VOZ June 2012 - Moravian Church, St. Kitts Conference


VOZ June 2012 - Moravian Church, St. Kitts Conference
( E S T AB L I S H E D
17 7 7 )
2 35
A monthly communication of the
Zion Moravian Church
Victoria Road,
St. Kitts.
Hilton J Joseph
JUNE 2012
Volume 4, Issue 6
Provincial Theme
Pursuing the Blessing
The Thematic Focus
Presence, Power and
you as we seek to set sail on this journey called
‘Man & His Spirituality’.
Foundation Text:
Genesis 32
Permit me then to share my bibliography with
you: these books have helped to guide my
thoughts for this article session.
Conference Theme
Pursuing the Blessing:
Empowered to do Ministry
In Essentials - Unity
In Non Essentials - Liberty
In All Things - Charity
Stalwart’s Recognition
Zion Youth Fest 2012
Convening of Synod
PEC Reports
Health Tips
Church Is a Team Sport
Seniors’ Celebration
Celebration Corner
Special Prayer Request
For Your Calendar
College Prayer Watch
Youth Connection
Instrument of Peace
Life Application
 Mobilizing Men For One on One
Ministry by Steve Sonderman
 He Motions: Even strong men struggle
by T.D. Jakes
 Why Men Hate Going to Church by
David Murrow
This article is dedicated to all men, strong men,  The Bible
men who thought of ‘throwing in the towel’,
men who have had some raw deals, men who
have stood the test of time – all of the brothers,  When a child leads the way in commitment
to a church, 3.5% of families follow.
this is for you, whether or not you are a
biological father or you have reared children  When a woman/mom leads the way in
who are not your own.
This is to say
commitment to a church, 17% of families
Congratulations on a job well done!
As you read this article and you are standing or
sitting beside a brother, turn and give him a
‘high five’, a daub and say, “We brothers have
to stick together.” Turn to two more brothers
and say, “It has been rough but there is purpose
for my life.” If you are in church this morning,
let’s give God a hand of praise, a clap offering
for all of His benefits toward us: O magnify the
Lord with me and let us exalt His name
When a man/dad leads the way in
commitment to a church, 93% of families
Scripture declares in John 4:24 that ‘God is a
spirit: and they that worship him must worship
him in spirit and in truth’.
It was the Old Church Father Augustine who
said that the soul/heart of man is restless until it
finds its rest in God.
Brothers, if we are going to finish this race
strong, we need God now more than ever. Brethren, our addiction, whether drugs, alcohol,
Thus my topic is “Man and His Spirituality”.
sex, or work, comes because we try to fill the
void within with these things or we use them as
The truth be told brethren, this topic has evoked an excuse:
a number of thoughts which I will share with
Continued on Page 9
Page 2
Sterling Contribution in the Vineyard of God
Washington Archibald High School) and the
Basseterre Senior High School (renamed the
Basseterre High School). After leaving school she
looked at three (3) careers, namely, Teaching,
Policing and Nursing. She indicated that she did
not choose nursing as she would not have been
able to attend the sick as she would become very
emotional; her final choice was teaching, a career
path which she continues to pursue.
Myrna Archibald
Mc Cardy-Joseph
(Deputy Chair)
Hilton Joseph (Rev)
Chesil Hamilton
Sis Emelita Warner-Paul
Gail Gumbs-James
Shernel James
Ministries Within
The Church
Board of Elders
Board of Stewards
Zion Youth Ministries
Youth Fellowship
Sunday School
Girls’ Brigade
ZMC Dancers
Ministry In Music
Zion Junior Choir
Zion Youth Choir
Zion Senior Choir
Zion Gospel Singers
Praise & Worship Team
Women’s Fellowship
Dorcas Ministry
Zion Outreach Ministry
Bus Ministry
Bible Study
Health Care Team
New Believers Class
Zion Seniors’ Club
Zion Ushers Ministry
Zion Missions’ Team
Multimedia Team
Sis Emelita Warner-Paul
is Emileta Paul née Warner is the seventh
child of her father, Gotfried Warner and the
second child of her mother, Sis Viola Warner.
She has thirteen siblings, six of whom share the
same mother and father, while the other eight the
same father. Life at that time was not easy, but Sis
Emileta, affectionately called Emma, learned at an
early age to be contented.
Sis Emma indicated that her father was an
Anglican, but her mother attended the Seventh
Day Adventist Church and the Zion Moravian
Church, but subsequently became a Moravian
member. As Sis Emma recalled, all of her
mother’s children were baptized in the Moravian
At her confirmation, which was
conducted under the late Rev Lloyd Kitson, her
memory verses were one and two of Hymn
number three in the Moravian Hymn Book ‘O that
the Lord would guide my way….’ and ‘O send thy
Spirit down to write..’. Sis Emma indicated that
verse number four of that hymn ‘Order my
footsteps by thy Word…’, was the verse which
stood out most in her mind, although she did not
choose it on that special day. This hymn which
she still holds dear to her heart is centered around
Psalm 119 and is used as a personal prayer.
During her adolescent years, Sis Emma attended
Sunday School on a regular basis at the Moravian
Church Hall on George Street, Newtown where
her teacher was Sis Hazel Adams. She was also a
member of the Girls’ Brigade for a short while.
