Starhaven VAIRBELL 201604 - Shire of Starhaven


Starhaven VAIRBELL 201604 - Shire of Starhaven
V Bell
Vivat Trimaris!
April 2016
APRIL 2016
A.S. L
Table of Contents
Vair Bell Policies ........................................ 2
From the Shire Seneschal .......................... 2
From the ShireExchequer.......................... 2
From the Shire Chronicler......................... 3
From the Shire Marshal ............................ 3
From the Shire Arts & Sciences Minister 4
From the the Shire Herald ........................ 4
Space Coast Nerd Fest Demo ................... 5
Troubadour Laureate Competitions ....... 5
The Courts at Spring Coronation ............ 6
Shire Calendar ........................................... 10
Starhaven Officer List ............................... 11
Joshua du Charmont
Zephyrine De La Maige
For Honor, For Glory, Vivat
Event Announcements
St George’s Faire......................................... 8
Oldenfeld Anniversary: Mongol ............. 9
Event Announcements
Trimaris Royal U & Rapier Collegium.... 16
Trimaris Duke University ........................ 17
Artes Brawl ................................................. 18
Vair Bell Policies ........................................ 2
Shire Calendar ........................................... 19
Event Announcements
Trimaris Royal U & Rapier Collegium.... 16
Trimaris Duke University ........................ 17
Artes Brawl ................................................. 18
Starhaven Officer List ............................... 20
Vair Bell
April 2016
Vair Bell
From the Shire Seneschal
Shire of Starhaven ! April 2016 AS L
Greetings Starhaven,
This is the April 2016 issue of the Vair Bell, the official
newsletter of the Shire of Starhaven, a branch of the
Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. (SCA, Inc.). Issues of
the Vair Bell are available from Ruth McCammon, 1030
Tanglewood Lane, Melbourne, FL 32935. The Vair Bell is not
a corporate publication of SCA, Inc., and does not delineate
SCA, Inc. policies. The Vair Bell is distributed electronically
and can be requested in hardcopy from the Chronicler at Copyright © 2015 Society
for Creative Anachronism, Inc. For information on reprinting
photographs, articles, or artwork from this publication, please
contact the Chronicler, who will assist you in contacting the
original creator of the piece. Please respect the legal rights of
our contributors.
How quickly the month passes. Gulf War is
over. Our new King and Queen have been
crowned. TMT approaches as well as 50thYear Celebration. Our Shire celebrates a
new Laurel, JeongMi. Nerd Fest will be a
smaller Demo than expected due to some
unforeseen problems by the sponsors. All
are encouraged to share their talents.
On a personal note, my lord had a small
stroke so I may be difficult to reach
because of the medical issues involved. My
Deputy, Lady Mor, and I communicate on an
almost daily basis. She speaks with my
voice on all issues.
Cover art: Courtesy of the Heralds of Trimaris
Interior art: Dover Publications
Vair Bell Submission Guidelines
! The deadline for submission to the Vair Bell is the 18th
of each month. Anything received after this date may be
held until the next issue.
! The preferred method of submission is by email.
! Electronic submission of articles and letters may be in
the body of an email or as an attachment.
! Artwork (cover or interior) and flyers should be
submitted either as a computer graphic (TIFF, GIF, JPEG,
BMP) or PDF format. Should you have any questions,
please contact the Shire Chronicler.
! The Chronicler reserves the right to edit for minor
spelling and grammar. Anything else will be checked
with the author.
! All submitted artwork and articles must be
accompanied by a signed, physical Publication
Permission Release, available at and
! Contributors receive the gratitude of the Chronicler
and the joy of seeing their work in print. Copyright stays
with the creator unless explicitly stated otherwise.
We are doing an end of month minitourney, mini-arts share and a pot-luck
after fighting and arts. Please join us.
There will be small prizes.
Sir Trude
From the Shire Exchequer
Unto the
The office of the Exchequer remains fairly
inactive at this time. A lack of events
means no income (a bad thing) and the
termination of the Shire storage rental
means less drain upon our coffers (a good
The Chronicler’s Mandate: to inform, to
educate, and to entertain
Last month I returned a stale-dated check
for the Shire's 2015 Gulf War Volunteer
hours and requested a replacement check.
Having received none, I will contact the
Kingdom Exchequer and query as to its
I also anticipate the forthcoming quarterly
Vair Bell
April 2016
report for the 1st quarter of fiscal year 2016 (1QFY16). After a year in the position, I may have
finally broken the code on its completion.
