economic trends - Malaysia Property Inc.
economic trends - Malaysia Property Inc.
No. ISSN: ISSN: 2180-0448 2180-0448 No. 28 SEPTEMBER sepTember 2010 2010 01 Volume Volume INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 110 108 ECONOMIC TRENDS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMEnTS Malaysia - Trade in Services, Q2 2010................................1 Malaysia - Trade in Services 2009 to Q2 2010....................1 Malaysia - Export of Commercial Services . ........................2 Malaysia - Import of Commercial Services...........................2 Weekly Number of PCOs and Export Value: AANZFTA, AIFTA, GSP & CEPT Scheme.........................3 MJEPA & MPCEPA ..........................................................3 ACFTA, AKFTA & AJCEP..................................................4 Weekly Commodity Prices...................................................4 Weekly Price Trend of Commodities....................................5 Highest & Lowest Prices 2009/2010....................................5 Global Competitiveness Report, 2010 - 2011 .....................5 Micro-Financing for SMEs...................................................6 The Malaysian Standard on Globally Harmonised System for Classification and Labelling of Chemicals......................7 WTO for All.............................................................................8 ECONOMIC TRENDS MALAYSIA - TRADE IN SERVICES, Q2 2010 Malaysia’s total trade in services in Q2 2010 amounted to RM51.2 billion, marking an increase of 3.2% compared to previous quarter. This was attributed to a 2.6% increase in exports and 3.8% increase in imports. Trade in Services Q1 2010 (RM billion) Q2 2010 (RM billion) % Change (Q2 2010 / Q1 2010) % Change (Q2 2010 / Q2 2009) Exports 24.8 25.4 2.6 2.9 Imports 24.8 25.8 3.8 11.3 Total 49.6 51.2 3.2 6.9 Source: Department of Statistics, Malaysia CHART 1: MALAYSIA - TRADE IN SERVICES*, Q1 2009 TO Q2 2010 Source: Department of Statistics, Malaysia Note: All figures have been rounded to the nearest decimal point. *Malaysia’s trade in services includes both government and commercial services MITI Weekly Bulletin Letters to the Editor...........................................................9 Business Opportunities................................................................. 9 Import Enquiries from International Companies........................................................................................... 12 Upcoming Events............................................................................. 14 01 CHART 2: MALAYSIA - EXPORT OF COMMERCIAL SERVICES, Q1 2009 TO Q2 2010 Note: Other services include communication, construction, insurance, financial, computer and information, professional and technical, personal and cultural, management, royalties and fees. Travel remains the largest contributor to export of services. Travel contributed 56.7% of total commercial services in Q2 2010, with a 6.2% increase compared to previous quarter. The increase was attributed by higher tourist arrivals. CHART 3: MALAYSIA - IMPORT OF COMMERCIAL SERVICES, Q1 2009 TO Q2 2010 Source: Department of Statistics, Malaysia Other services remain the largest contributor to import of commercial services, accounting for 38.1% of total imports in Q2 2010. MITI Weekly Bulletin Source: Department of Statistics, Malaysia 02 MITI Weekly Bulletin CHART 4: MALAYSIA - WEEKLY NUMBER OF PCOs AND EXPORT VALUE UNDER AANZFTA, AIFTA, GSP & CEPT SCHEME, AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2010 03 03 Source: MITI Note : The preference giving countries under the GSP scheme are members of the European Union, Norway, Switzerland, Belarus, the Russian Federation and Turkey. PCO = Preferential Certificate of Origin ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade • AANZFTA: • AIFTA: ASEAN-India Free Trade Agreement Agreement • CEPT: Common Effective Preferential Tariff (among ASEAN) • GSP: Generalised System of Preference CHART 5: MALAYSIA - WEEKLY NUMBER OF PCOs AND EXPORT VALUE UNDER MJEPA & MPCEPA, AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2010 Source: MITI Note : • MJEPA: Malaysia-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement • MPCEPA: Malaysia-Pakistan Closer Economic Partnership Agreement MITI Weekly Bulletin CHART 6: MALAYSIA - WEEKLY NUMBER OF PCOs AND EXPORT VALUE UNDER ACFTA, AKFTA & AJCEP, AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2010 • 04 Source: MITI Note : • AKFTA: ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Agreement •• • AJCEP: ASEAN-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership ACFTA: ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement Overall performance of PCOs was dropped in week 19 September due to public holiday closure. TABLE 1: WEEKLY COMMODITY PRICES As at 24 September 2010 (US$) % Change from 3 September 2010 As at 3 September 2010 (US$) 2009* (US$) 2008* (US$) 2007* (US$) Crude Petroleum (per bbl) 74.9 0.1 75.0 35.0-81.0 30.3-145.3 50.5-99.2 Raw Sugar (per MT) 718.9 17.9 610.0 412.3 305.0 256.0 Iron Ore (Pellet) (per MT) 173.0 Unchanged 173.0 108.5 196.7 122.0 365.0 (High) Unchanged 365.0 (High) 