November 7 2013 - Thomas Hassall Anglican College


November 7 2013 - Thomas Hassall Anglican College
The Way
Mr Smith has provided an efficiency and accuracy
to this role since 2008 and we will miss his
contribu on. In the course of this year we have
It is fascina ng to watch the development of
employed Mrs Rebecca Clarke to the
Sydney’s South West happening all around us.
Administra on team, ini ally in the enrolment
Not too long ago the College was surrounded by office, and Mrs Clarke will now take over the role
of Finance and Administra on Manager in the
paddocks and small acreages; the beginning of
Thomas Hassall Anglican seems a distant memory College. Other staff changes will be announced in
as we grow along with the local area. While some due course.
take a nostalgic view to progress it is our goal at
the College to grow in wisdom and excellence and Thank you for your con nued support of the
College staff and programs. Senior School
service in all we do.
examina ons and whole College repor ng me is
upon us with a special staff‐only day next Monday
The Higher School Cer ficate is over again for
11 November (no students a end the College on
another year. Our Class of 2013 have been a
this day). End of year Celebra on events occur
great group of students and we look forward to
this year on Wednesday 4 December with no ces
perhaps our best results in the College’s history.
contained in the following pages from our Heads
A black e formal dinner is s ll to be conducted
of College.
as the final symbol of their gradua on. We
certainly have every best wish for this group of
young adults as they make their way into the
From the Principal Recently the College was invited to represent the
youth of NSW at the NSW Police Remembrance
Day Service in the city. Senior students Joel
Viglione and Danielle French represented the
College and all the students of NSW, placing a
wreath at the memorial, which remembers those
men and women from NSW Police who have lost
their lives in the line of duty. This solemn
occasion was a ended by the Governor Mrs
Marie Bashir, the Premier Mr Barry O’Farrell, the
Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione and many
dignitaries. This was a significant honour and
privilege for our College and the whole student
body. Both Joel and Danielle will fondly
remember the occasion.
Pleasing results are being achieved in sport and
our co‐curricular program. Mrs Evans informs us
that every IPSSO spor ng team has been reaching
the finals in sport for the Term 4 program and we
look forward to an outstanding year of results in
Junior Sport. The College hosted the MISA Year
10 Public Speaking Compe on recently, with
Gabriella Abrahams achieving second place.
Mid Term 4 is a me for new enrolments,
orienta on and staff changes and in 2013 we will
have a small number of changes. I will certainly
bring those changes in detail to the end of year
address at Celebra on. In the mean me, I
announce a key change now with Mr Andrew
Smith, our Business Managing declaring his
inten ons to enter theological college next year.
7 November 2013 Diary Dates Friday 8 November Year 7 & 8 Final
Exams Conclude
Year 9 & 10 PASS
Excursion: Cronulla
Monday 11 November Mid Term Break for
Tuesday 12 November Catch up Year 7 & 8
Year 10 HSC all your
own work
Police band excursion
Wednesday 13 November Year 10 Camp
Thursday 14 November Year 10 Camp
Prep Blue & Purple
Excursion: Calmsley
City Farm
‘Who is wise and understanding among you? Let
him show it by his good life, by deeds done in his
humility that comes from wisdom”
James 3:13
Rugby League Tag
Gala Day
Friday 15 November Year 10 Camp
Prep White & Red
Excursion: Calmsley
City Farm
Ross Whelan Principal From The Head Of Senior School The busy year con nues with the end of year examina ons and assessment tasks tes ng students followed by the busy rou nes of
marking and repor ng for our teachers. It is hard to believe that Christmas is just around the corner. Despite the busy schedule there
are many enjoyable opportuni es to look forward to in the last few weeks of school. The term will culminate in a wide range of events
including: a Years 7‐10 Market Day raising funds for the NSW’s bushfire vic ms; a Years 7‐8 special Integrated Project in Science and
History (Year 7) Science and Geography (Year 8), the annual College X‐THACTOR giving our talented students the opportunity to sing,
dance and perform; the annual Year 10 Camp and Special Service Project where students go out into the community to help in areas
like bush regenera on, Salva on Army Community Programs and a special Sports Serve Program to name a few. Finally the end of year
Senior School Celebra on night on the Wednesday 4 December. Celebra on is our opportunity to look back at the year that was and
celebrate the achievements and highlights of the year. Please pencil this me into your calendars as we conclude 2013.
