G rocery D epartm ent
G rocery D epartm ent
**i*!#»it*4**i»; ?!}k ff lw iR ? W » 8 u 5 h A 1489 ...vfaar1' CHELSEA,: MICHIGAN* TE[UhS0AY, B^ARCH zo, W v ^ ^ , H y lv k u C e n t e r - s c h o o l; h p u « e F r i d a y , M a rc h 4, elk schools * w ere r e p r e s e n t $d ’ a p d *-th ir ty . p u p tls: p a rtic ip a te d . A p ro g ra m ., co n s l8 ti«g d > i/re c ita tio n s , dialogues a n d ^ u s ic was r e n d e r e d .' ‘ ' T h e fp llo w in g is 'a U s t o f tho se -w h o d id n o t miss a w o rd and' also o f tbose who m f a e d b u t one: " : ‘ ; — D is tr ic t N o , 15,'.M iss ' A d e lin e S p ir n a g le , te a c h e r—E d i t h . F i s k , ' L o r e t t a H e lm , \.-r we bave an offer to make you. ""'Be'ciaise' wo knowfthat o u r^ ed iiv cro llw d lro rrV lN O L ' contains the..very; eiemente he'eded to rebuild wasting bodies ■ —ward ofT’dangeTode cords^ancTToplace 1 weakness- w itlr strength— rfjake you this offer:— ^ _ _/_______ . Oorne ^ Q$r store and, get a bottle of VINOL. If it does not heljpyou. wondertuuy-^you need not pay us for it." That is~-w e will refundydur m oney,. .VINOL has actually proknge'i/thb life ojf many 'old people for several years.— This is a t a c t ; : ; '' '; ■ *■ _“ A' The way to make, money is to save money. z6ie way save money is to do your trading liereT” " 3 c(itis F^rnihousd Corn** *.•*.*.■.*.■•. ;«.*.»»»-■... 25o^ _3 Farmhouse Pcfts* <> »m *\* ** • * *«.« **.*• ■*•.< <**• *25q either kind) i >*>i *i *»*»«*■>♦>»*«» <l Qd • **«"• *“■* » * », i ♦ » ri rr^^C 6 biirs IvoiyBoftp> •-* • * <«»«* • •25o 6 bars Wool' So&M 60 'Size ■• ■»•»«•»■ * ■•«, • <«* ■»• y • ** * • ■• • v *^ 5 c »_J_I _1 -pounb Blagk Cross Tea* y I V t ft. I 3 bars Rose Glycerine Yoil&fc Soap* *• ■.'*>• >• • • • «»• ••••• <>10c l pound Seeded Ttasins, • < • , , • • ,.*,, <■• i, . »• r »•«»•... l. •5o 7 pounds.Schumachers Rolled A vena Oats. , ,. .. 25_C 3 0^ s ~ Q y e r b ^ lrT'Qmatoeg^* * ~ .r .;. .. * • •-« I «’••«! | 3 cans Red Cap Hominy... ............ •« 4 ASK* ABOUT GATE CITY RICE. ' Try n. W f nf MERRY W/IDOW BREAD and be convinced tKatltTsr secondto^none. • Yours for the RIGHIVTHINGS at RIGHT J P R I C f e : . H . FEN N & R O LLER ‘«V *m WE ABE SELLING: Shelled Clnrn, J L -3 S L C le a r .O a ts a p d C o r n g r o u n d , p e r t o n . ......... , / . . . . ^8 . 0 0 , S p r in g v W h e a ij B r a n , p e r t o n ............. ....... ........................ 25; 0 0 W in te r W h e a t M id d lin g s , B r a n , p e r t o n . —. . * * * * •. ■. 2 7 ,0 0 ......... ....................................2 ^ . 0 0 p er to n . Outs ,-p e r^ h u s h ^ h ^ T T ................................................ ■- — ------ B o h ’i l f o r g e b w e m a k e t h e G o o d F l o i i i v G r in d in g o f a l l k i n d s a n d C o r n W m . C o b C r u s h in g . B a c o n -H o lm e s H O LM ES - S NO. 31 Robert McConnlckfvthe :young Detrolter, sentenced: to prison for life last Jahuary for killing Baggageman Miner, who with Morgan Emmett.of this place tried to arrest him for com-, mltting a burglary a t YpsUantb and Monroe 'Aukehuan, sentenced from Kalamazooin lOOr toy kilUnganegrq. RECEIVER WEDEMEYER THINKS escaped from the prison hospital^at K M 1 I WE' HAYE; AN-:^XDEti*B?fTn;; T” S^Mondayrmornihg; ” 7; . .t '‘T 't The hospital,' dne'l of /the weak OPPORTUNITY. p jffiiW lte l: places of the-, prison, has windows guarded .with soft-iron /bars, but is in the^dome of the prison, more than ,60 feet from the ground. Aukermah was cook for. the patients In the hospital, and McCormick wa$-a -patient, He wasTwounded- when 7bn^ght~torthe prison and only a, week ago a bullet D l s t t i $ t ;N p / 6 ; M is s R e h a L . - N o t i t e h i t e a c h e r —E s t h e r W i d m a y e r ' l , H e n r y While oh a-trip east, recently* W, | P a g e 1. - ; v~ W1AYe9Smsy^,"tj|ceiver ofJhV Chel* D i s t r l c t ' N o . l l , M l s s C e l i a - M u l l e n , sea Savings Hahkt called at the Office of Andre.w C arnegie: ln Ne.w lfork^ te a c h e r —E t h e l - G u s h m a n . D i s t r i c t ‘ N o . - 2,: M_____K is s 'City and there: talked with' a feprea th e r in e A v ic w o H H v u n v iu ^ r, v te a c h e r —E s t h e r sentatlve of Mr. Carnegie with teferv was cue irom his neck. Uiemenschneidcr 5 ie e b ;R h o a n a O r ^ b r ln g , .O t a M il le r , ence to selling thp bank bulldlng here When the guard made the rounds C la r a R ie m e r is c h q e id e r , ^G lad ys to be uaed for a Carnegie library, v at 2 o’clock everythlng^seemed to be R ic h a r d s , 1 , Mr, Wedemeyer learned that any all right, liu t ai2:3Q. there-were some . D i s t r i c t v N D r 7 r M i s s M a r y W e b e i v th in g done with a reference'1 to a bars sawed from a window, a rope te a c h e r —P a u lin e " K o c li ,. ,E l s a K o c h , library musWohrat through the. vil made, of-bedding'Icnotted together M ild r e d G a g e ,- E r m a G a g e ? D e r t ill e lage or toWn aut^drltles or be brought' hung from the window to the ground, to Mr. Carnegie’s - attention by a let and ^ukermau and McCormick were' 'W e b e r , I n a D a v id s o n .!. __ We are prepared to show you the B R IG $ T $ S T , CLEANliST, \, NEWEST STGGK OF—W ALL ^ A P ^ R t-FV E R ^ ^HQWN .IN -; ,CHELSEA.^ We Jiave selected th e -b e st designs ahd colorings from the leading manufacturers pf this country. Our-stock comes • from such Arms as Robt. Graves - & Go., Becjkef, Bmith &• Page— The Glenhill Wall Paper Co., S. A,~Maxwell’«fe C o,/and other equally>we)I known makers. . i 7 i Fj , 4 Hi ’ lit/ JijS. I,'l f : \ -y* ; The Designs and Colorings ter from some-citizen som‘ethlng-in missing. - One of the m en-left—his G r o c e r y D e p a r tm e n t C H ELS EA 39 . Off Again* On Again. ^ T h e Schools o f t h e to w n s h ip o f Syl< van 0- s p e llin g c o n te s t a t th e are a feeble VOLUME 19 10 . Co. W A LK ER 1 ' ' lA spelling ' contest was held iq the this form: shoes on the; window sill wearing slip school house in th e . H eatley district, M r ,.A n d r e w C a r n e g ie : 2 E a s t.O la t^ S t,, pers and expected to. change the New York, '‘ .......- - - ; shoes-before -he slid- down -the, rope Lyndon, Friday, March 4, ~ , Dear Sir: As you. are giving away but forgot them. D istrict No. . 