
By Shira
136 Westpark Blvd, Dollard des Ormeaux, Quebec H9A 2K2
Tel: (514) 683-5610 Fax: (514) 683-1867 Eruv Hot Line: (514) 683-1867
July/August 2009
Tammuz/Av/Elul 5769
Candle Lighting until
July 4th – Evening Services
Shabbat Concludes
8:29 PM
8:45 PM
9:43 PM
SHABBAT – JULY 10 – 11
Candle Lighting until
July 11th – Evening Services
Shabbat Concludes
8:27 PM
8:30 PM
9:39 PM
SHABBAT – JULY 17 – 18
Candle Lighting until
July 18th – Evening Services
Shabbat Concludes
8:22 PM
8:30 PM
9:32 PM
SHABBAT – JULY 24 – 25
Candle Lighting until
July 25th – Evening Services
Shabbat Concludes
8:15 PM
8:30 PM
9:24 PM
Candle Lighting until
August 1st – Evening Services
Shabbat Concludes
7:58 PM
8:00 PM
9:03 PM
Candle Lighting until
August 15th – Evening Services
Shabbat Concludes
7:47 PM
7:45 PM
8:51 PM
Candle Lighting until
August 22nd – Evening Services
Shabbat Concludes
7:35 PM
7:30 PM
8:38 PM
Candle Lighting until
September 5th – Evening Services
Shabbat Concludes
Services are open to the public
July 9th
Shiva Asar B’Tamuz – Fast beings 3:29 AM – Ends 9:21
July 29th – 30th
Tisha B’Av – Fast begins 8:28 AM – Ends 9:04 PM
August 20th
Aufruf of Elliot Freger
August 29th
Aufruf of Mark Karachinsky
August 31st
Aufruf of Noah Trister
High Holy Day Registration Night 7:30-9:00 PM
September 5th
Bar Mitzvah of Joshua Solomon
September 7th
Aufruf of Randy Levitt
Annual Picnic at Centennial Lake – 4:00–7:00 PM
September 2nd, 8th, 10th
High Holy Day Registration Nights – 7:30-9:00 PM
September 8th
Hebrew Academy Opens
Candle Lighting until
August 29th – Evening Services
Shabbat Concludes
July 5th
Marriage of Frances Winterstein to Michael Lowsky
August 22nd
Torah on the Green - 5:30 PM
8:07 PM
8:15 PM
9:14 PM
Candle Lighting until
August 8th – Evening Services
Shabbat Concludes
July 4th
Torah on the Green – 6:30 PM
7:23 PM
7:15 PM
8:24 PM
September 14th
CBTASNH & HFS Golf Tournament
September 18th – 20th
Rosh Hashanah
7:10 PM
7:15 PM
8:10 PM
Sunday – 8:00 AM
Monday and Thursday – 6:30 AM
Tuesday/Wednesday/Friday – 6:45 AM
Evenings: Approximately same as previous Saturday
evening Services
July/August 2009
Tammuz/Av/Elul 5769
“Not so” said the Rebbe. “You see, every person is destined to experience some
adversity. You were fulfilling your quota of unpleasantries through a piece of crystal
falling and breaking. When this was no longer possible you opened the door for
adversity in other forms. So put away the silver goblets and let your ‘tzoros’ be no
more than a broken goblet.”
A dish or a glass breaks and we automatically shout,
MAZEL TOV. Before the Chupah, after signing the
Tenaim and/or the Ketuba, the mothers of the
Chattan and Kallah break a plate and we all shout
MAZEL TOV. Under the Chupah, at the end of the
Ceremony, a glass is broken and we all shout
Strange happenings! We smash up stuff and
seemingly celebrate. We shout out MAZEL TOV
when we should be filing an insurance claim for
damages. As strange as it might appear, we cherish
this tradition and rightly so.
Why? A bit of an illustration. A Chassid was
experiencing a reversal of his good fortune. He had
been blessed with much material wealth and he had
been most generous in sharing his good fortune with
others. Now he felt it slipping away and could not
understand his stroke of bad luck.
And so he went to see his Rebbe to gain insight into
his dilemma. The Rebbe listened intently and asked
if the Chassid had changed anything in his lifestyle.
The Chassid quickly answered that he remained
committed to Shabbat, Kashrut, daily Torah study
and acts of Gemilat Chesed, the whole nine yards of
Jewish practice, no different today than in past years
and maybe even better, a true puzzle!
The Rabbi complimented the Chassid but asked
again about recent physical changes in his daily or
family life. The Chassid laughed and said: “A silly
thing. I really never gave it too much thought. I had
an expensive crystal set of glasses. I would get very
upset when they would get chipped or dropped, so I
bought some beautiful and rather expensive silver
goblets so if they are dropped, they don’t break or
chip. It was a great solution”.
Thus, we wish the Chattan and Kallah MAZEL TOV, that whatever adversity might
have been programmed their way was fulfilled through the breaking of the glass, at
a Simcha or other gatherings at home or away. Yes the reality is evil lurks and so
from out of nowhere a dish or glass breaks. So we can breathe a sigh of relief that
we were spared and that the intended evil befell an inanimate object. Those objects
can be replaced, not so human life and our well being.
This notion seems almost too silly to believe but be that as it may, there is a wider
and wiser lesson to be learned. It’s often the small things in life that irritate us
because they appear so senseless and unnecessary. The traffic jam that delays me;
our kids scraping a knee or breaking a toy; the krechtz or ache we sometimes feel
that gives us some pain; the anxious moments our kids give us especially around
exam and report card time; these are just some of the things that cause us grief.
When faced with this kind of “small stuff”, remember it is, instead of, and be grateful
that you have the children for whom you worry and put on the assorted ‘band aids’
and the car and job or appointment to go to and the gift of life which is tested from
time to time with some aches and pains. It is a reminder of the potential of more
severe stuff out there, from which we will be hopefully protected and safeguarded.
While minor adversity is a safeguard from more severe penalty, I would suggest
that, on the other hand, positive actions, even on the smallest level, can be the
springboard for even greater success. Summer affords us the time and atmosphere
to implement some positive family Jewish experiences which can only lead to
greater growth and satisfaction. Our children are around, camp or no camp, and we
can spend some quality time with them uninterrupted. Maybe a game or two less of
golf or tennis with the ‘guys’ or ‘girls’, would create the momentum for greater and
longer lasting family experiences. Could you imagine, ‘mom or dad gave up a golf
game to play catch or go cycling or walking or just talking with me’.
Small stuff: Helping the Friday night or any night or for that matter any morning’s
Minyan; father/son Tallit and Tefillin on a Sunday morning in Shul; a Shabbat
morning Shul excursion especially with the shorter summer Shul hours; taking an
older relative or friend out for a summer treat. Small stuff, with great immediate
reward, which will undoubtedly lead to even greater goals and accomplishments.
