December 2013 - Mount Vernon High School


December 2013 - Mount Vernon High School
Learning is DELICIOUS!!
Sundaes with
Dr. O’Malley
3 X 9 = 27
Fourth grade students have
been ea ng their way through
mul plica on facts. Each week,
fourth grade students take a 2
minute mul plica on ming.
To promote fact automa city
with mul plica on facts, students
were encouraged to prac ce
at home to see growth on the
mings. Students who scored
100% on their 2 minute test had
pizza with principal Ms. Jones and
sundaes with Superintendent Dr.
Students who were able to get
70-79 problems correct on the 2
minute test had tacos with Mr.
Trui .
Students who showed the most
growth had donuts with Mr. Doug.
Students who were able to get
20-50 correct out of 80 received
a sucker, 51-70 a lunch buddy or
ac vity with Mr. Thomsen.
8 X 7 = 56
Donuts with
Mr. Doug
Pizza with
Ms. Jones
5 X 6 = 30
Tacos with Mr. Trui
Learning is Delicious!..................................................... 1
Great Things Happening ................................................ 2
Help Us Be Idle Free ...................................................... 2
Don’t Forget .................................................................. 2
Founda on Fall Campaign ............................................. 2
P.R.I.D.E. Magazine Sales Update. ................................. 2
MS Students Volunteer in the Community. ................... 2
Preparing For Bad Weather. .......................................... 3
K - 4 Singing Volunteers Needed ................................... 3
InTouch Online Payments .............................................. 3
From the HS Ac vity Director Desk ............................... 3
Fine Arts Associa on Members ..................................... 4
MVHS Students Chosen For All-State ............................ 4
MV Students Chosen For OPUS Honor Choir................. 4
NEIBA Honor Band......................................................... 4
Booster Club Members.................................................. 5
Press Associa on Awards .............................................. 6
Wedding Ceremony of Q & U ........................................ 6
Lengwin Competes at State Swimming & Diving ........... 6
Lantern Walk ................................................................. 6
Congratula ons! ............................................................ 6
4th & 5th Graders Compete in Computer Quiz Bowl .... 6
HS Art/English Trip Fundraiser....................................... 6
Thank You! ..................................................................... 7
Get Your Mustang Gear ................................................. 7
Red Ribbon Week .......................................................... 7
“You CAN” Drive a Success ............................................ 7
Celebra ng Veteran’s Day.............................................. 7
HS Guidance Info for Students & Parents ...................... 8
ACT Informa on ............................................................ 8
Booster Club .................................................................. 9
WETAP ........................................................................... 9
P.R.I.D.E.......................................................................... 9
Cornell Success Lab ....................................................... 9
Save the Date ................................................................ 9
December Breakfast & Lunch Menu ........................... 10
Robo cs First Home Tournament a Success ................ 10
Archery Off to a Great Start......................................... 10
Ideas For Parent .......................................................... 11
Founda on Dona on Form ......................................... 11
Ways to Donate This Holiday Season .......................... 11
Thank You! ................................................................... 11
Author Brings Indonesia to Washington Elementary .. 11
December Ac vity Calendar ........................................ 12
Mustang Madness & Cancer Awareness Night............ 12
December 7: Mustang Madness &
Cancer Awareness Night
December 11: Early Out
December 23 - January 3: No School
- Winter Break
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Mount Vernon, IA 52314-1761
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Mount Vernon, IA
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Mount Vernon Community School District DECEMBER 2013 NEWS
"So many teachers I had at Mount Vernon Schools
provided lessons I could not fully realize unƟl I was gone from
school. A few examples were the English department: Gladys
Rife, Sandra Bolton, Ruth Michaud and Donna Jacobs. Each
steered me toward a love of reading, creaƟve wriƟng and
expression that has been my compass. Poets, choral reading,
yearbook, journal wriƟng, public speaking and essays all came
to life in high school. As technology has evolved, all those skills
are sƟll used and have enhanced new ways of communicaƟng
through social media, blogs, and media presentaƟons. My
English classes unlocked the creaƟvity and fun that can be had
puƫng informaƟon forth in the world.
Mine has not been the predictable road life that
I thought would happen. Instead I have taken many
unpredictable roads. I first explored Robert Frost’s poem
“The Road Not Taken” in a MVHS class with Gladys Rife. I’m
proud to be from Mount Vernon Schools, and give thanks to
the teachers and the community for helping me on my many
roads. I’ve got a few more to go... can’t wait to see where
they lead!
This district newsle er is published 10 mes per year for
parents and residents of the Mount Vernon Community
School District. Addi onal copies may be obtained by
calling 319-895-8845. Views are those of the authors. Any
ques ons about educa onal programs or school events
should be directed to the Superintendent’s office. Ar cles
can be submi ed via email or CD. Materials due by the 15th
of every month. No permission is necessary to reproduce
contents unless otherwise noted. Clearly label the material with your name and phone number and send it to the
Administra ve Office by email or drop if off to the district
office to: Amy Weber 319-895-8845 or
Mount Vernon Community School District
Superintendent Office ................................. 319-895-8845
525 Palisades Road SW, Mount Vernon, IA 52314
Superintendent: Dr. Gary O’Malley
Superintendent Secretary: Amy Weber
Bookkeeper: Carol Woods
Business Manager: Ma Burke
Communica ons & Alumni: Kathy Staskal
Founda on/Grants:
FOR ALL BUILDINGS ........................................895-8843
Grounds & Buildings: Roger Pitlik
Informa on Technology Admin: Sean Flockhart
Systems Administrator: Tim Larson
Nurses: Melissa Hauser & Linda See
School Lunch Program: Marcia Purington
Transporta on: Dennis Gross (895-6205)
Homeless Educa on Program Liaison: Jason Pershing
Equal Opport. & Level I Inves gator: Bldg. Principals
Main Office/A endance ......................................895-6251
615 5th Ave SW, Mount Vernon, IA 52314
Principal: Kate Jones
Building Secretary: Denise Havill
Building Secretary: Lori Arnold
Guidance Office: Heidi Hassen
ELP: DeAnn Scearce
Early Childhood: Erin Whitehead & Jo NowakThompson
Media Center: Mary Priske
Kids Club: Maura Arnold ..............................560-2958
Main Office/A endance ......................................895-6254
525 Palisades Road SW, Mount Vernon, IA 52314
Principal: Bob Haugse
Building Secretary: Chiara Burke
Building Secretary: Pa y Mote
Athle c Director: Aaron Trui
ELP: DeAnn Scearce
Guidance Office: Jennifer Holub Tischer
Media Center: Suze e Kragenbrink
Main Office/A endance ......................................895-8843
731 Palisades Road SW, Mount Vernon, IA 52314
Principal: Steve Brand
Ac vi es Director & Assistant Principal: Joe Wallace
Ac vi es Secretary: Val Binsfield
Building Secretary: Stephanie Timm
Registrar & Building Secretary: Vicky Wieseler
Guidance Office: Mick Angel
Media Center: Suze e Kragenbrink
Alterna ve Educa on: Jason Pershing
DARRIN GAGE, President
DR. MARK WELDON, Vice President
MATT BURKE, Secretary Treasurer (895-8845)
“Promoting Excellence in Academics, Arts, and Athletics”
The December newsle er provides numerous
examples of our work with ac vi es, academics,
the arts and athle cs. We appreciate the many
volunteers who support our schools by celebra ng
the accomplishments of our students, and dona ng
their me and energy to improve our educa onal and
ac vity programs.
Special thanks to parent group leaders: Jackie
Morrical of P.R.I.D.E., Kent Streicher of Booster Club,
Angie Cannon of WETAP and Jo Nowak-Thompson of
MVFAA who con nue to demonstrate service over
Enjoy the pictures in this publica on! Our
newsle er features informa on about the fall
Founda on Campaign, P.R.I.D.E. magazine sales, the
lantern walk, the computer quiz bowl, weather alerts,
and ac vity events.
Congratula ons to our All-State musicians,
Opus Honor Choir members, the NEIBA Honor Band,
Press Associa on journalist award recipients and fall
athletes in cross country, swimming and volleyball.
Thanks to those who donated me and resources
to the MVFAA, WETAP, MVCSD Founda on, Booster
Club, “You Can” food collec on, and Cornell Success
Lab. Congratula ons to all par cipa ng in Robo cs,
Archery, and Mustang Madness. Yes!
This newsle er celebrates a collec ve effort to
work together on the behalf of others. Thank you for
your kindness, generosity and gra tude in support of
the children in the Mount Vernon Community School
Best wishes.
Gary O’Malley, Superintendent
Mount Vernon Community
School is excited to be a part of
Linn County Public Health’s “Idle
Free” project to do our part for
cleaner air for all to breathe,
especially for our students! The
Idle Free program has been in
effect since the start of the 201314 school year and many drivers
are doing a great job of helping
to keep our students healthy
Idle Free signs are posted
by shu ng off their vehichles.
around each of the school
However, we can all do a be er parking lots to remind
people to turn off their
The exhaust from idling
vehicles and school buses poses a health risk for
children, drivers, and the community at large.
Unfortunately, one of the areas where unnecessary
idling occurs most o en is at schools, where parents
or caregivers in car rider lines wait to pick up their
children. This is one hazard that can be easily
prevented and we are commi ed to be part of the
solu on. MVCSD has partnered with Linn County
Public Health to promote idle free school campuses.
Did you know…
• Children are more suscep ble to air pollu on
because their lungs are not fully developed and they
breathe 50 percent more per pound of body weight
than adults.
• Vehicle exhaust may exacerbate asthma symptoms.
Asthma is the most common chronic illness among
• Just one vehicle dropping off and picking up one
child at school puts about three pounds of pollu on
into the air per month.
• Working together, we can make a difference and
reduce air pollu on from vehicles.
Mount Vernon Schools are commi ed to reducing
idling in our vehicles and on our property, and we ask
that you join us. Along with our teachers, staff and
delivery drivers, please help us protect the health of
our children and make our air cleaner by following
the 10 Second Rule: Turn off your engine if you will be
wai ng for more than ten seconds to pick up your child
a er school or school ac vi es (weather permi ng, of
The simple step of turning the key will improve air
quality at our school and will help us all breathe easier.
Please join us in spreading the message: Turn the key
and be Idle Free!
Thank you for your support in making Mount
Vernon Schools an Idle Free district!
