View File - Cape Breton District Health Authority


View File - Cape Breton District Health Authority
Summer/Fall 2010
In the News
Page 1 AGM Held
Page 2 Kudos Korner
Medication Management on 4A
Rural Mental Health Conference
Page 3 Health Awards Presented
Page 4 & 5 Site Snaps
Page 6 Highlights 2010
Page 7 Level 3 Officially Opened
United Way Campaign Underway
NICHE Success Story
Page 8 Innovation Day Held
Harbour View Pedal Pushers
Dr. Naqvi Receives
Order of Canada
In June, Dr. M.A. Naqvi, the District’s
Medical Director, received the Order
of Canada from then Governor General Michaëlle Jean. Dr. Naqvi was
appointed to the Order in July 2009 for
his lifetime of contributions to health
care. Congratulations!
Cape Breton County
Vol. 10, No. 4
In September,
Hospital. Each scholarthe District held
ship is valued at $500.
it’s 10th Annual
The District
General Meeting
also recognized the ser(AGM) in New
vice of volunteer ComWaterford.
munity Health Board
Guest speaker,
(CHB) members with
Duff Montthe Building Healthier
gomerie, Deputy
Communities Award.
Minister of Nova Meaghan Grant, Addiction Services Recipients included:
Scotia Health
(centre), receives her Sisters of St. Karen Hirtle and
Martha Scholarship from Yvon
Promotion and
Maggie Herbert,
Chair of the Board of DiProtection (HPP),
Central Inverness
rectors and CEO John Malcom.
spoke about the
CHB; Elizabeth Macrole of HPP and its links to commu- Donald, Central Cape Breton County
nity and District initiatives.
CHB and Maureen MacKinnon, East
During the AGM, Sisters of St.
Cape Breton County CHB.
Martha Scholarships were awarded
The Norman Connors Healthy
to staff and family members of Dis- School Award was presented to Mount
trict staff. Staff recipients were:
Carmel Elementary School in New
Dale Deering-Bert, a nurse in the
Waterford. This award recognizes and
Obstetrics Department at the Glace
supports schools in the District that
Bay Hospital who is pursuing a
promote healthy eating, active living,
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
healthy growth, mental health, personal
through St. F.X. University and
safety and injury prevention. Mount
Meaghan Grant, a Community
Carmel received a plaque and $1,000
Outreach Worker in Addiction Serto support healthy living activities.
vices who is pursuing a Master’s of
The Caring for Cape Breton Award
Social Work through the University recognizes significant achievement in
of New England.
health philanthropy. It was presented to
Family member recipients,
the Cape Breton Regional Hospital
Nicole Parago and Connor
Foundation and Capital Campaign
Sheppard, are pursuing their
Cabinet for the success of the Cape
Bachelors of Science in Nursing at
Breton Cares Campaign.
Cape Breton University. Their
For more pictures from the AGM,
moms, Mary Parago and Eleanor
go to page 4.
Sheppard, work at the Regional
Central and Northern Inverness County
Victoria County
Page 2
Congratulations to the District for
receiving the Horizon Achievement
Centre “Business Partnership
Award.” The award recognizes the
District’s patronage and support of
the Centre which fosters and promotes the abilities and contributions
of people with disabilities. Congratulations to Lorna Dolomont, LPN
with the Well Women’s Clinic at
Northside General. Lorna received
the Award of Excellence in Practice
from the Province of Nova Scotia...Kudos to Commissionaire Roddie MacSween who provided Security at the Olympics this past winter...Congratulations to Barb Devoe,
Taigh Solas and Heather Colburn,
DVA who were both granted $500
from the Northside Hospital Foundation’s Education Fund to attend an
Excellence in Aging Care Workshop
in Fredericton, NB...Congratulations
to Dr. Michael Igoe who received
the 2010 Canadian Medical Association honourary membership award in
June...Kudos to entry level nurses in
the Emergency Departments who
completed 80 hours of structured
education: Kelli McNeil (GBH),
Kristen MacKay (NSGH), Deanna
MacDonald and Kelly MacDonald
(CBRH). Thanks to the education
facilitators from the ED nursing staff,
Respiratory and Crisis departments.
