In this issue... • Featured Members Javier and Christine Valdivieso


In this issue... • Featured Members Javier and Christine Valdivieso
December 2009
In this issue...
• Featured Members Javier and Christine
Valdivieso and their daughter Natalie
• Bells to Hops to Waves - a Fun Tour
• A Great Tire Tech Session
Factory Service
-Routine Maintenance
-From brakes to
engine rebuilds
-Electrical repairs
-Factory trained techs
-Latest factory
diagnostics PWIS
-Beisbarth factory
Performance Tuning
-GIAC premier partner
-Power kits
-Engine upgrades
-Suspension upgrades
-Sport clutch kits
-Brake upgrades
-Performance alignments
-Aero components
- Presenting our new
4wd Dyno Test Cell!
Specializing In:
-Full race support
and prep
-Pro racing or
club racing
-Time trial/Auto X
-Sparco premier
dealer installer
-Cup car specialists
-In house fab work
-POC tech station
racing supporter
997TT | GT2 | GT3/RS | 996 GT2 | TT | GT3 | 993 Turbo | 959 | Carrera GT | 930 Turbo | Cayman | Boxster| Cayenne
3210 S. Shannon St. Santa Ana, Ca 92704
*Located across the street from Porsche Motorsport NA
Inside this issue
Garey Cooper
(714) 264-0530
Advertising Director
Ken Fredrickson
(714) 962-3258
Featured member Javier Valdivieso
and his stable of Porsches
Classified Ads Editor
Cooper Boggs
Tony Callas
Garey Cooper
Steve Eguina Armand Gastelo
Pamela Horton
C.L. Jarusek
Lee Rice
Javier, Christine &
Natalie Valdivieso
Bells to Hops to Waves
Featured Members - Javier and
Christine Valdivieso
A Hundred Years of Automotive
History in One Hour or Less
Tire Tech Session
Seven Porsches & Me
Rice’s Ramblings
Zone 8 Awards Banquet
Walter’s Tentative Driving Events
Stone Brewery Gargoyle &
Selection of Stone Beers
Garey Cooper
Armand Gastelo
Lisa Goetsch
Pamela Horton
David Miranda
Kevin Van Fleet
Contributing Photographers
Nicole Boggs
James Buck
Upcoming Events
Bob Weber
Contributing Writers
December 2009
Porsches lined up at the November
Breakfast meeting
2 Calendar of Events
3 President’s Message
4 Contacts
5 Editor’s Notes
6 Goodie Store
6 Membership
11 Autocross Corner
30Breakfast Club/New Members
35 Classifieds
36 List of Advertisers
On the Cover: Featured members Javier and
Christine Valdivieso and their daughter
Pandemonium is published monthly. Deadline for materials is the 1st of the month for publication in the next month’s issue.
Subscriptions for PCA members of other regions are $30 per twelve issues. Non-members may subscribe at $35 for twelve issues, payable in advance.
Pandemonium is the official publication of Orange Coast Region, Porsche Club of America. Any statement appearing in the Pandemonium is that of the author,
and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Orange Coast Region, Inc., its Board of Directors, the Pandemonium editors or its staff.
The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Permission is given to chartered regions of PCA to reprint articles in their newsletter if credit is given to the author and the Pandemonium. Publication office: 19401 Sandpebble Circle, Huntington Beach, CA 92648. Bulk Rate class postage
paid, Santa Ana, ca.
Postmaster: Address change to PCA/OCR Membership, 2031 El Rancho Vista, Fullerton, ca 92833
2009/2010 OCR Calendar of Events*
Deadline for the January Pando
Holiday Party
Breakfast Club
Charity Toy Run
OCR Autocross – ETF (El Toro Fields)
Laguna Niguel Parade
Board Meeting
Krispy Kreme Gathering
Tour - Nethercutt Museum
Deadline for the February Pando
Breakfast Club
Krispy Kreme Gathering
Zone 8 President’s Meeting
Board Meeting
AutoX Awards – Walter’s Porsche
Deadline for the March Pando
Breakfast Club
DE Instructor School - Qualcom
Board Meeting
Krispy Kreme Gathering
Drivers Clinic/Evo AX School – ETF OCR AX/Evo Advanced School – ETF
Tour to Automobile Driving Museum
Deadline for the April Pando
Breakfast Club
OCR Autocross – ETF
Board Meeting
Krispy Kreme Gathering
Spring Rally
Walter’s Invitation/AutoX Instructor Training – ETF
Deadline for the June Pando
Breakfast Club
Ladies Garden Tour
OCR Autocross – ETF
Krispy Kreme Gathering
Board Meeting
AutoX Driver’s Education – Auto
Club Speedway
Deadline for the July Pando
Breakfast Club
OCR Zone 8 Porsches by the Sea
Concours – Dana Poing
Board Meeting
Krispy Kreme Gathering
OCR Autocross – ETF
3-8 10
Deadline for the August Pando
PCA Parade – St. Charles, IL
Breakfast Club
Summer Rally
Krispy Kreme Gathering
OCR Zone 8 Autocross – ETF
Board Meeting
Deadline for the September Pando
Breakfast Club
Monterey Historics – Laguna Seca
OCR Autocross – ETF
Krispy Kreme Gathering
Board Meeting
Hearts & Garages Tour
Deadline for the May Pando
Zone 8 Speed Festival-AAA Speedway
Breakfast Club
Easter Day Tour
Long Beach Grand Prix-Porsche Platz
OCR Autocross – ETF
Krispy Kreme Gathering
Board meeting
Note: Italicized text represents events
outside of Orange Coast Region
sponsored events. Links to Zone 8
events can be found at
The Krispy Kreme
Gatherings meet
about 8:30 a.m. at
the Block of Orange
* Event dates
subject to change.
26 tbd
Deadline for the October Pando
Breakfast Club
OCR Autocross – ETF
Krispy Kreme Gathering
Board Meeting
AutoX Driver’s Education – Auto
Club Speedway
OCR Time Trial –Auto Club Speedway
Zone 8 Timeline – RR
Oktoberfest Tour – Lake Arrowhead
Deadline for the November Pando
Breakfast Club
Krispy Kreme Gathering
OCR Autocross – ETF
Board Meeting – 2009 Planning
Overnight Rally
Walter’s Invitation/AutoX Instructor
Training El Toro
Deadline for the December Pando
Breakfast Club
Bob Savic Wine Tour
OCR Autocross – ETF
Board Meeting
Krispy Kreme Gathering
3 or 4
14 18
Deadline for the January Pando
Holiday Party
Breakfast Club
Charity Toy Run tbd
OCR Autocross – ETF
Laguna Niguel Parade
Board Meeting
Krispy Kreme Gathering
President’s Message
Story by Armand Gastelo
This is my last column as your club
president. I have always tried to write a
“message,” rather than repeat what is on
the calendar or tell you about an upcoming
event. I hope my messages have been
timely and meaningful. I have also tried
to come up with different photographs to
go along with my messages, rather than
have the same old boring photo month
after month. During the last two years
there have been many changes to our
club, some good and some not so good,
but the important thing was for the club
to grow and move forward.
The club broke away from the
Huntington Beach Library site for our
annual Concours event. The majority
of members seem to have liked this
idea and many more like the new venue
in Dana Point. My personal thanks to
Buzzy Klevens for taking this event to
a higher level then ever achieved in the
club’s history when it was held on the
grounds of the Huntington Beach Hyatt
Hotel. I also thank Dick DeRose for
being instrumental in securing the Dana
Point site as the new location for this
historic event.
Our autocross events have become
more popular and exciting over the
past two years. The monthly events at
El Toro sell out and are sponsored by
various vendors, which is something that
didn’t happen in prior years. The team
coordinated an event a the Auto Club
Speedway in Fontana, which our club
has never done before. Next year they
promise even bigger and better events.
My personal thanks to Steve Eguina, Jim
Harris and James Buck along with the
rest of the autocross team for the great
job they have done.
The goodie store has become
a very popular spot at our monthly
breakfast meetings. The store has
provided fashionable attire along with
many accessories to tempt us...and at
reasonable prices. Thank you, David
Miranda and your staff.
The relationship between the club
at Porsche dealerships changed and
grew these past two years. Some for the
best and some not as much. At least we
tried things that were never tried before.
Thank you Bob Scheussler for sticking
with us even with the rocky start.
Our advertisers and sponsors have
grown and improved. Ken and Grace
Fredrickson have done a tremendous
job in acquiring and maintaining our
advertisers and sponsor which support
our club in many ways.
The Pandemonium, our monthly
news letter (magazine is more like it)
continues to grow and improve. This
publication takes more effort than you
imagine. The time and dedication put
forth by Garey Cooper, Gloria Moore
and their helpers is priceless. My thanks
to you.
Continued on pg. 12)
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Contact Information
OCR Executive Board
Armand Gastelo
Vice President
Nicole Forrest Boggs
Tom Meng;
Phyllis Meng;
Concours Director
Dick De Rose
Zone 8 Representative
Michael Dolphin
Zone 8 Rally Chair
Tom Gould
Goodie Store Manager
David Miranda
Zone 8 Autocross Chair
Neil Heimburge
Judy Lech
Zone 8 Concours Chair
Joe Nedza
Zone 8 Region
Gary Peterson
Ladies Committee Liaison
Maryann Marks
Zone 8 Club Race Coordinator
Vince Knauf
Pandemonium Editor
Garey Cooper
Zone 8 Driving Instructor,
Time Trial & Drivers Ed Chair
Paul Young
Membership Director
Peter Lech
Pando Classified Ads Editor
Bob Weber
Autocross Director
Bob Scheussler
Pando Distribution Directors
Norm & Linda Hollinger
Member at Large
Larry Moore
Rally Director
Larry Moore
OCR Board Appointments
Sponsorship Director
Bob Scheussler
Advertising Director
Ken Fredrickson
Advertising Coordinator
Grace Fredrickson
Autocross Director
James Buck
Autocross Registration
Charity Director
Jerry Muno
OCR Board Meetings
Tech Activities Director
Cooper Boggs
Frank Goodyear
Web Coordinator
Kari Knudsen
Web Service Director
Rob Wong
All members are welcome to
OCR Board Meetings, held on the third
Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm.