14, Miss . R a ftre y , teacher—C laire - - Rowey — * Florence libraries fo ditTerent-towns-Ixwrite to The \escaping: prisoners dropped Guinan and Teresa Btitenbach-stood ask—you w h a t-a ctio n -h eed s-to be close torthe corner of/the administra 100. _ — J 'this year are mora beautiful than elver before. There Is nothing that will go so far toward refurnishing.andbeautifyihg„Jhe_hpme " (for the money expended) as artistic and harmonious wall hang" ings. ,., ‘. f . taken'to get a library for the town o f tion build!ng andvthe. east cell block* (or something >along this but the former -was—unoccupied,; and I aa I/o there~are no ciues-aa to the direc zcrraii niceBartonplOW Ihasmuch as Mr. Carnegie has noth- taken; Officers are searching the D is tr ict^jStarlO/'Mr. “Monk a'Teach er. Ing-to do witfcthircCdistructtotTrOf tF a co uritry with autom obiles Robert H eatley, - V eva-H ad ley . and bwLldinga and.merely pays the money! S e v e r a le sta p e s-h a v e b e e n m a d e . and s m o k y as you will' you/ cannot make thijngs look bright! Irene Sullivan, 100. as the buildings ad„vance_-he would from the hospital, the bars of soft ^aiid cherry^withvthe broom and’jdustcloth, . .7^ D istrict ' NoT- ^, LMlss_“Swike rathf; probably-be as^wilTihg to buy “ the1 iron olTering no trouble to prisoners teacher^piorence V-Doll and Draon present building already constructed who can g et hold of a steel sav>. . as to bulld-a-new one'^especlally a i It Clark, 100; Amanda W inter,-98. , After being out less than/thirty-six - A. fine program • waa~gtven^by^the~ caa-1ae;bought±fofcflQjLumch-leflM;haP: hours-McGorwlclfandrAukerman-wete pupils of :dlstrioi-No.-lQ,- ■■■■ .ItsjHctual valvTe. returuedVid the .■prison, having been Mif.-Carnegiel|8-repre8Cntative_dlid j x a p t u r e d - i n - Le ^ o n l t o w n s h i p ,- a 'f e w : Tbe spelling contest- o f Sharon not say it Would not he feahiblhio buy m ile s w e s t o f G r a s s L a k e . , . ' Come in and let us. show you what we have; how'to treat the township was held at the Dorr d ls -______________________ the bank building, in .fact he even T h e y - h a d s p e n t, t h e n i g h t I n . t h e hangingnTthe different ktndaaiid"style8; askrto- feee~guirrt trfcct^March 4.~rThe following -pupils' discussed the m atter of what'Chamres b a r n a t A . M . B a r b e r ’ s f a r m , a ls o t h e were pp.rfp.ct: Plorenr.e Rnwars, Carkpnlghtbe necess'arvtO' put the build- day before; and it- was, whenzthey helpful hints about tho decoration oflKe~home.~ ! Mayer; Albert Viegler, ElmerV Hegel ing-int shape - fo e a library-, tbough-of dug-out-therei-Tuesday-mornlng^and schwerdt, Josephine Smvtht . Robert course; he In nowise^ committed:Jhim- started off ’on foot that the prison Lawrence, Elmer Trolz, Carl iViegler, 8elt on the matter,_ ' . __ authorities, were.-informed-of- their Herman Kuieticamp, Ruth Trolz, Mr. Wedemeyer will be glad to whereattoutg. Officers were dispatchmore fully explain the m attereither ed to th at section in autom obilersnd Clarence^ Koebbe,*Walter’Kusterer. ‘—Those misslng—but one “woYff’were to those in authority or anyone inters electric ‘ car, but- the capture was tjydia - Beutler, Walter- Trolz,. Mabel ested if desired----------- made^-by— Albert - Weideman and' Koebbe,— Martha y-Hashlev^—Emma Horace Winfield, -both residents o f P e o p le ’ s T ic k e t. Romelhart. 7 Leoni village, w h o .,were alscP out The People’s Party soaucua was held searchings for them. The^e. was 'a. . W ed d in g B ells, at^the town :hallr-TuhBdaY evening; p iee^ f-W od taU d —near-byt-wher^theA t n o o n . M a r c h ~ 2 .1 g l 0 m t t h e h o m e JSSob Hurnm e m ile d Jthfe-gatfierlttg -[^rl8onera/haO ait-beea8eeu,.apd the o f the bride’s parents. Mr.-rftnd- and- to-urder and called A;/ W; TWiikl n ^ g g th e v Mrs. Andrew Runciman o f Waterloo, to -the chair. O. T. Hoover was elect*, had" gone’ Tnto "hiding there. The occurred the marriage - of their ed secretary, and tke_ chairman ap* woods were thoroughly searched; Mr. daughter Anna.. Belle to Arthur J; pointed John. Kalmbach and George W)ede.man and Mr. Winfield took a Walz. W hile Lohengrin’s bridal Clark fellers. different' course. and in passing the chorus was being1 played b i Mary The fbllowing -ticket was nomb gravel pit noticed smoke come from L O-ulsC’-Gorton th e -b r idal pair took. ■natedf a car that had been leftfon thegfr&vcl their- places ' beneath a canopy of pitAttitch,:. This appe.aIedrtQ-them as. President~GeQ, P. Staflan. white lace decorated with smilax and b&ingr-pecuUaf—and- on -approaching Clerk—W. H. Heselschwerdtr carnations where th e y - were--proTrustees—Jacob-1 closer they saw- one o f the prlsonerabj .. 4•. nounced.husband -and wife by Rev. Dancer, Geo, W. Palmer. , outside. The other-* prisoner was in W. B. Bjsymore of Waterloo. the car, but at once came out. Both Treagurer-^-Geo. W. -Mlllspaugh. ft] Emanuel Walz, a brother of the represented to the offleery iu a bluff Assessor—O. C. Burkhart. ‘ [i ff.l t/J . ^ . :, L u l M0 . groom acted as best man and Miss. -i-Gn motion-A^W^AVilklnson, John ing sort of:-way that they werp not Edna Barber as bridesmaid. Kalmbach and Cone Llghthall were escaped convicts, but' their suits--of 1 The "bride and groom are well made members of the 'village com- gray were top convincing to the men ■ H ab it ig — r e p e a t e d a c t i o n .Y o u a c t -tip& n a known" and- "are held iri high.esteem mitteej ‘ who had' discovered them to allow . by their many: friends. As soon as them to be fooled, and as they were \ g o o d s u g g e s t i o n a n d y o u a r e c e r t a i n , t o a c q u i r e C itiz e n ’ s T ic k e t. possible they ■will commence house both armed, and McCormick ■ and | g o o d h a b i t s . S a v in g is a h a b it. - I t fo llo w s s u g -. keeping on .the Orville- Gorton farm;, The Citizen’s caucus was called t® Aukerman were not, there was no at ^ - g e s feto n a n d a c t i o n . T h e ' s a v i n g h a b i t i s e a s ie p , t o order at the toWn hall Tuesday even tempt made, to resist arrest, | —f o r m t h a n a n y o f. t h e ' w a s t e f u l h a b i t s ; "‘ Y o u m u s t - . , Farmers’ Club Meeting. . ing by-James Taylor, who called~Wal1 S», Patrick's Day-JEntertainment ‘g e t t h e h a b i t . ” T h e F a r m e ir s - M e r c h a n t s ■B a n k The Western' Washtenaw Farmers/ ter H. Dancer to the" chair. Geo. A. 'ClWwlll7ffie'et~with-Mr.