NICHIREN SHOSHU TEMPLE FOR THE NORTHEASTERN UNITED STATES, EASTERN CANADA AND TRINIDAD/TOBAGO MYOSETSUJI NEWS I SSUE 134 A UGUST 1, 2012 G UIDANCE FROM S IXTY - EIGHTH H IGH P RIEST N ICHINYO S HONIN On the Occasion of the June Kosen-rufu Shodai Ceremony June 3, 2012 Reception Hall, Head Temple Taisekiji On this occasion of the June Kosen-rufu Shodai Ceremony, conducted here today at the Head Temple, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to the large number of participants in attendance. The month of June already has arrived, and the middle stage of our challenge for this year has now begun. I believe that you are striving for the achievement of your shakubuku goals, day and night, based on unity between priesthood and laity in the spirit of itai-doshin. As I observe the current chaotic conditions in society, including the unusual weather of recent date, political corruption, economic depression, and the frequent occurrence of tragic incidents and accidents, I can see that now is the time for each of us to move forward toward the achievement of our objectives for 2015 and 2021. We must carry out shakubuku—refuting heresy and revealing the truth, and uphold the Daishonin’s true intention, as expressed in the Rissho ankoku-ron, based on unity between the priesthood and laity. J OIN US IN W ELCOMING M YOSETSUJI ’ S N EWEST M EMBERS Barbara Drummond Connie Matthews Miguel Astorga Ny'Shyiah Matthews Ana Pineda Asami Uda Vivian Roman Kevin Deas Miles Mitchell Salette Regnault Thais Regnault Karla Medina Jasmine Alicia Diaz Julio Moncayo Ebrom Gono Leomar De Los Santos Troy Kent Duber Viveros Richard Borg Melissa Moorman Anana Fehrs Melissa Tucker Tiffany Warren Trevor McLeod Ruth G. Wagner Sado Island (Continued on page 2) Gosho Quote for August 2012 “Flowering and Bearing Grain”(“Keka joju gosho”) If a tree is deeply rooted, its branches and leaves will never wither. If the spring is inexhaustible, the stream will never run dry. Without wood, the fire will burn out. Without earth, plants cannot grow. I, Nichiren, am indebted solely to my late master, Dozen-bo, for the fact that I have become the votary of the Lotus Sutra and that now I am widely talked about, both in a good and bad sense. Nichiren is like the plant, and my master, the earth. (Gosho, p. 1225) M YOSETSUJI N EWS P AGE 2 G UIDANCE FROM S IXTY - EIGHTH H IGH P RIEST N ICHINYO S HONIN ( CONTINUED ) (Continued from page 1) The Parable (Hiyu; third) chapter of the Lotus Sutra states: Yet living beings, drowned in the midst of all this, delight and amuse themselves, unaware, unknowing, without alarm or fear. They feel no sense of loathing and make no attempt to escape. In this burning house which is the threefold world, they race about to east and west, and though they encounter great pain, they are not distressed by it. (Hokekyo, p. 151; The Lotus Sutra, Watson, p. 59) The phrase “Yet living beings drowned in the midst of all this” in this famous passage from the parable of the “Three Carts and the Burning House,” indicates the following: He sees living beings seared and consumed by birth, old age, sickness and death, care and suffering, sees them undergo many kinds of pain because of the five desires and the desire for wealth and profit. Again, because of their greed and attachment and striving they undergo numerous pains in their present existence, and shackled by their own ego, with which later they underthey seek treasgo the pain of ure and profit. being reborn in For this reason, In other words, these hell or as beasts amidst their passages teach that or hungry spirsuffering, they looking at the people, its. Even if they may experience we see they are unhappy are reborn in the some pleasure, and lost in melancholy. heavenly realm but afterward, They shut their minds in or the realm they will expethe dark, and are of human rience the sufburned by the fire of beings, they fering of the the three poisons of undergo the three evil paths greed, anger, and pain of povof hell, hunger, stupidity. erty and and animality. want, the Even though pain of partthey are born ing from loved ones, the pain in the worlds of rapture or humanity, of encountering those they their hearts are very corrupt. Consedetest—all these many differquently, they will undergo distress, ent kinds of pain. (Hokekyo, p. trouble, and suffering, from having to 151; The Lotus Sutra, Watson, part from those that they love, and havp. 59) ing to meet those that they hate. Yet in In other words, these passages spite of these sufferings, they surrender teach that looking at the people, we themselves, fearless, indulging in transisee they are unhappy and lost in ent pleasures. They do not try to escape melancholy. They shut their minds this suffering, even though they are inin the dark, and are burned by the side the burning house of the threefold fire of the three poisons of greed, world—the world of desire, the world anger, and