Bulletin November 23, 2014 - Woody Nook Christian Reformed


Bulletin November 23, 2014 - Woody Nook Christian Reformed
Welcome to Woody
Lake Superior
So Mang-Edmonton
Canadian Baptist Bible Church
Friendship Group
NOV 23, 2014
Pastor Neil de Koning
403-782-2827 – Home
403-358-8221 – Cell
Pastor Dayna Vreeken
403-848-2231 – Cell
Pastor’s Office Hours
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
9:00 am to 12:30 pm
Church Office
403-885-4427 – Phone/Fax
Strydhorsts-Timothy Institute
*Next Sunday morning we hope to celebrate Communion. We
pray that the Lord will work in our hearts and minds to help prepare
us for His table. We will meditate on Isaiah 26 during the service, the
first Sunday of Advent.
*Congratulations to Brian and Cheryl Prins, and big brothers
Johnny and Levi, on the birth of Andy Jeremiah this past Thursday.
*Continue to pray for Gerrit Eggink as he recovers from his hip
operation, and Jim Prins during his struggle with cancer.
There will never be enough words to describe how thankful we
are for all the support we received from the Woody Nook
community. Thank you for the prayers, financial support and
food. We are truly blessed. Adam, Jordana and Rachel
Praying for our Church Family
Mike & Rayelle Byzitter, Rick & Joyce Abma, Devon &
Rosanne Bangma, Mark & Darlene Vander Laan, and Cees
Verdoold. We pray that the Lord will bless you all.
Celebrating Birthdays this Week
Cuba Connection Offering
As a Classis we are trying to raise 30,000 to build a
parsonage/training centre for Torriente, Cuba. The CRC in
Cuba has about 1500 members attending 12 churches. Life in
this Communist country is difficult for pastors and church
members. There are always basic needs which go unmet. Over
the years we have been a great help to them, and we want to
continue our assistance. Please contribute generously.
If by chance you are going to Cuba on vacation this winter I
would encourage you to visit one of the CRC Churches and
possibly bring some much needed supplies/aid. Talk to me if
you have any plans and we'll figure something out! Ron Prins
There are 2 Sundays remaining in our fiscal year. Collected
to Date: $543,672.11; our Total Budget is: $636,935.52
Remaining to collect: $93,263.41. Please carefully consider
your donations to Woody Nook Ministries in the next weeks.
Building Fund Fundraiser
The women from Morning Break would like to contribute to the
Building Fund, so we are doing a cookie fundraiser! Each box will
have 3 dozen cookies and will be sold for $15. Order forms are due
by Sunday, November 23, and the cookies will be available for
pick up at church on Sunday, December 7. Please drop off order
forms in Cindy Ekkel’s or Kate Luymes’ mailboxes.
Need to be Reimbursed?
If you or your committee has any receipts outstanding from the fiscal
year of Dec 1, 2013-Nov 30, 2014, please authorize and hand them in
to Karissa Prins by November 30. You can call 403-782-7317 or
email kdekon82@gmail.com if you have any questions.
The floor plan is now complete. We are in the process of
getting the mechanical drawings completed. If anyone
from the congregation is interested in building the kitchen,
please contact Tony Meyer by December 1 at 403.782.4869.
The floor plan will be on the easel by the south entrance.
Sunday School News!
The Sunday School committee has put up a bulletin board in the
Sunday School wing across from the bathrooms. Please take a
moment to check it out. If you are a teacher this year and you need
to find a replacement, the master teacher list is posted on the
bulletin board where you can find another person to switch with.
We currently need 7 more teachers to teach during our winter
session (Jan-Mar). Please take a moment to see if you can help out
in anyway. We are busy working on the Christmas Production which
will be December 14 at 4:30pm. More information to follow. Thanks
again to everyone who has made this year possible so far. Without
the volunteers we wouldn't be able to make this program work. If
you have any questions please contact Karri Folkerts, Rosanne
Bangma, or Cheryl Ekkel
Stephen’s Ministry
Sometimes it takes more than a parka or a blanket to keep
another person warm. Sometimes it takes the presence of a
Christian Friend. Stephen Ministers share the warmth of God's
love with those who need it most: the lonely, the elderly, the
depressed, the grieving. Is God calling you to reach out to those
who are hurting?
