Suzuki News - Suzuki Music South Australia


Suzuki News - Suzuki Music South Australia
Suzuki News
Term 3, 2015
To nurture happy and successful future world
citizens through music using the guiding principles of the Suzuki Philosophy and Pedagogy.
Suzuki Music SA aims to create and develop a nurturing, vibrant, active and creative community of
teachers, students and families for the study and performance of music in accord with the Suzuki
Philosophy and Pedagogy. Through the study and performance of music we seek to enrich student’s
lives, enhancing their family relationships, encouraging them to strive for excellence in all areas of life.
President’s Report Term 3, 2015
Welcome back to Term 3. One of the most exciting
concerts for the year will be held in Elder Hall on the
20th September. I know the students will be preparing
for this concert throughout the term.
Please bring your family and friends to support this
wonderful event. Ask your children to invite a friend.
It’s important that members of the public see the
outstanding talent of our students. For those of us
who have been involved in the Suzuki Community for
a long time we know the value of the Suzuki Method.
This is an opportunity to spread the word about the
Suzuki News Term 3, 2015
Suzuki program to those who are not familiar with the
benefits of learning by this Method. Try to all bring at
least another new family with you to the concert.
Congratulations to all the students who have been
performing in the Eisteddfods this past week. I know
many of our students have been awarded prizes
and outstanding comments for their performances.
Congratulations also to the teachers who have
prepared these students for this competition. It requires
dedication and extra time to ensure the students are
playing at a very high level of performance.
Suzuki Council 2015
2015 Suzuki Council Teachers
Anne ApThomas (President)
Therese O’Brien (Vice president)
Kylie Mahony (Secretary)
Sian Williams
Vicky Yagi
Ann Vanden Driesen
Joan Mahony (Treasurer)
David Furniss
Mary D’Arcy
Belinda Stachowiak
2015 Membership Fees
$110 renewing members
New 2015 members only
$70 country membership
Term 1 Starter
$ 110.00
Term 2 Starter
$ 82.50
Term 3 Starter
$ 55.00
Term 4 Starter
$ 27.50
$150 Teachers
$120 Teacher Trainee
Dora Schrapel
PO Box 378 Mitcham S/Centre
Torrens Park SA 5062
Phone (08) 8277 2766
Office hours:
Tuesdays & Wednesdays
between 10am and midday.
President’s Report continued...
For those of you who like to travel you may be interested in knowing there will be
an Asian Suzuki Conference in Bali next year 26th-30th June 2016. The Conference
is being held at the Westin Conference Resort in Nusa Dua. I believe the application
forms will be available at the end of this month. A good opportunity to escape winter
in Adelaide for a while.
I’m sure you are aware there is the Suzuki Sydney Conference in September. This
has closed for applications but they are taking names if you wish to go to be put on a
waiting list.
I know those of you who are attending will have a wonderful time. Attending Suzuki
Conferences in Australia or overseas offers our students different experiences that are
life enriching and memories they will always cherish.
The Suzuki Council would love to hear from our members who may have fundraising
ideas. We need to have support from families in this area so please let us know of any
great ideas.
I would like to thank Stephen Schrapel for our new website. Many of you may not be
aware that our website has been changed thanks to Stephen. We are extremely grateful
for the hours he has contributed to this for the benefit of the Association. We now have
a much more streamlined website that has already had many visits from interested
prospective families.
I hope our students are having a lot of fun learning new repertoire and revisiting their
review pieces. This is a very important part of the Suzuki Method and a necessary part
of the learning process. Of course don’t forget the listening to the recordings.
Have a wonderful term and I look forward to seeing you all at the Showcase Concert
in September.
Newsletter Copy Deadlines
Term 1, 2015 - Jan 21
Term 2, 2015 - April 14
Term 3, 2015 - July 7
Term 4, 2015 - Sept 29
Members Advertising
Non-commercial notices
• Free for Suzuki members
• Non-members $15 each
Contact Dora Schrapel (Administrator) to
place your advertisement
For commerical advertising in the SuzukiSA
Newsletter, please contact Dora Schrapel
for advertising guidelines and costs.
Suzuki Music SA is classified as a
charitable organization under ATO
rulings. Therefore, all donations made
to the Association of $2 or more are
tax deductible.
Suzuki News Term 3, 2015
Anne ApThomas
Suzuki Music SA President
President’s Report Term 3, 2015 In Short / on our website
Fundraising Help
Fundraising Lottery
Amazing achievements of our
Suzuki SA Students
Introducing our Sponsor: Size Music
Accredited Teachers
Studying Music Theory in Suzuki
Diary Dates 2015
Suzuki Quiz Night Introducing our Sponsor: Whitehorse Music
The 2015 Showcase Concert
Suzuki & Shopping in Manila Anne ApThomas
The 10th European Suzuki Convention,
Switzerland - Peter Shin
A Memorable Suzuki Convention Timothy, Cowen & family
The Secrets of Violinist Dorothy DeLay 16
Review: Studio Workshop Funday - Monica
Christian & Ann Vanden Driessen
Form - Family Membership Form - Graduation Application
In Short / on our website
Keep a look out on our new website for
articles, forms and updates, and don’t forget
to submit some of your own news.
Showcase Choir Song
If you wish to participate in the Choir please
download the song ‘Thank You Dr. Suzuki’ from:
(Also in this newsletter:)
2015 Membership Form
2015 Graduation Forms (Application, Certificate)
Suzuki Fundraising Lottery
Dear Suzuki members,
Suzuki SA exists because of the hard work of
volunteers who give up their time to make sure the
organisation runs smoothly. But there are occasions
where, as a group, we need to give more than just
our time.
Please return your lottery books to your child’s
teacher as soon as possible. The deadline is the
end of August, for collation by me and returning to
the Credit Union. We would like all tickets sold to
keep our finances healthy!
David Furniss
I’m writing to you to tell you that we need to raise
some money to keep the organisation ticking over.
Don’t worry, I’m not asking you to dig deep into
your wallet or purse. I’m asking for your help to
come up with some clever fundraising ideas.
