Alumni Journal - SUrface


Alumni Journal - SUrface
et al.: Alumni Journal
Alumni Journal
1-8oo-SUALUMS (782-5867)
Doerr to Lead
Alumni Relations
onald C. Doerr '85, G'88 has been named assistant
vice president for alumni relations at Syracuse
University, beginning February 1. "Having benefited
from a remarkable SU education and overall experience, I am honored to lead the Office of Alumni Relations," says Doerr, a graduate of the College of Arts
and Sciences and the College of Law. "We have some
of the best alums in the world, and I am excited to
develop positive relationships between our alumni
and our University. The future of SU, in many ways, is
truly dependent upon their commitment. I look forward to the opportunity of serving our University and
reaching out to as many alumni as possible."
Doerr, currently a partner in the Syracuse law firm of
McDermott, Doerr & Britt, PC, brings to the position 15
years of legal practice experience and 12 years of volunteer activity with five different SU alumni organizations. In 2 003, Doerr was named president of the SU
Alumni Association and a member of the University's
Board ofTrustees. He will leave both positions and his
law practice to assume his new job. "Don Doerr is,
indeed, a doer," Chancellor Kenneth A. Shaw says.
"He has at numerous times and in numerous ways
showed his love for his University, and he will provide
the leadership that is needed in the years ahead."
In addition to his roles on the Board ofTrustees and
with the Alumni Association, Doerr has served on the
SU College of Law Board of Visitors since 1990 and has
held leadership roles in the SU Law Alumni Association
and the SU Alumni Club of Central New York. "Don has
been a dedicated supporter of the Alumni Association
for years, generously devoting his time and rising up
to its presidency," says Board of Trustees Chair Joe
Lampe '53, G'55. "He is a perfect fit for the position,
and I am very confident in him."
Doerr resides in DeWitt, New York, with his wife,
Maria, and has two stepsons.
Published by SURFACE, 2003
Beating the Winter Blues
n winter 1957, the City of
Syracuse was blanketed with
143 inches of snow, and the
average temperature hovered in
the low 20s. That winter, Fred
Scholl '58, G'62 and his Sigma
Nu fraternity brothers spent
weeks creating two snow penguins, which towered close to 15
feet high over the lawn of their
fraternity house. "It's a very
involved process," Scholl says.
"You have to pack the snow, ice
it, sculpt it, and mix up large
batches of food dye to color it."
According to Scholl, braving
harsh weather conditions to create the icy art was the "in" thing
to do. Along with the penguins,
larger-than-life snow sculptures
of gorillas, whales, hippos, elephants, and bears adorned the
SU campus.
The snow sculpture contest, a
student favorite among the traditions in SU's Winter Carnival,
brought members of fraternities,
sororities, and residence halls
together in the spirit of friendly
competition. "Winter Carnival
created a great sense of community both within the school and
in the surrounding neighborhoods," says Scholl, who remembers local residents driving
around the University area to
admire the snow sculptures.
SU's Winter Carnival began in
1933 as a brief celebration before
the onset of exams. Slated for
late January or early February, it
was often postponed-at times
by up to three weeks-due to
uncooperative weather. Over the
years, the carnival developed
into a four-day festival that
included such activities as the
snow sculpture contest; ice skating; sledding; and downhill,
slalom, and cross-country skiing.
In later years, a ski jump and an
obstacle course for skiers and
skaters were added.
Despite the wintry fun available outside, the carnival's highlights often occurred indoors. At
the Stockingfoot Dance, or Sock
Hop, students checked their
shoes at the door and kept warm
with a night of dancing and singa-longs. "Each year we would
get together with friends and
decorate our socks with ribbons,
felt, or markers," says Callie
Syracuse University Magazine, Vol. 20, Iss. 4 [2003], Art. 11
The snow sculpture contest was a
popular part of Winter Carnival.
From left: winter 1957 feat ured snow
penguins at the Sigma Nu fraternity
house, a rollercoaster frozen in
mot ion, and a life-sized sn ow
carousel. Below, Marty Glickman
'39, left, and musician Tex Beneke
crown 1950 carn ival queen Sylvia
Fleishman Medalie '51.
Snow sculpture photos by Fred Scholl '58, G'62
Stein Katz '58, whose dancing monkey
design earned her and then-beau Alan
Katz '58 first place in a jungle-theme
sock contest in 1956.
The weekend culminated with the
Snow Ball, a formal dance featuring the
crowning of a carnival queen. Candidates for the title were nominated by
their sorority or the Independent Women's Association, and a panel of professors and administrators selected
finalists based on a personal interview.
Students then voted for the queen at the
ball. "I remember it like it was yesterday," says Sylvia Fleishman Medalie '51 ,
the 1950 carnival queen. According to
Medalie, Winter Carnival was a perfect
remedy for the "winter blues," which
often occurred during the long stretch
between the holidays and the spring
thaw. "Students need social interaction,
entertainment, and creative activity to
divest their anxieties over the weather,
their schoolwork, and exams," she says.
For more than 30 years, Winter
Carnival continued to provide fun and
merriment for students before it fell by
the wayside in 1969. The carnival reappeared briefly in the 1980s, only to fade
again-until last winter, when students,
faculty, and staff across the University
joined together to resurrect the much-
traditional events on campus for a new
missed celebration. "Winter Carnival is
a great opportunity for students to get generation." According to King, plans are
under way for Winter Carnival 2004.
involved, to learn, and to be active in
"Winter Carnival is a part of the Univercampus programming," says Ellen King,
sity's rich heritage," she says. "It's impordirector of student events, who worked
with members of the Residence Hall tant to uphold the events that contribute
Association (RHA) and the Interfra- to our students' college experience."
- Kate Gaetano
ternity Council to coordinate the carnival. Last year's festivities
included a snow sculpture contest, "wacky
winter olympics" like
snow volleyball and
football, and horse and
carriage rides around
campus. In addition, the
or 40 years, Lubin House has served as a gathering
Tennity Ice Skating Paplace
for alumni in the New York City area. Now
vilion offered figure
alumni can access important SU information or just sit
skating, hockey, and
and relax in the new Alumni
other special events, and
Resource Center. Located on
members of DanceWorks
the second floor of Lubin
put on a show in the
House, the center offers a comSchine Student Center.
with Internet hookup;
"Winter Carnival is defion career services,
nitely something we
alumni events, and developwant to see continue
ment opportunities; and comagain throughout the
plimentary coffee, tea, and cold drinks. For more
years," says Chad Beninformation, contact Jane Henn, director of metropolder 'OS, last year's direcitan alumni programs, at 212-826-6504.
tor of social programming for RHA. "We'd
like to bring back the
Resource Center
Opens at Lubin House
W INT ER 20 0 3 -0 4
Alumni II ,
et al.: Alumni Journal
Icelandic Escapades
ncient lava fields, volcanic pillars, hand-woven wool sweaters. At the glassmajestic glaciers, and thundering domed Pearl, a revolving restaurant situwaterfalls are common sights in Iceland. ated at the city's highest point, alumni
"Walking around the landscape is like feasted on the country's celebrated gourbeing on the moon," says Lee Katz G'61, met seafood, including smoked salmon,
who traveled last June with alumni and arctic trout, haddock, cod, and even
friends of SU on the 11-day Legends and shark. "The food itself was an advenLandscapes tour sponsored by the ture," Katz says.
Syracuse University Alumni Association.
More adventure was found in the
"It's mysterious, awesome, and forbid- town of Akureyri, where alumni went
ding all at once."
rock climbing and hiking amid dazzling
The tour began in Reykjavik, the capital views of snow-tipped granite mountains.
and the world's northernmost city. Located just 60 miles from the Arctic
Approximately 108,000 of
Circle, Akureyri boasts
summer temperatures in
the country's 170,000 inthe 60s, ironically makhabitants make their home
in the city, and the majoriing
it Iceland's warmest
ty of them speak English.
For Thora Sheldon
Alumni chatted with locals
as they explored the Arreyri
contact Tina Casella
baer Open Air Museum,
awe-inspiring. "It's a
in the Office of
which featured restored
study in contrast," she
Alumni Relations at
buildings illustrating Reyksays. "There's black
javik's storied past. They
sand and tiny polished
or e-mail
toured the Hallgrimskirkja
pebbles, surf crashing
church and City Hall, and
against rock cliffs, lava
shopped in Laugavegur, a
fields covered in gray
moss, and beautiful wadowntown area of contemporary art galleries
terfalls." Following an
and boutiques, offering such products as excursion to Godafoss ("fall of the
silver replicas of Viking-era jewelry and gods"), alumni traveled to Lake Myvatn
Published by SURFACE, 2003
and marveled at puffins and eagles nesting among natural lava sculptures. Day
trips to Dimmuborgir, a 2,000-year-old
field of contorted volcanic pillars, and
Namaskard, a town of steam jets, boiling sulfur pits, and geysers, rounded out
the group's stay.
Beyond its natural beauty, Iceland is a
country steeped in history and legend.
At Pingvellir National Park, the only
legally declared sacred place in the
country, alumni learned of Iceland's
early settlers, who formed the first
national assembly in 930 A.D. Following
visits to Skaholt, Iceland's cradle of
Christianity, and Selfoss, the center of
Iceland's dairy industry, alumni arrived
at the village of Vik, which faces the
ocean from a huge, wave-shaped gap in
the cliffs. The Reynisdrangar Rockswhich rise more than 200 feet above sea
level at their highest point-stand just
outside the small village. According to
legend, the rocks were formed when
two trolls tried to drag a ship to land and
turned to stone when daylight broke.
"The sagas are fascinating," VanHorn
says. "It's easy to see that Icelanders are
loyal to and proud of their heritage in
the way they pass down their legends
over the years."
- Kate Gaetano
Syracuse University Magazine, Vol. 20, Iss. 4 [2003], Art. 11
Photo Gallery
Alumni Happenings
1. Rob Edwards '85 (right), president of SU's Southern California Alumni
Club, presents Christopher McGurk '78, vice chairman and COO of MetroGoldwyn·Mayer Inc., with SU's Distinguished Alumnus Award.
2. John j. Schantz Sr. '59 (left) of Rochester, N.Y., received the
Chancellor's Council Award at an SU luncheon last March. Pictured with
him are friends Mona Brush and Robert Fearon Jr. '49·
3. Jason Davis '97, a captain and aviation operations officer in the U.S.
Army's 56th Medical Evacuation Battalion, flew the Syracuse University
flag over battalion headquarters in Iraq this past September 11.
4. David Reischman (far left), SU men's head crew coach, and Chris
Ludden '91, G'96 (far right), freshman crew coach, joined members of the
1953 crew team for a practice at the Onondaga Lake Boathouse during
Reunion weekend last June.
5. Still friends after all these years: Class of 1966 Phi Sigma Delta fraternity brothers (clockwise from top) jim Dine, Chet Gordon, Gerry Yaffe, Ron
jemal, and Budd Taylor reunite each summer at the jersey Shore and
reminisce over their days on Walnut Place.
Photos courtesy of the Office of Alumni Relations
WINTER 2003 - 04
et al.: Alumni Journal
( ~~
Send us news of your accomplishments along with a photo.