As a youth, Sis Emma received her academic
education at the Basseterre Girls’ School, the
Basseterre Junior High School (renamed the
Sis Emma commenced her teaching career at the
Verchild’s All-age School in 1980 and after three
(3) years of teaching, she attended the Teachers
Training College under the tutelage of Mrs.
Dulcie Richardson. Following her teacher
training, she was assigned to the Basseterre Junior
High School (BJHS) in 1985. In 1986, she was
transferred to the Newtown Primary (renamed
Tucker-Clarke Primary). In 1987, Sis Emma who
is an ardent netballer was asked to take on the role
of netball coach in the primary schools, filling the
void left by Sis Jillian Musgrave-Archibald who
was abroad on study leave. In 1991 and on Sis
Jillian’s return, Sis Emma was re-assigned to the
classroom at the Newtown Primary School where
she taught until 1996. From that year she was reassigned to the then BJHS where she initially
taught General Science and from 1997 she taught
Geography at that school for eleven years. Nine of
these years she considered as very fruitful, since it
was during that period that the school was
renamed the Washington Archibald High School
(WAHS). The school still remains dear to her
heart, having been actively involved in the
transformation process.
In 2008, she was
promoted to the post of Principal at the Beach
Allen Primary School, a post which she currently
Even though basketball was Sis Emma’s first
love, she gravitated towards netball and started
playing that sport as a student. In 1984, she was
among the twenty-four (24) netballers who were
invited to be screened for the National Team; she
entered with a determination to be among the final
twelve selected on the National Team and her
goal was realized that year. She then took a break
until 1989 to focus on her academic qualifications
and family matters. In 1989, she returned to the
sport and was again selected to play on the
National Team. Sis Emma was not only a player
of the game, but she performed in the roles of
Vice Captain and Captain in the National team
Continued on Page 3
Page 3
Sterling Contribution in the Vineyard of God (Cont’d)
from 1989 to 1991. She was also elected
to serve on both the basketball and netball
associations in various managerial
President and President during and after
her active involvement in the sports.
These selfless tasks have given her
privileges to travel to most of the Englishspeaking Caribbean territories, Ecuador
and Greece to represent St. Kitts as a
player and delegate respectively.
She also coached the (WAHS) netball
team and the under twenty-three netball
team; because of her love for the game and
her desire to reach the top of the sport, she
took up the challenge of officiating; she
became a Certified Advanced Umpire in
1993. Due to work constraints, she is not
as involved in these sporting disciplines at
the managerial level, but continues to play
whenever the opportunity arises.
Sis Emma also served as a member of the
Carnival Committee and the Children’s
Carnival sub-committee from 1984 to
Active involvement in the church for Sis
Emma started in her early adult life while
she assisted her mother in various
activities at the church. It was through her
involvement in these activities, that Sis
Emma became more entrenched in the life
of the church. She assisted with the floral
decoration, became a member of the
Women’s Fellowship in 1994 under the
leadership of Sis Doreen Warner. She
represented the Women’s Fellowship at
several Women’s Conferences in Trinidad,
South Africa and Guyana. These were
great learning experiences for her, both
spiritually and psychologically. Sis Emma
still holds the position as president of the
Island Council and yearns for the revival
of this body.
Sis Emelita Warner-Paul
Having regularized this situation she
returned to the choir with a commitment to
Sis Emma is a mother of two children - a
boy, Reo and a girl, Darscelle and two
grandchildren, Aziah and Antonio. In
2006, Sis Emma exchanged married vows
with Neil Paul. In 2011, Sis Emma
Sis Emma became a Sunday School renewed her baptismal vows re-dedicating
teacher from 1996, during Reverend Elroy her life to the worship of Jesus Christ.
Christopher’s tenure. She later served as
Sunday School Superintendent in excess As summarized by Sis Emma, ‘It is not
of three years, starting under the pastor- about works, it’s about faith in God; once
ship of Rev Christopher and concluding we accept Him, there is nothing we can do
under Rev Lewis. She served on the Board to earn his forgiveness, because it’s a free
of Elders for a six-year stint. Sis Emma gift. Therefore we take on the Fruit of the
recalled starting to lead the Morning Spirit and make them become part of our
Worship under Rev Christopher and every-day life. When you first make the
continues to perform in this role whenever commitment, you were told that you have
she is called upon to do so.
become a new creature, but the how was
hard to understand. As you continue to
As her service within the church grow in faith, you realize that it is from the
continued, Sis Emma indicated that her renewal of the mind, and the working of
life took a different turn, which led to her the Holy Spirit that you would have
acceptance of Jesus Christ and her service transformation. That reminds us that when
in the church became more meaningful.
the chips are down, you still must trust
God, because we are work-in-progress
Sis Emma indicated that she was a and we will reap our rewards if we faint
member of the Mini-Multitude, a group not.’
which Rev Lillette I George was
instrumental in forming. This group was The Voice of Zion Newsletter Committee
the genesis of the Gospel Choir, of which and the Management Team of the
she was also a member. She then became a Church salute Sis Emma, thanking her for
member of the Senior Choir, but her the various contributions which she has
attendance at choir practice was irregular made in the life of the Church. We trust
due to job commitments and she was that God will continue to bless her as she
obliged to take time off from the choir. continues to serve.
The Launching of Zion Youth Fest 2012
The Zion Youth Ministries presents Zion Register now to secure your space.
