High Energy Astrophysics T. J.
High Energy Astrophysics T. J.
High Energy Astrophysics T. J.-L. Courvoisier 1 Chapter 1 Introduction High energy astrophysics is a very poorly defined field. The energy of the photons emitted by a system is not necessary nor is it sufficient to determine whether the study of this type of systems is part of it or not. Indeed many topics studied with radio astronomy techniques are part of the domain, while the interior of stars, where the temperatures are very high is excluded. The domain is therefore as defined by the traditions and the work that has been done by people who are high energy astrophysicists. At present high energy astrophysics is a very lively part of astrophysics. This is due to the fact that the subject did only really start after the beginning of the space age in the 1960s, to a steady progress in the instrumentation available and to an unprecedented set of instruments in orbit now. These instruments include XMM-Newton, Chandra and INTEGRAL. The first two are large X-ray instruments, one specialised in imaging (Chandra) the other in spectroscopy (XMM), because of its very large collecting area. INTEGRAL is sensitive above few keV and up to some MeV. However, other observation tools in all domains of the electro-magnetic spectrum are used in high energy astrophysics, including optical, infrared and radio telescopes. Since 2005 or so very high energy gamma ray astrophysics in the GeVTeV parts of the photon spectrum has obtained some remarkable success with the discovery of about 70 sources (2007). This period follows a very long time during which progress had been very slow. High energy astrophysics has unveiled a Universe very different from that known from sole optical observations. Objects emitting most of their radiation in the optical domain are dominated by thermal emission with temperatures of few to several thousand degrees. These are stars and collections of them mainly in the form of galaxies. The evolution of these objects happen on timescales given by E/L, where E is the energy available in the form of nuclear fuel and L is their luminosities. The typical timescales resulting are of millions to billions of years. In contrast high energy astrophysics work has revealed many type of objects which typical variability timescales are as short as years, months, days hours (quasars, X-ray binaries, etc) and down to milli-seconds (gamma ray bursts). The sources of energy that are met are only very seldom nuclear fusion, and most of the time gravitation, a paradox when one thinks that gravitation is by many orders of magnitude the weakest of the fundamental interactions. 2 Knowledge of the objects revealed by high energy astrophysics in the last decades and of the physical conditions met in these objects an d associated processes are nowadays part of the culture of astrophysicists, also of those active in other domains of astronomy. This course aims at giving this scientific culture and at providing those intending to be active in high energy astrophysics a broad basis on which they should be able to build the more specific knowledge they will need and to place this knowledge in an appropriately broad frame. It is also hoped that the course will help students in recognising physical processes when they are revealed by observational signatures in contexts that may differ widely from those presented here. The course has two main parts. In the first part we start from the physical process, e.g. a an emission process, discuss it and try to lay the physics involved down and then proceed to present one example in which the process is at work in nature. In the second part, we take an opposite view and start from a type of object (e.g. X-ray binaries) and proceed to understand their nature as far as possible. 1.1 The Parameter Space of high energy Astrophysics Deep gravitational fields and temperature The temperature that corresponds to a random velocity is 2 T = 4 × 10−5 v[m/s] (1.1) for a gas of Hydrogen. The gravitational field around the Earth is such that the escape velocity is of 11 km/s. When one isotropises this velocity, one obtains temperatures of the order of 5000 K with this typical velocity. Indeed were the atmosphere temperature of that order, it would evaporate. Around a neutron star, the typical velocities associated with the gravitational field is of the order of 1/3 × c. The corresponding temperatures are of some 1011 K or 10 MeV. The emission of gas in such regions are therefore expected to be in the X-rays (keV) up to gamma ray regions of the spectrum. It follows from these considerations that matter in a deep gravitational field emits predominantly in the high energy domain. Conversely, X- and gammaray astrophysics is the predominant tool to study compact objects. Figure 1.1 illustrates this by showing the very broad emission line that is seen from a fluorescence line of Fe at 6.4 keV in the central regions of an active galaxy, i.e. in matter surrounding a massive black hole in the nucleus of the galaxy. This illustrates the very large velocities (width of the line) and large gravitational fields (asymmetry in the profile) that are directly observable from gas that emits in the X-ray domain. Extreme magnetic fields Magnetically induced electron transitions (cyclotron lines) occur at the Larmor frequency. The line energy is given by EkeV = 12 × B12 , (1.2) where B12 is the magnetic field in units of 1012 Gauss and the energy is given in keV. Figure 1.2 shows the spectrum of a X-ray binary obtained by the INTEGRAL satellite. The absorption lines in this spectrum directly show the existence of a magnetic field of few 1012 G in the binary system. 3 Figure 1.1: The line profile of iron Kα from MCG-6-30-15 observed by the ASCA satellite (Tanaka et al. 1995, Nature, 375, 659).The emission line is extremely broad, with a width indicating velocities of order 1/3 × c. The marked asymmetry towards energies lower than the rest-energy of the emission line (6.4 keV) is most likely caused by gravitational and relativistic-Doppler shifts near the black hole at the center of the active galaxy. The solid line shows the model profile expected from a disk of matter orbiting the hole, extending between 3 and 10 Schwarzschild radii. It is also now apparent that decaying magnetic fields up to 1015 G are at the origin of the emission of so-called magnetars (soft gamma repeaters and anomalous X-ray pulsars). Nucleosynthesis Figure 1.3 shows a map of the Galaxy obtained in the light of a nuclear transition corresponding to the decay of 26 Al. This shows a direct observation of a nuclear reaction. The halflife of Al is of about 1 million year. The figure therefore shows convincingly that Aluminium has been produced in the Galaxy during the last million years, and therefore, that the creation of the Universe is an on-going process and not an act of once in the past. Note that in this case the nuclear process at work is radio-active decay rather than fusion. 1.2 Instruments Since the photon energy is not the defining criterion of the high energy astrophysics, many instruments are used, that cover most of the electro-magnetic spectrum. However, high energy astrophysics does live a very peculiar period with a host of outstanding space missions now in operations in the (photon) high energy domain. Results from several of them will be used in these lectures. A schematic list of recent and flying missions is: Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, CGRO This US mission flew from 1991 to 2000. It included instruments that had no imaging capability and were sensitive between some 100 keV to GeVs (Figure 1.4). One of the most important 4 instruments on board was BATSE that registered gamma ray bursts on 2π of the sky. ASCA A Japanese X-ray telescope that provided images up to some 10 keV. Beppo-SAX An italian X-ray satellite that provided the first location of a gamma ray burst with a precision sufficient lead to make optical follow-up observations, and finally to find the counter parts of GRBs and establish their extra-galactic nature. Chandra Launched in 1999 is a US X-ray telescope with an excellent (less than 1") angular resolution. XMM-Newton Another X-ray telescope with a very high throuput. It is a European mission also launched in 1999 (Figure 1.5). INTEGRAL A high energy X-ray and gamma ray instrument with imaging capability launched in 2002 (Figure 1.6). This is the instrument for which we are providing the science data centre (ISDC). normalized counts/sec/keV 10.00 V0332+53 a) 1.00 0.10 0.01 χ 20 b) 0 χ χ χ −20 15 10 5 0 −5 −10 −15 4 2 0 −2 −4 4 2 0 −2 −4 c) d) e) 10 100 Channel Energy [keV] Figure 1.2: Spectrum of the High Mass X-ray binary V0332+53 during an outburst observed by INTEGRAL on 2005, Jan 7-10. a: the raw spectra taken with the JEM-X (red) and IBIS (blue) instruments where two (or perhaps three) cyclotron absorption lines are clearly visible. b: residuals for the model on the upper panel without, c: with one cyclotron line at 24.9 keV, d: with a second cyclotron line at 50.5 keV and e: with a third cyclotron line at 71.7 keV (Kreykenbohm et al. 2005, A&A 433L, 45). 5 Figure 1.3: The instrument COMPTEL, on the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory, has mapped the sky in 1.809 MeV gamma-ray line emission attributed to radioactive 26 Al (Oberlack U. et al., 1996, A&AS, 120, 3110). With its mean life time of about 1 million year, 26 Al directly traces recent nucleosynthesis in the Galaxy. SWIFT launched in November 2004 to make multi-wavelength observations of gamma ray bursts. SUZAKU A Japanese multi purpose X-ray instrument launched in July 2005. HESS and MAGIC are two facilities that observe the interaction of TeV photons with the atmosphere. These two facilities are the last of a long series of early instruments that maesure the Cerenkov radiation emitted as charged particles created by the diffusion of a high energy gamma ray on atmospheric nuclei travel faster than the speed of light in the air. 1.3 Sources studied There are a number of types of sources that are traditionally part of high energy astrophysics. They are: Neutron stars They come in many different guises. Some emit bursts of X-rays (they are then called bursters), others regular pulsations in the radio domain (and are then called (radio) pulsars) or in the X-rays (and are called X-ray pulsars). Some only emit dimly and thermally from their surface (isolated neutron stars). Black holes In this case one actually observes matter in the surrounding of the black hole rather than the black hole itself. They come either with masses typical of stars (stellar black holes) or with masses of millions of solar masses. In the latter case they live in the centers of galaxies, they can be very bright 6 Figure 1.4: The Compton Gamma Ray Observatory was launched in April 1991 and then safely deorbited and re-entered the Earth’s atmosphere in June 2000. The satellite had four instruments (BATSE, OSSE, COMPTEL and EGRET) that covered six decades of the electromagnetic spectrum, from 30 keV to 30 GeV. Figure 1.5: The XMM-Newton observatory was launched on December 10, 1999 to study the soft X-ray emission from the sky (0.1-12 keV). The three main scientific instruments on board this satellite are the photon imaging cameras EPIC, the reflection grating spectrometers RGS and the optical monitor OM (Credit: ESA). Figure 1.6: Launched on 17 October, 2002, INTEGRAL is dedicated to spectroscopy and fine imaging in the energy range 3 keV – 8 MeV. The payload consists of two main gamma-ray instruments the imager IBIS and the spectrometer SPI. Simultaneous observations are performed by the X-ray monitors JEM-X and the optical monitor OMC (Credit: ESA). 7 Figure 1.7: Amount of absorption at different wavelengths in the atmosphere. The half-absorption altitude is defined as the altitude in the atmosphere (from the Earth’s surface) where 1/2 of the radiation at a given wavelength incident on the upper atmosphere has been absorbed. Except for visible and radio ranges, the atmosphere absorbs very strongly and measurements at other wavelengths require observations from orbiting instruments above the atmosphere. (and are called Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN)) or very quiet as in the centre of our Galaxy. Clusters of galaxies host very large quantities of hot gas that emits in the X-rays. Supernova remnants The rest of stellar explosions that form shocks in which gas is heated to high temperatures and that are most likely the source of non thermal distributions of particles observed in the Earth vicinity as cosmic rays. 1.4 Historical remarks Figure 1.7 shows the radiation that reaches the Earth as a function of wavelength. Clearly most of the "light" does not reach the ground and is therefore not available to do astronomical observations from there. This is particularly true for high energy radiation that must be captured above the atmosphere in order to be studied. As a consequence, high energy astrophysics developed only in the space age. It also should be remarked that if one needs to go out of the atmosphere to observe in the X-rays, the region between the UV (longward of 1Ryd) and the X-rays at about 0.1 keV is inaccessible even from space as the interstellar matter is opaque. Figure 1.8 shows the absorption cross section of matter with cosmic abundances. This has a peak at the photoionisation of H (1 Ryd) and decreases shortward with roughly the third power of the frequency. This means that this region will remain unexplored for a long time to come. 8 Figure 1.8: The effective cross-section of the interstellar medium (cross-section per hydrogen atom or proton of the IM). Solid line - gaseous component with normal composition and temperature; dot-dash - hydrogen in its molecular form; long dash - HII region about a B star; long dash-dash-dash - HII region about an O star; short dash - dust (Cruddace R., Paresce F., Bowyer S. and Lampton M. 1974, ApJ., 187, 497). It must be added that if you extrapolate the X-ray flux from the Sun to that we would expect from even the closest stars you find extremely weak fluxes that were not expected to be observable with the instrumentation of the 50’s or 60’s. There was therefore not much on which one could build in order to start a new set of research activities in the 50’s. Despite this, R. Giacconi and colleagues started a program to observe the sky in the X-rays in a series of rocket flights. They observed unexpectedly a bright X-ray source now called Sco X-1 and the bright X-ray background (Giacconi R.et al., 1962, Physical Review Letters 9, 439). This earned Giacconi the 2002 Nobel Prize. The main steps in X-ray astrophysics have been 1962 Unexpected discovery of Sco X-1 by Giacconi et al. (Nobel prize 2002) on a rocket flight during which the diffuse background was also measured. 1963 The discovery of quasars by associating their optical and radio observations and by understanding that the lines observed in emission are highly redshifted H lines, proving that the objects were much more luminous than whole galaxies (M. Schmidt; 1963, Nature 197, 1040). 1967 The discovery of radio pulsars by Jocelyn Bell and Hewish (the latter got a Nobel prize in 1974) while measuring solar wind induced fluctuations of radio 9 fluxes. 1970-1973 The first survey of the X-ray sky by the non imaging UHURU satellite. 1978-1981 The first X-ray images by the Einstein satellite. This provided an immense increase in sensitivity over previous detectors. 1981-1983 Long observations by the EXOSAT satellite showed the importance of variability studies. 1990-1999 The first imaging survey of the X-ray sky (soft X-rays) with ROSAT provided upwards of 105 sources. 1993-2001 The first X-ray sensitive CCD on the ASCA satellite. 1996-2001 Beppo-SAX and the localisation of gamma ray bursts. 1999 Launches of Chandra and XMM-Newton. In the gamma rays there are two additional difficulties, the most fundamental is that the energy flux of most sources is fν ∝ ν −1 and therefore the photon flux is ∝ ν −2 . Since the quality of the information obtained from a source is given by the number of photons registered, gamma ray observations at 1 MeV will be considerably more difficult that X-ray observations at 1 keV. The second difficulty is that gamma rays (and to date X-rays above about 10 keV) cannot be focused. This implies that the detectors are as large as the pupil and the signal to noise (that is given by the size of the detector) is very poor. The main milestones are therefore much fewer and far apart: up to now Many balloon flights. 1975-1982 First survey of the sky by COS-B. This satellite produced a catalogue of registered photons.... 1991-2000 CGRO. Wide band instruments on board. Not imaging. 1989-1998 SIGMA, a French instrument on the GRANAT satellite of the Soviet Union. This was the first instrument on a satellite with which images of the γ-ray sky could be made. It used a coded mask. 2002 INTEGRAL launch. Large increase of the sensitivity with imaging capabilities also based on the coded mask technology. ???? start of the operations of HESS and MAGIC in the TeV domain. 1.5 Content of the lectures There are two main parts in this course, the first discusses physical processes including some applications and the second starts the discussion at the objects level and develops the models that are currently used to understand them. The first part includes: 10 1. Radiation from an accelerated charge 2. Bremsstrahlung and the emission of clusters of galaxies 3. Synchrotron radiation and radio galaxies 4. Cyclotron emission and their signatures in X-ray pulsars 5. Compton emission and the Sunyaev Zeldovich effect 6. Accretion disks 7. Particle acceleration and cosmic rays The second part includes: 1. Neutron star structure 2. Pulsars (radio pulsars) and some particular objects 3. X-ray binaries with either neutron stars or black holes as compact objects 4. Magnetars 5. Gamma ray bursts 6. Active Galactic Nuclei Some information on the current instrumentation will be interleaved within the different chapters. 1.6 Useful books Radiative Processes in Astrophysics, Rybicki B. and Lightman A.P., John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1979 Accretion power in astrophysics, Frank J., King A. and Raine D., Cambridge University Press, 3rd edition 2002 High Energy Astrophysics, Vols 1 and 2, Longair M., CUP, 2nd edition 1991 11 Chapter 2 Radiation of an accelerated charge We will follow in this presentation an argument of J.J. Thomson as rendered in Longair (High energy astrophysics vol.1). This presentation gives the essentials of the discussion, while replacing a full discussion using the retarded potentials as given e.g. in Jackson’s electro-dynamics. 2.1 Energy loss Consider a charge at the origin of an inertial system at t=0. Imagine then that the source is accelerated to a small velocity (compared with the velocity of light c, this discussion in non-relativistic) ∆v in a time interval ∆t. Draw the electric field lines that result from this arrangement at a time t. At a large distance the lines are radial, centered at the origin of the inertial system, because the signal that a perturbation has occured to the charge has not yet had the time to reach there. At small distances, however, the lines are radial around the new position of the source (remember that the velocity disturbance is small compared to the velocity of light). In between, the lines are connected in a non radial way in a small zone of width c · ∆t. Figures 2.1 and 2.2 give the large picture and the detail of the perturbed field lines. You can read from Figure 2.2 that the ratio of the tangential to the radial field lines in the perturbed zone is ∆v · t sin θ Eθ = Er c∆t (2.1) Since the radial field is given by the Coulomb law Er = e , r2 e in e.s.u., r = ct, you can deduce the tangential field and find 12 (2.2) Figure 2.1: Schematical view of the electric field lines at time t due to a charged particle accelerated to a velocity ∆v c in a time interval ∆t (from High Energy Astrophysics, Vols 1, Longair M.). ∆v 1 sin θ 2 · t ∆t cr r̈ sin θ = e 2 . cr Eθ = e · (2.3) (2.4) Figure 2.2: Expanded version of Figure 2.1 used to evaluate the strength of the tangential component of the electric field due to the acceleration of an electron (from High Energy Astrophysics, Vols 1, Longair M.). 13 Note that this field depends on the distance to the centre as 1/r rather than 1/r2 . Introducing the electrical dipole moment p = e · r, we write p̈ sin θ . c2 r Eθ = (2.5) We may now calculate the energy flux that corresponds to this disturbance. Indeed the disturbance moves outward with the velocity of light and carries therefore some energy away from the system. The energy flux is given by the Poynting vector S: c S= E × B with B = n × E. ¯ 4π ¯ ¯ ¯ (2.6) The energy loss in the direction θ in a solid angle dΩ is then dE c |p̈|2 sin2 θ 2 dΩ = · r dΩ dt 4π c4 r2 (2.7) In order to find the energy loss from the charge, one needs to integrate (2.7) over the solid angle dΩ remembering that in a problem that is symmetrical around the second angle (here the symmetry axis is the direction of the acceleration) dΩ = 2π sin θdθ. The result is 2 Z π dE 2 |p̈|2 3 = c |p̈| 2π sin θ dθ = dt 4π c4 3 c3 0 (2.8) This is the so-called Larmor formula, it is given here in Gaussian units and gives the energy carried by the electromagnetic radiation emitted by a charge in acceleration as a function of this acceleration. The radiation is dipolar (see the sin2 θ in 2.7). The absolute value is there to remind us that the sign will be different whether one considers the loss of energy from the charge or the gain in the radiation. 2.2 Spectrum of the radiation One may use the results we have deduced to calculate the spectrum of the emitted radiation. This is done by considering the Fourier transform of the dipol p(t) Z ∞ e−iωt p̂(ω) dω p(t) = (2.9) −∞ remembering that Z ∞ ω 2 e−iωt p̂(ω) dω p̈(t) = − −∞ Taking the transform of the electric field and inserting (2.5) one has 14 (2.10) ∞ Z Eθ (t) e−iωt Ê(ω) dω = ∞ ∞ Z (2.5,2.10) ω 2 e−iωt p̂(ω) − === (2.11) −∞ sin θ dω c2 r (2.12) and therefore Ê(ω) = −ω 2 p̂(ω) sin θ c2 r (2.13) Integrating the energy loss (2.8) over the time one finds the energy that crosses a surface per surface element dA dE = dA Z ∞ Z ∞ energy flux · dt = −∞ −∞ c 2 E (t) dt 4π (2.14) where we have used that the energy flux is given by the Poynting vector (2.6). From the theory of Fourier transforms we use Z ∞ Z 2 ∞ 2 E (t) dt = 2π −∞ Z ∞ |Ê(ω)| dω = 4π −∞ |Ê(ω)|2 dω (2.15) 0 and therefore dE =c dA ∞ Z |Ê(ω)|2 dω (2.16) 0 giving finally the emitted spectrum: dE dω Z = (2.13) == = c|Ê(ω)|2 dA ω 4 |p̂(ω) sin θ|2 dA c4 r 2 8π ω 4 |p̂(ω)|2 3 c3 (2.17) Z c (2.18) (2.19) This shows that in a non relativistic approximation (remember that we assumed ∆v to be small compared to the velocity of light) the spectrum is given by the square of the Fourier transform of the dipol moment. In the following we will deduce the properties of the radiation emitted by different processes by estimating or calculating the dipol moment and deducing the efficiency of the process through the energy loss formula of Larmor (2.8) and the emitted spectrum through (2.19). (First part) 15 Chapter 3 Bremsstrahlung This is also called free-free emission. It is the emission that electrons produce when accelerated in the vicinity of ions. The classical description of this process starts from the emission of an accelerated charge as we have derived it in chapter 1. Omitting the constants, we had there for the energy loss of the charge: dE ∝ |p̈|2 , dt (3.1) where p is the electric dipole moment. Remark: For a collection of charges with identical e/m ratios: p= X ei ri ∼ i X mi ri (3.2) i one sees that the total electrical dipole is the same as the center of mass. It follows that p̈ vanishes in the absence of external forces and therefore that such a system will not radiate. One should also note that here (and elsewhere) in a plasma of electrons and ions, the electrons are accelerated a factor mp /me more than the ions. The radiation is therefore predominantly emitted by the electrons. This is naturally true of ionelectron acceleration, it is also true when the same force acts on both electrons and ions, which is the case in all electrodynamic contexts. We will therefore concentrate in the following on electrons. The following derivation of the bremsstrahlung spectrum and emissivity is largely based on Rybicky and Lightman, Radiation processes in Astrophysics. 3.1 Isolated electrons We can calculate the spectrum emitted during the collision between a single electron of charge e− and a single ion of charge Ze with trajectories such that the collision 16 Figure 3.1: Bremsstrahlung radiation is emitted by an electron accelerated due to its Coulomb interaction with another charged particle, usually an ion. The impact parameter b is the distance of closest approach between the two particles. impact parameter is b (Figure 3.1). Since the ion is negligibly accelerated in the process we will consider it fixed. We derived in eq. 2.19 the emitted spectrum as a function of the Fourier transform of the dipole: 8π ω 4 dE = |p̂(ω)|2 . dω 3 c3 (3.3) We must therefore calculate |p̂(ω)|2 . The electric dipole is as usual p = −e r, where ¯ ¯ the underscore indicates a 3-vector. Its second derivative is p̈ = −ev̇, ¯ ¯ (3.4) from which we can calculate the Fourier transform of the dipole. The Fourier transform of eq. 3.4 can be written as: e −ω p̂(ω) = − 2π 2 Z ∞ v̇eiωt dt (3.5) −∞ which we can now estimate knowing electrostatic forces and the characteristics of the collision. We introduce τ , the characteristic time of the collision: b τ := , v (3.6) where v is the velocity of the electron. For ω τ1 , i.e. for frequencies that are large compared to the inverse of the characteristic time, the term exp(iωt) oscillates rapidly and the integral in 3.5 vanishes. In the other limit: ω τ1 , ωt vanishes and R the exponential is 1 and the integral reduces to v̇ dt ' ∆v. We therefore obtain: 17 e ∆v, 2πω 2 p̂(ω) ∼ ¯ 0, ¯ if ωτ 1 , if ωτ 1 (3.7) which we can insert in 3.3 for the spectrum to obtain: dE = dω 2 e2 |∆v|2 , 3 c3 π 0, ¯ if ωτ 1 . if ωτ 1 (3.8) In order to estimate ∆v we take the case of a large impact parameter. In this case the acceleration is predominantly perpendicular to the velocity and is given by the electric force felt by the electron: ∆v⊥ Z ∞ e Ez dt = − me −∞ Z Ze2 ∞ b = − dt 2 m −∞ (b + v 2 t2 )3/2 2Ze2 . = − mbv (3.9) (3.10) (3.11) We can now use 3.6 to express τ in terms of b (ωτ = ω b/v) and insert 3.11 in the expression for spectrum 3.3 to give dE = dω 3.2 8 Z 2 e6 , 3 πc3 m2 b2 v 2 0 if b ωv if b ωv . (3.12) Electron distribution: the impact parameter The result obtained in the previous subsection is possibly interesting, it is, however, very far from any physical reality. Indeed in nature we observe macroscopic plasmas in which the electrons and ions do not come isolated but in large populations described by distributions. The first ensemble we want to consider is one in which the relative velocity of the electrons has always the same module, but where a distribution of impact parameters is considered. The energy emission per unit frequency and per unit time in a volume element dV is given by 18 dE dωdV dt Z ion density · = dE(b) 2πb db · electron | {z flux} · dω (3.13) ne v Z = (3.12) == = ∞ dE ni ne v2π db · b dω bmin Z 16 Z 2 e6 ni ne bmax db 3 c2 m2 v bmin b 16e6 Z 2 bmax ne ni ln , 3c3 m2 v bmin (3.14) (3.15) (3.16) where we have used 3.12 to express the spectrum emitted in a single interaction of impact parameter b. bmin and bmax are the boundaries of the integral. bmax is limited by the condition ω v/b for which the integral in 3.12 vanishes. We therefore use bmax = ωv . For very small bmin , the approximation we made of a large impact parameter is not valid. We will therefore leave this as a parameter and write √ bmin 16πe6 3 dE 2 = √ ne ni Z gf f (v, ω), where gf f (v, ω) = ln . (3.17) dωdV dt π bmax 3 3c3 m2 v gf f is of the order 1 and cannot be calculated with the method we described here. It is called the Gaunt factor. It is important to note that, quite expectedly, the emissivity is proportional to the square of the density. This process will therefore play a role whenever the densities are high. 3.3 Electron distributions: Thermal Bremsstrahlung The next step in estimating the bremsstrahlung of a plasma is to consider a distribution of the velocities of the electrons. We must therefore integrate equation 3.17 over the velocity distribution of the electrons. This distribution can have many shapes that will depend on the origin of the electrons in the plasma. One particularly relevant distribution is that describing a thermal plasma. The probability that an electron has a velocity v in a thermal non relativistic plasma of temperature T is mv 2 dP ∼ e−E/kT d3 v ∼ v 2 e− 2kT dv, (3.18) where k is the Boltzmann constant. We can now integrate equation 3.17 over the velocities and normalise with the integral of the probability distribution of equation 3.18 to obtain 19 dE (T, ω) = dV dtdω R∞ vmin (v, ω) v 2 e−mv dv dVdE dtdω R∞ v 2 e−mv2 /2kT dv 0 2 /2kT . (3.19) The integration limit vmin is given by the condition 21 mv 2 > ~ω. When this condition is not satisfied, the collision cannot give rise to a photon of energy ~ω. The integral cannot be solved analytically, be it only because we have in it the function gf f (v, ω) for which we have no analytical form. We can, however, establish the main dependencies of the spectrum from an examination of the terms of equation 3.19. First we note frm equation 3.17 that dVdE (v, ω) ∝ v1 . The integration will therefore dtdω 1 ∝ T −1/2 . Second, we cannot expect to create have some term proportional to <v> photons of energy larger than that of the particles. The integration will therefore be proportional to exp( −hν ), where ν is the cyclic frequency rather than the angular kT frequency. We therefore expect that the integration will lead to dE ∼ ne ni T −1/2 · e−hν/kT dV dtdν (ν = ω ). 2π (3.20) When all the algebra is carried out, one gets 25 πe6 dE = dV dtdν 3mc2 2π 3km −1/2 T −1/2 Z 2 ne ni e−hν/kT ḡf f , (3.21) where ḡf f is the Gaunt factor averaged over velocity, it is a function of the temperature T and frequency ν. The resulting emissivity in c.g.s. units is fν f = 6.8 · 10−38 Z 2 ne ni T −1/2 e−hν/kT ḡf f ergs . s · cm3 · Hz (3.22) hν The numerical value of ḡf f is 1 < ḡf f < 5 for 10−4 < kT < 1. More precise values can be found in the literature. Integrated over the spectrum the emissivity is ergs . (3.23) s · cm3 · ḡB is the integrated Gaunt factor, its value is between 1.1 and 1.5, adopting a value of 1.2 leads to results precise to about 20%. f f = 1.410−27 T̄ 1/2 ne ni Z 2 ḡB The same reasoning that we made here for a thermal electron distribution can naturally be made using other electron distributions that might result from non thermal physical processes. 3.4 3.4.1 Applications Clusters of galaxies Thermal X-ray emission is observed in clusters of galaxies. The temperature of the gas, expressed in units of energy is of the order of 1-10 keV. The emission is more 20 Figure 3.2: Optical emission from the Coma Cluster of galaxies (Credit: Kitt Peak). or less regular in the clusters, depending on how virialised or relaxed the cluster actually is. The mass of the gas far exceeds that of the sum of the individual galaxies. Figure 3.2 shows the Coma cluster as seen in the optical domain. Clearly, the emission is dominated by that of the galaxies in the cluster. In Figure 3.3 we show the same cluster but observed in the X-rays with XMM-Newton. The galaxies are not seen anymore, their emission in this domain is negligible, the emission is dominated by a smooth component that extends all over the cluster. The shape of the spectrum can be used to deduce the temperature of the gas. In this case one finds a temperature of kT = 8.25 keV (Arnaud M. et al. 2001, A&A 365, L67). Figure 3.4 shows an early X-ray spectrum of the Perseus cluster obtained by the HEAO-A1 instrument. The continuum is well described by a thermal emission of kT ' 6.5 keV. Striking on this plot is the enhanced emission at two energies compared to the smooth continuum. This enhanced emission is due to emission lines created by the presence of Fe 25 times ionised (Fe XXVI). These lines correspond to the Lyα and Lyβ lines of Fe in its one electron configuration. Indeed the line energy is proportional to Z 2 and falls for Z = 26 where observed. This observation leads immediately to the conclusion that the cluster gas is not primordial. Only H and He were produced during the Big Bang nucleo-synthesis in significant amounts. All other elements have been synthesised in the interior of stars. Thus the presence of Fe in the cluster gas implies that the gas has been processed by the stars of the galaxies. Present day observations in particular with the XMM-Newton satellite show much more details than shown in Figure 3.4. Figure 3.5 shows the observed low energy spectrum of the cluster A 2052. From these data it is possible to deduce the abundance of the elements as a function of the distance to the centre of the cluster as well as the temperature also as a function of the distance (Figures 3.7 and 3.6). From these observations one sees that the central temperature is less than that of the outskirts of the cluster. This is an immediate consequence of the dependence 21 Figure 3.3: XMM-Newton observations of the Coma Cluster (U. Briel, MPE Garching, Germany and ESA). Figure 3.4: X-ray spectrum of the Perseus cluster from HEAO-A1 instrument. A model of the emission as thermal bremsstrahlung emission of gas at about T = 6.5×107 K is shown. This high temperature is confirmed by the presence of emission lines, due to highly ionised iron, F e+25 at energies of 6.7 and 7.9 keV. This high temperatures are indeed required to ionise Fe so highly (Fabian et al 1981, ApJ, 248, 47). 22 Figure 3.5: XMM-Newton spectrum of A 2052 in the inner three shells (Kaastra J.S. et al. 2004, A&A 413, 415). The spectra of the 0.5-1.00 and 1-20 shells have been multiplied by factors of 5 and 25, respectively. The spectra are shown as energy times counts/s/keV. Figure 3.6: (a) Surface brightness, (b) electron density, (c) temperature, and (d) pressure, as a function of radius deduced from Chandra observations of the A 2052 cluster (Blanton E.L. et al. 2001, ApJ 558, L15). The vertical dashed lines mark the mean inner and outer radii of the bright X-ray ring. 23 Figure 3.7: Iron abundance profiles measured in the four nearby galaxy clusters, M 87/Virgo, Perseus, Centaurus, and A1795 as measured by XMM-Newton (Böhringer et al. 2004, A&A 416, L21). The values are in solar units based on the solar abundance of iron quoted by Feldman 1992. The dashed line shows the iron abundance with a value of ∼ 0.2 solar, observed on large scale in clusters and assumed to come mostly from SN II enrichment before cluster formation. 24 Figure 3.8: The Perseus cluster as observed by Chandra. Modern images show that the intra-cluster hot gas is not homogeneous, but has a very significant amount of structure. The central galaxy of Perseus is an active galaxy that is probably injecting very large amount of energy in the gas and stops it to cool through bremstrahlung emission in the central dense regions. on the square of the density of the emissivity. The central regions are denser and thus cool faster through bremsstrahlung than the outside regions. This has led to a long standing debate. The gas seems to cool with a characteristic time that is considerably less than the age of the Universe. There should therefore be substancial amounts of cold gas in the central regions of clusters that should be observable in some form. This gas has, however, never been seen, nor have stars that could result from the presence of this gas been observed. This long standing "cooling flow" problem is now still at the centre of the research. One has observed that the structure of the clusters may be quite a bit more complex than early observations led one to think. Shocks are observed that may well be created by the interaction of the cluster gas with the active galaxies often in the central region of the clusters. This could lead to additional heating of the gas and to the relief of the cooling flow problem as shown in figure 3.8 which shows the perseus cluster seen by the Chandra telesope and the VLA image of the central active galaxy NGC 1275. These data may also be used to deduce the mass of the clusters. The mass of the luminous matter in the galaxies is deduced from the optical luminosity of the galaxies. The mass of the hot gas is deduced through the measurement of the gas temperature and that of the luminosity. Equation 3.23, that gives the gas emissivity, allows one to deduce the density. With the size given by the images one can deduce the mass of the gas. A further mass can be deduced from the gas temperature. Indeed in order to bind the gas of a given temperature, the gravitational field must be so that the thermal velocity of the gas is less than the escape velocity. The mass measured in this way is the total gravitational mass of the cluster. Figure 3.9 gives as a function of the centre from the cluster these 3 mass estimates. One sees that the mass of the galaxies is about an order of magnitude less than that of the hot gas, 25 Figure 3.9: Integrated radial mass profiles for the Perseus cluster of galaxies (Boehringer, H. 1995, Reviews in Modern Astronomy, v.8, p.259-276). Shown are the gravitational mass, the gas mass and the galaxy mass profile. For the first two profiles the upper and lower limits are given. For the galaxy mass profile the luminosity profile was converted into a mass profile by assuming a mass to light ratio for the galaxies of 5 in solar units. which is then again much less than the total gravitational mass. This is a powerful illustration of the dark matter problem. Indeed the largest fraction of the matter in clusters is convincingly shown to be in forms that are unobserved. 