our shire - Sutherland Shire Council
our shire - Sutherland Shire Council
Newsletter of Sutherland Shire Council OUR SHIRE March/April 2016 www.sutherlandshire.nsw.gov.au KURNELL DISASTER ASSISTANCE CRONULLA EASTER SHOW Good Friday to Easter Monday, 10am to 4pm daily, Cronulla Plaza, Cronulla Street Discover all the delights of the Easter Show at Cronulla. Meet the Easter Bunny with Alice in Wonderland, pat your favourite farm animal, enjoy a carnival ride, and take home your favourite show bag. We even have mini pig racing this year! Cheer on the little pigs as they race through the obstacle course, or just have a cuddle with these cute, little guys. There will be six shows daily. Entry is free and there are plenty of fun activities that won’t break the budget. Cronulla Easter Show is open all Easter long weekend at Cronulla Plaza. Why not take a train ride to the Show? It stops right at the end of Cronulla Street. For program information visit www.sutherlandshire.nsw.gov.au or find us on facebook/cronullabeachcbdevents or phone 9545 7777. The Sutherland Shire Mayor’s Kurnell Disaster Appeal has raised more than $300,000 from the public and local businesses to assist Kurnell residents. Council worked with the Salvos to set up the appeal with support from The Australian Red Cross. Immediately following the tornado, Council worked with local emergency services to restore access to Kurnell and respond to resident’s immediate safety needs. Council assisted residents and businesses with their immediate clean up needs, including organising green waste and asbestos removal, and helping to restore and preserve the natural environment. Council’s estimated total cost of the clean up is $700,000. This included 1,500 tonnes of greenwaste collected, mulched and reused, 142 tonnes of storm debris collected, transported and disposed of, 97 tonnes of additional domestic waste collected, transported and disposed of, 140 additional 240L event bins provided and 80 replacement domestic bins delivered. Council is also streamlining the development approval process for those residents who need to repair or rebuild their home. For more information call 9710 0333 or email ssc@ssc.nsw.gov.au WHAT'S INSIDE COUNCIL PROJECTS 4&5 YOUTH WEEK 7 WHAT'S ON & CALENDAR 9 - 11 GET ACTIVE 18 & 19 SHIRE UPDATE ANZAC DAY IN THE SHIRE SHIRE UPDATE There will be Anzac Day dawn services throughout the Shire on Monday 25 April. • Sutherland United Services Club - Eton St, Sutherland. • Bundeena RSL - Loftus St, Bundeena. • Caringbah RSL - Corner of President Ave and Port Hacking Rd, Caringbah. • Engadine RSL - Engadine Town Square, Old Princes Hwy, Engadine. • Miranda RSL - Central Rd, Miranda. • Woronora RSL - Prince Edward Park, Woronora. • Cronulla RSL - Monro Park, Cronulla. • Heathcote RSL - Oliver Lane, Heathcote. • Menai Memorial - Parc Menai, Menai. Please contact your local RSL club for further information. SENIORS WEEK 2016 Seniors Week 2016 events start on Tuesday 22 March and festivities run until Friday 15 April. Activities include meeting sugar gliders in the Royal National Park, joining guided bushwalks, watching a short film festival or listening to interesting talks at the Libraries, the Seniors’ Concert and Luncheon at the Entertainment Centre, free health checks and classes at Leisure Centres, there is even a unique slice baking competition. For more information visit www. sutherlandshire.nsw.gov.au QUALITY SCHOOL HOLIDAY CARE During the April school holidays Council will operate Vacation Care at Miranda and Lucas Heights, in addition to our newest centre at Burraneer Bay Public School in Cronulla. Centres operate from 7am to 6pm with robust policies and procedures overseen by quality specialists in accordance with the National Quality Standards. Council’s Vacation Care is a Government approved service and the Child Care Benefit and Child Care Rebate applies. For enrolment details and enquiries, please call 9710 0466 or visit www.sutherlandshire.nsw.gov.au/vacationcare SHIRE GUIDE It is often joked that Shire locals never leave and there is good reason for that. Bordered by 200kms of sparkling blue waterways, 11kms of golden sandy beaches and 160kms of spectacular bush, the Shire is a destination with plenty to offer visitors and locals alike. Grab a copy of the Shire Guide from one of our distribution points or order online to help you plan your next adventure in the Shire. Go to visittheshire.com.au/order for details and to subscribe to our monthly Love the Shire eNewsletter. 2 OUR SHIRE l Sutherland Shire Council l March/April 2016 www.sutherlandshire.nsw.gov.au SHIRE UPDATE Join the Sutherland Shire - Chuo, Japan 2016 Student Program. Shire students are invited to enjoy a 17 day fully-escorted tour to Japan in the September school holidays. Students will take part in a homestay, attend school, visit Tokyo Disneyland, volunteer in community projects, tour Tokyo, travel by Shinkansen to Kyoto, and visit the historic site of Nara. Host families are also needed for eight nights in July to welcome Chuo students to our wonderful Shire. For more information and application details visit www.sutherlandshirejapanstudentprogram.com or phone 9543 5109. AUSTRALIA DAY 2016 More than 30,000 people attended Council’s Australia Day celebrations in Cronulla and Illawong and 160 people became the Shire’s newest Australian citizens representing a total of 35 different nationalities. The youngest was just 2 years old, and the oldest was 90 years young. In Cronulla, Dragon, Busby Marou and Mark Vincent had the crowd pumping with good vibes, live music and plenty of fun all afternoon and into the evening. At Blaxland Oval in Illawong, a record crowd enjoyed the free The Shire’s registered clubs invite local not-for-profit organisations to apply for grant funding for community projects that benefit Shire residents. Online applications open on Monday 7 March. For more information visit Council's website. SHIRE UPDATE CLUB GRANTS WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT JAPANESE CULTURE? family fun zone as well as a trio of talented cover bands, ABBASBACK, the Kamis and Australian Played who topped off the night. The events were also successful in raising much needed funds for our Australia Day Charity Partner, Steven Walter Children’s Cancer Foundation. A special thanks to our event partners: Club Central Menai and Payce as well as event supporters ANSTO, St George & Sutherland Shire Leader, Sylvania BMW and Capital Bluestone Woolooware Bay. CRONULLA ILLAWONG JP HELP DESK AT CRONULLA LIBRARY A new Justice of the Peace Help Desk operates at Cronulla Library from 11am to 2pm on Thursdays and Saturdays. This is a free service staffed by volunteer JPs who are members of the NSW Justices Association. www.sutherlandshire.nsw.gov.au March/April 2016 l Sutherland Shire Council l OUR SHIRE 3 COUNCIL PROJECTS COUNCIL PROJECTS GREENHILLS PARKLANDS UPDATE GREENHILLS VOLUNTARY PLANNING AGREEMENT The