Youth Fest 2012 under the theme
“Equipping, Energizing, Reshaping Youths Fees will remain the same as last year: one
for the Future”.
child - $50, every other child from the
same family - $30 each.
It will comprise three power-packed weeks
of spiritual, educational and recreational Don’t miss what God has in store this
activities from 22 July to 12 August 2012. year!
Convening of Synod
he Provincial Elders’ Conference (PEC) held its last
meeting before the convening
of the 30th Provincial Synod in
St. Thomas. The meeting took
place on Friday 27 April and
Saturday 28 April 2012. It was
a very refreshing meeting as the
PEC sought to wrap up all
outstanding matters that came
before us. Many decisions were
taken that will impact the life of
the Church for its growth and
continued development.
As we continue to make final
preparations for the Provincial
Synod, the PEC met with the
“Synod Planning Committee”
to examine the details of all of
the facets of the Synod. It was
critical for us to ensure that
smoothly for the hosting of this
most important Synod. Most
things are going well as
planned, however, it is in the
execution of those plans that
one will know for sure that
things went as planned. We
anticipate approximately 120
Delegates and Observers to be
in attendance at the Synod,
which will be held at the Sugar
Bay Hotel from 13 to 19 July
2012. The PEC commends the
Synod Planning Committee and
by extension, the Virgin Islands
Conference of the Moravian
Church, for the work done so
far in preparation for the
As a Church, I challenge us to
continue to pray for the success
of this most important Synod.
As we prepare to travel to the
Missions, let us Reflect on the
past; Examine the present and
Plan for the future. God is
Page 4
by Rev Dr Cortroy Jarvis
calling upon us to make a
difference. As we pray, let us
ask God to show or point us in
the direction that He wants us
to go. Let us be open to the
leading of the Holy Spirit. The
Psalmists declares, “I will lift
up mine eyes unto the hills
from whence cometh my help.
My help cometh from the Lord,
who makes heaven and
earth” (Psalm 121:1-2). We
ought to look to no other person
but Almighty God for guidance
and direction as we come to our
Worship and CongregationProclamation of the Blessing
al Life.
were all wrapped up in one.
When he was awakened to the 3. To settle the Provincial
reality of who he was wrestling
undertakings and fields of
with, he pronounced, “I will not
work; the giving up of
let you go until you bless me”.
existing and the taking in
May this truly be our desire to
hand of new fields of work;
enfold God as He does His
the admission of or the
work in us and make us the
giving up of congregations.
people He wants us to be. God
can use the worst of us to 4. Election of members of the
accomplish His Will.
PEC; election of members
of Provincial committees.
As we therefore prepare for the
upcoming Synod, I share in this 5. Oversight
issue some important aspects of
undertakings carried on in
theme, the structure and organization
the name of the Province as
PURSUING THE BLESSING of this assembly of the Church.
a whole.
is very instructive for us, as we
hear Jacob declaring, “I will not Authority
6. Election of Bishops of the
let you go until you bless The Provincial Synod is the
Moravian Church.
me” (Genesis 32:26).
highest authority in the
supreme 7. Election of delegate(s) to
At the Jordan River, Jacob held legislative powers in all matters
Unity Synod.
on to or grabbed on to God and not committed to the Unity
refused to let Him go. He Synod; and shall consist of 8. Discharge of tasks which
realized his dependence upon elected delegates and official
fall to the Synod as a Court
God who continued to bless members; shall have power to
of appeal. The Provincial
him. His relationship to God determine the number and
Synod is responsible to
became very essential to his life qualifications of its own
Unity Synod for the
and so his name was changed membership, to prescribe the
principles on which it
from Jacob to Israel, “he bodies which shall be entitled
adopts resolutions and
struggled with God”.
supervises its Executive
membership, the basis of
Board and undertakings.
From the onset, Jacob was representation, the manner of
The resolutions of the
pursuing something, however, election, and the persons who
when he started out he had the shall be entitled to membership
binding on all boards,
wrong motive and so he was by virtue of office.
not depending upon God. In
and individual members in
spite of his pursuits, he realized Duties and Powers
the Province. Notice of
that his longing, hunger and 1. To carry out and give effect
thirst were not satisfied for his
to the principles of the
affecting the Synod or the
wielding and dealings were not
Moravian Church as laid
of God. It was then that he was
down by the Unity Synod of
Province must be given to
awakened to the fact that he
the PEC at least three
was pursuing the wrong thing.
months prior to the date of
When he encountered God,
Congregational Life.
the Synod at which they are
even though he did not know it
to be discussed and voted
at the time, God pointed him in 2. The power of legislation
the right direction. His pursuit
then became so intense that the
Page 5
Convening of Synod (Cont’d)
Convening of Synod
The Provincial Synod shall be
convened every three years at a
place and time to be arranged
by the PEC Notice for the
calling shall be given by
circulars six months before the
date fixed for the meeting. In
extraordinary cases or if twothirds of the conferences in the
Province request a synod, the
PEC must call a synod.
Attendance at Sessions
It is expected that members of
Synod shall attend all sessions.
Leave of absence must be
obtained from the Chairman of
Synod, who shall announce
when and to whom such leave
of absence has been granted.
Any member of Synod who is
unable to attend must send an
explanation of his/her absence
to the PEC before Synod. Three
-fourths of the members of
Synod with full voting powers
shall constitute a quo-rum.
