Jul 07


Jul 07
This is the July 2007 issue of the Ardanrunes, a publication of the Shire of Ardanroe of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. (SCA, Inc.).
Ardanrunes is an electronic newsletter only, available on the Shire of Ardanroe website. It is not a corporate publication of SCA, Inc., and does
not delineate SCA, Inc. policies. Copyright 2007 Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. For information on reprinting photographs, articles, or
artwork from this publication, please contact the Chronicler, who will assist you in contacting the original creator of the piece. Please respect the
legal rights of our contributors. This issue completes the twelve months of scenes from the Labors of the Medieval Calendar Year. The July scene
is from the Labors of the Medieval Calendar Year by Eldred AElfward of Atlantia. The July scene is inspired by "Haymaking", from the Spinola
Hours, by Gerard Horenbout. Flemish, c. 1515-1520. The twelve months can be found at http://scribe.atlantia.sca.org/clip-art/newsletter.html. All
other clipart in this issue is from Microsoft Word. Photographs from Benton on the Square, Hunt for the Prize, and Birthday Bash were taken by
Maistir Rory ua Riada of Ardanroe. Photographs of elevation ceremony and wedding at Birthday Bash were taken by Eleanor, wife of Gawin der
Fuchs of the Barony of Small Gray Bear. The deadline for submissions is the 25th of the month for the issue coming out the 1st of the next month.
Table of Contents
A Challenge for Kingdom Arts & Sci
A Look at the Past
Ardanroe Officers
Baldar’s Revenge (flyer)
Calendar of Events
Carriage Chatter
Harken Ye!
Heraldic Results
Kingdom Arts and Sciences
Let’s Dance!
Letter from the Seneschal
Over the Fence
RUGA: College of Culinary Arts
Scriptorium Sending
Town Faire
Calendar of Events
July 14
July 28
August 11
August 18
August 25
September 1
September 1
September 15
September 29
Lugh (1-day) in Grey Niche
Barbearian Brawl (1-day) in Small Gray Bear
Shire’s Social Event (1-day Holy Cross Villa)
Aphar Faire - Lagerdamm
Gleann Abhann Scribal and Heraldic
Symposium – Ardanroe
MidSummer Knights Dream – Smythkepe
Slay the Dragon – Vogelburg
GA Arts & Sciences Faire/RUGA – Wyrmgeist
Harvest Home - Northover
Seneschal: Mistress Sarah MacGregor
Knight Marshal: Lord Johannes von Greifenburg
Herald: Lord James in les Breres
Exchequer: Baroness Medb ingen ui Mael Anfaid
Minister of Arts & Sciences: Lord James in les Breres
Chronicler: Barun Rory ua Riada
Chirurgeon: VACANT
Minister of Children: VACANT
Web Minister: VACANT
Provost of RUGA: Amata Quentin Motzhart
Quartermaster: Mistress Sarah MacGregor
Chatelaine: VACANT
Historian: Lady Ceara O’Bardain
Constable: Lady Dana the Quarrier
OFFICES SEEKING TO BE FILLED – Chatelaine, Chirurgeon, Minister of Children, Web Minister (all vacant).
Below is a tentative schedule of Shire activities for the month of July:
July 7 – Fighter Practice – 9:00 a.m. – Mike Woods Park (Saturday)
July 11 - Populace Meeting – 7:00 p.m. – Aulds Branch Library (Wednesday)
July 14 – Fighter Practice – 9:00 a.m. – Mike Woods Park (Saturday)
July 21 – Fighter Practice – 9:00 a.m. – Mike Woods Park (Saturday)
July 21 – Demo at Lincoln Parish Library in Ruston, LA – 2:00 p.m. (Saturday)
July 25 – A&S Workshop – 7:00 p.m. – Aulds Branch Library (Wednesday)
July 28 – Fighter Practice – 9:00 a.m. – Mike Woods Park (Saturday)
NOTE: Please see the Forum and Shire website for updates.
Ardanrunes, July 2007 issue
Greetings Ardanroe!
June was an excellent month! We had a good group present at Hunt for the Prize, and even more at Birthday Bash!
With the summer heat in full force now, please be mindful of protection from the elements. Drink plenty of (nonalcoholic) beverages during the day. Stay in the shade when you can and be safe!
July is a quiet month with only two calendar events in the Kingdom. If you have the opportunity to visit either,
please consider writing something about your travels for the Ardanrunes. If you are staying home this month,
consider seeing if Ceara or Johannes could use a hand in the final preparations for the Social or the Scribal &
Heraldic Symposium!
Our July populace meeting is Wednesday, July 11th and A&S is on the 25th. I hope to see you all soon!
In Service to Ardanroe,
Fighter practice was canceled for June 2nd due to the Kingdom event and other mundane occurrences that Saturday.
There was no Ardanroe practice on June 9th. Instead caravans were held to the regional fighter practice in Vogelburg
(Alexandria). The regional fighter practice began at 3:00 p.m. at the park behind Lake Buhlow. Fighter practice was
offered on the 16th but only Michael (deputy marshal) was present. Fighter practice was not held on the 30th.
The Shire of Ardanroe’s A&S night was held on Wednesday June 27th at Aulds Branch Library from 7:00 – 9:15
p.m. as a toy workshop on constructing the game boards for two games, four game boards total, one of one and three
of the other, as gifts for the Crown of Gleann Abhann to give to the West Kingdom and its three Principalities at
Pennsic. Bags for the four games were also constructed. At this evening’s workshop the bags were stenciled with the
arms of the Kingdom and Principalities and these were painted. The game boards were constructed with woodworking tools and either the boards were drawn out or pre-drawn before the workshop. Thirteen people attended the
workshop – Amata, Sarah, Medb, Dana, Katharine, Apollonia, Ceara, Lorccan and wife, Timo, James, Michael, and
Rory. Workshops to complete the game boards and bags will be held in July.
Katharine le Spinner at the Benton on the Square Festival, May 5, 2007 AS XLII.
Ardanrunes, July 2007 issue
The Shire of Ardanroe has a long history, being over twenty years old. This will be a periodic column featuring an
office of the Shire denoting the dates it was active and names of those who served in the office. This month we look
at the office of the Provost.
5/1987 – 7/1987
7/1987 – 5/1988
5/1988 – 9/1988
10/1988 – 9/1990
9/1990 – 10/1990
10/1990 – 10/1991
11/1991 – 1/1992
1/1992 – 7/1992
8/1992 – 6/1993
6/1993 – 3/1994
3/1994 – 9/1994
9/1994 – 2/1995
2/1995 – 5/1995
5/1995 – 12/1995
8/2001 – 3/2003
4/2003 – 11/2004
11/2004 – 5/2005
3/2006 – Present
Stephen Wolfe
Jacqueline de Lyons
Cassandra of Ardanroe
Alessandra Alegretti
Jacqueline de Lyons
Charmaine de Chanson
Jacqueline de Lyons
Leah of the Lilies
Cathlene of Ardanroe
Isabeau Adriana Hauberk
Gabrielle Elisabeth Chantereau
Brighid ni Siridean
Jacqueline de Lyons
Christine O’Neill of Cork
Office abolished
Rovena of Bri Leith (reactivated the office)
Jacqueline de Lyons
Melisant of Exmoor
Jacqueline de Lyons
Amata Quentin Motzhart
The Royal University of Meridies (RUM) has existed since at least the middle of 1986 when Ædward of
Glastonburh from the Barony of Bryn Madoc was Chancellor. It has gone through several transitions, revisions, and
redesigns in layout, format, and scope. Some have included Registrars to keep track of student records. Others have
included specialized Colleges such as Academic Studies, Middle Eastern Studies, Culinary Sciences, and Practical
Arts. Fees were also collected at events or local meetings from those wishing to be enrolled at the Royal University,
which helped cover the costs of records management (postage, printing, diplomas). A basic degree could be earned
by anyone fulfilling a set curriculum of classes attended. Degrees could also be earned at different levels from
different colleges based on class attendance and demonstration of knowledge through teaching, research projects,
and other works.
