Bringing the House Down!
Bringing the House Down!
1 August 2012 Bringing the House Down! Friday 27 July was a wonderful opportunity for the College to celebrate the life and achievements of Bishop Daniel Delany, founder of the Brigidine Sisters. A er a moving Mass and barbeque lunch, the students really let their hair down and presented some memorable performances in compe on for the Brigidine Bell. Delany House was the stand out winner on the day. For more on this, see Mr Cahill’s ar cle on page 2. Issue 21 Contents Page Principal’s Message 2 Pastoral and Mission News 4 Curriculum Ma ers 5 Careers and VET News 6 Deba ng and Public Speaking 7 Science News 8 Languages Department News 9 Sports News 10 R O S T E R Thursday 2 August Clare David, Audrey Chan Friday 3 August: Anne Kerr, Lisa Pla Monday 6 August: Debbie Frasse o, Nagisa Ferguson Tuesday 7 August: Michelle Noye, Chris ne Fitzgerald Wednesday 8 August: Glenda Robertson, Sherri Williams Uniform Shop Roster Monday 6 August: Jennifer Bartley, Menchie Castro, Kylie Tierney, Debbie Kearns, Isabelle Piat Tuesday 7 August: Michelle Noye, Olayinka Akinsanmi Calendar August 3 Year 10 French Immersion Day August 6/7 Visita on Days 9:30-10:30am August 14 Subject Selec on Evenings: Year 8 - 5:30pm Year 10 - 7:00pm August 15 Royal Queensland Show Day Public Holiday August 16 Student Free Day - Whole Staff Retreat August 31 Dads and Daughters’ Evening 5:30-8:30pm 2 Message from the Principal St Mary MacKillop, Mary of the Cross Mary MacKillop, is Australia’s first saint. She believed strongly in the transforma ve power of educa on. Her vision, leadership and courage in establishing the Sisters of St Joseph to teach the children of the poor make her an inspiring role model. We celebrate the life of Mary MacKillop on August 8th. Mary MacKillop is also the special patron of the Brisbane Archdiocese. In a world torn by conflict and strife, by greed and poverty, the example of Mary’s life and holiness challenges us to place our trust in God and courageously live the gospel in our mes. Like Bishop Daniel Delany, the Irish leaders of the early Brisbane church and Mary MacKillop, may we continue their work of transforming the lives of others through educa on which images jus ce and service. (reference: Sr Anne Derwin, Congrega onal Leader of The Sisters of St Joseph) The legacy of Bishop Daniel Delany was his response to the needs of his people - the poor Irish Catholics over two centuries ago. He believed that faith and educa on were the agents which would transform the lives of a people demoralised and illiterate as the result of years of English oppression. He worked with the young people to teach them to read and write and to sing! He began the Brigidine Sisters by invi ng young women to form a religious congrega on to teach the poor. In doing so, he believed he was reinsta ng the ancient order of St Brigid. Mary MacKillop Prayer God of the Dreaming, you show yourself to us in dreamers, seers and prophets. We thank you for all those who, like Mary MacKillop, have helped us to see the possibili es for our country and its people. As we struggle to realise our dreams for a just, compassionate world, may we witness to our world the true meaning of fair play and care for the oppressed. Help us to uphold the importance of spiritual reali es. We pray that we will cherish par cularly the gi s of the indigenous peoples of our lands and those new to our shores. Teach us that, in the richness and strength of our diversity, lie our possibili es for becoming one. Amen. We believe today that faith and education are the agents of transformation here at Brigidine College. In a world impoverished by consumerism, Prayers are asked for all those in our community who are ill or undergoing treatment. Message from the Principal (contd.) greed, individualism and overwhelming superficiality, faith and education provide a deeper and more meaningful way of being and doing. They also provide the skills and knowledge to deal with the complexity of living in the 21st century and to make a difference. Just as Daniel Delany taught his people to sing, we too celebrate all our blessings. This past week was also Catholic Educa on Week in Queensland. All Catholic school communi es celebrate the gi of Catholic educa on. To conclude, I quote from the vision statement of the Brigidine Sisters - their interpreta on of Daniel Delany’s vision in our mes: “As Brigidines, we stand in reverence for the community of life and will con nue to work to further compassion and jus ce.” Principal Notes Bishop Daniel Delany Day (27 July) was the highlight of our Brigidine Week, with our Thanksgiving Mass wonderfully led by Fr Pan Jordan and a variety of ac vi es used to celebrate ‘all that is good with joy and gra tude.’ The life of our College through its heritage le by the Brigidine Sisters, as well as the excitement generated by the ‘Brigidine Bell’ competition were wonderful expressions of community mission. The girls with their Home Room teachers and House Coordinators presented some truly inspiring expressions of what it means to be part of such a vibrant community. I would like to thank everyone involved and congratulate Delany House on being the new holder of the ‘Bell’ un l July 2013. The Brigidine College String Ensemble was delighted to play at the Queensland Catholic Educa on Commission func on held at Parliament House last Tuesday. This event was sponsored by the Queensland Minister of Educa on and organised as part of Catholic Educa on Week. The girls and their conductor were wonderful ambassadors for the College and they played beau fully. Congratula ons also to the Track and Field, Netball, Soccer and Hockey teams for their outstanding commitment and performances over the past few weeks. It was great to hear that a number of the teams are playing in their respec ve finals and I wish them well this a ernoon. Ms Carly Richardson, Sports Coordinator, and the variety of coaches have been par cularly posi ve about the girls and their performances. Well done. A Naoimh Bhrid, gui Orainn, inn, Brendan Cahill Principal 3 Pastoral News The following is an excerpt from an ar cle by Australian journalist Susan Johnson who extensively interviewed leading experts and kids themselves with regards to the pressures on being a teen in the 21st century. With thanks to the Courier-Mail’s QWeekend for the original publica on. Skinny and denuded of body hair if you are a teenage girl and “built” and “muscled up” if you are a teenage boy: welcome to a world in which children as young as eight feel anxiety about body image. If Western society is supposed to be more “equal” than ever before, then idealised no ons of what a teenage girl should look like and what a teenage boy should look like tell a different story. In this tale, all the girls look like anorexic 12-year-old lingerie models and all the boys resemble the Incredible Hulk. It is not only the mul plica on of media but its increased sophis ca on that has transformed the media into such a powerful tool of influence: where once a photograph was a recorder of images and the camera did not lie, now a photograph can cheat and distort and a photograph will never again be simply a photograph. “The media is manipula ng bodies much more,” says Dr Lina Ricciardelli, associate professor in psychology at Melbourne’s Deakin University. Between dangerously skinny models, boys with six-packs and Photoshop, the gap between ordinary flesh-and-blood girls and boys and idealised images of girls and boys has grown wider and wider. Our media is saturated with images of the perfect way we should each look. A wonderful contradic on to his is the way our students really come together all in the name of fun for our Celebra on Day on Friday – with crazy hair, extraordinary costumes and dance moves, the whole community reveals and delights in the uniqueness that we each have. Each year the girls astound me with their crea ve flair, their commitment to rehearsals and the leadership that is shown by the Seniors. The spirit of fun and healthy rivalry that is present on the day certainly makes it a highlight of the year for many in our community, including me. Mission News Celebra on Day was an eye opener commencing with the Daniel Delany Mass that the community beau fully and respec ully celebrated to the exci ng performances and sacred songs of the community in the a ernoon. The volume of a girl’s scream has been compared to the taking off of a jumbo jet. On Friday I experienced, firsthand, a jumbo jet taking off in forma on with some A380s. My ears are s ll ringing! What par cularly caught my a en on was the way staff par cipated and supported the student performances of the five Brigidine Houses. I