booda sack
booda sack
·PTA' Meeting . Chanceil To l~xt ·Mond1y ·light On account ot confllcttng date "' 'WIIfl the :M'II,ll()ntc Banquet, MrS'. Floyd Jilave•. ,President ot tho .t>J.:A, e.nnoUllces that tile rneetlng' ,tl(l,te tor t:lle N.ovcmj)er meQtlng n d\11,ng d from Tuesday j _ _,;._L..,....:...l_ _:._ _ _ _,___ __,..._ _"':""'"_;__ _:._ _ _ _ _ _ _~---• nlg.b~ Nov. 2oth lo Monday nJght, Nov. 19th. :Pio!\10 •bear tills () o! !late ln mind, , • Tho meeUng J.fond&y night W'IIJ bo ut l:t1c 8cbool auditorllum. ~r. .Artl)ut, Pl'l.nclpal of the Platnvtew 1;\tbool, wm bo the •llaln $peaker a~ thlll mel!tli'ig. Sall.\s will 'lrC ar·hiUl ranged so' all '¢an hear. An eaecu~lve. meeting .will. be helcl at 6:30, j usL be!ore the r~ < tnetructlone lu:we been d~lfered ~o tho chalrm n or th opmmitteee ln the varlo'WI CQmmWlitiel! eom-tlie. dllltrlet, 'IUlli. they w!U co.nv~• their respective communi· UeJ :for Ule ~ale (1/. VIctory l3onds. · Foll oWing' ·a te the names of tboeP in lhe. o::ommlttee/1 ; . J?ete111burg, J. L. Sutta, Cbi!Jr- gular meeting, whlcll wlll be 11t ~:lfil'· Clar.en~ 'Pborpe, Ohalrlllan ot the VIctOry Loan drive 1n the Pet· ertb11rg DJAtrlet, lWI ' oompletea bla orpnlZilUOil and BUt!Plies llnd m. man: Pay! sam.s. • H. Herd, AI· bert ' Oiub'b, Ohu. Schul r,· 0. Martin, Mrs. J. H. Gregory, )kJI, c. l!l. Martin, Mrs. Olen l!h:aohcar and· Mrs. John Reg!. Ellen Community, Pll'loe UcWliIIams, Chairman : Ml'lL Cecll RICh· ardaon, A. P. Dalton, WUI Ke}'llp All aro invited. to attend moetmg, o.nd don't forgot a:. cllan!l'e in the date. Neighbor Co-Op Gin Invites Farmers To Gin With Them - and Bill Llno. ' Lakeatde, Hnrv ey Curtis, Chalt• Httek Mct(>roy, 'Mrs. W. 'l'. and J. A. B .cU'ord. n. B. Oa:ry, o.nd 0. 1: nodifrllsa,..Chalrmnn ~·~,~-:"'"-='"''-!' WIIII'Qn, R. l!l, Wllsort, IJ:llo.lrman; Pete MCLaughlin, Oliver Ha.ttnel. _.Lltl!IW1Q\1;',_.A. _a COiweU, Chairman: Mrs. Clyde oii-iifonan'if"Mrij; ot t>ir ctors of_ t.ho Floydada Operative Gin, were In Ule Joumal office this week exprc11al ng their N·. Matthews. · '!'be VIctory l.oan driv' ' bas sot• ten oct to o slow start, but now wll.h thll ol'gllnlzll.tloh c rnpll,,ted It regrets in the loss of U1e Co..QJ) Qin, here in Petersburg, ahd ask tha t IWC extend to the members of the Co-Op gln in tillS nroa a s~l!C· Ia! Invitation to come and gln with . S t a~l(lg ''we hnvo good equlp;ment and will gi v~ them j;OOd serli'lce. We want to help the mem- 8 xp«rted to pin ln moJUentwn unu1 our qtwto._ lA ~ d. Qu~ quota q ( E Bonds Is f30,2 l().OQ, IIJ\d ~ll!~m . l!ll clth11r oonds f24.80U(), mll.klng o. total or Qnly fr.;.,Ol2-litl, which I• eomilder blo loas t.llen our quota , In tba previous seven other .bond dr!vea, and should be asily reaeb.I:Jowev r, Chalrme.n 'l;ho.-pe, oautl ns that we finoUl<l J(ot-neg'leet to purehu~ bonds on l>l . thlnkln • It 111 going to be an uy matl er to raise o.ur mau q®t.a. m ~MillOn UJ oth~r dtlv~ ' 'l'b:la Wl!l be ~ JIU/t b< d d\i~, bers bere all we can and they have our sympathy In their loss, and we are cer tainly . V(!!Jing to gln their cotton and help them out In any wq.y we. can.'' Buffs 'Power.House' Hale .Center Owls Uld no r&buJ:'f put ·re· tar hu n a ov't J)frevetYOn w.llf!U ttl 'knep wane. o RODEO PROVED TO BE ·a VERYENTERTAINING AFFAIR A progrrun hill! been arranged by the lodge program CQmm lttce tha t will be lntorcsting and lmprOlllllve. An out ol town speaker will bo hero to deliver lhc prl nel- oC tile- cvemng, _:'l'he MIUI011ll will fumlsh th . turkeys ond t he ladles will pre· pare all the other gtlod ,things to cat. ~nd what a fcnst It will be . pul t:~ddroas. Breakfast In Back Iarn·•Back To Old Pioneer Days Mr and Mrs. Ill. B. Shanltle had cause Thursday morning to call to mcmQry tho early 'daYB ot lM l'la.l.ull wl:ien they flrwt topptd ths capmok and headed tor tho Potor~bl!rg counh·y. 'they cookeu brenk!ut ea•·ly Thura<lny murnlng !