Dispatch 021116 - Navy Dispatch Newspaper
Dispatch 021116 - Navy Dispatch Newspaper
DISPATCH Marine Corps • Coast Guard • Army • Air Force AT EASE • ARMED FORCES Navy S a n D i e g o N a v y / M a r i n e C o r p s D i s p a t c h • w w w. a r m e d f o r c e s d i s p a t c h . c o m • 6 1 9 . 2 8 0 . 2 9 8 5 Serving active duty and retired military personnel, veterans and civil service employees Dispatch Weekly Contest Health Your heart health .. 9 Top Sailors from the West Coast For your chance to win a prize, see contest details on page 3. Military Crisis Line 1-800-273-8255 Welcome back USS Higgins Auto Matters & More Harry Potter World coming ... 17 Classifieds ... 20-21 SAN DIEGO (Feb. 8, 2016) - Vice Adm. Nora Tyson, commander of 3rd Fleet, introduces herself to the Sailor of the Year (SOY) candidates for fiscal year 2015 during the SOY Finalist Recognition Week kickoff event. SOY candidates from Commander, 3rd Fleet; Commander, Naval Surface Force, Pacific Fleet; Commander, Naval Air Force, Pacific Fleet; and Commander, Submarine Force, Pacific Fleet will spend 2015 SOY Finalist Recognition Week in San Diego attending various historic, educational and recognition events. Navy photo by MC3 Trevor Kohlrus USS Boxer ARG set to deploy Around Town Supercross at Petco Park ... 22 Base Movies The Revenant ... 22 Concerts Beyonce May 12 ... 23 FIFTY FIFTH YEAR NO. 35 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2016 See story page 10 SAN DIEGO - More than 4,500 Sailors and Marines from the Boxer Amphibious Ready Group (ARG) and 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) are scheduled to depart San Diego for a deployment to the 3rd, 5th and 7th Fleet areas of operations (AOO) Feb. 12. Before being certified to deploy, the individual ships and units of the ARG/MEU team were required to complete and pass four integrated and advanced training exercises that were designed to test and evaluate their capabilities during battle-force scenarios and real-world situations they may face while deployed. 3rd Fleet and I Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF) certified Boxer ARG and the 13th MEU to deploy after the ships and units successfully completed PHIBRON-MEU Integrated Training (PMINT), Composite Training Unit Exercise (COMPTUEX), Certification Exercise (CERTEX) and Sustainment Exercise (SUSTEX). Boxer ARG is comprised of Amphibious Squadron (COMPHIBRON) 1 and the 13th MEU. COMPHIBRON 1 is composed of its command ship, USS Boxer (LHD 4), amphibious transport dock USS New Orleans (LPD 18) and amphibious dock landing ship USS Harpers Ferry (LSD 49). “The Boxer ARG, 13th MEU team has truly excelled in their preparation for deployment,” said Capt. Keith Moore, commander, Amphibious Squadron One. “The Sailors and Marines of the ARG/ MEU team are well trained and ready to deploy in support of all missions.” The 13th MEU is comprised of a ground combat element, Battalion Landing Team 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment; an aviation combat element, Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 166 (Reinforced); a logistics combat element, Combat Logistics Battalion 13; and a command element. WELCOME BACK We thank our Heroes! SERVE WITH PRIDE. RIDE WITH POWER. Triumph salutes all of our active duty and retired military personnel. and to thank you for performing such a great service to your country, we want to help you get a high performance Triumph motorcycle. $ 500 VOUCHER* Save Big on *SEE STORE FOR DETAILS Motorcycles Now! 1890 Auto Park Place Chula Vista, CA 91911 www.sbmotor.com Department of the Navy releases Fiscal Year 2017 budget proposal WASHINGTON - The Department of the Navy (DoN) released its proposed $165 billion (Base and Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO)) budget Feb. 9 for fiscal year (FY) 2017. This budget is part of the $583 billion (Base and OCO) defense budget President Barack Obama submitted to Congress on the same day. Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Budget Rear Adm. William Lescher briefed media at the Department of Defense budget press conference about the Navy and Marine Corps portion of the budget. This year’s budget submis- sion was guided by Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson’s Design for Maintaining Maritime Superiority, which reflects the character of the security environment and accounts for the forces at play in the maritime system, the force of the information system and the force of technology entering the environment. It makes key investments in people, platforms, installations, and research and development, so that the Department of the Navy can execute the Defense Strategy. The Department of the Navy focuses on increasing readiness and support for personnel in the new budget, by adding billets for base security and officer man- ning, providing a 1.6 percent pay raise, investing in Sailor 2025, and improving how the Navy matches sailors with jobs in the fleet to ensure the Navy attracts, trains and retains the very best talent America has to offer. The Department of the Navy FY17 budget includes a $45 billion (Base and OCO) procurement budget focused on improving high-end capability across all warfare areas. The FY17 budget buys seven new ships in FY17 including two Arleigh Burke-class destroyers, two Virginia-class submarines, two littoral combat ships, and one America-class amphibious assault ship to prioritize stability in major combatant shipbuilding as the fleet grows to 308 ships in FY21. Additionally, the FY17 budget fully funds the Ohio-class Replacement SSBN and maintains the Ohio Replacement Program as the Navy’s top priority in strengthening naval power at and from the sea. The budget funds 94 aircraft in FY17. F-35 FYDP production increases by 13 aircraft from the PB16 acquisition plan, accelerating the 5th Generation Fighter transition. In combination with the five additional F-18s in FY16, two in FY17, and 14 in FY18, these investments help to mitigate the department’s strike fighter shortage. The P-8 Poseidon profile reflects the plan to accelerate procurement of one additional P-8 in FY16, and maintains the production plan to complete the buy in FY19. The Department of the Navy released its proposed $165 billion (Base and Overseas Contingency Operations) budget Feb. 9 for fiscal year 2017. This budget is part of the $583 billion defense budget President Barack Obama submitted to Congress on the same day. The budget submission was guided by national level mission guidance that defines the missions the Navy and Marine Corps will execute as well as the dynamic operational environment. It makes key investments in people, platforms, and research and development, so the Department of the Navy can execute the Defense Strategy. Navy photo and across all spectrums. The Department of the Navy budget includes a $55 billion (Base and OCO) request for operations and maintenance, emphasizing the balance of today’s needs with future priorities when Reflecting the continued need to expand key capabilities to meet dynamic changes in the security environment of today, this year’s submission includes $17.3 billion for research and development supporting the Navy-Marine Corps team of the future through technological advantages designed to counter adversaries in all environments To view the proposed FY17 DoN budget documents, visit http://www.secnav.navy.mil/fmc/ fmb/Pages/Fiscal-Year-2017. aspx. COVER USS Higgins’ crewmembers at work, and play, during their recent independent deployment. Navy photo 2400 NatioNal city blvd. 3150 NatioNal city blvd. 2940 NatioNal city blvd. www.franktoyota.com www.frankhyundai.com www.franksubaru.com oil & FiltER cHaNGE FRoNt bRaKE SPEcial 888.217.1866 2 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2016 operating forward in an everevolving security environment. 866.542.8238 4-WHEEl aliGNMENt $ 95 89 X WaS $11995 WD[ 3UHFLVLRQFRPSXWHUL]HGZKHHODOLJQPHQW$GMXVWFDVWHUFDPEHUWRH ,QVSHFWVXVSHQVLRQIRUZHDU&HQWHUVWHHULQJZKHHO,QVSHFWWLUHV 7R\RWDV+\XQGDLVRU6XEDUXVRQO\0RVWPRGHOV0XVWSUHVHQWFRXSRQ&DQQRWEHFRPELQHGZLWKDQ\RWKHURIIHURUGLVFRXQWDQGFDQQRW EHDSSOLHGWRZDUGSUHYLRXVSXUFKDVHV2IIHUH[SLUHV 3OXV 10% OFF $Q\UHFRPPHQGHG6HUYLFHVRU5HSDLUV 0D\QRWEHFRPELQHGZLWKDQ\RWKHUVSHFLDO 888.207.1891 Military Special only 29 $ 95 WD[ X Wa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rank Motors is now hiring part-time & full time employees. Apply on-line www.FrankToyota.com /LNHXVRQ)DFHERRN IDFHERRNFRPIUDQNWR\RWD IDFHERRNFRPIUDQNK\XQGDL IDFHERRNFRPIUDQNVXEDUX WE HoNoR oUR MilitaRy!! )ROORZXVRQ7ZLWWHU WZLWWHUFRPIUDQNWR\RWDVG WZLWWHUFRPIUDQNK\XQGDLVG WZLWWHUFRPIUDQNVXEDUX National Military AMLEP boarding teams issue citations off West Africa ATLANTIC OCEAN - A combined Ghanaian boarding team completed a second boarding with support from the United States Coast Guard aboard USNS Spearhead (T-EPF 1), Feb. 6, as part of Africa Maritime Law Enforcement Partnership (AMLEP). The joint Ghanaian boarding team issued the commercial fishing vessel Zhong Lu Yu 1003 a citation and return to port order for a restricted area violation. USNS Spearhead (T-EPF 1) escorted the vessel toward the port of Tema where it was handed off to the Ghanaian Navy for escort into the harbor, where Ghanaian Fisheries authorities will investigate the boat for further violations. Operations are being conducted from the Military Sealift Command expeditionary fast transport vessel USNS Spearhead (T-EPF 1), in coordination with the Ghanaian maritime operations center. Vessel queries and boardings have commenced and the operation’s objectives are to detect and enforce maritime law against illegal activity while also increasing proficiencies of the forces that are participating in the operation. AMLEP is companion to and nested within the international collaborative capacity-building initiative Africa Partnership Station (APS). APS, like AMLEP, seeks to build maritime security capacity in order to increase maritime safety and security. USNS Spearhead deployed from Norfolk, Dec. 30, and is on a scheduled deployment to the U.S. 6th Fleet area of operations to support APS and conduct AMLEP operations. Armed Forces Dispatch (619) 280-2985 Published by Western States Weeklies, Inc. PO Box 600600, San Diego, CA 92160 E-mail: editor@navydispatch.com Publisher.............................Sarah Hagerty The Dispatch is published weekly on Thursdays, by Western States Weeklies, Inc., as a commercial, free-enterprise newspaper. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Department of the Navy and is in no way associated with the Department of the Navy. The editorial objective of the Dispatch, however, is to promote support for a strong military presence. The opinions and views of writers whose materials appear herein are those of the writers and not the publishers. Appearance of advertising does not constitute endorsement by the Dispatch or Western States Weeklies, Inc. Consumers should make informed decisions when purchasing products and services, and when considering business opportunities, and research before investing. Subscription by mail is $65 per year to CONUS or FPO address. by Ed Wright WASHINGTON - Navy installations worldwide will no longer authorize base access for individuals who do not have an approved U.S. government-issued credential or state driver’s license that is compliant with the REAL ID Act of 2005. Driver’s licenses from Minnesota, Illinois, Missouri, New Mexico, Washington, and American Samoa are not compliant with the congressionally-mandated REAL ID Act of 2005 and therefore personnel seeking base access from these states will require a secondary form of identification. Washington and Minnesota enhanced driver’s licenses, however, which do meet the REAL ID Act requirements, will be accepted. Navy installations will require visitors who present a driver’s license from a non-compliant state or territory to provide an additional form of identification. Examples include a U.S. passport or passport card; employment authorization document (card); foreign passport with an I-551 stamp; federal, state or local government ID, Social Security card without restrictions; student ID with photo; original or certified copy of a birth certificate issued in the U.S., or a Native American Tribal document U.S. citizen identification card (Form I-179). “Information about the Real ID Act has been shared with our installations and we are working with our security personnel to ensure awareness of base access changes,” said Capt. Anthony Calandra, director of public safety for the Navy Installations Command. “We are implementing this process in accordance with the Depart- permission of the CO, be authorized as a Trusted Traveler. The number of people a Trusted Traveler is allowed to vouch for and/or sponsor at any one time is determined by the installation commander or designated representative. of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Congress tightened up issuance processes and documentation needed to get a driver’s license. Procedures for currently authorized identificaDepartment of Defense Police Cpl. O.K. tion cards for Harris checks personnel and visitor access onto identification at the Washington Navy Navy instalYard. Navy photo by MC2 Kiona Miller lations such as the DoD ment of Defense (DoD), which CAC, DoD uniformed services recently announced that all DoD identification and privileges installations would comply with cards, federal personal identifithe Act.” cation verification cards or transportation workers’ identification Installation commanding of- credentials will not change. ficers (COs) may waive DoD access control requirements for The REAL ID Act grew out special situations, such as air shows or other public events. Visitors may also enter Navy installations under a “Trusted Traveler” procedure. For REAL ID Act background and information, see www.congress.gov/bill/109th-congress/ house-bill/418. For questions and answers, visit www.dhs. gov/real-id-public-faqs. This procedure allows a uniformed service member or Government employee with a valid Common Access Card (CAC), a military retiree (with a valid DoD identification credential), or an adult dependent of at least 16 years of age (with a valid DoD identification credential) to present their identification token for verification while simultaneously vouching for any vehicle occupants. A contractor who has been issued a CAC may, with the Compliant cards must have specific security features to prevent tampering, counterfeiting or duplication of the document. The licenses also must present data in a common, machine-readable format. Navy Installations Command comprises more than 52,000 military and civilian employees across 70 installations under 11 regions worldwide supporting the fleet, fighter and family. The Armed Forces Dispatch wants you to be a T WINNER! Win four vouchers to enjoy CIRCUS G VARGAS Presents ILLUMINOUS Performing now through March 7 Del Mar and San Diego Rules: Fill out the entry form below and send it to us at: Dispatch Newspaper/Circus Vargas, P.O. Box 600600, San Diego, CA 92160. Entries must be in our office by Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2016. One entry per family. Must show ID upon pickup. Entries may also be submitted via e-mail to contest@navydispatch.com Subj: Circus Vargas. Include all information requested below in online entries. Winners notified by telephone. Armed Forces Dispatch Newspaper/Circus Vargas Deadline is Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2016, at noon. Please answer all questions to be eligible. name____________________________________ address_ _________________________________ city, state, zip______________________________ phone___________________________________ What radio station do you listen to?_______ Active duty military (which base): _______________________________________ Military spouse/family member Civilian Retired military THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2016 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • 3 U.S. 6th Fleet, headquartered in Naples, Italy, conducts the full spectrum of joint and naval operations, often in concert with allied, joint, and interagency partners, in order to advance U.S. national interests and security and stability in Europe and Africa. Navy installations begin enforcement of REAL ID Act In this st Baghdad What conundru the mome anachronis ke Rules: Fi Newspa 92160. entry pe submitt at the Ta Winners name addr city, phon Wha A ____ M C Re From World War II to Afghanistan: USO marks 75th anniversary Casey Jr., the chairman of the USO Board of Governors and former Army chief of staff, estimated that the USO has served more than 35 million Americans over its history. Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, talks with service members after a USO show at Bagram Airfield. DoD photo by D. Myles Cullen by Jim Garamone WASHINGTON - Talk about the United Service Organizations and people think it is some holding company. But mention USO, and all Americans know it is a way for them to connect with service members. Retired Army Gen. George W. 4 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2016 For a chance to win a great prize, fill out the contest entry form on page 3. The USO marked its 75th anniversary yesterday at a gala here. Medal of Honor recipients, USO volunteers, active duty personnel, veterans, members of Congress, and stars of stage, screen and music gathered to mark a milestone for an organization founded as America geared up for World War II. Dr. Jill Biden, wife of Vice President Joe Biden, called the group a family that stretches around the world. J.D. Crouch, the organization’s chief executive officer, thanked the celebrities for joining in the celebration and for entertaining American service members around the world as ambassadors from the American people. “You light up our service members’ lives,” he said, “and you remind Americans of the debt of gratitude that we all owe to those who serve.” The USO came into being during a dark time in history. The United States was not at war, but the rest of the world seemed to be. Hitler’s troops stood on the English Channel and launched nightly air raids against London. In the Pacific, Japan eyed the colonial possessions of France and the Netherlands – two of the countries Germany had conquered in its 1940 blitzkrieg. In face of such threats, the United States instituted a military draft, calling hundreds of thousands of men to the colors, and Americans wanted to reach out to their young men. President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked charitable organizations to band together to provide morale and recreation services to service members. Six civilian organizations answered the call: the Salvation Army, the YMCA, the Young Women’s Christian Association, the National Catholic Community Service, the National Travelers Air Association and the National Jewish Welfare Board. These organizations chartered the USO in New York on Feb. 4, 1941. Japan attacked the United States on Dec. 7, 1941, and America entered the war. The Army, Navy and Marine Corps grew, with more than 12 million men and women in uniform by 1945. And the USO grew as well; by the war’s end, about 1.5 million Americans had volunteered for the USO. change. And wherever the military went, the USO went, too. There were USO centers in Korea, Vietnam, Bosnia, Somalia, Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan. Actor-comedian Bob Hope – a man who would be virtually synonymous with the organization – held the first camp show in 1941, and for the next five decades, he was the face of the organization. The USO also has centers at most major airports that provide a place for service members and their families to gather their wits as they travel, and the organization also helps service members as they transition out of the military. - for the full story, link to http://www.afdispatch.com/ and find the National News section. The organization changed just as the American military changed, and it is continuing to Ford tests DC, emergency response during 1st GQ drill USS Eisenhower rescues distressed mariners at sea NEWPORT NEWS, Va. - The crew of Pre-Commissioning Unit Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) held their first all-hands general quarters (GQ) damage control drill Feb. 4. As the first shipwide drill aboard the new aircraft carrier, Ford focused on damage control and emergency responses - a significant step in certifying the crew as they train to fight and take ownership of the ship. “GQ is a meeting of the minds,” said Damage Controlman 1st Class Letitia McKelvey. “It allows departments who don’t normally work together a chance to become a team. They build teamwork and learn how to rely on each other for help.” This teamwork is important when a ship is underway. At sea, Sailors are responsible for all shipboard efforts. There is no other support coming to aid in damage control efforts. The crew itself serves as fire department, hospital and any other emergency response personnel who would usually be called upon. - by MC3 Kristopher Ruiz ATLANTIC OCEAN - USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69) (Ike) rescued distressed mariners at sea, Feb. 7. Ike received a distress call via bridge-to-bridge communications from the U.S.