Consider serving as a Stephen Minister. We are starting a class
in the New Year and we would love to have you join us. For
more information, please contact Harv Buit, 403-748-2641 or
Grace Stolte, 403-885-4235.
Highlights from the Congregation Meeting November 17/14
Otto Schermers opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and
reading from Psalm 121. Otto then opened with prayer.
Minutes of the congregational meeting of May 5, 2014 were read
for information by Fiona Prins.
Motion to accept absentee ballots for the proposed Budget for
2014/2015. Keith Vaandrager Seconded. Motion Carried.
Dustin Ekkel presented the 2014/2015 Budget. There was
opportunity for members to ask questions.
Motion to approve the Budget for 2014/2015 as presented.
Members voted on the motion, and the motion carried by a vote of
92% for. (76 yes votes, 6 no votes). Carried.
Motion to accept absentee ballots for to hire a full-time, nonordained staff member at an approximate cost of $60,000 per year.
Joe Doef Seconded. Motion Carried.
Motion to approve hiring a full-time, non-ordained staff member at
an approximate cost of $60,000 per year. There was opportunity for
members to ask questions. Members voted on the motion, and the
motion carried by a vote of 70% for. (59 yes, 25 no votes). Carried.
Motion to approve the borrowing of up to $40,000 for operating
expenses for Woody Nook CRC. Dirk Drost Seconded. Carried.
Peter Den Oudsten reported on the Building Fund. There was
opportunity for members to ask questions.
Lennard Vander Schee reported on the Kitchen Project. There was
opportunity for members to ask questions.
Rick Abma reported on his first year of participating in Neighbourhood Life. There was opportunity for members to ask questions.
Questions and comments were added.
Lennard led in closing prayer.
If you are a youth who will be attending Catch. Catch dates for this
year are: Nov 25, Dec 2, Dec 9, Dec 16 starting at 7:30pm. During
these sessions we will be talking about the Bible, how to read it well,
what it says, and why it even matters. We hope to see you there!
Morning Break
The next Morning Break meeting will be on
Wednesday November 26th. Come on out and join
us from 9:30-11:30am for a time of study and
fellowship. Nursery and Story Hour is available.
The next Cadet meeting for boys in Grades 5 to
Grade 9 will be on Wednesday, November 26th,
from 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm at Woody Nook.
Opera Singer Maria Drost to Perform!
Come for a night of great music and to support a Canadian
Singer in The Netherlands! Maria Drost is one of Canada's up and
coming Opera Singers. She will be stopping by Woody Nook to
present to us a recital on her way to The Netherlands. Maria is
one of the finalists competing in Het Orkest Van Nederland (like a
Holland Idol, but for Classical musicians). Maria is married to
Nicolai Drost, son of Jan & Grada Drost. Any support is appreciated!
Recital: Friday, Nov 28th at 7:30pm at Woody Nook
~Suggested Donation $40 ~ Light reception to follow. Please call
403-437-4880 for further details. mariadrost.com
The worship committee invites members of the congregation to come
out on Saturday, November 29 from 10 am till noon to make an
Advent wreath just in time for the first Sunday of Advent. The event is
geared to all ages, and will be especially kid-friendly. Come and learn
how to make a wreath for your family and home Advent devotions,
pick up liturgies and ideas on how to use it, and enjoy some good early
Christmas fellowship and goodies. All materials will be supplied
(wreath, wire, candles, greens, liturgy) for a cost of $20. If you have
some good cutting tools to cut wire and branches, please take them
along. We'd like to know approximately how many people will come,
so please drop a note in Klaaske deKoning's church mailbox or send
her an email (degdek@gmail.com) if you plan to come. Thanks!
