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J - Digital Initiatives and Digital Collections
/yJk& 1 Stsm s* douy There is the casual frontier toll of "wildlife, not only Swan’s implacable war against skunks but casualties to curiosity: OC TV* j j3fr) jyjy 3, T^S^Wiast evening I shot a horned owl of the mottled e ies^lChad lit on a pole over Old Flattery Jack^grave and X "went out and shot it * % This forenoon I skinned it and prepar ed i-t-for-the- Smithsonian Institution. 'The Indians think owls are dead Indians and I had quite a talk with some children- who assured me that tte owl was not a bird but an Indian, o£- C's anthr© lecture notes, Oct. 2k, '79s anthropology was just being invented as Swan undertook the Makah memoir: ”...by 1859, many scientists believed that people had been around in remote antiquity.’1 E Ify notes S’s interest in Indian background seems to come mostly out of curiosity about language, in e-vidence early as Shoalwater. Aiso note that he used multiple-source method, asking different Indians the same question* There's a quote to the effect in NWC, I think, and possibly another elsewhere. Swan1s reading: D9, 1878, Stanley’s Africa Scribners Am Law Review Mar 2k, '19, Kitto’s Biblical Encyc Jul 21 '73 subcn to New Covenant Sept. 8, ’8(J, history of Am. flag Dec. 3, '80, book on antelop and deer Mar 2k, 'll, Gain's Innocents Abroad Ap 26, '71, reference to Gibbons’ Decline & Fall Jan 21, ’72, Pendennis WINTER Swan, box 6, 1864 diary Nov. 15, 1864—"The Indian year consists of six months, which are termed tsar-kwark-itchie. One month or moon is termed "tsarkwark dah-kah." The year commences in December when the days begin to lengthen, and continues till June. Then a new year commences when the days commence to shorten. Their time of computing the longest and shortest days is very nearly the same as ours.r names of aonthhs December--Se-whow-ah-puthl January—a-a-kwis-puthl Bebruary—Klo-klo-chis-to-puthl r\ March—O-o-tu^kh-puthl stopped excerpting S to B at March, 1865 S to B, Jan 29, '65 "I am very desirous of making a collection of fishes." j% X ,, t M*U / ^ Acw- ~ AAUI ^ «: Jrtrf&vn U*4tyJUr j sf &&*$£. c_ uAvdb- — ^ ^L n /mo ^ ,/t-^ c4 'L ~y <L4 40^4^^ ^£,*v^vXt^ . ^\_ ^ ^ t -■ yC^~ -i — 7b S iJiUA^Jlj S^yya-ArtL. 1 «• A&uJt Ao^dUstij / & {yh+jSh . ^ ,y ^ £L&X ~~f>uM^p7+x L ^ JhOAjr 0i0f^~ X- &4rt*\ su<-. <LO-/w 6- ~ tVcu^ ^ jx:')tr< j ,x&jJLc(ew J ' 1Atu/c/IUi^ -<?<5Ly t.fF.CTl s] «. Q__0 ffi. ... x 1 4e*v Ly ym/wtcj . <t/*svu> * kjLtp JUA ? l^uyyf^/0. fA A'UL 1 'J * '(Ak, indd fitted *f < >r*”c A * <UMJUJ£^ tjcyyyitw. (y,/^ AJLIC OjuAtLLAflMy*J! /lily, c <*A .'^LLUU / Cf& *(A*\, /Vc. lvc<-4 cvt-tu^ r ^'*' ad^A-kAL^ QM^ .CC^ <\^± 4PlSkx &UA— ACAAM yyA^r^ . s&t'-tu.i oJLiJLs*n c£_ ^4 aJLfj^S^s^ . *s4- /L£^£t '*-4 ^ ju^ do -' X- /yr^L^ ^ j,isi yyi tA^L^ O«WV/'JAA^-C^CUA C\^ S\JUiA** jb’C' j^-L-c.' ?&mmr S\JJ~L-A SLA^Ol 1/AJ^ /) /w C^htb tdl <jLA^t(<JliA lM'\ £ 'Tur^eu. x<r, ; A(^ v l •WVVJL iU. "T_1 * fl, *r - w ■ / r 0^VhXX(; .' $f l£ f lb - CLK&SVJLK Mt/ U Ls*tal ju*>/>* <»> ?