2009 Newsletter - Geology - Southern Illinois University


2009 Newsletter - Geology - Southern Illinois University
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Department of Geology
2008-2009 Calendar Years
Dear Alumni and Friends,
Much has happened in the two years since we last connected with you. Last fall, we
completed an internal and external review of all of our programs. This is something
all departments on campus must go through every eight years. The review teams
examined a self-study document, toured the department, met the faculty in small
group meetings and interviewed the staff as well as representatives of the
undergraduate and graduate students.
Both review teams had a very positive impression of the department. The internal
review team noted “that the department provided a strong and positive environment
for research, scholarship and service.” The external review team found “a robust,
engaged faculty, who are collegial and producing scholarship of the highest level.”
Later they noted that “…the scholastic accomplishments within the department are
substantial by any measure” and that “…the productivity of the faculty is superior,
both in terms of quality and quantity.”
Ken Anderson, Professor; James Conder, Assistant Professor; John C. Crelling,
Research Professor; Joe Devera, Adjunct Instructor, Russell Dutcher, Emeritus;
Steven Esling, Associate Professor and Chair; Eric Ferré, Professor; Richard H.
Fifarek, Associate Professor; Charles O. Frank, Emeritus; Stanley Harris, Emeritus;
Scott E. Ishman, Professor; Liliana Lefticariu, Assistant Professor; John E. Marzolf,
Associate Professor; Nicholas Pinter, Professor; Susann Pinter, Lecturer; Sue
Rimmer, Professor; Dale Ritter, Emeritus; Paul D. Robinson, Emeritus; John L.
Sexton, Professor; James R. Staub, Emeritus; Jay Zimmerman, Emeritus.
Richard Black, Office Manager; Harvey Henson, Research Project Specialist;
William Huggett, Researcher; Katheryn Fifarek, Office Systems Specialist.
On May 8, 2009 the campus was hit by a bizarre storm, which the National Weather
Service called a derecho. Wind speeds over large areas exceeded 100 miles per
hour, and this along with the very wet soil lead to an extensive number of uprooted
trees, damaged roofs, and frightened students and faculty. We went to the basement
once we heard the sirens and waited for some time. This was finals week, and
students from one class were sitting on the floor in the basement trying to complete
their exam. The power went out and did not return to the campus for several days.
Graduation was scheduled the next day and normally the College of Science holds its
ceremonies in Shryock Auditorium. Instead we gathered in McAndrew stadium on a
dreary, intermittently wet day, with temperamental generators humming in the
distance. The College of Science awarded Jim Lightner, one of our graduates, its
outstanding alumnus award at the ceremony. He spoke to all of the College
graduates and his commencement speech is reproduced in its entirety in this
We have been searching for a new coal geologist ever since Jack Crelling retired
some time ago. After a couple of failed searches for an assistant professor, the
University gave us permission to seek an established coal geologist and we were able
to lure Professor Sue Rimmer from her position in the Department of Geology,
University of Kentucky. Sue joined the faculty in January, 2009 and has established
new x-ray and rock preparation laboratories. She has also revitalized our Petroleum
Geology course.
I do have some sad news to report. Dr. John Utgaard passed away early morning on
September 8, 2009. John served the Department for nearly 40 years as a dedicated
teacher, distinguished paleontologist, and respected chair. Most of us knew him as a
dear friend and colleague. John’s family has suggested gifts to the Dutcher-Utgaard
Field Course fund as a memorial. Jay Zimmerman has prepared a summary of
John’s career and this newsletter also provides a listing of his publications.
Sharon Simons, a longtime member of the office staff retired in 2009. That was a bit
earlier than she planned. Sharon had a serious fall and could not work for an
extended period of time. She also lost her sight and could not resume her job once
she recovered from the fall. We miss her.
We welcomed Katheryn Fifarek as part of the office staff in the fall, 2009. Things
are again running smoothly in the main office.
A rather grainy old photograph, taken at John Utgaard’s retirement party. From
left: Jay Zimmerman, Stan Harris, John Utgaard, and Russell Dutcher.
John Utgaard and the Summer Field Course
John Edward Utgaard was born in Annamoose, North Dakota, on January 22, 1936.
Having grown to maturity in the agricultural environment of the northern plains, he
completed his education, married, helped raise and provide for a family, and
established a distinguished career in his chosen field of Geology. He passed away on
September 8, 2009 in Carbondale, Illinois, his home of forty-four years.
John attended the University of North Dakota, graduating in 1958 with the degree of
B.S. in Geology and membership in Phi Beta Kappa. At Indiana University,
supported in part by fellowships from Standard Oil of Texas and the National
Science Foundation, he completed requirements for the A.M. degree in 1961 and
continued preparation for his Ph. D. in Geology with a specialty in invertebrate
paleontology and major emphasis on bryozoology.
Following marriage to Mary Susan Baker, of Bloomington, Indiana in August 1961
and the birth of first son Erik in the fall of 1962, John was awarded the Ph. D. degree
in 1963. The family then moved to Washington, D. C., where John spent two years
as Research Associate at the U. S. National Museum, Smithsonian Institution.
In the Spring of 1965 John, Susan, Erik, and recently-arrived son Sigurd (Sig) moved
to Carbondale, Illinois, where John continued his professional career at Southern
Illinois University at the rank of Assistant Professor. Soon after his arrival at SIU,
John assumed responsibility for the department’s summer field course, GEOL 454.
Initially, he changed its location from southern Illinois to Cardwell, Montana, site of
the Indiana University field course in which he had previously served as Teaching
Associate. The headquarters of the SIU course were shifted from Cardwell to the
Yellowstone Bighorn Research Association (YBRA) facility at Red Lodge, Montana,
following Russ Dutcher’s 1971 appointment as chairman of the SIU Department of
Geology. This move established the longstanding close relationship between YBRA
and our department.
Dr. Sue Rimmer mid vitrinite reflectance analysis.
Homecoming this coming year is the weekend of October 9th and 10th. Again we
will have our annual picnic on Sunday (10/10/10). Please try to join us and
reconnect with the faculty and staff.
My best to everyone.
Steven P. Esling
Associate Professor and Chair
During the first years at the new location, John completely revamped the field course
with the help of Dale Ritter and Russ Dutcher, combining some field exercise sites
used by YBRA with others familiar from the IU course and adding new ones. John
also saw the educational and morale advantages of interrupting sequences of local
exercises with trips to other parts of the region, some as distant as Craters of the
Moon National Monument and Glacier National Park.
I had the good luck to join the field course as instructor in the summer of 1975. I
found that John and the others had put together a well-conceived but demanding
variety of mapping exercises that were graduated in both geological and physical
difficulty. The intent was to pitch the material to senior-level students who had
completed all other course work for the BS degree but who were essentially
beginners in the field. In fact, although many or most of our students took GEOL 454
as the last BS degree requirement before graduation, we also permitted third-year
students to take the course on a case by case basis.
While SIU geology students were always first in line, John understood the advantage
of including as many students from other institutions as feasible. This policy
enriched the experiences of all of us who participated and probably enabled the
continuation of the course after departmental enrollment decreased dramatically in
the mid-1980s.
John retired from his position at the University in 1998. His official send-off was
celebrated by students, former students, friends, and colleagues at what I believe to
be the last Buffalo Tro to be sponsored by the department. It was a big evening, but
all of us survived, and John almost immediately turned up at his old office in
Parkinson Laboratory with a new title: Visiting Professor of Geology and Professor
Emeritus. Not only did he continue publishing for several years but also advised
students and fulfilled the occasional teaching assignment. During this period, John
and Susan spent most summers in Red Lodge, renting a house on the beach near the
golf course and hosting the Utgaard boys and their respective wives and children.
Throughout all this, John pursued his interest in painting and captured any number of
local scenes (typically field course mapping sites) on canvas.
There are aspects of John’s work in the field course that stand out in my memory.
First of all, he was a talented field geologist. He could map well (a skill that we
emphasized in GEOL 454) and had a solid understanding of northern Rocky
Mountain geology. Of course as an invertebrate paleontologist he had the fossils
down cold, but with his other areas of strength in carbonate sedimentology and
petrology, he could unravel the paleoenvironmental subtleties of the Paleozoic and
Mesozoic carbonate units that we encountered on a near-daily basis and set them
firmly into the regional evolutionary framework. Not limited to carbonates alone, on
the outcrop John could make nearshore clastic facies sing.
John was a strong believer in a working trip from Carbondale to Red Lodge where
the real summer fun was to begin. Why should all of that great geology between
Illinois and Montana go to waste? In the late 1970s our route led west across
Missouri, Kansas, and Colorado to the Rocky Mountain front at Walsenburg, south
of Denver. After a day at the Spanish Peaks we headed north through Golden to
Rocky Mountain National Park. We next turned west past the Florissant Fossil Beds
to Dinosaur National Monument in Utah for a day. Finally, the caravan struck
northward through Wyoming (Flaming Gorge, Green River lake beds, Bighorn
Basin) to Montana and YBRA. At the end of this nine-day march, a group of forty or
so students and instructors, most of whom had begun as near or total strangers, had
been welded into a collegial group prepared for the real work of the summer. Or so
the theory went.
In fact the theory worked pretty well, but after three or so years of this, we decided
that a shorter, more direct approach in a course limited in length to six weeks was
warranted, possibly because the senior instructional staff was now well established in
middle age. So the standard “trip out” which most former students will remember
was conceived. This route pointed across Missouri to Kansas City, north to Sioux
Falls, South Dakota, and then west to Wall Drug, the Badlands and the Black Hills.
After two days of geological reconnaissance in that area and a night at Devils Tower
we arrived at YBRA ready for dinner and a “cold one “ after a mere five days in the
On the road, John was impressive. Sure, he knew the geology and where to go to see
it, but he had also zeroed in on every scenic camping place, every small-town café
with a monstrous breakfast, every restaurant that specialized in super-steaks, and
every buffet that served pickled herring in cream, in at least five states. For several
years I piloted the last carryall in the string through heat, rain, mud, and clouds of
dust, over good roads and awful roads, following John from outcrop to outcrop and
from one camping place to the next. The students and I always hoped that he knew
where he was going and had some purpose in mind. On many mornings during those
first few years I could wake up in my tent, having crawled into the sleeping bag long
after dark the night before, with absolutely no recollection of where I was: maybe
somewhere in western Montana, maybe not. Even if the students didn’t know, and I
didn’t know, John had it figured. And I can’t remember that he ever took the wrong
Among the constant factors of our trips to Red Lodge and our days in YBRA was the
entire Utgaard family. Where John went, so went Susan and the boys. Following
Erik and Sig were the arrivals, through the years, of Peter (Pete), and finally, John
(Johnny). When the boys were old enough to travel, out to Montana they went. As a
result, the Utgaard boys joined the offspring of other faculty members in spending
summer weeks on the edge of the Beartooth Mountains. Not a bad place to start
growing up. And then there was Sparky Utgaard, the single-minded, gopher-hunting
dachshund. Sparky had many notable adventures at the YBRA camp – but those are
other tales for other days.
John’s leadership of the SIU summer field course was only one aspect of a
distinguished career. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 1968 and to
Professor in 1973. Throughout his tenure at the Department of Geology he
maintained a standard of quality research and refereed publication. He was elected a
Fellow of the Geological Society of America in 1972 and became a recognized
authority on paleobryozoology with his authorship of definitive chapters on
Cystoporate bryozoa in the revised Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology (1983) and
other research contributions.
His performance in the classroom mirrored his contributions in research. John taught
across the entire curriculum from entry-level geology to advanced graduate courses
and supervised the research of some thirty graduate students. He was voted College
of Science Outstanding Teacher in 1978.
John was awarded numerous research and teaching grants. He served on a long list of
College and University Committees, was a member of fourteen professional and
honorary societies and an officer in several. He was a member of the YBRA Council
for multiple terms and served as its President from 1989 to 1991.
In 1984 John assumed the chairmanship of the Department of Geology, succeeding
Russ Dutcher, and remained in that position until 1993. During that span of years he
ceded the leadership of the summer field course to me. I inherited a smoothly
running course with a solid reputation for organization and quality of instruction but
can attest that the view from the leading vehicle in the caravan is different from that
of the last in line and not entirely because the dust is thinner in front. During those
summers John was usually at YBRA to lend a hand with teaching and with good
advice when needed. Rich Fifarek rode shotgun in those days, and Jim Staub, John
Marzolf, and John Weber taught from time to time.
Bill Huggett, researcher in the coal laboratory, receives recognition for 25 years of
service. From left: Steven Esling, Bill Huggett, Ken Anderson, and John Mead,
Director of the Coal Research Center .
As much as he loved the Montana mountains, John also deeply appreciated the
countryside of southern Illinois. On many occasions I’ve met him and Susan by
chance on the roads of Giant City Park or Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge.
We’d stop and trade observations about the weather or birds or wildflowers before
driving on.
In early 2009, John was notified that he had been selected the recipient of the Arthur
Gray Leonard Award, presented to distinguished alumni by the Department of
Geology and Geological Engineering at the University of North Dakota. He was to
receive the Leonard Medal at a banquet in October. John passed away in Carbondale
on September 8, 2009, at the age of 73.
Dr. Steven Hageman, in his memorial published in the Bulletin of the International
Bryozoology Association, put it this way: “To everyone who knew him personally,
John will be remembered as a genuine friend and a notably nice guy.”
Jay Zimmerman
John Utgaard Publications
Published Papers
Hattin, Donald E., Edmund Nosow, R.D. Perkins, E.C. Stumm, M.D. Mound, and
John Utgaard, 1961, Field excursion to the Falls of the Ohio: Guidebook for Field
Trips, Cincinnati Meeting, Geological Society of America, p. 295-350.
Boardman, R.S., and John Utgaard, 1964, Modification of study methods for
Paleozoic Bryozoa: Journal of Paleontology, v. 38, p. 768-770.
Utgaard, John, and R.S. Boardman, 1965, Heterotrypa Nicholson, 1879, and
Peronopora Nicholson, 1881 (Bryozoa, Trepostomata); Proposed designation of a
type-species in conformity with generally accepted usage: Bull. of Zoological
Nomenclature, v. 22, p. 112-118, 1 table.
Boardman, R.S., and John Utgaard, 1966, A revision of the Ordovician bryozoan
genera Monticulipora, Peronopora, Heterotrypa, and Dekayia: Journal of
Paleontology, v. 40, no. 5, p. 1082-1108, pls. 138-142, 9 text-figs.
Utgaard, John, 1968, A revision of North American genera of ceramoporoid
bryozoans (Ectoprocta): Part I; Anolotichiidae: Journal of Paleontology, v. 42, no.
4, p. 1053-1041, pls. 129-132.
Utgaard, John, 1968, A revision of North American genera of ceramoporoid
bryozoans (Ectoprocta): Part II, the Ceramoporidae Crepipora, Ceramoporella,
Acanthoceramoporella, and Ceramophylla: Journal of Paleontology, v. 42, no. 6, p.
1444-1455, pls. 181-184.
Utgaard, John, 1969, A revision of North American genera of ceramoporoid
bryozoans (Ectoprocta): Part III; the Ceramoporidae Ceramopora, Papillalunaria,
Favositella, and Haplotrypa: Journal of Paleontology, v. 43, no. 2, p. 289-297, pls.