The Founda on's fall dona on campaign has
arrived! If you have not already received your le er or
postcard, watch your mailbox.
Mount Vernon schools have a tradi on of
offering unique experiences to students, allowing
them to be successful in their careers, communi es
and personal lives. The Mount Vernon Community
School District looks to the Founda on for support of
these educa onal opportuni es. A dona on to the
Founda on makes a difference in the educa on and
lives of our students.
As the calendar year draws to a close, it is an
excellent me to consider making an investment
in the poten al of all students by dona ng to the
Founda on. All dona ons are tax deduc ble to the
fullest extent of the law and can be made in any form.
Dona on ideas include Endow Iowa tax credits
(through the Greater Cedar Rapids Community
Founda on,) and many employers sponsor matching
gi programs for any charitable contribu ons made
by their employees. All contribu ons can be made
payable to the Mount Vernon Community School
District Founda on. See page 11 for a dona on form.
Mount Vernon P.R.I.D.E. would like to thank
all the Middle School students, parents, teachers,
administrators and community members who
helped support the magazine fundraiser this year!
This is P.R.I.D.E’s only
fundraiser. Your support
is greatly appreciated!
To date, students
have reached over
$21,000 in sales. Fortyfive percent of this money
goes directly to P.R.I.D.E.
to be used on behalf of
our middle school.
Throughout the
magazine sale, students
were able to earn prizes,
as well as addi onal
rewards at the end of the Mr. Monkey was out and
about in the Middle School to
sale. At different grade
get students fired up to sell
levels, students either
entered the Cash Cage
for 10-20 seconds of cash grabbing fun or earned
lunch and a trip in a limo! A new incen ve this year
allowed students to donate a chicken (for every 3
orders) to a developing na on to eliminate hunger.
If you did not get a chance to order during the
month of the sale, it is not too late! You can s ll
order and our school will get credit for the order. To
place an online order, please follow the instruc ons
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Register to receive a Student Online ID
Number. To complete registra on, you will need
our group number: 2619732.
Step 3: You will be issued a Student Online ID
Number and provided with easy to use email
campaign tools. The Student Online ID Number will
ensure your child receives credit for each magazine
purchase made.
Step 4: Shop and support Mustang P.R.I.D.E!
Mount Vernon Middle School students were
helping the community recently. Each year, middle
school students volunteer their me to help clean
up the commun y. This year, sixth grade students
cleaned 2 ditches that they have adopted.
Seventh grade students raked leaves for community
members who are not able to do yard work.
Thank you Middle School students for giving back
to our community!
Each week MANY jackets,
hats, gloves, backpacks and
lunch containers are le on
our school buses. Please
help the bus drivers find the
correct owner of these items by
labeling your students items. This easy step will help
keep the items in lost and found to a minimum! Thank
you in advance for your assistance.
Above: 6th grade ditch cleaners
Mount Vernon Community School District DECEMBER 2013 NEWS
Decisions concerning early dismissals, delays
and school closings are made in the interest of
the health and safety of Mount Vernon Schools
students. Closings will be reported to the media
as early as possible. Freezing rain, fog, dri ing or
heavy snow, extreme cold or heat, and ability of the
country crews to clear roads are all factors in the
decision to close school.
We have good, experienced drivers with wellmaintained buses, each equipped with two-way
radios capable of transmi ng thirty to fi y miles.
If we have a problem with a vehicle on a regular or
special educa on route, or on most ac vity trips,
we are able to respond in a reasonable amount of
me with assistance.
Our primary method to report school
closings and delays will con nue to be local
television and radio sta on announcements. The
School Messenger system is a secondary public
announcement. See below the full list of radio and
television sta ons.
Media Notiϐication
The following radio and television sta ons are
called when school will be delayed, dismissed early
or canceled.
KZIA-102.9 FM
KHAK-98.1 FM
KDAT-104.5 FM
The Mount Vernon Community School District
uses the School Messenger no fica on system to
call, text or email parents regarding changes to the
school day. Parents are automa cally signed up
to receive no fica ons. To make changes to your
parent account follow the instruc ons listed below.
PARENT -- You need to first create a new
account. From the home page of the district
website: - click on
“Alerts & Informa on” in the le hand box. Click
“Parent-Create New Account.” This will allow
you to create a log in and password for School
Messenger. Once logged in, you should be able
to see your informa on that is pulled from
PowerSchool. You can then edit HOW you want to
be contacted -- email? phone? text? Any me your
contact informa on changes, please use your log
in to update the School Messenger system AND
contact your building secretary with your current
numbers and email addresses to ensure you receive
important informa on.
Grandparents, community members and
alums also have the op on to receive these
no fica ons. Please note that when you sign up for
the no fica ons you will be receiving ALL changes.
Some of the phone calls may be as early as 6 am
for a delay or cancella on. Follow the instruc ons
below to sign up.
ALUMS: From the home page of the district website:, please select “Alerts
& Informa on” and then “Create New Account or
Make Changes.” If you want to add phone numbers,
change email, etc, please do so by clicking on this
same link or email webmaster@mountvernon.k12.
This system enables us to no fy you by
phone, email and text message within minutes to
provide informa on about early dismissals, late
starts, school or ac vity cancella ons, or other
emergencies and news that may be important to
Messy winter roads are just around the corner so be prepared for those days when our buses may
only run on Hard Surface Routes. Hard Surface Routes will only be in effect for the morning pick up
of students. A ernoon drop off will be normal bus routes. If weather condi ons warrant hard surface
routes for a ernoon drop off, a SchoolMessenger communica on will be sent to all parents and guardians.
Hard surface route maps were distributed in late October by bus drivers to students that ride the buses.
Addi onal ques ons regarding hard surface routes may be directed to Transporta on Director Dennis Gross
at (319) 895-6205.
Washington Elementary Choir teacher, Mrs.
Keast, is looking for students in grades Kindergarten
- 4 that would be willing to volunteer their me to
carol at Magical Night. Magical Night is an annual
event held in downtown Mount Vernon to celebrate
the beginning of the holiday season. This year
Magical Night will be held December 5 from 5:00
pm - 8:00 pm. Carolers will be singing in the First
Street Community Center gym beside the art display.
Students would be caroling from 5:15 pm - 5:30 pm.
Any student interested in par cipa ng should see
Mrs. Keast or parents may contact her at (319) 8956251 or via email at
Mount Vernon Community School District
provides a convenient way to pay fees online.
Deposits for lunch, day care or student fines may easily
be paid online using the InTouch payment system.
InTouch accepts VISA, MasterCard, or Discover credit
or debit cards. InTouch accepts payments over the
internet 24/7. InTouch, a na onal processor, allows
us to provide a secure site for making payments.
Remember - there are no convenience fees to use
InTouch. Payments are processed within the hour to
keep your student accounts up to date!
To access InTouch follow the instruc ons below:
• Select the “InTouch” link on the le hand side
• User Name: Enter your student’s ID number
• Password: Enter your student’s last name (capitalize
the first le er ONLY)
• Select “SHOP” from the top of the page
• Choose the building your student a ends
• Choose the items for which you would like to add
• Once you have entered all of the items, select
“Check Out” and enter your payment informa on.
Any ques ons regarding the online payment
system may be directed to Amy Weber in the District
Office at (319) 895-8845 or via email at
The WAMAC Conference Honor
Band Fes val was held at Central
DeWi . The following students
par cipated:
Kimberly Schroeder - 1st Flute
Lyz Erlandson - 2nd Flute
Kelsey Shady - 1st Bassoon
Leah Arnold - 2nd Clarinet
Mikalya Flockhart - 2nd Clarinet
Laura Player - 3rd Clarinet
Chealsea Wallace - 3rd Clarinet
Regan Kelly - Bass Clarinet
Jojo Jiacinto - Bass Clarinet
Jenna Brannaman - 1st Alto Sax
Kate Elsbury - 2nd Trumpet
Jenna Baumler - 4th Horn
Ian Bootsmiller - Tuba
Owen Egolf - Percussion
Aubrey Lyon - 1st Flute
Renny Klein - 2nd Flute
Val Stensland - Oboe
Kenzie Maurice - 1st Bassoon
Laurean Adams - 1st Clarinet
Nicole Margheim - Bass Clarinet
Cory Brannaman - 1st Alto Sax
Sean Herrmann - Tenor Sax
Paul Chihak - 3rd Trumpet
Kate Bumler - 2nd Horn
Nat Klein - 4th Horn
Bea Thornton -1st Trombone
Evere Thompson - 2nd Trombone
Alex White - Tuba
Joe Wallace (319) 895-8843 Ext. 4005
On Twi er: #GoMVStangs
Mount Vernon-Lisbon Girls Cross Country finished 5th at State.
Coach Sue Diebner awarded WAMAC Cross Country Coach of the Year.
Mount Vernon-Lisbon Boys Cross Country finished 8th at State.
Volleyball team advanced to the second round of the State Tournament.
Talented group of actors perform the fall musical, “AIDA.”
MV hosts first-ever Robo cs Tournament. See more details on page 10
December 7: Mustang Madness & Cancer Awareness Event
Mount Vernon girls and boys basketball teams will be hos ng North Cedar for
an all-day basketball event. Freshman girls will p off at noon (see calendar on
page 12 for addi onal game mes.) Each year the MV Booster Club hosts Mustang
Madness to kick off the basketball and wrestling seasons. This year the Booster
Club will host 2 separate events. The first will be held December 7 during the girls
& boys basketball games. The second will be held on January 4 during the wrestling
tournament. The MV Booster Club will have a soup supper star ng at 5. Mustang
merchandise will be available for sale.
This year, the December Mustang Madness will also be held in conjuc on
with Cancer Awareness Day. Both the girls and boys teams will be raising money
to support cancer awareness. Come out and support the our athletes, cancer
awareness and the MV Booster Club!
