I primi passi della Radio Astronomia
I primi passi della Radio Astronomia
Primordial Gravitational Wave detection: the role of the pulsar timing arrays ANDREA POSSENTI INAF – Osservatorio Astronomico di Cagliari on behalf of the Epta-Leap collaboration Outline 1. Pulsar Timing Concepts 2. Pulsar Timing Array and GW detection 3. Ongoing experiments and perspectives 28 Aug 2009 - CMS 1. Pulsar Timing Concepts 28 Aug 2009 - CMS What is a Radio Pulsar @Kramer A PULSAR is a rapidly rotating and highly magnetized neutron star, emitting a pulsed radio signal as a consequence of a light-house effect Timing idea: observations Performing repeated observations of the Times of Arrival (ToAs) at the telescope of the pulsations from a given pulsar and searching the ToAs for systematic trends on many different timescales, from minutes to decades Timing of a radio pulsar: operations for getting a ToA @ Lorimer The dedispersion Single pulse profile vs integrated profile Determination of the TOPOCENTRIC Times of Arrival (ToAs) ToA uncertainty (ω = width of the pulse, P=pulsar period): Timing idea: modeling if a physical model adequately describes the systematic trends in the ToAs, it is applied with the smallest number of parameters otherwise if a physical model is not adequate, it is extended (adding parameters) or rejected in favour of another model when a model finally describes accurately the observed ToAs, the values of the model’s parameters shed light onto the physical properties of the pulsar and/or of its environment Timing key quantity: the residuals Given the full set of parameters (a1, a2, …, an) of a model, the i-th residual ri is the difference in rotational phase Φ (with -0.5<ri<+0.5) between the observed phase of arrival of the i-th pulse and the phase of arrival of that pulse as predicted by the model ri = Φobserved (i-th pulse) – Φmodel(a1, a2, …, an)(i-th pulse) In an iterative procedure, one least-square fits on suitable subsets of the possible parameters (a1, a2, …, an) of the model, in the aim to remove apparent trends and thus eventually to approach ri << 1 Timing analysis: removing trends Thanks to the least-square fit procedure, one can iterativelly solve for rotational, positional and kinematic parameters as well as for binary keplerian (when applicable) and sometimes post-keplerian parameters Timing analysis quality: rms Good timing solution → no evident trend and ri << 1 for all observed pulses The quality of the timing solution is usually given in term of the root mean square rms of the residuals: the smaller rms is, the smaller physical effects can be measured High precision pulsar timing: which targets? Ordinary pulsars: ~ 1650 known objects; NSage < few 107 yr NOT SUITABLE FOR HIGH PRECISION TIMING log relatively long pulses & rotational irregularities Recycled pulsars: ~ 140 known objects; NSage > 108-109 yr The most rapidly rotating are known as millisecond pulsars ATNF Pulsar Catalogue Recycling scenario: A died pulsar is spun up and rejuvenated by an evolving binary companion, and eventually shines as a millisecond pulsar, often still orbiting the companion star [Bisnovati-Kogan & Kronberg 1974, Alpar et al. 1982] High precision timing: a prototype source • P = 2.9471 ms • Pb = 1.5334 d • x = ap sin(i) = 1.8980 lt-s •e = 1.3 · 10-7 • s = 0.9982 • r = 1.004 μs • Parkes timing with CPSR2 Rms residuals: daily (~2 hr): 74 ns •From Shapiro delay: i = 86.58 0.1 deg mc = 0.204 0.002 Msun • From mass function: mp = 1.438 0.024 Msun [Jacoby et al. 2005] PSR J1909-3744 Atomic clocks vs MSP timing [ Lorimer 2008 ] …a subsample of the millisecond pulsars shows a rotational stability comparable to (or, over few yrs timescale, better than) the best atomic clocks 2. Pulsar Timing Array and GW detection 28 Aug 2009 - CMS Pulsars as GW detectors Source of GWs The Pulsar-Earth path can be used as the arm of a huge cosmic gravitational wave detector Perturbation in space-time can be detected in timing residuals over a suitable long observation time span Radio Pulsar Sensitivity (rule of thumb): hc(f)~ σ TOA T Earth where hc(f) is the dimensionless strain at freq f σTOA is the rms uncertainty in Time of Arrival T is the duration of the dataspan An instructive application [ Jenet et al 2004 ] The radio galaxy 3C66 (at z = 0.02) was claimed to harbour a double SMBH with a total mass of 5.4 · 1010 Msun and an orbital period of order ~yr [ Sudou et al 2003] Timing residuals from PSR B1855+09 exclude such a massive double BH at 95 c.l. The GW back(fore?) grounds: some sources Expected (?) amplitudes and spectral shape hc(f)~Af 2 0, H h A 10 16 10 15 ;@f GW ( f ) f 1 yr ; 2 / 3 2 2 f ( 2 / 3) hc(f)~Af merging massive BH binaries in early galaxy evolution M f 9 10 yr 10 M sun 1 [ e.g. Phinney 2001; Jaffe & Backer 2003; Jaffe & Backer 2003, Sesana,Vecchio et al 2008] Kind of sources 1/ 2 a 0.01pc A 10 17 10 15 ;@f 1 yr ; 1 early universe and inflationary era h02, H GW ( f ) f 22 f 0 [ e.g. Grishchuck 2005; Boyle & Buonanno 2008] hc(f)~Af 3/ 2 A 10 16 10 14 ;@f 1 yr ; 7 6 2 h02, H GW ( f ) f 22 f (1/ 3) [ e.g. Caldwell et al 96; Maggiore 2000; Damour & Vilenkin 2005] string cosmology and cosmic strings The “best” case for a single source Remembering the approx formula hc(f)~ σ TOA T one can estimate that for detecting the expected GW background from merging of SMBHs (strain amplitude hc ~ 10-16-10-15) would require at least a timing stability σTOA < 10-100 ns over few years The best result so far using a single source is from 8-yr timing of PSR B1855+09 at Arecibo implying limit for f~7 nHz [ Kaspi et al 94] hc <~ 10-13 ΩGW h0,H2 (1/8 yr) <~ 1.1 10-7 Extended dataset led to ΩGW h0,H2 (1/17 yr)<~ 2 10-9 [Lommen et al 2002] but not confirmed yet by independent analyses [Jenet et al 2006]. Subject to uncontrollable timing noise effects! A pulsar timing array (PTA) Using a number of pulsars distributed across the sky it is possible to separate the timing noise contribution from each pulsar from the signature of the GW background, which manifests as a local (at Earth) distortion in the times of arrival of the pulses which is common to the signal from all pulsars A pulsar timing array (PTA) A(t) dimensionless amplitude of the GW at time t Ni(t) intrinsic timing noise of the i-th pulsar at time t αi geometric term dependent on pulsar sky coord and GW prop&polar vectors νi rotation frequency of the i-th pulsar δνi fractional frequency shift detected in the i-th pulsar i i A(t ) N i (t ) i By cross-correlating ‹brackets…› the observations of i-th and j-th pulsars, one gets i j A (t ) i A(t ) N j (t ) j A(t ) N i (t ) N i (t ) N j (t ) 2 Since GW amplitude and intrinsic timing noise are uncorrelated the latter 3 terms tend to become negligible while the dataspan (i.e. number of observations) and the number of pulsars become large enough A pulsar timing array (PTA) Idea first discussed by Romani [1989] and Foster & Backer [1990] Clock errors Pulsar b All pulsars have the same TOA variations: Pulsar a Monopole signature Solar-System ephemeris errors Dipole signature Gravitational waves background θab Quadrupole signature 1 cos ab 3 1 cos ab 1 1 cos ab 1 1 ( ab ) ( ) log( ) ( ) ab 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 Hellings & Downs [1983]: correlation that an isotropic and stocastic GWB leaves on the timing residuals of 2 pulsars a and b separeted by an angle θab in sky Can separate these effects provided there is a sufficient number of widely distributed pulsars [ adapted from Manchester ] Pulsar timing arrays: sensitivity curve A too simple (interpretation of the) sensitivity curve… Limited by total Tobs≈ few yrs ≈ few 108 sec Limited by interval btw observations: days→weeks ≈ 106-107 sec White timing noise contribution For pulsar with white timing noise, best sensitivity for f≈1/Tobs More realistic sensitivity curves can be obtained only using data analysis of simulated data Pulsar Timing array(s): the frequency space Note the complementarity in explored frequencies with respect to the current and the future GW observatories, like LIGO, advLIGO, advVIRGO and LISA PTA Adv LIGO/VIRGO LISA CMB-POL Data analysis methodologies Spherical harmonic decomposition [Burke 1975, Dettweiler 1979, Jaffe & Backer 2003, Demorest et al 2005] Two point correlation Correlating the time derivative of the residuals [Hellings & Downs 1983] Directly correlating the time residuals [Jenet et al 2005] Bayesian analysis [van Haasteren, Levin, McDonald, Lu 2008] Robust: deals easily with unevenly sampled data, variable number of tracked pulsars, etc. Marginalisation: deals easily with all systematics of known functional form, including the timing model Capable to simultaneously measure the amplitude and the shape of the GWB Data analysis methodologies Bayesian analysis of the timing residuals of an ensemble of pulsars [van Haasteren, Levin, McDonald, Lu 2008] [@ van Haasterann 2008] Sanity check tests: Useful for optimizing PTA(s) experimental setup Duration of the experiment >≈ 5-10 yr [@ van Haasteren 2008] Number of pulsars ≈ 20-25 Typical rms of the timing data S/N>2 rms < 200 