In other news, my search for a deputy has borne fruit. Her Excellency, Countess Mistress (I claim
first use of her new title in an official report) JeongMi has generously offered to serve in this
capacity. I look forward to working with her and have no doubt she is more than capable of
assuming the position of Exchequer upon my stepping down.
Again, we need events. More events mean more money and more money means we can put on
bigger events.
Yours in Service to the Dream,
Thein Morgan
From the Shire Chronicler
Greetings Starhaveners,
My thanks this month go to the reporters who covered events I couldn’t attend due to acute
bronchitis. Thanks to Lady Hadassah bat Joseph and HLady Alane Godwin you can read about the
Courts at the Spring Coronation of Joshua I and Zephyrine V and at the Troubadour Competitions
at that event. Ladies, my heartfelt thanks. This issue would have been very slim without your
Thank you, Lord Seamus mac Airt, for your videos, and HLord Tristrum de Kerjean for your
photos, of the Courts. They allowed me not only to enjoy the Courts but also to check details for
the reports.
My thanks also go to HLady Sythean Lina Chandler who, as point for the demo, wrote the report
on the Space Coast Nerd Fest Demos coming up. I hope to have a report for you next month on
the results of that demo. It is always gratifying when a group comes to us asking for aid and
HLady Sythean has done a good job being liaison.
Yours in Service to the Dream,
THLady Eithne ingen Muirgein
From the Shire Marshal
Greetings Starhaven,
Hope everyone had a safe return from Gulf Wars. We have a Coronation coming up and should be
great fun. Practice will continue at our new location. Hope to see you out there. Be safe and
don't forget to hydrate.
In Service to the Dream,
Lord Tiberius Aurelius Magnus
Vair Bell
April 2016
From the Shire Arts & Sciences Minister
Spring has arrived, and with the beautiful spring weather we’re now enjoying, the event season
is ratcheting up into full gear. We’re looking at Trimarian events almost every weekend in April.
I see lots of opportunities to teach and learn!
An exciting new opportunity for everyone on the Arts community will have debuted at Spring
Coronation on Saturday the 2nd of April. From 10am to 4pm, the Artisans’ Village will be hosting
classes and providing a place for artisans to work on projects and share whatever they’re
working on. It’ll be a great place to share what you love and maybe learn something new! I’m
Lastly, please stay tuned for more information about our Saturday Arts workshops. They’ll be the
first Saturday of each month (except in April, when the first Saturday is Spring Coronation
weekend), and will usually last from 11am to 4pm. Attendees are welcome to bring food and / or
drinks to share. We’re always looking for teachers, so if you have a class you’d like to try out
before taking it to the kingdom level or one that’s always popular, this is the perfect opportunity
to teach it (again).
Until next month,
Your Servant,
HLady Arianne de Chateaumichel
From the Shire Herald
Heraldic consultations available by appointment.
Awards to Starhaveners:
Kara Arisdottier – Order of the Argent Morningstar of Trimaris
Lylie Dendelyoun – Order of the Argent Scales
Ari Tyrbrandr – Trimarian Lancer, Order of the Healers’ Lamp
Tiberius Aurelius – Award of Arms
JeongMie – Order of the Laurel
Whitney Willow – Award of Arms
Davius Saint Jacques – Defender of the Queen’s Heart
Daniel von Hessen – Spearman of Trimaris
Master Davius Saint Jacques
Vair Bell
April 2016
Space Coast Nerd Fest Demo
Greetings unto my fellow Shire members
In order for any group to thrive and grow, you need new lifeblood and that’s what demos are
for. This coming weekend we will be at Nerd Fest, introducing ourselves and our love of the SCA
to many people. Although we’ve had some logistics problems, I believe they have now been
ironed out and are looking forward to a great weekend. We have artisans, dancers and musicians
committed as well as some fighters. If you are assisting this weekend, please remember that we
do have space issues so we will be up and around working the crowd; not a lot of sitting.
Plans are in the works for a follow-up pot-luck to be held at Fighter Practice, Sunday April 24th
for our prospective new members. Please contact me ASAP and let me know what you can bring.
Now for my thanks:
I would first like to thank Brian Benson for giving us the opportunity to participate in Nerd Fest.
Mistress Genevieve and Sir Geoffrey, without your assistance and advice, I’d be mired in
confusion and frustration. Thank you, Mor, for handling the paperwork. And to all our Shire
members who are coming out to assist, we couldn’t do this without you.
