provided by The Summit
Foundation and The Millisor Family Advised Fund.
[ 2007 ]
Summit County Government Division of Youth and Family Services - a grant to
assist with funding for a Healthy Start program coordinator, a parenting specialist for the Infant/Child program and English and Spanish facilitators for the New
Moms and Dads program.
Summit County CARE Council - a grant to update, enhance and market the
summitcares website.
Summit County Early Childhood Connections - funding for home visitations, family transportation to medical visits for children with special needs and staff/
volunteer training. Funding provided by The Eileen & Paul Finkel Advised Fund
and The Summit Association of Realtors Charitable Fund.
Summit Prevention Alliance - funding to provide program enhancement and
capacity building for the organization.
Summit Youth Services Center - a grant to provide preventive and primary health
care services to Summit School District students. This is a collaborative effort
between The Summit Foundation, Summit School District, Public Health
Nursing, High Country Health Care, Summit Community Care Clinic and Colorado
West Mental Health. Funding is provided by The Summit Foundation and The
Summit Association of Realtors Charitable Fund.
TAME Foundation - funding to sponsor three therapy horses in their horse therapy program. Funding is provided by The Summit Foundation, The Lenzmeier/
Williams Advised Fund and The Summit Association of Realtors Charitable Fund.
Timberline Adult Day Services - a grant to support the services provided at the
center for patients needing adult day care and supervision, including exercise, activities and socialization as well as respite for the patient’s family members. Funding is provided by The Summit Foundation and The Eileen and Paul Finkel
Advised Fund.
Valley Brook Child Care Center / Town of Breckenridge - support for the Valley
Brook Child Care Center construction.
Vail Valley Medical Center - funding for their Think First program to provide
education, training and the purchase of ski/snowboard and bicycle helmets for
kids in Summit County.
$187,536 GRANTED, 19.0% OF TOTAL
Breckenridge Montessori - support for tuition assistance for children in need.
Carriage House Early Learning Center - funding for scholarships, staff training
and classroom enhancements that provide early intervention services. Funding
is provided by The Summit Foundation, The Lenzmeier/Williams Advised Fund
and The Summit Association of Realtors Charitable Fund.
Colorado Avalanche Information Center - funding for snow travel equipment,
funding for this program is provided by The Summit Foundation and The
Lenzmeier/Williams Advised Fund.
Colorado Mountain College - a grant toward the building fund, specifically in
naming an outdoor classroom.
Early Childhood Options - support for the Childcare Quality Rating program and
for teacher development.
The Keystone Center for Science & Public Policy - scholarships for nonprofit
and government representatives to attend the Leadership Summit program.
Keystone Science School - scholarship support for Summit Middle School sixth
grade students to attend the Science School’s residential field science program.
Lake Dillon Preschool and Early Learning Center - support for staff development and education supplies.
[ 2007 ]
Little Red Schoolhouse - funding for children’s scholarships.
Mountain Top Children’s Museum - a grant for day camp scholarships, program
outreach and staff training.
Summit County Preschool - funding for full-day, year-round scholarships for
children in the Summit County Head Start Program.
Summit School District - a grant to fund tuition for full-day kindergarten for
children and families in need.
Summit High School Music Department - funding for after school and summer
lessons for students in financial need. Support is provided by The Summit
Foundation and The Eileen and Paul Finkel Advised Fund.
Summit Mountain Community Fair - support for the children’s tent at the
Summit Mountain Community Fair.
$62,340 GRANTED, 6.3% OF TOTAL
[ 2007 ]
Blue River Watershed Group - funding for a program manager to develop the
Snake River Watershed Plan and to expand membership and advocacy for the
Blue River Watershed.
Colorado Fourteeners Initiative - a grant to support the maintenance, restoration and trail monitoring of hiking routes on Quandary Peak.
Colorado Outdoor Training Initiative - a grant to train, educate and support
Summit County trail stewards.
Friends of the Dillon Ranger District - funding for the Forest Stewards and
Adopt-a-Trail programs.
High Country Conservation Center (formerly Summit Recycling Project) - a grant
to assist in expanding the Basic Energy Audit program. Funding for this
program is provided by The Summit Foundation and The Lenzmeier/Williams
Advised Fund.
Northwest Colorado Council of Governments Foundation - matching funding
for construction of the Sapphire section of the Swan Mountain Recpath. Funding
for this program is provided by The Summit Foundation, The Lenzmeier/Williams
Advised Fund and The Oshlo Family Advised Fund.
Southern Rockies Ecosystem Project - funding for a citizen scientist wildlife
monitoring project in Summit County.
Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado - a grant to assist in mitigating the recreational
impact on four selected hiking trails in Summit County.
“Since we have been at the safe-house, my kids actually play.
It is so great to hear them laugh again. We finally feel safe.”
- Single mother and safe-house resident.
sports &
$91,222 GRANTED, 9.2% OF TOTAL
Dillon Junior Sailing Club - funding to support the purchase of a teaching boat.
High Country Soccer Association - scholarship support for the Latino Outreach
Project. This funding is provided by The Summit Foundation and The Highlands
at Breckenridge Advised Fund.
Quantum Sports Club - a matching grant to cover hill space charges.
Snowsport Outreach Society - funding to continue the SOS University program
in Summit School District. The program is designed to not only teach snowboarding but to encourage five core values that include courage, discipline,
integrity, wisdom and compassion.
Summit County Swim Team - a three to one matching grant for a training and
race timing system.
Summit County Youth Hockey - funding for scholarships to children in need.
Funding is provided by The Summit Foundation and The VickChem Advised Fund.
Summit High Blue Line Club - funding to purchase off-season ice time for the
Summit High School Hockey Team.
Summit High Lacrosse Boosters Club - support for the Varsity and JV teams.
Summit Nordic Ski Club - a three to one matching grant for a race timing system.
Team Summit - a grant for scholarships, to sponsor the Summit Cup Race Series,
for staff training and safety equipment.
[ 2007 ]
$51,893 GRANTED, 5.3% OF TOTAL
Boys & Girls Clubs of Chaffee County - support for after school and school break
programs for elementary and middle school students in Buena Vista. Funding is
provided by The Summit Foundation and The Eileen and Paul Finkel Advised
Bristlecone Montessori School - support for scholarships and materials for this
Montessori school in Alma.
Full Circle of Lake County - support toward the Full Circle Mentoring project
with training for mentors, and activities for youth and mentors. Funding for this
program is provided by The Summit Foundation and The Eileen and Paul Finkel
Advised Fund.
Lake County Even Start Family Literacy Program (Leadville) - a grant to support
the operation of their early childhood education facility that provides care for
infants and toddlers of daytime and evening ESL students and teen moms.
Funding is provided by The Summit Foundation and The Eileen and Paul Finkel
Advised Fund.
Lake County Search and Rescue - funding for training of team members.
[ 2007 ]
Park County Vision 2020 - funding for a new parent and family engagement
project in Fairplay and Alma.
Park County Senior Coalition - support toward transportation services.
South Park Parents as Teachers / Park County School District - funding for staff
and program expenses. Funding is provided by The Summit Foundation and The
Eileen and Paul Finkel Advised Fund.
Temple Israel Foundation - matching support to a grant from the Colorado State
Historical Fund for restoration of the Temple Israel building in Leadville that is
being restored as a museum. Funding is provided by The Summit Foundation
and The Eileen and Paul Finkel Advised Fund.
Troublesome Horse Rescue & Rehabilitation - funding for corral fencing.
Vail Valley Medical Center - funding for their Think First program to provide
education, training and the purchase of ski/snowboard and bicycle helmets for
kids in Lake and Park counties.
West Grand High School - a grant to purchase a 14” telescope for the West Grand
High School Community Observatory in Kremmling.
West Park Elementary Homework/Tutoring Club - support for the continuance of
an after-school homework and tutoring program. Funding for this program is
provided by The Summit Foundation and The Eileen and Paul Finkel Advised Fund.
“The most critical piece to SOS’s success is their whole focus on values.
As much as it’s fun and it’s going out and learning to snowboard or ski,
there’s another message that gets delivered.
It’s about values that have to do with responsibility and maturity.”
– Bill Jensen, former Co-President, Vail Resorts Mountain Division
$111,000 AWARDED, 11.2% OF TOTAL
Summit High School Class of 2007 - scholarships awarded to the valedictorian,
salutatorian and 33 other graduates pursuing post-secondary studies. Scholarship funds provided by The Summit Foundation, Summit County Government,
The Merriman Family Foundation Scholarship Fund, The Robin and Patty
Theobald family and The Lenzmeier/Williams Advised Fund.
Summit High School Class of 2006 - scholarships awarded to nine Summit High
School Class of 2006 scholarship recipients to support their sophomore year in
“As beautiful live music resonated
through the hospital halls, Barbara
Bubion closed her eyes for a moment
and felt the pain from her recently
shattered femur begin to carry away
with the sound.
‘It takes your mind off the pain …
I don’t know how or why, but it just
helps you relax, heal faster. I would say
music would be an addition to any
healing process. It soothes the mind.
It soothes the body.’ she said.”
– Lory Pounder, Summit Daily News article on NRO, The Summit
Foundation and St. Anthony Summit Medical Center Music Therapy Program
[ 2007 ]
health fund
When the Summit County resident entered Summit Community Care Clinic, a bone
was protruding from his cheek. It was from a serious accident two years earlier that left
him with extensive oral and facial injuries.
However, through a health scholarship program established at The Summit Foundation and with the help of a private practice oral surgeon, he was able to get it repaired.
The program, started by a grant from The Krakauer Advised Fund with The Summit
Foundation, was the idea of John and Carol Krakauer who are former Summit County
residents and contributors to The Summit Foundation. The Krakauers wanted to fund
something outside the normal grant process to help people in need of health care.
Thanks to their generosity and proactive funding, this program is a reality and is helping individuals in Summit County that are truly in need.
“The program is designed to work together to help people
with health care needs as well as provide case management
services to address other needs they may have.”
The program is a partnership between The Summit Foundation, Summit Community
Care Clinic and the Family and Intercultural Resource Center. Randall Reitz, Executive
Director of Summit Community Care Clinic says, “The program is designed to work
together to help people with health care needs as well as provide case management
services to address other needs they may have.” “Often times someone who comes
in for medical needs has other kind of needs as well such as food, work or
childcare”, said Kameron Perez-Verdia, executive director of the FIRC. “Through this
collaboration, they can be treated holistically for a variety of needs,” he added.
Another example is a woman who came to the Care Clinic for an annual female exam
discovered she was at heightened risk for cervical cancer. The next step for treatment
was a cervical biopsy, which based on the clinic's discounted fee structure, would have
cost her between $171 and $389. However, she met with FIRC and the emergency fund
covered the entire cost. Fortunately, the results came back as non-cancerous, but she
will need regular follow-ups for the next couple years.
“Additionally, the program will help people get what they need when they need it,
which means less health care costs borne by the community,” notes Randall Reitz,
citing a recent incident of a man who didn't seek treatment for a dog bite for four days.
As a result, the man required a $10,000 surgery that he couldn't afford. If he hadn't
been worried about the cost and came in initially, it could have been treated with a $4
Information included in this article was from a Summit Daily News article written by Lory Pounder dated January 13, 2008.
The cornerstone of The Summit Foundation’s
fundraising efforts is the Patron Pass program, anchored
by transferable season ski passes generously donated by:
Arapahoe Basin Ski Area
Breckenridge Ski Resort
Copper Mountain Resort
Keystone Resort
Winter Park Resort
Beaver Creek Resort
Vail Resort
In addition, the following organizations
also contributed complimentary or
significantly discounted services to this program:
Alpine Audio-Video & Camera
Blue River Sports and Mountain Wave Snowboards
Breckenridge Art Gallery
Breckenridge Music Festival
Breckenridge Nordic Center
Copper Creek Golf Course
Copper Mountain Raquet & Athletic Club
Frisco Nordic Center
Great Adventure Sports
Keystone Lodge
Keystone Nordic Center
Keystone Ranch Golf Course
Mountain Angler
National Repertory Orchestra
Silverthorne Recreation Center
Steamboat Resort
Town of Breckenirdge:
Breckenridge Golf Club
Breckenridge Recreation Center
Gold Run Nordic Center
Stephen C. West Ice Arena
The Summit Foundation’s partnership with businesses and government agencies
encourages employees to make contributions to The Summit Foundation through
an automatic paycheck withdrawal. In several of these partnerships, each
employee donation is matched directly by the employer. As a result, the 2007
employee gifts through payroll giving programs provided $106,000 to The Summit
Foundation. These contributions are in turn distributed to the many important
projects and programs provided by the nonprofit agencies in Summit County and
neighboring communities.
Alpine Bank is one of 16 businesses that encourage their employees to participate
in the payroll giving program to benefit The Summit Foundation. Every dollar the
employees contribute through their paycheck withdrawals is matched by Alpine
Bank. As a result, in 2006 and 2007, Alpine Bank and its employees contributed
“We are proud to participate in The
Summit Foundation’s employee giving program.
It’s a simple way to make a big impact.”
more than $30,000 to benefit The Summit Foundation. In addition, Alpine Bank
provided additional event sponsorship funding totaling $8,500 and numerous volunteer hours at The Summit Foundation events.
2007 marked the 35th anniversary for Alpine Banks of Colorado. Originating in the
Roaring Fork Valley, Alpine Bank celebrated 35 years of community service. After
opening their first Summit County branch in Breckenridge in 1999, they have
grown in market share and now have four locations in Summit County. Their
employees have given generously of their wages, time, and talents to organizations like The Summit Foundation. “We are proud to participate in The Summit
Foundation’s employee giving program,” said Larry Reavis, Regional President.
“It’s a simple way to make a big impact.”
