Women Celebrang Women
Women Celebrang Women
14 March 2013 Issue 06 Women Celebra ng Women Brigidine was no excep on last Friday as women around the world celebrated Interna onal Women’s Day. Kildare Hall was buzzing with excitement as we started what proved to be a busy day with an IWD Breakfast for Years 8 and 12 students and their mums. Many thanks to the P&F for providing a delicious breakfast spread and to our two former Brigidine graduates and guest speakers, Ingrid Asbury and Teegan Green, pictured above with Mrs Brosnan and Mr Cahill. The day-long celebra ons con nued with a Liturgy, lunch me Concert and evening Celebra on of Women, arranged by Mr Beiers. For more on this wonderful event-filled day, see Mr Cahill and Mr Beiers’ reports. Contents Message from the Principal Page Principal’s Message 2 Interna onal Women’s Day Mission News 4 Curriculum MaƩers 5 Pastoral News 6 Performing Arts & Science News 7 Sports News 9 Last Friday, the College organised and held a series of events to celebrate Interna onal Women’s Day. I would par cularly like to thank Mr Beiers and the student leaders for their strong and effec ve organisa on. The ‘strong and resilient woman’ of Brigidine were outstanding as current girls, past students and staff celebrated what can be truly experienced and shared as women of the 21st century. R O S T E R Friday 15th March: Jasmine Forsyth, Julie Lock Monday 18th March: Kerrie Murray Tuesday 19th March: Michelle Noye, Chris ne Fitzgerald Wednesday 20th March: Jacqueline Reid, Michelle Napier Thursday 21st March: Lisa Benede Uniform Shop Roster Monday 18th March: Jennifer Bartley, Menchie Castro, Kylie Tierney, Debbie Kearns, Isabelle Piat Tuesday 19th March: Deborah Maxwell Calendar Marcg 14 - April 4 March 18-22 March 25-28 March 28 March 29 March 31 April 15 2 Alliance Française French Film Fes val Assessment Week Ac v es Week Years 8-12 End of Term 1 Good Friday Easter Sunday Term 2 begins There were many ac vi es and forums held across Australia and it was exci ng that our College also played a part in organising ac vi es that celebrate the role of women in the world today. It is cri cal to recognise the dignity and grace of all people as well as equality across genders so that we can move forward in a just world. “Women’s strength, women’s industry, women’s wisdom are humankind’s greatest untapped resource” (UN Women Execu ve Director Michelle Bachelet) Principal’s Notes Next week the focus for students and staff turns to the assessment of learning. The College has reviewed aspects of the Assessment/Assignment Policies and I would urge all students and parents to be aware of due dates and procedures for extensions and or late work. I know that students work very hard to complete all forms of assessment and I encourage all girls to con nue to do their best with their assessment. Prayer Lord, make me an instrument of peace: Bless all women who strive daily to bring peace to their communi es, their homes and their hearts. Where there is hatred, let me sow love: We pray for all women who face prejudice, inequality and gender dispari es. Help us see and to face the discrimina on against women in all the many forms it may take. Where there is injury, pardon: Comfort all women who suffer from the pain of war, violence, and abuse. Help them to become instruments of their own reconcilia on and peace. Where there is division, unity: Forgive all women and men who let differences breed hate and discrimina on. Let your example of valuing all of crea on help us to see that we are equal partners in the stewardship of your world. Where there is darkness, light; where there is untruth, truth: Comfort all women who struggle in the darkness of abuse, poverty, and loneliness. May we stand with them in light to acknowledge their suffering and strive to remove the burdens of shame or embarrassment. Where there is doubt, true faith: We pray for all women who live in fear of their husbands, fathers, and forces that control their lives. Help them to be empowered to be their true selves through your everlas ng love and faith. Where there is despair, hope: We pray for all women who live in the despair of poverty, violence, trafficking, slavery, and abuse. May the light of your love bring them hope. Where there is sadness, new joy: Help us to see the strength and goodness