Location is at Euromasters Classic Cars
18370 Pacific Street, Fountain Valley.
We thank them for their support.
Zone 8 Chairs
Zone 8 Rules Coordinator
Tom Brown
Zone 8 Treasurer
Linda Cobarrubias
Zone 8 Webmaster
Ken Short
Editor’s Notes
Story by Garey Cooper, Editor
Nostalgia in the 2nd Millennium
While the rest of the work-a-day world
toils far below, we in the rarefied
atmosphere of the OCR tower have
time to reminisce over the year just past.
The club penthouse teems with raucous
laughter and teary eyes as adventures
of the year are discussed and dissected,
always politely of course.
What about You?
And when you talk it over what will you
have to say about 2009? At the very least
I am sure that the continued economic
roller coaster will have touched you, if
not every other member of your family
or friends. Provided you have been able
to hang onto your Porsche through all of
these whirlwinds, the club’s activities are
an authentic bargain for the concerned
consumer of Stuttgart goods. Given that
the car is in the garage and to get anywhere
you have to buy gasoline anyway, the
chance to exercise your pet autobahn
creation is cheap by comparison to say a
trip to Disneyland. And for adults just as
much if not more fun!
The Long and Winding Road
This is just exactly what every Porsche
enthusiast craves, a long and winding
Garey asks for forgiveness in Scotland
road. This year that road will take us up
north once again with Mr. Bob Savic and
his assistant, Judy. The end point is Paso
Robles and environs where the wine
flows and the road goes as your soul
soars, from pike to peak, and Chardonnay
leads the way to Le Vin Rose. Bob has
lead the tour for many years and takes
his place with pride in an OCR tradition
that goes quite a ways back indeed in our
club lore.
Quite a Long Time Actually
And the Orange Coast Region has been
around for just about a half century. I am
pretty sure we
are closing in
on our fifty year
mark now. I’ll
have to check
with Pete Lech
as he is an old guy like me―but his
memory is better. Our member roster is an
affidavit to the longevity of our Porsche
Club as we have many members with 20
30 and even 40 years of membership. If
you are a veteran member, I would love
to hear from you, particularly if you can
share a story with us of the early days in
the OCR. But even if you can’t do that,
just write and tell us that you’re out there
and reading the magazine.
I am reminded of the storied OCR
past as an email came around recently
mentioning that we needed to put a
committee together to go through some
old memorabilia at the garage of Jean
and George McClellan. Your Board of
Directors met there for many years and
I can recall the atmosphere in the garage
during our meetings. The McClellans
were very big in Concours and had a 356
and a 914 under covers, naturally in the
same garage. There were also plaques
and posters of early PCA and OCR events
hanging in the garage. Fun memories and
I hope it’s a comfort to the early members
to know that the ball they started rolling
back then with the little bathtub models
is still going strong to this day.
Continued on pg. 33)
Come Visit
The Goodie Store
Need a Member Name Badge?
Wondering where to purchase OCR merchandise?
Make it a point to stop by the Goodie Store
during the monthly Breakfast Club!
The Goodie Store table is set up inside Original
Mike’s. It is your one stop headquarters for OCR
items such as key chains, license plate frames and
apparel. Some items do change from month
to month
so don’t miss out!
The Goodie
is set up every
month at the
Breakfast Club.
OCR Membership
[5 years or more]
45 years
Darrell & Cathy Walker
30 years
Ronald Holecek
27 years
Kenneth & Joan Carr
Timothy & Diane Ferguson
21 years
Michael & Kathryn Poppe
20 years
Michael & Gloria Moreau
19 years
Jim Mahaffy
Julian & Susan Nestor
Terrence & Carolyn Noonan
18 years
Peter & Nickole Petersen
17 years
Ivy & Jonathan Wu
Paul Bishop
16 years
Charles & Betty Cox
11 years
Bruce & Elizabeth Hallett
Christopher Varga
Brendan Moyers &
Stephen Dempsey
Aliso Viejo / ‘09 Carrera
10 years
Dave & MaryAnn Scarsone
Edwin Yu
Anthony Capelli
Tim & Devon Cox
Craig & Grace Scott
South Pasadena / ‘06 Cayman
Transfer from the Los Angeles
9 years
Clyde & Janet Madsen
Jon & Denise Rhodes
Stephen & Janice Ruckmick
Chris Trischler
Orange / ‘73 914-2.0
8 years
Mike Swain & Melody
Robert & Linda Dorn
7 years
Dick & Scott Madenburg
Ryan & Kristin Williams
Stuart & Pamela Peck
6 years
Alex Oviedo
Richard & Janis Trzcinski
Rod Robbins
5 years
Erik & Leslie Ivarson
George & Mary Jo Navarijo
14 years
James & Ana Robles Rattray Grant & Linda Benson
Thomas & Shannon Moebius Ivan Eskenazie
Jim & Michelle Andre
Will & Kay Lane
Russell & Kimberli Williams
Scott & Cynthia Saito
13 years
Steven Kleinsasser & Joanna
Edmund & Lynn Watson
Gregory Franz & Ann
William Brown
Robert & Robin Scharnell
Membership Questions?
• General Membership Info
• Where is my Pando?
• They spelled my
NAME wrong!
• Potential Member Referrals
• Change of Address / Car / Phone
• Joining PCA/OCR
• IntraRegion Transfers
Contact: PETER LECH at (714) 992-1337 or on the
web at
New Members and Transfers
Gotthard & Katrin Von Hundt
Corona del Mar / ‘96 993
Stephen Walsh
Laguna Niguel / ‘06 911
Chris & Paula Burdy
Fullerton / ‘74 911
Jay Carpelo & Celina McLang
Laguna Beach / ‘06 Carrera
Michael Gibson
Laguna Niguel / ‘08 Carrera S
Zhongh Guan
Mission Viejo / ‘08 Cayenne
Transfer from the Northeast
Rick Guerrero
Huntington Beach / ‘09
Cayman S
David Lee
Norco / ‘09 911
John & Barbara Meeks
Laguna Beach / ‘82 SC
Transfer back from the
Riverside Region
Bells to Hops to Waves
Story by C.L. Jarusek, Photos by David Miranda
Well, we didn’t hear the bells, probably
a little too cold for us in the parking lot
of McDonalds in San Juan Capistrano
waiting to get the San Diego tour going.
Of course, there I was in my short pants
and a jacket on, knowing that San Diego
was supposed to be in the mid-70s.
Shortly after 8 am on October 10, we
started our leisurely cruise on the Ortega
highway towards Lake Elsinore. I had
some that were concerned that I would
lead the cruise as if I were pursuing a law
breaker, and trying to get him in custody.
I do believe it was one of the slowest trips
that I made over the Ortega, including in
my Volvo, but it was a beautiful day and
the overcast cleared up quickly.
Some of the OCR members and their cars
outside of Stone Brewery.
Upon arrival at the Home Depot
parking lot in Lake Elsinore for a very
leisurely pit stop for all those that enjoyed
the coffee prepared by the McDonalds’
barista in Orange County. The drivers/
passengers in the 17 cars that made the
trip over the mountain, chatted, enjoyed
the now warm weather, and did what
people do at pit stops. I was able to
find a discarded “Hungry, Please Help,
God Bless You” sign and tried to get the
sympathy of members, but could get no
donations. I don’t know why.
After a pretty lengthy stop we
headed down the I15 to Escondido,
and for those that were bored by the
“slow” speed, they were given the
instructions and met the rest of us at
the Stone Brewing Company. I heard
later that the CHP was looking for a
red Cabriolet being chased by a silver
Boxster. Don’t know if it is true. I was
surprised at the Stone Brewing building,
as I was expecting a small brew house.
The building is in an industrial complex
and, from the exterior looks like any
manufacturing company, however that
is where the look stops. the inside of the
building and the surrounding gardens
make this a great place to relax, enjoy a
couple of brews and have a tour of the
facility. I must admit that even though I
love beer, I learned more about beer than
I had learned in all of my ancient years.
After a great tour conducted by one of
the employees, where we tasted the rye
which is used and smelled the hops,
we were given a tasting of about five
designer beers, ending with the strong
followed by a buffet lunch of very good
salad, baked chicken and a delicious
macaroni and cheese.
.Some of the brewery’s stock inside of the
34 degree refrigerator.
Matt, our tour guide at the brewery, along
with the OCR members on the tour.
1010386 - The USS Midway.
Some of the OCR Members at the USS
Flight deck of the USS Midway
OCR Member David Miranda on the flight
The USS Midway
Theo and Doug Russell gave
everyone instructions on how to drive
to the pier in downtown San Diego and
provided tickets for everyone to tour
the USS Midway. The Midway was
commissioned in 1945 and was finally
decommissioned in 1992. It has a long
and very distinguished record and you
are invited on board by docents, most of
who served on the aircraft carrier. You
are given earphones and are allowed to
roam the huge ship at your own pace.
There are 20+ aircraft on board, flight
Continued on pg. 17)
Theo & Doug Russell, who put together this
fantastic day for us.
1010393 - Flight deck of the USS Midway
Passion for Porsches
Story and photos from Javier Valdivieso,
sidebars from Christine and Natalie Valdivieso
My interest for automobiles
willing to give a personal
began after getting my first metal
guarantee. Normally in
pedal car for my fifth Christmas.