Members of the Moravian
Church not being members of
Synod, may be present at the
ordinary sessions of Synod, but
Synod may declare any session to
be a closed session, in which case
only members of Synod and such
persons as are especially called
by Synod may be present.
May God continue to bless us all
as we lift up our Church in
prayer; let us be faithful and true
to God as He prepares to put a
new song in our mouth. The
Psalmist in Psalm 40 sums it up
this way, “He put a new song in
my mouth, a song of praise to our
God. Many will see and fear, and
Lord” (Psalm 40:3).
PEC Reports
The Virgin Islands Conference has
following designated Wednesday 30 May and
Wednesday 06 June as two days of prayer
and fast in preparation for the upcoming
1. The Rev Nevin T Lewis has accepted 30th Provincial Synod. The entire
a call to serve as Pastor of the Provincial family is invited to join in these
Montgomery and Buccoo Moravian two days of prayer and fast. Where
congregations in Tobago, with effect possible, congregations are asked to have
from 08 June 2012. This is an the sanctuaries opened so that our
amendment to his call of 2009.
members can gather for corporate or
individual prayer.
2. Pastor Onita Kereen Samuel has
accepted a call to serve as Pastor of It is recognized though that there may be
the Bon Accord and Black Rock those in our Provincial family who may
Moravian congregations in Tobago, also feel led to designate the week of 30
with effect from 01 July 2012. May to 6 June as a week of prayer and
However, Pastor Onita Samuel will fast for Synod. That too is to be
not arrive in Tobago before 20 July encouraged. Members may choose to
2012. This is to facilitate the observe a Daniel Fast (Daniel 1: 8 – 16) or
application for Missionary Work any other partial fast for that time period.
Permit as required by the Republic of
Trinidad and Tobago.
Ultimately, it is our desire to have the
entire Province be united in prayer as we
Let us remember our brother and sister in lift up before God’s throne every aspect of
prayer at this time.
the 30th Provincial Synod. Rest assured
that God still hears and answers prayers.
Announcement of Calls
30th Provincial Synod
The 30th Provincial Synod convenes in St.
Thomas, Virgin Islands on 13 July 2012 at
the Sugar Bay Hotel at 8 pm. and will
conclude on 18 July 2012, with The Synod
Communion Service and Installation of the
new PEC. Delegates will leave the Synod
venue on 19 July 2012.
Gospel on the Steel
The Montgomery Moravian Steel
Ensemble will be LIVE in concert, as they
present GOSPEL ON STEEL on Saturday,
23 June 2012. The Concert takes place at
the Sharon Moravian Church in Barbados.
A Choir from the Moravian Church in
Barbados will also perform at the concert.
Ensemble presented a powerful concert in
October 2011 at the Montgomery
Moravian Church in Tobago. This is a
concert that the Barbados community
should not miss. It begins at 6:00 p.m.
Stop the spread of germs:
Wash your hands before and
after using the toilet.
Stop the spread of germs:
Sneeze into disposable paper,
discard it into a bin, then wash
your hands.
To remove impurities from
your body: Drink lots of water
at room temperature.
Never try to “sweat out” the
flu. Rest! Your body needs the
time to relax and recover.
Page 6
Church Is a Team Sport
Editor’s Note: The following article was
written by Pastor Ralph Wilson of the
Joyful Heart Renewal Ministries printed in
his monthly newsletter, Joyful Heart
Newsletter Circ. 47,000 (ISSN 1528-5642)
of 5 May 2012. The article can also be
read at www.joyfulheart.com
The Huddle
ost sports teams have a star player.
Get the ball to him and he’ll score. Get him
up at bat with two men on base and he’ll
hit them home. The sports commentators
keep extensive statistics on each player
that they’ll pull out during a lull in the
play. It’s all about the numbers -- each
person playing to advance his own career,
to increase his averages – at least that’s the
Joyful ‘toons
by Pastor Ralph F Wilson
way it seems sometimes.
asked to do that might further your
effectiveness as a willing servant of the
But once in a while you see a team that Head of the Church.
plays together with a kind of magic. It’s
not about one person scoring big, but it’s
every team member doing his utmost to
move the team forward to win the game –
to get the ball across the line, to score.
Each player on the field or in the court has
a role to play. And when each plays that
role well and aggressively - keeping his
eye on the ball – the whole team benefits.
When one player just goes through the
The Play
motions, the team is crippled. And if a key
member of the team is injured – or just
doesn’t show up for the game – the whole Some of you are wonderful, indispensable
team suffers. The team fails to score.
team members that help your church do
Christ’s work! Thank you! But your pastor
A healthy church has a lot in common with longs for the day that others will submit to
a finely oiled sports team. Church the discipline of being faithful members of
shouldn’t be just a spectator sport with a a team, a team that has the goal of
few players entertaining the crowd. Church glorifying God and bringing people to
– especially a small church – relies on each Christ.
person actively doing what he or she does
best. Church is a team sport.
Dear friends, it’s time to suit up together!
Game on!