Thank you to Alpine Bank and its employees for their generosity to The Summit
On behalf of the Summit County community and the nonprofit organizations
funded by The Summit Foundation, thank you to the 304 employees from
businesses and government agencies throughout Summit County that made
contributions to The Summit Foundation through payroll giving programs in 2007.
As of September 30, 2007 and September 30, 2006
Operating fund:
$ 56,920
$ 65,723
Investment in marketable securities
$ 234,178
$ 237,102
Endowment fund:
$ 3,624,358
$ 3,028,996
Temporarily restricted
$ 5,355,572
$ 3,847,521
$ 5,362,315
$ 3,859,395
Investment in marketable securities
Cash held in escrow
Unconditional promises to give
Fundraising events receivable
Total Current Assets
Property, plant & equipment
Net of accumulated depreciation
Total Assets
As of September 30, 2007 and September 30, 2006
Accounts payable
$ 6,170
$ 2,348
Grants & scholarships payable
Escrow payable
Total Liabilities
$ 224,908
$ 302,819
$ 5,137,407
$ 3,556,576
$ 5,362,315
$ 3,859,395
Temporarily restricted
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
operating fund
For the year ended September 30, 2007
Support and Revenues:
Contributions, unrestricted
$ 1,705,473
$ 733,546
$ 2,439,019
$ 2,349,589
$ 1,240,198
$ 3,589,787
Agencies and scholarships
$ 663,102
$ 663,102
Fund raising expenses:
Celebrity Golf
Hockey Classic
Rubber Duck Race
Mountain Art Gathering
Miscellaneous events
Celebrity Golf
Hockey Classic
Rubber Duck Race
Mountain Art Gathering
Miscellaneous events
Summit County Government
Other donated products & services
Total Public Support
& Revenues
General donor packages
Salaries, benefits & related taxes
Rent & utilities
Board of trustee
meetings & expenses
Professional fees
Office supplies
Advertising & printing
operating fund
For the year ended September 30, 2007
Expenses (continued):
Travel & entertainment
Pass supplies
Dues & subscriptions
$ 1,435,489
$ 1,240,198
$ 2,675,687
$ 914,100
$ 914,100
Other donated products & services
Total Expenses
Increase in net assets
For the year ended September 30, 2007
Support and Revenues:
Contributions, unrestricted
$ 462,816
$ 462,816
$ 953,687
$ 953,687
$ 262,160
$ 262,160
Total Expenses
$ 286,956
$ 286,956
Increase in Net Assets
$ 666,731
$ 666,731
Unrealized gain on investments
Total Public Support & Revenues
Donor advised agencies &
Investment management fees
2006 & 2007
The Summit Foundation’s Annual Philanthropy Awards recognize and honor
individuals, organizations, businesses and corporations for the time and money
contributed to causes of their choice. Every November since 1991, this event has
followed a national and statewide tradition of recognizing philanthropy. In
its 17-year history, 179 individuals, families, businesses and community
organizations have been honored for their tireless work to improve the quality of
life in Summit County, for you, its residents and guests.
Awards are presented in recognition of outstanding contributions in nine
categories: Philanthropist, Volunteer, Board Member, Professional in a Nonprofit
Organization, Educator, Youth, Citizen, Philanthropic/Community Organization
and Business and/or Corporation. And when the need arises, the Spirit of the
Summit Award is presented by the Philanthropy Day selection committee.
In 2001, The Foundation also began coordinating the Community Collaboration
Award program. This recognition program, initiated by Shaping Our Summit,
continues to honor those businesses, nonprofit and government organizations in
our community that collaborate to provide community programs and work toward
meeting and resolving community needs and issues.
Philanthropy Award Recipients
Outstanding Philanthropist
Outstanding Volunteer
Anne Stonington
The Richard Griffith Family
Joan Houlton
Brownell Bailey
Mike & Margaret Smith
Tony Harris
John Farr
Jane Alexandra Storm
Lee & Cherry Solomon
Greg Jungman
Chuck Lenzmeier
& Valerie Williams
Dr. Ed Crane
Doug Schwartz
Bob & Nancy Follett
No recipient
The Peter Janes Family
Mike & Linda Clem
Lee & Peg Henry
Mike & Margaret Smith
Judy Stattine
Carl & Alicia Bauer
Sandy Greenhut
Shawn Pittman
Jay Bauer
Karen West
Larry Farnum
Bill Musolf
Janet Good
Marilyn Burger
Bettyjo Knapp
Angie Carlevato
Pat Hutson & Peg Bartko
Tom Begley
Kerry Gibson
Stinky & Karen Steinbrink
Oumar Niang
Kurt Steuer
Outstanding Board Member
Outstanding Educator
Dr. John Warner
Cleve Keller
Dave Newkirk
Tim Casey
Paul & Audrey Youngren
Susan Donaldson
Dr. Craig “P.J.” Perrinjaquet
Dick Carleton
John & Jeanne Del Mar
Steve West
Margaret Kral
Ann Small
Deb Crook
John Daisy
Dave Hartman
Wendy Wolfe
Doug Sullivan
Bill Bolthouse
Anne Marie Ohly
Outstanding Youth
Outstanding Professional
in a Nonprofit Organization
Sharon Aguiar
Gayle Jones
No recipient
Tom Hart
No recipient
No recipient
Bill Baker
Amy McMullen
Terri Vantiger
Dr. Millie Hamner
Kasey Geoghegan
Gini Bradley
Joe Johnson
Daphne Schroth
Jennifer Pratt-Miles
Marilyn Repsher
Susan Robertson
Beth Koran
Amy Machin-Ward
Christina Carlson
Seth Blackmer
Lucinda Burns
Jeanie Ringelberg
Christine Scanlan
Pati Cruz
Noreen Galaba
Jake Quigley
Christopher Alleman
Jasmine Godzak
Samantha Wofford
Dan Woodrow
Allison Aichinger
Jay Nelson
Nicole Green
No recipient
Janet Ortega
No recipient
No recipient
No recipient
Garrett Hedman
No recipient
Alyson Brozovich
Outstanding Citizen
Rick Hum
Marshall McKinney
Bob Craig
Mark & Roberta Fiester
Dr. Pat Duletsky
Bob & Wendy Moore
Dr. Jim Oberheide
Mike & Theresa Campbell
Bob & Nancy Follett
Kathy Grotemeyer
Dr. Jerry Peterson
Bob French
Turk Montepare
Gary Lindstrom
Dr. Karen Wyatt
Jim & Maggie Cox
Bonnie Osborn
“I’m so grateful for the
Care Clinic’s dental program;
they went above and beyond in providing excellent individual care for me.”
– Summit Community Care Clinic Dental Client
Outstanding Business and/or Corporation
Spirit of the Summit
Storm Enterprises
Public Service Company
Community First National Bank
Beaver Run Resort
Ski The Summit
Holiday Inn, Summit County
Arapahoe Basin
Breckenridge Ski Resort
Copper Mountain Resort
Keystone Resort
Town of Breckenridge
Wilson Lass
Peak Performance Copier & Supply
Eagle-Summit Publishing Company
The Highlands at Breckenridge
Grand Timber Lodge
East West Partners
Krystal 93
Resort Express
Prudential O’Brien & Associates,
Inc. Real Estate
Downstairs at Eric’s
Alpine Banks of Summit County
No recipient
Blue River Sports/Mountain
Wave Snowboards
Colorado Mountain Express
FirstBank of Summit County
Community Collaboration Award
Outstanding Philanthropic/Community
John Novotny
The Ebert-Santos Family
No recipient
No recipient
Max & Edna Dercum
Dale Yanari, in memoriam
No recipient
Brad Odekirk, in memoriam
Rachel Anne Hanson, in memoriam
Lord of the Mountains
Lutheran Church
Summit-Lake Dillon Optimist Club
Summit County Rotary Club
Pumpkin Bowl Association
No recipient
Backstage at the Riverwalk
Tipsy Taxi
Summit Community Care Clinic
Summit County Seniors
No recipient
Summit County Rotary Club
The House with the Red Door
No recipient
No recipient
No recipient
Early Childhood Connections
Keystone Science School
Summit Youth Recycling Project
Bristlecone Health Services
Household Hazardous Waste
Collection Day
Summit Community Care Clinic
Silverthorne Skateboard Park
High Country Fire Training Center
Mountain Mentors
Family and Intercultural Resource
Household Hazardous Waste
Collection Day
Super Grad Program and Family
Literacy Skill Development
Summit Day Camps
Summit Youth Services Center
Centura Health,
Summit County Government,
Summit Healthcare
Summit County Hurricane Katrina
Relief Efforts
Summit County Head Start
Summit County Child Find
“I learned that I work better
as a team sometimes
and other times
I’m better alone.”
– 5th grade student participating in
Keystone Science School program
with Summit Middle School
2006 & 2007
What does The Summit Foundation mean to you?
While each of us would probably answer this question a little differently;
one response might be: It is a vital partner of the community that meets
needs that no other private business, government, individual or organization alone can. The Summit Foundation provides a vehicle for donors and
community members to enact their generosity through an organization
that addresses a full range of community causes. Whether it is through a
single annual donation, the adoption of ducks for the duck race, buying a
transferable ski pass, participating in an employee giving program,
the establishment of a Donor Advised grant or scholarship fund, or
volunteering at one of The Foundation’s events; thousands of individuals,
businesses and organizations have participated in building the legacy of
The Summit Foundation.
Thank you to all of the donors and volunteers who are truly the “Soul of the Summit”
thank you
One of The Foundation’s major donors may have said it the best. “It
has long been a philosophy of Grand Timber Lodge to give back to
this community,” said Rob Millisor, Vice President, Grand Timber Lodge
Development Company. “The Summit Foundation has substantial impact
in our community and we are proud to partner with The Summit Foundation in supporting nonprofit organizations through our community.”
Through his business and personally, Rob has been a long-time
supporter of The Summit Foundation. Rob actively serves as a Trustee of
The Foundation, volunteering at Foundation events (particularly the
annual celebrity golf tournament), contributing as an avid fund-raiser for
The Foundation, and is often a leading donor. In addition, he and his wife
Amy have established a donor advised fund, and with his partners, brother
Mike and Michael Dudick, established a payroll giving program in 2005 to
match every dollar their employees contribute to The Summit Foundation
through their participation in the employee giving program.
2006 & 2007
January 1, 2006 – December 31, 2007
Anonymous (15)
A Pane in My Glass
Phil and Leslie Aaholm
Bob and Pam Abt
AG Miller Company
Jeanette Sidney Albert Foundation Inc.
All Flooring Design
Allied Claims/Coral Ridge Isle
Alpine Accounting
Alpine Audio-Video and Camera
Alpine Rock Company
Michael Altenberg
Beaddie Cummings Ambruch
Jules and Marilyn Amer
Glenn and Mary Amstutz
Ed Anderson
Eric and Melba Anderson
Renee Apfelbeck
Corina Aragon
Arapahoe Architects, P.C.
Arapahoe Basin Ski Area
Mike and Barb Arbuckle
Asphalt Paving Company
Luanne Aulepp
Michael Babnik and Vera Dawson
Rick Bader and Catherine Morris
Brownell Bailey Family Fund
Bair Counseling Center
Baker + Hogan + Houx
Chris and Dawn Banas
Randy and Deborah Bangham
Bank of America Matching Gift Program
Bank of the West
Penny Banks
Barkley's Restaurant and All Starz
Edgar and Joan Barksdale
Edwin Barnes
Mark and Candace Selk Barnes
Bill and Rhoda Barr
Brett and Lori Barrett
David and Ann Barry
Doug Beagle
Chuck and Carolyn Bear
Beaver Creek Resort
Dick and Kathleen Becker
Larry and Marilyn Beebe
Bob and Barb Behmer
Larry and Barbara Bellatti
Don Benovitz and Martha Fagan
Bill and Jane Bergman
Debra Bernstein-Siegel
Robert Berry and Colleen Briscoe
BFD Enterprises
Annette Bishop
Stan and Betsy Black
Ernie and Sharon Magness Blake
Jerred and Rita Blanchard
Stephen Blanchard and Deborah Webster
Peter Blecich
Allan and Kathryn Block
Blue River Sports
Bill and Laurie Bolthouse
Barbara and Keith Bond
Jeffrey Bork and Pat Levin
Bottomley and Associates
Bernie and Judy Bottomley
Barbara Brandt
Breck Massage
Breckenridge Art Gallery
Breckenridge Associates Real Estate LLC
Breckenridge Building Center
Breckenridge Lands
Breckenridge Ski Resort
Tom Briggs
Thomas R. Brown Family Private Foundation
Bill and Marilyn Brown
Phillip and Janelle Brown
Tom and Claire Brown
Wayne Brown
Wayne and Mollie Brunetti
Bill and Sandi Bruns
Jay Brunvand
Bubba Gump Shrimp Company
Eric and Lisa Buck
Bob and Kathy Buettner
Warren Buettner
Marion Bugher
Patricia Bunchman
Art and Marilynn Burger
Mark and Tracy Burke
Jeff and Lucinda Burns
Busse Family Foundation
Dale and Pat Butler
Rodger and Patricia Bybee
Robert Byron
Chuck and Sherrie Calderini
Russ and Judy Camp
Mike and Theresa Campbell
David and Divya Cantor
Dick and Cathy Carleton
Gary and Nancy Carlston
Carson Foundation
Jim and Anne Carson
Howard and Sue Carver
Tim and Patti Casey
Andy and Tracey Catron
Chris and Jen Cawley
Frank and Kristi Parker Celico
CFC Construction Inc.