Fraunfelter, George, and John Utgaard, 1970, Middle Pennsylvanian edrioasteroid
from southern Illinois: Journal of Paleontology, v. 44, no. 2, p. 297-303, pls. 59-60,
12 text-figs.
Utgaard, John, and Terry Givens, 1973, Middle Pennsylvanian depositional
environments; Delta Mine, Williamson County, Illinois: Thirty-Seventh Annual TriState Field Conference, p. 90-106, 1 table, 3 figures.
Utgaard, John 1979, Paleobiological significance of preserved organic remnants in
Paleozoic cystoporate bryozoans: Abstracts of the Annual Meeting, Illinois State
Academy of Science, p. 34.
Fraunfelter, George H., John Utgaard, Charles F. Mansfield, John T. Popp, Stanley
E. Harris, Jr., Russell J. Jacobson and Richard D. Harvey, 1979, Depositional and
Structural History of the Pennsylvanian System of the Illinois Basin, Part I, Road
Log and Descriptions of Stops: Guidebook for Field Trip No. 9, Ninth International
Congress on Carboniferous Stratigraphy and Geology, Illinois State Geological
Survey Guidebook Series, p. 82-112.
Deshowitz, M.P., and John Utgaard, 1979, Paleoenvironmental interpretation of the
Energy Shale (Middle Pennsylvanian) in southern Illinois. Abstracts of the Annual
Meeting, Illinois State Academy of Science, p. 34.
Utgaard, John, 1979, Paleoecology and depositional history of rock strata associated
with the Herrin (No. 6) Coal, Delta Mine, Williamson County, Illinois: Depositional
and Structural History of the Pennsylvanian System of the Illinois Basin, Part 2,
Invited Papers: Guidebook for Field Trip No. 9, Ninth International Congress on
Carboniferous Stratigraphy and Geology, Illinois State Geological Survey
Guidebook Series, p. 86-92, 2 figs., 1 table.
Healy, Neil D., and John Utgaard, 1979, Ultrastructure of the skeleton of the
cystoporate bryozoans Ceramophylla, Crassaluna. and Cystodictya: in Larwood,
G.P., and Abbott, M.B., eds., Advances in Bryozoology, The Systematics
Association Special Volume No. 13, Academic Press, London, p. 179-194, 2 plates.
Utgaard, John, 1979, Review of Carboniferous cystoporate bryozoan genera:
Abstracts of Papers, Ninth International Congress of Carboniferous Stratigraphy and
Geology, p. 219.
Dutcher, Russell, R., and John E. Utgaard, 1979, Geology of the Illinois Coal Basin:
Abstracts of Papers, First Conference on Ground Control Problems in the Illinois
Coal Basin, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.
Deshowitz, Marc P., and John Utgaard, 1980, Facies, paleoecology, and depositional
environments of the Energy Shale Member (Middle Pennsylvanian) and their
relation to low-sulfur coal deposits, southern Illinois: American Association of
Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, vol. 64, no. 8, p. 1283.
Utgaard, John, 1981, Lunferamita, a new genus of Constellariidae (Bryozoa) with
strong cystoporate affinities: Journal of Paleontology, v. 55, p. 1058-1070, 10 tables,
3 plates.
Deshowitz, Marc P., and Utgaard, John, 1981, Facies, paleoecology, and
depositional environments of Energy Shale Member (Pennsylvanian) and their
relation to low-sulfur coal deposits in southern Illinois: 2nd Annual Program of Coal
Review, Coal Extraction and Utilization Research Center, Southern Illinois
University at Carbondale.
Jaeger, Paul, and John Utgaard, 1983, Facies, depositional environments, diagenesis,
and porosity and permeability of the Salem Limestone in Southwestern and Southern
Illinois: in Frank, C.O., editor, Field Guide for the Eastern Section, American
Association of Petroleum Geologists, Carbondale - 1983, p. 2-29 - 2-41, 9 figs.
Utgaard, John, 1981, Depositional environments of the Brereton Limestone: A
possible aid to predicting roof stability in underground mines in the Herrin (No. 6)
Coal: Illinois Mining and Mineral Resources Research Institute, Southern Illinois
University at Carbondale, p. A-32 - A-33.
Dutcher, Linda A.F., Dutcher, Russell R., and John E. Utgaard, 1983, Geology of the
No. 5 and No. 6 Coals of southern Illinois: in Frank, C.O., editor, Field Guide for
the Eastern Section, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Carbondale 1983, p. 1-52, 17 figs.
Burk, Mitchell K., and John Utgaard, 1983, Facies and depositional environments of
Energy Shale Member (Carbondale Formation, Pennsylvanian), southwestern
Jefferson County, Illinois: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin,
vol. 67, no. 9, p. 1454.
Utgaard, John E., 1985, The origin of variations in the thickness and character of
roof strata important in mines in the Herrin (No. 6) Coal in southern Illinois: in
Chugh,Y.P. editor, Proceedings: Second Conference on Ground Control Problems in
the Illinois Coal Basin, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, p. 28-30.
Guzan, Michael J., and John Utgaard, 1983, Petrography and thickness variations of
Brereton Limestone Member (Carbondale Formation, Middle Pennsylvanian) – an
important roof-rock in part of the Illinois basin: American Association of Petroleum
Geologists Bulletin, vol. 67, no. 9, p. 1455.
DeJarnette, Mark L., and John E. Utgaard, 1986, Facies and depositional
environments of a mixed carbonate-clastic sequence in the Sundance Formation
(Jurassic), northeastern Bighorn Basin, Montana and Wyoming: in Geology of the
Beartooth Uplift and adjacent basins: Montana Geological Society and YellowstoneBighorn Research Association Joint Field Conference and Symposium, p. 27-31, 3
figs.,1 plate.
O'Connell, Dennis B., and John Utgaard, 1983, Biofacies and habitats of Brereton
Limestone Member (Carbondale Formation, Middle Pennsylvanian), southwestern
Illinois: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, vol. 67, no. 9, p.
Wescott, William A., and John E. Utgaard, 1987, An Upper Mississippian trace
fossil assemblage from the Tar Springs Sandstone, southern Illinois: Journal of
Paleontology, v. 61, no. 2, p. 231-241, 6 figs.
Utgaard, John E., Cleaveland, Thomas H., Bird, Shane R., and Dennis B. O'Connell,
1983, Depositional environments and variability of the Brereton Limestone Member
(Pennsylvanian, Desmoinesian), an important coal mine roof rock, in southwestern
Illinois: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, vol. 15, no. 6, p.
Burk, Mitchell K., Deshowitz, Marc P. and John E. Utgaard, 1987, Facies and
depositional environments of the Energy Shale Member (Pennsylvanian) and their
relationship to low-sulfur coal deposits in southern Illinois: Journal of Sedimentary
Petrology, v. 57, no. 6, p. 1060-1067, 1 table, 6 figs.
Utgaard, John E., 1984, Sedimentation on an abandoned delta-plain peat swamp:
The Middle Pennsylvanian Herrin (No. 6) Coal, Energy Shale, Anna Shale and
Brereton Limestone Members in southern Illinois: Geological Society of America,
Abstracts with Programs, vol. 16, no. 3, p. 203.
Vice, Mari A. and John E. Utgaard, 1989, Depositional Environments in the Mission
Canyon Limestone (Madison Group, Mississippian), Northern Bighorn Basin
Region, Montana and Wyoming: in Geologic Resources of Montana, vol. 1:
Montana Geological Society, Centennial Field Conference Guidebook, p. 55-64, 10
DeJarnette, M.L., and John Utgaard, 1984, Shoal, lagoonal and tidal flat carbonates
and sandstones in the Hulett Sandstone Member of the Sundance Formation
(Jurassic): northeastern Bighorn Basin, Montana and Wyoming: Geological Society
of America, Abstracts with Programs 1984, vol. 16, no. 6, p. 485-486.
Vice, Mari A, and John E. Utgaard, 1996. Sedimentation and Early Diagenesis on
the Mississippian Mission Canyon Platform in the Northern Bighorn Basin Region:
in Resources of the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming Geological Association Guidebook, p.
145 - 157, 22 figs., 3 tables, 1 plate.
Vice, M. A., R. H. Fifarek, and J. E. Utgaard, 2000, Diagenesis of the Mississippian
Mission Canyon Formation, northern Bighorn Basin region, south-central Montana
and northern Wyoming: in R. A. Schalla and E. H. Johnson, eds. Montana
Geological Society, 50th Anniversary Symposium, Montana/Alberta Thrust Belt and
Adjacent Foreland, Vol. 1, p. 83 - 96.
Published Abstracts
Utgaard, John, and T.G. Perry, 1960, Fenestrate bryozoans from the Glen Dean
Limestone (Middle Chester) of southern Indiana: Geological Society of America
Bulletin, v. 71, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 2027.
Utgaard, John, and T.G. Perry, 1963, Trepostomatous bryozoan fauna of the upper
part of the Whitewater Formation (Cincinnatian) of eastern Indiana and western
Ohio: Geological Society of America, Special Paper no. 67, p. 171.
Utgaard, John, 1971, An undescribed genus of Constellariidae with strong
cystoporate affinities: Second International Conference on Bryozoa, International
Bryozoological Association, Programme, Abstract No. 48, Durham, England.
Utgaard, John, 1973, Mode of colony growth, autozooids and polymorphism in the
bryozoan Order Cystoporata: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with
Programs, v. 5, no. 4, p. 359-360.
Utgaard, John, and Neil D. Healey, 1977, Ultrastructure of the skeleton of the
cystoporate bryozoans Ceramophylla, Crassaluna, and Cystodictya: Program of
Fourth International Conference on Bryozoa, International Bryozoological
Association, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass., 1977, p. 46.
Mansholt, M.S., Utgaard, J.E., and R.L. Langenheim, 1985, Paleoecology and
depositional environments of Wolfcampian carbonates in Arrow Canyon, Clark
County, Nevada: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Midyear
Meeting Abstract Volume.
Utgaard, J.E., O'Connell, D.B., Cleaveland, T.H., and Bird, S.R., 1988, Paleoecology
applied to coal geology: the relationship of the distribution of biofacies in the
Brereton Limestone Member (Carbondale Formation, Middle Pennsylvanian) to
variability in coal-mine roof strata in southwestern Illinois: Geological Society of
America, Abstracts with Programs 1988, vol. 20, no. 5, p. 393. (Invited paper).
Vice, Mari A., and John E. Utgaard, 1989, Depositional environments in the Mission
Canyon Limestone (Madison Group, Mississippian), northern Bighorn basin region,
Montana and Wyoming: Montana Geological Society, 1989 Field Conference
Guidebook, vol. II, p. xvii.
Vice, Mari A., and John E. Utgaard, 1990, Microfacies and diagenesis in the Mission
Canyon Limestone, south-central Montana and northern Wyoming: Geological
Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 1990, vol. 22, no. 7, p. A89.
Vice, Mari A., and John E. Utgaard, 1991, Local facies variability in the Mission
Canyon Limestone, west flank, Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming: American
Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, V. 75, no. 6, p. 1143.
Vice, Mari A. and John E. Utgaard, 1992, Carbonate sedimentation on the
Mississippian Mission Canyon platform: response to tectonism and sea level
changes: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, vol. 24, no. 7, p.
Vice, Mari A., Bensley, David F., and John E. Utgaard, 1992, Fluorescence
spectroscopy: a promising tool for carbonate petrology: Geological Society of
America, Abstracts with Programs, vol. 24, no. 7, p. A230.
Vice, Mari A and John E. Utgaard, 1993, Sedimentation and early diagenesis on the
Mississippian Mission Canyon Platform: response to tectonism and sea level
fluctuations: Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists and Global Sedimentary
Geology Program, Program and Abstracts for Carboniferous to Jurassic Pangea
Conference, p. 321.
Utgaard, John E., and David F. Bensley, 1995, Using computer-enhanced, scanned
images of polished rock surfaces to study lamina thickness variations in thinly
laminated tidal deposits: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs,
vol. 28, no. 7, p. A-450.
Murphy, Steppen, Staub, James R., Utgaard, John E., and Gastaldo, Robert A., 1996,
Distribution and ecology of Holocene foraminifera within the Lassa distributary of
the Rajang River delta, Sarawak, East Malaysia: Geological Society of America,
Abstracts with Programs, vol. 28, no. 7, p. A-485.
Kruge, M. A., J. E. Utgaard and W. Ferry, 1999, A biogeochemical comparison of
fossil (Carboniferous) and modern crustose red algae: European Association of
Organic Geochemists 19th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, Tubitak
Marmara Research Center, Earth Sciences Research Institute, Abstracts, Part 2,
Cope, K. H., J. E. Utgaard, and J. M. Masters, 1999, The fauna of the Clayton
Formation (Paleocene, Danian) of southern Illinois: Geological Society of America,
Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 31, No 7, p. A-464.
sequences of southern Illinois: Thirty-Seventh Annual Tri-State Field Conference,
158 pp., 30 figs.
College of Science Outstanding Alumnus
The College of Science, Southern Illinois University Carbondale awarded James
Lightner its outstanding alumnus award in 2009. Jim earned his Bachelor’s degree
in Geology here in 1974, and a Master’s degree in Geology as a Fulbright Fellow
from the Australian National University.
Jim has over 25 years of oil and petroleum industry experience, including holding
internships with AMOCO Oil, serving as non-Executive Chairman of Forest Oil,
Inc., as Vice President and General Manager and Exploration Manager of the Denver
Division of EOG Resources, Inc., and as Chairman, President and Chief Executive
Officer of Tom Brown, Inc. He was also CEO of Orion Energy Partners and is a
founding partner in Beacon E&P, LLC. Jim has served as a director of IPAMS and
COGA, and is a member of the National Petroleum Council, AAPG, SEG and
Jim serves on various Boards, and as a proud alumnus of Southern Illinois
University, established the Dutcher-Utgaard Geology Field Course Endowment as a
means of supporting a summer field experience he credits with allowing him to
receive hands-on learning in the field of Geology.
Vice, M. A., Fifarek, R. H. and J. E. Utgaard, 2000, Diagenesis of the Mississippian
Mission Canyon Formation, northern Bighorn Basin region, south-central Montana
and northern Wyoming: in R. A. Schalla and E. H. Johnson, eds., Montana
Geological Society, 50th Anniversary Symposium, Montana/Alberta Thrust Belt and
Adjacent Foreland, Vol. 2, p. 32.
Cuffey, R. J., R. A. Davis, and J. E. Utgaard, 2001, The Cincinnati
Paleobryozoologists. International Bryozoology Association & The Society for the
History of Natural History, From John Ellis to Bryostatins: The History of Study of
Fossil and Living Bryozoans, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, Abstracts, p. 8.
Published Books
Utgaard, John and T.G. Perry, 1960, Fenestrate bryozoans from the Glen Dean
Limestone (Middle Chester) of southern Indiana: Indiana Department of
Conservation, Geol. Survey Bulletin 19, 31 pp., 6 pls., 12 text-figs.