was not only impressed by the quality of presenta ons across the board, but the genuine support for each House and for each other whilst s ll being fiercely compe ve. This was also apparent, a er ini al disappointment, for not receiving the Bell when other houses congratulated Delany House for their achievement. Thank you to all of the people involved in making these fes vi es come to frui on. Par cular thanks go to: Miss Dani Senior and the Chamber Choir Mrs Merryl Wheaton for piano accompaniment Ms Lucy Flook and the Senior Dance Group Mr Daniel Dunlop and Senior instumentalists Miss Sarah Daff for liturgical elements Emma Maxwell for her portrait of St Brigid Brigida Corte-Real for her cello solo College Student Leaders College House Prefects Dr Catherine Reid and the Liturgy Commi ee College Grounds staff for se ng up the Kildare Hall Mr Ben Field and assistants in the Sound Room Mr Stephen Robinson and readers Mrs Kathy Webb for photography and concepts Mrs Anne Sco for footage from Brigid’s Well, Kildare Mrs Kim O’Hare for the PowerPoint presenta on and Running Sheet Sarah Lyons for backstage Our House Coordinators and staff supporters Special Minsters Mr Ian Snape, Mr Alfie Williams and Mr Mark O’Flaherty, Grounds Staff and our judges Mrs Kim O’Hare, Mrs Carole Baines and Mrs Mara Gill who had a par cularly difficult role to play. All the best for the coming week. Today is St Igna us of Loyola’s Feast Day. He is the Patron saint of retreats, spiritual exercises and scruples! Dana Wedge Deputy Principal Pastoral Andrew Beiers Deputy Principal Mission 4 Curriculum Alive! Curriculum Matters A wonderful range of extension ac vi es that enhance our College’s curriculum were on offer in recent weeks and a large number of students across all year levels have accessed these opportuni es. Senior students par cipated in the theatre performances by Grin and Tonic for the English Department; the Chemistry Quiz was held; students went on Geography, Study of Religion, Business Studies and Accoun ng excursions; Year 8s par cipated in the crosscurricular (Social Sciences and French) performance of Joan of Arc, Madame Curie and Coco Chanel; a group of Year 9 students were involved in Future Problem Solving; students hosted our visitors from French Nouméa for the biannual exchange program and Performing Arts students were enthralled by the acroba c excellence by Cirque du Soleil in Ovo. In all, students have been exposed to an excep onal range of events to enhance their educa on - an important adjunct to their classroom learning. Year 8 and 10 Subject EXPO and Informa on Evenings - Tuesday 14 August We cordially invite all Year 8s and their parents to the Kildare Hall at 5:45pm for a 6:00pm start for the Subject Informa on Evening. The Year 10 Subject Informa on session commences at 7:00pm also in the Kildare Hall, although we strongly encourage Year 10 students and their parents to come along from 6:30pm onwards to speak with representa ves from the different universi es, TAFEs and other providers who will be present to discuss possible future career paths with you in addi on to hearing from Curriculum Coordinators about subjects in their departments for Years 11 and 12. Senior Educa on and Training (SET) Plans A number of Year 10 students and their parents have par cipated in our comprehensive SET Plan interviews conducted by a range of senior staff members who have included Mr Brendan Cahill, Ms Dana Wedge, Mrs Josephine Griffiths, Mr Kym Daly, Mrs Danielle Baker, Mrs Madeleine Grimes and Dr Ruth Burne . Those who par cipated in these interviews reported how useful they were in helping demys fy some of the aspects of the Senior phase of learning and provide invaluable informa on to help students embark on this important stage of their educa on. On the Subject EXPO and Informa on Evening, other Year 10 students and their parents will also be invited to a end an interview over the remainder of this term. As Year 10 and Year 12 students who are not compe ng in the Interschool Athle cs Carnival will be at College on Monday 20 August, Year 10 students and their parents will have the opportunity to book an interview on this day with one of the staff members named above to complete the SET Plan. Year 12 Reminder All Year 12 students are reminded that they need to book an interview with the Careers Counsellors regarding