~f -%*•< /V XAJ\ 7* CUJ j o o> 5^ 'L "7 ~ —£ 4 A-U/ / i, 'ct * & e ”■ '**, ' S~i “ n,m - “$T —lfr> • • ■ 1, ^4 'Vj/o “i C , ' r“( < A / e % i. 6 ^ ‘ p ^ —■ 0^ “ " KJ $ )J -3LX *b «■ 6 , J ’ '* s 4 >l * '• « - H ~ <s " ti*y, */?*& ’ /4' - • H X/ /h JCLLn J-HO^K4 7^ flu^vi jj~r^ sPf £ v LO hud.ijtu t >u.wi / f*W ■^_..go cJ/a t- xx T5 .$>h,j( i^acc^ c@u,\^ Lo^u <■’-*-' x \j ic^cnxt —!XA A-4^ C<WH^ > 7^ 6J <M- ^ y^rs-f C^L/hSAy y 'J/v\0t^ I! ^/yyu-Zh^n — ■ hi tx^\ Op 5_0 j (• & ^4 1 ^ /yrJLrr^j^. yr & ^ % /l & ~ *£ }±<ljywS-4 t / ~^—^ '\'" ''^“ ^\ 1 /VWOL-'U*X<_ ^3^6 syryCL'\6A3-'{s> ^ / ^ £ £• i,,^U. '4 <3 0-//— "h^^alvU rJLcA< CtL.f 0L$ fluAiL Q ; A^i f 1) “ V " 1 fr(Jr 1 fo ^ A/U^jf ^ % AnC'L'f^'i 'h fodtSjT ( ~^ 7 —" /L O^C-C&i^l Jtlu>fcw h^\^i ,fU ■AAJL j IO ~ ' i$ [ ^ ^JLM kuM £}* jJLiJnh -&/># U*I”K t> f *^ |A.7 / Sr | ' ^ ^ ' U/^A^r. 5>srf 4 /"ICH $ r 6 -^4 S-H* U/1H Ts ro #C AA^ • _!!! jl-^ JU- (A/'tW iK>r/'J^ t LAJ^ /^AA£( A^-^t K-h% _'J. (A^O ^^TUUj ^v4^bh j /<?, _ .. ^ - ^-./vno ^u_ ^. 0© <nu> <^v«- Ac/yy^L. ^ i^JL. Nx^r" -fvJlA-Ct aj ,.t Lvoth 6 ' i ^\UM JSJUSVWUU. . ~hj>lh- c_ £cw±4*s\(^J 4^c{ (l^j/jftjjtfj KAAVS < /v«*y ^'f',AnXM^ y' v4M. U/t<^A~/ *i yXiUyd^i cc ^ ^c^A-^i^vov\ ^ '71 .... LL| ayVia ^l^yi^ n | SY*& S&^A /L-<f 4-£_ 1^1 t^YA^XAcf Alcj (s~ o~4J sy*^ jL'i’fa ^c> LJ* t ' "4~ O-'V'^x £/-«j ^>/\ v S (Jji^o JjdhaJl^ c/j l\M &ou*"h Sfe; {eft + T2-&a$^cjQ ,b\4ju^juinn af" [)<J^*± yV^c/-'OA-M y ,'Vir^i_ 0U\JAC$&1 OLA atuj^ofa "ir- b<CKXr~ O ^CLA^d h&J+yJj srn&. O ‘ A fJ>cP^ &J? y UfC*AOi\ t t LAJtfL. /-A£> ^ yHsrvCb^ OsuftJk yVU*^~/WJL 2-' A*^4f ”c&»L't' hA^dbJbj 2_^icrcu^j^ ^ Aj^c strutsKw asafLQsi&d y <UA$'t 4, C-uyju* x A^P<C./0 '75 o^(XAjb»4£^ jyAiO^v C CA,<J C^LMXVP^ S>/rrtbfrvK H Ot£-*-v-v*. ,j 3> H jcA. txXro «i- ^ /UU)L-fi^ AC^+li^C- /v>^. '* 1 „ fromt'*75 yvo^A- ^2^6' "Y r JyU «U (r> . X > /%50 ^ ;t 7 /' ” ^ v v foJjfaA^e t^AA ' 7gKjy&f Hf*tL/\ 4-^jXAif\^4 . C L 4~AeUsi\A-J ^dlfc* r —r w — J (LsJL T^ A e^ f ~f jJfo (J/ir\ /JjQJiAj {/-'/&£. ^ fA/&.^ 3 *“/ ^StYVO^Aii* y4«W) hAA^&^JLA : . 9 h/Ls^ /^r J t Pt CAMJ-I^J^ PjasWuLA ZQUsUf ^ ^0**^ . ^v <y\ a /r7 hlASHU 4/ l fe t_ JAoo , JfQ A. ifMjUi X u^\ \L4JIAAA /h $f4c«H-x. “'j ^ <1 ^/U1\AS\&~£*r 2r~ cus\cJ - ~{?hQuW*d\4 £ *A - -- ^QM^yfJ(xK 1VCrtVv Y <?k-X4Q^i_A^ 4 pS\crjf/\ k^-A^O^ rr „ x . '-> / ^yt. crusvKL. (A/^-C_^V>W C~&Cl.d/ln—^ L) $te-h i J^VKIA. |) *vJLk ^ ^ /m Ct^crz^L*lA/tX^jtj j-yf-A^ sLrf^-au*u^J rtrui& <A\ j_<uL^ Uj^u> 4^_ ^ CL^~< O^AA^t &Uu- ... . ^ XVKA i^. 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QA/ts* (/*• ^TVY\ A * SSSLA/^&ISJA %J*Vrguw *1 dfai&w *1 4h)a f I/MWJ ^ct AM^u** g- ^t ^ ^ U/UXU. &/ fl/W & /u />r^ — / i. -£*2^ ^<a-K ' oJk^idh • IMA *11 / ( t i iffJX JA*fa S'* &£&Ut^4 r . «*" /wJ^Ari A ^ •/ A^LA/VS Af^o. fUdfi^ksJU !