stupidity. They can’t of form, and the world of formlessness. escape their many desires, and in They do not worry about facing great their suffering, they are tightly (Continued on page 3) I SSUE 133 G UIDANCE P AGE 3 FROM S IXTY - EIGHTH H IGH P RIEST N ICHINYO S HONIN ( CONTINUED ) (Continued from page 2) 250; The Gosho of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 2, p. 242) difficulty, but simply amuse themselves by scampering from east to west. “Those who always eat smartweed become numb to its punAs this passage from the Lotus Sutra gent taste,” means that even teaches, it is certain that many people in though smartweed has a fiery society today, who live with various flavor, if one always eats it, he difficulties and sufferings in their lives, gradually will become desensifirst try to retized. One can lieve themselves acquire and of them. Withdevelop skills For instance, after out realizing it, through learnbeing brainwashed by however, they ing and repetia heretical teaching eventually betion. Thus, if for a long time, one come accussomeone accubecomes unaware of tomed to their mulates many its incorrect surroundings agonizing expeteaching and its and stop making riences in the slander against the such attempts. condition of Law. suffering, this In the Rissho person will start ankoku-ron, the to feel numb to Daishonin states: them before he even realizes it. Those who always eat smart“Those who stay long in an outhouse weed become numb to its punare not bothered by the offensive odor,” gent taste. Those who stay long in means that although an outhouse always an outhouse are not bothered by smells unpleasant, if one stays in it long the offensive odor. (Gosho, p. enough, he or she will cease to notice its odor. These analogies illustrate the fact that one does not feel suffering when he is accustomed to an environment of suffering, and such a person will end his life in suffering. These matters apply to us, both in daily life, as well as in our own faith. For instance, after being brainwashed by a heretical teaching for a long time, one becomes unaware of its incorrect teaching and its slander against the Law. Even though such an individual may hear a good thing, he thinks that it is a negative thing. He tends to follow the wrong master, believing this person is a sage or wise man. On the other hand, one will doubt the person who teaches the correct Law, and naturally will think he is an evil man. To take our fundamental Buddhist practice of Gongyo in the morning and evening as an example, even if one properly has conducted it every morning until now, once one neglects it and then neglects it repeatedly, he or she eventually will stop conducting Gongyo anymore, due to accustomed habits. This behavior is giving in to laziness. The same also can be said of attending the Oko Ceremony, making a tozan pilgrimage and doing shakubuku. In fact, if you behave as I have just mentioned, you will commit the slander of negligence as a result. (Continued on page 4) M YOSETSUJI N EWS P AGE 4 G UIDANCE FROM S IXTY - EIGHTH H IGH P RIEST N ICHINYO S HONIN ( CONTINUED ) (Continued from page 3) Therefore, in order to have a happy life, we must try to prevent ourselves from falling into corrupt habits and laziness. There is only one way to rid ourselves of these negative characteristics. The solution is to polish our own faith. We must motivate ourselves to practice. The Daishonin states the following in, “Attaining Buddhahood in this Lifetime” (“Issho jobutsusho”): While deluded, one is considered a common mortal, but once enlightened, one is understood to be a Buddha. For example, even a dark mirror will shine like a jewel when it is polished. Likewise, a mind that is presently clouded by illusions originating from the fundamental darkness of life is like a tarnished mirror. Yet, once it is polished, it will become a clear mirror, reflecting the essential truth of the Law. Awaken deep faith and polish your mirror night and day without neglect. How should you polish it? Honestly chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo is called polishing your mind. (Gosho, p. 46) “Polishing one’s faith,” means to uphold faith, based on the principle of “having no doubts is to have faith” (mugi wasshin), and powerfully chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge -Kyo. This will enable us to resolve any suffering and distress. Furthermore, we will awaken to the eternal true entity of all morning and evening and conduct phenomena and the oneness of the mashakubuku with the benefit and joy of terial and spiritual. faith. Then, for the We will gain the sake of those who “Polishing one’s immeasurable beneare distressed and faith,” means to fit of the Daitrapped in sufferuphold faith, based Gohonzon, through ing, and for those on the principle of the achievement of who are deceived “having no doubts is the fusion of objecby incorrect teachto have faith” (mugi