Greenhills Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) is a complex and large project involving Sutherland Shire Council, Frasers Property Australia and Breen Holdings, over approximately 124 hectares on the Kurnell Pensinsula. The land adjoins the residential area of North Cronulla and the grounds of Cronulla High School, the Charlotte Breen Memorial Park and land further north towards Lindum Road, Kurnell. The total project includes recreational, regeneration and conservation areas and multiple sporting facilities with associated car parks and amenities. As part of the VPA, Frasers Property Australia (Formerly Australand) and Breen Holdings dedicated 91 hectares of land to Council for public open space. When ultimately completed, there will be approximately: • • • • 23 hectares of public open space with playing fields a skateboard park and associated facilities 10 hectares of heritage dune 10 hectares of water bodies (including Green & Golden Bell Frog habitat and stormwater treatment ponds) • • 19 hectares of retained good quality bushland and 29 hectares of replanted and restored native vegetation and native grassland. STAGE 1A - GREENHILLS SKATEPARK Council negotiated early access to Greenhills skate park via a lease agreement with developers to make the facility available for skateboarding while the surrounding infrastructure is under construction as part of the ongoing Greenhills Parklands project. Until works are completed there are no toilet facilities or fresh water on the site. The completion of stage 1A will see the delivery of the skatepark, grass playing field, access road and parking, shared pathways to future stages and open parklands including frog habitat and planting of local indigenous plants. As works are nearing completion approval from Sydney Water are delaying the commissioning of sewer to the site allowing for the opening of the amenities building on the adjacent playing field which will service both the field and skate park. Interim opening hours are from 7am to sunset and skatepark visitors are reminded that there is no drinking water available at the site and to adhere to the temporary advisory signage. Entry to the skatepark is via the roundabout on Lindum Road and the carpark for the facility, not via the construction site. STAGE 1B – HOCKEY FIELDS Stage 1B includes the synthetic hockey fields, access roads, parking area and amenities building. This stage is currently underway pending issues with sourcing suitable fill material for the hockey field base. Council hopes to see stage 1B completed by the end of 2016. Future stages will be delivered in conjunction with the winding back of operations at the Kurnell landfill facility under the terms of the VPA between Council, Frasers Property Australia and Breen Holdings. For information on the progress of this and other projects in the Sutherland Shire visit Council’s website. 4 OUR SHIRE l Sutherland Shire Council l March/April 2016 www.sutherlandshire.nsw.gov.au TWO HERITAGE WHARVES RESTORED Council has put the finishing touches on two projects that have restored Hospital Bay Wharf in Cronulla and Lilli Pilli Wharf in Lilli Pilli. Both structures were ageing and in need of restoration to make them safe for continued public use. The new wharves were constructed in a traditional style that reflects the early to mid-twentieth century style of maritime infrastructure that was typical of the era. They are examples of an historic maritime landscape where public wharves, once common, are now becoming rare. The traditional style of the refurbishment is consistent with other similar projects completed recently including the Gymea Bay Baths. The projects required a number of innovative design solutions to overcome construction challenges, protect the environment and enhance the heritage significance of the wharves. HEATHCOTE PLAYGROUND UPGRADE The playground at Forum Drive, Heathcote is now larger and contains more play activities and amenities that cater for a broader age group. The new playground adresses the changing needs of the local community, and has reinvigorated this community space. The larger facility houses 15 different play activities including swings, slides, a rocker, climbing boulder wall and bridges. There is also ample new seating, a dinky track and large shade structure. Visit Council’s website and search ‘Parks and Playgrounds’ for a comprehensive list of playgrounds in the Sutherland Shire along with facilites that are available at each location including bbqs, toilets, accessability details and parking. COUNCIL PROJECTS COUNCIL PROJECTS OCEAN GROVE AVENUE UPGRADE Planning is underway for the Ocean Grove renewal project which will rejuvenate the area, attract visitors, improve access, encourage outdoor dining and cater for families. Once detailed designs have been finalised they will be submitted for the approvals process. Hospital Bay Wharf after upgrade SYLVANIA SHOPPING CENTRE MASTERPLAN Lilli Pilli Wharf after upgrade www.sutherlandshire.nsw.gov.au A Masterplan is being prepared for the public streetscape in Sylvania Shopping Centre (Princes Highway, Sylvania including the Tom Ugly's Boat Ramp and Wharf precinct) to guide the upgrade of the precinct. Works will be focused on improving the quality of the shopping strip with new footpath paving, improvements to parking, landscape works and beautifying the area as an entrance to the Shire. March/April 2016 l Sutherland Shire Council l OUR SHIRE 5 ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT BECOME A BUSHCARE VOLUNTEER The Shire has over 3,000 hectares of natural areas and community involvement is essential to help restore and preserve these valued spaces. Now is a great time to join our vibrant group of over 700 volunteers who care for over 120 bushland reserves around the Shire. Working under the direction of Council staff you will use bush regeneration techniques to gain experience in managing bushland, learn about your local environment, keep active in the outdoors and meet new people. As a volunteer you will actively protect indigenous flora, fauna and remnant vegetation and assist with the rehabilitation of natural areas for future generations. For more information about the program including a list of bushcare locations or online volunteer application form visit Council's website. ONGOING ILLEGAL DUMPING The problem of illegal dumping is an issue across the Shire and costs ratepayers tens of thousands of dollars to deal with every year. This is money that could be much better spent on services and facilities for Shire residents. In 2014/15, Council collected more than 150 tonnes of waste at a cost of $32,000. To date in 2015/16, over 100 tonnes of illegally dumped material has been collected costing in excess of $21,000. Council’s Environmental Protection Officers have begun actively patrolling problem areas and are seeking assistance from the community. Council is asking for local residents to be vigilant and report