3.4.2 Line emission We have discussed at length free-free emission or bremsstrahlung. It is, however, also important to note that at intermediate temperatures the ions are not completely ionised. Some electrons remain bound to the nuclei. Transitions between bound states of the ion or between bound and unbound states are therefore possible. These transitions lead to lines and edges in the emission of the plasmas. At low temperatures, few states can be excited, the lines are therefore not very important. At high temperatures, the elements are completely ionised and the lines are again not of overwhelming importance (see e.g. the spectrum of the cluster above, Figure 3.5). However, in-between the contribution of the lines to the total emissivity of a plasma may not be neglected at all. Figure 3.10 shows the spectrum of a plasma of T ∼ 106 K. Figure 3.11 shows the emissivity of both the lines and the continuum, while Figure 3.12 shows the ratio of both components. It is easily seen that the lines may be up to 25 times more efficient to cool a plasma than the continuum at temperature of about 106 K. This is precisely the temperature of plasmas observed in the low energy X-rays where now very high sensitivity can be achieved. Plasma diagnostics is thus a domain that is very active now. Interestingly one of the greater difficulties 26 Figure 3.10: Simulated spectrum for a plasma with temperature of T = 106.2 K and electron density of 1010 cm−3 . Figure 3.11: Contribution of the thermal bremsstrahlung continuum and of the line emission as a function of temperature in a plasma. 27 Figure 3.12: Ratio of the continuum and lines components shown in Figure 3.11. is due to the lack of precise knowledge of the electronic structure of the very high number of ions that contribute to this emission. 3.4.3 The diffuse X-ray background The first rocket flight meant to observe the sky beyond the Sun in the X-ray domain has led to the discovery of a diffuse emission (in addition to the discovery of the first bright source). This emission could be relatively well represented by a bremsstrahlung fit of a 45 keV plasma, hence the place of this section in this chapter. It was, however, immediately clear that it would be very difficult to understand how a gas of this temperature could be heated and distributed throughout the space. A ROSAT observation of the Moon shows a very vivid illustration of the extragalactic background. One indeed immediately sees from figure 3.15 that the dark side of the Moon is "darker" in soft X-rays than the outside regions, and thus that the diffuse emission must come from beyond. Figure 3.15 shows a ROSAT observation of the Moon in which one sees the clear presence of the Sun lit Moon where fluorescence is observed, but also the fact that the dark side of the Moon is darker in X-rays than the sky. This immediately shows that there is an apparent diffuse emission that comes from beyond the Moon. Figure 3.13 shows the spectrum as observed by a number of missions while Figure 3.14 shows a compilation of the background emission as observed over the entire electro-magnetic spectrum. From the latter one can see that the high energy emission is an important component, much less, however, than the micro-wave background. It has been suggested by Setti & Woltjer (1970, Ap&SS 9, 185) that the diffuse extragalactic emission in the X-rays, might not be diffuse in the end at all, but rather the sum of many very weak sources, individually not detected. This explanation would considerably relieve the problem of the origin of a 45 keV plasma that would prevade the complete Universe.Subsequent very long observations in the Lockman hole (a region of very low absorption perpendicular to the plane of the Galaxy), first 28 Figure 3.13: Multiwavelength spectrum of the extragalactic background spectrum from X-rays to high-energy gamma rays (Sreekumar P. et al. 1998, ApJ 494, 523). Dot-dashed line is the estimated contribution from Seyfert I, dashed line from Seyfert II, triple-dot-dashed line from steep-spectrum quasars, dotted line from Type Ia supernovae, long-dashed line from blazars. The thick solid line indicates the sum of all the components. Figure 3.14: The overall cosmic energy density spectrum (νIν vs ν): a compilation of most recent datasets, from microwave to high energy gamma rays (http://www.bo.astro.it/). 29 Figure 3.15: This image of the Moon was taken by the ROSAT PSPC on 29 June 1990. Black pixels denote no counts. The sunlit portion of the Moon is visible, as well as a distinct X-ray shadow in the diffuse X-ray background cast by the dark side of the Moon (Schmitt et al. 1991, Nature, 349, 583). with ROSAT (Figure 3.16, left panel) and then with XMM-Newton (Figure 3.16, right panel), have shown that indeed the "diffuse" background is the superposition of many very weak sources in the soft X-rays. The sources are a number of Active Galaxies. While this solves the question at soft X-rays, it does not yet solve it at the harder energies where the diffuse emission is strongest. Indeed taking the spectral energy distribution of active galaxies as we observe them in the nearby Universe and superposing them leads to a completely different spectrum compared to that observed. In order to describe the background asa superposition of weak objects at high energies it is necessary to that there exists a population of weak active galaxies in which the emission is considerably modified by absorption. Discovering this population is a major challenge in which INTEGRAL observations are playing an important role. 30 Figure 3.16: The Lockman Hole region seen by ROSAT (left panel, Hasinger G. et al. 1998, A&A 329, 482) and XMM-Newton (right panel, credit ESA). Several diffuse sources with red colours in XMM image are X-ray clusters of galaxies already identified by ROSAT data. But XMM-Newton clearly reveals a number of green and blue objects and these correspond to obscured faint sources. 31 Chapter 4 Cyclotron line emission A charge in a magnetic field follows a movement which is circular perpendicular to the axis of the magnetic field and free along the magnetic field (see Figure 4.1). The charge is therefore accelerated and according to chapter 2 will radiate electromagnetic waves. When the movement is not relativistic, one speaks of cyclotron emission. The rotation frequency of the charge perpendicular to the field axis is described by the angular frequency ωB = eB , γmc (4.1) Figure 4.1: The general path of a moving charge in a constant magnetic field is that of a helix with its axis parallel to the direction of the magnetic field (Credit: Richard Vawter). 32 Figure 4.2: Deconvolved X-ray spectrum of the Her X-1 pulsar (balloon observations on 1976 May 3). Solid line, best-fitting exponential spectrum with a Gaussian line to keep into account the line around 40 keV. For comparison, a total X-ray spectrum of Her X-1 observed by OSO-8 during the 1975 August on-state is shown (Trümper et al. 1978, ApJ 219, L105). where m is the mass and e the charge of the particle. γ is the relativistic factor and is 1 in the non relativistic case that we consider here. The frequency of eq. 4.1 is called the Larmor frequency. A practical way to express eq. 4.1 in units that are relevant for us is Ec = ~ωB = 11.6 · B 1012 G keV (4.2) During a balloon flight in 1976, Trümper et al. (1978, ApJ 219, L105) observed the hard X-ray spectrum of Her X-1 in which a feature is clearly detected around 40 keV (Figure 4.2). Her X-1 is a well known X-ray pulsar (see lectures on X-ray binaries for more explanations on these objects). Intepreted in terms of atomic transitions, the line energy would necessarily imply elements way above Fe, because the Lyman transitions of the Hydrogen like ion are around 7 keV. The energy of the Hydrogen like transitions is proportional to Z 2 , a line around 40 keV might thus be coming from Pt, a most unlikely element to be present in large quantities. A nuclear transition is known at these energies from 241 Am, also a very unlikely element to be present in large quantities in an optically thin environment necessary for us to observe the transition. The most natural explanation for the feature observed in Her X-1 is therefore in terms of a cyclotron transition in a B-field of some 3 × 1012 G as 33 JEM−X ISGRI −5 0 5 −5 0 5 Photon index = 0.95 (+/−0.2) Cutoff energy= 25.2 (+/−1.0) keV Fold energy = 8.8 (+/− 0.3) keV Cycl. line centroid = 38.5 (+/−0.7) keV Cycl. line width = 8.6 (+1.1/−1.2) keV Cycl. line depth = 0.66 (+0.09/−0.10) Iron line centroid = 6.31 (+/−0.2) kev Iron line width = 0.8 (+/− 0.2) keV 5 10 20 Channel energy (keV) 50 Figure 4.3: INTEGRAL spectrum of Her X-1 with a complete spectral analysis from Klochkov et al. 2007 (submitted) given by eq. 4.2. The exact value of the field is not secure with the data presented in Figure 4.2 as it is not possible to know from these data whether the line is an absorption line or an emission line at a slightly higher energy. More recent studies show that the line is in absorption (Fig./,4.3. Although a field of the order of 1012 G may sound at first as improbable as atomic transitions of Pt or nuclear transitions of Am, it is worth noting that neutron stars (which are one of the component of an X-ray pulsar) are the product of stellar collapse. Remembering that the magnetic flux is a conserved quantity, one can estimate the field of the remnant of the collapse through 2 r 2 7 · 105 3 ∼ 10 · = 5 · 1012 G, B = B0 · 10 km 10 (4.3) where we have taken a field of 103 G as the initial field of the star and the size of the Sun as the initial radius. This simple argument shows that fields of the order of 1012 G are as plausible around compact objects as fields of 103 G in stellar environments. The power emitted by an electron in a magnetic field can be calculated from its acceleration and the formula derived in eq. 2.8. From the Figure 4.4 one sees that the acceleration of the electron in a helicoidal = v · ω. motion of angular frequency ω is dv dt The emitted power is dE 2 e2 |v̇|2 P = = ¯ . dt 3 c3 34 (4.4) r1 v1 dθ r2 v2 dθ v1 dv Figure 4.4: A particle moving with speed v (|v1 | = |v2 | = v) from r1 to r2 along a ¯ ¯ |v − v | = ¯|dv| ' ¯ vdθ and circular orbit. By simple geometry, one can derive that 2 1 ¯ ¯ ¯ = v · ω. then, using that dθ = ωdt, dv dt with ω = ωB , |v̇| = ωB · v one finds: 2 2 e2 eB P = · v2 3 3c mc 4 2 e B 2v2 = 2 c4 3 |m{z } c (4.5) (4.6) r02 = 2 2 2 2 cr B β , 3 0 (4.7) where we have introduced the classical electron radius r0 . A quantum mechanical treatment of the process starts from the Hamiltonian e 2 1 p− A where B = ∇ × A H= 2m ¯ c ¯ ¯ ¯ in which the impulse p is replaced by the corresponding quantum operator: p → p̂ = −i~∇ ¯ ¯ (4.8) (4.9) leading to Ĥ = e 2 1 p̂ − A . 2m ¯ c ¯ (4.10) For a B field parallel to the z-axis the vector potential A is Ax = −B · y, Ay = B · x, Az = 0 and the Hamilton operator becomes 35 (4.11) Ĥ = 1 e 2 e 2 1 p̂2 p̂x − By + p̂y + Bx + z . 2m c 2m c 2m (4.12) The trajectories corresponding to this Hamiltonian are made of a circular mouvement in the plane perpendicular to the magnetic field and constant velocity arallel to the field. The energy levels are quantised and given by the Eigenvalues of the the Schrödinger equation: Ĥψ = Eψ (4.13) p2 1 e~B + z En = n + 2 mc 2m (4.14) with the solutions for the energy values. The transitions between the levels described by 4.14 occur p2z therefore at multiples of e~B + 2m . mc When a cyclotron line is observed at a given energy E, one therefore expects to see also a feature at 2E and possibly at higher multiples. Indeed this may be the case already in the data presented in Figure 4.2. In more recent times further observations of X-ray pulsars have been performed, e.g. with INTEGRAL in which the cyclotron lines are very clearly seen, not only at the lowest energy but also at one or more multiples of it, thus confirming the nature of the observed transitions (see Figure 1.2). Recent work tends to explain the observed transitions as absorption features. The continuum radiation is produced close to the neutron star in the accretion flow. The radiation field is then partially absorbed at the cyclotron frequency and its multiples. The structure of the magnetic field and the radiation transfer are, however, extremely complex and modelisation work is still needed to fully understand the geometry of the problem. Very recently Bignami et al. (2003, Nature 423, 725) have reported XMM-Newton spectra of the isolated neutron star 1E1207.4-5209 (Figure 4.5). This neutron star is not in a binary system as the previously discussed X-ray pulsars, the observed radiation is that of the hot surface of the star. The X-ray spectrum shows deep absorption features at 0.7, 1.4 and 2.1 keV which the authors interpret as the signature of a magnetic field of 8 × 1010 G. This is the only isolated neutron star for which this phenomenology has been observed. Observations in the 1990’s by GINGA (a Japanese X-ray satellite) claimed detections of cyclotron features in the emission of gamma ray bursts. These features could be seen only during a short portion of the bursts. These observations have not yet been confirmed by other satellite observations. 36 Figure 4.5: Spectra of 1E1207.4-5209 collected by two cameras on board of the XMM-Newton satellite during August 2002. Data points and best fitting continuum spectral models are shown, together with residuals in units of standard deviations from the best fitting continuum. Three absorption features are visible at energies of 0.7, 1.4 and 2.1 keV (Bignami et al. 2003, Nature 423, 725). 37 Chapter 5 Synchrotron emission One speaks of cyclotron radiation when the electron moving in a magnetic field is not relativistic. When the electrons are relativistic and are moving in a magnetic field, they are also accelerated and thus radiate. In this case one speaks of synchrotron radiation. This is a very important form of radiation in astrophysics. It is often observed in the radio domain, but in some extreme cases one sees this form of radiation up to the X- and gamma-ray domains. This is observed in active galactic nuclei (see later) and in particular radio galaxies, in blazars and probably in gamma ray bursts. The force acting on a particle is proportional to its charge, the acceleration therefore inversely proportional to the mass of the particle. Electrons therefore dominate in most situation the radiation and will be exclusively discussed here. 5.1 Radiation of a relativistic accelerated particle We saw in the first lecture how a non relativistic accelerated charged particle radiates. We need here first to see how this result can be generalised to a relativistic particle. We start with the special relativistic metrics ds2 = c2 dτ 2 = c2 dt2 − dx2 ¯ (5.1) which describes the distance between two events in space time. This distance is invariant under Lorentz transformations (left to the reader) v 0 t = γ t − 2 x , x = γ(x − vt), y 0 = y, z 0 = z. c 0 (5.2) We next introduce the 4-velocity uµ = dxµ , dτ (5.3) which, as a small difference between coordinates is a vector. Written explicitly: 38 u0 = dx0 dt =c = γ · c, dτ dτ (5.4) because dτ 2 1 2 1 v2 2 2 ( ) = (dt − 2 dx )/dt = 1 − 2 = 2 . dt c ¯ c γ (5.5) dx u = ¯ = γ · v, ¯ ¯ dτ (5.6) Similarly as dτ 2 1 1 1 1 1 ) = (dt2 − 2 dx2 )/dx2 = ( 2 − 2 )ev = 2 2 ev , (5.7) dx c ¯ v c ¯ v γ ¯ ¯ ¯ where ev is a unit vector in the direction of the velocity. Note that we will write v ¯ 3-vectors. The acceleration is the second proper time derivative: ¯ to mean ( aµ = duµ dτ (5.8) dγ dτ (5.9) which from 5.4 and 5.6 gives a0 = c · ai = d(γ · v i ) . dτ (5.10) In the system in which the particle is at rest, we have γ = 1, dτ = dt ⇒ a0 = 0, ai = dv i . dt (5.11) In this system, the non relativistic derivation we had made in the first lecture is valid and we know the radiation of the particle: 2 |v̇|2 2 e2 P = e2 ¯3 = ~a · ~a 3 c 3 c3 (5.12) To obtain the last equality in eq. 5.12, we have used eqs 5.8, 5.9 and 5.10. The formulation P = 2 e2 ~a · ~a 3 c3 39 (5.13) is, however, valid in all systems of reference. In order to convince yourself of this, consider the transformations of the left part of the equality under Lorentz transformations: Energy → γ · Energy ∆t → γ · ∆t (5.14) (5.15) dE dE → . dt dt (5.16) therefore This is clearly a scalar. The right side of the equality is a scalar product and thus also a scalar. The equality is therefore indeed valid in all systems of reference and corresponds to the relativistic generalisation of the Larmor formula 2.8 that we were seeking. We can now write eq. 5.13 in the system of the observer in which the particle is moving relativistically explicitly: " 2 # 2 d(γ · v) 2 e2 2 dγ c − P = ¯ 3 c3 dτ dτ (5.17) dγ γ 3 dv = 2v· ¯ dτ c ¯ dτ (5.18) Doing the algebra one obtains: 2e2 6 P = γ − v̇ · 3c3 ¯ v 2 |v̇|2 ¯ − ¯2 c γ (5.19) and 1 2 2e2 6 2 |P | = γ ak + 2 a⊥ 3c3 γ (5.20) where we have introduced (v · v̇) = v · ak and |v × v̇| = v · a⊥ , the components of ¯ ¯ velocity, ¯ the acceleration parallel and¯perpendicular to the and used |v̇|2 = a2k + a2⊥ . ¯ particles or The sign is naturally different if one considers the energy lost by the that gained by the rotation field. It must be set accordingly. Thus P = 2e2 4 2 γ (a⊥ + γ 2 a2k ). 3 3c 40 (5.21) 5.2 Power emitted by a single particle in a magnetic field In the specific case that we consider here, the electron has a helicoidal movement with an angular frequency ωB in the magnetic field and correspondingly an acceleration a⊥ = ωB · v⊥ , and ak = 0. Eq. 5.21 becomes then (with as usual β = vc ): P = 2e2 4 e2 B 2 2 2 γ β c. 3c3 γ 2 m2 c2 ⊥ (5.22) For a distribution of velocities that is isotropic, we have hβ⊥2 i 1 = 4π Z (β sin α)2 dΩ hβ⊥2 i = 2β 2 3 (5.23) (5.24) and therefore Psync where uB = B2 8π 4 e4 γ 2 β 2 B 2 = 9 c3 m2 1 = σT cγ 2 β 2 B 2 6π 4 = σT cγ 2 β 2 uB 3 (5.25) (σT = 8π e4 ) 3 m2 c4 (5.26) (5.27) is the energy density of the magnetic field (B in Gauss). We have introduced the Thomson cross-section σT and the magnetic field density uB to express the power emitted by the relativistic electron. We can use eq. 5.25 to estimate the time an electron needs to lose a significant fraction of its initial energy: tcool 5.3 Ee γme c2 := = ≈ 5 · 10−8 B −2 γ −1 s P P (5.28) Synchrotron spectrum In order to understand the shape of the spectrum emitted by a population of electrons which velocities are isotropically distributed we first consider the movement of a single electron and the time during which the electron is observable along its path. Indeed the radiation emitted by a charge moving at relativistic velocities is bundled in a cone of half opening angle 1/γ (Figure 5.2, left). This relation giving the opening angle of the cone in which the observer sees the radiation from the 41 moving lectrons is deduced from the Lorentz transformations in the following way (see fig.): x0 y0 z0 t0 γ(x − vt) y , z γ t − cv2 x = = = = (5.29) where the "’" system, the electron system, moves with a velocity v along the x-axis with respect to the non-primed system, the observer system. The transformation of the velocities is given by γ(dx0 + vdt0 ) u0x + v dx = = 0 x dt γdt0 (1 + cv2 u0x ) 1 + vu c2 u0y dy dy 0 uy = = = 0 x dt γdt0 (1 + cv2 u0x ) γ(1 + vu ) c2 ux = uz = dz 0 u0z dz = = 0 x dt γdt0 (1 + cv2 u0x ) γ(1 + vu ) c2 (5.30) (5.31) (5.32) which gives the following relations between the angles of the velocities in both systems: tan θ := u0y u0 sin θ0 uy = = ux γ(u0x + v) γ(u0 cos θ0 + v) (5.33) If we now consider a photon emitted by the electron, u0 = c and then: sin θ0 γ(cos θ0 + vc ) tan θ = (5.34) y' photon u' = uy' = c e- at rest observer x' vx = -v Figure 5.1: The electron at rest in the unprimed system of reference emits a photon along the y-axis, perpendicular to the velocity of the observer. The photon will be seen at an angle 1/γ by the observer in his rest reference system. 42 and for photons emitted perpendicularly to v: tan θ = 1 γβ (5.35) as expected. The observer will therefore register a pulse of radiation while the electron covers the section of arc ∆S = a · ∆θ with ∆θ = γ2 . Thus (see Figure 5.2, right) ∆S = 2a . γ (5.36) The equation of movement of the electron, needed to compute the acceleration (i.e. ∆v, and hence ∆θ here), in the magnetic field is given by ∆v e e γm| ¯ | = |v × B| = v · B sin α, ∆t c ¯ ¯ c (5.37) where we have used that since the force is perpendicular to the velocity γ is constant. 2 ∆θ With |∆v| = |v∆θ| and ∆S = v∆t we have ∆v = v∆S . Inserting the equation of ∆t ¯ motion 5.37 then gives γmcv v ∆S = = ∆θ eB sin α ωB sin α and with ∆θ = (5.38) 2 γ ∆S = 2v . γωB sin α (5.39) ∆θ a 1/γ Observer ∆s Figure 5.2: Left: The electron moves helicoidally in a magnetic field emitting synchrotron radiation in a cone of half opening angle 1/γ in the direction of the motion. Right: only the photons emitted while the electron in ∆t covers the section of arc ∆S will reach the observer who will register a pulse of radiation during a time ∆t0 . 43 The pulse thus lasts a time ∆t = ∆S 2 = . v γωB sin α (5.40) This time is not the one during which an observer at rest will measure the light pulse, because the photons emitted as the electron enters the arc during which it is visible will travel while the electron progresses. The time during which the observer "sees" the electron is given by (see Figure 5.3, left) c∆t0 = c∆t − v∆t ⇒ ∆t0 = (1 − β)∆t ' 1 ∆t. 2γ 2 (5.41) Inserting the expression for ∆t we found in eq. 5.40 gives finally ∆t0 = 1 . sin α (5.42) γ 3 ωB If we then look at the time dependence of the intensity of radiation registered by the observer one finds that given in Figure 5.3 (right). Fourier tranform theory tells us that the corresponding spectrum will include frequencies up to ∆t1 0 . We therefore introduce a characteristic frequency νc with I ∆t0 = A B 1 γ3ωBsinα O t v (tB- tA) = v ∆t c (t'0- tB) 2π ωB c (t0- tA) Figure 5.3: Left: The photons emitted by the electron in A and B, at time tA and tB , reach the observer at time t0 and t00 , respectively. The duration of the pulse seen by the observer (∆t0 = t00 − t0 ) is the result of the travel time of the photons and of the contemporary motion of the electron. Right: Time dependence of the intensity (arbitrary units) of the synchrotron emission from a single electron seen by an observer. The pulses have duration ∆t0 = γ 3 ωB1sin α and period 2π/ωB . 44 Φν arbitrary units ν/νC Figure 5.4: Synchtrotron spectrum emitted by a single relativistic electron moving in a magnetic field. The emission peaks around the characteristic frequency νc . νc = ωc 1 3 1 = γ ωB sin α [∼ ] 2π 2π ∆t0 1 2 eB = γ sin α. 2π me c (5.43) (5.44) The spectral shape of the emission by a single electron will therefore have a peak around νc , as it is shown in Figure 5.4. We thus know at what characteristic frequencies an electron of given energy radiates (5.44) and we know with which luminosity it does so from eq 5.25 and how long it takes to radiate a substancial fraction of its energy, from 5.28. Combining these results we obtain tcool = γ≈ 3γme c2 (using 5.28) 4σT cγ 2 β 2 uB 4πme cνc 3eB (5.45) 1/2 (using 5.44) (5.46) or tcool [s] 3me c2 = 4σT cβ 2 uB "r 4πme cνc 3eB #−1 −3/2 −1/2 ≈ 6 · 108 B[G] ν[M Hz] . (5.47) which shows that the electrons emitting at higher energies cool faster. 5.4 Introduction to Active Galactic Nuclei Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) and in particular the quasar 3C 273 are often used in the course of these lectures. It is therefore useful to spend a few lines at this point to introduce them. Activity in galaxies has been noted for a long time. Seyfert in the 1940’s noted that a number of galaxies have a bright nucleus. These gaalxies are called Seyfert galaxies. 45 Figure 5.5: Early optical spectrum of 3C 273 showing the redshifted Balmer series. It was also soon noted that the nuclei have bright emission lines (remember that "normal" stars have absorption lines) that may be broad indicating that the line emitting material has large velocities of few· 104 km/s or narrow indicating velocities of the order of thousand km/s. The first were called Seyfert 1 galaxies, the second Seyfert 2 galaxies. Completely independently, in the 1960’s, it became possible to localise radio sources. It was found that several bright radio sources were coincident on the sky with starlike objects. These objects were found to have bright emission lines of unknown origin and were called quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) or quasars. M. schmidt in 1963 (Nature) identified the emission lines of 2 of these objects including the 273rd object of the 3rd Cambridge catalogue of radio sources (3C 273) as very red-shifted lines of the Hydrogen Balmer series. The redshift of 3C 273 was 0.158, the then largest ever observed redshift. This immediately indicated that the objects were at cosmological distances and therefore that their luminosities must be very large, indeed much larger than that of whole galaxies. It then took a long time to see that the two types of objects were of the same nature. In Seyfert galaxies one sees a galaxy with a bright core, in quasars, the core dominates so much that it is difficult to observe the underlying host galaxy in the wings of the point spread function of the telescopes. Indeed the difference is only semantic now and blow a luminosity of about 1044 ergs/s one speaks of Seyfert galaxy and of quasars above. The family of active galactic nuclei has many more members with properties that can vary greatly but are all charaterised by large luminosities, most of the time very 46 Figure 5.6: One century of photographic observations of C 273 showing large amplitude variations on many timescales (from Angione and Smith, 1985, AJ 90, 2474). rapid variability (see Fig. 5.6 and spectral energy distributions that span a much larger part of the electromagnetic spectrum than stars or galaxies (see Fig.:5.7). They also emit jets that were first seen as radio structures and then seen in the optical (see Fig.: 5.8). The basics of AGN can be understood very simply. The fact that objects vary significantly on timescales of months (and even a lot shorter as we will see) indicated very early on that the objects must be smaller than light-months, i.e. much smaller than the distance between stars in a galaxy. The energy source cannot be due to anything but gravity, as the luminosities are extremely large and we will see that the energy that can be gained from accretion in a deep gravitational well exceeds greatly the one that can be obtained from nuclear reactions. Knowing this, the mass of the compact object may be estimated from the following argument. When matter falls and liberates energy that is radiated in the form of electro-magnetic radiation the matter is subjected to 2 forces, the gravitational attraction Fg = GM mp r2 (5.48) and the radiation pressure exerted by the luminosity: Fl = σT · photonf lux · impuls transf er per interaction = σT · L hν · . (5.49) 2 4πr hν c Both forces have the same radial dependence. When the radiation pressure dominates at one radius it will therefore dominate at all radius and the matter will not be accreted, rather it would be expelled. It follows that there is a limiting luminosity, the Eddington luminosity LEdd that cannot be exceeded in accretion processes: LEdd = 4πGM mp c M ' 1.31038 ergs/s. σT M 47 (5.50) Figure 5.7: Spectral energy distribution of 3C 273 as collected over 2 decades by ISDC scientists. Quasars can have luminosities all the way up to some 1048 ergs/s, implying that the compact object onto which matter is accreted has a mass that can be of the order of some 1010 M . The mass accretion rate Ṁ can also be estimated in a very straightforward way assuming that a fraction η of the accreted rest mass is liberated. In this case the luminosity of the object is: L = η Ṁ c2 . (5.51) For accretion onto a black hole η is of the order of 10% (see later) and a healthy quasar will have accretion rates of the order of Ṁ =' 1028 g/s ' 100 M /year. 48 Figure 5.8: An early observation of the jet of 3C 273 with the Kitt Peak telescope (from wikipedia). 5.5 5.5.1 the infrared emission of the quasar 3C 273 the presence of hot dust Observations of the quasar 3C 273 in 1986 showed very unexpected results in this respect. Figure 5.9 shows this spectrum at several epochs in early 1986 compared with previous observations. It can be seen that the near infrared emission remained stable while the lower frequency emission was decreasing substancially. This cannot, we have just seen, be understood in terms of synchrotron radiation. Therefore, if we follow the commonly accepted view that the radio and mm emission of quasars (see later) is due indeed to synchrotron emission, we have to admit that the near infrared emission is not the high energy tail of that component, but of a very different origin, which the authors of this result suggested to be due to thermal dust. A very recent multi-wavelength spectrum of 3C 273 taken while the synchrotron emission was at the lowest recorded level to date confirms this result very nicely (see Figure 5.10). 5.5.2 estimate of the magnetic field in the synchrotron emitting region Using quantitatively eq. 5.47 during a synchrotron flare observed in the same quasar in 1988 (see Figure 5.11) it is also possible to obtain a quantitative estimate of the magnetic field. Observed are the frequency of the radiation and for this flare the cooling time of the electrons, measured as the flux decrease time at that frequency. It was thus possible using eq 5.45 and 5.46 to see that the electrons radiate with a γ factor of about 1000 and that the magnetic field in the emission region is of the order of 1 Gauss (note that this estimate assumes that the emission region is not 49 Figure 5.9: Millimetre to optical spectrum of 3C273 (Robson et al. 1986, Nature 323, 134): (a) the "quiescient" spectrum (reported as a dashed line in (b)-(d)); (b) 4-7 March 1983, flare spectrum; (c) 15-24 February 1986; (d) 3-6 March 1986. moving with a bulk relativistic motion, see below). 5.6 Spectrum emitted by a population of electrons Whereas we could already gain interesting physical insight in the nature of AGNs by knowing the emission of single electrons, we do not yet have the tools to understand the spectrum emitted by a source through synchrotron emission. In order to do this we must consider how a population of electrons radiates. We can always express the synchrotron spectrum emitted by a single electron as 4 Pν (γ) = β 2 γ 2 cσT uB φν (γ), with 3 Z ∞ φν (γ) dν = 1 (5.52) 0 (see the power emitted by a single electron). The shape of φν (γ) is in rough terms generally known from our previous discussion (see Figure 5.4), we know that it peaks at the characteristic frequency 50 Figure 5.10: Spectral energy distribution of 3C 273 in June 2004 as observed with INTEGRAL, RXTE and XMM-Newton satellites and La Silla, IRAM, Metsähovi, UMRAO and Effelsberg telescopes (Türler et al. in preparation). The June data are compared with the historic average (grey line) and the observed range of variation, showing that in June the quasar was at its weakest ever in the mm band. Figure 5.11: Light curve at infrared energies (H band) for the quasar 3C 273 (left panel) over more than ten years. In the right panel, a zoom of the flare occured in 1988 shows a variability of the emission on timescales of a day. 51 νc = 1 2 eB γ sin α 2π me c (5.53) from eq 5.44. We next consider a population of electrons distributed in energy according to n(γ) dγ = n0 γ −p dγ. (5.54) This distribution is a power law, it is a distribution often met in environments in which particles are accelerated to very high energies through non thermal processes. These are conditions often seen in synchrotron emitting regions. A different discussion could be made for other (e.g. thermal) distributions. The spectrum emitted by the population of electrons is the superposition of the emission of each electron (we consider an optically thin medium): Z fν ∼ ∞ Pν (γ)n(γ) dγ (5.55) 1 In order to perform the integration in eq.5.55 we need to know the function φν (γ), which we only described in rough terms. However, if the electron distribution in energy is very wide, we can use the fact that the emission of a single electron is peaked at the charateristic frequency to approximate φν (γ) by a delta function: φν (γ) → δ(ν − γ 2 νL ), with νL = eB . 2πme c (5.56) This form makes the γ dependence of the characteristic frequency explicit and allows to perform the integration over γ: Z fν ∼ Z ∼ Z ∼ Pν (γ)n(γ) dγ (5.57) γ 2 φν (γ)n(γ) dγ (5.58) γ 2 δ(ν − γ 2 νL )γ −p dγ (5.59) dν 0 , with ν 0 = γ 2 νL γ 2 δ(ν − ν 0 )γ −p γ Z 0 −(p−1)/2 ν ∼ δ(ν − ν 0 ) dν 0 νL −(p−1)/2 ν ∼ . νL Z ∼ (5.60) (5.61) (5.62) This is a power law, the index of which ( −(p−1) ) is dependent directly on that of the 2 energy dependence of the electron population (p). We will see that a power law is indeed observed in several cases. 52 If you consider that the electron acceleration is perpendicular to the magnetic field, you will realise that the synchrotron emission is bound to be polarised. A detailed discussion (see e.g. Ribicky and Lightman) will yield that the linear polarisation is of about 70% for an isotropic electron distribution in a homogeneous magnetic field. Observations often yield considerably lower values, because the magnetic field is not homogeneous in the region subtended by the telescope (at whatever wavelength) point spread function. Polarisation is nonetheless an important diagnostic tool for synchrotron emission. A detailed discussion including the constant factors we have not considered in eq.5.62 gives the emissivity in ergs/cm2 (Rybicki and Lightman): √ 3 e3 N0 B sin α Γ Pf (ω) = 2π mc2 p + 1 p 19 + 4 12 p 1 mcω −(p−1)/2 Γ − 4 12 3eB sin α (5.63) At low energies, we reach a level where the flux cannot increase without bounds. The sources become optically thick and the emission is self absorbed. In order to see how this influences the spectrum consider first the equation for radiative transfer: dIν = κν ρSν − κν ρIν , ds (5.64) where ρ is the mass density, κν the mass absorption coefficient, Iν the intensity and Sν the source function. In an optically thick case, the left hand side vanishes, because as much radiation is absorbed as is emitted. The right hand side then states that the intensity is equal to the source function: Iν = Sν at all frequencies. In order to see the shape of the source function, we make an analogy with another case of well known optically thick emission, the black body, for which Sν = hν 2ν 2 . 2 hν/kT c e −1 (5.65) The first term on the right hand side of eq.5.65 is proportional to the phase space available for emission while the second term gives the mean energy of the oscillator emitting at energy hν. At low energies, this latter factor is kT and the ν dependence of the source function is ν 2 . In the case of the synchrotron emission, the first term is the same (phase space is independent of the emission process), and the second term is the energy γmc2 of the electron radiating at the frequency ν. We have seen 1 previously (and see eq.5.53) that this is proportional to ν 2 · B −1/2 . We therefore have Sν ∼ ν 2 · ν 1/2 = ν 5/2 · B −1/2 . (5.66) This result is independent of the shape of the electron distribution. The general shape of the synchrotron emission of a power law distribution of electrons is therefore given in the Figure 5.12. 