Inform and educate
about their role in
patient safety
through written
and verbal
Stay safe!
Pharmacy and staff of Unit 4A
at the Regional Hospital have been
working to increase patient safety
and employee satisfaction by implementing organization principles
based on the LEAN philosophy.
LEAN is a production practice
that considers it wasteful to use any
resources for a goal other than creating value for the end customer i.e.
patient. Anything wasteful can be
Inside the 4A Med Room with unit staff:
When the unit’s staff became From left to right: Lynette MacDonald, Miunsatisfied with the setup in their chael Bailey, Patricia MacSween, Belinda
Kswada, Krista MacCormick, Tonya Covey,
medication room, they formed a
Rick Clarke and Krystal MacDonald.
team to look at the issue. The team
adopted the fundamental LEAN
creased by 25 per cent.
technique of 5S (Sort, Straighten,
Having achieved success in
Shine, Standardize and Sustain) to
medication organization, the unit is
transform their medication room
now piloting “MedRite”, a medicainto a more workable environment.
tion administration process designed
Staff removed unneeded products
by Kaiser Permanente, which makes
and inventory and re-organized the
use of standardized checklists and
room to reclaim space and promote
no-interruption garments and zones
safer medication management.
to reduce medication related errors.
By making these simple
For more information on LEAN,
changes, staff satisfaction with replease visit the Health Transformaspect to medication organization
tion page located on the District
and availability on the unit inintranet.
In May, over 100 people attended the District’s first Rural
Mental Health Conference in Inverness.
Speakers at the event included:
Scott Boyd, Dr. Duncan McKinlay
and Charlene Murphy.
Boyd, a radio and TV personality with GIANT Radio in Sydney
shared his journey living with bipolar illness and his path to recovery.
Dr. McKinlay, a psychologist
who works with children and adolescents in the areas of clinical and
school psychology has Tourette
Syndrome and shared his experience working at “The Brake Shop,”
a service he created for youth with
Tourettes and associated disorders.
Murphy, the coordinator of the
Inverness Mental Health Clinic presented her research, “The Experience
of Having a Mental Illness, Accessing Services and Living in a Rural
Community.” The study examined
the experiences of seven people living with mental illness in rural communities of Cape Breton.
During the conference, a panel of
experts also addressed the current
issues of mental health and mental
illness in the rural areas of Cape
The conference was sponsored
by the North Inverness and Central
Inverness Community Health Boards
and the Mental Health Services Family Working Group.
Page 3
In May, the District announced
Dr. Chow received the Senior MemThe Donald Ferguson Health
the Inverness Consolidated Memorial
bership Award from Doctors Nova
Leadership Award recognizes the
Hospital Auxiliary and Dr. Carlyle
Inverness Consolidated Memorial
Chow as the winners of its Donald
Hospital Auxiliary'
s dedication to
Ferguson Health Leaderproviding equipment and
ship Award and Dr. M. A.
services that benefit both
Naqvi Outstanding Health
patients in the hospital
Care Professional of the
and the community.
Year Award respectively.
With the openThe Dr. M. A. Naqvi
ing of Inverness ConOutstanding Health Care
solidated Memorial HosProfessional of the Year
pital in 1977, the AuxilAward recognizes Dr.
iary also began its work.