Items will appear in the magazine and on the SU web site. Send to:
Alumni Editor, Alumni News, 820 Comstock Avenue, Room 308,
Syracuse NY 13244-5040; fax 315-443-5425.
Central New York for her work in
the Refugee Resettlement
Helen Honsinger Halstead '28
(A&S) and husband Gordon
Halstead '27 (A&S) of Peru, Vt.,
celebrated their 75th wedding
Joan Fortgang Schepps G'53 (EDU)
of Holyoke, Mass., is featured in
the American Contract Bridge
League's Official Encyclopedia of
Bridge for her collection of trump
Edward A. Shafer '40 (A&S) of
Kingston, Pa., is a retired
Sanford M . Dornbusch '48 (A&S)
of Stanford, Calif., received the
2003 Stanley Elam Award from
the Association of Educational
Publishers for his research on
education. He retired from
Stanford University, where he
taught human biology, sociology,
and education, and continues to
lecture and write.
John A. Williams 'so (A&S), H'95 of
Teaneck, N.J., hosted a reading at
the University of Rochester Rare
Books and Special Collections
Library, where his exhibition,
Writings of Consequence: The Art
ofJohn A. Williams, was displayed.
He is a retired English professor
from Rutgers University.
Patricia Schrack Hogeboom '59
(SDA) of Oakdale, N.Y., wrote the
novel, The Hope Chest (www.xlib-
Anne Duval Monahan '59 (NEW)
of Alexandria, Va., retired after 20
years as an Episcopalian priest.
She served on the faculty of the
Virginia Theological Seminary and
worked as an interim vicar at St.
Martha's Episcopal Church in
Bethany Beach, Del.
Donald Reeb G'59, G'63 (MAX) of
Albany, N.Y., retired after 34 years
as an economics professor at
SUNY Albany.
Roger Searles '6o (VPA) of
Durham, N.C., is an organist and
choir master at Christ United
Methodist Church in Chapel Hill.
Marjorie Goldmann Marciano '62
(A& SI NEW) of Verona, N.J., is an
investor relations assistant at
Hoffmann-La Roche Inc.
John Mackey '63
(A&S) of
Baltimore wrote
Joan Bennett Barton '51 (SDA) of
Los Angeles is president of the
American Film Institute.
Irwin H. Block '53 (A&S) of South
Norwalk, Conn., is a visiting artist
at the Weir Farm National Historic
Blazing Trails:
Coming of Age
in Football's
Golden Era (Triumph Books).
Phyllis Hallock Fye ' 53 (VPA) of
Fayetteville, N.Y., was honored by
the InterReligious Council of
Published by SURFACE, 2003
Ann Cooney Michel '65 (A&S) of
Syracuse, president and CEO of
Knowledge Systems and Research
Inc., is a member of the board of
directors of Pro literacy
Mary Ann Sovie Middlemiss ' 65
(NUR), G'74 (NUR), G'87 (EDU) of
Manlius, N.Y., associate professor
of nursing in the College of
Human Services and Health
Professions, received SU's
Outstanding Faculty Teaching
Thomas P. Eichler '66 (A&S) of
Bear, Del., is executive coordinator
at Stand Up For What's Right and
Just, a nonprofit organization that
advocates criminal justice system
Eleanor Green
Jones G' 66
(GRAD) of
Virginia Beach,
Va., received the
2003 NAACP
Area II Act-So Network Award for
excellence in mathematics. She
retired after 34 years as a mathematics professor at Norfolk State
University and is a member of the
board of Catholic Charities of
Hampton Roads.
Eric Mower '66
(A&S), G'68
(NEW) of
Syracuse is an
SU trustee and
president of
the International Network of
Independent Advertising
Peter Blume '67 (VPA) is director
of the Ball State University
Museum of Art in Muncie, Ind.
Marlene Cimons '67 (A& SINEW)
of Bethesda, Md., is a Scripps
Howard Foundation doctoral
fellow at the University of
Maryland's Philip Merrill College
of Journalism.
Thomas V.S. Cullins '67 (ARC) of
Burlington, Vt., is a founding partner ofTruex Cullins & Partners
Dominic A. D'Aiesandro Jr. '67
(A&S) is forensic program director
at Georgia Regional Hospital in
Savannah, Ga.
Vaughn Harper
'68 (A&S) of
Teaneck, N.J.,
was inducted
into the Robert
L. Douglas Hall
of Fame for his basketball achievements.
Mimi Bernstein Hull '68 (A&S) of
Orlando, Fla., received the George
Wolly Community Leadership
Award. She is president of Hull &
Associates, a human relations and
organizational development firm.
Michael Seltzer '68 (A&S) of New
York City is president of the New
York Regional Association of
Grantmakers, a nonprof it membership organization for philanthropy in the metropolitan area.
Andrew M. Chavkin '69 (MAN) of
North Caldwell, N.J., is director of
Ehrenkrantz Sterling & Co. He
attended the DFK Global Summit
in Berlin, Germany, to learn about
issues facing the accounting
industry worldwide.
Richard K. Herrmann '69 (SDA),
G'71 (LAW) of Wilmington, Del., is
administrative pa rtner at Blank,
Rome, Comisky & McCauley, and a
member of the board of overseers
at the Widener University School
of Law.
Philip Martin G'69, G'74 (EDU) of
Manlius, N.Y., is superintendent of
the Fayetteville-Man lius School
District and was recognized by the
Syracuse Symphony Orchestra as
one of Central New York's finest
music educators.
Allen Splete G'69 (EDU) of
Damascus, Md., was t he
commencement speaker at
Bluffton College in Ohio. He is
president emeritus and senior
associate of the Council of
Independent Colleges.
Syracuse University Magazine, Vol. 20, Iss. 4 [2003], Art. 11
Robert H. Tembeckjian '72 (A&S) is
administrator and counsel to the
New York State Commission on
Judicial Conduct in New York City.
Julianne Wernick-Franklin '70
(A&S) of Pompano Beach, Fla., is
assistant to the president of the
Greater Fort Lauderdale Chamber
of Commerce.
Frank Tworecke G'72 (MAN) of
York, Penn., is president and chief
operating officer at The Bon-Ton
Mary C. Winter '70 (A&S) of
Syracuse is probation commissioner for Onondaga County.
William H. Desormeau Jr. '73
(A&S) of Albany, N.Y., is manager
of strategic benefit services at
HANYS Benefit Services.
Judith H. Dobrzynski '71 (NEW) of
New York City is managing editor
of CNBC Business News.
James A. Doolittle G'71 (LAW) of
M anlius, N.Y., is vice president and
t rust officer at Alliance Bank.
Timothy Barnekov G'72 (MAX) is
dea n of t he University of
Delaw are's College of Human
Services, Education, and Public
Policy in Newark.
Edward Belkin '72 (A&S/ NEW) of
Rockville, Md., is vice president of
com munications at t he
Pharmaceutica l Resea rch and
M anufacturers of America, wh ich
represents resea rch-based pharmaceutical and biotechnology
companies in the U.S.
Robert Davila
G'72 (EDU) of
Pittsford, N.Y.,
retired as CEO
of the Nationa I
Institute for the Deaf.
Karen Lipschultz DeC row G'72
(LAW) of Ja mesville, N.Y., w as
honored by the Women's Bar
Association of t he St at e of New
York for helping bring equality to
w omen in the legal community.
Sheryl Dicker '72 (A&S), G'75
(LAW) of Mamaroneck, N.Y., executive director of t he New York State
Permanent Judicial Com mission
on j ustice for children, is a f ellow
in the Leaders for t he 21st Century
Barbara L. Hammer '72 (HD) of
Avent ura, Fla., is president of t he
Hammer Com pa ny/Turnberry.
Elizabeth Lindley Putnam-Perrott
'72 (VPA) of Niskayuna, N.Y.,
teaches orchestra at Pinew ood
Elementary School and comput er
programming/w eb page design at
Hudson Valley Com munity
Henry C. Fader
G'73 (LAW) of
Valley, Pa., is a
partner in the
law f irm of
Pepper Hamilton, specializing in
corporate and health ca re law.
Jeanne Finkelstein Goodman '73
(VPA) of Norfolk, Va ., exhibited a
color pencil drawing, Sitting Duck,
in the Zimmerli Art Museum's
National Association of Women
Artist s collection at Rutgers
Jack E. Karns '73 (A& S), G'74
(MAX/EDU) of Greenville, N.C.,
professor of business law at the
East Carolina University College of
Business, earned a doctor of
juridical science degree in healt h
law and policy f rom Loyola
University, Chicago.
Elizabeth Withers Kelly G'73
(MAX) of Atlanta is executive
director of the Atlanta Police
Foundat ion.
,---------, John Lobon '73
(A&S) of
Bloomf ield,
Conn., senior
vice president
"""'""_,""-.............. of the
Connect icut Development
Authority, w as f eatured on t he
cover of t he March/April 20 03
iss ue of CT Business, Connecticut's
journa l of business and economic
Doretha Smith '73 (A&S/ EDU) of
Houst on is tit le IV-D mast er in the
Office of Court Administ rat ion
and serves on t he j udicial and
court services commit t ee of the
Nat ional Child Support
Enforcement Associat ion.
Martha Sunderland St. George '73
(A&S) of Fairport, N.Y., is an
administ rative host at t he Strong
Muse um in Rochester.
William J. Viola '73 (VPA), H'gs of
Long Beach, Cal if., exhibited artwork at the Ku kje Gallery in Seoul,
South Korea.
George Louzek '74 (A&S), G'77
(MAN) of Hollis, N.H., is vice president of business development at
Computer Resolutions.
Information Source
If you've got questions, chances are Matthew
Koll G'79 has answers.
As founder and chairman of the board of the Wondir Foundation
(, a nonprofit organization that provides a free online
information service to the public, Koll is dedicated to connecting
people with questions to others who can provide helpful
answers. " Even though there are a lot of search engines out
there, I believe the world still has
more to offer in terms of finding a
good, fast answer to a question,"
Koll says. "With Wondir, we've
found a way to combine the
world of search with the world of
answering questions, the kind of
thing reference librarians do so
well. Wondir's a search engine
with a uniquely human voice."
An information scientist and
entrepreneur, Koll has dedicated
more than 25 years to the
" search industry." After earning a
Ph.D. in information and library
science from the School of lnfor·
mation Studies, he co-founded
Personal Library Software, a
search company that he built into
a major technology provider for online services. The company
was acquired by America Online in 1998. "After working there for
three years, I started thinking about what I wanted to do next,"
he says. "I wanted to find something a little different in the
search area- identify a problem that the commercial industry
wasn't solving. To initiate that, I thought it was best to do it on my
own with a small team."
Koll's belief that innovation is best developed within a small
company has proven true at the Wondir Foundation, which has
made substantial progress since its founding in 2 002. When
users type a question into the site, they receive a list of profiles
from people who might be helpful in providing an answer; at the
same time, their question is streamed across the web page so
anyone visiting the site can view it and send a reply. The service
is designed to aid a variety of users of any age-just about anyone with a question. It aims to have a core set of resources from
people and organizations committed to helping others, like government and service agencies, libraries, universities, charities,
advocates, and mentors. "The enthusiastic responses we've
received are gratifying," Koll says. " I truly believe this will be a
very useful service. Helping to bring it to life is a wonderfully
rewarding experience."