Utgaard, John and T.G. Perry, 1964, Trepostomatous bryozoan fauna of the upper
part of the Whitewater Formation (Cincinnatian) of Eastern Indiana and Western
Ohio: Indiana Department of Conservation, Geological Survey Bulletin 33, 111 pp.,
23 pls., 1 text-fig., 62 tables.
Boardman, R.S., Cheetham, A.H., Blake, D.B., Utgaard, J.E., Karklims, O.L., Cook,
P.L., Sandberg, P.A., Lutand, G., and T.S. Wood, 1983, Treatise on Invertebrate
Paleontology, Part G, Bryozoa, Revised, vol 1: Geological Society of America and
the University of Kansas, 625 pp., 295 figs.
Chapters in Published Books
Utgaard, John, 1973, Mode of colony growth, autozooids, and polymorphism in the
bryozoan Order Cystoporata: in Animal Colonies, Development and Function
through time: Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross, Inc., p. 317-360, 74 figures.
Cuffey, Roger J., and John E. Utgaard, 1999, Bryozoans: in R. Singer, ed.,
Encyclopedia of Paleontology, Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, Vol. 1, p. 204 - 216.
Chapters in Treatise
Utgaard, John, 1983, Paleobiology and taxonomy of the Order Cystoporata: in
Boardman, R.S., Cheetham, A.H., Blake, D.B., Utgaard, J.E., Karklims, O.L., Cook,
P.L., Sandberg, P.A., Lutand, G., and T.S. Wood, Treatise on Invertebrate
Paleontology, Part G, Bryozoa, Revised, vol. 1, Geological Society of America and
University of Kansas, p. 327-357, figs. 142-155.
Utgaard, John, 1983, Systematic descriptions for the Order Cystoporata: in
Boardman, R.S., Cheetham, A.H., Blake, D.B., Utgaard, J.E., Karklims, O.L., Cook,
P.L., Sandberg, P.A., Lutand, G., and T.S. Wood, Treatise on Invertebrate
Paleontology, Part G, Bryozoa, Revised, vol. 1, Geological Society of America and
University of Kansas, p. 358-439, figs. 156-215.
Laboratory Manuals
Utgaard, John, and George Fraunfelter, 1970, Introduction to paleontology:
laboratory exercise for GSA 321: Schultz Publishing Co., Evansville, Indiana, 75 p.
Book Reviews
Utgaard, John 1968, Review of "Bryozoan Tabulipora carbonaria in Wreford
Megacyclothem (Lower Permian) of Kansas", by Roger J. Cuffey, 1964, The
University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions, Bryozoa, Article 1, 96 p. 9 pls.:
Journal of Paleontology, v. 42, no. 2, pp. 601-603.
Utgaard, John, 1974, Review of "Rhabdomesid bryozoans of Wreford
Megacyclothem (Wolfcampian, Permian) of Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma", by
Geoffrey B. Newton, 1971, The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions,
Article 56 (Bryozoa, Article 2), 71 p., 2 pls., 10 tables, 19 text-figs.: Journal of
Paleontology, v. 48, no. 3, p. 612-613.
Ethridge, Frank G., George Fraunfelter, and John Utgaard, editors, 1973,
Depositional environments of selected Lower Pennsylvanian Upper Mississippian
James Lightner
May, 2009 Commencement Speech
Good morning graduates, friends and family members, faculty and administration. I
am very happy to be here and need to thank the students and the university, because
this is my first college commencement. I was in your exact same position 34 years
ago except that I didn’t have the pleasure of attending a commencement ceremony. I
didn’t discover geology until the first semester my junior year so it took me an extra
half year to graduate. After leaving here I got married (which was and still is the
best thing that has ever happened to me), spent 2 ½ years obtaining my Masters
Degree in Australia, followed by 32 years working in the private sector finding and
producing domestic “home-grown” energy for this great country of ours. My wife
and I have lived in Canberra Australia, Houston Texas, Billings Montana, and
Denver Colorado. We have two sons – one who just graduated from college and one
who just finished his sophomore year in college. What I would like to do this
morning is share some thoughts and observations about life after college that I have
accumulated over the last 34 years.
I would like to touch on science first. When I arrived on campus 39 years ago in
1970, the so-called enlightened hippy movement was beginning to wind down and
we celebrated the very first Earth Day event. The organized focus on our
environment was well-intentioned and very beneficial – I have no doubt that we all
want to treat our environment responsibly. But let me share some predictions made
on that historic occasion 39 years ago.
We have about 5 more years at the outside to do something! (famous
Civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken
against problems facing mankind. (Harvard biologist)
Population will inevitably and completely outstrip whatever small increases
in food supply we make. The death rate will increase until at least 100 to
200 million people per year will be starving to death in the next 10 years.
(Stanford biologist)
And you may not remember but we had experienced a significant 30-year cooling
spell from 1940 to 1970. We were being told the earth was going into another ice
age and that human activity was to blame. I would like to humbly suggest that all of
the above “alarmist” statements were not scientifically based but stemmed from a
passionate belief system that seems to consistently find fault with mankind.
Today we are facing dire predictions of run-away global warming primarily due to
human CO2 emissions. The Environmental Protection Agency has recently issued an
endangerment finding for CO2 emissions and it is now considered a pollutant. A
pollutant? Sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, ozone, carbon monoxide, particulate
matter and lead are pollutants everyone can agree on. But CO2? A naturally
occurring trace gas that is essential to plant life on earth. More CO2 means more
plant life and therefore more animals? An essential building block of life as we
know it? Without its natural greenhouse gas effect our earth would be a frozen icecovered planet.
So why do I think we should all be concerned with this issue? Because something
that is so natural and obviously beneficial to our ecosystems is now labeled a
pollutant solely due to a theory and extremely complex computer models that predict
runaway global warming caused by increasing levels of man-made emissions of
These computer model predictions can’t be tested or verified. And these conclusions
are being reached without an open honest scientific debate. Does that make any
sense to you? If we had a debate we would find out that there is a rapidly growing
number of highly respected scientists who question the current so-called consensus.
That they believe the data shows that more than half of the last 10,000 years were
warmer than we are now. Most recently that it was warmer in the Medieval Warm
Period from around 700-1100 years before present (when Greenland was settled for
grazing – have you ever wondered why they called it Greenland?) That 1936 was
the warmest year in the last century? What about the current concern for polar
bears? The Department of Interior in May of 2008 listed them as “threatened” under
the Endangered Species Act. The World Wildlife Fund has warned that polar bears
might stop reproducing by 2012 and become functionally extinct in less than a
decade. But polar bears survived much warmer periods than we have now and their
global population has increased dramatically from about 5,000 bears in the 1960’s to
about 25,000 today.
Did you know that our beloved planet has not warmed since 1998 and in fact has
cooled over the last 6-7 years? Have any of us heard that in the nightly news? None
of the complex climate models predicted this. In fact none of the models have been
able to even replicate past climate change. Have you ever read that the historical
climate record shows no causal correlation between CO2 and temperature? This
statement is true on every time scale – millennia, centuries or decades. In fact the
data shows CO2 levels increase about 400 to 800 years after warming periods begin –
not before. What we do know and can verify is that there is a close correlation
between solar and orbital variability and climate change. This data documents a
proven causal correlation with climate change and, in fact, predicted the current
business. I humbly suggest you strive to be that type of employee. But what if, after
being on the job for a year or two, you discover that you really don’t like your job?
Fine – that’s life. You have no contract keeping you there. But don’t quit – never
quit without having another job lined up. Go ahead and get serious about finding
your next position. But know full well that your chances for landing a new quality
job are significantly better if you currently hold a job. That tells the prospective
employer a lot about you. Keep all your options open – quitting early does not do
that for you.
Once you have this first job out of college how do you obtain the freedom and ease
of mind that come with truly being independent? You must live within your means.
Supposedly over 50% of college graduates get into a precarious financial situation
within several years of leaving college. That first new job and resultant steady
income prompt many folks to go on a buying binge. Don’t let it happen to you. One
of the many reasons our economy is in the tank is that way too many of us were
living beyond our means – living with large amounts of debt. If you remember one
thing from this grey-haired geologist please remember that debt is truly a four letter
word. Sure you will probably need a car loan and a house mortgage someday but
only buy what you can afford to pay off. No one really needs a new car – not much
in life is certain but you can be 100% certain that your shiny new car will be a
significant money-loser. Credit cards are highly overrated and very dangerous. I
suggest you only have one and use it only for emergencies. Do you really want to
borrow money at 12 to 24% interest? Don’t fall into these common traps.
Commit to learn as much as you can about personal finance and responsible financial
habits. If you get savvy about personal financial responsibility now, it will be one of
the most important tools you use for the rest of your life. Just remember our buying
decisions should be about what we need, not what we want. There is a big
difference, and confusing the two is how we get into trouble. I have come to the
conclusion that, all other things being equal, a person with a decent savings account
will be more content, more independent, and more able to weather life’s ups and
downs than a person without any savings.
May, 2009 commencement, from the left: Dr. Jay Means, Dean of the College of
Science; James Lightner, Outstanding Alumnus; Steven Esling, Chair, Department of
There are 6.2BB people on our planet and 1.6BB of those unlucky souls do not have
and have never had electricity. In the third world access to fossil fuels is critical.
Two and a half billion people use biomass such as wood, waste and dung to cook and
keep warm. This obviously causes serious environmental degradation and
deforestation. About 1.3MM people – mostly women and children – die each year
from heavy indoor air pollution. A switch from biomass to fossil fuels would
dramatically and immediately improve 2.5BB lives. It is a fact that fossil fuels
provide 85% of global energy needs. The global economy and your quality of life
are fueled by reliable affordable energy. If the economy is not healthy the
environment suffers. This presents an interesting paradox: A healthy environment
requires a healthy economy; that economy requires energy and today that energy is
largely fossil fuels. As we all sit here today expelling our newly designated pollutant
every 3 seconds or so we should at least demand an open scientific debate before
strangling the world’s energy supplies.
Are you a believer or a denier? Friends, these are not scientific terms. I have my
own opinions but I’ll be the first to admit I have no idea what the real answer is.
You have all been provided a wonderful science education from this fine institution
of higher learning. As you go through life I urge you to use that training and the
time tested scientific method to demand open debates and to do your own research
which will enable you to make up your own mind, rather than listening to the media
or politicians. Get involved. I guarantee you will have plenty of opportunities to do
So now, armed with a highly educated, open, inquiring mind, you leave this campus
in search of what is next. You are heading out into the thick of a painful recession.
Nice timing! Let me share some observations from 32 years in private industry.
Most of you probably have no idea what you want to do or what you want to be.
That is very normal – get used to it. Most people your age haven’t discovered what
their true passions are yet. My advice is to find your passion and follow it. You
want to enjoy what you are going to be doing for a large part of the rest of your life.
It may take numerous jobs or occupations to determine this but these learning
experiences are invaluable. There really is no substitute.
I would implore you not to count on the government or anyone else to take care of
you. You want to be in charge of your own future. Please be aware that no one
owes you a job – you have to earn it and you better be darn good at what you do.
You will always be competing against other job seekers and you will want every
competitive edge you can get. Please do not be close-minded about where you want
to live as you search for these jobs. Go live in Hell’s Half Acre if you have to, to get
that first job – who knows, you may actually find that you like it there! If not, you
now have the all-important experience factor and after 3 years or so you can start
focusing on finding a job where you want to live.
What kind of employees are employers constantly searching for? I suggest that you
imagine starting your very own business. Wow, straight out of college and you are
the boss running the whole show. You are responsible for keeping the business
healthy and sustainable. Now ask yourself what type of employee would you want
to help you achieve this success? I would want hard-working, committed, problemsolving, value-creating people with strong morals and winning attitudes. People that
never lose their desire to learn. Why would you want anything different? These
individuals would give us the best shot at building a profitable competitive on-going
You will be receiving a well-earned diploma today. There is no doubt you worked
hard for it. Even though the current job market is tough, remember that you have a
great advantage over those unable to attend college. So immediately after receiving
your diploma go straight to Mom and Dad (or whoever aided you financially), give
them a big hug, look them in the eye and say Thanks! Do it from the bottom of your
heart. You will find out 20-25 years from now that putting your kids through college
is a huge financial sacrifice. They do it because they love you, because they want
the best for you and because they want you to have the opportunity to use your
abilities to the fullest. But make no mistake, it is a sacrifice – please don’t ever take
it for granted.
I would like to address one other topic before I turn you loose to your diploma and
well-deserved celebration. I would like to challenge you to decide what kind of life
you want to lead. I am going to borrow some words here from Tony Dungy who led
the Indianapolis Colts to Super Bowl victory in February 2007. I don’t know the
man (but wish I did) but from what I know of him, he is one of my role models.
Tony Dungy believed that his primary job as an NFL coach was to build men worthy
of being role models to a nation of boys who look up to them. Men of character,
integrity and courage. Men with both confidence and humility. Men who know the
value of family and faith as well as career. “The life you lead is totally up to you. It
is not affected whatsoever by income, position or service. What kind of person do
you want to be? Today, I have friends of all ages, races and economic backgrounds.
But my closest friends are people of high character – I don’t hang around with
people I can’t trust. Character is tested, revealed and further developed by the
decisions we make in the most challenging times.” What kind of character will you
be proud of? Do you want to be a person of humility and integrity? “The great thing
about integrity is that it has nothing to do with position, wealth, race or gender. It is
not determined by shifting circumstances, cultural dynamics or what you’ve
achieved. From the moment you are born, you and you alone determine whether you
will be a person of integrity. Integrity does not come in degrees – low, medium or
high. You either have it or you don’t.” Do you want to be the best friend anyone
could have in the whole world, the best spouse, the best parent? Think about what
your mentors and your role models meant to you and imagine what a huge positive
influence you could have on others.
“Each one of us is born with unique gifts, abilities and passions. How well we use
those qualities to have an impact on the world around us determines how ‘successful’
we really are.”
“The messages pounded into us daily by modern society are a cop-out – messages of
sexual conquest, financial achievement, of fame or victory in general!!”
“If we get caught up in chasing what the world defines as success we can use our
time, talent and energy to do some great things. We might even become famous.
But in the end what will it mean?”
“What will people remember us for? Are other people’s lives better because we
lived? Did we make a difference? Did we use to the fullest the gifts and abilities
God gave us? Did we give our best effort and did we do it for the right reasons?
Definition of success is really one of ‘significance” – the significant difference our
lives can make in the lives of others. The significance doesn’t show up in your net
worth or your titles or your list of publications or long resume. It is found in the
hearts and lives of the people who you have come across in your life who are better
in some way because of the impact you had in their life.”
So graduates, it is up to you to decide what kind of life you want to lead– and you
will continue to make those decisions every day for the rest of your lives.
Congratulations on your wonderful achievement. You have unlimited potential and
no idea where the future will lead you. Think of how exciting that is! You are the
future of our beloved country. As you embark on the next journey of your life I urge
you to live a life of true significance – that is how you will make a real difference.
Godspeed and God bless. Thank you.
Summer Field Course
We thought you might like to read a poem by Christine Black, one of our
undergraduate students, recited on the last day of the field course in 2009:
Lament of the Field Camp Student
We used to think classroom learning was a bore;
We wanted to go to the field and explore!
Now the thought leaves us crying on the floor;
We are field camp students.