South America you apply
Later, my passion for race cars
for a driving license when
started when my dad brought
you turn 18.
me to racetracks in South
After finishing high
America. Just when I was ready
school, I went to a Civil
Metal Pedal car
to turn eight years old, I asked
Engineering University
my father for the Automobile
for three years, but deep
Encyclopedia as a gift for my birthday.
inside of me, I wanted to come to the US
It was great to get these wonderful
to complete my career and be close to
and colorful magazines every month.
cutting edge technology. One day I told
my parents that I was planning to sell my
They made me realize how beautiful
El Camino and use the proceeds of the
automobiles were from around the world.
sale to buy a round trip ticket to the US
At age 16, my father had told me that as a
to continue my engineering education in
Captain in the Nav, he would be doing a lot
Texas. At that time, I had some friends
traveling for military training to the US.
that were going to Texas to continue their
He asked me to start up his car every two
education as well. Unfortunately, I didn’t
weeks to keep the battery operational. I
have any relatives living in Texas. But I
followed the orders for few months, and
had close relatives living in California.
then I started driving his car around the
So, I decided to fly to California, buy a
block. As I started to feel comfortable
convertible, a pair of cowboy boots and
with my driving I went longer distances.
hat. Then, I would drive to Texas to meet
Well at first, my mother was not aware
up with my friends.
of my escapades. Then, one day I came
However, once I landed in
running into the house because a police
California and started to explore the
car had followed me home and an officer
beautiful California Coast line, my
came to talk to my mother. She knew
plans all changed. The hard part was to
immediately that my “warming up of
tell my friends that I would be staying
the car” had evolved to “driving the car
in California. They weren’t too happy
around the neighborhood.” After that,
about my new decision. Some of my plan
my mother took the keys away from me
and told me that she was going to tell
didn’t change as I did buy the convertible,
my father as soon he got back from his
which was a 1972 Triumph TR6. But it
current training trip.
became very costly to maintain and that
By that time all my friends in the
was the end of the cowboy boots and
neighborhood knew about my driving
abilities and started bringing their parents’
car keys for me to drive them around town
when their parents were away. My driving
ability at this age made me very popular
with the neighborhood teenagers. When I
turned 17 years old, my father decided to
give me my first car (1966 El Camino).
He also gave me a temporary permit
from the department of motor vehicles
My first car in California
that required his personal guarantee to
allow me to drive to school and around
I knew that California would be the
town by myself. In South America it
right place to get involved with cutting
edge technology. There was the strong
was very uncommon to start driving
influence of the aerospace industry, the
at that age, unless your parents were
1969 Camaro RS Convertible
movie industry and as a bonus, it was
a great place to live. Fortunately, I got
involved with the aerospace industry
and was trained on upcoming Cad/
Cam technology. This gave me the
opportunity to be very close to latest
advancements in technology at that time.
This gave me the chance to enjoy what
I do for a living every day. Today, I
manage and operate my own company.
ADM Works allows me and my team
to build prototypes for any industry; we
use everything from 3D design, laser
scanning, engineering, fabrication, CNC
manufacturing, to painting and complete
running prototypes. Our web site is:
My family is my precious gift from
God, my job is my dream, and my passion
is Porsche automobiles.
During all the time I worked within
the automobile industr, I have been part of
over 40 concepts cars that are already in
production. My passion for automobiles
has kept me buying a variety of sport cars.
You can see few of them in the pictures
accompanying this story.
After going through probably 30+
weekend cars, including American,
automobiles, I was finally able to find the
perfect driving machine―a Porsche.
1984 Porsche 911 SC Targa
I purchased my first Porsche, a 1982
911SC Targa with only 14,000 miles, in
1997. Porsche cars felt to me like wearing
expensive handmade Italian shoes feel to
your feet...very comfortable. A Porsche
and the driver becomes one when driving
through a turn. I imagine it is how a cat
feels running around a corner. To me there
isn’t anything else out there that gives you
the driving feeling of a Porsche. Porsche
sport cars have always been engineered
with lightweight body construction,
the perfect weight distribution, the
independent rear suspension and a rear
engine; all these features packaged
together give you amazing handling
around turns. Then, there is the beautiful
and timeless designs that make even
the older Porches look amazing. I have
friends that own exotic cars like Ferraris
and Lamborghinis and they feel the same
way about Porsches.
After acquiring my first Porsche
Targa, I knew from that day forward it
would be the only sport cars that I would
ever own. Since my first Targa, I have
owned several Porsches, but my favorite
of all is our most recent acquisition,
a 1994 Porsche Carrera C2 Speedster
(with Strosek body). I felt so lucky to
1986 Porsche 911 Cabriolet Widebody
find an original Speedster Strosek with
only 10K miles. Unfortunately, not too
many people in the US know about the
German design company that has been
doing Porsche conversions since the
After researching the history on this
car, I found the original owner. He was
the founder of the Houston steak house
and he had special ordered this 1994
Porsche speedster from the Germany
factory. It went to the Strosek design
studio for a full conversion and was then
shipped to the US. This conversion cost
over $60K back in 1994. His goal was to
buy a 1994 Porsche speedster wide body,
since Porsche hadn’t built any since the
last Speedsters built in 1989. Porsche
only built 540 speedsters narrow bodies
world wide in 1994. That was last year
that Porsche built the 911 speedster. The
second owner of this car was the famous
basketball player Brad Dougherty and
the third owner was a land developer
from Georgia, Lee Najjar, who was the
person that I bought the car from. I also
found out that Jerry Seinfeld had ordered
a Porsche speedster with similar specs
at the same time. The link to Strosek is: My family has being very supportive of
my passion for cars, considering that I’m
always looking for my next rare Porsche
find, which can take away from family
time. My goal and challenge is that
I’m always searching for older Porsche
models with extremely low miles and low
production volume.
Many thanks to Pandemonium
magazine and their team who make
this publication possible. Our family
appreciates the opportunity to share our
lives and passion for Porsches.
A Paragraph from my Wife, Christine
During the course of our 16 years of
marriage, my husband has owned many
different cars. By the time he sold each
car, it always looked better than before
he bought it. Looking back at the many
makes, models and styles of cars we have
owned, none of them compares to the
Porsche. I have to admit, Javier’s love
of cars has been a source of frustration
at times. He is relentless in his quest to
perfect each car he has owned. But his
fascination with Porsches have taken his
perfecting skills to a new level. Finally,
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Porsche Club of America
Member Since 1997
M. Scott Huddleston, CLU, ChFC
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Registered representative of and securities and investment advisory services offered through Hornor, Townsend &
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At the start
Autocross Corner
Members Can’t Be Wrong!
Story by Steve Equina
Steve in his GT2G5 at Laguna Seca
Event sponsor Autowerkes is located
in Huntington Beach and has a great
maintenance and repair service to OCR’s
Porsche and Mercedes owners They offer
OCR members free pickup and delivery
and a mini detail with every service. At
this month’s event Autowerkes provided
air pressure gauges and water, and
PWIZ scans were available. At 6:30 am
Autowerkes owner Bruce Powers and
his team started putting up their tents. At
the same time the smell of fresh Starbucks
coffee and donuts filled the air and over
120 drivers started to arrive at El Toro
Fields for the October Walter’s Porsche
Championship AutoX Series event.
Over 250 OCR members have come
out to play with their Porsches during
2009 at the OCR/Walter’s Porsche AutoSeries events―and they just keep coming
back! Maybe you should COME JOIN
THE FUN and play with your Porsche?
Way to go, Greg
the opportunity to discover the sport
and polish their driving skills. Ken
Fredrickson is one such driver. His stock
1982 911 SC has well over 200,000 miles
on the odometer. On the third timed run
Ken, was able to get by Tracy Winn to
take the Class IS/S win by 0.73 seconds.
In the JP Class Scott Romanos, driving
his 1984 Carrera, claimed his first win
of the year followed by Patrick Brass
who took his first 2nd place trophy of the
year. In Class NP Bob Nimtz, driving his
modified 993 Cab, has been in full press
mode this year and appears to be headed
to the Class Championship. In Class OS/S
Tony Paine, driving his 2003 Cabriolet,
took the class win by only 0.760 seconds
over James Sladeck in his 997 Carrera.
Jeremy Bernath has been learning his
2009 C4’s characteristics and was only
0.680 seconds behind class winner Greg
Lush. Mark Trewartha took first place
in Class QS/S in his very low mileage
stock 2004 GT3 (which is for sale!) over
the 2008 GT2 driven by Dave Cowling.
Top Time of Day in a Porsche went
to SCCA National Champion Gary
Thomason driving his 2004 GT3 and
the Next Fastest Porsche was a 1969
911 driven by Dave Palmquist who is
also an SCCA National Champion.For
those drivers competing for the coveted
series Class Championship jackets, this
tenth event of the 12-event series was
very important. A competitor can count
his best eight events for championship
points; and to receive a class award, you
must compete in a minimum of six events
to be eligible. Thus, if you have a “slow
No special equipment is required, just
register online and add a couple extra
pounds of air pressure to your tires. We
will provide an instructor and a loaner
The OCR Championship AutoX
Series is only in its fourth year. During
that period many drivers have had
day” or missed an event or two, this
was your chance for a “make up” or the
imfamous “do over.” Since the runs at
the end of the day count for points, the
first two practice sessions give you the
opportunity to tune your skills!
As I reviewed the year-to-date
accumulated championship points,
several of the classes are very tight.
Driving the older 1965 to 1973
“modified” vintage 911s in Class FI
Christian Van Fleet, David Palmquist
and Rod Taylor are within 26 points of
each other. Keep in mind you receive 20
points for first place. In Class II, which
is made up of almost “full race” 1972
to 1983 911s, James Buck and Bob
Scheussler are only 20 points apart! At
the other end of the spectrum is Class
JS/S. This class is “Stock” 944s and 1984
to 1989 Carreras. Andrew Barnum and
2009 novice drivers Dennis and Rick
Neff are all within 25 points. Class MS/S
is made up of Boxsters and Caymans
and is one of the largest classes this
year. Kyle Largent, Gary Lai and Guy
Johnson have each have won events
this year and only 29 points separate
these three championship contenders.