Thank you to all who participated in our Fall Art Show. It is
time to take your art home, and you can find your pieces in
Pastor Dayna’s office.
The youth are looking for old couches for our next youth
event. If you have an old couch you want to get rid of
please phone Colleen @ 403-885-4388.
On Sunday, November 30th you will have the opportunity to
worship and meet other young adults. Following the youth service,
Woody Nook will be hosting a games and coffee night for the young
adults of Central Alberta. So come meet some new people and play
some fun games. Games will be provided but if you have a favorite
game, please bring it along. Hope to see you all there.
GEMS & Seniors/Grandparents Caroling Soup Supper
Gems And Seniors/Grandparents Caroling Soup
Supper will be on Wednesday, December 3 at
5:30pm at the church. All seniors and
grandparents are welcome to join us for an evening of food and
fellowship. RSVP to Karlee Prins (403-782-9612) by next Sunday,
November 30. Look forward to seeing you all there!
YU Adventures
Any youth interested in joining
Youth Unlimited/YFC this year on
our Adventure trips over Spring
Break 2015 to Mexico or Vancouver, or next summer to
Honduras. Come out with your parents to the Parent/Student
Information Night at the YU Turn (5025 – 50 St, Lacombe)
on Monday, December 1st at 6:30PM. No commitment needed
that night but any interested students are encouraged to come
out. If you have any questions before the meeting please contact
Melissa Kuipers at melissak@cayu.ca.
WHEN: Sunday afternoon, December 7th, from 2 - 4 PM.
WHAT: A musical fundraiser to support the organization Blessing the
Children in Ethiopia (where Brad and Christy Bennik are serving for
this year - grandson of Neil and Willie Rietema).
Featured will be the gospel music group known as Gospel
792, a Men’s Choir, younger voices and some banjo pickin'. It will
be held in Rimbey Christian Reformed Church and everyone is
Young Adult Ski Trip
The Young Adult ski trip is scheduled for the January 23rd weekend
in Canmore. There is limited space so that the first 50 registrants can
stay at the youth hostel. For information and registration, visit
CACHS Fall Debt Drive
The Central Alberta Christian High School fall drive is now
underway until December 14th. This year’s goal is $100,000.00.
If you have not received a donation form or you have lost your
donation form, you may contact Ann Oudman, (403-782-4535),
and request that she mail, fax or email you a copy of the
donation form. During the evenings, you may also contact
Wendy Barnes (403-885-5187) and they will ensure that you
receive a new form. Your donations may be mailed to C.A.C.H.S,
22 Eagle Road, Lacombe, AB T4L 1G7: Attention Wendy Barnes
or they may be handed in a sealed envelope to the canvasser.
CACHS Alumni Competitive Volleyball Tournament
The CACHS Alumni Volleyball tournament will be held Dec. 19 &
20. Teams may consist of only one non-alumni. Cost is
$125/team. Deadline to enter your team is Dec. 11. Please
spread the news to those alumni not living locally. For more info
or to enter your men’s or women’s team please phone Colleen @
403-885-4388 or e-mail schee@albertahighspeed.net . If alumni
would like to play but don’t have a team please phone or
email Colleen.
Hey Youth!
Nov 23 YOUTH CHANGED BY GOD: worship filled evening
lead by the youth of Lacombe with speaker Mary Eggink.
Bring your friends and a food bank donation! At the Wolf
Creek Community Church at 7 pm on Sunday - Nov 23.
Nov 30
Travelling Couch Meet at the church at
3:30pm-bring a truck (if possible) and your camera.
Supper will be at 6:30 pm and the Youth Service to
follow at 7 pm. After the youth service a group of
young people from churches in Central AB will be
hanging out. If you are a young adult, we would love
to see you there.