what they see. The information provided will be treated in the strictest confidence. You can report illegal dumping by calling 131 555 or logging it through the Report It section of Council's website. In addition to Council's efforts to combat illegal dumping in the Shire, Council is now working in partnership with the Regional Illegal Dumping Squad (RID). These regionally based teams specialise in dealing with illegal dumping and illegal landfilling. Pre-booked Council clean ups are available to all Shire residents and can be booked online at Council's website. ECO-FRIENDLY OPTION AT EARLY EDUCATION CENTRES Council’s 11 Early Education Centres provide an eco-friendly cloth nappy service to babies and toddlers, at no additional cost to parents who use our early education and care service. With every child in disposable nappies typically contributing one to two tonnes of waste to landfill, Council’s cloth nappy service has saved more than 5,000 kilograms which is equivalent to 5.1 tonnes of landfill in just six months. The modern cloth nappies are reusable and professionally laundered, with fabric, fit and comfort a far cry from the cloth nappies our parents would remember. 6 OUR SHIRE l Sutherland Shire Council l March/April 2016 www.sutherlandshire.nsw.gov.au YOUTH HOMELESSNESS MATTERS DAY THE BIG FREEZE Wednesday 13 April, Cronulla Mall How much do you know about youth homelessness? Join Project Youth, Jacaranda Cottage, The Bridge Youth Services, headspace, Greenlight Movement and other local services in Cronulla Mall this Youth Week. Be a part of ‘The Big Freeze’ to raise awareness about this important issue for young people. For enquiries please contact Project Youth at tiana@projectyouth.org.au National Youth Week is the largest celebration of young people in the country, providing a platform for young people to share their ideas, host events, have their voices heard on issues important to them and celebrate their contribution to the community. Youth Week 2016 in the Sutherland Shire will showcase the talent and diversity of local young people. For all the Youth Week 2016 activities visit www.facebook.com/ShireYouthWeek/ YOUTH WEEK YOUTH WEEK SUTHERLAND SHIRE YOUTH WEEK AT SUTHERLAND LIBRARY TEEN MAKERSPACE BOOTCAMP Friday 15 April, 1pm to 5pm Learn how to make your own designs and print them with a 3D printer. Learn how to incorporate electronics into projects the easy way. Create your own designs to make badges. You will become a master at Makerspace in no time. For ages 13 to 24 years. Bookings are essential, book online at Council's website. SUTHERLAND SHIRE YOUTH COUNCIL - MIND GAMES JOIN SUTHERLAND SHIRE YOUTH COUNCIL Are you interested in making a difference in your local community? Friday 22 April, 1pm to 5pm Sutherland Library The Youth Council will share their passion for games and positive mental health by hosting Mind Games at Sutherland Library. Join in a game of chess, Pictionary or the WII tournament and discover how games can make you feel good. Sutherland Shire Youth Council gives a voice to young people in the Sutherland Shire. If you are aged 12 to 24 years and live in the Sutherland Shire this is an opportunity to have a say on issues that are important to you. Find more information on Council’s website. YOUTH ROCK 2016 Sutherland Entertainment Centre Young musicians from schools across the state will again battle it out at Sutherland Entertainment Centre to be crowned Youth Rock champions in 2016. Check the Youth Week website for details www.youthweek.nsw.gov.au/youthrock/ or www.facebook.com/ShireYouthWeek www.sutherlandshire.nsw.gov.au March/April 2016 l Sutherland Shire Council l OUR SHIRE 7 IN THE LIBRARY Bookings to attend events in the library are essential unless otherwise specified IN THE LIBRARY LIBRARY EVENTS ESSENTIAL OILS 101 Monday 14 March, 10.30am to 11.30am Menai Library Learn what essential oils are and how you can use them to support your family’s wellness. OVERCOMING PROCRASTINATION Wednesday 16 March, 10.30am to 11.30am Miranda Library Learn how to overcome procrastination and beat debilitating mental blocks. DOODLING AND COLOURING FOR GROWN-UPS Tuesday 22 March, 6pm to 7.15pm Caringbah Library Create some simple patterns and designs by doodling and drawing and then relax as you colour them in. $5 per person. UNDERSTANDING YOUR DREAMS Tuesday 29 March, 6.30pm to 7.30pm Cronulla Library Author and psychic medium Rosemary Dawson presents the secret code to unlocking the symbolism of dream language. HUMAN RIGHTS AND WRONGS Monday 21 March, 6.30pm to 8pm Sutherland Library To mark Harmony Day, Professor Colin Tatz AO is presenting a talk and his book will be available to purchase. MOOD MANAGEMENT WITH ESSENTIAL OILS Monday 4 April, 10.30am to 11.30am Menai Library Maintaining a positive mood and attitude can be very challenging at times, essential oils can be a great natural solution. LITERATURE IN THE LIBRARY HSC LECTURES AND TOURS SUSANNAH FULLERTON PRESENTS A ROOM FULL OF POETRY Tuesday 15 March, 6.30pm to 7.30pm Sutherland Library Susannah Fullerton discusses why we should read poetry, how it can enrich our lives, and introduces you to some of her favourite poets. Expert speakers will present lectures on topics including the English Area of Study - Discovery, Business Studies, Legal Studies and Biology together with exam and study tips. SHAKESPEARE: HIS LIFE, TIMES AND WORKS Wednesday 6 April, 6.30pm to 7.30pm Sutherland Library 2016 commemorates the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death. Join Robert Englund as he presents a talk about the life and times of Shakespeare. HSC Lectures will be held at Sutherland Library in May/ June and August/September. To register visit Council's website. HSC LIBRARY TOURS AT SUTHERLAND LIBRARY. Find out about the full range of services and resources we offer HSC students call 9710 0237. MEDICAL MISHAPS AND MALADIES IN THE BRONTE’S LIVES AND NOVELS Wednesday 20 April, 6.30pm to 7.30pm Sutherland Library This talk explores the health of the Bronte’s, speculates on the diseases and disorders of the fictional characters the sisters created, and discusses treatments used at the time. $5 per person BOOKINGS AND CONTACTS 8 www.sutherlandshire.nsw.gov.au/Library Bundeena 48R Scarborough St | Phone: 9523 0932 Cronulla 38-60 Croydon St | Phone: 9523 4980 Menai 34-40 Allison Cres | Phone: 9543 5747 Sutherland 30-36 Belmont St | Phone: 9710 0351 Caringbah 376-378 Port Hacking Rd | Phone: 9524 3803 Engadine 116E Caldarra Ave | Phone: 9548 60034 Miranda 31 Wandella Rd | Phone: 9524 8217 Sylvania 124 Princes Hwy | Phone: 9522 7544 OUR SHIRE l Sutherland Shire Council l March/April 2016 www.sutherlandshire.nsw.gov.au WHAT'S ON Tuesday 5 April, 10am to 12pm Engadine Community Centre, 1034 – 1036 Old Princes Hwy, Engadine Sutherland Shire Aged Care Interagency proudly presents a free information expo for older residents about in-home and community services available to support independence. A