-ant^Mts^^ BeGole was elected secretary, and ^Be sure.to attend tne n.ae_eate.rtainl | . w i l l : M p r y a u . ;; n, Ptirkhnrt,- Friday, March. 18th, a t thc- 4halrman appointed JameaTaylor -mentto^be-givon-ln-St-Maryts-haftoii which- tiime^ the 'following pfogram and Ed. Vogel tellers. Wednesday, March 10, at 8 p. m., In, ^ will be carried out: ^ The following ticket was their honor of St. Patrick; - A splendid i Instrumental Solo.1. .Mrs. Geo.’Blalch placed ,in nomination: musical and literary, feast has. been Roll Gall'-ToTbe reepohded^to’ "With . President—Geo. A. BeGole. prepared by the pupils of S t Mary’s current events;- . \ .v , ^ Clerk— Maroney. school and other members of the par -Solo.. .-ms*/ .Vi ,'tt. . . Elmer W i’nansr Trustees—A. E—WlnhnSi -FrederickHdsh under the-jttrcctiorrof^the Sisters of St Dominic.' The feature of the Reading... . . . .’Mr8' N. W. Laird Schultz, F; H, Belser. Treasurer^N. H. Cook, Discussion—‘‘Resoked, That the evening will be the lecture on "My farmer is not responsible for the Assessor—J. W. VanRlper. Trip Through Ireland” by the Rey.James Taylor, H. D, Witherell and Father Comerford, of Pinckney, presenthigh cost of living.” W. H. Dancer 'leader on affirmative, and Ed, Vogel were appointed village Father Comerford is an eloquent and ......__ ____ ‘ Geo. Blalch on the negative. . committee. . -witty speaker,, and thhrbgcture 4s-a^ ! — -■ Reading. . . . . . . . . ..V Hiram Llghthall very popular and intercsting onb,and ' Must Pay Notes. " S h o r t c u ts in h o u s e k e e p in g ” will, no doubt, be greatly enjoyed by f A decision in the case of the the large audience sure ,to attend. 5 . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs, Ed. Spaulding "MUSlO^Vi-*'^.--^'''"'T'r*“*.i„^r, . , , »» . . .Olub- PeopleV -Bank .of. .. Mancheste r vs There -Will be.no admission-.fee,—but McMahon was handed down Saturday an envelope donation.for the parochial Donatlon and Social, by the supreme court. school will be taken up, pT T i s t h e p o l i c y o f t h i s In this case a suit was brought The Ccngregatlonal church .and New Baseball Story. „ LAJ s t o r e t o s e l l o n l y r e l i a b l e society wilt give a donation andsocial against M9Mahon as a stockholder , of « ^ a canning company. He with others ^ W o n In the Ninth,” the new base for RevT M,-Lee Grant and family at m e r c h a n d is e -g o o d s th a t book by Christy Mathewson, the the church Wednesday evening, had put up his personal note in otder ball reat New York big league star, will i - 0 h a v e I N T R I N S I C v a lu e a n d th a t March 1(1. All are cordially -invited, to obtain funds with which to operate Cgln publication as a serial In The b e s t - m e e t t h e .r e q u ir e m e n ts o f Supper from 5:30 to 8 o’clock; - -The the canning concern. The case was Detroit Journal on March 14, This is tried In the AYashtenaw county court a live story of red-blooded, clean snort; following will be the menu; ou r c u sto m e r s. 7 In s e le c tin g about a year ago in which the court presenting Hughlc Jennings ana all a ’ . Roast Pork. Roast Bpef. the big league heroes of the ‘ day as o u r s to c k w o h a v e c a r e fu lly held that the .persons giving the notes actual living characters, and Is Illus Beans. Escalloped Potatoes. « were not .responsible and liable for trated by the best known artists and • d is c r im in a te d t o t h is e n d . CrcainedPotatoes. the full amount of the paper, It prac cartoonists of the country. It has Cabbage Salad. Fruit Salad, tically being held that the notes were been secured exclusively by The i - s HotRolls, Fried Cakes. for Michigan, In advance of Coffee. not put up ns collateral to save tbe Journal its appearance in regular book form, i bank from sustaining a loss. and at a price greater T than ." ever be A Man of Iron Nerve. The BUprfeme court reversed the fore paid foY a similar feature, by a i General HARDWARE and FURNITURE I n d o m i t a b l e w il l a n d t r e m e n d o u s decision of the Washtenaw county Michigan newspaper. e n e rg y a re never fo u n d w h e r e court Saturday and held that: the i^ s t o m a c h , U v e r V k id n e y s a n d Iw w c ls T h e M ole r B a rb e r College Implement*, Wagons, -Baggios ami Harness ' stockholders were liable, for every a r e o u t o f o r d e r , I f y o u w a n t th e s e note and for the full amount o f the of Chicago, fit, wants men to learn ( in n llt le s a n d t h e h u c c c h s t h e y b r i n g , u s e D r . K i n g ’ s N e w L i f e P i l l N , t h e note JUed with the bank. There are the bovber trade. They Alter splendid D r i e r p m a tc h le s s r e g u l a t o r s , f o r k e e n b r a in several dozens of, the notes, which Inducements, am i a short; term com 1 pletes, "They'mail free a beautiful H a lid s t r o n g Ir n d y , ‘2 ^ a t h . T . F r e e , although for a small amount in each catalogue and ask all our readers to m a n C o ., I t , R . F e n n C o . a n d L , l \ instance, total to nearly t50,(XX). send for it. D istrict r "No. l i f M is*;;, M ckune, Chelsea, teacher—H e rb e rt ^McKune and .Her* line.) iwlMps- lln Heme- Rl | f \ ^ farmers Merchants Bank ] I FRED H. BELSER'S | O N E -PR IC E S T O R E Hardware,'furniture amiFarmimplements W e a r e n o w f o e a te d in \u !c.^L l ^ n i n i th e K le in B u i l d i n g , a jid . aliAWl1‘' llfl 1T1 I g O ur F u r n itu r e >l’ y o u r S t o c k h a s a r r iv e d a n d in s p e c tio n is ' ready i See Our Big Granite Sale Woven Wire Fc nee. H O LM ES & W A LK ER WE WILL ALWAYS TREAT YOU RIGHT, i v lE FRED 1 1 v ' >S ■i i I T H E C H E L 9 E A S TA N D A R D , M A R C H ^ e :Ghel«a;S^j^W,d 14 PEOPLE FLEE STATE BRIEFS. A"' %_ ••' Vv>• • At the coming election Bessemer will vote on 'the proposition of bond* O. T. HOOT** P a c k e r . irig*#oM30»000 tor,the erection of a city hall,. ' . * ... JfJCBIOAN CHELSEA. The next meeting of the Michigan Schoolmasters’ d u b wlll .be held la i l l *W * * ;\| Ann Arbor four days following R E C E IV IN G A BOO K A G E N T UAN8INQ ------ROOMING HOUS* March. H fi The Home for , the Friendless of BURN#; QUEfiTS L O « CLOTHP* it • • This Man Did and Your Prl* Saginaw -received <12.000 as the jg^ Vito t o yrfum WHI UiMw J t In*— ___ »NO AND JEWELRY,^_______ ___ •u lf o f tfie probatitig of th e ’will of vildfd by the Hot air Gentry. IS. W