Space Coast Nerd Fest
Hilton Melbourne Rialto Place
200 Rialto Place, Melbourne, FL 32901
Saturday, April 15th 10:00-6:00 & 16th 9:00-5:00
Yours in Society,
HLady Sythean Lina Chandler
Troubadour Laureate Competitions at Spring Coronation
HLady Alane Godwin
Although the skies were threatening for most of Saturday at this year's Spring Coronation, there
was noontime sunshine for the Troubadour Laureate competition. Four entrants performed their
original songs. HLady Alane Godwin sang one of her signature humorous pieces, "The BalladSinger's Complaint." Guillermo Cervantes performed an extract from his play Orpheus, "Meeting
Hades." Lord Jean-Etienne du Nordovest accompanied himself on an Appalachian dulcimer as he
sang "The Gaffer's Tale," and HLady Drahomíra Kosice, known as Draza, finished off on a cheerful
note with "The King of Nevermore." The winner of the competition was Lord Jean-Etienne de
Nordovest. It is his first time as a Troubadour Laureate, and as a matter of fact, I cannot recall
him ever entering before. If indeed he carried off the prize on his maiden effort, he is to be
doubly congratulated.
The Youth Laureate competition had only two entrants. Toirealach sang "Mordred's Lullaby" by
Heather Dale, and Aurora Cunningham was persuaded to sing part of "Vivat the Dream." The
judges unanimously decided Toirealach to be the winner.
Vair Bell
April 2016
The Courts of Spring Coronation
Lady Hadassah bat Joseph
Spring Coronation was held at the Florida Sheriffs’ Youth Camp in Barberville on April 1-3, A.S. L
Last Court of Ardion II and Lisa II
Due to the tumultuous storms during the Trimaris Court at Gulf War XXV, Their Majesties took
this opportunity to complete the business of that Court.
Brygyt d’Arcy – Order of the Emerald Seas for creating tokens for the War
Elizabeth Na Darach – Order of the Emerald Seas for creating stationery and thank-you notes for
the War, verifying names & addresses, etc.
Grainne ingen Ainoin meic Cerbaill – Crown’s Order of Gratitude for the garb made for TRM’s
Coronation, Processional, and the War
Celwin Barenjager – Order of Trimarian Gratitude
Matthias von Greifsburg – Trimarian Lancer for General of Rapiers for GW
Ari Tyrbrandr – Trimarian Lancer for General of Heavy Fighters for GW
Clint Thorsbjorn – Award of Arms
Eleanor Giles - Award of Arms
Tatiana of the Butterflies – Award of Arms
Hughlin and John Michael Guienin – Order of the Silver Shield, Trimaris with Award of Arms
Tiberius Aurelius Magnus – Award of Arms
Kathyrn vich Evans – Award of Arms
Dias Manuel de la Torres – Grant of Arms
Rapunzel of Fiach Ogan – Grant of Arms
Aeschwynne aet Bodanhamme – Order of the Triskele Trimaris
Dawood Al-Tayyib Al-Samari – Grant of Arms
Zafira bint Katz – Order of the Argent Scales with Grant of Arms for her efforts in raising money
for newcomers’ 1st event
Tymm Colbert le Gard - Court Barony
Duke Kurn O’Farrell reminded all of the creation of an award specifically for service at Gulf War,
the Orbis Honores (“Ring of Honor”), given to Sir Frederick Karl Kyburg and Mistress Mairi
The Court of Gulf War was declared closed and Last Court was declared open.
The Order of the Laurel was called forth that their numbers might be complete. JeongMie was
brought forth from vigil and spoken for so eloquently that the Crown elevated her to the
Peerage. A beautifully decorated Laurel coat about her shoulders, she spoke her oath of
fealty in Korean. Her scroll, easily 4-foot long, was in the Korean style.
Sir Severin Visconti di Milano was called forward to tell a tale of a young boy of the Clan Ech
Dhu, stolen by the Viking raiders, who became a great warrior.
The Order of the Chivalry was called forth, only to discover that Duke Gregory Ahearn had been
taken prisoner by a Viking raider, Logan the Gardner. Logan dared to offer to return his
Vair Bell
April 2016
prisoner, also his father, to the King in return for Duke Gregory’s lands—and an offer to
swear allegiance to Trimaris. Several spoke for him, bound spurs to his heels, brought him
shield and spear, belted him with a white belt. Logan swore fealty to the Crown and the
golden chain put about his neck.
The Order of the White Scarf addressed the Queen who thanked them for their care and defense
of Her during Her reign. She returned her White Scarf and they presented her with a
bouquet of white roses.