December 14: Mount Vernon Wrestling Invita onal @ 10 am
December 15: High School Choir Winter Concert @ 2:30 pm
December 16: High School Band and Orchestra Concert @ 7:00 pm
The Thespian Fes val was held
at UNI. The following students
par cipated:
Trevor Baty
Kate Baumler
Cory Brannaman (Iowa Thespian
Board of Directors member)
Jenna Brannaman
Emma Conroy (compe ng in solo
and duet musical theater)
Lucy Conroy (compe ng in duet
musical theater)
Simon Crocker
Kelsi Dohndt
Stacey Jaeger
Lance Lineburg
Aubrey Lyon
Nicole Margheim (compe ng in duet
musical theater)
Luke Moran
Gretchen Oelrich
Sydney Pra
Rehanna Rexroat (compe ng in duet
musical theater)
Cassidy Steines
David Taylor
Mount Vernon Community School District DECEMBER 2013 NEWS
2013-2014 Fine Arts Association Members
As the busy holiday season approaches, we would like to thank all of the parents who helped
with the volleyball and football concessions during the past couple of months. Their efforts
helped raise funds to support the arts programs in all of our schools. In addition, our private
donations still continue to come in – so please consider making a contribution, if you haven’t
already! Thank you to those who have made donations thus far:
Diamond Members $1,000.00 Plus
Mount Vernon Bank & Trust Company
The Intermec Founda on
Platinum Members $500.00 - $999.00
Ann M. Niehaus
Gold Members $250.00 - $499.00
Mark & Sarah Benesh
Steve & Robin Brand
Mark & Laurie Zaiger
P & A Niehaus Farms
Jeff & Julie Wenzel
Frey Pet Hospital
Kara Beauchamp & Jeff Walberg
Dee Ann Rexroat & Imran Farooqi
Darrin & JoAnn Gage
Tom & Vicky Wieseler
Doug & Crystal Shannon
Eric & Virginia Roudabush
Mike & Suze e Kragenbrink
Sherry & Doug Grunder
Silver Members $100.00 - $249.00
Jody & Sandra Kolker
Doug & Lisa Greif
Todd & Lisa White
Andy & Beth McCollum
Mike & Julie Lynch
Neil & Lisa Rud
Heidi & David Ryan
David & Barbara Vig Family
Tom & Ka e Stephens
In Memory of Melvin Edaburn - from Pat Edaburn
Bronze Members $10.00 - $99.00
Janet Griffith
Mark & Erin Krob
Sco & Diane Carson
Mark & Kim Erlandson
Todd & Melody Lineburg
Melanie Wilch & Family
Randy & Sandy Jaeger
Sco & Julie Golberg
Rick & Beth Alger
Dan & Sheila Deininger
Jeff & Kim Sherman
Alan & Lori Arnold
Barney & Tina Conroy
Hans & Denae Steine
Tori Barnes-Brus & Andy Brus
Jen & Loren Hoffman
Beth & Preston Johnson
Mike & Lori Cranston
Rich & Tara Hall
Dan & Teresa Cox
Naeve Family
Jeff & Laura Friedman
Heidi Niehaus & Mark Whitley
Ma & Amy Rechkemmer
Ed & Stephanie Timm
Greg & Stephanie West
The Mark Anton Family
Dave & Kathy Lyno
Sarah Fitzgerald & Tony Plaut
Cur s & Debra Hicks
John & Jana Klein
Wade & Krista Squiers
Gordon Klein & Sherry VerPloeg
Catherine Quehl-Engel & Craig Engel
Darin & Charlene Vig
Michael & Karla Steffens-Moran
Ma & Sue Margheim
Diana & Mitch Corcoran
Don & Judy S ne
Paul & Kris n Reimann
Sco & Marianne Taylor
Dee Clark & Mark Winder
Steve & Susan Pisarik
Duane & Leigh Ann Jordan
Julie & Jay Delancey
Dan & Denise Brannaman
Tara Brokovich
May you all enjoy a safe and wonderful holiday!
Five students at Mount Vernon High School have a ained the highest individual
honor available to Iowa High School musicians by being selected as members of the
2013 Iowa All-State Chorus and Orchestra.
Nat Klein - 1st violin in the orchestra
Katelyn Baumler - Chorus
Mackenzie Maurice - Chorus
Rehanna Rexroat - Chorus
Kai Walberg - Orchestra
Emma Conroy - 1st alternate for the orchestra.
This is the first selec on for each of the students involved. Thad Wilkins is
the director of the Mount Vernon High School Choir and Tabitha Rasmussen is the
director of the Mount Vernon Orchestra progam.
The 2013 Fes val will celebrate the 67th anniversary of this pres gious
event. District audi ons were held Saturday, October 26, at Storm Lake, Hampton,
Manchester, Harlan, Indianola and Fairfield. Approximately 17% of the students
who registered were selected for membership in the All-State ensembles.
Par cipants will rehearse in Ames on Friday and Saturday, November 22 and 23, and
the Fes val Concert will be presented to the public at 7:30 p.m. in Hilton Coliseum,
Iowa State University, Ames, on Saturday evening, November 23, 2013. Tickets
are $18 and available through the Iowa State Athle c Ticket Office or Ticketmaster.
The concert will be recorded by Iowa Public Television for broadcast. Please check
the IPTV website ( for any changes and addi ons. This program is
under the auspices of the Iowa High School Music Associa on and the Iowa Music
Educators Associa on.
Nat Klein
Kai Walberg
Conroy (12th)
Sam Krapfl, Ethan Wenz, Mar n Benesh, Emily Friedman, and Katheryn
Opperman were recently selected for par cipa on in the twenty-eighth annual
Opus Honor Choir Fes val. Over 3,400 students were nominated by their directors
for 700 posi ons in the four Opus Honor Choirs. Selec ons were made by means of
a recorded audi on.
Guest conductors of the choirs include Michelle Swanson, 5th & 6th Grade
Elementary Honor Choir; Dean Beckman, 7th & 8th Grade Bass Clef Honor Choir;
Jill Anderson, 7th & 8th Grade Treble Clef Honor Choir; and Adam Orban, 9th
Grade Mixed Honor Choir. The 2013 Opus Honor Choirs will perform at 4:00 p.m.
November 21st in C.Y. Stephens Auditorium in the Iowa State Center in Ames.
The Opus Honor Choir Fes val is under the auspices of the Iowa Choral
Directors Associa on, Inc.
Sam Krapfl (9th)
Ethan Wenz (9th)
Mar n Benesh
Emily Friedman
Opperman (8th)
NEIBA Honor Band will be held on December 7 for 8-12th select band students.
This event is held in Oelwein. Students will work on music for the concert
throughout the day. The 8th Grade concert will be held at 5:00 pm and the
High School concert is at 7:00 pm.
The students selected for this year’s NEIBA Honor Band are Quincy Chihak,
Clarissa Player, Lauren Adams, Renny Klein, Sean Herrmann, Nicole Margheim,
and Bea Thornton.
Watch for more informa on in the upcoming January newsle er.
Mount Vernon Community School District DECEMBER 2013 NEWS
2013-2014 Booster Club Members
TITANIUM BOOSTER ($1,000 & up)
John McVay Airplane Club
Mount Vernon Bank & Trust
A Father & Son Pain ng, LLC
Brown Plumbing
Gary’s Foods
Hills Bank
Kelly Concrete Co
Koppenhaver & Associates, PC
Richardson-Hanson Insurance
Neal’s Water Condi oning
Dan & Leslie Petrie
Rubicon Schma
Dan & Cathy Stoner
GOLD BOOSTER ($250-$499)
Bridge Bank
Iowa Physical Therapy
Mount Vernon Insurance Agency
Skillet Café
The Sun
Mark & Sue Anton & Family
Steve, Robin, Nolan, Summer,
Kaleb & Kameron Brand
Nick Klinkhammer
Dave & Jo Kutcher
Transforma on Fitness
Whitetails Unlimited
SILVER BOOSTER ($100-$249)
Ace Hardware
Barnyard Screen Printer
Cherry Ridge Assisted Living/
Hallmark Care Center
Dairy Queen
Dance Arts Iowa
Douglas Easker, DDS
Ellio ’s Fitness Center, Inc
Frey Pet Hospital
Gordon Lumber
Hertz Farm Management, Inc
Investment Centers of America
Ken Pospisil Pain ng
& Decora ng, Inc.
Kroul Farm Gardens
Lange’s Sinclair
Lee’s Town & Country
Lynch Chevy/Ford
M&K Dust Control
MercyCare Community Physicians
Mount Vernon Construc on
Mount Vernon Driver’s
Educa on, LLC
Mount Vernon Lisbon Community
Development Group
Mount Vernon Eye Clinic
Mount Vernon Family Den stry
Mount Vernon Veterinary
Pearson & Associates, PC
Photo Image/David Thackery
Polly Ann’s An ques
Right Frame of Mind
Sargent & Fortmann, LLP
Scorz Bar
Shepley Pharmacy
UnityPoint Clinic
Mick & Cathy Angel
Paul & Jaime Bentley
Eric & Leann Briesemeister
Fred Burke
Bill & Wendy Burkle
Dan & Lisa Cannon
Mike & Ruth Clark
Lori & Mike Cranston
James Erickson
Tim & Kim Fall
Ed & Karen Fordyce
Darrin & JoAnn Gage
John & Avis Gee
Sco & Julie Golberg
Cur s & Debra Hicks
Jilovec Farms
Jody & Sandra Kolker
Mike & Suze e Kragenbrink
Joy Kuntz
Tim & Diane Legore
Dave & Kathy Lyno
Steve & Lisa Maddocks Family
Ma & Sue Margheim
Morgan Melchert Family
Fred & Ann Niehaus
SILVER BOOSTER ($100-$249) CONT...
