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Technische Universität München
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Annual Report 2015
Technische Universität München
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Boltzmannstraße 15
85748 Garching near Munich
Editor: Prof. Dr. Tim C. Lüth, Dean
Sub-editor: Dr. Till v. Feilitzsch
Layout: Fa-Ro Marketing, Munich
Photo credits: ballweg & hupe, Uli Benz, Thomas Bergmann, Astrid Eckert,
Kurt Fuchs, Andreas Gebert, Tobias Hase, Andreas Heddergott, iStock/Photomorphic,
Mittermüller Bildbetrieb, Luiz da Rocha-Schmidt, Stefanus Stahl and
further illustrations provided by the institutes
Design of the wall graphic ‘History of the Department of Mechanical Engineering’:
cynar visuelle communication
February 2016
Technische Universität München
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Annual Report 2015
TUM Department of Mechanical Engineering7
Department Board of Management8
Department Council Mechanical Engineering9
Central Services12
Honours Awarded During the Department Day16
Selected Highlights 201520
Facts and Figures26
Ranking Results27
Projects and Clusters28
Divisions of the Department of Mechanical Engineering31
Studying at the TUM Department of Mechanical Engineering42
International Students and Students’ Exchange46
Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Programs in Comparison48
Gender Equality at the Department of Mechanical Engineering49
Graduate Center Mechanical Engineering50
Center of Key Competences51
Student Council52
Faculty Members54
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nikolaus Adams
Institute of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Horst Baier
Institute of Lightweight Structures
Prof. Dr. Klaus Bengler
Institute of Ergonomics Prof. Dr. Sonja Berensmeier
Bioseparation Engineering Group
Prof. Dr. Carlo L. Bottasso
Institute of Wind Energy
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Drechsler
Institute for Carbon Composites
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael W. Gee
Mechanics & High Performance Computing Group
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dipl.-Geophys. Christian Große
Institute of Non-destructive Testing
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Willibald A. Günthner
Institute for Materials Handling, Material Flow, Logistics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oskar J. Haidn
Institute of Flight Propulsion
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oskar J. Haidn
Space Propulsion Group
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Hajek
Institute for Helicopter Technology
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Florian Holzapfel
Institute of Flight System Dynamics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mirko Hornung
Institute of Aircraft Design
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Jakob Kaltenbach
Flow control and Aeroacoustics Group
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Klein
Institute of Plant and Process Technology
Prof. Phaedon-Stelios Koutsourelakis, Ph.D.
Continuum Mechanics Group
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Kremling
Systems Biotechnology Group
Prof. Dr. Oliver Lieleg
Biomechanics Group
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Lienkamp
Institute of Automotive Technology
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Lindemann
Institute of Product Development
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Boris Lohmann
Institute of Automatic Control
Prof. Dr. Tim C. Lüth
Institute of Micro Technology and Medical Device Technology
Prof. Rafael Macian-Juan, Ph.D.
Institute of Nuclear Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Marburg
Institute of Vibroacoustics of Vehicles and Machines
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Neu
Plasma Material Interaction Group
Prof. Wolfgang Polifke, Ph.D.
Thermo-Fluid Dynamics Group
Prof. Dr. Julien Provost
Assistant Professorship of Safe Embedded Systems
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Reinhart
Institute of Industrial Management and Assembly Technologies
Prof. Dr. Ir. Daniel Rixen
Institute of Applied Mechanics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Sattelmayer
Institute of Thermodynamics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Veit Senner
Sport Equipment and Materials Group
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Spliethoff
Institute of Energy Systems
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karsten Stahl
Institute of Machine Elements
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Birgit Vogel-Heuser
Institute of Automation and Information Systems
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Volk
Institute of Metal Forming and Casting
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg Wachtmeister
Institute of Internal Combustion Engines
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang A. Wall
Institute of Computational Mechanics
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Walter
Institute of Astronautics
Prof. Dr. Ewald Werner
Institute of Materials Science and Mechanics of Materials
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Weuster-Botz
Institute of Biochemical Engineering
Prof. Dr. Dr.-Ing. Erich Wintermantel
Institute of Medical and Polymer Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael F. Zaeh
Institute of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Technology
Dear Reader,
The TUM Department of Mechanical
Engineering is today one of the most
successful faculties of its kind worldwide.
This is demonstrated through all relevant
university rankings. It is placed in first or
second place within Germany and within
the ‘Champions League’ worldwide (c.f.
p. 27).
At the same time, the department is also
proud of its long and prestigious history;
founded in 1868 as the core of the former
Polytechnical School in the context of the
industrialization of Bavaria it was home to
and school of many renowned scientists.
In 2015, a ‘family tree’ of the department
was drawn up, which you can find as an
appendix to this report and in the ‘Magistrale’, the center of the main building of
the department.
In recent years, students, staff and
faculty of the department have become
much more diverse: in 2015, 21% of the
students came from abroad (+75% since
2011); 16% of scientific staff are female
(+42% since 2011); and 12% of the professors have an international background
(+100% since 2011).
In 2015, the success of the department
allowed us to attract Prof. Marburg (from
the University of the Armed Forces, Neubiberg) for the newly founded Institute of
Vibroacoustics of Vehicles and Machines.
In addition, Dr. Tropschuh, in charge of
Corporate Responsibility and Politics at
AUDI AG in Ingolstadt, was appointed as
honorary professor (c.f. p. 18).
Despite its long history, one aspect of the
TUM Department of Mechnical Engineering has remained constant throughout
the years; the department covers a very
large range of topics, both in teaching
and research: from the design of efficient
gears to studies on the usability of driver
assistance systems; from the description
of microfluidic systems to the optimization
of production systems. Despite very
diverse approaches, the common goal is
to find technical solutions for the challenges faced by society:
n Climate Change and Shortage of
We work on new mobility concepts,
production processes, which are
highly energy and material efficient,
development and usage scenarios for
novel, ultra light and strong materials
as well as both the development of
highly efficient combustion plants and
renewable energies.
n Demographic Change
We study usage habits and develop
robots and assistance systems e.g. for
car and production environments as
well as medical devices and support
systems for the elderly.
n Urbanization
Approximately a quarter of the scien­
tific staff works on projects related
to safe and efficient ground mobility,
now to a large extent focused on the
development of small vehicles with
very low fuel consumption or new types
of propulsion units, and possible new
types of ownership (car sharing, etc.).
With this brochure, we present an overview of the research at the department’s
institutes. We hope that it helps our
partners in academia and industry to find
experts for their issues, prospective students and junior researchers to identify the
supervisor that suits best her/his interests
and – last but not least – ourselves, the
colleagues and partners of this department, to inform themselves even better
about our research and teaching activities.
Prof. Dr. Tim C. Lüth, Dean
TUM Department of Mechanical Engineering
The Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Technical University of Munich
has stood for engineering excellence since
1868. It was founded amongst others by
the pioneer of refrigeration Carl von Linde
and the well-known mathematician and
materials scientist Johann Bauschinger.
It has been the workplace of famous university teachers such as Gustav Niemann,
author of the most important authoritative
work on mechanical engineering science,
the mechanical engineer August Föppl
and the thermodynamics researcher
Wilhelm Nußelt. The lectures given by Carl
von Linde inspired Rudolf Diesel to make
his groundbreaking inventions. Other
important students of the faculty were the
aircraft designers Claude Dornier and Willy
Today, the Department of Mechanical
Engineering is one of the most successful
engineering faculties of the world. Leading
international surveys rank the TUM
Department of Mechanical Engineering
in the world’s top group. This success is
primarily a result of published scientific
excellence, based on a balanced mix of
publicly funded projects and industrial
cooperation. The department benefits
from a highly innovative environment in
a prestigious university and the Garching
campus, one of the largest and most modern research centers in Europe, as well
as from powerful partners in industry with
their headquarters or research centers
in and around Munich. Young talented
people form the core of the Technical
University of Munich. Integrated into an
environment of experienced scientific
personalities, they are supported to
develop their performance and individual
The educational objectives are expertise,
judgment and responsibility. In addition
to technical sovereignty and entrepreneurial courage, modern engineers are
also expected to achieve in mental and
emotional creativity, cultural sensibility
and social skills are as important, which
is an important cornerstone of the training
at the department (c.f. 50 and 51). Today,
about 5000 students are enrolled at the
Department of Mechanical Engineering;
more than one-fifth are international
students from 32 countries.
TUM Department of Mechanical Engineering
Department Board of Management
The Department of Mechanical Engineering is headed
by the Dean, two Vice Deans and the Dean of Studies,
elected by the faculty of the department every three years.
In order to facilitate communication and to put decisions
onto a broader base, the current Dean, Prof. Tim Lueth,
established a Department Board of Management in 2014,
comprising the deans and representatives of groups of
professors, each assigned with a specific portfolio of
responsibilities. The Department Board of Management
acts as an advisor to the Dean; the responsibility of the
Departmental Board (‘Fakultätsrat’) regarding formal
academic matters remains untouched.
Prof. Dr. Tim C. Lüth
Finances, Appointments,
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael W. Gee
Science and Publications
Vice Dean
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Volk
Evaluation and Department
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mirko Hornung
Buildings and Safety
Vice Dean
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nikolaus A. Adams
Third Party Funds
and Contracts
Dean of Studies MSE
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Boris Lohmann
Special Projects
Dean of Studies
Prof. Dr. mont. habil.
Dr. rer. nat. h.c. Ewald Werner
Teaching Structure
and Quality
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Spliethoff
Special Projects
Prof. Dr. Klaus Bengler
TUM Graduate School
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Zaeh
Personnel Matters
Department Board of Management
Department Council Mechanical Engineering
The Department Council is the highest decision-making
board of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and
is managed by the Dean. The board represents all status
groups (professors, members of the research staff, other
employees and students). Permanent members of the
Faculty Board are:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Hajek
Professors’ Representatives
Prof. Dr. Tim C. Lüth
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Florian Holzapfel
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Volk
(Vice Dean, 2 votes)
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Hans-Jakob Kaltenbach
Prof. Dr. mont. habil.
Dr. rer. nat. h.c. Ewald Werner
(Dean of Studies, 2 votes)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Boris Lohmann
Prof. Dr. Klaus Bengler
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Veit Senner
Prof. Dr. Sonja Berensmeier
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karsten Stahl
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael W. Gee
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael F. Zaeh
Department Council Mechanical Engineering
Research Staff
Marcus Grochowina
Kilian Escayola
Dr. Andreas Hupfer
Charlotte Haid
Dr. Herbert Rausch
Stephan Lie
Daniel Regulin
Franziska Ochsenfarth
Doctoral Candidates
Stephan Hafenstein
(without a vote)
Department Council Mechanical Engineering
Non-scientific Staff
Uli Ebner
Dipl.-Ing. Isabell Franck
Cornelia Härtling
Carmen Aringer, M.A.
Stephanie Frankl, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Helena Hashemi Farzaneh
Department Council Mechanical Engineering
Central Services
With about 5000 students, over 40 professors and well over 1000 employees, the
Department of Mechanical Engineering
is of a size comparable to many universities. Even though most administrative
tasks, including project management and
accounting, are handled by the institutes,
many responsibilities are allocated to the
Dean of the department. This includes
responsibility for the resources allocated
to the department as well as student
Increasingly, it is expected that departments follow up on the activities of their
members, actively shape their teaching
and research environment and develop
their own strategy, especially with
regard to department recruitment. All
this happens in an environment, where
resources are allocated more on the basis
of achievement and vision, and thus less
evenly distributed. Both TUM and the
Department of Mechanical Engineering
profit from these developments, even
though they necessarily create administrative overheads.
Dr. Till von Feilitzsch
Dr. Thomas Wagner
Deptize each other
Central Teaching
Section Head:
Dr. Birgit Spielmann
Franziska Glasl
Central Services
Examination Affairs
Section Head:
Dr. Edda Wenzig
Deputy: Arno Buchner
Prof. Tim C. Lüth
Deputy: Vice Deans
Prof. Wolfram Volk
Prof. Nikolaus Adam
Dean of Studies:
Prof. Ewald Werner
Academic Affairs
Section Head:
Dieter Grimm
Deputy: Department
In addition, examinations have to be processed and students expect professional
advice on very diverse topics.
In the last few years, two training centers
for undergraduate and postgraduate
students have been created, focusing on
topics not directly linked to the research
activities of the department’s institutes.
Through the ‘Center of Key Competences’
and the ‘Graduate Center’, the department
can now directly address the majority of
its members and, for example, implement
courses on good scientific practice.
In previous years, these services were
simply added to those of the classical
Dean’s office, creating a structure that
was increasingly difficult to manage, and
responsibilities were not always clear.
In order to better coordinate central
departmental services, Dr. von Feilitzsch
and Dr. Wagner coordinate these activities
and six units have been formed, reporting
directly to the Dean, in addition to a
personal assistant.
to the Dean
Section Head:
Rella Recsetar
Deputy: Anke Kloiber
Quality Management
and Controlling
Section Head:
Dr. Alexander Ewald
Deputy: Atiye
Student Services
Section Head:
Dr. Ingrid
Dr.-Ing. Jinming Lu
Section Head:
Nicole Siegmund
Deputy: Robert Klopp
Department Management
Academic Affairs
The Department Management assists
the Dean in academic self-administration and the coordination of administrative processes in the department.
The section ‘Academic Affairs’ deals
with academic procedures such as
post-doctoral theses and lecturing
qualifications, honorary professorships and lectureships. In addition,
this section assists the Dean in
building management and in granting permission in relation to such
Dr. Till von Feilitzsch
Dieter Grimm
Section Head
Dr. Thomas Wagner
Assistance to the Dean
This section assists the Dean in daily
matters, coordinates inquiries in
various areas and takes responsibility
for administrative duties relating to
the department and its administration.
Rella Recsetar
Section Head
Quality Management
and Controlling
The section ‘Quality Management and
Controlling’ co-ordinates the implementation and further development
of a quality management system in
the Central Services department. A
further major responsibility of this
section is to maintain a comprehensive reporting system for the
department and to carry out budget
planning based on the reports.
Dr. Alexander Ewald
Section Head
Anke Kloiber
Atiye Korkmaz
Stephan Hartl
Central Services
Information Technology
Student Services
The section ‘Information Technology’
of the Department of Mechanical
Engineering’s Central Services documents and designs the IT infrastructure and the department’s central
software systems. It is the interface
with the external services provided by
the TU München.
This section is the central information
office for students and potential
students regarding degrees, degrees
courses abroad and degree course
organization. It also administers
and organizes degree courses and
administers tuition funds. In addition,
it is the contact for the Head of the
Department, professors and other
bodies of the university regarding
degree course development, planning
and organization.
Prof. Dr. Tim C. Lüth
IO of the Department
Dr. Ingrid Mayershofer
Section Head
Nicole Siegmund
Section Head
Saskia Ammon
Student Exchange
Robert Klopp
Central Teaching Unit
This section is concerned with
central training aspects of doctoral
candidates, as well as training of key
competences of Bachelor and Master
students of the Department. Please
refer to p. 50 for the Graduate Center
and p. 51 for the Center of Key
Dr. Birgit Spielmann
Section Head
Franziska Glasl
Central Services
Dr. Jinming Lu
Student Advisory Service
Christine Mühlbauer
Examination Affairs
The section ‘Examination Affairs’ is
the central contact point for students
regarding all questions concerning
examinations; from admissions
procedure, through internships in
industry before and during the Bachelor program to the complete admini­
stration of marking and examinations.
Dr. Edda Wenzig
Section Head
Internships in Industry
Anna Beraha
TUMonline Examination
Arno Buchner
René Schneider
Arno Buchner
Bachelor’s Degree
Examination Board
Arno Buchner
Silvia Newin
Diana Ivanova
Master’s Degree
Examination Board
Anett Geckert
Central Services
Honours Awarded During the Department Day
Honorary Doctorate
During the Department Day, Herbert
Kraibühler, former technical director of
Arburg GmbH + Co KG, was awarded the
honorary doctorate of the department.
The President of the TUM, Prof. Wolfgang
A. Herrmann, pointed out his remarkable
achievements and ideas in the research
and development of innovative plastic
processing and additive manufacturing
He also proved to be a visionary in the
field of additive manufacturing. His
company cooperated over many years in
research projects with the TUM, examining fundamental issues from polymers
and dispensing procedures through to
optimal filling strategies. The result was an
innovative system for industrial additive
manufacture that can offer much more
than simple 3-D printers.
One of his great achievements is the
further development of injection molding.
He accelerated the integration of injection
molding technology in manufacturing
cells. He thereby optimised production
methods and anticipated the development
which we now know as Industry 4.0. In
addition Herbert Kraibühler recognised
early that the interaction between man
and machine would play a central role
in modern production. The result was
the development of innovative machine
control systems which make is possible
to control the increasingly more complex
injection molding processes.
Prof. Tim Lüth, Dean of the Department
of Mechanical Engineering, described
the collaborative work as ‘an exemplary
co-operation between an innovative,
family-run company and a university of
technical excellence’.
Honours Awarded During the Department Day
Departmental Awards for Dissertations
Rudolf Schmidt-Burkhardt
Memorial Award
Dr.-Ing. Peter Demmel
Best dissertation: ‘In-situ Temperaturmessung beim Scherschneiden’
Willy Messerschmitt Award
Dr.-Ing. Leonhard Höcht
Best dissertation aerospace:
‘Advances in Stability Analysis for
Model Reference Adaptive Control Systems and Application to
Unmanned Aerial Systems’
Manfred Hirschvogel Award
Dr.-Ing. Oliver Rösch
Best dissertation production/
automotive: ‘Steigerung der Arbeitsgenauigkeit bei der Fräsbearbeitung
metallischer Werkstoffe mit Industrierobotern’
RENK Propulsion Technology
Dr.-Ing. Joachim Pfleghaar
Best dissertation propulsion tech­no­lo­­gy and mechatronics: ‘Energieeffiziente aktive Dämpfung von Torsionsschwingungen im KFZ-Antriebsstrang’
Siemens Energy Thesis Award
Dr.-Ing. Anja Marosky
Best dissertation conventional energy
technology: ‘Einfluss der Kühllufteindüsung auf das Betriebsverhalten von
Wittenstein Award
Dr.-Ing. Philipp Engelhardt
Best dissertation with entrepreneurial potential: ‘System für die
RFID-gestützte situationsbasierte
Produktionssteuerung in der auftragsbezogenen Fertigung und Montage’
Department Award
Dr.-Ing. Kei Wieland Müller
Best dissertation with scientific
potential: ‘Simulation of Self-assembly and Mechanics of Transiently
Crosslinked, Semiflexible Biopolymer
Departmental Awards for Master’s Theses
and Excellent Degrees
SGL Group Award
Ralf Engelhardt, M.Sc.
Best master’s thesis lightweight
materials, carbon and ceramics:
‘Analyse der Herstellkosten des
thermoplastischen Automated Fiber
Placement Prozesses am Beispiel
eines Booster Segments’
RENK Antriebstechnik Propulsion
Technology Award
Ulrich Stockinger, M.Sc.
Best master’s thesis propulsion
technology and mechatronics:
‘Systematische Ermittlung des
Reibungsverhaltens von Lamellen­
kupplungen mit Carbon- und
Siemens Energy Thesis Award
Peter Ostermeier, M.Sc.
Best master’s thesis conventional
energy technology: ‘Design of
Experiments für die Untersuchung der
Wärmeübertragung in durchströmten
Wittenstein Award
Robert Szukalski, M.Sc.
Best master’s thesis with entrepreneurial potential: ‘Approaches
to Online Monitoring of Adaptive
Department Award
Johannes Ernst, M.Sc.
Overall grade: 1,01 (Best Degree)
Departmental Award
Excellent degrees
Nikolas Tekles, M.Sc.
Overall grade: 1,07
Fabian Bräu, M.Sc.
Overall grade: 1,10
Maximilian Steinbacher, M.Sc.
Overall grade: 1,11
Theresa Trummler, M.Sc.
Overall grade: 1,12
Honours Awarded During the Department Day
In 2015, two new professors were
appointed at the TUM Department of
Mechanical Engineering:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Marburg
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Steffen Marburg
In recent years, the Gerhard Zeidler
Research Foundation has endowed the
‘Institute of Vibroacoustics of Vehicles and
Machines’ at the department. The foundation was established by Gerhard and
Ellen Zeidler with the mission, amongst
others, to advance engineering sciences,
especially with respect to the reduction of
The aim is to enhance the physical
understanding of the emergence and distribution of air-borne and structure-borne
sound in order to deduce methods of
manipulation and reduction. Research
and teaching involve physical principles of
vibroacoustics, numerical simulations and
experimental investigations.
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Peter Tropschuh
In this context, in July 2015, Prof.
Dr.-Ing. Steffen Marburg (b. 1965) was
appointed to the newly founded institute.
His research interests encompass the
development and application of numerical methods for vibroacoustics and
aeroacoustics, the experimentally-based
virtual prototyping of complex models in
combination with parameter identification, the consideration and identification
of parameter variations and structural
acoustic optimization. The applications
are manifold and include automotive
parts, ships, electric tools and musical
instruments. Marburg graduated from
TU Dresden where he was awarded a
doctoral degree in 1998. Subsequently he
became a junior professor for Structural
Acoustic Optimization/Boundary Element
Methods in 2004. In 2010, he moved to
the University of the Federal Armed Forces
in Munich and became a full professor for
Technical Dynamics. Marburg is associate
editor of the peer-reviewed journal Acta
Acustica united with Acustica, editor of
the Journal of Computational Acoustics
and chair of TC Computational Acoustics
of the European Acoustics Association.
Hon.Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Peter Tropschuh
Dr.-Ing. Peter Tropschuh (b. 1958) was
appointed honorary professor for Developments in Automotive Engineering at the
Institute of Automotive Engineering. Prof.
Tropschuh studied at TUM and graduated
with a degree in Mechanical Engineering
in 1982. He received a doctorate for his
work on ‘Computer supported design
using knowledge-based systems’ under
the supervision of Prof. Ehrlenspiel at the
Institute of Engineering Design in 1988.
In the same year, Prof. Tropschuh started
working for AUDI AG in Ingolstadt. Over
the years he held various positions in
the field of development, including being
an assistant to the Director of Technical
Development and head of the General
Secretariat, the Product Strategy Committee, Advanced Engineering and AUDI AG‘s
Research Partnership Program. Between
2006 and 2012 Prof. Tropschuh was
responsible for Volkswagen’s ‘AutoUni’ in
Wolfsburg. Since July 2011 he has been
in charge of Corporate Responsibility and
Politics at AUDI AG in Ingolstadt. He has
held lectures on the ‘Trends and developments in automotive engineering’ since
winter semester 2007-08.
At the TUM Department of Mechanical
Engineering, the institutes typically address
the whole value chain from scientific
foundations up to application scenarios.
The large size of the institutes allows them
to build up interdisciplinary teams.
The competitiveness of research is hard to
quantify. Typical indicators are third-party
funds and the number of publications.
Third-party funds
Third-party funds indicate that public bodies, such as the European Commission,
ministries and the DFG, or private entities
such as industry and foundations trust in
the competence and competitiveness of
research performed at the department.
During the last decade, third-party
funds at the department almost tripled.
This compares to a 52% increase of all
research funding at German universities
from 9.2 bil. (Mrd) Euros to 14.0 bil. (Mrd)
Euros between 2005 and 2012 (most
recent data available) – 120% at the TUM
Department of Mechanical Engineering
during the same period of time.
€ 60m
€ 50m
€ 40m
€ 30m
Third-party funding
€ 20m
€ 10m
€ 0m
n State Ministries
n Foundations
n Donations
n DFG ExIni
n Test Authority
n Revenue
n Priv. (other) n Industry
n DFG Others n EU
n Fed. Gov.
n Found. Prof.
n State
Third-party funding of the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Blue: public funds; red: private funds; orange: other funds, usually not regarded as third party-funds
Publications in Peer Rewiewd Journals
(preliminary data)
Publications accepted in international
journals through a peer review process
are a key parameter for scientific output.
They are referred to in most international
research rankings. Since 2013, the
Department of Mechanical Engineering
has been systematically collecting publication data of its members and rewards
qualified publications. Simultaneously, the
number of published journal articles has
increased continously.
Number of publications in peer-reviewed journals or
conference proceedings, listed in Scopus or Web of
Science, as reported to the departments’ administration.
Selected Highlights 2015
Brain-controlled Aircraft Flight
n In simulator experiments at TUM’s Institute of Flight System Dynamics,
pilots used only their brain activity to control the airplane’s movement.
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Florian Holzapfel
Institute of Flight System
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Florian Holzapfel
Phone +
Test subject with electrode cap
Selected Highlights
Impression of experiments on brain-controlled flight
Imagine if airplanes were not controlled
manually but with the help of so-called
Brain Machine Interfaces that interpret
the pilot’s brain activity. Pilots would have
their hands free and physically disabled
people could fly. The goal of the research
project BRAINFLIGHT, a cooperation
between TEKEVER, the Champalimaud
Foundation, Eagle Science and the
Technische Universität München, was to
assess the performance of this concept.
Flight control algorithms developed at
TUM’s Institute of Flight System Dynamics
enabled some pilots to successfully
accomplish several tasks, including a
landing approach in bad visibility. The
experiments attracted international attention from experts and the media.
Funded by the European Community’s
Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)
under the Grant Agreement 308914.
n T. Fricke, V. Paixão, N. Loureiro, R.
M. Costa, F. Holzapfel, ‘Brain Control
of Horizontal Airplane Motion – A
Comparison of Two Approaches’, AIAA
Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference 2015, DOI: 10.2514/6.2015-0238.
n T. Fricke, F. Holzapfel, ‘Applying Brain
Machine Interfaces to Aircraft Control: Potentials and Challenges’, 56.
Fachausschusssitzung Anthropotechnik
der DGLR.
n C. D. Heise, F. Holzapfel, ‘Uniform
ultimate boundedness of a Model
Reference Adaptive Controller in the
presence of unmatched parametric
uncertainties’, Proceedings of the
2015 6th International Conference on
Automation, Robotics and Applications,
2015, 7081139, pp. 149-154, DOI:
n F. Zhang, S. Braun, F. Holzapfel, ‘Physically integrated reference model and
its aids in validation of requirements to
flight control systems’, AIAA Guidance,
Navigation, and Control Conference,
2014, DOI: 10.2514/6.2014-0962
New ERC Advanced Grant Awarded
n Prof. Nikolaus Adams, Chair of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics, has
received an ERC Advanced Grant for his project ‘NANOSHOCK – Manufacturing Shock Interactions for Innovative Nanoscale Processes’.
Numerical simulation of a shock interaction with a
droplet: pressure and drop surface of a water drop in
air hit by a supersonic shockwave (Ma = 3).
The flow of liquids or gases is fundamental
to most technical applications and natural
phenomena. Among the most intriguing
fluid dynamics events are shock waves,
discontinuities in the macroscopic fluid
state that can lead to extreme temperatures, pressures and concentrations of
energy, which can be perceived, e.g. as
supersonic boom of an aircraft or as originating from an explosion. The violence
and yet the spatial localization of shockwaves presents us with a unique potential
for in situ control of fluid processes with
surgical precision. Applications range from
kidney-stone lithotripsy and drug delivery
to advanced aircraft design. How c an
this potential be leveraged/harnessed?
What mechanisms and inherent properties
allow the formation and control of shocks
in complex environments such as living
organisms? How can shocks be generated
in situ and targeted with high precision
for drug delivery while minimizing side
effects? What is the potential of reactive/
fluidic-process steering by shock-interaction manufacturing?
The objective is to answer these questions using state of the art computational
methods, supported by benchmark quality
experiments. Computations are based
on advanced multi-resolution methods
for multi-physics problems. Uncertainty
quantification is employed to derive robust
flow and shock-dynamic field designs.
Paradigms and efficient computational
tools are delivered to the scientific and
engineering community.
Prof. Nikolaus Adams has been Chair of
Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics at
the TUM since 2004. Adams was elected
as Fellow of the American Physical
Society for his work on computational
flow modeling in 2011. Jointly with a team
of scientists from ETH Zurich, Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratories and IBM,
Adams received the 2013 Gordon Bell
Prize for the largest and most efficient flow
n Fu, L.; Hu, X. Y.; Adams, N. A. (2016):
‘A family of high-order targeted ENO
schemes for compressible-fluid
simulations’, Journal of Computational Physics 305, pp. 333-359. DOI:
n Han, L. H.; Hu, X. Y.; Adams, N. A.
(2014): ‘Adaptive multi-resolution
method for compressible multi-phase
flows with sharp interface model and
pyramid data structure’, Journal of
Computational Physics 262, pp. 131152. DOI: 10.1016/
n Luo, J.; Hu, X. Y.; Adams, N. A. (2015):
‘A conservative sharp interface method
for incompressible multiphase flows’,
Journal of Computational Physics
284, pp. 547-565. DOI: 10.1016/j.
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Nikolaus A. Adams
Institute of Aerodynamics
and Fluid Mechanics
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Nikolaus A. Adams
Phone +
Schlieren-type image of a
shock-bubble interaction. Using
latest numerical methods allows
to simulate accurately shock interactions with complex interface
Selected Highlights
Large High Precision Lightweight Space Reflectors
n Large high precision reflectors are envisaged for future applications
in communication satellites, earth observation missions such as the
measure­ment of earth’s biomass, and also space astronomy.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Horst Baier
Dr.-Ing. Leri Datashvili
Institute of Lightweight
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Horst Baier
Phone +
Dr.-Ing. Leri Datashvili
Phone +
A generic satellite with a large reflector
Laboratory model for thermo-mechanical and electrical
Due to the size of such reflectors of 8 to
15 meters in diameter, they have to be
densely stowed for launch but precisely
deployed in orbit. They have to keep their
predominantly parabolic reflecting shape
within possibly µm-accuracy even under
extreme temperature variations from
+120°C down to -170°C. For that purpose,
CFRP foldable structures are combined
supporting reflecting surfaces composed
of a new type of composite material based
on carbon-fiber reinforced space compatible silicones (CFRS), i.e. a reinforced
‘rubber’. This allows dense stowage
and at the same time high accuracy and
stability in orbit. Appropriate material and
design concepts have been developed
under ESA contracts. Simulations and
hardware tests with scaled laboratory
models have now resulted in a technology
readiness level which allowed ESA to give
their go-ahead for verification tests of real
scale demonstrators.
Variations of such reinforced flexible
polymers also establish a basis for shape
morphing structures which adapt their
(outer) shape to achieve, for example,
the best aerodynamic efficiency and also
reduce radiated noise for aircraft wings
and engine inlets.
n J.-C. Angevain, G. Rodrigues, J. Santiago-Prowald, C. Mangenot, L. Datashvili,
‘Phyllotactic arrangements of reflector
mesh facets to decrease grating lobes’,
9th European Conference on Antennas
and Propagation, 2015, 7228775, ISBN:
n L. Datashvili, H. Baier, ‘Derivation of
different types of antenna reflectors
from the principle of highly flexible
structures’, 8th European Conference
on Antennas and Propagation, 2014,
6901677, pp. 4-8, DOI: 10.1109/
Deployment sequence of a downscaled laboratory model (silvery struts used as geometrical reference)
Selected Highlights
Assisting Workers Utilizing Augmented Reality
n Operational processes, in which a worker centers his attention on work
items or operating equipment, can be assisted by an information presentation in the worker’s direct field of vision utilizing augmented reality
technology. The institute fml applies this technology to different settings in
the field of intralogistics.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wi.-Ing.
Willibald A. Günthner
Institute for Materials
Handling, Material Flow,
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wi.-Ing.
Willibald A. Günthner
Phone +
The order picker is assisted by information displayed through a smart glasses.
There are two main objects of research at
the institute involving augmented reality.
The First is Pick-by-Vision, a technology
developed by the institute itself. Smart
glasses are used to provide an order
picker with context-sensitive information
assisting him with the completion of an
order. Thus, both of the order picker’s
hands remain free for the relevant tasks
like picking and placing. The worker no
longer has to carry a physical pick list,
Information presentation on the windshield of an forklift
truck. The driver is prompted to lift the fork to level ‘B’.
which often has shown as an error-prone
The second augmented reality system is
applied in a forklift truck. The innovative
emissive projection display technology
upgrades the windshield to a transparent
display. The forklift driver is able to receive
information in his direct field of vision
and does not have to avert his eyes to a
terminal or operating display.
n T. Rammelmeier, S. Galka, W. A.
Günthner, ‘Error prevention in manual
order picking’, Logistics Journal, 2012,
pp. 1-8, DOI: 10.2195/lj_Proc_
n Günthner, W. A.; Bengler, C.; vom
Stein, M.; Knott, V.: Einsatz der
zur Unterstützung des Fahrers von
Flurförderzeugen. Research report.
Lehrstuhl für Fördertechnik Materialfluss Logistik, Technische Universität
München, Garching, 2015.
Selected Highlights
Speed2E – Innovative Super-high Multiple-speed Concept
for the Electrified Automotive Powertrain
n Design trends for purely electric vehicle power units are increasingly
focused on high-speed concepts, since the associated weight reduction
increases vehicle range. However, extremely high speeds of electric
motors lead to new challenges in terms of noise emission, efficiency and
load carrying capacity of the employed powertrains.
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Karsten Stahl
Institute of Machine
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karsten Stahl
Phone +
Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Idler
Phone +
Funded by
based on a decision of the
Deutscher Bundestag
Assisted by
Speed2E powertrain layout
Speed2E is a collaborative project,
funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi) and assisted
by the Research Association for Drive
Technology e. V. (FVA). The goal of this
project is to design and investigate an
electro-mechanical high-speed powertrain. It consists of two high-speed electric
engines with up to 30,000 rpm and a
gearbox consisting of two parallel partial
transmissions. One of these is designed
to be shiftable. The switching operation of
the electrically synchronized claw clutch
can be carried out by the two power paths
and the overload capacity of the engines
without interrupting traction.
By tripling today’s conventional engine
speeds of about 10,000 rpm, the volume
and mass of the engine can be cut approximately in half compared to today’s standards and the engine costs can be reduced
by about 30%. In theory, the power density,
efficiency and cost-effectiveness of electrified automotive powertrains can therefore
be increased significantly.
Consortium leader
FZG (Technische Universität München)
Selected Highlights
Cooperation partners
IMKT (Leibniz Universität Hannover),
IAL (Leibniz Universität Hannover),
IMS (Technische Universität Darmstadt),
Lenze AG, GETRAG GmbH & Cie KG
n Stahl, K.; Idler, S.; Poll, G.; Friedl, A.:
Super-Hochdrehzahl-Konzept für den
elektrifizierten Antriebsstrang. Konstruktion, Heft: 10
n Stahl, K.; Idler, S.: Der Speed2E-Hochdrehzahl-Antriebsstrang. 7. E-Motive
Expertenforum ‘Elektrische Fahrzeug­
n Gwinner, Ph.; Idler, S.; Otto, M.; Stahl,
K.: Verzahnungsdesign für einen Hochdrehzahl-E-Antrieb. VDI-Berichte 2256.
Getriebe in Fahrzeugen 2015/Drivetrain
for Vehicles 2015.
n Hoehn, B.-R., Stahl, K., Gwinner, P.,
Wiesbeck, F., ‘Torque-vectoring driveline
for electric vehicles’, Lecture Notes in
Electrical Engineering, 2012, Volume
191 LNEE, Issue VOL. 3, 2013, Pages
585-593, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-64233777-2_48
Structured Tubes for Improved Heat Exchanger Efficiency
n At the Institute of Plant and Process Technology structured tubes for
condensation heat exchangers have been investigated. Results show
an improvement of up to 900% in the outer heat transfer coefficient for
condensation of solvents used in large-scale chemical processes.
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Harald Klein
Institute of Plant and
Process Technology
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Klein
Phone +
Condensation on a horizontal low-finned tube made of stainless steel. The small fins provide an enlarged surface for
heat transfer and enhance drainage of the condensate.
Experiments carried out at the Institute of
Plant and Process Technology showed a
high potential for use of low-finned tubes
for condensation in chemical processes.
Due to an increased surface for heat
transfer and improved fluid dynamic
characteristics of condensate flow, such
structured tubes can improve significantly
the efficiency of heat exchangers in
chemical plants. The outer heat transfer
coefficient of those tubes can be nine
times as high as for a comparable conventional plain tube.
The condensation of different pure
solvents and mixtures on horizontal lowfinned tubes made of different materials
was investigated. Alongside, a model was
developed with adaption of the experimental results, which allows dimensioning
of new improved heat exchangers for
condensation with higher efficiency.
Funded by the German Federal Ministry
of Education and Research (grant number
n Reif, A.; Büchner, A.; Rehfeldt, S.; Klein,
H.: ‘Determination of the outer condensation heat transfer coefficient of pure
fluids on a horizontal low-finned tube’,
Chemie Ingenieur Technik, Volume 87,
Issue 3, March 2015, pp. 260-269, DOI:
n Büchner, A.; Reif, A.; Rehfeldt, S.; Klein,
H.: ‘Examination of the condensation
of pure substances on a horizontal lowfinned tube bundle’, Chemie Ingenieur
Technik, Volume 87, Issue 3, March
2015, pp. 270-279, DOI: 10.1002/
n Büchner, A.; Reif, A.; Rehfeldt, S.; Klein,
H.: ‘Difficulties of uniform examination
of heat transfer for condensation on
structured tubes’, Chemie Ingenieur
Technik, Volume 87, Issue 3, March
2015, pp. 301-305, DOI: 10.1002/
Comparison of a conventional
plain tube (left) and a low-finned
tube (right). In the upper half, cut
views of the tubes are shown. The
tubes and pictures were provided
by Wieland-Werke AG.
Selected Highlights
Facts and Figures
Full professors
Associate professors
Staff (total)
765 (including doctoral candidates,
provided they are employed)
2392 students total (6 semester program)
2186 students total (4 semester program)
Doctoral Program
Dissertations 900
State budget
4 MEuros
incl. 2 M Euros tuition funds
20 M Euros equiv.
State positions
Acquired research funding
55 M Euros (2015; 48 M Euros in 2014)
26 M Euros Public sources
29 M Euros Private sources (of which about 50%
each direct cooperation and consortia)
700 externally funded research projects
Research Output
450 (preliminary, based on Scopus and ISI WoS)
4846 (preliminary, based on Scopus and ISI WoS)
9 2015 (40 within the last 10 years)
All figures refer to the calendar
year 2015, unless stated
Facts and Figures
Office space
Lab and workshop
60,000 sq.m.
Ranking Results
The Department of Mechanical Engineering is one of the most successful faculties
of its kind worldwide. In 2015, the top
placements of recent years were surpassed in the main research rankings. The
basis of this success is both very good
conditions for teaching and an excellent
research record, based on a balanced mix
of publicly and industry-funded projects,
and demonstrated by quality publications.
Rank 1
Rank 20
Rank 50
THE World University Ranking
The Times Higher Education Ranking
evaluates universities in their specialist
areas according to their teaching and
research performance, based primarily on
citations, teaching indicators and research
volume. According to this ranking, TUM
engineering occupies the top place
amongst German universities.
Placement of Engineering Sciences
TUM Engineering Sciences: 27 (2015-16)
Previous Years: 28 (2014-15), 26 (201314), > 50 (2012-13), 43 (2011-12), >50
Taiwan Ranking
The National Taiwan University Ranking
is based exclusively on the number of
publications, citations and h-indexes –
primarily from the past decade. It therefore
reacts very slowly to the process of
change. Evaluation is subject-specific
meaning that parts of the Department
of Mechanical Engineering are not
assessed (e.g. process technology and
materials science). The TUM Department
of Mechanical Engineering demonstrates
particularly high performance ratings with
regard to highly cited publications (‘HiCi’
rank 21) and publications in frequently
cited journals (‘High-Impact Journal
Articles’, rank 51).
Top 20 worldwide in
Mechanical Engineering
Top 50
QS World University Ranking (Mechanical Engineering, 2015. Academic Reputation,
employer reputation, citations per publication and h-index
QS World University Ranking
by Subject
The QS World University Ranking by Subject evaluates universities according to the
academic reputation, employer reputation,
number of citations per publication and
h-index. In the past years our department
has been placed amongst the top faculties
in Europe. In 2015, TUM Mechanical
Engineering was ranked amongst the top
20 departments worldwide.
Placement of Mechanical Engineering
TUM Mechanical Engineering: 19 (2015)
Previous Years: 30 (2014), 23 (2013), 33
(2012), 36 (2011)
The new international university ranking
system U-Multirank compares universities
and subjects according to 30 different
criteria but does not compile a comprehensive ranking list. When considering the
relevant teaching and research metrics of
universities worldwide, the TUM Department of Mechanical Engineering occupies
top places among those conferring
Placement of Mechanical Engineering
TUM Mechanical Engineering: 55 (2015)
Previous years: 68 (2014), 64 (2013), 78
(2012), 118 (2011)
Ranking Results
Projects and Clusters
Collaborative Research Projects
Institutes and specialist groups at the
Department of Mechanical Engineering are
participants in the following collaborative
research projects:
Special Research Areas
SFB 768: Managing Cycles in Innovation
Processes – Integrated Development
of Product-Service Systems based on
Technical Products
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Birgit Vogel-Heuser
Technische Universität München
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Institute of Automation and Information
Active since 2008
SFB TR40: Technological Foundations
for the Design of Thermally and
Mechanically Highly Loaded
Components for Future Space
Transport Systems
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nikolaus Adams
Technische Universität München
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Institute of Aerodynamics and Fluid
SFB TR10: Integration of Forming,
Separation and Joining for the Flexible
Manufacture of Lightweight LoadBearing Structures
Prof. Dr.-Ing. A. Erman Tekkaya
Technical University of Dortmund
Department of Forming Technology and
Lightweight Construction
Active since 2003
SFB 863: Forces in Biomolecular
Prof. Dr. Matthias Rief
Technische Universität München
Department of Physics
Institute of Biophysics
Active since 2010
SFB 1032: Nanoagents for
Spatiotemporal Control of Molecular
and Cellular Reactions
Professor Dr. Joachim Rädler
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Department of Physics
Institute of Experimental Physics, Solid
State Physics
Active since 2008
Active since 2012
Projects and Clusters
DFG Focus Programs
SPP 1276: MetStröm: ScaleIndependent Modelling in Flow
Mechanics and Meterology
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rupert Klein
Free University of Berlin
Mathematics and Informatics
Local participant: Prof. Polifke
SPP1551: Resource-Efficient Structural
Prof. Dr.-Ing. B.-R. Höhn
Technische Universität München
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Institute of Machine Elements
Local participants: Prof. Höhn, Prof.
Reinhart, Prof. Stahl
SPP 1593: Design for Future – Managed
Software Evolution
Prof. Dr. Ursula Goltz
Technical University of Braunschweig
Institute for Programming and Reactive
Local participant: Prof. Vogel-Heuser
SPP 1676 Dry Metal Forming –
Sustainable Production through Dry
Processing in Metal Forming
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Vollertsen
University of Bremen
Department of Welding and Allied
SPP 1748: Reliable Simulation
Techniques in Solid Mechanics.
Development of Non-standard
Discretisation Methods, Mechanical
and Mathematical Analysis
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Schröder
University of Duisburg-Essen
Institute of Mechanics
Local participants: Dr. Popp, Prof.Wall
DFG Research Training Group
GRK 1095: Aero-thermodynamic Design
of a Scramjet – Propulsion Systems for
Future Space Transport Systems
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernhard Weigand
University of Stuttgart
Institute of Thermodynamics for
SPP 1640: Joining by Plastic
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Peter
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Institute for Production Engineering and
Forming Machines
Local participants: Prof. Volk, Prof. Zäh
Projects and Clusters
EU Projects (coordinated)
NANOSHOCK: Manufacturing Shock
Interactions for Innovative Nanoscale
LEEToRB: Lightweight, Energy-Efficient
Tooling for the Manufacturing of Rotor
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nikolaus Adams
Technische Universität München
Institute of Aerodynamics and Fluid
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Drechsler
Technische Universität München
Institute of Carbon Composites
Aero-Sim: Development of a Selective
Laser Melting Simulation Tool for Aero
Engine applications
MORPHELLE: Morphing Enabling
Technologies for Propulsion System
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael F. Zaeh
Technische Universität München
Institute of Machine Tools and Manufactur­­­ing Technology
Prof. Horst Baier
Technische Universität München
Institute of Lightweight Structure
ATHENAI: Aerodynamic Testing of
Helicopter Novel Air Intakes
OnCord: Online Corrosion Monitoring
for the Combined Combustion of
Coal and Chlorine-rich Biomasses
in Pulverised Fuel and Circulating
Fluidised Bed Systems
Apl. Prof. Dr. Christian Breitsamter
Technische Universität München
Institute of Aerodynamics and Fluid
Projects and Clusters
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Spliethoff
Technische Universität München
Institute of Energy Systems
Divisions of the Department of Mechanical Engineering
n The entire chain of usage scenarios and mission planning in the aero­
space field is mapped at the Department of Mechanical Engineering
– everything from overall aircraft design down to material and structural
principles, propulsion and aerodynamics.
A hallmark of this research field is its
integration in the excellent research
environment in Munich featuring industrial
partners such as Airbus Group, Airbus
Helicopter, Airbus Defence & Space, MTU
Aero Engines, IABG, Liebherr Aerospace,
Kayser-Threde as well as Munich Aero­
space, a joint research and academic
platform between TUM, Universität der
Bundeswehr (University of the German
Army) and the DLR.
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Mirko Hornung, Institute
of Aircraft Design
Phone +
Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Adams,
Institute of Aerodynamics
and Fluid Mechanics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Horst Baier,
Institute of Lightweight
Prof. Dr. Carlo Bottasso,
Institute of Wind Energy
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus
Drechsler, Institute of
Carbon Composites
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oskar Haidn
(interim), Institute of Flight
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oskar Haidn,
Space Propulsion Group
Image: TUM HT
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred
Hajek, Institute of
Helicopter Technology
New Testfacility: UAS Propulsion System Testcenter
The Institute of Aircraft Design has started
operation of a novel test facility to test
entire propulsion systems for UAS and
other small aircraft. The test facility en­­
ables testing of entire propulsion systems
ranging from electric-driven propeller-­
based systems up to fully integrated small
jet engines including intake as well as
thrust vectoring devices.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Florian
Holzapfel, Institute of
Flight System Dynamics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Jakob
Kaltenbach, Flow Control
and Aeroacoustics Group
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Walter,
Institute of Astronautics
Divisions of the Department of Mechanical Engineering
Image: TUM FSD
Research Aircraft: Fly-by-Wire Testbed
The Institute of Flight System Dynamics
successfully completed the first flight
tests of the fly-by-wire system, developed
by the institute itself, for its DA-42 MNG
research aircraft. The system features
a multi-stage safety system and allows
full-­­authority high bandwidth operation of
all control axes including their respective
trim functions as well as separate autothrottles. The system is equipped with a
large variety of sensor systems including
high quality reference sensors. This allows
a large variety of research, development
and demonstration flight tests to be
performed, pioneering technologies for
Divisions of the Department of Mechanical Engineering
manned and unmanned aerial systems
from manual direct control to automated
mission accomplishment. The system
is operated in close cooperation with
Diamond Aircraft. It is complemented by
hardware and pilot-in-the-loop simulation
facilities at TUM-FSD that can even
be coupled to the new high-precision
navigation turntable, the 48 channel space
segment simulator or the actuator test
Funded by the Bavarian Ministry for Economics
n The automotive field is one of the most important ones at the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Almost every institute is involved via a
most diverse range of projects.
In addition to vehicle and usage concepts,
particular emphasis is also placed on the
powertrain, driver assistance systems
as well as the use of new materials and
the production process. One focal area
is how to ensure the viability of individual
transport through efficient vehicles in the
face of increasing resource shortages.
The Munich metropolitan area probably
has the highest density of prestigious
car manufacturers in the world, a very
important factor for this field. Key scientific challenges lie in understanding
combustion processes and the properties
of materials.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus
Lienkamp, Institute of
Automotive Technology
Phone +
Prof. Dr. Klaus Bengler,
Institute of Ergonomics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Boris
Lohmann, Institute of
Automatic Control
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen
Marburg, Institute for
Vibroacoustics of Vehicles
and Machines
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther
Reinhart, Institute for
Industrial Management
and Assembly Tech­
Project aCar Mobility
The research project deals with the
mobility needs in rural areas of subSaharan Africa in the years 2020 to 2030.
The overarching objective is to develop a
coherent concept vehicle which addresses
the problems of transportation for goods
and people in these rural areas. The
vehicle will enable better access to health
care, education and information in the
remote areas by using modular add-on
digital technology.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Volk,
Institute of Metal Forming
and Casting
Funded by the Bavarian Research Foundation (BFS)
Project EEBatt – Interdisciplinary Energy Storage Research Project
Combining the strength of 13 chairs
and departments of the Technische
Universität München a multidisciplinary
team of researchers who work together
on a wide range of issues concerning
stationary storage of electrical energy.
Special attention is paid to the reduction
of costs and the carbon footprint at the
system level through the secondary use
of vehicle batteries. Through the use of
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karsten
Stahl, Institute of Machine
already used lithium-ion traction batteries
the production emissions and the energy
required can be allocated to two life
cycles which reduces the carbon footprint
of the storage.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg
Wachtmeister, Institute
of Internal Combustion
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael
F. Zaeh, Institute for
Machine Tools and Manufacturing Technology
Funded by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs
and Media, Energy and Technology
Divisions of the Department of Mechanical Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hartmut
Spliethoff, Institute of
Energy Systems
Phone +
Prof. Dr. Carlo Bottasso,
Institute of Wind Energy
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oskar Haidn
(interim), Institute of Flight
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Klein,
Institute of Plant and
Process Technology
Prof. Dr. Rafael MacianJuan, Ph.D., Institute of
Nuclear Technology
n A sustainable energy supply is one of the essential requirements for
the future of our society. The goals of reducing CO2 emissions, achieving
cost effectiveness and societal acceptance make for a field fraught with
The Department of Mechanical Engineering
has been a hothouse of research in energy
technology and thermodynamics ever since
the days of Carl von Linde and Wilhelm
Nußelt. The department has a particularly
excellent reputation in the areas of combustion technology and the development of
very efficient power stations. Our research
and teaching portfolio in renewable energy
has been expanded considerably in recent
years e.g. through the new Institute of
Wind Energy, although institutes covering
biomass, geothermal and solar energy have
existed for even longer.
Center for Power Generation
Prof. Wolfgang Polifke,
Ph.D., Thermo-Fluid
Dynamics Group
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas
Sattelmayer, Institute of
The Center for Power Generation is a
research alliance within the Technical
University of Munich with the goal of combining skills and knowledge in the fields
of chemistry, electrical and mechanical
engineering and physics. Its primary focus
is the conversion, transport and storage of
energy but it also investigates areas such
as load spreading and infrastructure.
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Neu,
Plasma Material Inter­
action Group
Energy Valley Bavaria – Flexible Power Stations
The ‘Energy Valley Bavaria’ project consists of an interdisciplinary team investigating the effects of the energy revolution
on generation systems and electricity
grids. Investigative research is carried out
at the Institute of Thermodynamics on
increasing the flexibility of gas turbines
and analysis is carried out at the Institute
of Energy Systems on the dynamic behavior of steam generators. The results form
the basis of dynamic process simulations
which illustrate all the processes at work
in power stations.
Holistic Design of Wind Turbines
The Institute of Wind Energy develops
versatile design tools for wind generators.
Designing a wind generator should result
in generation costs being minimised.
However, this presents a very complex
engineering challenge requiring many
Divisions of the Department of Mechanical Engineering
input parameters to be optimised e.g. efficiency, material and production costs for
all components, assembly costs as well as
operation and maintenance. Several other
general conditions must likewise be taken
into account.
n Materials make it possible to determine the manufacture of constituent
parts, transmit forces, determine the efficiency levels of machines and the
compatibility of medical implants. All three major materials categories,
polymers/plastics, metals and ceramics, as well as those derived from
them, e.g. carbon composites and other composite materials, play a
significant role in research and teaching at the department.
Key research areas include ultra-precise
antennae which can be used in space
for satellite navigation, manufacturing
medical components in sterile environments for use in the human body or the
automated manufacture of load-bearing
vehicle or aircraft parts. The Institute
for Materials Research and Testing in
Mechan­­­­­ical Engineering (part of the
Bavarian government) is another highlight
which illustrates how our wide ranging
material analyses enable deep insights
into all solid materials.
Prof. Dr. Dr.-Ing
Erich Wintermantel,
Institute of Medical and
Polymer Engineering
Phone +
Prof. Dr. Horst Baier,
Institute of Lightweight
Prof. Dr. Klaus Drechsler,
Institute of Carbon
Prof. Dr. Michael W. Gee,
Mechanics and High
Performance Computing
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Neu,
Plasma Material
Interaction Group
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wall,
Institute of Computational
CRP is regarded as the ‘material of the
future’ which has so far led to innovations
spanning many sectors. However, one
area in which CRP has not yet found a
foothold is machine and factory construction. Whilst some successful combinations
of steel and carbon have been achieved
in industry, simply replacing metal with
carbon is not possible. Surmounting this
hurdle will therefore remain at the forefront
of research and development work undertaken by FORCiM3A. Hybrid joining techniques i.e. the combination of metal and
CRP is a requirement for thorough integration into the world of steel construction
and with that the secure joining in all
relevant geometrical configurations and
mechanical load scenarios. The advantage
of CRP components, other than their light
weight and increased strength, is that they
may last longer and be even more precise.
This is due to their higher material fatigue
resistance when compared to metals. The
tasks of FORCiM3A include designing the
relevant CRP compatible components
(drive shaft, clutch, underlying structure,
spring elements), designing the composite
CRP-metal material used for the components and checking its stability against
outside influences during operation e.g.
temperature, aggressive media or frequent
changes in load.
Prof. Dr. Ewald Werner,
Institute of Materials
Science and Mechanics
of Materials
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Veit Senner,
Sport Equipment and
Materials Group
Funded by the Bavarian Research Foundation
Divisions of the Department of Mechanical Engineering
First-Wall Materials for Fusion Reactors
In magnetically confined fusion plasma,
the hot plasma core is largely separated from the first wall. Nevertheless
high-energy particles can escape from
the confined plasma and collide with the
surrounding wall. In this way, electromagnetic radiation from the plasma reaches
the wall material. In the case of burning
fusion plasma, the neutrons produced
can enter the wall material and alter its
characteristics through atomic shift and
conversion reactions.
In today’s fusion plants, such reactions
are counteracted with modern high-per-
formance materials. The research work,
being carried out at the Max Planck Institute, serves to examine more deeply the
complex interaction processes between
plasma and wall materials and then,
based on this knowledge, to develop new
materials with improved characteristics
which can be used for wall components
that may be subject to plasma radiation.
Funded by EUROfusion
Plastics/polymer processing in Germany
is cost-effective for highly complex and
engineered processes. The decisive
quality characteristics in injection molding
are, in particular for medical products, the
early prediction and maintenance of close
tolerances for the components being
produced. Influencing factors extend from
molded-part construction and simulation
through injection molding tools and their
manufacture to the choice of polymers
and the appropriate injection molding
machine technology.
The PolyTol project will develop a comprehensive understanding of the factors influ-
encing the tolerances of injection-molded
components. The most important factors
in the development and manufacturing
chain will be taken into account and ways
of predicting the required maximum target
values will be developed.
Funded by KME – Kompetenzzentrum Mittelstand
GmbH (
Christian Doppler Laboratory
The Christian Doppler Laboratory
investigates the material mechanics of
high performance alloys and is part of
the Institute of Materials Science and
Mechanics of Materials at the TUM. Its
mission is to characterise the material and
component properties as they relate to the
parameters of the manufacturing process.
The primary research areas include the
investigation of mechanical properties,
microstructure development and the
Divisions of the Department of Mechanical Engineering
development of residual stress. Research
focused on practical applications as well
as theoretical research for individual plans
is limited to materials, components and
manufacturing processes already being
used in industry or whose implementation
is planned in the near future.
Funded by the Christian Doppler Research Association
n Mechatronics focuses on the analysis, design and construction of
active systems enabled by the symbiotic interaction between mechanical
components, actuators, sensors and computer control. The Department
of Mechanical Engineering of TUM hosts several experts dealing with a
diversity of applications.
Sometimes denoted as intelligent structures, mechatronical systems integrate
actuators and sensors in structural components in order to perform specific tasks
under the steering of a controller. Exploiting the latest advances in computational
methods, control algorithms and sensor/
actuator technology, the Department of
Mechanical Engineering is internationally
recognized for its contribution in developing innovative methodologies and
components as well as for contributing to
highly pioneering applications in several
societally important fields: aerospace and
cars, but also sport equipment, medical
devices and walking robots.
Prof. Dr. Tim Lüth,
Institute of Micro Techno­
logy and Medical Device
Phone +
Prof. Dr. Michael Gee,
Mechanics and High
Performance Computing
Prof. Dr. Phaedon-Stelios
Koutsourelakis, Continu­
­um Mechanics Group
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Lindemann, Institute of Product
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Boris
Lohmann, Institute of
Automatic Control
A research plant at the Institute of Automation and Information Systems, part of the Industrie 4.0 Roadmap
Industry 4.0 – Putting More Intelligence into Modern Production
Since June 3, 2015, the platform Industrie
4.0 coordinates all activities strongly
supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and the Federal
Ministry of Education and Research. To
date, 208 application examples (among
others, the MyJoghurt demonstrator
operated by AIS at Technical University of
Munich) have been affiliated affiliated in
the roadmap Industrie 4.0.
Prof. Dr. Julien Provost,
Assistant Professorship of
Safe Embedded Systems
Prof. Dr. Daniel Rixen,
Institute of Applied
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Veit Senner,
Sport Equipment and
Materials Group
SFB 768 Cycle Management of Innovation Processes – Interlocking
Development of Service Bundles on the Basis of Technical Products
The development of innovative product
and service combinations presents
companies with a variety of challenges.
In many cases it is the only way for
companies to differentiate themselves
from their competitors. Success in this
field requires development, product and
use cycles to match up with each other
and be understood in the context of
customer relationships. These innovation
processes are investigated in the SFB 768
project. In 2015, the project team successfully applied for phase three of this
DFG Collaborative Research Center. The
total project duration therefore will be from
January 2008 to December 2019.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Birgit
Vogel-Heuser, Institute of
Automation and Information Systems
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wall,
Institute of Computational
Divisions of the Department of Mechanical Engineering
Medical Technology
Prof. Dr. Tim Lüth,
Institute of Micro Techno­
logy and Medical Device
n Medical technology is one of the highest revenue generating sectors
in Germany and across the world.
Despite this there are only three large
university centres in Germany operating
in this field: RWTH Aachen, FAU Erlangen
and the Technische Universität München.
In direct contrast to sectors such as
auto­motive technology and aerospace,
medical technology is characterised by
companies with fewer than 50 employees with the one important exception
being manufacturers of medical imaging
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wall,
Institute of Computational
Multi-arm Snake-like Manipulator for Minimally-invasive Surgery
Phone +
Prof. Dr. Oliver Lieleg,
Biomechanics Group
Prof. Dr. Dr.-Ing. Erich
Wintermantel, Institute
of Medical and Polymer
Today’s medical interventions are required
to be less invasive, less time consuming
and should reduce the operative and
post-operative stresses for the patient. By
researching medical robotics, in combination with modern manufacturing methods
such as 3D-printing, we have developed
a purely mechanical manipulator, to meet
those requirements in minimally-invasive
Our Multi-arm snake-like manipulator
consists of a monolithic and adaptable
tip with two manipulator- and one
camera-arm. Patient individual and task
specific systems can be produced just
in time within 24 hours by selective laser
sintering. In order to to be able to test our
concepts with clinical trials and evaluation, this system has been developed
in line with the medical device directive
93/42 EWG.
Funded by the German Research Foundation
An average of one in 500 new-born babies
in Europe exhibits a cleft lip and palate.
With nasoalveolar molding (NAM), the
alveolar ridges can be brought closer
together using hand-made plates and
nasal stents which improve the shape
of the typically flattened nostrils. In this
manner, a severe cleft deformity can be
minimised and subsequent surgery is
simpler and the number of operations can
be reduced.
The manufacture by hand of NAM plates
and stents used until now required great
experience and was very time consuming,
not only for the medical staff but also for
the young patients and their parents. The
RapidNAM project intends to produce NAM
Divisions of the Department of Mechanical Engineering
appliances automatically and in advance,
based on an initial jaw and nose cast, using
digital planning and a generative production method. The highest priority is to
ensure that the natural growth of the young
patients is not hindered. The project is
collaborating with the in- and out-patients
Clinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at
the TUM hospital, Klinikum rechts der Isar.
For further information see:
Funded by the Zeidler-Forschungs-Stiftung
Process Engineering
n Process engineering is a key technology for all production industries.
Process engineering at the Department
of Mechanical Engineering is focused on
thermal process engineering and plant
engineering, bioprocess and biochemical
engineering, systems biotechnology and
bioseparation engineering. The mission is
to solve process engineering challenges of
the future in an interdisciplinary environment and with respect to industry sectors
such as chemistry, biotechnology, pharma
and environmental engineering. Process
engineering at the Department of Mechanical Engineering forms the engineering
science core of the interdisciplinary
TUM-Research Center for Industrial
Biotechnology with a pilot plant on an
m3-scale operated in Garching.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk
Weuster-Botz, Institute of
Biochemical Engineering
Phone +
Prof. Dr. Sonja Berensmeier, Bioseparation
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Klein,
Institute of Plant and
Process Technology
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas
Kremling, Systems
Biotechnology Group
Biotechnology 2020+: Basic Technologies
for the Next Generation of Bioprocesses
New tools for dynamic process optimization based on mathematical models of
cellular metabolism and signal transduction pathways are the objectives of the
Systems Biotechnology group. The junior
research group Biocatalysis works on the
design, characterization and biocatalytic
application of artificial multi-enzyme
membrane reactors on a nano-scale at
the Institute of Biochemical Engineering.
The Bioseparation Engineering group
is focused on the rational design of
peptide-surface interactions for selective
separation of proteins.
Funded by BMBF
!nnovA2 – Innovative Apparatus and Plant Concepts
for Increasing the Efficiency of Production Processes
The !nnovA2 project involves research into
condensation on microstructured surfaces
in order to increase the efficiency of heat
exchangers. The goal of this project is
to expand the effect of condensation on
mixtures of gases; the mixing effect in particular warranting thorough investigation.
Funded by BMBF
Divisions of the Department of Mechanical Engineering
Production and Logistics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther
Reinhart, Institute of
Machine Tools and
Industrial Management
Prof. Dr. Klaus Bengler,
Institute of Ergonomics
n Production technology is – in addition to the automotive industry – Germany’s top export and one of the pillars of the Department of Mechanical
Engineering since its inception.
For a long time, special emphasis has been
placed on integrating enhancements into
the entire process chain, from the design
phase to the customer, rather than considering individual stages in isolation. Closely
related to this are fundamental research
and application, such as the question of
how to simulate and suppress oscillations
in production machinery, how to implement
models for optimization of the design and
production process, or how new materials
can be processed resource-efficiently. A
sample of production technology highlights
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus
Drechsler, Institute of
Carbon Composites
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Willibald
Günthner, Institute of
Materials Handling,
Material Flow, Logistics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Birgit
Vogel-Heuser, Institute of
Automation and Information Systems
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram
Volk, Institute of Metal
Forming and Casting
Phone +
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Zäh,
Institute of Machine Tools
and Industrial Management
Production of individualized coffee machine components in the InnoCyFer demonstration scenario at TUM
InnoCyFer – Bionic Control of Production Systems
for Manufacturing Customised Products
The InnoCyFer project focusses on the
individualization of lifestyle consumer
products. A web-based open-innovation
platform provides customers with a toolkit
that allows them to design products,
within the scope of what is technically
feasible and according to their own ideas
without the need for specific skills. New
Divisions of the Department of Mechanical Engineering
production planning and control methods
based on biomimetic algorithms allow
the efficient production of the individual
components on autonomous production
This project is sponsored by the German Federal
Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
Lifting Aid – Development and Verification of
Body-worn Lifting Equipment for Work Support
As a result of demographic change, new
assistance systems are at present becoming increasingly important for people.
An advantage of the use of assistance
systems in the field of manual handling is
to reduce the loads acting on the human
body. At the same time, the working
conditions of manual handling can be
improved by such a system and this
possibility ensures injury-free work. These
advantages can be combined in an ergonomic body-worn lifting aid. In September
2013, the Institute of Ergonomics at the
Technical University Munich (TUM) started
the three-year project ‘Lifting Aid’ together
with five project partners from the industry
and research sector. The project aims to
develop a body-worn lifting aid that can
be optimally adapted to the anatomy of
the human body in order to compensate
for declining physical abilities and thus
contribute to the health prevention of
musculo-skeletal disorders.
Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and
IMPROVE – Innovative Modeling Approaches for
Production Systems to Raise Validatable Efficiency
The IMPROVE project aims to research
self-diagnosis, self-optimisation and HMIs
using Big Data and Industrie 4.0 technologies. This greatly extends the capacities
of learn accurate virtual factory models
of complex, large, and distributed plants
through the use of real time analytics.
Funded by the European Union, Grant Agreement
No. 678867
Agents for Project Scheduling in Logistics
The resource-constrained project scheduling is a recurring complex problem in
the field of logistics. The planning process
should be as simple as possible and, in
the case of deviations from the original
plan, rescheduling has to be easy as well.
For this task, the suitability of an agent-
based approach for resource-constrained
project scheduling has to be investigated.
With the use of individual agents, specific
requirements of different industries or
applications can be considered.
Founded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).
Divisions of the Department of Mechanical Engineering
Studying at the TUM Department of Mechanical Engineering
Source: Astrid Eckert
Dr. Ingrid
Jinming Lu
With about 5000 students enrolled in
winter semester 2015-16, the Department
of Mechanical Engineering is the largest
department of the Technische Universität
München (TUM) based on the number
of students. In terms of teaching, the
department offers study programs that
combine classical, in-depth education for
mechanical engineers with new aspects
such as cutting-edge technology, interdisciplinary research and the development
of ‘soft skills’, thus preparing students for
their future in research, development and/
or production.
The Department of Mechanical Enginee­r­
ing offers one Bachelor’s degree program
and ten Master’s degree programs (see
figure below).
In addition, the Department of Mechanical
Engineering collaborates with other TUM
departments and offers Bachelor’s and
Master’s degree programs including
‘Teaching at Vocational Schools – Metal
Engineering’ (organized by the TUM
School of Education) and ‘Chemical Engineering’ (organized by the Department
of Chemistry), the Master’s programs
‘Power Engineering’ (organized by the
Department of Electrical and Information
Technology) and ‘Robotics, Cognition,
Intelligence’ (organized by the Department
of Computer Science), the Bachelor’s
program ‘Engineering Sciences’ as well as
the Master’s programs ‘Industrial Biotechnology’ and ‘Human Factors Engineering’
(run by the Munich School of Engineering).
Automotive and Combustion Engine Technology
Energy and Process Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical engineering
Mechanical Engineering and Management
Mechatronics and Information Technology
Medical Technology and Engineering
Nuclear Technology
Product Development and Engineering Design
Production and Logistics
Degree programs offered and organized by TUM Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Source:, retrieved 14/12/2015.
Studying at the TUM Department of Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor’s Degree Program ‘Mechanical Engineering’
During the first four semesters of the
program, students acquire profound
knowledge of mathematics, natural
sciences and several fundamental fields of
engineering. These challenging modules
are compulsory and prepare the students
for more specific and advanced subjects.
In the 5th and 6th semesters, students
choose five out of 40 specialized Bachelor
modules as well as a supplementary
course and practical courses from a broad
variety of options. In addition, compulsory
internships in industry of at least 18 weeks
in total and the Bachelor’s thesis prepare
students for work as an engineer or for
one of the ten more specialized Master’s
degree programs. The curriculum of the
Bachelor’s degree program is illustrated in
the figure below.
The Bachelor’s degree program ‘Mechanical Engineering’ addresses students
interested in natural sciences and technology. Within this three-year program (six
semesters), students acquire fundamental
knowledge, basic methodological skills as
well as soft skills required for a mechanical
engineer. The program has a total of 180
credits of the European Credit Transfer
and Accumulation System (ECTS).
To maintain the high quality standards of
TUM all applicants have to undergo an
aptitude assessment evaluating their overall performance in the university entrance
examinations, knowledge in mathematics
and physics, language skills, and general
motivation. Excellent applicants are
admitted directly to the Bachelor’s degree
program. Good applicants can be admitted to the Bachelor’s degree program after
demonstrating their skills and motivation
in interviews.
Mechanics I
Mechanics II
Mechanics III
Mechanics I
module I
module II
module III
module IV
Information Technical
Techn. I Electricity I
Technology II
Elements I
Design &
Skills II
in Industry
Course II
30 per semester
module I
module II
module III
module IV
module V
module VI
module VII
module VIII
module IX
module X
module XI
ECTS (total: 120)
Skills I
Heat Transfer Business
ECTS (total: 180)
Science II
Course I
module V
Electricity II
Science I
Elements II
Course I
Course II
module XII
Course I
Course II
Course III
Skills I
30 per semester
Structure of the Bachelor’s and Master's degree programs at TUM Department of Mechanical Engineering
with number of credits allocated to each module. Source: Dean's office
Studying at the TUM Department of Mechanical Engineering
Master’s Degree Programs
The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers ten Master’s degree programs
which enable students to deepen their
knowledge of selected topics acquired
during the Bachelor’s degree program.
Each of the two-year programs has a total
of 120 ECTS credits.
All applicants have to undergo an aptitude
assessment procedure consisting of two
stages. In the first stage, the applicants’
grades, knowledge of advanced mathematics, engineering mechanics, engineering materials and machine elements (for
some programs also thermodynamics,
fluid mechanics, heat transfer, automatic
control and/or information technology),
and motivation are evaluated. Applicants
who are not admitted directly after the first
stage have to pass a written test, which is
the second stage of the aptitude assessment procedure.
Studying at the TUM Department of Mechanical Engineering
During the first three semesters, students
choose 12 out of more than 160 Master
modules, which are specialized courses
consisting of at least three 45-minute units
per week. Additionally, students have
to take two (out of about 130) practical
courses in which they work individually
or in small groups on tasks such as
programming or carrying out experiments. Furthermore, students choose
three supplementary courses and soft
skills workshops from a broad variety of
Opportunities to obtain insights into
research are offered to the students within
the ‘Semester project’ and the Master’s
thesis, which are supervised by professors
and scientific assistants. The curriculum of
the Master’s degree program is illustrated
in the figure on page 43.
Facts and Figures
Since winter semester (WS) 2010-11
the total number of students has varied
between 4300 and 5000. About 15% of
the student body is female. As shown in
the adjacent diagram the number of
Master’s degree students increased
steadi­­ly after the old ‘Diplom’ degree
program was replaced by B.Sc. and M.Sc.
programs in WS 2008-09.
Number of full time students
WS 2010-11
WS 2011-12
n Diplom male
WS 2012-13
n Master female
WS 2013-14
n Master male
WS 2014-15
n Bachelor female
WS 2015-16
n Bachelor male
Number of full-time students enrolled in degree programs offered by the Department of
Mechanical Engineering (at the beginning of each winter semester). Source: TUM in Zahlen,, retrieved 14/12/2015
Number of first semester students
The third diagram shows the number
of graduations in each of the degree
programs and the percentage of students
graduating after the standard duration
of study, which is six semesters for the
B.Sc., four semesters for the M.Sc., and
ten semesters in case of the ‘Diplom’
degree programs.
n Diplom female
Year of commencing studies
n Master female
n Master male
n Bachelor female
n Bachelor male
Number of students starting their studies in the degree programs offered by the Department of
Mechanical Engineering. (The number e.g. for 2014 is the sum of students starting in summer
semester 2014 and winter semester 2014-15.) Source: TUM in Zahlen,
die-universitaet/die-tum-in-zahlen/, retrieved 14/12/2015
Number of graduations
The second diagram illustrates the
number of first semester students who
have started the B.Sc. program and M.Sc.
programs at the Department of Mechanical Engineering during the last five years.
The number of B.Sc. freshmen varies
between 500 and 800, the exception being
2011 when two age groups of Bavarian
high school pupils started studying
not yet
Year of graduation
n Diplom
n Master
n Bachelor
Number of graduations at the Department of Mechanical Engineering. (The number e.g. for 2014
is the sum of students graduating in the winter semester 2013-14 and summer semester 2014.)
Source: TUM in Zahlen,, retrieved
Studying at the TUM Department of Mechanical Engineering
International Students and Students’ Exchange
As one of the leading departments in
mechanical engineering worldwide, TUM
Department of Mechanical Engineering
is dedicated to attracting international
students, both as full-time students and
through exchange programs, as well as to
enable TUM students to spend parts of their
studies at partner institutions worldwide.
Full-Time Students
About 22% (TUM: 20%) of the department’s student body are international
students. During the past five years the
number of international students enrolled
in the B.Sc. and M.Sc. programs almost
Saskia Ammon
Number of students
Dr. Ingrid
Spanish students. For all groups alike
the numbers have shown a positive trend
during recent years.2
❙ Austria ❙ China ❙ Turkey ❙ Spain ❙ India ❙ Italy ❙ France
Development of the prime nationalities of international
full-time students
Number of students
n Master of Science
n Bachelor of Science
Development of the number of international full-time
students enrolled at the Department of Mechanical
Students from more than 70 nations study
at the department – the biggest groups
being Austrians, followed by Chinese and
International Students and Students’ Exchange
Students’ Exchange
TUM students are offered several possibilities for spending some part of their studies
abroad – varying in region, duration and
educational goal. Within the framework of
the European ERASMUS+ program and
TUM’s worldwide TUMexchange-program,
students have the possibility to study one or
two semesters at one of TUM’s more than
430 partner universities. Moreover TUM
has signed more than 50 double degree
agreements worldwide, targeting students
with excellent academic performance who
are interested in doing an additional degree.
Tuition fees are waived for double degree
students as well as for students going
Incoming Exchange Students
In addition to recruiting an increasing
number of international full-time students,
the department successfully attracts
an increasing number of international
exchange students – both from within
Europe and worldwide. In winter 2015-16,
exchange students from 33 nations are
studying at the Department of Mechanical
In 2014-15 almost 22% of the incoming
exchange students of TUM have been
enrolled at the Department of Mechanical
Engineering and another 47 students have
registered as full-time M.Sc. students
within the framework of the TIME double
degree programs.4
Number of students
n Time DD
n TUMexchange
Outgoing Exchange Students
The Department of Mechanical Engineering
is not only aiming at increasing its international student body but also pursues
the goal to raise the mobility of its own
students. With the objective of being able
to offer every student the opportunity to
spend at least one semester abroad, the
department has signed 77 ERASMUS+
agreements with 94 schools in 23 European countries. Most of the department’s
partner institutions are in France (13), Spain
(13), Italy (8), the UK (7) and Sweden (5).
After a severe drop in the mobility rate in
2012-13 – most likely due to the transition
to the B.Sc./M.Sc. system some years
before – the numbers of students going
abroad has been continually increasing
since 2007-08 accounting for about 15%
of all TUM outgoing students.5
Number of students
abroad for an exchange. Help regarding
administrative issues and housing is usually
provided by TUM and/or the partner
institution. ERASMUS+ and double degree
students at EU-partner universities automatically get the ERASMUS+ grant whereas
TUMexchange and double degree students
studying overseas may apply for scholarships. Apart from offering the exchange
options mentioned, self-organized internships within Europe and research projects
overseas can be financially supported by
TUM. Information about suitable scholarships is provided by TUM and the department. The ERASMUS+ student mobility as
well as the double degree program is by
and large organized on departmental level
whereas TUM’s International Center is in
charge of TUMexchange program.
2010-11 11-12
n Time DD
n TUMexchange
Development of the number of mechanical engineering
students going abroad
Over and above the centrally organized
TUMexchange program enables selected
students of the department to study overseas at one of 103 partner universities.
Moreover a joint degree B.Sc. program
‘Engineering Science’ and a joint M.Sc.
program ‘Material Science’ with Paris
Lodron Universität Salzburg have been
signed and 17 TIME double degree
agreements in seven countries have been
concluded with renowned associate
universities such as EPFL Lausanne, KTH
Stockholm and USP Sao Paulo.
1) Source: Registrar’s office
(TUM), September 2015.
2) See footnote 1.
3) Sources: International Center
(TUM): Online database
‘Moveon’; Student Services,
Department of Mechanical
Engineering (TUM).
4) See footnote 3.
5) See footnote 3.
Development of the number of international exchange
and double degree students
International Students and Students’ Exchange
Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Programs in Comparison
Prof. Dr.-Ing
Florian Holzapfel
Prof. Dr.-Ing
Karsten Stahl
The Department of Mechanical Engineering decided to review the curriculum of its
Bachelor’s degree, comparing it with other
leading technical universities in Germany
and world-wide. As a first step, the
amount of teaching load (in terms of ECTS
credit points) was assumed to indicate
the priority given to the various aspects,
such as mathematics, mechanics, natural
sciences or design and construction.
To complement this external view, the
Bachelor of Engineering Science offered at
the Munich School of Engineering (MSE)
should also be regarded.
In general, the teaching load of the modules varies amongst German universities
by about only 10 ECTS (during the B.Sc.
program with 180 ECTS in total). Teaching
load at the TUM Department of Mechanical
Engineering is below average in mathe­
matics and automatic control, above
average in computer science and business
administration, which is not addressed at
all in many cases. Mostly, requirements of
Upper diagram: the groups of columns refer to the workload in each
subject category, detailed for the
selected universities (from left to
right: TUM Mechnanical Engineering (dark blue), TU Darmstadt, U
Stuttgart, TU Dresden, U Hannover,
TU Berlin, TU Braunschweig, KIT
Karlsruhe, RWTH Aachen, TUM
Munich School of Engineering –
B.Sc. in Engineering Science (light
blue), recommendation of FTMV
– see text).
Lower figure: the groups of
columns refer to the workload in
each subject category, detailed
for the selected universities (from
left to right: TUM Mechnanical
Engineering (dark blue), European
universities (light blue: KTH
Stockholm, ETH Zürich, TU Delft,
Politecnico di Milano), universities
overseas (red: MIT, UC Berkeley,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
NTU Singapore, Seoul National
the program at the department meet the
recommendations of the ‘Fakultätentag
für Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik’
(FTMV), in contrast to the MSE curriculum,
which – intentionally – contains significantly less machine design and electrical
engineering than recommended, and,
in exchange, well more than average
computer and natural sciences (see upper
diagram below).
Compared to universities in Europe (KTH
Stockholm, ETH Zürich, TU Delft, DTU
Kopenhagen, Politecnico di Milano) and
overseas (MIT, UC Berkeley, Beijing Institute of Technology, NTU Singapore, Seoul
National University), teaching load in the
same fields varies much more significantly
in comparison with German universities.
Most foreign universities emphasize
mathematics and natural sciences to a significantly greater degree, whereas teaching
load in engineering mechanics and machine
design tends to be – partially significantly –
lower (see lower figure below).
(out of scale: 50)
Subject category in B.Sc. program
Me duct
En chan on
ge ica
eri l
Sk t
Me Flu
ch id
Ad Bu
mi sin
nis es
tra s
Co atic
Sc erial
na omi
Sc ural
Sc ical
De ne
Sc ter
Workload (ECTS)
Me eri
ch ng
Workload (in ECTS credit points) for subject categories of B.Sc. programs for Mechanical En­­gineering at selected
universities in Germany (upper diagram) and worldwide (bottom figure).
Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Programs in Comparison
Gender Equality at the Department of Mechanical Engineering
About 10% of the doctoral candidates
at the TUM and in the Department of
Mechanical Engineering have children.
This information resulted from a survey
conducted with TUM doctoral candidates
in 2013. Regarding all TUM employees,
the percentage is certainly higher. Moreover the survey showed that more than
70% of the doctoral candidates with children feel that work on their doctoral thesis
and family life is mostly reconcilable.
How does the Department of Mechanical
Engineering support the reconciliation of
family life and work and study?
The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers a child and family room to
students, staff and guests. Parents and
temporary caregivers can use the room
with their children. Expectant mothers
are also welcome to take a rest. The
room provides space not only for playing,
eating, resting and changing nappies, but
also for working. It is therefore equipped
with a comfortable seating area, a working
area, playing corner, change table, a baby
food warmer, wash basin, microwave oven
and toys.
Babysitters can be organized via a service
provided at the TUM – especially for
evening events outside the opening hours
of childcare facilities. The department reimburses babysitter costs for staff participating in departmental events outside working
hours. More information on the child and
family room and the babysitter service can
be obtained at the gender equality office
Another offer of the Department of
Mechanical Engineering is the payment
of a birth bonus to the department’s
institutes; the institutes receive €2500 per
expectant mother and €2500 for each
new father or mother at the institute. The
birth bonus aims to be active support in
reconciling of work and family. Possible
investments that can be made with the
bonus are the purchase of light laptops,
equipment for a home office or the
payment of student assistants to support
expectant mothers to conduct experimentation. This enables parents to be more
flexible if they have to take care of their
child during working hours. Expectant
mothers are supported in continuing their
work despite restrictions during pregnancy
and returning to work after maternity
To improve facilities for the whole female
staff, the Department of Mechanical Engineering is currently equipping six more
toilet and wash areas at the faculty with
showers for women. Consequently, each
wing of the building will be equipped with
showers for women. They can then more
easily take a shower after sport activities
or business trips.
Isabell Franck
Carmen Aringer
Gender Equality at the Department of Mechanical Engineering
Graduate Center Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Birgit
Po Sang Lam
Sigrid Harnauer
Graduate Center Mechanical Engineering
The Graduate Center Mechanical Engineering was founded in 2009 as part of
the TUM Graduate School. Since the
beginning of 2014, participation was an
integral part of all doctorates. It provides
training courses specifically oriented
toward the needs of engineers, promotes
networking of the doctoral candidates
within the faculty and beyond. It also helps
the institutes to maintain highest scientific
standards. This highly innovative program
has been awarded the Best Practice
Award of acatech, the National Academy
of Science and Engineering.
In 2013 and 2014, the Graduate Center
Mechanical Engineering focused on the
enhancement of the doctoral studies. The
implementation includes some mandatory
and optional modules.
In addition to the mandatory basic pro­
gram, the TUM Graduate School encourages doctoral candidates to undertake
a research period abroad to increase
international networking. The TUM GS
therefore provides financial support. It also
offers professional support in the submission of publications.
The Graduate Center Mechanical Engineering additionally provides an Initiative
Fund as financial support for doctoral
candidates e.g. for networking and internationalization. Furthermore the Graduate
Center Mechanical Engineering offers
several optional qualification programs
that support doctoral students in their
transferable skills, provides networks and
career orientation.
In 2015 the Graduate Center Mechanical
Engineering provided around 35 different
subject-specific and soft-skill workshops
for doctoral candidates.
To keep up the supervision quality in the
department the Graduate Center Mechanical Engineering started a doctoral survey.
Participants were asked about their
current situation and their suggestions for
the future. The results were satisfactory for
the faculty. Arrangements to optimize the
supervision quality were established and
Center of Key Competences
Dr. Birgit
The Center of Key Competences offers
students at the Department of Mechanical
Engineering the opportunity to expand
their soft skills. These skills are becoming
increasingly important in the recruitment
process as well as in professional practice
itself. Our motivation is to train budding
engineers and to raise awareness of necessary professional skills to complement their
technical knowledge. Experience-based
learning and activity-oriented teaching
form the cornerstones of our educational
practices. We use a broad variety of teaching methods including practical tasks, role
plays, peer counseling and online training.
One of our key programs is the TUTOR
program which aims at expanding the
soft skills of Bachelor and senior students
using a two-step approach. In the first
step, senior students are trained by the
Center of Key Competences. They receive
intensive training in soft skills. Over several
days, the tutors learn how to organize
workshops and support team structures
as well as individuals. Then the tutors
assign small groups of Bachelor’s students. During their first year, the Bachelor
students are coached by senior students
who hold workshops and supervise their
team project. In the first semester, the
Bachelor students participate in workshops
on social topics, such as communication,
teamwork, presentation skills or motivation. In the summer semester, they can
demonstrate their team skills in project
work by developing a product. On the one
hand, the TUTOR program introduces the
basics of soft skills to Bachelor students.
On the other hand, senior students have
the opportunity to broaden their skills by
teaching and coaching their group.
Within the framework of the TUTOR
program, a new program has recently
been introduced; TUTOR FührungsKolleg.
Former tutors can participate in the tutoring
program once again, taking over additional
leading tasks in one of several departments
including recruitment, competition or public
relations. This new program gives them the
opportunity to further enhance their key
The Master students participate in the
Master Soft Skills Workshop Concept.
Each semester they can choose from
courses to strengthen their skills in three
areas of competences: methodical, social
and personal competence. Beyond the
ZSK provides Academic Writing courses to
all Master students.
Franziska Glasl Susanne Hottner
Christina Fedaie
Susanne Lösel
Center of Key Competences
Student Council
The Student Council Mechanical Engineering represents all students at the
department. With currently about 120
voluntary members it is one of the largest
student councils in Germany and is therefore organised in various different departments. During the yearly elections held in
line with the Bavarian Higher Education
Act, the department’s students elect the
student representatives, supported by
numerous co-workers, depending on the
current number of students enrolled at the
The activities of the various departments
in 2015-16 were as follows:
Student Council
Event Department
The year was accompanied by events
arranged for the students and started with
the impressive ‘esp’ – with 5000 guests,
the biggest party in southern Germany
organized by students. During the winter
months, the nicely decorated Christmas
tree brought Christmas atmosphere into
the department. When the cold was gone
and summer started, the sports meeting
was the perfect event for inaugurating the
new sports field at the campus with space
for basketball, volleyball and football.
Coincidentally, some brand-new balls
were found in the rooms of the student
council and the matches could begin! For
the first time the student council additionally organized the 6 km Campus-Run
together with the TUM:Junge Akademie,
which was a great success. The council
is very proud of the blood donation event,
which from now on will take place regularly. Several other events delighted the
students such as a pub crawl, a festival
with a barbecue or a poker competition.
Magazine of the Student Council
Higher Education Policy
In past years, as well as in 2015, the
student council published six issues of
its magazine, the ‘Reisswolf’. Each issue
consists of news from the student council
itself as well as reviews of excursions, for
example to Munich Airport or the neutron
source Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II) on
the Garching campus. Another highlight
were the car reviews written by the
students themselves. Furthermore, articles
from university groups contribute to every
issue. The ‘Lehrstuhlserie’ as part of
almost every issue introduces the department’s institutes to the readers. Another
part of our tasks is the ‘Klopapier’, which
provides entertainment on the toilets in
our building.
Together with the TUM Department of
Mechanical Engineering, the student
council worked on a few major projects
to improve teaching and the learning
environment. In the ‘Studienzuschusskommission’, more than 300 applications
were granted to advance the quality of
teaching. One perfect example of that will
be the new MATLAB online course which
is being developed by Dr. Karpfinger in
collaboration with the student council.
As a major infrastructural improvement,
a common system to register for lab
courses was designed and is right now
being put into action. The student council
on its own would not be able to do that,
therefore a work group with participants
from the various different parties at the
TUM Department of Mechanical Engineering was formed and worked well together.
Writing about university policy does
almost always mean writing about study
and examination regulations as well. This
year, the student council was engaged
to keep the internship needed to enrol
for mechanical engineering as short as
possible. As a result, the workload stayed
at eight weeks before starting studies and
ten additional weeks within the Bachelor
Print Shop
As in previous years, the student-owned
print shop printed and sold all kinds of
lecture scripts. Thanks to the cooperation
of numerous institutes, it was able to print
the lecture notes of nearly 200 different
lectures, seminars and lab courses of the
A special event for the print shop was
the purchase of a new thermal binding
machine in September which now
facilitates and accelerates the production
of the lecture notes a lot.
Freshman Department
International Department
As every year, the international department organized the buddy program,
beginning with an incoming event for the
international students of the summer term.
Beside regular bar evenings, the biggest
event in this summer was a dance ball for
the students (international and German) of
the Department of Mmechanical Enginee­
r­ing. After the summer break, the winter
term started with a get-together of the
new incoming students even before the
lecture period. Furthermore, the welcome
event, regular bar evenings and a pubcrawl were continued. The highlight of this
term was a Christmas party including an
international buffet, drinks and more.
The student council cares for all the freshmen coming to the dDepartment. This
summer, for the first time, an orientation
week was organized, including a scavenger hunt in Munich, a Bavarian breakfast
with beer and veal sausages and a sport
event. In the first two days of the winter
term, the traditional event was organized
to give the freshmen all the information
they need at the beginning of their studies.
Student Council
Faculty Members
Faculty Members
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nikolaus Adams
Institute of Aerodynamics and Fluid
n Numerical modeling and simulation
of complex flows
n Low-speed aerodynamics
n Multiphase flows, microfluidics
n Gasdynamics, cavitating flows
n Aircraft, spacecraft and automotive
Page 62
Prof. Dr. Carlo L. Bottasso
Institute of Wind Energy Systems
n Wind energy system design,
modeling and control
n Computational mechanics and
simulation technology
n Numerical and experimental
Page 90
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Horst Baier
Institute of Lightweight Structures
n Smart and adaptive structures
n Large membrane and deployable
space structures
n Fibre composite and hybrid
materials structures
n Structural and multidisciplinary
design optimization techniques
Page 71
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Drechsler
Institute of Carbon Composites
n Composite materials and process
n Textile technology
n Lightweight design
Page 94
Prof. Dr. phil. Klaus Bengler
Institute of Ergonomics
n Micro ergonomics
n Human-machine interaction
n Digital human modeling
n Cooperative systems and
Page 78
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael W. Gee
Mechanics and High Performance
Computing Group
n High performance parallel computing
n Fluid-structure interaction
n Cardiovascular biomechanics
Page 102
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Sonja Berensmeier
Bioseparation Engineering Group
n Selective separation of bio­
n Downstream processing
n Magnetic separation
Page 87
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dipl.-Geophys.
Christian Große
Institute of Non-destructive Testing
n Quality control during construction
n Inspection of structures and components in civil and mechanical
n Structural health monitoring
Joint Appointment with the Faculty of
Civil Engineering
Page 106
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Willibald A. Günthner
Institute of Materials Handling,
Material Flow, Logistics
n Innovative conveyor technology
n Sustainable logistics systems
n Planning and control of material
flow systems
n Industry 4.0
n Humans in logistics
n Crane engineering and design of
load-supporting structures
Page 110
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Florian Holzapfel
Institute of Flight System Dynamics
n Modeling, simulation and para­
meter estimation
n Flight guidance and flight control
n Sensors, data fusion and navigation
n Trajectory optimization
Page 130
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oskar J. Haidn
Institute of Flight Propulsion
n Flight propulsion
n Gas turbines
Page 118
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mirko Hornung
Institute of Aircraft Design
n Scenario analysis, future trends
and technologies
n Aircraft design (civil and military)
n Analysis and evaluation of aircraft
Page 136
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oskar J. Haidn
Space Propulsion Group
n Thrust chamber technologies
n High pressure combustion
n In-space propulsion
n Green propellants
n Combustion dynamics
n Turbopump technologies
Page 123
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Hans-Jakob Kaltenbach
Flow Control and Aeroacoustics
n Active and passive flow control
n Prediction and mitigation of flow
n Aircraft, automotive and railway
Page 140
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Hajek
Institute of Helicopter Technology
n Aeromechanical modeling and test
of rotors
n Modelling and simulation of
rotocraft flight
n Multi-rotor configurations
Page 127
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Klein
Institute of Plant and Process
n Process design
n Equipment design methods
n Modeling and thermodynamic
property data
Page 142
Faculty Members
Faculty Members
Prof. Phaedon-Stelios
Koutsourelakis, Ph.D.
Continuum Mechanics Group
n Uncertainty quantification in computational science and engineering
n Bayesian formulations for inverse
n Atomistic simulation of materials
Page 146
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Lindemann
Institute of Product Development
n Systems engineering and systems
n Innovation processes and creativity
enhancing methods
n Individualized products
Page 162
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Kremling
Systems Biotechnology Group
n Mathematical modeling of cellular
n Model analysis and parameter
n Model-based experimental design
Page 150
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Boris Lohmann
Institute of Automatic Control
n Methods and application of
nonlinear and predictive control
n Modeling, reduction, and control of
distributed parameter systems
n Automotive, multicopter, and robot
control application
Page 169
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Oliver Lieleg
Biomechanics Group
n Mechanics of biomaterials
n Biological hydrogels
n Biomedical/biophysical engineer­
Page 153
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Tim C. Lüth
Institute of Micro Technology and
Medical Device Technology
n Medical navigation, robotics, and
control architectures
n Rapid prototyping
n Technology for an aging society
Page 174
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Lienkamp
Institute for Automotive Technology
n Vehicle concepts
n Electric mobility
n Vehicle control and dynamics
n Driver assistance systems
Page 156
Prof. Rafael Macian-Juan, Ph.D.
Institute of Nuclear Technology
n Nuclear reactor safety
n Thermal-hydraulic and neutronic
analysis of nuclear systems
n Radiation transport
Page 180
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Marburg
Institute of Vibroacoustics of
Vehicles and Machines
n Experimental and computational
n Vibroacoustic optimization
n Uncertainty quantification
of vibroacoustic systems
n Material data identification
Page 185
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Reinhart
Institute of Industrial Management
and Assembly Technologies
n Production management and
n Automation and robotics
n Assembly technology
Page 198
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Neu
Plasma Material Interaction Group
n Erosion and hydrogen retention in
plasma facing materials
n Tungsten alloys and composite
structures for heat removal
n Heatflow tests for and development of plasma facing materials
Page 189
Prof. Dr. Ir. Daniel Rixen
Institute of Applied Mechanics
n Numerical methods for technical
n Experimental structure dynamics
n Multiphysicals models
Page 204
Prof. Wolfgang Polifke, Ph.D.
Thermo-Fluid Dynamics Group
n Aero- and thermoacoustics
n Mixing and reaction in turbulent
n Two-phase flows
Page 193
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Sattelmayer
Institute of Thermodynamics
n Combustion and reactive flows,
noise and instabilities
n Transport phenomena in singleand two-phase flows
n Energy systems and technologies
Page 210
Prof. Dr. Julien Provost
Assistant Professorship of
Safe Embedded Systems
n Fault-tolerant systems
n Formal verification and validation
n Distributed control systems
n Diagnosis of automated systems
Page 196
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Veit Senner
Sport Equipment and Materials
n New materials (esp. carbon
composites) in sports
n Improved interaction between
athletes and sports equipment
n Equipment for reduced injury risk
in sports
Page 216
Faculty Members
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Spliethoff
Institute of Energy Systems
n Systems studies
n Combustion and gasification of
solid fuels
n Steam cycles
Page 220
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg Wachtmeister
Institute of Internal Combustion
n Gas and diesel engines
n Injection processes
n Exhaust gas aftertreatment
Page 245
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karsten Stahl
Institute of Machine Elements
n Gears and transmission
n Fatigue life, efficiency, NVHbehavior
n Testing, methods, simulation
n Analysis, computer applications
Page 224
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang A. Wall
Institute of Computational
n Multifield problems
n Multiscale problems
n Computational biomechanics and
Page 251
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Birgit Vogel-Heuser
Institute of Automation and
Information Systems
n Model-based and integrated
n Distributed control systems
n Quality management and human
Page 233
Prof. Prof. h.c. Dr. rer. nat.
Ulrich Walter
Institute of Astronautics
n Spacecraft and satellite techno­
n Systems engineering
n Human exploration technologies
n Hypervelocity laboratory
Page 257
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Volk
Institute of Metal Forming and
n Manufacturing, tooling, and
measurement technology
n Development, heat treatment and
processing of new materials
n Virtual manufacturing processes
Page 239
Faculty Members
Prof. Dr. mont. habil. Dr. rer. nat.
h.c. Ewald Werner
Institute of Materials Science and
Mechanics of Materials
n Materials science of metals and
mechanics of materials
n Phase transformations
n Alloy and process development
Page 265
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Weuster-Botz
Institute of Biochemical
n Microbial bioprocess engineering
and industrial biotechnology
n Biocatalysis and fermentation
n Bioprocess integration
Page 272
Hon.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Hirt
Institute of Machine Elements
PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Xiangyu Hu
Institute of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Thomas Indinger
Institute of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
Hon.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Erich Kirschneck
Institute of Material Handling, Material Flow, Logistics
Prof. Dr. med. Dr.-Ing. habil.
Erich Wintermantel
Institute of Medical and Polymer
n Hemocompatible and -active
surfaces and systems
n Functionalized polymeric implants
n Improved polymers, process
tooling and analysis tools
Page 277
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael F. Zaeh
Institute of Machine Tools and
Manufacturing Technology
n Machine tools
n Manufacturing processes
n Joining and cutting technologies
Page 281
Hon.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Lammel
Institute of Industrial Management and
Assembly Technologies
Hon.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hanns-Jürgen Lichtfuß
Institute of Flight Propulsion
Hon.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Siegfried Petz
Institute of Industrial Management and
Assembly Technologies
Hon.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Platz
Institute of Industrial Management and
Assembly Technologies
Hon.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karl-Viktor Schaller
Institute of Automotive Technology
Prof. h.c. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Dieter Schmitt
Institute of Aircraft Design
Prof. PD Dr. Werner Seidenschwarz
Institute of Product Development
Other Professors and ‘Privatdozenten’
PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Stemmer
Institute of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
Hon.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing Nikolaus Bauer
Institute of Material Handling, Material Flow, Logistics
PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Thomas Thümmel
Institute of Applied Mechanics
apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Breitsamter
Institute of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
Hon.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Tropschuh
Institute of Automotive Technology
Hon.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Heiden
Institute of Automotive Technology
Hon.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Walter Wohnig
Institute of Metal Forming and Casting
Affiliate Professor Dr.-Ing. Matthias Heller
Institute of Flight System Dynamics
Hon.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Horst-Henning Wolf
Institute of Metal Forming and Casting
Faculty Members
Retired Professors
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Bender
Institute of Information Technology
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E. h. mult. Franz Mayinger
Institute A of Thermodynamics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E. h. Eckhart Blaß
Institute of Fluid Process Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alfons Mersmann
Institute B of Process Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Siegfried Böttcher
Institute of Materials Handling
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reimer J. Meyer-Jens
Institute of Lightweight Structures
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Günther Brandenburg
Special Applications of Electrical Drives
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E. h. mult. Friedrich Pfeiffer
Institute B of Mechanics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. rer. nat. Otto Brüller
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. h. c. Karl Theodor Renius
Institute of Agricultural Machines
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Heiner Bubb
Institute of Ergonomics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Heinzpeter Rühmann
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Ehrlenspiel
Institute of Design in Mechanical Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harry O. Ruppe
Institute of Astronautics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Rainer Friedrich
Fluid Mechanics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gottfried Sachs
Institute of Flight Mechanics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. rer. nat. Gerd Habenicht
Institute of Joining Technology
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h. c. Rudolf Schilling
Institute of Hydraulic Machines and Plants
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Hein
Institute of Thermal Power Plants
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Günter H. Schnerr
Gas Dynamics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E. h. Joachim Heinzl
Institute of Precision Engineering and Micro Technology
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karlheinz G. Schmitt-Thomas
Institute of Materials in Mechanical Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Heißing
Institute of Automotive Technology
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Johann Stichlmair
Institute of Fluid Process Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Hoffmann
Institute of Metal Forming and Casting
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Johannes Straub
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd-Robert Höhn
Institute of Machine Elements
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Strohmeier
Institute of Apparatus and Plant Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eduard Igenbergs
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Hans M. Tensi
Materials in Mechanical Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Boris Laschka
Institute of Fluid Mechanics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Heinz Ulbrich
Institute of Applied Mechanics
Prof. Gero Madelung
Institute of Aircraft Engineering
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dieter Vortmeyer
Institute of Chemical Process Engineering
Faculty Members
Reports of the Institutes
Institute of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
Numerical modeling, simulation and experimental analysis of fluids and fluid flows
n The focus of the Institute of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics in
2014-15 was on advanced numerical models for flow interactions, flow
physics of shock-­interface interactions, helicopter aerodynamics and
unsteady effects in automotive aerodynamics.
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Nikolaus A. Adams
Phone +
A highlight was that Prof. Adams received
an Advanced Grant from the European
Research Council for the Project NANOSHOCK – Manufacturing Shock Interactions for Innovative Nanoscale Processes
with funding of €2.4 million. The institute
contributed two technology projects to the
development of Bluecopter Demonstration
technologies, enabling environmentally
friendly short-range air transport.
Dr. Stefan Hickel, formerly Senior Lecturer
at the institute, was appointed as Chair of
Aerodynamics at TU Delft.
