PDF - Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation


PDF - Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation
The Duluth Superior Area Community
Foundation will be the leading
force for improving our region
by fostering generosity, civic
engagement and inclusiveness.
Core Values
Mission Statement
The Duluth Superior Area Community
Foundation promotes private giving for
the public good.
Confirmed in Compliance
with National Standards for
U.S. Community Foundations
2012 | Annual report
Rallying for
Break the rules—and forge a new model
Sometimes it’s best not to follow the rules.
That was the case for the Grantors Alliance, a group of area funders
that came together after the June 2012 flood that devastated the
Twin Ports region to coordinate recovery efforts. Using each funder’s
strengths, the group bucked tradition—and forged a new model for
philanthropic disaster response. The Duluth Superior Area Community
Foundation organized and convened the effort, as it has before under
the Grantors Alliance umbrella.
“It was a wonderful model,” said Paula Reed, president of the
United Way of Greater Duluth. “It added clarity for folks who were
looking for different kinds of help, and it sent a strong message to the
community: A thought-out, collaborative process was in place.”
Historically, communities recovering from disaster have considered it
a best practice to create a single centralized recovery fund. But to best
serve our region, local leaders thought it better to create collaboration
between the United Way of Greater Duluth, the Northland Foundation
and the Community Foundation. The United Way focused on families
and individuals bringing their lives back to normal from the flood. The
Northland Foundation brought help to businesses. And the Community
Foundation focused on nonprofit organizations in the region that had
lost property, programs and resources. The three groups and their
partners met monthly to coordinate, support and avoid overlap.
In a time of could-be chaos, the
Grantors Alliance rallied for recovery.
“Communication can be a problem if people
aren’t on the same page,” Reed said. “We all
came together. People assessed what they could
do and determined who best to partner with.”
Ask for help—so you can provide it
The region’s flood relief efforts got their largest
boost in November from a $500,000 grant from
the Margaret A. Cargill Foundation of Eden Prairie,
Minnesota. It stands as the largest infusion of
outside financial assistance for Twin Ports-area
flood relief, and it came within a few weeks of the
request from the Community Foundation.
She is now safe, secure, warm,
tremendously grateful—and
realizes that there is help
when disaster strikes.
Of the total, $250,000 went to the Long-Term
Recovery Fund of the United Way of Greater
Duluth to raise matching grants, $100,000 helped
hire case managers for flood survivors through
Lutheran Social Services of Minnesota and
$150,000 went to the 2012 Flood Early Recovery
Fund at the Community Foundation.
The grant helped Lutheran Social Services hire
on-the-ground caseworkers, who work directly
Feed survivors—and hope
“We were hit twice as hard,” said Millie Rounsville, CEO of
Northwest Wisconsin Community Services Agency Inc. “The
second largest area food shelf [the Salvation Army] was impacted
by the flood, so we were the only food pantry available.”
NWSCA is a community organization dedicated to improving
lives of low-income residents in its service area of Douglas,
Ashland, Bayfield, Iron and Price Counties. But at a time of need,
its Douglas County food pantry was one of the many programs
devastated by the flood.
“We had no frozen or refrigerated foods,” Rounsville said.
“We actually had the entire protein food group missing. We had
limited resources to distribute.”
With increased demand and depleted resources, the agency
reached out to the Community Foundation and received a
$2,000 grant to replenish its food stock.
with flood survivors to help them recover. Case
managers know how critical their work can be.
“I just came back from visiting a homeowner
who has mental health issues and who actually
got so depressed because of the flood and her
furnace and water heater not heating that she
tried to take her life,” one case worker said in an
interview recently.
“The good news is that she failed and that
Ecolibrium3, Lutheran Social Services and 1Roof
Community Housing responded immediately and
got her a furnace and a water heater. She said to
me today, ‘You saved my home.’ If these things
hadn’t been cared for by us, she wouldn’t have
been able to return home to manage her life or
to live independently.”
“The timing of the grant was key,” Rounsville said.
“It allowed us to keep the food on the shelves and
continue to serve the people of Douglas County.”
Bring back normal—surrounded by support
It happened lightning-fast. Melissa Starr’s
basement turned inside out.
“The egress window came out, and the
back yard came in – worms, grass and all,”
Starr said. “I ended up with seven feet of water in
my basement.”
The sun rose the next day, but Starr realized it
would take weeks of work to bring life back to
anything approaching normal.
“The day after it was just all mud and a big
jumble of my possessions,” Starr said. “We put in
14-hour days to gut it. Emotionally, it was really
tough. Everything had to go in the Dumpster.”
Starr, who received the Darrell and Palchie
Asselin Scholarship Fund for non-traditional
students, restructured her educational plans
to meet the demands of flood recovery. She
approached the Community Foundation to see if
her year-long scholarship could be disbursed in
total for the fall semester.
“I did that because I was spread so thin, trying
to keep the basement in progress,” she said.
Like many others, she had no flood insurance
to help with repairs.
“I had to put a lot more debt on my credit
card,” she said. “I was concerned about taking
out more loans.”
Today Starr is a graduate of the University of
Minnesota Duluth. While she still has some work
to do on her home, she’s thankful for her family,
friends and neighbors who pulled together for
her following the flood.
“Even Julie, who delivers the
mail in our neighborhood, spent
weeks coming to our block
to help,” Starr said. “It was
wonderful to see the way the
community came together.”
Instructor Elizabeth Nordell sees the excitement
and energy that the soccer program inspires among
children at the Grant-Nettleton Collaborative in
Duluth’s Central Hillside neighborhood.
Rallying for better
In the fall of 2011, Duluthians approved a tax levy
to support community parks and libraries. The city
partnered with the Duluth Legacy Endowment Fund
of the Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation
to create a program that empowered citizens to
make a difference in their neighborhoods.
“We feel like we have a dynamite model,” Geary said. “The
parks and rec money gave us the opportunity to get out and
try it. Now we know it works, and we will continue the program
without grant funding and expand to new neighborhoods.”
The Arrowhead Youth Soccer Association (AYSA) applied
for a grant from the Community Parks and Recreation
Program to start a soccer program within the Grant-Nettleton
Collaborative in Duluth’s Central Hillside neighborhood.
It didn’t take long for kids to line up to take their first kicks.
“By bringing the sport to them, we really are eliminating the
barriers for low-income children to play an organized sport,”
said Dave Geary, director of AYSA. “We’re coming in, and there
is no transportation barrier, no cost barrier.”
After a great summer program, the AYSA knew the program
had to continue.
“We had this whole group of kids that were fired up. We
couldn’t leave them hanging,” Geary said.
As one young soccer player said, “I like soccer because it’s
To ensure more success stories like the
fun.You should really try it. I like it so much I’m signing in next
soccer program, the city has agreed to release
year, and I’m going to do it all year!”
50 cents of tax revenue for every $1 raised by
With the start-up money, AYSA was able to test a model that
proved successful. Now the group plans to expand the soccer
program to two more neighborhoods.
the Duluth Legacy Endowment Fund.
“This is a fantastic opportunity to make more
impact in the community,” said Dan Markham,
chairman of the Duluth Legacy Endowment
Fund Board. “By giving to the Legacy Fund
you will see immediate impact today while
guaranteeing the same opportunities for our
children’s children and so on.”
Steve Hendrickson, a
graduate of the University
of Minnesota Duluth and
a recipient of the Mike
Colalillo Medal of Honor
Scholarship, holds a
painting of Colalillo.
Rallying for
“It’s great to honor someone whom
I consider to be the finest citizen
in Duluth’s existence,” said Dwight
Nelson, president of the St. Louis
County Historical Society Board.
a local hero
This is the story of Mike Colalillo—a boy whose family
struggled through the Great Depression, a teenager who left
school to help support his family after his mother’s death and
a World War II hero who won America’s top military award.
His early life in Duluth forged his
leadership and loyalty, which he
showed in battle, earning the Medal
of Honor from President Harry
Truman in 1945.
John Marshall, a member of
the Duluth Veterans’ Memorial
Hall Advisory Committee, saw
an opportunity to pay tribute to
Colalillo while also enriching the
community. As a former military
man, Marshall recognized and
respected Colalillo’s courage during
his service in World War II.
“I think of the hell Mike endured,”
Marshall said. “The carnage seen by
soldiers is just something that can’t
be explained. There were multiple
actions displaying real valor. I wanted
to honor this man.”
In September 2012, the
Mike Colalillo Medal of Honor
Scholarship Fund reached the
$25,000 threshold, thanks to the
generosity of the Duluth Honor
Guard and American Legion Post
571. Through fund scholarships
awarded for research papers, area
students not only will enrich the
community’s knowledge of local
veteran history but also will
develop the leadership skills that
Colalillo demonstrated.
Journal Times
Art collector rallies
for generations to come
A moment can define a lifetime. For Emile
Mathis, that moment came in his Superior
High School art class, where he discovered
his love and appreciation of visual beauty.
He pursued his passion and graduated from the University of WisconsinSuperior with a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree. He moved to Racine, Wisconsin,
where he opened the Mathis Gallery and Frame Shop, developing a talent for
collecting unique prints from Rembrandt to Whistler.
Eager to share his expertise, Mathis spent his life giving guest lectures at local
museums and universities. Although he approached art at the aesthetic level,
his feet were firmly planted on the ground when it came to art’s ability to spur
economic development.
“Emile served the cultural community in Racine while also leading the
revitalization of our downtown,” said Bruce Pepich, Executive Director of the
Racine Art Museum. “He blended art and business together flawlessly.
By opening one of the first art businesses in downtown Racine, he showed
other artists that they, too, could succeed.
Mathis’ passion for art and education lives on. Before his death, he created two
scholarships at the Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation to support
students majoring in art on University of Wisconsin campuses—making it
possible for a new generation to experience moments that can define their lives.
Rembrandt van Rijn (Dutch, 1606-1669)
Self-Portrait in Velvet Cap with Plume, 1638
Etching, State 1 of 3
UWM Art Collection, Gift of Emile H. Mathis II, 2012.002.0292
“Emile had broad taste and a good
eye,” said Bruce Pepich, Executive
Director of the Racine Art Museum.
“He particularly liked artists who
were dedicated to moving the
printmaking medium forward.”
In a song composed for
his 75th birthday, his son
conveyed why Eveleth is such
a special place for Mayasich.
The closing verses read:
Then we came back to this little town, to find
those things that can’t be found
Childhood memories, friends who care
When they’re needed most, they’re always there
This little town’s been good to me
It’s where I am, it’s part of me
It’s where I live, it’s where I’ll die
It pulled me back, now I know why
Hockey legend
rallies for community
His hockey skates glided him all over the world.
But this year, Olympic gold medalist John Mayasich
scored a goal for his hometown, Eveleth, Minnesota.
Mayasich’s commitment to his community prompted
him to create a $50,000 unrestricted, donor-advised
fund under the umbrella of the Eveleth Area Community
Foundation, an affiliate of the Duluth Superior Area
Community Foundation.
As a founding member of the EACF, Mayasich knows
the importance of giving back.
“Every community should have some organization
that can help, give a little push when financial support
is needed,” Mayasich said. “I’ve got a lot from this little
town, so this was my opportunity to give back.”
Just as Mayasich was pulled back,
he hopes his gift will inspire
others to reconnect.
“I hope others realize how good
this community was to them
and how it contributed to their
success,” he said. “Maybe my
gift will encourage others to
come back and do as I did.”
The Twin Ports awoke to a shocking reality the morning
of June 20, 2012. Torrents of rain had buckled our roads,
flooded our basements and punched gaping holes in our
neighborhoods—including some that had swallowed cars.
This didn’t look like our community. But residents, local leaders and
outside volunteers almost immediately focused on the future. They saw
possibility amid chaos. They comforted. They wiped away disbelief and tears.
They rallied.
The June floods that devastated our region, and that continue to affect
our lives, showed the strength of our community. It is a strength that we are
proud to have reflected and amplified in the past 12 months through the
work of the Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation.
Our donors asked how they could help, and they gave—including the
single largest outside contribution for local flood relief, a $500,000 grant
from a relatively new Minnesota-based Margaret A. Cargill Foundation. Much
of that gift, and others, went directly to hire on-the-ground case workers
who are still helping flood survivors put their homes, businesses and lives
back together.
The Community Foundation convened the Grantors Alliance, a group
of public and private funders that wanted to help. The best flood response
would be a coordinated effort. So we created just that, with the United
Way of Greater Duluth handling individual needs, the Northland Foundation
helping businesses recover and the Community Foundation assisting
nonprofits that had been hurt just when their help was needed most.
Our partnership formed an innovative model for philanthropic disaster
response. We continue to use it, ensuring efficient delivery of the resources
so generously given to help rebuild. And the needs continue today.
The flood of 2012 received much of our attention and work over the
past 12 months, but it was not the only example of our community and the
Community Foundation rallying. We also:
• Applauded the decision of Duluthians to support parks and recreation
enhancements in partnership with the Duluth Legacy Endowment
Fund. This new approach, matching public support with private giving, is
bringing gifts to our community, such as one that helped start a soccer
program for children in Duluth’s Central Hillside neighborhood.
• Created new scholarships and funds to fill needs and further dreams.
Two of these were a fund to support students majoring in art and a
new unrestricted donor-advised fund under the umbrella of our affiliate,
the Eveleth Area Community Foundation. Both were made possible by
leaders who wanted to give back to programs and places that helped
shape their lives.
• Provided funding and opportunities for innovation, inclusiveness and new
initiatives by helping people see possibility in the work of community.
Far from a year of turmoil and devastation, the past 12 months have been
a time of building and bringing together. We have been honored to play a
role in that work. We thank you for your partnership.
It has been exciting to see our community show its strength—and rally.