In Class NS/S Adam Nguyen (OCR
Chief Driving Instructor) driving his
2001 Carrera 2 is being challenged by
Christine Newcomer (OCR’s Chief of
Registration) driving her stock Cayman
S. Only 10 points separate Adam and
Christine! In the well- contested X
(Continued on Page 20)
Hey Dad!
President’s Message
(Continued from pg. 3)
Choosing a new club’s charity
recipient was not an easy choice, but it
was something that had to be done. After
many years with CHOC, it was time to
change charities. Thank you Nicole
Cooper for all of your efforts.
We now have a Ladies Group which
was started to increase the camaraderie
among the ladies of our club. The group
puts together social outings and events
design to appeal to the ladies. They
also run the New Member table at our
breakfast meetings. Thank you Kari
Knudsen and Maryann Marks and the
rest of the ladies who staff this important
An unseen, unrecognized, but very
important entity to our club is the job
of our Treasurer Phyllis Meng. I can’t
imagine the task at hand considering our
club’s financial growth. Our financial
numbers now run in the six figures
annually. Thank you Phyllis.
The other unseen, unrecognized
and very important individuals that
most of the members are not aware of
are Norm and Linda Hollinger. Did you
ever wonder how you get your Pando
every month? Now you know. It is my
understanding that they have a crew,
which they bribe with wine and/or beer
to help them lick and stick the labels on
the Pando once per month. Then Norm
drags all the bags to the Post Office.
Thank you, Norm and Linda.
The new club’s website is coming
soon. This is something I wish would
have occurred sooner. I personally have
never been pleased with the club’s website
since I joined the club in 2001. There is
a long history behind why the website
isn’t what it should be. Frank Goodyear
has been instrumental in helping make
changes, which have greatly improved
the site; however, there is much more to
be done. Thank you Frank for everything
you’ve done.
You will now have a new president
whom I’m sure will continue to strive to
achieve only the best for our club. It is
time for me to step down and let someone
else head this great club. I will wear my
Past President name tag with pride.
Thank you.
Thank you to all participants in
the 944 Opportunity Drawing.
It was an aid to the club as well
as the chance to win the 944.
The winner’s name was drawn
at the November breakfast
Congratulations to Gordon
Williams who won the
opportunity; this, on the same
morning club election results
were presented and Gordon will
be inducted onto the OCR Board
of Directors for 2010.
The key turns, the heart starts.
There is no feeling quite like being behind the wheel of the
new 911. Totally reengineered at its core with enhancements
to the classic design on the outside, it was built to create a
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Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK) allows for faster shifting
speeds, and the new Direct Fuel Injection (DFI) system adds
horsepower while using less fuel. This is without question a
feeling unlike any other. To feel the absolute melding of driver
and machine for yourself, visit your local authorized Porsche
dealer today. Porsche. There is no substitute.
The new 911.
Experience the reengineered legend.
CIRCLE Porsche
1850 Outer Traffic Circle
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(562) 494 - 1911
Showroom hours M – F 9:00AM – 8:00PM
Saturday 9:00AM – 7:00PM
Sunday 10am -- 6pm
A Hundred Years of Automotive
History in One Hour or Less
Story by Garey Cooper
I am prompted to write this article by two
events; the first was an email passed along
by C.L. Jarusek to me on the 100-year
anniversary of that iconic automobile,
the Ford Model T. The second was a
Saturday morning not too long ago,
when the late Mr. Bill Brink dropped
by the “Little Gauge Company” with a
Model T that he was caring for at that
time. Mr. Brink served for some years as
our maintenance mechanic and as such
he could fix just about anything. I used to
call him “Billy Whizz-bang” as not quite
EVERYTHING he fixed worked on the
first attempt.
In any case I was sitting in the office
one Saturday morning and I heard a
sound outside in the drive that was quite
mechanically distinctive. Instinctively I
recognized it as a motor, but also by the
sound one could tell it was not exactly
related to our modern ears perception of
the internal combustion engine. Opening
the door and going out front, I saw Bill
with a broad smile sitting in a beautiful,
tall Model T. I nodded in meeting him
and asked him where this car had come
from. He told me that it was one of his
“moon-lighting” local projects, caring
for and repairing this car for a local
business person.
Bill asked if I wanted a ride and I
immediately took the opportunity. The
oldest car I had ridden in before this
was a later era 1930s Ford which had
received some extensive modifications
so this would be the furthest back I would
have traveled in the transportation time
machine. I hopped up and aboard―this is
indeed “up” and one sits “on” a Model T,
not “in” a Model T. Bill explained the T
had two forward speeds and one reverse
and gave me a short tutorial on how it
was operated. There was really only one
item of familiarity to a modern modernist
and that would be the steering wheel.
Everything else was quite distinctive
from the modern times and modern cars.
In the interest of brevity for this article
I’ll just mention one item: the “spark
control” on the steering wheel. This is
used to advance or retard the sparking of
the sparkplugs so that a T can be started
and run most efficiently. In our current
times this is all done by a computer
behind the scenes.
Using the proper foot pedal to put
it into gear Bill drove out of the parking
lot and down the street. Yes, one selected
the gears on a T with a foot pedal, not
a lever. He also adjusted the speed with
the other control on the steering column,
the throttle. In fact the throttle was set
almost like airplanes are, as a lever that
is pushed by hand to the proper setting.
I suppose in the far away old days the
roads were not crowded and out of the
city there weren’t stop signs, and other of
our modern safety impediments, so you
could take the time to set the throttle and
cruise. This was/is a good thing because
the brakes on a T are nearly non-existent.
They will slow the car but even at normal
T cruising speed one has to really plan
ahead and usually you stop “on-the-fly”
by reckoning about where you’ll slow
to an eventual halt. Our T was an open
model and, therefore when sitting way
on top of the car in the elements, it all
felt a bit unsteady to a modern driver.
Particularly when watching the tall
skinny tires skitter about on the pavement
below. Bill usually only drove around
the neighborhood and usually only in the
lower gear, the faster gear (he told me)
was almost frightening as the car got up
over about 25 miles per hour with no real
short-term stopping prospects available.
The last observation Bill gave me
on this T was the fact that it was only
running on three cylinders. He said
that the “sparking box” which sat in a
beautiful wooden box on the dash had a
problem so he’d had to disconnect one of
the connecting rods from the crankshaft.
This was rapidly accomplished with just
a few screws to undo; and other than the
loss of power, it didn’t have much of a
discernable effect on the operation of
our old Tin Lizzie. This was one of the
keys to the cars longevity; a backyard
mechanic with few tools could keep one
going, and going, and going.
Right after the ride in the Model T.
Bill and I jumped into my Turbo 996.
Starting the motor required the turn of
a key, and not a hand crank. I did not
have to adjust spark, throttle, or prime
the carburetor. It just fired right up and
idled on cue. Then I pressed down on
the clutch pedal (a soon to disappear
apparatus I think) and selected the first of
a total of seven available gears, counting
reverse, of course. The 911, any new 911
in fact, can exceed 60 miles per hour in
just the first gear―this is about three
times faster then you’d feel safe to travel
in the old T. In the 911 you sit “in” the
car, in fact “down in” the car. Beside you,
in the doors are steel beams for impact
resistance, and explosively fired air-bags
are all around to cushion you should you
hurtle into anything else other than an
open road.
I think you can begin to see the
general picture: in a modern car one
needs almost no mechanical experience
or physical strength. By contrast to
own and operate the T, one needs to be
physically involved and able to deploy
no little effort into the controls. The T
also required a general knowledge of
several aspects of an internal combustion
motor’s operation in order to arrive at the
(Continued on page 30)
Tire Tech Session
Story by Cooper Boggs, Photos by Nicole Boggs
Wednesday, October 7, saw a group of
about 50 OCR members gather at the
America’s Tire Store (Discount Tire) in
Mission Viejo. Carne asada and pollo
street tacos grilled on site were enjoyed by
all before the session began. The evening
was headed up by the Regional Manager
of America’s Tire with special guest
Mark Richter, the Regional Manager of
Marketing for Falken Tire.
The presentation started out with
introductions of some of the store
technicians, highlighting the specific
training they receive before they ever
work on a customer’s vehicle. Tire
safety and the importance of customer
maintenance were covered. It is critical
to check your tire pressures once a
month as it is normal for a tire to lose
one pound of air pressure each month.
Having a properly inflated tire increases
fuel economy. Vehicle alignment was
also covered as a very important item
regarding the longevity of any tire. It
was pointed out that on our “special”
Porsche cars, tire wear is commonly
much less than a normal touring sedan.
Why you may ask? Because it is a fine
German sports car of course! Porsche
never intended our cars to use touring
car tires capable of 60,000 miles. We
enjoy spirited drives and autocross
events with our cars because they can
stick when other cars would slide. The
biggest factor here is the tires’ ability to
grip the pavement.
Stepping in at this point was Mark
Richter from Falken Tire. Mark walked
the group through several Falken
products, including 18-wheeler tires
which can be re-treaded and may last
over 1 million miles in some cases! Of
more interest were the Falken Azenis
line including the ST-115 and the ultra
sticky RT-615 used for autocross and
very spirited street driving. Mark also
talked about Falken’s recent acquisition
of a Porsche 997 GT-3RSR. The car is
being actively campaigned in ALMS
events and other races such as at Sebring.
Falken’s goal is to develop and launch
their own line of full slick competition
RT tires.
Thanks VERY much to
America’s Tire and Falken for a
great tech session. Now go burn
some rubber!
