

2012 DEC/JAN
Face o
Investigative Television Journalist
What to consider
before buying
diet pillS
Should you enter your child?
Predictions for
Bollywood stars
RSA R29.95
London Indian fashion
00 | SUTRA | ISSUE 28
SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 00
08 Devi Sankaree Govender
Journalist with a passion for the truth
14 Swami Vivekananda 150th
Birth Anniversary
42 SA Indian widows speak
52 Bryan Ramkilawan
18 Getting Married?
Beauty preparations you may need to make
20 Incense
23 Diwali - floats in Durban
36 Christmas Messages
24 Kamaali Couture
32 London Fashion
38 Beauty Pageants
Should you enter your child?
58 Tips to organise a stress-free
16 Tips on how to spot a scam
60 Pecan Pie
56 Weight loss pills - what to consider
62 Tips for trim hips
64 Drinks
66 Your 2012 Horoscope
72 Astrological Predictions
74 Bollywood Gossip
79 Erotica Icon advocates safe sex
SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 03
Publisher/ Editor-in-Chief
Dr. Terrence O. Kommal
Copy Editor
Teddy Kommal
Managing Director
Sherita Kommal
Cell: + 27 (0) 84 484 1163
Tel: + 27 (0) 12 343 1145 / 2772
Face Of SUTRA™ Competition
As 2012 draws to a close and the Festive Season is almost upon us, it is a time to reflect upon the year
that had passed and measure where we are in contrast to where we wanted to be. It is during this
time, as we celebrate with friends and family, that we need to assess our successes, failures and what
we have learnt from each.
Not all failures should be limited to being seen as just failures, but they should be viewed more as
opportunities to learn, change and improve our game plans. Many people seem to drag themselves
down by the negativity that we are constantly surrounded with, and willingly allow this to affect them.
Ironically there are tons of amazing things happening every day that make our days worthwhile.
We at SUTRA have already begun reviewing our offerings to you as valued readers and contributors
to SUTRA. We know that every day, each one of us wishes that there was more time in the day to do
what we enjoy, and having the time to read magazines, follow trends and interesting stories, becomes
more difficult. Therefore we have worked tirelessly during 2012 to optimise our offerings to you so that
you can access SUTRA in whatever form you please as well as how quickly you want to. SUTRA is now
available in the app store, android store as well as directly online.
We have also begun to make the past issues more available to those readers who cannot buy them, but
are willing to wait a bit to read the back issues.
The availability of SUTRA in SA and in the other African countries and Mauritius, has also been carefully
and strategically optimised with a new distributor so that we can have copies reach you more readily.
As this fantastic year draws to a close, it also signifies the beckoning of greater things to come from
Team SUTRA, and we look forward to sharing this exciting journey with you all!
Whilst sharing and caring in this festive spirit, think before you party harder and wanting to have that
one more drink ‘for the road’, as for some families, including your own, it could prove devastating.
Also spare a thought for those less fortunate so that you can share freely, and by so doing, you allow
the universe to give you more in abundance. Spare a thought for our ‘boys in blue’, emergency services,
traffic officers, trauma personnel, medical officers, soldiers and the many others who would be working
whilst you and I could enjoy the Festive Spirit.
Stay safe, sober and blessed and when you think of beautiful things, don’t forget to count yourself in!
Here’s wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!
God Bless!
Personalised / editorials
Advertising packages
Sherita Kommal
084 484 1163 or 012 343 2772
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Red Cactus
SUTRA™ Media
Shakil Farooq (Shakil’s Media Production)
Devi Sankaree Govender
Business Print
Kommal Publishing(Pty)Ltd
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21/26 Rosemead Court,
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P.O.Box 12334, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0028
Tel: 012 343 1145/2772 Fax; 086 614 2455
The opinions expressed in SUTRA™ Magazine
are not necessarily those of the publisher.
SUTRA™ Magazine © 2012.
All rights reserved.
Dr. Terrence O. Kommal
Follow me on Twitter:
Shyam Trishen
072 753 9500
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2012 All Rights Reserved
Happy Christmas
and a prosperous
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SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 29
Well, I was pleasantly surprised to see on
the cover of SUTRA™Magazine the Mathura
family. As an Indian, I had accepted that we will
never be showcased on glossy magazines. That
feature brings out the true Indian values that
we were all brought up with. Congratulations
to the Mathura family and SUTRA™ Magazine.
Mrs Singh
Our thanks and appreciation goes to Mr Fakir
for the Awards Night that he hosted. That
made 100 people very happy and he is also
a wonderful person. SUTRA™, keep up the
good work in showcasing our people and your
publication does make us feel proud.
Nash Gopal
I had visited my sister in Jo’burg and took
along a copy of SUTRA™ Magazine for her.
When I walked in, I asked her if we could have
Ayurvedic tea and that I would make it. She was
surprised but enjoyed the tea and thereafter
we got together and made the dates stuffed
with ginger and almonds. Her little children
enjoyed them. Thank you to Sutra Magazine for
these recipes that I can now impress my family
SUTRA™, please introduce a dating column in
your publication. We would also like a Lonely
Hearts section. I would like to meet some of
the young and very attractive women that
are models for SUTRA™. I am not looking for
marriage but friendship.
The Bachelor feature was great and made a
good read. Please do more features like that for
both genders.
Rosh Patel
Cape Town
SUTRA Magazine is on facebook.
Read all about what happens ‘behind the scenes’,
discuss Indian-related issues, post questions and
answers and interact with other SUTRA fans.
DEC/JAN 2012
Face r
Investigative Television Journalist
What to consider
before buying
diet pillS
Should you enter your child?
Predictions for
Bollywood stars
RSA R29.95
London Indian fashion
just got easier!
Announcing the SUTRA™ All-Access Subscription
To get ahead you have to keep up, real-time! The
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as you like-wherever you are. From the magazine
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business and Bollywood content to enrich your
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Print, Digital, Online, and Apps
To order the new SUTRA™ All-Access Subscription,
go to and click on the SUTRA™
All-Access Subscription link.
SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 07
08 | SUTRA | ISSUE 28
The unrelenting journalist with a passion for exposing the truth!
by Teddy Kommal
The adage that dynamite comes in
small packages certainly holds true
for the diminutive, fearless go-getter,
Devi Sankaree Govender.
Devi is most well-known for her
popular straight-talking radio
chat show, Viewpoint on Lotus FM
which she exited more than 10
years ago. Yet, the award-winning
journalist remains a household name
- mainly because she made a brave,
yet seamless move from radio to
For the past ten years she has been
working as an investigative television
journalist on M-Net’s award-winning
Carte Blanche. This adds up to a total
of 20 years in the media industry –
which in itself is a tough nut to crack,
whatever talent you may have.
Africa’s campus (MEDUNSA) and,
almost run over by a corrupt Metro
cop. Added to this, abusive calls
threatening her safety and the
constant criticism resulting of calling
a spade a spade (and not a digging
So dangerous has it been for Devi
that she’s been physically assaulted
on numerous times – first, by a team
of dodgy appliance repairmen in
Durban, then locked up in a garage
at the Medical University of South
But such is her tenacity,
forthrightness and strong belief in
what she calls “the Universe,” that
she is completely unfazed by the
danger of her job.
SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 09
“Why fear when you have done your
research and you are merely asking
questions?” she asks candidly, from
her home in Fourways, Johannesburg.
Devi Sankaree is not called ‘the
Rottweiler’ for nothing. Once
she latches onto a good story (she
specialises in exposing corruption),
she simply doesn’t let go until the
truth, the whole truth and nothing
but the truth is exposed!
This is the reason that she is feared
by the corrupt and admired by lawabiding citizens. You either love or
hate her. Finish and klaar. And, it’s
because of her tenacity that many
people are averse to opening their
front doors to her and the Carte
Blanche camera crew!
But, Devi is quick to point out that
initially she feared for not just
her safety, but that of her family
– husband Perumal Moodley and
children, Kaiyuree (11) and Sayuran
“Look, I have taken steps to
make sure that my family is safe.
Ultimately, I could have shied away
from this job simply because I was
10 | SUTRA | ISSUE 28
too scared. But, there is no way
anybody can convince me that I could
die from telling the truth. There is
just no way. I feel it in my being,”
she says.
And, this is what endeared her to
millions who watch her on the small
Very few know that Devi has also
done her time in the world of
academia. She completed a BA, BA
(Hons) in Drama and Performance
Studies, together with a Higher
Diploma in Education, a Post
Graduate Diploma in Business Studies
and an MBA.
Devi has worked as a high school
teacher, specialising in English and
Speech and Drama – a two year stint
which she did while freelancing on
But, she still believes that degrees are
not important.
“You can do as many degrees as
you want, but that doesn’t make
you intelligent. So many people
I know feel that a degree or two
gives you some kind of status within
the community. It’s just not true.
Because if you don’t have common
sense, you actually have nothing,
sorry to say,” she says with conviction.
Devi started freelancing on radio
while she was completing her initial
degree. When she landed a freelance
position at the SABC, it gave her
confidence to accept the University
of Natal’s coveted invitation to
study towards an Honours Degree in
Always one to hedge her bets, Devi
later completed a HDE while she was
teaching at a high school. When she
landed a full time position on SABC
Radio, she resigned from teaching.
“I still miss teaching. It was one of
the best experiences of my life but I
had to move on,” she recounts.
Her radio career took off right from
the very beginning.
“I’m not sure why it worked,” she
says looking back. “Maybe it was
because back in 1993 nobody was
telling it like it is? I was only 21
at the time, but I knew that there
was no way I was going to have a
national platform without getting
people to think. For so long
under apartheid, we were told
what to think and on the eve of
democracy and moving forward,
I was not going to waste the
Interviewing Nelson Mandela is
still one of her highlights.
“If, as a journalist, you get
Mandela in your studio, with
your own initiative, you can
die happy. I mean, it was the
scoop of the year – an hour long
interview in 1998 with Madiba?”
she recalls. “I am still in awe of
him. How I went about securing
the interview is a whole chapter
on its own. But let’s say that
I pictured it in my mind and
nothing was going to stop me.”
Devi, who also worked as a
continuity presenter on SABC 1’s
Eastern Mosaic in 1998, says that
her 10 year stint on Lotus FM
“taught her a lot.”
“I was 21 when I started on
Lotus. And, by 22 I was running
my own talk-show. I was
seriously opposing the system
SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 11
– speaking about women’s rights,
abuse and about general issues which
needed our audience to just include
other viewpoints. It was difficult –
callers were often abusive and I had
no choice but to cut callers off, which
led to even more verbal abuse. But, I
was NOT going to give up.”
Devi, who was raised in a Hindu
home on the south coast of rural KZN
attended a Catholic school and was
surrounded by people who did not
live a life of excess.
“It’s defined who I am. Umzinto
is a small community and I am so
proud of all the people there who
contributed to my life. Right now,
I could very easily chuck journalism
and move into the corporate world,
but it wouldn’t feed my soul and in
return, I wouldn’t be able to give
back,” says Devi. “Don’t get me
wrong, I’m not being a martyr about
this, it’s just where I’m at for now.”
With great experience in radio and
television, in 1998 Devi was invited to
do a weekly column for the Sunday
Times Extra.
“I won’t forget that call. I was
on-air and I got this call from the
editor for the Sunday Times, asking
if I would consider writing a column
for them. I didn’t even think about
it and immediately agreed. When
I ended the call, I wondered if I
was completely mad! Working on
radio and television is one thing,
but writing a newspaper column is
a whole new thing. But, I put on
a confident front and saw it as an
opportunity to learn something
12 | SUTRA | ISSUE 28
‘Devi on Sunday’ is now in its 15th
year of publication.
can. I really can’t do more than that.
It’s a complete work in progress.”
“A year after writing the column, I
was asked to apply for the position
of Feature’s Editor for the Sunday
Times, based in Durban. It was yet
another way I could stretch myself
in the world of journalism. I got the
job. The Sunday Times allowed me to
continue Viewpoint during my lunch
time, while working full-time for
them. I was really grateful because
radio was also where I wanted to be.
It was tough at the time, working
two jobs, doing the MBA, getting
married and falling pregnant, but I
was not going to give up.”
Devi adds that her family understands
her very hectic and fast-paced
schedule: “As a result, the children
are very independent and can do
basic things for themselves.”
Devi’s job keeps her on her toes
and she loves the rush that she gets
from her very fast-paced life as part
of M- Net’s team that puts their
flagship programme together. She
says: ”Working at Carte Blanche
means that I am taken seriously as a
journalist and I appreciate this after
years of just being a number in a
Devi multi-tasks. Even now.
“There are not enough hours in the
day and I often feel that I’m really
burning the candle on both ends.
But this is not good, I don’t want
others to look up to me and think
I am the ideal. I am NOT. I’m just
another working mum, who happens
to be on television. What’s the big
deal?” she asks.
Devi adds that in terms of balance in
her life, she is far from perfect.
“I put myself last. And this is not
good. First is my family to the point
that I often feel that I’m not even on
my own must-do list. Yet again, 2013
is going to be the year when I finally
hope to get the balance right.”
Devi is candid about the realities of
being a working mother.
“It’s the toughest job ever. I battle.
There’s just so much to do in one day.
There are days when I feel that I have
failed. But, I can only do the best I
As part of this august team, she has
worked on over 700 stories and done
many interviews with people that
have impacted tremendously on her
She plans on hosting her own
television talk show in the near
future, but for now, she will simply
continue doing what she does best!
She will keep banging on people’s
doors and sniffing out the truth like
a well-trained Rottweiler, because:
“There’s nothing like reaching
a conclusion to the story and
bringing joy to those that have been
wronged,” she says.
