Post Show Report 2015 - Gender Aesthetic Asia
Post Show Report 2015 - Gender Aesthetic Asia
Post Sh w Report 8 - 10 May 2015 • Suntec Convention Centre, Singapore The 3rd Annual GENDER AESTHETIC CONGRESS ASIA 2015 GENDER GENDER GENDER AESTHETIC AESTHETIC AESTHETIC CONG CON CO 8 8– 8–10TH –10TH 10TH MAY, MAY, MAY, 2015 2015 2015 | |SUNTEC |SUNTEC SUNTEC CONVENT CONVEN CONVE MAL MA M AS MA M BODY BODY CONTOURING CONTOURING CONTOURING & & & LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT && ENERGY & ENERGY ENERGY BASED BASED BASED MAL FACIAL FACIAL FACIAL AESTHETICS AESTHETICS AESTHETICS & & & BODY A SLIMMING SLIMMING ASIA ASIA ASIA 2015 2015 2015 DEVICES DEVICES DEVICES ASIA ASIA ASIA 2015 2015 2015 TECHNIQUES TECHNIQUES TECHNIQUES ASIA ASIA ASIA 2015 2015 2015 SLIMMING THETIC STHETIC CONGRESS CONGRESS 2015 2015 ESTHETIC CONGRESS 2015 NTEC EC CONVENTION CONVENTION CENTRE, CENTRE, SINGAPORE SINGAPORE UNTEC CONVENTION CENTRE, SINGAPORE WWW.GENDERAESTHET WWW.GENDERAESTHE WWW.GENDERAESTH BASED SED BASED 015 5 2015 Aesthetic Aesthetic Aesthetic Ventures Ventures As A Ventures MALE MALE MALE ASIA ASIA 2015 2015 ASIA 2015 MALE MALE AESTHETICS AESTHETICS MALE AESTHETICS ASIA 2015 ASIA 2015 ASIA 2015 NDERAESTHETIC.COM ENDERAESTHETIC.COM GENDERAESTHETIC.COM 3rd3rd3rd MEDI-VENTURES MEDI-VENTURES AESTHETIC AESTHETIC MEDI-VENTURES AESTHETIC BUSINESS BUSINESS SUMMIT SUMMIT ASIA ASIA 2015 2015 BUSINESS SUMMIT ASIA 2015 FatFat Transplant Transplant andand Tissue Tissue Fat Transplant and Tissue Regeneration Regeneration – – – Regeneration Improved Improved FatFat Grafting Grafting Techniques Techniques Improved Fat Grafting Techniques & Stem & Stem Cells Cells Studies Studies & Stem Cells Studies Navigating the future of Asia’s medical aesthetic industry Conferences & Events Post Show Report | 8 – 10 May 2015 Suntec Convention Centre, Singapore Table of Contents Sponsors, Exhibitors & Partners2 Executive Summary4 Figures that Matter5 Congress Performance6 - 7 Attendee Experience8 - 9 2 Conferences & Events Post Show Report | 8 – 10 May 2015 Suntec Convention Centre, Singapore OUR SPONSORS, EXHIBITORS & PARTNERS Silver Sponsor: Bronze Sponsors: Exhibitors: TIC & AESTH E SURGERY SOCIETY OF S LA T IC P Scientific Partners: สมาคมศัลยแพทยตกแตงเสริมสวยแหงประเทศไทย THE SOCIETY OF AESTHETIC PLASTIC SURGEONS OF THAILAND Media Partners: The Knowledge Bridge Between GPs AND Specialists American Journal of Advancing the Art and Science of Aesthetic Medicine Supporting organization: Supported by: Medicine Held in: Organized by: Conferences & Events Conferences & Events 3 Post Show Report | 8 – 10 May 2015 Suntec Convention Centre, Singapore EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Dear Sponsors, Exhibitors & Partners, It has been a great honor and pleasure to host you at the Gender Aesthetic Congress Asia 2015, Medi-Ventures Business Summit Asia 2015, and Fat Grafting South East Asia Summit 2015 jointly organised by Ezyhealth Conferences & Events International and American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine (AAAM) International. Here is a summary of event figures: • 300+ Attendees for Facial Aesthetics, Body Contouring & Slimming, Light and Energy-based Devices, Male Aesthetics Asia • 100+ World Class Speakers • 60+ Founders, CEOs, Vice Presidents, and Investors for Medi Venture Business Summit • 50+ Attendees for Fat Grafting • 40+ Delegates for Certificate Courses in Medical Management and Marketing • 30+ Delegates for a Special Korean Workshop • 60+ Doctors for AAAM’s L1, L2 and L3 Courses We hope you have had a satisfactory experience and met your desired business objectives in this series of events. We trust that this valuable information will provide you with a direction of how the market is expanding and moving, and be instrumental to you in understanding how you can fill in new business demands and industry needs in