palaeodrainage and its significance to mineral
palaeodrainage and its significance to mineral
ROSLYN CHAN PALAEODRAINAGE AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE TO MINERAL EXPLORATION IN THE BATHURST REGION, NSW R.A . CHAN Cooperative Research Centre for Lanascape Evolution ana Mineral Exploration, Australian Geological Survey Organisation, GPO Box 378, Canberra, ACT, 2601 ABSTRACT The complex drainage evolution in the Bathurst region has been influenced by both regional and local factors . Regional factors are tectonics, eustacy and cli mate. Local factors are bedrock lithology and structu re, and Tertiary volcanism. Drainage evolution is traced back in time to the northeast-trending palaeodrainage to the Sydney Basin in Earl y Triassic times. Northerly drainage to the Coonamble Emba yment of the Surat Basin in the Jurassic was overprinted by northwesterly drainage across the Surat Basin In the Late Cretaceous. Incision of Surat Basin sed iments was initiated in the Late Cretaceous. Warping associated with initial stages of rifting in the Late Cretaceous initiated these latter events, wh ich resulted in the formation of two maj or drainage divides Gorge erosion along rivers flowing to the Murray Basin accelerated in early Tertiary times . The onset of three periods of Tertiary volcanism and the formation of erosion bowls due to erosion of incompetant lithol ogies have also been significant factors in the drainage evolution of the Bathurst region . The sedimentation and erosion of drainage systems have been variously affected by sea level fluctuations, climatic change and tectonics . Drainage evolution is the key to understanding landform evolution and associated regolith evolution , which have important ramifications for land use, the en vi ronment and mineral exploration. The framework for drainage evolution presented in this paper may assist mineral exploration in locating placer deposits and deep leads as It can be extrapolated to neighbouring regions of the highly prospective Lachlan Fold Belt where much of the palaeodrainage is buried . INTRODUCTION Bathurst (Chan and Kamprad, 199 5), Orange (Chan and The Bathurst region is in the northeast of the Lachlan Fold Fleming, 199 5a), Molong (Chan and Fleming, 199 5b), Belt, bordering on the Sydney Basin (Figure 1). The Cowra (Chan and Goldrick, 1995), Bla yney (Chan, 1995) Australian Geological Survey Organisation and the NSW and Oberon (Hazell and Chan, 1995 ) sheets . Figure 2 Geologica l Survey carried out regional regolith -landfo rm shows the location of the six 1: 100000 sheets, as well as and geological mapping over the Bathurst 1250 000 the main cultural and mining features . quadrangle (BATHURST) in the mid 1990s (Chan , 1998). Eight regolith- landform maps were produced, two at 1:250 Figure 3 shows the main regolith types and erosional 000 scale (Chan et ai, 1995a, b), and six at 100 000 scale : scarps identifi ed from this mapping. A central northwest _ _ Drainage outsIde Lachlan Fold Selt Dr alrlage parallel 10 stoke of bed· rock In Lachlan Fold Sell Drainage oblique to sluke of bed rock in Lachlan Fold Sell _ .. _ .. - Great D!VIde ••• • • _-- Ca nobolas DivIde - T - Great I Figure 1: Regiona l setting 38 Escarpmenl t Lac hlan Fold Sell ASPECTS STEPHENSON & BROWN, eM, 1989 . The ancient Murray River System BMR Journal of Australian Geology and Geophysics, 11. 387-395. sUPPEL, D.W & GILLIGAN , LB , 1993. Nymagee 1250 000 metallogenic map 51/55-2 . Metallogenic stud y and mineral deposit data sheets . Geological Survey of New South Wales, Sydney WELLMAN, P , 1986. In trusio ns be neath large intraplate volca noes . Exp loration Geophysics, 17 , 135 - 139. WELLMAN, P & McDOUGALL, I , 1974. Potassium-Argon ages of the Cainozoic volcanic rocks of New South Wales. Journal of the Geological SOCiety of Australia, 21. 247-272 . WILLIAMSON , WH, 1969. Cainozoic rocks outside the Murray basin - 3 . The Lachlan Valley. In Packham, G.H. ( Ed ), The Geology of New South Wales . Journal of the Geological Society of Australia, 16 (1 ), 545-549. WILLIAMsOI'l, WH, groundwater 1986. resources Investigatio n of the La chlan of the Valle y alluvium . Part 1: Cowra to Jemalong Weir. Water Resources Commission of New Sou th Wales, Hydrogeologica l Report 1986/12 . WILSON, IR. & McNALLY, GH , 1996 . A geological appraisal of Tertiary deep leads in the Parkes-Forbes area . Abstracts, The Geological Evolution of Eastern Australia . Sydney Universities Consortium of Geology and Geophysics, 71-73 WOOLLEY, D.R. & WILLIAMS, DR, 1994. Cargelligo Hydrogeological Map ( 1250 000 scale) . Aus tralian Geological Survey Organisation, Canberra. 37 OF PALAEODRAINAGE PAlAEODR A IN GA E SIGNIFIC ~~~$I1I. . A NCE 0& Hill Bald .. E~d (Au) , Moleng THUR 1i!iJ®1l!ID~® REG T ION • Turon River (Au) orJnge .Mt~~o~~s .. Hill, moun!ain 0 0 I Bulga lit Canobol'$ iLucknow (Cu) • (Au) Town Localily Cargo, Ridgeway (Au) Mine .. Oe po sit G:l Bathurst Granite § Glenella Basalt Cowra Dalbys • Falls 30km ~o 10 1 ChaJ/acombs. Crossing S ... Spring Gully (Au) Manildra • Toogong B A THE N (Au) Hawkin~ Hill Hili I 1 Abercrombie Caves. • wrangala LuIky Draw (Au) .Burraga (Cu,Au) Figure 2 : BATHURST locality m ap trending highly weathered plateau dominates the area occur on the western slopes associated with the Lachlan and transgresses the northerly trend of the underlying and Belubula Rivers and Mandagery Creek . High level bedrock. Multiple weathering profiles and residual clay alluvial sediments occur on the plateau west of Mo long, are associated with extensive Tertiary lava flows; residual and terraced alluvial sediments occur along the Macquarie and transported sand and gravel occur near and on the River, especially in the highly weathered and eroded Canobolas Divide. Rugged hilly to mountainous terrain with moderately to unweathered bedrock predominate to Bathurst Granite, and along the Lachlan River. Aeolian the northeast and south. Large areas of transported sed iments are probabl y scattered over much of the area colluvial and alluvial deposits overlying weathered bedrock (Scott, 1999) but have yet to be defined regionally Transponed Reooilh ---.J i.rcsU.it1uaJmtn'S :=J ''''''' D c./llwllu Ifl -Si llJ Recolith . J R~f l'JI~' IPTllrttiif D t... itP), hlQMf ,,·~ltJIet~ d bl'!u\(lCt n Hr:.;hT)' ".IiolJ'htrtr.tWock ~ ((UJdeJ'litrlf~.rtr.!rsdbltrJ:· := Sll r)lKlt'Mur"-tdu r:/rcu D v-....~'" \~ EROSIONAL SCARPS ~ ~1I"~·$I;U~G:I$UlD (o ,,~ ~.~.'II/""QA*~ - - '- ~ljrl.~~Ils".::.MI VOLCANIC LANDfORMS ~ A"..,,(,. (~1J.1IpWfu ~ W f*f;fV ( ~I! ' ¥ ----,"~, ""--_. ti ~ , . .,. . 1 ,~." ."", Figure 3 : BA77-JURST regolith types an d erosional sca,ps 39 ~ ;:=:~&~~Qnl1 ~,~(rdUr.1I b.. Mgj(Il1c.a.~/a.