When the Region of Gleann Abhann was formed in 1995, a Community College was created modeled after the
Royal University, which also collected fees. As with the University, the Community College when through several
transitions, visions, and designs. During the term of Halima bint al-Abbas al-Tanji, Chancellor of the Gleann
Abhann Community College in the Principality of Gleann Abhann, a webpage for the Community College was
created. In January 2004 the office of Chancellor of the College of Gleann Abhann was placed as a deputy under the
Principality Minister of Arts and Sciences. A Reporting Deputy and Registrar Deputy were created in March of
2004, both positions filled by members from Ardanroe, Conor the Black and Charmaine de Chanson. Brigida
Ingvarsdottir took over as Registrar Deputy in August 2004, but Conor the Black continued as Reporting Deputy for
the CoGA, the acronym for the College of Gleann Abhann, until he became Chancellor of the College at Gulf Wars
in March 2005. When the Principality of Gleann Abhann was elevated to Kingdom status, CoGA became RUGA,
the Royal University of Gleann Abhann, with Conor as its first Chancellor. When he resigned in May 2006 for
health reasons, the Royal University of Gleann Abhann closed its doors. It reopened in September 2006 under
Chancellor Brianna Baptista the Tsigane, with a new design and vision, which made its debut at the Kingdom of
Gleann Abhann Fighter Collegium in February 2007. Fees are no longer collected; however, fund raisers may be
necessary to assist in paying for RUGA materials. A big change is that the students are responsible for keeping track
of their classes using a Black Book and teachers using a Red Book. There is no longer a central database of student
records, as this never seemed to work well in the past. Students may take classes that are accredited or non-
Ardanrunes, July 2007 issue
accredited; however, those teachers wishing credit in RUGA for teaching must have their classes accredited. This is
done by submitting a Syllabus for the course along with handouts to the Chancellor of RUGA.
The office of Provost was created to run at the local level as the representative or liaison to the Royal University of
Meridies. The Provost coordinated classes and submitted the paperwork including attendance sheets, class handouts,
and syllabi to the Chancellor or Registrar for those classes held at local meetings and events. The Provost had
double duty while Gleann Abhann was a Region and Principality, reporting class attendance to both Chancellors and
Registrars of RUM and CoGA. Under the new version of RUGA, the Provost collects class evaluations and prepares
the summary, a compilation of the evaluation forms, which is submitted to the Chancellor of RUGA for teachers to
receive credit for their classes. The evaluations also help those wishing to teach to become better instructors. The
Provost promotes the Royal University and encourages classes to be held at events and locally to educate the
populace about the Middle Ages.
Fourteen people have served as Provost for the Shire of Ardanroe. Stephen Wolfe is the first person on record as
being the Provost for Ardanroe, beginning in May 1987. Most have held the position for terms that were less than
one year. The office has sometimes been jointly held by the Local Minister of Arts and Sciences; however,
sometimes it was held by the Seneschal. In July 1996 the local office was abolished, having not been filled since
December 1995. The position was reactivated in August 2001 by Rovena of Bri Leith and since then has been
vacant only for six months in 2005. Only four of the fourteen people to hold the office of Provost have served as
Provost longer than one year. Alessandra Alegretti has held the office the longest in one consecutive term, that being
24 months. While Rovena of Bri Leith and Jacqueline de Lyons have both held the office for nineteen consecutive
months, Jacqueline has filled the office six times totaling over thirty-six months. The current Provost is Amata
Quentin Motzhart who took the office in March 2006 and with August 2007 will have held the office consecutively
for eighteen months.
The following action took place at the February 2007 Laurel Sovereign of Arms’ Pelican and Wreath meetings, and
appears in the February 2007 LoAR printed May 21, 2007:
Bella Talia Derro. Name.
Brun Anderson. Name.
Submitted as Brúnn Anderson, as submitted, this name is two steps from period practice. First, it combines
Old Norse and Norwegian; this is one step. Second, no documentation was submitted and none found to
suggest that the spelling Brúnn can be dated later than around 1100; this means there a more than 300 year
gap between the date for the given name and the date for the byname. The name Anderson is dated to 1405
in a document from Diplomatarium Norvegicum (volumes I-XXI)"
(http://www.dokpro.uio.no/dipl_norv/diplom_field_eng.html); the same source has the given name Brun in
1309. We have changed the name to Brun Anderson in order to register it.
Ketterlin Johanneß von Breßla. Name.
Pia Derro. Name.
Ardanrunes, July 2007 issue
Over the Fence
You will find Amata Quentin Motzhart with the guild of jesters that travel around London. They jokingly
call her "Gerbil" due to her uncanny ability to never stay still long enough to finish anything she is working on.
Amata was born in Germany, the third of six children. She gained her appreciation for art from her father
Heinrich, an illuminator, and her mother Theresa, an artist.
While living in the nunnery she learned many languages and mathematics. She was particularly interested
in magic squares of numbers and the esoteric use of numbers. However during her novice year, she discovered puns
and they proved to be her downfall as she tended to use them to insult people of higher classes.
Amata believes her purpose in life is to serve others in her own little way.
Their Royal Majesties need award scrolls. Below is the text to one of the many awards in the new Kingdom.
Order of the Jeweled Ring
The burdens of the Queen must be borne with grace and courtesy. Those who ease these burdens are deserving of
praise. Her Majesty ____________ of Gleann Abhann wishes to acknowledge loyal service by bestowing upon
______________ a Jeweled Ring from Her Royal Hand. Done this ___ day of _______ AS ____, ____ Gregorian.
Ardanrunes, July 2007 issue
We will continue for the next few months in Branles.
This month’s dance is: The Montarde Branle
The Montarde Branle is found in Thoinot Arbeau’s Orchésographie (Orchesography in English), first published in
1589. Arbeau’s instructions suggest that as many as want can dance the Montarde Branle together; however, it
appears that four dancers is the norm with six being the limit. Similar to the Black Nag, there can be groups of
dancers. The Black Nag has three couples dancing together so that you could have two or four or any number of
groups composed of three couples. The Montarde Branle is the same with the implied reading of groups of two
couples or groups of three couples but usually no more than three couples in any group dancing together. While the
Black Nag has the couples lined up as partners, three men in one line and three women in one line, side by side, the
Montarde Branle has just one line alternating back and forth between man, woman, man, woman, man, and woman.
The Montarde Branle is composed of doubles, kicks, hays, and circling in place.
In looking at Mistress Signy Dimmridaela’s article “Opening the Book on Branles”1, Master William Redcape’s
Gulf Wars 9 Dance Cheat Sheet2, and Countess Meaghan Arsmith of Ludlow’s Meridies Saltare Dance Collegium
II3, it appears there are variations to the dance.
