THE HELM Spring 2010 Published for members of the USCGC Duane Association MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA, REUNION By Stan Barnes, President Our reunion this year will be September 15–19, 2010 at the Sand’s Resort, Myrtle Beach, S.C. All is online for this year’s reunion in South Carolina. One of the reasons Myrtle Beach was selected is so that those of you who live in the southeast would have the opportunity to attend without having to travel way up North. We hope that those shipmates, who this pertains to, will be able to take advantage and join us. Please see the “Plan of the Day” on page 3 in this issue of The Helm for more details. Barbara and I visited the Sand’s Resort in January on our way to Florida and we found it to be very nice. The rooms overlooking the beach and ocean are very comfortable and clean. The food at Mango’s and The Brass Anchor is fantastic. You will really enjoy “The Hall Of Heroes” dedicated to all military and public safety groups. There are more amenities on site than you will most likely have a chance to use— unless you come a few day’s early and stay a few day’s later. The scheduled attractions we will be engaging in are: a two hour ride on the Intracoastal waterway onboard the Jungle Princess which will include a box lunch ($23.00 pp). Dinner at The Giant Crab ($20.00 pp all inclusive). Two shows, The Carolina Oprey and The Legends in Concert ($27.00 each all In this issue inclusive). Transportation will be provided Plan of the Day...........3 to the Legends Theater WW II photos...........4,5 for $11.00 pp if we have DD 214 info.................6 forty people. Golf on Ship’s Store..................7 Saturday will be at The Application..................8 Legends Golf Course, Treasurer’s Report......8 18 holes for $40.00 plus cart. Transportation will be provided. Breakfast in The Brass Anchor. is included in the room price of $59.00 + tax ( +/$72.00 per night). This is a buffet and is really good. A group picture will be taken at 1800 on Saturday just before the banquet. All are urged to be there. On Sunday morning at 0900, we will be honoring all our heroes with a memorial service in The Hall of Heroes. The banquet on Saturday evening will be a buffet consisting of, mixed field greens with assorted dressings, sliced herb roasted turkey, stuffing and gravy, marinated London broil, honey glazed baked ham, mahi-mahi, green beans, roasted potatoes, key lime pie, carrot cake and ice cream. Not bad for $30.00 pp all inclusive. We will have a guest speaker (TBD) and an auction. Please make your reservation soon, since we need numbers for some of the events. Call the Sand’s Resort at 1-800-599-9872 and tell them that you will be attending the USCGC Duane Association Reunion September 15–19, 2010 Free transportation to and from the Myrtle Beach Airport is provided. If you have any questions, please give me a call. 603-286-7720 P.S. From Barbara, to the women: there is a spa & exercise room at the resort, also plenty of shopping to do in the Myrtle Beach area. Spring 2010 IN MEMORY OF ALL MEMBERS OF THE USCGC DUANE ASSOCIATION WHO HAVE “CROSSED THE BAR” ERDMAN RUSE PAUL TRIMBLE JOHN BAKER FLOYD STROMER WALLY HANSON ROBERT NUNN GARY “DUKE” SNYDER KEN THERIAULT CHARLIE FARLOW JOHN HUTCHINGS JOHN DUGAN JERRY MURPHY RICHARD CLARK JACK CONNELY GEORGE CHIORAN THOMAS BERNIER JAMES BROOKS ROGER ERDMANN MAURICE O’CONNELL ROBERT CAIN ROBERT WIGGLEWORTH SKIP DALTON WALLACE MILLER RICK MOISON HELMER PIERSON JOHN GOSNELL DONALD ROGERS BILL O’CONNOR ROBERT STANTON BOB HAVILAND EDWARD GRANT BRUNO VENDRAMIN ARNOLD SHAW JACK GARDNER LAWRENCE MURPHY DAVID DORAY RAY BUCKNER WILLIAM HUNT DAN WALSH JAMES WALSH JAMES WITT CARL PERKINS GILBERT PARKS JAMES SHARP SAL ASTUCCIO HARRY HAYS ROBERT BURNS JOHN O’BRIEN RON GOLEC JOHN HUME SHIRLEY GABRIAL JOE BRABEC MARIA RAGUCCI DONNA MURPHY 2 USCGC Duane Association Newsletter 2010 TENTATIVE PLAN OF THE DAY MYRTLE BEACH, SC SANDS DUNES RESORT SEPT.15 – 19 WEDNESDAY SEPT. 15 1600 Check in 1730 Welcome reception in the hospitality room. (Bali Room North) Outside if weather is decent. 1900 Dinner as a group at the hotel (Mango’s) 1500 Hospitality room open till 2300 ( Bali Room North) THURSDAY SEPT. 16 0600 – 1000 Breakfast in the Brass Anchor Restaurant (Complimentary) Hospitality Room open 0900 – 2300 Open day to enjoy the beach and resort amenities or discover Grand Strand, Hopsewee or Hampton Plantation, Barefoot Landing, Broadway at the Beach, an Outlet Mall, IMAX Theater, Ripley’s Aquarium. May I Suggest Brookgreen Gardens or many more attractions in the area. 1700 Dinner at Mango’s 1930 Leave for Show (bus provided for $11 pp) 2000 Show Time – Legends in Concert (check out their web site) $27.00 all inclusive FRIDAY SEPT. 17 0600 – 1000 Breakfast in the Brass Anchor Restaurant (Complimentary) Hospitality Room open 0900 – 2300 1200- Lunch onboard the Jungle Princess -Two hour cruise on the Intracoastal Waterway- Box lunch Turkey sandwich, chips, desert, drink (Snack bar onboard) $23.00 pp. Make payment to Jeanne prior to reunion. 