Our feet have all been torn to shreds,
Our boots are slowly losing their treads,
But the largest pains are in our heads;
We are field camp students.
We wanted to spend time under the stars,
Instead we spend it all in the cars.
Well, that and getting in fights in bars;
We are field camp students.
Layne Britton – Depositional History of a Low Sulfur Coal in a Typically High
Sulfur Basin
Andrew Flor – Evaluating Levee Failure Susceptibility on the Mississippi River
Using Logistic Regression Analysis and GPS Surveying
Teresa Zimmerman Russin – Origin of the Auriferous Barite-Base Metal and
Goethite Stages of the Summitville High Sulfidation Gold Deposit, Colorado, USA
Christopher York – Combustion Property of Density Separated Inertinite Macerals in
the Herrin #6 and Murphysboro Coal Seams
Drew Downs – In Search of the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary: Palynostratigraphy and
Carbon-Isotope Stratigraphy of the Lower Dinosaur Canyon Member on the
Colorado Plateau (Kanab, Utah)
Laura Bordelon – Austral Autumn and Winter Seasonal Affectson Benthic
Foraminiferal Communities: Bransfield and Northern Gerlache Straits
Luis Parra-Avila – Rediscovering Southeast Missouri Mississippi Valley-Type PbZn Deposits: The Co-Ni Enriched Higdon Deposit, Madison and Perry Counties
At the start Bruntons we were lent,
Now we're all completely spent,
And on the Bruntons nary a dent,
We are field camp students.
Geology Graduates
John Boyd, May, 2008, BS
Sarah Garner, May, 2008, BS
Adam Shaw, May, 2008, BS
Thomas Reeves, May, 2008, BA
Christopher DeBoer, August, 2008, BS
Elizabeth Evanoff, August, 2008, BS
Jennifer Klopfenstein, August, 2008, BS
Timothy Pool, August, 2008, BS
Thomas Fullingim, December, 2008, BS
Justin Skord, December, 2008, BS
Jennifer Kelley, May, 2008, MS
Neil Shannon, May, 2008, MS
Alicia Stanfill Dye, August, 2008, MS
Brendan Lutz, August, 2008, MS
Elizabeth Geiger, December, 2008, MS
Kristen Krug, December, 2008, MS
Dominic Smith, December, 2008, MS
Rob Venczel, December, 2008, MS
Geology Graduates
Joseph Batir, May, 2009, BS
Kiel Keller, May, 2009, BS
Jennafer Purdy, May, 2009, BS
Kenny Basnett, August, 2009, BS
Gary Vancil, August, 2009, BS
Christine Black, December, 2009, BS
Tony Tobenski, August, 2009, BS
Layne Britton, May, 2009, MS
Andrew Flor, May, 2009, MS
Teresa Russin, May, 2009, MS
Chris York, May, 2009, MS
Drew Downs, August, 2009, MS
Laura Bordelon, December, 2009, MS
Joe Batir, one of the outstanding seniors for 2009 at the May, commencement.
Kenny Basnett is behind him.
New Dissertations with
Geology Faculty Advisors
Christopher Williams – Recent natural and anthropogenic ecosystem change to the
marine environments of Biscayne Bay, Florida
Jonathan Remo – Utilizing Archival Data to Assess Historic Changes in Flood Flow
Conveyance of the Mississippi River
John Keller – Creation of Highly Accurate Radial Numerical Models for the
Analysis of Aquifer Tests
Christopher Williams, December, 2009, PhD
New Theses in Geology
Scholarships and Awards
Jennifer L. Kelley – Glassy Tephra of Yasur Volcano, Vanuatu: A Magnetic,
Petrographic, and Crystallographic Study of Implications for Devitrification
Bill D. Allen Geology Memorial Scholarship
Elizabeth Evanoff
Neil Shannon – Mississippian (Chesterian) Brachiopods of the Illinois Basin: A
Paleoecologic and Paleoenvironmental Analysis of the Clore Formation in the
Illinois Basin
Ira E. Odom Memorial Scholarship
John D. Boyd
Matthew McIndoo
John Larson
Kiel Keller
Thomas Fullingim
Adam Shaw
Gary Vancil
Alicia Stanfill Dye – Geophysical Investigation of the Subsurface Structure of the
Pennsylvanian and Younger Strata associated with the Inman East Fault, Gallatin
County, IL
Elizabeth Geiger – Paleoecology of Pleistocene Gastropods in Glacial Lake Deposits
in Southern Illinois/Missouri
Brendan Lutz – Late Neogene Planktonic Foraminifera of the Cibao Valley
(Dominican Republic), Biostratigraphy and Paleoceanography
Rob Venczel – Historical and Seasonal Patterns in the Conveyance Capacity of the
Tisza River, Hungary
John L. Jobling Memorial Geology Fellowship
Brendan Lutz
Joe Porter Geology Memorial Fellowship
Ryan Scroggins
David Beals Memorial Scholarship
Joseph Batir
Stan and Jane Harris Scholarship
Christopher DeBoer
Outstanding Senior
Elizabeth Evanoff
Scholarships and Awards
Bill D. Allen Geology Memorial Scholarship
John Larson
Ira E. Odom Memorial Scholarship
Ashton Terry
Michael Harris
Kenny Basnett
Christine Black
Tony Tobenski
Matt Hebbard
Melissa Mesmer
John L. Jobling Memorial Geology Fellowship
Elizabeth Evanoff
Ed Cox Memorial Scholarship
Kiel Keller
Jerry Aler Memorial Scholarship
Joseph F. Batir
Eric C. Ferré  The main news item concern my 6 months sabbatical leave in
France where I was able to perfect my already extensive analysis of French cheeses.
I visited three areas to collect smelly samples, in the South (where I spent 3 months
at the University of Montpellier), in the North (1 month at the University of CergyPontoise) and in the West (at the University of Nantes). Since the cheeses were
equally good in all places, I had to keep myself busy with other activities, the French
TV being as boring as the US counterpart.
In Montpellier, I worked on two mantle-related projects since this is their area of
Xenomag Project – This new project started from a brainstorming session between
Ferré and his colleague Martin-Hernandez (Madrid) aimed at identifying new high
visibility projects in rock magnetism. The two scientists are aware that despite
publication of their results in good journals their respective citations indices are not
as high as in other disciplines such as geochemistry for example. One of the
strategies considered to improve is to embark on new projects that would attract
significant interest from one of the leading communities in geosciences that focuses
on mantle processes. To this effect, the two investigators decided to start a new
project on the magnetic properties of the lithospheric mantle based on analysis of
mantle xenoliths. Samples for this project have been taken from collections in
Montpellier and St Etienne. This project resulted in a grant proposal submitted in
December 2009.
Humboldt Corridor Project – Ferré has collected samples of a unique subhorizontal
shear zone in the ophiolite of New Caledonia in 2007. These samples have been
analyzed in Montpellier in collaboration with a post-doctoral researcher. A
publication on these results is in preparation for the journal Tectonophysics.
While in Montpellier, I also developed two new projects related to pseudotachylytes
(rocks formed by frictional melting during earthquakes).
Outstanding Senior
Joseph F. Batir and Kiel Keller
Joseph Batir was not only an outstanding student in the Department of Geology, he
excelled as a student in the University, earning a prestigious McArthur Fellowship.
He was also selected to the All-USA College Academic Team by USA Today and
was named a Fulbright Scholar for his graduate studies.
Faculty and Staff News
Many of the faculty prepared statements summarizing events in their lives over the
last two years:
James Conder  I am delighted to have joined the department as an assistant
professor of geophysics in 2008. Conveniently, the move wasn’t far, as I am coming
from Washington University in St. Louis, where I was a researcher in the seismology
group. It has been a great experience getting to know the faculty, students, and other
members of the department. Some quick background on me: I grew up in Salt Lake
City and received an undergraduate degree in Geology with a minor in Mathematics
from the University of Utah. After graduation, I worked for a short time at
Kennecott Exploration, a precious metals mining company, before continuing with
graduate studies at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. My research
focuses on seismology and geodynamics, with an emphasis on subduction zones.
Much of my recent work has been closely tied to the NSF MARGINS program
which aims to present an integrated understanding of the many geological processes
occurring at both oceanic-continental and oceanic-oceanic boundaries.
In addition to moving house and setting up my office and research lab, I spent my
first semester, Fall 08, teaching and developing the class Solid Earth Geophysics,
comprising both graduate and undergraduate students, and representing SIU on the
Illinois State Seismic Hazards Task Force Committee. In September, I presented a
poster titled Arc and backarc melt production and interaction of the Mariana system
from geodynamical modeling at the American Geophysical Union Chapman
Conference on Shallow Mantle Composition & Dynamics (5th International
Lherzolite Conference) at Mt. Shasta, CA. This work explores the structure (seismic,
thermal, and petrologic) and behavior of mantle beneath the volcanoes making up the
Mariana island chain. This chain is associated with robust backarc spreading, with
marked along-strike changes in morphology, petrology, and arc-spreading center
distance. This work helps put each of these changes in a geodynamic context where
arc-spreading center distance is a primary factor in melt retention and mixing in the
Mariana mantle and likely at other arc-backarc systems. I look forward to continuing
researching and teaching as part of the SIU geoscience community.
Steven P. Esling In the opening letter to the newsletter, I told you about the May,
2009 storm. It hit my family hard. Some of you may recall that I live in a geodesic
dome and you may also recall the ancient oak that grew just to the northwest of my
home. Well that tree came down on the house crashing through the roof at one point
and knocking my bed about six feet across the room. Numerous other trees were
down blocking most entrances to the house and we were without power for about a
week. Structural damage has been repaired, but I still need a new roof as well as
cosmetic repairs to the house.
John Keller and I submitted another paper together this year to Ground Water on an
Excel file that serves as an interface to the Kansas Geological Survey slug test
program. This is a useful tool for practicing professionals that would like to apply
state-of-the-art methods in the determination of hydraulic conductivity. John
completed his dissertation in the summer, 2009 and has recently accepted a teaching
position in Nevada. Doug Kolb completed his thesis on the Quaternary deposits of a
quadrangle in southern Illinois. He is now in Utah, gainfully employed.
My family is doing well, but I am going to make some of you feel very old. Ellen
graduated high school and will start at Southern this coming fall. Do any of you
remember babysitting her? Molly is about to complete her freshman year in high
school. Time moves much much too fast. All the best in the coming year.
Mt Shasta, September, 2008
Pseudotachylyte Tomography Project – This new project stemmed from an original
idea of Ferré based on a flaw in the resolution of the determination of seismic slip
direction and seismic slip sense of pseudotachylytes in a recent paper published in
Nature. A solution to the problem is currently investigated and is based on samples
collected in the Italian Alps and processed as serially cut slabs across large veins of
pseudotachylyte. The geometric solution requires a freeware image stitching
software used to create a 3-D rendering from which the vein asymmetry can be
Pseudotachylyte Fabric Project – The issue of determining seismic slip direction and
slip sense can also be addressed by using the internal fabric of pseudotachylyte
veins. To avoid ambiguity regarding the origin of the fabric Ferré has selected a
unique example of paramagnetic pseudotachylyte in which the anisotropy of
magnetic susceptibility is controlled by small oriented flakes of phyllosilicates. New
measurements of the crystallographic orientation of these very small crystals have
been performed on the European instrument CrystalProbe installed in Montpellier in
the Spring 2009. The material of this study is the core of a manuscript in preparation
for the journal Nature.
The sabbatical month in Cergy-Pontoise was dedicated to pseudotachylyte projects.
New samples were collected during two field missions in the southern part of Massif
Central, near the small town of Chirac (which has nothing to do with a former
French president) and in the classic area of Val Gilba in the Italian Alps. Doing field
work in Italy is always a challenge because food is good that you can barely crawl to
the outcrops. Nevertheless, my three French colleagues and I were able to find new
localities and geometric criteria for fault propagation direction.
Nantes is in the part of France where my father is from, so it was a kind of return to
ancestral roots and talking about roots Nantes on the month of April had their floral
garden competition. It was really amazing to see the floating gardens on the canals.
Nantes has been nicknamed the Venice of the West. My work in Nantes consisted in
wrapping up an old long overdue project on the Bushveld Complex of South Africa.
I had worked on this with Patrick Launeau back in 1999. The manuscript is now in
good shape and will be submitted soon. I also had opportunities to talk about Mars
with their planetary group and learned a lot about hyperspectral imagery with
Back to Carbondale in June, I took off immediately to teach our field camp in
Montana. Everything went smoothly at YBRA and we have now added Grand
Tetons to the list of National Parks that we visit. I find GTNP a lot more friendly
than Yellowstone.
The main event of the Fall 2009 was our field mission to South Africa during which
we collected samples from the Karoo dolerites. The goal of this project is to figure
out if the magma flow pattern was determined by the underlying mantle plume or if
it was locally controlled by the dike network. The results have already been
presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall meeting by Aneesa Lehman, one
of the SIU undergraduate students who participated in the South Africa adventure.
During that trip we also visited localities such as the Kimberley diamond mine and
the Vredefort asteroid impact craters.
Richard H. Fifarek  My professional highlight of 2008 was the opportunity to
consult for a privately funded company conducting "grass roots" exploration for gold
deposits in a highly favorable area of northern Nevada. It was the first time since
graduate school (back in the Neoproterozoic?) that I had engaged in such summer
activities. Even though no major discoveries were found, the experience was very
challenging and enjoyable. As late as August, 2008 metal prices were high and it
was difficult for exploration companies to find geologists or drill rigs. Of course,
this was prior to the worldwide plunge in demand for commodities and the sharp
downturn in the industry that prompted even the gold companies to lay off
employees and pull back on exploration and other expenditures. In the latter part of
2009 there were hopeful signs of recovery in the mining industry.
In 2009, Terri Russin completed her MS degree based on research emphasizing the
origin of the late, gold-bearing, barite-base metal and goethite (weathering) stages of
the Summitville, Colorado gold deposit. The stable isotope and fluid inclusion
characteristics of barite, along with some 40Ar/39Ar dates on alunite and jarosite,
allowed her to constrain the T-P-X conditions and timing of gold precipitation. Luis
Parra completed his MS research involving the Ni-Co mineralogy of the Higdon PbZn deposit in SE Missouri. His research methodology included extensive core
logging as an intern for The Doe Run Co. and detailed petrographic and microprobe
On the personal side, Katheryn was hired as a secretary in the Department of
Geology on a 10 month appointment that will allow her to travel with me to the
YBRA camp and other points farther west during the summer. We have enjoyed
visiting our children and grand daughter in 2008 and 2009 and count the days to the
next family gathering.
Have a golden year and please stay in touch.
Science so please support him and the Department in whatever way you see fit.
Come and visit and see what we are up to!
Liliana Lefticariu  Greetings! The biggest news from the Biogeochemistry group
is that National Science Foundation has approved funding for a brand new Isotope
Ratio Mass Spectrometer (IRMS). The instrument has arrived on campus and will be
probably installed over the summer and fully functional by fall. The IRMS will allow
us to measure isotope ratios of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur in a
wide range of geological samples (e.g., water, inorganic and biological carbonates,
coal, sulfates, oxides, and biological materials). The instrument will provide much
needed analytical support for research, education, and training not only for the
students from the Geology Department but also for students from other departments.