In Mistress Signy’s look at Arbeau’s instructions, the first part of the dance can be four doubles left or could be
eight doubles left. Countess Meaghan’s instructions say branle left four times, but not where this is a single or a
double. Master William’s instructions simple say move left performing doubles but not how many are performed. In
all cases everyone in the dance is forming a single line alternating man, woman, man, woman, man, and woman and
holding hands except for the first dancer, who is not holding hands.
What the leader of the dance does in the beginning also seems to vary. Countess Meaghan’s instructions say the lead
dancer will guide the line around the room or in an arc. However in the dance steps everyone is to branle left four
times while the lead dancer weaves in and out to end of line. Master William says the dancers move left performing
doubles with the leader goes under arms of other dancers. And Mistress Signy says everyone but the first dancer
take hands and four doubles left while the first dancer makes hay down the line. So it does not appear that the actual
lead dancer, being the first dancer, actually leads the dance. Instead the second dancer in the line is the one who
leading the line of dancers while the first dancer is dancing with everyone as he (or she) moves from the head of the
line to the end of the line.
The first dancers hay is also done using double lefts, so it is not rushed running hay. It is supposed to be a flirting
dance. The first dancer is flirting with those of the opposite sex and avoiding those of the same sex by passing in
front of those of the opposite sex and behind those of the same sex.
Once the first dancer reaches the end of the line, the second part of the dance begins. Everyone drops hands. Master
William has each dancer in line one by one turning in place counter-clockwise (turning over their left shoulder),
clapping and kicking. Countess Meaghan has the new lead dancer turn in place 360 degrees using kicks or hops.
Each dancer down the line then does this one at a time. Mistress Signy has the first dancer kick left, kick right, kick
left while turning clockwise. Then one by one down the line each dancer does this.
The second part of the dance is why there appears to be a limit of four to six people in each group dancing the
Montarde Branle. During the second part of the dance everyone is standing in place while one by one down the line
a dancer turns in place. This can be boring, especially if you have a really long line of dancers all standing around
waiting for their turn to turn in place.
Ardanrunes, July 2007 issue
Arbeau has the Montarde Branle as a fast paced dance in that the doubles are hopped doubles. This is usually too
vigorous for most dancers, so Mistress Signy suggests making the doubles light and sprightly. Again, since the first
dancer should be flirting while doing the hay down the line, there is quick and there is too quick. Each double left
will use two beats of the music (counting 1-And-2-And) for the steps of left foot, right foot, left foot, together.
Depending on the tempo, this could actually be a slower flirtatious dance. It all depends on what music is used.
The choreography for the Montarde Branle according to Mistress Signy’s reading of Arbeau4 is:
First Part:
4 Doubles left
(4 Doubles left again if music allows)
[All but the first dancer takes hands and 4 Doubles left, while the first dancer makes hay down the line, passing in
front of the dancer of opposite gender and behind those of same gender. Please note: Nowhere does Arbeau say to
scurry like a rat to the bottom of the line. There is plenty of time to get to the bottom by making the same left
Doubles that everyone else is making. This is a flirting dance! There is even more time to get to the end of the line if
the 4 Doubles left is repeated.]
Second Part:
1st dancer: Kick left, Kick right, Kick left while turning [clockwise]
2nd dancer: the same
3rd dancer: the same
4th dancer: the same
and sometimes
5th dancer: the same
6th dancer: you guessed it!
Any more than 6 and it gets boring
The dance then starts up all other again with a new leader who does the hay down the line flirting as he or she goes.
Enjoy! -Rory
Dimmridaela, Signy. Opening the Book on Branles. In: Street Jr. Bill, comp. A Known World Dance Compendium:
Being a Diverse Collection of Theory and Practical Aspects of Dance as it is Practiced Throughout the Lands that
Make up the Society for Creative Anachronism. [Birmingham, AL: Bill Street Jr]: a publication of Saltare, the Dance
Guild of the Kingdom of Meridies, 1997; pp. 81-89.
Montarde Branle. In: Redcape, William. Gulf Wars 9 Dance Cheat Sheet. [Birmingham, AL: Bill Street Jr, 2000];
p. [3].
Branles. In: Arsmith, Meaghan, comp. Meridies Saltare Dance Collegium II. [Ellisville, MS: Teresa Moss, 1994];
p. 2.
Dimmridaela; p. 86.
Ardanrunes, July 2007 issue
Thirteen adults (Sarah, Medb, Katharine, Ceara,
Dana, Amata, Apollonia (formerly Karen aka “Constanza”),
“Timo”, Michael, James, Branwen, Johannes, and Rory)
attended the June 13 Populace Meeting at the Aulds Library
from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Maximilian arrived after the meeting
ended in time to help put chairs away.
Sarah, as Shire Seneschal, presided over the meeting.
The calendar of events was covered for the months of June,
July, and August. The information from the Shire for the
Kingdom Census has been submitted. Ardanroe had 23 paid
members. “Constanza and Timo” are newly arrived from
Alaska and just joined, which means the Shire actually has 25
paid members. At the May 12th social at Johannes, which was
a lot of fun, it was decided to try to have more Shire socials,
hopefully quarterly pending the Kingdom Calendar.
Tentatively a social might occur after the Ruston demo on the
way home at Michael and Ceara’s in Ringgold.
The Ruston demo will be held at the Ruston Parish
Library off of I-20 from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 21.
The librarians have said that live steel can be brought but not
handled by the children and that food can be brought as
samples of period food which the children can sample.
Johannes as Knight Marshal reported on the fighter
practices in May and June. Saturday mornings are not working
out for the 8 to 10 fighters in the Shire and he will talk to them
about a better time and/or day. One fighter from Ardanroe
attended the Regional Fighter Practice held by Vogelburg in
Alexandria on June 9th. The Shire of Loch Bais has asked to
borrow Ardanroe’s new list field pillars for their list field for Birthday Bash. Even if the answer were yes,
transportation of the pillars is a problem.
Medb as Exchequer reported that we are financially secure and asked for information regarding the Shire
purchasing a smaller pavilion. Sarah will get that information to her.
James as A&S Minister would like to find a volunteer to become the new A&S Minister in six months. The
June A&S workshop will be board game construction to create four board games that the Crown of Gleann Abhann
can give to the West Kingdom and its Principalities at Pennsic. The July A&S workshop will be a continuation of
the herald name and armory submission workshop and also silk painting.
James as Herald would like to find a volunteer to become the new Herald in six months. From the May
A&S Workshop Ceara’s name resubmission and new device and James’ new device were sent to Ruby. Dana’s new
badge will be sent to Ruby this month.
Dana as Constable reported that the shirt which was the only item in Lost and Found has at last been
claimed by someone from Ansteorra. The shirt was mailed to him.
Rory as Chronicler reported the June issue of Ardanrunes is on the website. There was a problem in
accessing each past issue but Sarah has corrected this. Contact Sarah if you have problems accessing the individual
online issues. Short summaries of events are desired. The Kingdom has an A&S Newsletter being developed and
materials are desired for it. June’s issue of Ardanrunes includes a list of all active Laurel’s in Gleann Abhann.
Amata as Provost reported that the RUGA colleges continue to grow. The most recent one is the Culinary
Ceara as Historian reminded everyone about the persona questionnaire for the “Over the Fence” column.