Carlyle Chow, who has
By 1978, the Auxiliary
spent many years workhad raised over $11,000
ing tirelessly to provide
for two items, a paging
quality care to his patients
system and a fetal moniin Victoria County, partor. Since then, the Auxticularly Baddeck and suriliary
has raised over $1 milDr. Carlyle Chow received this year's Dr. M. A. Naqvi Outrounding area.
lion dollars for the hospital.
standing Health Care Professional of the Year Award. The
Born in Couva, Trinidad, annual award recognizes Dr. Chow's dedication to provide
Over the past 30 years, the
Dr. Chow immigrated to Can- quality care to his patients in Victoria County, particularly
Auxiliary has raised funds
Baddeck and surrounding areas. From left to right: Dr. Roada in 1961. Following his
for items like patient lifts,
land Genge; John Malcom, District CEO; Vera Chow; Dr. Cargraduation from Dalhousie
lyle Chow and Dr. M.A. Naqvi, the District's Medical Director. heart monitoring equipment,
Medical School, he began
blood pressure monitors,
practicing in Baddeck, beexam tables, patient chairs and
coming a founding member of
much more. The Auxiliary has
the Baddeck Medical Clinic.
also given financial support to
Because of the wide geoprograms like the Well
graphic area he covered, Dr.
s Clinic and recreation
Chow was one of the first physiprogramming for the residents
cians to offer “one stop shopat Aîté Curam.
ping” in the form of regular Well
The Auxiliary has also
s Clinics to communities in
made significant donations to
Victoria and Inverness counties.
the Regional Hospital towards
For many years, Dr. Chow
the purchase of a bone densihas also served the First Nations
tometer and MRI and the exCommunities of Waycobah and
pansion of the Cape Breton
Wagmatcook. He visited the
Cancer Centre. Funds are
communities and provided health
raised through the Auxiliary’s
The Inverness Consolidated Memorial Hospital Auxiliary two annual events-the Spring
care screening, illness prevenreceived this year's Donald Ferguson Health Leadership
tion, diabetes care and more in
Fling held each May and the
Award. The annual award recognizes the Auxiliary's
the comfort of his patients’ com- dedication to providing equipment and services that
Christmas Tea and Sale, held
benefit both patients in the hospital and the community. each November. Funds are
From left to right: Angela MacArthur, Facility Manager- also raised through the hospiFor the past 40 years, Dr.
Consolidated Memorial; Donald Ferguson,
Chow has been the active chief
s gift shop-The Tuck
former Chair of the District's Board of Directors; Viola
of staff at Victoria County Me- MacNeil, then Auxiliary President and Eileen Woodford, Shop-which is operated by
morial Hospital. Over the years, the District's Director of Rural Health.
the Auxiliary.
Dr. Chow also took in many
medical students for their residency training giving them guidance
and serving as a role model. In 2009,
Page 4
Four Community Health Board (CHB) members received
length of service awards at this year’s Annual General
Meeting: From left to right: Louise Smith-MacDonald accepting on behalf of Elizabeth MacDonald, Central Cape
Breton County CHB; Duff Montgomerie, Deputy Minister
of Nova Scotia Health Promotion and Protection; Maureen MacKinnon, East Cape Breton County CHB and
Maggie Herbert, Central Inverness CHB. Absent at the
time of photo: Karen Hirtle, Central Inverness CHB.
Principal Lowell Cormier (centre) accepts the Norman Connor Healthy School Award on behalf of
the staff and students of Mt. Carmel Elementary
School during the District’s Annual General Meeting. He is joined by Norman Connors, former
Chair of the District's Board of Directors (left) and
Duff Montgomerie, Deputy Minister of Nova Scotia
Health Promotion and Protection (right).
In February, Resident Awareness Day was
celebrated with lunch for residents working in
the District. From left to right are: Daniel
Omoto, Susie Egar, Margaret Fraser, Zita Jack,
Jamie Johnstone, Elena Garcia del Busto and
David Heughan.
Patsy Lee,
LPN with Dr.
Hafidh- ENT
Specialist use
the new microscope purchased by the
on Noella
Bragg, RN.
Thanks to the
Lights for
Health Campaign and proceeds from the 2009 Motorcycle
Draw, the Foundation purchased four new pieces of equipment totaling more than $47,000. Along with these equipment purchases, the Foundation is committed to supporting upgrades to comfort items in the Palliative Care Rooms,
fourth floor and to providing funding to support education
grants, the Senior’s Day Program and the Veteran’s Unit.