**&>**> > * * ‘ uj&\dL) -*7, f ^ A^Vl AJ ^/"U-4l ftiln&A IS i&J j $ ySLaaVy. u/W& o cJL ^ j t^f i/X H ^ ^ , Jt/7%a^ y ' ' fvl •■Myy I Ad SMflT jja^4 j_ ( ^Ir>AuUluv > ^O/KffCu /y*w-v^ AAA/C /W CJXTS+XJ « 4Jt A 4A»*\d<£^£ C*J QLA/VI £rUA*.. t^MDuLrf CM^OU/VI i^v v*—« ^y\ /\»^^4 ^ unnat ^'_lsjjjAd oJ$ i^r^AA</v2| v. **-* A^ *1 ’ST't£*L ^_v,» • j &A+4j\_k&AF XJ&i e( I j«.Lg»!g..i W e^/ijL.^ j j r ’wwnr- /YOS^AJL*" UW.T:J—- T. GL**+v*f*uv«i. I— « /V*-i£ A*fr4i j5 /V\J^-S AV1£> A<SU> -O^K _dk i ti. ■^tX-'ii i :: l t £U^ ( } ^L^JvT-iX^v ' QAGIGWU ^5 ~l*> Utism d tx-n 7* /} 7+t MQAU, £ *¥ (sAxd <- . Stn.tHJl ^ (kd^ud C A ?Y- /v 7V Wnof , ■k $«&*. W^t, 4 ^ 04 "S } " '| ( kr^eM *l ^ * >1 LMU (JZJLU r *d /V»\JL, l^/Ct /Vuvwt^j s+sc/tet^*^ JL. ASftn C * 1 *J tfa* A Sf*d */ 'tMy 4f&( c >4ki^ /IMUJ^ JLfijA 6- ^trlJAA^k *J &£ A^Ui &AS&ct CM Q*fM J2W^ * kH tb**\ ^J^ftcju CAApd £A^ j °ma A#foA. . 4 t <2>Wlfir^ ^VCiC^Hv Srr*M<r4 AsOVKsfA 4C k» *y U /ig^ < ^AICIA^ J4 A#s*tJ H ef>M/U J /^AJLAA ~ i *r ** >v<J (**&*! psf '^-H^ UAASA _4r H hfab*« jktA^ - s.. C^UACAK J't /VML 4 roJktjL** vfaA LV* H Ar t^nU*..£ 0. , -v * fcj -yt oipt pA^L , A/AMCLI^ 4r4 . /^A./U? UMei ±- &t$- - —/V)UL. } Afi&ML *1 j> a d- tjUA^t ^ unJ SCM/trvivCM k/L ^ ill* - t. ft l L-4 ^ /L** eJctif H ^ It. XA4-. ^ ^ Lldh^. i _ . —r— t / . .». i i/\(JjLuj ^ TT/iO^tM^a 'iJU^X . C^y^lt (rf L T. JLC% A J "/4v*r aUfr^jfc- srW\ * A , _ 1 A .-- ‘ /j J 4-4 ’t'1'" 3^ tL£>sv\^Slr£- &l JL /V k&nJL. /SS-sHPOt. ■ iUUJ^UuJ. i ^^W^o-n-fc-, ^ 'I ^ *f~^K X- JL ' ■'J <W UJMJt t<r*t —<»»- M-Hj- ^ jL^tuvd^ uhJdM4*# W ot^vt ^ &** .VeL- fiHL %J^ri 'M'YS ^ A^M/VWH# ijjl*a4 ^ ^ .^ Uv 1 M .TW« L-4 i C^k J^Mn X Lti k. A ^4 '43 — r^JyfJrl /hXl^ t , t CJM* A^?MJ 4* CurttyL*^ ~ fi~ ■jflO 4 ^t*i y /nw^g- A >/* A, ^ . —C^gugZ ^ <4*3 A Afe-^M" JU^CL Ju CM(A 4- (st uj^U 4 — j£^f..v./wM*^ ^ *. 4? /V x+*-±~ 1 4**vUi. AgJ24jt* -fi^-T- "UA. /UL£ X*y £> ^ U,T»^ )ki l . S d* hAS£%&Jk * MJAA joAj^KJL^tx&^ } tl J- o^i&d r 4 Oiof £1/1**^ *y • /^JLM f 4-cnL* u y 4j\zA A^A/tA I fi AcAr-*^ 1 AALAMA w 'J00^Ush~ tir X.. AAAA, Va 1*0\£ /V&uy } A-A- ^ L-CVKSSL T) U4 C-CTV^ \ L4y\*fvi/fcjf A Aj L-fW/tW) *7 * X-^WatAv Xr iM (J\$AS^ C- **1 (tm* **' *7 Vc^_ *' -b~Ka^\el • MsJs\ IM * jJud* *f ic^UcrtfiU 1. A4AJUA f ^ McutJhA%i t !*j AA£±J ^(X**& PArt ^ y^vi A^MA/ X K _l£H *- S_ ia l&judJ ’ U^0Vy ICA CcUrU -/ HtA 31 AjU'k^AJ^ r\a>{ k *i Cod^fc iLff. , '6? H ,sidU. 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Vv L^aM\ ~t ±n_ <t~JU(jJ CJT*& ' /&&/— <> tiMh 71 ^ U LVcsCfc oijO wi.yu _C_ A£jCd2cfa^ A*f 5 i'V. / 1 7, '/K^tj A/Tfa.^ - T j T7 H L pi~ '^LKAC( '7 (XcU*\ JcA £_ C'tLA<nr^--0\ At_ J^XVJT Ja^uJ? ^ (outts--W Y Q » AICL^X /%. f>*nyi<sCh <H C<x^ n~t ~J A /^ 7^ tc' ^L^tjs^ty ^ , 17 £ ~~tito-t O %?$V® l#\ Af^c/yr^isno )<f) - / 1 1 « 'III .jf'y* '^Jl(j$h Y)l f~ | i (i ttn fij" t&yyJL ASUV^V; "1 \J^L f 3u j^lCf-tM, u*. (sL-*j*fUf?4a (X'\.tul<Lj i'JL- \J^l\Ciu— ^ -fe. . *■ \]sk X' i4 ” K’Ld "1*’ Coctsdk AJLXNJ2_ rjt&L-^- j irvi^dZx, i_ JLLAOQL\ C C^f^'tvJi^l i\6L\^ c/&WL <*J * AA-kc h (X-/ A^^MU^OA, ju^n sisy^O^o ? w ^4 cU<L { <XA^^CUU JiCtJ. , ty uvL+cf,. (tcdcV^ j5*o ^ C QlL&SLf 'jfrsUJ C (1st*, ^ <* A*JL-G-~- >3y.. 