Jennifer L. Carey
Chair, Board of Trustees
Holly C. Sampson
2012 Grants
2012 Flood Immediate
Response Fund....................................... $75,000.00
A Natural Branch of Learning...................... $5,270.00
All Hands Volunteers.....................................$3,000.00
American Indian Community
Housing Organization............................ $25,000.00
American Legion Post 109..........................$2,500.00
American Red Cross-Northland Chapter....$4,324.24
Animal Allies Humane Society.....................$5,816.00
Anonymous Grantee......................................... $365.00
Arrowhead Economic
Opportunity Agency..................................$3,000.00
Arrowhead Interfaith Council.......................... $206.10
Education Arts on Superior...............................................$2,000.00
University of Wisconsin Ashwabay Outdoor Educational
Superior, Purple
Foundation, Inc............................................... $644.00
Loosestrife Beetle
Bad River Watershed Association................$7,270.00
Duluth Festival Opera......................................................................................$4,000.00
Duluth Library Foundation...............................................................................$5,206.10
Duluth Lighthouse for the Blind.................................................................. $28,132.18
Duluth Playhouse, Inc......................................................................................$6,558.10
Duluth Public Library - Mount Royal Branch...............................................$2,162.08
Duluth Superior Symphony Orchestra......................................................... $4,478.10
Duluth-Rania Friendship Exchange...............................................................$1,000.00
Duluth-Superior Area Educational TV Corporation - WDSE..................$2,663.60
E. W. Bohannon Scholarship Fund...............................................................$2,162.08
Edge of the Wilderness Community Center...............................................$1,000.00
Entrepreneur Fund............................................................................................ $6,763.00
Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota................................................................ $2,791.00
Esko Hockey and Skating Association........................................................$1,000.00
Esko Little League Softball Association......................................................$1,000.00
Eveleth Health Services Park.........................................................................$1,000.00
Family Alternatives Inc.................................................................................. $10,000.00
Friends of the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore...................................$4,143.00
Friendship Ventures..........................................................................................$1,500.00
Fun Time Early Childhood Academy............................................................... $500.00
Girl Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin Lakes and Pines Council....$6,883.24
Grand Marais Active Living Steering Committee......................................$2,600.00
Grand Marais Arts Inc......................................................................................$1,500.00
Grand Marais Playhouse..................................................................................... $357.50
Grand Marais Public Library............................................................................ $2,787.50
Grant Community School Collaborative......................................................$1,000.00
Great Lakes Aquarium & Freshwater Discovery Center.......................... $7,500.00
Greg L. Jones.....................................................................................................$5,000.00
Gunflint Trail Volunteer Fire Department......................................................$2,500.00
Habitat for Humanity of Collier County........................................................$3,000.00
Haiti Outreach...................................................................................................... $500.00
Bayfield Community Education Foundation, Inc........................................$6,844.00
Bayfield Heritage Association, Inc................................................................ $1,755.00
Berea College....................................................................................................... $206.10
Birch Grove Foundation..................................................................................$2,546.00
Boy Scout Troop #9........................................................................................... $225.00
Boys & Girls Club of Duluth...........................................................................$5,250.00
Building for Women Limited Partnership.........................................................$785.00
Carlton County Historical Society.................................................................$1,001.00
Center Against Sexual & Domestic Abuse, Inc....................................... $13,059.00
Chequamegon Bay Area Arts Council............................................................ $898.00
Churches United in Ministry...........................................................................$6,406.10
City of Duluth.....................................................................................................$5,000.00
City of Silver Bay...............................................................................................$2,300.00
City of Two Harbors.......................................................................................... $7,000.00
Clayton Jackson McGhie Memorial, Inc.......................................................$5,000.00
Cloquet Educational Foundation................................................................ $19,952.00
College of St. Scholastica........................................................................... $89,282.00
Community Action Duluth............................................................................ $23,500.00
Cook County Community Fund........................................................................ $715.00
Cook County Council on Aging.....................................................................$1,000.00
Cook County Higher Education........................................................................ $407.00
Cook County Historical Society....................................................................... $500.00
Council on Foundations..................................................................................$4,640.00
Courage Duluth.................................................................................................$4,424.00
Covenant Enabling Residences of Minnesota, Inc...................................... $982.20
Damiano of Duluth, Inc....................................................................................... $412.20
Dana Hall School..............................................................................................$2,500.00
Denfeld High School........................................................................................$1,499.50
Doctors Without Borders, USA........................................................................ $715.00
Domestic Abuse Intervention Programs................................................... $10,000.00
Donors Forum of Wisconsin...........................................................................$2,500.00
Duluth American Indian Commission.............................................................. $500.00
Duluth Art Institute............................................................................................$5,268.00
Duluth Central High School Alumni Scholarship Fund............................$2,564.00
Duluth Children’s Museum, Inc......................................................................$3,162.08
Duluth Community Garden Program............................................................$1,000.00
Duluth Congregational Church......................................................................... $500.00
Clayton Jackson McGhie,
RACE: Are We So
Different Exhibit
Hamline University......................................................................................... $10,000.00
Harbor House Crisis Shelters..................................................................... $15,460.00
Hartley Nature Center......................................................................................$5,558.00
Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory, Inc............................................................... $9,750.00
Healthy Duluth Area Coalition..................................................................... $15,812.00
Hermantown Volunteer Fire Department.....................................................$1,000.00
Historic Union Depot.......................................................................................... $206.10
International Wolf Center................................................................................... $903.00
Iron Range Historical Society........................................................................... $500.00
ISD#381 Lake Superior Public Schools.....................................................$9,894.00
ISD#709 - Duluth Public Schools............................................................. $35,380.00
John Noltner Photography..............................................................................$4,400.00
Just Kids Dental.................................................................................................$3,000.00
Kids Closet of Duluth.......................................................................................$4,642.10
Kinship of Aitkin County..................................................................................$8,281.00
Kitchi Gammi Club Foundation......................................................................... $500.00
Knife River Recreation Council......................................................................$5,000.00
| Page 13 |
North Shore Music Association......................................................................$1,567.00
North Shore Players.........................................................................................$1,000.00
North Shore Visitation Center........................................................................ $7,500.00
Northern Bible Society.................................................................................... $8,756.10
Northern Lake County Arts Board................................................................$2,000.00
Northern Waters Parish Nurse Ministry.......................................................$2,000.00
Northland College.......................................................................................... $13,564.20
Northshore Area Partners...............................................................................$5,355.00
NorthShore Inline Marathon...........................................................................$1,000.00
Northwest Wisconsin Community Services Agency, Inc........................$2,000.00
Northwood Children’s Services.....................................................................$2,162.08
Northwoods Women, Inc................................................................................$3,000.00
One Roof Community Housing.................................................................. $25,000.00
Pilgrim Congregational Church.....................................................................$9,855.60
Planned Parenthood of Minnesota/South Dakota/North Dakota..........$2,038.00
Proctor Senior High School...........................................................................$1,499.50
Program for Aid to Victims of Sexual Assault.............................................$5,000.00
Rails Endowment for Academic, Art & Athletic Development, Inc........$4,486.00
Range Respite Project.....................................................................................$5,000.00
Hartley Nature Center, Pre-School Program Business Plan
Lake Superior Chamber Orchestra................................................................$2,997.00
Lake Superior College Foundation...............................................................$2,500.00
Lake Superior Youth Chorus..........................................................................$1,500.00
Lake Superior Zoological Society.................................................................. $7,700.00
Lakes Community Health Center, Inc...........................................................$3,660.00
Lakeview Christian Academy.........................................................................$1,600.00
Levin/Goldfine Fund.............................................................................................$272.56
Life House, Inc...................................................................................................$1,564.00
Listening Point Foundation................................................................................ $918.00
Local Initiatives Support Corporation...........................................................$5,000.00
Lucius Woods Performing Arts Center, Inc.................................................... $737.00
Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota....................................................$105,503.00
Lutsen Junior Alpine Club...............................................................................$2,000.00
Lyric Opera of the North..................................................................................$1,200.00
Marshall School.................................................................................................$6,415.00
Mayo Foundation...............................................................................................$5,000.00
Men as Peacemakers.................................................................................... $13,028.00
Mesabi Community Orchestra.......................................................................... $500.00
Millennium Group Speak Your Peace........................................................ $10,577.00
Miller-Dwan Foundation...................................................................................$9,000.00
Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans...............................................$5,000.00
Minnesota Ballet.............................................................................................$10,735.00
Minnesota Council of Nonprofits - Northeast Chapter............................$1,500.00
Minnesota Council on Foundations.............................................................. $4,725.00
Minnesota Land Trust.................................................................................... $10,000.00
Minnesota Medical Foundation......................................................................$5,000.00
Minnesota State Horticultural Society.........................................................$2,123.00
Moose Lake Area Hockey Association........................................................$2,000.00
Daniel H. and Catherine L. Mundt Scholarship
for Lake Bloomers Fund.............................................................................$2,198.42
Northeast Minnesota Sharing Fund..............................................................$5,000.00
North House Folk School................................................................................$3,971.50
North Shore Collaborative..............................................................................$1,000.00
North Shore Community School...................................................................$5,831.00
North Shore Health Care Foundation.......................................................... $8,072.50
North Shore Horizons......................................................................................$2,100.00
& Economic
Superior Business
Improvement District,
Phantom Galleries Superior
Recreation and Fitness Resources...............................................................$8,000.00
Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa............................................... $7,128.00
Ronald McDonald House of Rochester MN, Inc.......................................$5,000.00
School District of Superior..............................................................................$2,247.00
Second Harvest Northern Lakes Food Bank........................................... $20,000.00
Senior Connections.......................................................................................... $1,759.00
Sexual Assault Program of Northern St. Louis County............................ $7,500.00
Silver Bay Parent Teacher Student Organization......................................$5,000.00
Smith College....................................................................................................$2,500.00
SOAR Career Solutions............................................................................... $11,411.00
St. Catherine University...................................................................................$2,000.00
St. Luke’s Foundation......................................................................................$3,184.62
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church...........................................................................$6,000.00
Sugarloaf: The North Shore Stewardship Association............................$3,177.00
Superior Business Improvement District.....................................................$9,262.00
Superior Council for the Arts.........................................................................$1,550.00
Superior Hiking Trail Association.................................................................. $1,072.50
The Carter Center................................................................................................ $715.00
The Salvation Army - Duluth...........................................................................$3,311.60
Trinity-by-the-Cove Episcopal Church.......................................................... $7,000.00
Tweed Museum of Art......................................................................................$2,500.00
Two Harbors Area Chamber of Commerce................................................$5,663.00
Two Harbors Food Shelf.................................................................................$2,500.00
Two Harbors Public Library............................................................................... $784.00
| Page 14 |
Welch Center.....................................................................................................$2,000.00
Wilderness Inquiry............................................................................................$3,000.00
Wise Fool Shakespeare..................................................................................$1,200.00
Woodland Hills.............................................................................................$116,000.00
Woodland Studio Arts.....................................................................................$5,000.00
WTIP North Shore Radio................................................................................... $780.00
YMCA of Duluth............................................................................................. $16,062.00
YMCA of Superior-Douglas County................................................................ $984.00
YMCA World Fellowship Fund......................................................................$2,162.08
YWCA of Duluth............................................................................................ $28,975.10
Young Leaders Fund........................................................................................... $250.00
Human Services
Healthy Area Duluth Coalition,
Capacity Building
Udac, Inc................................................................................................................ $654.80
Union Gospel Mission.....................................................................................$3,311.60
United Way of Greater Duluth..................................................................$312,905.92
University of Minnesota Duluth......................................................................$1,500.00
University of Minnesota Duluth - Excellence Fund....................................$4,324.24
University of Wisconsin - Superior................................................................$5,640.00
Total Grants...................................................................................... $1,599,646.12
2012 Affiliated Grants
Arrowhead Youth Soccer Association.........................................................$5,000.00
Boys & Girls Club of Duluth...........................................................................$4,800.00
Courage Duluth.................................................................................................$3,000.00
Cyclists of Gitchee Gummee Shores..........................................................$8,000.00
Duluth Cross-Country Ski Club.....................................................................$5,000.00
Duluth Heights Amateur Hockey Association............................................$5,000.00
East Hillside PATCH, Inc.................................................................................$2,000.00
Gary-Morgan Park Hockey Association.......................................................$5,000.00
Hartley Nature Center......................................................................................$5,000.00
Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory, Inc...............................................................$5,000.00
Park Point Community Club...........................................................................$3,200.00
Piedmont Hockey Association.......................................................................$5,000.00
Woodland Amateur Hockey Association.....................................................$5,000.00
YMCA of Duluth................................................................................................ $3,076.00
Zenith City Flyers..............................................................................................$2,200.00
Total Affiliated Grants.........................................................................$66,276.00
Total Grants...................................................................................... $1,665,922.12
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2012 Scholarships
Anderson Niskanen Scholarship Fund
Michelle R. Hobbs
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.........$2,000.00
Amber L. Lindholm
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.........$2,000.00
Callista Smith
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.........$2,000.00
Hannah M. Sorvik
University of Minnesota Duluth.................$2,000.00
Paul Antonich Scholarship Fund
Jonah A. Sorell
Lawrence University....................................... $800.00
Darrell and Palchie Asselin Scholarship Fund
Daniel C. Blomquist
University of Minnesota Duluth.................$2,000.00
Nadine M. Cadotte
University of Minnesota Duluth.................$2,000.00
Melissa I. Starr
University of Minnesota Duluth.................$2,000.00
William E. Barto Scholarship Fund
Logan M. Amys
University of Wisconsin - Superior...........$2,000.00
Courtney L. Ellian
University of Minnesota Duluth.................$2,000.00
Maren E. Kienitz
University of Wisconsin - Superior...........$2,000.00
Timothy P. Sandwick
University of Minnesota Duluth.................$1,000.00
Bernard B. and Mary L. Brusin
Scholarship Fund
Carrie R. Gabrielson
Saint Mary’s University...............................$4,000.00
Ashley N. Moisio
College of St. Scholastica.........................$4,000.00
Alexandra H. Sweeney
College of St. Scholastica.........................$4,000.00
Christine E. Thomas
University of Wisconsin - Superior...........$2,000.00
Kathryn A. Bullyan Scholarship Fund
Cord J. Reno
University of Minnesota Duluth.................... $500.00
Clayton Jackson McGhie
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Miriah Preap
College of St. Scholastica.........................$1,000.00
Duluth Building & Construction
Trades Council Scholarship Fund
Nicole D. Anderson
University of Minnesota Duluth.................$2,500.00
Alyssa J. Maki
Pierce College at Fort Steilacoom...........$2,500.00
Duluth Central High School Alumni
Scholarship Fund
Kyle J. Johannessen
College of St. Scholastica.........................$1,000.00
Jasmine R. Sward
University of Minnesota Duluth.................$1,000.00
Duluth Central Sports Association Legacy
Scholarship Fund
Nathaniel D. LaFond St. Olaf College....... $500.00
Melanie C. Marino
Lake Superior College................................... $500.00
Julie Enberg Memorial Scholarship Fund
Katrina M. Newman
University of Minnesota Duluth.................... $750.00
Peter M. Gargano Scholarship Fund
Travis G. Eddy
Mesabi Range Community
and Technical College.................................$2,000.00
Gernander Scholarship Fund
Leah J. Hamm
College of St. Scholastica.........................$1,000.00
Patricia S. Gustafson ‘56 Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Melanie C. Marino
Lake Superior College................................... $800.00
Amber R. Ostberg
University of Minnesota Duluth.................... $800.00
Jeanne H. Hemmingway Scholarship Fund
Amanda M. Boman
University of Minnesota Duluth.................$2,500.00
Amanda Dahl
University of Minnesota Duluth.................$2,250.00
Michelle J. Marnich
University of Minnesota Duluth.................$2,500.00
Amber R. Ostberg
University of Minnesota Duluth.................$2,500.00
Kelsea N. Pearson
University of Minnesota Duluth.................$2,500.00
Kari Scharnberg
University of Minnesota Duluth.................$2,250.00
Sean T. Zakrajsek
University of Minnesota Duluth.................$2,500.00
Brianna P. Zunich
University of Minnesota Duluth.................$2,500.00
| Page 16 |
Katie Myrhe
Minnesota Power Community
Involvement Scholarship
Gus and Henrietta Hill Scholarship Fund
Sarah A. Bard
St. Catherine University..............................$3,000.00
Lisliet Hernandez
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.........$3,000.00
Greg Irons Award
Jacob L. Judkins
College of St. Scholastica.........................$1,000.00
Katelyn M. Scheiber
University of Wisconsin - Superior...........$1,000.00
Danielle Westholm
Area Learning Center/Unity High School.. $500.00
Jackson Club Scholarship Fund
Jacey A. Carlson
University of Minnesota Duluth.................... $500.00
Kelsey L. Lagergren
University of Wisconsin - Superior.............. $500.00
Cody D. Neubarth
Itasca Community College............................ $500.00
Cord J. Reno
University of Minnesota Duluth.................... $500.00
Rebecca M. Smith
College of St. Scholastica............................ $500.00
Cory Jam Memorial Award
Amber M. Kling
St. Cloud State University..............................$700.00
Lake Superior Medical Society Tilderquist
Scholarship Fund
Claire L. Knodell
University of Minnesota Medical
School - Duluth........................................$1,000.00
Melissa L. McCoy
University of Minnesota
Medical School - Duluth........................$1,000.00
Fred C. and Mary H. Lewis Scholarship Fund
Several Upper Class Students
Marshall School.......................................... $18,917.00
Minnesota Power Community Involvement
Scholarship Fund
Autumn R. Aeling
St. Cloud State University..........................$2,500.00
Jessica L. Anderson
University of Minnesota Morris..................$2,500.00
Annie N. Archambeau
College of St. Scholastica.........................$2,500.00
Kelsey T. Binggeli
Augustana College......................................$2,500.00
Alexander F. Ditmanson
North Dakota State University..................$2,500.00
Sarah L. Dixon
Lake Superior College................................$2,500.00
Laurel M. Eyer
University of St. Thomas.............................$2,500.00
Joshua P. Hass
Hamline University.......................................$2,500.00
Michaela Houser
College of St. Scholastica.........................$2,500.00
Jacob F. Indihar
University of Minnesota Duluth.................$2,500.00
Angela N. Katoski
Iowa State University..................................$2,500.00
Erica J. Krueger
University of Chicago..................................$2,500.00
Hann’e F. Larson
University of Minnesota Duluth.................$2,500.00
Katelyn H. Myhre
St. Olaf College............................................$2,500.00
Jennifer J. Ostrowski
University of Wisconsin - Madison...........$2,500.00
Matthew J. Randolph
College of St. Scholastica.........................$2,500.00
Lindsey M. Redenbaugh
University of Wisconsin - Stout................$2,500.00
Kyle A. Rosandich
University of St. Thomas.............................$2,500.00
Megan E. Skorich
College of St. Scholastica.........................$2,500.00
Courtney R. Wirtanen
Hibbing Community College.....................$2,500.00
Minnesota Power New Generation
Scholarship Fund
Luke T. Buescher
Mesabi Range Community
and Technical College............................$1,000.00
Emily Campion
University of Minnesota Duluth.................$2,500.00
Randy C. DeHart
Mesabi Range Community and
Technical College....................................$1,000.00
William J. Downs Jr.