Tom and Susan Chambers
Dayton and Anne Marie Chapin
Don and Sandy Chisholm
Paul and Diane Chodkowski
Roger and Jeanne Christensen
Cimarron River LLC
Mike and Joyce Clary
Allan and Jane Clayman
Mike and Linda Clem
Ann Morrison Clement
Jack Cochran
Alan and Sue Cohen
Coldwell Banker Bunchman Real Estate
Christopher and Deborah Coles
Jan Coles
Colorado Activity Centers
Colorado Mountain Express
Blaise Colt
Columbine Cleaning Services, Inc.
Columbine Hills Concrete
Bill and Becky Conkling
Continuum Care, Inc.
Chuck and Pamela Cook
Harry and Val Cook
Nancy Cook
Steve and Barbara Cook
Cary and Marsha Cooper
Don and Joyce Cooper
Gene and Jo Copeland
Copper Mountain Resort
Steve and Kathy Corneillier
Doc and Ann Cornwell
Dan and Barb Corwin
Harry and Carolyn Costanza
Coughlan Family Fund
Chris and Amy Courtney
Bob and Terry Craig
Ed and Anne Crane
Robert Cranwell
Chuck and Wanda Creen
The Crispell Family
Richard Croteau
Mel and Peggy Cruger
Gail Culp
John and Mary Jo Culver
James and Susan Curtis
Ronald and Joanne Curtis
Mark Daley
Daniels Houlton Family Foundation
Don Dankner and Susan Propper
Curt and Tracy Dankof
Patrick and Petra D'Augustine
Jim Daus
Thomas Davidson
Blake and Toni Davis
Joseph and Marty Davis
Keith and Tana Davis
Vera Dawson
Joan de Graaff
Robert and Carolyn Deal
Wiley and Pat DeCarli
Del's Triangle 3 Ranch
Bert and Anne Del Villano
Delta Sub One
Rolf and Judy Dercum
Don and Diana Dettmering
Alyssa Deveneau
Bob and Christine Dickemper
Ross and Heidi Dickstein
Tony and Kim DiLallo
Jack and Mary Jo Dippel
Jerry and Cheri Divine
David and Betty Dixon
Hap and June Dobbs
Lee and Marie Dodgion
Jerry and Mimi Dokken
Dave and Susan Donaldson
Dos Locos Mexican Restaurant and Cantina
Wade and Peggy Dover
David Downer
Robert N. and Nancy A. Downey Foundation
Bob and Nancy Downey
Terry and Toni Drabant
Mike and Anna Dudick
Joann Dufty
Brian and Marilyn Duling
Richard Dunn Family Foundation
Durant Foundation Inc.
Hugh and Diana Eaton, Jr.
Ebert Appraisal Services
Bill and Myrna Ebert
Chris and Myra Eby
Julie Edman, CPA
Michael Episcope
Sam and Gala Eppstein
Susan Eschen
Alexandra Espy
Richard Evans
Everist Materials
Peter and Carmel Farrell
Robert and Beth Faucett
Paul and Pinki Faux
Ferguson Enterprises
Alan and Lisa Ferguson
Donald and Signe Ferguson
Michael Ferguson
Greg and Sharron Finch
FirstBank of Summit County
Jeremy and Karen Fischer
Bruce Fitch and Gini Bradley
John and Jean Fitzgerald
George Flanders
Tony and Barbara Flitcraft
Eleanor Flowers
Follett Corporation
Bob and Nancy Follett
Robert and Joan Follett
Bill and Sondra Fondren
Fred and Susan Forman
Debby Fort
Bill and Jeanne Fountain
Jim and Martha Freeman
Gary and Janet Freese
Bob French
Patricia Hamilton and Bill Freund
Gerry and Annette Fricke
Steve and Katy Friedman
Corley and Ernie Friesen
Rusty Frishmuth and Dena Wyatt
Tom and Sally Fry
Fred and Ellen Fulkerson
Tim and Ann Gagen
Don and Kris Galloway
Barbara Galvin
Kenneth and Jane Gansmann
Sam and Kate Gary
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Maryann Gaug
Jerry and Marge Gavenda
Kasey Geoghegan
Larry George and Karen Wyatt
Bob Gibbs
Phil and Barbara Gibbs
Kerry Gibson Real Estate
Bill and Suzy Gillilan
Linda Ginsberg
Michael and Rosemary Ginzberg
Girten Land Company
Art and Laura Girten
Bob and Judy Girvin
Leigh Girvin
Philip and Ellen Giuntini
Earl and Sandra Gjelde
Tim and Julie Glasco
Gold Hill Enterprises
Steve and Cheryl Golub
Roy and Linda Goodwin
Bob and Elly Gordman
Gordon Hughes and Banks
Ben and Cynthia Gordon
Bill and Marianna Goslau
Grand Timber Lodge
Chuck and Dyann Gray
Reginald and Pamela Gray
Great-West Life
Jerry and Joanne Greene
Suzanne Greene
Gronberg and Associates Inc.
John and Sheila Groneman
Rick and Susie Grossman
Jim and Kathy Grotemeyer
George G. Gruber Construction
George and Melissa Gruber
Henry and Jan Gruver
Marcus and Elizabeth Gustafson
Hackstock Family Foundation
Hadley and Lyden Inc.
Robin Hadley
Rick and Linda Hague
Jim and Laura Hahn
Herbert and Gertrude Halverstadt Foundation
Albert Halverstadt and Susan Weeks
Jean Hammes
Jim and Jeanie Hammond
Tom and Aggie Hand
Joe and Kathy Hankin
Michael and Pamela Hanley
Don and Jeanette Hansen
Floyd Hansen
Phil and Jeniel Harris
John and Diane Hatfield
Lex and Mitzie Hawkins
Bob and Marnie Haywood
Kara Heide
Bill Heinze and Thelma Jimenez
Jim and Judy Heinze
Norman Helm and Karin Carestia
Helmer and McElyea, LLC
Dave Helmer
Help-U-Sell Resort Properties
Ralph and Margaret Henderson
Lee and Peg Henry
Karin Henszey
Daniel Herbst
Ross and Joyce Herron
Al and Terry Hershey
Martin and Ruth Hertzberg
Jim and Iva Hesse
Gordon and Marilyn Heuer
High Country Health Care
High Country Impressions
High Country Lodge
High Country Management
High Country Real Estate
Charles and Helen Hill
John and Maggie Hillman
Tom and Gigi Hillyer
Gerd and Becky Himpler
William and Irma Hirsch
Chuck and Katy Hirt
Dick and Sue Hodges
Joseph and Jean Hodges, Jr.
Bruce and Barb Hodson
Marc and Marilyn Hogan
Joe and Becky Holland
Graham and Carolyn Holloway
Family Foundation
Frank and Louise Holmes Trust
Edwin and Molly Hood
Grover and Maidee Hope
Norma Horner
John and Laura Horvath
Bill and Joan Houlton
Martha Houser
Chuck and Phyllis Hugins
Dianna Hulbert
Judy Hunt
Jim and Sarah Hurrell
Sally Husson
Hutchins and Stiff, LLC
Pat Hutson
Hyder Construction Inc.
Hyman Foundation
John and Karen Hynds
Ihlenfeld Living Trust
Terry and Carol Ihlenfeld
Gerald and Constance Ireland
Joe and Mary Lee Irwin
Frank and Myra Isenhart
Allan and Mary Ivascu
Andy and Ruth Jablow
Bill and Claire Jacobson
Jerry and Janie James
Peter and Patti Janes
Janus Foundation
John and Nancy Jason, Jr.
Walt Jenkins and Raydean Acevedo
Bill and Cheryl Jensen
Skip and Terry Jewett
Jewish Community Foundation
Brent and Terri Johnson
Daniel Webster Johnson
Douglas and Tricia Johnson
Glen and Laura Johnson
Joe and Kristy Johnson
Shari Johnson
Richard and Mary Anne Johnston
Steven Jonas
Bob and Fran Jones
David Jones
Tom and Mary Jones
Tony and Belinda Jones
Hans and Kathy Jorgensen
Bob and Marj Julian
John Kane
Herb and Bea Kaplan
Philip, Stacy, and Sarah Kaplan
David Karoly and Erin McGinnis
David and Leslie Katz
Fred Katzman
Phil and Julie Kazimier
KC Cabinetry and Design
Ray and Betty Keith
Robert and Margot Keith
Julia Kelble
Cleve and Evelyn Keller
Lee and Judy Keller
Annette Kelly
Anne and John Kern
Keystone Resort
George and Dotty Kilpatrick
Fred Kinat and Diane Jaynes
Don and Jane King
Gil and Marcia King
Eric and Kim Kircher
Jon Kirkpatrick
Bonnie Kirschenbaum
Bob and Betty Jo Knapp
The Knorr House
Holly Knudsen
Elmer and Doris Koneman
Dave and Cindi Koop
Matt Korn
Glen and Georgia Kraatz
Peter and Erika Krainz
Hal and Elaine Krause
Paul and Julie Krause
James Krell
Mike Krueger Real Estate
Mike and Pam Krugman
Fred and Candia Kruse
Michael and Kay Kullas
Sam Kuller
Grant and Chris Kurtz
Hans and Sandy Kuschnerus
Sig and Sheryl Kutter
Dennis and Julie Lacerte
Randy and Nona Lander
Donald and Margery Langmuir
Mark and Judi LaPoint
Steve and Pat Larson
Barry and Fran Lazarus
Lisa Leach
Bob and Susan Lee
Bobby LeGaye
David and Donna Lennon
Chuck Lenzmeier and Valerie Williams
Michael and Sandy Levine
Edward and Jami Levy
Karen and Mont Levy
Andy and Sally Lewis
Connie Lewis
Gib and Lisa Lewis
James and Angela Liebold
Lincoln Highlands III, Ltd.
Gary and Lynne Lindstrom
Paul and Nancy Lippe
List Family Foundation
Granville Lloyd
Win and Susan Lockwood
John and Polly Loewy
Tom and Mary Ann Looby
Brian and Kathy Lorch
Linda Bauer Lord
Nancy Macey
Larry and Martha Mackie
Bob and Susan Magrino
Charles and Laurie Maguire III
Tom and Diane Malmgren
Stanley Manning
Ray, Linda, and Dana Marshall
Mike and Betsy Martin
Gary and Phyllis Martinez
Richard and Joanne Masica
Karen Mason
Dave Matthews
Courtney and Bo Mauzy
Howard and Gayle Mayson
Roger and Josée McCarthy
Sam and Barbara McCleneghan
McCrerey and Roberts
McCrerey Construction
Ann McCrerey
Dan and Roberta McCrerey
McCullough Foundation
Kevin and Cindi McDonald
Kent McHose
John and Connie McKeague
Susan McPherson
Jim and Kelly McShane
Mark Meier
Morey and Shirley Melnick
Frank Mencin and Nancy Peterson
Jonathan Mendes
Sandra Menefee
Mercury/LDO Reprographics
Barry and Judith Merrill
David and Suzette Meskell
Barry and Wendy Meyer
William and Lisa Middlebrook
Jeff and Jennifer Miles
Millennium Bank
AJ and Lolly Miller
Erroll and Sue Miller
Jim and Alyce Miller
John and Linda Miller
Tony and Donna Miller
W.R. and Joyce Miller
Mike Millisor
Rob and Amy Millisor
Dudley and Nancy Mitchell
Bruce and Carmen Modglin
James and Marie Monroe, III
Turk Montepare and Deb Crook
Jayn Montgomery
Raymond Moretz
Dick and Vicki Morgan
Sandy Mortensen
Mountain Stream Café, Inc.
Mountain Systems, Inc.
Bill and Karen Musolf
Ronald and LaDonna Myers
Myriam Enterprises
National Renal Alliance
Thomas Neils
Robert and Debra Nelson
Ron and Roberta Nelson
Tom and Betty Nicholas
Clark and Sandy Nicklas
Edwin Noordewier
Norby and Associates
Terry and Val Novak
Peter and Susana Novembre
Roman and Olha Nowakiwsky
Jack and Aleene Nyquist
Jim and Tina Oberheide
Eddie and Susan O'Brien
O'Bryan Partnership Architects, Inc.
Ken and Lori O’Bryan
Carol and Michael Obst
E.J. and Sandy Olbright
Paul and Diane Olson
Jack and Pam O'Neil
David and Gail Ordun
Chris and CJ Ornes
John and Michelle Orvis
Tim and Carolyn Orwick
Greg Oswald
John Owen
Carter and Pinkie Page
Rick and Diane Pajot
Roger and Sue Paluska
Mike and Maureen Parks
Don and Dede Parrett
Don Parsons
Tim and Terry Patterson
Nick and Barbara Payne
PeakOne Surgery Center
Jim and Carol Peery
Bill and Karen Pelham
Terry and Teresa Perkins
Pete and Linda Kay Peterson
John and Michelle Petty
Pfizer Foundation
P&H Klein Enterprises
Philippe Family Investment Company, LLLP
Lois Phillips
Pine Level Foundation
Roy and Joyce Piskadlo
Jon Podolan
Peter and Rebecca Podore
Gregory Pohle
Bob and Deborah Polich
Zig and Carol Post
Potts Family Foundation
Jack and Cathy Prenner
Private Escapes
Dick and Janet Putnam
Henry and Anne Putzel
Ernest Quenon
Michael Ratzan and Adele Sommer
Meredith and Scott Raub
Zlatko and Zlata Rauker
Dave Raymond
Charles L. Read Foundation
Tom and Sandy Reece
Chris Reed
William and Suzanne Reed
Retco Inc/Shirt Off My Back
Tim Rice
Richards Lake, LLC
Richmond, Sprouse and Murphy
Michael Rifkin and Maura McCarthy
Rightpath Investments and Financial Planning
Jeanie Ringelberg
Trent Rinker
Jan Ritchey
Riverside Newcastle, LLC
John and Marie Roberts
Rocky Mountain MSO
Gary and Susan Rodgers
Christine Roe
John and Nancy Roehm
RK and SL Rolf Fund
Randy and Sandy Rolf
Nick Rosen and Renata Bauman
Richard Rosenblatt and Martha Houser
Rossetter Foundation
Gary and Terie Roubos
Jon and Becky Rovick
Elise Murphy Rowe
Tom and Heather Rowland
Rich and Maryann Rowley
Richard and Ellen Rozehnal
Stan and Karen Ruden
Jeffery and Pamela Rush
William and Mary Russell
Sage Development Company
Sandfair Foundation
Robert Sathre
Ken Sauerberg and Kate Boniface
Roy and Fran Savarick
Jon and Nancy Sawvell
Allison Saxe
Sayler Hawkins Foundation
Keith and Sally Schaefer
Patrick Scheff and Sandra Marticio
Paul and Claudia Schickler
Fred and Barbara Schiller
Carol Schmidt
Frank and Jen Schrage
Paul and Beth Schroeter
Gene and Daphne Schroth
John and Donna Schubert
Allan and Marcia Schutt
Priscilla Schwartz
Walter Scott Foundation
Serenity Spa and Salon
Deborah Miller Sharp
Sharpshooter Imaging
Jim and Rosanne Shaw
Kevin and Stacy Shelden
Steve Shepard
The Shock Hill Lodge and Spa
Steve and Hollis Shumway
Barry and Debra Bernstein Siegel
Donna Siemro
Siloam Stone, Inc.