Community Art Exhibition showcasing the Changing Face of Ageing will also be on display. For more information call 9548 6000. HARMONY DAY 2016 CELEBRATION Wednesday 23 March 5pm to 8.30pm Film Screening will begin at 7.30pm Engadine Community Centre This Harmony Day celebrates the power of diverse communities coming together. Be part of a community conversation, an opportunity to share our experiences, concerns and priorities - our shared hopes and vision for our community that we can act on together. Enjoy a family-friendly short-film festival celebrating cultural diversity. Catering provided. RSVP: sutherlandshireharmonyday. eventbrite.com.au CRONULLA CENTRAL GALLERY SOUTHERN SOUL – EXHIBITION BY TONY LOPES 1 March - 31 May 2016 The Sutherland Shire is a beautiful part of the world; one of the Jewels of the east coast of Australia. Tony Lopes lives in this beautiful part of Sydney and has spent years exploring the area. Tony’s passion for photography has seen him take many ambitious trips around Australia and abroad, but it is the beauty of familiarity and understanding the landscape of home that has continued to charm Tony’s goal of capturing this scenic place. COMMEMORATING COOK’S LANDING It has been 246 years since Lt James Cook landed in Australia. We invite you to attend our annual commemoration ceremony on Friday 29 April at Cook's Landing Place, Kamay Botany Bay National Park, Kurnell. Along with acknowledging this historical event, we examine the history of the traditional owners of our land, the Australian Aboriginal people, and the meeting of the local indigenous families with the European explorers. We recognise the 'Meeting of Two Cultures'. For further information contact 9710 0993. COONONG FOR KIDS CRONULLA VINTAGE CAR & BIKE SHOW Wednesday 20 April, 9am to 11pm This Bushcare event is perfect holiday fun for the kids and it’s free. Join Council's Bushcare Officer, and explore the wilds of Coonong Creek Bushland Reserve. Recommended for primary school ages, parents are welcome to accompany their children. Phone 9524 5672 to register. Sunday 20 March 9am to 4pm Cronulla Plaza, Cronulla St Visit Cronulla for this popular family event for a great cause. Supporting Sylvanvale, the Show will feature over 40 exceptionally rare cars and bikes, live bands, stalls, children’s activities and the chance to win your own Vespa. Brought to you by Cronulla Rotary Club and Sutherland Shire Council. For details visit www.cronullacarshow.com or sylvanvale.com.au/shop www.sutherlandshire.nsw.gov.au WHAT'S ON AGED CARE EXPO March/April 2016 l Sutherland Shire Council l OUR SHIRE 9 WHAT'S ON IN THE SHIRE CALENDAR monday Storytime and Rhymetime throughout each week. Visit Council's website for details tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday 1 2 3 4 5 6 Toddler Tuesdays FunFit Drop-in Knitting Group Recycling Tour Free Woodchipping Service Go Your Own Way Junko Asaba: Real Time Exhibition opens HSC: Working in mixed media Eat'n Street open for lunch and dinner MARCH STORYTIME & RHYMETIME throughout each week - Visit Council's website for details 7 8 9 Club Grants Open Strassman's iTEDE Art Engage Parents of Learner Drivers workshop Blokes book group Crafters Knitting & Crochet Irish Fever Toddler Tuesdays Open book club Mumpreneur Movie: Whiplash Library Knitters 10 JUNKO ASABA: REAL TIME EXHIBITION - Hazelhurst 11 Taming Technology Tiny Tours and Little Looks Movie: Whiplash Drop-in Knitting Group 12 13 E-Waste Dropoff E-Waste Dropoff Remote Control Cars and planes HSC: Photography and Photomedia Movie: Whiplash Eat'n Street open for lunch and dinner JUNKO ASABA: REAL TIME EXHIBITION - Hazelhurst 14 15 Essential Oils 101 Junko Asaba: Real Time Exhibition closes A Room Full of Poetry Toddler Tuesdays Drop-in Knitting Group Movie: Love is Strange 16 17 Overcoming Procrastination Guided Kyak Tour FunFit Encore Learn to Sew Movie: Love is Strange JUNKO ASABA: REAL TIME EXHIBITION - Hazelhurst 21 18 Preschoolers Tour Drop-in Knitting Group Eat'n Street open for lunch and dinner 19 Birdwatching: Bundeena to Marley Bokashi Workshop Sue Smalkowski: Rythmic Encounters exhibition opens Free woodchipping 20 Cronulla Vintage Car & Bike Show HSC: Contemporary Portraiture workshop Movie: Love is Strange MAN OF LA MANCHA - SEC 22 Movie: Far From Men Seniors Week Lunch Human Rights and Human Wrongs Doodlng & Colouring In for Grown-ups Toddler Tuesdays 23 24 Cape Bailey Coast Walk Movie Day: Shire International Short Film Festival Harmony Day Celebrations Movie: Far From Men Seniors Week Concert 25 26 GOOD FRIDAY PUBLIC HOLIDAY 27 EASTER SUNDAY Movie: Far From Men Art Engage CRONULLA EASTER SHOW SENIORS WEEK ACTIVITIES 28 EASTER MONDAY PUBLIC HOLIDAY CRONULLA EASTER SHOW 29 30 Toddler Tuesdays Bush Wackers 31 Sue Smalkowski: Rythmic Encounters exhibition closes Understanding Your Dreams $0 Joining Fee at Leisure Centres ends Crafters Knitting & Crochet SENIORS WEEK ACTIVITIES FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: BUSHCARE CALL 9524 5672 CHILDREN’S SERVICES CALL 9710 0827 COMMUNICATIONS & EVENTS CALL 9710 0513 CRONULLA BEACH CBD CALL 9545 7777 LIBRARY SERVICES CALL 9710 0351 FAMILY DAY CARE/VACATION CARE CALL 9710 0466 HAZELHURST REGIONAL GALLERY & ARTS CENTRE CALL 8536 5700 10 OUR SHIRE l Sutherland Shire Council l March/April 2016 www.sutherlandshire.nsw.gov.au WHAT'S ON IN THE SHIRE CRONULLA EASTER SHOW Good Friday to Easter Monday 10am to 4pm daily, Cronulla Plaza, Cronulla St A great day out for families with young children the Easter Show will feature all of the family favourites including the animal farm, carnival rides, show bags, sideshow alley, market stalls and even mini pig racing! For more information: www.cronullabeachcbd.com.au monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday 1 2 3 Free Entry for Seniors at Leisure Centres ALL WEEK Claire Cavanna: Piper at the Gates of Dawn exhibition opens Art Express closes CALENDAR VISIT THE 'WHAT’S ON' SECTION OF COUNCIL’S WEBSITE FOR UP-TO-DATE INFORMATION ON EVENTS, PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES NEAR YOU. Peter and the Wolf Take Me As I Am SENIORS WEEK ACTIVITIES 4 Young At Heart 6 7 8 9 Toddler Tuesdays Art Engage Shakespeare: His Life, Time and Works Movie: Madam Bovary FunFit Personal Safety for Seniors Young At Heart The Doug Moran National Portrait Prize exhibition opens Aged Care Expo Library Knitters Movie: Madam Bovary Recipe Club Citizenship Ceremony 10 Organic Gardening Workshops Digital Camera Workshop Movie: Madam Bovary APRIL Mood Management with Essential Oils 5 YOUTH WEEK SENIORS WEEK ACTIVITIES 11 Hazelhurst Autumn Holiday Program starts Mahjong Group 12 13 Claire Cavanna: Piper at the Gates of Dawn exhibition closes Youth Homelessness Taming Technology: Matters Day Cloud Computing 14 15 16 Teen Makerspace Bootcamp Shire Slice of Life 17 Michael Ambriano: Crooked Mountain exhibition opens Child Restraint Checks SENIORS WEEK ACTIVITIES YOUTH WEEK