tive reality and subings without wasshin), and jective wisdom knowing the huge (kyochi myogo). This slander of worshippowerfully chanting is the vast benefit of Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo. ping a counterfeit faith [and practice]. object of worship, This will enable us to we must help as resolve any suffering When we take many people as and distress. faith, however, it possible take refmust be the absouge in Nichiren lutely correct way of faith. Worshipping Shoshu, as soon as possible. the counterfeit object of worship issued by the Ikeda Soka Gakkai is not the corIn particular, this year’s goal is for all rect practice. It the Hokkeko chapters to achieve all of cannot provide their shakubuku goals. any benefit to I would like to conclude my address anyone. On the for today by praying from the bottom of contrary, it is my heart that each one of you will congreat slander of duct shakubuku, while aiming for an the Law, and early accomplishment of your goals, this transgresbased on unity between priesthood and sion will inlaity in the spirit of itai-doshin. Let’s crease indefireport to the three treasures, the splennitely. did achievement of our shakubuku goals We firmly for all the Hokkeko chapters this year. must chant Daimoku every I SSUE 133 P AGE 5 The Difficulty of Encountering the Lotus Sutra — July Oko Lecture We were all born into this world as human beings. We may take this for granted, but according to Nichiren Daishonin’s teachings, it is no ordinary matter. In the Gosho, “The Sutra of True Requital” (“Sennichi-ama gozengohenji”), Nichiren Daishonin wrote: “I, Nichiren, have come into this world as a human being, a rare feat to achieve, and I have encountered Buddhism, which is difficult to do.” (Gosho, p. 1251) counter true Buddhism. We were all born as human beings and came upon Buddhism. Moreover, we were able to meet the Lotus Sutra and, in particular, we were able to encounter the true Buddhism of the Three Great Secret Laws of the essence of Myoho“Encountering the Renge-Kyo, Buddha is as difficult as the fundaencountering the mental core of the udumbara flower. Or as Lotus Sutra. We are difficult as it is for a truly fortunate. one-eyed turtle to In this month’s encounter a floating gosho quote from log with a hole in it. We “Questions and have been blessed with Answers between a great good fortune Sage and a Foolish from past existences and Man” (“Shogu mondo so have been born in an -sho”), the age where we can Daishonin exencounter the Buddha's plained how rare it Law.” is to encounter true Buddhism: There are many living things on Earth. These include insects, fish, birds, cows, horses, dogs, and other organisms. It is extremely rare to be born into this world as a human being. Furthermore, even if we are born as humans, it is even more difficult to en- “It is rare to hear the teachings of Buddhism— much rarer than it is for a turtle with only one eye to be able to find a piece of driftwood on which to rest.” (Gosho, p. 402) The teachings of Buddhism here refer to the Lotus Sutra. The following passage is from the Former Affairs of King Wonderful Adorn- ment (Myoshogonno honjihon; twentyseventh) chapter of the Lotus Sutra: “Encountering the Buddha is as difficult as encountering the udumbara flower. Or as difficult as it is for a one-eyed turtle to encounter a floating log with a hole in it. We have been blessed with great good fortune from past existences and so have been born in an age where we can encounter the Buddha's Law.” (Hokekyo, p. 588; The Lotus Sutra, Watson, p. 315) The udumbara flower is said to bloom only once every 3000 years. It is often used to symbolize the tremendous difficulty of encountering true Buddhism. The parable of the one-eyed turtle that encounters a floating log appears in the Lotus Sutra, Nirvana Sutra, the Miscellaneous Agama Sutras (Zo Agon kyo), and other sutras. To summarize, this story is about a one-eyed turtle that lives at the bottom of the great ocean. It has no limbs or fins. Its belly is as hot as burning iron, and the shell on its back is as cold as the snowy mountains. The turtle tries to travel to the surface of the ocean to find a piece of red sandalwood driftwood onto which it could climb to cool its belly and warm its back. (Continued on page 6) M YOSETSUJI N EWS P AGE 6 The Difficulty of Encountering the Lotus Sutra — July Oko Lecture (continued) (Continued from page 5) Unfortunately, however, the turtle only can reach the surface of the water once every 1000 years. Moreover, even if the turtle succeeds in getting to the ocean’s surface, it finds it extremely difficult to encounter a piece of sandalwood of driftwood that is ideal in size and shape to cool its belly and warm the shell on its back. Nichiren Daishonin refers to this analogy in his Gosho, “The One-eyed Turtle and the Floating Sandalwood Log” (“Matsuno dono goke-ama gozengohenji”): “This analogy was used