Cavitating Flows and Cavitation Erosion
Motivation and Objectives
We investigate liquid flows with partial
evaporation due to flow-induced local
pressure drops below vapor pressure,
known as cavitation. Cavitating flows play
an important role in injection systems of
diesel and Otto engines, in components of
spacecraft engines as well as in ship propulsion systems. Managing the complexity
of two-phase flows with phase transition
is challenging, and experimental investigations often cannot go beyond model
devices. In particular, violent collapses
of vapor bubbles and the resulting shock
waves need to be predicted and their
erosive mechanisms have to be clarified.
Approach to Solution
State of the art numerical procedures
and physical models for the simulation
of cavitating flows are developed. Fully
compressible approaches for complex
fluids, including liquid-vapor-gas mixtures
and a time resolution of nanoseconds,
are key factors for predictive simulations.
Fundamental research is funded by the
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and
the European Union. Applied research in
cooperation with automotive suppliers, the
European Space Agency and the Office of
Naval Research enables dissemination of
fundamental research into application.
Key Results
n Cavitation erosion prediction based on
analysis of flow dynamics and impact
load spectra
n MS Mihatsch, SJ Schmidt, NA Adams.
Physics of Fluids (1994-present) 27
(10), 103302
n Large-eddy simulation of cavitating
nozzle flow and primary jet break-up
n Örley, T Trummler, S Hickel, MS
Mihatsch, SJ Schmidt, NA Adams.
Physics of Fluids (1994-present) 27 (8),
Cavitation structures in an ICE fuel injector.
Institute of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
Large Eddy Simulation of Complex Turbulent Flows
Motivation and Objectives
Scientific discovery through modeling
and predictive simulation requires numerical models and solution methods that
accurately represent and resolve relevant
flow physics and efficiently exploit modern
massively parallel supercomputers.
Approach to Solution
Adaptive flow simulation refers to highly
automated flow simulations which require
only a minimum of user interventions,
while delivering reliable results. This
includes methods for automatic mesh
adaptation as well as for the quantification
of uncertainties that result from model
approximations, initial data, or boundary
conditions. Adaptive DNS/LES requires
methods that couple numerical and
physical models on multiple scales in a
consistent way. For example, we have
developed sophisticated wall turbulence
models, which facilitate LES of engineering aerodynamic applications.
Key Results
n Tritschler, V., Olson, B., Lele, S., Hickel,
S., Hu, X.Y., Adams, N.A. (2014a)
J. Fluid Mech. 755, 429-462.
n Tritschler, V.K., Avdonin, A., Hickel, S.,
Hu, X.Y., Adams, N.A. (2014b)
Phys. Fluids 26, 026101.
Direct simulation of reacting
shock-bubble interaction
n V. Pasquariello, G. Hammerl, F. Örley,
S. Hickel, C. Danowski, A. Popp, ...
A cut-cell finite volume-finite element
coupling approach for fluid-structure
interaction in compressible flow, Journal of Computational Physics 307,
n Hickel, S., Egerer, C.P., Larsson, J.
(2014) Phys. Fluids 26: 106101.
n Diegelmann, V., Tritschler, S., Hickel,
N., Adams, N.A. On the pressure
dependence of ignition and mixing in
two-dimensional reactive shock-bubble
interaction, Combustion and Flame
163, 414-426, 2015
n C. Egerer, S. Hickel, S. Schmidt,
Adams, N.A. LES of temporally evolving
turbulent cavitating shear layers High
Performance, Computing in Science
and Engineering ’14, 367-378
Particle Modeling of Fluid Dynamics
Motivation and Objectives
Despite their wide-spread use, typical particle methods, such as smoothed particle
hydrodynamics (SPH), for simulating fluid
dynamics cannot deal with realistic flow
parameters without numerical regularization that interferes with the underlying
physical model. SPH and their mesoscopic extension SDPD, are very attractive
numerical models for fluid flow of extreme
physical complexity.
SDPD simulation of elastic turbulence in a polymer
Approach to Solution
We have developed SPH/SDPD approaches capable of modeling complex
Institute of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
microflows. In particular we have devised
a new SPH paradigm which enables SPH
to reach realistic flow parameters without
artificial regularization.
Key Results
n Determination of macroscopic transport
coefficients of a dissipative particle
dynamics solvent. Phys. Rev. E,
accepted for publication 2015. Dmitrii
Azarnykh, Sergey Litvinov, Xin Bian,
and Nikolaus A. Adams
n Towards consistence and convergence
of conservative SPH approximations. S
Litvinov, XY Hu, NA Adams. Journal of
Computational Physics 301, 394-401,
n Mesoscopic simulation of the transient
behavior of semi-diluted polymer
solution in a microchannel following
extensional flow. S. Litvinov, X. Hu,
M.­ Ellero, N. Adams. Microfluidics and
nanofluidics 16 (1-2), 257-264
High-order Numerical Models for
Complex Fluid Dynamics and Interactions
Direct simulation of shock-liquiddrop interaction
Motivation and Objectives
Although high-order schemes have been
widely used in numerical simulation of
flow phenomena they face great challenges for achieving both high resolvability
of flow structures and high robustness for
coping with discontinuities and interface
interactions. The numerical modeling of
multi-phase flows must have the capability
to reproduce the evolution of fluidic interfaces which may become very complex
and produce small-size structures beyond
the resolvability of the computational grid.
Such under-resolved structures very often
lead to numerical instability and failure of
numerical simulation.
Institute of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
Approach to Solution
Based on our newly developed WENO
methodology, we design numerical
schemes with the ability to separate flow
structure according to their characteristic
length scales and to handle large scale
and small scale structure in physically
consistent ways. The developed numerical
schemes achieve very good resolvability
without compromising robustness. We
have developed a multi-scale method
to cope with under-resolved interface
structures. The core approach is a
so-called stimulus-response model which
measures the smoothness of the interface
and separates resolved and non-resolved
scales in a simple and efficient way.
Key Results
n A family of high-order targeted ENO
schemes for compressible-fluid
simulations. L. Fu, X.Y. Hu, N.A. Adams.
Journal of Computational Physics 305,
333-359, 2015
n L.H. Han, X.Y. Hu, N.A. Adams, J.
Comp. Phys. 262:131–152 (2014)
n L.H. Han, X.Y. Hu, N.A. Adams, J.
Comp. Phys., 280:387–403 (2014)
Aircraft and Helicopter Aerodynamics
Motivation and Objectives
Performance enhancement and reduction
of emissions are key objectices within the
framework of the European ‘Flightpath
2050’. For the current research projects,
improving flow physics knowledge and
modeling are related to unsteady aerodynamics and aero-elasticity, turbulent
flows and active flow control. Special
emphasis is on the aerodynamic characteristics of highly maneuverable aircraft
and large transport aircraft as well as on
unconventional and UAV configurations.
Specific research activities in the field of
aircraft and helicopter aerodynamics deal
with means of drag reduction by shape
optimization, novel air intake solutions,
flow control using active devices, pulsed
blowing and plasma actuators and unconventional lift generating systems including
the fluid-structure interaction of flexible
adaptive wings.
Approach to Solution
The investigations are performed includ­
ing both wind tunnel experiments and
numerical simulations. Commercial as
well as in-house codes are used, while
code development is mainly conducted in
the context of aeroelasticity and reduced
order models.
Helicopter flow control strategies
Key Results
n A. Kölzsch and C. Breitsamter. Journal
of Aircraft, Vol. 51, No. 5, 2014, pp.
n J.-U. Klar and C. Breitsamter. Journal
of Aircraft, Vol. 51, No. 5, 2014, pp.
n B. Beguin and C. Breitsamter. Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 37,
No.1, 2014, pp. 138 150.
n Kato, Kentaro, Christian Breitsamter,
and Shinnosuke Obi. ‘Flow separation
control over a Gö 387 airfoil by nanosecond pulse-periodic discharge.’
Experiments in Fluids 55.8 (2014): 1-19.
n Förster, Mark, and Christian Breitsamter.
‘Aeroelastic Prediction of Discrete Gust
Loads Using Nonlinear and Time-Linearized CFD-Methods.’ Journal of
Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics
3.3 (2015).
SAGITTA diamond wing
Laminar-turbulent Transition with Chemical
(Non-)Equilibrium in Hypersonic Boundary-layer Flows
In hypersonic flows, the heat transfer differs up to an order of magnitude comparing laminar and turbulent boundary layers.
The prediction of the transition location on
blunt re-entry configurations aims at the
understanding of the underlying instability
mechanisms. The influence of the chemi-
Flow around a re-entry capsule
and wind tunnel conditions
Institute of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
cal state of the boundary layer (equilibrium
or non-equilibrium) in these high-enthalpy
flows is the main focus.
Approach to Solution
Direct numerical simulations (DNS) are
conducted on national HPC facilities such
as SuperMUC and HLRS. Results show
that early stages of hypersonic transition
are not substantially affected by chemical
reactions. Simulations are currently under
way taking into account the surface
roughness and the noise which can lead
to transient growth of disturbances to
non-linear amplitudes where they can be
enhanced through the presence of the
chemical reactions.
Key Results
n C. Stemmer, J. Fehny, 44th AIAA Fluid
Dynamics Conference, Atlanta, GA,
n S. Gosh, R. Friedrich, C. Stemmer,
Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow 48:24-34, 2014
Automotive Aerodynamics
Way to Solution
One approach to unsteady aerodynamics
is to analyze the dynamic behavior of the
flow field using dynamic mode decomposition (DMD). DMD is found to extract
useful information from the flow, when it
is applied to three dimensional velocity
vector fields. It is a method to extract
coherent structures by decomposing
the flow into dynamic modes. Analyzing
the turbulent structures and their origins
allows shape optimization leading to drag
reduction of the component or full car.
DrivAer 1:2.5 model in windtunnel
Automotive aerodynamics deals with the
aerodynamic optimization of vehicles
driven by combustion engines or electrical
motors. Key objectives are drag reduction
and unsteady aerodynamics with its
influence on the driving stability and the
aerodynamic coefficients. With respect
to high drag reduction potential, the
wheel/wheelhouse region is dedicated to
systematic optimization.
Institute of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
Key Results
n M. Peichl, S. Mack, T. Indinger, F.
Decker: ASME 2014 Fluids Engineering
Summer Meeting, August 3-7, 2014,
Chicago, USA, FEDSM2014-21255
n B. Schnepf, G. Tesch, T. Indinger: JSAE
Annual Spring Congress 2014, Paper
20145029, May 21-23, Yokohama,
Japan, 2014
n Huber, Simon, et al. ‘Experimental and
Numerical Study of Heat Transfer at
the Underbody of a Production Car.’
SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles 7.2014-01-0582 (2014):
DFG Sonderforschungsbereich TRR 40:
Technological Foundations for the Design of Thermally
and Mechanically Highly Loaded Components of Future
Space Transportation Systems
The institute has the speaker role within
the DFG-SFB TRR40. Next-generation
space transportation systems will be
based on rocket propulsion systems
which deliver the best compromise be­­
tween development and production cost
and performance. The TRR40 focuses on
liquid rocket propulsion systems and their
integration into the space transportation
Critical, thermally and mechanically highly
loaded components of such space transportation systems are the combustion
chamber, the nozzle, the aft body and the
cooling of the structure. These components offer the highest potential for the
efficiency increase of the entire system.
However, all components are in close and
direct interaction with each other. Optimization or the fundamentaly new design
of a single component directly affects all
other components.
The 25 projects from TUM, RWTH Aachen,
TU Braunschweig and the U Stuttgart as
well as partners from DLR and AIRBUS
D&S investigate in interdisciplinary
Research Foci
n Numerical fluid and flow modeling
and simulation
n Complex fluids
n Turbulent and transitional flows
n Aerodynamics of aircraft and auto­
n Environmental aerodynamics
experimental and numerical teams. The
developed concepts will be tested on
sub-scale combustion chambers and will
be developed to a stage of applicability. In
addition, principal experiments are going
to be conducted to demonstrate new
technologies developed in the TRR40. The
scientific focus of all five research areas
within the TRR 40 is the analysis and the
modeling of coupled systems. Based on
reference experiments detailed numerical
models are developed which serve as the
basis for efficient and reliable predictive
simulation tools for design.
Shock-turbulent boundary layer
n 3 low-speed wind tunnels + moving
belt system
n 2 shock tubes
n Multi-physics code and particle based
model development
n Adaptive multi resolution parallel
simulation codes
n DrivAer car geometry
n Experimental aerodynamics
Institute of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
n Fluidmechanik I and II
n Aerodynamik I und II
n Instationäre Aerodynamik I und II
n Aerodynamik und Bauwerke
n Numerische Berechnung turbulenter
n Aerodynamik stumpfer Körper
n Aerodynamik von Höchstleistungsfahrzeugen
n Strömungsmechanik in der Verfahrenstechnik
n Computational Solids and Fluid
n Angewandte CFD
n Turbulente Strömungen
n Biofluid Mechanics
n Strömungsphysik und Modellgesetze
n Aerodynamik bodengebundener
n Aerodynamik der Raumfahrzeuge
n An Introduction to Microfluidic
n Grundlage der experimentiellen
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nikolaus A. Adams, Director
Dr.-Ing. Albert Pernpeintner
apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian
PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Stemmer
Dr.-Ing. Xiangyu Hu
PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Thomas Indinger
Prof. i.R. Dr.-Ing. habil. Rainer Friedrich,
Prof. em. Dr.-Ing. Boris Laschka, Emeritius
apl. Prof. i.R. Dr.-Ing. Hans Wengle,
Visiting Lecturer
Dr.-Ing. Rainer Demuth (BMW Group)
Administrative Staff
Angela Grygier
Dipl.-Betriebsw. (FH) Sandra Greil
Li Su, M.Sc.
Institute of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
Research Staff
Dr.-Ing. Stefan Adami
Dmitrii Azarnykh, M.Sc.
Bruno Beban, M.Sc.
Vladimir Bogdanov, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Bernd Budich
Dipl.-Ing. Andrei Buzica
Michael Cerny, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Christopher Collin
Antonio Di Giovanni, M.Sc.
Felix Diegelmann, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Christian Egerer
Lin Fu, M.Sc.
Dr.-Ing. Daniel Gaudlitz
Dr.-Ing. Marcus Giglmaier
Polina Gorkh, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Moritz Grawunder
Dipl.-Ing. Lukas Haag
Luhui Han, M.Sc.
Dr.-Ing. Stefan Hickel
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Hövelmann
Zhe Ji, M.Sc.
Jakob Kaiser, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing.Thomas Kaller
Marco Kiewat, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Florian Knoth
Aleksandr Lunkov, M.Sc.
Xiuxiu Lv, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Jan Matheis
Daiki Matsumoto, M.Sc.
Lu Miao, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Mihatsch
Patrick Nathen, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Phys. Christoph Niedermeier
Daria Ogloblina, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Felix Örley
Shucheng Pan, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Vito Pasquariello
Dr.-Ing. Albert Pernpeintner
Dipl.-Ing. Julie Piquee
Patrick Pölzlbauer, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Jan-Frederik Quaatz
Vladyslav Rozov, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Tech.Math. Steffen Schmidt
Dipl.-Ing. Felix Schranner
Dipl.-Ing. Victor Stein
Dipl.-Ing. Marco Stuhlpfarrer
Theresa Trummler, M.Sc.
Konstantin Vachnadze, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Maximilian Winter
Yongxinag Wu, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Jae Hun You
Chi Zhang, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Christian Zwerger
Technical Staff
Martin Banzer
Franz Färber
Hans-Gerhard Frimberger
Wolfgang Lützenburg (Workshop Manager)
Detlef Mänz
Hans-Jürgen Zirngibl
Publications 2015
n Budich, B., Schmidt, S.J., Adams, N.A. : Numerical
simulation of cavitating ship propeller flow and
assessment of erosion aggressiveness; MARINE
2015 – Computational Methods in Marine Engineering VI; pp. 709-721
n Örley, F., Trummler, T., Hickel, S., Mihatsch, M.S.,
Schmidt, S.J., Adams, N.A.: Large-eddy simulation
of cavitating nozzle flow and primary jet break-up;
Physics of Fluids; Volume 27, Issue 8, 2015, Article
number 086101; DOI: 10.1063/1.4928701
n Litvinov, S., Hu, X.Y., Adams, N.A.: Towards
consistence and convergence of conservative SPH
approximations; Journal of Computational Physics;
Volume 301, November 15, 2015, Article number
6091, pp. 394-401; DOI: 10.1016/
n Hu, X.Y., Wang, B., Adams, N.A.: An efficient
low-dissipation hybrid weighted essentially non-oscillatory scheme; Journal of Computational Physics;
Volume 301, November 15, 2015, Article number
6093, pp. 415-424; DOI: 10.1016/
n Egerer, C., Hickel, S., Schmidt, S., Adams, N.A.:
LES of temporally evolving turbulent cavitating
shear layers (Book Chapter); High Performance
Computing in Science and Engineering ‚14:
Transactions of the High Performance Computing
Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2014; 1 January 2015, pp.
367-378; DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-10810-0_25;
Publisher: Springer International Publishing; ISBN:
n Mihatsch, M.S., Schmidt, S.J., Adams, N.A.:
Cavitation erosion prediction based on analysis of
flow dynamics and impact load spectra; Physics of
Fluids; Volume 27, Issue 10, 2015, Article number
103302; DOI: 10.1063/1.4932175
n Schranner, F.S., Domaradzki, J.A., Hickel, S.,
Adams, N.A.: Assessing the numerical dissipation
rate and viscosity in numerical simulations of fluid
flows; Computers and Fluids; Volume 114, July
02, 2015, pp. 84-97; DOI: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2015.02.011
n Han, L.H., Hu, X.Y., Adams, N.A.: Scale separation
for multi-scale modeling of free-surface and twophase flows with the conservative sharp interface
method; Journal of Computational Physics; Volume
280, January 01, 2015, pp. 387-403; DOI: 10.1016/j.
n Luo, J., Hu, X.Y., Adams, N.A.: A conservative sharp
interface method for incompressible multiphase
flows; Journal of Computational Physics;
Volume 284, March 01, 2015, pp. 547-565; ISSN:
00219991; DOI: 10.1016/
n Örley, F., Pasquariello, V., Hickel, S., Adams, N.A.:
Cut-element based immersed boundary method
for moving geometries in compressible liquid flows
with cavitation; Journal of Computational Physics;
Volume 283, February 05, 2015, pp. 1-22; DOI:
n Kato, K., Breitsamter, C.: Flow control on gö 387
airfoil by using nanosecond pulse plasma actuator:
Fluid Mechanics and its Applications; Volume 107,
2015, pp. 65-70
n Ghosh, S., Friedrich, R.: Effects of radiative heat
transfer on the turbulence structure in inert and
reacting mixing layers. Physics of Fluids, 27:
055107; doi: 10.1063/1.4920990.
n Matheis, J., Hickel, S.: On the transition between
regular and irregular shock patterns of shock-wave/
boundary-layer interactions; Journal of Fluid
Mechanics; Volume 776, 6 July 2015, Article number 319, pp. 200-234; DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2015.319
n Muraschko, J., Fruman, M.D., Achatz, U., Hickel, S.,
Toledo, Y.: On the application of Wentzel-KramerBrillouin theory for the simulation of the weakly
nonlinear dynamics of gravity waves; Quarterly
Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society; Volume
141, Issue 688, 1 April 2015, pp. 676-697; DOI:
n Béguin, B., Breitsamter, C.: Effects of membrane
pre-stress on the aerodynamic characteristics of an
elasto-flexible morphing wing; Aerospace Science
and Technology; Volume 37, August 2014, pp.
n Bian, X., Ellero, M.: A splitting integration scheme
for the SPH simulation of concentrated particle
suspensions; Computer Physics Communications;
Volume 185, Issue 1, January 2014, pp. 53-62
n Bian, X., Ellero, M.: integration scheme for the SPH
simulation of concentrated particle suspensions;
Computer Physics Communications; Volume 185,
Issue 1, January 2014, pp. 53-62
n Bian, X., Litvinov, S., Ellero, M., Wagner, N.J.;
Hydrodynamic shear thickening of particulate suspension under confinement; Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics; Volume 213, November 01,
2014, pp. 39-49
n Borchert, S., Achatz, U., Remmler, S., Hickel, S.,
Harlander, U., Vincze, M., Alexandrov, K.D., Rieper,
F., Heppelmann, T., Dolaptchiev, S.I.: Finite-volume
models with implicit subgrid-scale parameterization for the differentially heated rotating annulus.
Meteorologische Zeitschrift (accepted).
n Breitsamter, C., Grawunder, M., Reß, R.: Document
‘Aerodynamic design optimisation for a helicopter
configuration including a rotating rotor head’;
29th Congress of the International Council of the
Aeronautical Sciences, ICAS 2014
n Castiglioni, G., Domaradzki, J.A., Pasquariello,
V., Hickel, S., Grilli, M.: Numerical simulations of
separated flows at moderate Reynolds numbers
appropriate for turbine blades and unmanned aero
vehicles; International Journal of Heat and Fluid
n Castiglioni, G., Domaradzki, J.A., Pasquariello,
V., Hickel, S., Grilli, M.: Numerical simulations of
separated flows at moderate Reynolds numbers
appropriate for turbine blades and unmanned aero
vehicles; International Journal of Heat and Fluid
Institute of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
n Chen, Z.L., Hickel, S., Devesa, A., Berland, J.,
Adams, N.A.: Wall modeling for implicit large-eddy
simulation and immersed-interface methods;
Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics;
Volume 28, Issue 1, February 2014, pp. 1-21
n Egerer, C.P., Hickel, S., Schmidt, S.J. and Adams,
N.A.: Large-eddy simulation of turbulent cavitating
flow in a micro channel. Physics of Fluids 26,
085102 (2014). DOI: 10.1063/1.4891325
n Fruman, M.D., Remmler, S., Achatz, U., Hickel, S.:
On the construction of a direct numerical simulation
of a breaking inertia-gravity wave in the upper-mesosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research. doi:
n Ghosh, S., Friedrich, R., Stemmer, Chr.: Contrasting
turbulence-radiation interaction in supersonic
channel and pipe flow. Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, 48:
n Ghosh, S., Friedrich, R.: Effects of distributed pressure gradients on the pressure-strain correlations
in a supersonic nozzle and diffuser; Journal of Fluid
Mechanics; Volume 742, March 2014, pp. 466-494;
DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2014.4
n Giglmaier, M., Quaatz, J.F., Gawehn, T., Gülhan,
A., Adams, N.A.: Numerical and experimental
investigations of pseudo-shock systems in a planar
nozzle: Impact of bypass mass flow due to narrow
gaps; Shock Waves; Volume 24, Issue 2, March
2014, pp. 139-156
n Grawunder, M., Reß, R., Stein, V., Breitsamter, C.,
Adams, N.A.: Flow simulation of a five: Bladed
rotor head; Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics
and Multidisciplinary Design; Volume 124, 2014,
pp. 235-243
n Han, L.H., Hu, X.Y., Adams, N.A.: Adaptive multiresolution method for compressible multi-phase
flows with sharp interface model and pyramid
data structure, Journal of Computational Physics,
Volume 262, 1 April 2014, pp. 131-152
n Hickel, S., Egerer, C.P., Larsson, J.: Subgrid-scale
modeling for implicit Large Eddy Simulation
of compressible flows and shock turbulence
interaction. Physics of Fluids 26: 106101. doi:
n Hövelmann, A., Breitsamter, C.: Experimental
investigations on vortex flow phenomena of a
diamond wing configuration; 29th Congress of the
International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences,
ICAS 2014
n Huber, S., Indinger, T., Adams, N., Schuetz, T.:
Experimental and Numerical Study of Heat Transfer
at the Underbody of a Production Car; SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles; Volume 7,
Issue 1, May 2014, pp. 89-101
n Kato, K., Breitsamter, C.a, Obi, S.: Flow separation
control over a Gö 387 airfoil by nanosecond
pulse-periodic discharge; Experiments in Fluids;
Volume 55, Issue 8,
Institute of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
n Klar, J.-U., Breitsamter, C.: Unsteady aerodynamic
loads on a high-agility aircraft due to wake vortex
encounter; Journal of Aircraft; Volume 51, Issue 5, 1
September 2014, pp. 1511-1521
n Kölzsch, A., Breitsamter, C.: Vortex-flow manipulation on a generic delta-wing configuration; Journal
of Aircraft; Volume 51, Issue 5, 1 September 2014,
pp. 1380-1390
n Litvinov, S., Hu, X., Ellero, M., Adams, N.;
Mesoscopic simulation of the transient behavior
of semi-diluted polymer solution in a microchannel
following extensional flow; Microfluidics and
Nanofluidics; 16 (1-2), pp. 257-264, 2014
n Muraschko, J., Fruman, M.D., Achatz, U., Hickel,
S., Toledo, Y.: On the application of WKB theory for
the simulation of the weakly nonlinear dynamics
of gravity waves. Quarterly Journal of the Royal
Meteorological Society. doi: 10.1002/qj.2381
n Pasquariello, V., Grilli, M., Hickel, S., Adams, N.A.:
Large-eddy simulation of passive shock-wave/
boundary-layer interaction control; International
Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow; DOI: 10.1016/j.
ijheatfluidflow.2014.04.005; 2014
n Quaatz, J.F., Giglmaier, M., Hickel, S., Adams,
N.A.: Large-eddy simulation of a pseudo-shock
system in a Laval nozzle. International Journal
of Heat and Fluid Flow. doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2014.05.006
n Remmler, S., Hickel, S.: Spectral eddy viscosity of
stratified turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics
755, R6. doi: 10.1017/jfm.2014.423
n Schmidt, S.J., Mihatsch, M.S., Thalhamer, M.,
Adams, N.A.: Assessment of erosion sensitive areas
via compressible simulation of unsteady cavitating
flows; Fluid Mechanics and its Applications; Volume
106, 2014, pp. 329-344; DOI: 10.1007/978-94-0178539-6_14
n Tritschler, V., Olson, B., Lele, S., Hickel, S., Hu, X.Y.,
Adams, N.A.: On the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability
evolving from a deterministic multimode planar
interface. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 755, 429-462.
doi: 10.1017/jfm.2014.436
n Tritschler, V.K., Avdonin, A., Hickel, S., Hu, X.Y.,
Adams, N.A.: Quantification of initial-data uncertainty on a shock-accelerated gas cylinder. Physics
of Fluids 26, 026101. doi: 10.1063/1.4865756
n Tritschler, V.K., Zubel, M., Hickel, S., Adams,
N.A.: Evolution of length scales and statistics of
Richtmyer-Meshkov instability from direct numerical
simulations. Physical Review E (in press)
n Vincze, M., Borchert, S., Achatz, U., von Larcher,
T., Baumann, M., Hertel, C., Remmler, S., Beck,
T., Alexandrov, K.D., Egbers, C., Fröhlich, J., Heuveline, V., Hickel, S., Harlander, U.: Benchmarking
in a rotating annulus: a comparative experimental
and numerical study of baroclinic wave dynamics.
Meteorologische Zeitschrift.
Institute of Lightweight Structures
New structural concepts – structural simulation and design optimization methods –
experimental structural and material investigations
n A highlight in 2015 was the finalization of the laboratory model of an
advanced large, precise and also structurally deployable space antenna
reflector, which is now under rigorous testing in the institute’s labs and at
ESA. Its concept has been derived and investigated in recent years from
design considerations, large scale mechanical-thermal-electrical simulations as well as special material developments and investigations.
For the scaled demonstrator of the
Sagitta advanced unmanned aerial
vehicle, the fiber composite structure
developed in cooperation with DLR
has been built and delivered for further
testing to the project coordinator Airbus.
It will be used as a flying testbed for
several advanced aerospace technologies contributed by different German
Universities and DLR.
The Sagitta Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
The advanced Sagitta unmanned aerial
vehicle (UAV) is a research and demonstrator project under the lead of Airbus DS
with contributions from several German
universities and DLR. This project combines different research studies specifically
relevant for such UAV together with
the full aircraft development process.
Its carbon fiber structure developed in
cooperation of LLB together with DLR
has been delivered to the project
coordinator Airbus, where further
advanced technical contributions from
several Universities and from DLR are
integrated for flight testing and demonstrations. Because of the relatively high
flight speed and advanced communication
and control methods, this testing will be
also quite challenging.
Bottom view onto Sagitta during hardware integration
Univ. Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Horst Baier
Phone +
Top view into Sagitta withouts its upper CFRP skin
(CAD drawing)
In addition to the demonstrator and flight
model structure, investigations have been
carried out by LLB on shape morphing
rear wing parts of this delta wing aircraft.
In-flight aerodynamics and agility shall be
further improved, while noise and radar
visibility shall be reduced. Like in other
cases of morphing structures, certain
highly flexible degrees of freedom are
generated to allow significant shape
changes while at the same time being
able to take significant flight loads.
Derived shape morphing parts achieve
their deformability in certain degrees of
freedom like in shear, while all the other
degrees of freedom like those for bending
are sufficiently stiff to take high loads and
also to satisfy e.g. aero-elastic requirements.
Part of Sagitta’s morphing rear
Scaled morphing demonstration
part generated by an additive
manufacturing process
Institute of Lightweight Structures
Large Space Antenna Reflectors
Generic space antenna reflector
Large space antenna reflectors are to be
used for communication, radio astronomy
and earth observation. Due to their size,
they have to be stowed for launch and
precisely deployed in orbit, where then
only little deviations from the ideal surface
shape are allowed even under extreme
temperature variations. After years of
investigations mainly funded by ESA,
LLB established a large laboratory model
which has been accepted by ESA for
further rigorous tests. Emphasis is put on
thermo-elastic behavior at higher and very
low temperatures (-170º C).
Laboratory test model in gravity compensation device
Shape Morphing Structures
While in operation, (aerospace) structures
more or less keep their shape. This then
means that their shape designed for
certain relevant but more or less fixed
‘design points’ loses its efficiency at other
conditions. This for example holds for
aircraft components and structures in their
flow fields, or for those in electromagnetic
fields for space antennas with radiated
electromagnetic beams patterns to be
modified. These are a quite challenging tasks, because on the one side high
loads or high shape precision have to be
taken or maintained, while on the other
A view on a generic shape morphing inlet of an aircraft propulsion system actuated by varying
pneumatic pressure
Institute of Lightweight Structures
side the significant shape changes call for
special mechanical flexibility also in order
to limit the required actuation effort. Proper concepts are identified via a synthesis
between design and material concepts
together with sophisticated simulation and
experimental steps. For example, special
material models have to be combined
with structural models allowing for large
geometrical deformations.
LLB is working in different potential
application fields for shape morphing
n Shape morphing rear aircraft wings or
wing trailing edges, which shall reduce
aerodynamic drag, noise and radar
visibility, like for Sagitta mentioned
n Shape morphing inlets of aircraft
propulsion systems, which adapt their
geometric shape to different operational conditions for takeoff, landing
and cruise. An increase of propulsion
efficiency and noise reduction shall
be achieved (see project MorphElle
described below).
n Shape morphing space antenna reflectors, where due to (drastic) change in
the shape of the reflecting surface the
radiated electromagnetic wave pattern
can be adapted to changing communication needs between different regions
of the earth.
In the EU project MorphElle on shape
morphing inlets of aircraft propulsion
systems, different European university
institutes, Bauhaus Luftfahrt (BHL) and
an industrial advisory committee have
investigated different concepts.
The basic goals for this are the further
improvement of efficiency by an even
more uniform airflow inside the inlet at
different flight conditions, where at the
same time radiated noise is to be reduced.
Derived from system requirements
established by BHL and air flow and noise
simulations carried out by KTH Stockholm, LLB together with University of
Bristol established, simulated and tested
design concepts in combination with new
types of materials. An important key is the
development of shape morphing skins.
They consist of special metal wire meshes
imbedded into an elastomer, thus allowing significant pneumatically actuated
shape changes via its low in-plane shear
stiffness. Different multi-scale simulation
and homogenization steps allowed modelbased optimization iteration loops to
achieve the required behavior. Different
materials and structural properties
have been determined by optimization
techniques such that under proper
pneumatic actuation the inlet goal shapes
determined from KTH are achieved in the
best possible way.
Representative sections of shape morphing inlets have been tested at University
of Bristol for preliminary concept validation and simulation-test correlations.
Multi-scale modeling steps
from micro- over meso- to the
structural macro-level
Structural sections morphing under pneumatic
actuators in a test rig at University of Bristol
High Performance Mathematical
Design Optimization Methods
Structural design optimization techniques
based on mathematical optimization
algorithms have been researched and
extended in two directions:
n Computationally expensive system
models like in highly nonlinear dynamic
systems are treated by appropriate
simulation model reduction techniques.
For optimization, such reduced models
still have to keep their design or
optimization parameters e.g. related to
topology, geometry of materials. This
leads to parametrized reduced order
models, or P-ROMs
n The scope of applications has been
further broadened by inclusion of
verbal or qualitative knowledge, which
is transferred to numerical models via
soft-computing techniques based on
Interaction of structural mechanics, manufacturing effort and uncertainties in design
Institute of Lightweight Structures
fuzzy methods. These models then
are added to the structural simulation
and optimization models to establish
comprehensive overall models.
to the arrangement and type of their
stiffeners needed for example to prevent
instability of the thin outer shell. Conventional structures with orthogonal arrangement of circular and longitudinal stiffeners
can be realized with even lower masses
if stiffeners are arranged in ‘geodesic’
topologies. This arrangement derived from
mathematical topology optimization tells
that a higher percentage of longitudinal
stiffeners in the top and bottom part of the
fuselage should be used, while a more +/45 degrees arrangement at the side parts
is preferable.
Structuring the solution process for combined structural and manufacturing effort optimization
Standard arrangement of stiffeners in a fuselage shell
Geodesic stiffener arrangement
derived by topology optimization
The latter leads to integrated structural
mechanics and manufacturing effort
models of components and structures
for the mathematically based design
optimization process. For consideration of
qualitative knowledge e.g. on manufacturing effort, ‘what if’-questions for assumed
parameter variations and their consequences on the effort are asked to specialists. From their qualitative replies like
‘increases a lot’ or ‘decreases slightly’,
numerical relationships between design
optimization parameters and relevant
output quantities like for manufacturing
effort are established. These then get part
of the overall optimization model together
e.g. with FEM for the structural mechanics
In most of these cases, parallel computing
on multi-processor computers plays an
important role to keep computation time
or so called turn-around time within limits.
For example, aircraft fuselage shell structures have been investigated with respect
Modeling steps for C-fiber braided automotive frame section
Institute of Lightweight Structures
Relative manufacturing effort (ME) before and after
combined structural-ME optimization
Such design optimization activities were
also investigated within the Spitzencluster
MAI Design to properly cover the interaction of manufacturing effort and structural
behavior under different operational
conditions. Car body frames consisting of
A-pillars and roof frame parts were used
as reference examples for C-fiber braiding
and C-fiber lamination manufacturing
processes. Again, mechanical simulation
models covered the behavior from microto macroscale, while the manufacturing
effort as function of different design parameters has been derived from interviews
of specialists and transferred to numerical
models via fuzzy methods. Optimization
algorithms modified geometric crosssection and fiber arrangement parameters
such that the manufacturing effort
(production time) e.g. for the braiding
process could be reduced by around 50%
with only marginal mass penalty. Comparison of results from frames manufactures
by braiding and lamination process
then also allow the selection of proper
manufacturing methods based on an even
more rational trade-off between structural
properties and manufacturing effort.
Hybrid Material Structures
Since a basic approach in lightweight
structures is to identify and put proper
materials to proper components and positions within a structure, several activities
have been carried out in this area also in
order to identify and reduce possible of
mismatches of the different materials. This
not only relates to their interfaces, but may
become also relevant on components and
structural level.
For example, many thermal cycles in
carbon fiber reinforced materials and parts
may lead to micro-cracks in the polymer,
especially so for cycling amplitudes in the
range of +100°C down to -150°C which is
typical for many structures in space. Due
to a softening effect of such micro-cracks,
the C-fiber gets even more dominant for
the overall properties of the composite.
This then results into a further decrease of
the coefficient of thermal expansion, which
could change from say -0.2 E-6 / °K down
to -1 E-6 / °K. Though still very small in
absolute terms, this large relative change
might become relevant for structural
thermo-elastic deformations and related
loss of geometric precision in orbit.
Steel fiber reinforced aluminum parts have
Simulated and tested behavior of steel ropes in aluminum base material relevant for crash
been investigated in cooperation with
Institutes from KIT and TU Dortmund in
the SFB/TR10 on advanced manufacturing
processes for such materials. Since such
parts are mainly aimed for automotive
applications, investigations on crash
absorption have been finalized end of this
year. These investigations covered related
materials and components simulations
and experimental investigations. Results
showed the benefits of such reinforcements, which allow to control the crash
Institute of Lightweight Structures
Research Focus
n Adaptive and shape morphing
n Hybrid material structures
n Large space structures
n Model-based design optimization
n Adaptive structures and smart materials
n Design optimization methods
n Structural mechanics and design
n Mechanical and environmental testing
n Computer cluster with 250 processors
n CAD and several FEM tools
n Dynamic simulation tools
n Design optimization tools
n Workshop for metal and fiber composite parts
n Mechanical and environmental test
facilities incl. cryogenic temperatures
n Extensive measurement systems
n Non-destructive materials and parts
n Luft- und Raumfahrtstrukturen
n Multidisciplinary Design Optimization
n Adaptive Strukturen
n Multifunctional Polymer Parts
n Vibro-Akustik und Lärm
n Testmethoden im Flugzeugbau und
Institute of Lightweight Structures
Prof. Horst Baier, Director
Adjunct Professors
Prof. Dr. Pierre Mertiny
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Schwarz
Administrative Staff
Amely Schwörer
Research Scientists
Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Achleitner
Dr. Valeria Antonelli
Dipl.-Ing. Luiz da Rocha-Schmidt
Dr. Leri Datashvili, senior research
Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Endler
Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Friemel
Lali Gigineishvili
Andreas Hermanutz, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Peter Krempl
Tao Luo, M.Sc.
Nikoloz Maghaldadze, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Martin Mahl
Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Morasch
Dipl.-Ing. Gunar Reinicke
Dipl.-Ing. Bernhard Sauerer
Dipl.-Ing. Markus Schatz
Liang Si, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Holger Staack
Dipl.-Ing. Felix Stroscher
Tanut Ungwattanapanit, M.Sc.
Erich Wehrle, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Rainer Wehrle
Bin Wei, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Weinzierl
Technical Staff
Manfred Bauer
Dipl.-Ing. Karl-Ludwig Krämer
Bernhard Lerch
Christian Mörlein
Dirk Steglich
Josip Stokic
Publications 2015
n Antonelli, V.; Weinzierl, M.; Baier, H.: Feasibility
study of a sandwich chopper disc for a time of flight
(TOF) spectrometer. ICCM 20 – 20th International
Conference on Composite Materials, Copenhagen,
n Antonelli, V.; Weinzierl, M.; Baier, H.: CFRP chopper
discs: state of the art and long term perspective.
DENIM 2015 – 4th Design and Engineering of
Neutron Instruments Meeting, Budapest, 2015
n Baier, H.: Lightweight design of fiber composite
structure with emphasis on vibration behavior.
International Conference on Dynamics of Composite
Structures, Arles (Frankreich), 2015
n Baier, H.; Wehrle, R.; Ungwattanapanit, T.: Definition
alternativer Rumpfbauweisen von Verkehrsflugzeugen über modellbasierte Entwurfsoptimierung. DGLR
Jahrestagung, Rostock, 2015
n Da Rocha-Schmidt, Luiz; Hermanutz, A.; Baier, H.:
A Morphing Lip Concept for Shape Variable Aircraft
Engine Nacelles. DGLR Jahrestagung, Rostock,
n Hermanutz, A.; Da Rocha-Schmidt, L.; Baier, H.:
Technology Investigation of Morphing Inlet Lip
Concepts for Flight Propulsion Nacelles. EUCASS,
Krakau, 2015
n Häußler, M.; Schatz, M.; Baier, H.; Mertiny, P.:
Optimization of polymer composite pipe under consideration of hybridization. ASME Pressure Vessels
and Piping Conference, Boston, Massachusetts,
USA, 2015
n Mahl, M.; Friemel, M.; Capobianco, L.; Haridas, A.;
Baier, H.: Influences of Adhesive Properties on Strain
Measurement Result of Rayleigh Backscattering
Based Fibre Optic Sensors. IWSMH (International
Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring), Stanford,
USA, 2015
n Morasch, A.; Reeb, A.; Baier, H.; Weidenmann, K. A.;
Schulze, V.: Characterization of debonding strength
in steel-wire-reinforced aluminum and its influence
on material fracture. Engineering Fracture Mechanics
(141), 2015, pp. 242-259
n Ozdemir, N. G.; Scarpa, F.; Craciun, M.; Remillat,
C.; Lira, C.; Jagessur, Y.; da Rocha-Schmidt, L.:
Morphing nacelle inlet lip with pneumatic actuators
and a flexible nano composite sandwich panel.
Smart Materials and Structures Vol. 24, Nr. 12, 2015
n Reinicke, Gunar: Aktive Schwingungsdämpfung in
Satellitenbauteilen bei verschiedenen Anregungsspektren – Simulation und experimentelle Verifikation. Dissertation TU München, 2015
n Schatz, M.; Baier, H.: Integration von Fertigungsaufwänden in die Entwurfsoptimierung von kurz- bis
endlosfaserverstärkten Strukturen. NAFEMS
Conference on Optimization and Robust Design,
Wiesbaden, 2015
n Schatz, M.; Baier, H.: Effizierte Strukturoptimierung von Flechtstrukturen mit Hilfe entkoppelter
Mehrskalenhomogenisierung und Berücksichtigung
von Fertigungsrestriktionen. Landshuter Leichtbau
Colloqium, 2015
n Schatz, M.; Baier, H.: Optimization of laminated
structures considering manufacturing efforts.
World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary
Optimisation (WCSMO), Sydney, 2015
n Si, L.; Baier, H.: Real-Time Impact Visualization
Inspection of Aerospace Composite Structures with
distributed Sensor, Sensors, 2015, pp. 16536-16556
n Staack, H.; Seibert, D.; Baier, H.: Application oriented
failure modeling and characterization for polymers
in automotive pedestrian protection. International
Conference on Computational Plasticity (COMPLAS).
Fundamentals and Application, Barcelona, 2015
n Wehrle, Erich Josef: Design optimization of
lightweight space-frame structures considering
crashworthiness and parameter uncertainty,
Dissertation TU München, 2015
n Weinzierl, M.; Baier, H.; Krämer, L.; Antonelli, V.:
Design and certification of the chopper disks for the
NEAT II TOF spectrometer: A lesson learned. DENIM
2015 – 4th Design and Engineering of Neutron
Instruments Meeting [9, 2015, Budapest], 2015
n Weinzierl, M.; Schatz, M.; Antonelli, V.; Baier, H.:
Structural Design Optimization of CFRP Chopper
Disks. International Conference on Composite
Structures, Lisbon, 2015
n Zhang, Yang: Efficient Procedures for Structural
Optimization with Integer and Mixed-Integer Design
Variables. Dissertation TU München, 2015
Institute of Lightweight Structures
Institute of Ergonomics
Definition and evaluation of human-machine interaction and anthropometric layout
of technical systems. Safety, efficiency of use and user satisfaction.
n The focus of the Institute of Ergonomics in 2015 was to intensify and
increase the activities in the area of cooperative interaction between
human and vehicle or human and robots. National and international
funded project proposals were successful to continue the fundamental
research at the institute.
The second focus was the set up of the
modular ergonomic mockup which was
donated by the Daimler AG and can be
used for research questions in the field of
seating comfort. Furthermore the institute
implemented a virtual pedestrian simulator
and a networked driving simulation in the
context of the German research project
UR:BAN to analyze complex interactions
Phone +
Modular Ergonomic Mockup
Prof. Dr. phil.
Klaus Bengler
MEPS – Modular ergonomic
mockup donated by the Daimler
AG (Reference: Ulrich Benz/TUM)
Institute of Ergonomics
To answer ergonomic questions regarding
vehicles often simplified mockups are
used. The modular ergonomic mockup
(short MEPS) is an automated versatile
version of such a test rig. Developed and
used by the Daimler AG it was donated
to the Institute of Ergonomics in 2013. A
group of five bachelor students, a graduated research assistant and the technical
personnel of the institute have moved and
build it up at the chair.
Using the modular ergonomic mockup
different vehicle geometries from sport
in future traffic scenarios. The institute did
also research in production ergonomics.
The resulting approach of user-oriented
assistance has now been implemented in
the form of different prototypes, ranging
from a thumb support for workers in the
automotive production up to an exoskeleton for manual handling tasks.
cars up to trucks, as well as tram wagons
and new innovative concept of the
interior can be represented without big
constructive change at the mockup itself
and in relatively short time. The flexibility
is achieved on a modular construction
using so-called module wagons and a rail
system. Different module wagons exist for
different assembly components (e.g. car
body, steering wheel, seats, etc.) which
can be placed on the rail system variable.
A hydraulic lifting system allows to change
the wagons as needed.
The wagons are electrically controlled
by a LabView-based program in up to
4 degrees of freedom (3 translations and
1 rotation) according to the demand of
the assembly. This procedure permits the
high variability of the system.
Using the modular ergonomic mockup
a wide area of research topics can be
n Digital human modeling
(performance, discomfort)
n Driving simulation
n Innovative interior concepts
(e.g. automated driving)
Seat Test Dummy
Validation process of the dummy
(Reference: André Dietrich)
The evaluation of newly developed car
seats nowadays requires several studies
with numerous participants to be conducted. To decrease the number and effort of
aforementioned experiments and present
a simplified way for objective comfort
measurement, the Institute of Ergonomics
developed a silicone dummy that represents the pressure distribution of a 50th
percentile male on a car seat. While previously developed dummies focused on the
femoral and gluteal pressure distribution,
the presented dummy is extended with
a back to ensure discomfort evaluation
along the entire seating surface. The inside of the dummy consists of 3D-printed
parts resembling skeletal structures, which
are attached to an aluminum framework.
This allows the back to be bent in predefined joints for up to ±20 degrees. The
surrounding silicone is attached to the solid
parts in multiple layers, imitating different
kinds of tissue in human bodies. In future
studies the dummy will be used to measure its pressure distribution in different
seat concepts so that comparisons with
results of discomfort studies with human
participants can be made.
Dummy positioned on a car seat
(Reference: André Dietrich)
Thumb Protection – Thumb Support
Although automation of many processes
is increasing the greatest part of production tasks is still manual which leads
to high workloads on the human body.
Due to shorter cycle times and simplified
tasks, cycles are characterized through
high forces as well as high repetition
rates. Especially in areas like automotive
assembly, the whole upper limb of the
human body is stressed. In the case of
the hand, the thumb, for example, used
to push plugs into the bodywork of a car,
is exposed to high physical strain. Due to
this a functional assembly aid to support
the thumb was developed, with the
primary goals:
n keeping the thumb within a neutral joint
n transmitting the force from the fingertip
to the whole thumb
The thumb support is individually adjusted
and 3D printed. Results from nearly 100
interviews from workers testing the thumb
support showed a subjective load reduction for the thumb. Furthermore the effort
Application of the thumb support
(Reference: Christin Hölzel)
to insert plugs was minimized. Based on
this feedback, this first prototype will now
be improved. Although several improvements were implemented acceptance is
still limited due to limited usability when
gripping parts. Nevertheless the overall
feedback is positive. An evaluation of the
thumb support with the help of the BORG
scale, for inserting plugs, showed lower
BORG values when wearing the thumb
support than without thumb support
(Hölzel, Schmidtler, Knott, Bengler, 2015).
Institute of Ergonomics
UR:BAN – a German Research Initiative
Focusing on the Challenges of Future Urban Traffic
Urban Space: user-oriented
assistance systems and network
management (Reference: www.
Over thirty partners, including automobile
and electronics manufacturers, suppliers,
communication technology and software
companies, as well as research institutes
and cities, have joined in the cooperative
project UR:BAN (German acronym for
Urban Space: User-oriented Assistance
systems and Network management) to
develop advanced driver assistance and
traffic management systems for cities.
The focus is on the human element in
all aspects of mobility and traffic. The
research objectives will be pursued in
three main thematic target areas:
n Cognitive assistance
n Networked traffic management
n Human factors in traffic.
The Institute of Ergonomics leads the
project ‘Human Factors in Traffic’ which is
thematically subdivided in the projects
n Urban driving
n Urban-specific HMI design
n Behavior and intention recognition
n Simulation and behavior modeling
to work on the challenges of urban traffic
and foster the support of the driver in
concerns of a safer, more efficient and
less straining urban driving experience.
The initiative is funded by the Federal
ministry of Economics and Energy due to
the decision of the German Bundestag
and started in April 2012 for the duration
of 4 years.
Social Interaction in Synthetic Environments –
The Pedestrian Simulator
In the sub-project ‘Simulation and
Behavior Modeling’ of the research
initiative UR:BAN (
the activities focus on the analysis and
corresponding descriptive modeling of the
behavior of road users and of their mutual
interactions. This modeling will be coordinated with the applications developed in
other UR:BAN projects. The focus here is
on the behavior of informed and assisted
drivers, taking into account in detail their
interactions with other vehicles (with/
without UR:BAN technology) as well as
with cyclists and pedestrians.
To enable the investigation of social
interaction between pedestrians and
drivers in urban scenarios, the Institute
Institute of Ergonomics
The virtual pedestrian simulator
(Reference: Ulrich Benz/TUM)
of Ergonomics developed a pedestrian
simulator and linked it to the institute’s driving simulators. The pedestrian simulator
consists of a motion capture system, a
head-mounted display, a motion-suit and
the driving simulation software. Thus it is
possible for two (or more) participants,
using the driving simulator(s) and the
pedestrian simulator, to meet in the same
virtual world and adapt their behavior
corresponding to each other.
In several studies the empirical work
focused on the quantification of social
interaction (i.e. Lehsing, Kracke, Bengler,
2015), the validation and immersion
improvement of the pedestrian simulator.
The pedestrian simulator itself can be
used as a stand-alone experimental lab
or linked to a driving simulator to analyze,
for example, critical crossing situations,
the acceptance of future driver assistance
systems or the parametrization of autonomous driving cars.
Replacement of Mirrors in Trucks
In 2016 a change in regulation ECE R46
(devices for indirect vision in vehicles)
will allow camera monitor systems
(CMS) to replace mirrors. The according
requirements are based on ISO 16505.
The Institute of Ergonomics participated
on the draws of both documents. In a
project together with MAN Truck & Bus AG
a CMS prototype for trucks was realized.
The main focus was the optimization
of the image representation to human
In nature, an object is normally detected
in the peripheral field of view (mostly by
a change in optical flow) and can then
be focused by the line of sight (so called
foveal vision). Normal mirror systems
violate this principle. The driver has to
focus on the dedicated mirror to be able
to detect objects within it. With currently
six prescribed mirrors in truck, the task of
observing all fields of indirect vision simultaneously gets pretty complicated for the
driver, as foveal vision is not parallelizable.
In general new ways of image representation are possible by establishing CMS
Comparison of the CMS with
the current mirror system on the
passenger side: one single display
replaces three mirrors. The cyclist
is detected easily within the CMS
(Reference: Albert Zaindl)
in vehicles. The developed prototype
combines the mandatory fields of view
from the main, wide-angle and close proximity mirror to one single and consistent
image. With this CMS the driver can keep
track of the whole surroundings within one
glance. The driver is now able to detect
objects within the short range of the truck
easily and particularly even randomly by
peripheral vision. The system enables the
driver to overview happenings around the
truck more quickly and accurately which
is accompanied by an increase in safety
(Zaindl, 2015a; Zaindl, 2015b).
Cooperative Systems and User Friendly Automation
The research group Cooperative Systems
and Automation pursues a cross-domain
approach to address a variety of research
questions in the fields of vehicle automation, cooperation, robotics and aviation.
By introducing cross-functional design
paradigms for interaction and user
interfaces and developing methods and
metrics for measuring and inferring user
states, a human-centered holistic view
on multilevel automated and cooperative
systems is enabled. This holistic approach
also becomes apparent in interdisciplinary
projects like the sociotechnical project
ASHAD, where the Institute of Ergonomics, together with five other institutes
of the TUM, examines highly automated
driving from different perspectives, among
them ethics, economics, acceptance
and trust. The European Initial Training
Institute of Ergonomics
project Ko-HAF aims to address driver
state in automated vehicles and its impact
on safety and comfort on motorways.
The consortium includes several German
OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers from the
automotive industry.
Cross domain approach consisting of automotive, aviation, and
robotics (Reference: Julia Fridgen,
Jonas Schmidtler)
Network HFAuto integrates driver state
monitoring with the design of human
machine interfaces integrating visual,
sound and haptic cues to achieve a safe
and acceptable driver interaction in highly
automated vehicles. The nationally funded
n ASHAD (automation and society –
highly automated driving)
n HFAuto – human factors of automate
n SaMSys – safety management system
in aviation
n KobotAERGO – adaptive collaborative
robots as age-adjusted companion for
ergonomic and flexible material handling
n Ko-HAF – cooperative highly automated
Usability and User Experience
The main focus of the research on
usability and user experience is the finding
and understanding of different factors
of human machine interface design and
their effects on usability and user experience. A basic requirement for consistent
communication and research is a confined
definition and differentiation of the terms
usability and user experience. It is the
foundation for fundamental research
which aims at identifying relevant factors
that can be adjusted to optimize human
machine interaction.
Main topics of the research on usability
and user experience at the Institute of
Ergonomics are interaction design for
touch screen devices, gesture interaction
for utility vehicles, and the digitalization of
Regarding gesture interaction, the aim
is to specify recommendations for an
ergonomic and usable application of
gesture control in utility vehicles. Since
an ergonomic and usable application of
gesture control is based on the identification and specification of suitable use
cases, meaningful gestures and appropriate gesture recognition technology, these
criteria are within the scope of current
research work.
Institute of Ergonomics
Different hand postures which gestures used for
gesture interaction potentially can comprise (Reference: Michael Stecher)
The design of software for a traffic control
center is an example for the digitalization
of workplaces. The challenge is to prevent
information workload in critical situations,
and at the same time to not leave out
information, which is important for
The group contributes to a general
propagation of ergonomic product design
by taking part in standard publishing
committees (e.g. VDI 3850).
n Workplace and software design for a
traffic control center
n Gesture control for utility vehicles
Research Focus
n Digital human modeling for ergonomic
anthropometric workplace layout,
products and cars
n Biomechanics modeling of forces and
n Investigation and design of humanmachine-interaction
n Investigation of concepts for interaction
in cooperative systems
n Development of measurement metrics
n Research on motivational aspects of
user behavior
n Interdisciplinary research approach
n Development of evaluation methods,
models and implementation of interaction concepts in the areas anthropometry/biomechanics as well as cognitive ergonomics
n Static driving simulator mockup
n Static driving simulator (360° fov)
n Modular ergonomic mockup
n Remote and head-mounted eye
n Pupil dilation measurement equipment
n VICON motion capturing system
n Seating lab
n Seat test dummy
n Driver distraction usability lab
n Climate chamber
n Biomechanical laboratory
n Cardiopulmonary exercise testing
n Produktergonomie (Master)
n Produktionsergonomie (Master)
n Menschliche Zuverlässigkeit (Master)
n Human Factors – Ergonomie (Master)
Prof. Dr. phil. Klaus Bengler, Director
Visiting Professor
Prof. Dr. ir. Riender Happee
Adjunct Professor
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Maurer
Administrative Staff
Simona Chiritescu-Kretsch
Doris Herold
Julia Fridgen
Elfriede Graupensberger
Research Scientists
Dr.-Ing. Herbert Rausch
Dipl.-Ing. Martin Albert
Carmen Aringer M.A.
Dipl.-Ing. Jurek Breuninger
Benedikt Brück M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Ingrid Bubb
Antonia Conti M.Sc.
Stephanie Cramer M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. André Dietrich
Anna Feldhütter M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Ilja Feldstein
Patrick Galaske M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Christian Gold
Joel Gonçalves M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Patrick Gontar
Dipl.-Ing. Martin Götze
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Haslbeck
Dipl.-Ing. Magnus Helmbrecht
Christin Hölzel M.A.
Ralf Kassirra
Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Kerschbaum
Dipl.-Ing. Verena Knott
Dipl.-Psych. Moritz Körber
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Krause M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Lange
Dipl. Wirtsch.-Ing. Christian Lehsing
Claudia Neuhofer M.Sc.
Bastiaan Petermeijer M.Sc.
Lisa Pfannmüller M.Sc.
Dipl.-Inf. Severina Popova-Dlugosch
Dipl.-Ing. Jonas Radlmayr
Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Rommerskirchen
Lisa Rücker M.Eng.
Dipl.-Ing. Jonas Schmidtler
Dipl.-Inf. Nadine Walter
Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Smykowski
Michael Stecher M.Sc.
Institute of Ergonomics
Dipl.-Ing. Paul Stuke
Dipl.-Ing. Annika Ulherr
Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Weißgerber
Dipl.-Ing. Tom Winkle
Dipl.-Ing. Albert Zaindl
Dipl.-Medieninf. Markus Zimmermann
Technical Staff
Michael Arzberger
Heribert Hart
Papist Robert
Publications 2015
n Albert, M., Lange, A., Schmidt, A., Wimmer,
M., & Bengler, K. (2015). Automated Driving –
Assessment of Interaction Concepts Under Real
Driving Conditions. In T. Ahram, W. Karwowski,
& D. Schmorrow (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th
International Conference on Applied Human Factors
and Ergonomics 2015 and the Affiliated Conferences (Vol. 3, pp. 2832-2839). Elsevier. Retrieved
n Aringer, C., Schiepe-Tiska, A., Simm, I., Kassirra, R.,
& Rausch, H. (2015). Ergonomie im Klassenzimmer:
Ein Projekt zur Verbesserung ergonomischer Bedingungen in Schulen: Beitrag B.1.2. In Gesellschaft
für Arbeitswissenschaft e. V. (GfA) (Ed.), VerANTWORTung für die Arbeit der Zukunft. Retrieved from
n Bengler, K., Götze, M., Pfannmüller, L., & Zaindl, A.
(2015). To See or Not to See – Innovative Display
Technologies as Enablers for Ergonomic Cockpit
Concepts. In Proceedings of the electronic displays
n Bengler, K., Pfromm, M., & Bruder, R. (2015).
Bedienelemente. In H. Winner, S. Hakuli, F. Lotz, &
C. Singer (Eds.), Handbuch Fahrerassistenzsysteme
(3rd ed., pp. 647-657). Wiesbaden: Vieweg Teubner.
n Bubb, H., Bengler, K., Grünen, R. E., & Vollrath, M.
(2015). Automobilergonomie. Wiesbaden: Springer
n Conti, A. S., Kremser, F., Krause, M., An, D.-j., &
Bengler, K. (2015). The Effect of Varying Target
Sizes and Spaces between Target and Non-target
Elements on Goal-directed Hand Movement
Times while Driving. In T. Ahram, W. Karwowski,
& D. Schmorrow (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th
International Conference on Applied Human Factors
and Ergonomics 2015 and the Affiliated Conferences (Vol. 3, pp. 3168-3175). Elsevier. Retrieved
n Feldstein, I., Guentner, A., & Bengler, K. (2015).
IR-based in-vehicle head-tracking. In T. Ahram, W.
Karwowski, & D. Schmorrow (Eds.), Proceedings of
the 6th International Conference on Applied Human
Factors and Ergonomics 2015 and the Affiliated
Conferences (Vol. 3, pp. 829-836). Elsevier.
Retrieved from
n Gold, C., Körber, M., Hohenberger, C., Lechner, D.,
& Bengler, K. (2015). Trust in Automation – Before
and After the Experience of Take-over Scenarios
in a Highly Automated Vehicle. In T. Ahram, W.
Karwowski, & D. Schmorrow (Eds.), Proceedings of
the 6th International Conference on Applied Human
Factors and Ergonomics 2015 and the Affiliated
Conferences (Vol. 3, pp. 3025-3032). Elsevier.
Retrieved from
Institute of Ergonomics
n Goncalves, J., & Bengler, K. (2015). Driver State
Monitoring Systems – Transferable Knowledge
Manual Driving to HAD. In T. Ahram, W. Karwowski,
& D. Schmorrow (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th
International Conference on Applied Human Factors
and Ergonomics 2015 and the Affiliated Conferences (Vol. 3, pp. 3011-3016). Elsevier. Retrieved
n Goncalves, J., Olaverri-Monreal, C., & Bengler, K.
(2015). Driver Capability Monitoring in Highly Automated Driving: From State to Capability Monitoring.
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference
on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE-ITSC)
(pp. 2329-2334). IEEE.
n Gontar, P., & Hoermann, H.-J. (2015). Reliability of
Instructor Pilots’ Non-Technical Skills Ratings. In
Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium
on Aviation Psychology (ISAP) 2015 (pp. 366-371).
Wright State University and Events.
n Gontar, P., Porstner, V., Hoermann, H.-J., & Bengler,
K. (2015). Pilots’ Decision-Making under High
Workload: Recognition-Primed or Not – An Engineering Point of View. In G. Lindgaard & D. Moore
(Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th Triennial Congress
of the International Ergonomics Association(IEA)
n Götze, M., & Bengler, K. (2015). Urban Driving:
Where to Present What Types of Information –
Comparison of Head-Down and Head-Up Displays.
In S. Yamamoto (Ed.): Human Interface and the
Management of Information. Information and
Knowledge in Context, Proceedings of the 17th
International Conference, HCI International 2015
(pp. 190-200). Springer International Publishing.
Retrieved from
n Götze, M., Ruff, F., & Bengler, K. (2015). Optimal
Information Output in Urban Traffic Scenarios:
An Evaluation of Different HMI Concepts.
In T. Ahram, W. Karwowski, & D. Schmorrow (Eds.),
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference
on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics 2015
and the Affiliated Conferences (Vol. 3, pp. 739-746).
Elsevier. Retrieved from http://www.sciencedirect.
n Hölzel, C., Schmidtler, J., Knott, V. & Bengler,
K. (2015). Unterstützung des Menschen in der
Arbeitswelt der Zukunft. In R. Weidner et al.
(Hrsg.) Technische Unterstützungssysteme.
DOI10.1007/978-3-662-48383-1_4, Springer-Verlag
Berlin Heidelberg, 2015
n Haslbeck, A., Schmidt-Moll, C., & Schubert, E.
(2015). Pilots’ Willingness to Report Aviation
Incidents. In Proceedings of the 18th International
Symposium on Aviation Psychology (ISAP) 2015
(pp. 1-5). Wright State University and Events.
n Hinderer, M., Hilkesberger, M., Friedrich, P., Wolf, B.,
& Bengler, K. (2015). Gefühlte Sicherheit in einem
autonomen treppensteigenden Rollstuhl: Subjective
safety with an autonomous stairclimbing wheelchair.
In Proceedings of the 8. AAL-Kongress – Zukunft
Lebensräume – 2015. Berlin: VDE Verlag.
n Kassirra, R. (2015). Ein methodisches Verfahren zur
Analyse motivationsunterstützender Merkmale in
Arbeitsaufträgen: Beitrag B.1.10. In Gesellschaft
für Arbeitswissenschaft e. V. (GfA) (Ed.), VerANTWORTung für die Arbeit der Zukunft. Retrieved from
n Kassirra, R., Schiepe-Tiska, A., Simm, I., Aringer, C.,
& Rausch, H. (2015). Messkoffer fürs Klassenzimmer. TUMcampus. Das Magazin der Technischen
Universität München, (2), 14.
n Knott, V., Demmelmair, S., & Bengler, K. (2015).
Emissive Projection Display im Fahrzeug – Auswirkungen auf die Aufmerksamkeit des Fahrers:
Präsentations und Beitrag zum 61. Frühjahrskongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft.
In Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft e. V. (GfA)
(Ed.), VerANTWORTung für die Arbeit der Zukunft.
n Knott, V. C., Demmelmair, S., & Bengler, K. (2015).
Distraction and Driving Behavior by Presenting
Information on an ‘Emissive Projection Display’
Compared to a Head-up Display. In D. Harris (Ed.),
Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics.
12th International Conference, EPCE 2015, Held as
Part of HCI International 2015, Los Angeles,
CA, USA, August 2-7, 2015, Proceedings (Vol. 9174,
pp. 13–23). Springer International Publishing.
n Knott, V. C., Mayr, T., & Bengler, K. (2015). Lifting
Activities in Production and Logistics of the Future
– Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing (CPET) for
Analyzing Physiological Stress. In T. Ahram, W.
Karwowski, & D. Schmorrow (Eds.), Proceedings of
the 6th International Conference on Applied Human
Factors and Ergonomics 2015 and the Affiliated
Conferences (Vol. 3, pp. 354-362). Elsevier.
Retrieved from
n Körber, M., Schneider, W., & Zimmermann, M.
(2015). Vigilance, boredom proneness and detection
time of a malfunction in partially automated driving.
In Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference
on Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS).
The 16th Annual Meeting (pp. 70-76). IEEE XPLORE
Digital Library.
n Körber, M., Cingel, A., Zimmermann, M., & Bengler,
K. (2015). Vigilance Decrement and Passive Fatigue
Caused by Monotony in Automated Driving.
In T. Ahram, W. Karwowski, & D. Schmorrow (Eds.),
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on
Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics 2015 and
the Affiliated Conferences (Vol. 3, pp. 2403-2409).
Elsevier. Retrieved from http://www.sciencedirect.
n Krause, M., Angerer, C., & Bengler, K. (2015).
Evaluation of a Radio Tuning Task on Android while
Driving. In T. Ahram, W. Karwowski, & D. Schmorrow (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International
Conference on Applied Human Factors and
Ergonomics 2015 and the Affiliated Conferences
(Vol. 3, pp. 2642-2649). Elsevier. Retrieved from
n Krause, M., Conti, A. S., Henning, M., Seubert, C.,
Heinrich, C., Bengler, K., Glaser, D. (2015). App
Analytics: Predicting the Distraction Potential of
In-vehicle Device Applications. In T. Ahram, W.
Karwowski, & D. Schmorrow (Eds.), Proceedings of
the 6th International Conference on Applied Human
Factors and Ergonomics 2015 and the Affiliated
Conferences (pp. 2658-2665). Elsevier. Retrieved
n Krause, M., Donant, N., & Bengler, K. (2015).
Comparing Occlusion Method by Display Blanking
to Occlusion Goggles. In T. Ahram, W. Karwowski,
& D. Schmorrow (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th
International Conference on Applied Human Factors
and Ergonomics 2015 and the Affiliated Conferences (Vol. 3, pp. 2650-2657). Elsevier. Retrieved
n Krause, M., Knott, V., & Bengler, K. (2015). Implementing the Tactile Detection Task in a Real Road
Experiment to Assess a Traffic Light Assistant. In
L. Miller & A. L. Culen (Eds.), Proceedings of the
Eighth International Conference on Advances in
Computer-Human Interactions (pp. 43-48).
n Krause, M., Weichelt, S., & Bengler, K. (2015).
Malfunction of a Traffic Light Assistant Application
on a Smartphone. In Proceedings of the European
Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics (ECCE) 2015.
ACM Digital Library. Retrieved from http://dl.acm.
n Lange, A., Albert, M., Siedersberger, K.-H., &
Bengler, K. (2015). Ergonomic Design of the Vehicle
Motion in an Automated Driving Car. In T. Ahram, W.
Karwowski, & D. Schmorrow (Eds.), Proceedings of
the 6th International Conference on Applied Human
Factors and Ergonomics 2015 and the Affiliated
Conferences (pp. 2761-2768). Elsevier. Retrieved
n Lehsing, C., Kracke, A., & Bengler, K. (2015). Urban
Perception – A Cross-Correlation Approach to
Quantify the Social Interaction in a Multiple Simulator Setting. In Proceedings of the 18th International
Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems
(IEEE-ITSC) (pp. 1014-1021). IEEE.
n Matthaei, R., Reschka, A., Rieken, J., Dierkes,
F., Ulbrich, S., Winkle, T., & Maurer, M. (2015).
Autonomes Fahren. In H. Winner, S. Hakuli, F. Lotz,
& C. Singer (Eds.), Handbuch Fahrerassistenzsysteme (3rd ed., pp. 1139-1166). Wiesbaden:
Vieweg Teubner.
n Maurer, M., Gerdes, C., Lenz, B., & Winner, H.
(Eds.). (2015). Autonomes Fahren – Technische,
rechtliche und gesellschaftliche Aspekte. Berlin,
Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
n Pfannmüller, L., Kramer, M., Senner, B., & Bengler,
K. (2015). A Comparison of Display Concepts for a
Navigation System in an Automotive Contact Analog Head-Up Display. In T. Ahram, W. Karwowski,
& D. Schmorrow (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th
International Conference on Applied Human Factors
and Ergonomics 2015 and the Affiliated Conferences (Vol. 3, pp. 4849-4856). Elsevier. Retrieved
n Pfannmüller, L., Walter, M., & Bengler, K. (2015).
Lead me the right way?! The impact of position
accuracy of augmented reality navigation arrows in
a contact analog head-up display on driving performance, workload, and usability. In G. Lindgaard &
D. Moore (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th Triennial
Congress of the International Ergonomics Association(IEA) 2015. Retrieved from
n Pfannmüller, L., Walter, M., Senner, B., & Bengler,
K. (2015). Depth Perception of Augmented Reality
Information in an Automotive Contact Analog
Head-Up Display. Journal of Vision, (15(12),1078).
Institute of Ergonomics
n Radlmayr, J., Selzer, T., Arcati, A., & Bengler, K.
(2015). Haptic Gear Shifting Indication: Evaluating
Acceptance and Potential Fuel Consumption
Reduction. In T. Ahram, W. Karwowski, & D.
Schmorrow (Eds.), Proceedings of the
6th International Conference on Applied Human
Factors and Ergonomics 2015 and the Affiliated
Conferences (pp. 2746-2752). Elsevier. Retrieved
n Schmidtler, J., Knott, V., Hölzel, C., & Bengler, K.
(2015). Human centered assistance applications for
the working environment of the future. Occupational
Ergonomics, Vol. 12(3), 83-95. doi:10.3233/OER150226
n Schmidtler, J., Sezgin, A., Illa, T., & Bengler, K.
(2015). Black or White? Influence of Robot Arm
Contrast on Distraction in Human-Robot Interaction. In D. Harris (Ed.), Engineering Psychology
and Cognitive Ergonomics. 12th International
Conference, EPCE 2015, Held as Part of HCI
International 2015, Los Angeles, CA, USA, August
2-7, 2015, Proceedings (Vol. 9174, pp. 188-199).
Springer International Publishing.
n Schmidtler, J., & Bengler, K. (2015). Fast or
Accurate? – Performance Measurements for
Physical Human-robot Collaborations. In T. Ahram,
W. Karwowski, & D. Schmorrow (Eds.), Proceedings
of the 6th International Conference on Applied
Human Factors and Ergonomics 2015 and the
Affiliated Conferences (Vol. 3, pp. 1387-1394).
Elsevier. Retrieved from http://www.sciencedirect.
n Stecher, M., Baseler, E., Draxler, L., Fricke, L.,
Michel, B., Zimmermann, A., & Bengler, K. (2015).
Tracking Down the Intuitiveness of Gesture
Interaction in the Truck Domain. In T. Ahram, W.
Karwowski, & D. Schmorrow (Eds.), Proceedings of
the 6th International Conference on Applied Human
Factors and Ergonomics 2015 and the Affiliated
Conferences (Vol. 3, pp. 3176-3183). Elsevier.
n Ulherr, A., Hasselmann, K., Kuhn, K., & Bengler, K.
(2015). The Effect of Secondary Tasks on Perceived
Seating Discomfort. In G. Lindgaard & D. Moore
(Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th Triennial Congress
of the International Ergonomics Association(IEA)
2015. Retrieved from
n vom Stein, M., Knott, V., Günthner, W. A., & Bengler,
K. (2015). Augmented Reality im Flurförderzeug.
Technische Sicherheit, 5(3), 40-45.
n Wachenfeld, W., Winner, H., Gerdes, C., Lenz, B.,
Maurer, M., Beiker, S., Winkle, T. (2015). Use Cases
des autonomen Fahrens. In M. Maurer, C. Gerdes,
B. Lenz, & H. Winner (Eds.), Autonomes Fahren
– Technische, rechtliche und gesellschaftliche
Aspekte. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
n Walter, N., Altmüller, T., & Bengler, K. (2015).
Concept of a Reference Architecture for an
Extendable In-vehicle Adaptive Recommendation
Service. In Proceedings of the 7th International
Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and
Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI
2015) (pp. 88–93). New York, USA: ACM Digital
Library. Retrieved from
Institute of Ergonomics
n Walter, N., Kaplan, B., Wettemann, C., Altmüller,
T., & Bengler, K. (2015). What Are the Expectations
of Users of an Adaptive Recommendation Service
Which Aims to Reduce Driver Distraction? In M.
Aaron (Ed.), Proceedings of the 4th International
Conference, DUXU 2015, Held as Part of HCI
International 2015. Design, User Experience, and
Usability: Interactive Experience Design (Vol. 9188,
pp. 517-528). Springer International Publishing.
Retrieved from
n Winkle, T. (2015). Entwicklungs- und Freigabeprozess automatisierter Fahrzeuge: Berücksichtigung
technischer, rechtlicher und ökonomischer Risiken.
In M. Maurer, C. Gerdes, B. Lenz, & H. Winner
(Eds.), Autonomes Fahren – Technische, rechtliche
und gesellschaftliche Aspekte (pp. 612-633). Berlin,
Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
n Winkle, T. (2015). Sicherheitspotenzial automatisierter Fahrzeuge: Erkenntnisse aus der Unfallforschung. In M. Maurer, C. Gerdes, B. Lenz, & H.
Winner (Eds.), Autonomes Fahren – Technische,
rechtliche und gesellschaftliche Aspekte (pp. 352374). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
n Zimmermann, M., Fahrmeier, L., & Bengler, K. J.
(2015). A Roland for an Oliver? Subjective perception of cooperation during conditionally automated
driving. In Proceedings of the 2015 International
Conference on Collaboration Technologies
and Systems (CTS). The 16th Annual Meeting
(pp. 57-63). IEEE XPLORE Digital Library.
n Zaindl, A. (2015). Spiegelersatz am Nutzfahrzeug.
In Ergonomie Aktuell Ausgabe 016, Sommer 2015,
ISSN 1616-7627, p. 30-33.
n Zaindl, A.; Zimmermann, A.; Dörner, K.; Kohrs,
C. (2015). Camera-Monitor-System as Mirror
Replacement in Commercial Vehicles. In Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift (ATZ) 05/2015, p.12-16.
Bioseparation Engineering Group
Process development, particle technology, filtration, and extraction
n The Bioseparation Engineering Group deals with different aspects of
the isolation and purification of biomolecules for the pharmaceutical or
chemical industry. We are focused on adsorption, filtration, and extraction
as separation methods as well as their integration into the production
process. In addition to the experimental approaches we use COMSOL
and COSMO-RS for modelling and simulation.
In 2015, we could finally claim that
bioseparation engineering is successfully
established as new research field at TU
München. As one of the highlights the first
PhD thesis in our group was finished with
the focus on antibody purification. The
development of new high selective stationary phases with a high binding capacity
yields an increased separation productivity
of antibodies compared to commercial
high level matrices.
Prof. Dr.
Sonja Berensmeier
Protein A – antibody complex.
Copyright: Frhr. von Roman, TUM
Phone +
New Stationary Phases
New stationary phases are essential in
bioseparation sciences: classical phases
are already well developed and reach
their limits. The Bioseparation Engineering
Group is specialized on synthesis and
functionalization of magnetic particles
and conductive materials as well as their
process implementation. Making use of
magnetism or conductivity allows for an
additional degree of freedom for state-ofthe-art process development.
n AiF/IFG Project – Synthesis, characterization and application of new stationary
phases for potential-controlled chromatography
Optimization of magnetic nano particle synthesis by statistical approaches.
Copyright: Roth, TUM
Bioseparation Engineering Group
Functional Interfaces
quality in whole of the separation step.
In contrast, uncontrolled aggregation of
particles decreases process performance
concerning robustness, reproducibility,
and scalability. All these aspects are main
focus topics of our projects.
96 well screening plate
In separation sciences the interaction of
particulate carriers among each other and
to target molecules is essential for process
development. Selective interactions as
well as high binding capacities of target
molecules to solid phases determine the
final purity and yield and therefore the
n BMBF Biotechnology 2020+ initiative
– rational design of peptide-surface
n AiF-ZIM – STEP-MAG: Verfahren und
Messgerät zur Quantifizierung der magnetischen Mobilität von Nanomaterialen
und deren Verteilung
n Development of new stationary phases
for antibody purification
Process Development
research. A focus area is the research on
high-gradient magnetic separation and
membrane assisted extraction with focus
on viscous media with highly solid
Simulation of magnetic fields
In addition to the optimization of classical
downstream processes new innovative
separation techniques as well as integrated
process concepts are subjects under
Research Focus
n Downstream processing
n Bioprocess integration
n High-gradient magnetic separation
n New magnetic or conductive particles
n Optimization of chromatographic
n Biomolecule-surface-interaction
n Extraction
Bioseparation Engineering Group
n BMBF Project – new enzyme recycling
strategies in industrial processes
n BMBF e:Bio initiative – SysBioTerp –
innovative strategies for a sustainable
production of bioactive molecules
n Verfügungsfond MW – preparative
purification of gastric porcine mucines
n Synthesis and characterization of nanoand microparticles
n Surface functionalization
n Magnetic separation and automation
n Fermentation
n Molecular biology, microbiology,
n Simulation with COSMO-RS, COMSOL
Multiphysics, and SuperPro Designer
n S1 – Labs (working with genetically
modified microorganisms – safety
level 1)
n Parallel bioreactor system
n High-gradient magnetic separator
n Diverse chromatography- and filtration
n Particle-/surface analytics (DLS, BET,
RAMAN, TGA-MS, contact angle,
n HPLC systems
n Bioseparation Engineering I + II
n Biotechnology for Engineers
n Practical Training on Bioprocess
n Practical Training on Particular Nanotechnology
n Practical Training on Preparative
Prof. Dr. Sonja Berensmeier, Director
Administrative Staff
Mrs. Susanne Kuchenbaur, Team Assistant
Research Scientists
Dr. Paula Fraga Garcia
Dr. Constanze Finger
Dr. Matthias von Roman
Silvia Blank, M.Sc.
Markus Brammen, M.Sc.
Kerstin Dieler, M.Sc.
Ljubomir Grozdev, M.Sc.
Lars Janoschek, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Hans-Christian Roth
Veronika Schömig, M.Sc.
Sebastian Schwaminger, M.Sc.
Technical Staff
Stefan Darchinger, BTA
Peer-reviewed Publications 2015
n Roth H-C, Prams A, Lutz M, Ritscher J, Raab
M, Berensmeier S: A high-gradient magnetic
separator for highly viscous process liquors in
industrial biotechnology, accepted, DOI: 10.1002/
n Mykhaylyk O, Lerche D, Vlaskou D, Schoemig V,
Detloff T, Krause D, Wolff M, Joas T, Berensmeier S,
Plank C: Magnetophoretic velocity determined by
space- and time-resolved-extinction profiles, IEEE
Magnetics Letters, 6, 2015.
n Schwaminger SP, Fraga García P, Merck GK,
Bodensteiner FA, Heissler S, Günther S, Berensmeier S: Nature of interactions of amino acids with
bare magnetite nanoparticles, J Phys Chem C, 119,
23032-23041, 2015.
n Fraga García P, Brammen M, Wolf M, Reinlein
S, Freiherr von Roman M, Berensmeier S:
High-gradient magnetic separation for technical
scale protein recovery using low cost magnetic
nanoparticles, Sep Purif Technol, 150, 29-36, 2015.
n Hekmat D, Maslak D, Freiherr von Roman M,
Breitschwerdt P, Ströhle C, Vogt A, Berensmeier S,
Weuster-Botz D: Non-chromatographic preparative
purification of enhanced green fluorescent protein,
J Biotechnol, 194, 84-90, 2015.
n Roth H-C, Schwaminger SP, Schindler M, Wagner
FE, Berensmeier S: Influencing factors in the
co-precipitation process of superparamagnetic iron
oxide nanoparticles: a model based study, J Magn
Magn Mater, 377, 81–89, 2015.
n Peuker U, Thomas O, Hobley T, Franzreb M,
Berensmeier S, Schäfer M, Hickstein B: Bioseparation, Magnetic particle adsorbents, book chapter,
Encyclopedia of Industrial Biotechnology, John
Wiley & Sons, 2010.
n Heyd M, Kohnert A, Tan T-H, Nusser M, Kirschhöfer
F, Brenner-Weiss G, Franzreb M, Berensmeier S:
Development and trends of biosurfactans analysis
and purification using rhamnolipids as example,
review, Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 391(5), 1579-1590,
n Berensmeier S: Magnetic particles for separation
and purification of nucleic acid molecules, review,
Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 73, 495-504, 2006.
Bioseparation Engineering Group
Institute of Wind Energy
Wind energy technology
n The Wind Energy Institute (WEI) has defined four highly interconnected
thrust areas where it is concentrating its research activities: simulation,
testing, control and design. The institute works both on basic scientific
and application-oriented problems, often in close collaboration with
industry. Areas of specific expertise embrace all main relevant scientific
disciplines, including aerodynamics, structures, dynamics, materials,
controls and electrical aspects.
Prof. Dr.
Carlo L. Bottasso
Phone +
The institute staff has also a unique
experience in the development of scaled
wind turbine and wind farm models for
wind tunnel testing, which are among the
most sophisticated ever developed for
these applications.
In 2016 WEI will host the next edition of
Torque, the main scientific conference in
wind energy worldwide. We expect the
participation of over 300 researchers in
wind energy from all over the world, who
will be at TUM from Oct. 5 to Oct. 7 2016
to discuss the most recent advances in the
field of wind energy.
Scaled Wind Turbine and Wind Farm Testing
Scaled wind farm in a boundary
layer wind tunnel
Actuated platform for the wind
tunnel simulation of a deep-water
floating cluster
Institute of Wind Energy
WEI has developed a scaled experimental
facility for the simulation of wind turbines
and wind farms in a boundary layer wind
tunnel. This unique facility enables the
conduction of experiments in aeroservoelasticity, the study of wakes,
machine-to-machine interactions, and
wind farm control for power maximization
and load mitigation. The facility is highly
instrumented, allowing for the collection
of a wide range of high quality data, both
regarding the flow conditions and the
response of the machines. Such data can
be used for the verification of performance
of control strategies, as well as the
validation of computational tools. The
experimental setup is highly flexible, allowing for different machine configurations,
operational scenarios, and the testing of
different control algorithms used onboard
the individual wind turbines or the whole
wind farm.
Extremely interesting experiments have
been conducted in 2015, leading to the
first-ever experimental demonstration
of the effectiveness of wake-redirection
control in improving the power output
of a wind farm. Even more exciting new
experiments are planned for 2016.
A highlight of the year will be the wind
tunnel testing of a wind turbine cluster
made of 4 closely-spaced wind turbines
mounted on a floating platform, for deep
offshore installations. The tests will be used
to verify advanced control laws for the
operation of the floating cluster, including
extreme sea and wind conditions.
n BMWi project Compact Wind ‘Erhöhung des Flächenenergieertrags in
Windparks durch avancierte Anlagenund Parkregelung’
n Industrial project ‘Wind Farm Control’
n Industrial project ‘Development and
testing of scaled offshore wind turbine
n One Post-Doc position (MSE seed
Wind Sensing Technology
WEI develops technology for the use of
the wind turbines as wind sensors. By
the use of wind turbine response data,
as provided by sensors installed on the
blades or the nacelle, the technology
computes in real-time the wind conditions
at each machine, including wind speed,
wind direction, vertical and horizontal
shear, wake state (full, partial, no wake
interference) and turbulence intensity.
Such technology is capable of providing
detailed information on the wind conditions, in support of improved operation
of each machine or the whole wind farm
through smart control strategies. This may
lead to improved power output and power
quality, and to fatigue load mitigation. The
technology can also be used for very short
time assessment and forecasting of wind
conditions within a wind farm, with impact
on operation and control of the power
A highlight of the year was the first
experimental demonstration of the ‘wake
observer’, a novel software that can detect
the impingement of a wake on the rotor
of a wind turbine. In fact, when operating
within wind farms, wind turbines may
suffer severe losses due to interactions
with the wakes of neighboring machines.
The wake observer developed by WEI
researchers can be used for driving wake
redirection strategies, in turn increasing
power output and reducing loads.
n Industrial project ‘Wind Estimation from
Rotor Loads’
n Industrial project ‘Vertical Wind Shear
Estimation from Rotor Loads’
n H2020 ETN Project AWESOME ‘Wind
Energy Operation and Maintenance’
n One PhD position (Chinese Scholarship
Aeroelastically scaled wind turbine
model, equipped with bend-twist
coupled blades for passive load
Design of Wind Turbines
WEI works on the development of
automated multidisciplinary design
software tools, with the goal of enabling
the optimization of wind turbines, the
effective exploration of the design space,
the understanding of design trade-offs, as
well as the evaluation of the impact of new
technologies. Advancements in lightweight rotor design are being investigated
through improvements in the aerodynamics, in the structural design and the use
of smart sensing and control strategies.
By the combination of these technologies,
reduced ultimate and fatigue loads can
be achieved and exploited for decreasing
weight and improving performance,
thereby in turn reducing the cost of energy
from wind.
A highlight of the year has been the
release of a new version of the TUM wind
turbine design suite Cp-Max. The new
version of Cp-Max marries together for
the first time the preliminary and detailed
stages of the design of a wind turbine.
Using Cp-Max, engineers can more
rapidly and more automatically perform
the full design cycle of a new wind turbine,
gaining a better understanding of the
design space and of the tradeoffs implied
by different possible design choices.
n Industrial Ph.D. project ‘Design of Very
Large Light-Weight Rotors’
n TUM-Nanyang Technological University
(Singapore) Ph.D. project ‘Bio-Inspired
Wind Turbines for Monsoonal Climates’
Institute of Wind Energy
Research Focus
n Modeling and simulation of wind energy
n Multidisciplinary design
n Aeroservoelasticity, loads and stability
n Control of wind turbines and wind
n Wind tunnel testing
n Multibody dynamics, computational
mechanics, non-linear finite element
n Model reduction and system identification
n Design and synthesis of model-based
n Design and manufacturing of aeroelastically-scaled and actively controlled
wind turbine models for wind tunnel
n Data processing and analysis
n Scaled wind turbine and wind farm
n Model building lab
n Computational lab
n Introduction to Wind Energy
n Modeling, Control and Design of Wind
Energy Systems
n Wind Turbine Simulation
n Wind Turbine Design
Professor Dr. Carlo L. Bottasso, Director
Administrative Staff
Elfriede Sabine Matzner
Research Scientists
Marta Bertelé, M.Sc.
Pietro Bortolotti, M.Sc.
Stefano Cacciola, Ph.D.
Filippo Campagnolo, Ph.D.
Mark Capellaro, Dr.-Ing.
Jaikumar Loganathan, M.Sc.
Wendy Lopens, M.Sc.
Emmanouil Nanos, M.Sc.
Vlaho Petrović, Dr. Sc.
Johannes Schreiber, M.Sc.
Jiangang ‘Jesse’ Wang, M.Sc.
Publications 2014-15
Book and Journal Editorship
n C.L. Bottasso (Ed.), ‘Special Issue: Wind Turbine
Modeling and Simulation’, Journal of Computational
and Nonlinear Dynamics, 10, ASME, The American
Society of Mechanical Engineers, Two Park Avenue
New York, NY, USA, doi:10.1115/1.4030072, 2015.
Book Chapters
n C.L. Bottasso, F. Campagnolo, A. Croce, C. Tibaldi,
‘Fatigue Damage Mitigation by the Integration of
Active and Passive Load Control Techniques on
Wind Turbines’, Wind Energy and the Impact of
Turbulence on the Conversion Process, M. Hölling,
J. Peinke and S. Ivanell, Eds., Springer, ISBN: 9783-642-54695-2 (print), 978-3-642-54696-9 (online),
Peer-reviewed Journals
n C.L. Bottasso, A. Croce, F. Gualdoni, P. Montinari,
‘Load Mitigation in Wind Turbines by a Passive
Aeroelastic Device’, Journal of Wind Engineering &
Industrial Aerodynamics, accepted, to appear, 2015.
n C.L. Bottasso, P. Bortolotti, A. Croce, F. Gualdoni,
‘Integrated Aero-Structural Optimization of Wind
Turbine Rotors’, Multibody System Dynamics,
doi:10.1007/s11044-015-9488-1, 2015.
n C.L. Bottasso, P. Montinari, ‘Rotorcraft Flight
Envelope Protection by Model Predictive Control’,
Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 60(2):
1-13, doi:10.4050/JAHS.60.022005, 2015.
Institute of Wind Energy
n C.L. Bottasso, C.E.D. Riboldi, ‘Validation of a Wind
Misalignment Observer using Field Test Data’,
Renewable Energy, 74:298-306, doi:10.1016/j.
renene.2014.07.048, 2015.
n E. Asadi, C.L. Bottasso, ‘Delayed Fusion for
Real-Time Vision-Aided Inertial Navigation’, Journal
of Real-Time Image Processing, Special Issue on
Robot Vision, 10(4):633–646, doi:10.1007/s11554013-0376-8, 2015.
n C.L. Bottasso, P. Pizzinelli, C.E.D. Riboldi,
‘LiDAR-Enabled Model Predictive Control of
Wind Turbines with Real-Time Capabilities’,
Renewable Energy, 71:442-452, doi:10.1016/j.
renene.2014.05.041, 2014.
n C.L. Bottasso, S. Cacciola, ‘Model Independent
Periodic Stability Analysis of Wind Turbines’, Wind
Energy, doi:10.1002/we.1735, 2014.
n C.L. Bottasso, F. Campagnolo, V. Petrović,
‘Wind Tunnel Testing of Scaled Wind Turbine
Models: beyond Aerodynamics’, Journal of Wind
Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 127:11-28,
doi:10.1016/j.jweia.2014.01.009, 2014.
n C.L. Bottasso, S. Cacciola, X. Iriarte, ‘Calibration of
Wind Turbine Lifting Line Models from Rotor Loads’,
Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 124:29-45, doi:10.1016/j.jweia.2013.11.003,
n C.L. Bottasso, C.E.D. Riboldi, ‘Estimation of Wind
Misalignment and Vertical Shear from Blade Loads’,
Renewable Energy, 62:293-302, doi:10.1016/j.
renene.2013.07.021, 2014.
n E. Asadi, C.L. Bottasso, ‘Tightly-Coupled Stereo
Vision-Aided Inertial Navigation using FeatureBased Motion Sensors’, Advanced Robotics,
Advanced Robotics Best Paper Award 2015,
28:717-729, doi:10.1080/01691864.2013.870496,
n C.L. Bottasso, F. Campagnolo, A. Croce, S. Dilli, F.
Gualdoni, M.B. Nielsen, ‘Structural Optimization of
Wind Turbine Rotor Blades by Multi-Level Sectional/
Multibody/3DFEM Analysis’, Multibody System
Dynamics, 32:87–116, doi:10.1007/s110440139394-3, 2014.
Plenary or Keynote Lectures
at International Conferences
n C.L. Bottasso, ‘Simulation of Wind Energy Systems:
Methods, Tools, Validation and Calibration’, Keynote
lecture, NAFEMS European Conference – Coupled
MBS-FE Applications: from Classical Design to
System Engineering, Torino, Italy, October 20-21,
n C.L. Bottasso, S. Cacciola, F. Campagnolo, V. Petrović, J. Schreiber, ‘Wind Farm Control: Strategies
and Testing’, Keynote lecture, WindFarms 2015
Large Wind-Power Plants: Interaction, Control and
Integration, Leuven, Belgium, July 8-10, 2015.
n C.L. Bottasso, ‘The Role of Technological
Innovation in the Future Growth of Wind Energy’,
The Hemke Lecture 2014, Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute, Troy, NY, USA, September 3, 2014.
n C.L. Bottasso, ‘Computational Tools for Wind
Energy Systems, and their Validation and Calibration’, Plenary lecture, CWE 2014, 6th International
Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering,
Hamburg, Germany, June 8-12, 2014.
International Conferences
n P. Bortolotti, L. Sartori, A. Croce, C.L. Bottasso,
‘Multi-MW Wind Turbine CoE Reduction via a MultiDisciplinary Design Process’, EWEA 2015 Annual
Event, Paris, France, November 17-20, 2015.
n C.L. Bottasso, A. Croce, F. Gualdoni, P. Montinari,
‘A New Concept to Mitigate Loads for Wind
Turbines Based on a Passive Flap’, 2015 American
Control Conference, Chicago, IL, USA, July 1-3,
n C.L. Bottasso, P. Bortolotti, A. Croce, F. Gualdoni,
L. Sartori, ‘Integrated Aero-Structural Optimization
of Wind Turbines’, ECCOMAS Thematic Conference
on Multibody Dynamics, Barcelona, Spain, June
29 - July 2, 2015.
n C.L. Bottasso, S. Cacciola, J. Schreiber, ‘A Wake
Detector for Wind Farm Control’, Wake Conference
2015, Visby, Sweden, June 9-11, 2015.
n C.L. Bottasso, S. Cacciola, J. Schreiber, ‘Detection
of Wake Impingement in Support of Wind Plant
Control’, NAWEA 2015 Symposium, Blacksburg,
VA, USA, June 9-11, 2015.
n C.L. Bottasso, S. Cacciola, M. Capellaro, D. Castro,
V. Petrović, ‘Rotor Unbalance Detection and
Mitigation’, DEWEK 2015, Bremen, Germany, May
19-20, 2015.
n C.L. Bottasso, S. Cacciola, J. Schreiber, ‘Detection
of Wake Impingement by Rotor Loads’, DEWEK
2015, Bremen, Germany, May 19-20, 2015.
n V. Petrović, C.L. Bottasso, ‘Wind Turbine Envelope
Riding’, SciTech 2015, AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, 33nd ASME Wind
Energy Symposium, Kissimmee, FL, USA, January
5-9, 2015.
n C.L. Bottasso, A. Croce, L. Sartori, ‘Free-Form
Design of Low Induction Rotors’, SciTech 2015,
AIAA Science and Technology Forum and
Exposition, 33nd ASME Wind Energy Symposium,
Kissimmee, FL, USA, January 5-9, 2015.
n P. Bortolotti, C.L. Bottasso, ‘Integrated AeroStructural Optimization of Wind Turbine Rotors’,
Proceedings of the 10th PhD Seminar on Wind
Energy, Orleans, France, October 28-31, 2014.
n C.L. Bottasso, F. Campagnolo, V. Petrović, S.
Cacciola, ‘Wind Farm Cooperative Control:
Methods and Experimental Verification’, Workshop
on Cooperative Systems, Dubrovnik, Croatia,
September 10-12, 2014.
n C.L. Bottasso, P. Bortolotti, A. Croce, F. Gualdoni,
L. Sartori, ‘Aero-Structural Design of Rotors’, 2014
Sandia Wind Turbine Blade Workshop, Albuquerque, NM, USA, August 26-28, 2014.
n C.L. Bottasso, A. Croce, C.E.D. Riboldi, M. Salvetti,
‘Cyclic Pitch Control for the Reduction of Ultimate
Loads on Wind Turbines’, The Science of Making
Torque from Wind, Copenhagen, Denmark, June
18-20, 2014.
n C.L. Bottasso, A. Croce, L. Sartori, F. Grasso,
‘Free-form Design of Rotor Blades’, The Science of
Making Torque from Wind, Copenhagen, Denmark,
June 18-20, 2014.
n C.L. Bottasso, A. Croce, C.E.D. Riboldi, ‘Optimal
Shutdown Management’, The Science of Making
Torque from Wind, Copenhagen, Denmark, June
18-20, 2014.
n V. Petrović, C.L. Bottasso, ‘Wind Turbine Optimal
Control During Storms’, The Science of Making
Torque from Wind, Copenhagen, Denmark, June
18-20, 2014.
n F. Campagnolo, C.L. Bottasso, P. Bettini, ‘Design,
Manufacturing and Characterization of Aero-Elastically Scaled Wind Turbine Blades for Testing Active
and Passive Load Alleviation Techniques within an
ABL Wind Tunnel’, The Science of Making Torque
from Wind, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 18-20,
n C.L. Bottasso, F. Campagnolo, ‘An Experimental
Facility for Wind Farm Control Testing’, Wind Farm
Monitoring and Control Conference, London, UK,
June 4-5, 2014.
n C.L. Bottasso, S. Cacciola, ‘Estimation of Wind
Turbine Model Properties – Towards the Validation
of Comprehensive High-Fidelity Multibody Models’,
EWEA 2014 Annual Event, Barcelona, Spain, March
10-13, 2014.
n C.L. Bottasso, A. Croce, L. Sartori, F. Grasso, ‘FreeForm Aero-Structural Optimization of Rotor Blades’,
poster, EWEA 2014 Annual Event, Barcelona, Spain,
March 10-13, 2014.
n C.L. Bottasso, A. Croce, F. Gualdoni, ‘Simultaneous
Structural Sizing of Wind Turbine Rotor and Tower’,
poster, EWEA 2014 Annual Event, Barcelona, Spain,
March 10-13, 2014.
n C.L. Bottasso, F. Campagnolo, ‘Wind Turbine and
Wind Farm Control Testing in a Boundary Layer
Wind Tunnel’, SciTech 2014, AIAA Science and
Technology Forum and Exposition, 32nd ASME
Wind Energy Symposium, Washington, DC, USA,
January 13-17, 2014.
n C.L. Bottasso, S. Cacciola, R. Riva, ‘Floquet
Stability Analysis of Wind Turbines using InputOutput Models’, SciTech 2014, AIAA Science and
Technology Forum and Exposition, 32nd ASME
Wind Energy Symposium, Washington, DC, USA,
January 13-17, 2014.
Institute of Wind Energy
Institute for Carbon Composites
Fundamental research on material behavior, processing technology
and simulation of high performance composite materials
n The focus of the Institute for Carbon Composites in 2014-15 was to
establish and strengthen its research program within the four research
groups. The main goal was to explore new ways and possibilities to
reduce the process cycle time and the raw material costs to be able to
implement high performance composite structures in high volume applications. Different process technologies using e.g. tailored textiles and
advanced matrix systems have been patented. New material models and
process simulation methods have been developed and these were implemented in conventional software tools to enable advanced composites
part and process design solutions.
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Klaus Drechsler
Phone +
Process Technology for Fibers and Textiles
The Process Technology for Fibers and
Textiles group focuses on improving
manufacturing technologies that arrange
the fibers in their desired orientation within
a composite component.
The group’s three research teams cover
the fields of braiding technology, automated fiber placement and tailored textiles.
With highly developed processing equipment, the fibers can be brought into shape
in an automated and reproducible way.
Fiber Placement Center
Many activities in 2015 focused on the
setting up of a new Fiber Placement Center
at the institute’s laboratory site on the
Ludwig Bölkow Campus in Taufkirchen.
Three different types of fiber placement
machines have been installed there to
form a unique machine park.
Machine Park
Besides a machine for the direct processing of fiber tapes with thermoplastic matrices, an additional machine for the use
of thermoset resin tapes has been set up.
This machine was moved from Garching
to Taufkirchen in summer. In the course
of this relocating process it was equipped
with an additional linear axis to increase
the production space. Both machines are
now capable of manufacturing composite
parts with a length of up to 5 m.
Furthermore, the Institute’s fiber patch
placement system will be relocated
to Taufkirchen as well. Thus, all these
different manufacturing processes can be
Institute for Carbon Composites
Newly set up automated fiber placement cell in
usefully combined e.g. to locally reinforce
big composite structures.
The full potential of the Fiber Placement
Center for the future development of
composite processing technologies
will leverage through direct interaction
with research and industry partners on
the campus. Especially promising are
collaborations with the institute’s spin-off
companies that are also located in Taufkirchen. These will greatly help to accelerate
transferring research results into industrial
Public Funded Projects
n AIF project ‘3D-formbare Nassvliese’
n AIF project ‘FullCycle’
n AIF project ‘Accurat3’
n EU project ‘INSCAPE’
n BMBF project ‘MAIplast’
n BMBF project ‘MAIprofil’
n BMBF project ‘MAItank’
Process Technology for Matrix Systems
The Process Technology for Matrix Systems
group addresses the robust and efficient
processing of matrix systems for the
production of continuous fiber reinforced
composite parts. On the one hand, the
basic understanding of matrix systems,
the characterization of impregnation
properties of the fiber material for optimized
processing, and process engineering are
central for the group. On the other hand,
associated issues such as tool technology,
surface sealing, and process integration
are key activities of the group.