ns Rate of data taking 3. Ongoing experiments and perspectives 28 Aug 2009 - CMS I. Current projects: PPTA Parkes Pulsar Timing Array: PPTA @ M.Burgay Australian based, using Parkes 64m dish Running since ~ 2003 and currently achieving the best results so far [ @ D.Manchester ] The currently used set of observed millisecond pulsars in the PPTA australian project P < 20 ms and not in globular clusters hc [1/(1 yr)]< 1.1 × 10-14 gw[1/(8 yr)]h0,H2 < 1.2 10-8 [ Hobbs et al. Dec 2008 ] With ~ 2 yr of useful data and 7 MSPs used (5 with a rms < 300 ns) For full PPTA (rms of 100 ns over 5 yr for many MSPs) Factor >10 improvement on hc and on Ωgw limits II. Current projects: NANOGrav North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves: NANOGrav USA & Canada based, using the excellent Arecibo 300m dish and GBT 101m dish and state-of-art backends Running only since ~ 2008 @ Cornell @ NRAO III. Current projects: EPTA-LEAP European Pulsar Timing Array + Large European Array for Pulsar European based Running since ~ 2006 The partner institutions ASTRON,Un.Leiden,Un.Amsterdam NL University of Manchester, JBO, GB INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Cagliari, ITA Nancay Observatory, FR Max-Planck Institut fur Radioastronomie, GER The telescopes Effelsberg(100 m)-Westerbork(96 m)-Nancay (92 m)-Lovell(76 m)-Sardinia(64 m) The people GB – Ben Stappers Andrew Lyne Mark Purver Chris Jordan Sotirios Sanidas FR Ismaël Cognard Gilles Theureau Grégory Desvignes Robert Ferdman – ITA – Andrea Possenti Marta Burgay Nichi D’Amico Maura Pilia GER Michael Kramer Axel Jessner Kosmas Lazaridis – NL Jason Hessels Gemma Janssen Yuri Levin Rutger van Haasteren Current limits from EPTA data Using the data from 6 pulsars: J1640+22 (dataspan 12 yr ; rms=1.6μs) J1855+09 (dataspan 23 yr ; rms=1.70 μs) J1713+0747 (dataspan 11 yr ; rms=0.73 μs) J1744-1134 (dataspan 10 yr ; rms=0.55 μs) J1909-1134 (dataspan 4 yr ; rms=0.11 μs) J1918-0642 (dataspan 7 yr ; rms=2.24 μs) @ van Haasteren …and applying a Bayesian analysis [e.g. van Haasteren 2009] …only a factor ≈ 1.7 worse than hc [1/(1 yr)]< 1.9 × 10-14 the current published PPTA limit Long term advantages of EPTA Larger total number of TOAs Commensurate scheduling will allow for improved binary and yearly phase coverage A wide range of frequencies can be sampled and then compared in quasi-simultaneous sessions Simultaneous same frequency observations can be used to check polarisation calibration and overall timing offsets Telescope, Instrumentation, or Observatory clock based errors can be quickly identified and corrected + The data will be combined with those provided by LEAP… LEAP Phased array of the 5 major European telescopes Funded by the EU Research Council: 2.5 M€ People involved: 2 staff, 2 senior postDoc and 2 junior postDoc Duration: 5 years since mid 2009 Sensitivity equivalent to illuminated Arecibo But able to see much more or the sky ~ a factor 10 Adapted from Verbiest et al [2009] Expected sensitivity of EPTA+LEAP after 5 yrs of observations will largely improve the current best limits for the GW Background Amplitude Timing array(s): what is going on… The establishment of the IPTA (International Pulsar Timing Arrays) is underway New more sensitive back-ends adopted at various sites Better understanding of the impact of the variations occurring in the dispersive effects (i.e. of the DM of the pulsars) Investigations on the possible occurrence of limits to the achievable rms E.g. Verbiest et al [2009]: an rms of 80 ns may be attained over 5 yr of obs for few pulsars, provided (i) more sensitive observing systems are used, and (ii) enhanced techniques for the mitigation of frequency dependent effects will be introduced. It will also be important (iii) to discover additional bright millisecond pulsar with a stability comparable to the best available examples, like PSR 1909-3744 and J1713+0747 Better modeling of the red noise component in the timing residuals , e.g. along the lines of van Haasteren [2009] Effelsberg @ van Haasteren Westerbork Careful analysis of the “red” component of the timing noise was performed while calculating the current upper limit for a GWB signal in the Epta data [van Haasteren 2009] Timing array(s): the future @ Stappers Current projects are evolving in pace with predictions. Then at least very significant limits on GWB (and hopefully a detection) will be achieved within 5-10 years A detailed scientific investigation of the GWBackground is warranted with SKA
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