360.0 (Low) Unchanged 360.0 (Low) 261.7 500.0 358.0 910.5 1.1 901.0 683.0 949.0 780.0 Scrap Iron HMS 1&2 (80:20 mix) (per MT) Crude Palm Oil (per MT) Sources: MITI, Malaysia Palm Oil Board, Malaysian Iron and Steel Industry Federation (MISIF), Bloomberg and Czarnikow Group Note: * Average price in the year except otherwise indicated. All figures have been rounded to the nearest decimal point. August 2010 domestic price range for: i. Billets : RM1,800 - RM1,950 per MT ii. Steel bars : RM2,000 - RM2,150 per MT CHART 7: WEEKLY PRICE TREND OF COMMODITIES, JUNE - SEPTEMBER 2010 TABLE 2: HIGHEST & LOWEST COMMODITY PRICES 2009/2010 2009 Highest Crude Petroleum (US$ per bbl) Crude Palm Oil (US$ per MT) 2010 Lowest Highest Lowest Current 81.0 (21 October) 35.0 (18 February) 85.5 (16 April) 68.0 (21 May) 74.9 (24 September) 820.0 (18 May) 525.0 (6 February) 911.0 (20 August) 767.0 (5 February) 910.5 (24 September) Compiled by: MITI Note: All figures have been rounded to the nearest decimal point. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTS GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS REPORT 2010-2011 ______________________________________________________ The Global Competitiveness Report (GCR) 2010-2011 by the World Economic Forum (WEF) based in Geneva, Switzerland covers 139 countries (GCR 2009-2010: 133 countries). GCR uses 30% statistical data (32 criteria) and 70% survey data (79 criteria) from its Executive Opinion Survey. A total of 110 executives from Malaysian companies responded to the survey administered from February to April 2010. GCR examined factors enabling economies to achieve sustained economic growth and long term prosperity through its 12 pillars of competitiveness involving 111 indicators. The 12 pillars are Institutions, Infrastructure, Macroeconomic Environment, Health and Primary Education, Higher Education and Training, Goods Market Efficiency, Labour Market Efficiency, Financial Market Development, Technological Readiness, Market Size, Business Sophistication and Innovation. In the GCR 2010-2011, the top ten most competitive economies are Switzerland, Sweden, Singapore, the United States, Germany, Japan, Finland, the Netherlands, Denmark and Canada. Malaysia is ranked at the 26th position with an improvement in overall competitiveness index to 4.88 out of 7 from 4.87 in 2009. Among Asia Pacific countries, Malaysia MITI Weekly Bulletin Sources: MITI, Malaysia Palm Oil Board and Bloomberg 05 GCR 2010-2011 highlights a number of positive elements about the Malaysian economy. Malaysia is assessed to have a well-developed financial market (7th) and an efficient goods market (27th). Malaysia also does relatively well in more complex categories, which matter the most for advanced economies, namely business sophistication (25th) and innovation (24th). WEF recommended that for Malaysia to improve its competitiveness further, Malaysia needs to improve its higher education system - specifically on increasing enrollment rates at the secondary and tertiary levels. There is also a need to further encourage greater technological adoption. Malaysia has to prepare its conversion into an innovation-driven country where companies compete through innovation, producing new value-added and different goods using the most sophisticated production processes. Malaysia has taken proactive measures to enhance its competitiveness such as the New Economic Model (NEM) which emphasises on achieving high income, the Government Transformation Programme (GTP) to enhance government efficiency, and the implementation Micro-finance of initiatives under the Tenth Malaysia Plan. Entry Point Projects (EPP) in the areas of healthcare and education would augur well for the Malaysian healthcare and education services. A notable initiative in line with the Key Result Area (KRA) to reduce crime is that the police had stepped up measures by deploying more personnel in crime prone areas to create police visibility and make their presence felt to deter crimes and violence. It is imperative that the implementation of these programmes and initiatives are expedited so that results can be felt in the near future. Table 1: Global Competitiveness Index 2010-2011 Rankings of Asia - Pacific Countries Country / Economy Rank Score Singapore 1 5.48 Japan 2 5.37 Hong Kong SAR 3 5.27 Taiwan 4 5.21 Australia 5 5.11 Korea, Rep. 6 4.93 New Zealand 7 4.92 Malaysia 8 4.88 China 9 4.84 Brunei 10 4.75 Thailand 11 4.51 Indonesia 12 4.43 India 13 4.33 Vietnam 14 4.27 Sri Lanka 15 4.25 Philippines 16 3.96 Mongolia 17 3.75 Bangladesh 18 3.64 Cambodia 19 3.63 Kyrgyz Republic 20 3.49 Pakistan 21 3.48 Nepal 22 3.34 MICRO-FINANCING FOR SMEs __________________________________ is a proven tool for fighting poverty on a large scale. It provides small loans, also known as micro-loans, to start or expand small and self-sufficient businesses. Through their own ingenuity and the support of the lending micro-finance institution (MFI), owners of micro-enterprises are able to start their journey out of poverty. Unlike commercial loans, no collateral is required for a micro-loan which is usually GCI 2010-2011 repaid within six months to a year. These