Team SUTRA™ wishes this untiring,
passionate, goal-directed and fearless
‘dynamite of a woman’ many, many
more milestones and strength for
the future. As the cliché goes, this
writer is of the opinion that with
Devi Sankaree Govender, “You ain’t
seen nothing yet, for the best is yet
to come!”
SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 13
Birth Anniversary
The Ramakrishna Centre of South Africa is a
religio-humanitarian organisation founded
in 1942 by Swami Nischalananda. The Centre
is a branch of the worldwide Ramakrishna
Mission which has its Headquarters in
Kolkata, India. The Centre is a non-political,
non-sectarian spiritual organization which
14 | SUTRA | ISSUE 28
has been engaged in various forms of free
humanitarian and social service activities
for nearly 70 years. The Ramakrishna
Centre of South Africa is registered with
the Department of Social Welfare (NPO
No. 053-630-NPO). It also is a Public Benefit
Organisation (PBO No. 930007651).
Official Opening by Tribal Chief of
tHE Inanda area
GZ Masinga Skills Development Centre
Ironmongery Workshop with
6 Welding FEATURE
South Africa being a young democracy, still has a
long way to go in meeting the needs of the poor, the
unemployed, the sick and the hungry. The Ramakrishna
Centre of South Africa has been engaged in humanitarian
activities for 70 years and has been serving the
disadvantaged communities with medical support,
nutrition, education, skills development, HIV/Aids Homes,
In commemoration of the 150th Birth Anniversary
of Swami Vivekananda, the Centre has undertaken
a number of projects to improve the lives of the less
privileged in South Africa. These projects have been
made possible by generous donors, well-wishers and
devotees of the Centre who align themselves with the
Centre’s objectives of serving humanity. All services
rendered by the Centre are provided free of any cost
to the beneficiaries by devotees and professionals who
volunteer their services free to the Centre.
Swami Vivekananda Family Welfare Centre
Swami Vivekananda Family Welfare Centre – a multipurpose facility was built at the Ladysmith Sub-Centre
at a cost of R2 million (INR 1.2 crores) and opened by Sri
Swami Smaranananda (Vice-President of the Ramakrishna
Math and Ramakrishna Mission) on 27 April 2011.
This Centre is used for the provision of cooked food,
grocery hampers, medical and legal aid to the poor.
The GZ Masinga Skills Development Centre
Due to the high unemployment rate in the country,
many people are without jobs. The Centre embarked on
building a Skills Development Centre in Inanda, a rural
area on the outskirts of Durban. In 2008 the Centre also
opened the Ramakrishna Abalindi Home (50 beds) for
terminally ill patients in the same location.
The GZ Masinga Skills Development Centre is mainly for
men and women from that area. This Centre has two
fully equipped workshops to offer free courses to the
poor and unemployed.
The Centre was officially opened on 21 September 2011,
and the cost of the centre was R 2 million (INR 1.2
The Ramakrishna Educational and Skills
Development Centre
Nqabakazulu High School – Kwa Mashu
Many schools in the disadvantaged areas are still in dire
need of upgrading of buildings and facilities. This lack
of proper educational facilities impacts on the academic
performance of the students. In line with the Centre’s
objectives to improve education and skills opportunities
for poor communities, the Centre undertook to upgrade
an entire block of the Nqabakazulu High School in Kwa
Mashu (a large Black Township close to the Centre). The
upgrades included complete refurbishment of a block
comprising: Life Sciences Laboratory, Consumer Studies,
Hospitality Studies, Library, Physical Science Laboratory
and HOD Offices.
Renovation and refurbishment to the structure and new
equipment was at a cost of R 2 million (INR 1.2 crores).
The renovated facilities was officially handed over to the
school on 20 October 2011.
Sarada-Ganga Water Project
Water is becoming a precious resource and the cost of
piped water is increasing, making it almost inaccessible
by poor people. The Centre has commenced with
installation of water tanks for rain harvesting in the
homes of poor families and also at schools and other
SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 15
The Ramakrishna Educational and Skills Development Centre
A major thrust in celebration of the 150th Birth
Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda is the printing of
value-based literature for free distribution to Hindu
families, youth and poor communities. The literature is
intended to strengthen Hindus by empowering them
with the principles of practical Vedanta. Devotees deliver
free literature packs door to door on a regular basis to all
Hindu homes.
16 | SUTRA | ISSUE 28
A number of the titles have been translated to Zulu
which is the main indigenous language of the country.
These are distributed to schools, NGOs, etc.
Commemoration of
150th Birth Anniversary
of Swami Vivekananda
The Government of
India has decided to
commemorate the 150th
Birth Anniversary of
Swami Vivekananda and
a National Committee has
been constituted under
the Chairmanship of Prime
Minister Dr. Manmohan
In his opening remarks Dr.
Manmohan Singh said Swami
Vivekananda did a lot to inculcate
a national consciousness among the
people. His message was universal
and based on rationality and
righteousness. It was a message that
appealed to people of all classes,
castes and creeds. His message of
unity and brotherhood has farreaching appeal and relevance even
“Swami Vivekananda was one of
our greatest spiritual leaders and
will always be a revered figure in
India’s history and culture. We should
work sincerely to celebrate the
commemorative year in a befitting
We hope to use the occasion of his
150th birth anniversary to promote
interest, particularly among our
youth in his values, thoughts and
ideals. In fact, we celebrate Swami
Vivekananda’s birthday on 12th
January as National Youth Day every
year. We recall on this day
his memorable call to “Work, work,
Swami Vivekananda thought deeply
about education and what it meant
for Indian society. He conceived of
education as the primary means of
rebuilding Indian society. For him,
education meant secular learning
that built character and instilled
human values in students.
I am happy that among the
proposals we have received is one
from the Ramakrishna Math and
the Ramakrishna Mission in Belur
that is based on this theme. It
seeks to promote and implement
Vivekananda’s ideas on value-based
education. Our education system
today is information based and
does not give adequate emphasis
on building core values. I think that
thought should be given to how
we can mainstream some of Swami
Vivekananda’s ideas on education
into our school and college curricula.
In fact, as is well known, Swami
Vivekananda travelled extensively
as a monk, covering the length and
breadth of the country. His period
of meditation at Kanyakumari is
immortalized by the famous rock
named after him. But his travels in
other parts of the country are less
well known. Perhaps some attention
should be given to reviving interest in
his travels and even in restoring some
of the buildings or places which are
associated with him.
We should be conscious that to
reach our youth, we will have to
use media such as the internet. I am
often told that much of the material
on India, including on our historical
figures such as Vivekananda, come
from Western sources. If so, we
should make strenuous efforts to
develop our own information sites
in a useful and attractive manner.
We should also be willing to
subsidise high quality publications on
Swami Vivekananda to make them
affordable for our youth.
Swami Vivekananda was one of
India’s early cultural ambassadors
who was able to propagate Indian
philosophy, thought and culture to
the outside world. He drew upon our
ancient texts to communicate with
brilliance and eloquence the message
of India which lays emphasis on
tolerance, plurality and openness.
Swami Vivekananda’s famous lecture
at the World Parliament of Religions
in Chicago on 11 September 1893 is
a shining moment in India’s cultural
history. I understand that the State
of Chicago does not allow memorials
of people who are not American
citizens. But, we must find some way
of commemorating this event in the
place where it happened. I am sure
that the Indian American community
could be urged to find creative ways
of doing so.”
SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 17
Beauty Preparations You Need to Make
by Nisha Singh
Have you recently been engaged? If you have, have you
started planning your wedding yet? If you haven’t, you will
want to get started with the planning soon.
Even if you have already started
planning your wedding, have you
made all of your beauty preparations
yet? Beauty preparations are
an important part of planning a
wedding, if not the most important
part. For that reason, you will
want to start making your beauty
arrangements right away.
18 | SUTRA | ISSUE 28
When it comes to beauty
preparations for your wedding, you
will find that there are a number of
different steps that you will need
to take. First of all, you may want
to decide how you would like your
hair and make-up to be done. If
you are also interested in having
your bridesmaids’ hair to be all the
same, you may want to think about
planning out their hairstyles as well.
If you find yourself having a difficult
time doing so, you may want to think
about hiring the services of a beauty
consultant or making “testing,”
appointments at your local beauty or
hair salon.
Speaking of a beauty or hair salon,
if you need to make appointments
for you and the rest of your wedding
party to get your hair done, you will
want to make your appointments
in advance. If your wedding is
scheduled for “wedding season,” you
will want to make your appointments
as soon as possible, especially if
you have your heart set on getting
your hair done at a particular salon.
Smaller salons can only handle one
wedding party at a time.
In addition to getting your hair
done on your wedding day, you may
also be interested in getting your
nails done or having your make-up
professionally applied. If you are
interested in getting your makeup professionally applied, you will
likely have your make-up done right
after your hair is. As for your nails,
you may be required to make an
appointment in the days leading
up to the wedding. If you or your
bridesmaids need nail touch-ups, they
can be done at the last minute.
Although you hope that everything
will go well on your wedding day,
you will want to prepare for the
unexpected. In terms of beauty and
fashion, the unexpected may include
a tear in your dress or the dress of
one of your bridesmaids, a stain, or
too much sweating. For that reason,
you may want to think about having
an emergency beauty bag on hand
and with you at all times during
your wedding, particularly before
the ceremony takes place. Many
times, the maid of honour will be
responsible for coming up with such
a bag, but you still may want to make
sure that it is done.
As for the items that should be in
an emergency beauty bag, you may
want to stock it full of anything that
you think you or your bridesmaids
may need. Items that you will
definitely want to include in an
emergency beauty bag include makeup, deodorant, hand lotion, hairspray
or hair gel, a brush, a comb, extra
bobby pins, a small sewing kit, and
emergency stain removing chemicals.
Having these types of items and more
inside an emergency beauty bag will
reduce the number of unexpected
events that may end up hampering
your wedding day.
The above-mentioned beauty
preparation tips are just a few of the
many that you will want to make.
You will also need to choose a venue
for your wedding reception, a band
or a DJ, a wedding cake, and so
forth. With all of the preparations
and arrangements that need to be
made, you may want to think about
hiring the services of a professional
wedding planner or at least buying a
wedding planning guide, which will
hopefully include a detailed checklist
for you.
Items that you will definitely
want to include in an
emergency beauty bag include
make-up, deodorant, hand
lotion, hairspray or hair gel,
a brush, a comb, extra bobby
pins, a small sewing kit,
and emergency stain
removing chemicals.
SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 19
The oldest source on incense is the Vedas, specifically, the Atharva-veda and the Rigveda. Incense-burning
was used both to create pleasing aromas and as a medicinal tool. Its use in medicine is considered the
first phase of Ayurveda, which uses incense as an approach to healing. Incense-making was thus almost
exclusively done by monks.
The specific knowledge of incense as
a healing tool was assimilated into
the religious practices of the Hindus.
The Buddhist monks introduced
incense-making to China.
Indian incense-making involves
a wide variety of ingredients. In
accordance with Ayurvedic principles,
20 | SUTRA | ISSUE 28
all the ingredients that go into
incense-making are categorized into
five classes:
• 1. Ether (fruits)
examples: Star anise
• 2. Water (stems and branches)
examples: Sandalwood, Aloewood,
Cedarwood, Cassia, Frankincense,
Myrrh, Borneol
• 3. Earth (roots)
examples: Turmeric, Vetiver, Ginger,
Costus, Valerian, Indian Spikenard
• 4. Fire (flowers)
examples: Clove
• 5. Air (leaves)
examples: Patchouli
It’s generous. It connects you to the
elements. It sparks appreciation. It
is healthy. It brings you back. It joins
heaven and earth. It offers a lesson. It
makes you prepare.
Those who never or rarely use
incense, often think of it as merely an
air freshener or an odour eater and
are unaware of the many benefits
of incense to the mind and body.
Even many incense fans who use it
regularly, may not fully appreciate
all its physical and psychological
The list below will make it clear why
just about every religion since the
beginning of time has used incense
for its spiritual powers, why tribal
healers and physicians throughout
history have used incense for its
healing powers, why monks have
used incense for thousands of years
for its concentration powers, and
why artists use incense to inspire
1. It’s generous.
Ritual is an important part of living,
even small rituals that may seem
inconsequential. The significance of
offering a stick of incense is key. It
doesn’t move you any closer to stated
goals. It doesn’t seem to address your
current concerns, whether they are
about personal relationships or world
hunger. Yet, offering — without
expectation of something in return
for your gesture — is training in
generosity, the act of letting go.
2. It connects you to the
Incense has to be lit. It requires fire to
ignite and oxygen to burn. We need
oxygen to breathe and fire to live. It
is a truism to say that to survive, we
need a relationship to our world, our
elemental world, the world of our
senses. By striking a match, lighting
and sensing a stick of incense, you
have reignited a relationship with the
world that sustains you.
3. It sparks appreciation.
It takes time to find incense that
appeals to you. Japanese varieties can
be delicate and floral. Tibetan incense
evokes a warm, earthy quality. There
are many subtle differences and
endless varieties. But you will offer
incense that pleases you. What do
you like? Do you know? Another way
of putting this is: What makes you
happy? By enjoying incense in the
context of practice, you set a positive
tone for your session. Practice is
about appealing to that part of you
that is able to relax, slow down and
appreciate. Cultivating appreciation
is the ground of discipline.
4. It is healthy.
Incense enhances concentration &
focus, prevents infections, relieves
headaches, fights depression, reduces
anxiety and tension and aids in
overcoming insomnia.
5. It brings you back.
When you sit down to practice, the
smoke from your incense joins you.
Some even select the length of their
incense stick to the time of their
practice session.