Last week we inducted a new group of Prefects and Captains for 2014 and we are currently looking at extending the student leadership
group with the selec on of House Captains and Middle Years Leaders in the next few weeks. In addi on, all the Year 10 students will
undergo a program in Peer Support Training. This program equips students with the skills to support and encourage the 2014, Year 7
students coming into the Senior School.
In all of our leadership training and prac cal student programs the emphasis has been placed upon the student’s readiness to serve
others with an a tude of excellence. This culture is not always something that is well understood in our post‐modern world. Too o en
the emphasis on the ‘individual’ happiness and self‐fulfillment are at the expense of ‘others’ and the wider community. Great leaders
have not adopted this kind of thinking; good leaders are recognised because they have led in ways that promote the interests of others
e.g. John Flynn (founder of the Royal Flying Doctors Service), Fred Hollows (serving the poor in the area of health), indigenous ac vist
Eddie Mabo (winning land rights for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders) and poli cian John Cur n (working to improve the working
condi ons for the average Australian wage earner). Each of these past Australians are recognised for their great contribu ons. They led
with a desire to help others despite the personal cost.
Developing a good leadership culture will take me, educa on and pa ence. As we set a strong vision in this area our students will
grow and mature in posi ve ways that will benefit our en re College community. The principles that form a solid founda on for leader‐
ship are not complicated but they will challenge Thomas Hassall community to live:
GENEROUSLY With a willingness to use what you have been given ( me and resources) on behalf of those you seek to influence.
RESPONSIBILY We all have a responsibility to develop what we have and help others to live well.
HONESTLY A commitment to truth and honesty in dealings.
PURPOSEFULLY Every human being is of great significance and has a purpose to fulfill. (GRIP Leadership Principles)
We will con nue to promote this thinking and ac on in our formal training programs and our general communica on with students. All
of what we have outlined here reflects Jesus commandments to ‘Love Others’.
John 13:34‐35 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” Roger Young Head of Senior School From The Head Of Junior School Whilst the academic progress of students is a vital part of every child’s educa on, there is another focus that is equally
important to the life of the College and that is learning to serve and support others. I a ended a forum on remote
indigenous educa on recently and was really challenged by how difficult it is to receive quality educa on in remote areas
and how some schools have made this a major project for their students. Suppor ng and serving others without the need
to receive something in return is so important for our society today. At Thomas Hassall we are encouraging the students to
earn money at home and then use that to purchase items for the annual Toys and Tucker Christmas Appeal. Please
encourage your child to give generously to this cause.
Year 4 have also been looking at organisa ons that support others rather than taking profits for themselves. They looked at
the ‘not for profit organisa ons’ and what we can do to help. I was impressed by some of the ini a ves that the students
took to talk to their parents and get them to show support for organisa ons such as the ‘Thank you’ group which raise
money to fund safe water projects in developing na ons. There will be more informa on to follow in the next edi on of
The Way. If we can make our students aware of the global needs of others and to see how they can help rather than being
focused on their own wants, then we know that our society is in safe hands for the future.
As we draw to the end of the year, there are a number of important events for your diary. Celebra on will be on
Wednesday, 4 December commencing at 5.00pm for the Junior School. Many students will be involved in class
performances and choir items as well as being acknowledged for what they have achieved this year so please set aside the
date. The P & F will be holding a disco on Thursday, 28 November and Year 6 will be heading to Jamberoo to celebrate the
end of their me in the Junior School.
Chris ne Bessant Head of Junior School
From the Director of Chris an Educa on Making a World of Difference – Year 8 Mission Market A Chris an educa on hopes to provide many things for children. One of these is to develop an apprecia on of God’s heart for people,
par cularly those who are less fortunate than most of us. We want students to learn and experience an ac ve faith, one which makes a
difference in their world as James says, “What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds”.
In Year 8 Chris an Studies recently, students were able to work in teams to research and present a mission organisa on at our
inaugural Mission Market. The project was held over 5 weeks, with the Mission Market being held as a half‐day incursion at the end of
Term 3. Imagine almost 250 people swarming around – a li le like the show bag pavilion at the Easter Show!