funds are then reutilised as other loans, keeping money working and in the hands of borrowers. Micro-finance clients boast very high repayment rates. Through microfinancing, viable businesses can have easy, fast and convenient access to financing. Micro-financing is an important mechanism for micro enterprises to achieve economic balance. MITI Weekly Bulletin is ranked 8th position, ahead of countries like China (9th), Thailand (11th), Indonesia (12th), India (13th) and the Philippines (16th) (Table 1). Malaysia scored highest in the Legal Rights Index, together with Hong Kong SAR and Singapore. Malaysia also scored high on the Strength of Investor Protection, ranked 4th after New Zealand, Singapore and Hong Kong SAR. 06 No. FIs / DFIs Interest Rate 1. Agrobank 14% - 15% per annum Loan Size Range from RM500 to RM50,000 2. Bank Rakyat 11.25% per annum Purpose of Financing Working Capital Expenditure 3. Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN) 14% - 17% according to yearly rest Loan Tenure 1 month to 10 years 4. Alliance Bank 1% per month Collateral Requirement No collateral requirement 5. AmBank 2.5% per month Application Form Simplified (minimum 2 pages) 6. CIMB Bank 21% per annum 7. Loan Documentation Minimal documents, such as Identity Card, proof of business (i.e. business registration/ license/permit), proof of income EONCAP Islamic Bank 5.05% annum 8. Public Bank 1.5% +BLR per annum (with guarantee) * Normal rates between 24% - 36% 9. United Overseas Bank 10.2% per annum or Capital Micro-financing facilities offered by financial institutions in Malaysia include: - 5.25% per THE MALAYSIAN STANDARD ON GLOBALLY HARMONISED SYSTEM (GHS) FOR CLASSIFICATION AND LABELLING OF CHEMICALS (MS 1804:2008) _____________________________________________________________________________ The Malaysian Standard on Globally Harmonised System (GHS) for Classification and Labelling of Chemicals - Specification for the Classification, Labelling and Formulation of Safety Data Sheet for Chemical Products was developed in 2008. Compliance to the standard is still on a voluntary basis. This Malaysian Standard is based on the United Nations approved GHS second revised edition issued by United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). The MS 1804:2008 is to standardise and harmonise product hazard communication system in various sectors of industrial workplace, transportation, agriculture and consumer products. It includes the harmonised criteria for classifying substances and mixtures according to health, environmental and physical hazards; and harmonised hazard communications elements, including requirement for labelling and safety data sheet. The scope of the MS 1804:2008 covers manufacturing, processing, handling, use, treatment, storage, transport and disposal. Pharmaceuticals, food additives, cosmetics and pesticide residues in food will not be covered by the standard in terms of labelling at the point of intentional intake. However, where workers may be exposed during transportation, these chemicals would then be covered. The GHS applies to pure chemical substances, their dilute solutions and to mixtures of chemical substances. “Articles” are outside the scope of the system. The purpose of the standard is to prevent accidents, poisoning and illness resulting from the use of hazardous chemicals. The GHS will enhance the protection of human health and the environment by providing national comprehensible system for hazard communication. The target audiences for the standard include consumers, workers, transport workers and emergency responders. It is intended to be used by industry in classifying and labelling their products according to specified criteria and to formulate safety data sheets. This standard could also be cross referenced to legislations developed in this country based on the GHS. MITI Weekly Bulletin The general key features of the micro financing products are: 07 WTO FOR ALL _______________ (MTPN) Division, MITI is providing a series of articles on terms, principles and concepts in the WTO. This information sharing initiative will also serve as a platform for better understanding of the multilateral trading system. The first in this series talks about Tariffs. Tariffs, also called customs duties, refer to financial charges in the form of a government tax imposed on imports and exports. It is the most common form of barrier to market access for goods. In general, tariffs are categorised into two forms: • Ad-valorem: expressed as a percentage form e.g. 20%. • Non Ad-valorem: e.g. $25 per tonne or 15% and $25 per tonne. There are four categories of Non Ad- valorem Duties : i. Specific Duties • Duties expressed as a monetary amount per unit of quantity of the goods e.g. 5 cents per kilogram or RM1.10 per litre. ii. Mixed Duties • A combination of specific duty and advalorem tariff, of which both elements are payable e.g. 15% and $25 per tonne. iii. Compound Duties • A combination of specific duty and advalorem tariff, but it is the higher rate that is payable e.g. 15% or $25 per tonne whichever is the higher (w.i.t.h). iv. Matrix Duties • A combination of any type of duty based on a specific criteria. For example under the European Commission (EC) tariffs, a product containing 6-9% milk fat, 4-15% milk proteins, 5-25% starch/glucose and 30-50% sucrose/invert sugar/iso glucose would refer to code 7307 in the Measuring table. The Royal Malaysian Customs uses advalorem, specific, mixed and compound duties. Here are some examples of Malaysian tariffs: Tariff Code Description Unit Import Type Dates, figs, pineapples, avocados, guavas, mangoes and mangosteens, fresh or dried. 