minutes - City of Karratha
minutes - City of Karratha
ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Ordinary Meeting of Council was held in the Roebourne Community Centre, Roebourne, on Monday 16 July 2012 at 6.30pm ________________________ ACTING CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER No responsibility whatsoever is implied or accepted by the Shire of Roebourne for any act, omission or statement or intimation occurring during Council or Committee Meetings. The Shire of Roebourne disclaims any liability for any loss whatsoever and howsoever caused arising out of reliance by any person or legal entity on any such act, omission or statement or intimation occurring during Council or Committee Meetings. Any person or legal entity who acts or fails to act in reliance upon any statement, act or omission made in a Council or Committee Meeting does so at that persons or legal entity’s own risk. In particular and without derogating in any way from the broad disclaimer above, in any discussion regarding any planning application or application for a license, any statement or intimation of approval made by any member or Officer of the Shire of Roebourne during the course of any meeting is not intended to be and is not taken as notice of approval from the Shire of Roebourne. The Shire of Roebourne warns that anyone who has any application lodged with the Shire of Roebourne must obtain and should only rely on WRITTEN CONFIRMATION of the outcome of the application, and any conditions attaching to the decision made by the Shire of Roebourne in respect of the application. Signed: _________________________ Mr Simon Kot – Acting Chief Executive Officer DECLARATION OF INTERESTS (NOTES FOR YOUR GUIDANCE) (updated 13 March 2000) A member who has a Financial Interest in any matter to be discussed at a Council or Committee Meeting, which will be attended by the member, must disclose the nature of the interest: (a) In a written notice given to the Chief Executive Officer before the Meeting or; (b) At the Meeting, immediately before the matter is discussed. A member, who makes a disclosure in respect to an interest, must not: (c) Preside at the part of the Meeting, relating to the matter or; (d) Participate in, or be present during any discussion or decision-making procedure relative to the matter, unless to the extent that the disclosing member is allowed to do so under Section 5.68 or Section 5.69 of the Local Government Act 1995. NOTES ON FINANCIAL INTEREST (FOR YOUR GUIDANCE) The following notes are a basic guide for Councillors when they are considering whether they have a Financial Interest in a matter. I intend to include these notes in each agenda for the time being so that Councillors may refresh their memory. 1. A Financial Interest requiring disclosure occurs when a Council decision might advantageously or detrimentally affect the Councillor or a person closely associated with the Councillor and is capable of being measure in money terms. There are exceptions in the Local Government Act 1995 but they should not be relied on without advice, unless the situation is very clear. 2. If a Councillor is a member of an Association (which is a Body Corporate) with not less than 10 members i.e. sporting, social, religious etc), and the Councillor is not a holder of office of profit or a guarantor, and has not leased land to or from the club, i.e., if the Councillor is an ordinary member of the Association, the Councillor has a common and not a financial interest in any matter to that Association. 3. If an interest is shared in common with a significant number of electors or ratepayers, then the obligation to disclose that interest does not arise. Each case needs to be considered. 4. If in doubt declare. 5. As stated in (b) above, if written notice disclosing the interest has not been given to the Chief Executive Officer before the meeting, then it MUST be given when the matter arises in the Agenda, and immediately before the matter is discussed. 6. Ordinarily the disclosing Councillor must leave the meeting room before discussion commences. exceptions are: The only 6.1 Where the Councillor discloses the extent of the interest, and Council carries a motion under s.5.68(1)(b)(ii) or the Local Government Act; or 6.2 Where the Minister allows the Councillor to participate under s.5.69(3) of the Local Government Act, with or without conditions. INTERESTS AFFECTING IMPARTIALITY DEFINITION: An interest that would give rise to a reasonable belief that the impartiality of the person having the interest would be adversely affected, but does not include an interest as referred to in Section 5.60 of the ‘Act’. A member who has an Interest Affecting Impartiality in any matter to be discussed at a Council or Committee Meeting, which will be attended by the member, must disclose the nature of the interest; (a) in a written notice given to the Chief Executive Officer before the Meeting; or (b) at the Meeting, immediately before the matter is discussed. IMPACT OF AN IMPARTIALITY CLOSURE There are very different outcomes resulting from disclosing an interest affecting impartiality compared to that of a financial interest. With the declaration of a financial interest, an elected member leaves the room and does not vote. With the declaration of this new type of interest, the elected member stays in the room, participates in the debate and votes. In effect then, following disclosure of an interest affecting impartiality, the member’s involvement in the Meeting continues as if no interest existed. TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM SUBJECT PAGE NO 1 OFFICIAL OPENING ................................................................................................ 4 2 PUBLIC QUESTION TIME ........................................................................................ 4 3 RECORD OF ATTENDANCES / APOLOGIES / LEAVE OF ABSENCE .................. 4 4 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST ............................................................................. 5 5 PETITIONS/DEPUTATIONS/PRESENTATIONS ...................................................... 5 6 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES AND BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS ............................................................................................ 5 7 ANNOUNCEMENTS BY PERSON PRESIDING WITHOUT DISCUSSION .............. 6 8 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER & EXECUTIVE SERVICES ...................................... 7 8.1 ESTABLISHMENT OF A CITY STATUS COMMITTEE ............................................ 7 8.2 LEASE OF OFFICE SPACE IN ROEBOURNE....................................................... 16 8.3 PILBARA DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION BOARD VACANCIES ........................ 26 8.4 APPOINTMENT OF ACTING CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICERS .............................. 35 9 COMMUNITY AND CORPORATE SERVICES ....................................................... 39 9.1 FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR PERIOD ENDING 31 May 2012 ........................... 39 9.2 LIST OF ACCOUNTS JUNE 2012 .......................................................................... 61 9.3 REQUEST FOR DONATION OF SHADE STRUCTURES AND MATERIALS TO TAMBREY PRIMARY SCHOOL ............................................................................. 80 9.4 ROEBOURNE AIRSTRIP SCOPE OF WORKS FOR ASBESTOS REMOVAL ...... 85 9.5 PROPOSED KARRATHA LIBRARY TOWN CENTRE REDEVELOPMENT .......... 92 9.6 YABURARA HERITAGE TRAIL STEERING COMMITTEE MINUTES JUNE 2012 .... ................................................................................................................. 99 10 DEVELOPMENT, REGULATORY & INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES ................ 115 10.1 PLANNING APPLICATION P2581 – PROPOSED HOME OCCUPATION – MOTORCYCLE HIRE BUSINESS, 311 VIVEASH WAY, BULGARRA ............................ 115 10.2 THE RANGES DEVELOPMENT PLAN – KARRATHA ROAD, STOVE HILL – FINAL ADOPTION ................................................................................................ 118 10.3 AMENDED SHIRE OF ROEBOURNE ANIMALS, ENVIRONMENT AND NUISANCE LOCAL LAW ........................................................................................................ 139 10.4 AMENDED SHIRE OF ROEBOURNE HEALTH LOCAL LAW ............................. 146 11 STRATEGIC PROJECTS & BUSINESS ............................................................... 152 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 11.1 GROUND TRANSPORT POLICIES – KARRATHA AIRPORT ............................. 152 11.2 LEASE OF FORMER STAFF CAR PARK – KARRATHA AIRPORT ................... 164 11.3 REQUEST TO PROVIDE A DISCOUNT FOR FEES AND CHARGES – QANTAS AIRWAYS - KTA – LEA SERVICE ....................................................................... 172 11.4 REQUEST TO WAIVE WASTE FEES AND CHARGES SALVATION ARMY KARRATHA.......................................................................................................... 181 12 ITEMS FOR INFORMATION ONLY ...................................................................... 186 12.1 INFORMATION ONLY ITEMS - June 2012 .......................................................... 186 12.2 SHIRE PRESIDENT’S MAIL – 1 JUNE – 30 JUNE 2012 ..................................... 188 12.3 REGISTER OF DOCUMENTS STAMPED WITH THE SHIRE OF ROEBOURNE COMMON SEAL ................................................................................................... 189 12.3 COUNCILLOR REPRESENTATIVES ON ORGANISATIONS .............................. 190 12.4 TABLED CORRESPONDENCE ........................................................................... 193 12.5 BUDGET AMENDMENTS FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 31 MAY 2012 ................ 195 12.6 NON STATUTORY DONATIONS FOR PERIOD ENDING 31 MAY 2012 ............. 198 12.7 MONTHLY BUILDING STATISTICS - JUNE 2012 ............................................... 200 12.8 PLANNING DECISIONS ISSUED 5 JUNE 2012 - 1 JULY 2012........................... 203 12.9 JOINT DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT PANELS APPLICATIONS 5 JUNE 2012 1 JULY 2012 ......................................................................................................... 205 12.10 COSSACK ART AWARDS – INFORMATION ONLY ........................................... 206 13 MOTIONS OF WHICH PREVIOUS NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN .......................... 209 14 QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS OF WHICH DUE NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN ....... 209 15 URGENT BUSINESS APPROVED BY THE PERSON PRESIDING OR BY DECISION............................................................................................................. 210 15.1 SCHEME AMENDMENT TO CLAUSE 7.5 OF TPS8 – STORM SURGE RISK SPECIAL CONTROLS.......................................................................................... 210 15.2 BUDGET AMENDMENT KARRATHA LIBRARY – PLANT PURCHASE ............. 223 15.4 ROEBOURNE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES JULY 2012 ......................... 227 15.3 APPOINTMENT OF THE CEO ............................................................................. 247 16 MATTERS BEHIND CLOSED DOORS ................................................................ 250 16.1 REVOCATION OF MANAGEMENT ORDER – KARRATHA AQUATIC CENTRE 250 16.2 KARRATHA AIRPORT TERMINAL REFRESH UPGRADE APPOINTMENT OF PROJECT ARCHITECT........................................................................................ 252 16.3 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT RENEWAL OF A SENIOR EMPLOYEE ................. 264 17 CLOSURE & DATE OF NEXT MEETING ............................................................. 266 Page 3 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 MINUTES 1 OFFICIAL OPENING The Ordinary Meeting of Council held at the Roebourne Community Hall, Roebourne on 16 July 2012 was declared open at 6.32pm. Cr White-Hartig acknowledged the traditions of the Ngarluma people, on whose land we are gathered here today. 2 PUBLIC QUESTION TIME 3 RECORD OF ATTENDANCES / APOLOGIES / LEAVE OF ABSENCE Councillors: Cr Fiona White-Hartig [President] Cr Peter Long [Deputy President] Cr Margaret Bertling Cr John Lally Cr Nicole Lockwood Cr Janine Miller Cr Joanne Pritchard Cr Evette Smeathers Staff: Simon Kot David Pentz Ray McDermott Craig Watts Mitchell Cameron Rosemary Cousin Tishka Hanlon Apologies: Andrew Ward Cr Sharon Vertigan Absent: Leave of Absence: Cr Garry Bailey Cr Michael Saylor Members of Public: Ella Ganfield Members of Media: Page 4 Acting Chief Executive Officer Director Development, Regulatory and Infrastructure Services Executive Manager Corporate Services Executive Manager Regulatory Services Executive Manager Strategic Business Manager Planning Services Minute Secretary Director Community and Corporate Services Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 4 16 July 2012 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cr Smeathers declared an impartiality interest in Item 9.3 Request for Donation of Shade Structures and Materials to Tambrey Primary School Nature of Interest: Cr Smeathers is the chair of the P&C board at the Tambrey Primary School. Cr Bertling declared an Indirect Financial interest in Item 10.2 - The Ranges Development Plan – Karratha Road, Stove Hill – Final Adoption Nature of Interest: Cr Bertling has previously worked on projects for the applicant. Director Community and Corporate Services declared an Financial interest in Item Employment Contract Renewal of a Senior Employee Nature of Interest: Mr Ward is the Proponent in the report. 5 PETITIONS/DEPUTATIONS/PRESENTATIONS Gladys Walker, Chairperson, and Susan Shirtliff, Chief Executive Officer, for the Ngarliyarndu Bindirri Aboriginal Corporation provided a brief presentation to their urgent request for office accommodation as identified in item 8.2 - LEASE OF OFFICE SPACE IN ROEBOURNE. 6 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES AND BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS RECOMMENDATION 1 OFFICERS RECOMMENDATION / COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152124 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Lally Cr Long That the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Monday 18 June 2012 be confirmed as a true and correct record of proceedings. CARRIED FOR : AGAINST : Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling. Nil Page 5 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 RECOMMENDATION 2 OFFICERS RECOMMENDATION / COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152125 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Pritchard Cr Lockwood That the Special Meeting of Council held on Friday 29 June 2012, be confirmed as a true and correct record of proceedings, noting that recommendation 4D of Item 5.1 includes the provision for a one (1x) free 3 day Long Term Airport Car Park parking pass to owners and occupiers in Point Samson, Wickham & Roebourne. CARRIED FOR : AGAINST : 7 Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling. Nil ANNOUNCEMENTS BY WITHOUT DISCUSSION Page 6 PERSON PRESIDING Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 8 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER & EXECUTIVE SERVICES 8.1 ESTABLISHMENT OF A CITY STATUS COMMITTEE File No: LP.60 Responsible Executive Officer: Chief Executive Officer Reporting Author: Principal Economic and Business Improvement Advisor Date of Report: 28 June 2012 Applicant/Proponent: Chief Executive Officer Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s) Draft Terms of Reference for the City Status Committee PURPOSE To seek Council’s endorsement of the establishment of, and terms of reference for, a City Status Committee to consider city status for the municipality and oversee appropriate forward planning. BACKGROUND The Shire of Roebourne’s residential population, as determined by the 2011 Census, stands at 22,900. This puts the Shire in the position of being able to bid for city status if Council so desires. As per the Local Government Act 1995, Part 2, Division 1, Section 2.4: (3) A district can only be designated a city if — the district, if it is not in the metropolitan area, has more than 20 000 inhabitants more than half of whom live in an urban area. (6) The number of inhabitants of a district at a particular time is to be taken as that established by the Government Statistician appointed under the Statistics Act 1907 according to the information then available to that person. The government statistician is typically the most senior officer of the Australian Bureau of Statistics based in WA. Once it has been established that the Shire of Roebourne has 20,000 residents as determined by the Government Statistician, a formal resolution seeking city status needs to be passed by Council and then a formal written request with the appropriate supporting documentation and Council resolution put to the Minister for Local Government for a decision. Page 7 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE Significant - There will be a significant cost impost to Council for the transformation to City status. Progression towards achievement of City Status has been budgeted for in the 2012/13 budget (See financial implications). Another aspect that would need to be considered is how the mayor would be elected – either by the council or by electors. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION Consultation has taken place with internal officers to ascertain impacts and potential costings. These have included the Manager of Human Resources, Manager Information Services, Executive Manager Works and Director Community and Corporate Services. A dialogue has commenced amongst Councillors following release of the 2011 census data in late June. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION It is highly recommended that Council undertake a public consultation approach in due course, as contentious issues will need to be considered include the naming of the city and whether the Mayor will be elected by Council or the public. STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS Local Government Act 1995, Part 2, Division 1, Section 2.4 and Part 5, Section 5.8 – 5.25 POLICY IMPLICATIONS There are no policy implications FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS There will be a significant financial impost of implementing city status. These include but are not limited to: Redesign of logo and corporate image with roll out across the Shire in terms of signage, stationary Rebadging/redesign of staff uniforms Shire website revamp, domain name registration, other ICT implementation costs Acquisition of Mayoral regalia i.e. robes and chain of office City Status major event launch, public relations activities and civic celebrations Other Councils who have recently progressed to City status, have mitigated costs through advanced planning, and implementing strategies such as minimising replacement of signage, stationery, uniforms etc during an interim period prior to the changeover. Council has allocated $20,000 in the 2012 / 2013 Budget to commence planning. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS Karratha: City of the North – transforming Karratha from a resource town into a regional city of the North. RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS Delay in seeking city status could minimise potential/perceived benefits such as securing public/private investments and attraction and retention of workers/residents. Page 8 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 ISSUES Economic Issues Other local government authorities who have made the transition to city status have cited various potential benefits including securing investment, business opportunities and attraction and retention of workers from a marketing and positioning perspective. These benefits will need to be rigorously tested to ascertain the extent of benefits derived from achieving City status. Social Issues There are no social issues related to this matter. Environmental Issues There are no environmental issues related to this matter. Cultural & Heritage Issues There are no Cultural & Heritage issues related to this matter. IMPACT ON CAPACITY In the planning for and implementation of city status, Council resources in terms of manpower and finance will needed to be directed to the task to effectively carry out the transformation. This will have far reaching impact across the whole organisation but specifically impact on Human Resources, Works, Information Technology, Compliance and Community Services. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS There are no relevant precedents related to this matter. DELEGATED AUTHORITY There are no delegated authorities relevant to this matter. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Absolute Majority Page 9 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 OPTIONS: Option 1 As per Officer’s recommendation. Option 2 That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to Section 5.8 of the Local Government Act, 1995 RESOLVES to NOT ESTABLISH a City Status Committee to oversee the budgeting, planning and logistics required to achieve city status. Option 3 That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to Section 5.8 of the Local Government Act, 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. DEFER ESTABLISHMENT of a City Status Committee to oversee the budgeting, planning and logistics required to achieve city status until a time to be decided by Council. 2. DIRECT the CEO to assign officers to conduct further research on the costs associated with achieving city status with a view to a recommendation to be put to council of an appropriate allocation for future budgeting. CONCLUSION The Shire of Roebourne’s population has reached the figure of 22,900, hence would now qualify for city status should Council so determine. The change of status to a City is not merely a change of name, but a significant historical milestone for the community, a milestone that requires careful planning and consideration, City specific branding and market positioning, the development of logos, designs, colour schemes, key messages and other significant operational elements. Advocates of city status cite perceived/potential benefits such as attraction and retention of staff and residents and marketing and promotional opportunities which could lead to enhanced private/public partnerships and investment. It is recommended that Council establish a City Status Committee to consider the relative merits and issues associated with achieving city status and direct appropriate planning and implementation. Page 10 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152126 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Bertling Cr Long That Council suspend Standing Orders to allow for open discussion of this item. CARRIED FOR : AGAINST : Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling. Nil COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152127 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Long Cr Miller That Council reinstate Standing Orders. CARRIED FOR : AGAINST : Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling. Nil OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION / COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152128 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Lockwood Cr Smeathers That Council by ABSOLUTE Majority pursuant to Section 5.8 of the Local Government Act, 1995 RESOLVES to 1. ESTABLISH a City Status Committee to oversee the budgeting, planning and logistics required to achieve city status. 2. ENDORSE the Terms of Reference for the City Status Committee as attached 3 ELECT 2 Councillors to the City Status Committee. LOST FOR AGAINST : : Nil Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling. Page 11 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 ALTERNATE RECOMMENDATION / COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152129 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Long Cr Lally That Council by ABSOLUTE Majority pursuant to Section 5.8 of the Local Government Act, 1995 RESOLVES to 1. ESTABLISH a City Status Committee to investigate the cost benefit in considering an application for city status 2. ENDORSE the Terms of Reference for the City Status Committee as amended. 3 ELECT 4 Councillors to the City Status Committee: Cr Bailey Cr Saylor Cr Lally Cr Miller CARRIED FOR : AGAINST : Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling. Nil Page 12 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 13 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 14 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 15 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 8.2 16 July 2012 LEASE OF OFFICE SPACE IN ROEBOURNE File No: CA.42 Responsible Executive Officer: Chief Executive Officer Reporting Author: Manager Corporate Compliance Date of Report: 3 July 2012 Applicant/Proponent: Gladys Walker, Ngarliyarndu Bindirri Aboriginal Corporation Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s) Letter dated 8 June 2012 from the Chairperson PURPOSE To consider a request for interim accommodation requirements to utilise office space at the recently renovated Shire of Roebourne offices in the Roebourne townsite on Roe Street. BACKGROUND Representatives from Ngarliyarndu Bindirri Aboriginal Corporation (NBAC) will be making a presentation to Council to discuss their proposal. The NBAC is a not for profit social enterprise that was established in 1970 and has sought assistance for an interim lease with the Shire to utilise potential office space at the Shire of Roebourne’s offices in Roebourne. The NBAC have an existing lease in Harding Street from where they have been operating for many years, however they have been informed by the Department of Child Protection and the Ngarluma Aboriginal Corporation that their lease will not be renewed after October 2012. They have been given funding approval by the Commonwealth Government to build new facilities in Roebourne however this is not expected to be completed until February 2014. In the meantime the NBAC are requiring a new office presence and have attempted to source alternate locations but their options are limited without closing their doors. The NBAC seeks an interim lease with the Shire to: a) Secure operation of essential NBAC services (in particular Centrelink and our central governance team) during construction of our adjacent blocks in 2 Wellard Street and 24 Roe Street; b) Occupy the recently refurbished Shire premises on Roe Street, Roebourne known as the Shire building for a period of time not exceeding 2 years; c) Explore stronger communications and practical cooperative service delivery between the Shire of Roebourne and NBAC/Shire initiatives – to reduce costs and add operating value; and d) Enable enough time to refurbish and relocate the Roebourne Art Group. Page 16 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 The NBAC wish to relocate the following operations to the Shire building: a) b) c) d) Centrelink Ways2Work Red Dirt Driving Academy NBAC Executive - 1 Permanent Staff - 2 Permanent Staff - 2 Perm + 4 Casual - 3 Perm + 1 Casual (Human Services Agency) (Employment Pathways) (Driving Instructions) (Governance) The building is listed as record 42 “Roebourne Library” on the Shire’s Municipal Heritage Inventory. Although it is named the Roebourne Library, it has also been used as the Shire Offices in the past as well as originally being built in August 1888 for the Union Bank. 6 office spaces have been refurbished as well as the kitchen and toilet areas in 2011/12. The building has been refitted with split system air conditioning and electrical rewiring for remote IT services, new coat of paint and new carpeting throughout the building. Whilst space can be made available to accommodate some of NBAC’s operations, the Shire has plans in the next 6 months to relocate some of its services to operate from this building. These services, although not finalised, incorporate a presence of ranger services, community development and “hot desking” for other service areas from time to time. Kitchen Change Rooms If there is to be the co-location of both groups in to the same building, access to IT and security of operations between both groups will need to be assessed and demarked accordingly. From the Shire’s perspective, it is not intended to share IT services with NBAC. They will require their own dedicated and secure network. There will need to be open access to all occupants to the toilets and kitchen facilities. 6 5 Toilet 3 Safe 2 1 4 Negotiations will need to occur with NBAC as to the extent of accommodating all proposed staff into this facility and offer the services that they have requested. Initial discussions with Executive suggest Rooms 1, 2, 3 and 4 can accommodate up to 12 NBAC personnel with Rooms 5 and 6 accommodating 5-6 Shire personnel. LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE The purpose of locating Shire staff to Roebourne was to develop a local presence to those communities to the east of the Karratha townsite and to also build on the accessibility of ranger services and community development to these communities. At present Shire Page 17 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 services are limited to waste collection and library services. This is a strategy identified by the communities of Roebourne, Wickham and Point Samson. Co-location is an option to fully utilise the building and provide services to the community that otherwise could not be provided. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION Discussions have been held with the Director of Community and Corporate Services and the Acting Chief Executive Officer as to our strategic needs for the facility. Further consultation has occurred with the Shire President and the ward councillor who have provided support to leasing areas within the building not required for Shire purposes. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION There has been no community consultation in terms of the use of the facility however will require notice to be conveyed to the community in compliance with our obligations under the Local Government Act 1995. STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS If the Shire is to lease land, it will need to comply with section 3.58 of the Local Government Act 1995 in regards to disposal of land and the relevant advertising requirements prior to a lease being exercised. Details as to the value of consideration to be received, the term and nature of the lease and the parties forming the agreement to be advertised for a minimum period of 2 weeks prior to Council reconsidering any submissions received as a result of the advertising. POLICY IMPLICATIONS There are no policy implications. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS It is anticipated that there will be a rental stream to be ascertained on a maximum value of commercial office space rentals in Roebourne. The NBAC is a non profit organisation however does generate an income from its commercial arm “Brida” that hires out plant and machinery. Cost for floor space has indicatively been earmarked around $200 - $250/m2. If NBAC are to occupy Rooms 1-4, the floor area is approximately 82m2 of a total of 162m2 with a commercial return expected to be around $16,432/month. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS The context of this agenda report has specific implications to the Shire of Roebourne’s 2009-2013 Strategic Plan: Key Goal #1 Communities “We will further develop and maintain the infrastructure and facilities to create aesthetically attractive and liveable towns which will develop into more diverse and balanced communities.” Objectives: Facilitating inclusive and engaged communities. Building capacity, capability and partnerships across the community. Providing a range of appropriate facilities that reflect the demography of the communities. Priorities 2011/12: Complete management and conservation plans for the Yaburara Heritage Trail, Dalgety House and the Union Bank Building. Key Goal #2: Delivering Services “We will provide efficient and effective Local Government service delivery that meets our communities’ expectations” Focusing on continuous improvement and best practice. Set service standards and regularly review to ensure they reflect the communities’ priorities. Develop work improvement programs, implement and regularly review to meet current and future service standards. Identify key gaps and action areas of improvement resulting from the annual staff and community surveys. Continually review and streamline key work practices and work processes. Seek partners to deliver community requirements. Construct additional staff office space. Objectives: Initiatives 2009-13: Priorities 2011/12: Page 18 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes Key Goal #3: Objectives: Initiatives 2009-13: 16 July 2012 Local Economy “Managing and maximising the benefits of growth in the region while diversifying our economic base.” Creating opportunities for growth and diversification for local business. Establish formal relationships with industry partners to maximise community benefit. Create a strategic plan for the development and revitalisation of Roebourne. RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS There are no significant or material risk management considerations applicable. If the Shire is contemplating expanding its services, it will need to ensure that for the duration of a lease, there is sufficient capacity within the building to house Shire staff. It is also worth acknowledging that NBAC provide a Centrelink Service which will require some work space for public and staff. If this service cannot be run from this building or an alternative site, then Roebourne’s office will close and this is not a preferred outcome for all parties involved. ISSUES Economic Issues There are economic benefits for the community of Roebourne and adjoining areas that are serviced by NBAC where NBAC provide services such as employment pathways, personal driving education and its commercial operations of hiring plant and equipment to undertake community type works. Social Issues There are benefits for the NBAC to continue its operations and service the community and its clients. A discontinuation or closure will result in a loss in services to Roebourne and unemployment for up to 63 persons. Currently NBAC provide a Centrelink service and its temporary suspension or closure may create inconvenience for those in the immediate area to access welfare payments and will necessitate expense in travelling to Karratha to access such benefits. Environmental Issues There are no environmental issues related to this matter. Cultural and Heritage Issues There are no Cultural & Heritage issues related to this matter. IMPACT ON CAPACITY There is no impact on capacity or resourcing to carry out the Officer’s recommendation. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS There are no relevant precedents related to this matter. DELEGATED AUTHORITY There are no delegated authorities relevant to this matter. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority Page 19 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 OPTIONS: Option 1 As per Officer’s recommendation. Option 2 That Council by SIMPLE Majority pursuant to Section 3.58 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. ACCEPT the application by Ngarliyarndu Bindirri Aboriginal Corporation to lease part of the premises known as the “Roebourne Shire Offices” in Roe Street, Roebourne on the basis of: a. The TERM being for a period up to 2 years; b. The RENTAL being at a peppercorn rental for the duration of the lease period; c. The AREA of lease to be limited to Rooms 1, 2, 3 and 4 with common use access to Kitchen and Toilet facilities; d. COSTS to be borne for Cleaning and Utility charges for power and water to be split 67% NBAC and 33% Shire; and e. COSTS to refurbish leased area to be fully borne by the NBAC with any structural changes requiring Shire approval and upon expiration of the lease, NBAC remove any structural changes and return to the original condition. 2. ADVERTISE the above lease agreement seeking public submissions; and 3. REPORT back to Council any submissions received prior to effecting the proposed new lease agreement. Option 3 That Council by SIMPLE Majority pursuant to Section 3.58 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. ACCEPT the application by Ngarliyarndu Bindirri Aboriginal Corporation to lease part of the premises known as the “Roebourne Shire Offices” in Roe Street, Roebourne on the basis of: a. The TERM being for a period up to 2 years; b. The RENTAL being at an agreed rental of $________ for the duration of the lease period; c. The AREA of lease to be limited to Rooms ________ with common use access to Kitchen and Toilet facilities; d. COSTS to be borne for Cleaning and Utility charges for power and water to be split 67% NBAC and 33% Shire; and e. COSTS to refurbish leased area to be fully borne by the NBAC with any structural changes requiring Shire approval and upon expiration of the lease, NBAC remove any structural changes and return to the original condition. 2. ADVERTISE the above lease agreement seeking public submissions; and 3. REPORT back to Council any submissions received prior to effecting the proposed new lease agreement. Page 20 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Option 4 That Council by SIMPLE Majority pursuant to Section 3.58 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. NEGOTIATE further with Ngarliyarndu Bindirri Aboriginal Corporation on a suitable outcome to their use of the Roebourne Shire Offices over the next two year period. 2. OBTAIN a report from Staff for the August Council meeting as to a direction forward. CONCLUSION The Officer’s Recommendation supports the availability of 4 rooms at a commercial rental to accommodate the required number of staff from NBAC to continue their operations whilst also allowing the co-location of Shire staff to provide an outpost Shire service to the communities of Roebourne, Wickham, Point Samson and Cossack. Option 2 supports a peppercorn rental with NBAC covering all other costs on a shared ratio of floor space. Option 3 opens up the flexibility of Council suggesting alternative proposals whilst Option 4 suggests a continuation of negotiations between parties to agree to a suitable outcome that will allow NBAC to continue operations through to 2014. Representatives from Ngarliyarndu Bindirri Aboriginal Corporation will be making a presentation to Council to discuss their proposal. Page 21 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION / COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152130 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Lockwood Cr Long That Council by SIMPLE Majority pursuant to Section 3.58 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. ACCEPT the application by Ngarliyarndu Bindirri Aboriginal Corporation to lease part of the premises known as the “Roebourne Shire Offices” in Roe Street, Roebourne on the basis of: a. The TERM being for a period up to 2 years; b. The RENTAL being at a reasonable commercial market value rental to be negotiated between NBAC and the Shire of Roebourne; c. The AREA of lease to be limited to Rooms 1, 2, 3 and 4 with common use access to Kitchen and Toilet facilities; d. COSTS to be borne for Cleaning and Utility charges for power and water to be split 67% NBAC and 33% Shire; and e. COSTS to refurbish leased area to be fully borne by the NBAC with any structural changes requiring Shire approval and upon expiration of the lease, NBAC remove any structural changes and return to the original condition. 2. ADVERTISE the above lease agreement seeking public submissions; and 3. REPORT back to Council any submissions received prior to effecting the proposed new lease agreement. CARRIED FOR : AGAINST : Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling. Nil Page 22 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 23 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 24 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 25 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 8.3 16 July 2012 PILBARA DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION BOARD VACANCIES File No: AC/3/1, EG 9/1 Responsible Executive Officer: Chief Executive Officer Reporting Author: Project Officer Executive Services Date of Report: 4 July 2012 Applicant/Proponent: Pilbara Development Commission Disclosure of Interest: Identify Attachment(s) Letter from the Pilbara Development Commission dated 19 June 2012 PURPOSE For Council to: Consider nominating up to two Councillors for appointment for a maximum period of three years to the Pilbara Development Commission Board of Management. BACKGROUND The Pilbara Development Commission (PDC) wrote to the four local government authorities in the Pilbara on 19 June 2012 requesting up to two nominations from Council to fill three local government positions on its Board of Management for a period of up to three years. Nominations are considered by the Hon. Brendon Grylls, MLA, Minister for Regional Development; Lands for selection with endorsement of successful candidates provided by State Cabinet. The Shire of Roebourne has not had direct Shire appointed representation on the PDC since Cr Snell, former Shire President, ceased membership in 2009. The Pilbara Development Commission (PDC) is responsible to the Minister for Regional Development and Lands and is broadly mandated with economic (the region being an area of significant export revenue) and social development of the Pilbara. As such, the PDC has a considerable number of stakeholders with whom strong partnerships and effective teamwork are fundamental to its success. The objectives of the PDC are defined under Section 23 of the Regional Development Commissions Act (1993) as follows: Maximise job creation and improve career opportunities in the region; Develop and broaden the economic base of the region; Identify infrastructure services to promote economic and social development within the region; Provide information and advice to promote business development within the region; Seek to ensure that the general standard of government services and access to those services in the region are comparable to that which applies in the metropolitan area; and Generally take steps to encourage, promote, facilitate and monitor the economic development of the region. The role of Board Members is prescribed as being to: Page 26 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Set the overall strategic direction and goals for the Commission; Provide guidance on specific projects and initiatives; Formulate Commission policy; Review progress at regular intervals to ensure established goals are being achieved; Monitor Commission expenditure; Promote economic development; Represent the commission at relevant meetings and functions; Provide a conduit between the commission and the community; and Facilitate cooperation between organisations in the Region. Board members are also responsible for ensuring they are familiar with the obligations that apply to them, including: Fiduciary responsibilities (including the Corporations Act 2011); Public sector-specific responsibilities of Board members (including the Statutory Corporations (Liability of Directors) Act 1996); Appropriate agency-specific legal responsibilities; Representative responsibilities and obligations, including from any legislative requirements; Responsibilities to act in the best interest of the organisation; and Expectations regarding time commitment, preparation and attendance at Board meetings. Policies and Procedures Board members of the PDC are governed by internal polices and procedures which are available on the PDC’s website. The following is a list of policies and procedures which contribute to the governance of the role as a PDC Board member. PDC Strategic Plan Code of Conduct Staff Entitlements Overview Accountability Framework Communication between Board members and PDC staff policy Communications with Media Policy Communications with Minister’s Office Policy Contact with Lobbyist Policy PDC Values Receipts of Gifts and Hospitality Policy Travel Policy Nominees are required to complete “Nomination for appointment to the Board of the Pilbara Development Commission” (Attachment 1), with applications closing 1 August 2012. LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE The PDC is a significant contributor to strategic planning for economic and social development of the region and Council membership on the PDC will increase the synergies and enhance opportunities between the work being undertaken by the PDC and the Shire. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION Council is being consulted in the context of this agenda report and in the invitation for nominations. Page 27 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 COMMUNITY CONSULTATION No community consultation is required. STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS Councillors wishing to nominate will need to consider Sections 3.18 and Division 6 (Disclosure of Financial Interests) of the Local Government Act 1995 Councillors are appointed in accordance with the Regional Development Commissions Act 1993. POLICY IMPLICATIONS There are no policy implications. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS There are no financial implications to the Shire. Councillors will be remunerated in accordance with the entitlements policy detailed above. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS The nominations (specifically the roles and responsibilities of Board Members) as prescribed above enable greater focus on the synergies and opportunities between the Shire’s strategic Plan and the strategic focus of the PDC. RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS There are no risk management considerations applicable. ISSUES Economic Issues There are no economic issues related to this matter. Social Issues There are no social issues related to this matter. Environmental Issues There are no environmental issues related to this matter. Cultural and Heritage Issues There are no cultural and heritage issues related to this matter. IMPACT ON CAPACITY There will be additional workload for successful candidates to the position of Board Member. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS There are no relevant precedents related to this matter. DELEGATED AUTHORITY There are no delegated authorities relevant to this matter. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Absolute Majority Page 28 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 OPTIONS: Option 1 As per Officer’s recommendation. Option 2 That Council by ABSOLUTE Majority pursuant to Section 5.10 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to AMEND the Officer’s recommendation by NOMINATING the following Council representative on the Pilbara Development Commission Board of Management for a period of three years Cr___________ Option 3 That Council by SIMPLE Majority pursuant to Section 5.10 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES NOT to NOMINATE a Council representative to the Pilbara Development Commission Board of Management. CONCLUSION The PDC has invited the four Pilbara Councils to nominate up to two Councillors for consideration for membership in relation to three vacancies on the PDC Board for a tenure of three years. Election to the Board of Management of the PDC would provide successful nominees with the opportunity to ensure the Shire of Roebourne’s interests are well represented. OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION / COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152131 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Miller Cr Pritchard That Council by ABSOLUTE Majority pursuant to Section 5.10 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to NOMINATE as Council representative to the Pilbara Development Commission Board of Management for a three year term: Cr White-Hartig and Cr Smeathers CARRIED FOR : AGAINST : Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Vertigan, Cr Bailey, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling, Cr Saylor. Nil Page 29 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 30 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 31 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 32 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 33 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 34 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 8.4 16 July 2012 APPOINTMENT OF ACTING CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICERS File No: PE.159 Responsible Executive Officer: Acting Chief Executive Officer Reporting Author: Acting Chief Executive Officer Date of Report: 5 July 2012 Applicant/Proponent: Executive Services Disclosure of Interest: All Directors Attachment(s) Nil PURPOSE To consider the appointment of an Acting Chief Executive Officer to cover a period of leave. BACKGROUND At its Ordinary Meeting held in May 2012, Council resolved by Absolute Majority pursuant to Sections 5.36 and 5.39 of the Local Government Act 1995 to appoint Mr Simon Kot, Director Strategic Projects and Business to the role of Acting Chief Executive Officer from the 22 May 2012 to: (a) the commencement of the substantive Chief Executive Officer; or (b) a contract period not to exceed beyond 19 March 2013. The A/CEO is proposing to take leave from the 8 August to 13 September 2012. The period of leave has been discussed and approved by the Shire President. In accordance with the Local Government Act 1995 section 5.42 the Council has delegated authority to the Chief Executive Officer to appoint an officer in the role of Acting Chief Executive Officer. Council however has an existing provided to the CEO known as “Delegation #1 - Appointment of Acting CEO” where such a delegation is limited to a continuous period not exceeding four weeks. As the Acting Chief Executive Officer will be on leave for a period of 5 weeks it is recommended that Council endorse the appointment of further Acting Chief Executive Officers for this period of time. The Director Community and Corporate Services and Director Development, Regulatory and Infrastructure Services both have existing training commitments during this period that will require the role to be shared and split across the 5 week period. The following proposal depicts the recommended approach to the Acting Chief Executive Officer role. 8 – 19 August - Director Community and Corporate Services 20 – 30 August Director Development, Regulatory and Infrastructure Services 31 August – 6 September Director Community and Corporate Services 7 – 12 September Director Development, Regulatory and Infrastructure Services Page 35 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE The matter is determined to be significant considering the importance of the role to ensure business continuity whilst the recruitment process for a permanent Chief Executive Officer progresses. In accordance with the Local Government Act (1995) section 5.41, the CEO’s functions are to — (a) advise the council in relation to the functions of a local government under this Act and other written laws; (b) ensure that advice and information is available to the council so that informed decisions can be made; (c) cause council decisions to be implemented; (d) manage the day to day operations of the local government; (e) liaise with the mayor or president on the local government’s affairs and the performance of the local government’s functions; (f) speak on behalf of the local government if the mayor or president agrees; (g) be responsible for the employment, management supervision, direction and dismissal of other employees (subject to section 5.37(2) in relation to senior employees); (h) ensure that records and documents of the local government are properly kept for the purposes of this Act and any other written law; and (i) perform any other function specified or delegated by the local government or imposed under this Act or any other written law as a function to be performed by the CEO. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION The period of leave has been discussed and approved by the Shire President. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION No community consultation is required. STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS In accordance with the Local Government Act 1995 s. 5.42 the Council has delegated authority to the Chief Executive Officer to appoint an officer in the role of Acting Chief Executive Officer. POLICY IMPLICATIONS There are no policy implications. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The appointment of an acting CEO will result in the employee being appropriately remunerated for the higher duties. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS There are no strategic implications. RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS There are no risk management implications. Page 36 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 ISSUES Economic Issues There are no economic issues related to this matter. Social Issues There are no social issues related to this matter. Environmental Issues There are no environmental issues related to this matter. Cultural & Heritage Issues There are no Cultural & Heritage issues related to this matter. IMPACT ON CAPACITY There is an impact on capacity and resourcing to carry out the recommendation. In short any appointment of an existing Director to the role of Acting Chief Executive Officer will provide disruption to the effective management of each Directorate. This situation will be amended on the return of the Acting Chief Executive Officer from leave and the commencement of the new Chief Executive Officer. By spreading the responsibility to a number of other directors reduces the level of disruption in any one directorate. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS Council has previously appointed an Acting Chief Executive Officer when a Chief Executive Officer has gone on leave for a period of time greater than 4 weeks. DELEGATED AUTHORITY “Delegation #1 - Appointment of Acting CEO” has been provided by Council to the CEO however limits the time period to a continuous period not exceeding four weeks. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Absolute Majority OPTIONS: Option 1 As per the Officers recommendation. Option 2 That Council by ABSOLUTE MAJORITY pursuant to Section 5.36 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. APPOINT _________________to the role of Acting Chief Executive Officer for the period 8 August – 12 September 2012 CONCLUSION Council is required to maintain an office of the CEO and due to personal leave arising for the acting CEO, there is a requirement to have another suitably qualified person in this position until the acting CEO returns from leave or the new CEO is appointed, whichever is the earlier. Council may wish to consider other variations to the proposed arrangements identified in the Officer’s Recommendation. Page 37 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION / COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152132 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Long Cr Lockwood That Council by ABSOLUTE MAJORITY pursuant to Section 5.36 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. APPOINT the Director Community and Corporate Services to the role of Acting Chief Executive Officer for the period 8 – 19 August and 31 August – 6 September 2012 2. APPOINT the Director Development, Regulatory and Infrastructure Services to the role of Acting Chief Executive Officer for the period 20 – 30 August and 7 – 12 September 2012. CARRIED FOR : AGAINST : Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling. Nil Page 38 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 9 16 July 2012 COMMUNITY AND CORPORATE SERVICES FINANCIAL SERVICES 9.1 FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR PERIOD ENDING 31 May 2012 File No: FM.19 Responsible Executive Officer: Executive Manager Financial Services Reporting Author: Management Accountant Date of Report: 26 June 2012 Applicant/Proponent: Not applicable Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s) Nil PURPOSE To provide Council with a summary of the financial position for the period ending 31 May 2012. BACKGROUND In accordance with the Local Government Act 1995 and Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996, a Statement of Financial Activity is required to be presented to Council as a minimum requirement. Regulation 34(4) states that a statement of financial activity, and accompanying documents, are to be; 1) presented to the Council; (a) At the next ordinary meeting of Council following the end of the month to which the statement relates; or (b) If the statement is not prepared in time to present it to the meeting referred to in (a) above, to the next meeting of Council after that meeting; and 2) Recorded in the minutes of the meeting at which it is presented. In accordance with Regulation 34 (5), a report must be compiled on variances greater than the materiality threshold adopted by Council of $10,000 or 10% whichever is the greater. With this report being composed at programme level, only a general comment can be made regarding the variances. Page 39 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 The following table is a summary of the Financial Activity Statement Report compared to the Budget as at 31 May 2012: 2011-2012 Current Amended Budget Year to Date Budget Actual 1 July to 31 May 2012 Variance (64,328,163) (57,105,585) (43,195,627) (13,909,958) 94,202,408 81,489,650 88,234,939 (6,745,289) (81,277,271) (62,900,819) (55,439,252) (7,461,567) 39,447,675 26,158,561 22,353,719 3,804,842 10,381,506 9,520,794 2,192,733 7,328,061 1,553,944 (19,901) 1,553,944 1,553,944 0 (1,283,455) 15,700,398 Operating Expense Operating Revenue (incl. Rates) Non Operating Exp Non Operating Rev Non Cash Items Included Estimated Surplus BFWD 10/11 Surplus/(Deficit) 11/12 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SUMMARY Statement of Financial Position Total Current Assets decreased by 4.1% from April to May. This is mainly due to debtor balance outstanding decreasing into May, less a decrease in Municipal Cash balance as operating expenses progress year to date. Non-Current Assets have increased 3.2% in-line with Capital expenditure year to date. Current Liabilities have increased 16.0% from April to May as trade creditors outstanding payment run for end May still included large capital payments. 