The Trimarian Valkyries of Death and Destruction were called forth. Countess Brenna Jerabek
turned over the Office of Kingdom Seneschal to Duchess Bryndis.
Ardion and Lisa abdicated the Triskele Throne to return to their estates and guard Trimaris from
invaders on the northern borders.
Joshua I and Zephyrine V – Evening Court
Court of Castlemere opened.
Tailefhlaith inghean Gormgilla – Order of Saint Johns Bridge
Lonan Mor – Order of Saint Johns Bridge
Court of Castlemere closed.
Iron Brewers Challenge Champion – Bryetor Aison of Devon
Queen’s Yeoman Champion – Rhys
King’s Huntsman – Toki inn eldri bassi
Champion of Trimaris – Gryphen von Kindermann
Defender of the Queen’s Heart Champion – Davius Saint Jacques
Youth Champion – Ulfr Hauksson
Spearman of Trimaris – Daniel von Hessen
Troubadour Laureate Champions – Adult: Jean-Etienne du Nordovest, Youth: Toirealach
Whitney Willow – Award of Arms
Valeria Serena Ongaro – Order of the Silver Trident, Trimaris
Turold Dunstan Arminger – Order of the Argent Morningstar, Trimaris
Bran Eoghan Steelewoulfe – Award of Arms
Vikarr Bjornsson – Order of the Argent Shield
Gryphen von Kindermann – Order of the Argent Sword
Mayken van der Alst – Court Barony
Court closed.
Vair Bell
April 2016
Vair Bell
April 2016
Vair Bell
April 2016
Starhaven Calendar
April 2016
29-1 Oldenfeld Anniversary
Oldenfeld/Camp Indian Springs
1-3 Spring Coronation
Kingdom-Marcaster/FL Sheriffs Youth Camp
2 Elevation of JeongMi to Order of the Laurel
Spring Coronation
3 Shire Fighter Practice
1-5 pm
F. Burton Smith Park, 7575 W. King St, Cocoa
6 Shire Archery Practice
5-7 pm, Willow Creek Blvd, Port St. John
10 Shire Fighter Practice
1-5 pm
F. Burton Smith Park, 7575 W. King St, Cocoa
13 Shire Archery Practice
5-7 pm, Willow Creek Blvd, Port St. John
14 Shire Business Meeting
6:30-8:30 pm Cocoa Central Library, Rm 4
16-17 Space Coast Nerd Fest Demo
200 Rialto Place, Melbourne
17 Traveling Fighter Practice
check Starhaven Populace for time and place
18 June Vair Bell Submission Deadline 18 May Vair
Bell Submission Deadline
20 Shire Archery Practice
5-7 pm, Willow Creek Blvd, Port St. John
22 Shire Night Out
7-9 pm, Barnes & Noble/Merritt Island
22-24 St. Georges Faire
An Crosaire/Camp Immokalee
23 Tournament of the Rose
Sea March/Lake Worth Scottish Rite Center
24 Shire Fighter Practice
1-5 pm
F. Burton Smith Park, 7575 W. King St, Cocoa
27 Shire Archery Practice
5-7 pm, Willow Creek Blvd, Port St. John
29-1 Oldenfeld Anniversary
Oldenfeld/Camp Indian Springs
May 2016
1 Anno Societatus LI (51)
1 Shire Fighter Practice
1-5 pm
F. Burton Smith Park, 7575 W. King St, Cocoa
4 Shire Archery Practice
5-7 pm, Willow Creek Blvd, Port St. John
8 Shire Fighter Practice
1-5 pm
F. Burton Smith Park, 7575 W. King St, Cocoa
11 Shire Archery Practice
5-7 pm, Willow Creek Blvd, Port St. John
12 Shire Business Meeting
6:30-8:30 pm Cocoa Central Library, Rm 4
13-15 Gathering of the Clans - Clansalot
Darkwater/Camp Kiwanis
15 Traveling Fighter Practice
check Starhaven Populace for time and place
18 June Vair Bell Submission Deadline
20-22 Trimaris Memorial Tourney (TMT)
Kingdom-Wyvernwoode/Camp La Llanada
21 Elevation of Santiago de Anda to Order of
Trimaris Memorial Tourney
22 Shire Fighter Practice
1-5 pm
F. Burton Smith Park, 7575 W. King St, Cocoa
27 Shire Night Out
7-9 pm, Barnes & Noble/Merritt Island
June 2016
1 Shire Archery Practice
5-7 pm, Willow Creek Blvd, Port St. John
5 Shire Fighter Practice
1-5 pm
F. Burton Smith Park, 7575 W. King St, Cocoa
8 Shire Archery Practice
5-7 pm, Willow Creek Blvd, Port St. John
9 Shire Business Meeting
6:30-8:30 pm Cocoa Central Library, Rm 4
10 Ex Opus: A Southern Regional A&S Event