( ----... IIIJIfflI:f~.,.. Pf..,rtd~II1'~""lts - .... rnutt~;1 fJ ~. sl~ w~Ir>J~' _._ - . IIItwt,e:l QttiJm rc/Qo:w:; AddtI.t'~e 10 15km IROSLYN C HAN Figure 4 displays the regional relief of BATHURST and the over a digital terrain model on which some major main present-day dra inage and drainage divides . The regolith-landforms are indicated Great Divide separates coas tal from inland drainage, and The geology dominantly consists of northerly trending the northwest-trending Canobolas Divide separates the belts of Ordovician to Devonian felsic to mafic volcanics Darling River drainage from the more southerly Lachlan and volcaniclastics, and metasediments of the Lachlan River drainage (Figures 1 and 4) The tabl elands of the Fold Belt. Th e Silurian Wyangala Granite and the Carboniferous Bathurst Granite are the largest of a number Eastern Highlands grade to the western slopes in the of granite intrusions. Sydney Basin sedimen ts onlap to the western third of BATHURST. Figure 5 shows a perspective east. Tertiary volcanics, noteably the Canobolas complex view of airborne gamma-ray spectrometric da ta draped shield volcano, overlie the older rocks. -.. --. lOO!r,-.~ ooorm-rQ.)!t j-~,- - - ;4 '0'_-'1"-:',11'* _t...._ -t-- ~~I G'r~ ...iI" dII .. """,.."". llc"~f!'rllaf·"boe 10 Figure 4 : BATHURST regional reiie/and drainage [} 5£ lld ed Il!'Ilab boNI w Abf!fCfombie La~lI n River C1I: Ot'l.;TM Il\ E!.C&lpm4r.: (, ~ WyangaJarsS6n'Clj' Plaleil.UO!l Qtarut e Figure 5: BATHURST digital lelTain model with 3 -bcmd composite gamma-ray spectrometriC drape (potassium in red, thorium in green, uranium in blue) 40 15 kJlr PALAEODRAINGAE SIGNIFI CA N C E IN THE B A THUR S T RE G I O N The oldest recognised drainage is across strike draining RECOGNITIOl'l OF DRAINAGE TRENDS Evidence for drainage evolution is in the form of Tertiary towards the northeast; younger drainage parallels strike lava flows (Figures 6 and 7), remnant high level alluvial in a northerly direction; still younger drainage across materials (Figure 8), landforms such as windgaps (Figure strike drains a sector spanning from the northwest 9), ponding and drainage patterns . Interpretations are of through to the south\'vest. Overprinting and disrupting variable certainty. Sectors of present-day drainage align these to form trends which may be remnants of older drainage systems. Figure 10 shows the dominant trends in drainage relationships indicate Tertiary m ore full y understand the many complexities highlighted such as cross-bedding, by this regiona l mapping. indicates these directions rather than their inverse . Cross-cutting with dating of lava fl ows and high level all uvium is required to Sub-dominant trends are to the northeast, west and Field evidence, trends associated induced radial drainage. More detailed mapping and BATHURST are in a northerly and northwesterly direction. southwest. trends are volcanism which may relate to pre volcanic doming that drainage directions young in an anticlockwise direction . Figure 7: View to west from inverted basalt in Figure 6 across incised J1IIacquarie River valley Figure 6: Weathered 12 J1Ila C'cmobolas inverted basalt flow over alluvial gravels Figure 8: La te j urassic conglomerate will? rounded lithic and qu.artz pebbles over vely coarse sandstone at Killonbutta Forest 41 I ROSLYN CHAN (Figure 8) indicates a northerly drainage direction and initial palynological dating of carbonaceous mudstones indicates a Late Jurassic age (time equivalent to Surat Basin Pilliga Sandstone) and a non-marine deposition environment (Gibson & Chan, 1999). Rounded quartz and lithic pebbles and cobbles are present. Lag from similar sediments is preserved 9 km to the east in a wind gap on the Canobolas Divide near the headwaters of Mandagery Creek. Cuttings from drilling aSSOCiated with reflection seismic profiling by AGSO in 1997 have been interpreted to show a minimum original thickness of 70 m for sediments at Killonbutta and at least 100 m Figure 9: Wind gap on Great Divide between Fish River flowing to the n011h-northwest andJenolan River flowing to tbe south southeast maximum original thickness in the area. These sediments are on variably weathered Gumble Granite and indicate a pre-depositional Jurassic terrain with more relief than today's Sediments to the west of a bedrock granite high noted from seismic drilling are partly ferruginised and probably reflect palaeogroundwater controls. Clearly these sediments indicate a major drainage line to the Surat Basin in the north during the Jurassic prior to the existence of the Canobolas further Divide. west in This high scenario level is parallelled sediments around Gunningbland National Forest (Gibson & Chan, 1999). 1 Inferred reconstruction -+ -+ N trends (parallel to stnke) _ NW-SW trends (across strike) _ Radial drainage off Mt Canobolas volcano, Inferred from Java flows NE trends High level quartz cobbles are also found north of f of palaeodrainage Canobolas Divide in the Oberon area beneath north trending Tertiary lava flows near Beatties Hill and on strath terraces flanking the upper Fish and Duckmaloi Rivers Figure 10: BAlliURST drainage trends (Figures 2 and 4) . Well rounded quartz cobbles, up to 15 cm diameter, underlie a topographically inverted 12 Ma (Wellman and McDougall, 1974) basalt, 60 m above the Regional drainage patterns were analysed over much of bedrock incised Lachlan River, at Glenella below Wyangala the Lachlan Fold Belt in NSW to see if BATHURST trends Dam ( Figure 2). Glen Logan Gravel deposits with well were reflected regionally. This was largely the case as rounded rounded quartz pebbles, mostly up to 3 cm In shown in Figure 1. Oilier and Pain (1994) previously noted the northwesterly trends over much diameter, near Cowra form terraces up to 40 m above the of present Lachlan River floodplain. Quartz gravels are found southeastern Australia . at various levels in the landscape and are buried further downstream in the Lachlan (see below) and Macquarie Rivers and further afield (Martin, 1991). The rounded REGOLITH FEATURES RELEVANT TO DRAINAGE quartz boulders, cobbles and gravels are likely to have HIGH LEVEL ALLUVIAL SEDIMENTS redistributed and accumulated lower in the terrain over a The sediments on remnants astride the widespread front. Ultimately, the original source of these northwest of Molong near the quartz clasts is from erosion of a very highly and deeply Killonbutta State Forest (Figures 3 and 4) are alluvial . weathered old regolith with only the most resistant Canobolas Divide plateau been eroded from older high level sediments and Cross-bedding in quartz sandstone and conglomerate minerals such as vein quartz left unweathered. 