Let me ask you: what’s your role in your
congregation? What are you doing to move
the ball forward? What have you been
~ Pastor Ralph Wilson
The Leadership and Membership of the Zion
Moravian express condolences to Sis Josephine
Christmas, Sis Delyth Christmas, Sis Domina
Christmas-Brisport, Bro Brennan Brisport, Bro
Nigel Williams, Bro Wingrove Williams and
Family on the passing of :
Sis Ercille Imelda Christmas
Sis Josephine Christmas, Sis Delyth Christmas, Sis Domina
Christmas-Brisport, Bro Brennan Brisport and Family on the
passing of :
Mrs Hubertine Franklyn (Anguilla)
Sister, Aunt , Aunt-in- Law
Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the
Page 7
Health Watch:
Gastroenteritis: Managing “Vomiting and Diarrhoea”
ecently there has been an upsurge in the number of children
suffering from vomiting and diarrhoea, and although it resolves 
in a few days, when not managed properly can result in very ill
individuals. Also the constant eruption of undigested food and 
fluids can be a source of frustration and anxiety in parents and
caretakers. To assist you with understanding this illness and its
management I have compiled the following helpful information
and tips:
 Gastroenteritis (GE, Gastro, Stomach bug or stomach
flu) is the inflammation of the GI (Gastrointestinal) tract.
(stomach ‘gastro’, intestine ‘entero’, inflammation ‘itis’). It
usually causes vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain and
cramps and these can be associated with fever, muscle pain, 
headache and fatigue.
Zinc may be prescribed for diarrhoea.
GE can be serious as it can lead to dehydration, which
can affect major organs of the body (kidney, heart).
Signs of dehydration: dry lips, mouth and eyes (no dribble
or tears), decreased activity or lethargy (quiet, lying around,
not playing), dry pampers or small amounts of yellow and
concentrated urine.
Dehydration can be prevented by the administration of
frequent fluids (Pedialyte, coconut water, Oral rehydration
solutions). If vomiting, start slowly with 1-2 tsp every 5-10
DO NOT give bottled juices, sodas (coke, sprite), and sweet
drinks that are high in simple sugars as these worsen
It mainly affects children and usually resolves in 3 to 8
Viruses are the most common cause of GE, therefore
antibiotics are NOT routinely recommended unless 
otherwise stated by your doctor.
It is transmitted by consumption of contaminated food, 
improperly prepared foods or by close contact with persons
who are infectious.
DO see your doctor or health care provider at clinics or
hospitals immediately if signs of dehydration, symptoms
worsen, or if stool becomes bloody.
Treatment is adequate hydration: oral rehydration (salts or 
drinking water) for mild to moderate cases and intravenous
solutions for more severe cases. If severe vomiting, your
doctor may give an antiemetic (vomiting medication) and
Prevention of GE: Good hygiene and sanitation practices
HANDWASHING is very effective!
DO NOT give children anti-diarrhoeal medication (e.g
loperamide or Imodium).
DO continue breast-feeding in infants and regular diet in
children with diarrhoea.
– Dr. Retna Walwyn
In Celebration of the Birthdays of our Senior Members
Sis Samuel was born on 21st May among the last group of persons who were received here in Zion.
1932. She has lived all of her life in
Basseterre. She was married to Sis Samuel says, “I have a lot to give God thanks for; I pray that
Nathaniel Samuel, also known as He will keep me as I stay focused on Him.”
Adam; he is now deceased.
Sis Samuel, in this your 80th year of life, the Zion Moravian
Sis Samuel has one son – Carl.
Church wishes you the favour of God and a Happy Belated
Birthday. May you live to see many more!
In this her 80th year of life, this is
Sis. Sylvia Samuel
what she has to say: “I thank God
for the feeling I have, knowing that I could have died in
November 2001 when I got knocked down. It has thrown me off
a bit but I give God thanks that I can move around.”
Sis Samuel has always been a Moravian, having been baptized,
received and confirmed in Zion. As a matter of fact, she is
Special Prayer Requests
Whether your need is small or great, you are
welcome to use God's direct 24-hour hotline—
prayer! His promise is, “Call to me and I will
answer you.” (Jeremiah 33:3) This month, let us
remember in prayer the following persons listed
below and be reminded that “you will receive
whatever you ask for in prayer.” (Matthew 21:22)
Sisters Doris Adams, Telca Francis, Andrea Bowry, Vernis Byron,
Carmen Rawlins, Tryphena James, Marcella Byron, Bro Cecil
Galloway (USVI), Bro Withley Williams, Sis Laverne Huggins,
Sis Gloria James, Sis Dorette Rawlins and Sis Veronica Stevens
(USA), Bro Tonito Lee (UK), Bro St. Clair Byron and Bro Kirsten
Franklyn Dorsette, Asheil Connor, Mario Hamm, Evanson
Mitcham, Randy Taylor, Glenville Phillip, Glenroy Smithen,
Wayne Matthew, Bernell White, Alpha Duporte, Christian Bedford,
Travis Duporte, Chase Hamilton, Randy Browne, Adrian Patrick,
Page 8
Celebration Corner
June Birthday Celebrants
3rd - Bro Ebiye Ogoun Jr, 4th - Bro Samuel Nathaniel, 5th Sis Sharon Mc Cardy-Joseph, 6th - Sis Blondell Franks, Bro
Patrick Pemberton and Bro Norman Gill, 10th - Sis Ellenitta
Nathaniel and Bro Wilmoth Roberts, 11th - Sis Keimon
Archibald and Sis Mia Lapsey, 13th - Tae-j Pitt-Charles,
15th - Orita Bailey, 17th - Sis Shiloh Mack, 18th – Sis Kerene
Archibald and Sis Carla Gumbs, 19th - Sis Sonia Bridgewater
20th - Sis Rhoda Procope and Sis Zenra Ferdinand, 23rd - Bro
Glassil DeSilva and Sis Desi Henry, 26th - Sis Carmen
Rawlins, 27th - Sis Nicola Freeman, 28th - Sis Gertrude
Phillip Jones, Lennox Gumbs and Gibson Blake.