in all women and men. Transform our hearts to celebrate the love and grace of all people. We pray for ourselves, that each of us will discern ways that we can more fully live as God calls us to live. Gracious God, hear our prayer. Amen. Message from the Principal (cont’d) Interim Reports have been sent out, and I would ask that all parents access these reports through their Brigidine email account. Parent-Teacher Interview details for next term will also be available soon. If parents review the report and then make a me to meet their daughter’s teachers, this can have a posi ve impact on student learning. The College Parents and Friends (P&F) Associa on held their AGM last Wednesday and a good number of parents from all year levels a ended. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the outgoing Commi ee, expertly led by Merry Manton. The P&F have over recent mes been par cularly suppor ve as changes have occurred across our community. I very much look forward to working with our new commi ee. I welcome the following parents to their new posi ons: President: Jo Cope Vice President: Andrew Wilkins Secretary: Anita McNish Treasurer: Liang Seow (LP) A couple of items raised at the P&F mee ng included the weight of materials for girls to carry, as well as the fabric of the sports polo shirt. The College is inves ga ng op ons of bags or trolleys with wheels, so that the movement to and from the College might be a li le easier. Informa on and op ons will be presented over the next few weeks. I would, on behalf of the P&F, value your feedback regarding these issues. The Brisbane West Op minds Compe on will be held at Brigidine College on Sunday 25 August. This compe on is open to students from Years 4–12 and will be a wonderful event for our community. I would also like to thank the P&F for their help and support with this compe on. The Interschool Swimming Carnival was held on Monday 11 March at the Chandler Swimming Complex and I would like to congratulate all swimmers and the coaches for their efforts represen ng our College. Many girls produced their personal best mes and I was very proud of their efforts. I wish to thank all staff and coaches involved for their commitment to the Swimming Squad. Congratula ons to All Hallows’ School on winning the Duhig Cup. A Naoimh Bhrid, gui Orainn. Brendan Cahill Principal A Generous Donation Jai Kumar, father of Radhika Kumar, a Brigidine Senior of 1995, has donated a statue to College in appreciation for his daughter’s Brigidine education. In true ‘St Brigid’ style, Radhika is now a solicitor in Sydney working for the human rights of refugees. The College intends to invite her to speak to our students at an up coming event. Please pray for... RIP Paternal Grandmother to Chloe Sloper (MK6) The College offers our prayers and sympathy to the family at this difficult me. Prayers are asked for Mrs Sue Miles and Mrs Kate Driscoll (staff members) who are undergoing treatment and Mrs Katherine Kennedy (former P&F President). 3 Mission News Last week Brigidine celebrated Caritas fundraisers and Internaonal Women’s Day events. Recently Delany House organized cake stalls, chocolate drop and other food and goodies stalls. Congratula ons to Miss Carly Richardson, the Home Room teachers and Delany students. Alexandra Creevey DP6 and Makenzie Wright DP2 enjoying the atmosphere of the De Porres Caritas Carnival De Porres House continued the Caritas fundraising drive with their Caritas Carnival including cake stalls, bake sale, Easter Egg compe on, Lob-A-Choc and baby animal compe ons. Great fun was had by all. Congratula ons to Mrs Allison Power, Home Room teachers and all the students. This week, MacKillop House hosted their Suitcase Rummage Sale where students brought in clothes, shoes, staged an impromptu fashion parade, sold some skates and a guitar!! Congratula ons to Mrs Maree Aus n, MacKillop Home Room teachers and students. This week Chanel are having a futsal compe on and Damien will celebrate St Patricks’s Day…watch this space! Interna onal Women’s Day (IWD) was celebrated by the College with four different events highligh ng women’s gi s. The IWD breakfast saw guest speakers Ingrid Asbury and Teegan Green share their stories of the Brigidine Community and journeys of resilience over two different genera ons. Diana Chambers, the P&F