University of Wisconsin - Superior...........$2,500.00
Ashley N. Girtz
Itasca Community College............................ $500.00
Troy A. Grivette
College of St. Scholastica.........................$2,500.00
Travis G. Jensen
University of Minnesota Duluth.................$2,500.00
Ann M. Kennedy
University of North Dakota.........................$2,500.00
Tobias J. Lanum
Itasca Community College.........................$1,000.00
Andrew J. Leizens
University of North Dakota.........................$2,500.00
Sara C. Lindberg
University of Minnesota Duluth.................$2,500.00
Katherine F. Marking
Minnesota State University Mankato.......$2,500.00
Kristina Mehrman
University of Minnesota Duluth.................$2,500.00
Benjamin R. Nelson
University of Minnesota Duluth.................$1,250.00
Anthony E. Perala
College of St. Scholastica.........................$2,500.00
Joshua M. Peters
Hibbing Community College.....................$1,000.00
Alexis C. Rasley
Itasca Community College.........................$1,000.00
Aaron M. Rodenberg
Bemidji State University.............................$2,500.00
Nicholas J. Salvaggio
Lake Region State College........................$1,000.00
Emmy S. Stage
Minnesota State University Mankato.......$2,500.00
Nicholas B. Sundahl
University of North Dakota.........................$2,500.00
Gordon T. Swentkofske
Itasca Community College.........................$1,000.00
Brett R. Tester
College of St. Scholastica.........................$2,500.00
Farrah M. Wirtz
University of Wisconsin - Superior...........$2,500.00
Modern Woodmen of America
Scholarship Fund
Daniel C. Blomquist
University of Minnesota Duluth.................$1,000.00
Rachel A. Maki
College of St. Scholastica.........................$1,000.00
Kristen J. Rauch
University of Minnesota Duluth.................... $500.00
Cassaundra L. Wirth
Lake Superior College................................... $500.00
| Page 17 |
Daniel H. and Catherine L. Mundt Scholarship
Fund for Late Bloomers
Kelsey Bock
University of Mary............................................ $750.00
Kelly Lind
Fond du Lac Tribal College........................$1,500.00
Karli Peterson
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire.......$1,500.00
Leasha Reindl
Lake Superior College................................$1,500.00
Hubert A. Nelson Scholarship Fund
Trent R. Van Damme
University of Wisconsin - Superior...........$2,000.00
Mercede R. Winberg
University of Minnesota Duluth.................... $750.00
Amelia and Emanuel Nessell
Family Scholarship Fund
Luke A. Borchardt
College of St. Scholastica............................ $500.00
Aaron M. Dunphy-Knighten
St. Olaf College............................................... $500.00
Richard B. Pearson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Megan A. Allen
Gustavus Adolphus College.....................$1,000.00
Ben Paro
St. Olaf College............................................$1,000.00
G. Scott Ransom Scholarship Fund of the
Duluth/Superior Alpine Ski Club
Anonymous Athlete
Duluth Superior Alpine Club........................ $895.00
Dr. Mark Rathke Family Scholarship Fund
Joseph R. Kronzer
St. Olaf College............................................$1,000.00
Daniel Patrick Riley Memorial Scholarship Fund
Ashley W. Ross
University of Minnesota Duluth.................$1,500.00
Jack and Mary Rowe Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Nakul Aggarwal
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.........$4,000.00
Lawrence E. and Mabel Jackson Rudberg
Scholarship Fund
Katelyn M. Adams
University of Wisconsin - Superior...........$5,000.00
Sasha R. Fjeran
University of Wisconsin - Superior...........$5,000.00
Connor W. Lehto
College of St. Scholastica.........................$5,000.00
Sonja B. Peterson
Yale University...............................................$5,000.00
Saturn Systems Scholarship Fund
Joshua N. Muhich
University of Minnesota Duluth.................$1,000.00
Kyle Levanen
Kenneth and Concetta
Schoen Scholarship
Kenneth and Concetta Schoen
Scholarship Fund
Jacob Lauzon
Fond du Lac Tribal College........................$1,500.00
Kyle Levanen
University of Minnesota Duluth.................$1,500.00
Kaitlin O’Connor
University of Minnesota Duluth.................$1,500.00
Shelby Sorlie
Lake Superior College................................$1,500.00
Phil Shykes Memorial Scholarship Fund
Marisohn L. Frank
University of Minnesota Duluth.................... $750.00
Kelsey L. Lagergren
University of Wisconsin - Superior.............. $750.00
Small Business Education Scholarship Fund
Janet Anelli
Entrepreneur Fund.......................................... $400.00
Tami Edmunds
Entrepreneur Fund.......................................... $400.00
Steve Knauss
University of Wisconsin - Superior Small Business
Development Center...................................... $400.00
Jean Quinn Sullivan Scholarship Fund
Christina Cassano
University of Wisconsin - Superior...........$1,000.00
Raquel L. Else
University of Wisconsin - Superior...........$2,000.00
Superior East All-Class Reunion
Scholarship Fund
Carolyn Severin
Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College.. $650.00
Superior Shores Resort Scholarship Fund
Justin L. Bohrer
Minnesota State University Moorhead....... $750.00
Ulland Brothers, Inc. Scholarship Fund
Salena S. Gahler
University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse.........$1,000.00
Sean Klun
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.........$1,000.00
Alyssa J. Sager
Wartburg College........................................$1,000.00
Jenna K. Sager
University of South Dakota........................$1,000.00
Charlotte Ulland Scholarship Fund for Girls
Grace L. Hoeft
Lake Superior College................................$1,000.00
Josie A. Strom
University of Minnesota Duluth.................... $500.00
Molly A. Zafft
Winona State University.............................$1,000.00
Total Scholarships................................... $261,012.00
2012 Affiliated
Trust Scholarships
Robert B. and Sophia Whiteside
Scholarship Fund
David J. Anderson
Carleton College..........................................$6,000.00
Kelia Axler
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.........$6,000.00
Ellen M. Badger
Luther College..............................................$6,000.00
Kaitlin K. Bagley
Carleton College..........................................$6,000.00
Laura Bellamy
Harvard University........................................$6,000.00
Amelia C. Black
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.........$6,000.00
Sydoney B. Blackmore
University of Montana - Missoula.............$6,000.00
Anna L. Bolgrien
Lawrence University....................................$6,000.00
Signe M. Braafladt
St. Olaf College............................................$6,000.00
William C. Brakke
College of St. Scholastica.........................$6,000.00
Joel D. Bransky
St. Olaf College............................................$3,000.00
Mitchell R. Campbell
Carleton College..........................................$6,000.00
| Page 18 |
Laura Bellamy
Robert B. and Sophia Whiteside Scholarship
Madeline N. Carpenter
Beloit College...............................................$6,000.00
Katelyn K. Caskey
University of Minnesota Duluth.................$6,000.00
Breyen A. Coffin
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.........$6,000.00
Anthony M. Cotter
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.........$6,000.00
Trevor R. Cotter
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.........$6,000.00
Hannah F. Curwin
University of Calgary...................................$6,000.00
Amy K. Davis
University of Wisconsin - Madison...........$6,000.00
Kalysta Davis
Michigan Technological University...........$3,000.00
Chelsey Dorow
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.........$6,000.00
Clare Dougan
Cornell University.........................................$6,000.00
Nolan T. Dwyer
Guilford College...........................................$6,000.00
Daniel S. Erickson
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.........$6,000.00
Kaarin K. Evens
Macalester College.....................................$6,000.00
Laurel M. Eyer
University of St. Thomas.............................$6,000.00
Kai Fei
Harvard University........................................$6,000.00
Andrew T. Florestano
University of Minnesota Duluth.................$6,000.00
Ella M. Fox
Carleton College..........................................$6,000.00
Berit H. Goodge
Carleton College..........................................$6,000.00
Aaron M. Grossman
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.........$6,000.00
Emily Haavik
University of Minnesota Duluth.................$3,000.00
Laura J. Halvorsen
University of Wisconsin - Superior...........$6,000.00
Delaney E. Hart
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.........$6,000.00
Benjamin A. Harvey
St. Olaf College............................................$6,000.00
Ann C. Harvieux
Harvard University........................................$6,000.00
Narendra Hazareesingh
University of Chicago..................................$6,000.00
Alyssa K. Hess
University of St. Thomas.............................$6,000.00
Brooke Higgins
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.........$6,000.00
Joseph W. Hodapp
Saint John’s University................................$6,000.00
Jennifer Ipsen
University of Wisconsin - Madison...........$3,000.00
Lydia K. Jacobs
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.........$6,000.00
Elizabeth A. Jacobson
St. Olaf College............................................$6,000.00
Anastasia Johns
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.........$6,000.00
Ethan W. Johnson
Macalester College.....................................$6,000.00
Mackenzie Kelly
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.........$6,000.00
Julia C. Klein
University of Minnesota Duluth.................$6,000.00
Kelsey Klug
Carleton College..........................................$6,000.00
Sneha Konda
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.........$6,000.00
Nathaniel D. LaFond
St. Olaf College............................................$6,000.00
Sophia L. LaFond
St. Olaf College............................................$6,000.00
Bauer L. LeSavage
Boston University.........................................$6,000.00
Michael Lillegard
University of Minnesota Duluth.................$6,000.00
Jieming Liu
Williams College..........................................$6,000.00
Yiming Liu
St. Olaf College............................................$6,000.00
Monica R. Lorentz
University of Minnesota Duluth.................$6,000.00
Garrett R. Maron
Harvard University........................................$6,000.00
Anna M. Menzel
Harvard University........................................$6,000.00
Ethan B. Meyers
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.........$6,000.00
Laura Moulton
Macalester College.....................................$6,000.00
Ean S. Mullins
Gordon College...........................................$6,000.00
Yuliya Nemykina
Northwestern University.............................$6,000.00
Weston N. Norris
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.........$6,000.00
Keeley K. Norton
University of St. Thomas.............................$6,000.00
Paige M. Odegard
University of Minnesota Duluth.................$6,000.00
Acadia R. Osborne
Pepperdine University.................................$6,000.00
Phoebe Pearson
College of St. Scholastica.........................$3,000.00
Mathew C. Peterson
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.........$6,000.00
Anne N. Plachta
University of Notre Dame...........................$6,000.00
Sarah A. Plys
North Central University.............................$6,000.00
Chrisana I. Pokorny
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.........$6,000.00
Carson A. Powers
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.........$3,000.00
Luciana Ranelli
University of Minnesota Morris..................$6,000.00
Prescott Robinson
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.........$6,000.00
Hans Sandholm
Michigan Technological University...........$6,000.00
Patrick J. Sheedy
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.........$6,000.00
Bailey Sill
Northwestern University.............................$6,000.00
Sarah L. Spangenberg
University of St. Thomas.............................$6,000.00
Paige Stein
Hamline University.......................................$6,000.00
Sarah R. Stevens
Adelphi University........................................$6,000.00
Max Strand
Carleton College..........................................$6,000.00
Stephen C. Sweeney
St. Olaf College............................................$6,000.00
Jon R. Tiburzi
St. Olaf College............................................$6,000.00
Alena Tofte
Harvard University........................................$6,000.00
Alexander W. Van Loh
Saint John’s University................................$6,000.00
Anthony P. Vecchi
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.........$6,000.00
Joseph T. Vecchi
University of Wisconsin - Madison...........$6,000.00
| Page 19 |
Reuben Verdoljak
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.........$6,000.00
Risa G. Visina
Loyola University Chicago.........................$6,000.00
Samuel J. Wattrus
Harvard University........................................$6,000.00
Mary Kate Wheeler
University of Wisconsin - Madison...........$6,000.00
Amity K. Wipson
University of Notre Dame...........................$6,000.00
Max B. Wipson
University of Notre Dame...........................$6,000.00
Erik W. Zimmerman
University of Wisconsin - Madison...........$6,000.00
David M. Zwak
University of Minnesota Twin Cities.........$6,000.00
Total Affiliated Trust Scholarships....$552,000.00
Total Scholarships................................... $813,012.00
Total Grants, Affiliated Grants, Scholarships and
Affiliated Trust Scholarships..............$2,478,934.12
2012 Contributors
The following individuals, families, companies and organizations contributed to the
Community Foundation between January 1 and December 31, 2012. Gifts were gratefully
received through establishment of a new fund, contributing to an unrestricted fund, adding
to an existing fund, or making an in-kind donation and are listed as requested.
A. H. Zeppa Family Foundation
Howard and Joan Abrahamson
Keith Aho
Rodney and Linda Aho
Aitkin Education Foundation
Elizabeth Albert-Peacock
Jennifer E. Albrecht
Don and Lois Albrecht
Thomas T. and Nancy A. Aldridge
Betsy and Brian Allen
Dave and Kathy Allen
Peter and Amy Alworth
Nicholas Alworth
American Legion Post 109
Floyd and Judy Anderson
Bonnie and Gordy Anderson
Jon and Debbie Anderson
Lori and Steve Anderson
Lorraine Anderson
Marie Anderson
Mark and Donna Anderson
Michael S. Anderson
Nancy C. Anderson
Pat Anderson
Scott and Sarah Anderson
Stephen and Lori Anderson
Bill and Evelyn Anderson
Beverly J. Anderson-Duve
Nancy Andrews
Apostle Islands Realty - Kathleen C. Russell
Abbot G. and Pascha K. Apter
Area Committees Association, Inc.
Janice and William Arezzo
Scott Armstrong and Kathy Gang
Bill and Shirley Arntsen
Yvonne Aronson and Scott Bretting
Neill Atkins
Rachel Austreng
Thomas and Ina Backman
Jo Bailey
Kevin and Jenine Baines
Sheila Ballavance
B. Balos and M. L. Fellows
Gretchen and Mark Banks
William and Barbara Barquist
John and Sue Bathke
Lynne and Tony Bauer
Don Baur and Phebe Jensch
Edward R. Bazinet Charitable Foundation
Beacon Bank
Leonard and Judith Beardsley
Julie Beauregard
Kimberly Belcastro
Linda and James Belote
Michael C. Berg
Matthew W. Berger
Brian and Sandra Bergerson
Jan and Paul Bergman
Kathy and Greg Bergner - Applegrove Inn
Tammie L. Bernd
Gary T. and Patricia Berntsen
Ronald Betten
Tony and Kathy Biebl
Kay Biga and Patrick Spott
F. R. Bigelow Foundation
Thomas M. and Nina M. Bijold
Birch Grove Foundation
Ann V. Biron
Katherine Ann Bjonskaas
Robert Bjornaas
Gary Black and Celeste Curley-Black
Blackwoods Bar & Grill
Irene H. Blakely
Bluefin Bay/Surfside/Temperance Landing
BMO Harris Bank
Bodin’s Inc.
Paula C. Boe
Dr. Bernhard Boecker
John and Jo Boll
Ryan and Amy Boman
Ed and Peggy Bonach
Louise and Joe Bonach
William and Lynette Bonkowske
Mary L. Booth
Rich and Sue Borg
Carol A. Bort
John and Barb Bottger
Willard and Susan Boyd
Emma Bradley
Brainerd Area Retired Educator
Allan and Roberta Brandt
Debra Branum
James Brayden
Bremer Bank, N.A.
| Page 20 |
Peter and Carla Bremner
Edie Bristol
Kenneth M. Bro and Becky J. Brown
Kathy Brophy
Kenneth Browall
Beth D. Brown
Craig and Julie Brown
Mei and Dan Bryant
Paul and Vikki Buckley
Frank and Laura Budd
Mark and Kate Bugher
Anthony J. Bullyan
Lynn Burbank and Michael Garcia
Wayne and Linda Burggraaff
James R. Burmeister
Richard R. and Elizabeth M. Burns
Tim and Kathy Burns
Myron Bursheim
Robert and Marilyn Buscher
C & B Warehouse Distributing, Inc.