Dec 7 SLT Meeting Sunday, December 7
Dec 7 Mentor Groups
Next week’s offering-World Renew
But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of His
heart through all generations. ~ Psalm 33:11
For 50 years World Renew, as CRWRC, has been following God's
lead, responding to the needs of people who suffer from poverty,
hunger, disaster, and injustice. We hope that in the generations to
come God's plans will continue to be realized through CRWRC, our
partners, and our participating communities.
Bev Hogarth, Jack Siebenga, Dave Vanderplaat, Anthony Vanderwal, Jack VandenPol, Phil Visscher
The CUC Choral Union Presents Handel's Messiah
Come and enjoy the glorious sounds of the well known Baroque era Oratorio. The concerts take place on Canadian University
College's campus in the College Heights SDA Church
on Friday, November 28th, 2014 at 7:30 pm and Saturday,
November 29th, 2014 at 4:00pm. Free admission. Free will
offering will be taken.
The King’s University Choir Concert
On Sunday, November 30th at 7:30pm, The King’s University
choirs will be performing “What Sweeter Music” at First
Presbyterian Church (10025 105 Street, Edmonton) under the
direction of Irene Apanovitch and Dr. Evelyn Grieger! Accord
Ensemble will make a guest appearance under the direction of
Irene Apanovitch. Tickets are $20.00 for adults, $15.00 for
students, seniors, and alumni, and $5 for children 12 and under.
Purchase your tickets in advance at the King’s bookstore (780465-8306), or pick them up at the door.
at the Winspear Centre - Monday, December 1, 7:30 p.m.
U of A Mixed Chorus & Faculty of Education Handbell Ringers
Marnie Giesbrecht & Joachim Segger, Organists
All Seats: $15 (plus service chg.) Call Winspear: (780) 428-1414
CRWM a is looking for a church to send a group of 6-10 volunteers
A great opportunity for a different kind of team, one that will provide
a children's' program during our annual retreat. It would be a great
opportunity to learn about World Renew and CRWM and connect
with the Hooglands, the Kuipers, and Gary Verburg.
Every year, over 80 CRWM missionaries from all over Central
America gather at a retreat in Nicaragua for a time of encouraging
one another, learning from a speaker. CRWM a is looking for a
church to send a group of 6-10 volunteers, who are willing to
serve and support these missionaries, their ministries, and
children, to Nicaragua to provide a youth program for around 30
missionary children. The dates are March 28-Apr 1, 2015.
Need more info? about this opportunity, please contact Ruth Ippel (in
Nicaragua) at ruthippel@gmail.com or Bill Thornburg, CRWM’s
groups coordinator (in US) at bthornburg@crcna.org.
to join the 2015 NADC/King's Honduras Water Project team! In
May of 2015 the team will be taking three weeks to spend time in
the community of Quebrada Honda learning about a different
culture as well as community development, while working
alongside the local people as they build a water system for their
neighbourhood. For more information contact the NADC office at
yournadc@gmail.com or 780-819-7488. Application deadline is
December 5, 2014.
Many Voices — One Song
Is the title of the new Joyful Noise Choir CD recorded live at West
End CRC in Edmonton last fall as part of the choir's 35 th anniversary
celebrations. The choir was accompanied by an ensemble using
traditional Irish instruments giving the recording a unique Celtic
sound. All proceeds will be contributed to the construction of the new
Mess Hall at Rehoboth Camp. Pease contact Sherry TenHove to
purchase a copy ($20). Please make cheques, payable to “Rehoboth”.
Rimbey Christian School Fall Drive
God's Faithfulness towards Rimbey Christian School has been and
continues to be amazing! How wonderful it is that our God does
supply all our needs, especially through the support of His people
who love His school. This year's fundraising goal is $145,000. As a
private Christian school, the Alberta government only provides us
60% of the per student funding (compared to public schools), only a
small percentage for building and plan maintenance and nothing for
transportation. Think of this as the Three B's: Bible, Busing,
Building. These are the big reasons we rely so heavily on
fundraising. We are now running our Fall Drive fundraising
campaign which is our biggest fundraiser of the year until the end of
December. We ask that you prayerfully consider your support for
RCS. To donate please feel free to drop off your donation at the
school or mail it to PO Box 90, Rimbey, AB, TOC 2JO. Thank you
for your continued support!