Associa on and our Commi ees - Jus ce and Democracy, Liturgy, Spirit Squad, St Vincent De Paul and Interact - for their combined involvement across the day. Breakfast was followed by a College Liturgy at Assembly me concelebrated by Fr Pan with music provided by the Ministry team and Cantaré members. Jus ce and Democracy Captain, Erin Cuskelly, along with members, Hayley Fancourt and Tessa Blumke presented their powerful learning experiences from the recent J & D forum about Human Trafficking in Australia. Special thanks to Fr Pan and Ms Dani Senior. Following Liturgy, lunch me was filled with a celebraon of voice, music and dance. Students performed pieces as solos, duos, and groups to the enthusias c applause and thrilled shrieks from the students and staff audience. Thanks to Ms Dani Senior, Ms Lucy Flook and students Grace Phillips, Sarah Lyons and Tellene Ramsden-Foreman. Friday evening heralded the graduate students, St Brigid’s Women’s first major event, Celebra ng Women. Around 50 graduates, Year 12s and parents were entertained by MC’s Tamara Steffens and Tess David as they entered the room in animal costumes to the theme music of The Lion King. We heard stories from our graduates about strong resilient women in their lives along with Faiza, the CEO of the Romero Centre for Refugee claimants. She told her story of life in Sudan and how her life was threatened by the regime when she tried to stand up for human rights. The night ended with Triple J ar st, Wafia, performing her new songs. Please contact me on beiersa@brigidine.qld.edu.au for further informa on about Brigid’s Women. Andrew Beiers Deputy Principal Mission My thanks to Mrs Gina Brosnan, Mrs Di Elsworthy, Mrs Project Compassion, Week 4, brings you the story of Vannak. Vannak went back to school and learnt how to do silk screen prin ng through the Youth Empowerment Project, a Caritas Australia partner, which helps disadvantaged young people to find their way to a brighter future. Vannak is now a team leader and encourages other youths who have dropped out of school to value educa on. Your Project Compassion dona on is suppor ng projects like this to empower young people to change their future for the be er. www.caritas.org.au 4 Curriculum Matters Assessment Week QCS Test – Special Provisions Next week is the College’s Term 1 Assessment Week. All students will have a number of exams and assignments due throughout the week. This is a me for students to manage their study and assessment, to assist them to achieve the best results that they can. It is important that you support your daughter during this me so she manages her me effec vely, to complete final revision and prepara on for her assessment. All Year 11 and 12 students have a schedule that is a combina on of study sessions, exams and normal classes. All students are expected to be in a endance for the whole week. There is no op on for students to study at home. The QSA recognises that some students may need to have special arrangements applied to minimise any barriers that may impact on them demonstra ng their achievement in the QCS Test. Any applica ons for special provision must be completed by Monday 13 May, so that there is me to process the applica ons and send them to QSA. If you believe your daughter should apply for special provision please go to the QSA website for further informa on - h p://www.qsa.qld. edu.au/1102.html. Applica ons this year are electronic and must be completed on line - Applica on for special arrangements. Students can make an appointment to see me or Dr Ruth Burne , in the LEC, to assist them to complete the applica on. The details and expecta ons of each Year level’s exam schedule can be found on the College website, under Curriculum and Assessment. You will also be able to view the same informa on through the Coneqt Parent Portal that was outlined in last week’s newsle er. This informa on is available by clicking on the Portal Pages and then Exams. If you are having any problems accessing the Coneqt Parent portal, please contact IT at support@brigidine.qld.edu.au. Melissa Dever Deputy Principal Curriculum STUDY HALL Study Hall is a place for your Year 10, 11 or 12 daughter to study any subject with the support of on-call tutors. It runs Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings from 7:15 to 8:15am in the Erin