SCHOOL HOLIDAYS 18 19 Discover the history of your house Encore Taming Technology: Cloud Computing 20 21 22 23 Medical Mishaps and Maladies in the Bronte's lives and novels Human Rights and Wrongs Sutherland Shire Youth Council Mind Games Garrawarra Farm Loop Trail 29 30 Understanding Your Dreams Chook Keeping Workshop Tiny Tours and LIttle Looks Friends of Hazelhurst Show opens Art Engage 24 Swing! Coonong for Kids SCHOOL HOLIDAYS 25 26 27 ANZAC DAY PUBLIC HOLIDAY Term 2 Art Classes start Movie Day: Trumbo Michael Ambriano: Crooked Mountain exhibition closes 28 SUTHERLAND ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE (SEC) CALL 9521 8888 SUTHERLAND SHIRE COUNCIL ADMINISTRATION CENTRE CALL 9710 0333 SUTHERLAND SHIRE LEISURE CENTRES (SSLC) CALL 8536 9777 WASTE SERVICES CALL 9710 0333 THE RIDGE GOLF COURSE CALL 9541 4960 MENAI INDOOR SPORTS CENTRE CALL 9532 0444 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CALL 9710 0109 www.sutherlandshire.nsw.gov.au March/April 2016 l Sutherland Shire Council l OUR SHIRE 11 CENTRESTAGE What's on at the Sutherland Entertainment Centre SUTHERLAND SHIRE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA PRESENTS: CENTRESTAGE MOVIE DAYS AUTUMN CONCERT: PETER AND THE WOLF AND FRIENDS SHIRE INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL Wednesday 23 March The Shire’s own annual short film festival returns for its’ seventh edition, with a unique program of never before seen short films from around the world, curated by Cinewest Artistic Director Vahid Vahed and selected by Shire seniors. Everything from comedy through drama to documentary, animations, live action and more artistic entries are included. Choose between a matinee screening which includes lunch at the interval, or the evening screening. Sunday 3 April 2.30pm Join the SSSO, conducted by Beth Moloney, to experience Prokofiev's wonderful symphonic tale, Peter and the Wolf. Followed by an equally exciting array of musical marvels featuring several youthful soloists, this is definitely a program which will appeal to both the young and the young at heart. General admission $25, concession $20, child under 12 one free ticket with every paying adult. eMOTION MUSIC PRESENTS: THE BRENDAN FITZGERALD ENSEMBLE IN SWING! Saturday 23 April 2.30pm & 8pm In 1929 the flamboyant excess of the roaring twenties crashed in the great depression. Makin’ Whoopee gave way to Moonglow, the Charleston flipped to the Jitterbug and the big band era of jazz began. The story of swing is voiced by New York’s Metronome music critic of the times, George Simon. The slip and slide dance rhythms and slinky melodies of the ‘30s and ‘40s, are trumpeted by the dynamic Brendan Fitzgerald Jazz Ensemble. Get In The Mood with Glenn Miller, Benny Goodman, Ella Fitzgerald, The Duke, Count Basie, Cab Calloway and more! Matinee general admission $33, concession $29, group 6+ $25 Evening general admission $42, concession $39, group 6+ $35 In-show cabaret dining available for an extra $30pp TRUMBO Wednesday 27 April Trumbo tells the story of Screenwriter Dalton Trumbo’s fight against the U.S. government and studio bosses in a war over words and freedom, which entangled everyone in Hollywood from Hedda Happer (Helen Mirren) and John Wayne to Kirk Douglas. With an all-star cast including Bryan Cranston, Helen Mirren, Diane Lane and John Goodman, Trumbo is a witty, spirited leap back into the Golden Age of Hollywood. WORKING MANAGEMENT PRESENTS: BOBBY FOX IN FOUR SEASONS IN ONE NIGHT Friday 6 May 8pm Handpicked for the Australian production of Jersey Boys by Frankie Valli himself Bobby Fox returns to the stage in Four Seasons in One Night a celebration of the music of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. Experience Bobby's first hand insight into the world of this legendary man and band, as he takes you behind the scenes experiences of his unique journey from his first audition to the final curtain call. General admission $45, concession $42, group 6+ $39 In-show cabaret dining available for an extra $30pp HAIL, CAESAR! Wednesday 25 May A comedy starring Josh Brolin, George Clooney, Ralph Fiennes, Scarlett Johansson and Channing Tatum, follows a single day in the life of a studio fixer who is presented with plenty of problems to fix. ENGADINE MUSIC SOCIETY PRESENTS: MARY POPPINS THE BROADWAY MUSICAL Wednesday 18 to Sunday 22 May One of the most popular Disney films of all time will capture your heart all over again. Mary Poppins features all the songs from the movie including A Spoonful of Sugar, Let’s Go Fly a Kite and Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Mary Poppins is an enchanting mixture of irresistible story, unforgettable songs, breathtaking dance... And a little magic as well! Tickets only available through Engadine Musical Society at www.engadinemusicalsociety.com.au or phone 1300 616 063. Eat'n Street popup restaurant open for Friday, Saturday and Sunday performances. Eat'n Street bookings 9521 8888 MOVIE TICKETS Movie & Lunch: 11am General $11, Concession $10 Dinner & Movie: 6pm $30 Bookings essential for dinner Movie Night (Movie only): 7.30pm All tickets $8 12 OUR SHIRE l Sutherland Shire Council l March/April 2016 www.sutherlandshire.nsw.gov.au CENTRESTAGE CINEWEST IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE SUTHERLAND ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE PRESENT: @ A GLANCE MARCH 4 5 7 8 16-20 22 23 REEL FESTIVAL OF WORLD CINEMA Friday 20 and Saturday 21 May The Rainbow Room will be transformed into a hub of outstanding world movies as a specially curated program of international features and featurettes is presented across three sessions. Features will screen on the Friday and Saturday evenings at 7.30pm with an 11am Saturday screening of featurettes. A light lunch is included with the matinee while pre screening dining is available on Friday and Saturday night. Matinee (lunch included): General admission $11, concession $10 Night Movie Only: General admission $10, concession $9 Dining available at Eat'n Street popup restaurant. Bookings 9521 8888 24 APRIL 2 3 13-17 23 27 BACK TO THE GOLDEN YEARS AND THE SUTHERLAND ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE PRESENT: MAY 6 FOREVER VIENNA Monday 30 May 11am Forever Vienna is a wonderful matinee concert featuring music of Andre Rieu. Stephen Fisher King, an award winner for ‘Entertainer of The Year’, will perform medleys of Mario Lanza and Mozart, along with The Figaro Aria. Ian Cooper, a multi award winning instrumentalist will enthral you with his musical skills on the violin. In his performance he will include The Blue Danube Waltz, Jealousy Tango and Fiddler on the Roof. Soprano Emily Garth will delight you with songs from Carmen and My Fair Lady. Peter Kaye will entertain with his comedy routine and incredible impressionist skills. Also featuring will be The Dianne Donovan Dancers. General admission $25, concession $24, group 10+ $23. 