newsletter - Georgia Chapter, ACI


newsletter - Georgia Chapter, ACI
Georgia Chapter ACI
Nov emb er 20 12 –Is sue 9
President’s Message
Member News
ACI CI Article
Meeting Notice
George Harrison
ATC Associates, Inc.
Vice President:
Chris Walker, LEED AP
Argos USA
“Sam” Morris, F.ACI
Certification/Accreditation Board
GA Chapter, ACI
By the time you receive this newsletter, we, as a nation, will have
chosen our new president and the path that our country shall follow. As I
write this letter, I am hopeful that the decision we all make will usher our
country into a new era of fiscal responsibility and growth. Like most of
you, I cannot afford another four years of what we have been experiencing
in our industry. Most of us have weathered this storm, and none of us
want to have to repeat this performance. Let’s just say that I am “hopeful”
that there will be a “change”!
In speaking of elections, all of you will be receiving the ACI Georgia
Ballots for the upcoming year, please vote and send them back as soon as
possible, so we can get on with business! I am looking forward to seeing
all of you at our November meeting on the 16th.
Ralph Hodgins
Board of Directors:
P.S. The Dan R Brown Awards are coming up in January, and the calls for
submittals have gone out, so if you have a project of note, SEND IT IN! If
you’re lucky you’ll get a cool concrete plaque!
Angela San Martin, P.E.
Tindal Corp.
Cecil Bentley
I am only happy when I am building something.
Vance Robinson
Ready Mix USA
Anne Miller
TEC Services, Inc.
Howard Allred, P.E., F.ACI
Allred Engineering, LLC
Wilbur Bragg II, P.E., CDT
Rosser International
Immediate Past President
Steven Maloof
TEC Services, Inc.
George Harrison
Georgia Chapter ACI,
Page 2
November 2 012 , I ssue 9
Friday, November 16, 2012
GA Chapter ACI Lunch Meeting
“Update on New ASTM Specification for
Portland-Limestone Cements”
Crowne Plaza Hotel
Atlanta Perimeter Ravinia
4355 Ashford Dunwoody Road
Atlanta, GA 30346
11:30 am Registration
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Lunch Meeting
Information & Registration at:
November 29-30, 2012
ACI/CRSI Adhesive Anchor Installation
Certification, Training and Exam
TEC Services, Inc.
Lawrenceville GA
8:00 am—5:00 pm
Sunday-Friday, December 2-7, 2012
ASTM Winter Meetings
Hyyatt Regency Atlanta
Atlanta, GA
Information at:
Thursday, January 3, 2013
ACI Field Tech Grade I Training
GC&PA /GA ACI Offices
Tucker, GA
12:30 pm — 4:30 pm
Friday, January 11, 2013
ACI Strength & Aggregate Exam Training
TEC Services, Inc.
Lawrenceville, GA
8:00 am — 5:00 pm
Saturday, January 12, 2013
ACI Field Tech Grade I Certification Exam
Heidelburg Technology Center
Doraville, GA
7:45 am — 2:00 pm
Thursday, January 24, 2013
GA Chapter ACI
Dan R. Brown Awards Banquet
Crowne Plaza Hotel
Atlanta Perimeter Ravinia
4355 Ashford Dunwoody Road
Atlanta, GA 30346
5:45 pm - 9:30 pm
Information & Registration at:
Saturday, February 2, 2013
ACI Strength & Aggregate Exams
TEC Services, Inc.
Lawrenceville, GA
8:00 am — 5:00 pm
Important Note: ACI Training & Exams are
for Pre-registered Persons Only.
**No walk up seating available**
For Information go to:
Still Looking for Students,
Don’t miss out!
Georgia Chapter ACI,
Bob Kuhlman Memorial Scholarships
Georgia Chapter, ACI is now offering a $2,500 "Working Man" Scholarship as well as a $5,000 Student Scholarship. Deadline for submitting
application is December 3, 2012.