6. It joins heaven and earth.
Smoke moves in space. Space extends
everywhere. When you light incense
you can invoke space. You can do
this by letting the smoke go where
it wants to. Who would try to tell
the smoke where to go? At the same
time, space is a reminder of earth.
Eventually, after enjoying the space
of heaven, smoke will settle into dust
and land on earth.
7. It offers a lesson.
The incense stick begins at a full
length and then grows shorter as
it burns. There is no way to repair
or retrieve a stick that has burnt.
At first the scent is strong, soon the
stick is gone and the scent will be
faint. Sometimes the ash sits on top
of the stick, like a memory of past
glories, before toppling off into the
incense bowl. The smoke may rise
slowly like white ink from the stroke
of an invisible brush or may disperse,
fanned by hidden currents of air.
All experience is fleeting — like the
smoke from a stick of incense. This is
a true lesson.
8. It makes you prepare.
To offer incense, you need incense,
matches and a bowl. You need to
think, you need time, a place, and
intention. You have to plan and
organize your life so you can sustain
your time and your space to add
value to yourself. Life is like an
SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 21
Get the
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22 | SUTRA | ISSUE 28
Floats on the streets of
Durban for
Sarika Naidoo (Face of SUTRA™ - Finalist 2012)
The experience made me feel like a celeb!
It was heartening to note that our culture is still very rich in South
Africa and enjoyed and celebrated by the youth as well.
Diwali, an occasion to rejoice and pray to the Goddess Lakshmi for prosperity and
success, a time to commemorate the return of Lord Rama, along with Mother
Sita and Lakshmana, after 14 years of exile and vanquishing of the demon-king
Ravana, is a time that signifies the victory of light over darkness, enlightenment
over ignorance and good over evil, was celebrated by all Hindus on 13 November
The FNB Durban Diwali Festival was a bumper extravaganza and one of the most
exciting events of the year in Durban. I, Sarika Naidoo, had the great opportunity
of joining the Sutra Team during the float procession. With the Sutra Brand
Ambassador, Sarah- Lee Bensingh standing in a convertible, driven by Nikhil
Devnarain and with the beautiful ladies of the Sutra Team dressed in deep red
saris and adorned with glitzy jewellery, we started our parade on the ever so
popular Prince Edward Street in central Durban. There was colour everywhere!
People were in the spirit enjoying every beat of the music played by participating
floats. As we walked along Grey Street, proceeding to the festival site, we were
photographed by different media personalities as well as onlookers, who were so
bedazzled at our vibe and colour, that they also danced along to the music and
applauded as well! It was simply amazing and stunning!
The event was extremely well organized. Despite the blazing sun, I was grateful
that the organizers together with the Metro Police worked very well together
maintaining law, order and calmness. Our almost 2 hour long parade was an
experience that I truly enjoyed and would definitely do it again next year. Might I
just add, I did it in high heels too!
SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 23
Kamaali’s success is a testament to
the power that formal education and
sheer passion along with creativity
can wield in the business of fashion.
Kamaali Mehta began her sartorial
journey when she earned a diploma
in Fashion Design from Pearl
Academy, followed by specialization
in Bridal Wear and Evening Wear
from London College of Fashion.
Armed with expertise she launched
her label which soon developed
a cult following. She then joined
forces with her sister Shruti. While
Kamaali looks after design and
production Shruti takes care of the
administration, branding, marketing
and client servicing.
Proving themselves to be judicious
businesswomen, the duo began
with western and Indian lines and
narrowed their design vocabulary to
two clear-cut lines Cocktail Couture
24 | SUTRA | ISSUE 28
“Which consists of flowing gossamer
wedding gowns and glamorous
cocktail dresses. Working with fabrics
like chiffon, georgette, lycra, net and
lace, Kamaali continually experiments
with feminine drapes , crystal and
bejeweled ornamentation.”
The collections are favoured by
the cocktail circuit and red carpet
regulars alike... with a dash of
Bollywood Boulevard.
Her other line is called Wedding
Drama: experimental elite brides
who want to look glamorous on their
wedding day fit the client list for
this line. Mundane traditional bridal
finery will not do for these young
ladies. So the designer unleashes her
creativity into a timeless realm where
the transience of bridal beauty is
arrested in the affluent sensuality of
brocades, chanderis and velvet.
The spirit is one of homage to
the nation’s treasure chest of
luxurious fabrics and ornate Indian
embellishments like Swarovski,
zardozi, etc. The colours are ravishing
and the palette breathes vitality
into the rich folds of the saris with
embroidery borders and backless sexy
Kamaali retails out of her studio
at A-18 II Floor Sector-4 Noida by
appointment only and is available in
stores across India and abroad.
• Kimaya and Aza (India)
• Raja Fashion (Honk Kong)
• Studio 8 (Dubai)
• Roxx (Sharjah)
• Karigari (New York)
• Zebaish (London)
• Asiya (South Africa).
SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 25
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SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 27
Fashion by Tarun Tahiliani
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SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 29
Beauty of a sarie
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by Khubsoorat Collection
London Fashion
SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 33
London Fashion
by Khubsoorat Collection
34 | SUTRA | ISSUE 28
SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 35
Swami Sivananda – Christmas Message
Christmas is named after Christ. The birth of Jesus is celebrated all over the
world as the sacred Christmas. Lord Jesus was an embodiment of mercy,
love and humility. The message of Christmas is the message of universal
love, peace and goodwill among all nations. Christmas is a day for realising
cosmic consciousness, for remembering the noble deeds of Christ. Christmas
is a state of awakening. Follow the Sermon on the Mount. Live in the spirit
of Christ’s teachings. What is Christmas without love, mercy and purity?
Every neighbour wants to exploit another. One nation wants to destroy
another nation. Is this Christmas? Is this the teachings of Christ? Christmas
comes and goes, but let the spirit of Christmas be ever with you. Every day is
Shree Sathya Sai Baba’s Christmas Message
Your duty is to glorify “I
great message
of Jesus.
The most
my Christmas
this year,
message of Jesus is thebut
of “Peace
I used the wrong
I used
among men.” Withoutsaid
any sphere
‘Happy Birthday’ on it. I didn’t want to waste
--material, spiritual, orso
I just wrote ‘Jesus’ on it.” In the Treta Era (Yuga),Demetri
Sri RamMartin
came to establish the reign of truth and
righteousness (sathya and dharma). In the Dwapara Yuga, Sri Krishna came
with the mission to promote love and peace (prema and santhi). In the Kali
Yuga (the present era), truth, righteousness, peace, and love are the purposes
of the Divine Mission. Hence, you must make these four the guiding principles
of your life. When you adhere to these four principles, non-violence (ahimsa)
ensues as a natural result. There is no use in merely invoking the name of
Jesus and praying to Him without regard to His most vital message: “God is
in everyone. Do not revile anyone. Do not cause harm to anyone.” This was
Jesus’s greatest message.
36 | SUTRA | ISSUE 28
By Amy Chung
Queen Elizabeth II talked about drawing strength from family and
community during trying times in her annual Christmas Day message.
The Queen, who writes the Christmas message herself, has been delivering
these annual addresses since 1952.
“In this past year, my family and I have been inspired by the courage and
hope we have seen in so many ways in Britain and around the world,” said
the Queen.
She reflected on the importance of family, with the marriage of her two
grandchildren, Prince William and Zara Phillips.
She also mentioned that this Christmas will “not be easy” for those in the
armed forces deployed around the world and thousands of families with
those in the military service will be spending the holidays without their
loved ones.
“The bereaved and the lonely will find it especially hard. And, as we all
know, the world is going through difficult times,” she said. “All this will
affect our celebration of this great Christian festival.”
“Finding hope in adversity is one of the themes of Christmas. Jesus was
born into a world full of fear,” the Queen said.
Although we are capable of great acts of kindness, history teaches us that
we sometimes need saving from ourselves—from our recklessness or our
greed,” she added.
In closing, the Queen urged that forgiveness helps restore friendships and
reconcile broken communities.
“Christmas is forever, not for just one day,
for loving, sharing, giving, are not to put away
like bells and lights and tinsel, in some box upon a shelf.
The good you do for others is the good you do yourself.. ”
Norman Wesley Brooks
“Happy, Happy Christmas, that can
win us back to the delusions of
our childhood days, recall to the old
man the pleasures of his youth, and
transport the traveler back to his own
fireside and quiet home!” Charles Dickens SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 37
Beauty Pageants
Should you enter your child in one?
Are you the parent of a toddler or an elementary school aged child? If you are, have
you ever thought about entering your child in a beauty pageant? If you are like
many other parents, there is a good chance that the thought has at least crossed
your mind before, but it is a good idea?
38 | SUTRA | ISSUE 28
It is important that you include your child in the
decision to participate in beauty pageants.
When it comes to deciding whether
or not you should enter your child in
a beauty pageant there are a number
of important factors that you should
take into consideration. One of
those factors is your location.
Where do you live? If you do not live
near a big city or a popular one, like
Hollywood or New York City, there
is a good chance that you would
have a hard time finding pageants to
enter your child into. Yes, you may
be able to find a number of local
beauty pageants, but if you are really
serious about getting your child
into modeling, you may find yourself
having to travel long distances and
spending quite a bit of money on
that traveling.
In addition to costs associated with
travel, it is important that you
examine the other costs associated
with regularly entering your child
in beauty pageants. With beauty
pageants, your child is often required
to wear different items of clothing,
as well as perform in a talent show.
Many parents spend thousands of
dollars or more each year buying
clothing for their children to wear
or on courses for learning a new
talent, like dancing or singing. Do
you have that much money to spend?
If you don’t, you can still proceed
with entering your child into beauty
pageants, but you may find it difficult
to compete with other families who
do have more money to spend.
The work that goes into regularly
participating in beauty pageants
is something else that should be
examined. You should look at the
work and the sacrifices that are often
made from two different angles. As
a parent of a beauty pageant child,
you may find yourself traveling a
lot, spending a lot of time away
from your home and other family
members. You may also experience
financial hardships, as that is
something that many families report.
As for your child, toddlers and
elementary school age children
often love spending time with their
friends and just being a kid. If you
take beauty pageants seriously, they
may not have time to do everything
that they know and love. Of course
though, your child may prefer
participating in beauty pageants.
Speaking of your child, it is important
that you include them in on the
decision to participate in beauty
pageants. Unfortunately, too
many parents make the mistake
of believing that their kids are too
young to make the decision on their
Yes, a toddler she may be, but it is
still advised that you discuss entering
beauty pageant with them. What you
may want to think about doing, is
entering them in one or two beauty
pageants and then wait to see how
it goes.
You never know, but your child
may deicide that he or she does like
participating in them after all.
The above-mentioned factors are
just a few of the many that you may
want to take into consideration
before automatically deciding that
your child should regularly enter
beauty pageants. As a reminder, it is
a decision that shouldn’t be made by
just one parent, but the whole family.
SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 39
Sister Jenny- Multi -purpose cream:
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Autostyle South Africa is giving away 5 sets of car care kits and 5 sets of car
mats to anyone that emails us their best picture of them in their car. The picture
must express your love for your car. This will be featured in the next copy of
SUTRA™ and what is not used in print, will be uploaded to our website.
Email your pictures to
Shop online or visit our branches in Gauteng and KZN
Email SUTRA™ magazine your personal humour or something that you will remember your parents or grandparents did or
said. If your article is selected you will receive a 6 month subscription free with a gift.
Requirements are 50 -100 words with a heading to be emailed to or fax 086 614 2455. You may
also email your photo if you want to.
Kindly note what is not used in print will be used online on our website
40 | SUTRA | ISSUE 28
One couple can enjoy their
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Help the KZN Blind and
Deaf Society to raise
funds this Christmas
Roy Govender and Leon Pillay will be undertaking a great trek,
commencing 7 December 2012, to the Kilimanjaro Mountain Peak
in Africa. All proceedings raised will be donated to the the KZN
Blind and Deaf Society which is a Non-Governmental Organization.
Their target is to raise a minimum of two hundred and fifty thousand rand (R 250 000, 00) and a humble appeal is made
to all our readers to assist our differently-abled people. SUTRA™ Magazine supports this noble venture and appeals
to you, our esteemed reader, to kindly support these two gentlemen who are doing selfless work for the KZN Blind and
Deaf Society so that it can continue to do its noble work.
Name of Account:
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KZN Blind and Deaf Society
: Standard Bank
: 05 071 54 10
: 04 00 26
: Current Account
: Smith Street
: KChillies
If you require a receipt, send proof of payment to The KZN Blind and Deaf Society; email ( or fax (031 309 3048).
SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 41
death. She went through different emotions on this
rollercoaster of widowhood. Six years later she is still
single and focuses on her little one and work. She had
to start work as a sales and admin supervisor when
Neha was 2 months old. Being a widow has made
her stronger in her field of work as she is employed
in a male- dominant environment. Work has been a
haven when she needed to escape her loneliness and
pain. She is blessed with the support of her mum,
Sheila Kommal, who nurtured Neha together with her
immediate family. Nothing can justify a child being
robbed of her father’s love yet Samantha holds on to
the belief that their love was extremely special and
that God had blessed and acknowledged it with the
birth of their child who loves her dad that she has
never met...
Dreams shattered into a nightmare
Samantha Kommal married her high school
sweetheart Neville Pillay after 7 years of courtship.
Their dreams shattered into a nightmare when he
passed on a year and a half later leaving her 7 months
pregnant. Not wanting to live anymore, and having
lost all faith and hope until the kick of her unborn
child gave her a reality check.
She had no choice but pull herself together, suppress
all emotions and be strong for her daughter Neha.