The Cape Breton Regional Hospital Foundation received
the Cape Breton Cares Award at the District’s Annual
General Meeting. Accepting the award are: Pat Bates,
Campaign Cabinet Member; Barbara Stead-Coyle, CEO;
George Unsworth, Board of Directors; Jackie Thayer
Scott, Chair; Evelyn Schaller, Board of Directors and Stuart Sutherland, Vice Chair.
Page 5
Floanna Chisholm, LPN at Inverness Consolidated
Memorial, was presented with the Lifetime Achievement Award from the College of Licensed Practical
Nurses of Nova Scotia. Floanna (centre) is joined by
Peter Murray, Chair of the Board of Directors College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Nova Scotia
and Ann Mann, the College’s Executive Director/
are ICMH
Joan MacIsaac,
Olga Smith
and President, Rita
one of
three new
Air Mattresses at ICMH. These specialized mattresses enhance
care for patients with compromised health issues. The
Auxiliary purchased two of these mattresses with a third
donated by the ICMH Palliative Care Society. The Auxiliary is also hosting its annual Christmas Tea & Sale
fundraiser on Nov. 26 at the Inverness Fire Hall.
In May, Nurse Practitioners Cindy Planetta
and Mary Anderson held information sessions at the Regional Hospital about the role
of nurse practitioners in primary care. The
sessions were held during Nurses Week.
Taking part in the 13th Annual Clinical Day in Cardiology in June are: Dr. Sabe De, Dr. Jonathan Howlett, Dr.
Cathy Kells, Erin Gouthro, Tobacco Cessation Educator-Respiratory Department; Dr. Heather Murray, Dr.
Martin Gardner and Dr. Paul MacDonald. Absent at the
time of the photo: Dr. Michael Love.
Congratulations to the 2010 Alzheimer Disease & Other
Dementia Care Course participants on completion of
the program. From left to right are: Helen Murphy,
Janet Peters, Lynn Carmichael, Cheryl Mackie, Jody
Ross MacDonald, Mellinda Vinkle, Amanda Roach,
Amy MacQueen and Chera Cole. The, course, facilitated by Lorna MacPherson and Debbie Cormier of
Education & Learning, addresses the needs of persons
suffering from Alzheimer Disease & Other Dementias. It
is intended for all staff members of all educational
backgrounds especially those working in Long Term
Care. The course is nine weeks in length & consists of
27 hours of classroom instruction.
Page 6
District & CBU Renew MOU
John Malcom, CEO and CBU President John Harker renew an MOU
between the District and CBU as
Yvon LeBlanc, Chair of the District’s Board and Gordon MacInnis,
CBU’s Board Treasurer & VP Operations and Finance look on.
In April, the District and Cape
Breton University (CBU) renewed
a Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU) that will see them jointly
develop meaningful, collaborative
projects linked to shared research
interests over the next five years.
Objectives of this renewed agreement further encourage research
and education projects through
shared District /CBU resources.
9th Annual Healthcare
Career Fair Held
Holy Angels High School students
Marissa Fletcher, Grade 10 and Lauren McCormick, Grade 11 test their
grip strength while Sara MacDonald,
Physiotherapist and Erin MacPhee,
Physiotherapy Assistant look on
during the 2010 Health Career Fair.
Approximately, 300 students
from local high schools, universities and colleges took part in the
District’s 9th Annual Student
Healthcare Career Fair in May.
This year, the District joined forces
with the Cape Breton Partnership to
hold the event at the Membertou
Trade & Convention Center. Some
of departments that participated in
the Fair included: Pharmacy, Laboratory Services, Nursing, Diagnostic
Imaging, Medical Social Work and
Radiation Therapy and more. There
were also representatives from Cape
Breton University, Nova Scotia
Community College and Cape
Breton Business College available
to answer any questions about education programs. The event was
funded by Service Canada.
care, District programs and services,
health promotion activities and education. The Public Speakers Bureau
list is on the District’s website: available by
e-mail at:
or by calling, Frances Ford at 5677797.