--~-------- ~ P .l ·r.,utn \l\bl ·1ut cme, ·1-«~~lllll'llutllti tb w~~r ~c PeteFSburg Bu!Caloes Ql'C In a pec).lllar position as a result< ot their 7 to 0ctocy over H!!.lO F.rlday night. Th e Buffaloes not cUgtble to compete !or Djatrlct honors tills season, have now blla.ten the winners of both . the 0 ilrlv wn d~ey, Let'• be ~ &gl!.h'l to get. our qwta. In. w\1 kick ld dUBt t.n opponent~ eye.s lln<l came the wire fiJ.r In the lead !lo It again, wllat 1111.y you? n\emb r of eornmUtM In and m .J! .your now while It 1.11 on your Rev. Horace Brooks Returns To Petersburg Methodist Church Rev. Honco Brook«, who bu been pastor ot the MothOtllat Church tor tbb put two ~an. te- tunted to l' teraburg MondAy tram te~~fg; t~:e:n~al hd:;li~~ce a;; the church. H WD,II r~JtUI'l'l d here u pastor of th clturcb tor llnotllpr yc&t, nev. 'B;:ooke anticipate con· , llldertllllo prng.r 111 for the chureh Within . lb n xt tw lv months. A church bulWlllf p~ under- u way and It Je Ito~ to h! IU;o ,..J tluth11hg completed wlthl.rt lhe neltt rew mont.ll,. PETEftSBURG JOURNAL ~; ~t~ ·:g.:81'fu.h o:;. ·t-to&:£ .&ll)'Wbe.-, ~:=.n'!t~::t:::~ ...::~ ~l ilnd , £1'0UP• q~o>U, , .plal!e (Dr ijuy !1. Pt.auf1' at)d A. A. SlJ1TS ~·---OWU. UIO"bf' \be now P!'lnle MJnltter. JPt<~ial tntori~t grolijo. ot t i$ . :;:---.....,:--;:-:--:-----.'That le all rlglll, Al>IPlutoly1 ~ut Jll!.li., Kind &nd then. • nol\l•• have .r. L. 81JtTU · Editor •nd P•bttllltet --- aO..n 'l l!lttill<l _. l wb,)' ahlp tbe old PIO!lll llac~ !!! lull n•embfin.,.pretty well 91Y1ded. ~r Wo did not agrre to keep It In they vqte .a-aJMt tb!a or that r:~~~/J.•"":::. t:; ihe'n: f:;:P",.:OC,:i ::r;\n~y ~~~~ cl..a, ""'! t•t at head Ia tllat we wtll put the old St.ato•and dlllrlct and try to de· A thouland years oeo,. !fie Chinese used notur~l gas fuel for evaporating sal! b'rino. They transport~ the gas in bamboo Thus, In thost 'days,Jhe ~a• bulinon was simple. Now, hOwever, ,II has become complicated and technical, ulllizlng many scientiflc devicea and proceues. lho Peterllllurt Poat.Oftlc• under tbe eblp In tip lOp ahape &nd llllp 'tt' feat the.n a~ tru. ·peJ<t' elW lon. ·· 1¥ t or Coorren Maroh a 1811. bnok to them..:...trree of ooat. And What 111 nee4ed 13 a eolld front or we may do It, We wouldn't know. aotlon Crom til& \Op to lbbltom ro· 0o )'OU! gerdlc.. of .. p<>UUcaJ party, and -Vtoll all speoii!J groupe and epeolal The limo b.. come In the Unit· Interest boys tbat they are runn· ed Sto.teo whon men In 1\lgh b.rack· lng U1o Govommllnt BJ1d· p...lng eta of our govemment along wltb tbe )awe for the good of oJI the memboro or tbo ·eongre.., mUBt people I!Jld not for ol)eelal groupe. oecrllloe their p<>Utl~J runbltlon lt fa 1:01ng to tallo nerv~ and on tho alter of nlllteomnnol\lp and plenty of It to got thta Nation get their roet II(Ju.....-on- the atralgh te~ed· out " nd · everytlltng, ground and do thlngs tbat are tor- movln.g aa It thould move Jn tbe tile gOO<! of tbe Nottol\ ae a whole poatwa.r perlo<l-polltleoJ fulurea PUDLISIU1J> ilAOH Fl\IDAY SUllSCJlm'TION RATE8 WINTtR SLIPS ·UP ON YO~II~ \\1 1NtERPROQ~ SERV· conditions .. •to sa"" nted· ICE is the staso•M~ ~are , Jess rtpair bills, lime, trou• all cars Med. It's " pte• ble, gasoline .~nd possible,. ''~ntive; ma~ntcQaoce P.JO" loss of .youx .Don' ' gram eliminating sununor wait unlit winter tro~bles kinks and b•·~ards from· oppe0r, !!eat 'em II' the )'OUt car ••. puts it in top lightiJ>g trim to meet un· punch with cof!lpltt~Will!· certain w'intCt weather TERPJ!.QO.F SERVI<;EI '"k Omle W~mS!Iffi~~ 0]fbillmn<OJlm lllty M Peterilburg. Rt 1 ltJl(J out Of !'eteroburg, Rt t Ftoycl84&, Kt. 1 BJ1l1 a !'lalnvtow, lllt. 1 Abel'o naU>y · - -- ------ -- 11·60 Ye&r All oibert outetoe abOve out• une<l temtory -- ---- U 00 Ye&r -===========; I tton. Romerober Ulla. oontronted with problema tha t muat. be .Oivod wit'hau.t rear or !avor-wbeth~r Sena tore or Re· ptc~~entatlvc.s,- nre even the p re· sent admlnl!llratlon, ·ta b:o"CCC88!Ul in 1946 or 1948 clecUon. W e wlll always be ln o. muddle .f\,lst l\.8 Io!ig u our hea.dll of GQvemment , i" ILllS1!ENlllNG .IPOS1 (and We mea.n fr.oq1 tM top to th~ t)l"""' n anulng wUd. \Ve cut our Um- bottQm) keep nn eye cocked on t he ballDt box 9tfld hJt prei:rsura g roups mo.'k~ thelr decisions t ol' thorn, with a threat to Uuvw their p6U· ~w ttcnl influence to Wlt.b \\•hero we lind It 1'-nd l.e t th~· ByJ.LS. Another thing Republican Je~· ers _tpu.l quit "s niping"' ~~:t the pre· sent ndmJnlstratton and Us undot-taking-a that -are t or· good