July-August 2016 - Congregation Adath Israel


July-August 2016 - Congregation Adath Israel
Adath Israel Tradition
Serving the Adath Israel Chavurah since 1904
Newtown, Monroe, Bethel, Brookfield, Southbury, Trumbull, Oxford, Danbury
(The Little Synagogue that Could: First building: 1919, First rabbi: 1923)
Ritual: Conservative Social: Progressive Oneg Shabbats: Priceless
July & August
25 Sivan - 27 Av
Summer Service Schedule
Save the Date
Friday July 8
Friday July 22
Simply Diamond
Friday August 12
Neil Diamond Tribute Band
Friday August 26
Saturday, October 29
7:00 PM
Volunteer Opportunities Available
Help to make this fundraiser a success….
Be a sponsor or find a sponsor
Make this the year you get involved...
Place an ad in the program
Join a committee, lead or co-lead a committee
Buy tickets (available soon)
Love to plan events...think about leading the
Tell your Friends & Neighbors
Programming Committee or Men’s Club
Come enjoy a fun evening of your favorite tunes
Committees listed on page 9
Call or email the office for committee descriptions
More information on pages 4 & 7
In This Issue
Just For The Record
Contact Information
Rabbi’s and President’s Messages
Community Care Committee
The Nezvesky School
Pre-School Playgroup
In Memoriam
Upcoming Activities and Events
Hosting an Oneg / Kiddush
Simply Diamond Program
Community Programs & Events
July & August Calendars
From the Rabbi’s Study
I would like to express my happiness and enthusiasm in beginning my first year as rabbi of
Adath Israel. I look forward to working with the congregation and its leaders in adding to the
knowledge, participation and joy of Judaism and Jewish life in what is now my new Jewish community. The few months I have been able to be with you on an interim basis have introduced
me to a congregation and people with whom I am sure I will enjoy participating as your rabbi. I
have been very positively impressed with the willingness to participate, the interest and the
closeness of the members to the synagogue and its purposes. Together, we will strengthen and
be strengthened by the values and teachings of Torah.
Even though I have definite plans for programming I intend to introduce to the congregation, I
very much want and need to hear from the members of the congregation what you want to derive from your participation in our synagogue life. Planning together we can achieve the best results.
I do expect to develop special musical additions to our worship services through our religious school and involve
the adult congregation in participation. I am thinking of ways to increase post Bar and Bat Mitzvah continuation in
study and activities. I will endeavor to involve myself as much as possible in all areas of synagogue activity and to
be available to families and individuals in whatever ways I can make a positive contribution.
May God grant that the approaching new year be a year of goodness, kindness, good health and happiness for all
of us together.
~ Rabbi Barukh Schectman
President’s Message
Community Care & Share
Dear Congregants,
Congratulations to the families of Tyler DiMartino and Josh
Brault. Both young men are now a Bar Mitzvah and we look
forward to their participation at Shabbat services. I was
proud to be a part of both of those special days. Also, congratulations to the Newman family on Ellis' second birthday. There is a chair with his name on it in our schul.
There is much excitement going into the new year. Our
rabbi, Barukh Schectman, has helped us complete the calendar for next year. (It will be posted on the website in August). Take a look at it and look to see how you can participate. Be part of a service on Shabbat or the Holy Days, volunteer to sponsor an Oneg or Kiddush in honor of a birthday, anniversary or a special event that your family has
been fortunate to have had.
We had our last board meeting for the year and I appreciate
all that has been done by so many. Thank you for allowing
Congregation Adath Israel to be a part of your life in our
wonderful community.
We will meet again in August, but until then Florence and I
wish you a very Happy and Pleasant Summer.
With Blessings of Shalom,
Bob Rubinstein
The Community Care and Share Committee has
been very grateful for the wonderful support
from the congregation in providing meals for the
Wiener’s. They have been overwhelmed and very
appreciative for the meals provided to them
these past few months. Take them a Meal ended
the last week of June and all slots were filled.
Thanks again to all those who were able to help
out with meals and rides for David.
Thanks to all who came out to support Rosalie
Newman, one of our committee members, who
recently lost her father. The Shiva was very well
Although we are not meeting over the summer,
our committee is always available to anyone who
could benefit from our services. Please contact
Sue Morse at suemorse50@gmail.com if you
know of any congregant who can benefit from
our committee’s support.
Susan Littlefield
From The Ritual Committee
Shabbat Services were led on Friday, June 17th by Rabbi Schectman, followed by a delicious oneg
sponsored by Darryl and Leah Newman in honor of their son Ellis who is celebrating his 2nd Birthday. Although the honoree couldn't be there since it was past his bedtime, a good time was had by all
and guests were given tomato plants to bring home! Rosalie baked some of her special desserts
which were absolutely delicious! Thank you and congratulations to the Newman’s!