Sangre del Sol & Southkeep/Camp Greynolds
12 Shire Fighter Practice
1-5 pm
F. Burton Smith Park, 7575 W. King St, Cocoa
15 Shire Archery Practice
5-7 pm, Willow Creek Blvd, Port St. John
17-27 SCA 50 Year Anniversary Celebration
Society-Middle/Henricks Co. Fairgrds, Danville IN
18 July Vair Bell Submission Deadline
19 Traveling Fighter Practice
check Starhaven Populace for time and place
22 Shire Archery Practice
5-7 pm, Willow Creek Blvd, Port St. John
24 Shire Night Out
7-9 pm, Barnes & Noble/Merritt Island
26 Shire Fighter Practice
1-5 pm
F. Burton Smith Park, 7575 W. King St, Cocoa
May 2016
1 Anno Societatus LI
1 Shire Fighter Practice
1-5 pm
F. Burton Smith Park, 7575 W. King St, Cocoa
4 Shire Archery Practice
5-7 pm, Willow Creek Blvd, Port St. John
8 Shire Fighter Practice
1-5 pm
F. Burton Smith Park, 7575 W. King St, Cocoa
11 Shire Archery Practice
5-7 pm, Willow Creek Blvd, Port St. John
12 Shire Business Meeting
6:30-8:30 pm Cocoa Central Library, Rm 4
15 Traveling Fighter Practice
check Starhaven Populace for time and place
18 June Vair Bell Submission Deadline
18 June Vair Bell Submission Deadline
22 Shire Fighter Practice
1-5 pm
F. Burton Smith Park, 7575 W. King St, Cocoa
27 Shire Night Out
7-9 pm, Barnes & Noble/Merritt Island
Vair Bell
April 2016
Starhaven Officers
Seneschal – Countess Sir Trude Lacklandia
Phone: 407-349-5088
Deputy: Lady Mor ingen Ronain
The Seneschal is the legal representative of the group in
the modern world. Acts as the chief administrative officer,
similar to a club’s president.
Social Media Deputy: Lady Mor ingen Ronain
Social Media Deputy promotes the group through social
media such as Facebook & provides quick updates.
Exchequer – Thein Morgan Etienne ap
Gwalchmai Gwynedd
Exchequer: In charge of the financial affairs of the group,
similar to a club’s treasurer.
Deputy: Countess JeongMi
Herald – Don Davius St. Jacques
In charge of making announcements, of guiding people in
researching their medieval names, and of assisting in
designing heraldic devices for submission to the College
of Heralds.
Knight Marshal – Lord Tiberius Aurelius Magnus
Knight Marshal: In charge of the rules & regulations for
all martial arts. Sees to the safety and training of the
participants. Keeps a record of who is authorized locally.
Archery: HL Kateryna atte Hagenes
Rapier Marshal: Countess Sibilla Daine
Archery: Coordinates practices and trains archers.
Rapier: Coordinates light weapons practices and sees to
training and authorizations.
Arts & Sciences – HLady Arianne de
Coordinates the study and practice of the medieval arts &
sciences. Learn medieval skills such as how to make your
own garb.
Deputy: Sir Haroun ibn al-Dhi'b al-Abyadh
Chronicler – HLady Eithne ingen Muirgein
Chronicler publishes the group’s newsletter, which
includes the Shire Calendar, activities, event reports, etc.
Historian – Lady Lydia de la Mer
Historian is in charge of recording, keeping, and
displaying the history of the group in text and pictures.
Webminister – Baron Wulfric Strongbow
Webminister is in charge of the group’s website.
Hospitaller – Lady Mor ingen Ronain (Interim)
Hospitaller is the “Welcome Wagon” for people new to the
SCA, teaching our customs & rules and how to fit in.
Social Media Links
Shire of Starhaven Website: - Information about the Shire.
Facebook: Shire of Starhaven, Trimaris – Official source for information from the Officers.
Facebook: Starhaven Populace – Discussion group for populace and friends.
Kingdom of Trimaris Website: - Information about the Kingdom.
Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. Website: - Join the SCA online, find groups
around the world, and resources for newcomers.