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IAC, |<r^»^j /<^^ &J2^OBW £UJ CLAA'^ S6- i. /i&,?0 j -MU ^3 4f4». 7 7 ISCCW ynijf JMC_ jVMAaAftXM H-i'tW&wl S S/w-ia L-n 1/ tjn ^ CJ&UIA-C/SW it- C( sr\ Cj\Aydl(yt^i4 j tx^cue ^ ft/4c>,%/ 'J to ^yia yrYuM'h £ odi&J1 a$~Cbf~ /oo^ CCP f“~ -J t ^ s_ C '^— L <LQLA^4 Qj(~ ' 4^vVCi_ J&M (UUKL- '1 r ~%z* JLISZSHU^ _ ( CJXJLC^ ^/vn/i_ S (jJo$£Sjt0~ <S^UA^ <_/IAAAJL_ O ^ ^ ' c(s\JL*>A £— /YVMuy^Ci "f JLSVyrustsiZs ytA~ CJXAAT^U} , l ^JULnu$XMr CV^MALCJ cxvf\ ^7 /. 7 ^ifc/KCCvv^ /rv^<2c^A<> £\X<Sn^c*txi^ IUJIAYOLM ht>Jj*lruj(~ ho~xrlM j/M JiJLk-' hsfl'Vx J 'bL\QOl\ — y\dtWi^ (/rrukd^l <O^Kcrt>Ci) v f 0 / JS&4^Q (&- sllC/^ C 70 *?-) , S'# 1 . i-O ) — » IV 1\JL~ <Cd4" o 6-c^ dto^ncaC- ^ "7’ 1)^US\ 'J- • ^)0&r£A-C^ Cjy&^Ut/V*-Q S ' (zQl toh.^) OsLi^y^i. &-$" r / <U/3 (LjAA >&r? k£~' UrU&JL( £dbot 75<£y . /'>*'» fVYyarcfa£ V ' ^JULfx. } -v^ * 1^'a y S -6, a /s-<s '76 j oyijOe & 5 _ ^uML/7y '7-fj . t—l^icnCf -j c £u/l<y&> oj jc/efa) f~ ^L-VU^ ,l A**je~j\tu^ A**-LUSL "7^> Q 1 6tY : P'f h/ACL+yjJU- ^SLAO4 <^Ld3—. W f^O^Jlo-A. cA^ T~’XXI SPJ2.4V£4 4 S' hutxy^ \ xj(tsyr^AA— & l i'\fcfa2r\j*f~~ /^cf&hsi -S' O *£ vi^-v <9^PC^V / t^r-c-c-^/Lvv CJLMf\ ? — / -ro ^ ^ Y QJ.e*^ Caynci Cx * snrtjtf / 5. ^AJJ^ " ^ teu+ '$3 —- al ^^M/—- J? L\sL$ Cuw+u^ i, A^o— >Cs^ £sdhkx&— t^JcrVr: ^ » A?\rC>L&y<l 'Vdl^ sfrtWSl, j/lC^V*^^ / tAJ~i£ jfAffiu, * 4/YL. 'J a^yO^fsM fy - >-^- -*.y&3 1% TSar^j d vu^ k Zs . /+**Ur *$ SLwcGtf&J AW4U.M ~f<}4'i^ fcli 00 -X S / . " V^ L\JuxJy fU.t\CUM^ . djrt&pi/h. - r_ \% 3-S A\(P&CXL, j^yvr\ r> AA^. />4AJ f>_Qje4j^L^fa^r A c_ XL^ J4&V-Z*4&VJIQ ' S$= £*U*»v. ^Vc^Xxi^ +-$LJ&Ui iXrV^l h ywJULMA *1 ^ CJGSVY^ULM £L)t -vt^ <Jr. tf-O • 4-:.. ?vuxy / 2. A *A .*=--• l tL. ko^<LI—^ • ^*14 ^ .,%£ -+u/ ^ : 5r™* *^t»Jtjtda-^-jr.*. t /tn■ j- 4^- 4 £ wX a-4:^ 1 U X~d?c t“cH^A ^U^AAM ^ ojA t LJUV<JS^JU *U- Urt# fr * 'St xjvJl 0LCP<2U&1 J S C ^4 "V 7 ,J>0~-lL^xa-^- } 'j* iL-e^J- CJIOAM-^ !p>CLA~£ j uX <?^(J < &■</ f „U*i£&U- ' «_x/v£-d , L-tfi^^dU as> f j S AKO l ure^ < & xf<*A1 ^OO^yTLC-^ *4r "f OAtii4 ~tb^ML A#dl £ '- /Ad+t, \^XCsy?\l4u4 CLAAJUAQ? ,-m £ 1% ^ 'XL yjsUx. j*pnyp tj^ /—t -^n— * A^i ,<uu^ iku^^ y <136^ <^^1 uJl ^^ } AX^AO si /> Of/V^O >X ^u<-^ J^\d—U^-A4^^aa^ 2u AH'S4-A^ jL &>*» 4?vvt<^ M/EIA-^.^ lSU ArA~**~ V tfULAj^srvM lyyjL^A &J*. H_ >- C-G^KV^ /^SXA a'K ^ * ^v~^d ^~ *fc> k^( ^ <$jLpA^,rixc£ & CJ>V\^£ j 1 M: - Lowd ^ AA j\ kd^ b c^t -i. Jwm >_ /c 6u-g- a^L &'^^L'±3<L^L'Y\ „ , "(A^jC ^ 1 M-fA^+'h t yx^j A^n (J^ afipn&frCbJ » •T-C^ ’A*-'c^ p-V^g #»v£vjrfU $ C^J 0 ^coJtL^'' £^\flLdsv_ *'V\&Arfc/v^ ayiAQ^*j^ -f * ^JU yyy>coL^ aut^ JU/L dPOhClish*, jG&U*\^ * ^NSUiUv^ . . „ . *£ Ap'W"’ /TWA-**-^ /ywcr^ i\j€^\^ i^*cuf %* [j (rc-e, y A^\ Oj&jQ <1 (yv~\*n- ‘f &J( a-A? j^j^yju <s£ |^W:A£k-4!<u'^ <k^>^JU^fc{ c_ - A ( C <^-^Vfl£/WJ <3j _L. ^ 1\A^\r\A^ ">, f 0 AA^A^AJY^ I rr-QJijf—- <, 'fa'H* "y> e.c As'W'V&vj aJfe. LA^vL^Vi-gjd I » ! i i -J-/-v)v--i'y e_ -A*vty i<-C_<. /*w^, /»H4t.