their QTAC preferences that are due during the September holidays. This is extremely important for all students, regardless of their pathway. Josephine Griffiths Ac ng Deputy Principal Curriculum 5 Careers and Counselling News As career development con nues to gain important and valuable momentum in edca on, government ini a ves and society generally, there is increasing informa on made available to learners of all ages. The sheer amount of this informa on is very difficult to distribute to all ages in a relevant and diges ble form. Par cularly at this me of year, there is a lot to know about! Consequently, Brigidine College has subscribed to a fortnightly careers newsle er from Op ons Training Solu ons that covers absolutely everything relevant to school communi es and relevant to all interest areas. The informa on provided in this newsle er includes things like open day dates, short courses, scholarship informa on, interstate educa on providers and career experience opportuni es. The newsle er is available on the College website under Pastoral Care/Counselling and Careers at the very bo om of the page. Where possible, we highlight par cularly important events in the main body of the College newsle er. However, students and parents are strongly encouraged to read this newsle er fortnightly on our website. We are sure you will uncover some interes ng and exci ng career development opportuni es across all year levels. Danielle Baker and Madeleine Grimes College Counsellors Senior School Coordinator News A en on Year 10 Students As our Year 10 students con nue to plan and prepare for subject selec on, listed below is information regarding both courses offered and deadlines for the major TAFE colleges with whom we are currently involved. At the moment we have 13 girls in Year 11 enrolled in courses at Cer ficate and Diploma level a ending classes one day per week at various outside learning ins tu ons. Please note these opportunities are not limited just to students looking at an alterna ve to the tradi onal non-OP pathway but they could also be of interest to girls who are taking an OP pathway but s ll wish to pursue studies in a par cular area beyond the curriculum at Brigidine. Bremer TAFE: Cer ficate III in Hospitality; Events; Children’s Services. Expression of Interest Form (EOI form) to be submi ed to Bremer by August 31st (form available from me) Southbank Ins tute of Technology (STEP Diploma program): Diplomas in Beauty; Children’s Services; Events; Hospitality; Nursing; Paramedical; Tourism; Jus ce Studies; Photoimaging. Applications online from Monday 27th August. 6 Brisbane North Ins tute of Technology: Cer ficate III in Animal Studies (Grovely campus); Beauty Services (Ithaca campus). Prospec ve applicants must first lodge a NEW STUDENT - PERSONAL DETAILS form before enrolment. (form available from me) Metro South Ins tute of Technology: Certificate III in Design Fundamentals; Technical Production; Media; Music; Events; Tourism;Aged Care; Children’s Services. Cer ficate II in Fashion Design. Prospec ve applicants must firstly attend compulsory Information evenings at MSIT (21/22/23 August) and then submit an Expression of Interest Form (EOI form) available from me. Please feel free to contact me here at the College on dalyk@ or by telephone on 3870 7225 if you have any queries or require clarifica on. Kym Daly Senior School Coordinator Debating and Public Speaking News QDU Finals You are invited to the 2012 Dads and Daughters’ Evening on Friday 31 August from 5:30 - 8:30pm at Nudgee Junior College, Twigg Street, Indooroopilly with guest speaker Nadine McDonald Dowd Currently Program Coordinator of the Kuril Dhagun Indigenous Knowledge Centre, State Library of Queensland, Nadine has a very ‘drama c’ background - literally. She studied Performing Arts at QUT and has spent many years in the Performing Arts scene here in Brisbane. She can spin a good yarn and you will find her thoroughly entertaining. Look out for our RSVP flyer in next week’s Brigidine News. - ALSO Don’t miss out on your chance to own a slice of history in our raffle to win a fantas c, signed and beau fully framed State of Origin jersey. Year 12 students Chantal Angus, Marlena Litchfield, Melita Brown (with Brigida Corte-Real and Rosie Daly supporters) will debate St Columban’s College (1) in their first round of the finals at Brisbane