newsletter - Jackson Park Yacht Club


newsletter - Jackson Park Yacht Club
Visit www.
Jackson Park Yacht Club of Chicago
Coming Up:
4th of July Potluck
Lutz Regatta and Bluesfest – July 14th
Jackson Park Yacht Club’s
Season Underway with
Opening Day
Jackson Park Yacht Club celebrated it’s annual Opening Day
Ceremonies in May. The day was filled with traditional
activities. Although the temperature was warm the turn-out
was great! Thanks to all members who participated in making
this Opening Day a success. Keep up with current events by visiting
our website.
The Bridge
Dennis Hansen
Vice Commodore
Steve Pittman
Rear Commodore
Paul Thompson III
Karen Harris
Ricarda Sanders
Recording Secretary
Brenda Murzyn
Mary Avellone
Immediate Past Commodore
6400 S. Promontory Drive
Chicago, IL 60649 | 773.684.5522
Visit www.
The Galley is Open – Support it!
Deb Farino-Stranc- Galley Committee
June is here and the JPYC Galley is open. According to folks who
ate brunch today, Mario & Lila did their usual fine work and laid out
a delicious spread. And dinner was a very tasty meal. So head to
JPYC for the weekend brunch and Saturday night dinner.
JPYC Galley Committee is happy to announce we will officially
open for the 2012 season on Saturday, June 2nd and we are currently
scheduled to remain open through Sunday, September 30th.Mario
and Lila Gandarillas will be our caterer for our weekend brunches,
dinner service on Saturday evenings.
Hours are as follows: Saturday and Sunday Brunch 9:00 -2:00 pm
Cost: $12.00 per adult, kids under 11/$6.00
Sack lunches will also be available.
Saturday dinner service: 6:30- 8:30 pm
Cost is $15.00 (You can use a Pre-Pay plus $3.00 cash).
Chef Mario and the Jackson Park Galley offer a delicious Breakfast
Buffet, and will be featuring a variety of specials each weekend.
During the 2012 Racing Season the Sea Scouts will be providing
galley service from 5-7 pm before the Wednesday night races. So
support the Sea Scouts and that’s one less meal to cook & do the
dishes. You don’t have to be a racer to enjoy an evening and good
meal. They make a mean cheeseburger and you’ll feel like you’re in
Call or email Janet
if you are planning to race!
We are saddened to report
that long time member
Gordon Reichert, Isle Marie
passed away last night.
Arrangements are unknown
at this time.
Our condolences and
prayers go out to all of
Gordon's friends and family.
Dennis Hansen
Upcoming Races:
• Hackel Cup – September 15
• Commodore Cup – September 15
• Bi-State Race - September 2
• Tri-State Race – September 3
• Raske-Memorial Pre-Race Dinner – August 4 / Race, August 5
Ship’s Store: Order Forms will be available online.
OR use forms on Ship’s Store counter.
All orders must be PAID FOR IN ADVANCE!
Contact Cherie Parker at:
Please be sure to keep the North Door to the club closed and locked (with the deadbolt) at all
times.There have been some incidents of theft and the North Door seems to be the cause. Please use the
South Door when entering or exiting the club.2
Visit www.
Opening Day Photos —
Plan to BUY a Shirt!
Upcoming Events:
4th of July Potluck 7/4
Lutz Regatta & Blues Fest
Mac Race 7/21
Raske Race 8/4
Jazz Fest 8/11
Chicago Kayak 8/25
Commodores Cup 9/15
Work Party 10/13
Halloween Party 10/27
Members Mtg /Dinner12/8
PARKING: As a reminder the parking is being strictly enforced this year.You must use your key card when accessing
the parking lot EVEN IF THE ARM IS UP and again when exiting EVEN IF THE ARM IS UP. If you do not use
your key card when you enter and the arm is subsequently closed while you are parked you will not be able to
get out unless you had used your key card when you entered.
Visit www.
Interesting photo around 1893,
Replicas of the Nina, Pinta, and
the Santa Maria leaving Jackson Park. Small
inset shows JPYC with small sail boats and
LaRabida in the background.
New Members 2012 Season
Please welcome Jackson
Park Yacht Club’s newest
members for the 2012
James Des Jardins and
Beverly Serrell are new
resident members. Their
boat, Xenodochium IV, a
Catalina ‘31, is located on B
David Braun is another new
resident member whose
boat, Thither (soon to be
renamed Loyalty) is an
Ericson ‘29 located on D
Reflections - Sea Scouts:
Captain Dick Snow and Robert Bassett with scouts Corel and Kiera
Captain Robert and Jan with guests, Daniel, Paige, Tstum, and Violet
Recovery One: Captain Dennis Raske
Mise En Place: Captain Paul Thompson III, Captain Karen Harris and David Lyons
Two Acres: Captain Al and Deb Stranc, Captain Jack Lyle and Millie Marie
Purple Reigns: Captain Pam Rice, Captain Al Thompson and Brenda Hampton
Witchcraft: Captain Jim Webb
JPYC Whaler - Dolores: Commodore Dennis Hansen and Captain Ken Harris
Sheryl Washington and her
husband Ross are also new
resident members whose
boat, Ruby is Joy, a Hunter
240 ’24 is located on a can
near D Dock.
In terms of new associate
members be on the lookout
Vernon Estes III and Dr.
Marie Phillips
Robert Davis
Urs Schmidt-Ott
Chiaka Patterson
David Lyons
Alex Alekandrov
Annie Pope
Lloyd Karzen
Talayah Stovall
Be sure to invite these new
associate members aboard
your boat this season
whether to cruise or to race!

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