-^L f ISA*-*' v ^LfS^L^<y ; /-/<? * /- /v^a, 4~~ •JL uLrt^^— A4rA.A<f<— /^Usy /r*JLsf ^VK y^cAg^y 'hi TUT. i_ ^ fxgM^L^»a^ C./i^Cc^-Jf. /'Uta.i. i&L P +T S /-tfU) ft IJ Hi. K cfo*s— H AcuA <^A4 U^L >l (jcrus[^ <XAs\C Vyy. { L Osj/\ oJ> r/ifi * „SW\C> '‘J-i/uuuAf VVr>A- i—4. 't— ^A ru Q_h' -d tkyi~s\ 6 A . fc /VVU \f C T SJ^ \j.—GAA*C£—as.—1rf<2lAJ~~~ 'f Aju/ i^A sVfAjitf/ %/\SLS^s/ X— jyiycAJf- ^ <£. y\ V ,0'wy ,'m<y'\,—y>y0^4 Lj cu X#v£4*v oA ■ dAc'^-' C/CL-MPA^ u Au*-*Q^f*Jlvs\AQ P £X**\s*&A LL\*c&4 j'CL /yy^j CLtJ^Ak 'GUV* cLi'-vrv^Cl'6-£y 1 ty1 ^ lr~ ftj&iJt, ^dAinJUj-AA^ i~ C(J ( <zfe> o^&y-Ai > ^ /_% ^£1 7v./~ •> 4A -f. <^ fta ‘T Ivi-i ao./ ■* /i ( iWtd^ i/ ?tT _S /vrvou^^ J Q @A tAj*yJL ~~f—CJTTC—rt AeJt 'jd d- <J .W+y-* iL •J^-.-ULS-'I £'■€,.a * y\>uJC X—^yKL. Use/\d4 t l( yi/ j2-M.ct^ituwW U^j ^ * At. r Shr 'f "h. r'w^&tsAx t t K /£ j \(LC^^.^ wi' h /\4\A^d ^vl CXL'Zt^ZA , J~<***l4 ^ctMrO^ Xrusy** iLcx^ii . ^ *£>-tC/l., '^Y ±4 pJLfr\c£4 ^AUL^ j t sL /W»u.t ^f • 11 -/ ?rl <^JtlJ<jl f <f— — '43 L_ 5 k H ASiiOA. /^Jy>\JUAJLfl /frufy i ic> fl^ Xi Tcf. ^ \) Csu \Aouj ^ /^j^-j>yrJLv^o 1 >(^y itovv- ofM-i'h L*\ 1/ S !*£ 'j * Z*// o - ^ ^ luu t-i-TsoJi t>nc4^ Ct-Ji^ <J Qsu^ou-a- Cf ^ CAtx-JsLb ^ < : — U LC^cW- Al ^ CLOJULAIPC ; £& , b$ ($1 ^fjii e^C^ lAJCL^j _ 1 £ *> ^4JUX^AJL^ (JVNC_. £K-<£ Ofhb-1 tx$jt 1&. fgi <4 ^ f ■ L'yJS\V~*q£i- . 7 , G? Sh ^-^\, /^*( JT'i jLoC'J'vjL X^f 7 //jf/,{^A \j(Jlf 3lO<— <<? Hoj*dh kc/ipTtt&j ^JUL i/a( 6^ CA-X^-W^C-V. 4j<- |Y'U> &' Ccrtto^L- uVvWtj^ L Ha/GJL+*£tjiu j /-/^d. 'T^ixcdi^- //£$ C SL-^C J'C/M.O 'U- tfyc Uj aJlf «_ <UK^v*£ ItfAL b ULn / A^dc T, /e^v 9o ' U 4 AJ ti***- ; cs-^v ‘j 2_ tku A,^. jf /' 5 j UksV^Mlf T ^/Vw*&cc^ AaMauJt tnb^4^ J A*^ C&irt4*4_ u'ACtf. ‘f- i/ux^-i 4UvflC ^ — $~<2' Ajs-k] Xi-JCf '/ > ^jAA o\ jfcr'&C? 1 Acoci-s. f C_ ■ A-fefc’- ^rj AM /Wh ; Iftxdk. v_ '<J> / >U4 LQ-4 • /07 *X X) 0(C£i\ si. . re <Xy\sr\C$ ij-UAj tAJ— >Jl-w^ j r'YYya.nIctAf-ft & /y^o r Mu i/ c i =£ l I /*4 /vvuyt/u cY C^cuc^i L X. , ■ LAJttAek /VSMCW^ pcujUU^, ^.u^v- ^-%, C ivn^tKj, \xcK&i\ c \jjsn^j[ & ^OL&hL--^ <?lo-eg /VtA% , AoJUfiJ, '{flcn^yi r iL f^TrC vU^Jtl {JLL^ 1 frtOw'-fo /\ ufj^Jc ( c C i^^t' Vica) i^rt^ $ . { X^tiuLCUfJ, £& 4H p.^-L k*. ea't>u.; ju*A .... j^hdiL j*U£ A-^'fyffy* Wkfi^i Wc CA0^ ktu*> 0C.ATU C^) i.L\ u.'i /*& JL ^<y*^ ///?C drfMftC * ^ fl vJicC djsuUd 1- C~ - /yr\oJ 4^ fj^^rtcl joS/ku&vu <vw ;' <,09 AftX'»&^ t j * C^JL^U t&^r^rJLa/ swt<£fy pA** S~ ^6 JOXJIX A^L.A^VV\ 1 \U\cOw h (Vcl V T^-tr+JO . A yyy^c/c^ <$ <UsuM iL*nA^ 0-O-^y / QLJLUAUI ^ fa 'vl • ^M' ^ W, /y*uJ^v^ y^ JLv-„ CJ'QUQ J~4 cL/\rJ^Cio>^ M txCdo^i^. 4 *0 X tt_<?^v *JL^G6K4 * *j 4-^ioti 'Lx^y c i*Jt] cuxus^j f £f t'VU^ <£ ' V su>*^l*L4\q‘ a^ /r>v5 £_ &£i\s\~ '~t\Aj/Z\ ^ J\ * ^“3, //l. UMnywvy tCy V ^"1<2uy Y 6~ ^ ^C^0<J t^ 'XAj^ ^>n<? £/Xy <t-A-^ ' usUct&i'H J> £fa?)csix WK.’-CO L/£ petCuj j <L sjLvv^/w CL^ , l<C$ctvl<^ <$ >VOny ~PuJU<L <3> x> - *cum4 X &Ptj &/*-y <? ^ ^y>oli /</1 XMQ » • lAs^J-'tn ^v<_ /ir*.