2012 May 2012 April Current Assets Liabilities 90,517,591 94,384,494 7,524,527 6,486,687 Non Current Assets Liabilities Net Assets 205,559,284 15,072,422 273,479,926 Page 40 199,286,977 15,072,422 272,112,362 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Debtors Schedule Total Trade Debtors decreased by 79% or $9,717,767 in the period due to regular invoices being raised and $5m invoice raised to RDAF Claim 2 towards the construction of the Karratha Leisure Centre being paid in May. Also continued stringent debt collection on outstanding debts > 30 Days. Greater than 60 days balance April included Landcorp Invoice of $1.1m for final contribution to the Pam Buchanan Family Centre which has been paid in May-12. Rates balance is continuing to decrease following third instalments due in January & third quarter interim rating. 2012 April 2012 May $000's Current > 30 Days > 60 Days > 90 Days Total Total $000's Non Rate Debtors 9,905,835 1,798,376 1,069,480 519,410 1,164,256 145,543 142,119 100,594 12,281,690 2,563,923 Rates Debtors 1,368,719 1,166,190 Page 41 Change % Of Current Total % -82% -51% -87% -29% 70% 20% 6% 4% -79% 100% 85% 100% Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Debtors Continued – Aged Debtors Capital Expenditure The Shire has a 2011/12 Capital expenditure budget of $68.9 million dollars. This represents a significant increase in capital spend on the prior years actual spend of $36.2 million. The majority of the budget is associated with major Community & Recreation building and infrastructure projects that commenced in late 2010/11. Actual expenditure for the month was $6,496,413 against a budgeted figure of $6,815,849 following budget review amendments reallocated over remaining months or defer until 12/13. YTD Asset Class Budget Annual YTD Actual Variance % 31-May-12 Annual Annual Orig Amend Budget Budget 30-Jun-12 Land 0 0 0% 0 0 Artwork 0 0 0% 0 0 39,516,427 32,851,676 -17% 46,878,252 46,098,595 354,802 221,296 0% 186,700 377,534 Buildings Equipment Furn & Equip 695,232 473,874 -32% 516,200 729,176 1,118,684 1,197,202 7% 1,043,033 1,118,684 Infrastructure 12,794,785 9,590,923 -25% 20,285,959 16,419,637 Totals 54,479,930 44,334,971 -19% 68,910,144 64,743,626 Plant Page 42 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Investments The Reserve Bank cash rate (overnight money market interest rate) fell to 3.75% for the month of May. The average interest rate on Shire of Roebourne Royalties for Regions reserve funds invested with Western Australian Treasury Corporation in May was 3.69%. All other Reserve funds were held in Term Deposits with Westpac Bank and on average earned 5.28%. Account Number Investment Accounts 185053 000063 221755 237052 222432 214256 225422 100664 245693 101245 Balance 31 May 12 Interest % LSL - Cash Reserve Reserve Account Maxi Cash Reserve Reserve Funds Reserves 2 Reserves 6 Reserves 8 Karratha Leisure Centre - Finbar Reserve Term Deposit RDAP New Term Deposit 30902/324573W Overnight Cash Deposit Facility Dampier Highway Streetscape STIS#1 345913W STIS#2 Total - 740,092 211,079 12,557,113 3,198,086 9,604,534 5,771,524 2,764,219 1,042,723 10,233,205 1,831,269 5.50 0.01 4.25 5.15 5.81 5.50 5.50 5.15 5.50 5.15 6,385,513 0 3,044,862 10,214,677 3.70 0.00 3.69 3.69 67,598,896 The Municipal funds held with Westpac Bank earned 0.01% interest on the everyday account and 4.25% on the Maxi-Direct Muni Account to maximise interest earnings. The financial statements for the reporting period are provided as an attachment in the form of: - Financial Activity Statement Report - Operating and Capital Variance Commentary by Programme Area - Net Current Asset Position - Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet) - Cash and Cash Equivalent Note - Schedule of Divisional Financial Activity LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE Financial integrity is of extreme significance to the viability of the Shire but also as custodian of community assets and service provision. An ability to monitor and report in financial operations, activities and capital projects is imperative to ensuring that financial risk is managed at acceptable levels of comfort. The ability for the Shire of Roebourne to remain financially sustainable is a significant strategy for a region that is continually under pressure from the resources industry, private enterprise and State Government obligations for the development of infrastructure and servicing needs. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION Executive and Management have been involved in regular reviews of their operational and departmental budgets and notifying the Financial Services team of trends and variances arising from their operational areas. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION No community consultation is required. Page 43 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS Section 6.4 of the Local Government Act 1995 requires for the preparation of financial reports. 6.4. Financial report (1) A local government is to prepare an annual financial report for the preceding financial year and such other financial reports as are prescribed. (2) The financial report is to — (a) be prepared and presented in the manner and form prescribed; and (b) contain the prescribed information. The prescribed format has been determined in Regulation 34 of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations, 1996. POLICY IMPLICATIONS The Shire’s financial reporting is prepared in accordance with Accounting Policy CF1. This is reviewed periodically to ensure compliance with legislative and statutory obligations. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The report represents the financial position of the Council at the end of May 2012 with the current budget in deficit to the value of ($19,901). STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS The Shire of Roebourne’s Strategic Plan 2009 – 2013 provides: Key Goal Two – Delivering Services - “We will provide efficient and effective Local Government service delivery That meets our communities’ expectations” Objective Meeting the set service standards. Initiatives 2009/13 - Set service standards and regularly reviews to ensure they reflect the communities’ priorities. Continually review and streamline key work practices and work processes. Priority 2011/12 - Set service standards and regularly review to ensure they reflect the communities’ priorities. Key Goal Three – Local Economy “Managing and maximising the benefits of growth in the region while diversifying our economic base.” Objective Developing a financially sustainable revenue stream Encourage downstream processing and value adding Initiatives 2009/13 - Establish formal relationships with industry partners to maximise community benefit. Priority 2011/12 - Establish formal relationships with industry partners to coordinate investment in our communities RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS Astute financial management backed by strong internal controls, policies and monitoring will ensure risks are assessed regularly and managed appropriately. Expenditure and revenue streams are monitored against approved budgets by management and the financial team with material variances being reported. It is incumbent on all managers that any perceived extraordinary variances that have, or likely to have, had occurred are escalated immediately for consideration by Executive and/or Council. ISSUES Economic Issues There are no economic issues related to this matter. Social Issues There are no social issues related to this matter. Environmental Issues There are no environmental issues related to this matter. Page 44 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Cultural & Heritage Issues There are no Cultural & Heritage issues related to this matter. IMPACT ON CAPACITY There is no impact on capacity or resourcing to carry out the Officer’s recommendation. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS This is a routine process alerting Council of the current financial position of the Shire of Roebourne. DELEGATED AUTHORITY Officers have delegations within their duties to procure, carry out or receive monies. There is no delegation otherwise to receive these financial reports without being presented to Council. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority OPTIONS: Option 1 As per the Officer’s recommendation. Option 2 That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to Section 6.4 of the Local Government Act 1995 and Regulation 34 of the Local Government (Financial Administration) Regulations 1996, RESOLVES to: 1. RECEIVE the Financial Reports for the financial period ending 31 May 2012 and 2. APPROVE the following actions: a. ______________________ b. ______________________ Option 3 That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to Section 6.4 of the Local Government Act 1995 and Regulation 34 of the Local Government (Financial Administration) Regulations 1996, RESOLVES to NOT RECEIVE the Financial Report for the financial period ending 31 May 2012. CONCLUSION Council is obliged to receive the monthly financial reports as per statutory requirements. Details in regards to the variances and the commentary provided are to be noted as part of the report. Page 45 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION / COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152133 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Smeathers Cr Miller That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to Section 6.4 of the Local Government Act 1995 and Regulation 34 of the Local Government (Financial Administration) Regulations 1996 resolves to RECEIVE the Financial Reports for the financial period ending 31 May 2012. CARRIED FOR : AGAINST : Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling. Nil Page 46 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Shire Of Roebourne Statement Of Financial Activity for the period ending 31 May 2012 Rate Setting Statement Operating Revenues (Sources) General Purpose Funding (excluding Rates) Governance Law, Order And Public Safety Health Education and Welfare Housing Community Amenities Recreation And Culture Transport Economic Services Other Property And Services Expenses (Applications) General Purpose Funding Governance Law, Order And Public Safety Health Education and Welfare Housing Community Amenities Recreation And Culture Transport Economic Services Other Property And Services Capital Revenue Proceeds From Disposal Of Assets Tsf From Aerodrome Reserve Tsf From Royalties for Regions Reserve Tsf From Plant Replacement Reserve Tsf From Infrastructure Reserve Tsf From Waste Management Reserve Tsf From Housing Reserve Tsf From Public Open Space Reserve Tsf From Parks, Ovals and Rec Facilities Tsf From Information Technology Reserve Tsf From Aged Persons Homes Reserve Tsf From Dampier Drainage Reserve Tsf From Walkington Theatre Reserve Tsf From Junior Sport Reserve Tsf From Workers Comp Res Tsf From Employee Entitlements Res Tsf From Community Development Res Tsf From Cossack Infrastructure Res Tsf From Mosquito Control Reserve Tsf From Airconditioning Reserve Tsf From Medical Services Assistance Package Reserve Tsf From History & Cultural Publications Restricted Funds Utilised Tsf From Restricted Cash Unspent Grants/Contributions New Loans Raised Repayments Of Self Supporting Loans Repayments Of Interest Free Loans To Local Groups Original Budget Amended Budget $ $ Year to Date Amended Budget $ Material Variance >=10% % Year To Date Actual $ $10,000 or more $ 6,167,246 67,010 492,915 85,832 107,650 329,412 10,547,427 16,475,737 23,999,070 1,482,009 110,900 59,865,208 6,197,085 330,411 840,678 106,013 77,500 329,430 11,549,101 25,759,914 24,615,016 1,438,199 376,968 71,620,315 5,633,063 324,836 815,366 99,306 70,194 301,979 10,809,212 18,458,529 21,069,954 1,325,686 344,432 59,252,557 6,593,278 318,160 860,234 112,758 69,337 256,203 11,270,356 21,181,549 22,080,571 1,538,968 610,563 64,891,976 17.05% (960,215) - (44,868) 13.55% (13,453) -15.16% 45,776 (461,144) 14.75% (2,723,020) - (1,010,617) 16.09% (213,282) 77.27% (266,131) - (5,639,419) (837,403) (4,528,424) (2,668,577) (1,258,710) (418,199) (1,788,847) (11,465,523) (18,173,036) (17,650,864) (4,127,706) (678,429) (63,595,718) (1,079,683) (4,722,280) (2,851,315) (1,403,594) (394,161) (1,985,998) (11,760,760) (18,862,932) (18,479,267) (3,316,883) 528,710 (64,328,163) (1,013,348) (4,053,442) (2,505,518) (1,394,895) (365,495) (1,722,738) (10,825,823) (15,990,191) (16,869,762) (2,843,733) 479,360 (57,105,585) (805,873) (2,698,430) (1,871,420) (1,000,699) (263,025) (1,059,220) (8,871,417) (14,149,090) (10,793,012) (2,159,383) 475,884 (43,195,686) -20.47% (207,475) -33.43% (1,355,012) -25.31% (634,098) -28.26% (394,196) -28.04% (102,470) -38.52% (663,518) -18.05% (1,954,406) -11.51% (1,841,101) -36.02% (6,076,749) -24.07% (684,350) -24.36% (13,909,899) 157,281 4,793,987 28,223,225 349,150 15,673,477 0 0 962,958 0 0 0 0 0 0 375,000 120,000 0 0 0 0 151,826 5,507,756 19,820,815 349,150 11,956,201 0 0 1,278,935 0 0 75,744 0 0 0 375,000 120,000 190,000 0 0 0 151,826 4,128,258 16,401,315 174,575 3,375,288 0 0 949,935 0 0 75,744 0 0 0 0 110,000 190,000 0 0 0 67,868 0 17,413,538 0 3,418,182 0 0 665,188 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 287,245 0 0 0 -55.30% -100.00% -100.00% -29.98% -100.00% -100.00% - 83,958 4,128,258 (1,012,223) 174,575 (42,894) 284,747 75,744 110,000 (97,245) - 100,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 -100.00% - 100,000 - 492,160 0 0 492,160 0 2,552 492,160 0 2,552 492,160 0 2,631 - - 0 51,247,238 7,536 40,427,675 6,908 26,158,561 6,908 22,353,719 -14.55% 3,804,842 Page 47 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Shire Of Roebourne Statement Of Financial Activity for the period ending 31 May 2012 Rate Setting Statement Expenses Purchase Of Assets - Land Purchase of Assets - Artwork Purchase Of Assets - Buildings Original Budget Amended Budget $ $ Year to Date Amended Budget $ Year To Date Actual $ Material Variance >=10% % $10,000 or more $ 0 0 (46,878,252) 0 0 (46,098,595) 0 0 (39,516,427) 0 0 (32,851,676) -16.87% (6,664,751) Purchase Of Assets - Equipment (186,700) (377,534) (354,802) (221,296) -37.63% (133,506) Purchase Of Assets - Furniture & Equipment (516,200) (729,176) (695,232) (473,874) -31.84% (221,358) (1,043,033) (1,118,684) (1,118,684) (1,197,202) - 78,518 (20,285,959) (16,419,637) (12,794,785) (9,590,923) -25.04% (3,203,862) (3,013,113) (3,042,870) (2,835,162) (2,970,510) - 135,348 (645,230) 0 (1,208) (43,727) (230) (56,521) (875,327) (5,428,440) (1,055,074) (76,691) 0 (99,253) 0 (4,217) (112,502) (636) (2,553) (771,750) (452,550) 0 (3,048,000) 0 (1,208) (60,000) (230) (56,521) (1,155,327) (5,774,655) (2,630,442) (60,000) 0 (3,703) 0 (4,217) (80,000) (661) (2,553) (771,750) (794,050) 0 (494,229) 0 (1,111) (56,357) (209) (51,810) (1,082,384) (2,216,017) (341,286) (53,610) 0 (3,399) 0 (3,861) (70,623) (121) (2,343) (404,693) (792,256) 0 (523,116) 0 (897) (84,946) (171) (41,925) (1,130,183) (2,463,829) (363,368) (56,868) 0 (2,745) 0 (3,130) (54,756) (101) (1,894) (740,092) (890,558) 0 (12,458) 0 0 0 (81,561,624) (27,458) 0 0 0 (82,257,271) (11,418) 0 0 0 (62,900,819) (9,242) 0 0 (1,765,951) (55,439,252) -19.06% -11.86% 10,303,176 0 0 (136,666) 0 185,896 10,352,406 10,327,785 0 0 (136,666) 0 190,387 10,381,506 9,467,073 0 0 (136,666) 0 190,387 9,520,794 2,182,053 0 0 0 9,064 1,617 2,192,733 -76.95% -100.00% -99.15% -76.97% 1,137,353 1,553,944 1,553,944 1,553,944 22,555,137 22,582,093 22,237,093 23,342,963 0 (19,901) (1,283,455) 15,700,398 Purchase Of Assets - Plant Purchase Of Assets - Infrastructure Loan Principal Repayments Tsf To Aerodrome Reserve Tsf To Airconditioning Reserve Tsf To Dampier Drainage Reserve Tsf To Plant Replacement Reserve Tsf To Walkington Theatre Reserve Tsf To Workers Compensation Reserve Tsf To Royalties for Regions Reserve Tsf To Infrastructure Reserve Tsf To Waste Management Reserve Tsf To Housing Reserve Tsf To Parks, Ovals & Rec Facilities Reserve Tsf To Aged Persons Home Reserve Tsf To Information Technology Reserve Tsf To Junior Sport Reserve Tsf To Public Open Space Reserve Tsf To Mosquito Control Reserve Tsf To History & Cultural Publications Reserve Tsf To Employee Entitlements Reserve Tsf To Community Development Reserve Tsf To Underground Power Reserve Tsf To Medical Services Assistance Package Reserve Interest Free Loan Principal Tsf of Unbudgeted Muni Restricted Cash Income Set Aside As Restricted Funds Adjustment For Non Cash Items Depreciation Amounts Set Aside To Provisions Movement in Accrued Interest Movement in Accrued Salaries & Wages Movement in Deferred Pensioner Rates (Profit) / Loss On Disposal Of Assets Surplus Brought Forward 1 July Amount Raised From Rates Surplus / (Deficit) This statement is to be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes. Page 48 -19.24% 50.73% -18.41% -19.08% 11.18% - -19.23% -18.94% -22.47% -16.57% -19.17% 82.88% 12.41% - - 28,887 28,589 47,799 247,812 22,082 (15,867) 335,399 98,302 1,765,951 (7,461,567) (1,105,870) Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Operating revenue is above the year to date budget by $5,639,419 which represents a positive variance of 9.52%. Operating Expenditure is under the year to date budget by $13,909,958 which represents a negative variance of 24.36%. In accordance with the materiality threshold adopted by Council for the reporting of variances by programme in the Statement of Financial Activity, the following comments are made to provide an explanation of the above variances. General Purpose Funding Revenue Revenue up by 17.05% ($960,215) due to more than budgeted interest on reserves ($448,607) and Financial Assistance Grants received earlier than expected ($663,860). Expenditure Expenditure is showing a variance up of 20.48% ($207,528) which is due to allocation of administration costs and less than expected rates valuation costs ($158,360) year to date. Governance Expenditure Expenditure is down by 33.43% ($1,355,012) which is due to: 1) $93,277 down on IT Software, Network Expenses, and Main Computer System upgrades. 2) $39,399 down on Karratha Admin Building costs planned in Budget 3) $87,519 down on Office Expenses Corporate Services - Consultants - long term financial planning commenced February to be completed by June 2012 4) $113,507 down on employment costs Corporate Compliance, YTD vacancies 5) $233,048 down on office expenses for Corporate & Executive Services and Strategic Projects spread evenly over the year; scope finalised and consultant contract awarded in January – Integral development. 6) $67,539 down on Subscriptions-Members of Council (WA regional cities alliance $50k not yet required to be paid) 7) $118,362 down on Public Affairs & Marketing and Promotion expenses. 8) $255,058 down on Administration corporate services costs allocated due to underspends YTD and Depreciation not yet posted YTD. 9) $455,546 down on Employment Costs-Corp Services - YTD vacancies 10) $25,326 up on Non Statutory Donations – Delivery of Playground delivery of playground equipment for Hampton Beach 11) $718,402 down in Administration costs for Corporate Services 12) $205,627 down in Employments costs for Strategic Projects Law, Order and Public Safety Revenue Revenue is up by 5.5% ($44,868) which is due to contributions not yet received towards rangers and local laws $75,223 - Purchase order received and agreement signed March. However the decrease is offset by unbudgeted revenue for FESA Contrib. to Wick/Roeb SES ($41,404) vehicle purchase and Proceeds of Sale - Fire Prevention ($22,978). 1) 2) 3) 4) Expenditure Expenditure is down 25.31% ($634,098) which is due to: $156,518 down on Anti Graffiti & Litter Initiatives & Community Safety Budget. $160,940 down on Animal control & employment costs $88,419 down on depreciation not posted YTD. $163,186 down on Cyclone preparation costs budgeted to date. Page 49 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Health Revenue Revenue is up by 13.55% ($13,453) which is due to contribution to medical services package received earlier than expected and increased revenue on Health premises fees & charges. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 1) 2) 3) 4) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Expenditure Expenditure is down 28.26% ($394,196) which is due to: $17,683 down on Karratha Clinic Building maintenance costs as budgeted $22,693 down on office expenses health services $129,167 down on Compliance Auditing & Inspections on Buildings to occur later in the year $183,330 down on MSIS Retention payments $13,146 down on Administration costs for Development Education and Welfare Revenue Revenue is up by 1.22% ($857) which is an immaterial variance due to Freemasons Aged person unit reimbursement. The insignificant variance is being offset by Lease Income above budget for Millar's Well & Bulgarra Daycares. Expenditure Expenditure is showing a variance down of 28.04% ($102,470) which is due to: $22,795 down on costs for Aged Persons Homes $51,463 down on Bulgarra & Wickham Daycare Centres costs budgeted (Including depreciation) $83,228 down on Karratha Youth Shed Expenses budgeted (including depreciation – Centre not yet operational til end Feb due to delays). $96,372 down on Pam Buchanan Family centre budget year to date – Not opening until end of February Housing Revenue Revenue is showing a variance down of 15.16% ($45,776) due to lower rent on staff housing rent year to date than budgeted. Expenditure Expenditure is down 38.52% ($663,518) which is due to: $43,696 down on Leased Housing expenses YTD – vacant positions not yet filled; savings $106,278 down YTD on expenses budgeted for property management outsourcing paid from march commenced Nov with house inspections occurring in January, February and May $193,597 down on Staff Housing Op & Maintenance Costs Year to Date $45,715 down on Aged Persons Housing Expenses budgeted evenly over the year $371,269 down on Depreciation year to date $197,107 up on allocation of Staff Housing costs to be offset against Department Budgets Community Amenities Revenue Revenue is showing a variance up of 4.27% ($461,144) mainly due to: $18,327 up on Industrial/Commercial Refuse disposal & collection Fees due to increased volumes (amended in budget review Qtr2) $290,659 up on Town Planning Fees $32,638 up on Contribution to Johns Creek Public Toilet - unbudgeted reimbursement of capital expenditure $43,434 up on Liquid Waste disposal fees & Recycling (Income not linear) $84,200 up on Industrial/Commercial refuse disposal fees and Liquid Waste disposal fees Page 50 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 16 July 2012 Expenditure Expenditure is showing a variance down of 18.05% ($1,954,406). The main variances are as follows: $227,399 down on Litter Control - Expenditure not yet incurred for major and minor cleanups $158,004 down on budgeted loss on sale (plant) $509,996 down on Depreciation not yet posted ytd for Community Amenities Assets $406,241 down on Refuse Site Maintenance & Refuse Site 7 Mile $308,752 down on Local Planning Policy Strategy and Policy Development $99,914 down on Recycling - contractor costs not yet incurred for metal separation $90,308 down on Trade/Commercial Refuse $64,447 down on Public Toilets maintenance $63,457 down on Support Services Planning for Development $14,586 down on Drainage expenditure $16,550 down on Removal/Disposal Of Abandoned Car Bodies - on hold until land dries out $28,180 up on Cemetery maintenance $36,987 up on Bin Repairs/replacement $10,000 up on small business map and gap project - ahead of schedule Recreation and Culture Revenue Revenue has a variance up of 14.75% ($2,723,020). The variance is due to: 1) $43,909 down on Income Cossack expected. 2) $48,400 up on Special Youth Projects Income (Income in advance 12/13 funding) 3) $57,845 up on KEC programmes income. 4) $64,273 up on KAC Income. 5) $68,636 up on NAIDOC Week Income 6) $73,547 up on Income from Roebourne Pool 7) $47,283 up on Walking Theatre events income 8) $109,116 down on Government Grants budgeted to be invoiced ytd for Frank Butler Centre 9) $114,438 down on Pam Buchanan Family Centre operational income as projected 10) $1,050,000 up on year to date budget for contribution to Youth Shed ‘Fit out’ from Woodside 11) $1,000,000 up on Karratha Leisure Centre Government Grants invoiced. Expenditure Expenditure has a variance of down 11.51% ($1,841,106). The main variances are as follows: 1) $214,036 down on Parks & Gardens Maintenance – pending projects underway and short staffing 2) $34,879 up on Karratha Entertainment Centre Expenses more maintenance than expected 3) $126,406 down on KEC Programs to Budget 4) $1,047,681 down on Depreciation not yet posted YTD from asset register - new facilities to capitalise 5) $33,510 down on Roebourne/Wickham Community Activities expenses planned 6) $46,247 down on Contribution to St Lukes Oval 7) $378,210 up on Employment Costs Community Developments, Dampier Library, Karratha Library, KEC & Cossack Operations YTD 8) $193,533 down on Employments costs for KAC and RAC 9) $193,887 up on KAC Maintenance expenditure to December includes $142k for cyclone clean-up awaiting insurance claims for lighting 10) $50,675 down on RAC Maintenance expenditure as awaiting outcome of funding and redevelopment proposal 11) $426,119 down on administration expenses distributed ytd to facilities Page 51 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 12) $346,182 down on Karratha Library Contribution – Due to closure of Karratha Library funds will be accessed to operate new library 13) $100,000 down on walking paths network expenses (utilisation of funding) 14) $24,007 down on NAIDOC week expenses –expenses to be utilised for 12/13 event preparation 15) $19,359 up on Cossack Art award expenses – Budget includes 11/12 & 12/13 prepaid contractor expenses that overlap year due to timing of event. 16) $43,541 down on Event expenses - Walkington Theatre as forecast 17) $40,044 up on Cultural Planning and Development (incl REAF) incurred 18) $67,451 down on Youth Shed Programme expenses YTD 19) $22,755 down on Effluent tank & Boat Ramp Maintenance year to date 20) $34,210 down on Oval Maintenance 21) $1,005,276 up on budget for Contribution to the Roebourne Youth Centre Transport Revenue Revenue shows a variance up of 4.8% ($1,010,617). The main variances are as follows: 1) $1,198,880 up on Karratha Airport & Terminal income & Reimbursements (due to reversal of June 2011 accrued income and landings data – timing Difference & increased landing & passenger numbers addressed in budget review). 2) $61,000 up on Local Govt Road Grants & Roads to Recovery received earlier than budgeted; $73,337 down on Black spot Govt Funding as project not going ahead as planned 3) $69,748 down on TTI Income budgeted Expenditure Expenditure has a variance of down 36.02% ($6,076,751) the main variances are due to depreciation on infrastructure assets ($4,690,328) not yet applied and as follows: 1) $157,512 down on TTI Expenses – employment costs and seasonal bar expenses 2) $206,937 down on Contribution to works(other than roads) as waiting on Main Roads to invoice for bridgeworks as per grant received 10/11 3) $142,309 down on Interest on Loan – Karratha Airport – after 10/11 interest accrual 4) $95,085 down on Footpath Maintenance – pending contractors 5) $124,233 down on Pastoral Access Rd Maintenance – pending projects underway 6) $122,248 down on Sheeting & Reseal Roads – works pending Hearson's cove 7) $71,181 down on Other road Maintenance expenses 8) $171,211 up on Traffic Signs & Street Tree & cleaning maintenance expenses 9) $52,567 down on Airport Employment expenses – Exec Manager vacancy in first half of the year and 50% Budget to reallocate to Waste Services 10) $15,209 down on Airside and Landside Maintenance – YTD lower than expected emergency water supplies utilised due to failing infrastructure 11) $27,650 up on Airport Office expenses year to date 12) $32,256 down on Street Light expenses year to date 13) $75,431 down on Airport Consultant for studies expenses YTD; were due to be undertaken in March/April Page 52 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Economic Services Revenue Revenue has a variance up of 16.09% ($213,282) due to Building Licence fees higher than budget year to date of 224,931. However these increases are offset by Karratha Community Celebration Contributions being down $15,000 as allocated to REAF events. Expenditure Expenditure has a variance down of 24.07% ($684,350) due to Dampier Highway streetscape expenses not spent to April of $637,151 commenced Late February. Building Control employment costs under budget by $69,560. Forty Mile Beach costs are under budget for $133,372 (apache funds to be expended). Other Property and Services Revenue Revenue has a variance up of 77.27% ($266,131) which relates to Insurance Contributions Cash Settlement ($230,054), Supervision of Subdivisions & new Verge bond fees implemented ($25,398) and Workers Compensation & Insurance Rebate ($22,220) less unclaimed Diesel Fuel Rebate $16,000. Expenditure Expenditure has a variance down of 0.73% ($3,476) which is an immaterial variance. This is mainly due to: 1) $22,275 up on Workers Compensation Claims - reimbursed 2) $116,000 down on depreciation costs not yet allocated YTD 3) $86,900 down on Asset Management costs budgeted due to vacant position YTD – Not commenced until late February Capital Revenue Capital Revenue shows a variance down of 14.55% ($3,804,842) - due to Transfers from Reserves Year to Date under Budget to May 2012 due to delay on Major Capital projects expenditure. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Expenditure Capital expenditure shows a variance down of 11.86% ($7,461,567). This is mainly due to variances in the following areas: $4,146,343 down on Karratha Leisure Centre progress as construction minor delays with cyclone season resulted in lower than expected claims year to date $639,863 down on New Staff Housing Baynton West - Delay in completion of final 4 houses scheduled for final progress claim - remainder is housing Improvements to existing building maintenance $430,709 down on Frank Butler Community Centre Pavilion Buildings on year to date budget $1,213,232 down on Airport LV Power & Water Infrastructure - Tender process was extended delaying engagement of contractor – carried forward project to 12/13 $387,968 down on Karratha Youth Shed Building Upgrade – final progress claims to be processed, due to delay on completion of skate park; $115,824 less than expected on Equipment Fit out budget to date. $939,749 down on various Projects, Playgrounds Permanent Structures & Other buildings on Portable toilet blocks & Kevin Richards Oval, Scout Hall Park & RAC & Bulgarra Oval infrastructure and building upgrade projects to be completed by June 2012 $279,941 down on new Admin Bldg Expansion YTD and Main Building refurbishments commenced April/May (recarpet) Page 53 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 8) $433,957 down on Waste Building & Infrastructure Improvements still to occur and cfwd 12/13 9) $319,226 Community Safety – Infrastructure – CCTV & Security R4R projects 10) $176,897 down on Footpath & Roads Infrastructure(Black spot not occurring) Capital Program as budgeted to April 11) $482,323 down on Capital Buildings Airport - Terminal Building improvements cfwd 12/13 12) $186,798 down on Various Plant, furniture and equipment purchases 13) $244,386 down on upgrade effluent systems - Golf club tank works pending 14) $78,698 up on Parks Infrastructure - Catrall park final completion costs to incur 15) $31,200 down on Karratha Library Relocation-Fit out year to date budget 16) $793,003 up on Transfers to Reserves for higher interest earned YTD less funds not transferred Rates Variance on budget year to date rates revenue for 2011/12 is currently up on budget by $1,105,870 (4.9%) to 31 May 2012 - Due to Interim Rating. Page 54 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Shire Of Roebourne Statement Of Financial Activity for the period ending 31 May 2012 Note 1. Net Current Assets Year To Date Actual Budget Brought Forward 1 July $ $ Note Current Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents - Unrestricted Net Trust Liabilities in Muni Trust - ATM Floats Trust - Medical Services Incentive Services 3,994,430 (850) 253,448 0 0 0 0 0 540,000 35,199,962 Cash and Cash Equivalents - Restricted - LSL & R4R Cash and Cash Equivalents - Restricted - Reserves 2 740,092 66,858,804 Cash - Restricted Unspent Grants/Contributions Cash - Restricted Unspent Loans 1 1 1,765,951 0 Trade and Other Receivables Land held for Resale - Development Costs 3 13,482,623 0 Inventories 5,900,000 757,533 236,402 87,598,583 42,129,812 2,347,626 8,903,631 0 46,921 0 - Current Portion of Provisions 2,211,659 - Total Current Liabilities 4,606,206 8,903,631 82,992,377 33,226,181 (67,598,896) (35,199,962) (1,951,663) 0 (492,160) 0 0 2,211,659 (540,000) 651,750 46,921 2,354,191 15,700,398 0 Total Current Assets Current Liabilities Trade and Other Payables Bank Overdraft Current Portion of Long Term Borrowings Net Current Assets Plus (Minus) Items To Be Excluded Take Out Reserve Funds Take Out Fully Restricted Cash (Grants/Contributions) Take Out Fully Restricted Cash (Loans) Take Out Restricted Cash (LSL) Add Back Non Cash Provisions Add Back Current Borrowings Net Current Asset Position Note Explanation: 1) Includes amounts received for: - PDC Hydrology Grant 40,000 - Waterways Grant-St Luke's Oval - - Roebourne Enhancement Scheme 111,909 - Roebourne Community Recreation Assoc inc 23,024 174,933 Page 55 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Shire Of Roebourne Statement Of Financial Activity (con’t) for the period ending 31 May 2012 2) Reserves, Long Service Leave and Royalties for Regions (R4R – Karratha Leisure Complex) are Cash Backed 3) Trade Debtors Includes Total Debtor Outstanding 31 May 2012 including amounts invoiced for: - Freemasons WA 11,522 - Pilbara Iron 14,020 - Skippers Aviation 14,521 - Woodside Energy Ltd 121,000 - Karratha Air Logistics 9,825 - Pilbara Plant Hire 9,797 - Roebourne Recreation Hire 7,806 - Department of Education 313,470 - Qantas/Airlink Pty Ltd 122,661 Total Trade and Other Receivables (incl above) 12,705,185 Total Rates Debtors Outstanding 806,432 Sundry Debtors ending May 2012 Current > 60 days 4% > 90 days 6% > 30 Days > 30 days 15% > 60 Days > 90 Days Current 75% Page 56 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Shire Of Roebourne Statement of Financial Position for the period ending 31 May 2012 Note 2: Balance Sheet 2011/12 $ 2010/11 $ 22,500 5,708,946 2,917,471 67,598,896 13,512,245 757,533 90,517,591 12,840 2,931,736 1,683,467 84,013,999 9,391,811 270,828 98,304,681 Non Current Assets Trade and Other Receivables Property, Plant and Equipment Infrastructure Total Non Current Assets 74,107 111,476,710 94,008,467 205,559,284 83,171 91,970,323 71,631,867 163,685,361 Total Assets 296,076,875 261,990,041 0 2,347,626 2,918,321 46,921 2,211,659 0 10,953,373 1,683,467 3,017,431 2,211,659 7,524,527 17,865,930 Non Current Liabilities Long Term Borrowings Provisions Total Non Current Liabilities 14,851,611 220,811 15,072,422 14,851,611 220,811 15,072,422 Total Liabilities 22,596,949 32,938,352 Net Assets 273,479,926 229,051,689 Equity Accumulated Surplus Asset Revaluation Reserve Reserves 189,142,707 11,681,010 71,288,646 133,720,252 11,681,010 83,650,428 Total Equity 272,112,362 229,051,689 Current Assets Cash On Hand Cash and Cash Equivalents - Unrestricted Cash and Cash Equivalents - Restricted (Trust) Cash and Cash Equivalents - Restricted (Reserves/Muni) Trade and Other Receivables Inventories Total Current Assets Current Liabilities Bank Overdrafts Trade and Other Payables Trust Liabilities Long Term Borrowings Provisions Total Current Liabilities Page 57 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Shire Of Roebourne Statement Of Financial Activity for the period ending 31 May 2012 Note 3: Cash and Cash Equivalents $ Municipal Fund Bank Cash On Hand Westpac on call Term deposits – Westpac / WATC 22,500 3,523,914 5,102,503 8,648,917 Reserves Fund Bank Westpac on call & Term Deposits Westpac -LSL Reserve 66,858,804 740,092 67,598,896 Total Cash 76,247,813 Page 58 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Shire Of Roebourne Statement Of Financial Activity by Divisions by Activities for the period ending 31 May 2012 Note 4 2011/2012 Budget 2011/2012 Amended 2011/2012 Year To Date Budget 2011/2012 Actual To Date $ $ $ $ Note: Material Variance is Year to Date Amended Budget to Year to Date Actual ( => 10% or => $10,000) EXECUTIVE SERVICES Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Members of Council (630,795) (623,443) (609,818) Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Emergency Services (116) (823) 183,664 6,554 0 (13,269) (13,269) (15,691) (1,412,063) 0 (1,742,504) 145,780 (1,530,145) 145,780 (1,283,761) 145,780 Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Human Resources (784,629) (847,675) (763,831) (685,249) Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Public Affairs (482,853) (442,766) (408,878) (298,654) Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Corporate Compliance Services (981,026) (981,886) (904,025) (773,552) Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Business Improvement Process (603,530) (259,214) (226,352) (100,029) Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Staff Housing Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Public Services Overheads (497,797) (26,470) (620,169) (109,588) (1,889,318) (88,364) (1,348,934) 587,426 Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Cossack Infrastructure Project Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Executive Admin Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Vehicle Storage Temporary Contract (587,714) COMMUNITY & CORPORATE SERVICES Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Rates 22,026,540 21,997,084 22,049,582 23,225,976 Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for General Revenue (1,142,167) (1,034,173) 1,817,282 2,970,288 2,083,783 (619,428) 2,034,163 (608,092) 768,364 (563,896) 1,052,017 (399,448) Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Television & Radio Services (23,101) (23,101) (22,014) (22,772) Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Cossack Art Awards (11,820) (59,160) (12,160) 20,389 Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Tourism/Visitors Centres (499,139) (530,776) (482,298) (437,351) Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Aged Persons Housing (182,243) (182,418) (36,250) (58,308) Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Youth Development Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Other Culture (95,400) (196,696) (44,200) (291,696) (23,612) (241,730) 57,265 (166,959) (1,095,578) (1,157,573) (992,518) (1,335,396) (355,000) (389,000) (349,000) (177,594) (1,287,772) (1,327,812) (1,062,212) (1,099,992) Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Corporate Services Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Information Services Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Community Development Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Walkington Theatre Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Community Sponsorship Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Daycare Centres (182,563) (188,563) (175,003) (120,566) Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Child Health Clinics Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Karratha Entertainment Centre (99,685) (1,561,168) (102,685) (1,543,397) (94,421) (1,426,567) (66,487) (1,326,405) Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Karratha Aquatic Centre (1,077,362) (1,117,162) (1,033,325) (988,193) (319,616) (305,102) (318,563) (144,946) (1,403,773) (1,443,461) (1,325,608) (1,282,203) Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Roebourne Aquatic Centre Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Libraries Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Cossack Operations (539,021) (551,549) (498,860) (447,921) Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Ovals & Hardcourts Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Karratha Bowling & Golf (1,013,121) (414,031) (1,221,493) (414,031) (1,799,038) (379,573) (1,134,570) (360,290) Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Pavilions & Halls (2,885,784) (3,005,991) (2,192,684) (2,170,266) Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Recreation Projects (1,151,585) (1,314,110) (1,036,348) (670,595) (266,109) (262,973) (552,815) (409,578) (17,928) (17,928) (84,775) 3,387 355,635 (1,211,500) (245,365) (2,880,628) (451,560) (4,063,549) (256,698) (2,477,601) Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Playgrounds Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Medical Services Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Other Buildings Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for The Youth Shed Page 59 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Shire Of Roebourne Statement Of Financial Activity (con’t) by Divisions by Activities for the period ending 31 May 2012 Contd. 2011/2012 Budget 2011/2012 Amended 2011/2012 Year To Date Amended Budget 2011/2012 Actual To Date $ $ $ $ COMMUNITY SERVICES (con’t) Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Youth Centres Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Leisure & Learning Precinct Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Pam Buchanan Family Centre Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Economic Development DEVELOPMENT, SERVICES REGULATORY & 0 (20,000) 8,075 (198,319) 2,671,577 (20,000) (107,200) (173,435) 3,471,577 (5,380,790) (104,556) (159,613) 2,466,302 3,429,353 (117,767) (144,230) 91,057 (725,567) (1,101,443) 100,414 (856,933) (1,268,643) 90,170 (800,214) (1,144,216) 422,657 (737,323) (789,134) (626,002) (544,034) (490,231) (137,856) INFRASTRUCTURE Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Building Control Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Health Services Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Town Planning Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Strategic Planning Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Community Safety Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Ranger Services Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Camping Grounds Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Depots Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Vehicles & Plant Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Roads & Streets Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Parks & Gardens Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Drainage Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Footpaths & Bike Paths Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Effluent Re-Use Scheme Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Cemeteries Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Public Toilets Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Beaches, Boat Ramps, Jetties Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Roebourne Enhancement Scheme Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Town Beautification Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Private Works & Reinstatements Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Works Overheads Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Parks & Gardens Overheads Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Tech Services Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Tech Services Overheads (273,291) (289,366) (824,547) (60,861) (1,885,365) (1,844,953) (1,739,898) (1,232,758) (4,600) (17,665) (9,502) (9,046) (320,228) (378,524) (564,816) (403,994) 123,508 (2,276,055) (1,327,691) (201,487) (534,692) (544,159) (57,634) (233,696) (104,369) 413,318 (2,859,038) (1,288,598) (201,487) (423,042) (515,979) (53,634) (297,437) (104,369) 340,358 (3,609,564) (1,173,183) (183,864) (395,966) (931,614) (50,920) (312,837) (95,809) (109,530) (2,985,130) (1,164,547) (167,317) (477,200) (664,473) (73,387) (228,990) (62,444) 0 (1,305,558) 0 (1,389,669) 0 (1,276,458) 0 (1,279,688) 0 0 0 (793,863) (9,443) 0 (5,231) 15,000 (542,061) (7,375) 0 (21,478) 12,271 (499,073) (6,439) 133 1,440,709 820,495 (3,294,476) (3,925) 0 205,808 544,870 339,677 7,621,722 378,278 (13,473) 0 (199,042) 370,499 1,306,831 7,617,822 370,778 (13,473) (8,260) (84,229) 2,450,145 1,195,710 9,104,918 353,182 (12,403) 34,830 200,260 3,518,917 1,146,952 8,191,204 454,925 (518) STRATEGIC BUSINESS PROJECTS Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Project Management Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Waste Collection Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Landfill Operations Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Waste Overheads Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Karratha Airport Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Tien Tsin Inne Net (Cost) Revenue to Council for Other Airports Page 60 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 9.2 16 July 2012 LIST OF ACCOUNTS JUNE 2012 File No: FM.19 Responsible Executive Officer: Executive Manager Financial Services Reporting Author: Creditors Officer Date of Report: 26 June 2012 Applicant/Proponent: Not applicable Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s) Nil PURPOSE To advise Council of payments made since the previous Ordinary Council Meeting. BACKGROUND Council has given delegated authority that allows the Chief Executive Officer to approve payments from Council’s bank accounts either via cheque or through electronic lodgement. LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE The level of significance for this matter is very high in ensuring trade creditors are compensated for services they provide to the Shire. These services enable the Shire to meet the needs and expectations of the community. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION Officers have been involved in the approvals of any requisitions, purchase orders, invoicing and reconciliation matters. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION No community consultation is required. STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS Payments are to be made in accordance with Part 6, Division 4 of the Local Government Act 1995 and as per the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996. Payments are to be made through the municipal fund, trust fund or reserve funds. Payments are to be in accordance with approved systems as authorised by the CEO. POLICY IMPLICATIONS Staff are required to ensure that they comply under Council Policy CF6 – Purchasing Policy and CF5 - Regional Price Preference Policy (where applicable) and that budget provision is available for any expenditure commitments. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Payments are made under delegated authority and are within defined and approved budgets. Payment is made within agreed trade terms and in a timely manner. Page 61 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS The context of this agenda report has specific implications to the Shire of Roebourne’s 2009-2013 Strategic Plan: Key Goal #2: Delivering Services “We will provide efficient and effective Local Government service delivery that meets our communities’ expectations” Objectives: Meeting the set service standards. Focussing on continuous improvement and best practice. Initiatives 2009-13: Set service standards and regularly review to ensure they reflect the communities’ priorities. Continually review and streamline key work practices and work processes. Priorities 2011/12: Set service standards and regularly review to ensure they reflect the communities’ priorities. Implement internal business improvement program. RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS It is incumbent on the Shire to have good trade practices. As a leader in the community it is important that good governance structures and controls are established. Having poor terms of trade is likely to have increase risk of penalties, loss of quality services and contractors and increase in dissatisfaction amongst the community. The reverse is the case with good terms of trade. ISSUES Economic Issues There are indirect benefits to the community with timely payments to the local economy. Social Issues There are no social issues related to this matter. Environmental Issues There are no environmental issues related to this matter. Cultural & Heritage Issues There are no Cultural & Heritage issues related to this matter. IMPACT ON CAPACITY There is no impact on capacity or resourcing to carry out the Officer’s recommendation. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS This is a monthly practice approved through delegation and policy direction. DELEGATED AUTHORITY Payments are made in accordance with agreed delegations provided to the CEO and staff as per Delegation 8 – Payment from the Municipal Find and Trust Fund. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority Page 62 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 OPTIONS: Option 1 As per Officer's recommendation. Option 2 That Council by SIMPLE Majority pursuant to Sections 6.7 and 6.9 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to: ACCEPT payments totaling $10,540,220.10 submitted and checked with vouchers, being made up of : a. Trust Vouchers 119 to 122 (Inclusive), b. EFT16043 to EFT16608 (Inclusive), c. Cheque Vouchers 75003 to 75079 (Inclusive) d. Cancelled Payments 72732, 72970, 72990, 73024, 73291, 73449, 73762 e. Direct Debits DD15800.1– DD15803.1 f. Payroll Cheques $1,206,358.07 with the EXCEPTION OF __(as listed)__ CONCLUSION It has been a customary practice that whilst being a leader in the community that we meet our terms of credit as established between suppliers and aspire to obtain discounts where practicable. Payments have been approved by authorised officers in accordance with agreed delegations and policy frameworks. OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION / COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152134 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Lally Cr Pritchard That Council by SIMPLE Majority pursuant to Sections 6.7 and 6.9 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to: ACCEPT payments totaling $10,540,220.10 submitted and checked with vouchers, being made up of : a. Trust Vouchers 119 to 122 (Inclusive), b. EFT16043 to EFT16608 (Inclusive), c. Cheque Vouchers 75003 to 75079 (Inclusive) d. Cancelled Payments 72732, 72970, 72990, 73024, 73291, 73449, 73762 e. Direct Debits DD15800.1 to DD15803.1 f. Payroll Cheques $1,206,358.07 as listed below: CARRIED FOR : AGAINST : Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling. Nil Page 63 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Chq/EFT 119 120 Date 05.06.2012 21.06.2012 121 122 26.06.2012 26.06.2012 Name S Hansen Pivot Way Pty Ltd BGC Modular Australia Pty Ltd T & R Homes Pty Ltd EFT16043 01.06.2012 Telstra Plant Damages EFT16044 01.06.2012 B Tussler EFT16045 EFT16046 EFT16047 EFT16048 01.06.2012 01.06.2012 01.06.2012 01.06.2012 Marina Baker S Shields Woolworths (WA) Ltd G Whyte EFT16049 05.06.2012 EFT16050 05.06.2012 EFT16051 EFT16052 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 EFT16053 05.06.2012 EFT16054 EFT16055 EFT16056 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 EFT16057 05.06.2012 EFT16058 05.06.2012 EFT16059 05.06.2012 EFT16060 EFT16061 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 Transpacific Cleanaway Chemring Australia Chandler Macleod James Cutfield T/As Signature Music Dampier Community Association Down To Earth Training & Assessing Educational Experience Pty Limited Excel Electronics EFT16062 EFT16063 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 GHD Pty Ltd Harvey World Travel EFT16064 EFT16065 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 Hart Sport Hathaway's Lubricants EFT16066 05.06.2012 EFT16067 05.06.2012 Karratha Florist Karratha & Districts Chamber Of Commerce EFT16068 05.06.2012 EFT16069 05.06.2012 EFT16070 EFT16071 EFT16072 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 EFT16073 EFT16074 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 EFT16075 05.06.2012 EFT16076 05.06.2012 Karratha Window Tinting Karratha Tavern LRW'S Electrical Les Mills Aerobics Australia Lil's Retravision Karratha Karratha Furniture & Bedding Landmark Engineering & Design EFT16077 EFT16078 EFT16079 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 Market Creations Pty Ltd WALGA (Marketforce) P O'Dea Karratha Contracting Pty Ltd Aerodrome Management Services Pty Ltd Allied Pickfords - Karratha Amnet It Services Corporate Express Australia Pty Ltd Karratha Visitors Centre Karratha Earthmoving & Sand Supplies Description Refund Of Car Parking Pass Deposit Verge Bond Refund Amount 50.00 6,000.00 Verge Bond Refund Verge Bond Refund Sea Ripple Road - Repairs To Damaged Telstra Asset Reimbursement - Excess Water From Burst Retic Pipe - 12 Knight Place Nickol Mural Design Workshops - Artist Facilitation Fee Roebourne Community Art Project - 21.05.12 To 28.05.12 Cancelled Payment PBFC, Youth Shed & TTI - Grocery Items Cancelled Payment 17 Mosher Way - Refurbishment Prog Claim 1, 7A & 7B Peterson Ct - Minor Renovations Prog Claim 1, Walkington Theatre - Works For Projector Donga, Other Misc Plumbing & Electrical Works At Shire Sites Karratha Airport - Annual Aerodrome Technical Inspection Administration Building - Packing Boxes x 100, Storage Fee For Staff Housing Email - Broadband 2+ - 9/06/2012 to 9/07/2012 TTI Kiosk Stock - Harris Coffee Beans, Misc Stationery Items For Shire Office Karratha Airport - Skip Bin Service 02.04.2012 30.04.2012 Karratha Airport - Bird Fright Cartridges 7 Mile Waste Labour Hire Production & Coordination Of Twilight Tunes, Youth Shed - Installation Of Data Projector Hall Hire - Dampier Community Hall Street Art TShirt Design 22.10.11 Traffic Management & Traffic Control - 07.05.2012 08.05.2012 3,000.00 3,000.00 KEC - Playpen For Crèche Repair TV Antennas At Shire Housing 7 Mile Waste - NGER Reporting Obligations 28.03.12 To 24.04.12 Flights & Accommodation – Perth Meetings The Youth Shed - Super Mesh Carry Bag For Indoor Play Ball Pit Hydraulic Oil Flowers & Plant Hire For Volunteer Recognition Awards Night 363.61 366.60 3,640.00 0.00 2,612.57 0.00 206,694.87 6,722.89 979.72 79.00 6,307.05 1,947.04 3,036.00 11,963.56 3,630.00 150.00 4,160.00 282.04 764.50 3,894.00 1,407.80 212.50 1,191.35 175.00 2012/13 KDCCI Directory Sponsorship Booking Confirmation Fee - REAF Festival 28.08.12 To 25.09.12 11,550.00 Dozer Hire - Rehabilitate Gravel Pits Walkington Theatre - Window Tinting At Coles & Woolworths Entry Doors TTI Kiosk Stock Robin Brush & Holder Assembly 15,576.00 350.00 962.50 9,308.24 95.00 KEC - CxWorx Black Tubing / Fitness Belt PBFC Cafe Supplies 203.95 369.80 Karratha Library - Cupboard 488.00 Bin Keys The Walkington Theatre Pilbara Classies Advertising - 01.05.2012 Advertising Reimbursement Of Animal Welfare Officer Police 105.60 Page 64 165.00 695.41 55.50 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Chq/EFT Date Name EFT16080 05.06.2012 EFT16081 05.06.2012 Poolmart Karratha Point Samson Community Association Inc EFT16082 05.06.2012 EFT16083 EFT16084 EFT16085 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 Water2Water Pilbara Iron Company (Services) Pty Ltd Parry's Merchants Poinciana Nursery EFT16086 05.06.2012 Roebourne Art Group EFT16087 05.06.2012 Roebourne Visitor Centre EFT16088 05.06.2012 EFT16089 05.06.2012 EFT16090 05.06.2012 EFT16091 05.06.2012 EFT16092 EFT16093 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 EFT16094 05.06.2012 Sandover Pinder Pty Ltd St John AmbulanceKarratha Signswest Stick With Us Sign Studio Shell Company Of Australia Shenton Enterprises Pty Ltd Sealanes Royal Life Saving Society WA Inc EFT16095 EFT16096 EFT16097 EFT16098 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 EFT16099 05.06.2012 EFT16100 05.06.2012 EFT16101 05.06.2012 EFT16102 EFT16103 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 EFT16104 05.06.2012 EFT16105 EFT16106 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 EFT16107 EFT16108 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 EFT16109 05.06.2012 EFT16110 EFT16111 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 F White-Hartig Courier Australia (Toll Ipec Pty Ltd) Atom Supply Blackwoods (Atkins Carlyle Ltd) A Noble & Son Ltd - WA Division Auslec Australia Day Council Of WA (Inc) Protector Alsafe Attorney-General's Department Assured Waterside Apartments Artcraft Pty Ltd EFT16112 05.06.2012 Avdata Australia EFT16113 05.06.2012 Alliance Power & Data EFT16114 05.06.2012 APP Corporation Pty Ltd EFT16115 EFT16116 EFT16117 EFT16118 EFT16119 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 EFT16120 EFT16121 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 AAM Pty Ltd BOC Limited BP Roebourne Beaurepaires BC Lock & Key Boundaries Australia Pty Ltd Wickham Service Station Travelworld Karratha TNT Express Truck Centre (WA) Pty Ltd The Locals Wickham Community Association (Inc) Landmark Operations Limited Description Clearance 51 Clarkson Way - Provide Full Service To Pool & Creepy Crawly Bucks For Bags Donation For Clean Up 29.04.12 157 Bags KEC - Monthly Service Fee For Water Coolers May 2012 Wickham & Dampier Library - Electricity Charges 31.03.12 To 30.04.12 31 Days 11987 Kwh TTI, Youth Shed & Cossack Kiosk Stock Poinciana Trees & Soil Conditioner NAIDOC Week 2012 - Copyright Agreement For Use Of Ngarluma Country Artwork Seniors Event - Port Tour & Crafts Session 22.05.12, Book Selection For Cossack Café Karratha Airport - Project Design Brief & Travel Expenses For Terminal Upgrade FBCC & KAC First Aid Supplies Amount 1,138.00 942.00 53.50 4,249.22 5,901.15 2,569.60 1,000.00 2,422.16 32,494.77 877.85 Signage 2,571.80 Diesel 7,482.72 KAC - Dolphin Wave Robotic Cleaner 20m Admin Building – Coffee / Tea supplies 3,630.00 319.47 KAC - Lifesaving Equipment Flights For NAIDOC Week Entertainment & Shire Employees Freight Tapett Cover Gasket Sandfly & Mozzie Stuff Lotion 200Gr Bucks For Bags Donation For Clean Up 20.05.12 122 Bags 2,528.60 Cydectin Pour-On Reimbursement Of Mileage To Attend Council & Committee Meetings 06.03.2012 - 04.05.2012 1,034.00 7,238.00 1,537.63 302.10 279.40 732.00 2,202.00 Freight Full Length Body Cover 127.94 210.47 Gloves-Nitrole Disposable 161.48 Galvanised Split Links Karratha Airport - Flood Lamp 41.25 113.74 Australian Paper Hand Waver Flags Uniforms Karratha Airport - AusCheck Lodgements for April 2012 Accommodation Cancellation Fee Signage Karratha Airport - Billing Service Fees & Charges April 2012 Karratha Airport HV/LV Upgrade Project Superintendent's Representative Progress Claim Fees For Business Case Development - Lazy Lands Feasibility Project April 2012 Ground Truth Survey LiDAR Data - Various Sites East Of Dampier - Roebourne Workshop - Argoshield Universal Size G Diesel Repair & Replace Tyres On Shire Vehicles Key Cutting & Supply Padlocks Karratha Airport - Supply & Install Fencing & Hand Rail System Diesel Page 65 620.00 1,295.71 1,313.00 195.00 353.10 1,148.34 26,362.05 19,772.56 70,414.30 235.07 1,138.71 18,438.36 2,850.27 64,670.10 434.43 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Chq/EFT Date Name BT Equipment Pty Ltd T/a Tutt Bryant Equipment Boston Maintenance Services EFT16122 05.06.2012 EFT16123 05.06.2012 EFT16124 EFT16125 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 EFT16126 05.06.2012 EFT16127 05.06.2012 EFT16128 05.06.2012 EFT16129 EFT16130 EFT16131 EFT16132 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 EFT16133 05.06.2012 Coates Hire Operations Coca-Cola Amatil (Holdings) Ltd Covs Parts Pty Ltd (formerly Coventry Group Ltd) Chemform Coral Coast Print Pty Ltd Cleverpatch Pty Ltd Carpet Hotline Commercial EFT16134 05.06.2012 Coral Coast Electrical EFT16135 05.06.2012 EFT16136 05.06.2012 Catherine Cresswell Community Living Association EFT16137 EFT16138 EFT16139 EFT16140 EFT16141 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 EFT16142 EFT16143 EFT16144 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 EFT16145 05.06.2012 EFT16146 EFT16147 EFT16148 EFT16149 EFT16150 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 Chubb Fire Safety Ltd Fortesque Bus Service Pty Ltd Fire & Safety WA Fresh Promotions Gas City Pest Control Globe Australia Pty Ltd EFT16151 EFT16152 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 Geografia G.C. Sales WA EFT16153 05.06.2012 Gamut Enterprises EFT16154 EFT16155 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 EFT16156 05.06.2012 EFT16157 05.06.2012 EFT16158 05.06.2012 EFT16159 05.06.2012 EFT16160 05.06.2012 EFT16161 05.06.2012 Home Hardware Karratha Harvey Norman Haines Norton (WA) Pty Ltd Hightower Planning & Development Insight Callcentre Services Iron Mountain Australia Pty Ltd Irene Carbone T/A The Lulus Pty Ltd Ideal Office Furniture Pty Ltd EFT16162 05.06.2012 EFT16163 05.06.2012 N Babar CJD Equipment Centurion Transport Co Pty Ltd Alex Just Creative Pty Ltd Dy-Mark (Aust) Pty Ltd Dave's Transit Service Draftex Corporation E & MJ Rosher Pty Ltd Scottish Pacific Business Finance P/l (Eyres Safety Optics) Environmental Industries Farinosi & Sons Pty Ltd Integral Development Imani Development Austral Pty Ltd Description Water Tank Ball Valve 1/2 Refund Of KEC Multi Sports Program - Program Cancelled Air Filter Breather Fuel Freight Collection Of Boom Lift Used During Network Upgrade KAC Kiosk Stock Depot & 7 Mile Waste - Misc Parts & Stock Items Washroom Cleaner - Toilet & Shower Cleaning Printing Karratha Library - Craft Items Amount 478.59 92.62 64.00 148.30 10,285.83 598.07 162.46 2,574.45 451.53 440.90 699.48 Administration Main Offices - Install Carpet Tiles The Youth Shed - Installation Of Additional Circuit & Power Outlets Karratha Leisure Complex - Purchase Of Design The Runner Donation - For Purchasing Djembe Drums For Disability Percussion Workshops Integrated Strategic Planning Project - Graphic Design Asset Management Plan Document - 50% Spray'n'Mark Layout Paint - White KEC Holiday Program Bus Transport From Wickham Draftex Plan Clamps Filters 61,419.60 Safety Glasses Cattrall Park - Maintenance Contract April 2012 Concrete Karratha Airport & Wickham Daycare - Supply New Fire Extinguishers Community Bus Sunday Service - 01.04.2012 30.04.2012 Collapsible Knapsack FBCC - Promotional Items Rodent Baiting & Pest Control Rodent Baiting Station Consultant To Develop & Implement 2012 Annual Community Needs & Satisfaction Survey 700 x 240L Municipal Garbage Bins NAIDOC Week - Sean Choolburra MC/Comedian 08.07.2012 Youth Shed - Karcher High Pressure Cleaner & Hardware supplies PBFC Cafe Supplies, Karratha Library Filing Cabinet Financial Report & Management Reporting Workshop Registration Fee - 21.05.12-22.05.12 Town Planning Assessment Contract Services March 2012 - 69.5 Hours 623.40 20,192.50 622.60 Insight Call Centre Services - April 2012 Relocation Of Records Material From Depot Stores & Archive Room To Welshpool Facility Cossack Family Day – Children’s Entertainment The Lulus - Final Payment 1,008.15 FBCC - 120 Plastic Stackable Chairs Business Improvement Transformational Project Management Eco-Caravan Park - Cost Benefit Report & Financial Feasibility Model - Stage 1 50% 5,940.00 Page 66 6,171.