O i e ve ry ye a r to commissioned ra u k civll* Ians w ho k n o w -11 ttlis o r bothlng about the tu p ita ry aervlce, apd w ho W v e to be, trained fo r several y e a rf before th e y, f t # com petent to com mand la f tro o p s ;' ^ *• /- • T h e authorised num ber o f cad«ta a t th e m ilita ry aeadem y ia 533, b u t the actual num ber in attendance, a t the s c h o o l’ faille fa r below this m a rk , the 'deficiency being d u e td the fa c t th a t, th e re are a lw a ys existing vacancies ’ -gaused-b y- t h » - ^ a li u re o f oandidatea te SEEK RE-ELECTION Probability of Changesjnjllg ! Upper House. __ PUBLISHED EVERYWINTER , Famous Cough and Cold; Proiorlptfo^ Has Curod Hundreds Hors, fiEVCRAL JMALL RIOT! OCCUH IhLYARIOUfiPARTS 1N V OF O T O -V*' “Get two ounce» of dlycerlne half an ounda of Concentrated pj& compound. Then get half a plot of kqm whiskey and put the other two lnM^i1 dlentsinto it, Take a teaspoonfifi ^ a tablespoonlul of this' mixture ><%{ each-meal and jat bsd tlme. Shake fit bottle well each-time." This Is said la b e t h r /quickust i » l d -an d cobgh"^ cdy known. It frequently"buree thi' i in twentylotfr hourdi M ' report or to pass the entrance examipaion»,- e e - by the e limination of c* he sure to g e t o n ly th e ,.g «n u m e c « ' dels >yho are found deficient in their ^-*LURlfi5 FROM M lNOR^LAfiHlfi k th d , U ut b o o k ,a g o a t1 slipped in to t h < P " i s WITH P p u o e . centrated P in e , E a s h lia H ounce b o tS Studies or Their-conduot." office' o f a young attorney in the Wil* v ; pRjgQN..' ■> .: comes p u t u p In a ttn icrew -top caw,; 'ago. Admit Training Is Needed. lianson building. ' P o p ’t use, t h e . 'jve a k e r: pine -prepa^;: ' This attorney received the book Mem,bqrs of congrese have, come to Scottvllle citizens are considering, ,Nelaon W. Aldr!ch Ameng Those Who Trelfey Mfth“ Prppose Arbitration to tiohs. A n y d ru g g ist h as U on hand ®5 the conclusion, perhaps reluctantly, agent must cordially* "I know what McCormickandaHospltalCoolcIgawr apparently with favor, th e. proposK Will Ask, for State's Indorsement for Settle Difficulty With the.. Hnn ./tf •/! ttf ''n DahaV Ad 4ha>;Uaei w ill quickly g e t i t fro m hie wholes*}*’ it is hqt the layman’s way of thinktion of C. W. JR . Roach, of the Hart r. you ergnt?’ KtThegan. “You’re a hoolt Window Bara and Drop Four Canning company, to erect a canning i —To Increase Attendance . Transit Co. lng ordjnarily, that T raining i s -Reeded house, j __________. * agent I can tell by the prospectus 8toriea With Rope. Made "of - at West Point.' , ' factory. for the military. profession Just os done up in oilcloth that you’ve got un Traveling Man Got Even, Bedding* The county board of supervisors much if not more than it is needed for der Vour coat. But I’m not In the A traveling man oalted on the The sym patbetlc’strike of organWaBhlngton.rr-.The. Republican sens* . has decided that the local option any^ other profession.-- J3o it Ib that market-rhoneatly. What you got? Fire—which—wag-started ifo :‘a ~gaa:bsuie.stl<m^~sha!r r b e ^ ib m ltte d io _the/.! tors Who yntad' against the.Payne-Al' hey .are—trying-howTo-devtse^Bome- -ized-labor/-in Philadelphia called to ager of a large New York concern,ihR,B #U on <le luxe of the‘Arabian nights,’ 1 ‘ voters at the coming spring election rich tariff bill and who fought‘many: means of keeping the ranks full at assist the street car men In thotr othqr da^ and sent his card in by the I eh,?. . Now I’ll tel! you what I'll do. heater; , in the bathroom Saturday In Gogebic county. ' night drove 14' roomers, many.of,them of its provisions from the verj^be* W e ir Pbipt so that the "arihy;-can be controversy-TWith The-^PhHadelpW* boy at the outs ide gatp, -The- boyEve keen buying so many boOka lh a t l ■In ffieli* night clothing, out of the Prof, A: 8. Wnrthln, of the medical ginning of the debate hope that in officered at aB times by trained sol RapId Transit company was generally sauntered back lazily /and told tb? < just naturally, mustn't talk to you at responded; ,to by union workmen. traveling man _^hat Ethb manager j ^Isdorf rooming house, at Lansing, aU.v If you'll promise to run'on away damaged th e . building to the extent faculty at Ann Arbor, haft 40 volumes one year’s time their ranlm. w ill; bp diers-and so that the necessity, of giv There are conflicting reports as to, the wouldn’t see him. / . .. . j of'medical books in his library which fuller than th ey . are. tor4ay,-for they, ing-up four or five years’ time to the and not show me your dummy bind of $10,000, and destroyed’ clothing and were 'published In the sixteenth and number (Of men who- quit work. The “Well. you go and ask him for the -I say they expect that from one or tWo training of civilians appointed os sec hPRt. Batlmatea nt hand vary from 30, ings and sample pages and things 1'U Jewelry belonging to-;the- guest8-,- the seventeenth centuries.’ "- j states—there-w ill—come—senatorft- of end lieutenants may be done away 000, given-by the police department or card I sent In,*’ said the, caller. put you onto a man tbat’ll just about value of which la antimatod ho $snn The'women of Iugliam county will In » few minutes the boy-returned .their way of thinking to. add to what buy, iimi'w. |pil TliirTHTT No one was Injured, though the*© the- clty, to 75,000 claimed by tne from his second trip., “Bay," remarked be asked to state their opinions hi they :c$U- the anti-organization strength with. low's crazy about the ’Arabian Nights’ ware-several . _______ ____________ narrovreseapes, and Mrs, regard .to local option in the county. . - The. object o f , the senatb bill Is to union leaders.' tbe boy, “the boss told me to tell you especially. - Just the other day he was Stella Seeley; part ^wner of the prop The petition will, it ia.said, be simi in tbe upper house. increase the number !0t' cadetB by a .. General . disorder marked the in that ho tore up that card, but he sent augural day of the great industrial : . The Democrats hope and seemingly asking me if I knew what was the ert?