So, feeling sorry about yourself and your situation? Break a few glasses and a dish
or two for good measure. Get it out of your system and move forward to fill the void
with lots of good stuff just waiting to be accomplished. Have a safe and enjoyable
Dr. Mordecai E. Zeitz, Rabbi
July/August 2009
Tammuz/Av/Elul 5769
Sandi and Marty Isaif upon the birth of a grandson
Elaine and Howard Vineberg upon the birth of a grandson
Rosalie Glantz upon the birth of a grandson
Natalie and Sheldon Cutler upon the birth of a grandson
Barbara and Harry Wise upon the birth of a grandson
Riva and Carl Gelber upon the birth of a granddaughter
Cheryl and David Solomon upon the Bar Mitzvah of their son Joshua
Alice and Shlomo Solomon upon the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson Joshua
Roslyn and Harvey Bienenstock upon the graduation of their son Leonard from Medical School
Donna and Eric Rodier upon their son Mitchell’s successful completion of the Board exams and Residency
program in Psychiatry at McGill
Muryel and Alain Hertz upon the achievement of their daughter Anaelle who won the “Prix Stage dans un
laboratoire CNRS en France” by the Ministere de l’Education du Loisir et du Sport
Muryel and Alain Hertz upon the achievement of their daughter Céline who won the Lieutenant Governor’s
Youth Medal
Sandy and David Freedman upon the graduation of their daughter Joanna with a Masters in Architecture
Sandy and David Freedman upon the acceptance of their daughter Sarah to McGill University Kinesiology
Carol and Stephen Kosters upon the graduation of their son Michael with a Bachelor of Science
Carla and Lorie Stein upon the graduation of their daughter Amy who received the degree of Juris Doctor from
the University of Toronto Law School
Aline and Richard Swieca upon the achievement of their daughter Arianne who graduated with great distinction
and was accepted to the Masters of Arts program at the University of Toronto
Aline and Richard Swieca upon the graduation of their son David from Dawson College in Health Sciences and
his acceptance to Concordia University in Statistics
Harriet and Warren Greenstone upon the engagement of their daughter Mara to Dr. Jason Agulnik
Aline and Richard Swieca upon the engagement of their daughter Julie to Raphael Gera of Israel
Gloria and Dr. Henry Szikman upon the marriage of their daughter Shana to Matthew Michelin on July 5th
Vicki and Marvin Charto upon the marriage of their son Michael to Andrea Black on August 2nd
Andrea and Barry Hutkins upon the marriage of their daughter Samara to Marvin Liebman on August 9th
Donna and Eric Rodier upon the marriage of their daughter Elysa to Edward Stock on August 16th
Leslie and Morley Stock upon the marriage of his son Edward to Elysa Rodier on August 16th
Rose Freger upon the marriage of her son Elliot to Barbara Bass on August 23rd
Helen Molot and Ricky Held upon their marriage on August 30th
Esther and Bernie Karachinsky upon the marriage of their son Mark to Tania Eldor on September 3rd
Gail and Neil Trister upon the marriage of their son Noah to Carly Pouchet on September 6th
Elaine and Richard Pouchet upon the marriage of their daughter Carly to Noah Trister on September 6th
Condolences To:
Murray Manis and family upon the untimely loss of his mother, Rose Manis
Jerry Turowetz and family upon the untimely loss of his mother, Esther Turowetz
Arthur Blumer and family upon the untimely loss of his father, Norman Blumer
Jeffrey Flegg and family upon the untimely loss of his mother, Gertrud (Gerti) Flegg
Renee Shostak and family upon the untimely loss of her mother, Jean Cohen
Hinda Goodman and family upon the untimely loss of her father, Morris Kandelshein
July/August 2009
Tammuz/Av/Elul 5769
I want to thank all of you, the
membership of CBTASNH for your
support and involvement this year. As
I start my second term of office as
president I feel more committed than
ever to make our synagogue more
user friendly. We as members must
welcome the different individuals who
come through our doors. Whether it be
on a Shabbat, at a Simcha, dropping
kids off for a Youth program, or
attending a school function, it is up
to each of us to say hello and greet
people with an outreached hand and
a smile. That is what we are
about!! This is what sets us apart and
makes our corner of D.D.O. the
best!! For 45 years our community has
stood strong and been at the centre
of Jewish life on the West Island.
You have all made this community a
wonderful place. With your ongoing
support, involvement and friendship we
will continue to pass the torch to the
next generation, and will grow as a
vibrant Jewish community for years to
On June 9th we had our Annual General
Meeting. I want to congratulate the
nominating committee for doing a
stellar job in establishing the slate for
The dynamic duo who co-chaired this Nominating Committee
was none other than our V.P. Stanley Sculnick and our
Executive Trustee par excellence Jamie Goren. A daunting task
but with their leadership and the involvement of Linda Mestel,
Gerry Spevack, and Danny Baum, they have added many
new members to the board and kept our slate strong with
experienced Executive and Board members who can mentor this
young leadership.
At the AGM we presented three special awards. Our Raffle
Chairperson Stephen Belfer was most deserving of Rookie of
the Year. Jamie Goren who had his hand everywhere this
year took home the honor of Most Dedicated Member. Brissa
Berkovits with her passion and deep love and appreciation for
our synagogue was awarded the Member of the Year
honor. Yasher Koach to you for your outstanding work and
commitment to CBTASNH.
Thank you to Sisterhood for your ongoing programming
and support of our Shul. Through your events this year you
have managed to raise $4,000 to refurbish the CBTASNH
kitchen with new cutlery and dishes. This Tzedakah is
wonderful. Many thanks to the committed woman whose unity
benefits us all. Thank you Dr Marlene Stotland Cohen for your
foresight and leadership.
We look forward to seeing you at our Annual Labor Day
Picnic Monday, September 7th at Centennial Park at 4:00
pm. Come by with your entire family. Bring new friends, and
enjoy the day of schmooze, food, fun and games.
I wish the Rabbi and Charlotte a safe and relaxing trip to Eretz
Israel. May you enjoy your time in Israel with your family and
May everybody have a splendid summer, safe travels, and I
look forward to seeing you in the early fall.
Mark Rosenstein
July/August 2009
Tammuz/Av/Elul 5769
JULY 9TH – SHIVA – ASAR B’TAMUZ – Start of the three weeks
The seventeenth day of Tamuz is observed as a Fast day commemorating the breaking down of the wall of
Jerusalem by Nebuchadnessar and the cessation of Temple worship during the siege of Titus. It ushers in the
three weeks of mourning which ends with Tisha B’Av, the Fast of the ninth of Av. The Fast is observed Thursday,
July 9th from 3:29 AM to 9:21 PM. Morning Services at 6:30 AM and Mincha Services at 8:40 PM.
The three weeks conclude with the “Nine Days”, from the first of Av, July 22nd – July 30th during which the
mourning is intensified to the point of refraining from eating meat and drinking wine, except on Shabbat.
The Fast of the ninth day of Av marks the destruction of the first Temple of Jerusalem by the Babylonians
(586BCE) and also of the second Temple by the Romans (70CE). To commemorate the destruction of the two
Temples, our Rabbis ordered the ninth day of Av to be a day of mourning and fasting. On Tisha B'Av, passages
from Lamentation are read in the synagogue and special memorial candles are lit. At the morning Services
neither Tallis nor Tefillin are worn, to show our deep sense of mourning; instead, they are put on in the afternoon.
Shoes are removed and congregants seat themselves in low chairs or benches, just as one does in a period of
mourning. The Fast begins on Wednesday at 8:28 PM, with Mincha at 8:30 PM to be followed by Ma'ariv and we
will begin the recitation of Aicha on Thursday, July 20th – Morning Services at 6:30 AM / Mincha Services 8:15 PM
with the Fast ending on Thursday night at 9:04 PM.
Our unique and popular Torah On The Green program is again ongoing. This program combined with Seudah
Shlishit will continue the next 2 months. It is a very special experience with learning and discussing “On The
Green” and then socializing over the traditional third Shabbat meal. The dates are July 4th on the lawn of
Charlotte and Rabbi Zeitz at 91 Manuel Drive at 6:30 PM and August 22nd on the lawn of Roselyn Blacker, 91
Roger Pilon at 5:30 PM. Join us and bring your friends.
Junior Congregation Services on Shabbat mornings will not be available during the months of July and August.
SUMMER OFFICE HOURS: JULY 1ST – AUGUST 14TH – 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
August 31st, September 2nd, 8th and 10th
7:30 – 9:00 PM
We urge everyone to make their membership arrangements on these official seating nights or at the
synagogue office 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM – Monday to Thursday. Please note that your arrangements entitle
you to a place for yourself, your spouse and your unmarried children only who are living at home or
attending University.
