THE HELM Summer 2010 Published for members of the USCGC Duane Association TIME TO HEAD FOR SOUTH CAROLINA By Stan Barnes, President W ell we are coming up on our 2010 reunion so fast, I have not had time to let you all know that we are all set for Myrtle Beach. All that is left to do now is to have all of you call and make your reservations. Please call, 1-800-5999872 and tell them that you will be attending the USCGC Duane reunion September 15 – 19. I ask any of you who have taken books home from the last reunions to please bring them back so others might also enjoy them. I have some more very good books for your reading, which I will bring. This we can call a Duane Reunion book/DVD trade which we can do every year. This reunion is going to be better than last year’s in New London as we have a full agenda planned with two shows, (The Carolina Oprey and Legends in Concert) fabulous eateries (Mango’s, Brass Anchor and Giant Crab) and the best of lodging. All rooms will have beach and ocean views. The Hall of Heroes will be an event you will not want to miss. Our cruise this year will be on the Jungle Princess for a two hour luncheon on the Intercoastal Waterway for $23.00 pp. All of you who live down south, this is for you as we might not be back down south for several years. Please join us! Go online and check out The Sands Resort, Myrtle Beach. The price of $72.00 per night, tax included, is unbelievable for what we are going to receive—which includes a complimentary full buffet breakfast every morning. I also ask that you contact me directly to let me know that you have made your reservations so that we can make up packets for you. In this issue Plan of the Day...........3 Open Letter.................4 Reunion sign-up..........5 Ship’s Store..................7 Application..................8 Golf will be the call for Saturday morning if you wish. $40.00 will get you 18 holes and a cart at The Legends Golf Course. Transportation will be provided. Come join us for some fun in the sun!!! Now for the business meeting. We are going to have some decisions to make as to where you would like to go in the years to come. Plan to do some homework before the business meeting. I have been in contact with many locations around the country and have received some very nice offers. A few of them are, (all of which you can go online to check out) The Avi Resort in Laughlin, NV, Branson, New Orleans, Mobile, Niagara Falls, Long Beach, San Diego, Cocoa Beach, Biloxi, Disney World, Savannah, Dustin, FL, Galveston , Rockland, Maine (2011) and cruise information. We could return to Cape May, Williamsburg, Baltimore or Hull. Boston and Cape Cod are very expensive. Please think about these locations, and we will talk about them and others at the reunion. You can give me a call or email me with any suggestions, thoughts or wishes, and I will look into them. Thank you. This spring’s work detail in Baltimore on the Taney was a real success as Jim Orrock and I completed Continued on page 2 Summer 2010 Duane WW II Sailors Front row L-R Bob Dinsmore, Henry Keene, Maurice Polin Back row L-R Fran Lavacchia, Al Phaneuf, Joe Brabec, Fran Tubec President’s message continued from page 1 many of the projects that Paul Cora had lined up. The bulkhead aft on the main deck was Jim’s work and another fine job was completed. I painted out the passageway forward of the gunner’s mate office, forward by the ship’s office, the officer’s pantry and the port side boat deck. Also the deck from the port aircastle back to the machine shop. The big project was the woodwork around the bridge and bridge wings. I had two friends that I work with come down from NH to get some R&R and they did a beautiful job sanding down all the wood for me to varnish. If you ever visit the Taney and need a place to shave and have no mirror, use the rails on either the port or starboard bridge wings. 2 Please note, I have received many questions about why we were going back to Portland in 2011? We have been there four times and have done all there is to do in Portland. Therefore, I have made some changes which are agreed to by several others to move the 2011 reunion to Rockland, Maine. I will have all the info on this reunion at this year’s reunion. I promise you will be delighted with the move. I wish you all a safe and happy summer and we will see you in Myrtle beach. USCGC Duane Association Newsletter 2010 TENTATIVE PLAN OF THE DAY MYRTLE BEACH, SC SANDS DUNES RESORT SEPT.15 – 19 WEDNESDAY SEPT. 15 1600 Check in 1730 Welcome reception in the hospitality room. (Bali Room North) Outside if weather is decent. 