* is in a'seriou i condition from lar to that circulated ‘among the men slight modification in the method of There' were numerous a** a nickel to you to pay for, it." best edition of'Arabian Nights’ for-ar 8^ ^ . , , , Arrangements , were - completed believe .that Their ranks are to be re making appointments. The military conflict. The traveling man was deeply fa; rests and scores of people are nurs penon to buy It was. one of the mostly costly fires whereby the Jnmates of the recently cruited largely as a result of the committee in its report on the suh -suited, but^he^rtedfled to: get-back sbt ing slight injuriesreceived in minor .senatorial elections, in the different -And tbe beauty of dealing-with this l ^ ^ n y J h a s s^eiL.in years, TheJAls, burned Michigan Mason ic home ..at JectrBays:. ’ * ^ -takirralsheB-WithTheipolicerTTlndepend*best he couldr He; opened his card; dorf was-built-about ten yearsago, __ man,” went on the "lawyer," “Is that at a cost of 125,000, and has-been Grand Rapids^ will he dared for In a state. legislatures next winter. E v ert Changes^Proposed, ence square was the scene ofa. great/ case and drew out another, card, hand he’d rather buy a book from some one conducted since as a first-class room vacant, fashionable clubhouse until: second "year there/ls an influx: of neW “It is proposed that the members gathering of strikers. " in g it to the boy. -r ; senators Jnto congresa or sb influx Of right In his office. He bates to go to ing house; Among the roomers was June 1, . jif_congreBs*nd the president, who recAfter, the marchers left the-squater “Glve thla to your boss," he .said,; oldsenators who. havebeen lucky -The- Wexford- County Medical sothe' bother of -running -Into—a~book- T. E. Ely, state highway commie commend and -make--appointmentsr thej^paraded-thropgh the centrnl. part “and tell h im ih at Wl keep tbe money. enough to be rSelectedr ”The^JisjTqf ciety-has-adopted“n resolutton_ to pre^ store. It’acften been said of him that s loner. ~ 1 of the city and numerous clashes oc scribe liquors only to persons at their" menjbers qf the vpper bouse whoflh’ shall have the right to a second ap curred.' Nothing more serious than a My cards are two for five. Mitch be never yet has been known to re pointment as soon as their appointee obliged." bedside, in other words, to cut. out terms will' expire at midnight; March; fuse an audience with a book agent, M cCorm ick I s o a p e e shall become a member of the gradii- .few. • "broken heads," however, ieT h e m anager rushed o u t o f the gate ■giving prescriptions-to-Woee-who have, 3,-1311/ is a long one, and it runs gs Book salesmen are a'sort of a hobbySawing a bar and descendlng. from . _'. j__ nting class a fter three years! service suited. to flnd Tfre tra v e lin g 7m a fir b u t he v/isj > follows: 1 ______ With all the cdnfUctlngTeports as a four-story -window by means o f - a a bad cold, of bis, I guess. at the academy. In other words, those ".advisory^ .board^f' .th^RbyaT Democrats—James I P. Taliaferro, recommending or making cadet ' ap to the extent of the strike, it is evl- ■too late. T h e -m a n had le ft. • “Now, yo,u chase on-down and see rope made of sheets anil towels, of Michigan hold a meet Florida^ Iaador Rayner/ Maryland* dent-thatTPhiladelilhia’a "industries are this chap—Samuel Mather bis .name Robert McCormick, the Detroit boy Arcaniiih pointments will each have onq.cadst not yet pr.oBtrated by the conflict. The; Why She Needed M6re Nights Off. ing at the Hotel Dresden,' Flint,' and sent up for life from Ypsilantl for .the Is. and a good pal of mine. ‘/-You won’t selected Detroit as theVplace for the Hernando D. Money; M ississippi/ at the. academy during, three years great industrial establishments, such ~ H a v in g recen tly engaged a n l8-ysar- j James J3. Frazier, Tennessee; / John and Monroe ^uckem nm ra Ufer-frnnr annual meeting, ( which ..will bo hold Wr-Danleir/V4reiAar-eharlBa=AT:Culc And-two^cddets- durlng cvery fourth /as '" Baldwin’s-- LecamoTTve T works. j>ldxota3Td-girl_t<rdo housew ork afNew"" -TuesdayAprH-lftr year." - — ■ ' _ * -------t CrampB’ shipyard, Brill's Gar _works/ Y o r k wom an w as a d ju stin g J h e variI.? ° U tf r ^ r 6 — r K a } a m azQ Q — -e s c a p ed — f r o m - d a c k s o lT d y a t want io let you in, just tell m prison at 2:30 Monday morning. The board of finpcrvlanrs-fli^flagfc- beraom-Texas._____________________ z_:If_this-hlll-sball-become-a-1aw-The ThoTMldvaliirSteel works, all of which 0U8 questions o f privilege s. yoU-want to Mr/ Mathsraboul^ a | The escape* was discovered when btc county created a new township in Republicans—William Warner, ffiS; cadet .corps will be given_-the_ iUwgtU 'are "open shop" concerns, were in op" Y o u w ill h a ve M o n d a y 1and Thura—b o o t-O . that’s all right. Don’t bothbr' the guard made his hourly rounds at the extreme eastern section . of .the sourl; George Sutherland, Gtah; iN\ ;in numbers which I t Is tbelntentlon of eration--wlth- - practically their full day_nigbts_pff, E liz a / ! th e m istress b( -tiianking-me-for the tip,-,-Good luck tcT [ 37307 JuBt ah hour after the ^convicts county. I f will be known as-Carlson, than B, Scottr-Wqgt VirglniarvSaihuel- Tha-present law that it BKaiithnyp- The rfmrcer : : ~ .. ■- ______ --■. - the house said/ :------ — '" V •' you." And tbe lawyerTurned back tol^gdT awayi An open window- and ff in honor-of Conrad Carlsoh,-the first H.-Piles, WashingtonrCarroltSTPage, difficulty is that the present law does "On’y Monday ’n’ Thursday nights!" his desk with-ft auppressed grin. ' bar wrenched away and hanging limp clerk of the county. Vermont; George T. pllver*. Pennsyl Jiqt take intd consideration^ther-fact the other exclaimed, rolling her eyes. He thight aa well have sent the. ^ ol its socket _told the story. The yWlth from SG to-40 loads appearing- vania j-George 8;-NlxopfNe^adaT^Pdty that many boys who receive, appoint* c t 5 m i j y - e ^ R V E s l i l l i s the call-* call* from "My Lawd, Mis’ Blank, dat won’t do alarm was given at ~Qpce and --the on the market dally, the potato price ter Jf^L'McCumber, -North Dakota; ments do not for some reason or other •r to sell, a book to the pope. For not nohow^—dat-aln’t enouglh-^Yottr-7se systematic dragnet: of the prison, auslumped at Traverse City from 20 to even-Jobn- Rockefeller is as difficult Henty-r-GabpL-Lodge, Massachusetts; show up it" the academy, and that •RfcfY"’Packer Returned Unexpectedly ma’am; I’s a dehbytante," -•-tfacrtHes was put^lt>to^operattmr=wtth^ 1.8 cents. " Fearing a spring breakup Robert M. La Follette. Wisconsin: to reach as Samuel Mather. Even" the out delay. i-seem -to^-be-1willing to let- John Kean, New Jersey ;*Eugene Hale, eome of the membe rs -ef congresr ... and Found TEftti'a in H ls-Wlfe^---heads of the various; depariments-ei .. - The Engllsh W ay.. —rconvicts made their . escape- gb of thelr^tubera at any price; rr—_...