Sweet Hour of Prayer
Please remember in prayer our Zion Shut-Ins. Their names are
as follows:
Sisters Anita Chumney, Mary Bowry, Margaret
Seaman, Winifred Phipps, Ismay Archibald, Ruby
Williams, Brenda Manners, Mavis Deosaw and
Abdelita Glasford (Barbados). Brothers Vernon
Connor, James Phipps and Wilfred Mitchum.
For Your Calendar
June Wedding Anniversary Celebrants
Bro Arnold and Sis Urlie DeSilva …………….……… 08 June
June 2012
Shut-in Communion will be held on Monday 04 June 2012, The Moravians will be responsible for ministering at the Soup Kitchen
from 25 to 29 June 2012. Members are asked to note and assist
commencing at 10:00 am. All shut-ins will be served on this day.
wherever possible.
The Zion Moravian Church will be hosting a Basic Counselling
Training Seminar for interested persons. The seminar will be held Our Missionary Programme launches today Sunday 03 June 2012,
from 04 to 09 June 2012 and the facilitator will be the Rev Neilson and we will start our monetary collections on this day. Missionary
Waithe of the Network Counselling Centre in Barbados. Registration Festivals will be celebrated in all congregations on Sunday 30
fee is EC $150.00 (Moravians) and EC $200.00 (non-Moravians).
September 2012. Stay tuned for more details.
A special offering for the Zion Bus Ministry will be taken on Sunday The Moravian Cuisine and Breakfast continue every Friday (11:30
17 June (Father’s Day) 2012 during the morning’s worship. Please am - 1:30 pm) and Saturday (5:00 am - 10:00 am), respectively. From
give generously to this vital church ministry.
these efforts for 2012, we have paid over $10,000.00 towards reducing
our arrears of quota.
Family Month continues under the theme “Equipping and Reenergizing Families 2012”. The schedule of activities continues:
The Keys Moravian Fellowship submitted a proposal for the
acceptance of the Fellowship to be recognized as a Congregation. This
 03 June ~ Family at Worship Sunday
was accepted by Island Conference and the proposal has been
 10 June ~ Cradle Roll Sunday
forwarded for action at the 30th Provincial Synod of the Moravian
 17 June ~ Father’s Day Celebration
Church, EWIP to be held in St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands from 13 to
 24 June ~ Ministry Fair/ Meet & Greet Friendship Sunday
19 July 2012.
 30 June ~ Luncheon ~ Zion Men Can Cook
Page 9
From the Pastor’s Desk (Cont’d)
For not having a deep connection with
For not partnering with God;
For not having a sense of camaraderie.
So then and therefore brethren we ask the
question, What is Spirituality?
One definition says, ‘Spirituality can refer
to an ultimate or an alleged immaterial
reality, an inner path enabling a person to
discover the essence of his/her being or the
deepest values and meanings by which
people live’.
The spiritual practices that we
Meditation, Prayer, Contemplation
geared toward developing one’s
experience or spiritual experience,
connects us with a larger reality.
do –
– are
Scripture declares in Ps 139:7-8, ‘Where
unto you (Matt 6:33).
can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I
flee from Your presence? If I ascend into c. Our relationship with God provides
heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in
sanity and security.
hell, behold, You are there.’
As we reflect upon our spiritual growth,
Our soul needs a relationship with God – one of the hindrances may be that the
that’s the greater need of man. Because at institution called the Church does not cater
times we feel that ‘doing’ is how we show to men – Church has become too feminine:
love, we at times think that it is in doing
that we show a high spiritual output to God
 No adventure
and for God.
 No projects
 Songs of comfort
a. So we run the risk of doing for God,
 We make Jesus out to be gentle
doing things for God and miss our
and mild
relationship with God.
i. Paul says that I check myself lest a. How would you describe your present
relationship with God? What do you
at the end of the race I become
wish you could change?
disqualified (1 Cor 9:27).
So, in other words, our spirituality brings
us into closer focus of our:
Self – who am I, why am I here?
Human community
These are all connected to God, who is the
nucleus or centre of our existence. So in
truth and in fact, we cannot run from God.
In the Gospel, Jesus talks of the b.
danger of doing for God and still
missing the Kingdom. “Did we
not prophesy in your name and
cast out devils? Depart from me;
I know you not”. (Matt 7:22-23) c.
So we are called as men to stay
connected to God.
What keeps you from being totally
honest before God? What keeps you
from believing how much He loves
How often do you pray, read
Scripture, and worship? What would
it take to increase your commitment to
these goals?