53 Log fν fν ν -(p -1)/2 m ν 5/2 νm Log ν Figure 5.12: General shape of the synchrotron radiation emitted by a population of electrons distibuted with a power law of index p. The frequency at which the emission has a maximum, νm , holds information about the magnetic field that can be useful. At this frequency, we can use either optically thin or thick approximation with equal validity. A uniform sphere of intensity Iν produces at a distance d a flux of R fν = πIν ( )2 , d (5.67) where R is the radius of the uniform sphere. For an optically thick source, Iν = Sν , which we have calculated in equation 5.66. Introducing the observed angular radius of the source θs = R/d we see that the maximum flux is There is a maximum flux that is given by 5/2 2 fνm ∼ B −1/2 νm θs , , (5.68) from which one may deduce that, having observed the spectrum and measured the frequency and flux of the maximum emission as well as the angular size of the source, one can estimate the magnetic field B: −5 −2 B ∼ fν2m νm θs . (5.69) Note, however, that the frequency of the maximum emission enters in eq.5.69 with the fifth power, this expression will therefore hardly provide precise magnetic field measurements. 5.7 Far infrared emission of active galaxies The radio emission of radio loud quasars has been identified for a very long time to be due to synchrotron processes. We have already encountered this identification when discussing the emission of the radio loud quasar 3C 273. This emission extends 54 2.62 2.56 2.17 1.93 2.64 1.74 Figure 5.13: mm to X-ray spectra of 6 radio-quiet quasars (Chini R. et al. 1989, A&A 219, 87). 1.3 mm data were collected by the IRAM 30 m telescope. The spectral indeces found between 100 µm and 1.3 mm suggest that the energy distributions are dominated by thermal emission from dust. 55 to the mid infrared domain and, during flares, as we have seen, to the near infrared and even optical domains. It was therefore natural to expect that the far infrared emission of the radio quiet AGN would be due to the same process and that the absence or weakness of radio emission in radio quiet objects would be due to self absorption effects. One therefore expected in the early 1980’s that as long wavelength instrumentation become available, one would measure a spectrum proportional to 5 ν 2 . Observations turned out to give a quite different picture. Figure 5.13 shows such early measurements from which it can be seen that the slope is steeper than the 52 that was expected. Such slopes cannot be understood in terms of synchrotron emission from a homogeneous electron population and only extremely constrained models would provide these slopes in the context of synchrotron processes. A much better interpretation of these results is that the far infrared emission of radio quiet AGN is due to emission from cool dust. We have already seen that even in radio loud objects as in 3C 273, dust emission plays an important role and dominates (at least outside flares) the near infrared emission. Thus dust emission with a broad distribution of temperatures plays a very important role in the physics of active galactic nuclei. The steepness of the spectrum is explained in this case by the emissivity of dust that is a steep function of frequency. 5.8 Extended lobes of radio galaxies The Figure 5.14 shows a Very Large Array (VLA, a radio telescope made of an array of dishes in Arizona) image of the radio source Cygnus A, one of the brightest radio sources in the sky. One sees two very large clouds of emission in this figure. The size of the source is of about 120 kpc, very much larger than the optical size of a galaxy. The emission is a power law (Figure 5.15) and is polarised. This emission Figure 5.14: A radio map of the source Cygnus A at 5 GHz made with the VLA. Its features include the compact core in the center of the galaxy, the jets emanating from the core and carrying energy and particles to the lobes, and the radio lobes themselves. Barely visible in the overexposed lobes are the hot spots where the jets are terminated. (Courtesy of Richard A. Perley, John W. Dreher, and the National Radio Astronomy Observatory). 56 Figure 5.15: Radio to optical spectrum of Cygnus A (Hobbs R. W. et al. 1978, ApJ 220, L77). The radio lobe spectrum shows a turnover near 20 MHz, then follows a power law with index -0.8 up to 1 GHz and -1.2 up to 100 GHz. The radio data of the central source are consistent with a rising spectrum (index 1/3), although a flat spectrum is not excluded. can therefore best be explained in terms of synchrotron emission. We may then estimate the energy that is contained in the radio emitting lobes. The energy density of the electron population is Z ∞ ue− = u0 (γme c2 )γ −p dγ = γmin N0 me c2 −(p−2) γ . 2 − p min (5.70) where u0 and N0 give the normalisation of, respectively, the energy density and the number density. For γmin one may use the lower observed frequency of the radio emission (10 MHz), one can thus obtain at least a lower bound to the electron energy density. The magnetic field energy density is uB = 1 2 B 8π (5.71) The electron energy density is proportional to the normalisation of the electron distribution N0 . For a given emissivity this is proportional to B −(p+1)/2 as one can deduce from eq.5.63. Thus ue− = C0 N0 = C1 · B −(p+1)/2 , (5.72) C0 and C1 being constants. If we seek a lower limit to the energy contained in the lobes, one can look for the magnetic field that will minimise the total energy density. This is done by looking for the minimum of ue + uB : 57 due− dB p+1 = C1 − B −(p−1)/2 2 p + 1 ue− = − . 2 B (5.73) (5.74) and therefore at the minimum we have: d (p + 1)ue− 2uB (uB + ue− )|B=B0 = 0 = − + dB 2B0 B0 (5.75) I.e. ue ' uB for the observed spectral slope (5.62) fν ∼ ν −0.7 ⇒ 0.7 == p−1 ⇒ p ≈ 2.5. 2 (5.76) The total energy density is therefore about 2 × uB . The magnetic field can be estimated in the lobes to be about 10−4 G, leading to Z uB dV = B 2 4π 3 R ≈ 1060 ergs. 8π 3 (5.77) This is a considerable amount of energy. It would e.g. require some 109 supernovae to provide it. In absence of any observable stellar activity in the lobes, stellar processes cannot give rise to this energy density. It should also be noted that the cooling time for the electrons is rather short tcool = E ≈ 5 · 108 · B −2 γ −1 s ' 105 years. P (5.78) The electrons need therefore be accelerated in situ. To see where the energy comes from, a detailed look at Figure 5.14 is useful. In this figure one sees a thin emission line that connects one of the lobes with the centre of the system. This is a jet which is thought to channel energy from the core of the galaxy to the lobes. The jet energy is dissipated there in shocks in which electrons are accelerated to then radiate and cool through the synchrotron emission discussed here. It is also very interesting to consider the X-ray emission of the area surrounding Cygnus A (Figure 5.16). This shows the complex interactions between the lobes and the surrounding medium and is directly relevant to the question of the cooling flows mentioned in the discussion of the Bremstrahlung, as it shows that the nuclear activity does contribute to the energy balance in the central regions of the clusters. 5.9 Crab nebula The Crab nebula is seen over the complete electromagnetic spectrum, from radio waves to gamma rays (see Figure 5.17). It has been associated since 1928 to the 58 Figure 5.16: X-ray image of Cygnus A obtained with Chandra on May 21, 2000 (NASA/UMD/A.Wilson et al.). Figure 5.17: Images of the Crab Nebula at different wavelengths. Left upper : radio image from the NRAO; right upper : infrared image from 2MASS; left lower : optical image from VLT/ESO; right lower : X-ray image from Chandra. 59 Figure 5.18: Hubble Space Telescope image of the inner parts of the Crab. The pulsar itself is visible as the left of the pair of stars near the center of the frame (Credit: Jeff Hester and Paul Scowen, Arizona State University, and NASA). Figure 5.19: The ISGRI 20-500 keV spectrum of the Crab obtained from a 130 ks observation during revolution 239 of INTEGRAL. The best-fit photon index is 2.254 ± 0.001 and the flux at 1 keV is 15.8 ph cm−2 s−1 keV−1 (Courtesy of Lubinski P.). appearance of a guest star observed in 1054 by the Chinese (Figure 5.18). It is a very strong X and gamma ray source and serves as calibration source and as flux unit (the Crab) to high energy instrumentation, in a way somewhat similar to the use of Vega in optical astronomy (1 Crab = 2.4 × 10−10 cmergs 2 s keV at 50 keV). The luminosity of the nebula is of some 1038 ergs/s and the size of the nebula is of about 3.5’. The spectrum is given in Figure 5.19. One has to take some care to disentangle the emission of the nebula from that, pulsed, of the central pulsar. The emission is strongly polarised (40% in the optical domain). Depolarisation indicates a magnetic field of about 5 × 10−4 G. The emission is therefore naturally interpreted in terms of synchrotron emission. Recalling the cooling time arguments made above, one concludes that electrons emitting at 10 MHz have an energy of some 70 MeV while those emitting in the gamma rays at 1022 Hz have an energy of 1015 eV, a very considerable energy indeed for single electrons. Electrons radiating at 100 GHz cool in a comfortable 6000 years, those emitting in the X-rays at 1020 Hz, however already cool in a matter of some 10 weeks, considerably less than the age of the nebula. One therefore concludes that the electrons must be continuously provided and accelerated in the nebula. The X-ray image above (right lower panel in Figure 5.17) shows indeed features that indicate that energy may be fed from the central pulsar to the nebula, as in the case of the radio lobes of the radio galaxies, and that the electrons are then locally 60 Figure 5.20: The jet of 3C 273 on all scales from arcminutes to mas and the superluminal motion (from a compilation in Camenzind 1997). accelerated in shocks. 5.10 5.10.1 Relativistic jets superluminal motion We have already seen that jets convey energy over very large distances. Since they are "seen" they must therefore radiate some of the energy they carry. These jets are not static in space. Indeed Very Large Baseline Intereferometry (VLBI, a system of linking radio dishes over the whole surface of the Earth to yield radio images of very high angular resolution) observations at different epochs have shown that the elements out of which the jets are made (often called blobs) are moving from epoch to epoch. Such observations of the quasar 3C 273 (see figure 5.20) have shown for example that the jet elements move away from the core at about 1 mas per year (1 mas is a milli arcsecond). At the distance of 3C 273, 1 Gpc, this corresponds to a linear velocity of some 10 times the velocity of light, at least without taking relativistic effects into account. These apparently super luminal velocities may be 61 !" !# + + ,# $%&!%'()* ," Figure 5.21: Left: An electron moving from 0 to 1 along the jet emits two photons γ0 and γ1 at t0 and t1 , respectively. If the jet velocity is close to c and the angle θ between the jet direction and the line of sight is small, the apparent velocity seen by the observer exceed the speed of light. understood, however, if one considers jets moving at angles close to the line of sight at relativistic velocities (see left panel in Figure 5.21). If one considers two photons emitted in the jet, the first at t0 as one jet element moves away and the second from the jet at t1 and if one considers that the second photon travels a shorter distance than the first one, one will find that their arrival times at the observer differ by ∆ta d − vt cos θ d + t1 + = − t0 + c c vt cos θ = −t0 + t1 − c v cos θ = t 1− c (5.79) (5.80) (5.81) (d being the distance to the observer which is absent from the end result!) and that the apparent jet velocity on the plane of the sky is v⊥ = v sin θ vt sin θ = θ ∆ta 1 − v cos c (5.82) which can clearly exceed the speed of light for jet velocities close to c and small angles θ, as shown in Fig. 5.22. This clearly establishes that the jets are relativistic (unless the motions are not due to matter in movement but to other effects). 5.10.2 relating the observed jet properties to the intrinsic conditions If we want to relate the observed properties of the radiation emitted by these jets to the physical conditions of the jet, one has to relate both reference systems, as seen 62 8 Beta=0.9 Beta=0.95 Beta=0.99 Apparent perpendicular velocity [v/c] 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Jet angle [deg] 60 70 80 90 Figure 5.22: The apparent jet velocity as a function of the angle to theline of sight for different jet velocities " & θ #$% ! Figure 5.23: Transformation of the absorption coefficient in a moving medium. 63 in section 5.3. First we remember that relativistic electrons emit in a cone of half open angle 1/γ centered around the direction of the velocity. Jets will therefore be much brighter when viewed along their axis. A second effect to take into account is the Doppler effect that relates the emitted and observed frequencies: ν0 ν= , γ(1 − β cos θ) (5.83) which takes into account time dilatation and the change in the way that the source travels while radiating (1 − β cos θ). The factor (γ(1 − β cos θ))−1 = D is called the Doppler factor. Next we consider the transformation of the fluxes. To do this we consider n, the number of particles per phase space element d3 xd3 p. This density is a Lorentz invariant. The number of particles is an invariant on one side and 1 3 0 dx γ (5.84) d3 p = γd3 p0 . (5.85) d3 x = Thus n= number of particles d3 xd3 p (5.86) is an invariant. I c−1 dν dΩ = n · hν · d3 p = nhνp2 dp dΩ } |ν {z energy density (5.87) p ∝ ν, therefore νIν3 ∝ n (for an isotropic distribution) is an invariant. We then know how the intensity tranforms: Iν = ν3 0 Iν = D3 Iν0 (ν 0 ). 03 ν (5.88) The observed flux is given by 1 fν = 2 R Z jν dV (5.89) source for an optically thin source with a source function jν . In order to know how to relate the observed and the emitted fluxes we consider the transfer equation dIν jν = −Iν + , dτ µ 64 (5.90) where τ is the optical depth and µ the absorption coefficient per unit length so that dτ = µdx. τ gives the fraction of photons absorbed and is thus an invariant. Since τ = µ∆ = µν` µ` = sin θ ν sin θ (5.91) and ν sin θ ∝ py , the y component of the momentum, that is not changed by the transformation, nor is ` which is the thickness of the jet (see right panel in Figure 5.21) and hence perpendicular to the x-axis, we conclude that µν is also not affected by the transformation and hence µ = D−1 µ0 . Using eq.5.88, the fact that equation 5.90 indicates that jν /µ transforms like Iν gives jν (5.88) 3 jν0 j0 == D 0 = D2 ν ⇒ jν = D2 jν0 (ν 0 ) µ µ µ (5.92) and therefore for the flux 1 fν = 2 R Z 1 jν dV = 2 R source Z D2 jν0 (ν 0 ) dV (5.93) source which gives the observed flux in the system of the observer as a function of the emissivity in the jet system of reference (i.e. from the density etc as measured in the jet system). Specialising for a source in which the emissivity is a power law of the frequency, as we have seen to be the case in synchrotron radiation gives jν0 (ν) = ν −α ν0 jν0 (ν 0 ) ⇒ jν0 (ν 0 ) = Dα jν0 (ν). (5.94) It follows that the observed flux at the observed frequency ν is D2+α fν (ν) = R2 Z jν0 (ν) dV, (5.95) where we consider the emissivity at the observed frequency. A direct consequence of this result is that we can calculate the ratio of the observed flux of a jet and a counter jet (the one symmetrical to the one observed) to be fjet fcounterjet = 2+α Djet = Dcounterjet 1 + β cos θ 1 − β cos θ 2+α . (5.96) For small angles, one can approximate the cosines and obtain fjet fcounterjet " = 1 + (1 − 1 − (1 − θ2 ) 2 θ2 ) 2 #2+α 2(2+α) 5 2 2 ≈ ∼ θ θ (5.97) This ratio is shown in Fig. 5.24 explains in most cases why only one jet is observed from a radio source, whereas two would be expected if the source were symmetrical. 65 10000 Beta=0.9 Beta=0.92 Beta=0.95 9000 8000 Jet/counterjet flux ratio 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 5 10 15 Angle [deg] 20 25 30 Figure 5.24: Ratio between the jet and counter-jet as a function of the angle between the jet axix and the direction of the observer for a number of jet velocities. 66 Chapter 6 Compton processes (based on Rybicki and Lightman, Longair) We study here the scattering of photons off electrons and the energy transfer between the electron gas and the radiation field that results from these interactions. This is one of the most important processes in high energy astrophysics, as it allows to transfer an important fraction of the electron energy to the photons and thus to radiate this energy away from the source. This is therefore an efficient cooling mechanism. It is also an important process in the sense that the resulting radiation appears predominantly in the high energy spectral domains, from the X-rays up to TeV energies in some cases. 6.1 Thomson Cross section A special case of the electron-photon interaction is the Thomson scattering. In this case the photon energy hν is much less than the electron rest mass me c2 . The inertial system of the centre of mass is therefore that in which the electron is at rest. The derivation of the cross section is a direct application of the Larmor formula that we derived in the first lecture: 2 |p̈|2 dE = ¯3 . dt 3 c (6.1) As before: p̈ = e · v̇. The electron acceleration in an interaction with the radiation field is given by the electric field of the latter. Assuming a wave moving along the z-axis (Figure 6.1) one has: v̇x = e e Ex , v̇y = Ey with Ex = E0x sin(ωt), Ey = E0y sin(ωt). m m (6.2) which gives: 2 dE = 3 dt 3c 2 2 2 2 4 2 e e 2 Ēx + Ēy = 2 e |E0 | m 3c3 m 3 m2 c3 2 67 (6.3) x Incident radiation Ex θ α Ey z π/2 y electron Figure 6.1: Geometry of the Thomson scattering of a beam of radiation by a free electron. We assume that the beam propagates in the positive z-direction and that the scattering angle α lies in the x-z plane. for the energy of the subsequent radiation. The factor 2 at the end of eq. 6.3 comes from Ēx2 E2 = 0x 2π Z sin2 (ωt) dt = 2 E0x . 2 (6.4) If we remember that the cross section of a diffusion σ is the ratio between the radiated energy and the incoming energy flux and that the incoming energy flux is 2 c E0 c E 2 , S̄ = 4π of the incoming radiation, we can write the Poynting vector S = 4π 2 the cross section for the Thomson diffusion as σT = r0 = e2 me c2 2 e4 dĒ/dt 8π |E02 | = · 3 m2 c3 c 2|E02 | S̄ 8π e4 = 3 m2 c4 8π 2 = r = 6.65 · 10−25 cm2 3 0 (6.5) (6.6) (6.7) is the classical electron radius. dσ To understand the angular dependence of the diffusion and thus obtain dΩ we consider again what we obtained in the first lecture for the energy radiated in the solid angle dΩ: dE c |p̈|2 sin2 θ 2 dΩ = · r dΩ, dt 4π c4 r2 where θ is the angle between the electron acceleration (see Figure 6.1). For a non polarised radiation field, S¯x = S¯y and 68 (6.8) 2 dEx c e4 E0x cos2 α dΩ = dΩ dt 4π 2m2 c4 2 c e4 E0y dEy dΩ = dΩ dt 4π 2m2 c4 dE e4 2 dΩ = (E 2 + E0x cos2 α)dΩ dt 8πm2 c3 0y S̄x,y = 2 c Ex,y 4π 2 dE e4 dΩ = 2 4 (S̄y + S̄x cos2 α)dΩ, dt mc (6.9) (6.10) (6.11) (6.12) (6.13) which gives for a non polarised radiation field: e4 S dE dΩ = 2 4 · (1 + cos2 α)dΩ. dt mc 2 (6.14) Finally dσT dΩ 6.2 dE/dt emitted energy in α = S energy flux 4 1 e = (1 + cos2 α) 2 4 2m c = (6.15) (6.16) Compton scattering In the preceeding subsection we have considered the case in which the incoming photon energy hν1 (note how we move from a wave description of the radiation to a particle description) is much less than the electron rest energy me c2 = 511 keV. The frequency of the outgoing radiation is the same as that of the incoming radiation, the photon energy is therefore also the same and the diffusion is elastic, hν2 = hν1 . We relax here the hypothesis on the energy of the incoming photon energy and consider the diffusion of X-ray photons (of energies up to few 100s keV). This is the so called Compton scattering. We first consider the energy momentum conservation for the four-vectors P~ . The subscript "i" will in the following indicate the incoming particles and "f" the outgoing particles (electron e and photon γ ), will indicate photon energies while E’s will indicate electron energies. We consider the scattering in the frame in which the electron is initially at rest (P~ie = (mc, 0)). ¯ The direction 4-vectors of the photons are introduced as: f i P~iγ = (1, ni ), P~f γ = (1, nf ). c c ¯ ¯ 69 (6.17) Pγf Pγi θ e- Pef Figure 6.2: Geometry for the scattering of a photon by an electron initially at rest. where ni,f are unit vectors. ¯ The energy-momentum conservation is P~iγ + P~ie = P~f γ + P~f e (6.18) or P~f e = P~iγ + P~ie − P~f γ . This can be squared and transformed into an expression that gives the outgoing photon energy (see Figure 6.2 for the definition of the angles): |P~f e |2 = (P~iγ + P~ie − P~f γ )2 = P~iγ2 + P~ie2 + P~f2γ + 2P~ie P~iγ − 2P~f γ P~ iγ − 2P~f γ P~ie (6.19) m2e c2 = m2e c2 + 2P~ie P~iγ − 2P~f γ P~iγ − 2P~f γ P~ie (6.21) 0 = me c f i i f − 2 (1 − cos θ) − me c c c c f = 1+ i i (1 me c2 − cos θ) . (6.20) (6.22) (6.23) This expression gives the change of energy of the photons in the frame in which the electron is initially at rest. Clearly, when the incoming photon energy i << me c2 , we recover the elastic scattering described as Thomson scattering. Note that when the photon energy becomes large compared with the electron rest mass the cross section is modified. The resulting cross section is called Klein Nishina cross section which is given by dσ r2 = 0 dΩ 2 f i i f 2 + − sin θ . f i 70 (6.24) Molecular cloud X-ray source Flux γi θ = 180o γf 511 170 Energy [keV] Figure 6.3: Left: X-ray photons backscattered by a cloud of cold electrons. Right: Spectrum of a monochromatic e+ -e− annihilation line and its reflection for the geometry shown in the left panel. One illustration of this is given by the case in which a monochromatic energy source, say emitting at 511 keV, the energy of the rest mass of the electrons, is situated in front of a cloud of cold electrons, e.g. a molecular cloud (remember that for photon energies of many keV the electron binding energy can be neglected and the electrons considered free). In this case, eq. 6.23 implies that a line will also be observed at 170 keV, as the photons are backscattered and θ = π (see Figure 6.3). Whereas this has not been observed to date, one case of Compton reflection has been suggested to take place within our Galaxy. Revnivtsev et al. (2004, A&A 425, L49) have suggested that the high energy radiation observed with INTEGRAL from a molecular cloud (SgrB2) at some 100 pc from the centre of the Galaxy reflects light that the latter source has emitted some 300 years ago and conclude that the centre of the Galaxy was then some 104 times brighter than it is now (see figure 6.4). We now consider the scattering in a frame in which the electron is not at rest initially but moves with a relativistic speed and has an energy γ me c2 . The reasoning we have made remains true in the electron rest frame, we must therefore transform the incoming photon energy as measured in the observer frame to that of the electron. This is done by considering the Doppler factor γ(1 − β cos θ). We then apply eq. 6.23. This means primarily that the photon direction is very significantly altered. The outgoing photon energy must then be transferred back in the observer frame (β changes sign). This is described by: f = 0f γ(1 + β cos θ) 0i γ(1 + β cos θ) = 1 + meic2 (1 − cos θ) = i γ(1 − β cos θ) γ(1 + β cos θ) 1 + meic2 (1 − cos θ) ≈ γ 2 i , (6.25) (6.26) (6.27) (6.28) 71 where we see that in essence the photon energy was increased by a factor γ 2 . In essence each factor γ comes from one of the reference frame changes. This factor implies that when the electrons are relativistic, the photons can gain a very large energy in the scattering. In this case the process is commonly called "inverse Compton". It explains why X-ray photons are often created by scattering of soft photons Figure 6.4: 3.5◦ × 2.5◦ hard X-ray (18-60 keV) image of the Galactic Centre region obtained with INTEGRAL/IBIS, with overplotted contours of brightness distribution in the 6.4 keV line as measured by ASCA/GIS. Largest molecular clouds (among them, SgrB2) are indicated and the position of the Galactic Centre Sgr A? source is marked with a cross. Spectrum in the lower panel. This spectrum is typical of a reflexion component (Revnivtsev et al. 2004, A&A 425, L49). 72 on hot or relativistic electrons. 6.3 Power emitted by a single electron Let us now calculate how much energy is radiated by a single electron in the Compton process. In order to do this we first consider the density of the photons per unit volume and energy: V d = n d3 p, (6.29) where n is the photon density in the phase space. n is an invariant under the Lorentz tranformation, as it is a number per element d3 xd3 p which is invariant. It follows that V d0 d = V0 0 (6.30) is a Lorentz invariant. Remembering that the cross section of any interaction is the ratio of the energy loss to the incoming energy flux and that the incoming energy flux can be written as c0i Vi0 d0 in the electron rest frame, the emitted energy is dEe0 = cσT dt0 Z 0 0iγ Viγ d0 (6.31) With eq.6.30 and knowing that θ0 is the angle between the vectors x and p0f , we can express the energy loss of the electrons in the observer rest frame: 0 Viγ d0 0 iγ Z V = cσT 02 d iγ dEe0 dEe = 0 = cσT dt dt dEe = cσT γ 2 dt Z Z 02 iγ (1 − β cos θ)2 V d. (6.32) (6.33) (6.34) For an isotropic distribution of velocities, one has 1 h(1 − β cos θ)2 i = 1 + β 2 3 (6.35) 1 2 dEe 2 = cσT γ 1 + β uγ , dt 3 (6.36) and therefore 73 R where uγ = Vd is the energy density of the incoming photon gas. Eq. 6.36 gives the energy loss of the electron. In the energy budget for the photon gas, one must also consider that lost by the incoming photon gas in the scattering: dEγ = −cσT dt Z V d = −cσT uγ . (6.37) The energy budget for the radiation field is thus dEe dEγ dErad = + dt dt dt 1 2 2 = cσT uγ γ 1 + β − 1 3 (6.38) (6.39) Using the identity γ 2 − 1 = γ 2 β 2 , one finally obtains PCompton = dErad 4 = σT cγ 2 β 2 uγ . dt 3 (6.40) This results looks very similar to that obtained when describing the energy loss of relativistic electrons in synchrotron emission (see eq. 5.27): 4 Psync = σT cγ 2 β 2 uB . 3 (6.41) The ratio of the synchrotron to the Compton powers is thus Psync PCompton = uB uγ (6.42) and is given by the ratio of the magnetic field energy density to that of the radiation field. This expression also shows the very similar nature of both processes, which both describe the interaction of the electron with the electromagnetic field, albeit in very different guises. 6.4 Power emitted by a distribution of electrons Eq. 6.40 gives the energy losses for a single electron. This expression can be generalised for a distribution of electrons by integrating over the distribution N (γ). For a power law distribution: Z P = PCompton (γ)N (γ) dγ (6.43) 3−p 3−p (γmax − γmin ) 4 = σT cuγ , 3 3−p (6.44) 74 and for a thermal distribution of non relativistic electrons (remember that Ecin = 3 kT = 12 mv 2 ): 2 2 hβ i = v2 c2 ≈ 3kT mc2 (6.45) and P = 4kT mc2 cσT ne uγ , [P ] = ergs · s−1 cm−3 . (6.46) The emission spectrum can also be calculated in this case. This is done e.g. in Rybicki and Lightman to which the reader is referred. For a power law distribution of electrons in which the electron distribution is proportional to γe−p , the emission p−1 spectrum is proportional to ν − 2 . This result is again identical to that obtained when discussing the synchrotron radiation. 6.5 6.5.1 Energy gains per scattering Non relativistic electrons The energy budget of the radiation was found in eq. 6.40 to be 4 PCompton ≈ σT cβ 2 uγ 3 (6.47) (γ ≈ 1 for non relativistic electrons). The rate of scattering per electron is ND = σT nγ c, where nγ = uγ . hν (6.48) Therefore ND = σT c uγ . hν (6.49) The average energy gain per scattering is therefore PCompton 4 = β 2 hν ND 3 (6.50) ∆ 4 = β 2 , with = hν. 3 (6.51) ∆ ≈ For a thermal distribution of electrons of temperature Te , we have 75 3 3kTe 1 me hv 2 i = kTe ⇒ hβ 2 i = 2 2 m e c2 and we can therefore express ∆ with the temperature of the electron gas: ∆ 4 4kTe = hβ 2 i = 3 m e c2 6.5.2 (6.52) (6.53) Relativistic electrons In the case of a relativistic electron population characterised by a (single) energy γme c2 , we have 4 PCompton ≈ σT cγ 2 uγ 3 (β ≈ 1). (6.54) The rate of scattering is given as above and therefore 4 ∆ = γ 2 , with = hν. 3 (6.55) For a thermal (but relativistic) electron population we have hγ 2 i = hE 2 i (mc2 )2 (6.56) and E E 2 · E 2 exp − kT dE R E E 2 exp − kT dE (6.57) Γ(5)(kTe )5 = 12(kTe )2 hE i = 3 Γ(3)(kTe ) (6.58) R 2 hE i = which is given by the Γ function: 2 and thus finally the relative energy gain per scattering is ∆ = 16 6.6 kTe mc2 2 . (6.59) Multiple scattering in an optically thin limit It is interesting to consider the slope of the emitted Compton radiation when considering the multiple scattering that the photons undergo in an electron gas of well 76 defined energy that is optically thin. In this case we assume that the resulting spectrum will be a power law of slope −α: Iν ∝ ν −α . (6.60) At each scattering the photon energy is multiplied by a factor A which is a function of the electron energy discussed in section 6.5. After K scattering the photon energy has become K = i AK . (6.61) The intensity at k is given by the intensity at and the probability to have K scattering, which in an optically thin situation is given by τ K , where τ is the optical depth of the medium. We therefore have I(K ) = I(i ) K i −α = τ K I(i ). (6.62) Using eq. 6.61 one obtains I(i )(AK )−α = τ K I(i ) ⇒ AK·(−α) = τ K ⇒ −α ln A = ln τ and then the following expression for the slope α: α=− ln τ ln A (6.63) which is given by the optical depth of the electron gas and the energy gain factor A which depends on the energy of the electrons. 6.6.1 example: X-ray emission of AGN Consider a situation in which we measure the seed and the Comptonised photon fluxes Cs and Ch . The optical depth is proportional to this ratio: Cs . Ch (6.64) Cs Cs )/ln(A) = −ln(Const)/ln(A) − ln( ) · ln(A). Ch Ch (6.65) τ = Const · Inserting this inEq.6.63, one obtains α = −ln(Const · A linear relationship between the slope of the X-ray spectrum and the ratio of the count rates, both measurable quantities. The slope of this linear relation is 77 Figure 6.5: The X-ray slope α vs the log of the ratio of the UV (soft photon) count rate and the X-ray (Comptonised) count rate for the quasar 3C 273. The slope of theis relation indicates gives "A", the energy gain per scattering and indicates an electron temperature of the order of 1 MeV (Walter and Courvoisier 1992, A&A 258, 255). 1 dα =− . Cs ln(A) dln( Ch ) (6.66) This relation can then be used to estimate the temperature of the Comptonising medium, provided that indeed this process is at the origin of the X-ray emission. This was done for few AGN, including 3C 273 for which the results are given in Fig. 6.5. 78 Chapter 7 Comptonisation We consider here the Compton process in a medium and will see how we can describe statistically the changes in the photon distribution and apply the results to some astrophysically relevant cases. 7.1 Compton Temperature We first ask for which electron gas temperature there will be no net energy transfer between the electron and the photon gas. We do this in a non relativistic case. The resulting temperature is that of equilibrium between both distributions. We have calculated in the last section the energy of the photon after the scattering from its initial energy and the deflection angle: f = 1+ i i (1 me c2 − cos θ) . (7.1) From this we calculate the relative change of energy (energy loss, watch the sign) for the scattering to be i hν i − f = (1 − cos θ) = , 2 f me c me c2 (7.2) where we have used in the last equation the photon frequency to express the initial photon energy. In the non relativistic limit, we have calculated also in the last section the average energy gain per diffusion: ∆ 4kTe . = m e c2 (7.3) There will therefore be no net energy transfer when the average change (loss equals gains) of energy over the incoming photon distribution for: 79 R hν 3 4kTc 2 n(p) d p Rme c ¯ = , 3 me c2 n(p) d p ¯ (7.4) which means that 1 kTc = hhνi. 4 (7.5) Taking an incoming photon power law of slope α = 1.7 fν ∼ ν −α α−1 hνi = 2−α between 1 and 100 keV νmin νmax α−1 νmax ⇒ Tc ≈ 1 · 108 K. (7.6) (7.7) The reader may make the same reasoning for a relativistic electron temperature. Note that a null average energy exchange does not mean that the spectrum will be unchanged. 7.2 The y parameter The equilibrium temperature calculated in the previous subsection implies that there is no net energy change between the two gases, it does not mean that the distributions are not modified. In order to assess whether a photon distribution is significantly modified by the Compton process in a given electron gas, one introduces the so-called y parameter which is defined as y = fractional energy change × number of scatterings. The fractional energy change is the "A" calculated in the previous section, while the number of scatterings for the photons in the electron gas is given by max(τ, τ 2 ). The last point can easily be understood because for small optical depths τ , the number of scatterings is Nscatt ' 1 − exp(−τ ) ' τ while for optically thick media, the photons 2 undergo a random walk for which Nscatt ' L`2 ' τ 2 , where L and ` are the size of the region and the mean free path respectively. For y 1: the incident spectrum will be significantly modified, for y 1: the incident spectrum will not be markedly modified. 7.3 The Kompaneets Equation The description of the spectral modifications is made through an equation called the Kompaneets equation. This is derived from the general problem of the modification 80 of a distribution through collisions that is given by the Boltzmann equation. For a photon distribution n(E): ∂n(E) = diffusion into dE − diffusion out of dE. ∂t (7.8) This equation has the form Z ∂n(E) =c ∂t 3 Z dp dσ dΩ [f (p1 )n(E1 )(1 + n(E)) − fe (p)n(E)(1 + n(E1 ))] (7.9) dΩ when one considers photons of energy E and electrons of momentum p scattering into E1 and p1 . Energy and momentum conservations do have to be satisfied... For non relativistic electrons the energy gain per scattering A is small and the Boltzmann equation reduces to the Fokker-Planck equation. Introducing ∆ := E1 − E kT (7.10) and expanding eq. 7.9 for small ∆ one has n(E1 ) = n(E) + (E − E1 ) ∂n + ··· ∂E ∂f + ··· f (p1 ) = f (p) + (p − p1 ) ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ∂p ¯ (7.11) (7.12) and therefore 1 ∂n = [n0 + n(1 + n)] c ∂t Z where n0 = distribution E , kTe ∂n , ∂x x = 3 Z dp Z Z dσ 1 00 1 dσ 0 3 dΩf ∆+ n + n (1 + n) + n(1 + n) dp dΩf ∆2 , dΩ 2 2 dΩ (7.13) and where we have specialised for a thermal electron f (Ee ) = Ee ne e− kT 3/2 (2πmkT ) (7.14) for which f 0 = − kT1 e f . The two terms on the right hand side can be estimated (see e.g. Rybicki and Lightman) to finally obtain the Kompaneets equation: 1 ∂n = ne σT c ∂t kT mc2 1 ∂ 4 0 2 x (n + n + n ) . x2 ∂x 81 (7.15) Figure 7.1: Strong Comptonization of a bremsstrahlung spectrum in an optically thick, non-relativistic medium. The bremsstrahlung spectrum dominates at low frequency and shows a characteristic self-absorption region and a flat region. At higher frequency, photons have been multiply scattered via the Compton process so hν ) (www.astro.utu.fi/ cflynn/). that a Wien spectrum forms, I ∝ ν 3 exp(− kT 7.4 Solutions 7.4.1 Equilibrium solution One may note that for E kTe , the term in n2 may be neglected compared to the first order term. In this case one has an equilibrium solution that is given by n ≈ e−x , (7.16) n0 ≈ −n, (7.17) ∂n ∼ 0. ∂t (7.18) for which and therefore 7.4.2 y1 At high energies, the solution for the photon phase space density is given by eq. 7.18. The intensity I ∝ ν 3 exp(−x), the phase volume times the density. The high energy spectrum will therefore have the shape given in the fig.7.1. The maximum of the intensity is found through 82 hν hν h d 3 − hν ν e kT = 3ν 2 e− kT − ν 3 e− kT dν kT (7.19) dh i ··· = 0 ⇒ hνmax = 3kT. dν ν=νmax (7.20) and In the figure 7.1, the low energy photon spectrum is given by the source photon spectrum (a bremsstrahlung spectrum in this case). The region of the maximum is called the Wien peak. 7.4.3 Intermediary case, y ' 1 In this regime, the importance of the Wien peak decreases compared to above. Numerical solutions show (fig. 7.2) that the importance of the peak increases with increasing optical depth τ and hence with y. The figure is given for a power law input photon distribution surrounded by a spherical 25 keV electron distribution. 