Requirements for submission:
Simple one page application.
Brief Resume listing academic achievements, professional activities and work experience.
Essay (limit 500 words), briefly relate your interest, experience
and education in concrete technology, materials, design, or construction.
Letters of recommendation, obtain two letters of recommendation
from engineers, faculty or other professionals who are not related
to you and are familiar with your interest in this area.
Academic Transcripts, submit an official copy of the applicant’s
transcript attached to the application.
Submit your application and other required documents by mail to:
Anne Miller
235 Buford Drive
Lawrenceville, GA 30046
More detailed innformation and submission instructions are available on
our web site: You can also contact Anne
directly at 770-995-8000 or by e-mail at
It is with great sadness that we relay the loss of another dear GA Chapter ACI Member, Gene Boeke
passed away September 29, 2012. Gene was a true
“Builder of Atlanta” who’s passions were Concrete,
Gardening and the Boy Scouts. Gene was a GA
Chapter ACI President, Honorary Member and a ACI
Fellow. His honors continued with the ASCC Lifetime
Achievement Award and The BSA Silver Beaver
Award. A “Great Man” with a passion for all things
good in this world….
Page 3
Nov ember 201 2, Issu e 9
October Lunch Meeting
Submitted by: Wibur Bragg
The attendees of the October meeting had the pleasure of hearing Dr. Heather J.
Brown (Concrete Industry Management Chair and Associate Professor, Middle Tennessee State University) speak on “Trends in Concrete” which covered concrete research updates in pervious concrete, roller compacted concrete surfaces, and freeze/
thaw durability. A lot of material was given, but fortunately the presentation can be
viewed at
Fifteen years ago pervious concrete paving was seemingly "thrown down" without
background knowledge. Dr. Brown spoke of new ASTM standards covering design, placement, and post-placement testing for pervious concrete. ASTM C1688/
C1688-12 (Standard Test Method for Density and Void Content of Freshly Mixed
Pervious Concrete) uses the Void-Density Curve to help control quality and identify
target density ranges during placement – 128 PCF seems to be a good unit weight.
ASTM C1747/C1747M-11 (Standard Test Method for Determining Potential Resistance to Degradation of Pervious Concrete by Impact and Abrasion) covers the
raveling potential (particles becoming loose) of design mixes – the mix with the least loss should be the most durable (resistant to freeze-thaw). ASTM C1754/C1754M-12 (Standard Test Method for Density and Void Content of
Hardened Pervious Concrete) and ASTM C1701/C1701M-09 (Standard Test Method for Infiltration Rate of in
Place Pervious Concrete) cover post-placement testing to confirm compliance and to monitor performance. While
tests measures water flow through the concrete, where and how the water exits the concrete in the field have a
great effect on the infiltration rate - quick infiltration rates help limit sedimentation clogging. WK29213 (Work Item,
not an ASTM yet) (New Test Method for Compressive Strength of Pervious Concrete) uses curing similar to ASTM
C31. Though it may never be an ASTM, the Inverted Slump Cone is used for both paste drain and workability and
indicates whether the mix is stable and if it will seal at the base. The current thinking for a good paving design is a
1:1 hybrid system of pervious and non-pervious surfaces, but more pervious area is better. Cleaning pervious
paving can be difficult because vacuum trucks are rare, and annual maintenance is usually recommended.