Samantha had to grow up thrice her age after his
42 | SUTRA | ISSUE 28
Samantha says that there is no measure to love and
if she ever enters into another relationship, then
that individual would have to be rather special as he
will have to accept Neha and her past. Samantha’s
encouragement to other widows is the old saying
“It’s better to have loved and lost than to have never
loved at all”. Widowhood feels like a curse but death
is the only thing certain in life and some experience
it sooner than others and we should be proud of
ourselves. Samantha is an individual who possesses a
strength and love with independence that many do
not and she is able to provide for her daughter and
herself, so there is nothing that a man can provide
that she has not provided for her daughter and
herself. She is very grateful to her family for being
there for her and showering love onto her daughter
too. She is sure that Neville is watching over them
from heaven with gratitude and pride.
Lead by example
A happy widow in Reservoir Hills, Durban
When God took my husband away from us, that was
His will. My husband was a drug addict.
My parents provided for their children and getting
us married was their goal in life. I am the eldest of 5
Been married for 20 years with two
sonS. My husband was murdered at
his supermarket.
When the incident occurred it was as if my whole
world just got shattered in seconds. My love, my
family, my life, my children’s future was bleak. My
husband was in private hospital with no medical aid
benefit so I was left with a huge hospital account
to settle whilst trying to deal with my emotions.
It’s been a very dark period for me and my family
because I lost my husband 7 months after my dad
who was also murdered at his business premises.
I was a house wife at the time of the incident but I
had to take charge financially to support my family.
The supermarket was too big for me to manage plus
there were too many sad memories attached hence I
sold the business and started a small takeaway. I start
work at 08:00 and finish at 17:00 from Monday to
The children do take care of themselves now but
it was very difficult when my young son was only
6yrs and the elder one just started first year Medical
Financially and emotionally I struggled a lot but I
persevered with the grace of God and the support
of my sons, my mom, family and the Northpine
community . It has been a long struggle but I
managed to get my sons through university and I am
proud to say that my elder son qualified as a Medical
Doctor and the younger son is a 3rd year Business
Science student at Stellenbosch University.
After our first child Allan left home to work in Cape
Town, he did not return for 4 years. He would transfer
money into my account and he did not return home as
the person that had left. Everything went wrong and
he died 2 years later. No financial planning was done.
I live to date with my in –laws and I am happy.
Currently, I am employed with Sanlam and take care of
the family. My in-laws are very caring and loving but
their son made them cry a lot.
No child should do that to their parents. Serving them
and taking care of my child together with my career,
keeps me busy. I would not like to re-marry. I want to
do things for myself, by myself.
I enjoy my freedom, going out with family members,
close friends and I have dedicated my life to God. So
when I do have time, I visit the local temple and do
seva. That happiness no-one can give you!
My advice to widows is to take all the spare time that
they have and dedicate it to the poor and give love
to the less fortunate. Be a proud mother, lead by
example, keep the family name and be proud of your
achievements. The elders enjoy picking on me but I just
laugh it off, I know they just want a reaction from me.
My family would love to see me married again but
that is not my wish, therefore they respect that. I am
a proud Indian widow, mother, daught, daughter and
I would just like to say that may God give everybody
the strength to overcome such tragedies.
Just believe in your Creator, yourself and be positive
and you can achieve anything in life.
SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 43
The Position of Widows
in Hindu Society
In Hindu tradition widows can choose to remarry or remain single.
Widows who intend to stay single dedicate their life to the upbringing
of their family, to live for a cause or to live in the pursuit of spiritual
enlightenment. If a widow chooses this path she is respected as a
brahmacharini (celibate woman dedicated to spiritual pursuits), and is
generally enjoined to live a life similar to monastics. One of the signs
that they have choosen this path of life is that they wear plain white
clothing (though these days many will wear either whitish saris or white
saris with designed borders).
Widows who choose not to remarry may also be initiated by a swami to
be a sannyasini and may wear yellow or orange saris. These widows follow
the tradition of sannyasins, where they do not participate in community
functions such as weddings except to observe and give their blessings. They
may however, lead prayer groups during holy festivals, give discourses
if they are qualified to, and can certainly do pujas and perform arati on
such occasions or on any occasion where there is a gathering of people for
spiritual purposes.
Widows who intend to remarry will follow the customs of an unmarried
girl. Her attire would be what she normally uses, though she is enjoined
not to use the red dot on her forehead and as with an unmarried girl, use
the black or fashion dot instead. These signify that she is open to marriage
These are the general guidelines for widows in Hindu culture. Widows
have a choice on how they apply them. For instance, a widow who
chooses not to remarry may still her usual attire and wear the red dot as a
remembrance of her late husband. There is no bad karma in this and the
community is enjoined to respect her wishes.
There is actually no Hindu scriptural reference that regulates what a widow
should wear and what she should not, or what she can or cannot do. In
general Hindu society, widows are given the choice of indicating their
status by what they choose to wear. By status I don’t mean whether she is
a widow or not, instead it is to indicate whether she intends to remarry or
not. I must also state that these same guidelines also apply to a husband
who has lost his wife. However, if you observe our community, men are not
enjoined by the community to observe the guidelines as much as women.
A woman is called a sumangali to mean good luck when actually it means
the bearer of goodness, and has nothing to do with good or bad luck.
44 | SUTRA | ISSUE 28
I love my freedom of being a Hindu and a Christian.
Jane Singh
Before I married I was a Christian by birth and my husband was a Hindu. He lost his dad at a very young age and
his mum remarried and that had a very traumatic effect on him. He felt that his mum was selfish. My mum- in – law
always told us that she made a mistake and could not change that.
We had two daughters and my husband always wanted a son therefore he was the happiest man when our son
Ash was born. He did everything a father should do. He was a businessman and he signed three new partnership
contracts one month before he passed way in his sleep. My son was two years old, my daughters were ten and eight
years old and we were married for 11 years.
We never ever discussed or made any wishes to each other if one of us had to pass away. We were living life and my
husband’s death was my greatest shock. I did every ritual that the family asked me to do. After his yearly memorial
prayer, the extended family demanded many rituals from me and this was not what I wanted from them. The older
family members must respect the younger generation. That is when I decided that I will go back to church because
I wanted my children to be on the spiritual path. But I must inform all the readers that up to now, I still observe
Pithar Paksh and Durga Pooja. This is what my husband Ashwin loved doing and I enjoyed preforming those rituals
therefore I informed my church that I will continue doing them because that makes me feel closer to my husband.
My children love doing those rituals in memory of their dad and I will not remarry because I know the effect it will
have on the children. I take care of my in-laws and my mother lives with me. I work very hard and my day starts at
04:00 daily. I sold all the other businesses and only kept one that I could manage. Today I am a grandmother and
I am very happy with my family. All credit goes to two of my friends and my mother-in-law and mother. Trust is
something that all single women need to help them build themselves. If anyone that needs to change, they are the
old aunties that are stuck in the past; some of them are not even educated but they would like to tell you what to
do and when you ask them why, they then say that you are very disrespectful.
Some of the older priests also need to be educated and I feel that some of the priests from India are worse as they
also contribute and build on the mythologies that are carried down for hundreds of years. We are children of God
and because we lost our loved ones, we need to know that it was their time to go. Then why do some so-called
priests say that we widows are bad luck and should not participate in any rituals? Would the priests do that to the
widowers? I doubt it!
---------------------------------------------------Separation hurts
Payal was married to Keenen and their relationship was a matter of “true love conquers all”. Loving each other was
no fairy tale as both families did not approve of their love. Keenen passed on in a tragic motor accident leaving
her to fill in the role of both parents to their 6 year old. She lived with the extended family for a year until she
performed the last Hindu ritual. She lived a year of torment and hurt with them. She packed and took her little girl
to start afresh. She has grown in this past year more than she would have liked to. However, she has become a more
independent individual embracing life with a new hope ... even if it is just for her daughter.
SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 45
Many of us want new jobs with
new opportunities. We are either
bored with what we are doing at the
moment and desire new challenges,
or dislike the place we are currently
working and desperately want a
change. Many of us would love to
46 | SUTRA | ISSUE 28
run our own businesses. The freedom
and independence that this brings,
answering only to yourself, and
working when you want to, is an
incredibly desirable thing.
However, the reality of this
materializing is slim to none in most
people’s cases. Most of us don’t have
the capital required to start a small
business. Others are frightened off
by the risk factor involved. Your
steady income may be gone as well as
the fact that nearly 90 % of all new
businesses fail within the first year.
Affiliate marketing is a way around
the said risk and start-up costs.
Affiliate marketing costs nothing
to join and the risk is minimal. You
are paid according to what you
produce and not according to how
the company is performing. There are
many wonderful affiliate programs
for you to get involved with,
however, as with anything, one needs
to be cautious.
Unfortunately, today we live in an
age of internet and business fraud.
Countless people lose large sums
of money on these home business
scams. Unfortunately, the world of
affiliate marketing is not immune to
this. While it is impossible to list every
precaution a person should take,
there are some signs that people can
look for. These don’t always mean
that the company is fraudulent but
they should be looked into carefully.
Many lull themselves into a false
sense of security when it comes to
affiliate marketing programs. They
feel that there is no cost to them
moneywise so they have nothing to
lose. However, this isn’t true. You may
get away with no money being lost
but you could lose loads of your next
most precious commodity, that being
time. You’re going to have to work
very hard to build up your affiliate
marketing business so you will want
to be legitimate.
You should definitely ask the
company for testimonials. Don’t rely
on the ones that they post on their
website. Anyone could have written
these. Ask for names and addresses
of people that you can contact to
find out how the program worked
for them. You can also try searching
on your favourite search engine. By
looking under scams or the company
name, you’ll have a good chance of
digging up any dirt that is there.
Read the testimonials carefully. If you
find a few bad reviews, this shouldn’t
put you off. Sometimes people are
just not cut out for certain programs.
If there is more good than bad, then
things are likely to be okay. You can
also use these testimonials for advice
on what to do and what not to do.
If you have problems finding
information then this should be a
warning. Good affiliate programs will
have been around for a while and
will have a track record. Resist the
temptation to join up while the offer
is still hot. If it is a good program, it
will still be there in 6 months time.
If the product or service is worth
having, there will still be plenty of
profit to make out of it.
The lure of running our own
businesses attracts many. However,
the reality of what is involved, stops
most of us before we get started.
Affiliate marketing is a way to
work for you without the financial
risk. There are many great affiliate
marketing programs in existence
today. However, there are also many
companies that are fraudulent. When
deciding who to go with, check for
testimonials. Use the internet to dig
up the dirt. Check the company’s
track record. No track record at all
can be as bad as a negative record.
Beware of new companies. If they are
worth it, they will still be there in a
few month’s time.
SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 47
Tourism in India
by India Tourism
According to the World Travel and Tourism Council, India
will be a tourism hot-spot from 2009 to 2018, having
the highest 10-year growth potential. The Travel &
Tourism Competitiveness Report 2007 ranked tourism in
India sixth in terms of price competitiveness and 39th in
terms of safety and security. Despite short- and mediumterm setbacks, such as shortage of hotel rooms, tourism
revenues are expected to surge by 42% from 2007 to
Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan are the top five states to receive inbound tourists.
Tourism in Bihar
Bihar is one of the oldest continuously inhabited
places in the world with a rich history of 3000 years.
The rich culture and heritage of Bihar is evident from
the innumerable ancient monuments that are dotted
all over this state in eastern India. This is the place
of Aryabhata, Great Ashoka, Chanakya and many other
great historical figures.
• Patna – The capital of Bihar, famous for its rich history
and royal architecture.
• Gaya - Known for Bodh Gaya the place at
which Gautama Buddha attained enlightenment.
• Muzaffarpur – Famous for its education.
• Kesariya – Location of the world’s largest Buddhist
• Nalanda – Location of one of the world’s oldest
48 | SUTRA | ISSUE 28
• Sasaram – Tomb of Sher Shah Suri, the great Emperor
of medieval India.
• Sonepur Cattle Fair – The Sonepur Cattle Fair or
Sonepur Mela is the biggest cattle fair of Asia and
stretches on from fifteen days to one month.
• Takht Sri Patna Sahib – One of the famous Sikh
pilgrimages known for the birthplace of Sikh’s Tenth
Guru Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib.
• Darbhanga – It is among the oldest cities of Bihar and is
famous for the Maharaja Forts and Kali Mandir.
• Munger – Home to the only Yoga University in the
world, Bihar School of Yoga religious places such
as Shakti Peethas.
• Deoghar- One of the famous Hindu pilgrimages known
for the SATSANG ASHRAM of Sri Sri Thakur Anukul
Chandra situated at Satsang Nagar.
Bihar is one of the most sacred places of various religions
such Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism & Islam.
Famous attractions include the Mahabodhi Temple,
a Buddhist shrine and UNESCO World Heritage Site. Also
situated in Bihar are the Barabar Caves, the oldest
rock-cut caves in India and the Khuda Bakhsh Oriental
Library, the oldest library in India.
UNESCO World Heritage in Bihar
Tomb of Sher Shah Suri, Sasaram, Bihar
The tomb of Sher Shah Suri at Sasaram is an imposing
structure of stone standing in the middle of a fine tank
and rising from a large stone terrace. This terrace rests
obliquely on a platform with a flight of steps leading to
the water’s edge. The western walls were once profusely
India’s rich history and its cultural
and geographical diversity make its
international tourism appeal large
and diverse. It presents heritage and
cultural tourism along with medical,
business and sports tourism. India
has one of the largest and fastest
growing medical tourism sectors.
adorned with verses from the Quran and
inscriptions, with glazed tiles of various
colours arranged in geometrical patterns with
beautiful floral carvings in stone, enclosed in
enamel borders.