America’s Tire
RT 615 Specs for Autocross
Mark talks about Falken Tires
Taco Bar!
Featured Member Continued from pg. 9)
after owning several different Porsches
over the course of the last ten years, I have
come to appreciate what beautiful driving
machines they are. Nothing drives like
a Porsche. I think I can even drive them
better than Javier.
As a joke I always tell my girlfriends
that I don’t have to worry about another
woman, only another car. But how can I
complain―it’s a Porsche
A Paragraph from my 9 years old
Daughter, Natalie
In our school we had to draw a picture for
Father’s Day. This picture had to show a
dinosaur as our father doing his favorite
hobby. I drew my dad driving a car
and called him a “Carosaur”. (Drawing
attached) Of all the cars my dad has, my
favorite is the blue speedster.
Brewery/Ship Tour
(Continued from page 7)
simulators, and various displays that
depict life aboard the ship. It was my
fourth tour of the ship and each time I see
something new, partly due to the docents
continually working on opening new
areas. The tour of the “bridge” is a must
do, but I warn you, it contains a little bit
of physical activity.
We all met back at the Russell’s home
on a scenic overlook of the Mission Valley
area of San Diego and enjoyed some good
food and drink. Theo and Doug did a great
job of organizing the tour and I believe
everyonel enjoyed it as much as I did.
A point to remember for everyone
is, that if something interests you and
you would like a tour to a destination ,
com. Above you can view a picture of
our gatherings.
Carosaur by Natalie
Sunday Breakfast
PS: For those who may
Thomas Summers, Steve Fanizza and
I, meet every Sunday morning at 8 am
for breakfast in Laguna Beach at C’est
la Vie. We welcome more OCR/PCA
members who may want to join us for
breakfast and a Sunday drive to HB
and back. If you are interested, e-mail
Michael at michael@hhp.occoxmail.
let the club know
and you don’t have
to do the work and
planning yourself.
We are a club that
enjoys our cars
and most of our
tours are attended
by anywhere from
30 to 50 cars.
California is a
great place to drive
and enjoy the sites,
and many roads
with great drives to
allow you to enjoy
your car more. See
you next tour!
Statue near the Midway
of the famous couple
who in New York City
“kissed” the war
1996 Porsche 993 Turbo
Midway in San Diego.
Autocross Corner
(Continued from pg. 11)
Class (Run what you brung!)
Steve Abbott driving his street driven
Corvette continues his winning ways
and will most likely take the Class
Championship―But hey, there are still
two events left to run and anything can
1010357 - Theo & Doug Russell, the couple
who put together this fantastic day for us.
1010374 - Matt, our tour guide at the
OCR Takes on Spring Mountain
The Friday afternoon following the OCR
October AutoX event Randy Gates, Bob
and Kris Scheussler, Lisa Goetch and
I headed for Springs Mountain Raceway
located in Pahrump, Nevada. What a great
facility! The track has been completely
resurfaced with expanded runoff areas.
This is a pretty technical track and takes
a couple sessions to get up to speed.
OCR had its own “compound” as Randy
brought several EZ ups. The San Diego
Region, who ran the event, welcomed us
with open arms and a few margaritas after
registration on Friday night and after the
racing was completed on Saturday. They
actually have a gas operated blender!
Fastest margarita blender in the West!
With six run sessions on Saturday
and four sessions plus timed runs on
Sunday there was no shortage of track
time or instructors. The great thing about
the Zone 8 Time Trial program is that you
you are not competing for track me with
any race group. The track is all ours for
the entire weekend and thus you get ten
opportunities to drive the track. Drivers
and their cars outside of Stone
are put into groups based on driver skill
and car capability, with the red group
being the fastest. Passing is only allowed
on designated sections of the track and
with a “point by.” This keeps everyone
safe and the weekend came off without
any incidents. PCA has a great group
of instructors and with eight or more
Autocross events under your belt, you
are welcome to attend any of the Zone or
Region DE or Time Trial events.
We all stayed at the Pahrump Nugget
which is a very nice hotel complete with
a little gambling and a great bar and
restaurant. Saturday night we all had
dinner at The Winery. Yes there really
is a winery in Pahrump. I kidded the
owner about the vineyards out front and
asked if, in the desert heat, they grew
“raisins.” I don’t think he was amused.
The food and service were very good
and the company was even better. For
2010 OCR’s newly formed Time Trial
Team is planning a couple Zone 8 DE
(Drivers Education) events and a Time
Trial at Auto Club Speedway. This will
be in addition to the other seven or eight
events planned by the Zone 8 Regions.
Beyond AutoX
OCR members set new track records at
the recent POC Short Track Series event
on Auto Club Speedways interior road
course. Ted Hoiberg driving his modified
911SC set a new track record in class IP
of 1:20.719. Robert Morales managed a
time of 1:19.810 in class MP driving his
996 Carrera and Brian Fawks turned a
lap time of 1:17.096 in his GT3 to set a
new lap time in class NS. I hope you told
them your learned all your driving skills
at the OCR AutoX events. Nice job!
With the holidays coming please
remember your Porsche also needs a gift!
Take your pride and joy to one of our
sponsors for a service or maintenance.
They can also advise you on those new
shocks or sway bars that might help you
Huddle time
Cone Head just in time for Halloween
catch your competitor at the next AutoX
or track event. I’m sure if you told your
spouses that you would rather have new
adjustable shocks than another new tie
they would understand―or heck, just
buy it for yourself
Till next month. Have Fun!
1010356 - Some of the OCR members
Checking it out
Diagnostics | Corner Balance & Alignments
Custom Metal Fabrication
949-582-3131 | | Laguna Niguel, CA
2010 Walter’s Porsche Driving Events Schedule (subject to change)
2009 Autocross Awards Party at Walter’s Porsche
Date: 1/23/10
2010 Tentative Autocross Dates:
Feb. 20
Feb. 21
March 14
April 11
June 20
Drivers Clinic / Evo School
AutoX 1 AutoX 2
AutoX 3
AutoX 4
AutoX 5
July 18
Aug. 15
Sept. 12
Oct. 17
Nov. 14
Dec. 5
2010 Tentative Drivers Education and Zone 8 Time Trial Dates:
(NEW! In 2010 OCR will be holding Drivers Education events
and a Time Trial event in conjunction with the other 5 or 6
Zone 8 and DE and Time Trial events.)
May 23 – Zone 8 Drivers Education – Auto Club Speedway
Sept. 25 – Zone 8 Drivers Education – Auto Club Speedway
Sept. 26 – Zone 8 Time Trial – Auto Club Speedway
We have the largest selection of in-stock PORSCHE
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Seven Porsches and Me
Story by Pamela Horton
How, I wonder, did this all begin…this all
consuming passion for Porsche? Innocently
enough, I guess, when a friend lent me his
Porsche to drive for a few months while
our (there was a husband at this point) ’69
Corvette with the blown engine was in for
repairs. I only remember that it was red and
the feeling I had when I drove it was the
beginning with no end of Porsche Passion
for me. I loved driving it.
So, on my next birthday my husband
surprised me with a white 911, age rather
unknown. Those we consulted about this
seemed to settle on a 1974 911. Sorry to
say, this car didn’t last too long; just four
months, but it’s another story for another
time. Let’s just say he made it all better
when the real love of my life became
mine...this being the red ’78 911SC that
was my ticket to independence. Driving
longer getting from one place to another
but an event to and of itself.
In 1984 I decided to join the Porsche
Club of America and attended a few local
events, but mostly I just liked to read the
two magazines that came each month. I
did take photos at the September 1985
Concours on the lawn at the Westin Hotel
in Costa Mesa and one was printed on
the cover of the Pandemonium the next
month. I also wrote an article for the
Pando that was published in the August
1987 issue. Don’t really need to repeat
this article here, but I should quote the
last paragraph which pretty much sums
up my thoughts on Porsches and life at
that time:
“Yes, I confess I love my Porsche.
Everything about it. All the facts I know and don’t know about it. I was even once
accused of liking it more than my exhusband. Well, you decide; I still have the
Then one beautifully sunny day in
Laguna Beach I realized that a beach girl
should drive a convertible; unknown to
me as a Cabriolet at the time. So, another
birthday, another new Porsche. This time
however, I also was given the payment
book with the car! This next love affair
was with my Black ’88 911 Carrera
Cabriolet. A continuation of my Porsche
Passion. My birthday is in the Fall but
I didn’t put that top up until it started
to rain one day. I drove my daughter to
her school every morning maneuvering
up wonderfully steep and winding Park
Avenue to Laguna Beach’s middle school.
Lucky girl? Guess we’d really have to ask
her thoughts on this topic!
One day an unusual request was
asked of me. “Do you want to buy my
car,” my ex-husband asked as he dropped
our daughter off at my house. “Why do I
need a new car when I have this perfectly
good one,” I questioned. “My wife wants
me to sell it,” came the reply and not
with a smile. My mechanic Chris, who
is still my mechanic to this day, told me
not to buy it; that it will have too many
problems. Like a “good girl” I went
ahead and bought it anyway. So I sold
the ’88 and became the driver of a White
’90 Carrera 2 Cabriolet. A few years later
after it had been in for service, Chris
counseled me, “Sell this car because it
is on the edge of big problems.” I hadn’t
experienced the issues that these cars with
more mileage were experiencing because
at that time my driver miles were always
low. Leaking, all sorts of other details
came out along with his stern warning!
So now being a wiser girl, I asked
what should I buy that will last for a long
time and not bring me trips to the repair
bay. Deciding to go back to red, we
found a really nice Red ’96 993 Cabriolet
with low mileage. Out with the potential
leaker and on with the model and year
that he advised as one of the best models
that Porsche had produced. We had a
great time, this Porsche and me, but a
cloud was forming on the horizon.