Asia’s booming medical aesthetic and cosmetic surgery sector. Overall, the event was well-received as a continuation from our first and second launches, with more concrete support from regional doctors and international speakers. The intimate closed-door exhibition gave sponsors and exhibitors sufficient interaction time with quality doctors with high buying power. On the other hand, delegates learned from a diverse range of topics, first-hand from our massive line-up of international speakers. We believe that the success of any event is measured by the new business relationships and opportunities that you walk away with. As a sponsor & exhibitor of the event, your participation and investment in this event is deeply appreciated. Your thoughts and suggestions will continue to inspire us, so we’d like to hear from you. Thank you once again for your support. Ezyhealth Conferences & Events International and AAAM International look forward to working closely with you again to deliver the next quality event. Best Regards, Jenny Goh Conference Manager American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine (AAAM) International Strategic Alliances & International Business Development Ezyhealth Conferences & Events International 4 Conferences & Events Post Show Report | 8 – 10 May 2015 Suntec Convention Centre, Singapore FIGURES THAT MATTER The Gender Aesthetic Congress Asia 2015 has return for its 3rd year running event in the industry of Aesthetic Medicine with several main tracks together as the platform for quality aesthetic physicians, highly sorted vendors and honourable speakers. Standing on its 3rd year, the Gender Aesthetic Congress Asia invited 650 plus delegates with strong buying power and interest revolving in the area of Facial Aesthetics, Body Contouring devices, Laser units, Male Aesthetics and Fat Grafting for face and body. 300+ delegates from a skeleton of Facial Aesthetics & Techniques Asia Body Contouring & Slimming Asia, Light & Energy Based Devices Asia Male Aesthetics Asia 120+ Founders/Co-Founders, CEOs, Directors, VPs & Investors for Medi-Ventures Business Summit Asia 2014 60+ Delegates from Medi-Ventures Business Summit 40+ Delegates participating in Certificate course in Marketing, Strategies & E-commerce as well as Certificate course in Management & Operations 30+ Participants for Korean Workshop: Face & Body Techniques 50+ Delegates from Fat Grafting Summit South East Asia 60+ Doctors trained under American Academy of Aesthetic (AAAM) L1, L2 & L3 100+ World class renowned speakers from all the tracks 1 6 4 3 3 Congress &Exhibition Main Tracks Workshops Satellite Events Live Demonstrations All in all, delegates from many countries experienced different tracks for the first time from Gender Aesthetic Congress with extensive focus into aesthetics lining various areas from face to body. Delegates are happy and satisfied with enrich knowledge gained through the specific focus from each track featured in the Gender Aesthetic Congress Asia 2015. Conferences & Events 5 ESTHETICS & ES ASIA 2015 Post Show Report | 8 – 10 May 2015 Suntec Convention Centre, Singapore GENDER GENDER AESTHETIC AESTHETIC CONGRESS CONGRESS 2015 2015 88 –– 10TH 10TH MAY, MAY, 2015 2015 || SUNTEC SUNTEC CONVENTION CONVENTION CENTRE, CENTRE, SINGAPORE SINGAPORE CONFERENCE PERFORMANCE MALE MALE ASIA2015 2015 ASIA BODY BODYCONTOURING CONTOURING CONTOURING&& BODY SLIMMINGASIA ASIA2015 2015 SLIMMING SLIMMING FACIAL FACIALAESTHETICS AESTHETICS AESTHETICS& & & FACIAL TECHNIQUES TECHNIQUESASIA ASIA ASIA2015 2015 2015 TECHNIQUES LIGHT&&ENERGY ENERGYBASED BASED LIGHT DEVICESASIA ASIA2015 2015 DEVICES MALEAESTHETICS AESTHETICS MALE ASIA2015 2015 ASIA F F WWW.GENDERAESTHETIC.COM WWW.GENDERAESTHETIC.COM Breakdown by Job Title Improved Improve Improved Male Aesthetics 10% GENDER AESTHETIC CONGRESS 2015 8 – 10TH MAY, 2015 | SUNTEC CONVENTION CENTRE, SINGAPORE