-flagged sailing vessel (S/V) Selket at approximately 7 p.m. The vessel was located 40-miles from Miami, with reports of a broken mast and smoke in the engine room. Due to the state of the sailing vessel and rough seas, Ike launched a helicopter from embarked Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron 9 Tridents to rescue the crew of five. The mariners were medically evaluated aboard Ike before being transferred to U.S. officials at U.S. Coast Guard Station Opa Locka. Assisting mariners in distress is the responsibility of all vessels at sea, even warships. “Responding to mariners in distress is an inherit obligation of the Navy; a duty we take very seriously,” said Capt. Paul Spedero Jr., Ike’s commanding officer. Veterans News ‘Vietnam Remembered’ at Lemon Grove Historical Society The Lemon Grove Historical Society, in cooperation with the Lemon Grove Library, will present “Vietnam Remembered” on Mar. 26 at 2 p.m. in the Photo courtesy of Lemon Grove Historical Society. Lemon Grove Library, 3001 School Lane, in observation of national Vietnam Veterans Day on March 29. HVAC ranking member marks 8th anniversary of Wounded Warrior Act Rep. Corrine Brown (Fla.), Ranking Member of the House Veterans Affairs Committee (HVAC), recently issued a statement marking the 8th anniversary of the signing of the Wounded Warrior Provisions contained in the National Defense Authorization Act of FY 2008, saying “I salute the Wounded Warriors Act on its 8th anniversary and our returning heroes who benefit.” In February 2007, a series of Washington Post articles about conditions at Walter Reed Army Medical Center highlighted the challenges our veterans face, which this law was designed to address and fix. Specifically, provisions in the 2008 NDAA expanded concurrent receipt for both Combat-Related Special Compensation for Chapter 61 retirees and of military retired pay and disability compensation for Individual Unemployable rated less than 100 percent retroactively to Jan. 1, 2005. The program seeks to match service-disabled veterans with employment opportunities in NAVSEA’s industrial, scientific, contracting and administrative fields. Internships offer the training and education for wounded warriors to excel in entry-level placements and advance in their chosen field. NAVSEA has approximately 60,000 positions at 38 different field activities across the country and overseas. “Since 2009 NAVSEA’s Wounded Warrior retention rate is more than 92 percent,” said NAVSEA Commander Vice Adm. Willy Hilarides. “That’s also incredible considering that they are such high-character individuals. They’re committed. They’re loyal. They’re highly competent. We’re not hiring Wounded Warriors because we feel sorry for them, NAVSEA isn’t a charity. We’re hiring them because of their demonstrated skills and commitment to serve.” Photo courtesy of Lemon Grove Historical Society. It has been 45 years since the making of “Different Sons,” 43 years since the end of America’s military involvement in Vietnam, and 40 years since the fall of Saigon and the chaos that ensued in the immediate aftermath. The D. C. Vietnam Memorial has been in place for decades. La Mesa’s early memorial and other memorials around the country have also existed for years. The Vietnam War Museum was established in 1999 in Texas. in the war at home - an internal conflict that has lasted into present time. But Americans are ready to talk about Vietnam and its aftermath - and to thank the veterans for their drafted service in a divisive and bloody conflict. They came home changed; they endured; and they are a testament to the human capacity to transcend suffering and greet another day. We have reached “another day” in our country. The Wounded Warrior program works with hiring managers and Wounded Warrior candidates during the hiring process and continues to support Wounded Warrior employees through the Mentor, Assist, Train to Excel and Support program. The skills and experiences of Wounded Warriors and veterans represents a rich resource of talent that can support NAVSEA’s mission of developing, delivering and maintaining ships and systems on time, on cost for the Navy. “Vets are a highly respected part of our workforce, and paramount to the mission we serve every day,” said Capt. Ann Duff, the Wounded Warrior program manager. “NAVSEA is serious about hiring and training remarkable young men and women, into our civilian ranks who have already proved themselves in uniform, and giving them an opportunity to keep serving.” Since Wounded Warrior outreach began, NAVSEA commands have steadily increased both hiring goals and successes, hiring a total of 3,057 Wounded Warriors between the program’s start in 2009 through December 2015. Despite these commemorations, as everyone knows, combat veterans came home from war to become engulfed VA Disability Claim Denied? Know Your Rights and Don’t Take “No” for an Answer! 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No military service required, just a desire to serve those that serve. Call Jay Lott at 619-230-0301 or email him at jay@navyleague-sd.com for more information. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2016 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • 5 Other major provisions improved diagnosis and treatment of traumatic brain injury and Post Traumatic Stress Injuries, and created a joint Department of Defense/Department of Veterans Affairs committee to work on creating a seamless transition. In retrospect, the “Wounded Warrior” provisions made major improvements, but many of them still remain a work in progress. In Rep. Brown’s statement, she pledged to continue to work with DoD and VA to make sure our wounded warriors get the best medical care available. WASHINGTON - Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), Wounded Warrior program exceeded its fiscal year 2015 hiring goal by 78 percent with the onboarding of 711 veterans across the enterprise, NAVSEA announced Feb. 4. The program will include a 10-minute overview of the war by a visiting historian, a screening of the 1970 documentary “Different Sons” and Q&A with the filmmaker Jack Ofield, and a primary focus on the memories and viewpoints of Vietnam veterans and nurses and their families. The program will be videotaped for posterity by LGHS’ videographer-in-residence Robert Stuckey. There will be a display of veterans’ memorabilia, along with photographs, documents and books about the 20-year war that sacrificed more than 58,000 U. S. military and nurses (with over 1,600 missing in action) between 1962-1975, and millions of Vietnamese, Cambodians and Laotians between 1955 and the fall of Saigon in 1975. NAVSEA Wounded Warrior program surpasses hiring goals Career & Education Navy COOL mobile app now available generation that we’re giving them the means and tools to access information wherever they are, when they want it and in ways they find most convenient for them.” For enlisted Sailors and veterans who are not using Navy COOL to fund credentialing exams and fees, the app also provides a gateway to Department of Veterans Affairs GI Bill funding options. The Navy COOL app is a b r i n g - y o u r- o w n d e v i c e (BYOD) tool designed to work on personal devices outside of the NMCI domain. Users can download the Navy COOL app from the Apple store and Sailors can now access several tools and resources found on Navy Credentialing Opportunities Online (COOL) via their mobile devices with a new Navy COOL application that launched Jan. 28. The Navy COOL app, available for both Android and iOS/ Apple devices, is designed to help Sailors, both enlisted and officer, to find information on credentialing, career development, and civilian crosswalks related to their military occupation. “This new app provides an expanded capability for Sailors to help them translate the skills they’ve learned on the job into civilian credentials, career growth opportunities and related civilian occupations,” said Keith Boring, Navy COOL program manager. “The app is a great complement to our newly redesigned website and provides extra features that I think Sailors will find handy to have at their fingertips.” Besides credentialing information, the app provides enlisted members with Learning and Development Roadmaps (LaDRs), which are rating-specific online guides that explain in detail what Sailors need to succeed at specific points in their career. Additional app features include snapshots of related civilian occupations and United Services Military Apprenticeship Program (USMAP) trades, along with generic joint service transcripts associated with each School Directory Public Charter School Grades K-8 6 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2016 Open to all San Diego County Families 858.271.1414 www.InnovationsAcademy.org Preschool Free for Families that Qualify Quality Teachers, Preschool Curriculum & Facilities Full-Day, Year Round Child Care 4:1 Student Teacher Ratio (18 mos. - 2 yrs.) 8:1 Student Teacher Ratio (3 yrs. - 5 yrs.) Healthy Meals & Snacks Included Tuition Assistance Available Call today for a tour at one of our 22 locations! NORTH COUNTY SAN DIEGO )XOO'D\3DUW'D\$JHV )XOO'D\$JHV0RV<UV (760) 639-4175 (858) 278-2571 SOUTHBAY )XOO'D\$JHV (619) 422-4642 www.educ-enrichment.org /LFHQVH((6LVDQHTXDORSSRUWXQLW\SURYLGHUHPSOR\HU enlisted Navy rating. Rating Information Cards also provide summary information such as school locations, training time, qualifications and working environment. These and the other features within the app are particularly useful for recruiters and career counselors, especially when they are on the go, as they advise potential recruits and Sailors of professional options available to them. “The Navy COOL app is another valuable tool that will provide training and resources to our Sailors to support their Navy career and beyond,” said Rear Adm. Mike White, commander Naval Education and Training Command. “We want to ensure, especially with today’s younger View our paper online at www.navydispatch.com Google Play Store at no cost. The Navy COOL app is the latest in a series of apps produced by the U.S. Navy Sea Warrior Program (PMW 240). Other recent apps include the Final Multiple Score Calculator, Operations Security General Military Training (GMT), and Domestic Violence GMT. Corry Station. CID is the Navy’s learning center that leads, manages and delivers Navy and joint forces training in information operations, information warfare, information technology, cryptology and intelligence. For more information on Navy COOL, visit https://www.cool. navy.mil/usn/. To find the free Navy COOL app, search “Navy COOL” in app stores or in your web browser. For more information on the Naval Education and Training Command, visit the NETC website at http://www.netc. navy.mil. The Navy COOL office is located at the Center for Information Dominance (CID) at Naval Air Station Pensacola For more news from Naval Education and Training Command, visit www.navy.mil/local/cnet/. Submarine Force commander welcomes future officers to fleet by MC2 Jonathan Correa ANNAPOLIS, Md. The Navy’s top submarine commander welcomed the future submariners of the U.S. Naval Academy’s Class of 2016 to the fleet at a dinner and reception Feb. 2. Commander, Submarine Force Atlantic, Vice Adm. Joe Tofalo addressed the 137 first-class midshipmen who were selected for service assignment about the history of U.S. Navy submarines and the part they will have as future submarine officers. “You are that future of the submarine community, and we need you to do what you are doing and step up to be part of this legacy we have,” said Tofalo. “If you think about a submarine, there is not one single defensive weapon on a sub. We are all teeth. During World War II Navy submarines made up less than 2 percent of the forces but were responsible for about 55 percent of maritime losses. Now submarines are re- sponsible for over 50 percent of our nation’s nuclear weapons.” The assignment dinner is an annual event and represents a unique opportunity for the Midshipmen to meet the senior submarine officers in the Navy and be welcomed into the community. “I am very proud of what you have done,” said Naval Academy Superintendent Vice Adm. Ted Carter. “The submarine community has been our asymmetric advantage going back to World War II and still continues to be today. You, the Class of 2016, are going to lead that into the future.” Midshipmen were able to sit and talk with senior submarine officers including Adm. James F. Caldwell Jr., director of the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program; Vice Adm. William H. Hilarides, commander of Naval Sea Systems Command; Rear Adm. David J. Hahn, senior technical advisor to the deputy chief of naval operations for information dominance; and Rear Adm. Michael E. Jabaley, program executive officer for submarines. “It is very motivating to hear from some of the top submarine officers in the fleet,” said Midshipman 1st Class Riley Miller. “I am so privileged and honored to be one of the women selected, because it was really competitive in my class. I cannot wait to go out in to the fleet and hopefully get on a fast attack.” “It was a very exciting process to become the first class of women to enter the submarine community,” said Lt. Kayla Barron, flag aid to the academy superintendent. Barron was part of the Naval Academy Class of 2010 and in the first-ever group of women to enter the submarine community. “I would tell the midshipmen to work as hard as they can in power school and prototype, so they can show up to their first command with a good technical foundation and then work to develop a really good relationship with the crew because that’s what makes or breaks a junior officer,” she said. “The Sailors are willing to help train and help with your development in becoming a strong leader.” The Naval Academy Class of 2016 received their service assignments Nov. 19, a milestone that put them one step closer to joining the fleet. After graduation May 27, these 137 midshipmen will attend power school and prototype training before heading to their first command. For more news from U.S. Naval Academy, visit www.navy. mil/local/usna/. On Base & On Board with professional instruction! For more details contact the Naval Base Golf Performance Center at 619-556-7502. Tee Time Golf Specials Pre-book tee times Monday-Thursday 9:30 am-1 pm for two golfers with cart and save $3 on each golfer. Book your tee time using Promo Code: WW2WC. Not valid with any other promotions. Book online at www. navylifesw.com or call Admiral Baker Golf Course at 619-487-0090 and Sea ‘N Air Golf Course at 619-545-9659. Junior Golf Every Saturday • 9-11 am • $20 A great sport for kids and parents to play together! Each Saturday session includes instruction and lunch. For more details contact the Naval Base Golf Performance Center at 619-556-7502. BOWLING Free Bowling for Active Duty All active duty personnel bowl FREE every Tuesday from 11 am-1 pm at Sea ‘N Air Lanes and Admiral Robinson Recreation Center. For more information call 619545-7240 or 619-556-7486. Roll & Grow Bumper Bowling League Saturdays • 9:30 am Join the fun anytime! For only $5 per week, plus USBC Annual Membership of $17, your child will learn proper bowling techniques, meet other bowlers, be part of a team, receive a team jersey and have a great time! For more details contact the Admiral Robinson Recreation Center at 619-556-7486. LIBERTY MAGIC TRIP Trip open to enlisted active duty and a guest, 18+. Liberty Hall, NBPL, Harbor Drive Annex: 619-524-6587 Friday, February 12 • $5 Time to put your skills into action against others at a local SD game shop! Cost covers transportation. Tournament fee is paid at venue. Supercross 2016 Trip open to enlisted active duty and a guest, 18+. VADM Martin Liberty Center, NASNI: 619-545-3331 Saturday, February 13 • 5 pm • $TBD Watch the riders fly through the air at Petco Park! Long Beach Comic Expo Trip open to enlisted active duty and a guest, 18+. Liberty Center, NMCSD: 619-532-8909 Saturday, February 20 • 7 am • $10 active/$15 guest It’s a great celebration of comic books and pop culture! Cost includes transportation. $30 admission is paid at the gate. Seating is limited. Sign up early! Airsoft Park Trip open to enlisted active duty and a guest, 18+. VADM Martin Liberty Center, NASNI: 619-545-3331 Saturday, February 20 8 am $35 Cost includes half-day play, gun, mask, camo jacket, belt pouch, 500 rounds and referee. Sign up and pay by 2/16. San Diego Gulls LIVE Trip open to enlisted active duty and a guest, 18+. Q-Zone, NAB: 619-437-3190 Friday, February 26 • 6 pm • $25 active/$30 guest Let’s cheer our local ice hockey team on to victory as they take on the San Antonio Rampage! SPORTS & FITNESS You are Worth It! An MWR massage is the perfect addition to your healthy body, mind and spirit routine in 2015. Call for an appointment today! NMCSD, Bldg. 26 1B, 619-532-7629 NBSD, Bldg. 223, 619-556-7450 NBPL, Main Base, Bldg. 1, 619-553-7552 NAB, Bldg. 162, 619-437-2186 NASNI, Bldg. 1507, 619-545-0237 Get More Out of Your Workout! FREE fitness instruction is offered at all base MWR Fitness Centers for all MWR patrons…that means YOU! Individual or small group sessions are available. For full details or to schedule an appointment, contact the base Fitness Center nearest you or visit www. navylifesw.com for locations. Also, did you know FREE, and low cost, group exercise class schedules are now online? Bookmark www.navylifesw.com today! Stay fit with MWR! AQUATICS Youth H2O Polo $50 • NBPL, Main Base Pool, Bldg. 1 • 619-553-0934 A great introduction to the sport for youth 6-12 years old! Learn basic skills and understanding of the sport in a recreational format with “Splashy Ball”; MWR’s way to harness all the fun and dynamic aspects of the game! Fee includes eight (8) club sessions. Get started now! Contact Naval Base Point Loma, Main Base Aquatics at 619-553-0934. “I FOUND ANOTHER WAY TO SERVE. THAT WAS MY MOMENT.” Scott Green Undergraduate Cybersecurity Student PROGRAMS IN HIGH-DEMAND FIELDS After serving two tours and returning home, Scott experienced his Moment when he found a passion for cybersecurity and another way to serve his country. He’s learning to protect and defend information systems in local and broad-based domains. UMUC can help you transition to a post-military career LQDKLJKGHPDQGȴHOGZLWK • Bachelor’s and master’s degrees in cybersecurity, information technology, business and management, public safety and more • Up to 90 credits for prior college, work and military experience, saving you time and money • More than 140 classroom and service locations, including military installations throughout the world Ranked the No. 1 University for Veterans in 2015.* Undergraduate classes start February 22. Call 619-550-6810 or visit military.umuc.edu/SDcyber to learn more. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2016 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • 7 Join the Navy’s Bay Bridge Run/Walk 30 Year Celebration! Save $ ~ register early! The Navy’s Bay Bridge Run/Walk, presented by SDG&E, Northrop Grumman and Unified Port of San Diego, is Sunday, May 15, 2016. Your only chance to walk across the Coronado Bridge! Register today at www.navylifesw.com/bridgerun. Early Bird prices are good through February 29, 2016. 22nd Annual Polar Bear Swim Friday, February 12 • 11 am (10 am check-in) • Smuggler’s Cove, Main Base Point Loma Brrrrr! All MWR patrons are welcome to participate in Naval Base Point Loma’s annual 500-yard open water swim. First 100 people receive a FREE event T-shirt, plus music, food and prizes for all to enjoy! To register: email dyanne. lorenzana@navy.mil or call 619-553-0931. Event is proudly sponsored by MWR and USAA. Red, White & Blue 2-Mile Run/Walk Thursday, February 18 • 10 am (9 am check-in) • FREE Celebrate America at Naval Base San Diego’s! Head over to the Admiral Prout Field House track at 9 am to check in for the race starting at 10 am. Event is FREE and open to all MWR patrons. Plus, an event T-shirt awaits those who pre-register and participate. Quantities are limited. Register online today at www.navylifesw.com or call 619-5567444 for more information. Mountain High North Pole Tubing Park Trip Saturday, February 20, 8 am-5 pm, $5/person (transportation only) The North Pole Tubing Park is the largest facility in Southern California with up to ten lanes, two moving carpets and custom tubes. Purchase tickets separately at the park; costs (all ages): 2-hours $20. Children 36-42” must accompany a parent in a separate tube. Children under 36” NOT permitted for safety reasons. Bring your own lunch or purchase at the park. Info/Register: NASNI Ticket Office 619-545-9576 or NAB Community Recreation Center 619-437-3190 Emergency Preparedness Street Fair February 20, 2-5 pm • NBPL, Main Base, The Clubhouse, Bldg. 546 This event highlights ways to safeguard yourself, family, pets and property, in case of natural disaster and other emergencies. Designed to be fun and educational, we will feature safety demos, fire truck and ambulance tours, and kids activities. Free to attend. Outdoor movie follows! For more details call 619-553-9138. NBC’s Got Talent Friday, February 26 (auditions), 3-6 pm AND Saturday, February 27 (LIVE show), 6-9 pm • NASNI Lowry Theater Show off your talent in one of a variety of categories; singing, dancing, magic, comedy. Event culminates with judging on Saturday and prizes being awarded! Info: 619-437-3190/Register: nbccr@ navylifesw.com San Diego Sockers Trip Sunday, February 28, 12:30 pm, $20 (includes ticket and transportation) Join us for the last game of the regular season as the Sockers take on the Dallas Sidekicks in a 2 pm game. Info/Register: NASNI Ticket Office 619545-9576 or NAB Community Recreation Center 619-437-3190 LISTED FROM PREVIOUS ISSUES…. Sunday Group Dance Classes $5 per person per class ~ 5 pm Beginner, 6 pm • Intermediate Head over to Admiral Robinson Recreation Center every Sunday to learn Salsa, Rumba, Cha Cha, Mambo, Merengue, Samba, Swing, Waltz, Fox Trot, Tango, Hustle, and Night Club Two Step. Plus, LINE DANCE Classes NOW OFFERED! Every Sunday at 7 pm after the group classes, learn the Electric Slide and other popular line dances. Cost is $5 per person per class. BINGO COVERALL game pays $750 every Saturday night! All Main Pack games pay $200. The BINGO Hall opens at 4 pm every Saturday night with Fun Games beginning when 5 or more players are present. Main session begins at 6:30 pm. For more information contact the Admiral Robinson Recreation Center, NBSD, Bldg. 3223, at 619556-7486. GOLF Foot Golf NOW at NBSD Golf Performance Center Only $5 Foot Golf combines the rules of golf with the skills and fun of soccer. It’s great for players of all ages! Call 619-556-7502 for more details. FREE Active Duty Golf Clinics Wednesday 5-6 pm and Friday 12-1 pm Improve your game *Military Times ranked UMUC No. 1 in its Best for Vets: Colleges 2015 annual survey of online and nontraditional colleges and universities. Copyright © 2016 University of Maryland University College 16-MIL-011 Military Base Feb Print Ad_Armed Forces Dispatch_HRR2.indd 1 1/25/16 10:57 AM swap hrist Community Church Family Life C 1/15 - 3/12 Helping people love God and each other more! Sundays at 9:00 am & 10:30 am with Children's Ministries for All Kids! Friday Evening Youth Ministries - Middle & High School - 6:30 pm 9535 Kearny Villa Rd., Mira Mesa 92126;Located just off Miramar Rd. & I-15 www.gotochrist.com or (858) 549-2479 of Worship 6/25 7/2 7/9 swap 7/23, 7/30, 8/6, 8/13, 8/20, 8/27, 9/3, 9/10, 9/17, 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, swap C hrist Community Church Navy’s 30th Bay Bridge Run/Walk 3/19 3/26 4/2 swap Gold Star Families hristhonors Community Church C Easter is Sunday, April 5! Join us to celebrate Holy Week! Got Questions About Life & God? Check out www.truelife.org Sunday Worship at 9:00 am -The Book of Revelation Sunday Worship at 10:30 am -The Book of 1 Corinthians Awesome Children's & Youth Ministries for the Next Generation! 