Now this is going to be as “female”
as it sounds as an excuse for a new car.
One day I noticed that the new 996s had
a Cabriolet top that folded down into the
back of the car―all neat and tidy. Since
I basically use the convertible top as one
would use a sunroof…up and down…up
and down…never to park anywhere with
the top down, what did I decide next?
Yes, next stop Newport Auto Center.
“I’m just going to look at some used cars
today, honey,” I say to my boyfriend at
the time. Well, with a little help from the
best salesman I’ve ever met, Apollo Gesa,
I ended up driving home a new Black ’02
Carrera Cabriolet, but not before selling
the ’96. Broke my heart but we found
a good owner…and then I’m off and
zooming around as always.
At this point, you may be wondering
why am I reading this article? Buy, sell,
and buy for very arbitrary, but important,
reasons to me. Because it is with this ’02
that I decide to go to Porsche Club events
as I now have the time and inclination to be
with others who share my great passion.
And there you all were at Original Mike’s
on a Saturday morning in 2007. Talking
Continued on page 29)
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Rice’s Ramblings
Story by Lee Rice, Technical Editor
Lee Rice showing his 911 at Breakfast Club
As 2010 arrives the new Carreras,
Turbo, and GT3 arrive as well. This time
something truly all new for the 911 series
is happening since …maybe the very
This new thing is an all-new 911
engine called MA102 and which the
general media calls the 9A1. As seen
from my limited prospective, this engine
looks like a genuine successor to the
famous line of 901-911-930-964-993
motors. And following these in watercooled form on the 996 and 997-based
GT-3, Turbo, and GT2. Unfortunately
the every day 996 did not get such a
respected power plant for a variety of
However the 2010s new 9A1 appears
to have most of the design concepts DNA
from the venerable 901series. Some
noticeable upgrades are the deletion of
the intermediate gear drive that drove
the oil pump and cam drive system. The
“I-Gear,” as we called it, made noises that
were blamed on the older cooling fan. It
really wasn’t. The street/road engine’s
I-Gear up to the 3.6 liter in 1989 was
an aluminum gear wheel turned by the
crankshaft’s steel gear. It always wore
heavily and made that distinctive little
‘clunk’ sound on a well-worn engine
when it was shut down. I’ve never seen
one break–just make a ‘whine’ noise
when running and, of course, that ‘clunk’
on shutdown. The 9A1 eliminates the
I-Gear all together.
Instead the new crankshaft drives
two chain sprocket wheels. The 1st
crank sprocket drives the 1-2-3 intake
and exhaust camshafts and the 2nd crank
sprocket drives the 4-5-6 camshafts. This
alone helps the engine rev quicker and
makes cam-valve timing more precise.
The most talked about upgrade is
Direct Fuel Injection (DFI). This is new
technology for gasoline engines. Simply
stated with the computer age electronics
and sensors and old world mechanical
precision, the new 9A1 uses computer
control to inject fuel into the combustion
chamber precisely. It has the ability to
inject fuel from 580-1,740 psi.
Early 911E, S, RS, and RSR owners
know how well the throttle response
and fuel efficiency of those MFI 911
engines were. Some of us wondered how
an MFI 911 would run with a computer
controlling the injection timing. Now
we will find out.
Also new in the 9A1 is a variable
oil pump, called a “Demand-controlled
oil pump;” it only pumps oil as the
engine needs it. In addition there is a
new vacuum pump for “vacuum assisted
brakes and various vacuum valves” My
guess on this is the need for precise
vacuum metering for the DME’s fuel
control and emissions.
Only time will tell if the 9A1 engine
lives up to the original 901 family of
Porsche engines. Of note, there already
have been some “issues’ with the DFI
high pressure fuel pump system.
TECH Questions: all 911 engines pre1980.
Is it necessary to change the 911-930
cam chain IDLER SUPPORT(S) when
upgrading to a Carrera Tensioner Kit?
Yes. The late model (1980+)
SPROCKET SUPPORT has a wider full
bronze bushing which eliminates the
galling that causes the earlier all-steel
support to stick on the mounting “spud.”
After this the chain does not have the
tension to maintain correct tension at
One comment reported the fantastic fuel
mileage of their 912E and asked if any
911s can match it?
Absolutely! I know of two Ruf-993
Turbo cars called: Ruf TurboR. Each has
documented fuel consumption with their
own GPS as well as the on-board Porsche
computers. One yielded 42.5 mpg at 7075 mph on California 101, and the second
Ruf TurboR yielded 44 mpg @ 75 mph
LA to Vegas. We figure it is from the tall
gears that have demonstrated 230 mph.
Of course fuel mileage at those velocities
is not the issue.
All CIS Porsches: I hope owners are using
an anti moisture protection fuel additive
such as STA-BIL.
I have been using the MARINE
grade (green in color). And I notice
nothing new–which is good because
my CIS fuel injection runs perfectly
and I don’t want to have anything new
happening! I eventually plan to upgrade
to an efi system, but many Porsche
owners have no interest in modifications;
they only want their Porsche to run as
good as it did when they bought it new.
I have discovered many small
things that will make a CIS engine run
well. However, once moisture gets into
a CIS system, being heavier than fuel,
it will settle to the lower part of every
fuel system component. In the CIS Fuel
Distributor, moisture condenses and
settles in the lower metering chambers
of the Fuel distributor. This condensed
moisture starts to corrode the metal.
Porsche owners can have years of trouble
free CIS operations if some simple
maintenance is done like replacing the
Fuel Filter every year regardless of how
often your Porsche is driven. And add
moisture inhibitor to your fuel (like STABIL, as mentioned above). Driving is the
best maintenance for any automobile be
it Porsche or Pinto!
Comments, Questions, or complaints
will cheerfully be welcomed -try me at, or 714 5391042 @ reasonable hours.
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“Amazing! I didn’t think it was possible to make the seats
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Barry was just like many of you; he loved his car and wanted it to look its’ best and was
disappointed with the way his leather seats looked. They weren’t in bad condition but they
were showing the signs of wear. He didn’t want to spend the $1500.00 + labor* or more that
it would take to replace the leather and so he thought he would just have to live with it. He
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was in good condition except for the appearance, we came to his home and re-applied the
finish coating that is found on all upholstery leather. Three hours and $295.00** later you see
what his reaction was.
Call today to make your Porsche leather seats look like new and, as a bonus when the
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Seven Porsches and Me (Continued from pg. 25)
Porsche, living Porsche, I see you are my
people. I even had my photo taken by Gary
Barnhill as the “newest old member,” as I
was wearing my name badge from 1984.
And there you were, all of you,
you wonderful people all with the same
Porsche Passion that up to now I had been
alone in having. Now I have many events
to attend, rallies to go on, weekends away.
Driving in a line of 40 other cars that are
all different yet so very much the same.
Because what we love about Porsche is
that each new model stays true to the line,
true to the design and styling. Yes a lot of
changes, but never enough that the 911
image is lost. One of the many reasons that
Porsche is so revered as a manufacturer of
Early on with my Porsche Passion
came the realization that I always had
wanted to be a race car driver. Well, really
who doesn’t when you own a Porsche?
But never in my wildest dreams did I think
it could happen in this lifetime. This of
course, as you may have already guessed,
is when I found out about Autocross.
Autocross? Autocross is my ticket
to driving my car the way it was built to
be driven―legally! Thus, I found the
true adventure of being a Porsche owner:
driving a car in a secure and comfortable
way while pushing it to respond is, to
me, what autocross is meant to be. Not
the speed as much as the performance. I
am in heaven when experiencing driving
exactly the way I always wanted to in my
The challenge to explore my car’s
outer limits is always present. As a driver
I accept this challenge with the proper
caution and seriousness – for instance in
driving courses – gains are made not just
in driving ability, but also in self-respect
and spirit. It might not alter my personality
but it will surely develop it.
Now, this should be the end, but not
so quick as this ride isn’t over just yet. On
September 12, 2008 I am in what could
have been a most horrible accident of my
life. On the 73 Toll Road going south after
the Laguna toll plaza, a woman driving in
the far left lane and ahead of me about half
a car length to my left suddenly swerves
into my lane taking up part of the lane, I
swerve, then we both return to our original
lanes. Then she does it again, only this
time her car takes up my whole lane.
At this point I realize I need to act very
aggressively, so I brake hard and turn the
car to the right. Fortunately there wasn’t a
car to my right and magically I manage to
avoid a collision with her car. But I do lose
control of my car as the back spins around.
Then it skids across all three lanes of the
road and today I can see the skid marks
every time I drive that part of the road. Next
my car hits the curb of the center divider
with the right front bumper, and I am
propelled airborne and the car rotates 360º
in the air. At this point I am now praying
and asking God, “Is this it?” Thankfully it
wasn’t, as the car landed with a substantial
thud in the dirt and rolled backwards until
it came to a stop as the right rear wheel
hit the concrete drainage swale. It hit it so
hard that it cracked the wheel as dirt rained
down onto me and the inside of the car the top was down – and Donna Summer
was still singing on the stereo.
My angel Mike, the witness who
stopped to help me and even drove me
home, told me that first he expected me to
hit him, then he expected the car to roll
over. He said I’ll tell you this, “You are one
damn good driver!” With the top down I
was happy to find that the automatic roll
bars had deployed. I have to say that I truly
believe that if it wasn’t for the skills that
I learned at autocross that I would have
impacted the other car and I also most
likely would have ended up in the hospital.
As it was, I got out of the car shaking and
did discover that I was intact as I walked
away from the car.
It turns out it was not God’s choice
for me to die that day. I’ve said many a
prayer of thanks for this luck of fate. I also
was astonished to find that I had totally
avoided any damage to the body of the car.