State High School at 7:00pm tonight. The topic, “that we should end all subsidies for the Arts”, should produce interes ng arguments on both sides. This team has done very well to reach the finals and has shown considerable improvement throughout the season. We wish them well and encourage other supporters to attend. Gina Brosnan QDU Deba ng Coordinator Free Mathematics tutoring is available for Years 8 to 10 Maths and Senior Maths A and B. It will be conducted in the Library every Tuesday afternoon from 3:15 to 4:30pm and will be run by Miss Helen Paviotti. For more information, please contact Mr John Crawford or Miss Helen Paviotti on 3870 7225. Brigidine College Recommended Maths Tutors Jessica Manteit 0423 427 374 Laura Daly 0400 109 115 or 3374 2913 All proceeds from the raffle will go to Prostate Cancer Research. 7 Science News (MK2), Cassey Harding (MK3), Zara Heading (MK3), Ruby Rowlands (MK5), Georgie Donaldson (DP5), Isabel Noller (DP2) Year 9: Ma lda-Rose Fullarton (CH4), Shaniya Fe neiai (DM2), Emily Ruzic (DM4), Monique Herden (DE2), Kayla Mackinnon (DE3), Isabelle Ryan (DE5), Caitlin Harzem (MK2), Alexandria Williams (MK6), Millicent Beckinsale (DP1), Eleanor McGregor (DP5), Rosina McGregor (DP6) ICAS Test Results All Year 8-10 Brigidine students par cipated in the 2012 Interna onal Compe ons and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) Science Test. The ICAS Test is developed by a leading interna onal educa onal assessment organisa on specialising in large-scale measurement and assessment programs in Australia and 20 countries globally. Our students have performed excep onally well this year with 106 students receiving Credit Cer ficates, 26 receiving a Dis nc on and 3 students who performed at an outstanding level to receive High Dis nc on Cer ficates. The following students received Dis nc on Cer ficates: Year 10: Olwen Paterson (CH5), Tess Bilkey (DM1), Rebekah King (DE1), Nhung Dang (DP6), Han Tran (DP1) The following Year 9 students are to be commended for receiving a HIgh Dis nc on Cer ficate: Olivia Finn, Emily Wilkins (DE6), Samantha Craven (DP2). Congratula ons to all students on their achievements in this compe on. Michelle Kath Science Coordinator Year 8: Charlo e Macknish (CH6), Laura Cross (DM2), Gemma Ryan (DM6), Bridget Jones (DE2), Chris ne Eldridge Track & Field Athle cs in the Western Suburbs September 2012 - March 2012 for ages 5-16 For more informa on on who, where and when visit the following websites: Centenary (compe on on Friday evenings) Kenmore (compe on on Saturday a ernoons) www.kenmoreli leathle Toowong Harriers (compe on alterna ng between Saturday a ernoons and Friday evenings) leathle For centres in other parts of Brisbane, call Li le Athle cs on 3255 9436 or visit 8 Languages Department News Welcome Tara Green with Valen n Chanois We would like to welcome our Japanese assistant, Ai Yaguchi (Ai means “love” in Japanese). She is staying with us for four weeks this term. Ai is helping Senior students especially with their conversa on prac ce and preparing resources for our lessons. She is going to travel to different ci es in Australia a er she has finished working with us. Thank you for your help, Ai san. We would also like to welcome Yoshimi Miyajima, a Year 9 student who is joining us un l 25 August. She came to Brigidine College last year and loved it so decided to return this year. We hope Yoshimi will have a great me again here at Brigidine. Yoshiko Steven Japanese Coordinator Bienvenue Stéphanie! Stéphanie Pi eloud arrived from Sion in French-speaking Switzerland on Friday and began her two month stay at Brigidine College with a uniform fi ng! Schools in Switzerland do not have uniforms so it is a novelty for her to wear the Brigidine uniform. Stéphanie is here on the annual Queensland-Switzerland Exchange and is being hosted by Nikita Aganoff ’s family during her stay. Nikita will spend eight weeks in Switzerland over the Christmas break where she will a end school with Stéphanie. for them was the Tuckshop! French schools have lunch at a canteen. Besides shopping and more shopping, they enjoyed the sightseeing in Brisbane and the Gold Coast. They visited many tourist a rac ons including Dreamworld, GoMA, Alma Park Zoo and Brisbane City. It was a great experience having the students stay with us. It was beneficial for our French and very helpful