With High Holy Days coming, we are always looking for new members to join the Choir.
Join a great group of guys. Have fun and learn at the same time. Even if you are not sure about your level of
talent, we would love to hear from you. Contact Mike Green at 684-1090.
July/August 2009
Tammuz/Av/Elul 5769
Mechina (K)
Grades 1 – 3
Grades 4 – 6
Tuition includes books, supplies and special programs
A 60$ non-refundable registration & processing fee (included
in the fees above) is applicable.
Tuesdays 3:45 – 6:10 PM
Registration is now underway. Contact Bonnie 514-683-5610
Registration is still open for our annual Group Bat Chachmah. A ten-session program will
again be starting in November, with the simcha on March 14th 2010. Girls must be age
twelve and study at Hebrew Foundation School or Hebrew Academy. Registration forms
with information were sent out to those who are entering Grade 6 this coming year and all
forms and deposits should be submitted before July 31st. If interested, please call the
synagogue office at 683-5610
July/August 2009
Tammuz/Av/Elul 5769
Anita Vatch Altman
Lily Austreicher
JoAnn Bercovitch
Joelle Berdowski
Hazel Cohen
Marlene Stotland Cohen
Penny Cohen
Arlene Feldman
Frances Freeman
Anna Gutenplan
Leah Hackenbroch
Arlene Hubscher
Roslyn Karpman
Carol Kosters
Iris Leibner
Rickhey Margolese
Esti Mayer
Denise Popliger
Marilyn Povitz
Sharon Reinblatt
Sandy Richler
Laurence Chriqui Rimok
Donna Rodier
Myriam Rosenstein
Loretta Rubin
Arlyne Saks
Deborah Feldman Salpeter
Ellie Sandler
Cheryl Shiller
Carla Stein
Rosie Tock
Stephanie Torchin
Rhonnie Weiner
Charlotte Zeitz
A wonderful way to connect to those we are thinking about!
One phone call to Carla Stein (514-684-1969) will ensure that your greetings are expressed in the most
appropriate way and promptly delivered. Each donation (minimum $5) is listed in the Hatikvah.
Sisterhood will issue a tax receipt for all donations at the end of the year.
We carry gifts for: Bar and/or Bat Mitzvah, home décor, Shabbat, holidays, graduation, engagement,
weddings and much more
Please make an appointment at the gift shop with:
Anita Vatch Altman (421-2931) Marlene Cohen (683-6040) Penny Cohen (683-5559) Anna Gutenplan (684-0833)
The Gift Shop is open every Tuesday from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
JUMBO JEWISH CALENDAR 2009-2010 will be available the last week
in August at the shul office and at the Community BBQ on Monday September 7th
The printing of the Jumbo Jewish Calendar 2009-2010 would not be possible
without the loyal support of all those who placed Business Ads and Treasures in it.
Thank you so much!
July/August 2009
Tammuz/Av/Elul 5769
Join our summer program and feel HOT, HOT, HOT!
**Weather Permitting, our music will be held outdoors**
Swing, Sing and More
15 mos +
A mixed bag of gym, art
and music with the
Tweedle Dees.
Shabbat Shalom
9:30-10:30 am
16 - 24 mos. $75.00
After playtime in the
gym, the children will
experience the Shabbat
customs as we light the
candles, bless the wine
and enjoy the Challah.
Twinkle Toes
3 -14 mos.
Enjoy the Tweedle Dees
as they entertain your
baby with songs, puppets
and instruments.
Bubbles, parachute and
gym exploration round off
this hour.
Funky Feet and More
18- 36 mos.
This class combines
dance and movement
with Amanda from
Funky Feet and free
play in our gym.
Boogie, Woogie
Wednesdays 9:30 – 10:30am
3 -24 mos.
Join Jellybean Jess as
she entertains with her
books, puppets and
instruments. Playtime in
the playful Parenting gym
Will your child be 2 yrs old by September 30th, 2009?
Ask about the Explorers program
** This class is now on the Priority list for the CPE of Hebrew Foundation**
For more information please contact Shelley at (514) 683-5610
July/August 2009
Tammuz/Av/Elul 5769
REGISTRATION 2009 - 2010
Please Fill Out One Form for Each Child
Family Name: ______________________________
First Name: ______________________________
Home Phone Number: (
Postal Code
) _____________________ E-Mail Address: _________________________
School Presently Attending: _______________________
Grade: _________________________
Medicare Number and Expiry Date: _________________________________________________________
*Should more information be required, a Beth Tikvah Youth Representative will contact you*
Do you carry an EPI-pen?
… Yes
… No
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Parent Information
Father’s Name: ______________________________ Mother’s Name: ____________________________
Father’s Cell Number: _________________________ Mother’s Cell Number:________________________
Emergency Contact in the West Island: _____________________________________________________
Phone Number: (
) _____________________
Relationship: _____________________________
For Synagogue Members:
Pre-K – Grade 2: $75
Grade 3 and Up: $95
$15 off the second child
$185 maximum for 3 children and more
For Non-Synagogue Members, 110$ a child (all ages)
Paid Amount: ____________________
Cash: …
Cheque: …
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I give my son/daughter ______________________________ permission to attend all BTY activities. I understand that every precaution
will be taken to preserve the well being of my child and acknowledge that accidents might occur that are beyond our control. I hereby
release Congregation Beth Tikvah and any person employed by CBT or associated with CBT from any responsibilities in these matters.
I also agree to allow Beth Tikvah Youth to use any photographs taken of my child at youth events or activities for their newsletters,
website or newspaper publicity. Should this be an area of concern, please speak to a Youth Representative for more information.
Parent's signature
For More information, Please Contact Tammiy at (514) 683-3889
The Eddie & Heleena Youth Outreach Program is an additional service offered by the synagogue to students between the
grades of 6-11. The program’s number one goal is to give back to our community while teaching the participants the importance
of Tzdakah, Chesed & Tikkun Olam and is free of charge to all those who want to participate.
For more information, please contact Stuart at (514) 823-3422 or stuartg@bethtikvah.qc.ca
Do you want your child to receive phone calls about this program? … Yes
… No
July/August 2009
Tammuz/Av/Elul 5769
We enjoy remembering the Smachot – the joyous occasions, but, as well, we dedicate time to remember those who are no longer present to
celebrate with us. On Yom Kippur, during the YIZKOR Service, we join with Jews throughout the world to remember our loved ones.
Once again this year, we are preparing a YIZKOR – BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE – which will be distributed to our members that day.
This book will contain the prayers recited in our synagogue and the names of the deceased in whose memories contributions have been made.
This Book of Remembrance will be used at Yizkor Services throughout the year and will remain with you as a continuing personal memorial
honoring your loved ones.
If you wish to include the names of your departed loved ones in our 2009 Yizkor Book of Remembrance, please complete the form below and
return it to the synagogue office no later than Friday August 14, 2009. We are asking that you include a minimum donation of $ 18.00 per
We encourage you to be a part of this important publication. The proceeds from this campaign will be used for appropriate synagogue
The Day of Atonement is our traditional time for reflection and remembrance. It is our hope that through the publication of our Book of
Remembrance we can contribute to this day being meaningful and beautiful for you and your family.
Yours truly,
Harry Abramovitch
Stuart Forman
Zev Mestel
Tamara Slutsken
Please include the names of my loved one(s) in the Beth Tikvah Yizkor Book:
(List the name(s) as they are to appear.
Remembered by:
In Memory of:
Same as
last year
Enclosed please find my donation (minimum $18 per name):
Credit Card Number:
Cheque Enclosed
Expiration Date:
July/August 2009
Tammuz/Av/Elul 5769
July/August 2009
Tammuz/Av/Elul 5769
July/August 2009
Tammuz/Av/Elul 5769
Welcome to the column. Its purpose is to share information about life in Israel behind the emotional newspaper headlines. Enjoy!!!!