42 PALAEODRAIN GA S E IGNifi CANC E IN THE BA THU RST REGION LACHLAN VALLEY DEPOSITS Based on interpretation of water bore logs of the Lachlan The New South Wales Department of Water Resources Valley by NSW has identified a buried palaeovalley beneath the broad Williamson (1986) reports that basal quartz gravels floodplain of the present Lachlan River. This palaeovalley occur within grey sands and gravels of the Late Miocene Department of Water Resources , is up to 8 km wide and 100 m deep in BATHURST and to Pl iocene Lachlan Formation deposited in a reduced has an irregular cross section profile (Figure 11 ) swampy environment, and to a lesser extent in the Williamson (1986) shows that the pa laeovalley deepens brown gravels to clay in the more oxidising environment downstream from 80m near Cowra to of the Pliocene to Pleistocene Cowra Formation in the 140 m at Jemalong Gap west of BATHURST. Upstream of Cowra pa laeo Lachlan Valley. Gravels in the Cowra Formation are there appears to be a buried nickpoint of the palaeo uniformly distributed across Lachlan River. The increasing depth of the palaeovalley constant reworking by braided stream channels and towards the west, and the age of the sediments within it, reflect the local catchment lithologies (Williamson, the va lley indicating correlate with influences of the Murray Basin (Brown & 1986), as well as containing quartz pebbles from an Stephenson , 1991 ). The palaeovalley continues up Back older regolith mantle. Creek (a lso known as Koorawatha Creek and Crowther Inspection of Williamson 's seismic and bore sections Creek), a north trending southern tributary of the Lachlan indicates a complex history of sedimentation and River, and here is up to 85 m deep (Williamson, 1986 ). erosion. The simplest possible sequence of events is shown in Figure 7. erosion of a deep narrow va lley; valley widening, deepening and extension, and deposition of \ Palaeocene Acceleraled gorge erosion with downwarp 01 ............ ................ . . ... ~~"" ...... 1 .. .. . ~ . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . the Lachlan Formation, erosion of the Lachlan Formation . and deposition of the Cowra Formation with interfingering ~ of colluvial sediments along valley edges; formation of terraces due to fluctuations in sediment supply and 2. Eocene-Miocene: Valley WIdening and deepening. and head ward extension 01 gorges. Base 01 valley affected by relative ~ • .. ................. erosion . Williamson 's ( 1986) seismic profiles show the .. . . .......... . . .... ........ .. ........... ...... "..... . .. . . ........ . Lachlan palaeovalley deflects considerably from its ............. .. ................ present course in places downstream of Cowra . The Belubula Formation in the lower Belubula River has a 3 Late Miocene·Pliocene: Deposition of Lachlan Formation wittl maximum thickness of 24 m downstream of Canowindra ~ Sediments 4 Pliocene: Erosion of Lachlan Formation exhuming some sedimentation in the Cowra and Belubula Formati ons are (Williamson, 1986) and has been dated from pollen as Pleistocene (Martin, 1973); it is time equivalent of the upper part of the Cowra Formation (Williamson, 1986) . r~ : associated wi th the sequence of still being deposited and eroded toda y. Colluvial slope sed iments are presently accumu lating on wide low angle pediments, fans and rises adj acent to the Lachlan River near Cowra, along Nyrang Creek and its 5. Pliocene-Pleistocene: Deposition 01 Cow'a Formation. tributaries in the Belubula River catchment, and the upper f'liandagery Creek catchment Alluvial floodplain sediments have aggraded along the Lachlan River downstream of Wyangala Dam . The fl oodplain widens downstream of Challacombs Crossing with multiple terraces and meande rs whose amplitude is less 6. Holocene: Terrace formation . ~ downstream of Cowra than upstream. DEEP LEADS A reappraisal of deep leads in the Parkes-Forbes area west of BATHURST by Wilson and McNally (1996) Sedimentation ojthe Lachlan palaeovalley Figure 11: indicates narrow deep pa laeovalleys containing chaotic 43 l 'OSlYN C H AN deposits with fl oors lying at depths of 30-140 m below the Boree Creek on the Western Slopes near Toogong the present land surface . They note the similarity of has on ly been a few metres in 12 Ma since lava fl owed incision and channel fill to that of the Lachlan Formati on from Mt Can obolas, ie 0.4 m/M y. in th e base of the Lachlan palaeoval ley and suggest the sed iments are part of the same Late Miocene to Pliocene Valley widening in conju nction with headward erOSion depositional event The valley noors of the deep leads are results in scarps ( Figure 3) that are acti vity fronts the proximal parts of an integrated incised valley system separating more deeply and highl y wea th ered bedrock graded to the base of the Lach lan River palaeoval ley. plateaus above, from a less wea thered and sha llower weathered mantle, often with a transported component, A wind gap In the Belubula-Mandagery drainage divide at below. Val le y heads from headward erosion coa lesce and the head of the south flowing Ca rgo Creek, a few form a scarp which then effec tively retreats headwards. kilometres to the wes t of Cargo, indicates a possible Scarp retreat occurs on bo th sides of the Great Divide palaeodrainage line, which is substantiated by records of and the Canobolas Div ide , the Great Escarpme nt being A summary to the eas t of the Great Div ide (O ilier, 1982). Figure 12 description of the deep leads by J.E. Carne from sha fts is an examp le of valley development across the sunk in 1878 is reproduced in Andrews and Morrison Abercrombie (1915) Carne states that "two sets of deep leads, the downstream from Wyangala Dam: the val ley deepens mining in the Cargo Goldfield from 187 0. Escarpment no rth of Darbys Falls upper one of which, with the black clays and fOSSi l from the s tream ou twards by slope retreat as it crosses leaves, will be found resting in places in the older the scarp and approaches the Lachla n River to the south . roun ded quartz pebble drift" and occu r at depths up to Va lley widening along fl oodplains of the Lachlan and 120 m below the present surface at the headl"vaters of Belubula Rivers, mainly downstream from higher scarp Cargo Creek. The nor therl y trending buried channel has dom inated steep, almos t vertical sides with slope debris fan am plitudes incising terraces. sed iments. Also, a sha ft immediatel y to the north o f the mainl y al luvial terraces south o f Bathurst to strath terra in, results in mea nde rs of various The progression from wind gap in the Belubula-Mandagery drainage divide, is terraces north of Bathurst along the Macquarie River and rep orted to s ti ll be in alluvium at 34 m depth . Th us the its tributaries indicates progressi ve valley widening and sedime nts cross and pre-date the Belubula-Mandagery deepen ing as the meanders of the Macquarie River divide and so may be as old as Mesozoic. Andrews and entrench across bedrock lithology and structure towards Morrison also rep or t "river wash an d gravels" on hil ls 90 a lower base level to the northwes t. m to 120 m above Cargo vil lage. DRAINAGE AS A CONTROL ON LANDFORM EVOLUTION EROSION The mos t acti ve erosion in th e area is via incision along th e Bel ubula River, the upper La ch lan River and f"landagery Creek south o f Ca nobo las Divide, and the "'" headwaters of the Macquarie River, Turon River, LewIs ----_~ YOUflg _ _ __ OJ,,!l:Crd!or.