Brandon & Tammy Pitlik
Catherine & Craig Quehl-Engel
Jon & Joan Rasmussen
Carol & Jim Rebhuhn
Eric & Virginia Roudabush
Neil & Lisa Rud
Dave & Heidi Ryan
Mike & Shirley Ryan
Kacey & Andrew Schmit
David & Beth Smith
Hans & Denae Steine
David & Jo Ann Stoner
Kent & Aimee Streicher
Kori & Connie Swart
Jeff & Julie Wenzel
Kevin & Becky Whitman
Tom & Vicky Wieseler
Rae & Jerry Zahradnik
Duraclean by Rick Alger
Helios S tches & Stuff
Kluver Chiroprac c
Shear Madness Laura Friedman
Dennis & Darlene Allard
Ma & Kim Alles
Shannon Amundson
Ma & Emily Appleton
Alan & Lori Arnold
Gordon & Bev Behrens
Brent & Suzanne Belding
Michael & Linda Bigley
Bob & Polly Blythe
Sheila & Dean Borg
Mary Boudreau
Bill Bowers Jr
Cheri & Richard Bragg
Dan & Denise Brannaman
Brent & Ann Brase
Steven Carpenter & Mary Magner
Bryce & Kelli Chapman
Ron & Dawn Chapman
Dee Clark & Mark Winder
John & Kathleen Cochrane
Mitch & Diana Corcoran
Dan & Teresa Cox
Alan Craig
Dan & Sheila Deininger
Julie & Jay DeLancy
Tim & Deb Dever
Becky Dietrich
Lance & Sarah Dickson
Jus n & Cara Dix
Kathy & Minor Dix
James & Gail Drahos
Brad Dunford & Terry Tolson
Cindy Edge
Jeremy & Carrie Ellio
Mark & Kim Erlandson
Kelly, Courtney & Taylor Franck
Stephanie Frantz
Mark & Judy Goetschius
Doug & Lisa Greif
Janet Griffith
John & Mary Hale
Tara & Rich Hall, Mitchell & Ma hew
Jamie & Jennykaye Hampton
Patrick & Amy Lou Haney
Robert & Jaimie Hanson
DA & DK Happel
Mike & Ka e Heeren
Dennis & Sandra Helgeson
Dave & Toni Hof
Loren & Jen Hoffman
Randy & Cheryl Hollingsworth
Wayne & Jodi Hormann
Ruth Horton
Jeremy & Lindsey Hotz
Ron & Amy Jackson
Kyle Jilovec
Mitchell Jilovec
Duane & Leigh Ann Jordan
Bob & JoAnn Kintzel
Suzy & Sco Ketelson & Family
Richard Kohl
Ann Koppenhaver & Mike O’Brien
Don & Margaret Koppenhaver
Brian & Melinda Kranig
Mark & Erin Krob
Glen & Jennifer Kuntz
Tom & Judy Lass
Marsha & Vance Light
Todd & Melody Lineburg
Keith & Anita Lowe
Pa y Lynch
Mike & Mary Mar n
Andy & Beth McCollum
Jeremy & Jen McCollum
Lonny & Lori Merlak
Ma & Kris Meyer
Richard & Babs Moore
Jay & Lori Morgan
Andy & Jackie Morrical
Kevin & Pa y Mote
Kevin Murray
Naeve Family
Kim Nicodemus
Randy & Sheri Nicol
Heidi Niehaus & Mark Whitley
Loren & Renee Nydegger
Duane, Kathi, Kyli & Marcus Orr
Randy & Sarah Rife Pa en
H&B Plathe
Jerry & Pam Perry
Joe & Beth Peters
Ron & Nancy Pisarik
Steve & Susan Pisarik
Terese Pisarik
John & Cindy Pospisil
Ma & Amy Rechkemmer
Greg & Deb Reiman
Kris n & Paul Reimann
Ryan & Nicole Rentschler
Mike & Kathy Rice
John & Thelma Rife
Dave & Stacy Roe
Dennis & Jill Roloff
Brad & Amy Russell
Ed & Denise Ruth
Jason & Erin Salier
Jim & Kim Salzbrenner
Doug & Crystal Shannon
Kim & Jeff Sherman
Tony & Kim Shultz
Chad & Ka e Simpson
Bob & Sue Smith
Craig & Jean Smith
Don & Judy S ne
Darin & Angie Swartzendruber
Sco & Marianne Taylor
Sandra & Rick Thorington
Ed & Stephanie Timm
Hilarie & Aaron Trui
Paul & Deb Tuerler
Darin & Charlene Vig
Brandi Viter-Pitlik
Jeff & Jen Volesky
Hollis & Natalie Weber
Todd & Lisa White
Marj Whitley
Ryan & Tasha Whitman
Melanie Wilch Family
Nathan & Maggie Willems
Lori Winder
Wischmeyer Family
Dave & Donna Wolter
Carol Woods & Terry Boren
Warren & Barbara Worlein
Mike & Carmen Wycoff
Steve & Mary Young
Allen & Becky Ahrens
Tom & Shelli Ash
Jeff, Julie & Bob Axtell
Heath & Amber Barrow
Jessica & Ma Bartelt
Mike & Lynn Bergman
Mark & Valerie Binsfield
Rita Blessing
Kerry Bostwick
Dee Brecht
Howard Carpenter
Laurie & Tim Cooper
Chad Conrad
Lori & Tim Culbertson
Michael & Margaret Czarnecki
Blue & Twyla Dahstrom
Tony & Jill De Laubenfels
Tim & Jennifer Dougherty
Kevin & Marcia Driscoll
LeRoy Dunn
Denis & Jean Duppong
Ross Du on
David Emig
Jim & Jackie Engelbrecht
Fisher Family
Mike & Teresa Flockhart
Todd Gehrke
Francis & Cindy Grochala
John & Ann Gruber-Miller
Wayne Gugler
Alec Sco Hancock
Judy & Doug Hansen
Mark Hess
Doug Hanson/Sue Deibner
Roger & Diane Hoffman
Don & Deb Hommer
Kraig & Pam Hunter
Mr. Jones
Joe & Karen Kladivo
Annamae Baker & Ed Koehn
Koffron Family
Kara Krapfl
Adam Krapfl
Wendy & Craig Kruger
Joe Kruth
Daniel Kumley
Ami & Jeff Leonard
Hugh & Sue Lifson
Gail Logan
Craig & Trista Lynner
Wieslaw Machnowski
Bob & Jan Majors
Karen Mar n
Kari Mar n
Mark Mayer
McClellan Family
Gary & Pa y McCool
Chuk McLaughlin
Robert Meeker
LaVonne Meyer
Andrew & Deanna Mlynarczyk
Bill Mulholland
Steve Neal
Jim & Carolyn Newman
Cindy Niehaus
Dennis & Be y Northland
Nic & Devon Olberding
Randy & Chris Osborn
Crystal Carmer Osborn
Bernard & Angeline Paulson
Tom Petersen
Ginny Randall
Ron Randall
Alvin Reif
Judy Reilly
Adrian Ringold
Mallory Roudabush
Dick & Judy Rundle
Joel Carl & Janet Scharnberg
Mark & Amber Simmons
Tom & Beth Simon
Jeff & Mary Spicer
Cindy Strong & Marty St Clair
David & Teresa Staab
Mason S ne
Ronald & Linda Swanson
Sco & Michelle Triggs
Walsh Family
Eric & Karen Watson
Karen Weber
John Wellso
Deb Werderman
Eric, Cheryl & Emily Wery
Greg & Stephanie West
Marty & Kim Williams
Joe Wolfe
James Bonewald & Lori Wunder
Cheyenne Yonkovic
Bob & Mary Zinkula
Thank you for your
generous support of
our student athletes!
Mount Vernon Community School District DECEMBER 2013 NEWS
Above: Laura
Deininger placed
second in the
design contest
Ten student journalists from Mount Vernon
High School joined over 500 students from
across the state in a ending the Iowa High
School Press Associa on Fall Conference
in Iowa City. Junior Wya Swartzendruber
placed second in the on-the-spot photography
contest, and senior Laura Deininger placed
second in the design contest. The Mustang
Moon staff also received a second place
wri ng award for the IHSPA Spring Newspaper
Contest Sweepstakes.
Above: Wya
received second
in on-the-spot
Congratula ons
to the Mount Vernon
Cross Country boys
and girls teams and
the Mount Vernon
Volleyball team for their
advancement into the
state tournaments! We
are proud of our student
Above: MVLXC
team members
qualifying for
The Wedding Ceremony of
Q and U
Le : Volleyball
players get
ready to
recieve their
trophy at
the state
A day to remember....
Madison, our flower girl
Kenzie with our bride
Leuie with our groom
The special couple is off to Queensland, Australia for
their honeymoon...
~ Mr. and Mrs. QU! ~
Chocolate “kisses” of course…
Kaylee with the happy couple
The friendly community of Bucketville saw them on their way…
Ezekiel was our special helper!
Congratulations, Q and U!
Mrs. Moore‛s Kindergarten class
celebrated the marriage of Q
and U. Mrs. Moore used this
unique event to help her students
remember that “Q‛” and “U” always
go together.
Flipping and spinning from the 1 mtr
springboard, Mount Vernon junior Mikaela
Lengwin dove to a 14th place finish in the
State Swimming and Diving Meet. She made it
through two cuts into the finals at State Diving
to finish 14th out of 30 divers from across the
state. Since Mount Vernon does not have it’s
own diving program, Mikaela travels to Linn-Mar
to compete.
Divers have to perform a set number of dives
according to established requirements, including
somersaults and twists. Divers are judged on
whether and how well they completed all aspects
of the dive, the conformance of their body to
the requirements of the dive, and the amount of
splash created by their entry to the water.
Mikaela not only qualified for State
compe on in diving, she also anchored the Women’s 200 Medley Relayat the State
Meet. Swimming a 26.15 split, she helped the team to a 22nd place finish. LinnMar finished 17th overall.
Mikaela was the only female swimmer in the state of Iowa to qualify for the
State compe on in both diving and swimming. Congratula ons on a great season!
On Friday, November 8, thirty-two
preschool families gathered as the
sun went down to par cipate in a
Lantern Walk as the culmina on of the
preschooler's autumn ac vi es.
The children made lanterns at the
workbench during class, and many of
the parents made lanterns at a parent
night. Everyone gathered to light the
lanterns and then enjoyed a night walk
through the meadows and woods out
at Mrs. Nowak's farm.
The children
sang their lanterns songs, shared apple
cider they had pressed, and roasted
marshmallows around the bonfire. The
days may be ge ng shorter, but there is
fun to be had, even when it's dark!
Sixteen fourth and fi h grade Mount
Vernon students competed Friday,
November 8th in the Thinking Cap Quiz
Bowl. The online Quiz Bowl consisted
of 100 challenging ques ons from all
curriculum areas. The team scored
1125 out of a possible 1500 points and
answered 74 out of the 100 ques ons
correctly. Teams from all over the state of
Iowa were involved in the compe on.
Fi h grader Lillie Hawker said, “I liked
how we worked together to do the quiz bowl and how we used what we knew to
answer the ques ons.”
Academic Coach DeAnn Scearce said, “This was a new Quiz Bowl Compe on as
the Great Auk is now ex nct for the second me. The students rose to the occasion
and did be er than I expected.” Fourth
grader Anna Hoffman said, “We did
awesome. Our goal was 750 and we got
1125. We did great!”
Full bonus is given when the
students are able to answer the ques on
correctly within five seconds. Students
get 10 points for answering correctly
on the first try and an addi onal 5 points if they get it correct within 5 seconds for
a total of 15 points. “The more we progressed, the more we got full bonus points.”
said fi h grader Naomi Maudsley. Fourth grader Trenton Pitlik added, “ I was in
charge of sta s cs and our team got 27
fi eens.”