Team Processes and Production
Systems – New equipment for energy
efficient processing
Hybrid Materials and Structures –
First Prize for LCC at the AVK Innovation
Award Ceremony
An industrialized microwave oven was
installed in the lab of the LCC. The aim
is to develop energy-efficient processing
of fiber reinforced composites. Direct,
volumetric heating and indirect heating
with absorber materials is investigated to
reach more optimized conditions within
the production chain.
The LCC won the AVK innovation award in the
category ‘Research and Science’
The aim of the team is to expand the span
of applications of composites. One example
for this is the EU-funded project MATISSE
with the main partners Autoliv, Daimler,
Virtual Vehicle, TU Graz, Airborne and
TU Munich where a shape adaptive fiberreinforced crash structure was designed
and investigated. The AVK Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe e.V. honored
the project with their innovation award
on 21st of september in Stuttgart in the
category ‘Research and Science’.
New industrialized microwave
oven at the LCC
Team Tooling Systems – Successful
Project Finalization
The EU-funded project LeeTorb tested
the application of self-heating tools out
of CFRP for aerospace RTM processing.
The consortium (Fraunhofer ICT-FIL,
qpoint composite and TU Munich) was
able to convince the industrial partner
Airbus Helicopter of the energy efficient
tool design with a full-scale tool and
demonstrator part of a helicopter rotor
Institute for Carbon Composites
Public Funded Projects
n AIF project ‘HoMehr’
n BMBF project ‘FLAME’
n BMBF project ‘InFo’
n BMBF project ‘MAIplast’
n BMBF project ‘MAIfo’
n BFS project ‘FORCiM3A’
n BFS project ‘TIP’
n EU project ‘Disacop’
n EU project ‘LeeTorb’
Full-scale demonstrator tool for a
helicopter rotor blade developed
by the project ‘Leetorb’
developed and validated. The validation
consisted of comparing simulation to
experimental results.
Braiding process simulation of a
generic structure
Forming and Flow Process Simulation
This research team works on the
simulation of composite manufacturing
processes. This comprises the simulation
of forming technologies like draping,
braiding and automated fiber placement
as well as infiltration methods. Last year’s
activities focused on the characterization
of different materials. The goal of these
investigations is to determine material
properties and hence, simulation input.
Finite element simulation models for
draping and braiding processes were also
Out-of-autoclave consolidation - validation of a stochastic approach for initial degree of
impregnation modeling
Institute for Carbon Composites
Compaction, Curing and
Consolidation Simulation
Research efforts in this team are dedicated to modeling of cure induced effects on
the final part’s properties and appearance
with a focus on compaction behavior and
porosity content, thermal management
and process induced deformations. In
2015, implementation and validation has
been concluded for modeling the thermal
management of large scale resin transfer
molded aerospace structures as well as
the consolidation of out-of-autoclave
prepregs. Magnitude and shape of global
deformation modes identified experimentally for a spar structure (featuring a
material with engineered vacuum channels
and manufactured with a caul) were
found to significantly differ from simulated
deformations, demanding more detailed
process modeling of complex structures.
To tackle this issue and gain further
insight in the importance of compaction
and resin flow related phenomena on the
part’s quality, future activities will focus
on transferring modeling capabilities from
lamina level to arbitrary three-dimensional
manufacturing setups.
Material Modeling and Structural
The Material Modeling and Structural
Analysis research team focuses on the
structural analysis of fiber reinforced
plastics as well as mechanical and
bonded joints at different length scales.
One research focus is the prediction of the
constitutive behavior of textile-reinforced
composites using unit cells. A framework
is proposed predicting the non-linear
mechanical response of triaxial braided
composites using mesoscopic finite
element unit cells. In order to capture the
predominant failure modes observed in
braided composites, the model comprises
a physically based damage model inside
the yarns, plasticity in the resin pockets,
and delamination at the yarn-matrix
Another research area consists of the
non-linear behavior of angle-ply laminates.
A constitutive model for composite laminates is developed with the focus on the
distinction between inducing mechanisms.
It is shown, that the effect of fiber rotation
and damage is essential in consideration of
large deformations. To ensure the applicability to structural parts, the numerical
model is validated by a large number of
Roadmap and data flow for generating a realistic unit cell model for
braided composite materials
various angle-ply tension and off-axis
compression tests, fabricated of the same
carbon/epoxy IM7-8552 material.
Public Funded Projects
n DFG project ‘DR 204/5-1, G8’
n STMWIVT project ‘ComBo’
n BMBF project ‘MAIdesign’
n BMBF project ‘transhybrid’
n BMBF project ‘MAIprofil’
n BMBF project ‘MAIform’
n BMBF project ‘MAITAI’
n BMBF project ‘MAIhiras+handle’
n BFS project ‘FORCiM3A’
n EU project ‘LeeTorb’
Material Behavior and Testing
Four-point bending test (left) and
double-cantilever-beam (DCB)
mode I fracture toughness test
(right) performed at static loading.
The Material Behavior and Testing group
focuses on the investigation of the material
response of fiber-reinforced polymer
matrix composites.
At the testing laboratories of the LCC a
broad spectrum of state-of-the-art test
methods and equipment is available,
covering thermo-analytical methods,
rheology and microscopy, experimental
methods to measure permeability and
drapability of UD and textile preforms, as
well as static and high strain rate mechanical testing.
An important focus of the group is on the
area of high strain rate testing, where split
Hopkinson bars for compression, tension
Institute for Carbon Composites
and torsional loading, installed in 2012
and 2013, are used to reach strain rates
of up to 1000 s-1.
In 2014 and 2015 various aerospace composite materials were investigated under
tension and compression loads at impact
rates of strain (bird strike scenario).
Recently the focus is on the development
and testing of high strength tension
specimens (e.g. UD glass-fiber composite
and fiber-metal laminates) as well as the
investigation of the fracture toughness
properties of composite materials.
Failure envelope for combined compression-shear
loading of 5-harness-satin weave carbon-epoxy at
static loading (qs) and high strain rates of 200 s-1 (ir)
and 1000 s-1 (hr) [Koerber et al. Int J Solids Struct 54,
High strain rate UD glass-epoxy
tension specimen installed in
split-Hopkinson tension bar
Research Focus
n Process technology for fibers and
n Process technology for matrix systems
n Material behavior and testing
The LCC takes an interdisciplinary
approach to research, extending from
raw materials through implementation of
manufacturing technologies to complete
composite components. With specially
developed simulation methods, the
composite manufacturing process chain
can be represented virtually.
n Composite technical lab ‘Preforming
and Thermoset Injection Technology’
n Composite technical lab ‘Thermoplastic
n Composite test labor
n Computing cluster
Institute for Carbon Composites
n Materials and Process Technologies for
Carbon Composites
n Composite Materials and Structureproperty Relationship
n Analysis and Design of Composite
n Production Technologies for Composite
n Process Simulation and Material
Modeling of Composites
n Carbon and Graphite – High Performance Materials for Key Industries
n Supply Chain and Value Creation
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Drechsler, Director
Dr. mont. Elisabeth Ladstätter
Adjunct Professors
Dr.-Ing. Oswin Öttinger
Dr.-Ing. Christian Weimer
Administrative and Technical Staff
Cigdem Filker
Diana Zinke
Gabriele Uruk
Daniel Amrein, B.Sc.
Helmut Josef Dick
Georg Lerchl
Thomas Witteczek
Reiner Rauch
Research Scientists
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Altmann
Luciano Avila Gray, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Paul Bockelmann
Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Bruckbauer
Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Ebel
Dipl.-Ing. Ludwig Eberl
Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Ehard
Dipl.-Ing. Ralf Engelhardt
Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Fahr
Dipl.-Ing. Petra Fröhlich
Thorsten Gröne, MBA
Dipl.-Ing. Thorsten Hans
Dipl.-Des. Benjamin Hansbauer
Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Harbers
Dipl.-Ing. Mathias Hartmann
Rhena Helmus, M.Sc
Dr. techn. Roland Hinterhölzl
Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Hörmann
Dipl.-Ing. Bernhard Horn
Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Kammerhofer
Dipl.-Ing. Kalle Kind
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Kollmannsberger
Dr. Hannes Körber
Theodosia Kourkoutsaki, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Jan Krollmann
Peter Kuhn, M.Sc.
Christian Lemke, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Roland Lichtinger
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Neven Majic
Dipl.-Ing. Ulrich Mandel
Alexane Margossian, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Tech. Math. Natalie Mayer
Dipl.-Ing. Reinhold Meier
Dipl.-Ing. Felix Michl
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Mierzwa
Dipl.-Ing. Maximilian Mitwalsky
Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Neumayer
Jonathan Oelhafen, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Picard
Marina Plöckl, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Veronika Radlmaier
Dipl.-Ing. Maximilian Schäfer
Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Maximilian Schäfer
Dipl.-Ing. David Schultheiß
Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Schwingenschlögl
Dipl.-Ing. Robin Taubert
Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Teufl
Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Wehrkamp-Richter
Dipl.-Ing. Jakob Weiland
Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Wettemann
Dipl.-Ing. Swen Zaremba
Institute for Carbon Composites
Publications 2015
n Altmann, A.; Gesell, P.; Drechsler, K.: Strength
prediction of ply waviness in composite materials
considering matrix dominated effects. Composite
Structures 127, 2015, 51-59
n Altmann, A.; Taubert, R.; Mandel, U.; Hinterhölzl, R.;
Drechsler, K.: A continuum damage model to predict the influence of ply waviness on stiffness and
strength in ultra-thick unidirectional fiber-reinforced
plastics. Journal of Composite Materials, 2015
n Arnold, M.; Henne, M.; Bender, K.; Drechsler, K.:
Polyamide 12 modified with nanoparticles: effect on
impact behaviour and on the electrical conductivity
of carbon fibre-reinforced epoxy composites.
Journal of Composite Materials, 2015
n Fischer, B.; Horn, B.; Bartelt, C.; Blößl, Y.: Method
for an Automated Optimization of Fiber Patch
Placement Layup Designs. International Journal of
Composite Materials Vol. 5 (No. 2), 2015, pp. 37-46
n Hans, T.; Cichosz, J.; Brand, M.; Hinterhölzl, R.:
Finite element simulation of the braiding process
for arbitrary mandrel shapes. Composites Part A:
Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2015
n Helmus, R.; Centea, T.; Hubert, P.; Hinterholzl, R.:
Out-of-autoclave prepreg consolidation: Coupled
air evacuation and prepreg impregnation modeling.
Journal of Composite Materials, 2015
n Helmus, R.; Hinterhölzl, R.; Hubert, P.: A Stochastic
Approach to Model Material Variation Determining
Tow Impregnation in Out-of-Autoclave Prepreg
Consolidation. Composites Part A: Applied Science
and Manufacturing, 2015
n Kourkoutsaki, T.; Comas-Cardona, S.; Binetruy, C.;
Upadhyay, R.K.; Hinterhoelzl, R.: The impact of air
evacuation on the impregnation time of out-ofautoclave prepregs. Composites Part A: Applied
Science and Manufacturing 79, 2015, 30-42
n Körber, H.; Xavier, J.; Camanho, P.P.; Essa, Y.E.;
Martín de la Escalera, F.: High strain rate behaviour
of 5-harness-satin weave fabric carbon-epoxy
composite under compression and combined
compression-shear loading. International Journal of
Solids and Structures, 2015
n Lichtinger, R.; Hörmann, P.; Stelzl, D.; Hinterhölzl,
R.: The effects of heat input on adjacent paths
during automated fibre placement. Composites Part
A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2015
n Mandel, Ulrich; Taubert, Robin; Hinterhölzl, Roland:
Mechanism based nonlinear constitutive model for
composite laminates subjected to large deformations. Composite Structures 132, 2015, 98-108
n Margossian, A.; Bel, S.; Hinterhoelzl, R.: Bending
characterization of a molten unidirectional carbon
fibre reinforced thermoplastic composite using a
Dynamic Mechanical Analysis system. Composites
Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 77,
2015, 154-163
n Neumayer, J.; Kuhn, P.; Körber, H.; Hinterhölzl,
R.: Experimental Determination of the Tensile
and Shear Behaviour of Adhesives Under Impact
Loading. The Journal of Adhesion, 2015,
n Oblinger, C.; Lang, H.; Drechsler, K.: CFK/
Metall-Mischbauweisen im Maschinen und Anlagenbau – wichtiger denn je. Umwelt-Technologie
und Energie in Bayern, 2015, 26-28
n Radlmaier, V.; Ehard, S.; Ladstätter, E.; Drechsler,
K.: Thermoplastic Automated Fiber Placement Current Fields of Application and Future Prospects.
JEC Composites Magazine (97), 2015, pp. 39-45
n Swery, E. E.; Meier, R.; Lomov, S. V.; Drechsler,
K.; Kelly, P.: Predicting permeability based on flow
simulations and textile modelling techniques: Comparison with experimental values and verification
of FlowTex solver using Ansys CFX. Journal of
Composite Materials, 2015
Institute for Carbon Composites
n Taubert, R.; Mandel, U.; Hinterhölzl, R.: Study
of layup influences on the nonlinear behavior of
composites by evaluation of ply stiffness reduction.
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 79, 2015, 63-73
n Taubert, R.; Mandel, U.; Hinterhölzl, R.: Study
of layup influences on the nonlinear behavior of
composites by evaluation of ply stiffness reduction.
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 79, 2015, 63-73
n Teufl, D.; Ladstätter, E.; Drechsler, K.: Reduction of
cure cycle time through microwave curing: a vision
for the near future. JEC Composites Magazine
(100), 2015, 10-12
n Weiland, J.; Hartmann, M.; Hinterhölzl, R.: Cure
simulation with resistively in-situ heated CFRP
molds: implementation and validation. Composites
Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2015
n Bockelmann, P.; Drechsler, K.; Chakrabarti, A.:
Research on development of Liquid Composite
Molding parts: situation & framework.
ICoRD’15 – 5th International Conference on
Research into Design, 2015
n Brand, M.; Ladstätter, E.; Drechsler, K.: Influence
of braid set up and roving size to mechanical
properties of biaxial carbon fiber braids. Polymer
Processing Society Conference (PPS) 2015, 2015
n Brouzoulis, J.; Fagerström, M.; Främby, J.; Krollmann, J.; Hellström, P.: Modelling of propagating
delaminations in textile reinforced duroplast beams
by an enriched shell element formulation.
ICCM-20 – 20th International Conference on
Composite Materials, 2015
n Bruckbauer, P.; Weiland, F.; Beier, U.; Drechsler,
K.: Characterization of thermoplastic/thermoset
combinations – potential application for joining.
SAMPE Europe Conference 15 Amiens, 2015
n Eberl, L.; Kray, N.; Zaremba, S.; Drechsler, K.:
Design of Through Thickness Reinforced Composite/Metal Joints – With the Help of Finite Element
Analysis and Quasistatic Testing Using Digital
Image Correlation. CAMX 2015 – The Composites
and Advanced Materials Expo, 2015
n Eberl, L.; Zaremba, S.; Drechlser, K.: Through
Thickness Reinforced Composite/Metal Joints –
The Impact of the Pinning Technology on The Joint‘s
Tensile Strength. ICCM-20 – 20th International
Conference on Composite Materials, 2015
n Fahr, P.; Hinterhölzl, R.: Evaluation of an analytical
analysis method for interference fit assemblies
focusing on thick-walled parts based on experimental data. ICCM-20 – 20th International Conference
on Composite Materials, 2015
n Gstrein, G.; Kurzböck, C.; Opelka, J-M.; Krollmann,
J.: Simulation and testing of adaptive FRP-substructures for automotive safety. 24th International
Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of
Vehicles (ESV), 2015
n Hans, T.; Hinterhölzl, R.: A numerical approach
modeling the braiding process for arbitrary mandrel
shapes to calculate preform properties. ICCM20 – 20th International Conference on Composite
Materials, 2015
n Harbers, T.; Ebel, C.; Drechsler, K.; Endres, A.;
Müller, G.: Wetlaid nonwovens made from recycled
carbon fiber for automotive applications. SAMPE
Baltimore 2015, 2015
n Helmus, R.; Hinterhölzl, R.; Hubert, P.: A stochastic
approach to model void formation during out-ofautoclave prepreg consoldiation. ICCM-20 – 20th
International Conference on Composite Materials,
n Horn, B.; Sattler, S.; Ebel, C.; Drechsler, K.: Cutting
strategies of long fiber patch preforms for structures
with complex fiber architecture. ICCM-20 – 20th
International Conference on Composite Materials,
n Höck, B.; Regnet, M.; Fröhlich, A.; Wolff, M.; Ehard,
S.; Sause, M.; Kupke, M.; Schullerer, G.: Successful
development and monitoring of CRFP manufacturing technologies. 64. Deutscher Luft- und
Raumfahrtkongress 2015, 2015
n Höck, B.; Regnet, M.; Fröhlich, A.; Wolff, M.; Ehard,
S.; Sause, M.; Pfister, O.; Schullerer, G.: Successful
development and monitoring of CFRP manufacturing technologies. 66th International Astronautical
Congress, 2015
n Jürgens, M.; Kurtovic, A.; Mertens, T.; Kolb, M.; Greitemeier, D.; Lang, H.; Hombergsmeier, E.; Drechsler,
K.: Influence of surface treatment and design of
3D-reinforcements on delamination resistance &
mechanical properties of CFRP/CFRP joints under
static & fatigue loading. ICCM-20 – 20th International
Conference on Composite Materials, 2015
n Jürgens, M.; Kurtovic, A.; Mertens, T.; Nogueira,
A.C.; Lang, H.; Kolb, M.; Strobach, P.; Hombergsmeier, E.; Drechsler, K.: Effect of surface treatment
for metallic z-reinforcements on interlaminar
fracture toughness of CFRP/CFRP joints. SAMPE
Baltimore 2015, 2015
n Kammerhofer, P.; Zaremba, S.; Drechsler, K.: Investigation on the mechanical robustness of CFRP
molds. ICCM-20 – 20th International Conference on
Composite Materials, 2015
n Kind, K.; Drechsler, K.: Method for the production
of braided CFRP bicycle rims. SAMPE Europe
Conference 15 Amiens, 2015
n Kourkoutsaki, T.; Comas Cardona, S.; Masania, K.;
Upadhyay, R.; Hinterhölzl, R.: A process modeling
toolkit developed to address scale-up challenges of
Out-of-Autoclave manufacturing. CAMX 2015 – The
Composites and Advanced Materials Expo, 2015
n Krollmann, J.; Snajdr, R.; Paz, M.; Zaremba, S.;
Drechsler, K.: Hybrid-matrix approach: How to overcome the conflict of the matrix selection? Polymer
Processing Society Conference (PPS) 2015, 2015
n Kuhn, P.; Plöckl, M.; Körber, H.: Experimental
investigation of the failure envelope of unidirectional carbon-epoxy composite under high strain
rate transverse and off-axis tensile loading. 11th
International DYMAT Conference, 2015
n Lemke, C.; Wolfahrt, M.; Reppe, M.; Ladstätter, E.;
Drechsler, K.: Disassembly of fusion-bonded thermoplastic composite structures. Second European
Symposium on Aircraft Recycling, 2015
n Mandel, U.; Taubert, R.; Hinterhölzl, R.: A continuum
damage approach for an efficient ultimate failure
analysis with layered shell elements. 5th ECCOMAS
Thematic Conference on Mechanical Response of
Composites, 2015
n Mandel, U.; Taubert, R.; Hinterhölzl, R.: Laminate
damage model for CFRP structures. ICCST/10
– 10th International Conference on Composite
Science and Technology, 2015
n Margossian, A.; Bel, S.; Avila Gray, L.; Hinterhölzl,
R.: Characterisation of tensile properties perpendicular to fibre direction of a unidirectional thermoplastic composite using a Dynamic Mechanical
Analysis system. ESAFORM 2015 – 18th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming,
n Margossian, A.; Hörmann, P.; Zemliana, K.; Avila
Gray, L.; Bel, S.; Hinterhölzl, R.: Shear characterisation of unidirectional thermoset pre-impregnated
composites using a rheometre. 19èmes Journées
Nationales sur les Composites, 2015
n Mayer, N.; Hinterhölzl, R.; Prowe, J.: Structural
analysis of composites considering manufacturing
constraints. ICCS18 – 18th International Conference
on Composite Structures, 2015
n Oelhafen, J.; Fernandez, R.; Niefnecker, D.;
Zaremba, S.; Drechsler, K.: Flow front and cure
monitoring with fibre optic sensors for thick CFRP
laminates. ICCM-20 – 20th International Conference
on Composite Materials, 2015
n Plöckl, M.; Kuhn, P.; Körber, H.: Characterization of
unidirectional carbon fiber reinforced polyamide-6
thermoplastic composite under longitudinal
compression loading at high strain rate. 11th
International DYMAT Conference, 2015
n Radlmaier, V.; Erber, A.; Brudzinski, P.-V.; Körber,
H.; Drechsler, K.: Influence of different sizing on
fracture toughness and flexural properties of carbon
fiber reinforced polyphthalamide. ICCM-20 – 20th
International Conference on Composite Materials,
n Radlmaier, V.; Obermeier, G.; Ehard, S.; Kollmannsberger, A.; Körber, H.; Ladstätter, E.: Interlaminar
Fracture Toughness of Carbon Fiber Reinforced
Thermoplastic In-situ Joints. Polymer Processing
Society Conference (PPS) 2015, 2015
n Schäfer, M.; Zaremba, S.; Drechsler, K.: Comparative Study on Internal and External Release Agents
- Evaluation of Process Parameter Variation on
Demolding Stresses. ICCM-20 – 20th International
Conference on Composite Materials, 2015
n Schäfer, P.; Staden, M.; Zaremba, S.; Drechsler, K.:
Material characterization for determining the consolidation properties of carbon fiber tapes with PA 6
matrix. ICCM-20 – 20th International Conference on
Composite Materials, 2015
n Taubert, R.; Mandel, U.; Hinterhölzl, R.: Influence
of the stacking sequence on the nonlinear material
behvior of composite laminates related to large
deformations. ICCST/10 – 10th International
Conference on Composite Science and Technology,
n Teufl, D.; Zaremba, S.; Drechsler, K.: Adjustment of
2.45 GHz Microwave Absorbing Heating Layers for
Tooling Applications. Polymer Processing Society
Conference (PPS) 2015, 2015
n Treffler, R.; Fröschl, J.; Drechsler, K.; Ladstätter,
E.: Modelling and simulation of randomly oriented
carbon fibre-reinforced composites under thermal
load. MPPE 2015 – International Conference on
Materials, Processing and Product Engineering
2015, 2015
n Treffler, R.; Fröschl, J.; Ladstätter, E.: Einsatz wirrfaserverstärkter Duroplaste in thermomechanisch
belasteten Strukturbauteilen im Fahrzeugbau. 42.
Tagung DVM-Arbeitskreis Betriebsfestigkeit, 2015
n Weiland, J.; Hartmann, M.; Hinterhölzl, R.: Characterization and numerical investigation of an RTM
cure process with CFRP molds and independent
heat patches. ICCM-20 – 20th International
Conference on Composite Materials, 2015
Institute for Carbon Composites
Mechanics & High Performance Computing Group
Parallel algorithms and high performance computing in computational continuum mechanics
n Research activities of the Mechanics & High Performance Computing
Group in 2015 covered a range of topics in computational modeling
and algorithm development in the area of multifield phenomena, highly
efficient parallel solution methods, model reduction, inverse analysis and
uncertainty quantification. Applications focused on mechanical models of
the heart and the circulatory system, the mechanobiology of atherosclerosis and abdominal aortic aneursyms and lately on outcome prediction of
endoscopic procedures.
Nonlinear Algebraic Multigrid for Multi-Physics Problems
Prof. Dr. Michael W. Gee
Phone +
Recent developments in the hardware
design of modern supercomputers allow
for fine-grained parallelism by accelerating
CPU-based computations with GPUs,
leading to a disruptive change in software
development. Besides a need for finegrained parallel storage management,
algorithmic questions and challenges
arise. To overcome some drawbacks of
classical Newton-Krylov solvers on these
new hardware platforms, we develop
a nonlinear algebraic multigrid solver
for coupled multi-physics problems. It
relies on an increased number of residual
evaluations, which show perfect parallel
scalability on these new machines.
In addition, all multi-physics coupling
terms are incorporated in the multigrid
coarsening procedure which leads to
improved performance especially in the
presence of strong interactions.
Image Registration and Inverse Analysis
Image registration plays a key role in a
broad variety of clinical and industrial
applications whenever information is
encoded by images. Especially in clinical
applications the acquisition of information
is highly based on imaging techniques,
such as computed tomography (CT),
magnetic resonance tomography (MRT)
or ultrasound. However, the bijective
characteristic of a transformation, i.e. the
unique and invertible mapping of material
particles, is not captured by the above
mentioned clinical imaging techniques.
Thus image registration for deformation
estimation constitutes an ill-posed inverse
problem which is in need of regularization
Mechanics & High Performance Computing Group
strategies. We focus on the application of
‘measurements’ from image registration
in material parameter estimation for finite
element models. Inverse analysis provides
a method to estimate material parameters
according to a given reference solution,
i.e. ‘measurements’. These measurements
can be obtained non-invasively, e.g. by
extracting deformation information from
medical images.
Numerical Prediction of Stent-Graft Deployment
in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Endovascular aortic repair (EVAR) is a
widely used minimally invasive technology
to treat abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA).
In this technology, a stent-graft (SG) is
inserted via the femoral arteries to exclude
the aneurysm sac from the main blood
flow. Consequently, a well positioned SG
within the AAA removes blood pressure
from the wall of the aneurysm sac and
AAA rupture is prevented. Most SGs
are composed of a wire mesh (stent)
consisting of nitinol which is sewed on a
polymeric fabric (graft). We aim at developing a predictive tool for the selection and
sizing process of SGs depending on the
patient-specific AAA geometry and hence
reduce the risk of potential
complications after EVAR (e.g.
endoleaks and SG migration). Such
a predictive, numerical tool based on
finite element analysis requires the combination of various complex simulation
components, such as contact mechanics
between AAA and SG, mechanobiology of
AAA, morphing strategies for the positioning of the SG and material modeling of
nitinol as shape memory alloy. Furthermore, meaningful long-term studies are
only possible if remodeling of the arterial
wall due to the additional interaction
between SG and AAA is considered.
Functional Modeling of the Heart and
an Extravascular Assist Device (VAD)
Due to decreasing number of transplantable hearts and deficiencies in current
heart assist device technologies, novel
concepts of extravascular heart assistance
are developed in close collaboration
between AdjuCor GmbH and MHPC.
The collaboration aims at minimizing vulnerable impact to the heart and optimizing
design and functionality of a novel device
by use of computational models.
Therefore, a strongly coupled 3D-0D
finite element model of the heart and the
vascular system is developed, which –
after calibration to patient-specific data
– is able to predict key features of cardiac
behavior in terms of physiologically
meaningful pressure-volume relations.
Furthermore, a realistic forward model of
the interplay between heart and device is
developed and integrated into an optimization algorithm, finding optimal device
operating conditions for ideal patientspecific treatment.
Mechanics & High Performance Computing Group
A Multiscale Model of Atherosclerosis
A multiscale and multidisciplinary
approach to the mechanobiology of
atherosclerosis is taken that is based on
computational techniques and experimental calibration and verification as well as
in- and ex-vivo molecular imaging. The
biological processes involved take place
at the (sub)cellular length scale and will
be assessed experimentally by histology
by our project partners from Klinikum
rechts der Isar. Based on the imaged
3D geometries, macroscopic computational fluid-solid interaction models with
transport, diffusion and interaction of
species and cells supply an understanding
of the local mechanical conditions which
can then be correlated to the biological
findings. A computational mesoscopic
biological model will be implemented
which will be coupled to the macroscopic
continuum representation of the region of
interest in a multiscale in time and space
framework. Imaging of several stenoses in
mice as well as carefully designed in vitro
experiments are applied to test the hypotheses of the model, calibrate its behavior
and evaluate its predictive capabilities.
Multi Objective/Field Optimization of
an Extravascular Assist Device (VAD)
Faster rescue chains and especially
improved clinical diagnostics and therapies have reduced the number of lethal
heart infarcts. More patients survive but
suffer from a resulting heart insufficiency.
At the same time, heart transplantations
are limited to the amount of donor organs,
which has been declining during the past
decade. A promising technology are
efficient cardiac assist devices. However,
the wide range of patient individual requirements makes it challenging to design an
appropriate device. Together with AdjuCor
GmbH, we develop a 0D model of the
driving unit of a novel VAD and couple it
to a 3D patient-specific heart model. This
allows us to iteratively optimize device
and implant in order to meet the individual
patient needs.
Mechanics & High Performance Computing Group
Research Focus
n High performance parallel computing
and efficient algorithms
n Parallel algorithms and scalable
n Inverse problems
n Numerical models in vascular biomechanics and mechanobiology
n Engineering Mechanics 1 (Bachelor MSE)
n Engineering Mechanics 2 (Bachelor MSE)
n Structural Mechanics Modeling (Bachelor
n Advanced Parallel Computing and
Solvers in Engineering (Master
n Computational continuum mechanics
n Design and realization of parallel
n Coupled multifield problems
n Algebraic multigrid methods
n Biomechanics and mechanobiology
n Soft image registration and inverse
Prof. Dr. Michael W. Gee
n Linux-based mid-size HPC system
Administrative Staff
Cornelia Kirsten
Research Scientists
Marina Bassilious, M.Sc.
Andre Hemmler, M.Sc. (Hons)
Dipl.-Ing. Marc Hirschvogel
Dipl.-Phys. Lasse Jagschies
Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Kehl
Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Mayr
Moritz Thon, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Robert Wohlfarth
Publications 2014-15
n Biehler, J., Gee, M.W., Wall, W.A. (2015): Towards
Efficient Uncertainty Quantification in Complex and
Large Scale Biomechanical Problems based on a
Bayesian Multi Fidelity Scheme, Biomechanics &
Modeling in Mechanobiology, 14, 489-513.
n Mayr, M., Klöppel, T., Wall, W.A., Gee, M.W. (2015):
A Temporal Consistent Monolithic Fluid-Structure
Interaction Approach Enabling Single Field Predictors, SIAM J. Scientific Computing, 37, B30-B59.
n Tanios, F., Gee, M.W., Pelisek, J., Kehl, S., Biehler,
J., Grabher-Meier, V., Wall, W.A., Eckstein, H.-H.,
Reeps, C. (2015): Interaction of Biomechanics with
Extracellular Matrix Components in Abdominal
Aortic Aneurysm Wall, Eruop. J. Vasc. Endovasc.
Surg., 50, 167-174.
n Reeps, C., Kehl, S., Tanios, F., Biehler, J., Pelisek,
J., Wall, W.A., Eckstein, H.-H., Gee, M.W. (2014):
Biomechanics and gene expression in abdominal
aortic aneurysm, J. Vasc. Surg., 60, 1640-1647.
Non-Peer Reviewed
n Wiesner, T., Gee, M.W., Prokopenko, A., Hu,
J. (2014): The MueLu Tutorial, Technical report
n Mayr, M., Gee, M.W. (2015): Monolithic Solvers
for Incompressible Fluid-Structure Interaction
Problems, CCR Seminar, Computational Science
Research Institute, Sandia National Laboratories,
Albuquerque, NM, USA.
n Gee, M.W., Hirschvogel, M., Wildhirt, S. (2015)
Patient Specific Cardiac Dynamics and Predictive
Modeling for Cardiac Assist Device Engineering,
Proceedings of USNCCM 2015, San Diego.
n Jagschies, L., Hischvogel, M., Wildhirt, S., Gee,
M.W. (2015): A computational model for the
investigation of a novel extravascular cardiac assist
device, Proceedings of 3rd ECCOMAS Young
Investigators Conference & 6th GACM Colloquium
on Computational Mechanics 2015, Aachen.
n Mayr, M., Wall, W.A., Gee, M.W. (2015): An adaptive
time-stepping procedure for monolithic fluidstructure interaction solvers, Proceedings of 3rd
ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference & 6th
GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics
2015, Aachen.
n Kehl, S., Gee, M.W. (2015) Identification of Material
Parameters of Soft Tissue: Towards Inverse Analysis
Based on Surface Similarity, Proc. Of CMBE 2015,
n Gee, M.W., Hirschvogel, M., Bassilious, M., Wildhirt,
S. (2015) A Closed Loop Model of Patient Specific
Cardiac Mechanics, Proc. of CMBE 2015, Paris.
n Thon, M.P., Gee, M.W. (2015): A fluid-structurescalar-scalar interaction model with application
to early atherosclerosis progression, Proc. of
COUPLED 2015, Venice.
n Hirschvogel, M.; Basilious, M.; Jagschies, L.;
Wildhirt, S.M.; Gee, M.W. (2015) Towards reliability
in patient-specific cardiac dynamics simulation
and predictive modeling for cardiac assist device
engineering, LACM 2015, 2nd International
Workshop on Latest Advances in Cardiac Modeling,
Munich, Mar. 12-13, 2015
Mechanics & High Performance Computing Group
Institute of Non-destructive Testing
Quality control, non-destructive testing and structural health monitoring
n The focus of the Institute of Non­destructive Testing in the field of
mechanical engineering in 2014­-15 was to establish NDT methods for the
inspection of fiber reinforced materials (CFRP and GFRP) together with
partners in the automotive and aeronautic industry.
Further research is conducted in the field
of wind energy: structural-health-monitoring of tower and basement and
non-destructive testing of rotor blades.
In civil engineering, the focus was on
inspection techniques for constructions
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil.
Christian U. Große
of the infrastructure, the development
of self-healing techniques for concrete
and for the detection of vertical cracks in
concrete pavements of highways (solving
the blow-up problem).
Project: MAI ZfP
Phone +
The leading edge cluster, MAI Carbon provides the unique opportunity to promote
non-destructive testing of fiber-reinforced
polymers on a large scale and to establish
them in an industrial environment. Within
the aerospace context, non-destructive
testing has already been used successfully for years. However, its usage on
fiber-reinforced polymers in automobile
manufacturing and engineering is still
Using phased array technology on a carbon composite front hood. Photo: Werner Bachmeier, TUM
Institute of Non-destructive Testing
in the early stages. At the same time,
requirements vary widely within the
industrial sectors and therefore require
new approaches to testing. Quantities,
which the aerospace industry produces
in a year, may be produced daily in
automobile manufacturing. The objective
of the MAI ZfP project is to investigate
which testing methods are applicable in
this context. For this, a round robin test is
conducted with several industrial partners.
Technical aspects as well as economic
factors influence the assessment. Results
of the round robin test will be presented at
the World Conference of Non-Destructive
Testing (WCNDT) in 2016 in Munich. The
overall goal is cost reduction in component production in order to increase the
competitiveness of German companies.
Numerous NDT techniques are applied
during the project including ultrasound in
reflection (phased-array), optical lock-in
thermography, modal analysis and local
acoustic resonance spectroscopy. The
project is funded by the Federal Ministry
of Education and Research (BMBF) and
the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs
and Media, Energy and Technology.
Project: Concrete Pavement Scanner
Aging infrastructure is a major topic of
interest that also applies to road networks.
For targeted maintenance and repair
measures NDT tools to characterize the
current state of structural elements are
highly desirable. Concrete pavements
approaching the end of their service life
can suffer from damage not visible on the
surface but potentially affecting safety and
serviceability. Such damage includes horizontal cracks or delaminations within the
pavement structure due to heat induced
stress or detrimental chemical influences
for example. Although several non-destructive testing methods can be applied to
concrete pavements most of the conventional techniques like ultrasonics or ground
penetrating radar have drawbacks in
imaging the above mentioned defects. On
the other hand, testing methods based on
the propagation of elastic waves have high
sensitivity to flaws like delaminations and
have potential to be applied to concrete
pavements in an automated manner.
This project focuses on developing an
acoustic scanning method to image relevant damage inside concrete pavements.
3D sketch and implementation of an acoustic scanner prototype
The approach aims to develop a new
acquisition strategy for the so called
impact-echo method. Primary goals are
the development of sensing systems
based on microphone arrays specifically
tailored to the demands of concrete
pavement testing. Further, acquisition
strategies and hardware aspects for testing entire road sections will be examined.
The project is financed by the Federal
Highway Research Institute (BASt) under
the authority of the Federal Ministry of
Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI).
Project: MISTRALWind
Within the next few years, many established wind turbines are going to reach the
end of their designed service life, which
is 20 years. Maintaining and operating
structural parts of wind turbines beyond
their nominal service-life makes sense
from an economical and technical point
of view. To reach this aim, a concept for
inspection and monitoring of structural
parts of wind turbines is developed in
cooperation with IABG, Siemens, Max
Bögl Wind AG as well as the Chair of
Structural Analysis and the Chair of Materials Science and Testing of the Technical
University of Munich. The workpackages
of the Institute of Non-destructive Testing
are focused on instrumented monitoring of
the tower and support structure of existing
and new onshore wind turbines. Furthermore non-destructive testing methods will
be identified which allow an assessment
of the actual state and by that enable an
extended service life.
With the aid of the acquired data, maintenance and servicing costs shall be
optimized. Beyond that evaluated data will
be employed as a basis for an extension
of the service life of wind turbines and for
the development of a control strategy that
considers the remaining service life. The
project is funded by the Federal Ministry
for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).
Wind turbine
Institute of Non-destructive Testing
Project: HEALCON
Since 2013 the project HEALCON – Selfhealing materials for prolonged lifetime – is
sponsored by the European Commission
Self-healed crack in a concrete beam with PU-based polymers after a 3P-bending test
Research Focus
n Material testing using non-destructive
techniques in mechanical and civil
engineering, automotive, aeronautics,
bio engineering
n Development and improvement of NDT
n Structural health monitoring
n Sensor characterization and sensor
n Inspection techniques: ultrasound,
RADAR, infrared thermography, micro
waves, eddy current; video endoscopy,
radiography, high speed camera
n Monitoring techniques: acousticemission, vibration techniques (laser
vibrometry), modal analysis, wired and
wireless monitoring
n Simulation of non-destructive testing
Institute of Non-destructive Testing
in the seventh framework program. The
aim is the development of structures made
of self-healing concrete having an inherent
healing mechanism that becomes active
when a crack appears, thus rendering
manual crack repair completely obsolete.
In order to obtain such automatic crack
closure, HEALCON European project
partners are investigating the use of
PU-based polymer precursors, superabsorbent polymers and bacteria. The role of
the Institute of Non-destructive Testing is
the support of the design of such healing
agents as well as the development of testing methods as tools for the stakeholders
to prove the self-healing efficiency. Experimental results of small-scale tests confirm
the capability of selected NDT methods to
characterize material properties plus the
healing process and its efficiency.
n NDT laboratory with contemporary
NDT Equipment, sensors and cameras
n Calibration facilities, modeling tools
n 14 different mechanical testing
machines, microscopes
n Material Science II (Munich School of
n Non-destructive Testing in Civil
n Applications in Non-destructive Testing
in Mechanical Engineering
n NDT Seminar
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Große, Director
Sonja Hafenmayer, Secretary
Research Scientists
Max Botz, M.Sc.
Julia Frisch, M.Sc., external
Dipl.-Ing. Peter Föhr
Christian Geiss, M.Sc., external
Jan-Carl Grager, M.Sc., external
Dipl.-Geophys. Robin Groschup
Sebastian Heckner, M.Sc., external
Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Jatzlau
Denis Kiefel, M.Sc., external
Michael Mosch, M.Sc., external
Fabian Malm, M.Sc.
Dr. rer. nat. Katja Pinkert
Dipl.-Phys. Martin Radlmeier, external
Manuel Raith, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Bernhard Wondra, external
Technical Staff
Franziska Gemander
Sebastian Münchmeyer
Marina Nahm
Publications 2014-15
n Kocur, G.K.; Saenger, E. H.; Grosse, C. U.; Vogel,
T.: Time reverse modeling of acoustic emissions
in a reinforced concrete beam. Ultrasonics (2016),
Volume 65, pp. 96-104.
n Groschup, R.; Grosse, C. U.: Enhancing AirCoupled Impact-Echo with Microphone Arrays.
International Symposium Non-Destructive Testing in
Civil Engineering (NDT-CE), Berlin, 2015.
n Grosse, C. U.: Concepts for the integration of NDT
courses into the academic curriculum of universities. International Symposium Non-Destructive
Testing in Civil Engineering (NDT-CE), Berlin, 2015.
n Richter, R.; Juknat, M.; Dehn, F.; Große, C. U.:
Überwachung der zeitabhängigen Entwicklung
des Abplatzverhaltens von Beton unter Brandeinwirkung. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau (2015),
Volume 110.
n Hornfeck, C.; Geiss, C.; Rücker, M.; Grosse, C. U.:
Comparative Study of State of the Art Nondestructive Testing Methods with the Local Acoustic
Resonance Spectroscopy to Detect Damages in
GFRP. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation (2015),
Volume 34, Number 2, pp. 1-14.
n Prade, F.; Chabior, M.; Malm, F.; Grosse, C. U.;
Pfeiffer, F.: Observing the setting and hardening of
cementitious materials by X-ray dark-field radiography. Cement and Concrete Research (2015),
Volume 74, pp. 19-25.
n Groschup, R.; Große, C. U.: MEMS Microphone
Array Sensor for Air-Coupled Impact-Echo, Sensors
(2015), Volume 15, Issue 7, pp. 14932-14945.
n Richter, R.; Grosse, C. U.: Tunnel fires: preventing
explosive spalling of concrete. Concrete volume 49,
Issue 06, July 2015.
n Gruyaert, E.; Feiteira, J.; Malm, F.; Tziviloglou, E.;
Schlangen, E.; Grosse, C. U.; De Belie, N.:
Non-destructive testing techniques to evaluate
the healing efficiency of self-healing concrete at
lab-scale. 6th International Conference on Emerging
Technologies in Non-destructive Testing, Brussels,
Belgium, 2015.
n Malm, F.; Grosse, C. U.: Proof of efficiency:
Examination of concrete beams with self-healing
properties by non-destructive testing methods. Fifth
International Conference on Self-Healing Materials
(ICSHM2015), Durham, NC (U.S.A.), 2015.
n Andreisek, G.; Grosse, C. U.; Seeber, B.U.: Attribute
zur Beschreibung akustischer Unterschiede von
Fehlstellen an Rotorblättern von Windenergieanlagen. Fortschritte der Akustik – DAGA,15, 2015,
pp. 513-515.
n Flohr, K.; Malm, F.; Grosse, C. U.: Schallemissionsanalyse zur Untersuchung der Effizienz von
Selbstheilungsmechanismen in Beton.
20. Kolloquium Schallemission, Juni 2015,
n Lotz, S.; Jatzlau, P.; Grosse, C. U.: Wärmeflussthermographie an Radfahrerbekleidung. DGZfPBerichtsband BB 154, Thermographie-Kolloquium
Oktober 2015, Leinfelden-Echterdingen.
n Lotz, S.; Fiebiger, J.; Jatzlau, P.; Grosse, C. U.:
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Lock-In-Thermografie zur Prüfung von Faserverbund-Integralholmen
von Flugzeugtragflächen. DGZfP-Berichtsband BB
154, Thermographie-Kolloquium Oktober 2015,
Institute of Non-destructive Testing
Institute for Materials Handling, Material Flow, Logistics
Basic and applied research in logistics engineering
n The Institute for Materials Handling, Material Flow and Logistics
perceives itself as an open research institution aiming to contribute to the
scientific progress in the areas of material flow technology and logistics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wi.-Ing.
Willibald A. Günthner
Phone +
Worker refueling a fuel cell-powered forklift at a
dispenser near the assembly line
Taking into account current economic,
ecological, social and technological
developments such as continuing volatility
of the markets, changing demography
and technological innovations, the focus
of the institute in 2015 was on designing adaptive/flexible, sustainable and
human-oriented/humane logistics systems
and technology. One highlight was the
testing of fuel cell-powered forklifts
and tugger trains in industrial practice.
That way, a reduction of global warming
potential could be achieved while the
trucks’ availability was increased at the
same time by the shorter time needed for
refueling. Thus, an economical application
of fuel cell-powered industrial trucks is
already achievable today with 2- or 3-shift
operation and where costs for labor and
area are high.
Innovative Conveyor Technology
High throughput, low energy consumption,
high flexibility and ergonomic design are
fundamental requirements for up-to-date
conveyor technology. Being part of a
multinational, interdisciplinary research
consortium, the Institute fml aimed to
develop a new wood chip feeding system
in the project ‘BioChipFeeding – Wood
chip feeding technology of the future
for small-scale biomass boilers’. This
technology provides a more efficient
combustion of the fuel in small- and
medium-scale heating plants. Therefore,
an automatically controlled gripper system
was equipped with various measurement
equipment, including a 3D camera system
and a moisture sensor. The system is
able to identify and reach for different
fuel qualities, depending on the operating
condition of the heating system. Blending
different wood chip qualities according
to a specifically developed algorithm
significantly reduced pollutant emission
and contributed to higher efficiency of the
overall heating plant.
Institute for Materials Handling, Material Flow, Logistics
Discrete element model of the wood chip feeding
n Das Staplerauge (AIF) bis 2014
n Einsatz der Augmented-RealityTechnologie zur Unterstützung des
Fahrers von Flurförderzeugen (AIF)
n Hochgeschwindigkeitsfördersystem für
Großladungsträger (AIF-ZIM)
n BioChipFeeding
n aComA – Automatische Codegenerierung für modular aufgebaute Anlagen
der Intralogistik
n iSiKon – Gesteigerte Flexibilität in
heterogen aufgebauten Materialflusssystemen
Sustainable Logistics Systems
Sustainability is one of the biggest future
challenges forced by environmental,
economic and social developments; it is
ranked among the so-called megatrends.
This applies also to the field of logistics.
Above all in the stages of planning and
running a logistical system, aspects of
sustainability, i.e. the equipment’s energy
consumption, have to be considered.
For this reason we develop models for
predicting the energy consumption of
various means of conveyance. Furthermore upcoming concepts are evaluated
regarding their characteristics in terms of
sustainability. Beside the investigation of
fuel cell driven ground conveyors, the analysis of high bay warehouses built of wood
is another example. The research project
‘Wirtschaftliche und ökologische Potenziale von Hochregallagern aus Holz’ aims to
analyze the advantages and drawbacks of
high bay racking systems made of wood
in comparison to traditional constructions
made of steel. Therefore ecobalances and
life cycle costs are calculated to investigate the ecological sustainability and
cost effectiveness. Furthermore, new rack
structures are developed and optimized to
Construction site of a high bay
racking system made of wood
(Source: Alnatura)
improve the overall application of wooden
high bay racking systems.
n Wirtschaftliche und ökologische
Potenziale von Hochregallagern aus
Holz (AIF)
n Das CO-neutrale Logistikzentrum:
Entwicklung von ganzheitlichen Handlungsempfehlungen für energieeffiziente
Logistikzentren (AIF)
n Erweiterte Logistiksystemplanung unter
Einbeziehung des Energieverbrauchs
n H2IntraDrive – Einsatz von wasserstoffbetriebenen Flurförderzeugen in der
Intralogistik unter Produktionsbedingungen (NOW)
Planning and Control of Material Flow Systems
Material flow systems are more and more
complex due to the necessity of high
flexibility, fast modification and extension
of the systems according to changing
customer/user needs. In conventional
material flow systems, these modifications
may result in long periods of unproductive
reconstruction and reprogramming. The
main objective of the research project
IntegRoute is to avoid this by improving
the initial planning of in-plant milk-run
systems. To achieve this objective, an
approach for the integrated planning
of the technology, process and control
concept of milk-run systems is developed.
Furthermore, the approach will allow a
holistic assessment of planning alternatives concerning e.g. investments, operating cost, space requirements, ergonomics
Tugger trains supplying material on an assembly line (Source: BMW/Souled Company)
Institute for Materials Handling, Material Flow, Logistics
and flexibility. Based on extensive process
analyses an MTM-based (methods time
measurement) model for calculating
the cycle time of milk-run systems was
developed. The model takes the interconnections between milk-run technology
and process workflow into account and
will be integrated in the holistic approach
for the initial planning of in-plant milk-run
n IntegRoute – Ganzheitliche Konzeptauswahl für Routenzugsysteme zur
Produktionsversorgung – Integrierte
Bewertung von Prozess und Technik
n Entwicklung einer agentenbasierten
Methodik zur Terminplanoptimierung
im Bauwesen unter Berücksichtigung
ressourcenabhängiger Prozesslängen
n FAUST – Fertigungssynchrone Ablaufsimulation von Unikatbaustellen im
Spezialtiefbau (BFS)
n Optimierung von Entladestrategien bei
der Schüttgut-Schiffsentladung (AIF)
n Kennzahlensystem Materialflusseffizienz in der Automobillogistik (VW)
n Flexibilitätssteuerung der InboundLogistik im volatilen Umfeld der Nutzfahrzeugindustrie (MAN.TUM)
n Routenzüge im Kontext hoher Sachnummernschwankungen (BMW)
n OptiMAL – Optimale Planung manueller
Lagersysteme (AIF)
n Flexible Shuttles für eine filialgerechte
Kommissionierung von Lebensmitteln
Industry 4.0
The increasing demand for highly customizable products presents new challenges
to production and material handling
systems that have to deal with a larger
number of product variants. To respond
to the challenge of the constantly rising
complexity of today’s systems, the launch
of the Industry 4.0 aims at the deployment
of autonomous cyber physical systems
(CPS). These systems enable the efficient
management of complexity, while maintaining their flexibility and adaptability to
a fast changing production environment.
One research project, namely ‘ToolCloud
– Unternehmensübergreifendes Lebenszyklusmanagement für Werkzeuge in der
Cloud mittels eindeutiger Kennzeichnung
und Identifikation’ aims for the development of a cloud-based tool management
system for automated machine configuration and extensive tracking and tracing.
A data model as well as an IT-architecture
were designed therefore to enable automated communication and data collection
along the tool’s supply chain.
Institute for Materials Handling, Material Flow, Logistics
Tool magazine equipped with several tools for woodworking (Source: LEUCO)
n ToolCloud – Unternehmensübergreifendes Lebenszyklusmanagement für
Werkzeuge in der Cloud mittels eindeutiger Kennzeichnung und Identifikation
n KoDeMat – Befähigung von KMU zur
kollaborativen Planung und Entwicklung heterogener, dezentral gesteuerter
Materialflusssysteme (AIF)
n IntelliREAD – Mehrdimensionale
Lokalisierung von Gütern mittels eines
n Pick-by-Local-Light – Einsatz von
Drahtlossensornetzen in der Kommissionierung (AIF)
n RFID MobiVis – Mobile RFID-Lesefelderfassung (AIF)
n aComA – Automatische Codegenerierung für modular aufgebaute Anlagen
der Intralogistik
n iSiKon – Gesteigerte Flexibilität in
heterogen aufgebauten Materialflusssystemen
Humans in Logistics
Demographic changes and fluctuation
of employees lead to new challenges
in the design of logistics workplaces.
Workflows must be fail-proof, motivating
and efficient while at the same time
employees’ physical and mental stress
must be reduced. Research topics at the
Institute fml on the one hand focus on the
assessment of physical load at logistics
workplaces using different approaches,
and on their ergonomic design. In a
second line of research, namely in the joint
research project ‘GameLog – Gamification in der Intralogistik’ with the Chair of
Education and Educational Psychology
of the Ludwig-Maximilians University of
Munich, a totally new approach to foster
logistic staff’s motivation in logistics
workplaces is investigated: gamification.
Game elements and mechanics, e.g.
avatars, badges and high-score lists are
integrated into order-picking processes.
Laboratory studies show a significant
increase in employees’ motivation and
at the same time a reduction in picking
errors and picking time. In the next years,
this promising concept will also be tested
in industrial applications and possibly
integrated into commercial warehouse
management systems.
Employee picking an order supported by a game application
n Ergo-Jobrotation – Planungsmethodik
für eine ergonomisch optimale Jobrotation in der Intralogistik (AIF)
n Erweiterung System vorbestimmter
Zeiten zur Bewertung der Arbeitsbelastung in der Intralogistik (MAN.TUM)
n GameLog – Gamification in der Intralogistik (AIF)
n Work by Inclusion – Entwicklung von
visuellen Arbeitsmitteln für in Lagerprozessen tätige Gehörlose (BMAS)
Institute for Materials Handling, Material Flow, Logistics
Crane Engineering and Design
of Load-supporting Structures
Research in the fields of crane engineering
and design of load-supporting structures
has a long tradition at the Institute fml.
One important topic of research is the
development of new calculation methods
for mobile cranes. These cranes are tall,
slender structures with acute-angled
suspensions. They show a strong nonlinear behavior near their load limits. In
industrial practice the analysis of these
cranes uses the quasi-static approach as
specified in EN 13001, EN 13000 and FEM
5.004 respectively. The investigation of
the cranes’ dynamic behavior by dynamic
finite element calculations partly showed
large deviations from the quasi-static
calculations according to the relevant
standards. The slewing process revealed
the biggest differences, followed by
hoisting and luffing.
In order to avoid time-consuming dynamic finite element calculations and to
overcome the lacks of the quasi-static
approach according to the standards,
efficient oscillation models are developed.
They enable the generation of quasi-static
loads, which represent the maximum
dynamic stresses with a very high
accuracy. Further research activities are
concerned with the integration of the
Research Focus
n Innovative conveyor technology
n Sustainable logistics systems
n Planning and control of material flow
n Industry 4.0
n Humans in logistics
n Crane engineering and design of
load-supporting structures
n Logistics planning
n RFID systems
n Virtual and augmented reality
n Real time location systems
n FEM and MKS
n Simulation of logistics systems
Institute for Materials Handling, Material Flow, Logistics
Finite element model of a lattice boom crawler crane
crane drives into the dynamic models.
These developments are expected to
increase the accuracy of the calculation
n Systematischer Vergleich der dynamischen Beanspruchungen von
Gittermast-Fahrzeugkranen mit den
Ergebnissen der quasistatischen
Auslegung nach DIN EN 13001 (DFG)
n KALOS – Integral-Hebesystem zur
kranlosen Errichtung und Wartungsabsenkung einer Windenergieanlage
n Augmented reality picking zone
n Automatic small parts storage system
n Electric monorail
n Industrial robot
n Kardex shuttle XP 700
n Mechanic workshop
n RFID testing equipment
n Testing facility for high-performance
screw conveyors
n Virtual reality laboratory
n CAD and Machine Drawing I+II
n Materials Handling and Material
Flow Technology
n Planning of Technical Logistics
n Machine System Technology
n Material Flow and Logistics
n Logistics in the Automotive Industry
n Ropeway Technology
n Development Process for Mobile
Machine Tools
n Conveying of Bulk Goods
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wi.-Ing.
Willibald A. Günthner
Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Kessler
Dr.-Ing. Michael Kleeberger
Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Habenicht
Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. Eva Klenk
Dipl.-Ing. Marcus Röschinger
Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Staab
Adjunct Professors
Prof. Nikolaus Bauer
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Erich Kirschneck
Administrative Staff
Claudia Common
Brigitte Stephani
Tobias Hemmauer
Susanne Höcht, B.Eng.
Research Scientists
Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Amberger
Bigontina Sonja, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Marco Dewitz
Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Martin Dörnhöfer
Dipl.-Ing. Rainer Ertl
Dipl.-Ing. Susann Ertl
Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. Julia Freis
Dipl.-Ing. Thorsten Frenz
Lingchong Gao, M.Sc.
Nicole Hietschold, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Steffi Hoppenheit
Dipl.-Inf. Matthias Jung
Dipl.-Ing. Amadeusz Kargul
Dipl.-Ing. Orthodoxos Kipouridis
Michael Kelterborn, M.Sc.
Christopher Keuntje, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Markus Klevers
Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. Myriam Koch
Armin Lang, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Lechner
Christian Lieberoth-Leden, M.Sc.
Thomas Lienert, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Christopher Ludwig
Dipl.-Kffr. Corinna Maas, M.Sc.
Robert Micheli, M.Sc.
Benjamin Molter, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Seungyong Oh
Michael Rackl, M.Sc.
Friederike Rechl, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Markus Spindler
Dipl.-Ing. Matthias vom Stein
Dr.-Ing. Rui Wang
Yuan Tan, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Florian Wenzler
Yipeng Zhang, M.Sc.
Technical Staff
Alfred Sachs
Werner Ottl
Johannes Bauer
Andreas Busch
Michael Knecht
Niklas Leitermann
Mario Nodes
Martin Soyer
Institute for Materials Handling, Material Flow, Logistics
Publications 2015
n Klenk, E.; Galka, S.; Günthner, W.A.: Potenziale
einer flexiblen Routenzugsteuerung – Strategien
zum besseren Umgang mit schwankenden Transportbedarfen, ZWF – Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen
Fabrikbetrieb, 110 (2015), 12, pp. 805-809
n Fischer, G.: Einflussfaktoren auf die Exposition
von Flurförderzeugfahrern gegenüber Ganzkörper-­
Vibrationen, Lehrstuhl fml, Garching, 2015, ISBN
n Conze, M.; Meißner, S.; Günthner, W.: Effiziente
Steuerung dynamischer Milkruns auf Basis einer
stabilen Auftragsperlenkette, In: Schwede, C.; Toth,
M., Produktionsprogrammplanung in der Automobilindustrie, Verlag Praxiswissen, Dortmund, 2015,
p. 103, ISBN 978-3-86975-106-1
n Dörnhöfer, M.; Günthner, W. A.: Kennzahlensysteme
für die schlanke Logistik, ZWF – Zeischrift für
wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 110 (2015), 11, pp.
710-713, ISSN 0947-0085
n Kargul, A.; Bügler, M.; Borrmann, A.; Günthner, W.:
Web based field data analysis and data-driven
simulation application for construction performance
prediction, Journal of Information Technology in
Construction, ITcon Vol. 20 (2015), pp. 479-494,
ISSN 1874-4753
n Günther, W. A.; Micheli, R.: H2IntraDrive – Einsatz
einer wasserstoffbetriebenen Flurförderzeugflotte
unter Produktionsbedingungen, BMVI Forschungsbericht, Lehrstuhl fml, 2015, ISBN 978-3-94170258-5
n Lienert, T.; Günthner, W.A.: Vom Ziel zum Start
geroutet. Forschungsprojekt zur systematischen
Betrachtung von Shuttle-Systemen, Hebezeuge
Fördermittel, 55 (2015), 10, pp. 502-504
n Micheli, R.; Günthner, W.A.: Wasserstoff im Fokus:
Sind Brennstoffzellensysteme bei Stapler & Co. eine
Alternative zu Blei-Säure-Batterien?, Logistik Heute,
Oktober-Ausgabe (2015), p. 48, ISSN 0173-6213
n Micheli, R.; Günthner, W.A.: Batteriewechsel vs.
Wasserstoffbetankung bei Flurförderzeugen, Flurförderzeuge 2015/2016 (2015), p. 28, ISSN 0017-9442
n Micheli, R.; Hanke, M.; Günthner, W.A.: H2IntraDrive – Einsatz einer wasserstoffbetriebenen
Flurförderzeugflotte unter Produktionsbedingungen:
Herausforderungen und Nachhaltigkeit, In: VDI
Wissensforum GmbH, VDI-Bericht 2248, VDI Verlag
GmbH, Düsseldorf, 2015, p. 31, ISBN 978-3-18092248-5
n Kargul, A., Rehberger, S., Chuyev, S., Günthner,
W.A., Vogel-Heuser, B.: Model-in-the loop
simulation towards a smart fleet management
system, In: Beetz, J. Berlo van, L., Hartmann, T.,
Amor, R., Proceedings of the CIB W78 Conference,
Eindhoven, 2015, pp. 393-400
n Günthner, W. A.; Freis, J.: Konsumgüter fressen zu
viel Energie, Lebensmittel Zeitung, Schwerpunkt
Logistik, 2015 (2015), 43, pp. 47-48, ISSN 09477527
n Günthner, W. A.; Freis, J.; Hausladen, G.; Vohlidka,
P.: CO2-neutrale Logistikzentren in Theorie und Praxis, Der Facility Manager, 22 (2015), 10, pp. 48-53,
ISSN 0947-0026
n Wenzler, F.; Günthner, W.A.: Ressourcenbeschränkte
Terminplanung mit einem System kollaborativer
Agenten, In: Rabe, M.; Clausen, U., Simulation in
Prodution and Logistics 2015, Fraunhofer Verlag,
Stuttgart, 2015, pp. 721-730, ISBN 978-3-83960936-1
n Jung M, Günthner W.A.: An accurate and efficient
Institute for Materials Handling, Material Flow, Logistics
camer-based indoor positioning approach for intralogistic environments, In: University of Belgrade,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, XXI International
Conference of Material Handling, Construction an
Logistics, Belgrade, Serbia, 2015, pp. 133-138,
ISBN 9788670838635
n Ortner-Pichler, A.; Rackl, M.; Landschützer, C.;
Kessler, S.; Jodin, D.; Günthner, W.A.: Biomasslogistik – innovative Ansätze zur bedarfsorientierten
Versorgung von Hackgutfeuerungen, In: Institut für
Logistik und Materialflusstechnik, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, 20. Fachtagung
Schüttgutfördertechnik 2015, 2015, pp. 211-225,
ISBN 978-3-930385-89-8
n Staab, T.; Röschinger, M.; Dewitz, M.; Günthner,
W.A.: Modelling and Simulating the Assembly Line
Supply by Tugger Trains, In: Bruzzone, A. G.; Fadda,
P.; Fancello, G.; Piera, M. A., The 8th international
Workshop on applied Modeling & Simulation,
Rende, 2015, pp. 22-31, ISBN 978-88-97999-17-1
n Micheli, R.; Mörike, C.; Günther, W.A.: Onlineumfrage zum Thema wasserstoffbetriebene Flurförderzeuge, Powerpoint-Folien, Lehrstuhl fml, 2015
n Günthner, W.A.; Mandl, H.; Klevers, M.; Sailer, M.:
GameLog – Gamification in der Intralogistik, AIF
Forschungsbericht, Lehrstuhl für Fördertechnik
Materialfluss Logistik, München, 2015, ISBN 978-3941702-57-8
n Klevers, M.; Sailer, M., Günthner, W.A.: Implementation model for the gamification of business processes, Proceeding of the 46th ISAGA Conference
(Title subject to change), 2015
n Günther, W.A.; Micheli, R.: Leitfaden für den Einsatz
von wasserstoffbetriebenen Flurförderzeugen,
Leitfaden, Lehrstuhl fml, München, 2015, ISBN
n Ludwig, C.; Glaser, P.; Günthner, W.A.; Winter, S.:
Potenziale von Hochregallagern aus Holz, Revue
Technique Luxembourgeoise (2015)
n Ludwig, C.; Glaser, P.; Günthner, W.A.; Winter, S.:
Potenziale, Einsatzbereiche und Konstruktionsmöglichkeiten von Hochregallagern aus Holz, 20.
Magdeburger Logistiktage, 2015
n Günthner, W.A.; Freis, J.: Energieeffiziente und
CO2-neutrale Logistikanlagen und -gebäude:
Umsetzungsstand und Handlungsbedarf, Studie,
Lehrstuhl fml, 2015, ISBN 978-3-941702-56-1
n Staab, T.; Günthner, W.A.: Systematisierung – aber
wie? Verbesserte Planung manueller Lagersysteme,
Hebezeuge Fördermittel, 55 (2015), 6, pp. 308-310
n Laschinger, K.; Maas, C.; Günthner, W.A.: Flexible
Container Filling Quantities – A Measure for
Logistics Flexibility in the Automotive Industry,
NOFOMA 2015 – Proceedings of the 27th Annual
Nordic Logistics Research Network Conference,
n Günthner, W.A.; Freis, J.; Hausladen, G.; Vohlidka,
P.: CO2-neutrales Logistikzentrum, industrieBAU
(2015), 3/2015, pp. 58-61, ISSN 0935-2023
n Rinneberg, S.; Teizer, J.; Kessler, S.; Günthner,
W.A.: Smart Quick Coupling System for Safe
Equipment Attachment Selection and Operation,
32nd International Symposium on Automation and
Robotics in Construction and Mining (ISARC), 2015,
pp. 648-655, ISBN 978-951-758-597-2
n Kelterborn, M.; Jeschke, V.; Meissner, S.; Intra, C.;
Günthner, W.A.: Elimination of non-value-adding
operations and its effect on exposure variation at an
order-picking workplace, Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2015 (2015), pp. 333-337,
ISSN 978-1-138-02803-6
n Klenk, E.; Galka, S.; Günthner, W.A.: Operating
Strategies for In-Plant Milk-Run Systems, In: IFAC –
International Federation of Automatic Control, 15th
IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems
in Manufacturing INCOM 2015, Canada, Ottawa,
11-13 Mai 2015, Elsevier, IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol.
48, n° 3, 2015, pp. 1962-1967, ISBN 2405-8963
n Lantschner, D.: Spielzeit automatischer Lagersysteme mit mehreren Übergabepunkten, Lehrstuhl
fml, Garching, 2015, ISBN 978-3-941702-38-7
n Staab, T.; Klenk, E.; Galka, S.; Günthner, W.A.:
Efficiency in in-plant milk-run systems – the
influence of routing strategies on system utilization
and process stability, Journal of Simulation, 2015
(2015), 6, Online-Ausgabe, doi:10.1057/jos.2015.6
n Rinneberg, S.; Kessler, S.; Günthner, W.A.: Conceptual Approach and Evaluation of an Attachment
Identification System for Excavators based on
Passive RFID, IEEE International Conference on
RFID, 2015, pp. 120-121
n Galka, S.; Klenk, E.; Günthner, W.A.; Trautzsch, D.;
Vogel-Daniel, C.: Exakt im Takt, Industrie Management (2015), 2/2015, pp. 57-60, ISSN 1434-1980
n vom Stein, M.; Knott, V.; Günthner, W.A.; Bengler, K.: Augmented Reality im Flurförderzeug,
Technische Sicherheit, 5 (2015), 3, pp. 40-45, ISSN
n Ludwig, C.: Hoch hinaus in Holz, Logistik Heute
(2015), Heft März, pp. 58-59
n Dörnhöfer, M.; Günthner, W.A.: Transparenz und
Effizienz durch Einsatz logistischer Kennzahlen, MM
Logistik, 13 (2015), 3, pp. 44-45, ISSN 1867-9722
n Rinneberg, S.; Kessler, S.; Günthner, W.A.: Attachment identification on excavators – recommendations and a guide on the use of RFID technology,
Building Construction Machinery (2015)
n Kleeberger, M.; Günthner W.A.: Abbildung der dynamischen Beanspruchungen von Gittermast-Fahrzeugkranen mit komplexen Auslegersystemen in
quasistatischen Berechnungen, In: Prof. Dr.-Ing.
habil. Thorsten Schmidt, Technische Universität
Dresden, 23. Kranfachtagung, Selbstverlag der
Technischen Universität Dresden, Dresden, 2015,
pp. 71-86, ISBN 978-3-86780-427-1
n Günthner, W.A.; Lechner, J.: RFID-MobiVis –
Mobile Lesefelderfassung und -visualisierung
von UHF-RFID-Installationen, Forschungsbericht,
Lehrstuhl fml, Garching, 2015, ISBN 978-3-94170254-7
n Röschinger, M.; Kipouridis, O.; Lechner, J.;
Günthner, W.A.: AutoID-Konzept für ein cloudbasiertes Werkzeugmanagement, ZWF – Zeitschrift
für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 110 (2015),
01-02/2015, pp. 59-62
n Kelterborn, M.; Tavs, H.; Günthner W.A.: Untersuchung der körperlichen Belastung hinsichtlich
Abwechslung und Einseitigkeit anhand eines
Fallbeispiels zu Lean Production, In: Gesellschaft
für Arbeitswissenschaften, Tagungsband 61.
Frühjahrskongress der GfA. VerANTWORTung für
die Arbeit der Zukunft, GfA Press, Dortmund, 2015,
Tagungsband 61. Frühjahrskongress der GfA. 25.
Februar 2015 – 27. Februar 2015, Karlsruhe
n Rinneberg, S.; Kessler, S.; Günthner, W.A.: Unsichtbare Assistenten, baumaschinendienst, 51 (2015),
Februar, pp. 34-38, ISSN 0171-8908
n Günthner, W.A.; Bengler, K.; vom Stein, M.; Knott,
V.: Einsatz der Augmented-Reality-Technologie zur
Unterstützung des Fahrers von Flurförderzeugen,
Forschungsbericht, Lehrstuhl fml, Garching, 2015,
ISBN 978-3-941702-53-0
n Koch, M.; Günthner, W.A.: Ganzheitlicher Ansatz zur
Erstellung von belastungsoptimierten Rotationsplänen, In: Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft e. V.,
VerANTWORTung für die Arbeit der Zukunft – 61.
Kongress der Gesellschaft der Arbeitswissenschaft,
GfA-Press, Dortmund, 2015, pp. 1-3 (Beitrag
n Rinneberg, S.; Kessler, S.; Günthner, W.A.: Potenziale der RFID-Technologie in der Bau-Branche:
Identifikation von Anbauwerkzeugen, In: VDBUM
Service GmbH, 44. VDBUM Seminar, Seminarband,
VDBUM Service GmbH, Stuhr, 2015, pp. 84-88
n Hietschold, N.; Kargul, A.; Kessler, S.; Günthner,
W.A.: Entwicklung eines Telematikdatenstandards
für Baumaschinen und die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten, In: VDBUM Service GmbH, 44. VDBUM
Seminar – Seminarband 2015, Stuhr, 2015,
pp. 163-166
n Kargul, A.; Hietschold, N.; Kessler, S.; Günthner,
W.A.: BauFlott will Datenaustausch standardisieren – Umfrage zur Nutzung von Telematik bei
Baumaschinen, VDBUM INFO (2015), 1, pp. 16-17,
ISSN 0940-3035
n Dewitz, M.; Günthner, W.A.: Der Verbrauch
bestimmt den Takt – Erstellung von Fahrplänen für
getaktete Routenzüge, F+H – Fördern und Heben,
65 (2015), 1-2/2015, pp. 16-19, ISSN 0341-2636
n Frenz T.; Kessler S.; Hefele R.; Walter M.; Günthner
W.A.: Digital Tower Crane Deployment Planner,
Building Construction Machinery (2015)
n Günthner, W. A.; Rammelmeier, T.; Koch, M.:
Fortlaufende Ermittlung und Beurteilung der
Mitarbeiterbelastung bei Kommissioniertätigkeiten,
Jahrbuch Logistik 2015, free beratung GmbH,
Korschenbroich, 2015, pp. 131-134, ISBN 978-39816403-1-1
n Günthner, W.A.; Freis, J.; Amberger, M.: Impact
Study on Mobile Cranes – Emissions Inventory and
Impact Assessment: Directive 97/68/EC: Projection
into a Change from Stage IV to V, Study, Lehrstuhl
für Fördertechnik Materialfluss Logistik, Garching,
Institute for Materials Handling, Material Flow, Logistics
Institute of Flight Propulsion
Experimental investigation and numerical simulation of flight propulsion systems and turbomachinery components
n Research activities of the Institute of Flight Propulsion in 2015 covered
topics in the fields of flight propulsion, gas turbines and thermal turbomachinery. Based on a long tradition the institute develops thermo-dynamic
engine models in order to investigate steady and unsteady gas turbine
engine and turbomachinery behavior.
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Oskar J. Haidn
(Acting Head)
Phone +
The history of the Institute of Flight
Propulsion (LFA) reaches back until 1964,
when Prof. Münzberg was first appointed
to the head of the chair in downtown
Munich. Since its foundation the institute
has been dedicated to research and teaching in the field of jet propulsion and gas
turbines. The institute is an active member
of national research associations, participant in European research projects and
long-term partner of leading aero-engine
and component manufactures. One
highlight is the framework agreement
between the Institute of Flight Propulsion/
TUM, the Bavarian Government and GE
Global Research Europe. The cooperation
includes the development of the world’s
most advanced high speed research radial
and axial compressor laboratories focused
on developing tomorrow’s aircraft engines
and gas turbines. End of 2015 the first
test vehicle for the new axial compressor
testbed arrived at Garching and the commissioning of the entire rig already started.
Compressor Aerodynamics, Performance
and Operating Range Extension
The achievement of a high level of
efficiency in combination with the guarantee of aerodynamic stability is a main
objective in the design of highly loaded
compressors. Since the stability margin
drops critically with increasing stage
loading and transient operation, identifying
and understanding the mechanisms for
stall inception is the key to increase the
range of stable operation.
Unsteady flow simulations are applied to
investigate the phenomena inherent to the
development of aerodynamic instabilities.
For an investigated centrifugal compressor, the impact of newly designed and
circumferentially non-uniform inlet guide
vanes is studied. The simulation results
are validated against measurement data
currently acquired from the institute’s high
speed centrifugal compressor test rig.
Furthermore, casing treatments for multistage axial compressors are designed
numerically to passively extend the stable
operating range.
Institute of Flight Propulsion
Tip blowing casing treatment applied to an axial
compressor including streamlines
The unsteady interaction between main
flow and the exiting and re-entering treatment flow is investigated using state of the
art phase lag simulations. Experimental
validation is performed in close cooperation with associated national research
institutes and industry partners.
Computational Aeroacoustics for Ducted
and Unducted Turbomachinery
Growing environmental awareness raises
demand for highly-efficient and low noise
emitting turbomachinery, guaranteeing
stable operation under a large range of
operating conditions. In order to improve
state-of-the-art turbomachinery, methods
for direct and hybrid sound prediction are
devolved and applied in combination with
high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics
Based on time-resolved simulations of
the flow field, deterministic and nondeterministic sources for aerodynamically
generated sound can be identified to
deduce avenues for passively reducing
noise. The radiated sound field is then
determined by extrapolating the flow field
data into the acoustic farfield by means of
in-house acoustic solvers. Due to the high
computational effort involved in combined
aero and acoustic predictions, present
Methodology for hybrid acoustic
predictions relying on high fidelity
flow field simulations and in-house
sound extrapolation routines
research activities aim at developing low
order models for predicting sound from
propellers and open rotors. Consequently,
lower turn-around times for design
iterations can be achieved, thus offering
possibilities for automated aeroacoustic
optimizations and acoustic inverse design
of turbomachinery.
Supersonic Combustion Research
for Scramjet Applications
A scramjet (supersonic combustion
ramjet) is a future air breathing propulsion
concept for high speed vehicles traveling
faster than Mach 5. It is one of the most
promising propulsion concepts for future
space transportation systems and hypersonic flight vehicles.
Despite decades of research in this area,
scramjets still offer several unresolved
challenges. To achieve an air breathing
hypersonic flight one of the key technologies is supersonic combustion. At these
speeds, the residence time of air inside
the engine is of the order of milliseconds.
Therefore, mixing and reaction processes
in the combustor must be efficient and
very fast.
The internal flow of a scramjet combustor
is studied in a supersonic combustion test
bed at the Institute of Flight Propulsion.
Current research topics are related to
improving combustion stability, reducing
auto-ignition temperatures and increasing
combustor efficiency using catalytic
radical farming and the investigation of
the non-reacting and reacting internal flow
phenomena using optical measurement
Supersonic combustion test bed
at the Institute of Flight Propulsion
Institute of Flight Propulsion
Compact Turboshaft Engine Quick-Start System
for Rotorcraft Applications
Turboshaft engine testbed
Current helicopters of the light and
medium class have two engines installed
due to safety reasons. However, this
installed power is rarely needed during a
flight mission and the engines are operating mainly in part load, leading to poor
specific fuel consumption. An operational
strategy during flight can be an intended
shutdown of one engine. The required
power is then covered by the remaining
engine which thus runs at higher loads at
enhanced specific fuel consumption.
Therewith, fuel can be saved, the mission
range can be enhanced and emissions
can be reduced. In case of a failure of the
remaining running engine, the shut-off
engine has to be quick-start capable due
to flight safety reasons. Quantification of
the fuel savings is a focal point of research
on intended single engine operation.
Since this engine usage strategy is limited
to certain areas of the helicopter flight
envelope, flight performance analysis
of the helicopter has to be performed in
advance. Then, realistic flight missions
are chosen for subsequent flight mission
simulation and evaluation regarding a
useful operational strategy. For realization
of engine quick-starts a new system was
developed and evaluated at the turboshaft
engine testbed. Its working principle
is based on air injection through Laval
nozzles inside the compressor section.
Therewith, a significant start-up time
reduction can be achieved. Since shop air
is actually used for the quick-start system,
an additional system is designed for independent air supply and for integration into
a helicopter airframe. For further investigation of the influence on the helicopter
drive powertrain, the testbed engine was
successfully coupled with the research
simulator of the Institute for Helicopter
Structural Design and Optimization
of Aircraft Engine Components
Stress distribution in a generic
disk a) without and b) with heat
Institute of Flight Propulsion
A higher turbine inlet temperature and the
reduction of component weight are key
parameters for a better overall efficiency
of future propulsion systems. This requires
new design concepts for turbine components. The new design should meet
or exceed the reliability requirements of
conventional designs. For their lifespan,
the dimensioning damage mechanisms of
turbine components are long-term creep
and thermo-mechanical fatigue. To meet
these requirements, two design concepts
are investigated. On the one hand,
additive manufacturing (AM) technologies
enable novel light weight structures. Using
the finite element method (FEM), a new
design method for additively manufactured turbine guide vanes with reduced
weight and unchanged functionality and
life span is investigated. On the other
hand, in order to cool and reduce the
maximum material temperature at the rim
of turbine disks, the use of high temperature heat pipes inserted into the disk
material is investigated.
Centrifugal Compressor Test Rig
Centrifugal compressor test rig
In the year 2010 a new high-speed radial
compressor test rig was commissioned in
cooperation with GE Global Research. The
latter meets the industrial standards for
design & testing and enables experimental
testing of different types of modern centrifugal compressors with drive power up to
800 kW and a maximum speed of 30,000
rpm. The test facility can be operated
either in open-loop or closed-loop configuration. The research activity focuses
on the optimization of centrifugal stage
components and their mutual interactions
in terms of efficiency and operation range.
n Numerical and experimental investigation in gas turbines and turbomachinery
n Gas turbine performance simulation
n Fluid dynamics and structural mechanics of turbomachinery components
n Helicopter engine testbed
n Test rig for centrifugal compressors
n Test rig for axial compressor (under
n Subsonic and supersonic combustion
n Testbeds for very small gas turbine
n Institute’s own computer cluster with
more than 350 cores
Research topics like operation range
expansion by flow control, impact of
impeller surface roughness, performance
validation of 3D industrial compressor
design and variable inlet guide vanes
(IGVs) have been conducted.
LFA will continuously expand its research
capacity in the area of centrifugal compressors to achieve in-depth understanding of the following topics:
n Performance characteristics of shrouded and unshrouded impellers with
applications in petrochemical industries
and aviation businesses
n Testing of various inlet configuration
n Implementation of advanced diffusion
systems (with low diffuser ratios, new
return channel vanes, etc.)
n Numerical investigations in parallel to
experimental studies
The project is funded by the Bavarian
Ministry of Economic Affairs and GE Global Research in Garching, in collaboration
with GE Oil & Gas and GE Aviation.
n Flight Propulsion I & II
n Turbomachinery (Basic and Advanced)
n Mechanical Design of Jet Engines
n Aerodynamic Design of Turbomachinery
n Application of Fluidmechanic Calculation Methods for Flight Propulsion
n FEM and CFD Design of Turbomachinery
Institute of Flight Propulsion
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oskar J. Haidn (Acting Head)
Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Erhard
Dr.-Ing. Andreas Hupfer
Adjunct Professors
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hanns-Jürgen Lichtfuß
Dr.-Ing. Jörg Henne, MTU Aero Engines
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans Rick
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Rist
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. mult. Günter Kappler
Administrative Staff
Karin Engels
Angelika Heininger
Research Scientists
Nan Chen, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Florian Danner
Dipl.-Ing. Sina Eisenmann
Andreas Feierabend, M.Sc.
Fabian Fuchs, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Gurtner
Dipl.-Ing. Cyril Guinet
André Inzenhofer, M.Sc.
Christofer Kendall-Torry, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Martin Kerler
Daria Kolmakova, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Sebastian Lang, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Paukner
Dipl.-Ing. Marcel Schmieder
Joona Seppälä, M.Sc.
Chengyu Zhang, M.Sc.
Technical Staff
Zoe Gerstung
Roland Grubert
Ralf Priller
Publications 2015
n Sina Eisenmann, Alessandro Primavera, Andreas
Hupfer: Analysis of a Gas Turbine Disk Incorporating Radially Rotating Heat Pipes with a Focus
on Stress Concentrations, ISABE-2015-20076,
22nd ISABE Conference, International Society for
Airbreathing Engines, Phoenix, USA, 2015
n Martin Kerler, Johannes Elfner, Wolfgang Erhard:
Investigation of Engine Operating Behavior after
Compressor Casing Modification due to Installation
of a Quick-Start System, ISABE-2015-20077,
22nd ISABE Conference, International Society for
Airbreathing Engines, Phoenix, USA, 2015
n Nan Chen: Numerical Investigation of a Centrifugal
Compressor with Inlet Distortions Induced by Variable Guide Vanes – A Comparison between Steady,
Transient and Transient Blade Row Simulation
Methods, ANSYS Conference & 33rd CADFEM
Users’ Meeting 2015, June 24-26, 2015, Bremen,
n Ismail Sezal, Matthias Lang, Christian Aalburg, Nan
Chen, Wolfgang Erhard, Alberto Scotti Del Greco,
Libero Tapinassi and Rajesh Kumar V. Gadamsetty:
Introduction of Circumferentially Non-Uniform
Variable Guide Vanes in the Inlet Plenum of a Centrifugal Compressor for Minimum Losses and Flow,
GT2015-43467, ASME Turbo Expo 2015: Turbine
Technical Conference and Exposition, Volume 2C:
Turbomachinery, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2015,
ISBN: 978-0-7918-5665-9
n Sina Eisenmann, Roman Körner and Andreas
Hupfer: Transient Simulation of a Gas Turbine Disk
Incorporating Heat Pipes Under Structural Aspects,
Paper No. GT2015-42102, ASME Turbo Expo 2015:
Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition,
Volume 7B: Structures and Dynamics Montreal,
Quebec, Canada, 2015, ISBN: 978-0-7918-5677-2
Institute of Flight Propulsion
n Cyril Guinet, André Inzenhofer and Volker Gümmer:
Influencing Parameters of a Tip Blowing Interacting
with Rotor Tip Flow, GT2015-42039, ASME Turbo
Expo 2015: Turbine Technical Conference and
Exposition, Volume 2A: Turbomachinery, Montreal,
Quebec, Canada, 2015, ISBN: 978-0-7918-5663-5
n Martin Kerler, Christian Schäffer, Wolfgang Erhard:
Design of an Engine Quickstart System for
Rotorcraft Application, Paper ETC2015-268, 11th
European Turbomachinery Conference, Madrid,
Spain, 2015
n André Inzenhofer, Andreas Hupfer, Cyril Guinet,
Henner Schrapp, and Volker Gümmer: Influence of
a Tip Blowing Casing Treatment on the Stator Flow,
51st AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference,
Propulsion and Energy Forum, (AIAA 2015-3936),
n D. Rahn, R. Schmidt, F. Greif, A. Hupfer: Untersuchungen zu Düsenströmungen kleiner Fluggasturbinen, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und
Raumfahrt – Lilienthal-Oberth e.V., Deutscher
Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2015, Rostock; URN:
n Nan Chen, Wolfgang Erhard: Numerical Investigation of a Centrifugal Compressor Stage with
IGV Induced Inlet Flow Distortions, Conference on
Modelling Fluid Flow, 16th International Conference
on Fluid Flow Technologies, Budapest, Hungary,
September 01-04, 2015
Space Propulsion Group
Liquid propellant rocket engine technologies
n The Space Propulsion Group,
established in October 2011, has
put its emphasis from the beginning
on experimental activities around
different aspects of injection, ignition, combustion, heat transfer
and cooling in oxygen/kerosene,
oxygen/methane model combustors operating at various propellant
temperature, combustion chamber
pressure and operational boundary
conditions. Since 2014, these
experimental activities have been
accompanied by a second working
group which has its main focus on
modeling and simulation in all areas
of liquid propellant rocket engine
technologies and in 2015 liquid
oxygen turbo-pump technologies
were added as the most recent
research area.
The Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics bestowed their Best
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Oskar J. Haidn
Vulcain 2 engine during testing at P5 facilty in
Lampoldshausen. Photo: DLR
Phone +
Paper Award 2013 to Prof. Haidn and his
coworkers for the technical paper entitled,
‘Investigation of the API-Injection Concept
in a LOX/LH2 Combustion Chamber at
GG/PB Operation Conditions’.
Rocket Propulsion
GOX/CH4 multi-injector sub-scale combustor. Photo:
Institute of Space Propulsion
Within the SFB TR40 the main emphasis
currently lies on experimental research
examining the impact of injector/injector
and injector/wall interaction on combustion performance, wall heat loads and
film cooling efficiencies in model rocket
engines operating with gaseous methane
and oxygen for various propellant mixture
ratios and combustion chamber pressures. These experimental activities are
accompanied by numerical investigations
into the impact of different closure models
for turbulence, turbulence/chemistry
interaction on performance and wall heat
loads at the CSC and Airbus D&S.
Space Propulsion Group
Technologies for Green In-Space Propulsion
Within a project funded by Munich
Aerospace, the Chinese CSC and the
Brazilian CSF on environmentally benign
propellants for space-craft propulsion, the
group investigates within three individual
projects flashing of cryogenic fluids under
vacuum conditions, different propellant
injection concepts feasible for thrust
variation and in particular the concept of
resonance ignition where a gaseous sonic
jet is blown into a cavity and the reflecting
shock waves provide for the heating.
Proof of concept of a resonance
ignition system operating with
gaseous oxygen (glowing metal
cone tip after < 50 ms operation).
Turbo-Pump Technologies
Design of a LOX TP impeller
(upper picture) and inducer
(lower picture). © LFA
Within the project KonRAT which deals
with technologies for liquid oxygen
turbipumps, the group works on experimental and numerical investigation of
critical areas of a LOX turbopump and in
particular seals, bearings and component
life. In addition, techniques for boundary
layer manipulation to increase the operational range and reduce internal friction
turbo-pump are investigated numerically.
Catalytic Propulsion
Within a smaller project, the group develops
a numerical tool for the design of catalyst
beds for small thrusters which includes
all thermo-physical phenomena such as
heterogeneous catalytic reactions, heat
condition in gas and solids, multi-phase
and multi-species flows with phase
change. Currently, most emphasis is put
on H2O2 and N2O as mono-propellants.
Space Propulsion Group
Schematic of catalytic mono-­propellant thruster. © LFA
Research Focus
Prof. Haidn’s research focuses on rocket
propulsion with the main emphasis on
technologies for liquid propellant rocket
engines: propellant injection, ignition,
combustion stability, heat transfer,
cooling and life cycle analysis, nozzle flow
phenomena, turbopump seals, bearings
and lifing and environmentally benign
propellants and in particular on dynamic
The publications of the Space Propulsion
Group clearly demonstrate the competence of the group in the field of rocket
engine technology.
nCH4 /O2 /kerosene test facility
(~ 100 bar, ~ 1.5 kg/s)
n Multi-propellant test facility
(~ 20 bar, 0.5 kg/s)
nN2O hybrid rocket test facility
n Raumfahrtantriebe 1 (Grundlagen)
n ZÜ Raumfahrtantriebe 1
n Selected Topics on Launcher
n Heat Transfer (MSE)
n ZÜ Heat Transfer (MSE)
n Practical Training Raumfahrtantriebe
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oskar J. Haidn
Adjunct Professors
Dr.-Ing. Gerald Hagemann,
Airbus Defence & Space
Dr.-Ing. Oliver Knab,
Airbus Defence & Space
Administrative Staff
Karin Engels
Angelika Heininger
Research Scientists
Dipl.-Ing. Christian Bauer
Dr.-Ing. Paulo Beck
Chiara Boffa, M.Sc.
Maria Palma Celano, M.Sc.
Alexander Fuchs, M.Sc.
Meng Luo, M.Sc.
Fernanda Maia, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Yuriy Metsker
Julian Pauw, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Christof Roth
Simona Silvestri, M.Sc.
Brunno Vasques, M.Sc.
Lucrezia Veggi, M.Sc.
Hong Ye, M.Sc.
Kendong Yu, M.Sc.
Silong Zhang, M. Sc.
Space Propulsion Group
Publications 2015
n Coclite, A., Cutrone, L., Gurtner, M., De Palma, P.,
Haidn, O.J., Pascazio, G., ‘Computing supersonic
non-pre-mixed turbulent combustion by an SMLD
flamelet progress variable’, Journal of Hydrogen
Energy, doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2015.10.086, 2015
n Höglauer, C., Kniesner, B., Knab, O., Schlieben, G.,
Kirchberger, C., Silvestri S., Haidn, O.J., ‘Modeling
and Simulation of a GOX/Kerosene Subscale
Rocket Combustion Chamber with Film Cooling’,
CEAS Space Journal, DOI 10.1007/s12567-0150096-y, 2015
n Verma, S.B., Hadjadj, A., Haidn, O.J., ‘Unsteady
Shock Motions During Dual-Bell Sneak Transition’,
Journal of Propulsion and Power, DOI: 10.2514/1.
B35558, 2015
Chapters in Books
n Celano, M.P., Silvestri, S., Schlieben, G., Kirchberger, C., Haidn, O.J., ‘Injector Characterization
for a GOX-GCH4 Single Element Combustion
Chamber’, in EUCASS Advances in Aerospace
Sciences, Progress in Propulsion Physics Vol. 9,
edited by Max Calabro, Oskar J. Haidn, Sergey
M. Frolov, ISBN 975-5-94588-191-4, Torus Press,
Moscow, pp. 319-338, 2015.
Conference Papers
n Boffa, C., ‘A 1D Multiphase Mixture Model for
Flows in Porous Media: Model Development’, 13th
Multiphase Flow Conference and Short Course:
Simulation, Experiment and Application, Dresden,
November 24-26, 2015
n Boffa C., Haidn, O.J., ‘Towards a design tool for
reacting multi-phase flows in porous structures’,
9th Int. Conference on Development Trends in
space Propulsion Systems, Warsaw, October 7-8,
n Silvestri, S., Celano, M.P., Kirchberger, C.,
Schlieben, G., Haidn, O.J., Knab, O., ‘Investigation
on Recess Variation of a Shear Coax Injector for a
Single Element GOX/GCH4 Combustion Chamber’,
30th ISTS, Kobe, June 4-10, 2015
n Boffa C., Haidn, O.J., ‘Preliminary Design of catalyst
Beds for the H2/O2 Decomposition for Space
Applications’, 30th ISTS, Kobe, July 4-10, 2015
n Schmidt, J., Hauser, M. Bauer, C., Haidn, O.J.,
‘Investigation of Stabilization Effects in Hartmann-Sprenger Tubes’, 30th ISTS, Kobe, July 4-10,
n Celano, M.P., Silvestri, S., Kirchberger, C.,
Schlieben, G., Suslov, D., Haidn, O.J., ‘Gaseous
Film Cooling Investigation and Model Assessment
in a Sub-scale Single Element GOX/GCH4 Combustion Chamber’, 30th ISTS, Kobe, July 4-10, 2015
Space Propulsion Group
n Slavinskaya, N.A., Abbasi, A., Weinschenk, M.,
Haidn, O.J., ‘Methane Skeletal Mechanism for
Space Propulsion Applications’, 5th International
Workshop on Model Reduction in Reacting Flows,
Spreewald, Germany, June 28-July 1, 2015
n Silvestri, S., Celano, M.P., Haidn, O.J., Knab, O.,
‘Comparison of Single Element Rocket Combustion
Chambers with Round an Square Cross Sections’,
6th European Conference for Aeronautics and
Space Sciences (EUCASS), Krakov, Poland, June
28-July 3, 2015
n Celano, M.P., Silvestri, S., Perakis, N, Schily, F.,
Haidn, O.J., ‘Heat Flux Evaluation Methods for a
Single Element Heat Sink Chamber’, 6th European
Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences
(EUCASS), Krakov, Poland, June 28-July 3, 2015
n Bauer, C., Haidn, O.J., ‘Numerical Investigation
of 3D Effects in Hartmann-Sprenger Tubes’,
6th European Conference for Aeronautics and
Space Sciences (EUCASS), Krakov, Poland,
June 28-July 3, 2015
n Metsker, Y., Haidn, O.J., Weinand, K., Geulen, G.,
‘Analysis of Reentry Vehicle Flight Physics’, 6th
European Conference for Aeronautics and Space
Sciences (EUCASS), Krakov, Poland, June 28-July
3, 2015
n Luo, M. Haidn, O.J., ‘The effect of injector geometry on the flashing spray with cryogenic propellants’, 6th European Conference for Aeronautics
and Space Sciences (EUCASS), Krakov, Poland,
June 28-July3, 2015
Lectures Given on Invitation
n Haidn, O.J., ‘Innovation at the Institute of Flight
Propulsion’, 3rd Innovation Seminar, Camera
Brazil-Alemanha, Sao Paulo, November 12, 2015
n Haidn, O.J., ‘Collaborative Research Center TRR
40 – Technological Foundations for the Design of
Thermally and Mechanically highly loaded Components of future Space Transportation Systems’,
6th European Conference for Aeronautics and
Space Sciences (EUCASS), Krakov, Poland,
June 28-July 3, 2015
n Haidn, O.J., ‘Liquid Propulsion Research in Europe’,
Nagoya, June 2015
n Haidn, O.J., ‘Aerospace Engineering Education
at TU Munich’, 1st Brazilian/German Aerospace
Workshop, May 11-15, Natal, 2015
Institute for Helicopter Technology
Performance, efficiency and safety for rotorcraft
n The year 2015 brought a unique opportunity for the Institute of Helicopter Technology – five years after the institute’s foundation. The European
Rotorcraft Forum (ERF) is Europe’s largest scientific conference on all
aspects of rotorcraft research. Its location was planned for Germany this
year which gave us a chance to apply to host the 41st ERF at the Faculty
of Mechanical Engineering. Visitors and guests all confirmed their positive
feedback about the Forum, where 120 papers had been presented.
During Forum, the institute’s Research
Simulator ROSIE was frequently visited
by colleagues from other universities
(e.g. Maryland, GeorgiaTech, Cranfield)
or experts from operations and industry.
Finally, it was also a dry-run for the next
event: the 2017 conference of the German
Aerospace Society (DGLR) with around
1000 participants!
A major event marked the beginning of
2015 when the Federal Ministry of Economy (BMWi) published the preliminary
votes for the latest LuFo-Call (National
Aviation Research Program). Although
LuFo is mainly devoted to aviation industry, the Institute for Helicopter Technology
(HT) was successful in three projects.
With our partners at TU Chemnitz and
Hochschule Hannover, we will investigate
the use of structural parts manufactured
from renewable raw materials. Concrete
applications will be designed together with
a manufacturer of ultra-light helicopters.
The second project will focus on the sizing
and design of helicopter drive systems,
where substantial variations of the rotor
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Manfred Hajek
Phone +
Co-axial helicopter (edm-aerotec) for LuFo project
rpm shall be enabled by new gearbox technologies. The Partner for this project will be
TU Vienna where modelling and testing of
such gearbox designs are foreseen.
Finally, HT will have a unique chance to
perform measurements of a counterrotating (i.a.w. co-axial) main rotor of an
ultra-light aircraft which was developed
and manufactured by edm-aerotec, a
medium-size company in Thuringen. The
German Aerospace Center (DLR) will be a
key partner for all aerodynamic measurements. In two of these projects, work has
begun already by mid 2015.
Real-Time Downwash Modeling of Helicopter Rotors
Real-time simulation (snap shot from video) for a
tiltrotor close to ground.
One of the helicopter’s major drawbacks
lies in its principle of (vertical) flight: its
downwash from the rotor disk allows the
helicopter to hover – but it generates high
wind speeds which can produce clouds of
sand, dust (brownout) or snow (whiteout).
These clouds are a major hazard for
operations close to the ground or in the
vicinity of obstacles as we know from a
series of severe accidents. One way to
limit the risk associated with brownout
or whiteout is an optimal training in flight
simulators. However, there is no adequate
modelling available to represent the clouds
as induced by the downwash. This was
Institute for Helicopter Technology
motivation enough to start research on
real-time capabilities of simulation models.
A first dissertation is about to be finalized
this year and first results were presented
at the Forum of the American Helicopter
Society and at the European Rotorcraft
Forum. The next milestone will be a
cooperation with the American Office of
Naval Research where ship landings will
be in the primary focus.
Rotorcraft Drones for Extreme Altitudes
Rotor blade for the AREA drone
manufactured at TUM
Together with the DLR Institute of
Robotics in Oberpfaffenhofen, HT is working on an extreme helicopter application:
A drone (AREA) with a maximum weight of
25 kg shall be enabled to fly to an altitude
of 9000m – autonomously!
Besides the requirement to control the
aircraft under severe gusts and crosswinds, the required power is a major
challenge. A relatively large rotor radius
has been selected therefore – leading to
an unusual structural requirement for the
blades. The sizing and design of the blade
was part of a Master thesis which received
the MT Aerospace Innovation Award
during the German Aerospace Congress
(DLRK) in Rostock.
This work is supported by a Munich
Aerospace Scholarship and performed in
Garching and Oberpfaffenhofen.
Pilot Assistance for Degraded Visual Environment
Pilot’s view during flight into
degraded visibility; combined
natural outside view and display
symbology (center image)
Despite today’s achievements in active
and passive safety measures, helicopter
flight still requires research efforts e.g.
for flight in degraded visual environments
To overcome the challenge of extending
the flight envelope to such degraded
visual conditions, current research focuses
on head-mounted displays with 3D- conformal (scene-linked) visual cues for pilot
‘Pilot-in-the-loop’ simulations are required
to increase the maturity of this techno-
Institute for Helicopter Technology
logy. New approaches and concepts of
displaying 3D-conformal information are
developed to reduce visual clutter and to
enable spatial situation awareness. Thus,
landing zone symbols together with terrain
and obstacle information can be displayed
for collision avoidance.
During 2015, the symbology was
developed far enough so that the next
step – the system evaluation – could be
envisaged. Symbology assessment in
helicopter cockpits requires skilled pilots
to be interviewed after they have ‘flown’
a new cockpit design. The key question
behind: Does additional symbology
increase the pilot workload or does it help
reduce the risk of pilot mistakes? Or – in
a nutshell – is there a net benefit of such
additional pilot aids?
After a long preparation, the simulator is
finally ready for these evaluations. They
began in mid 2015 and will take till the
beginning of 2016.
Research Focus
n Nonlinear rotor modeling
n Dynamic stall
n Pilot assistance
n Flight safety
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Hajek, Director
n Rotor flow field
n Coupled rotor-fuselage simulation
n Flight simulation
n HIL simulation
Visiting Scientist
Associate Prof. Dr. Milan Vrdoljak,
University of Zagreb
n Research simulator with 6 image
channels (>200° horiz., -50°/+30° vert.)
terrain and image data bases, head
tracking system
n Test rig for blade root structures (leadlag and flap)
n Optical strain measurement system
(Fibre Bragg-gratings)
Lectures in:
n Introduction to Aeronautics (Rotorcraft)
n Rotorcraft Flight Physics I/II
n Rotorcraft Flight Physics I
n Helicopter Design I/II
n Helicopter Systems
n Flight Safety and Certification
n Helicopter Flight Dynamics and Control
n Instrument Flight for Helicopters
n Helicopter Aerodynamics – Advanced
n Fundamentals of Helicopter Aerodynamics
n Aeromechanical Modelling Helicopters
Adjunct Professors
Hon.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Butter
Administrative Staff
Martina Thieme
Research Scientists
Dr. Jürgen Rauleder
Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Andersch
Dipl.-Ing. Aaron Barth
Dipl.-Ing. Roland Feil
Dipl.-Ing. Ludwig Friedmann
Dipl.-Ing. Stephanie Manner
Dipl.-Ing. Oliver Oberinger, Ingénieur
Dipl.-Ing. Simon Radler
Dipl.-Ing. Dominik Schicker
Dipl.-Ing. Christian Spieß
Dipl.-Ing. Sören Süße
Dipl.-Ing. Franz Viertler
Dominik Wirth, M.Sc.