~ Bonnie Goldstein
Please join us as
the Men's Club of Adath Israel
hosts the Shabbat service
on Friday July 22nd
at 7:30pm
Sisterhood Summer Shabbat Service
July 8th
at 7:30 pm
Lead and hosted by our Sisterhood
Adath Israel Cemetery
(a division of B’nai Israel Cemetery)
472 Moose Hill Road, Monroe, CT
Please come and bring your
family and friends!
Information packets are available.
Please contact Susan Rubin at
office@congadathisrael.org or call
203-426-5188 and leave her a message.
Our Oneg is always a special treat!!
Our current Adult B’nai Mitzvah class has been meeting for just about one full year. Our three students have gained Hebrew literacy skills and have begun to study the prayer service and ritual practices. In one more year’s time they will be ready to be on the Bimah for a group B’nai Mitzvah ceremony. If you already have some Hebrew reading skills and you would like to join the class, you
would be most welcome.
Contact: ritual@congadathisrael.org. Adult Education is a perk of membership and is offered at no
additional cost beyond membership dues. Non-members pay a class fee and are welcome as well. If
you know of anyone outside of our congregation who might be interested in the class, please encourage that person to contact us.
~ Katherine Kohrman
Submittals for the September newsletter will be due on August 15.
Sisterhood met to discuss the annual Sisterhood
Shabbat Summer Service which will be July 8th at
7:30 pm. We will also sponsor the Oneg and bring lots
of tasty treats for everyone to enjoy!
Our dinner was
held at Dere
Street restaurant
in Newtown, on
June 16th.
School Registration
going on now!
Bonnie Goldstein
Fall classes being planned.
Sign up—New Students Only
Call or email the office for more information
Advertise in the Simply Diamond Program
This year, Adath Israel will be presenting “Simply Diamond”, an evening of Neil Diamond music on October 29,
2016 at Masuk High School in Monroe, CT.
We would very much appreciate your support by placing an ad or asking a business you frequent to place an ad in
our program book. Prices for the ads are below. We would be delighted to discuss your personal ad and look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.
The publication deadline is September 20, 2016.
The Event Program Book will be 5-1/2” x 8-1/2”.
This event will be advertised through social media, radio and newspaper.
pace Cost S
*All digital pictures must be high resolution.
Checks should be made payable to:
Congregation Adath Israel and mailed to same at Full page
P.O. Box 623, Newtown, CT 06470
½ Page
Ads can also be emailed to:
Ads and payments must be received by
September 20th, 2016
1/3 Page
Business Card
4-1/2”w X 7-1/2”h
4-1/2”w X 3-3/4”h
4-1/2”w X 2-1/2”h
3-1/2”w X 1-3/4”h
For more information, please contact:
Bob Goldstein, Marketing Representative
203-459-0089 or robert.goldstein36@gmail.com
By 1970 she joined
nine men to form the
group Ten Wheel
Drive, whose style was
similar to Chicago and
Tears. Dissatisfaction
set in after a couple of
years and she decided
again to pursue a solo
career. As so many
other musicians have
done, Genya developed strong drug and
drinking problems.
Lesser Known Jewish Recording Artists
~ Contributed by Charles Berger
In May 2014, Robert Clary was featured in
this series. Robert was involved in the Holocaust experience as a young man. This
month, the story will be told of someone
else who, as a young child, was also involved in the Holocaust.
The lady in question was born in Lodz, Poland on April 19, 1940 as Genyusha
Zelkovitz. She arrived at Ellis Island on
January 4, 1947 with her father Natan, her
mother Yadja, and her older sister
Helenka. Two brothers did not survive that
terrible time. According to Genyusha in her
2004 autobiography "Lollipop Lounge" (updated this
year), her first name was changed by her mother to Goldie
to sound "more American".
Even though she has
recorded as Genya
Ravan, Goldie & The Gingerbreads, Ten Wheel Drive,
and The Escorts, she has had only a couple of her singles
reach the national charts. In 1970, Ten Wheel Drive made
it into the Top 100 in the 70's with "Morning Much Better" in Billboard and Cashbox. In 1978 as Genya Ravan,
the Supremes hit "Back In My Arms Again" (featured)
made it only in the low 90's in the same publications.
The family ended up on Manhattan's Lower East Side on
Rivington Street. Her father was able to buy a candy store
with the help of the family's sponsors. She tells us that she
was a very unhappy and lonely child and still does not
know how old her brothers were when they perished because her mother became too emotional to tell her.