0804 0804 20 000 -Figs KGM 5% Ad-Valorem 0804 30 000 -Pineapples KGM RM0.608/KGM Specific 0804 50 100 Guavas KGM 5% and RM0.4409 Mixed 7315 11 7315 11 KGM 30% or RM1.90 w.i.t.h Compound - - Roller Chain 920 Industrial or conveyor type of pitch length not less than 75 mm but not more than 152 mm We hope that the illustration have provided a good understanding on the basic concept of tariffs. MWB will elaborate tariff codes in the next issue. MITI Weekly Bulletin The Multilateral Trade Policy and Negotiations 08 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR How to reach us: Click the link below for any comments on articles in this issue. Letters may be edited for reasons of space and clarity. MITI Weekly Bulletin (MWB) reserves the right to edit and to republish letters as reprints. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TENDER BIDS TITLE OF TENDER 09/2010(73) : GLOBAL INVITATION: BIDS FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF HYDROELECTRIC PROJECTS IN Country : India Closing Date : a) Last date for sale of Bid Documents :04.10.2010 upto 1700 Hours, Summary HIMACHAL PRADESH (INDIA) BY GOVERNMENT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH DEPARTMENT OF MPP & POWER b) Last date of submission of Bids :12.10.2010 upto 1500 Hours c) Date of opening of Bids :13.10.2010 at 1400 Hours (onwards) : NOTICE INVITING PROPOSALS The Governor, Himachal Pradesh invites proposals from ‘Eligible Bidders’ for the implementation of the Hydro-electric Projects, in Private Sector on Build, Own, Operate and Transfer (BOOT) basis (Refer to Annex A) Bidders shall be required to submit ‘Technical - Bids’ and ‘Price-Bids’ on the Format appended in the Bid Document in two separate envelopes super - scribed with “Technical - Bid’ and ‘Price Bid’. For any query or clarification, Chief Engineer (Energy), Directorate of Energy, Govt . of HP, Khalini, Shimla -171002 may be contacted on telephone no: 01772620552, 0177-2620553 (tele-fax). Website : The last date for sale of bid Documents to the interested bidders, the last date of submission of bids in the office of Chief Engineer (Energy) at the above address and the date of opening of Bids are as under : a) Last date for sale of Bid Documents : 04.10.2010 up to 1700 Hours b) Last date of submission of Bids : 12.10.2010 up to 1500 Hours c) Date of opening of Bids : 13.10.2010 at 1400 Hours (onwards) Note: If the last date for submission of Bids or the date of opening of bids happens to be a holiday declared by the Govt. of Himachal Pradesh in Shimla, the bids will be submitted and opened on the next working day in the same order and at the same time, The details of Projects can also be seen on web site For and on behalf of Governor of H.P. Director (Energy) Directorate of Energy, Govt. of HP Thakur Vatika, Khalini, Shimla (HP)171002 Tele-fax: +91-177-2620553 MITI Weekly Bulletin INVITATION FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST 09 INVITATION FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST TITLE OF TENDER 09/2010(77) : MATRADE JEDDAH: TENDERS SAUDI ARABIA Mayoralty of Mahayil Assir Governorate (Tel. +9667 2246526) invites bids of following tender: a) Constructions and operation of Industrial area on the road of Mahayil Khamis Al Bahar activity: industrial area 700,000 M2 Country : Saudi Arabia Closing Date : 2 October 2010 Summary : MATRADE JEDDAH: TENDERS SAUDI ARABIA • Mayoralty of Mahayil Assir Governorate (Tel.+9667 2246526) invites bids of following tender: • Price of document SAR: 5,000 • The Saudi government must receive at least three bids for all contracts larger than One Million Riyals. For construction projects, at least five contractors must be asked to submit bids. • Tender regulations allow price increases for variations in transportation charges, insurance rates or the price of raw materials. If all bids significantly exceed the estimate, the government agency may cancel all such bids. The government insists that bids should come reasonably close to the practical estimates. • Foreign companies that wish to bid on projects supervised or undertaken by the government ministries must first be registered with Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority (SAGIA): The foreign companies must also register with the Saudi Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs. This can be done through completing a questionnaire in Arabic that can be obtained from the following website of the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs: sa (Arabic Version only). A list is compiled of these foreign companies and bidders will be selected from this list when projects are available. The foreign companies must