-ns (a) Diagra mmatic cross sections of valley development aCfOSS !he Abercrombie Escarpment Ponds Creek and Bell River to the north of Canobolas Divide. Headward erosion of the Belubula River into the high ly weathered plateau to the east has been fast. Th e incision rate of the Belubula River below its nick point northwes t o f Junction Reefs is 15.4 m/My. Here the river is 200 m below a basalt-edged pla tea u where the 13 Ma precu rser o f the Belubula River nowed prior to the /" I Canobolas eruption. The Macquarie River / / I Pr(J"'O~"'!I h t<.. :fv.'l>l ~' ~i~'::::':· just downstream from its junc ti on with the Turon River has \ , incised over 210m since sub-basaltic sediments were : I \ ~ r>C'$C8tpde~~ ~ depOSited 12 Ma ago , a rate of 18 m/My ( Figures 6 and (b) ScalP development as valley heads widen and co alesce to form erosional scarp. 7). These are some of the highest incision rates de termined in the area. In contrast the inci Sion rate o f Figure 12: Example of valley developmen t. Darbys Falls 44 PALAfODRAIN GA f S I GN IFI CANCE IN THE 8ATHU RS T REG I ON Drainage migration is apparent along the Macquarie River Williamson (1986) reports that 73 m of sediments at Bathurst. Basalt remnants overlying alluvial sediments overlies 12 Ma basalt, which overlies a further 9 m of on Mt Panorama and adjacent hills, dated at 16- 19 Ma alluvium, (We llman and McDouga ll, 1974), form a parallel arc to BATHURST. The upstream limit of the buried palaeovalley on the lower Mandagery Creek west of the southwest of the present Macquarie River which is at Cha llacombs Crossing on the Lachlan River where suggests a former course of the Macquarie River. To the broad floodpla ins over the palaeovalley narrow to an northeast near Kelso, a parallel arc of highly weathered incised bedrock va lley. Six kilometres upstream of granite rises occurs above a southwest facing scarp. Challacombs Crossing there has been 60 m of incision Swampy clay depressions and rounded quartz pebbles in in to bedrock since basal t erupted at 12 Ma (Wellman & red soil In this area indica te a remnant palaeoplain of the McDougall, 1974) at Glenella . Be tween Challacombs Macquarle River. The associated terrace deposi ts have Crossing and Cowra a series of terraces on Pl iocene to since been eroded through towards the southwest as the Pleis tocene palaeovalley sediments up to 40 m above Macquarie River migrated to its present course. Near the present Lach lan River floodplain ind ica te subs tantial Cowra , Back Creek has migrated to the northwest at its incision in the Quaternary Downstream of Cowra there con fluence with the Lach lan River due to build-up of has been less incision into the palaeovalley sediments . sediment on the southem side of the Lachlan River. A similar situation occurs along the Mandagery Creek and Landsurface lowering from at least 3 successive waves of incision upstream of Toogong and net accumulation scarp retreat, and denudation from weathering and downstream s ince eruption of basalt at 12 Ma from removal of regolith by overland water, gravity, wind and Canobolas Volcano (Gibson & Chan, 1998; Bishop & solution is moderated by the rate of lowering of the Brown, 1992) its eastern tribu tary, Bourimbla Creek, where there is net weathering front. The rate of landsurface lowering on moderately weathered plateaus based on eleva ti"ons of Alluvial terraces also occur further east in BATHURST in 40 Ma lava remnants varies from 3.4 m/My at Big erosiona l terrains . Narrower terraces occur along the Brother, southeast of Blayney, to 1. 2 m/l'''1y at Bald Hill Lachla n Ri ver upstream to at least Wyangala Dam, in near HIli End . As the rate of landsurface lowering places along the Belubula River, such as north of outstnps the lowering of the weathering front, drainage Mandurama just above a nick point, and along the Fish is superimposed from the regolith mantle (insitu and 1'1acquarie Rivers near Bathurst. Strath terraces weathered bedrock or sedimen ts) onto bedrock. A occur on the eroded interfluves of the upper Fish River. drainage line may keep its former pattern by entrenching Grossly oversized alluvial terraces and a wide floodplain itse lf and form ing gorges across more resistant lithologies, or the drainage line may be deflected by along Windburndale Rivulet pOSSibly ind ica te a former cou rse of the Macquarie River. bedrock structure and alter its course accordingly. As only the eroded core and m inor ramparts remain of the Cl imate volcanic pile associa ted with the 11 to 13 Ma Mt southeastern Austra lia , wh ich in turn has influenced has influenced vegetation and runoff in Canobolas shield volcano complex, significant stripping aggradation . Climate trended from extremely wet and IS inferred . cool in Late Miocene to Pliocene to drier and warm in th e AGGRADATION at present (Martin , 1991 ). Martin indicates that sea level Pleistocene, but the ra infall was always much higher than Lava and sediments have accumu la ted in a number of falls change a coastal climate to a continental climate with drainage lines. In the Oberon area multiple lava flows lower precipitation . She considers the Early to Middle partially infilled certain valleys and drainage lines, some Oligocene low sea level to have had little impact on of which are now inverted in relief. Around Mt Canobolas, vegetation because fluctuations in a higher precipitation lavas infilled lower terrain to form a protective lava plain . time were insufficient to become limiting and cause Just west of BATHURST al luvial sediments conceal a lava disruption to the vege tation However, a global sea level flow in the lower Mandagery Creek (Wil liamson , 1986) . fall of at least 180 m (Pigram et ai, 1992 ), in the Late Miocene (6-11 Ma) (Haq et aI. , 1988), in the drier Sedimentation, interrupted by major erosion events, has Miocene-Pliocene tipped the balance between ra inforest buried the Lachlan palaeova lley and some major and wet sclerophyl l forest (Martin, 1991). The resulting tributaries . Such tributaries are Back Creek south of combination of less water flowing down the rivers, and so Cowra, Bland Creek adjacent to Lake Cowal, the lower less water power to transport sediments, and increased Belubula sedimen t available for transport due to decreased River, and the lower Mandagery Creek . HAN gave rise to increased the rivers In off the Eastern Murray Basin. The Miocene BEDROCK LITHOLOGY AND STRUCTURE into the There Pliocene Lachlan Formation in the Lachlan low and of sediments Eastern northeast of area Less resistant more easily eroded, The terraces aiong the Lachlan River may, in part reflect further southwest of CoW[a to south 1991). in N.S.W fOllows drainage to the climate simi:arlv trending in the complex. The Belubula River LOCAL DRAINAGE MODIFIERS of its nick pOint has some structural and to the TERTIARY VOLCAI'IlSM volcanic provinces eg Bocobra Creek. Fault delimited 1"1a; Airly; 41 of have preserved some earlier and followed by palaeo-north to north northeasterl'y' were more extensive in past than now and so these were in existence before and Canobolas