7.4.4 Low optical depth In this case the Wien peak is not seen, the spectrum curves down above ' kTe . This is illustrated in fig. 7.3 in which the data points are from INTEGRAL and RXTE satellites and the model, given by the full line, is a numerical representation of the Comptonised spectrum with parameters kT ∼ 74 keV and τ ∼ 0.9. 7.5 The Sunyaev Zeldovich effect Consider what happens when a cluster of galaxies lies along the path of the 3K microwave background photons. The clusters of galaxies are, we have seen it, filled with a hot (several keV) electron gas. The background photons scatter on the hot electrons of the cluster through the Compton process, their spectrum is therefore slightly modified. This is called the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect. hν 2 ' 103K In this case x = kT 7 K 1, not only the n term can be neglected, the n term e is also smaller than the n0 term : n 1 (ex − 1)2 x ∝ ' 'x1 0 x x n e −1 e 1+x (7.21) The Kompaneets equation eq. 7.15 thus reduces to ∂n 1 ∂ ∂n = 2 x4 , ∂y x ∂x ∂x 83 with x = hν , kTe (7.22) Figure 7.2: The Comptonization of low frequency photons in a spherical plasma with kTe = 25 keV. The solid curves are analytic solutions of the Kompaneets equation; the histograms are the results of Monte Carlo simulations of the Compton scattering process. These computations illustrate the development of the Wien peak at energy hν ' kTe (Pozdniakov, Sobol and Sunyaev 1983, ASPRv 2, 189). 84 102 SPIROS counts s−1 normalized counts cm−2 s−1 keV−1 10 2 Rev. 11 Rev. 25 2002−11−16 2002−12−29 10 1 10 0 10−1 10−2 keV cm−2 s−1 keV−1 10−3 10 0 10−1 10−2 SPI 10−3 χ PCA SPI HEXTE PCA ISGRI HEXTE ISGRI 4 2 0 −2 −4 10 Energy [keV] 100 10 Energy [keV] 100 Figure 7.3: Combined INTEGRAL-RXTE spectra of the Galactic source Cygnus X-1 (Pottschmidt et al. 2004, Proc. 5th INTEGRAL Workshop ESA SP-552). The counts spectra (upper panels) as well as the unfolded spectra (middle panels) for two different data sets of observations (INTEGRAL revolutions 11 and 25) are shown together with their best fit, a thermal Comptonization model. For rev. 11 they +0.05 found a temperature of 82+16 −5 keV, and an optical depth of 0.71−0.07 and for rev. 25 +8 +0.08 kT = 65−5 keV and τ = 1.01−0.12 . The residuals are also displayed (lower panels). 85 where y= kT τT me c2 (7.23) (beware of a factor 4!!) In this case the optical depth is small, we can therefore assume that the deviations from the Planck function n = ex1−1 will be small and solve for the deviation by introducing the Planck function in the right hand side of eq. 7.22: ∂n ∂n 1 ∂ = 2 x4 ∂y x ∂x ∂x ex 1 ∂ 4 = 2 −x x x ∂x (e − 1)2 1 ex [−4x3 (ex − 1) + x4 (ex + 1)] = 2 x (ex − 1)3 x(ex + 1) xex −4 = (ex − 1)2 (ex − 1) (7.24) (7.25) (7.26) (7.27) In this case y is small and we may write: ∂n ∆n ∆n ' = . ∂y ∆y y (7.28) Here y corresponds to the hot gas cloud crossed by the photons and ∆n is the modification of the incident photon distribution as the gas crosses the cluster. We may then write eq. 7.27 as ∆n xex =y x n e −1 x(ex + 1) −4 , (ex − 1) (7.29) which in the limit of small x can be expanded to ∆n xex (x(ex + 1) − 4(ex − 1)) = x 2 yn (e − 1) 2 x(1 + x + x2 ) x2 x2 = x 2+x+ −4 x+ 2 2 2 (x + x2 )2 and 86 (7.30) (7.31) ∆n y(x + x2 )(−2x − x2 ) = n x2 2 2x ≈ y·− 2 x ∆I = −2y = I (7.32) (7.33) (7.34) where the last equality comes from I ∝ n and the proportionality is given by the phase space volume which is not modified, as the photon energies are only slightly changed. Take for example the Coma cluster (e.g. Birkinshaw 1990): kTe = 7.9 keV (from X-ray observations), the size R = 500 kpc and the electron density ne = 3 · 103 cm−3 . It follows that y= kT kT τT = ne σT R = 4.8 · 10−5 . 2 2 me c me c (7.35) In the low frequency part of the black body spectrum, the Rayleigh-Jeans part: Iν ∼ ν 2 kT (7.36) ∆Iν (7.34) ∆T ∆Iν ⇒ ∆T = = T == −2.8 · 10−4 K. Iν T Iν (7.37) and then This effect is observable. It must be noted that the temperature change is negative. This is not due to a mistake in the signs. Rather it is due to the fact that the whole distribution is somewhat shifted to the higher energies. In the Rayleigh-Jeans part of the spectrum, this therefore corresponds to a shift towards lower fluxes at a given frequency and therefore to a lower temperature (see fig. 7.4). Figures 7.5 show the Sunyaev Zeldovich effect for a sample of clusters at different redshifts. It is interesting to consider a naive approach to the Sunyaev Zeldovich effect in which one considers that in average each incoming photon is displaced to higher energies by a factor τ × ∆E/E. This is suggested as an exercise. The Sunyaev Zeldovich effect is important in cosmology, as it allows a measure of distances that is completely independent of the classical distance scale based on the properties of stars. Consider a cluster (i.e. a hot electron gas for our purpose). The X-ray luminosity, assuming an isothermal sphere was calculated in chapter Bremsstrahlung and found to be 4 LX = πR3 · 1.4 · 10−27 T 1/2 n2 ḡ. 3 87 (7.38) We therefore have a system of equations for the size of the sphere R, its distance D, the electron density ne : LX = an2e R3 , y = bne R, R = D sin θ ⇒ LX a 4πD2 fX a = R, = D sin θ y2 b2 y2 b2 in which we have as observables, the X-ray flux, the angular diameter, and the temperature (given by the shape of the X-ray spectrum), hence the parameter y. This system can thus be solved for the distance: ⇒D= a y2 sin θ b2 4πfX (7.39) The distances thus obtained can be used to compute the Hubble constant as shown in fig. 7.6. In practice the measurement of the distances through the Sunyaev Zeldovich effect is rather complex. The clusters are not isothermal, nor are they perfect spheres and the density is not constant within the cluster. Nonetheless, it is very impressive to note that the value of the Hubble constant obtained in this way, while not necessarily better constrained than that obtained through other methods, gives the same value. This is a very strong point towards the coherence of the cosmological description that we have developed over the last decades. Figure 7.4: Compton scattering of a Planck distribution by hot electrons in the case y = 0.15. The intensity decreases in the Rayleigh-jeans region of the spectrum and increases in the Wien region (Sunyaev & Zeldovich 1980, ARA&A 18, 537). 88 Figure 7.5: Maps of the sky around six galaxy clusters (Carlstrom et al. 2002, ARA&A 40, 643). The contours are 28.5 GHz radio data obtained using the BIMA interferometer. They represent levels of constant negative intensity where there is a deficit of cosmic microwave background photons caused by the Sunyaev Zeldovich effect. The colored areas are X-ray emission from hot gas imaged by the ROSAT PSPC instrument. The radio hole is deepest where the emission from the hot gas is most intense. 89 Figure 7.6: Points are distances determined with the Sunyaev Zeldovich effect as a function of redshift for a sample of galaxy clusters (Reese et al. 2002, ApJ 581, 53). Also plotted are the theoretical angular diameter distance relations assuming the Hubble constant H0 = 60 kms−1 Mpc−1 for three different cosmological models: the currently favored Λ cosmology ΩM = 0.3, ΩΛ = 0.7 (solid line); an open ΩM = 0.3 (dashed line) universe; and a flat ΩM = 1.0 (dotted line) cosmology. 90 Chapter 8 Pair processes A further form of interaction of photons with electrons is the creation and annihilation of electron-positron pairs. 8.1 Pair creation We first show that it is not possible to create an electron positron pair out of a single photon in vacuum. Let Eγ be the photon energy and Ep the pair energy: Eγ = hν, Ep = 2γme c2 , Pγ = hν , Pp = 2γme vx , c (8.1) vx is the component of the velocity parallel to that of the incoming photon. The conservation of the energy requires that hν = 2γme c2 while that of the momentum requires hν = 2γme vx . Since vx 6= c both equations cannot be fulfilled c simultaneously. Pair creation from a single photon can only happen in the presence of matter (nuclei) that can pick some momentum. We next calculate the limiting energies of two photons ( of energies 1 and 2 ) to create a pair of particles-antiparticles (also denoted 1,2). Let 2 P~γ2 = , p2 . c ¯ 1 , p1 , P~γ1 = c ¯ (8.2) At the threshold, the particles are created with 0 momentum: P~p1 = (mc, 0), ¯ P~p2 = (mc, 0). ¯ (8.3) The conservation of energy momentum is written P~γ1 + P~γ2 = P~p1 + P~p2 which we square and solve 91 (8.4) 2P~γ1 P~γ2 = 4m2 c2 1 2 − p p = 4m2 c2 1 2 c2 ¯ ¯ 1 2 ⇒ 2 (1 − cos θ) = 2m2 c2 c ⇒2 (8.5) (8.6) (8.7) or 2 = 2m2 c4 , 1 (1 − cos θ) (8.8) where the angle is that between the 2 incoming photons. The cross section for this process is close to the Thomson cross section, as we are dealing with the interaction of photons with electrons. The cross section can be √ expressed as a function of ω = 1 2 and is found to be (see e.g. Lang astrophysical formulae) πre2 1+β 2 2 4 σ(ω) = (1 − β ) 2β(β − 2) + (3 − β ) ln . 2 1−β (8.9) In the regime ω ' me c2 , this reduces to σ= πre2 1/2 m2 c4 ≈ 0.2σT . 1− 2 ω (8.10) Thus from eq. 8.8 one can see that photons of energy 2 > 4 × 1014 eV interact with microwave backround photons for which 1 ' 6 × 10−4 eV to create pairs of electron positron. Note that lower energy photons will be able to interact with other sources of low energy photons like the stellar infrared background for example. One can use the cross section for this process and the density of low energy photons (400 cm−3 for the microwave background) to calculate the distance ` at which the optical depth τ equals 1, i.e. the distance at which the universe is opaque to the high energy photons. τ = nγ σ`, (8.11) and therefore ⇒ `τ ∼1 = 1 ≈ 2 · 1022 cm. nγ σ (8.12) We give in fig. 8.1 the distance at wich a photon of a given energy travels to reach an optical depth of one, given densities of the low energy background photons (stellar and microwave). 92 Figure 8.1: Interaction length of γ-rays on the various background radiation fields (Wdowczyk et. 1972, J. Phys. A5, 1419). Unless otherwise stated the process concerned is electron pair production. BB denotes the 2.7 K black body radiation (∼ 400 photons cm−3 ). Several important distances are indicated on the right-hand side; VIRGO denotes the distance to the important cluster of galaxies at the centre of our supercluster. Pair creation processes are also important where the density of ω ' 1 photons is large. In this case the photons can interact within the region to create pairs, which can considerably modify the emergent spectrum. Consider an optical depth of one for the pair creation: τγγ→e+ e− ∼ 1 ∼ nγ (ω ∼ 1)σT R. (8.13) The photon density may be calculated from the source luminosity and size R: nγ (ω ∼ 1) = 1 L . 2 4πR c me c2 (8.14) and τγγ→e+ e− ∼ 1 ∼ L σT 4πme c3 R (8.15) The process is therefore important in the hard X-ray domain whenever the luminosity of a source is high and the size small. The latter is often measured from the variability of the source. One uses often a unitless number, the compactness l to characterise the ratio of 93 L : R l := L σT , R me c3 (8.16) Pair processes are therefore important for l >∼ 4π ∼ 10, because then τγγ→e+ e− >∼ 1. (8.17) This process is of particular importance when discussing jets in active galactic nuclei or in gamma ray bursts. 8.2 Pair annihilation Clearly, the process inverse to pair creation, pair annihilation, is also possible. The cross section is essentially given by the Thomson cros section (see the specialised literature). For an electron at rest and a positron of energy γme c2 one has: σe+ e− −−>2γ = πre2 · [ln(2γ) − 1]. γ (8.18) When the electrons and positrons are cold (slow), they can recombine in "positronium", essentially a Hydrogen atom in which the proton is replaced by a positron. 25% of the positronium is in the form of a singlet 1 S0 , while 75% is in a triplet 3 S0 . The wave functions of the positron and the electron overlap, which leads to unstable configurations. The lifetime of singlet state is of 1.2510−10 s and the decomposition results in 2 photons of 511 keV each. The lifetime of the triplet state is 1.510−7 s. It decays in 3 photons forming a continuum. This has been known to occur in the central regions of the Galaxy and has now been mapped by INTEGRAL as shown in Fig.8.2. The spectrum includes the line from the singlet state and the continuum from the triplet state. The intensity indicates that there are some 1043 annihilations per second and the line profile indicates that the positronium is at a temperature of about 7000K. While the origin of the electrons is not difficult to understand the presence of positrons cool enough to form positronium is much more difficult to understand and the subject of numerous discussions. Possible positro sources include nucleosynthesis and decay of dark matter particles. 94 Figure 8.2: The electron positron annihilation line at the centre of the Galaxy observed by the spectrometer SPI (Knoedelseder et al., Churasov et al. 05). 95 Chapter 9 Spherically symmetric accretion (following Frank, King and Reine, accretion power in astrophysics) Accretion is central to he study of compact object. Indeed the binding energy of a Particle at the surface of an object is GM m r (9.1) which leads to a fraction GM of the rest mass of the object. For a a solar mass object rc2 with a radius of 10ḱm, typical of a neutron star, this amounts to some 13%. This is to be compared with the nuclear energy that can be gained from the fusion of H,which is about 0.007mc2 . I.e. the fraction of the rest mass is 0.007, a factor 20 less than the gravitational binding energy. Another way of expresing the same notion is to say that a proton or a neutron is bound 20 times more strongly by gravitation at the surface of a neutron star than this particle is bound to other nucleons in a nucleus. We will see further in these lectures how this analysis is to be transposed in the case in which the compact object is a black hole (which is known not to have a solid surface). We first consider the (somewhat academic) case in which a compact object of mass M is at rest in a gas (interstellar medium) characterised by a density ρ∞ and T∞ . In this case we only have a (negative) radial velocity v to consider. The spherically symmetric continuity (mass conservation) equation is 1 d 2 (r ρv) = 0, r2 dr (9.2) which leads to r2 ρv = const. This constant is essentially the mass accretion rate: Ṁ = −4πρv. (9.3) This shows incidentally that the mass accretion rate is independent of the radius. The Euler equation (conservation of momentum) in a spherically symmetric steady 96 (partial time derivatives vanish, no explicit time dependence) where the external force is the gravitation becomes: v GM dv 1 dP + + 2 = 0. dr ρ dr r (9.4) We still need the equation of state for a perfect gas: P = ρkT , µmH (9.5) where µ is the mean molecular weight, 1 for neutral hydrogen and 1/2 for fully ionised hydrogen, and the polytropic relation: P = Kργ , (9.6) where gamma is 5/3 for a non relativistic adiabatic gas. For an isothermal gas the equation of state 9.5 indicates that γ = 1. The aim is to find ρ(r), T (r), v(r) and P (r). We need to transform the Euler equation in a form that can be integrated. To do this we use the identity dP dp dρ = dr dρ dr (9.7) in Eq. 9.4 to obtain v dv 1 2 dρ GM + c + 2 = 0, dr ρ s dr r where we have used the fact that the sped of sound cs = equation 9.2 allows us to express (9.8) q dP . dρ The continuity ρ d 2 dρ =− 2 (r v), dr r v dr (9.9) 1 c2 d(v 2 ) GM 2c2 r (1 − s2 ) = − 2 (1 − s ). 2 v dr r GM (9.10) which we introduce to obtain Although this equation can still not be formally integrated, as cs depends also on the radius inan unknown way, it may be discussed and usefull insight gained. The following points can be made: • At large r, the right hand side is positive, as cs is finite and r may grow. 97 2 is negative, since the velocity increases as the • At large r the left hand side, dv dr radius decreases (accretion and not wind solution). The left hand side is only positive, therefore, if cs > v, i.e. if the flow is subsonic. • As the gas approaches the star the factor (1 − it starts negative). It reaches zero for r = rs = 2c2s r ) GM increases (remember that GM T (rs ) M ' 7.5 1013 ( 4 −1 cm, 2cs (rs ) 10 K) M (9.11) a size considerably larger tan the size of the compact object. • At small radii, the right hand side must be negative and therefore the left hand side must also be negative which requires that the flow is supersonic. 2 • At rs , the left hand side must also vanish, hence either dv = 0, meaning no dr 2 2 acceleration, or v = cs , the speed equals the speed of sound. With this a hand we can characterize the solutions through their behaviour at rs . There are 2 trans-sonic solutions (type 1 and 2 in figure ??), one accretion and one 2 = 0 at rs (type 3 wind solution. Thre are two more families of solutions with dv dr dv 2 and 4) and two more with dr = ∞ at rs (type 5 and 6). Only type 1 corresponds to an accretion. Type 5 and 6 don’t go from large radii to small ones, Type 2 and 4 are supersonic at large distances, contrary to our starting point (and unphysical as the velocities are small and the temperature (hence speed of sound) finite. Type 3 solutions are called stellar "breeze" and correspond to slowly settling atmospheres. Performing now the integration and looking at the mass accretion at r = rs , v = cs (i.e. everywhere), one finds Ṁ = 4πrs2 ρ(rs )cs (rs ) ' 1.4 1011 ( M 2 ρ(∞) cs (∞) −3 −1 ( ( gs . M 10−24 10kms−1 (9.12) Remembering that the luminosity is the rate of loss of binding energy: Lacc = GM Ṁ , Rstar (9.13) one may see that the luminosity associated with the spherical mass accretion rate calculated in eq. refeq:mrate is of the order of 1031 ergs s−1 , considerably less than the Eddington luminosity and to the observed luminosities of compact objects. 98 Figure 9.1: Different types of solution to the spherical accretion problem. The types are described in the text (from Frank, King and Raine). 99 Chapter 10 Accretion disks Accretion disks form when matter with angular momentum falls towards the centre of a deep gravitational potential well, i.e. onto a compact object or a black hole. In order to fall, the matter must shed some angular momentum along the way. The material follows nearly Keplerian orbits, so that the radial velocity is always very small compared to the azimuthal velocity. As the matter falls towards the centre of the disk, it loses more and more gravitational energy and gets, therefore hotter and hotter. In the central regions around a neutron star or a black hole of stellar masses, the temperatures reached are such that the material emits in the X-ray domain. When the central object is less compact, as is the case for white dwarfs, the disk is less hot and emits more in the UV domain. We will describe here only some elements of the theory of accretion disks. Accretion disks form when the infalling material has some angular momentum as is expected when the material comes from a binary companion. The sequence of figures show the equipotential curves in the equatorial plane of a binary system (Figure ??). When one of the objects is so extended that it reaches the inner Lagragian point L1, i.e. the point at which the attraction is the same towards both objects of the binary system, the matter can flow from one object to the other (Figure 10.1). The material then falls in the potential well of the other object (in our case the compact object) and organises itself in a disk at which the movement is at all radii nearly following Keplerian orbits (Figure 10.2). Let us consider a disk with cylindrical coordinates r, Φ and z. Let the disk be geometrically thin, so that zdisk << r and the mass can be described by its surface density Σ. Let further the angular velocity be Ω(r). The compact object has a mass M and radius Rstar . The Keplerian angular velocity is r ΩK = GMstar , r3 (10.1) and the azimuthal velocity is vΦ ' vΦ,K = rΩK (r). 100 (10.2) Figure 10.1: Flow of matter in a binary system in which the L1 point is at the surface of the normal star (from Frank, King and Raine). We write vr for the radial velocity. The energy loss, and hence the radiation from the disk, is calculated from the laws of conservation. 10.1 Conservation of Mass The conservation of mass in a ring is found as usual by counting the material which gets into the ring and that which gets out of it. ∂ (2πr∆rΣ(r)) = vr (r, t) · 2πrΣ(r, t) − vr (r + ∆r, t) · 2π(r + ∆r)Σ(r + ∆r, t). (10.3) ∂t For matter with negative radial velocities, i.e. falling towards the centre, the first term on the right hand side corresponds matter leaving the annulus of width ∆r at r, while the second term corresponds to matter entering the same annulus at r + ∆r. Noting that the right hand side is a partial derivative, one obtains: Figure 10.2: Schematic structure of matter spiraling in an accretion disk formed in a binary system (from Frank, King and Raine). 101 Figure 10.3: Schematics of particle transport across a boundary. The particles transport angular momentum as described in the text. r ∂Σ ∂ = − (rΣvr ), ∂t ∂r (10.4) where vr is the radial velocity of the material, assumed to be small compared with the Keplerian velocity. 10.2 Conservation of Angular Momentum Keplerian rotation implies a velocity profile that is not solid rotation, there exist therefore shear and transfer of angular momentum from annulus to annulus. It is this transport of angular momentum (towards the outside) that allows matter to fall in and hence to be accreted. We consider transport of angular momentum due to random motions of the material in the disk. One source of such motion is the thermal movement of the particles (we will see, however, that this is not sufficient to explain the observed properties of disks, it may nonetheless be useful to keep this as an image in the following). Consider random motions of velocity v̄ and of mean free path λ. λ is much smaller than the size of the disk. Figure 10.3 shows two annuli and particles "A" that move from the inside annulus towards the outside one and particles "B" that travel in the opposite direction. The azimuthal velocities at the different radii we consider are: vφ (R) = Ω(R) · R 102 (10.5) λ λ λ vφ (R − ) = Ω(R − )(R − ) 2 2 2 λ > vφ (R + ) 2 (10.6) (10.7) Particles "A" transport towards the outside ring a momentum mA vφ (R − λ2 ) larger than the momentum transported in the other direction by the particles "B" which is mB vφ (R + λ2 ) (see eq. 10.7). The net transfer of angular momentum L = mvφ R across R per unit time is given by ∆L λ λ λ λ = G(R) = ṀA (R + )vφ (R − ) − ṀB (R − )vφ (R + ) ∆t 2 2 2 2 λ λ λ λ λ = ṀA (R + )Ω(R − )(R − ) − ṀB (R − )Ω(R + )(R + 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 λ λ λ λ = ṀA (R2 − )Ω(R − ) − ṀB (R2 − )Ω(R + ) 4 2 4 2 λ λ ' ṀA R2 Ω(R − ) − ṀB R2 Ω(R + ) 2 2 (10.8) λ )(10.9) 2 (10.10) (10.11) Assuming that this process is random there is no net transport of matter : ṀA = ṀB = v̄Σ2πR (10.12) and we obtain G(R) = v̄Σ2πRλR2 dΩ . dR (10.13) We introduce the cinematic viscosity ν = λv̄ and write eq. 10.13 as G(R) = 2πRνΣR2 dΩ(R) dR (10.14) which gives us the transport of angular momentum across any R. Consider now an annulus ∆R. The amount of angular momentum it contains is 2πR∆R · Σ · R · v(R) = 2πR∆RΣR2 Ω(R) = L(R). (10.15) This angular momentum will be changed by the transport at both boundaries (R + ∆R and R − ∆R) as we have just calculated (see Figure 10.4) and by the transport linked with a general flow of matter. Thus we have dL d ∆R ∆R = (Ṁ R2 Ω)∆R + G(R + ) − G(R − ), dt 2 {z 2 } |dR {z } | dG ∆R dR d 2π∆R dR (RΣ(−vR )R2 Ω) 103 (10.16) ! ! ! ! ! ! Figure 10.4: Schematics of the conservation of angular momentum in an annulus. The angular momentum is transferred at both boundaries of the annulus as described in Figure 10.3. the first term being given by the net radial velocity which carries a flux of angular momentum L(R) = 2πR∆RΣR2 Ω(R). (10.17) The net variation of the angular momentum of the annulus is therefore d ∂ ∂G (2πRΣR2 Ω) = −2π (RΣvR R2 Ω) + , dt ∂R ∂R (10.18) or, re-organising: R d ∂ 1 ∂G (ΣR2 Ω) + (RΣvR R2 Ω) = . dt ∂R 2π ∂R 104 (10.19) 10.3 Static Disk We now consider a disk which properties do not depend explicitly on the time. This means that all temporal variations are small compared to R/vR . In this approxima∂ tion, ∂t = 0 and mass conservation 10.4 becomes RΣvR = const. (10.20) Ṁ = 2πRΣ(−vR ), (10.21) which we write thus introducing the mass accretion rate Ṁ (remember that vR is negative). The conservation of angular momentum (eq. 10.19) can also be trivially integrated to become RΣvR R2 Ω = c G + 2π 2π (10.22) in which we explicitly introduce G as we calculated it in eq. 10.14 to obtain ΣvR Ω = νΣ dΩ c + dR 2πR3 (10.23) or, re-arranging slightly: −νΣΩ0 = −ΣvR Ω + c . 2πR3 (10.24) For a central star in slow rotation (actually for any stable star), the rotation velocity of the star surface is less than the Keplerian rotation at the surface. On the other side, Ω increases as the distance to the star decreases (Ω0 < 0). There exists therefore a radius at which Ω ceases to increase towards decreasing distances and decreases again. I.e. there is a radius R? at which Ω0 = 0. We can use this radius to deduce the integration constant of eq. 10.24: c = (10.21) == 2πR?3 ΣvR Ω(R? ) (10.25) −R?2 Ṁ Ω(R? ) = −Ṁ (GM R? )1/2 . (10.26) Writing explicitly Ω0 = − 3√ GM R−5/2 2 in eq. 10.24 one finds 105 (10.27) Ṁ νΣ = 3π 1− R? R 1/2 ! . (10.28) We can use this result to calculate the rate of dissipation of energy in the disk due is a force, hence ∂G ∆R is an energy and ∂G ∆RΩ is a power. to the shears D(R): ∂G ∂r ∂r ∂r It corresponds to the change of L which changes in its magnitude and not in its direction. The rate of dissipation of energy is therefore: Ω ∂G ∂ ∂Ω ∆R = (ΩG)∆R − G ∆R. ∂R ∂R ∂R (10.29) The first term on the right hand side, when integrated gives a term at the inner and outer rims of the disk and the second one gives the local dissipation in any annulus. When expressed per unit area it becomes D(R) = G dΩ 1 (10.14) νΣ == (RΩ0 )2 . dR 4πR 2 (10.30) For a Keplerian disk and with eq. 10.28 this becomes " 1/2 # 3GM Ṁ R? D(R) = 1 − . 8πR3 R (10.31) Note that this is not explicitly depending on the viscosity ν. This means that we assume that there exists a viscosity such that, i.e. we assume that the micro-physics is such that, the matter in the disk can have a Keplerian velocity. This assumption is not trivial at all. The luminosity of the disk is the integral of eq. 10.31 over the whole surface. Note that in eq. 10.31 we have taken into account that the disk has 2 faces. Hence the factor 2 below: Z ∞ L = 2 D(R)2πR dR (10.32) R? = GM Ṁ . 2R? (10.33) This corresponds to half of the binding energy at the surface of a star of radius R? . This comes from the fact that the matter at the inner rim of the accretion disk has still the kinetic energy corresponding to the Keplerian velocity at this distance. When calculating the binding energy at the surface of a star one usually neglects the rotation there, hence the factor 2. When matter is accreted onto a slow rotating star, this means that there is a substancial amount of energy that is not dissipated in the disk, but in a boundary layer in which the kinetic energy of the matter on the last orbit in the disk is dissipated and radiated. 106 Figure 10.5: Emission spectrum of an accretion disk (from Frank, King and Raine). 10.4 Spectrum of the disk The emission spectrum can be calculated if we assume that the disk is optically thick and therefore that the dissipated energy at the radius r given by 10.31 is radiated like a black body. In this case: D(r) = σT 4 . (10.34) With 10.31 we can give the temperature profile of the disk: T (r) = [ Rstar 1/2 1/4 Rstar 3/4 3GM Ṁ (1 − ( ) )] ∝ Tstar · ( ) . 3 8πr σ r r (10.35) The last equation being valid at large r and Tstar = ( 3GM Ṁ 1/4 ) . 3 8πRstar σ (10.36) This temperature corresponds to that of the inner radius of the disk, that is the maximum temperature of the accretion flow in this geometry. For objects accreting at the Eddington luminosity (see below), i.e. for objects in which the luminosity is proportional to the mass and for which Ṁ is proportional to the mass, this results in a luminosity dependency of the maximum temperature with the power of -1/4. For white dwarfs, typical temperatures are of the order of few 104 K, while for neutron stars or black holes, the temperatures correspond to some 107 K. The first objects will therefore be observable in the UV, while the more compact objects will mainly radiate in the X-rays. 107 To calculate the spectrum one just has to integrate the black body emissivity Bν (T ) of the proper temperatures: Z Rout Sν ∝ Bν (T (r))2πrdr. (10.37) Rstar The resulting spectrum has the exponential tail of the highest temperature in the disk at high frequencies, the ν 2 dependency of the Rayleigh Jeans part of the lowest temperature and in between a ν 1/3 dependency. The shape is given in the Figure 10.5. 10.5 The Viscosity In eq. 10.14 we introduced the cinematic viscosity ν = λv̄ without specify on either what λ the mean free path or v̄ the random velocity of the particles making up the disk is. In molecular viscosity, λ = λD the deflection lenght and v̄ ' cs the speed of sound. We can then compare viscosity to inertial terms using Reynolds number: vφ2 /R inertial = . Re = viscosity λv̄vφ /R2 (10.38) This shows that molecular viscosity is very far from being sufficient to transport angular momentum outwards in the disk. Another form of viscosity is given by turbulent motions in the disk. The characteristic size of this motion is λ ' H the height of the disk and the turbulent velocity is a fraction of the speed of sound v̄ = αcs , α ≤ 1. This gives a viscosity: ν = αcs H. (10.39) Although this is not a real physical explanation for the disk velocity, it allows a parametrisation of the problem and puts the unknown physics in a single parameter. Assuming this parameter to be a constant in the disk all the equations for the disk structure can be expressed algebrically (see Frank, King and Raine). 10.6 Observational Evidence for Accretion Disks The test case for the study of the temperature dependence is given by systems in which the companion is a faint optical object, like in Low Mass X-Ray Binaries or in Cataclysmic Variables (see chapter 17). Some binary systems with a white dwarf are seen along the orbital plane. In such systems the companion star will occult parts of the disk at each revolution, thus allowing some level of probing the disk temperature structure. Figure 10.6 shows the schematic view of such an eclipse and 108 illustrates that the hot parts of the disk, small in extent, will produce deeper and shorter eclipses than the cooler outer parts. Figure 10.7 shows measurements of this effect on the Z Cha white dwarf binary system. Figure 10.6: (a) Eclipse geometry for a binary system with an accretion disk. Because of the very different surface brightness distributions at short and long wavelengths, the light curves predicted are very different: deep and narrow at short wavelength (b), shallow and broad at long wavelength (c) (from Frank, King and Raine). 109 Figure 10.7: The eclipse mapping technique used to find the surface brightness distribution of the accretion disk in the dwarf nova Z Cha. The observations were made in an outburst, so that the disc dominates the optical light. (a) Eclipse light curves (B, U, V from top). (b) Effective temperature distribution given by maximum-entropy deconvolution, compared with eq. 10.35 for various values of Ṁ (from Frank, King and Raine). 110 Chapter 11 Advection Dominated Accretion Flows After having studied the standard accretion disk model by Shakura & Sunyaev, one can ask the following question: are there any different solutions to the hydrodynamical equations of an accreting flow, that were derived in a previous lecture? The answer is yes. Several other solutions to these equations have been found, each describing a different accreting situation. In this lecture, we focus on a solution for low accretion rate flows, called optically thin ADAF (for Advection Dominated Accretion Flow). 11.1 Introduction The main idea of the Shakura & Sunyaev accretion disk is that the gravitational energy gained by the electrons and the ions during accretion is fully radiated. The luminosity is related to the accretion rate by the formula LEdd = η ṀEdd c2 , (11.1) where η ≈ 0.1 is the accretion efficiency. Thus, for a disk radiating at the Eddington luminosity 38 LEdd ≈ 1.3 · 10 M M h ergs i , s (11.2) the accretion rate is −8 ṀEdd ≈ 1.3 · 10 M M M . yr (11.3) where M/M is the total mass of the accreting object, in solar units. For a supermassive black hole of ∼ 109 M , e.g. in 3C 273, the deduced accretion 111 rate is of the order of 10 M /yr. This statement is based on the assumption that all the gravitational energy gained by viscosity is radiated; but is it always the case? To answer this question, we must have a look at the other solutions for the hydrodynamical equations. To the present day, four different sets of solutions to these equations have been found: 1. The standard accretion disk solution discussed in chapter 10. 2. The SLE (1978) solution (for Shapiro, Lightman and Eardley), which consists in a 2-temperature plasma accreting at the Eddington rate, but is gravitationally unstable. 3. The optically thick ADAF, accreting at a super-Eddington rate, but radiating less than expected, since most of the radiation is trapped inside the disk and carried toward the central body. 4. The optically thin ADAF, which also consists in a 2-temperature plasma with a sub-Eddington accretion rate. In the following, we will only consider optically thin ADAFs, and we will just refer to them as ADAFs. 11.2 The optically thin ADAF model The main idea of the ADAF model is to consider an accretion flow in which most of the gravitational energy gained by viscosity is stocked inside the ions as internal energy instead of being radiated and is advected toward the central object. If this object is a black hole, the energy is carried into the black hole and lost. Hence the luminosity of such a model is much lower than the corresponding luminosity of standard disk. In the accreting plasma, the temperature of the ions is much higher than the one of the electrons (approximatively 2 orders of magnitude), and as the system is optically thin, the plasma radiates with thermal and non-thermal processes (bremsstrahlung, synchrotron radiation, inverse Compton processes). In the following, we give a more detailed description of this model. We consider a plasma of density ρ(R), mean temperature T (R) and radial velocity v(R), accreting onto a central object. The number of particles passing through a surface dσ per unit time is given by ρv dσ (see fig. 11.1); consequently, the flux of particles is given by ρv. The first law of thermodynamics gives us the internal energy carried per ion, du = T ds, (11.4) s being the entropy of the ion. So the internal energy carried per ion and unit radius is given by ds duadv =T . (11.5) dR dR Thus, the total energy transfer per unit volume is given by 112 Figure 11.1: Flux of particles through a surface dσ Uadv = ρvT ds . dR (11.6) Using (11.6) we can now write the energy conservation equation as ρvT ds = Q+ − Q− , dR (11.7) where Q+ is the energy gained by the plasma due to viscosity (see the previous lecture for details), 1/2 3GM Ṁ R∗ + Q = D(R) = , (11.8) 1− 8πR3 R and Q− is the energy radiated by the plasma (thermal, synchrotron, bremsstrahlung, etc.). In the standard model, the energy gained by viscosity is fully radiated, so Q+ = Q− , and there is no gain of thermal energy; on the other hand, in the ADAF model, Q+ Q− , so Uadv cannot be neglected any more, and the mean temperature of the plasma increases. 