In total, 29 mission organisa ons were researched. Some groups made contact with these organisa ons, developed posters, visual
presenta ons, short speeches and giveaways. The more crea ve had a rac ons such as musical performances, dances, sports
challenges and food. It was great to see students so ac vely engaged in their learning and working together towards a common goal.
Year 6 visited and voted for the Year 8 displays in the following categories, with the winners listed below:
Best Welcomers Award ‐ Interserve ‐ 8.4 CS ‐ Fiona Chohaili, Alessia Danielle, Jade Dobrincic, Demi Farah, Emmaline Furley
Best Crea vity Award ‐ Red Cross ‐ 8.7 CS ‐ Bri any Phillips, Hannah Minnis, Amy Milne, Anu Nair, Caitlin Markuse.
Best Ac vi es Award ‐ Anglican Aid ‐ 8.1 CS ‐ Mascey Willis, Frances Braga, Laani Jansen, Lauren Sarkis and Georgia Cosier
Best Informa on Award ‐ Chris an Blind Mission ‐ 8.5 Liam Moxey, Chiara Leto, Natalya Husarek, Renesha Krishna, Jacob Smith, Dylan
Movrin.I trust that our students are in the process of forming habits of a life me where they understand God’s heart for those in our
world who need the support of those of us who have been so blessed materially.
Many College families already support organisa ons that are doing exactly this. Could I recommend Anglican Aid
h p:// as a ministry that is making a tremendous difference around the world? They are currently raising finances to
support those closer to home that have been affected by the recent bushfires.
Jim Dayhew Director of Chris an
Educa on
Principal’s Awards
Congratula ons to the following Principal’s Award recipients; Carmichael
Term 4 Wk 4: Amy Jonson, Arghya Khan, Alessia Gullo a
Term 4 Wk 3: Mia Cooper
Term 4 Wk 4: Isaac Fordham
Term 4 Wk 3: Travis Smith
Term 4 Wk 4: James Mai
Urgent Reminder For Parents An Important Message for all Parents regarding Allergies We have a number of students in the College who have serious allergies. One of the most significant of
these is allergies to nuts which causes a serious reac on called ANAPHYLAXIS. This can be caused by the
student coming into contact with nut products.
Anaphylaxis is a life threatening condi on that may be fatal. Therefore our College is “Allergy Aware” and the following strategies have been implemented:
All staff are provided with training to manage anaphylaxis
Students with this condi on have a management plan
Our canteen does not knowingly sell anything which contains nut products. We inform our College community not to send stu‐
dents to College with any food containing peanut bu er, nutella, nut muesli bars, snickers, pistachios, cashews etc
Please check food labels par cularly snack foods Study Centre This week will be the last week of Study Centre for the year.
The IRC will be closed for stock take.
2013 Term 4 Dates 11 November – Mid Term break for all
5th December— Last Day of Term 4
6th December—Staff Professional
Development (All Staff PD)
2014 Term Dates TERM 1 28 January ‐ Students commence 11 April ‐ Term concludes
29 April ‐ Students commence 27 June ‐ Term concludes
TERM 3 21 July ‐ Students commence 11 August ‐ Mid‐term break for staff and students 19 September ‐ students conclude TERM 4 8 October ‐ Students commence 10 November ‐ Mid‐term break for students only 3 December ‐ Celebra on Event 4 December ‐ School concludes From The College Councillor
Year 10 Canberra Excursion
On Friday, 11 October, our Year 10 group par cipated in a tour of the na onal capital. Students visited Old and
New Parliament Houses as well as the Australian War Memorial. They had the opportunity to par cipate in a
variety of programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture and democracy. A highlight for many students was
a moment of reflec on at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
The Australian government recognises the
importance of students being able to visit
Canberra as part of their Civics and Ci zenship
program. We thank them for the funding afforded
through the Parliamentary Civics Educa on
Rebate program, and look forward to enjoying
similar experiences with future year groups.