verified by rounded quartz to the south of the Canoboas occurring Divide (rlc'rY\',nn close proximity to rv'lt Canobolas may indicate radial due to the in the headwaters of the Belubula River, and a wind nows have coalesced to form lava pla'ns thick the Canobolas Divide up to 2.5km wide with extremely underfit flows northwesterly trending drainage systems Lava flows In at least 150 m units to the streams. This Indicates that their headwaters probablv associated with the Mt Canobolas compound shield volcano and have lines and modif:ed or obliterated others the the northwest of rv'laniidra, there appears to be some lineament control, 13 Ma; Abercrombie, ,"r=" of a fold the west of Carcoar and control on Its meanders. Lava flows from espeCially assoCiated with north-south trending bedrock identified in all of the major valleys of the Western of and structural contro' on drainage in some areas in BATHURST, correlates with the late Miocene sea strong on Canobolas Divide between the Belubula River to the south and Lewis 198 Ponds Creek to the north southeast and west of Mt Canobolas which have compiete'y obliterated prior drainage. The The Bathurst Granite and a few small intrusions of granite east-west about 30 km north of Bathurst also show lithological indicate that an east-west control on drainage. Due ex;stence 11 to 13 Ma and a further itself, across west. The Boree Creek - Bourimbla Creek low resistance to m) erOsion bowl has formed In the Bathurst Granite, and smaller shallower Warree lava plain deep ones have formed further north. The 19 Ma west into capping Mt Panorama IS on strongl'y weathered granite, and is about 100 m below scarp the Bathurst Granite and 180 m above the floor of the erosion bowl, lava flows are now inverted in to the 3) due a rate the lavas to inverted but Some flows surface incision and migration of the flow due to within valle'y's Macquarie River. of 9.5 m/My since The local low base has seen close to the Canobolas Divide In the Oberon area increased the Here, partly dissected mult'ple basalt flows partlv fill 100 of the Macquarie River, as eVidenced by stripping and m deep vallevs wh;ch are Incised into a weathered Due to the power of the entre'lchment in this area of palaeostreams post-lava or possibly tributaries and has deflected, this streams have incised their new courses on one side or both sides of the flows, the lateral streams". termed 'twin the northwest of twin lateral streams are has resulted l:l scarp retreat towards the southwest east Creek and Grove Creek In the vicinity of the Abercrombie Caves, and Accelerated headward erosion of River and Sewells which has resu'ted in the migration of the Canobolas Divide to the southwest and capture and boathook tributaries Creek west of Oberon. Some streams cut across the southeasterly Inverted relief flows, such as Lewis Ponds Creek and boathook tribu tar'es of the River in the vicinity of their confluence, and River Evans Plains Creek no~theast 46 PALAEODRAINGAE SIGNifiCANCE IN THE BATHURST REGION A number of northwesterly trending lineaments traverse Sydney Basin along this convergent margin caused the mapping area and probably relate to the "Lachlan upwarping River Lineament" which Scheibner and Stevens (1974) development of a peripheral forebulge (Figure 13a) which of the Lachlan Fold Belt due to the define as a zone of linear features of a fossil fracture resulted in tilting and erosion of the Permian and Early zone 40 to 50 km wide. A major west-northwest trending Triassic sediments (Herbert, 1970), and formation of a lineament defines the southern edge of the Bathurst northwest trending divide. The rapid denudation of this Granite which when extrapolated to the west passes uplifted mass may be reflected in a sudden major cooling through Mt Canobolas, and aligns with the Lachlan River event in the northeast Lachlan Fold Belt during the Early west of Condobolin. To the south a northwest trending Triassic (around 245 Ma) as predicted by apatite fission lineament, which can be seen on airborne magnetic track analysis of data collected over the Bathurst area imagery, aligns with the Lachlan River through Cowra. To (O'Sullivan et ai, 1996) the north a west-northwest trending lineament aligns with the Turon River through Sofala. Northeast Aowing drainage off this northwest trending divide eroded mainly upper Devonian quartzites of the northern Structural control of drainage is evident to the west of Lachlan Fold Belt and deposited this sediment as the l'1iddle BATHURST in the Parkes area, both in deep leads and present drainage (I \/Jilson, Uni. NSW, pers com 1996). Triassic Hawkesbury Sandstone which has a A V-shaped low lying sediment dominated zone, narrowing palaeocurrent direction of 34 degrees in this area to the south, between south of Parkes and West Wyalong (Conaghan, 1980). North-east aligned segments of present seems to be bounded by faults which align with the east day drainage along the upper Fish River and Duckmaloi River and west edges of the Coonamble Embayment of the mean downstream from Beatties Hill south of Oberon and the Surat Basin. To the northwest of BATHURST the Macquarie Pipers Flat Creek south of Portland (Figure 10) may be Marshes are controlled by Pleistocene block faulting and a gentle tilt to the east has caused the Macquarie River to incised traces of this Triassic palaeodrainage to the Sydney migrate to the east (Watkins & Meekin, 1996). It should Basin. Energetic braided streams, as determined from be noted that even a small tectonic disruption on the sedimentological studies (Branagan etal, 1979), with strong flatter deeply weathered and depositional terrain to the unimodal current directions imply a moderately steep west and northwest of the Bathurst region can have major northeasterly palaeogradient (Standard, 1964). impact on drainage as streams have long low gradient profiles. The same disruption in the higher relief erosional terrain of the Bathurst region would have relatively little Passive Margin affect on drainage as the higher energy higher gradient In contrast to the convergent margin tectonic regime, streams may well keep pace with the displacement and divergent or passive margin tectonics were initiated in the become antecedent streams. Having said this, no definite antecedent streams were found in the Bathurst region. Late Cretaceous as a prelude to the rifting of Pacifica (ie. that However, many superimposed and entrenched streams, part of Gondwana to the east of the present coast) from some with broadly dendritic patterns, are present These southeastern Australia. Crustal underplating with associated imply the denudation of a higher palaeosurface with a northeast trending doming (Lister and Etheridge, 1989) is relatively uniform weathered or sedimentary mantle onto interpreted to have occurred to the west of a zone of thinning bedrock with its localised structural and lithological control. of the crust betl-veen 100 and 80 Ma at the start of tectonic REGIONAL DRAINAGE