11.3 Properties of ADAFs In this section we describe a few important properties of the ADAF model (geometry, density profile, etc.) without going into detail. For further details, see Narayan et al. 1998, astro-ph/9803141. • For a given viscosity coefficient α, there exists a critical accretion rate, Ṁcrit , such that if Ṁ > Ṁcrit , the system is well described by a standard accretion disk, and if Ṁ < Ṁcrit , the system is in ADAF regime. Figure 11.2 shows the 113 Figure 11.2: The log Ṁ − log L diagram according to numerical simulations of the hydrodynamical equations, with α = 0.3 (figure from Narayan et al. 1998). The vertical dotted line corresponds to Ṁcrit , and the dashed line shows the Eddington luminosity as a function of the accretion rate, L = η Ṁ c2 . results of numerical simulations of the hydrodynamical equations for a given α. The figure shows clearly a break in the log Ṁ − log L diagram around the critical accretion rate. Hence, if an astrophysical system accretes matter at a rate that is close to the critical accretion rate, a significant variability is expected, since in this region the slope of the log Ṁ − log L function is very high. This explanation has been used to describe the variability of several systems, e.g. the black hole candidate source Cyg X-1. • Unlike the standard solution, the geometrical form of an ADAF is not a disk, since in such a model the height of the plasma is proportional to the radius. Therefore, on the geometrical point of view an ADAF model is closer to a spherical accretion model. • The density profile deduced from the equations shows ρ ∼ R−3/2 • The ADAF model provides an interesting solution to the problem of weak accreting systems, but it is however unstable on long time scales. The thermal energy stocked in the ions can indeed increase to the threshold where the flow is reversible, producing huge jets. The model predicts that ejected particles would reach infinity with a positive energy, which is inconsistant. Work is still in progress to solve this problem. 114 Figure 11.3: Schematic spectrum of an ADAF (figure from Narayan et al. 1998). The three different lines in the optical-UV band show how the spectrum of inverse Compton processes depends on the accretion rate. The lower line corresponds to a very low Ṁ , the dashed line to an intermediate Ṁ and the dotted line to an accretion rate that is close to the critical value. 11.4 Spectrum of an ADAF To the present day, the spectrum of an ADAF has not been clearly determined, but we can give some qualitative ideas about how such a model would radiate. The schematic spectrum is shown in fig. 11.3. In the radio-IR band, the emission is due to synchrotron radiation from different parts of the plasma, since the velocities are higher closer to the central body (see fig. 11.3). In the optical-UV band, the plasma radiates mainly through inverse Compton processes, the soft synchrotron photons scattering off the hot electrons, and producing a harder radiation. This effect is highly dependant on the accretion rate, as shown in fig. 11.3, so the qualitative analysis is uncertain in this band. In the X-ray band, the emission is due to bremsstrahlung, and shows a cut-off in hard X-rays. The model predicts a γ-ray component coming from the decays of π 0 produced in proton-proton collisions, but to the present day there is no evidence for this kind of emission. Finally, thermal emission from the electrons and the ions needs to be added to all these processes, which makes the spectrum of an ADAF even harder to describe. Work is currently in progress in order to have a more precise description of the spectrum of an ADAF. 11.5 Application to astrophysical objects ADAFs have been used to describe several different kinds of astrophysical objects. In this section, we present briefly a few of these cases, and focus in the next section on the Sgr A* source. 115 • ADAFs have been widely used to describe the large variability of black hole candidates in X-ray binaries, e.g. for the Cyg X-1 source. If the orbit of the companion star around the black hole is very eccentric, then the distance from the star to the black hole changes, and one can expect some important changes in the accretion rate when the star enters the roche lobe of the black hole. As a consequence, if the system is in a quiet ADAF regime when the star is away from the black hole, it might reach the critical rate when the star comes close to the periastron, and therefore switch to the standard thin disk regime and radiate at the Eddington luminosity. So we can expect this kind of object to be highly variable, which is indeed the case. • The ADAF model might provide some elements of explanation for the difference between active and non-active galaxies, which is hard to understand since there is some evidence for the existence of supermassive black holes in non-active galaxies like M87, where the luminosity of the nucleus is several orders of magnitude lower than the Eddington luminosity. AGNs would then be described by the standard accretion disk model, while non-active galactic nuclei would be described by ADAF models. • In the next section, we focus on the description of the source Sgr A*, which is associated with the central object of our galaxy. 11.6 The galactic centre and the source Sgr A* Sgr A* is a powerful radio-submm source which is invisible in the optical-UV band, but has a counterpart in the X- and γ-ray bands. Fig. 11.4 shows 2 images of the galactic center, a VLT image in the K band (near-IR) and an INTEGRAL image in the 20-60 keV band. To determine the nature of Sgr A*, people have studied the motion of visible stars close to the source. Schoedel et al. 2003 report on 10 years (1992-2002) of NTT-VLT observations of a 7 solar mass star (refered to as S2) close to Sgr A*. Their results are shown in figure 11.5. The best fit to their data is a keplerian orbit around a point mass, with an orbital period PS2 = (15.2 ± 0.6) yr and a periastron speed of the order of 5’000 km/s. The derived point mass is of Mcentral = (3.7 ± 1.1) · 106 M . This amount of matter is concentrated inside a region of radius ' 0.8 light days (=172 A.U.). Simulations have shown that a cluster of stars in such a small radius would be unstable (see Schoedel et al. 2003 for further details). Hence, the central object can only be a black hole of a few million solar masses. The luminosity one can expect from matter accreting on the black hole at the Eddington rate is ergs ergs M 38 ' 1044 . (11.9) L = 1.3 · 10 M s s 116 Figure 11.4: The galactic centre. On the left, INTEGRAL ISGRI 20-60 keV image (1 over 2 degrees field). On the right, VLT NAOS image in the K band (λ = 2.18µm). Figure from Scheodel et al. 2003. Figure 11.5: On the left, the orbit of the S2 star around Sgr A* as determined by Schoedel et al. 2003. On the right, the orbital parameters of the best fit to the data. 117 However, the observed bolometric luminosity of Sgr A* is LSgr A∗ ' 1036 ergs , s (11.10) which is ∼ 8 orders of magnitude lower than the corresponding Eddington luminosity. To explain this difference, people have claimed that the ADAF model could be used, but further development is needed in order to have a better understanding of this field of interest. 118 Chapter 12 Particle acceleration We have seen in the discussion of the synchrotron radiation that there are high energy electrons in different environments in nature. One also knows since the beginning of the 20th century that there is a "penetrating" radiation that comes from outer space and is measurable on the ground. This latter knowledge stems from a long history of very ingenious experiments and deductions that started in 1900 (see e.g. the first chapter of M. Longair High Energy Astrophysics, CUP 1992). The main steps in this history are first the remark that an electroscope (the apparatus made of 2 thin sheets of metal that separate when both charged) discharges slowly in time, also in the absence of any known source of ionisating radiation. This loss is due to some, then unidentified ionising flux (remember that radioactivity was then not known). However, in one experiment one of these electrometers was taken to the top of the Eiffel tower by Wulf in 1910. It was seen that the ionisation flux decreased by about a factor 2 from the ground to 330m. This decrease was much less than would be expected if the ionisation was due to gamma rays originating at the surface of the Earth. The next major step was due to Viktor Hess who flew in an open air balloon to some 5 kilometers and measured the ionisation flux as he ascended. He showed that the flux decreases for the first 1.5km and then increases with altitude. From this result Hess concluded that there must be a very "high penetration power" radiation coming from outer space. It was then in 1929 that Bothe and Kohlhörster used the newly developed Geiger counters to show that the cosmic radiation, as it was called, was made of charged particles rather than gamma rays. This was shown by placing two counters on either side of a high absorption medium and registering coincidences. Were the cosmic radiation particles gamma rays, such coincidences would be very unlikely, however, charged particles would be expected to trigger both counters, provided they crossed the absorption medium. It was thus conclusively shown that there is a flux of very energetic particles impinging onto the Earth from outer space. The particle energy was indeed to be very high to explain the very important "penetration power" necessary for the particles to cross the atmosphere and be observed at sea level. This work has continued over the following decades, yielding a wealth of data on the cosmic rays. Figure 12.1 shows their energy spectrum from 108 to 1021 eV. The low energy portion of this curve is modulated by solar activity. A strong solar 119 Figure 12.1: The all-particle spectrum of cosmic rays (from S. Swordy). The arrows and values between parentheses indicate the integrated flux above the corresponding energies. activity increases the pressure in the inner solar system and pushes the low energy cosmic rays out while having no effect on the higher energy particles. In the lower energy domain, the composition of the cosmic rays can be measured and is given in Figure 12.2. The spectrum shown on Figure 12.1 is characterised by a power law of index 2.5-2.7 for energies below about 1015 eV and 3.08 for energies between 1015 eV and 1019 eV. The break is commonly called the knee. Above 1019 eV, there is evidence for a hardening of the cosmic ray distribution. The break in the spectral energy distribution here is called the ankle. The mere existence of these very high cosmic rays is a puzzle to which we will come back at the end of this chapter. The shape of the spectral energy distributions is thus described by power laws of the form N (E)dE ∝ E −γ dE extending over very wide energy domains. The existence of power law energy distributions for particles is also evident from the broad band 120 Figure 12.2: Abundances of cosmic rays nuclides at lower energies compared with the solar system ones. The abundances are all normalized to 28 Si (K. Lodders 2003, ApJ, 591, 1220). synchrotron spectra and Compton emission spectra discussed in chapters 5 and 6. These distributions differ very markedly from thermal distributions and are therefore generated by non thermal phenomena. Charge acceleration may be caused by very strong electric fields. Such fields are found in the magnetosphere of fast rotating neutron stars where indeed electrons are accelerated to high energies and then lose some of this energy in radio emission. This will be briefly described in chapter 15. A very different type of particle acceleration is found in multiple interactions of particles in which a small amount of energy is gained at each interaction. This is called stochastic particle acceleration. We will describe here one such process that is in some sense similar to the acceleration of a ping pong ball that is being squeezed between the table and a bat. 12.1 Second order Fermi acceleration We will consider the interaction of a population of light particles (of mass m) with a number of massive "mirrors" (of mass M) with random motions (Figure 12.3). Let the particles be relativistic and the mirrors non relativistic and the interaction be an elastic collision. This treatment is due to Fermi (1949 and 1954). The 4-impuls of any particle is pµ = m0 · umu , u0 = γ · c and uµ = γv i . The energy conservation during an interaction from an initial state "i" and a final state "f" reads 1 2 2 ∆E = mc2 (γp,f − γp,i ) = M (vM,i − vM,f ). 2 The impuls conservation reads: 121 (12.1) v m V M Figure 12.3: Interaction geometry for the second order Fermi acceleration process, illustrating the collision between a particle of mass m and a cloud of mass M . M vM,f + mγp,f vp,f = M vM,i + mγp,i vp,i , (12.2) For collisions during which the particle energy changes by only a small amount γi ' γf ' γ, vp,f ' −vp,i and vM,f ' vM,i . With these approximations and some algebra Eq. 12.2 becomes 2 2 M 2 (vM,i − vM,f ) ' 2M (mγc2 )(−2 v p,i v M,i ), c2 (12.3) which can be inserted into eq.12.1 to obtain ∆E = −2E vp,i vM i . c2 (12.4) The probability of collisions is proportional to the relative velocity of the particles (and their densities). Thus "head on" collision probability is given by vp + vM , while "rear" collisions are proportional to vp − vM . Thus the average energy gain per collision is < ∆E >= vp,x vM,x vp − vM vp,x vM,x vp + vM · 2E − · 2E , 2 2vp c 2vp c2 (12.5) which simplifies to < ∆E >= 2 2 vM E. c2 (12.6) Let the characteristic time elapsed between 2 collisions be tF . The average energy gain per unit time is then dE < ∆E > 2v 2 E ∝ = M2 E =: , dt tF tF c τacc 122 (12.7) 2 with τacc = t2vF 2c , the acceleration time. We may therefore relate the time a particle M has spent in the region with its energy: t E = e τacc , or t = τacc ln E. (12.8) (The time at which the process started is 0.) In the case where the rate with which accelerated particles leave the acceleration region is 1 dn = · n(t), dt τesc (12.9) with n(t) the density of particles and τesc independent of the particle’s energy, we have t n(t) = n0 · e− τesc . (12.10) Since eq. 12.8 gives a one to one relationship between time and energy, we can substitute it into eq. 12.10 and obtain the energy distribution of the accelerated particles: n(E(t)) = n0 e−( ln E·τacc τesc τ τacc ) = n eln E − τacc esc = n0 · E − τesc . 0 (12.11) The differential distribution, i.e. the number of particles between E and E+dE is trivially obtained from eq. 12.11: dn(E) ∝ E −γ , (12.12) 2 with γ = 1 + ττacc = 1 + 2vt2F cτesc , where we have re-introduced the acceleration time esc M from the properties of the collisions. This has already one of the properties we want to see in the distribution of particles, namely the shape of a power law. This result was obtained by Fermi in 1949 (Phys.Rev. B, 75, 1169). A paper well worth reading for the elegance of the derivation. The result has, however, a number of weaknesses. For one it is a slow process of second order in vM , as is easily seen from eq. 12.6. Remember also that vM is c the velocity of the massive "mirrors" and is non relativistic. The process is called of second order Fermi process and is thought to be very ineffective. The second order nature of the process is to be found in the fact that only the probability for the "head on" and "rear" collisions differ, not the energy exchanged. A first order process would imply that both interactions lead to different energy exchanges between the "mirrors" and the accelerated particles. A second difficulty lies in the fact that many observations lead to very similar indices of particle distributions and that the cosmic ray energy distribution is well described 123 by power laws of constant indeces over very wide energy ranges. It can be seen from eq. 12.12 that this implies that the acceleration and escape times are in some sense "universal" (or at least that their ratio is). This is very unlikely in different physical environments. A third difficulty lies therein that for protons of E ≤ 100 MeV, ionisation is a very important process in any medium in which the protons lose a considerable amount of energy. It therefore seems impossible to take thermal particles of energies of MeV or less and accelerate them beyond 100 MeV, where the Fermi process would begin to dominate over the losses. This is known as the injection problem. 12.2 Diffusive shock acceleration It was observed in so called collisionless plasmas heated by electromagnetic radiation, for example in thermonuclear fusion experiments, that there was also a small fraction of high energy particles that formed a high energy tail of the thermal particle distributions. The theory of turbulent plasmas was then developed (in the 1960’s). In these plasmas one finds a turbulent plasma and E and B fields as well as quasi particles (plasmons). It was shown that this combination can lead to particle acceleration. This then leads to the development of the diffusive shock acceleration. The ingredients of this theory are a collisionless shock in a plasma. By collisionless shock one understands a shock of width less than the mean free path of the particles. On both sides of the shock, interactions between the particles and fluctuations of the electromagnetic field isotropise the distributions. See Figure 12.4. This configuration leads to a first order particle acceleration process. In order to see this consider a non relativistic particle that crosses the shock twice, after having been "isotropised" on either sides of the shock and look for the change in its momentum shock u1 u2 Zone 2 Zone 1 Figure 12.4: Interaction geometry for the diffusive shock acceleration process. The particle distribution is isotropised at both sides, outside the shock through diffusion on collective magnetic quasi-particles. 124 as measured from the fluid on either side. (We follow here John Kirk in the Saas Fee course 24) When crossing the shock, a particle does not change its velocity, neither in direction nor in magnitude (the shock is collisionless). However, seen in the different rest frames of the fluid on either side of the shock, the velocities and the momentum do differ in the following way (µ is the cosine between p2 and the x-axis): The y and z component of the relative momentum don’t change, since the particle moves parallel to the x axis, but the x component changes by a factor m(u1 − u2 ), which is the difference of momentum due to the velocity change of the plasma: pz1 = pz2 ; px1 = px2 − m(u1 − u2 ). p y1 = p y2 ; (12.13) Using the conservation of the square of the momentum one finds (12.14) |p1 |2 = p2x1 + p2y1 + p2z1 ¯ = |p2 |2 − 2mp2 (u1 − u2 ) (12.15) ¯ ¯ 2 ¯ ¯ = |p2 | − 2µ1 |p2 |m∆u (12.16) ¯ ¯ where we have neglected the term in (u1 − u2 )2 and µ1 is the cosine of the angle ¯ ¯ between p2 and (u1 − u2 ). ¯ ¯ ¯ In order for the particle to cross the shock front we must have µ1 v1 > −u1 , and so µ1 has to satisfy the condition 1 > µ1 > − uv11 . Using |p2 | ' |p1 | one finds ¯ ¯ |p1 |2 = |p2 |2 ¯ ¯ ' |p2 |2 ¯ ! 2µ1 1− m∆u |p2 | ! ¯ 2µ1 m∆u 1− |p1 | ¯ (12.17) (12.18) And hence, ! µ1 |p2 | ' |p1 | 1 + m∆u (12.19) |p1 | ¯ ¯ ¯ Behind the collisionless shock zone the particles are re-isotropised. Our particle can therefore cross the shock again, it will have a momentum µ2 ∆u p̄1 = p2 1 − , v2 (12.20) where µ2 must satisfy the condition −1 < µ2 < − uv22 . The difference of momentum of the particle after these two crossings, when it is back in the zone 1 using Eqs 12.19 and 12.20 125 ∆p = p̄1 − p1 µ2 ∆u − p1 = p2 1 − v2 µ2 ∆u µ1 ∆u 1− − p1 = p1 1 + v1 v2 µ1 µ2 ' − p1 ∆u v1 v2 (12.21) (12.22) (12.23) (12.24) The gain of momentum per particle is therefore ∆p ∆u ' (µ1 − µ2 ). p1 v (12.25) To calculate the mean gain of momentum one considers a population of isotropised particles. The probability of crossing the shock region is therefore proportional to |µv + u|. Hence, ∆p p1 R −u2 /v2 dµ2 |µ2 v2 + u2 | ∆p dµ |µ v + u | 1 1 1 1 p −1 −u/v1 = R1 R −u2 /v2 dµ1 |µ1 v1 + u1 | −1 dµ2 |µ2 v2 + u2 | −u/v1 R1 Performing the integration using eq. 12.25, we find at first order in ∆p 4∆u , with v ' v1 ' v2 . = p1 3v This is indeed a first order process in (12.26) ∆u v (12.27) ∆u . v The spectrum of the particles can also be calculated under the assumption that escape from the shock region is independent of the energy and is found to depend only on the shock properties. This means that strong shocks will systematically lead to similar particle distributions. We can therefore understand that the difficulties of the second order Fermi process are largely overcome in this scenario. 12.2.1 Highest energy particles The spectrum shown in Fig. 12.1 shows evidently that there are particles at energies up to 1020 eV. This is a macroscopic energy concentrated n a microscopic particle. This is the energy that corresponds to a powerfully served tennis ball. The mere existence of particles at these energies raises a number of questions: How are they accelerated? Where are they accelerated? Can they propagate all the way to us? First one can set the scene by looking at the Larmor radius: RL = v , νL where 126 (12.28) νL = eB γmc (12.29) is the Larmor frequency. At 1019 eV the Larmor radius is 1022 cm or 100 kpc for a typical magnetic field of 10 microGauss. Particles can only be accelerated in regions where they stay. Therefore, if the confinement is magnetic, and it is difficult to imagine any other confinement vessel at these energies, the region must be larger than the Larmor radius of the particles at the highest energies observed. This can only be in the lobes of radio galaxies. Note that if the field is much larger, the region can be correspondingly smaller. The sizes are nonetheless of galactic scales. At very high energies hadrons interact with photons to create π0 particles. This reaction has a threshold at γ · = 144.7M eV (12.30) and a resonance at 1.2 GeV. This means that there must be a decrease in the flux of very high energy particles for energies γ ≥' 1GeV . For photon energies of 3 K, i.e. 10−4 eV the corresponding particle energy is of the order of 1020 eV. This cut-off is called Griesen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin, or GZK, following the names of the people who predicted this effect. With the cross section of the π0 creation and the density of the micro wave background photons one can calculate that the Universe is opaque to the creation for distances larger than about 50 Mpc. This distance hardly includes many potential high energy cosmic ray accelerators. There is a large project now to measure the highest energy cosmic rays, the Auger project. This works by observing the interaction of the incoming cosmic ray with the atmosphere. This interaction creates a shower of particles that leave an observable signature in the form of light (Cherenkov and fluorescence) and particles. The rates (events per square km and century) imply very large area coverage. The instrument is located on a high plateau in Argentina (Fig.12.7). The Auger detector started taking data in 2004. There wre some contradictory claims on the rate of the highest energy events with one collaboration (AGASA) claiming rates that indicated that the GZK cut-off was not observed. The data as of 2006 (Watson, CERN Courrier July 2006) are shown in Fig. 12.6. They indicate that the Auger instrument is probably seeing less events at the highest energies than claimed by the AGASA collaboration and therefore more in line with the presence of a GZK cut-off. Better statistics is, however, needed to make definitive claims. The main difficulty resides in the measurement of the energy of each event. With a spectrum as steep as that of the cosmic rays, even a small uncertainty in the event energies leads to large effects on the spectral slope. In the November of 2007 the Auger collaboration (Science 318, 5852,938) claimed a correlation between the highest energy events and the position of AGN as reported in the Veron catalogue of AGN. This correlation is shown in Fig. ?? from the Science paper. This correlation is in some sense expected if the AGN are the acceleration sites, and if the cosmic rays at these energies travel along lines such that they are 127 only weakly deflected by the extragalactic magnetic field. It is possible that the correlation is rather simply with very large scale structures in the Universe that are themselves correlated with AGN. Figure 12.5: The Auger detector in Argentina. Figure 12.6: The Auger detector in Argentina. 128 Figure 12.7: The 27 highest energy cosmic rays (circles of 3.1 degree) detected by the Auger collaboration overlaid on a plot of the Veron catalogue of AGN, taking only the objects at less than 75 Mpc. The blue coloured regions indicate sky areas of equal coverage, the darker the region, the deeper the exposure. 129 (Second part) High Energy Astrophysics (Second part) 130 Introduction Compact objects are at the origin of deep gravitational wells in which matter moves with very high, even relativistic, velocities. These velocities were seen in the first chapter of these lectures to be at the origin of very high temperatures that can exceed the MeV. Hence compact objects are at the origin of most of the phenomenology that is observed in the high energy part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Conversely, compact objects can often be observed and therefore studied best if not only through high energy observations. Much of what we know on this component of the Galaxy and the Universe is therefore young and has been obtained since the beginning of orbital flights. One example in place is given by the clusters of galaxies. Even though these objects are very big in the sky, they are also extremely massive and we have seen that most of the radiation comes not from the galaxies of the clusters but from the intra-cluster gas that is heated in the deep well of the cluster to temperatures corresponding to several keV. Without these observations, the understanding one could have of these clusters was very fragmentary and in some senses misleading. In this part of the course we will study many forms of compact objects. We will start with some basics on general relativity and black holes, trying to understand how much energy can be made available to radiate as matter falls onto the black hole. We will then have a look at the structure of neutron stars and their magnetospheres (which in contrast to what we have just established radiate mostly in the radio part of the spectrum) and then go on to describe the properties of several types of compact objects, within and without the Galaxy. Whenever studying the general relativistic properties of compact objects we will follow the main steps of the derivations without attempting to be complete in the calculations. We will also not derive any general relativity results, but rather see how they work when applied to the problems at hand. The books I enjoy most and therefore used in writing these lectures are Misner, Thorne and Wheeler (Gravitation), Weinberg (Cosmology and Gravitation) and Shapiro and Teukolsky (Black holes, white dwarfs and neutron stars). 131 Chapter 13 Black holes and accretion efficiency In this chapter we will use units such that c = G = 1. 13.1 Relativistic hydrostatic equilibrium Neutron stars have a mass and radius such that matter at their surface is bound with a binding energy of some 10% mc2 (calculate). Thus these objects are clearly relativistic. The understanding of their structure requires then that they are described in the frame of general relativity. This is in particular true of the hydrostatic equilibrium which tells us how much mass is in any layer to match the change of the gravitational potential over the thickness of the layer. We will see here how this equation is derived. In the following section we will specialise our derivation to the region outside the object, in the vacuum, and get, as a bonus, the shape of the metrics in a spherically symmetric gravitational field, the Schwarzschild metrics. First write the metrics of Minkowski space: ds2 = −dt2 + dr2 + r2 dΩ2 , dΩ2 = dθ2 + sin2 θdφ2 (13.1) and generalise it so that the "t" and "r" components are not constant anymore in the following way ds2 = −e2Φ dt2 + e2Λ dr2 + r2 dΩ2 . (13.2) Φ and Λ are functions of r, but not of t, as we consider static problems. The angular part of the metrics is left unchanged, as we start by considering a spherically symmetric case. Whereas space is described by its metrics, matter is described as a perfect fluid by: • ρ(r), the density of mass energy in the matter rest system • n(r), the number density in the matter rest system 132 • p(r), the isotropic pressure in the same system µ • uµ (r), the fluid 4-velocity, dx dτ • and the stress-energy tensor T µν = (p + ρ)uµ uν + pg µν . (13.3) dr = 0 = uθ = uφ . dτ (13.4) In a static star we have ur = Timelike observers or particles have uµ uµ = −1 we can deduce gµν uµ uν = gtt ut ut = −e2φ ut ut = −1 (13.5) and therefore ut = dt = e−Φ . dτ (13.6) The diagonal components of the stress energy tensor (the only non vanishing in a perfect static fluid) are T 00 = (p + ρ)e−2φ − pe−2φ = ρe−2φ T rr = pg rr = pe−2Λ p T θθ = pg θθ = 2 r p φφ φφ T = pg = 2 2 r sin θ (13.7) (13.8) (13.9) (13.10) (13.11) The conservation equations are obtained from the Bianchi identities that read T µν ;ν = 0 (13.12) where a ";" indicates a covariant derivative, i.e. one in which the change of the metrics between two adjacent points has been taken into account: aµ;ν = ∂aµ + Γµνδ aδ ∂xν (13.13) The Γµνδ are the Christoffel symbols, they are deduced in a straight forward way, if sometimes algebrically complex, manner from the metric coefficient. The "0" component of eq.13.12, T 0µ ;µ = 0, can then be derived to obtain 133 (p + ρ) ∂p ∂φ =− ∂r ∂r (13.14) In addition to the conservation equation 13.14 we can also use the Einstein field equation Gµν = 8πTµν which relates the geometrical properties of space (i.e. Φ and Λ) to the matter content. The left hand side of the Einstein equation is the Einstein tensor which describes indeed how the metrics changes locally. It is derived from the metrics elements. We want to write the "00" component of this equation in the system of reference in which the fluid is at rest and the local metrics has the Minkovski form. This system always exists, you may imagine it as the local elevator from which you have just cut the rope. We will use "ˆ" on the indices to indicate that the corresponding vector or tensor is expressed in these coordinates. In the "ˆ" system, we have ur̂ = uφ̂ = uθ̂ = 0 and ut̂ = 1 since the fluid is at rest, and hence T 0̂0̂ = (ρ + p)u0̂ u0̂ + pg 0̂0̂ = ρ+p−p=ρ (13.15) (13.16) T îî = (ρ + p)uî uî + pg îî = p (13.17) (13.18) The "0̂0̂" component of the Einstein tensor in this system is G0̂0̂ = 1 d r(1 − e−2Λ ) 2 r dr (13.19) The "0̂0̂" Einstein equation therefore reads in this sytem 1 d r(1 − e−2Λ ) = 8πρ 2 r dr (13.20) We introduce the function m(r) through the following definition: 2m(r) = r(1 − e−2Λ ), (13.21) from which we see that 2Λ e −1 2m(r) . = 1− r (13.22) 2 dm(r) = 8πρ, r2 dr (13.23) We now re-formulate eq.13.20: which can be integrated to yield 134 Z m(r) = r 4πρr2 dr, (13.24) 0 from which one understands that m(r) is the mass within the sphere of radius r. The "1̂1̂" Einstein equation reads G1̂1̂ = 8πp (13.25) and gives in a similar way −r−2 + r−2 e−2Λ + 2r−1 e−2Λ dΦ = 8πp, dr (13.26) in which we can introduce m(r) instead of Λ to obtain the following expression for dΦ : dr dΦ m(r) + 4πr3 p = . dr r(r − 2m(r)) (13.27) Finally, we introduce this in 13.14 to obtain the result we were seeking: dp (p + ρ)(m + 4πr3 p) =− . dr r2 (1 − 2m(r) ) (13.28) r This is called the Oppenheimer Volkov equation or the Tolman Oppenheimer Volkov (TOV) equation. It is one of the very few results that were obtained in astrophysics using general relativity before the discovery of neutron stars in the 1960’s. This equation gives the pressure gradient that is needed to compensate the change in gravity as one moves by dr in a spherically symmetric static matter distribution described by m(r). In other words, this is the general relativistic formulation of the hydrostatic equation familiar in Newtonian physics. This latter equation reads: ρm(r) dp = . dr r2 (13.29) The general relativistic form of hydrostatic equilibrium differs in a marked way from the equivalent Newtonian equation. Indeed, the right hand side of eq.13.29 is modified in that ρ is replaced by ρ + p, in other words pressure contributes to the energy density, which is expected as a pressure is an energy density and energy is a source of gravity (like mass). m(r) is replaced by m(r)+4πpr3 , pressure contributes to the energy within the radius r; and 1 1 is replaced by r12 [ 2m(r) ]. All three modifications tend to increase the pressure r2 1− r gradient in the relativistic case when compared to the Newtonian approach. We will make an explicit use of this equation when studying the structure of neutron stars. 135 13.2 Schwarzschild metrics We have now all the elements we need to consider the same system, but outside the boundary of the star, i.e. where ρ = 0. This means that we study the properties of space outside a spherically symmetric static mass. In this case eq.13.22 becomes e 2Λ −1 2M = 1− , r (13.30) where M is the total mass of the star. Outside the star the vacuum Einstein equation must be used (Gµν = 0). This equation gives, after some algebric transformations e2Φ · e2Λ = 1. (13.31) One therefore immediately knows that e2Φ = 1 − 2M r (13.32) and that the metrics is written 2M 1 dr2 + r2 dΩ2 . ds = − 1 − dt2 + r 1 − 2M r 2 (13.33) This is the so-called Schwarzshild metrics, it describes how a mass M curves the space outside the mass. It is singular at the origin and at r = 2M . Whereas the singularity at the origin is a real one in the sense that the curvature is infinite there, the singularity at r = 2M is only due to the coordinate system. Space is regular there, curvature is finite, but the description of the metrics in the coordinate system chosen here is singular, in some sense in the same way as the Earth longitude and latitude coordinates system is singular at the poles, without the Earth being in any way "special" there. The proper time of an observer is given by the distance between 2 points on a )dt2 , or trajectory with r, θ, φ constant: dτ 2 = −ds2 = (1 − 2M r 1/2 2M dτ = 1 − dt. r (13.34) Black holes are objects for which the mass is within the horizon. These objects are causally disconnected from the outside world by the presence of the horizon. 13.3 Particle motion around Schwarzschild black holes We want now to study the motion of massive test particles in the Schwarzschild metrics in order to assess how much energy may be gained in the accretion process. 136 Figure 13.1: The mass and radius of a number of objects in the Universe, together with the size of the horizon for all masses. From P. Doherty In other words, we study the orbits of particles around a spherically symmetric nonrotating mass. We thus leave out the vast majority of the black hole related physics which might have been the subject of a set of lectures on their own. We start by constructing an orthonormal system −1/2 2M et̂ = 1− et , r 1/2 2M er̂ = 1− er , r 1 eθ̂ = e, r θ 1 eφ̂ = e . r sin(θ) φ (13.35) (13.36) (13.37) (13.38) This is a realisation of the coordinate system in which matter is at rest and which is locally flat that was introduced in section 13.1. It is in this system that we have 137 a familiar understanding of the physical quantities. The equations of motion are derived from the Lagrangian: 2L = gαβ ẋα ẋβ , (13.39) with ẋα = dxα , dλ (13.40) where λ is a parametrisation of the path xα (λ). Note the parallel with the non relativistic case in which a force free movement is described by the Lagrangian L = 1/2 · mv 2 . The Lagrangian with the Schwarzschild metrics explicitely introduced leads to −1 2M 2M 2 (13.41) ṫ + 1 − ṙ + r2 θ̇2 + r2 sin2 (θ)φ̇2 . 2L = − 1 − r r The equations of movement are the Lagrange equations: d dλ ∂L ∂ ẋα − ∂L = 0. ∂xα (13.42) For the t equation this gives: ∂L 2M ṫ =− 1− r ∂ ṫ (13.43) for the first term and 0 for the second. The equations of movement therefore read: d dλ 2M 1− ṫ = 0 r d 2 (r θ̇) = r2 sin(θ) cos(θ)φ̇2 dλ d 2 2 (r sin (θ)φ̇) = 0 dλ (13.44) (13.45) (13.46) For the last equation we use gαβ pα pβ = −m2 , (13.47) where pα is the 4-impulsion. We can choose the parametrisation λ = τ /m, where τ is the proper time and m the mass of the particle. We therefore have 138 dt dt = m = pt dλ dτ dr dr ṙ = = m = pr dλ dτ dφ dφ φ̇ = = m = pφ , dλ dτ ṫ = (13.48) (13.49) (13.50) where we have used pα = ∂L . ∂ ẋα (13.51) Therefore, 2M ∂L = − 1− pt = ṫ r ∂ ṫ −1 2M 2M t tt p = g pt = − 1 − − 1− ṫ = ṫ r r (13.52) (13.53) In a spherical symmetrical case, as we have with the Schwarzschild metric, we may choose any plane through the centre in an arbitrary manner to discuss the orbits. We therefore use in the following sin(θ) = 1 and write for the φ component of 13.44: r2 φ̇ =: l = constant. (13.54) Similarly for the t component of the 13.44 we read: 2M 1− r ṫ =: E = constant. (13.55) Using Eq. 13.52 we finally deduce that E = −pt . l and E are the constants of movement associated with the symmetries in φ and t of the problem in discussion. The meaning of E can be seen from the following: consider the t component of the 4-impulsion p~ in the local orthonormal system of the observer and use eq. 13.35: Elocal −1/2 −1/2 −1/2 2M 2M 2M ~et = − 1 − pt = 1 − · E. := −~p~et̂ = −~p 1 − r r r (13.56) For r tending towards infinity E tends towards Elocal and E is called the energy at infinity. Both are related by a redshift factor (1 − 2M )1/2 . r 139 In order to see the meaning of l, we consider the tangential velocity in the local orthonormal system of the observer v φ̂ : v φ̂ = p~~eφ̂ p~~eφ /r pφ /r gφφ pφ /r dφ̂ dφ̂ dt pφ̂ = = = = rφ̇/Elocal . (13.57) = = t̂ = dt dt̂ Elocal Elocal Elocal Elocal p dt̂ In other words: rφ̇ = Elocal v φ̂ . Using 13.54 we finally have: l = r2 φ̇ = r · Elocal · v φ̂ , (13.58) which we can compare with the Newtonian equivalent of l = r · m · Ω. We see that l is the angular momentum. 