History of labour from Bihar
to South Africa
Bihar became a large labour supply region by
the mid-19th century as a result of the severe
socio-economic upheavals provoked by the
British policies such as the revenue and land
settlements, heavy taxation and the Money
Lenders Regulation Act. Conditions worsened
with harvest failures due to droughts and
famine which forced the population to resort
to emigration. Bihar was also one of the ports
that was used to ship labourers to South
Bihar played a major role in the Indian
independence struggle. Mahatma
Gandhi launched his pioneering civildisobedience movement, Champaran
Satyagraha after his return from South
Africa in Bihar.
SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 49
iFly Dubai
by Shyam Trishen Kommal
Dubai offers its tourists an array of unique activities.
Choosing what to do can be a real challenge. One of those
activities which simply has to be on the top of your list, is the
iFly Dubai skydiving simulator. One can truly get a feeling of flying at iFly Dubai. This
experience is safe as one is shown a video that explains in
detail everything one is about to experience, how to remain
safe and how to maximize one’s fun before the actual
experience! To top the safety off, a flight instructor will be
right next to you in the skydive simulator so this activity is
fun for the entire family including brave grand parents who
want to push the limits.
Think of the simulator as a massive wind generator because
the wind is carefully computer-controlled and one simply
hops into the air stream and is literally airborne! It is as
simple as that. This experience is fun, safe, can be enjoyed by
50 | SUTRA | ISSUE 28
the entire family and is very easy to do. It may take a couple
of days after the experience to stop smiling but hey, smiling
isn’t a bad thing!
Smiling is something you must ensure you do in the skydive
simulator as you will be photographed and videoed the
entire time and you can purchase this from iFly Dubai if you
choose to.
So remember the next time you go to Dubai, make a stop
at Mirdif City Centre and experience skydiving at iFly Dubai.
The staff are all smiles all day, every day but if you had their
jobs then you too would be smiling all day too!
Sutra Magazine would like to thank iFly Dubai for a superb
experience and for the amazing hospitality shown to us.
The sacred dance of India –
a journey of discovery
With an abundance of dance schools (many in existence
for over thirty years) in South Africa, it’s about time
someone documented the great tradition and legacy of
dance from a South African perspective.
The author’s personal and open style immediately
draws you into her world which travels through
sacred temples, grand palaces and ultimately her own
interesting journey as a dancer. With its two thousand
year old history, the evolution of dance through the
ages with deep insight into the Natya Shastra (the
most ancient existing text on classical Indian dance and
drama) and some rare information revealed, DANCE
OF BLISS is sure to appeal to the newcomer, students of
dance as well as Gurus.
A discussion on Indian classical dance teachers and
dance institutes in South Africa (Part one) offers the
reader an impressive insight into the achievements
and contributions of South African artists to the
world of dance reflecting a strong dance tradition
and a promising future for dance in South Africa.
An exploration of the guru-shishya (teacher-student)
relationship which is unique to the Indian philosophy
will enable the reader to understand this tradition which
remains the key to every successful artist.
An in depth discussion of the Natya Shastra and
Abhinaya Darpana (Part two) will be of particular
interest to teachers and senior students of dance. The
one hundred and eight cosmic Karanas (movements)
of Shiva are described and discussed along with other
unsolved mysteries of the Natya Shastra.
A background of the seven Indian classical dance forms,
Bharat Natyam, Kathak, Odissi, Kuchipudi, Mohiniattam,
Manipuri and Kathakali (Part three) provides the reader
with the necessary information that makes each style
unique with regards to technique, presentation and
costumes. The author expounds on the Devdasi (temple
dancers) system and their extraordinary lives with clarity
and boldness without veiling the truth.
An account of the author’s visit to South India will strike
a chord with any dancer who has studied dance in India.
DANCE OF BLISS is well presented with a travelling
glossary that provides the meanings of dance, musical
and vernacular terms. Beautiful pictures in colour and
black and white highlighting costumes, different Indian
classical dance styles, hastas (hand gestures), Pada
Bhedas (foot positions) etc. will provide an excellent
learning tool for the student of dance as well as guide
audiences to appreciate dance on another level.
With such little information available (in English) on
Indian classical dance, DANCE OF BLISS has answered so
many questions for me as a dance practitioner.
One is carefully guided to open the mind to imbibe the
treasure of knowledge within it. Heather Parker Lewis
specialises in writing ground-breaking books for niche
markets. DANCE OF BLISS is her eleventh book and the
first book on classical Indian dance written from, and
published on, the African continent.
Email –
SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 51
Creative Fashion Guru
Career development possibilities will be interactively
proposed to school leavers and related graduates to join
the clothing sector. My intent is to stimulate the whole
clothing value chain for new younger recruits with an
objective to attract appropriate candidates
from previously disadvantaged communities.
Bryan grew up on the North Coat
of KwaZulu-Natal in a town called
In 1984 he matriculated at M.L Sultan
in 1987 he studied fashion and
graduated from Durban University of
Technology (then M.L. Sultan);
in 1996 obtained a post grad
qualification from Cape Peninsula
University of Technology;
in 1994 he served as a fashion design
lecturer for 16 years at the Cape
Peninsula University of Technology;
and he was a founding board
member and director of the Cape
Town Fashion Council.
His short term goals:
• Build on existing and new partners.
The emphasis is on inclusivity rather
than exclusivity and development
52 | SUTRA | ISSUE 28
of previously disadvantaged
• Provide support for emerging
designers without ignoring support
needed to established designers,
• Engage in dialogue with
government and role players to
promote the establishment of a
National Fashion Council,
• Promote dialogue between fashion
week organisations to encourage
rationalisation and progressive
• Revitalize partnerships with trade
unions to promote common goals
and avoid duplication,
• Identify shortcomings in the
manufacturing sector and build on
partnerships with Clotex and similar
organisations to stimulate the
• Select potential candidates from
manufacturing and source funding
that will develop skills to allow for
• Build on his current international
partnerships to provide support
for relevant skills transfer with local
• Partner with industry leaders to
formulate strategy using
technology to attract young
employees to a currently aging
industry. Incentives for progression
must be incorporated into strategy,
• Sustainability must be addressed,
retailers must be encouraged
to develop skills development
programmes and designers in
retail to stimulate manufacture
with smaller manufacturers,
• Strategize with the CTFC Board to
dismantle silos that exist in
the design industry, therefore
encouraging collaboration of
different design sectors,
• Continue to build on fashion
education subcommittee,
• Ensure that projects are led by
partners and Board of the CTFC,
• All the projects must be aligned to
a timeline that can be measured to
ensure success.
He also manages The International
Entrepreneur (TIE) project in Cape
Town, a UK and SA development
initiative funded by the British
Council. The closure of several
companies in the clothing sector and
related design industries in South
Africa and Africa due to cheaper
imports from outside developing
economies, has made it imperative
that young and emerging designers
develop entrepreneurial skills to
become internationally competitive.
The International Entrepreneur (TIE)
project has enabled designers from
SA to engage and develop business
plans and product designs with
designers from the UK, therefore
allowing them to interact with the
mechanics of a first world economy
and procedures. This has led to the
formation of the Shaun Borstrock
Foundation for Creatives on which he
serves as a trustee and SA Chairman.
This project also enabled him with
project management skills where he
had to arrange a conference for SA
designers and UK partners. He also
played an integral role in bringing
UK high street designer Karen Millen
to show a collection at Audi Fashion
Week JHB to raise funds for the
He also, through this project,
presented a paper to the British
Council and Commonwealth
countries in Accra, Ghana (January
2011) on strategy and partnership
building to develop economies in the
design industry between Europe and
Africa. This project (TIE) was selected
by the British Council (2009-2011) as
one of the top 4 partnership projects
of the other 72 projects funded in
Africa. This has led to several African
countries, since the presentation,
wanting to adopt the best practices
and skills transfer developed by
the TIE project to stimulate their
design industries in their respective
countries. He will be presenting this
policy and strategy document to
Ghana, Kenya and Zimbabwe later
this year as the initial partnership
He also wants to educate partners
about the misconception that SA/
African design is based in Kaftans
and ethnic beadwork but rather an
internationally appealing products
ranging from fashion, jewellery
and soft furnishings. His current UK
partners (Tesco, Ted Baker, Simon
Harrison, Karen Millen, Burberry,
Big Active, House PR, Unilever) are
willing to engage and develop SA
designers and partnerships.
He is also a member of the steering
committee of the East City Design
Initiative, a Creative Cape Town
project that is in the process of
creating a design precinct in Cape
Town that will foster and mentor
design entrepreneurs in Cape Town/
Western Cape.
He is also a consultant and curator
advisory member for Africa Fashion
International. This organization
stages the following: Cape Town
Fashion Week for spring/summer,
Mercedes Benz, Cape Town/JHB/
Africa Fashion Week for autumn/
winter and the Africa Fashion Week
that showcases Africa’s fashion
talent to an international market.
His role there is to select designers,
develop mentorship programs and
partnerships that will nurture their
businesses in South Africa and Africa
with an emphasis on previously
disadvantaged communities. His
proposed partnership strategy there
has a three tiered approach from
design to manufacture and finally
to retail which runs parallel to the
CTFC objectives. He is also involved in
the fast track project initiated by the
Foschini retail chain.
SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 53
54 | SUTRA | ISSUE 28
SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 55
to consider
before buying
weight loss pills
By Tass
56 | SUTRA | ISSUE 28
Are you looking to lose weight? If
you are like many other individuals
who are hoping to lose weight, there
is a good chance that you may turn
to weight loss pills, also commonly
referred to as diet pills. Although
weight loss pills are a great way to
help you lose weight, you need to be
cautious when using them.
If this is your first time attempting to
use weight loss pills, also commonly
referred to as diet pills, to help you
lose weight, there are a number of
important factors that you should
first take into consideration. These
factors may help to make it easier, as
well as safer, for you to find and buy
weight loss pills. A few of the many
factors that you should take into
consideration, when looking to buy
weight loss pills, are outlined below:
One of the many things
that you need to take
into consideration, when
looking to buy weight loss
pills is that of cost.
Weight loss pills, as you will soon
find out, are sold in a wide range of
different prices. It is common to find
weight loss pills that sell for as low
as twenty dollars, but others that can
sell for three or even four hundred
dollars. It is important that you find
a weight loss pill that you can afford
to buy. If you cannot afford the cost
of weight loss pills, you may want to
examine more “natural,” ways to lose
The manufacturer of the weight loss
pill in question is another factor that
you should take into consideration.
The manufacturer in question and
their history can give you great
insight into a weight loss pill, like
if it is one that truly works or not.
If a company regularly has a bad
reputation of selling weight loss pills
that do not work, there is a good
chance that you should stay away
from that manufacturer and all of
their products. Although weight
loss pills are often associated with
poor results, it is also important to
remember that the wrong weight
loss pills may also put your health at
see if any of the ingredients in your
preferred weight loss pill are
dangerous or if they have been
recalled. The best ways to find out
this information is by consulting
with a healthcare professional or
by performing a standard internet
search. You may want to perform an
individual standard internet search
with the name of each ingredient.
In conjunction with examining the
reputation or history of the weight
Another factor that you should take
loss pill manufacturer in question,
you are also advised to examine all of into consideration, when looking to
buy weight loss pills, is your point of
the weight loss pills that you would
purchase. Weight loss pills are sold by
like to try. As previously mentioned,
a number of different retailers, both
there are many weight loss pills that
Jane Oakley, Trishen Kommal and Raul Bocanegra
on and offline. If you are shopping
work great and others that do not
online, it is important to make sure
work at all. To save yourself time
that you are doing business with a
and money, you will want to try and
reputable and trustworthy retailer.
find the weight loss pills that have
If you are shopping locally, it may
been proven successful. One of the
be a good idea to avoid buying
best ways to go about doing so is by
weight loss pills from dollar stores or
visiting online weight loss websites
discount stores.
or message boards, reading product
reviews, or by first consulting with a
The above-mentioned factors are just
healthcare professional.
a few of the many factors that you
will want to take into consideration,
It is also important that you first
when looking to buy weight loss
examine the ingredients in a weight
pills. Generally speaking, weight loss
loss pill before you make your final
pills are a great way to help you lose
purchase. Most importantly, it is
weight, as long as you know exactly
important to determine whether or
what you are buying.
not you are allergic to any of the
ingredients. It is also important to
SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 57
17 Tips To Organizing a
Stress-Free Get Together
- I want to invite friends over more often
but I find I get overwhelmed by pulling together
and hosting parties and get-togethers. How can I
organize an event without getting so stressed out
that I can’t enjoy myself?
58 | SUTRA | ISSUE 28
- Read on for 3 key points
to remember and 17 simple
tips for organizing great gettogethers that both you and your
guests will enjoy!
If you are like me, you love the
idea of throwing parties at your
house…one with lots of great
family and friends, amazing food,
and interesting conversation.
However, when you are in the thick
of planning a get together along
with juggling everything else on
your to-do list, pulling one off can
seem near impossible. It is easy to let
the thought of planning an event
overwhelm or even stop you in your
tracks. But if you follow some easy
tips and tricks, you will find that
hosting a gathering can be simple for
you and a fun time for your guests.
There are a few important things to
remember that apply to hosting any
event– big or small – formal or casual:
1. The company matters the
most. You do not need to have
the perfect party. Ditch that notion
of perfection and remember that
guests are coming to spend time with
you and to enjoy themselves. The
more relaxed you are, the more fun
everyone will have.
2. Delegate to everyone. When
someone asks, “Can I help?” say
“Yes.” Everyone can help and the
more someone helps you out (be it
other family members or guests, the
less you have to do). Let people bring
things or help out in the kitchen.