MODIFIERS extension prior to the initiation of rifting along a northeast trending zone to the east of the present coastline of Australia TECTONICS (Raza et ai, 1995; Korsch and Totterdell, 1996) Tilting Convergent Margin perpendicular to this uplifted zone would have produced a To the northeast of BATHURST west to southwest palaeoslope to the northwest on the western side of this directed thrusting in the New England Orogen, which zone and initiation of northwest trending drainage. Apatite began in the Permian with maximum effect in the Early fission track data over the Bathurst area indicates a majOr Triassic, caused subsidence due to foreland loading of the lithosphere so forming the Sydney and Gunnedah cooling event about this time, i.e. around 95 Ma (O'Sullivan Basins (see eg Korsch & Totterdell, 1995) (Figure 1). et ai, 1995, 1996) The data indicate rapid denudation, Continued thrusting of the New England Orogen over the decreasing in magnitude towards the northwest 47 RO S L YN CHAN The proto-Great Divide is a tectonically induced divide and extended across the Canobolas Divide to at least as initiated by the pre-rift doming. The present Great Divide far south as Molong in BATHURST and Gunningbland west separates coastal dra inage from inland drainage along of Parkes. Towards the close of Surat Bas in the east coast of Austral ia, and touches on the eastern sedimentation, drainage would have flowed as dendritic edge of BATHURST (Figure 4 ). It has been modified by meandering or braided streams in a northerly direction capture of headwater catchments, for example in the across a low relief floodplain (Figure 13d). Kowmung River area west of Jenolan Caves, which caused the Great Divide to jump to the west. In most It is feasible that Surat Basin sediments covered a much areas the Great Divide is well inland of the Great larger area of the Lachlan Fold Belt and have since been Escarpment (O ilier, 1982) with evidence of prior stripped away Indeed, they may wel l have also covered the drainage crossing the divide, for example, Pipers Flat southwestern part of the New England Fold Belt, and parts of Creek and Jenolan River (Figure 9) are two reversed the Sydney Basin, as indicated by anomalously high vi trinite streams on the east of the Great Divide . refiectance data in the Sydney Basin (Middleton, 1989; Branagan, 1983 ). Apatite fission track and vitrin ite If Surat Basin sediments extended across the proto refiectance data indicate a much thicker sediment sequence Great Divide, (see below) signs of possible reversed in the Surat Basin than presently exists (Raza et ai, 1999 in drainage to the east of the divide would probably not press). This sediment cover, along with a palaeoslope to the survive to be superimposed onto the rocks below. northwest resulting from doming associated with the onset However, a possible mechanism for the reversal and of continental extension at 80-100 Ma, would give a capture in evidence differential downwarp, increasing mechanism for a shift in drainage direction via migration due IS to the east. and occurring after complete stripping of the to evulsion, and perhaps capture, from the north to the Surat Basin sediments. This downwarp may have northwest. The upwarp from which this northwesterly accompanied the ini tiation of rifting at about 65 Ma, and palaeoslope is derived also gives a mechanism for increased if so post-dates the initial upwarp associated with pre-rift incision to strip the Surat Basin sediments. doming. Alternatively, the proto Great Divide may have The 95 Ma apatite fission track date may indicate when migrated wes twards with possible westward movement much of the Surat Basin cover was stripped over of the dissipating heat source from underplating. BATHURST The denudation rate must have been at least 50 mlMy (ie 1 km denudation between 100 and 80 Ma), BASINS over most of BATHURST, which is 3 times higher than the highest incision rate over BATHURST since 12 Ma . This Surat Basin extremely high denudation rate is unlikely unless there was The Surat Basin unconformably overlies parts of the a great thickness of unconsolida ted sediment, for example, Permo-Triassic Bowen-Gunnedah-Sydney Basin system volcanically derived mUdstone from an island arc to the and the northern perimeter of the Lachlan Fold Belt. The east of Australia (Jones & Veevers, 1983). A large volume Surat Basin contains a l"liddle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous of Late Cretaceous sediments up to 4 .5 km thick in a transgressive sequence of fluvial and fluviolacustrine southwesterly prograding delta forms the Ceduna Terrace sediments through to marine muds. The Coonamble in the eastern Great Australian Bight (Fraser & Tilbury, 1979). These sediments may well include the Surat Basin Embayment is the southern lobe of the Surat Basin sediments that were eroded off the highlands in the onlapping the Lachlan Fold Belt. Pre-Surat Basin drainage Lachlan Fold Belt and elsewhere. would have been largely within strike controlled north trending valleys continuing northwards beneath the Surat Two major new northwest trending trunk streams, the proto Basin (Figure 13b) and then draining to the east via the Macquarie and proto-Lachlan Rivers developed on this Clarence-Morton Basin (Struckmeyer and Totterde ll, northwest palaeoslope, separated by the proto Canobolas 1992 ). Surat Basin sediments infilled and probably buried Divide (Figure 13e) The Canobolas Divide thus predates ( Figure 13c) northerly trending strike controlled valleys, the initiation of the Murray Basin . As these rivers eroded 48 PALAEODR A INGAE SIGN IFI CANCE IN THE 8 A THUR S T REGION through the Surat Basin cover they superimposed their occurs in the Lach lan palaeovalley from just upstream of courses onto the bedrock below, for example, the Cowra, and passes laterally into other time equivalent Macquarie River meanders across bedrock trends northwest Murray Basin units downstream of BATHURST (Brown and of Bathurst Some major tributaries, for example, the proto Stephenson, 1991). Erosion of the Lachlan Formation at Turon River also superimposed their courses, but others the end of the Tertiary resulted in valley widen ing followed preferentially exhumed and re-established their courses on by deposition of the Pleistocene to Pliocene (W illiamson, the pre-Surat Basin topography in north trending strike 1986) controlled va lleys. However, now the old north Aowing Cowra Formation ( Figure 13h). Howeve r, sedimentation of the Lachlan va lley wes t of the highlands streams are fragmented and in part reversed, as they are seems to have more or less continued into the Holocene diverted into the northwest trending trunk streams. and still continues presently, but at a slower rate Th is is reflected in some north trend ing segments of the DRAINAGE HISTORY Canobolas Divide which are exhumed pre-Surat Basi n The previous sections have presented relevant regolith , local divides. landform and bedrock geology