James and Barbara Call
Lindzi Campbell
John B. Cardle
Jennifer L. Carey
Margaret A. Cargill Foundation
Wendy Carlberg
Darla M. Carlson
Mike and Nancy Carlson
Nancy Anne Carlson
Nancy V. Carlson
Phil and Diane Carlson
David Carman
Fleta Carol
June C. Carter
Arnie and Patty Carver
Dick and Jody Carver
Delbert and Jeanne Case
Castle Danger Brewery
Curt and Christina Cavallin
Central Area Sports Association
Lynne Chalmers
Al and Chana Chechik
Joel Chechik
Marc Chechik
Karen D. Cheetham
Theodore and Paula Chelgren
Heidi A. and Joshua J. Chell
Michael F. Childers and Glenn W. Carlson
Ann and Donn Christensen
James and Mary Cirilli
Cirrus Design Corporation
Daniel and Roma Clarin
Willard and Gloria Clark
Class of 1957 - Aitkin High School
Clayton Jackson McGhie Memorial, Inc.
Cliffs Foundation
Donna Close
Lee Cohen, M.D.
Sandra Collins
Compudyne, Inc.
John P. and JoAnn G. Congdon
Cook County Higher Education
Sam D. and Phyllis L. Cook
Cooley Chiropractic Clinic
John D. Cory
Kyle Costley and Jennifer Miller
Gene and Ruth Cotton
Michael Cowles
Sheila Coyle
Penny and Michael Cragin
Gerald and Beverly Cran
Dean T. and Pamela J. Croft
John and Sarah Cron
Michael Crowell and Karen Ruedi Crowell
Daniel and Kirsten Cruikshank
Larry and Lisa Cumpston
Mortimer W. Cushman
Doug and Joan Cybela
Alice L. Dahlberg
Nancy Daley
Dorothy M. Dalquist
Mark Danielson and Theresa Smith
William and Mary Dankanis
John W. and Joni L. Danzl
Lynn Dart-Nelson
Marlene David
Dwight and Georgia Day
Tom and Suzanne Deans
Jenny Delfs and Jeff Kern
Bette and John DeMars
Gerald and Sue DePerry
Bill and Barb DeSanto
Dharma Merchant Services
Julie A. Dickson
Thomas and Collette Dickson
Cindy Dillenschneider and Jason Maloney
Tony and Snez Dincau
Mark and Janet Ditmanson
Dixie Bar & Grill
Jerry and Nancy Dodd
Richard and Cynthia Donek
Kevin and Beth Dooley
Charles Downs
Claire Downs
John H. Downs
Timothy N. Downs
Dream Machines Motor Club
J. Dreher and P. Isaacs
Gerald P. Driscoll
Sara and Joe Drobnick, Adam Dawson, Rilee
Craft and Ellie Dryer
Duluth Building and Construction Trades Council
Duluth Central Class of 1948
Duluth News Tribune
Duluth Skyline Rotary Club
Marilyn Dunaiski
Robert J. Dunne Jr.
Bob Durfey and Ann Barthelemy
Lillian Haugstad Dwan
Dave and Kathryn Edblum
Education Minnesota - Aitkin
Walter Egeland
Mark and Shari Eggleson
Joseph Ehlers and Sarah Nelson
Marie Eide
Sarah L. Eilefson
Timothy and Stephanie Eldredge
David B. Ellefson
Pamela Elstad
Clifford P. Emberg
Enbridge Energy Company, Inc.
Edward and Jeannine Engelson
Robert W. and Marcy L. Engelson
Engwall Florist and Greenhouse, Rod Saline
Victoria A. Erhart
Kathleen and David Erholtz
Paul R. and Irene D. Erickson
PollyAnn Erickson
Dr. Robert and Gwen Erickson
Teresa Erickson
Bill and Sally Heytens/Ethel’s at 250
Ashley A. Evans
Eveleth 4th of July Committee
Fabiola Club
Margaret C. Fawcett
Lois J. Fichtner
Katherine V. Field
Ona Filipovich
Karen and John Fillenworth
Karen S. Finseth
First American Bank
Paul Fischer
Marge and Scott Fisher
Fitgers-On-The-Lake, LLC
Beatrice M. Fjeran
Marlene Flachman
Lars and Arlene Fladmark
Jane Flueckiger
| Page 21 |
Glenn and Celeste Forbes
Sally Harnell Ford
John M. and Susan F. Foschi
Barry and Eileen Foss
Four Cedars Foundation
Buzz Fransk
Ruth and Harold Frederick
Friends of the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore
Jeffrey and Deeann Frink
Fryberger, Buchanan, Smith & Frederick, P.A.
Susan J. Fuglie
Myrtle Hoverson Fujii
FUSE Duluth
Barbara and Bill Gabler
Mr. Matthew A. Gahn O.D.
Warren and Beth Gall
Craig and Pam Gallop
Dick and Peggy Gastler
Bill Gates
John H. and Tracy S. Gellatly
Lyle Gerard
D. M. Gestel
Terry and Chere Gibson
Julie and Craig Gilbertson
Glen Gilderman
Gary and Marilyn Gilmore
Scott and Rachel Gischia
Regis C. Glumac
Janna Goerdt
Golberg Family Trust
Steve Goldfine
Amy R. and Philip S. Goldman Foundation
Charles and Tracy Goman
Marjory Westphal Gonzalez
James S. Goodenberger
Joshua Gookins
Robert and Lavonne Goslin
Don and Gerry Graden
Carol and Steve Grams
Grand Marais Family Dentistry
Richard and Diana Granger
Donald C. and Germaine E. Grant
R. Marilyn Grass
Great! Lakes Candy Kitchen
Jeff Green
John Gregor
Margaret Griese
Lucy Grina and Mike Overend
Michael P. Grossman
Gerald Gruber
Dr. Eric and Barbara Grutzner
Janice and Fritz Grutzner
Kris and Fritz Grutzner
Ed and Sue Gudowicz
Mark J. Guisfredi
Geraldine A. Gulbranson
Nancy A. Gullo
James F. Gustafson
William L. Hable
Mark and Kristin Hagemeyer
Beth Hager
Will and Patty Hagglund
David and Virginia Hahn
Sue Hakes and John Gorski
Karen Halbersleben and Jack Miller
Kim G. Hall
Bill and Fran Halverson
Gary and Barbara Hamilton
David and Sara Hammer
David Hammer and Miaki Habuka
James and Leslie Hamp
Keith A. and Lynne J. Hamre
Nancy Wheeler Handlon
Hanft Fride, A Professional Association
Beverly Hanks
Dale Hansen
Mary Alice Hansen
Peter Hansen
Al and Sally Hanser
Ray and Sue Hanson
David and Ilona Harju
Lowell Harnell
Harris Family Fund
Peter and Carol Harris
Winifred J. Harris
Scott Harrison and Nancy Burns
Marilyn Hartig
Bruce Hartigan
Hartley Nature Center
Edward Walker Hartley
Richard H. and Nancy Harvey
Duane Hasegawa and Barb Heideman
Gary and Ann Hastings
Patricia Haveri
Paul L. and Cynthia M. Hayden
Healthy Duluth Area Coalition
Dianne Hedburg
Hedstrom Lumber Co., Inc.
John Hedstrom and Gail Alden-Hedstrom
Anne and Peter Heegaard
Tom Heffelfinger
Jervis and Janet Heimbach
Sheila C. Held
William and Annette Helwig
Adam and Bethany Hendrickson
Helen S. Hendrickson
Russell and Norrice Hendrickson
John and Linda Hennessey
Bill and Sally Hennessy
Marcia and Burke Henry
Mary (Mrs. William) Hepner
Herbert H. Kohl Charities, Inc.
Hermantown Federal Credit Union
Andy and Kitty Herriott
Leola Hey
Sue Hieb
Bruce Highland, Sr.
Charles and Lynn Hiti
Ronald Hockin
Alan and Erika Hodnik
Jerry and Chris Hoel
Reed and Barbara Holaday
Elizabeth Holliday and Mark Helmer
Michele L. Holm
Cathy and John Holman
Jim and Nancy Holmgren
Anne and Jon Holy
Thomas and Sheryl Homan
Home Depot U.S.A., Inc.
S. K. Hoover
Jan and Katherine Horak
Jerry and Sandie Hostetter
Roger and Nancy Houg
Ann and Tom Houghtaling
J.J. and Kelly Hraban
John and Mary Hubbard
Judith Hughes-Williams
Marcia Hyatt and Tom Christiansen
Cynthia Imsdahl-Tiffany
Willis and Betty Irons
Alice Iversen
Paul Iversen
Ann Jackson
Helena Jackson and Douglas Dunham
Joel and Linda Jackson
Mike and Connie Jackson
Kaye Jacobs and Gilman Veith
Kimberly and Mark Jam
The Jamar Company
Pete and Mary Jeronimus
John Meglen Auto Service, Inc.
John S. & James L. Knight Foundation
Pauline L. John
Sarah and George Johns
Johnson, Killen & Seiler, P.A. Attorneys at Law
Adler and Phlaine Johnson
Betty J. Johnson
Carey and Marsha Johnson
David A. Johnson
| Page 22 |
David and JoAnn Johnson
Don and Laviere Johnson
Don Johnson and Christine Swensen
Larry D. Johnson
Lenore M. Johnson
Lori Halgren Johnson and Daniel A. Johnson, Sr.
MaKenzie L. Johnson
Mr. Mark S. Johnson
Mary L. Johnson
Roger D. Johnson
Sherri and Rory Johnson
Roy and Eleanor Johnson
Russell V. and Judy A. Johnson
Terry and Wendy Johnson
Wallace and Ellen Johnson
Janelle Jones
Brent and Brenna Jordan
Gene and Joy Jordan
Thomas F. Jordan
Art and Martha Kaemmer
Kalahwood’s Design
Stephanie Kallio
Jeanne and John Kantonen
Julie M. Kapke
Darol L. and Beverly A. Kaufmann
Lori Keeler
Faris and Bonnie Keeling
Keenan Consulting, LLC
Suzanne K. Kelley
Beth and Tim Kennedy
Marcie M. Keppers
Carl and Laurie Kerschen
Shelly J. Kice
Joyce and Rolland Kiel
Peter and Lisa Kierland
Dan and Kerry Kincaid
Jane Hartley Kingston
The Kinney Family
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest P. Klang
Howard and Barb Klatzky
Colleen Klessig
Craig Klingelhofer
Charles W. and Janice R. Knight
Keith Koenning
John and B. J. Kohlstedt
Tora and Mike Koren
Korkki Nordic Ski Club
Greg and Coralyn Koschinska
Linda Kratt
Jonathan S. Kresha
Pat and Phil Kruse
Jonathan M. Kuchera
Jason and Jacqi Kuettel
JoLynn C. Kullhem
Amy Kuronen
Clayton and Valerie Kusch
Frank Kvaternik
Ms. Ellen L. Kwiatkowski and Mr. Eric P. Carlson
Marina Lachecki and James Kasperson
Ken and Nancy Lahti
The Lake Bank
Lake Superior Dragon Boat Festival
Lake Superior Timber Framing
Robert and Sharon Lake
Harry and Rosemary Lamson
Daral Lange
Carol Ann Langford
Bob and Doris Larkin
Cheryl L. Larsen
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Larson
Stacy R. LaVres
Pam, Greg, Katy and Betsy Lawton
Marilyn P. Lee
Marlys A. Lee
Mark and Donna Leese
Curt Leitz
Ethel S. Leng
Elizabeth H. Lenich
Michael Lenroot
Bob and Nancy Leroux
Ross and Diane LeRoy
Ilene F. Levin Lifetime Trust
Mary Levins
Drs. Sidney and Lynne Levitsky
Beatrice Lewenstein
Dale S. Lewis
Douglas and Jennifer Lewis
Fred and Mary Lewis
LHB, Inc.
Darlene and Curtis Lind
Matthew Lind
Phillip S. and Louise F. Lind
Warren and Maxene Lind
Clifford and Betty Linder
Bonnie B. Lindstrom
Joseph R. and Diane C. Link
Janice K. Lippitt
Nancy L. Litman
Leslie Livingston and David Miller
Robert F. and Florence H. Lockman
Cal and Amy Loken
Louise’s Place
Kristi and Travis Lounsberry
Patricia Lowe
Mr. Neill F. Luedtke
Lundgren Motors Inc.
Claudia A. Lundquist
Dick and Betty Lundquist
Bill Lurton
Lutsen Mountains Corporation
Maypakou Ly
Marcia A. Lyle
Kristine Lyons
Julie V. Lysher
Keith MacDonald
Roger and Jackie MacDonald
Lacey M. MacGregor
Duane Madison
Margo and Donnie Madrinich
Rodger and Katherine Magnuson
Helen and Bob Mairs
Maki & Overom
Carlisle J. Mandelin
Ken and Tracy Mandelin
Judy and Tom Manley
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Marcaccini
Mardag Foundation
Dan and Cathy Markham
Mathew and Sarah Marks
Richard and Johanna Marquis
Ann and Bob Mars
Gayl Martenson
Mary H. Rice Foundation
Elisabeth C. Mason
Frank and Carol Mason
Marguerite Mason
Emile H. Mathis II Family Trust
Leigh and Greg Mathison
David R. and Mary E. Matson
Carl Mattson and Susan Alworth
Carl and Catherine Mattson
Dr. and Mrs. Roger A. Mattson
John and Carol Mayasich
Alice J. McCabe
Barbara and Dennis McCann
The McCarthy Family
Michael and Kay McCarthy
William F. McCarty
Theresa A. McDannold
Seth and Carrieann McDonald
Annette and Steve McDonald
McGladrey LLP
Patrick and Pamela McGranahan
Mike and Alie McInerney
Ann B. McKinney
Anne E. McKinsey
Kevin and Shanna McLaughlin
Leah and Brett McLean
| Page 23 |
Wendy and Malcolm McLean
David McNamee
George and Helen Medich
Tom and Gail Meister
Dave Mello
Jim and Betty Merling
Edward and Dawn Michael
Mille Lacs Trails Snowmobile Club Inc.
Gregory S. and Barbara J. Miller Charitable Lead
James Miller
Mary Ellen and Donald Miller
Pamela Miller
Warren F. Miller
Gary R. Minck
Dean Mindestrom
Miners National Bank
Minneapolis Foundation
Minnesota Power
Minnesota Power Employees Credit Union
Minnesota Power Foundation
Minnesota Section S.M.E.
Pamela and Bill Mittlefehldt
Dale and Brenda Moe
Lin and Pat Moe
Morris Moen and Elaine Melby-Moen
Gina M. Mogen
Don and Nancy Moline
Ed Monroe Bay Area Photography
Leah C. Moore
Morgan Stanley
Diane Morin and Karen Swanson
Thomas and Sally Morin
David and Jan Morris
Nancy Voss Mount
Jen Bertsch/Moxy Coaching
David and Patricia Muckala
Kelly Mullan
Munger Family
Mark and Rene Munger
Robert J. Munson
Bob Murphy and Ellen Cooke
Mary Murphy
Patti Myre
Jodi Nagle
National Bank of Commerce
Cole Nelson
Karl and Shari Nelson
Kathy Pulczinski Nelson
Richard and Kathy Nelson
Travis N. Nelson
Donald and Laura Ness
Cathy Nevers
Allison and Chris Nicolson
May and Vern Nordling
Nancy Aronson Norr
North House Folk School
North Shore Federal Credit Union
North Shore Financial Corp.
North Shore Rotary
North Shore Scenic Railroad
Northern Business Products
Northern Wilds Media, Inc.