13.4 Orbits in Schwarzschild geometry Let’s introduce: e = E, E m ` `e = m (13.59) so we can write the last component of the equations of motion 13.47: gαβ pα pβ = −m2 (13.60) gαβ ẋα ẋβ = −m2 | {z } (13.61) and therefore with eq. 13.48: 2L therefore: L=− m2 2 (13.62) then with the explicit form of the Lagrangian: 2 m = 2M 1− r 2M ṫ − 1 − r 2 −1 ṙ2 − r2 θ˙2 − r2 φ̇2 (13.63) where we have set: θ = π2 . Some algebra leads to: 2M 1− r 2 2 2M ṫ ṙ2 2M r2 θ̇2 2M r2 φ̇2 = 1− − − 1− − 1− 2 r m2 m2 r m2 r |m {z } | {z } | {z } 0 e2 E `e2 /r2 (13.64) 140 see 13.56 and 13.58. Considering λ = dr dτ 2 τ̄ m dr , dλ and ṙ = we can re-arrange the terms of eq. 13.64 to obtain ! e2 e2 ` 2M 2M 2M ` e2 − e2 − 1 − =− 1− +E 1− =E 1+ 2 2 r r r r r (13.65) where τ is the proper time. From 13.54 and 13.55 we find: `e dφ = 2 dτ r e E dt = dτ 1 − 2M r 13.4.1 (13.66) (13.67) Radial geodesics In radial geodesics Φ and θ are constants and `e vanishes. In this case Eq. 13.65 becomes or dr dτ dr dτ 2 2M 2 e =E − 1− r (13.68) 1/2 2M 2 e − 1− =− E . r (13.69) 1/2 2M 2 e =− E −1+ r (13.70) dr dτ In order to proceed further, we must look at three cases: dr = 0 for r < ∞ dτ e = 1 → dr = 0 for r → ∞ E dτ e > 1 → v∞ = − dr > 0 for r → ∞ E dτ e<1 E → (13.71) (13.72) (13.73) We further look at the first case, that of a particle at rest at some finite distance R dr and falling towards the black hole. We introduce R, R so that dτ |r=R = 0. Therefore e2 + 1 = −E 141 2M R (13.74) and dr =− dτ 2M 2M − r R 1/2 . (13.75) This may be integrated in the following way: −q dr 2M r − = dτ (13.76) 2M R Z r2 dr −1 q τ = √ 1 2M r1 − R1 r " # r r2 Z r2 √ R dr R √ − rR − r2 + = − 2M 2 r1 rR − r2 r1 " r 1/2 # r2 R3 r r2 2r = 2 − − sin−1 1 − 8M R R2 R (13.77) (13.78) (13.79) r1 Choosing τ = 0 at r = R, the fall begins at the origin of τ and to obtain τ for all r less than R we select the boundaries of the integration so that r1 = R and r2 = r. This gives the following function τ (r): 1/2 " # 1/2 r r2 R3 2r 2 − − sin−1 1 − τ = 8M R R2 R 3 1/2 R + sin−1 (−1) | {z } 8M −π/2 3 1/2 " 1/2 # R r r2 2r = − 2 − cos−1 1 − . 8M R R2 R (13.80) (13.81) We can look at the value of τ for r = 2M . In other words calculate the proper time of the observer falling from R to the horizon: τ (r = 2M ) = R3 8M 1/2 " 1/2 # 2M 4M 2 4M 2 − 2 − cos−1 1 − < ∞ (13.82) R R R This shows explicitly that the proper time when reaching the horizon is finite. In other words an observer falling onto a black hole will reach the horizon in a finite proper time. Note that the time to reach the singularity at the center of the black hole (at r = 0) is also finite. Let us now consider the coordinate time t elapsed during the same fall from R to 2M . 142 As before we use τ (r = R) = dr dτ (r = R) = 0. e dt E = , dτ 1 − 2M r (13.83) which we may use to calculate the coordinate time with dt dr dt = · dτ dr dτ −1 e dt E dr ⇒ = · dr dτ 1 − 2M r −1/2 e E 2M 2 e = − · E −1+ r 1 − 2M r (13.84) (13.85) (13.86) and then Z e Edr t=− 1− 2M r e2 − 1 + E 2M r 1/2 (13.87) for which the solution is the cycloid ( t = 2M ln R 2M R 2M ) 1/2 1/2 −1 + tan( η2 ) R R · η+ + 2M −1 (η + sin η) , 1/2 2M 4M −1 − tan( η2 ) (13.88) where η is the cycloid parameter defined by R (1 + cos η) . 2 r = (13.89) Note that with this parametrisation, the solution of the τ (r) equation can be expressed as τ = R3 8M 1/2 (η + sin η) . (13.90) For r = 2M we obtain 4M −1 R 1/2 R η tan = −1 . 2 2M cos η = 143 (13.91) (13.92) We see that the first term of Eq. 13.88 is singular and t tends towards infinity. The behavior of the function t(r) is given in figure 13.2. This shows that indeed t tends towards infinity when r approaches 2M . It takes an infinite coordinate time for the particle to fall towards the horizon of the black hole. The coordinate time is the one an observer at large distances would measure. This means then that while it takes a finite particle proper time to fall onto the horizon of a black hole, an observer at large distances would see the process to take an infinite time. f, Schwarzchild coordinatetime 7, propertime u 5 1 0 1 5 2 TimelM 0 2 5 3 0 Figure l2.l Fall from rest toward a Schwarzschildblack hole as described( a by a comovinl ) observer(proper time r) and (ô) bV a distant observer(Schwalzschildcoordinatetime /). In the onr : description,the point r 0 is attained,and quickly [seeEq. (12.4.23)].In the other descriptior,r : ( is neverreachedand evenr :2M is attainedonly asymptoticallytF.q.(12.4.24)1. [From Graoitationb, Charles W. Misner,.Iftp S. Thorne, and John Archibald Wheeter, 'W. H. Freeman and Compani Copyright o t973.1 i Figure 13.2: Radial fall into a black hole as observed in proper time of the falling body or in coordinate time at a large distance 13.4.2 Non radial orbits Radial orbits are interesting for the properties we have just discussed. Physically, however, non radial orbits are much more relevant. We will discuss them now with thai aim of calculating the amount of energy we can hope to gain from matter falling into a black hole. This amount of energy is what we can expect to have radiated from the vicinity of the black hole. Let’s write Eq. (13.65): dr dτ 2 e 2 − V 2 (r) =E (13.93) where we keep the specific angular momentum in V (r): " V (r) = 2M 1− r 144 `e2 1+ 2 r !# 12 (13.94) e is shown in Figure 13.3. The shape of the function The function V 2 (r), for a given `, can be described as follows: 1. At r = 2M → V 2 (r) = 0; 2. dV 2 dr r=2M >0 The extrema of the function are found for ∂V 2 = 0 ∂r " !# 2M `e2 ∂ 1− 1+ 2 = ∂r r r r=rc ! 2 `e `e2 2M 2M = 1 + + 1 − (−2) rc2 rc2 rc rc3 ! M `e2 `e2 2M `e2 1 . = 2 M+ 2 − + rc rc rc rc2 (13.95) (13.96) (13.97) (13.98) The extrema are therefore located at r = rc with 0 = M rc2 + 3M `e2 − `e2 rc so we can find: rc = `e2 ± p `e4 − 12M 2 `e2 . 2M (13.99) (13.100) Two extrema exist for `e4 − 12M 2 `e2 > 0, i.e. `e2 > 12M 2 √ `e > 2 3M √ while no extremum exists for `e < 2 3M . 3. V 2 (r) → 1 for r → ∞. √ 4. The figure 13.3 gives the shape of the potential for `e > 2 3M in both the relativistic and the Newtonian case. In the Newtonian equivalent discussion, the orbits are not bound for E > 0 and are bound and elliptical for E < 0. The relativistic case is different from the classical case in that: 1. There are bound orbits similar √ to the Newtonian case (but note that the periastron precesses) for `e > 2 3M . √ 2. For `e < 2 3M all orbits fall inside the hole. 2 e > Vmax 3. All orbits with E fall inside the hole, they are called capture orbits. 2 4. For `e = 4M we have Vmax = 1 (to be proved) so all orbits with `e < 4M coming from infinity are capture orbits. 145 V2 1 0 2 r/M √ Figure 13.3: Left: The relativistic "potential" V2 (r) for `e > 2 3M . Right: The Newtonian potential for a non zero angular momentum. It differs in important ways from the relativistic analogous. A more quantitative picture is given in Fig. 13.4. Circular orbits are given by the minimum of the potential. This means that r is constant. This minimum of the potential lies at (13.100): p e2 + `e4 − 12M 2 `e2 ` rc+ = , (13.101) 2M where we have taken the extremum at the larger distance, the one inside being unstable, as can be seen from the figure. The location of this extremum, and hence the radius of the circular orbits, depends on `e in the following way rc+ → ∞ for `e → ∞ and decreases with `e reaching: rc = 6M (= 3Rs ) (13.102) √ √ for `e = 2 3M . Since for `e < 2 3M there is no extremum, this radius correponds to the last possible stable circular orbit. It is therefore also the inner boundary of an accretion disk around a Schwarzschild black hole. The binding energy of a particle per unit mass on the last stable orbit is: ebinding := m − E = 1 − E, e E m (13.103) where E is the particle energy “at infinity” in rc , i.e. the minimum value of the potential at the last stable circular orbit. dr e 2 = V 2 (r), and considering For a circular orbit dτ = 0 so using Eq. (13.93) we have E the last stable orbit we find: 146 √ e 2 = V 2 (rc , `e = 2 3M ) E 12M 2 2M 1+ = 1− 6M 36M 2 2 4 = · 3 3 8 = 9 (13.104) (13.105) (13.106) (13.107) so finally: r ebinding = 1 − E 8 = 0.0572 9 (13.108) This means that when a particle is on the last stable orbit around a black hole it Figure 13.4: A quantitative plot of V 2 (r) from page 662 of Gravitation by Misner, Thorne and Wheeler 147 has lost an energy equivalent to about 6% of the mass it had at infinity. This is, for example, the energy available for the luminosity produced by an Active Galactic Nucleus. Note that there exist circular orbits at the maxima of V 2 (r) (closer in than the one we have just considered). These orbits are, however, not stable. 13.5 Kerr black holes “ If only it were not so damnably difficult to find exact solutions” wrote Einstein to Born in a 1936 letter about the search for solutions to the Einstein equations. The “no hair theorem” indicates that only mass M, angular momentum J and charge Q can influence the geometry outside a mass distribution at large distances. There is no astrophysical reason that would lead us to think that the charge is meaningful. We therefore do not consider it in the following. The resulting metrics is called the Kerr metrics, it reads: M r sin2 (θ) Σ 2 M ra2 sin2 (θ) 2M r 2 2 2 2 dt −4a dtdφ+ dr +Σdθ + r + a + 2 sin2 (θ)dφ2 ds = − 1 − Σ Σ ∆ Σ (13.109) 2 with J , M ∆ := r2 − 2M r + a2 a := (13.110) (13.111) and Σ := r2 + a2 cos2 (θ) (13.112) In a unit system in which c = G = 1, you can show that the unit of a is that of a length (or equivalently of a mass or time). The metric coefficients are independent of t and φ. Setting a = 0 leads to the Schwarzschild metrics, as it should. The metrics is singular at Σ = 0, which is a real singularity and at ∆ = 0, which is not. This latter singularity defines the horizon: r± = M ± √ M 2 − a2 . (13.113) Physically this means that the singularity is at the larger of the two, i.e. r+ . The horizon exists only for a < M . Since one expects that there exists no naked singularity, one deduces that a = M is a limit that cannot be exceeded. a = M black holes are called maximally rotating. Let’s assume a timelike particle i.e. one for which u · u < 0, where u is the 4-velocity (you and I belong to this category). 148 u · u = gtt ut ut + 2gtφ ut uφ + gφφ uφ uφ . (13.114) gtt ut ut + 2gtφ ut ut Ω + gφφ ut ut Ω2 , (13.115) which we can write as where we have introduced dφ dτ dφ = · dt dτ dt Ω= (13.116) the angular velocity. The condition u · u <0 then reads gtt + 2gtφ Ω + gφφ Ω2 < 0. (13.117) Looking at the Kerr metric you will find that gφφ >0. Expression 13.117 therefore defines a parabola for Ω which tends towards infinity for very small and large Ω. The inequality can only be fullfilled for a range Ωmin < Ω < Ωmax , where Ωmin and Ωmax are the zeros of 13.117. In other words: −gtφ ± Ωmin,max = q 2 gtφ − gtt gφφ gφφ . (13.118) You will therefore find non rotating particles only for Ωmin = 0 (or less), which r = 1 which is satified for r0 occurs for gtt = 0, or looking at equation (13.109) 2M Σ r0 = M + p M 2 − a2 cos2 (θ). (13.119) For r < r0 (but greater than r+ ), there is no solution with Ω = 0, this means that there is no static solution with φ constant. The region between r+ and r0 is called the ergosphere for reasons that will become clear later. The Figure 13.5 gives the shape of the region. For a = 0, it is clear that r0 = 2M , i.e. r0 is at the horizon and there is no ergosphere. The trajectories of the massive particles (to which we limit our discussion of the Kerr black holes) can be derived, as in the case of Schwarzschild, starting from the Lagrangian: 2L = gαβ ẋα ẋβ (13.120) α with ẋα = dx . dλ Let’s consider now the case θ = π2 , for the Kerr metrics we obtain: 149 2L = gtt ṫ2 + gtφ ṫφ̇ + grr ṙ2 + gφφ φ̇2 (13.121) 2 2 2M a 2M 2 4aM r ṫ − φ̇2 (13.122) = − 1− ṫφ̇ + ṙ2 + r2 + a2 + r r ∆ r The metrics does not include explicitly t and φ. The Lagrange equations 13.42 therefore lead to the following conservation laws: ∂L := −E ∂ ṫ ∂L pφ = := ` ∂ φ̇ pt = (13.123) (13.124) and the third law of conservation is given for the rest mass: |~p2 | = −m2 where 2L = −m2 (13.125) d ∂L ∂L − α =0 α dλ ∂ ẋ ∂x (13.126) The equations of motion: give for t and φ: ∂L = − 1 − 2M ṫ − 2aM φ̇ = −E r r ∂ ṫ ∂L 2M a2 2 2 = − 2aM φ̇ = ` ṫ + r + a + r r ∂ φ̇ (13.127) (13.128) Figure 13.5: In a Kerr black hole there are two event horizons, the outer and the inner. The region of space in-between the two horizons is the ergosphere. Anything inside the ergosphere will be dragged by the black hole and rotate with it but it can still escape. However, anything inside the inner event horizon can never escape (image credit: Kwong-Sang Cheng, Hoi-Fung Chau and Kai-Ming Lee). 150 which can be solved for ṫ and φ̇, giving the following results: (r3 + a2 r + 2M a2 )E − 2aM ` r∆ (r − 2M )` + 2aM E φ̇ = r∆ ṫ = (13.129) (13.130) We can obtain an equation similar to the Eq.(13.66,13.67), using the relation 2L = −m2 and Eq.(13.130). We find: r3 ṙ2 = R(E, `, r) =: (13.131) 2 3 2 2 2 2 = E (r + a + 2M a ) − 4aM E` − (r − 2M )` − m r∆, (13.132) which defines R(E, `, r). Note that we have not an expression of the form (E 2 − V 2 (r)) anymore. Circular orbits are obtained as in the previous case and the extreme points of the effective potential are given by: ∂R =0 ∂r R = 0, (13.133) which gives: √ 2 E r − 2M r ± a Mr e= = E √ 1 m r(r2 − 3M r ± 2a M r) 2 √ √ 2 ` M r(r ∓ 2a M r + a2 ) e = `= ± √ 1 m r(r2 − 3M r ± 2a M r) 2 (13.134) (13.135) The sign on the top means co-rotation while the one on the bottom refers to a counter-rotation. We find circular orbits for all r values for which the denominator is not vanishing. The zeros of the denominator of Eq.(13.135) are: a 2 r0 = 2M 1 + cos arccos ∓ 3 M (13.136) This is equal to 3M for a = 0 (note that this orbit is not the last stable orbit). In some cases the orbits correspond to the pseudo-potential maxima. e < 1) by looking at the numerator of 13.135: We find circular bound bound orbits (E e = 1 for the marginally bound orbit Eq.(13.135), with the additional condition E (rmb ), gives: √ 1 (13.137) r > rmb = 2M ∓ a + 2 M (M ∓ a) 2 and finally: rmb (a = 0) = 4M 151 (13.138) All these cases do not necessarily give stable orbits. To ask the stability we have to consider the following additional condition: ∂ 2R ≤0 ∂r2 (13.139) which we have not considered yet together with the Eq.(13.132): ∂ 2R = 6E 2 r − m2 6r + 4M m2 ≤ 0 ∂r2 E2 2M −1 ≤ 2 m 3 r e2 ≥ 2 M 1−E 3 r (13.140) (13.141) (13.142) e for circular orbits, where we have included condition 13.142 Eqs.(13.135) give us E(r) at the limit of equality: 1 rms = M [3 + z2 ∓ [(3 − z1 )(3 + z1 + 2z2 )] 2 ] 1 a 13 a 13 a2 3 1+ + 1− z1 = 1 + 1 − 2 M M M 2 21 a z2 = 3 2 + z12 M (13.143) (13.144) (13.145) For a = 0 we found again rms = 6M , the radius of the last stable orbit using the Schwarzschild metrics. For a = M , a black hole in maximal rotation we find from 13.145: z1 = 1, z2 = 2. (13.146) We have for the radius of this orbit from 13.145: 1 rms = M 3 + 2 ∓ [2.8] 2 = M (5 ∓ 4) (13.147) This means that the last radius of a stable circular orbit lies at rms = M for a direct orbit particle and at rms = 9M for a retrograde orbit one. This is much closer to the central singularity than we had found for the Schwarzschild black holes. In order to calculate the binding energy associated to this last stable orbit we have to use the condition in Eqs.(13.135,13.142) removing, in this case, r. For the marginally stable orbit (= in Eq.(13.142)) and extracting Ma , we obtain: √ e 2 ) 12 − 2E e 4 2(1 − E a =∓ √ e2) M 3 3(1 − E e2 = For a = 0 we find E case. 8 9 (13.148) (which you may want to verify) as in the Schwarzschild 152 For a = M we have: e= E q 1 3 direct orbit e= E q 25 27 retrograde orbit (13.149) So the binding energy is: e = 42.3% 1−E (13.150) for an orbit around a black hole in maximal rotation. This energy is much more impressive than what we calculated in the case of a Schwarzschild black hole. 13.5.1 Relativistically broadened emission lines The Doppler broadening of a line is ∆v ∆λ = . λ c (13.151) So clearly, when lines are very broad, this indicates relativistic velocities. Such velocities in a gravitational context can only be reached very deep in the potential well of a compact object. This means that the line profile will not only include the Doppler effect and the aberration due to the velocities, but also effects due to general relativity. This subject became important few years ago with the discovery in ASCA data of a very broad Fe line in the AGN MCG 6-3015 (fig. 13.6). The line is at a rest energy of 6.4 keV, it is therefore a line emitted by cold Fe. The line width is 2.5 keV or so, clearly indicating relativistic velocities. The blue "horn" of the line is considerably brighter than the red "horn". This is due to Doppler boosting of the photons in the line of sight. The profile fitted is that expected from a relativistic accretion disc around a massive black hole. The line profile can be calculated if, the velocity profile of the emitting matter is known, as well as the emission profile and the alignment of the emititng material with respect to the black hole, so that the trajectories of the photons in the curved space around the black hole can all be calculated. These studies have become an industry in the X-ray spectral analysis of compact objects. There are, however, many effects that must be kept in mind when considering these results. The line is almost as wide as the line energy (∆λ ' λ). This means that the continuum must be known very well before subtraction in order to measure the profile of the line. This is often not easy at all and requires data at energies higher than those observable with X-ray telescopes. The line may also be a complex due to the superposition of many different ionisation levels of Fe. Further, the emission law of the disk (or whatever structure) must be known, as well as the geometry of the emission region with respect to the black hole. 153 Since the geometry of the space around the black hole depends on its spin, and since the properties of the accretion flow also depend on the black hole spin, it can be expected that the line profiles will carry the signature of the black hole spin. Indeed this is one way in which one may hope to measure the spin of a black hole. Simulations show that this is a realistic possibility with the next generations of X-ray instruments (XEUS) (see fig, 13.7). 13.6 Energy gain from a Kerr black hole The end mass of a black hole of mass M in which a particle of mass m falls from infinity (at rest there) is m+M. Let’s call the falling object A and imagine that it explodes close to the black hole in 2 pieces that we’ll call B and C. Imagine further that that B is accreted while C returns to infinity. The change of mass of the black hole will be ∆M = EA − EC , (13.152) as the part EC of the energy of the first object A has returned to infinity. In the inertial system in which the explosion is taking place, we have p~A = p~B + p~C (13.153) from which we read that ∆M = EB . Interestingly, there exists orbits with negative E in the vicinity of Kerr black holes. If you solve Eq. 13.132 for E you will find Figure 13.6: The X-ray spectrum (continuum subtracted of the Seyfert galaxy MCG 6-30-15 observed by ASCA (Tanaka et al. Nature......). 154 1/2 E= 2aM l + (l2 r2 ∆ + m2 r∆ + r3 ṙ2 ) r3 + a2 r + 2M a2 , (13.154) which has negative solutions for l < 0 (retrograde orbits) and 4a2 M 2 l2 > l2 r2 ∆ + m2 r∆ + r3 ṙ2 . (13.155) The region in which such orbits can exist (which does not extend to infinity) is the same as that described as the ergosphere above. It is therefore sufficient to organise the explosion A to B + C such that EB < 0 to extract energy from the black hole. Indeed in this case ∆M = EB < 0 and EC > EA . You might imagine a civilisation living around a black hole and that organises its garbage managemet as suggested by MTW in the way described by Fig. 13.8. 13.7 Black hole radiation Black holes are not quite as black as one would think. In a very strong electro-magnetic field pairs of particles-anti-particles are created when the electric potential energy over a Compton length λC is sufficient: Figure 13.7: Simulated line profile assuming a Kerr or a Schwarzschild geometry for a 10 ks XEUS observation of the Seyfert galaxy MCG 6-30-15. The differences in the profiles are clearly seen. (Reeves et al Xeus documentation). 155 eEλC > 2mc2 , (13.156) where m is the mass of the corresponding particle and E the electrical field. The same is expected to be true if the tidal force, and energy, is sufficient (remember that tidal forces are the only "true" forces in a gravitational field, as the field can always be eliminated through an adequate coordinate transformation). One therefore expects pair creation for particles of mass m for GM m 2 · λC > 2mc2 . r3 (13.157) G2 M 2 c2 r 3 ' , GM c4 (13.158) This can be solved for λC : λ2C ' where we have used the fact that we are close to the gravitational radius of a black . We therefore see that particles with λC ' GM hole of mass M, and therefore r ' GM c2 c2 Figure 13.8: Misner Thorne and Wheeler view of a civilisation extracting its energy from garbage dump onto a Kerr black hole. The dump at ejection point must only be organised such that the orbits of the garbage falling into the black hole are charatcerised by negative energies. The containers will then reach the large distances with energies larger than they had when dropping. 156 are created close to the horizon of a black hole. In a fraction of the cases one of the particles created will fall into the black hole and the other will escape towards infinity. Thus the black hole will be seen to "radiate". Hawking has shown that the radiation field at infinity is that of a black body of temperature T: < N >= 1 hν ) exp ( kT (13.159) ±1 and h̄ T = ' 10−7 K 8πkM M M . (13.160) The luminosity of the black hole will be given by the L ∝ surface · T 4 law. With the surface proportional to the square of the horizon size and Eq. 13.160, we have L ∝ M2 · 1 ∝ M −2 . M4 (13.161) The time it takes for the black hole to emit an energy equal to its mass, the black hole evaporation time is tev = E M ∝ −2 ∝ M 3 . L M (13.162) Numerically this gives 10 tev ' 10 years · M 1015 g 3 . (13.163) We can therefore deduce that black holes formed at the origin of the Universe and which have a mass ' 1015 g evaporate now with a luminosity L 20 ergs L ' 10 s 1015 g M (13.164) emitting radiation of characteristic energy hν ' kT ' 100 M eV · 1015 g M . (13.165) The total energy emitted is of the order of M c2 ' 1036 ergs (much less than the energy radiated by gamma ray bursts). 157 Chapter 14 Neutron Stars The existence of neutron stars was predicted by Baade and Zwicky in 1934 (Phys. Rev.45, 138, 1934; Fig. 14.1), shortly after the discovery of the neutron by Chadwick in 1932. The paper already suggests that neutron stars could be the product of stellar explosions in supernovae and that they could be at the origin of cosmic rays. Neutron stars were then almost completely forgotten for more than 30 years, with the exception of some work e.g. by Oppenheimer, Volkoff in the 30’s and Harrison and Wheeler in the 60’s. The situation changed drastically with the discovery of pulsars in 1967. It is interesting that the authors did not know that most of the energy of a supernova is emitted as neutrinos (not even postulated by then) and therefore they overestimate the energy available to produce cosmic rays, they also underestimate the rate of supernovae. They thus still get a roughly correct energy flux in cosmic rays. The structure of neutron stars can be calculated to some extend. The major ingredients needed are the hydrostatic equilibrium equation and the equation of state. While the first may be deduced without problems from general relativity, the second requires knowledge about the equation of state of matter above nuclear density, a topic which is not solved with certainty now. The structure of neutron stars must be calculated in a general relativity frame. In order to see this you can consider the binding energy of a particle at the surface of a neutron star. You will find that for a roughly solar mass neutron star of some 10 km radius, this binding energy is of the order of 10% of the rest mass of the particle, which shows that relativistic effects cannot be neglected. 14.1 Relativistic hydrostatic equilibrium In order to capture the essence of the relativistic hydrodynamic equilibrium we consider a perfect fluid as already described in Section 13.1. with ρ(r) the mass-energy density in the local rest system and p(r), the isotropic pressure in the same system, n(r), the number density of the particles in the system and uµ (r), the 4-velocity of the fluid. 158 Figure 14.1: The original Phys. rev. article of Baade and Zwicky (Phys. Rev.45, 138, 1934). The mass-energy tensor of this fluid is: T µν = (p + ρ)uµ uν + pg µν . (14.1) The equations of conservations T;νµν = 0, (14.2) and the Einstein equation Gµν = 8πGTµν lead to the relativistic hydrostatic equation as we had seen in a previous chapter: dP G(P + ρ)(m(r) + 4πr3 P ) =− , dr r2 (1 − 2G m(r) ) r where P is the pressure and m(r) the mass within the radius r. 159 (14.3) 14.2 Equation of state We consider only the simplest case of a mixture of electrons, protons and neutrons in beta equilibrium and at T = 0. The particles we consider have all half integer spin and obey the Fermi statistics The equations needed for the number density, the mass-energy density and the pressure (the elements of the equation of state for zero temperature) are given by the ideal zero temperature Fermi gas: Z pF 8π p2 dp n= 3 2π~ 0 Z pF p 8π ρ= p2 + m2 p2 dp 2π~3 0 Z pF 1 8π p2 p P = p2 dp. 2 2 3 2π~3 0 p +m (14.4) (14.5) (14.6) where pF is the Fermi momentum, ρ is the mass energy density, n the number density and P the pressure (remember that the pressure is given by the exchange of momentum per unit time at the wall (∝ p · v, v = p/m)). The particles we consider are electrons, protons, neutrons and neutrinos. The reactions between them are the β reactions: n → p + e− + ν e− + p → n + ν (14.7) (14.8) In order to calculate the relative numbers of the different kind of particles we consider the conservation laws for charge and baryons. Charge conservation and neutrality imply ne = np and baryon conservation implies nn + np = constant. Consider = (n, S, Yi ) = energy density in the gas. The first law of thermodynamics dQ = T dS = d + P dV + µdN , the first term gives the free energy, the second the mechanical work and the third the chemical energy. Considering this equation per particle and solving for the energy /n, we obtain 1 = −P d + T dS − Σµi dYi , d n n with 160 (14.9) ∂ P =− ∂ ∂ n , 1 n n , ∂S ∂ n µi = . ∂Yi T = (14.10) (14.11) (14.12) Looking for the structure of a neutron star with no exchange of energy with the external world, the mechanical work is zero, so is the entropy change. The only variation in the state of the gas is that of the relative abundances Yi of the particles. One therefore obtains Σµi dYi = 0. (14.13) µi is the chemical potential of the i-th sort and Yi := nni is the relative density of the i-th particle sort. This condition expresses that changes in the relative concentration of the particle sorts may not change the energy of the system as there is no energy source available. Charge conservation imposes dYe = dYp and baryon number conservation demands dYp = −dYn . Equation 14.13 therefore becomes µe dYe + µn dYn + µp dYp + µν dYν = 0. (14.14) The last term is set to 0 because the ν leave freely the system and therefore do not contribute. We finally have µn = µp + µe . In an ideal Fermi gas q at T=0, the chemical potentials are given by the Fermi energy of the species: µi = p2F,i + m2i . This is a straight function of the density of the particles, as is seen from the first equation of 14.4. The rest is algebra and will not be pursued further here (see e.g. Shapiro and Teukolski section 2.5). It is clear, however that we have enough elements to deduce the composition of the material. This is given in Fig. ??, which gives the ratio of proton to neutron. It is important to note that the neutrons are stable in this configuration because the Fermi energy of the electrons is larger than the mass difference between neutron and protons. The neutrons cannot, therefore, decay into a propton an electron and an anti-neutrino, there is simply not enough energy available. 14.2.1 The Harrison-Wheeler Equation of State At low densities and pressure the most bound nucleus is 56 Fe. The lowest energy state of matter that has been given time to settle will therefore be a collection of 56 Fe nuclei. When the density increases, however, the electrons become degenerate and therefore energetic. In these conditions the equilibrium mixture of particles is not any more 56 Fe nuclei and electrons, but ever richer neutron elements and 161 Figure 14.2: The composition of a cold mixture of neutrons, protons and electrons as a function of the density. electrons. At densities above about 4 1011 g cm−3 the matter is so neutron rich that some neutrons drip out of the nuclei. The mixture is then one of nuclei of mass A and charge Z, free neutrons and relativistic electrons. In order to study the composition of this mixture consider its energy density = nN M (A, Z) + e ne + n (nn ), (14.15) where ni is the density of a type of particle and M(A,Z) is the mass (energy) of the (A,Z) nucleus. The function M(A,Z) is given by a model of the nuclear forces. Harrison and Wheeler used a then known semi empirical mass formula (of Green) based on the liquid drop model of the nucleus. One then has to minimize the energy density of the mixture while satisfying the conservation laws. There results an equation for P (ρ), the equation of state of a (very simplified) neutron star. Since then there have been a number of equation of state that have been developed, based on more sophisticated models of the nucleus and treatments of the particle interactions. Using the Harrison Wheeler equation of state and the relativistic hydrostatic equation one can deduce the total mass of the configuration as a function of the central density. This is shown in Fig. 14.4 for the white dwarfs (where the pressure is given by a degenarate electron gas) and the neutron stars. The stable configurations are those for which the function’s slope is positive and the limit of stability is found at the maxima. The maximum mass of a white dwarf is seen to be, as expected, at 1.4 solar masses, the Chandrasekhar mass, while the maximum mass of a Harrison Wheeler neutron star is seen to be at 0.7 solar masses with a radius at the maximum mass of 9.6 km and a central density of ρc = 5 · 1015 g cm−3 . Clearly the maximum mass of a given configuration is set by the equation of state. Different, more sophisticated equations of state will therefore lead to different maximum masses, a point to which we will return. Realistic equations of state consider more aspects of the interactions between neutrons, electrons and protons than just the beta reactions and the perfect fluid approximations used by Harrison and Wheeler. Baryon interactions may, as an example, 162 Figure 14.3: The Harrison Wheeler equation of state (from Shapiro and Teukolsky, 1983). give rise to a population of π mesons that should be included in the model as a π condensate in the central regions. The baryons also have an internal structure and may not be considered as point like particles at the very high densities met in the central regions of the neutron star. Taking these effects and many others has led to a number of equation of states that in turn and with the relativistic hydrostatic equilibrium gives a number of mass vs density relations (see Fig.??). These lead to different maximum masses for neutron stars, as the maximum in the M (ρ) relations is at different masses. It should be noted that the density in the inner regions of neutron stars is larger than the density of normal nuclear matter. This implies that we have very few tools that can be used to measure the properties of the equation of state in the laboratory. There remains a large uncertainty in the inner properties of neutron stars, and hence on their possible maximum mass. One way of progressing on this issue is to measure the radius and mass of neutron stars. While the mass can be measured for some neutron stars in binary systems, the radius is much more elusive. It has, however, become recently possible to measure the X-ray spectrum of bursting neutron stars with XMM-Newton. The lines a shited towards the red by the gravitational redshift at the surface of the neutron stars, thus 163 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1,O M Mo o.B 0.6 HW Stable white dwarfs HW,OV 0.4 o.2 0 105 OV 107 10e 10rI t ol3 Stable neutronstars 1015 1017 ,| ote P" (gcm-31 Figure9.1 Gravitationalmassversuscentraldensityfor the HW (1958)and OV (1939)equationsol state.The stablewhite dwarf and neutron star branchesof the HW curve are designatedby a âeny solid line. Figure 14.4: Total mass vs central density for white dwarfs and Harrison Wheeler neutron stars. (from Shapiro and Teukolsky, 1983). giving a measure of M/R for the star. Fig. 14.6 gives one such measurement for the EXO0748-676 from which one deduces z ' 0.35, which for a reasonable mass of 1.41.8 solar masses gives a radius of the order of 9-10 km (Cottam, Parels and Mendez, Nature 420,51, 2002). 14.2.2 structure of Neutron stars Together with the hydrostatic equilibrium equation given above this gives a first glimpse into the possible configurations of a neutron star. This is given in Figure 14.7 for two different equations of state, that take different physical processes into account. It is already apparent in this figure that the gravitational redshift at the surface will be different. The composition of the neutron stars is made of 56 Fe nuclei at the surface (an Iron atmosphere). As one progresses towards the interior, the nuclei become more and more neutron rich, as the Fermi energy of the electrons increases until the density reaches the neutron drip point at 41011 g/cm3 , where free neutrons begin to appear. The composition is then made of neutrons, electrons and protons. Further inside more exotic forms of matter may appear. It is also worth mentionning that while the collapse is ongoing, the chemical potential of the neutrinos is not zero, as the neutrinos are trapped within the collapsing star. The formalism described must therefore take this into account for these very early phases. 164 3.0 2.O M Mo 1.0 0 1014 1016 1ots Pc (gcm-g) Figure9.2 Gravitational mass vs. central density for various equations of state. The letters labeling thedifferent curvesare identified in Table 8.2 with the exception of.m, which denotesa Reid equation of statemodified by charged-pioncondensation.The ascendingportions of the curyes representstable neutronstars.[After Baym and Pethick (1979).Reproducedwith permission,from the Anntnl Raniew Vol. 17. @ 1979by Annual ReviewsInc.J ol Astronomyand Astrophysrcs, Figure 14.5: Total mass vs central density for a number of equation of states that are more realistic than free particles under beta equilibrium (from Shapiro and Teukolsky, 1983). 14.2.3 The maximum mass of a neutron star The question of the maximum mass a neutron star can have is of prime importance when one wants to assess the existence of black holes in our Galaxy. Since this maximum mass depends on the details of the equation of state and this is poorly known, there is some level of uncertainty in this maximum mass. One treatment of this question using as much knowledge as possible is given by the following assumptions: • The hydrostatic equilibrium is given by 13.28. This means that general relativity is applicable. • Matter is microscopically stable, i.e. dP dρ ≥ 0. • ρ≥0 • The equation of state is known up to some density. • One may consider a further condition which is dP ≤ c2 which states that the dρ speed of sound must be less than the velocity of light. One should remark, however, that the speed at which information are transported in a medium is not the phase velocity and therefore that it is not clear that this condition is a causality condition. With these considerations one estimates that the maximum mass of a neutron star is around 3 solar masses and certainly below 6. 