Sarah will put a link to the questionnaire on the Historians page of the Shire website. Ceara would also like photos
of members from events during the year and to be told of neat stuff the members do or receive for the Scrapbook.
Branwen as Chatelaine apologized for being too busy with her new job to do the work of the local office.
She is resigning as Chatelaine due to her workload. Sarah will advertise the position locally. Branwen reported that
the Gilbert & Sullivan Pirates of Penzance fund raiser at the Strand Theatre was a success. She and Melisant
Ardanrunes, July 2007 issue
attended in pirate garb and assisted in serving the Patrons balcony. She will keep the Shire informed of future events
the Gilbert & Sullivan Society plan for participation.
The Shire events were then discussed.
Ceara has mailed the flyer for the August 11th Shire Social to all of the surrounding groups. She had only
heard back from Rosenfeld (Tyler, TX). Ardanroe will provide the hotdogs and hamburgers. Everyone attending is
asked to bring a side dish. People are to RSVP to receive directions to the Holy Cross Villas. Set up for the Social
will be at 9:00 a.m. with the social starting at 10:00 a.m. Please carpool if possible due to limited parking space.
Johannes plans to hold an organizational meeting for the Heraldic and Scribal Symposium after the July
populace meeting. The event flyer is in the June issue of The Ambassador. Reservations are already arriving (sadly
the zip code was wrong in the flyer but has not been an issue in delivery yet). Reservations will also be open using
ACCEPS starting this Friday. Michael is in charge of the Pas d’Armes tourney. Branwen is doing the lunch fund
raiser, which will be for the Kingdom’s Regalia Fund. Lunch will probably be stew and a veggie cutting party will
probably be held the week before the event. Dana has volunteered to do the Friday night Travellers fare. Hugh is
still the feastcrat but is looking for a job out of state, so someone else may need to step in and do feast. The menu is
already done and on the event website. Rebekah MacGillivray has volunteered to run children’s activities, though
the number of children present may be very small. Johannes will send invitations to the Crown and Heirs. It looks
like the Crown (at least the Queen) plans to attend the event. Prizes and scrolls will be needed for the contests – Pas
d’Armes winner and Best Display at the Pas (possibly others). James and Ceara will be the royal liaisons. Feast
tokens are at James’ house; there will not be any site tokens. Feast space is for 70. Mistress Daphne is coordinating
the herald classes and Viscountess Miriel the scribal classes. Johannes would like to post a tentative class schedule
online on July 1st.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
A Challenge for Kingdom Arts and Sciences
To the populace of Gleann Abhann, comes this CHALLENGE from Baroness Etheldred (Dredda) Nic Eoghainn and
Baroness Rosalind Mihrimah,
In an effort to encourage the Arts and Sciences in our fair kingdom, we, Dredda and Rosalind, challenge you all to
meet us at the Grand Arts & Science Tournament on September 15th. We specifically challenge you to attempt to
best us in one or more of the following categories:
Costume Accessory
Research Paper
Costume Review
Heraldic Display
Performing Arts
Choose your category (or categories) well. IF you can beat our score in any of these categories, then we will offer
you a most worthy prize. IF there are multiple higher scores, then we will pick our favorite to reward with the
prize. We will have six prizes with us--see how many YOU can claim.
Questions may be directed to the Gleann Abhann e-list for information of interest to all or directly to us individually
at our email addresses: Dredda AT aol.com and kristinakelly AT yahoo.com
In Service, We are
Dredda & Roz
Ardanrunes, July 2007 issue
Greetings one and all in the wonderful Kingdom of Gleann Abhann,
On the weekend of September 14 – 16 the Shire of Wyrmgeist is hosting Kingdom Arts & Science Faire & RUGA.
The Kingdom's premier A&S event will be held at King Arrow's Ranch aka the Gulf Wars site.
While the Faire is going on the Royal University of Gleann Abhann will be conducting classes throughout the site.
More class information to come.
Exciting Announcement: The return of the Champion of the Arts title. Why is it exciting? Because there has not
been a Champion of the A&S for the Kingdom before, would you like to be the first Champion of A&S for Gleann
Champion of the Arts
• Must submit a minimum of three entries.
• All of the entrants' scores will be added together and divided by the number of their entries to get their
overall average score.
• Highest overall score will be declared Champion of the Arts.
• In case of a tie, the Crown or the KMoAS with consultation of the Laurels can make the final decision.
• An entry in SCA Life will not be considered as one of the entries for Champion of the Arts.
Also, there are some updates on the A&S categories and the General Guideline for the Faire. Please check out the
A&S website for the Guidelines at: http://gleannabhann.sca.org/artsandsciences/Documents/Guidelines.doc
You will notice that there are a number of categories below the general guideline. That is not the complete list of
categories. More updates are scheduled very soon. If you have a question on a category not listed, please email me
at Jennet_Tewkesbury@Yahoo.com
Here is a more complete list (an updated version will be on the Kingdom A&S website soon)
Children's Open
Animal Science
Amber, Bone & Horn
Brewing and Vintning
Ceramics and Pottery
Clothing – European and non-European
Clothing Review
Clothing Accessories
Dyeing, Spinning and Weaving (formerly Textile
Arts Construction)
Fine Arts - Drawing & painting, etc
Heraldic Display
Historical Technology
Leather Working
Manuscript Arts: Papermaking, bookbinding, etc
Printing Sciences
Stained Glass
Textile Application – embroidery, quilting, appliqué,
Still Room Arts - Herbals, soaps, Cordials, Infused
Vinegars and Oils, Non-Alcoholic Specialty
Performing Arts:
• Performance - single or group performance
• Music - instrumental and/ or voice
• Dance - single or group performance
• Creative
• Research
SCA Life – taking a mundane item and hiding the mundane, i.e. an ice chest that looks like a decorative box or
wooden chest
Ardanrunes, July 2007 issue
I will post more information & updates on a regular basis. Any questions concerning the A&S Faire – my contact
info is Jennet_Tewkesbury@yahoo.com
For RUGA, questions can go to Baroness Brianna at: Tsigane@Hughes.net
Event information and flyer will be forth coming shortly.
I am very much looking forward to see all the artisan of the Kingdom of whatever skill level. Yes, I am an A&S
geek, and I am excited!