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God
and all other things will be added
Yours in Pastoral Care
Hilton J. Joseph
College Prayer Watch
Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life
that God has promised to those who love him (James 1:12 (NIV). Studying abroad and being away from family and
loved ones is a stressful time for many students. Hence, this is why the Zion Community is asking members of the
Congregation to bear up in prayer our student members studying overseas. Their names are as follows:USA
Sis Shanelle Sargeant
Sis Lanelle Sargeant
Bro Withley Williams
Bro Zaavan Hobson
Bro Dujon DeSuza
Sis Glenice Pitt-Williams
Sis Vicky Liburd
Sis Tonya Watts
Bro Kareem Glasford
Sis Vekisha Hook
Bro Moise Jean
Sis Yvanne Jean
Sis Shakira Casey-Pitt
Sis Amanda Bridgewater
Sis Asha DeSuza
Bro Lindbergh Belle
Bro Alester Thomas
Youth Connection
friend of mine in her early thirties
has risen through her own efforts to a very
high position in business. Because of her
youthful appearance, people meeting her
for the first time frequently ask how old
she is. Her standard reply has always
been; “Are you asking about my mental,
my emotional, my spiritual or my calendar
This I figure is an interesting response,
because the years as disclosed by the
calendar, are not necessarily an index of a
accomplishments or his/her emotional
stability. This then raises the old question,
“Have you lived thirty years, or one year
thirty times.” The answer to that question
is to be found in how each individual has
used the power he/she has and what he/she
has done with his/her life.
At birth, we are endowed with a variety of
potential abilities but what we do with
them is in our own hands. My thirty plus
year old friend, has obviously done much
with her own potential; however, to my
mind, she has done no more than each of
us can do – (i) if we have the will, (ii) if
we set our goals and (iii) if we strive
mightily to achieve them.
What we are really talking about here is
success; success in all areas of our lives –
with business, the home, and with
emotional and spiritual values.
Page 10
How Old Are You?
Indeed God works in mysterious ways, his each is a part of the other, each dependent
wonders to perform; but He always works upon the other. Of what value would be
through us, whatever our age may be.
the dreams, unless there were those who
would carry them out?
Of what
I can tell you another story of a “young importance and enthusiasm would be the
woman” at age seventy-four who physical strength of youth, were it not
graduated from nursing school. She had supplemented by the mature wisdom
fulfilled a life-long dream of becoming a which conserves it, through intelligent
nurse. It however, never occurred to her understanding and guidance?
that she would get a job soon after
graduation; but two short weeks after her The visions and strength of the young and
graduation, she was hired to take care of a the dreams and wisdom of the older, are
ninety-three year old woman. So I repeat but two parts of the essential whole; two
the question “How old are you?”
aspects of the God-thought expressing
itself through mankind, and each needs the
In sport, some years ago, at age forty balancing influence of the other.
Gordon Greenwidge made 200 runs
against Australia and it was only injury We of mature years, have lessons to be
that took him out of the game and then learnt that are just as necessary as are those
George Foreman surprised boxing fans the of youth. It is right that our sons and
world over by fighting the full twelve daughters shall not only prophesy but that
rounds and took a solid beating as well, at they take on the vigorous work, which lies
age forty-two. So we are back all around us, waiting to be done. The
to the age old question, “How old are corresponding lesson for us to learn is that
you?” My question is: ‘Where does youth of gracefully releasing such work to them.
end, and when does old age begin?’
We do them and ourselves an injustice
when we cling too tenaciously to the
Youth is forever expressing itself and activities which our years have outgrown.
must, if mankind is to progress towards the Our time is spent to eminently better
Godhood which lies potentially within it. advantage, when we use it to keep
The prophet Joel, not only saw the part that ourselves in an understanding frame of
youth was to take in the world of affairs mind, so young in spirit that we thrill to
but he saw it as the natural result of the high adventure, through which our
youth’s response to the God within, youth are passing.
because he began his statement “… I will
pour out my spirit upon all flesh” and then When our young people know that they
he goes on to say “your old men shall can depend on us for clear thinking and
dream dreams and your young men shall sincere understanding, they are encouraged
see visions.”
to bring their best efforts to bear upon any
given situation. They do not intend to lean
It is true that the body may become old, on us, but they do want to know that we
but that is no proof that youth has gone. are backing them with our understanding,
Youth is a matter of spirit, not years. Is appreciation and certainty of success, not
there after all any essential difference sitting with folded hands expecting their
between those visions in which the youth failure.
are indulging and the dreams which
maturity is dreaming? I personally do not
think so, if the spirit of youth is continuing
~ Sis Louvina Maynard
to express itself as it might and should.
How do we achieve these successes? They
come from within. We must think, we
must plan, we must pray and then listen to
God’s directions. So you see our prayers,
thoughts and plans have nothing to do with
age. These directions come not from a
thunderous voice from on high, but
through people who enter our lives, in
events that seem to shape themselves, or
sudden urges to do certain things. None of
these should be neglected. We should
follow up each thought and each
When thoughtfully analyzed, youth and
age are but two sides of the same shield;
To Be Continued in the Voice of Zion –
July 2012 Issue
Page 11
Instrument of Peace
Father’s Day Meditation
such like. The process sometimes requires the use of measures of
hildren, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. discipline and correction administered in love.
Honour thy father and mother (which is the first commandment
with promise); That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest The Scripture advises: “Chasten thy son while there is hope and
live long in the earth (Ephesians 6:1-3).
let no thy soul spare for his crying” (Proverbs 19:18).
Father’s Day is a relatively modern celebration.