9535 Kearny Villa Rd., Mira Mesa 92126;Located just off Miramar Rd. & I-15 www.gotoChrist.com or (858) 549-2479 How willMaundy you Thursday, CELEBRATE? OnGood Sunday, or pm ferry, compliments of Flagship Cruises & 4/2 at 7:00 pm; Friday, 4/3 at 7:00 May 15, join the biggest party across iconic Events; Runners10/22, Expo; 10/29, Sunrise Easter Service at 6:15 am atthe Hourglass Park in Mira Mesa access to the event’s 10/15, Celebration Family Easter Services at 9 and 30th 10:30 am at the church Coronado Bay Bridge during the Navy’s LIVE entertainment and entry into prize drawKearny Villa Rd., Mira Mesa 92126; Located Rd. & I-15 Bay Bridge9535 Run/Walk! This year’s event isjust off Miramar ings. Awards are presented for ageCommunity group and Church hrist www.gotochrist.com, www.truelife.org or (858) 549-2479 presented by SDG&E, Northrop Grumman and team division winners. Helping people love God and each other more! the Unified Port of San Diego. It’s your one Sundays at 9:00 am & 10:30 am with Children's Ministries for All Kids! 4/9 4/16 swap chance each year to cross the Coronado Bay Small Groups for Teens The success of this event relies on the gen-and Adults of all Ages! 9535by Kearny Villa Rd., Mira Mesa 92126;Located just off Miramar Rd. & I-15 Bridge on foot! event startsChurch at 8 am and is hristThe Community erous support of Navy MWR presenting www.gotoChrist.com or (858) 549-2479 Spring is participants. a great time to come back to church! capped at 10,000 Register today! sponsors San Diego Gas & Electric, Northrop Sundays at 9:00 am & 10:30 am with Children's Ministries for All Kids! Visit www.navylifesw.com/bridgerun. Grumman and the Unified Port of San Diego. 11/19, by Lisa Smith Molinari 11/5, 11/12, Friday Evening Youth Ministries - Middle & High School - 6:30 pm “What’s next? When will we 9535 Kearny Villa Rd., Mira Mesa 92126;Located just off Miramar Rd. & I-15 For the second year, the Navy’s 30th Bay www.gotochrist.com, www.truelife.org or (858) 549-2479 Additional sponsors include San Church move? Where will we go?” hrist Hilton Community Bridge Run/Walk is proud to partner with the Diego Bayfront, North Island Federal Credit Special Thanksgiving Eve Service, Wednesday, 11/25 at 7pm Navy Gold4/23,4/30,5/7 Star Program to honorswap Surviving Union, Flagship Cruises & Events, Sundays atSan 9:00 Diego am & 10:30 am with Children's for All Kids! Like anyMinistries military spouse, Family Members of Service Members who lost Small Groups for Teens and Adultsthese of all Ages! Padres, Alaska Airlines, Armed Forces Disare the questions that swirl hrist Community Church 9535 Kearny Villa Rd., Mira Mesa 92126;Located just off Miramar Rd. & I-15 their lives Mother's while Day on isactive You patch, AT&T, Sunday,duty. May 10! Join too us to can celebrate Moms! in my mind now that my Navy www.gotochrist.com or (858) 549-2479 show yourSundays appreciation their byMinistries for All Kids! at 9:00 amfor & 10:30 am sacrifice with Children's husband, Francis, is in the last Friday Youth Ministries Middle & High School - 6:30 pm EDCO Disposal, HP, KUSI News, participating inEvening this year’s “I Run-to RememDECA, year of his current tour of duty. 9535 Kearny Villa Rd., Mira Mesa 92126;Located just off Miramar Rd. & I-15 11/26, 12/3, 12/10, 12/17, 12/24, ber” campaign. Write the name of a Fallen www.gotochrist.com, www.truelife.org or (858) 549-2479 Lincoln Military Housing, Navy League of Service Member on the space provided on your San Diego, NEX, Old Town Trolley, Penn State But unlike most level-headed hrist Sports, Community Church race bib or honor all Fallen Service Members Global University, Road Runner San military Special Kids Nativity Sunday, 12/20 at 9am &spouses, 10;30am I’m one of 5/14 5/21 5/28 swap with a tribute. Then run/walk to support Gold Diego Zoo & San Diego Zoo Candlelight Safari Park, Sun-Eve Family Christmas Services, 12/24 at 5pm doesn’t &7pm those people who deal hristasCommunity Church Star Families, well as current active duty Kearny Villa Rd., Mira Mesa well 92126;Located just off Miramar Rd. & I-15 belt, San Diego MTS, USAA, 9535 Cubic, Klinedinst with unknowns. Spring is afamilies. great time to come back to church! www.gotochrist.com or (858) 549-2479 military and their PC, Navy Federal Credit Union, and Wawanesa Sundays at 9:00 am & 10:30 am with Children's Ministries for All Kids! Insurance. Friday Evening Youth Ministries - Middle & High School - 6:30 pm 12/31, 1/7, 1/14, You know the type. The ones The scenic sanctionedjust off Miramar Rd. & I-15 9535 4-mile Kearny Villaracecourse, Rd., Mira Mesa 92126;Located who incessantly scribble lists www.gotochrist.com, or (858) 549-2479 For more information, visit www.navylifesw. by the U.S.A. Track andwww.truelife.org Field Association, entitled “Stuff I Gotta Do,” hrist Community Church starts on Park Blvd. between the Hilton San com/bridgerun or call (619) 532-4919. “Movies Helping people love God and each other more!I Wanna Watch on 6/4and 6/11 swap Diego Bayfront the San6/18 Diego Convention Sundays at 9:00 am & 10:30 amNetflix,” with Children's Ministries for All Kids! “Household Projects I Groups for Teens and Adults of all Ages! Center andhrist finishes in Coronado’s Tidelands Navy Gold Star (NGS) is Small a comprehensive Community Church Never Quite Finished,” “Weight 9535designed Kearny Villa Rd., Mira Mesa 92126;Located just off Miramar Rd. & I-15 Father's Day is Sunday, June 21! Join us to celebrate Dads! Park. Survivor assistance program for Goals I’ve Been Working www.gotoChrist.com or (858) Loss 549-2479 Sundays at 9:00 am & 10:30 am with Children's Ministries for All Kids! Families of Service Members who died while on Since 9th Grade,” “Meals Friday Evening Youth Ministries - Middle & High School - 6:30 pm The Navy Region Southwest Morale, Wel-just off Miramar on active That the Kids Won’t Hate,” 9535 Kearny Villa Rd., Mira Mesa 92126;Located Rd. &duty. I-15 The program provides long-term fare, and Recreation Program (MWR) hosts www.gotochrist.com, www.truelife.org or (858) 549-2479assistance and support to Survivors. Navy Gold and “Embarrassing Questions this outstanding event that joins the San Diego Star Coordinators ensure Survivors are not forto Ask the Doctor.” community with the military for their shared gotten and remain a part of the Navy Family for 7/2 swap enjoyment.6/25 Profits generated from the event as long as they desire. NGS strives to help FamiYep, that’s me. directly support quality of life programs at San lies build resilience and offer continued support hrist Community Church Diego Navy installations. as they work to establish a new normal. Needless to say, military Got Questions About Life & God? Check out www.truelife.org moves really stress me out. New military families are moving to San Diego Sundays at 9:00 am & 10:30 am with Children's Ministries for All Kids! Race participants receive a commemorative If you are a Survivor or would like more In our 22 years of military Friday Evening Youth Ministries - Middle & High School - 6:30 pm every day. Invite them to worship with you race shirt; 9535 transportation back to92126;Located the Hiltonjust off Miramar information Kearny Villa Rd., Mira Mesa Rd. & I-15about the Navy Gold Star Program marriage, I’ve often told my Directory. San Diegowww.gotochrist.com Bayfront afterorthe via bus (858)event 549-2479 visit www.navygoldstar.com in the Dispatch Church husband, “I don’t care if we (619)280-2985 live in a cardboard box under an overpass, just tell me where we’re going, and I’ll plan where to hang the pictures.” swap C C swap C C swap C C swap C C C h New military families are moving to San Diego joking aside, there are every day. Invite them toAllworship with you legitimate worries that military in the Dispatch Church Directory. families face every time they (619)280-2985 move, such as: Will my spouse 8 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2016 have to move without us so the Places of Worship F aith Bible Fellowship B F irst Baptist Church C C ayview Baptist Church 6126 Benson Avenue, SD 92114 (619) 262-8384 Sunday 7:00 am, 9:00am and 11:00 am Worship Service 2nd Wednesday's 6pm YLoV and YMoV Wednesday Night Live (WNL) 7pm "A Multi-Cultural, Multi Ethnic, Multi Generational Church" www.bayviewbc.org hrist Community Church Helping people love God and each other more! Sundays at 9:00 am & 10:30 am with Children's Ministries for All Kids! Small Groups for Teens and Adults of all Ages! 9535 Kearny Villa Rd., Mira Mesa 92126;Located just off Miramar Rd. & I-15 www.gotoChrist.com or (858) 549-2479 ity of Praise The Perfect Place for Imperfect People to Mature in Christ! A place to belong with exciting life related messages for everyday living. See you at Sunday School - 9:00am & Sunday Moring Celebration-10:30am Tues Bible Connection-7pm Location: 2321 Dryden Rd., El Cajon, CA 92020 619.749.1767 visit us at www.thecityofpraise.org & twitter@citybishop Bishop Stephen M. Brunson, Senior Pastor, USN, Retired 9971 Mission Gorge Rd. Santee, CA (Behind Pacific Western Bank) Sunday School Classes 9am Sunday Services 10am and 6pm Awana Wednesdays 6:30 pm fbfsc.org "Reach Up, Reach Out, Reach the World" Interim Pastor Jim Baize www.fbcoronado.com Sunday Bible Study 8:45 am, Sunday Worship Service 10 am Friday's Women's Bible Study 9:30-11:30 am 445 C Ave, Coronado,CA 92118 (619) 435-6588 ariel@fbcoronado.com FB: First Baptist Church of Coronado C The unknown: A military C greatest worry spouse’s hrist Community Church Summer time is a great time to come back to church! Sundays at 9:00 am & 10:30 am with Children's Ministries for All Kids! Friday Evening Youth Ministries - Middle & High School - 6:30 pm 9535 Kearny Villa Rd., Mira Mesa 92126;Located just off Miramar Rd. & I-15 www.gotochrist.com or (858) 549-2479 hrist Community Church Helping people love God and each other more! Sundays at 9:00 am & 10:30 am with Children's Ministries for All Kids! Friday Evening Youth Ministries - Middle & High School - 6:30 pm Summer Seminars-Check out our website for listing of free classes kids can stay 9535 in school? if Mesa 92126;Located And what about our youngest Kearny VillaAnd Rd., Mira just off Miramar Rd. & I-15 or (858)Lilly? 549-2479 we decide to www.gotochrist.com “geobach”, how Will she even be able to swap will that affect our marriage? get into college with that Chem7/17 7/24 Will I be able to find work7/31 in istry grade? Should she forgo my field? If hrist the kids change Church college altogether, considering Community schools, will "SHINE" they struggle withSchoolthat we’ll broke Vacation Bible is August 4-8 be fromflat 6-8:30 pm! by the a new curriculum, time we pay for Hayden Only $20or perwill child. they Register on our website! Alltuition kids welcome! Sundays at 9:00 am & 10:30 am withAnna? Children's Ministries All fit Kids!in a have to sit through material and Could weforall Fridaylearned? Evening Youth Ministries - Middle & High School - 6:30anpmoverthey’ve already Will cardboard box under 9535 Kearny Villa Rd., Mira Mesa 92126;Located just off Miramar Rd. & I-15 they fit in? Will we be happy? if we had to? www.gotochrist.com or (858)pass 549-2479 C 8/7, 8/14, 8/21, 8/28, 9/4, 9/11, 9/18 C 9535 Kearny Villa Rd., Mira Mesa 92126;Located just off Miramar Rd. & I-15 www.gotochrist.com or (858) 549-2479 9/25, 10/2, 10/9,16,23,30 swap the meat and potatoes of life hrist Community Church C Helping people love God and each other more! Sundays at 9:00 am & 10:30 am with Children's Ministries for All Kids! Friday Evening Youth Ministries - Middle & High School - 6:30 pm 9535 Kearny Villa Rd., Mira Mesa 92126;Located just off Miramar Rd. & I-15 To make matters worse, we’re spontaneity while www.gotochrist.com or (858)embracing 549-2479 waiting for decisions on our belting out Doris Day’s best daughter Anna’s college appli- “Que, Sera Sera!” 11/13, cations. At 17,11/6, she’s taking it all 11/20 in stride, while I’mCommunity a veritable Church I’ve often wondered if, at the hrist basket case. Where will she go? Special Thankdgiving Eve Service, 11/26 at 7pm heartWednesday, of all my obsessive planat 9:00 & 10:30 am with Children's Ministries for All Kids! Can we affordSundays it? Will sheamneed ning, are deep seeded “control Friday Evening Youth Ministries - Middle & High School - 6:30 pm a shower caddy? What if she issues” that if left unchecked, 9535 Kearny Villa Rd., Mira Mesa 92126;Located just off Miramar Rd. & I-15 gets a roommate with green hair spiral into a psychotic www.gotochrist.com or (858)could 549-2479 and bolts in her face who boils episode that would leave me ramen in her11/27, hot pot and sets12/11, wandering in front of the court12/4, 12/18 the dorm on fire, ruining Anna’s house in a dusty wool coat and a entire freshman experience? hrist Community Church tin foil turban, muttering someSpecial Kids Nativity Sunday, 12/21 & 10;30am thingat 9am about campaign finance Eve Services, 12/24 at 5pm &7pm a shopping Our oldest,Candlelight Hayden,Christmas has only reform, and pushing Friday Evening Youth Ministries - Middle & High School - 6:30 pm two and a half years of college cart full of empty tuna Rd. cans. 9535 Kearny Villa Rd., Mira Mesa 92126;Located just off Miramar & I-15 left. If we don’t go bankrupt www.gotochrist.com or (858) 549-2479 first, he’ll graduate with a deThere I go again. 12/25, 1/1,and 1/8 gree in Computer Science get snapped up by some tech My rational side knows that hrist Community firm, and then where will he Church all the worries in the world people God and each other more! be? HalfwayHelping around thelove world won’t change two simple Sundays at 9:00 am & 10:30 am with Children's Ministries for All Kids! in California?Friday WillEvening he learn how truths military life:pmWe’ll Youth Ministries - Middleof & High School - 6:30 to iron shirts9535 allKearny by Villa himself? never knowjust what will Rd. happen Rd., Mira Mesa 92126;Located off Miramar & I-15 or (858)until 549-2479 Who is goingwww.gotochrist.com to pair up all his it happens. And, just like mismatched socks? Will I have Doris said, whatever will be to fly all the way out there to will be. disinfect his bathroom and make sure he’s eating enough www.themeatandpotatoesoflifruit? fe.com swap C swap C C swap M ilitary Outreach Ministries COGIC M t. Moriah Christian Church "Supporting all families, all people, at all times" Pastor Dennis Eley, Jr, MBA Sunday: Worship Service 10:30am to 12:30pm Wednesday: Bible Study 6pm to 7:30pm Skyline Recreation Center, 8285 Skyline Dr, San Diego, CA 92114 Toll free 855-209-3879 www.militaryoutreachministries.org Download APP "MoMinistries" "Purpose Driven" Gospel Church Multi- Cultural, Non-Denominational Services on Sunday at 9 a.m. Near Miramar Base L.J. Thomas - Sr. Pastor 7055 Carroll Rd, San Diego CA 92121 (858) 335-5795 www.mtmoriahcc.org L ighthouse Baptist Church N ew Directions Church M esa View Baptist Church P rince of Peace Lutheran Church "Where the Shout has not Died Out" 1345 Skyline Dr, Lemon Grove, CA 91945 Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes: 9:30 am Sunday Morning Service 11am,Sunday Evening at 5:30pm Midweek Service and Teen Church, Thursdays at 7pm www.lighthousebaptist.com (619) 461-5561 Dr. Darrow Perkins, Jr., Th.D. Pastor/Servant Seeking Sinners; Saving Souls, Strengthening Saints Sunday Church School at 9:30 am Early Morning Worship at 8 am (Starting Jan. 3) Morning Worship at 11 am Wednesday Night Bible Study 7 pm (Will start back up January 6, 2016) 13230 Pomerado Rd, Poway CA 92064 www.mesaview.org (858) 485-6110 ayview Baptist Church swap We have several more months It’s not easy being a nut job. to go before hrist our rotation date, Church Community but guaranteed, I’llpeople work much Helping lovemyGod and eachI’d other more!rather be the type of self into a tizzy person who Ministries drifts contentedly Sundaysover at 9:00all am &the 10:30 am with Children's for All Kids! Friday Francis’ Evening Youth Ministries - Middle &life Highlike Schoola -twig 6:30 pm unknowns about next through on the Summer Seminars-Check outshoulders our website foroflisting of free classes job and our next home. a mighty stream, A Church where a change of heart take place Sunday Worship 10:30 am Wednesday Night Bible Study 6:30 pm Rev. Phillip L. Brown, Sr.; Pastor 4855 Seminol Dr., San Diego, Ca 92115 PO Box 740443 San Diego, Ca 92174 Mailling address www.ndcsd.org (619) 822-4961 Pastor Paul Willweber www.princeofpeacesd.net Sunday Worship 9am Bible Class, Sunday School 10:30am Bible Study Tuesdays 10am Youth Night 2nd/4th Wed 6:30-8pm Sonshine Kids Wed & Thurs 10-11am and 3:30-4:30pm Sept thru May. (619)583-1436 6801 Easton Court San Diego, Ca 92120 About Your Health AT&T contributes $25,000 to United Through Reading in support of military families San Diego-based nonprofit United Through Reading was gifted with $25,000 from AT&T Corporation in support of the military families they serve. The gift will support United Through Reading’s efforts to bridge the distance for military families who are separated by deployment, training or active-duty assignment by facilitating the bonding experience of reading aloud together. American heart month: Are you at risk? by Yan Kennon February is American Heart Month, a time to raise awareness about heart disease and learn strategies to prevent it. Cardiovascular disease, including heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure, is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the U.S. It is responsible for one in four deaths each year. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it also costs the U.S. over $320 billion each year in health care, medication, and lost productivity. AT&T is committed to supporting veterans and military families through a variety of financial contributions, programs and collaborations with organizations dedicated to servicemen and women. AT&T’s partnership with United Through Reading began in 2014 with corporate philanthropic support of United Through Reading’s programming. In May 2015, AT&T employees and retirees participated in a virtual book drive for United Through Reading in recognition of National Military Appreciation Month. During this campaign, AT&T committed to providing a $2 to $1 match of funds, inspiring AT&T employees to participate nationwide, and raising a total contribution of $32,655. AT&T employees made personal donations ranging from $10 to $1,000 each; one individual employee donated $600, providing an entire year’s supply of books to one military command. Ignacio De La Torre, Regional Vice President for AT&T California presented a $25,000 donation check to United Through Reading’s Board Chair Jeff Mader; CEO, Sally Ann Zoll, Ed.D.; and former Board Chair Dwayne Junker on Friday, February 5. “AT&T is proud to support United Through Reading,” said Ignacio De La Torre, Regional VP of AT&T California. “And to help connect families of active military soldiers to their kids back home.” “We are so grateful to AT&T for this generous contribution to our mission. It’s an honor to have them join us in support of military families,” said Sally Ann Zoll, Ed.D., United Through Reading’s Chief Executive Officer. “AT&T clearly sees the importance of lifting up the military families who give so much to our country, and their donation will allow us to make an incredible impact on these families through the bonding read-aloud experience.” “Everyone is potentially at risk for heart disease, but it is preventable,” said Capt. Michael Sullivan, Naval Hospital (NH) Jacksonville’s director for medical services. “Prevention is a life-long commitment. The smart and healthy choices we make now, such as exercise and diet, will benefit our heart and overall health in the years to come.” Some factors that put people at a higher risk are race, ethnicity, or having close relatives with heart disease. Controllable factors include diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, obesity, poor diet and tobacco use. NH Jacksonville’s Medical Home Port teams place patients in the center of a collaborative team of caregivers that are dedicated to each patient’s comprehensive care needs, including heart disease prevention. Patients are encouraged to visit their primary care managers for an annual checkup. To control risks: monitor blood pressure and cholesterol, manage diabetes, eat healthily, manage weight, get exercise, quit tobacco, limit alcohol, take prescribed medications and follow treatment plans. In addition, NH Jacksonville’s Wellness Center offers a variety of classes for active duty, retirees, and family members. Classes include health fitness assessments, Healthy Heart (cholesterol and blood pressure management), Choose My Plate (healthy eating), ShipShape (weight loss for active duty, retirees and family members) and Tobacco Cessation. Celebrating its 75th Anniversary this year, NH Jacksonville’s priority since its founding in 1941 is to heal the nation’s heroes and their families. The command is comprised of the Navy’s third largest hospital and five branch health clinics across Florida and Georgia. Of its patient population (163,000 active and retired Sailors, soldiers, Marines, airmen, guardsmen, and their families), about 85,000 are enrolled with a primary care manager and Medical Home Port team at one of its facilities. To find out more or download the command’s mobile app, visit www.med.navy.mil/ sites/navalhospitaljax. For more news from Naval Hospital Jacksonville, visit www.navy.mil/local/nhjax/. Parmela Sawhney, MD. Want to lose a pound of fat per day? Ignacio De La Torre, Regional Vice President for AT&T