-Kate Gaetano
W I NTER 2003 - 04
et al.: Alumni Journal
Gerald Mazzari '74 (A&S) of
Garden City, N.Y., is managing
director of Lazard Freres & Co.
Ruth McChesney '74 (HD) married
Robert McRobbie. They reside in
Maple Glen, Pa.
Francis X. Nolan Ill G'74 (LAW) of
Maplewood, N.J., is a member of
the law firm of Vedder Price
Kaufman & Kammholz in New
York City.
_ _....., Jean Armour
Polly '74 (A&S),
G'75 (1ST) of
Jamesville, N.Y.,
is assistant
director at the
Liverpool Public Library.
Tamaccio '74
{ARC) of New
York City
exhibited a
banner, Remembrance Day, at the
911 Children's Fund gallery in Red
Hook, N.Y. A finalist in the international competition, " Designing the
Highline- ldeas for Reclaiming 1.5
Miles of Manhattan," he also
displayed work at Grand Central
Peter Blewett '75 (ARC) of
Topsfield, M ass., is director of
operations at Stubbins Associates,
an architectural, planning, and
interior design firm.
Strodel Davis
'76 (HD) coowns Cate &
Sally, a clothing
and accessories
boutique in Skaneateles, N.Y.
Beth Walter Honadle G'76, G'77,
G'79 (MAX) of Bowling Green,
Ohio, is director of the Center for
Policy Analysis and Public Service
at Bowling Green State University.
Robert LaSala G'76 (MAX) is city
manager of Sunnyvale, Calif.,
which received the California
Council Award for Performance
Excellence for its organizational
Karl Schumacher G'76 (EDU) of
Westport, Conn., vice president of
global business strategy and
acquisition at Pitney Bowes,
received the company's Inventor
of the Year award.
Christine Scofield '76 (A&S), G'7S
(LAW) of Syracuse was honored by
the Women's Bar Association of
the State of New York for helping
bring equality to women in the
legal community.
Linda Dulye '77 (A&S) of Warwick,
N.Y., w as featured in Industry Week
for her work in improving internal
communications effectiveness of
Fortune soo companies. She is
president of L.M. Dulye &
Dawn M. Hill '77
David M. Dutko '75 (A&S) of
Binghamton, N.Y., is county attorney for Tioga County, N.Y.
Tsugumitsu Kunio G'75 (ECS) of
Tokyo is executive technical
m anage r at Nihon SiberHegner, a
market intelligence company specializing in consumer goods, technology, specialty and life science
chemicals, and food and
Nancy Phipps Byrne G'76 (A&S) of
Jam esville, N.Y., and husband
William received a leadership
award from the InterReligious
Council of Central New York.
Rita Tornabene Christie '76 (A&S),
G'So (1ST) of Syracuse is a librarian
in the Syracuse City School
District .
42 S Y R A C U S E U N I V E R S I T Y
Published by SURFACE, 2003
(A&S) of Bronx,
N.Y., is vice
president of the
board of directors for the New
York chapter of the American
Women in Radio and Television,
and senior director of corporate
marketing for American Urban
Radio Networks.
Michael F. Hogan G'77 (EDU) of
Columbus, Ohio, spoke at the
Onondaga Citizens League conference on mental health in
Timothy P. Ahern '7S (MAN) of
Cazenovia, N.Y., is chairman of the
Greater Syracuse Chamber of
Commerce, a m ember of the
Caze novia College board of
trustees, and founder/principal of
Ahern, Murphy & Associates.
Robert H. Avery '7S (A&S), G'S1
(LAW) of Princeton Junction, N.J., is
vice president of human resources
and general counsel at Roger
Williams University.
Lois Kriesberg G'7S (LAW) of East
Syracuse was honored by the
Women's Bar Association of the
State of New York for helping
bring equality to women in the
legal community.
Mario LaGuardia '7S (ARC) of
Floral Park, N.Y., architect and partner at Brennan Beer Gorman/
Architects, worked on the design
expansion for the Turning Stone
Casino Resort in Verona, N.Y.
Pamela Blake Levine '7S (NEW) of
Manlius, N.Y., a freelance writer,
wrote One Sleepy Baby
(HarperCollins), a children's book.
Abdul Mud a '7S (ECS) of Kerteh,
Malaysia, is senior manager at
Petronas, a government-owned
national petroleum corporation.
Jay Rogoff G'7S, G'S1 (A&S) of
Saratoga Springs, N.Y., wrote How
We Came to Stand on That Shore
(River City Publishing), a collection
of poems.
Richard Becker '79 (ARC) of
Highland Park, Ill., is a principal at
Becker Architects. He helped
develop ArchiOffice, a networkable softw are program for
organizing information.
Patricia Zyga Leonard G'79 (NEW)
of Freeville, N.Y., is a copywriter at
Garrity Communications in Ithaca.
Gary S. Berger
'So (A&S) of
Brewster, N.Y.,
owns the
Va lpak Direct
System in Dutchess County.
Steven Burns 'So (VPA) of Glencoe,
Ill., is a principal at Becker
Architects. He helped develop
ArchiOffice, a networkable software program for organ izing
Richard H.
Burton 'So
(NEW) of
Austra lia, is
of Australia's National Basketball
Cerchione 'So
(A&S) of
Brooklyn, N.Y., is
president of the
Brooklyn Bar
Timothy P. Fox 'So (NEW) of East
Syracuse was honored by the New
York State Broadcasters Association, the Telly Awards, and the
Syracuse Press Club for his work at
WIXT-TV (ABC) in Syracuse.
Stanley Greenberg G'So (MAX) of
Brooklyn, N.Y., photographer and
artist, released the book,
Waterworks: A Photographic
Journey Through New York's
Hidden Water System (Princeton
Architectural Press).
Michael F. Stanton '79 (A&S/N EW)
of Providence, R.I., wrote The
Prince of Providence: The True Story
of America's Most Notorious
Mayor, Some Wiseguys, and the
Feds (Random House).
Kirk Baldwin 'So (VPA), G'Ss (EDU)
of New Hartford, N.Y., is an instrumental music teacher in the
Westmoreland School District and
w as recognized by t he Syracuse
Symphony Orchestra as one of
Central New York's f inest K-12
mu sic educators.
Valerie Lewis 'So (MAN) of El
Cerrito, Calif., is a manager at
Pacific Gas and Electric Co. in San
Salman Ahmed Am in 'S1 (ECS) of
Greenwich, Conn., is sen ior vice
president and chief marketing
officer at PepsiCo Beverages &
Michael Berkow G'S1 (LAW) of
Irvine, Calif., is deputy chief of the
Los Angeles Police Department.
Theresa Findeisen 'S1 (VPA) is a
project manager at Truex Cu llins
& Partners Architects in
Burlington, Vt.
Syracuse University Magazine, Vol. 20, Iss. 4 [2003], Art. 11
Edward J. Healy G'81 (NEW) of
Buffalo, N.Y., is director of cultural
tourism at the Buffalo Niagara
Convention and Visitors Bureau.
Michael Pietruszka G'81 (LAW) of
Lancaster, N.Y., completed the
Leadership Institute in Judicial
Education program at the
University of Memphis. He is a
judge in Erie County, N.Y.
Jan Quitzau '81 (NEW) of Syracuse
is vice president of marketing at
Woodbine Enterprises.
Andrew P. Robinson '81 (NEW) of
DeWitt, N.Y., was honored by the
New York State Broadcasters
Association, the Telly Awards, and
the Syracuse Press Club for his
work at WIXT-TV (ABC) in
Syracu se.
Brandon Steiner ' 81 (MAN) of
Scarsdale, N.Y., is founder and
chairman of Steiner Sports
Marketing and wrote The Business
Playbook: Leadership Lessonsfrom
the World of Sports (Entrepreneur
Stephen E.
Blackman '82
(VPA) of Buffalo
Grove, Ill., was a
final ist in the
Lighting for
Tomo rrow fi xture design com petit ion, sponsored by the American
Lighting Association. He is director
of design and product m anagement at American Fluorescent
Mark Cerulli ' 82 (NEW) of White
Plains, N.Y., w rot e "Air Sickness," a
short st ory published in I Should
Have Just Stay ed Home (R DR
Books). He prod uced "The Legend
of M atilda Dixon" on the Darkness
Falls DVD and wrote "The M aking
of Slim Shady," a special feature
on Eminem's Slim Shady Show
Guy Clark '82 (MAN) of New York
City ret ired from t he j ew elry
indust ry and owns Guy Clark
Interio rs, an interio r design
Jamie M.
Douraghy ' 82
(A&S), G'84
(MAX) of Los
Angeles, president of Artisa n
Creat ive, w on the gold m edal at
the U.S. Fencing National
Championships in the veteran
men's foil.
, - - - - - - - - , Victor Holman
'82 (A&S) of
Yorktow n, Va.,
retired after 21
yea rs in the U.S.
Army. He is a
deputy operations man ager at
Raytheon Technology Company.
Frederic S. Myerson G'82 (EDU) of
Quin cy, M ass., is vice president of
public relations f or the Quincy
Toast mast ers Club.
Michele Mayer Puchall '82
(VPA/ HD) of Demarest, N.J., owns
a nat ionw ide retail recruiting
John D. Darer '83 (MAN) of
St amford, Co nn., president of and Summit
Settlement Services, is a found ing
member of the Society of
Settlement Planners. He presented a cont inuing lega l education
session at the Virginia and West
Virginia Bar annual meeting.
Dakota Caine
Holman '83
(VPA) of
Yorktown, Va.,
teaches thi rd
grade at
Yorktown Elementa ry M at h,
Science, and Techno logy M agnet
Schoo l.
Gregg Vanzo '83 (VPA) of Seoul,
South Korea, received an Em my
Award for t he an imated program
Futurama. He is a pa rt ner in
Roug h Draft St udios and run s
Roug h Draft Korea, an animat ion
Gary Beyrl '84 (ARC) of Chicago is
a princi pal at Becker Architect s. He
helped develop ArchiOffice, a net w orkable software program for
organizing inform ation.
Joseph Dzialo ' 84 (VPA) of
Lo ngm eadow, M ass., creat ive
direct or at Hasbro Gam es and
GOJOEGO Design, wrot e The
Classified Cat (Willow Creek Press).
Guy R. Poux '84 (A&S) of Boca
Raton, Fla., is vice president of
development at Miami Developers
Neelam Shringarpure Vaidya G'84
(ECS) of Cupertino, Calif., is chief
technology officer at TSE Corp., a
corporate campaig n management
Timothy Alexander G'85 (MAX) of
Pot omac, Md., is the central Asian
republics desk team leader in the
U.S. Agency for International
Development's Office of Eurasia
Affairs, Europe and Eurasia
Ancillotti '8s
(VPA) of
N.Y., is vice president of client
services at Latorra Paul & McCann
Inc. and a m ember of the board of
di rectors for t he RLS Career Center
in Syracuse.
