
The official Newsletter of Lesmurdie & Districts Community Assoc. Inc.
JUNE 2014
Welcome to our third occasional Newsletter.
Send your news and views to the Editor at
ldca3@bigpond.com or snap a pic of
something of interest in our community and
submit it for publication.
In the interests of being environmentally
friendly, this is an email only publication.
Executive Committee
Copyright Peter Goodall
Issue 3
Mini Bites
Thanks for all your positive comments re
our last Newsletter. Much appreciated.
Don‟t forget to pass on our website to your
friends – www.lesmurdiedistricts.org.au
It includes a membership application form
as well a regular updates.
We have decided to defer our next General
Meeting until August so that we can catch
up with some work so please note the date
as it promises to be a very interesting
meeting then - 6th August 2014.
Mega Bites
Annual subscriptions are due from 30th
June at $10 per person or organisation.
Your Executive Committee is considering an
increase in subs as costs have escalated and
we haven‟t had one for years. Please remit
your subs early to avoid any increase.
Kalamunda community members launch their
sign at the Rally against Amalgamation at
Parliament House.
LDCA now has Public Liability Insurance
and we thank the Shire of Kalamunda for its
valuable contribution to this necessary evil.
Please contact us if you do not wish to receive this
Thanks to our valued sponsors Hills Gas, Lesmurdie Soil & Bobcat Hire,
Kalamunda Shire & Archon Legal
Your priorities for the association as drawn from the
LDCA Questionnaire are Aged Care, Amalgamation,
Environmental, Town Centre development and Younger
Membership. “This was a most successful exercise and
members‟ suggestions are currently being prioritised” said
LDCA President Iris Jones. Thanks to all who participated.
The Sunset Clause on the presidency was endorsed by
members at our February meeting and is now in place. In
effect this means that any elected President can hold
office for only 3 consecutive years.
LDCA Members, dignitaries and the community
The call for a Community Project was most successful
with 10 projects put forward. Your Executive Committee
is considering the viability of 5 of these. It is possible to
combine some of the five in a major project at the
Lesmurdie Falls area. These could include a picnic area, a
children‟s bush garden and a summer outdoor movie
theatre. Final recommendations will go before members
at the August General Meeting and other groups are being
invited to join us in this exciting venture.
Minister John Day MLA presented the
government‟s case in support of amalgamation
at our April Meeting when members and
visitors took the opportunity to ask lots of
questions and gain some insight into the
government‟s proposal for a merge between
Kalamunda and Belmont.
Willoughby Park Opened
Members and dignitaries recently celebrated the opening
of this unique little corner of hills bush and Lesmurdie
Primary School children unveiled the signage. Member
Barrie Oldfield inspired the children with his detailed
description of the wildflowers which adorn this special
area in Lesmurdie and he thanked the Shire Council for
recognising the importance of the reserve.
LDCA thanks Barrie for his tireless work in the
preservation of our native bush. This little corner of
Lesmurdie is a credit to his dedication. Visit it and enjoy
when you are next at the Sanderson Road Shops. Look for
the signage adjacent to the carpark.
Do you know a potential sponsor who could be offered
this space? If so please email ldca3@bigpond.com
with Barrie Oldfield at Willoughby Park
(Copyright Peter Goodall)
A similar opportunity has been offered to the
‘Save Our Shire’ group and a representative
of this group, Mr. Peter Kenyon will put the
case for „no amalgamation‟ at our General
Meeting on 6th August. A date for your diary.
This vexed issue will no doubt be ongoing for
some considerable time and there may be the
opportunity for further speakers. LDCA‟s role
is to keep members informed. Websites for
and against are:
www.metroreform.dig.wa.gov.au and
newsletter text here. Continue newsletter text her
Member Simon Di Rosso, (who is also a Kalamunda Shire
Councillor) has offered pro bono legal advice to our
association for up to 2 hours per month for 12 months.
This extremely generous offer is much appreciated
through Simon‟s new company, Archon Legal. Members in
need of legal advice are encouraged to contact Simon at
his email address admin@archonlegal.com.au
Thanks Simon! It‟s good to know we have this support
should we ever need it.
Wattle Grove Proposal for Integrated Aged Care
Shire staff are currently reviewing all the submissions
received on this re-application. A full Report will go to
Council soon and LDCA will keep members abreast of the
recommendations etc. If Council agrees, this proposal will
Hills Gas & Lesmurdie Sand, Soil,
Stockfeed & Bobcat Hire have renewed their sponsorship
package with LDCA. Thank you folks! Much appreciated.
We encourage our members to use this local company for
their gardening, livestock and gas needs. Ph. 9291 5551.
then go before the W.A. Planning Commission for the third
time. This is the only proposal in the whole Shire which is
ready to roll if agreed by Council and the WAPC.
Wilkins Road Integrated Aged Care Proposal
This initiative still years away.
It is understood that a
Bushfire Analysis had been undertaken and completed.
Hall & Prior Proposal for a Nursing Home in High
This proposal has not moved forward in 8
years unfortunately. The Shire Council still awaits detailed
plans from Hall & Prior. Two extensions have been granted.
The second one runs out this year.
Dept. of Agriculture Land in Forrestfield has been
suggested as a potential site for integrated aged care
ACT! is following this up and will report to
Hills Rural Study. A full report will be going to Council for
consideration and debate in July or August. LDCA will keep
you informed of the dates should you wish to attend.
The Shire has sponsored the first ever Aboriginal themed
winter festival with other sponsors. Check out the myriad
of activities in July including free workshops in the school
holidays at www.allweneedisrighthere.org Register online or
Congratulations to All We Need is Right Here for what is
hoped to be an annual celebration. Events are designed to
attract all aged groups and to give residents an insight into
Aboriginal culture and traditions with a seasonal theme.
The opinions expressed in this Newsletter do not necessarily reflect those of
LDCA. The Editor hides under a desk somewhere and accepts no
responsibility for anything really. Input is however encouraged.
Aged Care Today is off and running with member Candy
Gordon at the helm. Community groups shire-wide are
being invited to come on board in support of a better deal
for our elderly and many have already done so. You can
join them and be kept in the loop by contacting Candy
A Day in the Life of the Kalamunda Shire.
The following was overheard in a Kalamunda coffee shop
on the hotly debated amalgamation issue.
Millie Militant: Trouble is we have more residents
than Belmont, but they have more money and they
don‟t want us getting into their kitty. It‟s a big bone
of contention.
Councillor Doddery: ZZZzzzz.
Squeaky Wheel: How dare they object!
The cheek of it!
Millie: Absolutely.
But don‟t you worry.
organizing a massive rally. We‟re going to march on
their Council in a noisy, chanting, banner-waving
drove and steal their dosh.
Squeaky: Eer, I have a Doctor‟s appointment
that day.
I haven‟t set a day yet!
Cr.Doddery, now awake: Count me in! Hold me
back! Get me bike! Where are we going again?
Millie Militant’s response is unrepeatable
in our quality Newsletter. Meanwhile
the Shire President has issued
an order to the Rangers to have
Councillor Doddery put down.