Perhaps you know someone who would be willing
to donate raffle prizes. Perhaps you’d be willing to
give up an afternoon to help run a sausage sizzle.
However you think you may be able to help, I
would like to hear from you.
Please send your ideas to my personal email
address, which is
This fundraising will be starting with a bake sale at
the first showcase rehersal. So please keep your
eyes peeled for these exciting events and support
them when you can.
Mary D’Arcy
Parent Representative, Suzuki SA Council.
Suzuki News Term 3, 2015
Suzuki Piano Teacher
Carmencita Arambulo
see “Suzuki and Shopping in Manila” pg 8.
Some amazing musical achievements of
our Suzuki SA Students
Asha Reilly. student of Nicola Buckland, has won a music scholarship to Marryatville High School for 2016
Carolyn White Memorial Scholarship: Heidi Li, student of Nicola Buckland. 2nd Prize
2 0 1 5 E I S T E D D F O D R E S U LT S
Students Of Nicola Buckland
E807 – Year 7 and Under Ensemble
1st Prize – 4 Tune 8, students of Jenny
2nd Prize – Junior Suzuki Strings, students of
Kylie Mahony
6 Years and Under Flute Solo Division
Gold Medal - Maiara Boehe
8 Years and Under Flute Solo Division
Silver Medal - Phoebe Chalmers
10 Years and Under Flute Solo Division
Gold Medal - Imani Brechin
10 Years and Under Flute Solo: Folk Song
2nd Prize - Abbey Taylor
12 Years and Under Flute Solo Division
Gold Medal - Asha Reilly
Grade 2 Flute Solo Division
1st Prize - Indya Dodd
14 Years and Under Flute Solo Division
Gold Medal - Lily Seymour
Grade 4 Flute Solo Division
1st Prize - Heidi Li
16 Years and Under Flute Solo Division
2nd Prize - Andi Custodio
Grade 5 Flute Solo Division
2nd Prize - Sophie Rosser
Flute Ensemble Division
1st Prize - The Flute Quartet: Lily Seymour,
Andi Custodio, Eva Giannakis and JessikaMay Robinson
Honourable Mention and People’s Choice
Award - The Flute duet: Indya Dodd and
Matilda Rosser
Suzuki News Term 3, 2015
S306 – 16 Years and Under Junior String
Honourable Mention – Jude OwensFleetwood, student of Kylie Mahony
Grade 1 and 2 String Solo
1st Prize - Kiara Ting. Student of Sarah
S324 – Grade 3 and 4 String Solo
2nd Prize - Aaron Seymour, student of Sarah
S326 – Grade 5 and 6 String Solo
Honourable Mention- Charlotte Moseley,
student of Sarah Buckland
3rd Prize - Luca Shin, student of Kylie
Medallion – Sarah Gomez, student of Jenny
Medallion – Benjamin Gomez, student of
Therese O’Brien
S331 – String Solo 9 Years and Under
2nd Prize – Jude Owens-Fleetwood, student
of Kylie Mahony
S335 – Violin Solo 12 Years and Under
3rd Prize- Hok Nam Fong, student of Kylie
S336 – String Solo 10 to 12 Years
2nd Prize – Elizabeth Chng, student of Kylie
Honourable Mention – James Butcher,
student of Therese O’Brien
S337 – 12 Years and Under Cello Solo
1st Prize - James Butcher, student of Therese
S328 – Grade 7 and 8
3rd Prize - Brendan Chong, student of Kylie
S332 – String Solo 10 Years and Under
2nd Prize – Annabelle Inaba-Hill, student of
Kylie Mahony
3rd Prize – Lanlang Xu, student of Kylie
S330 – String Solo 7 Years and Under
Medallion – Lewis Owens-Fleetwood,
student of Kylie Mahony
Medallion – Luca Shin, student of Kylie
Note: We have endeavored to
include all the Suzuki Students
that have made a notable musical
achievement - please advise our
administrator Dora Schrapel if there
are any omissions.
Introducing our sponor:
Size Music
Size Music specializes in sales, hire and repairs of
orchestral instruments. We also stock a wide range of
sheet music, tutor books, and many of the accessories
needed for playing a musical instrument.
Our open plan workshop gives customers the
opportunity to get expert advice from technicians,
and minor repairs can often be completed while you
wait. We have quick turn-around times for servicing
and repairs as all work is performed on site.
Size Music hires quality student instruments for those
just starting out. It means you can begin learning to
play on a high quality instrument without the initial
cost of buying.
Come in and join our Loyal Customer program to
receive discounts on print music and accessories,
along with expert advice and great service!
Also, we now stock 1/64th violins.
Tel: (08) 8373 3370 / Fax: (08) 8373 3380 / Free call: 1800 023335
Size Music - The Orchestral Specialists
74 Glen Osmond Rd Parkside SA 5063
For our latest specials and news, Like us on Facebook:
Trading Hours:
Monday to Saturday: 9am - 5pm
Closed Sundays and Public Holidays
Suzuki News Term 3, 2015
74 Glen Osmond Rd,
Phone. 08 8373 3370
Accredited Teachers
Copper Coast / Kadina
Jennifer Cowley
Primary Camden Park Therese O’Brien
SturtJenny McDonaldTrainee
Nicola Buckland
Anne ApThomas
Dip. of Suzuki Talent Educ.
0419 962 968
7225 8434
8358 3694
8362 8911
8272 3504
Anne ApThomas
Teacher Trainer & Dip. of
Suzuki Talent Educ. 8272 3504
Novar Gardens
Monica Christian
Dip. of Suzuki Talent Educ.
8294 3560
Henley Beach Sth
Ann Vanden Driesen
Certificate IV
8353 7204
West Lakes/Glandore
Kylie Mahony
Teacher Trainer & Dip. of Suzuki Talent Educ.