165 D(Oo748-676 phases Early-burst Ëo _ - "k 0.006 ïa T E o (f, iî pu 0.004 a +t c :J E o.oo2 o.oo8 o c 'i^ i J' f E t) g g f 0.004 0.003 (f) c{rE =*Î x oèr olJz D x EgES = = = = B:3 O O = oo z J = 0 6 = 0.002 o v o.oo1 20 Wavelength 6) Figure 14.6: XMM-Newton spectrum of a burst of EXO0748-676 (from Cottam, Parels and Mendez, Nature 420,51, 2002). It is highly interesting to compare these considerations with the observed masses of neutron stars (Figure 14.8). It is very striking that all these masses are extremely close to the Chandrasekhar mass. 166 Figure 14.7: The structure of a neutron star (from Shapiro and Teukolsky, 1983). 167 Figure 14.8: Neutron star masses from observations of radio pulsar systems (Thorsett & Chakrabarty 1999, ApJ 512, 288). All error bars indicate central 68% confidence limits, except upper limits are one-sided 95% confidence limits. Five double neutron star systems are shown at the top of the diagram. In two cases, the average neutron star mass in a system is known with much better accuracy than the individual masses; these average masses are indicated with open circles. Eight neutron-star–white-dwarf binaries are shown in the center of the diagram, and one neutron-star–main-sequence-star binary is shown at bottom. Vertical lines are drawn at m = 1.35 ± 0.04M . 168 Chapter 15 Pulsars Neutron stars in isolation have first been observed as pulsars which have been discovered completely unexpectedly in 1967 when Jocelyn Bell, who was looking for scintillation in the flux of radio sources, noted the appearance of regular pulses in the light curve she was looking at. See Figure 15.1 for an example of pulsar light curve. This discovery gave a Nobel prize for Hewish, the thesis advisor of J. Bell. 15.1 Basic observational facts Pulsar periods range from ms to few s. For a long time the Crab pulsar with a period P = 33 ms was the fastest known. In the 1980’s, however, pulsars with P ∼ few ms where discovered. We will come back to these objects called millisecond pulsars in a later chapter. We will also not discuss X-ray pulsars in this chapter. We limit here the discussion to the "classical" radio pulsars, which we write simply as pulsars, the other categories will be discussed later. The pulse shape of pulsars taken as an average of some 1000 pulses is very stable, allowing for very accurate timing measurements (Figure 15.2). Thanks to pulsars astronomy is thus back in the business of precise time measurement. The periods of pulsars increase slowly with time: Ṗ ∼ 10−12 − 10−13 (Figure 15.3). Figure 15.1: Individual pulses from the 0.714 s pulsar PSR 0329+54 at 410 MHz (from Manchester and Taylor 1977). 169 Figure 15.2: A sequence of 100 pulses from PSR 1133+16 at 600 MHz. An average of 500 pulses is shown at the top (Cordes 1979, SSRv 24, 567). For example ṖCrab = 4.22×10−13 (note that Ṗ is a unitless number). The ms pulsars have much smaller Ṗ (Ṗ ∼ 10−19 ). In some pulsars the period abrubtly decreases (the spin increases) at few year intervals. Those events are called glitches (Figure 15.4). They are caused by a reorganisation of the structure of the neutron star (starquake) in which the moment of inertia changes leading to the observed rotation rate change to keep the angular momentum constant. Pulsars are broadly distributed around the plane of the Galaxy (Figure 15.5). There are some 500 of them that are known. The width of the distribution with respect to the plane of the Galaxy indicates that the pulsars have non negligible proper velocities. The short periods of pulsars indicate that the objects must be compact (second light in size at most). This leaves white dwarfs, neutron stars or black holes a possible candidates. A simple arguments allows to limit the possible candidates to neutron stars: The maximum rotation velocity Ω that an object can have while gravitationally bound is 170 Figure 15.3: P versus Ṗ diagram for pulsars. Diagonal lines indicate constant ages according to the formula t = P/2Ṗ (Lyne and Graham-Smith 1990, Pulsar Astronomy). Ω2 R ' GM , R2 (15.1) which states that rotational kinetic energy at the surface of the object cannot exceed the binding energy at the surface. This may be expressed as: Ω' p Gρ, (15.2) or 2π Pmin = 2π/Ω ' √ Gρ (15.3) which is of the order of 1 s for ρ ' 108 g cm−3 , the density of a white dwarf. The existence of periods well below 1 s among pulsars thus clearly excludes rotating white dwarfs as a possible explanation of the phenomenon. A similar argument can be 171 Figure 15.4: Pulse period of PSR 0833-45 from 1968 to 1980. The period increases over the time except for short glitches at intervals of few years (Downs 1981, ApJ 249, 687). Figure 15.5: Distributions of 558 pulsars in Galactic coordinates (Taylor et al. 1993, ApJS 88, 529). made in the case of vibration. Another explanation that can readily be ruled out is based on orbital periods of black holes and/or neutron stars. Whereas such periods might be envisaged, the derivatives would be such that the periods decrease with time, as the orbit shrinks by the emission of gravitational radiation. Black holes do not have a structure that could create periods and accretion is a highly varying phenomenology. One is therefore lead very naturally to the rotation of neutron stars to explain pulsars. 172 15.1.1 Distances to pulsars The high time accuracy available on the pulsar measurements allows us to obtain their distances using the properties of radio wave propagation in the interstellar medium. Consider the dispersion relation of radio waves in a plasma: ω 2 = ωp2 + k 2 c2 , (15.4) where k is the wave number (amplitude of the wave vector) and ωp the plasma frequency ωp2 := 4πne e2 . me (15.5) Radio waves will propagate through the medium for ω > ωp . The group velocity of the waves is given by 1/2 ωp2 ωp2 dω(k) k · c2 vg = = =c 1− 2 'c 1− 2 dk ω ω 2ω (15.6) for ω >> ωp , where we have used eq. 15.4 (k 2 c2 = ω 2 − ωp2 ). The time of arrival of a wave pulse around the frequency ω is given by D Z ta (ω) = 0 1 dl ' vg c Z D 0 ωp2 dl 1 + 2 2ω (15.7) where D is the distance to the object. Writing explicitely the plasma frequency from eq. 15.7 gives this time as a function of the integral of the electron density along the path: 2πe2 D + ta (ω) = c mcω 2 Z L ne dl. (15.8) 0 RL One calls the integral 0 ne dl the dispersion measure, often written DM . This arrival time is a function of the wave frequency. Deriving the arrival time one obtains dt 4πe2 =− DM dω mcω 3 (15.9) which is an observable quantity. Thus the dispersion measure is known. Assuming, or knowing from some other source the density of the interstellar medium (in average < ne >' 0.03 cm−3 ) thus provides the distance to the object. 173 15.2 Magnetic Dipole model One can gain an excellent understanding of the energy balance in a pulsar by considering the pulsar as a magnetic dipole in which the magnetic axis is not aligned with the rotation axis (the same is true on the Earth). → − Let’s consider a neutron star with a magnetic field B which is oblique with respect to its rotation axis. The magnetic moment is: |m| = Bp R3 , 2 (15.10) where R is the radius of the neutron star and Bp the dipolar field. Since the field and the rotation axis are not aligned, the magnetic moment varies with time and a variable magnetic dipole radiates (in a way similar to the variable electric moment that also radiates as we have seen at the very beginning of these lectures). The energy loss of the variable magnetic dipole is Ė = − 2 |m̈|2 , 3c3 (15.11) with m : 1 m = Bp R3 · ek cos α + e⊥ sin α cos Ωt + e0 ⊥ sin α sin Ωt , 2 (15.12) and where ek and e⊥ are the unit vectors respectively parallel and perpendicular to the rotation axis. We find when deriving 15.12 twice and inserting in 15.11: |Ė| = Bp2 R6 Ω4 sin2 α 6c3 (15.13) (calculations are left to the reader). The radiated energy has to have some origin... . The most readily available source stems is the slowing down of the spin of the pulsar. The kinetic energy of the rotation of the star and its first derivative are given by: Erot = 21 IΩ2 E˙rot = IΩΩ̇, where Ω is the angular rotation and I the momentum of inertia. 174 (15.14) Neutron Stars L27 t4 l3 t2 o !a ll èo I t0 Graveyard 9 8 -3 -2 -l 0 log F (s) Figure 15.6: B versus P diagram for pulsars. This diagram is equivalent to Fig. 15.3 when using the B(P, Ṗ ) relation. Combining 15.13 and 15.14, the magnetic field can be expressed as: IΩΩ̇6c3 B = 6 4 2 R Ω sin α 2 (15.15) which can be estimated for P = 33 ms, the rotation period of the Crab pulsar, and Ṗ = 4.22 · 10−13 its derivative. 10km and mass 1033 g, R 2For a neutron star45of radius the moment of inertia (I = r dm) is I = 1.4 · 10 g cm2 . Expression 15.15 gives the magnetic field of a pulsar as a function of its period and period derivative. It can therefore be used to express the diagram 15.3 not as Ṗ vs P , but as B vs P. This equivalent diagram is shown in Fig. 15.6. With sin α ∼ 1 the field we find (B = 5.2 · 1012 gauss) which is remarquably close to the one found when observing cyclotron emission lines in X-ray pulsars. This implies that a very plausible scenario for the source of energy of pulsars is indeed their rotational energy. This is naturally also well in line with the observation that the pulsar periods increase with time, showing that they indeed loose rotational energy. This model of a pulsar is shown in Fig. 15.7, which shows in addition the expectations one has as to the polarisation of the outcoming radiation. The observed radiation comes indeed from relativistic electrons that are accelerated and follow the magnetic field lines. The acceleration is therefore in the plane of the field line and induces a linear polarisation that will evolve through the pulse, as the observer sees electrons following different fields lines (remember that the cone of radiation of the electrons is narrow and forward showing). We can use these ideas further and calculate the age of the pulsars using Eqs.(15.13 and 15.14). 175 2t7 Pulsars:their origin and evolution FIELDLINES LINEOF SIGHT OF EMISSION Pofh of LINEOF SIGHT POLARIZATION ANGLE Time* Rofotionr+Àlu nulgllull Axis Time* Fig. 6. The polar cap model of Radhakrishnanand Cooke (1969).The observationalinspiratior for this model was the sweepof the position angle of linear polarization within the pulse windov (schematicallyshown by the frgure on the left). The length and orientation of the arrolrysrepresen the polarizedflux and position angle.This led to the'light house model'for pulsarsshown oI the right: the observedradiationis believedto originatevery closeto the magneticpoles,and beamet into a narro,wcone.The fîgure at the top left shows the geometryof the projectedfield lines anc the locusof line of sight Figure 15.7: A rotating neutron star with a misaligned magnetic dipole functions (and therefore radiates) like a time variable magnetic moment. Let’s introduce: Ω 6Ic3 T := = 2 6 2 , Ω̇ 0 B R sin αΩ20 (15.16) where the index "0" indicates the present time. Eqs 15.13 and 15.14 can be combined to express Ω/Ω̇: B 2 R6 Ω2 sin2 α Ω̇ = , Ω 6Ic3 (15.17) in which we introduce T in the following way: Ω̇ B 2 R6 sin2 α Ω2 2 1 Ω2 = Ω = − . 0 Ω 6Ic3 Ω20 T Ω20 (15.18) Separating the variables leads to dΩ dt 1 =− , 3 Ω T Ω20 (15.19) 1 t 1 − Ω−2 = − + c0 . 2 T Ω20 (15.20) which can be integrated to give 176 Let Ω = Ωi be the initial angular velocity at t = 0 to find the integration constant to find finally for Ω(t) : − 12 2Ω2i t . (15.21) Ω = Ωi 1 + 2 Ω0 T This can be inverted to give the age of the pulsar at a given angular velocity Ω0 : T t= 2 Ω20 1− 2 Ωi . (15.22) Note that after a significant slowing down, Ω0 << Ωi : t' T . 2 (15.23) Finally we find for the values of the Crab pulsar we have used : Tpulsar = 2486 years and therefore an age t of ' 1263 years which is very close to the real age (2000 − 1050) ' 950 years deduced from the date of the explosion of the supernova at the origin of the Crab nebula and pulsar. This result confirms very convincingly the origin of the pulsar in the Crab as the supernova observed by the Chinese in 1054. It also shows the level of intuition that Baade and Zwicky had had in 1934. Although one has understood with the oblique rotating magnetic dipole the loss of energy of the pulsars, one is still very far from the understanding of the observed radiation. This requires a considerably more involved consideration on the magnetosphere of the pulsars. 15.3 The aligned rotator and the pulsar magnetosphere A first approach to the magnetosphere is given by the the aligned rotator model in which we now consider the case of a rapidly rotating magnetised neutron star in which the magnetic field and the rotation axis are parallel. At first sight such an object should not radiate, as the magnetic dipole is not variable in time, both axis being parallel. Consider a dipole magnetic field: 3 R B = Bp , r 177 (15.24) where R is the size of the neutron star and r is the distance to the star. The field can only have the dipole shape for c , (15.25) Ω because at larger distances the rotating magnetic field lines that are attached each to a point on the surface of the star would move faster than the speed of light. Rc is called the light cylinder radius. It is located at the distance at which the equatorial co-rotation velocity equals the velocity of light. At distances large compared to the 2 light cylinder, the magnetic field will be given by the Poynting flux S = cB that 4π charaterises the radiation of the star. Close to the light cylinder both approaches to the magnetic field must match. The energy loss Ė is then given by the Poynting flux integrated over the sphere: r Rc =: |Ė| = 4πRc2 · S c 2 = 4πRc2 · B (Rc ) 4π c 2 6 2R = · cBp 6 Ω6 Ω c Bp2 R6 Ω4 = . c3 (15.26) (15.27) (15.28) (15.29) This corresponds to the expression we had found in the oblique rotator approach as Eq. 15.13 without the sin2 (α) term. The link between the slowing down of the neutron star and its radiation is therefore identical to what we deduced in the preceding section. We can now look for the properties of the magnetosphere of the neutron star using the dipole magnetic field approximation close to the neutron star. The vector form of the field is B = Bp R 3 sin θ cos θ e + e . r3 r 2r3 θ (15.30) Inside the star we expect the medium to be highly ionised. The conduction will therefore be very high. In the infinite conductivity limit (which we use) the Lorentz v force must vanish. Were it not so, the currents j = σ E + c × B would be infinite. This means that inside the star we have E+ v × B = 0. c (15.31) Using the star rotation in Eq. 15.31 we have for the fields inside the star (superscript "in"): E in + Ω×r × B in = 0. c 178 (15.32) In absence of currents at the surface of the star the magnetic field B must be continous at the surface r = R. Using Eq. 15.30, the field is therefore B in sin θ = Bp cos θer + e . 2 θ (15.33) With Eq. 15.31, we know the electric field inside the star: E in RΩBp sin θ = c sin θ e − cos θeθ 2 r (15.34) The component of the field parallel to the surface is continous (not necessarily the component perpendicular to the surface, as there could be a charge at r = R). The electrical field outside the surface is therefore given by RΩBp sin θ cos θ c ∂ RΩBp 2 = − sin θ ∂θ 2c Eθout = − (15.35) (15.36) This is a quadrupolar electric field, its magnitude is E' RΩBp 2 · 108 ' B12 c P volt cm−1 , (15.37) for a magnetic field of about 1012 G and a period P (in s) of 1 s. The electric force acting on the elementary charges are much larger than the gravitational binding energy at the surface of the star: eE ∼ e RΩBp GM mp ∼ 109 Fg = 109 . c R2 (15.38) This means that there will be a region where charges will be dissociated in a very conducting plasma for which E · B = 0. Only thus can the Lorentz force vanish (the charges cannot be accelerated along the magnetic field lines). This shows that the vacuum in the vicinity of a rapidly rotating neutron star is unstable. One can use these fields to get a zeroth approximation to the energy of particles that can be expected around a pulsar by considering the acceleration of particles in the field: γ̇mc = eE = eRΩBp , c (15.39) or γ̇ = eRΩBp , mc2 179 (15.40) where γmc is the impuls of the particle. For particles accelerated in the vicinity of the star and traveling close to te speed of light we have eR2 ΩBp ∼ 11 R γ ' γ̇∆t ' γ̇ ' = 10 . c mc3 (15.41) This gives for electrons a maximum possible energy of γmc2 ∼ = 1011 · 500keV = 5 · 1016 eV. (15.42) But note that this is a very unrealistic estimate. However, it encourages to look at the neutron star environement as a source of relativistic particles. These relativistic particles can then be feeding the supernova remnants that surround some neutron stars (the plerions, like the Crab nebula) and makes it plausible that synchrotron radiation is observed. The relativistic particles are also expected to form one component of the cosmic rays, giving right to the speculation of Baade and Zwicky in 1934. 15.3.1 Maximum particle energy A somewhat more sophisticated approach to the energy of particles that can escape from a neutron star and thus be observable outside the light cylinder is as follows. Consider dipolar field for which the field lines are characterised by sin2 θ = const. r (15.43) The open field lines are those going through the cap of the neutron star. The last one being given by the dipole line that extends just to the light cylinder, i.e. sin2 θ 1 = . r Rc (15.44) This field line cuts the surface of the star at θp given by 1 sin2 θp = , R? Rc Rc = c/Ω, (15.45) R? being the radius of the star. This defines the so-called polar cap (see Fig. 15.8). We can estimate the potential Φ that corresponds to the electric field, knowing that the field is the gradient of the potential: E = −∇φ. (15.46) For the quadrupolar electrical field that we found in Eq. 15.36, the potential is 180 φ (r, θ) = − 1 B0 ΩR?5 (3 cos2 θ) − 1 · . 6 c r3 (15.47) The maximum potential that we can use for a particle that escapes the magnetosphere is the potential difference between the pole and θp . We therefore insert the angle that delimits the polar cap that we found in 15.45 in 15.47 with 15.44 for the potential at θp using cos2 θ = 1 − sin2 θ = 1 − R? /Rc Φ(R? , θp ) = − R? 1 B0 ΩR?2 · (2 − 3 ). 6 c Rc (15.48) 1 B0 ΩR?2 · 2, 6 c (15.49) At θ = 0, the potential is Φ(R? , 0) = − so tat the available potential difference is Φ(R? , θp ) − Φ(R? , 0) = 1 B0 Ω2 R?3 . 2 c2 (15.50) For a period os 1ms and a field of 10 1012 G, this gives a maximum available potential difference of ∆φ ≤ 6 · 1019 volts. (15.51) Which gives also the maximal energy that a charge can gain when crossing the potential difference in eV. Note that this is a very simplified model of a region that is bound to be very complex and that the potential difference calculated here is certainly a gross overestimate of the energy that can be gained in the vicinity of a very powerful pulsar. This energy is, however, still less than the maximum energy observed in the cosmic rays, which indicates, that pulsars cannot be responsible directly for these extreme particles. These results form the basis on which one builds models for the emission of pulsars. Indeed the oblique dipole model that we considered in section 15.2 shows convincingly what the origin of the energy is, it does not indicate at all, however, how radio emission is created. Taken at face value, it would indicate a radiation of frequency comparable to that of the pulsar. It is thought that the radio emission is produced by relativistic electrons traveling along the curved open magnetic field lines that emanate from the polar cap. These electrons are accelerated, the field lines are not straight, and therefore radiate according to the Larmor formula. For a trajectory with a radius of curvature ρ and energy γ, the frequency of the emitted radiation is ν∼ 3 3c γ . 4π ρ 181 (15.52) Realistic models rely on configurations in which the charge distribution σ related to the quadrupole electric field σ=− BΩR cos2 θ 4πc (15.53) accelerates in a region in which E · B 6= 0 charges. This is region may be found either in the polar regions (polar gap model) or in regions in the magnetosphere. They are most probably not stable, the accelerations happening in sparks. The polar cap interpretation also explains naturally that the radiation comes in a cone and is therefore pulsed seen from the observer far away. It explains the polarisation structure of the pulses, as hown in Fig. 15.9. One can also see from the formalism discussed here that the acceleration source, the potential difference, depends on the period and the magnetic field in the following way: ∆φ ∼ B . P2 (15.54) Thus at some point the field will have decayed and the period increased in ways such that the sparks will be develop any more, and the pulsar will cease to radiate radio waves. This is the death line in Fig 15.6. Neutron stars beyond the death line are in the so called graveyard and are most difficult to detect. Indeed only their thermal radiation is observable in the X-rays. Although very weak and difficult to measure, this radiation is of prime importance as, linked with the ages of pulsars, it provides information on the cooling of the neutron stars, hence on their heat content and therefore on their internal structure. Pulsars are at the origin of a very wide domain of astrophysics, often because of the very accurate nature of their clocks. Millisecond pulsars have Ṗ ' 10−18−20 . The main result that this precision has lead to is probably the discovery of the binary pulsar 1913+16 by Hulse and Taylor. The changes of the orbital period of this pulsar shows very convincingly that the system is loosing energy through the emission of gravitational waves in excellent agreement with the predictions of general relativity (see below). 182 " e Op !p nf dl ie l ine s Closed field lines Rc Figure 15.8: Geometry of the magnetic field and polar cap. 183 2t7 Pulsars:their origin and evolution FIELDLINES LINEOF SIGHT OF EMISSION Pofh of LINEOF SIGHT POLARIZATION ANGLE Time* Time* Rofotionr+Àlu nulgllull Axis Fig. 6. The polar cap model of Radhakrishnanand Cooke (1969).The observationalinspiratior for this model was the sweepof the position angle of linear polarization within the pulse windov (schematicallyshown by the frgure on the left). The length and orientation of the arrolrysrepresen the polarizedflux and position angle.This led to the'light house model'for pulsarsshown oI the right: the observedradiationis believedto originatevery closeto the magneticpoles,and beamet into a narro,wcone.The fîgure at the top left shows the geometryof the projectedfield lines anc the locusof line of sight Figure 15.9: Schematic of the oblique rotator model for pulsars in which the emission happens in the polar cap region, from Shapiro and Teukolski. 184 Chapter 16 Gravitational Radiation Pulsar timing with its very high precision can be used to measure, also with great precision, the orbits of the pulsars in binary systems. This is at the origin of the indirect discovery of gravitational radiation. The discovery is indirect in that the gravitational waves have, up to now, never been directly measured. The reaction, however, of the binary system to the emission of gravitational waves, has been measured on the so-called Hulse-Taylor pulsar, PSR 1913+16. This has earned Hulse and Taylor a Nobel price. Gravitational radiation is a quadrupolar process, i.e. contrary to electro-magnetic radiation that is emitted when a charge dipole varies in time (but not when a monopole varies), a time variable quadrupole (Ijk ) is necessary to emit gravitational waves. (graviton are a massless spin 2 particles). Einstein general relativity allows to calculate the emission of gravitational waves with the following result (see e.g. Misner, Thorne and Wheeler for a discussion). LGW ≡ 1 G ... ... dE = 5 h I jk I jk i. dt 5c (16.1) The quadrupole moment of a mass distribution is given by Ijk = X A 1 A A A 2 mA xj xk − δjk x 3 (16.2) The quadrupole of a system of 2 point masses in a binary orbit can be calculated. Note, however, that since gravitation is a non linear theory, it is not straight forward to use the quadrupole formula in the case of two very dense objects, as a complete discussion of the system would require that the gravitational field generated by each object be smoothly merged into the binary system, rather than treating the two masses as point masses. This notwithstanding, let us describe a binary system consisting of M1 and M2 in circular orbits around the center of mass. In this case M1 a1 = M2 a2 = µa, where 185 (16.3) µ= M1 M2 M1 + M2 (16.4) is the reduced mass of the system. The "xx" component of the quadrupole moment of the circular binary system in the x-y plane is M1 a21 + M2 a22 cos2 φ + cst 1 2 = µa cos 2φ + cst 2 Ixx = (16.5) (16.6) and similarly 1 Iyy = − µa2 cos 2φ 2 (16.7) 1 Ixy = Iyx = µa2 sin 2φ. 2 (16.8) and There is no z component. Let φ = Ωt, Ω the angular velocity, and derive with respect to time 3 times and feed into the quadropule formula to find 1 G ... ... h I jk I kj i (16.9) 5 c5 2 1 2 1G 6 · (2Ω) · µa = hsin2 2Ωt + sin2 2Ωt + 2 cos2 2Ωti (16.10) | {z } 5 c5 2 LGW = 2 3 32 G (GM ) µa 5 c 5 a9 32G4 M 3 µ2 = . 5c5 a5 = 2 2 (16.11) (16.12) We now study the effect that this energy loss has on the orbit parameters of our binary system. For this consider the orbital period P = 2π which is an observable. Ω The third Kepler law relates the period and a in the following way (2π)2 GM = 3 , Ω = 2 P a 2 (16.13) from which we have Ṗ 3 ȧ = . P 2a 186 (16.14) The energy of the binary system is E=− 1 GµM , 2 a (16.15) which decreases as a result of the gravitational radiation losses. −Ė = LGW = 1 GµM ȧ ȧ = −E · . 2 2 a a (16.16) This leads to ȧ Ė =+ . a E (16.17) and therefore to an orbital period change: Ṗ 3 ȧ 3 Ė 3 32 G4 M 3 µ2 (−2a) 96 G3 M 2 µ = =+ = · · = − . P 2a 2E 2 5 c 5 a5 GµM 5 c 5 a4 (16.18) The corresponding calculation for an elliptical orbit of eccentricity e leads to 96 G3 M 2 µ Ṗ =− · f (e) P 5 c 5 a4 (16.19) −7/2 73 2 37 4 f (e) := 1 + e + e 1 − e2 . 24 96 (16.20) with The binary pulsar PSR 1913+16 was discovered by Hulse and Taylor in 1974 using the Arecibo radio telescope. The binary nature was clear from the irregularities of the pulse arrival times (Fig. 16.1), although only one of the two masses making the binary is a pulsar. The other is not observed. The main parameters of the pulsar and orbit are: Ppulsar = 0.059029997929883(7) s Ṗ = 8.62629(8) · 10−18 e = 0.617127 Porbit = 27906.98163(2) s. 3 (m2 sin i) In a Newtonian system, only the mass function f = (M 2 of a binary of this 1 +M2 ) nature can be measured. In a relativistic system, however, more observables can be 6πGM2 measured, prima amongst them the rate of change of the periastron ω̇ = a1 (1−e 2 )P c2 . In the case of the binary pulsar this is found to be 4.22660(4) degrees per year (see fig. 16.2 to see how the periastron advance modifies the pulse arrival time as a function of phase). This may be compared to the 43 arcsec/year observed in the 187 Figure 16.1: The pulse arrival time for the binary pulsar PSR 1913+16 (Taylor Nobel lecture). solar system for the orbit of Mercury. Gravitational redshift and transverse Doppler effect can also be measured. This leads to an over constrained system that can therefore be tested for consistency. Figure 16.2: The observed changes in the pulse arrival change over a 10 year period. The changes in the pattern are due to a large variation in the periastron position. (from ???) The relativistic effects therefore provide a measurement of both masses of the system: The pulsar mass is 1.386 (3) solar masses The companion mass is 1.442 (3) solar masses. With both masses and the eccentricity known, it is then possible to calculate the rate of change of the period (from eq. 17.9 and to compare it with observations. This is shown in Fig, 16.3. 188 Figure 16.3: The rate of change of the orbital period of PSR 1913+16. The dots refer to the observations, while the curve represents the theoretical prediction from the quadrupole formula (Will 2006). The overconstraint of the system maybe be shown on a 2-D diagramme with the mass of each member of the binary on each axis as in Fig. 16.4. 189 Figure 16.4: The masses of the pulsar and its companion shown with the constraints on Ṗ , ω̇ and γ̇ from Will 2006. 190 Chapter 17 X-ray Binaries The X-ray sky is characterised by different source populations. There is one population of sources that are rather weak (whatever this is supposed to mean) and isotropic on the celestial sphere. This population is made of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) and it is (most probably) at the origin of the so-called diffuse X-ray background. Indeed, the more sensitive the instruments for point sources, the more the “diffuse” background is resolved in individual weak sources. Another population of weak sources has emerged in the last decade, these are the coronae of “normal” stars. Paradoxally, often cool stars, when in strong rotation, have a very active corona that can be at the origin of a substantial X-ray flux that has been revealed in particular by ROSAT. There is a population of extended sources, the supernovae remnants. Another population of extended sources is given by the clusters of galaxies. These contain large quantities of hot gas (107 K), where large means some ten times the quantity of matter contained by the galaxies. Finally, there is a population of bright (up to some 1038 ergss−1 sources, clearly associated with our Galaxy. These are the sources that were first discovered at Xray energies, they are much more luminous than the other galactic sources and show very peculiar properties, in particular a variability by many orders of magnitudes on many different timescales, from less than a second to years and longer. These are accretion powered binary systems. The so-called X-ray binaries. The first of these sources to be discovered was Sco-X1 during a ballon flight by Giacconi et al. in 1962. This brought Giacconi a Nobel prize in 2002. The detection was completely unexpected, as any extrapolation from the then known X-ray flux of the Sun to the distances at which most stars showed that would by far not be observable. A first survey of the sky for X-ray sources was performed by the UHURU satellite launched by NASA on the 12.12.1970. The optical counterpart of Sco-X1 was discovered (“identified”) in 1966. In 1967, Shklovski proposed a model of the X-ray emission based on the transfer of mass from the companion to the compact object. This is the paradigm in which we are 191 COMPACT OBJECT white dwarf no white dwarf Cataclysmic variable X-ray binary COMPANION MASS M > M M < M HMXRB LMXRB COMPACT OBJECT MASS COMPACT OBJECT MASS M < 3M Pulsar X (with NS) M > 3M Black hole candidate M < 3M M > 3M Burster (with NS) Black hole candidate Figure 17.1: Schematic view of the many types of X-ray binaries. going to discuss these binaries in the following subsections. The population of X-ray sources in our Galaxy (excluding now stars and supernovae remants) is very varied, many subcategories must be distinguished (Figure 17.1). When the compact object is a white dwarf one speaks of cataclysmic variables, also called novae or dwarf novae. In these systems matter is pulled from a (Roche lobe filling) companion onto the white dwarf. The white dwarf increases in mass and eventually becomes more massive than the Chandrasekhar mass. When this mass is reached, the dwarf explodes in a type I supernova. We will not discuss these objects any further here. The second distinction is based on the mass of the companion. When the mass is large, the companion is an O or B star, the X-ray luminosity of the system is less than that in the optical domain, the system is called a high mass X-ray binary, abbreviated by HMXRB. When, however, the companion mass is low, less than the 192 mass of the Sun, the X-ray luminosity is larger by about one order of magnitude than the optical luminosity and the system is called a low mass X-ray binary, abbreviated as LMXRB. The distributions of both types of systems are very different. HMXRB are young systems (high mass stars live for a short time only). They are naturally found in regions of star formation and associated with the disk of our Galaxy. The LMXRB are older systems, low mass stars live long, and are therefore less concentrated on the disk (they show a broader distribution in latitudes), but more concentrated towards the central regions of the Galaxy (Figures 17.2 and 17.3). Figure 17.2: Distribution of LMXRB (open circles) and HMXRB (filled circles) in the Galaxy. A sample of 86 LMXRB and 52 HMXRB is shown. Note the significant concentration of HMXRB towards the Galactic Plane and the clustering of LMXRB in the Galactic Bulge (Grimm et al. 2003, ChJAA 3S, 257). Figure 17.3: Distribution of Galactic HMXRB (solid lines) and LMXRB (thick green lines) against Galactic latitude (left panel) and longitude (right panel). The arrows in the right panel mark the positions of the tangential points of spiral arms. Note that on the right panel the number of LMXRB is divided by 3 (Grimm et al. 2003, ChJAA 3S, 257). 193 The magnetic fields of both types of systems are very different. The B field of HMXRB is high, of the order of 1012 G, whereas that of the LMXRB is much smaller, often of the order of 1011 G or less. This has for consequence that the X-ray properties of both types of systems are also very different. The accretion system is also different. The HMXRB accrete mass that stems from the companion stellar wind while the matter falling from the companion of a LMXRB comes from the surface of the companion that fills its Roche lobe. These differences imply a very different phenomenology. The HMXRB accrete matter that is linked to the magnetic field lines from far away from the compact object. The material is channeled by the magnetic field onto the magnetic poles of the neutron star. These systems appear like X-ray pulsars. Note that the energy source in the X-ray pulsars is accretion onto a neutron star and not rotational energy from the neutron star as was discussed in the case of the radio pulsars above. Indeed the periods of the X-ray pulsars are observed to increase or to decrease. A disk forms in LMXRB and the material is accreted in a more distributed way onto the neutron star that does not appear like an X-ray pulsar. The material is spread on to the complete star and every few hours it is ignited in a nuclear reaction that is observed as an X-ray burst. These systems are called “bursters”. A further distinction on the type of binary one is dealing from is related to the mass of the compact object. When this mass exceeds the maximum mass for a neutron star, the system contains a black hole “candidate”. In the following we will discuss HMXRB, LMXRB and black hole candidates in 3 subsections. 