18-22 20-21 25 30 A GUY AND A GIRL GO YOUR OWN WAY IRISH FEVER STRASSMAN’S iTEDE MAN OF LA MANCHA SENIORS WEEK LUNCH SHIRE INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL SENIORS WEEK CONCERT CENTRESTAGE What's on at the Sutherland Entertainment Centre TAKE ME AS I AM SUTHERLAND SHIRE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA YOUTHROCK SWING! MOVIE DAY: TRUMBO BOBBY FOX IN FOUR SEASONS IN ONE NIGHT MARY POPPINS REEL FESTIVAL OF WORLD MOVIES MOVIE DAY: HAIL CAESAR FOREVER VIENNA PURCHASE TICKETS Online anytime www.suthentcent.com.au or Box Office: 9521 8888 30 Eton Street Sutherland 9am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday CENTURY ENTERTAINMENT AUSTRALIA PRESENTS: SYDNEY COMEDY FESTIVAL SHOWCASE Friday 24 June 8pm The Sydney Comedy Festival Showcase will be tearing up the freeways of Australia for the fourth year in a row to bring the crème de la crème of the 2016 Festival right to your doorstep in the Shire. Boasting a line-up of the best local and international comics and showcasing some of the freshest emerging talents, this jam packed night of pure entertainment will leave you sore from belly laughs. So get ready ‘Straya… The Showcase Tour is back on the road! Call your pals and grab your tickets to the funniest night of entertainment you will see all year. Warning: may contain strong coarse language and adult themes. Recommended for 15 years and over. All tickets $35 concerts + comedy + cabaret + functions + exhibitions + theatre 30 Eton Street, Sutherland 2232 Telephone: (02) 9521 8888 Facsimile: (02) 9545 3216 Email: tickets@ssc.nsw.gov.au www.suthentcent.com.au sutherlandentertainmentcentre @suthentcent www.sutherlandshire.nsw.gov.au Preview dining menus and book tickets to most shows online. The Centre’s counter is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 4.30pm. MOBILITY ACCESS All ground floors of the SEC are wheelchair accessible, with ramps at the Eton Street entrance and at the rear in Merton Street. A limited number of designated parking spots are available in Eton Street. Please advise when booking tickets if wheelchair access is required. March/April 2016 l Sutherland Shire Council l OUR SHIRE 13 AT THE GALLERY Hazelhurst Regional Gallery & Arts Centre | www.hazelhurst.com.au AT THE GALLERY EXHIBITIONS IN THE REGIONAL GALLERY ART EXPRESS Until 3 April 2016 Hazelhurst’s annual offering of ARTEXPRESS showcases a selection of outstanding works by 2015 HSC Visual Arts students experimenting across a range of media, and pushing aesthetic, thematic and formal boundaries. Presented by Hazelhurst in partnership with NSW Department of Education and the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW, this exhibition showcases artwork by some of NSW’s most talented young artists. ARTEXPRESS WORKSHOPS AND FORUMS During ARTEXPRESS students and schools will be able to attend a series of forums and intensive workshops. The forums provide an arena for open discussion where students can ask questions, talk about ideas and find new ways of exploring their body of work. Students can also extend their technique and enhance their expression working with specialist tutors in chosen forms during our intensive workshops. Full program details available on our website. EXHIBITIONS IN THE COMMUNITY GALLERY JUNKO ASABA: REAL TIME 5 – 15 March Explores the artist’s connectivity to the world by applying paper manipulation techniques to newspapers and magazines. Junko Asaba, Untitled 2015, magazine paper. SUE SMALKOWSKI: RHYTHMIC ENCOUNTERS 19 – 29 March Paintings celebrating a dynamic entanglement with flora and fauna, light and rock. Imageclockwise from top: Joshua Lee Bound by Perception, Photomedia, Cronulla High School; Sarah Greenstein God has given you one face and you make yourself another, Drawing, Kirrawee High School; Josie Potter Back to the Future, Painting, Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney. THE DOUG MORAN NATIONAL PORTRAIT PRIZE April 9 – 5 June 2016 The Doug Moran National Portrait Prize is the richest award for excellence in portrait painting in Australia. Following the exhibition of 2015 Finalists at Juniper Hall, Paddington the Moran Art Foundation is touring the exhibition to regional galleries commencing at Hazelhurst. Sue Smalkowski, Static Contemplations, oil on linen. CLAIRE CAVANNA: PIPER AT THE GATES OF DAWN 2 – 12 April Paintings inspired by the figure in the landscape. MICHAEL AMBRIANO: CROOKED MOUNTAIN 16 – 26 April Paintings reflecting the artist’s recent experience of the Warumbungle region. 2015 Winner, Warren Crossett, Self Portrait after St. Jerome Flanders, oil on canvas. ART CLASSES TERM 2 Tuesday 26 April to Saturday 2 July 2016 Explore your creativity with over 40 courses in ceramics, painting, drawing, jewellery, printmaking, photography and mosaics. Enrolling from Monday 28 March. Full program details available on the website. 14 OUR SHIRE l Sutherland Shire Council l March/April 2016 FRIENDS OF HAZELHURST SHOW 30 April – 10 May The annual exhibition from the Friends group. www.sutherlandshire.nsw.gov.au AT THE GALLERY Hazelhurst Regional Gallery & Arts Centre | www.hazelhurst.com.au AT THE GALLERY SPECIAL EVENTS FAMILY TOURS Hazelhurst family programs offer the perfect opportunity for your child to interact with art, and maybe even create their own. Tiny Tours (0 to 18 months) Fridays 11 March and 29 April, 10.30am to 11am Little Looks (18 months to 3 years) Fridays 11 March and 29 April, 9.30am to 10.30am Preschoolers (3 to 5 years) Friday 18 March, 9.30am (90 mins) Visit us online to find out more about our programs specifically tailored for you and your little one. Bookings essential on 8536 5700. ART ENGAGE ART CENTRE AUTUMN HOLIDAY PROGRAM Art Engage is a free program for people with dementia. It engages the viewer using the language of art in conversation, looking at artworks and making art. It enables people with dementia to connect with their world and sense of identity. Trained gallery Educators and Volunteer Guides lead the group in discussion, making memories and art. The program is available for individuals and groups with dementia. For further details and/or bookings please contact Kate Milner on 8536 5745 or Ingrid Dernee on 8536 5738. Wednesday 10am to 11.30am, 9 and 24 March, 6 and 21 April and 4 May. Monday 11 April to Friday 22 April A wide range of creative art classes tailored for children aged six to 13 years. Activities include clay work, drawing, painting, ink and collage work plus many more creative mediums for kids to enjoy. Full details available on the website. Enrolling from Monday 14 March. HAZELHURST FILM CLUB Enjoy great films in a friendly and relaxed environment WEEKEND WORKSHOP For a minimal membership fee of $35 per year, enjoy a great variety of films on Monday evenings at 6.30pm, Thursdays at 11am and Sundays at 2pm. DIGITAL CAMERA with Pedro Altuna Sunday 10 April 10am to 4pm $112 Discover the possibilities of your digital camera and improve your photography