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 2,194.50 157.87 1,650.00 171.00 230.85 1,147.30 4,068.00 1,315.60 4,453.90 689.70 179.52 7,481.10 32,340.00 5,789.00 623.89 906.85 1,870.00 9,938.50 7,606.79 2,360.00 102,895.16 14,950.00 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Chq/EFT Date Name Jenny Peel Consulting Services Karratha Smash Repairs EFT16164 EFT16165 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 EFT16166 05.06.2012 EFT16167 EFT16168 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 EFT16169 EFT16170 EFT16171 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 EFT16172 05.06.2012 Keyspot Services Karratha Veterinary Hospital Karratha Auto Electrics Karratha Falcons Junior Football Club Kott Gunning Komatsu Australia Pty Ltd Karratha Newsagency TTI Account EFT16173 EFT16174 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 Peter Keelan Karratha Window Tinting EFT16175 EFT16176 EFT16177 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 Lyons & Peirce Liftmec Pty Ltd Landgate EFT16178 05.06.2012 EFT16179 05.06.2012 EFT16180 05.06.2012 EFT16181 05.06.2012 EFT16182 05.06.2012 EFT16183 05.06.2012 CA & MJ Lommers Pty Ltd Macdonald Johnston Engineering Pilbara Motor Group (Moxham Motors) Modern Teaching Aids Pty Ltd Media Monitors Australia Pty Ltd MCC Australia Sanjin Mining Pty Ltd EFT16184 05.06.2012 EFT16185 05.06.2012 EFT16186 05.06.2012 EFT16187 EFT16188 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 EFT16189 05.06.2012 EFT16190 05.06.2012 EFT16191 EFT16192 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 EFT16193 05.06.2012 EFT16194 05.06.2012 EFT16195 05.06.2012 EFT16196 EFT16197 EFT16198 EFT16199 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 EFT16200 05.06.2012 EFT16201 05.06.2012 EFT16202 05.06.2012 EFT16203 05.06.2012 Mary Jeavons Landscape Architects MM IT Consulting (WA) Pty Ltd Mandalay Technologies Pty Ltd Melbourne Business School Pilbara News NW Communications & IT Specialists Redwave Media Ltd Northwest Copier & Fax Services NS Projects Neverfail Springwater Pty Ltd - HR Office Account Neverfail Springwater Pty Ltd - 7 Mile Waste Account National Sorry Day Committee Orica Australia Pty Ltd OTS Landscaping Service Okely Broderick Solutions Pilbara Motor Group The Paper Company Of Australia Pty Ltd Pilbara TAFE Play Right Australia Pty Ltd Pilbara Newspapers Pty Ltd (Pilbara Echo) Description Amount OHS Database Configuration 12 - 21/05/2012 Tow Abandoned Vehicles Plaques & Engravings - Emergency Services Evenings X 15 Plaques 331.10 1,540.00 Cancelled Payment Repairs To Trailer Circuit Indicator 50% Light Token Reimbursement 11.05.11 14.06.11 & 04.08.11 Legal Advice Lamp, Guide, Shim TTI Kiosk Stock - Newspapers & Magazines Youth Shed - Facilitation Fee For Film Sound & Drumming Program - May 2012 Karratha Library - Window Tinting Karratha Airport - Emergency Potable Water Supplies 7 Mile Waste - Mobilisation CatD7R Dozer 09.05.12 Rural UV General Revaluation - 2012/2013 Peer Review Of Alternative Solution - Car Park Ventilation Misc Parts & Equipment Filters KEC Programming - Multi Purpose Powder Glue Media Monitoring Service For Broadcast Only 01.05.2012 - 31.05.2012 675.00 0.00 247.50 830.35 3,285.15 723.21 1,395.22 4,673.25 797.50 36,583.38 726.00 1,426.10 1,375.00 5,217.31 891.57 69.08 619.40 Rates Refund For Assessment A78278 Bulgarra Playground - Detailed Design & Project Management Stage 4 - Contract Administration Further 25% 5,285.50 Karratha Airport - Configure Firewall Setup 7,044.32 7 Mile Waste - Printer Rolls Enrolment - Leadership Development Program 10.09.12 To 14.09.12 Advertising 35.47 660.00 9,885.00 2,840.00 7 Mile Waste - UHF Compact Handheld Radio Cyclone Awareness Radio Segments - April 2012, Annual Community Needs Survey 3,032.04 Copier Meter Readings Architect Consultant Brief Development 6,426.24 6,875.00 Administration Annexe - 15L Water Refills 7 Mile Waste - 15L Water Refills 614.89 235.40 56.05 Sorry Day Items - Badges DVDs & Flags Bulgarra - 78 Days Service Fee 920kg Chlorine Cylinder - 01.04.12 To 30.04.12 PBFC - Garden Maintenance Managerial Coaching Sessions - 5 Hours Filters, Gaskets & Other Misc Parts 2,124.00 A4 Paper 80gsm Pure White Accommodation For PAN International - REAF P.Mousaferiadis & T.Young , Microsoft Word Intermediate Training Training Course - Playground Safety 22.05.12 To 24.05.12 2,019.60 Advertising 3,887.93 Page 67 1,281.56 1,848.00 1,512.50 1,857.76 1,025.00 1,980.00 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Chq/EFT Date EFT16204 05.06.2012 Name Pilbara Access Management Solutions WA EFT16205 EFT16206 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 P&G Body Builders D Pentz EFT16207 05.06.2012 EFT16208 05.06.2012 Poolwerx Karratha PaperCut Software International Pty Ltd EFT16209 EFT16210 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 Playtec Pty Ltd PPC Worldwide EFT16211 05.06.2012 PROtog EFT16212 05.06.2012 Debra Piggott EFT16213 05.06.2012 Quinntessential Marketing EFT16214 EFT16215 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 EFT16216 05.06.2012 EFT16217 05.06.2012 EFT16218 EFT16219 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 Roy Galvin & Co Pty Ltd Raeco Rafa Recruitment & Workforce Development Revolution Truck & Trailer Parts Amcap (Formerly Skipper Truck Parts) Kmart Karratha EFT16220 EFT16221 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 State Emergency Service Syba Signs Pty Ltd EFT16222 EFT16223 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 Seasons Of Perth Seek Limited EFT16224 EFT16225 EFT16226 EFT16227 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 EFT16228 05.06.2012 Skillpath On-site Training Stihl Shop (West Perth) Swoon Design Studio Steel Cap Recruitment Sabar Technologies Pty Ltd EFT16229 05.06.2012 G Shoemark EFT16230 05.06.2012 Sabar Parking Service Pty Ltd EFT16231 05.06.2012 Solcomm Pty Ltd EFT16232 EFT16233 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 EFT16234 05.06.2012 EFT16235 05.06.2012 EFT16236 05.06.2012 EFT16237 05.06.2012 Sony Pictures Releasing Telford Industries Tradelink Plumbing Supplies Transpacific Industrial Solutions The Planning Group WA Pty Ltd (TPG) 20th Century Fox Film Distributors Pty Ltd EFT16238 05.06.2012 EFT16239 EFT16240 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 EFT16241 EFT16242 EFT16243 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 Uniqco (WA) Pty Ltd Karratha Timber & Building Supplies (formerly Versatile) Village Roadshow Pty Ltd Westrac Equipment Pty Ltd Woolworths (WA) Ltd WA Library Supplies Description 7 Mile Waste - Hire Of Scaffold Platforms / Stairs Provide Replacement Tarp For Hook Bin Truck Tarp System Reimbursement of Utilities 38 Lewis Drive - Monthly Swimming Pool Maintenance - To 18.05.12 IT - PaperCut Assurance & Support (250 Users) 12 Months The Youth Shed - Child Proof Gate To Toddler Area, Floor Cushions, Protective Box For Ball Washer Mediation & Consultancy Services Costs KEC - Group Fitness Batteries & Charger For Microphones Reimbursement Of Flights For Frank Butler's Family To Attend Opening Of Frank Butler Community Centre People Pulse Online Survey Software Renewal 16.05.2012 - 15.05.2013 Backflow Prevention Part For Bulgarra Oval Playground Karratha Library - Brackets For Library Shelving Technical Support For The Collective Agreement ReNegotiation 09.04.2012 - 28.05.2012 400L Fuel Tank Filters Extension Cords & Power Boards Quarterly Payment To Karratha Unit: April To June 2012 Karratha Library - Signs & Shelf Dividers Employee Accommodation - Safety Con Conference 24/05/2012 SEEK Job Pack Training - Administrative Assistants Conference Perth 10.02.12 Peltor Protective Visor Kit Printing & Design Costs Karratha Airport Labour Hire Karratha Airport - Replacement of Car Park Exit Terminals Reimbursement Of Telephone Charges As Per Contract - 01.05.2012 - 30.05.2012 Karratha Airport - Remote Customer Service Agreement For Paid Parking System - 01.05.12 To 31.05.12 IT - Wireless Network Power Injectors - PTP 300/500/600 Series Walkington Theatre - Film License Fees For 21 Jump Street 18.05.12 Chem-Chlor Cossack - 20mm Hose Cock Karratha Airport - Supply Plant & Labour For Exploratory Hydro Excavation Professional Advice - Urban Design Review City Centre Walkington Theatre - The Descendants Film Licence Fee Fleet Management Consultancy Services - As Per Scope Of Work Dated 28.01.12 Amount 907.50 1,567.00 266.94 121.66 486.20 7,278.70 5,775.00 133.90 2,029.52 7,095.00 461.82 200.64 5,603.35 2,405.89 453.39 56.75 5,500.00 1,776.50 169.00 1,848.00 299.00 280.00 1,055.45 14,510.58 50,658.30 199.08 2,200.00 1,410.75 886.20 2,425.20 19.18 3,379.42 1,938.20 544.70 24,200.00 Maintenance Items Walkington Theatre - Film Licences 586.67 2,292.30 Infra Red Oil Analysis Kit with Funnel Air Wick Aerosol Wickham Library - General Supply Items 1,488.22 54.72 564.70 Page 68 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Chq/EFT EFT16244 Date 05.06.2012 Name Wurth Australia Pty Ltd EFT16245 EFT16246 EFT16247 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 WA Billboards Webset Security Workpac Pty Ltd EFT16248 EFT16249 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 A Ward Yakka Pty Ltd EFT16250 05.06.2012 Downer Edi Works Pty Ltd EFT16251 07.06.2012 B Tussler EFT16252 07.06.2012 Alex Just Creative Pty Ltd EFT16253 EFT16254 07.06.2012 07.06.2012 EFT16255 EFT16256 07.06.2012 07.06.2012 P Shah Smokemart Tradelink Plumbing Supplies Woolworths (WA) Ltd EFT16257 07.06.2012 EFT16258 EFT16259 EFT16260 EFT16261 EFT16262 EFT16263 EFT16264 07.06.2012 07.06.2012 07.06.2012 07.06.2012 07.06.2012 13.06.2012 13.06.2012 Coral Coast Electrical Total Electrical Communication Services K Christensen Dept Of Housing & Works T Swetman B Middleton Australian Taxation Office Child Support Agency EFT16265 12.06.2012 S Kot EFT16266 12.06.2012 EFT16267 EFT16268 12.06.2012 12.06.2012 EFT16269 12.06.2012 F White-Hartig Australasian Performing Right Assoc. L McGlenchy Calculator & Handheld Systems & Services EFT16270 EFT16271 12.06.2012 12.06.2012 K Galvin Hudson Software EFT16272 12.06.2012 EFT16273 EFT16274 EFT16275 12.06.2012 12.06.2012 12.06.2012 Haven Designs Karratha Veterinary Hospital D Scott Verisign Australia Pty Ltd EFT16276 EFT16277 EFT16278 12.06.2012 12.06.2012 12.06.2012 EFT16279 12.06.2012 B Van Le Woolworths (WA) Ltd Earthcare Landscapes Development Assessment Panels EFT16280 15.06.2012 F White-Hartig EFT16281 15.06.2012 Convic Skate Parks Pty Ltd EFT16282 15.06.2012 M Cameron EFT16283 EFT16284 15.06.2012 15.06.2012 C King Nickol Bay Hospital EFT16285 EFT16286 15.06.2012 15.06.2012 EFT16287 15.06.2012 D Pentz Woolworths (WA) Ltd Pindan Contracting Pty Ltd Description Workshop Consumables Walkington Theatre - Signage Woodside Moonrise Cinema 27.05.12 To 24.06.12 Karratha Airport - Contracted Security Services Karratha Airport - Security Staff Reimbursement Of Accommodation - Indian Ocean Hotel 28.03.2012 Uniforms Pt Samson Townsite - Installation & Repairs To Footpaths, Street & Footpath Repairs Within Shire Study Assistance Reimbursement For Approved Study Graphic Design Of Asset Management Plan Document - Workforce Plan Conference Expense - Autocad Training Melbourne 14/05/12 - 18/05/12 TTI Kiosk Cigarettes Police Barracks Backpackers - Poly Pipe (blue) High Density TTI, Cossack Café - Kiosk Stock Installation of Sport Lighting To Nickol West Skate Park & Tambrey Oval - Progress Claim 2 Karratha Airport - High / Low Voltage Power Upgrade - Progress Claim 4 Home Ownership Allowance Payroll Deductions Home Ownership Allowance Home Ownership Allowance Payroll Deductions Payroll Deductions Conference Expenses - 17 - 21.06.2012 - National General Assembly Of Local Government - Canberra Conference Expenses - 17 - 21.06.2012 - National General Assembly Of Local Government - Canberra KEC APRA License Fees 1/06/2012 - 31/08/2012 Reimbursements For 40 Mile Caretaker Rangers - Hema Navigator HN6 Conference Expenses - 17 - 20.06.2012 - National General Assembly Of Local Government - Canberra Who’s-In Depot Office User Upgrade Administration Office Expansion Project - Progress Claim 11 Healthy Dog Day -15 May 2012 Professional Time & Medication Conference Expenses - Maximising Your Leadership Secure Site Pro Certificate - 29.05.2012 - 30.05.2018 Conference Expenses - 18.06.2012 - 06.07.2012 Apprenticeship Training TTI Kiosk Stock Bulgarra Playground Development Stage 1 Development Planning Application P2879 Development Assessment Panels Fee Conference Expense - CEO Interviews & Meeting Perth 12/06/12 - 14/06/12 Youth Shed Skate Park - Approved Contract Variations 06-11/12 Council Resolution 151881 19 September 2011 Conference Expense - AAA Regional Airport Forum Canberra 20/06/12 - 21/06/12 Conference Expense - Risk Management Compliance & Enforcement Perth Outpatient Consultation 01/10/11 Conference Expense - Perth Monthly Meetings 22/06/12 - 22/06/12 PBFC & Youth Shed - Cafe Supplies KLC - Construction As Per Tender G06-10/11 Page 69 Amount 1,290.78 1,045.00 38,845.40 3,481.59 153.00 3,173.36 287,896.85 2,000.00 2,579.50 632.75 4,294.15 9,381.26 956.60 153,197.00 881,142.86 572.00 650.00 555.00 550.00 208,115.90 1,193.25 380.30 495.10 443.63 238.95 2,150.00 528.55 220.00 8,822.00 2,561.80 224.25 9,784.50 2,125.30 816.31 276,393.59 12,640.00 280.60 35,922.10 263.75 242.35 111.45 263.75 2,666.23 2,405,056.27 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Chq/EFT Date Name Barrier Reef Pools Great Northern Building Commission (Building Services Levy) Karratha First National Real Estate Karratha City Real Estate Jacquie Lymbery North West Realty Pilbara Real Estate Ray White Real Estate Crawford Realty Karratha EFT16288 15.06.2012 EFT16289 18.06.2012 EFT16290 EFT16291 EFT16292 EFT16293 EFT16294 EFT16295 EFT16296 19.06.2012 19.06.2012 19.06.2012 19.06.2012 19.06.2012 19.06.2012 19.06.2012 EFT16297 19.06.2012 EFT16298 19.06.2012 Karratha Self Storage Peter Hunt Architect Superannuation Fund No 2 EFT16299 20.06.2012 Karratha Contracting Pty Ltd EFT16300 20.06.2012 Avis Australia Car Hire EFT16301 20.06.2012 Allied Pickfords - Karratha EFT16302 20.06.2012 EFT16303 20.06.2012 EFT16304 EFT16305 EFT16306 EFT16307 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 EFT16308 EFT16309 EFT16310 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 EFT16311 20.06.2012 EFT16312 20.06.2012 All Seasons Karratha Austral Mercantile Collections Pty Ltd Pilbara Bakeries T/A BT's Bakery Bullivants Chefmaster Australia Chemsearch Australia Corporate Express Australia Pty Ltd Transpacific Cleanaway Chandler Macleod Dampier Community Association Davis Langdon Australia Pty Ltd EFT16313 20.06.2012 Excel Electronics EFT16314 20.06.2012 EFT16315 EFT16316 EFT16317 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 Forte Airport Management Karratha Beach Tyres Pty Ltd GHD Pty Ltd Garrards Pty Ltd EFT16318 EFT16319 EFT16320 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 Harvey World Travel Hart Sport Hathaway's Lubricants EFT16321 EFT16322 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 EFT16323 EFT16324 EFT16325 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 EFT16326 20.06.2012 Ifap Karratha Florist Karratha International Hotel Karratha Tavern LRW'S Electrical Les Mills Aerobics Australia EFT16327 20.06.2012 EFT16328 20.06.2012 Lil's Retravision Karratha Local Government Managers Australia EFT16329 EFT16330 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 Jacquie Lymbery M Joyce Crane Hire Description Amount Refund Verge Bond 6,000.00 BSL April 2012 - Building Permits 11,011.84 Shire Housing Monthly Rental Payments Shire Housing Monthly Rental Payments Shire Housing Monthly Rental Payments Shire Housing Monthly Rental Payments Shire Housing Monthly Rental Payments Shire Housing Monthly Rental Payments Shire Housing Monthly Rental Payments Self Storage Shed For Records Storage 19/06/12 18/07/12 33,758.34 5,214.29 7,691.42 26,071.43 29,547.62 31,878.71 13,687.50 4/2 Welcome Road Lease: 19/06/12 - 18/07/12 Dampier Highway Streetscape Galbraith & Balmoral East Roundabouts, Admin Building Furniture Disassembly, Other Electrical & Plumbing, Maintenance & Repairs At Shire Sites Provision Of A Hire Vehicle - 05.06.2012 07.06.2012 Removalists Charges - Release From Storage To 7B Petersen Way Accommodation - P. Dhu - Leading Hand/Supervisor Course 412.50 2,711.03 231,688.62 458.74 1,138.03 958.00 Debt Collection Charges - Rates 2,659.55 TTI & PBFC Kiosk Stock - Bread & Rolls Cleaner & Degreaser Garbage Bags 80L Super Chemzyme 1V Plus Stationery Items For Admin Office & Various Shire Sites Karratha Airport - Daily Skip Bin Services - May 2012 7 Mile Waste Labour Hire 3,128.90 316.01 1,797.60 1,689.88 10,462.92 2,223.90 30,507.26 Hardy Reserve - Bollards For Beautification Project 11,000.00 Consultancy Services 209A & 209B Richardson Way - Install New TV Antenna Karratha Airport HV/LV Upgrade Project - Project Management Stage 3 50,886.41 Repair & Replace Tyres On Shire Vehicles Roebourne Technical Scoping Study - May 2012 Depot - Biflex Duo Flights - Karratha Perth Melbourne Return - 10.05.12 To 25.10.12 KEC - Gym Equipment Titan Cargo Engine Oil Training - Surface Ventilation Course - 16.07.12 To 18.07.12 Course Fee/Assessment Gala Dinner Flower Arrangements - 06.06.2012 Accommodation & Meals - C. Rafanelli - 12.06.2012 - EBA Negotiations TTI Kiosk Stock Filters 4,355.25 34,087.90 1,677.42 KEC - Gym Classes 01.06.12 To 30.06.12 Youth Shed – Fridge, Freezer, Camera & Accessories LGMA - Corporate Planners Network WA Annual Subscription 2011-2012 15 Gecko Circle Water Usage 14.12.2011 16.02.2012 - 65 Days 78 Units FBCC - Hire 25T Crane To Lift Toilet Block At Page 70 440.00 41,360.00 1,108.00 6,112.80 4,700.00 1,560.00 360.00 382.50 8,619.30 44.96 833.82 3,160.00 215.00 180.25 1,093.21 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Chq/EFT Date Name EFT16331 EFT16332 EFT16333 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 Mangrove Hotel M.E.Y. Equipment Market Creations Pty Ltd EFT16334 EFT16335 EFT16336 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 WALGA (Marketforce) Martin Sparks Poolmart Karratha EFT16337 EFT16338 EFT16339 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 Water2Water Parry's Merchants Perth Irrigation Centre EFT16340 20.06.2012 Roebourne Visitor Centre EFT16341 EFT16342 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 EFT16343 20.06.2012 EFT16344 EFT16345 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 EFT16346 EFT16347 EFT16348 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 St Lukes College Sebel Furniture Ltd Signswest Stick With Us Sign Studio Shell Company Of Australia Reliance Petroleum Shenton Enterprises Pty Ltd Stihl Shop Redcliffe Te Wai Manufacturing EFT16349 20.06.2012 EFT16350 20.06.2012 3rd Karratha Scout Group Royal Life Saving Society WA Inc EFT16351 20.06.2012 Town Link Couriers EFT16352 EFT16353 EFT16354 EFT16355 EFT16356 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 EFT16357 20.06.2012 EFT16358 20.06.2012 Travelworld Karratha TNT Express Truck Centre (WA) Pty Ltd The Retic Shop Visimax Wickham Community Association (Inc) Landmark Operations Limited EFT16359 20.06.2012 Whelans EFT16360 20.06.2012 EFT16361 EFT16362 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 EFT16363 20.06.2012 F White-Hartig Worksense Safety & Workwear Atom Supply Blackwoods (Atkins Carlyle Ltd) EFT16364 20.06.2012 EFT16365 EFT16366 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 EFT16367 EFT16368 EFT16369 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 EFT16370 EFT16371 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 EFT16372 EFT16373 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 EFT16374 20.06.2012 Description Bulgarra Sporting Oval Employee Accommodation - 17.05.2012 19.05.2012 Throttle Assembly IT - CMS Upgrade V1 to V2.5 Advertising - The West Australian 19-05-12 Executive Manager Infrastructure Service Drive Swivel Head Ratchet RAC - Granulated Chlorine KEC - Monthly Service Fee For Water2Water Twin System TTI & Youth Shed Kiosk Stock Control Module Galcan 7001 Roebourne Visitor Centre Funding Contribution January February & March 2012 May 2012 Quarterly Grant Round - Karratha Arts & Learning Centre FBCC - Duralite Tables Dreamers Hill - Aluminium Signage Diesel Diesel RAC - Repairs To Automatic Suction Cleaner Parts - Air Cleaner Cover Lifeguard Polo Shirts Grant Round Grant Funds - Feb 2012: 5 x Camp Patrol Boxes Pool Lifeguard Re Qualification Delivery Fee - Dampier Highway Streetscaping Project Documents Flights - GER-PER Return For C. Rafanelli To Attend EBA Negotiations Freight Parts - Fuel Sender Retic Repair Items Notebooks - Rangers Contribution - Wickham Community Garden Banners Photography Consultation SST Enviro Dye Blue Planning Services - Crown Subdivision - Bulgarra Sporting Precinct Consultation Reimbursement Of Airport Parking Fees 12.06.2012 Depot - Safety Boots Paint Stirrer & Ladder Computelec Pty Ltd Airport Lighting Specialists Pty Ltd Protector Alsafe Dorma Automatics Pty Ltd A & P Transport Abco Products Abberfield Industries Pty Ltd Assetic Australia Pty Ltd Apprenticeships Australia Avdata Australia West End Arts Australia Pty Ltd T/a Archipelago Amount 2,340.00 101.81 1,661.00 5,713.55 152.40 621.60 53.50 15,977.00 2,457.36 55,273.15 1,385.00 5,060.00 2,711.50 18,884.46 94,798.29 289.80 18.60 3,193.00 957.75 527.50 25.00 310.00 1,279.08 439.15 3,053.77 108.95 22,031.00 838.20 2,530.00 30.00 284.64 816.08 Safety Steps IT - Syamnatec BackupExec 2012 Agent for Applications & Databases 1,854.62 Karratha Airport - Light Globes Clip Gloves Karratha Airport - Inspections Of Automatic Doors 17.05.12 Chook Food Ecozyme B+ 1,313.95 2,569.16 KEC - 250 x Medium Light Tokens MyData Training For Staff Management Fee - Apprentice Heavy Duty Mechanic - May 2012 Avdata ABR & Flight Data Charges - May 2012 Cossack Art Awards 2012 - Event Management & Coordination - 15% Of Contract Page 71 775.50 1,199.00 135.00 950.40 410.30 16,536.85 366.67 1,131.02 74,978.48 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Chq/EFT Date EFT16375 20.06.2012 Name Arts Ausco Modular Pty Limited Description EFT16376 20.06.2012 AEC Group Ltd EFT16377 20.06.2012 Atktec Pty Ltd EFT16378 20.06.2012 Advam Pty Ltd EFT16379 EFT16380 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 Anittel Pty Ltd Alegra Safety EFT16381 20.06.2012 EFT16382 20.06.2012 EFT16383 20.06.2012 EFT16384 20.06.2012 EFT16385 EFT16386 EFT16387 EFT16388 EFT16389 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 Artist Network Askew & Associates Pty Ltd Artback NT: Arts Development & Touring Airbiz Aviation Strategies Pty Ltd ARB General Services Pty Ltd BOC Limited BP Roebourne Bunzl Ltd Beaurepaires EFT16390 EFT16391 EFT16392 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 BC Lock & Key Wickham Service Station Bez Engineering EFT16393 20.06.2012 EFT16394 EFT16395 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 BEST Consultants BT Equipment Pty Ltd T/a Tutt Bryant Equipment Booksdirect EFT16396 20.06.2012 EFT16397 20.06.2012 Black Olive Catering W Squared Pty Ltd T/As BHW Consulting EFT16398 20.06.2012 L McGlenchy EFT16399 20.06.2012 Blue Gecko Gallery EFT16400 20.06.2012 EFT16401 EFT16402 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 EFT16403 20.06.2012 Marina Baker Batavia Coast Firearms & Ammunition Sales CJD Equipment Centurion Transport Co Pty Ltd EFT16404 20.06.2012 EFT16405 20.06.2012 EFT16406 EFT16407 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 Coates Hire Operations Coca-Cola Amatil (Holdings) Ltd Covs Parts Pty Ltd (formerly Coventry Group Ltd) Chemform EFT16408 EFT16409 EFT16410 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 Centaman Systems Coral Coast Print Pty Ltd Crommelins Machinery EFT16411 20.06.2012 Coda Studio Pty Ltd EFT16412 20.06.2012 L Cover EFT16413 EFT16414 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 Cee Dee Services Pty Ltd CPS Wear Parts Hire Fees - Rangers Building At Depot Transportable Office & Office Equipment 01.06.12 To 30.06.12 SOR Integrated Strategic Planning - Draft Corporate Business Plan & Operational Plan IT - Supply Labour & Materials For The Installation Of A Time Lapse Camera In SOR Compound On Stove Hill Karratha Airport - Monthly Advam Services - May 2012 Microsoft Office Professional Plus License & Software Assurance Development Of Emergency Procedures Troy Cassar-Daley Balance For Naidoc Performance 08.07.2012 Karratha Airport - Feasibility Study For 'Screening Authority' At Karratha Airport Walkington Theatre - Marketing Materials For Shellies Story Karratha Airport Terminal Redevelopment - Forward Projections - Final Claim 27 Buchanan Circle - Cleaning / Carpet Cleaning 24.05.12 23 Rodgers Way - 2x45KG Gas Bottles 29.05.12 Diesel Toilet Tissue Executive 2 Ply Puncture Repairs Pegs Creek Pavilion - Rekey Building To Shire Gen6 System Diesel Pt Samson - Construct Entrance Statement KAC - Lighting Design & Project Management Phase 2 100% Complete Oil Sample Kits Roebourne Library - Books NAIDOC WEEK - Mark Olive - Balance of Performance Fee For 03.07.2012 Local Laws Review Reimbursement Of Fuel For 40 Mile Caretaker - Start Of Season Travel To Karratha Karratha Leisure Complex Public Art - Purchase of the Splash Pad Turtle Design 2012 Roebourne Community Art Project - 50% Artist Fee For Practical Completion Stage Amount 3,848.34 30,386.40 6,850.38 323.73 7,678.00 1,127.50 16,500.00 26,620.00 269.50 4,838.46 120.00 719.36 583.89 3,564.97 1,110.41 4,537.98 148.36 3,985.00 4,870.56 440.99 504.70 1,650.00 17,875.00 1,017.92 2,000.00 5,122.50 Shotgun Ammunition Air Filter Kit Inner & Outer 272.00 724.98 Freight FBCC - Hire Of Mounted Toilet Block 30.04.2012 31.05.2012 152.76 TTI, Youth Shed & PBFC - Kiosk Stock GME UHF Radio Fysol Centaman Computer Licence - KEC & KAC 01.07.2012 - 30.06.2013 Horizontal Outdoor Banners For Futures Club Air Filter Dampier Highway Streetscape - 3.0 Documentation 100% Complete Reimbursement - Connection Fee To Connect Telstra Service To Shire House NAIDOC Week - Casey Donovan Performance Balance Of Payment - 08.07.2012 PlowBolt Page 72 3,726.14 13,825.71 1,883.87 1,667.06 5,678.86 1,009.66 73.72 10,120.00 475.00 15,125.00 79.24 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Chq/EFT EFT16415 EFT16416 EFT16417 Date 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 Name Coral Coast Electrical Computer Link WA Pty Ltd Data#3 Limited EFT16418 EFT16419 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 EFT16420 20.06.2012 Discovery Sailing Adventures DMD Shelving Direct Dalcross Medical Treatment EFT16421 EFT16422 EFT16423 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 Dampier Early Learning Centre (CSSU) L Dubois E & MJ Rosher Pty Ltd EFT16424 EFT16425 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 EFT16426 20.06.2012 EFT16427 EFT16428 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 EFT16429 EFT16430 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 EFT16431 20.06.2012 ELearning Portal Pty Ltd Farinosi & Sons Pty Ltd Fortesque Bus Service Pty Ltd Frogs Coffee Bean & Tea Frogmat Environmental Pty Ltd EFT16432 20.06.2012 Fitzroy Express EFT16433 EFT16434 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 EFT16435 EFT16436 EFT16437 EFT16438 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 Freestyle Now Foundation Housing Ltd Fair Dinkum Road Co. Pty Ltd Gas City Pest Control Grace Removals Group Globe Australia Pty Ltd EFT16439 20.06.2012 Geografia EFT16440 20.06.2012 Greg Rowe & Associates EFT16441 EFT16442 EFT16443 EFT16444 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 EFT16445 EFT16446 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 EFT16447 20.06.2012 EFT16448 EFT16449 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 Goldplay Civil Mining Home Hardware Karratha Hydramet The Honda Shop Hitachi Construction Machinery Handy Hands Pty Ltd Hallmark Editions (CommStrat) Hightower Planning & Development Hinco Instruments Pty Ltd EFT16450 20.06.2012 Integral Development EFT16451 EFT16452 EFT16453 EFT16454 EFT16455 EFT16456 EFT16457 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 EFT16458 20.06.2012 EFT16459 20.06.2012 Intrepid Minds Pty Ltd Intouch Public Relations Karratha Smash Repairs Keyspot Services Karratha Cad Centre Kott Gunning Komatsu Australia Pty Ltd Kinetic Health Group Pty Ltd Karratha Newsagency TTI Account Ezdigital Environmental Industries Edwina Forward Engraving Description The Youth Shed - Repair Cable Damage Rates Refund For Assessment A32857 Exchange 2010 Migration Project Boat Hire For Municipal Heritage Inventory Review By Eureka Archaeological Consultants 21/22.08.2012 Rut Shelving Dividers & Clips Karratha Airport - Folding Mobile Medical Screens Dampier Early Learning Centre - Annual Community Sponsorship 2011/2012 - To Erect A Shade Structure Over Playground Cancelled Payment Part - Blade Bar Local History - Digitisation & Archiving Of Audio Cassettes Cattrall Park - Maintenance May 2012 FBCC - Public Artwork Acknowledgement Plaque Community Club Development - Online Responsible Service Of Alcohol Courses Concrete Pack Community Bus Sunday Service - 01.05.2012 31.05.2012 PBFC - Presto Coffee Machine Nickol West Skate Park - Irrigation Repairs NAIDOC Week - Fitzroy Express Performance 01.07.2012 The Youth Shed - Engagement Of Freestyle Now Competition & Management - 01.07.2012 Property Management Services - June 2012 Amount 1,209.25 965.25 11,356.56 3,600.00 1,161.33 2,524.50 1,144.60 0.00 1,556.05 3,338.40 20,192.50 90.75 1,278.90 1,396.22 3,244.90 12,224.47 7,700.00 12,900.00 5,115.00 15,178.02 Ticket Revenue For John Williamson 39 Clarkson Way - Termite Treatment Relocation Expenses Aqua - K - Othrine Consultant - Develop & Implement Annual Community Needs & Satisfaction Survey 2012 40% Final Report Payment Development Assessment Applications - 01.04.2012 - 30.04.2012 7 Mile Waste - Grader Hire Fees - 30.05.12 To 01.06.12 Cossack - Stihl Pole Pruner RAC - Major Pool Service Throttle Cable 24,595.00 165.00 7,412.93 4,922.10 Air Con Recirculate Dampier Highway - Spray & Slash Weeds Late Cancellation Charges - Benchmarking Best Practices in Local Government Town Planning Assessment Contract Services - April 2012 - 36.5 Hours OHS Workplace Monitoring Equipment Human Resources - Transformation Business Project Registration - National Public Sector Fraud & Corruption Congress - 25-27/07/2012 FBCC - Project Communications April 2012 Repairs As Per Quote 17799 Building - Ink Pads x 3 KEC - Group Fitness Posters Laminated - A2 Size KAC - Finalisation Of Contract & Works Guide 1,027.01 9,830.00 7 Mile Waste - Twinrix Hepatitis Booster WE: 03.06.2012 Page 73 9,974.80 13,826.45 5,016.00 2,487.33 15,601.20 20.33 88.00 5,219.50 1,868.90 7,409.46 3,954.50 7,359.00 3,140.21 122.50 79.97 154.00 1,848.52 146.30 3,472.17 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Chq/EFT Date EFT16460 20.06.2012 EFT16461 20.06.2012 Name Karratha Newsagency Admin Office Account Karratha Newsagency Dampier Library Account EFT16462 EFT16463 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 Liftmec Pty Ltd Landgate EFT16464 EFT16465 EFT16466 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 EFT16467 20.06.2012 EFT16468 EFT16469 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 EFT16470 20.06.2012 EFT16471 20.06.2012 LGIS Risk Management Lester Blades Pty Ltd A.B. Loveridge Lenny's Commercial Kitchens Luxmoore Parking Consulting Dr. Mark Lawry Macdonald Johnston Engineering Squire Sanders AU (formerly Minter Ellison Lawyers) EFT16472 20.06.2012 EFT16473 20.06.2012 EFT16474 EFT16475 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 EFT16476 20.06.2012 EFT16477 EFT16478 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 EFT16479 20.06.2012 EFT16480 20.06.2012 EFT16481 20.06.2012 EFT16482 20.06.2012 EFT16483 20.06.2012 EFT16484 20.06.2012 EFT16485 20.06.2012 EFT16486 20.06.2012 EFT16487 EFT16488 EFT16489 EFT16490 EFT16491 EFT16492 EFT16493 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 EFT16494 EFT16495 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 Orica Australia Pty Ltd Open Spaces Productions T/a Little Rhino Designs Peerless Jal Pty Ltd Paint Industries Pty Ltd Pilbara Distributors Pirtek Pilbara Motor Group Pilbara Copy Service Pilbara Newspapers Pty Ltd (Pilbara Echo) Powervac Pty Ltd EFT16496 EFT16497 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 J Pritchard Port Printing EFT16498 EFT16499 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 Playtec Pty Ltd Pan International Pty Ltd EFT16500 20.06.2012 Puhanga Massage B Middleton Media Monitors Australia Pty Ltd Mike Allen Planning Monitor WA Pty Ltd Messagelabs Australia Pty Ltd (Symantec. Cloud) Mawarnkarra Health Services Pilbara News NW Communications & IT Specialists Redwave Media Ltd Northwest Copier & Fax Services Broadcast Australia Pty Ltd Neverfail Springwater Pty Ltd - HR Office Account Neverfail Springwater Pty Ltd - 7 Mile Waste Account Nirrumbuk Aboriginal Corporation Description Amount Admin Building - Newspapers 53.75 Dampier Library - Magazines Transport Drum Roller From Titan Plant Hire To Hunt Street Bulgarra Gross Rental Valuation Estimate - Strategic Projects Training - Effective Communication & How To Deal With Stress Workshops 17.06.12 To 19.06.12 CEO Recruitment Services Provided TTI Kiosk - Red Dog Souvenirs & Merchandise 46.00 FBCC - Electric Oven Karratha Airport - Ad Hoc Consultancy Advice May 2012 MSIS Agreement - Incentive Payment 222.75 16,323.49 7,833.20 9,920.80 7,821.25 4,204.20 1,138.50 18,333.70 Freight Ex Europe (For Wafer Pack Assembly) 684.20 Legal Advice Conference Expense - Award Interpretation For Payroll 816.20 Media Monitoring For June 2012 Consulting Fees - SOR Local Planning Strategy Gap & Swot Analysis January To April 2012 Karratha Library - Cashless Print/Copier System Symantec Cloud Email Protection - Antivirus AntiSpam 150 Users 19.05.12 To 18.05.13 535.17 Crime Prevention Initiative Advertising GME Handheld 2W Transmitters x 1 Radio Advertising / Sponsorship - 01.05.12 To 31.05.12 Copier Meter Readings Facilities Leasing - Self Help - Power Recovery SBS TV (Mt Welcome) - 14.04.2012 - 15.05.2012 155.80 14,905.00 9,548.00 7,343.07 800.00 7,597.01 336.20 2,148.96 11,830.55 483.81 Administration Annexe - Water Refills - 31.05.2012 220.45 7 Mile Waste - 15L Bottles Of Spring Water 165.65 Firearms Training For Rangers 16/04/12 - 17/04/12 Gap Ridge WWP - 62 Days Service Fee 920kg Chlorine Cylinder 1,540.00 1,181.57 FBCC Public Artwork - Artwork Installation 50% Depot - Mops Squeegee Handles Karratha Airport - Runway Line Marking Paint Cossack Cafe Stock Hose Assembly Filters & Misc Parts Karratha Airport - Service Of Photocopier - May 2012 33,000.00 6,405.19 2,620.70 664.56 2,461.07 3,697.20 824.43 Advertising Henry Vacuum Cleaner Bags Conference Expense - Debating For Elected Members Intro Into Local Govt Act Strategic Planning Perth 25/06/12 - 28/06/12 Ranger Service Warning Notice Books The Youth Shed - Playtec Preventative Maintenance Visit As Per Contract Marketing - Press Kits Flier Templates For REAF Masseurs x 2 Massage Day At Pt Samson For Seniors 12.06.12 5,193.07 132.00 Page 74 451.25 391.00 5,940.00 13,475.00 800.00 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Chq/EFT Date Name Quarrian Pty Ltd T/As G & S Transport Repco Auto Parts Raeco RoMe Energy & Environment Pty Ltd EFT16501 EFT16502 EFT16503 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 EFT16504 20.06.2012 EFT16505 20.06.2012 EFT16506 20.06.2012 EFT16507 20.06.2012 EFT16508 EFT16509 EFT16510 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 EFT16511 20.06.2012 EFT16512 EFT16513 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 EFT16514 20.06.2012 EFT16515 EFT16516 EFT16517 EFT16518 EFT16519 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 EFT16520 EFT16521 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 EFT16522 EFT16523 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 EFT16524 20.06.2012 EFT16525 20.06.2012 EFT16526 20.06.2012 EFT16527 EFT16528 EFT16529 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 S Vertigan Westrac Equipment Pty Ltd Wickham Newsagency Woolworths (WA) Ltd EFT16530 EFT16531 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 Wormald Australia Pty Ltd Wurth Australia Pty Ltd EFT16532 EFT16533 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 EFT16534 EFT16535 EFT16536 EFT16537 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 R Ward Wild By Nature Youth Of The Decade 2010 (YOTHD 10) Yakka Pty Ltd Zipform Pty Ltd Planchange Pty Ltd EFT16538 20.06.2012 EFT16539 20.06.2012 EFT16540 20.06.2012 EFT16541 20.06.2012 Firedam Civil Pty Ltd Ri - Con Contractors Pty Ltd EFT16542 21.06.2012 Ray White Real Estate Rosscrae International Rafa Recruitment & Workforce Development Revolution Truck & Trailer Parts Amcap (Formerly Skipper Truck Parts) Statewide Bearings Kmart Karratha St. John Ambulance Aust. (Roebourne) Swoon Design Studio Steel Cap Recruitment Sabar Technologies Pty Ltd Securepay Pty Ltd Son Of A Gun Archanda Shinde Trugrade Pty Ltd T-Quip State Library of WA (Office of Shared Services) Tennant Australia Pty Ltd The Planning Group WA Pty Ltd (TPG) Top Machine Services UDLA Karratha Timber & Building Supplies (formerly Versatile) Downer Edi Works Pty Ltd Fire & Emergency Services Authority (ESL Payments) Description Hearsons Cove Road - Hire Fee For Side Tipper Trailer 01.05.12 To 31.05.12 Part - Pocket Single Din Snap In Wickham Library - General Library Supplies KLC - Consultancy For the Mechanical Hydraulic Fire & Other Building Services 01.05.12 To 31.05.12 Prep & Delivery Of Development Sessions For Elected Members By Simon Bowen Technical Support For The Collective Agreement ReNegotiation 28.05.12 To 04.06.12 Part - D2 Governor Valve Air Filter Parts - Vee Belt Wickham Library - DVDs & Books Ambulance - Sholl Street To Roebourne District Hospital Strategic Community Plan - Graphic Design & Administration Executive Services Labour Hire Karratha Airport - Supply & Deliver Spare Carpark Exit Terminal Walkington Theatre - Monthly Transaction Fees For Securepay On Seat Advisor Ticketing System - May 2012 Karratha Library - Entertainment For Opening First Incentive Payment Under The MSIS Agreement Cleaning Cloths Truwipes Super Green Fuel/Water Separator Filter Amount 11,550.00 14.96 326.80 907.50 3,850.00 1,770.50 29.43 1,447.94 35.68 1,932.00 420.00 6,867.37 6,657.68 22,465.23 55.94 500.00 18,333.70 156.62 122.70 Karratha Library - Freight Charges For ILL Part - Tacho 1,235.55 414.68 Planning Services - Assessment Of Applications RAC - Dual Bowl Slushy Machine Cattrall Park Stage 5 Redevelopment - Consultant Fees 5,720.00 2,900.00 Minor Tool - Driver Drill 18V Mileage - Council / Committee Meetings 31.01.11 To 19.03.12 Locknut Wickham Library - Magazines PBFC & TTI Kiosk Stock Admin Office Reception - Monthly Inspection Of Fire Alarm June 2012 Brake Cleaner Reimbursement Of Accommodation Costs For Mt Eliza Course KLC Public Art - Development Of A Design Fee NAIDOC Idol Prizes Uniforms Supply 2000 Muni Bank Cheque Forms Review & Development Of Local Planning Policies Bulgarra Oval - Supply & Lay 30mm Black Asphalt To Car Park At Hunt Way 2011/12 Emergency Services Levy - 4th Quarterly Payment Karratha Airport Hydraulics Upgrade RFT 09-11/12 Progress Claim 1 Shade Structures G10-10/11 - Final Claim - Balance Of Retention 13 Gecko Circle - Water Usage 05.08.2011 14.12.11 Page 75 654.50 966.85 1,938.80 51.67 95.60 2,624.60 204.66 291.93 164.00 1,100.00 13,300.00 1,712.93 1,634.49 22,960.00 122,921.70 104,819.43 180,211.34 39,103.09 242.20 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes Chq/EFT EFT16543 EFT16544 Date 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 EFT16545 EFT16546 EFT16547 EFT16548 EFT16549 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 EFT16550 22.06.2012 EFT16551 EFT16552 EFT16553 22.06.2012 22.06.2012 26.06.2012 EFT16554 EFT16555 EFT16556 26.06.2012 26.06.2012 26.06.2012 EFT16557 EFT16558 EFT16559 26.06.2012 26.06.2012 26.06.2012 EFT16560 26.06.2012 EFT16561 EFT16562 EFT16563 EFT16564 EFT16565 EFT16566 26.06.2012 26.06.2012 26.06.2012 26.06.2012 26.06.2012 26.06.2012 EFT16567 26.06.2012 EFT16568 EFT16569 EFT16570 EFT16571 26.06.2012 26.06.2012 26.06.2012 26.06.2012 EFT16572 EFT16573 EFT16574 26.06.2012 26.06.2012 26.06.2012 EFT16575 EFT16576 26.06.2012 26.06.2012 EFT16577 26.06.2012 EFT16578 26.06.2012 EFT16579 26.06.2012 EFT16580 26.06.2012 EFT16581 26.06.2012 EFT16582 26.06.2012 EFT16583 26.06.2012 EFT16584 26.06.2012 EFT16585 26.06.2012 EFT16586 26.06.2012 EFT16587 EFT16588 26.06.2012 26.06.2012 16 July 2012 Name K Christensen Dept Of Housing & Works Shire of Roebourne Social Club T Swetman B Middleton Australian Taxation Office Child Support Agency Karratha First National Real Estate Building Commission (Building Services Levy) Australian Taxation Office Avis Australia Car Hire Courier Australia (Toll Ipec Pty Ltd) Market Creations Pty Ltd WALGA (Marketforce) Norwest Sand & Gravel Pty Ltd Parry's Merchants Perth Irrigation Centre Signswest Stick With Us Sign Studio Shell Company Of Australia Te Wai Manufacturing The Retic Shop F White-Hartig Atom Supply Protector Alsafe Attorney-General's Department Artback NT: Arts Development & Touring Atrax Group NZ Ltd Beaurepaires CJD Equipment Centurion Transport Co Pty Ltd Coral Coast Print Pty Ltd Alex Just Creative Pty Ltd Dynamic Audio Visual Solutions Pty Ltd. Harvey Norman Harmony Staging Systems Insight Callcentre Services Kott Gunning Keen Bros Regional Pty Ltd Andrew Kay L3 Communications Australia Pty Ltd Coral Lowry Modern Teaching Aids Pty Ltd Squire Sanders AU (formerly Minter Ellison Lawyers) Messagelabs Australia Pty Ltd (Symantec. Cloud) Northwest Copier & Fax Services North West Tree Services Description Home Ownership Allowance Payroll Deductions Amount 572.00 1,000.00 Payroll Deductions Home Ownership Allowance Home Ownership Allowance Payroll Deductions Payroll Deductions 786.00 555.00 550.00 240,734.87 1,193.25 16 Padbury Way - Bond & Rent Building Services Levy - Building Permits - May 2012 2011-2012 FBT Payment Vehicle Hire - 12.06.12 To 14.06.12 8,960.00 20,522.33 47,273.54 345.40 Freight Advertising - Who's Who In Pilbara Business Advertising Karratha Golf Course - 23 Tonne Dune Sand To Depot 11.06.12 Cossack Cafe Stock - Groceries SDS 50 Controller 33.09 3,300.00 251.28 Signage Decals For Lightboard Trailer 1,078.00 Diesel Polo Shirts Poly Pipe Reimbursement - Meeting With Simon Bowen Walkington Theatre - Rubber Natural Insertion Safety Boots 4,973.01 957.60 139.89 120.00 414.81 299.54 AusCheck Lodgements for May 2012. Royalties For Performance Shellie's Story Karratha Airport - Operator Panel Repairs & Replacement of Tyres Various Parts As Per Quote 962.50 367.10 5,459.12 909.00 85.80 750.00 10,217.08 11,757.27 Freight 7 Mile Waste - BC2 Basic Cards Strategic Community Plan - Remaining 50% 41.87 141.90 2,194.50 FBCC - Contrast Projector FBCC - 60 Plasma TV 4,598.00 2,051.90 FBCC - Extra Stage Equipment After Hours Call Centre Fee CA0171 - May 2012 216 Calls Legal Advice - Review The Airport Conditions Of Use Documents 7,755.00 7 Mile Waste - HR Licence Course 30.05.12 Dampier Highway Streetscape - Design Proposal For Public Art Project Karratha Airport - Service & Maintenance X-ray Machine 01.06.12 To 01.09.12 Dampier Highway Streetscape - Concept Proposal & Documentation For Public Art Project KEC - Materials For School Holiday Program - July 2012 800.00 Review Of Shire Of Roebourne Trademark IT - Message Labs Attachment Content Monitoring Service 05.06.12 To 04.06.13 Photo Copier Charges Various Tree Works Page 76 926.64 477.95 2,200.00 17,632.30 2,200.00 413.60 114.40 4,389.00 5,121.92 38,136.00 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Chq/EFT Date Name EFT16589 EFT16590 EFT16591 26.06.2012 26.06.2012 26.06.2012 EFT16592 26.06.2012 Irene Osborne Peerless Jal Pty Ltd Pirtek Pilbara Newspapers Pty Ltd (Pilbara Echo) EFT16593 EFT16594 26.06.2012 26.06.2012 EFT16595 EFT16596 EFT16597 26.06.2012 26.06.2012 26.06.2012 Tony Pankiw Red 11 Pty Ltd DTF - Shared Services ( State Law Publisher) Statewide Turf Services Swoon Design Studio EFT16598 EFT16599 26.06.2012 26.06.2012 Shredding Services Ray Smith EFT16600 26.06.2012 Trugrade Pty Ltd EFT16601 EFT16602 26.06.2012 26.06.2012 Anne Neil & Steve Tepper D Thompson EFT16603 EFT16604 EFT16605 26.06.2012 26.06.2012 26.06.2012 Rick Vermey EFT16606 26.06.2012 Wormald Australia Pty Ltd EFT16607 26.06.2012 Coral Coast Electrical EFT16608 72732 26.06.2012 14.06.2010 72970 72990 05.08.2010 05.08.2010 73024 20.08.2010 73291 73449 73762 75003 75004 75005 75006 75007 75008 75009 75010 25.10.2010 08.12.2010 18.03.2012 01.06.2012 01.06.2012 01.06.2012 01.06.2012 01.06.2012 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 75011 75012 75013 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 75014 75015 75016 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 G Bailey Water Corporation Yaandina Family Centre Collins Booksellers Karratha Armada Mining Limited Aimy Baxter 75017 05.06.2012 Gary Bawden 75018 75019 75020 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 75021 75022 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 S Cleaver P Davey Karina Franchi McLeods & Co Barristers & Solicitors Amanda Morley Woolworths (WA) Ltd Karratha Contracting Pty Ltd Vincent Catania Karratha Netball Association Raiders Basketball Club Ausco Modular Pty Limited Karratha Netball Association Dc Project Services Peter Waters Shire Of Roebourne Telstra Corporation Ltd Horizon Power Shire Of Roebourne Description Dampier Highway Streetscape - Concept Design For Public Art Project PBFC - Cleaning Equipment & Supplies Hose Assembly Advertising - Walkington Events Gene Peterson 16.06.12 Dampier Highway Streetscape - Concept Design For Public Art Project IT - Win Server Standard 2008 R2 L Gazette Advertising - Changing The Basis Of Rates Karratha Airport - Gardening Wheelie Bins Liquor Initiative Stickers 7 Mile Waste - Wet Hire Of Shredder - 10 Hours Per Day x 11 Days Rates Refund For Assessment A77895 Ghost Graffiti Remover For CARE Burrup Project Graffiti Removal Dampier Highway Streetscape - Concept Design For Public Art Project TTI Kiosk - Kitchen Utensils Plates Dampier Highway Streetscape - Design Concept Fees For Public Art Project Cancelled Payment Cossack Cafe - Groceries Karratha Airport - Monthly Maintenance On Pumping System 01.06.12 To 30.06.12 Tambrey Oval & Nickol West Skate Park Installation Of Light Columns & Lights 7B Petersen Court - Minor Refurbishment - Final Progress Claim, Tambrey Pump Station Electrical Works, Depot - Replace Ice Machine, Quarterly Test & Tag Audit, Karratha Airport- Provision Of Building Services Condition Report Cancelled Cheque Amount 1,500.00 125.78 194.38 1,721.22 1,650.00 17,004.81 104.00 23,468.50 145.20 44,000.00 647.70 257.40 2,200.00 594.90 2,200.00 0.00 613.31 1,215.88 250,613.26 144,442.11 -100.00 Cancelled Cheque Cancelled Cheque -116.17 -100.00 Cancelled Cheque -340.90 Cancelled Cheque Cancelled Cheque Cancelled Cheque Petty Cash Telephone Charges Cancelled Cheque Electricity Charges Karratha Airport - Paystation Float Reimbursement Cancelled Cheque Cancelled Cheque Cancelled Cheque Reimbursement For Kilometres Travelled As Councillor 13.10.11 To 21.05.12 1600Klms Water Use Charges 2011/12 Annual Community Sponsorship Wickham Library - Books Rates Refund For Assessment A88116 Refund - KEC Social Games Programme Cancelled Refund Of Car Parking Ticket Fee - Error Due To Card Fault Reimbursement Of HR Drivers Written Test & Learners Permit Reimbursement Of Safety Prescription Glasses Refund - KEC Social Games Programme Cancelled Karratha Library - Legal Advice Regarding Termination Of Contracts Refund - Social Netball Fees Games Cancelled & Page 77 -362.16 -405.00 -33.00 1,201.50 556.96 0.00 160,501.20 7,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,184.00 5,481.90 11,000.00 396.50 44.02 64.00 160.00 87.90 346.00 64.00 3,014.33 100.00 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes Chq/EFT Date 75023 05.06.2012 75024 05.06.2012 75025 75026 75027 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 05.06.2012 75028 75029 75030 75031 75032 07.06.2012 07.06.2012 07.06.2012 07.06.2012 07.06.2012 75033 75034 75035 75036 75037 75038 75039 07.06.2012 07.06.2012 07.06.2012 07.06.2012 12.06.2012 12.06.2012 12.06.2012 75040 12.06.2012 75041 18.06.2012 75042 18.06.2012 75043 20.06.2012 75044 20.06.2012 75045 20.06.2012 75046 20.06.2012 75047 75048 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 75049 75050 75051 75052 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 75053 75054 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 75055 20.06.2012 75056 75057 75058 75059 75060 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 75061 20.06.2012 75062 20.06.2012 75063 75064 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 75065 20.06.2012 16 July 2012 Name Description Not Played Dept Of Planning & Infrastructure - Plates Pilbara Multicultural Association Raiders Boxing Club Triangle Filtration Telstra Corporation Ltd Building & Construction Industry Training Fund (BCITF) Telstra Corporation Ltd Horizon Power Water Corporation Builders Registration Board of WA Bernadette Shepherd Shire Of Roebourne Shire Of Roebourne Australia Post Shire Of Roebourne Telstra Corporation Ltd P Long Building & Construction Industry Training Fund (BCITF) Builders Registration Board of WA Department of Transport Department Of Mines & Petroleum Resources Safety Karratha Adventure Sports Karratha Senior High School Karratha Netball Association Telstra Corporation Ltd 3 Hutchison Telecommunications Aust. Horizon Power Water Corporation Arcus Australia Pty Ltd Collins Booksellers Karratha Vincent Catania Dc Project Services Pty Ltd Ensystex Australasia Pty Ltd Fox Radio Hill Pty Ltd House Proud Horizon Power - Karratha Michael Haabjoern Karratha Shooting Supplies McLeods & Co Barristers & Solicitors Pilbara Community Legal Service Venturex Pilbara Pty Ltd Woodhouse Legal Solicitors & Legal Consulting Amount SOR Plates Hire Of Drums For Make A Move Youth Project - 10 Day Hire February 2012 Grant Round Funds - Recording Equipment For Training Inline Screen Filter Telephone Charges 600.00 1,599.62 12,383.45 BCITF Receipts - March 2012 Telephone Charges Electricity Charges Cancelled Cheque Water Use Charges 61,526.44 44.95 10,835.54 0.00 210.25 BRB Receipts - March 2012 Reimbursement Of KEC Hire Bond Payroll Deductions Payroll Deductions Postage Charges For May 2012 Walkington Theatre Events - Additional Float Telephone Charges Conference Expenses - 17 - 21. 06. 2012 - WALGA & NGAL- Canberra BCITF Receipts - April 2012 BRB Receipts - April 2012 Licence Renewal - 1DQX685 01.07.2012 30.06.2013 KAC - Dangerous Goods Site Licence 27.07.2012 To 26.07.2013 775.00 750.00 3,757.70 100.00 3,695.91 740.00 1,881.68 500.00 364.03 495.10 26,239.73 105.35 52.15 192.00 The Youth Shed - Table Tennis Table & Equipment 1,193.20 Bucks For Bags - Clean Up 27.05.12 110 Bags Refund Charges For Oval Lighting - Charged Meter Usage In Error Telephone Charges Karratha SES Telephone Charges - 26.05.2012 25.06.2012 Electricity Charges Water Use Charges KAC - Replacement Water Cooler 660.00 478.33 13,074.55 180.71 45,605.11 40,442.55 520.26 Roebourne Library - Books Refund of Roebourne Community Hall Hire Bond 196.74 100.00 Refund of Planning Application Fees x 3 405.00 Bifenthrin Maxthor 5L Rates refund for assessment A79245 Farewell Gift Kaye Campbell Electricity Charges Refund Of Plan Search Fee - No Plans Located Karratha Airport - Shotgun Shells Legal Advice - MOU Rio Tinto Partnership Agreement Matter No. 31760 93.72 840.00 200.00 19,400.00 68.00 250.00 12,550.76 Broadcast Of White Ribbon Day Advertisement Rates Refund For Assessment A78078 2,030.60 29.25 Legal Advice - Lease preparation - Qantas Airways Limited - Engineering Office 08.05.12 To 24.05.12 2,225.08 Page 78 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Chq/EFT 75066 Date 20.06.2012 Name Peter Waters 75067 75068 75069 20.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 75070 75071 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 75072 75073 22.06.2012 25.06.2012 75074 75075 75076 75077 26.06.2012 26.06.2012 26.06.2012 26.06.2012 Western Power Shire Of Roebourne Shire Of Roebourne Australian Services Union (ASU/MEU Div.) Lgrceu Building & Construction Industry Training Fund (BCITF) Shire Of Roebourne Karratha Adventure Sports Telstra Corporation Ltd Horizon Power Belinda McKinney 75078 75079 26.06.2012 26.06.2012 DD15800.1 DD15803.1 18.06.2012 15.06.2012 Aileen Milnes Norwest Craft Supplies Commonwealth Bank Of Australia SG Fleet Australia Pty Ltd 07.06.2012 08.06.2012 12.06.2012 12.06.2012 13.