Silverthorne Recreation Center
Silverthorne Subway
Bill and Dee Simon
Charlie and Carol Simpson
Doug and Nancy Sims
Ski Country Resorts and Sports
Slifer Smith and Frampton Real Estate
Kevin Smith
Stephen and Marsha Smith
Steven and Sandra Smith
Snead Foundation
James and Maree Sneed
Bob and Lynn Solomon
Marty and Maxine Solomon
Someone Cares Charitable Trust
Aris Sophocles
Dick and Gene Sosville
Pete and Joani Sowinski
Patrick Spainhower
Jim and Rebecca Spearot
Rick and Pat Spears
Mark and Carolyn Speese
Bruce and Judy Spinney
Pat Spitzmiller
Bob and Ann Springer
Spruce Valley Properties
Robert and Mary Stabler
Matthew Stais Architects
Steamboat Resort
Denise Stefan
Karen and Stinky Steinbrink
Brian Stevens
Norm and Renee Stoller
Anne Stonington
Storm Enterprises
Alexandra Storm
Irv and Barbara Strauss
David and Betty Street
Dave and Jessica Stroeve
Wilson and Sherry Strong
Martin Strull and Carol Barrons
Stuhr and Associates, LLC
Brad Stuhr
Lynn Sullivan
Summit Business and Computer Solutions
Summit County For Sale
Summit County Government
Summit Middle School IB Students
Summit Radon Solutions
Norma Sundin
Sunshine Painting Inc.
Janet L. Sutterley Architect
John and Margery Swanson
Bob and Nancy Swett
Jack and Lu Swisher
Stace Tackaberry and June Walters
Hal and Janet Tague
Linda Tatem
Cheryl Tatro
Bruce and Mary Lou Taylor
Jack Taylor and Ann Marie Damian
John and Pat Taylor
Rick and Jean Taylor
TCD, Inc.
Team Evergreen Bicycle Club
Don and Susan Telage
Ten Mile Dental
Fred and Eileen Terens
Joey Terriquez
Robin and Patty Theobald
Chris and Louise Thomas
Jack and Pat Thomas
Terri Thorn
Title Company of the Rockies
Gregg and Molly Tompkins
Dave Torgler
Town of Breckenridge
Tom Trahey
Ken Trausch
Trilogy Partners, LLC
Trisler Family Foundation
Jim and Marty Trisler
Richard and Barbara Turner
John and Dede Tuso
Chuck and Ellie Tyler
Jay and Carolyn Ufer
Marshall Upjohn and Marguerite Dowty
Vail Resorts
Vail-Summit Orthopaedics
Will van Overbeke
Stu and Tracy VanAnderson
Don and Meredith VanDyne
Guff VanVooren and Vicki Raport
Vandy and Betty VanWagener
Charles and Cathy Vasilius
Stephen and Linda Venturoni
Virgin Islands Ski Rental
Jim, Rita and Marge Vitalone
Ed and Patty Wahtera
Martin Waldbaum
Jack and Edde Walker
Patrick and Ann Wallace
John G. Warner, DDS, PC
John and Carre Warner
Larry and Nancy Warren
Steven Wasserman
Amy Lou Waters
Bill and Donna Wehner
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Wend Colorado
Michael and Ruby Wendling
Ernie and Barbara Werren
West, Brown, Huntley and Thompson, PC
Westerhoff Family Foundation
Barry and Maureen Westerland
WG Homes, Brett II Construction
Bryan and Sue Whitcomb
Charles and Linda White
David and Mary Whitham
Jason and Carly Wier
Ken and Gloria Wiggins
Wild Sage Interiors
Wildernest Property Management
Gary and Dianne Wilkinson
Larry and Pam Willhite
Bob and Ann Williams
Steve and Laura Wilner
Dean and Ann Winslow
Frank and Noreen Wint
Winter Park Resort
Wintergreen Homes, LLC
Mike and Traci Wodlinger
Jack and Wendy Wolfe
Blair and Peggy Wood
John and Tina Wood
Ken and Linda Wright
WSU Inc.
Hans and Mary Jane Wurster
Xcel Energy Foundation
Tadataka and Leslie Yamada
Philip and Janet Yancey
Joe and Joyce Yob
Ken and Carolyn Yoss
Rob and Gert Young
Christine Yuhas
Carol Zemmel
Bernie and Bo Zurbriggen
Chuck Zurbriggen
2006 &2007
January 1, 2006 – December 31, 2007
Alpine Bank
Peter Ammon
Marcie Barr
Brian Blankenmeister
Melissa Burns
Deborah Crawford
James Dicks
Sarah D'Onofrio
Sean Gatzen
Geoffrey Greseth
Jinger Hamilton
Noel Hansen
Sarah Harbert
Michael Jungman
Merle Klocke
Austin Mackrill
Inger McDonald
Tatsiana Miller
Jessica Nissen
Wallace Plowden
Larry Reavis
Bill Souba
Emily Suuronen
Alison Terbosic
Robin Webb
Kathleen Armour
Katherine Beach
Jessica Brown
Blake Bullard
Tracey Bykowicz
Kendra Caldwell
Andrew Carr
Davia Carr
Yolanda Castaneda
Gloria Chavez
Hilary Chu
Isabel Cordoba
Maria Cortez
Terri Cotter
Jaime Faucette Cripps
Nicholas Doran
Rick Drennen
Irene Dukala
Marci Dvorak
Bradd Faxon
Melody Feldman
Alexandra Fink
Marla Foreman
Richard Frost
Irina Garner
Robert Gibbs
Jeremy Goldstein
Soledad Hardoy
Christina Harris
Michael Hayes
Suzeth Hibbert
Amy Hoepf
Amy Hoffman
Ron Dale Holland
Fred Hopson
Ryan Huff
Kimberly Johnston
Gregory Jordan
Adriana Juarez
Christopher Luberto
Amy Mattox
Robert McAllister
Dave McEnery
Kellen McGinnis
Georgina Medina
Alison Menken
Deborah Miller
Angela Montgomery
Adriana Nogudea
Colleen O'Donoghue
Juan Palacios
Whitney Pearson
Wendy Perez
Lorin Phalin
Alejandra Ravelo
Shelton Reichardt
Amber Rodriguez
Angela Rosener
David Rothrock
Karen Rothrock
Patricia Saavedra
Emma Saenz
Kelly Sanders
Daniel Seaberg
Nancy Shockey
Clyde Banks Simpson
George Souharis
Tisha Summerhays
Kim Swiatkowski
Scott Thomas
Colin Timm
Jeremey Upjohn
Lisa Vaughn
Arapahoe Basin
Courtney DeVito
Greg Finch
Tim Finnigan
Marc Haaland
Alan Henceroth
Leigh Hierholzer
Peggy Hiller
Kristin Lee
Nancy Ray
Beaver Run Resort and Conference Center
Bob Barto
Currie Craven
Joe Shackleton
Grand Timber Lodge/Gold Point Lodging
Kaira Adam
Laura Anderson
Rosario Apodaca
Keystone Symposia
James Aiken
Jim Bennett
Linda Cooper
Heidi Daetwyler
Pamela Daugherty
Amanda Deem
Heather Gerhart
Linda Hrycaj
Phillippa Kassover
Patricia Lehman
Kellie McConnell
Tanya Muller
Mary Jo Roal
Andrew Robertson
Kathy Tavares
Amber Tuttle
Becca Wilkerson
Dana Wood
PeakOne Surgery Center
Alena Pochman
Summit Community Care Clinic
Jenniffer Gonzalez
Molly Lee
Carolynn Lyle
Erin Major
Megan Margelofsky
Delfina Merino
Karen Meza
Deb Miliner
Renata Navasaityte
Randall Reitz
Melissa Ruiz
Marketa Rychetska
Karen Wyatt
Summit County Government
Robin Albert
Tina Allen
Leslie Ashley
Michelle Ball
Kaitlin Blake
Tracey Bowlby
Susan Boyd
Beverly Breakstone
Catherine Brosius
Susan Brown
Sean Caffrey
Paul Camillo
John Champoux
Donna Corbett
James Curnutte
Thomas Davidson
Amie Davis
Benjamim Dengerink
Nancy Denham
Joyce Dierauer
Brion Dixon
Trang Doan
Jerrie Easterly
Jann Engleman
Simon Farrell
Martina Ferris
Richard Ferris
Gaston Feuereisen
Michelle Fleet
Mary Gillespie
Joan Gogel
Ronald Gratkowski
Kathryn Davis Grohusky
Lisa Hans
Christian Hecox
Manuel Hernandez
Stephen Hill
William Hofbauer
Paulette Horr
Jeff Huntley
Robert Jacobs
Becky Claire Johnson
Ginger Johnson
Darrell Jones
Jeanette Jones
Sharon Bird Jones
April Kemp
Jennifer Kermode
Michael Kittrell
Bradley LaRochelle
Aileen Lavin
Daniel Lopez
Lynette Margolis
Traci Matlock
Craig Matthews
Brian McGuire
Thomas Miles
Robert Mosbaugh
Diane Mrkvicka
Christopher Myers
Thaddeus Noll
Michael Nowicki
David Olson
Bonita Osborn
Patricia Pare
Tommy Pearcey
Terry Petrusky
Harry Pigsley
Sarah Provino
Byron Rice
Linda Rich
Sheri Rochford
Juie Rodick
Stephanie Roller
Jan Ryan
Christine Salamon
Mark Sandoval
John Schaffer
Matthew Scheer
Carl Scism
Shayne Sharrar
Kathy Skulski
Joseph Slivka
Trina Sornberger
Robert Swartz
Mary Lou Taylor
Scott Vargo
Jennifer Vincent
Michael Wallace
William Wallace
Rhonda Westhoff
Joseph Wray
Summit School District
Robin Ackermann
Lucy Adams
Kelli Alvater
Susan Arrance
Hollyanna Bates
Travis Bennett
James Braun
Pamla Brekel
Kerry Buhler
Maria Carrion-Kozak
Carol Clark
Mark Clark
Leslie Davison
Karen Dickey
Sandra Dycus
Carolyn Fowler
Patricia Fry
Ashley Good
Debora Griffith
Millie Hamner
Dianna Rae Hulbert
Laura Johns
Ginger Johnson
Gayle Jones-Westerberg
Bethany Lambrecht
Karen Mack
Karen Horner Mason
Laureen Mason
Laura Maynard
Marie McGraw
Corinne C McGrew
Crystal Lane Miller
Gail O’Malley
Karen Pehlam
Susan Quinn-Fortner
Debra Ruckriegle
Cindy Sherve
Maureen Shields
John Spierling
Trisha Dawn Theelke
Rebecca Wilson
Carolyn Wolsiefer
Karen Woodrow
Amy Young
Patricia Adams
Bocar Ba
Oumar Ba
Deb Burney
Eucebio Casillas
Edwin Castro
Emilio Castro
Patricia Davis
Kathy DeLeon
John Dyke
Heather Fleck
Sarah Beth Gallenberger
Sergio Garces
Samba Gologo
Antonio Gonzalez
Scott Gray
David Groth
Tammy Guin
Jorge Hardy
Benny Jacques
Kristin Johnson
Lisa Kanamu
Abdoulie Kane
Robert Krupa
Lusiano Lerma
Roberto Lopez-Santiago
Michael Loveland
Shirley Marron
Leticia Martinez
Jackie Obrigewitsch
Florence Ozaneaux
Gabriela Palacios
Erica Pastrano-Cruz
Ryan Phelan
Douglas Priebe
Marta Rivas
Juan Romero
Lezlie Ruggles
Anson Sapp
Sue Sarno
Chris Spohr
Heidi Spurgeon
Kate Strahlo
Demba Sy
Mamadou Tidiane
Allison Tomhave
Yuvisela Vega
Jeffrey Vignos
Arturo Villarreal
The Summit Foundation
Åsa Armstrong
Susie Brown
Kasey Geoghegan
Kathleen Jacoby
Gary Johnson
Kevin Johnson
David Joss
Walter Kenshalo
William Lindblom
Pamela McGuire
Michael Meindl
Brad Meininger
Steven Moul
Jason Munchoff
Bruce Nielson
Steven Novotny
James O’Neil
Kyle Otte
Henry Otto
Julie Page
Diana Sue Mauney Protomaster
Milton Rasberry
Rico Rios
Steven Roth
Gary Salberg
Filiberto Saldivar Jr
Alan Schnabel
Thomas Schneider
Susan Selchart
Joyce Sexton
Terri Shaw
Mike Simpson
Richard Sisneros
Ronald Smith
Karen Stephens
Terry Sullivan
Charles Taylor
Louise Thomas
Louise Timson
Rose Tyler
Loren Vawser
Brad Vitale
Janice Vliet
Terry Wolford
Town of Silverthorne
Kevin Batchelder
Tonda McArthur
Connie Williams
Vail-Summit Orthopaedics
Dave Cool
Diane Huffman
Vicki Hutson
Peter Janes
Jean Leeper
Kathi Majors
Melanie Trujillo
Chip Webb
Wells Fargo Bank
Jeffrey Chinnock
Xcel Energy
Robert Aguirre
Jimmy Alfaro
Glen Anderson
Kathryn Bogert
Heath Brewer
Wayne Brunetti
Ron Bureta
Frederick Bush, Jr
Cliff Chavez
Shaun Conrad
James Cook
David Covey
Dan Deterts
Mark Emore
Jake Farber
Mark Griggs
Paul Hage
Shannon Harrison
Jason Hayden
Michael Hillman
Gregory Hood
Bill Hren
“Jack’s Place has been a Godsend both for me and my caregiver.