SturtJenny McDonaldCertificate IV
Ascot Park Rita Reichbart Certificate IV
NorwoodSarah BucklandCertificate III
Victor Harbor
Linda Sideris
Certificate III
Eden Hills
Vicky Yagi
Certificate III
Flagstaff HillSian WilliamsTrainee
Woodville SouthSonai TreagusTrainee
8341 6577
8358 3694
0420 417 803
8362 8911
0457 726 284
8370 2312
0417 836 179
Music Theory in Suzuki
Are you sitting an A.M.E.B exam or would like to
attend Theory classes?
Or are you interested in teaching Theory classes?
For those students that have progressed further in their theory studies and would like
to to extend themselves by teaching (and so extending their own knowledge), please
contact the Suzuki Office and let Dora know what level you are comfortable teaching to.
For those students that would like some theory help, also contact Dora at the Suzuki
Office to register your interest.
Diary Dates 2015
20th July
Term 3
5th August
Showcase Audition Applications Due
30th August
Showcase Rehearsal
All Comers Piano Concert /
Showcase Walkthrough
20th September
Suzuki Showcase Concert
25th September
Graduation Application Due
13th September
25th September
Elder Hall
Suzuki National Conference Sydney, Wahroonga, NSW
12th October
Term 4
15th November
Graduation Concert
All Comers Piano Concert /
Suzuki Strings Workshop /
Concordia College
End of Term 3
25th to 28th September
22nd November
Concordia College
Concordia College
Concordia College
SA Annual Event Overview*End of Term 4
Suzuki Music SA Annual Event Overview*
Term 1
Suzuki Spectacular Rehearsal
Suzuki Studio Spectacular
All Comers Concert
Graduation Applications Due
Term 2
Graduation Concert
All Comers Concert /
Strings Workshop
Showcase Auditions Due
School Holidays
Suzuki SA Winter Festival
(Biennial. not this year)
Term 3
Showcase Concert Rehearsal
All Comers Concert /
Showcase Walkthrough
Showcase Concert
Graduation Applications Due
Term 4
Graduation Concert
All Comers Concert /
Strings Workshop /
Studio Christmas Concerts
*Note: These are the typical events on the Suzuki calendar but they are subject to change
Suzuki Quiz Night
Friday 27th November
7.00pm – 10.30pm
Goodwood Community Centre
32-34 Rosa St, Goodwood
Tickets $10
The Suzuki Association needs your
support in attending our first ever Quiz
Night. This is a great opportunity to help
raise funds for the Association so please
book a table - 10 per table - and bring
your friends along for an evening of fun.
It’s a great venue with plenty of parking.
We look forward to seeing you all there
to make this an exciting Suzuki event.
We need lots of donated items so we
would love to hear from you if you have
a business that can offer support in any
Suzuki News Term 3, 2015
way. No item is too small. We ask if you
can take small items to your teacher prior
to the event so that they can be included
in gift baskets for raffles. We will also be
having a silent auction so you may like to
contribute something towards this. Wine
is always a popular item.
You could also take things to the next
Workshop on the 13th September at
Concordia College.
Contact Anne ApThomas on
0401 685 730
Introducing our sponor:
Whitehorse Music
Richard and Michelle established Australia’s String Specialist store
Whitehorse Music in 2001. The husband and wife team are string
teachers and also Suzuki parents to 6 year old Elliot and Maisy
who is 4.
Why did you start Whitehorse Music?
We both taught violin and became frustrated with the instruments
students were trying to learn on. They were not set-up properly
but were ‘out of the box’ instruments sold by ‘rockshops’.
Students tried their best but it was so disheartening.
The first instrument you play is the most important.
Easy playability and beautiful tone provide a foundation; a
positive beginning.
We were inspired and determined to provide string instruments
that enhance the player and bring a better experience.
What makes the difference in a String Instrument?
String Instruments need to be set-up properly. Our two Luthiers
are obsessive over the set-up and can spend up to 4 hours on one
instrument completing our Whitehorse Music Professional Set-up.
We always have the player in mind. We optimise the playability
and the tone of each string instrument.
To the player the difference is enormous! It is such a great feeling
when a player says ‘oh wow, this is how I am supposed to sound!’
How do you choose the brand or make of instrument?
We are so grateful to have such wonderful support and encouragement from string teachers across Australia. In fact now our
StoreTeam here are made up of all passionate string teachers.
We take onboard what string teachers love in an instrument. This
has lead to the refinement of the brands we offer. The Struna Range
for violin, viola and cello was born out of collaboration between
teachers and our Head Luthier.
The Struna Classroom series is ideal for school string programmes
right up to the Struna Maestro Extra Series.
Whitehorse Music provides free shipping for string instruments
Australia-wide. Havve an instrument sent out so your teacher can
approve. Return it within 2 weeks if its not right for you for a full
Tel: (03) 9890 1049 / Fax: (03) 9899 8128
Whitehorse Music Australia’s String Specialists
Whitehorse Music School Music Lessons for all age and levels.
689 Whitehorse Rd Mont Albert VIC 3128
Whitehorse Music eBay Store:
For our latest specials and news, Like us on Facebook:
Suzuki News Term 3, 2015
The 2015 Showcase Concert
Sunday, September 20th
Concordia College, Sunday 30th August
1:30-5:00 for Senior Strings members
3:00-5:00 for all other students
All pieces must be memorized for performance.
Keep in mind that students should only learn the
extra-Suzuki pieces they are capable of learning and
memorizing up to the required standard.
Tutti Suzuki Repertoire:
Twinkle Var. A and Theme (A Major)
May Song (Major)
Happy Farmer (G Major)
Gavotte by Lully (D minor (cello key) – the few
notes that are too low for violins can be played
one octave higher)
Tutti Non-Suzuki Repertoire:
Thank You Doctor Suzuki
3:00 pm
Tutorials for all instrumentalists and singing coaching
for choir with Monica. Tutorial groups will be sorted
according to the repertoire they have learned for Showcase
Concert rather than book level. Judy will rehearse with the
flutes and cellos at this time.