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 19.06.2012 19.06.2012 21.06.2012 25.06.2012 Shire Of Roebourne Shire Of Roebourne Shire Of Roebourne Shire Of Roebourne Shire Of Roebourne Shire Of Roebourne Shire Of Roebourne Shire Of Roebourne Shire Of Roebourne Shire Of Roebourne Shire Of Roebourne Description Refund Plan Search Karratha Airport Electrical Upgrade - Provision Of 6 X LV Frames Payroll Deductions Payroll Deductions Payroll Deductions Payroll Deductions Amount 33.00 10,041.25 2,204.91 170.33 604.80 87.00 BCITF Receipts - May 2012 Depot - Galvins Plumbing Supplies - Pressure Pipe 32,409.07 1,043.85 No.1 Bulgarra WWP - Fill B.A Bottles Telephone Charges Electricity Charges Rates Refund For Assessment A79151 Refund Hire Fees - Booking Cancelled For Roebourne Community Hall KEC - Holiday / Term Program Craft Supplies 98.40 159.26 28,402.01 703.30 180.00 194.50 Loan No. 93 Monthly Vehicle Lease Payment 82,258.98 14,106.17 9,333,862.03 Payroll F/E 06.06.2012 Wages Wages Wages Wages Wages Wages Wages Wages Payroll F/E 20.06.2012 Wages 569,726.59 774.47 4,243.50 1,093.69 36,562.31 3,135.63 1,504.56 3,677.50 3,536.75 578,079.36 4,023.71 1,206,358.07 Total Payments Page 79 10,540,220.10 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Cr Smeathers declared an impartiality interest in Item 9.3 Request for donation of shade structures and materials to Tambrey primary school Nature of Interest: Cr Smeathers is an officer on the P&C board at the Tambrey Primary School. 9.3 REQUEST FOR DONATION OF SHADE STRUCTURES AND MATERIALS TO TAMBREY PRIMARY SCHOOL File No: CM.38 Responsible Executive Officer: Director Community and Corporate Services Reporting Author: Manager Community Facilities Date of Report: 27 June 2012 Applicant/Proponent: Tambrey Primary School P & C Committee Disclosure of Interest: Cr Smeathers Attachment(s) Request from Tambrey Primary School PURPOSE To seek Council approval to donate obsolete shade structure’s and materials currently stored at the Shire Depot to the Tambrey Primary School P & C Committee or any other community organisation that may express an interest BACKGROUND The shade structures currently being stored at the Shire Depot are obsolete structures and have been replaced over the past 6 months by the new permanent shade structures. The structures were installed by LandCorp during the original development of the associated parks, however at the time of installing the new permanent shade structures these parks and the assets within became the responsibility of the Shire (following the 2 year maintenance period). There are currently 38 steel poles varying in length from 3m to 5.5m and five (5) shade sails located at the Shire Depot. Officers believe the Shire has no further need for these items and would not consider reinstalling them in any Shire operated facility in the future. LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE The decision to donate the shade structures does not meet criteria outlined under Council Policy CE8. This is due to the assets holding no value and becoming obsolete given the Shire’s position on permanent shade structures. For these reasons Officers believe this decision to be of no significance. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION No Councillor or Officer consultation is required. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION Local public notice is required as per Section 3.58 of the Local Government Act 1995. STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS Local Government Act 1995 Section 3.58. 3.58. Disposing of property Page 80 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes (1) 16 July 2012 In this section — dispose includes to sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of, whether absolutely or not; property includes the whole or any part of the interest of a local government in property, but does not include money. (2) (3) Except as stated in this section, a local government can only dispose of property to — (a) the highest bidder at public auction; or (b) the person who at public tender called by the local government makes what is, in the opinion of the local government, the most acceptable tender, whether or not it is the highest tender. A local government can dispose of property other than under subsection (2) if, before agreeing to dispose of the property — (a) it gives local public notice of the proposed disposition — (i) describing the property concerned; and (ii) giving details of the proposed disposition; and (iii) inviting submissions to be made to the local government before a date to be specified in the notice, being a date not less than 2 weeks after the notice is first given; and (b) (4) (5) it considers any submissions made to it before the date specified in the notice and, if its decision is made by the council or a committee, the decision and the reasons for it are recorded in the minutes of the meeting at which the decision was made. The details of a proposed disposition that are required by subsection (3)(a)(ii) include — (a) the names of all other parties concerned; and (b) the consideration to be received by the local government for the disposition; and (c) the market value of the disposition — (i) as ascertained by a valuation carried out not more than 6 months before the proposed disposition; or (ii) as declared by a resolution of the local government on the basis of a valuation carried out more than 6 months before the proposed disposition that the local government believes to be a true indication of the value at the time of the proposed disposition. This section does not apply to — (a) a disposition of an interest in land under the Land Administration Act 1997 section 189 or 190; or (b) a disposition of property in the course of carrying on a trading undertaking as defined in section 3.59; or (c) anything that the local government provides to a particular person, for a fee or otherwise, in the performance of a function that it has under any written law; or (d) any other disposition that is excluded by regulations from the application of this section. Page 81 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 POLICY IMPLICATIONS There are no policy implications. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The shade structure’s requested have been removed from previously managed LandCorp parks and reserves which, at the time of removal, was handed over to the Shire in terms of vesting and management. These assets have not been assigned a value and hold no value with in the Shires financial systems. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS The context of this agenda report has specific implications to the Shire of Roebourne’s 2009-2013 Strategic Plan: Key Goal #1 Objectives: Communities “We will further develop and maintain the infrastructure and facilities to create aesthetically attractive and liveable towns which will develop into more diverse and balanced communities.” Creating aesthetically attractive and vibrant towns. Building capacity, capability and partnerships across the community. Encouraging the building of stable and diverse communities. Providing a range of appropriate facilities that reflect the demography of the communities. RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS There are no risk management considerations applicable. ISSUES Economic Issues There are no economic issues related to this matter. Social Issues The Tambrey Primary School is a rapidly growing school, increasing in student numbers by 60% in 3 years. The large number of student and families that would benefit from the donation of shade structures and materials is large. The donation of shade will assist the school in appropriately catering for the growing number of students and expanding community. Environmental Issues There are no environmental issues related to this matter. Cultural and Heritage Issues There are no Cultural & Heritage issues related to this matter. IMPACT ON CAPACITY There is no impact on capacity or resourcing to carry out the Officer’s recommendation. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS Council has previously donated obsolete assets to community groups and not for profit agencies. DELEGATED AUTHORITY The Officers recommendation incorporate a delegation to the Chief Executive Officer to proceed with the donation of obsolete shade structure to the Tambrey Primary School if no submission are received following officers undertaking public notice requirements as outlines in Section 3.58 (3) of the Local Government Act 1995. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Absolute Majority Page 82 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 OPTIONS: Option 1 As per Officer’s recommendation. Option 2 That Council by SIMPLE Majority pursuant to Section 3.58 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. ACKNOWLEDGE the submission received from the Tambrey Primary School P & C Committee for the donation of 5 shade structures; 2. RETAIN all shade structure and allocate for possible future use. CONCLUSION The Tambrey Primary School P & C Committee is experiencing substantial growth in terms of student numbers. Non essential school assets are no funded by the Education Department and school P & C Committee’s are required to fundraise or seek donations for these items. The Tambrey Primary School has requested obsolete shade structures currently stored at the Shire Depot to be donated, catering for the school’s large enrolment growth. OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION / COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152135 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Lockwood Cr Pritchard That Council by SIMPLE Majority pursuant to Section 3.58 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. ACKNOWLEDGE the submission received from the Tambrey Primary School P & C Committee for the donation of 5 shade structures; 2. INSTRUCT the Chief Executive Officer to undertake the required public notice process as per Section 3.58 of the Local Government Act 1995 in order to progress with the disposal and donation of assets. That Council by ABSOLUTE Majority pursuant to Section 3.12 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. Subject to submissions received during the public notice period DELEGATE authority to the Chief Executive Officer to dispose of obsolete shade structures to the most suitable applicant. CARRIED FOR : AGAINST : Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling. Nil Page 83 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 84 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 9.4 16 July 2012 ROEBOURNE AIRSTRIP SCOPE OF WORKS FOR ASBESTOS REMOVAL File No: CP.147 Responsible Executive Officer: Director Community and Corporate Services Reporting Author: Director Community and Corporate Services Date of Report: 1 July 2012 Applicant/Proponent: Wickham Skydivers’ Inc RIO Tinto Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s) Detailed Site Investigations Report PURPOSE To seek Council endorsement for the scope of works and the calling, and awarding, of tenders for the removal of asbestos from the Roebourne Airfield to the required standards of the Department BACKGROUND As detailed in the May 2012 Ordinary Council meeting, Officers advised of the lease and licence conditions applicable to the Roebourne Airstrip should Council resolve to progress with a lease / licence for Wickham Skydivers Inc. (Club), and approval to enter into an agreement to lease and licence a portion of Roebourne Airstrip, Lot 17 Vol 1381 Folio 810. A significant condition of the agreement is that works be undertaken to remove the asbestos from the Roebourne Airfield to the required standards of the Department of Environment and Conservation, Department of Health with the Shire of Roebourne reimbursed removal and project management costs for all associated works. Officers in conjunction with RIO Tinto recently appointed GHD to review all documentation and determine an appropriate scope of works for the removal of asbestos from the Roebourne Airfield. In accordance with WorkSafe requirements, the Shire recently completed an Asbestos Management Plan (AMP) to identify and develop a register and maintenance schedule for all identified or presumed Asbestos Containing Material (ACM). Findings from the report necessitated the clean-up of various shire sites. Three sites had significant remediation requirements with one, the Roebourne Airport, being fully closed to the public and two, the Roebourne Depot and the Roebourne Shire Office (Old Union Bank building), being partially closed. All sites have had signage and access control measures put in place to limit the exposure risk. Following the findings of the AMP, Detailed Site Investigations (DSIs) of each of the three sites was performed in order to assist in determining the extent of the contamination. Once completed, the DSIs were utilised to form an initial Scope of Works which was then forwarded to the Department of Health (DoH) and Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) to provide input and clarification on their requirements and to assist in identifying any potential cost savings. DoH and DEC have also been consulted on the best method of disposal and determined that the most cost effective and low risk disposal method would be onsite disposal at the Page 85 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Roebourne Airport. The disposal site will be clearly delineated, the appropriate authorities informed of the location of the burial pit and a caveat placed on the title. Ongoing maintenance will consist of signage and establishment of a simple maintenance plan outlining the type of contamination and precautions to be undertaken should it be disturbed. Council officers are now close to finalising the Scope of Works which is anticipated to consist of the following: 1. Mobilisation and Demobilisation including identification of appropriate water source 2. Removal of a contaminated material over an estimated area of 380,000 square metres, consisting of the following break down: a. Roebourne Airport – 370,000 square metres b. Roebourne Depot – 9,800 square metres c. Old Shire Offices – 200 square metres 3. Disposal of contaminated material, as identified on site 4. Process of removal includes: a. Notification of appropriate regulatory authority b. Setting up properties for safe access and asbestos removal works including: i. establishment of decontamination procedures ii. signage c. Excavation of burial pit for waste including vehicle wash down (airport only) d. Removal of vegetation as required e. Removal or treatment of marker cones as required (airport works only) f. Hand picking or raking as required g. Soil excavation/skim as required (minimum estimated 50 mm) h. Transport to burial pit i. Decontamination 5. Minimum Qualifications a. Business Certificate or License to perform Asbestos Work b. Certificates of competency for appointed Supervisors c. Evidence of insurance for asbestos removal work 6. Adherence to OSH Standards including the following: a. Development of a site specific Asbestos Removal Control Plan (ARCO) b. Site Specific Job Safety Analysis (JSA) c. Site Specific Emergency Plan (EP) d. Records of quantitative face fit testing for all respiratory protective equipment e. Evidence of health surveillance for all asbestos removal operatives f. Evidence of appropriate asbestos removal training Council will also need to engage an Occupational Hygienist (OH) for the duration of the works. The OH will be independent from the contractor and responsible for reviewing provided documentation, on site testing, monitoring of dust control, visual inspections, marking out asbestos removal sites and assessing any other ACM hazards. The suggested weighting of the tender selection criteria as a percentage is as follows: Demonstrated Understanding – 25% Timeline – 25% Cost – 50% Page 86 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 In order to ensure that these works are progressed in a timely manner Council are requested to approve the progression of the site remedial works to tender. LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE Under Council Policy CE8 Significant Decision Making Policy, this issue is defined as being “Significant”. The future use of the portion of the Roebourne Airstrip, Lot 17 Volume 1381 Folio 810 is a significant matter to be considered by Council as the potential impacts on the organisation are far reaching in terms of liability, insurance and public amenity implications. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION Consultation has taken place on numerous occasions within the Executive Management team to determine the impacts of the scope of works, draft lease and licence agreements with the Club and in conjunction with Rio Tinto and its financial obligations to the agreement. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION The Director Community and Corporate Services wrote a letter to Rio Tinto and the Club informing them of the Council resolutions at the May 2012 OCM and an invitation to progress the scope of works, lease and licence agreements. Regular meetings have since occurred with RIO Tinto and the Club with the appointment of GHD to oversee and manage the works for the removal of asbestos. Rio Tinto has reaffirmed its support to be financially responsible for the following items: Removal and disposal of contaminated materials costs Improvement of amenity Revitalisation of airstrip at Roebourne Power generator and potable water tank to be installed at Roebourne as part of Hangar construction Construction of hangar for the exclusive use of the Club, subject to planning approval STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS Tenders are to be called in accordance with section 3.57 of the local government act which states 1. A local government is required to invite tenders before it enters into a contract of a prescribed kind under which another person is to supply goods or services 2. Regulations may make provision about tenders Additional Statutory implications are: A. DOH/DEC guidelines for the assessment, remediation and management of asbestos- Contaminated sites in Western Australia – May 2009 (guidelines) B. Guidelines for the Assessment Remediation and Management of Asbestos – contaminated sites in Western Australia C. Safe Work Australia’s (SWA) Code of Practice for the Safe Removal of Asbestos, Second Edition 2005 D. SWA’s Guidance Note on the Membrane filter Method for Estimating Airborne Asbestos Fibres, 2005 E. Western Australian Occupational Safety and Health ACT – 1994 Page 87 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 F. Western Australian Occupational Safety and Health Regulations – 1996 G. Work Health and Safety Act 2012 POLICY IMPLICATIONS There are no policy implications. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The financial implications of the Shire include the short term impact of Community Services and Infrastructure staff to accommodate the scope of works, project management of the site works, draft lease and licence agreements as well as the ongoing time of the Officers to manage the lease and licence agreements. The Shire and RIO Tinto are in agreement that all project costs will be bourne by RIO Tinto and that a formal financial agreement will be in signed once project costs are finalised prior to the tender documents being released and awarded. Essentially, the removal of asbestos from the mentioned Roebourne sites will be at nil cost to the Shire. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS The Shire of Roebourne’s 2009-2013 Strategic Plan provides: Key Goal #1 Objectives: Key Goal #2: Objectives: Initiatives 2009-13: Communities “We will further develop and maintain the infrastructure and facilities to create aesthetically attractive and liveable towns which will develop into more diverse and balanced communities.” Providing a range of appropriate facilities that reflect the demography of the communities. Delivering Services “We will provide efficient and effective Local Government service delivery that meets our communities’ expectations” Meeting the set service standards. Set service standards and regularly review to ensure they reflect the communities’ priorities. RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS Risk associated with ACM materials include the Health and Safety of the Public and staff accessing the sites as well as any risk associated with further deterioration of the surface ACM identified and the lighter particles becoming airborne and travelling to adjacent sites. ISSUES Economic Issues There are no economic issues related to this matter. Social Issues The Club has been operating for over 30 years and wish to continue to provide an alternative community recreation activity and support community events for the members of the Club, the community and visitors to the region. As the Club wants to investigate all avenues to continue its long term presence within the Shire, they have identified the possibility of joint use facilities to be relocated at the Nor West Jockey Club and have begun discussions regarding the matter. The Shire has taken this into consideration by stipulating a medium timeframe term of five years within the Lease and Licence as previously discussed in the report. Therefore in order for Council to enter into an Agreement to Lease and Licence a portion of the Roebourne Airstrip, the Shire will require Rio Tinto and the Club to sign the Agreement. Environmental Issues The removal of asbestos at the Roebourne Airstrip has been highlighted within the report as well as the steps to gain approval from APF, which may include the compliance to maintain a certain environmental standard to allow for the safety of the Roebourne Airstrip Page 88 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 site. The lease and licence agreements have included provisions for the Club to maintain surroundings (refer to Lease, clause 10 (10.6), page 19). Cultural and Heritage Issues There are no Cultural & Heritage issues related to this matter. IMPACT ON CAPACITY There is a significant short term impact on Community and Corporate Services and Infrastructure staff to accommodate any future use of the Roebourne Airstrip as well as an ongoing annual impact on the capacity of the Shire staff to manage the Agreement to Lease and Licence a portion of the Roebourne Airstrip. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS Council resolved at the May 2012 OCM to progress the Lease and Licence agreements for the future use of the Roebourne Airstrip for the Wickham Skydivers Club, and thus progress the scope of works required for the removal of asbestos. DELEGATED AUTHORITY Should Council resolve as per Officer Recommendation, delegated authority will be provide to the CEO to call tenders and award tenders in accordance with the relevant legislation. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Absolute Majority OPTIONS: Option 1 As per Officer’s recommendation. Option 2 That Council by SIMPLE Majority RESOLVES to not progress with the calling for tenders regarding the removal of Asbestos from the Wickham Airstrip and reconsider it’s position concerning lease and licence agreements for the Wickham Skydivers Club. CONCLUSION In progressing remediation works and the removal of asbestos from the Roebourne Airstip site Officers engaged GHD to develop a suitable scope of works and selection criteria for Council’s consideration to progress to the calling of tenders for remedial works. The following is a summary of the anticipated Scope of Works: A. Mobilisation and Demobilisation including identification of appropriate water source B. Removal of a contaminated material over an estimated area of 380,000 square metres, consisting of the following break down: a. Roebourne Airport – 370,000 square metres b. Roebourne Depot – 9,800 square metres c. Old Shire Offices – 200 square metres C. Disposal of contaminated material, as identified on site D. Process of removal includes: a. Notification of appropriate regulatory authority b. Setting up properties for safe access and asbestos removal works including: i. establishment of decontamination procedures ii. signage c. Excavation of burial pit for waste including vehicle wash down (airport only) Page 89 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 d. Removal of vegetation as required e. Removal or treatment of marker cones as required (airport works only) f. Hand picking or raking as required g. Soil excavation/skim as required (minimum estimated 50 mm) h. Transport to burial pit i. Decontamination E. Minimum Qualifications a. Business Certificate or License to perform Asbestos Work b. Certificates of competency for appointed Supervisors c. Evidence of insurance for asbestos removal work F. Adherence to OSH Standards including the following: a. Development of a site specific Asbestos Removal Control Plan (ARCO) b. Site Specific Job Safety Analysis (JSA) c. Site Specific Emergency Plan (EP) d. Records of quantitative face fit testing for all respiratory protective equipment e. Evidence of health surveillance for all asbestos removal operatives f. Evidence of appropriate asbestos removal training The suggested weighting of the tender selection criteria as a percentage is as follows: Demonstrated Understanding – 25% Timeline – 25% Cost – 50% Page 90 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION / COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152136 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Long Cr Bertling That Council by ABSOLUTE Majority pursuant to Section 3.58 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. AUTHORISE the Chief Executive Officer to call of Tenders for asbestos removal / remedial works at Roebourne Airstrip, Roebourne Depot and Roebourne Old Shire Offices sites based on the anticipated scope of works and selection criteria detail in this report; and 2. DELEGATE to the Chief Executive Officer the ability to award a tender for the removal / remedial works required at the Roebourne Airstrip, Roebourne Depot and Old Shire Offices sites subject to the tender submission meeting the anticipated scope of works and selection criteria detail in the report and the tendered sum being within the budget parameters (indicative of nil financial impost to the Shire) as determined by the Chief Executive Officer and representatives from Rio Tinto. CARRIED FOR : AGAINST : Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling. Nil Page 91 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 9.5 16 July 2012 PROPOSED KARRATHA LIBRARY TOWN CENTRE REDEVELOPMENT File No: LP.47 Responsible Executive Officer: Director Community & Corporate Services Reporting Author: Manager Community Facilities Date of Report: 28 June 2012 Applicant/Proponent: Nil Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s) 1. Principles for Karratha Library Development 2. Proposed Area for Karratha Library PURPOSE Officer’s seek Council support to incorporate a community amenity, namely the Karratha Library, within the proposed Mirvac town centre development. BACKGROUND Officer’s initially met with representatives from Mirvac, LandCorp and Pilbara Cities regarding potential community and civic amenities within the town centre development on the 10 May 2012. Following these initial discussions officers have met with Mirvac on a further two (2) occasions and corresponded on numerous instances via verbal and written modes. Officers suggest the town centre opportunity greatly favours a permanent relocation of Library Services within Karratha. The latest proposal by officers (attached) outlines a contemporary library model which would cater for the growing population. The model is weighted towards interactive areas for young children, and IT areas for the wider public. The proposal is based on 60% of the book stock previously held at the Pilbara Institute site. The original proposal by Mirvac depicted a split level space of approximately 300m2. Officers believe this allocation would not support the Karratha population and have advised Mirvac a single level development of approximately 500m2 to 600m2 is operationally preferred as the Karratha branch not only services over 16,000 people in Karratha, but also provides a regional centre and support for a further three (3) outlying libraries. LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE Council’s decision relating to this item is considered Significant under the criteria of Council Policy CE8. Officers are seeking Council’s support to negotiate extensive developer contribution in relation to the town centre development. Council’s position holds great significance for future Library Services and future developer contributions within the town centre. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION Officers have been in consultation with Mirvac, LandCorp and Pilbara Cities regarding this proposal. Several conversations have transpired as outlined with in the background of this report, with the most recent letter from officers attached. Page 92 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 COMMUNITY CONSULTATION No community consultation is required at this point in time. Community consultation will be undertaken following formal allocation of area with in the site and agreements signed. STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS There are no statutory implications. POLICY IMPLICATIONS There are no policy implications. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS There are no financial implications at this point in time. However, Mirvac may approach the Shire to consider a capital contribution/lease fee in the future (as per attached, officers have indicated that these would not be accommodated and should be included as a form of developer contribution). STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS The context of this agenda report has specific implications to the Shire of Roebourne’s 2009-2013 Strategic Plan: Key Goal #1 Communities “We will further develop and maintain the infrastructure and facilities to create aesthetically attractive and liveable towns which will develop into more diverse and balanced communities”. Objectives: Creating aesthetically attractive and vibrant towns. Facilitating inclusive and engaged communities. Building capacity, capability and partnerships across the community. Encouraging the building of stable and diverse communities. Providing a range of appropriate facilities that reflect the demography of the communities. Initiatives 2009-13: Progressively implement and review the key priorities of the Karratha 2020 Plan. Implement the first phase of the Karratha Town Revitalisation Project. Ensure the Karratha Town Centre Plan is adopted and progressively implemented by private enterprise and public agencies. Priorities 2011/12: Progress the implementation of the first phase of the Karratha Town Revitalisation Project in partnership with Pilbara Cities Office and LandCorp. Further a provision of a library service was identified as part of the Karratha City of the North Plan potentially to be located within the town centre re development RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS Currently the Department of Training and Workforce Development have committed to accommodate the library service back with in the Pilbara Institute site for a period of 3-5 years. The significant risk associated is locating permanent premises to house the Karratha Library following this term. Officer’s support locating permanent premises within a 2-4 year period as not to leave Library Services in a state of ambiguity, and provide strong direction for the community service portfolio. ISSUES Economic Issues There are no economic issues related to this matter. Social Issues The closure of the Karratha Library over the past 18 months has demonstrated the communities need for Library services with Karratha. The current location of the library service (Pam Buchanan Family Centre), although fitting in terms of surrounding services, is not ideally located close to the town centre. Officer request for Council support will provide clear direction for the Library Services portfolio and the wider community. Page 93 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Environmental Issues There are no environmental issues related to this matter. Cultural and Heritage Issues Officers have included Local History staff and collections within the town centre proposal. The allocation is a reduction previously offered within the Pilbara Institute site; however following the formal categorisation and correct preservation techniques as defined within the significance assessment, officers believe the allocated space to be appropriate. IMPACT ON CAPACITY There is limited current impact on capacity or resourcing to carry out the Officer’s recommendation. However, if the approach by officers is supported, future reports associated with this item will detail a level of impact on capacity. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS There are no relevant precedents related to this matter. DELEGATED AUTHORITY There are no delegated authorities relevant to this matter. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority OPTIONS: Option 1 As per Officer’s recommendation. Option 2 That Council by SIMPLE Majority pursuant to Section 3.56 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to REJECT officer’s current position in relation to incorporating a library service within the town centre development CONCLUSION Officers have met with Mirvac, LandCorp and Pilbara Cities representatives on numerous occasions regarding the inclusion of a library service within the town centre development. Officers seek Council’s support regarding the Shires current position on provision of this service and seek Council’s instruction to continue negotiations with these stakeholders to accommodate an appropriate library service within the town centre. Page 94 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION / COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152137 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Lockwood Cr Bertling That Council by SIMPLE Majority pursuant to Section 3.56 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to 1. SUPPORT the option and progression in seeking to incorporate a library facility within the Mirvac town centre development. 2. INSTRUCT the Chief Executive Officer to continue negotiations with Mirvac, LandCorp and Pilbara Cities to incorporate a library facility within the town centre and provide regular progress reports back to Council. CARRIED FOR : AGAINST : Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling. Nil Page 95 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 96 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 97 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 98 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 9.6 16 July 2012 YABURARA HERITAGE TRAIL STEERING COMMITTEE MINUTES JUNE 2012 File No: CR.61 Responsible Executive Officer: Director Community and Corporate Services Reporting Author: Manager Community Services Date of Report: 30 May 2012 Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s) 1. Draft minutes of Yaburara Heritage Trail Steering Committee meeting held Monday 11 June 2012 2. Yaburara Heritage Trail nomination; Wayne Young Steering Committee PURPOSE To present for Council consideration the minutes of the Yaburara Heritage Trail Steering Committee meeting, held Monday 11 June 2012. BACKGROUND The Yaburara Heritage Trail was established in 1989 as a 3.5km linear walking trail through the Karratha Hills. The trail was designed to offer tourists and locals an insight into the natural and cultural heritage of the region and recreational opportunities. The Dampier Salt Shakers and Rotary Karratha initiated the trail with funding through the Bicentenary Heritage Trails Network. The Shire of Roebourne took over the management of the trail in 1999 and have more recently appointed a steering committee in December 2011 (Resolution Number: 151848 and 151951). The June Yaburara Heritage Trail Steering Committee Meeting was held on Monday 11 June 2012. Draft minutes of the meeting are provided as an attachment to this report. Key matters considered at the meeting were: Public awareness campaign o Printing of flyers is to proceed. Flyers will be disseminated to local community organisations and venues throughout the Shire. o Proposal for a stall at Centro shopping centre sometime between July and September. o Shire officers to advise Department of Indigenous Affairs of ongoing vehicle damage on the Yaburara Heritage Trail at the access point off Dampier Road, where there is a midden and grinding spots. o Engage local mining companies by encouraging the incorporation of the trail flyer in relevant induction packages. Karratha Community Association is in communication with Youth Justice regarding the weed removal project. The Committee would like to approach Pindan (building and construction company) requesting that they take action to adequately control weeds around the Yaburara Heritage Trail access point near the Pilbara Institute Page 99 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Update still to be provided regarding the cadastral boundary information for the Yaburara Heritage Trail. Resignation of Anna Vitenbergs from the Committee and recommended nomination for Wayne Young, Environmental Manager at Dampier Port Authority and member of the Red Dirt Camera Club, to be approved as new Committee member. LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE The Yaburara Heritage Trail Steering Committee minutes for June are defined as significant in accordance with Policy CE8 Siginificant Decision Making. The state of the trail and the current tenure situation means that both the current and future social, economic, environmental and cultural well being of the Shire in relation to this matter requires significant consideration. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION Consultation has been undertaken, and will continue to be undertaken with various officers as needed in regards to resolving action items. The Planning Department have been consulted regarding obtaining relevant cadastral boundary data for the trail and are aware the Yaburara Heritage Trail Steering Committee requested a formal update at their May meeting. At the time of writing this report, no data has been provided. Without information pertaining to cadastral boundaries, it is difficult to further engage relevant stakeholders and landowners. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION Initial consultation has taken place with four organisations, each of which provided a letter of support to the Lotterywest application (required to develop the final Management and Interpretation Plan). These are Karratha Community Association, Water Corp, Rotary Club of Karratha and Karratha Visitor. Both information flyers and letters will be disseminated to local companies, organisations and venues to solicit feedback from relevant community groups. Consultation has also occurred with the Department of Regional Development and Lands who advised the following: “A search of our system does not reveal any past correspondence about this proposal. From your sketch the trail appears to finish on part of Reserve 34105 ( Training Centre – WA Department of Training), crosses Reserve 50903 ( Recreation and Aquatic Centre – Shire of Roebourne) ,traverses unallocated Crown land ( portion of Lot 501) and to commence on Reserve 36992 ( Water Supply and Pipeline – Water Corporation). Subject to a future management body being confirmed, with the agreement of the management bodies of the 3 Reserves with the option of a separate reserve or an easement under section 144 of the Land Administration Act, 1997 with a managed reserve for the UCLot 501 portion could be investigated. Any proposal subject to the RDL land assembly investigation and future act considerations/requirements of the Native Title Act 1993 applying at the time of the request. This is a general outline of the tenure situation.” As this trail was established by local community groups and residents, no formal arrangement has ever been established between landholders. Page 100 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS The Yaburara Heritage Trail Steering Committee is an official committee of Council appointed under Section 3.18 of the Local Government Act 1995. The appointment of Committee members is pursuant to Section 5.10 of the Local Government Act 1995. POLICY IMPLICATIONS There are no policy implications. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Some matters considered by the Yaburara Heritage Trail Steering Committee will require financial support, however in general these do not represent any unbudgeted financial implications for the Shire. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS The Shire of Roebourne’s Strategic Plan 2009-2013 provides: Objectives: Communities “We will further develop and maintain the infrastructure and facilities to create aesthetically attractive and liveable towns which will develop into more diverse and balanced communities.” Creating aesthetically attractive and vibrant towns. Facilitating inclusive and engaged communities. Building capacity, capability and partnerships across the community. Providing a range of appropriate facilities that reflect the demography of the communities. Priorities 2011/12: Complete management and conservation plans for the Yaburara Heritage Trail. Key Goal #1 RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS The trail is currently in urgent need of upgrading, with the main route presenting risks and dangers to trail users and much signage being in a state of disrepair. Without the engagement of relevant stakeholders (particularly those with land vested on the trail), certain actions may be seen as assuming responsibility of land not within Shire of Roebourne jurisdiction. This would present considerable risk liability concerns for the Shire in cases of injury or death. As such, the engagement of National Trust to develop the final management and interpretation plan is of priority to engage relevant stakeholders and to formalise arrangements for any trail upgrades, improvements and management. The Officer recommends that further investigation by National Trust be undertaken regarding land tenure and management prior to any promotional campaign from the Committee at the Centro shopping Centre. ISSUES Economic Issues There are no economic issues. Social Issues There are no social issues. Environmental Issues Vehicle access is causing damage to the ecology and archaeology of the trail and therefore presents an immediate risk to the heritage values of the trail. Parts of the trail show evidence of erosion and stressed microhabitats and there is an urgent need to remove buffel grass and kapok in the hills. Whilst the Committee continues to work towards recommendations that assist these issues, the Officer does not support approaching Page 101 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Pindan to request they control weeds near the trail entry point. As discussed with the Shire of Roebourne Project Manager for the Karratha Leisure Complex, this request is outside the scope of works for Pindan and is likely located on land currently vested with Department of Workforce Development and Training (still to be confirmed). Cultural & Heritage Issues It has been recommended that Ngarluma Aboriginal Corporation (NAC) be closely involved in the trail interpretation, redevelopments, decisions about trail routes and ongoing trail management. This is further supported in the Terms of Reference where six community members are to be appointed to the committee, one being a representative of NAC. A letter has been sent to the NAC Board on possible trail name changes and spelling, with a response still to be received. Any feedback will be incorporated where possible at that time. IMPACT ON CAPACITY The Yaburara Heritage Steering Committee requires significant input by the Community Services Department to progress its recommendations. This impact on capacity will be significantly reduced in engaging the National Trust to progress the development of a final Management and Interpretation Plan. At time of writing this report, a meeting was scheduled with National Trust for the 3 July. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS As an official committee to Council, minutes for the Yaburara Heritage Trail Steering Committee meetings are regularly presented for consideration. DELEGATED AUTHORITY There are no delegated authorities relevant to this matter. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority Absolute Majority OPTIONS: Option 1 As per Officer’s Recommendation. Option 2 That Council by SIMPLE Majority pursuant to Section 3.18 of the Local Government Act, 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. RECEIVE the minutes of the Yaburara Heritage Trail Steering Committee meeting held Monday 11 June 2012. 2. NOT ENDORSE the following recommendations of the Yaburara Heritage Trail Steering Committee meeting held Monday 11 June 2012: a. That Shire Officers inform the Department of Indigenous Affairs of ongoing vehicle damage on the Yaburara Heritage Trail at the access point off Dampier Road, where there is a midden and grinding spots. b. That Shire Officers prepare a letter to major local companies, suggesting that they include the Yaburara Heritage Trail flyer with induction packages, highlighting that it is a walk trail only. c. That the Local History Officer make a stall booking to promote the Yaburara Heritage Trail at the Centro Shopping Centre between June and September. Page 102 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 d. That the Shire of Roebourne Planning Department provide the Yaburara Heritage Trail Steering Committee with a progress report on the cadastral boundary information of the Yaburara Heritage Trail. e. That Shire Officers prepare a letter to Pindan requesting that they take action to adequately control weeds around the Yaburara Heritage Trail access point near the Pilbara Institute, particularly against Kapok which is spreading rapidly there. f. That the resignation of Anna Vitenbergs from the Yaburara Heritage Trail Committee be accepted and the nomination of Wayne Young be recommended for Council approval. Option 3 1. That Council by SIMPLE Majority pursuant to Section 3.18 of the Local Government Act, 1995 RESOLVES to: a. RECEIVE the minutes of the Yaburara Heritage Trail Steering Committee meeting held Monday 11 June 2012. b. ENDORSE the following recommendations of the Yaburara Heritage Trail Steering Committee meeting held Monday 11 June 2012: (i) That Shire Officers inform the Department of Indigenous Affairs of ongoing vehicle damage on the Yaburara Heritage Trail at the access point off Dampier Road, where there is a midden and grinding spots. (ii) That Shire Officers prepare a letter to major local companies, suggesting that they include the Yaburara Heritage Trail flyer with induction packages, highlighting that it is a walk trail only. (iii) That the Local History Officer make a stall booking to promote the Yaburara Heritage Trail at the Centro Shopping Centre between June and September. (iv) That the Shire of Roebourne Planning Department provide the Yaburara Heritage Trail Steering Committee with a progress report on the cadastral boundary information of the Yaburara Heritage Trail. (v) That Shire Officers prepare a letter to Pindan requesting that they take action to adequately control weeds around the Yaburara Heritage Trail access point near the Pilbara Institute, particularly against Kapok which is spreading rapidly there. (vi) That the resignation of Anna Vitenbergs from the Yaburara Heritage Trail Committee be accepted and the nomination of Wayne Young be recommended for Council approval. 2. That Council by ABSOLUTE Majority pursuant to Section 5.10 of the Local Government Act, 1995 RESOLVES to APPOINT Wayne Young as a member of the Yaburara Heritage Trail Steering Committee given the resignation of Anna Vitenbergs. Option 4 That Council by SIMPLE Majority pursuant to Section 3.18 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to NOT RECEIVE the minutes of the Yaburara Heritage Trail Steering Committee meeting held Monday 11 June 2012, and request that the Yaburara Heritage Trail Steering Committee reconsider the Agenda items previously presented at the next available meeting, that being Monday 9 July. Page 103 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 CONCLUSION A Yaburara Heritage Trail Steering Committee Meeting was held on Monday 11 June 2012. Key matters considered at the meeting were: Public awareness campaign o Printing of flyers is to proceed. Flyers will be disseminated to local community organisations and venues throughout the Shire. o Proposal for a stall at Centro shopping centre sometime between July and September. o Shire officers to advise Department of Indigenous Affairs of ongoing vehicle damage on the Yaburara Heritage Trail at the access point off Dampier Road, where there is a midden and grinding spots. o Engage local mining companies by encouraging the incorporation of the trail flyer in relevant induction packages. KCA is in communication with Youth Justice regarding the weed removal project. The Committee would like to approach Pindan (building and construction company) requesting that they take action to adequately control weeds around the Yaburara Heritage Trail access point near the Pilbara Institute Update still to be provided regarding the cadastral boundary information for the Yaburara Heritage Trail. Resignation of Anna Vitenbergs from the Committee and recommended nomination for Wayne Young, Environmental Manager at Dampier Port Authority and member of the Red Dirt Camera Club, to be approved as new Committee member. Officers would also like to advise that the Department of Regional Development and Lands have indicated there is no formal management arrangements between land owners at this point in time, hence a request has been made to the planning department for cadastral boundary information. This is of priority for the Shire to ensure no risk liability concerns are raised in the future. Page 104 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION / COUNCIL RESOLUTION 1 Res No : 152138 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Pritchard Cr Long That Council by SIMPLE Majority pursuant to Section 3.18 of the Local Government Act, 1995 RESOLVES to: a. RECEIVE the minutes of the Yaburara Heritage Trail Steering Committee meeting held Monday 11 June 2012. b. ENDORSE the following recommendations of the Yaburara Heritage Trail Steering Committee meeting held Monday 11 June 2012: (i) That Shire Officers inform the Department of Indigenous Affairs of ongoing vehicle damage on the Yaburara Heritage Trail at the access point off Dampier Road, where there is a midden and grinding spots. (ii) That Shire Officers prepare a letter to major local companies, suggesting that they include the Yaburara Heritage Trail flyer with induction packages, highlighting that it is a walk trail only. (iii) That the Shire of Roebourne Planning Department provide the Yaburara Heritage Trail Steering Committee with a progress report on the cadastral boundary information of the Yaburara Heritage Trail. (iv) That the resignation of Anna Vitenbergs from the Yaburara Heritage Trail Committee be accepted and the nomination of Wayne Young be recommended for Council approval. c. NOT ENDORSE the following recommendations of the Yaburara Heritage Trail Steering Committee meeting held Monday 11 June 2012: (i) That Shire Officers prepare a letter to Pindan requesting that they take action to adequately control weeds around the Yaburara Heritage Trail access point near the Pilbara Institute, particularly against Kapok which is spreading rapidly there. (ii) That the Local History Officer make a stall booking to promote the Yaburara Heritage Trail at the Centro Shopping Centre between June and September. d. ADVISE the Yaburara Heritage Trail Steering Committee that Council support a public awareness stall at Centro Shopping Centre at such time as the land tenure and management of the Yaburara Heritage Trail is further defined and formalised. This may be before September as per the Committees recommendation. CARRIED FOR : AGAINST : Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling. Nil Page 105 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION / COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2 Res No : 152139 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Pritchard Cr Long That Council by ABSOLUTE Majority pursuant to Section 5.10 of the Local Government Act, 1995 RESOLVES to APPOINT Wayne Young as a member of the Yaburara Heritage Trail Steering Committee given the resignation of Anna Vitenbergs. CARRIED FOR : AGAINST : Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling. Nil Page 106 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 107 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 108 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 109 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 110 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 111 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 112 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 113 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 114 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 10 DEVELOPMENT, REGULATORY & INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES 10.1 PLANNING APPLICATION P2581 – PROPOSED HOME OCCUPATION – MOTORCYCLE HIRE BUSINESS, 311 VIVEASH WAY, BULGARRA File No: P2581 Responsible Executive Officer: Director Development, Regulatory and Infrastructure Services Reporting Author: Manager Planning Services Date of Report: 19 June 2012 Applicant/Proponent: Graham & Catherine Palmer Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s) Nil PURPOSE For the Council to make a determination of the application pursuant to the Clause 4.7 of the Shire of Roebourne Town Planning Scheme 8 (TPS8) for Planning Application P2581 being for a Home Occupation - motorcycle hire business, at 311 Viveash Way, Bulgarra. BACKGROUND An Application for Planning Approval P2581 was received on 15 July 2011 by Graham and Catherine Palmer. The application proposes a Home Occupation of a motorcycle hire business consisting of three (3) motorcycles initially. On 19 July 2011 notice was given of the proposal to neighbouring properties for their consideration. On 20 July 2011, the Shire of Roebourne (Shire) after receiving an objection from a neighbouring property in regard to noise, advised the applicants via email on 21 July 2011 of the objection and intended permit conditions. On 23 July 2011 the applicant agreed to the proposed condition that the motorcycles would be transported on a trailer to reduce noise levels and further terms were agreed on 27 July 2011 that no maintenance of motorcycles would take place at the property. The applicant made contact with the Shire on 2 September 2011 to confirm the status of their application. On 6 September 2011, a request for further information and photographs of the property was communicated from the Shire to ensure no disruption or adverse effect to the residential area would occur. The Shire again sent correspondence to the applicant on 29 February 2012 clarifying the outstanding issues and confirming if the applicant would still like to seek planning approval or withdraw the application. Page 115 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 There has been no further communication from the applicant. As per the TPS8 section 4.7.2, following the expiration of a 90 day period the Council may issue a valid decision in respect to the application and refuse the Planning Application. LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE Under Council Policy CE8 Significant Decision Making Policy, this issue is defined as not being “Significant”. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION No Councillor or Officer consultation is required. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION No community consultation is required. STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS There are no statutory implications. POLICY IMPLICATIONS There are no policy implications. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The applicant paid a fee for Application for Planning Approval – Home Occupation ($209) in July 2011. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS There are no strategic implications. RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS There are no risk management considerations applicable. ISSUES Economic Issues There are no economic issues related to this matter. Social Issues There are no social issues related to this matter. Environmental Issues There are no environmental issues related to this matter. Cultural and Heritage Issues There are no cultural and heritage issues related to this matter. IMPACT ON CAPACITY There is no impact on capacity or resourcing to carry out the Officer’s recommendation. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS There are no relevant precedents related to this matter. DELEGATED AUTHORITY There are no delegated authorities relevant to this matter. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority Page 116 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 OPTIONS: Option 1: As per Officer’s recommendation. Option 2. That Council by SIMPLE Majority pursuant to Clause 4.7 of the Shire of Roebourne Town Planning Scheme RESOLVES to take no further action. CONCLUSION The applicant Graham & Catherine Palmer have had no further communication with the Shire in relation to the Application for Planning Approval for a Home Occupation motorcycle hire business, at 311 Viveash Way Bulgarra which was lodged in June 2011. The fact that an objection was received and no further correspondence from the applicant has come forth since February 2012 it is recommended as per Section 4.7.2 of the Town Planning Scheme 8 that the Council issue a valid decision in respect of the application at any time after the expiration of the 60 or 90 day period. OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION / COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152140 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Miller Cr Long That Council by SIMPLE Majority pursuant to Clause 4.7 of the Shire of Roebourne Town Planning Scheme RESOLVES to REFUSE the Application for Planning Approval P2581– Home Occupation at the property situated at Lot 311 Viveash Way, Bulgarra. Page 117 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Cr Bertling declared an Indirect Financial interest in Item 10.2 - The Ranges Development Plan – Karratha road, stove hill – final adoption Nature of Interest: Cr Bertling has previously worked on projects for the applicant. 