So, nu? ….what’s doing ….
How do you stop a virus like swine flu from sweeping the world? Well you could start at the airport. An Israeli company claims that
this is a real possibility with its heat sensor technology that can detect fever in passengers travelling through an airport, a train station
or other transportation hubs. Opgal Optronics Industries Fever Detection and Alarm System (FDA), can pinpoint people in a crowd
that are suffering from elevated temperatures. The first model of the product was brought to market during the global SARS epidemic,
in 2003 and it later found a niche market among Asian customers a couple of years ago when Avian flu became a widespread
problem there. The Karmiel-based company believes it's the perfect tool to halt the spread of swine flu or other pandemics that might
threaten the world's health. The FDA is an infrared thermal imaging device that can sense the temperature of the body and face in
real time and can sense within a half degree centigrade if someone is suffering from a fever, says company CEO Dror Sharon. If it
detects a person with a fever, an alarm will sound and security officials can pull that person aside for further questioning or a swab,
This non-invasive system, which costs about $10-15,000 per system, can be immediately deployed since it does not require any
special infrastructure.
Now…. imagine if you could get one flu shot that would last for three to five years, and protect you from all the different strains of flu
around the world? That's exactly what Israeli company BiondVax Pharmaceuticals is developing. Unlike current flu vaccines which
can only protect people from a few strains of the virus every year, BiondVax is developing a universal flu vaccine that could be
effective against almost any type of flu, from the regular seasonal ones, to avian flu, and even pandemic flu viruses like swine flu.
The Ness Ziona based company is now poised to begin clinical trials of the vaccine in a Tel Aviv hospital.
For 50 years, girls the world over have dressed and undressed their Barbie dolls. They've sent her on dates with the faithful, if slightly
dull Ken - or with the hunky GI Joe if she's lucky - and they've seen her "work" as a presidential candidate/pediatrician/UNICEF
ambassador or any of the more than 100 careers she's had. Along with arranging and rearranging Barbie's dream house, and dream
life, these same girls have also used the doll to play out their childhood dreams and adolescent fantasies. Had Barbie's creator
listened to her husband, however, this iconic plaything might never have been born. "Ruth," Elliot Handler told his wife, "no mother is
ever going to buy her daughter a doll with breasts." Fortunately, Ruth Handler disregarded his advice and embarked on the project
that would change her life forever - for better and for worse. For Handler, breasts - and the lack of them - were pivotal in her building
two successful careers. The first was as president of Mattel, which she and her husband founded, at a time when most women
tended only to run their homes. The second came in the 1970s when Handler established Ruthton to manufacture the Nearly Me
prosthetics for women who, like herself, had undergone mastectomies. As she said, "I've come full cycle from the first doll with a real
breast to answering a real woman's need for a fake breast." Robin Gerber's book Barbie and Ruth: The Story of the World's Most
Famous Doll and the Woman Who Created Her chronicles the rise of Handler as she broke through the boundaries of corporate
America and took on - and beat - the big boys with her uber-feminine doll and her innovative marketing and business ideas. Gerber
also details Handler's fall, including her ousting from Mattel and her criminal trial for financial irregularities at the behemoth toy firm.
The biographer also chronicles the unforeseen personal tragedy that would strike the Handler family. And guess what…….Ruth’s
daughter’s name? ………..BARBARA
Barbie’s “Mom”
I hope you have enjoyed our “conversation” and invite your suggestions, comments, corrections, etc.
Until our next issue, be well and soon we’ll schmooze more!
Maurry Epstein
July/August 2009
Tammuz/Av/Elul 5769
Le lachon hara
Le lachon hara est considéré comme une faute importante car, à la différence d'un autre péché, le mal fait par la
langue ne peut être réparé. Il s’agit de l'expression du mal absolu, une faute plus importante encore que les trois
fautes que la Torah considère comme capitales, le meurtre, l'idolâtrie et la débauche. Le Maharal affirme qu'il n'y
a pas de pardon divin possible ni de place dans le monde futur pour celui qui s'en rend coupable. Pour lui, le
lachon hara équivaut à ne pas reconnaître l'existence de Dieu. Le lachon hara a la faculté de diviser les gens. Une
personne grandit son ego sur le compte de son ami, celui qui écoute le lachon hara s’associe à cette personne.
Maïmonide énumère cinq sortes de transgressions qui sont souvent commises à la légère et deviennent une habitude dont il
est difficile de se déshabituer : 1. Cancaner et jaser est un péché même si les bavardages sont vrais et racontés sans intention
de nuire; 2. La médisance (le lachon hara) est un péché pire que le meurtre, puisqu’elle détruit la bonne réputation qui vaut
mieux que la vie; 3. La colère risque toujours de faire commettre le pire et de causer des ennuis innombrables à soi-même et
aux autres; 4. Les mauvaises pensées peuvent devenir une néfaste habitude et entraîner de graves crimes; 5. Avoir de
mauvaises fréquentations peut également devenir une habitude, préjudiciable en elle-même et qui peut conduire au crime.
Le 9 Av (qui coïncide avec le 30 juillet cette année) commémore de tristes dates de l’histoire juive, entre autres l’épisode
des explorateurs et la destruction du Temple de Jérusalem par les Romains.
o L’épisode des explorateurs (Paracha Chela’h), permet de mesurer l’extrême gravité de la médisance, du lachon hara.
L’énormité du châtiment semble disproportionnée face à ce qui apparaît n’être qu’une simple erreur de jugement. Pour
avoir accepté cette médisance c’est l’ensemble du peuple qui sera puni. Il devra poursuivre son errance dans le désert
pendant 40 ans, et aucun des adultes n’aura le mérite de fouler la terre promise.
o Le rabbin Israël Meïr Kagan associe le lachon hara à la « haine gratuite » responsable, selon le Talmud, de la destruction
du Second Temple de Jérusalem. La longueur de l’exil dans lequel nous vivons depuis la destruction du Beth Hamikdach
nous renseigne sur l’aspect résolument destructeur de la médisance.
La malfaisance de la médisance tient tout d’abord dans le dommage causé à celui qui en est la triste cible. Chacun sait que
l’on peut nuire avec la parole plus qu’avec des gestes et des faits. Le mal que l’on prête à autrui, qu’il soit authentique ou
mensonger, lui collera dès lors à la peau. Quiconque a une fois écouté une médisance sans protester ni réagir, sait que depuis
elle s’inscrit dans son jugement comme un préjugé défavorable dont il a bien du mal à se défaire. La médisance est pure
violence faite à la dignité du sujet. Elle transforme l’homme qui en est la cible, en pur objet, que l’on jauge, définit et inscrit
dans des concepts réducteurs et infamants.
Plusieurs animaux sont associés au lachon hara, à la médisance, à la méchanceté et la haine gratuite. Je ne citerai ici que
l’araignée et le serpent.
o Il est noté dans des livres saints que l'araignée est l'animal symbolique de l’Idumée qui détruisit le Temple de
Jérusalem. L'araignée est le symbole de la méchanceté et de l'insolence. Elle ne respecte, en effet, rien, ni
personne. Peu lui importe où elle tisse sa toile. La laisse-t-on faire, et elle s'installe en plein palais ! En sus du
motif de haine à son égard qu'il nous a donné par sa participation à l'anéantissement du temple, cet animal nous
inspire le dégoût que mérite sa manière froide et cruelle de tuer. Lorsqu'on compare au venin d'un serpent celui de
l’araignée, on constate que ce dernier est de dix à quinze fois plus efficace et ne manque d'être mortel pour
l'homme que parce que l'animal ne peut, en une morsure, en injecter une quantité suffisante. De la même façon, la
méchanceté peut s'introduire subrepticement jusqu'au cœur de l'homme, dès lors que l'on manque de vigilance.