-*—r'-r— —— » The n w tuuni:io neglec t .Jheir _duty.i»~ tbiLJnatter of Company. Malne;_„Frank-P.-, Flint,—Californian appointing cadets.- it- is known-that .M.athgr t Co. seldom think | from a window o U h e prlgQiL-hoMpltal . “Do you think baseball will ever |et Intense secrecy isbeing ^bservedThe Michigair^eTffFal^Tallrbad If Henry A. du pontj-'DelawaFefTJh'tS'les -TH^oii»g^to-h|ft^riva.fe-offlcer.untBBfn^-.tbe^durth~floorr=ju8t~over-the as-: -in; some congressional—districts .htin by-all concerned regarding the exact a footholdln England?" planningt o ' ,buil'dL "an" extension from fhey’y© been -sent . for-r-Cleyeland sembly lyail. , McCormick, was- Jp the Dlck,_Qhla;_Chauncey_M. Depew; New dreds of boys want to go to the milly nature oflth e mutilation- inflicted hy "They play-it some." :* ---« Plain Dealer. York; Clarence D. Clark* Wyoming; tary .academy, while ln some oliierB no John P. Cudahy, tho Kansas Oitv "As BtrenuouHlV aa we It is expected an receiyed-in--|h|8- battle with the man "Well, no,: They serve tea between -will be built from I^eno* to Mobob E. Clann. MtnnfiH^tfl; .Thnmaa candidate flppumB,'glUl fts a roguit.tHe inUlUWAlre pacaer, upon Jere S. Lillis, .iie.-slew in the- Yps llaniirwaitlng room extension Rochester and Utica via.Mt^Clemens H. .. Carter, .Montana;. Julius C. Bur- congressman not having any "jpi/lica- the friend he accuses of ruining >hls Innings, I understand." “W eit^" I two nicuiths ago. and Aucker* 1■ ' ' VC,hefi=Erfid_.Barber^a "farmer^went rows, Michigan; Elmer J. Burkett, tlons filed, forgets all about the matter home, ' wher^a-rng cook in the-prison,' Don’t kick* when your wife asks^if Nebrilkaj -Morgan G, Bulkeley. Coh* Physiciqns, nurses and lawyers __ ____him. "And then?_ _ and his district gpes without repreAnd then. ! has-been a-patient for three weeks.* oijt-to 'his barp -to- do his chorea- he alike are mute concerning the wounds her hatda_.on_straight^ Rather feel "That’s about all. The president of " A b a r w a a s a w e d f r o m - t h & w l i i d o w leard a. weak cry- like that of a kit- nectlcui; Albert J. Bevqrldge, Indi sentatidn.Tv ; ’ inflicted upon’ the banker when he proudjhat she bas the graclolisness to Venezuela or Veragua, or something; a n d t h e m e n m a d d - i ^ - r o p e o f b e d * tep inside the stable. Investigating, ana; Nelson W-.. Aldrich, Rhode Island. • 8peaker Cannon May Retire. was surprised- at ; th e/-CifilIhy~"Kome ilken'Vou to a plumb.__ Republicans to Ftetaln Control. ~ ^ ^ he—foun(1- a—1arge >blanket- in which -"^Ift in a mix*up on account-otisonie let* . s h e e t s a n d ^ t o w e i s . — ?— While no . word .has come from. was wrapped a newiy-bom_hahy..glrl.. —Thfire.-Js=vlrtually-no --chancer, that Speaker..Gannon fo ciinchTheTmatterr _ear]y_3uuday—mornl ngp=b oimd^=with= tet%—y e ix interesUng and well writ; . PERRY DAVIS’ PAXNKIIXEB Mac Qo From Food' Cltjj. - The case of W, P. parsons vs. Stew the Democrats w ill obtain control of the men who are closest to him per; ropes and serlousl)-. injured with a W enviable repuutior) otoverneveniy jreams«» ten- they were, too—-he "wrote years knife in the handB of the angry hus reliable remedy for lumbitfn, eolatloe, plearltragtf to a dancer-up In the Bronx,^ King An exodus-of 100 union machinists, art, pills, ^_Owosso,, over. the' location, theaenateas-aiesult-of-next-w lnter’s gonally and- politically- seem to feel band. lUtcbet, etc., Z6e, 8Saand 6Uo. atsTidrnggieu.' " ^■ -- ■^ Leopold is quite I lf and theTillness is one of the results of the campaign o f a line fence, has been taken-to the elections. There are too many always -that-before -very long-noW^tlfe-speak' —IMs-arnioimcedThat-Mr.- Lillis Tvill Some men go to their graves with• seems. tojbe”cftused by worrv bver^i^ hrecentlyr begun^ by 'the' .unton di^an- supreme -court;- -The-^case: -involvefl- Republican-states tq chooae thelrrrepi er .will" Scy .that lie does not Intend , not pi'OBe6ate Mr.;C!ndfahv out^disooveriag-that-they-wers __:Ferrec-case. -_Thev-thre^ftr«naa~ fn- !,nT "IzeTs In tfiiin efforts to make^Battic. one-half acre' of land valued at about reseniatly.es- in The upper house to to be .a .candidate' - again "for When thsicase-of-Cudahyr charged lmport_ah_t as thev thought thev nbt-ai'wet^. —him, ygff know.^The:?stTga^trm was • -Cveek^feeF-tlTe :powgr~qf ~ organized r2pranflhas-cau8ed-ab.out$3,000' worth give much basis fdr any Democratic -of-1 It 1ga tl on-i n-t he-pus t~4 0-year 8——^ dissolved up. In St . Paul I laborhouse. Even if the speaker does is- clpai' court"by. request .of attorneyB-for ■■_ pn-Es orsE D in 0 to i s D jiv i T h a t F r a n k W s g e r i" n f P a in e s B t a r /Z O OINTUBNT t* guar»Qteed lo ra n t m y r ift a'gainstThem-can-be-overcoiseridaine,-HUS-a—Btatem-enrTb-Tlre"7 effectvthat both sides -it—was-"Continued- - for;"a- yTltehiDii, Mon> whose dismembered body wfts Blind, Bleeding or'protYsdltiS put* Ln ■ week. There is. little probability that l»o UdM *«r LMnay be, will not return t Eugene money refunded, Mo. “ v, , ho Will give over an£ further ambition have hosh as^ near as Detroit, secured positions throughout found beBide the Michigan Central-: there ever will be a trial, unless ii/iwen ®e,n ^ put on--:Id- th'e state* a t higher Wages. They are tracUaJn- Saginaw, came to. his death Ilale to the senate, but admittedly on to succeed himself, It Is certain that" other proceedings should come out of It isn't every;prodigal son w)io gets reepower electric bulbs. Nothing leaviBg in -sm a ll .groups-'to take up by. a freight train; while Intoxicated, all aides Mr., Hale’s chances of com-; he will be a good deal 'of in factor in the. incident. . a whack at the obese veal. i can rem em ber..,. The subway people their Work, Most of, the m en are mar- and was! not killed for his money, was lng back are bright, although'there is the, matter of choosing his successor. a. fight being waged against him in the verdict of the coroner's'Jury else but the shop, advertisements, ried and have families. - ----■ Un, Winslow's Soothing Sync.. Borne. it ^ a s the feeling 0jr*Dlltoh;tflei|hiP8. ,atfl«af tbe gums, HMneeeln. Shall I read them to you?" — - . Dowd made the statement, .some Several thousand1.feet of lumber the home-state. If. Mr. -Hale "Sir any In WaBhingtonr-and it wao t&uifieYFoff/ eWo rld’s Prayf f t* B«m maiion.ftUay6fialt)jnur6»viinrtf<siu. '’Don’t bother) - b elbve d .