3. The 80/20 rule applies to
parties too. In case you have not
heard of this, the 80/20 rules says to
focus on the most important 20%
of a project and that will take care
of 80% of what must get done. This
absolutely applies to hosting an
event. If you focus on what is most
important to you for the event (e.g.
food, drinks, theme, etc.) and then
let the rest go, you will find your
stress level will be lower and it will
be much easier for you to enjoy the
But that is only the beginning. I come
from a large family and often host
our get-togethers. They range from
a Friday night family dinner for 10 to
our annual Dessert Night party for
over 75. Here are my best actionable
and simple tips for making sure your
next event is a huge success and stress
free. While they are in no particular
order, it is a great list to print and
keep with you when planning any
party you are hosting.
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Set the table the day before.
Don’t unpack the non-perishable
groceries you buy for the party.
Just keep them out on the
counter since you are going to
use them the next day or so.
Don’t put anything on the menu
that will keep you in the kitchen
while the guests are hanging out
in the other room.
Remember to make or buy
enough ice.
Empty your entry closet so you
have room for coats. If you need
to, put the coats from the closet
on a bed. Make sure you also
have hangers.
Don’t even think about doing the
dishes while the party is going
on. There is always time later that
night or the next morning.
Don’t be afraid to serve premade, store bought items or even
take-out food (e.g. think pizza
for a March Madness basketball
Pick up some disposable plastic
containers to let people take
home leftovers. Make sure you
don’t give out dishes that you
don’t get back.
Think about rearranging
furniture so people have places to
sit. Try putting extra chairs from
the dining room table around the
living room for more seating.
10. Pick a theme and put together
your iPod playlist to compliment
the theme.
11. Let guests mark their beverages.
I like the wine glass charms but
for disposable glasses, you can
also just put out a Sharpie pen
and let people mark their initials
on their cups.
12. If the party is for a specific
reason, think about an ice
breaker game. For example, if
you host an Academy Awards
Party, give everyone the
nominees and ask people to
guess who will win and hand out
small prizes.
13. If there are kids at the party,
think of activities to keep them
busy. Making friendship bracelets
or an art project is a great way to
keep them entertained so the
adults can have time with each
14. Consider paper plates, napkins,
etc. for larger events. Makes
clean up so much easier.
15. Let someone else (besides you)
bar tend. Just means you have
more time to enjoy the event.
Remember delegation is a good
16. Digital invites are the way to go.
Need I say more?
17. You can never have too many
garbage cans and bags out in
all of the rooms. The easier it is
for guests to throw away their
trash, the more likely they are to
do it which means less clean-up
for you.
The final and most important tip is to
just remember to have fun. Relax and
enjoy the party. After all that work,
you deserve it.
What is your best tip for hosting a
gathering, get-together or party that
is enjoyable and stress-free for both
the host and guests?
Twitter: @rockmore
SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 59
Pecan Pie
60 | SUTRA | ISSUE 28
Total Time: 3 hrs 35 min
Prep: 20 min
Inactive: 2 hrs 0 min
Cook: 1 hr 15 min
1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup cold butter (1 stick), diced
1 large egg, lightly beaten
Flour, for rolling the dough
5 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 cup packed light brown sugar
3/4 cup light corn syrup
1/2 teaspoon fine salt
2 cups chopped toasted pecans
1 to 2 tablespoons bourbon
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
3 eggs, lightly beaten
Make the dough by hand: In a
medium bowl, whisk together the
flour, sugar, and salt. Using your
fingers, work the butter into the
dry ingredients until it resembles
yellow cornmeal mixed with
bean-sized bits of butter. (If the
flour/butter mixture gets warm,
refrigerate it for 10 minutes before
proceeding.) Add the egg and stir
the dough together with a fork or
by hand in the bowl. If the dough
is dry, sprinkle up to a tablespoon
more of cold water over the
Alternatively, make the dough
in a food processor. With the
machine fitted with the metal
blade, pulse the flour, sugar, and
salt until combined. Add the
butter and pulse until it resembles
yellow cornmeal mixed with beansized bits of butter, about 10 times.
Add the egg and pulse 1 to 2 times;
don’t let the dough form into a
ball in the machine. (If the dough
is very dry add up to a tablespoon
more of cold water.) Remove the
bowl from the machine, remove
the blade, and bring the dough
together by hand.
Form the dough into a disk, wrap
with plastic wrap, and refrigerate
until thoroughly chilled, at least 1
On a lightly floured surface, roll
the dough with a rolling pin into
a 12-inch circle about 1/8-inch
thick. Transfer the dough to
a 9-inch pie pan and trim the
edges, leaving about an extra inch
hanging over the edge. Tuck the
overhanging dough underneath
itself to form a thick edge that is
even with the rim. Flute the edge
as desired. Freeze the pie shell for
30 minutes.
Set separate racks in the centre
and lower third of oven and
preheat to 400 degrees F. Put a
piece of parchment paper or foil
over the pie shell and fill with
dried beans or pie weights. Bake
on a baking sheet on the centre
rack until the dough is set, about
20 minutes. Remove from the oven
and lift sides of the parchment
paper to remove the beans.
Continue baking until the pie shell
is lightly golden brown, about 10
more minutes. Reduce the oven
temperature to 350 degrees F.
While the crust is baking make
the filling: In medium saucepan,
combine the butter, brown sugar,
corn syrup, and salt. Bring to a boil
over medium heat, and stirring
constantly, continue to boil for 1
minute. Remove from the heat
and stir in the nuts, bourbon, and
the vanilla. Set the mixture aside
to cool slightly, about 5 minutes.
(If the crust has cooled, return it
to the oven for 5 minutes to warm
through.) Whisk the beaten eggs
into the filling until smooth. Put
the pie shell on a sheet pan and
pour the filling into the hot crust.
Bake on the lower oven rack until
the edges are set but the centre
is still slightly loose, about 40 to
45 minutes. (If the edges get very
dark, cover them with aluminium
foil half way during baking.) Cool
on a rack. Serve slightly warm or
room temperature.
SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 61
Top Tips for
Trim Hips this
festive season...
by Marilina Lewis, Nutrition Coach: The Health Alliance Sourced by Face of SUTRA™ 1st Princess, Pranya Naidoo
The sun is out, the water is warm and it’s the time of the year for family
gatherings, thanksgivings and huge celebrations . Make sure you can fit into
your favourite garments this festive season by following the tips below
Have some of these staples in your
kitchen at all times to use as ‘fillers’
for various dishes jarred or tinned tomatoes,
fruits and vegetables, baby food (can be used as
purees in foods instead of creams and sauces),
oats, low-sodium organic chicken broth, canned
beans, frozen prawns and fish, boneless and skinless
chicken breasts, eggs (boil a few and keep them
in the fridge), frozen home-made chilli and/or
tomato sauces, olives and artichokes in olive oil,
various flavoured vinegars like balsamic, apple cider,
raspberry etc. – adds the flavour without the fat!!
Eat organic wherever possible
Organic foods haven’t been sprayed with chemicals
and pesticides and have more nutrition as a result.
You will probably feel nutritionally satisfied as there
are more vitamins and minerals in the food and
therefore not as hungry – meaning you need to eat
Consume essential fatty acids
EFAs are foods that are high in certain fats that
actually help promote weight loss - That’s because
fat is metabolized more slowly than carbs or protein,
so including it in balanced snacks and meals will
keep the body satisfied longer and help with
cravings too. They are available as supplements or
62 | SUTRA | ISSUE 28
try using foods like cold-pressed organic coconut
oil for cooking, use olive oil raw, avocadoes and
nuts (limited), seeds and olives, salmon, tuna and
mackerel as they are all good sources of EFAs.
Fill your day with non-starchy
These foods are naturally low in calories because
they have so much water in them. Their high water
content means they’ll take up plenty of space on the
plate and in the stomach. The high fibre will help
keep the body satisfied. Their vitamins and minerals
will keep the body nourished. Some examples:
cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, celery, lettuce,
leafy greens, squash, asparagus, onions, artichoke,
broccoli, Brussels sprouts and many more. Our bodies
contain mostly water, so it makes sense to eat more
of them!
Use smaller plates, bowls, and glasses
This helps those of us whose appetites are led by
our eyes first and our ‘real’ hunger signals second.
You still get to fill your plate, but it should naturally
contain less food and therefore fewer calories.
Get prepared for slimmer summer eating with great
tasting salads this festive season.
Building a better salad!
by Marilina Lewis, Nutrition Coach: The Health Alliance
Choose dark leaves like spinach, watercress
rocket, cos, romaine or tatsoi. They’re high in
folate (a B vitamin that helps repair your body
and reduces heart disease and breast cancer)
If you drink a lot, this is good news as alcohol
destroys folate!
Make it nutrient- packed by adding a huge
variety of colourful raw veg. Experiment with
sweet potato, spinach, mint and pomegranate.
To make it a filling + fulfilling meal add
peppered mackerel, salmon, tuna, prawns,
boiled eggs, chickpeas or mixed beans.
Lace it with herbs and spices and a splash of
special salad dressing....try fat-free yoghurt
(for healthy bacteria), honey and cumin (for
promoting metabolism, liver + kidney function
and intestinal health) drizzled over a quinoa or
rice-based salad.
• A packet of rocket, watercress &
• Roasted sweet potato / a handful
of Soba Noodles (cold)
• A tub of artichokes
• A fillet of peppered mackerel,
• A spoonful of chopped
peppadews with a little ‘juice’
• A small sliced red onion
• A drizzle of plain yoghurt mixed
with a teaspoon of Pesto (an
Asian spice or chilli one that
tastes good)
• A teaspoon of sunflower seeds
roasted and tossed in soya sauce.
SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 63
Nimbu Paani
Juice lemons (Nimbu)
1/3 cup
8 cups
1. Take the lemons and cut them in half
crosswise. Remove the zest of the halves and squeeze out the juice. Slice the lemons into thin rounds.
2. Place the water and the dates in a saucepan and gently boil for about 10 minutes. Add the zest and boil for another 2-3 minutes.
3. Remove the pan from the heat. Stir in the honey, lemon juice and lemon slices and set aside. Loosely cover for about 8-12 hours.
4. Strain through a muslin-lined sieve or strainer and serve chilled.
Mango Lassi
2 cups
to taste
In a blender add mango cut into small cubes
then add sugar and blend again.
Now add curd, if required add milk or water,
blend and serve.
64 | SUTRA | ISSUE 28
Cold Coffee shake
Coffee powder instant
hot water
ice cream
ice cubes
milk cold
1 tsp
1 tsp
1 tbsp
2 small cups
1 tsp
Take a bowl, add coffee powder and hot
water and mix well.
Take a blender, add ice cubes, coffee mixture,
milk, ice cream and blend.
Pour in a glass and add ice cream on top or
sprinkle with coffee powder or grated
Butter milk
(salt lassi)
Corriander leaves
Cumin seeds powder
Curry leaves
Green Chillies
1 sprig
as needed
1 sprig
1-2 tsp
1 cup
Take the chillies, chopped finely or crushed,
chopped ginger, curry leaves and chopped
coriander leaves.
Dry toast cymin seeds and use a rolling pin to
make a powder.
In a blender, add curd water, blend and pour
in a bowl, add salt to taste, mix well then add
green chillies, ginger, curry leaves, coriander
leaves chopped and mix well.
SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 65
The year 2013 would be dynamic
for you throughout in all phases of
your life. Your role in society and
family shall get reinforced for the
better. You shall turn out to be a
helping hand for those around you.
Your relationships shall be taken to
a higher level. A kind of solitude
might set in your life but make use
of this to find your inner peace and
freedom. Be sure that you give in
some sort of concessions in your
relationships for the betterment of
your future.
In 2013, your creative and inventive
side shall come to the fore. Work
towards an amiable and compatible
relationship with authorities and
peers in your work place. Your
negotiations in the work front shall
bear fruit this year.
Your ambitions and goals would be
met with ease this year. Hence put in
your best foot forward. Try to bring
a balance between the delicate and
subtle points in your career field.
The first quarter of the year is very
favourable for a pay or position hike.
Trust in yourself and put in 100% of
yourself into the professional field
this year.
Life would be a song with not much
troubles for you in this year of 2013.
Make full use of your creativity
to come up in life this period. In
general peace and tranquility would
prevail in your life. Your status in
66 | SUTRA | ISSUE 28
life improves and you shall be able
to get the comforts in life you had
yearned for all these time. Pleasures
occupy much of your time for year
2013. Better opportunities come in
your way without much effort. More
freedom and independence shall also
come to you.
Your intuition and intelligence would
be the greatest assets as far as your
professional course is considered for
this year 2013.
Though there would be an initial
sluggishness, ultimately towards the
end of the year you shall come out
with flying colours in this area. Do
the groundwork properly and leave
the rest to your future. You shall
get the good support of authorities
during this period. Do know the
technicalities before you venture into
any new territory in your career field.
Partnerships or cooperative deals
might meet with impediments. There
is scope for you to change the scope
of your career too this year.
You will be able to consolidate your
plans and efforts in this year of 2013.
You shall be able to reach the crown
of your ambitions this year. The
planetary positions shall help you in
this regard, helping you to reach your
targets in life. New avenues seem to
open up and it shall bring you closer
to achieving your set ideals for life.
Some agitations might come on your
way, but do not lose heart. Move
on a practical note and you shall be
blessed with a better lifestyle than
the previous years.
Some professional hindrances are
likely to come for you this year. But
the solutions are also there for you
on a platter.
You shall be able to get the goodwill
and support of authorities and peers
in your work-place. Begin the year
on a positive note and things shall
work out in your favour. Launch
your works during the start of the
year and you shall be able to reap
the fruits towards the end of the
year. There would be much freedom
for you to work and peace shall
prevail in your professional arena.