skills in a relaxed and supportive environment. Look at the basic concepts of composition and the art of seeing a good photograph. Learn how to use camera functions, transfer images, edit using Photoshop and more. The film program includes art house and eclectic, modern and contemporary to foreign and independent films. Visit our website for the film program. A facility of Sutherland Shire Council 782 Kingsway Gymea NSW 2227 Tel 02 8536 5700 Email hazelhurst@ssc.nsw.gov.au www.hazelhurst.com.au www.sutherlandshire.nsw.gov.au Like us on Facebook ‘Hazelhurst Regional Gallery and Arts Centre’ for information on upcoming exhibitions and events. March/April 2016 l Sutherland Shire Council l OUR SHIRE 15 BUSHCARE BUSHCARE BUSHWALKS & GUIDED TOURS GUIDED KAYAK TOUR Thursday 17 March, 9am to 1pm Woronora River Join us for one of our most popular Bushcare events. It’s free, the kayaks are provided and you’re looked after by a great crew. Whatever your experience level, this is a fabulous morning out on the river. All participants are to be physically fit, over the age 16 and be a confident swimmer. THE BURNING ISSUE HOW FIRE HELPS SUSTAIN BUSHLAND IN THE SHIRE The role of fire in the Australian Bush is essential for the health and diversity of plant and animal species. Although catastrophic at times to some species, including people, Australian landscapes are largely derived from the affects of fire. Many of the Shire’s bushland reserves are managed for both fuel reduction and for ecological health, and there’s no better time to get out into the bush to see the benefits than a few months after a scheduled burn. So much can be learned from this experience. Join the Bushcare team for an informative guided walk through one of the recently burned bushland reserves. This easy stroll through The Glen, Bonnet Bay on Wednesday 20 April from 9am to 11am. To book call Bushcare on 9524 5672. BIRDWATCHING: BUNDEENA TO MARLEY Saturday 19 March, 8am to 2pm Join us for a walk along the Royal National Park coast with noted bird expert Steve Anyon-Smith. There should be lots of birds about including albatross and maybe even a whale or two. Bring morning tea, lunch and water. Note: National Parks parking fees apply. REFRESH YOUR GARDEN Council’s Community Nursery is a great place to purchase plants to spruce up your garden this autumn. All plants have been grown from seed and cutting material collected from bushland reserves within the Shire and propagated by Council staff and nursery volunteers. There is tube stock and large pots currently available with over 100 species on the benches including Grevilleas, Banksias, Bottlebrush and Waratahs. Nursery staff are always on hand to assist in plant selection, and the Native Plant Selector on Council’s website is also a great tool in helping you choose appropriate species for your garden. Find us at 345 The Boulevarde, Gymea (next to Gymea North Public School. CAPE BAILY COAST WALK Wednesday 23 March, 9am to 12.30pm This spectacular guided coastal 8km walk at Kamay-Botany Bay National Park will take you around sand dunes, heath lands and hanging swamps. You'll see great cliff top views and the Cape Baily Lighthouse. Bring morning tea, lunch and water. Note: National Parks parking fees apply. GARRAWARRA FARM LOOP TRAIL Saturday 23 April, 8am to 2pm Meet at the Garrawarra Farm carpark (beginning of Burning Palms Track) in the Royal National Park for an 8km walk with noted bird expert Steve Anyon-Smith. Bring binoculars if you have them, water, morning tea and lunch. Booking are essential. The walk is graded medium to hard, with a few long hills. BUSH WHACKERS Oyster Creek Gully, Kareela Wednesday 30 March, 9am to 12.30pm Come along to Bush Whackers at Oyster Creek Gully and meet the whole Bushcare team. A great opportunity to meet new people, learn about the Shire’s beautiful bushland and get some exercise. All equipment, gloves and morning tea will be provided. To book call 9524 5672. The Sutherland Shire Bushcare Facebook page is a hub to share information, photographs and video. Just log onto Facebook, search for 'Sutherland Shire Bushcare' and 'like' our page. 16 OUR SHIRE l Sutherland Shire Council l March/April 2016 Please note that bookings are essential for all activities, so call 9524 5672 to register. www.sutherlandshire.nsw.gov.au WASTE WASTE WISE WORKSHOPS RECYCLING TOUR Saturday 5 March, 8.30am to 12.30pm During this visit to the recycling and waste management facility you will find out exactly what happens to your rubbish once it has been collected and taken away from your kerbside. Residents can now apply for an additional garbage bin online. Go to the ‘Apply for It’ section of Council's website, and complete the online form. Please read all necessary information to ensure you are eligible prior to submitting a request. BOKASHI WORKSHOP Saturday 19 March, 8.30am to 12.30pm Learn how to compost food waste hygienically minus the unpleasant odours and insects in your own home. ORGANIC GARDENING WORKSHOP Saturday 9 April, 9am to 1pm Learn how to make rich healthy soil, manage pests organically, build a no-dig garden and prepare and plant a delicious edible garden. WASTE ONLINE GARBAGE BIN REQUESTS Upcoming workshops and dates for Council’s free Waste Wise Living workshops: FRIDGE BUY BACK Do you have a second working fridge at home? Did you know the Fridge Buy Back initiative are offering rebates to households to remove their old working fridges in an aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Call Fridge Buy Back on 1800 708 401 to find out more. CHOOK KEEPING WORKSHOP Saturday 30 April, 10.30am to 12.30pm Learn how to house chooks and look after them. Due to the popularity of these workshops, bookings will only be accepted three weeks prior to the workshop date. For more information or to enroll in any of these workshops log on to www. sutherlandshire council.nsw.gov.au or call 9710 0333. Available to Sutherland Shire Residents only. FREE WOODCHIPPING SERVICE Council offers a free domestic woodchipping service for Shire residents. The woodchipping service will be operating at the corner of Sylvania Rd and The Kingsway, Miranda between 10am and 3:30pm on Saturday 5 and 19 March. You can find out more information in your waste management booklet or on Council's website. www.sutherlandshire.nsw.gov.au March/April 2016 l Sutherland Shire Council l OUR SHIRE 17 GET ACTIVE $0 JOINING FEE - HURRY LAST DAYS GET ACTIVE COUNCIL LIFEGUARD PATROLS Cronulla, North Cronulla, Elouera and Wanda are patrolled 7 days per week from 8am to 5.30pm in March and from 8am to 4.30pm in April. Keep that New Years resolution and save $125. Access to four Council leisure centres across the Shire (Sutherland, Caringbah, Engadine and Menai). • Unlimited use of group fitness classes, gym, pools, spa and steam • Flexible membership time stop • Gym towel • Complimentary pass for a friend • Coaching and goal setting session every two months. FREE KICKSTART OPTION