17.1 High Mass X-ray Binaries (HMXRB) In many of these systems, or for some periods of time in their lives, the period decreases, i.e. the angular velocity and the angular momentum increase. The Figure 17.4 shows some typical light curves and some light curve derivatives as obtained from the BATSE instrument (Bildsten et al. 1997, ApJS 113, 367). It must be remarked that the shape of the light curves is very different compared to that of the radio pulsars. This and the different sign (at times) of the period derivative clearly indicates that the origin of the energy radiated is different. X-ray pulsars are driven by the accretion of matter in the potential well and not by the slowing down of the rotation of the neutron star. The Figure 17.5 shows how such a system might look like. The changes of the angular velocity of the neutron stars evidenced by the changes in their period comes from a torque. This is caused by the accretion of angular momentum that comes together with the accretion of matter. The process is driven by the magnetic field. The radius at which the magnetic field is dominating the geometry of the accretion flow is called the Alfven radius rA . This radius is given by the equality of the B field 194 Figure 17.4: Long-term frequency histories of three LMXRB (Her X-1, 4U 1626-67, and GX 1+4) and three HMXRB (Cen X-3, OAO 1657-415, Vela X-1) observed with BATSE in the period 1993 April 23-1995 February 11 (MJD 48370-49760, thick line in the figures. Bildsten et al. 1997, ApJS 113, 367). energy density on one side and that of the accretion flow: B 2 (rA ) 1 = ρ(rA )v 2 (rA ), 2π 2 (17.1) where B(r) is the magnetic field, ρ(r) is the accretion flow density as a function of the distance to the neutron star and v(r) is its velocity. Consider a dipole field: 195 Figure 17.5: Left panel: schematic dipole magnetosphere around a neutron star that is accreting material. Infalling gas is excluded from the toroidal region whose cross section is shaded (Davidson & Ostriker 1973, ApJ 179, 585). Right panel: enlargement of the base of an accretion funnel, near a magnetic pole of the neutron star (Davidson & Ostriker 1973, ApJ 179, 585). B(r) = B0 ( Rstar 3 ) r (17.2) with B(rstar ) of the order of 1012 G and a free fall accretion for which the velocity is the escape velocity: v(r) = vf f (r) = q 2GM r (17.3) ρ(r) = ρf f (r) = Ṁ , 4πr2 vf f (r) and Ṁ is the mass accretion rate. After some algebra one obtains 7/2 rA = 6 B0 Rstar √ Ṁ GM (17.4) −2/7 4/7 12/7 rA ' 3.2 · 10 M˙17 B0,12 Rstar,6 ( MM )−1/7 cm. 8 Note that in realistic cases the accretion is unlikely to be really free fall, but a significant amount of angular momentum is likely to be present and the radius to consider is less than the Alfven radius. We will use r0 ' 1/2rA in the following. In a Keplerian accretion disk, the accreting flux has a specific angular momentum e = `(r) p GM r0 , 196 (17.5) which is tranferred to the star, thus creating a change in the angular velocity. d e 0 ). (IΩstar ) ' Ṁ `(r dt (17.6) d dI dΩstar dI I Ṗ Ṗ Ṗ (IΩstar ) = Ωstar +I = Ṁ Ωstar −IΩstar ' Ṁ Ωstar −IΩstar =: `estar Ṁ −IΩstar , dt dt dt dM P M P P (17.7) which defines `estar . Together with 17.6, 17.7 gives: Ṁ e Ṗ e 0 )). ' (`star − `(r P IΩstar (17.8) This explains naturally how the sign of the period derivative can change, when the specific angular momentum of the accreted matter is larger than that of the star, the latter will be accelerated, while if the specific angular momentum is smaller the star will be slowed down. In the case when the neutron star angular momentum can be neglected in 17.8, with 17.5 expressed explicitely as a function of r0 , and with (17.4) that gives us r0 as a function of Ṁ (and hence L) we obtain: Ṗ ∝ − P Ṁ L−1/7 ∝ −(P L3/7 )2 , IΩstar (17.9) where we have used that Ṁ ∝ L. (the L dependencies imply an Eddington accretion that will be explicited later). The Figure 17.6 shows how the relation (17.9) is satisfied in a number of observed cases. 17.2 Low Mass X-Ray Binaries (LMXRB) The phenomenology of LMXB is very rich. In particular the timing analysis of the emission is providing insight into the accretion flow and its interaction with the surface of the star. The spectral information is also important to know how the matter distributes itself onto the surface. We will here limit the discussion to the most important fact that is related to the fate of the material falling onto the surface of neutron stars. We will give then some remarks on a presently very important category of LMXRB, the micro-quasars. 17.2.1 Bursters LMXRB are very often (not always, in particular not when the compact object is a black hole) observed to emit more or less regularly every few hours important bursts of X-ray emission, see Fig. 17.7 and 17.8. The very rough ratio of the time averaged persistent to time averaged burst fluxes is 197 Figure 17.6: The theoretical relation between the spin-up rate, −Ṗ , and the quantity P L3/7 , superposed on the data (pre-1979) for 9 pulsating X-ray sources. Shown is the effect of varying the neutron star mass, assuming a stellar magnetic moment µ30 = 0.48. Each curve is labeled with the corresponding value of M/M . The shaded area indicates the region where 0.5 ≤ M/M ≤ 1.9 (Ghosh & Lamb 1979, ApJ 234, 296). Figure 17.7: The first X-ray burst detected with the ANS satellite showing a very rapid followed by a slower (10s of seconds) decay in the flux. 198 Figure 17.8: The EXOSAT light curve for the X-ray burster 1636-536 (Breedon et al. 1986) R dtL R persistent ' 100. dtLbursts (17.10) This is interpreted as stemming from the ratio of gravitational binding energy to that of nuclear energy liberated when the accreted material, in the form of H and He, is transformed into Fe, the equilibrium nucleus. This nuclear reaction is verly likely happening in an explosive way, as the electron degeneracy in the surface layer of a neutron star is very high. The conditions are indeed close to those met in white dwarfs. Degenerate electrons imply that there is no thermal inertia in the system. We had seen when discussing neutron stars that the binding energy of particles at their surface is of some 10% of the particle rest mass. On the other side, the nuclear energy available in fusion reactions is of few permille of the rest mass, leading to a ratio close to the observed ratio of persistent to burst energies. Spectra of X-ray bursts are well approximated by black body emission with temperatures of few 107 K. The properties of the black body emission can therefore be used to gain some deep insight on the properties of neutron stars. The observed flux from a spherical black body is given by: 2 4πRstar fν = πBν (T ), (17.11) 4πD2 where D is the distance to the source and Bν is the black body emissivity. The luminosity of the source is given by: 2 L = 4πRstar σT 4 , 199 (17.12) Figure 17.9: Variation of the blackbody temperature, blackbody radius and luminosity for a composite of 4 bursts observed with EXOSAT from 1636-536, as obtained from time-resolved blackbody fitting of burst spectra (Turner & Breedon 1984, MNRAS 208, 29). where σ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant. The flux which is measured at the Earth L is 4πD 2 . Most of the sources are observed in the direction of the centre of the Galaxy. Thus, in average, the distance to the sources is the distance to the Galactic centre. This distance is known, it is of the order of 8 kpc. The temperature is given by the spectral shape, it is measured by fitting the observed emission. The flux is observed and the distance known. It is therefore possible to deduce the radius of the neutron star. It is found (see Figure 17.9) that the radii that are deduced in this way are indeed of the order of 10 km, as expected from the structure of the neutron stars. Further information may be obtained from the observation of absorption features in the spectra. These provide an estimate of the redshift and therefore give another combination of mass and radius (Waki et al 1984). The phenomenology of bursters is not limited to bursts. In several LMXRB, including pulsars, dips in the light curves are observed. These dips are highly dynamical, with variations on short time scales. They are thought to occur in systems that are seen close to the plane of the disk. When matter flows onto the accretion disk, the pressure at the point of impact increases thus leading to a thickening of the disk at 200 Figure 17.10: Light curve of the binary 1254-69 showing regular dips and a type 1 burst (Courvoisier et al 1986). The top panel shows the hardness ratio observed during this observation. this place. This thickening comes once per revolution across the line of sight and causes a decrease in the source flux. This is still a subject of many investigations, not all the observed features fitting with this simple model. The phenomenology of LMXRB is also marked by the presence of dipping sources like 1254-69, Fig. ??. In these sources the flux is regularly seen to decrease in a very irregular way. This is interpreted as beeing due to absorption along the line of sight caused by material that accumulates at the place where the incoming stream of matter from the companion, through the L1 point impacts on the accretion disk. the periodicity is therefore that of the orbit of the binary system. This interpretation is re-inforced by the observation of a spectral hardening at the tim of the dip, which implies an increased column density of matter. 17.3 Millisecond pulsars There are few pulsars that do not fit the general discussion we had in section 15.2. These have very fast periods, a few milliseconds, and very small period derivatives, which, as we have seen, indicates weak magnetic fields (108 G). Young objects are indeed expected to have short periods, they are, however, expected to have large magnetic fields and therefore to rapidly slow down. They move towards the right and the bottom in the Fig. 17.11 during their "lives" as normal pulsars. They eventually cross the "death line" and enter the pulsar graveyard, where their periods and magnetic fields a too weak to sustain the processes that lead to radio emission. Millisecond pulsars are found in the lower left area in Figure 17.11, where the evolution of single pulsars does not lead. It is thought that these millisecond pulsars are “recycled” in the following sense. 201 Pulsars are indeed born with fast rotation and large magnetic fields and are thus relatively quickly slowed down. In this process the magnetic field slowly decays. The pulsar emission mechanism (which we have not discussed) needs large electrical and magnetic field to function. Below a critical magnetic field, the electric field which is induced is not sufficient anymore to sustain the radio emission, the pulsars therefore disappear from the radio sky. This is the so called death line (graveyard line in Figure 17.11). Figure 17.11: Diagram of period-derivative period (P − Ṗ ) for the known population of pulsars (Kramer 2004, IAUS 218, 13). Lines are drawn for constant magnetic field and constant characteristic age. Young pulsars should be located in the upper left area. When pulsars age, they move in the central part of the P − Ṗ diagram where they spend most of their lifetime. The lack of pulsar in the lower right area is due to the "death" of pulsars when their slowdown has reached a critical state. This state seems to depend on a combination of P and Ṗ which can be represented in the P − Ṗ diagram as a pulsar death line (graveyard in the figure). In binary systems, however, the companion will eventually evolve to the stage of red giant and fill its Roche lobe. The binary system then becomes a LMXRB with a neutron star that radiates through accretion (and nuclear reactions). As the neutron star accretes material it will also accrete angular momentum, as it has been discussed in the HMXRB section. As a consequence, the neutron star rotation will accelerate. As we have seen the limit between acceleration and slowing down of the spin of a star is when the co-rotation of the magnetic field at rA is equal to the Kepler rotation at this radius. The co-rotation radius is given by the equality of the star angular velocity with the Kepler angular velocity at Rc (see ??): 202 rc = ( 1 GM 1/3 ) ∝ (M P 2 ) 3 2 Ω (17.13) Equating this with the alfven radius given in 17.4 gives the equilibrium period Peq (including the the numerical factors) 6/7 −5/7 Peq = 1.9 msec · B9 M ( Ṁ 18/7 )−3/7 R6 . ˙ MEddington (17.14) Clearly the radius cannot be less than the radius of the neutron star, which leads to maximum periods of the order of 1-2 msec. The minimum period is a constraint for the equation of state, as the radius cannot be such that the Kepler period at this radius is less than the observed period. In summary the evolution of millisecond pulsars can be seen on Fig. 17.12. In a binary system the pulsar evolves as in an isolated system to the graveyard, but when the companinion evolves to the point when it fills its Roche lobe, then angulr momentum is tranferred to the neutron stars, which period decreases until it crosses again the "death line". This scenario is very nicely confirmed by observations. Indeed, one has found in LMXRB signatures of fast pulsars. This was first detected in the X-ray emission of bursters and then also in sources like IGR J00291+5934, a transient INTEGRAL source detected in December 2004 (Eckert et al.) and in which the period was found to decrease while the outburst lasted (see fig. 17.13). Figure 17.12: The evolution of a pulsar in a binary system (from www, cornell) 17.3.1 The eclipsing pulsar The model we have just described implies that msec pulsars are to be found in binary systems. However, it is apparent from Fig. 17.11that there are such objects that are 203 Figure 17.13: The evolution of the phase (signalling the change of frequency of the pulsar during the observation) for the pulsar IGR J00291+5934 during the outburst of December 2004 (from Burderi et al. Ap.J. 657, 961, 2007) single. For those that are found in clusters of stars, the density of stars is such that collisions between stars are relatively frequent. When a binary system is involved in such a collision, the gravitational energy exchange can lead to the disruption of the binary and therefore explain the presence of isolated msec pulsars. A further possible scenario to explain the presence of isolated msec pulsars is suggested by the eclipsing pulsar PSR1957+20. In this system eclipses are observed, as shown in fig. 17.14 , indicating that the pulsar is in a binary system. The orbital period is 9.2 hours and the eclipse lasts a surprisingly long 8% of the period. The mass function of the system can be used to give an estimate of the mass of the companion: (mc sin i)3 −6 2 = 5.2 · 10 M (mp + mc ) (17.15) from which it is evident that the companion is a low mass star (remember that in an eclipsing system sin i ' 1 and the mass of the pulsar is most likely around 1.4 M ). Indeed with these parameters Eq. 17.15 gives mc = 0.02M . In a binary system the size of the Roche lobe RL is given by RL 0.49 q 2/3 ' , a 0.6 q 2/3 + ln (1 + q 1/3 ) 204 (17.16) Figure 17.14: Period of the pulsar PSR1957+20 as a function of the phase. The curve indicates the binary nature of the pulsar (the period increases as the pulsar recesses from the observer while traveling along its orbit and shortens as it nears again). The eclipse appears as the absence of a pulse between phases .2 and .3. From Fruchter et al. Nature 333, 237, 1988. where a = 1.7 1011 cm is the semi major axis and q = 0.014 is the mass ratio. The size of the Roche lobe is thus found to be RL ' 2.81010 cm. The size of the eclipse can be estimated as Recl ∼ πa · ∆tecl ∼ 4 · 1010 cm P (17.17) shorter than the Roche lobe. In a binary the Roche lobe is the largest size a gravitationally bound system can have, any material outside this radius is not bound to one of the two stars, but to the whole system. It is therefore not possible that the eclipse in PSR1957+20 is caused by a gravitationally bound object. Instead it is proposed that the companion is being evaporated by the energy radiated by the pulsar and that the eclipse is caused by the "cometary" tail of the material escaping from the companion (Phinney et al. Nature 1988). This interpretation is firmed up by the observation that the trailing end of the eclipse is characterized by long lags of arrival of the pulses (see fig. 17.15). These lags indicate the presence of a dense plasma that slows the radio waves (see the discussion of the measurement of distances to pulsars in chapter....). We can estimate whether it is energetically possible to evaporate a substantial fraction of the companion with energy radiated by the pulsar by comparing the rotational energy of the pulsar 1 −2 erg Erot = IΩ2 ' 2 · 1052 Pms 2 (17.18) which is the energy that is available for radiation with the binding energy of the 205 Figure 17.15: Residuals of the period of the pulsar PSR1957+20 as a function of the phase around the eclipse. The delay observed after the eclipse when taking the orbit into account indicates that the pulses arrive later than expected from the binary parameters. This is due to the fact that the radio ewaves are slowed down in the plasma that emanates from the companion in a form of "cometary tail". From Fruchter et al. Nature 333, 237, 1988. companion, which we estimate at first simply as a uniform sphere Ebin GM 2 ' 1048 = R M M 2 R R −1 . (17.19) Provided that the efficiency of the energy transfer η is such that ηErot > Ebin , (17.20) enough energy will be available. The efficiency η has a geometrical bound (provided that the pulsar energy is isotropically radiated) given by η< Rc 2a 2 . (17.21) Assuming that the companion fills its Roche lobe, we thus have η < 7 10−3 . Thus showing that it is energetically possible to evaporate the companion. The time that this process might take can be estimated by considering the energy loss by the pulsar Lp = E˙rot which we calculated in Chapter xxxx Lp = Ėrot 6 2 RN S 2 = B 3 c3 206 2π P 4 (17.22) with the energy that must be acquired by material escaping the companion at velocity v: 1 Ṁ v 2 = η Ėrot . 2 (17.23) We parametrize the efficiency as 2 Rc , (17.24) η=f· 2a with f < 1. The velocity of the escaping material has to be of the order of the escape velocity v ∼ vesc = 2GMc Rc 1/2 . (17.25) Combining eqs 17.22, 17.23, 17.24 and 17.25, one obtains an expression for the evaporation time τevap : τevap := 3c3 2GMc2 a2 P 4 Mc · , = 6 2RN Rc3 8π 4 f B 2 Ṁc S (17.26) which has to be compared to the age of the pulsar τpulsar , given by its slowing down rate τpulsar := = P 2Ṗ 3c3 P2 · I 6 B 2 16π 2 RN S (17.27) (17.28) (You can verify that τevap 1 Ebin = .) τpulsar η Erot (17.29) For a small mass star like the companion, the structure is that of a degenerate gas for which the mass radius relation is R = 0.013 (1 + X)5/3 R M M −1/3 , (17.30) where X is the Hydrogen mass abundance. Inserting this in eq. 17.26, one sees that the evaporation time is proportional to Mc3 : τevap ∼ M2 M2 ∼ ∼ M 3. R3 M −1 207 (17.31) When all numerical parameters are included one obtains τevap = 0.01 τpulsar 0.1 f a 2 2R P 1.55ms 2 Mc M 2 Rc R −1 . (17.32) With the properties of the companion of PSR1957+20 (Mc = 0.02M , Rc = 0.166R , a = 2.5R ) one obtains τevap = 4 · 10−3 . τpulsar (17.33) This shows that it is indeed quite possible, even with a modest efficiency, that the pulsar evaporates completely its companion in a time short compared to its age. Since the age of the pulsar is of the order of 109 years, one also sees that the companion is evaporated in a time of the order 107 years. It is therefore quite possible that isolated msec pulsars have indeed undergone an evolution in which the pulsar has been accelerated in a phase in which it acquired angular momentum from the binary system in which it lived during a LMXRB period, before it evaporated the companion. 17.4 Micro-quasars A number of LMXRB have shown in the past years that they emit jets in a way very similar to the quasars that will be discussed later in these lectures. These systems have been called micro-quasars. They are of a high level of interest, as they exhibit in a matter of hours a phenomenology that is observed to take place in years in quasars. 17.5 Transient sources 208 Chapter 18 Black Hole Candidates We have seen in chapter XXXXX that neutron stars have a maximum mass beyond which degenerate neutrons cannot resist the gravitational attraction. This mass is of about 3 solar masses, the exact value depends on the poorly known equation of state at densities beyond the nuclear density. Beyond this mass, the structure of the object must be that of a black hole. There are systems in which the mass of the compact object can be seen to be larger than the mass limit for neutron stars. These systems are binaries (Cowley, AARA 1992) in our Galaxy, but also the massive black hole in the center of our Galaxy or the supermassive black holes that power the phenomenology of AGN. We discuss in this chapter first the dynamical evidence for compact objects of masses beyond 3 solar masses and then some direct evidence for black holes. 18.0.1 Dynamical evidence X-ray binaries The first system in which it was suspected that the mass of the compact object is larger than 3 solar masses are X-ray binaries. In these systems it is possible to measure the radial velocity of the companion object and to deduce the mass function f (M ) = (MX sin i)3 , (MX + MC )2 (18.1) where we note with MX the mass of the compact X-ray source and MC the mass of the companion. sin i is the term that gives the inclination of the orbital plane on the sky. Cygnus X-1 is a bright X-ray source that was discovered shortly after the discovery of X-ray sources outside the solar system. It was then associated with a B supergiant star of 9th magnitude (HDE 226868) which was found to be in a binary of period 5.6 d. Analysis of the radial velocity gives a mass function f (M ) = 0.25 ± 0.01 MM . The absence of an eclipse implies that i is less than about 33 degree with a most 209 probable value of 65deg. With these parameters, the masses of both stars have most likely values of MC = 33 ± 9M and MX = 16 ± 5M . Independent analysis yields a lower mass limit of 9 solar masses for the compact object. Uncertainties in the analysis stem from the fact that the properties of the companion may be influenced by the binary nature of the system and the presence of the compact object, and also from the unknown inclination. Nonetheless this remains a very strong black hole candidate. There are other black hole candidates in HMXRB. It is, however, important to look also at LMXRB. Indeed inspection of eq. 18.1 shows that the mass function is a lower limit for the mass of the compact object. sin i is always less than or equal 1 and the companion star has a mass larger than zero. LMC X-3 is a LMXRB in the large Magellanic cloud. The optical identification of the companion leads to a 17 mag star in a binary of period 1.7 d and a velocity amplitude of 235 km/s, leading to a mass function f (M ) = 2.3M . Optical obserMC ' 0.6 − 0.8 leading to estimates of vations indicate that the mass ratio must be M X MX ' 4 − 7M . The rotation of the companion allows us to gain some idea on the inclination of the system which is found to be i = 50 − 70 deg, leading to a lower mass of 6M for the compact object. It is also clear that the unseen object, even it were only 2.3M , would be brighter than the observed limits in the optical, leading to the conclusion that it cannot be a "normal" star. An even more extreme system is A0620-00 (= Nova Mon 1975, 1917). This is a transient source. By this one designates sources that are observed at some epochs and not at others, i.e. sources that vary by amplitudes such that for period of time their flux is less than the sensitivity limit of the instruments used to perform the observations. The binary period of this system is 7.8 h with orbital velocities of 470 km/s. This leads to a mass function f (m) = 3.18 ± 0.16M , already larger than the maximum mass of a neutron star. A reliable estimate for the mass of the companion (0.7 M ) and a limit of 50 degrees for the inclination lead to a lower mass limit for the compact object of 7.3 M . Anoter transient system, GS1124-68, Nova Muscae 1991 has been found to have a period of 10.5 h, a mass function f (M ) = 3.1 ± 0.5M . This system has become famous for the observation by the SIGMA telescope of a bright 511 keV line for few hours during the outburst. This has not since then been observed. The central black hole of the Milky Way It has been known for a long time that there is a mass concentration in the center of the Milky Way. This knowledge resulted from the study of the motion of stars in the central regions of the Galaxy. At first the measurements were of a statistical nature, the angular resolution did not allow to identify individual stars and to measure their radial velocity and/or proper motion. The result of these measurements was the estimate of the total mass within the radius sampled by the observations. The result 210 Figure 18.1: The annihilation line observed by SIGMA in 1991, IKI team. is shown in fig. 18.2. The flattening of the curve as the enclosed radius decreases was a clear sign that there was a central compact mass in the Galaxy rather than a mere compact stellar cluster. As the angular resolution of the instruments improved, first with speckle techniques, then with the use of adaptive optics it became possible to measure the positions of individual stars in the central second of arc of the Galaxy. These measurements could then be repeated and individual proper motions could be measured. Not only could the velocity on the plane of the sky, but with still improving resolution, the acceleration of the individual stars was measured, until, finally, the orbital parameters of the stars were available. Figs 18.3 and 18.4 gives the status of this work as of 2003. Once the orbital parameters are determined one can deduce the mass around which the stars orbit. This is found to be 3.3 ± 0.7 · 106 M . Clearly the mass has to be confined within the orbit, i.e. in a size of some 0.01". There is no known configuration of matter that would be stable at the implied density in excess of 211 Figure 18.2: Mass enclosed within the radius r in the center of the Galaxy. (schoedel et al ApJ 2003) 1017 M /pc3 (Schoedel at al 2003). The conclusion is therefore that there is a black hole of 3.3 ± 0.7 · 106 M at the center of the Milky way. 18.0.2 Intrinsic signatures? It is very difficult to "prove" that an object is a black hole based on its emission signature. The main reason for this is that a neutron star is only slightly larger than a black hole and that the last stable orbit around a Schwarzschild black hole is 3RS . Since in a black hole system we observe matter basically further than the last stable orbit, we observe matter in the same region in both neutron star and black hole systems. In fact proving the existence of a black hole in these terms means proving the absence of a surface to the object. On the other side, proving that an object is a neutron star is a much easier task and is readily made as soon as an X-ray burst is observed. It thus happened in the course of the years that some objects that were believed to be black holes showed a burst and were immediately re-classified as neutron stars. This difficulty is nicely expressed in Fig. 18.5 in which one shows the hard X-ray luminosity and the soft X-ray luminosity of a number of objects. It was for a long time believed that neutron stars live in the so called X-ray burster box, but a number of them have been shown to lie on the right side of the box, leaving only the top part of the diagramme for black hole systems. This shows that accreting neutron stars can have bright hard emission tails. These hard tails are thought to originate 212 Figure 18.3: The orbits of individual stars in the center of the Galaxy. The stars orbit a mass within the orbit. The deduced mass is 3.3 ± 0.7 · 106 M (schoedel et al ApJ 2003) from thermal Comptonisation of soft photons by electrons with temperatures above 100 keV. Black hole binaries can have very complex spectral energy distributions that vary widely over time. Fig. 18.6 shows the spectrum energy distribution of the black hole syetem GRO J1655-40 measured at several different epochs. First one should note that dividing the states in "high" and "low" as had been used for a long time is insufficient, as the source may be bright in the soft band and weak in the hard band or the contrary, hence the more complex denominations of the states (LHS, VHS, etc). It is thought that these different spectral states can be caused by the interplay between an accretion disk and a hot corona that surrounds it. In essence the soft emission is made by the accretion disk while the hard emission is due to a hot corona 213 Figure 18.4: details of the orbit of the "S2" star (schoedel et al ApJ 2003). Note that since the observations at the base of this figure have been obtained, the star S2 has completed a complete revolution on its orbit. that Comptonises a fraction of the soft photons from the disk. The corona seems to be evaporating the inner parts of the disk at times. Note that even if this scenario does not embed the whole truth, whatever the model of the source it will have to include elements that have similar phenomenological components and behaviors. An interesting argument is brought by Tanaka and Lewin (in X-ray binaries, eds Lewinvan paradijs and vanden Heuvel 1995) who argue that the inner radius of accretion disks can be measured from the spectral shape of the X-ray emission (remember that the inner temperature is a function of the distance to the inner radius of the disk) and who performed this analysis for a number of black hole candidates obtaining inner radii of 18-40 km and for a number of neutron stars obtaining inner radii of 4-10 km. The lower inner radii of the neutron star system can then be interpreted as showing that the central object is indeed less massive than the black holes for which the inner radius has to be at about 3RS . Paradoxically, the luminosity of the neutron stars can also be expected to be larger than that of the black holes. This results from the fact that the kinetic energy of the accreting material on the last orbit of the accretion disk is radiated when this material hits the (slowly rotating) surface of the neutron star while it is advected into the black hole in the last free fall towards the horizon. This leads to the existence of 214 Figure 18.5: Hard and soft X-ray luminosities from a number of X-ray binaries from di Salvo et al. 2001 ApJ. 554, 49. Figure 18.6: The spectral states of the black hole candidate GRO J1655-40 from Done et al. 2007. The right panel gives the different configurations of disk and corona that are thought to produce the mix of components resulting in each of the ovearll spectra 215 Figure 18.7: Quasi Periodic Oscillations (QPOs) observed in 2 black hole candidates with RXTE from Shaposhnikov and Titarchuk 2007 ApJ. 663, 445. a bright boundary layer in neutron star systems that is not observed in black holes. High frequency variability with timescales of the order of few RS /(0.5c) ' O(1) msec is expected when an irregular mass distribution reaches the last stable orbits around a black hole. This variability is expected to have a quasi periodic behavior rather than a strictly periodic behavior, as the "clumps" will soon disappear beyond the last stable orbit. This gives rise to a large body of literature. Fig.18.7 gives an example of a study of QPOs in two black hole candidates. Finally and to be complete one should also note that intrinsic signatures for the existence of black holes is given by the phenomenology of AGN where variability on short time scales is observed as well very high luminosities, both pointing towards the presence of a black hole at the centre of the object. The study of matter close to the horizon of black holes is of very high importance, not only to demonstrate the presence of black holes, but more generally as the only available tool to test general relativity in strong fields. Until the detection and measurement of gravitational waves, X-ray astronomy gives us the only possibility to probe the metrics in deep gravitational fields. Variability and spectral shapes are then the doors to tests of the Einstein theory of gravitation. 216 Chapter 19 Gamma ray bursts 19.1 Basic facts Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) are short bursts of gamma rays lasting from a small fraction of a second to 100 seconds or so that are observed from random directions of the sky at a frequency of roughly 1 per day. Figure with different bursts Distribution of duration 19.2 Short history GRBs were discovered completely serrendipitously by US military satellites (VELA) carrying X-ray, gamma ray and neutron detectors in order to monitor eventual atmosphere nuclear test explosions (from the Soviet Union). While no special nuclear activity was observed from the Earth, the first GRBs were observed in 1967. It soon became appparent that origin of these GRBs was "cosmic", a result that was published in 1973, when the information was declassified. The question of the origin of these bursts was then on the table. Efforts were made to localise them as best as possible. For this purpose, a series of gamma ray detectors on a variety of spacecrafts in the solar system were used to measure the burst arrival time at each spacecraft and then to use triangulation techniques to locate the origin of the bursts. This is the so-called interplanetary network (IPN) that has been functioning since 1976. In 1991 NASA launched the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO) that included one instrument (BATSE) capable of roughly localising the GRBs. Over 2700 GRBs were measured. Most astrophysicists would have expected that GRBs are of Galactic origin. Indeed, if you deduce from the observed fluence (the time integrated gamma ray flux) and assume the distance to the source to be of the order of several kpc, you would conclude that the energy at the origin of the bursts is of the order of 1053 ergs, the binding energy of a neutron star. This provides a "natural" framework in which 217 Figure 19.1: Sky distribution of the BATSE (triggered and non-triggered) GRBs. 3906 bursts are shown on the figure, no deviation from isotropy can be found (from Stern et al. 2001, ApJ. 563, 80). the ories of gamma ray bursts could be developed. This predicted that the burst distribution would have some signature of the Galaxy. Contrary to this expectation, however, the GRB distribution measured by BATSE was found to be completely isotropic, with no measurable deviation from isotropy (Fig. 19.1). This implies that if the bursts are indeed of galactic origin, they must be distributed in such a way that the offset of the position of the Sun with respect to the center of the Galaxy is unnoticeable, thus placing the origin of the GRBs in the far halo. This brings difficulties of its own, because at these distances the brightest bursts would have such properties that those taking place in the nearby galaxies ought to be observed. The story got to be more difficult when the bursts fluence or peak flux distribution was measured. Fig. 19.2 shows the peak flux distribution (the number of bursts brighter than the flux P). This distribution is expected to have a slope of -3/2 for a homogeneous distribustion (see section 19.3). The deviations from the -3/2 slope indicate that there is a derth of weak bursts. This is as if we were at the center of a distribution in which the density of GRBs was fading away with distance. The explanation was given in 1997 when observations with the Beppo-SAX satellite could locate the position of a GRB with a precision that was sufficient to point an X-ray telescope also on board Beppo-SAX and then optical telescopes to the location of the burst some time after. A source was then found that faded with time, clearly the counterpart of the source. The optical spectrum of this "afterglow" could be measured and absorption lines were found and their redshift could be measured and found to be 0.695. This immediately implied that the distance to GRBs is cosmological and their luminosities a significant fraction of the energy equivalent of the mass of the Sun. 218 Figure 19.2: The number of GRBs which peak flux is brighter tan flux P. A homogeneous distribution of bursts in space would imply a slope of 3/2 (see below). From ???? 19.3 Homogeneous distribution of events In a homogeneous distribution of sources of luminosity L0 and of density n, e can calculate the observed flux distribution for a (any) observer. There are ∆N = 4π∆rn sources in a shell of width ∆r at a distance r from the observer. The sources in the L0 shell are observed to have a flux s = 4πr 2 . They are observed in a flux interval ∆s = − Using r = q L0 , 4πs dL −2L0 ∆r = ∆r. dr 4πr3 (19.1) one finds L0 ∆N = 4πr ∆rn = 4π n 4πs 2 4π( q L0 3 ) 4πs 2L0 ∆s. (19.2) The number of sources brighter than a given flux s is given by Z N (s) = ∆N ds ∝ ∆s Z s−5/2 ∝ s−3/2 , which explains the slope -3/2 in the log-log plot of fig.19.2. 19.4 Interpretation energy budget 219 (19.3) high gamma factor low hadron numbers models 19.5 Afterglows Light curves as measures of the jet opening angle relation of GRBs with supernovae 19.6 GRBs as cosmological probes 220 Figure 20.1: The B magnitude of 3C 273 as recorded by photographical plates between 1887 and 1980. (Angione and Smith AJ 90, 2474, 1985) Chapter 20 Active Galactic Nuclei 20.1 Basic observed properties -Luminosity, redshift, history of QSO discovery -emission from radio to gamma rays - variability—-> compactness, black holes Basic parameters: Black hole masses and accretion rates out of the luminosity 221 Figure 20.2: The optical spectrum of 3C 273. The lines are identified as the Balmer seies redshifted by 0.158. This established QSOs as very luminous objects at cosmological distances. Figure 20.3: Type I and type II Seyfert galaxy optical spectra. Type I have broad permitted lines, while those of type II galaxies are narrow (from Keel, university of Alabama) 20.2 Zoology -Seyfert galaxies, link with QSOs, broad and narrow lines -radio galaxies -BL Lacs 222 Figure 20.4: total emission and polarised flux of the Seyfert II galaxy NGC 1068. In polarised light, the permitted emission lines are seen to be broad (From Antonucci and Miller, ApJ. 297, 621, 1985). 20.3 The emission components 20.4 statistics and evolution 20.5 Link with host galaxies 223
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