Rodney B. Blackstone '85
(A& SINEW) of Charleston, W.Va., is
communications director for the
West Virginia Cham ber of
Janine DeBaise
G'85 (A&S) of
Kirkville, N.Y.,
wrote Of a
(Finishing Line
Press), a poet ry chapbook. She
t eaches writing and literature at
Gayle p_Englert '85 (A&S), director
of human resources at Cole,
Schatz, M eisel, Forman & Leonard
in Hacken sack, N.J., is president of
the M o rris Co unty chapter of the
Society for Hu m an Resource
M anagement.
Stephanie Greene-Ricks '85 (A&S)
of Stone M o untain, Ga., earned an
M .B.A. in informatio n systems
ma nagem ent at t he Keller
Graduat e School of M anagement
of DeVry University. She works in
interactive comm unications at
Michael Heffron G' 8s (ECS) of
Bedford, N.H., is vice president of
the electron ic w arfare/informat ion w arfare line at BAE Syst em s.
Hood Ill '85 (A&S) of
Denver is a member of t he criminal and civil litigation department
at Isaacso n, Rosenbaum, Woods,
and Levy.
Leigh Anne Jones '85 (ARC) of
Branford, Conn., is associate principal at the architectural f irm
Arbonies King Vlock.
David M. Leonard G'8s (EDU) is
dean of freshman students at
Washington and Lee Un iversity in
Lexi ngton, Va.
Melissa Austin '86 (VPA) of
Berkeley, Calif., married David
Haddick. She exhibited work in
t he Invitational Group
Photography Show at Wif ord and
Vogt Fine Arts in Sant a Fe, N.M .
Robert P. Castro '86 (ECS) of
Greenville, S.C., is a membrane
scientist at Separation Dyna mics.
Kimberly Johnson Deetjen '86
(VPA) of Burlingt on, Vt ., is an associate at Truex Culli ns & Pa rt ners
Lisa R. Edwards-Nazario '86 (A&S)
of Jamaica, N.Y., is a senior staff
attorney at the LegaI Aid Society
in New York City.
Timothy J. Green ' 86 (A&S), G'94
(LAW) of Skaneateles, N.Y., w rote
The Fifth Angel (Warner Books).
Yolanda J. Kime
G'86, G'g1 (A&S)
of Homer, N.Y.,
received t he
Award for
Excellence in Teaching from SUNY
Cortl and, where she is an associate professor of physics.
Marcia Cohen-Wiener ' 87 (NEW)
of Scotch Plains, N.J., is d irector of
advance analytics at Novartis
Consumer Hea lth-Gerber Product s
Com pany.
Bethany Damson Constance '87
(VPA) and hu sband M ark of
Brentwood, N.H., announce t he
birth of their son Caleb Forte, who
j oins sist er Eliya Quaye. Const ance
is CEO of A713product ion and represents children and you ng adult
act o rs in the fi lm, t elevisio n, commercial, and print advertising
ind ustries.
Lloyd A. de Vries ' 87 (NEW) of
Paramu s, N.J., is a produce r at in New York City
and secret ary of t he American
Ph ilatelic Society, the nat ion's
largest st am p collecting
orga nizatio n.
W I NT ER 2003-04
et al.: Alumni Journal
James A. Fredriksen ' 87 (MAN) and
wife Pau la announce the birth of
their daughter, Ella James. They
res ide in Fresno, Calif., where he is
region al investment manager at
Tru st , which preserves farming
and wildlife lands in the greater
Yellowstone area .
Ralph H. Sees
G'87 {MAN) of
Frederick, Md., is
director of the
Joint Medical
Functional Development Center in
Fort Detrick, Md . A colonel , he is
responsible for the development
and deployment of a Department
of Defense integrated medical
logistics program used in military
health care f acilities worldwide .
Christine Leusch ' 87 {VPA) of
Driggs, Ind., is development director oft he Teton Regional Land
Joel Tomlinson '87 (MAN) of
Flem ington, N.J., is product manager at AT&T Consumer Services .
Barbara Long Jones G'87 (A&S),
G'94 {VPA) of Greensburg, Pa.,
curator of the Westmoreland
Museum of American Art, wrote a
biographical essay of Samuel
Rosenberg and selected the works
of art reproduced in the book,
Samuel Rosenberg: Portrait of a
Painter {University of Pittsburgh
Andrea Kelley '88 {MAN/NEW)
of Pari s is a free lance costume
Changlin Yang
G'87 {HD) of
Beijing is a
research professor in the
department of
nutrition at the Institute of
Avi ation Medicine.
Gerald S. Leo '88
{NEW) of New
York City is
vice president
of program
planning and
scheduling for VH1, part of the
MTV Network.
Keith Cuttler '88 (A&S) of
Syracu se is director of contracting
and reimbursement at
Community General Hospital.
Jeffery A. Mangram '88 (A&S),
G'89 {EDU) of Syracuse, a history
t eacher at Manliu s Pebble Hill
School, was a finalist for the New
York State Teacher of the Year
Mary Marbach Hemmert '88 {VPA)
and husband Steven of Parkland,
Fla ., announce the birth of their
daughter, Jennifer Shelby.
Hemm ert is an associate in the
law firm of Greenberg Traurig.
Smart and Sassy
When Sheryl llewellyn-Wilkerson '91 decided to develop a line of
greeting cards, she created Sondra, a sassy African American
female character who speaks her mind and offers smart advice for
all occasions.
Take job stress, for example. One card
shows Sondra at work, dressed in a pinstriped suit, with a bubble full of shoes floating above her head. "Girl, remember what's
important," she reminds inside. Another
card offers comfort after a breakup. "So, you
finally dumped that loser," Sondra snaps.
"Let's party."
"She's a universal character," says
Llewellyn-Wilkerson, who believes Sondra
adds a fresh voice to the greeting card
industry. "She says things I think many
women want to, but are too shy or afraid to
express comfortably."
Llewellyn-Wilkerson, who earned a B.A.
degree in English from the College of Arts
and Sciences, founded Last Word Greetings
in zooo, but her journey in illustration began
in 1994 when she designed bookmarks for
the book club she was in. While pursuing a
career in advertising, she followed her
longtime interest in art and began taking
courses in children's book illustration and
greeting card design at the School of Visual
Arts in Manhattan.
During this time, the Brooklyn-based
artist developed characters with elements of her own personality. She wrote a children's
book about a central character named Tweeky-her
childhood nickname-and
her close circle of friends.
Sondra's character was inspired by both a close friend
and a self-portrait. "Sondra is
my alter ego," she admits.
Last fall, she incorporated
Last Word Greetings into Sheryl's
Studio, a business with three divisions. In addition to the greeting
cards, the company includes
Tweekyworld (books, animation, and products for children) and Urban Amazon (female
empowerment books and products featuring
Sondra). Although Llewellyn-Wilkerson currently works in the communications department of a nonprofit agency, she hopes to
one day devote all her time to her own creative work. Meanwhile, she is happy with
the direction of her compa~
ny. "I have always loved to
write and draw and have
finally found a way to combine my love for both,
while bringing smiles and
laughter to people," she says.
While her goal is to prepare products for
licensing purposes in the style of Peanuts
and Garfield, Llewellyn-Wilkerson has
grander visions for her cartoon characters. "I
would be very proud to have either Sondra
or Tweeky become a popular mainstream
character and influence our culture in some
way," she says. "That would be a truly won-Lindsay Beller
derful legacy."
Published by SURFACE, 2003
Syracuse University Magazine, Vol. 20, Iss. 4 [2003], Art. 11
Eileen Reynolds Becker '8g (A&S)
of Killingworth, Conn., is a partner
in the law firm of Pepe & Hazard.
Michael Andrew Byrd G'8g (MAN)
of Jonesboro, Ga., retired after 23
years of service to the U.S. milit ary, most recently as comptroller
of the 3rd U.S. Army.
Nancy Frey Creed '8g {NEW) of
Holyoke, Mass., is manager of
corporate communications at
Western M assachusetts Electric
David J. Daly G'8g {A&S), G'g1
{EDU) of Syracuse wrote the novel
Druidic Twilight {Green Boat Press).
Richard Deane G'8g (ARC) of
Burlington, Vt., is a partner at
Truex Cullins & Partners
William Getch '8g {A&S/NEW)
and wife Kirstie of Roswell, Ga.,
announce the birth of their
daughter, Fiona Renee.
Julie Gittens '8g {VPA) of
Philadelphia is founder and president of Urban Ret ail Consultants,
which specializes in mystery
Jodi Creditor lsman '8g {NEW) and
husband Craig of New York City
announce the birth of their
daughter M adeline, who joins sist er Anne. lsm an is a project editor
f or W. H. Freeman and Company.
Sara Lopergolo '8g {ARC) of New
York City is principal and founder
of G and LArch itects.
Timothy P.
Murphy G'8g
{LAW) of
Ca m illus, N.Y., is
a partner in the
department at Hancock &
Est abrook. He received the
Jerridith Wilson Volunteer
Recognition Aw ard f rom Enable, a
service provider for child ren and
ad ult s wit h disabilities.
L -_
_ __
{LAW/ MAN) of
Syracuse, director of the
iM .B.A. program in t he M art in J.
W hitman School of M anagement ,
is a member of t he conference
planning committee for the 2004
Dist ance Learning Co nf erence.
Mui Hoon Poh G'8g {MAN) of
Singapore is CEO of the Network
for Electronic Transfers, a
Singapore-based payment solution and service provider.
Charles W. Russell '8g (A& SINEW)
of Webster, N.Y., is a partner in the
law firm of Boylan, Brown, Code,
Vigdor & Wilson.
Carol Scholar G'8g {EDU) of
Liverpool, N.Y., is a member of the
board of directors for Exceptiona l
Family Resources, a nonprofit
agency serving f amilies of children with disabilities.
Adam G. Silverstein '8g {A&S) of
Doylestown, Pa., an associate at
Fox Rothschild, is a member of the
board of Gilda's Club Bucks/ Mont
Counties, a nonprofit cancer
support community.
Jeff B. Speck
G'8g {A&S),
city pian ner
and director
of design at
the National
Endowment for the Arts in
Washington, D.C., co-wrot e
Suburban Nation: The Rise of
Sprawl and the Decline of the
American Dream {North
Point/ Farrar Straus Giroux).
Tracy Tajbl '8g {A&S) is executive
director of Community Co unseling
Service in New York City. She
resides in Reston, Va., with
husband Neil K. Jones '8g
{A& SI NEW).
Dorcas Bennett
'go (A&S) of
Beverly Hills,
Calif., is CEO of
James J. Boyle
G' go {EDU)
retired as vice
president of
advancem ent at
SUNY Cortland. He resides in
Wells, M aine, where he is developm ent consultant for Demont
Associat es of Portland.
Mark A. Caccavo 'go (A&S) of New
York City is a member of the
derivative unit of C. E. Unterberg,
Towbin, an investment bank.
Pamela Ferris-Muller ' g1 {HD) and
husband Keith of Upper Saddle
River, N.J., announce the birth of
t heir son, Nicholas Robert .