1900 Dinner as a group at the hotel (Mango’s) 1500 Hospitality room open till 2300 ( Bali Room North) THURSDAY SEPT. 16 0600 – 1000 Breakfast in the Brass Anchor Restaurant (Complimentary) Hospitality Room open 0900 – 2300 Open day to enjoy the beach and resort amenities or discover Grand Strand, Hopsewee or Hampton Plantation, Barefoot Landing, Broadway at the Beach, an Outlet Mall, IMAX Theater, Ripley’s Aquarium. May I Suggest Brookgreen Gardens or many more attractions in the area. 1700 Dinner at Mango’s (on site) 1930 Leave for Show (bus provided for $11 pp) 2000 Show Time – Legends in Concert (check out their web site) $27.00 all inclusive FRIDAY SEPT. 17 0600 – 1000 Breakfast in the Brass Anchor Restaurant (Complimentary) Hospitality Room open 0900 – 2300 1200- Lunch onboard the Jungle Princess -Two hour cruise on the Intracoastal Waterway- Box lunch Turkey sandwich, chips, desert, drink (Snack bar onboard) $23.00 pp. Make payment to Jeanne prior to reunion. 1800- Dinner at Giant Crab Seafood Restaurant (check out their web site) $20.00 all inclusive 1930- Leave from Giant Crab for show at Carolina Oprey 2000- Show Time – Carolina Oprey (check out their web site) $27.00 all inclusive SATURDAY SEPT. 18 0600 – 1000 Breakfast in the Brass Anchor Restaurant (Complimentary) Hospitality Room open 0900 – 2300 Golf – Legends Golf Course $40.00 18 holes with cart. (Transportation provided) Open day to enjoy the beach 1600 Business meeting in the hospitality room. 1730 - 1830 Cocktail reception in the hospitality room. Group Picture 1800 SHARP 1830 – Banquet in the hospitality room Guest speaker Auction SUNDAY SEPT. 19 0600 – 1000 Breakfast in the Brass Anchor Restaurant (Complimentary) 0900 Memorial Service – Hall of Heroes PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THERE WILL BE NO SHIP’S STORE 3 Summer 2010 An open letter to the crew of the USCGC Duane Association By Stan Barnes, President During the course of my time as president and reunion coordinator of the USCGC Duane Association, I have been asked on more than one occasion to bring our reunion out west so that those who live out west might have a better opportunity to attend a reunion. I have given this a lot of thought and looked into many areas and locations that would provide us with the best of facilities and things to do. Some years ago we were thinking of going to Seattle, and Bill Ferguson found that the Doubletree Inn at The Sea Tact Airport would have given us this chance. But due to a clause in their contract ( attrition clause – you pay for rooms that you booked even if you do not fill them even with giving a thirty day notice) we said “no” to their offer. I will not deal with a location which has this clause in a contract. I checked with the Seattle Area Chamber of Commerce on 3/2/10 only to find out that the clause is still in effect in the Seattle area. I thought, what the heck and went ahead and checked out several hotels including the Doubletree Inn, and sure enough, it was still their policy. Not only that, but the best price per night I could find was $149.00 + tax. Now, I am talking three to four years down the road so these prices will go up by at least 10% between now and then. I asked them if we were to sign a contract prior to 2011, if we could lock in at the lower cost. You can guess what their answer was. So now, I decided to look at the Laughlin, NV area, as I know that the Burton Island and the Eastwind have had reunions there, and everyone had a very good time. Let me tell you what I have found: it’s called the AVI Resort and Casino. It is located about 15 miles south of Laughlin on the Colorado River. It is 90 miles south of Las Vegas and 281 miles east of Los Angeles. It is situated in the point of land where Nevada, California and Arizona come together. Laughlin at this time does not have a airport but may have one in a few years. For now, you would have to fly into Las Vegas and rent a car or make arraignments with someone else to meet there and car pool. If we were to contract with the AVI prior to 2011, we will be locked in to the 2010 prices – this would be for October 15 or 16, 2013 or 2014 (Wednesday/Thursday at $39.20, October 17, (Friday) at $67.20 and October 18, (Saturday) at $78.40.) If you add these prices up and divide by four, you will find that the average cost per night is only $56.00. Not bad! Of course you would be able to stay several days before or after for the lower cost of $39.20 per night. I am still working to have breakfast included, but if I don’t succeed, the buffet is only $6.00 pp. I am looking into a cruise to Lake Havasu City by speedboat with a luncheon and cocktails, discounted show tickets and possibly fishing for black bass. You would have to buy a fishing license and a Colorado River stamp for around $20.00 for three days. Of course, golf will be available on Saturday at a championship course for $9.00 to $11.00 less than the advertised cost, cart included. A nice banquet facility and hospitality rooms are on site. The rooms are very nice, all have a view of