C'est pourquoi il importe que l'on sache extirper le mal de soi comme on le fait des toiles d'araignées que l'on
trouve autour de soi.
o Le serpent se sert de sa langue pour détecter sa proie, ce qui lui permet de la saisir avant quelle se rende compte du
danger qui la menace. Aussi est-il devenu, à juste titre, le symbole de la mauvaise langue (lachon hara); la
mauvaise langue peut être aussi mortelle que le venin de ce reptile. Nous trouvons beaucoup d'exemples dans la
Torah où le calomniateur est appelé un serpent venimeux ou comparé à celui-ci, et où l'auteur de lachon hara est
placé dans la compagnie des serpents. Il arrive qu'une personne très vertueuse laisse échapper par inadvertance des
propos malveillants ; que l'acte n'ait pas été prémédité ne l'empêchera pas de recevoir sa juste punition.
J’ai beaucoup voyagé ces 30 dernières années. J’ai ainsi fait partie de nombreuses communautés juives de par le monde. Ces
expériences me permettent aujourd’hui d’apprécier pleinement l’extraordinaire atmosphère de shalom qui règne à Beth
Tikvah. Au lieu de dépenser d’inutiles énergies à tenter de régler des conflits, nous avons la chance à Beth Tivkah de pouvoir
diriger nos efforts essentiellement vers le développement de notre communauté. Ce shalom, on le doit sans conteste à notre
rabbin Mordecai Zeitz envers qui j’ai une profonde admiration. Ayons à cœur de préserver ce shalom on évitant la
méchanceté, la médisance, le lachon hara.
Pour terminer, je tiens à dire que je me demande depuis plus d’un an s’il existe des membres de notre communauté qui
s’intéressent à cette page francophone du bulletin Hatikvah. Je vous donne ici l’occasion de me le confirmer. Un petit mot de
vive voix à la choule ou par email à l’adresse alain.hertz@gerad.ca sera pour moi un témoignage de votre intérêt. Je vous
souhaite à tous un bel été.
Tous vos commentaires et suggestions sont toujours les bienvenus et peuvent être adressés à alain.hertz@gerad.ca
July/August 2009
Tammuz/Av/Elul 5769
Mazel Tov To:
Elaine & Howard Vineberg upon the birth of a grandson
By Shelley & Mickey Guttman
Riva & Carl Gelber upon the birth of a granddaughter
By Barbara & Jerry Goffman
Tom Marer on his 65th birthday
By Ruth & Lenny Skolnick
By Reva & Allan Fleischer
Doris Leibovitch on her 85th birthday
By Louise Laframboise
Reissa & Steve Schreter upon the marriage of their son
Jamie to Lindsay Goldsmith
By Ellen & Morris Rudnitsky
Nancy & Carlos D’Avila upon the Bar Mitzvah of their
son Jared
By Rena Alexander & Michael Levine
Their son Mitchell who successfully completed the
Medical Exams & Residency program in Psychiatry at
By Donna & Eric Rodier
Roslyn & Harvey Bienenstock upon their son Leonard’s
graduation from Medical School
By Rena & Eddie Birnbaum
Elaine & Howard Vineberg upon the marriage of their
daughter Laurie to Mark Buch
By Brenda & Steve Rodier
Marilyn Golden on her retirement from H.F.S.
By Marni & Katie Frisch (former students)
In Appreciation:
By Carol & Stephen Kosters
In Appreciation Of:
Cantor Hank & Esther Topas for the wonderful teaching
of their son Peter David
By Alison & Ofer Drucker
Gerry Spevack
By Stephanie & Larry Smolar & family
By Bonnie & Gordon Bloom & family
Zev Mestel
By Stephanie & Larry Smolar & family
Vicki & Marvin Charto
By Marty & Ellie Black
Rabbi Dr. Mordecai E. Zeitz for his support & guidance
By Linda Druker
By the Abracen & Shapiro families
The Minyan Club
By the Abracen & Shapiro families
Gerry Spevack for all his help with our grandson Jacob
Bloom’s Bar Mitzvah
By Rosalind & Joe Blend
In Memory Of:
Ziporah Goldberger, beloved mother of Abie
By Elly & Howard Popliger
By Cynthia & Neil Horowitz
By Ellen & Morris Rudnitsky
By Esti Mayer & family
By Fraida & Lenny Wiseman
By Shelley, Mickey, Stuart, Cali & Matthew Guttman
By Lennie Wittenberg
By Leah & Leo Hackenbroch
Rose Kosowatsky, beloved grandmother of Jeffrey
By Barbie & Lenny Cohen
Lazar Fruchter, beloved husband
By Tsiona Fruchter
Rose Manis, beloved mother
By Murray Manis & family
Rose Manis, beloved mother of Murray
By Bonnie & Stephen Tabacman
By Carol & Stephen Kosters & family
Gertrud Flegg, beloved mother of Jeffrey
By Carol & Stephen Kosters & family
Norman Blumer, beloved father of Arthur
By Carol & Stephen Kosters & family
By Cynthia & Neil Horowitz & family
In Observance Of Yhartzeit Of:
Walter Palac, beloved father
By Carol Shattner
Gussie & Hyman Schnaar, beloved in-laws &
grandparents and Ida & Reuben Ungar, beloved parents
and grandparents
By Marcia Schnaar, Robert & Sheldon Schnaar
Nathan Wolfe, beloved father of Beverly
By Beverly & Joe Zunenshine
Ruby Bloom, beloved husband
By Antoinette Bloom
Soryl Pokrass, beloved mother of Natalie
By Natalie & Sheldon Cutler
Refuah Shlaimah To:
Alice Solomon
By Elly & Howard Popliger
Rivka Sheva Bat Chaya Rosa, beloved mother
By Sarah Rosner
Melanie Kim Myrans, our daughter & Connor’s mom
By Lennie & Yves
Melanie Kim Myrans, our sister, sister-in-law & aunt
By Sara, Jason, Spencer & Tyler Myrans
By Louise, Ryan, Tania, Alexandria & Blake Myrans
Melanie Kim Myrans, daughter of Lennie Wittenberg
By Marni & Gershon Frisch and family
In Observance Of Yizkor Of:
Dora & Max Glantz, beloved parents & Eleanor Weiner,
beloved sister
By Rosalie Glantz
In Memory Of:
Miriam Gormezano-Estroti, beloved mother of Chayim &
Eli Estroti and beloved sister of Rivkah Mayer
By Esti Mayer & Robert Heft & family
In Honor Of:
The marriage of Nechama & Menachem Rotstein’s
daughter Netta to their son Benji
By Sharon & Neil Loomer
July/August 2009
Tammuz/Av/Elul 5769
In Memory Of:
Nettie Abracen, beloved mother
By the Abracen & Shapiro families
Sheila Zulauf, beloved wife of Mel
By Rena Alexander
Yitzchak Affon, beloved father of Eli & Yossi Affon &
brother-in-law of Rivkah Mayer