Genya has been married briefly twice, both ending in divorce. Her first marriage was at 16 to "Irving", a 28 year
old man.
The second marriage was in 1985 to
"Dennis" (she does not give their last names). She has had
no children.
She first became interested in music by listening to her
portable radio and even learned to speak better English
this way. In public school she participated in school musicals, enjoyed singing at home and did some modeling. These activities prepared her for her musical career.
In the 1970's she became a record producer, very unusual
for a woman at the time. She started her own record company called "Polish" (not the nationality). Genya signed
Ronnie Spector to the label, but after awhile they disagreed on many aspects producing her records and Ronnie
was let go.
Her first stage appearance was in 1962 at the Lollipop
Lounge (book title) in Brooklyn, N.Y. when she took a
dare and sang on stage with the group called The Escorts. She so impressed the group's leader that she was
asked to join the three male singers as their lead singer. Their first single "Somewhere" from "West Side Story" went to #1 in Michigan! When she met a drummer
Ginger Panabianco some time later, they both decided to
form an all girl band and called it Goldie & The Gingerbreads. She stayed with the group until late 1967 when
she left mostly because the other members became jealous
when journalists referred to the group only by her own
Not only did Genya's drug and drinking problems worsen,
she also went on welfare and in 1990 she developed lung
cancer. After several months of chemotherapy, the tumor
shrunk and it was removed. She is cancer-free to this day.
Since 2004, when her first book was published, she has
toured, hosted radio shows, and her photo appeared on the
Jimmy Fallon Tonight Show as a Fallon look-alike. Genya states that since 1990 she has not drunk alcohol or done
drugs. There also appears to be interest in making a film
based on her life - and what a life it has been!
She played with other musicians in the late 1960's. At
about this time, she decided to drop Goldie as her first
name and call herself Genya (shortened version of
Genyusha). A drummer friend Les DeMerle suggested
she drop Zelkowitz as her last name. Because she sounded like a black singer he thought she should name herself
for something black, like a raven. Genya agreed and became Genya Ravan, using an "a" instead of an "e".
If you would like to have your name tag use magnets rather
than a pin to secure to your clothing please send a quick
request to Susan Rubin, our synagogue administrator and
she will make the change for you.
Happy summertime to our chavurah! Now that we are involved in summer activities our thoughts are
probably very far away from the Nezvesky school and our education program. Yet, this is probably
the best time for each of us, parents, teachers and students, to reflect on the purpose of a Jewish
education and why we commit to it. In our By-laws, the first core value we adopt for our congregation is, "We preserve Jewish Identity by teaching Judaic traditions, culture and values." This is the
underlying principal of our school and I am pleased to see it born out by our B'nai Mitzvah class who
brought both the skills to lead a prayer service and the ability to analyze Torah so that it spoke to
them personally.
That is our goal: that in a nation of priests (Exodus 19:6), each of us should feel the confidence to
lead a community in prayer, that although rabbinic knowledge and guidance is revered, it is not
through rabbis that we experience G-d, but through ourselves and our participation in a religious
community. And we are a community: young and old, teacher and student, each of us brings a special
gift to our chavurah and each of us is a cherished member. Yet, the demands of a secular society
make it difficult for many of us to participate in the communal prayer that is the essence of a Jewish religious service. Whether it is a child's sleep schedule or Saturday morning activities, I see
our families mostly on Sunday and rarely on Friday night or Saturday. While I appreciate the commitment to the school, participation
in services is also a central part of
Ima Abba v’Ani
our heritage and the relationship between G-d and our people.
Therefore, in keeping with our mission as Jews to raise Jewish children, this fall, Rabbi Schectman will
be working with our children in preparing songs and prayers for some of
our services. Please join with your
children on these occasions. We are
also planning to provide more activities for parents and teenagers on
Sunday mornings.
Look for announcements and flyers on these as
our school year for 5767 begins in
the fall.
Playgroup is for children ages 2 to 5 and their parent or caregiver. Children learn about the Jewish holidays in an ageappropriate way, make crafts, sing and dance, and have a
GREAT time. This program will be led by Mardi Smith and
meets once a month from 9:30 to 10:30 on Sunday mornings
during the school year. No membership required and it’s
FREE to attend.
January 8
David Smith, Education Chair
Call or email the office to reserve your spot!
or office@congadathisrael.org
Please bring a small Kosher (dairy/pareve) snack and drink. It
is strongly encouraged that the snack be nut-free (i.e. no
peanut butter products).