to show how difficult it is to encounter the Lotus Sutra.” (Gosho, Even if the turtle finds an ideal piece of driftwood, it has difficulty finding its exact location. Since the turtle has only one eye, the floating …Even if the turtle encounters a wood appears to the floating piece of sandalwood, right at times and to locating one with a hollow to the left at other provide a perfect fit for him times, due to his would be tremendously limited vision. Furdifficult. This shows how thermore, even if it difficult it is for us to finally manages to encounter Nam-Myoho-Rengelocate a piece of Kyo, even if we come across the driftwood, it is exLotus Sutra.” tremely difficult for him to find one with a hollow that is the ideal size for his body. If the hole is too p. 1355) small, he cannot fit into it, and if it is The Daishonin continues his explanatoo large, then he will fall through. In tion: the same way, it is extremely difficult “The great ocean signifies the sea to encounter true Buddhism. of the sufferings of birth and death. The limbless turtle represents all of us, who do not possess good fortune. Its hot belly denotes the eight hot hells associated with anger and hatred. Its cold shell symbolizes the eight cold hells caused by greed and avarice. That it stays at the bottom of the great ocean for a thousand years signifies the challenge of rising to the surface from the depths of the three evil paths. That it floats to the surface once every thousand years means that we can only emerge from the three evil paths as humans on rare occasions, far apart in time. It also represents the difficulty of encountering the Buddha …Even if the turtle encounters a floating piece of sandalwood, locating one with a hollow to provide a perfect fit for him would be tremendously difficult. This shows how difficult it is for us to encounter Nam-MyohoRenge-Kyo, even if we come across the Lotus Sutra.” (Gosho, p. 1355) Furthermore, the Daishonin explains that the description of the turtle mistaking east for west and west for east signifies how people may pretend to be intelligent, but they still judge something that is superior to be inferior and consider something inferior to be superior. They may look upon a doctrine without (Continued on page 7) I SSUE 133 P AGE 7 The Difficulty of Encountering the Lotus Sutra — July Oko Lecture (continued) (Continued from page 6) merit as being full of merit, and a teaching that is not appropriate for the capacity of the people to be quite appropriate. In this way, even if we are able to encounter the Lotus Sutra, it is still more difficult to come upon NamMyoho-Renge-Kyo, the essence of the Lotus Sutra. The Lotus Sutra is divided into the three types of teachings and nine aspects of doctrine (sanshu kubu). These consist of: The text, Meaning, and Intent of the sutra (mon, gi, i) The teachings of the sowing, maturing, and harvest (shu, juku, datsu) The comprehensive, concise, and essential practices (ko, ryaku, yo) The first aspect is the text, meaning, and intent of the sutra. The text (mon) refers to the doctrine that is expounded unconcealed—the 69,384 written words of the entire twenty-eight chapters of the Lotus Sutra. Next, the meaning (gi) refers to the teachings or principles that appear in the text. In the case of the Lotus Sutra, the meaning represents the principle of the true aspect of all phenomena set forth in the Expedient Means (Hoben; second) and the attainment of Buddhahood in the inconceivably remote past revealed in the Life Span (Juryo; sixteenth) chapter of the Lotus Sutra. “Myoho-Renge-Kyo is not simply the text or its meaning. It is the essence of the entire sutra.” And the intent (i) denotes MyohoRenge-Kyo hidden in the depth of the Juryo chapter of the Lotus Sutra where both the text (mon) and meaning (gi) of the Hoben and Juryo chapter come from. It is important, because the people in the Latter Day of the Law do not possess superior mental capacity and would find it difficult to gain an understanding of the vast doctrines of the Lotus Sutra and to achieve an awareness of the essential intent of Myoho-Renge-Kyo. Instead, by embracing the Lotus Sutra from the original standpoint of the intent of the sutra, we are able to gain a comprehensive understanding of the Lotus Sutra. The Daishonin wrote in the Gosho, “Thus, I Heard” (“Soya-nyūdo donogohenji”): “Myoho-Renge-Kyo is not simply the text or its meaning. It is the essence of the entire sutra.” (Gosho, p. 1188) Next, as for the second type of teachings of the Lotus Sutra, the teachings of the sowing (shu), maturing (juku), and harvest (datsu) make use of the metaphor of the growth and development of grains to illustrate the process by which the Buddha leads people to attain enlightenment. First of all, seeds must be sown to produce grain. Then, seedlings must be developed so that they can mature and yield grain that can be harvested. It was necessary for the Buddha