RCC has high flexural strength but is comparable to asphalt in cost, and some
testing methods were adapted from the asphalt industry. RCC surfaces can look
significantly different between mixtures. The industry is starting to look at pervious concrete methods to evaluate RCC surfaces. Image analysis is used to compare the top surfaces of 6" diameter cylinders of RCC samples. The surfaces are
marked with a black and a white paint spot to set minimum and maximum contrast and black and white photographs are taken. Image software reads the grays
to determine porosity. Free software can be found at
MTSU performed a historical freeze/thaw weather investigation to help
evaluate problems with residential concrete in Tennessee. Tennessee locations and comparable cities were chosen to measure frequency of freeze/thaw over 20 years. Key parameters were: concrete
freezes at 28 degrees F, not 32; the number of freeze-thaw cycles; the
length of time in frozen state; the rate of temperature change; 32 degrees F (water freezes); 28 degrees F (top mms of concrete freezes);
23 degrees F (top inches of concrete freezes); hard freeze (staying
below 28 degrees F for more than 24 hours). The conclusions were that 2010 was
overall the worst year in Tennessee for freeze/thaw and that Tennessee has similar
quantities of freeze/thaw cycles as northern climates. The residential code requirement for concrete for freeze/thaw environments is minimum 4500 PSI compressive
strength and 5" maximum slump before adding mid-range or high-range water reducers. And Georgia? Georgia Concrete and Products Association asked MTSU to
perform a study for Georgia. The results show a similar story to Tennessee study.
Chapter President, George Harrison closed with some brief announcements and
the Speaker’s Cup presentation.
Page 4
November 2012, Issue 9
Annual awards competition, Call for Entries!
Visit our Chapter Web Page for information and details…….
Page 5
“Selected for reader
interest and my friend
Gary Knight”
November 2012, Issue 9
This month in Concrete International…..
Reprinted from the November 2012 issue of Concrete InternaƟonal
with permission from American Concrete Ins tute ( Le Toumelin A ferrocement schooner with a quarter century of suc‐
cessful service by Antoine E. Naaman and Pierre Brenet Le Toumelin is a schooner currently opera
ng in the French West Indies, par cularly around the island of Mar nique lo‐
cated in the East Caribbean close to Dominica and St. Lucia. The main city of Mar nique is Fort‐de‐France, and Le Toume‐ lin anchors in the Trois Îlets (Pointe du Bout), a small holiday resort area located in the Fort‐de‐France bay. A schooner (some mes also called a goéle e, as it’s known in French) is a type of sailing vessel characterized by the use of fore‐and‐a sails on two or more masts. Schooners Le Toumelin was built in a small shipyard located in Mar‐
were first used in the 16th century by the Dutch and were fur‐ seillan, a village close to the shipping harbor of Sète on the ther developed and extensively used in Europe and the Ameri‐ Mediterranean seashore of France. In 1989, it sailed from cas for fishing and transporta on; they are characterized by Marseillan to Mar nique, a journey of almost 5000 nau cal miles. Its ferrocement hull has been in service in seawater for their speed, windward ability, and maneuverability. more than 35 years and in the Caribbean for more than 20 Le Toumelin is a three‐mast schooner, with nine sails to‐ years. taling 480 m2 (5170 2) in area. What is most par cular about it is that its structure (hull, deck, and all bulkheads) is en rely Le Toumelin is named a er Jacques‐Yves Le Toumelin, a made out of ferrocement. Ferrocement is a type of thin wall sailor from Bri any, France, who, between 1949 and 1952, reinforced concrete commonly constructed of hydraulic ce‐ circumnavigated the globe alone without any engine or tech‐
ment mortar reinforced with closely spaced layers of con nu‐ nical assistance in a 10 m (33 ) long sailboat named Kurun. ous and rela vely small‐sized wire mesh.1‐4 While numerous Now a classified historic monument, Kurun is located in the boats have been built with ferrocement and operated suc‐ Museum Le Croisic in France. cessfully in the past, very few have their service performance Le Toumelin was the son and grandson of sailors and had in seawater documented. At the me of this wri ng, Le Tou‐ built his own sailboat. At the me, he was the third known melin func ons as a tourist charter vessel with day trips sailor to have accomplished this challenge. The story of his journey was published in the book Kurun Autour du Monde5 around Mar nique or to the other nearby islands. (kurun means “thunder” in Breton). The book inspired Pierre Brenet (the second author) to pursue his interest in sailing and led to the construc on of his own three‐mast schooner, Le Toumelin. Fig. 1: Le Toumelin at sea with its sails on, and without them at port The photos in Fig. 1 show Le Toumelin from different an‐
gles, with and without its full sails. The boat’s beauty, grace, and fluidity prompted the authors to tell her story. To benefit the reader and future users of ferrocement, a summary of key informa on about Le Toumelin is presented herein.