4:00 pm:
All instruments – Opening items and Finale in the
following order:
Thank You Dr. Suzuki
Twinkle Var. A and Theme
May Song
Happy Farmer
Gavotte by Lully
Hungarian Dance no. 5 by Brahms
Sonata in G minor, 1st & 2nd mvts by Eccles
Senior Violin Suzuki Repertoire:
Sonata in G minor, 1st & 2nd mvts by Eccles (Book 8)
5.00pm: Soloist’s rehearsals (individually organized)
Senior Cello Suzuki Repertoire:
Concerto for Two Cellos by Vivaldi (Book 6)
Intermediate/Senior Strings and Flutes (Book 3 +)
Hungarian Dance No. 5 by Brahms:
• Cello part – suitable for Book 3-4+
• Violin 3 part – suitable for Books 3-4
• Violin 2 part – suitable for Book 5-6
• Violin 1 part – suitable for Book 7+ This part
requires considerable technical mastery and
requires security playing up to 6th position.
• Flute 1 & 2 parts – distributed by Nicola Buckland
3:00-5:00 for most students
1:30-5:00 for Senior Strings Students
Flute Suzuki Repertoire:
Serenade by Drigo
The Last Rose of Summer, Irish Air
Amaryllis by Ghys
Piano: Piano students will be singing in the choir Thank You Doctor Suzuki.
Please check with your teacher for any non-Suzuki
repertoire for the concert that you should be preparing.
All teachers have copies of the required sheet music.
Suzuki News Term 3, 2015
Concordia College, Sunday 13th September
1:30 – 3:00 pm: Senior String Rehearsal
3:00-4:15 pm:
This will be a full walk-through of the concert, practicing
the stage set-up and stage movement. (Soloists will not
have to perform their full concert solo). All students,
teachers, accompanists, organisers and volunteers are
required to attend.
1. Finale with choir
2. Group items – Twinkle, May Song, Happy Farmer,
Lully Gavotte, Hungarian Dance no. 5
3. Flute group items
4. Senior Violin group – Eccles
5. Senior Cello group – Vivaldi Double
6. Soloists
7. Senior Strings
4:15pm – Soloists rehearsals and Senior Strings rehearsal
5:00pm –End of rehearsals
The 2015 Showcase Concert
Sunday, September 20th
TELEPHONE (08) 8277 2766
$25 for Adults
$15 for Concession
(must present card when purchasing)
Elder Hall, Sunday 20th September
All students to wear their best Suzuki Uniform,
including soloists who will need to change their
outfits during the performance.
Walk-throughs: begin at 12:45
12:45 – 1:20
Soloist walkthroughs only. Doors will remain closed
to all other participants. Families not involved are
politely requested to wait outside the Hall during
this time
1:20 – 1:45
All performers will be required to enter the hall
with their parents. We ask that students come
immediately to the stage for seating and tuning.
Parents will find seating in the auditorium and keep
enough seats spare for any children who will be
performing ONLY in the Opening and Finale items.
Special seating will be put aside for intermediate/
senior students and soloists who are performing in
other concert items.
1:45 - 2:00 – General admittance for audience
Concert: 2:00 – 3:45pm
Suzuki News Term 3, 2015
To close our Showcase Concerts, we invite all
Suzuki students and their parents to join the
choir to sing ‘Thank You, Dr Suzuki’
You may not be aware that it’s open for ALL
parents and the more the merrier. You just need
to come to the rehearsals. Also, of course, it is
open for ALL piano students.
This piece of music was written by Suzuki SA
Teacher Monica Christian. Monica says that she
wrote the piece to be inclusive of all ages:
I was keen that my grandson, Ethan, along
with other three-year olds, would be able to
manage singing the song, or at least, the chorus.
So this was the benchmark I used. It couldn’t
be too fancy! I tested words and melody with
him. Ethan is one of the 3 child singers on our
recording, along with his brother Caleb.
Last year Monica hired a recording studio, and
about 20 teachers, parents, students and friends
joined her in making a recording. Please have a
listen and come along to rehearsals so that we
can lift the roof as we thank Dr Suzuki!
If you are interested to learn more about
the background of the song, here is a link to
Monica’s article.
Suzuki & Shopping in Manila
by Anne ApThomas
During the school holidays I traveled to Manila for the
sole purpose of observing the piano teaching of Professor
Carmencita Arambulo. She is the Suzuki Piano Teacher
Trainer for the Asian region. She was introduced to the
Suzuki method in 1970’s and trained with Mrs Kataoka
who was at that time head of the Piano Faculty in
Matsumoto. Mrs Kataoka traveled the world teaching the
Suzuki Method visiting Adelaide twice.
Carmencita has a vibrant studio with many festivals
and recitals held on a monthly basis. She is a highly
experienced and qualified teacher. Carmencita taught in
the Music Department at the University in Manila for 30
years training many pianists who won music scholarships
to American Colleges and are to this day fine performing
artists. She was awarded a scholarshipship to the New
England Conservatory of Music and completed her
Masters Degree. She continued training and received her
In 2012 she celebrated 40 years of teaching with a huge
celebration. At the age of 77 years old she is as energetic
and vibrant as ever. She is still looking for news ways of
making her teaching better.
I had watched her teach at a Suzuki Conference in Sydney
many years ago and was impressed with her attention to
technical detail. If this is not solid then it’s not possible for
a student to be able to play with sensitivity and musicality
at an advanced level.
Suzuki News Term 3, 2015
In Manila I observed her students for a week ranging from
Book 1 through to the very advanced levels. The 4 Twinkle
Variations were played at the beginning of every lesson
regardless of the book level of the student. Carmencita
places great emphasis on the tone and correct finger
technique for each Variation. She then listens to scales or
scale fragments with younger students. All of the scales
were played hands separately.
Carmencita spends a lot of time teaching Book 1 slowly
and thoroughly as this book is the basis for all the other
pieces in the repertoire.
I was aware that all the children played with a clear even
tone that showed their fingers were developing strength
for the later pieces. The lessons ranged in length from 30
minutes to 1 hour for a Book 2 student onwards.