10.2 THE RANGES DEVELOPMENT PLAN – KARRATHA ROAD, STOVE HILL – FINAL ADOPTION File No: P2766 Responsible Executive Officer: Director Development, Infrastructure Services Reporting Author: Manager Statutory Planning Date of Report: 25 June 2012 Applicant/Proponent: Greenvalley Assets P/L Disclosure of Interest: Cr Bertling Attachment(s) 1. June 2011 OCM Minutes Regulatory and 2. May 2012 OCM Minutes 3. Development Plan 4. Submission from Proponent 5. Demand Analysis PURPOSE The purpose of this report is for Council to consider adopting ‘The Ranges Development Plan, Karratha Road, Stove Hill’ pursuant to Cl 7.2.8 of the Shire of Roebourne Town Planning Scheme No. 8. BACKGROUND The Ranges Development Plan was received by the Shire on 3 February 2012. This development complements and expands the already approved ‘The Ranges’ development on Lot 1090 Karratha Road (the former drive-in site) which was granted conditional planning approval for 107 serviced accommodation units at the Shire’s Ordinary Council meeting on 19 April 2011. Construction has commenced on Lot 1090 with completion expected late 2012. Prior to lodgement of the Development Plan, Amendment No. 25 was submitted to the June 2011 Council which proposed to rezone 19.861ha of land within Regals Valley to ‘Urban Development’ [see Attachment 1]. This includes the 7.15ha portion of land proposed for development by Greenvalley Assets P/L. The amendment was required to first identify the land for development and set broad parameters around the suitable land uses for development of the site. The rezoning would then be required to be followed by a Development Plan which is before consideration by Council. Once the Development Plan is adopted an application for Planning Approval will be required to be determined. As the Development will have a value of $7 million the planning Page 118 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 application will be required to be determined by the Development Assessment Panel. It is therefore important the adoption of the Development Plan clearly defines Council’s intention for land use and development in the Development Plan Area set out through Amendment 25. When Amendment 25 was initiated (minutes attached) Council made specific changes to the Officer Recommendation to more accurately define the types of land uses supported. The resolution included limiting types of land uses from transient workforce accommodation, residential dwellings, short stay and tourist accommodation to short stay and tourist accommodation only. Amendment 25 was finally endorsed by the Shire of Roebourne and submitted to the Department of Planning for approval by the Minister without any substantial changes. The Department of Planning has confirmed the Amendment has been recommended for approval without any significant changes which would affect the Development Plan being adopted or the intent of the Development Plan area defined in council’s initial resolution to commence the rezoning. At the 21 May 2012, Council considered the initial Development Plan presented to Council and resolved to adopt the Development subject to a number of changes and the provision of additional information including: 1. Legal Assurance or agreement the development will not be utilised or managed as Transient Workforce Accommodation as defined in the Shire or Roebourne’s Local Planning Policy DP10 – Transient Workforce Accommodation. 2. The applicant providing market evidence based on forecast growth that there will be sufficient demand for a development of this nature to provide tourism accommodation for travellers in the next 5 to 10 years. The Officer Report and Minutes from the Meeting is attached for reference [see Attachment 2]. The Development Plan was advertised for 21 days in accordance with the Scheme with a single submission being made by the proponent, Green Valley Asset P/L. The submission has highlighted discrepancies between the intent of the Development Area 42 which is to provide for predominantly Short Stay and Tourism Accommodation and a specific use definition, Accommodation Resort. Whilst this special definition may allow a development to be entirely used as Transient Workforce Accommodation (TWA) in response to market demand, the proponent has agreed with the Shire that the Deed which is already in place between the Shire and proponent for Stage 1 can be amended to provide the Shire with the level of comfort that the facility will not be predominantly used as TWA development. As Council previously made a clear resolution to prevent the opportunity for the opportunity for predominant use of the land to be TWA when it initiated Amendment 25 and specifically changed the purpose of the Development Area 42 to exclude reference to Transient Workforce Accommodation the Shire Deed is considered important to ensure that the development is occupied and used in the appropriate manner as outlined in the Development Plan. To ensure that the intent of Council expressed in supporting rezoning of the land to allow for development is not jeopardised, it is recommended the Development Plan be adopted subject to a number of minor changes, specifically with respect to requiring the Shire Deed to be amended to prohibit the development being predominantly used as a TWA camp.. In Page 119 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 doing so, it will not jeopardise the form, scale or delivery of the development which Greenvalley Asset P/L will be seeking approval for. LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE The decision is not considered significant having regard to Council Policy CE8 – Significant Decision Making Policy. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION A presentation to Councillors was given by Green Valley Assets P/L at the Council Briefing on 17 May 2012. The Development Plan was referred internally to relevant Departments and also externally. Comments were received from the Department of Planning, Department of Water and Main Roads WA. Outstanding issues raised were highlighted in the 21 May 2012 Report and where minor changes are required they have been addressed. Specifically, the Department of Water has approved the final Local Water Management Strategy since the May Council Meeting where this matter was raised. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Shire of Roebourne Town Planning Scheme No. 8 the Development Plan was advertised for public comment for 21 days which included publication in the Pilbara News. One submission was submitted by TPG Town Planning and Urban Design on behalf of the proponent, Greenvalley Asset Pty Ltd [see Attachment 4.1 – submission; and 4.2 – map]. The key matters raised in the submission are summarised and responded to in the following table: Page 120 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes Submission Summary Restricting Transient Accommodation 16 July 2012 Response Workforce The requirement to provide legal assurance or agreement the development will not be used or managed as Transient Workforce Accommodation cannot be provided as at least some of the development would be used to accommodate temporary or intermittent workers. 1. Previous Resolution Council has previously expressed a preference to clearly define the types of uses to be supported in Development Area 42. The initial request to initiate the rezoning affecting the site and broader area was considered at Council’s 20 June 2011 Ordinary Council Meeting. The Officer’s recommendation was specifically amended by Council to more specifically define the types of land uses sought in the Development Area 42. The amendments to the Officer resolution regarding land use is shown below (bold is addition and strikethrough deletions”: “To provide primarily for a permanent, high quality, resort style development with environmentally and culturally responsive residential dwellings, transient worker accommodation, short stay and tourism accommodation; and uses such as allow for other future uses such as educational, community, recreations, drainage and conservation”. The reason for the amendment was as follows: “To give greater direction as to the desired future land use activities and built form outcomes and ensure matters of access and integration with the wider development area be achieved”. This demonstrates a clear intent of Council to prevent or limit the use of Development Plan Area 42 for Transient Workforce Accommodation. 2. Demand Analysis The market analysis prepared by the applicant has highlighted the significant accommodation shortage in the permanent residential; hotel/motel market with no major proposals other than this substantially progressed. It reiterates the importance in capitalising on ‘boom times’ to secure the delivery of more hotel/motel accommodation to meet future demand. This highlights the importance to ensure land which can meet demand for this form of accommodation is developed for such purposes. There is limited immediately developable land zoned which provide for the hotel/motel and resort style accommodation in the Shire. Council has chosen to designate this site to provide such forms of accommodation uses permitted and the Development Plan should focus on being consistent with the Page 121 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 intent of the zone and addressing the ‘market gap’ identified by the demand analysis. 3. Recommended Change The applicant has emphasised that any development of the land should not be subject to stay restrictions. This will assist in securing finance and investment to deliver the project. Similarly Council must ensure that the Development Plan facilitates a land use that is predominantly resort-style accommodation for short stay and tourist accommodation. The restriction of this through a legal agreement or assurance as originally worded is agreed to be inappropriate. The eventual land use approval will provide the legal framework for Council to take compliance action if it is not being used or managed in the manner for which is has been approved as raised by the applicant in their submission. The best scenario to control the use of the land as intended by Council is to restrict the types of land uses permissible. The applicant put forward a new definition to guide development which they have outlined is consistent with the primary use of the land contemplated and also alleviates the stay restriction issue associated with standard Tourism Uses in the Town Planning Scheme. The definition prepared is: “Accommodation Resort” means “One or more accommodation units together with a range of recreational and/or cultural facilities in a resort style setting. The units may be used on either a long stay or short stay basis and be used for temporary accommodation of transient workers. The facility shall also include associated facilities such as a restaurant, bar, or function room whether or not licence under the liquor control act 1988, which may also be available for use with or without charge by non occupant members of the public.” The applicant has clarified they have no intention to manage or use the future development of the land predominantly for Transient Workforce Accommodation and has agreed to amend the Shire Deed between the Shire and the proponent to ensure that the development is not predominantly used as a TWA camp. The above use does however provide sufficient flexibility to allow this to occur in response to market demand for FIFO accommodation, but the Shire Deed will provide the Shire with the level of comfort it needs to ensure that the development does not turn into a TWA camp. Page 122 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 The existing use of ‘Tourist Resort’ in TPS8 is defined as meaning: “One or more commercial accommodation units together with a wide range of recreational and/or cultural facilities in a resort style setting. It may include associated facilities such as a restaurant, bar, or functions room whether or not licensed under the Liquor Control Act 1988, which may be used by the occupants of the premises but, which are also available for use by non occupant members of the public.” Whilst this use definition does not include stay restrictions, and would also prevent the predominant use of the site as a TWA, it would not accurately reflect the proposed use of the site which is not all for tourists (as it may also include owner occupied units as one example) and would also remove the potential for confusion and reduce the risk of the WAPC imposing a stay restriction on the subsequent strata approval of the site. Broader Road Access The request to remove the requirement to address broader access is supported for the following The requirement to provide road access to reasons: the balance area of the Development Plan show as ‘Conservation, Recreation and 1. The Development Plan does not contemplate future development beyond the subject site as it Natural Landscapes” is onerous as no is shown in the Development Plan “Conservation, Recreation and Natural Landscapes”. To development of this area is contemplated at preserve this area, vehicular access should not be promoted by nominating future road links. this stage. 2. The vegetation in the balance area of the site has been defined as being in ‘pristine’ condition. Any person seeking to develop the balance area of the Development Plan Area would first be required to demonstrate the land is not worthy of retention before addressing broader matters including vehicular access and servicing. The trigger to address these matters would be through a request to amend the Development Plan which is a relatively short process compared with the Amendment. Market Analysis Requirements The applicant highlighted that a demand analysis for the use of the property should not only focus on The requirement to undertake a market tourism but the demand for other forms of accommodation development of the site may provide for, analysis demonstrating there is sufficient this includes hotel/motel (business travel) accommodation and permanent residents. Page 123 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 long-term tourism demand in the next 5 to 10 years to support the scale of Officers agree the demand analysis should reflect broader accommodation requirements which has development is onerous. The demand been submitted to the Shire and reviewed. It is also provided as an attachment to this report. analysis should consider the long term accommodation types the site would provide for including tourists, business travellers and more permanent owner occupiers. Page 124 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS The Shire of Roebourne Town Planning Scheme No.8 (TPS8) sets out requirements for the preparation and adoption of Development Plans. The Development Plan has been advertised in accordance with Cl7.2.7 of TPS8. As discussed above, only one submission was received. Should Council consider it appropriate to adopt the Development Plan, pursuant to Cl7.2.8 of TPS8, the Development Plan is required to be forwarded to the Western Australian Planning Commission for endorsement pursuant to Cl7.2.9 of TPS8 within 7 days of Council’s determination. POLICY IMPLICATIONS There are no specific policy implications with relevant to the proposed Development Plan. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS There are no financial implications. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS The most relevant strategic implications pertain to the consistency of the Development Plan with the Pilbara Planning and Infrastructure Framework (PPIF) and the Karratha City of the North (KCN) documents. Pilbara Planning and Infrastructure Framework The PPIF makes the following comments with respect to the development of workforce accommodation near urban centres: It is important that short-term transient workforce accommodation is aligned with long-term planning and community outcomes. In urban situations, this type of accommodation needs to be integrated into the urban fabric rather than be segregated developments. Preference needs to be given to forms of transient workforce accommodation development, that can perform longer-term urban functions, rather than be demolished after a short life. The Development Plan is intended to provide for a development that will likely provide for accommodation for some transient workers in the short term but not predominantly for transient workers consistent with the advice of the applicant. As Karratha develops into a ‘City of the North’ and more people choose to visit or live here, the type of development contemplated will become under increasing demand to provide for the tourist market and for local residents rather than transient workers. The proposed development is therefore generally consistent with the strategic direction for addressing accommodation demands associated with short term workforce accommodation demands required to support continued expansion in the region. Karratha City of the North The KCN is the guiding strategic document relevant to this proposal. The Development Plan area is located within the ‘Regals Valley’ Precinct. The Regals Valley area covers a much larger area than just the Development Plan area and extends from Karratha Road through to Rosemary Road including the entire valley within the Karratha Hills. The Development Plan area itself is actually identified for ‘Institutional Purposes’ in KCN. The broader staging and development of the area only contemplates 425 temporary/ campus housing accommodation units being provided in the entire precinct compared to the 582 to be provided in this single development. Page 125 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 The intent statement for the Regals Valley Precinct is: “This area is a future extension of Karratha into a landscape valley, with built form responding to the topography and landscape. The intended uses are tourism activities and recreation with some resort style villas and housing. The precinct will also include a new neighbourhood at its western end. The Precinct is largely affected by the preliminary buffer to the Power Station. It is envisaged that development on land affected by the buffer may incorporate non-residential uses such as institutions (e.g. universities or public purpose/community. facilities, possibly recreation based). Further detailed assessment of the power station buffer requirements may allow for tourism and other short stay uses. Attention to architectural detail needs to ensure development sits comfortably within the landscape and managed to ensure least amount of disruption to the topography and visual aesthetics of the foothills”. Notwithstanding the broad land use designation for the area in KCN, the Development Plan is consistent with the overriding intent to provide resort style accommodation. It also includes provisions to ensure development will blend into the landscape and respond to the topography of the land consistent with the intent statement. The Development Plan addresses the power station to the Stove Hill Buffer. Appropriate provisions are included in the Development Plan to ensure there is sufficient attention to architectural detail so that the visual aesthetics and topography of the land is considered. RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS The following risks may be considered relevant to Council: 1. The proposed use contemplated by the proponents is sufficiently flexible to allow the development to operate as a permanent transient workforce accommodation facility notwithstanding Transient Workforce Accommodation being an X use. This may result in the loss of developable land for a purpose which is not consistent with the Urban Development and Tourism zone. 2. The development may have a detrimental impact on the visual aesthetics and backdrop the Karratha Hills provides to Karratha particularly as its the major public entrance along Karratha Road. Council resolved that additional information was required to demonstrate that the predominant use of the site would not be transient workforce accommodation. The analysis of market conditions outlines: “Corporates with blue collar workers will continue to seek accommodation options within the Transient Worker Accommodation facilities around Karratha and therefore are not seen as part of the Target market for The Ranges. This pattern is unlikely to change as the cost structure of apartment development or freestanding houses on individual lots is not likely to reduce substantially in the future, meaning they will remain cost prohibitive to this market sector. Furthermore the TWA part of the housing solution is the most subject to change in demand as major projects have maximum worker requirement during construction, following which there can be a substantial reduction. This does not warrant permanent construction.” Page 126 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 This shows it is unlikely the development would ever provide predominantly for transient workforce accommodation. A portion of the development may provide this service and it would address demand for ‘operational workers’ rather than ‘construction workers’. The demand analysis summarises the accommodation issues affecting Karratha: It is apparent that the real risk in Karratha is continued massive under-supply of permanent dwellings and hotel rooms. With a number of major projects imminent in the area, it is likely that demand will once again swamp supply well before the Council and the State have managed to normalise accommodation and service issues in the town. Even with all existing development options being completed within 5 years it is likely there will still be high rents, people living in Light Industrial Areas and caravan parks and a predominance of Transient Workforce Accommodation. It is also clear that there is a lack of variety of accommodation styles available in the town, typical of a small regional centre which has grown around residential housing estates surrounding a central Town Centre. With Karratha now transitioning into a regional City, variety must be added to make the town a more attractive place to live. It can be concluded that developments such as the ranges are therefore needed in the long-term to assist to reduce the regions reliance on Transient Workforce Accommodation. The use and development of this site therefore must be protected from the possibility of changing market circumstances where demand for construction accommodation could overwhelm the market and consume all forms of accommodation to meet demand. Consistent with Council’s overriding intent for the use of the Development Plan area, it is recommended that a condition be added to the Development Plan to require a Shire Deed between the Shire and the proponent be prepared at the developers expense and to the Shire’s satisfaction to ensure that the predominant use of the site is not for a TWA facility. This will limit the extent to which the development can operate predominantly as Transient Workforce Accommodation should market circumstances change in the future due to new construction projects commencing in the region. The introduction of this condition does impact on the form or type of development proposed by the proponent. It will rather: mitigate the risk of the development providing for additional transient workforce accommodation; ensures any development will serve to alleviate the unmet demand for hotel/motel accommodation; and will allow for some permanent accommodation and some transient worker accommodation for the operational workforce who may wish to fly-in/fly-out. Issues associated with visual impact were addressed through the additional of new provisions in the Development Plan. The proponent has not disputed the inclusion of these. Page 127 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 ISSUES Economic Issues The provision of additional accommodation to meet demand for workers will assist in the continued economic development and growth of the Pilbara. The potential opportunity to provide additional tourism accommodation, provided there is sufficient demand, will further support economic diversification of the local economy in the longer term. Social Issues There remains an on-going social concern of the proliferation of transient workforce accommodation ahead of the continued provision of accommodation to support a local permanent population. This social issue is reiterated amongst strategic documents including the PPIF and KCN. The introduction of a condition requiring an appropriate Shire Deed will address this issue. Environmental Issues The Development Plan: protects the most pristine vegetation in the Development Plan Area; requires rehabilitation of the more degraded areas within the Development Plan Area; considers the potential impact on the natural landscape features the Karratha Hills provides; and includes environmentally responsive design and infrastructure requirements. Accordingly the Development Plan is considered to achieve an environmentally responsive development outcome. Cultural & Heritage Issues There is no identified heritage or cultural sites. The resolution of Native Title, which will be required prior to sale and amalgamation of the land will resolve the final outstanding heritage matters affecting the development. IMPACT ON CAPACITY There is no impact on capacity or resourcing to carry out the Officer’s recommendation. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS There are no relevant precedents affecting this proposal. DELEGATED AUTHORITY There are no delegated authorities relevant to this matter. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority Page 128 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 OPTIONS: Option 1 Conditionally endorse the Development Plan as set out in the Officer’s recommendation. Option 2 That Council by SIMPLE Majority pursuant to Clause of the Shire of Roebourne Town Planning Scheme No. 8, RESOLVES not to adopt the Development Plan. CONCLUSION The Development Plan [see Attachment 3] is generally consistent with Amendment 25 which was adopted by the Shire of Roebourne in December 2011. It provides ‘resort style’ accommodation which is intended to serve short stay and tourism accommodation. To ensure this is the case in the long-term a condition has been recommended to ensure that an appropriate Shire Deed is entered into between the proponent and the Shire to preclude the predominant use of the site being for Transient Workforce Accommodation. This will provide greater clarity on the long-term predominant use of the land and prevent the development being consumed to meet Transient Workforce Accommodation demand if multiple additional construction projects are announced in the region. The applicant’s Market Demand and Supply Analysis [see Attachment 5] highlights the demand for more hotel/motel and residential accommodation in order to secure a large enough supply pipeline to meet future demand. The Development Plan will allow for a new form of development which can assist in addressing both forms of accommodation. The submission by the applicant has been noted and has informed the final recommendation of Officers. Other submissions from state agencies were considered and informed the decision to initiate advertising. It is therefore recommended the Development Plan be adopted subject to some changes and a request be made to the Western Australian Planning Commission to endorse the Development Plan. Page 129 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 OFFICERS RECOMMENDATION / COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152141 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Lally Cr Miller 1. That Council by SIMPLE Majority pursuant to Clause (a) of the Shire of Roebourne Town Planning Scheme No. 8, RESOLVES to adopt The Ranges, Stove Hill Development Plan subject to the following changes: a. A condition being added to the Statutory Provisions of the Development Plan to require that a Shire Deed be prepared by the proponent, at the proponents expense and to the Shire’s satisfaction with a stipulation that the predominant use of the site shall not be for Transient Workforce Accommodation at any one time and the Explanatory report being updated accordingly; b. The Explanatory Text of the Report be updated to include the key findings of the Demand Analysis provided by the applicant; and a statement included in the Explanatory Text that an Annual Statement of Occupancy will be provided to the Shire to monitor the use and demand of the facility for tourist accommodation; c. Changes being made to the following point: a. A Parking and Traffic Management Plan shall be submitted to support an application for planning approval where Council considers this necessary. The Parking and Traffic Management Plan shall specifically demonstrate the number of parking bays proposed will be sufficient to cater for occupants and visitors to the development, including visitors to facilities which will be made open to the general public. Road access to the remainder of the Development Plan area shall be provided from the central point of access to the site from Karratha Road. The plan of layout is to make provision for future points of access to the remainder of the site. Pedestrian access to the remainder of the Development Plan area shall be provided from Lot 400 2. That Council by SIMPLE Majority pursuant to Clause 7.2.9 of the Shire of Roebourne Town Planning Scheme No. 8, RESOLVES to request the Western Australian Planning Commission to endorse the final Development Plan with the changes requested. CARRIED FOR : AGAINST : Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling. Nil Page 130 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 131 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 THE RANGES KARRATHA STAGE TWO DEMAND ANALYSIS Proponent: Greenvalley Asset Pty Ltd June 2012 Page 132 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 1.0 THE PROJECT The Ranges will consist of the following self-contained apartments on completion: 1 Bedroom: 156 apartments 2 Bedroom: 213 apartments (44 single level and 169 townhouses) The 2 bedroom apartments are designed as two separate types of twin keyed apartment, but could also facilitate a more traditional two bedroom design within the same footprint. The project also includes a 1,600 square metre “Clubhouse” which includes a 250 seat restaurant, bar, gym and other facilities. This will be the first major new restaurant/bar facility built in Karratha for many years and is expected to cater to residents of The Ranges, residents of the town and visitors to the town. The project is expected to be constructed over 5 years. The property is a survey strata subdivision with high standard resort style amenities and on-site management. It is expected to add to the short stay stock in Karratha as well as add diversity to the residential options for residents. The dwellings are therefore designed to be flexible to cater for both short and long term stay (ie residents and travellers). At the end of the day the market will determine the final mix. The property will have subdivision approval for the individual lots, determining staging and in part the nature of built product. Given the strata tiled nature of the product the mix of lots and staging will be difficult to amend over the life of the project. The built product will be the subject of a Development Application by the time the rear lot is amalgamated with Lot 1090. This Approval can be amended by further application to Council if demand alters to require a different mix of stock (ie twin keyed units become traditional 2 bed to suit owner occupiers) but the degree of alteration will be limited by the strata lot boundaries. The location is 1.5k’s from the Karratha CBD in a picturesque valley which suits the resort style of development proposed. The site is slightly isolated from town amenities such as restaurants and sporting facilities and therefore must construct its own, however it is close enough for access to shopping, banking etc. The development will have a cost advantage over CBD apartment development because it will always be cheaper to build 1/2 storey product than 8 storey product. Part of this advantage will need to be reinvested in infrastructure to create amenity to offset locational disadvantage. Page 133 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 2.0 THE TARGET MARKET The precise market for the product will unfold over time. It is expected, for example, that the proportion of owner occupiers will be quite low at the outset, but as the development progresses and more amenities are added, this proportion will increase. The development is likely to be too expensive to attract blue collar workers as tenants and is more likely to attract white collar workers, travellers and locals. Our interpretation of the demand at the time the project is to be developed is as follows: Individual investors: Corporate tenants/owners: Owner Occupiers: 45% 30% 25% 2.1 Individual Investors: Investors are likely to seek the highest return available from time to time. At this time it is expected that the highest return will be provided by short term letting as nightly rates are significantly higher than long term rents. This is also a sector of the market that has had no additional supply for some time and comes under extreme demand. Some investors will prefer the security of long term leases and therefore will seek tenants of a more traditional residential nature. We expect approximately 30% of the apartments built at The Ranges will be available to the short stay market. The end users are likely to be corporate travellers, tourists and white collar workers on short term contracts. This aspect of The Ranges will compete directly with existing and future Karratha Hotels and Motels, but not with caravan parks and TWA’s as the standard of accommodation and facilities will be considerably higher. In fact we expect some people currently occupying caravan parks and the like will move to The Ranges, entering a more “normalised” long term living environment. 2.2 Corporate Tenants/Owners: Corporates with blue collar workers will continue to seek accommodation options within the Transient Worker Accommodation facilities around Karratha and therefore are not seen as part of the Target market for The Ranges. This pattern is unlikely to change as the cost structure of apartment development or freestanding houses on individual lots is not likely to reduce substantially in the future, meaning they will remain cost prohibitive to this market sector. Furthermore thee TWA part of the housing solution is the most subject to change in demand as major projects have maximum worker requirement during construction, following which there can be a substantial reduction. This does not warrant permanent construction. Corporates with white collar or executive employees are more likely to settle in Karratha long term if the appropriate level of accommodation is available and are more likely to afford the quality of The Ranges. Therefore they are a part of the Target market. Page 134 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 This aspect of The Ranges will take some people out of TWA’s and include them in a normalised accommodation format (white collar workers), some out of the existing Karratha Hotels and Motels and some out of residential rental accommodation who will choose the lifestyle offered at The Ranges in preference to a family based Land Estate. 2.3 Owner Occupiers: As the amenities are constructed at The Ranges (tennis courts and swimming pools) we expect demand from owner occupiers to build. This will in part be a response to the price point, offering a new and attractive product at an entry level price. It will in part be a response to availability, as land is currently balloted and largely unobtainable. It will in part be a response to the level of amenity, with pools, gym, tennis courts, restaurant and bar being a considerable attraction. As the product is limited to 1 and 2 bedroom apartments and townhouses, we do not expect to attract families. These will be better accommodated in residential estates with Primary Schooling, playgrounds and parks etc. The Ranges will add to the diversity of options for permanent residents, attracting more people willing to make Karratha their permanent home. 3.0 FUTURE DEMAND Pilbara Cities Office conducts research into demand and supply of dwellings for Karratha. They have released figures indicating the current shortage of dwellings in Karratha and the expected demand for the next three years. These figures are set out below: Current dwelling shortage in Karratha Additional dwellings required by 2015 Total dwellings required next three years 1,531 2,850 4,381 3.1 Normalise Living Conditions: These demand projections are being driven partly by the opportunity to “normalise” living styles which currently include significant numbers of residents residing in Light Industrial Areas, caravan parks and Transient Workforce Accommodation. 3.2 Major Projects: They are also being driven by the major resource projects mooted for the Shire of Roebourne. We understand it is highly likely that at least three major projects will proceed within two years, being Rio Tinto’s $16billion expansion, Pluto Trains 2 & 3 and Anketel Point Port, each of which are likely to bring 4-6,000 workers to the Roebourne Shire for an extended period and more than 2,000 permanent operating positions. Each permanent position is expected to be multiplied by at least a factor of two in its impact on jobs in the town and a factor of four in its impact on population within the Shire. 3.3 Government Services and Retail: Karratha is currently underserviced for its population in terms of retail businesses and Government services. These industries (health, education, retail) are major employers which are partly undersupplied due to past Government inactivity and partly due to the high cost of Page 135 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 operating in the region. If Karratha is to achieve its objective of becoming a Regional City, then these aspects of commerce in the town must be fostered. One way of ensuring success is to ensure adequate supply of housing. Information on employment by industry sector is not available from the latest Census until Oct ’12, however we expect it will continue to show a significant underrepresentation of these industries in the Karratha workforce. We expect Karratha to move closer to Australian averages as it grows and for this to add to demand for housing. 4.0 FUTURE SUPPLY Karratha currently has an extreme lack of housing diversity. The 2011 Census data shows that, of 4,179 dwellings in the town, 3,215 are separate houses and only 198 are units or apartments. Furthermore 3,002 dwellings are three bedrooms or more. One of the issues facing Karratha is simply lack of supply but the equally pressing issue is lack of housing diversity. 4.1 Permanent Dwellings: Pilbara Cities Office publish information collected from holders of developable land as to the probably supply of permanent dwellings: 2012 323 lots 2013 567 lots 2014 1,401 lots 2015 456 lots 2016 513 lots Total: 3,260 lots (Please note The Ranges is included above and comprises 11% of total expected supply) Total Building Licenses issued 2011 Dwellings) 417 (including Multiple These figures indicate that expected demand for dwellings in Karratha will not be met within the next five years, even including the entire Ranges development as permanent dwellings and assuming every possible developable lot in Karratha is actually developed. Building License numbers for the 2011 year probably indicate a more likely outcome, which suggests the shortfall is growing. This is unlikely to become completely apparent in the marketplace until the next suite of major projects get underway, when shortages are once again expected to be chronic. It is apparent that most of the “easy” options in land development in Karratha have been taken, with new development now requiring more fill, greater likelihood of rock being encountered, encroaching on areas of Aboriginal Heritage, requiring extension of service capacities such as sewer, power and water and entering new development fronts where infrastructure such as storm water drainage is nonexistent or requires existing infrastructure to be expanded. We suggest it is unlikely more than 70% of development options included in the Pilbara Cities projections Page 136 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 will eventuate. We also suggest the traditional single lot housing model will continue to be the most expensive option. The only likely way in which additional supply can be created in significant quantities is to move away from greenfield subdivision to higher density options such as offered by The Ranges, Pelago and the Tambrey site. 4.2 Hotel/Motel Accommodation No new Hotel/Motel accommodation has been added to the market in Karratha since the Comfort Inn approximately 10 years ago. Public figures suggest the existing businesses are operating at around 85% occupancy although anecdotal evidence suggests much higher occupancy, especially on weekdays. Rack rates reflect the high occupancy rates and are considerably higher than in other regional towns in the North West for comparable quality (except Port Hedland). Banks are reluctant to fund hotel accommodation at this time in the economic cycle, so the best way to get additional rooms built in Karratha is as part of a larger mixed use development such as The Ranges. Part of the existing hotel stock is also tired and in need of renovation. Existing stock includes: Best Western Karratha International Hotel Comfort Inn All Seasons Kings Way Motel Karratha Motel TOTAL: 84 rooms 80 rooms 23 60 rooms 47 rooms 42 rooms 336 rooms rooms Potential expansion options include: Karratha International Hotel Mirvac Hotel Tambrey Tavern Kings Way Motel TOTAL: 60 rooms 150 rooms 113 rooms 88 rooms 411 rooms None of these developments are underway and no commencement dates have been proposed. Given the current financial climate and difficulty financing short stay accommodation with Australian banks, it is unlikely that all proposed rooms will be developed. Furthermore, as additional supply comes to the market and rack rates return to more sustainable levels it is likely that some of the above proposals will revert to permanent residential development models. Clearly there is immediate room for at least one major new hotel development in Karratha and it may be that Page 137 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 the first mover cools the developer interest in this sector. On the other hand, should a number of major resource developments proceed at the same time, demand may warrant a more significant lift to room numbers and therefore it is worthwhile to the Council to have sites available to meet this demand. As Karratha seeks to expand to a city of 50,000 residents, it is likely that more than 1,000 hotel rooms will be required. Development of this nature tends to be fickle and towns/cities are better to take hotel development when the property cycle and funding permit, as it is often difficult to attract short stay accommodation exactly when you need it. Two good examples of this are Perth and the Gold Coast. Perth is finding it very difficult to promote hotel development, even with high occupancy and rack rates, as other forms of development are more profitable and attracting all the developers’ attention. The State Government and the Perth City Council wish they could find a successful formula to promote short stay accommodation development. The Gold Coast recognised these issues long ago and have always taken the view that accommodation gets built when the property cycle is right and if it gets to a point of over-supply, then there will be a downturn in construction until such time as demand once again exceeds supply. In this way they have been able to grow their tourist industry over the long term. Karratha currently has a similar problem to Perth, where it has been many years since it has been able to attract Hotel investment. In our view it is unlikely that this sector will ever be in over-supply in Karratha, however if there is a period where a significant quantity of stock can be developed, then that can only be a positive result for the town. Only by achieving a balance between supply and demand (or perhaps an oversupply), with rates becoming competitive, can you expect a tourist industry to develop in the Pilbara. 5.0 CONCLUSION It is apparent that the real risk in Karratha is continued massive under-supply of permanent dwellings and hotel rooms. With a number of major projects imminent in the area, it is likely that demand will once again swamp supply well before the Council and the State have managed to normalise accommodation and service issues in the town. Even with all existing development options being completed within 5 years it is likely there will still be high rents, people living in Light Industrial Areas and caravan parks and a predominance of Transient Workforce Accommodation. It is also clear that there is a lack of variety of accommodation styles available in the town, typical of a small regional centre which has grown around residential housing estates surrounding a central Town Centre. With Karratha now transitioning into a regional City, variety must be added to make the town a more attractive place to live. It can be concluded that a development of the size and nature of The Ranges is warranted in Karrratha. Page 138 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 10.3 AMENDED 16 July 2012 SHIRE OF ROEBOURNE NUISANCE LOCAL LAW ANIMALS, ENVIRONMENT AND File No: LE.1 Responsible Executive Officer: Director Development, Regulatory & Infrastructure Reporting Author: Executive Manager Regulatory Services Date of Report: 18 June 2012 Applicant/Proponent: Nil Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s) Amended Animals, Environment and Nuisance Local Law 2012 PURPOSE To approve re-advertising of the amended Animal, Environment and Nuisance Local Law 2012 for public comment, continuing the approved process for gazettal of the local law. BACKGROUND At its April 2012 meeting (resolution 151987), Council resolved to 1. “ADOPT the proposed Shire of Roebourne Animals, Environment and Nuisance Local Law for advertising; 2. GIVE State-wide public notice stating that: (a) The Shire of Roebourne proposed to make an Animals, Environment and Nuisance Local Law; i. The purpose of which is to provide for the regulation, control and management of animals and the prevention of environmental damage and nuisances within the District and ii. The effect of which is to establish the requirements with which any person keeping animals or undertaking activities that have the potential to impact the environment or create nuisance must comply; (b) A copy of the proposed local law may be inspected or obtained at any place specified in the notice; (c) Submissions about the proposed local law may be made to the Shire before the day specified in the notice, being not less than 6 weeks after the notice is given; 3. PROVIDE a copy of the proposed local law and notice to the Minister for Local Government and Minister for Environment; 4. DIRECT the Acting Chief Executive Officer to prepare a report to Council detailing the submissions from the community at the June 2012 Council meeting following the closure of submissions.” Advertising of the local law resulted in no comments from the public. Comments were requested from the Department of Local Government, Department of Health and Department of Environment and Conservation. Responses have been considered and included in the revised draft as per the following:- Page 139 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Respondent Response Department of Environment Whilst "farm animals" can be & Conservation (DEC) anything, I question if it has the potential to deal effectively with such things as keeping pet kangaroos, which can grow large and become a hazard or escape or be attacked by dogs. Included The keeping of native fauna is already subject to licensing by the DEC. Because this is already legislated, the keeping of these types of animals has not been included within the Local Law. Also, there is no provision for dealing with people wishing to keep reptiles as pets. Again, whilst these activities are licensed and managed by DEC, the shire needs to consider the implications of potential captive reptile escapes and risks associated with venomous snakes if they have staff attending the property. Department of Health No response received. Department of Local Editing and formatting of Government documentation. The keeping of reptiles is already subject to licensing by the DEC. Because this is already legislated, the keeping of these types of animals has not been included within the Local Law. Unauthorised Building Materials clause is inconsistent with second clause. Formatting and editing of Local Laws was included as per their recommendation. Clause 3.3 “Unauthorised storage of building materials” has been amended to ensure consistency. Clause 3.11(4) ouster clause has been deleted. Clause 3.11(4) is an ouster clause which is no longer permitted by the Joint Standing Committee. Gazettal issues due to Noted – due to changes to advertising taking place after both this local law and the submission to the Minister. Health Local Law, the Shire’s Regulatory Service intended to re-advertise. Doing so will negate any gazettal issues in terms of the advertising being out of sequence. The process for adopting local laws is set out in Section 3.12 of the Local Government Act 1995, and includes:1) At the council meeting the person presiding is to give notice to the council meeting of the purpose and effect of the proposed local law; 2) State-wide and local public notice is to be given stating that the Shire intends to make a local law. Advertising is to remain open for at least 6 weeks; Page 140 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 3) As soon as the notice is given, a copy of the proposed local law, together with the public notice and National Competition Policy form are to be provided to the Minister for Local Government and Regional Development and any other relevant ministers 4) A copy of the proposed local law is to be provided to any person requesting it; 5) After the last day of submissions, the local government is to consider any submissions and may by absolute majority proceed with the local laws as proposed or make alterations which are not significantly different from what was first proposed 6) The adopted local law is published in the Government Gazette and a copy is provided to the appropriate ministers 7) Another public notice is given stating the title of the local law, its intent and date that the local law will come into effect; 8) Forwarding all documentation to Parliaments Joint Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation. In the case of this proposed local law and the proposed Health Local Law, due to changes requested, these will be re-advertised for a period of six (6) weeks. By doing so, this will also negate the gazettal issues as described by the Department of Local Government, and provide for a smoother review by the Joint Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation. Should the Shire proceed with the gazettal process without undertaking this step, it is likely that the adoption of the proposed Animals, Environment and Nuisance Local Law 2012 would fail. LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE High – the implementation of these local laws will impact upon the regulation and enforcement of certain activities of all residents and visitors within the Shire. These will also impact upon the roles undertaken by Regulatory Services Officers (primarily Rangers and Environmental Health Officers) in their day to day duties and investigation of nuisance complaints. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION Shire officers have been consulted in development of these local laws. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION The proposed local law was advertised for 6 weeks with copies available on the Shire’s website and at local libraries. No comments from the general public were received. Comments have been received from the Department of Local Government and the Department of Environment and Conservation. These have been considered and included in the revised version of the local law where considered relevant. STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS The development and gazettal of local laws must follow the requirements of Section 3.12 of the Local Government Act 1995. “3.12. Procedure for making local laws (1) In making a local law a local government is to follow the procedure described in this section, in the sequence in which it is described. (2) At a council meeting the person presiding is to give notice to the meeting of the purpose and effect of the proposed local law in the prescribed manner. Page 141 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 (3) The local government is to — (a) give Statewide public notice stating that — (i) the local government proposes to make a local law the purpose and effect of which is summarized in the notice; (ii) a copy of the proposed local law may be inspected or obtained at any place specified in the notice; and (iii) submissions about the proposed local law may be made to the local government before a day to be specified in the notice, being a day that is not less than 6 weeks after the notice is given; (b) as soon as the notice is given, give a copy of the proposed local law and a copy of the notice to the Minister and, if another Minister administers the Act under which the local law is proposed to be made, to that other Minister; and (c) provide a copy of the proposed local law, in accordance with the notice, to any person requesting it. (3a) A notice under subsection (3) is also to be published and exhibited as if it were a local public notice. (4) After the last day for submissions, the local government is to consider any submissions made and may make the local law* as proposed or make a local law* that is not significantly different from what was proposed. * Absolute majority required. (5) After making the local law, the local government is to publish it in the Gazette and give a copy of it to the Minister and, if another Minister administers the Act under which the local law is proposed to be made, to that other Minister. (6) After the local law has been published in the Gazette the local government is to give local public notice — (a) stating the title of the local law; (b) summarizing the purpose and effect of the local law (specifying the day on which it comes into operation); and (c) advising that copies of the local law may be inspected or obtained from the local government’s office. (7) The Minister may give directions to local governments requiring them to provide to the Parliament copies of local laws they have made and any explanatory or other material relating to them. (8) In this section — making in relation to a local law, includes making a local law to amend the text of, or repeal, a local law.” POLICY IMPLICATIONS There are no policy implications. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS There are no financial implications. Consultant fees and advertising costs have already been budgeted for in the current financial years budget. Page 142 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS There are no strategic implications. RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS There are no risk management considerations applicable. ISSUES Economic Issues There are no economic issues related to this matter. Social Issues The adoption of these local laws will provide some flexibility for members of the community, while enabling the Shire to monitor and regulate activities which do not benefit the health and wellbeing of residents and visitors. These local laws will provide for simpler enforcement measures which will provide a further deterrent to offenders. Environmental Issues The adoption of these local laws will have a positive benefit on the community as these include provisions in relation to the control of waste, the built environment, disposal of water and control of dust. Cultural & Heritage Issues There are no Cultural & Heritage issues related to this matter. IMPACT ON CAPACITY There will be minimal impacts on capacity. These local laws will assist the Shires Regulatory Services staff in undertaking their day to day activities. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS There are no relevant precedents related to this matter. DELEGATED AUTHORITY There are no delegated authorities relevant to this matter. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Absolute Majority OPTIONS: Option 1 As per Officer’s recommendation. Option 2 That Council by ABSOLUTE Majority pursuant to Section 3.12 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to 1. CONTINUE the gazettal of Shire of Roebourne Animals, Environment and Nuisance Local Law 2012 2. PUBLISH it in the Government Gazette and give a copy of it to the Minister and, if another Minister administers the Act under which the local law is proposed to be made, to that other Minister 3. GIVE State-wide public notice stating that: (a) The Shire of Roebourne has adopted a Animals, Environment and Nuisance Local Law Local Law: Page 143 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes i. ii. iii. iv. 16 July 2012 The purpose of the proposed local laws is to provide for the regulation, control and management of animals and the prevention of environmental damage and nuisances within the District; The effect of which is to establish the requirements with which any person keeping animals or undertaking activities that have the potential to impact the environment or create nuisance must comply; The date it was Gazetted That copies can be obtained from the Shire Offices CONCLUSION To enable the smooth progression of the amended Shire of Roebourne Animals, Environment and Nuisance Local Law through the Joint Standing Committee on Legislation, the revised local law must be readvertised for public comment, with copies forwarded to the relevant Ministers. Page 144 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION / COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152142 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Lockwood Cr Long That Council by ABSOLUTE MAJORITY pursuant to Section 3.12 of the Local Government Act, 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. ADOPT the amended Shire of Roebourne Animals, Environment and Nuisance Local Law for advertising; 2. GIVE State-wide public notice stating that: (a) The Shire of Roebourne proposes to make an Animals, Environment and Nuisance Local Law; i. The purpose of the proposed local laws is to provide for the regulation, control and management of animals and the prevention of environmental damage and nuisances within the District; ii. The effect of which is to establish the requirements with which any person keeping animals or undertaking activities that have the potential to impact the environment or create nuisance must comply; (b) A copy of the proposed local law may be inspected or obtained at any place specified in the notice; (c) Submissions about the proposed local law may be made to the Shire before the day specified in the notice, being not less than 6 weeks after the notice is given; 3. PROVIDE a copy of the proposed local law and notice to the Minister for Local Government, Minister for Environment and Minister for Health ; 4. DIRECT the Chief Executive Officer to prepare a report to Council detailing the submissions from the community at the Council meeting following the closure of submissions. CARRIED FOR : AGAINST : Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling. Nil Page 145 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 10.4 16 July 2012 AMENDED SHIRE OF ROEBOURNE HEALTH LOCAL LAW File No: LE.1 Responsible Executive Officer: Director Development, Regulatory & Infrastructure Reporting Author: Executive Manager Regulatory Services Date of Report: 18 June 2012 Applicant/Proponent: Nil Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s) Amended Health Local Law 2012 PURPOSE To approve re-advertising of the amended Health Local Law 2012 for public comment, continuing the approved process for gazettal of the local law. BACKGROUND At its April 2012 meeting (resolution 151986), Council resolved to 1. “ADOPT the proposed Shire of Roebourne Health Local Law for advertising; 2. GIVE State-wide public notice stating that: a. The Shire of Roebourne proposed to make a Health Local Law; b. The purpose of the proposed local laws is to provide for the regulation, control and management of day to day public health matters within the Shire of Roebourne, c. The effect of which is to establish various health standards and requirements which people living and working within the Shire must observe; d. A copy of the proposed local law may be inspected or obtained at any place specified in the notice; e. Submissions about the proposed local law may be made to the Shire before the day specified in the notice, being not less than 6 weeks after the notice is given; 3. PROVIDE a copy of the proposed local law and notice to the Minister for Local Government and Minister for Environment; 4. DIRECT the Acting Chief Executive Officer to prepare a report to Council detailing the submissions from the community at the June 2012 Council meeting following the closure of submissions.” Advertising of the local law resulted in no comments from the public. Comments were requested from the Department of Local Government, Department of Health and Department of Environment and Conservation. Responses have been considered and included in the revised draft as per the following:- Page 146 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Respondent Response Included Department of Environment No response in relation to & Conservation (DEC) the Health Local Law was received. Department of Health Department Government of Editing and formatting of Formatting and editing of documentation. Local Laws was included as per their recommendation. Reference to Metropolitan Confirmed with Water Water Supply, Sewerage Corporation that the Country and Drainage Act – does Areas Water Supply Act this apply? 1947 and Country Towns Sewerage Act 1948 are applied in the Shire. Reference to legislation altered to this effect. Definition of “Public Vehicle” Definition amended as per recommendation Reference to “Dwelling Reference amended as per House” should be modified recommendation to simply “house” to strengthen the clause Local Gazettal issues due to Noted – due to changes to advertising taking place after both this local law and the submission to the Minister. Health local law, the Shire’s Regulatory Service intended to re-advertise. Doing so will negate any gazettal issues in terms of the advertising being out of sequence. The process for adopting local laws is set out in Section 3.12 of the Local Government Act 1995, and includes:1. At the council meeting the person presiding is to give notice to the council meeting of the purpose and effect of the proposed local law; 2. State-wide and local public notice is to be given stating that the Shire intends to make a local law. Advertising is to remain open for at least 6 weeks; 3. As soon as the notice is given, a copy of the proposed local law, together with the public notice and National Competition Policy form are to be provided to the Minister for Local Government and Regional Development and any other relevant ministers 4. A copy of the proposed local law is to be provided to any person requesting it; 5. After the last day of submissions, the local government is to consider any submissions and may by absolute majority proceed with the local laws as proposed or make alterations which are not significantly different from what was first proposed 6. The adopted local law is published in the Government Gazette and a copy is provided to the appropriate ministers 7. Another public notice is given stating the title of the local law, its intent and date that the local law will come into effect; 8. Forwarding all documentation to Parliaments Joint Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation. Page 147 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 In the case of this proposed local law and the proposed Animal, Environment and Nuisance Local Law, due to changes requested, these will be re-advertised for a period of six (6) weeks. By doing so, this will also negate the gazettal issues as described by the Department of Local Government, and provide for a smoother review by the Joint Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation. Should the Shire proceed with the gazettal process without undertaking this step, it is likely that the adoption of the proposed Health Local Law 2012 would fail. LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE High – the implementation of these local laws will impact upon the regulation and enforcement of certain activities of all residents and visitors within the Shire. These will also impact upon the roles undertaken by Environmental Health Officers in their day to day duties and investigation of nuisance complaints. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION Shire officers have been consulted in development of these local laws. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION Community consultation is to occur following the adoption of the Officer’s recommendation in accordance with Section 3.12 of the Local Government Act 1995. STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS The development and gazettal of local laws must follow the requirements of Section 3.12 of the Local Government Act 1995 and Section 342(1)(a) of the Health Act 1911. “3.12. Procedure for making local laws (1) In making a local law a local government is to follow the procedure described in this section, in the sequence in which it is described. (2) At a council meeting the person presiding is to give notice to the meeting of the purpose and effect of the proposed local law in the prescribed manner. (3) The local government is to — (a) give Statewide public notice stating that — (i) the local government proposes to make a local law the purpose and effect of which is summarized in the notice; (ii) a copy of the proposed local law may be inspected or obtained at any place specified in the notice; and (iii) submissions about the proposed local law may be made to the local government before a day to be specified in the notice, being a day that is not less than 6 weeks after the notice is given; (b) as soon as the notice is given, give a copy of the proposed local law and a copy of the notice to the Minister and, if another Minister administers the Act under which the local law is proposed to be made, to that other Minister; and (c) provide a copy of the proposed local law, in accordance with the notice, to any person requesting it. (3a) A notice under subsection (3) is also to be published and exhibited as if it were a local public notice. (4) After the last day for submissions, the local government is to consider any submissions made and may make the local law* as proposed or make a local law* that is not significantly different from what was proposed. * Absolute majority required. Page 148 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 (5) After making the local law, the local government is to publish it in the Gazette and give a copy of it to the Minister and, if another Minister administers the Act under which the local law is proposed to be made, to that other Minister. (6) After the local law has been published in the Gazette the local government is to give local public notice — (a) stating the title of the local law; (b) summarizing the purpose and effect of the local law (specifying the day on which it comes into operation); and (c) advising that copies of the local law may be inspected or obtained from the local government’s office. (7) The Minister may give directions to local governments requiring them to provide to the Parliament copies of local laws they have made and any explanatory or other material relating to them. (8) In this section — making in relation to a local law, includes making a local law to amend the text of, or repeal, a local law.” “342. Local laws (1) Every local government — (a) may, if the Executive Director, Public Health consents; and (b) shall, if the CEO or the Executive Director, Public Health so directs, make local laws in accordance with subdivision 2 of Division 2 of Part 3 of the Local Government Act 1995 for the purposes specified in this Act or generally for carrying into effect the provisions of this Act.” POLICY IMPLICATIONS There are no policy implications. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS There are no financial implications. Consultant fees and advertising costs have already been budgeted for in the current financial years budget. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS There are no strategic implications. RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS There are no risk management considerations applicable. ISSUES Economic Issues There are no economic issues related to this matter. Social Issues The adoption of these local laws will provide some flexibility for members of the community, while enabling the Shire to monitor and regulate activities which do not benefit the health and wellbeing of residents and visitors. Page 149 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Environmental Issues These local laws are primarily aimed at maintaining an improving public health, however some of the local laws also have a benefit tot he environment, such as those dealing with effluent and waste. Cultural & Heritage Issues There are no Cultural & Heritage issues related to this matter. IMPACT ON CAPACITY There will be minimal impacts on capacity. These local laws will assist the Shires Environmental Health Officers in undertaking their day to day activities. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS There are no relevant precedents related to this matter. DELEGATED AUTHORITY There are no delegated authorities relevant to this matter. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority OPTIONS: Option 1 As per Officer’s recommendation. Option 2 That Council by ABSOLUTE Majority pursuant to Section 3.12 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to 1. CONTINUE the gazettal of Shire of Roebourne Health Local Law 2012 2. PUBLISH it in the Government Gazette and give a copy of it to the Minister and, if another Minister administers the Act under which the local law is proposed to be made, to that other Minister 3. GIVE State-wide public notice stating that: a. The Shire of Roebourne has adopted a Health Local Law: b. The purpose of the proposed local laws is to provide for the regulation, control and management of day to day public health matters within the Shire of Roebourne, c. The effect of which is to establish various health standards and requirements which people living and working within the Shire must observe; d. The date it was Gazetted e. That copies can be obtained from the Shire Offices Page 150 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 CONCLUSION To enable the smooth progression of the amended Shire of Roebourne Health Local Law through the Joint Standing Committee on Legislation, the revised local law must be readvertised for public comment, with copies forwarded to the relevant Ministers. OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION / COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152143 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Lockwood Cr Long That Council by ABSOLUTE MAJORITY pursuant to Section 3.12 of the Local Government Act, 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. ADOPT the proposed Shire of Roebourne Health Local Law for advertising; 2. GIVE State-wide public notice stating that: (b) The Shire of Roebourne proposed to make a Health Local Law: i. The purpose of the proposed local laws is to provide for the regulation, control and management of day to day public health matters within the Shire of Roebourne, ii. The effect of which is to establish various health standards and requirements which people living and working within the Shire must observe; (b) A copy of the proposed local law may be inspected or obtained at any place specified in the notice; (c) Submissions about the proposed local law may be made to the Shire before the day specified in the notice, being not less than 6 weeks after the notice is given; 3. PROVIDE a copy of the proposed local law and notice to the Minister for Local Government, Minister for Environment and Minister for Health; 4. DIRECT the Chief Executive Officer to prepare a report to Council detailing the submissions from the community at the Council meeting following the closure of submissions. CARRIED FOR : AGAINST : Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling. Nil Page 151 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 11 STRATEGIC PROJECTS & BUSINESS 11.1 GROUND TRANSPORT POLICIES – KARRATHA AIRPORT File No: TT.85, TT.147 Responsible Executive Officer: Director Strategic Projects & Business Reporting Author: Manager Airport Commercial Date of Report: 16 July 2012 Applicant/Proponent: Executive Manager Strategic Business Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s) 1. Policy AP-GT-SSO - Karratha Airport Ground Transport Shuttle Service Operators 2. Policy AP-GT-TCO - Karratha Airport Ground Transport Tour & Charter Operators 3. Policy AP-GT-TO – Karratha Airport Ground Transport Taxi Operators PURPOSE To seek Council’s approval to amend the existing policies for ground transport operators at Karratha Airport. BACKGROUND At its Ordinary Meeting held on the 4 November 2011, it was resolved vide Resolution 151891: That Council by Simple Majority pursuant to Sections 2.7(2)(b) and 6.12 of the Local Government Act, 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. APPROVE the following Karratha Airport Ground Transport policies: a. Shuttle Service Operators (AP-GT-SSO); b. Tour and Charter Operators (AP-GT-TCO); and c. Taxi Operators (AP-GT-TO) 2. APPROVE a 25% discount to shuttle service operators on the bus lane fees attributed to airport shuttle service providing that: a. There is not a scheduled regular public transport bus service operating at the airport; b. There are less than 5 ‘ply for hire’ taxis based at the airport taxi rank on a regular basis; c. There is no competitor operating the same service under the same type of license; and d. Only those costs wholly attributed to the shuttle service (not shared bookings) will be able to be discounted. Since the introduction of these policies a number of issues have been identified requiring a need to amend the policies as recommended in this report. Page 152 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE The recommended policies provide for equity in all ground transport operations and encourage a level playing field for all operators servicing the airport. Customer Service standards requirements have been drafted into these policies relating to complaint responses, consumption of alcohol and dedicated bay allocations. The amendments suggested in this report provide clarification for operators on the following matters:Advertising The operator is not entitled to a booth or advertising within the airport terminal or car park. Advertising space may however be available on a ‘ground transport’ notice board (if installed). To facilitate this advertising the Council would utilise a contracted adverting provider who would arrange the advertising for interested parties. Please note this arrangement is proposed to only be for a trial period of 6 months then renewable 6 monthly until other arrangements such as the terminal upgrade is progressed or this policy is amended. This advertising restriction includes, but is not limited to, the installation of any type of advertising device, structure or equipment (e.g. stands or the like). However, to facilitate identification and to enable meeting and greeting of passengers, an operator’s driver will be authorised to hold a A4 sized tablet or clipboard with their company’s name and the passengers name on it similar to this example. Compliance Should the Council identify non-compliance with Airport policies, such as this document, the Council will require the operator to show cause why their permission to offer a service at the airport should not be suspended or terminated. The Council retains the right to make determination regarding an operators continuing access to the airport. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION Consultation has taken place with the Department of Transport. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION Ground Transport Operators have been provided with information on the intent of these amendments. STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS Section 2.7 (2)(b) states that one of the roles of Council is to determine policies for the better management of its community. 2.7. Role of council (1) The council — (a) governs the local government’s affairs; and (b) is responsible for the performance of the local government’s functions. (2) Without limiting subsection (1), the council is to — (a) oversee the allocation of the local government’s finances and resources; and (b) determine the local government’s policies. Page 153 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Additionally, section 6.12 (1)(a) or (b) of the Act makes provision for the consideration of discounts or concessions on fees and charges. 6.12. Power to defer, grant discounts, waive or write off debts (1) Subject to subsection (2) and any other written law, a local government may — (a) when adopting the annual budget, grant* a discount or other incentive for the early payment of any amount of money; (b) waive or grant concessions in relation to any amount of money; or (c) write off any amount of money, which is owed to the local government. * Absolute majority required. (2) Subsection (1)(a) and (b) do not apply to an amount of money owing in respect of rates and service charges. (3) The grant of a concession under subsection (1)(b) may be subject to any conditions determined by the local government. (4) Regulations may prescribe circumstances in which a local government is not to exercise a power under subsection (1) or regulate the exercise of that power. POLICY IMPLICATIONS There are no policy implications. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS There are no financial implications. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS There are no strategic implications. RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS The policies have undergone legal review to ensure compliance with Local Government Act and commercial law. ISSUES Economic Issues Shuttle service operators provide an option to persons travelling to and from Karratha Airport other than using taxis or private vehicles utilising the airport car park. There is a small potential (if adopted) from additional advertising concessional income from offering space in a ground transport advertising board. Social Issues These policies will provide guidelines for operations by bus and taxi drivers when at the airport and outlines the requirements around alcohol provision and consumption at the airport, which is an ongoing issue. Page 154 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Environmental Issues There are no environmental issues related to this matter. Cultural & Heritage Issues There are no Cultural & Heritage issues related to this matter. IMPACT ON CAPACITY There is no impact on capacity or resourcing to carry out the Officer’s recommendation. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS There are no relevant precedents related to this matter. DELEGATED AUTHORITY There are no delegated authorities relevant to this matter. VOTING REQUIREMENTS SIMPLE Majority OPTIONS: Option 1 As per Officers recommendation. Option 2 That Council by SIMPLE Majority pursuant to Section 2.7(2)(b) of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to NOT APPROVE the amendments to the Karratha Airport Ground Transport policies. CONCLUSION The ground transport policies set the requirements for ground transport operators servicing Karratha Airport so that; 1. Clarity is provided to all operators; 2. That all operators businesses are treated equitably; and 3. To encourage diversity in sustainable transport options for airport customers. Page 155 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 OFFICERS RECOMMENDATION / COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152144 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Lockwood Cr Long That Council by SIMPLE Majority pursuant to Sections 2.7(2)(b) and 6.12 of the Local Government Act, 1995 RESOLVES to APPROVE the amendments to the following Karratha Airport Ground Transport policies: a. Shuttle Service Operators (AP-GT-SSO) as provided in attachment 1; b. Tour and Charter Operators (AP-GT-TCO) as provided in attachment 2; and c. Taxi Operators (AP-GT-TO) as provided in attachment 3 CARRIED FOR : AGAINST : Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling. Nil Page 156 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 157 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 158 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 159 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 160 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 161 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 162 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 163 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 11.2 16 July 2012 LEASE OF FORMER STAFF CAR PARK – KARRATHA AIRPORT File No: TT.75 Responsible Executive Officer: Executive Manager Strategic Business Reporting Author: Manager Airport Commercial Date of Report: 21 June 2012 Applicant/Proponent: Doctor St John Ambulance Karratha & Royal Flying Service Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s) 1. 2. 3. 4. Correspondence from St John Ambulance Concept design of Patient Transfer Facility Lease plan showing proposed area Line marking plan of GA area PURPOSE To seek Council’s approval to enter into a lease of the former staff car park at Karratha Airport with St John Ambulance for the purpose of developing a patient transfer facility for use by St John Ambulance and the Royal Flying Doctor Service for medical evacuation flights. BACKGROUND The Royal Flying Doctor currently conducts over 350 patient transfers annually at Karratha Airport with transfers occurring in all weather conditions. Current practice is for the ambulance to access the airside area and drive the vehicle to the RFDS aircraft which parks in a dedicated apron parking bay near the helicopter hot spots and RPT bay 1. The terminal can be accessed for the use of amenities but this is not practical for nonambulatory patients and is restrictive after terminal operating hours. St John Ambulance have requested that a patient transfer facility be considered at the airport to not only preserve patient dignity but to enable emergency care to be undertaken if patient stabilisation is required and give patients, air and ambulance crew access to basic amenities such as toilets. In a patient transfer facility, the ambulance would have access directly into the building where the patient would be removed from the vechile to be transferred to the aircraft. Typically the ambulance would therefore not be required to drive airside as is currently the case. The area that has been identified for the construction of the patient transfer facility is the old staff car park located to the east of the terminal near the RFDS aircraft parking bay. The site is also part of the below ground fuel hydrant line corridor and drainage system, both of which have been considered in the proposed design. St John Ambulance have advised they are applying for a Rio Tinto Dampier Salt grant for $50,000 funding to build the patient transfer facility. Concept plans have been provided, however, will not be developed further until the site and funding are guaranteed. Page 164 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE St John Ambulance have advised that the lack of a patient transfer facility has an impact on their operations should a patients’ condition deteriorate and require stabilisation prior to being transferred onto the aircraft. From an airport operational perspective the current arrangement of having airside access by the ambulance is not ideal because to the RFDS parking bay is located alongside a high traffic area and the baggage makeup area. There have been instances of volunteer ambulance personnel not complying with mandatory airside security requirements. A patient transfer facility has benefit in the ambulance remaining landside as well as having a dedicated facility for the management of patient care. Development of this site is required to include provision of power, water and sewage to the site. Currently there are no utilities to the site. As both power, water and sewage are currently being upgraded to the airport it is possible for them to be integrated into the design and undertaken by the contractors as a variation to our current contracts. All outgoings in relation to utilities will be the responsibility of St John Ambulance Karratha. Concept plans have been provided to SoR Planning with correspondence as attached. Any development on the lot is subject to planning and building approvals. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION A meeting was convened between St John Ambulance Karratha, the Shire President and Airport Management on 29 February 2012 to discuss the proposal and potential locations for a patient transfer facility at the airport. In addition officer consultation has occurred with the Manager of Planning and the Executive Manager Strategic Business. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION No community consultation is required. STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS The proposed lease will be required to comply with Section 3.58 of the Local Government Act (1995) with regard to Disposal of Property. In addition, it is a requirement under the management order for the Airport Reserve that all leases are endorsed by the Minister of Lands. Advertising is required to dispose of the property if Council elects to lease the property directly to St John Ambulance without having to call expressions of interest. POLICY IMPLICATIONS There are no policy implications. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS It is considered that there is limited potential to achieve lease income from the site because the site has limited developmental use due to the location of the fuel hydrant line and drainage system. It is recommended that the lease be negotiated and entered into at full commercial rates. It is further recommended that Council approve a contribution credit (support) to St John Ambulance of that rental payment minus one dollar ($1) per annum. The effect of these two transactions would be to provide St John Ambulance with the lease of the land for a peppercorn rate of one dollar ($1) per annum for year one plus GST net of outgoings. The benefit of this commercial arrangement is to have the lease reflect the full rate per square metre for land at the Airport while providing support for this community service by Page 165 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 the SoR. Importantly our achieved face rents at the Airport are maintained for rental reviews and valuation purposes. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS There are no strategic implications. The location is in accordance with the Karratha Airport Master Plan 2009. RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS There are no risk management considerations applicable. ISSUES Economic Issues There are no economic issues related to this matter. Social Issues The provision at the airport of a dedicated patient transfer facility will bring community benefits especially to the patients being transported to and from Perth for medical treatment because they can be isolated, with dignity, from the general travelling public in a facility in which emergency medical treatment can occur if required. Environmental Issues There are no environmental issues related to this matter. Cultural and Heritage Issues There are no Cultural & Heritage issues related to this matter. IMPACT ON CAPACITY There is no impact on capacity or resourcing to carry out the Officer’s recommendation. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS There are no relevant precedents related to this matter. DELEGATED AUTHORITY There are no delegated authorities relevant to this matter. VOTING REQUIREMENTS SIMPLE Majority OPTIONS: Option 1 As per Officer’s recommendation. Option 2 That Council by SIMPLE Majority pursuant to Section 3.8 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES NOT TO AGREE to enter into a lease with St John Ambulance AustraliaKarratha for the former staff car park for the development of a patient transfer facility to be utilised by St John Ambulance and the Royal Flying Doctor Service. CONCLUSION It is in the public’s interest that Council support development of a patient transfer facility to be utilised by St John Ambulance and the Royal Flying Doctor Service to maintain patient dignity and improved safety and security outcomes at Karratha Airport. Page 166 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION / COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152145 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Long Cr Bertling That Council by SIMPLE Majority pursuant to Section 3.58 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. AGREE to advertise the intent to enter into a lease of the former staff car park at the Karratha Airport being 1,002m2 of land to St John Ambulance Australia - Karratha (ABN 55 028 468 715) for a ten (10) year term with one (1) additional terms of five (5) years and one additional term of six (6) years respectively (total 21years). 2. AGREE to enter into a lease at full commercial rates and APPROVE a contribution credit (support) to St John Ambulance of the rental payment minus one dollar ($1) per annum. The effect of these two transactions is therefore to provide St John Ambulance with the lease of the land for a peppercorn rate of one dollar ($1) per annum for year one plus GST net of outgoings; 3. DELEGATE AUTHORITY to the Acting Chief Executive Officer to execute a lease agreement upon closure of the advertising period subject to no adverse submissions being received and leasing conditions being to the satisfaction of the Acting Chief Executive Officer; and 4. DELEGATE AUTHORITY to the Chief Executive Officer to endorse each additional term in accordance with the executed lease document. CARRIED FOR : AGAINST : Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling. Nil Page 167 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes Attachment 1. 16 July 2012 Correspondence from St John Ambulance From: "Gimme" <gimme@westnet.com.au> Date: 29 January 2012 3:07:46 PM AWST To: <shire.president@roebourne.wa.gov.au>,"David Joseph" <david.joseph@ambulance.net.au> Subject: St John Transfer Building at Karratha Airport Hi Fiona As discussed at the Australia day function. I would like to arrange a meeting with you and your airport management colleagues to go over the thoughts on having a patient transfer building constructed at Karratha airport. This building would be utilized for the transfer of patients from the ambulance to the RFDS service within a controlled building. This would reduce the patient to undue stress being moved from one stretcher to another out on the tarmac with all the noises, passengers and weather conditions relevant to perform this action. If you were a patient I am sure you would like the dignity of the transfer from one service to anther to be performed with utmost respect of your personal being considered. There is also the security and vehicle control factor taken into account with this as well. Vehicles would not have to travel on the tarmac they would only be restricted to the building. All that would be on tarmac side would be the RFDs crew and equipment. No extra potential of vehicle and aircraft accidents, issues. Also for the long extended time the RFDs aircraft could be on the ground whilst the medical team are at the hospital attending a patient, the pilot has somewhere to relax whilst waiting. Not in a hot aircraft placing him under undue stress and comfort. I would like to arrange the meeting for the 6th of February where and whatever time would suit you. This is the only next day off I have available. If you wish to meet after hours I am fine with that too to make it earlier. Look forward to hearing from you and hopefully have a great outcome on this issue. Thanks in advance Graham Head Chairman St John Ambulance Karratha Page 168 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes Attachment 2. 16 July 2012 Concept design of Patient Transfer facility TARMAC SIDE Page 169 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes Attachment 3. 16 July 2012 Lease plan showing proposed area Page 170 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes Attachment 4. 16 July 2012 Line marking plan of GA apron Page 171 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 11.3 16 July 2012 REQUEST TO PROVIDE A DISCOUNT FOR FEES AND CHARGES – QANTAS AIRWAYS - KTA – LEA SERVICE File No: TT.63, TT.11 Responsible Executive Officer: Executive Manager Strategic Business Reporting Author: Executive Manager Strategic Business Date of Report: 16 July 2012 Applicant/Proponent: Ian Gay, Qantas Regional GM WA & NT Karratha Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s) Letter Dated 16 May 2012 from Ian Gay to Executive Manager Strategic Business. PURPOSE To consider a request from Qantas Airways to provide a discount equalling the Landing Aviation related fees and charges if they commence a QantasLink Q400 service between Learmonth and Karratha. BACKGROUND In a letter dated 16th May 2012 from Ian Gay Qantas Regional General Manager WA & NT to the Shire of Roebourne, Qantas have provided information on the possibility, subject to commitment from resource companies, of operating 3 return flights per week i.e. Monday/Wednesday/Friday - Q400 service between Learmonth LEA (Exmouth) and Karratha KTA. Specifically they have requested “the Shire of Roebourne consider some form of discount of fees to help foster the success of the operation”. The aircraft, a Qantas Dash 8’s, currently arrives from Perth at 7.50am and sits idle on the tarmac in Learmonth for 3 hours waiting to conduct a return service to Perth at 10.50am. The proposed flight time from LEA to KTA is approximately 45 mins allowing a connecting service LEA to KTA and KTA to LEA as follows: John Lally Chief Executive Officer of the Karratha & Districts Chamber of Commerce & Industry has been coordinating the possibility of this service with Exmouth Chamber of Commerce and Qantas. Karratha and Exmouth have conducted online surveys to gather data on likely patronage, frequency and reasons for use to present to airlines in support of the introduction of this service. The survey responses established the benefits to both the Exmouth and Karratha communities as: Facilitating Health Services, Shopping, Recreation and corporate purposes (as Attachment 2). LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE Page 172 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 It is not considered that the proposed recommendation triggers the threshold or criteria which would define this as a significant matter in accordance with Council Policy CE8 – Significant Decision making Policy. The consequences of supporting and offering a discount to Qantas equal to the landing fees associated with this service may be seen as setting a precedent. It is believed that, if adopted, our letter to Qantas offering any discount should be worded in such a way as to limit this discount to a defined period as a one off arrangement. In addition, it may raise the issue of other service providers seeking similar financial support. It is recommended that each request for discounts are to be considered on their individual merits. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION On Monday 14 May 2012, Adrian Boys Qantas Manager Regional Western Australia made a presentation to the Karratha Airport Advisory Group. In that presentation Qantas stressed the importance of support (i.e. there successfully having the landing fees discounted) for such a service in its development stages of operation. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION Substantial community consultation has been conducted through on line surveys at both Karratha and Exmouth (as Attachment 2). The combined Karratha and Exmouth survey results indicated support from the approx. 500 respondents that a service on Monday / Wednesday / Friday would be supported at a one way fare of up to $150 and that they would use the service largely for Recreation/Shopping, Work and Medical (in that order). STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS Council has the ability to defer, provide discounts, write-off or waive debts in accordance with section 6.12 of the Local Government Act 1995: 6.12. Power to defer, grant discounts, waive or write off debts (1) Subject to subsection (2) and any other written law, a local government may — (a) when adopting the annual budget, grant* a discount or other incentive for the early payment of any amount of money; (b) waive or grant concessions in relation to any amount of money; or (c) write off any amount of money, which is owed to the local government. * Absolute majority required. (2) Subsection (1)(a) and (b) do not apply to an amount of money owing in respect of rates and service charges. (3) The grant of a concession under subsection (1)(b) may be subject to any conditions determined by the local government. (4) Regulations may prescribe circumstances in which a local government is not to exercise a power under subsection (1) or regulate the exercise of that power. POLICY IMPLICATIONS CS6 – Donations, Sponsorships & Community Funding – Options exist through this policy to request for community sponsorship or a one off donation or an annual community sponsorship. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Page 173 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Qantas in their supporting documentation indicates the potential average fare per passenger is between $86 and $162 one way. The survey results indicate that passengers would be willing to pay up to $150 one way which supports the business case for this service. We have calculated the potential total revenue resulting from the introduction of this additional service is estimated to be in the order of $375,000 (ex GST) for a full year. By offering a discount of the landing fees (of $1,044 per landing) the potential loss of revenue to Council is estimated to be up to $165,000 (ex GST) for a full year. Potentially the calculated level of discount is approximately 43% of our total fees associated with this service. Given that, if introduced, this new service would increase our revenues by approximately $210,000 (ex GST) per year, it is supported. However it should be noted that Council has not budgeted for providing discounts equalling the Landing fees within the Airport budget, nor did it anticipate the additional revenue stream. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS Increasing the number of flights and variety of services to and from KTA is in accordance with the Airports 2009 Master Plan and the Shire’s Strategic intentions for the Airport. RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS The risk to Council is the unknown quantity of organisations in a similar situation seeking discounts and subsidies and however these should be analysed on a case by case basis. ISSUES Economic Issues It is estimated that substantial economic benefits will flow from the establishment of these additional services. Social Issues It is estimated that substantial community benefits will flow from the establishment of these additional services. Environmental Issues There are no environmental issues related to this matter. Cultural and Heritage Issues There are no Cultural & Heritage issues related to this matter. IMPACT ON CAPACITY There is no impact on operational capacity because the schedule landing time is proposed for the fringe of peak operational times i.e. 9am with the corresponding departure proposed for 9.25am. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS At the Ordinary Council Meeting held 19 April 2010 Council approved by Resolution: 15082 financial support for the introduction by AirNorth for a Karratha – Port Hedland – Broome and Darwin of a bi-weekly service. The service commenced on 1 June 2010. The resolution was as follows:1. Approves a six month dispensation on landing fee charges at Karratha Airport to Airnorth for the scheduled bi-weekly service with the option to extend a further six months to be reviewed by Council. Page 174 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 2. Approves 50% dispensation on passenger servicing charges for a six month period, as marketing support for the scheduled bi-weekly service. 3. AirNorth to provide co-branding opportunities for the launch and other media events. Further, at the Ordinary Council Meeting held 20 September 2010 Council approved by Resolution: 151306 continuation of the financial support to AirNorth for the bi-weekly, and introduction of a 3rd service. The resolution was as follows:1. That Council endorse an extension to the existing exemption arrangements for the current bi-weekly service, and the introduction of a 3rd service, for a further 6-month period, commencing 1 December 2010 and concluding 30 May 2011, inclusive of the following: a) 100% exemption on landing fee charges b) 50% dispensation on passenger service charges 2. Co-branding from April to September be provided by Airnorth, and a marketing plan should be developed to recognise the partnership of the Shire with Airnorth, to the satisfaction of the Chief Executive Officer. DELEGATED AUTHORITY There are no delegated authorities relevant to this matter. VOTING REQUIREMENTS ABSOLUTE MAJORITY OPTIONS: Option 1 As per Officer’s recommendation. Option 2 That Council by ABSOLUTE MAJORITY pursuant to Section 6.12 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES NOT to provide a DISCOUNT equalling the Shire of Roebourne Airport Landing fees and charges for the Qantas in relation to the operation of the QantasLink Q400 service between Learmonth and Karratha. CONCLUSION Should Council wish to provide a discount equalling the Landing fees in this instance a Council resolution is required. The advice and recommendations from Officer is that typically adding an additional service provides immeasurable benefits to both communities, provides additional opportunities for revenue generation at the Karratha Airport and reinforces Karratha as a growing community. If the Officers recommendation is approved the letter advising Qantas will incorporate the stipulation that this arrangement does not set a precedent and that any further applications would be considered on a case by case basis. Page 175 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION / COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152146 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Lockwood Cr Smeathers That Council by ABSOLUTE majority pursuant to Section 6.12 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. ENDORCES the introduction of the service operating 3 return flights per week i.e. Monday/Wednesday/Friday - QantasLink Q400 service between Learmonth LEA (Exmouth) and Karratha KTA 2. APPROVES a DISCOUNT equalling 100% the Shire of Roebourne Airport Landing fees and charges (only) for the operation of the QantasLink Q400 service in accordance with their letter of 16 May 2012, for a period of 12 months post commencing operations. 3. SEEKS Co-branding of the service for the first 6-9 months to be provided at the cost of Qantas, to recognise the partnership of the Shire(s) with Qantas, to the satisfaction of the Chief Executive Officer. CARRIED FOR : AGAINST : Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling. Nil Page 176 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 177 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 178 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 179 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 180 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 11.4 16 July 2012 REQUEST TO WAIVE WASTE FEES AND CHARGES SALVATION ARMY KARRATHA File No: WM.2 Responsible Executive Officer: Executive Manager Strategic Business Reporting Author: Manager Waste Services Date of Report: 16 July 2012 Applicant/Proponent: Gerald Mitchell, Captain The Salvation Army Karratha Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s) Letter Dated 12 June 2012 from Gerald Mitchell to Simon Kot. PURPOSE To consider a request from the Salvation Army Karratha to waive Fees and Charges for disposal of dumped and unsaleable items at the 7 Mile Waste Facility. BACKGROUND The Salvation Army Karratha (SAK) has approached the Council through a letter dated 12th June 2012 (attached) requesting exemptions to Fees and Charges relating to disposal of waste at the 7 Mile Waste Facility. Residents often drop off unsaleable items at the SAK facility rather than taking the items to the 7 Mile Waste Facility despite there being no charge for such items. As a result SAK ends up having to transport this waste to the Seven Mile Waste facility for disposal. At its Ordinary Meeting held on the 15 August 2011, it was resolved via Resolution 151749 That Council by Absolute Majority pursuant to Section 6.12 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to WAIVE fees and charges to the Salvation Army, Karratha for the disposal of dumped and unsaleable waste at the 7 Mile Waste Facility up to a value of $10,000 in the 2011/2012 financial year subject to items being disposed of by means of vehicle and trailers. In this instance, and for the 2012/13 year, the continuation of the waiver has been requested as per Attachment 1. The Manager of Waste Services has recommended a methodology that would see these transactions processed while resulting in no external financial transaction occurring. If supported, Waste Services would collate the value of SAK disposal at the 7 Mile Waste Facility up to the nominated value. An internal credit for the value on the account would then occur up to the nominated value. The vehicles and trailers used for transporting the waste will need to be nominated (license plates) in advance by SAK so staff at 7 Mile can identify them and account for the required transaction through Councils weighbridge system. LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE It is not considered that the proposed recommendation triggers the threshold or criteria which would define this as a significant matter in accordance with Council Policy CE8 – Significant Decision making Policy. The consequences of supporting the waiving of fees may raise the issue of other not for profit organisations seeking similar financial support. Funding arrangements already exist Page 181 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 through various Donations, Sponsorship and Community Funding Rounds that are advertised through the Shire‘s Community Services Department for groups to make application however in this instance no application was received for Council to consider. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION Officer consultation has occurred with the Executive Manager Business & Strategic Projects. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION No community consultation is required. STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS Council has the ability to defer, provide discounts, write-off or waive debts in accordance with section 6.12 of the Local Government Act 1995: 6.12. Power to defer, grant discounts, waive or write off debts (1) Subject to subsection (2) and any other written law, a local government may — (a) when adopting the annual budget, grant* a discount or other incentive for the early payment of any amount of money; (b) waive or grant concessions in relation to any amount of money; or (c) write off any amount of money, which is owed to the local government. * Absolute majority required. (2) Subsection (1)(a) and (b) do not apply to an amount of money owing in respect of rates and service charges. (3) The grant of a concession under subsection (1)(b) may be subject to any conditions determined by the local government. (4) Regulations may prescribe circumstances in which a local government is not to exercise a power under subsection (1) or regulate the exercise of that power. POLICY IMPLICATIONS CS6 –Donations, Sponsorships & Community Funding – Options exist through this policy to request for community sponsorship or a one off donation or an annual community sponsorship. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The potential loss of revenue to Council is estimated to be up to $10,000 for the 2012/13 financial year based on the volume of waste delivered to the Seven Mile Waste Facility by SAK in the 11/12 financial year. Council has not budgeted for any waiving of fees within the waste services budget. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS There are no strategic implications. RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS The risk to Council is the unknown quantity of organisations in a similar situation to SAK and therefore further requests that may be received. Page 182 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 ISSUES Economic Issues The impact on SAK is estimated to be up to $10,000 per year in waste fees as well as the additional internal operational costs of three or more deliveries of waste per week. Social Issues Paying the current fees and charges applicable to the deposit of waste to Councils facility may impact the ability of SAK to provide its core services to the community as a whole. Environmental Issues The SAK provide a community service in receiving surplus and unwanted household goods for redistribution and resale thus in part alleviating illegal dumping of waste through out the township of Karratha. Cultural and Heritage Issues There are no Cultural & Heritage issues related to this matter. IMPACT ON CAPACITY There is no impact on capacity or resourcing to carry out the Officer’s recommendation. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS At its Ordinary Meeting of 15 August 2011, Council resolved to waive fees and charges to the Salvation Army, Karratha for the disposal of dumped and unsaleable waste at the 7 Mile Waste Facility. DELEGATED AUTHORITY There are no delegated authorities relevant to this matter. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Absolute Majority OPTIONS: Option 1 As per Officer’s recommendation. Option 2 That Council by Absolute Majority pursuant to Section 6.12 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES NOT to WAIVE the Shire of Roebourne Waste Services fees and charges for the Salvation Army Karratha for waste deposited at the 7 Mile Waste Facility. CONCLUSION Should Council wish to waive Waste services fees and charges in this instance a Council resolution is required. The advice and recommendations from senior staff is that typically, Not for Profit organisations should apply for an annual community sponsorship grant to offset these costs. As SAK have not applied for an annual community sponsorship grant to offset these costs in 2012/2013, it is recommended that disposal fees be waived in this instance only up to a value of $10,000 and that future requests are made via the community sponsorship grant program. If the Officers recommendation is approved the letter advising SAK will incorporate the stipulation that future requests are made via the community sponsorship grant program. Page 183 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION / COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152147 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Smeathers Cr Miller That Council by ABSOLUTE majority pursuant to Section 6.12 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to WAIVE fees and charges to the Salvation Army Karratha for the disposal of dumped and unsaleable waste at the 7 Mile Waste Facility up to a value of $10,000 in the 2012/2013 financial year subject to items being disposed of by means of vehicle and trailers. CARRIED FOR : AGAINST : Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling. Nil Page 184 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 185 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 12 16 July 2012 ITEMS FOR INFORMATION ONLY 7.41pm Cr Pritchard left the room 7.42pm Cr Pritchard re entered the room 12.1 INFORMATION ONLY ITEMS - June 2012 Responsible Officer: Chief Executive Officer Author Name: Minute Secretary Disclosure of Interest: Nil REPORT PURPOSE To advise Council of the information items for June 2012 Background None Issues None Options None Policy Implications There are no relevant policy implications pertaining to this matter. Legislative Implications There are no relevant legislative implications pertaining to this matter. Financial Implications There are no financial implications resulting from this report. Conclusion None Voting Requirements Simple. Page 186 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 OFFICERS RECOMMENDATION / COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152148 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Lally Cr Miller That Council note the following information items: 12.1 Shire President’s Mail – 1 June to 30 June 2012 12.2 Register of Documents Stamped with the Shire’s Common Seal 12.3 Councillor Representatives on Organisations 12.4 Tabled Correspondence 12.5 Budget Amendments for period ending 31 May 2012 12.6 Non-Statutory Donations for period ending 31 May 2012 12.7 Building Statistics – June 2012 12.8 Planning Decisions Issued – 5 June – 1 July 2012 12.9 Joint Development Assessment Panels Applications 5 June – 1 July 2012 12.10 Cossack Art Awards – Information Only CARRIED FOR : AGAINST : Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling. Nil Page 187 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 12.2 16 July 2012 SHIRE PRESIDENT’S MAIL – 1 JUNE – 30 JUNE 2012 Responsible Officer: Chief Executive Officer Author Name: Minute Secretary Disclosure of Interest: Nil REPORT Incoming correspondence for the Shire President Date From Subject Details 01/06/2012 DEPARTMENT OF REGIONAL AUSTRALIA 2008-09 LOCAL GOVERNMENT NATIONAL REPORT - DISTRIBUTION OF AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE GRANTS FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 14/06/2012 CUTTING DARRYL CUTTING REQUEST - UPGRADE SHALLOW WELL ROAD KARRATHA INDUSTRIAL ESTATE BOARDING KENNELS 20/06/2012 DEPT OF CLIMATE CHANGE & ENERGY CLARIFICATION CARBON TAX AND OFF-ROAD FUEL EFFICIENCY TAX - FACTSHEET FUEL TAX CREDITS CHANGES FOR 01 JULY 2010 20/06/2012 PILBARA DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION PILBARA DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION BOARD SEEKING NOMINATIONS TO FILL THREE LOCAL GOVERNMENT POSITIONS ON THE BOARD - THREE YEAR TERM - PILBARA TO NOMINATE TWO COUNCILLORS FOR POSITIONS - APPLICATIONS CLOSE ON 1ST AUGUST 2012 22/06/2012 REGIONAL ACHIEVEMENT & COMMUNITY REGIONAL ACHIEVEMENT & COMMUNITY AWARDS AWARDS LAUNCHED FOR 2012 - SEEK SUPPORT TO PROMOTE CALL FOR NOMINATIONS - ENCLOSED POSTER AND NOMINATION FORMS NOMINATIONS CLOSE ON 21 AUGUST 2012 Page 188 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 12.3 16 July 2012 REGISTER OF DOCUMENTS STAMPED WITH THE SHIRE OF ROEBOURNE COMMON SEAL Responsible Officer: Chief Executive Officer Author Name: Minute Secretary Disclosure of Interest: Nil REPORT PURPOSE To advise Councillors of documents, as listed below, that have been stamped with the Common Seal of the Shire of Roebourne since the last Council Meeting. DATE DOCUMENT 07/06/2012 Recreational Boating Facilities Scheme Funding Agreement for Planning Project between The Minister for Transport and the Shire of Roebourne for Cleaverville Creek and 40 Mile Parking and toilets planning Page 189 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 12.3 16 July 2012 COUNCILLOR REPRESENTATIVES ON ORGANISATIONS Responsible Officer: Chief Executive Officer Author Name: PA to the CEO Disclosure of Interest: Nil REPORT Below is the listing of Councillor Portfolios and Representatives on various committees, organisations and working groups. Council Committees: COUNCIL COMMITTEE Audit & Organisational Risk Ctee DIVISION & STAFF MEMBER [if applic] Chief Executive Officer Manager Corporate Compliance Roebourne Advisory Group Community and Corporate Services Yaburara Heritage Trail Steering Committee Community and Corporate Services History Officer COUNCILLOR Cr Smeathers, Lally, Pritchard & Lockwood Cr White-Hartig Cr White-Hartig, Cr Bailey, Cr Saylor Cr Long, Cr Pritchard Advisory Groups: ADVISORY GROUPS DIVISION & STAFF MEMBER [if applic] COUNCILLOR Karratha Airport Advisory Group Chief Executive Officer Dir Strategic Projects & Business Exec Mgr Strategic Business Mgr Airport Commercial Mgr Airport Compliance Co-ord Airport Operations Cr Lockwood, Lally & Long Waste Services Advisory Group Chief Executive Officer Dir Strategic Projects & Business Exec Mgr Strategic Business Mgr Waste Management Services Cr Lockwood, Lally & Long Housing Reference Advisory Group Chief Executive Officer Mgr Corporate Compliance Building Maintenance Co-ordinator Cr White-Hartig & Miller Chief Executive Officer Dir Development, Regulatory & Infrastructure Services Exec Mgr Works Plant Co-ordinator Cr Lally & White-Hartig Plant Reference Advisory Group City Status Committee Principal Economic and Business Improvement Advisor Project Control Groups: Page 190 Cr Bailey Cr Saylor Cr Miiler & Cr Lally Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes PROJECT CONTROL GROUPS 16 July 2012 DIVISION & STAFF MEMBER [if applic] COUNCILLOR Youth Shed Project Chief Executive Officer Dir Strategic Projects & Business Mgr Community Facilities Mgr Environmental Health Services Building Maintenance Co-ordinator Snr Community Development Officer Youth Shed Supervisor Project Manager Cr Pritchard, Bertling, Miller & Vertigan Bulgarra Sporting Precinct Project Dir Strategic Projects & Business Dir Corporate & Community Services Mgr Community Facilities Recreation Facilities Co-ordinator Building Maintenance Co-ordinator Project Manager Cr Lally, Bertling & Miller Dampier Highway Streetscaping Project Dir Strategic Projects & Business Dir Development, Regulatory & Infrastructure Services Mgr Strategic Planning Exec Mgr Works Project Manager Cr Vertigan Karratha Leisure Complex Project Dir Community & Corporate Services Mgr Community Facilities Exec Mgr Works Mgr Statutory Planning Mgr Building Services Mgr Environmental Health Services Recreation Facilities Co-ordinator Project Manager Cr Vertigan, Pritchard, Bertling, Lally, Long, Saylor & Smeathers Roebourne Aquatic Centre Project Dir Strategic Projects & Business Dir Community & Corporate Services Mgr Community Facilities Recreation Facilities Co-ordinator Building Maintenance Co-ordinator Mgr Roebourne Aquatic Centre Project Manager Cr Bailey Page 191 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 External Committees: EXTERNAL COMMITTEE Pilbara Regional Council (PRC) Pilbara Regional Road Group DIVISION & STAFF MEMBER [if applic] Chief Executive Officer CEO & Infrastructure Services COUNCILLOR Cr White-Hartig & Vertigan Cr Bertling & Smeathers (Proxies) Cr Lockwood & White-Hartig Karratha Visitor Centre Committee Community and Corporate Services Cr Bertling & White-Hartig Roebourne Visitor Centre Committee Community and Corporate Services Cr Bailey & White-Hartig Walkington Theatre Management Committee Community and Corporate Services Cr Smeathers Cr Bertling (Proxy) West Pilbara Communities for Children Consortium Community and Corporate Services Cr Vertigan Joint Development Assessment Panel (Pilbara Region) Dir Development, Regulatory & Infrastructure Services Page 192 Cr Lally & Cr White-Hartig Deputy Members Cr Long & Cr Smeathers Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 12.4 16 July 2012 TABLED CORRESPONDENCE Responsible Officer: Chief Executive Officer Author Name: Minute Secretary Disclosure of Interest: Nil REPORT Tabled correspondence for Councillors information: Date From Subject Details 01/06/2012 STRATEGIC CRIME PREVENTION DIVISION CONGRATULATIONS APPROVAL STATE GRAFFITI JUDICIAL SERVICES FUND GRANT $15,000.00 - CLEANSWEEP GRAFFITI GRANT TERM JUNE 2012 - FEBRUARY 2013 01/06/2012 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING SEEKING COMMENTS RE DRAFT DISCUSSION PAPER DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL COASTAL AND TERRESTRIAL ACCESS PLANS FOR PILBARA 05/06/2012 DEPARTMENT OF REGIONAL AUSTRALIA 2008-09 LOCAL GOVERNMENT NATIONAL REPORT - DISTRIBUTION OF AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE GRANTS FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT 15 MAY 2012 06/06/2012 FORTESCUE METALS GROUP LTD COPY OF LETTER TO HON BRENDON GRYLLS PILBARA CITIES VISION AND FORTESCUE FORTESCUE METALS GROUP UPDATE PROGRESS ACQUIRING RESIDENTIAL LAND IN THE PILBARA 07/06/2012 NATIONAL NATIVE TITLE TRIBUNAL APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION ON THE INDIGENOUS LAND USE AGREEMENTS - NASH ILUA W12012/002 - NOTICE OF AGREEMENT ATTACHED NATIONAL NATIVE TITLE TRIBUNAL 13/06/2012 NATIONAL LIFESTYLE VILLAGES RELOCATION OF RESIDENTS OF THE KARRATHA SENIORS VILLAGE - NATIONAL LIFESTYLE VILLAGES (NLV) - $20,000 FROM SOR TO RELOCATE THE SENIORS OF THE VILLAGE TO THE NEW VILLAGE AT WARAMBIE ESTATE IN AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2012 GRACE REMOVAL GROUP - PREPARED A SERVICE PROPOSAL 14/06/2012 NATIONAL NATIVE TITLE TRIBUNAL UPDATED COPY ILUA NOTIFICATION - APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION ON THE INDIGENOUS LAND USE AGREEMENTS - NASH ILUA W12012/002 NOTICE OF AGREEMENT ATTACHED - NATIONAL NATIVE TITLE TRIBUNAL 19/06/2012 WESTERN AUSTRALIAN LOCAL WALGA - THE VOICE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION (WALGA) STATE COUNCIL AGENDA 4 JULY 2012 19/06/2012 MAIN ROADS WA ACKNOWLEDGE PROPOSED DEPROCLAMATION OF KARRATHA ROAD AND PART OF DAMPIER HIGHWAY - MRD NOW SEEK DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY APPROVAL TO TRANSFER Page 193 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 20/06/2012 DEPT OF CLIMATE CHANGE & ENERGY CLARIFICATION CARBON TAX AND OFF-ROAD FUEL EFFICIENCY TAX - FACTSHEET FUEL TAX CREDITS CHANGES FOR 01 JULY 2010 25/06/2012 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING REQUEST PARTICIPATION - LOCAL GOVERNMENT SURVEY RESTRICTIONS TO ANCILLARY ACCOMMODATION PROVISION Page 194 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 12.5 16 July 2012 BUDGET AMENDMENTS FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 31 MAY 2012 File No: JUN12 Responsible Officer: Executive Manager Financial Services Author Name: Management Accountant Date Of Report: 26 June 2012 Disclosure of Interest: Nil REPORT To provide Council with a report on adopted amendments to the original budget and the anticipated effect of those amendments on the surplus/deficit position at the end of the year. Shire Of Roebourne Budget Amendments For The Period Ending 31 May 2012 Date Of Meeting Res Number Account Number Description Expenditure (Increase) / Decrease $ Income Increase / (Decrease) $ Original Budget Closing Estimate 202701/ 202201 20-Jun-11 151649 18-Jul-11 151724 15-Aug-11 151737 15-Aug-11 151745 933426/ 942400 100713/ 100710/ 100711 933806/ 338702/ 338854 15-Aug-11 151746 946004/ 460851 19-Sep-11 151780 933440/ 334700 19-Sep-11 151793 640402 19-Sep-11 19-Sep-11 151773 151779 348504/ 348700 934203/ Accept Donation from Rio Tinto of $175,000 and pass onto FESA for purchase of a new 1.4 fire appliance; Create new income and expense accounts accordingly Increase capital expenditure of Construct Indoor Cricket Facility by $9,500 offset by decrease in Catrall Park upgrade Additional Cossack Concessions and rates budget amendment Budget amendments to Frank Butler Community Centre overall reduction in transfer required from Reserve Budget amendment to increase the Karratha airport car park project capital expenditure funded by airport reserve Increase Capital Expenditure for Tambrey Oval Sports Lighting; offset by contribution from Nickol Junior Soccer Club Hire office building at 7 Mile Waste Facility (to be funded from Waste Reserve) Increase Capital Expend Youth Shed Project and create a grant income account to accommodate the contribution by Woodside for the same value Increase Capital Expend Perm Shade Page 195 (175,000) 175,000 0 New Surplus /(Deficit) $ 0 (0) (0) (9,432) 21,388 11,956 (501,947) 501,947 11,956 (248,194) 248,194 11,956 (100,000) 100,000 11,956 (32,298) (1,189,000) (175,000) (20,342) 1,189,000 175,000 (20,342) (20,342) Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 342711 Date Of Meeting Res Number Account Number 03-Oct-11 151819 642404/ 933426 24-Oct-11 151850 Various 21-Nov-11 151885 21-Nov-11 151893 21-Nov-11 151893 Various 460551/ 946014 946017/ 460851 21-Nov-11 151896 940400/ 940460 19-Sep-11 151810 Various 19-Dec-11 151927 316507/ 316857 19-Dec-11 151957 330507/ 330857 20-Feb-12 151903 530000/ 652032 19-Mar-12 151927 Various 26-Mar-12 151969 206009/ 206000 21-May-12 152040 652014/ 652025 21-May-12 152054 316215/ 380224 21-May-12 152055 638411/ 638413 21-May-12 125068 946007/ 460851 21-May-12 152069 940453/ 404505 16 July 2012 Structures and create a grant income account to accommodate the contribution by Rio Tinto for the same value Description Reallocate $19,694 from Catrall Park Mtce 642404 account to Job 933426 in order to finalise an outstanding invoice Plant Budget amendments and reallocation of funds for purchases of Generators and Amazone Mower as per Plant Services Adjustment to Brought Forward Surplus following 2010/11 Audit November Budget Review Transfer to Aerodrome Reserve $2.5m to be allocated in 2012/13 Transfer from Aerodrome Reserve $600k for Karratha Bus Parking Project Reallocate $115,000 from 7 Mile Tip Bldg Imp Job 940400 to Upgrade Weighbridge Job 940460 Approve the creation of expenditure and income accounts for Pam Buchanan Family Centre Cafe operations, for the amount listed in section 2 of the confidential attachment Decrease capital expenditure for Town Entry Statements and corresponding capital income account to Nil Create new account to allocate funds to relocate and assist in fit out of Karratha Library – Fit out, Leases fees and Stock Reallocate $25k from account 530000.3000 to Job 652032 in order to complete preliminary due diligence investigations in order to establish land use/ development opportunities for Lot 61 Withnell Way, Roebourne February Budget Review - as at 31 Dec 2011 Budget amendment to reallocate budget to meet costs associated with Chief Executive Officer Termination Budget Amendment for reallocation of $46000 from Job 652014 to 652025 to meet the business case development of APP Corporation Reallocate funds of $10605 from account 316215 to account 380224 for the provision of an Off Road Vehicle Strategy Reallocate funds of $2000 from 40 Mile 638411 to new Job 638413 for refuse collection service to Miaree Pool Budget amendment to increase the project budget of the Karratha Airport High and low voltage Power Upgrade to be funded by Aerodrome Reserve Budget amendment to reallocate $10000 from capital budget project 940453 to account 404505 for procurement of a pump for the waste water ponds at 7 Mile facility Page 196 Expenditure (Increase) / Decrease $ Income Increase / (Decrease) $ New Surplus /(Deficit) $ 0 (20,342) 0 (20,342) (373,292) 416,591 0 396,249 22,957 (2,500,000) 2,500,000 22,957 (600,000) 600,000 22,957 0 22,957 (390,604) 325,000 (42,647) 485,420 (480,000) (37,227) (450,000) 450,000 (37,227) 0 0 (37,227) 2,271,070 (2,253,744) (19,901) 0 0 (19,901) 0 0 (19,901) 0 0 (19,901) 0 0 (19,901) (980,000) 980,000 (19,901) 0 0 (19,901) Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 21-May-12 152074 646021/ 646003/ 462010 16 July 2012 Amendment to Budget 12/13 for Airport Contracted Security and Cash Collection Services Tender appointment Totals Current Budget Position is a Surplus/(Deficit) of Page 197 0 0 (4,968,277) 4,948,376 (19,901) (19,901) Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 12.6 16 July 2012 NON STATUTORY DONATIONS FOR PERIOD ENDING 31 MAY 2012 File No: JUN12 Responsible Officer: Executive Manager Financial Services Author Name: Management Accountant Date Of Report: 26 June 2012 Disclosure of Interest: Nil REPORT To provide Council with a summary of Non Statutory Donations made during the specified period. The original budget amounts for 2011/12 were adopted in Council Res No. 151713 (Annual Community Association Development Scheme 2011/2012) and Res No. 151693 Municipal Fund Budget 2011/12 and Qtr 1 Budget Review Res No 151885. Shire Of Roebourne Non Statutory Donations For The Period Ending 31 May 2012 Description Contribution-Dampier Community Association Contribution-Pt Samson Community Association Contribution-Roebourne Advisory Committee Contribution-Wickham Community Association Contribution-Wickham Community Association-Upgrade Picture Garden - Birra Birra ex-gratia rates Contribution-Pt Samson Community Association Birra Birra ex-gratia rates 10-11 & 11-12 Contribution Contribution-Karratha Community Association Annual Karratha Community Fun Walk Karratha Community House (09/10) Roebourne District SES Unit Karratha BMX Club Karratha Dampier Lions Club ($18,000 cash plus in- kind contribution) Karratha Dampier Lions Club Cfwd 2010/11 Karratha Districts Chamber of Commerce & Industry Karratha & Districts Blue Light Children’s Services Support Unit WA – Dampier Early Learning Centre – Wickham Early Learning Centre Link Inc Pilbara Community Legal Services (Cfwd from 2010/11) Pilbara Community Legal Services St John Ambulance Sub-Centre Roebourne Swan Districts Football Club Wickham Community Association Wickham Youth Group Page 198 Original Budget $ Amended Budget $ Actual $ 200,000 84,308 100,000 100,000 200,000 84,308 100,000 100,000 133,036.44 22,727.27 16,092.90 150,000.00 195,000 195,000 195,000.00 97,500 97,500 2,500 18,875 12,000 5,000 10,000 92,245.14 2,500 5,000 18,000 22,000 2,500 5,000 16,363.64 22,000.00 2,500.00 2,750 17,774 5,300 4,000 4,000 9,000 30,000 7,000 19,700 2,750 17,774 5,300 0 4,000 9,000 30,000 7,000 19,700 18,875 12,000 5,000 10,000 45,887 11,980.22 16,155.45 17,068.23 30,000.00 6,363.64 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Yaandina Family Centre (Cfwd from 2010/11) Yaandina Family Centre – Youth Services Shire Of Roebourne Non Statutory Donations For The Period Ending 31 May 2012 Description Continued Nor West Jockey Club Annual Community Sponsorship 2010/2011 Cfwd Included in Budget Review 11/12 Hampton Harbour Boat & Sailing Club Page 199 2,000 11,000 2,000 11,000 10,000.00 Original Budget $ Amended Budget $ Actual $ 0 0 18,000 5,000 18,000.00 5,000.00 988,594.00 1,004,207.00 764,532.93 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 12.7 16 July 2012 MONTHLY BUILDING STATISTICS - JUNE 2012 File No: GR.27 Responsible Executive Officer: DIRECTOR DEVELOPMENT REGULATORY AND INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES Reporting Author: MANAGER BUILDING SERVICES Date of Report: 2 JULY 2012 Applicant/Proponent: MANAGER BUILDING SERVICES Disclosure of Interest: NIL Attachment(s) Nil Or Identify Separately Page 200 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 201 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 202 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 12.8 16 July 2012 PLANNING DECISIONS ISSUED 5 JUNE 2012 - 1 JULY 2012 File No: TA/1/1 Responsible Officer: Director Development, Regulatory & Infrastructure Services Author Name: Directorate Admin Officer Disclosure of Interest: Nil REPORT PURPOSE To advise Council of the following planning and WAPC subdivision decisions issued for the above period. APPL. # P2381 DECISION OWNER APPLICANT ADDRESS LOT 169 (15) HAMPTON STREET ROEBOURNE LOT 168 (17) HAMPTON STREET ROEBOURNE LOT 9007 BAYNTON DRIVE BAYNTON APPLICATION TYPE SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT APPROVED WAPC S & CONSTRUCTION (WA) PTY LTD M LAND SURVEYS NO PROBLEMS JUST SOLUTIONS P2418 APPROVED WAPC S & CONSTRUCTION (WA) PTY LTD M LAND SURVEYS NO PROBLEMS JUST SOLUTIONS P2454 APPROVED DELEGATE LANDCORP P2740 APPROVED DELEGATE GLEN CAMILLE MICHAEL LAND SURVEYS NPJS PTY LTD LOT 82 WELLARD WAY BULGARRA SUBDIVISION P2801 APPROVED DAP PILBARA IRON CO SERVICES (WICKHAM) LOT 777 (21-27) CAJUPUT WAY WICKHAM DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT PANELS P2816 APPROVED DELEGATE GARY DOUGALAS & MICHELLE BEZ COMPLETION OF RESIDENTIAL DWELLING APPROVED DELEGATE STATE OF WA DEVELOPMENT NIGHTEEN [19] GROUPED DWELLINGS P2833 APPROVED DELEGATE AZZTASH PTY LTD POINCIANA NURSERY DEVELOPMENT PROPOSED VAN AND AREA P2834 APPROVED DELEGATE WA AUTHORITY WHELANS LOT 128 (2) CLIFF STREET POINT SAMSON LOT 517 DAMPIER ROAD NICKOL LOT 1487 LAMBERT ROAD LOT 3877 ANDERSON ROAD KARRATHA INDUSTRIAL ESTATE LOT 505 MADIGAN ROAD GAP RIDGE DEVELOPMENT P2818 TAYLOR BURRELL BARNETT TOWN PLANNING & DESIGN TRASAN CONTRACTING PTY LTD PINDAN PTY LTD SUBDIVISION P2835 APPROVED DELEGATE WEBBERTON INVESTMENTS LTD LOT 7 EXPLORATION DRIVE GAP RIDGE DEVELOPMENT CLEARANCE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT CONDITIONS WAPC 145912 DEPOSITED PLAN 74182 PROPOSED HOUSE FRAMING FACTORY WHELANS LAND PINDAN PTY LTD PTY Page 203 APPROVED WAPC 115210 SP61812 SUBDIVISION APPROVED WAPC 116110 SP61811 SUBDIVISION CLEARANCE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT CONDITIONS ON DEPOSITED PLAN 68020 WAPC 143689 CLEARANCE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT CONDITIONS ON SURVEY STRATA PLAN 65215 WAPC 962-11 TRANSIENT WORKFORCE ACCOMMODATION COFFEE SEATING Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 P2840 APPROVED COUNCIL WA AUTHORITY LAND RPS PLANNING P2855 APPROVED DELEGATE WA AUTHORITY LAND RPS PLANNING P2857 APPROVED DELEGATE STATE OF WA WA LAND AUTHORITY C/URBIS P2859 APPROVED DELEGATE JASON GORDON JOHNSON KEEDAK HOLDINGS LTD P2860 APPROVED DELEGATE REBECCA WILLIAMS PHILCO CONSTRUCTION P2861 APPROVED DELEGATE HAMERSLEY PTY LTD HAMERSLEY IRON PTY LTD P2862 APPROVED DELEGATE HAMISH SALM LE ROBERTS DRAFTING & DESIGN P2863 WITHDRAWN GLOBAL PTY LTD MARY JANSON FAMILY DAY CARE P2866 APPROVED DELEGATE PASTORAL MANAGEMENT LTD P2871 APPROVED DELEGATE MICHELLE KESSELL & BEAU LEE BASSETT MICHELLE KESSELL P2872 APPROVED DELEGATE WILLIAM MESSER WILLIAM MOFFAT MESSER IRON PANACEA PTY MOFFAT CHEVRON AUSTRALIA LTD PTY PTY LOT 504 BOWERBIRD DRIVE NICKOL LOT 504 BOWERBIRD DRIVE NICKOL DEVELOPMENT LOT 14, 15 & 16 EXPLORATION DRIVE, GAP RIDGE LOT 156 (5) WALLABY STREET BAYNTON AMALGAMATION LOT 2370 (6) SLATTERY CLOSE MILLARS WELL LOT 373 HIGH STREET DAMPIER LOT 628 (24) GANBARR STREET BAYNTON R-CODE VARIATION LOT 366 SAMSON WAY BULGARRA LOT 263 NORTH WEST COASTAL HIGHWAY MARDIE LOT 1843 (10) SNOOK WAY PEGS CREEK DEVELOPMENT LOT 377 FALCON PARADE NICKOL R-CODE VARIATION Page 204 (42) DEVELOPMENT R-CODE VARIATION DEVELOPMENT R-CODE VARIATION DEVELOPMENT R-CODE VARIATION EIGHT [8] SINGLE STOREY GROUPED DWELLINGS SIGNBOARD ADVERTISING – LOT 504 NICKOL (FORMER TAMBREY PRIMARY SCHOOL SITE) AMALGAMATION OF THREE [3] LOTS INTO ONE [1] LOT SINGLE DWELLING WITH REDUCED FRONT STREET SETBACK OF 4.4M WITH INSUFFICIENT COMPENSATION AREA, MAJOR OPENING (MASTER BEDROOM SUITE WINDOW) AND OUTDOOR ACTIVE HABITABLE AREA MORE THAN 0.5M ABOVE GROUND LEVEL INSUFFICIENTLY SETBACK FROM SOUTHERN BOUNDARY FOR VISUAL PRIVACY DOUBLE CARPORT WITH REDUCED PRIMARY STREET SETBACK PROPOSED FOUR (4) SHADE SAILS SINGLE DWELLING WITH SETBACK OF EAVES REDUCED TO 395MM FROM TRUNCATED BOUNDARY HOME OCCUPATION – FAMILY DAY CARE PIPELINE INSTALLATION, DEMOBILISATION AND REMEDIATION OUTBUILDING WITH REDUCED EASTERN SIDE BOUNDARY SETBACK [500MM] AND WALL HEIGHT OF 3M OUTBUILDING WITH REDUCED REAR BOUNDARY SETBACK Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 12.9 16 July 2012 JOINT DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT PANELS APPLICATIONS 5 JUNE 2012 1 JULY 2012 File No: Responsible Officer: TA/1/1 Director Development, Regulatory & Infrastructure Services Author Name: Directorate Admin Officer Disclosure of Interest: Nil REPORT PURPOSE To advise Council of the following JDAP Applications are still to be processed. APPL. # LODGEME NT DATE OWNER APPLICANT ADDRESS DESCRIPTION 178 OF 376 TRANSIENT WORKFORCE ACCOMMODATION [2&3 STORIES] 654 CARAVAN PARK & SHORT STAY ACCOMMODATION ON COMPRISING OF A TOURIST RESORT AND TRANSIENT WORKFORCE ACCOMMODATION EXPANSION OF KARRATHA WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT P2837 30/04/2012 ROBE RIVER MINING CO PTY LTD TAYLOR BURRELL BARNET LOT 369 (85) WICKHAM DRIVE, WICKHAM P2839 3/05/2012 ASPEN FUNDS MANAGEMENT LTD TPG TOWN PLANNING, URBAN DESIGN AND HERITAGE LOT 2654, 4210 (L2654,L4210) BALMORAL ROAD, GAP RIDGE P2877 07/06/2012 WATER CORPORATION & SHIRE OF ROEBOURNE TPG TOWN PLANNING AND URBAN DESIGN P2879 07/06/2012 ROBE RIVER IRON ASSOCIATES MT WELCOME PASTORAL CO PTY LTD WATER CORPORATION ROBE RIVER MINING CO PTY LTD NORTH MINING LIMITED MITSUI IRON ORE DEVELOPMEN T PTY LTD NIPPON STEEL AUSTRALIA PTY LIMITED SUMITOMO METAL AUSTRALIA PTY LTD WATER CORPORATI ON L1933 MILLSTREAM, BULATAGA & L3921 ROBINS ROAD, MULATAGA L65 CAPE LAMBERT ROAD POINT SAMSON L265 NORTH WEST COASTAL HIGHWAY COOYA POOYA L288 KARRATHA ROAD STOVE HILL L32 NORTH WEST COASTAL HIGHWAY COOYA POOYA L63 PANNAWONIC A-CAPE LAMBERT RAILWAY POINT SAMSON WATER STORAGE TANK & WATER CONVEYANCE INFRASTRUCTURE Page 205 DUE DATE OF PROVISIONS BY SHIRE 16/07/2012 JDAP MEETING DATE 25/07/2012 EXTENSION TO AUGUST 2012 PENDING 16/07/2012 25/07/2012 16/07/2012 25/07/2012 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 12.10 COSSACK ART AWARDS – INFORMATION ONLY File No: RC.95 Responsible Executive Officer: Director Community and Corporate Services Reporting Author: Manager Community Services Date of Report: 28 June 2012 Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachments: Nil REPORT To provide Council with an update on the 2012 Cossack Art Awards 20th Anniversary program of events. BACKGROUND The Cossack Art Award is respected internationally and recognised throughout Australia as the most isolated acquisitive art exhibition in the world. The level of sponsorship invested in the Cossack Art Award has also now placed it in the position of being the richest art award in regional Australia. In 2012, we celebrate the 20th anniversary of this important and prestigious event. Staged annually at the historic Cossack settlement, the event presents a unique opportunity for both established and emerging artists to exhibit their works in a nationally recognised public forum within the enthralling architecture of the Old Post and Telegraph Office and the Old Bond Store with its magnificent granite and bluestone masonry. In addition to the regular exhibition, the Shire of Roebourne in conjunction with Principal Partner Rio Tinto have coordinated a public program of events in celebration of the 20th anniversary, as outlined below. Wherever possible, feedback has been requested and incorporated from community members and associations. Art and Culture Trail 1 July 2012 onwards Various Locations FREE maps available from the Karratha Visitor Centre and Shire of Roebourne In recognition of the 20th anniversary, this trail traces 20 sites of arts and cultural significance throughout the Shire of Roebourne. It celebrates the heritage of this region and the important role that arts and culture plays in building and uniting strong communities. This self-guided cultural journey will provide a fresh perspective for residents and a wonderful introduction to visitors of the region. Judges Floor Talk 22 July, 2012 9am to 10am Bond Store The Floor Talk is back again in 2012. Both judges of the 2012 Cossack Art Award, Alan Dodge and Franchesca Cubillo will collaborate with Artsource curator, Tabitha Minns to Page 206 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 discuss the judging process and the great value of open art prizes. This will be a great opportunity to ask questions of knowledgeable and approachable arts professionals. Get behind the scenes to find out about the merits of the winning works, the process of curating and hanging, and much more during this guided tour through the exhibition. Light refreshments will be served. Cossack Family Day Sunday 22 July, 2012 10am to 3pm Cossack Foreshore In recent years, this popular event has attracted thousands of visitors. This year, as we celebrate 20 years of the Cossack Art Award, the Cossack Family Day provides a special opportunity to build community while spending time with family and friends. This exciting event showcases the talents and creativity of the community with market stalls, live entertainment and fun for the whole family. It also marks the opening of the Cossack Art Awards to the general public. Artist in Residence 16 July to 27 July, 2012 Galbraith Store , Cossack For this first time in the history of the Cossack Art Award, the town of Cossack is host to the winner of the Artist in Residence Prize, sponsored by Rio Tinto. Andy Quilty, winner of the 2011 Portraiture Award, will spend six weeks in Cossack creating his unique brillo pen drawings. The presence of the artist in Cossack is of great value to the community and, as a frequent visitor to the Pilbara region, this Rockingham-based artist already has a strong connection to the community and local culture. This emerging artist is leaving his popular shop-front studio location in downtown Perth to be re-inspired by the Pilbara region. Andy will be available for conversation with visitors about his work and experiences at the Galbraith Store, or simply peruse the sketches and completed pieces created in the studio. Adult Portraiture Workshops Tuesday 24 July, 2012 7pm to 8.30 pm Dampier Primary School Art Room Wednesday 25 July, 2012 7pm to 8.30pm Wickham Community Hall Thursday 26 July, 2012 7pm to 8.30pm Karratha Arts and Learning Centre 2012 Artist in Residence, Andy Quilty, is currently making inroads into the Perth art scene with his dynamic brillo pen drawings. Andy will lead a series of skills development drawing workshops during the first week of the 2012 Cossack Art Award Exhibition. The focus will be on portraiture, using the technique of translating photographs into dynamic pen and pencil drawings. Attendees are invited to bring in their own photographs to work from. Historic photographs related to the town of Cossack and the Award will be available as inspiration and points of interest. The workshops are open to the general public with limited spaces, so registrations are necessary. Page 207 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Youth Drawing Workshops 24 July to 26 July 2012 Galbraith Store Catering to high school aged youth, these drawing and storytelling workshops will be coordinated with local high schools, bringing students to Cossack to engage with Artist in Residence, Andy Quilty. The workshops aim to connect the history of the community with personal stories of young people explored in dynamic brillo pen sketches. Education Program 24 July to 26 July 2012 Bond Store Art Educator, Rachel Whiting, is developing an education program including activity packages available at the Bond Store to help children and young people engage with the exhibition. Download your ‘before and after’ viewing packages from the Shire of Roebourne website. 20 x 20 x 20 1 August to 20 August 2012 Karratha Visitor Centre Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Award, this event showcases twenty artworks from twenty individuals from the community that will be exhibited for twenty days. Community members have been invited to enter an artwork which celebrates the Pilbara and what it means to them. This exhibition gives local artists the opportunity to show three dimensional artworks that complement two-dimensional works shown in the Award. Come see sculptural forms inspired by the region. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS The Shire of Roebourne’s 2009-2013 Strategic Plan provides: Key Goal #1 Objectives: Priorities 2011/12: Communities “We will further develop and maintain the infrastructure and facilities to create aesthetically attractive and liveable towns which will develop into more diverse and balanced communities.” Creating aesthetically attractive and vibrant towns. Facilitating inclusive and engaged communities. Building capacity, capability and partnerships across the community. Encouraging the building of stable and diverse communities. Enhance the sense of community by coordinating a range of community events and activities. CONCLUSION In celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Cossack Art Awards, a coordinated public program of events has been developed by the Shire of Roebourne in conjunction with Principal Partner Rio Tinto. We encourage all residents and visitors to be part of these celebrations and the wider promotion of arts and culture in our region. Page 208 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 13 MOTIONS OF WHICH PREVIOUS NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN 14 QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS OF WHICH DUE NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN Page 209 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 15 URGENT BUSINESS APPROVED BY THE PERSON PRESIDING OR BY DECISION 15.1 SCHEME AMENDMENT TO CLAUSE 7.5 OF TPS8 – STORM SURGE RISK SPECIAL CONTROLS File No: SA 27, 2926 Responsible Executive Officer: Director Development and Regulatory Services Reporting Author: Manager Planning Services Date of Report: 12 July 2012 Applicant / Proponent: Shire of Roebourne Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Department of Transport Further Advice McLeods Legal Advice–Storm Surge Risk McLeods Legal Advice-Clause Text Planning Scheme Amendment Report Amended Draft DP19 for public exhibition Planning scheme amendment process chart PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to request Council to initiate an amendment to the Shire of Roebourne Town Planning Scheme No. 8 (TPS8) pursuant to Part 5 of the Planning and Development Act 2005. The proposed amendment to Clause 7.5 is to clarify the Shire’s ability to apply discretion with respect to considering in the Storm Surge Risk Special Control Area Residential, Commerce or Health, Welfare and Community categories of development within an area known to be subject to 100 year ARI storm surge events. The need for urgent scheme amendment was foreshadowed in the Critical Issues Brief of 3 July 2012. The need for urgent action was further highlighted in the State Administrative Tribunal Directions Hearing on Friday 6th July between Megara and Shire of Roebourne regarding a deemed refusal by Council for 199 and 200 Richardson Way, Bulgarra. While a planning permit has now been issued for Lot 199, due to the modeled storm surge and overland flood risk contours pertinent to the land, a planning permit has not been issued for Lot 200. BACKGROUND Storm Surge Risk Special Control Area Provisions TPS 8 planning scheme maps identify the “Storm Surge Risk Special Control Area” as the entire area from the entire Shire of Roebourne coastline to the North West Coastal Highway. Planning applications in this area must meet requirements set out in Clause 7.5 of TPS8 which reads as follows: Page 210 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 7.5.1 When considering applications for planning approval, Council staff shall have regard to information about the land prone to 1 in 100 year storm surge events and may permit, with or without conditions, or refuse proposals at its discretion. 7.5.2 When considering applications for planning approval, Council shall consult the relevant agencies regarding the most up-to-date information available about potential storm surge events and sea level rise which may affect the proposals subject to application. 7.5.3 Development within the Residential, Commerce or Health, Welfare and Community categories in the zoning table is not permitted within an area known to be subject to 1 in 100 year storm surge events. Council may approve other development categories subject to considering: (a) the sensitivity of the proposal to risk; (b) protection measures to be constructed; (c) social and cultural values. The Shire’s policy position is that through engineering or other technical or design solutions, land may be protected from being subject to a 100 year ARI storm surge event. The Shire wants the ability to apply its discretion to grant planning approval for residential, commercial and health, welfare and community categories where the effect of mitigation measures can be proven to remove that risk, to the satisfaction of the Shire in consultation with relevant government agencies. Additionally, Council’s view is that proponents should have the ability to prepare detailed storm surge studies for their land to the satisfaction of relevant authorities to demonstrate that actions they propose can remove their land from being prone to, or known to be, subject to a 100 year ARI storm surge event. At the Ordinary meeting of Council held on 21 May 2012, Council resolved by ABSOLUTE Majority pursuant to Section 3.18 of the Local Government Act 1995 to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ENDORSE the Policy Principles set out in Attachment 2 to the report. ENDORSE the draft Storm Surge Risk Area Interim Policy set out in Attachment 4 for the purpose of undertaking public consultation pursuant to Clause 5.1.4 of Town Planning Scheme No. 8 (TPS8). NOTE the draft amendment to TPS8 as set out in Attachment 3; DELEGATE AUTHORITY to the CEO to obtain further legal advice on the draft planning policy and incorporate any necessary adjustments prior to public exhibition and to determine whether a planning scheme amendment is also required. AUTHORISE the CEO to negotiate with the Department of Water and other relevant authorities for cost sharing in the preparation of a package of public information drawn from the Karratha Coastal Vulnerability Study; ADVERTISE the draft Storm Surge Risk Area Interim Policy and scheme amendment documentation for a period of not less than twenty eight (28) days. REPORT back to Council following consideration of any submissions received during the advertising period for final endorsement of the policy.” At the time of Council’s consideration it was unclear whether a planning scheme amendment was required. The 21 May 2012 Council meeting adopted DP19 Draft Storm Surge Risk Area Planning Policy for the purposes of advertising to provide guidance to the Shire and applicants on application of the current Clause 7.5 while Council considers whether a planning scheme amendment is required; and if an amendment was required, Page 211 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 while the amendment process is followed. Council’s determination was subject to the CEO obtaining further legal advice. Following instructions set out in the 21 May 2012 resolution Council sought further relevant agency advice and obtained further legal advice from McLeod’s Barristers and Solicitors. Both sources of advice have recommended urgent changes be made to the wording of Clause 7.5. Further legal advice has confirmed that under the current wording of TPS8 clause 7.5.3, the Shire has no such discretion. Relevant Agency further consultation On 12 June 2012, the Shire convened a meeting with Department of Planning, Water and Transport, FESA and LandCorp to: i) discuss the constraints imposed by the Shire’s Storm Surge Risk Area planning scheme clauses and proposed policy; ii) seek specific information from each agency regarding any known storm surge events in Karratha; and iii) request specific advice from the Department of Water and Transport on storm surge inundation levels on sites that are currently held up due to risk management concerns. On 25 June 2012 the Shire received correspondence from the Department of Transport’s Coastal Management Division in response to the Shire’s request for historical inundation information. This correspondence stated that the Department of Transport did not support the Shire’s interpretation of TPS8 in that land can only be classified as ‘known to be subject to’ a 100 year storm surge event if there is historical evidence of past inundation. The Department of Transport stated that the “only practical and appropriate methodology for storm surge prediction in northwest Australia is using numerical models.” Refer Attachment 1. If this position is taken by the Shire AND the modeling in the KCVS is used to determine areas ‘known to be subject to’ a 100 year ARI storm surge event, then almost all outstanding Applications will have to be refused under TPS8. If the proposed amendments to State Planning Policy 2.6, which intend to introduce the 500 year ARI Storm Surge event levels then all current applications would have to be refused. Legal Advice The Shire’s initial legal advice in relation to the interpretation of Clause 7.5 concluded that there was potential for conflict between clause 7.5.1 and 7.5.3 and that clause 7.5.3 is the dominant clause. This therefore prohibits Council from approving development within the Residential, Commerce or Health, Welfare and Community categories within an area known to be subject to a 100 year ARI storm surge event. This early legal advice also concluded, provided it can be demonstrated that land is not in an area that is known to be subject to a 100 year ARI storm surge event then clause 7.5.3 does not preclude the Shire from granting planning approval to development within the Residential, Commerce or Health and/or Welfare and Community categories defined in TPS8. Attachment 2 reports on further discussion between McLeods Barristers and Solicitors and Lavan, LandCorp’s legal advisers, in which legal experts jointly considered the wording of Clause 7.5. Both confirm a scheme amendment is required to provide Council with clarity and flexibility to administer Clause 7.5 and apply discretionary decision making. Attachment 3 provides further legal advice on the legal format for the amendment to achieve the desired ends. Page 212 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Statutory Provisions Following discussion with relevant Government agencies, and confirmation by McLeods, the proposed amendment of the wording of Clause 7.5 is provided below: 1. Delete cll.7.5.1, 7.5.2 and 7.5.3, and substitute the following: ‘7.5.1 When considering an application for planning approval for land in the Storm Surge Risk Special Control Area, the Council is to have regard to information about the land to ascertain whether or not it is prone to 100 year ARI storm surge events and subject to clause 7.5.3 is to determine any such application in accordance with the provisions of the Scheme. 7.5.2 When considering an application for planning approval for land in the Storm Surge Risk Special Control Area, the Council is to consult the relevant agencies regarding the most up-to-date information available about potential storm surge events and sea level rise which has the potential to affect any proposal involved in the application. 7.5.3 An application for planning approval on land prone to 100 year ARI storm surge events is not to be approved unless topographical, hydrological, engineering, design and project scale and lifespan information, and such other information as is relevant in the circumstances of the case, is submitted with the application, and in the opinion of the Council is sufficient to demonstrate that risk to the following is suitably avoided, remedied or mitigated: (a) Human life and health; (b) Property; (c) Utility and service infrastructure; and (d) Social, cultural and environmental values. The Council may refuse to accept or to consider an application where satisfactory information is not provided in accordance with this clause. 7.5.4 In any case dealt with by the Council under clause 7.5.3, the Council may require proof of the standard and reliability of any expert opinion, certification or data supplied in support of the application, and may further require: (a) That any expert opinion, certification or data be provided to the Council in a form and in circumstances which would enable the Council to rely directly on the professional liability of the expert; (b) That evidence be provided as to the amount of professional indemnity insurance cover held by the expert providing the opinion, certification or data in support of an application; and (c) That further advice or opinion be obtained at the expense of the applicant from an independent expert.’ Page 213 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 The necessary Planning Report supporting the proposed Scheme Amendment is contained in Attachment 4. Attachment 5 sets out the Draft DP 19 Planning Policy that is to be concurrently advertised with the proposed planning scheme amendment. This draft planning policy sets out the decision rules that Council would apply to the discretionary decision making proposed in the scheme amendment. LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE The degree of importance of this issue is Significant, taking into account criteria set out in Council Policy CE8, in terms of the likely consequences for: 1. The current and future social, economic, environmental and cultural well being of the Shire; 2. Any persons who are likely to be particularly affected by, or interested in the issue, proposal, decision or matter; and 3. The capacity of the Council to perform its role, and the financial and other costs of doing so. The scheme amendment will clarify the Shire’s ability to approve certain developments within an area known to be within a 100 year ARI storm event taking into account a number of key considerations. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION Through Critical Issues briefings, Councillors have been extensively informed of the issues at hand since the draft Karratha Coastal Vulnerability Study was first provided to Council. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION Any proposal to amend TPS8 as set out in clauses 9.2.1 and 9.2.3 of the planning scheme requires Council adoption, referral to the Environment Protection Authority and then public exhibition prior to final Council adoption, referral to the WAPC to conclude the scheme amendment. Advertising of Scheme Amendments cannot commence until the Environmental Protection Authority (‘EPA’) has considered the Amendment and has issued a determination under Section 48 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986. The EPA has a statutory timeframe of 28 days to determine whether or not the amendment will required a formal assessment procedure (‘Environmental Review’). Should an Environmental Review be triggered, the progress of the Amendment may be significantly delayed. Community consultation is to occur following consideration of the EPA requirements. Once it has been considered by the EPA, the proposed scheme amendment must be advertised for a period of not less than 42 days in accordance with Regulation 25 (j)(v) of the Town Planning Regulations 1967. Regulation 25 (j)(v) also states, at the request of the responsible authority [Council], the Commission may decide that another date, not less than 21 days from the date of publication of advertising notices, is appropriate for the Amendment. Further consideration is given later in this report to the community consultation requirements. After considering any submissions received within the specified advertising period, Council may resolve under Regulation 17 (2): a. That the scheme amendment be adopted with or without modification; or b. That it does not wish to proceed with the scheme amendment. STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS The proposed scheme amendment will provide a greater level of clarity and flexibility regarding the application of Clause 7.5 particularly in relation to the Shire’s ability to apply Page 214 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 its discretion for residential, commercial, health and welfare categories of development in the Storm Surge Risk Special Control Area which are within an area known to be prone to a 100 year ARI storm surge event. State Planning Policy 2.6 – State Coastal Planning Policy The draft State Planning Policy 2.6 requires consideration be given to ocean forces and coastal processes that have a 0.2 percent or one in five hundred probability of being equaled or exceeded in any given year over the planning time frame. The implications of this shift to 500 year storm events in Karratha is likely to exacerbate Council’s problems under Clause 7.5 without the amendment being set in place. Planning Bulletin No. 29 Planning Bulletin No. 29 released by the WAPC clarifies when a Scheme Amendment is required to be referred to the WAPC for consent to advertise. One of the items requiring consideration is whether the proposed Scheme Amendment is consistent with a State Planning Policy. In this instance State Planning Policy 2.6 is relevant. As described above, SPP 2.6 requires consideration be given to storm surge events with a one in five hundred probability of occurrence. The proposed Scheme Amendment requires that Council consider the areas prone to and known to be within an area subject to 1 in 100 year ARI storm surge events. While this does not directly correspond to the requirements of the draft SPP2.6, it is considered that the Scheme Amendment is not inconsistent with the draft SPP2.6. State Planning Policy 3.4 Natural Hazards SPP 3.4 was designed to ensure that land use planning appropriately considers the risk of natural hazards and disasters. It covers cyclonic activity and storm surge as well as a range of other hazards. With respect to storm surge, SPP 3.4 states: Where storm surge studies have been undertaken and show that inundation may occur, new permanent buildings should be constructed to take account of the effects of storm surge (including wind and wave set up). In areas where storm surge studies have not been undertaken, but evidence is available to demonstrate vulnerability to inundation, any development proposals should be supported by studies that demonstrate inundation will not occur. Concluding remarks on Statutory Implications The proposed planning scheme amendment and planning policy take into account the effects on subject land of both storm surge and overland flood events. The proposed draft Storm Surge Risk Area Planning Policy prepared by the Shire acknowledges the requirements of draft SPP 2.6 and SPP 3.4. Due consideration will be given to the draft SPP2.6 in the Shires amendment to TPS8 and final draft planning policy. The proposed Scheme Amendment is consistent with relevant State policies. In accordance with the criteria set out in Planning Bulletin No 29, Council officers advise that the consent of the WAPC prior to advertising the amendment is not required. Page 215 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 POLICY IMPLICATIONS Legal Advice As previously advised to Councilors, the Shire sought legal advice from McLeod’s solicitors in relation to the interpretation of Clause 7.5. This advice concluded there was potential for conflict between clause 7.5.1 and 7.5.3 as currently written. It also confirmed clause 7.5.3 is the dominant clause, and this clause prohibits Council from approving development within the Residential, Commerce or Health, Welfare and Community categories within an area known to be in a 1 in 100 year storm surge area. McLeod’s have considered and endorsed Council’s draft amendment to Clause 7.5. DP19 Draft Storm Surge Risk Area Planning Policy The interim Storm Surge Risk Area Planning Policy adopted by Council on 21 May 2012 for the purposes of public notification has been prepared to support the interpretation and application of the current Clause 7.5 amendments. The draft policy is proposed to be advertised concurrently with the scheme amendment. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS McLeods have advised Council to refer the management of risks that underlie the Storm Surge Risk issue to Council’s risk management advisory process. To this end, a meeting is being held with the Western Australian Local Government Association’s Risk Management advisers on 10 July 2012. Thirteen applications for planning approval are currently affected by Council’s inability to make a determination following Council’s receipt of the draft Karratha Coastal Vulnerability Study. Two of these applications have jointly been brought before the State Administrative Tribunal for a failure to make a determination. Given a clearer understanding of the legal points at issue, on 6th July, the appellant withdrew their appeal. Nevertheless, Council is open to legal action by other applicants whose applications have been placed on hold. These applications are listed in Appendix 5. Urgent resolution of the legal obstacles is required to resolve the current impasse restricting Council’s determination on these applications. These legal issues can only properly be addressed through a planning scheme amendment. The planning scheme amendment process is quite prolonged. The onus is on the responsible authority to notify affected landowners, publicly display and advertise in district newspapers the proposed amendment. Given the significance of the storm surge issue, Council should consider a public information campaign to inform and educate residents and land owners. Holding a number of public meetings may be considered appropriate as adjuncts to the usual amendment process. It is estimated that a minimum of $20,000 including obtaining legal costs, compilation of documentation, advertisements and provision of community information and education sessions to see the proposed amendment and policy through to final adoption and commencement. This is a conservative estimate and more detailed cost information is being compiled prior to a making a submission to Council for a formal budget amendment in August 2012 to cover the estimated costs. Page 216 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS The context of this agenda report has specific implications to the Shire of Roebourne’s 2009-2013 Strategic Plan: Key Goal #1 Communities “We will further develop and maintain the infrastructure and facilities to create aesthetically attractive and liveable towns which will develop into more diverse and balanced communities.” Objectives: Creating aesthetically attractive and vibrant towns. Facilitating inclusive and engaged communities. Building capacity, capability and partnerships across the community. Encouraging the building of stable and diverse communities. Providing a range of appropriate facilities that reflect the demography of the communities. Working with industry, LandCorp and the state government to minimise the reliance on transient workers employment for the operational phases of our major resource projects. Key Goal #3 Local Economy “Managing and maximizing the benefits of growth in the region while diversifying our economic base.” Objective: Facilitating the release of land to cater for growing development opportunities. RISK MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS Council has a duty of care to ensure adequate provision is made for protection of human life, private and community infrastructure and all sensitive land uses in storm surge and overland flood inundation that lie within the Storm Surge Risk Special Control Area. The Victorian Bushfire Royal Commission concluded in 2011 that protection of human life is the primary duty of care in a natural hazard emergency. The proposed scheme amendment will provide a greater level of clarity and flexibility regarding the application of Clause 7.5 particularly in relation to the Shire’s ability to apply its discretion in relation to certain development within the Storm Surge Risk Special Control Area. The proposed scheme amendment provides for suitable protections and precautionary actions for risk management. As referred to above, explicit risk management advice is being sought and will be incorporated into the scheme amendment considerations. Council officers met with the Local Government Investment Service [LGIS] and FESA on 10 July to discuss management of storm surge risk issues. LGIS are preparing a proposal to examine current applications and policy and scheme amendment documentation and provide advice on level of risk and methods of ameliorating/avoiding unacceptable risk. This advice will be circulated to Council when it is provided. ISSUES Economic Issues The proposed scheme amendment will provide greater clarity and certainty regarding the mitigating measures that development proposals may incorporate to allow the Shire to apply its discretion in granting development approval for certain development within an area known to be impacted by a 100 year ARI storm surge event. This has the potential to ensure large tracts of land within Karratha are not unduly constrained. Social Issues Council has a responsibility to ensure development occurs in a way that provides an acceptable level of protection and risk mitigation from natural hazards. The proposed scheme amendment policy outlines development standards and mitigating measures to be incorporated into developments to remove such development from the risk of 100 year ARI storm surge events and overland flows. Page 217 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Environmental Issues The Storm Surge Risk Special Control Area delineated in the planning scheme, arose from an awareness of the need to modify human behavior and development expectations in cyclone prone areas to avoid negative impacts of known and anticipated natural hazards. This is explicitly required of responsible authorities under State Planning Policy 2.6 Coastal Planning and State Planning Policy 3.4 Natural Hazards. A coherent, precautionary yet enabling risk-management approach is proposed in the planning scheme amendment set out in this report and its attachments. Cultural and Heritage Issues The current provisions of TPS 8 Clause 7.5 require consideration of the sensitivity of the proposal to risk; protection measures to be constructed; and social and cultural values. To clarify criteria for discretionary decision making by Council, these considerations are maintained and expanded in the proposed scheme amendment. IMPACT ON CAPACITY Lack of a clear legal and policy framework has constrained council officers from performing their statutory responsibilities, holding up assessment of many planning applications within the Storm Surge Risk Special Control Area. The procedures and information requirements set out in the Draft Local Planning Policy DP19 Storm Surge Risk Special Controls which accompanies the proposed amendments to Clause 7.5 will facilitate consistent planning assessments under TPS8, provide greater clarity to applicant’s, and streamline the process for considering applications within areas within the Storm Surge Risk Special Control Area. DELEGATED AUTHORITY Officer recommendations request that Council grant delegated authority to the Chief Executive Officer to refer the scheme amendment to the WAPC for final adoption in the event that no objections are received. The reason for this is to expedite this amendment to TPS8 as there are numerous applications on hold pending resolution of the issues surrounding the application and interpretation of Clause 7.5. VOTING REQUIREMENTS ABSOLUTE Majority CONCLUSION Taking into account information provided in the Karratha Coastal Vulnerability Study and related legal and policy advices obtained by Council and provided by other government agencies, the final determination of a significant number of applications for planning approval has been delayed due to the current wording of Clause 7.5 and the absence of a legally enabled Council policy. The Shire must have flexibility and certainty to apply its discretion in determining planning applications for residential, commercial and welfare, health and community categories of development in the Storm Surge Risk Special Control Area. Discretionary decision making must, balanced by a strong regard for avoidance and mitigation of risks, incorporate technological and engineering or design measures to remove development from risk of storm surge or overland flood inundation in the event of a storm surge or overland flooding event, or exclude developments where this cannot be reasonably assured. It is concluded that Clause 7.5 must be amended as a matter of priority to enable the Shire to apply discretion in its decision making in the Storm Surge Risk Special Control Area; and further to this discretion, to provide clarity regarding the parameters with which the Shire may apply its discretion to approve developments within the Residential, Commerce or Health, Welfare and Community categories. Page 218 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 The proposed amendment will clarify that specific and detailed technical advice may be considered by the Shire and other relevant authorities, along with specific details of the land and development to determine whether a site or area is within a 100 year ARI storm surge event area and whether developments proposed, if duly constructed, can provide sufficient mitigating measures to remove that development from a 100 year ARI storm surge event. The proposed scheme amendment is presented to Council for consideration prior to public consultation. OPTIONS Option 1: As set out in the Officer Recommendation below. Option 2: That the Council by ABSOLUTE Majority pursuant to Section 3.18 of the Local Government Act 1995 in accordance with Council Part 5 of the Planning and Development Act 2005 resolve not to initiate the proposed Amendment to the Shire of Roebourne Town Planning Scheme No 8. Page 219 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152149 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Lally Cr Long That Council suspend Standing Orders to allow for open discussion of this item. CARRIED FOR : AGAINST : Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling. Nil COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152150 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Lockwood Cr Lally That Council reinstate Standing Orders. CARRIED FOR : AGAINST : Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling. Nil OFFICERS RECOMMENDATIONS / COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152151 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Lockwood Cr Lally That the Council by ABSOLUTE Majority pursuant to Section 3.18 of the Local Government Act 1995 and in accordance with Part 5 of the Planning and Development Act 2005, initiate an Amendment to the Shire of Roebourne Town Planning Scheme No. 8 as follows: 1. Delete cll.7.5.1, 7.5.2 and 7.5.3, and substitute the following: ‘7.5.1 When considering an application for planning approval for land in the Storm Surge Risk Special Control Area, the Council is to have regard to information about the land to ascertain whether or not it is prone to 100 year ARI storm surge events and subject to clause 7.5.3 is to determine any such application in accordance with the provisions of the Scheme. 