The peaceful atmosphere, close proximity to the Shaw Regional Cancer Center
and excellent, attentive care by the manager have made this
disease much less stressful and more manageable. Thanks to all involved.”
– Cancer patient
January 1, 2006 – December 31, 2006
In memory of Donald Harris
Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1751
In memory of Emma Henry
Larry and Marilyn Beebe
In memory of Eric Paul Hertzberg
Martin and Ruth Hertzberg
In memory of Elizabeth C. Hurd
Dave Patterson and Cindi DeAngelo
In memory of Keith Leslie
Chris and Dawn Banas
In memory of Chet Mendocha
Dan and Barbara Mertus Munyon
In memory of Hazel Miller
Larry and Marilyn Beebe
In memory of Ann Cooper Murray and Marlene Altman
Bob and Elly Gordman
Rick and Susie Grossman
In memory of Deb Pierce
Bob and Nancy Follett
Doug, Kelsey and Bonnie Pierce
In memory of Marie and Fred Smith
Gary and Donna Bell
In memory of Ruth Hoesly Wright
Glen and Georgia Kraatz
Diane Teller Roger's father
Donna Taylor's father
Fred Terens
Diane Thaemert's father
Dori Webb's husband
James Woodworth's father
In honor of Larry Beebe
Bob and Nancy Follett
In honor of Ernie and Sharon Magness Blake
Clint and Connie Yant
In honor of Dr. Millie Hamner and SSD Board of Education
for excellence
Dennis Krueger and Lyn Manton Krueger
In honor of John and Maggie Hillman's 40th Anniversary
Richard and Barby Fried
Ed and Barbara Levi
Allen and Patricia Rieselbach
In honor of Barry and Fran Lazarus
Rick and Susie Grossman
In honor of Robert and Lois Martin's birthdays
Glen and Lisa Brozovich
In honor of John McEwan, Vail Resorts
Knowledge Equals Power, Inc.
In honor of Anne Stonington
Stuart and Mary Lou Keenan
Summit County Government
In memory of:
Connie Allen's father
Tom Auldridge's sister
Karen Bailey's mother-in law
Kevin Batchelder's brother
Glenice Bowman's brother-in-law
Molly Bukky's father-in-law
Jim Curnutte’s grandmother
Amanda Garrison's grandmother
Larry Gilliland's father
Steve Hill's mother-in-law
Ron Holliday's mother-in-law
Tom Kroenig's father-in-law
Amy Lange's father
Linda Lynch's nephew
Tim Macias' grandfather
Ed Parry's father
Vicki Stecklein Price's husband
Carol Rickauer's mother
Nancy Ring's father-in-law
In tribute to Maggie Hillman
Bill and Sharon Elfenbein
In tribute to Jeanne "Chipper" Smith
Andy and Ruth Jablow
In tribute to Carly Tenpenny
Richard Nell
20th anniversary gifts
Lee and Peg Henry
John and Maggie Hillman
Mark and Judi LaPoint
Maureen and Barry Westerland
Use of Summit Real Estate moving van
Ken and Mary Deshaies
High Country Cleaning
Mommy Exchange, LLC
Will van Overbeke
January 1, 2007 – December 31, 2007
In memory of Ann Cooper
Ladies of Tea and Talk
Fred Kinat and Diane Jaynes
In memory of Wayne Keiser
Town of Breckenridge
In memory of Kona
Martha and Roger Sippel
In memory of May Louise Lockwood
Anne Stonington
In memory of Sue Olson
Fred Kinat and Diane Jaynes
In memory of Betty Perkins
AIA Denver
AIA Colorado
Dennis and Margaret Carter
Sally DiSciullo
SDA Denver c/o Intergroup Architects
Steve and Melodee Schultz
Mel and Patti Shockey
In memory of Frank Philippe
Robert and Gertrude Philippe
In memory of Carole Stevenson
Larry and Marilyn Beebe
In memory of Becky Yarberry
Andy Lapkass and Abbie Cobb
Summit County Government
In memory of:
Bernie Alvarado's mother
Sean Caffrey's father
Bruce Camping's sister-in-law
Frank Celico's brother
Roger Coit's mother
Sylvana Delpiccolo
Pam Eagleson's father
Jann Engleman's father-in-law
Jerry Fowler
Michael George's grandmother
Gary Gosage's mother
Phil Houghton's father
Mary Murphy's mother
Christine Salamon's grandmother
Carmen Sandoval's brother
Alex Soto's grandmother
Sue Stokes’ father
Sue Stokes’ mother
Michelle Wilson Ball's brother
In honor of Howard Bellowe
The Sturm Family Foundation
In honor of Ernie and Sharon Magness Blake
Town of Breckenridge
Ken Trausch
In honor of Alyson Brozovich
John G. Warner, DDS
In honor of Diane Cohen's 60th birthday
Bob and Elly Gordman
In honor of Mike and Linda Clem
Barry and Maureen Westerland
In honor of Jan Coles Birthday
Christopher and Deborah Coles
In honor of the birth of Emily Eppstein
Bob and Elly Gordman
In honor of Sam Eppstein's 60th birthday
Bob and Elly Gordman
In honor of the birth of Samantha Eppstein
Bob and Elly Gordman
In honor of John and Jean Fitzgerald
Barry and Maureen Westerland
In honor of Dr. Millie Hamner
as Outstanding Educator
Dennis Krueger and Lyn Manton Krueger
In honor of Sandy and Michael Levine’s
20th anniversary
Bob and Elly Gordman
In honor of Glenn and Clair Lorch
Brian and Kathy Lorch
In honor of Robert and Lois Martin’s birthdays
Glen and Lisa Brozovich
In honor of Nancy Schaefer
Kathy and Jim Grotemeyer
In honor of Anne Stonington
Stuart and Mary Lou Keenan
Alison Saxe
Michael and Carol Terwillger
In honor of The Summit Foundation
for years of kindness and generosity
Summit Figure Skating Club
In honor of Patty Theobald
Barry and Maureen Westerland
In tribute to Nancy Follett
Marj and Bob Julian
In tribute to Joanne Tyson
Anne Kidd
In tribute to Craig Wiedl
Jodie Wiedl
In lieu of holiday greetings
Bryan and Sue Whitcomb
Holiday fund
FirstBank of Breckenridge
Breck 100 Mountain Bike Race
Warriors Cycling
Wine in the Pines
Cerebral Palsy of Colorado
Mike and Margaret Smith
2006 & 2007
January 1, 2006 – December 31, 2007
Arapahoe Architects, P.C.
Olin and Åsa Armstrong
Baker + Hogan + Houx
Penny Banks
Dick and Kathleen Becker
Larry and Marilyn Beebe
Ernie and Sharon Magness Blake
Blue River Sports
Bill and Laurie Bolthouse
Bottomley and Associates
Bernie and Judy Bottomley
Breck Massage
Breckenridge Associates Real Estate LLC
Susie Brown
Wayne and Mollie Brunetti
Rodger and Patricia Bybee
Dick and Cathy Carleton
Carson Foundation
Howard and Sue Carver
Tim and Patti Casey
Mike and Joyce Clary
Mike and Linda Clem
Alan and Sue Cohen
Columbine Cleaning Services, Inc.
Columbine Hills Concrete
Cary and Marsha Cooper
Ed and Anne Crane
Dr. Vera Dawson
Harold and June Dobbs
Dos Locos Mexican Restaurant and Cantina
Robert N. and Nancy A. Downey Foundation
Gary Drescher and Barbara Leffler
Mike and Anna Dudick
Bruce Fitch and Gini Bradley
Follett Corporation
Bob and Nancy Follett
Tim and Ann Gagen
Kasey Geoghegan
Larry George and Karen Wyatt
Phil and Barbara Gibbs
Robert Gibbs
Bill and Suzy Gillilan
Jeff Gourley, DDS
Grand Timber Lodge
Jim and Kathy Grotemeyer
George J. Gruber Construction, Inc.
Hadley and Lyden, Inc.
Joe and Kathy Hankin
Help-U-Sell Resort Properties
Lee and Peg Henry
High Country Lodge
High Country Real Estate
John and Maggie Hillman
Joe and Jean Hodges
Marc and Marilyn Hogan
Rich Holdman and Millie Hamner
Bill and Joan Houlton
Andy and Ruth Jablow
Peter and Patti Janes
Tony and Belinda Jones
Phil and Julie Kazimier
Cleve and Evelyn Keller
Fred and Candia Kruse
Dennis and Julie Lacerte
Mark and Judi LaPoint
Bob and Susan Lee
Andy and Sally Lewis
Granville Lloyd
Win and Susan Lockwood
Dick and Joanne Masica
McCrerey Construction
Kevin and Cindi McDonald
Barry and Judith Merrill
The Barry and Wendy Meyer
Charitable Foundation
Millennium Bank
AJ and Lolly Miller
Mike Millisor
Rob and Amy Millisor
Turk Montepare and Deb Crook
Myriam Enterprises
David and Gail Ordun
Greg Oswald
PeakOne Surgery Center
Bill and Cindy Putnam
Charles L. Read Foundation
Richmond, Sprouse and Murphy, LLC
Sayler Hawkins Foundation
The Shock Hill Lodge and Spa
Donna Siemro
Doug and Nancy Sims
Slifer Smith and Frampton Real Estate
Matthew Stais Architects
Alexandra Storm
Stuhr and Associates, LLC
TCD, Inc.
Don and Susan Telage
Fred and Eileen Terens
Jack and Pat Thomas
Title Company of the Rockies
Dave Torgler
Town of Silverthorne
Jim and Marty Trisler
Vail-Summit Orthopaedics
Don and Meredith VanDyne
John and Carre Warner
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
West, Brown, Huntley and Thompson, PC
Barry and Maureen Westerland
WSU, Inc.
Larry and Pam Willhite
Wintergreen Homes, LLC
Hans and Mary Jane Wurster
Philip and Janet Yancey
Joe and Joyce Yob
In lieu of holiday gifts
Patricia Barrett (Otto’s Norway Haus)
Holly Holden
Peter and Patti Janes
Norm and Renee Stoller
John and Carre Warner
Bryan and Sue Whitcomb
In memory of Jay Katz
Dix and Wendy Barrett
(Dix Barrett and Stiltner, PC)
Larry and Beth Bauman
Kevin and Kristie Berkley
Anissa Butler (Tru Vue, Inc.)
Craig Chormann
(Quadrant Moulding and Supply Co)
Daven and Sandy Davis
(Southern Moulding)
Judith Eck
Lee, Deb and Alex Edwards
Elmer's Products Inc.
Buck Finley (Colorado Premier Resort Properties)
Mike and Janene Gimeli
Bob and Judy Girvin
Philip Gray
Great Western Lodging staff
Kathryn Heslinga
Hilb, Rogal and Hobbs
Larry and Suzi Kendall (Montana Moulding and Sign)
LeWinter Moulding and Supply Company
Jay and Barb LeWinter
Justo Lorenzotti (AMCI Ltd/AMPF Inc)
Max Moulding, Inc.
Midwest Products Co
Turk Montepare and Deb Crook
Moorman Karton Weesp
Chaim Neuberg and Peter Shulman (Design Guild Moulding)
Nielsen and Bainbridge, LLC
Pelz and Associates, P.C.
Tom and Heather Rowland (Colorado Mountain Cleaners, LLC)
Ernestine Schwing
Universal Wood Moulding Inc.