Playgroup dates:
September 18
October 9
February 5
November 6
March 5
April 2
December 4
May 7
The next meeting of the Adath Israel Book Club
will be on Monday July 11th, 7:30 P.M. at the
home of Susan Littlefield. We invite all members
to join our club. We choose a variety of genres of
literature to discuss.
The current book we are reading is:
Adath Israel
Book Club
The Invisible Bridge, by Julie Orringer
Even if you haven’t read the book, consider joining us and helping to choose our next book. We
usually meet bimonthly. If interested, please
email Susan at slittle207@aol.com
Mondays 7:00 PM at
Adath Israel
For both experienced and
beginner players
11th Annual Shoreline
Jewish Festival - A celebration
of Jewish life!
Jewish music from around the
world, children’s programs, Israeli food, and other fair favorites. Jewish book sale, artists
featuring Judaica & Jewish art,
crafts for kids.
Admission and entertainment is
free. Food, crafts, Judaica,
books are for sale. For pictures
and more information, visit
Shop at
Office Phone: 203-426-5188
and Amazon will make a donation to:
Rabbi Barukh Schectman
Congregation Adath Israel
Administrative Assistant: Susan Rubin
AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same
products, same prices, same service.
2016 – 2017 Officers of the Board
Support Congregation Adath Israel by starting your
shopping at:
Vice - President: Amy Greenfield
Vice - President: Rosalie Newman
Vice - President: Susan Wilson
President: Bob Rubinstein
Treasurer: Dan Greenberg
Business card size: $10 monthly / $90 yearly
1/4 page: $15 mo. / $135 yr.
1/2 page: $25 mo. / $225 yr.
Full page: $45 mo. / $405 yr.
Email: newsletter@congadathisrael.org
Secretary: Jim Arena
Member at Large: Lauren DiMartino
Member at Large: Jessica Sachs
2016 – 2017 Committee Chairpersons
Birthday Books: Mardi Smith
Education Chairperson: David Smith
School Parent Coordinator: Cara Tingley
Teen Volunteer Coordinator: Stacey Schumer
Care & Share Committee: Susan Morse
Have an opinion? Like to write?
Fundraising: Lauren DiMartino
Newsletter contributions are
always welcome…
Honorarium: Susan Rubin
Have family or student news you would like to share?
House: Mark Silverman
Membership: Jodi Markowsky
Men’s Club: (position available)
Newsletter: Susan Rubin
If you wish to install a memorial nameplate in the sanctuary,
please contact Susan Rubin at 203-426-5188 or
by email office@congadathisrael.org
Programs: (position available)
Publicity: Karen Klein
Ritual: Katherine Kohrman
Safety: David Wiener
Sisterhood: Bonnie Goldstein
IN MEMORIAM Yahrzeits: July & August 2016
3 Jul
5 Jul
5 Jul
8 Jul
8 Jul
10 Jul
14 Jul
14 Jul
16 Jul
16 Jul
28 Jul
29 Jul
31 Jul
3 Aug
3 Aug
8 Aug
11 Aug
11 Aug
27 Sivan
29 Sivan
29 Sivan
2 Tammuz
2 Tammuz
4 Tammuz
8 Tammuz
8 Tammuz
10 Tammuz
10 Tammuz
22 Tammuz
23 Tammuz
25 Tammuz
28 Tammuz
28 Tammuz
4 Av
7 Av
7 Av
William Zank, Father of Susan Morse
Jacob Kovner, Father of Ron Kovner
Alan Douglas Lasken, Father of Bonnie Rosenthal
Rachel Bamberg, Mother of Steve Bamberg
Our condolences to the
Alberta Goldin, Mother of David Goldin
Newman family on the
of Rosalie’s father,
Carl Ravitz, Father of Sybil Blau
Henry Kirschblum.