Review is an extremely important part of the lesson and
the students were asked to play many pieces from memory
before they started their new work.
Pre-reading music was started early but incorporated
more at Book 2 level. By the time the students were in
Book 3 they were expected to be able to read reasonably
During the time I was there 3 students graduated at books
6 and 7. In the Philippines the Suzuki Graduation process
is playing the whole book from memory. They graduate in
every book level starting with Book 1. This is a very special
and important event. The Books 6 and 7 level took approx
50 minutes for the concert.
Suzuki & Shopping in Manila
The children came every day before the concert for extra
practise to make sure they were truly ready for their
performance. This was not expected but they wanted to
do as much practice as possible before their final recital.
Every time I looked in the concert room one of them was
practicing. I did suggest to one of them that perhaps he
needed to rest before his evening performance. They were
fired up with so much enthusiasm that it was such a joy to
see their commitment and dedication.
I was told that the older students graduating in Books 7
and 8 sometimes sleep at Carmencita’s house so they can
have on-going practise and extra help. It is taken very
Prior to the Graduation Concerts it appeared quite
normal that the students had 2 hour lessons going
through all the pieces in detail.
The students begin their recital with the 4 Twinkle
Variations. They have their own concert time and invite
family and friends to attend. Three or four piano teachers
are invited to act as auditors for the concerts and to write
a report on the performance. This is quite formal with the
teachers sitting in the front row at desks writing. I was
asked to be one of the auditors which was quite an honour.
After the graduation concerts the parents provide
an amazing afternoon tea or dinner if it was a later
performance. I had three wonderful meals that day after
the 3 concerts. I was feeling very full by the end of the
night. It was a very special concert and the standard
was exceptionally high. The concerts were videoed and
the students given a copy of their performance plus the
written reports.
I observed a highly talented 12 year old boy have a 3 hour
lesson which he devoured with great enthusiasm. He
then went and practiced swimming for 2 hours as he was
Suzuki News Term 3, 2015
in a national competition with 17 sections the next day.
He told me his dream is to play in Carnegie hall. He has
already played a few Mozart Concertos with orchestra.
He was chosen to play a Concerto movement in the last
Suzuki Conference in Taiwan with the orchestra.
I noticed that all the students came to their lessons well
prepared with their technical work and review pieces well
learnt. The parents were very attentive in the lessons and
keen to know what the new work for the week entailed.
They all had their iPads or phones ready to video the new
work for the week as explained and shown by Carmencita.
There was an enormous amount of energy given to all the
children regardless of their age. They all respect Mrs A as
they refer to her and respond very well in the lessons. The
enthusiasm was the same for each student.
Watching these lessons was truly inspirational and I have
come back filled once again with the power of the Suzuki
Method in developing students into such wonderful
human beings. They were all respectful and delightful to
talk to.
It was wonderful to watch the youngest to the most
advanced performing and how they developed from a
beginner to an outstanding students.
Not only does Carmenchita run her piano classes
but Montessori is also taught on her property. It is a
huge establishment. There are 4 large classrooms for
Montessori (5 days a week) plus a special room for
Kindermuzik (Saturdays and Sundays). There are 2 grand
pianos on stage in an auditorium for the graduation
concerts. There are 15 studio rooms for private lessons
all with pianos. There are 6 piano teachers, one violin
teacher and one guitar teacher. Her son Ariel is the violin
teacher at the school and the only teacher trained in the
Philippines in violin.
Suzuki & Shopping in Manila
All I can say is I was totally overawed and highly
As well as observing the piano lessons I found time to
shop. Shopping in Manila is such fun with shopping
centres the size of three Westfield Marion Shopping
centres rolled into one. I was taken to the most amazing
places thanks to Carmencita and her daughter Rica.
There are more restaurants than I’ve ever seen in my life.
The streets were filled with different types of foods from
every country you could imagine.
I learnt to stop the traffic as there were no traffic lights
where I was staying. I just hoped the cars bikes and all
types of strange transport would actually stop. They didn’t
stop at pedestrian crossings so I watched what everyone
else did and hoped for the best.
I also learnt to barter in the markets. A well known market
near where I was staying had 750 small areas of different
things on sale, ranging from clothes to the best pearls you
can buy. I did think I would dream about the constant
questioning to buy a watch, bag, shoes, dresses etc.
It was a wonderful experience and I have come back
greatly enriched in the power of the Suzuki Method to
educate children all around the world in sharing the gift
of music.
Mrs A refers to herself as a missionary in music. She is
passionate and perfectionistic about everything she does.
Breathing and living music is a way of life for her. She
has nurtured thousands of Filipino children in shaping
them to become musicians developing their sensitivity
and technical fluency which leads them to becoming fine
musical performers. This was evident in the graduation
She is highly respected by her past and present students,
many of whom have gained Doctorate degrees and work
in the field of music in America and the Philipines.
Visiting Manila was one of the most wonderful
experiences of my life that I will always treasure in my
Suzuki News Term 3, 2015
I went for a Suzuki experience but found so much more
in the warmth and hospitality of all the people I met and
their culture. I listened to an exceptional choir of which
so many of the members had Music Degrees but were
working in all different walks of life. Music is an integral
part of life in the Philippines and it was wonderful to
be in the country even though it was only for 10 days to
experience this.
This trip would never have eventuated with such
rewarding memories if I hadn’t had the good fortune
of discovering the Suzuki Method many years ago
while living in America. I feel very blessed that I have
the opportunity to work with parents and children in
such a caring and nuturing environment and able to
spend my life helping to develop children through the
power of music. How fortunate we all are in being part
of the World Wide Suzuki Community. Dr Suzuki’s
Philosophy has affected thousands of families across the
globe and we all need to be greatly appreciative that our
children are able to share in this wonderful experience
through his foresight and brilliance.
Violin & Bow Repairer & Rehairer
Robert Cavagnoli
Adelaide: August 29th - September 12th
He will bring some of his own instruments
and Slaviero bows to sell. Two members of
the ASQ bought a Slaviero bows on their
recent tour in Cremona, Italy, so they come
highly recommended.