to reveal to the people the nature of the seed that was used to cause them to practice, to enable them to grow, and finally attain Buddhahood. The Lotus Sutra reveals all the details of the teachings of the sowing, maturing, and harvest. The seed of Myoho-Renge-Kyo already had been sown in a past lifetime into the lives of the people who lived during the time of Shakyamuni Buddha and after his passing, in the Former and Middle Days of the Law. Therefore, they were able to attain enlightenment through the teachings of the maturing and the harvest. In the Latter Day of the Law, however, the seed of the Lotus Sutra was nev(Continued on page 8) M YOSETSUJI N EWS P AGE 8 The Difficulty of Encountering the Lotus Sutra — July Oko Lecture (continued) (Continued from page 7) er sown into the lives of the people. Hence, the seed of the Lotus Sutra— Myoho-Renge-Kyo—first must be sown. In other words, the people only can attain enlightenment through receiving the seed of Buddhism and establishing a karmic bond with the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin, the true Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law. Finally, there is the aspect of the Lotus Sutra known as the comprehensive (ko), concise (ryaku), and essential (yo) practices. The comprehensive practice refers to the recitation of all the twentyeight chapters of the Lotus Sutra. The concise practice denotes the recitation of the Expedient Means (Hoben; second) and the Life Span (Juryo; sixteenth) chapters of the Lotus Sutra. The essential practice signifies chanting of the daimoku of Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, hidden in the depths of the text of the Lotus Sutra. Nichiren Daishonin states the following in the Gosho, “The Essentials of the Lotus Sutra” (“Hokke shuyo-sho”): “I, Nichiren, discard the comprehensive and concise practices and devote myself to the essential practice.” (Gosho, p. 736) Thus, the Daishonin considers the essential practice to be of foremost importance. As I have explained so far, we can see that the Lotus Sutra possesses as many characteristics as the three types of teachings and nine aspects of doctrines. The only way that we can achieve enlightenment in the Latter Day of the Law is through upholding the intent (i) of the Lotus Sutra, the doctrine of the sowing (shu), and follow and uphold Myoho-Renge-Kyo, the essential core of the Lotus Sutra. We are able to overcome various difficulties through Myoho-Renge-Kyo. There are many people in the world who appear to be extremely happy and fortunate. However, no one knows We are able to overcome how conditions may change various difficulties through tomorrow. Myoho-Renge-Kyo. There are As you know, on March many people in the world 11 of last year, the great who appear to be extremely earthquake disaster demolhappy and fortunate. ished eastern Japan. It However, no one knows how brought about tremendous conditions may change misfortune. More than tomorrow. 15,000 people lost their precious lives in the tsunaperforming the essential practice (yo) of mi. I am certain that many of those peothe Lotus Sutra—Nam-Myoho-Rengeple felt content in their lives until imKyo. Indeed, it is mediately before the disaster struck. No extremely diffione ever could have imagined the tragic cult to encounter conditions of such magnitude resulting the Lotus Sutra. from the tsunami. However, such an It is even rare to unimaginable disaster actually did occur encounter the and affected people. Lotus Sutra charThe same holds true for us. We do acterized by the not know what may occur tomorrow. intent, the docHowever, those who believe in and trine of the sowpractice the Lotus Sutra will be protecting, and the esed, without fail, by Nichiren sential practice. Daishonin’s Buddhism; and they will be We are fortuable to overcome all adversities. There nate to be able to (Continued on page 9) I SSUE 133 P AGE 9 The Difficulty of Encountering the Lotus Sutra — July Oko Lecture (continued) (Continued from page 8) can be no greater happiness than this. The joy that we currently feel cannot be considered true happiness unless it can be transferred into our next existence. Daishonin has been transferred in this way through the successive High Priests, all the way to the current Sixty-eighth High Priest Nichinyo Shonin. Even though many people assert an association with the heritage of Nichiren Daishonin, they are yet unable to follow Nichiren Shoshu. Despite these extant conditions, however, we have been able to maintain a strong and solid karmic bond and uphold faith Presently, there are numerous religious organizations that claim to possess a direct lineage with Nichiren Daishonin. Nichiren Shoshu, however, is the only organization that correctly centers, and Hokkeko chapters around upholds the teachings of Nichiren the world were able to achieve their Daishonin. This is evidenced by shakubuku goals. Let us continthe fact that