Laird, Jeannine, Sarah and Lisa Walton
John Warner
2006 & 2007
In memory of Wally Lange
Edward and Virginia Ahlmeyer
Lee and Deb Edwards
Bruce Fitch and Gini Bradley
Donald and Kathryn Grimm
James and Zo Harper
C.O. Hendricks
William and Isabella Vobach
In memory of Grant Martin
Rick and Susie Grossman
January 1, 2006 – December 31, 2007
Anschutz/NRC Scholarship Fund
The Anschutz Foundation
Breckenridge Music Festival Agency
Endowment Fund
Hans and Mary Jane Wurster
The Brown Family Foundation Advised Fund
Tim and Libby Brown
The Howard and Sue Carver Health Care Fund
Howard and Sue Carver
Continental Divide Land Trust Agency Fund
Hans and Mary Jane Wurster
The Dobbs Family Fund
Harold and June Dobbs
The Eileen and Paul Finkel Advised Fund
Ron Sedlack
Merriman Family Foundation
George M. Merriman
The Millisor Family Advised Fund
Rob and Amy Millisor
The Oshlo Family Advised Fund
Rick and Pam Oshlo
St. Anthony Summit Medical Center Fund
Bob and Ann Peña
Bill and Cindy Putnam
Summit Association of Realtors Charitable Fund
Summit Association of Realtors
Summit County Scholarship and Grant Fund
Summit County Government
Robin and Patty Theobald Engineering
Scholarship Fund
Robin and Patty Theobald
The Jack and Pat Thomas Arts Fund
Jack and Pat Thomas
The VickChem Advised Fund
Breckenridge Ski Resort
Melvin Brody
P Brody
Karen Brown
Buffalo Mountain Veterinary Services
Russell and Janet Buschert
Donald and Catherine Cameron
John and Rita Canning
John and Irene Cherveny
Copper Mountain Resort
Cornerstone Family Practice
Tim and Barbara Davis
Denver Osteopathic Foundation
Jack Durliat
Patricia Durliat
W.M. and M.E. Eck
Lee and Debra Edwards
Jacqueline Eisenbaum
Andrew and Mandi Rae Evervett
Judith Fahrenkrig
Norman and Saundra Feldman
Christine Feller
Bob and Nancy Follett
Noreen Galaba
Brad Odekirk Scholarship Fund
In memory of Brad Odekirk
Thom and Gretchen Abernathy
C. Aguilar
Edward and Kathryn Akerlund
Donna Alcock
Rick and D. Alexander
Dennis and Rene Battock
Joseph and Diane Best
Keith and Barbara Bond
J.S. and Virginia Bowman
Allan and Lynne Brandt
Jerry and Marge Gavenda
Richard Glassman
James and Linda Grazier
Richard and Melinda Green
Daniel and Ellen GreenHolz
Jim and Kathy Grotemeyer
Victor and Louise Hadad
Roger and Janet Hansen
Norman Harden
Robert Holland
Larry Howe
Herbert and Betty Jacobs
Peter and Patti Janes
Bill and Cheryl Jensen
Robert and Frances Jones
Floorie Katchen
Tim and Grace Keeling
Robert Knous, Jr.
Margareta Lambert
Mark and Judi LaPoint
Chuck Lenzmeier and Valerie Williams
Stephen Litzman
Paula Livingston
David and Jolayne Lowell
Thomas Luinstra
Judy Mahany
Joseph Major
William Maniatis
Charles and Jane Martz
Karen Mason
E.G. and Mary Louise McGhee
The Medical Center of Aurora
Frank Mencin and Nancy Peterson
David and Sonny Mercier
Larry and Judith Merkowitz
John and Jacquelyn Moberly
Mountain Gazette
William Nasser
Matthew and Beige Nelson
Neil and Charlotte Nelson
Richard and Joan North
Donald and Ardis Nuss
William O'Connell
Larry and Gerri Odekirk
Gail O'Malley
Carter and Pinkie Page
Bill and Karen Pelham
Jerry and Mary Peterson
William and Joan Phillips
Jim and Rachel Pokrandt
Barry and JB Pomerantz
Robert and Christine Porteous
Michael and Barbara Resmo
Chuck Robbins
Thomas and Mary Rodeno
Bill Rosol
Terry and Michele Rosol
Michael Sanchez
Priscilla Schwartz
Claralou Shannon
John and Marilyn Shelton
John Siegesmund, Jr.
Donald and Leona Small
Smith Phillips, CPA PC
Handler and Leslie Smith
Summit Daily News
Cheryl Tatro
The Summit Foundation
Vail Resorts Vanguard Trust
Thomas and Mary Williams
Gary and Sandra Woods
Francis Yakomoto
Mort and Helene Zerobnick
Matt Mueller (Siloam Stone)
CH and Cathy Nelson
William and Elaine Nicoll
Joe and Jill Ozaki
Phylecia Platte
Sanders True Value
Lynn Scott
(Building Visions of Colorado, Inc.)
George and Mary Sissel
Wholesale Hardware and Supply
Steve and Laura Wilner
Brian and Karen Wray
Alex and Dawn Zoni (Zoni Concrete)
Terens Scholarship Fund
In memory of Fred Terens
John and Judith Ahlquist
Brett and Lori Barrett
Larry and Marilyn Beebe
Jeff and Jennifer Bergeron
Mike and Mary Carey
Don and Sandy Chisholm
Allan and Jane Clayman
Mike and Linda Clem
Jan Coles
Tony and Kim DiLallo
Brian G. Platte Memorial Donor Advised Fund
Bob and Nancy Follett
In memory of Brian G. Platte
Gerry and Annette Fricke
Michael Andereck
Fred and Ellen Fulkerson
Apex Mountain Homes
Eddie and Pam Godlewsky
Baker + Hogan + Houx
Tom and Aggie Hand
Terry Barnes, Bob Johns and Dave Clement
Lee and Peg Henry
(Range West)
Marc and Marilyn Hogan
David A. Beal and Associates
Bill and Joan Houlton
Alan and Karen Bell
Jerry and Connie Ireland
Marvin and Suzanne Boyd
Jerry and Janie James
Jennifer Clouatre
Peter and Patti Janes
Harry and Carolyn Costanza
Mark and Judi LaPoint
Thomas and Donna Emmick
James and Julie McCluskie
Gary and Ruth Gallagher
Mark and Karen Meyer
Bruce and Karla Given
Ginny Olson
Philip and Estelle Goode
Ron and Mary Ann Raab
Marc and Marilyn Hogan
Douglas Schauer and Joann Cole
Inside Source, LLC
Anne Stonington
Seymour and Elinor Katz
Eileen Terens
George and Christina Knoles
Bill and Charlene Trotter
Mark and Judi LaPoint
Frank Young
Richard and Joanne Masica
“My dream is to take my father’s success a step further and pave the way for
my six younger siblings to also follow their dreams. I want to attend college
because I never want my brothers, sisters or children to wish emptily for an
educational opportunity, so I will lead them to the path of success by example.”
-– Summit High School Senior Scholarship recipient.
2006 & 2007
January 1, 2006 – December 31, 2007
Special thanks to the business, individuals, and volunteers who supported
the following events that benefited The Summit Foundation:
Breck Crest Mountain Marathon
Great-West Celebrity Golf Tournament
Christel House Open
Mountain Art Gathering
Colorado Mountain Express – Fill the Van Food Drive
Pro-Celebrity Union
Copper Mountain Guitar Town
Serenity Spa and Salon Benefit Day
Copper Mountain Pro Celebrity Union
Slifer Smith and Frampton Real Estate Great Duck Race
Copper Mountain Rodeo
Summit County Parade of Homes
Derby Days at Copper Mountain
The Summit Foundation Hockey Classic
FirstBank Business Battle Duck Race
Vail Resorts Development Company –
Grand Timber Lodge Adam Foote Celebrity Golf Tournament
Breckenridge Peaks Kids Duck Dash
2006 & 2007
January 1, 2006 – December 31, 2007
A Breck Tux
A Pane in My Glass
A Peak
Adrienne Adam
African Eyes Travel
AlpinAire Healthcare
Alpine Audio and Video Camera
Alpine Gardens
American Airlines
AMR Ski and Snowboard Rentals
Anthony's of Frisco
Antlers Liquors
Arapahoe Basin Ski Area
Armstrong Concrete Forming, Inc.
Ascent Physical Therapy
Avalanche Sports
Avon Chiropractic
Backstage Theatre
Bang the Gavel
Bank of the West
Ralph Barahona
Barefoot Wines
Brett Barrett
Jay Bauer
Beaver Run Resort and Conference Center
Bed Bath and Beyond
Larry Beebe
Beverage Distributors
Ernie Blake
Blue Moon Bakery
Blue River Bistro
Blue River Sports
Blue Sage Spa
Boatyard Pizzeria and Grill
Bob Bloch Photography
Breckenridge Brewery
Breckenridge Building Center
Breckenridge Golf Club
Breckenridge Lodge and Spa
Breckenridge Music Festival
Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center
Breckenridge Police Department
Breckenridge Recreation Center
Breckenridge Resort Chamber
Breckenridge Restaurant Association
Breckenridge Ski Resort
Breckenridge Stables
Breckenridge Town Council
Breeze Ski Rentals/Intrawest
BJ Briner
Michael and Jessica Bunchman
Butterhorn Bakery and Café
Caamano Sweaters
Café Alpine
Theresa Campbell
Dick Carleton
Chef Dean Martin’s
Chopping Block
City Liquors
City Market
Kevin Clark of the Colorado Mountain
Culinary Institute
Linda Clem
Jan Coles
Colorado Activity Center
Colorado Avalanche/Kroenke Sports
Colorado Ballet
Colorado Crush
Colorado Mountain Express
Colorado Summit Magazine
Columbine Cleaning Services
Compu Signs
Continental Divide Land Trust
Cook's Welding
Nancy Cook
Cool River Coffee House
Cary Cooper
Copper Creek Golf Club
Copper Mountain Guitar Town
Copper Mountain Resort
Bob Craig
Creative Angle
Custom Eyes
DABL Development
Daylight Donuts
Denver Museum of Nature and Science
Denver Nuggets/Kroenke Sports
Dillon Dam Brewery
Dillon Marina
Dillon Ridge Liquors
Downstairs at Eric's
Eagle Ranch Golf Club
EJ Gallo
Elitch Gardens Six Flags
Brian Engblom
Amy Evans
Everist Materials, LLC
Exclusive Mountain Retreats Real Estate
Mel Fain
FedEx Kinko’s
Fergus Production Services
First Impressions
Nancy Follett
Food Hedz World Café
Adam Foote and The Foote Foundation
Peter Forsberg
Frederic Printing
Frisco Animal Hospital
Frisco Nordic Center
Fritz Alpine Bistro
Frontier Airlines
Tim Gagen
Geoff Palmer Distinctive Woodwork
Tom Gibbs
Gilchrist Catering
Doyle Goebel
Gold Pan Restaurant
Goldman Productions
Gorsuch Ltd.
Marty and Jen Gotantas
Grand Timber Lodge
Great Adventure Sports
Great Outdoor Clothing Co.
Great Outdoor Photography
Grotemeyer Painting
Hamlet's Book Shoppe
Hang Time Framing and Gallery
Haymaker Golf Course
Hearthstone Catering
Hearthstone Restaurant
High Country Custom Impressions
Highland Greens Lodging-Wildernest
Maggie Hillman
Dan Hinote
Marc and Marilyn Hogan
Hot Sulphur Springs Resort
Daryl Howard
John Hudnut
Hyatt/Main Street Station
Images of Nature
Interiors by Design
Interval International
Izod Factory Outlet
J&M Jewelry
Patrick Jaerbyn
Peter Janes
Jay's Valet
Jill Zachary Hair Studio and Spa
John G. Warner, DDS, PC
Kenosha Steakhouse
Keystone Neighbourhood Company
Keystone Ranch Golf Course
Keystone Resort
Kinderhut Children’s Ski School
King Soopers
Ken Klee
KODI Rafting
Kristina Gold Jewelry Design
KSMT – The Mountain
KYSL – Krystal 93FM
L&M Pressworks
Lake Dillon Foundation for the Performing Arts
Lake Dillon Liquors
Lakeside Bowl
Leadville, Colorado and S.S.R.
Lindell Spas
Little Raven Vineyards
Win Lockwood
Loews Denver Hotel
Vic Lombardi
Maverick Sports Promotions
McGraphix Creative, Ltd
Danny Meisinger
Ben Mensch
Mi Casa Mexican Restaurant and Cantina
Mike’s Mountain Motors
Rob Millisor
Mt. Massive Golf Course
Mountain Angler
Mountain Stream Massage Therapy
Mountain Thunder Lodge
Myriam Enterprises
National Distributing Company
Curtis Nazworth
Nordic Sleigh Rides
Omni Interlocken Golf Club
On Command
Willie O'Ree
Rick Oshlo
Palmer Hockey School
Papa’s Deli
Paragon Lodging
Jesper Parnevik
Performance Tours
Petal and Bean
Pine Ridge - Abilita Consulting
Pioneer Sports
Platte Ranch Riding Stables
G. Phil Poirier
Pole Creek Golf Club
Todd Powell
Promote It
Raven Golf Club at Three Peaks
Red, White and Blue Fire Department
Doug Ricketts
Ridge Street Wine
Rip It
Lisa Rivard
Road Runner Service
Rocky Mountain Bride Magazine
Rocky Mountain Media
Rocky Mountain Mountaineering Guides
Gary Rodgers
Royal Gorge Route Railroad
Julio Sanches de Alba
Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort
Scandia Butik
Serenity Spa and Salon
Show Time Sign and Shirt Company
Richard Silver
Silverheels at The Ore House
Silverthorne Recreation Center
Skee Vue Liquors
Ski Cooper
Slifer Smith and Frampton Real Estate
Snake River Saloon
Snowbridge, Inc.
South Side Press
Spin Creative Studio
Stage Coach Luxury Limousines
Stan Miller, Inc.
Stephen C. West Ice Arena
Sticker Shock Northwest
Anne Stonington
Storm Enterprises
Summit Center for Cosmetic Dentistry
Summit Daily News
Summit Huts Association
Summit Printing
Talking Trash
Tall Grass Spa
Ten Mile Chiropractic, Dr. Jon Junkermeier
Fred Terens
That’s The Spot Massage Therapy
The Balance Sheet
The Barnyard
The Boppy Company
The Eagle
The Outlets at Silverthorne
The River Course at Keystone
The Riverwalk Center
The Sports Authority
The Visitor Information Station
Paula Theriault
Ti Amo
Timberline Tanning
Town of Breckenridge
Town of Silverthorne
Two Feet Tall
Michael Untiedt
USA Hockey
U.S. Ski Team
Vail Resorts
Vail Valley Music Festival
Valdoro Mountain Lodge
Verlo Mattress Factory Stores
Vodka Fourteen
Waste Management, Inc
Maureen Westerland
Wilson Lass
Windy City Pizza
Bob Winsett Photography
Mike and Vicki Woods
Jean Selvy Wyss
Zamboni Merchandising Company
2006 & 2007
January 1, 2006 – December 31, 2007
Airnastics Amusements and Concessions
Airport Road Auto Repair
Allman Drywall, Inc.