Choose from a 15 visit crèche pass or a 45min PT session. Offer ends 31 March, terms and conditions apply. SUTHERLAND SHIRE LEISURE CENTRES www.sslc.com.au Sutherland Leisure Centre Rawson Avenue, Sutherland Mon to Fri: 5am to 9pm Sat: 5.30am to 7pm Sun: 7am to 7pm Phone: 8536 9777 Caringbah Leisure Centre Jacaranda Road, Caringbah Mon to Thu: 5.30am to 9pm Fri: 5.30am to 6.30pm Sat: 6am to 7pm Sun: 7am to 7pm Phone: 9525 6777 Engadine Leisure Centre Anzac Avenue, Engadine Mon to Fri: 5.30am to 9pm Olympic pool closes at 6.30pm on Fridays for swim club. Sat: 6am to 7pm Sun: 7am to 7pm Phone: 9548 4200 FREE ENTRY FOR SENIORS DURING SENIORS WEEK Menai Indoor Sports Centre 98 Crescent, Menai Mon to Thu: 9am to 10pm Fri: 9am to 9pm Sat: 7.30am to 3pm Sun: By booking/event Phone: 9532 0444 Try all of our facilities for free during Seniors Week, 1 to 10 April. Visit Sutherland, Engadine, or Caringbah Leisure Centre or Menai Indoor Sports to enjoy a class, swim, use the state of the art equipment or take part in a free Seniors Week health checks or morning tea throughout the week. Full program available online at sslc.com.au or visit one of our centres for more information. *Seniors card must be presented upon entry. THE RIDGE GOLF COURSE AND DRIVING RANGE New Illawarra Road, Barden Ridge Mon to Fri: 7am to 9pm Sat/Sun: 6am to 8pm Public Holidays: 6am to 6pm Phone: 9541 4960 Hours subject to weather SCHOOL HOLIDAY PROGRAMS PUBLIC GOLF COURSE PRO SHOPS Kareela 9521 6279 Woolooware 9523 3882 The Ridge 9541 4960 TENNIS COURTS Council has 13 facilities with courts available for casual or permanent hire. Check out our website for contact details. 18 OUR SHIRE l Sutherland Shire Council l March/April 2016 Menai Indoor Sports Centre has a great program of activities every school holidays. For more information contact Menai Indoor Sports Centre 9532 0444 or check out Council's website Make a splash these school holidays at your local Leisure Centre with learn to swim Intensives, fun and fitness camp and our giant water inflatable. www.sutherlandshire.nsw.gov.au SPLASHERS SWIM SCHOOL - DIARY DATES 2016 METAFIT NEW GROUP FITNESS CLASS AT SUTHERLAND LEISURE CENTRE Our Austswim and Swim Australia qualified instructors teach a balance of water safety and swimming skills in a friendly and safe environment. The program is structured for two levels of water awareness and seven levels for learn-to-swim. New students receive a free assessment to advise you on the most appropriate class for your child. Nursery classes start from six months of age. Bookings can be made at the swim school reception either by phone on 8536 9777 or at one of the Centres. • Week commencing 21 March Re-enrolments for Term 2 • Week commencing 18 April New customer enrolments for Term 2 A 30min high intensity style work out to boost your metabolism and get you to peak fitness quickly. For structured periods of maximum effort you will perform a combination of body weight strength, plyometrics and core exercises which will challenge you both physically and mentally. Check current timetable for class times. GET ACTIVE GET ACTIVE GROUP FITNESS Sutherland Shire Leisure Centres have a wide variety of fitness classes and programs available to suit all ages and fitness levels. We have classes especially designed for seniors, plus specialised GP referral programs for those who have specific medical conditions. If you need some motivation or want to achieve specific fitness goals, you can book a personal trainer. FUNFIT GROUP FITNESS FOR KIDS Engadine Leisure Centre Wednesdays 4.30 - 5.15pm during school terms FunFit is aimed at improving muscular strength, agility and cardio endurance for kids aged 6 - 12 years. FunFit incorporates Dance Fitness, Bootcamp, Circuit Training, Yoga, TRX and Cardio. Kids will also get a complimentary fitness assessment on the first and final weeks of the program. It is run by our highly motivating and energetic instructors, the kids will love it. Please see our website for more details sslc.com.au. DOG FRIENDLY AREAS Just like their owners dogs love to get amongst it and enjoy our many outdoor spaces. There are a variety of dog friendly areas in the Shire where dogs may be off leash. Visit Council's website to find out more. www.sutherlandshire.nsw.gov.au March/April 2016 l Sutherland Shire Council l OUR SHIRE 19 SHIRE UPDATE TRIPADVISOR SHIRE UPDATE Which Bate Bay beach is your favourite? Or do you prefer a park? Or Council's award winning Camellia Gardens? If you enjoy getting out and about in the Shire, how about letting people know about all the great places there are to visit in Sutherland Shire on Tripadvisor.com.au? BE PART OF THE MAYORAL BALL 40 YEAR TRADITION The Sutherland Shire Mayoral Debutante Charity Ball began with the opening of the Sutherland Entertainment Centre in 1976. The next year it was decided to hold the ball yearly as a fundraiser for a local charity, incorporating a presentation of local debutantes to the Shire President (which changed to Mayor in 1993). This year's ball will be held on Saturday 4 June. If you are in year 11 or 12 and would like to be part of this unique experience, there are still limited debutante places available. Contact 9710 0554 for an application form. B WARD Cr Kent Johns (LIB) Mob: 0414 194 822 Tel: 9710 0360 Email: kjohns@ssc.nsw.gov.au Cr Phil Blight (ALP) Mob: 0414 193 644 Email: pblight@ssc.nsw.gov.au Cr Tracy Cook (LIB) Tel: 8539 3049 Mob: 0409 761 781 Email: tlcook@ssc.nsw.gov.au C WARD Deputy Mayor Cr Hassan Awada (LIB) Mob: 0417 286 315 Email: hawada@ssc.nsw.gov.au Cr Tom Croucher (LIB) Mob: 0408 862 765 Email: tcroucher@ssc.nsw.gov.au Cr Peter Scaysbrook (ALP) Tel: 9528 2946 Mob: 0408 982 972 Email: pscaysbrook@ssc.nsw.gov.au Cr Diedree Steinwall (ALP) Tel: 9548 6180 Mob: 0412 139 316 Email: dsteinwall@ssc.nsw.gov.au Mayor Cr Carmelo Pesce (LIB) Mob: 0411 171 114 Email: cpesce@ssc.nsw.gov.au Cr Bruce Walton (LIB) Mob: 0434 327 753 Email: bwalton@ssc.nsw.gov.au D WARD Cr John Riad (LIB) Mob: 0408 919 760 Email: jriad@ssc.nsw.gov.au Cr Steve Simpson (LIB) Tel: 9541 1681 Mob: 0414 193 699 Email: stevesimpson@ssc.nsw.gov.au Cr Peter Towell (SWI) Tel: 9543 9685 Mob: 0434 327 756 Email: ptowell@ssc.nsw.gov.au E WARD CONTACT COUNCIL 20 Administration Centre, 4-20 Eton Street, Sutherland NSW 2232 Locked Bag 17, Sutherland NSW 1499 Telephone: 9710 0333 Facsimile: 9710 0265 DX4511 Sutherland Email: ssc@ssc.nsw.gov.au Website: www.sutherlandshire.nsw.gov.au Facebook: Sutherland Shire Council Twitter: @SuthShireCncl A WARD Cr Carol Provan (LIB) Tel: 9527 6406 Mob: 0418 246 524 Email: cprovan@ssc.nsw.gov.au C WARD B WARD A WARD Cr Scott Williams (LIB) Tel: 9523 4768 Mob: 0448 777 300 Email: swilliams@ssc.nsw.gov.au D WARD YOUR COUNCILLORS Cr Kevin Schreiber (LIB) Mob: 0414 193 711 Email: kschreiber@ssc.nsw.gov.au E WARD Your reviews help others plan the perfect trip, so share your experiences today.
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