Although, it took the insurance company
about seven weeks for the car to be fully
restored, it came back perfect. It needed a
new front bumper, tires, wheels, steering
wheel, catalytic converter, radiators, battery
and some painting on the back bumper.
But that was it…amazing to me even as I
write this account of the accident.
After event I decided that I would
feel safer and more secure if I had a fourwheel drive and a newer car with advanced
technology that assists during traumatic
events. With the rear engine, there is
a tendency for the car to swing around
from the back. Having received books
and literature in the mail from Porsche
on the changes of the ’09 997 and upon
advice from several of my friends in OCR,
I decided to someday get a new Carrera
4 S. Well someday came a little sooner
than planned. My mechanic Chris (yes the
same one) and I talked about the features
I wanted if I was to get a new car. These
features were relayed to Ed McRae as a
“someday this is what I would like” sort
of thing. The next week he calls and says
he has my car. And as the saying goes, the
rest is history!
Today I am driving this Porsche
more than any of my prior cars, except
for the ‘02 996, and this is due to my
active membership in OCR. I enjoy the
new friendships I have made, I am a
contributing photographer to the Pando
and most months will be on a rally and at
an autocross.
When I tell people I love my car, I
now understand that this use of the word
“love” is about feeling good when I’m
sitting in my favorite car. When I’ve had
a hectic day, which happens from time to
time, I look forward to a journey with my
car. I’m happy because when I’m in my
Porsche I’m in surroundings which make
me feel good. This feeling is certainly one
of the reasons that Porsche is not so much
a symbol of economic status – which can
be demonstrated with other expensive
makes – but that of a personal one. Despite
its high price, it does not erect social
barriers. It generates enthusiasm and there
still seems to be a bit of mystique involved
after all.
Breakfast Club/New Members
Photos by Pamela Horton
Each month the Club meets at Original Mike’s Restaurant in Santa Ana for
Breakfast and to view each other’s cars. New members attending the November
2009 breakfast are pictured below with their Porsches. Location details for the
Breakfast appear on the back cover of the magazine.
Mike & Ginger Fajack with their grey ‘07
Gary & Debbie Goss with their white ‘09
Boxster Carrera
Tracy Chen and her black ‘09 911
Ken Bugna and his ‘02 grey Boxster
Gary Wyatt and his silver ‘06 911
Michael Sheey with his Artic silver ‘07 911
The largest
group of
the year
attented the
at Original
Roger & Julie Peterson and their black ‘91
964 Targa
A Hundred Years Cont. from page 15)
correct adjustment of a combination of things to run optimally.
Bill, of course, was adept at these things but I was not at all adroit
at them, even with some background understanding of motors
and things mechanical, it was very different then.
Be careful of wishing for the “good old days,” some of those
old days were not as good as you might think. For the record
it should be noted that the T was produced in several countries
(Brazil, Germany, and Denmark to name a few) for about twenty
years. The 911 as a brand has existed since 1964, however you
could argue that the current 911 is about as related to the old
original 911 as it is to the Model T, but at least they use the same
Bill is gone now, a great guy and one of the fun people I’ve
known in life. As an adult warning all I’ll say is that his liver
finally had the last say about his chosen life style, so take heed.
I’m sure Bill would say the same thing. Thanks to him I crossed
100 years of auto technology in one1 hour.
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Editor’s Notes
(Continued from page 5)
Of course now we meet at
Euromasters in Costa Mesa and this
place is a candy store for car nuts. All
members are invited to our monthly
Board Meetings, look for the schedule
in the Pando or online at our web site.
Come by and even if you’re bored by all
of that fancy high falutin’ rhetoric, you
can go sit in the cool cars that are for sale
or being restored at our hosts’ facilities.
New Kids On the Block
By the time this is printed the new 2010
Board Members will have been seated in
the halls of power at OCR. I am excited to
see the incoming class and I compliment
them on their community spirit. If you see
them at an event make sure to say hello
and give them a handshake or a hug; a
“thank-you” would also be appropriate.
Memories, All Alone in the Moonlight,
I Can Smile at the Old Days
Thanks Cats and Andrew Lloyd Weber,
for the lyric but sometimes the old
memory hits a snag and doesn’t serve up
the proper information byte in a timely
fashion. Such would be true about my
article last month on the Silver Tear Drop
550 RS that we featured, owned by Mr.
Bill Perrone. Bill called me a few days
after we had interviewed him and told
me to be sure to mention his wife of
35 years as one of his inspirations and
sources of support in his automotive
career. I of course made a note with
exquisite precision and exhibited equal
precision in misplacing this note to some
place where it will never be found. Or, if
found will be the source of wonderment
to some future historian. Oh well, Mrs.
Perrone, please be assured that Bill is a
fan of yours and is very aware of your
love and help through all these years.
President Armand Gastelo
2009 is the last year of President
Gastelo’s term of office. Yes, term limits
got him just like Arnold the governator.
We’ve certainly had fun with Armand
as President and I know everyone in the
club really wishes him well. He will be
around as a tour leader, something he
and his charming wife J’nan do very
well. The funny thing about being the
President is that every club member out
there thinks they can do it better but none
of them want the job. In our hearts we
know better, so thank you Armand!
Speaking of Armand―he had
a surprise Halloween party that the
Warrens, Coopers, and one half of the
Trewarthas (Tina) crashed after our
dinner. I came as a cowboy, “Hitch
Getalong,” hat and all. I had to take my
spurs off when they tangled with the
carpeting in our car though.
To Infinity and Beyond
2010 is here and now. Don’t you dare
sit on that sofa and miss another single
OCR event. They are a bargain and
everyone there is guaranteed to have at
least one thing in common with you―an
expensive little car called a Porsche that
you love to drive. Drive it on out and
have fun with us in 2010.
Porsche Engine Oil/Air Separators 101
Story by Tony Callas, Callas Rennsport Porsche BMW
The Engine oil air separator directly
affects the engine crankcase atmosphere
because basically all Porsches from 1980
on including the current 986, 987, 996,
997, Cayman & Cayenne engines all are
positive crankcase type systems meaning
the engine crankcase has vacuum
supplied from the intake manifold to
collect and burn the residual combustion
by-products or blow-by in the crankcase
by running it through the engine again, all
in an effort to lower the vehicle crankcase
On most occasions, when the
oil separator fails, the low pressure
(vacuum) in the engine crankcase rises
to an unusually high or abnormally high
figure and more likely than not ends up
drawing engine oil into the intake system
usually fouling spark plugs and in rare
cases causing damage to the oxygen
(O2) sensors, catalytic convertors and
even possibly various other sensitive
fuel injection components.
Interestingly enough, the only way
to test the oil separator is to periodically
test the engine crankcase vacuum with
a water filled Monometer AKA a Slack
Tube tester ( ultrasensitive vacuum
gauge). On BMW’s and Porsche’s, the
engine crankcase vacuum is normally
around 4-6” (Inches) of water. When
these oil separators fail the crankcase
vacuum can rise to 8-12” and even higher
depending on the extent of the failure.
When the oil separator is starting to
fail on Boxsters (986-987), generally you
will start to see a substantial amount of
smoke from the exhaust tailpipe. When
the oil separator finally fails, the engine
exhaust smoke can reach dangerous
proportions that almost look like it was
manufactured from an anti-mosquito
smoke machine. Unusually enough, on
the 996-997’s, when the oil separator
fails, it hardly ever creates any exhaust
tailpipe smoke, almost being like a silent
killer or costly surprise.
Sometimes when an oil separator
fails, it is possible to have a slightly
rich running condition that might turn
on the check engine light or CEL.
When the check engine light is on, the
proper diagnosis would be to include
checking the fuel trim numbers in the
OBD-II “Freeze Frame” data and also
the crankcase vacuum to see exactly
what’s going on, otherwise you’re just
Pamela Horton
& PCA -O CR M e mbe r S i nc e 1 9 8 4
• Licensed Broker
• Skilled Ne gotiator
• Dedicated to Your Success
• Representing Buyers & Sellers
• Porsche Club members receive
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S e a r c h f o r h o m e s a t w w w. P a m e l a H o r t o n . c o m
Classified Ads
Treat Porsche in Lawndale, CA. All
scheduled services performed and oil
always changed every 3000 miles. Detailed svc records. Pictures available
on request. Russ Williams, russclw@ OCR (1) web.
FOR SALE: 930- 911 TURBO
‘79 930 Turbo Coupe, Black/Black lthr.
34K mi. Completely original w/Factory
930 headers, orig 16” Fuchs, same owner
11 yrs. Regional concours winner. Engine
out for refresh&detailing at 22K mi. All
records. $35,000. Tom 321/626-0563,
FCR (2)
‘87 911 Turbo S Factory Slantnose
Coupe, Black/Linen lthr. 22K mi.
Completely original, concours winner. All
records, tools kit, CofA. $53,000. Richard
407/645-1724, FCR (2)
‘96 911 Turbo Coupe, Zenith Blue/Classic
Gray lthr, 27K mi. 2 owners. Htd sport
seats, all records, recent major service.
$69,999. Alex 310/230-9869; aforest2@ LAR (2)
‘01 996 Turbo Coupe, Zenith Blue/
Gray Leather Interior, 29K Miles, GT
2 Wing, $7K Sterio, $4K Carbon Fiber,
Always Garaged, Non Smoker, Excellent
Condition, Service Records, $41,000,
Doug, 714-995-8799, dougwcampbell@ OCR (2).
FOR SALE: LATE MODEL 911-993986-996-997
‘90 911 Carrera 2 Coupe #WP0AB2962
LS451781. 102K mi. Baltic Blue Metallic/
Ivory. 2nd owner. All Service Records.
Always garaged. Racing Dynamics 17”
wheels. Shop Manuals. Power seats. Car
cover. Drink holder. No accidents. Runs
great. Photos available upon request.