Alpine Bank
Alpine Pain and Spine Specialists
Apex Mountain Homes
Arapahoe Basin Ski Area
Armstrong Concrete Forming, Inc.
Assist 2 Sell
Avalanche Physical Therapy
Beaver Run Resort and Conference Center
Ernie Blake
Blue River Resorts
Breckenridge Lands, LLC
Breckenridge Mountain Homes
Breckenridge Ski Resort
Burke and Riley’s Irish Pub
Centex Destination Properties
Cheroutes Law Firm
Christel House International
Colorado Mountain Express
Colorado Premier Resort Properties
Real Estate
Copper Mountain Resort
County Cable
Discount Realty Service
Donnellys @ Song of the Wind
DRC Company Inc
Equilibrium Resorts
Euthenics West-Architecture
Everist Materials, LLC
Exclusive Mountain Retreats Real Estate
Fatty's Pizzeria
Fox Valley
Frederic Printing
Gordon Hughes and Banks
Grand Charities
Grand Timber Lodge
Great Adventure Sports
Great-West Life
Grotemeyer Painting
Hearthstone Catering
Heavenly Times Hot Tubs and Billiards
High Country Health Care
Hogan and Hartson, LLP
HP Geotech
Hudson Auto Source
Hyatt/Main Street Station
I2 Construction
Infinite Scope
Inklein Wine and Spirits
Intrawest Placemaking
Jay’s Valet
Jim Hudson Auto Source
JJ’s Tavern
Casey Kellerman
Kennedy Plumbing and Heating
Keystone Neighbourhood Company
Keystone Ranch Golf Course
Keystone Resort
Kresge and Associates LLC
Land Title
Letofsky and Dombrowski
Matthew W. Duenke Homes
Maverick Sports Promotions
McGahey Realtors, Inc.
McGraphix Creative LTD.
Mesa Homes
Miracle Construction Co
Molson Coors
Myriam Enterprises
O’Bryan Partnership
Outlets at Silverthorne
PeakOne Surgery Center
Pepsi Products
Pillar to Post
Resca Inc.
RJB Development, Inc.
Robinson Dairy
Rockridge Building Co
Mark C. Sabatini and Anya Sabatini
St. Anthony Summit Medical Center
Serenity Spa and Salon
Slifer Smith and Frampton Real Estate
Snowbridge Roto-Rooter
Stan Miller, Inc.
Summit Chamber of Commerce
Summit Real Estate Professionals
Summit Youth Hockey
Superior Alarm and Electronics High Country
TCD, Inc.
Team Cooper
Team Oshlo
Team Williams
The Shock Hill Lodge and Spa
The Shores
The Visitor Information Station
Timberline Adult Day Service
Timberline Disposal, LLC
Town of Breckenridge
Trilogy Partners LLC
US Bank
UV Vodka
Vail Resorts
Vail Resorts Development Company Breckenridge Peaks
Vail-Summit Orthopaedics
Valdoro Mountain Lodge
Waste Management of the Rockies
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
WestStar Bank
Patrons of the Arts
Larry and Marilyn Beebe
Jerred and Rita Blanchard
Phil and Bobbie Boyle
Bill and Lynne Byrne
Mike and Linda Clem
Cary and Marsha Cooper
Ed Dato and Barry Grey
Bert and Anne Del Villano
Hap and June Dobbs
Allan Fazendin and Bette Squeglia
John and Jean Fitzgerald
Bob and Nancy Follett
Gerry and Annette Fricke
Jerry and Marge Gavenda
Kerry Gibson
Bill and Marianna Goslau
Tom and Ruth Graham
Lex and Mitzie Hawkins
Lee and Peg Henry
Graham and Carolyn Holloway
Grover and Maidee Hope
Bill and Joan Houlton
Jerry and Janie James
Anne and John Kern
Fred Kolhouse
Glen and Georgia Kraatz
Leon and Denise Levy
Ann McCrerey
Gary and Kikken Miller
Sandy Mortensen
Chris and C.J. Ornes
Dick and Ellen Rozehnal
Carol and Bill Sanders
Bob and Jayne Schultz
Doug and Nancy Sims
Wilson and Sherry Strong
Hal and Janet Tague
Robin and Patty Theobald
Van and Meredith VanDyne
John and Jennie Walker
Don and Karen White
Ken and Gloria Wiggins
Harley and Mardy Williams
Stephen and Gaye Wormington
Denver Daily News
K-CMV - Colorado's Mountain Voice
KSKE - Ski Country
KSMT - The Mountain
KTUN - The Eagle
KYSL - Krystal 93 FM
Mile High Sports Magazine
Mountain Gazette
Rocky Mountain Media
Ski Magazine
Summit Daily News
The Magazine
The Visitor Information Station
Media Sponsors
Colorado Summit Magazine
Comcast Spotlight
2006 & 2007
January 1, 2006 – December 31, 2007
Don Adams
Nancy Adams
Jonn Adamson
Mike Adamson
Dixie Agnew
Bonnie Smith Allen
Laura Allen
Rodney Allen
Judi Amico
Rick Amico
Brianna Anderson
Haley Anderson
Rae Anderson
Sutton Anderson
Katy Andrews
Julie Arbuckle
Kit Armour
Åsa Armstrong
Dollie Armstrong
Heidi Armstrong
Hugh Armstrong
Max Armstrong
Olin Armstrong
Judy Aspinney
Tyler Atkinson
Matt Baker
Sandy Baker
David Balerud
Chris Banas
Dawn Banas
Penny Banks
Craig Barber
Brett Barrett
Evan Barrett
Lori Barrett
Meghan Barrett
Ann Barry
Erin Bartels
Peggy Bartko
Karin Batchelder
Shawn Bauer
Bob Bazemore
Andrew Beardsley
Jonna Beardsley
Cathy Beck
Larry Beebe
Marilyn Beebe
Dick Belles
Sallie Belles
Jude Bentley
Jim Berg
Jennifer Bergeron
Bill Bergman
Jane Bergman
Duncan Biggins
Oliver Biggins
Emily Bilenduke
Graeme Bilenduke
Emily Birch-Jones
Laura Birch-Jones
Ernie Blake
Sharon Magness Blake
Josh Blanchard
Drake Blass
Walker Blaze
Harriett Bobo
Tyler Bohannan
Will Borg
Jackie Boroff
Gini Bradley
Shelley Brady
Pinkie Brauer
Roland Brauer
Ann Brewster
Carolyn Brown
Susie Brown
Alyson Brozovich
Lisa Brozovich
Sandy Bruce
Janessa Bryant
Jocelyn Bryant
Juliette Bryant
Art Burger
Marilynn Burger
Steve Burrell
Betsy Burton
Anton Butler
Jan Butler
Ron Byrne
Mary Caamano
Pat Campbell
Theresa Campbell
Leah Canfield
Meghan Canfield
Dick Carleton
Steve Carr
Kim Casey
Drew Chambers
Jamie Ann Chandler
Don Chisholm
Sandy Chisholm
Patrick Christoferson
Marli Churman
Joyce Clary
Mike Clary
Linda Clem
Mike Clem
Barbara Coffey
Jan Coles
Villi Colino
Barry Comeau
Philip Contos
Alex Cooper
Cary Cooper
Robbie Courtney
Jim Cox
Maggie Cox
Bob Craig
Sierra Creen
Sally Croker
Gary Cumbey
Hailey Curnutte
John Daisy
Ashley Dankof
Curtis Dankof
Ed Dato
Joan Davids
Thomas Davidson
Wylie DeCarli
Anne Del Villano
Bert Del Villano
Diane DeSilva
Domenick DiLallo
Kim DiLallo
Hannah Djorup
Joan Duffey
Dan Duke
Diane Duke
Andrew Dunlap
Josh Dunworth
Jane Dvorak
Rich Dziomba
Kathie Edwards
Meg Egen
Gala Eppstein
Sarah Erwin
Ryan Evarts
Kim Fancher
Julia Fardvall
Casey Farell
Meredith Farnum
Timothy Faust
Lisa Felker
Janet Felton
Joe Felton
Karen Feret
Sophie Ferguson
Gordon Ferris
Marty Ferris
Rick Fewin
Kathy Fillmore
Greg Finch
Starlyn First
Alex Fitch
Rachel Fitch
Jean Fitzgerald
John Fitzgerald
Daniel Flint
Dennis Flint
Barbara Flitcraft
Tony Flitcraft
Cookie Flynn
Bob Follett
Nancy Follett
Julie Foster
Annette Fricke
Gerry Fricke
Linda Fritz
Tom Fritz
Jeff Fryer
Shelly Fryer
Carolyn Fugere
George Fugere
Jim Fuxa
Ann Gagen
Tim Gagen
Alison Gauss
Jerry Gavenda
Marge Gavenda
Kasey Geoghegan
Haakan George
Kai George
Barbara Gibbs
Phil Gibbs
Kerry Gibson
Linda Ginsberg
Barry Goodman
Roy Goodwin
Lee Gordon
Melissa Gordon
Bill Goslau
Marianna Goslau
Ruth Graham
Barry Gray
Kayla Gray
Nancy Gray
Ryan Gray
Fred Green
Gary Green
Judy Green
Billy Grossheusch
Madi Grossheusch
Kathy Grotemeyer
Peter Grotemeyer
George Gruber III
George Gruber
Heidi Gruber
Melissa Gruber
Patrick Gruber
Jeff Guidry
Alex Gutierrez
Jon Gutierrez
Austin Hackett-Klaube
Heather Hadleigh
Swars Hadleigh
Annalise Hafliger
Pati Hamilton
Millie Hamner
Holly Harman
Tom Harman
Robin Harris
Stacy Harris
Brian Hartman
Gary Haseloh
Anne Hastain
Lex Hawkins
Mitzie Hawkins
Juli Hayes
Madeline Hayes
Josie Hedderman
Kara Heide
Jean Helmer
Libby Helmer
Alan Henceroth
Lee Henry
Peg Henry
Brad Hess
Maggie Hillman
Kirsten Hillyer
Kathy Hobrock
Kristien Hoch
Barbara Hodson
Marilyn Hogan
Chad Hohle
Evan Holbrock
Sue Holbrock
Justin Hollenbeck
Rick Holman
Grover Hope
Maidee Hope
Blake Horan
Cathy Houdek
Nicholas Hrycaca
Emily Hrycaj
Kate Hudnut
Pat Hutson
Arlys Jacobs
Patti Janes
Peter Janes
Rebeccah Janes
Jenise Jensen
Mary Lou Johns
Gabe Johnson
Laura Johnson
Sarah Johnson
Terri Johnson
Laura Birch Jones
Mae Jones
Kelly Joyce
Susan Juergensmeier
Dylan Junkermeier
Adam Jurcisin
Grace Keeling
Tim Keeling
Betty Keith
Raymond Keith
Cybil Kendrick
Anne Kern
John Kern
Keystone Childrens Center
Joe King
Nancy King
Anna Klaube
Betty Koenig
Emma Koenig
The Koop Family
Anita Koverman
Georgia Kraatz
Glen Kraatz
Erica Krainz
Christy Kurowski
Tiffany LaCome
Eric Ladwig
Meg Lass
Janelle Lawless
Rachel Lawlis
Arla Lawrence
Jim Lawrence
Lizzie Lazo
Suzie Lazo
Ann Leavine
Pepper Leavine
Hannah Lewis
Derek Lindskog
Dan Lipsher
Susan Lockwood
Win Lockwood
Vic Lombardi
Jason Long
Mike Lover
George Lowrey
James Lowrey
Nancy Macey
John Mackey
Angie Maglicic
Anna Magnuson
Michael Magnuson
Robbins Manley
Dallas Mann
Deserey Mann
Laura Mann
David Manwaring
Ed Martin
Wendy Mason
Bill McCallum
Yvonne McCallum
Roger McCarthy
Ian McCluski
Ann McCrerey
Dan McCrerey
Roberta McCrerey
Taylor McCrerey
Tucker McCrerey
Janet McDavid
Amy McDonald
Gail McDonald
Conor McGahey
Kim McGahey
Lee McGahey
Wes Mcillwain
Joy Melsen
Brandon Metzger
Kyle Metzger
Mollie Metzger
The Metzger Family
Tom Meyers
Zach Michieli
Sharon Mikolitis
Alex Miller
Brett Miller
Erroll Miller
John Miller
Linda Miller
Sean Miller
Luke Millisor
Nicholas Millisor
Rob Millisor
Mini Mites
Dylon Mitchell
Serenity Mitchell
Amy Modglin
Don Moffat
John Moles
Kathy Monk
Brittany More
Phillip Morey
Tracy Motsinger
Randy Mott
Barbara Munyon
Dan Munyon
Matt Mutato
Marla Nevicosi
Scott Nevicosi
Freda Nieters
Mark Nowakiwsky
Lori O'Bryan
Jeff Ogren
Tom O'Hara
C.J. Ornes
Chris Ornes
Candy Orth
Mike Orth
Pam Oshlo
Rick Oshlo
Angela Page
Amir Pambechy
Sandy Pambechy
Jim Patalan
Jimmy Patalan
Alyssa Perry
Dana Perry
Drew Petty
Joy Petty
Jackie Picard
Kelsey Pierce
Megan Pierson
Mac Pitts
Massey Pitts
Christina Plemmons
Amy Poland
Nick Pollard
David Prange
Hannah Price
Michael Rath
Juli Rathke
Evan Ratzan
Hannah Rea
Larry Reavis
Nancy Redner
Lani Reichard
Laura Reichard
Sarah Reichard
Tayla Reller
Holly Resignolo
Rick Rewin
Ron Reyes
Ken Rice
Melissa Rice
Colleen Richmond
Joanne Ring
Ian Rivard
Gary Rodgers
Jenna Rodgers
Alison Rookey
Nolan Rookey
Heidi Ruckriegle
Sarah Ruckriegle
Gary Runkle
Colleen Ryan
Lucy Sackbauer
Bill Sanders
Carol Sanders
Kathleen Sanow
Jilan Savignan
Larry Sawyer
Bree Schacht
JP Schoeffield
Daphne Schroth
Gene Schroth
Bob Schultz
Jayne Schultz
Rob Schwartz
Chelsea Seegers
Paula Sellers
Arlene Seltzer
Jennifer Shay
Amy Shott
Jonathan Shuba
Casey Shumway
Banks Simpson
Carol Simpson
Charlie Simpson
Karen Simpson
Maree Sneed
Judy Spinney
Bette Squeglia
Morning Star
Stephen C. West Ice Arena Staff
Donna Stevens
Kim Stevenson
Christina Stokes
Samantha Stokes
Anne Stonington
Pat Storey
Kevin Strange
Todd Strickland
Sherry Strong
Wilson Strong
Kimberly Sugerman
Jody Svitak
Hal Tague
Janet Tague
Charlie Taylor
Kathy Taylor
Eileen Terens
Fred Terens
Joey Terriquez
Patty Theobald
Robin Theobald
Grant Thomas
Janice Thomas
Karina Thomas
Matt Thomas
Gretchen Tilden
Connie Tosch
Jim Trisler
Marty Trisler
Genevieve Truckey
Marguerite Truckey
Amy Trujillo
Christy Tryder
Heather Ulrich
Stacy Underwood
Lisa Vaughn
Leanne Vesecky
Bobby Voisard
Jill Wait
Tony Wait
Blaze Walker
Nick Wallace
Nancy Warren
Shelly Warren
Chloe Webber
Erich Webber
Kennedy Webber
Payton Webber
Phyl Wegner
Gary Weis
Jeff Westcott
Maureen Westerland
Sue Whitcomb
Jill White
Karen White
Ann Williams
Bob Williams
Larry Williams
Mardy Williams
Vicci Williams
Neta Wilson
Cap Witzler
Suzy Witzler
Kouri Wolf
John Wood
Kevin Wood
Mike Wood
Vicki Wood
Gaye Wormington
Stephen Wormington
Becky Wray
Curtis Wray
Anne Wren
Hans Wurster
Arnie Yuen
Amy Yundt
Zaring/Cioffi Entertainment
Ania Zawadski
Deanie Zelkin
Howard Zelkin
Brad Zimmerman
Lee Zimmerman
Lynn Zwagstra
Kevin Zygulski
ways to give
annual gifts
Choose from a variety of ways to contribute to The Summit Foundation annually.