also include their companies’ latest annual report along with two references and two copies of a list of completed projects. • These documents must be submitted to: Mr. Salleh Al Shaikah, Director Deputy Ministry for Classification of Contractors Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs P.O. Box 4719 Riyadh 11412 SAUDI ARABIA Telephone: +9661 4043889 / +9661 4043990 Note: All foreign companies must register with the authority before eligible to bid. MITI Weekly Bulletin a) Constructions and operation of Industrial area on the road of Mahayil Khamis Al Bahar activity: industrial area 700,000 M2 10 INVITATION FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST TITLE OF TENDER 09/2010(78) : MATRADE JEDDAH: TENDERS SAUDI ARABIA Directorate General for Health Affairs in Jeddah Governorate (Tel. +9662 6985097 ) invites bids for the following tender: a) Development of Al Leith Public Hospital (in patients) Country : Saudi Arabia Closing Date : 10 October 2010 Summary : MATRADE JEDDAH: TENDERS SAUDI ARABIA Directorate General for Health Affairs in Jeddah Governorate (Tel.+9662 6985097) invites bids for the following tender: • Price of document SAR: 1,000 • The Saudi government must receive at least three bids for all contracts larger than One Million Riyals. For construction projects, at least five contractors must be asked to submit bids. • Tender regulations allow price increases for variations in transportation charges, insurance rates or the price of raw materials. If all bids significantly exceed the estimate, the government agency may cancel all such bids. The government insists that bids should come reasonably close to the practical estimates. • Foreign companies that wish to bid on projects supervised or undertaken by the government ministries must first be registered with Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority (SAGIA): The foreign companies must also register with the Saudi Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs. This can be done through completing a questionnaire in Arabic that can be obtained from the following website of the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs: sa (Arabic Version only). A list is compiled of these foreign companies and bidders will be selected from this list when projects are available. The foreign companies must also include their companies’ latest annual report along with two references and two copies of a list of completed projects. • These documents must be submitted to: Mr. Salleh Al Shaikah, Director Deputy Ministry for Classification of Contractors Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs P.O. Box 4719 Riyadh 11412 SAUDI ARABIA Telephone: +9661 4043889 / +9661 4043990 Note: All foreign companies must register with the authority before eligible to bid. MITI Weekly Bulletin a) Development of Al Leith Public Hospital (in patients) 11 INVITATION FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST TITLE OF TENDER 09/2010(79) : TENDER REFERENCE: A1600082010 : SUPPLY OF TWO FIXED-WING AIRCRAFT AND ASSOCIATED MISSION EQUIPMENT TO THE GOVERNMENT FLYING SERVICES Country : Hong Kong Closing Date : 26 November 2010 before 12.00 noon (Hong Kong time) Summary : Tender Subject : Supply of two fixed-wing aircraft and associated mission equipment to the Government Flying Services Requisitioning Bureau/Department : Government Flying Services Quantity : 2 Nos Delivery Schedule: The first and second aircraft to be delivered within 24 months and 26 months respectively from the date of acceptance of offer. Collection Of Tender Document: GLD suppliers, GLD subscribers, and applicants can logon to the system and download the tender document. Information for collection of tender documents in paper or CD-ROM/ Diskette form is accessible at http://www.gld . .htm. Submission of Tenders: Electronic Tendering: For election offer, the total file size (after zipped) should not exceed 30MB. Tenderer should also allow sufficient time for data transmission when submitting the electronic offer. Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions. For total file size exceeding 30MB, paper-based tendering should be used. Paper-based Tendering: Tenders in paper form must be deposited in the Government Logistics Department Tender Box before 12.00 noon (Hong Kong time) on 26 November 2010. Contact Person : Lau Yuk–Kuen, Gloria, Senior Supplies Officer (D) Telephone Number: (852) 22315264 Fax Number : (852)21160104 Email Address : IMPORT ENQUIRIES FROM INTERNATIONAL COMPANIES BUILDING CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS & HARDWARE BOLLINGTON & CO Suite B, Golden Hill 209-211 Hennessy Comm., Mansion 12/F Wanchai Hong Kong Tel : 8-52-2519 0116 E-mail : Website : www. Contact : Mr. Kwok Keung Bollington Chan General Manager Product(s) : Glass Products, Steel Bars and Rods, Floor and Wall Tiles DESIGNERS SHOWCASE INC. 588 Fifty Road, Stoney Creek L8E 5T5 Ontario Canada Tel : 1905-930-9618 Fax : 1905-643-1049 E-mail : Contact : Mr. E J Bazinet President Product(s) : Floor and Wall Tiles MITI Weekly Bulletin Application: For long range search and rescue operations, providing top cover for helicopters during offshore