California, presented the check to Sally Ann Zoll, Ed.D., United Through Reading’s Chief Executive Officer, and their Board of Trustees on Friday, Feb. 5. Spread the word about strategies for preventing this deadly disease and encourage people to live heart healthy lives. Family Practice & Holistic Medicine Ayurvedic Integrated Wellness Find out how: go to www.drwhalenweightloss.com or call 619-232-0783 VW6W8QLW&RURQDGR&$ 619-435-4488 WE TAKE TRICARE & MOST INSURANCES Visit our website at: www.AyurvedicIntegrated.com !!Attention Military!! The Oceanside Swapmeet 2SHQ6DWXUGD\V6XQGD\V Admission Saturday 1 & Sunday 2 Military Get in Free on Saturdays with ID $ $ Do Your Garage Sales on Saturday $5 3480 Mission Ave., Oceanside, Ca 92058 2I¿FH ND Call Gino 760-535-8880 Introduce your business to the military market by advertising in our Business & Service Directory Call 619.280.2985 Genesis Spa & Massage The Place To go before you go anywhere! Email: travelnetworksan@gmail.com 7888 Dagget St, Suite 102, San Diego, Ca 92111 'HHS7LVVXH6ZHGLVK6KLDWVX 5HIOH[RORJ\0RUH 10 OFF 1st Visit $ *UDQG$YHQXH6XLWH$6' IN PACIFIC BEACH 858-886-7727 Sharpen your focus. Sharpen your edge. All natural Brain Supplement EHT After 20 years of research at Princeton University Labs Call Today 775-217-3841 http://tamilynnbickel.buyneriumeht.com !!Attention Military!! Escondido World Marketplace 2SHQ:HG)UL6DW6XQ Admission Saturday $1 & Sunday $2 Military Get in 2 for 1 Do Your Garage Sales on Saturday $5 635 W. Mission Ave., Escondido, Ca 92025 2I¿FHRU call Gino 760-535-8880 New Energy Massage 8QLYHUVLW\$YH6'&D 1 block West of I-15 $ 619.795.0955 10 Discount on any Massage Open 7 Days a Week • 9am-10pm NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2016 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • 9 Business & Service Directory Local Military Pacific Partnership holds resident, faculty Scholarly Activity Fair by MC2 Benjamin Kelly SAN DIEGO - The inaugural Pacific Partnership (PP) Resident and Faculty Scholarly Activity Fair was held at Naval Medical Center San Diego (NMCSD), Feb. 5. The Scholarly Activity Fair showcased challenging cases, research and quality improvement projects performed by Navy Medicine West Higgins returns from deployment SAN DIEGO - San Diegobased USS Higgins (DDG 76) returned here Feb. 11 from a 225-day independent deployment to the Arabian Gulf, Western Pacific, and Indian Oceans. While deployed to the U.S. 5th and 7th Fleets, the ship and crew of more than 300 Sailors, assigned to Destroyer Squadron Two Three (DESRON 23), conducted presence and maritime security operations in support of Carrier Strike Group Eight and multiple Combined Task Forces. During the deployment, USS Higgins conducted numerous Visit, Board, Search, and Seizure (VBSS) missions, participated in several joint and coalition exercises, and also responded to high priority missions during the first absence of an aircraft carrier from U.S. 5th Fleet since 2007. While on station in the Arabian Gulf, USS Higgins also rescued four Saudi Arabian fishermen after their boat had caught fire. The crew was able to retrieve the four men from the water and return them safely to local authorities, greatly contributing to relations between the U.S. Navy and the local populace. “I could not be more pleased with the hard work and dedication from this crew,” said Cmdr. Allen P. Johnson, commanding officer of Higgins. “I know we can all reflect on this time we have spent underway and be proud of the contributions we have all made to our nation and national security.” Higgins is a multi-mission ship with anti-air warfare, antisubmarine warfare and antisurface warfare surface combatants capabilities; designed to operate independently or with an associated strike group. The ship is homeported in San Diego and is part of Naval Surface Forces and 3rd Fleet. LOCAL ATTRACTIONS The Veterans Museum at Balboa Park Open Tues.-Sun. 10am-4pm Honoring the memories & contributions of the men & women who gallantly served their country. 10 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2016 Events Venue: Exhibits, Artifacts, memorabilia, telling personal VWRULHVRIZDU%DQTXHW0HHWLQJ5RRPV 3DUN%OYG%DOERD3DUNZZZYHWHUDQPXVHXPRUJ residents, fellows and faculty members during PP 2015 and promoted continued scholarship during PP 2016. More than 115 personnel attended the fair, including Capt. Jose Acosta, commanding officer, NMCSD; Capt. Melanie Merrick, commanding officer of hospital ship USNS Mercy (T-AH 19); members of the NMCSD Executive Steering Committee; and residents, fellows and faculty from both NMCSD and Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton. “This is success!” said Acosta. “When people talk about ‘Balboa Magic,’ this is what they are talking about; bringing the residents, making their education better and making Balboa better. Capt. Merrick was able to make this PP mission one of the most successful.” During PP 2015, the Mercy brought medical and surgical services to the host nations of Fiji, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines and Vietnam. Thirtyseven residents, two fellows and more than 20 faculty members from 15 graduate medical education (GME) programs were selected to participate in PP 2015. They performed clinical and educational activities, including surgical engagements aboard Mercy and ashore, community health exchanges at local clinics, community outreach events in remote villages and subject matter expert exchanges in local hospitals. During and after their PP 2015 rotation, the residents and fellows worked with their supervising faculty members on a case report or case series, research project, quality improvement project or critical reflection. Thirty-one abstracts, authored by more than 60 trainees and faculty members, were submit- &/,0%,1*<2*$),71(66 2)) '$< 3$66(6 $OYDUDGR&DQ\RQ5G6DQ'LHJR 619-283-2105 ZZZJURWWRFOLPELQJFRP Merrick expressed enthusiasm for this one-of-a-kind event in Navy Medicine. “I read every single one of those 31 abstracts. I remember the patients very well,” said Merrick. “I am excited for those cases to be presented here today, showing the extraordinary care that was rendered during our mission.” During PP 2015, the Navy Medicine West residents, fellows and faculty members collaborated with physicians and nurses from the four host nations, five partner nations (Australia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia and New Zealand) and non-governmental organizations such as Project Hope, Operation Smile and Latter Day Saints Charities. The mission provided a unique opportunity for trainees and faculty to receive valuable clinical experience and education in health care disparities on a global scale and to participate in initiatives to address those disparities. “We are focusing our efforts on collaboration among host nations and partner nations for disaster preparedness in the places that Mercy goes,” said Merrick. “The mission is about much more than pulling up pier side, putting down the ramp and taking care of all comers.” NMCSD leadership plans to repeat the Scholarly Activity Fair after each PP mission, extending the beneficial impact from host nation patients, nurses and physicians to our stateside GME programs, parent commands and Navy Medicine at large. Amphibious ship Anchorage opens to the public Feb. 17-18 SAN DIEGO - San Antonioclass amphibious transport dock ship USS Anchorage (LPD 23) is scheduled for public visits at Broadway Pier, Feb. 17 and 18. The visit will provide members of the public an opportunity to take a tour of the ship and talk with America’s Sailors. Public tours of the ship are scheduled for Wed., Feb. 17 from 1-4 p.m., and on Thurs., Feb. 18 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Broadway Pier is located at the intersection of Broadway and North Harbor Drive in downtown San Diego. USS Anchorage, homeported in San Diego, is the 7th San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock ship. The ship was commissioned in her namesake city on May 4, 2013. The ship was built to embark, transport, and land elements of a U.S. Marine Corps landing force in a variety of expeditionary and special operations capable missions using expeditionary fighting vehicles (EFVs); landing craft, air cushion (LCAC); and tilt-rotor MV-22 Ospreys. Visitor safety and security guidelines: Visitors will board on a first come, first served basis, and may have to wait in line during peak hours; however, all visitors in line by 4 p.m. will be accommodated for a tour. Visitors should also expect security screenings prior to boarding. When touring the ship, visitors are encouraged to bring as few items as possible and flat-heeled, closed-toe shoes are recommended. High-heel shoes, flip-flops and improper attire (i.e. bathing suits) are not permitted. The ship is not handicapped accessible and visitors must be in good physical condition to walk safely about the ship, moving up and down steep ladders (stairways). Touring the ship may not be appropriate for small children or those with medical conditions that impede mobility. All visitors 18 years of age and older are required to show a valid U.S. state/federal government issued photo identification card. Persons 17 years of age and younger should be accom- For that ‘Do it yourselfer’ Become a member of San Diego’s best indoor climbing and yoga facility! ted for the first ever PP Scholarly Activity Fair. Eight abstracts were selected for podium presentation and the remainder for poster presentations. Save hundreds of dollars! Full line of paint & body shop supplies Kearny Mesa Auto Paint & Supplies .JMJUBSZ%JTDPVOU 858.560.0700 $MBJSFNPOU.FTB#MWEt4BO%JFHP$B www.kearnymesaautopaint.com USS Anchorage crewmembers participate in the ship’s first in-port damage control drill of the new year. Navy photo panied by an adult with a valid state/federal photo identification card. All tour participants and any bags will be subject to screening before passing the entry control point. Small hand-carried items such as handbags, clear bottles of water, small cameras or diaper bags are permitted. All items carried onboard will be the individual’s responsibility. The following items are prohibited: - Weapons, including knives, firearms and club weapons; - Defensive chemicals or sprays, including mace, pepper spray, and aerosol spray cans; - Fireworks, flammable liquids or other explosives; - Illegal drugs and/or drugrelated paraphernalia; - Large bags or purses, backpacks or large camera bags. There is no holding area for personal items such as bicycles, baby strollers, scooters, pets, etc. Due to security concerns, all such items will not be permitted to remain on or near the pier area. SELF STORAGE www.STORAGEWEST.com 877-917-7990 10% MILITARY DISCOUNT PACIFIC OCEAN (Feb. 04, 2016) - USS Stockdale (DDG 106) pulls alongside the fast combat support ship USNS Rainier to conduct a replenishment-at-sea. Stockdale is assigned to the Stennis strike group, which is operating as part of the Great Green Fleet on a regularly scheduled Western Pacific deployment. Navy photo by MC2 Marcus L. Stanley CAMP PENDLETON (Feb. 2, 2016) - Lance Cpl. Salgado Chavez checks for leaks by pouring water into the radiator of an Assault Amphibious Vehicle engine. Marines from 3rd Amphibious Assault Battalion supported 2nd Bn, 4th Marine Division and 1st Bn, 1st Mar. Div. infantry battalions as they conducted raid drills for Expeditionary Operations Training Group and their Marine Corps Combat Readiness Evaluation. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Justin E. Bowles MCAS MIRAMAR (Feb. 2, 2106) - Members of the Miramar Semper Fidelis Rotary Club construct an enclosed canopy at the Navy-Marine Corp Relief Society Thrift Shop here. Courtesy photo SAN DIEGO (Feb 9, 2016) - A Marine assault amphibian battalion launches amphibious assault vehicles from the well deck of USS Makin Island (LHD 8). Makin Island is conducting operations off the coast of Southern California. Navy photo by MCSN Clark Lane USS BOXER (Jan. 20, 2016) - Sailors simulate applying an emergency repair patch to a pipe in the auxiliary machinery room of USS Boxer during a drill. Personnel aboard Boxer are conducting routine training and maintenance to prepare for an upcoming deployment. Navy photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Michael T. Eckelbecker LOOKING FOR QUALITY AUTO REPAIR? www.sandiegoautorepaircare.com WE HAVE YOU COVERED! 24 Month Nationwide Warranty )UHHZLWK\RXUTXDOLI\LQJUHSDLU &RYHUV3DUWV/DERUIRU0RQWKV0LOHV +RQRUHG1DWLRQZLGHDW1$3$$XWR&DUH&HQWHUV 10% OFF LABOR ON QUALIFYING JOBS 6 Month Financing Available THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2016 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • 11 OvER 14,000 LOcATIONs NATIONwIdE by. Pvt. Robert Bliss ENCINITAS - On a breezy Wednesday afternoon last month, Marine Corps Sgt. Michel A. Garcia stood tall alongside his color guard teammates during a ceremony honoring World War II veterans at a retirement community here. male on my mother’s side of the family has been in the military, to include the Guatemalan National Army, so I just knew I was going to join the armed forces.” his drill instructors were the epitome of the Marine Corps. He said it takes a truly dedicated Marine to be able to train and make other Marines. “It’s a great experience,” said Garcia. “I really appreciate honoring those who came before us.” Garcia hails from Newport News, Virginia. He said he was an avid wrestler in high school and had planned to enlist immediately after graduation, but some members of his family were not too keen on letting him join. “Eight years later, I still remember all of my drill instructors’ names,” said Garcia. “They just made such a dramatic impact in my life and I someday want to be that person for somebody else.” Garcia is a heavy equipment mechanic with 7th Engineer Support Battalion and has been a Marine for almost eight years. He said he began his military career before he even stepped on the famous yellow footprints. “I wanted to join the Marine Corps right after high school,” he said. “But my mom convinced me to try the college route. I did the whole school thing and it really wasn’t for me. I even tried the nine-to-five routine.” “I’m a military brat,” Garcia said. “I always knew I was going to join the Marine Corps.” Civilian life - same old thing, day in and day out - had no appeal to him, he said. And he said it got worse when all of his friends started coming home from college. He said his family has always been involved with the military in one form or another. Aside from having several family members in the U.S. military, members of Garcia’s family have also served in another nation’s military. “My uncle is in the Army,” Garcia said. “One of my cousins is also in the Army and another cousin is in the Air Force. Every “I’ll never forget,” he said. “All my friends were coming home from school with their degrees, and every time I saw them, the conversation eventually led to what I am up to these days.” Garcia said he remembers when he worked at a grocery Marine Corps Sgt. Michel A. Garcia, a heavy equipment mechanic with 7th Engineer Support Battalion, has been a Marine for almost eight years. Garcia, a native of Newport News, Va., has aspirations of becoming a drill instructor and helping to shape the early careers of new Marines. Marine Corps photo by Pvt. Robert Bliss store and felt like he didn’t have much of a future. Even the thought of moving up into management had no appeal to him, he said. “I just said to myself, ‘Hey, I’m not getting any younger, and enough is enough. I need to join the Marine Corps,’” Garcia said. “My mom wasn’t too fond of it, but once I graduated recruit training, I had never seen her so proud. She was just bawling her eyes out.” In April, it will be eight years since Garcia walked across the parade deck at Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego. “This is my second enlistment,” he said. “And I definitely plan on enlisting for a third time. I want nothing more than to someday be a drill instructor. I want to make Marines.” Being a drill instructor may be Garcia’s ultimate goal, but he said he feels blessed to be a part of the color guard. “Getting to do color guard and the chance to meet a lot of veterans means the world to me. I feel like it shows respect to the Marines who came before us,” he said. Garcia said he feels very proud of the things he has accomplished in the Marine Corps, but that none of it would have been possible without the love and support of his wife, Chelsea. “She’s my rock,” Garcia said with a smile. “Whenever I get out of line she makes sure to put me back in my place.” When asked whether or not he and his wife plan on raising any future Marines of their own, Garcia just laughed and said, “We already have two kids, Rocky and Maya. They’re both Siberian huskies and they’re both a handful.” Armed Forces DISPATCH Garcia’s memories of recruit training are positive and he feels 1/2 OFF YOUR CLASS With this ad, call for details 12 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2016 Serving Active Duty Military, Retirees & their families for over 20 years Now accepting new Medicare and Tricare patients in the Naval Base San Diego NEX Walk-in appointments welcome ALYX MOREY O.D., STEVEN CHADO O.D. & YASMIN KOUCHAK O.D. Doctors of Optometry 858-900-5266 Create New JOB Opportunities - Become Part of the MOB SDMOBS.com Bartending Classes 1/2 OFF YOUR CLASS With this ad, call for details GET CERTIFIED NOW! Appointments available Mon.-Sat. Call (619) 550-2679 Services available to authorized Navy Exchange patrons only. This advertisment is neither paid for, in whole or in part, by the Department of Navy or Nexcom. This advertisement does not constitute endorsement by Nexcom, Department of Navy, or the US Government of the products or services advertised. SD’s Best Bartending Training Program Job Opportunities Create New JOB Opportunities Become part of the MOB SDMOBS.com Gain Experience Fun & Entertainment 0DVWHUVRI%DUWHQGLQJ USS America recertifies for search and rescue by MC3 Kyle Goldberg SAN DIEGO - USS America (LHA 6) completed a search and rescue (SAR) recertification with the Afloat Training Group (ATG) at Naval Base San Diego from Jan. 22 to Feb. 2. The recertification process allowed America to continue operations while underway and covered a wide array of missions ranging from downed pilots to capsized vessels. consisted of the swimmer retrieving a victim in the On the first day, America’s SAR swimmers harbor and administering proper first aid. went into the base pool and were evaluated on NORTH ISLAND - FLIGHT INFO-LINE: (619) 545-8273 theirNAS ability to untangle a pilot from a parachute, “They’re all professional, they’re all proficient, perform a 400-meter ‘buddy’ tow, defend against and they have a lot of pride in what they do,” said SPACE A DEPARTURE FLIGHTS combative victims, and use floating medical litters, Miller. “I couldn’t ask for more. Those guys are while in the water. the ones who keep it going.” FROM JAN. 7-11, 2016 ARMED FORCES * TO REGISTER ONLINE, FORWARD YOUR FULL NAME, RANK, AND RETIRED RESERVE “The purpose IF ofACTIVE, recertifying is to OR keep the SARTO America’s swimmers successfully completed THURSDAY, NOV. 26, 2015 NASNI_AIR_TERMINAL_MANAGER@NAVY.MIL. swimmers proficient in all the latest techniques the training. As a result, officials Flt # certified the ship A/C Type * SHOW TIME FOR ALL FLIGHTS IS 2 HOURS PRIOR TO THE TIME CNV 4245 C40 throughout the Navy,” said Boatswain’s Mate for underway duty. POSTED BELOW. CNV 4102 C40 Senior Chief Leonard Miller, America’s * 2 CHECKED BAGS/1 CARRY-ON TOTALINGDeck 60 POUNDS MAX PER FRIDAY, NOV. 27, 2015 PERSON. leading chief petty officer. “The swimDepartment “Any inspections that involve life-saving pro- A/C Type Flt # * 20 POUNDS MAX PER PERSON ON A C20 AIRCRAFT. mers have to be ready for anything that comes at cedures are important because can mean the C20 CNV it 2983 * NO OPEN TOE SHOES ALLOWED ON FLIGHTS. them, like treating downed pilots or survivors in difference between life andSATURDAY, death,” said NOV.Mass 28, 2015 # Class Somers A/C Type a panic.” Communication SpecialistFlt3rd THURSDAY, NOV. 26, 2015 NO SCHEDULED DEPARTURES Armed Forces Dispatch Newspaper CNV 4602 Steelman, America’s primary SAR swimmer. “I’m C40 FRIDAY, NOV. 27, 2015 NO SCHEDULED DEPARTURES NOV. 29, 2015 Rescue swimmers must ensureNOtheir own safety proud to be part of what SARSUNDAY, for.” SATURDAY, NOV. 28, 2015 SCHEDULED DEPARTURES Fltstands # A/C Type and SUNDAY, the safety of the victim, at all times. CNV 3162 C130 NOV. 29, 2015 NO SCHEDULED DEPARTURES America is currently undergoing a Post-ShakeMONDAY, NOV. 23, 2015 Conditions of Travel: There is no guaranteed space for any traveler. It is paramount SAR isswimmers to maintain down Availability in which Flt the# ship’s crew and A/C Type The Department of for Defense not obligated to continue an individual’s CNV 4123 C40 DISPATCH travel or readiness return himthrough or her toconsistent point of origin, or any point. Travelphysical training regi-otherassigned contractors make improvements to the ers shall have sufficient personal funds to pay for commercial trans- Armed Forces Dispatch Newspaper mens. According to Boatswain’s Mate 2nd Class ship’s design. America’s PSA will pave the way for portation to return to their residence or duty station if space-available transportation is notswimmer available.assigned to America, Jarrett Hall, a SAR future America-class amphibious assault ships. Destinations (Seats Available) LEMOORE (121), NORFOLK (7), PENSACOLA (7) FT WORTH (121) Time 1 p.m. Destinations (Seats Available) KANEOHE (26) Time 9 a.m. Destinations (Seats Available) EL CENTRO (121), WHIDBEY (67) Time 11 a.m. Destinations (Seats Available) NEW ORLEANS (25) Time 11:03 a.m. Destinations (Seats Available) HICKAM (121) rine Corps Air Station Miramar isn’t posted for the public. You can call (858) 577-4283 to gettoanbeupdated Space schedule. “They also have mentally and‘A’ physically tough to stay safe in the open sea,” said Hall. “Our weekly training paid off toward getting through the inspection.” A THOROUGHLY MODERN WAY TO KEEP UP WITH YOUR COMMUNITY THROUGH THE ARMED FORCES DISPATCH. DISPATCH ARMED FORCES A THOROUGHLY MODERN WAY TO KEEP UP WITH YOUR COMMUNITY THE ARMED FORCES DISPATCH. The secondTHROUGH day consisted of equipment, swimmer gear, boat, and administrative checks as well as a live practice rescue in the harbor. The rescue Armed Forces Dispatch Newspaper Armed Forces Dispatch Newspaper NAVAL AIR STATION NORTH ISLAND - FLIGHT INFO-LINE: (619) 545-8273 SPACE A DEPARTURE FLIGHTS - FEB. 11-14, 2016 * TO REGISTER ONLINE, FORWARD YOUR FULL NAME, RANK, AND IF ACTIVE, RETIRED OR RESERVE TO NASNI_AIR_TERMINAL_MANAGER@NAVY.MIL. * SHOW TIME FOR ALL FLIGHTS IS 2 HOURS PRIOR TO THE TIME POSTED BELOW. * 2 CHECKED BAGS/1 CARRY-ON TOTALING 60 POUNDS MAX PER PERSON. * 20 POUNDS MAX PER PERSON ON A C20 AIRCRAFT. * NO OPEN TOE SHOES ALLOWED ON FLIGHTS. THURSDAY, FEB. 11, 2016 Flt # A THOROUGHLY MODERN WAY TO KEEP UP WITH YOUR COMMUNITY CNV 4482 THROUGH THE ARMED FORCES DISPATCH. A/C Type Time Destinations (Seats Available) A THOROUGHLY MODERN WAYCHINA TO KEEPLAKE UP WITH YOUROCEANA COMMUNITY C40 9 a.m (121), (24) THROUGH THE ARMED FORCES DISPATCH. FRIDAY, FEB. 12, 2016 NO SCHEDULED DEPARTURES GET THE LATEST NEWS, PHOTOS AND ADVERTISING SPECIALS. SATURDAY, FEB. 13, 2016 NO SCHEDULED DEPARTURES GET THE LATEST NEWS, PHOTOS AND ADVERTISING SPECIALS. ARMED FORCES DISPATCH Armed Forces Dispatch Newspaper SUNDAY, FEB. 14, 2016 Flt # CNV 4681 CNV 4128 A/C Type C40 C40 Time 9 a.m 9 a.m. CNV 4401 C40 12:22 p.m. Conditions of Travel: There is no guaranteed space for any traveler. The Department of Defense is not obligated to continue an individual’s travel or return him or her to point of origin, or any other point. Travelers shall have sufficient personal funds to pay for commercial transportation to return to their residence or duty station if space-available transportation is not available. Destinations (Seats Available) EGLIN AFB (51) OAKLAND, CA (121), ANDREWS (51) KALAELOA (121), ANDERSON AFB (121) Armed Forces Dispatch Newspaper Due to security reasons, the weekly Space ‘A’ flight schedule for Marine Corps Air Station Miramar isn’t posted for the public. You can call (858) 577-4283 to get an updated Space ‘A’ schedule. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2016 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • 13 Forces ewspaper Time 9 a.m. 12:13 p.m. they to be strong swimmers. Duehave to security reasons, the weekly Space ‘A’ flight schedule for Ma- atch.com us on book Boatswain’s Mate 2nd Class Jarrett Hall, a search and rescue (SAR) swimmer assigned to USS America (LHA 6), performs a medical evacuation during America’s SAR certification process at Naval Base Point Loma Fitness Center. Each ship is required to certify initially and recertify every two years. Navy photo by MC3 Kyle Goldberg Arts & Entertainment Snap a selfie with your sweetheart at a San Diego County park for a chance to win an outdoor wedding Snap a selfie with your sweetheart at a San Diego County park for a chance to win a ceremony and reception at one of the County’s premier outdoor wedding destinations – Flinn Springs County Park. One lucky couple will receive their choice of ceremony and reception locations at the park, use of the Bridal Staging Suite, chairs and tables for up to 100 guests, reserved parking for up to 100 guests, and waived electricity and catering fees. Plan your ceremony under a canopy of ancient oaks or in a white gazebo fronting a bridge and bubbling creek… Flinn Springs County Park is the perfect setting for a rustic and romantic outdoor occasion. The deadline to submit pho- Visit our news page to view the tos to askparks.lue@sdcounty. contest flier and to read the fine ca.gov is Friday, Feb. 12. print... good luck! Sign up for SeaWorld’s Pole to Pole n 5k Fun Ru Park of the month: Wilderness Gardens ,QGLD6WUHHWZZZHOLQGLRVDQGLHJRFRP 6XPPHUKRXUVRQ)UL6DWXQWLOSP The 737-acre preserve was first acquired in 1973 and stands as the County’s oldest open space preserve. Tucked into the San Luis Rey River Watershed, Wilder- ness Gardens Preserve is a beautiful place to relax from the hustle and bustle of daily life, and to form a connection with nature that is unique to Northern San Diego County. look at Sickler’s Grist Mill Site, a landmark acknowledged by the County’s Historic Resource Board showcasing regional architectural legacies dating back to the 1880s. Tours are available by appointment. Boddy Manchester owned the property before it was acquired by the County, but for thousands of years the land served as a favorite fall-time destination of Native Americans who harvested and ground acorns on site. Wilderness Gardens Preserve offers more than 4 miles of easyto-moderate hiking paths. Lined with native oaks and sycamores this park also features several exotic tree species such as eucalyptus, camellias and oleanders. Some 47 different species of birds call this park home including red-tailed hawks, mallard ducks and acorn woodpeckers. History buffs will enjoy a +LJK3HUIRUPDQFH3DUWV,QVWDOODWLRQDQG7XQLQJ6HUYLFHVIRU &ODVVLF&XVWRPV+RW5RGV(DUO\/DWH0RGHO0XVFOH&DUV5DFH&DUV 63(('6+23 )XOO6HUYLFH0DFKLQH6KRS 14 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2016 .HDUQ\9LOOD5G6DQ'LHJR&$ The park is gearing up for SeaWorld’s® Pole to Pole 5K Fun Run on March 6. Participants in the fifth annual 5K will sprint (or stroll) by sea lions and dolphins, birds and Shamu®, too. Runners, walkers, and of course animals, will cheer participants on as they journey through the park. Pole to Pole Fun Run participants will meet SeaWorld costume characters and animal ambassadors, and learn about research and conservation efforts from Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute, the SeaWorld & Busch Gardens Conservation Fund and SeaWorld experts. Registered runners will also receive a Pole to Pole 5K Fun Run T-shirt, a light breakfast, an opportunity drawing for prizes and free single-day admission to SeaWorld either Saturday March 5 or Sunday, March 6. Proceeds from this fun event will go directly to on-the-ground research and conservation efforts to help wildlife and wild places around the world. (800) 257-4268 or visit www.SeaWorldParks. com/poletopolefunrun. Dining Directory THANK YOU TO OUR MILITARY! Take Advantage of these great specials these restaurants are offering you! W,/>>W,/^Et/,KDWEz NEW LOCATION Est. 1979 ϲϵϬϰDŝƌĂŵĂƌZĚ͘ͻ^ĂŶŝĞŐŽ ϴϱϴͲϲϵϯͲϬϬϰϳͻΈĞŚŝŶĚĞŶŶLJ͛ƐͿ 10% MILITARY DISCOUNT with this ad ŐƵƐͻƚĂͻƚŽͻƌLJ ƌĞĂŬĨĂƐƚͲ>ƵŶĐŚͲŽĨĨĞĞ 15% MILITARY DISCOUNT ϭϮϬKƌĂŶŐĞǀĞ͘ͻŽƌŽŶĂĚŽ Daily 10% On Tuesdays 619-319=5696 MILITARY DISCOUNT Little Club Expires 2/29/16 WE DO CATERING COCKTAILS 132 Orange Ave. Karaoke - Mon 9-12pm 3RRO7DEOHV,QWHUQHW-XNHER[ )ODWVFUHHQ79V XS2SHQ'DLO\ 619-435-5885 2UDQJH$YH&RURQDGR Omarr’s weekly BIRTHDAY GUY: Actor James Spader was born in Boston on this date in 1960. This birthday guy’s portrayal of Alan Shore won him two Emmy awards on “Boston Legal” and another Emmy on “The Practice.” Currently, he stars as Red Reddington on “The Blacklist.” On the big screen, Spader’s prolific film resume includes diverse roles in movies like “Avengers: Age of Ultron,” “Lincoln,” and “Sex, Lies, And Videotape.” ARIES (March 21-April 19): Ambitions are achieved by demonstrating unflagging determination. You can use your education to attain your heart’s desire in the week ahead. The lessons you learned in your younger years could serve you well. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Safety before sensitivity. You yearn for security and have a tendency to take a cautious approach in the week ahead. You may put duty before pleasure and can do well with any task that requires discrimination. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Some bridges are made of stone and can’t be burned. Old friends can hamper your progress this week by loading you down with excess baggage. To overcome Astrological potential criticism honor your past promises and obligations. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Overlook unavoidable embarrassing moments in the week to come. When someone says the wrong thing or a coworker makes a silly mistake it is best to simply ignore it. Group activities could squeeze your wallet. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Fame is the name of the game. In the week ahead you can make the most of your reputation by mixing with people in public places. You could be enriched by a passing opportunity if you wisely accept it. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Practice being flexible when challenged by changing times. Don’t turn your back on someone who rebels against your wishes. There may be a temporary upset this week that makes you want to run for cover. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Turn on the voice mail and tune out distractions. Don’t let a loved one’s possessiveness or thoughtlessness disturb your serenity. This week you will be successful by being more self-disciplined and efficient. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You might thrive in the middle of a forecast herd. It is easy to make a wide range of new contacts in the week ahead when you exude sincere friendliness. Your energy and initiative is best used with creative projects. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22Dec. 21): Insecurities can make you cautious, but that is a good thing. As this week unfolds you may face a choice between acting on past precedents and acting on principle. Hold off on making crucial decisions. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You can appreciate great art even if you aren’t an artist. Just because you don’t possess a talent or skill doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the beautiful things in life that other people provide. Develop appreciation this week. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): The New Moon in your sign this week might mark the beginning of a new phase in your personal attitudes. Focus on being proactive with financial matters rather than insisting on following traditions. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): A relationship might fit like a glove. If you are looking for love you could find it in all the right places. Even the most self-absorbed person will not be able to resist your charms and enticements this week. A whale-of-a-Valentine’s-day celebration Award-winning chefs will cook up a delicious Californiainspired four-course menu. Valentine’s Evening With Shamu is an elegant, unforgettable, romantic evening at SeaWorld® San Diego on Sunday, Feb. 14. SeaWorld’s award-winning chefs will cook up a delicious California-inspired four-course menu, and diners are sure to be mesmerized by majestic killer whale performances just a few feet away from candlelit tables on Shamu’s private poolside patio. The menu includes a sustainable tuna stack, artisan cheese, organic tomato soup, braised Angus short ribs and much more. Seating is limited. To make reservations, call (800) 257-4268 or visit www.SeaWorldSanDiego.com. Defense Department extends Armed Services YMCA contract The Defense Department recently announced a one-year extension to the Armed Services YMCA Military Outreach Initiative, DoD officials said today. The contract with the Armed Services YMCA was set to expire in March 2016 and will now continue until March 16, 2017. ments,” she added. The partnership between DoD and the Armed Services YMCA offers no-cost memberships and respite child care services to eligible service members and their families during times of deployment and to those geographically dispersed, officials said. “We are thrilled our service members and military families will continue to have this important resource for another year,” said Rosemary Williams, deputy assistant secretary of defense for military community and family policy. The Defense Department’s contract with the Armed Services YMCA for the Military Outreach Initiative will continue to offer access to no-cost fitness and child care, Williams said. These services, will remain uninterrupted for eligible members and families until the new contract end date, she noted. “The Department of Defense is steadfast in its commitment to support all military service members and their families, in particular to those who serve in geographically dispersed assign- “This initiative is especially valuable for those living in areas distant from a military installation, allowing them to access services in their own communities,” Williams said. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2016 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • 15 Sports & Events McGrane: Pope, Aztecs refusing to fold by Mick McGrane Winston Shepard knows full well the power of the poison pen, the cruelty of the critics’ corner and the wrath of those intent on chronicling his every wrong. So when the question was posed concerning The Shot Heard ‘Round Viejas on Saturday, the one that wasn’t even drawn up for Malik Pope, Shepard ran interference for Pope with only slightly less ferocity than a 300-pound pulling guard. “First of all, Malik is my brother,” Shepard said. “I’ve believed in him since Day 1. I talk to him all the time and tell him not to worry about it. I feel like I’m the one player in the history of this school to know what Malik has been going through. To come up with a big shot like that, just to have the guts to even take it, that’s the kind of stuff you have to have to win a championship. I’m so proud of him. I can’t think of anyone else I would have rather seen hit that shot. We needed it.” Desperately they needed it. Fingernails-chewed-to-the-quick needed it. Clock-ticking-louder- than-your-heartbeat needed it. On the line? Aside from an opportunity to virtually seal the Mountain West regular-season title and equal the best start in league history (11-0) set by Utah in 2003-04, there was also the small matter of San Diego State playing for its NCAA Tournament life, with early-season missteps making additional stumbles potentially perilous. So when New Mexico, leading 66-63 with 12 seconds left in regulation, was whistled for an inbounds violation, the Aztecs called timeout and huddled on the sideline. The much-heralded Pope, whose season has been anything but smooth, was 0-for3 from the floor. For the season, he was 12-of-50 from three-point range. SDSU broke the huddle with a play designed for guard Trey Kell. And a Plan B. “I want to let everybody know that when we were three points behind and took a timeout, Coach (associate head coach Brian) Dutcher said, ‘What about (putting) Malik in to get another three- 3&1"*34 3&/5"-4 463'#0"3%#-"/,4 463'#0"3%4 8&546*54 '6--8&546*54 $ 9995 15% .*-*5"3:%*4$06/5 0ODMPUIJOHBDDFTTPSJFT .JTTJPO#MWE .JTTJPO#FBDI 16 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2016 (858) 488-9374 point shooter (on the floor),” said head coach Steve Fisher. “I said, ‘Great idea.’ “The play was not designed for Malik to shoot it. But before we broke the huddle, Dutch said, ‘Malik, if they back off of you and you’re unguarded at the three-point line, shoot it in.’” The initial plan, Fisher said, was to run misdirection and set a screen for Kell to get an open shot from the corner. Instead, Pope, who arrived at SDSU as a five-star recruit but has had endured more than his share of a sophomore slump, let fly from 22 feet with eight seconds left. The net barely rippled. It was Pope’s only made basket of the affair and forced overtime, where the Aztecs had won 19 times in their previous 21 games involving an extra session. An 8-0 run that began with a Shepard tip-in finally put away the Lobos away, 78-71, as SDSU moved to 18-6 overall. With seven games remaining, the Aztecs hold a 3.5game lead over the Lobos and a four-game lead over Boise State and Fresno State. They also may hold a player poised to pounce in Pope, whose shot to send the game to overtime was motivated as much by a shrinking clock as a slap in the face. “Dutch told me that if I wasn’t guarded to just pop out and take it,” said Pope, who as a freshman last season finished third on the team in made three-pointers (20) despite ranking eighth in minutes played. “When (I realized I wasn’t being guarded), I thought, ‘Wow, that’s kind of disrespectful.’ “I gave a second look at Trey, but it was taking a little too long so I just let it go. It felt really good, but I couldn’t get excited right away because we had to make sure they didn’t get a quick bucket coming down the stretch.” Said Fisher: “I’m proud of Malik. It’s easy to throw darts and point at his stats. But he’s hung tough. He’s stayed tough and it’s a credit to Malik. But it’s a credit to his teammates, too. They’ve encouraged, they’ve demanded and they’ve pushed the right way. And that’s what you have to do. You can’t let your shoulders slump and feel sorry for yourself if you want to be good. “He had a wonderful moment with that basket, but he also did some other nice things, too.” As did a parade of others. Freshman point guard Jeremy Hemsley continued to soar, finishing with a career-high 23 points while scoring in double figures for the 20th time in 24 games. Shepard became just the second Aztec since 1996-97 to finish with at least 15 points, seven rebounds, one block and one steal in the same game. Kell (12 points) extended a career high with his 11th-straight double-figure scoring game. “I’m sure guys across the conference are saying, ‘Man, those guys are lucky,’ “ Shepard said of a team that won its second overtime game in three weeks. “But I don’t care if you go to Vegas, you’re not going to get lucky 11 times in a row. “Credit our whole coaching staff and credit our team. We have no quit, no let-up, we don’t put our heads down and we don’t point fingers.” Particularly in the direction of Malik Pope. Face of Defense: Marine Bags Five-Peak Challenge by Cpl. Angel Serna Like many before him, Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Kenneth Bell learned quickly that being a triathlete isn’t about some lofty, beautiful talent -- it’s about hard work and dedication. Late last year, Bell participated in the Mission Trails Regional Park Five-Peak Challenge. The challenge, which takes place in the mountains east of San Diego, is to hike at one’s own pace to the summits of Cowles Mountain, Pyles Peak, Kwaay Paay, and North and South Fortuna -- all five peaks in the park. The total vertical elevation surpasses 6,000 feet. Triathletes and other participants wanted to make it even more difficult and asked event Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Kenneth Bell, right, finishes the 2015 Ironman 70.3 SuperFrog triathlon event in Coronado, Calif., Sept. 27, 2015. Bell, a helicopter mechanic with Headquarters Co., I Marine Expeditionary Force Headquarters Group, has participated in more than 25 major endurance training competitions. Courtesy Photo officials if they could run -- not walk -- the 21-mile course. “I just saw the challenge and thought that it looked pretty difficult, but I wasn’t going to get a running opportunity like that on Camp Pendleton,” said SEE Marine, page 21 AutoMatters & More: Harry Potter at Universal and the shelf life of sneakers Hogwarts Castle Harry Potter at Universal Studios Hollywood I had already made the long drive up from San Diego to Hollywood to drop off a camera at Nikon’s west coast service facility, so this day would be a good opportunity to visit Universal Studios Hollywood and check out the construction progress at “The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.” With a small, clip-on olloclip Active Lens (2x zoom and ultra-wide angle lenses – see https://www.olloclip.com) for my iPhone hanging from its neck strap, I entered the park. Hogwarts Castle was already visible in the distance, as were the many rooftops of the buildings that will transport you right into “The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.” A sign on a wall reveals the opening date: April 7th. For now though, satisfy your need for all things Harry Potter new 3-D attraction based on the “Fast and the Furious” movie franchise. Hold on tight to your belongings. In all the excitement I fumbled with my olloclip Active Lens in the dark and dropped it from the tram. Fortunately, the staff at Universal Studios Hollywood could not be more helpful. A little later they went into the attraction building and found my rugged little olloclip lens – intact, despite its close proximity to where several trams filled with visitors had passed by since I dropped it! Needless to say I was very happy and grateful. That reminded me of the decades-old Timex watch by visiting the gift shop and taking an interactive tour online at http://www.universalstudioshollywood.com/harrypotter/. From there I embarked upon a tram for the 50th anniversary Studio Tour. Favorite experiences include the torrential raininduced flash flood down the street of a Mexican village, parting of the waters as the tram drives through, the “Jaws” shark attack and King Kong in 3-D. Hold on tight as an earthquake demolishes your underground subway station. For the finale, you will enter a torture test advertising campaign, with its recurring tag line: “Timex -- it takes a licking and keeps on ticking.” Considering my experience, perhaps olloclip should do its own torture test ads, using the tag line: “Olloclip -- it takes a licking and keeps on clicking” (shutter clicking, get it?). Their customers could join in the fun by emailing in their own true stories about olloclip’s durability and quality. Wouldn’t that be cool? Sneakers: Use Them or Lose Them Did you know that sneakers have a shelf life? I did not, and paid the price for that. Hopefully my experience will help you avoid a similar fate. Years ago, at a time when I needed a new pair of sneakers, a store had some sort of great sales promotion. Perhaps it was buy one pair and get a second pair for half price. Whatever the case, I bought two pairs and started to wear one of them. I put the other pair away, to use when I next needed a new pair of sneakers. soles. When new it is flexible, but it has a shelf life. In other words, these shoes – whether worn or not – will basically fall apart if enough years pass. This has also happened to expensive serve PU but they are not cost effective or practical. The bottom line is this: wear your sneakers. Do not save them. For more information, check Lots of time passed and I forgot I had that second pair. That was until a couple of weeks ago, when my current