for their English! Overall, they had a fantas c me learning and experiencing Australian Emily Piat with Madison culture and hospitality. Mar nez-Oddou It was very sad to see them leave and they are already missed by everyone! We are now coun ng the days before we meet up again in Nouméa in September. Au revoir Mario ! Saturday’s departure was not without a few tears as host families said a sad farewell or ‘à bientôt’ (see you soon) to their new ‘sons’, ‘daughters’, ‘sisters’ or ‘brothers’, as the Mario students from New Caledonia had become a part of the family during their short ten day stay. The following report comes from Year 9 DM3 students Caitlin Culverhouse-Steadman and Alexandra McLauchlan: On 19 July our French Exchange students arrived from Collège Mario , Nouméa. We were very excited to finally meet our new ‘Facebook’ friends. Although a li le anxious about our communica on skills, we were very relieved to know that they were all quite fluent in English. They spend one day with us in class and were surprised to experience such a different school system. Un l Celebra on Day, one of the highlights A special thank you to our parents for accommoda ng our visitors, the Mario teachers for hos ng a wonderful A ernoon Tea last Friday and Mlle Bull and Dr Reid for organising their visit. Catherine Bull French Coordinator 9 Track and Field Sports News The CSGSSA Carnival is fast approaching. There are 20 days un l our Track and Field teams head to the Queensland Sport and Athle cs Centre (QSAC) to compete for the Beirne Cup. As we approach this carnival, students are reminded of their commitment to training and a endance at lead up meets. Please see training and events informa on below. Please email me on with any ques ons or concerns. Day Details Tuesday Compulsory Team Training Session at UQ Students will travel by bus to UQ and train under the guidance of UQ staff from 3:30-5:00pm every Tuesday a ernoon. There will be specialist coaches for each of the disciplines. Wednesday Track and Field at Taringa Oval All students are invited to a end sessions targeted at throws and track events from 7:00am Thursday Compulsory Team Training Session at UQ Students will travel by bus to UQ and train under the guidance of UQ staff from 3:30-5:00pm every Thursday a ernoon. There will be specialist coaches for each of the disciplines. Friday Team Core Strength Session and Team Breakfast at Brigidine College. Each Friday morning, students will meet in the Kildare Hall from 7:00am for a team core strength session. Following this Friday session, each member of the team who trains will join the team for breakfast of croissants and poppers. Important Dates Date(s) Details Friday 3 August Monday 13 August UQ Lead Up Track and Field Meets Team members are required to a end at least 3 lead up meets in prepara on for the CSGSSA Carnival. Students will be bussed to UQ at 3:15pm and meets will conclude at approximately 6:00pm. Friday 3 August and Saturday 4 August Track and Field Team Camp Students will travel to the Gold Coast and stay overnight. Students will par cipate in training sessons and team bonding ac vi es. Following the Friday night, UQ meet students will travel by bus to Runaway Bay Sports Centre and stay overnight. On Saturday, they will train at the Athle cs Centre at Runaway Bay and will return at approximately 5:00pm on Saturday 4th August. Wednesday 15 August Team Training and BBQ On the RNA Show Day, students will be required to a end a compulsory team training session in prepara on for the CSGSSA Carnival on Monday 20th August. This sesson will be held from 9:00am to midday (venue to be confirmed) and will be followed by a team BBQ un l 12:30pm. Monday 20 August Interschool Track and Field Carnival at QEII All team members who are selected as a member of the Brigidine College Track and Field team will represent the College at QEII on this day. More details will be released closer to this date. REFEREES AND UMPIRES NEEDED We are urgently looking for TOUCH FOOTBALL AND BASKETBALL REFEREES for the BSGSA season. The dates are 5th, 12th and 19th September, 10th, 17th, 24th and 31st October and 7th November. All games are played on a Wednesday a ernoon from 4:00 to 5:00pm. The Basketball games are held here at the College and also at Bardon SS. Touch Football games are held at a central venue. At this stage, one Division