gov·. e mme.nt and get · down to con· 1 I ~ ' She aald ,. abo dl<lll'' Wl\llt ttJ , oce hlo face a~:aln. 119 be 1:0t up . ·rutjl tu!'Md out tJIQ llgnt. ed Winston Churchill wtth a C-r,4 pll.lile for hts personal use. Churchill ·used t his plane · to dash all over E\Jrope and now It is badly in need of repairH and lhC .repn.lrs a ra estimat ed t o oost $180.000. nnd rnther than buy these part.Q, et c, from the United SLm..cs, 'llSing s omo ot t heir btu11y needed do,U· · Don't lhlng - but keep thetr eye cocked ls just Rboul fed up on ·po!ltiQll ctectJon hooie. It bas got to where thal comes out or averyt.hing Wai\hlngtM l8 a.JI messed up wlth opposition lt politics, and who.t a re the Re· backed. up ~~~~. ~~~t~r '~:o~:p!:~:g 0!0~f- for:n~ ~~r:nt~!~ ::~~re~e~~:F':~ cal party, and lt ·this ts done wo wound up lb a. rotten mess w tth nollove the voters wUI see that an unata blc government. that WM they a re k ept h l otitce jua t. a.s long dlaguattng to the world. a& t hay !!ervo their country ~nlth- Vruny. One and one 'hoJf cups r oJalno. Two cupa nut.s. More. &tAGAZJNllS BACK ON TJJI!) < LIST •' 0]1. NEW SUBSOJllP~ TION8t . . 1t~·.JPEIITI. -fJie (} • A u d sight- if you colild ,,ee ir:ls'• needlessly spent dollar. A momen~ ·ago it wu· buying a desired commodiry-now it 1t gooe, \tied-up, wonhlen ' Old yo1.1 evtt see a s.t!td doUat? You GO ' $tt .one ar ~ny time if fOil hne a bank u coll!lf. Jm't h gltd sigbt? Tbfff'sa biU dJ:~t will live to sce •· J,erter day, a tilne ~en th.~ ~Jl be plenty for it .to buy, a -- . time when it 01. n .be spent without The beat wa y In the world to -~get things moving u they should w e a,\taro o.loo thB:t just move Ia to set down a nd w11tc one or two Sentttors and three or your Senator and Congressman. a·e Misguided w·lie.__n-:tt ··c·omes to. Fooa r-·· spoon·' baking p<>Wdor Jllrted· ln. DON'T BE MISGUIDED BY SO-CALLED "CHE A P P RIClllS" WHEN IT COMES TO THE FOOD WHICH KEE PS YOUR BODY I N WORKING CONDITION. A!JL OF US HAVIil A LONG, HARD JOB AlilllAD DtnliNG RECONVI;lRSJON. ALL O.F US MUST LEMONS GltOCI;lRY AN D MA RKE.'T ts PREPARED TO Fll..t. YOuR FOOD NE EDS WITH THE BEST 'I'H AT THE M.'\RI<ET PROVIDES. AND THE PRI CES ARE ALWAYS 'l'HE l..OWEST IN rn:EPlNG WITH ST AN.OA RD AN D BODY·BU1LOfNG FOODS. COLLIIlll8 YOU i N CASH....AND IN HESUL'l'S AS FAR AS YOU!l HEAL1'H I S CONC!ili~N ED. SHOP OUR STOR E DAILY ~"OR YOUR FOOD NEE.DS. IT WILL WO!f.'\11'8 110 0 COMl'AN· ION , ., Always Include a Sack Of Ann Clailor • f • • ""'"'I 1011' ..... _,.....,..._•fltii' .... ltlf jilt tlfoitJ'ItliM' COlla UP• P AY !WEST TEXAS GAS [OMPANY and t.ell him in no uncerWn words A rlhur l'eJTy w aa a t Goree the ju.a! how you tool about tbo Wbohl ftrel ot the week on bustneu. thing, e lirulnallng- a ll petty per· ISOnal dcslrc6. but UH.Lt 1/ he. e.long wH.h...otner rnembeiiJ 6t lh·e· COJI· grcSH, v.1 11 LAke. a firm • tand · tor Lho things they know t.o bo· r1ghL a.nd tor Ute upbullding ol the country, that you at.andi-eg oquarc i>ehtnd him tn hl3 etrom- OPA Gloomy Now On End Of Tire Rationing OI'A Monday •ub•Ulul•d o put· &lntl~tlc nole ror ILJ previous OJ)· UmlJfm oil whl."n Ure rationing will end. But the gloomy vtew Let'·• plan oursJ>ending, plan our saving, . A steel derrick, capable of .ilpponlng wefght• ol <!00 tom ' or mort, is used to ouppon the drill pipe during dtillillg and the casing when ruing is beinglostalled. When the ...u is completed, the derrick is temoved. ID ill plaet is inst2lled a "<llrist• mu,Tree," an odd·looking U$ttllbly of valvts and fittings nee• essory io producing, ttsting 110d maintaining the well. J~l't .shared by the age.ncy _ wh.Klh will mo.ko thr; dOOi.lflon. ~u .. - Officlo.IB ot the CtvUia.n . !'rodue~ Uo11 Admlnlatra uon, •uceaeor to . CQNS~~-',1,.""