Jill Canfield 'go {NEW), G'gs {LAW)
and husband Steven Lustig G'g1
{MAX), G'g4 {LAW) of Alexandria,
Va., announce the birth of their
daughter, Cassandra Quinn.
Samuel M. Gaylord 'g1 (A&S) of
Ewing, N.J., a trial attorney in the
worker's compensation department of the law firm of St ark &
Stark, received the Service to the
Ba r Award from the New Jersey
Ba r Association Young Lawyers
Douglas I. Cotler 'go (A&S) and
wife Elizabeth announce the birth
of their son, Noah Francis. Cotler is
a veterinarian at South Brunswick
Animal Hospital in New Jersey.
Aline Delia-Hilford 'go {NEW) of
Redding, Conn., is an account
director at Alexander Isley Inc.
John Fairlie 'go {NEW) of Van
Nuys, Calif., is a realtor associate
at Coldwell Banker.
Sze-Wing Lee ' go {ECS) of Scotch
Plains, N.J., is a partner at
Accenture in Florham Park, N.J.
Nicole J. Perefege 'go (A&S)
relocated her law practice to West
Chest er, Pa.
Norman Sager 'go (A&S), G'g2
{1ST) of Highland, N.Y., is a database administrator at Smartserv
Online in Stamford, Conn.
Marc J. Sieger 'go (MAN) of
Richmond, Va., is vice president of
Circuit City Stores Inc.
Ashok Bakthavathsalam G'g1
{ECS) of Coimbatore, Tenn., is managing director at KG Information
Systems Private Li m ited.
Emaad S. Burki 'g1 (A&S), G'g2
(MAX) of Gaithersburg, Md., former president and CEO of Altvia
Technologies, complet ed a merger
with Net Sol Technologies.
Mark Buttiglieri G'g1 {SWK) of
Baldwinsville, N.Y., is assist ant
director of the crisis m anagement
and trauma response program at
SUNY Upstat e M edica l University.
Marisa DiBiase Cavanaugh 'g1
(A&S) and Timothy J. Cavanaugh
'g2 {ECS) of Yardley, Pa., announce
the birth of their daughter,
Catherine Anne. They work for
Atofina Chemica ls, where she is a
quality manager and he is a manuf acturing m anager.
Bruce Hamm 'g1
{A&S), G'g4
{LAW) of
Syracuse, director of professiona l legal
education at SU's University
College, was appointed t o a twoyea r term on the certifying board
of the National Association of
Legal Assistants.
Thomas Hengelsberg 'g1 (ARC) of
Bu rlington, Vt., is an associate at
Truex Cullins & Partners
Robin J. Holmes 'g1 {ECS) of
Canastota, N.Y., is a senior pastor
at the Salvation Army in Oneida,
George R.
McGuire ' g1
{ECS), G' g6
{LAW) of
Jamesville, N.Y.,
leads the
intellectual property practice
group at Bond, Schoeneck & King.
Daniel T. McMahon 'g1 (A&S) of
Easton, Pa., is director of
Condenser and Heat Exchange
Jodi Steltzer Poskitt 'g1 {VPA) and
hu sband Keith of Randolph, N.J.,
anno unce the birth of their
daughter, Ashley M organ.
Bruce S. Scott G' g1 (LAW) married
Nancy Bernhaut. They reside in
West Orange, N.J., where he works
for t he Department of Homeland
Bharpur Singh ' g1 (MAN) of
DeWitt, N.Y., is vice president of
risk managem ent at Ad irondack
Daniel M . Doyle 'g1 (H D) of
Syracuse is an account executive
at Nort hland Communications.
W I NTER 2 00 3 - 04
et al.: Alumni Journal
Tracy Rude Smith '91 {NEW) of
Newton, Mass., owns AlP
Communications, a public relations and marketing company
specializing in corporate communications for small businesses.
Anne Larock Vargason G'91 {SWK)
of Auburn, N.Y., is director of care
coordination services at Crouse
Hospital in Syracuse.
William J. Ward G'91 {A&S) of
Washington, N.J., received a 2003
Pushcart Prize for Poetry and a
2003 Distinguished Artist Poetry
Fellowship from the New Jersey
State Council on the Arts. His
book, Gravedigger's Birthday
{North Atlantic Books), was a
finalist for the 2003 Paterson
Poetry Prize.
Caroline Weber Buchman '92
{A&S) and husband Timothy of
Niagara Falls, N.Y., announce the
birth of their son Andrew
Jonathan, who joins brother
Zachary. Buchman earned a
m ast er of education degree from
Canisius College and is a hig h
school Eng lish teacher.
Mark Cutone '92 (ARC) of
Siasconset, Mass., opened
Belanger, Paul & Cutone
Architecture in Nantucket, specializing in high-end residential and
commercial structures.
Susana Davidenko G'92, G'oo
{EDU) of Jamesville, N.Y., is an
assistant professor of childhood
and early childhood education at
SUNY Cortland, where she was
honored for excellence in t eaching, se rvice, and research.
has won several regional Em my
Awards and national Telly Awards.
Joseph Paul '92 (ARC) of
Nantucket, Mass., opened
Belanger, Paul & Cutone
Arch itecture, specializing in highend residential and commercial
N.C., is a partner in the law firm of
Flowers, Martin, Moore & Ditz.
Aiesha S. Francis '92 {NEW) married Ch ristopher Francis. They
reside in Brooklyn, N.Y., where she
is a promotions m arketing manager f or Nicke lodeon M agazine
Ronald l. Noble '92 {NEW) of Playa
del Ray, Calif., animation director
at Klasky Csupo, received an
Em my Award for his work on the
Nickelodeo n ca rtoon Rugrats.
Christopher l. Parker '92 {N EW) of
Westf ield, M ass., is a freelance
producer of t elevisio n advertisements and multimedia mat erials
for business and government. He
Published by SURFACE, 2003
Va., announce the birth of their
daughter, Kaitlyn Lorraine.
Donald A. Migliori G'93 {LAW) of
Wakefield, R. I., is a member of the
law firm of Motley Rice.
lynda Maccini Pavloff '92
Jennifer Palecek Niemeier '93
{VPAIEDU) of North Easton, Mass.,
is choral director at Walpole High
{NEW) of Edina, Minn., is a travel
and logistics coordinator at AFS
Intercultu ral Programs, a high
school exchange student
Judith K. Popky
'92 {NEW) of
Atlanta is media
director of
Inc., an independent advertising agency.
Jennifer Reichenbacher '92 {MAN)
of Newburyport, Maine, is director
of marketing at Keurig Premium
Coffee Systems.
Kelly Comfort Sheridan '92, '95
(A&S) and husband Matt Sheridan
'92 {ECS) of Ashland, Mass.,
announce the birth of their
daughter Clarie, who joins sister
Scott Tharler '92
{A&S) of Los
Angeles wrote
Under t he Table:
Drinking Games
t o Liven Up Your
Parties (Promotional Reprint Co.).
Mark Turosz '92 {NEW) of Los
Angeles wrote three animated
features for Warner Brothers
starring Scooby-Doo.
Thomas Brogan G'93 (LAW) and
Paul J. Ditz '92 (A&S) of Shelby,
Connie Bromley loggans '93,
G'96 {1ST) and husband Chris
Loggans '93 {ECS) of Haymarket,
wife M aryann of Lincoln Park, N.J.,
announce the birth of twin sons,
Alexander Evan and Zacha ry
leslie Burne-Keating '93 {NEW) of
St ratford, Conn., is a school
psycholog ist at Stratford Public
M.J. Heisey G'93, G'98 {MAX),
G'oo (A& S) of Richville, N.Y., assist ant professor of history at SUNY
Potsdam, wrote Peace and
Persistence-Tracing th e Brethren
in Christ Peace Witness t hrough
Three Generations (Kent St ate
University Press).
earned an M .B.A. degree from
Rutgers University and is a principal at Karaban Labi ner Associates
in New York City, where he oversees publishing o perations and
advertising sales.
AriA. Katz '94 {NEW) married
Stacey Rosenblum. They reside in
Jamaica, N.Y., where he is manager
of legal recruiting at Bingham
McCutchen and serves as 2003- 04
chair of the New York City
Recruitment Associat ion.
David R. Lucas
'94 (A&S) married Melissa A.
Michael Raab '93 {MAN) and wife
Deena of Wantagh, N.Y., announce
the birth of their son, Aidan Lee.
Faye M. Sykes '93 (HD) works in
export sa les at Recycle America
Alliance in Salisbury, Md.
Ward. They
reside in
M elrose, M ass.,
where he is a partner in the law
firm of Nigro, Pettepit & Lucas.
Glenn Werner Jr. '93 (MAN) of
Christopher A. McRoberts G'94
New Britain, Conn., works for
Stanley Works, a tool and hardware manufacturer and ma rketer.
(A&S) of Binghamton, N.Y., was
honored for excel lence in teaching, research, and service by SUNY
Cortl and, where he is an assist ant
prof essor of geology.
Scott W. Bailey G'94 (A&S) of
Ply mo ut h, N.H., a forest service
research geologist at the Hubbard
Brook Experimental Forest, was a
co-recipient of the U.S.
Department of Agriculture
National Field Soil Scientist
Gregory Milanovich '94 {ECS),
G'96 (MAN) of Warrenton, Va., is a
supervisory special agent in the
investigative t echnology division
of FBihea dqu arte~in
Washington, D.C.
Cynthia Solomon Bowman '94
Tanya Parma lee '94 (A&S), G'oo
{EDU) and husband Andrew of
Bryn Mawr, Pa., announce the
birth of their son, Brandon Max.
(LAW) m arried Thomas Conley.
They reside in Sy racuse, where she
is a senior attorney in the domestic violence unit of the Syracuse
Area Domestic Violence Coa lition.
Gladys l. Cleland G'94 (EDU) of
Liverpool, N.Y., assist ant prof essor
of journa lism and fa culty advisor
ofWCVM M edia at SUNY
Morrisville, appea red in the 2002
edit ion of Who's Wh o Am ong
America's Teachers.
Richard Peagler G'94 {EDU) of
Cortland, N.Y., received the
Excellence in Instit utio nal Service
Award fro m SU NY Co rt land,
where he is director of counseling
and student developme nt.
Whitney Kelly Gaskell '94 (A&S)
of San Antonio wrote Pushing 30
{Bantam Dell).
Elona Projekt
'94 {NEW) mar-
Sara E. Haynes '94 {A&S) of
Sherma n Oaks, Ca lif., ea rn ed a
m aster's degree in public hea lth
from the University of California,
Los Angeles, and is director of prog ram planning and develo pment
at Hospice of Pasadena.
Hollie Hartford Karaban '94 {A&S)
and hu sba nd Glenn Karaban '93
{N EW) of Chatham, N.J., announce
the birth of t heir son, Nathaniel
William. Holl ie ea rned a mast er of
educatio n degree from the
University of Pe nnsylvania and is
a t eacher in Springfield, N.J. Glenn
....__ __
ried Michael
Logue. They
reside in New
York City, where
she is vice president of strategic
planning at JAM I Charity Brands
M arket ing.
Sarah A. Rana '94 {A&S) of
Ashland, M ass., is an associat e in
t he law firm of M irick O'Connell
DeM allie & Lougee.