Boat continued on Page 6...
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...Boat continued from Page 5
Characteris cs As men oned, Le Toumelin was built by the second au‐
thor who, from a cement and concrete technical perspec ve, was an amateur builder, but knew a lot about sailing and na‐
val procedures. So, when he decided to design and build his own boat (and given his past experience with different mate‐
rials), he opted for ferrocement. Following are the main characteris cs of Le Toumelin:  Hull length: 23 m (75 );  Overall length, including the bowsprit: 28.5 m (94 );  Beam (that is, maximum width): 6.3 m (21 );  Dra or distance between waterline and bo om of the hull (or load line): 3 m (10 );  Weight: 75 metric tons (83 tons); and 
Ballast: 23 metric tons (25 tons). Under deck, it has four cabins, each with a sink and toilet facility; there are also two showers. The ship can accommo‐
date up to 10 passengers for sleeping. There is also one fully equipped cabin for the crew, and this could accommodate up to six people. Used as a day charter, Le Toumelin usually re‐
ceives up to 46 passengers with food service. The construc on plans for the boat were designed by the second author, following exis ng examples from French models of similar boats, and were cer fied by the French Ad‐
miralty Department in Marseille, France. As the boat was ini ally intended to operate as a charter for the Merchant Marine in the Mediterranean Sea, the construc on of the hull was supervised by the French Marine Authori es of Sète, a nearby port, and cer fied for sailing upon its comple on. It should be noted that during the period it took to com‐
pletely finish Le Toumelin on the inside and prepare it to sail long distance, 13 ferrocement hulls ranging in length from 12 to 23 m (39 to 75 ) were also built for private customers by the second author, who was then a contractor and shipyard owner. November 2012, Issue 9
mountable so that it can be removed and recovered later. The ribbands allow the mesh layers to be stapled to them for proper posi oning, Fig. 2: Illustra on of the open‐mold method of construc on with successive wood frames used to provide the shape of the hull un l the whole reinforcing system is completed. Addi onal es are used as needed to secure the various reinforcing mesh‐
es together each me a layer is added. The ribbands, spaced at 100 to 150 mm (4 to 6 in.), are largely re‐
moved before the mortar plastering to make it easier to plaster from the inside to the outside. Fig. 2: Illustra on of the open‐mold method of construc on with successive wood frames used to provide the shape of the hull
The reinforcement of the hull consisted essen ally of three main layers, like a sandwich with two outer skins and a skeletal steel core in between. The first skin layer contained four layers of chicken wire mesh stacked on top of each oth‐
er and regularly stapled to the wood frames and ribbands; it was followed by the core layer of skeletal steel made out of a grid of 8 mm (0.3 in.) deformed reinforcing bars spaced at about 50 mm (2 in.) center to center; and then the third lay‐
er, the outer skin, which contained four layers of chicken wire mesh. For the skeletal core, the ver cal bars were placed first and stapled to the wood frames, and then the horizontal bars were placed and ed to the ver cal bars at every crossing joint. A typical cross sec on of the ferrocement structure that made the hull is shown in Fig. 3. The thickness of the hull is generally around 28 mm (1.1 in.), with a range from 26 to 31 mm (1.0 to 1.2 in.). The reinforcement prior to adding the mesh layers for the outer skin is illustrated in Fig. 4. While many es were used to secure the various layers of reinforcement during placing and construc on, once the Construc on Method whole of the hull reinforcement was completed, wire es The hull of Le Toumelin was built using what is were applied at every cross sec on of the skeletal grid known as the open mold method of construc on,2‐4,6 a tradi‐ through the en re depth of the reinforcement, thus binding onal boat‐building construc on technique. In this method, the en re reinforcement together. It is es mated that an open mold is constructed using a s ff mber framework 400,000 such es were used over the en re surface of the made of a succession of mul ple frame sec ons ac ng as ribs structure. Par cular care was taken to make sure that e and s ffeners and simula ng the final shape of the hull. ends were buried inside the reinforcing skeleton and did not Among these framing sec ons are also some sec ons espe‐ protrude from the surface. cially designed to accommodate future bulkheads. The heav‐ For all elements other than the hull, such as bulkheads, ier framing sec ons are then connected by a la ce of wood crossbeams, and floor s ffeners, the ferrocement composite strips or ribbands (Fig. 2). Then, the reinforcement is added. used the same sandwich construc on as for the hull; ...