features of the study area in the context of sediment deposition and eros ion M.urray Basin The Murray Basin to the west of the Lachlan Fold Belt wa s history. These ideas are drawn together in this section as initiated at the beginning of the Tertiary by structural a history of dra inage development downwarping from very late thermal subsidence over an Mid Triassic (Figure 13a) older reactivated rift basin (P. O'Brien, AGSO, pers com • Northeasterly drainage eroding Devonian quartzites on 1996). The sed iment derived from erosion of the north Lachlan Fold Belt and depositing sediments as northwest pa laeoslope would have probabl y been Hawkesbury Sandstone in the Sydney Basin . transported to the southern continental margin prior to Early Jurassic (Figure 13b) inception of Murray Basin sedimentation. As the vo lume • North to north-northeasterly trending and flowing of clastic sediment in the Murray Basin requires onl y a drainage in str ike controlled valleys within the Lachlan small amount of stripping from its catchment (D. Gibson, Fold Belt perhaps ultimately draining to the eastern CRC LEME / AGSO, pers com 1998 ), it is inferred that seaboa rd via the Clarence-Morton Basin . most stripping occurred during the Late Cretaceous, prior to Murray Basin sedimentation. The erosion of the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous (Figure 13c) Surat Basin sediments in Late Cretaceous is not due to • In-filling of structurally con trolled val leys by fluvial changes in base levels associated wi th the Murray Basin , sedimen ts of mixed provenance transported from the but to the northwest palaeoslope resulting from upwarp south and deposited as Surat Basin sedime nts . which preceeded co ntinental breakup . Interbedded lacustrine sediments deposited . Early Cretaceous (Figure 13d) • Dendritic meandering or braided dra inage flows to Fluctuations in base level in the Murray Basin and climate across Surat Basin floodpla ins into a resulted In periods of accelera ted erosion and valley north infilling in the river systems draining to the Murray Basin . fluviolacustrine environment as a prelude to the Isostatic readjustment (for example, Bishop and Brown, inundation by Cretaceous seas from the Gulf of 1992 ) to the stripping off of the Surat Basin cover and Carpentaria . Marine cond itions may have then been subtle movements on baseme nt faults in the Murray established in BATHURST, but no record remains. Sea Basin ma y well have been factors contributing to the regresses northwards, leaving north-flowing drainage Ini tiation of gorge formation on the northwesterly tilted across a low gradient deposi tional plain. slope (Figure 13f). Gorges up to at least 140m deep Late Cretaceous (Figure 13e) along the palaeo Lachlan River developed prior to the • Commencement of crustal thinning (between 100 and Eocene sedimentation in the Murray Basin which 80 Ma) to the east of the present coastline and extended upstream to Hillston on the Lachlan Ri ver and associated doming across BATHURST as a prelude to Narranderra on th e Murrumbidgee Ri ver (Martin, 1991 ) rifting of south-east Austral ia from Pac ifica. Proto Great A climate change to one with lower precipi tation due to Div ide formed along axis of doming. a global sea level fall in the Late Miocene resulted in the • Shift of northerly drainage across Surat Basin Aoodplains depositi on of the Lachlan Formation (Figure 13g), which towards the northwest on wes tern Aank of upwarp . 49 ROSLYN C H A N ~01'1.:1~ Sa."IO~:IX'.e U:7<\o".PO<I ~1'IIa.. _... Fclc:Dor. hE IIov.~ , <"""Go olt lllCiti;)n (a) MID TRIASSIC Foreland loading on convergent margin (b) EARLY JURASSIC Erosion prior to Surat Basin sedimentation (c) LATE JURRASIC Early Surat Basin sedimentation (d) EARLY CRETACEOUS Close of Surat Basin sedimentation C.1nobol' .... Divfdo T r ~OIwc:mcr--~ J o~nCOf!~ t'Q1 IJ:n . ptCCO ·.'J.. '·;]Y' s~:em (e) LATE CRETACEOUS - 80-100 Ma Upwarp, and Proto Murray River system on NW palaeoslope (I) PALAEOCENE - OLIGOCENE Accelerated gorge erosion w~h downwarp 01 Murray Basin (g) MIOCENE Volcanism and sedimentation in gorges (h) QUATERNARY Figure 13: Stages of Drainage Evolution in BAlliURST 50 .. Canobolas Province • Initiation of incision of Surat Basin northwest (11-13 to the southern ocean consequent development of erosional divides, eg Canobolas Divide, Prior to initiation of the consequent radial lava flows. Initiation of twin lateral Basin. .. Superimposition and entrenchment of exhumed for example, Macquarie River. Some streams defeated and structure and ( nnc;,~n' streams . onto .. Lower rainfall Induces Increased sediment due to reduced bedrock diverted. sea level fall in the Late Miocene. Widespread retreat of sediments in the Lachlan increased headward erosion via nick point retreat, and valley >Jaiacvv,~,,,:y in the Late via slope retreat, on both sides of the proto ,"Iirv-a,,,,,, sediments in other palaeo Great Divide. Basin from .. Downwarp to east results in migration of to the Great Divide Great east of the divide forms as heads lead valleys at Parkes and Forbes, aiso infilled. Pliocene .. Continued deposition of of valleys coalesce. .. Redistribution levels and possible deposition Gravel and time from .. cover. Basin at the of the Pliocene, Continued and erOSion, and deepening of .. Relief inversion o· lava flows continued . Bathurst Granite erosion bowl, Murray Basin by structural sediments derived from waning erosion in .. Accelerated gorge erosion to the Basin frOM the new lower base level associated . Deposition Cowra and Belubula Formations In Lac'llan and palaeo Belubula .. or entrenchme.'It continue with denudation Eocene to Oligocene (figure 13f) .. Continued erosion of 13h) Quaternary Murray Basin. nnlA!r1H,;o, bedrocks with Erosion of Lachlan Formation and valley Widening .. Palaeocene (Figure 13f) and trapping valleys assOCiated With hiatus in sedimentation in eastern Glen May be derived from stripping of Surat .. Initiation of Formation and tiMe sediments in older rounded quartz .. Basin cover and Continued retreat frOM both sides of Canobolas and Great Divides. The incision of the Basin River catchment basin and Lachlan Rivers northwards Into IS on both sides of Canobolas Divide. Narrow deep Macquar'e River catchment is western rim of the Bathurst Granite into the palaeosurface order tributaries, for example, low lead valleys exhumed .. and establishment of present LaC'llan River course. .. Province volcaniSM in Eocene (41 .. Initial on the Formation of multiple terraces and meandering river on Lachlan surface beneath Surat Basin sediments. .. Lachlan the f"',acquarie River catchment baSin but the gorges erode .. Eastern order tributaries, for example, the Great Divide and beheading, reversal and capture with the as Lachlan Formation of some drainage lines towards the southwest for example, the of palaeo Lachlan Valley sediments River at downstream in the Lachlan River as an exte'lsion of Bathurst as it erodes its old floodplain Back