Stephan Platzer, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Pflumm
Dipl.-Ing. Willem Garre
Publications 2014-15
n Pflumm, T., Barth, A., Kondak, K., Hajek, M.: Auslegung und Konstruktion eines Hauptrotorblattes für
ein in extremen Flughöhen operierendes Drehflügel-UAV; Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress;
n Andersch, P., Hajek, M.: Lead-Lag Dynamics of a
Rotor with Stick-Slip Nonlinearity; 41st European
Rotorcraft Forum; 2015
n Viertler, F., Krammer, C., Hajek, M.: Analyzing
Visual Clutter of 3D-Conformal HMD Solutions for
Rotorcraft Pilots in Degraded Visual Environment;
41st European Rotorcraft Forum; 2015
n Hajek, M., Manner, S., Süße, S.: Blade Root Integrated Optical Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors – A Highly
Redundant Data Source For Future HUMS; Annual
Forum Proceedings – AHS International; 2015
n Viertler, F., Hajek, M.: Dynamic registration of an
optical see-through HMD into a wide field-of-view
rotorcraft flight simulation environment; SPIE DSS
Conference, Head- and Helmet-Mounted Displays
XX: Design and Applications; 2015
n Viertler, F., Hajek, M.: Requirements and Design
Challenges in Rotorcraft Flight Simulations for
Research Applications; AIAA SciTech – Modeling
and Simulation Technologies Conference; 2015
Institute for Helicopter Technology
Institute of Flight System Dynamics
Making innovations fly in certified products of small and medium-sized aerospace companies
n As part of the Technische Universität München’s Department of
Mechanical Engineering, we are devoted to analyzing and modifying the
dynamic characteristics of aerial platforms. Our passionate team is
committed to mature cutting-edge technologies that are required to
incept the flight system behavior of tomorrow.
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Florian Holzapfel
Phone +
During the last years we have acquired all
the experience which is needed along the
whole process of making control ideas
fly. This includes modeling and system
identification, controller design and
implementation in real aircraft.
Our research areas are presented in
the following sections. The research
infrastructure includes several flight
simulators, test rigs, and manned and
unmanned aircraft. We have established
important partnerships and synergies
with top research institutions and leading
industrial players in the field of aerospace.
Our ultimate goal is the development and
the application of innovative approaches
tailored to real world applications and
products, as well as to the demanding
challenges of tomorrow.
Flight Guidance and Flight Control
Research airplane Diamond DA-42
Institute of Flight System Dynamics
Modern flight guidance and control
systems need to fulfill the growing
requirements for safety, performance and
autonomy in order to comply with customers’ needs. To this end, novel methods
and concepts are being developed at TUM
FSD for manned as well as for unmanned
aerial vehicles. The practical relevance of
the results for the specific applications is
guaranteed through continuous evaluation
of the research during flight tests.
Notable achievements 2014-2015
include the development and testing of
an integrated auto-flight control system
incorporating waypoint based trajectory
flight, autopilot functionalities and direct
law fly-by-wire algorithms. Aircraft-inthe-loop simulations using the actual
institute’s DA-42 aircraft and a real-time
simulation setup have been conducted
to verify the developed algorithms and
prepare upcoming flight tests. Novel
adaptive control algorithms that enable
controlled flight along highly agile and
nonlinear trajectories and in the presence
of actuator faults have been developed
and successfully flight-tested on multirotor
The flight control and flight guidance
group has successfully completed several
research projects and has acquired new
collaborations with the industry. Project
results and ongoing research have been
presented at PARIS AIR SHOW 2015,
AIRTEC 2014 and 2015, ILA 2014 and
various scientific conferences.
n Affording safe, highly reliable and
affordable automation for aerospace
systems (TUM-IAS)
n Inner-loop adaptive stabilization for a
multirotor using a nonlinear reference
model (DFG)
n Development of adaptive and fault-tolerant control algorithms with guaranteed
performance and robustness (BMWi)
n Development of an autopilot using a
modular architecture for CS-23 aircraft
and model-based development of
functional algorithms for safety critical
systems (BMWi)
n Total capability approach to highly
accurate and safe guidance applied to
an automatic landing system (BMWi)
n Development of an autopilot for RPAS
with fixed-wing, rotary-wing or hybrid
configuration (BMWi)
n Development of the flight control system for an unstable tailless jet (industry)
n Development of innovative adaptive
flight control algorithms for nonminimum phase systems (industry)
n Model-based development of a certifiable avionics system for unmanned
aerial vehicles of 5kg to 2000kg
Unmanned hexarotor system
Modeling, Simulation, Parameter Estimation
and Flight Safety
The research group Modeling, Simulation,
Parameters Estimation and Flight Safety
focuses on the modeling of flight vehicle
systems on the one hand and predictive
analysis tools on the other hand. The
parameter estimation approach is based
on measured input and output data of the
real system. Flight vehicle system identification focuses on the aircraft dynamics
and on modeling the forces and moments
acting on it. The result is a validated
model with known uncertainty bounds
that is reliable in a known region of the
flight envelope. System identification
techniques allow comparison and combination of dynamic models from very
different sources, e.g. from flight test data,
wind tunnel tests or computational fluid
dynamics, leading to very accurate results.
The system identification group focuses
on unmanned aerial systems and general
aviation aircraft. In doing so, the group is
contributing to many projects. This includes the modeling of fixed wing aircraft,
helicopter and multicopter systems. The
identified models were used, for example,
as the basis for the model-based design
of flight control systems and as flight
dynamics model in high fidelity flight
The flight safety part focuses on the
quantification of incident probabilities for
a given airline based on information about
the flight operation. Predictive analysis,
which is conducted at our institute, refers
to making a quantitative statement about
a future state or condition based
on previous experience or knowledge. It
focuses on quantifying the probabilities of
serious incidents for an individual airline,
which are extremely small, yet not equal to
zero. Predictive analysis will be an integral
part of the box of tools that will keep the
skies of tomorrow safe!
n Future Sky Safety: development of a
risk observatory for the total aviation
system (EU-H2020)
n Research and development of a core
simulation model for a small aircraft
n Robust in-flight identification
(Bayr. Forschungsstiftung)
n Robust detection of safety critical
events in flight data (ZIM)
n Modular training simulator system for
Institute of Flight System Dynamics
Trajectory Optimization
FALCON.m, FSD optimal control
In the Trajectory Optimization Research
Group at FSD, optimal control methods
for aerospace applications are researched
and developed. These methods are
tailored to specific applications, mainly
from the field of aerospace. One part of
the process is the modeling of specific
cost functions representing the key
performance indicators that are relevant
for industry.
Among these are the calculation of fuel
consumption, flight times as well as the
modeling of noise and its perception
by the inhabitants around an airport.
Additionally, multiple aircraft optimization problems have become a focus of
the research group. In these problems,
several aircraft have to fly through a
shared airspace sector minimizing the
environmental impacts while always
maintaining all safety boundaries. Of
course, in all applications the compliance
with aircraft-related envelope constraints
as well as regulatory constraints has to be
The results achieved in the research
projects have been used to create
scientific publications and were additionally condensed into a software tool,
called FALCON.m. This tool is planned to
be released in early 2016 to the general
public and will enable the solution of
Institute of Flight System Dynamics
optimal control problems in different fields
of engineering and sciences all around the
Finally, a project has been conducted in
close cooperation with the flight control
research group of the institute and Prof.
Ben-Asher from Technion – Israel Institute
of Technology (Haifa, Israel). Within this
project, optimal control methods have
been used to perform a flight control law
clearance. This way, it can be proven that
the flight control system is able to maintain the aircraft within a secure envelope in
any considered flight condition.
Additional research topics were the
solution of optimal control problems including discrete controls. Furthermore, the
combination of classical optimal control
methods with alternative approaches was
investigated. In a DFG project started in
2015 the robust solution of aircraft trajectory optimization problems is researched.
n Simulation of environmental impacts
of aviation for air traffic controller
education (AiF)
n Adaptation of WORHP to avionics
constraints (EU)
n Robust dynamic programming
approach to aircraft control problems
with disturbances (DFG)
Avionics and Safety Critical Systems
Traditionally, the research at FSD was
focused on functions and algorithms. With
the new focus on prototyping application
systems with small and medium enterprises
as main partners for UAS/RPAS and general
aviation aircraft, implementation aspects
have gained high importance. With the cost,
weight, volume and other constraints of the
markets addressed and the limited personal
and financial resources of typical SMEs,
a transfer of solutions, processes, components and tools from large and military
aviation would lead to a gigantic failure.
Based on the specific requirements of the
market considered and utilizing disruptive
technologies and innovations from nonaerospace domains, tailored processes,
tools and solutions are required. Research
focuses are model-based design of functional algorithms for guidance, navigation
and control applications, model-based safety
assessment as well as the development
of avionics system architectures and the
contributing components (flight control
computers, data concentrator units, electromechanical actuators, navigation systems
and power system components). The work
is accomplished in close collaboration with
highly innovative SMEs, manufacturers of
RPAS and general aviation aircraft as well
as tool vendors.
The FSD has gained novel capabilities in
failure simulation with minimal additional
modeling effort, reducing the workload for
safety assessment and system integration.
n Development of certifiable flight control
system architectures for RPAS up to
150kg MTOW (ZIM)
n Development of internally redundant
electro-mechanical actuators with
backup flight control capabilities (ZIM)
finished in 2015
n Enhancements on model-based
development processes and tools for
flight-worthy certifiable software
n Development of certifiable flight control
system architectures for RPAS above
150kg MTOW (industry)
n Development of a system and software
development process for certifiable
avionics (industry)
n Physical modeling and simulation of
avionics systems failure behavior
n Assisted model validation against
safety requirements using failure
simulation (ZIM) finished in 2015
n Tool-assisted planning documents
generation for safety critical application
(ZIM) started in 2015
Sensors, Navigation and Data Fusion
Navigation systems and sensors provide
essential information on aircraft state
required for flight control and guidance,
such as position and angular rate. Consequently, the performance of flight control
greatly depends on navigation accuracy.
In addition, safe and successful mission
accomplishment requires high availability
and robustness of navigation with respect
to faults or disturbances.
From the combination of various satellite
navigation, to the development of fault-tolerant ADAHRS algorithms, the Navigation
Research Group at FSD the development
and studies application of innovative
methods in the field of navigation. In
2015, the navigation group established an
Inertial Sensor Test facility that will boost
research in the field of inertial sensor
calibration and error estimation.
n Multi-GNSS navigation
n Inertial Laboratory
n Surface, image and model-aided
n Fault-tolerant ADAHRS
Three-axis motion simulator for
inertial sensor testing
Institute of Flight System Dynamics
Research Focus
n Flight guidance and flight control
n Modeling, simulation, parameter
estimation and flight safety
n Trajectory optimization
n Avionics and safety critical systems
n Sensors, navigation and data fusion
Adjunct Professors/Lecturers
Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Math. techn.
Johann Dambeck
Dr.-Ing. Matthias Heller
n Simulation of aerospace systems
n Development of GNC functions in
accordance to aerospace standards
n Trajectory optimization under application relevant constraints
n Airline operational safety assessment
Research Scientists
Sravan Akkinapalli, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Thaddäus Baier
Fedor Baklanov, M.Sc. (Scholar)
Dipl.-Ing. Bernhard Baur (Scholar)
Dipl.-Ing. Magnus Bichlmeier (Scholar)
Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Bittner
Christopfer Blum, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Benjamin Braun (until 12.2013,
then external)
Dipl.-Ing. Stanislav Braun
Yahao Cheng, M.Sc. (Scholar)
Farhana Chew, M.Sc. (Scholar)
Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Diepolder
Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Dörhöfer
Dipl.-Ing. Ludwig Drees
Dipl.-Ing. Christian Eitner (until 02.2014,
then external)
Dipl.-Ing. Guillermo Falconí
Dipl.-Ing. Tim Fricke, Ingénieur Supaéro
Dipl.-Ing. Agnes Gabrys
Dipl.-Ing. Markus Geiser
Dipl.-Ing. Lorenz Görcke
Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Göttlicher, M.Sc.
Benedikt Grüter, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Hager
Akinori Harada, M.Eng. (Scholar, visiting
PhD student)
Dipl.-Ing. Christian Heise (Scholar)
Dipl.-Ing. Markus Hochstraßer
Lukas Höhndorf, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Markus Hornauer (Scholar)
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Jaros (until 08.2014,
then external)
Dipl.-Ing. Erik Karlsson
Christoph Krause, M.Sc
Phillip Koppitz, M.Sc.
Dr.-Ing. Michael Kriegel
Martin Kügler, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Patrick Lauffs
Miquel Leitao, M.Sc. (Scholar)
Dipl.-Ing. Jakob Lenz
Dipl.-Ing. David Löbl
Arnab Maity, PhD
Dipl.-Ing. Maximilian Mühlegg
n Multiple fixed and rotary wing UAS/
n Three flight simulators (from research to
level 6 FTD)
n Two manned research aircraft serving
as flying test bed; one of them with
active access to flight controls
n HIL test benches
n Introduction to Flight System Dynamics
and Flight Control
n Flight System Dynamics I/II
n Flight Control I/II
n Flight Guidance I
n Development of Flight Control Systems
n Nonlinear Adaptive Flight Control
n Flight Dynamics Challenges of Highly
Augmented Aircraft I/II
n Aircraft Trajectory Optimization
n Navigation and Data Fusion
n Flight System Identification and Parameter Estimation
n Fundamentals of Practical Flight Lab
n Flight Guidance Lab
n Flight Testing Lab
n Flight Control Lab
n Optimal Control Lab
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Florian Holzapfel, Director
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Gottfried Sachs (ret.)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Otto Wagner
Dr.-Ing. Matthias Heller
Institute of Flight System Dynamics
Administrative Staff
Monica Kleinoth-Gross
Dipl.-Ing. Nils Mumm
Dipl.-Ing. Kajetan Nürnberger
Dipl.-Ing. Florian Peter (until 08.2014,
then external)
Dipl.-Ing. Lars Peter
M.Sc. Philippe Petit
Idris Putro, M.Sc. (Scholar)
Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Raffler
Dipl.-Ing. Maximilian Richter
Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Rieck (Scholar)
Simon Schatz, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Volker Schneider
Dipl.-Ing. Julian Schreder
Dipl.-Ing. Christopher Schropp
Dr.-Ing. Falko Schuck (until 10.2013)
Jeanette Seewald, M.Sc.
Javensius Sembiring, M.T. (Scholar)
Dipl.-Ing. Philip Spiegel
Lukas Steinert, M.Sc. (Scholar)
Dipl.-Ing. David Tromba
Chong Wang, M.Sc.
Jian Wang, M.Sc.
Zhongjie Wang, M.Eng.
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Weingartner (until
09.2013, then external)
Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Wille
Dipl.-Ing. Philip Wolze (until 05.2014,
then external)
Dipl.-Ing. Simona Wulf
Fubiao Zhang, M.Eng.
Alexander Zollitsch, M.Sc.
Publications 2015
n Bittner, Matthias; Rieck, Matthias; Grüter, Benedikt;
Holzapfel, Florian (2015): Optimal Conflict Free
Approach Trajectories for Multiple Aircraft. In: ENRI
Int. Workshop on ATM/CNS (EIWAC). Tokyo, Japan.
n Falconí, Guillermo P.; Heise, Christian; Holzapfel,
Florian (2015): Fault-Tolerant Position Tracking of
a Hexacopter using an Extended State Observer.
In: 6th International Conference on Automation,
Robotics and Applications (ICARA). Queenstown,
New Zealand, 17-19 Feb. 2015.
n Felux, Michael; Lee, Jiyun; Holzapfel, Florian (2015):
Total System Performance in GBAS-based landings.
In: Proceedings of the Pacific PNT. Honolulu, HI,
n Fricke, Tim; Paixão, Vítor; Loureiro, Nuno; Costa,
Rui M.; Holzapfel, Florian (2015): Brain Control
of Horizontal Airplane Motion – A Comparison
of Two Approaches. In: AIAA Atmospheric Flight
Mechanics Conference. Kissimmee, Florida.
n Grüter, Benedikt; Bittner, Matthias; Rieck, Matthias;
Holzapfel, Florian; Harada, Akinori (2015): Allocation, Sequencing and Trajectory for Aircraft Using
Superimposed Navigation and Optimal Control. In:
ENRI Int. Workshop on ATM/CNS (EIWAC). Tokyo,
n Heise, Christian; Holzapfel, Florian (2015): Uniform
Ultimate Boundedness of a Model Reference
Adaptive Controller in the Presence of Unmatched
Parametric Uncertainties. In: 6th International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Applications
(ICARA). Queenstown, New Zealand, 17-19 Feb.
n Hellmundt, Fabian; Maier, Rudolf; Leitao, Miguel;
Heise, Christian; Holzapfel, Florian (2015): Performance Assessment of L1 Adaptive Augmentation
Strategies for an Enhanced Longitudinal F16
Aircraft Model. In: EuroGNC. Toulouse, France,
n Hellmundt, Fabian; Wildschek, Andreas; Maier,
Rudolf; Osterhuber, Robert; Holzapfel, Florian
(2015): Comparison of L1 Adaptive Augmentation
Strategies for a Differential PI Baseline Controller
on a Longitudinal F16 Aircraft Model. In Joël Bordeneuve-Guibé, Antoine Drouin, Clément Roos (Eds.):
Advances in Aerospace Guidance, Navigation and
Control. Cham: Springer International Publishing,
pp. 99-118.
n Löbl, David; Holzapfel, Florian (2015): Subset Simulation for Estimating Small Failure Probabilities of an
Aerial System Subject to Atmospheric Turbulences.
In: AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference.
Kissimmee, Florida.
n Mühlegg, Maximilian; Holzapfel, Florian; Chowdhary, Girish (2015): Trusting Learning Based
Adaptive Flight Control Algorithms. In: Self-Confidence in Autonomous Systems (in Association for
the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)
2015 Fall Symposium). Arlingtion, USA.
n Mühlegg, Maximilian; Niermeyer, Philipp; Falconí,
Guillermo P.; Holzapfel, Florian (2015): L1 Fault
Tolerant Adaptive Control of a Hexacopter with
Control Degradation. In: IEEE Conference on
Control Applications (CCA). Sydney, Australia.
n Niermeyer, Philipp; Raffler, Thomas; Holzapfel, Florian (2015): Open-Loop Quadrotor Flight Dynamics
Identification in Frequency Domain via Closed-Loop
Flight Testing. In: AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and
Control Conference. Kissimmee, Florida.
n Rieck, Matthias; Bittner, Matthias; Grüter, Benedikt;
Holzapfel, Florian (2015): Generation of dynamic
models with automatically generated derivatives
for ATM optimal control in MATLAB. In: ENRI Int.
Workshop on ATM/CNS (EIWAC). Tokyo, Japan.
n Schatz, Simon P.; Yucelen, Tansel; Gruenwald,
Benjamin C.; Holzapfel, Florian (2015): Application
of a Novel Scalability Notion in Adaptive Control
to Various Adaptive Control Frameworks. In: AIAA
Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference.
Kissimmee, Florida.
n Wang, Jian; Raffler, Thomas; Holzapfel, Florian
(2015): High Velocity Path Control of Quadrotors. In:
AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference. Kissimmee, Florida.
n Zhang, Fubiao; Holzapfel, Florian (2015): Flight
Control Using Physical Dynamic Inversion. In: AIAA
Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference.
Kissimmee, Florida.
n Zollitsch, Alexander; Holzapfel, Florian; Annaswamy,
A. (2015): Application of Adaptive Control with
Closed-Loop Reference Models to a Model Aircraft
with Actuator Dynamics and Input Uncertainty. In:
American Control Conference. Chicago, IL, USA,
July 1-3, 2015, pp. 3848-3853.
Institute of Flight System Dynamics
Institute of Aircraft Design
Applied aircraft design for civil aviation and unmanned aerial systems
n System integration and validation for unmanned aerial systems have
been in the research focus of the Institute of Aircraft Design in 2015.
Based on the design capabilities and previously realized demonstrators,
UAS key system components have been implemented and tested under
real conditions. As part of those activities a new test lab for complete UAS
propulsion systems has been built up, in order to test electrical propulsion systems up to small jet engines featuring active thrust vectoring
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Mirko Hornung
For the design and operational assessment of commercial aircraft the capabil­
ities in the operational assessment have
been enhanced with respect to noise
and emission assessment as well as
quantifying the capacity impact on airport
operations. The optimization of reduced
noise configurations has been enabled
through an innovative noise assessment
procedure developed for small aircraft.
Phone +
Noise Evaluation
Multi-engine UAV for
noise measurements
For inflight noise assessments and model
validation the institute operates highly
precise noise measuring equipment.
Through the integration of test results in
a tool-based noise modeling algorithm
directional noise models of aircraft
configurations may be derived very
efficiently. These models may enable
Noise abatement procedures
Institute of Aircraft Design
noise-restricted aircraft operations as well
as the derivation of reduced-noise aircraft
As annoyance due to aircraft noise is
becoming a major issue at a growing
number of airports around the world, the
pressure to reduce the noise impact in the
vicinity of airports increases. Following
this need, one focus of the Institute of
Aircraft Design is the comparison of noise
abatement procedures and the evaluation
of their application for specific airports.
In this, apart from noise reduction at the
source, a variety of operational, economic
and restrictive instruments exists enabling a relief of residents in the vicinity of
UAS Aircraft Design
The integration of simulation-based design
methods for unmanned air systems (UAS)
or remotely piloted air systems (RPAS)
enables a more consistent design process
for such air vehicles. Connecting the
operational or mission environment with
sensorics and/or communication systems
as well as other payload systems allows
an early integration and assessment of
novel air vehicle architectures.
The visualization tool enables representation of a high number of information, such
as: aircraft configuration, its performance
and position, commanded and real flight
paths, communication capabilities, sensor
range and field of view, interaction of the
system elements with each other and the
The numerical simulation is based on a
mission management system, flight control system, as well as the information from
the mission payload and is represented in
MATLAB Simulink. The relevant input data
are connected with the institute’s ADEBO
and ADDAM tools. The visualization is
based on the OpenSceneGraph toolkit.
These two parts are connected via a user
datagram protocol, which is also used for
the feedback information to the design
The goal of the software is to enable a
mission scenario building, to evaluate
sensor and mission performance, taking
into account all components of a UAS and
their interaction with the environment.
Utilizing the enhanced integrated design
environment ADEBO (Aircraft Design Box)
the foundation for more efficient aircraft
conceptual designs for unmanned as well
as manned aircraft have been laid.
UAS design: mission simulation
UAS System Testing and Demonstration
Propulsion systems and their integration
in unmanned aircraft are key enablers for
novel systems. TUM LLS with the support
of the Federal Ministry of Economic
Affairs of the Free State of Bavaria has
set up a unique UAV propulsion test
facility enabling the integrated testing of
electric propulsion systems up to small jet
engines. Providing the unique features of
the test lab, also thrust vectoring devices
may be tested.
The test lab has been first utilized for the
analysis and optimization of the SAGITTA
propulsion system. Featuring highly
complex intake and nozzle technologies a
thorough test campaign has been conducted to further enhance the propulsion
system’s performance.
New UAV propulsion test facility
SAGITTA propulsion test
Institute of Aircraft Design
Novel Flight Control Devices
Illustration of Coandă flap concept
The Institute of Aircraft Design has achieved
major progress in the development of
a tool for a functional driven design of
advanced flight control systems. Here,
advanced flight control systems (AFCS)
consist of multifunctional, highlyintegrated control surfaces, including new
technologies, configurations and innovative flight control system architectures.
To design efficient flight controls systems
with highly integrated flight control surfaces, the flight control system architecture – regarding power systems, actuators
and flight control computers, among
others – plays a special role and has to be
considered too. Therefore, a tool for the
pre-design of flight control system architectures for a given flight control system
configuration is developed, considering
the main functional, safety and certification aspects.
Finally it can be stated, that this functional-driven, highly-integrated approach
enables new design spaces for flight
Research Focus
n Szenario- and future analysis
n Aircraft design
n Analysis & evaluation of aircraft
n Szenario technique
n Aircraft design (manned/unmanned,
military & civil)
n Aircraft and system integration and
verification (UAVs, prototypes)
n Propulsion integration, electrical and
hybrid propulsion systems
n Operational assessment: noise, airport
capacity, cost
Institute of Aircraft Design
control systems and the capability of
efficiency improvements in any phase of
the flight.
In parallel, novel technologies for flight
control devices on modern agile UAVs
or even new concepts of aircraft configurations are under investigation. In the
field of active flow control a separation/
circulation control concept is assessed
for highly dynamic flight control purposes.
Since the early 1970s this ‘Coandă flap’
concept has been successfully tested
under laboratory conditions and it was
implemented on a few general aviation
test carriers and unmanned prototypes.
For the investigation of the application
potential on modern (unmanned) largescale aircraft a novel numerical toolset
has been developed, combining simplified 2d CFD-models with extrapolation
techniques for finite low aspect ratio
wings. Overall system performance is
assessed by including all relevant system
interfaces and dependencies in a 6-DOF
flight dynamic simulation implemented in
MATLAB/Simulink combining all submodels​
for performance analysis. Trim calculations
and dynamic simulations gave evidence
for the feasibility in terms of sufficient
effectiveness of the studied Coandă flap
system for the given low aspect ratio flying
wing configuration.
n Integrated aircraft design environment
n Laboratory for demonstrator aircraft
n Experimental UAS (e.g. IMPULLS UAV)
n Propulsion integration lab
n Mission simulation
n Airport simulation
n Fundamentals in Aeronautics
(jointly with the Institute of Helicopter
n Aircraft Design
n Fundamentals of Aircraft Operations
n Operational Aspects of Aviation
Practical Courses
n Aviation Scenarios, Technology
n CAD in Aircraft Design
n Aircraft Design
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mirko Hornung,
Prof. h.c. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Dieter Schmitt,
Prof.-Ing. Gero Madelung, Emeritus
Administrative Staff
Natalie Gulotta
Research Scientists
Dr.-Ing. Christian Rößler
Dipl.-Ing. Lykourgos Bougas
Dipl.-Ing. Jens Feger
Dipl.-Ing. Ekaterina Fokina
Sebastian Herbst, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Lampl
Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Schinwald
Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Speck
Dipl.-Ing. Korbinian Stadlberger
Philipp Stahl, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Sturm
Gilbert Tay, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Felix Will
Technical Staff
John Lewis
Adjunct Professors
Dipl.-Ing. Axel Becker
Publications 2015
n C. Schinwald, M. Hornung: An Analytical Approach
to Determine Airport Airside Capacity Utilisation:
Taking Into Account Arrival-Departure Slot Dependencies, Air Transport Research Society World
Conference, Singapore, 2015
n L. Bougas, C. Rößler, M. Hornung; ‘Design and
Experimental Evaluation of the Propulsion System
for a Low Observable Scaled UAV and Provisions
for Fluidic Thrust Vectoring’; NATO STO-MPAVT-230, Rzeszow, Poland, 2015
n K. Stadlberger: Aerodynamic Modelling of an Active
Flow Control System for Flapless Flight Control
in the Preliminary Design Stages, 5th CEAS Air &
Space Conference, 7-10 September 2015, Delft,
n K. Stadlberger: Numerical Performance Analysis
of a Coanda Aerofoil, 64. Deutscher Luft- und
Raumfahrtkongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für
Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., 22-24 September 2015,
Rostock, Germany
n C. Schinwald, M. Schmidt, M. Hornung: Determining Airport Airside Capacity Utilization: A Demand
Driven Approach, 15th AIAA Aviation Technology,
Integration, and Operations Conference, Dallas,
n S. Herbst, M. Hornung: Development of an Object
Oriented Data Model for an Aircraft Design Environment in MATLAB, 15th AIAA Aviation Technology,
Integration, and Operations Conference, Dallas,
n Sebastian Speck, Sebastian Herbst, Hyemin Kim,
Franz-Georg Stein, Mirko Hornung: ‘Development,
Startup Operations and Tests of a Propeller Wind
Tunnel Test Rig’, 15th AIAA Aviation Technology,
Integration, and Operations Conference, Dallas,
n J. Feger, F. Pozatzidis, M. Hornung: ‘Simulationsmodell zur Bewertung der Missionserfüllung
unbemannter Fluggeräte im Vorentwurfsstadium’,
64. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress der
Deutschen Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt
e.V., 22-24 September 2015, Rostock, Germany
n J. Feger: ‘Sensor-based and mission optimized
aircraft design vor UAVs’, Airtec 2015, München
Institute of Aircraft Design
Flow control and Aeroacoustics Group
Numerical and experimental study of flow and sound fields and their control
n The focus of the research group in 2015 was the development and
testing of research tools for the numerical prediction of flow and sound
fields and for their validation in wind-tunnel experiments.
Sound Radiation from a Railway Tunnel
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Hans-Jakob Kaltenbach
Phone +
A hybrid CFD/CAA approach is used to
predict the emission of a micro-pressure
wave from a railway tunnel that is generated when the compression wave from the
train entry is reflected at the exit portal.
CFD solutions of the processes in the
tunnel and the exit region are coupled with
an integral solution of the Lighthill equation using the Ffowcs-Williams Hawkings
solver SpySi developed by the group of
Prof. Stefan Becker from the FriedrichAlexander University of Erlangen.
Numerische Simulation der Abstrahlung
einer Mikrodruckwelle von einem TunnelPortal. Förderprojekt der Dr. Hermann und
Ellen Klaproth-Stiftung.
Self-noise from Splitter Attenuators
in Large Industrial Exhaust Stacks
predictions of the broad band sources
are obtained through flow modeling via
large-eddy simulation using the com-
Splitter attenuators are used in a wide
range of applications, including high-end
silencers for power generation systems.
With the upstream noise reduced to ever
lower levels, the effect of the self-noise
generated by the splitter itself – as a bluff
body immersed in the flow – becomes
critical for the overall performance of the
silencing system. The perforated metal
covering the silencer cushion has been
identified as source for broad band noise
above 1000 Hz.The flow in the gap between baffle and casing has been measured with hot-wire anemometry. Numerical
Flow control and Aeroacoustics Group
pressible mutli-block CFD solver NSMB.
The far-field sound is predicted with the
Ffowcs-Williams Hawkings solver SpySi
developed in the group of Prof. Stefan
Becker at the University of Erlangen.
Marie-Curie Initial Training Network
‘FlowAirS’ Silent Air Flows in transport,
buildings and power generation. Subproject ‘LES of exhaust gas systems’ and
‘Aeroacoustics of noise reducing devices
for power plant applications’.
Influence of Topography on Wind-Turbine Sites.
The wind conditions on the top of the
former waste dump ‘Fröttmaninger Berg’ –
a hill of 70m height in the north of Munich
– are studied in a model experiment in
scale 1:350 in the atmospheric boundary
layer wind tunnel of TUM. Roughness
elements on the wind-tunnel floor are
adjusted in order to model a neutrally stratified boundary layer. Measured profiles of
mean and rms of axial speed are compared for different directions of the approach
flow. The optimum site with respect to
maximum energy harvesting corresponds
to a location in the center of the hills top
plateau which does not coincide with the
highest point where the wind turbine is
currently located.
Research Focus
n Numerical prediction of generation and
propagation of flow-induced noise
n Flow control with focus on suppression
of flow separation and noise mitigation
n Self-noise of splitter attenuators
n Wake interaction of wind turbines
n Numerical prediction of flow and sound
n Experimental investigation of flow and
sound fields
n Usage of wind-tunnel at the Institute of
Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
n Test set-up of a microphone array
IGSSE project EUROTECH-Greentech
n Continuum Mechanics (MSE), 50%
n Grundlagen der numerischen Strömungsmechanik
n Strömungsbeeinflussung
n Numerische Strömungsakustik
n Praktikum Numerische Strömungs­
n Praktikum Numerische Strömungs­
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Jakob Kaltenbach
Administrative Staff
Angela Grygier (secretary to the Chair of
Research Scientists
Jithendra Tirakala, M.Sc.
Konstantin Vachnadze, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Victor Stein
Publications 2015
n Sebastiani, C., Hantschk, C.-C., Kaltenbach, H.-J.:
Experimental investigation on acoustic effects of
geometrical modifications of splitter attenuators for
power generation systems. EURONOISE 2015/204,
Flow control and Aeroacoustics Group 141
Institute of Plant and Process Technology
Modeling and simulation of chemical processes, equipment design, thermodynamic property data
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Harald Klein
Phone +
n In 2015 the focus of research
at the Institute of Plant and
Process Technology was the
energy efficient design of chemical
production processes as well as
innovative design methods for
process equipment. After commissioning the 1.2 m diameter packed
bed test column in 2014 the
gas capacity of the column was
successfully increased in 2015.
Extensive experimental measurement campaigns were successfully
conducted and valuable data for
validating numerical models for the
maldistribution behavior of packed
columns could be achieved.
The new high pressure phase equilibrium
test rig was operated in 2015 over the
whole year to determine the important
influence of water on the solubility of
technical solvents such as methanol and
glycol ethers. Reliable analytical and
synthetic measurement techniques were
applied such that gaps in the literature of
technically important solubility data could
be closed.
Packed column test rig (1.2 m diameter)
Process Design
The limited availability of fossil resources
is leading to an increased demand for
energy efficient processes. For this task
optimization is a key discipline that aids
engineers with designing new processes
New hybrid approach for process optimization
Institute of Plant and Process Technology
or revamping existing plants. Process
simulations are usually performed with
commercial programs, which allow fast
and reliable simulation setups but have
limited capabilities for optimization. An
innovative option would be to use the
benefits of both methods; a flexible and
customizable optimization platform that
is combined with process simulators for
an efficient problem setup. To achieve
this a hybrid approach is chosen.
MATLAB is used for optimization since a
variety of local and global optimization
routines are available directly or as third
party library. As an example, the hybrid
approach is used to obtain an optimal
synthesis gas production for methanol
synthesis with respect to operating
expenses. The increased number of
objective function calls due to gradient
approximation leads to a high calculation time when compared e.g. to an
algebraic modeling approach. However,
for engineers far less time is required for
problem setup and initialization. Therefore, the strategy shows the potential
to substantially decrease the actual
man-hours for process design.
n Integrierte Dimethylethersynthese aus
Methan und CO2 – DMEEXCO2 (BMBF)
n Untersuchung zum Effekt von
Strippkomponenten bei Absorptionsprozessen zur CO2-Abtrennung aus
n Mass transfer of CO2 in open algae
Equipment Design Methods
Condensation on a low-finned tube
Equipment design is of increasing importance for enhancement of the energy
efficiency of processes. Heat exchangers
are the most employed apparatus in the
chemical industry. Innovative design can
increase transfer rates and thus enable a
better heat integration in processes which
leads to a reduction of CO2 exhaust.
Therefore, the utilization of low finned
tubes for condensation of mixtures of
hydrocarbons was investigated. Besides
an extensive experimental measurement
campaign, condensation on the tubes was
also studied with CFD simulations.
Together with partners from industry, a
model for dimensioning mass transfer
columns, based on CAD data of packing
elements, is developed and tested at
the institute. In addition to tests with the
column with 1.2 m diameter at the institute,
experiments were also carried out with a
column with 2.0 m diameter at an industrial
partner’s facility.
n Innovative Apparate- und Anlagenkonzepte zur Steigerung der Energieeffizienz von Produktionsprozessen
– !nnovA2 (BMBF)
n CFD-Simulation der Kondensation an
niedrig berippten Rohren
n Zellenmodell zur Auslegung von
Packungskolonnen und Flüssigkeitsverteilern (BFS)
Modeling and Thermodynamic Property Data
Electro mobility becomes more and more
important in the future. Therefore, fuel
cells in cars come into focus of research.
A new test stand for measurements of
permeabilities through polymer membranes was assembled at the Institute of
Plant and Process Technology in close
cooperation with an industrial car manufacturer to investigate humidification of air
supply for fuel cells. In 2015 a wide range
of membrane materials from different
suppliers were tested and evaluated such
that the most promising candidates for the
Membrane permeability test rig
Institute of Plant and Process Technology
technical application could be identified.
Based on quantum chemical simulations
and statistical thermodynamics predictive
computation of thermodynamic and thermophysical property data was performed
with the method COSMO-RS for various
substances and mixtures at the Institute of
Plant and Process Technology. A powerful
computer infrastructure provides the
required computational resources.
In 2013 the high pressure phase equilibria
test stand was successfully commissioned
at the Institute of Plant and Process
Technology. As a first example the system
methanol-CO2 was experimentally investigated in 2014 and data which is consistent with literature could be obtained and
was published in 2015. Reliable analytical
and synthetic measurement techniques
were applied such that gaps in the literature of technically important solubility data
could be closed.
Research Focus
n Process design
n Equipment design methods
n Modeling and thermodynamic property
n Introduction to Process and Plant
n Thermal Separation Principles I & II
n Heat and Mass Transfer
n Process and Plant Engineering
n Equipment Design
n Process Design
n Modeling of chemical engineering
n Similarity and Dimensionless Numbers
n Lab Course in Process Engineering
n Practical Course in Process Simulation
n Principles of Refrigeration and Industrial
Low Temperature Systems
n Paper Technology
n Process modeling and simulation
(MATLAB, Unisim Design, Aspen Plus)
n Experimental measurement of thermodynamic property data
n Predictive computation of thermodynamic property data
n Experimental measurement of heat
transfer coefficients
n Experimental measurement of maldistribution
n CFD-modeling and simulation of heat
and mass transfer processes
n Pilot-scale investigations of apparatus
design methods
n High pressure phase equilibrium
n Analytical laboratory
n Distillation columns (pilot scale)
n Condensers & evaporators (pilot scale)
n Computer room
Institute of Plant and Process Technology
n Charakterisierung des Wassertransportverhaltens von Membranen für
die Befeuchterentwicklung von PEM
n Gruppenbeitragsmethode auf der Basis
von COSMO-RS--Profilen
n Untersuchung von CO2-Waschmitteln
mit einer Hochdruck-VLLE-Phasengleichgewichtsapparatur
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Klein, Director
Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Rehfeldt
Emeritus Professors
Prof. em. Dr.-Ing. Eckhart Blaß, Emeritus
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Johann Stichlmair, Emeritus
Johannes Fendt, M.Sc.
Florian Hanuš, M.Sc.
Fabian Höhler, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Isabel Kiendl
Thomas Kleiner, M.Sc.
Andreas Rarrek, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Anna Reif
Adjunct Professors
Dr.-Ing. Alexander Alekseev
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Großmann
Administrative Staff
Melanie Laubenbacher
Maria Anna Schmid
Research Scientists
Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Büchner
Tomas Cahalan, M.Eng.
Dipl.-Ing. Umberto Cardella
Anna Ecker, M.Sc.
Technical Staff
Marian Böswald
Christian Gastinger
Danuta Styrnik
Publications 2015
n Reif, A.; Büchner, A.; Rehfeldt, S.; Klein, H.: Äußerer
Wärmeübergangskoeffizient bei der Kondensation
von Reinstoffen an einem horizontalen Rippenrohr,
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 87, 2015, 260-269
n Büchner, A.; Reif, A.; Rehfeldt, S.; Klein, H.:
Untersuchung der Kondensation von Reinstoffen an
einem horizontalen berippten Rohrbündel, Chemie
Ingenieur Technik 87, 2015, 270-279
n Büchner, A.; Reif, A.; Rehfeldt, S.; Klein, H.:
Problematik einheitlicher Betrachtungen des Wärmedurchgangs bei der Kondensation an strukturierten
Rohren, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 87, 2015, 301-305
n Kossmann, A.; Rehfeldt, S.; Moser, P.; Klein,
H.: Process study for stripping components in
absorption–desorption processes for CO2-removal
from power plant flue gases, Chemical Engineering
Research and Design 99, 2015, 236-247
n Büchner, A.; Reif, A.; Rehfeldt, S.; Klein, H.: Kondensation von binären Gemischen an horizontalen
Rohren, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 87, 2015,
n Hanus, F.; Rehfeldt, S.; Klein, H.: Zellenmodell
zur Auslegung von Packungskolonnen Teil 1:
Untersuchung der Flüssigkeitsverteilung in Füllkörperpackungen, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 87, 2015,
n Wild, A.; Engel, V.; Hanus, F.; Rehfeldt, S.; Klein, H.:
Zellenmodell zur Auslegung von Packungskolonnen
Teil 2: Das WelChem-Zellenmodell zur Berechnung
der Maldistribution, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 87,
2015, 1103
n Reif, A.; Büchner, A.; Rehfeldt, S.; Klein, H.:
Bestimmung des äußeren Wärmeübergangskoeffizienten bei der Kondensation von Reinstoffen
an Rippenrohren, Jahrestreffen der Fachgruppen
Trocknungstechnik und Wärme- und Stoffübertragung, Leipzig, Germany, 04-06.03.15
n Büchner, A.; Reif, A.; Rehfeldt, S.; Klein, H.: Bestimmung des äußeren Wärmeübergangskoeffizienten
bei der Kondensation von binären Gemischen an
horizontalen Rohren, Jahrestreffen der Fachgruppen
Trocknungstechnik und Wärme- und Stoffübertragung, Leipzig, Germany, 04-06.03.15
n Rehfeldt, S.; Sachsenhauser, T.; Schreiber, S.; Klein,
H.: Prediction of Binary Fick Diffusion Coefficients
using COSMO-RS, 4th COSMO-RS Symposium,
Bonn, Germany, 16-17.03.2015
n Sachsenhauser, T.; Rehfeldt, S.; Eckert, F.; Klamt,
A.; Klein, H.: Consideration of Dimerization
for Property Prediction with COSMOtherm,
4th COSMO-RS Symposium, Bonn, Germany,
n Rehfeldt, S.; Sachsenhauser, T.; Schreiber, S.; Klein,
H.: Vorhersage von binären Fickschen Diffusionskoeffizienten in Flüssigkeiten mit COSMO-RS,
Jahrestreffen der Fachgruppen Fluidverfahrenstechnik und Membrantechnik, Bremen, Germany,
n Höhler, F.; Deschermeier, R.; Rehfeldt, S.; Klein, H.:
Bestimmung von CO2-Gaslöslichkeiten in physikalischen und chemischen Waschmitteln mit Hilfe einer
Phasengleichgewichtsapparatur, Jahrestreffen der
Fachgruppen Fluidverfahrenstechnik und Membrantechnik, Bremen, Germany, 26-27.03.2015
n Hanus, F.; Hoffmann, R.; Rehfeldt, S.; Klein, H.:
Experimentelle Untersuchung der Flüssigkeitsmaldistribution in Füllkörperkolonnen mit unterschiedlichen Durchmessern, Jahrestreffen der Fachgruppen
Fluidverfahrenstechnik und Membrantechnik,
Bremen, Germany, 26-27.03.2015
n Fendt, J.; Kender, R.; Rehfeldt, S.; Klein, H.: A Hybrid Approach to Process Optimization by Coupling
MATLAB with Commercial Process Simulators,
CAPE Forum 2015, Paderborn, Germany,
n Büchner, A.; Reif, A.; Estiot, E.; Steinbauer, M.;
El Hajal, J.; Rehfeldt, S., Klein, H.: Impact of
low-finned tubes on condensation heat transfer
and heat exchanger design, ACHEMA, Frankfurt,
Germany, 15-19.06.2015
n Peschel, A.; Schmaderer, H.; Schödel, N.; Fendt,
J.; Klein, H.: Process development for the direct
synthesis of dimethyl ether, ACHEMA, Frankfurt,
Germany, 15-19.06.2015
n Fendt, J.; Rehfeldt, S.; Klein, H.; Peschel, A.: Hybrider Ansatz zur Prozessoptimierung durch Kopplung
von MATLAB mit kommerziellen Prozesssimulatoren, Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgemeinschaft ‘Prozess-, Apparate- und Anlagentechnik’,
Bruchsal, Germany, 16-17.11.2015
Institute of Plant and Process Technology
Continuum Mechanics Group
Predictive computational modeling
n The focus of the Continuum Mechanics Group in 2015 was the
development of novel models, methodologies and computational tools for
quantifying uncertainties and their effect in the simulation of engineering
and physics systems. Our work has been directed towards three fronts:
a) the calibration and validation of computational models using experimental
data, b) uncertainty propagation in multiscale systems, c) Design/control/
optimization of complex systems under uncertainty.
Prof. Dr. Phaedon-Stelios
Phone +
A highlight was the organization of the
international Symposium on ‘Big Data and
Predictive Computational Modeling’ that
took place in TUM-IAS during May 18-21
2015. The symposium was sponsored by
the European Office of U.S. Aerospace
Research & Development (EOARD), the
TUM-IAS and the Department of Mechanical Engineering. It included plenary and
keynote talks from pre-eminent scientists
in applied mathematics, computational
physics/chemistry, computer science and
The event received considerable interest
from various communities and an article
on it appeared in Volume 48, Number 6
of SIAM news. Videos and slides from the
symposium can be found at: http://www.
Excerpt from SIAM news article
(Volume 48, Number 6) on ‘Big
Data and Predictive Computational Modeling’
Nonlinear Inverse Problems with Applications
in Medical Diagnostics
This project is concerned with the numerical solution of model-based, Bayesian
inverse problems. We are particularly
interested in cases where the cost of each
likelihood evaluation (forward-model call)
is expensive and the number of unknown
(latent) variables is high. This is the setting
of many problems in computational physics where forward models with nonlinear
PDEs are used and the parameters to
be calibrated involve spatio-temporarily
varying coefficients, which upon discretization, give rise to a high-dimensional
vector of unknowns.
Our motivating application is biomechanics where several studies have
shown that the identification of material
parameters from deformation data can
lead to earlier and more accurate diag146
Continuum Mechanics Group
nosis of various pathologies. This project
develops Bayesian computational tools
that can lead not only to point-estimates
of the material properties, but also to a
rigorous quantification of the confidence
in those estimates. A significant role in this
effort is played by novel dimensionality
reduction techniques which can identify a
sparse set of features. One consequence
of the ill-posedness of inverse problems
is multi-modality i.e. the possibility of
multiple, distinct solutions that fit the data
comparably well. We developed adaptive
strategies that are capable of accurately
capturing the presence of multiple modes.
Coarse-Graining in Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics
Identification of material parameters using nonlinear, incompressible elasticity models.
(a) Ground truth (reference)
Coarse-grained (CG) models provide a
computationally efficient means to study
large numbers of atoms over extended
spatio-temporal scales. Existing strategies
rely on mapping degrees of freedom from
micro- to macro-scale, whereas properties
are commonly determined as certain
point-estimates in the macro-scale.
Various methodologies that have been
proposed do not account for the information loss which unavoidably takes place
during coarse-graining. The joint project
‘Predictive Materials Modeling’ with Hans
Fischer Senior Fellow Prof. N. Zabaras
(Director of Warwick Centre for Predictive
Modeling, University of Warwick) addresses the formulation and development of
(a) Coarse-graining of water molecules
(b) Multimodal posterior mean. Points on the boundary
have non-zero probability of belonging to healthy
tissue (blue) or tumor (red)
an enhanced, predictive multiscale framework. Our reformulation of coarse-graining
follows a data-driven, Bayesian paradigm
based on generative probabilistic models.
It builds upon: a) a coarse macroscopic
description, and b) a probabilistic lifting
operator, reconstructing micro configurations from coarse states. This affords a
more flexible definition of CG variables,
the rigorous quantification of uncertainties
associated with using limited training
data and various degrees of information
loss. Furthermore, it is capable of identifying sparse representations for the CG
potential which reveal qualitative, physical
features of the CG model.
(b) Proposed coarse-graining scheme
Continuum Mechanics Group
Reduced-order Modeling for Uncertainty Quantification
(a) True (reference) solution
manifold in three-dimensional
phase space.
(b) Mixture of local, reduced-basis identified from data.
Each color corresponds to a different reduced-basis
set associated with a particular subdomain of the input
Reduced-basis construction for
Kraichnan-Orszag nonlinear ODE
with parameters/inputs being the
initial conditions and time.
As the physical problems become more
complex and the mathematical models
more involved, current computational
methods prove increasingly inefficient,
especially in tasks requiring numerous
solutions as in uncertainty quantification.
In the latter case, the difficulty is further
amplified by the large number of input
parameters (random variables). This
project employing advanced, statistical
learning tools in order to develop probabilistic reduced-basis models. These consist
of mixtures of reduced-bases which can
be used to project the governing equations in order to obtain descriptions of
significantly lower dimension. The tools
developed can learn reduced-bases sets
from a limited number of full-scale runs
and can simultaneously partition the input
and output space so that different response
regimes can be computed as well as the
most important/sensitive inputs can be
Design in the Presence of Uncertainty
Topology optimization problem.
Deterministic (left) vs. Stochastic
(right) solutions. The stochastic
version accounts for random variability in the material properties
Continuum Mechanics Group
(a) Deterministic solution
(b) Stochastic solution (mean)
This project is concerned with a lesserstudied problem in the context of
model-based, uncertainty quantification
(UQ), that of optimization/design/control
under uncertainty. The solution of such
problems is hindered not only by the
usual difficulties encountered in UQ tasks
(e.g. the high computational cost of each
forward simulation, the large number of
random variables) but also by the need
to solve a nonlinear optimization problem involving large numbers of design
variables and potentially constraints. We
propose a framework that is suitable for
a class of such problems and is based
on the idea of recasting them as probabilistic inference tasks. To that end, we
developed a variational Bayesian (VB)
formulation and an iterative VB expectation maximization scheme that is capable
of identifying a local maximum as well as
a low-dimensional set of directions in the
design space, along which, the objective
exhibits the largest sensitivity. In cases
considered the cost of the computations
in terms of calls to the forward model was
of the order of 100 or less. The accuracy
of the approximations provided was
assessed by information-theoretic metrics.
Research Focus
n Uncertainty quantification
n Random media
n Multiscale formulations
n Bayesian inverse problems
n Design/optimization under uncertainty
Prof. Phaedon-Stelios Koutsourelakis,
Ph.D., Director
n Computer simulation
n Mathematical modeling of stochastic
Research Scientists
Dipl.-Ing. Isabell Franck
Markus Schoeberl, M.Sc.
Constantin Grigo, M.Sc. (Physics)
Maximilian Koschade, B.Sc.
Mariella Kast, B.Sc.
Lukas Koestler, B.Sc.
Maximilian Soepper, B.Sc.
n 256core HPC
Administrative Staff
Cigdem Filker
n Uncertainty Quantification in Mechanical Engineering (SS)
n Modeling in Structural Mechanics (WS)
n Atomistic Modeling of Materials (WS)
n Bayesian Strategies for Inverse Problems (SS)
n Journal Club Uncertainty Quantification
n Continuum Mechanics (WS)
n Uncertainty Modeling in Engineering
(SS) (Top Teaching Trophy 2014, 2015)
Publications 2014-15
n I. Franck, P.S. Koutsourelakis. Sparse Variational
Bayesian Approximations for Nonlinear Inverse
Problems: Applications in Nonlinear Elastography,
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
Engineering, in press 2015 (to appear Volume 299,
1 February 2016, pp. 215-244).
n P.S. Koutsourelakis. Variational Bayesian Strategies
for High-Dimensional, Stochastic Design Problems.
Journal of Computational Physics, accepted 2015
(in press).
n I. Franck, P.S. Koutsourelakis. Multimodal,
high-dimensional, model-based, Bayesian inverse
problems with applications in biomechanics, in
preparation arxiv
n I. Franck, Uncertainty Quantification for Nonlinear
Inverse Problems in High DDimensions. 2nd poster
award, 3rd ECCOMAS International Young Investigators Conference, Aachen, Germany (poster).
n M. Schoeberl. A Bayesian Approach to CoarseGraining. Predictive Multiscale Materials Modelling.
Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge. 2015 (poster).
n M. Schoeberl, N. Zabaras, P.S. Koutsourelakis.
Predictive Coarse-Graining. Predictive Multiscale
Materials Modelling. Isaac Newton Institute,
Cambridge. 2015 (presentation).
n I.Franck, P.S. Koutsourelakis. Variational Bayesian
Formulations for High-Dimensional Inverse
Problems. SIAM CSE 2015, Salt Lake USA. 2015
n P.S. Koutsourelakis. Variational Bayesian Strategies
for High-Dimensional, Stochastic Design Problems.
Big Data and Predictive Computational Modeling,
May 2015, Germany (presentation).
n M. Schoeberl, N. Zabaras, P.S. Koutsourelakis. Predictive Coarse-Graining. To be submitted to Journal
of Computational Physics 2015 (in preparation).
Continuum Mechanics Group
Systems Biotechnology Group
Model-based metabolic engineering for bacterial systems
n Systems Biotechnology combines methods from engineering sciences,
microbiology and computational sciences to improve biotechnological
processes. The available wet and dry laboratory space is extensively used
for applications in model-­based metabolic engineering.
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Andreas Kremling
Phone +
One of this year’s highlights was the
publication of a review in Trends in Microbiology, which describes mathematical
models that are able to reproduce diauxic
growth behavior in bacterial systems.
This behavior is a hallmark of bacterial
regulation and was first discovered by the
Nobel laureate J. Monod. These models
can be classified according to a number of
criteria as regulation dependent, resource
dependent, dynamic, or static.
Fundamentals for Experimental Analysis and
Mathematical Modeling of Cellular Networks
Regulation of transcriptional and biochemical processes in a bacterial cell
is essential for surviving in changing
environmental conditions and understanding of the events taking place is pivotal
for using bacteria in industrially interesting
applications. Research of the systems
biotechnology group targets different key
regulatory devices, like the phosphotrans-
Systems Biotechnology Group
Two members of our group successfully
applied for an add-on fellowship of 12k
Euros from the Joachim Herz Stiftung,
Hamburg, for interdisciplinary qualification. Furthermore, we launched the SBT
site on Facebook and have now reached
over 70 followers.
ferase system in Pseudomonas putida
or the ComRS two component system in
Streptococcus mutans. The experimental
information derived either in the group’s
own laboratory or by collaboration
partners gives rise to mathematic models
that contribute to a better understanding
of cellular processes.
Another research focus lies on the
establishment of a co-culture between
a photosynthetically active organism
extruding sugar molecules together with
heterotrophic organisms capable of producing industrially interesting compounds.
To this end a photobioreactor is employed
which allows cultivation and collection of a
vast amount of data used to describe the
population-based variations in the overall
n e:biofilm, BMBF e:Bio initiative; regulatory influence of the PTS on physiology
and biotechnological production with
P. putida, DFG
Metabolic Engineering of Halophiles:
Towards Halomonas elongata as Industrial Producer
The project focuses on ectoine production
by the halophilic bacterium Halomonas
elongata. The reasons for that choice are
not only the interest of ectoine as a novel
product for medicine and cosmetics but
also the potential of H. elongata for further
biotechnological applications. Ectoine
is a highly soluble organic molecule that
belongs to the group of compatible
solutes and is found as an osmotic agent
in a wide range of cell types and has also
been shown to stabilize and protect macromolecules in adverse conditions. The current applications of ectoine cover a wide
range of different fields like biomedicine,
cosmetics, support roles in analytic and
industrial processes and bioremediation.
n OPHELIA – optimization of Halomonas
elongate for industrial applications,
BMBF e:Bio initiative
Metabolic Engineering of Escherichia coli:
Combing Synthetic and Systems Biology
Escherichia coli is the organism of choice
for basic research in biotechnology due
to the possibility for genetic alterations
as well as its simple culture conditions. In
two projects together with experimental
partners from different places in Munich
and Germany, E. coli is used for the
production of chemical bulk components
or interesting precursors for medical
applications. Based on genome scale
mathematical models, optimal flux distri-
butions and optimal intervention strategies
are determined that makes the processes
more efficient.
n DynOpt – dynamic process optimization in biotechnology, BMBF, biotechnology 2020+ initiative; SysBioTerp
– innovative strategies for a sustainable
production of bioactive molecules,
BMBF, e:Bio initiative
Systems Biotechnology Group
Research Focus
n Mathematical modeling of cellular
n Model analysis
n Model-based metabolic engineering
n Experimental design
n Model library for different model
systems (metabolic modules, gene
expression modules, signaling
n Design space analysis
n Time hierarchy analysis
n Process design
n S1 – laboratory (allows work with
genetically modified strains)
n Photo-bio-reactor system
n Standard bio-reactor system
n Tecan reader
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Kremling, Director
Administrative Staff
Susanne Kuchenbaur
Research Scientists
Dr. Alberto Marin Sanguino
Dr. Katharina Pflüger-Grau
Dr. Dagmar Rother
Christiana Sehr, M.Sc.
Viktoria Kindzierski, M.Sc.
Sabine Wagner, M.Sc.
Hannes Löwe, M.Sc.
Miguel Valderrama, M.Sc.
Sayuri Hahl, M.Sc.
Technical Staff
Stefan Darchinger
(for Master ‘Industrial Biotechnology’,
n Applied Mathematics
n Modeling of Cellular Systems
n Analysis and Design of Cellular
n Optimization in Biotechnology
n Data Analysis and Statistical Models
n Exercises in Simulation Studies in
Publications 2014-15
n Heermann, R., Zigann, K., Gayer, S., RodriguezFernandez, M., Banga, J., Kremling, A. & Jung, K.:
Dynamics of an interactive network composed of a
bacterial two-component system, a transporter and
K+ as mediator. PLOS One 9: e89671 (2014).
n Pflüger-Grau, K. & de Lorenzo, V.: From the
phosphoenolpyruvate phosphotransferase system
(PTS) to selfish metabolism: a story retraced in
Pseudomonas putida. FEMS Microbiol Lett 356,
144-153 (2014).
n Wolf S., Pflüger-Grau K. & Kremling A.: Modeling
the Interplay of Pseudomonas putida EIIANtr with
the Potassium Transporter KdpFABC. Journal of
Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology 25,
178-194 (2015)
n Sehr, C., Kremling, A. & Marin-Sanguino, A.:
Design Principles as a Guide for Constraint Based
and Dynamic Modeling: Towards an Integrative
Workflow. Metabolites 5(4), 601-635 (2015)
Systems Biotechnology Group
n Deuschle, M., Limbrunner, S., Rother, D., Wahler,
S., Chavarría, M., de Lorenzo, V., Kremling, A. &
Pflüger-Grau, K.: Interplay of the PtsN (EIIANtr)
protein of Pseudomonas putida with its target
sensor kinase KdpD. Environmental Microbiology
Reports 7(6), 899-907(2015)
n Valderrama Gomez, M.A., Wagner, S.G. & Kremling,
A. Computer guided Metabolic Engineering. In
Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology Protocols,
Springer (2015)
n Kremling, A., Geiselmann, J., Ropers, D. & de Jong,
H.: Understanding carbon catabolite repression in
Escherichia coli using quantitative models. Trends
in Microbiology 23, 9-109 (2015)
Biomechanics Group
Mechanics and permeability of biological (hybrid-)materials
n The mission of the biomechanics group is to: new, to date unknown material properties of biopolymer
2.identify the microscopic principles that govern those material
properties (mechanics, permeability);
3.apply those principles to synthetic polymers to create biomimetic
materials for biomedical applications.
The studied biomaterials range from
very soft gels such as vitreous humor
and mucus to stiff tissues such as
cartilage. Accordingly, a broad variety of
characterization methods is used in the
Biomechanics Group. Biomedical questions addressed include tattoo removal,
prevention of microbial infection and
reduction of wear in osteoarthritis.
In our highly interdisciplinary projects, we
work together with chemists, pharmacists,
physicists and medical researchers to
generate, characterize and optimize existing and novel biopolymer-based materials
and to test their applicability for biomedical
or industrial purposes. Highlights in the
year 2015 were the development of a
molecular repair mechanism for damaged
mucins (the main components of e.g. saliva
and tears) and the successful transfer of
microbial mucus penetration strategies into
an artificial microswimmer system.
Prof. Dr. Oliver Lieleg
Phone +
Hydrogels as Protective Shields towards Infection
We aim at integrating purified mucinbiopolymers into other polymeric materials
to harness the anti-viral and anti-bacterial
properties of mucins. For this application,
the wound gel we are engineering needs
to possess well-tailored viscoelastic
properties. We also embed nanoparticles
for a controlled and prolonged release
of drugs that benefit the wound healing
process. In the long run, we aim at replac­
ing the biological component by (semi-)
synthetic polymers.
Wound gel on a skin lesion
n Dean’s Innovation Fond optimized
purification of anti-viral biopolymers
(mucin glycoproteins) from the mucosa
of pig stomachs
Biomechanics Group
Microfluidic Chips for Diffusion Studies
PDMS microchips are a versatile platform to study the behavior of fluids on
small dimensions. We aim at generating
microchip solutions to quantify diffusive
processes at the liquid/gel interface.
We also try to mimic complex biological
interfaces such as the bloodstream/
connective tissue. In collaboration with
medical researchers, we then compare the
results obtained from our tissue-on-chip
assays to in vivo data.
n SFB 1032 nanoagents in 3-dimensional
biopolymer hydrogels
Microfluidic chip
Material Properties of Bacterial Biofilms
around the prokaryotes. This community
of biopolymers and bacteria is referred
to as a biofilm and constitutes a severe
issue in industry and medicine. We aim
at quantifying the material properties of
bacterial biofilms which includes their
mechanics, self-mending abilities and
water-repellent surface properties to
develop new strategies for the removal of
biofilms from surfaces.
Morphology of a bacterial biofilm
Bacteria secrete a broad range of biopolymers which form a protective matrix
n SFB 863 mechanics of bacterial
n CeNS mechanisms of biofilm formation
Biotribology and Lubrication
In the framework of the IGSSE focus
area ‘Biomaterials’ we are studying the
mechanical and tribological properties of
native cartilage and cartilage substitutes.
By exploiting loss and gain of function
experiments, we aim to understand what
molecular components are responsible for
the outstanding mechanical properties of
cartilage and which lubricants minimize
friction and wear on articular cartilage
n Lubrication, recovery and ageing
in native cartilage and cartilage substitutes – LURACS
Biomechanics Group
Articular cartilage before and after rehydration
Research Focus
n Biological (hybrid-)materials
n Cartilage and cartilage surrogate
n Biological hydrogels as selective
diffusion barriers
n Material properties of bacterial biofilms
n Medical applications of nanoparticles
n Rheology, tribology
n Microfluidics, diffusion measurements
n Surface characterization
n Purification of antibacterial/antiviral
n Cell culture, microbiology
n Rheometer, tribometer
n Optical microscopes
n Profilometer
n Scanning electron microscope
n S1 laboratory (working permission for
genetically modified microorganisms of
biosafety level 1)
n Laboratory for cell culture
n Equipment for protein purification
n Microscopic Biomechanics
n Experimental Techniques for the
Characterization of Biomaterials
n Design Principles in Biomaterials
n Engineering Solutions for Biomedical
n Lab Course in Cell Cultivation Methods
n Biophysics Lab Course for Biochemistry Students
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Oliver Lieleg,
Group Leader
Administrative Staff
Iris König-Decker, Secretary
Technical Staff
Konstantinia Bidmon, Biolog.-Technical
Sabine Günzkofer, Lab Assistant
Research Scientists
Fabienna Arends, M.Sc.
Kathrin Boettcher, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Grumbein,
Benjamin Käsdorf, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Julia Nachtsheim
Constantin Nowald, M.Sc
Dr.-Ing. Marwa Tallawi
Publications 2015
n D. Walker, B. Käsdorf, O. Lieleg, and P. Fischer,
Enzymatically Active Biomimetic Micropropellers for
the Penetration of Mucin Gels, Science Advances,
accepted (2015)
n B. Käsdorf, F. Arends and O. Lieleg, Diffusion regulation in the vitreous humor, Biophysical Journal, in
print (2015)
n K. Boettcher; S. Kienle; J. Nachtsheim; R. Burgkart;
Th. Hugel and O. Lieleg, The structure and
mechanical properties of articular cartilage are
highly resilient towards transient dehydration, Acta
Biomaterialia, accepted (2015)
n T. Crouzier, K. Boettcher, A.R. Geonnotti, N.L.
Kavanaugh, J.B. Hirsch, K. Ribbeck, and O. Lieleg,
Modulating Mucin Hydration and Lubrication by
Deglycosilation and Polyethylene Glycol Binding,
Advanced Materials Interfaces, published online: (2015)
n S. Kienle, K. Boettcher, L. Wiegleb, J. Urban, R.
Burgkart, O. Lieleg and Th. Hugel, Comparison of
friction and wear of articular cartilage on different
length scales, Journal of Biomechanics, 48 (12)
3052-3058 (2015)
n F. Arends, S. Sellner, Ph. Seifert, U. Gerland, M.
Rehberg, O. Lieleg, A microfluidics approach to
study the accumulation of molecules at basal
lamina interfaces, Lab on a Chip, 15, 3326-3334
n M. Maier, K.W. Müller, C. Heussinger, S. Köhler,
W.A. Wall, A.R. Bausch, O. Lieleg, A single charge
in the actin binding domain of fascin can independently tune the linear and non-linear response of
an actin bundle network, The European Physical
Journal E, 38(5) 15050 (2015)
n F. Arends, C. Nowald, K. Pflieger, K. Boettcher, S.
Zahler and O. Lieleg, The biophysical properties
of basal lamina gels depend on the biochemical
composition of the gel, PlosOne, 10(2) e0118090
Biomechanics Group
Institute of Automotive Technology
Vehicle concepts – smart mobility – vehicle dynamics and control systems
– driver assistance and safety – electric vehicle components
n The Institute of Automotive Technology deals with all requirements of
mobility. All kinds of vehicle concepts are researched, with a particular
emphasis on electric mobility. Vehicles are not only considered as a whole
but components are also optimized, infrastructure is examined and users
are supported by driver assistance systems.
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Markus Lienkamp
The Institute of Automotive Technology
collaborates closely with partners from
industry to ensure that the research
addresses current needs and provides
both students and PhD students the
opportunity to have an easier start there.
Phone +
Participants of the conference WKM symposium
This cooperation is not only strengthened
in projects but also in various events. For
this reason, the so called ‘Forschungsfahrt’ was offered in March 2015, giving
industry professionals in-depth insights
into the main focuses of research at the
institute. In addition, the institute organizes both the annual Conference on Future
Automotive Technology, with a focus
on e-mobility, and the driver assistance
conference, which takes place every
two years in cooperation with TÜV SÜD.
Furthermore the travelling conference
WKM Symposium was held at the institute
in July 2015 addressing PhD students
both at university and in industry.
Vehicle Components
Vehicle test with the QuadRad
Institute of Automotive Technology
The research group of vehicle components
is concerned with all kinds of vehicles.
The requirements and target groups have
a wide range. While the institute particularly focuses on the comfort of the driver
in the field of trucks, safety plays a major
role in small and lightweight vehicles.
The department also operates in the field
of micro vehicles. A special vehicle for
individual transport was developed in
The so-called ‘QuadRad’ is a type of
bicycle with four wheels and electric
pedal assistance. The vehicle concept
is designed especially for commercial
applications. Research in the field of
courier services have shown, that the use
of electric cargo bikes is more economical
compared to cars and bikes. By using
a pedelec engine the annual mileage of
bicycles can be increased by a factor of
1.8. Thereby the higher vehicle costs can
be compensated effortlessly. With the
same mileage, an electric cargo bike is
more profitable than a car. Compared to a
conventional bicycle or a cargo tricycle the
QuadRad offers a large transport capacity,
with a significantly higher driving comfort
and simultaneously increased safety.
n Fast development of carbon composite
vehicle structures (BIWCFRP)
n Region-specific assessment and
selection of vehicle powertrain concepts
n Vehicle concept for Sub-Saharan-Africa
n Truck 2030 – TCO and emission optimized concept for high-cube transportation
n QuadRad (e-GAP)
E-mobility and Infrastructure
Live simulation of an electric vehicle using the smartphone app developed by the institute
The main problems of electric cars
today are the short range and the lack of
infrastructure for fast charging. Furthermore high battery costs lead to expensive
buying costs and make electric vehicles
less attractive compared to internal combustion engine cars. For these reasons the
institute focuses not only on components
of electric vehicles but also on fleet tests
with electric vehicles in order to analyse
the behaviour of different user groups.
Thereby the use of all means of transport
is included in the research activities and
therefore the whole mobility behaviour can
be recorded. The aim of these studies is
to discover the requirements on electric
vehicles for different target groups and
places as well as the requirements on the
necessary infrastructure.
Within the project VEM the mobility behavior of taxis and commercial vehicles
have been tracked with the help of smartphones. Based on a detailed mobility
analysis, the potential for an upcoming
electrification for various use-cases is
assessed. This includes a simulation of
both different electric vehicle concepts
and the needed charging infrastructure.
The proposed simulation model allows to
compare various scenarios in a short time,
with relatively little effort. This way the
optimal charging infrastructure configuration and the ideal battery size is specified.
All results are orientated to actual needs
that arise within different fields of application.
n Developments in the risk analysis of
electric vehicles
n Second life of lithium-ion vehicle
n Prediction of vehicle speed in combination with driver turns
n VEM – Virtual electric mobility focused
on taxi and commercial traffic in
Driving and Driver
Driver information and the driving task
itself is crucial with regards to safety. The
research in this area focuses on accident
prevention and avoidance, and integral
vehicle safety. Among other things, a
dynamic driving simulator is used in
order to carry out driving tests in a virtual
environment. Due to this simulation
environment the experiments are free from
external interference and can therefore be
reproduced exactly. In addition, the simulator enables a harmless representation
of critical traffic situations and extreme
driving manoeuvres. Thus, new systems
can be tested in realistic scenarios in
a very early, prototypical stage of the
Actual driver assistance systems are
mainly used on highways. They are highly
accepted by the drivers and mostly seen
as useful. Special challenges concerning
technical systems, coordination and
acceptance by the drivers are met in
urban traffic scenarios. As driving in an
urban scenario is nearly unpredictable,
and therefore not useful for explorative
studies, we integrated more simulators
(truck and car) in a network. Scenarios
were developed and tested without any
risk for others. Interactions of the urban
Institute of Automotive Technology
Dynamic driving simulator from
the inside perspective
traffic is only limited by the number of
driving simulators connected to the
Research Focus
n Vehicle concepts
n Smart mobility
n Driving dynamics
n Driver assistance
n Electric vehicle components
n Efficiency
n Human-vehicle interaction
n Teleoperated driving
n 3D Printer
n Dynamic driving simulator
n Mechanical and electrical workshop
n Dynamometer test rig
n Battery testing lab
n Hardware in the loop test stands
n Measurement of driving dynamics
n Mobile data capturing via smartphones
n Computing cluster
Institute of Automotive Technology
n Classification of damage risk under the
influence of advanced driver assistance
n Crash-compatibility of micro e-cars
n Driving simulator
n Specific risk of damage and influence
of driver assistance systems on insured
n Tele-operated driving
n UR:BAN – subproject HMI
n Modular product system for chassis
components of heavy-duty commercial
n Contributions for the validation of
simulation results
n Energy efficiency of active chassis
n Energy efficiency of passive chassis
n Basics of Motor Vehicle Construction
n Road Vehicles: Design and Simulation
n Dynamic of Passenger Cars
n Design of Electric Vehicles
n Technology of Motorcycles
n Race Rar Technology
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Lienkamp, Director
Dr.-Ing. Frank Diermeyer
Dr. Stefan Andreas Meyer
Adjunct Professors
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Heiden, BMW AG
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karl-Viktor Schaller
Dr.-Ing. Herbert Pfab, Liebherr GmbH
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Tropschuh, AUDI AG
Dr.-Ing. Lothar Wech, TÜV Süd Auto­
motive AG
Emeritus Professors
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Heißing
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Karl T. Renius
Apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Helmut Schwanghart
Administrative Staff
Gabriele Weigand
Norina Jerg
Research Scientists
Dipl.-Ing. Maria Kugler
Johannes Betz, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Benedikt Jäger
Dipl.-Ing. Moritz Hann
Dipl.-Ing. Manfred Klöppel
Dipl.-Ing. Jürgen Lohrer
Michael Wittmann, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Schickram
Jörn Adermann, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Baumann
Dipl.-Phys. Fabian Ebert
Dipl.-Ing. Lorenz Horlbeck
Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Kerler
Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Müller
Stephan Rohr, M.Sc.
Christoph Reiter, M.Sc.
Fengqi Chang, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Felix Römer
Dipl.-Ing. Philip Wacker
Dipl.-Ing. Patrick Stenner
Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Bender
Christian Angerer, M.Sc.
Matthias Felgenhauer, M.Sc.
Johannes Stocker, M.Sc.
Michael Fries, M.Sc.
Sascha Koberstaedt, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Sinning
Dipl.-Ing. Martin Soltes
Sophie Steinmaßl, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Maximilian Tschochner
Dipl.-Ing. Andrea Ficht
Thorsten Helfrich, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Simon Schmeiler
Michael Schmidt, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Schultze
Daniel Wagner, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas M. Wenzelis
Thomas Zehelein, M. Sc.
Dipl.-Ing Lydia Gauerhof
Philip Feig, M.Sc.
Natalie Richardson, M.Sc.
Julian Schatz, M.Sc.
Amin Hosseini, M.Sc.
Emad Sadeghipour, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Medieninf. Sonja Stockert
Johannes Wallner,
David Wittmann, M.Sc.
Technical Staff
Günter Anthuber
Nina Julius
Anna Kröckel
Alexa Wawra, M.A.
Stefan Dichtl
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Florian Biechl
Alexander Suckow
Erwin Darnhofer
Peter Seidinger
Michael König
Nelson Vogel
Institute of Automotive Technology
Publications 2015
n Betz, Johannes, Lienkamp, Markus; Development of
a Method for Smart Integration of Electric Vehicles
to Commercial Companies. WKM Symposium 2015,
n Betz, Johannes, Dominick Werner, Markus Lienkamp; Fleet Management Optimization to maximize
Utilization of Battery Electric Vehicles in Companies
with local Energy Generation. mobil.TUM 2016
n Dirnhofer, Tobias; Integrale Nutzung von
Pre-Crash-Sensorik zur Ansteuerung frontaler
Rückhaltesysteme im Fahrzeug – Möglichkeiten und
Grenzen. Munich, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2015
n Eckl, Richard, P. Wacker, A. Bullejos, J. Schlurmann,
P. Micek, R. Sennefelder, M. Lienkamp; Potential
evaluation of e-traction systems using active battery
switching. CoFAT 2015
n Feig, Philip, Klaus Gschwendtner, Markus
Lienkamp; Evaluierung des Beschädigungsrisikos
von Fahrzeugen im Bereich von Sachschäden.
7. Tagung Fahrerassistenz
n Feig, Philip, Gwschwendtner, Klaus; Schatz, Julian;
Lienkamp, Markus; Vehicle Damage Risk Evaluation
in Low Speed Accidents. 7. Tagung Fahrerassistenz
n Ficht, Andrea, Lienkamp, M.; Rolling resistance
modeling for electric vehicle consumption. Proc.
6th International Munich Chassis Symposium 2015,
775-798, DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-09711-0_49
n Ficht, Andrea, Schultze, Andreas; Streubel, Patrick;
Lienkamp, Markus; Verbrauchssimulation für ein
Elektrokleinfahrzeug zur Analyse von Reifenverlusten. Reifen Fahrbahn Fahrwerk 2015
n Fries, Michael, Michael Sinning, Prof. Markus Lienkamp; Virtual Combination of Commercial Vehicle
Modules (Virtual Truck) for Characterization of Future
Concepts. CoFAT 2015
n Fries, Michael, Sinning, Michael; Lienkamp Markus;
Virtual Truck – Eine Methodik zur kundenorientierten
Fahrzeugoptimierung. 4. Internationales Commercial Vehicle Technology Symposium Kaiserslautern
n Gauerhof, Lydia, Kürzl, Alexander; Lienkamp, Markus; An Approach towards the Interaction between
Automated and Manually Driven Cars. 7. Tagung
n Gnatzig, Sebastian; Trajektorienbasierte Teleoperation von Straßenfahrzeugen auf Basis eines
Shared-Control-Ansatzes. Munich, Techn. Univ.,
Diss., 2015
n Gschwendtner, Klaus, Kiss, M., Lienkamp, M;
Prospective estimation of the effectiveness of driver
assistance systems in property damage accidents.
Enhances Safety of Vehicles (ESV), Göteborg
n Gschwendtner, Klaus; Sachschadenanalyse zur
Potenzialermittlung von Fahrerassistenzsystemen –
von der Unfalltypen-Erweiterung zum Kundenwert.
n Hammer, Martin; Safety Potential Analysis of
18650 Lithium-Ion Cells. COFAT 2015, Fürstenfeldbruck
n Helfrich, Thorsten, Lienkamp, Markus; Potentiale
zur Steigerung der Rekuperation durch aktive
Fahrwerkssysteme. Reifen Fahrbahn Fahrwerk 2015
n Hierlinger, Thomas, Johann Unger, Thomas Unselt,
Markus Lienkamp; Potential of a pre-crash lateral
occupant movement in side collisions of (electric)
mini cars. Int. Techn. Conf. Enhanced Safety of
Vehicles ESV, Göteborg. Traffic Inj Prev. 2015
Jun;16 Suppl 1:S153-158.
n Hierlinger, Thomas; Evaluation der lateralen
Pre-Crash-Insassenverschiebung im Seitenaufprall
von leichten Elektrofahrzeugen. Munich, Techn.
Univ., Diss., 2015
Institute of Automotive Technology
n Hosseini, Amin, Florian Richthammer, Markus
Lienkamp; Predictive Haptic Feedback for
Multimodal Control of Teleoperated Road Vehicles.
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference
2015, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria,
n Hosseini, Amin, Markus Lienkamp; Methoden zur
präzisen und sicheren Steuerung von teleoperierten
Straßenfahrzeugen in innerstädtischen Umgebungen. 7. Tagung Fahrerassistenz München
n Hosseini, Amin, Florian Richthammer, Markus
Lienkamp; Predictive Haptic Feedback for Precise
Lateral Control of Teleoperated Road Vehicles in
Urban Areas. IEEE ICRA 2016 – The International
Conference on Robotics and Automation
n Hosseini, Amin, Prof. Markus Lienkamp; ‘Fahrerassistenzsysteme zur präzisen und sicheren
Steuerung von teleoperierten Straßenfahrzeugen
in innerstädtischen Umgebungen’. 7. Tagung
n Jäger, Benedikt, Wittmann, Michael; Lienkamp,
Markus; Agent-based Modeling and Simulation of
Taxi Fleets . WKM Symposium 2015, TUM
n Jäger, Benedikt, Michael, Wittmann; Modeling a
cities’ spatio-temporal taxi supply and demand: A
Case Study for Munich. EVS 29
n Jörn Adermann, Philip Wacker, Markus Lienkamp;
Alternative Methoden zur Detektion der Degeneration von Antriebsstrangkomponenten. CoFAT2016
n Kerler, Matthias, M. Lienkamp; A method to define
the thermal optimum cell size. CoFAT 2015
n Kern, Daniela, Komplexitätsbeherrschung im
Stillstandsmanagement. Munich, Techn. Univ.,
Diss., 2015
n Killian, Daniel, Stefan Fischer, M.Sc.; Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Markus Lienkamp; Dr.-Ing. Ralf Schwarz; Combined
control strategy of combustion engine and brake
system for enhancing driving dynamics and traction
of front driven vehicles. Proc. 6th International
Munich Chassis Symposium 2015, 629-645, DOI
n Killian, Daniel, Jean-Michael Georg, Markus
Lienkamp, Stephan Poltersdorf; Model based
traction control with friction adaption for preventing
drivetrain vibration during power-hop acceleration process of front-wheel-drive vehicles. 24th
International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles
on Roads and Tracks (IAVSD), Graz 2015
n Kugler, Maria, Lienkamp, Markus; Development of
a Mobility Demand Model for Private Usage under
Non-Urban Conditions. 20th European Conference
on Mobility Management – ECOMM 2016
n Kugler, Maria, Lienkamp, Markus; Parametric
Evaluation of the Emission Savings Potential based
on a Mobility Demand Model. 24th International
Conference on Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Air Pollution
n Lohrer, Jürgen, Hans-Peter Huber (Student), Dr.
Jens Hutzschenreuther (ThinxNet), Markus Lienkamp; Potentialanalyse von innovativen Diensten
für vernetzte Fahrzeuge. ZfAW, Zeitschrift für die
gesamte Wertschöpfungskette der Automobilwirtschaft
n Lohrer, Jürgen, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Lienkamp;
Building Representative Velocity Profiles using
FastDTW and Spectral Clustering. Intelligent Transportation Systems Telecommunications (ITST-2015)
n Lohrer, Jürgen, Lienkamp, Markus; ‘An Approach
for Predicting Vehicle Velocity in Combination with
Driver Turns’. WKM Symposium 2015, TUM
n López Hidalgo, Pablo, Ostendorp, Max
Lienkamp, Markus; Optimizing the Charging
Station Placement under Consideration of the User
Charging Behavior . EnergyCom 2016
n López Hidalgo, Pablo, Trippe, Annette E.
Hamacher, Thomas Lienkamp, Markus; Mobility
Model for the Estimation of the Spatiotemporal
Energy Demand of Battery Electric Vehicles in
Singapore. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems
Conference 2015
n Lutz, Diermeyer, Lienkamp; Rechtliche Aspekte
beim (hoch)automatisierten und teleoperierten
Fahren. ATZextra 7-2015
n Mardalizad, Aria, Emad Sadeghipour, Markus
Lienkamp; Development of a Tool for Automatic
Calibration of Material Models in LS-DYNA. 10th
European LS-DYNA Conference 2015, Würzburg,
n Matz, Stefan; Nutzerorientierte Fahrzeugkonzeptoptimierung in einer multimodalen Verkehrsumgebung. Munich, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2015
n Müller, Marcus, Alexander Zeh, Stephan Rohr, Dr.
Holger Hesse, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf Witzmann, Prof.
Dr.-Ing. Markus Lienkamp; Evaluation of the aging
behaviour of stationary lithium ion battery storage
systems for different photovoltaic-driven applications in the distrubution grid. PVSEC, Hamburg
n Müller, Stefan Matthias, Stephan Rohr, Carsten
Reinkemeyer, Markus Lienkamp; Manipulation of
electric vehicles – Impact on the electrical energy
storage. CoFAT 2015
n Müller, Stefan Matthias, Carsten Reinkemeyer, Markus Lienkamp; Ermittlung von Manipulationsmöglichkeiten bei Elektrofahrzeugen und resultierende
Chancen im Bereich der Security. VDI Automotive
Security, Wolfsburg
n Richardson, Natalie, Michael Sinning, Michael
Fries, Sonja Stockert, Markus Lienkamp; Highly
automated truck driving – how can drivers safely
perform sport exercises on the go? Automotive
User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, Nottingham, UK
n Sadeghipour, Emad, R. Ciardiello, M. Fischer, F.
Duddeck., M. Lienkamp; Critical review of the
current assessment approaches for frontal crash
compatibility regarding the evaluation of structural
interaction. International Technical Conference on
the Enhanced Safety of the Vehicles, Göteborg,
Schweden, 8-11 June 2015
n Sadeghipour, Emad, Wehrle, Erich Josef; Lienkamp,
Markus; An Approach for Development and Validation of Generic Simulation Models for Crash-Compatibility Investigations. SAE 2016 World Congress
n Sadeghipour, Emad, Bilic, Anito; Lienkamp, Markus;
Proposal of a Fundamental Definition for Crash
Compatibility. VDI Fahrzeugsicherheit
n Sadeghipour, Emad, Benedikt Danquah, Markus
Lienkamp; Acceleration-Based Prediction of
Compartment Intrusions in Frontal Impacts. crash.
tech 2016
n Sadeghipour, Emad, Benedikt Danquah, Markus
Lienkamp; Acceleration-Based Criterion for
Intrusions in Frontal Impacts. IRCOBI 2016
n Schmeiler, Simon, Lienkamp, Markus; Application
of stochastic modeling and simulation of vehicle
system dynamics. ChassisTech 2016
n Schultze, Andreas, Lienkamp, M.; Suspension
Design of the Visio.M Electric Research Vehicle.
Proc. 6th International Munich Chassis Symposium
2015, 79-94, DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-09711-0_8
n Schultze, Andreas, Marcus Hauck M.Sc.,
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Lienkamp; ‘Fahrzykluserzeugung mit Quer- und Längsdynamik zur Analyse der
Energieeffizienz im Fahrwerk.’ 16. Internationalen
Stuttgarter Symposium
n Schultze, Andreas, Lienkamp, Markus; Potential of
an Improved Energy Efficiency in the Chassis. WKM
Symposium 2015, TUM
n Stefan Matthias Müller, Johannes Geiger, Matthias
Werner, Carsten Reinkemeyer, Markus Lienkamp;
Ermittlung von Manipulationsmöglichkeiten bei
Elektrofahrzeugen und resultierende Chancen im
Bereich der Security. VDI Automotive Security
n Steinmaßl, Sophie, Korbinian Müller, Markus
Lienkamp; QuadRad – Muscle-Electrically Powered
Vehicles. Proc. ‘Innovations for Energy Systems,
Mobility, Buildings and Materials’ 5th Colloquium of
the Munich School of Engineering, p. 76
n Steinmaßl, Sophie, Daniel Meyer, Markus Lienkamp;
QuadRad. Modellregion Elektromobilität Bayern
– Statusseminar zum Förderprogramm. Abschlussveranstaltung e-GAP
n Stenner, Patrick, Markus Lienkamp; Visio.M – Light
vehicle concept for urban electric mobility. Proc.
‘Innovations for Energy Systems, Mobility, Buildings
and Materials’ 5th Colloquium of the Munich School
of Engineering, p. 12
n Stenner, Patrick, Vitzthum, Lienkamp; Design of
a user profile adapted full-vehicle test program of
electric vehicles. WKM Symposium 2015, TUM
n Stockert, Sonja, Natalie Tara Richardson; Driving
in an increasingly automated world – approaches
to improve the driver-automation interaction. 3rd
International Conference on Human Factors in
Transportation (findet statt im Rahmen von: 6th
International Conference on Applied Human Factors
and Ergonomics), Las Vegas, USA
n Stockert, Sonja, Weise, Sigrun; Michel, Britta;
Zimmermann, Andreas; Lienkamp, Markus; Driver’s
information needs to supervise an automated fuel
efficient longitudinal vehicle control. AHFE 2016
n Tang, Tito; Methods for improving the control of
teleoperated vehicles. Munich, Techn. Univ., Diss.,
n Till, Zhi; Markt- und kundenorientierte Entwicklung
von elektrifizierten Fahrzeugen für den Markt China.
Munich, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2015
n Tschochner, Maximilian, Erik Wilhelm, Markus
Lienkamp; Generation, Assessment, and Optimization of Early-Phase Vehicle Powertrain Concepts.
Electric Vehicles Symposium 2016
n Tschochner, Maximilian, Erik Wilhelm, Markus
Lienkamp; Comparative Assessment and Optimization of Vehicle Powertrain Concepts in the Early
Development Phase. Grazer Symposium Virtuelles
n Wacker, Philip, Adermann, Jörn; Wirkungsgradoptimierung im elektrischen Antriebsstrang mittels
aktiver Batteriepackverschaltung. CoFAT2016
n Wallner, Johannes, Sebastian Engel, Frank Diermeyer, Markus Lienkamp; Big Data zur prädiktiven
Sicherheitserhöhung in Fahrzeugen. 7. Tagung
n Wenzelis, Andreas, Schwarz, R., Lienkamp, M.;
Optimized roll behavior and ride comfort based on
central roll torque distribution on electromechanical
anti-roll bars and semiactive dampers and approaches on subjective-objective correlation. 24th
International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles
on Roads and Tracks (IAVSD), Graz 2015
n Wenzelis, Andreas, Schwarz, R., Lienkamp, M.;
Beiträge zur Objektivierung der Wankdynamik
eines Fahrzeugs mit aktiven Fahrwerkssystemen.
VDI-Tagung Reifen-Fahrwerk-Fahrwerk 2015
n Wittmann, David, Cheng Wang, Markus Lienkamp;
‘Definition and identification of system boundaries
of highly automated driving’. 7. Tagung Fahrer­
assistenz München
Institute of Automotive Technology
Institute of Product Development
Processes, methods and tools for developers of technical products
n The focus of the institute in the last two years is represented by the five
focused research fields.
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Udo Lindemann
Phone +
Most projects are situated in the field
of innovation & creativity. Together with
industrial partners, the institute works on
topics like user experience, bio-mimetics
and open innovation (represented in three
The institute has a long tradition in the
field of systems engineering and engineering design processes: In this field, the
institute works on four projects within the
Collaborative Research Centre SFB 768
and on several projects in collaboration
with large companies as well as small and
medium enterprises (SMEs).
Knowledge and approaches from systems
engineering are also transferred to the
research field of knowledge management.
Facing the challenge of the huge amount
of employees carrying knowledge for
fulfilling tasks, the structural complexity
approach helps handling these domains
and deriving measures.
Finally, projects on the topic of cost
management deal with the challenge of
early determination, but least causing of
Innovation & Creativity
environment. Research helps to develop
sustainable product architectures, find
new ideas using methodologies of the
Open Innovation toolbox and implements
new organizational models following the
principles of Open Organization.
Column model of opening strategies
Institute of Product Development
The current research activities of the
Institute of Product Development in the
field of innovation and creativity aim at
the integration of relevant knowledge from
various disciplines of product development. The institute mainly refines design
methodologies and adapts processes in
An essential component of research
are applications within an industrial
n DFG project – KomBi: Communication
platform bio-inspired design
n KME project – SME specific application
of outside-in open innovation
n Industry project – Applying TRIZ within
the product development process
around braking sensory
n BMWi project – InnoCyFer: Integrated
design and fabrication of customer
individualized products in cyber physical manufacturing systems
n BMBF project – RAKOON: Progress by
active collaboration in open organisations
n BMBF project – Web 2.0-based cluster
management for MAI carbon
n PE seminar – BSH and Motius
Systems Engineering
The Institute of Product Development
has a long tradition in integrated product
development. In recent years, research
activities of systems engineering were
performed to react on the increasing interdisciplinarity of product development and
to benefit from synergies. Research focus
of the department is the development of
product architectures as an important
link between requirements analysis
and design of individual components.
Methodologically seen, the institute mainly
works based on the approach of structural
complexity management.
A major result in this field is the developed
guideline for a market-oriented top-down
modularization tailored to machine and
plant engineering.
n DFG SFB project A10 – Analyzing the
dynamics of cyclic interactions in PSS
n Industry project – Development of a
market-driven system and product
strategy for brake control systems
Market-oriented top-down
n DFG SFB project T1 – Methodology
for creating cycle-robust module and
platform strategie
n KME project – A2TEMP
n Industry project – Implementation of a
modularization strategy
Development process of
mechatronic products
Engineering Design Processes
Research activities on engineering design
processes focus on the development
of efficient procedures for the design of
complex technical products and product service systems (PSS). The most
important premise when analyzing and
improving processes is the company- and
situation-specific support of developers.
In particular, the underlying product
structure, the organizational conditions
and the dynamics of internal and external
factors for a targeted design process are
taken into account.
n DFG SFB project A2 – Modeling and
evaluating development relationships
across disciplines
n DFG SFB project B1 – Cycle-oriented
planning and coordination of development processes
n DFG SFB project C2 – Lifecycle-driven
decision methodology in productservice system planning
Institute of Product Development
Knowledge Transfer & Management
right employees. Due to the increasing
flow of information and growing amount
of unstructured data, this often is an
unmanageable challenge. The institute
faces this challenge with approaches from
system engineering.
Knowledge flows in product
development and application
In addition to knowledge transfer between employees and the maintenance
of knowledge portfolios, the research
focus in this field is making existing
knowledge of proven solutions available.
A key factor for successful product
development is providing the information
on best practices within the company and
across companies at the right time to the
n BFS project FORPRO2 – Methodolo­gical toolkit for systematic evaluation
of design solutions
n BFS project FORPRO2 – Processoriented requirements in simulation
n KME project – Systematic development
of a company’s knowledge
n BMBF project – ConImit: Protection
against product piracy
n DFG project – Knowledge development
Cost Management
In the area of cost management, the early
phases of the product life cycle, the cost
responsibility of designers and the necessary cooperation between various internal
departments and external corporate
points are emphasized. Designers and
engineers are supported by the research
activities of the department for product
development in various areas. Thus,
methods and tools are designed to enable
cost estimates during early phases of
product development and to make them
thorough and reliable.
Cost analysis and optimization
Institute of Product Development
n DFG project – IVE: Cost analysis and
optimization of mechatronic products
by evaluating and designing product
n BMWi/FVA project: – AIDA: Estimation
of indirect costs in drive technology
Research Focus
n Innovation & creativity
n Systems engineering
n Engineering design processes
n Knowledge transfer & management
n Cost management
n Structured, analytical approach
n Support holistic understanding
n Manage structural complexity
n Methods in engineering design
n Cost optimization in engineering design
n Process pragmatism
n Precision engineering workshop
n Innovation lab for student projects with
3D printer
n Product Design and Development
n Methods of Product Development
n Management of Product Development
n Cost Management in Product Development
n Complexity Management for Industrial
n Management of Business Strategies
Lectures in Collaboration with Further
n Basics of Engineering Design and
Production Systems
n Modeling and Simulation
n Quality Management
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Lindemann, Director
Dr.-Ing. Markus Mörtl
em. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Ehrlenspiel,
Adjunct Professors
Prof. PD Dr. Werner Seidenschwarz
Administrative Staff
Edith Marquard-Schmitt
Brigitte Erhardt
Katja Zajicek
Eva Körner
Robert Weiß
Christian Adlberger
Michael Riedl
Research Scientists
Lucia Becerril, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Annette Böhmer
Dipl.-Ing. Cristina Carro Saavedra
Dipl.-Ing. Nepomuk Chucholowski
Dr. Hugo D’Albert
Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Gürtler
Dipl.-Ing. Helena Hashemi Farzaneh
Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Hollauer
Maik Holle, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Kammerl
Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Kasperek
Niklas Kattner, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Simon Kremer
Dipl.-Chem. Alexander Lang
Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Maisenbacher
Dipl.-Ing. Ioanna Michailidou
Christopher Münzberg, M.Sc.
Dr. Mayada Omer
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Roth
Dipl.-Ing. Lisa Schmid
Dipl.-Ing. Danilo Schmidt
Dipl.-Ing. Christian Schmied
Sebastian Schweigert, M.Sc.
Dominik Weidmann, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Martina Wickel
Julian Wilberg, M.Sc.
Institute of Product Development
Publications 2015
n Allaverdi, D., Herberg, A., & Lindemann, U. (2015).
Identifying Flexible Design Opportunities: Getting
From a Procedural to an Execution Model. In 20th
International Conference on Engineering Design
(ICED15) (pp. 91–102). Milan, Italy: The Design
n Bauer, W., Bosch, P., Chucholowski, N., Elezi, F.,
Maisenbacher, S., Lindemann, U., & Maurer, M.
(2015). Complexity Costs Evaluation in Product
Families by Incorporating Change Propagation. In
IEEE (Ed.), 9th Annual IEEE International Systems
Conference (pp. 37–43). Vancouver, Kanada: IEEE.
n Bauer, W., Chucholowski, N., Lindemann, U.,
& Maurer, M. (2014). Domain-Spanning Change Propagation in Changing Technical Systems. In M.-A.
Cardin, D. Krob, P. C. Lui, Y. H. Tan, & K. Wood
(Eds.), First Asia-Pacific Conference on Complex
Systems Design & Management (CSD&M Asia
2014) (pp. 111–123). Singapore: Springer. Retrieved
n Bauer, W., Elezi, F., Roth, M., & Maurer, M. (2015).
Determination of the Required Product Platform
Flexibility from a Change Perspective. In 2015 9th
Annual IEEE International Systems Conference
(SysCon) (pp. 20–26). Vancouver, BC, Canada:
n Behncke, F. G. H., Kayser, L., & Lindemann, U.
(2015). Matching Product Architecture and Supply
Network – Systematic Review and Future Research.
In 20th International Conference on Engineering
Design (ICED15). Milan, Italy: The Design Society.
n Behncke, F. G. H., Thimet, P., Barton, B., &
Lindemann, U. (2015). Influence of Design-for-X
Guidelines on the Matching between the Product
Architecture and Supply Networks. In 20th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED15).
Milan, Italy: Milan, Italy: The Design Society.
n Böhmer, A. I., & Lindemann, U. (2015). Open
Innovation Ecosystem: Towards Collaborative
Innovation. In 20th International Conference on
Engineering Design (ICED15). Milan, Italy: The
Design Society.
n Böhmer, A., Zöllner, A., Kuhl, E., & Lindemann, U.
(2014). Towards an Instrumented Tissue Expander.
In P. Ahmed k, R. Jiao, P.-L. Teh, & M. Xie (Eds.),
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE – International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering
Management (p. 14). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: IEEE.
n Browning, T. R., Eppinger, S. D., Schmidt, D. M., &
Lindemann, U. (Eds.) 2015. Modeling and managing
complex systems: Carl Hanser Verlag.
n Carro Saavedra, C., & Lindemann, U. (2015).
Increasing the amount of knowledge reuse from
engineering design repositories. In Doctoral
Consortium of 7th International Joint Conference on
Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and
Knowledge Management (DC3K 2015) (pp. 21–30).
Lisbon, Portugal.
n Carro Saavedra, C., Fernandez Miguel, &
Lindemann, U. (2015). A worker-centered-model
to understand the factors influencing knowledge
application. In 11th International Conference on
Knowledge Management (ICKM 2015). Osaka,
n d’Albert H., Venkataraman S., Omer M. (2015).
Application of System Dynamics for Modeling
Product-Service Systems. In ICETA 2015. Taipeh,
Institute of Product Development
n d’Albert, H., Carro Saavedra, C., & Lindemann, U.
(2015). Elicitation of Requirements for a knowledge-based Framework in Product Development
Process. In 11th International Conference on
Knowledge Management (ICKM2015). Osaka,
n d’Albert, H., Carro Saavedra, C., & Maurer Maik
(2015). Business Knowledge Development using
Knowledge Maps. In International Conference on
Business and Internet – Fall Session (ICBI 2015Fall). Nagoya, Japan.
n Großmann, D. J., Kasperek, D., Stahl, B., Lohmann,
B., & Maurer, M. (2015). Supporting PSS Innovation
Processes by an Integrating Model Grid. In X.
Boucher & D. Brissaud (Eds.), 7th Industrial Product-Service Systems Conference – PSS, industry
transformation for sustainability and business.
Saint-Étienne, France: Elsevier.
n Guertler, M. R., Fleischer, S., & Lindemann, U.
(2015). Structural Analysis for Assessing and
Managing Risks in Open Innovation. In Stuttgarter
Symposium für Produktentwicklung. Stuttgart.
n Guertler, M. R., Saucken, C. von, Schneider,
M., & Lindemann, U. (2015). How to search for
Open Innovation partners? In 20th International
Conference on Engineering Design (ICED15) (Vol. 8:
Innovation and Creativity, pp. 21–30). Milan, Italy:
The Design Society.
n Guertler, M. R., Saucken, C. von, Tesch, A.-T.,
Damerau, T., & Lindemann, U. (2015). Systematic
selection of suitable Open Innovation methods. In
E. Huizingh, M. Torkkeli, S. Conn, & I. Bitran (Eds.),
The XXVI ISPIM Innovation Conference 2015.
n Guertler, M. R., Schaefer, S., Lipps, J., Stahl, S.,
& Lindemann, U. (2015). Archaeonics – How to
use archaeological solutions for modern product
development. In Design Society (Ed.), Proceedings
of the 20th International Conference on Engineering
Design (ICED15) (Vol. 1: Design for Life, pp. 65–76).
Milan, Italy.
n Guertler, M. R., Schaefer, S., Lipps, J., Stahl, S.,
& Lindemann, U. (2015). Archaeonics – How to
use archaeological solutions for modern product
development. In 20th International Conference on
Engineering Design (ICED15) (Vol. 1: Design for Life,
pp. 65–76). Milan, Italy: The Design Society.
n Guertler, M. R., Wiedemann, F., & Lindemann,
U. (2015). The relevance of stakeholder analysis
for Open Innovation. In The R&D Management
Conference 2015. Pisa.
n Hashemi Farzaneh, H., Helms, M. K., & Lindemann,
U. (2015). Influence of information and knowledge
from biology on the variety of technical solution
ideas. In C. Weber, S. Husung, G. Cascini, M. Cantamessa, D. Marjanovic, M. Bordegoni, V. Srinivasan
(Eds.), International Conference on engineering
Design, ICED15. Milan, Italy: Design Society.
n Hashemi Farzaneh, H., Helms, M. K., & Lindemann,
U. (2015). Visual representations as a bridge for
engineers and biologists in bio-inspired design
collaborations. In C. Weber, S. Husung, G. Cascini,
M. Cantamessa, D. Marjanovic, M. Bordegoni,
V. Srinivasan (Eds.), International Conference on
engineering Design, ICED15. Milan, Italy: Design
n Hollauer, C., Venkataraman, S., & Omer, M. (2015).
A Model to describe use phase of socio-technical
sphere of product-service systems. In 20th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED15).
Milan, Italy: The Design Society.
n Hollauer, C., Wilberg, J., Maisenbacher, S., &
Omer, M. (2015). Towards a meta-model for the
description of the sociotechnical perspective on
Product-Service Systems. In X. Boucher & D.
Brissaud (Eds.), 7th Industrial Product-Service
Systems Conference – PSS, industry transformation
for sustainability and business (p. 6). Saint-Étienne,
France: Elsevier.
n Holle, M., Maisenbacher, S., & Lindemann, U.
(2015). Design for Open Innovation – Individualization-Oriented Product Architecture Planning.