Mistress Jennet
Minister of the Arts & Sciences for Gleann Abhann
College of Culinary Arts
Requirements for Lector’s Degree
Required Courses
1. Introduction to Medieval Cooking
2. The Medieval Cook – Training, Craft, Household Positions
3. The History of Bread and Bread Making
4. Regional Similarities and Differences in Food
5. Medieval Spices Used in Foods
6. Introduction to Redacting (DOM3A01)
7. Six Elective Courses
8. One Culinary Entry in an Arts and Sciences Faire
Requirements for Prior’s Degree
1. Creating a Medieval Atmosphere and Serving in a “Royal” Manner
2. Food Preservation in the Medieval Period
3. Entering Cookery Categories at Kingdom Arts and Sciences Faire – Documentation, Presentation,
4. Sanitation and Food Safety in the Kitchen
5. Organizing a Feast – Planning and Preparation
6. Overview of Subtleties
7. Nine Elective Courses
8. A Second Culinary Entry in an Arts and Sciences Faire or Teach one RUGA Accredited Culinary Class
9. Assist in the Cooking of an SCA Feast or an Additional Culinary Entry in an Arts and Sciences Faire
Requirements for a Philosopher’s Degree
1. Prepare a Feast for 100 or More at an SCA Event or Teach Five Additional RUGA Accredited Courses
(These courses should not include the course taught to obtain the Prior’s Degree)
2. One New Culinary Entries in an Arts and Sciences Faire
3. An Additional Culinary Entry in a Kingdom Arts and Sciences Faire
Created for RUGA by Lady Eithne Ruad, OSR and Mistress Dametta of Arundel, May 2007
Ardanrunes, July 2007 issue
Hunt for the Prize Part Dux, GA Live Weapons Championship, June 1-3, Barony of Axemoor
Gleann Abhann’s Second Live Weapons Championships, Hunt for the Prize Part Dux, was held at King’s
Arrow Ranch in Lumberton, Mississippi, the first weekend of June by the Barony of Axemoor. THL Dafydd ap
Kynith, Knight Marshal of the Barony, was the autocrat. THL Tegan verch Dwgan, Baronial Chatelaine and wife of
THL Dafydd, was the head cook. Lord Gilla Patraic uHa Branain, Baronial Exchequer, was in charge of reservations
and troll. Cabin space was limited to 100 beds, but tenting was unlimited. Feast was limited to 75 due to seating
space in Bede Hall, but there would be a Below the Salt feast offered at the Green Dragon Inn Saturday night.
Collector’s cards were once again available at troll, this being a Kingdom level event. The group card was Axemoor
and Peer card was Jane Falada.
Maistir Rory ua Riada and Lord Michael atte Harp, whom had ridden down with Baroness Bethany Bacon
and her son Gabriel from Loch Bais, stayed in the Nottingham cabin located in the palisade. Viscountess Christine
with daughter Tegan stayed at the Maison des Animaux encampment. Duke Stephen Wolfe and Duchess Jacqueline
de Lyons were able to attend for the entire weekend and stayed either in one of the site cabins or a tent at their
encampment. Those not staying in a cabin or at their Gulf Wars encampments set up their tents near the fort.
Viscountess Miriel du Bois, Deputy Earl Marshal for Live Weapons in Gleann Abhann, was also staying in
Nottingham. She was assisted by THL Aleyn Kynyd ap Rhys in running the archery range, THL Wulfram Forrester
in running the thrown weapons portion, Duchess Linnet and THL Cormac the Bald in running the sign up table and
scoring table. The archery range was set up on Hastings Field to the left of the fort while the thrown weapons range
was set up to the right of the fort. Fun shoots and throws would be held throughout the day starting around nine
o’clock and ending around four o’clock with breaks for lunch and specific competitions. “It’s all about dux, ducks,
and deuces.” I do not know what that really means but evidently had to do with the live weapons championships and
perhaps the targets and types of shoots.
The adult yeoman and sentry competitions were held from eleven o’clock to twelve noon. Then it was time
for lunch, which was a fund raiser, served in Bede Hall. Homemade chili, rice, bread and brownies were prepared
served by Adam Goodwine and Esperanza da Navarre for $3.00 per person.
The youth yeoman and sentry competitions were held from two o’clock to three o’clock in the afternoon.
Youth combat competitions in each of the age brackets were also held during the day. These tournaments were run
by HL Gellis and Baroness Bethany.
The swimming pool at King’s Arrow Ranch was opened in the afternoon and evening after feast. HL Gellis
served as lifeguard. A few classes were also held during the day. Mistress Alysia Gabrielle de Fougeres taught “Hat
Making 101” in Bede Hall at eleven o’clock. Master Erik of Telemark taught “Bodkin Point Making” at a forge set
up behind the palisade at one o’clock. He also held a Metal Workers Guild Interest Meeting to get this proto-guild
started. THL Gwendolyn MacAusland of Loch Lomond taught a class on “Gold Thread Embroidery” at one o’clock
in Bede Hall.
In addition to classes and competitions, a vigil was held.
Viscountess Marion Leoncina da Susa had been instructed to pick
an event at which to sit vigil pending elevation to the Order of the
Laurel. This announcement had come at Spring Coronation. Her
Excellency had chosen to have her vigil at Hunt for the Prize in
order to use Green Dragon Inn. Her vigil was to run from ten
o’clock in the morning to two o’clock in the afternoon. It actually
started earlier than this. Marion sat vigil in the upper loft of the
inn, with curtains hung so that it would remain private and not
viewable by anyone until they climbed the stairs. Refreshments
provided by Maison des Animaux were laid out on four tables on
the ground floor of the inn. These included sliced meat with rolls,
fresh fruit cut into squares and balls, vegetables and dip, cheese
and crackers, cookies, chocolates, baklava, and other sweets. Ice
and water were kept behind the bar and pitchers filled often as the
day progressed. THL Elisabetta Maria de Calabrai coordinated
Marion in her vigil room holds gifts from
the refreshments and the linens and serving dishes, as Marion
James and Sarah. The pottery on table is
had requested that a period look and feel was maintained downgifts she made for the Laurels.
stairs. Banners were hung on the walls to add to the atmosphere.
Ardanrunes, July 2007 issue
Countess Lailiane assisted by Viscountess Onora acted as the guards to the vigil staircase and kept track of the order
in which the Peers and populace were allowed to visit Marion. They also made sure that Marion had plenty of food
and water (or other liquids) to remain hydrated and not suffer from the heat, as the loft was the hottest part of the
inn. The Crown, Heirs, and Laurels had priority to visit Marion, so at times there were a lot of people waiting in the
inn. The turn out was very good and even included two Peerage couples from Ansteorra. Mistress Brigit and her
apprentices set up a sewing circle in one corner to be present during the vigil. While the vigil formally ended at two
o’clock there were still many who came later in the afternoon to see Marion, especially those who had been busy
running or participating in the live weapons championships. During the vigil Rory presented gifts to Marion from
himself, Sarah, and James.
Court was outside at the archery field. Mistress Daphne of Colchester was the court herald. Lady Brigid nic
Una, Baronial herald, announced the entrance of Their Excellencies Ifor and Morgana. The Baronial court was short
with thanks given by the Baronet, goodies given to the children, and a gift basket in thanks given to the autocrat.
The royal court had a lot occurring. Baroness Etheldred and Baroness Rosalind joined by Mistress Jennet,
announced a challenge for the Kingdom Arts and Sciences Faire [See Challenge elsewhere]. Viscountess Miriel was
announced that 51 people participated this year in the live weapons competitions. Last year 38 competed. She
thanked the marshal, scorekeepers, and others who helped and gave out sheep and duck ornaments as thank you gifts
to the scribes who made the scrolls for the event. The scribes were Master Loren, Mistress Jane Beaumont, Maistir
Rory, THL Caitriona Campbell, Lady Masheed, and THL Olaf. The winners of the Hunt for the Prize competitions
were then announced.