~~~~,_,~,....,.. Fuel Ass~i~tioa,. Farm Sales ftreu. withorherdotlarsnow- will helpyoubuya h ome ln the postWar world, backed up by ''more dollars borrowed ~~ this instiru~~n. c;;;;;;,. When the ga$ producing boriton is reached, a string of stet! pipe, known os casing, is lnstned in the hole from the surface of the gtound to the top of the producing horizon. Aftet N DDing the casing, cement is tun thru the aslng and for«d out around the bottom in order to puvont from escaping iJOund tho outside of the plpe. Then w wen u drilled ioto the gU-prod udng horizon. . " ·w · prcBBUr~ g-roups or no pre~UPJTe 1,m- US RELP YOU PLAN ANI) groupo. That will glvo him mo,.. power to fight tlle minority pro· CONDUO'r YOUR FARM $ALB; uure groups thll.l are oonllntllllly -SE!ilswarming mombor1J ()( tile Con· For Any l\laJ8ZDO Soe to boosrprices.ln h tt, tb:udolhu-•f saved hang on to our War Bonds, and keep on buy,ing our counuy's Bonds, ..dd to our bank batancc. every payday. You know fOil ~ t dollar is onlygood \WI MMtt; ·~ until it Js. SJ>'-nc; The hard steel drill bit is the cutting tool which drills down -through successive strata of shale ood rodt.-Scrtwed to d~e <op--of tbe bit is a string of hollow, round drill ~ipe which io rurn Is screwed into the bottom of a hollow, .quare pipe known os a "Kelly." The Kelly works through a squnrt hole in the rornty turntable. Thus, when the engines spin the rurotable, the Kelly, the drill pipe ·and the bit also spin, and the bit cuts iu way downward. Heavy pumps force drilling mud down through the hollow Kolly and drill pipe, through perforatlon.s In the bit, then outside the pipe nnd back to dte surloce, c:.arrywg with it the cuttings from the bit. As the bit moves downward, addi; tlonnl joints of drill pipe art added below the Kdly. KE EP OUR BODIES lN ~'I T·- CONDITiON TO Pl;lRFOR M THESE JOBS. MIEIUO.'\N GOOD HOUSIIIKl';EPING COSMOPOUT.'\N . Most of our gas tomes from Hutchinsoo, Moore, Carson nod Potter Counues in the Panhandle Gu Field, one of the largest in rhe world. We purchase some gas in E<tor County for usc in the southern poruon of our system, In the Panhandle F.ield gas well.! are gencra,lly drilled by the "rot11ry" m"bods, so named because of the rotating motion of the drill bit, II modern rotaty drilling outfit costs fr0m. $100,000 ro $200,000. atrucUve work. They can't do a bororo tho Tchcrnn cou.terence. Ute mw1t be statesmen 'o'-1 lh a lov.e to tuture.-our Covernme.nt and counJa.te President · Roosevelt pre sent· serve .their country to lbe best ot try come• !lr3t, not. ·poUtlc:t. WYLIE, Age_nJ -. on •the 104.8 election. 'rhe country by ::n;~·1~e~~\n'";~Hef~~T. ~~~ We. nltl.d. a .utue 9qu111 the oth_!U' ~C:~~rcso!~da~c;:~;ti~~W:.f~1:_8~~: the ~uturJl or our coUntry ta at day that r iled ua up -a Ult1e. J ust ropreaentn.Uvea !)! governme·nt steak, not 80rtle poUlJcul ·vn.rly! oound · thinking re:servolr to the burnan of ycwr gas appliances. Due .to space llmita:li~ns, the story must be brief arid Ov'"'8 r~ slmpliflod-. The drawing ot the ltff will help you follow the gas o n ih travels. -V- thoy don't do thus and so. publlctWa ch nnces t or winning ftho · -'Yelection Jn 11148 and Ute Dt.omo~ '\>\"hat we~nctd n:na m.ul!lt-have, Js <:.rW . or~ J lt:..'Yrt!!8'_f;!vory:_ move to the tillpo loll """""' tbey may. A. l. Since na tural ,9 0 1 · service 10 v(tcilfy a ffects your doily life, we believe you would' enjoy f9lowln9 more about if. fhorefore we pion to publish o. seriel of four advertisements ~hich will otlempt to explain hOw notura l gas is brought from hs deep-underground --------~-- regardless of what the ~eult will are b"'ing to to ba p laced on Ad copy muot bo tn the ~moe by bo at tho ·ballot •box . We are en· tne block .o( P<lr!ltoo J! need be, Wednoedily noon to .ln•urtt publico.· terlnf aome serioua t lmes an(t B.l"O lor t4e welt ot Ute COWl try. IJNOI!!N~OJtEU, By ANN CLA!'l'OR .'!!>••· the War ~-~({)(luctlnn &tlr(l, II&HI there lo • good ch,.ace the pro· In your Gro,ery purchases when you want -Fine Flour. gr•.m U>llY bo \ermlru!te<l by tbe e:nd of the yt'ar or MOn Lb.erWter; 'l'bolr . e•UJ)lalo, given to t ro· J)Urte.r. "''\)) tll• ~p~.r•w~tnr namca would not bO UMd, wsa IIOilj;ht when lhe OPA luuo<l • «lt.l<lrnont designed to ICQo doWII opumum goncre.ti>d. attet Clttet Cb<!~lar OPA llowtelr l<>ia / Con- IH~t llle tnd ol. ·'1\'U "Ill llgbi". fl'O• l'o<lilnl\Y llrli "'t!QnJna ·>Ji oUiei&Jt of lbt! 'f""" 01 bell41'1'o t!ifa ffllV<I th<o •mpreo· .