The heavier framing (which is used to give the shape) is dis‐
Boat continued on Page 7...
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November 2012, Issue 9
...Boat continued from page 6
...however, each skin contained three layers of wire mesh instead of four, and the skeletal steel had 80 mm (3 in.) grid spacing. These elements were meant to be less rig‐
id than the hull to provide some flexibility in case of large deforma on. Fig. 3: Typical cross sec on of the ferrocement hull wall showing the differ‐
ent layers of reinforcement (Note: 1 mm = 0.04 in.) (a)
Fig. 4: The first two layers of reinforcement: (a) inner skin; and (b) skeletal reinforcement, prior to adding the outer skin made with four layers of chick‐
en wire mesh
is shown in Fig. 5(a). Note that for plastering the hull, the wood ribbands were first removed, and the mortar was ap‐
plied from inside the hull, forcing it through the reinforce‐
ment system toward the outside; it was then finished from both sides (Fig. 5(b)). This essen ally required a two‐person team. To create a stronger joint and facilitate the connec‐
on with the deck, a band of about 100 mm (4 in.) at the periphery of the deck was plastered simultaneously with the hull. Once the mortar had reached its strength, the exterior surface of the hull was ground and sanded to smooth it and prepare it for the final coa ngs. This task was extensive and rather me‐consuming, but it also allowed for checking the surface for air pockets or other irregulari es and repair them using a rich mortar and the latex‐based bonding agent. To apply the mortar of the deck, a formwork of plywood boards was used and plastering was carried out from the exterior. Upon sa sfactory final inspec on, five films of epoxy coa ng (liquefied enough to facilitate penetra on) were applied to the hull at intervals, each allowing full curing of the epoxy, followed by three coats of polyurethane paint for the final finish. Figure 6 illustrates the quality and glossy smoothness of the finished hull. It is es mated that the epoxy layers and coa ngs added about 1.5 mm (0.06 in.) of protec on to the outer cover and allowed perfect water‐
Six bulkheads provided the lateral rigidity of the struc‐
ture. Each acted as a frame as well as a floor beam for both the deck and the bo om hull. Moreover, where appropri‐
ate, specific reinforcement was added in the bulkheads to prepare the loca ons receiving the masts. The thickness of the total reinforcement (that is, the sandwich of wire mesh and skeletal steel grid) for the hull was about 24 mm (0.9 in.) while, for the remaining ele‐
ments, such as bulkheads and deck, it varied from 18 to 22 mm (0.7 to 0.9 in.). When mortar was added, the thickness of the hull varied from about 26 to 31 mm (1.0 to 1.2 in.), the lower values occurring in areas where the mesh layers were strongly compacted. A er the reinforcement was completed, plastering of the mortar was carried out in three main steps, each sepa‐
rated by a period of me to allow proper curing at 100% rela ve humidity (using a simple vaporizer while the struc‐
ture was covered by plas c sheets), and strengthening of the mortar matrix. The bulkheads were plastered first, then the hull, and finally the deck leading to a monolithic struc‐
ture. When there was interrup on of mortar applica on, a latex‐based bonding agent was used prior to applica on of new mortar. A photo illustra ng a typical mortar applica on (b)
Fig. 5: Typical mortar plastering of the hull: (a) plastering from the inside; and (b) exteri‐
or surface prior to finishing
Fig. 6: The finished hull a er epoxy coa ng and polyurethane applica on Boat continued on Page 8...