Premier Patron Pass Program
A four year partnership
Four years of fully transferable benefits generously provided by Arapahoe Basin Ski
Area, Breckenridge Ski Resort, Copper Mountain Resort, Keystone Resort, Winter
Park Resort, Vail and Beaver Creek, is at the heart of this program. Pledged over
four years, a gift of $13,000 also includes a contribution to The Summit Foundation
Endowment Fund. A number of other benefits are included, such as complimentary
golf and nordic skiing, as well as discounts throughout the county for lodging,
dining, services and activities. A very limited number of these passes are available.
Patron Pass Program
The Foundation’s foundation
A fully transferable season ski pass generously provided by Arapahoe Basin Ski
Area, Breckenridge Ski Resort, Copper Mountain Resort, Keystone Resort, Winter
Park Resort, Vail and Beaver Creek, anchors the Patron Pass Program. For each
annual contribution of $3,500, you will be recognized with a Five Mountain Patron
Pass. The Seven Mountain Patron Pass is awarded for a $4,500 annual gift. In
addition to the transferable season ski pass, there are a number of other benefits
associated with this program, such as complimentary golf and nordic skiing, as well
as discounts on lodging, dining, services and activities.
Because of the generosity of the local ski areas, the patron pass programs allow
The Foundation to raise in excess of $780,000 annually. These funds are utilized in
supporting The Foundation and our grant making programs.
Outright Contributions
Keep it simple
Gifts to The Summit Foundation - whether cash, securities, assets, property or other
- are tax deductible as allowed by the IRS. Contributions are accepted throughout
the year and may be designated to the annual operating fund or The Foundation’s
Endowment Fund.
Employee Giving Program
Never underestimate the power of a few
This is one of the easiest and most organized ways to contribute to the community.
Companies that encourage and support their employees’ efforts to get involved in
the community accomplish two goals: 1) they motivate employees who appreciate
the company’s efforts; and 2) they strengthen the company’s good reputation. The
Foundation has a variety of payroll deduction programs and can tailor one suited
to a business or organization.
Special Events & Projects
Tee it up or get quacky
The Foundation raises monies through a variety of special events and projects each
year, encompassing golf, showcasing fine art, and even embracing the wet, wild and
wacky - our Rubber Duck Race. Ways you can become involved are by sponsoring,
volunteering, donating products/services, or by simply attending. Plus it’s a great
way to meet new friends.
lasting gifts
Do you dream about doing more for your loved ones AND for the causes you care
most about? By adding The Summit Foundation to your estate plan, we can help
make it happen. Giving a gift to The Foundation is easy and convenient, plus there
can be significant tax benefits. Following are a variety of tools for giving that will make
a lasting difference.
The simplest gift
Naming The Foundation as the beneficiary in your will or trust can be the simplest
gift. You may choose to make your gift from your IRAs or other qualified retirement
plan. Because these assets often carry a heavy income tax obligation to your heirs,
they can be a particularly attractive source for funding your charitable gifts.
Donor Advised Fund
Stay personally involved
You make a contribution and we open a special fund named for you, your family or
any group or individual you choose to honor. You stay involved, working with our
professional staff each year to recommend agencies and programs you’d like to
support. Imagine involving your family to make these decisions and then seeing
first hand what a difference your gift has made. It’s an invaluable gift to give to your
family, and to our community. Donor Advised Funds require a $25,000 minimum
contribution. (Contribution may be made over several years.)
Memorial Fund
Make something positive out of a loss
When a loved one dies, you may find solace by creating a fund that will benefit others and carry on the good name of the deceased. By establishing a
Memorial Fund, your loved one’s name will become a permanent living memorial
that will have a great meaning. Memorial gifts are included in The Foundation’s
unrestricted Endowment Fund.
Scholarship Fund
Educate the future
You can establish a Scholarship Fund with a minimum contribution of $10,000
(contribution may be made over several years) to support programs currently
funded by The Foundation, including high school seniors and foreign travel or
perhaps within organizations we support. Your fund is administered by The
Foundation, and you receive tax benefits from your gift. You avoid the hassles and
expense of establishing a private scholarship fund.
Charitable Lead Trust
Help now, provide for your children and grandchildren later
You donate part of your estate to the trust now and the income goes into your
fund at The Foundation for a designated period of years. Your estate taxes are
reduced and the property is not taxed to your children. When your children or
grandchildren reach maturity, the trust terminates and they receive the assets. The
community benefits during all of those years and your loved ones receive much
more than they would otherwise.
Gift Annuity
Put your assets to work for you and your community
You can create a gift annuity by making a gift of cash or appreciated stock. In return,
we pay you a guaranteed annual income for life. You receive significant tax
advantages, including an immediate tax deduction for your gift. In addition, a
portion of each income payment you receive is tax-free. After your death, the
remainder of your annuity is used to create a charitable endowment fund in your
Charitable Remainder Trust
Take care of your needs now and your causes in the future
Similar to a gift annuity, a charitable remainder trust (CRT) will pay you a guaranteed
annual income for life. In addition to gifts of cash or stock, you may establish a CRT with
gifts of real estate or other property. You also have the option of choosing to receive the
income in a fixed or variable amount. The CRT is established by you and is held by you
until your death at which time the remainder is donated to The Foundation.
Field of Interest Fund
Choose a cause closest to your heart
Establishing a Field of Interest Fund allows you to direct your giving as narrowly or as
broadly as you choose – to pick the cause closest to your heart. Whether it’s fostering the
arts, children’s literacy or music, empowering youth of our community or preserving our
precious environment, you can depend on The Foundation to carry out your wishes.
Agengy Endowment Fund
Support an organization’s future needs
A collective group of donors, an individual or couple, or a nonprofit organization may
establish an agency endowment fund with The Summit Foundation. Agency endowment
funds are established by donors who wish to benefit a particular charitable organization.
Established with a minimum contribution of $10,000, agency endowment funds are held
and managed by The Summit Foundation on behalf of these nonprofit organizations. The
funds are invested with The Summit Foundation’s endowment assets and the designated
nonprofit organization in turn receives annual distributions from the interest earned. The
organization or any of its donors may add to these funds at any time.
What The Summit Foundation provides:
Research to identify worthy charities in your field of interest
Arrangements for site visits to charities you’d like to learn more about
• Established grant guidelines
• Tracking of grant activity and evaluation of grant results
• 23 years of experience and presence in Summit County
At The Summit Foundation, we give individuals a “hand up, NOT a hand out” through
our support of the many nonprofit organizations serving our community.
Through a gift to The Summit Foundation, you can provide a lasting legacy. Every
dollar donated to our Endowment Fund becomes a part of the fund corpus. This
principle is invested to generate earnings that are used to fund a variety of community
programs and services that are vital to this place we call home.
Let The Summit Foundation be your partner in philanthropy
so together we can make the greatest impact in our community.
The Summit Foundation supports charitable organizations that enhance the
quality of life in Summit County and Neighboring Communities. Grants are
awarded twice each year, in June and in December, to agencies providing
programs or services in the areas of art and culture, health and human service,
education, environment and sports. Additionally, The Foundation supports two
scholarship programs at Summit High School and neighboring community high
schools. Scholarships are available to graduating seniors each year as well as
for college sophomores who are previous scholarship recipients. In the past,
scholarships have also been awarded to students participating in the school
sponsored travel programs through the French and Spanish classes. (The foreign
travel scholarship program has been temporarily suspended.)
The Summit Foundation announces its grant cycles each year in February and
July. Notices are provided to the local newspapers and radio stations. Once the
specific deadline is established, typically in March and August, agencies must
request a copy of the current grant application and guidelines. Applications are
generally available 6 to 8 weeks prior to the grant deadline and can also be
found on The Foundation’s website. Grant applications are not automatically
mailed to organizations that are past funding recipients. It is the responsibility
of the organization to request the current grant application documents.
Applicants for funding must be tax exempt under the provisions of section
501(c)(3) and 170(b)(1)(a)(i.V.I.) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Foundation
funds specific projects and programs which have measurable results. Organizations requesting funding support will only be considered for funding once in a
calendar year. Requests for programs or projects already completed are not
eligible for funding. The Foundation will not participate in any political campaign on behalf of any issues or candidate. Additionally, The Foundation does
not fund religious institutions and organizations. Late and/or incomplete applications are not accepted and will not be considered for funding support.
The Board of Trustees of The Summit Foundation determines final approval of
all grants and scholarships. The Summit Foundation regularly receives grant
requests which exceed the availability of funds and cannot fund all requests.
However, all requests which meet the funding guidelines of The Foundation are
given full consideration by the Board.
2006/2007 Board of Trustees & Staff
Board of Trustees
Larry Beebe - President
Cary Cooper - Vice President
Jan Coles - Secretary
Greg Finch - Treasurer
Nancy Follett - Past President
Brett Barrett
David Barry
Larry Beebe
Ernie Blake
Gini Bradley
Theresa Campbell
Dick Carleton
Linda Clem
Jan Coles
Cary Cooper
Bob Craig
Thomas Davidson
Greg Finch
Nancy Follett
Tim Gagen
Kerry Gibson
Kathy Grotemeyer
Millie Hamner
Kara Heide
Alan Henceroth
Maggie Hillman
Marilyn Hogan
Peter Janes
Margaret Kral
Meg Lass
Gary Lindstrom
Win Lockwood
Roger McCarthy
Rob Millisor
Rick Oshlo
Larry Reavis
Gary Rodgers
Anne Stonington
Fred Terens
Patty Theobald
Maureen Westerland
Valerie Williams
Hans Wurster
Above listed Trustees served and/or were elected
between January 2006 and December 2007.
The following Trustees were elected to the
Board of Trustees in December 2007.
Wayne Brunetti
Lee Henry
Kelly Keefer
Phyllis Martinez
Stephen Smith
Matt Walsh
Lee Zimmerman
Executive Director
Deb Edwards
Executive Director (2006)
Kasey Geoghegan
Director of Development
Judi LaPoint
Director of Development (2006)
Asa Armstrong
Director of Events &
Business Development
Susie Brown
Office Manager &
Administrative Assistant
Juli Rathke
Events Assistant (2007)
Heather Schwabl
Events Assistant (2006)
The following staff joined The
Summit Foundation in 2008
Michael Langlois
Director of Events & Marketing
Amy Priegel
Administrative Assistant
& Office Manager
Honorary Board
P.O. Box 4000 • 108 N. French Street
Breckenridge, CO. 80424
(970) 453-5970 • (970) 453-1423 (Fax)
sumfound@summitfoundation.org • www.summitfoundation.org
Art Bowles
Gordon Briner
Jim Gill
Joan Houlton
Terie Roubos
human services
sports &
Partners for a Stronger Community
Bob Winsett
Jim Mills
Design by:
Wilson Lass
P.O. Box 4000 Breckenridge, CO 80424 970.453.5970 970.453.1423 fax
www.summitfoundation.org sumfound@summitfoundation.org