will definitely be at Shaw Park but I am unsure of the other venues. Being able to get to the venues is essen al. The College pays $30 per game. If you are able to help, please contact Kate Driscoll at the College on Sport on the College Website All things relating to sport can now be accessed on the College website. This includes permission forms, draws and results. To access this information, go to News, click on Sport, enter the username and password (the same as for accessing the newsletter). Go to “subject select” and the name of the sport you are looking for will drop down. Then click on the relevant heading. Each week the draw and results of BSGSA competitions and other relevant information will be available on the website. Kate Driscoll Sports Aide 10 Sports News (contd.) BSGSA Round 7 Results from BSGSA Round 7 are below. We wish all teams compe ng in the finals today all the very best of luck. SOCCER Division Open A Winner Loser Brigidine Player of the Match Lourdes Hill College Open C BYE Junior A Draw with Mount St Michael’s College Riley Watson (10 DP4) Katherine Kerr (9 CH1), Suuki Ferguson (9 DM4) Junior B Brigidine Our Lady’s College Hanne Beirnaert (8 MK1) Junior C Mount St Michael’s College Brigidine Letecia Nayler (8 DM5) NETBALL Division Winner Loser Player of the Match Open A Lourdes Hill College Brigidine Alexandra Creevey (10 DP6) Open B Brigidine San Sisto College Celeste Williams (12 DE4) Open D Mt Alvernia College drew with Brigidine Sarah Braybrook (11 DE2) Inter A St Rita’s College Brigidine Amber Peucker (10 DE4) Inter B2 Loreto College Brigidine Aimee Cope (10 DE2) Inter C St Rita’s College Brigidine Millicent Beckinsale (9 DP1) Inter D Loreto College Brigidine Alexandra Oancea (9 CH3) Inter E BYE Junior B Mt Alvernia College Brigidine Eloise Moore (8 DE6) Junior D Mt Alvernia College Brigidine Kayla Theisen (8 DM1) HOCKEY Division Open Winner Brigidine Loser Loreto College Player of the Match Nothando Mafico (10 DM2) Water Polo Prepara ons are now under way for the 2012-2013 Water Polo season. We are seeking expressions of interest from past students, parents and family members who may be interested in coaching or managing a team. Brigidine College is commi ed to ensuring all coaches and managers receive coaching and officia ng qualifica ons and will provide financial assistance to support this. If you are interested in taking up this opportunity, please email Congratula ons Met West Cross Country Year 8 student Mikaela Woodward (CH2, pictured right) came 27th in a me of 12:30 and Sophie Coombs (DM4) came 34th in a me of 12:50. The girls raced with admirable determina on on a course that was quite boggy from recent rains and heavy winds. Li le Athle cs Mikaela Woodward has been selected to a end a Li le Athle cs Camp being held at the Australian Ins tute of Sports (AIS) in Canberra in October. She is one of only 16 athletes selected from Queensland, predominantly for her Race Walking. She will get to dine with and be coached by some of Australia’s top athletes. Carly Richardson Sports Coordinator 11 YEAR 8 AND YEAR 10 SUBJECT EXPO AND INFORMATION EVENINGS TUESDAY 14 AUGUST 2012 KILDARE HALL (MPC) Year 8 Subject Selection Evening 5:45 for a 6:00pm start The Year 10 Subject Selection Evening commences 7:00pm. Please arrive by 6:30pm for EXPO from tertiary institutions Jeans for Genes Day - Friday 3 August 2012 Lunchtime Fashion Show on the Convent Verandah with prize for best jeans! Why not create your own? Gold coin donation Students must wear College: • hat (eg formal, sports) • shirt (eg sports, choir) • warm top (eg green formal jumper, Senior jersey, tracksuit top) • Closed in shoes (eg Converse, Vans or joggers, etc.) not ballet flats Brigidine College Visitation Day Please let any friends who may be interested in Brigidine College for their daughter’s secondary education know that our next Visitation Days are Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th August 9:30-10:30am. Phone 3870 7225 to secure a place. Students please note: No jeggings No ripped jeans No shorts No skirts FULL LENGTH JEANS ONLY Are you involved in College Cocurricular ac vi es or recently been on Work Experience? If you would like the opportunity to see your face in the 2012 College Yearbook, please bring high resolu on .jpg images on a USB to Mrs Webb or Mrs O’Hare in the Delany Office.