It was
undoubtedly inspired by the start of the Mother’s Day tradition
very early in the 1900s. The driving force behind the
establishment of Father’s was a very influential woman named
Sonora Smart Dodd who desired to honour her father who by
himself raised six children after the death of their mother. Sonora
felt that her father deserved recognition for this great and unusual
accomplishment. The first Father’s Day was held in June 1910,
but the day was not officially recognized as a holiday until 1972
by President Nixon.
The observance of the holiday is very similar to that of Mother’s
Honouring our parents goes beyond giving a gift at Christmas,
birthdays, Father’s Day or some other special occasion. It
involves recognizing and respecting the authority of parents
through obedience, love and respect. Any form of neglect and
disrespect of parents by their children whether by word or deed is
dishonouring, and is accordingly contrary to the will of God.
Included in the ten Commandments which God gave to His
people (Exodus 20:1-17), verse 12 states very clearly “Honour
thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the
land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.”
The apostle Paul wrote to the church at Ephesus (Ephesians 6:13) “Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.
Honour thy father and mother; That it may be well with thee, and
thou mayest live long in the earth.
The Bible also warns fathers against treating their children
unjustly (Colossians 3:21). Both parents have a responsibility to
love, protect, care for and train their children, especially through
the difficult years leading to adulthood.
It is sad to note that too many parents have a problem in
understanding the difference between LOVE and WORSHIP.
Children should be loved not worshipped. God alone should be
worshipped. Children should be carefully trained by precept and
example to cultivate virtues of justice, fair play, compassion and
To set aside a day to honour fathers (Father’s Day) is to be
applauded. All children should use the occasion to give thanks to
God for their father and to show their love and respect for this
person who was used by God to share in the creation of their life.
Proverbs 15:20 reminds us that “A wise son maketh a glad
Lord bless our nation’s men
Lord bless our nation’s men
With solemn thoughts of Thee
That they may truly worship you
And good examples be.
Lord give us faithful men
Of High integrity
As fathers fit for our children
So they may follow Thee.
Lord bless our men with peace
Within each troubled breast
That worries from each care may cease
As in Thy peace they rest.
Remind them that your Word
Says you are always near
The Bible must be their sharp sword
To keep them free from fear.
Demands they have to meet,
Some they can scarce afford
Oft send them to Thy mercy seat
Have mercy on them Lord.
Lord bless our nation’s men
The old, the young, the youth,
With sincere god-like qualities,
The guardians of Thy truth.
~ Contributed by Bro. and Sis. Samuel Nathaniel
Victoria Road
St. Kitts
Phone: (1) 869-465-2402
Mobile: (1) 869-662-1777
Fax: (1) 869-465-6748
The Voice of Zion…
Empowered to do Ministry
Happy Father’s Day in
Life Application
Editor’s Note: The Life Application is a Daily Enjoy life now, but do not do anything
Devotional, a communication of Tyndale House physically, morally, or spiritually that will
Publishers, entitled NLT Life Application Daily prevent you from enjoying life when you are old.
Devotional. This devotion is from the LIFE
oung people, it is wonderful to be young!
Enjoy every minute of it. Do everything you want
to do; take it all in. But remember that you must
give an account to God for everything you do. So
refuse to worry, and keep your body healthy. But
remember that youth, with a whole life before
you, is meaningless. Ecclesiastes 11:9 - 10 New
Living Translation (NLT)
Other Tyndale House Publishers devotionals from
the New Living Translation (NLT) LIFE
APPLICATION Study Bible include: NLT Men’s
Devotional (weekly), NLT Women’s Devotional
(weekly), Student Life Application Bible Teen
Devotional (weekly), Marriage & Parenting
Devotional (weekly) and Leadership Devotional
We often hear people say, "It doesn't matter." But (weekly). Visit the Tyndale website at http://
many of your choices will be irreversible--they www.newlivingtranslation.com and subscribe to
will stay with you for a lifetime. What you do any of the aforementioned devotions.
when you're young does matter.
Divine Worship & The Sacrament of Holy Communion
~ Sunday 03rd June 2012 ~
Pastor: Rev Hilton J Joseph
Processional Hymn
Worship in Tithes and Offering
Prayer of Dedication
Notices and Church Concerns
Hymn 121……………….….All Hail The Power Of Jesus’ Name Prayer and Preparation for Communion
Hymn 16……………….....Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty Song……………………………………………..Our God Reigns
Chorus……………………………...Holiness Is What I Long For
The Sacrament of Holy Communion
Prayer of Adoration
Chorus……………………………………………………Majesty The Invitation
Litany for Trinity
Senior Choir ~ Item of Praise
Hymn 14…………………...Lead Us, Heavenly Father, Lead Us
Choruses: You Are God Alone
1st Eucharistic Prayer
How great is our God
Distribution of Bread
My Jesus I Love Thee
Hymn 444…...…..Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing
Hymn 460………....Fill Thou My Life, O Lord My God
Ministry of the Word
2nd Eucharistic prayer
Old Testament…………………………………….…Isaiah 1:6-8 Distribution of wine
New Testament……………………………………...John 3:1-17
Song…………...There Is A Fountain Filled With Blood
Hymn 533……………...Jesus Makes My Heart Rejoice
Sermon…………………...……………...Rev. Hilton J. Joseph
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Altar Encounter
Covenant Hymn 420………………...What Brought Us Together
Welcome & Celebration
The Blessing
Call to Worship
This Month’s issue of the Voice of Zion is sponsored by Sis Zaudie Butler-Fleary.