Robert’s Australian number:
0414514345 or email him on:
The 10th European Suzuki Convention
Davos, Switzerland, July 2015
Article by Peter Shin (Luca’s and Mila’s dad)
The 10th European Suzuki Convention was held in Davos, Switzerland
this year in July. There was an air of anticipation as our high speed
train journey from Salzburg finished at the foothills of the Swiss Alps at
Landquart and began our ascent in a slower open carriage train up 1500m
above sea level to the picturesque town of Davos. Balmy summer day
with glimpses of snow-capped peaks surrounded us in what I thought was
the most perfectly located convention centre in the world.
Luca, 7 and Mila, 3 at the Davos Convention
We arrived towards the end of the opening day and managed to not
spend too long at the registration queue. The opening ceremony was
informative and to the point, speeches all running to time in the most
Swiss-like manner. It was great to have the entire faculty on stage to
perform the “Twinkles”.
Day one started with a “Play In” at 9am. They divided the kids into three
groups to allow for different levels of playing. This was informal and fun
way to warm up and start the day. I always marvel at how fast they can
play Fiocco Allegro, but I also wish one day they might play it nice and
slow while lying on the floor.
Afterwards, Luca spent until lunch time taking part in the orchestra
practice. It was great to see a formal orchestral component added into
the Convention. It’s always wonderful to see how the orchestra evolves
from being 40 completely individual children playing in their own time
and style, to become so cohesive and play as one under the patient
guidance of the conductor. I watched Luca thoroughly enjoy himself,
not only learning to be part of an orchestra but also to have a lot of fun
Suzuki News Term 3, 2015
along the way. The conductor was very quick at sensing when
brought so much fun and enjoyment to playing such demanding
the group was getting tired and he would play musical games to
pieces. Luca really loved the new friendships that formed over
add humour and energy.
the three days. There was a girl from Italy that often paired
Mila had her own schedule to attend with the ECE class. This
was the pre-Twinkle class where they learn rhythm, singing and
also dance. Suzuki Method really knows how to prepare even
the youngest of children before they even pick up a musical
up with him and he was most happy to be able to practice his
Italian that he learnt from school.
The final day concerts really showcased all the hard work and
the hours spent practicing all the pieces. There was a great
representation of many instruments ranging from violin to the
After lunch the group lessons in the afternoon was at a site 15
minute walk from the main congress centre. The walk took us
through a pretty park with a log trough drinking fountain out
of which came out the cleanest drinking water in the world. We
also discovered an outdoor ice skating rink that operated in the
middle of summer! The Swiss are pretty serious when it comes
to ice skating! We also managed to fit in a few scenic activities
such as taking the cable car up to 2800m for one of the most
breath-taking views.
double bass, guitar, piano, flute, and even voice. One of the
memorable moments was when the All Australian Combined
Ensemble played “Waltzing Matlida”, the organisers juxtaposed
in gratitude the Swiss Suzuki Violin Students to play their folk
music from Appenzell. There was a real sense of everyone
having bonded over the course of the three preceding days with
a feeling of it being like a great big family.
As always the finale was “Twinkle” with everyone on the stage.
It seems that no matter where we are, how many different
Luca was in the “La Folia” and “Vivaldi G-min 2 Mvt” class in
nationalities of different creed and colour, Dr Suzuki’s Philosophy
the afternoon. The teachers were from Sweden and Germany
and his wish to create a way for children (and adults) to be good
respectively. Both had very different teaching styles but both
citizens of the world definitely resonated with all of us.
A memorable Suzuki Convention
Davos, Switzerland, July 2015
Article by Timothy, Cowen and family
It was late Saturday night and we had to catch a plane from
Adelaide airport to Dubai. The kids were tired because it was
way past their bedtime but their excitement suppressed their
sleepiness. Both Timothy and Cowen proudly carried their violins
on their backs and walked excitedly into the plane. My boys had
been talking about this trip for many months now and we were
all extremely excited that it finally had come. Yay!!! We were on
our way to Switzerland!
It was a very long flight. We arrived Dubai airport 13 hours later
and spent a few days at Dubai City before catching a connecting
flight to Switzerland. From Zurich to Davos is another 2 hours
Suzuki News Term 3, 2015
drive by car. The drive from Zurich to Davos where the Suzuki
Convention was held was really beautiful. We were surrounded
with magnificent high mountains and the enormous Davos
Lakes. During that drive, I realized we were in one of the world’s
most beautiful countries.
During the Convention I met families from Germany, China,
Japan, Switzerland and of course Australia. The class teachers
were really funny! They made us laugh so much that the time
passed quickly before we had to rush to the next class. Evenings
were occupied with lots of concerts performed by students and
teachers from Europe. I found the parent’s workshops very
A memorable Suzuki Convention
helpful. Lots of tips were provided to Suzuki parents to help
our children master their individual instruments. Lunchtime
was always fun because we usually took the kids up the top
of the mountain with cable car. The view from the top is
indescribable in words.
The Convention ended with a long day of concerts
surrounded with lovely music played by all the students.
Listening to 650 students playing their violins at the same
time gave me chills to my spine. I am very glad we had the
opportunity to attend this Suzuki Convention in Europe. This
experience was wonderful and will stay with us forever.
The secrets of violinist
Dorothy DeLay’s
teaching methods
- an excerpt from “the Strad” online
magazine, July 13, 2015
Timothy, age 8 – My Davos Trip
Dear Suzuki friends,
I would like to share with you my European Suzuki Convention
at Davos. Before the trip to Davos where the music
Convention was held I was feeling nervous. I even had goose
bumps every time I thought about it. This was because I
thought I was going to perform a solo in front of thousands
of people! Luckily there were so many violinists from all
over the world on the stage together with me. We had fun
playing Twinkles, Allegro, the Minuets and lots more. I met a
boy about my age who could speak German only. He spoke
German to me all the time and I thought it was very funny
because I didn’t understand him at all. I also made friends
from Japan, Switzerland, Canada and Australia.