~b . that l),lo>.ktli4 IlL ll)ualnfJ!I, anll iMt It mlgbt mn)to on(Ot'<ll· l'fl'ltl~ ot UN ,_ttiltllftr m6~ <lit lltlllt. ' H. 0. Martin Aueuoneer II. 0 . MARTIN Olmic T·Sgl. J ames W. Ke~, 1011 ot lfr. and lfrs. D. C. Kelly , of ,IIJAt VICTORYFAGTS abouttho1re~ Petenburl' WIJJ dtaeJuuged at Truax Flel4, WJo., Qct. H , 19<6, bolllg at 'tbe tlllle a&llltr'ed .to 3GP8 Arm;y A ir IJ'orceo. H e had comp!et,. ed g yean 1 month 4 days serv1ce of which 8 m onU1a werQ HH'Cifin service. Bot tles, campaign accor.. auons and cllatl.ons: nomft..Arno, Victory Loan· and ·how important' if is·· t~ you and the business of your farm to buy EXTRA bonds in this flnal Loan! N01 mondy, Air offensive Europe,· a ir combat Balkana : A ll" Med•l With 1' OLO, Dlstlngullllle<j l)nit Badge, Good COn~uct, E AM'e wit h 4 ala rt. ..,. Ducks Dying On Lake Near Lockney WHERE WO .. LD WI IE WITHOUi For the tiut tlmo In ma..J?Y yC/ Lt Col. Jamu P. S. Devereux, hero or Wake l ahtnd, retum rd to WublnJlon, D. C.. ond It ohown with hil elevon.yeor.old eon, '"Paddr'" a\lckJJ are dyhfg tn comsl Orabl Jlllltl Patrick, • • t he)' left the ata tlon. It -«A• their flrtt Dltdlnl Ia num·bera one one-and o)1ly ooe so aa knO'Wn-JUIU:l ln h"loyd Ot..>Untoar Ytll'l, durln.r whk h t ime Colonel Oe\'ereux~ a prisoner · of tht far ty. The lake liJ loctlttd ~n th~ lt.PI wu unat le to 8!nd or rtetlve word to hJs proud 10n. north IKie of the Lock.ney cut olf mile "' of the $1JvcrLon llghway. • Huutsmen Cl.rst reportetl tile .deud ducks and a. rcprcaenldti'•e t the game, tlah nnd Wild life ser·t1ce here weunesda.y (''<t.l rnat~ ed t hat 1GO <1Uol<8 wero dc,,d: t•n the Jake. Thla authority B'lhl lllo OUR PUBLIC SERVANTS? your taxes and ours pay the salaries of these fine people. We couldn't get along without our public servants and tbey couldn~t get along without us taxpay· ers. Their work is vitally neccssa!Y anc!__. their services are appr~ciated by all. Hale County Co-Op Hnspilal To Elect Permanent Directors CUJJb.< ot lhc death.. ol' Utu...<luo:to . - ·The- ttnt-m·oml5et'llllp , mceUhg VIC\\',· fo"r:rncr lej;'rifator !rom lhhll was axlnn botulism. This t'kh/:1·10· Seven tlmeo (loring the war you'•·• been • •ked to buy extra hondo to hdJ• win Vietory. Onr Ggbllng moo ha\'e finlobed their job .•• let'• finlob ourel Buy exira hoad• bow ••• to l•c.lp make Vietoey oeeurel t of llalo Coun ty C<>-QpcmUvo . Hospital Ia to be held Tuelldoy ' n.rtemoon. Nov. 20. Ill 2 p. m. In Rtt.& Thdnlra nt Hale Ccoter , wllen by•lnwa wtU .be adopted r\nd u per· tnancnt board of directors eJected. Preaent board, which orgrulb:cd and eccured the chnrtor, Is cornpoeed or A. •11. Tarwater, Plain· Held by mllllooa of Amerr'cana, honda wUI provide a reacrve of boyllllf power to 881ure joha ••• for voterana, for other workere. 'l'bla ...,.erve will help maintain proaperlty for you and your eommUlllty. :Victory Bonde will help pay the tremen· dona eoat ol wlnnlns the war. They will hell> hrin1 our boya hoek home ••• will eupplytbe tineal of medleal eare for our hundred• of lboueaacla of wounded. ----~----------------------~~-~ Hauling Anywhere Any Time LIOIJNI\IF.I> n nriNSURED Brashear & Fitzgerald mg reaults from bacter1o. ft,rmed 111 U1c lake> wnler, proW,hly i.rom rotting vegetation. Hunters t.U c a.akcd to twtr lteop duc.ks ~;cared away from thl:; l.•l<e tt'!l :nuch a~ S:nd th.t•.v 1\1 e that 11 ·1.h!.!Y u ~~· th!e la.ko lht~oy. be s·,:-e • f 'J 1.J hllle~t tn l llglit. - l 'I!JYO t,.:(,ollllbunker, Is lrclUlUI'Cr ror Ute organl7'ltlon. Vic l..amb Ia tJecrcU\ry. t y t-:lt";>erian. Tho.1 hOApltal, set up Wl\lcr (he new (lu~t tlct who repl·csenl.!! the county at large; R. K Wllll.on, Pcteraburg, chair man ot the bonrd, who Js ht pr actnct 2: Orvnl Soyl.l, H ttle Cen Lcr. preclllct 4; ChLylon Eh•ing , f'lntnvlew, precinct 1: A . E . Ebol· In~:, Cotton Cent~J r, pre<:lnct 3. rt. A. .Jcrr~rl os. .H ale Center 3tate low. 110 \Y hn.a~ r.