$17,000 OBO. Chris Varga, Huntington
Beach, CA 714-847-2349; christopher.j. OCR (2)
‘00 986 Boxster S, Black/Black, 38K
mi. Original MSRP, Lojack,transferable
warranty till 4/9/11 & 68,639mi, 100%
dealer service books & records, Carfax,
Boxster S sports pkg, DSP sound, chrome
Turbo-look 18”, color crest caps, Borla,
15% short shifter, M030, adjustable rear
toe-links. Never raced/AutoX, non smoker,
dust cover, garaged. $19,750, David
Brundage, Dana Point, CA. 562/201-4802; OCR (2)
‘02 911 Carrera 4 Cabriolet, Seal Grey/
Black supple lthr/Black top, 31K mi.
Full power convertible top w/glass back
window, 3.6L, Tiptronic, heated dual pwr
seats w/lumbar & driver’s memory. Xenon
headlamps, 18” light alloy whls w/color
crest. Bose premium sound w/CD, carbon
fiber kit. Sharp car with service history,
extended warranty 09/2010. New Porsche
engine with 11K mi. and under 2 yr/24,000
mi. Factory warranty. $39,000. Ken Hanzlik
949/218-7260; OCR
‘01 Boxster S, Silver/Black, 59K mi.
Tiptronic, Sirius radio. $23,000 OBO Bill
562/714-7288. OCR
‘03 Boxster S, Black/Black, 9,500 miles,
Tiptronic, Bose stereo, Xenons, Rare hollow
alloy 18” wheels, well pampered car, never
driven in rain, $32,000 OBO Ken (909) 6363740; OCR
FOR SALE: 911--1980s
‘87 911 Carrera Targa, Guards Red/
Black lthr. 3.2L, 5 spd G50, built in West
Germany in 9/86. Purchased in 1/95 from
a collector with 2 previous owners. All
gauges, instruments and clock in working
condition. After market Sony FM/AM, CD/
MP3 stereo recently installed along with four
high quality speakers. Fairly new authentic
plush Porsche floor mats. Upgraded rear
3-point authentic Porsche seatbelts in back
seats. Targa top was restored in 12/03 with
Factory German vinyl. Polished, chromed
Fuchs whls in excellent condition. Brand
new Dunlop tires all around. 205/55/16
in front and 225/50/16 in back. Recent
scheduled major 90,000 services at Dutch
’88 Carrera Targa, Diamond Blue (Seal
Gray)/Black lthr. 101K mi. 5 spd, Sony
tape deck, alarm. Original paint, matching
#s, no modifications. Never raced, non
smoker. $29,900. George 310/378-1221
(w); 310/377-5839 (h). OCR (1)
911 WHEELS: With Porsche Crest center
caps: Two 7.5x17;+23mm offset/ Two
9x17;+15mm offset. Great condition,
pictures available. Great update for older
911 or extra set of wheels. $600 OBO.
Mike 562/665-3399 562/665-3399 OCR (2) web
8” frts/10” rears w/Bridgestone SO2s
mounted 225/285 with original TECHART
centers and Ralph Boothe Porsche crests
as shown. Original dealer price $7600
(Continued on pg. 36)
Classified Ad Rates
PCA Members - No charge for 2
in the Pandemonium
(2 consecutive months, photos free)
Non-PCA Members - $10 for 2 times
in the Pando (2 consecutive months;
$5 extra for a photo)
Make checks payable to: PCA/OCR
Please contact Bob Weber
at 714-960-4981
(Cont. from pg. 35)
wheels & tires; sell for $1800. Mike
OCR (1) web.
TIRES FOR GT3: Four (4) tires with
approximately 10 miles on them from a
2007 Porsche GT 3. Mold marks are still
on the tread!!! Fronts: 235/35-19, rears:
305/30-19. Original equipment from
Porsche, complete with Factory mandated
“NO” marking on sidewalls. Tire Rack
wants $1710.00 plus tax, plus shipping
for same tires. $1000.00 OBO. Call Frank
at Haus of Performance, Costa Mesa,
714/545-2755; frank@hausofperformance.
com. OCR (2)
3.2 Liter short-stroke (98mm x 70.4mm)
single turbo, CIS (upgraded) Complete:
Flywheel to muffler.
* Feb. 2005 “Zero-Time Overhaul” by R/P
(Rice’s Performance, Garden Grove,
* Case align bore check: OK, Deck check:
OK, all: STD. New squirters, Raceware Stud,
Washers, & Nuts.
PISTONS: JE® 98 mm / 7.5:1 Pistons,
CYLINDERS “NiCom”® 98mm cylindersfrom 1992 C-2 Turbo. Featuring fully fined
cylinders with flat tops for flat Stainless head
gaskets, with Viton O-ring base seals.
Crank & Rods: Overhauled checked for
straightness and cracks. All: OK, installed
with Raceware® Rod Bolts and Nuts.
All bearings in this engine are STANDARD.
964 intermediate shaft Assy. with steel
I-Gears & matching crank gear, New 930 Oil
Pump, shafts, gears, chains, & ramps,
Porsche (OEM) 964 Carrera Cams, -all new
Rockers, adjusters, Carrera Tensioner, Idler
Struts and Wheels.
40mm intake and 38mm Exh. ports, -twin
plug heads. 3.2 intake flanges installed and
cyl. Head temp sensor installed for efi.
All machine work by OLLIES, Santa Ana.
930/66 [RoW]:1983-1989 Europe) CIS Fuel
Injection System with R/P After-Burner
Fuel Enrichment System. (6) New nozzles,
refinished (large) fuel lines, Aluminum intake
blocks @ 40mm.
Index of Advertisers
Aase Motors------------------------------------------- 31
Access Insurance Bonds------------------------------ 28
Al Reed Specialty Polishing-------------------------- 32
American Collectors Insurance---------------------- 34
Anaheim Hills Auto Collision------------------------ 5
AutoKennel--------------------------------------------- 22
Autowerkes----------------------------------------- 10, 16
Beach Cities Paintless Dent Removal--------------- 26
Bell Helmets-------------------------------------------- 22
Bill Brewster Automotive----------------------------- 2
Cape Auto Repair-------------------------------------- 22
Chips Away--------------------------------------------- 22
Circle Porsche------------------------------------------ 13
Cooper Classy Car Care------------------------------ 14
Cornerstone Investment Consulting----------------- 3
Doorshield---------------------------------------------- 4
Einmalig------------------------------------------------ 23
Euromasters Classic Cars----------------------------- 32
Factory Werks------------------------------------------ 26
Fairview Mortgage Capital--------------------------- 31
Global Motorsports Group------------------------- IFC
Haus of Performance---------------------------------- 32
Hergesheimer------------------------------------------- 12
Integrity Motorcars------------------------------------ 24
Law Offices of Robert J. Legate--------------------- 24
Law Offices of Joe Nedza---------------------------- 26
Law Offices of Stuart Wallach----------------------- 22
Martin & Huddleston Associates-------------------- 9
Metlife Home Loans---------------------------------- 24
Pamela Horton, Real Estate Broker----------------- 34
Pelican Parts-------------------------------------------- 26
Pioneer Leather Restoration-------------------------- 28
Porsche Club of America (POC)--------------------- 21
Rice’s Performance Porsche-------------------------- 32
State Farm Insurance/Bill Petersen--------------- OBC
Stuttgart Performance------------------------------- IBC
Sundial Window Tinting------------------------------ 34
Tru Speed---------------------------------------------- 30
Ultimate Shield----------------------------------------- 6
Walter’s Porsche----------------------------------- 18-19
Would You Like to Advertise in Pandemonium?
For Rates and Availability Call Ken Fredrickson at 714.962.3258
or email to Grace Fredrickson at
“Power Flow ® air flow Air cleaner.
Low flow muffler.
INTERCOOLER: Standard C-2 Turbo (
‘92-94) intercooler and ducts, mounts, and
brackets. With Boost Transmitter.
Waste-Gate set to 0.5 BAR with adjustable
boost limited to 1.2 BAR using 103 octane
fuel. Normal ever day driving set to 0.8 -1.0
BAR using 91 Octane fuel
R/P Header/ Heat Exchangers with easy
removable Porsche3-bolt flanges
Ignition: Single plug mag. pulse distributor
with vacuum retard. New Beru® H/T Wires
& connectors, Bosch FR5DTC plugs. Bosch
6-pin C.D.I. Box with wiring.
TRAILER FOR SALE: Silverlight 20’
aluminum enclosed trailer/car carrier. Dual
axel, Honda generator/inverter, compressor,
outlets/plugs, stereo, Craftsman tool
chest, overhead cabinets, roll out awning.
$7,500.00. Will consider trades for? Jim
New VALEO® 1080 watt Alternator
(internal regulator)
Powder Coated Sheet metal Fan, Housing,
air ducts, etc. & Gold refinished metal
Available with air pump and all smog stuff
-or without.
Installations available. All parts available for
conversing 911 to turbo power.
225 & 240 mm 6-bolt Flywheels available,
Clutches, Fuel system parts, Ignition units
TACHOMETER with 0-8,000 scale and
0-1.5 BAR boost indication, and electrical
parts available for an installation kit.
$12,000.00, Lee Rice 714/ 539-1042 ; OCR (2)
English Issues: 13, 14, & 15; 1956 English
Issues: Dec. ; 1957 English Issues: May,
Jul, Sept, Nov; 1958 English Issues: Jan,
Nov; 1959 English Issues: Jan, Mar, May;
Thirteen issues total. Condition very good
considering age. Best offer over $50.FOB
considered. Dick Seward. sewhoo@verizon.
net; 714/625-1406; OCR (2)
Porsche Club of America
Orange Coast Region
P.O. Box 6726
Huntington Beach, ca 92615-6726
Dated Material: Please deliver by 12/4/09
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