Lyle and Trish Northey
Northwestern Mutual Financial Network
James and Patricia Norton
James and Judy Norvell
Bernie and Tammy Novak
Paul and Dianne Nussbaum
Teresa L. Nyberg
Craig Nylander
Clarance Nylund
Molly O’Brien
Rita O’Connell
Teresa M. O’Toole
Paul E. Oberstar
Dave and Joan Obey
Kim and Derek Ogle
Helen M. Ogren
Nancy and Rich Ojard
Karen M. Olesen
Floyd and Laura Olson
Frank B. Olson
Nan and Jim Olson
Richard J. Olson
Helen Olsvik
The Electric Shop Inc
Bob and Susan Olund
Don and Carlene Omtvedt
Roger Opp and Patricia Hvidston
Otto Bremer Foundation
David Quick and Helen Muth
Bethany and Christopher Owen
Bob and Mary Ellen Owens
Pace Woods Foundation
Luanne and Bob Paquette
Clark J. and Jean E. Paradise
Park State Bank
Sheree Paulus
Anthony and Lenore Pavlick
Bertha Pearson
Renee C. Pedersen
Carl and Carol Pellin
Fariba Pendleton
Cathy Peritz
Anna Marie Peterson
Craig and Dianne Peterson
Lisa M. Peterson
Lynn and Ted Peterson
Tim and Sandi Peterson
Rich Petersson
Ben and Mary Petz
Richard and Donna Pfeiffer
Phillips-Smith Investment Co. Margot H. Phillips/Mimi H. Smith
Dave and Kathy Pierson
Herb and Alvera Pierson
Steve and JoAnne Piper-Maurer
PLB Properties
Diane and Mike Podgornik
Pomeroy Family Foundation
Viola Poss
Ann Possis
Zinon C. and Mary Possis Fund of the
Minneapolis Foundation
Bob Pranis and Veronica Weadock
Constance Pries
R. C. Privett
Beth and Steve Probst
Proctor High School Class of 1959
Proctor Journal
Proctor Parents Plus Chemical Free Grad Party
Thomas Proulx
Leo and Merna Pullar
Gene Qualle
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Rabold
Thomas and Kristen Radtke
Walter L. Rapp
Patty Ratelle
Mrs. Margo Rathke
Dean Rau and Sarah Lund
Diane Rauschenfels
Kevin T. Raycraft
Eldora Recksiedler
Keith and Ruth Reeves
Larry Reiten
John V. Reitz
Reliable Insurance Agency
Colleen M. Renier
Republic Bank, Inc.
Susan Rice
Peter and Sara Richter
Tom and Ann Rider
Sue Riley
Riverwood Healthcare Center
Terry Roberts
Steven L. Robertson
Branden Hunner Robinson
Jim and Mary Robinson
| Page 24 |
Mark and Nancy Rogers
Phillip Rogers
David and Anne Rogotzke
Phil Rolle
Richard L. Ronning
Thomas and Catherine Rootness
Hamilton and Sally Ross
David and Jo-Ann Rossetter
Rotary Club of Cloquet
Thomas and Nancy Rothman
Jack and Mary Rowe Charitable Lead Trust
Shari and Jay Rud
Ryan and Becca Ruder
Doreen Ruhanen
Wendy Ruhnke
Barbara and Joe Russell
Kathleen C. Russell
Rich and Jeanne Ryan
Larry Ryden
George G. and Mary L. Saarela
Monica Sadar
David Saetre and Janet Bewley
Holly C. Sampson
Arend J. and Verna Sandbulte
Kathryn E. Sandor
Saratoga Liquor Company, Inc.
Art Sasse
Saturn Systems, Inc.
Larry and Colleen Saur
James A. Savre
Bill and Cindy Hansen - Sawbill Outfitters
Dr. Gregory S. Scherr
Milan and Carolyn Schmidt
Meghan Schmidt
Kenneth F. and Concetta I. Schoen
David R. and Carol J. Schreck
Jan and Fred Schroeder
Mary B. Schultz
Robert G. Schunicht
Janet Schwendinger
David and Rhonda Schwietert
Lois Schwob
Tyler Scouton
Second Harvest Northern Lakes Food Bank
Margaret Seely
Marree and Bob Seitz
Judy Seliga-Punyko
Alonzo B. and Evelyn L. Seran
Judy Sheriff
Don and Pat Shippar
Frank and Bonnie Siiro
William and Jane Simonson
Mary Ann Sironen
Sivertson Gallery
Donald Sivertson
Evelyn Sjoberg
Skibo, Corporation
Janet R. Sklaris
Kay and Bill Slack
Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Slonim
Karen Smaby
Andy Smigiel
Cheryl Smith
Daniel Smith
Rick and Diana Smith
Myron and Margorie Smith
Steve and Deede Smith
Kermit and Martha Snyder
Sonju Two Harbors LLC
Susan Southard and Forrest Johns
Patricia K. Sowa
F. K. (Keith) and Carol Sowl
Richard and Sally Spearman
John Spilotro
Spirit Mountain Recreation Area
St. Louis County Historical Society
St. Paul Foundation
Stack Brothers Mechanical Contractors
Ray Stahl
Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.
Connie O. Stanley
Cindy and Larry Stauber
Daniel and Julie Stauber
Barb Steen
Stu and Denise Stenberg
Bruce and Kayelee Stender
Leo and Chris Stern
Janet Sternat
James H. and Judith H. Stewart
Brenda Stokke
Peter and Jean Storer
Theodore and Ana Stransky
Susan L. Streitz
Joseph and Joan Strlekar
Karl Strom
Phil and Babs Strom
Tim and Julie Strom
Paul and Kay Struve
Stanley and Sally Suck
Edwin and Charlotte Summers
Carolyn H. and Timothy R. Sundquist
George and Judee Sundstrom
Wayne and Jean Sundstrom
Superior Choice Credit Union
Steve and Kate Surbaugh
William and Pamela Sutherland
Richard and Bonnie Swanson
Kristin and Steven Swanstrom
Duane Swenson and Vicki Swenson-Quirk
Georgia and Virgil Swing
Peter and Kathleen Sylvester
Tom Szendrey
Lindsay D. Szmania
TCF Foundation
Curtis A. and Kristin V. Teberg
TechSoup Global - Microsoft
The #1 Ladies Book Group
Matt and Mia Thibodeau
Mollie and Tom Thibodeau
Jennifer Thiemann
Ronald and Dorothy Thilmany
Dr. and Mrs. John V. Thomas
Frank and Bunny Thomson
Gordon Thoreson
Mildred I. Thoreson
Richard and Wendy Thoreson
Lucille Tofte
Gregory and Margaret Tofte
Town of La Pointe
Jeffrey T. Trentman
Mary Trettin and Michael Miller
Peter Tropman and Virginia Graves
Mary Troutwine
Daniel and Marlene Turner
Ryan and Amy Turner
Paul and Victoria Tuskan
Twining Family
Bill and Delores Twining
Two Harbors Federal Credit Union
U.S. Bancorp Foundation Employee
Matching Gift Program
U.S. Bank
Ulland Brothers, Inc.
United Way of Wisconsin
Urshan Retirement Group, Inc.
Mary Van Evera
Ron and Roxanne Van Veldhuizen
Vanilla Bean Cafe
Gerry Van Tassel and Tom Davies
Violence Prevention Center
Steven and Nami Vizanko
Patricia Von Holtum
Ruthanne Hedstrom Vos
David and Bobbi Vose
W M Foundation
W.A. Fisher
Renee Wachter
Ms. Mary Ellen Wade
| Page 25 |
J. D. and Margaret Walker
John and Barbara Walters
Thomas Ward and Beryl Peyton
Washburn Chamber of Commerce Chequamegon
Bay Turkey Trot
Washburn Community Education Foundation
Washburn Ranger District Social Club
Robin Washington and Julia Cheng
William Watson and Anne G. Lystbaek
Chuck and Nancy Webster
Timothy Weiske
Joyce A. Welander
Wells Fargo Bank
Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Matching
Gift Program
Claudia and Harry Welty
Amanda Wenberg
Donald and Deborah Jo Wendling
Ms. Laurie A. Wermter
Gordon Arthur Westendorf
Kenneth and Linda Westin
Martha A. Westlund
Terrence D. Westlund
David Weulander
Jim and Ann Wheeler
Thomas B. Wheeler
Richard and Mavis Whiteman
Robert & Sophia Whiteside Scholarship
Jack and Mary Wichita
Thomas C. Wilkowske
Gary Williams
Billy and Kiera Wilson
Kelly A. Wilson
Diane M. Wippler
Geoffrey and Gudrun Witrak
Valeria Witte
Paula Sundet Wolf
Evelyn Wright
Elwood and Carol Youngberg
Pat Zankman
Jim and Mary Zastrow
Sheralyn and Mike Zlonis
Renee Zurn
Honor and Memorial Gifts
Gifts to honor or remember loved ones, friends, or special
occasions benefit our community’s charitable purposes. Gifts
may be made to any established fund, or, a special fund may be
established to reflect the honored person’s life. The Community
John T. & Elizabeth C. Adams Arts Fund
In honor of
Elizabeth M. Burns
Ann Mars
Carolyn Russell
Janet Sklaris
In memory of
Martha B. Alworth
Apostle Islands Area Community Fund
In honor of
Michael Bristol
Allison and Jeff Cebalka
Dr. George Griese
Madelaine S. Karwoski
Pinehurst Inn
In memory of
Sally Anderson
Stephen Dunker
Frank J. Sowl
Apostle Islands Area Community
Operating Fund
In memory of
Mr. Paul Biga
Michal W. Bristol
Betty Rogers
Scott D. Anderson Leadership
Foundation Fund
In honor of
Paul and Carol Anderson
In memory of
Martha B. Alworth
Scott D. Anderson Leadership Foundation
Operating Fund
In memory of
Delores M. Koski
Foundation’s Book of Honor, on display in our office, lists those
honored or memorialized since our inception. Memorials and
Honorariums made to the following Community Foundation
funds between January 1 and December 31, 2012 include:
Biodiversity Fund
In memory of
Dr. Pershing Benard “Jack” Hofslund
Kathryn A. Bullyan Scholarship Fund
In memory of
Kathryn A. Bullyan
Center on Alcohol and Drug Problems Fund
In memory of
Eric J. Gerchman
Clayton Jackson McGhie Memorial
Scholarship Fund
In honor of
Linda Rau
Gail Schoenfelder
In memory of
Meg Bye
Duluth Central High School Alumni
Scholarship Fund
In memory of
John Brookhart
Thomas Dodd
Richard Kohlbry
James D. Peterson
Richard Stewart
Richard K. Swanstrom
Ron Walter Weber
Duluth Public Schools Fund
In memory of
George and Jean Esbensen
James Johnson
Duluth Legacy Endowment Fund
In honor of
Linda Krug
Community Foundation Services Fund
In memory of
Martha B. Alworth
Duluth Legacy Operating Fund
In honor of
Jim Claypool
Community Opportunity Fund
In honor of
Regis T. Halgren
Philip and Margaret Hoene
Julie Enberg Memorial Scholarship Fund
In memory of
Bob Harvey
Cook County Community Fund
In honor of
Cook County Community Fund Advisory Board
Sue Riley
In memory of
Helen Louis Harrington Deveny
Cook County Community Operating Fund
In honor of
Sue Riley
Building for Women Fund
In honor of
Carla Blumberg
Barbra Neubert
In memory of
Elliott J. Bayly
Phyllis France
| Page 26 |
Eveleth Area Community Foundation Fund
In honor of
Donald Ferroni
Yvonne DeYoannes Rintala Sparn
In memory of
Mabel Barfknecht
Albert D. Chiaverini
Eleanor (Ellie) Edith Casper Hauser
Annetta J. Hazelroth
Teresa Ann Johnson
Elizabeth “Betty” Eddy Nelson
Gary E. Peritz
Vera Roberts
William J. Russ
George Sadar
Mildred Schaeffer
Mary Lou Vito
Bud Vlaisavljevich
Cathryn G. Vukson
Eveleth Area Community Foundation
Operating Fund
In memory of
Mayme Coombe
Ilene Levin and Steven Goldfine
Charitable Fund
In honor of
Ilene F. Levin
G.R.A.C.E. Fund
In honor of
Al and Chana Chechik
Levin/Goldfine Fund
In honor of
Ilene F. Levin
In memory of
Ilene F. Levin
Global Awareness Fund
In memory of
Martha Alworth
Grutzner Madeline Island Fund
In honor of
Janice and Fritz Grutzner
Scott and Kathy’s Marriage
In memory of
Tom Foster
Charles “Chuck” Irvine Jr.
James Pries
Betty Rogers
Fred C. and Mary H. Lewis Scholarship Fund
In honor of
Fred and Mary Lewis
Hermantown Community Operating Fund
In memory of
Dorothy Braun
Tom Delich
Fran Hubert
Theresa Johnson
Living Legacy Fund
In honor of
The Alworth Family
Joanie Alworth and Peter Ackroyd
Mollie and Nina Alworth
Nick, Lauren and Kelly Alworth
Susan Alworth and Carl Mattson
William Burns
Jennifer L. Carey
Jack and Lynda Culley
Ken and Nancy Lahti
Fred and Mary Lewis
In memory of
Martha B. Alworth
Elliott J. Bayly
Henrietta M. Brewer
James Claypool
Jack Culley
Jan Davis
Phyllis France
J. Richard Kohlbry
Robert LaFlamme
Mitch Lingren
Roy Otto
David Otos
Dean Pappas
Human Rights Fund
In honor of
Nancy Hanson and PFLAG
Walter and Irene Lundquist Family Fund
In memory of
Guy Perfetti
Cory Jam Memorial Award
In memory of
Cory Jam
Hubert A. Nelson Scholarship Fund
In honor of
James Klungness
John (Pete) McIntyre
Martin Hanson Conservation
Endowment Fund
In memory of
Martin Hanson
Hermantown Community Fund
In memory of
Ed Lund
George A. Renier
Gladys Skramstad
Russell Smith
Kierland - Henry Family Fund
In memory of
Margaret Lytle Kierland
| Page 27 |
North Shore Community School
Endowment Fund
In honor of
Darcie Rolfe
In memory of
Daniel J. Hendrickson
Lyle and Trish Northey Family Fund
In memory of
Alden Hokanson
Mona Kempfert
Marilyn Peterson
Rails Endowment for Academic Art Athletic
Development, REA3D, Fund
In honor of
Shelly L. Bryant
Our Children and Grandchildren who
Graduated from Proctor
Our Parents
In memory of
Jean Sowa Blattner
Barbara Chambers
Leif Chilman
Connie’s Mom
Deceased Classmates
Ray Dunaiski
Dick Eiler
Ruth Johnson
Brent D. Lee
LeVina, Ruby and Milly
Donald Lilja
Jim Melde
Virginia Miller
James Moe
John Moody
My Parents
Thelma Olson
G. Scott Ransom Scholarship Fund of the
Duluth/Superior Alpine Club
In honor of
Wes Neustel
Scott Ransom
Riverfront Community Fund
In memory of
Bevelry Bright
Dr. Pershing Benard “Jack” Hofslund
Dr. John A. “Jack” LeVasseur
Myrtle Norskog
Suntina Spehar
Small Business Education Scholarship Fund
In honor of
Elaine Hansen
Carolyn Joy Seitz Family Fund
In memory of
Carolyn J. Seitz
Tofte Historical Society Fund
In memory of
Dr. Reuben J. Tofte
Two Harbors Area Fund
In honor of
Brian D. Johnson
Weldon and Marion Johnson
Bud Kragseth
Rick Magnuson
Our Children
Two Harbors Area Fund Advisory Board
Muriel and Ray Widen
In memory of
Iver and Shirley Amundsen
Dan Anderson
Ellen Anderson
John Brandt
Bevelry Bright
Ronald A. “Moko” Carlson
Cecil Eide
Werner Falk
June Hahn
Gus Hendrickson
Scott Jackson
James Keeler
Tyce Mickolajak
John Olsvik
Katie Roiland
Chuck Ryan
Lester, Martha and Karen Sjoblom
Myron Vold
Two Harbors Area Operating Fund
In memory of
John Brandt
Carola Russell
United Way of Greater Duluth
Endowment Fund
In memory of
Jim Claypool
Henry E. Walter/Cloquet Rotary Club Fund
In memory of
Don Panger
| Page 28 |
Weckwerth-Sampson Family Fund
In honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sampson
Dale Heimbach Wheeler Memorial Fund
In honor of
Thomas B. Wheeler
Young Leaders Fund
In honor of
Karen and Royal Alworth
Nick, Lauren and Kelly Alworth
Peter and Amy Alworth
John Foucault
Claudia A. Lundquist
Lisa Luokkala
Mia Thibodeau
In memory of
Martha B. Alworth
Jim Claypool
Robert E. Halgren
Mildred Privett
Larry Tessier
Legacy Circle
The Legacy Circle recognizes and embraces
those generous individuals who have made a
planned gift to the Community Foundation to
help their community in perpetuity.