ASIA 2015 BODY CONTOURING & SLIMMING ASIA 2015 LIGHT & ENERGY BASED DEVICES ASIA 2015 3rd MEDI-VENTURES AESTHETIC BUSINESS SUMMIT ASIA 2015 MALE AESTHETICS ASIA 2015 WWW.GENDERAESTHETIC.COM GENDER AESTHETIC 8 – 10TH MAY, 2015 | SUNTEC CO Aesthetic Ventures Asia MALE Fat Transplant and Tissue Regeneration – Improved Fat Grafting Techniques & Stem Cells Studies FACIAL AESTHETICS & TECHNIQUES ASIA 2015 BODY CONTOURING & SLIMMING ASIA 2015 LIGHT & ENERGY BASED DEVICES ASIA 2015 WWW.GENDERA Facial Aesthetics 40% Body Contouring GENDER AESTHETIC CONGRESS 2015 24% 8 – 10TH MAY, 2015 | SUNTEC CONVENTION CENTRE, SINGAPORE Aesthetic Ventures Asia MALE ASIA 2015 FACIAL AESTHETICS & TECHNIQUES ASIA 2015 BODY CONTOURING & SLIMMING ASIA 2015 LIGHT & ENERGY BASED DEVICES ASIA 2015 3rd MEDI-VENTURES AESTHETIC BUSINESS SUMMIT ASIA 2015 MALE AESTHETICS ASIA 2015 WWW.GENDERAESTHETIC.COM Fat Transplant and Tissue Regeneration – Improved Fat Grafting Techniques & Stem Cells Studies GENDER AESTHETIC CONGRESS 2015 8 – 10TH MAY, 2015 | SUNTEC CONVENTION CENTRE, SINGAPORE MALE ASIA 2015 FACIAL AESTHETICS & TECHNIQUES ASIA 2015 BODY CONTOURING & SLIMMING ASIA 2015 LIGHT & ENERGY BASED DEVICES ASIA 2015 3rd MEDI-VENTURES A BUSINESS SUMMIT MALE AESTHETICS ASIA 2015 WWW.GENDERAESTHETIC.COM Light & Energy Based 26% Fat Transplant and Tissue Regeneration – Improved Fat Grafting Techniques & Stem Cells Studies (Above is based on popularity by tracks in Gender Aesthetic Congress Asia 2015) Breakdown by Job Titles: Plastic Surgeons 5% General Practitioners 5% Clinic Managers & Nurses 2% Medical Directors 20% Founders, CEOs 15% Aesthetic Doctors 53% (Above is based on attendance by number) Korean Workshop for Face & Body Technique Organized for its first time featuring Famous Korean Aesthetic Doctor and Plastic Surgeon involving popular targeted aesthetic area for face and body from Korea. Feedbacks from attending doctors were very positive and look forward to the next one with hopes for more live demos on other areas of face and body. 6 Conferences & Events Post Show Report | 8 – 10 May 2015 Suntec Convention Centre, Singapore Fat Grafting Summit - SOUTH EAST ASIA 2015 Fat Transplant and Tissue Regeneration - IMPROVED Techniques & STEM CELLS STUDIES for Asian Bodies 90% Attendees from APAC area including Singapore, Australia, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines and Taiwan 4 Interactive video-demo workshops focused on Facial Rejuvenation, Breast Augmentation, Body Contouring & Complication Treatments 2 80 UNIQUE attendees Days Power-packed conference 8 Elite Fat Grafting speakers CONFERENCE HIGLIGHTS On May 9-10, delegates experienced 2 day power-packed conference + 4 workshops delivered by 8 Top Fat Grafting Masters, including internationally-renowned speakers Dr Gino Rigotti, Dr Patrick Tonnard, Dr Woffles Wu, Dr Joroen Stevens, Dr Mark Berman & more. The program comprised comprehensive research and insights from various global perspectives on the following topics: 1. Lowering the complexity of autologous fat transfer for Asian bodies 2. Achieving excellence for fat grafting on breast augmentation in Asia 3. Boosting Asian facial rejuvenation and contouring through fat grafting procedures 4. Uncovering the future of regenerative medicine: stem cell therapies The video surgery workshop led by Dr Patrick Tonnard was phenomenal. Dr Matthew Yeo, Singapore This is the 4th time I am attending this conference, every time I learn something new. This workshop covers knowledge from beginner to advance. Dr Somphop Waniyapony, Thailand Speakers quality were great, topics were useful and fully related to the topics. Dr Ekateria Lonskaya, Russia Dr Hendre Andreas, Indonesia Conferences & Events 7 Post Show Report | 8 – 10 May 2015 Suntec Convention Centre, Singapore ATTENDEE EXPERIENCE It is a very good platform for many speakers from different countries