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...Boat continued from Page 7
Materials The reinforcing mesh was a galvanized chicken wire with an opening of about 19 mm (0.7 in.) and a wire diameter of 1 mm (0.04 in.). A total of 4400 m2 (47,360 2) of wire mesh was used for the project. The skeletal core bars were of the “Rumi type” (French‐made) with an X‐like square cross sec‐
on, 8 mm (0.3 in.) to each side and yield strength close to 600 MPa (87,000 psi). A total of 18,000 m (59,000 ) was used. November 2012, Issue 9
Since 1990, the boat has been hauled every 1 or 2 years for cleaning and inspec on. Three events of interest should be noted because they illustrate the strength and quali es of the ferrocement composite and hull structure. In 1993, while taking off the masts for maintenance, the cable of the li ing crane broke and the cable end block (about 200 kg [440 lb]) fell down from about 12 m (39 ) in height directly onto the deck. While the impact was strongly felt, it did not produce a hole in the deck but it did create extensive cracking around the impacted zone. Later, the cracked mortar was removed, the skeletal reinforcing bars were realigned, the chicken wire mesh was replaced, the ar‐
ea was cleaned, and a new mortar was applied; this was a very costeffec ve repair. In 1996, the hull was again hauled and sandblasted for a full inspec on. Two sites showed slight discolora on on the inside due to corrosion: where the chain of the anchor pene‐
trated the hull and at the toilet intake of seawater, each about 1 m2 (11 2) in area. These were repaired by removing the mortar, cu ng off the corroded por ons of bars, welding replacement bars to the remaining ones, adding the layers of wire mesh for both the inner and outer skins, tying the whole to the exis ng skeletal steel, troweling a rich mortar contain‐
ing an adhesive agent, and finishing with the epoxy coa ngs. The rather fine mortar matrix consisted of cement, sand, and water (one part cement, two parts sand, and about 0.4 to 0.5 part water). The cement was a typical Type V cement produced by Lafarge for seawater environments. The sand originated from the Drome River, with a grain size ranging from 90 microns to 3 mm (0.004 to 0.1 in.). Par cular a en‐
on was given to making sure that the sand had a good dis‐
tribu on of par cle sizes, averaging 1.5 mm (0.06 in.)—two parts by weight, 900 microns (0.04 in.)—one part, 400 mi‐
crons (0.02 in.)—one part, 200 microns (0.008 in.)—one part, and 90 microns (0.004 in.)—one part. The compressive strength of the mortar was about 35 MPa (5080 psi) at 7 days and was expected to reach a design strength of about 75 MPa (10,880 psi). When finishing the outside of the hull, on‐
In 2004, a fire broke out in the engine room due to a gas‐
ly 200 and 90 microns (0.008 and 0.004 in.) average sands oil transfer mistake. Fortunately, although the fire lasted 15 were used. to 20 minutes, it did not spread; it was then contained and the hull did not sustain any short‐ or long‐term damage. The‐
Hauling, Cleaning, Inspec on History, and se milestones confirm several known advantages of ferroce‐
ment, including duc lity, resiliency, and impact and fire re‐
Milestones of Survival Upon comple on, the ferrocement hull stayed in sea‐ sistance. water from 1975 to 1984, during which me the boat interior was worked on leisurely. Its hull was hauled in 1984, cleaned, and appeared at the me to be in excellent condi‐
on. Between 1984 and 1989, Le Toumelin was finished with its full mechanical (a diesel engine of 260 hp was added) and naviga on equipment and readied for use in high seas. In 1989, prior to crossing the Atlan c, Le Toumelin was again hauled and its hull was cleaned, fully inspected, and given a clean bill of health. Photos illustra ng the completed interior of the boat and its rich African mahogany wood are shown in Fig. 7. Fig. 7: The interior quarters of Le Toumelin finished with African mahogany wood: (a) dining area; and (b) library and map room Concluding Remarks No tests were carried out to check any of the materials and mechanical proper es of the ferrocement composite used to build Le Toumelin. However, based on the infor‐
ma on described previously, it is es mated that the total volume frac on of steel reinforcement in the hull was close to 9%, of which about 2/3 were contributed by the skeletal steel reinforcing bars. Based on a design chart given in Refer‐
ence 3 developed for typical ferrocement plates, the modu‐
lus of rupture (MOR) (nominal strength in bending) of such a composite is es mated to be around 45 MPa (6500 psi) and its direct tensile resistance is about 20 MPa (2900 psi). Mate‐
rial proper es have evolved significantly since the construc‐
on of Le Toumelin. MOR values exceeding 120 MPa (17,000 psi) were reported in References 4, 11, and 12 for ferroce‐
ment plates using unidirec onal, very‐high‐strength steel meshes made with fine strands. ...