Rooms. The cost is $20 per week or $160 for Term 2. Payment must be made for the whole term in advance. Informa on about the Term 2 Parent-Teacher Interviews, including the login informa on for the online booking system, will be emailed to your Brigidine email account by the end of the week. Parent-Teacher Interviews are an opportunity to meet with your daughter’s teachers if you have concerns about her progress. If your daughter’s teachers request an interview on the Interim Report, I would encourage you to make those interviews. The interviews will be held on Wednesday 24 April from 1:15 to 8:00 pm. The online booking system will be available from Friday 15 March to Thursday 18 April. Your daughter’s par cipa on in Term 2 Study Hall can be confirmed by comple on of the enrolment form on the College Website under Parent Informa on\Study Hall and payment of the $160 fee to the Delany Office Accounts window. The enrolment form also appears on the back page of Issue 5 of Brigidine News, 7 March 2013. 5 Pastoral News Ac vi es Week 2013 As the end of term fast approaches and the students are preparing for their various assessment items, we con nue planning for Ac vi es Week. The final four days of Term One will follow a different schedule than our normal metable providing our girls with many opportuni es to challenge themselves, develop their own inner strength and to contribute to the wider community on behalf of themselves and Brigidine College. During the term, Ac vi es Week has been discussed in various Pastoral Care lessons with the students with an earlier le er sent out in February informing parents of this impending event. At the conclusion of last week all students were given the wri en informa on for their respec ve year levels with addi onal copies of these being available on the College Website under Parent Informa on giving no ce that the costs for this week will be added to the next fee statement. Please note that forms for all students regarding this week and their various ac vity permissions are due back to the Delany Office by this Friday, 15 March. I take this opportunity to remind both students and parents, that this is a compulsory week of school. The costs of the week include all transport, guest presenters, ac vi es and meals as specified. This week allows our students the me away from the everyday curriculum, to take the me to self-reflect and to be able to play their own important role within our own and the wider community. Students who are absent at any stage during the week will s ll incur the full cost of the ac vi es as these have been paid for in advance and whilst some ac vi es may present their own challenges for students, there are always other ac vi es that occur that may not be listed in the broad outline in which students can also par cipate. We also ask for parents to ring the Absentee Line (3371 8525) during this week should their daughter be absent for any of her ac vies. Please see below an outline for each Year group: Monday 25 March Tuesday 26 March Wednesday 27 March Thursday 28 March The Journey with Enlighten Educa on and Camp Prepara on in Kildare Hall Maranatha Camp, Yandina: depart Kildare Hall 8am Maranatha Camp, Yandina Depart Maranatha Camp, arrive at College 2:30-3pm Year 9: ‘Building Resilience’ Outdoor ac vi es at Kangaroo Point/Kokoda Challenge at Mt Coot-tha Nurturing Our Inner Strength at College Outdoor ac vi es at Kangaroo Point/Kokoda Challenge at Mt Coot-tha Amazing Race in groups around CBD, Southbank, West End. Buses to transport students to and from event Year 10: ‘Ci zens of the World’ Real Talk Prepara on for Community Service at College Community Service at various loca ons Community Service at various loca ons Community Service Reflec on at College Year 11: ‘Act Now!’ Social Jus ce Forma on at Mercy Place, Bardon. Buses to transport to and from venue Social Jus ce Forma on at College Social Jus ce Presenta on Day/Harmony Day prepara on at College Harmony Day at College Year 12: ‘Strong and Resilient Women’ QCS Prac ce in Delany Rooms 6-11 Year 12 Retreat Thunderbird Park, depart Erin Rooms 8am Year 12 Retreat, Thunderbird Park Year 12 Retreat, Thunderbird Park. Return to College 3pm Year 8: ‘Never Say Never’ ID Cards and Photos This week, students in all Year groups should receive their College photos. These were taken three weeks ago and the individual photos have been used for new ID cards for students in Years 9-12. The ID cards are expected to be produced and given to these girls by the end of this week. Students in Year 8 have already had their photos taken and should have received their ID cards a few weeks ago. For students in Years 10-12, their personal LUI (Learning Unique Iden fier) Number will also be published on their ID card and we encourage them to regularly update their LUI account throughout the year. Say NO to Bullying This Friday, in conjunc on with the celebra on of St Patrick’s Day, the College will be Saying No to Bullying and Yes to Kindness. Miss Richardson and the Spirit Squad have organised ac vi es for the girls to promote our views against bullying including a pledge to help others. In conjunc on with Damien’s fundraising appeal for Caritas of wearing sports uniform to school on Friday, the girls will be given a ribbon to wear in support of our an -bullying campaign. Merryl Wheaton (Ac ng) Deputy Principal Pastoral 6 Brigidine Recommended Tutors Cassandra Mai urothesia@hotmail.com 0412 190 602 Maths (8-12), Japanese, English Brigida Corte-Real brigida.cortereal@uqconnect.edu.au 0477 641 271 Maths (8-12), Study of Religion, Chemistry Gaby Crawford gabymaymail@gmail.co 0437 704 042 English, Study of Religion, Social Science, Junior Maths, Maths A, Maths B Yolanda Lovie-Toon Yglt_93@hotmail.com 0458 754 444 Maths (8-10), Year 11 Maths B, French Amadis Novak amadis.novak@uqconnect.edu.au 0452 433 636 Maths (8-12), Physics, Chemistry Jessica Manteit Jess.manteit@gmail.com English, Maths (8-12), Physics, Chemistry Date Claimer COLLEGE OPEN DAY Sunday 19 May 2013 10am - 1pm This is a compulsory school event for all current students and an opportunity for visitors to experience life at Brigidine. N.B. Thursday 15 August 2013 is a holiday in lieu of this event. Rebecca Stillwell Rebecca_stillwell991@msn.com English, Study of Religion, Social Science, Junior Maths, Maths A Emma Maxwell emma.maxwell@uq.net.au 0424 927 252 Maths (8-12), Art Caroline Ishihara c.ishihara@hotmail.com Maths (8-12), Physics, Chemistry Heather Sullivan h.sullivan@live.com Maths (8-12) Free Mathematics tutoring is available for Years 8 to 10 Maths and Senior Maths A and B. It will be conducted in the Library every Tuesday afternoon from 3:15 to 4:30pm and will be run by Miss Helen Paviotti. For enquiries, please contact either Mrs Michelle Tubb or Miss Paviotti on 3870 7225. 7 Performing Arts News Queensland Ballet Junior Program (for 15-16 years) Due to popular demand, Queensland Ballet are introducing a new class in the Junior Program for dancers aged 15-16 years. This program is an extension of the Junior Program 1 (dancers aged 11-12) and Junior Program 2 (dancers aged 13-14) classes and will supplement the training students are already receiving. Classes will be held every Wednesday from 4:30-6:15pm during the remaining three terms and will be taught by QB Ar s c staff or one of QB’s associate teachers. The program will be open to up to 20 students. Par cipa on in the Junior Program is by audi on. Junior Program 3 audi ons will be held on Sunday 24 March. Registra ons close this Friday 15 March and please go to h p://www.queenslandballet.com.au/ your-company/training/junior-program/ for more informa on. Lucy Flook Performing Arts Coordinator Symphonic Revolu onaries On Wednesday 9 March the Year 9 and Year 12 Music classes travelled to Queensland Performing Arts Centre to see the Queensland Symphony Orchestra’s performance ‘Symphonic Revolu onaries.’ The theme of this performance was important revoluons all around the world. Not only did this interest the Year 9s musically but it also gave them an insight into other revolu ons as they are also studying the French and Industrial Revolu ons in Social Science. Through their performance, the Orchestra told stories of hurt, passion, power, destruc on and mourning. The students also had the chance to see the recipient of the Queensland Prize for Young Instrumentalists, Guillaume Wang perform a piece on the Cello. Guillaume is 15 years old and has already completed his Associate in Music. The girls thoroughly enjoyed the performance and are now working on their assignments reviewing the performance. Thanks to Mrs Shirley Jarro (Performing