I do cordially invite everybody interested in stable isotope research to contact me for
current and future projects.
In addition to stable isotopes, I am working on other projects involving energy &
environmental topics. Together with Yosief Segid (Geology Department) and Dr.
Kelly Bender (Microbiology Department), I finished a preliminary biogeochemical
evaluation of a coal-generated acid mine drainage system in Southern Illinois. Yosief
has included most of the geochemical data in this thesis which he successfully
defended this April. I am currently working at securing additional funding support
for continuing the fieldwork at the site with my student Paul Behum (Environmental
Resources and Policy Program). The acid drainage is a serious environmental
problem in Southern Illinois. In addition, I have two project related to energy issues.
Rajesh Sigh (Geology Department) is working at deciphering sulfur distribution in
Illinois coal. He has obtained unique results that will be part of his MS thesis. Wahid
Rahman (Environmental Resources and Policy Program) is in the process of
collecting and interpreting data on the trace elements of environmental concerns in
Illinois coal. The last two projects are in collaboration with Dr. Paul Chugh
(Department of Mining and Mineral Engineering). In summary, my research group is
developing into a diverse and interdisciplinary research group to address the
fundamental biogeochemical processes in the environment.
Besides research, I continue to enjoy teaching a mix of undergraduate and graduate
classes. My teaching portfolio included new classes. The Planets (GEOL 330) has
been a sold-out event for the last two spring semesters. In this class we explore many
interesting topics related to the space exploration and life on other planets. During
the lab session, the students search for and build a planet with the necessary
characteristics for life and/or human habitation. The class is really fun for students
regarding of their background or major. In addition, I developed and taught a new
hybrid classroom and online course “Earth and Space Science for Teachers” for
teachers (GEOL 585), which was quite a success. The students, who are middle and
high school teachers, enjoyed learning about rocks & minerals, energy resources, and
planets. The field trip that I co-organized with Joe Devera (ISGS) was very
enlightening since most of the participants had no idea how interesting the geological
history of Southern Illinois is. I also thought two graduate classes in Isotope
Geochemistry and Geochemistry of Natural Waters. Of course the very good, hard
working students made teaching challenging and enjoyable.
As always, if you are interested in what the Biogeochemistry group is doing fell free
to stop by office, give me a call, or just sent me an email. My students and I are
always happy to show the lab and the projects we are doing. Until next time, best
Radar map showing the May, 2009 storm that devastated Carbondale.
Scott Ishman  Hi All. Another year has come and gone. This past year was a busy
one for me in preparation for my next big Antarctic excursion, LARISSA (LArsen
Ice Shelf System Antarctica). This is an International Polar Year (IPY) project
funded by NSF to investigate the collapse of the Larsen Ice Shelf and its ecological
and oceanographic impact as a small-scale model. This project includes
participation from Belgium, UK, Chile and Argentina and will entail ice coring, GPS
and Seismicity studies, glacial geology, marine biology and marine geology; truly a
multi-national and interdisciplinary project. I left for southern Chile December 27 to
catch the ship so you will have to wait and read the 2010 news to find out what
happened! Preparations for the cruise included meetings in DC AND Dunk
Training. This is where they fasten you into a cage resembling the fuselage of a
helicopter, submerge you in a pool, flip you upside down and expect you to extract
yourself before drowning. Well, obviously I passed and fortunately didn’t have to
practice the skills acquired.
In addition to cruise preparations I bode my time teaching in the Spring,
Micropaleontology and Carbonate Petrology with Joe Devera, and Fall covering
Invertebrate Paleontology and Dinosaurs and the Age of Reptiles. Joe and I took the
Carbonate group to the Florida Keys, stopping on the way down in Tennessee, doing
some modern environment study in the Keys (this required a boat and snorkeling
gear) and a great quarry in Florida on the way back.
Laura Bordelon finished up her thesis and moved on to a PhD program in Germany.
Molly Patterson and Rachel Berger are writing away hoping to finish this summer.
We welcomed two new MS students into the lab, Gary Vancil and Tony Tobenski.
All is well at home. Zach is now a Senior at SIUC looking forward to field camp
this summer. Ali is a Senior at CCHS and will be a Marketing major at SIUC starting
in the Fall. Amy continues to be the anchor (I like using nautical terms) of the
household, both in my absence and when I am at home.
Again I encourage ALL the alumni to participate in as many functions as possible.
We welcome your e-mails, visits etc. As you all know these are particularly hard
financial times but the department has a great advocate in the Dean of the College of
Sue Rimmer collecting samples of intruded coal underground with Ry Stone of the
Bowie Mine (Colorado) in 2008 as part of Lois Yoksoulian’s research (University of
Kentucky Ph.D. student … she took the photo).
Sue Rimmer  I guess I am considered the “new guy” this year, although perhaps I
could be considered the “player to be named later” in the trade… let me explain. I
joined the faculty at SIUC this past January after teaching at the University of
Kentucky for 25 years. Just a year before that Kentucky hired away one of SIUC’s
faculty members, Tiku Ravat. It was a great hire for Kentucky and I was fortunate to
call Tiku a colleague for a year or so. But, SIUC had an opening for a “senior”
person in coal research and I was fortunate to be hired … thus, the trade. This has
been a great move for me and for my family, husband Steve and 10-year old Evan,
and we love being part of such a vibrant department. My oldest son, James, is a
veterinarian in Indianapolis so he’s not too far away.
It’s really great to be back here in Carbondale. I received my B.S. degree here in
1975, after which I went on to the University of Illinois (Champaign-Urbana) for my
M.S. degree, and then on to Penn State for my Ph.D. (1985). I’d been at U.K. ever
since, as both a faculty member and an administrator.
My research involves the study of coals and oil and gas source rocks. Currently, I am
focusing on four main areas: 1) coal maturation and the role of heating rate (contact
metamorphism vs. burial maturation); 2) biogeochemical cycles in organic-rich
sediments; 3) controls on stable isotope composition of organic matter and
interpretation of C and N isotope records in organic-rich sediments and coals; and 4)
linkages between organic matter and past atmospheric composition. I will be using
my start-up funds to build on the coal and source rock capabilities here. This is
obviously a great place to do coal research and I look forward to collaborating with
others here.
I was fortunate to have one of my U.K. M.S. students move here with me, Maggie
McPherson who is working on Antarctic coals, along with her fiancé Jesse Sanders
who is now also a graduate student in the geology program. But I will still be logging
a fair bit of time along I-64 this year going back and forth to Lexington as I get the
rest of my graduate students (4 more) wrapped up there. Our group here also
includes senior Jen Stephenson who is an undergraduate research assistant working
in coal petrology, and M.S. student Seare Ocubalidet who started at U.K. this past
January and is working on the New Albany Shale. For the first couple of years, I will
be focusing on graduate classes. I team-taught petroleum geology (to 18 students)
this past spring and I am teaching coal petrology (to 16 students) this fall. It’s great
to have such healthy enrollments in our graduate classes here!
and co-chaired a symposium on Innovative Applications of Isotope Geochemistry in
Environmental Geology at the Geological Society of America North-Central Section
Meeting in 2008. Liliana Lefticariu also co-organized a symposium on the
Geochemical and Isotopic Studies of Rocks, Minerals and Fluids at the Geological
Society of America North-Central Section Meeting in 2009. She also contributed to
three NASA white papers and participated in the Earth Science Literacy Initiative
(ESLI), funded by NSF. Ken Anderson played a significant role in the Professional
Science Masters Steering Committee to help develop the Professional Science
Masters in Advanced Energy and Fuels Management on campus. He also committed
time to the Coal Fuels Alliance Technical Steering Committee, a group that has been
successful in securing considerable funding for energy-related research on campus.
John Marzolf was an invited participant to the ExxonMobil Bighorn Basin field
seminar. John Sexton received a data grant from Royal Drilling and software grants
from both Geomodeling Technology and HCI.
Nicholas Pinter won the College of Science Outstanding Scholar Award and received
a prestigious Marie Curie Fellowship (IIF) from the European Commission. Ken
Anderson traveled to Australia as invited visiting scholar to Monash University,
giving multiple presentations to university and Australian brown coal industry
representatives concerning coal research, development and deployment activities at
Southern Illinois University Carbondale. He also participated in a State of Illinois
trade delegation to the European Union/UK as technical expert at the request of the
Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.
Department Research and
Professional Service
The faculty of the Department of Geology authored or co-authored 32 peer reviewed
journal articles, six book chapters, one long contribution to a proceedings, and one
book during the 2008 and 2009 calendar years. Faculty and students also
participated in 57 presentations at international meetings and 21 presentations at
National meetings. Total external funding increased substantially, with $1,348,830
in new grants that involve faculty and staff in the Department in 2008 and
$3,075,656 that involve faculty and staff in the Department in 2009. The awards
come from prestigious National sources, such as the National Science Foundation
(NSF) and the United States Geological Survey (USGS) as well as important state
agencies such as the Illinois State Board of Education, Illinois Clean Coal Institute,
and Illinois Emergency Management Agency. Eight of the ten faculty in the
Department either have active grants or submitted at least one grant application over
the last two years. The Department keeps a presence in the Environmental
Resources and Policy Doctoral Program, with two students from that program
advised by Department of Geology faculty.
Faculty in the Department remained highly visible Nationally and internationally.
Ken Anderson served as a Member of the Council for the Division of Geochemistry
for the American Chemical Society. He also served on the Committee on
Committees for that same organization. James Conder was the co-chief scientist on
the active source ocean bottom seismograph L-SCAN experiment. Jack Crelling
won the Ralph Gray Award for Outstanding Book on Coal and Coal Petrography
from the Society of Organic Petrology. Sue Rimmer served as the 2nd Vice Chair
for the GSA Coal Geology Division. Richard Fifarek was the President of the
Yellowstone-Bighorn Research Association.
The faculty contributed professionally as editors or associate editors of important
journals such as Acta Crystallographica (Paul Robinson); Geological Society of
America Bulletin (Eric Ferré); Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth (Eric
Ferré); Geochemical Transactions (Ken Anderson); Geomorphology (Nicholas
Pinter); Environmental & Engineering Geoscience (Nicholas Pinter); Journal of
Environmental Micropaleontology, Microbiology, and Meiobenthology (Scott
Ishman); and the Annals of University of Craiova: Chemistry Series (Lefticariu).
Eric Ferré was a guest editor of a special issue of Lithos. The faculty also provided
service to their disciplines, reviewing papers for important journals such as the
International Journal of Coal Geology; Chemical Geology; Geophysical Journal
International; Geophysical Research Letters; Organic Geochemistry; Global and
Planetary Change; Marine Micropaleontology; Journal of Asian Earth Sciences;
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth; Journal of Structural Geology;
Journal of Volcanology & Geothermal Research; Tectonics; Tectonophysics;
Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies; Chemical and Biochemical
Engineering Quarterly; Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems; Computational
Geosciences; Micropaleontology; Palaeo Palaeo Palaeo; Journal of Quaternary
Science; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Bulletin, Geological Society of
America; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; and the Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences. Eric Ferré was elected top reviewer of the year by the editors
of Tectonophysics in 2008.
Faculty reviewed proposals funded through National and international agencies, such
as NSF, the American Chemical Society Petroleum Reseach Fund, Canadian Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Swiss National Science Foundation,
Oak Ridge Associated Universities, NASA Peer Review Panel for the Outer Planets
Program, the Québec FQNRT Research Foundation, the German Research
Foundation, the Georgia National Science Foundation, and the Azerbaijan-U.S.
Bilateral Grants Program.
Nicholas Pinter served as a panelist for the U.S. National Academy of Science,
Committee on Missouri River Recovery and Associated Sediment Management
Issues. James Conder served on the Illinois State Seismic Safety Task Force and
served as a judge for student papers submitted to the Natural Hazards Section of the
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Eric Ferré convened a Special Session
at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting and Liliana Lefticariu organized
Parkinson gets a new roof, courtesy of the May storm.
Students mentored by faculty were recognized and a significant number of them
have presented their research at professional meetings. Luis Parra was awarded a
grant from the Society of Economic Geologists in support of thesis research and
obtained an internship from the Doe Run Company. P. Sargent Bray, along with
Ken Anderson, won the Best Paper Award for their presentation at the Australian
Organic Geochemistry Conference in Adelaide, Australia. John Boyd, an
undergraduate student, won the Sigma Xi Award for his poster presented at the
Undergraduate Research Forum on campus in 2008. Two of our graduate students
(Mohammad Rahman, and Margaret McPherson) won the Antoinette Lierman
Medlin Scholarship from the Geological Society of America Coal Geology Division.
McPherson also won the Spackman Research Award from the Society for Organic
Petrology. Michael Marsh earned a grant from the Institute for Rock Magnetism,
University of Minnesota. Two undergraduate students (Aneesa Lehman and Jennifer
Stephenson) received undergraduate assistantships. Lehman also was awarded a
travel grant from the American Geophysical Union. Eric Ferré took three students
on an NSF funded research mission to South Africa, providing them with a rich and
unique research experience. Scott Ishman again brought an undergraduate student
and graduate student with him on an NSF research vessel off the coast of Antarctica.
Two of our recent graduate students, P. Sargent Bray and Drew Downs have begun
studies at Universities in the southern hemisphere in the last two years. Drew is at
the University of Auckland in New Zealand and Sarge is at Macquarie University in
Geology continues to maintain its strong outreach program. Scott Ishman made
presentations to students in Giant City School and Dongola High School, instructing
them on dinosaurs, fossils, rocks, and minerals. Ken Anderson and James Conder
organized and led a field trip for 5th grade science classes at Unity Point School
(Millstone Bluff and Fossil collecting from Mississippian strata near Vienna, IL).
Ken Anderson, James Conder, and Scott Ishman organized and led a field trip for the
7-8th grade IMSA science enrichment program (Giant City State Park). Harvey
Henson manages most outreach activities. He is a co-principal investigator on a
project to develop inquiry-based ecological and environmental education, funded
through NSF, and a principal investigator on a project to develop an earthquake
awareness program funded by the Illinois Emergency Management Agency. He also
co-directs the Science, Mathematics, and Action Research for Teachers (SMART)
program funded by the Illinois Board of Higher Education. He participated in two
other activities in 2009, to name just a few, including the Young Earth Scientist and
Basics in Geology programs.
Publications by Faculty and Students
Bray, P. Sargent and Anderson, Ken B., (2008). The nature and fate of natural
resins in the geosphere XIII: a probable pinaceous resin from the early Cretaceous
(Barremian), Isle of Wight. Geochemical Transactions, 9(3).
Esling, S.P., Keller, J.E., and Miller, K.J., (2008). Reducing capture zone
uncertainty with a systematic sensitivity analysis. Ground Water, 46(4), 570-578.
Jemberie, A.A., Pinter N., and Remo, J.W.F., (2008). Hydrologic history of the
Mississippi and Lower Missouri Rivers based upon a refined specific-gage approach.
Hydrologic Processes, 22, 7736-4447, doi:10.1002/hyp.7046.
Lambert, Joseph B., Santiago-Blay, Jorge A and Anderson, Ken B., (2008).
Chemical signatures of fossilized resins and recent plant exudates. Angewandte
Chemie, 47(50), 9608-9616.