Mother’s Day Tea Held
Fiddler Run & Youth Run
Big Successes
The Cape Breton Fiddlers Run and
Youth Run keep getting bigger! In
June, more than 1,000 school aged
children and their families took part
in the Youth Run, sponsored by
Doctors Nova Scotia. In September,
about 520 people took part in the
various Fiddlers Run events, including a 5km, 10km, half-marathon,
Boston qualifying marathon and a
team relay. This year Lauchie
McKinnon received the Lydia Dickson Inspiration Award, given to a
group or person dedicated to promoting a healthy community and
inspiring others to live a healthy
District Establishes Public
Speakers Bureau
The District has put together a Public Speakers Bureau of health care
providers to help enhance health
promotion and education. These
speakers can be booked by service
clubs, community groups and organizations for special events to talk
about their area of expertise or responsibility, their work in health
Allison MacGillivary, Paula
MacEachern, Brenda MacMullin, Gail
Charlong, Giselle Cameron and Anne
Marie Boutilier pose at the Regional
Hospital cafeteria where they hosted
the Annual Mother’s Day Tea.
To celebrate Mother’s Day, 150
guests gathered in the cafeteria at the
Regional Hospital for the Annual
Mother’s Day Tea.
Each year, the Nutrition and
Food Services team works to make
this event special for every guest. All
of the treats and goodies are handmade, even the jam. Special recognition goes to Gail Charlong for baking
such delicious goods. Also, thanks to
Farmer’s Dairy and J.R. Mahoney’s
Ltd. for their continued support.
In total, $1,000 was raised
through the Tea for the Cape Breton
Regional Hospital Foundation. These
funds will be used to enhance a dining room on Unit 3B at the hospital.
Thanks to the Nutrition and Food
Services team for making the
Mother’s Day Tea a special event.
Page 7
In June, the Clinic Area Expansion on Level 3 at the Regional Hospital officially opened.
The $2.9 million project included
a renovation of the former renal dialysis clinic area on Level 3 and additional construction over the roof of
the hospital’s Main Level.
The total clinic area covers 9,300
square feet; 3,600 square feet of existing space was renovated and 5,700
square feet is newly constructed
Taking part in the official opening of the
Level 3Clinic Expansion are: Sandra
Construction on the expansion Toner, RN, Heart Function Clinic; Erin
Gouthro, Respiratory Therapist; Dr. M.A.
began in June 2008. Clinics, staff
Naqvi, Medical Director; Dr. Robert
and equipment moved into the new Macneill, Anesthesiologist; Lynette Sawspace and began seeing patients in chuck, RN, Pain Clinic Coordinator; Lorne
Seymour, Director of Respiratory/Neuro/
February 2009.
The expansion provided addi- Pain Services and Dr. Jim MacKillop, Famtional space for some clinics, medi- ily Medicine Residency program.
cal education and support services.
piratory Therapy, the Family MediMoving back into the space or relocine Residency Program and Medicating from other areas are: Chronic
cal Education Administration,
Pain Clinic, Acute Pain Service,
Clinic Administrative offices, StaffHeart Function Clinic, Antiing and shared support offices.
Coagulation Clinic, Sleep Labs, Res-
The District’s United Way
campaign is taking place in
October and November.
Last year, the District raised
more than $28,000 for many local
agencies that influence the determinants of health in the community.
Money is primarily raised
through payroll deduction, which is
easy and tax deductible. If every District employee donated just two dollars per pay for one year, over
$170,000 would be raised.
People who donate can also specify what agency/agencies they want
to support simply by writing it on the
back of their donation form.
Please notify Darlene M. Hall at or 7945412, if you are interested in canvassing or you want to know who is
canvassing the employees in your
Please consider giving if you are
approached by a canvasser.
In April, Trish Walsh, Elder
Friendly Coordinator and Mark Lecouter, then Clinical Nurse Leader, Unit
3A presented at the NICHE (Nurses
Improving Care for Healthsystem Elders) conference in Baltimore.