Mr M Neate ‐ Head of History. From the Careers Advisor
$10,000 Scholarship! Open night for digital media, anima on and IT College “Students interested in a career in digital media, It programming, mobile apps or game design are invited to
apply for a $10,000 scholarship to study at The Academy of Informa on Technology. AIT is hos ng an info
night on 20 November for students or parents interested in learning about careers and study op ons in the IT
and crea ve fields. All ages welcome. Register at h p://”
Informa on for Technology, Arts, Computer Teachers and Career Advisors The Academy of Informa on Technology is Australia's leading provider of Higher Educa on and VET courses in
digital media, mobile applica on development, anima on and IT programing. The campus is located in the heart
of Sydney’s CBD and features state of the art technology. The courses are recognised by the Australian Computer
Society. FEE Help and VET FEE help is available.
Mr J Ward Career Advisor
Year 7 Visual Ar sts
What have you done to the Mona Lisa?
Jennifer Phong
Alexandria Papacosta
Mackenzie Manua
Boris Jovanovic
Kiet Chansereyrith
Chloe Lam
Amanda Smith
Ma hew Milone
Tanvi Karavadra
Domenica Labbozze a
Cooper Sinclair
Stephanie Trochilas
Nicholas Vella
Zachary Taylor
Alandelon Vongmany
Claudia Tiplady
Dylan Mosiejezuk
Lachlan Marlow Conway
Year 9 Graphics
The Year 9 graphics class have been working on modelling 3D
images of household appliances.
Below is a selec on of their quality work
Senior Sports
PEDAL AGAINST POVERTY Seeking to break the cycle of poverty and show God’s amazing love and his great glory On the 12th/13th October, Thomas Hassall Anglican College par cipated
in a 24 hour road cycling fundraiser to help the kids living in dumpsters on
the streets of Cambodia and Tanzania. With over 30 students, parents
and teachers par cipa ng we managed to ride through the night and into
the next day. The atmosphere was electric with everyone out to achieve
the same goal.
With a bit of rivalry between teams it was all about keeping a team
member on the track for the 24 hours. Thomas Hassall teams succeeded!!
A big thank you to all students, teachers and parents who gave up their
weekend to par cipate in this event.
NASSA JUNIOR BASKETBALL GALA DAY Intermediate Boys Grand Final Runners Up
The boys started the day strongly against TIGS and Wollondilly, winning both games by over 20 points thanks to the big scoring efforts
from Stefan and Chris an. Next up they played the oversized Georges River team. Not only were the tall, they were BIG. They played a
great physical style of basketball that some of our players weren’t used to. At half me we were losing by a 10 point margin. Thanks to
the tenacity and excellent leadership of James Capaldi and Ali Dursan, with some help from the AFL skills of Ethan Gillion, the team
began to make a comeback in the second half eventually losing by 5 points a er a hard fought half.
The following match was the semi Final against a well skilled Broughton team. With the scores ed at 20‐20, Broughton received two
free throws with 1 second to go. The game looked like it was going to be a
spirit crushing defeat for us. However, the pressure was too much for the
Broughton player who missed both the shots forcing the game to go into
extra me, which Thomas Hassall ended up winning by 3 points.
The grand final was a rematch of our previous match against Georges River.
We had the advantage of already playing them and knowing their strengths
and weaknesses. We worked out a new game plan to match their physical
style of play. It was a much be er game the second me round with the lead
changing several mes throughout. Thomas Hassall put up a good fight, but
Georges River managed to capitalise on some of our mistakes late in the
game to win by 5.
Coach‐ Joel Geering
Junior Boys Team—3rd Place Being placed in the smaller pool it was important we got off to a good start against Georges River but with a 3 all half me score, we
were looking a li le shaky.
Thankfully the boys stepped it up in the second half with some dogged defence converted nicely into points by our top scorer Cooper.
Special men on also must go to the big man in the middle, Lachlan who secured many defensive rebounds and then closed the game
out with a deep 3 pointer. Good start achieved with a 14 – 3 victory!