(x _ ' tfo~WA££vJ rv C^'iny.sO \* iXcTcy LVIAJ JVotM Uu^ />U,*vx yiAW 4)Wxy c*’ 4-- V* f'lfcUx , C JjuL/t £ Cjn-aAt— ^.w pr tc i\m vU ij .*tM2*uc'«jXL § kc-Ulci^i a£ls£l& tx^Ov o njvA/-<C^ ki\oj{ CA (j~ % CTh • i~vy> ' ^ l~T)d T^' /-nr^l ^ < to&lsir&fat. cl* _SL _' _X-^ /JrAshf /,, ^ ext-vs^L />vWi/u'Hy tVuUi.^ L'cvisj^ /\i?£ ^ <>r-c~ Lottie v ^ dcAsmtsvylt (j-iL^JtO U/KL+I y — A'i-CAAJU <U*^NCO <>OLv LAJQ JJ\A,JU\ A}\£W*C£ L. i.t.-X^_e--gYV ^ y>7rveo c i\j^. L\A\SUJ\ yv<-c^>u H ,4eufy£L*b^ ’} X. 4 L\t* rj^O^rt ^ & Jfyl At i/r{ , A&f.&ucj <£ 1 c^ .vCc ^-Ow y <-Or< <_ A&t^A^x &I+L^ ^ l<$i — Si trcfc^wa Aen^J>JL j \A0UiAXjL.. &JL&o OJ&JU, e_ (Lb^jJjr^^ — j[ S%SV*iQ i\jrd Axvv- - tuxvv^ 0 <. (AAn. <UAt ■—IteS—y^—*-—} t\,'K\X AOA,C— (L^vt h-MjiL Ufj OAUUJU/ «*A^A *£• .tW^vuvU j I £ jLy6u4-JU>l 2.“^ — N- yWflyuvyvC H /j 7% C U/gi-'yKQ ci<j 'i^rsi_A-t SlorCvt'f'dL.—,AflX4rvfrK ^ vS^ -/A- #v\ 'Ac^o-«A>v^ <L^iX.^n c8&AsiM*/-—C3 C/4UA . ^L ~ i.\Xo^H(i hiA±*4 ci_i<j/. «t.-vx } 0. sb\ . ^//*&y 2-- ArnjjQ **" S"0 & jLO~ch . A^^-7 J i J 1\A.J lAsifx. % iA/f™-&\ ^ ot cjj ^ <*M{ <y ^/wvtn 7S'/ JicKL-i*} /»nsAu ?ViW ^ & 51 S'L'/dccy c/vxw- ^ /3 gAftreta^rUr * ^ .^4 ^ &/> . V trOtafl^A. ■ cy lUatA™ .SWCJIJM, 1r A*~& hu /yyvxMj^sJ ou^cM. tUrmTl^jM as0 & ftJU) ■ S <U>tXA^ <3_4 4- * /u«i jLKsnajt 'A UM^UvA-vCt^uA.Gi H ~L~l*-Ur-e>&\£^ L i~^YlstCAA^_ ~1 ^<PO?Wv_ p. ^ X ^ JLUiti-YytfU.vi (<!* ) CA^ L^to £ • *3Lj ^r-W I'^uti A ^OT\LL\ 'J * 1 ft miA;<z, ^ ~P fj&Jttsi^y - CJO^JL T <yh. <LS P~ ■6— /&St> C^UAAA, <£ un<A^ Jb ea-^n^ ^ CL. / •■ oJI tl£r ‘fc-^. \t h\v (f/1<XAA_SL M «AM^ t-'HT dUu^vcAi H *■ 6-/sre?l oLMdcvv'h:/ ^ ^ ^y^a^L*,j iLYT\J-4 S- S' tyi/ 3’ tA^ Q-TcJ'-’i 4 W. L'-'tir-^-o /j /B cty ^ ^$* ^ ^~j - tC'^U L^1 "3_ ,AJ-C±^jfc -O^ 'f l/*0, A sM"L*JM dlUA/w^ few AJ^CLA- U-tj 4 t\»'-< UsO* u-|Vy/\xK^^ ItjJM SV1<UX-VK-V “~ ^kjU,iOL^^OnU^ * y^-jVA,^^ ^ - t/wi-u <r Ui/Uo /yruid&z— 0^1 A j <. ~C^Jjju ; u-T. .^>-u} f% y UCL^A •J' c*Cjfej<C<k ^ s£ - -y - Cc^fjL /i^ . Aly £/K7'kc fr-e^fx*- *—1 CL?— . cjyvu^ ^ (S<* (f /x *L >,ty ^AsSAteJ. yH£*i<s& «£ fa^t~ yvy^ Lu^/mci ~J * p /b'ti j jlArU)JU(c& ArJL j/i^t^LUAJ- *• 4. tbuvt^r ' yvijy/tf^w>v^ <^ej-<^>w j*--p 'yvn^yjt^ ** XOJ , V\ "4_ l»Jl ASU*Jh y ~ ^ (JSLA^I* 2 5 -€<? <L&^\C^£ \Cf{jBre^\s&' ✓A-Ta-A-sIe^LiM k-<_ ./V\£<-'V*'iiU^ 4- ,/W^U;- <4 ..^0/l/'A^i y A^Uvn /b^t* 7Vt S"o~T^ fylL't-'^ U «. /££(?, iS s C>V>VL4-^V^ ft ^ /^iXt' Mt$ c^ ^ (L^i^ >J-i« A) /, / x ?y ~7W ^ jY\&s£ c j»JLciX±-f Cv/^\& <£- ACLV- kzJM %+*^t~ J "• -0 cisynJL. o**\Sty * StfVU^/ f Y ^ M <H V^ooic^f^df" O^IILM , Y * Q(S)rr^Yr*s^A^i-M^£ . 7>. f ?dtcf Qo^u^rC.'^. ^ Y yii&bu&r During the outfitting of a railroad survey expedition which Isaac I. Stevens led into the northern Rockies in 1853, Biard contributed such elaborate systems for bringing back specimens that Stevens at last had to bristle: ^I want you to understand, Professor Baird, that my exploration is something more than a natural history expedition. By the time Swan thought of sending items from Neah Bay to the Smithsonian, then, Baird already was churning out Swan-Bairds as if wired together across the continent Baird eventually was responsible for the one set of weeks in Swan's life where he was at the top of his form—ad Dad was on Grassy, as C and I were in the Bob Marshall. At times, more than scientific good-fellowship showed through Swan’s precise little handwriting to Baird, 7t ^ llflLA^-C Wv G_£&d/Xr\p$f.