Kevin Staunton '94 {MAN) of
Bloomfield, N.J., is director of business development at M orpheus
M edia in New York City.
Syracuse University Magazine, Vol. 20, Iss. 4 [2003], Art. 11
Frederick J. Watson '94 (A&S) married Cathy Greisner. They reside in
Abington, Mass., with their two
sons. Watson is an orthopedic surgeon attending Boston University
for sports medicine training.
Angela Banks-Stewart G'95 (EDU)
of Bloomington, Ind., is a clinical
lecturer at Indiana University.
Maureen Cully '95 (A&S/NEW) of
Weymouth, Mass., is a graphic
designer at MFS Investment
Management and co-owns Mudo
Academy, a martial arts school in
Kwame J. DeRoche '95
(MAN/NEW) of Vienna, Va., is
associate creative director at RTC
Relationship Marketing in
Washington, D.C.
laura Pratt Ehrbar '95 (A&S) and
husband Robert of New York City
announce the birth of their son,
Erin Fehlau '95 (NEW) of
Wilmington, M ass, is a news
anchor and reporter for WMUR-TV.
lisa M. Frechette '95 (NEW) married Matthew Carlow. They reside
in Warwick, R.I., where she owns
lisa Frechette Photography.
Stacy Bigman Garcia '95 (VPA) of
Suffern, N.Y., is president of
lebaTex, a textile design company.
She created Visions, a collection of
fabrics for the hospitality industry.
Michael C. Harrington G'95 (LAW)
of West Hartford, Conn., is a partner in the law firm of Murtha
Cu llina.
F. Matthew Jackson G'95 (LAW) is
a partner in the law firm of Deily,
M ooney & Glastetter in Albany,
Stephen Keating '95 (ECS) of
Stratford, Conn., is a consu ltant at
Hewitt Associates.
Susan lipton '95
(NEW) married
lawrence Rascio
'94 (A&S). They
reside in New
York City, where
she is a broadcasting talent agent
at IMG and he is an interest rate
derivative trading managing
director at Bear Stea rns.
Andrea V. Marshall '95 (A&S) married Jonathan Webb. They reside in
london, where she is a management consultant at Cap Gemini
Ernst & Young.
Daniel B. Mclane G'95 (LAW) of
Pittsburgh is a partner in the litigation department of Eckert
Seamans Cherin & Mellott.
Eric A. Nordstrom '95 (A&S) of
Dulles, Va., is a member of the
Bureau of Diplomatic Security for
the U.S. Embassy in Ethiopia.
Neena Seshagiri '95 (ECS) of San
Diego is a civil engineer in the
management consulting and
engineering firm of R.W. Beck.
Jeff Streiter
G'95 (MAN) of
Macedon, N.Y.,
received the
Award for
Excellence in Teaching from SUNY
Brockport, where he is an associate professor in the department
of business administration and
Peter J. Vasiliou '95 (ECS) of
Swampscott, Mass., is a senior
traffic engineer at Edwards and
Kelcey in Boston.
Deborah Frantz Wilkes '95
(A&S/NEW) and hu sband Marcus
M. Wilkes G'98 (ARC) announce
the birth of their son, Jonah
Alexa nder. They reside in Falls
Church, Va., where she works for
the National Partnership for
Women and Families and he is an
architect at Smithgroup.
Randy Wills '95 (A&S/MAN) married Heather Carpenter. They
reside in Hudson, Ohio, where he
is project manager at Progressive
Craig Berk '96 (A&S) of
Gaithersburg, Md., is fina nce cha ir
of the Young Jewish l eadership
Politica l Action Committee and an
attorney in Washington, D.C.
Steve Blahitka '96 (NEW) coaches
American footba ll in New
Zealand. A filmmaker, he is producing t he autobiographica l documentary, In Search of Cool.
Marci Bour '96 (A&S) of
Washington, D.C., graduated from
George Wash ington University
law School.
Christopher langley '96 (VPA) of
Watertown, Mass., is an account
executive at Kortenhaus
John Cottone G'96 (EDU) of
Cortland, N.Y., received an
Excellence in the Incorporation of
Technology in Teaching Award
from SUNY Cortland, where he is
an associate professor and chair
of the exercise science and sport
studies department.
Kara E. Macleod '96 (A&S) of
Oakland, Calif., is a staff research
associate at the University of
Ca lifornia, Berkeley.
Eric M. Diello '96 (NUR) of
Bellevue, Wash., earned a master's
degree in business management
from loughborough University in
England and is an account manager at Abbott laboratories.
Denise Dutton G'96 (MAX) of
Springfield, Mo., is an assistant
professor at Southwest Missouri
State University.
Christine Ferrara '96 (NEW) married Michael Della Monaca. They
reside in Leominister, Mass., where
she is managing editor of a trade
Gooden '96
(1ST) of
Lancaster, Pa., is
a computer
specialist at
Millersville University and is pursu ing a master's degree in
elementary education.
Herman Harried Jr. '96 (HD) of
Baltimore is the boys basketball
coach at Lake Clifton High School,
where he teaches health and
physical education.
Jennifer Kaplan-Tse '96 (NUR) of
Frisco, Texas., is a clinical ed ucator
at LifeCare Hospitals of North
Michael J. Keaton '96, G'98 (VPA)
of Bryn M awr, Pa., is associate
director of admissions at
Haverford College.
Julie Kelley '96 (N EW) of
Lafayette, La., is a re porter and
news anchor at KATC-TV. She has
won several Associated Press
broadcasting awards in 2003,
including Best In-Depth Series and
Best Investigative Series.
Jaekyoo Kim G'96 (MAX) of Seoul,
South Korea, is a legis lative officer
for the Ministry of Legislation.
Jean E. Milliken G'96 (SWK) of
Buffalo, N.Y., is a certified social
worker at the Women and
Chi ldren's Hospital Kidney Center
and a bilingual child and family
thera pist at Child and Adolescent
Treatment Services.
Doug Murstein '96 (MAN) of
Brighton, Mass., is a senior
accountant at Shapiro, Weiss &
Company in Boston.
Brian A. Rakvica '96, G'oo (ECS) of
Henderson, Nev., is a staff engineer at the Nevada Division of
Environmental Protection in Las
Kerry R. Rivelli '96 (VPA) of Passaic
Park, N.J., is a casting associate at
Just Voices Casting in New York
luke St. Martin '96 (ECS) of
lunenburg, Mass., is a senior electrical engineer at BAE Systems in
Nashua, N.H.
Michael J. Tomas '96 (MAN) of
South Hero, Vt., is an assistant
professor offinance at t he
University of Vermont.
Richard D. Welch '96 (ECS) and
w ife Maura of Worcest er, Mass.,
announce the birth of their so n,
ian Edward.
Margaret C. Wood '96 (MAX) is an
assistant professor at Washburn
University in Topeka, Kan.
Marco Wyszkowski '96 (NEW) of
Orlando, Fla., is a sales manager at
L.A. Fitness.
Melissa Achuff '97 (MAN) married
Raymond Langton IV. They reside
in New York City, where they both
work in the advertising industry.
Cordula Bode Dizon '97 (A&S) of
Stamford, Conn., is a trader's assistant at BNP Pari bas Securities in
New York City.
Kevin M. Eckhardt '97 (A&S/NEW)
is an associate in the business
finance and restructuring department ofWeil, Gotshal & Manges
in Miami.
WI NTE R 2 003 - 04
et al.: Alumni Journal
Alisa Herrick Hilfinger '97 (A&S),
G'o1 (MAX) and husband Martin F.
Hilfinger G'99 (A&S) of
Westborough, Mass., announce
the birth of their daughter, Ella
Eric 5. Klee G'97 (LAW) owns the
law office of Eric S. Klee in
Mahopac, N.Y.
Marybeth Luczak G'97 (NEW) of
Beacon Falls, Conn., is senior editor
of Circulation Management.
Lisa Magalnick
married Bret
Jacknow. They
reside in New
LL..- "--''-" York City, where
she is a television reporter and
Mason '97 (VPA)
married Daniel
Wise. They
reside in
Liverpool, N.Y.,
where she is transportation
supervisor at Centro Inc.
Krista McKim '97 (ECS) of
Baltimore is a research associate
at Johns Hopkins University.
Jesse A. Mejia
'97 (VPA) of Los
Angeles is a
consultant at
General Motors
............__~---' Acceptance
Corporation. He earned an M.B.A.
degree from Georgetown
Michael J. Murray '97 (A&S) married Jennifer Jacquet. They reside
in Bronxville, N.Y., where he is a
senior IT specialist at IBM Global
Alicia Owens Sardar '97 (ECS) of
Somerset , N.J., is a validation
engineer at Kos Pharmaceuticals.
Charles Strickland Ill '97 (ECS)
married Kendra Crawford. They
reside in Lowell, Mass., where he is
a civil engineer at Guerriere &
Hal non.
Salote Helu Van Deutekom '97
(HD) of Canton, Ga., is assistant
director of the Primrose School of
Jones Bridge and a board member
of the Atlanta Alumni Club.
Published by SURFACE, 2003
Meredith Vinokur '97 (NEW) of
Wilmington, Del., is press secretary for U.S. Senator Tom Carper of
Lindsay Gantner '99 (NEW) is a
general assignment reporter at
WEHT-TV in Evansville, Ind.
Vicki Winslow G'97 (EDU) of
Williamsport, Pa., is an assessment and referral clinician at
Susquehanna Behavioral Health.
(NEW) married
Jeffrey Glor '97
They reside in
Boston, where
she is director of television relations at Regan Communications
and he is a weekend anchor at
Sandy Chiriboga '98 (NUR) of
Atlanta is a traveling nurse.
Pedro A. Correa '98 (MAN) of
Raleigh, N.C., is an advisory human
resources partner at IBM.
Kelly A. Dabulis
'98 (A&S), G'99
(MAX) of
Danville, Pa.,
earned a
doctoral degree
from the Philadelphia College of
Osteopathic Medicine. She is an
intern in the college's Geisinger
Health System.
Raquei-Ann Nurse '98 (EDU) married Donovan McNabb '98 (VPA),
an SU trustee. They reside in
Cherry Hill, N.J., where she is assistant director of academic support
at Villanova University and he is
the quarterback for the
Philadelphia Eagles.
Lisa Schneider G'98 (ARC) married
Brent Young G'98 (ARC). They
reside in Portland, Ore., where
they are both architects.
Domenica Arcuri '99 (A&S) married Jeffrey Abramo '99 (NEW).
They reside in Wood Ridge, N.J.
Brad Beran G'99 (EDU) of
Fayetteville, N.Y., assistant professor of nutrition and hospitality
management at SU's College of
Human Services and Health
Professions, wrote, "Senior
Assist ed Living Centers," a chapter
in Introduction to Hospitality and
Tourism (Prentice Hall).
Maria Y. Cruz '99 (A&S) is an
executive assistant at BursonMarsteller in San Fra ncisco.