pair of sneakers had well and truly worn out. I spotted the new pair in my closet and then wore them all day. When I returned home, something very unusual caught my attention. The leather upper portion of those “new” sneakers was separating big time from the sole. They looked like clown shoes as I walked in them. At first I thought I had bought a defective pair of what were reasonably expensive sneakers, so I wrote to the manufacturer. While I waited for their reply, I learned from the Internet that this is a common problem. It is known as flexible PU degradation. PU is polyurethane foam – typically used in running shoe Flexible PU degradation - upper separating from sole collectors’ sneakers that were bought and then stored for many years. out the fascinating expose at www.wired.com/2015/05/sneakers. Apparently this is caused by a reaction with the moisture in air, elevated temperature and other common environmental factors, including pollution. Please write to AutoMatters@ gmail.com with your comments and suggestions. There are exotic ways to pre- Copyright © 2016 by Jan Wagner – AutoMatters & More #423 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2016 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • 17 TV Listings WEEKDAY MORNING/AFTERNOON TVData© XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G m7:30 m8 am m8:30 CW6 News in the Morning CBS This Morning Good Morning America Varied Programs Today Nature Cat TLC USA m9:30 Daniel Tiger Daniel Tiger Today Mickey ESPN2 am TomorrowVaried land Programs SportsCenter SportsCenter Mickey The Lion Mouse Guard SportsCenter First Take His & Hers Our Little Quints by Family Surprise Varied Programs m10 am m10:30 Quints by Surprise The Little Couple m11 am m11:30 The 700 Club Judge Faith The Price Is Right CBS News 8 at 11AM Live! With Kelly and Michael The View Curious George DISN Mouse ESPN m9 San Diego Varied Living Programs Let’s Make a Deal Judge Faith Peg Plus Cat Dinosaur Dinosaur Train Train NBC 7 News Access Hollywood Sofia the First Doc McStuffins Outside the Lines First Take Varied Programs pm Judge Judy 10News Midday Sesame Street Today m12 Varied Mickey Programs Mouse NFL Insiders m12:30 Judge Mathis pm m1:30 m2 pm m2:30 The Bill Cunningham Show Bold/Beautiful The Young and the Restless The Talk The Chew General Hospital FABLife Super Why! Thomas & Friends Days of our Lives Curious Curious George George The Meredith Vieira Show Arthur PJ Masks Sofia the First Sofia the First Varied Programs Mickey Mouse NFL Live His & Hers 48 Hours: Hard Evidence m1 The Doctors 48 Hours: Hard Evid. Varied Programs Nature Cat Steve Harvey m3 2/19 2/19 RACE FORSAKEN XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G Race Track-and-field superstar Jesse Owens prepares to compete in the 1936 Olympics in Berlin. pm m5:30 Community The Middle (CC) (CC) CBS News 8 at 5pm (N) (CC) 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) KPBS Evening NBC 7 News at 5 Nightly Business Nightly News Girl Meets Girl Meets World ’ College Basketball DISN World ’ ESPN Genre: Biography, Historical Drama ESPN2 Cast: Stephan James, Jason Sudeikis, Jeremy Irons USA TLC College Basketball Dateline: Real Life Mysteries “Toxic” ’ Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ’ m6 pm XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G Forsaken pm m5:30 Community The Middle (CC) (CC) CBS News 8 at 5pm (N) (CC) 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) KPBS Evening NBC 7 News at 5 Nightly Business Nightly News m7 pm m7:30 m8 pm m8:30 m9 pm m9:30 18 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2016 m7:30 XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G Dog Whisperer Dr. Chris: Pet Vet (N) Good Morning Daniel Tiger m8 am m8:30 Sofia the First Mickey The Lion Mouse Guard ’ SportsCenter College GameDay (N) (Live) ESPN (N) (CC) 30 for 30 SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) ESPN2 (CC) Paid Program Paid Program CIZE Dance TLC (CC) (CC) English Premier League Soccer (N) (Live) USA am m9:30 CW6 News in the Morning Weekend (N) Innovation The InspecNation tors 10News This Morning at 8am Saturday (N) (CC) Curious Nature Cat George (CC) NBC 7 News The Floogals Nina’s World (CC) (EI) DISN (CC) m9 Hidden Heroes (N) Jack Hanna Wild Kratts “Osprey” Ruf-TweetDav Game Changers Ocean Mysteries Wild Kratts (CC) LazyTown (CC) m10 NBC 7 News at 4 College Basketball College Basketball Dateline: Real Life The 100 Kane fights to keep the peace. (N) Mom (N) ’ Angel From (CC) Hell Scandal (N) ’ (CC) m10 pm m10:30 m11 Varied Programs pm m11:30 Seinfeld (CC) Elementary “A View With News a Room” (N) ’ How to Get Away With 10News at Murder (N) ’ 11pm Mercy Street “The Belle Film Indiego Alliance” (CC) (N) Shades of Blue “Fall of NBC 7 Man” (N) ’ (CC) News Seinfeld (CC) Late-Colbert DC’s Legends of Tomorrow (N) ’ (CC) Big Bang Life in Theory Pieces (N) Grey’s Anatomy “The Sound of Silence” (N) Historic A Growing Places Passion You, Me and the Apocalypse (N) (CC) Best Austin & K.C. Under- Austin & Friends Ally (CC) cover Ally (CC) College Basketball Iowa at Indiana. From Assembly Hall in Bloomington, Ind. (N) (Live) College Basketball Oregon at California. From Haas Pavilion in Berkeley, Calif. (N) My 600-Lb. Life “Tara’s My 600-Lb. Life “Penny’s Story” (CC) Story” ’ (CC) Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Sugar” Victims Unit ’ ››TeenBeach2 (2015, Musical Comedy) Ross Liv and Austin & Lynch, Maia Mitchell, Grace Phipps. ’ Maddie Ally (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) (CC) (CC) Basketball NBA ToNFL Live (CC) NBA Basketball night (N) Tonight My 600-Lb. Life: Super- Extreme Weight Loss “Jarvez” A newlywed tries to sized (N) (CC) lose weight. ’ (CC) WWE SmackDown! (N) ’ (CC) Colony Geronimo’s identity is revealed. Midsomer Murders (N) (CC) The Blacklist “Lady Ambrosia” (N) (CC) CW6 News at 10pm (N) Jimmy Kimmel Ain’t It Cool Tonight Show Bunk’d ’ Girl Meets (CC) World ’ SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Jalen & The Fab Jacoby Five Skin Tight “Ariel and Chantae” ’ (CC) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ’ FEBRUARY 12, 2016 pm Mike & Molly ’ Evening News 10News at 6pm (N) World News m6:30 m7 pm m7:30 Mike & Molly ’ News 2 Broke 2 Broke Girls ’ Girls ’ Ent. Tonight Inside Edition (N) World News 10News at The List (N) 7pm (N) (CC) KPBS PBS NewsHour (N) Evening ’ (CC) NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune (N) (CC) Descendants (2015, Comedy) Dove Cameron, Mako Kristin Chenoweth, Sarah Jeffery. ’ Mermaids NBA Basketball All-Star College Basketball UCLA at Arizona. From McKale ESPN Celebrity Game. Memorial Center in Tucson, Ariz. (N) College Basketball 30 for 30 A look at the Chicago Bears on the 30th ESPN2 anniversary of their Super Bowl XX win. Dateline: Real Life Say Yes: Say Yes: Say Yes: Say Yes: TLC Mysteries ’ (CC) ATL ATL ATL ATL NCIS A murder is tied to NCIS “Patience” ’ (CC) NCIS NCIS and ATF USA black market art. (DVS) partner up on a case. m8 pm m8:30 The Vampire Diaries (N) ’ (CC) The Amazing Race (Season Premiere) (N) Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown Washington Roundtable Week Caught on Camera With Nick Cannon (N) m9 pm m9:30 The Originals Klaus faces an unlikely foe. Hawaii Five-0 “Hoa ’inea” (N) ’ (CC) Shark Tank (N) ’ (CC) (DVS) Doc Martin “Control-AltDelete” (N) (CC) Grimm “Star-Crossed” (N) ’ Bunk’d Girl Meets Gravity Gravity (N) ’ World (N) Falls (N) Falls (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) (CC) SportsNa- NFL Live (CC) Jalen & tion (CC) Jacoby Say Yes: Say Yes: Say Yes: Say Yes: ATL ATL ATL ATL NCIS “Troll” A Navy NCIS A terrorist group ensign is murdered. buys bombs. SATURDAY MORNING/AFTERNOON TVData© Judge Judy FEBRUARY 11, 2016 m6:30 Liv and Genre: Drama, Western Cast: Kiefer Sutherland, Donald Sutherland, Demi Moore m4:30 10News: The Now San Diego Wild Kratts Wild Kratts Mike & Mike & 2 Broke 2 Broke Molly ’ Molly ’ Girls ’ Girls ’ Evening News Ent. Tonight Inside EdiNews tion (N) 10News at World News 10News at The List (N) 6pm (N) 7pm (N) (CC) Democratic Debate Democratic presidential debate. (N) ’ (Live) (CC) NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune (N) (CC) m6 pm Judge Judy SportsNation Questionable Around the Pardon the SportsCenter Horn Interruption NFL Live SportsNation Questionable Around the Pardon the Horn Interruption Dateline: Varied Dateline: Varied Dateline: Varied Real Life Programs Real Life Programs Real Life Programs DISN Maddie In 1872 Wyoming, a former gunslinger and his estranged father encounter a ruthless businessman and his gang of thugs. m4 CW6 News at 4pm Gravity Falls Varied Programs FRIDAY EVENING TVData© m5 m3:30 Paternity Court RightThisRightThisMinute Minute Varied Odd Squad Programs The Ellen DeGeneres Show THURSDAY EVENING TVData© m5 pm Paternity Court Dr. Phil m10 pm m10:30 m11 CW6 News at 10pm (N) Blue Bloods “The Road to Hell” (N) ’ 20/20 ’ (CC) pm m11:30 Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld (CC) (CC) News Late-Colbert 10News at Jimmy 11pm Kimmel Luther Luther must catch David Bowie: Five Years an occult killer. (N) ’ (CC) Dateline NBC ’ (CC) NBC 7 Tonight News Show Best Liv and Friends Maddie SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) 30 for 30 (CC) Bunk’d ’ Girl Meets (CC) World ’ SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Love, Lust First Swipe or Run (N) NCIS The team suffers an emotional loss. Say Yes: Say Yes: ATL ATL NCIS: Los Angeles “Praesidium” ’ FEBRUARY 13, 2016 am m10:30 m11 am m11:30 m12 pm m12:30 m1 pm m1:30 m2 pm m2:30 m3 pm m3:30 Dog WhisSave Our Dream Quest Hatched (N) Paid Program Got VitaPaid Program Joint Relief Why Use a Pressure Why Use a Pressure perer Shelter (N) (CC) mins? Secrets Cooker? Cooker? College Basketball Texas A&M at LSU. From Pete Marav- PGA Tour Golf AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am, Third Round. From Pebble Beach Golf Paid Program Inside Edition ich Assembly Center in Baton Rouge, La. (N) Links in Pebble Beach, Calif. (N) (Live) (CC) Sea Rescue The Wildlife Rock the Born to Paid Program Paid Program World of X Games (N) (CC) Shall We Dance on Ice Kristi Yamaguchi and Rumer Willis. (N) Docs Park (N) Explore (N) (N) ’ (CC) Dr. Fuhrman’s End Dieting Forever! Treating medical This Old Ask This Old Simply Ming Joanne-Fresh Test Kitchen Martha Jacques The Mind of a conditions naturally. ’ (CC) House (N) House (N) ’ Bakes ’ Pépin Chef U.S. Olympic Trials Marathon. From Los Angeles. (N) ’ (Live) (CC) Skiing Skiing USSA Grand Prix: Big WEN Hair Nightly News Air at Fenway. (CC) Care Mako MerMako MerBunk’d ’ Girl Meets maids ’ maids ’ (CC) World ’ College Basketball Kentucky at South Carolina. From Colonial Life Arena in Columbia, S.C. (N) College Basketball Northern Iowa at Wichita State. From Charles Koch Arena in Wichita, Kan. (N) Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Couponing Couponing Couponing Couponing Suits Harvey and Mike are Suits “Blowback” Mike is at odds. under investigation. XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G 2X3”ad pm m5:30 Community Community (CC) (CC) CBS News 8 at 5pm (N) ’ (CC) 10News at World News 5pm NewsHour KPBS Wk Spectrum 1st Look ’ Nightly News Bunk’d ’ m6 pm m6:30 m4:30 FEBRUARY 13, 2016 m7 pm m7:30 Cougar Cougar Cougar Cougar Town ’ Town ’ Town ’ Town ’ Republican Debate GOP primary candidates discuss issues. (N) ’ (Live) 10News at RightThis- RightThis- Monopoly 6pm Minute (N) Minute (N) Mil. The Lawrence Welk Keeping Up Miranda ’ Show (CC) NBC 7 FeelSexy Wheel of Jeopardy! News at 6 Fortune ’ (CC) m8 pm m8:30 m9 pm m9:30 m10 pm m10:30 m11 Mike & Mike & Molly ’ Molly ’ Paid ProPaid Program gram Scandal ’ (CC) 2 Broke 2 Broke CW6 News at 10pm (N) Girls ’ Girls ’ The Good Wife “Closing 48 Hours ’ (CC) Arguments” (CC) How to Get Away With 20/20 ’ (CC) Murder (CC) The Doctor Blake Myster- On the Psychiatrist’s Couch With Daniel Amen, ies (N) (CC) MD ’ (CC) Dateline NBC ’ (CC) Saturday Night Live ’ (CC) Jessie ’ Girl Meets Girl Meets Girl Meets Liv and Mark&Russell’sWildRide (2015) K.C. Under- Liv and Bunk’d ’ (CC) World World World Maddie Joey Bragg. Premiere. ’ cover Maddie (CC) College College Basketball Texas at Iowa State. From Hilton SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) ESPN Basketball Coliseum in Ames, Iowa. (N) (CC) (CC) College Basketball Tulsa at Connecticut. From College Basketball Gonzaga at Southern Methodist. Basketball NBA To30 for 30 (CC) ESPN2 Gampel Pavilion in Storrs, Conn. (N) (N) (Live) night (N) Untold Stories of the E.R. Untold Stories of the E.R. Untold Stories of the E.R. Untold Stories of the E.R. Untold Stories of the E.R. Sex Sent Me to the E.R. TLC ’ (CC) ’ (CC) ’ (CC) “Face Off” ’ ’ (CC) (N) ’ (CC) ››Charlie’sAngels: ››SafeHaven (2013) Josh Duhamel. A woman with a dark ›‡TheBestofMe (2014) Michelle Monaghan. Former high USA FullThrottle secret falls in love with a widowed father. school sweethearts have a hometown reunion. DISN (CC) pm K.C. Under- Liv and Mad- Best Friends Austin & Ally Austin & Ally Best Friends Jessie ’ Jessie ’ Liv and Mad- Liv and Mad- Austin & Ally K.C. Undercover ’ die ’ (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) die ’ die ’ (CC) cover ’ College College Basketball Kansas at Oklahoma. From the Lloyd College Basketball Virginia at Duke. From Cameron Indoor College Basketball Wisconsin at Maryland. GameDay Noble Center in Norman, Okla. (N) (Live) Stadium in Durham, N.C. (N) (Live) (N) (Live) College Basketball Purdue at Michigan. From Crisler College Basketball Louisville at Notre Dame. From Purcell College Basketball Vanderbilt at Auburn. Auburn Arena. Center in Ann Arbor, Mich. (N) (Live) Pavilion in Notre Dame, Ind. (N) (Live) (N) (Live) Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock Shock Untold Stories of the E.R. Couponing Couponing Couponing Couponing Trauma Trauma Trauma Trauma Trauma Trauma “Delusional Bride” Suits “Live to Fight...” An ››RumorHasIt... (2005, Comedy) Jennifer Aniston, ›››Charlie’sAngels (2000) Cameron Diaz. Three ››Charlie’sAngels:Full anonymous tipster. Kevin Costner, Shirley MacLaine. nubile crimefighters must solve a kidnapping. Throttle (2003) SATURDAY EVENING TVData© m5 m4 Community Community ’ (CC) ’ (CC) Judge Judy Judge Judy ’ (CC) ’ (CC) Castle Assistant district attorney’s murder. (CC) R. Steves’ Crossing Europe South Clangers (EI) LazyTown (CC) pm m11:30 Seinfeld ’ Tosh.0 ’ (CC) (CC) News Blue ’ Bloods 10News at 11pm Roadtrip Nation (N) NBC 7 News Sports XTRA Roadtrip Nation (N) Saturday Night Live Austin & Best Ally (CC) Friends SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) NBA Tonight Sex Sent Me to the E.R. ’ (CC) Colony Geronimo’s identity is revealed. TV Listings SUNDAY MORNING/AFTERNOON TVData© XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G m7:30 m8 am m8:30 m9 am m9:30 FEBRUARY 14, 2016 m10 am m10:30 m11 am m11:30 m12 Paid Program CW6 News in the Morning Weekend (N) CBS News Sunday Morning Face the (N) ’ (CC) Nation (N) Good Morn- 10News This Morning at ing 8am Sunday (N) (CC) Daniel Tiger Curious Nature Cat George (CC) NBC 7 News Meet the Press (N) (CC) Sofia the First Mickey The Lion Mouse Guard ’ SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Bye Bye Wipe Away Paid Program Got VitaFoundation Years mins? Bull Riding College Basketball Indiana at Michigan State. From Breslin Center in East Lansing, Mich. (N) This Week With George Joel Osteen No more Wipe Away Paid Program Stephanopoulos (N) (CC) wrinkles! Years Wild Kratts Wild Kratts Washington KPBS Round- Charlie Rose Ken Kramer’s (CC) (CC) Week table S.D. Politically More Than Gold (N) ’ (CC) Snowboarding Skiing Speaking Jessie ’ (CC) pm m12:30 pm m1:30 m2 pm m2:30 m3 Dog With a Blog (CC) Jessie (CC) Jessie (CC) TVData© m5 XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G pm m5:30 Cougar Cougar Town ’ Town ’ CBS News 8 at 5pm (N) ’ (CC) 10News at World News 5pm NewsHour SciTech Wk Now (N) Talk Stoop Nightly News m6 m3:30 Spike Lee’s Lil’ Joints (N) m4 Women’s College Basketball Maryland at Northwestern. From Welsh-Ryan Arena in Evanston, Ill. Say Yes to Say Yes to Dateline: Real Life Mysteries the Dress the Dress “Buried Secrets” Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ’ Victims Unit “Nocturne” m6:30 EngageEngagement ment Evening News News 10News at RightThis6pm Minute (N) Doc Martin “The Shock of the New” NBC 7 Paid ProNews at 6 gram m7 pm m7:30 m8 pm m8:30 m9 pm m9:30 m10 pm m10:30 m11 The Middle The Middle Mike & Mike & 2 Broke 2 Broke CW6 News at 10pm (N) (CC) (CC) Molly ’ Molly ’ Girls ’ Girls ’ 60 Minutes (N) ’ (CC) Madam Secretary “Left of The Good Wife A case CSI: Cyber “The Walking the Boom” causes a rift. (N) Dead” (N) ’ America’s Funniest The Bachelor at 20: A Celebration of Love Twenty Castle “Witness for the Home Videos (N) ’ seasons of “The Bachelor.” (N) ’ Prosecution” (N) Father Brown “The Flying Masterpiece Classic Masterpiece Classic (N) Mercy Street “The Dead Stars” (CC) ’ (CC) ’ (CC) Room” (N) ’ Dateline NBC “In the Saturday Night Live “An The Tonight Show Valentine’s Day Special A Shadow of Justice” SNL Valentine” celebration includes sketches. (N) ’ (CC) Austin & K.C. Under- K.C. Under- ›››‡Frozen (2013) Voices of Stuck/ Bunk’d ’ Jessie ’ Liv and K.C. UnderAlly (CC) cover cover Kristen Bell. Premiere. ’ Middle (CC) (CC) Maddie cover 2015 CrossFit Games 2015 CrossFit Games 30 for 30 (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (CC) ESPN From Carson, Calif. From Carson, Calif. 30 for 30 Rugby Americas Championship -- Canada vs SportsCen- Sport Science (N) ESPN FC (N) 30 for 30 (CC) ESPN2 United States. (N Same-day Tape) ter Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Long Island Medium Island Island Long Island Medium (N) Married by Mom & Dad TLC Mysteries (CC) Mysteries (CC) “Celebrity Spirit” ’ Medium Medium ’ (CC) (N) ’ (CC) Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special USA Victims Unit ’ Victims Unit ’ Victims Unit ’ Victims Unit “Swing” Victims Unit “Wildlife” Victims Unit “Zebras” MONDAY EVENING XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G m5:30 Bunk’d ’ (CC) College Basketball Women’s College ESPN2 Basketball USA Extreme Extreme Coupon Coupon Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Trophy” m6:30 m7 pm m7:30 m8 pm m8:30 m9 pm m9:30 10News at The List (N) 7pm (N) (CC) PBS NewsHour (N) ’ (CC) Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune (N) (CC) pm m5:30 Community The Middle (CC) (CC) CBS News 8 at 5pm (N) (CC) 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) Nightly Business Nightly News Girl Meets ESPN2 TLC USA K.C. Under- K.C. Under- Girl Meets Jessie ’ cover cover World ’ (CC) College Basketball Oklahoma State at Kansas. From Allen Fieldhouse in Lawrence, Kan. Women’s College Basketball South Florida at Louisville. (N) (Live) Extreme Extreme Dateline on TLC ’ (CC) Coupon Coupon Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ’ Victims Unit “Gray” Girl Meets World ’ College Basketball m6 XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G pm m5:30 Community The Middle (CC) (CC) CBS News 8 at 5pm (N) (CC) 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) KPBS Evening NBC 7 News at 5 Nightly Business Nightly News m6 pm Mike & Molly ’ Evening News 10News at 6pm (N) World News m6:30 Mike & Molly ’ News Stuck/ Austin & Middle Ally (CC) SportsCenter (CC) 30 for 30 (CC) Long Island Medium ’ (CC) Modern Modern Family ’ Family ’ pm m10:30 m11 pm m11:30 Castle “Dead Red” (N) ’ (CC) Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow Secrets of the Tower of Babe Ruth archive. “Atlanta” (CC) London ’ (CC) Superstore Telenovela The Biggest Loser A potentially game-changing (N) (N) ’ temptation. (N) ’ (CC) Mike & Molly ’ Evening News 10News at 6pm (N) World News 10News at Jimmy 11pm Kimmel Independent Lens Whitney M. Young Jr. NBC 7 Tonight News Show Bunk’d ’ Stuck/ Liv and Best K.C. Under- Best Girl Meets Liv and Middle Maddie Friends cover Friends World ’ Maddie SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) Basketball SportsNa- Jalen & NFL Live (CC) 30 for 30 (CC) tion (CC) Jacoby Dateline on TLC “The Dateline on TLC “Shining Dateline on TLC “The Dateline on TLC ’ (CC) Root of All Evil” (N) Star” (N) ’ Queen of County” (N) WWE Monday Night RAW (N Same-day Tape) ’ (CC) Colony Geronimo’s identity is revealed. FEBRUARY 16, 2016 pm m6:30 m7 pm m7:30 Mike & Molly ’ News m8 pm m8:30 m9 pm m9:30 m10 pm m10:30 m11 pm m11:30 The Flash “Escape From Earth-2” (N) ’ NCIS Navy secretary’s daughter is abducted. Fresh Off The Mupthe Boat pets (N) Finding Your Roots “Family Reunions” (N) Hollywood Game Night (N) ’ (CC) Liv and K.C. Under- Girl Meets Austin & Maddie cover World ’ Ally (CC) College Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) JumpIn! (2007, Drama) Corbin Bleu, Liv and K.C. Under- Best Girl Meets Liv and Keke Palmer. ’ Maddie cover Friends World ’ Maddie SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) Basketball SportsNa- Jalen & NFL Live (CC) 30 for 30 (CC) tion (CC) Jacoby The Little Couple ’ (CC) The Little Couple “All Rattled “Maybe It’s Time The Little Couple “All Aboard!” (N) (CC) for the Epidural” Aboard!” ’ (CC) 140th Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show “Closing Night” (CC) Modern Modern Family ’ Family ’ College Basketball College Basketball Iowa State at Baylor. From the Ferrell Center in Waco, Texas. (N) Dateline: Real Life The Little Couple “A The Little Couple “Big Mysteries ’ (CC) Fashion Show” (CC) Family Changes” 140th Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show “Closing Night” (N) (Live) (CC) iZombie A pathological CW6 News at 10pm (N) liar is murdered. NCIS: New Orleans “No Limitless “Undercover!” Man’s Land” (N) (N) ’ (CC) Marvel’s Agent Carter What Would You Do? (N) “Life of the Party” (N) ’ (CC) ›››TheBlackPanthers:Vanguardofthe Revolution--IndependentLens (2015) Chicago Med “Clarity” (N) Chicago Fire “Bad for the ’ (CC) Soul” (N) ’ Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld (CC) “The Doll” News Late-Colbert 2 Broke 2 Broke Girls Girls ’ Ent. Tonight Inside Edition (N) World News 10News at The List (N) 7pm (N) (CC) KPBS PBS NewsHour (N) Evening ’ (CC) NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune (N) (CC) WEDNESDAY EVENING TVData© m5 10News at Sports 11pm XTRA Civil War: The Untold Story ’ (CC) NBC 7 Jerome’s News Furniture 