SAR operations and assisting other government departments in aerial geographical surveys and law enforcement operations, etc. 12 IMPORT ENQUIRIES FROM INTERNATIONAL COMPANIES (CONT’D) CONSUMER / INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS M BRYS ENGINEERING LIMITED 14 Edge Water Drive Barrie L4N 9R7 Ontario Canada Tel : 1705-726-6120 Fax : 1705-726-6124 E-mail : Contact : Mr. Mark J Brys Product(s) : Lighting & Accessories VIETNAM INVESTMENT PROMOTING TECHNICS & CONSTRUCTION JSC (TECHCONVINA) Block A106, Xuan Dinh Tu Liem 84 Hanoi City Vietnam Tel : 844-375-00999 E-mail : Website : Contact : Mr. Huyen Dang Project Executive Product(s) : Air Conditioners, Refrigerators & Heat Exchanges ,Household Electrical Appliances and Security Products ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC PARTS AND COMPONENTS BOLLINGTON & CO Suite B, Golden Hill 209-211 Hennessy Comm., Mansion 12/F Wanchai Hong Kong Tel : 8-52-2519 0116 E-mail : Website : www. Contact : Mr. Kwok Keung Bollington Chan General Manager Product(s) : LED Lighting FURNITURE DESIGNERS SHOWCASE INC. 588 Fifty Road, Stoney Creek L8E 5T5 Ontario Canada Tel : 1905-930-9618 Fax : 1905-643-1049 E-mail : Contact : Mr. E J Bazinet President Product(s) : Cabinets and Racks FADEL GHANEM 2020 Barsuda Drive Mississauga L5J 1V8 Ontario Canada Tel : 1905-403-8157 E-mail : Contact : Mr. Fadel Ghanem Product(s) : Home Furniture TAKUMA KOGYO INC. 2554 Fukutomi Shinmachi Ashikaga Tochigi 326-0332 Japan Tel : 812-847-33319 Fax : 812-847-29357 E-mail : Website : www. Contact : Mr. Takuma Kuhara CEO Product(s) : Furniture for Casino Game VIAVRAFT INTERIORS LIMITED 170 Marycroft Avenue Woodbridge L4L 5Y3 Ontario Canada Tel : 1905-851-5606 Fax : 1905-851-6133 E-mail : Website : Contact : Mr. Guiseppe Iannello Product(s) : Home Furnishing MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT KUPPER CANADA 9 Phyne Hills CRT Tottenham L0G 1W0 Ontario Canada Tel : 1905-936-5022 Fax : 1905-936-2789 E-mail : Website : www. Contact : Mr. Siggi Hager Manager Product(s) : Wood Working Machinery & Equipment MITI Weekly Bulletin VIETNAM INVESTMENT PROMOTING TECHNICS & CONSTRUCTION JSC (TECHCONVINA) Block A106, Xuan Dinh Tu Liem 84 Hanoi City Vietnam Tel : 844-375-00999 E-mail : Website : Contact : Mr. Huyen Dang Project Executive Product(s) : Glass Products 13 IMPORT ENQUIRIES FROM INTERNATIONAL COMPANIES (CONT’D) PREPARED FOOD INTERSPAN CANADA INC. 231 Millway Avenue, Unit 6 Concord L4K 3W7 Ontario Canada Tel : 1905-660-9336 Fax : 1905-660-9228 E-mail : Website : www. Contact : Mr. Sam Dhutia Vice President Product(s) : Flavouring, Colouring and Fragrances LPB DISTRIBUTION 1550 Chabanel Oest Montreal H4N 1H4 Quebec Canada Tel : 1514-588-8888 Fax : 1514-904-0047 E-mail : Website : www. Contact : Mr. Joseph Abinassif Director of Sales Product(s) : Processed Meat, Poultry and Seafood (Halal) DCL TRADELINK Ruby Industrial Complex 80 Genting Lane #03-07 349565 Singapore Tel : 65-6748 1525 Fax : 65-9665 6025 E-mail : Contact : Mr Collin Wang Product(s) : Crude Filtered Coconut Oil UPCOMING EVENTS 14 EVENTS CONDUCTED IN ENGLISH MATRADE Programmes MATRADE Briefing and Consultation Session (i) Miri, Sarawak (23-24 November 2010) Objectives Target Group Contact i. Disseminate information about MATRADE’s function, services, facilities, programmes and activities ii. Obtain feedback on how MATRADE can further facilitate companies in their export business iii. Disseminate information on benefits of Free Trade Agreements iv. Clarify export-related issues Malaysian companies (both SME & non-SMEs) that are currently exporting or seeking opportunities in export market Azimatul Masriyah ( Target Group Contact Noor Asyikin Mustapha ( SPECIALISED MARKETING MISSION Mission Specialised Marketing Mission on Oil and Gas Related Products and Services to Abu Dhabi in conjunction with ADIPEC 2010, and to Kuwait City Cities: Abu Dhabi, Kuwait Date Closing Date : 1 - 4 Nov 2010 : 15 Oct 2010 MITI Weekly Bulletin VIETNAM INVESTMENT PROMOTING TECHNICS & CONSTRUCTION JSC (TECHCONVINA) Block A106, Xuan Dinh Tu Liem 84 Hanoi City Vietnam Tel : 844-375-00999 E-mail : Website : Contact : Mr. Huyen Dang Project Executive Product(s) : Excavator Malaysian companies Mohd Adris Hj Abu Bakar ( Mission Target Group Specialised Marketing Mission for Machinery and Equipment to Bangkok, Thailand Malaysian companies Contact Sarah Johana Yusof ( City: Bangkok Date Closing Date : 23 - 25 Nov 2010 : 29 Oct 2010 EXPORTERS TRAINING PROGRAMMES Objective Seminar on “Optimising ASEANKorea FTA” Menara Matrade, Kuala Lumpur To enhance participants’ understanding of ASEAN - Korea FTA and increase trade between Malaysia and Korea by sharing practical information the ASEAN - Korea FTA. Malaysian companies Norzanah Berawi ( To provide participants with an understanding of the key activities involved in the export process. The workshop consists of a theoretical session and group discussions. Malaysian companies Norzulaila Mohd Dzafri ( To provide participants with Financial management tecniques to maximize profits and improve cash flow with less risk. Malaysian companies Norzulaila Mohd Dzafri ( The seminar is in