Lutz, B.P., Ishman, S.E., McNeill, D.F., Klaus, J.S., and Budd, A.F., (2008). Late
Neogene planktonic foraminifera of the Cibao Valley (northern Dominican
Republic): Biostratigraphy and paleoceanography. Marine Micropaleontology, 69,
Maes, S., Ferré, E.C., Tikoff, B., Brown, P. and Marsh J.M., (2008). Magnetostratigraphy of a mafic layered sill; a key to the Karoo volcanics plumbing system.
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 172, 75-92.
Pinter, N., and Ishman, S.E., (2008). Impacts, mega-tsunami, and other
extraordinary claims. GSA Today, 18(1), 37-38.
Ferré, E.C., and B. D. Marsh. 2009. Special Issue: Physical and chemical processes
in layered mafic intrusions. Lithos 111:1-2, vii-viii. doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2009.03.004.
Ferré, E.C., S. M. Maes, and K.C. Butak. 2009. The magnetic stratification of
layered mafic intrusions: natural examples and numerical models. Lithos 111:1-2,
Fischer, M. P., C. I. Higuera-Diaz, M. E. Evans, E. C. Perry, and L. Lefticariu.
2009. Fracture-controlled paleohydrology in a map-scale detachment fold: insights
from the analysis of fluid inclusions in calcite and quartz veins. Journal of Structural
Geology 31(12):1490-1510. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jsg.2009.09.004
Gröcke, D. R., S. M. Rimmer, L. E. Yoksoulian, B. Cairncross, , H. Tsikos, and J.
van Hunen. 2009. No evidence for thermogenic methane release in coal from the
Karoo-Ferrar large igneous province. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 277:204212.
Pinter, N., and Ishman, S.E., (2008). Reply to comments on “Impacts, megatsunami, and other extraordinary claims.” GSA Today, 18(6), e14.
Huang, F., C. C. Lundstrom, J. Glessner, A. Ianno, A. Boudreau, J. Li, E.C. Ferré,
S. Marshak, and J. DeFrates. 2009. Chemical and isotopic fractionation of wet
andesite in a temperature gradient: Experiments and models suggesting a new
mechanism of magma differentiation. Cosmochimica Geochimica Acta 73:729-749.
Pinter, N., Jemberie A.A., Remo J.W.F., Heine, R.A., and Ickes, B.S., (2008).
Flood trends and river engineering on the Mississippi River system. Geophysical
Research Letters, 35, L23404, doi:10.1029/2008GL035987.
Knight, T. K., P. S. Bingham, D. A. Grimaldi, K. B. Anderson, R. D. Lewis, and C.
E. Savrda. 2010. A new Upper Cretaceous (Santonian) amber deposit from the
Eutaw Formation of Eastern Alabama, USA. Cretaceous Research 31:85–93.
Polteau, S., Ferré, E.C., Planke, S., Neumann, E.-R. and Chevallier, L., (2008).
How are saucer-shaped sills emplaced? Constraints from the Golden Valley Sill,
South Africa. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 113, B12104,
Marchesi, C., C. J. Garrido, M. Godard, F. Belley, and E. C. Ferré. 2009.
Migration and accumulation of ultra-depleted boninitic melts in the Massif du Sud
ophiolite (New Caledonia). Chemical Geology 266:180-195.
Remo, J.W.F., Pinter N., Ickes, B., and Heine, R., (2008). New databases reveal
200 years of change on the Mississippi River System. Eos, 89(14), 134-135.
Samal, A.R., Mohanty, M.K., & Fifarek, R.H., (2008). Backward elimination
procedure for a predictive model of gold concentration. Journal of Geochemical
Exploration, 97, 69-82.
Szilagyi, J., Pinter, N., and Venczel, R., (2008). Application of a routing model for
detecting channel flow changes with minimal data. Journal of Hydrologic
Engineering, 13, 521-526.
Wiens, D. A., Conder, J.A. and Faul, U., (2008). The seismic structure and
dynamics of the mantle wedge. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 36,
421-55, doi: 10.1146/annurev.earth.33.092203.122633.
Xie, S., O'Hearn, C.R., and Robinson, P.D., (2008). Racemic 4-(4-tertbutylphenyl)-2,6-dimethylcyclohex-3-enecarboxylic acid. Acta Cryst, E64, o554o554.
Pinter, N., A. A. Jemberie, J.W. F. Remo, R. A. Heine, and B.A. Ickes. 2009.
Empirical modeling of hydrologic response to river engineering, Mississippi and
Lower Missouri Rivers. River Research and Applications. doi: 10.1002/rra.
Pozgay, S. H., D.A. Wiens, J. A. Conder, H. Shiobara, and H. Sugioka. 2009.
Seismic attenuation tomography of the Mariana subduction system: Implications for
thermal structure, volatile distribution, and slow spreading dynamics, Geochemistry,
Geophysics, Geosystems 10:Q04X05. doi:10.1029/2008GC002313, 2009
Remo, J. W. F., N. Pinter, and R. A. Heine. 2009. The use of retro- and scenariomodeling to assess effects of 100+ years river engineering and land cover change on
Middle and Lower Mississippi River flood stages. Journal of Hydrology 376:403–
Rimmer, S. M., L. E. Yoksoulian, and J. C. Hower. 2009. Anatomy of an intruded
coal, I: effect of contact metamorphism on whole-coal geochemistry, Springfield
(No. 5) (Pennsylvanian) coal, Illinois Basin, International Journal of Coal Geology
Rowe, H., S. Ruppel, S. M. Rimmer, and R. Loucks. 2009. Core-based
chemostratigraphy of the Barnett Shale, Permian Basin, Texas. Gulf Coast
Association of Geological Societies Transactions 59: 675-686.
Book Chapters
Crelling, J.C., (2008). Coal Carbonization in Applied Coal Petrology. In I. SuarezRuiz and J.C. Crelling (Eds.), Applied Coal Petrology (pp. 173-192), Elsevier, New
Sargent, B. P. and K. B. Anderson. 2009. Identification of carboniferous (320
million years old) Class Ic amber. Science 326 (5949):132-134.
Crelling, J.C. and Suarez-Ruiz, I., (2008). Other Applications of Coal Petrology in
Applied Coal Petrology. In I. Suarez-Ruiz and J.C. Crelling (Eds.), Applied Coal
Petrology (pp. 1289-1301), Elsevier, New York.
Pinter, N., (in press). Non-stationary Flood Occurrence on the Upper MississippiLower Missouri River system: Review and Current Status. In R. Criss (Ed.),
Proceedings of Flooding Symposium, Nov. 11, 2008, St. Louis University.
Suarez -Ruiz, I. and Crelling, J.C., (2008). Coal-Derived Carbon Materials in
Applied Coal Petrology. In I. Suarez-Ruiz and J.C. Crelling (Eds.), Applied Coal
Petrology (pp. 173-192), Elsevier, New York.
Suarez -Ruiz, Isabel and Crelling, John C., Eds., (2008). Applied Coal Petrology.
Elsevier, New York, 388 p.
Publications by Faculty and Students
Anderson, R. S., S. Starratt, R. B. Jass, and N. Pinter. 2009. Fire and vegetation
history on Santa Rosa Island, Channel Islands: Long-term environmental change in
southern California. Journal of Quaternary Science. doi: 10.1002/jqs.
Belley, F., E. C. Ferré, F. Martín-Hernández, M. J. Jackson, M. D. Dyar, and E.
J.Catlos. 2009. The magnetic properties of natural and synthetic (Fex, Mg1-x)2 SiO4
olivines. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2009.05.016.
Burmeister, K. C., M. J. Harrison, S. Marshak, E. C. Ferré, R. A. Bannister, and K.
P. Kodama. 2009. Relationship of AMS and normalized Fry measurements to
tectonic fabric in low-strain sandstones of the Appalachian fold-thrust belt. Journal
of Structural Geology. doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2009.03.010.
Esling, S.P., and J. E. Keller. 2009. A user interface for the Kansas Geological Slug
test model. Ground Water 47(4): 587-590.
Faculty often donate their time in outreach activities. This shot shows students from
the Unity Point School on a field trip to Giant City State Park. The last two on the
right are James Conder and Scott Ishman.
Book Chapters
Lefticariu, L. 2009. Oxidation of sulfide minerals: from acid mine drainage to life
on Mars. In: Special Publication dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Professor Dr.
Emil Constantinescu, Mineralogy and Geodiversity, 8 pp.
Pinter, N. 2009. Non-stationary flood occurrence on the Upper Mississippi-Lower
Missouri River system: Review and current status. In: R. E. Criss and Timothy M.
Kusky (Eds.) Finding the Balance Between Floods, Flood Protection, and River
Navigation (pp. 34-40). Saint Louis University, Center for Environmental Sciences.
Apparent Polar Wander, and Camp Emplacement. Geological Society of America,
Annual Meeting, Houston, Abstracts with Program, 40(6), 253
Lefticariu, L., M. W. Rahman, R. Singh. 2009. Distribution and mode of
occurrence of mercury and sulfur in Illinois coal. In: Proceedings to the 26th Annual
International Pittsburgh Coal Conference. 10 pp.
Michelsen, K.J., Keller, K.G., Boyd, J.D., Ferré, E.C., Cañón-Tapia, E. and Ernst,
W.G., (2008). Origin of the variations in magnetic susceptibility with depth in the
Barcroft granodiorite pluton, White Mountains, California. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall
Meet. Suppl., 89(53), Abstract GP21D-0798
Oral Presentations 2008
Belley, F., Ferré, E.C., Martín-Hernández, F., Jackson, M.J., M. Dyar, D. and
Catlos, E.J., (2008). Fe-Ti oxide inclusions in natural and synthetic (Fex, Mg1-x)2
SiO4 olivines. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., 89(53), Abstract GP31B-0800
Bormann, H., Pinter N., Elfert, S., (2008). Hydrological signatures of flood
magnification on German rivers. European Geophysical Union. Geophysical
Research Abstracts, 10: EGU2008-A-01428
Bray, P.S., and Anderson, K. B., (2008). Carboniferous (~320 Ma) Amber and
Resinite Recovered from an Illinois Coal Analyzed by Pyrolysis-Gas
Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. Australian Organic Geochemistry
Conference, Adelaide, Australia, September
Conder, J.A., (2008). Arc and backarc melt production and interaction of the
Mariana system from geodynamical modeling. Abstracts AGU Chapman
Conference on Shallow Mantle Composition & Dynamics 5th International Orogenic
Lherzolite Conference, Mt. Shasta, CA
Conder, J.A., Wiens, D.A., and Heath, S., (2008). Microseismicity in the Lau Basin
from T-phases recorded by the LABATTS ocean bottom seismograph experiment.
Abstracts, R2K community-wide science meeting, The Mantle to Microbe: Integrated
Studies at Oceanic Spreading Centers meeting, Portland, Oregon
Domack, E.W., Ishman, S.E., and McCormick, M. L., (2008). Geobiological
Association of Cold (Methane) Seeps and Ancient to Modern Glacial Marine
Sequences. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., 89(53), Abstract PP21B-1422
Eugene Domack, E., Leventer, A., Brachfeld, S., Ishman, S., Wellner, J., and Balco,
G., (2008). Interdisciplinary Investigation of the LARsen Ice Shelf System,
Antarctica (LARISSA): A New IPY Program. Geological Society of America,
Annual Meeting, Houston, Abstracts with Program, 40(6), Abstract 235-13
Ferré, E.C., Galland, O., Kalakay, T. and Montanari, D., (2008). Granite
emplacement in thrust flats and ramps. 33rd International Geological Congress,
Oslo, Norway
Ferré, E.C., Geissman, J.W., Zechmeister, M.S. and Hill, M.J., (2008). Coseismic
and postseismic magnetization events recorded in fault pseudotachylytes: thermal,
AF and microwave methods. International Conference on Rock Magnetism and its
Earth Science Applications, Cargèse, France
Ferré, E.C., Ranaweera, C.K., Marsh, M., Maes, S.M. and Geissman, J.W., (2008).
Magma flow sense in mafic dikes: is grain-size dependence an alternative to the
“imbrication fabric” model? Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., 89(53), Abstract
Ishman, S., Johnson, K., Sprovieri, M., and Lirer, F., (2008). Foraminiferal Record
From Drillcore AND-2A, Southern McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Eos Trans. AGU,
Fall Meet. Suppl., 89(53), Abstract C21B-0525
Ishman, S., Rathburn, A.E., and Martin, J., (2008). Seasonal Ecological Analysis of
Seafloor Organic Nutrient Supplies (SEASONS) on the Western Antarctic Peninsula
Margin. Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Houston, Abstracts with
Program, 40(6), Abstract 235-14
Kruckenberg, S.C., Teyssier, C., Whitney, D.L., Ferré, E.C., Chapman, A. and
Vanderhaeghe, O., (2008). Compatibility of deformation between upper crust and
flowing partially molten crust in "hot" orogens. European Geoscience Union,
Geophysical Research, 10, A-11363, Vienna, Austria, Invited
Lefticariu, L., (2008). What can we learn from studying sulfate minerals on Earth
about surface processes on Mars? Simpozion Naţional de Geologie si Geofizica GEO
2008, May 23-24, Bucharest, Romania,
Lefticariu, L., Pratt, L. M., Onstott, T.C., (2008). Sulfate Formation on Mars by
Radiolytic Oxidation of Sulfide Minerals. 18th Annual Goldschmidt Conference,
July 13-18, Vancouver, Canada, http://www.goldschmidt2008.org/abstracts/L.pdf
Lutz, B.P., Ishman, S.E., Dowsett, H.J., (2008). Late Miocene to early Pliocene
planktonic foraminiferal sea surface temperature estimates from DSDP Site 103
(northern Blake-Bahama Outer Ridge) based upon the Modern Analog Technique.
Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., 89(53), Abstract PP21B-1431
Lutz, B.P., Ishman, S.E., McNeill, D.F., Klaus, J.S., and Budd, A.F., (2008). Late
Neogene planktonic foraminifera of the Cibao Valley: biostratigraphy and
paleoceanography. Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Houston,
Abstracts with Program, 40(6), 19
Maes, S.M., Ferré, E.C., and Geissman, J.W., (2008). Magnetic stratification and
the internal structure of layered intrusions. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl.,
89(53), Abstract GP21-0800
Marzolf, J.E., Steiner, M.B., Cornet, B, Downs, D, (2008). The Dinosaur Canyon
Tectonosequence: The Non-Marine Triassic – Jurassic Boundary, North American
Rathburn, A.E., Martin, J.B., Ishman, S.E., Miner, M.R., Perez, M.E., and Bailey,
Z., (2008). Antarctic Seasonality and Living Benthic Foraminiferal Carbon Isotopes:
Applications for Assessments of Paleoenvironmental Change. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall
Meet. Suppl., 89(53), PP51D-02
Raymond, R., Sigman, D., Mislowack, B., Onstott, T.C., Pratt, L. M., Lefticariu, L.,
(2008). Radiolytic destruction of NH3 as a subsurface source of NO3 and ultimately
N2. Astrobiology Science Conference 2008, SETI Institute, Santa Clara, California,
April 14-17, 2008, http://abscicon.seti.org/
Skord, J., Belley, F., Ferré, E.C., Martín-Hernández, F. and Garrido, C.J., (2008).