Justin of Iron Ox – GA Youth Sentry
Daniel Bearson – GA Youth Yeoman
Three youth combatants who won their respective divisions:
Gabriel Bacon – Wolf
Diego de la Mar – Ram
Alexander of Axemoor – Bear
The winners of the live weapons competitions by category of skill level were:
Silwyth Ulfvaldr – Beginner Winner
Odhran Fion – Intermediate Winner
Ifor de Leycester – Advanced Winner
Odhran Fion – Overall Winner (highest score of the day)
The current Sentry and Yeoman were summoned to turn over the regalia of these offices to the new Sentry
and Yeoman. Malcolm Hogg was the new GA Yeoman. He pinned the deer to the ground by hitting it in the foot
with an arrow. Wulfram Forrester was the new GA Sentry. The departing Sentry, Gershom the Hermit, presented
him with an axe and challenged him to be versatile like the axe in service to the Kingdom. Viscountess Miriel then
announced that at Gulf Wars XVII (March 2008) a special tournament will be held by the archer community. She
was then inducted into the Order of the Diamond Chalice. An overdue scroll was presented for Sir Eric and collected
by Sir William FitzHugh. An Award of Arms was given out and then Mistress Isolde die Grau took an apprentice,
Charles, a transplant from Ansteorra, who had recently moved to the Shire of Tor an Riogh, leaving his Laurel in
Ansteorra. His interest was costuming. Sir Elazar of Northumbria presented a Faberge egg to Their Majesties as a
personal gift made by playing in the kiln by the Green Dragon Inn. He also presented pottery gifts to the visiting
nobility from Ansteorra in appreciation of their coming to the event and for hospitality shown to the Knight and his
Lady at a recent Ansteorran equestrian event. Another Award of Arms was presented and then Prince Uther asked
that any good gentle for whom this was their first event to come into the presence of the Crown. His Highness
personally welcomed each new attendee and then had them turn and wave to the populace. Mistress Eilidh nin
Choinnich took Baroness Etheldred Nic Eoghan as a protégé.
Mistress Brigit was escorted forth by Master Erik of Telemark. They were followed by Viscountess Onora,
HL Katarina, Lady Marcella, HL Gwendolyn, and Countess Lailiane holding scrolls as displays of the work of
Viscountess Marion Leoncina da Susa. The Laurels of Gleann Abhann and the Known World were called into the
presence of the Crown. Viscountess Marion Leoncina da Susa was summoned and escorted by her husband, Sir
Elazar, followed by his two children and Sir William Read of Alnwick playing the bagpipes. Marion wore a gown
based off the gown of Mary of Habsburg. Elazar wore pourpoint derived from a pattern based off of the pourpoint of
Charles du Blois. The first challenger came forth and from that point Marion had to venture alone and the others
came back to await the outcome. Sir Uther Ziemer, Knight of the Society, was the first challenge. Marion then faced
Master Erik of Telemark, member of the Order of the Laurel, Mistress Eilidh nin Choinnich, member of the Order of
the Pelican, and Countess Meaghan Arsmith of Ludlow, member of the Royal Peers. Master Sir Simon of
Bordermarch from the Kingdom of Ansteorra then stepped forward and begged to be heard. He said Viscountess
Ardanrunes, July 2007 issue
Marion’s work and deeds were well-known outside Gleann Abhann’s borders
and she was indeed his peer. Then Mistress Brigit as Marion’s Peer, spoke on
her behalf, Marion knelt before the Crown and spoke the oath of fealty in
French. Her oath was derived from a French Fealty Oath from 1110. Afterwards
Mistress Brigit took back her apprentice belt from Marion. Brigit presented the
medallion of the Laurel which Queen Mary Grace placed around Marion’s neck.
Mistress Rebecca of the Greyhounds presented the cloak of the Laurel, a
yellow/gold cloak with the green Laurel wreath on the back, and placed this on
Marion’s shoulders. Master Simon and Master Erik presented the Laurel wreath
(made of live greenery?) which was placed on Marion’s head. Daphne then read
the scroll, the license to the Peerage. The scroll was done in two parts, the first
page being the text by Duchess Broinnfinn and the second page being the
illumination by Mistress Rebecca. Three cheers were made for the first Laurel
of Gleann Abhann followed by hugs from all of the members of the Laurel. The
Shire of Troll Fen then presented a banner showing an achievement of arms for
Maistresse Marion.
The Shire of Tor an Riogh presented gifts to the Crown and Heirs. Baroness Barbara was summoned and
announced the winner of the guessing game. The correct number was 165 and Lady Elisabetta Maria de Calabria
had guessed 164. Sir Torgan Gal collected the prize of M&M’s for his lady-wife, who was at her encampment.
Court was then closed.
The big thing about feast that evening was that a whole pig was cooked and served using a ‘Cajun
microwave’. Lord Michael was one of many helpers in the preparation of feast. He assisted in the washing, slicing,
dicing of fruit and other things.
After feast the swimming pool was again open. There was also Fight Club. Maison des Animaux was
sponsoring Fight Club as a fund raiser to improve their encampment at Gulf Wars. With the slogan “Welcome to the
Wolfe Pit”, a torchlight heavy weapons tournament was held in the Maison des Animaux encampment. Six of the
Knights of Maison des Animaux in a Bear Pit style tournament would fight any challenger. To add to the
atmosphere, a sound system was playing ‘rock’ music and a fog machine was producing mist. All challengers
purchased tokens to fight, one token for one dollar, a dozen tokens for ten dollars. For every fight won by a
challenger, a ribbon was received. The contender with the most ribbons at the end would have first choice of the
prizes donated by the artisans of Animaux. The Knights who held the Wolfe Pit were Sir Aengus, Sir Wernherus, Sir
Elazar, Sir Eric, Sir Torgan, and Sir Rian. They only lost around eighteen fights out of the over fifty fights held in
the torchlight field. Challengers included Baron Fergus O’Kelly, Lord Ashikaga Hiromoto whom had just been
squired to Sir Elazar, Lord Michael atte Harp, and several others. Prizes included two collapsible armor stands,
Rory's Doomsday coupon with trim and goblets, a steel basket hilt, a sword and basket hilt, and a coupon for a
heraldic surcote to be made by Baroness Rosalind. Fight Club began at dusk and ended around midnight with those
challengers who had ribbons being offered the prizes to choose from. There were prizes left over, so another Fight
Club is in the future. Michael selected the trim and goblets, so Ardanroe got Rory’s coupon to do the Group
Financial Doomsday Report.
Rain came just after Fight Club ended. Revelry continued into the night, celebrating the champions, the
new Laurel, the success of Fight Club. In the morning everyone packed up and headed home. It had been a very
busy but fun event.
Visitors awaiting their turn to meet with Marion
Ardanrunes, July 2007 issue
Display of Marion’s artistry
The food tables at the vigil in the Green Dragon Inn.
Look up to the Vigil Loft!
Those Wild and Crazy Laurels! Which one is not from Ansteorra!
Birthday Bash, June 22-24, Shire of Loch Bais
Held on a later weekend during the month than usual, Loch Bais’ Birthday Bash was a huge success with
195 gentlefolk trolling in, a minimum of 19 from Ardanroe, 39 gentlefolk competing in the Defender Tournament,
two youth combatants, and close to a dozen in the rapier tourney. The weather was hot but there was a rain shower
late Saturday afternoon. The event was held at the Kiwanis Camp in Pineville, Louisiana. Lady Melisande was the
autocrat and Jsrael ben Jonathon was the feastcrat. Lord Finian O’Niall handled reservations. Unfortunate not all of
the air conditioning units were working in the concrete yurt dormitory. A lot of people set up small electric fans.
Surprisingly, in the early hours of the morning both nights it actually was quite chilly.
The site token was a casting in pewter of the arms of Loch Bais attached to a rope cord. These were made
by Baroness Bethany and Lord James in les Breres.