By Esti Mayer & Robert Heft & family
In Honour Of:
Our son Jesse’s Bar Mitzvah
By Lisa Ward & Howard Levine
Our son Jacob’s Bar Mitzvah
By Bonnie & Gordon Bloom
Our son Adam’s Bar Mitzvah
By Stephanie & Larry Smolar
Our son Jared’s Bar Mitzvah
By Rhonda & Sheldon Nutkevitch
Our nephew Michael Greenberg’s Aufruf
By Eliyahu Miller, Richard Miller & families
In Honour Of:
Jacob Bloom’s Bar Mitzvah
By Rosalind & Joe Blend & Uncle Bryan, Uncle Michael &
Auntie Michele
Stephen’s Bar Mitzvah anniversary
By Bonnie & Stephen Tabacman
Cory’s Bar Mitzvah anniversary
By Bonnie Freeman, Faigie Freeman & Jason
Their daughter Anaelle who won the “Prix Stage dans
un laboratoire CNRS en France” by the Ministere de
l’Education du Loisir et du Sport
By Muryel & Alain Hertz
Harley’s Bar Mitzvah anniversary & Gerry’s birthday
By Carla & Gerry Kesselman
Leo’s Bar Mitzvah anniversary
By Leah & Leo Hackenbroch
David’s Bar Mitzvah anniversary
By Carol Lynn & Jeffrey Stein
Casey’s Bar Mitzvah anniversary
By Jewel, Saul & Marissa Dulson
Gary’s 6th Bar Mitzvah anniversary
By the Berdowski family
Jeremy’s 3rd Bar Mitzvah anniversary
By Nicola, Albert, & Melanie Levy
Michael Philip’s graduation
By Deborah, Steven, Noah & Rebecca Salpeter
The birth of her grandson
By Rosalie Glantz
In Appreciation:
By Shirley & Leo Glaich
In Observance Of Yhartzeit Of:
Rahamim Sofer, beloved father of Iris
By Iris & Bruce Leibner
Bessie Jaslow, beloved mother of Rosalind
By Rosalind & Joe Blend
Jack Ephraim, beloved father of Marilyn
By Marilyn & Gerry Spevack
Alan Wiseman, beloved brother
By Fraida & Lenny Wiseman
Sylvia Silver, beloved mother of Penney
By Penney & Herb Glazer
Anne Dubrofsky, beloved mother
By Riva Dubrofsky
Ruth Rodier, beloved mother
By Donna & Eric Rodier
Joseph Ungar, beloved father of Judith
By Judith & Uri Hoffman
Ellis Simon, beloved father of Harriet
By Harriet & Jerry Schwartz
Aaron Cohen, beloved father
By Marlene & Elie Cohen
Tova Hoffman, beloved mother
By Judith & Uri Hoffman
Alex Mestel, beloved father
By Linda & Johnny Mestel
Regina Roth, beloved mother of Miriam
By Miriam & Imre Grosz
In Conclusion Of Shloshim for:
Rose Schreiber, beloved mother
By Leonard Schreiber
Ziporah Goldberger, beloved mother
By Abie Goldberger
Mazel Tov To:
Stephanie & Larry Smolar upon the Bar Mitzvah of their
son Adam
By Shelley Rosenberg
Rosalind & Joe Blend upon the Bar Mitzvah of their
grandson Jacob Bloom
By Natalie & Sheldon Cutler
In Memory Of:
Selma Jacobson Wolkoff, beloved sister-in-law of
Roz Richstone
By Gloria & Morty Goren
By Maureen & Gerry Pinchuk
By Esther & Bernie Karachinsky
By Lori & Stuart Forman & family
Norman Blumer, beloved uncle to the Blumer family
By Shelley Rosenberg, Melissa & Shaun Wallach
In Honour Of:
Zev’s well deserved tribute
By Ilana & Stephen Ruby
Refuah Shlaimah To:
Zev Mestel
By Gloria & Morty Goren
By Lennie Wittenberg
In Memory Of:
Annie & Sam Sublofsky, beloved parents
By Gertie Weiss
July/August 2009
Tammuz/Av/Elul 5769
In observance Of Yizkor Of:
In memory of Esther Turowetz, beloved mother of Jerry
Sam Byer, beloved father
By Carin & Brian Byer
By Lynn & Morrie Weinberg & family
By Laurie & Jerry Mariasine & family
By Rhona Harrow
By Stan, Randee, Marci, & Garry Saltzman
By Rita & Issie Spivack & family
By Carol & Stephen Kosters
By Joan & Mike Gorodensky
By Maria & Murray Gorodensky
By Arlyne & Rob Saks
By Judy & Michael Tock
By Lorna Rubinstein
By Nancy Bernstein
By Anna Sweibel
By Elly & Howard Popliger
By the Neiman family
By Ellen & Morris Rudnitsky
By George Alex & Beth Silverman
By Sera & Jose Linhares
By Marcia & Harvey Trevick
By Adam Saks
By Ellabee Fashions
By Marim & Mark Tobenstein
By Rose Fefergrad
By Ilene Gilbert
By Shelley & Mickey Guttman & family
By Fraida & Lenny Wiseman
By Linda & Issie Wyszogrodski & family
By Joann & Kenny Fefergrad & family
By Liz & Aaron Reznick
Mazel Tov To:
Phyllis and Nat Hier upon the Bat Mitzvah of their
granddaughter Kaylee, daughter of Lori and Ian Miller
By Nini & Harry Abramovitch & family
Mazel Tov To:
Clara Silver upon the birth of a granddaughter
By Linda & Johnny Mestel & family
Simone Frenkiel upon the engagement of her son Steve
to Dr. Lauren Linett
By Lynn & Morrie Weinberg & family
Reissa & Steve Schreter upon the marriage of their son
Jamie to Lindsay Goldsmith
By Carol & Stephen Kosters
By Linda & Johnny Mestel & family
Elaine & Howard Vineberg upon the marriage of their
daughter Laurie to Mark Buch
By Carol & Stephen Kosters
Rita & Issie Gross upon the marriage of their son Mark
to Audrey Finkelstein
By Lynn & Morrie Weinberg & family
Rosa & Harold Penn upon the marriage of their
daughter Shari Ann to Benjamin Levine
By Lynn & Morrie Weinberg & family
By Leah & Leo Hackenbroch
By Paula, Marty, Adam & Carrie Levitt
By Linda & Johnny Mestel & family
By Sheba & Derek Cooperberg & family
By Lennie Wittenberg
By Judy & Michael Tock & family
Stacey & Robbie Zeitz upon the honour bestowed upon
them by their community & synagogue
By Elana & Brahm Weinberg
By Lynn & Morrie Weinberg
In Appreciation Of:
Mazel Tov To:
Carol & Stephen Kosters upon the graduation of their
son Michael with a Bachelor of Science degree
By Roslyn & Ben Karpman
Riva & Carl Gelber upon the birth of a granddaughter
By Carla & Lorie Stein
By Ellie & Mel Sandler
Sandi & Marty Isaif upon the birth of a grandson
By Ellie & Mel Sandler
Gina Clark, Stuart Cohen & Rabbi Zeitz
By Jeremy Usheroff
By Zackary Kifell
Elizabeth Shulkin
By Spencer Kifell
Keren Elkoubi & Ariel Gerafi
By Jillian Kifell
Refuah Shlaimah To:
In Appreciation:
In Memory Of:
By Jennifer, David & Michelle Spinner
In Honour Of Shavuot:
By Barbra & Michael Busgang
Alice Solomon
By Roslyn & Ben Karpman
Zev Mestel
By Marlene & Elie Cohen
Issie Silberman
By Roslyn & Ben Karpman