Tectonic significance of magnetic fabrics in the serpentinized lherzolite of the Ronda
Massif, Spain. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., 89(53), Abstract T43C-2036
Titus, S. Davis, J.R., Ferré, E.C. and Tikoff, B., (2008). Quantifying strain across a
paleotransform fault using incremental deformation, Bogota Peninsula, New
Caledonia. Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Houston, Abstracts with
Program, 40(6), Abstract 3-288-16
Titus, S.J., Davis, J., Ferré, E.C., and Tikoff, B., (2008). Quantifying strain across a
paleotransform fault in the mantle using incremental models of deformation, New
Caledonia. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., 89(53), Abstract GP43E-04
Chatterjee, Shibaji and Sexton, John L., (2008). Seismic Reflection and Drillhole
Study of the Herold-Phillipstown Fault in the Wabash Valley, AAPG/SEG Student
Expo, Program with Abstracts, October 8-9, Houston, TX, 21
Flor, A., and Pinter, N., (2008). Identifying the potential factors contributing to
levee failures on the Mississippi River. Geological Society of America, NorthCentral meeting, Evansville, IN, Abstracts with Program, 40(5)
Lefticariu, L., Crelling, J.C., Atudorei V., (2008). Carbon and sulfur isotope
geochemistry of Illinois 5 coal. Geological Society of America, North-Central
meeting, Evansville, IN, Abstracts with Program, 40 (5),
Marzolf, J.E. and Steiner, M.B., (2008). Correlation of Triassic and Jurassic
tetonosequences of the Colorado Plateau and the North American Apparent Polar
Wander Path. Geological Society of America, Cordilleran meeting, Las Vegas, NV,
Abstracts with Program, 40(1), 88
Podoll, A., O'Leary, S., Henson, H., Mumba, F. and Pinter, N., (2008). NSF GK-12
partnership for effective earth science education. Geological Society of America,
North-Central meeting, Evansville, IN, Abstracts with Program, 40(5)
Remo, J.W.F., and Pinter, N., (2008). Retro-modeling the Middle and Lower
Mississippi Rivers to assess the effects of river engineering and land-cover changes
on flood stages. Geological Society of America, North-Central meeting, Evansville,
IN, Abstracts with Program, 40(5)
Smith, Dominic and Sexton, John L., (2008). Magnetics and Electromagnetics on
Monks Mound at the Cahokia World Heritage Site near St. Louis, Missouri.
Geological Society of America, North-Central meeting, Evansville, IN, Abstracts
with Program, 40(5), 86
Smith, Dominic and Sexton, John L., (2008). Magnetics and Electromagnetics on
Monks Mound at the Cahokia World Heritage Site near St. Louis, Missouri.
AAPG/SEG Student Expo, Program with Abstracts, October 8-9, Houston, TX, 22
Steiner, M.B. and Marzolf, J.E., (2008). Of camp and cusp: The coincidence of the
emplacement of the Camp Lip and the abrupt westward motion of North America
that terminated at the J-1 Cusp of the NA APW Path. Geological Society of
America, Cordilleran meeting, Las Vegas, NV, Abstracts with Program, 40(1), 87
Venczel, R., and Pinter, N., (2008). Historical and seasonal trends in flood
conveyance, Tisza River, Hungary. Geological Society of America, North-Central
meeting, Evansville, IN, Abstracts with Program, 40(5)
Anderson, K.A., (2008). Geochemistry of Amber, Presented at Monash University,
Australia, September 2008, (Invited speaker)
Conder, J., (2008). Observations and Geodynamics of the Tonga-Lau Arc-Backarc
System, University of Houston, Houston, TX
Conder, J., (2008). Subduction zone geodynamics seen through the lens of the Lau
Basin, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Conder, J., (2008). Seismic structure and dynamics of the Tonga-Lau Arc-Backarc
System, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO
Ferré, E.C., (2008). Invited Talk, Council for Geosciences, South Africa.
Ferré, E.C., (2008). Invited Talk, Rhodes University, South Africa.
Ferré, E.C., (2008). Invited Talk, University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
Lefticariu, L., (2008). Radiolytic oxidation of pyrite: a possible source of sulfate on
Mars? Geology and Geophysics Department, Bucharest University, Romania.
enriched Higdon deposit, Madison and Perry Counties. Geological Society of
America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR.
Lefticariu, L., (2008). What can we learn from studying sulfate minerals on Earth
about surface processes on Mars. SIUC Celebrating Scholarship By and About
Women Panel, Southern Illinois University.
Pinter, N., S. Baer, L. Chevalier, C. Lant, and M. Whiles. October 2009. Watershed
Science and Policy IGERT program at SIUC. Binghamton University
Geomorphology Symposium, Binghamton, NY.
Oral Presentations 2009
Allison, C. M., R. Dunn, K. Brooks, J. A. Conder, F. Martinez, and M. M. Conley.
December 2009. The L-SCAN Experiment: Mapping the Axial Magma Chamber
Beneath the Eastern Lau Spreading Center. American Geophysical Union, San
Francisco, CA.
Carlson, M. L., J. Remo, and N. Pinter. October 2009. Assessing levee impacts on
flood hazard with flood-loss modeling and retro-modeling. Geological Society of
America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR.
Conder, J. A., R. A. Dunn, and K. Godfrey. December 2009. Preliminary
examination of microearthquake activity along the Eastern Lau Spreading Center and
the southern Lau basin. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.
Dierauer, J. R., J. W. Remo, and N. Pinter. October 2009. Modeling effectiveness
of levee set-backs using combined 1D hydraulic modeling and flood-loss
simulations. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR.
Evanoff, E., J. W. Remo, N. Pinter, and G. Balint. October 2009. Assessment of
causal mechanisms on flood conveyance along the Tisza River, Hungary using onedimensional retro- and scenario-modeling. Geological Society of America Annual
Meeting, Portland, OR.
Feiner, K., V. Bianchi, S. M. Maes, E. C. Ferré, B. A. Lehman, and J.W. Geissman,
December 2009. Regional stress and basement structure controls on dike orientation
in the Karoo Basin. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.
Fifarek, R. H. October 2009. Evidence for the brittle-ductile transition at the
Summitville high-sulfidation Au deposit, Co based on petrographic, thermometric
and LA-ICP-MS analysis of fluid inclusions. Geological Society of America Annual
Meeting , Portland, OR.
Friedman, S. A., E. C. Ferré, F. Martín-Hernández, A. Tommasi, and, F. Belley.
December 2009. Magnetism of mantle xenoliths: Potential clues on tectonic setting
and extraction processes. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.
Garrido, C. J., C. Marchesi, M. Godard, F. Belley and E. C. Ferré. June 2009.
Migration and accumulation of ultra-depleted subduction-related melts in the Massif
du Sud ophiolite (New Caledonia). 19th Annual Goldschmidt 2009 Conference,
Davos, Switzerland.
Knight, T. K., P. S. Bingham, D. A. Grimaldi, K. B. Anderson, R. D. Lewis, and C.
E. Savrda. October 2009. Upper Cretaceous (Santonian) Amber from the Ingersoll
Shale (Eutaw Formation), Eastern Alabama: Modes of Occurrence, Character, Fossil
Inclusions, and Paleobotanical Affinity. Geological Society of America Annual
Meeting, Portland, OR.
Pinter, N., S. Baer, L. Chevalier, C. Lant, and M. Whiles. October 2009. Watershed
Science and Policy IGERT program at SIUC. Binghamton University
Geomorphology Symposium, Binghamton, NY.
Pinter, N., A. Podoll, A. C. Scott, and D. Ebel. October 2009. Extraterrestrial and
terrestrial signatures at the onset of the Younger Dryas. Geological Society of
America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR.
Rahman, M. W., R. Singh, L. Lefticariu. October 2009. Concentration and
distribution of trace elements in coals from Illinois Basin. Geological Society of
America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR.
Ranaweera, C. K., E. C. Ferré, S. Polteau, M. C. Marsh, L. Maré, J. M. Marsh, S.
M. Maes, and J. W. Geissman. December 2009. Magma flow pattern inferred from
magnetic fabrics in a 100 km-long dolerite dike, Karoo LIP, South Africa. American
Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.
Remo, J. W. F., and N. Pinter, October 2009. River training structures: Effects on
flow dynamics, channel morphology, and flood levels. Geological Society of
America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR.
Rimmer, S. M. and L. E. Yoksoulian. October2009. The effect of heating rate on
organic maturation: contact metamorphism versus burial maturation. Geological
Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR.
Rowe, H., S. Ruppel, S. M. Rimmer and R. Loucks. September 2009. Core-based
chemostratigraphy of the Barnett Shale, Permian Basin, Texas. Gulf Coast
Association of Geological Societies 59th Annual Convention, Shreveport, LA.
Russin, T. Z. and R. H. Fifarek. October 2009. Origin of the late auriferous baritebase metal sulfide and goethite-hematite stages at the Summitville high-sulfidation
Cu-Au-Ag deposit, Colorado. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting,
Portland, OR.
Singh R., M. W. Rahman, L. Lefticariu. October 2009. Sulfur Illinois Coal.
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR.
Taylor, R., J. D. Waggoner, Z. Bailey, A. E. Rathburn, M. E. Perez, D. Miner, J. B.
Martin, and S. Ishman. October 2009. Seasonal comparisons of rose Bengal stained
benthic foraminifera inhabiting the Western Antarctic Peninsula Shelf. Geological
Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR.
Yoksoulian, L. E., and S. M. Rimmer. October 2009. Contact metamorphosed coal
and global warming: is there evidence for a large-scale release of methane? October
2009. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR.
York, C., K. B. Anderson, and J. C. Crelling. October 2009. Properties of
Inertinite Macerals. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR.
Lant, C., N. Pinter, L. Chevalier, M. Whiles, and S. Baer. November 2009. NSF
IGERT at Southern Illinois: Watershed Science and Policy. American Water
Resources Association Annual Water Resources Conference, Seattle, WA,
Behum, P. T. Jr., Y. P. Chugh, Y. Teklehaimanot, and L. Lefticariu. April 2009.
Geochemistry of Coal Mine Drainage in Response to Improved Material Handling:
Preliminary Results of Kinetic Testing. Geological Society of America Annual
Meeting, North-Central meeting, Rockford, IL.
Lefticariu, L. October 2009. Oxidation of sulfide minerals: from acid mine
drainage to life on Mars. Scientific session “Mineralogy and Geodiversity”
dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Professor Dr. Emil Constantinescu, Bucharest,
Carlson, M., J. Remo, and N. Pinter. April 2009. Using HAZUS-MH as a
floodplain management tool: Two southern Illinois case studies. Geological Society
of America, North-Central meeting, Rockford, IL.
Lefticariu, L., P. T. Behum, Jr., and Y. P. Chugh. June 2009. Geochemical
Evaluation of Coal Processing Facility Drainage: Preliminary Results of Kinetic
Testing. 19th Annual Goldschmidt 2009 Conference, Davos, Switzerland.
Conder, J. A. October 2009. Lau Basin mantle dynamics using geodynamic
modeling in conjunction with seismic observations. Ridge 2000 Integration and
Synthesis Workshop: Developing a holistic view of oceanic spreading center
processes, St. Louis, MO.
Lehman, B. A., E. C. Ferré, J. W. Geissman, J. S. Marsh, M. C. Marsh, L. Maré, C.
K. Ranaweera, and S. M. Maes. December 2009. Magma flow pattern in a giant
dolerite sill and implications for the Karoo mantle plume hypothesis. American
Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.
Dunn, R., J. Conder, and F. Martinez. October 2009. The L-SCAN seismic
experiment. Ridge 2000 Integration and Synthesis Workshop: Developing a holistic
view of oceanic spreading center processes. St. Louis, MO
Maré, L. P., C. K. Ranaweera, E. C. Ferré, M. C. Marsh, and J. S. Marsh.
December 2009. Magnetic evaluation of the thermal history of the Karoo Basin,
South Africa. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.
Marsh, M. C., E. C. Ferré, B. A. Lehman, C. K. Ranaweera, L. Maré, S. M. Maes,
and J. W. Geissman. December 2009. Fabrics, internal zonation and magma flow in
small gabbroic sills, Karoo, South Africa. American Geophysical Union, San
Francisco, CA.
Martín-Hernández, F., E. C. Ferré, F. Belley, V. C. Ruiz-Martinez, C. J. Garrido,
and M. L. Osete. December 2009. Magnetic signature and fabric of serpentinized
mantle rocks in the Betic-Rif Arc and tectonic implications. American Geophysical
Union, San Francisco, CA.
Miner, D., J. B. Martin, A. E. Rathburn, and S. Ishman. October 2009. Seasonal and
spatial variations in porewater chemistry in the Bransfield and Gerlache Straits,
Antarctica. Geological Society of Annual Meeting, Portland, OR.
Parra, L. A., G. A. Childers, and R. H. Fifarek. October 2009. Rediscovering
southeast Missouri Mississippi Valley-Type Pb-Zn deposits: The cobalt-nickel
Dunn, R., C. M. Allison, R. Austin, K. Brooks, J. A. Conder, M. M. Conley, E.
Emry, F. Martinez, and J. D. Sleeper. The L-SCAN Seismic Tomography and
Geophysical Mapping Experiment. Ridge 2000 Integration and Synthesis
Workshop: Developing a holistic view of oceanic spreading center processes. St.
Louis, MO.
Evanoff, E., J. W. F. Remo, N. Pinter, and G. Balint. April 2009. One-dimensional
retro- and scenario modeling for two time steps across the middle Tisza River,
Hungary. Geological Society of America, North-Central meeting, Rockford, IL.
Lefticariu, L., M. W. Rahman, R. Singh. September 2009. Distribution and mode
of occurrence of mercury and sulfur in Illinois coal. 26th Annual International
Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.
Lefticariu, L., P. T. Behum, Jr., K. S. Bender, A. S. Burns, and C. W. Pugh. April
2009. Biogeochemical Evaluation of The Tab Simco Mine Drainage Treatment
System. Geological Society of America, North-Central meeting, Rockford, IL.
Marzolf, J. E., March 2009. (Invited Speaker). Sequence stratigraphy of the Aux
Vases, Ste. Genevieve, Salem interval of the Illinois Basin. Illinois Oil and Gas
Association Annual Meeting, Evansville, IN.
Remo, J. W., and N. Pinter. April 2009. The development of best practices for the
use of HAZUS-MH to estimate earthquake losses in southern Illinois. Geological
Society of America, North-Central meeting, Rockford, IL.
Ferré, E. C., March 2009. (Invited Speaker) The magnetic properties of fault
pseudotachylytes & implications for magnetization processes. University of
Montpellier, Montpellier, France.
Singh, R. and L. Lefticariu. April 2009. Distribution and Mode of Occurrences of
Sulfur and Trace Elements in Illinois Coal. Geological Society of America, NorthCentral meeting, Rockford, IL.
Ferré, E. C., April 2009. (Invited Speaker) The Magnetic Stratification of Mafic
Magma Chambers: Natural Examples and Numerical Models. University of
Montpellier, Montpellier, France.