the Dai-Gohonzon ue to strive to achieve these is enshrined in the High Sanctugoals this year as well. Nichiren Daishonin chose to ary of the Essential Teaching at transfer the Heritage of the Head Temple Taisekiji, and the Our High Priest Nichinyo Law to the Second High Priest fact that the High Priest, who Shonin stated the following on Nikko Shonin, from among his has received the Lifeblood Herthe occasion of the New Year’s numerous disciples. Then, Nikko itage of the Law, entrusted to a Gongyo this year: Shonin transferred it to the single person, resides there. “You, yourselves, must reThird High Priest Nichimoku The Heritage of true Budceive the vast benefits of Shonin. The entirety of the true dhism has been transferred the Dai-Gohonzon and Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin through the correct transmisstrive to save the large has been transferred in this way sion of the Law. Nichiren numbers of people who are through the successive High Daishonin chose to transfer the tormented by the three poiPriests, all the way to the Heritage of the Law to the Sesons of greed, anger, and current Sixty-eighth High Priest cond High Priest Nikko Shonin, stupidity. I would like to Nichinyo Shonin. from among his numerous disconclude my address for ciples. Then, Nikko Shonin transferred it to the Third High Priest Nichimoku Shonin. The entirety of the true Buddhism of Nichiren and practice in Nichiren Shoshu. We are truly fortunate. We must never lose sight of this good fortune and great benefit and strive to teach and guide those who are yet unaware of Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism. This is true shakubuku. Last year, many temples, propagation this New Year’s Day morning by sincerely praying that all the Hokkeko chapters will achieve their designated goals for this year.” (Dai-Nichiren 792, p. 34) We sincerely must appreciate the fact that we have been able to encounter the true Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin. Furthermore, we must follow the direction of our High Priest, and put forth our best efforts to do shakubuku for our own sake, for the sake of others, and for the sake of our country. By so doing, let us achieve without fail our shakubuku goals this year. M YOSETSUJI N EWS P AGE 10 MYOSETSUJI CHAPTER TOZAN JUNE 2012 — Elizabeth Hunte Two buses with 52 joyful Myosetsuji members departed from the Narita View Hotel at 7 am sharp on Saturday, June 30th. We headed towards Head Temple Taisekiji with our Chief Priest, Rev. Takikawa for the first phase of this unforgettable Tozan. The bus ride was smooth, no traffic to slow us down. We arrived at the Tokohibo with plenty of time to settle into our rooms, have a quick lunch and change into appropriate clothes. Then we took a brisk walk thru the Head Temple grounds to the Hoando for our first audience with the Dai Gohonzon led by High Priest Nichinyo Shonin. We gathered in front of the the Hoando after Gokaihi for a commemorative photo with Rev. Takikawa, Koto Dennis. It was very cloudy so we did not see Mt. Fuji on that Saturday. chanting with the High Priest, followed by our second Gokaihi Ceremony at the Hoando at 1:30 pm. With dinner at 6 pm we spent our free time requesting Tobas, resting, shopping, etc. After dinner together we spent time cleaning the Tokohibo, and preparing for our departure to Sado Island. We were up again at 1 am and off to do Ushitora Gongyo with the High Priest. At 4:30 am, all excited, we were off on a looong six hours bus ride then a three and a half hour ocean ferry ride to Sado Evening Gongyo was scheduled at 5:30 Island. We have to think of pm so we had plenty of time to rest, go Abutsubo, who at the age of shopping and/or walk the beautiful ninety traveled two weeks to reach grounds at Taisekiji. After gongyo the Nichiren Daishonin at Minobu, he had no Chief Priest of the Tokohibo welcomed bus, he had no ferry. It stopped raining us to Taisekiji. Next day, Sunday, we but was still cloudy – perfect travel were all up at 1 am ready to go to Ushit- weather. On the bus we read together ora Gongyo with our High Priest. We prepared Gosho passages from Nichiren grabbed umbrellas to shelter from the Daishonin regarding many aspects of his rain. Light rain continued on and off for stay on Sado Island, and as soon as we the rest of our stay at Taisekiji. were finished, amidst the clouds, there was Mt. Fuji in complete gorgeous view Next at 8 am we were off again for the through the bus windows. This was the July one-hour vigorous Kosen-rufu beginning of phase two of this Tozan. on Sado Island and that Myogoji Temple was the only Nichiren Shoshu Temple on Sado. We then checked in at Ryotsu Yamaki (Japanese style) hotel. We were then surprised by a Japanese style dinner banquet with Japanese delicacies. Fully rested, with breakfast done, we headed to Myogoji Temple for Gongyo at 10 am. We took more pictures together at Myogoji