Ziporah Goldenberger, beloved mother of Abie
By Marlene & Elie Cohen
Motek (Max) Herszlikowicz, beloved father of Sandy
By Ellie & Mel Sandler
Esther Turowetz, beloved mother of Jerry
By Ellie & Mel Sandler
Light Memorial Candle the evening before date indicated
July 11
Sally Cohen
Myer Diamond
Myer Diamond
Eli Winikoff
Faiga Nisenbaum
Sydney Litwin
Trina Baily
Trina Baily
Judy Snitzer
Gertrude Alper
Jacob Edelstein
Yetta Maron
Leah Kavanat
Raphael Borenstein
Max Lieberson
Bernard Miller
Irving(issie) Michaels
Max -Eugene Flegg
Joseph Schwartz
Mary Lokai
Joe Schwartz
Rebecca Waldman
Nora Gold
Sarah Hockenstein
Tillie Rotstein
Josef Unikowsky
Sonya Austreicher
Dina Burko
Chaim Nisenbaum
Leslie Marer
Sadie Levitt
Bessie Brettschneider
Harry Firestone
Harry Firestone
Helen Coen
Dora Wolfe
Sybil Tock
Sybil Tock
Sybil Tock
Bella Herman
Maise Adelstein
Jack Lazoff
Jack Lazoff
Mischa Cheifetz
Eva Kupfert
William Wener
Anne Samuels
Minnie Cohen
Kate Mandl
July 12
July 13
July 14
July 15
July 16
July 17
July 18
July 19
July 20
July 21
July 22
Plaque Relationship
Mother of
Uncle of
Uncle of
Father of
Mother of
Father of
Mother of
Late Wife of
Mother of
Mother of
Uncle of
Mother of
Grandmother of
Father of
Grandfather of
Father of
Father of
Father of
Father of
Grandmother of
Father of
Mother-in-law of
Mother of
Mother of
Mother of
Father of
Mother of
Mother of
Father of
Father of
Mother of
Mother of
Father of
Father of
Mother of
Mother of
Mother of
Mother of
Wife of
Mother of
Mother of
Father of
Father of
Father of
Mother of
Father of
Mother of
Mother of
Mother of
Bonnie Tabacman
Edward Wiltzer
Morty Wiltzer
Allan Winikoff
Celina Brettschneider
Linda Reich
Stuart Baily
Marty Baily
Ron Wiseman
Neil Alper
Frances Katz
Mark Maron
Nancy Leithman
Aron Borenstein
Gerry Kesselman
Barbara Cohen
Heather Ornstein
Jeffrey Flegg
Joan Oksenhendler
Evelyn Shadowitz
Hilton Schwartz
Pauline Waldman
Joanne Rappaport
Michael Hockenstein
Menachem Rotstein
Jacob Unikowski
Natan Austreicher
Leo Glaich
Celina Brettschneider
Thomas Marer
Martin Levitt
Hy Brettschneider
Barbara Rothpan
Lawrence Firestone
Andrea Belfer
Beverly Zunenshine
Michael Tock
Cheryl Shiller
Jack Tock
Sandra Davis
Phyllis Karper
Michael Lazoff
Harriet Levine
Debbie Broca
Jack Kupfert
Stanley Wener
Rose Freger
Ben Cohen
Tilly Mandel
Light Memorial Candle the evening before date indicated
1 AV
July/August 2009
Tammuz/Av/Elul 5769
July 22
Nathan Faletsky
Shirley Rubin
Lily Liberman
David Tannenbaum
Bernie Fishman
Bernie Fishman
Rae Schechtman
Menachem Kutziner
Sam Gilbert
Rose Guben
Sam Budman
Annette Spunt
Max Cantor
Sam Budman
Issie Ackerman
Irving Pliss
Anita Brenhouse
Paul Bessner
Jerry Silverstone
Benjamin Markoff
Nathan Schipper
Jean Schulman
Simon Calmanash
Simhon Solomon
Dave Epstein
Moshe Tatarsky
Jimmy Rubin
Claire Levitt
Helmud Eggers
Rica Azuelos
Abie Schwartz
Mendel Grundman
Myer Gutberg
Myer Gutberg
Sam Goldsmith
Milton Schneider
Billy Gittleman
David Haupt
Sammy Indig
Pezia Rolnick
Sidney Bierbrier
Rachel Tock
Max Glantz
Hyman Barrer
Harry Kramer
Henia Charto
Ida Abramson
Jacob Grill
July 23
July 24
July 26
July 27
July 28
July 29
July 30
July 31
Jacob Grill
Plaque Relationship
Father of
Mother of
Mother of
Father of
Father of
Father of
Mother of
Father of
Father of
Grandmother of
Father of
Mother of
Father of
Father of
Husband of
Uncle of
Sister of
Father of
Father of
Father of
Father-In-Law of
Mother of
Brother of
Father of
Grandfather of
Father of
Father of
Mother of
Brother of
Mother of
Father of
Father of
Father of
Father of
Father of
Father of
Brother of
Father of
Father of
Mother of
Husband of
Grandmother of
Father of
Father of
Father of
Mother of
Mother of
Grandfather of
Esther Rothenberg
Marilyn Rubin
Judy Turowetz
Hyman Tannenbaum
Audrey Fishman
Helene Shear
Arlene Hubscher
Garry Kerr
Judy Fefergrad
Tamara Lallouz
Reubin Budman
Peter Spunt
Riva Gelber
Avrum Leon Budman
Shoshana Ackerman
Lawrence Firestone
Stanley Wener
Anna Gutenplan
Marian Segal
Elliot Markoff
Ethel Pearl
Francine White
Rebecca Wajcmann
Bernice Budman
Maurry Epstein
Sandra Ostroff
Debbie Rappaport
Barry Levitt
Edith Borenstein
Georgette Tordjman
Libby Sabloff
Esther Topas
Simon Gutberg
Saul Gutberg
Michael Goldsmith
Jewel Dulson
Gwen Salpeter
Faigye Bard
Terry Lee Greenberg
Israel Rolnick
Bertha Bierbrier
Cheryl Shiller
Rosalie Glantz
Brahms Barrer
Ethel Pearl
Marvin Charto
Hannah Halpert
Brahm Hurwitz
Grandfather of
Roberta Hurwitz
Light Memorial Candle the evening before date indicated
1 AV
2 AV
3 AV
5 AV
6 AV
7 AV
8 AV
9 AV
10 AV
July/August 2009
Tammuz/Av/Elul 5769
July 31
Edward Davidovitch
Oscar Braun
Toby Mendel
Jack Fink
Bill Schoel
Claire Stein
Elaine Rabinovitch
Dorothy Kotler
Jacob Lerner
Nathan Finkel
Irwin Goffman
Harold Elson
Shirley Davis-Gidalewicz
Irma & Issie Klar
Mildred Lesser
Ezekiel Schouela
Avraham Bitton
Ida Milberg
Helen Smordin
Regina Yeger
Phyllis Lenet
Morris Brodkin
Regina Rozencwaig
Lionel Pesner
Shirley Strober
Sharon Pasoff
Baruch Austreicher
Moses Nissenbaum
Lena Kutziner
Jacob Pokorski
Jacob Pokorski
Helen Held
Sidney Milberg
Jacob Kerner
Elie Borychowski
Winnie Hochstein
Harry Abramson
Beatrice Wiseman
Chaja Chmielarz
Harry Held
Edith Fridhandler
Selma Grill
Selma Grill
Hetty Sanders
Malka Lerner
Camelia Cohen
Mendel Rosenberg
Lipa Luft
Gerrold Mindel
Mack Simoe
Maurice Gerber
Rae Pecker
Hyman Stotland
Bella Cohen
Myer Cohen
August 01
August 02
August 03
August 04
August 05
August 06
August 07
August 08
August 09
August 10
August 11
August 12
Plaque Relationship
Father of
Father of
Sister of
Father of
Father of
Mother of
Mother of
Step-Mother of
Grandfather of
Grandfather of
Father of
Father of
Mother of
Mother & Father of
Mother of
Father of
Father of
Mother of
Sister of
Mother of
Sister of
Uncle of
Mother of
Father of