Fi h grader Anna Nydegger said,
“I am glad we all used teamwork
and coopera on. It was really fun.”
Students on the team included Team
Captains- Robert Petrie, Anna Hoffman,
Aden Grudzinski, and Megan Baumler.
Readers- Vance Arnold, Aliya Keaton,
Kai Yamanishi, and Lillie Hawker.
Sta s cs- Trenton Pitlik, Naomi Maudsley. Anna Nydegger, and Macy Eskelsen.
Keyboarding- Jayden Meeker, Ben Binder, Mark Liberko, and Owen Brase.
Fourth grader Mark Liberko commented, “Being keyboarder was hard because
everyone was shou ng out and B, D, and E all sound the same.”
Fi h grader Robert Petrie said, “It was a good me for kids to work together and
feel like they were a part of something big.”
HS Art-English Trip Fundraiser
OR purchase one tote bag and one grocery bag
together for $10
All proceeds will help individual students pay for their trip to London and
Paris. If you would like to purchase any of these items, contact sponsor
Tawnua Tenley, (319) 895-8843
Mount Vernon Community School District DECEMBER 2013 NEWS
Thank you to alum Dave Van Metre ‘55 and his wife Carole for their generous
dona on to the Middle School and High School weight rooms. The Van Metre’s
donated nearly $14,000 in equipment for the two schools. The Middle School
received 6 - 45lb Olympic Bars, 3 - 25lb Olympic Bars, 12 - 10lb Rubber Plates for
Olympic li ing, 6 - 25lb rubber plates for Olympic li ing, 6 - 45lb plates for Olympic
li ing, and 1 Weight Bench. The High School equipment was recently delivered
and installed. It will be available for student use soon. The High School received
a 9’ Power Rack, a 9’ Half Rack, a 6’ X 8’ Olympic Li ing Pla orm with Insert, 1
Mul -Angle DB Bench and 2 Glute Ham Benches. Strength and condi oning is very
important to the health and well being of all of our students. The dona on from the
Dave & Carole will be used by many students for years to come. Thank you!
Each year Washington Elementary celebrates Red Ribbon
Week. This is the USA's oldest and largest drug preven on
campaign. Red Ribbon Week provides an opportunity for
communi es to take a stand for the hopes and dreams of
children through a commitment to drug preven on and
educa on, along with individual commitments to live healthy,
drug free lives. The ul mate goal is a drug free America.
This year’s Red Ribbon Week theme was “Make Healthy
Choices!” Students and teachers worked together to create
doors that represented healthy choices. The winning
classrooms doors earned an addi onal PE session with Ms.
Jones and Ms. Hassen.
It is important to teach elementary children about the
dangers of drugs and alcohol, because this is when they form Mr. Nichol's room (Amy
important opinions and beliefs. Unfortunately, if we wait un l Mochal's room): Haunted
House themed door
middle school to address these issues, it is o en too late.
As part of the Red Ribbon campaign, general educa on about making healthy
choices was incorporated into lessons. A website for informa on about having
age-appropriate discussions with your children is: index.php/
learn/twk_drugs For addi onal informa on about Red Ribbon Week or drug and
alcohol preven on and educa on, please contact Washington Elementary School
Counselor, Heidi Hassen, at (319) 895-6251.
Winning Doors From Each Grade Level
Get Your Mustang Gear!
Complete your order and mail to:
Booster Club
c/o Amy Weber
847 Hwy 30 W
Mount Vernon, IA 52314
Make Check payable to: Mustang Booster Club
Addi onal merchandise may be viewed and ordered online at, Mustang Store, Mustang Apparel
Color: NFL, NBA, NBL,
Mustang, Cornell, Iowa,
Iowa State, UNI and many
more colors combina ons
$ 10
Color: Maroon or Grey
Youth Sizes: S - L
Adult sizes: S - 3XL
Color: Maroon or Grey
Youth Sizes: S - L
Adult sizes: S - 3XL
$ 20
$ 45
Early Childhood Mini Mustang:
We’d Be Nuts Not to Be Healthy
Team/Color Combo
Mrs. Wade's 2nd Grade: Dare
You to... Dig Into Nature
Adult Color: Maroon or Charcoal Grey
Adult sizes: S - 3XL
Youth Color: Maroon or Silver Grey
Youth Sizes: S - L
$ 25
Mrs. DeVries' 1st Grade: Hung
Up on Healthy Choices
Mrs. Maddock’s 3rd Grade:
Don’t Let Drugs Cloud Your
Mr. Thomsen’s 4th Grade:
Keep Being Boo-Ɵ-ful, Say No
Mrs. Hawker’s Kindergarten:
On the track to choo-choochoosing wisely
One Size Fits All
$ 18
Name ______________________________________________________
Email ______________________________________________________
Mustang Booster Club Supporting Mount Vernon Athletics
Mount Vernon senior Cory Brannaman
recently conducted the “You CAN” driver to collect
food for the Southeast Linn Community Center.
With your help, 1,707 items were donated. This
food drive truly made a difference in the lives of
many. Cory would like to thank everyone who
helped make the “You CAN” Drive a success!
Each year students at Washington
Elementary invite family members
or friends who are veterans or are
currently serving in the military
to celebrate Veteran’s Day with
them. This year they welcomed
past and present members of the
military. Lieutenant Chris Smith,
son of Washington Elementary
Associate Sue
Smith, two
of students
and Rich Wirfs,
parent in the
district, were in
a endance.
Mount Vernon Community School District DECEMBER 2013 NEWS
Senior Individual Guidance Conferences
Throughout the first semester, High School Guidance Counselor,
Mr. Angel is conduc ng individual conferences with each member
of the Senior class. One main conference topic is the status of high
school credits, progress toward mee ng all high school gradua on
requirements and culmina ng the student’s 4-year high school
academic plan. A second primary focus is post-secondary school
and career planning for each student. In addi on, items such as the
college applica on process, choosing an appropriate post-secondary
school or job, and the importance of making campus visits are
discussed. In some cases, results of interest and ap tude tests are
reviewed and ed to making decisions about plans a er high school
gradua on.
One thing that is stressed in the conference is the importance of
each student taking responsibility for following up on any guidance
news or communica on received via announcements, classroom
handouts or the guidance bulle n board. Students are encouraged
to stop by the guidance offices any me with ques ons or requests
for services/informa on/materials. Likewise, parents are asked to
call Mr. Angel (319-895-8843, ext. 4119) at any me with ques ons.
Parents, ask your high school senior or junior to share with you the
material that he/she has received from the guidance offices. Printed
versions of Senior and Junior Planning guides as well as Senior-Year
and Junior-Year Planning Calendars are on the guidance page of
the school’s website. Also, Mrs. Timm includes a link to the high
school’s guidance page as part of the weekly main office newsle er
sent electronically to high school parents.
Middle School
parents and guardians
are now able to view
grade level team
websites to see their
students’ upcoming
assignments and
tests. It is great
feature to keep you
updated on your
To locate this
informa on, follow
the steps below:
1) Go to the main
web page: www.
2) Select “Our
3) Select “Mount
Vernon Middle
4) On the le hand
side of the page
select either 5th
grade team, 6th grade
team, 7th grade team
or 8th grade team
Scholarship Informa on
The guidance department con nually receives informa on
on a variety of scholarships for post-secondary educa on. Many
scholarships are either na onal in scope / very compe ve
or are very specific to a par cular school or career area. In all
cases, students are encouraged to check the Scholarship data
base maintained online at two loca ons: 1) On the high school’s
guidance web page: (click on “Our
Schools,” then choose Mount Vernon High School. Next choose
“HS Guidance”) 2) On the school’s newspaper web page: www.
Announcements are periodically made to encourage students to
follow up on scholarship opportuni es. The Guidance Bulle n Board
in the hallway outside the guidance office displays materials on some
of the latest scholarships available. As each scholarship is entered
into the data base, students may link to online applica on forms
or, in some cases, may access scanned copies of the scholarship
applica on at the same site. Updated informa on and forms on
numerous local scholarships will not be available un l February or
March. Applica ons for those awards will be made available at that
The guidance department is sponsoring a Financial Aid
Informa on Night on Thursday, December 5, beginning at 6:30
pm in the High School Commons. Parents of seniors and juniors,
along with students, are encouraged to a end. A main topic to be
presented will be the FAFSA (Free Applica on for Federal Student
Aid) --- the form required to apply for any federal and/or school
aid. Addi onally, other scholarship sources, applica on me lines
and resources/contacts for parents in search of more financial aid
will be discussed. The FAFSA form is typically not made available
online un l early-to-mid December and the FAFSA itself is not to
be submi ed un l a er January 1, 2014. In preparing to complete
the FAFSA in a mely fashion, parents are encouraged to finish their
income taxes as early as possible because those documents are
very helpful in comple ng the FAFSA form. Most post-secondary
schools have March 1 as a priority deadline for receiving students’
FAFSA forms. Currently, almost all FAFSA forms are completed online.
Families can prepare to file the electronic FAFSA by applying for a
personal iden fica on number (PIN) online. Go to:
to apply. Both the student and parent must have a separate PIN
number to “sign” the electronic FAFSA.
One last word about scholarships --- the best thing students can do
right now to help in the process of seeking scholarship money is to
be sure all school applica ons and related paperwork are completed
by the end of the first semester. No post-secondary school will
prepare a financial aid package for a student un l that student
has completed an applica on for admission and has been officially
admi ed to the school.
ASVAB Test Available
The Armed Services Voca onal Ap tude Ba ery (ASVAB) will
be available to juniors and seniors this year --- tenta vely scheduled
for the morning of Wednesday, February 26, 2014. The ASVAB test
results may be used for career and educa onal planning. No special
interest in pursuing a military career is required for any junior or
senior who wishes to take the test. The test is designed to measure
a student’s ap tudes (a person’s abili es to do certain things well
or to be trained to do certain things well). The ASVAB is used by all
branches of the military to determine appropriate job placement
and can effec vely be applied to career counseling in the civilian job
market as well. Its results provide marvelous and extensive career
planning informa on for all students. Mr. Angel will help each
student interpret the test results.