In IEEE (Ed.), 2015 9th Annual IEEE International
Systems Conference (SysCon 2015) (pp. 397–402).
Vancouver, Canada.
n Kammerl, D., & Bauer, Wolfgang, Mörtl, Markus
(2014). Identifikation der Informationsflüsse
zwischen Produkt- und Produktionstechnologieplanung. In J. Gausemeier (Ed.), 10. Symposium für
Vorausschau und Technologieplanung. Berlin.
n Kammerl, D., Enseleit, M., Orawski, R., & Mörtl, M.
(2014). Depicting Product-Service Systems in the
early phase of the product development. In IEEE
International Conference on Industrial Engineering
and Engineering Management. Kuala Lumpur,
n Kammerl, D., Malaschewski, O., Schenkl, S. A.,
& Mörtl, M. (2015). Decision uncertainties in the
planning of Product-Service System portfolios. In
Amaresh Chakrabarti (Ed.), ICoRD’15 – Research
into Design Across Boundaries Volume 2 (pp.
39–48). Bangalore, India: Springer.
n Kammerl, D., Schockenhoff, D., Hollauer, C.,
Weidmann, D., & Lindemann, U. (2015). A Framework for Sustainable Product Development. In M.
Matsumoto, K. Masui, S. Fukushige, & S. Kondoh
(Eds.), EcoDesign 2015 – Sustainability Through
lnnovation in Product Life Cycle Design. Tokio,
Japan: Springer.
n Kasperek, D., Berger, S., Maisenbacher, S.,
Lindemann, U., & Maurer, M. (2015). Structurebased System Dynamics Analysis – A Case Study
of Benchmarking Process Optimization. In 20th
International Conference on Engineering Design
(ICED15). Milan, Italy: The Design Society.
n Kasperek, D., Bermond, L., Zaggl, M. A., Raasch,
C., & Maurer, M. S. (2015). Structure-based System
Dynamics Analysis – A Case Study of Line Process
Optimization. In IEEE (Ed.), 2015 IEEE International
Systems Conference (SysCon 2015). Vancouver,
BC, Canada: IEEE.
n Kasperek, D., Lichtenberg, C., Hollauer, C., Omer,
M., & Maurer, M. S. (2015). Structure-based
System Dynamics Analysis of Engineering Design
Processes – A case study. In IEEE (Ed.), 2015 IEEE
International Systems Conference (SysCon 2015).
Vancouver, BC, Canada: IEEE.
n Kasperek, D., Maisenbacher, S., Kohn, A.,
Lindemann, U., & Maurer, M. (2015). Increasing the
reproducibility of structural modelling. Journal of
Engineering Design, 27. doi:10.1080/09544828.201
n Kasperek, D., Roth, M., Lozano, C., & Lindemann,
U. (2015). Ein Leitfaden zur marktorientierten
top-down Modularisierung im Maschinen- und
Anlagenbau. In S.-O. Schulze & C. Muggeo (Eds.),
Tag des Systems Engineering 2015 (pp. 377–386).
Ulm: Carl Hanser.
n Kosiol, M., Böhmer, A. I., & Lindemann, U. (2015).
Case Study: Individualization of a fully automated
coffee machine. In 20th International Conference
on Engineering Design (ICED15). Milan, Italy: The
Design Society.
n Kremer, S., & Lindemann, U. (2015). A Framework
for Understanding, Communicating and Evaluating
User Experience Potentials. In 20th International
Conference on Engineering Design (ICED15) (pp.
S.517-527). Milan, Italy: The Design Society.
n Kremer, S., & Lindemann, U. (2015). Learning from
Experience Oriented Disciplines for User Experience Design – A Research Agenda. In Design,
User Experience, and Usability: Design Discourse
(pp. S.306-314). Los Angeles, USA: Springer
International Publishing.
n Kremer, S., Hoffmann, A., & Lindemann, U. (2015).
Transferring Approaches from Experience Oriented
Disciplines to User Experience Design: The ExodUX
Model. In V. Popovic, A. Blackler, & B. Kraal (Eds.),
iasdr 2015 interplay, Proceedings (pp. 1163–1175).
Brisbane, Australien: International Association of
Societies of Design Research (IASDR).
n Lachner, F., Saucken, C. von, Müller, F., & Lindemann, U. (2015). Cross-Cultural User Experience
Design: Helping Product Designers to Consider
Cultural Differences. In P. Rau (Ed.), 7th International
Conference on Cross-Cultural Design (pp. 58–70).
Los Angeles, USA: Springer.
n Michailidou, I., Haid, C., Gebauer, C., & Lindemann,
U. (2015). The two-stage storyboarding experience
design method. In V. Popovic, A. Blackler, D.-B.
Luh, N. Nimkulrar, B. Kraal, & Y. Nagai (Eds.), 2015
IASDR Conference: Interplay (pp. 1470–1485).
Brisbane, Australia: International Association of
Societies of Design Research.
n Münzberg, C., Bennour, E., Venktaraman, S., &
Lindemann, U. (2015). Crisis situations in engineering
product development – An understanding from
literature. In H. Binz, B. Bertsche, W. Bauer,
& D. Roth (Eds.), Stuttgarter Symposiums für
Produktentwicklung 2015 (pp. 1–8). Stuttgart: IRB
n Münzberg, C., Hammer, J., Brem, A., & Lindemann,
U. (2015). Crisis Situations in Engineering Product
Development: A TRIZ based approach. In TRIZ
Future Conference 2015 The 15th International
Conference of the European TRIZ Association
ETRIA (p. 6). Berlin.
n Münzberg, C., Hertrich, N., Frühling, C., Venktaraman, S., & Lindemann, U. (2015). Crisis situations
in engineering product development – A method
to identify crisis. In 20th International Conference
on Engineering Design (ICED15). Milan, Italy: The
Design Society.
n Roth, M., Gehrlicher, S., & Lindemann, U. (2015).
Safety of Individual Products – Perspectives in
the Context of Current Practices and Challenges.
In 20th International Conference on Engineering
Design (ICED15) (pp. 113–122). Milan, Italy: The
Design Society.
n Roth, M., Guertler, M., & Lindemann, U. (2015).
Identifying and Utilizing Technological Synergies – A
Methodological Framework. In A. Chakrabarti (Ed.),
ICoRD’15 – Research into Design Across Boundaries (pp. 291–302). Bangalore, India: Springer.
n Roth, M., Harmeling, J., Michailidou, I., & Lindemann, U. (2015). The ‘Ideal’ User Innovation Toolkit
– Benchmarking and Concept Development. In 20th
International Conference on Engineering Design
(ICED15) (pp. 249–260). Milan, Italy: The Design
n Roth, M., Kronfeldner, L., Kasperek, D., & Lindemann, U. (2015). A Framework to Assess the Cost
Impact of Organization and Processes in Complex
Systems. In S.-O. Schulze & C. Muggeo (Eds.), Tag
des Systems Engineering 2015 (pp. 217–226). Ulm:
Carl Hanser.
n Roth, M., Nerb, A., Kasperek, D., & Lindemann,
U. (2015). A tool to bridge the gap from functional
dependencies to configuration rules translating
knowledge on functional restrictions from systems
engineers to a configurator for sales and decision
makers. In 2015 9th Annual IEEE International
Systems Conference (SysCon) (pp. 158–163).
Vancouver, BC, Canada: IEEE.
Institute of Product Development
n Roth, M., Wolf, M., & Lindemann, U. (2015).
Integrated Matrix-based Fault Tree Generation
and Evaluation. In 2015 Conference on Systems
Engineering Research (pp. 599–608). Hoboken, NJ:
n Sadi, T., Behncke, F. G. H., Maisenbacher, S., &
Kremer, S. (2015). Integrated Value Engineering
– Framework for the Application of Methods for
Visualization of Information. In 20th International
Conference on Engineering Design (ICED15).
Milan, Italy: The Design Society.
n Saucken, C. von, Gürtler, M., Schneider, M., &
Lindemann, U. (2015). A Method Model for Distinguishing and Selecting Open Innovation Methods.
In 20th International Conference on Engineering
Design (ICED15) (pp. 203–212). Milan, Italy: The
Design Society.
n Saucken, C. von, Wenzler, A., & Lindemann, U.
(2015). How to Impress Your User: Guideline for
Designing the Product Impression. In A. Chakrabarti
(Ed.), ICoRD’15 – Research into Design Across
Boundaries (Volume 1, Smart Innovation, Systems
and Technologies, pp. 193–203). Bangalore, India:
n Schmid, L.-M., Schäfer, S., & Amereller, Maximilian,
Lindemann, Udo (2015). Kundespezifische Analyse
des Fahrzeugnutzungsverhaltens zur Ableitung
funktionaler Anforderungen. In D. Krause, K. Paetzold, & S. Wartzack (Eds.), Design for X – Beiträge
zum 25. DfX-Symposium (pp. 27–38). Herrsching,
Germany: TuTech.
n Schmidt, D. M., & Mörtl, M. (2015). Product-Service
Systems for Increasing Customer Acceptance
Concerning Perceived Complexity. In Asian Design
Engineering Workshop (A-DEWS) (pp. 77–82). Hong
n Schmidt, D. M., Haas, M., Kammerl, D., Wilberg,
J., Kissel, M. P., & Lindemann, U. (2015). Analyzing
industrial clusters using measures of structural
complexity management. In T. R. Browning,
S. D. Eppinger, D. M. Schmidt, & U. Lindemann
(Eds.), Modeling and managing complex systems
(pp. 41–51). Carl Hanser Verlag.
n Schmidt, D. M., Kammerl, D., Preuß, A., & Mörtl,
M. (2015). Decision Methodology for Planning Product-Service Systems. In International Conference
on Business, Information, and Service Science.
Taipeh, Taiwan.
n Schmidt, D. M., Kammerl, D., Schultz, B.,
Schenkl, S. A., & Mörtl, M. (2015). Identification
of Knowledge and Processes in Design Projects.
In 20th International Conference on Engineering
Design (ICED15) (pp. 283–292). Milan, Italy: The
Design Society.
n Schmidt, D. M., Malaschewski, O., & Mörtl, M.
(2015). Decision-making process for Product
Planning of Product-Service Systems. In X. Boucher
& D. Brissaud (Eds.), 7th Industrial Product-Service
Systems Conference – PSS, industry transformation
for sustainability and business (pp. 468–473).
Saint-Étienne, France: Elsevier.
n Schmidt, D. M., Malaschewski, O., Fluhr, D., &
Mörtl, M. (2015). Customer-oriented Framework
for Product-Service Systems. In X. Boucher & D.
Brissaud (Eds.), 7th Industrial Product-Service
Systems Conference – PSS, industry transformation
for sustainability and business (pp. 289–292).
Saint-Étienne, France: Elsevier.
n Schmidt, D. M., Malaschewski, O., Jaugstetter, M.,
& Mörtl, M. (2015). Service Classification to Support
Planning Product-Service Systems. In Asian Design
Engineering Workshop (A-DEWS) (pp. 34–39). Hong
Institute of Product Development
n Schmidt, D. M., Preißner, S., Hermosillo Martínez, J.
A., Quiter, M., Mörtl, M., & Raasch, C. (2015). Integration of User Knowledge Across the Lifecycle of
Integrated Product-Service Systems – An Empirical
Analysis of the Relevance for PSS Development
and Management. In 20th International Conference
on Engineering Design (ICED15) (pp. 199–208).
Milan, Italy: The Design Society.
n Schöttl, F., & Lindemann, U. (2015). Quantifying the
Complexity of Socio-technical Systems – A Generic,
Interdisciplinary Approach. In 2015 Conference on
Systems Engineering Research (pp. 1–10).
Hoboken, NJ: Elsevier.
n Weidmann, D., & Lindemann, U. (2015). Towards a
Framework of an Open Organization. In E. Huizingh,
M. Torkkeli, S. Conn, & I. Bitran (Eds.), The XXVI
ISPIM Innovation Conference 2015. Budapest.
n Weidmann, D., Maisenbacher, S., Kasperek, D.,
& Maurer, M. (2015). Product-Service System
Development with Discrete Event Simulation. In
IEEE (Ed.), 2015 IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon 2015). Vancouver, BC, Canada:
n Wickel, M., & Lindemann, U. (2015). How to integrate information about past Engineering Changes
in new change processes? In 20th International
Conference on Engineering Design (ICED15) (Vol
3: Organisation and Management, pp. 229–238).
Milan, Italy: The Design Society.
n Wilberg, J., Elezi, F., Tommelein, I., & Lindemann, U.
(2015). Supporting the Implementation of Engineering Change Management with the Viable System
Model. In IEEE (Ed.), IEEE International Conference
on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2015).
Hongkong, Hongkong.
n Wilberg, J., Elezi, F., Tommelein, I., & Lindemann,
U. (2015). Using a Systemic Perspective to Support
Engineering Change Management. In Cihan H. Dagli
(Ed.), Complex Adaptive Systems (pp. 287–292).
San Jose, USA: Elsevier B.V.
n Wilberg, J., Hollauer, C., & Omer, M. (2015).
Supporting the Performance Assessment of
Product-Service Systems during the Use Phase.
In Elsevier (Ed.), 7th Industrial Product-Service
Systems Conference – PSS, industry transformation
for sustainability and business (pp. 203–208).
Saint-Étienne, France: Elsevier.
n Wolfenstetter, T., Kernschmidt, K., Münzberg,
C., Kammerl, D., Goswami, S., Lindemann, U.,
Krcmar, H. (2014). Supporting the cross-disciplinary
development of product-service systems through
model transformations. In IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering
Management. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Institute of Automatic Control
Model-based analysis and design allow for the successful control of complex dynamical systems
n The institute is focused on both, the development of methods and their
application. In order to allow for an efficient control of technical processes,
new techniques are devised in nonlinear control, energy­-based modeling
and design, model order reduction, as well as adaptive and predictive
control. Moreover, a Collaborative Research Centre puts a spotlight on the
modeling and analysis of non­technical systems. From an application perspective, highly challenging problems include the treatment of vibrations
in automobiles, the robust control of multicopters, the control of unstable
robots, and the feedback control of industrial processes.
Active and Semi-Active Suspension Control
developments of our research include
the development of a nonlinear feedback
control in combination with nonlinear state
observation techniques. Thereby, different
design objectives can transparently be
achieved, while design restrictions like
state and input constraints can be taken
into account.
The so-called hybrid suspension system,
developed at our institute, is depicted in
the figure; it includes a low-bandwidth
actuator F(t) and a high bandwidth
variable damper dc(t), together with a
sophisticated control system.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil.
Boris Lohmann
Phone +
Experiments are performed at two quarter car test
stands available in the Institute of Automatic Control.
Active suspension systems can significantly contribute to the comfort and
safety of passenger cars by minimizing
vibrations acting on passengers and by
reducing dynamic wheel load. Recent
Hybrid suspension system controlled by a state
estimator and feedback controller
Institute of Automatic Control
Model Order Reduction
When a load F(t) moves along an
elastic structure, a time-varying
high-order model results, which
requires reduction before further
use in analysis and controller
The modeling of dynamic systems
frequently leads to large sets of differential
equations. The goal of model order reduction is to find a much smaller (reduced)
model that preserves the most important
properties of the original model. Recent
research in our group deals with reducing
parameter-dependent systems, timevarying systems and systems of differential algebraic equations. The resulting new
methods guarantee high approximation
accuracy, while being numerically efficient
and preserving important system properties like stability or passivity.
ISS as an example of a high-order flexible structure.
(Photo: NASA)
Model Predictive Control for Highly Dynamic Systems
Quadrotor – the designated
controller test platform
Within the last decades, immense growth
of the available computational power has
enabled the embedded implementation of
optimization-based control approaches
for systems with fast dynamics. The
main strength of the model predictive
control (MPC) paradigm is the possibility
to systematically consider constraints
on the input and state variables. Still,
the real-world application of nonlinear
MPC remains challenging, as non-convex
optimization problems have to be solved
online with sufficient accuracy in order to
obtain desirable closed-loop dynamics.
Currently, a novel control concept for
multirotor systems using adaptive and
predictive components is developed in
collaboration with the Institute of Flight
System Dynamics.
Modeling and Control of Distributed Parameter Systems
Partial differential equations can be
used to characterize systems whose
parameters depend not only on time
but on a spatial variable as well. Such
systems include all kinds of transport
and diffusion phenomena as they arise
for example in the movement of beams
or in air flowing through a tube. Firstly,
research is dedicated to a new approach
Visualization of the solution of
an undamped wave equation
depending on one spatial variable
and time
Institute of Automatic Control
for the identification of parameters in
linear partial differential equations. Based
on the thereupon parameterized model,
secondly, model-based control techniques
are applied to achieve a desired dynamic
behavior of the distributed parameter
system. Currently, research interests are
focused on a pneumatic line with nonlinear friction.
Energy Based Modeling and Control
One focus of research is the design and
application of energy-based control
approaches to mechatronic systems.
Two examples are velocity- and position-­
control of the mini wheeled inverted
pendulum (see section Takagi-Sugeno
Systems) and the design of observer-based
controllers for linear port-Hamiltonian
systems using a dual approach. Another
main topic is the modeling and control of
Block diagram with the Dual Observer-Based Compensator (DOBC)
Feedforward control and
simulation of the water level in a
channel. The upstream inflow rate
is computed to achieve a smooth
transient at the downstream.
systems governed by partial differential
equations. A current DFG project deals
with the control design based on spatial
discretizations that preserve structural
properties in terms of energy and conserved quantities. A modular flexible robot
is currently under construction as a lab
demonstrator for the developed methods.
Our scientific exchange with IIT-Bombay,
India (DAAD) continues while EU Marie
Skłodowska-Curie Actions help to extend
our network to France.
Takagi-Sugeno Models and Controller Design
Most robotic systems exhibit unneglectable nonlinearities in their system
dynamics, which are to be considered in
the design process of the controller. One
approach is to use interpolated linear
models, so-called Takagi-Sugeno models,
to represent the dynamics of nonlinear
systems and to use these models for
analysis and control design.
Within the collaborative research centre
‘Zyklenmanagement von Innovationsprozessen’ of the German Research
Council (DFG), the modeling and analysis
of non-technical dynamical systems is
investigated by the use of Takagi-Sugeno
Ballbot and wheeled inverted pendulum as examples
for unstable nonlinear robots
Institute of Automatic Control
Research Focus
n Automotive and active vibration control
n Model order reduction
n Model predictive control
n Energy-based modeling and control
n Modeling and control of distributed
parameter systems
n Takagi-Sugeno models and controller
n Mechatronic systems design and
n Feedback control in production
n Modeling, analysis and control of
technical and non-technical processes
n Control and optimization
n Adaptive and model predictive control
n Two quarter-car test stands
n Various mechatronic test rigs and
n Control systems design lab
n Electrical and mechanical workshop
n Regelungstechnik (Bachelor MW)
n Systemtheorie in der Mechatronik
(Bachelor MW)
n Moderne Methoden der Regelungstechnik 1-3 (Master)
n Advanced Control (Master MSPE)
n Nonlinear Control (Master MSPE)
n Abtastregelung und Computer-Algebra
Institute of Automatic Control
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Boris Lohmann, Director
Administrative Staff
Regine Markwort
Research Scientists
Dr.-Ing. Nicole Gehring (Head of the PDEGroup)
Dr.-Ing. Paul Kotyczka (Head of the
Energy-Based Control Group)
Klaus Albert, M.Sc.
Alessandro Castagnotto, M.Sc.
Maria Cruz Varona, M. Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Sergio Delgado
Christian Dengler, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Klaus J. Diepold
Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Geuß, M.Sc.
Richard Kern, M.Sc.
Philipp Niermeyer, M.Sc.
Mikhail Pak, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Nils Pletschen
Dipl.-Ing. Benjamin Stahl
Johannes Strohm, M.Sc.
Mei Wang, M.Sc.
Technical Staff
Thomas Huber
Ralf Hübner
Publications 2015
n Pletschen, N.; Barthelmes, S.; Lohmann, B.: Joint
State-Parameter Estimation for Active Vehicle
Suspensions: A Takagi-Sugeno Kalman Filtering
Approach. 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and
Control, Osaka, Japan, 2015
n Castagnotto, A.; Cruz Varona, M.; Lohmann, B.: sss
& sssMOR: Analysis & Reduction of Large-Scale
Dynamic Systems with MATLAB. MOR 4 MEMS
2015 Workshop, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2015
n Castagnotto, A.: Salami Slicing & H2-Pseudo-Optimal Model Order Reduction. SIAM Student Chapter
at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg (VA), USA, 2015
n Cruz Varona, M.; Lohmann, B.: Model Order
Reduction of Linear Time-Varying Systems: Some
straightforward approaches. MOR 4 MEMS
Workshop, Karlsruhe, 2015
n Cruz Varona, M.; Lohmann, B.: Time-Varying
Parametric Model Order Reduction by Matrix
Interpolation. MoRePaS 2015 – Model Reduction of
Parametrized Systems III, Trieste, 2015
n Castagnotto A.; Panzer H. K. F.; Lohmann B.:
Stability-Preserving, Adaptive Model Reduction
of DAEs by Krylov-Subspace Methods. MoRePaS
2015 – Model Reduction of Parametrized Systems
III, Trieste, Italy, 2015
n Castagnotto A.; Panzer H. K. F.; Lohmann B.:
Modellfunktionen in der H2-Optimalen Modellreduktion von LZI Systemen im Zustandsraum. GMA
Fachauschuss 1.30 ‘Modellbildung, Identifikation
und Simulation in der Automatisierungstechnik’,
Anif, Austria, 2015
n Pletschen, N.: Nichtlineare Zustandsrekonstruktion
in der vertikalen Fahrwerkregelung: Ein Takagi-Sugeno Kalman-Filter Ansatz. GMA Fachausschuss
1.40 ‘Theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstechnik’, Anif, Salzburg, Austria, 2015
n Delgado, S.; Kotyczka, P.: Energy Shaping for
the Robust Stabilization of a Wheeled Inverted
Pendulum. Proceedings of the 5th IFAC Workshop
on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Non
Linear Control, 2015, 19-24
n Trivedi, M. V., Banavar, R. N., Kotyczka, P.:
Port-Hamiltonian Modelling for Buckling Control
of a Vertical Flexible Beam with Actuation at the
Bottom. Proceedings of the 5th IFAC Workshop on
Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Nonlinear
Control, 2015
n Kotyczka, P., Blancato, A.: Feedforward control of a
channel flow based on a discretized port-Hamiltonian model. Proceedings of the 5th IFAC Workshop
on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for
Nonlinear Control, 2015
n Delgado, S.; Gajbhiye, S.; Banavar R.N.: Reduced
equations of motion for a wheeled inverted pendulum. Proceedings of the 8th Vienna International
Conference on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD), 2015
n Cruz Varona, M.; Geuß, M.; Lohmann, B.: p(t)MOR
and Applications for Moving Loads. Proceedings
of the 8th Vienna Conference on Mathematical
Modeling (MATHMOD), Vienna, Austria (IFAC-PapersOnLine), Elsevier, 2015, 677-678
n Castagnotto A.; Panzer H. K. F.; Wolf T.; Lohmann
B.: Advances on the Adaptive Selection of Both
Shifts and Reduced Order in H2-Pseudo-Optimal
Model Reduction. In Proceedings of the 8th
Vienna Conference on Mathematical Modeling
(MATHMOD), Vienna, Austria (IFAC-PapersOnLine),
Elsevier, 2015, 679-680, Awarded the 2nd prize in
the MATHMOD 2015 poster session
n Kern, R.; Shastri, Y.: Advanced control with parameter estimation of batch transesterification reactor.
Journal of Process Control 33 (0), 2015, 127-139
n Kotyczka, P., Wang, M.: Dual observer-based
compensator design for linear port-Hamiltonian
systems. Proceedings of the European Control
Conference, 2015
n Dietrich, A., Bussmann, K., Petit, F., Kotyczka, P.,
Ott, C., Lohmann, B., Albu-Schäffer, A.: WholeBody Impedance Control of Wheeled Mobile
Manipulators – Stability Analysis and Experiments
on the Humanoid Robot Rollin’ Justin. Autonomous
Robots, Special Issue on Whole-Body Control of
Contacts and Dynamics for Humanoid Robots,
Institute of Automatic Control
Institute of Micro Technology and Medical Device Technology
Computational design and rapid manufacturing of certified devices, mechanisms and robots
Prof. Dr. Tim C. Lüth
Phone +
n The focus of the Institute of Micro Technology and Medical Device
Technology is to accelerate the process of developing ideas into products. In research and science, the time required for implementation is
a significant factor for success. Therefore, rapid prototyping and rapid
manufacturing technologies are part of our main research interest. We
are systematically developing and analyzing new rapid technologies, as
well as applying them in the areas of precision engineering, micro technology and medical device technology. We are systematically validating
our research devices to achieve reliable scientific results. In the area
of medical technology, we develop according to ISO 13485, certify our
devices according to MDD/FDA and perform clinical studies according to
ISO 14155.
This year a new clinical prototype was
developed in cooperation with our long
term partner inomed Medizintechnik
GmbH. During the ZIM project Intraoperative Tremor Assessment, funded by the
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and
Energy (BMWi). A sensor module was
developed that can assist the neurologist
assessing the Parkinson symptoms during
the implantation of deep brain stimulation
electrodes. The sensor communicates with
the inomed Neuro-Monitoring System and
provides essential information, where to
implant the electrode and hence possibly
improve the operation outcome. The Prototype was developed regarding the medical
device directive. Its clinical evaluation with
our clinical partners at the Klinikum Groß-
hadern is ongoing. The system is planned
to be included in inomed’s product-portfolio at the end of 2016.
Task-Oriented, Computational Kinematic Design
Kinematic synthesis of a compact,
origami-inspired spatial car door
guidance linkage, which eases
getting into a car in cramped
parking spots (MiMed)
Institute of Micro Technology and Medical Device Technology
The initial and fundamental idea of
mechanism and machine theory consist
in designing mechanical devices with
task-specific mobility and dimensions and
represents also one of the basic design
methodologies behind mechanical and
robotic motion systems developed at the
institute. Latest examples of such systems
include novel laparoscopic or endoscopic
medical devices, assistive transfer devices
for elderly people up to specifically
moveable car doors. These all rely on
mechanical linkages, which are known to
form an essential functional basis defining
the motion properties of detailed machine
designs. In this context, the major goal of
the kinematic design group is to provide
computer-aided analysis and synthesis
methods that allow for the design and
prototyping of novel task-specific motion
systems. Due to a task-specific number
of degrees-of-freedom such systems
may provide robust and energy-efficient
solutions in a variety of different technical
applications. Recent research results of
the group include the development of
new computational analysis and synthesis methods for a novel compact class
of origami-inspired spatially movable
linkages as well as a novel CAD-integrated
kinematic design tool addressing virtual
A spherical two-degree-offreedom linkage for the spatial
orientation of endoscopes and a
corresponding workspace analysis
prototyping of motion systems. Another
highlight this year was the 11th German
Conference on Linkages and Transmission Systems (11. Getriebekolloquium),
organized by the Institute.
Open Dynamic Real-time Interconnection
of Medical Devices
The rapid progress in the digitalization
of devices and systems in the operating
room and clinic allows for thoroughly
novel methods in diagnostics, planning,
therapy, post-operative care and clinical
documentation. During an intervention,
devices and systems aggregate digital
data that could be used for various
purposes – say, intraoperatively to support
the surgeon or postoperatively for subsidiary documentation of the intervention.
However, the interfaces providing this
data are not yet standardized and hence
cannot be used for automatic processing
by other devices.
The networks and navigation group at the
MiMed has a leading role in the German
flagship project ‘OR.Net‘. The goal of this
project is the establishment of a communication standard for devices and IT
in the operating room and clinic. With its
in-depth experience in the field of real time
communication and development of real
time capable devices, MiMed supports
the project in the elaboration of viable
solutions for (closed loop) control of time
critical devices such as drills, coagulators,
shavers, ultrasonic knives etc. The newest
results are continuously transferred to
MiMed’s lectures. MiMed’s knowledge
in the field of regulatory affairs is equally
important, as existing strategies and
regulations in the field of medical devices
must be modified to allow for certification
of open, dynamically changing interconnections.
During the course of the last year, the
networks and navigation group has
elaborated technologies to exchange real
time critical data of medical devices over
an open and standardized communication
infrastructure. To this end, the group has
developed several modules allowing the
connection of existing devices to the real
time communication network. To prove the
benefit of data presented in a standardized fashion, the group has developed a
module that interconnects two distinct
navigation cameras and merges their
data to enlarge the visual range of the
navigation system. Furthermore, the group
has engineered a module that allows the
merging and dynamic manipulation of
Plurality of medical devices
generating digital data in the
operating room (MiMed)
Institute of Micro Technology and Medical Device Technology 175
image data that stem from various image
sources. A test platform, specifically
designed for the project, is capable of
measuring delay and jitter of transferred
data to ensure real time capability of all
network participants.
To address regulatory affairs issues and
risk management, the group works on two
additional projects: one is a library
that generates digital models of the
interconnected device architecture based
on formal descriptions of the standalone
devices. The other is the design and
implementation of a database system for
the consistent documentation of medical
devices – a system that was honored with
the best paper award on an international
conference of experts.
Data fusion module connecting
two navigation cameras with one
navigation panel (MiMed)
Technology for an Aging Society –
Custom Structures for Wearable Aids
Nursing often requires high physical
effort of care-givers. Patient transfers,
in particular, increase their risk for
musculoskeletal disorders. One of our
goals is to improve this situation through
wearable aids that enhance strength and
assist during intense labor. Therefore,
we evaluate cutting-edge technologies
such as passive strength enhancing
textiles, e.g. Japanese Smart Suits, at
a cooperating nursing home in order to
extract promising principles. Additionally,
we collaborate with specialists in orthoses
and prostheses in order to acquire the
necessary skills to create custom-crafted
structures that fit the human body. Combining these approaches we deduce new
fields that go beyond the state of the art.
In particular, we focus on techniques that
produce physically optimized wearable
structures automatically based on their
biomechanical parameters, for example
the automated layout of cutting patterns.
Institute of Micro Technology and Medical Device Technology
Rigid custom structure made by handcraft methods
These automated techniques are expected to benefit orthopedic technologies
directly as well as improve the physical
human-machine interface of wearable
robots. These individualized wearable
aids will assist during patient transfers
and thereby improve the situation of both
care-givers and elderly people.
Automated Design Concepts for 3D-Printing
One common task in engineering and
other technical disciplines is the reali­
zation of ideas as functional prototypes.
Since the 1980’s 3D-printing technologies
are used for the production of single
parts for prototypes. If standard machine
elements or complex and personalized
structures should be 3D-printed, the
most time-consuming and therefore
expensive part is the design process. In
order to speed up the design process
one research area of our lab focuses
on design automation. The idea is to
implement design algorithms for standard
machine elements such as springs,
gearwheels, shafts or clips that can
automatically adjust the parameters
based on desired mechanical properties,
the available 3D-printing technology and
the chosen material. Besides the mechanical durability of designed parts we
also predict their producibility based on
tolerances and limitations of 3D-printing
technology, such as layer height, laser
focus diameter, minimal wall thickness
or minimal gap width. One of last year’s
milestones was the publication of a first
usable library with basic design algorithms implemented in MATLAB. Ongoing
projects focus on design algorithms
for the automated individualization of
surgical tools and manipulators or the
automated design of gear drives.
Test stand with input parameters
Automatically designed and
3D-printed gear drive (MiMed)
Research Focus
n Medical navigation and robotics
n 3D printing of robots and instruments
n Additive production technology
n Micro-technological production
n Synthesis of kinematics
n Assistance systems for aging society
n Automatic CAD-construction/MATLAB
n Synthesis of joint mechanisms
n 3D measurement technology (optical,
n Mechatronic control
n Quality management (ISO 9000/13485)
n Precision mechanics workshop
n Micro-technology laser treatment
n Additive manufacturing systems
(3D printing, FDM, SLS, freeformer)
n Certified ER
n Electronics workshop
n Microsystem Technology
n Medical Device Technology
n Automation in Medicine
n Admission of Medical Devices
Prof. Dr. Tim Lüth, Director
Dr.-Ing. Franz Irlinger, Academic Director
Renate Heuser, Secretary
Cornelia Härtling, Secretary
Adjunct Professors
Prof. Dr. Walter Kucharczyk, IAS Fischer
Senior Fellow (Univ. Toronto)
Prof. Dr. Gero Strauß, Medical Coordinator
(Univ. Leipzig)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joerg Vollrath, Electronics,
Olching, Kempten
Research Scientists
Dipl.-Ing. Kassim Abdul-Sater
Suat Cömert, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Coy
Christian Dietz, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Math. Max Dingler
Tatiana Eliseeva, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Konrad Entsfellner
Christina Hein, M.Sc.
Institute of Micro Technology and Medical Device Technology 177
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Horper
Franziska Klein, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Eva Graf
Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Kreutzer
Yannick Krieger, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Ismail Kuru
Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Lüddemann
Dipl.-Ing. Arne Menz
Dipl.-Ing. Jonas Pfeiffer
Jelena Prša, M.Sc. (Hons)
Samuel Reimer, M.Eng.
Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Roppenecker
Dipl.-Ing. Dominik Rumschöttel
Dipl.-Ing. Mattias Träger
Dipl.-Ing. Erik Loewe, IND, External
Technical Staff
Gerhard Ribnitzky, Foreman
Markus Wörl, Assistant
Markus Geltl, Assistant
Fabian Haimerl, Apprentice
Thomas Weiß-Vogtmann, Apprentice
Michael Stanglmeir, Apprentice
Publications 2015
Journal Papers
n Abdul-Sater, K.; Winkler, M. M.; Irlinger, F.;
Lueth, T. C. (2015): Three-Position Synthesis of
Origami-Evolved, Spherically Constrained Spatial
RR Chains, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and
Robotics, Volume 8, Issue 1, August 2015, p. 11,
DOI: 101115/1.4030370.
n D‘Angelo, L. T.; Abdul-Sater, K.; Pflügl, F.; Lueth,
T. C. (2015): Wheelchair Models With Integrated
Transfer Support Mechanisms and Passive Actuation, ASME Journal of Medical Devices, Volume 9,
Issue 1, March 2015, pp. 011012-1 – 011012-13,
DOI: 10.1115/1.4029507.
n Mehrkens, J.H.; Coy, J.A.; Bötzel, K.; Lüth, T.C.
(2015): Intraoperative objective assessment and
quantification of rigidity, akinesia, and tremor for
optimized target-selection during DBS-implantation
in Parkinson’s disease, in: MDS 19th International
Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement
Disorders. Volume 30, June 2015 Abstract, Volume
30, June 2015 Abstract Supplement. Presented at
the Movement Disorders 2015, San Diego, p. 588.
n Meining, A.; Roppenecker, D.B.; Lüth, T.C. (2015):
Development and Evaluation of a 3D-Printed
Overtube System Made for Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD) in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy,
Volume 81, Issue 5, Supplement, May 2015, pp.
AB157–AB158, DOI: 10.1016/j.gie.2015.03.100.
Conference-Papers (Peer Reviewed)
n Abdul-Sater, K.; Laudahn, S.; Winkler, M. M.; Lueth,
T. C.; Irlinger, F. (2015): Ein Beitrag zur Analyse
Origami-Inspirierter, Sphärisch Zwangsgeführter
RR-Ketten, in Lüth, T.C., Irlinger, F. and Abdul-Sater,
K. (Eds.), 11. Kolloquium Getriebetechnik, Garching
(Munich), Germany, 28.-30. September 2015,
pp. 125-146. DOI: 10.14459/2015md1276132.
n Abdul-Sater, K.; Irlinger, F.; Lueth, T. C. (2015):
Three-Position Synthesis of Spherically Constrained
Planar 3R Chains, ASME IDETC2015 Conference,
August 02.-05.2015, Boston MA, p. 8, DOI:
Institute of Micro Technology and Medical Device Technology
n Dingler, M.; Dietz, C.; Pfeiffer, J.; Lueddemann, T.
and Lüth, T. (2015): A Framework for Automatic
Testing of Medical Device Compatibility, to appear
in: Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International
Conference on Telecommunications (ConTEL),
July 13th-15th, Graz, Austria. DOI: 10.1109/ConTEL.2015.7231211
n Dingler, M.E.; Pfeiffer, J.H. and Lüth, T.C. (2015):
A novel real time alarm detection device for the
operating room, in: Proceedings of the 6th IEEE
International Conference on Automation, Robotics
and Applications (ICARA 2015), February 17-19,
2015, Queenstown, New Zealand, pp. 490-494.
n Entsfellner, K.; Kuru, I.; Strauss, G.; Lueth, T.C.
(2015): A new physical temporal bone and
middle ear model with complete ossicular chain
for simulating surgical procedures, accepted at
IEEE Inter­national Conference on Robotics and
Biomimetics (ROBIO 2015), Zhuhai, China, Dec 6-9,
n Entsfellner, K.; Schuermann, J.; Coy, J.A.; Strauss,
G.; Lueth, T.C. (2015): A modular micro-macro robot
system for instrument guiding in middle ear surgery,
accepted at IEEE International Conference on
Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO 2015), Zhuhai,
China, Dec 6-9, 2015.
n Goerlach, F.; Merkle J.; Lueddemann, T.; Lueth, T.C.
(2015): Evaluation of Pattern-based Point Clouds for
Patient Registration – A Phantom Study, accepted
at International Conference on Intelligent Informatics and Biomedical Sciences, Okinawa Japan,
28-30 November 2015.
n Goerlach, F.; Lueddemann, T.; Striffler, N.; Lueth,
T.C. (2015): Multi-Layered, 3D Skin Phantoms of
Human Skin in the Wavelength Range 650-850nm,
accepted at International Conference on Intelligent
Informatics and Biomedical Sciences, Okinawa
Japan, 28-30 November 2015.
n Graf, E.C.; Kugler, C.; Lueth, T.C. (2015): A
Handheld Mechanism for the Facilitated Implant
Deployment for the Minimally-Invasive Closure of
the Left Atrial Appendage, accepted at IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics
(ROBIO 2015), Zhuhai, China, Dec 6-9, 2015.
n Kreutzer, J.F.; Kosch, F.; Ramesberger, S.; Reimer,
S.M.F.; Lüth, T.C. (2015): Base station concepts of
an automatic fluid intake monitoring system, accepted at IEEE International Conference on Robotics
and Biomimetics (ROBIO 2015), 6-9.12.2015,
Zhuhai, China.
n Kreutzer, J.F.; Ramesberger, S.; Reimer, S.M.F.;
Entsfellner, K.; Lüth, T.C. (2015): Automatically
detecting fluid intake using conductivity measurements of beverages in a cup, accepted at IEEE
International Conference on Automation Science
and Engineering 2015, pp. 1546-1551, DOI: 978-14673-8182-6/15
n Kuru, I.; Coy, J.A.; Lopez Ferrer, F.; Lenarz, T.;
Maier, H.; Lüth, T.C. (2015): A new postoperative
adjustable prosthesis for ossicular chain reconstruction, accepted at IEEE International Conference
on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO 2015),
6-9.12.2015, Zhuhai, China.
n Lueddemann, T.; Schiebl, J.; Roppenecker, D.;
Klein, F.; Lueth, T.C. (2015): Towards a Logic-Based
Extension of a Relational Software Tool for Coherent
Technical Documentation of Medical Devices,
Proceedings of the International Symposium on
Product Compliance Engineering (ISPCE), May
18th-20th, Chicago, USA, pp. 1-6
n Pfeiffer, J.; Dingler, M.; Dietz, C.; Lueth, T.C.
(2015): Requirements and Architecture Design for
Open Real-Time Communication in the Operating
Room, accepted at IEEE International Conference
on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO 2015),
6-9.12.2015, Zhuhai, China.
n Prša, J.; Jain, R.; Irlinger, F.; Lueth, T.C. (2015):
Automatic, Reference-Free and ConformityOriented Evaluation and Interpretation of CTModels, IEEE International Conference on
Computing and Network Communications,
Technopark, Trivandrum, India, December 16-19.
n Prša, J.; Sobreviela, J.; Irlinger, F.; Lueth, T.C.
(2015): Software Tool for Detection and Filling of
Voids as a Part of Tool-Path Strategy Development
for Droplet Generating 3D Printers. International
Conference on Computer, Information, and Telecommunication Systems (CITS 2015), Gijon, Spain,
15-17 July, DOI: 10.1109/CITS.2015.7297725.
n Träger, M.F.; Krohmer, E.; Krieger, Y.S.; Lüth,
T.C. (2015), Automatisierte Konstruktion von
Zahnradgetrieben für die Herstellung mittels
Rapid-Prototyping-Verfahren, in Lüth, T.C., Irlinger,
F. and Abdul-Sater, K. (Eds.), 11. Kolloquium
Getriebetechnik, Garching (Munich), Germany,
28-30 September 2015, pp. 235–254, DOI:
Conference Papers
n Abdul-Sater, K.; Irlinger, F.; Lueth, T. C. (2015): Ein
Ansatz zur Kinematische Mehrposen-/Mehrkörpersynthese, First IFToMM DACH Conference,
Dortmund, March 2015, p. 7.
n Rumschoettel, D.; Kagerer, M.; Irlinger, F.; Lüth, T.C.
(2015), Kompaktmodell für die Charakterisierung
eines piezoelektrischen Membrandruckkopfes, MikroSystemTechnik Kongress, Karsruhe, Deutschland,
26-28 Oktober 2015, pp. 485-488
n Weihberger, O.; Krüger, T.; Mattmüller, R.; Coy, J.A.;
Lüth, T.C.;(2015): Quantitative movement-parameter
assessment with a novel wrist-mounted. sensor
integrated measusrement device, in: Tagung Der
Sektion Stereotaxie Und Radiologie. Presented at
the Tagung der Sektion Stereotaxie und Radiologie,
n Coy, J.A.; Mehrkens, J.H.; Bötzel, K.; Lüth,
T.C.;(2015): Messsystem zur intraoperativen objektiven Beurteilung von Parkinsonsymptomen, Nr. FV
650, in 88. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für
Neurologie mit Fortbildungsakademie – Abstracts
– Düsseldorf, 23-26 September 2015, URN:
n Coy, J.A.; Weihberger, O.; Krüger, T.; Lüth, T.C.
(2015): Quantification of Parkinson Symptoms:
A Joint Project between Research and Industry,
in 9. Aachen-Dresden International Textile Conference 2015,
Conference Poster
n Kuru, I.; Maier, H.; Müller, M.; Lenarz, T.; Lüth,
T.C. (2015): A new 3D printed functional human
middle ear model, 7th International Symposium on
Middle Ear Mechanics in Research and Otology,
1.-5.07.2015, Aalborg, Denmark
Institute of Micro Technology and Medical Device Technology 179
Institute of Nuclear Engineering
Nuclear engineering and nuclear safety
n The focus of the Institute of Nuclear Engineering in 2015 followed
the research lines started and developed in 2014. Our activity has been
dedicated to the development of multi-physics nuclear safety methodologies based on coupled code systems; simulation of the behavior of
plant components; experimental two-phase flow thermal-hydraulics; the
development of uncertainty methodologies in multi-physics and medical
applications, the simulation of nuclear fuel behavior; the development of
advanced molten salt reactor concepts, and the development of a methodology for local stability analysis of nuclear reactors.
Prof. Dr.
Rafael Macián-Juan,
Collaboration with international research
institutes (CERN, KIT, ITU, GRS) and
university departments was continued in
the areas of research of interest for the
The highlight for 2015 was the initiation
of the active design optimization analysis
of a new reactor concept, the Dual Fluid
Reactor (DFR), in collaboration with the
IFK Institute in Berlin.
Phone +
Nuclear Reactor Safety Analysis of
Current and Future Reactor Designs
The research in nuclear safety carried out
at the Institute focuses on the development and applications of methodologies
to support the safe operation of nuclear
reactors. The methodologies are based on
a multi-physics approach which combines
computer codes capable of detailed
simulation of different important physical
processes that determine the behavior
of nuclear systems. Computational fluid
dynamics (CFD) codes such as ANSYSCFX and OpenFOAM are coupled in real
time with a detailed neutronic description
of the core behavior provided by state-ofthe-art, multi-dimensional, time-dependent neutronic programs such as PARCS.
The detailed local description obtained of
the thermal-hydraulics and neutron flux
distribution can be used for full system
simulation analysis with codes such as
Multi-physics, statistically-based uncertainty and sensitivity methodology applied to experimental assessment
of coupled codes (G. Clotaire PhD Work)
Institute of Nuclear Engineering
In 2015, this research line has been
carried out through projects which focus
on the development of uncertainty and
sensitivity methodologies for multi-physics
applications to the assessment of computer codes in the context of liquid metal fast
reactors; the development of an advanced
model for turbine modeling based on
parameter estimation techniques and
online sensitivities; the completion of
PhD theses on the simulation of condensation induced water hammers and on
the development of a new approach to
the identification of unstable behavior in
BWRs at the fuel assembly level.
n Plant specific dynamic modeling of
LWR turbo generator sets by adjustment of general models with measurement data (BMWi)
n Development and assessment of
methodologies for the analysis of
neutron oscillations in PWRs fuel
assemblies (BMWi)
n THINS Uncertainty analysis applied to
liquid lead cooled reactors (EURATOM)
n Development of a Methodology for
local BWR stability analysis (StMWFK)
n SESAME uncertainty analysis applied
to liquid lead cooled reactors
Experimental Two-Phase Flow Thermal-hydraulics
Experimental facility for research on condensation in
suppression pools (by Dr. S. Al Issa)
The Institute has built in the past four years
an experimental laboratory for two-phase
thermal-hydraulic research. A trend for
increasing detail in the predictions of
thermal-hydraulic coolant and moderator
behavior in nuclear safety research is
widespread in the world, and CFD codes
fundamental tools in this respect. But their
performance in nuclear safety applications
for current and future reactor designs
needs to be thoroughly assessed before
their predictions can be accepted by the
nuclear regulatory authorities. The facility at
the Institute deals with two very important
two phase flow phenomena, such as
counter current flow limitations (COLLIDER)
and steam condensation (SCUBA). Both
facilities can be flexibly reconfigured and,
in the course of a PhD work finished in
2015, have been equipped with advance
measurement optically-based techniques
for the characterization of two-phase
interfacial phenomena. Additionally in 2015
a new facility has been built to study the
condensation phenomena in suppression
pools in collaboration with the Polytechnic
University of Madrid.
n SCUBA: Experimental Investigation of
the condensation phenomena in large
steam bubbles at atmospheric pressure
(E.On Kernkraft)
n COLLIDER: Experimental investigation
of counter current flow in a scaled
model of the hot leg of a Konvoi-PWR
(E.On Kernkraft)
n Experimental studies of condensation
in the suppression pool of BWR
reactors (with U. Politécnica de Madrid)
Development and Design Optimization
of the Dual Fluid Reactor (GFR) Concept
The Dual Fluid Reactor (DFR) is a new
concept of nuclear systems based on the
Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) design; one of
the Generation IV reactor types currently
under development. It has been conceived
by the Institute of Solid Matter Physics (IFK)
in Berlin and has the innovative feature of
using a second molten metal as coolant.
This configuration possesses many advantages with respect to the MSR and to other
current and advanced reactor concepts,
which have the potential to make the DFR
a competitive reality in the future. Its ability
to destroy the long-lived minor-actinides in
burnt fuel and its extremely efficient use of
nuclear fuel resources are two fundamental
characteristics for its attractiveness.
Scheme for the thermal-hydraulic and neutronic
simulation coupled multi-physics simulation of molten
salt reactor concepts (Xun He PhD Work)
Institute of Nuclear Engineering
The Institute has been involved in this
design for three years, in collaboration with
the IFK, and has performed development
and analysis work in the context of two PhD
projects that are part of the multi-physics
line of research described above, but
applied to advanced reactor concepts. Two
coupled computer analysis systems based
on the codes ATHLET, TRACE-PARCS and
SERPENT (Monte Carlo transport code)
have been developed which are capable
of detailed design optimization and safety
analyses of neutronic and thermal-hydrau-
lic aspects of the DFR and of any fluid
core-based nuclear system.
n Development of a coupled neutronic
and thermal-hydraulic model for the
Dual Fluid Reactor Concept (molten
salt coolant, E.On Kernkraft)
n Development of a full system thermalhydraulic and neutronic model for
molten core based reactors (E.On
Fuel Behavior Analysis
Fuel assembly bowing caused by
mechanical loads in the core of a
PWR. (A. Wanninger PhD Work)
Institute of Nuclear Engineering
Fuel behavior analysis is a very important
part of nuclear safety research, because
the neutronic, thermal and mechanical
performance of nuclear fuel decisively
influences the safe and economical operation of nuclear reactors. The research
activities have continued on the modeling
of fuel and in the validation of computer
codes that simulate its behavior under a
wide range of operating and off-operating
Thus, a project has focused on the investigation of the long-term creep deformation of PWR (pressurized water reactor)
fuel assemblies (FA), commonly known
as FA bow, by using the finite element
method. The research on new fuel types
has developed a new version of the fuel
performance code TRANSURANUS, in
collaboration with the Institute for Trans­
uranic Elements (ITU) in Karlsruhe, for
thorium-based fuels ((Th,Pu)O2 and
(Th,U)O2) including the complex phenomenon of fission gas release. Collaboration of the Institute with the CEA and
E.On has produced two completed PhDs
on LOCA behavior of highly-burn-up fuel,
coupling of TRANSURANUS with the
neutronics code DYN3D and the on-going
PhD work in the behavior of new fuel
materials in LWRs.
n Development of models for the
prediction of thorium based fuel
(E.On Kernkraft)
n Coupling of TRANSURANUS with
DYN3D (E.On Kernkraft)
n Experimental and analytical analysis of
the performance of nuclear fuel under
LOCA conditions (E.On Kernkraft)
n Mechanical analysis of bowing in PWR
fuel assemblies (E.On Kernkraft)
Research Focus
n Thermal-hydraulic and neutronic analysis of current and advanced nuclear
n Reactor dynamics
n Nuclear fuel behavior
n Experimental two-phase flow
n Radiation transport and radiation
n Medical applications of radiation
n Uncertainty analysis
n Nuclear safety analysis
n Two-phase flow experimental measurements
n Radiation transport and radiation
dosimetry calculations
n Single and two-phase flow computational fluid dynamics
n Nuclear reactor dynamics
n Thermal-hydraulic two-phase flow
n Computer laboratory with state-of-theart nuclear safety codes
n High-perfomance computer cluster
Prof. Dr. Rafael Macián-Juan, Director
Adjunct Professors
Prof. Dr. Antonino Cardella
Dr. rer. nat. Marcus Seidl
Administrative Staff
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Margitta Franke
Petra Popp-Münich
Research Scientists
Dr. rer. nat. Martin Ohlerich
Dipl.-Ing. Suleiman Al Issa
Dipl.-Ing. Sabin Ceuca
Dipl.-Tech. Math. Matthias Frankl
Dipl.-Ing. Dan-Ovidiu Melinte
Dipl.-Ing. Clotaire Geffray
Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Walser
Jose Tijero, M.Sc.
Xun He, M.Sc.
Xiang Wang, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Wanninger
Technical Staff
Dipl.-Ing (FH) Jamel Rhouma
n Introduction to Nuclear Energy
n Fundamentals of Nuclear Engineering
n Applications of Radiation to Medicine,
Research and Industry
n Fundamentals of Thermal-hydraulics in
Nuclear Systems
n Advanced and Future Nuclear Reactor
n Radiation Protection
n Nuclear Fusion Technology
n Nuclear Safety Seminar
n Use of System Analysis Codes in
Nuclear Safety
n Master Program in Nuclear Engineer­
ing in Collaboration with the INSTN
Institute in Saclay, France.
Institute of Nuclear Engineering
Publications 2015
n High-fidelity coupled Monte Carlo neutron transport
and thermal-hydraulic simulations using Serpent
2/SUBCHANFLOW, Daeubler, M., Ivanov, K.,
Sjenitzer, B.L., Sanchez, V., Stieglitz, R., Macian-­
Juan, R., Annals of Nuclear Energy, 83, 352-375,
September 2015.
n Static and transient pin-by-pin simulations of a full
PWR core with the extended coupled code system
DYNSUB, Daeubler, M., Trost, N., Jimenez, J.,
Sanchez, V., Stieglitz, R., Macian-Juan, R., Annals
of Nuclear Energy, 84, 31-44, July 2015.
n Multi-scale uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of
the TALL-3D experiment, Geffray, C., Macián-Juan,
R., Nuclear Engineering and Design, 290, 154-163,
July 2015.
n Experimental investigation on the causes for pellet
fragmentation under LOCA conditions, Bianco,
A., Vitanza, C., Seidl, M., Wensauer, A, Faber, W.,
Macián-Juan, R., Journal of Nuclear Materials, 465,
260-267, June 2015.
n Numerical investigation of models for drag, lift, wall
lubrication and turbulent dispersion forces for the
simulation of gas-liquid two-phase flow, Yamoah,
S., Martínez-Cuenca, R., Monrós, G., Chiva, S.,
Macián-Juan, R., Chemical Engineering Research
and Design, 98, 17-35, June 2015.
n Experimental investigation of countercurrent flow
limitation (CCFL) in a large-diameter hot-leg geometry: A detailed description of CCFL mechanisms,
flow patterns and high-quality HSC imaging of
the interfacial structure in a 1/3.9 scale of PWR
geometry, Al Issa, S., Macian-Juan, R., Nuclear
Engineering and Design, 280, 550-563, December
n Assessment of systems codes and their coupling
with CFD codes in thermal-hydraulic applications
to innovative reactors, Bandini, G., Polidori, M.,
Gerschenfeld, A., Pialla, D., Li, S., Ma, W.M.,
Kudinov, P., Jeltsov, M., Kööp, K., Huber, K., Cheng,
X., Bruzzese, C., Class, A.G., Prill, D.P., Papukchiev,
A., Geffray, C., Macian-Juan, R., Maas, L., Nuclear
Engineering and Design, 281, 22-38, January 2015.
n Blower gun pellet injection system for W7-X, Dibon,
M., Baldzuhn, J., Beck, M., Cardella, A., Köchl, F.,
Kocsis, G., Lang, P.T., Macian-Juan, R., Ploeckl, B.,
Szepesi, T., Weisbart, W., Fusion Engineering and
Design, 98-99, 1759-1762, October 2015.
n Multiscale Analysis of Forced and Natural
Convection including Heat Transfer Phenomena in
the TALL-3D Experimental Facility, A Papukchiev,
C Geffray, M. Jeltsov, K. Kööp, P. Kudinov, D. Grischenko, The 16th International Topical Meeting on
Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-16),
Chicago, IL, USA, August 30-September 4;
Institute of Nuclear Engineering
n Development of a Multi-Scale Thermal-Hydraulic
Model of the TALL-3D Facility and Validation with
Experimental Data, C. Geffray, R. Macián-Juan, A.
Papukchiev, D. Grishchenko, P. Kudinov, International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power
Plants (ICAPP 2015), Nice, France, May 2015.
n Preliminary Analysis of Basic Reactor Physics of
the Dual Fluid Reactor, X. Wang, M. Seidl, R. Macian-Juan, International Congress on Advances in
Nuclear Power Plants, (ICAPP 2015), Nice, France,
May 2015.
n Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis of the TALL-3D
Experiment Using Thermal-Hydraulic Coupled
Codes, C. Geffray,·R. Macián-Juan, A. Papukchiev,
D. Grishchenko, P. Kudinov, International Congress
on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2015),
Nice, France, May 2015.
n Transuranus Burn-Up Extension For (Th,Pu)O2 Type
Fuel In Light Water Reactors, J. I. Tijero-Cavia, R.
Macián-Juan, M. Seidl, P. Van Uffelen, A. Schubert,
S. Brémier, P. Poeml, Top Fuel 2015, Zurich,
Switzerland, 13-17 September 2015.
n Simulation of Reactivity Initialized Transients at Different Power Levels for Molten Salt Reactor Using
Modified TRACE, X. He, M. Seidl, R. Macian-Juan,
International Congress on Advances in Nuclear
Power Plants (ICAPP 2015), Nice, France, May
n Simulation of the System Dynamics for the Molten
Salt Reactor Experiment Using Modified TRACE,
X. He, M. Seidl, R. Macian-Juan, International
Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE23),
Chiba, Japan, 17-21 May 2015.
n The Risk-rewards Structure of Using Spent Nuclear
Fuel in Molten Salt Reactor, X. He, D. Zhuoqi,
R. Macian-Juan, M. Seidl, 21st International
Conference & Exhibition: ‘Nuclear Fuel Cycle for a
Low-Carbon Future’ (GLOBAL2015), Paris, France,
20-24 September 2015.
n Micro-hardness and local properties of high burnup
UO2 fuel, F. Cappia, A. Schubert, P. Van Uffelen, D.
Papaioannou, R. Macián-Juan, V.V. Rondinella, Top
Fuel 2015, Zürich, Switzerland, 13-17 September
Institute of Vibroacoustics of Vehicles and Machines
Experimental and computational acoustics – vibroacoustic optimization – uncertainty quantification
of vibroacoustic systems – structure-fluid interaction – material data identification
n The institute has been created out of an existing group of scientists
that moved to the TUM in July 2015. The focus of this professorship will
be to set up a research group dealing with all kinds of problems in vibro­
acoustics and adjacent areas.
The Institute for Vibroacoustics of Vehicles
and Machines was founded on 1 July
2015 with the appointment of Prof. Steffen
Marburg to fill the Gerhard Zeidler endowed chair at the Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering of the Technische Universität
München. Previously Prof. Marburg was
Professor for Engineering Dynamics at the
Universität der Bundeswehr in Neubiberg
and he moved together with his complete
group of seven scientists to Garching.
Professor Marburg is part of a national
and international network in both academia and industry. Recent collaborations
have taken place with the University of
New South Wales in Sydney and Can-
berra, the Indian Institute of Technology in
Delhi, the Technical University of Chemnitz, the universities of A Coruña, Naples,
Concepcion and Vienna as well as with
local and international industrial partners
from the automotive industry, software
developers and other industrial branches.
Prof. Marburg is an active member of
the German Acoustical Society (DEGA)
and one of the chairs of the Technical
Committee on Computational Acoustics
of the European Acoustics Association.
Furthermore, he is Associate Editor of
three international journals: Acta Acustica
united with Acustica, Journal of Computational Acoustics and Acoustics Australia.
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Steffen Marburg
Phone +
Scientific Interests
with colleagues in mathematics, electrical
and civil engineering, medicine, biology
and music.
HVAC vibration test in anechoic chamber
The topics of research at the Institute
of Vibroacoustics of Vehicles and Ma­­
chines encompass many applications of
acoustics and vibrations. Carrying on from
previous activities, the research will be
quite interdisciplinary including joint work
Scientific interests require a strong basis
of experimental and computational
abilities. For this, it is planned to purchase
good basic experimental equipment and,
in the medium term, an acoustic laboratory including an anechoic chamber and a
reverberation room, both connected by a
window test rig. Research in computational acoustics will continue developments
in the context of finite and boundary
element methods as well as development
and application of simulation models
using commercial software such as Ansys,
Abaqus and Comsol. In addition to these
activities, the group is well-known and
well-experienced in the field of structural
acoustic optimization. It has been shown
that numerical optimization can easily
achieve much better engineering designs
than manual engineering work.
In recent years, the group has been known
as one of the very few groups worldwide
Institute of Vibroacoustics of Vehicles and Machines 185
to identify parameter uncertainties on an
experimental basis. This technique is quite
useful in characterizing and investigating
lightweight materials in the context
of non-destructive testing for quality
management and damage identification.
Moreover, the group is experienced in the
identification of the material properties of
anisotropic elastic lightweight materials
on behalf of vibroacoustic experiments.
Often, these experiments are much better
suited for determination of elastic material
parameters than any other method.
Simulation model of metal forming
The techniques mentioned above can
be applied to very different technical
problems. Vehicles and vehicle parts are
obvious applications. However, in recent
years, these vibroacoustic methods have
been applied to various different domestic
appliances, used for quality management
of tool blanks and fruits, simulation of
musical instruments and development of
Research Focus
n Computational acoustics (FEM, BEM)
n Virtual prototyping
n Identification of uncertain parameters
n Lightweight material characterization
n Non-destructive testing for damage
n Sound propagation in flow
n Normal modes in external acoustics
n Acoustics in porous media
n Vibrational and acoustical measurements
n Computational acoustics (FEM, BEM)
n Modal analysis
n Vibroacoustic simulation
n Fluid-structure interaction
n Self-sustained vibrations
n Structural-acoustic optimization
n Identification of admittance boundary
Institute of Vibroacoustics of Vehicles and Machines
Simulated mode shape and radiation pattern of a
a numerical method for simulation of a
three-dimensional noise barrier.
A number of other research projects and
topics have been dealt with in recent
years. These include non-linear vibration
phenomena such as self-sustained vibrations of hand-held electric tools, i.e. mode
locking of a rotor, and stick-slip vibrations
of a brake system. Another, quite different
application is the dynamic behavior of a
metal forming tool which will be continued
in the direction of fatigue prediction. The
group is also active in the field of aeroand hydroacoustics and the problem of
sound propagation in moving media.
are currently under development. In the
near future, it is intended to offer the
following courses
n Fundamental Vibroacoustics
n Advanced Vibroacoustics (with lab)
n Computational Acoustics (with lab)
n Vibroacoustic Applications in Industrial
n Uncertainty Quantification in Vibro­
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Marburg
Administrative Staff
Elke Reichardt
Research Scientists
Dr. Kheirollah Sepahvand
Dr. Monika Gatt
Christian Geweth, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Marcus Güttler
Patrick Langer, M.Eng.
Lennart Moheit, M.Sc.
Ferina Saati Khosroshahi, M.Sc.
Selected publications
n S. Marburg and B. Nolte, editors. Computational
acoustics of noise propagation in fluids. Finite
and boundary element methods. Springer, Berlin
Heidelberg, 2008.
Peer-reviewed journal papers
n M. Stache, M. Guettler, and S. Marburg. A precise
non-destructive damage identification technique of
long and slender structures based on modal data.
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 365:89-101, 2016.
n P. Croaker, N. Kessissoglou, and S. Marburg.
Strongly singular and hypersingular volume
integrals for near-field aeroacoustics. International
Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 77:274318, 2015.
n S. M. B. Fard, H. Peters, N. Kessissoglou, and S.
Marburg. Three dimensional analysis of a noise
barrier using a quasi-periodic boundary element
method. Journal of the Acoustical Society of
America, 137:3107-3114, 2015.
n M. D. Goel, P. Altenhöfer, V. A. Matsagar, A. K.
Gupta, C. Mundt, and S. Marburg. Interaction of
shock wave with closed cell aluminium metal foam.
Combustion Explosion and Shock Waves, 51:373380, 2015.
n M. Hornikx, M. Kaltenbacher, and S. Marburg. A
platform for benchmark cases in computational
acoustics. Acta Acustica united with Acustica,
101:811-820, 2015.
n S. Marburg. The Burton and Miller method: Un­­
locking another mystery of its coupling parameter.
Journal of Computational Acoustics, 23:1550016-120, 2015.
n S. Retka, L. Hervella-Nieto, and S. Marburg. Comparison of pressure and displacement formulations
for finite elements in linear time-harmonic acoustics.
Computers and Structures, 151:49-57, 2015.
n K. Sepahvand and S. Marburg. Non-sampling
inverse stochastic numerical-experimental identification of random elastic material parameters in
composite plates. Mechanical Systems and Signal
Processing, 54:172-181, 2015.
n K. Sepahvand, K. Nabih, and S. Marburg.
Collocation-based stochastic modeling of uncertain
geometric mistuning in bladed rotor. Procedia
IUTAM, 13:53-62, 2015.
n K. Sepahvand, M. Scheffler, and S. Marburg.
Uncertainty quantification in natural frequencies
and radiated acoustic power of composite plates:
Analytical and experimental investigation. Applied
Acoustics, 87:23-29, 2015.
n K. Swidergal, C. Lubeseder, I. von Wurmb, A. Lipp,
J. Meinhardt, M. Wagner, and S. Marburg. Experimental and numerical investigation of blankholder‘s
vibration in a forming tool: a coupled MBS-FEM
approach. Production Engineering, 9:623-634,
n F. Dietzsch, L. Hervella-Nieto, S. Marburg, R.
Rodriguez, and H. Weisbecker. Physical and
spurious modes in mixed finite element formulation
for the Galbrun equation. Acta Acustica united with
Acustica, 100:493-512, 2014.
n H. Peters, N. Kessissoglou, and S. Marburg. Modal
decomposition of exterior acoustic-structure
interaction problems with model order reduction.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,
135:2706-2717, 2014.
n K. Sepahvand and S. Marburg. Identification of
composite uncertain material parameters from
experimental modal data. Probabilistic Engineering
Mechanics, 37:148-153, 2014.
n K. Sepahvand and S. Marburg. Stochastic dynamic
analysis of structures with spatially uncertain material parameters. International Journal of Structural
Stability and Dynamics, 14:1440029-1-15, 2014.
n P. Croaker, S. Marburg, R. Kinns, and N. J. Kessissoglou. A fast low-storage method for evaluating
Lighthill’s volume quadrupoles. AIAA Journal,
51:867-884, 2013.
n M. D. Goel, V. A. Matsagar, S. Marburg, and A.
K. Gupta. Comparative performance of stiffened
sandwich foam panels under impulsive loading.
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities,
27:540-549, 2013.
n S. Marburg, E. Lösche, H. Peters, and N. J.
Kessissoglou. Surface contributions to radiated
sound power. Journal of the Acoustical Society of
America, 133:3700-3705, 2013.
n S. Merz, N. Kessissoglou, R. Kinns, and S. Marburg.
Passive and active control of the radiated sound
power from a submarine excited by propeller
forces. Journal of Ship Research, 57:59-71, 2013.
n S. Oberst, J. C. S. Lai, and S. Marburg. Developing
guidelines for numerical simulations of brake squeal
noise. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 332:22842299, 2013.
n H. Peters, N. J. Kessissoglou, and S. Marburg.
Modal decomposition of exterior acoustic-structure
interaction. Journal of the Acoustical Society of
America, 133:2668-2677, 2013.
n S. Retka and S. Marburg. An infinite element for
the solution of Galbrun equation. Zeitschrift für
Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 93:154162, 2013.
n S. K. Saha, K. Sepahvand, V. A. Matsagar, A.
K. Jain, and S. Marburg. Stochastic analysis of
base-isolated liquid storage tanks with uncertain
isolator parameters under random excitation.
Engineering Structures, 57:465-474, 2013.
n M. D. Goel, M. Peroni, G. Solomos, D. P. Mondal,
V. A. Matsagar, A. K. Gupta, M. Larcher, and
S. Marburg. Dynamic compression behavior
of cenosphere aluminum alloy syntactic foam.
Materials and Design, 42:418-423, 2012.
n H. Peters, S. Marburg, and N. J. Kessissoglou.
Structural-acoustic coupling on non-conforming
meshes with quadratic shape functions. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering,
91:27-38, 2012.
n K. Sepahvand, S. Marburg, and H.-J. Hardtke.
Stochastic free vibration of orthotropic plates using
generalized polynomial chaos expansion. Journal of
Sound and Vibration, 331:167-179, 2012.
n H. Weisbecker, B. Cazzolato, S. Wildy, S. Marburg,
J. Codrington, and A. Kotousov. Surface strain
measurements using a 3D scanning laser vibrometer. Experimental Mechanics, 52:805-815, 2012.
n S. Merz, N. Kessissoglou, R. Kinns, and S. Marburg.
Minimisation of the sound power radiated by a
submarine through optimisation of its resonance
changer. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 329:980993, 2010.
n K. Sepahvand, S. Marburg, and H.-J. Hardtke.
Uncertainty quantification in stochastic systems
using polynomial chaos expansion. International
Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2:305-353, 2010.
n D. Fritze, S. Marburg, and H.-J. Hardtke. Estimation
of radiated sound power: A case study on common
approximation methods. Acta Acustica united with
Acustica, 95:833-842, 2009.
n R. Anderssohn and S. Marburg. Non-linear
ap­­proach to approximate acoustic boundary
admittance in cavities. Journal of Computational
Acoustics, 15:63-79, 2007.
Institute of Vibroacoustics of Vehicles and Machines 187
n J. Baumgart, S. Marburg, and S. Schneider. Efficient
sound power computation of open structures
with infinite/finite elements and by means of the
Pade-via-Lanczos algorithm. Journal of Computational Acoustics, 15:557-577, 2007.
n S. Marburg, F. Dienerowitz, T. Horst, and S. Schneider. Normal modes in external acoustics. Part 2:
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors in 2d. Acta Acustica
united with Acustica, 92:97-111, 2006.
n S. Marburg. Normal modes in external acoustics.
Part 3: Sound power evaluation based on
frequency-­independent superposition of modes.
Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 92:296-311,
n D. Fritze, S. Marburg, and H.-J. Hardtke. FEMBEM-coupling and structural-acoustic sensitivity
analysis for shell geometries. Computers and
Structures, 83:143-154, 2005.
Institute of Vibroacoustics of Vehicles and Machines
n S. Marburg. Developments in structural-acoustic
optimization for passive noise control. Archives of
Computational Methods in Engineering. State of the
art reviews, 9(4):291-370, 2002.
n S. Marburg, H.-J. Beer, J. Gier, H.-J. Hardtke, R.
Rennert, and F. Perret. Experimental verification of
structural-acoustic modeling and design optimization. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 252:591-615,
n S. Marburg. Six boundary elements per wavelength.
Is that enough? Journal of Computational
Acoustics, 10:25-51, 2002.
Plasma Material Interaction Group
Properties and optimisation of materials facing high temperature plasmas
n The focus of the Plasma Material Interaction Group in 2015 was to
finalise the quality assessment of the actively cooled high heat flux components of the new stellarator Wendelstein 7-X, to study the morphology
and composition of dust particles in various fusion devices as well as the
production and testing of novel materials for plasma facing components.
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Neu
Phone +49.89.3299.1899
Actively cooled plasma facing component during high heat flux test at neutral beam facility GLADIS (Photo: IPP)
A highlight was the successful completion of the quality assessment of the
actively cooled high heat flux components for Wendelstein 7-X, which is the
world’s largest stellarator built by the
Max-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics
(IPP) in Greifswald, Germany. From 2005
to 2010 a total of 60 prototypes for the
actively cooled components were tested.
In this period of time a production technology fulfilling the requirements of long
pulse operation was developed in cooperation with Plansee SE. The prototypes
of the pre-series have confirmed the
robustness of the finally selected design
and technology. Prototypes specified
for long pulse operation at 10 MW/m²
were successfully loaded at 30 MW/m²
in the high heat flux test facility GLADIS
operated by the PMI group.
Owing to its two ion sources of 1 MW
power each, its 8 m³ vacuum chamber
and powerful water cooling, GLADIS
offers the possibility to investigate small
scale as well as full scale objects loaded
with extremely high heat fluxes. From
2011 to early 2015, 86 of the 970 delivered components were evaluated. For this
purpose all CFC (carbon fibre composite)
tiles were loaded with 100 cycles of 10
seconds duration at 10 MW/m² (see figure).
The surface temperature increase of the
CFC tiles during the cycling caused by the
thermo-mechanical load was evaluated
statistically. It was possible to show that
the probability of an undetected defective
CFC tile is negligibly low.
Besides withstanding severe thermal and
mechanical loads the armour materials
of plasma facing components must be
erosion resistant and the retention of
hydrogen isotopes must be low. In order
to understand and to test material properties, a variety of preparation methods
are used, as well as a comprehensive set
of techniques for physical, chemical and
mechanical characterisation is available
within the PMI group.
Plasma Material Interaction Group
Investigations on Composition and Morphology
of Dust from Fusion Devices
Various erosion processes in fusion
devices can lead to the production of
dust. Accidental air or steam ingress in
future power plants could cause significant production of explosive hydrogen on
the reactive surfaces of the dust particles.
Furthermore, dust could negatively impact
operation when entering the confined
plasma. For both issues, its occurrence,
morphology and composition is important
in order to facilitate safety considerations
and to provide input for model calculations.
Whereas in devices with graphite based
plasma facing components the large
erosion through plasma particles leads to
thick deposited hydrocarbon layers which
eventually flake off, arcs and excessive
power loads can create droplets in
devices equipped with metals as plasma
facing material (PFM).
In order to investigate and document
the influence of the PFM, dust particles
were collected in the three fusion devices
ASDEX Upgrade (AUG, Germany), DIII-D
(USA) and LHD (Japan) [M. Balden et al.,
15. Conf. on Plasma Facing Materials and
Components, Aix en Provence 2015]. The
three devices involved utilise PFMs ranging from pure carbon (DIII-D), over carbon
and steel (LHD) to full tungsten (AUG).
For gathering and analysing the dust, the
strategy developed over the last years
at AUG was applied using Si collectors
mounted for one experimental campaign
inside the device at various locations.
The dust was analysed automatically by a
scanning electron microscope equipped
with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
(EDX). For all collectors at least ~5000
dust particles were analysed, providing
robust statistics. More than 90% of
Plasma Material Interaction Group
Electron microscopic images (left: surface, right:
cross section, produced by focused ion beam) of dust
particles extracted from the fusion device ASDEX
all particles from DIII-D collectors are
composed of C (with contributions of O,
B, and N), while in LHD this fraction is
below 50% with about 20% of all particles
containing more than 5 at% metal (Fe).
For the AUG collectors, the fraction of
tungsten containing particles is in the
range between 50% and 80%. Spherical
particles, which are significantly present in
AUG and indicate molten metal or strong
plasma contact (see figure), are almost
missing on the DIII-D collectors and are
sparsely present on the LHD collectors.
The particle size distribution, which could
be described for different classes of dusts
from AUG by a log-normal distribution, is
different for the dust originating from LHD
and DIII-D. Specifically, in the fully graphite covered device DIII-D the frequency
of very small and large dust particles is
larger compared to that in AUG and the
total amount is also larger by 1-2 orders
of magnitude hinting again at the different
production processes.
Mechanical Properties of
Tungsten-fibre-reinforced Tungsten
Cross­section of Wf/W composite
after a Charpy impact test: The
tungsten fibres show ductile
deformation and pull-out leading
to increased toughness of the
Its combination of unique properties
makes tungsten a promising candidate
for plasma-facing components in a future
fusion power plant. However, its inherent
brittleness and corresponding lack of
damage tolerance considerably limit its
A possible solution/improvement is to
incorporate fibres in the material producing a kind of toughness, viz. increased
resistance to failure. The embedded fibres
can bridge or deflect cracks, or plastically
During the past years W samples reinforced with coated long W fibres (Wf/W)
from drawn tungsten wires could be
produced on a laboratory scale (60 x 60 x
3 mm³, 2000 fibres). Charpy impact tests
on the ‘as produced’ samples (conducted
at Institute of Materials Science and
Mechanics of Materials, TUM) showed
increased fracture energy mainly due to
the ductile deformation of the tungsten
fibres (see figure). Three-point bending
tests with ‘as produced’ samples showed
stable crack propagation and rising
load-bearing capability still after crack
initiation. Interface debonding and crack
bridging could be directly observed. Even
after reaching the maximum strength no
catastrophic failure appeared, but only
a reduction of load, revealing the ideal
composite behavior.
In the view of fusion application this
ductility in the fibres might get lost due
to accidental thermal overload and the
embrittlement through neutron irradiation.
In such a fully embrittled case (reached by
heating the sample at 2000K for 30min)
still crack bridging by the fibres and a
rising load-bearing capacity was observed,
albeit only up to lower maximum load.
These experimental observations prove
that the toughening in Wf/W is still effective
after embrittlement. The results illustrate
that the use of Wf/W could broaden the
operation temperature window of tungsten
components significantly and mitigate
problems of deep cracking occurring
typically in cyclic high heat flux loading.
n Supported by EUROfusion (2015)
Plasma Material Interaction Group
Research Focus
n Detailed understanding of complex
interaction processes between plasma
and material
n Development of novel materials with
improved properties
n Integration of new materials into
plasma-facing components
n Plasma Physics for Engineers
n Plasma Material Interaction
n Measurement and modeling of erosion,
surface composition and hydrogen
retention of materials
n Laboratory scale production of thin
n Laboratory scale production of tungsten fibre reinforced materials
n Performance and analysis of high
heat flux tests of inertially and actively
cooled materials and components
n Thermo-mechanical analysis of high
heat flux components
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Neu
n Accelerator for surface analysis
n High heat flux ion beam test stand
n Manipulator in the fusion device ASDEX
n Scanning electron microscopy (SEM
with Focused ion beam (FIB), Energy
Disp. X-ray spectrosc. (EDX), Electron
Backsc. Diffract.(EBSD))
n Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)
n X-ray Diffraction (XRD)
n Confocal laser scanning microscope
n Photo Electron Spectroscopy (XPS)
n Magnetron sputter devices
n Vacuum ovens for thermal desorption
Research Group at:
Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik
funded by MPG/HGF and supported by
Research Scientists
(MPI für Plasmaphysik)
Dr. rer. nat. Martin Balden
Dipl.-Phys. Stefan Elgeti
Dipl.-Ing. Hanns Gietl
Dipl.-Ing. Henri Greuner
Georg Holzner, B.Sc.
Dipl.-Phys. Till Höschen
Dipl.-Chem. Freimut Koch
Dr. rer. nat. Karl Krieger
Dr.-Ing. Muyan Li
Dr. rer. nat. Hans Maier
Dipl.-Ing. Alexander von Müller
Dr.-Ing. Johann Riesch
Dr. rer. nat. Volker Rohde
apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jeong-Ha You
Technical Staff
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Bernd Böswirth
Gabriele Matern
Publications 2015
n L. Frassinetti, D. Dodt, M.N.A. Beurskens, A Sirinelli,
J. Boom, et al., ‘Effect of nitrogen seeding on the
ELM energy losses in JET with the ITER-like wall’,
Nucl. Fusion 55 (2015) 023007
n M.J. Leyland, M.N.A. Beurskens, L. Frassinetti, C.
Giroud, S. Jachmich,et al., ‘The H-mode pedestal
structure and its role on confinement in JET with
a carbon and metal wall’, Nucl. Fusion 55 (2015)
n F. Romanelli, M.. Abhangi, P. Abreu, M. Aftanas,
M. Afzal, et al., ‘Overview of the JET results’, Nucl.
Fusion 55 (2015) 104001
Plasma Material Interaction Group
n A. Hakola, S. Koivuranta, J. Likonen, A. Herrmann,
H. Maier, M. Mayer,, et al., ‘Erosion of tungsten and
steel in the main chamber of ASDEX Upgrade’,
Journ. Nucl. Mater. 463 (2015) 162
n M. Turnyanskiy, R. Neu, R. Albanese, C. Bachmann,
S. Brezinsek, et al., ‘A roadmap to the realisation of
fusion energy – mission for solutions on heatexhaust systems’, Fusion Eng. Design 98-99 (2015)
n P. Paris, K. Piip, A. Hakola, M. Laan, M. Aints, et al.,
‘LIBS characterization of ASDEX Upgrade samples’,
Fusion Eng. Design 98-99 (2015) 1349
Thermo-Fluid Dynamics Group
Modelling and simulation of thermo-fluid dynamic phenomena in energy and process technology
n In 2015 the formulation of state space models for combustion dynamic
and acoustic phenomena made significant progress. Focus was also on
quantification of noise and uncertainty in thermo- and aero-acoustics.
n Extended visit by Dr. Luca Magri (U.
Cambridge/U. Stanford) in January/
n Extended visit by Prof. Arun Tangirala
(IIT Madras) in June/July
n Contributed ‘Six Lectures on Thermoacoustic Combustion Instability’ to the
21st CISM-IUTAM Int’l Summer School
on ‘Measurement, analysis and passive
control of thermoacoustic oscillations’
in June
n Participation in the SFB/TRR40
Summer Program 2015 with a project
on ‘Hybrid CFD/low order modeling of
thermoacoustic limit cycles’ in collaboration with E. Gopalakrishnan and R. I.
Sujith (IIT Madras)
n Contributed two lectures on identification of noise and uncertainty in
aero-acoustics to a VKI lecture series
on ‘Progress in simulation, control
and reduction of ventilation noise’ in
n Since December 2015, W. Polifke is
Editor in Chief of the ‘In’tl J. of Spray
and Combustion Dynamics’
Wolfgang Polifke, Ph.D.
State-Space-Models for Combustion
Dynamics and Acoustics
Long-term efforts to develop state-space
formulations for generation, transmission
and scattering of sound in ducted configurations made very significant progress in
2015. A unified framework for integration
of a wide range of models in the in-house
acoustic toolbox taX was developed.
Generation, propagation and dissipation
of sound in combustion chambers,
ventilation ducts or exhaust systems may
now be modelled in a flexible and very
efficient manner. Powerful tools are now
available for the analysis of thermo- or
aero-acoustic instabilities.
State-space models also played a crucial
role in the development of robust, flexible time-domain impedance boundary
conditions for numerical simulation of
compressible flows. The new boundary
Phase portrait of velocity during
period-2 oscillation of unstable
premix flame with compressible
(blue) and incompressible (red)
flow model (from Jaensch et al,
conditions made possible for the first
time the investigation of nonlinear dynamics and bifurcation studies of unstable
premixed flames with CFD.
Identification of Noise and Uncertainty
Significant progress was achieved in the
concurrent identification of noise sources
and acoustic scattering in ducted flows.
Advanced tools from system identifcation
were combined with high performance
computation of compressible, turbulent
flow. Both the power spectral distribution
of noise generated from turbulent fluctuations as well as the coefficients of the
acoustic scattering matrix were determined in a wide range of frequencies from
a single large eddy simulation. Moreover,
the uncertainty resulting from the limited
amount of time series data could be
Thermo-Fluid Dynamics Group
quantified in terms of confidence intervalls for model parameters, which were
deduced by residual analysis. Application
of this approach to turbulent flames is the
topic of an ongoing joint research project
with Ecole Centrale in Paris.
In collaboration with visiting scientist
Luca Magri, post-doctoral researcher
Camilo Silva quantified the uncertainties
of thermoacoustic stability analysis with a
high-order adjoint formulation for the nonlinear eigenvalue problem that results from
the combination of a time-lagged model
for the flame dynamics with a Helmholtz
solver for combustion chamber acoustics.
This approach promises to confidently
assess the thermoacoustic stability of
configurations of applied interest with high
accuracy and efficieny.
Power spectral distribution of noise source
downstream of an orifice in ducted flow. Identified
model (with confidence band) vs. spectral analysis of
LES time series (from Sovardi et al, 2015)
n Marie Curie FP7 IPN FlowAirs, DFG/
ANR NoiseDyn, SFB/TRR40
Research Focus
n Combustion dynamics
n Thermo- and aero-acoustics
n Stability analysis
n Mixing and reaction in turbulent flows
n Polydisperse multi-phase flows
Prof. Wolfgang Polifke, Ph. D.
n Thermo-fluid dynamics
n Combustion modeling
n Large eddy simulation
n System identification
n Stability analysis
n Low-order acoustic modeling
Research Scientists
Alp Albayrak, M.Sc.
Javier Achury, M.Sc.
Alexander Avdonin, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Bomberg
Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Emmert
Kilian Förner, M.Sc.
Alfredo Hernandez, M. Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Jaensch
Joohwa Sarah Lee, M.Sc.
Malte Merk, M. Sc.
Driek Rouwenhorst, M. Sc.
Camilo Silva, Ph.D.
Carlo Sovardi, M. Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Steinbacher
Lin Strobio Chen, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Armin Witte
n Compute cluster
n Engineering Thermodynamics
n Wärme- und Stoffübertragung
n Grundlagen der Mehrphasenströmung
n Grundlagen der numerischen TFD
n Computational Thermo-Fluid Dynamics
n Simulation of Thermofluids with OpenSource Tools
Thermo-Fluid Dynamics Group
Administrative Staff
Helga Bassett
Dipl.Ing. (FH) Sigrid Schulz-Reichwald
Publications 2015
n Acher, T., Lenz, S., Gobert, C., Dems, P., Polifke, W.,
2015. Numerische Simulation von Hydrodynamik
und Stoffübergang in polydispersen Blasensäulenströmungen mit Hilfe einer Momentenmethode,
Processnet – Jahrestreffen der Fachgruppen
Computational Fluid Dynamics und Mehrphasenströmungen, 6092. VDI, Lüneburg, Germany.
n Achury, J., Polifke, W., 2015. Theoretical Investigation of the Particle Response to an Acoustic Field,
14th Workshop on Two-Phase Flow Predictions.
n Albayrak, A., Polifke, W., 2015. On the propagation
velocity of swirl waves in annular flows, 22nd
International Congress on Sound and Vibration
(ICSV22). IIAV, Florence, Italy.
n Boden, H., Polifke, W., 2015. Uncertainty quantification applied to aeroacoustic predictions, Schram, C.
(Ed.), Progress in Simulation, Control and Reduction
of Ventilation Noise, VKI Lecture Series 2015.
Rhode-St-Genèse, BE.
n Bomberg, S., Emmert, T., Polifke, W., 2015. Thermal
Versus Acoustic Response of Velocity Sensitive Premixed Flames. Proc. Combust. Inst. 35, 3185–3192.
n Collonval, F., 2015. Modeling of auto-ignition and
NOx formation in turbulent reacting flows (PhD
Thesis). Technische Universität München.
n Emmert, T., Bomberg, S., Polifke, W., 2015. Intrinsic
Thermoacoustic Instability of Premixed Flames.
Combust. Flame 162, 75–85. doi:10.1016/j.
combustflame. 2014.06.008
n Förner, K., Cárdenas Miranda, A., Polifke, W., 2015.
Mapping the Influence of Acoustic Resonators on
Rocket Engine Combustion Stability. Journal of Propulsion and Power 31, 1159–1166. doi:10.2514/1.
n Förner, K., Polifke, W., 2015. Aero-Acoustic
Characterization of Helmholtz Resonators in the
Linear Regime with System Identification, 22nd
International Congress on Sound and Vibration
(ICSV22). Florence, Italy.
n Förner, K., Temiz, M.A., Polifke, W., Lopez Arteaga,
I., Hirschberg, A., 2015. On the Non-Linear Influence of the Edge Geometry on Vortex Shedding in
Helmholtz Resonators, 22nd International Congress
on Sound and Vibration (ICSV22). Florence, Italy.
n Holzinger, T., Baumgartner, A., Polifke, W., 2015. A
quasi-one-dimensional model of thermoacoustics
in the presence of mean flow. Journal of Sound
and Vibration 335, 204–228. doi:10.1016/j.
n Jaensch, S., Merk, M., Gopalakrishnan, E., Bomberg, S., Emmert, T., Sujith, R.I., Polifke, W., 2015a.
Hybrid CFD/ low order modeling of thermoacoustic
limit cycles, Sonderforschungsbereich/Transregio
40 – Summer Program Report 2015.
n Müller, R. A. J., 2015. Control authority for active
damping of combustion instabilities (PhD Thesis).
Technische Universität München, München,
n Polifke, W., 2015. Six Lectures on Thermoacoustic
Combustion Instability, 21st CISM-IUTAM Int’l
Summer School on ‘Measurement, Analysis and
Passive Control of Thermoacoustic Oscillations.’
Udine, Italy.
n Silva, C.F., Emmert, T., Jaensch, S., Polifke, W.,
2015. Numerical study on intrinsic thermoacoustic
instability of a laminar premixed flame. Combust.
Flame 162, 3370 – 3378. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2015.06.003.
n Silva, C.F., Jaensch, S., Emmert, T., Polifke, W.,
2015. On the autoregressive behavior of the
intrinsic thermoacoustic feedback loop observed in
premixed flames, 22nd International Congress on
Sound and Vibration (ICSV22). Florence, Italy.
n Sovardi, C., Polifke, W., 2015. CFD-Based Modeling
of Sound Generation in Ducted Discontinuities,
Schram, C. (Ed.), Progress in Simulation, Control
and Reduction of Ventilation Noise, VKI Lecture
Series 2015. VKI, Rhode-St-Genèse, BE.
n Sovardi, C., Polifke, W., 2015. Acoustic characterisation of double-orifice configurations by means
of a LES-SI approach, Euronoise 2015 – 10th
European Congress and Exposition on Noise
Control Engineering.
n Strobio Chen, L., Witte, A., Polifke, W., 2015b.
Thermo-acoustic characterization of a heat exchanger in cross flow using compressible and weakly
compressible numerical simulation, The 22nd
International Congress of Sound and Vibration.
Florence, Italy.
n Subramanian, P., Blumenthal, R.S., Sujith, R.,
Polifke, W., 2015. Distributed time lag response functions for the modelling of combustion dynamics.
Combustion Theory and Modelling 19, 223–237.
n Tay-Wo-Chong, L., Zellhuber, M., Komarek, T.,
Im, H.G., Polifke, W., 2015. Combined Influence
of Strain and Heat Loss on Premixed Flame
Stabilization. Flow Turb. and Comb. doi:10.1007/
n Ulhaq, Ahtsham, Silva, C.F., Polifke, W., 2015. Identification of the dynamics of technically premixed
flames as multiple-input, single-output systems
from LES, Proc. 7th European Combustion Meeting.
n Witte, A., Emmert, T., Holzinger, T., Polifke, W.,
2015. Optimization techniques for power generation
from waste heat using thermoacoustic engines,
MSE Energy Colloquium.
n Witte, A., Polifke, W., 2015. Heat transfer frequency
response of a cylinder in pulsating laminar cross
flow, 17. STAB-Workshop. Göttingen.
n Zellhuber, M., Polifke, W., 2015. Large Eddy
Simulation of High Frequency Flame Dynamics in
Perfect Premixed Combustors with Elevated Inlet
Temperatures, Fröhlich, J., Kuerten, H., Geurts,
B.J.and Armenio, V. (Eds.), Direct and Large-Eddy
Simulation IX. Springer.
Thermo-Fluid Dynamics Group
Assistant Professorship of Safe Embedded Systems
Specification of fault-tolerant systems, verification and validation of safety-critical systems
n The focus of the Assistant Professorship of Safe Embedded Systems
(SES) in 2015 was to further develop methods and approaches in the
fields of specification and validation of safety-critical distributed appli­
Prof. Dr. Julien Provost
Phone +
Validation by testing is a mandatory
procedure for safety-critical controllers.
However, the validation of a logic controller is often only considered in the later
phases of its development. Thus, if specific non-functional requirements related to
testing are not initially considered in the
specification models, this could lead to
the impossibility of validating the behavior
of a controller by means of testing.
Design-to-test approaches aim at improving the testability of controllers and
reducing the additional human workload
required to trustfully test critical logic
In 2015, SES developed and implemented
a design-to-test approach for discrete
event systems. A demonstration software
has been developed for MATLAB Stateflow specifications.
n TUM – Design-to-test approach for
black-box testing of programmable
Reconfigurable Distributed Architecture
Reconfigurable architecture
applied to an automated guided
The control of automated systems is
increasingly achieved by distributed
controllers. However, for critical systems
the global implementation needs to be
fault-tolerant. In order to achieve a desired
level of fault-tolerance and ensure high
dependability, two approaches can be
Assistant Professorship of Safe Embedded Systems
used: redundancy and reconfiguration
of systems. When these approaches are
combined, the research questions to be
regarded are as follows: How many subsystems may fail simultaneously without
losing complete control of the global
system? and How long can a subsystem
stay in its fail state before a reconfiguration is needed?
In 2015, SES investigated the implementation of redundant reconfigurable distributed architecture for automated guided
vehicles. This approach is using a serviceoriented architecture and has been
implemented on a microcontroller-based
n TUM – Redundant reconfigurable
distributed architecture using
service-oriented architecture
Supervisory Control Theory
Supervisory Control Theory (SCT) is a
model-based approach that permits to
automatically generate correct-by-construction supervisory controllers. Thanks to
SCT approach, which is using mathematically proved algorithms, generated controllers do not need to be verified anymore.
The designers can then focus more on the
requirements definition and the specification modeling. A set of specifications
permits to specify independently each
requirement (functional and non-functional
requirements, safety and liveness requirements, optimization criteria…). Then,
synthesis algorithms are applied on the
set of specifications and plants models
to generate a supervisory controller. The
obtained supervisory controller is then
guaranteed to be deadlock-free and maximally permissive (all the specifications
are fulfilled and only these specifications
are fulfilled).
In 2015, SES investigated two obstacles
for a wide application of SCT in industry.
First, while many industrial applications
use signals and dataflow to represent and
Research Focus
n Fault-tolerant systems
n Formal verification & validation
n Distributed control systems
n Diagnosis of automated systems
n Control of discrete event systems
n Conformance testing
n Supervisory control theory
n Fault-tree analysis
n Test bench for (safety) programmable
logic controllers
n Didactic platform for supervisory
control and diagnosis
n Basics of Dependable Systems
n Control of Discrete Event Systems
n Safe Embedded Systems
exchange sensors and actuator values,
the fundaments and most of the works
related to SCT use event-based modeling.
Secondly, most of the tools that use SCT
algorithms are not easily connected to
industrial programming tools, thus limiting
their application in industry. To cope with
these obstacles, SES investigated a signalbased SCT approach, and developed
a demonstration software for MATLAB
Stateflow models. This approach has
been successfully applied to our didactic
production system platform.
Didactic platform: SCT for
mechanical engineers
n TUM – Supervisory Control Theory for
mechanical engineers
Prof. Dr. Julien Provost
Research Scientist
Canlong Ma, M.Sc.
Publications 2015
n C. Ma, J. Provost: Design-to-test approach for
black-box testing of programmable controllers.
IEEE International Conference on Automation
Science and Engineering (CASE), 2015. DOI:
n A. Theorin, K. Bengtsson, J. Provost, M. Lieder,
C. Johnsson, T. Lundholm, B. Lennartson, An
Event-Driven Manufacturing Information System
Architecture. 15th IFAC Symposium on Information
Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM), 2015.
n S. Rösch, S. Ulewicz, J. Provost, B. Vogel-Heuser:
Review of Model-Based Testing Approaches in
roduction Automation and Adjacent Domains —
Current Challenges and Research Gaps. Journal of
Software Engineering and Applications 8 (09), 499.
DOI: 10.4236/jsea.2015.89048
Assistant Professorship of Safe Embedded Systems
Institute of Industrial Management and Assembly Technologies
Perspectives for production
n In 2015, the Chair for Industrial Management and Assembly Technology
with its two locations in Augsburg and Garching considered in particular
the possibilities of how humans can be integrated into the objectives of
Industry 4.0. In addition, the further development of electro-mobility at the
production site Germany was specifically targeted.
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Gunther Reinhart
Phone +
Use of smart devices for human beings in industry 4.0
Industry 4.0
As a result of demographic changes, the
average age in producing companies will
continue to increase in the future. With
‘Industry 4.0’ the iwb not only means
the interconnection of systems, but also
how humans are safe in the production
environment and how they can effectively
use their skills and know-how.
Locations Augsburg and Garching In
close cooperation with the project group
‘Resource Efficient Mechatronic Processing Machines’ at Fraunhofer IWU in
Augsburg and four additional partners,
major milestones were reached over the
last few years, for example, with the project ‘InnoCyFer – Integrated Design and
Fabrication of Customer Individualized
Products in Cyber Physical Manufacturing
Systems’ supported by the German
Federal Ministry of Economics and
Energy (BMW) as the lead sponsor in the
DLR-sponsored project. The scientists are
working together to achieve the goal to
enable the integrated design and production of customer-innovated products.
This will be achieved through the develop-
Institute of Industrial Management and Assembly Technologies
ment of an open-innovation platform,
which would enable the integration of
the creativity and innovation potential of
customers in the product development
process. One important research content is the planning and control of an
autonomous production that is based on
cyber-physical systems, where the customer-innovated products will be produced.
It is linked directly to the open-innovation
platform to ensure that the customer is
always well informed of the feasibility of
his design, and at the same time receives
a delivery schedule and cost estimate.
The expected results offer companies a
very innovative business model with the
opportunity to position themselves on the
market with customer-innovated products,
and to strengthen Germany’s position as
a business location in the long term. With
the iwb Application Center Augsburg,
the Bavarian-Swabian location has been
benefiting for 20 years from the ‘Production Experts’. That way, the technology
transfer in Augsburg and surrounding area
will be ensured with the scientists there.
Assembly Technology and Robotics
The area of Assembly Technology and
Robotics addresses the assembly as the
last step in the value-creation chain within
the production process. Here, the costs
and quality of products are influenced in
a major way. Efficient assembly processes, innovative system technology and
assembly systems, and also the targeted
use of industrial robots are the key to a
cost-efficient production. The researchers
in the Assembly Technology and Robotics
group are therefore working on new
solutions to specific problems in these
areas. Significantly are also the current
trends in production. A large part of the
work is therefore orientated towards the
future area of electromobility and decen­
tralized energy storage. In this connection,
a research line was created at iwb for the
production of lithium-ion battery cells
which offers a unique platform to research
the relationships between production and
product quality. Other significant developments are the ever increasing demands on
adaptability of assembly lines and robot
systems, as well as the topics related to
Industry 4.0. Starting with a comprehensive analysis, a thorough understanding
assembly and handling processes is
developed. Building on this, process
chains are generated and integrated into
innovative system concepts. Along with
that, economic and quality examinations
validate the applicability of the solutions.
Particular attention is being paid to the
industrial robot as a universal tool for the
automation of processes in production.
Packaging a battery cell in the research center
for lithium-ion-batteries at iwb
n ExZellTUM – Excellence Center for
battery cells at the Technical University
n ProLIZ – Production technology for
lithium-ion cells
n EEBatt – Decentralized stationary
energy storage
n FOREL – Research and technology
centre for resource-efficient lightweight structures of electric mobility
n AKOMI – Automated configuration in
micro-system technology
n CyPros – Cyber-physical production
n RoHoQ – Robot-based ultra-precise
quality assurance
n Spicy – Silicon and polyanionic chemistries and architectures of Li-ion cell for
high energy battery
Production Management and Logistics
The research group Production Management and Logistics is working on projects
aimed at enhancing effectiveness and
efficiency of production. The research
scope covers three main fields of interest.
The first field comprises the design of an
effective change management in production, the management of production
technologies and facility planning. The
second field conducts research on the
efficient integration of human resources
in an increasingly digital and networked
production environment.
These fields are complemented by
research on optimization methods for
industrial application and on approaches
for efficient exploration of required data.
The group’s wide-ranging expertise in all
areas of production management and logistics stems from its fields of current and
Institute of Industrial Management and Assembly Technologies
former comprehensive research. Furthermore, the research group is equipped with
a real production environment through
the Model Factory for Lean Production
(LSP) and the Learning Lab for Humans
in Production. This environment supports
research, teaching and training in the
context of lean management and human
resources in production.
n SFB 768 – Managing cycles in innovation processes, sub-projects B3
‘Dynamic Production Technology
Planning’, B4 ‘Dynamic Production
Structure Planning’, and B5 ‘Cyclically
Oriented Design of Versatile Production
Resources’ in the funding phase II,
and the transfer project T2 ‘Cyclically
Oriented Assessment and Planning of
Technology Sequences and Equipment
for Assembly Processes’
n Designing flexible factory layouts based
on rough planning data
n BMW.TUM – Intelligent Logistics
Planning based on Big Data
n MAN.TUM – Individual and Dynamic
Worker Information
Research Focus
n Production management and logistics
n Assembly technology and robotics
n Production technology management
n Human factors in factory environments
n Biomimetics in production management
n Value creation network and locations
n Technology planning
n Factory planning
n Lean management
n Resource-efficient production
n Knowledge management and didactics
n Performing benchmarks and technological research
n Production planning and control
n Battery production
n Assembly processes
Institute of Industrial Management and Assembly Technologies
Monitoring the process for coating anodes
n MAN.TUM – Efficient pre-production
development of variant-rich small series
n BMW.TUM – Configuration and Dimensioning of Production Networks based
on Bionic Principles
n InnoCyFer – Integrated Design and
Fabrication of Customer Individualized
Products in Cyber Physical Manufacturing Systems
n Robotics
n Assembly-friendly design and production
n Assembly planning and scenario
n Process and mock-up development
n Analysis and optimization of operating
n Feeding and handling technology
n Production line for battery cells
n Industrial robots
n Environmental/safety and teaching
n Energetic and geometrical parameters
n Material analysis systems
n Simulation environments
n Automobile Production
n Factory Planning
n Human Factors in Production Engineer­
n Methods of Company Management
n Assembly, Handling and Industrial
n Management of Production Enterprises
for Teachers
n Practical Course CAD/CAM-Systems
n Practical Course ERP-Systems
n Practical Course Industrial Robots
n Practical Course Production Planning
and Control
n Practical Course Energy Productivity
n Practical Course Lean Production
n Seminar Production Management
n Practical Soft Skills for Mechatronic
Processes in Development and Production
n Seminar Mechatronic Development of
Production Systems
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Reinhart, Director
Beatrix Kain, Secretary
Adjunct Professors
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Milberg
Hon.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Jochen Platz
Visiting Lectures
Dr.-Ing. Robert Reiter
Dr.-Ing. Rainer Stetter
Administrative Staff
Fabio Ciuffreda
Dipl.-Ing. Fritz Grimmer
Dipl.-Ing. Oliver Holzmann
Nadja Kirmayer
Tanja Mayer
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Sebald
Research Scientists
Nicolas Billot, M.Eng.