to share new and different techniques from each presentation Dr Luigi Mazzi Italy Great experience with the international profiles of speaker in the event especially in Body Contouring because I have never seen many shows that feature body contouring with workshops Dr Fanny Indonesia 8 Conferences & Events Post Show Report | 8 – 10 May 2015 Suntec Convention Centre, Singapore A very good platform without restriction for experts from different countries like Dr Raj Acquilla from UK, Dr Steyen Dayan from Chicago and Dr James Chan from Hong Kong to speak on the complications of treatments and techniques used on different situation Dr Patrick Treacy, UK Ireland The conference is getting better as there are more doctors attending the program to my attention. The speakers are very professional but in my opinion, there are plenty rooms for upgrade to this event in the future Dr Kwon Han Jin South Korea Conferences & Events 9 Post Show Report | 8 – 10 May 2015 Suntec Convention Centre, Singapore OUR KEY SPEAKERS GENDER AESTHETIC CONGRESS ASIA 2015 Dr Amaranila Lalita Drijono Founder and CEO, Wellness and Anti-aging Clinic, Indonesia Dr James Chan Medical Director, Dr James Clinic, Hong Kong Dr Amit Lutra Consultant Dermatologist, Ishira Skin Clinic, Sunderlal Jain Hospital, India Dr Kenneth Marshall Plastic Surgeon, New England Center for Plastic Surgery and Medispa, USA Dr Apratim Goel Cosmetic Dermatologist & Laser Surgeon, CEO & Founder, Cutis Skin Studio, India Dr Kevin Lee Chief Director (Dermatology and Cosmetic Dermatology), Belle Peau Clinic, Hong Kong Dr CHO HONG KYU CEO, NB Plastic Surgery Clinic, South Korea Dr Lanny Juniarti Founder and President Director, Miracle Aesthetic Clinic Group, Indonesia Dr Chung-Jen Tseng Director/Dermatologist Beautyland Medical Cosmetic Clinic, Taiwan Dr Luigi Mazzi Medical Director; Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon, Medilight, Italy Dr Davin Lim Consultant Laser Dermatologist, Westside Laser Dermatology, Australia Dr Margarita Amythyst N. Patdu Owner and President, PATDU MD Medical Clinic, Inc., Philippines Dr Evan Woo Consultant Plastic Surgeon, KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Singapore Dr Maria Cristina Puyat Founder, Anti-Aging Sciences & Cosmetic Institute, Philippines Dr Geun-Soo Lee Director, Laser Center, Dr. Woo & Hann’s Skin & Laser Clinic, South Korea DR GONCHAROVA YANA Professor of Donetsk Medical University,Ukraine, Dermatology Consultant of Queen Medical Clinic, Qatar Dr Grace M. Lopez Clinical Professor, Aesthetic Medicine and Wellness Department, FEU Medical Center, Philippines Dr Han-Jin Kwon Aesthetic Dermatologist & Surgeon, Dermaster Clinic Network, South Korea Dr Hee-Jin Kim Professor/Chairman, Division in Anatomy & Developmental Biology, Department of Oral Biology, Yonsei University College of Dentistry, South Korea Dr Heeseok Park CEO, Ellium Medical Group; Director, Ellium Hospital, Busan, South Korea 12 Conferences & Events Dr Michael Ming Soon Lim Medical Director, Global Beauty International Limited, Malaysia Dr Min-Hee Ryu Plastic Surgeon and Chief Director, Oracle Plastic Surgery Clinic, South Korea Dr Minho Choi Director, Ellium Hospital Group, South Korea Professor Dae Hwan (David) Park National Secretary of Korea ISAPS; Chairman, Department of Plastic Surgery, Catholic University of Daegu, South Korea Dr Patrick Treacy Medical Director, Ailesbury Clinics Ltd, Ireland Dr Philippe Hamida-Pisal Managing Director, PHP Aeshetic – PHP Wellness, UK Dr Raj Acquilla Cosmetic Dermatology Specialist; UK Ambassador & Key Opinion Leader; North West Regional Chair of the British Association of Cosmetic Doctors, UK Associate Professor Rungsima Wanitphakdeedecha Dermatologist, Siriraj Skin Laser Center; Department of Dermatology, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand Dr Shiu Kee Hui Consultant Dermatologist, Cutis Medical