At the workshop, I had two funny teachers. We were
competing during lesson to see who plays the violin best.
Who had the best posture and who followed the instructions
correctly. Guess what? The students always won! One of my
teachers was Belgian and he was very funny. During lessons,
he often entertained us by balancing a chair or a broomstick
on his chin just like a circus performer! I had fun at all the
workshops. The only thing that was boring to me was they
made me play the Twinkle Variations all the time. I have just
about had enough of playing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star! I can’t
even listen to it for a while!
I performed Long, Long Ago in G major for my solo. I was
nervous but excited. My mum said she was very proud of
me and this made me happy. The best part of the trip was
going on the cable car ride up to the top of the mountain at
lunchtime. My little brother and I enjoyed the food very much
in Switzerland because we love cheese.
Cowen, age 4 - Best holiday ever!
My brother Timmy and I flew to Switzerland to play violin. I like
playing violin together with my brother. I sometimes cried if I
couldn’t find him on the stage because there were so many kids
onstage. I played lots of songs but sometimes they played so
fast that I couldn’t keep up. I also couldn’t hear myself played
because the music was too loud. But the best part of this
holiday was the food. The food was yummy to my belly. I liked
the mountains too. And I liked staying in the hotel.
Suzuki News Term 3, 2015
Violinist Piet Koornhof witnessed Dorothy DeLay’s
extraordinary teaching skills as one of her students
at the Juilliard School in New York. In 2001 he
analysed what made her method so successful.
Dorothy Delay, Starling Professor of violin at the Juilliard
School in New York, is an astonishingly successful teacher. The
list of her former pupils reads like a who’s who of violinistic
fame of the past several decades, with Itzhak Perlman, Gil
Shaham, Midori, Cho-Liang Liru, Shlomo Mintz and Sarah
Chang but a few names that stand out.
Her students former and current – she is 83 years old and still
going strong – are never short of superlatives when talking about
their beloved ‘Miss Delay’. Words like ‘amazing’, ‘incredible’ and
‘fantastic’ seem to stand for learning and nurturing experiences
so profound and encompassing the detail is too overwhelming
to describe. Robert McDuffie calls her a ‘full service teacher’,
meaning that she plays many roles, from teacher and coach to
therapist and career manager, while Cho-Liang Lin describes a
lesson with her as being like a session with a psychologist. ‘You’d
walk in there with a head full of problems about your latest bad
review or a break-up with a girlfriend, and you’d walk out of her
studio feeling all clear’.’
Delay’s lessons are often scenes of youthful mirth, mixed
with serious study and urgent career strategising. She firmly
believes that learning and performing should be fun and
exemplifies this by often shaking with subdued laughter of joy
when a student is playing particularly well – which, one should
add, is quite often. When asked whether she has considered
retirement she gleefully replies, ‘No, not happily, I’m having
too much fun to stop!’
Continue reading at:
FUNDAY - Sunday July 5th 2015
Monica Christian and
Ann Vanden Driesen
offered all students and
parents in their piano
studios an opportunity to
get together for some fun,
food and learning. We were
really pleased with the
enthusiastic response and
All the parents gathered in one room to watch some
inspirational Suzuki lectures on DVD, and discuss
the joys and challenges of Suzuki parenting. From all
accounts they really enjoyed these hours together.
Ann had one group of students in the music room, while
Monica had another group in a different room. Ann
focussed on performance etiquette and polishing concert
pieces, and Monica used Music Mind Games to reinforce
theory concepts. For one session Robyn Shaw, with help
from Ivan Christian were in another room playing games
of ‘music notes and rests’ memory with the youngest
students. That seemed to be a particularly noisy, fun session!
Snacks followed before the groups rotated for session two.
After that session, and before the pizzas arrived, the
students had fun using up some energy running up and
down the adjacent safe lane way. The final teaching session was used to begin preparation
for a percussion item for next year’s Studio Spectacular
Concert. We hope we get time to get this item ready, so that
piano students can also participate in this annual event.
After pizzas, the day concluded with each student
performing in a concert. The audience was most
appreciative, and the performers did beautifully.
It was a great day. New friendships were made, and lots
of learning took place. We must do it again!
Suzuki News Term 3, 2015
Suzuki Music SA
PO Box 378
Mitcham Shopping Centre
Phone 8277 2766
Suzuki Music SA is a non-profit association of teachers and families based in South Australia dedicated to the
principles and philosophies of Dr Shinichi Suzuki.
Families with children learning Suzuki method are expected to become members of the association so that they can
experience the full benefits of a Suzuki education including:
 Access to high quality, trained teachers and resources.
 Access to a wide variety of performance and enrichment activities, including ensembles, group lessons, workshops,
concerts, Winter Festival, Showcase, Suzuki graduation, Interstate Suzuki schools and Suzuki World conventions.
 Quarterly e-newsletter and free classified listing for buying and selling instruments.
 Being part of an international network of Suzuki families.
 Members receive discounts on a variety of musical goods and services from retailers detailed in our e-newsletter.
As a non-profit association, Suzuki Music SA relies almost solely on the goodwill of its members to voluntarily assist with
its running. To do this more effectively, we need everyone to help out a little. We have worked to identify areas and
events in which you can be involved and we are requesting that each family select at least one area in which they can
help-out. We are hoping that over time, greater involvement will result in a stronger association and less reliance on just
a few. Please cross at least one area in which you can assist over the coming year.