Lady Ceara O’Bardain was in charge of the vigil reception and was assisted by many in setting it up and
providing the food and drink and clean up at the end. These good gentlefolk included many from Clan Marshin
Ardanrunes, July 2007 issue
Fayne (Christiana Breakspeare, Abigail Gryndley, “Heebie”, Bridgit), Ardanroe (James, Rory, Katharine, Dana,
Medb), Loch Bais (Marcella) and Proteges (Magdalena …).
The Shire of Ardanroe’s giant rectangular pavilion, which would be the reception tent for the vigil and the
wedding, was assembled by ‘ground crew’ managed by James and Ceara. It was located behind and to the right of
the hall with two rows of tiki torches leading to it.
The vigil began around ten o’clock Friday night and ended after two o’clock Saturday morning. Their
Majesties met with Sarah and surrounded by many well-wishers was bid to start her vigil. King Havordh and Queen
Mary-Grace led Sarah to the vigil tent. Sarah gave out red ribbons with cast pewter four-leaf clovers to those who
visited her. Guards to control the crowd of guests and visitors to see Sarah included members of Ardanroe (Blaec le
Dering), Clan Marshin Fayne (John the Bellringer), and Loch Bais (Grimbaldus Bacon). Rose Eriksdottir and later
Ariadne de Ravenna guarded the book table where on an antique book stand sat the guest book made by Ceara.
Cartridge ink calligraphy pens were used to write one’s name and/or a brief note for Sarah to read later.
In addition to the vigil with its reception, a traveler’s fare of sandwich meats
and breads with lettuce was laid out inside the hall. One truly sad event of Friday
evening was the discovery upon arrival of Lorccan and his wife that the garments
packed to wear at the event had not been loaded into the car. They did not stay and
missed a truly enjoyable event all for the lack of garb.
This was the first SCA event for two new members whom had just moved to
Ardanroe from Alaska. Apollonia and her husband, “Timo” (name yet to be
determined) had a great time. Apollonia spent much of Saturday helping in the kitchen
and that evening enjoyed the revel. “Timo” entertained with his South African accent
and was one of three first time attendees to go up in court at Their Highnesses’ call to
be welcomed and receive a token.
THL Ambrielle Llewellyn was the list minister for the Shire Defender
Tourney, which used Ardanroe’s new white wooden poles made by Johannes von
Greufenberg to mark the field. Lord Blaec le Dering, THL Olaf Lutherson, Lord
Michael atte Harp, and Johannes competed in the tournament. The Ladies of Astolat
named Lord Nigel de Rothwelle most chivalrous heavy fighter that day. The
tournament included many knights from the kingdom (Sir Elazar of Northumbria, Sir
Angus Mac Owen, Sir Rashid ibn Hilal, Sir William FitzHugh de Cambria, Sir Eric of
Chester, Sir Torgan Gal, Sir Robert Gethin Albret, Sir Uther von Ziemer and Sir Uric
Blackoak) as well as Sir Tomas Niallagain of Ansteorra. A rapier tournament was also
held at the same time and in addition to many Gleann Abhann light weapons fighters
included Lady Rixende de Rouen from Ansteorra.
There was a great variety of artistry in the A&S open and birthday themed
competitions. Several Shire members entered the competitions. Lady Melisant of
Exmoor had naalbinding socks. Olaf had shoes and metal worked award regalia. James
had a subtlety of ‘gingerbread’ in the arms of Loch Bais. Katharine le Spinner had a
floral arrangement and spun wool. Michael sang a song in the Performing Arts competition. Master Erik of
Telemark, Mistress Brigit Olesdottir of Loch Ree, and Maistresse Marion Leoncina da Susa were the only Laurels at
the event.
Two tables inside the hall were taken up with a silent auction. Multitudes of items were available to be bid
upon, all to raise money for the Regalia Fund. Children’s activities were arranged by Lady Rebekah MacGillivray of
Blackwood for those ages’ five to twelve. She was assisted by Lady Kendra Devereaux. The children had a busy day
with Bardic I “What’s a Bard and Should I be One” by THL Alina nic an Bhaird, Kingdom Bard, Water-bearing by
Lady Abigail Gryndley, Precedence Class by Queen Mary Grace, Identifying “hats and belts”, Alchemy for Kids I
by Lady Kendra Deveraux (formerly Kendra of Dragoun’s Weal) with a break for lunch. Then in the afternoon it
was story time with Baroness Barbara Sterling, Bardic II “Performance Art” by Alina, Bath Salts, Alchemy for Kids
II by Kendra, Slushies with THL John of Widcombe, and sing along with Bridie O’Sullivan. Katharine set up her
spinning wheel in the common room and spent the day assisting with the Children’s activities which ended at four
o’clock that afternoon.
Lunch was a fund raiser held by House Golden Panther to provide money for the household fund for
Diamond Wars promotional items, such as souvenir t-shirt printing. The dishes were Indian with three types of
meatballs (Indian, Mexican, and Italian).There was also the baklava left over from the vigil the next before. House
Subrosa sold sushi by pre-order by the roll - veggie, spicy tuna, shrimp, and crab. Each roll had eight to nine pieces.
Ardanrunes, July 2007 issue
During the afternoon two classes were held inside the hall. THL Katryne taught “Period Non-Alcoholic
Beverages” and Baroness Barbara, Kingdom Historian, taught “History of Gleann Abhann”. Katryne’s class (based
on a copy of the handout found at feast time) covered several types of drinks that could be used at feast. These
included Clarea, barley tea, mint tea, almond milk, sage water, coriander water, syrup of lemon, rose or lavender
water, rose syrup, pomegranate syrup, radish juice, and pratipana. Sources included Indian Food: A Historical
Companion, West African Food in the Middle Ages, Anonymous and Andalusian Cookbook of the 13th Century, the
Goodman of Paris, and Food and Drink in Britain: from the Stone Age to Recent Times.
Down at the list fields, with the conclusions of the tournaments, targets were set up for a combat archery
challenge run by the Honorable Effendi Sa’ad. Rain came in the late afternoon. Fortunately by that time the three
merchant tents set up to the right between the hall and yurt had closed down. The first tent held pottery wares. The
second tent held fabric being sold by House Beaumont. The third tent was Edrei the Merchant’s trim and other
sewing goods along with cloth bags bearing decorative Celtic knotwork designs.
Court was in the hall due to the rain that afternoon. Mistress Daphne was the court herald. Her Majesty
presented gifts to the children. Prince Uther took Lady Masheed Leily as his first squire, witnessed by Mistress Jane
Beaumont, her Peer, and Sir Rashid ibn Hilal, head of her household. Olaf with his young son, Eric, who just turned
four years old, presented a box filled circlets for Grants and Awards of Arms. He received three cheers.
Baroness Barbara revealed that she had two guessing games today. One was for the children only and was
how much straw was held for Rumpelstilskin to spin into gold. The other was for everyone and was how many
straws were brought in honor of Sarah MacGregor, know for her phrase ‘beer with a straw’. The exact number of
straws to go with beer was 263. The closest without going over was someone getting married tonight, Christiana
Breakspeare, whom had guessed 259. She received a bag of M&Ms. The number of straws for Rumpelstilskin was
77 and was guessed by Sidney, Lord Ashikaga Hiromoto’s daughter. Unfortunately they had to leave before court
started, so Sophie, the next child with the closest guess, won the prize.