Dipl.-Ing. Simone Dietrich
Christiane Dollinger, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Josef Greitemann
Till Günther, M.Eng.
Sven Hawer, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Knoche
Dino Knoll, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Jonas Koch
Dipl.-Ing. Jakob Kurfer
Dipl.-Ing. Christopher Lock
Dipl.-Phys. Gregor Lux
Dipl.-Ing. Jan-Fabian Meis
Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Michniewicz
Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Michael Niehues
Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Christian Plehn
Dipl.-Ing. Benedikt Sager
Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Schmalz
Joscha Schnell, M.Sc.
Alexander Schönmann, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Franz Spingler
Dipl.-Ing. Ulrich Teschemacher
Severin Teubner, M.Sc.
Marco Ulrich, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Susanne Vernim
Dipl.-Ing. Markus Westermeier
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Martin Wunderer
Dipl.-Ing. Carola Zwicker
Technical Staff
Armin Braun
Gerhard Brethack
Alexander Degenhart
Andreas Grünwald
Brigitte Hadler
Wolfgang Rissling
Stefan Seidl
Rainer Sollfrank
Institute of Industrial Management and Assembly Technologies
Publications 2014-15
n Braunreuther, S.; Hammerstingl, V.; Schweier,
M.; Theodossiadis, G.; Reinhart, G.; Zaeh, M. F.:
Welding joint detection by calibrated mosaicking
with laser scanner systems. CIRP Journal of
Manufacturing Science and Technology (2015) 10,
pp. 16-23.
n Knoche, T.; Reinhart, G.: Electrolyte Filling of
Large-Scale Lithium-Ion Batteries: Challenges for
Production Technology and Possible Approaches.
Applied Mechanics and Materials, 794 (2015),
pp. 11-18
n Distel, F. M.; Reinhart, G.: Automated Design and
Optimization of Rectangular Plate Sonotrodes
for Squeeze Film Levitation. Journal of Vibration
Engineering & Technologies 3 (2015) 2, pp. 151-160.
n Fischbach, C. W. P.; Zaeh, M. F.; Mair, M.: Identifying the Benefits of Fiber Reinforced Plastics for
Their Use in Machine Tool Structures. International
Journal of Automation Technology 9 (2015) 6,
pp. 731-738.
n Greitemann, J.; Stahl, B.; Schönmann, A.;
Lohmann, B.; Reinhart, G.: Strategic production
technology planning using a dynamic technology
chain calendar. Production Engineering 9 (2015) 3,
pp. 417-424.
n Greitemann, J.; Worbs, A.; Hehl, M.; Schönmann,
A.; Reinhart, G.: Technologieidentifikation – Methodik und Evaluation. Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen
Fabrikbetrieb (ZWF) 110 (2015) 10, pp. 630-634.
n Hammerstingl, V.; Reinhart, G.: Unified Plug&Produce architecture for automatic integration of field
devices in industrial environments. In: IEEE (Hrsg.):
2015 IEEE International Conference on Industrial
Technology (ICIT). Seville, Spain 2015, pp. 19561963.
n Hawer, S.; Ilmer, P.; Reinhart, G.: Klassifizierung
unscharfer Planungsdaten in der Fabrikplanung.
Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb (ZWF)
110 (2015) 10, pp. 348-351.
n Jelinek, M.; Voit, M.; Seidel, C.; Reinhart, G.; Haag,
M.: Roboter greift Früchte – flexibel und ohne
Beschädigung. Konstruktion (2015) 7-8, pp. 70-73.
n Karl, F.; Reinhart, G.: Reconfigurations on manufacturing resources: identification of needs and
planning. Production Engineering (2015).
n Koch, J.; Brandl, F.; Reinhart, G.: A system-based
approach to further design the concept of Manufacturing Change Management. 17th International
Dependency and Structure Modeling Conference,
DSM 2015, November 2015
n Koch, J.; Michels, N.; Reinhart, G.: Context model
design for a process-oriented Manufacturing
Change Management. Procedia CIRP (2015).
n Koch, J.; Brandl, F.; Hofer, A.; Reinhart, G. (2015)
Studie: Änderungsmanagement in der Produktion.
Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Betriebswissenschaften (iwb), TUM, München.
n Plehn, C.; Ostermeier, F.; Remmel, F.; Neufville, R.
d.; Reinhart, G.: Towards a Uniform Understanding
of Changeability Terminology – A Multidisciplinary
Review. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science
and Technology (2015).
n Plehn, C.; Stein, F.; Reinhart, G.: Modeling Factory
Systems Using Graphs. In: Cascini, G. et al.
(Hrsg.): ICED 2015 – Design for Life, International
Conference on Engineering Design. Milan, July
27-30 2015.
Institute of Industrial Management and Assembly Technologies
n Schönmann, A.; Becker, T.; Reinhart, G.:
Unterstützung bei der Vorauswahl alternativer
Produktionstechnologien – Das Technologieradar
als Kommunikationswerkzeug. In: Gausemeier,
J. (Hrsg.): Vorausschau und Technologieplanung.
Paderborn: HNI-Verlagsschriftenreihe 2015,
pp. 243-258. ISBN: 978-3-942647-66-3.
n Schönmann, A.; Panzer, N.; Reinhart, G.; Intra,
C.; Wildmoser, T.: Bewertung des Einsatzes von
Lasertechnologien in der Nutzfahrzeugindustrie.
Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb (ZWF)
110 (2015) 11, pp. 725-729.
n Shen, Y.; Tseng, M. M.; Reinhart, G.: A Design
Approach for Incorporating Task-Coordination
for Human-Robot-Coexistence within Assembly
Systems. In: IEEE (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 9th
Annual IEEE International System Conference
(SysCon). Vancouver BC, Canada, 13-16 April 2015
2015, pp. 426-431.
n Shen, Y.; Zastrow, S.; Reinhart, G.: Ein Bewertungsansatz für die Mensch-Roboter-Kooperation
in Montagelinien unter Berücksichtigung von
Unsicherheiten. Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftlichen
Fabrikbetrieb 110 (2015) 3, pp. 83-87.
n Speigelberger, B.; Klein, T.; Drescher, B.; Haberstroh, P.; Reinhart, G.: Mechatronisches Engineering
zur effizienten Produktentwicklung im Maschinenund Anlagenbau. ke NEXT (2015).
n Vernim, S.; Reinhart, G.: Production planning
and control in complex, autonomous systems –
Acceptance by the planner as factor of success for
the cooperation with such systems. In: Wulfsberg,
J. P. et al. (Hrsg.): WGP Congress 2015. Progress in
Production Engineering. Hamburg, 07-08.09.2015.
Pfaffikon, Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications
2015, pp. 453-460. ISBN: 978-3-03835-616-5.
(Applied Mechanics and Materials 794).
n Buschle, F.; Reisen, K.; Greb, C.; Marquart, M.;
Reinhart, G.; Gries, T.: Technologiereifebewertung
Faserdirektablage zur CFK-Herstellung. Technologiespezifische Reifegradbestimmung eines
innovativen Herstellungsverfahrens von CFK-Bauteilen für die automobile Großserie. ZWF Zeitschrift
für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 109 (2014) 9,
pp. 616-620.
n Haberstroh, P.; Reinhart, G.: Methode zur Berücksichtigung von Persönlichkeitseigenschaften bei
der Einführung von mecha-tronischen Vorgehensweisen. ZWF Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 6.
n Hammerstingl, V.; Schmalz, J.; Reinhart, G.: Das
Tablet als Schnittstelle zur Maschine – Konzept für
die wirtschaftliche Implementierung von mobilen
Geräten in der Produktion. VDI-Z Integrierte
Produktion 156 (2014) 6, pp. 34-36.
n Koch, J.; Maisenbacher, S.; Maurer, M.; Reinhart,
G.; Zäh, M. F.: Structural modeling of extended
manufacturing systems – an approach to support
changeability by reconfiguration planning. In: CIRP
(Hrsg.): Procedia CIRP. Variety Management in
Manufacturing – Proceedings of the 47th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems. Amsterdam:
Elsevier 2014, pp. 142-147.
n Koch, J.; Plehn, C.; Reinhart, G.; Zäh, M. F.: Cycle
Management for Continuous Manufacturing
Planning. In: Zäh, M. F. (Ed.): Enabling Manufacturing Competitiveness and Economic Sustainability.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference
on Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual
Production (CARV 2013). New York: Springer 2014,
pp. 9-12.
n Michaeli, P.; Rauch, J.; Reinhart, G.: Systematik zur
Analyse produktionsstrategischer Handlungsfelder.
ZWF Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb
109 (2014) 3, pp. 142-146.
n Plehn, C.; Koch, J.; Diepold, K.; Stahl, B.; Lohmann,
B.; Reinhart, G.; Zäh, M. F.: Modeling and analyzing
dynamic cycle networks for manufacturing planning. In: Procedia CIRP (2014): CIRP Global Web
Conference on Production Engineering Research:
Advancement beyond state of the art.
n Reinhart, G.; Greitemann, J.; Reisen, K.; Rester, N.:
Technologie-Screening. Bewertung produktionsbezogener Risiken innovativer Produkte am Beispiel
der Elektromobilität. wt Werkstattstechnik online
104 (2014) 4, pp. 217-223.
n Reinhart, G.; Teschemacher, U.; Meis, J.-F.;
Schindler, S.: Bionik in der Produktionsorganisation.
Biologische Organisationsformen zur Steuerung von
Produktionssystemen. Industrie Management 30
(2014) 1, pp. 37-41.
n Reinhart, G.; Teschemacher, U.; Meis, J.-F.;
Schindler, S.: Bionik in der Produktionsorganisation.
Biologische Organisationsformen zur Steuerung von
Produktionssystemen. Industrie Management 30
(2014) 1, pp. 37-41.
n Reinhart, G.; Kurfer, J.; Westermeier, M.; Zeilinger,
T.: Integrated Product and Process Model for
Production System Design and Quality Assurance
for EV Battery Cells. Advanced Materials Research
907 (2014), pp. 365-378.
n Reisen, K.; Greitemann, J.; Rester, N.; Reinhart, G.:
Production Technology Screening for Innovative
Products. In: IEEE (Hrsg.): Bond With Technology
on the Go, International Technology Management
Conference. Chicago/USA, 12-15-06.2014.
Chicago: IEEE 2014. ISBN: 978-1-4799-3312-9.
n Reisen, K.; Greitemann, J.; Rester, N.; Reinhart, G.:
Production Technology Screening for Innovative
Products. In: IEEE (Hrsg.): Bond With Technology
on the Go, International Technology Management
Conference. Chicago/USA, 12-15.06.2014.
Chicago: IEEE 2014, ISBN: 978-1-4799-3312-9.
n Reisen, K.; Greitemann, J.; Rester, N.; Reinhart, G.:
Production Technology Screening for Innovative
Products. In: IEEE (Hrsg.): Bond With Technology
on the Go, International Technology Management
Conference. Chicago/USA, 12-15.06.2014.
Chicago: IEEE 2014. ISBN: 978-1-4799-3312-9.
n Richter, C.; Backhaus, J.; Drescher, B.; Klein, T.;
Stich, P.; Reinhart, G. Prof. Dr.-Ing.: Modellfabrik
für den spielerischen Einstieg in die Mechatronik.
In: Public Verlagsgesellschaft und Anzeigenagentur
GmbH (Hrsg.): Forschungsreport für den Maschinenbau in BAyern. Bingen: Public Verlagsgesellschaft und Anzeigenagentur GmbH 2014.
n Teschemacher, U.; Hees, A.; Reinhart, G.: Produktionsorganisation für die Herstellung kundeninnovierter Produkte. Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftlichen
Fabrikbetrieb 109 (2014) 1-2, pp. 16-19.
n Vernim, S.; Hees, A.; Teschemacher, U.; Wagner, M.;
Reinhart, G.: Produktionsplanung und -steuerung
mittels bionischer Kommunikationsstrukturen.
Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb (ZwF)
109 (2014) 12, pp. 915-919.
n Westermeier, M.; Reinhart, G.; Steber, M.: Complexity Management for the Start-up in Lithium-ion Cell
Production. Procedia CIRP 20 (2014), pp. 13-19.
n Zaeh, Michael F. (Hrsg.): Enabling Manufacturing
Competitiveness and Economic Sustainability.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference
on Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual
Production (CARV 2013), Munich, Germany, October 6th-9th, 2013. Cham, s.l: Springer International
Publishing 2014. ISBN: 9783319020532.
n Zaeh, Michael F. (Hrsg.): Enabling Manufacturing
Competitiveness and Economic Sustainability.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference
on Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual
Production (CARV 2013), Munich, Germany, October 6th-9th, 2013. Cham, s.l: Springer International
Publishing 2014. ISBN: 9783319020532.
n Zwicker, C.; Reinhart, G.: Human-Robot-Collaboration System for a Universal Packaging Cell for
Heavy Electronic Consumer Goods. In: Zaeh, M. F.
(Hrsg.): Enabling Manufacturing Competitiveness
and Economic Sustainability. Proceedings of the
5th International Conference on Changeable, Agile,
Reconfigurable and Virtual Production (CARV 2013),
Munich, Germany, October 6th-9th, 2013. Cham,
s.l: Springer International Publishing 2014, pp. 195199. ISBN: 9783319020532.
n Zwicker, C.; Reinhart, G.: Human-Robot-Collaboration System for a Universal Packaging Cell for
Heavy Electronic Consumer Goods. In: Zaeh, M. F.
(Hrsg.): Enabling Manufacturing Competitiveness
and Economic Sustainability. Proceedings of the
5th International Conference on Changeable, Agile,
Reconfigurable and Virtual Production (CARV 2013),
Munich, Germany, October 6th-9th, 2013. Cham,
s.l: Springer International Publishing 2014, pp. 195199. ISBN: 9783319020532.
n Asmus, S.; Karl, F.; Grassl, M.; Mohnen, A.; Reinhart, G.: Energy Efficiency in Production Processes
– The Influence of Consumption Visualization and
Staff Training. In: Seliger, G. (Hrsg.): Proceedings
of the 11th Global Conference on Sustainable
Manufacturing. Berlin (23-25 September) 2013,
pp. 187-192.
n Backhaus, J.; Ulrich, M.; Reinhart, G.: Classification, Modelling and Mapping of Skills in Automated
Production Systems. In: Zaeh, M. F. (Hrsg.):
Enabling Manufacturing Competitiveness and
Economic Sustainability. Proceedings of the 5th
International Conference on Changeable, Agile,
Reconfigurable and Virtual Production (Carv 2013),
Munich, Germany, 6-9 October: Springer Verlag
2013, pp. 85-89. ISBN: 9783319020532.
Institute of Industrial Management and Assembly Technologies
Institute of Applied Mechanics
Development, simulation and experimental investigation of complex dynamical and mechatronical systems
n The Institute of Applied Mechanics is a leading research center in the
dynamics of mechanical and robotic systems. The core of its activities
focus on the development of novel simulation and experimental techniques
for efficient analysis of complex structural dynamics, and on the design,
construction and control of advanced robotic machines.
The research is organized in three focus
areas: Robotics and Mechatronics, Dynamic
Simulation and Numerical Techniques, and
Experimental Dynamics. Each research
Prof. dr. ir. Daniel Rixen
Phone +
CROPS manipulator for automated harvesting
Institute of Applied Mechanics
group bundles specific expertise, monitors
international advances and actively
discusses the future research directions.
Robotics and Mechatronics
Mechatronics is the combination of
mechanical, electrical and informatics
systems. A focus of this field lies on the
actuation of multibody dynamical systems
and vibrating structures in order to achieve
specific functions. One example of such
systems are robots which are investigated
at our institute.
Our institute has a long tradition in
designing, constructing and controlling
robots for novel applications. Based on
our experience in autonomous legged
robots, our institute has developed a high
performance humanoid robot (LOLA) in
recent years.
Working in an interdisciplinary team, we
combine techniques from informatics,
electronics and mechanics to advance the
overall system performance on real world
walking scenarios. Our focus lies on the
development of model-based methods
for biped walking which are not restricted
to one specific robot or scenario. Current
research projects include environment recognition and modeling, trajectory planning
and walking control.
The institute’s expertise in robotics has also
been applied to other fields: In September
2014 the EU-project CROPS was successfully finished by developing in collaboration
with an international consortium the world’s
first autonomous harvesting robot for
sweet pepper in greenhouses. Its core
component was created at our institute; the
multipurpose, modular redundant manipulator arm. With up to 9 degrees of freedom,
it is specifically designed for harvesting
sweet peppers, apples or the precise
spraying of grapes. In addition to the opti-
LOLA, the humanoid robot
mization of the kinematics and mechatronic
design, our research also included motion
planning based on tactile feedback for
operations in cluttered environments such
as greenhouses.
Another area, in which our institute collaborates with the Department of Orthopedics
and Sports Orthopedics, is the investigative
manipulation of biologic joints. An experimental test rig has been developed, which
combines adaptive trajectory planning and
compliant motion control schemes at high
frequencies (4000 Hz) to actuate biologic
joints utilizing a robotic arm and thereby
analyze their spatial biomechanical behavior.
This technique aims at improving the design
of joint replacements (endoprosthesis).
Furthermore, the robotics group has proven
its worth at the European Robotics Challenge; our institute won the first stage by
developing a powerful software framework
for the autonomous operation of a mobile
robot platform in an industrial scenario.
n Real-time planning for flexible walking
of a humanoid robot (DFG)
n Robust walking for a humanoid robot
under disturbances (DFG)
n Gait control of a humanoid robot in
uneven terrain (DAAD)
n CROPS – Clever Robots for Crops:
motion planning for redundant manipulators and tactile feedback (EU-FP7,
n Multi-contact planning and control of
biped walking robots (internal)
n Adaptive force/position control of a
robot for investigative manipulation of
human joints (MRI)
Dynamic Simulation and Numerical Techniques
Designing and optimizing high-tech
systems necessitates accurate and efficient
modeling. The expertise and research focus
of the institute is mainly in model reduction
aspects, parallel computing strategies
and numerical techniques simulating
the dynamic of contact between bodies,
including lubrication through films.
To obtain accurate dynamical system
models multiphysical effects need to
be included for instance to account for
lubrication films (elasto-hydrodynamics), for
vibro-acoustic interaction or for electromagnetical coupling.
Models used to analyze the dynamics of
structures often contain several millions of
degrees of freedom. We develop methods
to characterize the dynamics of linear and
non-linear structural models with only a
reduced set of unknowns so that models
can be used for optimization, design validation or as flexible components in multibody
dynamic simulations.
In order to use the power of modern
multiprocessor computers, we develop
solution algorithms based on the paradigm
of domain decomposition; if the problem
is partitioned in different domains (regions
of a structural model), the solution is found
by iterating on the interface solution while
STÄUBLI RX90B manipulator
for investigative manipulation of
biologic joints
the behavior in the domains are computed
independently by different processors.
We improve those methods to make them
robust for real-life problems that include for
instance high heterogeneities or complex
Interaction between rotating shaft
and structural dynamics (top)
through pressure in lubrication
film (bottom)
Institute of Applied Mechanics
Multiphysical system model of a
common rail injector
n Dual substructuring techniques in linear
and multibody dynamics (internal)
n Varying manifolds as reduction basis
for geometrically non-linear structures
n Domain decomposition techniques for
dynamic problems (internal)
n FETI method for non-linear multibody
dynamics (internal)
n Validation of a pushbelt continuously
variable transmission using multibody
dynamics (Bosch Transmission Technology BV)
n Elasto-hydrodynamic lubricated contacts in multibody dynamical systems
n Modeling of common-rail injectors for
faults detection and control (DFG)
n Efficient simulation and analysis of
flexible multibody systems with friction
and impacts (internal)
n Aerodynamic noise prediction
of treaded tires using a hybrid
aero-acoustic methodology (National
Science Foundation Luxemburg)
n Modeling of gears with defects in
system descriptions (DLR)
n NVH of turbos: floating-ring bearings
and rotordynamics modeling (MHI
Equipment Europe BV)
n Electromagnetic coupling in the dynamics of generator in direct-drive wind
turbines (XEMC Darwind BV)
n High performance simulation of spacetime multiscale nonlinear problems
Experimental Dynamics
Dynamic testing is regularly performed
in our labs in order to validate models
and test constructions. In addition
experimental dynamic techniques are
part of our research where we improve
identification methods. Within the project
KonRAT (Rocket Engine Components
for Aerospace Transport Systems) liquid
oxygen turbo pumps are analyzed. Techniques to characterize the rotor dynamics
as well as the dynamic behavior of seals
and bearings are developed; combining
reduced component models, validated
on several test rigs, the influences such
as seal instabilities and bearing effects
on the turbo pump rotor system can be
determined. Another important research
topic is experimental substructuring;
based on the measured dynamics of
components, a full model is built numerically by specific assembly techniques.
Obtaining an accurate assembled
numerical model from measured components requires special measurement
techniques and signal processing steps.
With these techniques we enable novel
methodologies to investigate for instance
noise and vibration propagation in cars.
In our lab we test substructuring strategies on a small wind turbine as part of an
Institute of Applied Mechanics
Experimental characterization of test wind turbine
components (AM)
international benchmarking activity for
Sustructuring ideas are also used in
so-called real-time hybrid testing. This
special hardware-in-the-loop technique
numerically simulates structural components for which models are available,
and exchanges in real-time forces and
displacements on the interfaces with a real
hardware component in the lab. In such
an approach components can be tested in
real conditions, where the dynamic interactions with the full system is accounted
for. We develop special computational
and control strategies based for instance
on adaptive feedforward compensation
n Rotor dynamics for turbo pumps in
space propulsion systems (BaySt­
n Real-time substructuring for complex
systems (internal)
n Substructuring methodology for
transfer path analysis (BMW)
Research Focus
n Modeling and simulation of dynamical
n Vibration analysis and rotordynamics
n Mechatronics and robotics
n Experimental dynamics
n Finite element modeling in dynamics
n Model reduction and substructuring
n Time integration and solvers
n Multiphysical modeling
n Trajectory planning and control of
n Biped robots
n Modal identification
n Operational modal analysis
Rotor test bench with sensors to monitor defects (AM)
n Four-pole models of car subsystems to
set component requirements (BMW)
n Experimental substructuring evaluation
on an wind turbine testbench (Iranian
Ministery of Research, Education and
n Dynamic Identifying of a multi-megawatt turbine direct-drive generator
using operational modal analysis
(XEMC Darwind BV)
n Technical Mechanics (Statics, Elasticity
and Dynamics)
n Technical Mechanics for Electrotechnique
n Machine Dynamics
n Simulation of Mechatronical Systems
n Mechanical Vibration Lab
n Vibration Measurement Lab
n Technical Dynamics
n Robot Dynamics
n Multibody Dynamics
n Structural Dynamics
n Structural Dynamics Lab
n Experimental Vibration Analysis
n Seminars in Applied Mechanics
n Mechanical and electronic workshop
n Vibration and dynamic test lab
n Robotic lab
n Dynamics teaching lab
Institute of Applied Mechanics
Prof. dr. ir. Daniel Rixen, M.Sc., Ordinarius
PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Thomas Thümmel,
Retired Professors
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Friedrich Pfeiffer
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinz Ulbrich
Guest Professor
Prof. dr. ir. Michel Géradin
(Humboldt Awardee)
Administrative Staff
Manuela Müller-Philipp
Rita Schneider
Petra Popp-Münich
Research Scientists
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Bartl
Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Baur
Dr. Alejandro Cosimo
Dipl.-Math. Eva-Maria Dewes
Fabian Gruber, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Kilian Grundl
Michael Häußler, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Arne-Christoph Hildebrandt
Dipl.-Ing. Gerald Horst
Dipl.-Ing. Benedikt Huber
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Krinner
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Leistner
Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Mayet
Dipl.-Ing. Julian Pfaff
Dipl.-Ing. Markus Roßner
Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Rutzmoser
Dr.-Ing. Thorsten Schindler
Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Schütz
Felix Sygulla, M.Sc.
Christian Wagner, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Robert Wittmann
Rob Eling, M.Sc., external candidate
(TU Delft)
Maarten van der Seijs, M.Sc., external
candidate (TU Delft)
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Kirschneck, external
candidate (TU Delft)
Dipl.-Ing. Martin Münster, external
Dipl.-Ing, Constantin von Deimling
Frans ven der Linden, M.Sc., external
Romain Pennec, M.Sc.
Karamooz Morteza, M.Sc.
Daniel Wahrmann, M.Sc.
Oliver Hofmann, M.Sc.
Technical Staff
Simon Gerer
Georg König
Georg Mayr
Publications 2015
Journal Publications & Books
n Géradin, Michel; Rixen, Daniel J.: Mechanical
Vibrations: Theory and Application to Structural
Dynamics – 3rd Edition. Wiley, 2015.
n Bab, S.; Khade, S.E.; Karamooz Mahdiabadi, M.;
Shahgholi, M.: Vibration mitigation of a rotating
beam under external periodic force using a
nonlinear energy sink (NES). Journal of Vibration
and Control 125, 2015.
n Baumann, K.; Beitelschmidt, M.; Dresig, H.; Rockhausen, L.; Scheffler, M.; Schwabe, J.-H.; Thümmel,
T.: Beitelschmidt, Michael; Dresig, Hans (Hrsg.):
Maschinendynamik – Aufgaben und Beispiele.
Springer Science + Business Media, 2015.
n Benkert, Tim; Krinner, Andreas; Thümmel, Thomas;
Volk, Wolfram: Designing a High-Speed Press with
a Six-Bar Linkage Mechanism. Applied Mechanics
and Materials, 2015.
n Gosselet, Pierre; Rixen, Daniel; Roux, FrancoisXavier; Spillane, Nicole: Simultaneous FETI and
block FETI: Robust domain decomposition with
multiple search directions. International Journal for
Numerical Methods in Engineering 104 (10), 2015.
Institute of Applied Mechanics
n Géradin, Michel; Rixen, Daniel J.: A ‘Nodeless’
Dual Superelement Formulation for Structural and
Multibody Dynamics – Application to Reduction
of Contact Problems. International Journal for
Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2015.
n Mayet, Johannes; Ulbrich, Heinz: First-order
optimal linear and nonlinear detuning of centrifugal
pendulum vibration absorbers. Journal of Sound
and Vibration 335 (0), 2015, 34-54.
n Pfeiffer, Friedrich; Schindler, Thorsten: Introduction
to Dynamics. Springer, 2015.
n Rixen, Daniel J.; Boogaard, Anthonie; Seijs, Maarten
V. van der; Schothorst, Gert van; Poel, Tjeerd van
der: Vibration source description in substructuring:
A theoretical depiction. Mechanical Systems and
Signal Processing (60-61), 2015, 498-511.
n Schindler, Thorsten; Rezaei, Shahed; Kursawe,
Jochen; Acary, Vincent: Half-explicit timestepping
schemes on velocity level based on time-discontinuous Galerkin methods. Computer Methods in
Applied Mechanics and Engineering 290, 2015,
n Tabak, Umut; Rixen, Daniel J.: vibro-Lanczos, a
symmetric Lanczos solver for vibro-acoustic simulations. International Journal for Numerical Methods
in Engineering, 2015.
Conference Publications
n Bartl, Andreas; Mayet, Johannes; Rixen, Daniel
J: Adaptive Feedforward Compensation for Real
Time Hybrid Testing with Harmonic Excitation.
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference
on Engineering Vibration, 2015.
n Bartl, Andreas; Rixen, Daniel J: Feasibility of a
Transmission Simulator Technique for Dynamic
Real Time Substructuring. Proceedings of the 33rd
IMAC, Orlando, FL, 2015.
n Eling, Rob; Ostayen, Ron van; Rixen, Daniel: Oil
Flow in Connecting Channels of Floating Ring
Bearings. 11. Internationale Tagung Schwingungen
in Rotierenden Maschinen (SIRM), 2015.
n Gruber, Fabian M.; Rutzmoser, Johannes B.; Rixen,
Daniel J.: Comparison between primal and dual
Craig-Bampton substructure reduction techniques.
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference
on Engineering Vibration, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2015.
n Grundl, K.; Schindler, T.; Rixen, D.; Ulbrich, H.;
Velde, A. van der; Yildiz, S.: ALE beam formulation
using reference dynamics for pushbelt CVTs.
ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody
Dynamics, 2015.
n Grundl, Kilian; Schindler, Thorsten; Rixen, Daniel
J.; Ulbrich, Heinz; Velde, Arie v. d.; Yildiz, Semih:
Modelling a pushbelt variator. GAMM, 86th Annual
Scientific Conference. Springer, 2015.
n Hildebrandt, Arne-Christoph; Wahrmann, Daniel;
Wittmann, Robert; Rixen, Daniel; Buschmann,
Thomas: Real-Time Pattern Generation Among
Obstacles for Biped Robots. IEEE/RSJ International
Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
(IROS), 2015.
n Horst, G.; Fritzsche, M.; Rixen, D.: Using an Infrared
Laser in Outer Body Measurement: Feasibility
Study. ESB 2015, 21st Congress of the European
Society of Biomechanics, 2015.
n Kirschneck, M.; Rixen, D. J.; Polinder, Henk;
Ostayen, Ron van: In-Situ Experimental Modal
Analysis of a Direct-Drive Wind Turbine Generator.
Proceedings of the 33rd IMAC, Orlando, FL, 2015.
n Krinner, A.; Rixen, D.J.: Quasi-Newton method
applied to elastohydrodynamic lubricated cylindrical
joints. ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics, 2015.
n Krinner, A.; Schindler, T.; Rixen, D. J.: Fluid-Struktur-Kopplung in elastohydrodynamischen Gleitlagern. 11. Internationale Tagung Schwingungen in
rotierenden Maschinen (SIRM), 2015.
n Krinner, Andreas; Schindler, Thorsten; Rixen, Daniel:
Projection formulation of the cavitation problem in
elastohydrodynamic lubrication contact. Proc. Appl.
Math. Mech. 15, 2015, 57-58.
n Rutzmoser, Johannes B; Gruber, Fabian M; Rixen,
Daniel J: A Comparison on Model Order Reduction
Techniques for Geometrically Nonlinear Systems
Based on a Modal Derivative Approach Using Subspace Angles. Proceedings of the 11th International
Conference on Engineering Vibration, Ljubljana,
Slovenia, 2015.
n Schindler, Thorsten: A consistent and efficient
framework for the time integration of multibody
systems with impacts and friction. ECCOMAS
Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics,
n Schindler, Thorsten; Mayet, Johannes; Seiwald,
Philipp: Impulse-based control of simple oscillators
within the nonsmooth mechanics approach. Proc.
Appl. Math. Mech. 15, 2015, 73-74.
n Schütz, Christoph; Baur, Jörg; Pfaff, Julian; Buschmann, Thomas; Ulbrich, Heinz: Evaluation of a
Direct Optimization Method for Trajectory Planning
of a 9-DOF Redundant Fruit-Picking Manipulator.
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation (ICRA), Seattle, WA, 2015.
n Schütz, Christoph; Pfaff, Julian; Sygulla, Felix;
Rixen, Daniel; Ulbrich, Heinz: Motion Planning for
Redundant Manipulators in Uncertain Environments
based on Tactile Feedback. IEEE/RSJ International
Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
(IROS), Hamburg, Germany, 2015.
n Seijs, M.V. van der; Pasma, E.A.; Klerk, D. de;
Rixen, D.J.: A comparison of two component TPA
approaches for steering gear noise prediction.
Proceedings of the 33rd IMAC, Orlando, FL, 2015.
n Thümmel, Thomas; Rossner, Markus; Ulbrich,
Heinz; Rixen, Daniel: Unterscheidung verschiedener
Fehlerarten beim modellbasierten Monitoring. 11.
Internationale Tagung Schwingungen in Rotierenden
Maschinen (SIRM), 2015. Best Paper Award.
n Thümmel, Thomas; Wittmann, Robert; Roßner,
Markus: Bewegungsübertragung ohne Zwang –
eine Anwendung von Selbstsynchronisation. 11.
Kolloquium Getriebetechnik, Garching, Germany,
n Ulbrich, Heinz; Baur, Jörg; Pfaff, Julian; Schütz,
Christoph: Design and Realization of a Redundant
Modular Multipurpose Agricultural Robot. DINAME
2015 – Proceedings of the XVII International
Symposium on Dynamic Problems of Mechanics,
n Wittmann, Robert; Hildebrandt, Arne-Christoph;
Wahrmann, Daniel; Buschmann, Thomas; Rixen,
Daniel: State Estimation for Biped Robots Using
Multibody Dynamics. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
Hamburg, Germany, 2015.
n Wittmann, Robert; Hildebrandt, Arne-Christoph;
Wahrmann, Daniel; Rixen, Daniel; Buschmann,
Thomas: Real-Time Nonlinear Model Predictive
Footstep Optimization for Biped Robots. IEEE-RAS
International Conference on Humanoid Robots
(Humanoids), Seoul, Korea, 2015.
Institute of Applied Mechanics
Institute of Thermodynamics
Technology-driven thermo-fluid dynamics research
n Our research guide line is the proposition that scientific research in an
engineering school should be focused on problems with high technological relevance. A key to realizing our mission is the close cooperation
with industry in general and in particular with partners who – developing
their top-class global products at the leading edge of technology – have
encountered barriers that might be overcome by fundamental research.
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Thomas Sattelmayer
Phone +
Our partner industries are optimizing their
technologies towards a lower carbon footprint, integration with renewable power
sources and environmental compatibility.
Their research needs are reflected in our
four research groups. The increase of fuel
efficiency and operational flexibility at low
pollutant emissions pursued in the power
industry requires fundamental research in
the areas of combustion fundamentals,
emissions and reliability and combustion
instabilities. Pollutant reduction and fuel
flexibility development in large reciprocat-
ing engines require basic understanding
of multi-phase phenomena. Alternative
thermal comfort systems are explored to
improve the efficiency of mobility applications.
The appreciation of this approach in the
technical community is reflected by the
six Best Technical Paper Awards our
research group has received from the
ASME International Gas Turbine Institute
Combustion and Fuels Committee during
the past fifteen years.
Combustion Fundamentals
Investigation of the correlation
between heat release and OH*
Turbulence-chemistry interaction is the
common research topic of this work group
with applications from scramjets to reheat
combustors as well as flame acceleration
and deflagration-detonation transition in
confinements and reciprocating engines.
The group shares common numerical and
experimental approaches to describe the
processes of unsteady combustion.
Institute of Thermodynamics
n Piloted natural gas combustion in large
bore reciprocating engines with internal
and external fuel air mixing
n Flame acceleration and deflagration to
detonation transition
n Chemiluminescence and heat release
n Thermal luminescence in high temperature flames
n Supersonic combustion in scramjets
n Low oxygen combustion in gas turbines
with exhaust gas recirculation
n Turbulent flame propagation in lean
hydrogen flames
Combustion Emissions and Reliability
Alternative fuels are a challenge for
gas turbine combustors with respect
to combustion emissions, stability,
autoignition and flashback safety. This
work group investigates the fundamental
processes and develops rules applicable
to new combustor designs with respect to
low-emission fuel-flexible operation.
n Wall flashback
n Combustion induced vortex breakdown
n Flame stabilization at the fuel injectors
of premix burners
n Syngas combustion in premixed swirl
n Premixed swirl burner aerodynamics
n Lean blowout and emissions
n Staged premixed combustion
n CO quenching in staged gas turbine
combustors at part load
n Improvement of gas turbine part load
emissions by on-board fuel reforming
n Power augmentation of gas turbines
with premixed combustors and water
n Premixed hydrogen combustion at
ultra-high combustor inlet temperatures
Mie scattering signal of a lean
premixed hydrogen-air flame
Combustion Instabilities and Noise
The strong coupling of acoustics and
heat release in confined flames leads to a
feedback loop which can result in violent
combustion instabilities. These are a
threat for gas turbines, rocket motors and
other combustion devices because they
result in substantial pressure oscillations,
structural vibrations and increased heat
transfer. Combustion instabilities reduce
the lifetime, limit the operation range or
even lead to severe damage of combustion systems. This research group uses
numerical and experimental techniques on
a wide range of topics from combustion
instability like flame-to-flame interaction,
prediction of combustion instability, active
instability control and flame noise.
n Combustor design for thermoacoustic
stability (DETAS)
n Thermoacoustic stability of annular gas
turbine combustors
n Thermoacoustics of aeroengine combustors
n High frequency instabilities in gas
turbine combustors
n Acoustic transfer functions of gas
turbine and rocket motor flames
n Acoustic losses in combustion
n Passive damping of combustion
n Rocket motor damping mechanisms
n Rocket motor flame dynamics and
n Combustion noise generation and
propagation in vehicle auxiliary heaters
and aeroengine combustors
Instantaneous pressure distribution in a rocket motor nozzle
related to higher order acoustic
Institute of Thermodynamics
Multiphase Phenomena
Instantaneous axial velocity (top)
and vorticity (bottom) in horizontal slug flow from Stereo­PIV
Multiphase flows and systems play an
important role in numerous applications
in process and power engineering.
While seemingly diverse this research
group on multiphase flow creates strong
synergies in modeling and experimental
tools. Research topics range from boiling
and condensation phenomena to water
desalination and from droplet dynamics
to transport in porous media, transport of
gas-liquid mixtures, spray research and
exhaust gas cleaning.
n Influence of turbulence and secondary
flows on sub-cooled flow boiling
n Critical heat flux in two-phase flows
n Transition from stratified to plug/slug
n NOx-generation in partially premixed
n Selective catalytic NOx-removal
n Atomization and mixing at extreme
injection and air pressures
n Concentration of liquid residues from
biogas plants
n Innovative solar desalination processes.
n Membrane distillation with concentrat­
ing PV/T
n Solar thermal hydrogen and nitrogen
extraction from regolith
Energy and Environmental Technologies
Investigation of active cooling of
photovoltaic modules for reverse
osmosis desalination systems
The research topics of this work group
cover conventional as well as solar
driven desalination processes, chemical
storage for solar and wind energy, new
applications of photovoltaic and solar
thermal collectors, thermal comfort in
electric and hybrid vehicles and green
building solutions. The group operates
a Solar Research Center, where novel
solar applications are investigated under
realistic ambient conditions.
Institute of Thermodynamics
n Passenger comfort and thermal
management of future electric vehicles
n Low cost heating for electric vehicles
n HVAC for vehicles in humid climate
n Application of PV/T hybrid solar collectors in desalination
n Reverse osmosis desalination powered
by transient hybrid photovoltaic/thermal
solar systems
n Small scale humidification/dehumidification-plant for solar seawater desalination
n Solar-powered air-conditioning using
thermal-regenerative liquid sorbents
n Dehydrogenation of carbazole and
thermal oils used for hydrogen storage
Research Focus
n Combustion instabilities and noise
n Reactive flows
n Two-phase flows
n Energy systems
n Experimental and theoretical study of
combustion and thermo-acoustics
n Stability analysis of combustion
n Experimental and theoretical study of
low-emission constant pressure and
constant volume combustion
n Simulation of flow, heat-transfer and
n Experimental and theoretical study of
two-phase flow and boiling
n Mechanical workshop, electronics
n Combustion/combustion instability
research: Test cells for experiments
from lab to engine scale, 40bar laminar
flame rig, atmospheric single burner
rigs 50-1000kW, annular combustor
1500kW, HP rig 10bar/500kW, water
channel for fluid dynamics and mixing
studies. 80/200mm rapid compression
machines, dynamical constant volume
combustion cell, detonation channel
n Two-phase flow research: boiling loop,
water-air two-phase loop, test rigs for
studies of catalytic process
n Tools: high speed (HS) PIV, PIV, LDV,
PDA, HS LIF, CW lasers, HS cameras
40 kfps, intensifiers, spectrometers,
filters, digital holography, emission
analyzers, dynamical temperature and
pressure probes, cluster for scientific
computing, numerous codes (CFD,
LNSE, LEE, acoustics, reaction kinetics,
n Thermodynamics I + II
n Energy Optimization of Buildings
n Solar Engineering
n Automotive Air Conditioning
n Thermo-Fluiddynamics Lab
n Combustion Technology Lab
n Solar Technology Lab
n Data Acquisition & Controls Lab
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Sattelmayer,
Prof. em. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Franz
Mayinger, Emeritus
Prof. i. R. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. habil. Johannes
Straub, Emeritus
Senior Scientists
Dr.-Ing. Christoph Hirsch
Dr.-Ing. Markus Spinnler
Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Blumenberg
Administrative Staff
Helga Bassett
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Sigrid Schulz-Reichwald
Research Scientists
Ehsan Arabian, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Bauer
Dipl.-Ing. Max Baumgärtner
Frederik Berger, M.Sc.
Michael Betz, M.Sc.
Moritz Bruder, M.Sc.
Alexander Chemnitz, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Paul Christ
Hannes Dietz, M.Sc.
Aaron Endres, M.Sc.
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Fiala
Dipl.-Ing. Georg Fink
Dipl.-Ing. Marcus Grochowina
Dipl.-Ing. Balbina Hampel
Dipl.-Ing. Josef Haßlberger
Norbert Heublein, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Vera Hoferichter
Tobias Hummel, M.Sc.
Michael Jud, M.Sc.
Institute of Thermodynamics
Peter Katzy, M.Sc.
Florian Kiefer, M.Sc.
Noah Klarmann, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Kroiß
Stephan Lellek, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Präbst
Mayameen Rede, M.Sc.
Paul Riffat, M.Sc.
Michael Schiffner, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Moritz Schulze
Dipl.-Ing. Nicolai Stadlmair
Dipl.-Ing. Wolfram Ullrich
Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Utschick
Stefan Wenzel, M.Sc.
Max Zahn, M.Sc
Technical Staff
Bernhard Strobl
Florian Krist
Thomas Schleussner
Jens Hümmer
Josef Dorrer
Gerhard Giel
Ogulcan Kocer
Marjanovic Tomislav
Claus Wimmer
Publications 2015
n Ahrens, D.; Kolb, M.; Hirsch, C.; Sattelmayer, T.:
Influence of Pre-Flame and Post-Flame Mixing on
NOx-Formation in a Reacting Premixed Jet in Hot
Cross Flow. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo
2015, No. GT2015-42224, 2015
n Baumgartner, G.; Boeck, L.R.; Sattelmayer, T.:
Experimental Investigation of the Transition
Mechanism From Stable Flame to Flashback in a
Generic Premixed Combustion System With HighSpeed Micro-PIV and Micro-PLIF Combined With
Chemiluminescence Imaging. Proceedings of the
ASME Turbo Expo 2015, 2015
n Bloch, G.; Bruder, M.; Sattelmayer, T.: A Critical
Review on the Mechanisms Triggering the DNB in
Subcooled Flow Boiling Using a Complementary
Experimental Approach. Proceedings of the 9th
International Conference on Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer, 2015
n Boeck, L.R.; Fiala, T.; Hasslberger, J.; Sattelmayer,
T.: Application of High-Speed OH-PLIF to DDT
Experiments. 25th International Colloquium on the
Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems,
n Boeck, L.R.; Hasslberger, J.; Sattelmayer, T.: Transition to Detonation in Non-Uniform H2-Air: Chemical
Kinetics of Shock-Induced Strong Ignition. 25th
International Colloquium on the Dynamics of
Explosions and Reactive Systems, 2015
n Boeck, L.R.; Kink, A.; Oezdin, D.; Hasslberger,
J.; Sattelmayer, T.: Influence of Water Mist on
Flame Acceleration, DDT and Detonation in H2-air
Mixtures. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
40 (21), 2015, 6995-7004
n Boeck, L.R.; Kink, A.; Oezdin, D.; Hasslberger,
J.; Sattelmayer, T.: Influence of Water Mist on
Flame Acceleration, Transition to Detonation and
Detonation Propagation in H2-Air Mixtures.
25th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of
Explosions and Reactive Systems, 2015
n Bruder, M.; Bloch, G.; Sattelmayer, T.: Critical
Heat Flux in Flow Boiling – Review of the Current
Understanding and Experimental Approaches.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on
Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer, 2015
Institute of Thermodynamics
n Fiala, T.; Sattelmayer, T.: Heat Release and UV-Vis
Radiation in Non-Premixed Hydrogen-Oxygen
Flames. Experiments in Fluids (Volume 56, Issue
144), 2015
n Hampel, B.; Bauer, S.; Heublein, N.; Hirsch, C.;
Sattelmayer, T.: Feasibility Study on Dehydrogenation of LOHC Using Excess Exhaust Heat from a
Hydrogen Fueled Micro Gas Turbine. Proceedings
of the ASME Turbo Expo 2015, 2015
n Hasslberger, J.; Boeck, L.R.; Sattelmayer, T.:
Numerical simulation of deflagration-to-detonation
transition in large confined volumes. Journal of Loss
Prevention in the Process Industries (Volume 36),
2015, 371-379
n Hummel, T.; Temmler, C.; Schuermans B.; Sattelmayer, T.: Reduced Order Modeling of Aeroacoustic
Systems for Stability Analysis of Thermoacoustically
Non-Compact Gas Turbine Combustors. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2015, 2015
n Hummel, T.; Schulze, M.; Schuermans, B.; Sattelmayer, T.: Reduced Order Modeling of Transversal
and Non-Compact Combustion Dynamics. 22nd
International Congress on Sound and Vibration,
n Kolb, M.; Ahrens, D.; Hirsch, C.; Sattelmayer, T.: A
Model for Predicting the Lift-Off Height of Premixed
Jets in Vitiated Cross Flow. Proceedings of the
ASME Turbo Expo 2015, No. GT2015-42225, 2015
n Kroiss, A.; Eyerer, S.; Kuczaty, J.; Thies, C.; Präbst,
A.; Spinnler, M.; Sattelmayer, T.: Optical Methods
for Simultaneous Measurement of Temperature
and Concentration Polarization. Proceedings of
the International Desalination Association World
Congress on Desalination and Water Reuse, 2015
n Kroiss, A.; Spinnler, M.; Sattelmayer, T.: Method for
Determining Local Membrane Parameters Based
on Boundary Layer Investigations. Proceedings of
the International Desalination Association World
Congress on Desalination and Water Reuse, 2015
n Kroiss, A.; Spinnler, M.; Sattelmayer, T.: International
Competition on Renewable Desalination – TUM
DeSal Challenge. Proceedings of the International
Desalination Association World Congress on
Desalination and Water Reuse, 2015
n Lellek, S.; Sattelmayer, T.: Influence of water
injection on heat release distribution, lean blowout
and emissions of a premixed swirl flame in a tubular
combustor. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo
2015, 2015
n Peterleithner, J.; Stadlmair, N.V.; Woisetschläger,
J.; Sattelmayer, T.: Analysis of Measured Flame
Transfer Functions with Locally Resolved Density
Fluctuation and OH-Chemiluminescence Data.
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2015, 2015
n Präbst, A.; Kroiss, A.; Spinnler, M.; Gusarov, A.;
Halasah, S.; Sattelmayer, T.: Reverse Osmosis
Desalination by Hybrid Photovoltaic/Thermal Solar
Systems (PV/T-RO) – Current Status. German-Isreali
Cooperation in Water Technology Research, 2015
(Status Conference
n Sattelmayer, T.; Schmid, M.; Schulze, M.: Impact
of Injector Mass Flow Fluctuations on Combustion
Dynamics in Liquid Engines. Journal of Spacecraft
and Rockets (Volume 52/Issue 5), 2015, pp. 14171429
n Sattelmayer, T.; Kathan, R.; Köglmeier, S.; Kaess,
R.; Nicole, A.: Validation of Transverse Instability
Damping Computations for Rocket Engines. Journal
of Propulsion and Power (Volume 31, Issue 4), 2015,
n Sattelmayer, T.; Schmid, M.; Schulze, M.: Interaction
of Combustion with Transverse Velocity Fluctuations
in Liquid Rocket Engines. Journal of Propulsion and
Power (Volume 31, Issue 4), 2015, 1137-1147
n Sattelmayer, T.; Schmid, M.; Schulze, M.: Impact
of Injector Mass Flow Fluctuations on Combustion
Dynamics in Liquid Engines. Journal of Spacecraft
and Rockets 52 (5), 2015, 1417-1429
n Schulze, M.; Kathan, R.; Sattelmayer, T.: Impact
of Absorber Ring Position and Cavity Length on
Acoustic Damping. Journal of Spacecraft and
Rockets (Volume 52/Issue 3), 2015, 917-927
n Schulze, M.; Sattelmayer, T.: Eigenvalue Analysis for
the Prediction of Initial Growth Rates of Thermoacoustic Instability in Rocket Motors. 53rd AIAA
Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2015
n Schulze, M.; Sattelmayer, T.: A Comparison of
Time and Frequency Domain Descriptions of
High Frequency Acoustics in Rocket Engines with
Focus on Dome Coupling. Aerospace Science and
Technology (Volume 45), 2015, 165-173
n Schulze, M.; Sattelmayer, T.: Frequency domain
simulations for the determination of liner effects on
longitudinal wave propagation. International Journal
of Aeroacoustics Volume 14 (7-8), 2015, 1025-1047
n Stadlmair, N.V.; Wagner, M.; Hirsch, C.; Sattelmayer,
T.: Experimentally Determining the Acoustic Damping Rates of a Combustor with a Swirl Stabilized
Lean Premixed Flame. Proceedings of the ASME
Turbo Expo 2015, 2015
n Temmler, C.; Schulze, M.; Sattelmayer, T.: Acoustic
Scattering Matrices for Higher-Order Modes for
Simple Orifice Configurations with Flow. 21st AIAA/
CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2015
n Ullrich, W.C.; Sattelmayer, T.: Transfer Functions of
Acoustic, Entropy and Vorticity Waves in an Annular
Model Combustor and Nozzle for the Prediction of
the Ratio Between Indirect and Direct Combustion
Noise. 21th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference,
n Ullrich,W.C.; Bake, F.; Kings, N.; Sattelmayer, T.:
Numerical Investigation of Indirect Noise Generation by Accelerated Vorticity. 21th AIAA/CEAS
Aeroacoustics Conference, 2015
n Zahn, M.; Schulze, M.; Hirsch, C.; Betz, M.;
Sattelmayer, T.: Frequency Domain Predictions of
Acoustic Wave Propagation and Losses in a Swirl
Burner with Linearized Navier-Stokes Equations.
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2015, No.
GT2015-4272, 2015
Institute of Thermodynamics
Sport Equipment and Materials Group
R&D in sports technology combining engineering, sports science and computational methods
n Our main ambition in 2014­-15 was to submit two major research proposals for funding; one on mechatronic ski bindings at the German Research
Council (DFG) and the other (in collaboration with our TUM Institutes of
Automotive Technology and Metal Forming and Casting) on innovative
production technologies to receive financing by the Bavarian Research
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Veit Senner
Phone +
From our 2015 research activities four
highlights are worth mentioning:
n ispo Brand New Award for our start-up
‘tripstix’ in the category Hardware
n Successful launch of heart rate control
for electric bicycles.
Towards Better Performance with
Optimized Sport Equipment
Improving the performance in both
top level and leisure time sports is one
motivation for our work. The focus is on
optimizing the energy transfer between
athlete and equipment and on reducing
the inherent energy loss. On the equipment level we try to achieve this by
n improved fitting to the individual
(i.e. golf shaft),
n better weight to stiffness ratio
(i.e. bicycle frame),
n using energy storage & return effects,
n optimized heat- and moisture management of sports garments (i.e. new infills
for down jackets).
One example of our work in this field
in 2015 is the patented Tripstix design
for highly functional, inflatable stand-up
paddle boards. It uses a new dual chamber system technology called ‘VacuuAir’.
A vacuum chamber filled with granule
encloses a high-pressure chamber,
offering additional stability. This allows
a board to be designed with the exact
shape of a regular surfboard – including
thin rails, a delicate nose, and a stable tail.
Bamboo bicycle frame during
fatigue tests
Sport Equipment and Materials Group
n Artificial leg surrogate went into operation and shows human-like behavior.
n Start of an international collaboration
with the Thermal Ergonomics Laboratory of the University of Sydney.
Brand New Award prize winning ceremony for TUM
start-up Tripstix at ispo. Photo: A. Neumann
With its dual chamber system, the board
is extremely stable and safe. It will keep
afloat even when punctured.
Another optimization related to sports
materials has been done on a racing
bicycle frame. Its tubes are made of
bamboo connected with carbon fiber
composites. An extended test program
was performed to improve its strength,
stiffness and its fatigue behavior with the
result of an optimized lay-up design.
Understanding the Interaction between Athlete,
Equipment and Environment
Instrumented skier with dynamometers, goniometer,
differential GPS and inertia sensors
This important research field in sports
engineering has also been part of our work
in 2015. We continued a research project
on behalf of endoGAP clinics which is
motivated by the increasing number of
total hip replacements in OECD countries.
The majority of these patients regain full
mobility and formerly active people like to
go back into sports.
The aim of the project was a qualified
estimation of hip joint loads in alpine
skiing, confirmed by reliable field trial
measurement data. The questions to be
answered: Should their skiing continue to
be allowed without reservation and which
recommendations for limiting the acceptable skiing manoeuvres should be given?
Attaching and wiring the inertia full
body motion capture system
More Safety with Improved Protection Gear
Related 2015 Project
In alpine skiing knee injuries remain the
major challenge for improved protection
equipment. Systematic analysis of injury
situations and human anatomy suggest
that mechatronic ski bindings may provide
the solution. Although patents for mechatronic ski binding concepts were submitted
in the early eighties, no commercial
product has appeared on the market.
The main reason is that the algorithm that
controls such mechatronic bindings needs
a comprehensive understanding of the
complex interaction between the external
loads and those of the different structures
of the knee. An artificial lower leg including
an instrumented knee has been realized
and combined with a load simulation
device. This allows systematic investigation of any combination of external forces
and moments and measuring the resulting
tension in the critical knee ligaments.
Knee with instrumented ligaments
Artificial surrogate leg with load application unit for the
development of mechatronic ski bindings and knee
Sport Equipment and Materials Group
Less Effort and More Fun Through Technical Support
tive Technology (Professor Lienkamp) we
have successfully implemented a control
circuit that uses the rider’s heart rate to
manipulate the electric power support of
this new type of lightweight vehicle, called
Prototype ‘QuadRad’, a new category of electric driven lightweight
vehicle, on the test bench
Electric bicycles are becoming more
important as a mean of transportation. One
of the biggest issues regarding electric
bicycles is their inaccurate prediction of
the residual range. For better prediction
it is essential to gain detailed knowledge
of the cyclists’ fitness, the type of electric
bicycle and the environmental resistances.
In collaboration with TUM institute Automo-
Research Focus
n Improved performance of sport equipment
n Safety & protection gear to avoid
n Thermo-physiology in sport garment
n Footwear – sport surface interaction
n Electric & muscle-powered lightweight
n Muscular-skeletal models & simulation
n 3D-motion analysis (optical, inertia,
n Electromyography (EMG) & spirometry
n Measurement of external loads &
plantar pressure
n Development of physical models (foot &
ankle, knee, lower leg)
Sport Equipment and Materials Group
Four-wheel electric bicycle ‘Quad­Rad’ with heart rate
controlled support
n Mobile skin- and core-temperature
n Multi-body simulation software SIMPACK®
n Mobile EMG and spirometry
n Video-based motion analysis
n Leg surrogate with loading device
n Instrumented bicycle
n 5-axis fatigue testing device for bicycle
n Basic Skills of Science
n Applied Biomechanics
n Sports Technology
n Practical Ergonomics
n Digital Human Modeling
n Advanced Biomechanics
n Sports Engineering
n Interdisciplinary Research Project
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Veit Senner, Director
Administrative Staff:
Simona Chiritescu-Kretsch
Research Scientists:
Dipl.-Ing. Kilian Rauner
Dipl.-Sportwiss. Marius Janta, M.Sc.
Aljoscha Hermann, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Meyer
Dipl.-Phys. Jürgen Mitternacht
Dipl.-Kfm. techn. Univ. Philipp Kopp
Bahador Keshvari, M.Sc.
Stefanie Passler, M.Sc.
Publications 2014-15
n Keshvari, B., & Senner, V. (2015). Comparison of
Shoe-surface Tractions on Various Playing Surfaces
in Futsal. Procedia Engineering, 112, pp. 267-272.
n Lehner, S., Frank, I. M., & Senner, V. (2014). Analyse
typischer Verletzungsmuster beim Snowboarden
unter Verwendung von MKS-, CAD- und FEM-Modellen: dvs Band 244. In A. Baca & M. Stöckl (Eds.),
Sportinformatik X (dvs). Schriften der Deutschen
Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft, pp. 56-61.
Hamburg: Feldhaus Verlag GmbH & Co. KG.
n Lehner, S., Huber, N., Baumeister, D., & Michel, F.
(2015). Effektivität unterschiedlicher Stabilisierungssysteme des distalen Unterarms in Dorsalextension:
Eine Untersuchung unter Verwendung von Computermodellen. Orthopädie Technik. Rehabilitation.
Medizinprodukte, 66. Jahrgang (08), pp. 18-23.
n Lehner, S., & Senner, V. (2014). Impact Biomechanics – Use of Validated Models for the Evaluation of
the Injury Risk. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Digital Human Modelling Symposium (DHM)
n Lehner, S., Geyer, T., Michel, F. I., Schmitt, K.-U., &
Senner, V. (2014). Wrist Injuries in Snowboarding –
Simulation of a Worst Case Scenario of Snowboard
Falls. Procedia Engineering, 72, pp. 255-260.
n Meyer, D., Dungs, C., & Senner, V. (2015).
Estimating the Relationship between Heart Rate
and Power Output for Short Term Cycling Exercises.
Procedia Engineering, 112, pp. 237-243.
n Meyer, D., Zhang, W., Tomizuka, M., & Senner, V.
(2015). Heart Rate Regulation with Different Heart
rate Reference Profiles for Electric Bicycle Riders.
In T. Ahram, W. Karwowski, & D. Schmorrow (Eds.),
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on
Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE)
2015 and the Affiliated Conferences, Vol. 3, pp.
4213-4220. Elsevier.
Sport Equipment and Materials Group
Institute for Energy Systems
Power Generation and solid fuel conversion
n The focus of the Institute for Energy Systems in 2014-­15 was to
investigate future power generation systems and solid fuel conversion
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Hartmut Spliethoff
Phone +
Our research can be divided into four
areas: Power Plant Technology, Renewable
Energy, Modeling and Simulation, as well
as Measurement Technology. We cooperate with research institutions and industrial
companies on a number of national and
international research projects. The
expertise of the institute is also reflected
in the large number of operated testing
facilities, and in the utilized measurement
technologies. The mechanical workshop,
the electronics laboratory, and the chemical
laboratory are also essential parts of the
experimental operation at our institute.
Key competences regarding modeling and
simulation are CFD simulations of combustion and gasification processes, entire
process simulations, burner design, form
optimization of blade and seal geometry,
as well as the simulation of deposition and
slagging tendencies.
Furthermore, a Siemens GuD Simulator
(SPPA-T3000) can be found at the Institute
for Energy Systems, which makes it
possible to simulate various power plant
processes, and to test the control system
of power plants.
Power Plant Technology
Pressurized entrained flow reactor
With a stronger presence of renewable
energy sources in the power grid,
combined cycles and coal-fired thermal power plants are subject to more
frequent and larger load changes. The
evaporator as a component in thermal
power plants and its dynamic behavior is
of great interest for flexible power plants.
To investigate the evaporation process
under dynamic conditions, an evaporator
test rig is being installed at the institute.
Further test rigs include an oxyfuel
combustion chamber and entrained flow
reactors. The oxyfuel combustion of coal
is one of the three main research routes
for the development of coal-fired power
Institute for Energy Systems
plants with CO2 capture and storage
(CCS) systems. The aim is to develop and
demonstrate combustion and boiling systems on a commercial scale. Coal power
plants on the basis of IGCC technology
(integrated gasification combined cycle)
mainly use entrained flow gasifiers and
offer the advantage of high efficiency
and the opportunity for effective CCS.
The primary objective of the work at the
institute is to lay the necessary foundations for the long-term development of
future, highly efficient high-temperature
gasification processes with integrated
hot gas purification and optional CCS for
IGCC power plants and processes for the
development of synthetic fuels. Further
projects investigate the development
of a corrosion reduction concept and
the potential of the SNCR process, in
order to reduce the emissions of waste
combustion facilities. The SNCR research
focuses on ammonia injection in substoichiometric zones.
n Energy Valley Bavaria – High pressure
evaporation facility
n OnCord – Online corrosion monitoring
for combined combustion of coal and
chlorine-rich biomasses
n HotVeGas – High-temperature gasification and gas purification
n KorrMind – Development of a corrosion
reduction concept
n Robust and efficient NOx reduction
with ammonia injection in a reducing
flue gas atmosphere
n COOREFLEX-turbo – Performance and
characteristics of modern dynamic
sealing concepts
Renewable Energy
The use of biomass for electricity and
heat production has moved increasingly
into focus. In the biomass work group
the goal is to investigate and to solve
problems and limitations that arise in the
thermal use of biomass. Key aspects are
the reduction of emissions and unburned
materials, trace elements like sulfur and
chlorine compounds, as well as alkalis
and particles. Together with Suncoal
Industries GmbH, focusing on the process
of hydrothermal carbonization (HTC), the
conversion of biochar in an entrained
flow gasifier is investigated. A procedure
for the treatment and methanation of the
product gas from a biomass gasifier is
developed as well. The processed gas
has to meet the criteria for integration into
the natural gas grid. Furthermore, within
the framework of the SOFCOM project,
the ability to use solid oxide fuel cells
(SOFCs) as an efficient means of biomass
generation in combined cooling, heat, and
power facilities is investigated. The focus
lies on decentralized facilities for the use
of locally produced biomass.
n FLUHKE – Entrained flow gasification
with biochar
n FNR – Thermal use of biomass in
high-temperature processes
n SOFCOM – Solid oxide fuel cells
n SNG – Decentralized production of
synthetic natural gas from biomass
SNG test rig
Modeling and Simulation
Modeling and simulation of solid fuel conversion play an important role in several
projects mentioned above, e.g. HotVeGas,
RELCOM and NOx reduction. Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulations are
applied in order to gain a more detailed
understanding of several combustion and
gasification processes. Furthermore, entire
process simulations aim at evaluating
the complete power plant system and
possible synergies. As the flexibility of
power plants gets into the focus of the
operators – in addition to efficiency and
economy – the interaction of power plant
processes during dynamic operation
is investigated by means of dynamic
simulations of power plants. An improved
process understanding helps to develop
better operating strategies and optimized
power plant configurations. Two different
power plant types are investigated: combined cycle power plants and coal-fired
power plants. Also the economic use of
waste heat is a focus of research. The use
of waste heat at low temperatures with
organic Rankine cycles (ORC) is examined
at the Institute by means of process
n Energy Valley Bavaria – Dynamic
simulation of power plants
n ESPOSA – Efficient systems and
propulsion for small aircraft
n Misselhorn cycle – Waste heat utilization at low temperatures
n GRAME – Deep-geothermal plants in
the Southern German Molasse Basin
n TcET – Thermochemical energy storage
unit for power plants and industrial heat
CFD analysis of a steam generator
Institute for Energy Systems
Research Focus
n Power plant technology
n Renewable energies
n Modeling and simulation
n Measurement technology
n Combustion and gasification of solid
n Steam cycles and waste heat utilization
n Operation of pilot- and lab-scale test
n Process simulations and CFD simulations
n Laser measurement technologies
n Fuel and gas analysis
n Fuel laboratory and thermobalances
n Mechanical workshop and electronics
n Experimental facilities and test rigs (in
particular combustion and gasification
n Basic Course in Reaction Thermodynamics
n Chemical Reactors
n Energy and Economy
n Energy from Biomass and Residuals
n Electricity Networks and Energy
n Energy Systems I
n Electricity and Heat Storages
n Numerical Methods for Energy Systems
n Process Technology and Ecology in
Modern Power Plants
n Renewable Energy Technology I/II
n Solarthermal Power Plants
n Steam Turbines
n Sustainable Energy Systems
n Thermal Power Plants (M.Sc. Power
n Thermodynamics in Energy Conversion
(M.Sc. Power Engineering)
Institute for Energy Systems
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Spliethoff, Director
Dr.-Ing. Stephan Gleis
Dr.-Ing. Christoph Wieland
Dr.-Ing. Annelies Vandersickel
Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Fendt
Administrative Staff
Brigitte Demmel
Xiaolu Pei
Martina Rath
Heike Winter
Research Scientists
Amir Aboueldahab, M.Sc.
Michael Angerer, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Baumgartner
Dipl.-Ing. Moritz Becker
Dipl.-Ing. Ludwig Briesemeister
Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Buttler
Sebastian Eyerer, M.Sc.
Felix Fischer, M.Sc.
Michael Geis, M.Sc.
Andreas Geißler, M.Sc.
Moritz Gleinser, M.Sc.
Stefan Härzschel, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Halama
Julia Hentschel, M.Sc.
Stephan Herrmann, M.Sc.
Barbara Hetterich, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Jell
Dipl.-Ing. Steffen Kahlert
Florian Kerscher, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Ulrich Kleinhans
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Kohlhepp
Michael Kremling, M.Sc.
Philipp Kurowski, M.Sc.
Wei Liu, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Raphael Marro
Dominik Meinel, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Meysel
Peter Ostermeier, M.Sc.
Roberto Pili, M.Sc.
Dr. Alexander Pugachev
Dipl.-Ing. Roman Rück
Dipl.-Ing. Gerrit Schatte
Dipl.-Ing. Kristina Speth
Markus Steibel, M.Sc.
Andreas Stephan, M.Sc.
Markus Ulbrich, M.Sc.
Miriam Vogt, M.Sc.
Christian Wolf, M.Sc.
Technical Staff
Christoph Berkel
Albert Daschner
Andrea Hartung
Christopher Hofschaller
Jürgen Knösch
Markus Kohr
Lino Krause
Robert Riss
Dipl.-Ing. Simon Schatzmann
Benedikt Schels
Margarethe Schwindl
Marten Tank
Publications 2015
(selected publications)
n Gaszner, M.: Rotordynamische Charakterisierung
von Dichtungssystemen zur Anwendung in
Kraftwerksdampfturbinen, Dissertation, 2015
n Halama, S.; Spliethoff, H.: Numerical simulation
of entrained flow gasification: Reaction kinetics
and char structure evolution. Fuel Processing
Technology 138, 2015, 314-324
n Hentschel, J.; Kahlert, St.; Kohlhepp, A.; Schatte,
G. A.: Steigerung der Lastdynamik thermischer
Kraftwerke. BWK 67 (6), 2015, 9-12
n Herrmann, S.; Gaderer, M.; Spliethoff, H.: Integrated
Gasification and Solid Oxide Fuel Cell System. The
40th International Technical Conference on Clean
Coal & Fuel Systems, 2015
n Liu, W.; Meinel, D.; Gleinser, M.; Wieland, C.;
Spliethoff, H.: Optimal Heat Source Temperature for
thermodynamic optimization of subcritical Organic
Rankine Cycles. Energy 88, 2015, 897-906
n Pugachev, A. O.; Gaszner, M.; Georgakis, C.;
Cooper, P. G.: Segmentation Effects on Brush Seal
Leakage and Rotordynamic Coefficients. J. Eng.
Gas Turbines Power, 2015
n Pugachev, A. O.; Ravikovich, Y. A.; Savin, L. A.:
Flow structure in a short chamber of a labyrinth seal
with a backward-facing step. Computers & Fluids
114, 2015, 39-47
n Pugachev, A. O.; Sheremetyev, A. V.; Tykhomirov, V.
V.; Shpilenko, O. I.: Structural Dynamics Optimization of Rotor Systems for a Small-Size Turboprop
Engine. J. of Propulsion and Power 31, 2015,
n Speth, K.; Murer, M.; Spliethoff, H.: NOx-Minderung
mit Ammoniak, Potential und Herausforderung.
Forschungskolloquium Bioenergie, 2015
n Trubetskaya, A.; Jensen, P. A.; Jensen, A. D.;
Steibel, M.; Spliethoff, H.; Glarborg, P.: Influence
of fast pyrolysis conditions on yield and structural
transformation of biomass chars. Fuel Processing
Technology 140, 2015, 205-214
n Wieland, C.; Kleinhans, U.; Spliethoff, H.: Simulation
of Fine Dust Emission from Coal Combustion. The
40th International Technical Conference on Clean
Coal & Fuel Systems, 2015
Institute for Energy Systems
Institute of Machine Elements
Calculation, simulation and experimental analysis of gears, synchronizers, clutches and rolling element bearings
n The Institute of Machine Elements (FZG) focuses on the development
of methods and tools for reliable determination of fatigue life, efficiency,
friction and vibration characteristics of gears and transmission elements.
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Karsten Stahl
Phone +
The Institute of Machine Elements, also
known as ‘Gear Research Centre’ (FZG),
is an established internationally renowned
research centre for gears and transmissions. The development of methods and
tools for reliable determination of fatigue
life, efficiency and vibration characteristics
of gears and transmission elements is
the primary focus of research activities at
FZG. FZG has state-of-the-art facilities for
the examination and testing of different
machine elements – such as gears, synchronizers, clutches and rolling element
The research projects of FZG range
from theory-oriented basic research to
application-related work. The projects
are financed and supported by different
organisations. A large number of these
projects are initiated, financed and
supervised by the Forschungsvereinigung
Antriebstechnik e.V. (FVA), usually together
with the Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller
Forschungsvereinigungen (AiF). Other
important research partners include the
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG),
the Bayerische Forschungsstiftung, the
Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft
für Erdöl, Erdgas und Kohle e.V. (DGMK),
the FVV or the Stahlforschung. In addition,
many application-oriented projects are
requested and commissioned directly by
Our education lecture series and exercises
in machine elements represent the basic
training of mechanical engineering. In
the lecture, the students learn to select
machines and machine elements properly, to design them and to calculate
their properties. This knowledge is then
practically applied to design and calculation examples within the lecture-related
exercises. A very important aspect of this
is that the students learn to communicate
in the ‘engineer’s language’ – with sketches and drawings. Practical relevance
and topicality are also an important criteria
for lectures with special subjects. Last but
not least, this is ensured with lectures by
executives from industry.
Research Components
The focus of research activities is the experimental and theoretical examination of
gear components and drive systems.
Cylindrical Gears
Back-to-back gear test rig
Institute of Machine Elements
Cylindrical gears are the most common
transmission types. The fatigue life of cylindrical gears is limited by pitting, micro-pitting, scuffing, wear, tooth root breakage
or tooth flank breakage. The basis for the
experimental examination of such gear
damage is the standard FZG back-to-back
gear test rig, which was developed by FZG
and is used all over the world.
The described types of damages, as well
as material, lubricant and efficiency examinations for external and internal gearings,
can thereby be carried out very efficiently.
In addition to sufficient load-carrying
capacity and good noise characteristics,
research is increasingly focusing on the
efficiency performance of gears.
Exemplary projects
n AiF project ‘Verlustleistung von Stirnradverzahnungen’
n AiF project ‘Optimierung Flankentragfähigkeit’
n FVA project ‘Flankenbruch Stirnräder’
n AiF project ‘Fettschmierung Kleingetriebe’
n Industrial project ‘Ultrafan’ Rolls Royce
Bevel and Hypoid Gears
Bevel gears are used for power and torque
transmission between non-parallel axes.
The main application field of bevel gears
is the automotive industry. However, bevel
gears are also used in large numbers in
train and ship propulsion, as well as in
industrial gearboxes.
The FZG hypoid gear test rig was
developed for life tests on bevel and
hypoid gears. Like the FZG back-to-back
gear test rig, this rig operates on the
principle of the mechanical power circuit.
These test rigs are used for the examination of tooth root and tooth flank loadcarrying capacity, as well as for hypoid
gear oil tests.
Exemplary projects
n AiF project ‘Kegelrad-Carbonitrieren’
n FVA project ‘Vorauslegung Beveloidräder’
n AiF project ‘Erweiterte Tellerradgrübchentragfähigkeit’
Left: bevel and hypoid gear test rig
Above: Hypoid gear
gears causes higher power losses with
increasing transmission ratio. With torque
measurement shafts, efficiency tests for
every operating condition can be performed with these test rigs. The tooth root
load-carrying capacity of worm gears can
be determined within pulsator tests.
Left: worm gear test rig
Above: worm gear
Worm Gears
Worm gears offer the possibility of
realising high transmission ratios in only
one stage. Thus a considerably high
axial sliding occurs, leading to reduced
efficiencies. Due to the large overlap,
worm gears have low noise and vibration
levels. Self-locking and self-braking are
possible by appropriate choice of the gear
geometry. The application of worm gears
as power gearboxes is mainly limited by
wear, pitting or limited efficiency. Other
material combinations than the conventional combination of steel and bronze are
more endangered by scuffing.
Both electrically and hydrostatically loaded
test rigs are available for the determination
of sliding wear, pitting and scuffing of common worm gear bronzes, as well as brass,
grey cast iron and spheroidal cast iron.
The results are represented as specific
wear or scuffing damage in correlation
to the drive torque or as pitting growth
over the number of load cycles. The
high percentage of sliding for worm
Exemplary projects
n AiF project ‘Schnecken-Schraubradgetriebe II’
n AiF project ‘Schneckenrad Fertigungsparameter’
n FVA project ‘SCHRAD2’
Institute of Machine Elements
Above: synchronizer
Right: ZF/FZG SSP-180 test rig
In vehicle manual and DCT transmissions,
gears are changed by the actuation of
tooth clutches. Synchronizers are used
to realise equal rotational speed in the
tooth clutch, which is necessary for
convenient gear shifting. The requirements
for synchronizers are application-specific
and cover a wide spectrum. Besides a
high torque transfer capability and related
high energy and power density for the
friction material and the lubricant, low
wear and high long-term stability of the
friction behaviour, as well as convenient
gear shifting are important development
Examinations of friction, wear and service
life behaviour of synchronizers are carried
out with the FZG standard synchronizer
test rig ZF/FZG SSP-180.
Exemplary projects
n FVA project ‘Carbon-/Sinter-Reibungsverhalten’
n FVA project ‘Schädigungsmechanismen
Multidisc Clutches
Above: multidisc clutches
Right: KLP-260 disc clutch test rig
Oil-lubricated multidisc clutches and brakes
are used for example in automatic transmissions for gear shifting and for frictionally
engaged power transmission. Multidisc
clutches are characterised by a high power
density in a compact design. They can
be actuated under load and difference in
rotational speed because the torque is
transmitted by friction. Functional and service-life behaviour depend to a large extent
on the load and the friction system. The
mechanical and thermal load of the clutch
which occurs during the shift operations
are not constant in practical application but
vary due to different shifting conditions.
The friction, wear, drag loss and service-life
behaviour of oil-lubricated multidisc clutches are examined with the FZG multidisc
clutch test rigs. Accordingly, an evaluation
of the influences of friction material, groove
pattern, volume of oil flow, lubricant and load
on friction, wear and drag loss behavior is
Exemplary projects
n FVA project ‘Carbon-Ölverträglichkeit’
n FVA project ‘Carbon-Ölverträglichkeit II’
n AiF project ‘Spontanschäden Lamellenkupplungen’
n AiF project ‘Langsamlaufschlupf
Rolling Element Bearings
Rolling element bearings are used for the
guidance of axles and shafts, whereby
they absorb radial and/or axial forces and
Institute of Machine Elements
simultaneously allow the rotation of the
shaft or of the mounted components. Thus
the friction and power loss should be kept
to a minimum. With the bearing power
loss test rig of the FZG, the bearing losses
under load or no-load can be measured
for various bearing arrangements. These
results then can be used for the validation
of the common calculation methods for
the determination of the bearing losses.
Taking bearing losses in the test rig into
account, the resulting gearing losses can
be determined.
Wear and frictional behaviour of bearings
depend on the lubricant used. Evaluation
of lubricant samples is possible on the
roller bearing lubricant test rig FE-8,
according to DIN 51819, for the determination of anti-wear capacity.
Rolling element bearings
power loss test rig
Exemplary project
n FVA project ‘Lebensdauer-Industriegetriebe-Wälzlager’
Research Topics
In addition to the investigation of transmission components, the FZG also focuses
on basic and comprehensive research topics of transmissions and machine
elements in general.
EHL-Tribological Contact
For gear drives, the ratio of sliding to
rolling along the path of contact is variable. Basic investigations on rolling and
sliding contacts are performed on twindisc machines, which make it possible
to adjust any slide-roll ratios at different
rotational speeds. Local measurements of
pressure, temperature and film thickness
can be performed by means of thinfilm
sensors. Theoretical consideration and
calculations (EHL theory) supplement the
In classical hydrodynamics, the contact
surfaces are assumed to be rigid. The
lubricant wedge formation only depends
on the lubricant and the speed ratios of
both contact partners. This simplification
is not possible for high pressures. The
flexible deformation of the contact area,
as well as the viscosity change in the
contact zone on the basis of differences in
temperature and the high local pressure,
can no longer be neglected. These effects
are recorded on computed distributions
of pressure, temperature and lubricant
EHL film thickness distribution
film thickness in the contact by applying
the EHL theory. Complex simulations can
be used to calculate them numerically.
Consequently main shear and octahedron
stresses below the surface of the two
contact partners can be determined.
Influence of a DLC coating in gear
Exemplary projects
n DFG project ‘Reinhart Koselleck-Projekt’
n DFG project ‘Triboinduzierte Schichten
/ SPP 1551’
n FVA project ‘LFP Öberflächenbeschichtungen’
n AiF project ‘CHEOPS3‘
Institute of Machine Elements
Load-Carrying Capacity
Scuffings on a spur gear
A large part of the research topics deals
with the load-carrying capacity of the
components cylindrical, bevel, hypoid and
worm gears, as well as multidisc clutches, synchronizers and rolling element
bearings. For gears, fatigue lifetime is
often limited by pitting, micropitting, wear,
scuffing, tooth root breakage and tooth
flank fracture.
The results of many research projects
at FZG are gained from theoretical and
experimental investigations. In order to
develop a method, simulation models
are usually developed and validated by
extensive experimental studies.
Exemplary project
n FVA project ‘Gleitgelagerte WellenLager-Systeme’
Internal additional dynamic forces, which
change tooth stress and affect noise
behaviour of the transmission, occur in
running transmissions. The NVH behaviour
of gears is becoming more and more
important due to increased customer
expectations regarding noise. The additional dynamic forces must be considered
during development of high-performance
transmissions. Experimental and theoretical investigations are used to determine
these additional dynamic forces and to
develop and improve analytical calculation
models for the simulation of excitation and
vibration behaviour.
In addition to sufficient load-carrying
capacity and good noise characteristics,
research is increasingly focusing on the
efficiency performance of gears. Efficiency
investigations on oil- or grease-lubricated
cylindrical gears are carried out with the
FZG efficiency test rigs under different
operating conditions.
In parallel, oil distribution and no-load
losses are determined by means of CFD
simulations and validated with results of
Efficiency test rig
Fatigue Life Analysis
In the context of fatigue life analysis, the
fatigue life of gears can be determined
under time-varying operating conditions,
e.g. for vehicles and industrial applications. Load, temperature and speed
spectra, which are determined from
real operating conditions and modified
Institute of Machine Elements
for operation in the test rig, are used to
investigate this fatigue life. In pulsators or
back-to-back gear test rigs with hydraulic
load application the load can be varied
during the operation according to these
load spectra. Thus fatigue life investigations are possible.
Alternative Materials, Composites and Coatings
Plastic gears can be advantageous in
specific transmission applications. The
high material damping has a positive effect
on the noise behaviour, the low mass and
mass inertia can be distinguished in transmissions, which are subject to high accelerations. The main advantage of plastic
gears is their dry run capability. This makes
them ideal for applications e.g. in the field
of medical technology, food processing
or the printing industry, where lubrication
is not possible for functional or hygienic
reasons. High friction losses in the dry run
capability of plastic gears limit the transmittable power from a thermal viewpoint.
Loss-optimised gears exhibit significantly
lower friction losses by concentrating the
meshing around the pitch point.
A composite structure, in which the teeth
are made of steel and the wheel body is
made of plastic, combines the advantages
of steel and plastic gearings. Besides
increasing the lightweight design potential,
it is possible to manipulate the dynamic
system behavior favorably by using
composite gears. Moreover the tribological properties and the flank load-carrying
capacity of steel gearings can be optimised by using extremely hard coatings
e.g. amorphous carbon coatings. The
impact of such coatings on efficiency and
fatigue life is investigated at FZG.
Plastic gear with steel body
Exemplary projects
n StMBKWK project ‘FORCIM3A’
n StMBKWK project ‘Kronenradverzahnungen’
n DFG project ‘Kunststoffzahnräder’
Drive Systems/Electromechanical Drives
The demand for sustainable mobility
requires the development of innovative
drive systems with optimised energy
management. One opportunity of
realising this is represented by hybrid
drive systems, which are a combination
of several different power sources and
aggregates. The research into hybrid
drive systems at the FZG has been carried out since 1993. The main topics are
conception and simulation of hybrid drive
systems. For the development of alternative drive systems, special simulation
tools have been engineered to evaluate
the properties of drive concepts. The aim
of complete vehicle simulations is the
determination of fuel economy and driving dynamics for different driving cycles
and manoeuvres. A variety of configurations and parameters must be identified
for concept studies; especially high
requirements are necessary with respect
to the computational time of simulation
models. Nevertheless a high degree of
flexibility and expandability must be given
in order to detail the vehicle models for
further analysis.
A special highlight in this field is the
‘Active Differential’. The lightweight,
compact and efficient system with torque
vectoring function in the drive train of
Visio.M (TUM electric vehicle) offers a high
potential for increasing driving dynamics
and recuperation performance.
The aim of the project Speed2E is the
development, optimization and construction of a high speed powertrain for
electrical automotive applications, which
allows a tripling of motor speed. During
the project aspects like efficiency, tooth
excitation and vibration transmissions are
Powertrain Visio.M
Exemplary Projects
n StMBKWK project ‘FZGAugsburg Ressourceneffiziente
n BMWi project ’Speed2E –
n DFG project ‘SplitVerbrennungsmotor’
Institute of Machine Elements
Research Focus
n Experimental examinations and simulations of gear systems and components
n Load-carrying capacity, efficiency and
NVH of cylindrical, bevel, hypoid and
worm gears
n Durability and friction behaviour of
multidisc clutches and synchronizers
n Calculation, simulation and experimental analysis of load-carrying capacity,
efficiency and NVH of gears
n Standardisation: DIN/ISO/CEC
n Failure analysis, seminars, trainings
n Test facility (> 80 test rigs)
n Measuring laboratory
n Materials laboratory
n Lubricants laboratory
n Electro/electronic laboratory
n Workshop
n Gear grinding machine LGG 280
n Machine Elements I + II
n Drive-Systems Technology for Vehicles
n High-performance Gears for Marine
Drives, Wind Energy Plants and Industrial Applications
n Design of Gearboxes with Cylindrical
n Bevel and Hypoid Gears for Vehicle
Drive Systems
n Special Section Machine Elements –
Rolling Pairing
n Synchromesh Systems and Multidisc
Institute of Machine Elements
Prof. i. R. Dr.-Ing. Bernd-Robert Höhn
Guest Lecturers
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Hirt
Dr.-Ing. Burkhard Pinnekamp, Renk AG
Dr.-Ing. Joachim Thomas, Voith AG
Department Leaders
Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Kadach
Dr.-Ing. Michael Otto
Dr.-Ing. Hermann Pflaum
Dr.-Ing. Johann-Paul Stemplinger
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Tobie
Senior Engineers (retired)
Dr.-Ing. Klaus Michaelis
Dr.-Ing. Peter Oster
Team Leaders
Dipl.-Ing. Florian Dobler
Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Dräxl
Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Idler
Thomas Lohner, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Werner Sigmund
Administrative Staff
Kornelia Güth
Andrea Baur
Sigrid Mayr
Heidrun Wolf
Robert Rauschmayer
Gear grinding machine Liebherr
LGG 280
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karsten Stahl, Director
Research Scientists
Dipl.-Ing. Robert Acuner
Dipl.-Ing. Markus Baar
Sabrina Bansemir, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Ivan Boiadjiev
Dipl.-Ing. Markus Daffner
Dipl.-Ing. Rui Dai
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Dobler
Martin Ebner, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Christian Engelhardt
Andreas Fingerle, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Patrick Fischer
Dipl.-Ing. Maximilian Fromberger
Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Gwinner
Dipl.-Ing. Christian Güntner
Dipl.-Ing. Christian Hasl
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Hein
Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Jurkschat
Dipl.-Ing. Bernhard Kohn
Dipl.-Ing. Johannes König
Christoph Leonhardt, M.Sc.
Hua Liu, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Eva-Maria Mautner
Dipl.-Ing. Georg Johann Meingaßner
Marco Mileti, M.Sc.
Philipp Norgauer, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Jan Parlow
Tobias Paucker, M.Sc.
Josef Pellkofer, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Reimann
Dipl.-Ing. Hansjörg Schultheiß
Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Schurer
Martin Sedlmair, M.Sc.
Felix Siglmüller, M.Sc.
Ulrich Stockinger, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Maximilian Strebel
Maximilian Trübswetter, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Thanak Utakapan
Dipl.-Ing. Katharina Völkel
Christian Weber, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Weigl
Uwe Weinberger, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Carolin Wickborn
Andreas Ziegltrum, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Maximilian Zimmer
Dipl.-Ing. Bernd Zornek
Workshop & Testing Management
Dipl.-Ing. Rui Dai
Reiner Duschek
Karl Maier
Markus Pflügler
Workshop & Testing Staff
Richard Brandoni
Franz Hofmann
Robert Kiermeier
Harald Mayr
Heiko Preuß
Thomas Rath
Oliver Timm
Christian Weber
Klaus Winkler
Wilma Leykamm
Ingeborg Brodschelm
Marco Breidinger
Helmut Kammerer
Ralf Kiepfer
Josef Pöllner
Christopher Neufeld
Selected Publications 2015
n Lohner, T.; Merz, R.; Mayer, J.; Michaelis, K.;
Kopnarski, M.; Stahl, K.: On the Effect of Plastic
Deformation (PD) Additives in Lubricants. Tribologie
+ Schmierungstechnik 62, Heft: 2, pp. 13-24 (2015).
n Fischer, P.; Dräxl, T.; Pflaum, H.; Stahl, K.: Leichtbau
in der mechanischen Antriebstechnik – Gewicht
einsparen. KEM, Heft: S1-2015, pp. 38-39.
n Stemplinger, J.-P.; Stahl, K.: Gearbox Efficiency –
Focus on Measurements and Lubricant Influences.
SAIT. Eleventh International Tribology Conference
of the South African Institute of Tribology, Pretoria
n Stemplinger, J.-P.: FZG and Different Testing
Methods for Lubricant Influences on Gear Failure
Modes. SAIT. Eleventh International Tribology Conference of the South African Institute of Tribology,
Pretoria (2015).
n Völkel, K.; Pflaum, H.; Stahl, K.: Analyse des
thermischen Verhaltens nasslaufender Lamellenkupplungen mit dem FVA-Programm KUPSIM. VDI.
Kupplungen und Kupplungssysteme in Antrieben
2015, Karlsruhe (2015).
n Dräxl, T.; Pflaum, H.; Stahl, K.: Neue Erkenntnisse
über Schleppverluste an Lamellenkupplungen. VDI.
Kupplungen und Kupplungssysteme in Antrieben
2015, Karlsruhe (2015).
n Dobler, F.; Tobie, T.; Stahl, K.: Influence of Low Temperature Treatments on the Load Carrying Capacity
of Case-Hardened Gears – Influences on the Tooth
Root Bending Strength. CWD – Center for Wind
Power Drives – RWTH Aachen. 2nd Conference for
Wind Power Drives – CWD 2015, Aachen (2015).
n Hensel, M.; Pflaum, H.; Stahl, K.: Schädigungsverhalten nasslaufender Lamellenkupplungen
– Korrelation von thermischer Beanspruchung und
Schädigung. VDI. Kupplungen und Kupplungssysteme in Antrieben 2015, Karlsruhe (2015).
n Reimann, T.; Stemplinger, J.-P.; Stahl, K.: Der
Fresstest A/44/Cr – eine Methode zur Prüfung des
Fress- und Verschleißverhaltens von Hypoidölen.
Tribologie + Schmierungstechnik 62, Heft: 2,
pp. 45-53.
n Gwinner, P.; Idler, S.; Otto, M.; Stahl, K.: Gear
Design for a High-Speed E-Drive. VDI. Getriebe in
Fahrzeugen 2015 – VDI-Berichte 2256, Friedrichshafen (2015).
n Sedlmair, M.; Geiger, J.; Stemplinger, J.-P.; Stahl,
K.: Efficiency potential of a manual transmission
– Simulation of optimization measures in gears
and lubricants. VDI. Getriebe in Fahrzeugen 2015 –
VDI-Berichte 2256, Friedrichshafen (2015).
Institute of Machine Elements
n Zimmer, M.; Otto, M.; Stahl, K.: Uniform geometry
calculation of arbitrary gear types for automotive
gearings. VDI. Getriebe in Fahrzeugen 2015 –
VDI-Berichte 2256, Friedrichshafen (2015).
n Lohner, T.; Mayer, J.; Stahl, K.: EHL Contact Temperature – Comparison of Theoretical and Experimental Determination. STLE. STLE 70th Annual Meeting
and Exhibition, Dallas, Texas (2015).
n Strebel, M.; Wirth, M.; Pflaum, H.; Stahl, K.: The
drag torque behavior of manual transmission
synchronizers. STLE. STLE 70th Annual Meeting
and Exhibition, Dallas, Texas (2015).
n Weigl, A.; Lohner, T.; Mayer, J.; Stahl, K.: EHL
Contact Temperature – Experimental Determination
using New Generation Thin Film Sensors. STLE.
STLE 70th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Dallas,
Texas (2015).
n Bobzin, K.; Brögelmann, T.; Stahl, K.; Michaelis, K.;
Mayer, J.; Hinterstoisser, M.: Friction reduction of
highly-loaded rolling-sliding contacts by surface
modifications under elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication. Wear, 328-329.
n Stahl, K.; Idler, S.: Der Speed2E-Hochdrehzahl-Antriebsstrang. FVA – FVV – VDMA. 7. Expertenforum
Elektrische Fahrzeugantriebe (2015).
n Kadach, D.; Matt, P.; Tobie, T.; Stahl, K.: Influences
of the facing edge condition on the flank load
carrying capacity of helical gears. ASME 2015 International Design engineering Technical Conferences
& Computers and Computers and Information in
Engeineering, Boston, Massachusetts, USA (2015).
n Dobler, F.; Tobie, T.; Stahl, K.: Influence of low
temperatures on material properties and tooth root
bending strength of case-hardened gears. ASME
2015 Intrnational Design engineering Technical
Conferences & Computers and Computers and
Information in Engeineering, Boston, Massachusetts, USA (2015).
n König, J.; Koller, P.; Tobie, T.; Stahl, K.: Correlation
of relevant case properties and the flank load
carrying capacity of case-hardened gears. ASME
2015 Intrnational Design engineering Technical
Conferences & Computers and Computers and
Information in Engeineering, Boston, Massachusetts, USA (2015).
n Schultheiss, H.; Tobie, T.; Stahl, K.: The Effect of
Selected Grease Components on the Wear Behavior
of Grease-Lubricated Gears. Journal of Tribology,
Heft: 138, only online (2016).
n Ebner, M.; Lohner, T.; Weigl, A.; Michaelis, K.; Stemplinger, J.-P.; Höhn, B.-R.; Stahl, K.: Hochbelastete
und schnmierstoffgetränkte Wälzpaarungen aus
sintermaterial ohne externe Schmierstoffzuführung.
GfT. 56. Tribologie Fachtagung, Göttingen (2015).
n Sartori, S.; Gasparini, G.; Stahl, K.; Tobie, T.;
Felbermaier, M.: Micro-pitting Failure Analysis and
Lesson Learned in Helicopter Planetary Gears. VDI.
International Conference on Gears 2015 International Conference on High Performance Plastic Gears
2015 International Conference on Gear Production
2015, Garching (2015).
n Boiadjiev, I.; Stemplinger, J.-P.; Stahl, K.: New
Method for Calculation of the Load Carrying
Capacity of Bevel and Hypoid Gears regarding
Tooth Flank Fracture. VDI. International Conference
on Gears 2015 International Conference on High
Performance Plastic Gears 2015 International
Conference on Gear Production 2015, Garching
Institute of Machine Elements
n Dobler, A.; Tobie, T.; Stahl, K.; Hergesell, M.:
Increased Tooth Bending Strength and Pitting Load
Capacity of Fine Module Gears. VDI. International
Conference on Gears 2015 International Conference
on High Performance Plastic Gears 2015 International Conference on Gear Production 2015, Garching
n Langheinrich, A.; Otto, M.; Stahl, K.: Geometry,
strain and deformation of asymmetric spur gears.
VDI. International Conference on Gears 2015
International Conference on High Performance
Plastic Gears 2015 International Conference on
Gear Production 2015, Garching (2015).
n Schultheiss, H.; Stemplinger, J.-P.; Tobie, T.; Stahl,
K.: Influences on failure modes and load carrying
capacity of grease lubricated gears. VDI. International Conference on Gears 2015 International
Conference on High Performance Plastic Gears
2015 International Conference on Gear Production
2015, Garching (2015).
n Neubauer, B.; Otto, M.; Stahl, K.: Efficient calculation of load distribution and design of tooth flank
modifications in planetary gear systems – Static
load and deformation analysis in a fully coupled
mechanical model of a gear box structure with
LAPLASn. VDI. International Conference on Gears
2015 International Conference on High Performance
Plastic Gears 2015 International Conference on
Gear Production 2015, Garching (2015).
n Sigmund, W.; Stemplinger, J.-P.; Otto, M.; Stahl, K.:
Simulating the wear behaviour of worm gears with
local contact pattern. VDI. International Conference
on Gears 2015 International Conference on High
Performance Plastic Gears 2015 International
Conference on Gear Production 2015, Garching
n Wickborn, C.; Tobie, T.; Höhn, B.-R.; Stahl, K.:
HiPerComp: High performance materials for gears.
VDI. International Conference on Gears 2015
International Conference on High Performance
Plastic Gears 2015 International Conference on
Gear Production 2015, Garching (2015).
n Nitsch, C.; Otto, M.; Höhn, B.-R.; Stahl, K.: Vibration
and Damping Characteristics of Steel-PolymerCompound-Gears evaluated on a Back-to-Back
Test Rig. VDI. International Conference on Gears
2015 International Conference on High Performance
Plastic Gears 2015 International Conference on
Gear Production 2015, Garching (2015).
n Hubert, T.; Bauser, M.; Hasl, C.; Tobie, T.; Stahl, K.:
Load carrying capacity of cylindrical plastic gears
– Requirements of injection molded plastic test
gears for back-to-back and pulsator testing. VDI.
International Conference on Gears 2015 International Conference on High Performance Plastic Gears
2015 International Conference on Gear Production
2015, Garching (2015).
Institute of Automation and Information Systems
Engineering and operation of intelligent, reconfigurable, distributed cyber-physical production systems
n In 2015, the Institute of Automation and Information Systems (AIS)
focused on analyzing, establishing and improving novel methods, approaches and tools to address the challenges that result from the increasing
demand to produce customer­-specific, individual products in the machine
and plant manufacturing domain.
Therein, innovative approaches for
Industry 4.0-capable systems have been
and are being developed to improve
both the engineering and the operation
of cyber-physical production systems.
Among others, technologies and methods
applied at AIS are agent-based and
service-oriented approaches as well as
modeling approaches – both semi-formal
and formal – to provide novel concepts
for designing and operating intelligent,
reconfigurable, distributed cyber-physical
production systems. Especially methods
and technologies from the computer
science domain are used and adapted to
address the challenges in automation and
in the machine and plant manufacturing
domain. Moreover, taking the interaction
with humans and machines into account,
the methods and approaches developed
at AIS are analyzed and evaluated in realworld scenarios and together with experts
from industry.
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Birgit Vogel-Heuser
Phone +
Research focus of the Institute of Automation and
Information Systems
Intelligent, Reconfigurable, Distributed
Cyber-Physical Production Systems
Open research demonstrator „myJoghurt“
(Starterkit available from
The ever-increasing complexity and
dimensions of automated production
systems in industrial automation require
a high degree of flexibility and intelligence
in and among system components.
Hence, one aspect being addressed by
AIS is to explore the advantages of such
intelligent, reconfigurable and distributed
systems contrary to their disadvantages,
e.g. the extended need for communication.
Therefore, at AIS, notations, methods
and tools are developed for the design of
agent-oriented automation software for
machines and production plants in both
the manufacturing and process automation domain. By that, the design, implementation and operation of distributed,
intelligent cyber-physical production systems can be simplified, comprehensibility
can be increased and, thus, acceptance
in industry can be enhanced. In 2015, two
Institute of Automation and Information Systems
novel research projects (namely aComA
and iSikon) were established that address
the need for flexibility and reconfigurability
in the logistics domain. Moreover, the joint
demonstrator ‘myJoghurt’ was extended
together with three further German institutes – thereby enlarging the demonstrator
towards eight participants. Furthermore,
since 2015, ‘myJoghurt’ is contained in
the ‘Landkarte Industrie 4.0’*, which has
been initiated by the ‘Plattform Industrie
4.0’ initiative. Besides others, together
with international robot companies, the
same architecture and platform was
applied for a collaborative production.
Using simple scenarios, the coupling of
locally distributed production systems in
an automatic and dynamic manner can be
demonstrated using ‘myJoghurt’.
n BayFor Project – Automatische
Codegenerierung für modulare Anlagen
n BMBF Project – Sichere, dynamische
Vernetzung in Operationssaal und Klinik
n DFG Project – Gesteigerte Flexibilität
in heterogen aufgebauten Materialflusssystemen auf Basis intelligenter
Softwareagenten in selbstkonfigurierender Fördertechnik (iSikon)
Model-based Engineering of Variant-rich
Interdisciplinary Manufacturing Systems
Extended Pick and Place Unit
(xPPU) – demonstrator for safety,
modes of operation and communication technologies
Besides improving the operation of
Industrie 4.0-capable systems, one major
area of interest for AIS is the engineering
of automated production systems. Therein,
AIS investigates concepts and methods
towards the model-based development
of such systems – both in the (discrete)
manufacturing engineering domain and
in the (continuous) process engineering
domain. A special focus is put on the
interdisciplinary character of the design of
industrial automation systems as well as on
increasing the transparency and handling
the complexity throughout the workflow of
automation systems design and operation.
In-der-Praxis/Karte/karte.html, retrieved 2015/12/11.
Institute of Automation and Information Systems
As one major success in 2015 – not only
for AIS as coordinator, but also for the
entire research team – the DFG approv­ed
the extension of the Collaborative
Research Center (CRC) 768 for a third
funding period of four years. Moreover,
AIS was able to establish further research
projects within the second funding period
of the Priority Programme (PP) 1593. In
addition, concepts for the integration
of energy aspects with the modeling of
the operating performance (behavior)
of production systems and automotive
systems are explored (cf. research project
ProMES). Therefore, different modeling
languages are investigated and adapted
for these different classes of mechatronic
systems and corresponding editors and
tool environments have been developed.
For the coupling and synchronization of
heterogeneous models, model transformations as well as formal methods for
consistency checking have been investigated and successfully applied. Concern­
ing the transfer of research results into
industrial applications, a major outcome
of this field of research is the successful
realization of approaches for model-based automation software development,
code generation, and model-based
debugging (e.g. within the completed
projects ZuMaTra and MoBaTest) as well
as software testing inside a development
environment for automation software that
is widely used in industry. As one core
aspect of industrial automation software,
a working group ‘Modularity, Variant
and Version Management in Industrial
Automation’ was established together
with companies in the packaging, wood
processing and automotive domain. Our
core demonstrator – the Pick and Place
Unit – was extended in 2015 to address
further, industry-relevant aspects such
as safety, modes of operation and novel
communication technologies.
n BMBF Project – Automatisches Generieren von Fertigungsmanagementsystemen (für die Lebensmittelindustrie)
n DFG Project – Regression Verification
in a User-Centered Software Development Process for Evolving Automated
Production Systems (SPP 1593, project
n DFG Project – Domain-spanning Maintainability Estimation (SPP 1593, project
n DFG Project – Self-Maintenance of
Mechatronic Modules (SFB 768, subproject A6)
n DFG Project – Diagnosis and Resolution
of Inconsistencies in Heterogeneous
Models (SFB 768, subproject D1)
n DFG Project – Decision making support
in innovation processes under con­
sideration of the technical disciplines
(SFB 768, subproject T3)
n EU Project – Innovative Modelling
Approaches for Production Systems to
Raise Validatable Efficiency (IMPROVE)
Human-Machine Interaction as well as Data
Integration and Processing to Support Humans
This field of research addresses the
design and evaluation of human-machineinterfaces (HMI) for operators as well as
engineering support systems. The research field concerns supporting the operating personnel in training, commissioning,
process monitoring, process optimizing,
and diagnosis by means of appropriate
visualization methods of process and
message data during the operation phase
of technical plants. The current trend in
industry is to replace the classical 2D
visualization systems in control rooms
for process monitoring and operation by
new visualization technologies such as 3D
visualization as well as augmented reality
and their visualization on mobile devices.