~o tnmlly mom ber~h l ps nt $50 eucl1 n.nd haS dormlwns l tallng $S,00()'. which rlrlugs eaah on hw1d tn mor~ t han $:U,t)00, 'rrcm.mrcr Jcf!Qr[erJ 1.1tnted. An a rchitect 111 t o be employee! th'N Y!t:c:k t o de"lgn plnns f Cir the building . J. L. Monr·oc, Jr.. who hns }Uat been drSChnrgt•d Cram the Anny Air Corps, WM t•mployed u bua· J.noM 1J'Iannger recently tor the project, .and baa OJlCnOd' ~lees a t These are only_four of many American privileges we enjoy and pay for under our democratic form of govcrnljlent. Your Public Service Company, as one · large taxpayer, has always borne wil· Jingly iu share of ta es to help build the communities we serve and the nation in which we lh·e. ·:·h:ltAI Ray Willoughby Buys Ranch In Hudspeth County Ray W: WIIIOUI)'hby or San An· I I gelo, wh0$0 annual wool clip l8 the large!lt in the nation, has pur· eha.sod Green River ranch of ~ o.Coo a cres Jn' trot, the Hud,aptth County WII~&J1l· Cameron e~tle.te ~----------------------; 1 :~M~~:: J~'"u!!~~~k~·~:~oJ~~ "Wh~t By ha~ honda ......... than acaree 1oodo, help keep dae lid on prltc~~ ••• keep 00.. pledge to Gptiq men lo proteet their dollara' haylq power. Wo Vletory Booda form a reoerve for "ralay cloyo". They provide a backlog for needod farm repain and replaeenteolo of tlop..-loq. ••• for modem bulltlillp, Improved eloek, l~etter bomea. wo P""~' loBation ••• aoJ 1.. follow·up Tboy hold doUU'8In etore to pay for our ehildren'• eduj:atlon· • , • right throUffla collep. Vletory Douds purehaaed today, wiliJ>rovlcle the llclentlfie knowledge an.. tralnlng 10 'n<>Ct!l. .ry in tbe world of Are We Going To Do Now, Daddy?" It Fire Should Destroy Your Home tQmorrow. With all lts precious contentS, could you o.nswor thnt heart· MAKE VICTORY SECURE ••• }, .. b roken quosUon wllh confidence! You could - If you have adeq l•Aic- lnsurnnre to protO<."l you, not only agahmt lho !oss o! your houac.. bul evcr}·thlng In lt. P<'Ol)IC don' t know fr om ycur to 'yrnr bow completo thcJr fire .tnaUrauce covca.go ht Pc~~cs31ona nccumulntc. House~ ltold goodl COlt hoU as;nln M m uch more toduy 011 12 ycnrs ago. W111 your proeent 1ntu.muu.:a pay tor tho replacement ot IVetythlng you ·now own! Vhfory "E" return f4 at ltlatlU' lty for every •3 fOil put Ia. The w oot lnveatm.,lln the world, paying aabttan- thtl inte,...t, tlley are lmmllCUalely convertible illto euh IE ueeoaaary. Buy Viclory Bondo lo · otart your own · annuity ...,llremenl lund. Followod up with rell"lar J>urdtn- of U. S. Savlnga Doncla, Yle tory Bondi will penult you to · enjoy later 7oan i11wm!ort. Before a t ire loss hila you {IU\d 11 home burM ln this country every two BifY VICTORY BONDS f mtnute~) Come in and Check With Us Only tidequftlo- 11nsuranoo co.n gt\'e mind <Which you 't ho.t peace~ot· l~anw ahould pro,1de. cd .n the deal, whl<:.b lnereuniJ tho nuu,ber of ra.noea owned or JeBAed by \<{lllough by to nino. The a reen ruve.r ranch adjoins. \Vh,oughby'" Johnson randi in J o(f Of\vls und Culbo.rson C.)illt· making 116,000 aqru or lands ln o. aolld block. The 111 in three paaturee Md to divide It In· w1Ut net fen cet~, IUHl atock the place with steers Ull& winter. Jn recent weeka WUloug:bby lliUJ purchue<l aroWld 35.000, mostly Ra.mboutllel3, averab"ing around 6& pounds, paytng Slt . ~S to $12 per hoad . He delivered 2.fi80 mixed calves thnt R.voragoo .460 .. ,.... ., .................·'""' ....... ::=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=::::::::::::::=::::::::::::::====.::: ln !jr&ntlng det6r't11Cntll, but hereto!ol"fl thor:e have been Dads With 3 Childrea · eN outr e.x.emptJone or Under 18 Are Exempt 110 )'<Junger lghl men. The SelecUvo Se.rvlee ota!r ~ lnducUon C\l rc:. ~<'tft •\VIth three pUn tb vOtunt.eere u well IIJ non· or more children undet 18 wu voluntoc,.., ·halted Monday. Th e wife .llu tleveloped the bad Selective Scrv1co put Lhe ban Into effect at the rcque•t ot the habit or staying up unUI two Army and the NSlvy, throe o'clock In t.hc omomJng. She In practice the order o.fte<:la juat won't go to bed Wltll ~ ret only qunllfied regiaLra.ntie 18 home. pound!! and brought 12 and 13 through :!5. since drn!ttng <!f older cent.s yer poW1d. Wlllough'by Itt rMn Wf\s dl~ntlnued wben the T he way eorne me.n·a· prtn:ldcnt ot tho Texas Sheep an\1 war ended. blades oUck out or their aUita Goat Ralsara Assoc:Latlon. Draft boardJ! hiLve been under you'd lhlnk t hey had CorgoiWl to Nl'1ers to give preference to lath- t llk.e the h.a.nge·r out. Hllle Center In U'IC ba.nk building. AI BOOn tu~ the h ospltnl buUdJng Is romplctod. h l1 otCJce \\111 be moved tht!re. The city of Hale Center ta pro· vtding a site for the bOit})ltal, COHt tree~ to I he oorporaUon. U Is local· ed two blocks south and n block wcat of the bUsiness !tOCtlon. ana We Look After Your Appearance Dr~ Joe E. Webb Your Greatest Asset Optometrist JOHN HUGHES INS AGENCY I'IJ0Nil18 This Message is Sponsored by Ihe Following·Business Concerns: , LI:MOlil8 OliO. UWI ~ll'l' Jr,IAINI!I 00:.0nit.ATM;, .IM A. L "?'1-~ and SON · W~Oil TlltlATllll UIIABO El.flVA'l'Oa I . A: ¥lAVF.8 ~ WILIION'I W<!klla( Uot I'll*"'~ -·-...