Creek Murray Basin sedimentation. diverted in its confluence with .. Initiation of relief inverSion of lava fiows .. Local tectoniC movements in areas to the .. Cont:nued weathering and denudation of Miocene (figure 13g) Lava Miocene (18 flows preserved lines as inverted relief, and twin lateral streams ·ormed .. Erosion of the Bathurst Granite and consequent rearrangement local of BATHURST .. Abercrombie Province volcanism in 23 Lachlan River due to sediment accumulation . which mostly .. form an erosion bowl espeCially 0: and pre- capture around its periMeter. due to astride Continued exhumation of topography, astride I ROSLYN CHA N MINERAL EXPLORATION IMPLICATIONS Thus, the degree to which s tru ctu re (for example, Results from the Bathurst regolith-landform mapping mineralisation aSSOCiated with faults and lineamen ts), have been fundamental in analysing the drainage lithology and hydrothermal alteration (leading to mineral evolution of this region and, in conjunction with resul ts of enrichment) interact with the regolith evolution to effect more regional work (for example, Gibson and Chan , mineralisation can be qualified 1999), related studies (for example, Martin, 1991; Williamson, 1986) and historical mining records (for Appa rentl y discrete and isola ted sediment deposits may exam ple, And rews and Morrison, 1915), have elucidated be related to each oth er within a palaeodra lnage a complex history of drainage evolution . In turn, drainage framework. evo lution is the key to understanding landform evolution extrapolated unde r cover, whe ther lava fl ows or sediment and associated regolith evolution, in particular the For example, northerly trending structurally controlled Such palaeodrainage lines may be processes involved, and their dimension, timing and drainage east of Orange is probably in herited from Earl y sequence . Th is knowled ge is highly relevant to land use, Jurassic times, and can be inferred under the Canobolas environmenta l issu es and mineral exploration, all of lava plains to link with present drainage lines within m ore which are pertinent to the Bathurst region . weathe red terrain to the south o f the lava field (Figures 3, 10). Much of this area has a history from "gold rush" days of allUVial gold and gemstones, such as diamonds (for By incorporating an understanding of the processes o f examp le, SoFala, Hill End, Oberon, Peak Hill, Dubbo, placer deposition (for example, riffles ) with knowledge of Forbes , Parkes, Young etc). In recent yea rs there has physical attributes of potential trap sites (for example, been an upsurge in bedrock exploration for gold and terraces and constrictions du e to competan t lithologies) copper and several maj or new mines have opened. The and the location o f historical workings, prospective type main mines and deposits are shown in Figure 2. By understanding the linkage between areas for placer deposits may be delineated. In this bedrock context th e Macquarie and Turon Rivers would be good mineralisation , deep leads and placer deposits (Figure to study in terms of alluvial gOld. Since all o f the obv ious 14) a grea tl y expanded exploration potential is made loca tions have already bee n worked through , thiS model available. Palaeodrainage lines may not on ly define could be extrapolated with more benefit under cover m inera l deposits directly aSSOCiated with them, but the y Similarly, place r deposits of diamonds may be located by may also be vectors to bedrock m ineral isation as they tying together a model for the sou rce of diamonds with can give the provenance and geochemical Signature of a model for the weathering and erosion history of these potential bedrock mineralisation. source areas (for example, Chan , 1998) and assOCiated fluvial pathways and architecture . One such working model that accounts for the known location o f diamond sources in southeastern Australia is active subduction of ocea nic crust and associated sediments under the eastern margin of the Australian plate (Barron et ai , 1994) . These diamonds have been brought to the surfa ce in the Oberon area with Ca inozoic alkali basalts. New deep lead s of th e style at Cargo on the tablelands Figure 14: Relationships ofplacer gold deposits may be discovered in otherwise un likely places due to an understan ding of the palaeod rainage. Burled deep leads may be discovered by tracing projected palaeodrainage under cove r and veri fying its existence by focussed A nu mber of Palaeozoic volcanic centres contai ning studies, such as enha nced airborne magnetic Imagery to hydro thermal alteration have recently been discovered trace maghem itelmagnetite, seism ic surveys, selected and are presently under investi gation for thei r mineral potentia l. By distinguishing transported drilling for lithologica l logging, mineralogy, geochem istry mate ria l (including partial extraction methods), tranSient electro associated with drainage lines from insitu regolith, magnetics and hydrogeochemical studies. Geochem ical geochemical and hyd rogeoche mical results can be studi es would also be beneficial to check for anomal ies in interpreted more effec tively. The inFluences of bedrock exposed areas whe re the only trace of palaeodrainage IS ca n then be better discerned from those of the regolith . high ly wea thered inverted reli ef, for example, in the 52 PAlAEODRAING A E S IGNIFICANCE IN CHAN R. A. vicin ity of the Abercrombie Caves south of Blayney, a THE BATHURST REG I ON 1998 . Bathu rst regolith-landfo rms . In sinuous ridge of highly weathered bedrock may have Watkins J.J. and Pogson D. (Cmpls. ) Explanatory been covered by a lava flow but has since been removed . Notes for Bathurst 1250000 geological sheet SHISI 55-8. Geological Survey of New South Wales / AGSO . CHAN RA AND FLEMING C. 1995a. Orange regolith ThiS study provides a framework for extrapolating landforms, 1100000 scale map, sheet 8 731, NSW. palaeodrainage further afield on the exposed Lachlan AGSO / NSW Dept. Minera l Resources . Fold Belt and under cover on and adjacent to the north CHAN R.A. AND FLEMING C. 1995b. Molong regolith Lachlan Fold Belt. Additionally, it may well provide a landforms, 1100 000 scale map, sheet 8631, NSW. model for linking alluvia l and deep lead deposits much AGSO / NSW Dept. Mineral Resources. further afield, such as linking historic alluvial and deep CHAN RA AND GOLDRICK G. 1995. Cowra rego lith lead finds to possible palaeovalleys throughout the landforms, 1·100000 scale map, sheet 8630, NSW. Lachlan Fold Belt and under the margins of the Surat and AGSO / NSW Dept. Mineral Resources. Murray Basins . CHAN RA AND KAMPRAD J.K. 1995. Bathurst regolith landforms, 1: 100,000 scale map, sheet 8831, NSW. AGSO / NSW Dept. I"lineral Resources. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS CHAN RA , HAZELL M. S, KAMPRAD J L, FLEMING C, I thank David Gibson for many thought provoking GOLDRICK G. AND JURKOWSKI I. 1995a. 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