The second game pi ed us against St Luke's who were a crack squad of junior boomers. We were blown off the court 32 – 4 and knew
that we needed to li in our remaining games. We placed second in our pool so our semi‐final was against the best placed team in the
other pool. We got off to an awful start and found ourselves down 10‐
1 before half me. We then however matched up Adrian with their
primary scorer and he completely shut him down with some amazing
full court man to man defence. With our defence sorted, our offence
clicked into gear and with some nice team work and some good
scoring from Nathan, Jayden and Sim, we were right back in it. At 14 –
11 down with a handful of seconds le in the game, Nathan took a 3
to draw the game but miraculously if defied physics and a er being
half way down it ra led out. That is how the score remained and we
were relegated to the playoff for third.
Clearly the boys were unhappy with missing out on the grand final by
3 points and they brought their A games into the final encounter.
With Dragon, Nathan and Dylan making basket a er basket and Mack
and Lachy tying up the defensive end, we quite simply crushed
Macarthur winning 28 – 4 to finish third. It was an inspiring end to the
day and has made the boys hungry for their next opportunity…. Coach‐ David Butler
Intermediate Girls Team ‐ 5th Place Game 1: Thac vs Tigs. 4‐8 loss.
We started the compe on with intensity and immediately started to get into foul trouble with Tara ge ng 3 fouls in the first 3
minutes and having to spend some me on the bench, by the end of the first half the score was 0‐0. The start of the second half didn't
start well, conceding 6 points. The girls con nued to play hard and got back 4 points but the game ended 4‐8. Tara scored 4pts.
Woman I the match was Jasy.
Game 2: Thac vs Wac. 12‐2 win.
At half me the score was 6‐2. The girls really showed skill and great teamwork. With baskets to Tara, Aida, Jasy and Adriana. It was
an all round team victory.
Game 3: Thac vs GRC. 8‐29 loss.
We came up against a very strong GRG side with a lot of depth. At half me the score was 2‐18 and we realised that we were up
against a team which were in another league a looked to be the ones to take out the compe on. With a change of tac cs and some
great effort in a very warm arena, the girls impressed in the second half
with the game ending 8‐29.
Game 4: Thac vs Mac. 14‐18.
It was the play off for 5th and 6th place. With a slow start, the team went
down 10‐0, but by the end if the half the girls decided to play with tenacity
and leave it all on the court. The second Half con nued how the first
finished. With the scoreboard broken the score was a midterm to the girls.
But basket a er basket went in for us. The end score was 14‐18 and went
down to the final buzzer. Baskets to Adriana, Jasy, Samantha, Chloe, and
The girls should be extremely proud of how they played and presented
themselves throughout the day, they represented themselves and the
college in a great spirit.
Coach ‐Dean Mundy Junior Girls Team – 4th Place The girls showed great determina on and passion by winning their first game. TIGS
were very strong and this put the girls into 2nd place in their pool. They then played
off against first place in pool A and unfortunately PAC was too strong for them.
Tamara S jacic played outstanding basketball and all the girls showed brilliant
sportsmanship. Watch out for these girls in the future, with more training they have
the poten al to be a good team!
Our first Match against The Illawarra Grammar School was a great warm up for what would be a long day ahead. The girls came
together well and with some standout play from Sam with a few crucial layups and fantas c defensive rebounding from Jen the team
prevailed 15 – 6.
The next game was to prove a very tough encounter against St Lukes Grammar School and the power of their full me basketball
program. The girls acqui ed themselves admirably with Amy making some clinical 3 pointers and Aleksia some very nice jump shots but
unfortunately the opposi on was just a li le too strong and closed it out strongly to win 22‐11.
Our next game against Penrith Anglican College was a li le disappoin ng, but with some nice baskets from Kathleen and some good
intercep ons from Isabella we managed to restore some pride and only lost 15 – 6. Against Macarthur the en re squad really li ed and
started to play some excellent basketball. With Sam and Isabella playing excellent defence, regularly forcing the opposi on into making
turnovers and Jen and Amy star ng to combine well on offense we were a real chance to take out this bruising affair. Bodies were being
put on the line and with both their centre and our Jen sustaining injuries it became a real war of a ri on. Some key minutes from
Mercy, more good shoo ng from Aleksia and Amy and then an amazing lay up from an injured Jen had us pull within in a basket of them
but with some ques onable calls and some bad luck the game got away from us
15 – 11.