Today’s challenges cover the extraction of
beneficial information from the rising flood
of process data to e.g. detect faults. This
information is collected by data aggregation and data analysis from many different
data sources. Fault characteristics are not
only characteristics indicating a fault, but
also symptoms that indicate causal impact
of a fault within a system. Based on this
analysis the system can provide recom-
mendations to the operator on how he has
to intervene in the process. AIS, therefore,
not only investigates scalable integration
concepts for aggregating and analyzing big
industrial data sets (cf. project SIDAP), but
also visualization and navigation concepts
(cf. SFB 768 D2) to support stakeholders in
the industrial automation domain.
n BMWi Project – Skalierbares Integrationskonzept zur Datenaggregation,
-analyse, -aufbereitung von großen
Datenmengen in der Prozessindustrie
n DFG Project – Interactive Visualization
and Navigation in Heterogeneous
Models (SFB 768, subproject D2)
n KME Project – Prozesszustandsbasiertes Monitoring von Produktionsanlagen
durch MES (ProMES)
Exemplary challenges of heterogeneous models
Institute of Automation and Information Systems
Research Focus
n Model-based engineering
n Quality management
n Distributed, intelligent control systems
n Software agents, service-oriented
n Machine learning
n Cyber-physical production systems
n Information processing
n Human factors
n Improvement of the engineering during
the whole life cycle of products and
production lines for hybrid processes
using and adapting methods from computer science, e.g. pattern recognition
and software engineering.
n In charge of the smart production
scenario of the cyber physical systems
road-map in close cooperation with
market-leading companies.
n Complex hybrid plant lab model which
operates with market leading automation devices
n 48 modular production plants for
C-programming in basic lectures
n Neutralization plant – test bed for the
process engineering domain
n Pick and Place Unit – demonstrator for
evolution in industrial plant automation
n Extended Pick and Place Unit –
demonstrator for safety, modes of
operation and novel communication
Institute of Automation and Information Systems
n Basics of Modern Information
Technology I+II
n Modeling and Simulation
n Industrial Automation 1+2
n Development of Distributed Intelligent
Embedded Mechatronic Systems
n Industrial Software Engineering 1+2
n Semantic Technologies in Industrial
n Manufacturing Execution Systems in
Producing Industries
n Practical Course Automation
n Practical Course Development of
Distributed Intelligent Embedded
Mechatronic Systems
n Practical Course Industrial Software
n Practical Course Simulation Technology
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Birgit Vogel-Heuser, Director
Associate Lecturer
Dr.-Ing. Heiko Meyer
Michaela Franke
Irene Goros
Steering Committee
Dr.-Ing. Dorothea Pantförder
Dr.-Ing. Daniel Schütz
Jens Folmer
Research Associates
Thomas Aicher
Ulrich Bührer
Franziska Fassl
Stefan Feldmann
Konstantin Kernschmidt
Christoph Legat
Felix Mayer
Daniel Regulin
Sebastian Rehberger
Susanne Rösch
Thomas Simon
Sebastian Ulewicz
Benedikt Weißenberger
Laboratory and Technical Staff
Christian Gmeinwieser
Thomas Mikschl
Andor Nagy
Johannes Werner
Julian Schachermeier
Tom Kaden
Doctoral Theses finished in 2015
Dr.-Ing. Daniel Schütz
Dr.-Ing. Dominik Stengel
Dr.-Ing. Martin Obermeier
Publications 2015
Journal Articles
n Fay, A.; Vogel-Heuser, B.; Frank, T.; Eckert, K.;
Hadlich, T.; Diedrich, C.: Enhancing a model-based
engineering approach for distributed manufacturing
automation systems with characteristics and design
patterns. In: Journal of Systems and Software
(JSS), vol. 101, 2015, pp. 221-235.
n Obermeier, M.; Braun, S.; Vogel-Heuser, B.: A
Model-Driven Approach on Object-Oriented PLC
Programming for Manufacturing Systems with
Regard to Usability. In: IEEE Transactions on
Industrial Informatics (TII), vol. 11, no. 3, 2015,
pp. 790-800.
n Rösch, S.; Ulewicz, S.; Provost, J.; Vogel-Heuser,
B.: Review of Model-Based Testing Approaches in
Production Automation and Adjacent Domains –
Current Challenges and Research Gaps. In: Journal
of Software Engineering and Applications, vol. 8,
no. 9, 2015, pp. 499-519.
n Vogel-Heuser, B.; Fay, A.; Schäfer, I.; Tichy, M.:
Evolution of software in automated production
systems – Challenges and Research Directions. In:
Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), vol. 110,
2015, pp. 54-84.
n Vogel-Heuser, B.; Fuchs, J.; Feldmann, S.; Legat,
C.: Interdisziplinärer Produktlinienansatz zur
Steigerung der Wiederverwendung. In: Automatisierungstechnik (at), vol. 63, no. 2, 2015, pp. 99-110.
n Vogel-Heuser, B.; Schütz, D.; Folmer, J.: Criteria-based Alarm Flood Pattern Recognition
using Historical Data from Automated Production
Systems (aPS). In: Mechatronics, 2015 (in press).
n Vogel-Heuser, B.; Lee, J.; Leitão P.: Agents enabling
cyber-physical production systems. In: Automatisierungstechnik (at), vol. 63, no. 10, pp. 777-789.
Conference Publications
n Abele, L.; Anic, M.; Gutmann, T.; Folmer, J.; Aicher,
T.; Rehberger, S. and Vogel-Heuser, B.: Towards
finding the appropriate level of abstraction to
model and verify automated production systems in
discrete event simulation. In: 10th IEEE International
Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2015), Gothenburg, Sweden, 2015,
pp. 1048-1053.
n Beckert, B.; Ulbrich, M.; Vogel-Heuser, B.; Weigl,
A.: Regression Verification for Programmable Logic
Controller Software. In: The 17th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods (ICFEM),
Paris, France, 2015.
n Bührer, U.; Legat, C.; Vogel-Heuser, B.: Changeability of Manufacturing Automation Systems using an
Orchestration Engine for Programmable Logic Controllers. In: 15th IFAC Symposium on Information
Control in Manufacturing (INCOM), Ottawa, 2015,
pp. 1573-1579.
n Feldmann, S.; Herzig, S.; Kernschmidt, K.; Wolfenstetter, T.; Kammerl, D.; Qamar, A.; Lindemann,
U.; Krcmar, H.; Paredis, C. and Vogel-Heuser, B.: A
Comparison of Inconsistency Management Approaches Using a Mechatronic Manufacturing System
Design Case Study. In: 10th IEEE International
Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2015), Gothenburg, Sweden, 2015,
pp. 158-165.
n Feldmann, S.; Herzig, S.; Kernschmidt, K.; Wolfenstetter, T.; Kammerl, D.; Qamar, A.; Lindemann,
U.; Krcmar, H.; Paredis, C. J.J.; Vogel-Heuser, B.:
Towards Effective Management of Inconsistencies in Model-Based Engineering of Automated
Production Systems. In: 15th IFAC Symposium
on Information Control in Manufacturing (INCOM),
Ottawa, 2015, pp. 917-923.
n Feldmann, S.; Legat, C.; Vogel-Heuser, B.: An
Analysis of Challenges and State of the Art for
Modular Engineering in the Machine and Plant
Manufacturing Domain. In: 2nd IFAC Conference
on Embedded Systems, Computational Intelligence
and Telematics in Control, Maribor, 2015, pp. 87-92.
n Feldmann, S.; Legat, C.; Vogel-Heuser, B.: Engineering Support in the Machine and Plant Manufacturing Domain through Interdisciplinary Product Lines:
An Applicability Analysis. In: 15th IFAC Symposium
on Information Control in Manufacturing (INCOM),
Ottawa, 2015.
n Fischer, J.; Friedrich, D. and Vogel-Heuser, B.:
Configuration of PLC software for automated
warehouses based on reusable components – an
industrial case study. In: 20th IEEE International
Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory
Automation (ETFA 2015), Luxembourg, 2015,
pp. 1-7.
n Gramß, D.; Vogel-Heuser, B.: Contribution of personal factors for a better understanding of the gender
effects of freshmen in mechanical engineering.
In: IEEE International Conference on Industrial
Technology (ICIT), Seville, 2015, pp. 3258-3263.
n Hufnagel, J.; Vogel-Heuser, B.: Data Integration in
Manufacturing Industry: Model-Based Integration
of Data Distributed from ERP to PLC. In: 13th IEEE
International Conference on Industrial Informatics
(INDIN), Cambridge, 2015, pp. 275-281.
n Kernschmidt, K.; Preißner, S.; Raasch, C.;
Vogel-Heuser, B.: From selling products to providing
user oriented product-service systems – Exploring
service orientation in the German machine and plant
manufacturing industry. In: 12th IFIP International
Conference on Product Lifecycle Management,
n Mayer, F.; Bührer, U.; Pantförder, D.; Gramß, D.;
Vogel-Heuser, B.: Automatic Generation of Integrated Process Data Visualizations using Human
Knowledge. In: 17th International Conference on
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Los Angeles,
USA, 2015.
Institute of Automation and Information Systems
n Otto, J.; Schriegel, S.; Niggemann, O.; Vogel-Heuser, B.: Eine Taxonomie für Plug-and-Produce. In:
VDI-Kongress Automation, 2015.
n Regulin, D.; Glaese, A.; Feldmann, S.; Schütz, D.;
Vogel-Heuser, B.: Enabling Flexible Automation
System Hardware – Dynamic Reconfiguration
of a Real-Time Capable Field-Bus. In: 13th IEEE
International Conference on Industrial Informatics
(INDIN), Cambridge, 2015, pp. 1198-1205.
n Regulin, D.; Krooß, C.; Schütz, D. and Vogel-Heuser, B.: Bridging the gap between discrete and
continuous simulation of logistic systems in
production. In: 20th IEEE International Conference
on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation
(ETFA 2015), Luxembourg, 2015, pp. 1-7.
n Rehberger, S.; Aicher, T.; Vogel-Heuser, B.: Increasing dependability by agent-based model-checking
during run-time. In: Service Orientation in Holonic
and Multi-Agent Manufacturing (SOHOMA), 2015.
n Rehberger, S.; Vogel-Heuser, B.; Ebentheuer, A.;
Winter, M.; Herzog, H.G.: A cybernetic multi-agent
approach for a micro grid in rural areas. In: 13th
IEEE International Conference on Industrial
Informatics (INDIN), Cambridge, 2015, pp. 18-23.
n Rösch, S.; Teufl, S.; Vogel-Heuser, B.: Model-Based
Quality Assurance in Machine and Plant Automation
Using Sequence Diagrams – a Comparison of Two
Research Approaches. In: 13th IEEE International
Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN),
Cambridge, 2015, pp. 302-307.
n Scheuermann, C.; Folmer, F.; Verclas, S.; Brügge,
B.: Incident Localization and Assistance System: A
Case Study of a Cyber-Physical Human System. In:
IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC), 2015.
n Simon, T.; Rösch, S.: Comparing the objectoriented extension with the classical IEC 61131-3
regarding reusability and understandability – a case
study. In: 20th IEEE International Conference on
Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation
(ETFA), 2015.
n Ulewicz, S.; Ulbrich, M.; Weigl, A.; Beckert, B.;
Vogel-Heuser, B.: Proving Equivalence between
Control Software Variants for Programmable Logic
Controllers – Using Regression Verification to
Reduce Unneeded Variant Diversity. In: 20th IEEE
International Conference on Emerging Technologies
and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2015.
n Vogel-Heuser, B.: Transferring Technical debt to
automated Production Systems. In: 2nd International Workshop on Rapid Continuous Software
Engineering, 2015.
n Vogel-Heuser, B.; Feldmann, S.; Folmer, J.; Heinrich,
R.; Rostami, K.; Reussner, R.: Architecture-based
Assessment and Planning of Software Changes in
Information and Automated Production Systems.
In: IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man,
and Cybernetics (SMC 2015), Hongkong, China,
n Vogel-Heuser, B.; Feldmann, S.; Folmer, J.; Ladiges,
J.; Fay, A.; Lity, S.; Tichy, M.; Kowal, M.; Schaefer,
I.; Haubeck, C.; Lamersdorf, W.; Kehrer, T.; Getir,
S.; Ulbrich, M.; Klebanov, V.; Beckert, B.: Selected
Challenges of Software Evolution for Automated
Production Systems. In: 13th IEEE International
Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN),
Cambridge, 2015, pp. 314-321.
n Vogel-Heuser, B.; Fischer, J.; Rösch, S.; Feldmann,
S.; Ulewicz, S.: Challenges for Maintenance
of PLC-Software and Its Related Hardware for
Automated Production Systems: Selected Industrial
Case Studies. In: 31st International Conference
on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME),
Bremen, Germany, 2015.
Institute of Automation and Information Systems
n Vogel-Heuser, B.; Folmer, J.; Aicher, T.; Mund,
J.; Rehberger, S.: Coupling simulation and
model checking to examine selected mechanical
constraints of automated production systems. In:
13th IEEE International Conference on Industrial
Informatics (INDIN), Cambridge, 2015, pp. 37-42.
n Vogel-Heuser, B.; Mund, J.; Kowal, M.; Legat,
C.; Folmer, J.; Teufl, S.; Schaefer, I.: Towards
Interdisciplinary Variability Modeling for Automated
Production Systems: Opportunities and Challenges
when Applying Delta Modeling: A Case Study. In:
13th IEEE International Conference on Industrial
Informatics (INDIN), Cambridge, 2015, pp. 322-328.
n Vogel-Heuser, B.; Rösch, S.: Applicability of Technical Debt as a Concept to Understand Obstacles for
Evolution of Automated Production Systems. In:
IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man,
and Cybernetics (SMC 2015), Hongkong, China,
n Vogel-Heuser, B.; Rösch, S.; Martini, A.; Tichy, M.:
Technical Debt in Automated Production Systems.
In: 31st International Conference on Software
Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME2015), Bremen,
Germany, 2015, pp. 49-52.
n Vogel-Heuser, B.; Schütz, D.; Marcos, M.; Priego,
R.: Reconfiguration Architecture for Updates
of Automation Systems During Operation. In:
20th IEEE International Conference on Emerging
Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2015.
n Vogel-Heuser, B.; Weber, J. and Folmer, J.:
Evaluating reconfiguration abilities of automated
production systems in Industrie 4.0 with metrics.
In: 20th IEEE International Conference on Emerging
Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2015),
Luxembourg, 2015, pp. 1-6.
n Weißenberger, B.; Flad, S.; Chen, X.; Rösch, S.;
Voigt, T.; Vogel-Heuser, B.: Model Driven Engineering of Manufacturing Execution Systems using a
formal specification – Extension of the MES-ML
for the generation of MES code. In: 20th IEEE
International Conference on Emerging Technologies
and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2015.
Books and Book Sections
n Ulewicz, S. and Vogel-Heuser, B.: Automatisiertes
Testen von Sondermaschinen – von der Modulbibliothek bis zur Anlage. In: Vogel-Heuser, Birgit
(Ed.): Tagungsband Automation Symposium, Sierke,
2015, pp. 53-65.
n Vogel-Heuser, B.; Göhner, P.; Lüder, A.: Agent
based control of production systems – and its
architectural challenges. In: Leitão, P.; Karnouskos,
S. (Ed.): Industrial Agents: Emerging Applications of
Software Agents in Industry, Elsevier, 2015.
n Vogel-Heuser, B.; Schütz, D.; Folmer J.; Legat C.:
An assessment of the potentials and challenges
in future approaches for automation software. In:
Leitão, P.; Karnouskos, S. (Eds.): Industrial Agents:
Emerging Applications of Software Agents in
Industry, Elsevier, 2015.
n Vogel-Heuser, Birgit (Ed.): Testen in der Automatisierungstechnik vom Gerät bis zur Anlage. Tagungsband Automation Symposium, Sierke, 2015.
n Vogel-Heuser, B.: Industrie 4.0 und Cyber Physical
Systems als Beispiel für den technischen Wandel.
In: Graube, G. (Ed.): Gesellschaft im Wandel – Konsequenzen für natur- und technikwissenschaftliche
Bildung in der Schule, Julius Klinkhardt KG, 2015,
pp. 54-71.
Institute of Metal Forming and Casting
Process and material qualification for metal forming, blanking and casting
n The Institute of Metal Forming and Casting focuses on the three production processes: casting, blanking and metal forming. In 2015 over
40 scientists worked at the institute on research projects which vary from
fundamental research to industrial application.
Virtual production and simulation
New technologies and
processes in the field of
New technologies and
processes in the field of
New technologies and
processes in the field of
metal forming
Process stability and capability
A highlight was the installation of the
new core blowing machine Loramendi
SLC2-25l. Another important milestone
was the realization of a continuous Cu-Cu
composite casting process. During the
year an active exchange of cultural and
scientific ideas was held with our two
Japanese visiting researchers and the
institute organized several conferences
and workshops in 2015 of which the 8th
Forming Technology Forum and the 3rd
utg-NSMLAB workshop were highlights.
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Wolfram Volk
Phone +
The research group ‘Casting’ focuses on:
n Molding materials
n Residual stress analysis and material
n Tooling technology for (high pressure)
die casting
n Continuous and composite casting
In the casting industry, especially in the
area of light metal casting, inorganic binder systems replace the existing organic
binders. This provides economic and
environmental advantages but requires
a rethinking of well-known processes. A
new core-blowing machine was installed
in 2015 what gives the possibility of im­­
proving the state-of-the-art manufac­turing
technology for cores. In combination with
the 3D printer the whole production process from prototyping to series production
is represented and investigated at the
Another trend in the automotive industry
is the use of die cast structure parts
replacing sheet metal parts. Due to their
highly complex geometries extensive
research in the field of tool design is
required and was carried out in several
Core blowing machine Loramendi SLC2-25l
The research in the fields of continuous
casting and composite casting focuses on
the development of continuous compound
casting processes which saves production
steps, energy and material. Furthermore
basic studies on the formation of compounds of highly different metals, such as
copper and aluminum are done.
The neutron source FRMII situated near
the institute offers enormous possibilities
in materials science. For instance the
development of residual stresses during
the cooling process of a cast part or the
phase transformation kinetics in austempered ductile iron is investigated in situ
using neutron diffraction.
Institute of Metal Forming and Casting 239
n Designing of crashworthy vehicle structural components made from aluminum
die casts (BMW Landshut)
n Development of a methodology for the
advanced design of cooling systems in
high pressure die casting dies (INI.TUM)
n Energy- and material-efficient production of copper bilayer strips using
compound casting (DBU)
n Casting and characterization of
Cu-Al-bilayer composites (DFG)
n FORPRO² – efficient product and
process development by knowledge-­
based simulation (BFS)
n Highly innovative production of efficient
radial bearings (FFG)
n In-situ analysis of residual stresses
in composite castings using neutron
diffraction (DFG)
n In-situ measurement of deformation
induced formation of martensite in
austempered ductile iron (ADI) (DFG)
n Optimization of surface activation for
thermally sprayed cylinder bores (BMW
n μ-FE and sensitivity analysis (BFS)
n 3D printing of inorganic sand molds
and cores for casting applications
The research group ‘Blanking’ focuses on:
n Enhanced understanding of blanking
n Wear of blanking tools
n Optimization of materials and part
n Processes with analogies to blanking
Cutting tool (top and bottom part)
Institute of Metal Forming and Casting
In the sheet metal industry, blanking
is a widely used process in all kinds of
enterprises. To ensure the economic and
technological progress, fundamental and
industrial research in this field is necessary.
The application of electric drives in the
automotive industry is constantly rising.
To achieve a decreased energy consumption the whole production process chain
of electric sheet metal has to be investigated. The influence of different blanking
parameters like tool wear or cutting clear­
ance on the electromagnetic properties
is widely unknown. Hence this research
project should point out opti­mized
process parameters for the production
of more sustainable electric drives. To
improve the prediction quality of embossing simulations, a new ap­­proach which
considers the influence of the embossing
line geometry on the material model is
investigated. In order to predict the slug
pulling the forces acting on the slug will
be investigated with a stamping tool
containing extensive sensors. The slug
sticks on the punch face or is pulled out
mainly due to the burr clasp, adhesion/
cohesion with lubricant and vacuum
during return stroke. Once the danger of
slug pulling can be estimated at a given
set of process parameter, the available
methods for preventing slug pulling
can be applied in the early stage of tool
development. Another project focuses
on how to diminish wear on the tools of
a stamping process by specific voltage
application. Under the influence of lateral
forces during the stamping process, the
die clearance is alters, which can give
rise to wear. Hence another project is
dealing with the issue of how to increase
the rigidity of the stamping tool to prevent alteration of the die clearance. Burrs
on blanked products are undesirable. For
this reason an innovative tool concept
is developed, which leads to burr-free
sheared edges. In the automotive industry highly-tensile steels are increasingly
used. For the improvement of the edgecrack sensitivity, especially for these
steels broad research efforts are made.
The blanking of organically coated metal
sheets is widely reviewed particularly
due to the influence of oxidative wear of
the tools and corrosion-resistance of the
sheared edges.
n Burr-free sheared edges (AiF)
n Development of a software-tool for the
robust design of the shearing process
of metallic multilayer materials without
additional lubricant (DFG)
n Dry punching of coated metal sheets
n Improvement of the formability of
sheared egdes of iron-manganese
metal sheets through optimized
punching parameters (FOSTA Stahl­
anwendung e.V.)
n Influence of process-related altering
die clearance on tool wear (FOSTA
Stahlanwendung e.V.)
n Lubricant-free forming by affecting
thermoelectric currents (DFG)
n Cause and prediction of slug pulling
n Process enhancement for the application of high-tensile steels (AiF)
n Production of energy efficient electric
sheet metal parts (DFG – FOR1897)
n Geometry and feasability prediction
of sheet metal parts with embossings
made of high-strength and ultra-highstrength steels (FOSTA Stahlanwendung e.V.)
Metal Forming
The research group ‘Metal Forming’
focuses on:
n Qualification of materials
Quasi-static material properties
Strain rate sensitivity
Temperature sensitivity
n Qualification of processes, tools and
Planning processes
Forming tools
Forming machines
The understanding and optimization of
forming processes is the topic of this
research group. Besides wide-spread
processes such as deep drawing or
bending, also joining and driving processes are studied. Almost every project
includes finite element simulations to gain
deeper process insight and to improve the
processes itself. The understanding of the
material behavior and the use of adequate
material models is essential for the successful simulation of forming processes.
Therefore, the qualification of materials
is a key topic of the research group.
Depending on the process, also the strain
rate and temperature sensitivity have to be
included in the material model in addition
to the quasi-static material properties.
One exemplary project is the prediction
of formability after linear and non-linear
forming history in sheet metal process
Sheet metal testing machine BUP1000
simulation. The common criterion in
industrial applications is the Forming Limit
Diagram (FLD), which is standardized in
ISO 12004-2. It is only applicable for linear
strain paths. However, in most industrial
experimental and simulation cases nonlinear strain paths occur. To resolve this
problem, a phenomenological approach
was introduced, the so-called Generalized
Forming Limit Concept (GFLC). The GFLC
enables prediction of localized necking
on arbitrary non-linear strain paths. For
this concept a database, which consists
Institute of Metal Forming and Casting 241
Draw bead tool
Biaxial testing machine
of different combinations of pre- and
post-forming is required. To address the
experimental effort the institute acquired
a universal sheet metal testing machine
BUP 1000, funded by the German
Research Group (DFG). Furthermore,
mapping multi-linear strain paths appears
highly complex in practice and involves a
range of testing equipment, e.g. different
specimens, testing machines and tools.
One possibility to overcome this extensive
effort is to use a modification of the biaxial
tensile test. This principle allows testing of
materials under multi-axial strain states.
For this purpose a special biaxial draw
bead tool was designed.
n Prevention of surface deflections for
sheet metal parts (AiF/EFB)
n Mobility for rural areas in developing
countries (BFS)
n Improving the time dependent evaluation method of tests for the determination of the forming limit curve and
Research Focus
n Industrial engineering
n Tool design
n Engineering and planning processes
n Process chain car body sheet
n Alternative metal forming processes for
small batch production and prototyping
Cutting surface quality, wear, accuracy
n Tool technology
n Molding materials
n Continuous casting
n Residual stress analysis and material
Institute of Metal Forming and Casting
developing of a numerical equivalent
model (AiF/EFB)
n Optimized risk management in press
shops for minimizing breakdown costs
in case of facility downtime (BMW AG)
n Texture optimization for the improve­
ment of forming and mechanical
properties of Mg sheets using technical
processing (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
n Hole roller clinching of multi-mate­
rial-lightweight joints (Deutsche
n Connection optimization of progressive
die components (AiF/EFB)
n Inline-Qualitycontrol in pressing tools
n Stiffening of cambered sheet metal
designs: numeric bead optimization
by a coupled algorithm considering
nonlinear forming limits (Deutsche
n Intelligent lightweight design through
multi-component processes (Aif/Fosta)
n Hydraulic press, high speed punching
press, triple-action blanking press
n 3D printer for inorganically bound core
n Measurement instrumentation (residual
stresses, surface, geometry, mechanical properties, …)
n Various tools (cold and heated)
n Stamping and bending machine
n Rotational cutting line
n Casting equipment
n Craftformer
n Core blowing machine
n Workshop
n Principles of Engineering Design and
Production Systems
n Basics of Casting and Metal Forming
(from winter semester 2014-15)
n Metal Forming (until winter semester
n Metal Forming Machines
n Virtual Process Design for Metal
Forming and Casting
n Casting and Rapid Prototyping
n Manufacturing Technologies
n Marketing Engineering and Purchasing
n Production Management in the Commercial Vehicle Sector
n Development of Car Body Parts
n Casting in Vehicle Construction
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Volk, Director
Prof. i.R. Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Hoffmann,
Honorary Professors
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz Breun
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Walter Wohnig
Prof. Dr. Horst-Henning Wolf
Visiting Lecturers
Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Blümlhuber
Dr.-Ing. Carsten Intra
Visiting Researcher
Prof. Yohei Abe, Ph.D.
Prof. Susumu Takahashi, Ph.D.
Administrative Staff
Bettina Volk
Karin Engels
Brigitte Resch
Research Scientists
Dr.-Ing. Roland Golle
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Golle
Dipl.-Ing. Georg Baumgartner
Dipl.-Ing. Martin Bednarz
Dipl.-Ing. Tim Benkert
Ole Böttcher, M.Sc. ETH
Wan-gi Cha, M.Sc.
Daniel Einsiedler, M.Eng.
Dipl.-Ing. Martin Feistle
Christian Gaber, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Benjamin Griebel
Christoph Hartmann, M.Sc.
Tobias Hammer, M.Sc.
Florian Heilmeier, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Sven Jansen
Dipl.-Ing. David Jocham
Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Kopp
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Krinninger
Martin Landesberger, M.Sc.
Simon Maier, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Josef Mair
Tim Mittler, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Nerl
Ferdinand Neumayer, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Math. Daniel Opritescu
Dipl.-Ing. Isabella Pätzold
Dipl.-Ing. Manuel Pintore
Dipl.-Ing. Robert Ramakrishnan
Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Reihle
Dipl.-Ing. Patrick Saal
Dipl.-Ing. Peter Sachnik
Dipl.-Ing. Sven Schreyer
Jens Stahl, M.Sc.
Marco Stüber, M.Eng.
Joungsik Suh, M.Sc.
Philipp Tröber M.Eng.
Dipl.-Ing. Simon Vogt
Dipl.-Ing. Annika Weinschenk
Hannes Weiss, M.Sc.
Technical Staff
Marco Olbrich-Baier
Andreas Fuhrmann
Tim Schönstädt
Corinna Sutter
Institute of Metal Forming and Casting 243
Publications 2015
n Volk, W.; Weinschenk, A., Aufsprungprävention bei
Strukturbauteilen, Hannover, 2015, 118
n Kleser, M. A.; Benkert, T., Nummerische Simulation
einer Schnellläuferpresse unter Verwendung der
FEM, München, 2015
n Baumgartner, Georg; Andrä, Heiko; Weiß, Konrad;
Schöbel, Michael; Gerth, Stefan; Nerl, Christoph;
Volk, Wolfram, Festigkeitsberechnung in der Gießsimulation mit Hilfe eines μ-FE-Modells, Gießtechnik
im Motorenbau, VDI, 2015
n Benkert, T.; Krinner, A.; Thümmel, T.; Volk, W.,
Designing a High-Speed Press with a Six-Bar
Linkage Mechanism, Applied Mechanics and
Materials, 2015, 794, 411-418
n Demmel, P.; Hoffmann, H.; Golle, R.; Intra, C.; Volk,
W., Interaction of heat generation and material
behaviour in sheet metal blanking, CIRP Annals –
Manufacturing Technology, 2015, 64, 1, 249-252
n Feistle M.; Golle R.; Volk W., Determining the
influence of shear cutting parameters on the edge
cracking susceptibility of high-strength-steels
using the edge-fracture-tensile-test, 48th CIRP
Conference on Manufacturing Systems – CIRP
CMS 2015, 2015
n Feistle, M.; Krinninger, M.; Golle, R.; Volk, W., Notch
Shear Cutting of Press Hardened Steels, 477-484,
16th International Conference on Sheet Metal,
Proceedings, Sheet Metal 2015, 2015
n Gläsner, T.; Schaffner, T.; Sunderkötter, C.; Volk, W.;
Hoffmann, H.; Golle, R., Studies on the effect of tool
wear on the production process in two stage shear
cutting, Key Engineering Materials, 2015, 651-653,
n Hiller, M.; Volk, W., Joining Aluminium Alloy and
Mild Steel Sheets by Roller Clinching, Applied
Mechanics and Materials, 2015, 794, 295-303
n Jocham, D.; Baumann, M.; Volk, W., Optimierung
einer Probenform für den Kreuzzugversuch zur
Bestimmung der Grenzformänderung, 205-214,
Material Testing, Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co.
Kg, 2015
n Jocham, D.; Gaber, C.; Böttcher, O.; Volk, W.,
Prediction of formability for multi-linear strain paths,
59-64, Advanced constitutive models in sheet metal
forming, 2015
n Kaiser, C.; Zubeil, M.; Roll, K.; Volk, W., New
diagnostic techniques for an automated hemming
validation of hang-on parts, Key Engineering Materials, 2015, 639, 509-516
n Kopp, T.; Golle, R.; Hoffmann, H.; Volk, W., Einfluss
der Werkzeugsteifigkeit auf die Standmenge von
Stanzwerkzeugen., 7. Kongress Stanztechnik, 2015
n Li, Xiaohu; Saal, Patrick; Gan, Weimin; Hölzel, Markus; Hofmann, Michael, Strain induced martensitic
transformation in austempered ductile iron (ADI),
n Li, Xiaohu; Saal, Patrick; Hofmann, Michael; Landesberger, Martin.; Hoelzel, Markus, Strain Induced
Martensitic Transformation in Austempered Ductile
Iron (ADI), 2015
Institute of Metal Forming and Casting
n Mackensen, A.; Golle, M.; Golle, R.; Hoffmann, H.,
Force reduction during blanking operations of AHSS
sheet materials, 205-210, 60 Excellent inventions
in metal forming, Tekkaya, A. E.; Homberg, W.;
Brosius, A., Springer, 2015
n Martin Feistle, Michael Krinninger, Isabella Pätzold,
Wolfram Volk, Edge-Fracture-Tensile-Test, 193-198,
60 Excellent Inventions in Metal Forming, A. Erman
Tekkaya, Werner Homberg, Alexander Brosius,
Springer Vieweg, 2015
n Martin Feistle, Wolfram Volk, Edge-fracture-tensile-­
test, 24. testXpo – Internationale Fachmesse für
Prüftechnik, 2015
n Martin Feistle, Wolfram Volk, Edge-fracture-­tensiletest, 2015
n Opritescu, D.; Volk, W., Automated driving for
individualized sheet metal part production – A
neural network approach, Robotics and Computer-­
Integrated Manufacturing, 2015, 35, 144-150
n Saal, Patrick., Die Phasenumwandlungskinetik in
ADI: Eigenschaftsprognose durch Neutronendiffraktometrie, Leichtbau in Guss, 2015
n Suh, J.; Victoria-Hernandez, J.; Letzig, D.; Golle,
R.; Yi, S.; Bohlen, J.; Volk, W., Improvement in
cold formability of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheets
processed by equal channel angular pressing,
Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2015,
217, 286-293
n Volk, W.; Jocham, D.; Gaber, C.; Böttcher, O., Neue
Methodik zur Vorhersage des Materialversagens bei
nicht-linearen Dehnwegen, 201-214, 35. EFB-Kolloquium 2015 Intermezzo der hybriden Werkstofflösungen, 2015
n Volk, W.; Opritescu, D.; Jocham, D., Prediction
of formability for non-linear deformation history
and press hardening processes, 175-177, Plastic
Behavior of Conventional and Advanced Materials:
Theory, Experiment, and Modeling, NEAT PRESS,
n Weiß, M.; Volk, W., Influence of Kinematics during
Roller Clinching on Joint Properties, Journal of
Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2015
n Weiß, M.; Volk, W., Einfluss von Reibung auf die
Verbindungsausbildung beim Rotationsclinchen,
211-213, 18. Workshop Simulation in der Umformtechnik & 3. Industriekolloquium des SFB/TR73,
Shaker Verlag, 2015
n Wolfram Volk, Jens Stahl, Shear Cutting, CIRP
Encyclopedia of Production Engineering, SpringerLink, 2015
n Wolfram Volk, Ole Böttcher, Martin Feistle, Christian
Gaber, David Jocham, Advanced Failure Prediction
in Sheet Metal Forming, 43-47, Advanced constitutive models in sheet metal forming, 8th Forming
Technology Forum Zurich 2015, Institute of Virtual
Manufacturing, ETH Zurich, 2015
Institute of Internal Combustion Engines
Engine design and simulation, combustion technologies, and experimental evaluation
n The focus of the Instiute of Internal Combustion Engines in 2015 was to
connect theoretical and experimental methods of thermodynamic research
on combustion processes. Optical
measurement techniques are a
powerful way of visualizing gas
flow, fuel injection and combustion
inside the cylinder of an engine.
High temperatures and pressures
are challenges for the construction
of optically accessible engines.
A highlight was the completion and first
operation of a new 5 l single cylinder re­­
search engine with full optical accessibility
through the piston bowl. The engine offers
insight to modern combustion systems for
gas and industrial engines. The results are
used to validate CFD calculations of gas
flow, injection, and combustion in order
to predict the in-cylinder processes. This
helps to save time and costs for future
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Georg Wachtmeister
Phone +
LVK 5 l optical single cylinder gas engine
Combustion Technologies – CFD Simulation
– Emission Reduction – Injection Technology
CFD calculation of prechamber engine
The reduction of engine emissions and
fuel consumption are drivers for the
improvement of combustion technology.
Engines for gasoline, diesel, and natural
gas are developed and built at the institute
and are available for industrial or public
funded research projects. A key competence for the realization of our engine
concepts is the application of professional
CFD simulation software, which is used
to predict and optimize the gas exchange
phase, in-cylinder swirl, tumble or turbulence, and the phases of fuel injection,
mixture formation, and combustion. Simu-
lation results are used to design improved
geometries of the combustion chamber
or injector nozzles and are then validated
on one of our 13 engine test benches.
Engine out emissions are measured by
means of up-to-date FTIR technology
and a modern particle counting system.
We use component test benches to
evaluate hydraulic behaviour and spray
parameters of fuel injectors. Simulative
and experimental tools allow fast and
effective optimization of both emission
behaviour and engine efficiency. Test runs
on the research engines are planned and
evaluated with statistical methods (design
of experiments, DOE) to reduce time and
costs for the testing procedure.
n FNR project ‘CH4 Emissionen’
n FVV project ‘THC Emissionen’
n BMWi project ‘METHODIK’
n Several projects funded by industry
Institute of Internal Combustion Engines
Injection Systems – Spray Measurement
– Optical Researches
Mie-light measurement
Nozzle flow simulation
In the past decades the injection pressure
of modern diesel engines rose from 1000
bar up to 3000 bar. Our research activities
includes all steps of injection system
development. Key competences are various simulations containing 1-D hydraulic,
3-D multiphase flow as well as spray
simulation. Furthermore, at several test
benches hydraulic and optical measurements of injectors with various fuels could
be carried out. One of the current projects
is focusing on the hydraulic behavior of
orifices in injection systems to validate
simulation results. Part of the project is
the development of a hydraulic test bench
including measurement techniques to
investigate the high dynamic fluid flow
properties in combination with cavitation
and thermal effects. The main target is
to analyse hydraulic elements by using
innovative measurement techniques and
gain information about physical effects to
optimize the design of future injection systems. Furthermore an open-loop control is
under development in collaboration with
the Institute of Applied Mechanics whose
aim is to maintain an optimal injection
rate throughout the entire lifetime of a
common-­rail injector subjected to coking,
wear etc. For this purpose, different
injector signals are evaluated in order to
be able to determine the injection rate by
an indirect signal in engine operation.
n BFS project ‘Messung und Berechnung
des Düsendurchflusses’
n DFG project ‘Optimierung des Einspritzverhaltens von Dieselinjektoren
unter dem Einfluss von Alterungserscheinungen des Injektors’
n Several projects funded by industry
Natural Gas Engines – Combustion
– Emissions – Simulation
Engine of combined heat and
power unit for biogas
Institute of Internal Combustion Engines
Utilization of natural gas can be one
step to cope with future energy demand.
Surplus energy from renewable sources
can be stored as hydrogen or methane.
Further development is needed to
fulfill future emission legislation with
high efficiency combustion. Former
research at the institute has dealt with
phenomena modeling of the combustion for different ignition systems, like
open-chamber, scavenged prechamber
or diesel pilot-injection. Further research
projects have the focus on emissions of
unburned hydrocarbons like methane or
formaldehyde. The goal is to understand
the influence of engine parameters like
valve timing, ignition, equivalence ratio
and gas quality. Alternative combustion
processes are another focus to overcome
the trade-off between emissions and efficiency. Stratified or diesel-like combustion
processes are promising techniques and
could allow highest loads without restric-
tions from knocking while keeping lowest
emission levels and highest efficiency with
highly volatile gas qualities. To promote
the development, the research engine
with 5 l displacement has been modified
with an optical access to the combustion
chamber. Combined with CFD-Simulations
a deep insight in the combustion process
is now possible.
n FVV project ‘Formaldehyd’
n FVV project ‘Mitteldruck 30 bar bei
n BFS project ‘Effizienzsteigerung von
Dual-Fuel Motoren durch Optimierung
der Zündung bei effektiven Mitteldrücken über 24 bar’
n BMWi project ‘Flex DI: Flexible direkt­
einspritzende Motoren für die Schifffahrt’
n BStmW project ‘Optimierter Verbrennungsmotor für landwirtschaftliche
Biogas Mini-BHKW’
n EU project ‘HERCULES 2’
n Several projects funded by industry
Alternative Fuels – Emission Measurement
– Energy Management
Fossil fuels are becoming more and
more scarce and European CO2 saving
policies have been introduced to fight
global warming. Combustion engines can
reduce their output of GHG emissions and
contribute to the transition towards alternative energy by enhancing the efficiency
of energy conversion and by exploiting
CO2 neutral primary energies. Sustainable
biofuels and synthetic fuels can replace
fossil fuels and offer the additional benefit
of clean combustion. A detailed screening
of various oxygen-containing synthetic
fuels was carried out at the institute and
oxymethylene ether (OME1) was found to
burn without particle emissions in a diesel
engine even under unfavourable operating
conditions. Modern methods for the measurement of ultra-low particle emissions
are needed for this and other advanced
engine concepts. Cooperating closely
with the industry, we help to improve such
measurement techniques. Another field of
our research is the utilisation of thermodynamic losses from coolant or exhaust.
The thermodynamic Rankine cycle for
instance allows to harvest enthalpy from
hot exhaust gas and to produce electric
power by means of a steam turbine.
n BMWi project ‘XME Diesel – (Bio-)
Methylether als alternative Kraftstoffe in
bivalenten Dieselmotoren’
n FNR project ‘OME – Umweltfreundliche
n BMWi project ‘TruckER – Rankine
Kreislauf für Nutzfahrzeuge mit ganzheitlichem Energiemanagement’
n Several projects funded by industry
Test bench with heavy-duty single
cylinder engine
Institute of Internal Combustion Engines
Friction Measurement – Tribology – Engine Mechanics
Reducing piston assembly friction is a
central issue of improving the efficiency
of modern internal combustion engines.
Piston, piston rings, liner and lubricating
oil form a complex tribological system
operating in a field of constantly alternating velocities, pressures, and tempera­
tures. Therefore a special re­­search engine
containing a measurement device using
the floating liner method was developed
at the institute. It allows measurement of
the piston assembly friction with a highly
accurate resolution up to 2 N under fired
conditions. That enables the detection
of optimization potential by experimental
analysis. A second research engine was
built up, containing several sensors to
measure crank-angle resolved motions of
the piston and the piston rings. Furthermore the oil film thickness and oil transportation phenomena are measured during
fired engine operation. The mea­surement
results of both engines establish a deeper
understanding of the behavior and dependencies in the tribological system.
Research Focus
n Combustion technologies
n Gas engines
n Friction measurement
n Fuel injection technologies
n Alternative fuels and biofuels
n Exhaust gas aftertreatment and
n CAD construction
n CFD calculation
n Thermodynamic simulations
n Hydraulic simulations
n Mechanical simulations
n Engine measurement techniques
Institute of Internal Combustion Engines
Split-crankshaft engine reduces friction losses
n FVV/AiF project ‘Kolbenring-Öltransport I’
n FVV project ‘Kolbenring-Öltransport II’
n DFG project ‘Entwicklung eines kostenu. verbrauchsgünstigen Split-Verbrennungsmotors’
n Several projects funded by industry
n Engine test rigs (13)
n Gasoline, diesel and gas engines (>15)
n Injection test rigs (2)
n Optical and laser diagnostics
n Mechanical workshop
n Electronic workshop
n Combustion Engines
n Engine Thermodynamics
n Mechanics of Combustion Engines
n Methods of Engine Calibration
n Injection Technology
n Measurement Techniques
n Several practical courses
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg Wachtmeister
Dr.-Ing. Maximillian Prager
Dipl.-Ing. Martin Härtl
Adjunct Professors
Dr. Satoshi Kawauchi (since 04/14)
Administrativ Staff
Marita Weiler
Sonja Zeilhofer Research Scientists
Dipl.-Ing. Fabian Backes
Dipl.-Ing. Laura Baumgartner
Dipl.-Phys. Vinicius Berger (since 07/15)
Dipl.-Ing. Yves Compera
Stephanie Frankl, M.Sc. (since 02/15)
Kai Gaukel, M.Sc. (since 04/15)
Stephan Gleis, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Graf
Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Halbhuber
Stefan Held, M.Sc. (since 10/15)
Dipl.-Ing. Benedikt von Imhoff (until 04/15)
Stefan Karmann, M.Sc. (since 05/15)
Dipl.-Ing. Claus Kirner
Dipl.-Ing. Christian Daniel Koch
Dipl.-Ing. Benjamin Korb
Dipl.-Ing. Qixong Li (until 06/15)
Dipl.-Phys. Thomas Maier
Markus Mühlthaler, M.Sc. (since 05/15)
Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Oliva (until 06/15)
Dipl.-Ing. Johann Peer
Dominik Pélerin, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Christian Pötsch (until 04/15)
Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Rösler
Carsten Schneider, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Schröder
Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Schuckert
Dipl.-Ing. Fabian Schweizer
Andreas Stadler, M.Sc. (since 10/15)
Dipl.-Ing. Richard Stegmann
Dipl.-Ing. Benedict Uhlig
Maximilian Weber, M.Sc. (since 12/15)
Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Weber
Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Zimmer (until 06/15)
Sebastian Zirngibl, M.Sc.
Technical Staff
Dipl.-Ing. Frank Bär
Martin Daniel
Dipl.-Ing. Christian Hödl
Alex Link, M.Sc. (since 11/15)
Kai Möbius (since 11/15)
Patrick Ottiger
Johann Schuster
Ferdinand Springer
Werner Straßer
Edgar Thiele
Dipl.-Ing. Ulrich Tetzner
Markus Weiß
Philipp Hell
Fabiano Palfner da Paz
Institute of Internal Combustion Engines
Publications 2015
n Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der
Landwirtschaft e.V. (KTBL): Emissionen beim
flexiblen Betrieb von Biogas-BHKW. 978-3-94508807-4. Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der
Landwirtschaft e.V. (KTBL)
n Baumgartner, L.S.; Wohlgemuth, S.; Zirngibl, S.;
Wachtmeister, G.: Investigation of a Methane
Scavenged Prechamber for Increased Efficiency
of a Lean-Burn Natural Gas Engine for Automotive
Applications. SAE Int. J. Engines 8 (2) 2015 and
SAE Technical Paper 2015-01-0866
n Benjamin Korb, Kalyan Kuppa, Friedrich Dinkel­
acker, Georg Wachtmeister: THC-Emissions in Gas
Engines – Experimental and Numerical Studies.
15. Tagung “Der Arbeitsprozess des Verbrennungsmotors”
n Härtl, Martin; Seidenspinner, Philipp; Jacob, Eberhard; Wachtmeister, Georg: Oxygenate screening
on a heavy-duty diesel engine and emission
characteristics of highly oxygenated oxymethylene
ether fuel OME1. Fuel 153, 2015, 328-335
n von Imhoff, B.; Zweck, J.; Wachtmeister, G.,:
Detection of Stationary Operating States of Internal
Combustion Engines. SAE Technical Paper 2015
n Johann Peer, Fabian Backes, Georg Wachtmeister:
Engine Thermodynamics Research Hitachi & LVK;
Project Year 03/2014 – 03/2015. Hitachi Europe
n Kawauchi, S.; Korb, B.; Wachtmeister, G.: Einfluss
des H2 Gehalts auf Betriebsverhalten, Wirkungsgrad und Emissionen von Erdgasmotoren mit
Magerbrennverfahren bei hohen spezifischen
Lasten. 12te Tagung: Motorische Verbrennung –
Aktuelle Probleme und moderne Lösungsansätze,
n Kirner, C.; Uhlig, B.; Wachtmeister, G.; Behn, A.;
Feindt, M.; Matz, G.: Abschlussbericht Kolbenring-Öltransport 1. AiF/FVV
n Kirner, C.; Uhlig, B.; Wachtmeister, G.: 6. Projektbegleitender Ausschuss – Kolbenring-Öltransport 1.
n Kirner, C.; Uhlig, B.; Wachtmeister, G.: 1. Projektbegleitender Ausschuss – Kolbenring-Öltransport 2.
n Korb B.: 3. FNR-Zwischenbericht – Ursachen und
Reduzierung der CH4-Emissionen in Biogasmotoren. Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe, 2015
n Korb, B.: 6. FVV-Arbeitskreistreffen – Ursachen und
Reduktionsmaßnahmen der THC-Emissionen in
Gasmotoren. FVV-Arbeitskreistreffen
n Korb, B.: 5. FVV-Arbeitskreistreffen – Ursachen und
Reduktionsmaßnahmen der THC-Emissionen in
Gasmotoren. FVV-Arbeitskreistreffen
n Korb, B.; Gleis, S.: Auslegung und Entwicklung
eines volloptischen Einzylinder-Großmotors
mittels Ansys Workbench und einer vereinfachten
FKM-Richtlinie. Ansys Conference & 33. CADFEM
Users’ Meeting
n Korb, B.; Kawauchi, S.; Wachtmeister G.: Einfluss
des H2 Gehalts auf das Brennverfahren von
magerbetriebenen Erdgasmotoren im Hinblick auf
heutige und zukünftige Emissionsgrenzwerte. 9th
Dessau Gas Engine Conference
n Korb, Benjamin; Kawauchi, Satoshi; Wachtmeister,
Georg: Influence of hydrogen addition on the
operating range, emissions and efficiency in lean
burn natural gas engines at high specific loads. Fuel
164, 2015, 410-418
n Li Q., Backes F., Wachtmeister G.,: Application of
canola oil operation in a diesel engine with common
rail system. Fuel 159
Institute of Internal Combustion Engines
n Oliva, A.: Entwicklung einer Simulationsmethode
zur Berechnung der auftretenden Phänomene im
Ölsumpf. 8. Arbeitskreis Fuel in Oil
n Oliva, A., Held, S., Herdt, A., Wachtmeister, G.:
Numerical simulation of the gas flow in the piston
ring pack of an internal combustion engine. SAE
Technical Paper
n Oliva, A., Wachtmeister, G.: Abschlussbericht Fuel
in Oil – Teilprojekt S2: Entwicklung einer Simulationsmethode zur Berechnung der auftretenden
Phänomene im Ölsumpf. FVV Frühjahrstagung
n Prager, M.; Korb, B.; Wachtmeister, G.: Emissionen
beim flexiblen Einsatz von Biogas-BHKW. Biogas in
der Landwirtschaft – Stand und Perspektiven
n Qixiong Li: Erfassung der grundlegenden Ablagerungsbildungsmechanismen im rapsölbetriebenen
Forschungsmotor mit anschließender Übertragung
der Ergebnisse auf einen Vollmotor. Projektabschlusstreffen
n Qixiong Li: FNR-Schlussbericht: Erfassung der
grundlegenden Ablagerungsbildungsmechanismen im rapsölbetriebenen Forschungsmotor mit
anschließender Übertragung der Ergebnisse auf
einen Vollmotor. Fachagentur Nachwachsende
Rohstoffe, 2015
n Schneider, C.; Wachtmeister, G.; Klumpp, P.,
Halbhuber, J.: Improve Simulation of Plain Bearings
in Dry and Mixed Lubrication Regime by Defining
Locally Resolved Dry Friction Coefficients. Tribology
in industry (37), 2015
n Schröder, A.; Wachtmeister, G.; Prager, M.: Potentiale in Brennverfahren und Abgasnachbehandlung
zur Reduzierung der Formaldehydemissionen bei
Magergasmotoren. 1. FVV-Arbeitskreis Formaldehyd
n Seidenspinner, Philipp; Härtl, Martin; Wilharm,
Thomas; Wachtmeister, Georg: Cetane Number
Determination by Advanced Fuel Ignition Delay
Analysis in a New Constant Volume Combustion
Chamber. SAE Technical Paper
n Stegmann, R., Wachtmeister, G.: Messung
und Berechnung des realistischen Düsen- und
Drosseldurchflusses und der Temperaturen in engen
Spalten – 1. Jahreszwischenbericht. Bayrische
Forschungsstiftung, 2015
n Yves Compera: Projekttreffen 5 zum Förderprojekt
n Yves Compera: 4. Projekttreffen zum Förderprojekt
METHODIK – Entwicklung einer Simulationsmethode zur Vorausberechnung des Brennverlaufs.
n Zirngibl, S.; Wachtmeister, G.; Prager, M.: 2.
Arbeitskreis – Optimierter Verbrennungsmotor für
landwirtschaftliche Biogas Mini-BHKW. Bay.-StMWI-Arbeitskreistreffen
n Zirngibl, S.; Wachtmeister, G.; Prager, M.: 3.
Arbeitskreis – Optimierter Verbrennungsmotor für
landwirtschaftliche Biogas Mini-BHKW. Bay.-StMWI-Arbeitskreistreffen
Institute of Computational Mechanics
Application-motivated fundamental research in computational mechanics
n The Institute for Computational Mechanics (LNM) is committed to what
can best be described as cutting­-edge ‘application-motivated fundamental research’ in a broad range of research areas in computational mechanics. Applications span all fields of engineering (mechanical, aerospace,
civil, chemical) and the applied sciences.
With a strong basis in both computational
solid and fluid dynamics, the current focus
lies on multifield and multiscale problems
as well as on computational bioengineer­
ing. In all these areas, LNM covers the
full spectrum from advanced modeling
and the development of novel computational methods to sophisticated software
development and application-oriented
simulations on high performance com-
puting systems. Meanwhile, the research
activities at LNM also include optimization, inverse analysis, uncertainty quantification as well as experimental work.
In collaboration with leading researchers
worldwide as well as national and international industrial partners, LNM expedites
projects at the front-line of research. For
more details and updated information we
kindly ask you to visit our webpage (QR
code on page 220).
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Wolfgang A. Wall
Phone +
Computational Multiphysics
– Coupled and Multiscale Problems
The interaction of different physical
phenomena plays an essential role in most
engineering applications. The modeling
of such multiphysics problems is one
of our main areas of research. We have
developed robust and efficient modeling
approaches and computational methods
for various coupled problems. Those
problem classes comprise a.o. fluid-structure interaction, electro-chemical, thermo­
mechanical, opto-acoustic, coupled
re-active transport, poro-fluid-transport
and thermo-fluid-structure-contact
interaction problems.
Fluid-structure interaction simulation
Coupled thermo-structure simulation of a hot bouncing ball
And also the interplay of effects on
different scales plays an important role in
many scientific and engineering applications. Therefore, there has been increasing
interest in modeling so-called multiscale
phenomena both mathematically and
computationally. We tackle multiscale problems both in CSD and CFD. While in the
first group one focus is on the modeling
of heterogeneous materials, in the second
group the focus is on turbulent flows and
complex fluids.
Institute of Computational Mechanics
Computational Solid – Structural and Fluid Dynamics
Vortices (2) in a large eddy
simulation of a boundary layer
Computational structural and solid
dynamics (CSD) is one of the classical
core disciplines within the fast-growing
field of computational mechanics. Our
research activities in computational
structural and solid dynamics cover a
wide range of methods, from nonlinear
solid (hybrid FE meshes, isogeometric
analysis) and structural models (beams,
shells) and corresponding finite element
technology (EAS, ANS, F-Bar) to material
modeling (hyperelasticity, viscoelasticity,
elastoplasticity) at finite strains. Another
focus are complex material phenomena
such as anisotropy, fiber components,
damage, fracture and multiscale modeling
of heterogeneous materials.
Computational contact dynamics represent a particularly challenging class of
structural mechanics problems due to the
non-smooth character of the underlying
laws of physics (e.g. non-penetration)
and the strong nonlinearities introduced
Dynamics of a failing cable via nonlinear 3D beam
contact analysis
Institute of Computational Mechanics
by the corresponding geometrical con­
straints. In addition, complex interface
phenomena (friction, adhesion, etc.) need
to be taken into account with sophisticated computational models. Here, our
research emphasizes the development of
robust and efficient contact formulations
and discretization methods in the context
of finite deformations and non-matching
meshes/non-conforming interfaces. Lately,
this main focus has been successfully
extended towards contact with wear,
coupled thermo-mechanical contact and
beam-to-beam contact. Furthermore,
strongly coupled fluid-structure interaction (FSI) with contact is another current
research field.
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is
the other core discipline in computational
mechanics. We are one of the very few
groups worldwide that do original research
in both CSD and CFD. Our focus in CFD is
on incompressible and weakly compressible flows. We develop novel discreti­
zation methods for flow problems as well
as novel approaches for turbulent flows
based on large eddy simulation (LES) and
detached eddy simulation (DES). Another
focus is on multiphase flows and flows
coupled to other fields like in fluid-structure interaction, electro-chemistry or
reactive transport problems.
Squeezed tube with plastic deformations
Computational Bioengineering and Biophysics
Our research in the biomedical engineer­
ing area includes a variety of different
fields. In all of them we collaborate with
experts from medicine, biology or biophysics. Some activities are the development
of a comprehensive coupled multiscale
model of the respiratory system, of
a model for rupture risk prediction of
abdominal aortic aneurysms, comprehensive cardiac modeling, simulation of
surgical procedures or cellular modeling.
In recent years we have also successfully
entered the area of biophysics, where we
Verification of a beating heart simulation with MRI images
Experimental testing of viable precision cut lung
slices with computational identification of constitutive
could develop a novel, theoretically sound
and highly efficient approach for the
Brownian dynamics of polymers. Based
on this unique approach we meanwhile
could study and answer a number of open
questions in the biophysics community.
Vascular Growth and Remodeling in Aneurysms
(Emmy-Noether Group headed by Dr. C. Cyron)
Aneurysms are focal dilatations of blood
vessels that often grow over years and
finally rupture. Rupturing aneurysms are
among the leading causes of mortality
and morbidity in industrialized countries.
While over the last decades our general
understanding of the biomechanics of
aneurysms has advanced substantially,
the factors governing their growth –
although key to develop future therapies
– remain poorly understood. In February
2015, Dr. Christian Cyron established the
Emmy-Noether group for vascular growth
and remodeling in aneurysms at the
Institute for Computational Mechanics. It
aims at exploring the biomechanical and
biochemical mechanisms governing the
growth of aneurysms, with the perspective
of exploiting these for the development
of future therapies and computer-aided
diagnosis. To this end, the Emmy-Noether
group will combine advanced methods
from computational mechanics with stateof-the-art medical imaging technology
and machine learning. The Emmy-Noether
program of the German Research Foundation (DFG) was established in 1999 to
support groundbreaking projects of young
researchers. Since then the DFG has been
supporting only eight Emmy-Noether
groups in the area of mechanics and
mechanical design.
Computer simulation of the blood
flow in the circle of Willis in a
patient with cerebral aneurysm
Institute of Computational Mechanics
Research Code BACI
Further up-to-date information
and a list of publications can be
found on our webpage at:
The complexity and scientific broadness
of the majority of our research projects
make highest demands on both the
‘modus operandi’ and on the research
environment itself. This is why LNM
with its entire scientific staff develops
and maintains the parallel multiphysics
research code BACI (Bavarian Advanced
Computational Initiative) which is probably
unique even from a global perspective.
BACI is mainly based on finite element
methods FEM, but also features other
discretization techniques such as HDG,
particle and meshfree methods. All past
and present activities at LNM have been
– and all future projects will be – realized
within this HPC platform.
Research Focus
n Computational fluid dynamics
n Computational solid and structural
n Computational contact mechanics
n Multiphysics/coupled problems
n Multiscale problems
n Reduced-dimensional modeling
n Uncertainty quantification
n Inverse problems
n High performance computing
n Engineering Mechanics I, II and III
n Numerical Methods for Engineers
n Nonlinear Continuum Mechanics
n Finite Elements
n Finite Elements in Fluid Mechanics
n Nonlinear Finite Element Methods
n Biomechanics – Fundamentals and
n Discontinuous Galerkin Methods
n Growth and Remodeling in Biological
n Computational Contact and Interface
n Finite Element Lab
n Computational Biomechanics Lab
n Engineering Solutions for Biomedical
n Numerical Methods for Engineers Lab
n TM Applets
n Computational Solid and Fluid
Dynamics (MSE)
n Contact dynamics
n Discretization methods
n Experimental (bio-)mechanics
n Fluid dynamics
n Fluid-structure interaction
n Inverse methods
n Material modeling
n Solid dynamics
n Thermo-fluid-structure interaction
n Transport phenomena
n Uncertainty quantification
n Three HPC clusters
n Biomechanics lab (including uniaxial
and biaxial testing machines)
Institute of Computational Mechanics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang A. Wall, Director
Administrative Staff
Renata Nagl
Research Scientists
Dr. Cristóbal Bertoglio (until Jan. 15)
Dr. Christian Cyron (from Feb. 15)
Dr. Volker Gravemeier (part-time)
Dr. Martin Kronbichler
Dr. Alexander Popp
Dr. Francesc Verdugo (until Nov. 15)
Dr. Lena Yoshihara (maternity leave)
Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Ager
Roland Aydin, Medical Doctor (from
Feb. 15)
Dipl.-Ing. Jonas Biehler
Anna Birzle, M.Sc.
Fabian Bräu, M.Sc. (from June 15)
Jonas Eichinger, M.Sc. (from Dec. 15)
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Ehrl (until June 15)
Rui Fang, M.Sc.
Philipp Farah, M.Sc.
Julien Gillard, M.Sc.
Maximilian Grill, M.Sc.
Ceren Gurkan, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Georg Hammerl
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Hiermeier
Julia Hörmann, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Benjamin Krank
Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Meier
Dhrubajyoti Mukherjee, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Tech. Math. Andreas Nagler (until
July 15)
Dipl.-Ing. Martin Pfaller
Dipl.-Ing. Ursula Rasthofer (until Feb. 15)
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Rauch
Dipl.-Ing. Christian Roth
Svenja Schoeder, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Math. Benedikt Schott
Alexander Seitz, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Anh-Tu Vuong
Dipl.-Ing. Karl-Robert Wichmann
Dipl.-Tech. Math. Tobias Wiesner (until
Feb. 15)
Dipl.-Math. Martin Winklmaier (until
May 15)
Magnus Winter, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Andy Wirtz
Sudhakar Yogaraj, M.Sc. (until July 15)
Institute of Computational Mechanics
Publications 2015
List only contains peer-reviewed publications in international indexed journals.
n Schott, B., Shahmiri S., Kruse R., Wall W.A.: A
stabilized Nitsche-type extended embedding mesh
approach for 3D low- and high-Reynolds-number
flows. International Journal for Numerical Methods
in Fluids, accepted 2015
n Cyron C.J., Aydin R.C., Humphrey J.D.: A homogenized constrained mixture (and mechanical analog)
model for growth and remodeling of soft tissue.
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology,
accepted 2015
n Seitz A., Farah P., Kremheller J., Wohlmuth B., Wall
W.A., Popp A.: Isogeometric dual mortar methods
for computational contact mechanics. Computer
Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,
accepted 2015
n Farah P., Gitterle M., Wall W.A., Popp A.: Computational wear and contact modeling for fretting
analysis with isogeometric dual mortar methods.
Journal of Key Engineering Materials – Spec. Issue
on Wear and Contact Mechanics II, accepted 2015
n Pasquariello V., Hammerl G., Örley F., Hickel S.,
Danowski C., Popp A., Wall W.A., Adams N.A.: A
cut-cell finite volume-finite element coupling approach for fluid-structure interaction in compressible
flow. Journal of Computational Physics, 307 (2016),
n Müller K.W., Birzle A., Wall W.A.: Beam finite element model of a molecular motor for the simulation
of active fibre networks. Proc. Royal Society A, 472:
20150555 (2016)
n Nissen K., Wall W.A.: Pressure-stabilized maximum-entropy methods for incompressible Stokes.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in
Fluids, accepted 2015
n Heyden S., Nagler A., Bertoglio C., Biehler J.,
Gee M.W., Wall W.A., Ortiz M.: Material modeling
of cardiac valve tissue: Experiments, constitutive
analysis and numerical investigation. Journal of
Biomechanics, 48 (2015), 4287-4296
n Kronbichler M.; Schoeder S.; Müller C.; Wall W.A.:
Comparison of implicit and explicit hybridizable
discontinuous Galerkin methods for the acoustic
wave equation. International Journal for Numerical
Methods in Engineering, accepted 2015
n Cyron C.J., Humphrey J.D.: Preferred fiber orientations in healthy arteries and veins understood from
netting analysis. Mathematics and Mechanics of
Solids 20 (2015), 680-696
n Ortiz-Bernardin A., Hale J.S., Cyron C.J.:
Volume-averaged nodal projection method for
nearly-incompressible elasticity using meshfree
and bubble basis functions. Computer Methods
in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 285 (2015),
n Müller K.W., Meier C., Wall W.A.: Resolution of
sub-element length scales in Brownian dynamics
simulations of biopolymer networks with geometrically exact beam finite elements. Journal of
Computational Physics, 303 (2015), 185-202
n Hattendorff J., Landesfeind J., Ehrl A., Wall W.A.,
Gasteiger H.A.: Effective Ionic Resistance in Battery
Separators. ECS Transactions, 69(4) (2015), 135140
Institute of Computational Mechanics
n Müller K.W., Cyron C.J., Wall W.A.: Computational
analysis of morphologies and phase transitions of
crosslinked, semiflexible polymer networks. Proc.
Royal Society A, 471: 20150332 (2015)
n Maier M., Müller K.W., Heussinger C., Köhler S.,
Wall W.A., Bausch A.R., Lieleg O.: A single charge
in the actin binding domain of fascin can independently tune the linear and non-linear response of
an actin bundle network. The European Physical
Journal E – Soft Matter and Biological Physics, 38:
50 (2015)
n Tanios F., Gee M.W., Pelisek J., Kehl S., Biehler J.,
Grebher-Meier V., Wall W.A., Eckstein H.-H., Reeps
C.: Interaction of biomechanics with extracellular
matrix components in abdominal aortic aneurysm
wall. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 50 (2015), 167-174
n Meier C., Popp A., Wall W.A.: A locking-free finite
element formulation and reduced models for geometrically exact Kirchhoff rods. Computer Methods
in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 290 (2015),
n Roth C., Ehrl A., Becher T., Frerichs I., Schittny J.,
Weiler N., Wall W.A.: Correlation between alveolar
ventilation and electrical properties of lung parenchyma. Physiological Measurement, 36 (2015),
n Seitz A., Popp A., Wall W.A.: A semi-smooth Newton method for orthotropic plasticity and frictional
contact at finite strains. Computer Methods in
Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 285 (2015),
n Farah P., Popp A., Wall W.A.: Segment-based vs.
element-based integration for mortar methods in
computational contact mechanics. Computational
Mechanics, 55 (2015), 209-228
n Mayr M., Klöppel T., Wall W.A., Gee M.W.: A
Temporal Consistent Approach to Fluid-Structure
Interaction Enabling Single Field Predictors. SIAM
Journal on Scientific Computing, 37(1) (2015), B30B59
n Biehler J., Gee M.W., Wall W.A.: Towards efficient
uncertainty quantification in complex and large
scale biomechanical problems based on a Bayesian
multi fidelity scheme. Biomechanics and Modeling
in Mechanobiology, 14(3) (2015), 489-513
n Vuong A.-T., Yoshihara L., Wall W.A.: A general
approach for modeling interacting flow through
porous media under finite deformations. Computer
Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,
283 (2015), 1240-1259
n Schott B., Rasthofer U.; Gravemeier V.; Wall W.A.:
A face-oriented stabilized Nitsche-type extended
variational multiscale method for incompressible
two-phase flow. International Journal for Numerical
Methods in Engineering, 104 (2015), 721-748
Institute of Astronautics
Real-time tele-robotics in space – space technologies – exploration & human spaceflight –
nano satellites – spaceflight systems engineering – hypervelocity-lab
n In 2014-15, like the years before, the Institute of Astronautics focused on
the development of satellite and space exploration technologies.
In particular:
n Real-time teleoperation for on-orbit
n Novel inter-satellite link communication
systems and architectures
n Exploration technologies, incl. lunar
dust processing and mitigation, and
analysis of life support systems of
habitats and space suits
n Spacecraft technologies and CubeSat
educational satellite program
n High velocity impact physics and
micrometeoroid and space debris
simulation and assessment
On-orbit servicing is a growing field of
space activities, where satellites or other
spacecraft in space are serviced (such
as refueling, maintenance, or upgrade) or
deorbited by a servicing satellite if defunct.
This service can be accomplished by an
operator on ground teleoperating a robot,
cameras, or else on the servicing satellite in
real-time. As a highlight in 2015, the large
simulation environment called RACOON
Lab, with the dimensions 6 m x 10 m x 5 m
went into utilization. In this laboratory the
proximity operations of the two satellites
can be simulated, while the operator is
located in the institute’s mission control
center or anywhere on earth. Realistic
tele-operation is performed by real-time
satellite links via a ground station on top
of the the institute’s building and a relay
satellite in geostationary orbit.
For the renewed interest of NASA and ESA
in human space exploration, an adapted
and highly reliable life support system (LSS)
is mandatory. In 2015 the Institute of Astronautics has improved the modeling tool
V-HAB for arbitrary LSS, and deployed it in
NASA and MIT projects. The modeling not
only includes the life support components,
but in particular a high-fidelity human
model for astronauts living and working in
this LSS.
In January 2015, LRT also started the
development of TU Munich’s second
pico-satellite MOVE II.
Prof. Prof. h.c. Dr.
Dr. h.c. Ulrich Walter
Phone +
Satellite Technologies –
MOVE-II CubeSat Educational Program
The CubeSat program MOVE (Munich
Orbital Verification Experiment) was
initiated in 2006 at LRT. The primary
objective of the program, as in many
university-led CubeSat programs worldwide, is the hands-on education of
students. A secondary objective was
to create a platform for validating new
technologies in space. The first CubeSat
of the program, called First-MOVE, was
launched on November 21, 2013. The
programs’ second CubeSat, MOVE-II, is
currently under development, with launch
currently expected in late 2017. About
30 undergraduate and graduate students
are currently working on the satellite,
with one staff member of LRT as full-time
project manager. MOVE-II is a cooperation between the LRT and the student
LISAMS+ high-gain antenna during antenna pattern tests at the Hochschule München –
compensated compact antenna range facility
Institute of Astronautics
group Wissenschaftliche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Raketentechnik und Raumfahrt
Project Details
MOVE-II will evolve the subsystems that
were developed in-house during the FirstMOVE program. With more demanding
on-board data processing and storage
needs for planned scientific payloads, the
evolved on-board data handling system
(OBDH) will be based on a commercial
off-the-shelf, multicore central processing unit. Combined with a robust mass
storage system and a failure tolerant file
system, the OBDH targets increased per­
formance needed on CubeSat missions
as well as robustness against induced
errors and thus improving data integrity.
Furthermore, an advanced solar panel
deployment mechanism is currently under
development based on the experience
from First-MOVE. The use of shape
memory alloy technology will enable
repeated deployment tests with the flight
units, something that was not possible
with the previous, disposable design. The
mechanism was successfully verified on a
sounding rocket launch campaign in early
2015. The overall goal of MOVE-II is to
test and verify the so-called satellite bus,
meaning all parts of the satellite requir­ed
to run a payload. On MOVE-II, this
includes communications, on-board data
handling, the attitude control system, the
power supply system, the structure and
the thermal control system.
Project Funding
The project is funded by DLR (German
Aerospace Center – Space Administration)
research grant no. FKZ 50RM1509, man­
aged by Dr. Hans-Dieter Speckmann at
the DLR Space Administration in Bonn.
Space Communication Technologies and Architectures
demonstration of communication architectures in support of emergency response
services using local UAVs over satellite
communication systems. The CopKa
emergency services use scenario represents a synergetic satellite communication
system to the RACOON on orbit servicing
LISAES high-gain demonstrator
antenna for liquid phase shifters
jointly with TU Darmstadt.
On-orbit servicing and space debris
removal missions with tele-operation, a
key research area of LRT, require transmission of multi-channel video signals and
spacecraft sensor and control information
which can exceed data rates of 20 Mbps.
These communication scenarios require,
among other technologies, high-gain
antenna systems and novel communication architectures supporting real-time
operations. Projects in this research area
include the development of novel direct
radiating array antenna systems (LISA),
a new project in hybrid manufacturing
technologies for waveguides using galvanic processes in conjunction with lost
core 3D printing technologies (CFRM-HF)
and the new project CopKa, targeting the
Institute of Astronautics
Project Details
The Light-weight Intersatellite (Link)
Satellite Antenna (LISA) R&D projects
(TUM-LRT and LLB) develop and demonstrate novel manufacturing technologies
for Ka-band communication hardware
and use novel copper-galvanically
manufactured horn antennas with a
low-loss waveguide distribution network.
Copper-galvanic allows the design of high
performance, low loss and high frequency
waveguide structures, using a lost core
galvanic manufacturing process. As a
technology demonstrator, two types of
high gain Ka-band antennas were built
as 40 x 40 cm reference models. A fast
precision 2-axes mechanical steering
mechanism is required to accurately
point these high-gain pencil antennas,
together with a novel two-channel, lowloss Ka-band waveguide rotary joint with
research partners from industry and the
University of Applied Sciences Munich. As
an alternative to mechanical steering, an
option for a mechanism-free electric steering solution was developed with partners
from industry and the Technical University
Darmstadt. Using liquid-crystal phase shifters in the waveguide distribution network
of the direct radiating antenna array uses
superposition of phase-shifted signals
from each horn in the array to provide an
apparent beam steering.
CopKa is a new project partnership (201518) between TUM-LRT and the IMST
GmbH company in Kamp-Lintfort, and it
targets the technology development and
demonstration of a multi-sensor-based
emergency services mission using a UAV
helicopter and Ka-band satellite links.
The project will develop and test novel
communication architectures as well as
supporting antenna control and manufac-
turing technologies, and demonstrate the
integrated system in various test scenarios
in cooperation with the TUM firefighting
CFRM-HF (carbon fibre reinforced metals
for HF structures) also is a new project for
TUM-LRT and LLB (2015-17), investigating innovative manufacturing methods
for microwave components in aerospace
applications-technology evaluations and
demonstrations using hybrid materials and
manufacturing technologies for microwave
feed systems.
Project Funding
These projects are funded by DLR (German Aerospace Center – Space Adminis­
tration) research grants no. FKZ 50YB1113
(LISA Ka-band electronic steering), FKZ
50YB1333 (LISA Ka-band mechanical
steering), FKZ 50YB1533 (Hybrid Manufacturing CFRMHF) and FKZ 1523/1524
(CopKa Comm. Architectures), by BMWi/
DLR Space Administration in Bonn.
Carbon fiber reinforced copper
metal matrix structure for high
performance high frequency
components with 3D-printed lost
RACOON – Real-time On-Orbit Teleoperation
The RACOON Lab features a satellite
proximity operations simulation environment. The lab consists of a hardwarein-the-loop simulator that represents
position and attitude of two spacecraft in
close proximity (e.g. for rendezvous and
docking maneuvers). The lab provides
realistic lighting conditions and hardware
sensors to simulate realistic sensor data
for the development of new spacecraft
technologies (e.g. control algorithms). The
real-time capabilities allow the inclusion of
a human operator into the control loop for
research in the area of human spacecraft
interaction. This includes user studies for
optimal human machine interface design
or operator workload evaluation.
n RACOON Hardware-in-the-Loop Ver. 2
n Adaptive Communication Channels
(DFG funded)
n SLAM Algorithms for Object Recon­
n Optimal Docking Trajectories (Munich
Aerospace Scholarship)
Institute of Astronautics
Exploration Technologies
Research includes life support simulation,
lunar and planetary dust processing and
analysis and development of exploration
technologies for extreme environments
Exploration Projects
The scope of project LUISE-2 (Lunar
In-Situ Resource Experiments) is to
determine the thermal and mechanical
properties of lunar regolith that are impor­
tant for the transport of lunar samples
and the thermal extraction of volatile
content. LUISE-2 is funded by the German
Aerospace Agency (DLR) with LRT being
the prime contractor since 2012. Within
this project alternative methods for volatile
extraction are investigated under lunar
environmental conditions, which are also
interesting for future in-situ resource
utilization (ISRU) applications. LUISE-2
investigates lunar regolith handling and
analysis processes such as sampling,
preparation (transport, measuring, filling),
thermal gas evolution, and gas analysis.
For the relevant gas extraction processes
the thermal properties of lunar regolith
simulant were determined experimentally.
New concepts for heaters and instruments
that can be used in a lunar application,
more specifically on a mobile lunar
surface craft, have been developed and
tested. Test beds for the ‘stamp heater’
instrument concept were established
to evaluate the heat transfer into lunar
regolith simulant with a single electrically
powered heating rod. This concept was
further refined and supporting studies
for the design of a demonstrator were
conducted. Additionally the research in
LUISE-2 focused on the gas permeability
of lunar regolith to evaluate the process of
volatile transport through a sample.
The outcome of project LUISE-2 contributes to a better understanding of sampling
and thermal extraction processes on the
moon and provides useful data for the
conception of a scientific in-situ sampling
and analysis instrument. Furthermore
the results are relevant for broader ISRU
applications on the moon.
Institute of Astronautics
The instrument package PROSPECT
that is developed under contract to the
European Space Agency (ESA) for the
upcoming Luna-27 mission to the lunar
South Pole makes use of the ProsPA
(Lunar Polar Prospecting – Processing
and Analysis) gas analysis instrument.
LRT was involved in the Phase A study
of this instrument and responsible for the
development of sample ovens that contain
the lunar regolith samples for thermal gas
extraction and subsequent gas analysis.
Trade studies supported by computer
simulations and thermal-vacuum testing
of oven specimen were performed to
evaluate the problem of heat transfer into
the samples, temperature distribution
within the sample, and to assess the
feasibility of the required heating modes.
Robotic Exploration in Extreme
Environments – Helmholtz-Project
The LRT participates in the Helmholtz
financed project Robotic Exploration
in Extreme Environments (ROBEX).
ROBEX covers topics of robotic deep
sea exploration as well as robotic space
exploration where both research fields
benefit from synergies. LRT research
within ROBEX focuses on two topics: on
one hand the effect of accelerated lunar
dust particles on standard space materials
is investigated and on the other hand LRT
studies various thermal aspects on robotic
planetary operation.
V-HAB – Modeling and Simulation of
Life Support Systems
To fully assess the long-term operation
and stability of life support systems (LSS)
for exploration missions, static analysis
methods are insufficient. Establishing
mass balances and selecting technologies
based on average performance values is
a fast and proven method for feasibility
studies but, once the system design
becomes more detailed, certain aspects of
the system behavior cannot be captured.
To provide this additional information, the
Institute of Astronautics has developed
the Virtual Habitat or V-HAB. V-HAB is
a MATLAB®-based simulation software
which enables the dynamic simulation
of life support systems, the humans
occupying the simulated habitat and the
mission that is being performed. The first
development step was completed in early
2013 when the simulation system was
validated by comparing data from a virtual
model of the International Space Station
LSS with actual flight data. This coincided
with the completion of a dissertation on
the rationale and development of V-HAB
by Dr. Markus Czupalla. Four other
dissertations where derived from this initial
work, each adding to V-HAB’s already
broad spectrum of capabilities. One of
these dissertations was completed in late
2013 by Dr. Phillip Hager who contributed
a dynamic thermal simulation tool to
capture the thermal dynamics of moving
objects (e.g. astro­nauts, rovers) on the
lunar surface. The three other disserta-
tions, which are still in progress, cover
the simulation of portable life support
systems for space suits, the addition
of dynamic crew scheduling algorithms
to the human model and dynamic,
thermal path optimization for rovers
and astronauts on planetary surfaces.
In addition to the previously mentioned
dissertations, the group published its work
at the annual International Conference
on Environmental Systems (ICES), the
preeminent con­ference for the life support
system community. The peer-reviewed
papers were well received and the already
strong ties to LSS experts from NASA and
industry could be expand­ed. In total the
group published three papers at the ICES
2015 conference. In addition to these
conference papers, the group also published three journal papers and continued
the extensive involvement of students in
the current research, producing a total of
14 Bachelor’s theses, 6 Master’s theses
and 5 term papers in 2015.
Research Focus
n Real-time tele-robotics in space
n Space communication technologies
n Space mechanisms
n Analysis of life support systems
n Nano satellites
n Lunar in-situ resource utilization
n Hypervelocity impacts
Lectures in:
n Fundamentals of Spaceflight
n Space System Design/Technology
n Orbit- and Flight Mechanics
n Human Spaceflight
n Systems Engineering
n Stars and Cosmology
n Space Environment and its Simulation
n Near Earth Objects
n Systems engineering tools for development of complex systems
n End-to-end satellite communication
n Dynamic simulation of life support
n Machine and electronics shop
n Cleanroom (Class 8)
n Thermal-vacuum chambers
n Proximity operations simulator
n Groundstation (Ka-, S- and UHF/VHF
band communication)
n Mission control center
n Hypervelocity accelerator
Institute of Astronautics
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ulrich Walter, Director
Dr. Alexander Höhn, Assoc. Professor
(adj.), Univ. of Colorado
Dr.-Ing. Martin Rott, Academic Director
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harry O. Ruppe, Emeritus
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eduard Igenbergs, Emeritus
Adjunct Professors
Hon. Prof. Dr. med. Hans Pongratz
apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Schmucker
Dr. rer. nat. Markus Brandstätter (lecturer)
Dr.-Ing. Detlef Koschny, esa-estec
Administrative Staff
Petra Lochner
Research Scientists
Dr.-Ing. Jan Harder, DFG Postdoc
Dipl.-Ing. Christian Bühler
Dipl.-Ing. Martin Dziura
Dipl.Inf. Christian Fuchs
Carla Hoehn, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Killian
Dipl.-Ing. Martin Langer
Dipl.-Ing. Sabine Letschnik
Dipl.-Ing. Claas Olthoff
Dr.-Ing. Ralf Purschke (grad. 2015)
Philipp Reiß, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Tebbe
Jacopo Ventura, M.Sc.
Dr. Ing Ming Ming Wang (grad. 2015)
Dipl.-Ing. Hendrik Enke, external
Dipl.-Ing. arch. Thomas Dirlich, external
Dipl.-Inf. Carolin Eckl, external
Dipl.-Ing. Jonas Schnaitmann, external
Technical Staff
Tobias Abstreiter
Leonhard Röpfl
Publications 2014-15
n Barber; Carpenter; Wright; Morse; Sheridan;
Morgan; Jr., Gibson; Howe; Reiss; Richter;
Fisackerly; Houdou: (2015) ProsPA: A Miniature
Chemical Laboratory for In-Situ Assessment of
Lunar Volatile Resources. European Lunar Symposium, 2015. Editors: Dell‘Agnelllo, Simone; Anand,
n Boden, Ralf C.; Hein, Andreas M.; Kawaguchi,
Junichiro (2015): Target selection and mass
estimation for manned NEO exploration using a
baseline mission design. Acta Astronautica 111,
2015, pp. 198-221,
n Bühler, Christian Alexander (2015): Experimental
investigation of lunar dust impact wear. Wear 342,
2015, pp. 244-251,
n Bühler, Christian (2015): Experimentelle Untersuchung der Schadwirkung von Staubeinschlägen
unter verschiedenen Winkeln während Lunaren
Landevorgängen. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2015, Rostock, URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-201510192071
n Bühler, Christian (2015): Experimental Investigation
of Material Deposition by Lunar Dust Impacts. 66th
Meeting of the Aeroballistic Range Association,
October 4-9, 2015, San Antonio, Texas, USA
n Carpenter, J. D.; Barber, S.; Cerroni, P.; Fisackerly,
R.; Fumagalli, A.; Houdou, B. et al. (2014):
Accessing and assessing lunar resources with
PROSPECT. In: LEAG (Hg.): Annual Meeting of the
Lunar Exploration Analysis Group. Laurel, Maryland,
USA, 22-24 October 2014. Available online: http://
Institute of Astronautics
n Czupalla, M., Zhukov, A., Schnaitmann, J., Olthoff,
C. T., Deiml, M., et al., ‘The Virtual Habitat – A
tool for dynamic life support system simulations’,
Advances in Space Research, Vol. 55, No. 11, 2015,
pp. 2683–2707, doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2014.12.029
n Deiml, Michael; Suderland, Martin; Reiss,
Philipp; Czupalla, Markus (2015): Development
and evaluation of thermal model reduction
algorithms for space­craft. Acta Astronautica 110,
2015, pp. 168-179,
n Deiml M., Kaufmann M., Knieling P., Olschewski
F., Toumpas P., Langer M., Ern M., Koppmann R.,
Riese M.: ‘DiSSECT – Development of a small
satellite for climate research’, Proceedings of the
65th International Astronautical Congress, Toronto,
Canada, October 2014.
n Fuchs C., Langer M. and Trinitis C.: ‘A Fault-Tolerant Radiation-Robust Filesystem for Space Use’,
in: Architecture of Computing Systems – ARCS
2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume
9017, pp 96-107, Springer, 2015.
n Fuchs C., Langer M. and Trinitis C.: ‘Towards
Fault-Tolerant Radiation-Robust Data Storage
through Software Measures’, in: The 8th ESA
Workshop on Avionics Data, Control and Software
Systems, European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), Leiden, The Netherlands,
October 27-29, 2014
n Fuchs C., Langer M. and Trinitis C.: ‘FTRFS: A
Fault-Tolerant Radiation-Robust Filesystem for
Space Use’, informatics version, ARCS 2015 – The
28th GI/ITG International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems, Porto, Portugal, March
24-27, 2015.
n Fuchs C., Langer M. and Trinitis C.: ‘Enabling
Dependable Data Storage for Miniaturized
Satellites’, in: Proceedings of the AIAA/USU
Conference on Small Satellites, Student Competition, SSC15-VIII-6.
n Fuchs C., Langer M. and Trinitis C.: ‘A Fault-Tolerant Radiation-Robust Mass Storage Concept
for Highly Scaled Flash Memory’, in: DASIA 2015
– Data Systems in Aerospace, Barcelona, Spain
19-21 May, 2015.
n Fuchs C., Langer M., Trinitis C., Appel N.:
‘Dependable Computing for Miniaturized Satellites’,
4th EIROforum School on Instrumentation (ESI
2015), ESO & EuroFusion, Garching, Germany, June
15-19 2015.
n Langer M., Olthoff C., Harder J., Fuchs C., Dziura
M., Hoehn A., Walter U.: ‘Results and lessons
learned from the CubeSat mission First-MOVE’, in:
Small Satellite Missions for Earth Observation, R.
Sandau, H.-P. Roeser und A. Valenzuela, Springer
Berlin Heidelberg, 2015
n Göser, Johannes; Olthoff, Claas Tido (2014): Results
of a Dynamic Liquid Cooling Garment Simulation
in V-SUIT. In: Proceedings of the 44th International
Conference on Environmental Systems. 44th International Conference on Environmental Systems.
Tucson, Arizona, USA, 13-17 July 2014. ICES.
n Grulich, Maria; Koop, Artur; Ludewig, Phillip; Gutsmiedl, Johannes; Kugele, Johannes; Ruck, Thomas;
Mayer, Ingo, Schmid, Alexander; Dietmann,
Karl: (2015) SMARD-REXUS-18: Development
and verification of an SMA-Based CubeSat Solar
Panel Deployment mechanism In: Ouwehand, L.
(publisher): European rocket and balloon programmes and related research, Volume 730. ESA
Communications, ESTEC, 2015, pp. 421-428, ISBN
n Guilbert-Lepoutre, A.; Besse, S.; Mousis, O.;
Ali-Dib, M.; Höfner, S.; Koschny, D.; Hager, P.
(2015): On the Evolution of Comets. Space Science
Reviews, 2015.
n Hager, P. B.; Klaus, D. M.; Walter, U. (2014a):
Characterizing transient thermal interactions
between lunar regolith and surface spacecraft. In:
Planetary and Space Science 92, pp. 101-116. DOI:
n Hager, P. B.; Parzinger, S.; Haarmann, R.; Walter,
U. (2014b): Transient thermal envelope for rovers
and sample collecting devices on the Moon. In:
Advances in Space Research. DOI: 10.1016/j.
n Hager, P. B.; Parzinger, S.; Haarmann, R.; Walter,
U. (2014): Transient thermal envelope for rovers
and sample collecting devices on the Moon.
Advances in Space Research, 2014, http://dx.doi.
n Hager, P.B.; Klaus, D.M.; Walter, U.: Characterizing
transient thermal interactions between lunar
regolith and surface spacecraft. Planetary and
Space Science 92, 2014, 101-116, http://dx.doi.
n Hager, Philipp B.; Walter, Ulrich; Massina,
Christopher J.; Klaus, David M.: Characterizing a
Transient Heat Flux Envelope for Lunar-Surface
Spacesuit Thermal Control Applications. Journal
of Spacecraft and Rockets, 2015, pp. 1-10, http://
n Harder, J.; Preis, L.: User Study on Human Visual
Inspection Capabilities of Space Debris Status.
Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2015,
n Hein, Andreas M.; Metsker, Yuriy; Sturm, Joachim:
Towards a Capability Framework for Systems Architecting and Technology Strategy. In: Marle, Franck
(Hrsg.): Risk and change management in complex
systems. Hanser., 2014, ISBN 978-1-56990-491-6.
n Hein, Andreas M.: How to Assess Heritage Systems
in the Early Phases? Electronic format submission
for AP2000. Proceedings of the 6th International
Conference on Systems & Concurrent Engineering
for Space Applications, 2014.
n Killian, M; Hager, P. (2015): Traverse Planning on the
Lunar Surface – Benefits from Thermal Modeling.
Proceedings, 45th International Conference on
Environmental Systems, Bellevue, WA, USA, July
n Killian, M; Reiss, P: Investigating Thermal Aspects
of Lunar Traverses for Scientific Exploration.
European Lunar Symposium, 2015. Editors: Dell‘Agnelllo, Simone; Anand, Mahesh.
n Koschny, D.; Busch, M.: The Teide Observatory
Tenerife Asteroid Survey. Planetary and Space
Science, 2015,
n Langer M., Appel N., Dziura M., Fuchs C., Günzel
P., Gutsmiedl J., Losekamm M., Meßmann D.,
Trinitis C.: ‘MOVE-II – der zweite Kleinsatellit der
Technischen Universität München’, Deutscher Luftund Raumfahrtkongress 2015, Rostock, Germany,
September 22-24 2015.
n Langer M., Dziura M., Losekamm M., Olthoff C.,
Ketzer B., Paul S., Walter U.: ‘The MOVE II mission:
Detecting antiprotons in the South Atlantic Anomaly’, Proceedings of the 5th European CubeSat
Symposium, Brussels, Belgium, 3-5 June 2013.
n Langer, Martin; Olthoff, Claas Tido; Datashvili, Lery;
Baier, Horst; Maghaldaze, N.; Walter, Ulrich: De­­
ployable Structures in the CubeSat Program MOVE.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference
on Advanced Lightweight Structures and Reflector
Antennas, 2014.
n Losekamm M.J., Pöschl T., Langer M., Paul S.:
‘The AFIS detector: measuring antimatter fluxes on
nanosatellites’, Proceedings of the 65th International Astronautical Congress, Toronto, Canada,
October 2014.
n McGrath, C.; Hager, P. (2013): Thermal Analysis of
the CubeSat First-MOVE in Preparation for Launch
using ESATAN-TMS r4. In: International Academy
of Astronautics (Hg.): Proceedings of the 9th IAA
Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation. 9th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for
Earth Observation. Berlin, Germany.
n Meier, Christoph; Browning, Tyson R.; Yassine, Ali
A.; Walter, Ulrich (2015): The Cost of Speed: Work
Policies for Crashing and Overlapping in Product
Development Projects. IEEE Transactions on
Engineering Management 62 (2), 2015, pp. 237-255.
n Niederwieser, T., Anthony, J., Darnell, A., Gahbler, P.,
Hoehn, A., King, G., Koenig, P., Wright, J., Stodieck,
L. (2015): ‘SABL – An EXPRESS locker-sized incubator/freezer for performing biological experiments
onboard the ISS’, ICES-2015-81, Proceedings, 45th
ICES 2015, Bellevue, WA.
n Olthoff, C.; Pütz, D.; Schnaitmann, J. (2015): Dynamic Life Support System Simulations with V-HAB.
Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2015.
n Olthoff, C. T., Schnaitmann, J., Bender, F., Koch, V.,
and Weber, J., ‘Development Status of the Thermal
Layer of the Dynamic Life Support System Simulation V-HAB’, Proceedings of the 45th International
Conference on Environmental Systems, ICES-2015269, Bellevue; Washington; USA, 2015
Institute of Astronautics
n Olthoff, Claas Tido; Schnaitmann, Jonas; Zhukov,
Anton (2014): Development Status of the Dynamic Life Support System Simulation V-HAB. In:
Proceedings of the 44th International Conference
on Environmental Systems. Tucson, Arizona, USA,
13-17 July 2014. ICES.
n Purschke, Ralf; Hoehn, Alexander (2014): Evaluation
and test of different gear concepts for Ka-band
Antenna Pointing Mechanisms. In: 2014 IEEE
Aerospace Conference. Big Sky, MT, USA, 1-8
March 2014, pp. 1-8.
n Reiss, P; Hoehn, A; Henn, N (2015): Stamp-Heater
Instrument Concept for Mobile In-Situ Extraction
and Analysis of Lunar Volatiles. European Lunar
Symposium, 2015. Editors: Dell’Agnelllo, Simone;
Anand, Mahesh.
n Reiss, P. and Hoehn, A (2014).: Evaluation of
Small-scale Penetrators for Lunar Subsurface
Investigation. European Lunar Symposium, 2014.
n Reiss, P. and Hager, P. and Parzinger, S. and Henn,
N. (2014): Technological Challenges for In-Situ
Investigation of Lunar Resources. European Lunar
Symposium, 2014.
n Reiss, P.; Hager, P.; Hoehn, A.; Rott, M.; Walter,
U. (2014a): Flowability of lunar regolith simulants
under reduced gravity and vacuum in hopper-based
conveying devices. In: Journal of Terramechanics
55, pp. 61-72. DOI: 10.1016/j.jterra.2014.04.005.
n Reiss, P.; Hager, P.; Parzinger, S.; Henn, N. (2014b):
Technological Challenges for In-Situ Investigation of
Lunar Resources. In: Proceedings of the European
Lunar Symposium. London, United Kingdom, 15-16
May 2014.
n Reiss, P.; Hoehn, A. (2014): Evaluation of Smallscale Penetrators for Lunar Subsurface Investigation. In: Proceedings of the European Lunar
Symposium. London, United Kingdom, 15-16 May
n Schnaitmann, J., Portner, B. W., Haber, R., and
Sakurai, M., ‘Using V-HAB to Model and Simulate
Air Revitalization System Technologies Developed
at JAXA’, Proceedings of the 45th International
Conference on Environmental Systems, ICES-2015266, Bellevue; Washington; USA, 2015
Institute of Astronautics
n Takahashi, Tadayuki; den Herder, Jan-Willem A.;
Bautz, Mark; Perinati, E.; Rott, M.; Santangelo, A.;
Suchy, S.; Tenzer, C.; Del Monte, E.; den Herder,
J.-W.; Diebold, S.; Feroci, M.; Rachevski, A.; Vacchi,
A.; Zampa, G.; Zampa, N. (2014): Hyper-velocity
impact test and simulation of a double-wall shield
concept for the Wide Field Monitor aboard LOFT.
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2014:
Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray (SPIE Proceedings),
SPIE, 2014.
n Tan, Jingwen; Ma, Weihua; Wang, Mingming;
Luo, Jianjun (2014): Relative Navigation for Space
Synchronization Based on GNSS Carrier Phase.
In: IAF (Hg.): Proceedings of the 65th International Astronautical Congress. Toronto, Canada,
29 September – 3 October 2014. International
Astronautical Federation.
n Ventura, Jacopo; Romano, Marcello; Walter, Ulrich
(2015): Performance evaluation of the inverse
dynamics method for optimal spacecraft reorientation. In: Acta Astronautica 110, pp. 266-278. DOI:
n Ventura, Jacopo; Romano, Marcello (2014): Exact
Analytic Solution for the Spin-up Maneuver of an
Axially Symmetric Spacecraft. In: Acta Astronautica
104 (1). DOI: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2014.07.038.
p. 1-11.
n Wilde, Markus; Harder, Jan T.; Ventura, Jacopo;
Hörmann, Julian; Walter, Ulrich (2015): Impact of
Space-to-Ground Video Transmission Constraints
on Teleoperated Final Approach and Docking. In:
Journal of Aerospace Information Systems 12 (7),
pp. 441-454. DOI: 10.2514/1.I010288.
n Zimmerhakl P., Fagerudd J., Ivchenko N., Tibert G.,
Langer M. and SEAM Team: ‘The Structural and
Thermal Design Analysis of the SEAM CubeSat’, in:
Small Satellite Missions for Earth Observation, R.
Sandau, H.-P. Roeser und A. Valenzuela, Springer
Berlin Heidelberg, 2015.
n Zhukov, Anton; Czupalla, Markus (2014): The Virtual
Habitat – Optimization of Life Support Systems. In:
Proceedings of the 44th International Conference
on Environmental Systems. Tucson, Arizona, USA,
13-17 July 2014. ICES.
Institute of Materials Science and Mechanics of Materials
Experimental and theoretical characterization of metallic materials
n The focus of the Institute of Materials Science and Mechanics of Materials
(WKM) in 2015 was to develop further the field of processing microstructure
properties relationships of load bearing materials concentrating on metallic
materials such as high strength steels, titanium, nickel, aluminum and
tungsten alloys. Research is performed employing theoretical, numerical
and experimental techniques with equal importance. The associated State
Material Testing Laboratory serves as an important interface to industry with
respect to research oriented (off­routine) testing of materials.
Research activities concentrate on plasticity and failure of high strength dual-phase
steels, strain localization of multiaxially
deformed high strength steel sheets and
residual stress analysis and quantification
of the time dependence of residual stress
states via experimental and theoretical
Significant advances were made in the
modeling of microstructure evolution
of the titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V during
selective laser melting, the integration of
precipitation hardening into the process of
densification of cast aluminum alloys by
hot isostatic pressing and the solution of
several inverse problems associated with
the design of working cathodes as used in
electrochemical machining.
Work has begun on several new topics
such as accumulative roll bonding of steel
sheets or high entropy high temperature
Prof. Dr. mont. habil.
Dr. rer. nat. h. c.
Ewald Werner
Phone +
X-ray diffractometer equipped with Eulerian cradle
and area detector for in-situ measurement of phase
transformations, texture and stress analysis
(Photo: WKM)
alloys. One of the highlights of 2015 was
the successful completion of the habilitation of Dr. C. Krempaszky for mechanics
of materials.
Plasticity and Failure of High-Strength Sheet Materials
for Automotive Applications
The desire to produce steel sheet material
with high strength, excellent formability
and a rather low content of alloying
elements has led to the development of a
multitude of microstructure-strengthened
steels. Among these are the ferriticmartensitic dual-phase (DP) steel grades,
which are produced in a multi-step heat
treatment. Their microstructure consists
of a matrix of ferrite (soft), reinforced with
isolated particles of martensite (hard).
Research activities at WKM related to
DP steels focus on heat treatmentinduced microstructural stresses and
strains, their unusual plastic deformation behavior, and their microstructure
governed failure behavior.
Phase averaged von Mises stresses in two different microstructures (bottom left and right)
as a function of macroscopic strain in tension and compression. The martensite of the left
microstructure exhibits an ‘unloading’ from heat treatment-induced stresses (i.e. the initial stress
in the graph) up to roughly 0.5% of macroscopic strain. This effect causes higher macroscopic
flow stress in compression than in tension. (Source: WKM)
Institute of Materials Science and Mechanics of Materials
For a systematic study of the influence of
microstructure features on plastic flow and
failure of DP steels, a simulation model
based on micro-continuum mechanics
and tessellated microstructures was
developed at WKM. Systematic simulations conducted with computer generated
microstructures subjected to the same
heat treatment and subsequent deformation routes as real DP steels served to
explain several phenomena typical to this
steel class.
For the first time it became possible
to clearify the importance of heat treatment-induced micro-strains for the
initial plastic flow behavior and that of
heat treatment-induced local deviatoric
stresses for the experimentally observed
load type-dependent macroscopic flow
stress (see figure).
The macroscopic strain for microstructural
failure initiation in DP steels can be correlated with their microstructural heteroge-
neity. The higher the heterogeneity caused
by a high contrast of phase strength or a
large martensite phase fraction, the lower
is the macroscopic strain for local failure
Investigations are also conducted on
the process of accumulated roll bonding
(ARB) of dual-phase steels to evaluate the
feasibility of this special production route
for high strength steels. ARB currently is
only applied to low strength steel grades
and soft aluminum alloys, there revealing
its potential to increase strength markedly
by grain refinement induced be severe
plastic deformation.
n Micromechanical modeling of the
formability and failure of DP steels
(voestalpine Stahl GmbH)
n Accumulated roll bonding of dual phase
steels (voestalpine Stahl GmbH)
Strain Localization Analysis of Multiaxially
Deformed High Strength Sheet Steel
Strain localization is limiting the formability of sheets and occurs on different
length-scales. Particularly in case of
multiphase materials exhibiting a high
contrast in phase-specific strength, it
appears necessary to take into account
the microscale.
In the course of the research activities at
WKM, the forming limits of dual-phase
steels are investigated using a decoupled
sequential multi-scale modeling approach.
This approach adopts a shear band
analysis employing the concept of the
acoustic tensor and combines a mechanical analysis of unit cells representing the
microstructure on the grain level and the
evolution of macroscopic mechanical field
quantities in Nakajima test specimens.