Boat continued on Page 9...
Page 9
November 2012, Issue 9
...Boat continued from page 8
crete Associa on, London, UK, July 1956, 23 pp. 8. U.S. Navy Ferro‐Cement Boat Building Manual, Naval … Most recently, using an ultra‐high‐performance fiber‐
Ship Systems Command, Washington, DC, 1972, V. I, 167 reinforced concrete with steel fibers combined with very‐
pp.; V. II, 79 pp.; V. III, 150 pp.; and Training Film Series high‐strength steel strands, a record‐breaking value of MOR No. 5862‐1‐7. close to 230 MPa (33,000 psi) was obtained from tests on 9. Iorns, M.E., and Watson, L.L., “Ferrocement Boats Rein‐
12.5 mm (0.5 in.) ferrocement plates containing about 10% forced with Expanded Metal,” Journal of Ferrocement, V. 13
total steel reinforcement. Given that ultra‐high‐
7, No. 1, July 1977, pp. 9‐15. performance concrete also offers the benefit of high durabil‐
ity under an aggressive environment, such informa on sug‐ 10. Loisir Nau ques, Architecture et Construc on Navales, Numéro Hors Série 17, “Tout ce que vous devez savoir gests that the next genera on of ferrocement boats, cata‐
sur la construc on des bateaux de plaisance ferrociment marans, or schooners could be significantly larger and more (All what you need to know about the construc on of efficient than Le Toumelin. Ferrocement pleasure boats),” Bordeaux, France, Dec. 1983. (in French) Summary Le Toumelin has been in seawater for more than 35 11. Naaman, A.E., “Evolu on in Ferrocement and Thin Rein‐
forced Cemen ous Composites,” Arabian Journal of years and has been sailing in the East Caribbean Sea for Science and Engineering, V. 37, No. 2, 2012, pp. 421‐
more than 20 years. At the me of this wri ng, its ferroce‐
441. ment structure is s ll in very good condi on. Given what we know today about advanced materials available for future 12. Naaman, A.E., “Thin Tex le Reinforced Cement Compo‐
sites: Compe ve Status and Research Direc ons,” ferrocement structures, such as ultra‐high‐performance fi‐
Pro075: Interna onal RILEM Conference on Material ber‐reinforced concrete and very‐high‐strength steel wires, 11,12 Science, W. Brameshuber, Ed., Aachen, Germany, Sept. the success story of Le Toumelin is strands, or tex les,
2010, pp. 3‐22. very encouraging. Indeed, it is hoped that it will not only inspire future naval architects and boat builders to consider 13. Wille, K., and Naaman, A.E., “ Preliminary Inves ga on ferrocement as a viable and compe ve material in their on Ultra‐High ‐Performance Ferrocement,” to be pub‐
projects but also en ce the engineering community to eval‐
lished in Proceedings of 10th Interna onal Symposium uate the applica on of ferrocement in terrestrial structures, on Ferrocement and Thin Reinforced Cement Compo‐
including residen al structures, water tanks, silos, and other sites, Cuba, October 2012, 11 pp.