Arts Aide) for joining us on the excursion. Dani Senior Cultural Coordinator Science Department News Inside our heads, weighing about 1.5kg, is an astonishing living organ consis ng of billions of ny cells. It enables us to sense the world around us, to think and to talk. The human brain is the most complex organ of the body and arguably the most complex thing on earth. Yet this week, six Year 10 students tackled the Australian Brain Bee Compe on, a na onal online quiz based on this complex organ. We wish the following girls all the best with their results due back early in Term 2 - Keely Vit, Briana Tsang, Samantha Craven, Isobella Powell, Poppy Nguyen, Caitlin Harzem. SPARQ-ed Program This is a week long scien fic immersion program for Senior Science students where par cipants play a part in the cutng edge biomedical research performed at the UQ Diaman na Ins tute at the PA Hospital. Entry is by applica on and students can even opt to complete an addi onal assessable component which can earn them a point under the University of Queensland Bonus Ranks Scheme. There are a variety of dates on offer during most of the school holiday periods. For more informa on, see h p://www.di.uq.edu.au/sparqed-rip. Michelle Kath Science Coordinator 8 Sports News BSGSA Tennis - Round 3 Saturday 9 March A er rain wiped out any play in Round 2, the girls were keen to get back into compe on in Round 3. Both Junior teams played away at St Rita’s where they found tough compe on. Although our girls lost, they didn’t lack Brigidine spirit. Two teams played t our home courts at Nudgee Junior College in the a ernoon. The College’s No. 1 side playing in B5/6 had another strong victory, winning all their singles and doubles games. Sophie Napier and Millie Beckinsale forged a formidable doubles combina on with a 6-0 win. The B7/8A side went down in a close match against Loreto. Emma Coyer had a nice win to start the day, while Catriona McCorry and Ashleigh Haupt won their doubles games. The C1/2 and B7/8B teams played away to Loreto and Stuartholme respec vely and both matches went down to the wire. Gnapika Kethinedi played well in her first match of the year to win 6-4 while Jade Duncan and Lydia Pointon had a memorable doubles victory. Well done girls! Results: D5/6 were defeated by St Rita’s 6 sets to 0 (36 games to 9) D1/2 were defeated by St Rita’s 6 sets to 0 (36 games to 11) C1/2 were defeated by Loreto 6 sets to 2 (43 games to 23) B5/6 defeated Stuartholme 5 sets to 1 (36 games to 8) B7/8A were defeated by Loreto 6 sets to 2 (27 games to 18) B7/8B defeated Stuartholme 3 sets to 3 (29 games to 21) Water Polo Semi Finals Fixtures: Saturday 16 March, The Valley Pool TIME AGE TEAMS VALLEY POOL 8:45 am U13C All Hallows’ C Brigidine C 2 10:15 am U14B Brigidine B BGGS B 2 11:00 am U14C Brigidine C All Hallows’ C 2 1:15 pm U15C Loreto Warriors Brigidine C 1 4:15 pm U18C Warriors Brigidine 2 NEW Brigidine Wet Weather Line! Brigidine College now has a Wet Weather Phone Line for sports updates: 3002 0685 Bre Jones Sports Coordinator A MESSAGE FROM THE UNIFORM SHOP HAT CLEANING AND REPAIR The 2012 College Yearbook was distributed to students last Friday in Home Room. If your daughter did not receive her copy and was a ending Brigidine College in 2012, please ask her to collect one from the Delany Office. Once again over the Term 1 holiday break at Easter, we are offering cleaning and repair of hats for anyone who is interested. All payments need to be made to the Uniform Shop by Tuesday 26 March. Hats must be le at the College Office by 3:00pm on Thursday 28 March. Hat Clean, Repair and Block $30.00 Hat Clean and Block $20.00 Please also note that jumpers and fawn socks have arrived at the Uniform Shop and orders are ready for collec on. Anne Sco Uniform Shop Convenor 9 HOT OFF THE PRESS! Newly Elected Student Council Congratula ons to the following students who have been elected to the 2013 Student Council: House Chanel Delany Damien De Porres MacKillop Year Group 9 10 11 9 10 11 9 10 11 9 10 11 9 10 11 MacKillop Suitcase Rummage for Caritas Councillor Shakira Smeaton Olivia Fidler Kate Heffernan Tayla Bouckley Phoebe Low Hailee Ryan Laura Cross Hannah Go smann Lauren Gadsby Zoe Davidson Paris Jones Riley Watson Akwany Mangwak Sophia Lazarou Shannon Wilson
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