Our next game was against Broughton and the long day was star ng to take its
toll. Spirits however never wavered and all girls put in a stellar effort but again to
no avail. Broughton defeated us 14 – 8. For our final game we were up against the
champions of the day, Georges River Grammar and it was like running into a
bandsaw. They made a host of three point shots and made some excellent drives.
We just could not go with them but once again it was pleasing to see that the girls
represented themselves and the College with aplomb and ba led bravely and in
the right spirit un l the final whistle mercifully rang out. This score line has
thankfully been forgo en. Well done to all the girls who took part in the day and
ran their hearts out.
Coach‐ David Butler SENIOR BOYS TEAM
The Senior boys started the day with a point to prove a er narrowly losing the grand final last year in over me. Unfortunately, the day
didn’t turn out as planned. The team struggled with having not trained and played together since Term 1 and found it hard to gain
momentum throughout the day a er versing the two toughest opponents in Georges River and St Luke's early in the day. They ended up
with 3 losses, 2 wins and 1 draw to finish in 6th place.
A special men on goes to Kosta Phylactou for his figh ng spirit and posi ve a tude throughout the whole game, even when things
weren’t going in our favour.
Coach‐ Joel Geering Junior Sports
Term 4 Wk IPSSO Game Time 6‐Nov 5
1.00 ‐
13‐Nov 6
20‐Nov 7
Semi &
27‐Nov 8
Depart 8.00
Girls Soccer Cricket Oz Tag & So ball Basketball THAC
depending if
teams make
it to Finals
The weekly compe on rounds of the Summer IPSSO Compe
in gaining a place in the IPSSO Winter Finals.
on have been completed. All of our Senior teams have been successful
Junior teams do not play finals and will remain at College on Finals Day.
The results from our Pool were as follows;
Girls Soccer – 1st
Oz Tag – 2nd Basketball – 1st
Cricket ‐ 2nd
So ball – 1st
The Senior IPSSO FINALS will be held on Wednesday 20th November at the following venues:
SOCCER – Ron Dine Reserve, Fields 3 and 4 – McCrae Drive, Camden South
CRICKET – Onslow Park, Cawdor Rd, Camden
BASKETBALL, SOFTBALL and OZ TAG‐ Macarthur Anglican School, Cobbi y Rd, Cobbi y
The Finals Day commences at 9.30am.
Parents are encouraged to come along and support our teams.
Year 1 & 2 Swim Program for 2014 All students currently in Kindergarten and Year One will have received a note regarding informa on for the Swim Program for 2014. In
Term One, 2014, all students in Year One and Two will a end the Swimming Program at Prairiewood Leisure Centre.
The Swim program will commence in Week 4, Friday 14 February and con nue every Friday as part of the Stage One weekly sports
program. The 45 minute lesson will be conducted in the indoor pool and are ability‐based, catering for non‐swimmers through to stroke
development and correc on. All students in the program will receive the new College silicon swimming cap, which is much more
durable than the older style latex ones.
If your child will be in Year One or Two next year (2014) they should return their note to their current classroom teacher. Spare copies
of the note are located at the College Administra on Office. Important Junior School Sport Dates …
Week 7 ‐
Wednesday 20 November‐ IPSSO Semi Finals and Grandfinals – Macarthur Anglican
NASSA Junior Boys Cricket Gala Day On 1 November a team of Year 4 and 5 students travelled to Camden to represent Thomas Hassall at the NASSA
cricket gala day. The compe on consisted of 7 schools from across the greater Sydney region. For the majority
of our team it was their first opportunity to play compe ve cricket. What they lacked in experience our boys
certainly made up for with enthusiasm and natural talent. Thomas Hassall were successful in 3 of their 6 matches
throughout the day with impressive victories against George's River Grammar, St Luke's and Broughton Anglican.
It was a fantas c opportunity for the group to learn to play and understand the great game of cricket. The team
thoroughly enjoyed the compe on and displayed excellent sportsmanship throughout.
The team consisted of:
Jarod Hooker, Thomas Makko, Mathew Francis, Michael Ruhs, Jerome Nakhl, Nikola Skataric, Anuj Singh, Jayden
Tran, Tim Roberts and Lucas Kaltsas.