light agricultural structures. References 1. ACI Commi ee 549, “Report on Ferrocement (ACI 549R‐
97) (Reapproved 2009),” American Concrete Ins tute, Farmington Hills, MI, 26 pp. 2. ACI Commi ee 549, “Guide for the Design, Construc on, and Repair of Ferrocement (ACI 549.1R‐93) (Reapproved 2009),” American Concrete Ins tute, Farmington Hills, MI, 30 pp. 3. Naaman, A.E., Ferrocement and Laminated Cemen ous Composites, Techno Press 3000, Ann Arbor, MI, 2000, 372 pp. 4. Wainstock Rivas, H.R., Ferrocemento: Diseño y Construc‐
ción, fourth edi on, Riobamba, Ecuador, 2010, 351 pp. (in Spanish) 5. Le Toumelin, J.Y., Kurun Autour du Monde, 1949‐1952, Edi on Flammarion, 1953, 340 pp. 6. Jackson, G.W., and Sutherland, W. M., Concrete Boat‐
building: Its Technique and Its Future, John de Graff, Inc., Tuckahoe, NY, 1969, 106 pp. 7. Nervi, P.L., “Ferrocement: Its Characteris cs and Poten‐
ali es,” Library Transla on No. 60, Cement and Con‐
About the Authors
Page 10
November 2012, Issue 9
Georgia Chapter ACI
Friday, November 16, 2012
Registration — 11:30 am
Luncheon—12:00 p.m.
Location: Crowne Plaza Ravinia Hotel
4355 Ashford Dunwoody Road
Atlanta, Georgia 30346
Tel: 770-395-7700
Published Monthly
January - May
Summer Issue
September - December
Free Parking under building
to left of front entrance
Program: “Industry Update on Recent Specification Changes for
Portland-Limestone Cement”
Come hear one of your own, Wayne Wilson give an update on recent changes to
ASTM C595 that include new Type IL and Type IT Blended Cements. He will also share some concrete test data from a recent Round Robin testing program
comparing ASTM C150 and ASTM C595, IL cements from five local Georgia
Market cement plants.
Editor: Wayne Wilson
Wayne M. Wilson, PE
Senior Technical Service Engineer, Holcim (US) Inc.
Wayne is a Senior Technical Service Engineer with Holcim Cement, he is responsible for Marketing Technical Support for Portland Cement and Slag Cement sales in the Southeastern US. He has over 25 years experience in the
construction materials testing and analysis field. He graduated in 1987 with a
degree in Civil Engineering Technology from Southern Polytechnic State University. He is a Register Professional Engineer in Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina
& South Carolina; a member of ASTM Committees: C01 on Cement, C09 on
Concrete & Aggregates, C12 on Masonry and C15 on Masonry Units; he serves
on three ACI Committees: 231 Early-Age Properties, C610 Concrete Field Technician Certification & C630 Concrete Inspector Certification. He is a PastPresident of The Georgia ACI Chapter and currently serves as the Chairmen of
their Certification and Accreditation Board.
$25.00 Pre-registered
$30.00 Walk-ins & No-shows
Contact the editor at:
Georgia Chapter ACI
2201 Moon Street
Tucker, Georgia 30085
(770) 621-9324
FAX: (770) 455-7274
$10.00 Students
Cash or Check
at the door
Use your credit card
on-line only
Register on line at:
or call:
“Sam” Morris @ 770-455-7274 or Diane Dial @ 770-621-9324
or e-mail: “Sam” Morris @ or
Diane Dial @
* Please RSVP by WEDNESDAY, November 14, 2012 *
Please note: If you are not receiving the ACI Newsletter via e-mail, please call or e-mail either “Sam” or
Diane with your new address. They both share the list and we do not want you to miss out on anything.