\ u/l^tXv^ —- WW ^ d-£4? i'&'VK ^^trufc'V'- o t f^dkj^Li —. CL~ . <j -j 6tt. .... ^ j^iti^ I //) /iCLp^Vtj 2- v - * S CAS* &. $fy*cj dU^guj 4 - <£& » 7 #f EL^KJL' °J- <C_ ^ v Afl(j S*nS>tTr,e^ yy^xc S/)*i *■"£ <■ syrvy £tf&- /&&£i/C /C*n yyu-vvtffVt- ^o It-h . P 'h. sU*'. ^A\($ Otsj^sv <Jl>- l un&fr ^ cUlUL<^ / A r ri ‘-* iA^ ,'^JUXsi y^i. — AVUW^ £**n \ '6% 1 dU-c-edfi-t ~ AU 6P-^U<UT» /±Q sf Xs*'**’ * * ^ ^># j^Z'sQ \ j}> SHO&CQ 3; G)^o 'to jsr\s@ ~t c- I O-fi-^ OL-V^AA-p erf p . ^SS~- yVv^-a^-O A/^S-fsi*^- |T>, 3<? £i — /%7 H^ (jL//r^A^) - ~fh>cH t{or tf x6) — fa- £4/7 Q^b- / LutkrvSf' A£XM ^ >^> 7^ /J^ p . 3 & H —• ^tauu~cijljwc^ S°l } S&60 ^*10 tsvdz^tfc«w c> £ I^X£<fii<X.cJuL. 6r~ j^Ox^T 't-'U/V-UisL ym cf\Ls Q^Cc^Lp ^ ”73 ynrv-fi-^to cm — ^ /-^y> ^/ tftcy o-^ yi c/^c_ /i O^ln C^CA-XUWN <-> K £\>-i\. (PcvHs^ls^ ir^ IC£M syi . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * Whatever collecting chance came u.p, Baird could be counted on to put both his busy hands to it* Jan. 25, *79—bright weather Jan. 26—Snow has followed me from Mt. Rainier. is back and whitening the gcound Sift begins at noon, at 2 S to Sm, Ap 11, ’65—cover letter with Makah memoir •'“•"ryV'-'- 'V. rwOT'Ul .• • • - ■ •fyw-- • * - - ■ At times, other emotions besides scientific curiosity showed through in the precise little handwriting. In March, 186&, Swan wrote: "I should be pleased did your time permit it you could give ■_:o ’ ‘ ^ c ~ c me some reliable idea of the state of affairs at Washington. I can ^ . 0 r r rffiUt oi t C C-c I o >' 8 gather very little from the contradictory statements of the newspapers . O ■ c. •>' c t c and know about as much of the doings of the Khan of Tartary as of our own government at Washington...* Swan Masbotoeidinroirkk long a canoe connoisseur, watched with greatest drniration as the ri aidas made canoes. to soften the wood for spreading. Used water boiled by hot stones awwwwrW. ' ® Swan long had been eager to make collecting expeditions in > 0^ the Pacific Northwest, and he saw his chance with the Centennial Exposition coming up* The Department of Interior responded to his plans: "If you will work gratuitously, we shall feel very grateful." Swan was enraged at the suggestion of gratis collecting, and Baird tried to unruffle him. *• $ Baird worked out an arrangemsnt under which Swan became full¬ time Special Commissioner to collect for the Centennial at a month Swan cruised the northe**rfwaters aboard a U.S. Revenue steamer and bought busilyo One of his purchase lists shows purchases ranging from 25 cent berry spoons to "one headdress with mantle of ermine fur, $U8." A Upon returning