Be ready to take in the opinions and
suggestions from your co-workers.
Flexibility rather than rigidity shall be
able to solve most of your problems
in this area.
Your toils in previous years shall
bring forth good results in this
year of 2013. There would be a
general growth in all areas of your
life. Success shall come in packets
for you much to your delight. Your
resolutions would be able to take
wings now. There would be many
opportunities for you to show off
your intelligence to the world. Most
of your projects be they personal
or professional shall have a happy
ending this year. Do not be nostalgic
about the past, instead live in the
present and plan for the future which
is as bright as the Sun.
There would be much of socializing
too. You ought to put in much
effort to remain with the tide in
the professional life this year. The
planetary placements shall see that
your intelligence and creativity are
shown to the world.
Inspiration shall come from those
around you, particularly the elders
in society. Do not wail over lost
opportunities instead move on with
life as it comes. If into business
the year would be ideal to enter
into any sort of cooperative deals.
Negotiations shall end in a positive
note. Do spare some time to plunge
into some leisure activities as
well. Do not compromise on your
objectives in the career area this year.
Events shall flow with a better
spark and schedule this year for
you. Relationships shall enter into
new deals and you shall be able
to reap the fruits of your previous
year’s projects. Some moments of
uncertainty and melancholy might
creep in during the middle part of
the year, but do not lose your cool.
You shall have many occasions to
delight yourself as the year moves
on . You might be able to come
back with a big bang. Let your
creativity soar to a new level and let
the world see it. Follow your ideals
and ambitions in life and this year
is going to be much better for you
than you had anticipated.
In the field of career great strides can
be expected this year. There would
be much of socializing too.
There would be some hindrances
in the relationship with authorities
and peers in your work place. Tackle
issues with great caution. Be sure
that you judge people around you
with the same eye. Help shall come
from unknown quarters in your
professional life this year. Without
doubt move on in your career with
ease taking into consideration the
future concerns. Teamwork shall do
more good for you in this period
and your projects are likely to sail
smoothly without much hitches as
the year progresses on.
Your pace this year would be very
speedy in all your endeavours. Things
shall start to consolidate in your life
some time. Some sort of security
threat shall bother you. In general
all your areas shall see a better
performance than the previous few
years. You are likely to shed your
materialistic nature and go in for
some sort of spiritual or charity
pursuits which might give you the
much needed peace of mind and
tranquility. Much constructive actions
are in store for you this year, though
the environment around you might
seem a bit slackened and hazy.
Your professional life shall see
renewed vigour this year. A change
of position or placement is also in
store for you this year.
You shall thrive for recognition for
your work, but it might not come as
quickly as you anticipate it. Things
shall move in an unfavourable
direction for quite some time, much
to your chagrin. Put all your effort
and you shall wake up to a new
position. Your patience and sincerity
shall pay off in the professional field
as the year progresses.
might be put to test as the year
progresses. There would be a period
which would be devoid of any sort
of inspirations as well. Much of your
personal and financial needs shall
materialize now. Do get in touch
with those around you, the near
and dear ones. Communication shall
come in much handy in times of
This is a year when your professional
skills would be put to test. You ought
to come out of it unscathed and
There is also scope for reaping the
fruits of your hard labour now.
Promotions and an increase pay
are on the cards. You shall get the
much needed recognition which had
been eluding you for quite some
time. Pay attention to the finer
print. Teamwork shall do well for
you this year. Put good use of the
same for your personal ambitions
as well. Probably there would be
opportunities coming your way for
taking some sort of higher studies as
well this year.
Year 2013 shall help you to resume
the work you had done in the
previous years. The planets are
lurking around ready to harm
you though. You would be going
through a period of much trials
and temptations in life this period.
Relax, retreat and rejuvenate for
your betterment. Towards the end
of the year, your ambitions might
materialize. Your creative side shall
come to the fore. Phases of intense
work pressure and relaxation shall
alternate in your life for now.
This year 2013 shall see many of your
long term plans and ideas taking
wings. Your conscience and values
SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 67
This year your professional life
would be much rewarding than the
previous periods. More connections
and better rewards shall come in
your way.
There would be scope for improving
and increasing your knowledge. Joint
ventures shall work out well for you
this year. This is a much motivational
period for you. Some artistic pursuits
of yours shall bring forth fruits.
Lack of time might hamper your
professional ambitions, but do not
procrastinate when it comes to
important decisions related to career
This year 2013 shall bring in a new
lease in your life. All the obstacles
and hindrances you faced in the
previous years shall vanish into thin
air. You shall be put into a better
optimistic phase of your life. All
restrictions and constraints in your
life shall fly away. But you ought to
bring about some sort of security
for yourself and those around you.
Towards the end of the year, some
slowdown in your general life would
be experienced.
Your professional area shall call for
much energy and input this year. The
previous year’s results shall make you
slog a bit.
But do not pay heed. Keep moving
and the ladder is a never ending one.
The planetary positions shall help
you to move in the forward direction
without much effort this year.
Matters related to administration
and legal work shall be rewarding
for you. There would be better
rapport with authorities and peers.
The end of the year shall see much
promotions and pay hikes in your
professional life. If into business,
68 | SUTRA | ISSUE 28
it would be the right time to
consolidate your positions.
The year 2013 shall help you to
see life in a new light and it shall
diversify your priorities in life. There
would be more time for you to relax
and rejuvenate than the previous
year. However much tolerance ought
to be exercised in life. A more serene
atmosphere is in store for you this
year. The planets promise much
materialistic benefits this period
that you can venture into social and
charity fields with ease.
much demanding period awaits you
in this year.
More changes and evolution are
predicted in your career field this
year. New directions or new avenues
open up for you in this field.
Some artistic pursuits and freelancing jobs might also come your
way which would be helpful to show
case your talents to the world out
there. However much effort and hard
work are expected in your career
field this year for better results. More
advancements are on the cards but
be certain that there is ample mental
satisfaction in all spheres. This is a
period of sowing and not reaping as
far as the job front is concerned for
Your professional field would turn
out to be more effective this year.
Your intelligence, reasoning and
creativity shall together raise you to
a new level in the career field.
Your approach towards authorities
and peers would be more amiable
that there would be peace and
harmony in your work place. Your
efforts and hard work shall earn
recognition towards the end of the
year. Your team members might
benefit from your assistance. Do not
yield to any sort of temptation when
it comes to financial gains in the job
There would be good progress in
your life this year. There would
be much action and new ventures
coming up in your life. You shall
be able to get good connection to
people higher up in the society. Your
confidence level would be boosted
and you would be able to live up to
your ideals. Much freedom is on the
cards and you would be able to weed
off any obstacles that might come
in your way this year with much tact
and diplomacy.
This year of 2013 would be much
more peaceful and serene than
you had imagined. It would be a
period of huge possibilities with vast
growth opportunities for the future.
Situations calling for much action on
your side would be met now. Make
sure that your impulsive actions do
not bounce back to you. There would
be conducive relationships with those
around you in all aspects of life. A
This year would be a period to
ponder over your career plans for
the future. You need to assess your
personal abilities now.
And you ought to work hard to
exceed your limits. Some hindrances
are likely to re-experienced when
it comes to relationships with
authorities and peers. Tackle them
with ease and deft handling. Your
aspirations however shall see you
through with great advancements
in your job front. Long term projects
shall take on well in this period.
If athletes get athletes foot, what do
astronauts get? Missletoe!
Why is Christmas just like a day at the office ? You do all the work and the fat
guy with the suit gets all the
What if it had been three Wise Women instead of
three Wise Men? They would have asked directions, arrived on time, helped deliver the baby, cleaned the stable, made a casserole, and brought practical gifts.
Who is never hungry at Christmas? The turkey, he is always stuffed.
What do elves learn in school? The Elf-abet!
What do you call a cat on the beach at
Christmastime? Sandy Claws! What do you get if you cross an apple with a
Christmas Tree? A pineapple Mom, can I have a dog for Christmas? No, you can have turkey like
everyone else.
A Trip to the Dentist
This guy goes into his dentist’s office, because
something is wrong with his mouth. After a brief
examination, the dentist exclaims, “Holy Smoke! That
plate I installed in your mouth about six months ago
has nearly completely corroded! What on earth have
you been eating?”
“Well... the only thing I can think of is this... my wife
made me some asparagus about four months ago
with this stuff on it... Hollandaise sauce she called it...
and doctor, I’m talking DELICIOUS! I’ve never tasted
anything like it, and ever since then I’ve been putting
it on everything... meat, fish, toast, vegetables... you
name it!”
“That’s probably it,” replied the dentist “Hollandaise
sauce is made with lemon juice, which is acidic and
highly corrosive. It seems as though I’ll have to install a
new plate, but made out of chrome this time.”
“Why chrome?” the man asked.
“Well, everyone knows that there’s no plate like
chrome for the Hollandaise!”
Blondes Getting a Christmas Tree
There were two blondes who went deep into the
frozen woods searching for a Christmas tree. After
hours of subzero temperatures and a few close calls
with hungry wolves, one blonde turned to the other
and said, “I’m chopping down the next tree I see. I
don’t care whether it’s decorated or not!” A woman went to the Post Office to buy stamps for
her Christmas cards. Clerk: “What denomination?” Woman: “Oh, good heavens! Have we come to this?
Well, give me 50 Baptist and 50 Catholic.” What do snowmen eat for breakfast? Snowflakes.
Judge: “What are you charged with?” Prisoner: “Doing my Christmas shopping early.” Judge: “That’s not an offence. How early were you
doing this shopping?” Prisoner: “Before the store opened.”
70 | SUTRA | ISSUE 28
Just before Christmas, there was an honest politician, a
kind lawyer and Santa Claus travelling in a lift of a very
posh hotel. Just before the doors opened they all noticed
a $5 bill lying on the floor. Which one picked it up?? Santa of course, the other two don’t
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SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 69
Predictions for Bollywood stars
This picture-perfect lady seems to have an enigmatic aura
around her, which makes her one of the most desirable
and highly sought-after Indian celebrities. In an industry,
where actresses hide their marital status, fearing a
dip in their popularity and subsequent market value,
this thorough professional and confident actress has
managed to strike a perfect balance between her career
and personal life.
Aishwarya has never let one aspect of her life shadow the
other. And, thanks to her courage and skills, she has been
enjoying the best of both the worlds!
Ganesha feels that till mid-2013, Aishwarya may not be
in the limelight, by choice. However, after that she might
again start appearing in media more frequently, predicts
Aishwarya rai
She is the face of Hindi cinema on the global platform,
an ex-winner of the coveted Miss World title, and now a
hands-on mother. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, 39 years old,
a name synonymous with grace, dignity, poise, beauty
and brains was born to a middle-class Bunt family in
72 | SUTRA | ISSUE 28
• Dasha Bhuktis and planetary transits are indicative of
some sort of stress in her life during December 2012.
• Ganesha strongly feels that after May 2013, she may be
taking up new projects that may get launched or
released in 2014.
• She will make it a point to balance her career and
family life. On one hand, she will be sincerely carrying
out her family responsibilities and on the other, she will
do full justice to her professional commitments. She
may have plans to be back in the limelight during the
year ahead.
• In order to ensure that her career progresses step-by step, she will follow the schedule she might have set for
• To sum it up, Ganesha says that Aishwarya is not going
to take any impulsive decision about returning to the
big screen. She will consider all the pros and cons
before saying ‘yes’ to a professional project.
• Ganesha also feels that Aishwarya will try her hands at
film production, if not now, in the distant future.
Good luck and may Lord Ganesha bless Aishwarya Rai
Bachchan with a great year ahead.
shah rukh KHAN
Daughter of the yesteryears’ ‘Dream girl’ Hema Malini
and ‘He-man’ Dharmendra, Esha Deol certainly has
beauty and acting talents in her genes. So, when this
half Punjabi and half-Tamil beauty, the (step) sister
of the famous Deol brothers, decided to enter the
glamorous and fascinating world of cinema, it didn’t
come as a surprise. Esha is a trained Bharatanatyam and
Odissi dancer and a seasoned football and handball
player. Multi-talented, eh! Thankfully for Esha, there has been much more to her
life than just her acting career. Besides appearing in TV
commercials, she regularly gives dance performances
along with her mother and younger sister Aahana Deol.
The wedding functions continued for four days, but the
marriage ceremony was conducted in a typical South
Indian style at a temple. Will Esha’s marriage mean an end to her acting career?
Or, will she be able to strike a balance between her
professional commitments and personal life? Will her
marriage be lucky for her flailing acting career?
In an industry that purely functions on looks,
glamour and freshness, the originally middle-class,
ordinary Delhi boy, Shah Rukh Khan, at 47, gets to
play the roles written specially for him. Known for
creating an amazing chemistry with his reel-life
ladies, Shahrukh, no wonder, is an enigma.
Shahrukh has tried his hands at film production,
and is also a co-owner of an IPL cricket team. Truth
is, whatever he does, he does it wholeheartedly,
inspiring, in turns, others to put in their best. In fact,
those who have worked with him can go on and on
about how charismatic and enthusiastic he is. And
every time King Khan makes a public appearance,
we know why they call him a live wire!
Ganesha feels that during the year ahead Shah Rukh
Khan is going to continue his journey as King Khan
at a slower and steadier pace. Ganesha feels that the
first half of 2013 is going to be slightly uneventful
or, say less eventful, as far as King Khan’s film career
is concerned. However, as soon as Jupiter’s return
begins in June 2013, Shah Rukh Khan will start
achieving new heights in his career. As far as his
investments are concerned, they are going to pay
him good returns once the Jupiter’s return begins. If
SRK has been facing any domestic issues, they will be
sorted out in 2013. However, Ganesha strongly feels
that Shah Rukh Khan must take good care of his
health, during the year ahead.