Don and Lois Albrecht
Abbot G. Apter
Bernhard and Jean Boecker
Peter Boman
Henrietta M. Brewer
Elizabeth Murphy Burns and Richard Burns
Kevin J. Buzicky and Beth Meyers
Caroline C. Bye
Jennifer L. Carey
Richard L. Carver
Ruth E. Ferguson
John and Karen Fillenworth
Margie Fredrickson
Lillian and Manley Goldfine
James F. Gustafson
David and Virginia Hahn
Edward Walker Hartley
Tim and Catherine Hartnett
Scott Hawkins
Bill and Sally Hennessy
Dona Wirtanen Holloway
Lori Halgren Johnson
Katie Kelly
John A. Kunz
Ilene Levin and Steve Goldfine
Dale S. Lewis
Fred C. and Mary H. Lewis
Martin and Patricia Lorntson
Claudia A. Lundquist
Jason Maloney and Cindy Dillenschneider
Emile H. Mathis II
Donald V. and Nancy J. Moline
Ethel V. Nordling
May and Vern Nordling
Lyle W. and Patricia G. Northey
Holly C. Sampson
Verna and Arend Sandbulte
Doug and Mary Sanders
Kenneth F. and Concetta I. Schoen
Robert and Marree Seitz
Dale and Elizabeth George Sola
Bruce and Kaye Stender
Thomas and Lavetta Torke
Emily W. Ulhorn
Mary C. Van Evera
John Voorhis
Donald L. and Susan C. Wallgren
Laurie Wermter
Jim and Ann Wheeler
Thomas B. Wheeler
David and Kimberley Whittaker
Donald G. Wirtanen
Ilona D. Wirtanen
Anonymous (5)
Four Cedars Foundation
Lillian and Monnie Goldfine
Janice and Fritz Grutzner
Peter and Carol Harris
Edward Walker Hartley
Howard J. and Barb Ignatius
Mark S. Johnson
Todd and Susan Johnson
Thomas F. Jordan
John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
Roy E. LaBounty
Florence Draper Lachmund
Fred and Mary Lewis
Don and Nancy Moline
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Mundt
May and Vern Nordling
North House Folk School
North Shore Bank of Commerce
Northern Bible Society
Terry Roberts
Jack & Mary Rowe Charitable Lead Trust
Ken and Connie Schoen
Mitchell and Elva Sill
Dr. William and Kay Slack
Phil and Babs Strom
U.S. Bank
Richard Uihlein
United Way of Greater Duluth
Mary Van Evera
Thomas B. Wheeler
Donald Wirtanen
Anonymous (11)
President’s Circle
The President’s Circle is comprised of a
special group of donors who have, over their
lifetime, given a total of $100,000 or more in
endowed gifts to the Community Foundation.
Animal Allies Humane Society
Abbot G. Apter
Allan L. Apter
Bayfield Community Education Foundation
Bernhard Boecker
Pete and Sue Boman
Otto Bremer Foundation
Richard R. and Elizabeth M. Burns
Bush Foundation
Debora and David Carroll
Cloquet Educational Foundation
Duluth Lighthouse for the Blind
| Page 29 |
New Funds Created in 2012
Field of Interest
Community Parks and Recreation Program
Fund provides funding for neighborhood-based
enhancements and recreation services in
Duluth’s parks, recreation and trails system. The
program is funded by the City of Duluth Parks
Fund approved by voters in 2011.
Community Parks and Recreation Program
Operating Fund supports the work of the
Community Parks and Recreation Program Fund.
2012 Flood Early Recovery Fund responds
to unmet community needs and assists in the
development and implementation of flood
recovery plans in cooperation with other local
grant making organizations.
2012 Flood Immediate Response Fund
responds to the harm caused by the historic
flood of June 20, 2012 focusing on short- and
medium-term needs.
Emile H. Mathis II Fund supports Douglas
County programs which help low income,
disadvantaged people meet their basic needs
and encourages projects which involve animals,
attend to the welfare of animals, or which
alleviate the suffering of animals.
Miskwaabikaang Fund (Red Cliff Fund),
part of the Apostle Islands Area Community
Fund family of funds, grants to Red Cliff
nonprofits which serve that community with
programs and services that contribute to the
traditional values of the Ojibwe way of life
through its arts, language, medicinal foods
and ceremonies.
Donor Advised
Ilene Levin and Steven Goldfine Charitable
Fund allows the donor to participate actively
in the grant making process.
LHB Foundation Fund allows the donor
to participate actively in the grant making
John and Carol Mayasich and Family
Fund, part of the Eveleth Area Community
Foundation Fund family of funds, allows the
donor to participate actively in the grant
making process.
Mattson Family Education Fund provides
support to the nursing or theatre departments
of three universities.
| Page 30 |
Rauha Fund supports four nonprofit
organizations in Minnesota.
Mike Colalillo Medal of Honor Scholarship
Fund provides greater visibility and support
for the St. Louis County Historical Society
and its Veterans’ Memorial Hall program.
Washburn Community Education
Foundation Fund, part of the Chequamegon
Bay Area Community Fund family of funds,
supports the agency’s mission to facilitate
achievement of educational excellence by
students attending schools in the Washburn
School District.
Emile H. Mathis II Scholarship Fund
supports students majoring in art at the
University of Wisconsin - Superior.
Ronald Joseph Mathis Scholarship Fund
supports students majoring in art at the
University of Wisconsin - Superior.
Previously Created Funds
Unrestricted Funds
Business Leaders Fund benefits both our
area’s business leaders and the charitable
community. Members of the Business
Leaders Fund are: CLM Corporation; Duluth
News Tribune; Duluth Winnipeg & Pacific
Railway; Enbridge Energy Partners; Essentia
Health; Evening Telegram Company/Morgan
Murphy Stations; Hanft Fride, A Professional
Association; M&I Bank (in memory of Robert
D. Banks); W.P. & R.S. Mars Company;
Minnesota Power; Moline Machinery Ltd.;
National Bank of Commerce; North Shore
Bank of Commerce; Reuben Johnson & Son,
Inc. and Affiliated Companies; St. Mary Land
& Exploration Company; United General
Constructors, Inc. (in memory of Herbert
Klippen); U.S. Bank-Duluth; Wells Fargo Bank
Minnesota; and one anonymous donor. 1988
Community Foundation Services Fund
provides direct support for the operating costs
of the Community Foundation. Gifts to this
fund maximize the dollars available for grant
making. 1984
Community Leaders Fund recognizes
businesses and individuals that have provided
outstanding resources to address our region’s
charitable needs, now and in the future.
Members of the Community Leaders Fund are:
Martha B. Alworth; Barker’s Island Marina;
Richard R. Burns; Karen & John Fillenworth;
Anne & Jon Holy; Helena Jackson; Howard
& Barb Klatzky; Frances & Joseph Leek; Ann
& Robert Mars, Jr.; Mary Millard; PLB, LLC;
Fariba Pendleton; Arend J. & Verna Sandbulte;
James H. Stewart; Donald L. & Susan C.
Wallgren; and Thomas B. Wheeler. 2000
Community Opportunity Fund was created
by the gifts of many generous donors wishing
to benefit the community as a whole. People
from all walks of life have pooled contributions
into this Fund, creating a permanent legacy for
our community. 1983
Johns S. and James L. Knight Foundation Fund
assists a wide variety of community-based projects
and nonprofit organizations that would not normally
receive Knight Foundation support. 1993
Living Legacy Fund is an excellent option for
donors wishing to honor loved ones and friends
forever, either as a memorial or on occasions of
celebration. 1983
Second Chance Endowment Fund takes a
creative twist by making grants to qualified
applicants who previously applied for, but did
not receive grants, due to limited Community
Foundation resources. 2006
Young Leaders Fund recognizes young adults and
their efforts to assist in making the Duluth/Superior
community an exciting place to live. 2007
A vital part of the resources of the Community
Foundation, unrestricted funds provide flexible
earnings which can adapt to the needs of the
community as it evolves over time.
Alberta Fund 2007
Anonymous Friend Fund 2005
Barnum Fund 1993
Dr. and Mrs. Bernhard Boecker
Charitable Fund 1996
William, Florence and Dorothy
Burns Family Fund 1996
Campbell Family Charitable Fund 1984
Cleveland Family Fund 2003
Family Service Sharing Fund 1989
Todd, Susan, Matthew and Hilary Johnson
2007 Charitable Fund 2007
Levin/Goldfine Fund 2008
Wildey H. Mitchell Family Fund 1991
Moline Family Fund 1993
Hazel B. and A. Wallace Niss
Charitable Fund 2009
P.L.B. Memorial Fund 2008
Erick Peter Person Memorial Fund 2003
Ruth H. Richards Fund 2004
Carolyn Joy Seitz Family Fund 1996
Dr. William and Kay Slack
Family Fund 2011
William G. Strobel, M.D., Family Fund 1991
Weckwerth-Sampson Family Fund 1991
| Page 31 |
Field of Interest
John T. and Elizabeth C. Adams Arts Fund is
designed to attract programs of artistic quality to
the Duluth/Superior area. 1984
Scott D. Anderson Leadership Foundation
Fund sponsors high quality, value-based
leadership training and/or scholarships
recognizing leadership accomplishments for
youth. 1999
Scott D. Anderson Leadership Foundation
Operating Fund supports the operating activities
of the Scott D. Anderson Leadership Foundation
Fund. 1999
Samuel F. Atkins and Barbara H. Atkins
Memorial Fund helps low-income,
disadvantaged people meet their basic human
needs and enables projects which involve
animals. 1992
Central Mesabi Fund for Human Services
assists agencies that directly help low-income
people cope with their basic needs and problems
from Coleraine to Mountain Iron. 1989
Douglas County Disaster and Welfare Fund
was created in 1919 by the Superior Chapter of
the Red Cross and residual gifts to the Superior
Fire Relief Committee and later transferred to the
Community Foundation. 1984
Fund for the Environment reflects growing
community concern and awareness of our
interdependency with our environment. 1991
Fair Chance Fund encourages innovative
projects to reduce long-term dependency on
public assistance programs, decrease the effects
of poverty on children, and provide opportunities
for economic self-sufficiency. 1991
Four Cedars Environmental Fund supports
programs and organizations that involve in the
protection, preservation and education of the
unique natural resources found primarily within
the western Lake Superior watershed. 2006
C.E. Fuller, Jr. and M.K. Fuller Fund, created
in 1963 and later transferred to the Community
Foundation, supports human service programs
in the region. 1997
Arthur and Winnie Gurovitsch Children’s
Fund, in honor of Arthur Gurovitsch’s kindness
towards children, creates opportunities for less
fortunate children. 1997
Lakeview Arts Fund supports local arts
organizations and other local organizations
which undertake art projects. 2006
Morgan Fund highlights projects that foster
community pride or economically impact the
Twin Ports in general, with a goal of making
grants equally to Superior and Duluth. 1984
Riverfront Community Fund supports nonprofit
organizations serving the Riverfront communities
of Riverside, Smithville, Morgan Park, Gary-New
Duluth and Fond du Lac. 1991
Silver Bay Charitable Fund provides financial
assistance to projects and programs that aid
and support low-income residents of Silver Bay
and its vicinity. 2001
G. Kendall Smith Fund for the Physically
Disabled and Visually Impaired supports
organizations whose main purpose is servicing
people with physical disabilities or visual
impairments. 1990
Jane S. Smith Memorial Fund encourages and
enables organizations which provide artistic and
cultural traditions in the Duluth area. 1992
Superior-Douglas County Arts Fund supports
projects and programs which help people
develop an appreciation for the arts and to
make a variety of multicultural arts experiences
accessible to everyone. 2006
Laurie A. Wermter Library Fund aids libraries
and archives in northwest Wisconsin, primarily
Douglas County, in achieving outstanding
library service and preserving the history of the
area. 2003
Wetherby Fund helps children with their
educational and basic material needs, as well as
helps them appreciate nature. 1997
Dale Heimbach Wheeler Memorial Fund
assists projects that address children’s
education, chemical dependency services, family
counseling, and women and violence. 1995
Global Awareness Fund assists projects
that increase community awareness of our
global interdependence and promote citizen
participation in global issues. 1983
Knight Fund supports a variety of community,
cultural, and civic projects and nonprofit
organizations. 2002
Henry and Sarah Wheeler Historical
Awareness Fund supports projects that
promote awareness of our region’s rich,
untapped historical legacy and inspire others
to participate in preserving and promoting the
region’s history. 2005
John Allan Kunz Fund for Reminiscence
and Life Review provides grants to nonprofit
organizations and educational institutions
that promote the use of reminiscence and
life review through research, practice and
volunteer work. 2011
Wisconsin Arts Board Fund supports arts
activities in Douglas County. 2003
Levin/Goldfine Charitable Fund allows
the donor to participate actively in the
grantmaking process. 2005
Donor Advised
Lone Wolf Fund creates the opportunity
to promote environmental education; to
advance medical science through research;
and to increase educational opportunities
for international students attending postsecondary institutions. 1999
A&A Enterprises Charitable Fund allows
donors to participate actively in the grant making
process. 2007
Anishinabe Fund fosters cultural awareness
of Ojibwe traditions while encouraging the
migration of ideas and promoting the respect for
the Ojibwe culture. 1991
E. C. Mason Fund allows the donor to
participate actively in the grantmaking
process. 2009
Apter Family Fund allows the donor to
participate actively in the grant making
process. 1998
Moline Family Donor Advised Fund allows
the donor to participate actively in the grant
making process. 2003
Aspen Fund II allows donors to participate
actively in the grantmaking process. 2009
Nordling Family Fund allows the donor
to participate actively in the grant making
process. 2007
Biodiversity Fund supports efforts to maintain,
strengthen, preserve, and restore biodiversity
habitats in the Duluth/Superior region. 2010
Michael Adam Carroll Memorial Fund
provides financial resources to organizations
that provide services to disabled youth and their
families. 2005
Esperanza Fund allows the donor to participate
actively in the grant making process. 2007
| Page 32 |
Red Oak Fund allows the donor to
participate actively in the grant making
process. 2000
Elva B. and Mitchell J. Sill Family Fund
allows the donor to participate actively in the
grant making process. 2003
Philip H. and Barbara Strom Family
Charitable Fund allows the donor to
participate actively in the grant making
process. 2008
Wells Fargo Bank Fund allows the donor
to participate actively in the grant making
process. 2004
Wirtanen Family Fund, in memory of Sylvia
Wirtanen, encourages progressive social
change, broadens participation in our
democratic society, and promotes justice. 1990
Howard J. and Barb Ignatius Fund provides
funding to support technology at Denfeld
High School and the Proctor High School
English Department. 2006
Northeast Minnesota Sharing Fund enables
human service agencies to provide small cash
grants to vendors on behalf of low-income
clients at times of critical need. 1988
Initiatives General Operating Fund
supports the activities of the Community
Foundation’s Initiatives. 2008
Northern Bible Society - Daniel H. and
Catherine L. Mundt Charitable Fund was
established to continue in perpetuity the work of
the Northern Bible Society. 2006
Anonymous I Charitable Fund supports two
nonprofit organizations in the Duluth area. 1994
Edna M. & H. Anna Jenks’ Charitable Fund
was originally created in 1956 to support
twelve nonprofit organizations designated by
the donor. The Fund was later transferred to
the Community Foundation. 1985
Anonymous Friend Designated Fund
supports nonprofit organizations designed by
the donor. 2005
Knight Creative Communities Initiative
Fund helps support the activities of the KCCI
project in the Duluth/Superior area. 2007
Attracting and Maintaining Young People
Fund supports the efforts of the Attracting
and Maintaining Young People Initiative of the
DSACF. 2006
Douglas H. and Judith H. Lewis Memorial
Fund supports two nonprofit organizations in
the Duluth area. 1994
Attracting and Maintaining Young People
One Stop Shop Fund supports the efforts of
the Attracting and Maintaining Young People
Initiative by creating a website. 2007
Duluth Legacy Operating Fund supports the
activities of the Duluth Legacy Endowment
Fund. 2008
Duluth Public Schools Temporary Fund
supports activities of the Duluth Public
Schools. 1996
Duluth-Superior Sharing Fund enables human
service agencies to provide small cash grants to
vendors on behalf of low-income clients at times
of critical need. 1983
Manley and Lillian Goldfine Gold Star
Teacher Award Fund recognizes and rewards
outstanding educators of ISD#709 - Duluth
Public Schools. 2006
Manley and Lillian Goldfine Gold Star
Temporary Fund supports the operations
related to the Manley and Lillian Goldfine Gold
Star Teacher Award Fund. 2006
Lorntson Family Fund supports five
nonprofit organizations designated by the
donor. 2006
Millennium Group Speak Your Peace Fund
supports the ongoing efforts of the Speak
Your Peace Civility Project and the nine tools
of civility. 2003
Gregory S. and Barbara J. Miller Charitable
Lead Trust supports land and water
conservation by the West Wisconsin Land
Trust in the St. Croix and Lake Superior
watersheds. 2007
Daniel H. and Catherine L. Mundt
Charitable Fund supports fifteen nonprofit
programs in the Duluth area and provides
scholarship support through the Daniel H.