^ The PTayers-of ChrlSTrans^h'rougTi; kinlBis, belonging-to-tbo- PUnt^ibumher. com*. chance-should be defeated his place In the "dispatches / from the (capital, ^would;-get—bigher—wages-wlthotit-re-d s n. "Y-ou—have-done cnoughT11 “W re waSirea into tne river- by will not beTakpn by-a Demobrot,, bdt that I f the Renubticanw whmiid oari-y out the world will, it is adnouncefl; ^ Scandal is the tattle of fools ^ sortln^' to a strike, and .this-1 b- his a. flood. An ice-jam a:few blocks west- by some Republican wnom the people the next house- thqy must of necessity be turned against the Chicago sa judge other people by themeelvea; method7 His idea Is to create a-scarg" of Saginaw street- the main thorough* pf-Majne will think mnra n^ni-ly yap, loons and for a local npHan' vifttoavThe 3ortfl ofvthe Radiator,-It3iLot4nachlttietft^4n^Battle=Greek=Bnd= = on April 5, as a result of the enformed^ffr Tfirua(r~creeR7 resents what they-consider the pro choose—a—speaker f r o m t h erTnlddl __ ,, .. . - old thereby secure' a raise in wages. causing an expanse of water of more gressive Republican tendency of the west. This was the feeling forborne trance of_ the Chicago Christian. En time and it was founded* on knowledge deavor union In The.figliUagainst^the -songs, said the^warm flat dweller than~200 feet. : age»: o f“Condlttons- a sth e y 7;exlsted“at;that "liquor Traffic. ____gayly"^-There’s nothing in the wav of I . ___.Whole Family -poisoned, -Cardillac . . ■wlil'^robably - j *.■Ve the _m eet Aldrich Sure to Come\Baek. time; Now it seem s that there has songs that appeals to me so forcibly Charles Knaup, his -wlfe- and four Following a resolution/ adopted by ng„placerof .the ntaratate-commarce------ BenatorvAldrlch,- the Republican been som.e change of hearton the part delegates as.the- song of-the- radiator. ' There’s I children are in a serious condition, commission o f . 400 branches of the 60mi 5W -The .Th#* nro' i. . , / T P a in on March .24, pro leader,- i18^--certain - to returned to of a_jsood many ..of-the organization ciety In. Chicago, -50,000.000- Chris -something about its dulcet tones thad although they will recover, as the re posed, meetfng is for- the- purpose ;of. tians will be asked to stop'work at gets right down into, the marrow of suit of eadng poisoned cheese at givingsa-hearing to the Michigan the senate if he lives/ -No Democrat \Republicans.. in 0 o'clock each morning between now my bones,. The melody df it, the ere* their home at Dewit.t. A physician Hardwood Manufacturers’ association- has made any claim of a possibility Eastern Man May Be Speaker. acendo, the fortissimo, the pianissimo was called and after attending the relative to the shipping rate from of Mr. Aldrich's defeat One year ago ..There seem s to have been stealing and election dayt and offer a prayer former .GoV. Utter of Rhode Island over t h e . so-called regulars of the for ai_d_ in .defeating the-saloons of the stacatto, thb ascending and' de- Patlents b«gaiv a search for the cause, MichiganTo the Pacific coast. -Chicago.——............. •bending scale, w axing‘louder 'louder I ^ first nf was unable to detect A committee from theboard-of con?- said that; ho was. authorized by Mr. house The thdught—that “an, eastern" ^ ^ t ben-dtmto^hi^.^ H T - ; ^ ^ t d ^ ^ tj-L p o ison—but _ate=a^:quantity -o/-^-- th e trol.’of the Michigan Masonic Home; Aldrich to declare that the senator man' now has a good chance to - be ■ The various branches of the Christian Endeavor union throughout- the ca™ dly (ch eese himself. .-.Within a short time was In Alma Thursday to investigate would not be a candidate for rennnodio ‘ „ Tbat tt song That he also" was very ill, hut had an anil' the sanitarium property relative to election. it .was perfectly true_that chosen speaker if the Republicans world have 'approximately ■Itfefl'OOO succeed-in- carrying, the houaer^and: member s ..1 —_ ---------dote handy. liii providing a place to caro for Jhftrln^- -tho-Republloan-aenate-leader had in=- that in choosrng an easterner his bup It s the song that would anneal in These will be asked To «pi-Anq the umtcfl ul uiv; burned uui iivu h6me/Rt uum tjriu Grand \jnnnu tended to retire at The-expiration-of mates of the. request to members of the Chur, "portsrs""will (have the votes and the. col.d~.flatJd.wel]or a>gned, Warship ______ r -Michigan-Shows _____ w.... ......... .. Spee^i __r . Rapid«, wbn.are.naw-being cared for hie present term of office, The neceiF by means of denominational maga1 moral support qf a good many of the The_Janftor-^vou4d“ let-it,: but Tre- The new battleship Michigan, now at a hoter an'd private residences. sity for .financial /legislation induced members who are called Insurgents. siM S -aiif_ndigious. publicationa, and won t. That’s what ho does—grades: on her official trial, trip-off-tho ChesaAlleging that St. Joseph Is losing Mr. Aldrich to change his mind, for he enlist their prayers in the f)ght. its music mostly so’a'you can hardly- peake- -.capesr^has already 'Tnade «» Present Speaker’s Position. hear it at all," w d0hLacrn bmLanlfe nn° „ aft8; saw an opportunity, as his friends put splendid record. A-message received • pbS S If Mr. Gannon shall declare that he . For sore throat, sharp^pain ^Ex-8enator~Ff*tt 1$ Dead, “ ^t—the-navy—department-stated-that vnrtnua bUlld- fi legislative mOnUtSCht tO Is not to he a candidate to succeed various Molrlonlt residents fnr for nai>tnn«1 personal taxes, Former • United States Senator in lungs, tightness across the himself in the shape of a financial the ship yesterday made her four-hour himself in case of Republican success A Clergyman In Racing! tbe^Big Four railway has started suit sneed-nm at the rate of 1 DM 2 knota. “Chest, hoarseness or cough,measure—that rmightTtJeBatifffacTdfy ^ j*?as . r!wllleJ M a ttn ep iiS ilS a n agalnut the city. contendlngThat the" _ ‘® seldom that a clergyman—has at the- polls