the river and mountains. There are many side tours to be taken advantage of also. Please go to the AVI web site at www.avicasino.com and view this location and all they have to offer. Now, the question is, where would you rather go in 2013, Laughlin or Branson? I have made no commitment to Branson. I do not feel going west two years in a row is non-conducive for the association. We will need to hold off on one of these locations for a few years. Please get back to me ASAP [sbarnes@metrocast.net], and if we have a good positive response, I will go ahead and make the arrangements at whichever location you choose. (Esther, I was thinking of you as I wrote this letter.) On a personal note, Barbara and I like the Laughlin location. So Laughlin has 2 votes. 4 USCGC Duane Association Newsletter USCGC DUANE Reunion, 9/15-9/19 2010 Myrtle Beach, So. Carolina REGISTRATION FORM 2010 DUES: $35 2011 DUES: $35 (now being accepted also) ACTIVITIES $___________ $___________ No. of People Thursday Evening, 9/16, Bus to Show ________ @ $11 (minimum, 40 people) Thursday Evening, Show: ________ @ $27 Friday, Jungle Princess Boat Tour: ________ @ $23 Friday, Show ________ @ $27 MEALS: Wednesday/Thursday at Hotel Friday, Dinner at the Giant Crab Saturday, Annual Banquet at Hotel $___________ $___________ $__________ $___________ Order off the menu, pay on your own _______ @ $20 $___________ _______ @ $30 $___________ Please Note: All meals and activities are optional – pick and choose TOTAL ENCLOSED (include 2010 dues if applicable) $___________ Name_______________________________________________ (Full name of wife, partner or guest )__________________________________________ Address____________________ Town_______________State:____ Zip:_____Phone:__________ Email:___________________________ Year(s) served aboard the Duane: 19____ to 19____ Rate/Rank when aboard________________ Mail this completed form and your payment to: Jeanne Haviland, Treasurer 7 Squirrel Hill Lane, Hingham, Ma. 02043 ??Questions??: (781) 749-0995 or Havilandr1@aol. com Make Checks Payable to: USCGC DUANE ASSOCIATION IMPORTANT!! Registration and payment must be received by September 1, 2010 5 Summer 2010 MESSAGE FROM THE TREASURER I’ve Got Those Deep Down “They’re Not Paying Their Dues” Blues! Only 38 members have paid for 2010 – please get out your check book and make me happy. Jeanne Bibb Shipmates Association 15th Reunion, Savannah, Georgia April 6 –9, 2011 Springhill Suites by Marriott For more information: www.cutterbibb31.com. Site should be operational soon. Support the Ship’s Store. Duane items make great gifts for yourself and for your family. Crossed the Bar USCGC Duane Association Chain of Command Charles “Chick” Straub May 11, 2010 President Visit the official Duane Association web site created and hosted by Rick Bogdan. sbarnes@metrocast.net Stan Barnes 381 Stage Road Sanbornton, NH 03269 (603) 286-7720 http://home.comcast.net/~whec33 You can download a membership application and PDF copies of this newsletter. The Helm newsletter is published by the USCGC Duane Association. This is not an official US Coast Guard publication. Jay Schmidt, Editor & Publisher 6 Goodwin Drive Norton, MA 02766 jay.schmidt@comcast.net 6 Secretary & Treasurer Jeanne Haviland 7 Squirrel Hill Lane Hingham, MA 02043 (781) 749-0995 HavilandR1@aol.com USCGC Duane Association Newsletter Ship’s Store Order Form Product Quantity Color Size Price Subtotal $ Shipping $6.00 Total $ T Shirts Tiger embroidered Size S M L XL XXL XXXL $22.00 White or Navy blue Pocket T round insignia $25.00 White Polo Shirts Size S M L XL XXL $28.00 Navy Blue Sweatshirts Tiger embroidered Size S M L XL XXL $30.00 Navy Blue Tiger Patch $8.00 Hats Tiger embroidered $20.00 Nylon Windbreaker Round gold insignia Size L XL XXL $40.00 Navy blue/cotton lining Make checks payable to: USCGC Duane Assn. Name: Street: City: Phone number: E-mail: State: ZIP: Send to: USCGC Duane Ship’s Store, c/o Stan Barnes, 381 Stage Rd., Sanbornton, NH 03269 7 Summer 2010 Not a member? Join the USCGC Duane Association 2010 Membership and Renewal Application USCGC Duane Association Membership runs from January to December. Dues are $35 year. Name Spouse name Your nickname (first name) Street City State Zip Telephone Email (required for download notification) Years served on Duane: 19__ to 19___ Rank/rate while on board 2010 Membership Highest Rank/rate Renewal q I wish to receive the newsletter: q USCG year retired New Member q Via mail (black & white) q Download (full color) from our site Please send a check for $35 made out to “USCGC Duane Association” to: Jeanne Haviland, Secretary & Treasurer 7 Squirrel Hill Lane Hingham, MA 02043 Please cut along lines before mailing Cartoon used by permission of Gary Varvel, Indianapolis Star 8
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