
The culture of quality in contemporary building
laboratorio di architettura
Design and Building Quality Award
2008 edi•on
via g. garibaldi, 1
10043 orbassano (turin)
tel/fax +39 011 9012355
mobile +39 338 6254567
Italian company serve•mpresa was founded in 1956
as the Impresa Edile Serve• Fratelli s.n.c. and has
been opera•ng for over 50 years in the residen•al
and industrial contruc•on field. It now is comprised
of two integrated companies: labdia laboratorio di
archite•ura, for design and construc•on supervision,
and, for the management of the en•re
construc•on process, with direct involvement in each
project phase.
Thanks to this structure, our research and design
ac•vi•es, which combine the ideas of professionals
with technical construc•on opportuni•es and financial
planning, are developed and implemented with the
coordina•on and control of the development process,
as well as the marke•ng, thus ensuring a constant vision
overall and consistency of the quality of the work.
Such organisa•onal abili•es make serve•mpresa
a strong reference point in the contemporary
construc•on field, especially for the customers and
clients that make quality their overriding goal at all
stages and in every detail.
laboratorio di architettura
The great strength of the design ideas, the constant striving for the best architectural
and building results, and the essen•al dedica•on to quality in every detail are just
some dis•nc•ve features of labdia laboratorio di archite•ura founded in 2004 by
Mirella Giaco•o and Giuseppe Serve•.
It is thanks to the commitment of these two professionals, well recognized with
various prizes and accolades, and to their strong belief in the efficacy of synergis•c
collabora•on between project creators and implementers, that a methodology is
developed that is as crea•ve as it is solid: an architectural design that is in constant
interac•on with construc•on site needs and experiences.
Labdia’s voca•on for sustainable architecture is proven by their latest designs
and projects, which apply high-energy efficiency solu•ons, low environmental
impact, and provide convincing answers to the demands of sustainability, costeffec•veness and pleasure of living.
Mirella Giaco•o (Turin, 1966) graduated in architecture in 1992
at the Politecnico di Torino, Faculty of Architecture, (under
professors Daniele Vitale ed Emanuele Levi Montalcini). In 1993
Mirella began her professional prac•ce and assisted teaching
at the Faculty of Architecture of Turin un•l 2001. The firm
specializes in architectural and structural renova•on of historic
buildings and modern architecture of the 50’s and 60’s, interior
design and compe••ons, and has received several awards and
Giuseppe Serve• (Turin, 1966) graduated in architecture
in 1992 at the Politecnico di Torino, Faculty of Architecture,
(under professor Roberto Gabe•). In 1993, Giuseppe began his
professional prac•ce, concentra•ng in par•cular on residen•al
buildings, urban planning, interior design and furnishings, and
par•cipa•ng in several na•onal and interna•onal compe••ons
and receiving awards and recogni•ons.
giuseppeservetti + mirellagiacotto = architetti
Founded in 1995, the Turin-based company operates in the construc•on field coordina•ng the en•re
development process to ensure clear and specific answers at every stage, from the conceptual design
phase to sale of the asset. For years, following the guidelines of contemporary building and the new
requirements of quality housing, has been developing residen•al complexes and renova•on
projects using high-energy efficiency and low-environmental impact.
The consolidated experience in the various fields of design, construc•on, renova•on and marke•ng,
allows the connec•on of the crea•ve ideas of its professionals with financial planning and technical
troubleshoo•ng, thus pursuing a specific standard of quality, livability, func•onality and environmental
friendliness in all of its projects. For every field in which they operate, gest•com is equipped with a
group of in-house professionals and makes use of ar•san manufacturers, mechanical, electrical, and
plumbing technicians, architectural and engineering studios, legal firms, notaries and tax consul•ng,
and insurance and financial brokerages. This allows to provide customers and clients with
a full range of services: from feasibility studies to the preliminary and construc•on documents; from
consul•ng in and expedi•ng the a!ainment of building permits, financing and leasing, to the delivery of
“turn-key” projects, ending with the final marke•ng and real estate sale.