Ganesha, with the help of Vedic astrology, predicts that:
• She may find it difficult to cope up with her profession
and domestic as well as social responsibilities,
• She may have to take a break and put her film career
on hold for some time to focus on family matters for
the smooth running of her marital life,
• She won’t mind adjusting with the circumstances. But,
she will have to avoid negative thoughts that can lead
her to depression, specifically around the second half
of 2013, and
• A career as a Fashion Designer will be a very viable
option for her if at all she chooses to bid adieu
to her film career because of family life and social
commitments, feels Ganesha.
May Lord Ganesha bless Esha Deol with a happy married
life and help her have a great time ahead.
SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 73
Saif Ali Khan can’t wait for honeymoon
with Kareena Kapoor!
Saif Ali Khan has been working very hard to make sure that he
completes the Race sequel before taking his wife Kareena Kapoor for
a honeymoon.
Saif can’t wait anymore. It’s been more than a month since they got
married, but Saif has been involved in a lot of work and hasn’t been
able to take some time off. But now Saif is looking forward to take his
wife somewhere far away and very soon!
A source said that Saif never worked this hard even for his home
production. “He wouldn’t dub for more than three hours at a stretch.
Looks like he is in a hurry to get away.”
Bollywood celebrities saddened by Bal
Thackeray’s death!
Bal Thackrey, the Shiv Sena hero, took his last breath at 15:30 on
Saturday after his long illness. Bollywood celebrities were shocked while
some were saddened. They took to twitter writing about their emotions.
Here are some of the tweets.
Amitabh Bachchan : I sat by his bedside for hours these past few days,
a prayer in my heart, watching him struggling to breathe, but fighting.
Each day he continued his struggle with a grit that was baffling even for
the doctors on hand. And just a couple of hours back, as I stood next to
his still, peaceful, saffron draped body, it was difficult to imagine… that
he had left us!
Ranvir Shorey: Tiger to the end. RIP, Balasaheb.
Hema Malini: The battle is over & eternal life begins. I’m so sorry the loss
Shri Bala Sahib’s family is enduring. My thoughts & prayers are with u all.
The memory of Bal Thackeray will live in the memory of we Mumbaikars
Ajay Devgan: A man of convictions and a man of vision. A great leader.
Rest in peace Balasaheb!
Karan Johar: Thoughts and prayers with the Thackeray family….RIP
74 | SUTRA | ISSUE 28
Vidya Balan will tie the knot on Dec 14!
Reports about Vidya Balan getting married to boyfriend Siddharth Roy
Kapoor, who is the head honcho of UTV movies, are true.
Vidya never denied her wedding plans but she always refused to talk
about the wedding date. But friends close to the couple have revealed
some information that the actress wouldn’t be too happy about. So it’s
confirmed, Vidya Balan and Siddharth Roy Kapoor will get married on
December 14.
Reports have it that the couple have asked their friends to keep
themselves free between 11 to 14 December. Since Vidya Balan is a
South Indian, the wedding is expected to be a South Indian style one.
But since Siddharth is a Punjabi, there are chances of a Punjabi wedding.
Preparations are reported to be on at both the households and the
wedding celebrations will begin on December 11 with a Sangeet
Ceremony. A lavish reception will be organized for their friends in
Bollywood after the wedding. However, the two want to keep their
wedding a private affair with only family members and close friends
beign invited.
Aishwarya Rai’s daughter turns 1 year old!
Aishwarya Rai’s daughter, Aaradhya Bachchan might not know this, but
she was a celebrity the day she was born 1 year ago.
Aishwarya Rai said: “Time just flies and now she will turn one year old.
For Aaradhya’s first Diwali, we had both friends and family at our place
but for her first birthday, we plan to keep it a private and family affair. It
will be with family and my parents.”
That’s not it, the cute baby is now the owner of a red Mini Cooper S,
gifted to her by none other than her granddad Amitabh Bachchan.
Since her birth, Aaradhya has already traveled to a lot of places like
Dubai, Cannes and Chicago. And guests like Oprah Winfrey have come
to visit her.
SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 75
Katrina Kaif’s kiss with Shahrukh a
new twitter rage!
If you have watched Jab Tak Hai Jaan, you will know that Katrina
Kaif and Shahrukh Khan lock lips on screen, not once but thrice. Even
though the scenes are shot in such a way that makes the kisses look
passionate, but in fact they are just small pecks on the lips. Now,
Katrina trended two of these photos on Twitter, and the photos have
become a rage.
The reactions from the tweet people are mixed. While some of them
are in total awe of it, some are just disgusted with SRK for kissing an
actress half his age. Some said that the romance between the two
looked weird as the age difference is very visible.
But what’s shocking is that Shahrukh, who had promised
to never lock lips on screen broke his rule for the first time.
After years of romancing several beauties, King Khan never
kissed anyone, but Yash Chopra will be remembered for
making him do so.
Issues between me and Salman won’t
resolve: Shahrukh Khan
Shahrukh Khan finally opened up about the issues between him and
Salman Khan. The actor said that his disagreements with Salman Khan
will never come to an end, even if a director wants to direct them in a
film, or if Katrina Kaif wants both of them together in a film.
The two Bollywood icons, who did films like Karan Arjun and Kuch Kuch
Hota Hai together, had a major fight in 2008 at Salman’s ex-girlfriend,
Katrina Kaif’s birthday bash.
Katrina, who worked with SRK in JTHJ, hopes to produce a movie
featuring Salman and Shahrukh, but according to Shahrukh Khan, that’s
not going to happen, especially not at anyone’s behest.
Shahrukh told IANS : “My thing is that we had a little bit of personal
issue. This is not the first time. It was four years ago and it had been
before. We (Salman) have been very close for 20 years and even more.
From the time I came, I respect his family and the fact that they gave
me so much of love. I can never be disrespectful about that. Having said
that, we have grown together.”
76 | SUTRA | ISSUE 28
Karisma Kapoor and Sunjay
Kapoor: End of marriage, finally?
While Kareena Kapoor got hitched to Saif Ali Khan only
last month, elder sister Karisma’s divorce has been at
the rallying point of a lot of buzz for a while now. And
sources claim that finally, the two are on the threshold
of a divorce, and talks over custody of children are
doing the rounds.
A source close to the couple revealed to a daily, “...As the kids are too young to decide for
themselves, talks are on over how they will manage it as both Karisma and Sanjay live in different
cities. Once they come to a solid conclusion on that, they will file for divorce.”
The couple, however, have chosen to remain quiet about the matter. Right after a few years of
Karisma’s marriage to the Delhi-based businessman Sunjay, trouble had begun surfacing. The two
had also separated after the birth of their first child in 2005. They eventually got back together in
2010 and welcomed their second child in 2010.
However, over the last couple of years, the grapevine has been abuzz with Karisma-Sunjay’s
alleged estrangement from each other and that the two have not been living together for quite
some time. Sunjay Kapoor, apparently, has been dating Delhi-based entrepreneur Priya Chatwal.
Priyanka Chopra on American X Factor
Priyanka Chopra will be the first Indian celebrity to feature on
the American show; X Factor. Since releasing her debut single In
My City Priyanka has gained a lot of attention internationally.
Travelling to Los Angeles has become a regular for her to continue
on working on her album.
Sources close to her tell us “Priyanka has been interacting with the
international media as part of the promotions for a while now. As
a result, people in America now have a fair idea of who she is”.
When shooting on the show it didn’t take long for the audience
to recognize her. PC even became friendly with creator Simon
Cowell who is known for his outspoken comments as a judge from
American Idol.
As for now the song is becoming quite popular with over 400,000
views on YouTube and increasing every day.
SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 77
Salman Khan to shoot romantic song
in Dubai for Dabangg 2!
Salman Khan and Sonakshi are on their way to Dubai to shoot a romantic
number for their upcoming film Dabangg 2. Arbaaz Khan has decided
to shoot the song in Dubai in his directorial debut following suit to the
prequel Dabangg where ‘Chori Kiya Re’ was also shot in Dubai.
We hear that Salman and Sonakshi will film the song ‘Saanson Ne’ in
Dubai with a massive fan following for Salman. It’s a romantic number
sung by Sonu Nigam and Tulsi Kumar.
Apparently, after the shoot for the song is over, Salman Khan is planning
a big wrap-up party for the film’s cast and crew as the film’s shooting is
done and this is the only song left. The farewell will be emotional for
the entire team as they have bonded so well during the entire film, even
surviving an accident on the sets a few months back.
Dabangg 2 is most awaited by the Salman fans, who have already loved
the film’s trailer. The film will hit the theatres on December 21.
Aamir Khan does it yet again!
Dhoom 3 shoot pushed further
Aamir Khan yet again pushes the shoot schedule for Dhoom 3, as he
focuses on his other assignments, which have been pending from quite
sometime. Now, Aamir will get back to filming Dhoom 3 only next year,
probably by March.
The actor was in Chicago till recently, where he completed a month long
schedule for the film. Joining him were Abhishek Bachchan, Uday Chopra
and Katrina Kaif. After completing the Chicago schedule, he along with
his mother, proceeded to Mecca on Haj for 11 days.
Well, this is not the first time that Aamir delayed the filming of Dhoom
3. Earlier too, the actor kept the film’s schedule on hold to focus on his
TV show, Satyamev Jayate, and his upcoming film, Talaash. Now that
‘Talaash’ is just a month away from its release, Aamir is busy promoting
his film, postponing Dhoom 3’s schedule.
However, Dhoom 3 will not be on a complete hold, despite Aamir’s
absence. The makers will concentrate on other parts of the film.
78 | SUTRA | ISSUE 28
Erotica icon Sherlyn Chopra
advocates safe sex on World AIDS Day
India’s only erotica icon Sherlyn Chopra rocked radio listeners across seven cities of the country
with her sex gyan on World’s AIDS Day this week. Speaking exclusively to OYE 104.8 FM she
advocated safe sex for the nation, saying “The world needs to mature, even as it grows wild.”
In a two-hour-long exclusive programme with renowned RJ Alok, the sex kitten used intellectual
anecdotes and heart-warming shayeris to convey her noble message with her characteristic
wicked wit to radio listeners across Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Amritsar, Jodhpur, Patiala and
“The youth connects with Brand Sherlyn like nobody’s business, which is more than evident
from her hardcore 1,29,734 followers on Twitter,” quipped her publicist Dale Bhagwagar.
“So when Sherlyn Chopra advocates safe sex, teens understand that she means every word
of it,” he added.
For the record, apart from being the cynosure of countless eyes, Sherlyn is all set to become
the first Indian to be featured on the cover of the world-famous American men’s magazine
Playboy. Come 2013, and the gritty girl will also be starring as the female lead in Rupesh Paul’s
international film Kamasurtra 3D.
SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 79
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Sillunu Oru Kadhal Tamil Movie
Sunday 9th December 2012 14h30
The story is simply about a doting wife who comes to know that
her equally doting husband had a past, which involved a compelling
romance. Its centres around the trials and tribulations, and the
highs and joys around arranged and love marriages. Starring Surya,
Bhoomika, Jyothika, Vadivelu, Santhanam & Others
Repeats Monday 10th December 07h00 and 11h00
Every Wednesday 20:30.
Dancing with the Stars is a unique reality-based dance format show
that brings together celebrities from different walks of life such as
sports, films, fashion, music and magic to perform with professional
dance partners on a highly competitive stage. The contestants
will perform before a live studio audience and ofcourse the entire
viewing public. They will dance with the same amount of passion
and professionalism that made them achievers they are today.
Repeats every Thursday 09:00, 13:00, 17:00
Starts 12 November everyday show Monday to Friday
Mangos, a versatile and delicious summer fruit packed with punch!
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fun and easy recipes with Mangos, from sizzling starters, refreshing
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Repeats every Tuesday to Saturday
Starts 13 November 18:00pm Tuesday. It is an everyday show
Monday to Friday
Two of the UK’s hunkiest celebrity chefs have escaped their
kitchens and headed back to their native Australia. Along with
their surfboards and boning knives, they’ve packed a film crew
and cooked up their Gourmet Adventurer series - one part travel
adventure and two parts cooking show. It’s a gastronomical
adventure across the sun, fun and food-filled land of Oz. You won’t
be able to decide which is tastiest - the places they take you, the
dishes they create, or the boys themselves!
Repeats every day before available time
Fridays at 20:30 MTV Roadies pioneered the reality show genre in
India! Led by inimitable Raghu Ram and joined by the ever popular
VJ Rannvijay, every season exposes aspiring contestants to the ways
of the world. From learning to battle one’s fears, to braving it all
alone against the rest of the contestants, a Roadie must have the
ultimate fighting spirit and never say die attitude to survive this one
hell of a mean journey.
Daily from 22:00 to 02:00
Chill and enjoy the great line-up of music shows on the late night
slot – EVERY night.
22h00 – 23h00 Aawaz De Kahaa Hai Songs which have topped
the charts & ruled your hearts, the biggest hits of the recent times.
23h00 – 00h00 Bollywood Bang Bang Every night except Fridays
when it premieres at 19h00. The hit tracks of the biggest Bollywood
stars. Catch the best of your favourite stars, from King Khan to
Katrina Kaif.
00h00 – 01h00 Sooper Hits Enjoy the hottest chartbusters of the
season in Sooper Hits, your one-stop shop for all the latest hits
01h00 – 02h00 Boom Box An exciting mix of groovy Bollywood
and international foot-tapping dance tracks.
SUTRA | ISSUE 28 | 81