The ASVAB is actually a ba ery of ten separate tests that assess
areas from paragraph comprehension to electronic informa on
and from math knowledge to auto & shop informa on. Results can
tell a student his individual strengths and weaknesses and can be
ed to careers that would allow that student to use his strengths
Any student who takes the ASVAB will have a follow-up session
where ASVAB results are distributed and interpreted. Student
ap tudes (skill strengths) as measured on the ASVAB are ed to
student interests and work values and then the whole package is
linked to career choices and post-secondary educa onal planning.
ASVAB results become part of each student’s cumula ve school file,
but are not included on transcripts that are sent out. The test is
FREE and does not e the student to any obliga on to the military or
to military recruiters.
Want to know more about ASVAB? Go to:
Career Pathways and Your Student
One of the goals of the high school guidance program is to
build student awareness of career opportuni es available a er
high school. During the 2013-14 academic year, all freshmen,
sophomores, juniors and seniors will take part in career explora on
ac vi es using an online program called I Have A Plan – Iowa.
Students will study and discuss six Career Pathways and go through
a series of related ac vi es (different for each grade level), called
Career Guideways.
A Career Pathway is a cluster of occupa ons that are combined
together because many of the people in them share similar interests,
abili es and values.
The 6 recognized Career Pathways are:
1. Arts & Communica ons
2. Engineering & Industrial Technologies
3. Agriscience / Natural Resources
4. Business / Marke ng & Informa on Management
5. Health Services
6. Family & Human Services
For more informa on, check out all of the resources available
at: or contact the guidance office. Parents
--- it is par cularly important that you take an ac ve part in your
student’s career and post-secondary educa onal search. You can
go online with your son/daughter and look together at all kinds
of op ons related to the student’s personal interests, values and
abili es.
This year, approximately half of all high school students are
scheduled to complete the Career and Post-Secondary planning
unit delivered via I Have A Plan – Iowa just prior to Christmas
break. Students will spend at least two class periods working in the
high school computer labs focusing on career planning ac vi es.
Some me in January, all remaining high school students will
complete similar ac vi es. Parents with ques ons are encouraged
to call the high school guidance office.
Ge ng Ready for the ACT Test
ZAPS is a private company that specializes in presen ng test
review seminars for students planning to take either the ACT test
or the SAT test. In January, ZAPS will be offering a test prepara on
seminar to help students get ready to take the ACT. The ACT prep
seminar will be held on the evenings of January 29 and 30 from 6:30
– 9:00 pm in the Mount Vernon High School library. Registra on
fee is $49. For more informa on or to sign up in advance students
may go to: and pay by credit card or call toll free at
(8770 927-8378. The seminar helps students become more familiar
with the ACT test. Prac ce tes ng and techniques using strategies
to analyze various ques on types are emphasized. Feedback from
students involved in previous seminars has been very posi ve.
Students may also stop by the high school guidance office to
check out ACT test prep books that include numerous prac ce
ques ons and complete prac ce tests, along with sugges ons as
to how to best a ack ques on types. Addi onally, all high school
students have accounts on a career planning website at: and can access free ACT and SAT test
prep/test review ques ons there. Finally, students may go to the
high school guidance web page and look under the general heading
of “College Prep” to find a list of web site addresses that specifically
show test prep and study skills designed to help get ready for the
ACT and SAT test.
Ul mately, experts say that, when preparing for the ACT or
SAT tests, there is no subs tute for students taking a complete and
rigorous curriculum in all core areas of course work throughout high
Parent Resource about Financial Aid and other Topics
Take a look at the web site: The site
has a wealth of informa on for students and parents --- all related
to educa on and careers --- and the planning required to mesh the
two. Click on any of the links, but especially take me to explore the
“Students/Parents” link. Check it out!
Test Date
December 14
February 8, 2014
April 12, 2014
June 14, 2014
Registra on Deadline
November 8
January 10, 2014
March 7, 2014
May 9, 2014
Late Fee Required
Nov. 9 - Nov. 22
Jan. 11 – Jan. 24
March 8 – March 21
May 10 – 23
Registra on materials are available in the high school
guidance office.
Follow Us On
MINUTES: October 3 were approved.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Submi ed for record with final balance
of $21,826.26. Football concession sales down considerably due
to 3 nights of only 1 game. Not close to the $10,000 sales of most
seasons. and this will be split with Fine Arts.
• Winter Concessions - Wrestling covered by Streicher and Light.
Basketball parents/players mee ngs were Nov. 10 for girls and
Nov. 17 for boys. We hope to iden fy a lead person to cover those
2 sports with staffing, opening and closing the stand. Suzie will
con nue to do the ordering.
• The extra propane tanks have been given away. More are
available for dona on if anyone needs them.
• Football Concession Clean Up - Was held Sunday Nov. 17 at 1
pm with cleaning, inventory and moving product.
• Water heater for FB concessions - Kent Streicher has 2 water
heaters and a parent is offering to research ge ng a larger
capacity heater or an on-demand water heater. This will be
checked for ac on before the next season.
• Dec. 7th - Mustang Madness & Cancer Awareness Night - For
the basketball Mustang Madness night, students want to do a
raffle with their prizes and benefit for cancer awareness. This
will feature 6 games from noon to 9 pm. For this soup supper
and the one Jan. 4, Tom Wieseler will provide bars, relish trays,
paper service and soup/crackers if there are no donated soups.
Merchandise trailer will be available for both of these events.
• Ericka Johnson Benefit - The RCRail coordinator will have a
benefit at U of I Credit Union in North Liberty Saturday Nov. 9.
Agreed to donate $150 including appropriate merchandise and
possibly gi cer ficates for Lincoln Café and Wine Bar.
• AD request - Mr. Wallace presented a list totaling $1,889.
Women’s basketballs were handled by Coach Roloff. Soccer
uniforms are an out of cycle purchase but state has changed rules
on home uniforms plus there was a good deal from Mon cello
Sports. Expenses were approved. Fall sports teams successes were
reviewed. Offering a bus to state volleyball for 7-12 grade students
was discussed. With $8 purchase and minimum of 25, we will send
a bus. Mr. Trui reported on Chili Cook Off bags contest and we
may receive $100 from this tourney. Football equipment travel
bags were received late and not used for this season. Mr. Wallace
will bring one to our next mee ng for display.
• Thursday, Nov. 14 will have a 6 pm mee ng at HS on home side
bleachers, with op ons from full install to use of sweat equity to
help install. Looking for firm figures of what this will cost with goal
of implemen ng before next fall.
• Val Binsfield brought up purchase of water bo le fill up sta on
at the high school like P.R.I.D.E. purchased for the middle school.
Due to the price, (MS unit was $2,500) this was put on hold.
• Tom Wieseler sent out 273 membership reminder le ers.
About a dozen were returned, unmailed. Over the next month,
we will see about new memberships to gauge whether this is a
worthwhile endeavor or not.
NEXT MEETING: Next mee ng set for December 4, 7 pm in the
High School Commons.
Washington Elementary Teachers & Parents
The Art Apprecia on program, sponsored by WETAP, is
con nuing and is in need of volunteer presenters.
WETAP's Fall Family Fun Night was recently held. "The Really Big
Science Show" was presented by the Cedar Rapids Science Center.
WETAP is providing an ice cream party to the winning classroom's
in the first collec on of Labels for Educa on. The winning classrooms
were Mrs. Kramer and Mrs. Maddock
Old Business:
A final review of WE Walk indicated deposits of $17,790.15. The
follow-up and reward ac vi es also received posi ve reviews.
The fall book fair yielded a deposit of more than $2,200. It was
noted the further need for volunteers for the spring book fair.
Addi onal enrichment ac vi es are s ll under discussion for
ming and specific events.
WETAP Family Night set for Friday, Nov. 15. “The Really Big
Science Show” start me is 7pm at the Middle School gym. It was
noted the Archery Club is having chili supper that night at the high
school and WETAP is hoping families will take advantage of both.
Approval of a by laws amendment allowing up to $150 funding
request for exec approval.
New Business:
Gently Used/Fully Func onal Toy Drive - Families Helping
Families- We will collect the toys a er Thanksgiving. Should students
help volunteer? They could make flyers, or help collect the toys. Ms.
Jones shared there is a 4th grade group that could help. Each toy
with pieces need to be kept together. We will make it for children in
need and not focus on foster care.
The following Funding Requests were approved: 4th Grade
Team Mul plica on Facts Pizza Party(Thede- 80 facts in 2 min.);
4th Healthy Snacks (Thede- Nutri on Lesson $100); Labels for
Educa on- Supplies and Incen ves - $80; Listening Sta ons - $3,000
total approved for combina on of CD Players, mul -sta on jack
headphone sets, headphones, pricing explored through outlets
and Grant Wood AEA. The CD players will be compa ble with
Mount Vernon Community School District DECEMBER 2013 NEWS
new technology such as iPADS, etc.; Cameras for each grade level
team and specials teachers- one camera and memory card will be
purchased, up to $120; 2nd field trip fund for Ms. Jones approval
($2,500) spent by reimbursement- Ms. Jones would like a field
trip fund for every class to go on an extra field trip so they can be
planned it a mely manner; Color cartridges for school printer
($1,200), teacher use only.
Also under Funding Requests, the subject of an author visit via
the library was discussed. Tim Green visit (Children’s Author fee of
$1,500- you buy his book, “New Kid” with that money to give to
children.) He writes a lot of books about sports. Appropriate for
grades 3-5. With many details of target age, dates available, etc., it
was decided the topic would be tabled to the next mee ng.
Open Discussion:
Mustang Swap Meet was held November 19. Sports gear and
mustang clothes were donated for the swap meet.
Mount Vernon Middle School
Teachers & Parents
Treasurer’s Report:
The most recent financial report was distributed and reviewed.
We discussed income of $17,288 from magazine sales and dona ons.
There was also $547 in revenue from concession stand sales this
Expenses since the last report included $9,808 for the cost of
magazines sold, $155 for the second conference meal, and $91 for
the cost of concession supplies.
There is approximately $8,000 available for spending this year.
Teachers, staff, and parents are welcomed to make sugges ons!
Mr. Haugse shared many posi ve
comments on the water bo le filling
sta on P.R.I.D.E. purchased last month.
School staff also signed a thank you card
for P.R.I.D.E. to show apprecia on for the
The following funding requests were
• $76.89 for pond de-icer and skimmer net
for leaves - requested by Rob Hanson
• $500 for Kids in Need fund administered
by school nurse Missy Hauser
• $500 for Archery Club to cover facility
rental and transporta on costs
• Up to $100 for an addi onal microwave for student use
The group discussed a funding request from the You Ma er.