Their presentation, “PreOperative Assessment and Education
Sessions for Hip and Knee Surgical
Patients” focused on the high risk for
post-discharge complications and
stress among older adult patients undergoing hip and knee surgery.
Discharge-planning for hospitalized older adults is complex. It requires a lot of planning and cooperation between disciplines and gathering information from many sources.
The Regional Hospital uses the
NICHE Gerontologic Core Curricula to
educate staff to the specialized needs of
older adults and uses an interdisciplinary approach to transitional care.
Mark Lecouter and Trish
Walsh, at
in Baltimore.
So to make the process easier, the
Regional Hospital used a preoperative assessment and education program, provided by an interdisciplinary team and coordinated by the
Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL).
Through the program, patient/
family education sessions are scheduled weekly to coincide with the
comprehensive assessment and preoperative testing. High-risk patients
also receive a home visit to evaluate
the need for home modification and/
or intensive rehabilitation.
The CNL also collaborates with
the patient, family and an interdisci-
plinary team (Pre-Admission staff, OR
nurses, Occupational and Physical
Therapists, Dietitians, Acute Pain Service, Nursing, Social Workers, Home
Care and Physicians) to develop an
individualized discharge plan.
Since the program began in spring
2009, about 560 patients have been
seen. In a pilot group of 208 patients,
the Length of Stay (LOS) for those
having total hip replacement improved
by 0.3 days. The LOS for patients undergoing total knee replacement improved by 0.1 days. Patients and their
families have reported they are more
informed and better prepared for their
hospital stay and for discharge.
The presentation was featured on
both the NICHE website and the NICHE
newsletter as part of the “Solutions” series which highlights success stories in
Geriatric Care.
Page 8
In May, the Health Transformation Office (HTO) hosted the
District’s 1st Information, Integration and Innovation Day in Sydney
The goal of the day was to recognize the hard work and commitment of staff by showcasing 13
projects in which innovative approaches to problem solving resulted in improved service delivery
and thus customer and staff satisfaction.
“Often departments implement
simple improvements and lead the
province or nation in service delivery
but as an organization, we don’t take
the time to recognize and celebrate
the work that has been done” says
Phillip Morehouse, Director of
Health Transformation.
John Malcom, CEO, kicked off
the recognition day with opening remarks and comments. Then, 13 presenters gave short presentations of
their initiatives to 78 attendees from
thanked all for participating.
The showcased projects included:
• Make the C.A.L.L- CB Collaborative Team
• First Contact to ECG &
Thrombolytics- AMI Collaborative Team
• Duty Case Management- Continuing Care
Phillip Morehouse, Director of Health
Transformation presents a certificate of
recognition to Brenda MacNeil, Scott
MacNeil and Debbie MacPhee, who work
in the Laundry Department at Northside
various District departments.
The presentations are posted on
the HTO Intranet site under Workshops and Events.
In closing, Yvon LeBlanc,
Chair of the District’s Board of Directors, gave final remarks and
comments concerning the day and
• cobasIT 1000 Interface Project- Laboratory Services
• The Walking Well Ambulatory
Clinic- Palliative Care
• ICMH ER Lean Initiative- Emergency Department
• Chronic Pain Self Management
Program- Chronic Pain Services
• Orthopaedic Education- Nursing
• What Women Want One Stop
Cancer Screening- Cancer
Screening & Prevention Program
• Pressure Ulcer Awareness & Prevention Program- Pressure Ulcer
Awareness & Prevention
• Medication Management Lean
Initiative- Nursing (4A- CBRH)
• Laundry Services Lean InitiativeLaundry Services NSG
• Computed Tomography/Central
Booking Lean Initiative- CT/
Central Booking Department,
In August, the Harbour View Pedal Pushers took part in the Big Bike
Campaign for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. The team’s 27 members
came from various departments within Harbour View and raised $2,200.
The team biked approx three kilometers around North Sydney, complete
with police escort. Even though the team hit a curb entering the parking
lot, everyone had a blast.
Cape Breton County
Central and Northern Inverness County
Victoria County