It could be shown that the morphology of
the microstructure influences the position
and orientation of the global shear band
within the microstructure while the phase
strength contrast triggers shear band
Institute of Materials Science and Mechanics of Materials
Shear band analysis in a DP500 unit cell, loaded in
equibiaxial tension (BAT). The effective stress-strain
curve is depicted in blue. Furthermore contour plots
of the distribution of the hardening, h, the shear band
variable, Qs, and the maximum principal strain, I,
are shown for two specific strains. The white areas
in the contour plots of Qs represent martensite, that
does not reach a critical state. (Source: http://dx.doi.
n Prognose des mechanischen Verhaltens von Dualphasen-Stählen mit
Hilfe eines mikromechanischen Finite
Elemente Modells (voestalpine Stahl
Residual Stress Relaxation and Residual Stress Analysis
Experimental method for monitoring the evolution of
thin-walled bent profile distortions. (Photo: WKM)
The redistribution of macroscopic residual stresses may lead to component
distortions, which, in the worst case, do
not conform to the required dimensional
accuracy of the component. Residual
stress redistribution may result either from
the removal of portions of the workpiece
during machining or from stress relaxation
of the material due to microscopic diffusion processes. For metallic materials, the
latter play a substantial role only in case of
elevated temperatures. However, in case
of very thin/slender components, even
slight stress redistributions due to stress
relaxation at ambient temperature can
result in undesirable distortions increasing
with time.
In this context, research activities focus on
the investigation of stress redistributions
in thin-walled bent profiles and the identification of the underlying microscopic
mechanisms. This includes the development and application of experimental
methods for residual stress analysis and
for monitoring the evolution of component
distortions as well as the theoretical
estimation of the evolution of the residual
stress state using adequate semianalytical
and numerical modeling approaches.
n Eigenspannungsbedingter Bauteilverzug in rollgebogenen Stahlprofilen
(Dr. Johannes Heidenhain GmbH)
n Spannungsrelaxation in Abhängigkeit der Mikrostruktur über mehrere
Längenskalen in Haynes282 (DFG)
n Development of an advanced design
and production process of high temperature Ni-based alloy forgings (HiTNiFo)
(EU, Clean Sky)
Microstructure Evolution of Ti-6Al-4V
During Selective Laser Melting
Selective Laser Melting (SLM) is an
additive manufacturing process used
to produce near net shape parts with
complex geometries from 3D CAD data
directly, thus being economical for small
batch series and individual items. In SLM,
components are produced layerwise from
metal powder, which is locally fully melted
by a laser and then solidifies by self-quenching, free convection of shielding gas
and thermal radiation from the free surface. This thermomechanical treatment of
the material results in microstructures that
differ significantly from those processed
conventionally by forging or casting.
WKM puts much effort into the development of multiphysics process models
aiming at the prediction of SLM-generated
microstructures. Main ingredients of these
models are – besides heat input and heat
extraction modules – the consideration
of kinetic aspects of liquid-solid and
solid-solid phase transformations which
control the evolution of microstructures.
Detailed microstructure investigations
were conducted for the important titanium
Polfigure of the [100] direction
of the -phase. a) reconstructed
from EBSD measurement of the
‘-phase and b) predicted by the
simulation. (Source: WKM)
Institute of Materials Science and Mechanics of Materials
alloy Ti-6Al-4V which after solidification
undergoes a solid-solid transformation
from the high-temperature -phase
to the ’-phase upon cooling to room
temperature. Since there exists a distinct
orientation relationship between these
two phases, the crystallographic features
of the -phase can be reconstructed
from crystallographic data collected for
the ’-phase. It could be shown that the
-phase solidifies as elongated grains
oriented parallel to the build-direction of
the part exhibiting a fibre texture.
Based on these findings a simulation
tool was developed at WKM capturing
interfacial motion, grain orientation and
driving forces responsible for microstructure evolution.
n Light Weight-TCF – Werkstoffentwicklung und -charakterisierung im Rahmen
der generativen Fertigungsverfahren
(MTU Aero Engines AG, EOS GmbH –
Electro Optical Systems)
Electrochemical Machining
Electrochemical machining of a
cylindrical spring steel wire with
a torus shaped cathode (not
shown). Numerical simulation of
the current density on the workpiece surface (left); experimental
validation (right). (Source: WKM)
Anodic metal dissolution at high current
densities (such as in electrochemical
machining (ECM) and/or precise electrochemical machining (PECM)) is increasingly used when conventional machining
reaches its economical and/or procedural
limits, as e.g. for temperature sensitive,
brittle or high strength metallic materials.
In ECM the workpiece represents the
anode of an electrolytic cell, whereas the
tool is defined by the opposing cathodic-­
ally polarised electrode of a specific
geometrical shape. To ensure that the
desired workpiece geometry evolves
in a controlled machining process, the
pre-determination of the necessary
shape of the cathode is imperative. This
determination poses a major challenge in
Therefore a procedure – based on the
C++ library OpenFOAM – was developed
at WKM to calculate cathode shapes for
the manufacturing of complex 2- and
3-dimensional workpiece surfaces. Due
to its improved accuracy compared to
existing shape-calculating methods, this
approach reduces the number of expensive iterations in tool manufacturing. In
addition, insights from simulation results
(both the simulation of the dissolution
process and the solution of the inverse
problem to identify desired cathode
shapes) are now used to identify processand material-related effects that can be
evaluated separately in an experimental
test setup.
Current experimental research efforts are
directed towards the influence of variations in mechanical material properties
– such as residual stresses and dislocation densities, both of which can result
from forming or heat treatment – on the
macroscopic dissolution rate of selected
n Innovative, adaptive Prozessregelung
ECM/PECM (MTU Aero Engines AG)
Failure in Integrated Circuits
Growing demands on performance and
durability of integrated circuits require
an understanding of possible failure
mechanisms like crack initiation within
the interlayer dielectric and surface
roughening of the metallization plate. One
of the main causes for such failure arises
Institute of Materials Science and Mechanics of Materials
from the mismatch in thermal expansion
between the materials involved (conductor
paths are made of aluminum and the
surrounding interlayer dielectric of silicon
oxide) leading to thermo-mechanical
loads and, consequently, to various
types of damage. Throughout their life,
electronic components undergo millions of
thermo-­mechanical load cycles, so that an
experimental life cycle analysis during the
development process is costly and may
not be feasible at all.
Via simulation the influence of the aluminum microstructure on typical failure
mechanisms was investigated utilizing a
crystal plasticity material model taking
into account the microstructure, the grain
orientation, the grain size and the temperature dependency of relevant material
properties. A number of experimental
observations could be confirmed by these
calculations like the stabilizing effect of
a passivation layer on the surface roughening and the significant life extension by
reducing the grain size of the conductor
path grains. Grain size and orientation
both influence the magnitude of surface
roughening (see figure). Compared to
grain size the influence of grain orientation
Deformed simulation model representing a part of an
integrated circuit after 10 load cycles. (left); Influence
of the grain size and orientation on the magnitude
of surface roughening. (right) (Source: http://dx.doi.
seems to play a less important role. Parameter studies are currently undertaken in
order to find an optimum microstructure
for aluminum leading to a minimum failure
Failure in Tungsten under High Heat Flux Loads
Currently the International Thermonuclear
Experimental Reactor (ITER) is being
built at Cadarache, France. Engineers are
facing challenging material selection problems especially when designing components which are in contact with the fusion
plasma to extract thermal power from the
plasma. Power densities of more the 10
MW/m² are predicted to be withstood by
these materials. The thermo-cyclic loads
imposed on plasma facing materials
(PFMs) e.g. in the divertor of a fusion
reactor show great similarities to the
loadings of accelerator targets and X-ray
anodes. For all these applications tungsten or tungsten alloys are the preferred
materials to withstand short-duration high
heat-flux loadings. While tungsten exhibits
favorable short-term high temperature
properties, it is brittle at temperatures
below the ductile to brittle-transition and
shows undesired grain growth during
long-term exposure. In collaboration with
Siemens AG and the Max-Planck-Institute
for Plasma Physics, WKM successfully
studied fracture behavior and microstructure evolution of relevant tungsten grades
both experimentally and via micromechanical modeling. Finally, a new processing
route was developed for the production of
isotropic and fine grained tungsten grades
via tape casting.
n The path of the heat flow through a
nuclear fusion power plant: Identification of components with other
applications outside the field of fusion
(Siemens AG, Max-Planck-Institute for
Plasma Physics)
n Reduced order modeling with application to microstructure engineering for
process optimization (e. g. steel rolling)
and component design (e. g. fusion
reactor) (Siemens AG, Max-Planck-­
Institute for Plasma Physics)
Institute of Materials Science and Mechanics of Materials
Research Focus
n Testing and modeling of metallic high
performance alloys (iron-, nickel-, titanium-, tungsten- and aluminum-based
n Residual stress determination via
diffraction methods (X-rays, neutrons)
and incremental hole drilling
n Microstructure based numerical modeling
n Electron and light microscopy
n Mechanical testing
n Electrochemical machining
n High resolution scanning electron
n Diffraction techniques
n Material testing on demand
n Material testing equipment
n Light and electron microscopes
n Hot isostatic press
n Dilatometers and annealing simulator
n Electrical and mechanical workshops
n Electrochemical machining workstation
n X-ray diffractometers
n Materials Science I and II
n Engineering Materials Technology
n Engineering Mechanics for Business
n Fracture Mechanics/Plasticity Theory
n Tensor Calculus for Engineers
n Finite Elements in Mechanics of
n Electron Microscopy
n Laboratory Courses on Materials
Science, Mechanics of Materials and
Finite Element Methods
Institute of Materials Science and Mechanics of Materials
Prof. Dr. mont. habil. Dr. rer. nat. h. c.
Ewald Werner, Director
Dr.-Ing. Christian Krempaszky
Adjunct Professors
Hon.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. Eng. (Univ. Nagoya/
Japan) Harald Bolt
Administrative Staff
Yvonne Jahn
Research Scientists
Dr.-Ing. Alexander Fillafer
Stephan Hafenstein, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Peter Holfelder
Dr.-Ing. Jinming Lu
Dipl.-Ing. Felix Meier
Marius Reiberg, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Gerwin Riedl
Dr.-Ing. Cornelia Schwarz
Johannes Seidl, M.Sc.
Anneka Vogel, M.Sc.
Helena vom Stein, M.Sc.
Dr. mont. Zhonghua Wang
Dipl.-Ing. Robert Wesenjak
Technical Staff
Wolfgang Bauer
Brigitte Hadler
Alois Huber
Stefan Humplmair
Carola Reiff
Jens Reuter, B.Sc.
Publications 2015
n M. Li, E. Werner, J.-H. You: Influence of heat flux
loading patterns on the surface cracking features
of tungsten armor under ELM-like thermal shocks.
J. Nuc. Mat. 457 (2015) 256-265. DOI: 10.1016/j.
n M. Li, E. Werner, J.-H. You: Low cycle fatigue behavior of ITER-like divertor target under DEMO-relevant operation conditions. Fusion Engng. and
Design 90 (2015) 88-96. DOI: 10.1016/j.fusengdes.
n M. Li, E. Werner, J.-H. You: Cracking behavior of
tungsten armor under ELM-like thermal shock
loads: A computational study. Nuc. Mat. Energy 2
(2015) 1-11. DOI: 10.1016/j.nme.2014.10.001
n M. Li, M. Sommerer, E. Werner, S. Lampenscherf,
T. Steinkopff, P. Wolfrum, J.-H. You: Experimental
and computational study of damage behavior
of tungsten under high energy electron beam
irradiation. Engng. Frac. Mech. 135 (2015) 64-80.
DOI: 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2015.01.017
n E. Werner, R. Wesenjak, A. Fillafer, F. Meier, C.
Krempaszky: Microstructure-based modelling of
multiphase materials and complex structures.
Continuum Mech. and Thermodyn. 27 (2015) 22 p.
DOI: 10.1007/s00161-015-0477-7
n S. Hafenstein, E. Werner, J. Wilzer, W. Theisen, S.
Weber, C. Suderkötter, M. Bachmann: Influence of
temperature and tempering conditions on thermal
conductivity of hot work tool steels for hot stamping
applications. Steel Res. Int. 86 (2015) 1628-1635.
DOI: 10.1002/srin.201400597
n R. Wesenjak, C. Krempaszky, E. Werner: Prediction
of forming-limit curves of dual-phase steels based
on a multiple length scale modelling approach considering materials instabilities. Comput. Mat. Sci. in
press. DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci. 2015.09.046
n F. Meier, C. Schwarz, E. Werner: Numerical calculation of the tangent stiffness tensor in materials
modeling. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. in press. DOI: 10.1016/j.
n E. Werner, C. Krempaszky, A. Fillafer: Werkstoffmechanik des Lochaufweitversuchs an hochfesten
Stahlfeinblechen. 11. Tagung Gefüge und Bruch,
Leoben, A, 2015.
n P. Holfelder, G. Hawranek, S. Primig, C. Krempaszky, E. Werner: Modellierung der Erstarrung von
selektiv lasergeschmolzenem Ti-6Al-4V mit der
Phasenfeld-Methode. 61. Metallkunde-Kolloquium,
Lech am Arlberg, A, 2015.
n F. Meier, C. Schwarz, E. Werner: Influence of
micro-structure of Al-components on the life time
of integrated circuits. ICM12 – 12th Int. Conf. on
the Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Karlsruhe, D,
n F. Meier, C. Schwarz, E. Werner: Modeling and
simulation of thin Al-film under cyclic thermal loading. IV Int. Conf. on Coupled Problems in Science
and Engineering, Coupled Problems 2015, Venice,
IT, 2015.
n E. Werner, C. Krempaszky, A. Fillafer, R. Wesenjak,
F. Meier: Microstructure-based modelling of multiphase materials and complex structures. ACE-X
2015 – 9th Int. Conf. on Advanced Computational
Engineering and Experimenting. Munich, D, 2015.
n P. Holfelder, C. Krempaszky, E. Werner: Selective
laser melting of Ti-6Al-4V: Influence of process
parameter on the microstructure. Numerical
simulation of solification with a thermodynamically
motivated nucleation and growth model. PM
Titanium 2015, 3rd Conf. on Powder Processing,
Consolidation and Metallurgy of Titanium. Lüneburg, D, 2015.
n A. Pichler, T. Hebesberger, D. Krizan, F. Winkelhofer,
K. Hausmann, E. Werner: Phase transformations,
microstructures and mechanical properties of
TBF/Q&P grades. MS&T 2015, Fundamentals,
Characterization and Computational Modeling.
Symposium: Phase Stability, Diffusion Kinetics, and
their Applications (PSDK-X), Columbus, OH, USA,
n M. Sommerer, S. Walter: Electron Beam Welding
als Verbindungstechnik von W-Brennbahnen
mit keramischen Drehanodenkörpern aus SiC.
n M. Sommerer, H. von Dewitz: Herstellung von Partikel- und Faser verstärkten Refraktärmetallen mittels
Foliengießen oder Extrusion. (DE102012217182)
n M. Sommerer: Herstellung von (Thermoschock
optimierter) Refraktärmetalle mit isotroper Werkstoffstruktur mittels Extrusion. (DE102012217188)
n M. Sommerer, S. Lampenscherf, S. Walter, E.
Werner, H. von Dewitz: Herstellung von (Thermoschock optimierten) Refraktärmetallen mit
isotroper Werkstoffstruktur mittels Foliengießen.
n M. Sommerer: Herstellung von isotropen Refraktärmetallschichten und -komponenten mittels
Elektronenstrahlschmelzen oder Laserschmelzen für
Anwendungen mit thermozyklischer und mechanischer Belastung. (DE102012217194)
n M. Sommerer: Verschleiß reduzierender Betrieb von
im Thermoschock punktuell belasteten (Refraktärmetall-) Komponenten – insbesondere in den
Anwendungen der Röntgenanode und dem Target
in Beschleunigern. (DE102013203218)
Institute of Materials Science and Mechanics of Materials
Institute of Biochemical Engineering
Industrial biotechnology
n Industrial biotechnology (‘white biotechnology’) makes use of micro­
organisms or enzymes for the industrial production of chemicals like
special and fine chemicals, building blocks for agricultural or pharmaceutical products, additives for manufacturing as well as bulk chemicals
and fuels. Renewable resources
are the favored raw materials for
industrial biotech­nology.
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Dirk Weuster-Botz
Phone +
The Institute of Biochemical Engineering
is dealing with all aspects of the technical
use of biochemical reactions for industrial
biotechnology. The research focus is on
bioreactors and biocatalysis, as well as
on (gas-) fermentation and bioprocess
Pilot-scale bioreactors are used for the research at the
Institute of Biochemical Engineering (copyright: TUM)
tors along with automation of process
New miniaturized fluorimetric pH sensors
with a dynamic range of pH 4-7 are
made available for the bioreactor unit
with 48 parallel single-use stirred-tank
bioreactors developed at the Institute of
Biochemical Engineering.
Bioreactor unit with 48 parallel
single-use stirred-tank bioreactors
on a ‘shoe-box scale’ (copyright:
2mag AG –
The effective generation of process
information represents a major bottleneck
in microbial production process development and optimization. An approach to
overcome the necessity of a large number
of time- and labor-consuming experiments
in lab-scale bioreactors is miniaturization
and parallelization of stirred-tank reac-
n High throughput reaction engineering
analysis of halophilic microorganisms
for enzyme production
n Continuous fermentations in miniatur­
ized stirred-tank reactors
n Multi-parameter analytics in parallel
High demands are set upon the optical
purity of building-blocks for the production of pharmaceuticals. Due to the
high natural selectivity of biocatalysts,
biocatalysis appears as favorable method
for the purpose of chiral syntheses. Major
research interests are the development of
new reaction engineering methods and
devices to intensify whole cell biotransformations of hydrophobic, unstable and/or
toxic substrates up to the technical scale.
Institute of Biochemical Engineering
Production of enzymes with combined
immobilization in one process step
reduces the costs for biocatalyst preparation. Therefore, enzymes were first
anchored to the inner membrane of E.
coli. The cells were subsequently opened
by expression of a lytic phage protein to
obtain cellular envelopes with membrane
anchored enzymes.
n Polymeric nano-compartments for
biocatalytic applications
n Membrane functionalisation of nanoscale enzyme membrane reactors
n Surface functionalisation of nano-scale
enzyme membrane reactors
n Minimal cells for multi-enzyme synthesis
n Production of N-acetylneuraminic acid
using epimerases from cyanobacteria
n Asymmetric reductions using optimized
ene-reductases from cyanobacteria
Scheme of the novel one-step expression and immobilization method for the production of biocatalytic
preparations: 1. Intracellular expression of enzymes
with membrane anchors and in situ immobilization to
the inner surface of the cell membrane; 2. Expression
of a lytic phage protein; 3. Pore formation in the cell
wall and release of the cytosol; 4. Cellular envelope
with immobilized enzymes (copyright: Sührer, TUM)
Making use of microorganisms for the
production of chemicals from renewable
resources is the core of industrial biotechnology. Reaction engineering analyses of
metabolically optimized producer strains
and metabolic analyses of microorganisms
in production processes are necessary for
efficient bio-production on an industrial
Metabolic control of the microbial
L-phenylalanine production process with
glycerol as carbon source was identified
by applying short-term perturbation
experiments of 20 minutes in stirred-tank
bioreactors, metabolom and fluxom
analyses and a kinetic network model.
n Bioprocess development for the
production of single-stranded DNA
n Microbial electrosynthesis for the
production of chemicals
n Metabolic analyses of recombinant
microorganisms from production
n Microbial production of lipids
n Metabolic control analysis of microbial
fed-batch production of L-phenyl-­
n Production of terpenoid glycosides by
recombinant Escherichia coli
Pilot­scale fermentations were
performed at the TUM­Research
Center for Industrial Biotechnology (copyright: Sun, TUM)
Gas Fermentation
Special microorganisms are able to
produce chemicals with carbon dioxide
as sole carbon source. Energy may be
supplied from sunlight or hydrogen gas.
Bioprocess engineering is the key to
make use of these energy sources for the
microbial production of chemicals from
carbon dioxide on an industrial scale.
Phototrophic processes with microalgae
can now be studied on a pilot-scale
making use of the new microalgae pilot
plant facilities with LED daylight illumination at the Ludwig-Bölkow Campus in
Ottobrunn. The climate simulation technology for the operation of new open algae
bioreactors is unique in the world and was
developed in close cooperation with the
Institute of Biochemical Engineering.
Institute of Biochemical Engineering
Setting-up of operation of the newly developed LED day-light illumination at the micro-algae
pilot plant facilities inaugurated in October 2015 (copyright: TUM)
n Modeling of microalgae cultivation in
open photobioreactors
n Characterization of new microalgae for
open photobioreactors
n Mass production of microalgae in open
n Reaction engineering analysis of new
n Microbial production of chemicals from
synthesis gas
n Gas fermentation with Clostridium
n Hydrogenotrophic production of acetic
n Gas fermentation with Clostridium
n Multi-purpose reactor for gas fermentations
Bioprocess Integration
In many cases, downstream processing
is by far the most cost-intensive step
of a bioprocess. Often, multiple-step
bioseparations are required yielding rather
low product yields. Therefore, existing bioseparation processes should be improved
and combined to reduce the number of
process steps. The focus is on bioprocess
integration of fermentation/biocatalysis
and downstream processing.
A three-dimensional deterministic model
applying computational fluid dynamics
(CFD) coupled with the discrete element
Simulation of chromatographic
column packing behavior
(copyright: Dorn,TUM)
Institute of Biochemical Engineering
method (DEM) was developed and validated to simulate chromatographic
column packing behavior during either
flow or mechanical compression.
n Non-stationary hydrodynamics of
chromatography columns
n Preparative purification of proteins via
n Preparative purification of proteins via
Research Focus
n Micro-bioprocess engineering/
n Biocatalysis
n Fermentation
n Gas fermentation
n Bioprocess integration
n Design and automation of bioreactor
n Bioprocess development and optimiza­
n Metabolic analysis of microbial reac­
tions in bioreactors
n Metabolomics
n Downstream processing
n Stirred-tank bioreactor systems up to a
100 l scale
n Flat-panel photobioreactor systems
with high-power LEDs
n Parallel bioreactor systems automated
with lab robots
n Anaerobic work benches/sterile laminar
flow work benches
n Syngas labs (CO2, CO, H2)
n Phage lab
n Cooled lab (4° C)
n Electronic/mechanical work shop
n Analytical lab (LC-MS, flow cytometry,
GC, LC, etc.)
n Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals
n Biochemical Engineering
n Bioprocesses
n Bioprocesses and Bioproduction
n Industrial Bioprocesses
n Bioreactors/Bioreaction Engineering
n Environmental and Biochemical
n Separation of Macromolecular Bio-­
n Practical Training on Biochemical
n Practical Training on Bioprocess
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Weuster-Botz, Director
Administrative Staff
Ellen Truxius
Gabriele Herbrik
Research Scientists
Dr. Kathrin Castiglione, TUM Junior Fellow
Dr.-Ing. Dariusch Hekmat
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Weiner
Ilka Sührer, M.Sc.
Christina Kantzow, M.Sc.
Anna Groher, M.Sc.
Andreas Schmideder, M.Sc.
Ludwig Klermund, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.Ing. Andreas Apel
Sarah Poschenrieder, M.Sc.
Julia Tröndle, M.Sc.
Tom Schwarzer, M.Sc.
Anja Koller, M.Sc.
Andrea Weber, M.Sc.
Benjamin Kick, M.Sc.
Sarah Hintermayer, M.Sc.
Eva Schußmann, M.Sc.
Kathrin Doll, M.Sc.
Martin Dorn, M.Sc.
Christina Pfaffinger, M.Sc.
Timm Severin, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Peter Riegler
Alexander Mayer, M.Sc.
Xenia Priebe, M.Sc.
Samantha Hansler, M.Sc.
Christian Burger, M.Sc.
Christoph Mähler, M.Sc.
Technical Staff
Georg Kojro
Norbert Werth
Markus Amann
Florian Sedlmaier
Institute of Biochemical Engineering
Publications 2015
n Dorn M, Hekmat D (2015): Simulation of the
dynamic packing behavior of preparative chromatography columns via discrete particle modeling.
Biotechnol Prog, DOI 10.1002/btpr.2210.
n Schmideder A, Hensler S, Lang M, Stratmann A,
Giesecke U, Weuster-Botz D (2015): High-cell-density cultivation and recombinant protein production
with Komagataella pastoris in stirred-tank
bioreactors from milliliter to cubic meter scale. Proc
Biochem, DOI 10.1016/j.procbio.2015.11.024.
n Strillinger E, Grötzinger SW, Allers T, Groll M,
Eppinger J, Weuster-Botz D (2015): Production of
halophilic proteins with Haloferax volcanii H1895 in
a stirred tank bioreactor. App Microbiol Biotechnol,
DOI: 10.1007/s00253-015-7007-1.
n Weiner M, Tröndle J, Albermann C, Sprenger GA,
Weuster-Botz D (2015): Perturbation experiments:
Approaches for metabolic pathway analysis in
bioreactors. Adv Biochem Eng Biotechnol, DOI
n Sührer I, Langemann T, Lubitz W, Weuster-Botz D,
Castiglione K (2015): A novel one-step expression
and immobilization method for the production of
biocatalytic preparations. Microbial Cell Factories
14: 180-189.
n Kantzow C, Mayer A, Weuster-Botz D (2015):
Continuous gas fermentation by Acetobacterium
woodii in a submerged membrane reactor with full
cell retention. J Biotechnol 212: 11-18.
n Schmideder A, Severin TS, Cremer J, Weuster-Botz
D (2015): A novel milliliter-scale chemostat system
for parallel cultivation of microorganisms in
stirred-tank bioreactors. J Biotechnol 210: 19-24.
n Faust G, Stand A, Weuster-Botz D (2015): IPTG can
replace lactose in auto-induction media to enhance
protein expression in batch-cultured Escherichia
coli. Eng Life Sci 15: 824-829.
n Kick B, Praetorius F, Dietz H, Weuster-Botz D
(2015): Efficient production of single-stranded
phage DNA as scaffolds for DNA origami. Nano
Letters 15: 4672-4676.
Institute of Biochemical Engineering
nHekmat D, Breitschwerdt P, Weuster-Botz D (2015):
Purification of proteins from solutions containing
residual host cell proteins via preparative crystallization. Biotechnol Lett 37:1791-1801.
n Janzen N, Schmidt M, Krause C, Weuster-Botz D
(2015): Evaluation of fluorimetric pH-sensors for
bioprocess monitoring at low pH. Bioproc Biosys
Eng 38: 1685-1692.
n Klermund L, Riederer A, Groher A, Castiglione K
(2015): High-level soluble expression of a bacterial
N-acyl-D-glucosamine 2-epimerase in recombinant
Escherichia coli. Protein Expr Purif 111: 36-41.
n Weiner M, Tröndle J, Schmideder A, Binder K,
Albermann C, Sprenger GA, Weuster-Botz D (2015):
Parallelized small-scale production of uniformly
13C-labeled cell-extract for quantitative metabolome analysis. Anal Biochem 478: 134-140.
n Hekmat D (2015): Large-scale crystallization of
proteins for purification and formulation. Bioproc
Biosys Eng 38:1209–1231.
n Apel A, Weuster-Botz D (2015): Engineering
solutions for open microalgae mass cultivation and
realistic indoor simulation of outdoor environments.
Bioproc Biosys Eng 38: 995-1008.
n Sun B, Hartl F, Castiglione K, Weuster-Botz D
(2015): Dynamic mechanistic modeling of the
multi-enzymatic one-pot reduction of dehydrocholic
acid to 12-keto ursodeoxycholic acid with competing substrates and cofactors. Biotechnol Prog 31:
n Fu Y, Castiglione K, Weuster-Botz D (2015):
Ene-reductases from cyanobacteria for industrial
biocatalysis. Industrial Biocatalysis (Ed. Grunwald
P), Pan Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd., 631-661.
n Hekmat D, Maslak D, Freiherr von Roman M,
Breitschwerdt P, Ströhle C, Vogt A, Berensmeier S,
Weuster-Botz D (2015): Non-chromatographic preparative purification of enhanced green fluorescent
protein. J Biotechnol 194: 84-90.
Institute of Medical and Polymer Engineering
Medical and polymer engineering, process & manufacturing method development,
sterile production, vascular and cardiac engineering
n The Institute of Medical and Polymer Technology inaugurated the
Central Institute for Medical Engineering in 2000 and established in the
same year the Masters Curriculum of Medical Engineering, the first one
of its kind on university level in Germany, and it offers a comprehensive
curriculum in medical engineering and in polymer engineering. Today
more than 400 students follow the institute’s courses and seminars every
semester. Teaching is focused primarily on industrial and clinical needs.
The Institute represents two main and
interacting focus areas:
A)Medical engineering with a strong
impact on biocompatible materials
engineering, mainly process engineer­
ing of materials and designing of tools,
molds and parts, specified for medical
implants made from non-metallic organic
materials. It develops new surfaces and
structures of material-cell-interfaces,
i.e. porosities, in order to optimize
biocompatibility behaviour following
implantation in patients. It provides
respective testing, including biotoxicity
testing and the development of tissue
engineering systems.
B)Polymer engineering and tooling is intensively represented with an outstanding polymer technology infrastructure.
All industrially relevant processes are
presented in teaching, micro-injection
molding is a key research area. This
includes the entire designing and
manufacturing process of tools,
devices and machines, i.e. the most
compact injection molding machine
worldwide has been designed and
manufactured by us.
Prof. Dr. med. Dr.-Ing.
habil. Erich Wintermantel
Research currently concentrates on three
main areas:
1) Hemocompatible and hemoactive
surfaces, biosystems, devices and
implants and corresponding relevant
manufacturing processes,
2) Functionalized polymeric implants
through process engineering,
3) Improved polymers, process tooling
and analysis tools, i.e. surface modification or materials reinforcements, all
strictly oriented towards high socioeconomic impact.
Phone +
Research Example: Optimization of Biochemical Surface
Properties: Silicone Long-Term Implantable Port-Catheter
Medical grade silicone elastomers present
considerable advantages as implant
material due to their excellent chemical
stability and their wide range of mechanical properties. The objective of the
project is to verify the suitability of medical
grade silicones as long-term implantation
material with in-vitro tests. The biological
properties of the silicone surface are
optimized with specific material modifications improving blood compatibility and
interactions with subcutaneous tissue.
Those modified silicone elastomers are
a promising long term implant material
which is tested in a port-catheter system.
Silicone port-catheter developed at the institute. Source: Boudot, C., 2015
Institute of Medical and Polymer Engineering
Research Example: Polymers for Medical Applications:
Hard-Soft Composites with Small Adhesion Interfaces
Peel test of miniaturized test
specimen and resulting peel front.
Source: Seitz, V., 2015
The combination of elastomeric materials
with thermoplastic substrates during an
injection molding process offers many
advantages for medical products such as
the integration of different functionalities,
a reduction of assembly costs or the
increase in process safety. Many of these
Research Focus
n Vascular and cardiac engineering
n Medical polymer engineering
n Machine and process technology
n Polymer technology
n Sterile polymer manufacturing
n Implantology
n Drug release systems
n Polymer processing
n Polymer testing
n Bio-/hemocompatibility testing
n Polymer aging
n Polymer design
n Medical device design
n Polymer process simulation
n Mechanical and fluid dynamic simulation
n Virtual planning and modelling
n Engineering medical devices
n Incubator and cell culture design
n Tech lab (CNC milling machine, water
jet cutting, etc.)
n Bio lab (S1 classified for bio-/hemocomp., sterility testing)
n Polymer lab (molding machines and
Institute of Medical and Polymer Engineering
medical applications are small in dimensions with a reduced adhesion interface.
In this research work the adhesion of
different elastomers (thermoplastic elastomers and self-adhesive silicone rubber) on
thermoplastic substrates is investigated
using miniaturized test geometries. The
mechanical bond strength is evaluated
via peel tests and surface modifications
are applied to increase adhesion.
Moreover, the stability of the composites
against fluids in a medical environment
or sterilization processes is studied. This
investigation builds a profound basis
for a selection of suitable polymers for
hard-soft composites in different medical
n Introduction in Medical and Polymer
n Basics Medical Engineering: Biocompatible Materials 1
n Biocompatible Materials 2
n Polymers and Polymer Technology
n Trends in Medical Engineering I & II
n Research laboratories
Prof. Dr. med. Dr.-Ing. habil.
Erich Wintermantel, Director
Dr. med. Markus Eblenkamp, Assistant
Susanne Wiedl
Dipl.-Ing. Miriam Haerst
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Robeck
Adjunct Professors
Dr.-Ing. Marcus Heindl
Dr.-Ing. Christian Wende, LL.M.
Administrative Staff
Susanne Wiedl
Doctoral Candidates
and Research Scientists
Dipl.-Ing. Franz Bauer
Dipl.-Ing. Max Bauer
Dipl.-Ing. Cécile Boudot
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Brehm
Katharina Düregger, M.Sc.
Dr. med. Markus Eblenkamp
Nancy Emad Elhady, M.Sc.
Biom. Eng. Betiana Felice (extern)
Johannes Gattinger, M.Sc.
Markus Geith, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Miriam Haerst
Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Koller
Dipl.-Ing. Fabian König
Dipl.-Ing. Erhard Krampe
Stefan Leonhardt, M.Sc.
Ana Lilia Nowak, B.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Pigerl
Christin Rapp, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Robeck
Peter Röstel, M.Sc.
Dr.-Ing. Markus Schönberger
Dipl.-Ing. Catherine Schreiber
Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Schuh
Ilse Schunn, CTA
Dipl.-Ing. Vera Seitz
Dipl.-Ing. Valerie Werner
Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Zeppenfeld
Technical Staff
Uli Ebner (Master, supervisor)
Georg Lerchl
Florian Huber
Severin Lindemeier
Martin Streifeneder
Christian Gastinger
Peter Pichler
Research Students
14 research & teaching assistants
140 research theses (2014/15), > 10 per
doctoral candidate
Publications 2014-15
n Bauer, M.M.: Massenreduzierung kunststoffoptimierter Komponenten eines Gleitkeilgetriebes.
Thesis, 2015
n Boudot, C., Recht, S., Eblenkamp, M., Haerst, M.,
Wintermantel, E.: Protein Adsorption and Adhesion
of Blood Platelets on Silicone Rubber under Static
and Dynamic Flow Conditions. IFMBE Proceedings
(45), 2015, 541-544
n Brehm, A.B.: Technological contributions to
endoscopic submucosal dissection. Thesis, 2015
n Eblenkamp, M., Haag, L., Pfeifer, S., Wintermantel, E.: Software-Based System for Automatic
3D Dendritic Spine Evaluation for Research on
Alzheimer’s Disease. IFMBE Proceedings 45, 2015,
n Haerst, M., Seitz, V., Ahrens, M., Boudot, C.,
Wintermantel, E.: Silicone Fiber Electrospinning
for Medical Applications. IFMBE Proceedings (45),
2015, 537-540
n Haerst, M., Wintermantel, E.: Verfahrensentwicklung
zur Extrusion von Flüssigsilikon – Mehr Freiheit in
der Silikonextrusion. Kunststoffe 2015 (9), 2015,
n Haerst, M., Wintermantel, E.: Process Development
for the Extrusion of Liquid Silicone Rubber – More
Freedom for Silicone Extrusion. Kunststoffe
international 2015 (11), 2015, 38-40
n Haerst, M., Wolf, R., Schönberger, M., Wintermantel, E., Engelsing, K., Heidemeyer, P., Bastian, M.:
Ageing processes in laser sintered and injection
moulded PA12 following hygienic reprocessing.
Rapid Prototyping Journal 21 (3), 2015, 279-286
n Koller, S., Beck, S., Fleischer, J., Wintermantel, E.,
Feussner, H., Schneider, A.: A modular platform
for single-use manipulators with tendon wire and
hydraulic actuation systems for minimally invasive
and endoscopic surgery (NOTES), 2015
n König, F.H., Hagl, C., Wintermantel, E., Thierfelder,
N.: Challenges and Strategies in Bioreactor
Development – An Engineers Point of View. 4th
TERMIS World Congress, 2015
n Lenich, A., Nieborowsky, S., Schreiber, U., Seitz, V.,
Wintermantel E.: Entwicklung eines Oberflächenersatzes für das Capitulum Humeri – Validierung eines
Prototypen. 22. Jahreskongress der Deutschen
Vereinigung für Schulter- und Ellenbogenchirurgie
(DSVE) e. V, 2015
n Loeffelbein, D. J., Ritschl, L. M., Rau, A., Wolff,
K. D., Barbarino, M., Pfeifer, S., Schönberger,
M., Wintermantel, E.: Analysis of computer-aided
techniques for virtual planning in nasoalveolar
moulding. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial
n Nieborowsky, S., Schreiber, U. Seitz, V., Wintermantel, E., Lenich, A.: Entwicklung eines Oberflächenersatzes für das Capitulum Humeri – Methode der
morphologischen Analyse. 22. Jahreskongress
der Deutschen Vereinigung für Schulter- und
Ellenbogenchirurgie (DSVE) e. V, 2015
n Rapp, C., Baumgärtel, A., Klose, M., Schmid, S.,
Knospe, A., Buske, C., Wintermantel, E.: SiOx/
TiO2 composite coatings deposited by open air
atmospheric pressure plasma jet for bone implants.
AEPSE, 2015
n Rapp, C., Knospe, A., Buske, C., Wintermantel, E.:
The antibacterial effect of TiO2 coatings deposited
by open air atmospheric pressure plasma jet with
a TTIB sol precursor on surgical stainless steel.
ECOSS, 2015
n Schönberger, M., Wintermantel, E., Bauer, F.,
Loeffelbein, D.: Generative Fertigung: Tropfen auf
Tropfen. Kunststoffe 105 (4), 2015, 36-41
Institute of Medical and Polymer Engineering
n Seitz, V., Hoffstetter, M., Schönberger, M., Wintermantel, E.: Sterilization Effects on Hard-Soft Combined Polymers for Medical Application. ANTEC
2015 – Proceedings of the Technical Conference &
Exhibition, 2015
n Seitz, V., Hoffstetter, M., Schönberger, M.,
Wintermantel, E.: Sterilization Effects on Hard-Soft
Combined Polymers for Medical Application. 15h
Annual International Polymer Colloquium, 2015
n Boudot, C., Freihart, K., Linder, A., Eblenkamp, M.,
Haerst,M., Wintermantel, E.: Surface Functionalization of Silicone Rubber for Improved Cell Adhesion.
48. Annual Conference of the DGBMT, 2014,
Biomedical Engineering – Biomedizinische Technik
n Dierkesmann, K., Krampe, E., Wintermantel, E.:
Development of an MR-safe and MR-compatible
catheter guidewire using carbon fiber reinforced
plastics. Kunststoffprodukte in der Medizin –
Endoskope und Katheter, 2014
n Froehlich, M., Strohmayr, M., Seibold, U., Krampe,
E., Wintermantel, E.: Towards Realistic Haptic
Organ Phantoms for Medical Training. 48. Annual
Conference of the DGBMT, 2014, Biomedical
Engineering – Biomedizinische Technik
n Gattinger, J., Schönberger, M., Wintermantel, E.,
Rau, A., Wolff, K.D., Loeffelbein, D.J.: Computer
aided Modelling of Nasoalveolar Molding Devices
for Cleft Lip and Palate Treatment. 48th DGBMT
Annual Conference, 2014, Biomedical Engineering –
Biomedizinische Technik
n Haerst, M., Ahrens, M., Seitz, V., Wintermantel, E.:
Electrospinning of commercially available silicone
rubber. 48. Annual Conference of the DGBMT, 2014,
Biomedical Engineering – Biomedizinische Technik
n Haerst, M., Engelsing, K.: Einflüsse von Reinigung,
Desinfektion und Sterilisation auf Kunststoffe in
Medizinprodukten. Fachtagung Kunststoffprodukte
in der Medizin – Endoskope und Katheter, 2014
n Huppmann, T.: Maximierung der Oberflächentoxizität von Polymeren durch Titandioxid. Thesis, 2014
n Huppmann, T., Wintermantel, E.: Fighting Germs
with Solar Energy. Kunststoffe International 104 (5),
2014, 60-63
n Huppmann, T., Wintermantel, E.: Geeignete
Matrixsysteme für titandioxidbasierte antimikrobielle
Kunststoffe. VDI Kunststoffe in der Medizintechnik,
2014, 127-138
n Huppmann, T., Wintermantel, E.: Kampf dem Keim
durch Sonnenkraft. Kunststoffe 104 (5), 2014, 104107
n Kießling, D.: Optimierung der lokalen Krafteinleitung
in Werkstoffhybride. Thesis, 2014
n Koller, S., Fiolka, A., Schneider, A., Schönberger, M.,
Wintermantel, E., Feußner, H.: Entwicklung eines
Single-Use-Applikators für endoskopische Nieten
bei NOTES-Eingriffen. Kunststoffprodukte in der
Medizin – Endoskope und Katheter, 2014
n Pfeifer, S.: A Virtual Core Facility for Multi-Center
Applications in Medical Engeneering. Thesis, 2014
n Rapp, C., Huppmann, T., Gattinger, J., Eblenkamp,
M., Wintermantel, E.: Improving the antibacterial
effect of polyamide 12 by functionalization of titanium dioxide nanoparticles. 48. Annual Conference
of the DGBMT, 2014, Biomedical Engineering –
Biomedizinische Technik
n Schuh, M., Grob, S., Seitz, V., Schonberger, M.,
Eblenkamp, M.: Comparison of three active humidifiers for re-establishing of saturation in carbon
dioxide incubators. 48. Annual Conference of the
DGBMT, 2014, Biomedical Engineering – Biomedizinische Technik
Institute of Medical and Polymer Engineering
n Schulte, J., Friedrich, A., Hollweck, T., König F.,
Eblenkamp, M., Beiras-Fernandez A., Fano, C.,
Hagl C., Akra B.: A Novel Seeding and Conditioning Bioreactor for Vascular Tissue Engineering.
Processes 2 (3), 2014, 526-547
n Schönberger, M.: Autosterilität: Grundlagen und
experimentelle Betrachtung der Kunststoff-Prozesstechnik. Thesis, 2014
n Schönberger, M., Hierl, F., Haerst, M., Wintermantel,
E.: Suitability of Screw Plasticization for Autosterile
Injection Molding. Advances in Polymer Technology
33 (2), 2014
n Schönberger, M., Schaller, C., Seitz, V., Haerst,
M., Eblenkamp, M., Wintermantel, E.: Suitability
of OpenAir Plasma Beams for Medical Device
Sterilization. 48. Annual Conference of the DGBMT,
2014, Biomedical Engineering – Biomedizinische
n Schönberger, M., Wintermantel, E., Hoffstetter, M:
Autosterile injection molding (AIM): A new manufacturing approach for medical single use products.
ANTEC 2014 – Proceedings of the Technical
Conference & Exhibition (2), 2014, 1496-1502
n Schönberger, M., Wintermantel, E., Hoffstetter, M.:
Autosterile injection molding (AIM) – A new manufacturing approach for medical single use products.
TPE Magazine (4), 2014, 246-251
n Schönberger, M., Wintermantel, E., Seitz, V.,
Hoffstetter, M.: Reinraumfertigung: Autosterile
Spritzgießproduktion. Kunststoffe 104 (5), 2014,
n Schönberger, M., Wintermantel, E., Seitz, V.,
Hoffstetter, M.: Cleanroom production: Autosterile
Injection Molding Production. Kunststoffe International 104 (5), 2014, 50-53
n Seitz, V., Hoffstetter, M., Haerst, M., Krampe, E.,
Wintermantel, E.: Polymeric Hard-Soft-Combinations by Multi-Component Injection Molding for
Small Medical Devices. 48. Annual Conference
of the DGBMT, 2014, BBiomedical Engineering –
Biomedizinische Technik
n Seitz, V., Wintermantel, E., Schönberger, M.,
Hoffstetter, M.: Muss es immer groß sein? 2K-Verbundhaftung – Betrachtung und Vergleich von
Prüfmethoden. Kunststoffe 104 (11), 2014, 72-77
n Seitz, V., Wintermantel, E., Schönberger, M.,
Hoffstetter, M.: Does Size Matter? Two-Component
Adhesion – Investigation and Comparison of Testing
Methods. Kunststoffe International 104 (11), 2014,
n Wiederer, C., Fröhlich, M., Krampe, E., Wintermantel, E., Strohmayr, M.: Towards tactile sensation in
laparoscopic surgery. Kunststoffprodukte in der
Medizin – Endoskope und Katheter, 2014
n Wolter, L., Eblenkamp, M., Schönberger, M., Haerst,
M., Wintermantel, E.: Finite-element-analysis of
a six-hole tibia shaft locking plate to optimize the
screw hole position. Biomedizinische Technik 59 (1),
2014, 1136-1139
n Ziegelmeier, S., Christou, P., Wöllecke, F., Tuck, C.,
Goodridge, R., Hague, R., Krampe, E., Wintermantel, E.: An experimental study into the effects of
bulk and flow behavior of Laser Sintering polymer
powders on resulting part properties. Journal of
Materials Processing Technology 215, 2014, 239250
Institute of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Technology
Perspectives for production
n In 2015, the focus of the Chair for Machine Tools and Production
Engineering was on the machining of materials and the processing thereof
into composite materials. With emphasis being placed on light­weight
design, new production processes were researched and further optimized
using suitable simulation models.
With regard to light-weight structures that
are optimally adapted to the respective
loads, bionic approaches such as the
adaptation of natural honeycomb and grid
structures have proven to be particularly
suitable for achieving the desired goals in
the area of additive production processes.
With the objective to use the suitable
material in any location, the research
is focusing in the area of joining and
separating technology on producing joints
of different metals or metal to plastics that
so far could not be produced. Thermal
simulations for joining processes have
proven their particular potential, which
allow innovative production processes
with respect to the production of lithium­
ion cells.
For the last 21 years, the Application
Center Augsburg has transferred the new
production technologies to industrial
production, from which mainly small and
medium-sized companies in the BavarianSwabian region benefit.
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Michael F. Zaeh
Phone +
Monitoring the process for coating anodes
Machine Tools
In the context of the Machine Tools
working group, we analyze and optimize
cutting production systems. The studies
focus on the examination of the dynamic
machine behavior, the cutting process
and the influencing thermal factors.
Thanks to the consideration of aspects
of instrumentation and control, the
study horizon is expanded beyond
purely mechanical structures to complex
mechatronic systems. Modern simulation
methods, such as the finite elements and
multiple-body simulation, are used for
these examinations in order to reflect the
machine features in detail. By coupling
these with developed cutting-force
models, interactions between structure
and process can be demonstrated.
Furthermore, energy-related aspects
which interact with the machine properties
are in the focus of the investigations.
The energy efficiency of machine tools is
becoming more and more a competitive
Test of Milling in the context of the
new learning factory for optimal
Institute of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Technology
n TOPOS: development, production and
testing of topology-optimized osteosynthesis
n FOR 1087 II – TP 3: simulation of
damping effects in machine tools
n SPP 1480/3: coupling of analytical and
numerical models to simulate thermomechanical interactions during the
milling of complex workpieces
n DynSpann: process-related dynamic
cutting to reduce distortion and internal
stress during the welding of components
n FOREnergy – TP 1: creation of transparency on the energetic behavior and
energy flexibility of factories
n FOREnergy – TP 2: increase system flexibility to control the demand for energy
and manage energetic load peaks
n BaZMod: component-adjusted machine
configuration in production through
additional cyber-physical modules
n DynaMoRe: improve dynamical behavior of galvanometer laser scanners
through model-based control
n E2D: increase energy efficiency through
active damping of machine structures
Manufacturing Processes
n Additive manufacturing
n Quality assurance and process monitoring
n Handling technologies for products
varying in shapes
n Designing manual and hybrid assembly
Bionic lightweight structures in the
additive manufacturing
The iwb Application Center Augsburg (AzA)
is the technology transfer center of the
Institute for Machine Tools and Industrial
Management at the Technical University
Munich. As part of this activity, the AzA
supports particularly the medium-sized
industry in Bavaria with the know-how of
the university in the area of production
engineering in the long term. The following
four research fields are offered at the iwb
Application Center Augsburg together with
the scientists in Garching:
n AMMag – laser beam melting of
magnesium alloys
n Flexicut – flexible, intelligent processing
technologies for complex fiber composite components
n FORCiM3A – CFK/metal-composite
design in machinery and plant engineering, TP 6: quality and structure testing
of hybrid CFK components
n IDe3D – intelligent deformation compensation in 3D-printing
n AMThermoQS – thermographic layer
monitoring during laser beam melting
Joining and Cutting Technology
On its way from a semi-finished to a
finished product, technical products
generally go through several joining and
separating steps that are particularly
relevant for the high quality and economic success of the production. The group
Joining and Cutting Technology deals
with this focal point and is working on
innovative production processes. The aim
Institute of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Technology
of the research and development activities is the optimization of quality- and
productivity-optimized and scientifically
sound production processes. To this
end, machinery with modern laser beam
sources, friction welding equipment and
a wide range of measuring and analysis
instruments is at the disposal of the
group. The competences of the working
range from process analysis, system
technology, and technology consulting to
n ExZellTUM: Excellence Center for
battery cells at the Technical University
n EEBat: decentralized stationary battery
storage for the efficient use of renewable energies and to support network
n Friction stir processing (FSP) to
increase the performance of aluminium
cast components
n FOREL: research and technology center for resource-efficient light-weight
structures of electro mobility
n ISAR: friction welding of tank structures
for carrier rockets
n Nexhos: next generation of high-voltage
batteries in light-weight construction
n Optimization of parameters during
flywheel friction welding
n RegTemp: temperature control during
friction stir welding
n ReLaTiS – modeling and simulation of
beam reflections during deep penetration laser welding
Research Focus
n Machine tools
n Joining and separation technology
n Additive manufacturing
n Cutting machine tools
n Laser tools
n Friction welding equipment
n Industrial robots
n Environmental, safety and teaching
n Energetic and geometrical parameters
n Material analysis systems
n Simulation environments
Experiment in the context of
research in the field of laser safety
n SPP 1640 (2nd funding phase): binding
mechanisms during friction stir welding
of mixed compounds
n TR10-T9: laser welding of car body
parts in visible seam quality
n ZAktiSiLA: design and development of
a prototype of a central active safety
device for the monitoring of remote
high-performance laser beam systems
in industrial applications
n eProduction – competence in the production of high-energy storage systems
for electromobility
n PaLaSi – passive laser safety for
high-performance lasers in industrial
n Weak-point analysis of production
n Experimental and computer-aided
development support
n Optimization of development and
production processes
n Technology screening, analysis and
n Laser-based production technologies
n Friction welding
n Simulation of production processes
n Innovative production technologies
n Simulation-assisted optimization of
production processes
n Quality assurance of production
n Designing process chains
Institute of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Technology
n Machine Elements and Manufacturing
n Manufacturing Technologies
n Metal Cutting Manufacturing Processes
n Metal Cutting Machine Tools
n Joining Technology
n Laser Technology
n Quality Management
n Structural Behaviour of Machine Tools
n Practical Course Additive Manufactur­
n Practical Course Mechatronic Development of Machine Tools
n Practical Course Metal Cutting Machine
n Practical Course Welding Technologies
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael F. Zaeh, Director
Marion Fritsch, Secretary
Adjunct Professors
Hon.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Lammel
Hon.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Siegfried Petz
Visiting Lectures
Dr.-Ing. Marco Einhaus
Dipl.-Ing. Peter Göttel
Administrative Staff
Dipl.-Ing. Mareile Dörge
Regina Spitzer
Sandra Wallentin
Research Scientists
Andreas Bachmann, M.Sc.
Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Bauer
Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Belitzki
Dr. Stefan Braunreuther
Dipl.-Ing. Fabian Distel
Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Conrad Fischbach
Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Fuchs
Andreas Ganser, M.Sc.
Jan Habedank, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Veit Hammerstingl
Dipl.-Ing. Martin Haubold
Manuel Keßler, M.Eng.
Robin Kleinwort, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Markus Krutzlinger
Corinna Liebl, M.Sc.
Stefan Liebl, M.Sc.
Florian Lugauer M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Clemens Marder
Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Pieczona
Dipl.-Ing. Richard Popp
Christian Rebelein, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Rinck
Patrick Schmitz, M.Sc.
Florian Schnös, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Seebach
Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Steinhäußer
Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Stock
Cosima Stocker, M.Eng.
Dipl.-Ing. Sahin Sünger
Dipl.-Ing. Georgios Theodossiadis
Ing. Jan Vlacil
Sepp Wimmer, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Franz Xaver Wirth
Technical Staff
Armin Braun
Gerhard Brethack
Alexander Degenhart
Andreas Grünwald
Brigitte Hadler
Wolfgang Rissling
Stefan Seidl
Rainer Sollfrank
Institute of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Technology
Publications 2014-15
n Bayerlein, F.; Zeller, C.; Zaeh, M. F.; Weirather, J.;
Wunderer, M.; Seidel, C.: Improving cost effectiveness in additive manufacturing – Increasing
dimensional accuracy in laser beam melting by
means of a simulationsupported process chain. In:
CADFEM GmbH (Hrsg.): ANSYS Conference & 33.
CADFEM Users’ Meeting. Bremen, 24.-26.06.2015.
Online verfügbar: Online verfügbar 2015, pp. 1-9.
n Belitzki, A.; Zäh, M. F; The Accuracy of Calculated
Component Distortions Using the Weld Pool
Length to Calibrate the Heat Source. In: Laser
Institute of America (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 34rd
International Congress on Applications of Lasers &
Electro-Optics (ICALEO) 2015, pp. 660-665.
n Braunreuther, S.; Hammerstingl, V.; Schweier,
M.; Theodossiadis, G.; Reinhart, G.; Zaeh, M. F.:
Welding joint detection by calibrated mosaicking
with laser scanner systems. CIRP Journal of
Manufacturing Science and Technology (2015) 10,
pp. 16-23.
n Glasschroeder, J.; Prager, E.; Zaeh, M. F.: Powderbed-based 3D-printing of function integrated parts.
Rapid Prototyping Journal 21 (2015) 2, pp. 207-215.
n Gude, M.; Meschut, G.; Zäh, M.; Lieberwirth, H.:
FOREL Studie. Chancen und Herausforderungen im
ressourceneffizienten Leichtbau für die Elektromobilität. Dresden: Institut für Leichtbau und Kunststofftechnik 2015. ISBN: 978-3-00-049681-3.
n Kessler, M.; Suenger, S.; Haubold, M.; Zaeh,
M. F.: Modeling of upset and torsional moment
during inertia friction welding. Journal of Materials
Processing Technology Vol. 224, pp. 34-40.
n Keßler, M.; Sünger, S.; Wunderling, C.; Zaeh, M. F.:
Simulation of Inertia Friction Welding of Tempering
Steel AISI 4140, 11th International Seminar ‘Numerical Analysis of Weldability’, Seggau/Österreich,
n Keßler, M.; Sünger, S.; Haubold, M.; Zaeh, M. F.:
Modeling of upset and torsional moment during
inertia friction welding. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 227 (2016), pp. 34-40.
n Krauss, H.; Zeugner, T.; Michael Zäh: Thermographic Process Monitoring in Powderbed based
Additive Manufacturing. In: Chimenti, D. E. et al.
(Hrsg.): Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation. AIP Conference Proceedings:
AIP submitted for publication (2015), p. N.A.
n Liebl, C.; Popp, R.; Zäh, M.: Energieflexibilität von
Produktionsanlagen. Energieflexibilitäts-Kennfelder
zur Abschätzung der Energieflexibilitäts-Potentiale
unterschiedlicher Anlagen. wt Werkstattstechnik
online 105 (2015) 3, pp. 136-140.
n Liebl, S.; Haubold, M. W.; Zaeh, M. F.: Laser
Welding of AW-5182 with AW-6014 using an
adapted Intensity Distribution. (Hrsg.): Proceedings
of 9th Aluminium Two Thousand World Congress
and 5th International Conference on Extrusion and
Benchmark. Florence, 12.-16.05.2015. Modena:
Interall SRL 2015, pp. 1-11.
n Lugauer, F. P.; Fitz, M.; Zaeh, M. F.: Durability testing
of innovaitve materials for laser safety barriers.
Metal Working World Magazine (2015) 3/2015,
pp. 20-21.
n Popp, R.; Liebl, C.; Zaeh, M.; Atabay, D.; Wagner,
U.; Buderus, J.; Kohl, J.; Franke, J.: Technische
Erfassung der Energieflexibilität und deren
Umsetzung in der Produktion. ZWF Zeitschrift
für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 110 (2015) 9,
pp. 505-509.
n Schmidt, P. A.; Schmitz, P.; Zäh, M. F; Laser Beam
Welding of Electrical Contacts for the Application
in Stationary Energy Storage Devices. In: Laser
Institute of America (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 34rd
International Congress on Applications of Lasers &
Electro-Optics (ICALEO) 2015, pp. 695-701.
n Schmutzler, C.; Zeller, C.; Amann, S.; Seidel, C.;
Zaeh, M. F.: Simulation des Verzugs infolge des
schichtweisen Aufbaus im 3-D-Druck. In: CADFEM
GmbH (Hrsg.): ANSYS Conference & 33. CADFEM
Users’ Meeting. Bremen, 24.-26.06.2015. Online
verfügbar: 2015, pp. 1-13.
n Stock, J. W.; Zaeh, M. F.: Influence of remote laser
cutting on the fatigue strength of CFRP. In: Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (WLT)
(Hrsg.): Lasers in Manufacturing 2015, LIM 2015.
Munich, June 22-25 2015, Contribution p. 166.
n Zäh, Michael (Hrsg.): 19. Augsburger Seminar für
additive Fertigung. Prozessketten und digitale
Werkzeuge; Augsburg, 16. Juni 2015. Augsburger
Seminar für Additive Fertigung. München: Utz 2015.
ISBN: 978-3-8316-4460-5 (113).
n Zeller, C.; Bayerlein, F.; Wunderer, M.; Weirather,
J.: Digitale Fertigung – Ohne Maschinenbelegung
zum maßhaltigen Bauteil. In: Zäh, M. (Hrsg.):
19. Augsburger Seminar für additive Fertigung.
Prozessketten und digitale Werkzeuge; Augsburg,
16. Juni 2015. München: Utz 2015, pp. 1-28. ISBN:
978-3-8316-4460-5 (113).
n Belitzki, A.; Schweier, M.; Zaeh, M. F.: A Method for
the Prediction of Process Parameters for Minimal
Distortion in Welded Frame Structures Using a
FE-simulation. Procedia CIRP 18 (2014), pp. 138143.
n Fuchs, A. N.; Wirth, F. X.; Rinck, P.; Zaeh, M. f.:
Laser-Generated Macroscopic and Microscopic
Surface Structures for the Joining of Aluminum and
Thermoplastics using Friction Press Joining. (Hrsg.):
Physics Procedia 5X. Laser Assisted Net Shape
Engineering 8 (LANE 2014) 2014.
n Fuchs, A. N.; Zäh, M. F.: Gasgeführtes Laserstrahlschneiden von CF-Preforms. wt Werkstattstechnik
online 104 (2014) 6, pp. 394-399.
n Fuchs, A. N.; Zäh, M. F.; Heckert, A.; Roth, A.;
Schmidt, P.; Schmitz, P.: Neue Werkstoffe für die
Elektromobilität erfordern angepasste Füge- und
Trennverfahren. Automobiltechnologie in Bayern
(2014), pp. 32-35.
n Fuchs, A. N.; Zäh, M. F.; Heckert, A.; Roth, A.;
Schmidt, P.; Schmitz, P.: New materials used in
electric vehicles require the adaptation of joining
and cutting processes. Automotive Technology in
Bavaria (2014), pp. 56-59.
n Heckert, A.; Zaeh, M. F.: Laser Surface Treatment
of Aluminum for Hybrid Joints with Glass Fiber
Reinforced Thermoplastics. In: Laser Institute
of America (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 33rd
International Congress on Applications of Lasers
& Electro-Optics, ICALEO 2014. San Diego, CA,
19.-23.10.2014. San Diego, CA: Laser Institute of
America (LIA pub) 2014, pp. 512-518.
n Heckert, A.; Zaeh, M. F.: Laser Surface Pre-treatment of Aluminium for Hybrid Joints with Glass
Fibre Reinforced Thermoplastics. Physics Procedia
56 (2014), pp. 1171-1181.
n Heckert, A.; Zaeh, M. F.: Laser surface treatment
for thermal joining of glass fibre reinforced thermoplastics and aluminum. In: Automotive Circle
International (Hrsg.): Joining in Car Body Engineering, Fügen im Karosseriebau 2014. Bad Nauheim,
01.-03.04.2014. Hannover: Vincentz Network GmbH
2014, pp. 155-164.
Institute of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Technology
n J. Hoerber; J. Glasschroeder; M. Pfeffer; J. Schilp;
M. Zaeh; J. Franke: Approaches for Additive Manufacturing of 3D Electronic Applications. Procedia
CIRP (2014) 17, pp. 806-811.
n Kleinwort, R.; Altintas, Y.; Zaeh, M. F.: Active Damping of Heavy Duty Milling Operations. In: Akkok,
M. et al. (Hrsg.): 16th International Conference on
Machine Design and Production, UMTIK 2014.
Izmir, 30.06.-03.07.2014. Ankara, Turkey: METU-Ankara 2014, pp. 443458. ISBN: 978-9-75-429332-6
(Machining Day 1).
n Koch, J.; Maisenbacher, S.; Maurer, M.; Reinhart,
G.; Zäh, M. F.: Structural modeling of extended
manufacturing systems – an approach to support
changeability by reconfiguration planning. In: CIRP
(Hrsg.): Procedia CIRP. Variety Management in
Manufacturing — Proceedings of the 47th CIRP
Conference on Manufacturing Systems. Amsterdam: Elsevier 2014, pp. 142-147.
n Krauss, H.: Qualitätssicherung beim Laserstrahlschmelzen durch thermografische Schichtüberwachung. In: Zäh, M. (Hrsg.): 18. Augsburger
Seminar für additive Fertigung. Produktdesign und
Prozessentwicklung ; Augsburg, 26. Juni 2014.
München: Utz 2014, p. N.A. ISBN: 978-3-83164379-0. (Seminarberichte / iwb Anwenderzentrum
Augsburg 112).
n Krauss, H.; Zeugner, T.; Zaeh, M. F.: Layerwise
Monitoring of the Selective Laser Melting Process
by Thermography. Physics Procedia 56 (2014),
pp. 64-71.
n Krauss, H.; Zeugner, T.; Zäh, M. F.: Detecting
Process Irregularities in Selective Laser Melting by
Thermography. In: Axel Demmer, Fraunhofer IPT,
Aachen (Hrsg.): DDMC 2014. March 12th-13th:
Fraunhofer Verlag 2014, p. N.A. ISBN: 978-3-83969128-1.
n Krutzlinger, M.; Marstatt, R.; Suenger, S.; Zaeh, M.
F.; Haider, F.: Characteristics and Joining Mechanisms of Friction Stir Welded Dissimilar Al-Ti Lap
Joints. Advanced Materials Research 966-967,
pp. 510-520.
n Liebl, S.; Wiedenmann, R.; Ganser, A.; Schmitz, P.;
Zaeh, M. F.: Laser Welding of Copper using Multi
Mode Fiber Lasers at near infrared Wavelength.
Physics Procedia 56 (2014), pp. 591 600. Loehe &
Zaeh 2014
n Loehe, J.; Zaeh, M. F.: A New Approach to Build
a Heat Flux Model of Milling Processes. Procedia
CIRP (2014) 24, pp. 7-12.
n Lugauer, F. P.; Braunreuther, S.; Wiedenmann, R.;
Zäh, M. F.: Laser Intensity as a Basis for the Design
of Passive Laser Safety Barriers – A Dangerous
Approach. Physics Procedia 56 (2014), pp. 13841391.
n Lugauer, F. P.; Wiedenmann, R.; Braunreuther, S.;
Eliasdottir, B.; Zäh, M. F.: Hochleistungslaser in
der Industrie fordern die Sicherheitstechnik. MM
Maschinenmarkt (2014) 11, pp. 39-40.
n Lugauer, F. P.; Wiedenmann, R.; Braunreuther, S.;
Zäh, M. F.: Für jede Laseranlage das passende
Sicherheitssystem Teil 2. MM Maschinenmarkt 2014
(2014) 16, pp. 37-39.
n Popp, R.; Zäh, M. F.: Steuerung des Energiebedarfs
von Werkzeugmaschinen. Beeinflussung der
Leistungsaufnahme spanender Werkzeugmaschinen
ohne Prozessauswirkungen. wt Werkstattstechnik
online 104 (2014) 6, pp. 413-417.
n Popp, R. S.-H.; Zaeh, M. F.: Determination of the
Technical Energy Flexibility of Production Systems.
Advanced Materials Research 1018 (2014), pp. 365372.
n Roth, A.; Hake, T.; Zaeh, M. F.: An analytical
approach of modelling friction stir welding. Procedia
CIRP 18 (2014), pp. 197-202.
Institute of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Technology
n Roth, A.; Simon, F.; Zaeh, M. F.: Modeling the
Impact of Gaps in Friction Stir Welding – An Empirical Approach. In: Canadian Institute of Mining,
Metallurgy and Petroleum (Hrsg.): Conference
Proceedings, 53rd Annual Conference of Metallurgists. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 28.09.
- 02.10.2014 2014. ISBN: 978-1-926872-24-7.
n Schmid, D.; Zaeh, M. F.; Seidel, C.; Schilp, J.: Laser
Beam Melting of Magnesium Alloys. In: International
Magnesium Association (Hrsg.): 2014 World Magnesium Conference Proceedings, 71 Annual World
Magnesium Conference. München, 01.-03.06.2014.
Wauconda, Ill. 2014, pp. 11-16.
n Schmidt, P.; Pauleser, T.; Zaeh, Michael, Friedrich:
Optimisation of Weld Seam Configurations Using
a Genetic Algorithm. In: Bauer, W. et al. (Hrsg.):
8th International Conference on Digital Enterprise
Technology – DET 2014. Stuttgart, 25.-28.03.2014.
Stuttgart: IRB Mediendienstleitungen 2014, p. 41.
ISBN: 978-3-8396-0697-1.
n Schwarz, S.; Sing, A.; Zaeh, M. F.: Identification and
evaluation of uncertainties and errors in dynamic
models of casted machine tool components.
Production Engineering (2014) 8, pp. 175-185.
n Seidel, C.; Zaeh, M. F.; Wunderer, M.; Weirather, J.;
Krol, T. A.; Ott, M.: Simulation of the Laser Beam
Melting Process – Approaches for an Efficient
Modelling of the Beam-Material Interaction. In:
Bauer, W. et al. (Hrsg.): 8th International Conference
on Digital Enterprise Technology – DET 2014. Stuttgart, 25.-28.03.2014. Stuttgart: IRB Mediendienstleitungen 2014, pp. 1-6. ISBN: 978-3-8396-0697-1.
n Stock, J. W.; Spaeth, J. P.; Zaeh, M. F.: Remote
laser cutting of CFRP: influence of the edge quality
on fatigue strength. In: Dorsch, F. (Hrsg.): Proc.
SPIE 8963. San Fransisco, California, United States,
02.-06.02.2014 2014, p. 89630T.
n Suenger, S.; Kreissle, M.; Kahnert, M.; Zaeh, M. F.:
Influence of Process Temperature on Hardness of
Friction Stir Welded High Strength Aluminum Alloys
for Aerospace Applications. Procedia CIRP 24,
pp. 120-124.
n Wirth, F. X.; Fuchs, A. N.; Rinck, P.; Zaeh, M. F.:
Friction Press Joining of Laser-Texturized Aluminum
with Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics. Advanced
Materials Research (2014) 966-977, pp. 536-545.
n Wirth, F. X.; Fuchs, A. N.; Rinck, P.; Zaeh, M. F.:
Friction Press Joining of Laser-Texturized Aluminum
with Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics. In: Groche, P.
(Hrsg.): Advanced Materials Research, International
Conference on Tribology in Manufacturing Processes & Joining by Plastic Deformation. Darmstadt,
June 2014, pp. 536-545. ISBN: 10226680.
n Zaeh, M. F.; Loehe, J.: Trends in Machine Tool
Design and Use. In: MM Science Journal (Hrsg.):
Special Issue | HSM 2014, 11th International
Conference on High Speed Machining. Prag, Prag: MM publishing 2014.
n Zaeh, Michael F. (Hrsg.): Enabling Manufacturing
Competitiveness and Economic Sustainability.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference
on Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual
Production (CARV 2013), Munich, Germany, October 6th-9th, 2013. Cham, s.l: Springer International
Publishing 2014. ISBN: 9783319020532.
n Zäh, Michael F.; Conrad W. P. Fischbach; Franz
Skorupa: Risikofaktoren bei der Entwicklung von
CFK-Komponenten für Werkzeugmaschinen. In:
Klaus Palme (Hrsg.): Ingenieurwissenschaften.
Jahresmagazin. Lampertheim, pp. 88-92.
n Zäh, M. F.; Löhe, J.; Niehues, K.; Popp, R.: Herausforderungen der spanenden Fertigung. In: Public
Verlagsgesellschaft und Anzeigenagentur GmbH
(Hrsg.): Forschungsreport für den Maschinenbau
in BAyern. Bingen: Public Verlagsgesellschaft und
Anzeigenagentur GmbH 2014, pp. 8-11.
n Zäh, Michael (Hrsg.): 18. Augsburger Seminar für
additive Fertigung. Produktdesign und Prozessentwicklung ; Augsburg, 26. Juni 2014. Augsburger
Seminar für Additive Fertigung. München: Utz 2014.
ISBN: 978-3-8316-4379-0. (Seminarberichte / iwb
Anwenderzentrum Augsburg 112).
n Zwicker, C.; Reinhart, G.: Human-Robot-Collaboration System for a Universal Packaging Cell for
Heavy Electronic Consumer Goods. In: Zaeh, M. F.
(Hrsg.): Enabling Manufacturing Competitiveness
and Economic Sustainability. Proceedings of the
5th International Conference on Changeable, Agile,
Reconfigurable and Virtual Production (CARV 2013),
Munich, Germany, October 6th-9th, 2013. Cham,
s.l: Springer International Publishing 2014, pp. 195199. ISBN: 9783319020532.
n Krauss, H.; Schilp, J.; Zaeh, M. F.: Reduktion der
Oberflächenrauheit und oberflächennaher Fehlstellen bei Hochleistungs-SLM-Bauteilen. Rapid.Tech
2013. Erfurt: 15.05.2013.
n Backhaus, J.; Ulrich, M.; Reinhart, G.: Classification, Modelling and Mapping of Skills in Automated
Production Systems. In: Zaeh, M. F. (Hrsg.):
Enabling Manufacturing Competitiveness and
Economic Sustainability. Proceedings of the 5th
International Conference on Changeable, Agile,
Reconfigurable and Virtual Production (Carv 2013),
Munich, Germany, 6-9 October: Springer Verlag
2013, pp. 85-89. ISBN: 9783319020532.
Institute of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Technology
Honorary Degrees (Dr.-Ing. E.h.)
Herbert Kraibühler, 2015, in recognition of his remark­
able achievements and ideas in the research and
development of innovative plastic processing and additive
manufacturing machinery
Reimund Neugebauer, 2012, in recognition of his outstanding achievements in the research and development
of resource-efficient mass production technology and
innovative mechatronic manufacturing systems
Norbert Reithofer, 2011, in recognition of his outstanding
achievements in the research, development and realisation of new production technologies and innovative,
future-oriented organisational forms for production.
Bernhard Fischer, 2009, in recognition of his remark­
able achievements in the research, development and
realisation of efficient and environmentally friendly power
generation technologies
Manfred Wittenstein, 2008, in recognition of his
exceptional achievements and ideas in the research
and development of innovative propulsion systems and
forward-looking company leadership
Dieter Spath, 2007, in recognition of his outstanding re­­
search and development achievements in the connection
between technical competence, industrial science and
Frank E. Talke, 2005, in recognition of his exceptional
research and development achievements in the mechanics and tribology of magenetic memory systems and his
international work in the area of engineering education
Burkhard Göschel, 2004, in recognition of his exceptional
research and development achievements as well as his
ideas in the field of mechatronics for the automotive
Volker Kronseder, 2003, in recognition of his remarkable
achievements and ideas in the research and development
of innovative bottling plants and plastics machines as well
as for his company leadership
Ali Hassan Nayfeh, 1999, in recognition of his exceptional
and internationally recognised scientific contributions in
the field of non-linear dynamics and their applications in
engineering science
Bernd Pischetsrieder, 1997, in recognition of his outstanding achievements in company leadership and his
innovative ideas in holistic system technology and system
Rudolf Rupprecht, 1995, in appreciation of his exceptional engineering related achievements in the field of
company leadership and contributions to maintaining
Germany as an economic powerhouse
Raymond Viskanta, 1994, in recognition of his remark­
able scientific achievements in the fields of radiation
energy transmission as well as heat and materials transportation
Wolfgang Bürgel, 1993, in recognition of his excellent
achievements in the engineering aspects of material flow
and production logistics.
Hans Jürgen Matthies, 1991, in recognition of his
outstanding scientific, technical and commercial/organisational achievements in agricultural engineering and for
special contributions in deepening our understanding of
oil hydraulics
Gerhard Pahl, 1990, in recognition of his scientific
achievements in design and its relationship to machine
components and computer-aided technology
Rudolf Quack, 1990, in recognition of his outstanding
scientific achievements in firing and control technology
Eberhard von Kuenheim, 1988, in recognition of his outstanding technical achievements in the area of automotive
and production technology and company leadership
Hans Dinger, 1987, in recognition of his outstanding
achievements in the engineering science of combustion
engine construction
Hans-C. Koch, 1986, in recongition of his exemplary
technical and scientific achievements in the entire field of
car production technology
Helmuth Glaser, 1981, in recognition of his groundbreaking scientific work in thermodynamics, especially
refrigeration and process technology and his successful
career as an academic educator and publisher of scientific
Erwin Sick, 1980, in recognition of his contribution to the
scientific and constructive development of optical devices
with electronic signal processing
Ernst Gassner, 1979, in recognition of his great contri­
butions to theoretical and experimental research in
operational stability
Lecture Title
Dr.-Ing. Alexander Alekseev
Institute of Plant and Process Technology
Grundlagen der Kälteerzeugung und Industrielle
SS 12
Univ.-Prof. Purushothamn Vellayani
Aravind, Ph. D.
Institute of Energy Systems
Thermodynamics in energy eonversion
WS 10-11
Axel Becker
Institute of Aircraft Design
SS 12
Dr. rer. nat. Manfred Benthaus
Institute of Energy Systems
Stromnetze und Energiemärkte
SS 15
Dr.-Ing. Johann Blaha
Institute of Materials Science and
Mechanics of Materials
Werkstoffe für Motoren und Antriebssysteme: Otto- und
SS 09
Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Blümlhuber
Institute of Metal Forming and Casting
Gießereitechnik im Fahrzeugbau – Technologische und
ökonomische Herausforderungen in Theorie und Praxis
WS 09-10
Hon.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Butter
Institute of Helicopter Technology
Flugregelung von Hubschraubern
WS 10-11
Prof. Dr. Antonino Cardella
Institute of Nuclear Engineering
Kernfusion Reaktortechnik
SS 10
Dr.-Ing. Johann Dambeck
Institute of Flight System Dynamics
Navigation und Datenfusion
WS 08-09
Dr.-Ing. Rainer Demuth
Institute of Aerodynamics and Fluid
Aerodynamik von Hochleistungsfahrzeugen
WS 08-09
Dr.-Ing. Marco Einhaus
Institute of Machine Tools and
Manufacturing Technology
Arbeitsschutz und Betriebssicherheit
WS 09-10
Dr. rer. nat. Jörg Eßlinger
Institute of Materials Science and
Mechanics of Materials
Werkstoffe für Motoren und Antriebssysteme:
Luftstrahlantriebe, extreme Anforderungen an besondere
SS 06
Peter Göttel
Institute of Machine Tools and
Manufacturing Technology
Projektmanagement für Ingenieure
WS 07-08
Dr. rer. nat. Michael Grünewald
Institute of Lightweight Structures
Vibro-Akustik und Lärm
SS 11
Dr.-Ing. Marcus Heindl
Institute of Medical and Polymer
Prüfung und Analyse von Kunststoffbauteilen
SS 11
Dr.-Ing. Matthias Heller
Institute of Flight System Dynamics
Flugdynamische Herausforderungen hochgradigreglergestützter Konfigurationen
SS 09
Dr.-Ing. Jörg Henne
Institute of Flight Propulsion
Technologie und Entwicklung von Triebwerken der nächsten
WS 07-08
Dr.-Ing. Paul Heuler
Institute of Lightweight Structures
WS 98-99
Dr.-Ing. Robert Huber
Institute of Applied Mechanics
Anwendungsorientierte Simulation mechatronischer
WS 13-14
Dr.-Ing. Carsten Intra
Institute of Metal Forming and Casting
Produktionsmanagement im Nutzfahrzeugsektor
WS 13-14
Dr.-Ing. Oliver Knab
Institute of Flight Propulsion
Raumfahrtantriebe 2
WS 09-10
bzw. SS 10
Dr.-Ing. Alexander Kolb
Institute of Thermodynamics
WS 03-04
Dr.-Ing. Detlef Koschny
Institute of Astronautics
Near-earth objects for engineers and physicists
SS 15
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Maurer
Institute of Ergonomics
Fahrerassistenzsysteme im Kraftfahrzeug
SS 02
Dr.-Ing. Heiko Meyer
Institute of Automation and Information
Prozessleitsysteme in der verarbeitenden Industrie und ihre
vertikale Integration
WS 11-12
Dr.-Ing. Oswin Öttinger
Institute of Carbon Composites
Kohlenstoff und Graphit – Hochleistungswerkstoffe für
WS 10-11
Dr.-Ing. Herbert Pfab
Institute of Automotive Technology
SS 00
Dr.-Ing. Burkhard Pinnekamp
Institute of Machine Elements
Hochleistungsgetriebe für Schiffsantriebe, Wind-EnergieAnlagen und industrielle Anwendungen
WS 12-13
Dr.-Ing. Robert Reiter
Institute of Industrial Management and
Assembly Technologies
Die Digitale Fabrik in der Automobilindustrie und im
SS 05
Dr. rer. nat. Marcus Seidl
Institute of Nuclear Engineering
Rückbau kerntechnischer Anlagen
WS 11-12
Dr.-Ing. Rainer Stetter
Institute of Industrial Management and
Assembly Technologies
Mechatronik-Entwicklungsprojekte in der Praxis
SS 07
Dr.-Ing. Joachim Thomas
Institute of Machine Elements
Kegel- und Hypoidzahnräder für Fahrzeugantriebe
SS 09
Dr.-Ing. Peter Tropschuh
Institute of Automotive Technology
Trends und Entwicklungen in der Fahrzeugtechnik
WS 07-08
Dr.-Ing. Lothar Wech
Institute of Automotive Technology
Verkehrsunfall-Analyse und passive Fahrzeugsicherheit
WS 03-04
Dr.-Ing. Christian Weimer
Institute of Carbon Composites
Liefer- und Wertschöpfungskette Composites
WS 10-11
Dr.-Ing. Christian Wende
Institute of Medical and Polymer
Einführung in das Patent-, Marken- und Musterrecht für
SS 11
Habilitations 2015
Dr. Xianyu Hu
Numerical modeling of complex flow phenomena
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Adams
February 11, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Buschmann
Dynamics and Control of Redundant Robots
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinz Ulbrich
February 11, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Christian Krempaszky
Werkstoffmechanik von Höchstleistungslegierungen
Prof. Dr. Ewald Werner
February 11, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Stefan Hickel
Turbulence and Complex Fluids
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Adams
October 21, 2015
Doctorates 2015
Dr.-Ing. Xin Bian
Modeling and simulation of particle dispersions with smoothed
dissipative particle dynamics
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marco Ellero,
Swansea U, UK
January 16, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Suleiman Al Issa
Experimental investigation and CFD validation of two-phase
phenomena related to nuclear safety research during LOCA
Prof. Rafael Macian-Juan, Ph.D. January 22, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Frédéric Bernhard
Modeling of auto-ignition and N0x formation in turbulent
reacting flows
Prof. Wolfgang Polifke, Ph.D.
February 06, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Tobias Albert Wiesner
Flexible aggregation-based algebraic multigrid methods for
contact and flow problems
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang A. Wall
February 09, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Michael Hamman De Vaal
Computational modeling, clinical comprehension and
improvement of aortic manipulation
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang A. Wall
February 12, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Johannes Sebastian
Wirkungsgrad und Wärmehaushalt von Zahnradgetrieben bei
instationären Betriebszuständen
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd-Robert
Höhn i.R.
February 12, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Martin Michael Kienle
Kooperative Interaktionskonzepte zum Fahren eines
teilautomatisierten Fahrzeugs
Prof. Dr. Heiner Bubb i.R.
February 13, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Wieland Biedermann
A minimal set of network metrics for analysing mechatronic
product concepts
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Lindemann
February 27, 2015
February 27, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Markus Albert Graßl
Bewertung der Energieflexibilität in der Produktion
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Reinhart
Dr.-Ing. Daniel Schütz
Automatische Generierung von Softwareagenten für die
industrielle Automatisierungstechnik der Steuerungsebene des
Maschinen- und Anlagenbaus auf Basis der Systems Modeling
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Birgit Vogel-Heuser February 27, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Dominik Martin Stengel
Optische Arbeitsraumüberwachung zur sicheren und effizienten
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Birgit Vogel-Heuser March 03, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Daniel Lantschner
Spielzeit automatischer Lagersysteme mit mehreren
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Willibald A.
March 04, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Florian Viktor Josef Hairer
Bainitbildung in niedriglegierten Stahlfeinblechen mit erhöhtem
Prof. Dr. Ewald Werner
March 10, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Philipp Ronald Engelhardt
System für die RFID-gestützte situationsbasierte
Produktionssteuerung in der auftragsbezogenen Fertigung und
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Reinhart
March 11, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Muyuan Li
A fracture mechanics study of tungsten failure under high heat
flux loads
Prof. Dr. Ewald Werner
March 12, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Roel Arthur Johan Müller
Control authority for active damping of combustion instabilities
Prof. Wolfgang Polifke, Ph.D.
March 13, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Acher
A moments model for the numerical simulation of bubble
column flows
Prof. Wolfgang Polifke, Ph.D.
March 16, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Julian Andreas Schneider
Untersuchung und Simulation selbsterregter Rotorschwingungen Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rudolf Schilling
an Kaplan-Turbinen
March 18, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Tobias Maier
Modellierungssystematik zur aufgabenbasierten Beschreibung
des thermoelastischen Verhaltens von Werkzeugmaschinen
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Zäh
March 23, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Martin Karl Obermeier
Untersuchung modellbasierter Programmieransätze für
speicherprogrammierbare Steuerungen bezüglich ihrer
Gebrauchstauglichkeit sowie ihrer Einflüsse auf die
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Birgit Vogel-Heuser March 26, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Christopher Joseph
Simulationsgestützte Optimierung der Maßhaltigkeit in der
Prozesskette Druckguss
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Volk
Dr.-Ing. Manuel Gaszner
Rotordynamische Charakterisierung von Dichtungssystemen zur Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Spliethoff March 27, 2015
Anwendung in Kraftwerksdampfturbinen
March 26, 2015
Dr. rer. nat. Matthias Stephan
Freiherr von Roman
Entwicklung von neuen selektiven Materialien für die
Aufreinigung von Antikörpern
Prof. Dr. Sonja Berensmeier
April 01, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Torsten Metzler
Models and methods for the systematic integration of cognitive
functions into product concepts
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Lindemann
April 02, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Plamen Kirilov Toshev
N0x-Reduzierung in motorischem Abgas durch
Ammoniakerzeugung im Teilstromverfahren aus Guanidinium
Formiat und Harnstoff
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas
April 08, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Jan Daniel Musiol
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Zäh
April 14, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Christoph Martin Jörg
Experimental investigation and spectral modeling of turbulent
combustion noise from premixed and non-premixed flames
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas
April 23, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Sabine Gabriele
Flexibles Werkzeug zur Umformung von Polycarbonatplatten
unter besonderer Beachtung der optischen Qualität
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Reinhart
April 23, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Sabin-Cristian Ceuca
Computational simulations of direct contact condensation as the Prof. Rafael Macian-Juan, Ph.D. April 28, 2015
driving force for water hammer
Dr.-Ing. Katharina Maria Angelika
TRIP-assisted thin sheet steel with a bainitic and/or martensitic
Prof. Dr. Ewald Werner
April 30, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Stephan Matz
Nutzerorientierte Fahrzeugkonzeptoptimierung in einer
multimodalen Verkehrsumgebung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Lienkamp
April 30, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Daniel Georg Rill
Clinchen von Stahl- und Aluminiumfeinblechen mit rotierenden
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Hoffmann April 30, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Alexander
Wissensorientierte Entwicklung von Produkt-Service-Systemen
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Lindemann
May 04, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Yang Zhang
Efficient procedures for structural optimization with integer and
mixed-integer design variables
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Horst Baier
May 06, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Andre Alexander Merkle
Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung der CO2-Emissionen von
Verbrennungsmotoren durch Reibungsoptimierung des
tribologischen Systems Kolbengruppe
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg
May 07, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Andreas Peter Josef
Matrix dominated effects of defects on the mechanical
properties of wind turbine blades
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Drechsler
May 11, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Johannes Anton Christian
Centrifugal vibration absorbers - theory and application
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinz Ulbrich i.R.
May 11, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Jörg Thomas Baur
Agricultural manipulators - simulation, design and motion
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinz Ulbrich i.R.
May 13, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Christoph
Automatic fixture design based on formal knowledge
representation, design synthesis and verification
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Lindemann
May 18, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Tito Lu Tang Chen
Methods for improving the control of teleoperated vehicles
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Lienkamp
May 18, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Jakob Schoppe
Maximilian Lenz
Optimisation of periodic flight trajectories
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gottfried Sachs
May 22, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Alexander Fillafer
Fließ- und Mikroschädigungsverhalten ferritisch-martensitischer Prof. Dr. Ewald Werner
June 11, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Christoph Sieben
Entwicklung eines Prognosemodells zur prozessbegleitenden
Beurteilung der Montagequalität von Kolbendichtungen
June 17, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Mingming Wang
Constrained model predictive control for real-time tele-operation Prof. Dr. Ulrich Walter
motion planning
June 18, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Markus Anton Bauer
Entstehung von Formaldehydemissionen in Magergasmotoren
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg
June 22, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Lorenz Rupprecht Böck
Deflagration-to-detonation transition and detonation
propagation in H2-air mixtures with transverse concentration
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas
June 24, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Ursula Anna Rasthofer
Computational multiscale methods for turbulent single and
two-phase flows
Dr.-Ing. Volker Gravemeier, MW June 24, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Tobias Johannes
Integrale Nutzung von Pre-Crash-Sensorik zur Ansteuerung
frontaler Rückhaltesysteme im Fahrzeug – Möglichkeiten und
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Lienkamp
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Reinhart
June 25, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Daniela Kern
Komplexitätsbeherrschung im Stillstandsmanagement
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Heißing i.R. June 25, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Tobias Sachsenhauser
Einsatz von COSMO-RS zur Berechnung thermodynamischer
Größen in der Prozesstechnik
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Klein
June 29, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Yi Shen
System für die Mensch-Roboter-Koexistenz in der Fließmontage Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Reinhart
June 30, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Max Michael Bauer
Massenreduzierung kunststoffoptimierter Komponenten eines
July 07, 2015
Prof. Dr. med. Dr.-Ing. Erich
Dr.-Ing. Ralf Sebastian Blumenthal
A systems view on non-normal transient growth in
Prof. Wolfgang Polifke, Ph.D.
July 07, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Volker Kristoff Tritschler
Parameter and numerical model uncertainties of the RichtmyerMeshkov instability
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nikolaus A. Adams July 08, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Frank René Deubzer
A method for product architecture management in early phases
of product development
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Lindemann
July 13, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Klaus Gerhard Vollmer
Einfluss von Mischungsgradienten auf die
Flammenbeschleunigung und die Detonation in Kanälen
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas
July 14, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Sudhakar Yogaraj
An embedded interface finite element method for fluid-structure- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang A. Wall
fracture interaction
July 15, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Fiala
Radiation from high pressure hydrogen-oxygen flames and its
use in assessing rocket combustion instability
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas
July 20, 2015
July 20, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Christoph Höglauer
Filmkühlungsmodellierung in Raketenschubkammern
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oskar J. Haidn
Dr.-Ing. Anne Catherine Stroh
Potenzial zukünftiger Hubschrauber-Triebwerke der 300
kW-Leistungsklasse durch Einsatz optimierter rekuperativer
apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans Rick i.R. July 20, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Josef Mair
Dynamische Belastungen von Lochstempeln beim
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Hoffmann July 22, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Gunar Reinicke
Aktive Schwingungsdämpfung in Satellitenbauteilen bei
verschiedenen Anregungsspektren – Simulation und
experimentelle Verifikation
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Horst Baier
July 22, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Günter Bonin
Moderne Ordnungsreduktionsverfahren für die Simulation des
dynamischen Verhaltens von Werkzeugmaschinen
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Zäh
July 23, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Mirko Langhorst
Beherrschung von Schweißverzug und
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Zäh
July 23, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Emin Genc
Frühwarnsystem für ein adaptives Störungsmanagement
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Reinhart
July 24, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Markus Schweier
Simulative und experimentelle Untersuchungen zum
Laserschweißen mit Strahloszillation
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Zäh
July 24, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Philipp Alexander Schmidt
Laserstrahlschweißen elektrischer Kontakte von Lithium-IonenBatterien in Elektro- und Hybridfahrzeugen
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Zäh
July 27, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Erich Josef Wehrle
Design optimization of lightweight space-frame structures
considering crashworthiness and parameter uncertainty
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Horst Baier
July 29, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Denise Ahrens
NOx-formation in reacting premixed jets in hot cross flow
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas
August 04, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Maximilian Mitwalsky
Strategien zur Steigerung der Variabilität bei der Herstellung von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Drechsler
geflochtenen Hohlbauteilen
August 17, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Andreas Benedikt Brehm
Technological contributions to endoscopic submucosal
Prof. Dr. med. Dr.-Ing. Erich
September 03, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Steffen Joachim Schmidt
A low Mach number consistent compressible approach for
simulation of cavitating flows
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nikolaus A. Adams September 10, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Dominik David Simon
Automatisierte flexible Werkzeugsysteme zum Umformen und
Spannen von Kunststoffscheiben und -schalen
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Reinhart
Dr.-Ing. Hyun Woo So
Scherschneiden von Mangan-Bor-Stählen unter
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Hoffmann September 21, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Andrea Bianco
Experimental investigation on the causes for pellet
fragmentation under LOCA conditions
Prof. Rafael Macian-Juan, Ph.D. September 23, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Michael Jürgen Weiner
Metabolische Kontrollanalyse der mikrobiellen L-PhenylalaninHerstellung im Zulaufverfahren
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Weuster-Botz September 24, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Christian Thiemann
Methode zur Konfiguration automatisierter thermografischer
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Zäh
September 25, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Stefan Andreas Schwarz
Prognosefähigkeit dynamischer Simulationen von
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Zäh
September 29, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Tjark von Reden
Erweiterung der Systemgrenzen der Flechttechnik durch
elektronisch gesteuerte Klöppel
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Drechsler
September 29, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Christoph Matthias
Simulation der Feinstaubentstehung bei der
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Spliethoff October 06, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Kilian Bartimäus Wolfgang
Validation of a pushbelt variator model – insights into a nonsmooth multibody system
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinz Ulbrich i.R.
October 08, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Florian Daniel Geiger
System zur wissensbasierten Maschinenbelegungsplanung auf
Basis produktspezifischer Auftragsdaten
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Reinhart
October 09, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Matthias Markus Reihle
Entstehung und Ausprägung von Eigenspannungen in
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Hoffmann October 09, 2015
September 21, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Harald Helmut Schwickal
Regeneration anorganisch gebundener Kernaltsande auf Basis
einer erweiterten chemischen Formstoffprüfung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Hoffmann October 09, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Jian Wang
Novel control approaches to quadrotors inspired by dynamic
inversion and backstepping
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Florian Holzapfel
October 09, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Markus Roßner
Modellbasiertes Monitoring von Rotoren mit mehreren
gleichzeitigen Fehlern
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinz Ulbrich i.R.
October 12, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Julian Montana Pfaff
Entwicklung eines modularen Manipulators für den Garten- und
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinz Ulbrich i.R.
October 13, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Richard
Evaluation der lateralen Pre-Crash Insassenverschiebung im
Seitenaufprall von leichten Elektrofahrzeugen
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Lienkamp
October 14, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Zhi Till
Markt- und kundenorientierte Entwicklung von elektrifizierten
Fahrzeugen für den Markt China
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Lienkamp
October 15, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Martin Wolfgang Alois
Egid Härtl
Emissionsreduktion bei Dieselmotoren durch den Einsatz
sauerstoffhaltiger Kraftstoffe
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg
October 19, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Peter Schnellbach
Methodik zur Reduzierung von Energieverschwendung
unter Berücksichtigung von Zielgrößen ganzheitlicher
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Reinhart
October 19, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Gabriel Horst Ottmar
Einflussfaktoren auf die Exposition von Flurförderzeugfahrern
gegenüber Ganzkörper-Vibrationen
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Willibald A.
October 20, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Vera Seitz
Kleinflächige, polymere Hart-Weich-Verbindungen
Prof. Dr. med. Dr.-Ing. Erich
October 20, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Regina Deschermeier
Methodik zur Suche und Weiterentwicklung physikalischer
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Klein
October 21, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Yang Wang
Optimization for building control systems of a school building in
passive house standard
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Spliethoff October 22, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Klaus Hubert Franz
Sachschadenanalyse zur Potenzialermittlung von
Fahrerassistenzsystemen – von der Unfalltypen-Erweiterung
zum Kundenwert
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Lienkamp
October 27, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Manuel Lorenz
Reduction of heating loads and interior window fogging in
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas
October 29, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Matthias Martin Georg
A black-box method for parametric model order reduction based Prof. Dr.-Ing. Boris Lohmann
on matrix interpolation with application to simulation and control
November 02, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Gerald Albert Horst
Monolithischer Manipulator für die Minimal-invasive Chirurgie
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinz Ulbrich i.R.
November 04, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Markus Hubert Pröpster
Methodik zur kurzfristigen Austaktung variantenreicher
Montagelinien am Beispiel des Nutzfahrzeugbaus
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Reinhart
November 10, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Konrad Makowka
Numerically efficient hybrid RANS/LES of supersonic
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas
November 10, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Werner Sigmund
Untersuchung und Simulation des Verschleißverhaltens von
Schneckengetrieben mit unvollständigem Tragbild
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karsten Stahl
November 13, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Usama Merry Salih
Numerical simulation, design and optimization of a radial-inflow
turbine for energy recovery usage of automobiles
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rudolf Schilling
November 17, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Susanne Miriam
Assistenzfunktionen für Erdbaumaschinen mittels
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Willibald A.
November 17, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Nick Walter
Development of an in-situ radiological classification technique
for material from CERN´s accelerator facilities
Prof. Rafael Macian-Juan, Ph.D. November 18, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Gnatzig
Trajektorienbasierte Teleoperation von Straßenfahrzeugen auf
Basis eines Shared-Control-Ansatzes
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Lienkamp
November 19, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Florian Vogel
Aerodynamische Analysen an Helikopter Zellen-Ausleger
apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian W.
M. Breitsamter
November 23, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Joseph Georg Kiermeir
Numerische Simulation einphasiger sowie kavitierender
Strömungen in oszillierenden Verdrängerpumpen
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rudolf Schilling
November 24, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Tobias Uli Mayenberger
Aerodynamische Gestaltung von strukturierten Einlaufbelägen
für Axialverdichterrotoren
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oskar J. Haidn
November 24, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Stefan Maurer
Frühaufklärung kritischer Situationen in Versorgungsprozessen
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Reinhart
November 30, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Michael Georg Bernath
Ganzheitliche Modellerstellung zur Wirkungsgraderhöhung von
Nutzfahrzeugen durch thermische Rekuperation
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg
December 01, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Ralf Purschke
Synthetic gear wheels for space mechanisms
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Walter
December 01, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Frederic Emanuel
Eine vorausschauende Anzeige zur Teleoperation von
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Lienkamp
December 03, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Federico Botteghi
Experimental investigation of high-pressure, high-temperature
solid fuel gasification
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Spliethoff December 07, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Jan Schmidt
Konzept für den wirtschaftlichen Einsatz modularer, wandelbarer Prof. Dr.-Ing. Willibald A.
Materialflusstechnik am Beispiel Airline Catering
Dr. rer. nat. Ilka Sührer
One-step expression and enzyme immobilisation in cellular
envelopes of Escherichia coli
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Weuster-Botz December 09, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Susanne Sabine Tinkl
Towards a predictive computational growth model for
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang A. Wall
Dr. rer. nat. Christina Alexandra
Prozessintensivierung der Gasfermentation mit Acetobacterium
woodii in Rührkesselreaktoren
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Weuster-Botz December 10, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Klemens Konrad Niehues
Identifikation linearer Dämpfungsmodelle für
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Zäh
December 14, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Andreas Tobias
Prozessuntersuchungen zum Einfluss von Strippkomponenten
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Klein
in Absorptions-Desorptions-Prozessen zur Abtrennung von CO2
aus Kraftwerksrauchgasen
December 14, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Josef Ritzer
Methoden zur Messung der Bewegungszustände von
Fahrzeugen mit mobilen Endgeräten
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Lienkamp
December 14, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Kirsten Elisabeth Reisen
Bewertung der Ressourceneffizienz RFID-gesteuerter
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Reinhart
December 14, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Roland Johannes Fischer
Modularisierung als Planungsansatz für RFID-Anwendungen in
der Intralogistik
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Willibald A.
December 14, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Attila Lehel Török
Computation of the thermoacoustic driving capability of rocket
engine flames with detailed chemistry
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas
December 15, 2015
December 08, 2015
December 09, 2015
Dr.-Ing. David Paul Hirndorf
Zur Leistungsberechnung von Mikrofluggasturbinen
apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans Rick i.R. December 15, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Joung Sik Suh
Improvement in cold formability of AZ31 magnesium alloy
sheets processed by equal channel angular pressing (ECAP)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Volk
December 15, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Tobias Josef Knössl
Gestaltung schlanker Prozessschnittstellen in automobilen
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Willibald A.
December 17, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Martin Wimmer
Horizontales Stranggießen von Aluminium-Verbundbändern
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Hoffmann December 17, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Fatos Elezi
Supporting the design of management control systems
in engineering companies from management cybernetics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Lindemann
December 17, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Hellwig
Simulation der Kolbengruppe und deren Interaktion mit der
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg
December 17, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Zongru Yang
Inkrementelles Stauchen von Feinblechen zur automatisierten
Fertigung der dreidimensionalen Bauteile
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Hoffmann December 17, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Albin Müller
Ermittlung vestibulärer Wahrnehmungsschwellen zur
zielgerichteten Gestaltung der Fahrzeug-Längsdynamik
Prof. Dr. phil. Klaus Bengler
December 17, 2015
Dr. rer. nat. Fabienna Arends
Selective permeability properties of a basal lamina model
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Oliver Lieleg
December 21, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Philipp Michael Hörmann
Thermoset automated fibre placement – on steering effects and
their prediction
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Drechsler
December 21, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Uwe Herbst
Gestaltung eines ergonomischen Interaktionskonzeptes für
flexibel einsetzbare und transportable Roboterzellen
Prof. Dr. phil. Klaus Bengler
December 22, 2015
Dr.-Ing. Roland Franz Xaver
Thermo-mechanical coupled simulation of the thermoset
automated fibre placement process
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Drechsler
December 22, 2015
June 13, 2015
Bayer. Staatsministerium für Bildung und Kultus
Jubiläumsfeier ‘10 Jahre Max Weber–Programm Bayern’
July 16, 2015
Institute of Applied Mechanics
Sommerkolloquium angewandte Mechanik
July 17, 2015
Institute of Ergonomics (Prof. Bengler)
Forschungstag-Ergonomie (Vorstellung eines Quadrad-Prototyps)
September 7-8, 2015
September 28-30, 2015
Institute of Micro Technology and
Medical Device Technology (Prof. Lüth)
11. Kolloquium Getriebetechnik
Technische Universität München
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Boltzmannstraße 15
85748 Garching near Munich
You can reach the Garching Research
Centre (Garching-Forschungszentrum)
using the U6 undergroung line (get off at
‘Garching-Forschungszentrum’), the bus
lines 230 and 690 as well as via the A9
motorway (take the ‘Garching Nord’ exit)
and the B11 federal highway.
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