Sister of
Sister of
Father of
Father of
Mother of
Father of
Father of
Mother of
Brother of
Father of
Father of
Mother of
Step-Father of
Aunt of
Mother of
Father of
Mother of
Grandmother of
Grandmother of
Grandmother of
Grandmother of
Mother of
Father of
Father of
Father of
Father of
Son of
Mother of
Father of
Grandmother of
Father of
Light Memorial Candle the evening before date indicated
Selma Lieblein
Egon Braun
Riva Gelber
Susan Aisenthal
Hannah Stark
Jeffrey Stein
Thelma Haimovitz
Mark Kotler
Rochelle Silverman
Howard Pasoff
Jerry Goffman
Marcy Garner
Herbert Davis
Sharon Snytte
Carol Pinkus
Liliane Aberman
Simone Frenkiel
Teddy Milberg
Barry Smordin
Gloria Szikman
Zavie Levine
David Brodkin
Esther Hockenstein
Mitchell Pesner
Allen Levine
Howard Pasoff
Natan Austreicher
Laurie Mariasine
Garry Kerr
Fran Wilansky
Betti Carpman
Richard Held
Teddy Milberg
Ruth Srebro
Rita Gross
Gail Trister
Marilyn Birman
Roslyn Karpman
Bernie Chmielash
Richard Held
Roslyn Hirsh
Roberta Hurwitz
Brahm Hurwitz
Roselyn Blacker
Rochelle Silverman
Fernande Ades
Debbie Leibovitch
Marty Szwarcok
Linda Mestel
Shelley Schulman
Stephanie Gerber
Sharon Miller
Marlene Cohen
Norman Parnass
Howie Cohen
10 AV
11 AV
12 AV
13 AV
14 AV
15 AV
16 AV
17 AV
18 AV
19 AV
20 AV
21 AV
22 AV
July/August 2009
Tammuz/Av/Elul 5769
August 13
Freda Gerson
Molly Eisenberg
Lila Sigal
Dora Cohen
Bernard Ross
Sam White
Albert Nacawa
Jacqueline Issan
Yaffa Kadouri
Joseph Wiseman
Shaul Kopel
Sonia Stopnicki
Sonia Stopnicki
Ben Wiltzer
Ben Wiltzer
Michael Nirenberg
Michael Nirenberg
Yetta Ornstein
Rose Samuels
Abraham Kaplan
Henry Bye
Stanley Phillips
Sam Rabinovitch
Sol Fetter
Pincus Solomon
Freda Reisler
John Davidson
Eli Trojman
Eli Trojman
Sydney Rossman
David Donsky
Ida Maron
Ida Maron
Joseph Calmanash
Benjamin Esar
Minnie Becker
Eva Tepper
Phillip Kohos
Phillip Kohos
Charles Cohen
Paul Paris
Fanny Shear
Ann Cohen
Malka Diamond
Michael Rolnick
Menachem Berlach
Aaron Shulkin
Rose Frankel
Eva Boldovitch
Pearl Cohen
Julius Aron
Hyman Diamond
Abram Schwartz
August 14
August 15
August 16
August 17
August 18
August 19
August 20
August 21
August 22
August 23
August 24
August 25
Grandmother of
Sister of
Mother of
Mother of
Father of
Father in law of
Husband of
Mother of
Mother of
Grandfather of
Father of
Mother of
Mother of
Father of
Father of
Father of
Father of
Mother of
Grandmother of
Father of
Father of
Brother of
Father of
Father of
Father of
Mother of
Father of
Brother of
Brother of
Father of
Father of
Grandmother of
Grandmother of
Brother of
Brother of
Mother of
Mother of
Father of
Father of
Brother of
Father of
Grandmother of
Mother of
Sister of
Father of
Father of
Father of
Mother of
Mother of
Sister-in-law of
Uncle of
Father of
Father of
Sheryl Weinrauch
Michael Taveroff
David Sigal
Diana Friedberg
Ricky Trottenberg
Francine White
Mary Nacawa
Myriam Rais
Elia Kadouri
Roslyn Karpman
Zev Kopel
Daniel Stopnicki
Henry Stopnicki
Edward Wiltzer
Morty Wiltzer
Leonard Nirenberg
Rena Birnbaum
Michael Ornstein
Cheryl Shiller
Larry Kaplan
Abe Bye
Gerald Phillips
Thelma Haimovitz
Howard Fetter
Shlomo Solomon
Judith Abramovitch
Lynn Sacksner
Ezer Tordjman
Robert Trojman
Carole Kerr
Bernard Donsky
Edward Fefergrad
Lawrence Fefergrad
Rebecca Wajcmann
David Esar
Sydney Becker
Dr. Norman Tepper
Jennifer Kostiner
Jeffrey Kohos
Elie Cohen
Robert Paris
Ronnie Shear
Leonard Cohen
Mayer Diamond
Israel Rolnick
Marion Lautman
Howard Shulkin
Carol Posluns
Judy Tock
Rhoda Sackman
Peter Aron
Mayer Diamond
Jerry Schwartz
Light Memorial Candle the evening before date indicated
23 AV
24 AV
25 AV
26 AV
27 AV
28 AV
29 AV
30 AV
July/August 2009
Tammuz/Av/Elul 5769
August 26
Cobby Engelberg
Becky Karpman
Becky Karpman
David Halpert
Allegria Mezrich
Allegria Mezrich
Allegria Mezrich
Esther Berenbaum
Louis Leibowitz
Benjamin Block
Michael Margolese
Ann Perlman
Lawrence Friedman
Mark Michaels
Hyman Levy
Nelly Lukacs
William Rabinovitch
Norma Cheifetz
Marlene Davis
Marlene Davis
Marlene Davis
Anne Zingboim
Anne Zingboim
Rivka Milo
Benjamin Rappaport
Sam Meltzer
Bessie Litvack
Aaron Tock
Benzion Retik
Harry Greenberg
Samuel Kartus
Jessie Boyaner
Gerald Greenberg
Gerald Greenberg
Gerald Greenberg
Julius Morein
Julius Morein
Benjamin Rutman
Walter Mandl
Dorothy Shoham
Jack Schacter
Robert Sitrit
Bertha Karper
Gita Mestel
Hyman Zunenshine
Abram Rosenfeld
Abram Rosenfeld
Sally Mislovitch
Ethel Phillips
Soifa Sorin
Celia Filler
August 28
August 29
August 30
August 31
Sept. 1
Sept. 2
Sept. 3
Sept. 4
Father of
Mother of
Mother of
Father of
Mother of
Sister of
Sister of
Mother of
Father of
Father of
Father of
Mother of
Brother of
Brother of
Father of
Mother of
Father of
Mother of
Wife of
Mother of
Sister of
Mother of
Mother of
Mother of
Father of
Father of
Mother of
Uncle of
Father of
Father-In-Law of
Father of
Mother of
Husband of
Father of
Father of
Father of
Father of
Father of
Father of
Sister of
Father of
Father of
Mother of
Mother of
Father of
Father of
Father of
Mother of
Mother of
Mother of
Mother of
Sharyn Morganstein
Ben Karpman
Marsha Kaufman
Arthur Halpert
Louis Mezrich
Robert Trojman
Ezer Tordjman
Susan Boublil
Susan Yalovsky
John Block
Rickhey Margolese
Jerry Perlman
Janet Karp
Heather Ornstein
Norman Levy
Leslie Lukacs
Liane Segal
Debbie Broca
Burton Davis
Cindy Black
Joseph Davis
Howard Zingboim
Sandra Elberg
Sam Milo
Michael Rappaport
Hazel Cohen
Philip Litvack
Cheryl Shiller
Brenda Rodier
Terry Lee Greenberg
Evelyn Solomon
Susan Scharf
Terry Lee Greenberg
Tracey Guben
Lisa Cohen
Andrew Morein
Steven Morein
Earl Rutman
Tilly Mandel
Abraham Cohen
Fred Schacter
Daphna Leibovich
Ian Karper
Zev Mestel
Joe Zunenshine
Shirley Glaich
David Rosenfeld
Arlene Firestone
Gerald Phillips
Jack Sorin
Samuel Galet
Light Memorial Candle the evening before date indicated