1800- Dinner at Giant Crab Seafood Restaurant (check out their web site) $20.00 all inclusive 1930- Leave from Giant Crab for show at Carolina Oprey 2000- Show Time – Carolina Oprey (check out their web site) $27.00 all inclusive SATURDAY SEPT. 18 0600 – 1000 Breakfast in the Brass Anchor Restaurant (Complimentary) Hospitality Room open 0900 – 2300 Golf – Legends Golf Course $40.00 18 holes with cart. (Transportation provided) Open day to enjoy the beach 1600 Business meeting in the hospitality room. 1730 - 1830 Cocktail reception in the hospitality room. Group Picture 1800 SHARP 1830 – Banquet in the hospitality room Guest speaker Auction SUNDAY SEPT. 19 0600 – 1000 Breakfast in the Brass Anchor Restaurant (Complimentary) 0900 Memorial Service – Hall of Heroes PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THERE WILL BE NO SHIP’S STORE 3 Spring 2010 4 USCGC Duane Association Newsletter New Coast Guard book published In the Event of a Water Landing is a new book coming out about aircraft ditchings and, for the first time, tells the full stories of the Bermuda Sky Queen and Sovereign of the Skies rescues. It will be available through Mike Walling’s web site ( book may also be available through our Ship’s Store. Also, Bloodstained Sea is back in print and available through his site. Sinbad of the Coast Guard, the Sinbad plush toy, and a newly revamped DVD of Sinbad, Dog of the Seven Seas are available through Flat Hammock Press ( US Coast Guard WW II mounted patrol photos 5 Spring 2010 DD-214s are now online What is a snipe? T (From the Navy Times Nov. 23, 2009) he National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) has provided the following website for veterans to gain access to their DD-214s online: index.html This may be particularly helpful when a veteran needs a copy of his DD-214 for employment purposes. NPRC is working to make it easier for veterans with computers and Internet access to obtain copies of documents from their military files. In the mid-19th century, when steam was still new technology, sailors in engineering ratings were not treated as equals by their topside counterparts. They got the worst food and poorest places to sleep. That is, until an engineering officer named John Snipes stood up for equal rights for his engineers— demanding the same accomodations and food for his sailors, known as “Snipes’ men.” As the story goes, the ship’s captain laughed at Snipes’ request. But that quickly changed when Snipes told his men to put the fires out on the boiler—stopping the ship dead in the water. Snipes got his way, and his sailors got equal treatment. “Snipes’ men” got shortened to “snipes.” Support the Ship’s Store. Duane items make great gifts for yourself and for your family. Visit the official Duane Association web site created and hosted by Rick Bogdan. You can download a membership application and PDF copies of this newsletter. The Helm newsletter is published by the USCGC Duane Association. This is not an official US Coast Guard publication. Jay Schmidt, Editor & Publisher 6 Goodwin Drive Norton, MA 02766 6 USCGC Duane Association Chain of Command President Stan Barnes 381 Stage Road Sanbornton, NH 03269 (603) 286-7720 Secretary & Treasurer Jeanne Haviland 7 Squirrel Hill Lane Hingham, MA 02043 (781) 749-0995 USCGC Duane Association Newsletter Ship’s Store Order Form Product Quantity Color Size Price Subtotal $ Shipping $6.00 Total $ T Shirts Tiger embroidered Size S M L XL XXL XXXL $22.00 White or Navy blue Pocket T round insignia $25.00 White Polo Shirts Size S M L XL XXL $28.00 Navy Blue Sweatshirts Tiger embroidered Size S M L XL XXL $30.00 Navy Blue Tiger Patch $8.00 Hats Tiger embroidered $20.00 Nylon Windbreaker Round gold insignia Size L XL XXL $40.00 Navy blue/cotton lining Make checks payable to: USCGC Duane Assn. Name: Street: City: Phone number: E-mail: State: ZIP: Send to: USCGC Duane Ship’s Store, c/o Stan Barnes, 381 Stage Rd., Sanbornton, NH 03269 7 Spring 2010 Not a member? Join the USCGC Duane Association 2010 Membership and Renewal Application USCGC Duane Association Membership runs from January to December. Dues are $35 year. Name Spouse name Your nickname (first name) Street City State Zip Telephone Email (required for download notification) Years served on Duane: 19__ to 19___ Rank/rate while on board 2010 Membership Highest Rank/rate Renewal q I wish to receive the newsletter: q USCG year retired New Member q Via mail (black & white) q Download (full color) from our site Please send a check for $35 made out to “USCGC Duane Association” to: Jeanne Haviland, Secretary & Treasurer 7 Squirrel Hill Lane Hingham, MA 02043 Please cut along lines before mailing TREASURER’S REPORT A Brief Message to All the Crew - Your 2010 Dues are Due! Paid members so far are: Bacon, Baumann*, Bing, Dinsmore, Grabler*, Graham, Grant, Hardy*, Hunt, Kaclic, Keene, MacEachern, Madden, McGuire*, Miller (Bob), Mitchell, Moore*, Mulligan, Newhall*, Orrock, Peverly, Ptek (for her Dad, Bob Burns), Savinis, Savitch*, Alan - Jim- and Ray Smith, Snow, Straub, Teeven, Tubeck, and Washburn. *New Members Please contact me if your have paid your dues for 2010 and are not listed above. Jeanne Haviland, Treasurer USCG Duane Association 7 Squirrel Hill Lane, Hinham, MA 02043 (781) 749-0995 8
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