We Need You project to purchase tshirts for all students/teachers in
the district. While P.R.I.D.E. supports the goals of Thrive Mustangs,
there were concerns with giving shirts to all students/teachers in
the district. If the tee shirts are offered for purchase and students
indicate an interest in a shirt but cannot afford to purchase one,
P.R.I.D.E. would financially support scholarships to students in need.
Volunteer Opportuni es:
Boys Basketball games will start in January and P.R.I.D.E. will be
looking for volunteers to help in the concession stand.
Recogni on:
P.R.I.D.E. would like to thank Lori Merlak for her work on the
successful magazine sale this year.
Cornell students are volunteering their me to support MV
Middle School students with a study lab!
The main focus of the Cornell Success Lab is to provide a place
for middle school students to work on homework with or without
help, learn and develop effec ve study skills, and become stronger
learners. If students are interested, Cornell students will also help
develop and complete community service, and some mes simply
have a li le fun!
Cornell Success Lab will be held on Mondays, Tuesdays, and
Thursdays from 3:15 - 4:30 pm, in Mr. Jaspers' room (6th grade
classroom). Students may a end 1, 2, or 3 days a week - it's up to
the student and their parent(s).
The Cornell Success Lab is FREE!
Evening hours go by quickly, and can be BUSY! Cornell Success
Lab will be a place where students can get some or all of their
homework done. They can then go home ready for some "down
Ques ons may be directed to Middle School Guidance
Counselor Jennifer Holub Tischer.
DECEMBER 5: ICAN will be presen ng a Financial Aid Night.
This event is geared primarily for seniors and their parents. The
event will take place in the High School commons and will begin
at 6:30 pm. Contact Mr. Angel in the High School Guidance Office
with ques ons at (319) 895-8843.
DECEMBER 7: First Mustang Madness to kick off the Girls and
Boys Basketball season. This is a great night of food, fun and
amazing prizes. It is also a great opportunity to pick up some
Mustang gear to help complete your holiday shopping!
JANUARY 4: Second Mustang Madness to kick off the Wrestling
season. Again, the Booster Club will provide a night of food, fun
and amazing prizes.
JANUARY 17: Annual Middle School Ski Trip to Chestnut
Mountain in Galena, IL
Contact: Angie Cannon,
(319) 432-3118
All parents, future
parents, and
guardians of
Elementary students,
as well as teachers and
school staff of the
Elementary School are
members of WETAP.
WETAP meets on the 1st
Monday of each month.
Next Mee ng:
December 2
Elementary Art Room
Contact: Jo NowakThompson
(319) 895-8338
Provides support for all
fine arts programs in
Mount Vernon schools.
MV Fine Arts Assoc.
meets on the 1st Tuesday
of each month.
Next Mee ng:
January 7, 2014
7 pm
High School Room 217
Contact: Jackie Morrical
(319) 895-6135
Promotes the posi ve
aspects of Middle School
All parents of Middle
School students and staff
are members of P.R.I.D.E.
P.R.I.D.E meets on the 3rd
Monday of each month.
Next Mee ng:
January 20, 2014
7 pm
Middle School Library
Contact: Kent Streicher
(319) 560-7081
Offers financial and
volunteer support for
all athle c programs
at Mount Vernon High
School and Middle
The MV Booster Club
meets on the 1st
Wednesday of each
Next Mee ng:
December 4
7 pm
HS Commons
Pres - Kent Streicher
VP - JennyKaye Hampton
Sec - Tom Wieseler
Treas - Becky Whitman
Mount Vernon Community School District DECEMBER 2013 NEWS
Cereal & Toast
Juice Choice & Fresh Fruit
BREAKFAST: Breakfast Pizza
Cereal-MS/ES, Muffin-HS
Juice Choice & Fruit
LUNCH: Italian Grilled Chicken
on WG Bun
Savory Rice
Mandarin Oranges
HS Alt: Beefburger
LUNCH: Corn Dog
Baked Beans
Glazed Carrots
HS Alt: Egg Salad Sandwich
LUNCH: BBQ Pork Sandwich
on WG Bun
French Fries
Cole Slaw
HS Alt: Veggie Wrap
BREAKFAST: Breakfast Pizza
Cereal-MS/ES, Muffin-HS
Juice Choice & Fruit
BREAKFAST: Sausage, Egg,
Cheese on a Bagel
Juice Choice & Fresh Fruit
Cereal & Toast
Juice Choice & Fresh Fruit
LUNCH: Breaded Chicken on
WG Bun
Sliced Tomato
Green Beans
Fresh Baby Carrots
HS Alt: Mozzarella Cheese
Stick w/Marinara Sauce
Wrapped Sausage
Juice Choice & Fruit
BREAKFAST: Cinnamon Roll
Juice Choice & Fresh Fruit
LUNCH: Shrimp Poppers
Cheesy Potatoes
Fresh Apple
Mandarin Oranges
Chocolate Cake
HS Alt: Chicken Caesar Wrap
LUNCH: Popcorn Chicken
Mashed Potatoes
Shredded Cheddar Cheese
Chicken Gravy
Mixed Fruit
Dinner Roll
HS Alt: Grilled Cheese
LUNCH: Chicken & Spinach
Alfredo Pasta
Iceberg & Romaine Lettuce
Sliced Cucumbers
Bread Stick
HS Alt: Meatball Sub
MS Alt: Honey BBQ Rib
BREAKFAST: Breakfast Pizza
Cereal-MS/ES, Muffin-HS
Juice Choice & Fruit
BREAKFAST: Pancakes/Syrup
Juice Choice & Fresh Fruit
LUNCH: Orange Chicken
Brown Rice
Broccoli & Carrots
Animal Crackers
HS Alt: Chili Crispito
LUNCH: Pig in a Blanket
French Fries
Cauliflower w/cheese sauce
Mixed Fruit
HS Alt: Turkey Burger
LUNCH: Fajita Chicken Wrap
Black Beans
HS Alt: Grilled Ham & Cheese
LUNCH: Cheese Pizza-ES &
Sausage or Cheese Pizza-HS
Iceberg & Romaine Lettuce
Cherry Tomatoes
Fresh Baby Carrots
LUNCH: Lasagna
Romaine & Spinach Salad
Cherry Tomatoes
Garlic Toast
Orange Wedges
HS Alt: Chicken Cheese
MS Alt: Fish Sandwich
BREAKFAST: Breakfast Bagel
Juice Choice & Fresh Fruit
Cereal & Toast
Juice Choice & Fresh Fruit
BREAKFAST: Apple Pastry
Juice Choice & Fresh Fruit
BREAKFAST: Cheese Omelet
Cereal & Toast
Juice Choice & Fruit
LUNCH: French Toast Sticks
Sausage Links
Potato Triangle-ES/MS
Hash Browns-HS
Scrambled Eggs HS only
Diced Peppers & Onions-HS
Orange Juice
BREAKFAST: Sausage Patties
Cereal &Toast
Juice Choice & Fruit
LUNCH: Soft Shell Taco
Sour Cream-Salsa
Refried Beans
Celery w/Sunbutter
Fresh Strawberries
HS Alt: Fish Sandwich
BREAKFAST: Breakfast Egg
Juice Choice & Fresh Fruit
LUNCH: Macaroni & Cheese
Chocolate Chip Cookie
HS Alt: Honey BBQ Rib
MS Alt: Chili Crispito
Variety of milk offered daily.
Salad/Sandwich Bar offered as alternate lunch choice at middle school and high school daily.
The two Robo cs teams from Mount Vernon High School competed in an FTCIowa qualifying tournament held in Mount Vernon. Out of the 24 teams compe ng,
only 4 earned a spot at the upcoming state tournament. Two of those spots went to
Mount Vernon's teams and each received a major award from a panel of judges.
A er the qualifica on matches were completed, Mount Vernon's Team 458
and 3549 were in 1st and 5th place respec vely. The top 4 teams choose alliance
partners, Team 458 selected team 3549 to be their alliance partner and that team
swept through the semis and finals to win the championship! As captain the of
winning alliance, Team 458 qualified for state. Due to finishing 2nd in the Inspire
Award, Team 3549 also qualified for state. Team 458 also won the pres gious
Rockwell Collins Innovate Award.
Mount Vernon Robo cs Team Rosters:
FTC Team 458 Ac vate Go Ini a ve!
Paul Chihak, Macon McInnes, Jarred Jackson, Alex
White, Josh Lynch, Robert Banwart, Kai Walberg,
Katlynn Elsbury
FTC Team 3549 Born To Be Wired!
Drew Keller, Evere Thompson, Gage Lochner,
Tony Kraus, Laura Player, Isaiah Exley-Schuman,
Nathaniel Barnhart, Mackenzie Smith, Adam Gage,
Ma Hermson White, Chris Cripe, Joe Godfrey
458 Ac vate Go Ini a ve! Robo cs Team
Mentors: Dave Keller, DeAnn Scearce, Lisa White,
Gary Sco , Chris Lyon, Dave Cripe, Hunter Lind
Major Sponsors:
Mount Vernon First Presbyterian Church, Amy
Rose Photography, Gary's Foods, Mount Vernon
Bank, Hills Bank, Lochner Construc on, Intermec
Founda on, JoAnn Scearce, Jeff & Julie Wenzel,
Jeff Walberg.
Rockwell Collins Innovate Award: The Rockwell
Collins Innovate Award celebrates a team that
not only thinks outside the box, but also has the
ingenuity and inven veness to make their designs 3549 Born To Be Wired Robo cs Team
come to life. This judged award is given to the
team that has the most innova ve and crea ve robot design solu on to any or all
specific field elements or components in the FTC game. Elements of this award
include elegant design, robustness, and ‘out of the box’ thinking related to design.
Inspire Award: This formally judged award is given to the team that truly embodied
the ‘challenge’ of the FTC program. The team that receives this award is chosen
by the judges as having best represented a ‘role-model‘ FTC Team. This team is
a top contender for all other judging categories and is a strong compe tor on
the field. The Inspire Award Winner is an inspira on to other teams, ac ng with
Gracious Professionalism™ both on and off the playing field. This team is able
to communicate their experiences, enthusiasm and knowledge to other teams,
sponsors, and the Judges. Working as a unit, this team will have demonstrated
success in accomplishing the task of crea ng a working and compe ve robot.