Lillian Marcus, Mother of Marin Marcus
Minnie Rubinstein, Mother of Bob Rubinstein
Paula Frenkel, Mother of Susan Frenkel
Samuel Nezvesky, Father of Janice Schertzer, Jay and Joel Nezvesky
Jacob M Nahoum, Father of Michael Nahoum
Diane Morse, Mother-in-law of Susan Morse
Hilda Agines, Mother of Bernice Ullmann
Herbert Shapiro, Father of Diane Gamse
Fany Nowes, Mother of Gilda Slomka
Norma Rebb, Mother of Mark Rebb
Jacob Hoschander, Father of Linda Baulsir
Debra Jean Nahmias, Wife of Jack and Mother of Megan and Jonathan Nahmias
13 Aug
16 Aug
16 Aug
17 Aug
19 Aug
19 Aug
20 Aug
24 Aug
25 Aug
26 Aug
29 Aug
31 Aug
9 Av
12 Av
12 Av
13 Av
15 Av
15 Av
16 Av
20 Av
21 Av
22 Av
25 Av
27 Av
David Glantz, Father of Sylvia Nahoum
Frederic Baff, Husband of Ellen Baff
Alan Zuckerman, Father of Jodi Markowsky
Fajwel Nowes, Father of Gilda Slomka
Al Greifinger, Father of Rhonda Greifinger
Joseph Wishko, Father of David Wishko
Al Klein, Husband of Karen Klein
Annette E. Nahoum, Mother of Michael Nahoum
Theodore H. Silverman, Father of Mark Silverman
Marcia Judy Gans Nathanson, Mother of Lisa Chaloux
Sybil Orenstein, Aunt of Bernice Ullmann
Ben Weinstein, Uncle of Mardi Smith
In Sympathy
… and let us not forget
4 Jul
7 Jul
28 Sivan
1 Tammuz
Milton Davidson
Chaye Sarah Newman
3 Aug
8 Aug
28 Tammuz
4 Av
Sophie Goosman
Ethel Hammerman
8 Jul
9 Jul
15 Jul
19 Jul
21 Jul
22 Jul
2 Tammuz
3 Tammuz
9 Tammuz
13 Tammuz
15 Tammuz
16 Tammuz
Rebecca Stoller
Thomas Goosman
Louis David Brown
Jacob Goldberg
Viola Glaser
Sarah Stoller Gottlieb
9 Aug
9 Aug
10 Aug
13 Aug
13 Aug
15 Aug
5 Av
5 Av
6 Av
9 Av
9 Av
11 Av
Edna Sippin Yanosy
Philip Koslow
Louis Ushkow
Abraham S. Steinfeld
Shlomo Katz
Baby Wendy Lee Freedman
26 Jul
27 Jul
27 Jul
3 Aug
20 Tammuz
21 Tammuz
21 Tammuz
28 Tammuz
Louis Plotkin
Eli Freedman
Soloman Niederman
Essie Melzer
20 Aug
23 Aug
28 Aug
16 Av
19 Av
24 Av
David Epstein
Lilly Goosman
Shirley Kiel Hammond
We gratefully acknowledge the following contributions to temple funds:
General Fund
Robert & Bonnie Goldstein in memory of Bonnie’s father, Irving Magilnick
Susan Rubenstein in memory of her father, George Fox
Martin Zwerdling in memory of Henry Kirschblum
Sheila & Dan Robusto in memory of Henry Kirschblum
Gilda Slomka in memory of her mother, Fany Nowes
Building Fund
Barry & Robin Magilnick in memory of Barry's father, Irving Magilnick
Caring Community Fund
Susan Morse in memory of her father, William Zank
Diane & Henry Gamse in memory of Diane's father, Herbert Shapiro
Rosalie & Chuck Newman in memory of Rosalie's father, Henry Kirschblum
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
Rosalie & Chuck Newman in memory of Rosalie's father, Henry Kirschblum
Friday, June 3
The B’nai Mitzvah class in honor of our Tyler DiMartino’s Bar Mitzvah
Saturday, June 4
The DiMartino Family in honor of Tyler’s Bar Mitzvah
Friday, June 10
The B’nai Mitzvah class in honor of our Joshua Brault’s Bar Mitzvah
Saturday, June 11
The Brault Family in honor of Joshua’s Bar Mitzvah
Hosting a Friday Oneg or Saturday Kiddush is performing a Mitzvah for our
community. After services is a time
when we have a chance to slow down
and catch up on the weekly events
with our fellow congregants.
It’s not only a Mitzvah, but a way for
you to celebrate an event in your family and share the good news with our
congregation. Many people host to
commemorate birthdays, anniversaries, engagements, awards, graduations, victories and other happy occasions. You may also host in memory of
a loved one. Of course, you don’t
need a reason to host and you may
also buddy up and host with a friend.
If you wish to participate in this Mitzvah or for more information, please
e-mail the office at
Friday Oneg Dates Available
Friday, June 17
Leah & Darryl Newman in honor of their son’s 2nd birthday
August 12, 26
September 9, 16, 23, 30
October 7, 14, 21, 28
November 4, 11
December 2, 9, 16, 30
Saturday Kiddush Dates Available
A great way to honor
past and present
family members and friends
Large Leaf—$1800. each;
Small Leaf—$180. each
Order forms available at the synagogue
October - TBD
November 12
December 10
Celebrate a special day with us!
Honor an achievement, birthday or
anniversary. Do a mitzvah. Sponsor an
Oneg or Kiddush this year.
Reserve your date now!