,___ _....."'-L._
Dominguez '99
(A&S) of
D.C., is a consuit ant for the
National Counci l of La Raza, a
nonprofit Latino organization.
r----:=:-- - , Nicole Glab '99
Peter Hebert '99 (NEW) of New
York City is co-founder and managing partner of Lux Capital, a
nanotechnology venture capital
firm .
KyleR. Kotary G'99 (MAX) of
Delmar, N.Y., is senior account
supervisor of public affairs at Eric
Mower and Associates.
Amy Lanctot '99 (NEW) and husband, Steve Thibault, announce
the birth of their daughter, Callie
Renee. They reside in Pawtucket,
R.I., where she produces the
six o'clock news for WPRI-TV in
Erik Liljegren '99 (ECS) of Corvallis,
Ore., is a mechanical design
engineer at ATS Systems.
Tania Lloyd ' 99 (1ST) married
Keiron Phillips ' 99 (1ST). They
reside in Kennesaw, Ga., where
she is a project manager at GE
Power Systems and he is an IT
consultant at IBM.
Gregory D. Moody G'99 (NEW) of
Greensboro, N.C., is an editor at
the University of North CarolinaGreensboro.
Thomas D. Netzel G'99 (MAN) of
Hope Mills, N.C. is a comptroller
for the U.S. Army in Fort Bragg,
Pauline J. Santos G'99 (NEW) married Jeffrey Sherry. They reside in
New York City, where she is an
account executive at ABC Cable
Networks Group.
AmyL. Steigerwalt '99 (A&S) of
Whitehall, Pa., earned a doctoral
degree from the Philadelphia
College of Osteopathic Medicine.
Kelly L. Swan '99 (A&S) of
Mechanicsville, Va., earned a J.D.
degree from the Ralph R. Papitto
School of Law at Roger Williams
Jessica R. Weinstein '99 (A&S)
earned a doctor of medicine
degree from Southern Illinois
University School of Medicine in
Springfield. A resident in internal
medicine at Oregon Health and
Science University in Portland, she
received the 2003 Humanism in
Medicine Award from the
Healthcare Foundation of New
Ryann M .
(VPA) of
Beltsville, Md., is
a teacher at St.
John's College
High School.
Kathryn A. Bender 'oo (SWK) of
Bohemia, N.Y., is an early intervention instructor for autistic children
and is pursuing a master's degree
in special education.
K. Michael
Bernstein 'oo
(MAN) of Santa
Cruz, Calif.,
earned a master
of logistics
degree at the University of
Sydney, Australia.
Sara Braaf G'oo (MAX) of Mclean,
Va ., is a consultant at America's
Service Commissions in
Washington, D.C.
Megan Cassidy 'oo (VPA) of
Wilton, N.H., is a graphic designer
at Brookstone corporate headquarters, where she designs packaging, store displays, and promotional signage.
Mark J. Chorazak 'oo (A&S) of
Hamburg, N.Y., earned a master's
degree from the University of
Oxford and attends Duke Law
Michael Chorazak 'oo (MAN) of
San Jose, Calif., is a marketing analyst for Yahoo! in Sunnyvale, Calif.
Anna Christina
(NEW) of
Honolulu is an
advertising and
public relations
coordinator at Atlantis
Syracuse University Magazine, Vol. 20, Iss. 4 [2003], Art. 11
David A. Col bourn 'oo (A&S) of
Wilmington, Del., earned a master
of arts degree from the University
of Delaware.
Zachary Darrow G'oo (LAW) of
Warwick, R.I., is a lawyer at
Hinckley Allen & Snyder.
Carol Van Der
Karr G'oo (EDU)
of Cortland, N.Y.,
is director of
advisement at
SUNY Cortland. She was honored
by the National Academic
Advising Association for her performance as an academic advisor
and an administrator.
Melissa Weiner August 'o1 (A&S)
and husband Nathaniel August
'oo (NEW) of Framingham, Mass.,
announce the birth of their
daughter Kendal Skye, who j oins
brother Hayden.
Joseph A. Babik 'o1 (NEW) of
Florence, S.C., is director of broadcasting and media relations f or
the Pee Dee Pride hockey tea m.
Stacey Felsen G'oo (NEW) of New
York City is an associate editor at
Metro Editorial Service.
Michael E. Goodwin 'oo (A&S) of
Eielson, Alaska, is a distribution
flight commander with the U.S.
Air Force 354th logistics readiness
Philip J. lnfurna 'oo (1ST) is a
se nior programmer at Pa rtners
Healthcare in Charlestown, Mass.
Linnea Johnson 'oo (NEW) of
Baltimore is a training program
assistant at Johns Hopkins
Danielle Lavey G'oo (A&S) married RyanS. Petersen. They reside
in Eureka, Calif., where she is
director of the Academic Support
Center at College of the
Julie Litzenberger 'oo (NEW) of
Arlington, Va ., is a senior account
executive at Merritt Group Public
Meghan M. Murphy G' oo (LAW) is
a member of the litigation department of Bond, Schoeneck & King
in Syracuse.
Gregory C. Nason ' oo (NEW) of Los
Angeles is a member of t he Phelps
Group, an integrated marketing
comm unications firm, where he
works on interactive production,
codi ng, and photography.
Patti A. Postorino ' oo (MAN) of
Sarasota, Fla., is an accountant at
First Step.
Steven Schnall 'oo (NEW) of New
York City is a television director.
Christopher R. Tompkins G'oo
(MAX) of Mercersburg, Pa., is
director of ad missions and financia l aid at Mercersburg Academy.
He published The Croton Dams
and Aqueduct (Arcadia
Publishing), a photo-narrat ive of
the con st ruction of the New York
City w ater supply system in
West chester County.
Influential Voice
University Trustee L. Ross Love '68 traces his long, passionate attachment to Syracuse to his childhood in the Philadelphia area, where he
followed Orange football legends Jim Brown '57 and Ernie Davis '62.
Entertaining thoughts of a
career in politics while in
high school, Love turned his
attention to the Maxwell
School. When he began to
write a column for the school
paper, he looked into opportunities at the Newhouse
School. "A great school
of the social sciences, and
a great communications
school-those were the two
largest factors in my choice
of SU," he says.
Arriving on the Hill in
1964, Love thrived amid the
turbulence of the time, writing for an underground campus weekly and then con tributing a regular column to
The Daily Orange. He was a member ofTau Delta
Phi and helped revive the dormant Omega Psi
Phi - SU's first African American fraternity. Love
is particularly proud to be a founding member of
the Student Afro-American Society (SAS) .
Despite a busy schedule, he did find time for
other things. "I proposed to my wife, Cheryl
Hardin '72, on the steps of Crouse College on a
perfect starlit night," he says.
After receiving a B.A. degree in political science, Love embarked on a remarkable career.
Recruited by Procter & Gamble, he rose to
become vice president of advertising, which at
the time was the highest position ever achieved
at the company by an African American. "At P&G,
results made the difference," he says. "Even people who didn't believe you could perform turned
around and respected you for your achievements.
I substantially built several company brands and
saw the organization change."
In 1996, Love resigned
from the company to pursue
a new interest. "When I
learned that the only FM station in Cincinnati targeted
toward the black community
was going bankrupt, I
bought it-and I fell in love
with radio," he says. "It's the
single most effective way to
communicate with local African American communities."
Love added 19 more stations
to Blue Chip Broadcasting,
before selling the company
in 2001. Today he is president and CEO of Blue Chip
Enterprises, a diversified
company, which owns several businesses.
A member of the Society of Fellows and the
Martin ). Whitman School of Management Corporate Advisory Board, Love is a major donor to
the Our Time Has Come minority scholarship fund,
and a participant and speaker at the Coming Back
Together reunions. In 1991, he was honored with
the Arents Pioneer Medal for business achievement. He is active in civic affairs in Cincinnati and
his personal philanthropy includes a gift of $1 million to the United Way.
"I experienced a period of incredible personal
growth at Syracuse, paralleling the moment in
history," he says. "We were deeply engaged in
the issues of the day- civil rights, economic
empowerment, the Vietnam War. The beauty of it
was that we were engaged not only intellectually,
but in a hands-on way: writing, organizing,
expressing our ideas, and influencing people. I
would not be the person I am today if I had not
gone through it."
- David Marc
WI NTER 2003 · 04
et al.: Alumni Journal
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number, and e-mail address. For information on the club nearest you, contact the person listed or call the Office of Alumni
Relations at 1-8oo-782-5867.
Nicole Wolfgang '01 (A&S/NEW)
of Durham, N.C., earned a master's
degree in economics from Duke
University, where she is pursuing a
Nicole Zwerin 'o1 (NEW) of
Ridgewood, N.J., is manager of the
speakers bureau at Medco Health
Jason Bakelar G'o2 (MAX) of
Rockville, Md., is an analyst at the
U.S. Government Accounting
Emanuela D'Ambrogio G'o2 (LAW)
of Liverpool, N.Y., is an associate
attorney at Hiscock & Barclay.
Matt Delsignore '02 (NEW) of
Watertown, N.Y., is an
anchor/report er at WTNY-AM.
Jeremy Bialek G'01 (NEW) and
wife Julie announce the birth of
their daughter, Alice Suzanne.
They reside in Indianapolis, where
he is a program director for WIJYFM.
Mikale Billard G'o1 (MAX) of
Remsen, N.Y., was named one of
Mohawk Valley's top 40 Under 40
by the Mohawk Valley Business
Journal and BizEventz in honor of
his professional achievements. He
is a research ana lyst at the Oneida
County Executive's Office in Utica,
Sarah P. Bonds 'o1 (VPA) of Bronx,
N.Y., completed U.S. Navy basic
training at Recruit Training
Command in Great Lakes, Ill.
Bouchard G'o1
(MAN) of New
Paltz, N.Y., w as
first runner-up
:...;._.• • for the 2003
Business Advisor of the Year
Award, sponsored by the New York
State Sma ll Business Development
Betty Dunsmoor G'o1 (SWK) m arried John M artin . She is a medica l
social worker at St. Joseph's
Hospital in Syracuse.
Jessica Cauffman Hanthorn '01
(NEW) of Norfolk, Va., is an education reporter for the Daily Press.
Shuyuan Lan G'o1 (ECS) of
Taichung, Taiwan, is an application
engineer at MaoJet Technologies.
Kim C. Lee '01 (1ST) of
Gaithersburg, Md., is a senior
associate at the accounting firm
of Clifton Gunderson.
Karen Male '01 (NEW) of New York
City is a desk assistant for NBC
Nightly News with Tom Brokaw.
Nicole Ferring 'o2 (NEW) of
Mclean, Va., is a project assist ant
for the Center for Science in the
Public Interest's Nutrition Action
Health Letter in Washington, D.C.
Jacqueline Hassell '02 (A&S) of
Weston, Mass., is director of
media services for M assachusetts
Governor M itt Romney.
Heather Moran
'01 (EDU) married Kirk Baxter.
They reside in
Bergenfield, N.J.,
where she is
pursuing a master's degree in
reading at Teacher's College of
Columbia University.
Jonathan J. Hoster '02 (NEW) of
Birdsboro, Pa., is a sixth-grade
teacher at Immaculate
Conception Academy.
Adrienne Price '01 (NUR) married
Matthew Weissman 'oo (MAN).