Eugenio Cinellio (Turin, 1965) pursued his diploma in accoun•ng in 1984. In 1997, he began working
for a bank in charge of business loans and the development of the retail network through personnel
coordina•on and the opening of new branches throughout the Piedmont region. In 2004, he entered
in the construc•on industry, combining the technical aspects related to design and construc•on with
financial planning, contact with suppliers and customer assistance.
giuseppeservetti eugeniocinellio
More and more in recent years, serve•mpresa’s projects explore the key issues of
sustainable architecture, gaining recogni•on from both the professional community as well
as from customers and end-users.
The a•en•on to environmental issues permeates throughout the en•re building process,
from the choice of cer•fied products to the construc•on methods; from recycling or reuse
of materials and components, thus pursuing a reduc•on in the environmental impact and
energy consump•on, yet s•ll looking towards improving the quality of living.
To minimize the buildings energy dependence from sources that pollute, the projects focus
on innova•ve solu•ons: solar screens, greenhouses, the elimina•on of thermal bridges,
ven•lated roofs, transparent ver•cal structures, radiant hea•ng, mechanical ven•la•on
system, electricity produced by photovoltaic panels, and op•mal orienta•on.
In addi•on, always with focus on sustainability, another design standard that showcases
serve•mpresa’s work are the materials and the technical solu•ons to substan•ally reduce
the need for future asset preserva•on work and property maintenance.
vi•orio serve•
giuseppe serve•
mirella giaco•o
eugenio cinellio
rosalba capizzi
monica ierace
marco giovanni bona•
structural planning
ipe proge• srl, innocente porrone
hea!ng and plumbing systems design
in/proge•o, andrea basso
environmen! park, stefano do•a, chiara bianco
electrical and ligh!ng systems design
stefano giubertoni
acus!c project
icostech srl, germano dealessandri
geological analysis
genovese&associa!, pietro campan!co
Serve•mpresa’s building process management can be summarized in seven key points:
1 - Searching for poten•al new construc•on and/or renova•ons
2 - Searching for possible investors and/or clients
3 - Forming the development partnership team
4 - Providing accoun•ng and tax management of the new company
5 - Managing the design phase and the construc•on of the building complex
6 - The marke•ng and sale of the property
7 - Asset management (forming of home-owners associa•on, scheduling rou•ne maintenance and repairs)
• Market analysis of the supply and demand of real estate in the proposed area
• Feasibility study on the construc•on of the site
• Preliminary architectural designs (preliminary dra•s)
• Project finance and budget planning, verifying construc•on costs and iden•fying poten•al
• Providing urban planning and architectural designs for obtaining municipal permits (city
hall plans)
• Detailed architectural and structural construc•on documents, complete with es•mates,
bids, and contracts
• Organiza•on and planning of the adver•sing campaign
• Providing the direct sale of real estate with an on-site sales team
• Drawing up reserva•ons and preliminary sales
• Providing notary assistance
• Providing tax assistance
• Providing legal assistance both contractors and with customers
• Providing legal assistance and documenta•on for contractors and
• Construc•on supervision
• Site direc•on and planning of the various phases of construc•on
• Safety coordina•on observing na•onal laws and regula•ons (Testo Unico sulla sicurezza D.Lgs 81/2008)
• Dra•ing of contracts with general contractor and subcontractors
• Supervise individual bidding of subcontractors
• Accoun•ng of job costs and coordina•ng with accoun•ng and tax professionals
• Planning of the economic resources of the company
• Supplier orders and interface with the jobsite management
• Check supplier orders/invoices and customer billing
• Managing rela•ons with banks to help both of the project and its clients receive financing
project of a single-family villa cer!fied
as CasaClima-Bolzano, class A
turin, italy, in development
tasks performed
project management, project development,
coordina!on of architectural work, and job
site security coordina!on;a Serve#mpresa
exterior and interior renova!on of a
historic building with the crea!on of
five new units
turin, italy, 2011 - 2013
tasks performed
project management, project development,
coordina!on of architectural work, and job
site security coordina!on; a Serve#mpresa
exterior and interior renova!on of a
historic building with the crea!on of
four new units and two lo$s
exterior and interior renova!on with
an addi!on of a residen!al complex
with eight new apartments
turin, italy, 2009 - 2012