---·Pftit8amro BAJmW~t o0: ltlllf .. o.~.~Ac-t ----.-__..._~ llllll.lo&~~op ' ~tfio~ -~~~ :: ~ ~~~~Cb\UlJI -:--:-- . Don't Neglect It! PLAI'NVl.EW, Tt;:XAS MDDD 0~ 8011111. . IDII"I ClLO 'l'el.l~ FoB ) ' APPOINTMENT " ID::.INIIO'l'ltUl,~ ()ON Uattaa !'lilt AlltJ'l'f, ~OIINIJON OJ!O. ... fll"Uild 4J.IIU1I CLVllll 4ll4JN CO. ~·~·~~':&i";.=·;T_ur•.,_ ._-r·'--~· ~~~:ml ~ ·-~--- J:OO 14 1;00 P, X PKON~lMO J ~----~--~~. .~~----~----------_. At the Journal Office at the same time and save moneJ. Bring your Star·Telegram Label with you. . 8ATVDAY MATI:I\~E AND 11'10111' !~:mE GREY'S THE li'RIENDLY STORE WHERE l!lVEKVONE IS WJ!:LOOMJ!l "lEVADA" RE-ARRANGING .Witb0 Bob Mitchum. Anne. Joctroyo, GUinn Wllllcuns W. M. Bring them to us. The price is good and we are glad Top Prices Eggs! s; IIIJ!:T ~tONDAY Tho·W. M.S. o! First Baplllt .net In · lhQ homo ot M."'MMday, Nov. u tor. P"'J"'m. tu>d aoc!&l J. F. Sll!on l>rougM tbe nnd .~{rs. Ill. F. Saffle or ll>~ prognm. TO)llc, Manamar Mash in Priat 11d. Plain Sacks y..torday, today &lld lo- :~~;;o)~~!.,~l~ ~~ ~~ ' ' • - If . / Take care of t hose hens, t h ey will l?rlnoin th~ CASH I Harvey, Mrt. J&bnny Alford, 1-tn. Hollla Alion, Mt'll. !lor...., WI Ill· f&lll8t M.ra. Chu Fe&~hereton a.nd Mn. Robe.rt Elder. · A btutlncu meeting followed ott.or which re[M~klttn<>nta ol pecan ple, ootfec and ooooa. were served to 1~ Dr. LeGears Poultry Prescription ·100 Per Cent Pure Drugs Used m.o mbcrt and one vudtor. Mr. and MI'L W . . T. Holt received word week thi\l their twentieth grandchild, a boy, waa born to Mr. ~n(l Mra. · Blanehu.rd Htu1aon, H'ot Sprln~, New lte,x. A ·New ·Department Mns. Ha.n.tOn Is the torrntr Betty Holt. SANTA OlAUS WANT ADS 11 Coming! 1' \.JI AFRAID POP IG IN THE TOYS, GIFTS and PRESENTS BATH AI For All The FamUy 'TI-lE: MOMEN'I- - ANb GIVE IT -aui IF HAVE YOU A t.:1ESSAG!i FOR HIM -I'LL TAl<!: IT FOR TilE PAST TWO YEARS Will HAVE NOT HANDLED BUT WE ARE BKCK IN THill OAMI!l AND.iiAVI!l A VERY LARGE r. OF GIFT ITI!lMS A.N D TOYS. COME IN AND LOOK, BIUNG Tf!1ll CB:iLDI_UilN AND SEE WHAT Will HAVIll .. AND BUY , EARLY, BJIJCAUSI!l WE }1AVI!l 1'.HAT THERJ!l :wn;.L BE >l'/OTfUNC TO Groceries and Meata We aro Mtnagln' I<> klleP a romploi~ ot:ock oven tbuuglo me tcl!MdiH ol all klncia INFORMATION OF GOOD A~Oftl'l'r' Ol'lOOSil ntOli, AT. CR!US~B 'l'I)Q!), HARDWARE . lfW.dreda W-•v•r:rday Jt01n1· you ·n:coa Iii our ol:o!:k ot •h•lf ba """"'"· llll.d U\ey ut . botnr ~ oo !bat you an - 1116 m":';y l.b~ 1"" hove. . • · '10 +-liM WHEN HI: COMES . OUT.f . lylon Fuller Hair .Br-ushes Fuller Wet · and Dry Mops · Fuller Furniture Polish & Wax PRINCE ALBERT DUKES CIGARETTES IE-S ITEMS FROM HARMONY m~•. at, OARI~ lOa ~rQan 1oo 3ifor · per carton $1.65 Pleaso Tum Ill l'our Nows Items Edtwr Lt'e Johnston ot lteddlng Ca,ll!., Friday for Quannall Cor a- vl.llt como l'donday o! laat w~k to vtatt and to bring Mu. Garys mother with them for l\11 (U(tended City Drug Store !~ ~:;::;n!~at:;i~~'Sz~~· :'~t ~~i~ he l(!lt 'l'ueaday tor hls home. :~~ ~= ~!:'~ntertain Mr. Bob TroWbridge, two s1ms Tb and tittle daughter cam , ,'i' cd In the home or Mr. and Mra.l':..--------""-------""-------..;;._----'----:--""-...;;..~ to ' 'l< hill mother .Mrs. Ctla11 L: J\, Wllllruns - Sundn.y with their ~- ~~\>!~o~t1l~W-ra?t~vf!: ~f!