They reside in New York City.
Irina Livshits ' o2 (A&S) of
Brooklyn, N.Y., is an economist at
the New York City Office of the
Comptroller's Burea u of Fiscal and
Budget Studies.
Adrienne Richardson '01 (MAN) of
Charlotte, S.C., is an operations
processor at Well s Fargo Home
Mark E. Richardson 'o1 (A&S) of
Timonium, Md., works for
Enterprise Rent-A-Car.
Jodie E. Feldman '01 (HD/VPA) of
Cherry Hill, N.J., is a t echnical
designer at Lerner New York/New
York & Company.
Michelle Rodriguez '01 (SWK) of
Syracuse is a case m anager at
Joelle M. Fortunate G'o1 (LAW) of
Watertown, N.Y., is assistant
county attorney f or the Jefferson
County Attorney's Office.
Noelle Sku be 'o1 (1ST) of Berryville,
Va., is web technician and administrator at Corporate Jet Sa les in
Middleburg, Va.
50 SY R AC U S E
Published by SURFACE, 2003
Zachary Dineen 'o2 (ECS) of
Manlius, N.Y., is an HVAC engineer
at Sack & Associates Consulting
Khalil Johnson 'o2 (VPA) of Jersey
City, N.J., is a credit and order
operations specialist at Verizon
Leila Mamedova '02 (MAX) of
Rockville, Md., is a consultant at
Deloitte Consu lting.
Courtney Mulligan '02 (A&S) of
Little Fall s, N.J., is an editorial st yle
assist ant at House & Garden m agazine in New York City.
Meghana Ramaprasad-Dutta G'o2
(ARC) of Rensselaer, N.Y., is an
archit ect intern for Townse nd
Architects in Albany.
Valerie Reese G'o2 (EDU) of
Syracuse is a first-grade teacher in
the Syracuse City School District.
Earl W. Rilington Jr. G' o2 (MAN) of
Evans Mills, N.Y., is division comptroller in the U.S. Army 10th
Mountain Division at Fort Drum,
Stephanie Schweitzer '02 (VPA) of
New York City played a witness on
Law and Order: Special Victims
Sarah Stewart 'o2 (VPA) married
Adam Logemann 'o1 (MAN). They
reside in Birmingham, Mich.,
where she owns the photography
company Sarah Ann Studios and
he is a business broker at Trinity
Hillary Strachan 'o2 (A&S) is a job
developer at FEGS Health and
Human Services System in New
York City.
Andrew Watkins 'o2 (ARC) of
Boston and partner Jeremy Munn
founded Desig n-Lab, an architecture, g raphic design, and photography company.
Kristin E. Zur 'o2 (MAN) of
Whitehall, Pa., is a merchandising
specialist at General Electric
Consumer Products.
Jason Anderson ' 03 (VPA) is a ticket sales account execut ive for the
New Orleans Sai nts.
Shannon Astle ' 03 (MAN) of North
Reading, Mass., atte nds law school
at Suffolk Universit y in Boston.
Patricia Cavalla ' 03 (A&S) of
Richmo nd, Va., w o rks in retail
m anagem ent at Walgreen's.
Jessica Dworsky '03 (MAN) married Gregory Anderson '02 (NUR).
They reside in Cockeysville, Md.
Brian W. McDonald '03 (MAN) of
Rochest er, N.Y., is a credit analyst
at CN Bank in Pittsford, N.Y.
Christian Narowski '03 (MAN) of
Woodbridge, Conn., is a fin ancial
advisor at American Express.
Ashley R. Tighe ' 03 (A&S) of East
Moriches, N.Y., is pursu ing a mast er's degree in the Italian t eaching
prog ram at Stony Brook
Syracuse University Magazine, Vol. 20, Iss. 4 [2003], Art. 11
Ir1 Memoriam
Notices of deaths must be accompanied by a copy of an obituary or memorial card. Send to:
Alumni Editor, Alumni News; 820 Comstock Avenue, Room 308; Syracuse NY 13244-5040;
fax 315-443-5425.
Elva Smith Milligan
Sarah Richards Meays
Mildred Kruger Leyden
1928 G. Thomas Greenwood Jr., Virginia
Middlemiss Gutknecht, Mary Youker Johnson,
Florence Desgrey Konz, Marian Dubois
O'Connor, Elizabeth Dayharsh Taylor
K. Mildred Surbeck King
1930 Esther Baird Frost, Marion Ryan
Hofmann, Arline Bogue Karrel, Louise
Bardwell Robinson, Alice Wagenblass St. Clair
Helen Clark Brown, Horace G. Harris,
Elizabeth Downing Larrabee, Jerome T. Meyer
1932 Shirley Jenkins Fiedler, Arthur W.
lnfanger, Gertude Silverman Lassman, Newlin
P. Palmer, Asaph G. Waterman
1933 Elizabeth Corby Ba ll, Kay Low Deatsch,
Herbert Greeson, Alfred L. Morrison,
Ellsworth H. Mosher, Charles E. Reynolds,
Robert W. Rowell, Helen Janota Taylor
1934 Eleanor Carroll Dye, JohnS. Haney,
Carlton F. Putnam
Fay E. Christ
1936 George C. Crawford, Edith Morris Duhl,
Royal L. O'Day, Roger K. Powell, Helen Boehm
Sebert, Marion Walker Tolhurst
1937 Frederick P. Becker, Mary Watkins Berry,
Mona Freeman Janitz, Dorothy Bisbee Kelly,
Stella Latorte Planck, Lucy Wharton Porter,
EdwardS. Robinson, Marvin H. Sugarman
Nancy E. Allis, Donald H. Miller
1939 Grace E. Blomquist, William J. Brennan
Jr., Raymond A. Brunner, Prudence Burg
Hubbard, Robert W. Jones, Samuel Mann,
Richard A. Mclaughlin, Samuel Perry, Robert J.
1940 William A. Bader, Ellen Conry Betsch,
Barbara Hungerford Cook, Helen Applin
Eckhoff, Edith Shengold Fisher, A. Raymond
Moses, Gretchen Pensel Nadler, Robert D.
1941 Virginia Ned ham Hemby, Victor C.
Hobday, Rocco Longo, James L. M ack, Ruth
Bellinger Pedersen, Loren J. Ryd er, Phyllis
Pearson Sensor, Leon J. Wilkins
1942 Virginia Hueber Breuer, Jane Brien
Chittenden, Frederick W. Chitty Jr., Mildred M .
Deuel, Catherine Brown Ford, Claire U. Haverly
Jr., William L. Metzger, Olney G. Smith, Jane
Stellmann Yavorsky
1943 Morris R. Anderson, Roger W. Bancroft,
Bryce N. Batzer, Robert L. Brown, Gloria M.
Harty, Virginia Schill Odell, Barbara Kennedy
Otis, James H. Root Jr.
1944 Harry S. Hansen, M. Arline Schoenberg
Mandel, John F. Rafferty
1945 Lois McNair Albert, Bernice Lebo Bligh,
Douglas W. Courage, William D. Cox, Ruth
Perry Kreiter, Helen Kelly Thomas, Edith
Tizzard Whalen, Anne Spiess Wuerschmidt
1946 Rita L. McMahon, Olive Ransom
Nelson, Sonia Brandt Rosenbloom,
William J. Ryan
1947 Donald G. Fallon, Adolfo Fortier-Ortiz,
Ruth A. Johnson, J. Paul Ray
1948 Frederick A. Abess, Patricia BadgerSoper, Gerard E. Donohoe, James J. Duke,
Martin J. Joel Jr., Richard E. Malany, Lewis M.
Muessig, Harrison A. Pol lets
1949 Martin L. Goldberg, Donald A. Gray,
Dorothy Jones Lambert, Clifford J. Mosbacher,
Nicholas M. Nardone, E. Alfred Osborne, Bruce
M. Sabine, Herbert A. Silverman, Kenneth M.
Stewart, John H. Struthers
1950 Alan F. Brown, Lillian G. Burns, Roger G.
Daly, William Green, Donald F. Hayes, Dorothy
Wilkins Joyce, James M. McDonald, William H.
O'Sullivan, Steven W. Ross, Edward I.
Rubinstein, Edwin R. Shackleton
William E. Brown, Robert M. Charm,
George M . Freeland, WalterS. Hadala Sr.,
Philip B.laconis, Roger B. Kennedy, Willia m C.
Mahaffy, Richard J. Renner, James S. Weeks
1952 Regina F. Ba czynski, Frances M aria n
Bi shop, Louis T. Brewer Jr., Gertrude Thomas
Lanning, Rene R. Moncayo, William C. Woolsey
1957 Ralph C. Farmer Jr., Robert C. Limburg,
Margaret P. Tighe
1958 Russell D. Bushee, Donald C. Carmien,
Joel B. Coffin, Clara Rex Lawson
1960 Jerome Cohen, Russell L. Kerr, Robert P.
Koenig, Eldridge W. Roark Jr., Andrijs
Skroderens, Martin A. Sudy, John Ad kin Walter
1961 Edna M. Krauss, Leroy B. Nydegger,
Nina Horowitz Wasserman
1962 Elvin T. Choong, Angela Struglia
Cooney, Lawrence Friedman, Sylvia Gifford
Haley, August P. Kastel
John H. Dressier
William E. Garrett
1965 James R. Carter, Carolyne Kahle Davis,
Beverly A. Fedock, Thomas V. Morse Jr.,
Thomas D. Wilhelm
Wayne G. Anderson
1967 Josette M. Mondanaro, Charles D. Root,
Alexander Uspenski
1968 Rosema rie A. Chiodo, Harold W.
Rathbun Jr., Lorrai ne A. Sherwood
1970 William Boags, Lewis T. Cetta, Donald
R. Ham, Ronald L. Hatch, William C. Nea l,
Ernest B. Osier Jr., Ellen Coolman Rappaport,
Clara A. Sabel, Mercedees Myers Uzzell
David M . Greeley, Joan Elsen Smith,
Ronald K. Stedman
1972 Ruth Coe Keeler, Carl E. Muehl berger,
Norman M . Ross Jr., Kenneth A. Tambs
1973 Sharon Solomon Darnell, Robert F.
Flynn, Barbara Little Lawler, Caroline Davis
Thomas W. Cassada
Steven L. Fieman
John J. Thompson
Patricia Maloney
Craig 0 . Guhl, Mary E. Spaulding
1980 Joseph G. Caruso, Jill A. Gropp,
John W. Mack
Janet L. Brown, PaulS. Gerarde
Jane Neother Stevens
1953 Carl F. Baumann, Frederick R.
Hendrickson, Sandra Satz Logiudice, Mari Rice
Kevin P. Lynd
Jean Benneyan Kordalewski
1954 Madge Evans Narcisian, Jerry S.
Victor Roa
Eliza beth J. Decker
Brent M ilner
1955 M ary Jane Austin Bea umont, M arion
Lewi s Beren son, JohnS. Nikodem Jr.
1956 Louis Cegala, Dorothy Grace Felton,
Jesse M. Hayman, James H. Kleeberg,
Jay D. Langer
1990 Albert H. Min non, Carol G. Muto
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