Ferré, E. C., May 2009. (Invited Speaker) Peridotitic laterites: a new analog for the
Martian regolith? University of Nantes, Nantes, France.
Conder, J. A., February 2009. (Invited Speaker) Volcanic Arcs and Subduction
Zones, National Science Foundation R/V Marcus G. Langseth.
Conder, J. A., March 2009. (Invited Speaker) Microseismicity of the central and
northern Lau basin, National Science Foundation R/V Marcus G. Langseth.
Conder, J. A., November 2009. (Invited Speaker) Microseismicity and other
acoustic signals of the central and northern Lau basin. St. Louis University, St.
Louis, MO.
Ferré, E. C., April 2009. (Invited Speaker) The magnetic properties of fault
pseudotachylytes & implications for magnetization processes. University of CergyPontoise, Paris, France.
Ferré, E. C., May 2009. (Invited Speaker) Petrology and dynamics of the
continental crust. University of St-Etienne, Saint-Etienne, France.
Lefticariu, L., November 2009. (Invited Speaker). Introduction to Water
Resources. Southern Illinois University Expanding Your Horizons Conference,
Carbondale, IL.
Grants and Contract proposals which included faculty and staff of the Department of Geology during calendar year 2008.
M. Whiles; N. Pinter; K. Williard; J.
Garvey; H. Henson
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: Integration of Small Moveable Bed River Models into Undergraduate
Science and Technology Curricula
L. Lefticariu; G. Kinsel; G.
National Science Foundation
Acquisition of an Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer for Geochemical, Biological, and
Petrologic Research, Education, and Training at SIUC
S. Ishman; B. Lutz
Evolving Earth
Late Neogene Foraminiferal Paleoecology of Shallow and Deep Water Environments of the
Carribean and Eastern Equatorial Pacific Related to the Uplift of Panama
J. Means; M. Wright; F. Mumba; H.
National Science Foundation
SIUC Math-Science Partnership: Start Partnership for Improved Math and Science Education
in Southern Illinois
N. Pinter; C. Lant; M. Whiles; L.
Chevalier; M. Davenport
K. Anderson; J. Crelling
National Science Foundation
IGERT: Multidisciplinary, Team-Based Training in Watershed Science and Policy
Illinois Clean Coal Institute
Structure of Virtinite
University of Nebraska
Reconstructing Miocene Glaciomarine Environments of SMS Using Foraminifera
Illinois Clean Coal Institute
Field Demonstration of Alternate Coal Processing Waste Disposal Technology for Sulfate
Discharge Control
Illinois Clean Coal Institute
Integrated Study of Mercury and Other Trace Elements Distribution in Illinois Coal
Illinois Clean Coal Institute
Reactivity of Inertinite Macerals
National Science Foundation
River Training Structures: Effects on Flow Dynamics, Flood Levels, and Habitat
Illinois State Board of Education
Science, Mathematics and Action Research for Teachers (SMART)
Illinois Clean Coal Institute
Wet Scrubber for Carbon Dioxide Capture from Flue Gas
National Science Foundation
Green Scholarships: Training the Next Generation of Environmental Experts
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: Assessment of T-Wave Processes and Hydroacoustic Monitoring
Capabilities in Lau Basin
S. Ishman
Y. Chugh; S. Esling; L. Lefticariu
L. Lefticariu
J. Crelling; K. Anderson
N. Pinter; J. Garvey
F. Mumba; H. Henson; M. Wright
K. Anderson; T. Wiltowski; K.
K. Renzaglia; J. Spears; H. Henson
J. Conder
N. Pinter; C. Lant; M. Whiles; L.
Chevalier; M. Davenport
H. Henson; F. Mumba; M. Wright
Requested Support
National Science Foundation
IGERT: Multidisciplinary, Team-Based Training in Watershed Science and Policy
Illinois State Board of Education
ISBE-MSP-Science Mathematics & Action Research for Teachers
Grants and Contracts awarded to faculty and staff in the Department of Geology during calendar year 2008.
E. Ferré
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: Magma Dynamics in Sill-Dike Systems - Constraints from Magnetic
Fabrics and Paleomagnetism in the Karoo Large Igneous Province
N. Pinter
Illinois Emergency Management Agency
Southern Illinois Multi-Hazard Mitigation Planning Initiative
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: Testing a Hypothesis of Latest Pleistocene Paleo-Environmental
Collapse, Northern Channel Islands, California
K. Renzaglia; S. Sipes; D. Gibson;
H. Henson; F. Mumba
J. Conder
National Science Foundation
Heartland Partnerships: Inquiry-Based Ecological and Environmental Education at SIUC
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: Assessment of T-Wave Processes and Hydroacoustic Monitoring
Capabilities in Lau Basin
K. Anderson; T. Wiltowski; K.
L. Lefticariu
Illinois Clean Coal Institute
Wet Scrubber for Carbon Dioxide Capture from Flue Gas
Illinois Clean Coal Institute
Integrated Study of Mercury and Other Trace Elements Distribution in Illinois Coal
Illinois State Board of Education
Science, Mathematics and Action Research for Teachers (SMART)
University of Nebraska
Reconstructing Miocene Glaciomarine Environments of SMS Using Foraminifera
Washington University
Collaborative Research: Crusted Accretion and Mantle Processes Along the SubductionInfluenced Eastern Lau Spreading Center
N. Pinter
F. Mumba; H. Henson; M. Wright
S. Ishman
J. Conder
Total Support
Various Donors
Economic Geology Research
R. Fifarek
Grants and Contracts funded during previous years, but still active during calendar year 2008.
Current Year
S. Ishman
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: Paleohistory of the Larsen Ice Shelf System, Phase II
N. Pinter; C. Casanova
National Science Foundation
Morphotectonic Evolution of the Mejillones Peninsula, Northern Chile Using Precise GPS
Measurement of Uplifted Coastal Terraces
K. Anderson
Analytical Services - Various
U.S. Department of the Interior; NPS
Remote Sensing Investigation at Campground Church Cemetery near Anna, Illinois
Illinois Clean Coal Institute
Oxidative Hydrothermal Dissolution of Illinois Coal
Spectral Analysis of Aeromagnetic Data for Geothermal Reconnaissance of West of the Red
Sea Region in Egypt
H. Henson
K. Anderson; J. Crelling
D. Ravat
N. Pinter
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: Multivariate Geospatial Modeling of Levee Impacts on Flood
Heights, Lower Mississippi River
N. Pinter
United States Geological Survey
Development of a Hydrologic and Geospatial Data Repository for the Mississippi River
K. Renzaglia; S. Sipes; D. Gibson;
H. Henson; F. Mumba
N. Pinter
National Science Foundation
Heartland Partnerships: Inquiry-Based Ecological and Environmental Education at SIUC
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: Multivariate Geospatial Modeling of Levee Impacts on Flood
Heights, Lower Mississippi River
S. Ishman
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: Testing the Impact of Seasonality on Benthic Foraminifera as
Paleoenvironmental Indicators
E. Ferre
National Science Foundation
Acquisition of a Vibrating Sample Magnetometer for the Rock Magnetism Laboratory at
Southern Illinois University
S. Ishman
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research in IPY: Abrupt Environmental Change in the Larsen Ice Shelf System,
a Multidisciplinary Approach - Marine and Quaternary Geosciences
S. Ishman
University of Nebraska
Using Foraminifera to Resolve the Neogene History of Southern McMurdo Sound
Illinois Clean Coal Institute
Environmentally Benign Production of High Value Chemicals from Illinois Coal
Illinois Clean Coal Institute
I-Lab: Coal to Liquid Fuels Research Facility
Illinois Clean Coal Institute
Distribution and Model of Occurrence of Sulfur and Trace Elements in Illinois Coal
Illinois State Board of Education
Science, Mathematics and Action Research for Teachers (SMART)
Pulsewave, LLC
Application of Pulsewave Disintegration to Comminution, Drying, and Cleaning of Illinois
K. Anderson; J. Crelling
T. Wiltowski; K. Mondal; K.
L. Lefticariu
F. Mumba; H. Henson; M. Wright
K. Anderson
Grants and Contract proposals which included faculty and staff of the Department of Geology during calendar year 2009.
J. Conder
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: Crusted Accretion and Mantel Processes Along the SubductionInfluenced Eastern Lau Spreading Center
M. Whiles; J. Garvey; L. Chevalier;
H. Henson; N. Pinter; F. Mumba
National Science Foundation
Integration of Small Moveable Bed River Models into Undergraudate Science and Technology
K. Anderson; J. Crelling
Illinois Clean Coal Institute
Structure and Maturation of Vitrinite
National Science Foundation
RAPID: Effects of River Training Structures on Flow Dynamics and Flood Levels
Chicago State University
SIUC Bridge to the Doctorate
Illinois Clean Coal Institute
Combustion Properties of Inertinite Macerals in Illinois Coal
Illinois Clean Coal Institute
Occurrence, Distribution, and Geochemical Correlations of Trace Elements in Illinois Coal
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: Testing a Hypothesis of Latest Pleistocene Paleo-Environmental
Collapse, Northern Channel Islands
N. Pinter; J. Remo
K. Renzaglia; H. Henson; J. Spears
J. Crelling; K. Anderson
L. Lefticariu
N. Pinter
Requested Support
M. Wright; H. Henson; F. Mumba
Illinois State Board of Education
ISBE-IMSP-Science Math & Action Research for Teachers (SMART) Implementation
K. Renzaglia; H. Henson; L.
K. Anderson; J. Crelling; S.
E. Ferré; J. Conder
Illinois State Board of Education
DNA Summer Institute: Building the Model from the Molecule
Illinois Clean Coal Institute
Characterization of Product Streams from the OHD Coal Conversion Process
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: Seismic Anisotropy of the Continental Crust in the Superior Province,
Minnesota & Tectonic Signific
J. Sexton
Illinois Petroleum Resources Board
Computer System for Geophysical Research and Teaching
National Science Foundation
Southern Illinois Partnership for Achievement in Middle School Math and Science
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: Magma Dynamics in Sill-Dike Systems - Constraints from Magnetic
Fabrics and Paleomagnetism in the K
M. Wright; K. Renzaglia; H.
Henson; J. Means
E. Ferré
S. Secchi; G. Wilkerson; J. Remo
National Science Foundation
Stacking Ecosystem Services in Reconnected Floodplains: Liking Socioeconomic and
Biophysical Analysis to Improve Floodplain
K. Anderson; T. Wiltowski; S.
Kraft; I. Altman
National Science Foundation
Science Masters Program: Professional Science Master's (PSM) in Advanced Energy and
Fuels Management
N. Pinter
National Science Foundation
Testing Paleo-Environmental Fingerprints on Landscape in Scandinavia
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: Wabash Valley Geophysical Experiment in Illinois
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: Towards a New Magnetic Model for the Lithospheric Mantle
J. Conder
E. Ferré
Grants and Contracts awarded to faculty and staff in the Department of Geology during calendar year 2009.
K. Renzaglia; S. Sipes; D. Gibson;
H. Henson; F. Mumba
National Science Foundation
Heartland Partnerships: Inquiry-Based Ecological and Environmental Education at SIUC
M. Wright; H. Henson; F. Mumba
Illinois State Board of Education
ISBE-MSP-Science Mathematics and Action Research for Teachers
National Science Foundation
Acquisition of an Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer for Geochemical, Biological, and
Petrologic Research, Education, and Training at Southern Illinois University Carbondale
L. Lefticariu; G. Kinsel; G.
Total Support
S. Ishman
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research in IPY: Abrupt Environmental Change in the Larsen Ice Shelf System,
a Multidisciplinary Approach - Marine and Quaternary Geosciences
K. Renzaglia; J. Spears; H. Henson
National Science Foundation
Green Scholarships: Training the Next Generation of Environmental Experts
National Science Foundation
Heartland Partnerships: Inquiry-Based Ecological and Environmental Education at SIUC
Illinois Clean Coal Institute
Characterization of Product Streams from the OHD Coal Conversion Process
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: Assessment of T-Wave Processes and Hydroacoustic Monitoring
Capabilities in Lau Basin
K. Renzaglia; S. Sipes; D. Gibson;
H. Henson; F. Mumba
K. Anderson; J. Crelling; S.
J. Conder
J. Sexton
H. Henson
N. Pinter; C. Lant; M. Whiles; L.
Chevalier; S. Baer
M. Wright; H. Henson; F. Mumba
Illinois Petroleum Resources Board
Computer System for Geophysical Research and Teaching
Illinois Emergency Management Agency
Earthquake Hazard Mitigation and Education Video
National Science Foundation
IGERT: Multidisciplinary, Team-Based Training in Watershed Science and Policy
Illinois State Board of Education
ISBE-IMSP-Science Math & Action Research for Teachers (SMART) Implementation
J. Conder
Washington University
Collaborative Research: Crusted Accretion and Mantle Processes Along the SubductionInfluenced Eastern Lau Spreading Center
E. Ferré
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: Magma Dynamics in Sill-Dike Systems - Constraints from Magnetic
Fabrics and Paleomagnetism in the Karoo Large Igneous Province
N. Pinter
Kendall Sheriff
Illinois Multi-Hazard Mitigation Planning Initiative, Kendall County
Schuyler County
Illinois Multi-Hazard Mitigation Planning Initiative, Schuyler County
Menard County
Illinois Multi-Hazard Mitigation Planning Initiative, Menard County
N. Pinter
N. Pinter
Current Year
S. Ishman
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: Paleohistory of the Larsen Ice Shelf System, Phase II
N. Pinter; C. Casanova
National Science Foundation
Morphotectonic Evolution of the Mejillones Peninsula, Northern Chile Using Precise GPS
Measurement of Uplifted Coastal Terraces
K. Anderson
Analytical Services - Various
U.S. Department of the Interior; NPS
Remote Sensing Investigation at Campground Church Cemetery near Anna, Illinois
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: Multivariate Geospatial Modeling of Levee Impacts on Flood
Heights, Lower Mississippi River
H. Henson
N. Pinter
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: Testing the Impact of Seasonality on Benthic Foraminifera as
Paleoenvironmental Indicators
S. Ishman
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research in IPY: Abrupt Environmental Change in the Larsen Ice Shelf System,
a Multidisciplinary Approach - Marine and Quaternary Geosciences
S. Ishman
University of Nebraska
Using Foraminifera to Resolve the Neogene History of Southern McMurdo Sound
Illinois Clean Coal Institute
Environmentally Benign Production of High Value Chemicals from Illinois Coal
Illinois Clean Coal Institute
I-Lab: Coal to Liquid Fuels Research Facility
T. Wiltowski; K. Mondal; K.
S. Ishman
K. Anderson; J. Crelling
NOTE: Please send electronic correspondence to geology@geo.siu.edu This newsletter is posted on the Web, and the electronic version preserves the color photography. Check
it out at http://www.geology.siu.edu/. If you do not have email, please fill out and return the following form if you have changed your home or business address or have new
information you wish to share with the Department and other alumni. Mail your news and information to:
Katheryn Fifarek
Alumni News
Department of Geology
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Carbondale, IL 62901
Students from the summer field course working in Elk Basin.
Department of Geology
1259 Lincoln Avenue
Mailcode 4324
Carbondale, IL 62901