~11Iu~~ll.':r: . ~::-~ ~~ ltts heme Is l.!l Santa ltoall Calif. Mr. and ,flfrs. CU!tord Donaghe and little daughter, Le.n!le. left Jut !l' rlday !or Wnao to vll!lt Mrs. DonAgh6 pll.l"ttllts. They plan to be away about a wook. '- Mr. &rld l'dl'li. Perry Tipton ot Tulia vlllted . SWlday nJgbt and Moll<:fay wtui <their da.ugbtl!r and h.ellly, Mf'l. Sherwood Ra.lllll y, Cbar·Uc Spence ot Floydo.da, Mr. f!Jld Mrs. 1-' red. Byerly And two daughters, and Mrs. l-1. D. ~sey, A-lr. and lltrs. G. L. Snod· grau, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wllllalllll and tw'O . dnughtnra or near Floydfld. , Mr. 11nd Mrs. hlomn Wlllia~n", Mr. nnd .Mrs. Ma ther Carr and 80n H<>rn e. A bounllfltl d!Juwr \\'Ill! sm-ved with turkey and ·llll the trimmings IUld all enjoyed visiting 'In the &ttornoon. Se.t rnmart ... s. OY~ 22 _ Aside To 'Give Thanks President Truman ®led 'upon AOJ rlcans Tunsday to observe Nov. 22 u a da,y of national Tbanlutgivlng tor Ute >blessing of victory. The .Prealdcnt'a proclD.matlon requeated that tho people "give with the bumUJty C1f tree mM, each knowing lt ·Wl\11 . the might. or no one arm but oC u.ll tog . ther by Which we w_are. saved." of j Wilrtl served to all meeting Thureday IV!th Mra. Wesl y Oarr, 1Jtth M.ra. M . D. Ram110y lUld M:ra. "Wealey atr at! le ders. We forgot tom li!lon the tblrd I n wblnh the church Su.nday night. Md was very Inter- ~ted In · Ooanect.lon · . .. IJ,\IIC)W, ~'CH Allllle t :~f·mh~i:;v~~- ~e:;~r~hl!~l~: Williams PeteNhurq Masonic Lodge NO. me wn.s leader. M:ra. Bill Fl~ lett l:!t $6 3g· • BOl'S WORK S HOU,-lfew Shi_I)Dient --=~----------- f3.4.6 line when a tumble cost them an acortl. Only lhe l)eautllul puntmg of Hal Cv.ilter k pt tbo numerdua lltn ll, 'l"b llrat tllllf WQ.!I IICOr less the B uffA leading 4r~ in first downs and 77·:\G oq the groul\d. A l tho sUirt ot tho and nait tM Burts heglin to roll, pushing t.h lr OpJ,-<mentB all over tllll field. On ~nd down on tbelr .own · 21 Tue~~doy th Butts yd. ltne 11 Fbi; Just received per suiL-- (Oo.llUnued from page ono) t'OI'I\'8rd wn ll open~d n P. T. big hOlt and Whlto •mashed of! tackle Md roversod bls tleld, runni ng 6 ~ y<ls. !);,Core being pulled I..l. Weldon I!ldwarda has been down from behind on · lh Hale 1 enter 29. Behl:nd beauUIUI bloelt· ~~!tl~fg ~~~ ~:~C:"~n tor Sn.n Anlonlo to attend A. Meeting. Army .TWI"II.sUl.1s BOYS DRESS OXFOaDS, New Shipment _...;·-"----·- .fi.IIS The society o! ChrlaUan service met FridAY 1. lit Wllb M.-., ZMt wltb Soolt u leader. ~cott, ~m. M. W.. LEMONS rReftellhmcnts llo salad, cook· football····· present. ThO Jut m t Funeral Assoc. a.rly l\'1418 Buffs from SCQrtng M• W. LeiDQfiS wu 11t Funeral Home and cotfe Limit 1 pair lng Whito and !<clly ama11bed ,liiJ;N DRESS OXFORDS, Vat. to ~60 -------------- U.!M )fENS DRESS SIIIRT8, lflnvSir:llnhent ----~------ ···~ u~ MENS SIIOJtTS ---------- ------------- 70o to .l.GO pt. 10 X SO J)OUBL& DI..ANJIETS~ per cant Wool, ------$S4ii : DOl'S KllAKI SU1'1'8 ---·- ------------- --------- OOT't~N WASl1 DRESSilS, $3.98 H t«i 2() ________ ..:__ $2-GO eaob FAJ,L ·WOOLI!lN8, 68 w~e, l'd. ·--~----------------- .• IUS OfUi.J>RENS l'ANTJES, l8 to l Ss -----~-:..----- liOo to 7~ wny. to Ar tona .to transfer aomc through the lin tor ll 11.11d G yards BLOl'l'Y JO SWEA'l'l'lRS, 82 to liS -----------~---: Sll·tlS pla.nea llnd was forced to lay over a t ry to tne a. Whit th nplungqd on aocount ot wellther conditione. over center tor lh 8CI)l'V. Then the J.JI• post Is In Fla. ~eulllr M! tlng Nl~rbt : 1..00!11 OMFT TAILORED SJ,lP , New Slllptoout. nard drlvlng Kelly ott right tMklc lo put ·the-'i~t'flr·trrli--~---------~-----'-------"--1-------""<i" T'RIRD TH~g~ OF EACB Mr. Bill' E<t-;;:;:;;;-fath r pn.slled away Tueaday or last week. Mr. ~~~lttca~~~~n~\~~~C:a~~~~~:t D;D.T:· Spray, pint • • 2Sc _____ n.rl . AU members are urged to at· a.nd Ml'll. Edward3 wenl to th•H o· own UQ nnd only expert punttend 1M Ullfs. Vlslunr Ma.totu ba.:l. N. M., 'l'uellday where Cw•erat Ill!{ out bounds held the llCO(e . we!Mtllft. s n •ICil.ll and burial was, M1· . nnd down. KENNETH :ROEI.Tiln:SON, W, M. ~tN-. EdWards returned home WedWith tnese 2 wlns ovar the CIM8 or Slzo I) to 4~ ---- --~--- OI:ItNN 'BJV.Sl:mAR, Secy. neaday nlgtlt. Well Located Farms HAGOOD'S That are for · sale· lri.this ar.ea are just a liHie ha:rd to find; but we have several listed for quick • Some irrigated.and some dry laiKI. Let ,us show you. .IS. YOURS FOR SALE? B district Champs It glY1 a tho Burts tho !'igh.t to . the ClAN B title 'll.nd not bQing defeat44 ln Claas 4- A aird 2 prnee mnlllntng tb,uy have th.elr boarta aet cm beIng clus -& -A cba1np1 atter Nov, .2 g11mo With Crl.illbyton, Lbo powerhouao of thls c:Uatrlct. lt. rreat ' SI tl ' 0 01