Group, Hong Kong Dr Souphiyeh Samizadeh Honorary Clinical Tutor, King’s College London; Clinical Director, Revivify London, UK Dr Steven Dayan Facial Plastic Surgeon; Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Illinois; Adjunct Professor, DePaul University, USA Dr Terrence Keaney Dermatologist, Washington Institute of Laser Surgery, USA Dr Tony Prochazka MBBS FFMACCS Cosmetic Surgeon, Fine Cosmetic Sugery, Australia Dr Tsahi Vider M.D, General surgeon, Founder and chairman of Injectec, Israel Dr Wichai Hongcharu Chief of Dermatology Unit, Saint Louis Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand Dr Woffles Wu Medical Director/Consultant Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon, Woffles Wu Aesthetic Surgery and Laser Centre, Singapore Dr Yates Yen Yu Chao Dermasurgeon and Founder, CC Skin Clinic, Taiwan Post Show Report | 8 – 10 May 2015 Suntec Convention Centre, Singapore MEDI-VENTURES BUSINESS SUMMIT ASIA 2015 DR Han-Jin Kwon MR Lucas Chia Managing Director, Australian Skin Clinics, Australia (15 clinics) Founder, Dermaster, Korea/ Indonesia/ Vietnam/Thailand/Malaysia Medical Director, Apex Cosmeceutical Group of Companies and IDO’S Clinic, Malaysia (30 clinics) DR Vernette Myint Myint San MS Deb Farnworth-Wood Ms Rubby Sy MR Lim Meng Teng Founder & Chief Medical Director, Kembangan Group of Medical Centers, Myanmar (2 hospitals, 6 clinics) Founder & CEO, Forever Flawless Face & Body Center Inc, Philippines (40 clinics) Founder and Managing Director, NEO DERM Group Limited, Hong Kong (20+ clinics) DR Lanny Juniarti Mr Jacob Sharir President Director, Miracle Aesthetic Clinic Group & Emdee Skin Clinic Group, Indonesia (26 clinics) VP International Sales & Business Development, (EMEA & APAC) Venus Concept Ltd, USA DR Kim Byung Gun DR Daniel Then Mr Harsh Mariwala Dr Krzysztof Gojdź Founder & MD, ClearSK Aesthetics / SGP Healthcare, Singapore (13 clinics) Chairman of Marico Limited, India & UAE (100+ clinics) MR Bao Tran MR Fion Chen Chairman, Asia Medical & Aesthetic Group, Taiwan (12 clinics) Group Marketing & Business Development Manager, TMMC Healthcare, Vietnam Founder and owner, BK Medical Group, Korea & Singapore Founder & Medical Director, Holistic Clinic, Poland (7 clinics) Mr Elson Lee Founder & CEO, Refresh Group, Singapore (30+ outlets, including laser clinic, massage/ spa, traditional Chinese medicine) MR Raymond Ang COO, Q&M Dental Group, Singapore (50+ clinics) FAT GRAFTING SUMMIT - SOUTH EAST ASIA 2015 Dr Gino Rigotti, Italy Inventor, Rigottomies 2D and 3D Breast Augmentation / Reconstruction Technique; President, International Society of Plastic Regenerative Surgery (ISPRES) Head of Regenerative Surgery, Ospedale San Clemente, Mantava Dr Patrick Tonnard, Belgium Inventor, MACS Lift; Founder, Coupure Centre for Plastic Surgery Dr Ralph Bright, Australia Medical Director, Macquarie Cosmetic Medicine Dr Woffles Wu, Singapore Medical Director/ Consultant Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon, Woffles Wu Aesthetic Surgery and Laser Centre Dr Ali Modarressi, Switzerland Vice-Director of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery Department, University Hospitals of Geneva Dr Tsai-Ming Lin, Taiwan Inventor, MAFT Gun/ Director, Charming Plastic Institute Dr Mark Berman, United States Past President, American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery / Inventor, Space Lift Facial Fat Grafting Techniques Dr Jeroen Stevens, Netherlands Plastic Surgeon at Bergman Clinics, co-owner of SurgyTec COMBINATION THERAPIES IN SURGICAL & NON-SURGICAL AESTHETIC CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT IN AESTHETIC COSMETIC SURGERY Conferences & Events 13 For strategic investment and high level network see See our clinical congress with a gender twist T: +65 6395 9418 T: +65 6395 9396 Learn about AAAM at
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