tasks performed
project management, project development,
coordina!on of architectural work, and job
site security coordina!on;a Serve#mpresa
rivalta di torino (turin), italy, 2008 2012
tasks performed
project management, project development,
coordina!on of architectural work, and job
site security coordina!on;a Serve#mpresa
residen!al complex with forty-one
new apartments
exterior and interior renova!on of an
eighteenth century villa
single-family villa project
san damiano (as!), italy
project of two new residen!al
orbassano (turin), italy, 2004 - 2008
turin, 2010 - 2011
tasks performed
project management, project development,
coordina!on of architectural work, and job
site security coordina!on;a Serve"mpresa
tasks performed
project development and coordina!on
of architectural work; a Serve"mpresa
in development
tasks performed
architectural design and art direc!on
orbassano (turin), italy
design in progress
tasks performed
project management and architectural
single-family villa
interior renova!on
interior renova!on
single-family villa
villarbasse(turin) , italy, 2011-2012,
villarbasse(turin) , italy, 2006-2007,
2008, project design
and construc!on management; a
Serve"mpresa development
italy, 2008, project design
and construc!on management; a
Serve"mpresa development
2013- in development San Damiano (as•), italy, single-family villa
2013- design in progress Orbassano (turin), italy, two new residen•al buildings with twenty-four and twelve apartments
2013- design in progress Cherasco (cuneo), italy, exterior and interior renova•on of a private historic residence
2013- design in progress Rome, italy, commercial space renova•on (footwear)
2013- design in progress Turin, italy, commercial space renova•on (home goods)
2013- design in progress Turin, italy, commercial space renova•on (pharmacy), in collabora•on with Con3studio
2011- design in progress Turin, italy, single-family residence cer•fied as CasaClima-Bolzano/(ClimateHouse)
2012-2013 Centallo (cuneo), italy, design of exterior and interior renova•on of a single-family villa
2011-2013 Turin, italy, design of exterior and interior renova•on of a historic building with five apartments
2003-2013 Villarbasse (turin), italy, design and development of eight single-family villas
2009-2012 Turin, italy, design of exterior and interior renova•on of a historic building with four apartments and two lo•s
2008-2012 Rivalta di Torino (turin), italy, design of renova•on project with an addi•on of a residen•al complex with eight apartments
2009-2011 Turin, italy, design of interior remodel of three apartments
2010-2011 Cumiana (turin), italy, design and development of an industrial building
2010-2011 Turin, italy, design of exterior and interior renova•on of a eighteenth century villa
2008-2009 Ciriè (turin), italy, design of exterior renova•on of a historic building; design of interior renova•on of an apartment
2000-2009 Turin, italy, project and interior renova•on of nine apartments
2007-2009 Leinì (turin), italy, design and renova•on of medical offices
2007-2008 Turin, italy, design and renova•on of offices (pharmaceu•cal company)
2007-2008 Cavore•o (turin), italy, design and renova•on of a single-family villa
2007-2008 Orbassano (turin), italy, design and renova•on of industrial building
2004-2008 Orbassano (turin), italy, design and development of a residen•al complex with forty-one apartments
2005-2007 Orbassano (turin), italy, design and development of three single-family villas
2003-2005 Rivoli (turin), italy, design and renova•on of a historic building with three apartments
2005 Rivalta di Torino (turin), italy, commercial space renova•on project (furnishings and interior design)
2003 Cumiana (turin), italy, design and renova•on of an industrial building
2002-2003 Orbassano (turin), italy, design and exterior and interior renova•on of a commercial building (beauty and hair salon)
2002 Turin, italy, design of exterior and interior renova•on of a single-family villa
2002 Rivalta di Torino (turin), italy, design and renova•on of an industrial building
1998-2002 Orbassano (turin), italy, design and development of six four-unit residen•al complexes
1998-2002 Rivalta di Torino (turin), italy, design and development (proge•o e realizzazione) residen•al complex with nine units
1998-2002 Orbassano (turin), italy, a former furniture factory, design and development of a residen•al complex with forty units
2000-2001 San Maurizio Canavese (turin), italy, design of exterior and interior renova•on of a former cinema transformed into a residen•al building with
three apartments
2000 Rivalta di Torino (turin), italy, Cascina “il Generale”, design of a new hotel-lodging structure
via g. garibaldi, 1
10043 orbassano (turin)
tel/fax +39 011 9012355
mobile +39 338 6254567