In past seasons, the winner of the Inspire Award at each tournament level has
received an automa c invita on to the next tournament level. Once a team has
won an Inspire Award at a Championship, they are no longer eligible to win the
Inspire Award at addi onal championship tournaments they may a end. Similarly,
once a team wins an Inspire Award at a Qualifying tournament, they are no longer
eligible to win the Inspire Award at subsequent Qualifica on tournaments within
the same region.
Congratula ons to all of the compe tors on a great tournament!
MV Archery registered a record 127 students in grades 4 - 12 for this season.
Prac ces are under way and the team is looking forward to
upcoming duals and tournaments. There are 36 - fourth and
fi h graders, 65 - sixth through eighth graders and 26 - ninth
through twel h graders par cipa ng. Coaches for this
season are Head Coaches: Tom Wilkinson, Ron Lochner, and
Laurie Keller. BAI Cer fied Coaches: Beth Johnson, Carolyn
Lochner, Chris Hallier, Chuck Hallier, Darin Snedden, Dave
Garrelts, Dave Hof, Dave Tanberg, Doug Shannon, Heidi Ann
Godfrey, Jeff Friedman, John
Maddocks, Kevin Conley, Lea
Snedden, Marcia Barnhart, Paul Bevans, Rich Hall,
Sandy Tanberg, Todd Vlasek, and Keith Woods.
The team begins tournament compe on
in January. Plan to cheer on the Archery Team
January 4 at the Small Mul -Sport Center at
Cornell College.
Mount Vernon Community School District DECEMBER 2013 NEWS
Are you looking for a way to donate to the school
this holiday season? There are many opportuni es for
dona ons to be given.
One op on for dona on is
the Opera on Backpack program.
Opera on Backpack is a program
through HACAP (Hawkeye Area
Community Ac on Program), SE
Linn, and Mount Vernon School
District. There is no cost to the
program and no obliga on for
students to par cipate. Each week, shelf-stable, kidfriendly, and healthy foods are sent home. Most of the
foods are easily prepared and can be consumed when
parents are working and unable to prepare meals for
their children. The food pack items are intended to
supplement the families’ grocery items. Breakfast,
lunch, dinner, and snack items are included. Food
packs are distributed to students and then carried
home in their regular school backpacks.
A second op on for dona on is the school
district’s Kids in Need program. The Kids in Need
program provides many types of assistance to our
students and their
families throughout
the year. During the
holidays, Kids in Need
works with several
agencies, the school
staff, and individuals
to support students
& their families with
meals and gi s.
Finally, Joy, our Professional Therapy Dog eats A
LOT. She consumes 1 large bag of food every 3 weeks.
If you would like to help teacher Gina Becthold with
some of Joy’s expenses, a gi cer ficate from Pet
Smart would be appreciated.
Please contact nurse Missy Hauser with any
ques ons or to make a dona on to the Opera on
Backpack or Kids in Need programs. She may be
reached at (319) 895-6251. To make a dona on for
Joy, please contact Gina Becthold at gbecthold@
O “FulfillingU the Promise
N of Excellence
D inAAcademics,TArts, andIAthletics”O
When you
ount Vernon Community School District
has a long standing tradition of nurturing
well-rounded students in academics, arts
and athletics.
Our teachers and staff know they have a
tradition to uphold -- an ‘excellence’ that
must be achieved for all generations of
students. Because of this challenge, the
Foundation has become an integral part of
helping our students.
We would like you to be one of the many
Mount Vernon friends and alumni who provide
annual support to the Foundation on behalf of
our students. help
Please return the gift card below along with
your check. Thank You for supporting the Mount
Vernon Community School District Foundation!
Name(s) and address (if not on check) _____________________________________________________
Phone__________________________Email ________________________________________________
Enclosed is my contribution $___________ Check payable to Mount Vernon CSD Foundation
Honorary or Memorial Gift: ❏ in memory of ❏ in honor of
Send acknowledgement of this tribute to
Their address/city/state/zip ______________________________________________________________
525 Palisades Road SW, Mount Vernon, IA 52314
Thank you to everyone that
donated photos for the December
issue of the newsle er: Kate
Jones, Richard Scearce, Laurie
Keller, Heather Plathe, Mary Priske,
Jennifer Holub-Tischer, Emily
Stamp, Mark & Jennifer Lengwin,
JoAnn Gage, Jan Moore, Jo Nowak-Thompson, DeAnn
Scearce, Heidi Hassen, Gina Becthold, Jackie Morrical,
Lainey Johnson, Gabby Kolker, Hannah Wieditz, Laura
Deininger, and Ashley Ruden.
On December 11 author Jaime Teahen Sanders will be bringing her
book “Adrian’s Adventures in Indonesia” to Washington Elementary.
Ms. Teahan Sanders will read her book to elementary students and
host a discussion about Indonesia.
About the Book:
“Adrian’s Adventures in Indonesia” is a
40 page picture book that teaches children
about the culture and natural beauty of
Indonesia. Join Adrian on an adventure
that will take you from lunch with the hairy
orange orangutans in the jungles of Borneo,
to surfing the giant waves of the Balinese
waters, and racing from fiery volcanoes on
Sumatra. With colorful pictures and exo c
places every child is sure to enjoy this story.
Find out what wild and wonderful things
Adrian encounters on his journey.
About the Author:
Jaime Teahen Sanders lived in Indonesia for two
years while working at the United States Embassy in
Jakarta. She is originally from Cedar Rapids, Iowa,
and currently lives in Des Moines. She will always
call Iowa home, although she spends most of her
me traveling and living in countries all over the
world. In this book she shares her love of travel and
helps children experience faraway lands without leaving their homes,
opening their eyes to the world outside their own. Jaime is married
and has two adventurous children.
Jaime wrote this book a er no cing that there are almost no
travel books for children. This book is factually accurate, providing
children with real informa on about Indonesia, but is wri en so even
the youngest children will enjoy the story.
Books will be available for sale and Ms. Teahen Sanders will
donate a por on of the proceeds from her book to support the fight
against child trafficking, an epidemic affec ng all countries, including
What an exci ng day for our elementary students!
Mount Vernon Community School District DECEMBER 2013 NEWS
Mustang DECEMBER 2013 ACTIVITY Calendar
• 7GB, Anamosa, H,
4:15 pm
• 8GB, Anamosa, T, 4:15
• School Board Meeting, HS Media Center/
Library, 6:30 pm
• 8th Grade
& HS Winter
Choir Concert, District
2:30 pm
• 7GB, Dyersville Beckman, T, 4:15 pm
• 8GB, Dyersville
Beckman, H, 4:15 pm
• HS Band & Orchestra
Concert, District Auditorium, 7 pm
• MSW, Independence, T, • Booster Club Mee ng,
4:15 pm
HS Commons, 7 pm
• HSBB, Center PointUrbana, H, 9th @ 4:30, JV
@ 6 pm, Varsity to follow
• HSGB, Center PointUrbana, T, 9th @ 4:30, JV
@ 6 pm, Varsity to follow
• 7GB, Maquoketa, H,
4:15 pm
• 8GB, Maquoketa, T,
4:15 pm
• WETAP Mee ng, ES
Art Room, 7 pm
• HSBB, Solon, T, 9th @
4:30, JV @ 6 pm, Varsity
to follow
• HSGB, Solon, H, 9th @
4:30, JV @ 6 pm, Varsity
to follow
• 7GB, Clear CreekAmana, T, 4:15 pm
• 8GB, Clear CreekAmana, H, 4:15 pm
• HSW, Jesup, T, 6:30 pm
• ICAN Financial Aid
Night, HS Commons,
6:30 pm
Early Out
12:30 pm
• HSBB, Dyersville
Beckman, H, 9th @ 4:30,
JV @ 6 pm, Varsity to
• HSGB, Dyersville
Beckman, T, 9th @ 4:30,
JV @ 6 pm, Varsity to
• 7GB, DeWi , H, 4:15
• 8GB, DeWi , T, 4:15
• HSW-V, DeWi , T, 6
• MSW, Clear CreekAmana, H, 4:15 pm
• HSBB, Western
Dubuque, H, 9th @
4:30, JV @ 6 pm, Varsity
to follow
• HSGB, Western
Dubuque @ Epworth,
9th @ 4:30, JV @ 6 pm,
Varsity to follow
• MSW, West Delaware
@ Manchester, 4:15 pm
• HSBB, Independence,
T, 9th @ 4:30, JV @ 6
pm, Varsity to follow
• HSGB, Independence,
H, 9th @ 4:30, JV @ 6
pm, Varsity to follow
• HSBB, Grinnell, T, JV @
6 pm, Varsity to follow
• HSW - V, Solon, T, 6
• End of 2nd Quarter
• HSBB, Benton Comm.,
T, 9th @ 4:30, JV @ 6
pm, Varsity to follow
• HSGB, Benton Comm.,
H, 9th @ 4:30, JV @ 6
pm, Varsity to follow
• NEIBA Honor Band
for select students,
Oelwein, 8th grade @
5 pm, HS @ 7 pm
• HSW-JV, Belle Plaine,
T, 8:30 am
• HSGB, North Cedar,
H, 9th @ 12 pm, JV @
3 pm, Varsity @ 6 pm
• HSBB, North Cedar,
H, 9th @ 1:30 pm, JV
@ 4:30 pm, Varsity @
7:30 pm
• Mustang Madness &
Cancer Awareness Day
• HSW - JV, Marion, T,
9 am
• HSW - V, Mount
Vernon Invita onal,
10 am
• HSW - V, Regina, T,
9 am
• HSW - JV, Wilton, T,
9:30 am
• HSGB - High School Girls Basketball
• HSBB - High School Boys Basketball
• 7GB - 7th Grade Girls Basketball
• 8GB - 8th Grade Girls Basketball
• MSW - Middle School Wrestling
• HSW - High School Wrestling
The Middle School Ski Trip is
scheduled for Friday, January
17, 2014 at Chestnut Mountain
Ski Resort in Galena, IL. Ski
trip informa on/student
permission slips will be sent
home with students in early
December. Addi onal informa on will be provided in
the January newsle er.
Mustang Merchandise will be available for
Christmas shopping!
Saturday, December 7
All Day Boys & Girls Basketball
vs. North Cedar
First Game at Noon
Soup & Sandwich Supper
$ 5.00 per person
5:00 - 7:30 pm