Temple. Then we were in the bus and off to Tsukahara where Nichiren Daishonin spent the first six months of his exile. At the exact site of his tiny hut we walked where Nichiren Daishonin We arrived walked in the winter of 1271. We will at Sado Island, never forget how Abutsubo and his wife went directly Sennichi-ama took care of the Daishonin to Myogoji while he was here in exile. We spent Temple for time drinking in the history of the events evening at the new Tsukahara Monument and Gongyo. The taking more pictures at our once-in-a-life Chief Priest opportunity. told us that there were Back on the bus to the second place he over two hun- was moved to, where he next spent dred Temples (Continued on page 11) M YOSETSUJI N EWS I SSUE 133 MYOSETSUJI CHAPTER TOZAN JUNE 2012 (continued) that went into preparing this Tozan, we also about two more years at a much more saw all the appreciation remote location.. We were reminded of and concern that Rev. how Lady Nichimyo travelled with her Takikawa has for all baby such a long and dangerous distance Myosetsuji members. to visit the Daishonin on Sado Island. We We will never forget all appreciated the air-conditioned bus our visit to Sado Isand. and comfortable ferry that transported us We are back home here. We were so hungry to learn more now and many memabout the Daishonin's exile. bers have had tremenOn the bus again for lunch on the dous experiences, for coastline of Sado, Rev. Takikawa sursome of us during Toprised us with snacks. We sat by the sea, zan and for others of us ate lunch, walked among the rocks, gath- upon our return. Thank ered rocks, bought souvenirs, shared you for letting us be a experiences, and formed new friendpart of this very very ships. We saw all the efforts and details special Tozan. (Continued from page 10) Bronx Area Report — Dena France In December of 2011 the Bronx members made a determination together to follow the guidance of our High Priest, Nichinyo Shonin, to chant one hour shodai in January and July. Many members reported continuing the shodai goal even after January. At our weekly Bronx activities we start at 6 pm with shodai until 7 pm Gongyo, then continue shodai until 7:45 pm if we have guests present. Then we conduct a wonderful introduction and explanation and experiences for the guests. If there are only members present we continue to chant daimoku until 8:45 pm, make announcements and we review the next activities. Bronx members have reported multiple challenges including financial, illness, job stress, providing care for elderly parents, evictions, unemployment, even the death of spouse or parent. However based on our enhanced focus on shodai, members speak of their “unshakable faith” even when faced with these challenges. Despite the obstacles, more home visits have been made to members unable to attend meetings or Temple activities. At least one Bronx member always attends morning Gongyo with our Chief Priest at Myosetsuji Temple. We have rescheduled our weekly meetings so members can attend Manhattan Branch activities as well as our Buddhist Seminars. Our determination is to have a guest at every meeting. We participated in every Tozan in 2012, including the recent Group Tozan to Taisekiji and Sado Island. The Bronx has achieved its shakabuku goal as promised to the Chief Priest, for 2012! “Faith is like this, if a person believes in Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism, this resolution in faith should reveal itself physically, in the form of action.” The Bronx is on the move, chasing the spirit of Mumbai! P AGE 12 M YOSETSUJI N EWS M EMBER E XPERIENCE — D UHA E SS My name is Duha Ess and I’ve been a member of Myosetsuji Temple since 1988. My mother and I received the Gojukai Ceremony at that time. I was 17 years old however I first heard about chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo when I was 5 from a friend of my mom’s who chanted every morning and evening. I could not understand so much about it when I was 5 but I really liked it. I never forgot about Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. time for my family. Two years later in October of 1990 I gave birth to a beautiful bouncing baby boy and named him Dino. I wanted Some years later, my mom met a him to receive his Gojukai Ceremogroup of people who helped us learn ny but someone told me I would much more about the practice of have to wait a year, so I spoke to Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism. We visChief Priest Nagasaka, who had perited their homes and chanted with formed my mom’s and my Gojukai them. They helped schedule my Ceremony. Dino was able to receive mom to receive Gojukai. They sugGojukai at Myosetsuji Temple, imgested I receive Gojukai with her, mediately. I was so happy it had takwhich was fine with me. en place before his first birthday, it is So we went to Myosetsuji Temple a once-in-a-lifetime profound cerein October of 1988 and