Perhaps you would consider being in a committee or event team – options:
Suzuki Spectacular Concert (& rehearsal)
Winter Festival
Showcase Concert (& rehearsals)
Graduation Concerts & String Workshops
Small events committee (eg. Family fun dinner, All
Comer Concerts, AGM & EOY Thank you dinner)
Fundraising Committee
Promotions Committee
Sponsorship Committee
Newsletter & Calendar Committee
Or perhaps you would prefer signing up to a particular role – options:
General Roles – Events & Committees
Specific Roles – Event or Otherwise
 Event Co-ordinator
 Showcase Stage Manager
 Support Event Co-ordinator
 Showcase DVD production
 MC for Concerts
 Winter Festival (July 16-18, 2015) – Catering Mgr
 Front of house eg. Registration desk, ticket &
 Winter Festival (July 16-18, 2015) – Grounds Mgr
merchandise sales, usher
 Winter Festival (July 15-18, 2015) – Happy to
 Stage hands eg. Pre-event setup, during event
billet a teacher/student
movement, post-event tidy & straighten
 Website updates
 General event volunteering eg. Don’t mind, happy
 Admin assistance (need MS Publisher 2007)
to support event co-ordinator as needed
 Open – Suggest an area you can add value
(write in space overleaf)
 General volunteering for committees
Suzuki Music SA often film, photograph or record Suzuki Music SA activities for our own records and for training of our
teachers. We publish photographs of our events in our quarterly newsletter and annual calendar. Our new website will
also include photographs and videos, however separate permission will be sought for the inclusion of photographs and
videos for groups of 5 or less. Names will not be included on the website without specific permission.
If you do not wish for your child’s image to be published, please email the Suzuki Music SA office so that the appropriate
form can be forwarded to you to complete.
Suzuki News Term 3, 2015
Suzuki Music SA
PO Box 378
Mitcham Shopping Centre
Phone 8277 2766
Title Dr/Mr/Mrs/Ms
Given Name __________________________ Family Name __________________________
Address _______________________________________________________________
Contact Phone Numbers
Postcode ______________
Home ____________________________ Mobile _______________________________
Email address (for e-newsletter & correspondence) ____________________________________________________________
I can volunteer in the following area(s): ______________________________________________________________
(see options overleaf - tick-boxes overleaf or write here if preferred)
Signature ________________________________________________ Date ________________________________
Given Name
FEES Renewing members
$ 110.00
New 2015 members only
 Term 1 Starter $ 110.00
 Term 3 Starter $ 55.00
 Term 2 Starter $ 82.50
 Term 4 Starter $ 27.50
Cheque/Money Order
Card number __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Expiry Date ___ / ___
CVV _____
Name _____________________________________ Signature ___________________________________________
Office use:
Date form received ________________________
Suzuki News Term 3, 2015
Amount charged $_________
Initials _____
Suzuki Music SA
PO Box 378
Mitcham Shopping Centre
phone 8277 2766
‘ When we emphasise ‘speed’ we lose sight of the importance of
repetition and the need to master the easiest things first before
advancing to the more difficult. Rushing from one piece to the
next does not increase children’s ability. ‘ Sheila Warby,
President Suzuki NSW
Graduation Concerts are held twice a year and are an important opportunity
for parents and family to share the achievement of our students. Current
members of the Suzuki Talent Education Assocication of Australia (SA) are
invited to submit an application to graduate.
The Graduation Process
The Graduation Process is unique to Suzui Method and serves as an
invaluable tool to educate and develop high standards within Suzuki training
The Graduation Process is unique to the Suzuki Method and serves as an
invaluable education tool to develop high standards within the Suzuki Method
training framework.
To graduate, each student must submit the following prior to the closing date:
A completed Graduation Form;
A Graduation Certificate Form; and
A video recording of the graduation piece, endorsed by their teacher.
Their teacher will label and present the video for assessment to the
graduation assessor. Following evaluation, the assessor writes a Graduation
Report, including feedback, and returns the results to the student’s teacher.
The Graduation Piece
All graduation pieces and graduation levels are important. Through each
graduation level the student develops the skills necessary for the playing of
later repertoire. It is important that each piece is mastered to its highest level
to make consistent and adequate progress in the future. In some cases this
may mean taking longer and moving further through the book and coming
back to the graduation piece before recording it.
Suzuki Music SA
PO Box 378
Mitcham Shopping Centre
phone 8277 2766
Applications will only be accepted from financial members of
the Suzuki Association
Video recordings must accompany this form and be clearly
labelled as per details given below
Flute, Violin, Cello, Piano, Harp
Application (with videos) due by
September 25
2015 Graduation Concert
November 15
Please give your Graduation application, payment (or payment details) and
video recording to your child’s teacher by the due date.
Parent/Guardian name ____________________________________________ Suzuki Member ID________________________
Address _______________________________________________________ Suburb ________________________________
Postcode __________
Home phone ___________________
Mobile _____________________
FEES - All graduation levels - $50 per child per level + Tickets Pre-Sale Price $30 x 4 tickets per family
(Please tick an option)
. $130
1 Graduation Level per student + 4 Tickets (min.)
2 Graduation Levels per student + 4 Tickets (min.)
* Children free entry
* * For more options please contact your teacher
. Cheque payable to STEAA(SA)Inc.
Card number __ __ __ __
. Money Order
__ __ __ __
__ __ __ __
. Master Card
__ __ __ __
. Visa
Expiry date ___ / ___
CVV ____
Name_____________________________________ Signature____________________________________________
Student 1
Student 2
Student 3
Given Name
Age when audio made
Concert Performance
Piece length (mins)
Teacher to sign
CONCERT SCHEDULING REQUESTS: To assist in our preparation of the Graduation Concert player order, please
advise if your child(ren) need(s) special consideration on concert day. Thank you.
................................................................................................................................................................................ .
Suzuki Music SA
PO Box 378
Mitcham Shopping Centre
phone 8277 2766
Your certificate is a unique and valuable document and your name will be hand written.
Dr. Suzuki drew the background himself and it has been used for many years to inspire and
encourage our musicinas to persevere and reach their goals.
(It comes in a thick high quality paper with golden edge. Photo enclosed below)
Please write your name with clear writing in the same way you want it to appear on
the certificate. (full name or nickname)
Use upper case and lower case letters.
Check spelling and confirm with your teacher the information submitted.
Students completing more than one level can order additional certificates at cost of $20 each
Any replacement certificate due to incorrect name or level will incur a fee of $ 30 each
Your certificate will be delivered to the Graduation Concert. If you are not attending please
organise postage with the office. An extra $12 postage fees will be requested.