to the Pacific Northwest from the capital in , j -0 , •<_; ; . • . v ... t ( ° I: ' :u 1859, cSwan had chosen 'the Strait of Juan de Fuca as his new area. r . J J C ' (. V ■ S' . r ^ Port Townsend, a tough little town at the top of Puget Sound, had .iq , r • ... ■ 0 J 11 -t c c the customs house, and thus was a port of call for lumber ships in and out of Puget Sound. r r .jU ■ r % 1800, £5 ships a month were calling at -:r 11 c>J , 1 " " ( : Port Townsend, and Swan believed it would be a great port someday. - . G C with his initial contiibutLon in i860, Besides adding to the world 's lore about seasbells^ Swan at the same time began contributing to the weather reporting service which Joseph Henry bad set up at the Smithsonian . This network of amateur meteorologists cobbled together by Secretary Henry in 18U9 sent in rainfall reports and other observations — a working model for the later U.S. weather bureau. Swan, out in the comer of the i world called Cape Flattery, inhabited an area unbeatable for rainfall 4 /! reports. A person / can perch on the rim of the continent there and JJ2 watch the Pacif ic brew^torms • Not far down the coast at Lake Quinsult, the average rainfall is 12 feet a year, more than any other spot in the continental U.S. In that first letter, Swan asked for a rain gauge and barometer, but added that his current method of measuring rainfall in a tin can was quite accurate: "It seldom rains less than a tenth of an inch at a time here." "Never fear the nonacceptability of anything you may send," he once . . . .+.. . wrote tofT'cellocter in Eutaw, Alabama, ** . t #. . . . "It is true Prof, “1 iico u si J u _ n enry ' at bo.;: co . o ; c: • t rfv:’ is opposed to indiscriminate collections; so’m I, but out idea is d E *1 - . d 3 w ' j{ . _ a complete North American (collection) at least." But even Baird "lie. . , ordco c 3sv IIid2 ;ni‘r q; ;sv;9n nsdw must have been alarmed by Swan’s effusive wish to "send shells enough . b ell SW3 9VJB r' *fE WO qa 9 ff bf r B 81p ' fdt d to cover one of the paths around the Smithsonian building, and enough of other material to give every college and literary institution in the land a specimen of the natural products of the Straits of Fucao" Haidas on a trading jaunt swept into the Port Townsend harbor in 1873, Swan studied their tattoo marks and the carvings they brought along, and learnedly explained the tribal legends in a second Contributions article, "The Haicfah Indians of Queen Charlotte's Islands." h(Sample: "The legend connected with this carving is, that the beaver Tsching occupies himself by eating the moon, and when he has finished his meal and obliterated it, Itl-Tads-dah — the mythological mother of the Haida tribe — sends out Hoo-yeh, the crow, to hunt for a new moon which he brings home in his bill. The duty of Hoorts the bear is to keep watch that all goes on well.”) Jan, 23, I880--Indian comment abt Swan's skill speaking Makah
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