Their Royal Highnesses recognized those attending their very first event (one being Timo). Mateo Lopez
and Brody O’Sullivan both received an Award of Arms. Mistress Brigit Olesdottir took Judith Wilkinson as her
protégé. Brigit presented her with a yellow belt tablet woven with 36 cards, completed during the event. There was
one thread of green hidden within as Judith does cross-stitch and tablet weaving.
Sir Torgan presented Balin with a new bottle of liquor, because Balin had cleaned the floor at 5:30
Saturday morning when finding someone had knocked over his bottle of spirits.
Master Erik of Telemark asked that the Order of the Pelican come forth. Everyone came up and juggled
around so not to block Baroness Barbara’s camera. Mistress Brigit forgot to come up and then remembered she was
also a Pelican and hustled to the front. Those Pelicans present were: Master Erik of Telemark, Mistress Daphne of
Colchester, Mistress Brigit Olesdottir of Loch Ree, Mistress Diana of the Isles, Mistress Broinnfinn inghean uí
Chatháin, Mistress Meaghan Arsmith of Ludlow, Master Stephan of Durham, Mistress Eilidh nin Choinnich,
Mistress Jane Beaumont, Maistir Rory ua Riada, and Master Robert von Flusswasser.
THL Sarah MacGregor was called forth. She was escorted by Lord James in les Breres and Ian O’Donnell
played his trumpet to announce her procession down the aisle to the thrones. Both Sarah and James wore red outfits;
Sarah’s having white shamrocks along the base of the skirt. Sarah knelt before Their Majesties and the members of
the Order of the Pelican stated that they were in agreement that she should become a member of their Order and
make them whole. His Majesty asked who would speak for her. Sir Uther stood up to speak for her from the
Chivalry. Mistress Brigit stepped forward to speak for her from the Laurels. Master Stephan stepped forward to
speak for her from the Pelicans. Viscount Eric stood up to speak for her from amongst the populace for the Royals.
Baron Grimbaldus Bacon and his wife, Baroness Bethany Bacon (whom Grimbaldus in his nervousness accidentally
introduced her as Baroness Grimbaldus Bacon), stood up to speak for her amongst the populace for the populace.
Sarah then swore the oath of fealty upon the sword of state. Master Erik presented the medallion. Baroness Bethany
brought forth the cloak which she had made with help. Mistress Brigit put upon Sarah’s shoulders. The cloak was
red with the pelican in its piety on the back. The nest included green shamrocks. The hem of the cloak had large
white shamrocks. Sarah was bid to rise and be greeted by the Companions of the Pelican. There were three cheers
and hugs. Mistress Daphne read the Patent of Arms, which had been made by Maistresse Marion and was in a
beautiful frame. Mistress Sarah MacGregor was now the third Pelican created in the Kingdom of Gleann Abhann.
The Shire of Loch Bais presented gifts to the Crown and Heirs of wooden boxes for their personal use.
Melisande, as autocrat, announced that 196 people had trolled in. Baron Grimbaldus, knight marshal, and Sir Elazar
had words to say regarding the Shire Defender Tourney. They announced that 39 people entered the list and it was
one of the largest lists in Gleann Abhann thus far. But there could only be one winner of the tournament, and that
person was Sir Camrik (Sir William FitzHugh de Cambria), who was named the new Shire Defender.
Ardanrunes, July 2007 issue
Lord Frederick de Alton had good words about the rapier tournament, which he happened to also win. He
recognized Lady Rixende de Rouen of Ansteorra, former member of Loch Bais who fought in the list.
Melisande then announced the winners of the other contests of the day. The Birthday themed A&S went to
James in les Breres for his gingerbread subtlety, the arms of Loch Bais. The Open A&S went to Olaf Lutherson of
Öland for his shoes, which he had made for Johannes von Gruefenberg. The Performing Arts was won by the
feastocrat, Jsrael ben Jonathon. Baroness Anna Genevieve of Ancyra, Kingdom Chamberlain, had reported to her
that the Silent Auction raised $217.99 for the Regalia Fund. Melisande thanked the Shire of Ardanroe for the
assistance with equipment and people, Lady Rebekah MacGillivray for running the children’s activities, Vogelburg
and Smythkepe for the hall decorations.
Baroness Bethany Bacon announced that there had been two youth combatants, so while a youth tourney
was not held; Timigen and Gabriel were able to fight during the day. She was stepping down as Seneschal of Loch
Bais. Father Gilbert des Moulins would be taking over as Seneschal as soon as the paperwork for this event,
Birthday Bash, was done. Feast would occur in the hall after court with Peer and populace set up. Three cheers were
made. Their Royal Highnesses announced that after going over the bids for Coronation, they had decided to award
the bid to the Shire of Tor an Riogh. Coronation would be held at the WOW Camp in Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
Court was closed.
The hall was prepared with two tables for the high table and ten others with seating for ten each. Despite
feast being sold out, some chose not to eat feast, instead grilling or going out to eat or going home. The first remove
was bread, honey butter, herbed butter, hummus, Tzatziki (a dip composed of yogurt, cucumber and spices), and
olives a la Marcilla. The second remove was meat pies (pie shells with meat – not the famous Natchitoches meat
pies), compote of root vegetables (cabbage, carrots and cranberries), and sautéed mushrooms. The third remove was
Bubbe’s brisket (beef with honey and garlic), Tzimmes (carrots with honey and ginger), and Milkig Kugel (a form
of cheese noodles). The fourth remove was Spanish pork roast, saffron rice, and Huevos Haminados with Aioli
(roasted eggs wrapped in onion with mayonnaise, garlic, olive oil, and assorted spices). The fifth remove was fresh
fruit with snowe (cream, egg, and honey). Toasts were made to the Crown, Heirs, and ladies. Toasts were made to
honor the birthday of Loch Bais. The feastocrat and his staff were applauded.
Due to the rain in the late afternoon, the SCA wedding ceremony that evening of Lord Paul the Small to
Lady Christiana Breakspeare was held inside the hall with a reception outside at the giant Ardanroe tent used for the
previous night’s reception. The wedding ceremony with hand fasting was performed by Baron Brandr Wyborn. Both
Paul and Christiana worn Middle Eastern garb, his included blue silk and hers a shimmering veil or shawl that
changed colors based on the lighting. Refreshments were served under the Ardanroe tent and a drumming circle was
held in front including the huge barrel drum of Baron Grimbaldus. There was Middle Eastern dancing by Lady
Dinara and others to the drums by the tiki torchlight. The reception and revelry were sponsored by House Smoking
Tankard of Clan Marshin Fayne. On Sunday morning, all packed up and headed for home. It had been a delightful
and busy, though awfully hot, event.
Story time with Baroness Barbara
Auriana’s stumpwork
Ardanrunes, July 2007 issue
Alina teaches the skills of the Bard
Olaf’s shoes made for Johannes
James’ gingerbread
Melisant’s socks and Olaf’s circlets
Katharine’s spun wool and Masheed’s scroll
The Elevation Ceremony of Mistress Sarah MacGregor
Sarah escorted by James
Grimbaldus speaks
Hugs with the Pelicans
The Wedding of Lord Paul the Small and Lady Christiana Breakspeare
Christiana’s parents
Ardanrunes, July 2007 issue
Lady Christiana and Lord Paul
Paul’s parents
Ardanrunes, July 2007 issue