conjunction with the Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP), during which the MTCP delegates from, namely, ASEAN, Africa, Middle East, Central Asia & South America will present their respective country’s economic profile and deliberate on business opportunities available for Malaysian companies. Malaysian companies Nafhatun Awang ( To coach participants on the importance of design packaging and presentation in enhancing product acceptance and competitiveness. Malaysian companies Mohamad Termizi Hj. Piee ( Date Closing Date : 6 Oct 2010 : 4 Oct 2010 Seminar on “The 12 Steps to Successful Exporting” Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Date : 7 Oct 2010 Closing Date : 5 Oct 2010 Workshop on “Financial Management in Exporting” Menara Matrade, Kuala Lumpur Date Closing Date : 13 Oct 2010 : 11 Oct 2010 Seminar on “Opportunities for Malaysian Business Community” Menara Matrade, Kuala Lumpur Date Closing Date : 20 Oct 2010 : 14 Oct 2010 Seminar on “Empowering New Possibilities through Design” Menara Matrade, Kuala Lumpur Date Closing Date : 26 & 27 Oct 2010 : 22 Oct 2010 Target Group Contact MITI Weekly Bulletin Programmes 15 *PROMOTION BOOTH IFE AMERICAS FOOD & BEVERAGE SHOW 2010 Venue: Miami Beach Covention Center,Miami, Florida, USA Date Closing Date : 26-27 Oct 2010 : 15 Oct 2010 ADIPEC 2010 Venue: Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, Abu Dhabi, UAE Date Closing Date : 1 - 4 Nov 2010 : 1 Oct 2010 MANUFACTURING INDONESIA 2010 Venue: Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo), Jakarta, Indonesia Date Closing Date : 1 - 4 Dec 2010 : 1 Nov 2010 Event Description Target Group Contact The Americas Food & Beverage Show is the largest food and beverage two-way trade show in the western hemisphere. Last year 6,284 food and beverage buyers visited the show from 63 countries representing 306 companies. More than 5,000 products and services were exhibited in 338 booths. Malaysian companies Norhaliza Mohamad Yunos ( ADIPEC is one of the most acclaimed oil and gas events in the world with large presence from NOCs (National Oil Companies), IOCs (International Oil Companies), contractors, consortium leaders, services companies, technology providers, international manufacturers along with engineering contractors, trading companies and consultants from across six continents. ADIPEC also plays host to more than 40,000 leading industry executives who come together in Abu Dhabi for four days of interaction to determine the direction of the energy industry. Malaysian companies Mohamad Adris Hj Abu Bakar ( The Manufacturing Indonesia series is one of the biggest trade shows in Indonesia. The annual exhibition covers products such as, automotive parts, electrical products, engineering products, plastic parts, metalworks, food & beverage and textiles. More than 1400 exhibitors are participating in Manufacturing Indonesia 2010 and are expected to showcase their latest products and services. In 2009, 1351 exhibitors participated in the event from 34 countries and 35,301 visitors attended the show from across the world. Malaysian companies Badrul Hisham Hilal ( 16 * Interested Malaysian companies are required to submit details of company as well as products’ promotional materials (eg: brochures/ catalogues) to MATRADE MPC Programmes TRAINING Train the Trainers 5-7 October 2010 Petaling Jaya Objectives Apply the various training methods that are appropriate for adult training Know how to write learning objectives and prepare a lesson plan for their training session Use training skills to become effective trainers MITI Weekly Bulletin Event Name Target Group Top Management Executive Supervisor Contact Latchumy Prabha ( Programmes TRAINING Strategic Innovative Leadership 11-12 October 2010 Petaling Jaya Objectives Discuss the needs and importance of innovation Explain the concepts of effective leadership Target Group Contact Top management Manager Executive Leader Mohd Wafi Arip ( Top management Executive Supervisor Operator Mariatul Af-Ida ( Human Resource Pesonnel Executive Supervisor Hanisah Ramli ( Head of Department Manager Supervisor Innovation Group Facilitator Che Razali Che Ismail ( Top management Executive Supervisor Operator Abd. Majid Ibrahim ( Explain the key elements of an innovative leadership TRAINING Strategic Branding 12-13 October 2010 Petaling Jaya Pre-determined scenario TRAINING Talent Management for SME Development 18-19 October 2010 Petaling Jaya Enhance understanding on the importance of Talent Management product-market Understand brand building process – from brand construction to brand communication using the assigned product/market scenario Appreciate the important role of Talent Management Develop skills in recruitment and identification of talents Understand the role of planning, motivation, mobilisation and leadership in managing talents TRAINING Breaking from The Pack Through Service Innovation 18-19 October 2010 Petaling Jaya Enhance their thinking and skills in creativity and innovation Apply systematic approach to initiate innovative practices Measure and identify the effectiveness of innovation practices TRAINING Understanding ISO 9001:2008 