received the mony. Gojukai Ceremony and the sacred Dino is now 21 years old and in scroll, the Gohonzon to bring home college. His sister, Chance is 16 and with us. We were told that the is also in college. Their younger Gohonzon is the embodiment of the brother, Suede is 15 and will soon enlightened life of the true Buddha. I follow in their footsteps. I am also felt so happy, I cannot even describe the guardian of 9-year-old twins, my it. nephew Robert and my neice, Robin. It was a very important turning We all do our very best to support point in my life and a very fortunate and follow our High Priest’s guidances. Through this Buddhist practice I overcame my fear of flying and actually flew to the Head Temple Taisekiji in Japan. I was there in Feb- ruary and in April, of 2012. We were able to chant with the High Priest and other members from around the world to the Dai Gohonzon. While raising all these children I have been able to advance my own education and presently hold an associate degree, a bachelor degree, a masters degree and I am presently finishing work towards my doctorate program. Yes, there have been trying times, many ups and downs, obstacles and more, you name it. However, no matter what has come into my life I always was able to put the Gohonzon and this practice first and it has never ever let me down. I was able to pray to the Gohonzon and change poisononous situations into medicine and come out on top. My determination is to continue this practice towards the attainment of my enlightenment and to tell as many people as I can about the greatness of true Buddhism and how it really can help their lives too. PS I just returned from our July Chapter Tozan again. Thank you. 7 Gongyo 7:30 AM 14 13 12 New Jersey Cleanup Oko Ceremony 10 AM Gongyo Gongyo 7:30 AM 7:30 AM Drum Practice 9:00-9:45 AM Chanting Mtg Chanting Mtg Chinese Oko 12: 0 0 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Evening Gongyo 2:30 PM 21 20 19 Westchester Cleanup Gongyo Gongyo Introductory Mtg 10 AM 7:30 AM 7:30 AM Japanese Oko 12:00 PM Chanting Mtg Chanting Mtg Evening Gongyo 2:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Long Island Cleanup 28 27 26 Gongyo Gongyo Group Memorial 10 AM 7:30 AM 7:30 AM Korean Oko 12:00 PM Chanting Mtg Chanting Mtg Evening Gongyo 2:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM 8 1 29 22 15 Wednesday Gongyo Gongyo 7:30 AM 7:30 AM Chanting Mtg 7:00 PM 9:00 AM 8:30 PM 3:30 PM Tuesday 7:20 AM 6:00 PM 9:00 AM Monday 6 5 Queens Cleanup Gongyo Kosen-rufu Chanting 10 AM Support Staff Mtg 12: 0 0 PM 7:30 AM Chanting Mtg Evening Gongyo 2:30 PM 7:00 PM Monday - Friday Re-opens on Mon/Tues/Fri Sunday & Holidays Sunday Close Open Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM Gongyo 7:30 AM 7:30 AM Gongyo 9 2 30 23 16 Thursday Gongyo 7:30 AM Chanting Mtg 7:00 PM Gongyo 7:30 AM Chanting Mtg 7:00 PM Gongyo 7:30 AM Chanting Mtg 7:00 PM Gongyo 7:30 AM Chanting Mtg 7:00 PM Gongyo 7:30 AM Chanting Mtg 7:00 PM Friday 18 Flushing Temple Closed 25 Flushing Temple Closed 17 24 31 11 Flushing Temple Closed Flushing Temple Closed 4 10 3 Saturday August 2012 Myosetsuji Temple Manhattan Temple Closed Manhattan Temple Closed Manhattan Temple Closed Manhattan Temple Closed 26 19 12 5 Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri Wednesday/Sunday Saturday Sunday 8:30 PM 4:00 PM 6 3:00 PM Tuesday 14 7 8 1 15 Manhattan Temple Closed Manhattan Temple Closed Wednesday Intro Mtg 7:00 PM Intro Mtg 7:00 PM Intro Mtg 7:00 PM 9 2 16 Thursday Chanting Mtg 7:00 PM Chanting Mtg 7:00 PM Chanting Mtg 7:00 PM Friday 28 29 Manhattan Koto Hokkeko Chanting Mtg Chanting Mtg Temple Closed 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 27 Intro Mtg 7:00 PM 30 Chanting Mtg 7:00 PM Uptown Cleanup Kosen-rufu Chanting 4 31 24 17 25 Brooklyn Cleanup Group Memorial 10:00 AM Evening Gongyo 2:00 PM Bronx Cleanup Gongyo 10:00 AM Evening Gongyo 2:00 PM 18 10:00 AM Evening Gongyo 2:00 PM 11 10 Midtown Cleanup Oko Ceremony 10 AM Evening Gongyo 2:00 PM 3 Saturday August 2012 Manhattan Branch 23 22 21 20 Chanting Mtg Intro Mtg Manhattan Study Mtg Hokkeko 7:00 PM Temple Closed 7:00 PM Chanting Mtg 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Manhattan Koto Hokkeko Chanting Mtg Chanting Mtg Temple Closed 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 13 Study Mtg Hokkeko Chanting Mtg 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 9:00 AM Monday Closed Close Open N ICHIREN S HOSHU M YOSETSUJI T EMPLE 143-63 Beech Ave. (Entrance on Parsons Blvd.) Flushing, NY 11355 (718) 961 7269 M ANHATTAN B RANCH T EMPLE 402 West 40th Street New York, NY 10018 VISIT US O NLINE AT : W W W . N S T N Y . O RG S UBS CRI BE T O THE N ICHI REN S HOS HU M ONTHLY M A GAZIN E T ODAY ! MYOSETSUJI TEMPLE 143-63 Beech Ave. Flushing, NY 11355 Rev. Shinga Takikawa, Chief Priest Rev. Josetsu Iwakiri, Assistant Priest
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