and Catherine L. Mundt Scholarship Fund for
Late Bloomers. 1994
Hazel B. and A. Wallace Niss/Human
Development Center Endowment Fund
supports the Human Development Center’s
ongoing operations. 2009
Nordling Family Designated Fund I
supports two nonprofit organizations in
Duluth. 2007
| Page 33 |
Slonim Temporary Fund provides the donor
the opportunity to participate in the grant making
process as they see an apparent need. 1995
G. Kendall Smith Fund supports two nonprofit
organizations in the Duluth area. 1990
Social Capital Benchmark Survey Fund
supports the efforts of the Social Capital
Benchmark Survey first conducted during 2006
in the Duluth/Superior area. 2006
Superior-Douglas County Arts Operating
Fund supports the activities of the SuperiorDouglas County Arts Fund. 2006
Henry E. Walter/Cloquet Rotary Club Fund
supports the Cloquet Rotary Club’s scholarship
program. 1998
White Pine Fund supports four nonprofit
organizations designated by the donor. 2006
Young Leaders Operating Fund supports the
activities of the Young Leaders Fund. 2007
Aitkin Education Foundation Fund was
established to enhance the scope and quality
of educational opportunities in the Aitkin Public
Schools. 2011
Animal Allies Endowment Fund supports
the organization’s mission to ensure a lifetime
of loving care for every pet by reducing
overpopulation, increasing adoption and
fostering humane values. 2010
Building for Women Fund supports the
charitable purposes of the Building for
Women, located in Duluth, Minnesota. 2000
Carlton County Historical Society
Foundation Fund supports the Carlton
County Historical Society’s efforts to collect,
preserve and disseminate the history of
Carlton County. 1999
Center on Alcohol and Drug Problems Fund
was created to support, in perpetuity, the
Center on Alcohol and Drug Problems. 1987
Cloquet Educational Foundation Fund
is dedicated to the youth of the Cloquet
community. 1994
Courage Center Duluth Fund supports
recreational programs for youth and families
with disabilities. 2007
Duluth Legacy Endowment Fund provides
support to the City of Duluth for public
projects. 2005
Duluth Playhouse Endowment Fund
supports the continued operations of the
Duluth Playhouse. 1996
Duluth Public Schools Fund was established
to gain greater visibility and support for Duluth
Public Schools by supporting innovative and
creative educational projects. 1984
Hartley Nature Center Endowment
Fund provides a resource to further the
environmental education programs and
stewardship activities of the Hartley Nature
Center. 2008
Lake Superior Big Top Chautauqua Blue
Canvas Fund provides funds for the periodic
replacement of the Lake Superior Big Top
Chautauqua tent. 2001
Lake Superior Chamber Orchestra
Endowment Fund supports the continued
growth of the LSCO summer concert
series. 1997
Lakeview Christian Academy Fund provides
a solid financial foundation for the Academy
so that its families and the community
benefit from its vision of providing academic
excellence in a Christ-centered educational
environment. 2009
North Shore Community School
Endowment Fund supports communitybased elementary education through a public
charter school. 2001
Rails Endowment for Academic Art
Athletic Development, REA3D, was created
to receive, manage and disburse resources
for the lifelong learning experiences of district
residents. 1997
Ralph S. Knowlton Lake Superior Marine
Museum Endowment Fund was established
to realize the advantages of broader
investment management and to gain greater
visibility. 1992
RSI Margaret Moser Memorial Fund
supports Residential Services, Inc. of
Northeastern Minnesota in its mission to
provide innovative services to support the
lives of people with disabilities. 2000
Lighthouse for the Blind Endowment Fund
was established to realize the advantages of
broader investment management and to gain
greater visibility for the Duluth Lighthouse for
the Blind. 1998
Second Harvest Michael E. Miner Hunger
Endowment Fund ensures food resources
for in-need residents in the service area of
the Second Harvest Northern Lakes Food
Bank. 2005
Lutheran Social Service Endowment Fund
supports services provided by Lutheran
Social Service of Minnesota in its northeast
region. 1999
Spirit Mountain Recreation Area Authority
Fund provides greater visibility and support
for the organization. 2008
Girl Scouts - Northern Pine Council
Endowment Fund ensures funds for the
future of Girl Scouting. 1986
Marshall School Endowment Fund was
established to gain greater visibility for
Marshall School in partnership with other
community organizations. 1996
Goodwill Future Fund was created to
realize the advantages of broader investment
management and gain greater visibility for
Goodwill Industries. 1995
Minnesota Academic Excellence
Foundation Fund was established to
gain greater visibility for the nonprofit
organization. 1991
Greater Proctor Area Scholarship
Foundation Fund provides greater visibility
and support for the foundation and its many
scholarships. 2004
Minnesota Ballet Endowment Fund
supports the artistic and educational activities
of the Minnesota Ballet. 2003
Minnesota Ballet and Duluth News Tribune
Performing Arts Fund for Kids was created
to enhance the artistic development of young
people. 2000
| Page 34 |
Superior Hiking Trail Association
Endowment supports efforts to build,
promote, maintain, protect and preserve
a hiking trail along the ridgeline of Lake
Superior’s North Shore. 2000
United Way of Greater Duluth Endowment
Fund provides greater visibility and support
for the organization. 1984
Weisberg Memorial Fund was created to
support the School District of Superior. 1986
West Wisconsin Land Trust Fund supports
the stewardship of permanently conserved
forests, lakes, rivers, farms, and open spaces
in the Lake Superior watershed. 2010
YMCA of Superior-Douglas County
Endowment Fund was established to
gain greater visibility for the nonprofit
organization. 1987
YWCA Fund was established to gain greater
visibility and to realize the advantages of
broader investment management. 1985
Anderson Niskanen Scholarship Fund
provides assistance for seniors from Duluth
public high schools who are in financial need
for higher education at UMD or the U of MNTwin Cities. 1998
Paul Antonich Scholarship Fund honors
Paul’s spirit by providing a scholarship to an
ISD#709 senior boy on his school’s track
or cross-country team who encourages
others, demonstrates dedication and good
citizenship, and promotes team unity. 2000
Duluth Building & Construction Trades
Council Scholarship Fund provides
scholarships to children of members of
unions affiliated with the Duluth Building
Trades Council. 2000
Duluth Central High School Alumni
Scholarship Fund, originally established
by the Central Class of 1944, provides
assistance for post-secondary education to
seniors who once attended Duluth Central
High School. 1999
Duluth Central Sports Association Legacy
Scholarship Fund provides awards to
graduating athletes of Duluth public high
schools who reside in the geographic area
originally served by Duluth Central High
School. 2010
Julie Enberg Memorial Scholarship Fund,
honoring Julie’s dedication to sports and her
community, provides assistance to female
undergraduate athletes at UMD. 2001
Darrell and Palchie Asselin Scholarship
Fund provides needed financial assistance to
the non-traditional student at UMD, CSS or
UWS. 1993
Peter M. Gargano Scholarship Fund
provides financial assistance to the children
of the employees of Ulland Brothers for postsecondary education. 1992
William E. Barto Scholarship Fund provides
scholarships to high school seniors of Duluth
and Superior who plan to major in the arts
and attend the UMD or UWS. 1995
Gernander Scholarship Fund provides
assistance for post-secondary education
to seniors of Denfeld High School with
good character who combine athletic and
academic accomplishments. 1998
Bernard B. Brusin and Mary L. Brusin
Scholarship Fund provides renewable
scholarships to Jewish and Roman Catholic
students for college or vocational training.
Allen Butler Minority Law Enforcement
Scholarship Fund provides financial
assistance to people of color to begin or
continue law enforcement training at a postsecondary institution. 1996
Clayton Jackson McGhie Memorial
Scholarship Fund provides financial
assistance to students of the Duluth/Superior
area so that they can pursue their goals in
higher education. 2009
Colonel Lawrence H. Golberg Aviation
Scholarship Fund honors the memory
of Vietnam pilot, Lawrence Golberg, by
providing scholarships for post-secondary
pilot training in the Duluth area. 2003
Patricia S. Gustafson ‘56 Memorial
Scholarship Fund awards a renewable
scholarship to a graduating female
senior from Denfeld or Marshall School
who exemplifies the life of Patricia
Gustafson. 2007
| Page 35 |
Jeanne H. Hemmingway Scholarship Fund
provides assistance to high school seniors in
Lake, Cook and St. Louis counties to attend
the University of Minnesota Duluth. 1990
Gus and Henrietta Hill Scholarship Fund,
created by Henrietta Hill in memory of
her grandson, Roger C. Hill, Jr., provides
assistance for higher education to Duluth
East High School graduates. 2000
Greg Irons Award Fund honors the
tenets and beliefs of Greg Irons by
rewarding the efforts of Duluth Public
Schools’ students and the teachers who
help them succeed. 1990
Cory Jam Memorial Award Fund, created
with gifts from family and friends, provides
a scholarship for a Duluth East High School
graduate. 1988
Lake Superior Medical Society Tilderquist
Scholarship Fund provides scholarships
for students attending the University of
Minnesota Duluth medical school. 2005
Fred C. and Mary H. Lewis Scholarship
Fund provides assistance for deserving
students who could not otherwise afford to
attend Marshall School, a private college
preparatory school in Duluth. 1999
Fred C. and Mary H. Lewis UMD MBA
Scholarship Fund provides assistance
to students from the Duluth/Superior
area to attend UMD’s Master of Business
Administration (MBA) program. 2008
Minnesota Power Community Involvement
Scholarship Fund provides assistance for
high school seniors within Minnesota Power’s
service area who are active volunteers in their
communities. 1998
Minnesota Power New Generation
Scholarship Fund provides assistance to
full-time college students who attend school
in Minnesota Power’s service area and major
in a qualifying field of study. 2007
Minnesota Section, Society of Mining
Metallurgy and Exploration Scholarship
Fund provides assistance for the
undergraduate study of engineering or
geology, with priority to those interested in
working in Minnesota’s mining industry. 1997
Modern Woodmen of America Scholarship
Fund, established by the Duluth Camp
No. 2341 Modern Woodmen of America,
provides assistance to the non-traditional
student in financial need. 1988
Daniel H. and Catherine L. Mundt
Scholarship Fund for Late Bloomers
provide financial assistance for students with
potential from Duluth’s public high schools.
Hubert A. Nelson Scholarship Fund
provides scholarships for Duluth and
Superior high school seniors who intend to
major in business or accounting at UMD or
UWS. 1995
Amelia and Emanuel Nessell Family
Scholarship Fund, established as a
memorial, provides assistance for students in
financial need, with priority consideration to
Jewish applicants. 1997
Pay It Forward Scholarship Fund provides
the nearly 2500 recipients of DSACF
scholarships with an opportunity to return
gifts to the community. 2008
Richard B. Pearson Memorial Scholarship
Fund provides financial assistance to
students graduating from the Duluth Public
Schools who are pursuing an elementary or
secondary education degree. 2006
G. Scott Ransom Scholarship Fund of
the Duluth/Superior Alpine Club provides
financial awards for expenses associated with
pursuing a competitive ski experience. 2005
Dr. Mark Rathke Family Scholarship Fund
provides a scholarship to a Marshall School
senior who has demonstrated school and/or
community involvement, leadership qualities
and hard-working behavior. 1999
Steve Rolland Youth Peacemaker
Award Fund honors youth who undertake
community peacemaking activities. 1996
Jack and Mary Rowe Memorial Scholarship
Fund rewards the academic excellence of
Duluth, Hermantown, and Proctor public high
school students who will pursue a career in
engineering. 2007
Lawrence E. and Mabel Jackson Rudberg
Scholarship Fund provides financial
assistance for post-secondary education
to Two Harbors and Duluth high schools
seniors. 1998
Saturn Systems Scholarship Fund awards
scholarships to outstanding seniors from
high schools within the DSACF service area
who intend to pursue a degree in computer
science at UMD. 2010
John A. Sullivan Scholarship Fund provides
financial assistance for students majoring
in education at the University of WisconsinSuperior. 1996
Superior East High All-Class Reunion
Scholarship Fund provides a scholarship
to the descendant of a graduate of Superior
East High School. 1985
Ulland Brothers, Inc. Scholarship Fund
provides financial assistance to the children
of Ulland Brothers, Inc. employees who will
attend institutions of higher education. 2009
Ulland Brothers, Inc. Scholarship
Operating Fund supports the activities of the
Ulland Brothers, Inc. Scholarship Fund. 2009
Saturn Systems Scholarship Operating
Fund supports the operations of the Saturn
Systems Scholarship Fund. 2010
Charlotte Ulland Scholarship Fund for
Girls provides assistance for girls who will
graduate from public high schools on Lake
Superior’s North Shore and continue their
studies at a public college or university in
Minnesota. 2009
Kenneth and Concetta Schoen
Scholarship Fund provides financial
assistance for students with potential from
the public high schools in Duluth. 2008
Charlotte Ulland Scholarship for Girls
Operating Fund supports the activities of
the Charlotte Ulland Scholarship Fund for
Girls. 2009
Phil Shykes Memorial Scholarship Fund
provides a scholarship to a Hermantown
High School senior. The recipient is chosen
on the basis of financial need, community
service and determination to pursue a higher
education. 1999
Robert B. and Sophia Whiteside
Scholarship Fund awards scholarships to
seniors of Duluth high schools who give
evidence of academic excellence, high
character, demonstrated leadership, and
promise of contributing to the betterment
of society. 1995
Small Business Education Fund
encourages the creation and retention of
jobs in the DSACF service area through a
scholarship program geared to strengthen
the management skills of those in small
business. 1987
Jean Quinn Sullivan Scholarship Fund
provides financial assistance to students
majoring in education at UWS, with priority
given to those who express an interest in
elementary education. 1997
| Page 36 |
Kate Zinn Memorial Scholarship Fund
provides financial assistance to students from
St. Croix and Northwestern High Schools
in Douglas County for careers working with
children and/or teenagers. 2002
Affiliate Funds
Apostle Islands Area
Community Fund
Field of interest
Apostle Islands Area Community Fund
actively promotes private giving for the public
good of the Apostle Islands area. 2000
The following funds, part of the Apostle
Islands area family of funds, address the
changing needs of the region served by the
Apostle Islands Area Community Fund:
Albrecht-Vogt Family Fund
Bodin Family Fund
Helen DeHaven Bush Family Fund
Hartnett-Helm Family Fund - 2000
Dr. Michael and Deanna Asbell
Family Fund
Cleveland Family Fund
Joanne B. Hadland Family Fund
Kierland-Henry Family Fund
Bill and Marilyn Larson Family Fund
John S. Meier Family Fund
Edward and Dawn Michael
Family Fund - 2001
Ann and Dave Locey Family Fund
Jerry and Mary Phillips Family Fund
Gene and Carole Qualle
Family Fund - 2002
Bell Southmayd Lamont Family Fund
Collins Family Fund
Tom and Roxanne Frizzell Family Fund
Ole J. and Ingeborg Hadland Family Fund
Pomeroy Family Fund
Tom and Liz Purcell Family Fund
Larry A. Reiten Family Fund
Robert and Carolyn Sneed
Family Fund - 2003
Apostle Islands Area Community Impact
Fund, created by an Otto Bremer Foundation
matching challenge, is used for operations
and/or grantmaking. 2009
Grutzner Madeline Island Fund supports
nonprofit organizations serving Madeline
Island and its residents. 2006.