Requirements 27-28 October 2010 Petaling Jaya Increase their understanding about the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management Systems Understand the requirements of the ISO 9001:2008 Gain knowledge on the interpretation of ISO 9001:2008 Provide themselves the guidance on the documentation and implementation of ISO 9001:2008 QMS SME CORP. Programmes SME Business Success with ICT Series 29 September 2010 Sarawak Chambers, Riverside Majestic Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak Objectives To promote the ability of businesses, both SMEs and large corporations, to better reach out to customers, domestically as well as globally Target Group All Malaysian entrepreneurs Contact Ursla Unnie Anak Thomas Salang 082-252 955/ ( Azrul Fahmi Sulaiman 082-238 955/256 9550 ( MITI Weekly Bulletin Discuss the qualities of an innovative leadership 17 PROGRAM DIKENDALIKAN DALAM BAHASA MELAYU MITI Transformasi Usahawan Bumiputera Berdaya Saing Fasa 2 (TRU-BD) i. 30 September 2010 PWTC, Kuala Lumpur ii. 2 Oktober 2010 Pulau Pinang iii. 10 Oktober 2010 Kedah iv. 16 Oktober 2010 Johor v. 23 Oktober 2010 Melaka/Negeri Sembilan vi. 6 November 2010 Sarawak vii. 7 November 2010 Sabah/Labuan Objektif Kumpulan Sasaran Hubungi Memberi maklumat serta pengetahuan kepada usahawan Bumiputera berkaitan dengan konsep daya saing usahawan dan perniagaan serta keperluan dalam konteks Model Baru Ekonomi. Usahawan Bumiputera Dr. Aishah Kasa 603 62052571 ( Mengumpul data untuk menilai tahap daya saing usahawan Bumiputera dalam pelbagai sektor perniagaan masa kini. Mendapatkan cadangan berkaitan strategi serta sistem sokongan bagi membantu usahawan Bumiputera untuk terus berdaya saing dalam bidang keusahawanan dan perniagaan. Aidi Azli Wahid 603-88805156 ( Wazi Seman 603 62052572 (Wazi.seman@miti. viii. 13 November 2010 Pahang/Terengganu MPC Program LATIHAN Pengenalan Kreatif dan Inovasi 4-5 Oktober 2010 Petaling Jaya Objektif Kumpulan Sasaran Meningkatkan pengetahuan dan daya kreativiti dalam menggunakan teknik penyelesaian masalah Hubungi Pengurus / Eksekutif Penyelia Operator Asmawadi Mohamed ( Usahawan-Usahawan Pengurus Multimedia & IT Penyelia yang menguruskan Laman Web syarikat Noor Salfarina Jamaludin ( Pengurusan atasan Pengurus / Eksekutif Penyelia Operator Mazuan Salih ( Mempercepatkan pembelajaran peserta kearah budaya kreativiti dan inovasi Memahami hubungkait kreativiti dan inovasi kecemerlangan organisasi antara untuk LATIHAN Peningkatan Daya Saing Melalui Pembangunan Laman Web Syarikat 5-6 Oktober 2010 Petaling Jaya Mengetahui kepentingan Laman Web LATIHAN Amalan Persekitaran Berkualiti (5S) Yang Efektif 12-13 Oktober 2010 Johor Bahru Memahami kepentingan dan konsep Amalan Persekitaran Berkualiti (5S) Merekabentuk program pemasaran SMS sendiri Menguruskan sendiri pemasaran secara global di portal perniagaan ( Memahami kaedah melaksanakan Amalan Persekitaran Berkualiti (5S) secara berkesan dan hubungkait dengan Petunjuk Prestasi Utama (KPI) Memahami tentang persediaan untuk persijilan Amalan Persekitaran Berkualiti (5S) MITI Weekly Bulletin Program 18 Program Objektif LATIHAN Audit Dalaman Persijilan ICC (Organisasi) 13 Oktober 2010 Petaling Jaya Kumpulan Sasaran Memahami kepentingan dalaman persijilan ICC audit Memahami kriteria bagi kelayakan persijilan ICC Hubungi Penyelaras ICC Pemudahcara ICC Juruaudit dalaman ICC Asmawadi Mohamed ( Pengurusan atasan Pengurus / Eksekutif Penyelia Operator Faridah Taju Rahim ( Pengurus / Eksekutif Penyelia Operator Pegawai Khidmat Pelanggan (PKP) Rosmiza Rosly ( Membantu memahirkan diri untuk menjadi seorang juruaudit dalaman LATIHAN Kecemerlangan Penyeliaan 19-20 Oktober 2010 Kuantan Memahami cara-cara memotivasikan warga pekerja Memahami kepentingan aspek-aspek kepimpinan, perhubungan sesama manusia dan penyelesaian Masalah LATIHAN Perkhidmatan Layanan Telefon 20-21 Oktober 2010 Petaling Jaya Memahami peringkat-peringkat pengendalian urusan telefon Berkomunikasi melalui telefon dengan cekap dan berkesan Membantu pelanggan mencapai kepuasan 19 SME CORP. MALAYSIA Objektif Bengkel Usahawan Wanita 1 Malaysia: Meneroka Transformasi Perniagaan i. Siri 2/2010: 2 November 2010 Ipoh, Perak Memberi pendedahan mengenai pengetahuan berkaitan perniagaan dan amalan perniagaan terbaik, di samping mengembangkan rangkaian perniagaan dan berkongsi pengalaman bersama usahawan wanita berjaya yang lain Kumpulan Sasaran Usahawan wanita di Malaysia Hubungi Murniati Mokhtar 03-6207 6142 ( Norhayati Abu Bakar 03-6207 6136 ( ii. Siri 3/2010: 3 Disember 2010 Kuching, Sarawak ‘‘ To be a great leader, one needs to have good strategies, be knowledgeable and able to predict the future Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad - Former Premier of Malaysia MINISTRY OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND INDUSTRY ‘‘ Program MITI Weekly Bulletin Mempraktikkan pendekatan yang sesuai dalam proses penyeliaan untuk mencapai matlamat organisas Block 8 & 10, Government Offices Complex, Jalan Duta, 50622 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel. No.: 603 6203 3022 Fax No.: 603 6201 2337 Email: Website:
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