Couch—Mr Raft
PE and Sport Reminder…
Please supply a refillable drink bo le for
your child on Sport and PE days to
ensure that they are able to re‐hydrate
a er exercise. All children are required
to wear the PE cap or College hat for
spor ng events.
Mrs. Evans P‐6 Sports Coordinator
Middle Years Leadership Team
The Middle Years Leadership Team is made up of 16 outstanding Year 8 and 9 students. They have been working hard to create a
closer, more par cipatory community within the middle years through various lunch me ac vi es and have represented our College at
various events with dignity and pride.
In 2014 We have an opportunity to further develop the responsibili es of this team. They have shown great leadership skills in the culture‐
building ac vi es and in hos ng large group mee ngs such as assemblies. Future candidates could make a difference in building on
these skills. The Middle Years Leadership Team will be made up of students interested in serving the Middle Years students of our College
(years 6‐9). The team will focus on key areas of life at our College:
Community Service
Crea vity
Chris an fellowship
Middle years mee ngs Applica on Process The Year 8 and 9 student leaders for next year will be selected from students who show a genuine interest and passion to serve their
peers and the College in the above areas. They will be receiving informa on about this process soon.
If your child will be in Years 8 or 9 next year and is a person of integrity, willing to serve others and show leadership, please encourage
him/her to apply for this role in the Middle Years Leadership Team.
Tania van der Schyff ‐ Director of Middle Years Welfare November is Toys n Tucker me at Thomas Hassall Anglican College. All items donated to Toys n Tucker will be distributed by Anglicare to families in need.
All dona ons of new Toys and non– perishable Tucker foods can be placed in the S Block Breezeway during the
month of November
For more informa on please see Miss Weston.
College Environment
Important Informa on regarding construc on areas and traffic flow As you know, we will undertake a major upgrade of some roadway around the College and this work will
commence shortly, in order to be completed for the 2014 school year.
These changes will greatly improve traffic flow as well as parking in and around the College including:
31 addi onal onsite car parking spaces
Improved student drop off and pick up zone in J Block car park
Installa on of roundabout on corner of Kingsford Smith Ave and Flynn Ave
12 student drop off/pick up
Raised pedestrian crossing on Kingsford Smith Ave (Gate 14) for parents and students
spaces along eastern end of Southern Cross Ave
In the mean me, there will be some inconvenience during the construc on and it is important to note the changes below to minimise frustra on and ensure safety. There will be no access to Gate 1 for parents, students or staff (walking or driving)
Senior School students who are driven to the College must be dropped off and picked up outside Gate 2 on Flynn
Avenue. We encourage parents to enter Flynn Avenue via Hoxton Park Road (no U Turns in Flynn Avenue to
access this gate as this is can be dangerous and an inconvenience to our College neighbours). We have a ached
a map to show this route.
Please contact Mr Warren Murray, College Manager on T: 9608 0033 should you have any queries regarding the
construc on or traffic flow.
Thomas Hassall Anglican College presents Based on Sholem Aleichem stories by special permission of Arnold Perl
Produced on the New York Stage by Harold Prince
Original New York Stage Produc ons Directed and Choreographed
by arrangement with Hal Leonard Australia Pty Ltd
Exclusive agent for Music Theatre Interna onal (NY) Performance Dates: 1‐3 May 2014 Crea ve Arts Rehearsals have started for Fiddler on the Roof. This musical is to be presented in May 2014, and already we
have a wonderful group of students involved! We would like to welcome more students over the next few
Students from Years 5 – 11 (2014) are able to par cipate.
Currently rehearsals are Monday and Wednesday a ernoons. In 2014, this will extend to include Dancers on
Friday a ernoons.
If you are interested in par cipa ng, please collect an informa on pack from the No ce Board outside the
Crea ve Arts staffroom.
Mothers of Thomas Hassall are invited to Talk Time.
Any week is a good week to start coming.
This term we are learning more about who Jesus is by reading
“The Essential Jesus” together, which is based on Luke’s Gospel in the Bible.
We always start off having a chat with a warm cuppa.
Bambinos After College Care
Taking Enrolments NOW for 2014
Please contact Kimberlee on:
Phone: 0477060702