Human Rights Fund supports projects
that promote tolerance and combat bigotry,
racism and discrimination in the Apostle
Islands area. 2000
Bayfield Heritage Association Fund
supports the agency’s mission to promote
awareness, appreciation and preservation of
Bayfield’s distinctive history. 2001
Human Rights Temporary Fund supports
human rights projects in the Bayfield-LaPointeRed Cliff area. 2004
CORE Endowment Fund supports the
organization in bringing together community
and families to meet the needs of seniors
in the northern communities of the Bayfield
Peninsula. 2007
Donor Advised
Peter M. and Betty W. Rogers Fund allows the
donor to participate actively in the grant making
process. 2007
Apostle Islands Area Community Operating
Fund supports activities of the Apostle Islands
Area Community Fund. 2000
Apostle Islands Area Program Services
Endowment Fund provides direct support
for the operating costs of the Community
Foundation. 2002
Apostle Islands Bremer Operating Fund
supports activities of the Apostle Islands Area
Community Fund. 2009
Martin Hanson Conservation Endowment
Fund supports the Friends of the Apostle
Islands National Lakeshore, Inc. 2008
Ashwabay Outdoor Educational Foundation
Fund supports the foundation’s mission to
provide a quality, affordable outdoor recreation
experience that renews and enhances the lives
of people in the Chequamegan Bay area. 2007
Bayfield Community Education Foundation
Fund supports the agency’s mission to
facilitate achievement of educational excellence
by students attending schools located within
the Bayfield School District. 2001
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Madeline Island/LaPointe Community
Clinic Fund provides assistance to the clinic
for their daily operations. 2011
Madeline Island Public Library Fund was
established to assist the Library in their
services to Madeline Island residents. 2011
Chequamegon Bay Area
Community Fund
Field of Interest
Chequamegon Bay Area Community Fund
actively promotes private giving for the public
good in the Ashland region. Through its local
advisory board, the Fund works to attract and
manage a permanent endowment to address
the area’s changing needs.
Chequamegon Bay Bremer Operating
Fund supports the activities of the
Chequamegon Bay Area Community
Fund. 2011
Washburn Community Education
Foundation Fund supports the agency’s
mission to facilitate achievement of
educational excellence by students attending
schools located within the Washburn School
District. 2012
Cook County Community Fund
Field of Interest
Cook County Higher Education Fund
supports the programs of Cook County
Higher Education. 2006
Cook County Community Fund actively
promotes private giving for the public good of
the Cook County area. 2003
Grand Marais Public Library Fund supports
the continued operations of the Grand Marais
Public Library. 2006
The following funds, part of the Cook County
area family of funds, address the changing
needs of the region served by the Cook
County Community Fund:
North House Folk School Endowment Fund
makes the campus an evermore dynamic
place to learn. 2006
Mike and Nancy Carlson
Family Fund - 2010
Surbaugh Family Fund - 2012
Donor Advised
Scott Hawkins Fund allows the donor
to participate actively in the grant making
process. 2006
Cook County Community Temporary Fund
will support the activities of the Cook County
Community Fund. 2004
Frank G. DiMaio Fund will enable three
schools in Cook County to provide instruction
of Less Commonly Taught Languages. 2007
Harris Family Fund provides support to nine
nonprofit organizations designated by the
donors. 2006
Beverly R. Uhrhammer Memorial
Library Fund provides funds to the Grand
Marais Public Library for purchasing high
quality children’s printed books to add to
circulation. 2005
Tofte Historical Society Fund supports the
continued operations of the Tofte Historical
Society. 2006
Violence Prevention Center Fund of the
Cook County Community Fund supports the
Center’s mission of eliminating domestic and
sexual violence against women, men, children
and their families in Cook County. 2004
WTIP Community Radio Fund of the Cook
County Community Fund fosters and builds
community connections, educates and
informs the public, and provides entertainment
through its broadcasts. 2004
Daniel Patrick Riley Memorial Scholarship
Fund provides scholarships to high school
graduates of Cook County High School who
wish to pursue a liberal arts education. 2010
Eveleth Area Community
Foundation Fund
Field of Interest
Eveleth Area Community Foundation Fund
seeks to enhance and improve the quality of
life in the Eveleth area and encourages others
to do the same. 2008
Birch Grove Foundation Fund supports
efforts to sustain community-based elementary
education in the Tofte community. 2005
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Donor Advised
Eveleth 4th of July Fund supports the
Eveleth 4th of July Committee and its ability
to continue provide 4th of July events in the
City of Eveleth. 2010
Eveleth Area Community Foundation
Operating Fund supports the operations
of the Eveleth Area Community
Foundation. 2008
Hermantown Community Fund
Field of Interest
Hermantown Community Fund actively
promotes private giving for the public good in
the Hermantown area. 2005
Hermantown Community Operating Fund
supports the activities of the Hermantown
Community Fund. 2005
Kathryn A. Bullyan Scholarship Fund
provides recognition for volunteerism on the
part of graduating high school seniors from
Hermantown High School. 2010
Kathryn A. Bullyan Scholarship Operating
Fund supports the operations of the Kathryn
A. Bullyan Scholarship Fund. 2010
Jackson Club Scholarship Fund provides
awards for post secondary education,
including college and vocational training, to
seniors from Hermantown High School. 2005
Two Harbors Area Fund
Field of Interest
Two Harbors Area Fund enhances
the quality of life of Two Harbors area
residents. 1998
The following fund, part of the Two Harbors
area family of funds, addresses the changing
needs of the region served by the Two
Harbors Area Community Fund:
Lyle and Trish Northey Family Fund - 1999
Two Harbors Major Project Fund, under
the umbrella of the Two Harbors Area Fund,
provides support to the Two Harbors Area
Fund in implementing a major project that
promotes “Quality of Life” for Two Harbors
residents. 2008
Donor Advised
LaBounty Family Fund provides assistance
to projects which promote economic
development in the Two Harbors area. 2001
| Page 39 |
Ruth E. Ferguson Charitable Fund supports
the operation and purchase of books for the
Two Harbors Public Library. 2006
Two Harbors Area Operating Fund
supports the activities of the Two Harbors
Area Fund. 1999
Superior Shores Resort Scholarship Fund
provides financial assistance to students
from the Lake Superior School District
who are pursuing a career in the hospitality
industry. 2008
Committees and Staff
Board Committees
Jennifer L. Carey, Chair
Claudia Scott Welty, Vice Chair
Howard T. Klatzky, Secretary
Amy Kuronen, Treasurer
Lyle W. Northey, Immediate Past
Claudia Scott Welty, Chair
Amy Kuronen
Arend J. Sandbulte
Board Leadership
Jennifer L. Carey, Chair
Abbot G. Apter
Lyle W. Northey
Claudia Scott Welty
Thomas B. Wheeler
James E. Zastrow
Philip D. Rolle, Chair
Abbot G. Apter
Ryan Boman
Paul R. Buckley
Jennifer L. Carey
Lyle W. Northey
James H. Stewart
James E. Zastrow
Grants and Community
Claudia Scott Welty, Chair
Jennifer L. Carey
Marlene David
Amy Kuronen
Lyle W. Northey
Philip D. Rolle
James E. Zastrow
Arend J. Sandbulte, Chair
Abbot G. Apter
Ryan Boman
Richard R. Burns
Michael A. Cowles
Marlene David
James C. Jarocki
Todd L. Johnson
Mark Myles
Donald L. Wallgren
Duluth Legacy Endowment
Dan Markham, Chair
Kenneth Browall
Michael A. Cowles
Mark Emmel
Greg Gilbert
George Goldfarb
Nick Lansing
Robert E. Powless
Jennifer Ryan
Laura Sieger
Public Relations
Howard T. Klatzky, Chair
Marlene David
Lyle W. Northey
Mia Thibodeau
Thomas B. Wheeler
Advisory Committees
John T. and Elizabeth C.
Adams Arts
Elizabeth Burns, Chair
Robert A. DeArmond
Karen Fillenworth
Ruth Frederick
Beverly Goldfine
Amy Kuronen
Scott D. Anderson Leadership
Kristin Teberg, Chair
LaDonna Bergum
Gary D. Black
Jennifer L. Carey
Julie Gilbertson
Rebecca Kilgore
Bill King
David Sproat
Dan Westholm
William L. Westholm
Michael Spencer, Co-Chair
Patricia Lenz, Co-Chair
Rick Smith
Claudia Scott Welty
Marlene Wisuri
Tom Jordan, Chair
Janet Green
Glenn Guntenspergen
Kris Larson
John Pastor
Claudia Scott Welty
David Zentner
Duluth Public Schools
Scott Fisher, Chair
Karen Alfonsi
Darlene Anderson
Karen Andresen
Charles Bell
Mark Boben
Mary Ann Harala
Ken Jensen
Karen Keenan
Mike Miernicki
Mary Olson
Shari Rud
Kenneth Schoen
Judy Seliga Punyko
William Gronseth, Ex Officio
Global Awareness
Mary Van Evera, Chair
Helena E. Jackson
Koresh Lakhan
Thomas Morgan
Ellen O’Neill
Fariba Pendleton
Mia Thibodeau
Donald L. Wallgren
Mavis Whiteman
Lillian and Manley Goldfine
Gold Star Teacher Award
Andy Goldfine, Chair
Harold Frederick
William Gronseth
Kenneth Goldfine
Howard T. Klatzky
Robert S. Mars Jr.
Mark Myles
Pam Roth
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Joan Setterlund
Ellen Troeltzsch
Ann Wasson
Greg Irons Award
Deb Halver
Dan Holm
Willis Irons
Laura LaFontaine
Cheryl Lien
Jason Michalicek
Shelley Michalicek
Ann Wasson
William L. Westholm
Jackson Club Scholarship
Lois Fichtner
Lyle W. Northey
Steve Overom
Sandi Peterson
David Thompson
John S. and
James L. Knight
Xavier Bell
Fariba Pendleton
Branden Robinson
Minnesota Section, Society
of Mining, Metallurgy and
Exploration Scholarship
Dennis Murr, Chair
Sarah Blust
Kelly Campbell
Peter Clevenstine
Duane Kokkinen
Sarrah Mattila
Tony Perpich
Dr. Mark Rathke
Family Scholarship
Margo Rathke, Chair
Marlene David
Faris Keeling
Derek Mann
Katie Rathke Mann
Greg Mirau
Molly Rathke
Georgia Swing
Jack and Mary Rowe
Memorial Scholarship
David Carroll
Christian Lawien
Corbin Lawien
Lizette Lawien
Eric Musselman
Mark Myles
Roger Pellett
David Saftner
Claudia Scott Welty
Mark Myles, Chair
Marlene David
Sharon Kaner
James A. Laumeyer
David Vose
Silver Bay Charitable
Lana Fralich, Chair
Donna Blomberg
Joanne Johnson
Lucy Ludolph
Susan Michels
Philip D. Rolle
Vickie Thompson
Nancy Viola
Small Business
Education Scholarship
Paul R. Buckley, Chair
Abbot G. Apter
Ryan Boman
Howard T. Klatzky
Robert S. Mars, Jr.
Heidi Timm-Bijold
Lake Superior Medical Society
Tilderquist Scholarship
Jay R. Knuths, MD, President
Audrey M. Park-Skinner, MD,
President Elect
Timothy S. LaMaster, MD,
Dina Flaherty
Lyle W. Northey
Heather L. Opsahl
Robert B. and Sophia
Whiteside Scholarship
Ted Johnson, Chair
Ann Glumac
Mike Miernicki
Marjory Ryan
Larry Scanlon
Daphne Steele
Lisa Mandelin, Trust Officer
Wirtanen Family
Dona Holloway, Co-Chair
Ilona Wirtanen, Co-Chair
Brooks Anderson
Lisa Holloway Klyce
Rachael Martin
Lyle W. Northey
Irene Holloway Thomas
Mary Van Evera
Young Leaders
Ryan Boman, Co-Chair
Mia Thibodeau, Co-Chair
Grant Carlson
Kellie Cloutier
Kelly Mullan
Don Ness
Jim Paine
Branden Robinson
Lynne Williams
Affiliate Funds
Apostle Islands Area
Community Fund
John Cory, Chair
Joan Cybela, Vice Chair
Betsy Albert-Peacock
Glenn W. Carlson
Beth Dooley
Rob Goslin
Elly Grace
Marina Lachecki
Barbara McCann
Chequamegon Bay Area
Community Fund
Karen Crowell, Chair
Irene Blakely
Carla Bremmer
Rick Geisen
Ed Monroe
Shari Nelson
Sue Nichols
Chantal Norrgard
Jason Stark
Mary Trettin
Cook County Community Fund
Howard Hedstrom, Chair
Tracy Benson
Michael Carlson
Amy Demmer
Karen Halbersleben
Cindy Hansen
Richard J. Olson
Mary Petz
Ann Possis
Sue Riley
Eveleth Area Community
Foundation Fund
Ryan L. Turner, Chair
Jon Marcaccini, Vice Chair
Girard Hoel, Secretary
Louise Bonach
Georgia Day
Jeff Green
Jane Kingston
John Mayasich
Hermantown Community Fund
Steve Overom, Chair
Sandi Peterson, Vice Chair
Mary Johnson, Secretary/
Lois Fichtner
Sandy Monson
Two Harbors Area Fund
Gordy Anderson, Chair
Christina Cavallin, Vice Chair
Russell H. Conrow
Dean Croft
Barbara Hamilton
| Page 41 |
Dan Heikkinen
Terry B. Johnson
Carl Kerschen
Bob Larkin
Rick Magnuson
Nancy Ojard
Bob Olund
Mason Schraufnagel
Holly C. Sampson, President
Jon Blevins, Program Associate
Mark C. Danielson,
Development Officer
John Foschi, Financial Officer
David Hammer,
Scholarship Officer
Polly John, Financial Assistant
Madelaine Karwoski,
Affiliate Officer
Claudia Lundquist,
Executive Assistant
Alyssa McInerney,
Communications Associate
Board of Trustees
Jennifer L. Carey, Chair
Hanft Fride, A Professional Association
Claudia Scott Welty , Vice Chair
Retired Senior Vice President of Business
Support and Chief Administrative Officer
Ryan Boman
PLB Properties
Lyle W. Northey
Immediate Past Chair
Community Representative
Bethany M. Owen
Superior Water, Light & Power Company
Philip D. Rolle
Retired Executive
Wells Fargo Diversified Products Group
Renee M. Wachter
University of Wisconsin – Superior
James E. Zastrow
Community President
BMO Harris Bank
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Howard Klatzky, Secretary
HTK Marketing Communications
Amy Kuronen
Managing Director
U.S. Bank Private Client Group
Marlene David
Community Representative
Arend J. Sandbulte
Retired Chairman, President and
CEO Minnesota Power (ALLETE)
Mia Thibodeau
Fryberger, Buchanan,
Smith & Frederick, P.A.
Duluth Superior Area Community
Foundation Financial Status
Public Support and Revenue
Donated services
Interest and dividends
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) less
investment management fees Refunds of grants
Miscellaneous Total Public Support and Revenue
Grants, Fees, and Operating Expenses
Grants and scholarships*
Functional expenses
Public education
Management and general
Total functional expenses
Total Grants, Fees, and Operating Expenses
$53,678,765 $48,858,342
2,040,591 17,881 941,043 4,423,923 1,647,361
2,421 7,429,837
1,000 1,072
1,860,658 9,812
1,855,420 21,650 274,585 169,482 239,547 184,840 868,454
2,738,924 321,926 201,401
147,160 212,537 883,024 2,760,094 Change in net assets
(2,859,808) Agency contributions/change of value
(382,534) 87,014
Agency grants
81,362 107,279 Net Assets, beginning of year
44,148,962 46,814,476 Net Assets, end of year
$48,538,702 $44,148,962 2012 financial statements are unaudited.
Audited financial statements are available at the Community Foundation office.
The IRS Form 990 is available for review at the Community Foundation office.
*Affiliated trust scholarships provided an additional $552,000 in 2012 and $554,300 in 2011.
*The new 2012 Affiliated Community Parks and Recreation Program grants provided an additional $66,276.
Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation
Holly C. Sampson, President
Zeitgeist Arts Building
222 East Superior Street, Suite 302
Duluth, MN 55802
Telephone: 218.726.0232 • Fax: 218.726.0257
E-mail: info@dsacommunityfoundation.com
Web site: dsacommunityfoundation.com
This Annual Report was printed by
Arrowhead Printing in Superior, WI.
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