7.5.2 When considering an application for planning approval for land in the Storm Surge Risk Special Control Area, the Council is to consult the relevant agencies regarding the most up-to-date information available about potential storm surge events and sea level rise which has the potential to affect any proposal involved in the application. Page 220 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 7.5.3 An application for planning approval on land prone to 100 year ARI storm surge events is not to be approved unless topographical, hydrological, engineering, design and project scale and lifespan information, and such other information as is relevant in the circumstances of the case, is submitted with the application, and in the opinion of the Council is sufficient to demonstrate that risk to the following is suitably avoided, remedied or mitigated: (a) Human life and health; (b) Property; (c) Utility and service infrastructure; and (d) Social, cultural and environmental values. The Council may refuse to accept or to consider an application where satisfactory information is not provided in accordance with this clause. 7.5.4 In any case dealt with by the Council under clause 7.5.3, the Council may require proof of the standard and reliability of any expert opinion, certification or data supplied in support of the application, and may further require: (a) That any expert opinion, certification or data be provided to the Council in a form and in circumstances which would enable the Council to rely directly on the professional liability of the expert; (b) That evidence be provided as to the amount of professional indemnity insurance cover held by the expert providing the opinion, certification or data in support of an application; and (c) That further advice or opinion be obtained at the expense of the applicant from an independent expert.’ 2. That CEO write to the Western Australian Planning Commission seeking a relaxation in the period of advertising of the planning scheme amendment pursuant to clause 25 (j) (v) of the Town Planning Regulations 1967. 3. That the CEO refer the Scheme Amendment documents to the Environmental Protection Authority for its assessment in accordance with Section 48 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986; and 4. Subject to a response from the Environmental Protection Authority advising that the Scheme Amendment does not warrant formal assessment, and confirmation of advertising period from the WAPC, proceed to advertise the scheme amendment, Planning Report and supporting documents in accordance with the Planning and Development Act 2005 and Regulation 25 of the Town Planning Regulations 1967. Page 221 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 CARRIED FOR : AGAINST : Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling. Nil Page 222 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 15.2 16 July 2012 BUDGET AMENDMENT KARRATHA LIBRARY – PLANT PURCHASE File No: FM.1 Responsible Executive Officer: Director Community & Corporate Services Reporting Author: Manager Community Services Date of Report: 10 July 2012 Attachment(s) Nil PURPOSE To seek Council endorsement to amend the 2012/2013 Community and Corporate Services Karratha Library Budget to fund the purchase of a vehicle (Suzuki Swift) for the position of Library Coordinator. BACKGROUND A Coordinator Library Services (CLS) has been appointed to directly manage all staff currently employed within Shire of Roebourne libraries. Following formal notification from Pilbara Institute (formally Pilbara Tafe) and the Department of Training and Workforce Development, that terminated agreements pertaining to the operation of the Karratha Community Library, this position was deemed essential to continue an effective and reliable Library Service to the Shire of Roebourne community. It was determined that the CLS would have restricted use of a Shire vehicle to deliver services across all four libraries within the Shire. The budget for this expense was located in the Karratha Library Contributions account for 2011/2012 financial year, with the intent that this allocation would be redistributed to relevant employment costs and expense accounts in the 2012/2013 financial year. A budgetary allocation was made for vehicle leasing in the 2012/2013 financial year, however the budget was not allocated to a capital expense account or plant operating account that would: (a) effectively enable the purchase of a new vehicle. (b) cost ongoing plant and maintenance expenses. Officers recommend that a new capital expense account be created for the vehicle, and that a budget amendment be made from the Library Contributions account. As this position also provides strategic direction to the Shire enabling the development of policies, processes and programmes that ensure a cost efficient, relevant, responsive and highly accessible free library and information service is provided to the community, travel to all 4 library sites is required. Access to a permanent vehicle is essential. LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE It is not considered that the proposed budget amendment and purchase of this new plant triggers the threshold or criteria which would define this as a significant matter in accordance with Council Policy CE8 – Significant Decision Making Policy. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION Consultation has taken place with the Director of Community and Corporate Services in relation to the proposed acquisition. Page 223 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 COMMUNITY CONSULTATION No community consultation is required. STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS Section 6.8 of the Local Government Act 1995 6.8. Expenditure from municipal fund not included in annual budget (1) A local government is not to incur expenditure from its municipal fund for an additional purpose except where the expenditure — (a) is incurred in a financial year before adoption of the annual budget by the local government; (b) is authorised in advance by resolution; or (c) is authorised in advance by the mayor or president in an emergency. *Absolute majority required. The prescribed format has been determined in Regulation 33A of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations, 1996. As per Local Government Act 1995 sec 6.8 changes to budget need to be authorised in advance by resolution. POLICY IMPLICATIONS The Shire’s financial reporting is prepared in accordance with Accounting Policy CF1. This is reviewed periodically to ensure compliance with legislative and statutory obligations. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The report considers the financial position of the council and makes an amendment as determined by management to ensure the budget represents the most current reflection of Council’s activities for the remainder of the 2012/13 financial year. The financial implications of this report are that there will be a Nil impact on the estimated budget surplus/deficit for 2012/13. Acc No 330505 330020 330200 Account Description Purchase Plant Libraries MUN Plant Op CostsKarratha Library MUN Karratha Library Contribution MUN 2012/2013 Budget (Inc.)/ Dec New Budget Total 0 -16386 16386 0 -2600 2600 80000 18986 61014 Reason Move a portion of the budgeted expense for Karratha Library Contribution from operating to capital to allow the total cost of this asset to be captured. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS The context of this agenda report has specific implications to the Shire of Roebourne’s 2009-2013 Strategic Plan: Key Goal #2: Delivering Services “We will provide efficient and effective Local Government service delivery that meets our communities’ expectations” Objectives: Implementing an asset register to identify opportunities to upgrade existing infrastructure. Increasing the profile of the organisation to attract high quality candidates and ensuring Human Resource policies reflect best practice. Promoting the Shire as an employer of choice, with trainee and indigenous employment opportunities available. RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS There are no risk management considerations applicable. Page 224 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 ISSUES Economic Issues There are no economic issues related to this matter. Social Issues There are no social issues related to this matter. Environmental Issues There are no environmental issues related to this matter. Cultural and Heritage Issues There are no Cultural & Heritage issues related to this matter. IMPACT ON CAPACITY There is no impact on capacity or resourcing to carry out the Officer’s recommendation. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS There are no relevant precedents related to this matter. DELEGATED AUTHORITY Officers have delegations within their duties to procure, carry out or receive monies. There is no delegation otherwise to receive these budget amendments without being presented to Council. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Absolute Majority OPTIONS: Option 1 As per Officer’s recommendation. Option 2 That Council by ABSOLUTE Majority pursuant to Section 6.8 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. AMEND the proposed Budget 2012/2013 Amendment presented 2. AMEND with the following changes: a. ___________________ b. ___________________ CONCLUSION In order for the Coordinator Library Services to have restricted access to a Shire vehicle, a budgetary allocation has been made for vehicle associated costs in the 2012/2013 financial year. This budget was not allocated to a capital expense account or plant operating account that would: (a) effectively enable the purchase of a new vehicle. (b) cost ongoing plant and maintenance expenses. Community Services would like to request that a new capital expense account be created for the vehicle, and that a budget amendment be made from the Library Contributions account. Page 225 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION / COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152152 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Smeathers Cr Bertling That Council by ABSOLUTE Majority pursuant to Section 6.8 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to APPROVE a Budget Amendment to Decrease operational expenditure budgeted to Karratha Library Contribution Account (330200) by $18,986, Increase capital expenditure for Purchase Plant – Libraries (330505) by $16,386 and Increase operational expenditure for Plant Op Costs-Karratha Library (330020) by $2,600 resulting in a Nil impact to Council’s Budget Surplus/Deficit 2012/2013. Acc No Account Description Purchase Plant Libraries MUN Plant Op CostsKarratha Library MUN Karratha Library Contribution MUN 330505 330020 330200 2012/2013 Budget (Inc.)/ Dec New Budget Total 0 -16386 16386 0 -2600 2600 80000 18986 61014 Reason Move a portion of the budgeted expense for Karratha Library Contribution from operating to capital to allow the total cost of this asset to be captured. CARRIED FOR : AGAINST : Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling. Nil Page 226 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152153 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Lockwood Cr Smeathers That Council bring item 15.4 forward. CARRIED FOR : AGAINST : 15.4 Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling. Nil ROEBOURNE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES JULY 2012 File No: CS.4 Responsible Executive Officer: Director Community And Corporate Services Reporting Author: Manager Community Services Date of Report: 4 July 2012 Applicant/Proponent: Roebourne Advisory Committee Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s) 1. Minutes of Roebourne Advisory Committee meeting held Monday 2 July 2012 2. Proposed car park as provided by Executive Manager Infrasturuture and Works PURPOSE To present for Council consideration the minutes of the Roebourne Advisory Committee (RAC) meeting held Monday 2 July 2012. BACKGROUND A Roebourne Advisory Committee (RAC) meeting was held on Monday 2 July 2012 at the Roebourne Hospital meeting room. Minutes of the meeting are provided as an attachment to this report. A summary of the key matters considered at the meeting were: A number of items require input from Main Roads of Western Australia. A representative will be invited to the next meeting for the RAC to decide on future direction of these items. Feedback on the proposed rewording of the Rock Wall signage was requested from the community. The only feedback received was from Ngarluma Aboriginal Corporation (NAC) who requested “Wayiba milbama Ieramugadu-Gardi "Ngarluma Page 227 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Country". Welcome to Ieramugadu” be placed on the rock wall. As this text will not fit on the wall, it has alternatively been incorporated at the tourist bay signage area. Based on quotes received from external contractors, the Committee has recommended an increase from a budgeted $40,000 to $52,250 in order to progress works and complete the proposed car park near Centenary Park. The planned works are included as an attachment to this report. An application was received by Tu Te Puehu for a community event. The RAC have recommended an allocation of $20,000 towards community events for the 12/13 Financial Year. RAC recommended that Tu Te Puehu resubmit the application with further information, as the form submitted was for 11/12 Financial Year and is unclear in its content. Options available to upgrade of the Roebourne War Memorial based on conversations with representatives from the RSL and Pilbara Regiment. The RAC wish to explore these options further. Financial position of the RAC and timelines for required expenditure of funds. A flyer is to developed requesting input from the community on what they may like to see occur in their town. Overview of current resolution register LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE The level of significance regarding the Roebourne Advisory Committee minutes is high. In the context of CE8 Significant Decision Making Policy, it directly relates to the Strategic Plan in particular Key Result Areas One and Two – Communities and Delivery of Services respectively. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION Consultation has taken place with various officers as needed in regards to resolving action items on the resolution register. In particular, the current proposed projects such as the Roebourne rock wall signage and the car park on Roe Road have all had relevant consultation with the Directorate Development, Regulatory and Infrastructure. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION Members of the Roebourne Advisory Committee consult with Community members in Roebourne on a day to day basis and on more specific issues as they come to hand. Consultation has recently concluded in regards to the Roebourne Rock Wall. The only feedback received was from Ngarluma Aboriginal Corporation indicating they would like “Wayiba milbama Ieramugadu-Gardi "Ngarluma Country". Welcome to Ieramugadu” on the sign. As this will not fit on the current rock wall, the text has been incorporated onto other signage currently being updated. STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS The Roebourne Advisory Committee is an official committee of Council appointed under Section 5.18 of the Local Government Act 1995. POLICY IMPLICATIONS All projects currently identified by RAC will need to adhere to Policy CS19 Annual Community Association Grant Schemes due to funding for the projects being provided through ACADS and Birra Birra ex-gratia payments. Page 228 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 This policy currently states ‘All projects should endeavour to be self sustaining with no ongoing costs to the Shire (ie: maintenance). If future costs are required, the Community Association must provide the Shire with a life cycle cost plan and demonstrate how these costs will be met.’ To date, the Committee have not submitted any cost plans indicating how the ongoing maintenance costs of their projects will be met. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The Roebourne Advisory Council has recommended an increase in the budgetary allocation to the carpark alongside Centennary Park (in order to progress works). They have also allocated $20,000 to community events for the 2012/2013 Financial Year. As both these amounts fall within current ACADS and Birra Birra ex gratia payment allocation to the RAC, there are no unbudgeted financial implications to the Shire. Items to be discussed further by the Committee, such as a coin operated shower may have future ongoing maintenance and cost implications to the Shire. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS Key Goal #1 Objectives: Initiatives 2009-13: Key Goal #2: Objectives: Initiatives 2009-13: Communities “We will further develop and maintain the infrastructure and facilities to create aesthetically attractive and liveable towns which will develop into more diverse and balanced communities.” Creating aesthetically attractive and vibrant towns. Facilitating inclusive and engaged communities. Building capacity, capability and partnerships across the community. Encouraging the building of stable and diverse communities. Providing a range of appropriate facilities that reflect the demography of the communities. Design and construct ‘entry statements’ for each town. Increase the attractiveness of the streetscape amenity and foster pride in maintaining a higher standard of the upkeep of homes, businesses and public space throughout the Shire. Enhance the sense of community by coordinating a range of community events and activities. Delivering Services “We will provide efficient and effective Local Government service delivery that meets our communities’ expectations” Meeting the set service standards. Building a high performance work culture. Focusing on continuous improvement and best practice. Enhancing environmental attitudes organisation wide. Set service standards and regularly review to ensure they reflect the communities’ priorities.. Encourage improvement ideas and evaluated for implementation. RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS There are no risk management issues relevant to this matter. ISSUES Economic Issues Implementation of the specified and approved projects identified by the RAC, including the ACADS projects, will provide potential business opportunities for suppliers, consultants and community groups within the Shire. Social Issues Implementation of the specified and approved projects identified by the RAC, including the ACADS and ex-gratia projects will improve the social and community amenity of the town of Roebourne. Support to Community Organisations for their events via ACADS funding fosters positive community relationships and increases opportunities for constructive social interaction. Environmental Issues There are no environmental issues relevant to this matter. Page 229 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Cultural & Heritage Issues The RAC provides a conduit to Council on cultural and heritage issues within the community. Implementation of the specified approved projects, including ACADS, will improve the cultural and heritage issues within the Town of Roebourne. The proposed rewording of the Roebourne rock wall will also assist in the promotion of cultural inclusiveness and collective belonging and has been supported by local Aboriginal groups. IMPACT ON CAPACITY There is significant impact on officer’s capacity to investigate and implement projects on behalf of the Roebourne Advisory Committee. The short term contract for a Project Officer has now finished and whilst officer’s are currently able to manage the workload of the committee, projects that may be identified in the future may change this situation. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS As an official committee to Council, minutes for the Roebourne Advisory Committee meetings are regularly presented for consideration. DELEGATED AUTHORITY There are no delegated authorities relevant to this matter. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority OPTIONS Option 1 As per Officer’s recommendation. Option 2 That Council by SIMPLE Majority pursuant to Section 3.18 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to: 3. RECEIVE the minutes of the Roebourne Advisory Committee meeting held Monday 2 July 2012. 4. NOT ENDORSE the following recommendations of the Roebourne Advisory Committee meeting held Monday 2 July 2012: a. Actions identified in the resolution register. b. That the Rock Wall on the corner of Sholl and Roe Street be updated in standard green colour with text: Welcome to Ieramugadu Roebourne – 1866 Costs to budgeted from 2011/2012 Birra Birra ex gratia funds currently in reserve. c. That the Karratha Contracting Pty Ltd quote to install proposed car park alongside Centennary Park be accepted. Works to progress utilising $52,250 (an increase from $40,000) from the 2011/2012 Birra Birra ex gratia funds currently in reserve. d. That $20,000 from 2012/2013 Annual Community Development Scheme funds be allocated to community events. e. That the application from Tu Te Puehu for community event funding be declined at this point in time as information regarding the proposed event unclear. A new Page 230 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 form to be developed and Tu Te Puehu be asked to resubmit their application for the 2012/2013 financial year. Option 3 That Council by SIMPLE Majority pursuant to Section 3.18 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to NOT RECEIVE the minutes of the Roebourne Advisory Committee meeting held Monday 2 July and request that the Roebourne Advisory Committee reconsider the Agenda items previously presented at the next available meeting, date to be confirmed. CONCLUSION A Roebourne Advisory Committee Meeting was held on Monday 2 June at the Roebourne Hospital meeting room. Minutes of the meeting are provided as an attachment to this report. A summary of the key matters considered at the meeting were: A number of items require input from Main Roads of Western Australia. A representative will be invited to the next meeting for the RAC to decide on future direction of these items. Feedback on the proposed rewording of the Rock Wall signage was requested from the community. The only feedback received was from Ngarluma Aboriginal Corporation (NAC) who requested “Wayiba milbama Ieramugadu-Gardi "Ngarluma Country". Welcome to Ieramugadu” be placed on the rock wall. As this text will not fit on the wall, it has alternatively been incorporated at the tourist bay signage area. Based on quotes received from external contractors, the Committee has recommended an increase from a budgeted $40,000 to $52,250 in order to progress works and complete the proposed car park near Centenary Park. The planned works are included as an attachment to this report. An application was received by Tu Te Puehu for a community event. The RAC have recommended an allocation of $20,000 towards community events for the 12/13 Financial Year. RAC recommended that Tu Te Puehu resubmit the application with further information, as the form submitted was for 11/12 Financial Year and is unclear in its content. Options available to upgrade of the Roebourne War Memorial based on conversations with representatives from the RSL and Pilbara Regiment. The RAC wish to explore these options further. Financial position of the RAC and timelines for required expenditure of funds. A flyer is to developed requesting input from the community on what they may like to see occur in their town. Overview of current resolution register Page 231 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 OFFICERS RECOMMENDATION / COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152154 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Pritchard Cr Long That Council by SIMPLE Majority pursuant to Section 3.18 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. RECEIVE the minutes of the Roebourne Advisory Committee meeting held Monday 2 July 2012. 2. ENDORSE the following recommendations of the Roebourne Advisory Committee meeting held Monday 2 July 2012: a. Actions identified in the resolution register. b. That the Rock Wall on the corner of Sholl and Roe Street be updated in standard green colour with text: Welcome to Ieramugadu Roebourne – 1866 Costs to budgeted from 2011/2012 Birra Birra ex gratia funds currently in reserve. c. That the Karratha Contracting Pty Ltd quote to install proposed car park alongside Centennary Park be accepted. Works to progress utilising $52,250 (an increase from $40,000) from the 2011/2012 Birra Birra ex gratia funds currently in reserve. d. That $20,000 from 2012/2013 Annual Community Development Scheme funds be allocated to community events. e. That the application from Tu Te Puehu for community event funding be declined at this point in time as information regarding the proposed event unclear. A new form to be developed and Tu Te Puehu be asked to resubmit their application for the 2012/2013 financial year. CARRIED FOR : AGAINST : Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling. Nil Page 232 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 233 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 234 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 235 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 236 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 237 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 238 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 239 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 240 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 241 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 242 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 243 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 244 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 245 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Page 246 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152155 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Long Cr Lockwood That Council move in camera. CARRIED FOR : AGAINST : 15.3 Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling. Nil APPOINTMENT OF THE CEO File No: PE.159 Responsible Executive Officer: Shire President Reporting Author: Shire President Date of Report: 16 July 2012 Applicant/Proponent: Council/Executive Services Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s) Employment Contract for CEO (Confidential) COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152156 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Smeathers Cr Lally That Council suspend Standing Orders to allow for open discussion of this item. CARRIED FOR : AGAINST : Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling. Nil COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152157 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Smeathers Cr Long That Council reinstate Standing Orders. Page 247 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 CARRIED FOR : AGAINST : Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling. Nil Page 248 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION / COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152158 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Long Cr Bertling That Council by ABSOLUTE Majority pursuant to Section 5.36(2)(b) and 5.39 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. CONFIRM the Appointment of Christopher Adams as Chief Executive Officer for the Shire of Roebourne; 2. CONFIRM the endorsement of a five (5) year negotiated contract commencing 20 September 2012 and expiring 19 September 2017 3. CONFIRM a remuneration package to the value of $292,071 in line with the Salaries and Allowances Tribunal determination of June 2012; 4. CONFIRM the agreed performance criteria as detailed within the negotiated contract. CARRIED FOR : AGAINST : Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling. Nil Page 249 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 16 MATTERS BEHIND CLOSED DOORS 16.1 REVOCATION OF MANAGEMENT ORDER – KARRATHA AQUATIC CENTRE File No: CM.68/CP.172 Responsible Executive Officer: Chief Executive Officer Reporting Author: Advisor to the Chief Executive Officer Date of Report: 16 July 2012 Applicant/Proponent: LandCorp Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s) 1. Letter from LandCorp 3 January 2012 2. Map of Reserve 44467 3. Management Order Lot 4657/Lot 4601 OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION / COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152159 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Lockwood Cr Long That Council by ABSOLUTE Majority pursuant to Section 3.18 of the Local Government Act 1995 and Section 50(1) of the Land Administration Act 1997 RESOLVES to: 1. AGREE to the relinquishment, effective immediately, of the vesting to the Shire of Lot 4601 on Deposited Plan 192725 (Vol 3121, Folio 156) which forms part of the Reserve Management Order (Reserve 44467) for Recreation and Aquatic Centre; 2. AGREE to closure of the Karratha Aquatic Centre effective as at 6 May 2013; 3. AGREE to the relinquishment on 27 May 2013 (or at a time deemed appropriate by the Chief Executive Officer following 6 May 2013) of the vesting to the Shire of Lot 4657 on Deposited Plan 180111 (Vol 3120, Folio 829) which forms part of the Reserve Management Order (Reserve 44467) for Recreation and Aquatic Centre; and 4. NOTE that ongoing discussions will be required with the Karratha Amateur Swimming Club in relation to the lease held on part of Lot 4657 on Deposited Plan 180111 (Vol 3120, Folio 829) and that a further report outlining issues, options and recommendations will be presented to Council in the near future. CARRIED FOR : AGAINST : Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Bertling. Cr Miller. Page 250 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Cr Miller Against: Cr Miller is concerned that any delay in the Karratha Leisure Centre would result in community disappointment that no aquatic facility is available for community use and believes Karratha Aquatic Centre should only be closed at the time when the new pool is operational. Page 251 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16.2 16 July 2012 KARRATHA AIRPORT TERMINAL REFRESH UPGRADE APPOINTMENT OF PROJECT ARCHITECT File No: TT.89/TT.98 Responsible Executive Officer: A/Director Strategic Projects Reporting Author: Project Manager Strategic Projects Date of Report: 29 June 2012 Applicant/Proponent: Executive Manager Strategic Business Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment(s) 1. Confidential Financial Report 2. Karratha Airport Terminal Redevelopment Concept Plan Report (Sanders Turner & Ellick Architects Pty Ltd) 3. Project Architect (Confidential) 4. 5. Consultancy Brief Design Brief (Confidential) Cost Manager/Quantity (Confidential) Surveyor Brief PURPOSE To seek Council approval to advertise for submissions for appointment of a Project Architect for the design and contract supervision of the Karratha Airport Terminal Refresh Upgrade project. BACKGROUND At its Ordinary Meeting held on the 19 December 2011, it was resolved vide Resolution 151943: That Council by SIMPLE MAJORITY pursuant to The Local Government Act, 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. ENDORSE, in principle, the procedure and process outlined in this report recommended to progress both the Terminal Refresh and Land Use Master Plan. 2. PROVIDE in principle support for progressing Sanders Turner & Ellick Architects Pty Ltd commission in relation to planning, designing and costing the Terminal Refresh project. 3. PREPARATION of a report to inform the March 2012 Ordinary Council meeting on the following matters relating to the Karratha Terminal Refresh and Land Use Master Plan:a. Progression of planning b. Presenting a staged programme for works c. Presenting an indicative costing for works d. Provide brief for presentation of the concept plan to date. The report referred to above advised that a further report would be submitted to this meeting of Council relating to the Karratha Airport Terminal Refresh Upgrade project. Page 252 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 The Airport Advisory Group and other members of the Council have been presented with iterations of the preliminary concept plan as it was developed into the adopted concept plan. At the Airport Advisory Group meeting of 15 February 2012 the Concept Plan, staging plans and indicative costs prepared by Sanders Turner & Ellick Architects Pty Ltd were presented. To inform the next stage a Concept Plan Report was prepared by Sanders Turner & Ellick Architects Pty Ltd. The Sanders Turner & Ellick Architects Pty Ltd Concept Plan has been developed to provide improved amenity, look and feel, and facilities based largely on utilising the exiting terminal footprint; other than a modest increase required to add international operations (if approved). CURRENT ACTION In order to seek tenders for the appointment of the Project Architect and secondary consultants in accordance with the Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations, Administration determined to seek external professional advice in the preparation of some of the necessary documentation. At the same time as part of the continuous improvement programme initiated within the Strategic Projects a number of clauses and processes have been the subject of peer review to ensure changes to legislation are properly accounted for in current documentation. Due to the very nature of the project being a substantial renovation and redevelopment of an existing structure with a potential extension for an International passenger processing, it is important that the tender documentation articulates a very accurate outline of what Councils objectives are; the extent of renovation and extension, the functional purposes of the changes and an adherence to contemporary terminal practice. The following sections set out the approach that has been implemented in order to minimise design risk as far as is practical. Master Plan and Land Use Report A report was submitted to the Ordinary Meeting held on the 16 April 2012; where it was resolved vide Resolution 151995: That Council by SIMPLE MAJORITY pursuant to Section 3.57 of The Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to ENDORSE the calling of tenders for the provision of a revised Land Use Master Plan. Tenders have been invited for this Consultancy which will be reported on as a separate and discrete project. However, the Project Reference Group has taken particular care to ensure that there is an integration of objectives and has coordinated key stages of work of both projects to the same Council meeting dates. The focus of integration has been on the ensuring that the development of the Terminal Concept Plan and its adoption or otherwise by Council informs that Master Plan process. This will ensure that there is not duplication of research or a different direction being taken in the Master Plan than the actions deemed appropriate by Council. Business Case A key element of the Karratha Airport Terminal Upgrade/Refresh Project is to ensure that it stands the test of a fully developed Business Case which carefully examines the options available to Council. Page 253 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 The Project Reference Group as structured the programme for each of the projects to incorporate the preparation of such a business plan to examine, on an independent basis, the design options presented by the Project Architect. The Business Case will inform recommendations to Council at its December 2012 meeting as to the most cost effective design option to endorse. The decision taken by Council will then: a) Determine the future development of refresh/upgrading design and development of the terminal upgrade, and b) Inform the Master Planning and Land Use study as to the directions being taken with respect to the Karratha Airport Terminal Upgrade/Refresh project and any other element determined by Council. It will be recommended to Council that an independent panel be appointed to undertake the preparation of the Business case and to advise Council as to the most cost effective design option to endorse and of any other financial/design considerations to be taken into account at this stage of the dual projects. The Business Case team, to report to the Executive Manager Strategic Business, will comprise specialists to provide legal, financial and development cost advice. The commission will conclude with the report to be submitted to Council in December 2012 unless Council by resolution determines otherwise. General Coordination Concept The flow chart below depicts that the decision taken by Council as to the extent of the Karratha Airport Terminal Upgrade project will inform the future direction of the Karratha Airport Master Plan and Land Use Study. STOP/GO Points In order to enable Council to determine the various consultancy contracts in the event that it resolves not to proceed with the overall Project, STOP/GO points have been provided for at the conclusion of the Concept Planning stage, the Design & Documentation stage prior to going to tender and at the tender evaluation stage. The contracts that have these STOP/GO points inserted include the Project Architect, Cost Manager and Independent Licensed Building Surveyor. Project Architect Consultancy Brief The Project Architect Design Brief has been prepared by the Strategic Projects Office with input from the Project Reference Group, Kott Gunning with particular reference to the Page 254 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 ramifications of the new Building Act and the appointment of an Independent Licensed Building Surveyor, NS Projects with particular reference to rewriting clauses relating to the deliverables required of the Project Architect, and finally Kott Gunning, Ralph & Beatty Bosworth and NS Projects on the most effective methodology for the appointment of secondary consultants. Design Criteria During the course of establishing the Project Architect Consultancy Brief and the Design Brief, a number of essential design criteria have been tested by the Project Reference Group in order to determine the most appropriate base starting point. Airbiz were engaged to determine a range of potential passenger demand projections to 2016, 2018/19 and 2021 in order to come to an understanding of the optimal passenger projections upon which to base the design. These are canvassed in the separate Confidential Financial Report attached as ATTACHMENT 1. Deliverables The Project Architect Consultancy Brief stipulates the following key stages of deliverables: Project Initiation Meeting Concept Plan Review Meeting in Karratha with the Project Reference Group to confirm the requirements of the Brief consider preliminary design and construction programme and coordinate with Council meeting schedule. Project Architect to complete a full review of the current concept and staging plan and bring forward concept options for consideration. Project Architect to take into account the revised projected passenger numbers to 2018/19 Stakeholder and Community Consultation Cost Manager to provide updated Project Cost Estimates At this time Council will resolve the approved scope of the project and determine the project budget. Schematic Design Design Development Contract Documentation This is a STOP/GO point in the project. Proving up the Concept Design and staging programme. Stakeholder consultation Cost Manager to provide updated Project Cost Estimates Complete the design and staging process, selection of materials, obtaining of preliminary approvals from a range of authorities, finalisation of the preparation of all supporting information. Cost Manager to provide updated Project Cost Estimates Preparation of the full tender specifications and drawings Preparation of the tender and contract documents Pre tender Cost Estimate Council approval to proceed to tender Page 255 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 THIS IS A DESIGNATED STOP/GO POINT IN THE PROJECT Contract Administration Full compliance audit by the Independent Licensed Building Surveyor Preliminary application for a Building Permit Finalisation of the tender and construction programme Administration of the construction project Administration of the Defects Liability Period Design Brief The specialist Design Brief has been prepared by Sandover Pinder Architects who was engaged due to the technical nature of the Brief. Specialist advice was provided by Wood & Grieve Engineers. The Design Brief sets out to interpret the Sanders Turner & Ellick Architects Pty Ltd Concept Plan report into a format which will guide the Project Architect in the future design and documentation of the Karratha Airport Terminal Refresh Upgrade. Importantly it takes into account the functional requirements to meet the target future passenger demand. Tender Programme The following draft timetable of targeted major events which will form the basis of the project timetable and the Project Architect will be invited to submit reasoned variations to this programme within their tender if they feel such variation is warranted. EVENT DATE Close of Tenders Interview 3 short listed candidates Council Decision Project Initiation Meeting Completion of Concept Review Submit to Business Case Review PRG Review 16/08/2012 28/08/2012 17/09/2012 24/09/2012 26/10/2012 27/10/2012 29/11/2012 Council Decision as to scope and cost STOP/GO POINT 17/12/2012 Advise Project Architect of Revised Scoping and Budget parameters. 20/12/2012 Design, Documentation and construction programme to be determined at this point. Supporting Documentation It has been necessary to commission a number of specialist reports which will be incorporated into the Project Architect Consultancy Brief or provided to the appointed Project Architect. All of these reports have been commissioned and will be made available at the Project Initiation Meeting. Page 256 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 These reports include: Geotechnical Report A current geotechnical report relevant to the Karratha Airport Terminal Refresh Upgrade project is a requirement in the Building Licence process. Building and Services Condition This is required to provide the Project Architect and Report secondary consultants with an overview of the present condition of the building fabric and of the various services. The Report also highlights areas which will need to be addressed during the upgrade process. Site and Feature Survey The survey information will be in various parts including: The preparation of composite plan of the Karratha Airport showing the boundaries of all titles which make up the entire land holding External features survey to position the Karratha Airport Terminal on the site. Integrated overlays of the o Vehicle parking and lighting plan o Waste and Hydraulic Services upgrade o High and Low Voltage power upgrade. Contractors Construction Site Plan . Regarding the Building Services & Condition Report the estimate of costs to bring the buildings services up to a standard as a stand alone project is $1,300,000. Cost Manager/Quantity Surveyor As a means of ensuring the independent advice as to costs and “value for money “design, a Quantity Surveyor will be engaged directly by Council. The role of the Quantity Surveyor will be provide advice at all stages of the project on costs, materials selection, value for money issues, valuing of works completed and progress claims and input into the overall financial management of the project. Tenders for the appointment will be called contiguously with the tenders for the Project Architect and the same programme and assessment panel will be utilised. The Cost Manager/Quantity Surveyor Brief will be available for Councillor perusal at N:/All Staff/Councillors/All Staff/Karratha Airport Terminal Upgrade Documents Page 257 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Independent Licensed Building Surveyor A change in the legislative methodology for applying for a Building Permit requires the appointment of an Independent Licenced Building Surveyor to make the formal applications. The project planning also provides for the Independent Licensed Building Surveyor to review each stage of design, particularly from Schematic Design, to ensure regulatory compliance. As previously advised legal advice has been obtained with respect to the wording of the Clauses to be inserted into the Project Architect Consultancy Brief. Public Art Council Policy CS11-Percent for Art Policy prescribes: An allocation of funds for public art is to be included within the each new development or re-development building which is Council owned of a size valued above $30,000. The targeted amount of up to 2% should be set aside. These funds are to be incorporated by Council in the project budget. They are to be used for the specific artistic component of the project. Extra funding may be sought from state and federal government arts funding sources for specific public art projects. The amount to be incorporated into the project budget will be addressed in the Confidential Financial Report. Procurement It will be recommended that the relevant Australian Standards documentation be utilised for the project which will include: AS4122 -2000 General conditions of engagement for the appointment of consultants, and AS4000 -1997 General conditions of contract (Construction) It will also be recommended that in the case of AS4122 the Client Representative be nominated the Project Manager Strategic Projects and that in the case of AS4000 the Superintendent be nominated as Project Manager Strategic Projects. LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE As advised at the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on the 19th December 2011, Item 12.1, the Master Plan for the Karratha Airport, which was completed for the period 2009 to 2028, predicted passenger numbers would be between 523,000 and 750,000 in 2011. Karratha Airport is the busiest regional airport in Western Australia with a total of 812,000 passengers moving the airport in 2010/11. COUNCILLOR/OFFICER CONSULTATION Project Reference Group A Project Reference Group has been established to have an overview of all aspects of the design and documentation and construction process. Membership of the Project Reference Group is as follows: Director Strategic Projects & Business, Project Director, Designated Chair unless an Elected Member is nominated. Executive Manager Strategic Business, Client/Project Sponsor Page 258 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Officer to be nominated from Planning Services Manager Airport Compliance Manager Information Technology Project Manager/Client Representative Building Maintenance Coordinator Project Officer It is open to Council to nominate an elected member to act as Chair of the Project Reference Group. The Project Reference Group will report to Council through the Airport Advisory Group. Tenant Consultative Group A Tenant Consultative Group representing the stakeholders within the Terminal and Airport will be established which will have a significant role in reviewing all stages of design and providing input to the Project Reference Group and the Project Architect. COMMUNITY CONSULTATION A Consultation Plan has been developed which will be implemented during the design and documentation process. STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS The appointment of a project architect to the Karratha Terminal Refresh Upgrade Project will require the design development to reflect and implement all the requirements of legislation and regulations applicable to a public building and airport terminal. POLICY IMPLICATIONS There are no policy implications. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The indicative project budget and other financial implications are addressed in a separate confidential financial report. In terms of budget allocations, in 2011/12 a capital allocation of $215,000 was approved for terminal modification schematic and design development and for 2012/13, subject to budget adoption, an appropriate allocation has been provided to progress detailed design and documentation for this project. (Refer to Confidential Financial Report for details) STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS As outlined in the report to Council Item 12.1 Ordinary Meeting 19th December 2012, the consideration of increasing numbers of passengers, customer service and satisfaction levels, sustaining financial returns and benchmarking against similar sized airportsd are at the forefront when recommending a strategy for the Karratha Airport Terminal Refresh Upgrade. RISK MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS An integral element of the Project Administration will be the development of a Project Risk Register and its monthly review by the Technical Reference Group. The appointment Project Architect will also have a very key role in developing and managing the Risk Register. Page 259 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 ISSUES Economic Issues While there are believed to be no economic issues related to this matter, it is noteworthy that improvements to the existing terminal will bring increased let able space thus increasing the potential revenue base. Alternatively a reduction in service levels due to increasing use without improvements to the facilities has the potential to result in lower passenger throughput and resulting reductions in revenues. Social Issues The enhancement to the Terminal will provide greater amenity and comfort for travellers to and from the town thus providing a more welcoming atmosphere. Environmental Issues There are no environmental issues related to this matter. Cultural and Heritage Issues There are no Cultural & Heritage issues related to this matter. IMPACT ON CAPACITY Having regard to the complexity of the project, there will be considerable pressures placed particularly on Airport staff and on Strategic Projects staff. The scope calls for the Terminal to be operational 24/7 despite the renovations and extensions taking place. The issues involved which will require very meticulous management include: Security Aborted works General disruption to passenger comfort Restrictions in passenger movement Construction noise Airport staff will have to liaise carefully through the Project Manager with the Project Design team and Contractor at all times. It can be assumed that the Project Manager will have to spend a substantial amount of time on site participating in the resolution of issues as they emerge. Strategic Projects support staff will also be called upon to ensure all contractual records are maintained accurately and as up to date as possible. RELEVANT PRECEDENTS The methodology for the appointment of the Design Team and an Independent Cost Manager has been adopted for all major building construction over the past three years except were a design and construct approach has been authorised. The appointment of the Independent Cost Manager ensures that the Client maintains, as far as is practical, full control over costs which, in this project, will be particularly important. The Consultancy Briefs and applicable contract documentation strengthens those controls whilst still calling for value design and innovation from the Architect. DELEGATED AUTHORITY It will be recommended that in the case of AS4122-General conditions for the appointment of consultants the Client Representative be nominated as the Project Manager Strategic Projects and that in the case of AS4000-General conditions of contract (construction) the Superintendent be nominated as Project Manager Strategic Projects. Page 260 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 VOTING REQUIREMENTS Absolute Majority OPTIONS: Option 1 As per Officer’s recommendations. Option 2 That Council by SIMPLE Majority pursuant to Section of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to NOT support the Officers recommendation and propose a substitute strategy. CONCLUSION This report summarises the action taken to implement the resolution of Council adopted at its Ordinary Meeting in December 2011 with respect to the Karratha Airport Terminal Refresh Upgrade project. It details the preparation of the necessary contract documentation related to the appointment of the Project Architect, establishes the procurement contract documentation to be used, sets out a detailed programme for the calling of tenders, interview and submission of a further report to Council for the appointment of the Project Architect. With respect to the project deliverables the report outlines the stages of work involved and provides a detailed background of the peer review of important elements of the generic documentation utilised by the Strategic Projects Office. Finally it sets out a series of recommendations to put into the calling of tenders for the Project Architect and other necessary concultants. Additionally, the report outlines the coordination of this project with the separate Airport Master Plan and Land Use Brief. Page 261 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION / COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152160 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Lockwood Cr Long That Council by SIMPLE Majority pursuant to section 3.57 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. ENDORSE the Project Architect Consultancy Brief for the Karratha Airport Terminal Refresh Upgrade project submitted as Attachment 2 document No NCR4332 2. ENDORSE the Project Design Brief for the Karratha Airport Terminal Refresh Upgrade project submitted as Attachment 3 document No NCR4331 3. AUTHORISES the calling of tenders for the appointment of a Project Architect for the Karratha Airport Terminal Refresh Upgrade project and NOTES a tender report will be brought forward to the September meeting of Council for consideration. 4. NOTES the insertion of project STOP/GO points in the Project Architects and Cost Managers Consultancy Briefs at the conclusion of the Concept Design; Pre tender and Tender Closure stages of the Karratha Airport Terminal Refresh Upgrade project. 5. ENDORSES the utilisation of Australian Standards AS4122 -2000 General conditions of engagement for the appointment of consultants for the Karratha Airport Terminal Refresh Upgrade project and APPOINTS Mr Sean Issac Shields as Client Representative. 6. ENDORSES the utilisation of AS4000-1997 General conditions of contract for the Karratha Airport Terminal Refresh Upgrade project and APPOINTS Mr Sean Issac Shields, Project Manager as Superintendent. 7. APPOINTS Cr Lally, Acting Chief Executive Officer, Executive Manager Strategic Business and Project Manager (Mr S Shields) as the panel to interview tenders for appointment as Project Architect for the Karratha Airport Terminal Refresh Upgrade project. 8. NOTES the establishment of a Project Reference Group for the Karratha Airport Terminal Refresh Upgrade project as outlined in this report and FURTHER NOTES the creation of a Tenant Consultative Group, both of which shall report to Council through the Airport Advisory Group. 9. ENDORSE the Cost Manager/Quantity Surveyor Consultancy Brief for the Karratha Airport Terminal Refresh Upgrade project submitted as Attachment 4 document No NCR4333 10. AUTHORISES the calling of tenders for the appointment of a Cost Manager/Quantity Surveyor for the Karratha Airport Terminal Refresh Upgrade project and NOTES a tender report will be brought forward to the September meeting of Council for consideration 11. ENDORSES the preparation of a detailed Business Case to examine the various concept design options for the Karratha Airport Terminal Refresh Upgrade project and AUTHORISES the Chief Executive Officer to appoint the appropriately qualified consultants to undertake this tasking. Page 262 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 CARRIED FOR : AGAINST : Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling. Nil Page 263 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 16 July 2012 Director Community and Corporate Services declared an financial interest in Item Employment Contract Renewal of a Senior Employee Nature of Interest: Mr Ward is the Proponent in the report. 16.3 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT RENEWAL OF A SENIOR EMPLOYEE File No: PE.159 Responsible Executive Officer: Chief Executive Officer Reporting Author: Chief Executive Officer Date of Report: 3 July 2012 Applicant/Proponent: Director Corporate and Community Services Disclosure of Interest: Director Corporate and Community Services Attachment(s) NIL OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION / COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152161 MOVED SECONDED : : Cr Lally Cr Smeathers That Council by SIMPLE Majority pursuant to Section 5.37 of the Local Government Act 1995 RESOLVES to: 1. ENDORSE the recommendation of the Acting Chief Executive Officer to renew the contract with Mr Andrew Ward, Director Community and Corporate Services for a period of 2 years and 3 months, expiring on the 6 January 2015. 2. ENDORSE the recommendation of the Acting Chief Executive Officer to include a repatriation clause in to the contract of employment. CARRIED FOR : AGAINST : Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling. Nil COUNCIL RESOLUTION Res No : 152162 MOVED : Cr Lally SECONDED : Cr Long That Council move out of camera. CARRIED Page 264 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes FOR : AGAINST : 16 July 2012 Cr White-Hartig, Cr Long, Cr Lockwood, Cr Lally, Cr Smeathers, Cr Pritchard, Cr Miller, Cr Bertling. Nil Page 265 Ordinary Council Meeting – Minutes 17 16 July 2012 CLOSURE & DATE OF NEXT MEETING The meeting closed at 8.27pm and the next Ordinary Council Meeting will be held on 20 August 2012 in the Council Chambers, Welcome Road, Karratha. I, Shire President, Fiona White-Hartig of the Shire of Roebourne, hereby declare on behalf of the Councillors of the Shire of Roebourne that the enclosed Minutes are a true and accurate record of the Ordinary Council meeting held on 16 July 2012 ……………………………………..…………………… Signed Page 266 Date_____/_____/_____