10News at Jimmy 11pm Kimmel Bridging the Divide: Politics of Race NBC 7 Tonight News Show FEBRUARY 17, 2016 m7 pm m7:30 2 Broke 2 Broke Girls Girls ’ Ent. Tonight Inside Edition (N) World News 10News at The List (N) 7pm (N) (CC) KPBS PBS NewsHour (N) Evening ’ (CC) NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune (N) (CC) m8 pm m8:30 m9 pm m9:30 Arrow Oliver feels guilty Supernatural “The Vesabout a secret. sel” (N) ’ (CC) Survivor Competition of brains, brawn Big Bang and beauty. ’ (CC) Theory The Middle The Gold- Modern blackish (N) (N) ’ bergs (N) Family (N) (CC) Nature Largest dinosaur NOVA Discoveries about ever discovered. Otzi the iceman. The Mysteries of Laura Law & Order: Special (N) ’ (CC) Victims Unit (N) ’ m10 pm m10:30 m11 pm m11:30 Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ (CC) (CC) Code Black “Love Hurts” News Late-Colbert (N) ’ (CC) American Crime (N) 10News at Jimmy ’ (CC) 11pm Kimmel NOVA Exotic and exThe Brain With David treme creatures. ’ Eagleman ’ (CC) Chicago P.D. “A Night NBC 7 Tonight Owl” (N) ’ News Show CW6 News at 10pm (N) Jessie ’ Liv and Best Best Girl Meets Stuck/ Liv and Girl Meets Bunk’d ’ Austin & K.C. Under- Best Girl Meets Liv and Maddie Friends Friends World ’ Middle Maddie World ’ (CC) Ally (CC) cover Friends World ’ Maddie College Basketball Syra- College Basketball Duke at North Carolina. (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) ESPN cuse at Louisville. (Live) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) College Basketball VilCollege Basketball Arizona State at Arizona. (N) Basketball Basketball Jalen & NFL Live (CC) 30 for 30 The rise and fall of USC ESPN2 lanova at Temple. (Live) Jacoby football under coach Pete Carroll. My 600-Lb. Life “June’s My 600-Lb. Life “Brittani’s My 600-Lb. Life “Nikki’s My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life “Ashley Skin Tight “Cutting Deep” My 600-Lb. Life “Ashley TLC Story” (CC) Story” (CC) Story” ’ (CC) “Gideon’s Story” (CC) D.’s Story” (N) ’ ’ (CC) D.’s Story” (CC) Fast& ››2Fast2Furious (2003, Action) Paul Walker, ››‡TheFastandtheFurious:TokyoDrift (2006, Action) Suits Mike wants to Modern Modern USA Furious Tyrese, Eva Mendes. Lucas Black, Zachery Ty Bryan, Bow Wow. represent himself. (N) Family ’ Family ’ DISN (CC) 2X3”ad THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2016 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • 19 KPBS Evening NBC 7 News at 5 DISN World ’ ESPN m10 The Bachelor (N) ’ (CC) TUESDAY EVENING TVData© m5 XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G m11:30 FEBRUARY 15, 2016 pm 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) 10News at World News 6pm (N) KPBS Nightly World News KPBS Evening Business Evening NBC 7 Nightly NBC 7 News at 6 (N) News at 5 News Liv and TLC pm Seinfeld ’ Community (CC) (CC) News Blue ’ Bloods Community The Middle Mike & Mike & 2 Broke 2 Broke Mortal Kombat X: MaDC’s Legends of Tomor- CW6 News at 10pm (N) Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ (CC) (CC) Molly ’ Molly ’ Girls ’ Girls ’ chinima’s row ’ (CC) (CC) (CC) The 58th Annual Grammy Awards Excellence in the recording industry. (N) ’ (Live) (CC) The 58th Annual Grammy Awards Excellence in the recording industry. ’ (CC) DISN Maddie ESPN m6 Austin & Ally (CC) FEBRUARY 14, 2016 pm Austin & pm m4:30 Women’s College Gymnastics Alabama at 30 for 30 Auburn. (Taped) Dateline: Real Life Mysteries Dateline: Real Life Mysteries ’ (CC) “Poison” (CC) Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Fault” ’ Victims Unit ’ DISN Ally (CC) TVData© m5 pm Everybody Everybody Raymond Raymond Entertainment Tonight (N) ’ (CC) Castle Two women ID a body in a garbage chute. California’s Historic Gold (CC) Places Access Hollywood (N) ’ (CC) Liv and Mad- Best Friends Bunk’d ’ Girl Meets K.C. Underdie ’ (CC) World ’ cover ’ SportsCenter Special (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) SUNDAY EVENING CROSSWORDPUZZLE pm Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Flat and Sexy ››50FirstDates (2004) Adam Sandler. A man falls for a Abs! woman who has short-term memory loss. PGA Tour Golf AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am, Final Round. From Pebble Beach Golf Links in Pebble Paid Program Beach, Calif. (N) (Live) (CC) Tai Chi Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Why Use a Pressure Best Pan Ever! Master! Cooker? David Bowie: Five Years Vel Phillips: Dream Big NOVA How the brain Nature Moose in the Cana’ (CC) Dreams (N) ’ (CC) remembers. (N) ’ dian Rockies. (CC) NHL Hockey Boston Bruins at Detroit Red Wings. From Joe Louis Arena Paid Program Graham in Detroit. (N) ’ (Live) (CC) Bensinger Dog With a Austin & Ally Austin & Ally K.C. Under- K.C. Under- Jessie (CC) Blog (CC) (CC) (CC) cover cover PBA Bowling USBC Masters. From Indianapolis. (N) Globetrotters 90th Anniver ESPN (Live) (CC) sary Special Sports ReSEC Storied Women’s College Basketball Connecticut at Temple. From Women’s College Basketball North Carolina at Florida ESPN2 porters (N) the Liacouras Center in Philadelphia. (N) State. (N) (Live) Paid Program Nutrisystem’s Paid Program Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to TLC (CC) All (CC) the Dress the Dress the Dress the Dress the Dress the Dress the Dress the Dress David JerPastor Chris Joel Osteen Chrisley Colony Geronimo’s identity ››SafeHaven (2013) Josh Duhamel, Julianne Hough. A woman with a USA emiah ’ (CC) Knows is revealed. dark secret falls in love with a widowed father. DISN (CC) m1 CLASSIFIEDS ARMED FORCES DISPATCH CLASSIFIEDS To place your ad, please call the Classified Advertising Department (619) 280-2985. Deadline to place an ad is Tuesday at noon. See your ads in print, and on the web, on Thursday! 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Gigs are adult ______________________________________ Looking for happy, enthusiastic person, to occasionally work promotional events, representing this newspaper to our nation’s military & families. This is on an as needed basis. Must have base access and your own vehicle. If interested please call 619-280-2985 and ask for Brenda. TFN ___________________________________________________ OFFICE MANAGER for Optometry office in the 32nd Street NEX at Naval Base San Diego. Full Time. Call 703-981-5715; 301-695-8771 EST. Email schado1918@gmail.com PARTICIPATE IN THE GROWTH of the most dynamic team in the company that is truly living the dream. If that sounds good, please email me at joanneflorian@hotmail.com. Interviewing now! 2/25 Military Reclocation Specialist 1,500 CASH BACK at Closing $ 858-531-0682 www.SimplySellingSDHomes.com HomeSmart Realty West CalBRE Lic #01424298 3/3 MODELING themed. Please apply at: www.sierrablue.cc REAL ESTATE/HOUSES BUY THIS HOME & I’LL BUY YOURS DON’T GET STUCK WITH TWO HOMES *$5,000 CASH SAVINGS NORMALLY BUT $10,000 TO MILITARY PERSONNEL & FAMILIES or I’LL PAY YOU $1,000 CASH BACK For a Free Report detailing the inner workings of this Exclusive offer Call my Free 24-hour hotline at 1-800-283-9487 ID# 1078 Check out our low classified advertising rates! Call Maria today 619-280-2985 $ ROOM for RENT LEMON GROVE – Lrg room w/own BA in very quiet, clean “home away from home”, F pref, responsible, gar for storage, prvt prkg, W/D access, $725/mo, utils incld, Avail now. 619-589-5409 3/3 REALTY ________________________________________________ SAN CLEMENTE – Furnished room w/private bath, walk to beach & downtown, $795/ mo, utils included. 949-498-4958 1062 Palm Ave., Imp. Beach 2/11 ________________________________________________ SO SAN DIEGO - $450/mo + $250 dep, utils incld, kit priv, shared BA, close to 805 frwy/shopping/bus, no pets/drugs/smkg, F pref. 805-377-4700 3/3 “Military Friendly” PACIFIC LEGACY PROPERTIES SPA 619-423-7500 GENESIS SPA & MASSAGE *In Pacific Beach* 1959 Grand Ave Ste A, SD 858-886-7727 1, 2 & 3 Bedrooms available throughout San Diego County. Online Rental Hotsheet www.pacleg.com 3/10 SERVICES OFFERED RENTALS CONDOS CORONADO CAYS - Furnished 2BR/2BA, 2 story w/det gar, long term, $2950/mo. 42 Montego Ct. Avail 4/1. Premier Properties 619-429-4120 2/11 _________________________________________________ CORONADO CAYS – Unfurnished, upstairs, 3BR/2BA, 2 parking spaces, $3750/mo, long term, 10 Kingston Ct. Premier Properties 619-429-4120 2/11 RENTALS HOUSES EL CAJON - Active duty $200 off 1st mo. Complete remod 2BR/1BA. Lrg fncd yrd, prvt driveway, carport, lndry rm, new appls, cer tile, crpt, paint & counters. 792 Grossmont Ave #B. $1450/mo + $1400dep. Craigslist search/Oliver 619-715-5459 2/11 ____________________________________ PREMIER PROPERTIES MANAGEMENT Seasonal & Multiple Month Rentals Furnished Long Term & Short Term. We can accommodate all D.O.D. Call today, we have the perfect house for you! 619-429-4120 2/11 ___________________________________________________ SERRA MESA – 5BR/3BA, big house, separate living rm, dining rm, family rm, fplc, 2 car gar, newly renovated, low rent near Qualcomm stadium. Credit check required. Call 858-4845131; 858-354-5046 and repeat your number twice and clearly. 3/3 ___________________________________________________ Now view your ads online at 2$.9,(::$<(6&21','2&$ Private settings & easy access to everything. Call Peter DWWRVFKHGXOH\RXUSULYDWHVKRZLQJ ),1'287:+$7<285+20(,6:257+$7 ZZZ1RUWK&RXQW\6'&RDVWDO+RPHVFRP +HULWDJHY5HDOW\3HWHU7HDWDL$ULNL /LF 6HOOHU3HWHUPXVWDJUHHWRSULFHWHUPVFRQGLWLRQV PR'LVFRXQW for active military 619-424-8600 ____________________ 619-224-2300 RIIHUVORQJWHUPVWD\V Conveniently located to your station in San Diego. We are a quiet community already housing some of your colleagues. Beaches are 3 miles away. Local shops and restaurants on the doorstep. We only have a limited amount of long term, affordable opportunities. 619.428.4411 LEADINGHAM Top Price Paid - All Models Honda, Yamaha, Kawasaki, Suzuki 100 used bikes to choose from SOUTH BAY MOTORSPORTS LD3DFLÀFD593DUN AVAILABLE NOW MOVE-IN SPECIAL ! MOTORCYCLES ________________________ WE BUY BIKES “WE SERVE THOSE WHO SERVE” 3/3 __________________________________________________ Townhouse & Houses Serving San Diego’s Vets for over 20 years!! You won’t pay any closing costs! mseltzer@iservelending.com Visit our website: Self help group 858.775.0160 ADVERTISE YOUR RENTAL to the miltary in the Armed Forces Dispatch newspaper. Place your ad by calling Maria at 619-2802985. ___________________________________ CITY HEIGHTS – 2BR/2BA, newly painted, appls; 3BR/2BA, newly painted; 2BR/1BA, very clean. All avail now! Credit check req. 858-484-5131; 858-354-5046 and repeat your number twice and clearly. 1, 2 or 3 BR’s Apartments, NMLS #298661 historically Low Interest Rates! Free consultation Janice McMurray HEALTH & BEAUTY Call today! LOANS - VA LOANS RENTALS HOUSES RENTALS APARTMENTS Anything we Save you is for Free! VA/FHA/ Conventional/ IRRRL/Streamline Buying or Refinancing? 760.840.0187 Robert C. Marron General Contractor www.marronconstructionsd.com 2/25 ___________________________________________________ Advertise your rentals in our classifieds. MORTGAGE BROKER Western casual, family-oriented ranch. We have roomy 12x48 or 24x24 corrals and provide a veterinarianrecommended diet twice daily. Military Discount Recordon & Recordon, Attorneys • SUPPORT • • CUSTODY • • VISITATION • • MEDIATION • • ADOPTION • HORSE BOARDING www.navydispatch.com RENTALS STUDIOS E. SAN DIEGO - Furnished, full bath, kitchen, prvt prkg, prvt entrance, cbl & wtr incld, great views, $700/mo, no smkg/pets. 619-262-9790 3/3 RENTALS TOWNHOUSES MISSION VALLEY – Gated comm, 3BR/ 2.5BA, 1620sf, 3 car gar, $2750/mo, 1 yr lse, wlkg dist to shops/restaurants & more. Avail 3/1. Call for apt 858-342-3490 Agt 3/3 _________________________________________________ SPRING VALLEY – OPEN HOUSE SAT FEB 13 12-2PM. Active duty $300 off 1st mo. 3BR/2.5BA, 2 car gar, patio w/gas bbq, granite counters, ss appls, AC, fncd yrd, gated comm, cls to schools/shops, $1995/mo + $1800dep. 3166 Bancroft #1. Craigslist search/Oliver 619-715-5459 (for apt) 2/11 ATTENTION READER Investigate before you invest! Make an informed decision before you invest money in any business. Call the California Attorney General (800) 952-5225 or the Federal Trade Commission (877) FTC-HELP or visit www.ftc.gov/bizop Love is a four legged word Should Fido come with you on your road trip? www.tripswithpets.com How to decide whether to bring your dog with you on your next trip. By Kim Salerno My dogs are my kids, and I love spending time with them. I would be completely happy to take them everywhere I go, and I know that other pet parents feel the same way. However, as fun as it seems, the decision to take a pet on the road – particularly on a lengthy trip – is one that requires some thought. Before you load your pets in the car, it’s important that you take some factors into consideration – keeping their best interests in mind. Does Your Pet’s Temperament Lend itself to Road Trips? Some of my dogs are more easygoing than others, and some of them enjoy road trips more than others. If your pet is adaptable and friendly, choosing to take him along is a pretty easy decision. However, if he’s nervous, uneasy on car rides, or if he gets anxious going to new places or meeting new people, he may not be an ideal travel companion (not to say that he can’t be with a llittle bit of training). It’s also important to consider others when you plan your trip. If you will be going anywhere where there may be crowds, children, or other pets, your pet needs to be well-behaved and well-social- along will probably be good for him. If you’re undecided, a quick consultation with your vet can help you figure out whether taking him along is in his best interest. Are You Traveling Across State Lines? ized. Will Your Pet Enjoy the Trip? Will your pet be comfortable? Will he enjoy the activities you have planned? All of my dogs love a good outdoor adventure, so a hiking or beach trip is a no-brainer. Tucker loves coming along when I go window shopping, or when I stop for lunch at a dog friendly restaurant. You know your dog best, so you are the best person to judge whether he would have a good time. If you will be stuck in meetings throughout your trip and forced to leave Fido in doggie day care (many pet friendly hotels prohibit pets from staying in your room without you), or if you and your Great Dane will be staying in your sister’s tiny apartment, you may want to reevaluate whether your pet should come along. Is Your Pet in Good Health? If your pet is unwell or hurt, your first instinct may be to travel with him so you can keep an eye on him. After all, who would care for him better than you? However, it may be best for your pet to stay behind until he feels better. After all, he may need more care than you can give him while you’re busy driving, and since he can’t tell you how he feels, there’s no real way of knowing how uncomfortable he really is. Pain and discomfort can even cause your pet to act out, making him a less-than-pleasant travel companion. If your pet is elderly, but otherwise feels well, you’ll need to make the call. If he is used to taking car trips, still enjoys them, and feels comfortable, taking him Marine continued from page 16 “One day I was zipping by on my bicycle and someone I know told me, ‘Hey, you’re pretty good on that bicycle. You should try participating in a duathlon. You just run, bike and run again,’” Bell said. “After that, I just got hooked.” After participating in a duathlon, Bell said he was determined to try a triathlon, but he wasn’t a good swimmer. So, he practiced until he found a whole new level of fitness. Bell said his first few events were unremarkable -- he was mostly competing to test himself. It wasn’t until the 2015 Ironman 70.3 SuperFrog event that he said he was actually impressed with his results. “My greatest accomplishment was at the SuperFrog Ironman,” Bell said. “My completion time was five hours and 14 minutes. That race was truly a testament to hard work and consistent training, because I had improved in all three disciplines of the sport and completed each event at my personal best.” He has now participated in more than 25 endurance training events and was recently named a 2016 Bronze Ironman All World Athlete. Bell said one of his new goals is to earn a professional card as a triathlete. “I don’t know if that route would turn into a career but, if I got to spend one year as a pro, that would be one of my top achievements,” said Bell. If your pet is healthy, friendly PET WORLD by Steve Dale Veterinarians were overwhelmed with an epidemic of the dog flu in the Chicago area (including Northwest Indiana) this past spring. Veterinarians quickly realized this flu strain is different than the dog flu first discovered in the U.S. in 2004, and identified it as new flu strain, H3N2. Oddly, it’s a strain of flu that arrived in the U.S. from Southeast Asia. There are a number of ways to successfully deal with temperament problems. With good training and patient coaching, your pet can become less sensitive to stimuli and more comfortable with travel. Be aware that most desensitizing techniques take time to work, and if you want your pet to be a happy travel companion, you’ll need to be patient and understanding and let him set the pace. Minn., says there is only sure way to avoid the virus, and that’s to be vaccinated with the new vaccine specific for H3N2. Lee answers some of your dog flu questions: Q: Living so close to Chicago, but not that close, do I need to get our dog vaccinated for the dog flu? - C. K., Kenosha, WI A: “The dog flu is occurring in states further away from Chicago than Wisconsin,” says Lee. “And the dog flu has been identified in Wisconsin. Whether the vaccine If your pet suffers from travel anxiety, planning brief trips, or planning trips that end up somewhere exciting and fun can help teach him that travel is rewarding. If your pet experiences motion sickness during car rides, there are a number of remedies that may alleviate his suffering, including holistic remedies, reconditioning and medication. All told, with a little bit of patience and some hard work from both of you, even a reluctant pet traveler can learn to like car trips, opening up new opportunities for you both to explore and enjoy each other’s company. See more at: https://www.tripswithpets.com/twp-blog/ is a good idea for your dog depends on what your veterinarian is seeing. However, if you travel to Chicago, or your dog is in day care or boarded with dogs potentially from the Chicago area, I’d say your dog is at more risk.” Lee says that while the virus isn’t seasonal, boarding is a significant factor in spreading the flu. And if there’s a season for boarding dogs, this is it. No matter, where you live, if you are boarding your dog, Lee says to consider the vaccine. Of course, dogs travel and soon the virus spread - ultimately to about half the country. At the height of what was called an epidemic, this past spring and summer, it’s estimated that at least a thousand dogs in the Chicago area were sickened, and at least eight dogs died. While the epidemic in Chicago area has subsided, the H3N2 strain of dog flu is still occurring in the Windy City and elsewhere. The most recent outbreak is ongoing in Austin, Texas. In all at least 50 dogs across the country have tested positive for H3N2 this month. Having said that, a considerable number of pet owners decline testing due to the cost or simply because they feel treatment is going to be the same anyway. A Merck Animal Health survey discovered that 71 percent of stricken dogs were ages one to seven years, and that day care and boarding facilities were the potential infection source in eight out of 10 cases. Still, avoiding the dog flu can be challenging, since about 20 percent of dogs carrying the virus exhibit no symptoms, but are contagious. Even if dogs are “antisocial,” they can still get the virus from being where other dogs have been, such as elevators in high rise buildings. Dr. Justine Lee, emergency and critical care specialist in St. Paul, Bandit is an 8 years young neutered Black Lab Mix who weighs 50lbs. The volunteers have discovered that he is a bit reserved at first when they go on their walks together. But once he gets to know you he will lean on your legs for attention and petting. Bandit is a mature gentleman who won’t come with all of that destructive puppy behavior, but will still love spending time with you on walks and hanging out for down time. Meet this handsome guy by asking for ID#A1677046 Tag#C212. Bandit can be adopted for $35. A pet is a forever Valentine, so bring some love into your life by adopting a new friend today! You can visit these two and their many other friends at our Central County Shelter, 5480 Gaines Street, San Diego between the hours of 9:30AM to 5:30PM, Tuesday through Saturday. Visit http://www. sddac.com/for more information and contact the shelter with questions and for holiday hours. Cece is a 5 year old spayed blue torbie who weighs 17lbs. She is a friendly, outgoing gal who will gently touch you with her paw when she wants you to interact with her. Cece loves hanging out with her humans and being petted, but seems to be afraid of other cats so would need to be the only cat in the home. Meet this sweet girl by asking for ID#A1662391 Tag#C150. Cece can be adopted for $35. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2016 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • 21 Bell, a helicopter mechanic with Headquarters Co., I Marine Expeditionary Force Headquarters Group. “It took me five hours and ten minutes to cover the 20 miles and all five peaks. It’s still probably one of the most challenging runs that I’ve ever done.” Bell said he wasn’t into physically demanding challenges or the even concept of fitness until he joined the Marine Corps in June 2000. An Atlanta native, he played basketball recreationally as a teen, but upon arriving at Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, he said he recognized that he was not as fit as he had hoped. “I realized when I arrived at basic training that I had to run almost every other day, swim long distances, go on hikes and do a lot of pushups and pull-ups,” Bell said. “That’s when the physical fitness aspect of my life ramped up. I needed to get in shape.” Bell completed basic training and went to his first military occupational specialty school to train as a helicopter/tiltrotor dynamic components mechanic. He said he was not content with that job, but wanted to stay in the same field and do more hands-on work. After four years, he became a helicopter mechanic. Around the same time, the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program was introduced, and Bell said it gave him an opportunity to challenge himself physically. MCMAP combines existing and new hand-to-hand and closequarters combat techniques with morale- and team-building functions and instruction in the warrior ethos. “My physical fitness peaked once MCMAP was introduced,” Bell said. “That was when I began to focus more on bettering myself, and it became easier when I found friends that had the same goals in mind.” However, in 2008 Bell deployed to Iraq, where, he said, his training took a backseat. He rarely got to the gym, and, he said, when he came back home he knew his fitness level wasn’t sufficient. He said he decided then to always make his workouts a priority and be a model Marine. Eventually, Bell said, he stopped associating fitness with his identity as a Marine -- it just became a lifestyle. “Physical fitness is my hobby,” he said. “It’s something I take great enthusiasm in. It’s my equivalent to how some people like to play video games, or others who like going fishing or riding motorcycles, but physical training is what I like to do.” Eventually, the fitness hobby -- and, he said, a movie about a bicycle messenger -- led Bell to buy a fixed-gear bicycle, which he started using to commute to and from work. Different states have different regulations and restrictions when it comes to pets. Some states require quarantines for cats, dogs and other carnivorous pets, and some require you to have an up-to-date certificate stating that your pet is in good health. While you may in all likelihood never be asked to present it, it’s best to ask your vet for a good health certificate if you plan any interstate travel. and easygoing, hitting the road together is a fantastic way to break up the day-to-day routine and embark on some fun adventures. It’s also a great opportunity to spend quality time together. However, even if your pet isn’t the perfect travel companion right now, it doesn’t mean he never can be. Around Town M ov ies HAPPY VALENTINES DAY Feb. 14 dors and a raffle. Marcel’s food truck will serve up waffles with decadent toppings. Mr. Liquor, 10227 Mast Boulevard, Santee Happy (Lunar) New Year! Fri-Sun, Feb 12-14 (Fri 5-10pm; Sat 11am-10pm; Sun 11am-9pm). Free-$5. Asian-themed dancers, singers, magicians. Lion and dragon dance performances. Mira Mesa Community Park, 8575 New Salem St, San Diego a t the Bases 22 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2016 Lowry Theater – NASNI, 619-545-8479, Bldg. 650 Thursday, February 11 6:00 pm Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 3D (PG-13) 8:40 pm Star Wars: The Force Awakens (PG-13) Friday, February 12 6:00 pm Ride Along 2 (PG-13) 8:00 pm 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi (R) Saturday, February 13 1:00 pm Norm of The North (PG) 3:00 pm The Revenant (R) 6:00 pm 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi (R) 8:40 pm Ride Along 2 (PG-13) Sunday, February 14 1:00 pm Norm of The North (PG) 3:00 pm Ride Along 2 (PG-13) 5:00 pm The Revenant (R) 8:00 pm 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi (R) Monday, February 15 6:00 pm 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi (R) 8:40 pm Ride Along 2 (PG-13) Tuesday, February 16 6:00 pm Daddy’s Home (PG-13) 8:00 pm Ride Along 2 (PG-13) Wednesday, February 17 6:00 pm Ride Along 2 (PG-13) 8:10 pm The Big Short (R) Thursday, February 18 6:00 pm Point Break (PG-13) 8:20 pm 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi (R) Star Wars: The Force Awakens Action, Adventure, Fantasy Three decades after the defeat of the Galactic Empire, a new threat arises. The First Order attempts to rule the galaxy and only a ragtag group of heroes can stop them, along with the help of the Resistance. Nominated for 5 Oscars “PG-13” for sci-fi action violence - 136 minutes Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Comic Fest. Fri-Mon, Feb 12-15 (Fri 12-10pm; Sat 10am-10pm; Sun-Mon 10am5pm). Free. Comic convention with guest programs, tabletop gaming, cosplay, steampunk, and an exhibitor. Town & Country Resort, 500 Hotel Circle, San Diego Family Art. Sat, Feb 13, 9am-12pm. A morning of family-based art making. Children 2+ and adults welcomed. Pachis, An Art Studio For Kids, 2820 Roosevelt The Revenant Road, Building 201, Ste 102, San Diego Monster Energy AMA Supercross. Sat, Feb 13, 6:30-10pm. $20-$70. The world’s premier stadium motorcycle circuit, comprised of 17 races of heart-stopping racing action. Petco Park, 100 Park Blvd, San Diego (619)795-5555 Valentine’s Day Weekend Sat-Sun, Feb 13-14 7-9:30pm. $59. Celebrate Valentine’s Day with a romantic escape and fine cuisine. The Westgate Hotel 1055 Second Ave San Diego (619)238-1818 Great Train Show. SatSun, Feb 13-14, 10am-4pm. $9. Nation’s largest model train show. Local clubs will be offering workshops and demonstrations. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar San Diego Pet Expo. Sat-Sun, Feb 13-14 (Sat 10am-6pm; Sun 11am-4pm). Free. Tons of exhibitors; giveaways; shopping, adoptions, free nail trims, discounted vaccinations, and more. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar Jump Start Your Heart 5K. Sun, Feb 14, 9am-1pm. $40-$45. Benefits The Children’s Heart Foundation to bring health, hope and happiness to children impacted by heart defects. Mission Bay Park, 2688 E Mission Bay Dr., San Diego (631)875-9895 Valentine’s Evening With Shamu. Sun, Feb 14, 5:30-10pm. $99. An elegant, unforgettable and romantic evening at SeaWorld! SeaWorld San Diego, 500 SeaWorld Dr, San Diego (800)257-4268 Valentine’s Day Sweetheart’s Dinner Cruise. Sun, Feb 14, 11am-10pm. $99.San Diego’s most romantic spot is on the bay. Set sail with us on Valentine’s Day. Flagship Cruises & Events, 1800 North Harbor Dr., San Diego (619)686-8715 Footsteps Of The Kumeyaay. Wed, Feb 17, 9:30-11am. Free. Walk the historic trails of Native American Indians. Meet inside Visitor Center. Mission Trails Regional Park, One Father Junípero Serra Trail, San Carlos Wine Tasting. Wed, Feb 17, 4-9pm. Free. 21+. Free Run Juice represents fine wines from around the world. WineSellar and Brasserie, 9550 Waples Street #115, San Diego Weekly Inspiration Colette From -from the internet Events subject to change. Please confirm details before attending! Circus Vargas: Iluminous. Thurs-Wed, Feb 11-17 (show times vary). $15-$70. Be wowed by death-defying stunts, aerialists, acrobats, and clowns under a music-filled, Big Top. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar Jer’ s And Dallmann Chocolate Tastings. Fri, Feb 12, 4-6pm. Free. Locally made artisan chocolates at this complimentary tasting session. Live entertainment provided. L’Auberge Del Mar, 1540 Camino Del Mar, Del Mar Valentine’s Day Beer & Dessert Pairing. Fri, Feb 12, 5-9pm. Free. Valentine’s Day Dessert & Beer Pairing Night. Abu Kitchen’s full dinner menu available. Kilowatt Brewing, 7576 Clairemont Mesa Boulevard, San Diego Harlem Globetrotters. Fri, Feb 12, 7pm. $16-$140. The Harlem Globetrotters are preparing for their most epic tour in celebration of their 90th anniversary world tour. Valley View Casino Center, 3500 Sports Arena Boulevard, San Diego Valentine Shopping Square. Fri-Sat, Feb 12-13, 12-6pm. Free. With 30 ven- Sometimes the people around you won’t understand your journey.They don’t need to, it’s not for them. Red Ball. Fri, Feb 19, 7pm-1:30am. $45. Usher in the Lunar New Year! The Year of the Monkey recurs once every twelve years and symbolizes optimism, ambition and adventure. Club M at the Fairmont Grand Del Mar, 5200 Grand Del Mar Way, San Diego (619)944-8900 Harlem Globetrotters. Fri, Feb 19, 7pm. $16-$57. The team brings their ballhandling wizardry and basketball artistry to San Diego. Valley View Casino Center, 3500 Sports Arena Blvd, San Diego Camp Pendleton Theater (760) 725-9217 / Western Drama A frontiersman on a fur trading expedition in the 1820s fights for survival after being mauled by a bear and left for dead by members of his own hunting team. Nominated for 12 Oscars, Won 3 Golden Globes and nominated for 4. “R” for strong frontier combat and violence including gory images, a sexual assault, language and brief nudity. -156 minutes Naval Base Theater - NBSD, 619-556-5568, Bldg. 71 Thursday, February 11 5:50 pm Concussion (PG-13) 8:10 pm Point Break (PG-13) Friday, February 12 5:50 pm Ride Along 2 (PG-13) 8:00 pm 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi (R) Saturday, February 13 1:00 pm Norm of The North (PG) 2:50 pm Ride Along 2 (PG-13) 5:50 pm Ride Along 2 (PG-13) 7:50 pm 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi (R) Sunday, February 14 12:50 pm Norm of The North (PG) 2:40 pm Joy (PG-13) 5:40 pm Norm of The North (PG) 7:30 pm Ride Along 2 (PG-13) Monday, February 15 5:50 pm The Forest (PG-13) 7:40 pm 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi (R) Tuesday, February 16 5:50 pm Norm of The North (PG) 7:40 pm The Big Short (R) Wednesday, February 17 5:50 pm Ride Along 2 (PG-13) 7:50 pm The Revenant (R) Thursday, February 18 5:50 pm Joy (PG-13) 8:20 pm Ride Along 2 (PG-13) Q-Zone Theater- NAB, 619-437-5487, Bldg. 337 Thursday, February 11 11:00 am Free Birds (PG) 6:00 pm The Visit (PG-13) Friday, February 12 6:00 pm The Walk (PG) Saturday, February 13 2:00 pm The Book of Life (PG) 4:00 pm Pan (PG) 6:00 pm Bridge of Spies (PG-13) Sunday, February 14 2:00 pm American Ultra (R) 5:00 pm Pearl Harbor (PG-13) Tuesday, February 16 11:00 am Despicable Me 2 (PG) 6:00 pm Sicario (R) Wednesday, February 17 6:00 pm The Martian (PG-13) Thursday, February 18 11:00 am Chicken Run (G) 6:00 pm The Intern (PG-13) Thursday, February 11 6:30pm The Revenant (R) Friday, February 12 6:00pm Ride Along 2 (PG13) 8:30pm 13 Hours: Secret Soldiers of Benghazi (R) Saturday, February 13 1:00pm Norm of the North (PG) 3:30pm Joy (PG13) 6:30pm 13 Hours: Secret Soldiers of Benghazi (R) Sunday, February 14 1:00pm Norm of the North (PG) 3:30pm *FREE * Hunger Games: Mockingjay 2 (PG13) 6:45pm Ride Along 2 (PG13) Wednesday, February 17 NO MOVIES Thursday, February 18 6:30pm Concussion (PG13) Bob Hope Theater (858) 577-4143 11-Feb Thur 6:30 PM *Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2D) PG-13 12-Feb- Fri 6:30 PM 13 Hours: Secret Soldiers of Benhazi-R 9:30 PM Concussion PG-13 13-Feb Sat 3:00 PM Norm of the North-PG 6:30 PM Ride Along 2 PG-13 9:00 PM Joy PG-13 14-Feb Sun 1:00 PM The Forest PG-13 6:30 PM The Revenant-R 15-Feb Mon 6:30 PM Ride Along 2 (FREE for Active Duty/Reserves/Retirees) PG-13 17-Feb Wed 6:30 PM *Point Break (3D) PG-13 18-Feb Thur 6:30 PM The Big Short-R Concerts Please confirm concerts before attending. NOTE: Some venues are age 21+ only. Twenty One Pilots s Are na at Aztec Bowl SDSU 5500 Cany on Crest Drive San D iego February Sun, July 24, 7:30pm. Pop Feb 26, 8pm. Pop. City National Grove of Anaheim, 2200 East Katella Avenue, Anaheim (714) 712-2700 Sprung Monkey And Tsunami Bomb. Fri, Feb 26, 8pm. $15-$20. 21+. Punk/ Rock. Brick by Brick, 1130 Buenos Ave., San Diego, CA 92110. (619) 275-5483. Nick Carter. Sat, Feb 27, 8pm. 21+. Pop. Belly Up Tavern, 143 South Cedros Ave., Solana Beach. (858) 481-8140. tobyMac. Sun, Feb 28, 7pm. Chrisitan Hip-Hop. Viejas Arena, 5500 Canyon Crest Drive, San Diego. The Charlie Daniels Band. Sun, Feb 28, 5pm. $35-$55. Country/Rock. Casino Pauma, 777 Pauma Reservation Road, Pauma Valley Fetty Wap, Post Malone, Monty. Mon, Feb 29, 8pm. Hip-Hop/Rap. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. (619) 299-2583. March Tyga. Wed, March 2, 7pm. $25. Rap/Hip-Hop. Observatory North Park, 2891 University Avenue,San Diego. (619) 239-8836. Terri Clark. Thurs, March 3, 7:30pm. $49-$59. Country. Sycuan Casino Showcase Theatre, 5469 Casino Way, El Cajon. (619) 445-6002. Fiji & Drew Deezy. Thurs, March 3, 9pm. $23-$28. 21+. Hip-Hop/Rap. Music Box, 1337 India St, San Diego. (619) 795-1337 311. Sun, March 6, 7:30pm. $45-$65. Alternative/Rock. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. (619) 2992583. Breaking Benjamin. Affordable HOME REMODELING Hiring Veterans! Estimator needed YOU DREAM IT - WE BUILD IT! Robert C. Marron General Contractor Military Discount 619-750-3786 Lic #925064 Tues, March 8, 7:30pm. Rock. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. (619) 2992583. Waka Flocka Flame. Wed, March 9, 6pm. Hip-Hop/ Rap. Observatory North Park, 2891 University Avenue,San Diego. (619) 239-8836. Skizzy Mars. Wed, March 9, 7pm. $10-$18. Rap. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. (619) 299-2583. Julio Iglesias. Sun, March 13, 7pm. $55-$95. Latin/Pop. Harrah’s Rincon, 777 Harrah’s Rincon Way, Valley Center. (760) 751-3100. Young Thug. Sun, March 13, 7pm. $30. Rap/Hip-Hop. Observatory North Park, 2891 University Avenue,San Diego. (619) 239-8836. Smokey Robinson. Fri, March 18, 8pm. $85-$115. Pop. Pechanga Resort and Casino, 45000 Pechanga Pkwy, Temecula, CA 92592. (951) 693-1819 Disturbed. Sun, March 20, 7pm. Metal/Rock. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. (619) 299-2583. Issues. Tues, March 22, edge. your Sharpen focus. your Sharpen t#FUUFSDPHOJUJWFGVODUJPOCSBJOIFBMUI t&OIBODFTOBUVSBMFOFSHZt*NQSPWFTOFVSBMDPOOFDUJPOT t#PPTUTJNNVOFTZTUFNt*ODSFBTFTGPDVT "MMOBUVSBM #SBJO4VQQMFNFOU &)5 3FBM4DJFODFt3FBM3FTVMUT "ęFSZFBSTPGSFTFBSDIBU1SJODFUPO6OJWFSTJUZ-BCT Call Tami Bickel 775-217-3841 http://tamilynnbickel.buyneriumeht.com 6pm. $10-$35. Rock/Metal. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. (619) 299-2583. Vince Gill. Thurs, March 24, 7:30pm. $35-$80. Country. Jacobs Music Center, 750 B Street, San Diego Olivia Newton John, March 25, 8pm. $45-$70. Country/Pop/Soft Rock. Pala Casino, 35008 Pala Temecula Road., Pala. (877) 9467252. Brian Fallon. Sat, March 26, 8pm. Pop/Rock. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. (619) 299-2583. May Pentatonix. Tues, May 3, 7:30pm. $39-$69. Rock. SDSU Open Air Theatre, 5500 Campanile Dr., San Diego. (619) 594-6947. X, Los Lobos, The Blasters. Sun, May 8, 7pm. Rock/ Rockabilly. Observatory North Park, 2891 University Avenue,San Diego. (619) 239-8836. Beyonce. Thurs, May 12, 7pm. $40-$300. Pop. Qualcomm Stadium, 9449 Friars Rd., San Diego. (619) 2830460. Sharpen your focus. $XGLR9LGHR$ODUPV edge. Sharpen your6WHUHRV+,':LQGRZ7LQW 6DOHV,QVWDOODWLRQ "MMOBUVSBM#SBJO4VQQMFNFOU &)56WHUHRV Alarms "ęFSZFBSTPGSFTFBSDI BU1SJODFUPO6OJWFSTJUZ-BCT ,QFOXGHV86% 5(027(&21752/ 775-217-3841 Today Call http://tamilynnbickel.buyneriumeht.com FREE INSTALLATION $ 129 $ 75 Amps $ 75 ¶*·6WUHHW&KXOD9LVWD&D THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2016 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • 23 Engelbert Humperdinck. Fri, Feb 12, 8pm. $55-$75. Pop. Pechanga Resort and Casino, 45000 Pechanga Pkwy, Temecula, CA 92592. (951) 693-1819 Shwayze And Felly. Fri, Feb 12, 7:30pm. $18-$20. Rap/Hip-Hop. Music Box, 1337 India St, San Diego. (619) 795-1337 Lil Jon. Fri, Feb 12, 9pm. 21+. Rap/Hip-Hop. Omnia Night Club, 454 6th Avenue, San Diego. (619) 544-9500 Art Laboe, Zapp, The Delfonics. Sat, Feb 13, 7:30pm. R&B/Old School. Valley View Casino Center (San Diego Sports Arena), 3500 Sports Arena Blvd., San Diego. (619) 224-4171. Frankie J. Sat, Feb 13, 8pm. $25. Pop/Latin. 21+. Music Box, 1337 India Street, San Diego Lee Ann Womack. Wed, Feb 17, 8pm. Pop/Rock/ Country. Coach House, 33157 Camino Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano (949) 496-8930 Ronnie Milsap. Fri, Feb 19, 8pm. Country. Pala Events Center, 11154 Highway 76, Pala Air Supply. Sat, Feb 20, 7:30pm. $34-$69. Pop. Harrah’s Rincón, 777 Harrah’s Rincón Way, Valley Center. (760) 751-3100. Lee Ann Womack. Mon, Feb 22, 8pm. 21+. Country. Belly Up Tavern, 143 South Cedros Ave., Solana Beach. (858) 481-8140. Jennifer Nettles. Tues, Feb 23, 7pm. Country. The Wiltern, 3790 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles (213) 388-1400 Metric. Wed, Feb 24, 7pm. $10-$43. Pop/Rock. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. (619) 299-2583. Rihanna. Fri, Feb 26, 7:30pm. Pop. Viejas Arena at Aztec Bowl San Diego State University. 5500 Canyon Crest Drive, San Diego The Gap Band. Fri, Feb 26, 8pm. $49-$59. Funk/Pop. Sycuan Casino Showcase Theatre, 5469 Casino Way, El Cajon. (619) 445-6002. Carly Rae Jepsen. Fri, The Who. Fri, March 27, 7:30pm. Rock. Valley View Casino Center (San Diego Sports Arena), 3500 Sports Arena Blvd., San Diego. (619) 224-4171. Justin Bieber. Tues, March 29, 7:30pm. Pop/R&B. Valley View Casino Center (San Diego Sports Arena), 3500 Sports Arena Blvd., San Diego. (619) 224-4171. Il Volo. Wed, March 30, 7:30pm. Italian Pop. San Diego Civic Theatre, 1100 Third Ave, San Diego. (619) 570-1100. Vieja Think Fuller Ford Fuller Honda “Your Last Impression is Our First Priority” Family owned & operated since 1947! President’s Day Sales Event Starts Now! 1.99 % 3p*p2,*+ 2015 Focus 5 Dr. Hatch Electric 159 $ For 2016 Civic, CR-Z, Fit, HR-V and Pilots. 2015 Accord, CR-V, CR-Z, Crosstour, Fit, Odyssey & Pilots for 24-60 Months LEASE FOR *1/5/16 - 2/15/16 on 710+ credit score. See dealer for details. 2016 Accords - 0.9% for 36 Months, 1.9% for up to 60 Months 2015 Civics - 0.9% for up to 60 Months, 1.9% for up to 72 Months 2016 Odyssey - 0.9% or up to 60 Months PLUS TAX PER MONTH $999 Due from customer at lease signing. Excludes tax, title, license & dealer fees. 36 monthly payments of $159. $0 security deposit. Residual $11,998. 10,500 miles per year. 20c per mile in excess. 1 at this price #261808. 2016 Ford Escape 4 Dr. S FWD President’ Day Sales Event Starts Now! MSRP............................$23,995 Fuller Discount..............-$5,466 Sale Price.....................$18,529 Retail Customer Cash....-$1,250 2016 Ford Military Appreciation Bonus Cash.....................-$500 Fuller Kia at Fuller Kia!! 2016 KIA RIO LX MSRP.........................$15,110 Fuller Discount............-$1,772 Finance Rebate*.................-$1,000 NET COST $ 12,388 2016 Honda CIVIC Sedan 4 Dr. LX $ 159 LEASE FOR AUTOMATIC *Must finance through Kia Motors Financial. 1 at this price #645583 2016 KIA FORTE LX PLUS TAX PER MONTH 88 LEASE FOR $ MONTH PLUS TAX NET SALES COST $ 16,779 $1995 Due from customer at lease signing. Excludes tax, title, license & dealer fees. 39 remaining payments at $159. $0 security deposit. Residual Now $12,976. 12,000 miles per year. 15c per mile in excess. Tier one credit. 5 at this price. NEW 2016 Honda ACCORD LX 4 Dr. *Must finance thru Ford Motor Credit Company LLC. Prices plus any finance charges, any dealer documentation preparation charges and any emission testing charges. **On approval of credit. Subject to prior sale. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Prices & Terms expire 2/15/16. On approved Tier one & two credit. 1 at this price #C27917 Prices off MSRP include customer incentives. 24 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2016 2016 Ford F-150 4x2 Regular Cab President’ Day Sales Event Starts Now! MSRP............................$27,510 Fuller Discount..............-$3,981 Sale Price.....................$23,529 Bonus Customer Cash......-$750 Retail Customer Cash.......-$500 2016 Ford Military Appreciation Bonus Cash.....................-$500 NET SALES COST $ 199 $ AUTOMATIC LEASE FOR $88 per month, plus tax, 36 month lease. Residual $10,068. 12,000 miles per year. Only $2495 due at lease signing, $0 security deposit. 20c per mile in excess. 700+ credit score required. One at this price #558753. 2015 KIA OPTIMA HYBRID LX PLUS TAX PER MONTH $1995 Due from customer at lease signing. Excludes tax, title, license & dealer fees. 39 monthly payments of $199. $0 security deposit. Residual $13,588.80. 12,000 miles per year. 15c per mile in excess. Tier one credit. 5 at this price. MONTH PLUS TAX NEW 2016 Honda CR-V SE 2 WD AUTOMATIC 21,779 239 $ LEASE FOR PLUS TAX PER MONTH *Must finance thru Ford Motor Credit Company LLC. Prices plus any finance charges, any dealer documentation preparation charges and any emission testing charges. **On approval of credit. Subject to prior sale. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Prices & Terms expire 2/15/16. On approved Tier one & two credit. 1 at this price #D32481 Prices off MSRP include customer incentives. 138 LEASE FOR $ $1995 Due from customer at lease signing. Excludes tax, title, license & dealer fees. 36 remaining payments at $239. $0 security deposit. Residual Now $16,508.80. 12,000 miles per year. 15c per mile in excess. Tier one credit. 5 at this price. $138 per month, plus tax, 36 month lease. Residual $14,606. 12,000 miles per year. Only $2495 due at lease signing, $0 security deposit. 20c per mile in excess. 700+ credit score required. 5 to choose from. *Warranty is a limited power train warranty. For details see retailer or go to kia.com 619-656-2600 800-507-1644 800-507-1644 580 AUTO PARK DR. 540 AUTO PARK DR. *Must finance thru Ford Motor Credit Company LLC. Prices plus any finance charges, any dealer documentation preparation charges and any emission testing charges. **On approval of credit. Subject to prior sale. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Prices & Terms expire 2/15/16. 560 AUTO PARK DR. CHULA VISTA www.fullerford.com SOUTHBAY’S SAVING ZONE CHULA VISTA BUYING SERVICE www.fullerhonda.com *Excludes taxes, titles and fees. Not all buyers may qualify. Subject to limited availability. See dealer for complete details. All prices plus government fees and taxes, any finance charges, any dealer document preparation charge and any emission testing charge. Residency restrictions apply. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Dealer installed options are extra. Alarms can be purchased at additional cost or removed at customers option. Vehicles to retail customers only. No wholesale transactions allowed. See dealer for complete details. Prices & Terms expires 2/15/16 CHULA VISTA www.fullerkia.com *Prices plus government fees and taxes, any finance charges, any dealer documentation preparation charges, and any emission testing charges. “On approval of credit”. Subject to prior sale. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Prices & Terms expire 2/15/16