Collection in Dutch Immigration History at King’s
Looking for a place for those old letters and photos? Please
don’t throw them away! The purpose of the new Gerry Segger
Heritage Collection at King’s is to collect, preserve, and share
materials related to the Dutch experience in Canada and to the
Dutch and German traditions of the Reformed faith in this
country. Boxes of old documents, letters, and photographs
might not have much apparent value, but they are invaluable for
future historians, for future members of this community, and for
people of Dutch descent who wish to understand and cherish
their pasts. These are the sources from which we can tell and
remember our stories, and share them with future generations. If
you have documents you’d be willing to donate (letters, photos,
diaries, journals, memoirs, immigration or business records, etc.)
or if you wish to know more about the Heritage Collection, please
contact us at heritagecollection@kingsu.ca or call Bonita Schalk
Bjornson at 780-465-3500 x8054.
NOV 23
NOV 24
10:00 am
NOV 25
7:30 pm 9:30 am
CATCH Morning
Pastor Dayna
9:30 am 9:30 am 7:30 pm
Advent 1
SENIORS Morning Adult Ed
@ Bethel Break
Pastor Dayna
7:30 pm
10:00 am
10:00 am
7:00 pm
NOV 29
7:30 pm
Prayer Service
Pastor Neil
NOV 28
Maria Drost
7:00 pm
NOV 30
NOV 26
NOV 27
7:30 pm 5:30 pm
7:30 pm
WM & Cuba Connection
WM & World Renew
Nov 23
Nov 30
Dec 7
Nov 26
Dec 3
Dec 10
Jan D & Hans E
Shawn P & Gord W
Kase S & Vince S
Nov 23
Nov 30
Dec 7
Dec 7
Team 2
Team 3
Team 4
Nov 23
Art & Gladys R
Nov 23
Nov 30
Nov 23
10 am
7 pm
Nov 30
Dec 7
10 am
Heidi’s Worship Team
A Capella
Candace’s Worship Team
Nov 30
Dec 7
Emma DO
7 PM
7 pm
Youth Worship Team
10 am
Sherry’s Worship Team
7 pm
Nov 23
10 am
Nov 30
10 am
Dec 7
10 am
Werner B
David S
Claire T & Jeff D
Nov 23
10 am
Nov 30
10 am
Dec 7
10 am
Amaya Salomons
Special Advent Lighters
Special Advent Lighters
10 am
Nov 30
10 am
Dec 7
10 am
Lydie D & Judi B
Edith A & Lin L
Andrea H & Sherry V
Nov 23
Nov 30
Dec 7
Dirk & Lydie D
Ed & Eleanor D
Jan & Grada D
Kurtis & Kristin D
Hans & Monda E
Jeff & Cindy E
Nov 30
Dec 7
Greg & Katie VS, Jack VV
Jacob & Coba V
Ron & Sherry V, Ken & Sally W
George & Betty W
Rod & Lil W, Dave & Mae A
James & Janet B
Jen O
Jen B
– Aug
10 AM – Nov 23
Rosanne B & Sharon
Grace S, Karen M
Jen B
Phil V, Emily F
Anna W
Dakota DO, Otto S
Deb VD
10 AM – Nov 30
Nov 23
Muff K
Tetsy M
Anja S
John & Wilma B
Ed & Linda K
Nov 23
4:45 pm Another Church
4:45 pm Veronica DO’s Group
4:45 pm Another Church
Coby V & Nahani S
Amanda TH, Stefani K
Kristin W
Jeff B, Geoffrey N
Amy K
Taya F, Tena P
Marlene E
10 AM – Dec 7
Maria VW, Katie V
Colleen V, Serena B
Kristin D
Harvey B, Taylor S
Maryanne B
Paul D, Dirk D
Logan D