ne"xt“ faiU hV can be7"as leader of the state of New York'1for lave the parts with Sloan1® . official connection with horse racing, an hour, almost -a- full knot in ex present tax rolls are null and void. io all sections of the country, What has been said, a good deal of a fac a score of years, arid; intensely interSeveral lodges and social clubs are- ever it was that,; induced Mr. Aldrich tor in. the, matter of choosing hiB suc Liniment. Yon don't need to but Dr, Noyeg, who has just written cess of the contract requirement. inc.iuded in the list'. to change hiB mind, he changed it, cessor. It is only human nature that ested.J .s : ih e Rotmbllcan party- froman account of his chaplaincy in Parts, ... r- To open navigation' into1 Muskegon* rhb, Just lay it on lighUy, It its organization In 18 6 6 . died unfeje-i Monroe officials and opposition d oe\ and-he will be a candidate for re-elec; the speaker should prefer to be Suc pectediy at 4 o’clock Sunday after^ was for many years the only English the Goodrich Transit ice crusher penetrates instantly lb the seat man on the- board^ under the Socidte -Arctic, after working-20 houra-on-the tors Interfered in a recent case of tion, and unless death intervenes it ceeded by a man who will do as, he noon In his apartments at 133 West of the trouble, relieves conges* dee Steeplechases *de Franco for ad* ice in the harbor, broke a1 passage, <scarlef fever in which City Physician seems assured that fie is to come has done, a man who believe In the Eleventh 8treeLJ^ewLYotdc_He-weuid tion-and4 stops the pain. F. R. Burdeno compiledwith the k judicating upon any . question? that ,ono mile up tho. lake, half the die* necessary restrictions and quarantine back to Washington. rules of“the house as they exist and 7 Out in Indiana the Democrats hope “ '“ “ igfitrnlse-TTfmflecled^ith' the/ riders, tance to bc cTearel. The Indiana is ,w liich 3h e quar*_ to secure-aTSuccessor to Senator Al who I s not given to what the speaker The-fitreqt cause of many of whorri' isfe EngllBK. tJntll t^ 0-00”10 ,n_0It a trt^eaklyr.^chedul calls radicalism. There are some men M r. A .W . Pries, Fredonio, K a n t« antine was lifted by those interfer* bert J. Beveridge. Mr. Beveridge has u • a y s : W o have used Sloan's Lint* .tho date of hlg departure from Paris Deputy Game Wdrden E, J, Thrash ing. It has since been learned that the in the reset, In "the middle-weBt ntid a’ he regularly received tickets for the od rounded up Justice R.-A. McRoy city doctor was correct, Dr. Guy L. ,a hard campaign ahead, o f him prior reserved inc-ift««fa...... ............ . ... and i K..Barkar,. -a hardware -de alaiy ■Kibfer: ■nF P BtTOit,"having d ecld W t y if t h e stand by the speaker, and It may be colds, and hay fever attacks. A i m oess tated hi» occupying a wheel chair both of Imlay City, for illegal Ashing^ that effect. that they ,can-vdedde in caucus the most of the time. Within the past mops taken on sugar stops coogb* Brought to I^peer and taken before The I. O. O. F. of Owosso plan to holdover Democrats who will have question of the successorship, but If ing aqd sneezing instantlj.* both pieaaeo pleaded gum. guilt. assist Mrs, George palmer in her salt seats in the next legislature and this they are not numerous enough to fio evidence of “You’re JlookfnU * ^ Qe r i Justice Wright, wrignt, born Bright s disease had become apparent 1 hear," said- Kidder at the^Vakfast* |0.GB WR* fln*d 116 66 and Parker against the Flint concern In whleh advantage of tbe opposition party ths this they can by throwing their votes Outerher husband was killed by a boiler Republican senator will have to over- one way. or the other, control the. bridge* 1)hyelclan’ Dr' table, - Muskegon Democrats are angry pxplpRlon a short time ago. The man chxhe. y cholce sb between two men. ..... .’Tes," replied the talkative board over the fact that the Republican* was Insured for $3,000 in the lodge, New York will choose a senator to er, "Why?" The supposedly wise ones among i T1S r a t e ’ P ?Ar i c k - W e ffro n . r r r tn r ' placed' Henry E. Langeland, hereto bjjJL.Asd^ .neglected-.td ~mec.t--hls_1 ait_ -aucceed Chauncey M^-Depew. Mr; Be— —Here’s an ad, In the pqper-Thafr fore Tr"Demoerat, a ir the"‘Ticket aT“r payment, and consequently his fam fatrtsTo-sncccedhTmsgirrTrur ft shows a party majority tho man who Jhfluld interest you-partlculariy*, T o y could n d r ’clflTFct anything. The may be that certain passages in the will succeed the speaker will he a bishop of Winona, according to inforIs claimed that Langeland .has al rent—nico~ room- for gent -with .gas.’ " ■ ■ lodge wljl -furnish the necessary senators life a fqw years ago will " m od erate,an d that probably the matidn-receivea atlVashirififori by S o ' ways been a Democrat, money to fight the .case. ■ ^ a t h o lic Btandard and Times. prevent his party from sending him rul$s will bo amended to ,s ome de- Fo?conio Uele8ate’ Most Re®. Diomede ■ n„mmin i , :« ■ is easier to use than porous John Harris, of Saginaw, president Exhibits of prize-winning Corn from of the Michigan miners, was re-elect various sections of the lovtar penin back to the upper house. greq, but not nearly enough to suit piasters, acts quicker and does .Not Her. ' To Fill up West Point. the insurgents and yet enough per _ Charges that the^Northern Pacific The Doctorr-MrR, Murphy, yob must ed, William Diamond, former secre sula were exhibited last week at the not clog upthe poresc< theskin. The members of the fourth, or as it M. A. C. in conneotfon with the sixth tary and treasurer, haa been elected , **» an excellent an*“ — haps to displease some of the regulars Ra,]^ Ry. company, the Great North* be at your hunband’s side,constantly, tp called, the plobe class, have just coml)ai* ^ d the a r m "nwptlc remedy fmr wh.o think that the rules are Just a t you will need to hand him some a member of tho executive board, Jo annual meeting of the Michigan Corn •Northern Express company are exThe’ pur reported fdr dtfmlSsIon to the United what they should be. , seph Smith, of Bay City, Is the new improvement association, *^m a, bronchitis,, thing every little while. vlce'ipreftident. Th®:convention of mi pose is to arouse a greater interest States Military academy at Wob -andalllnfljunmatorf Mrs, Murphy—Nivor, doctor! For ners will bo-hcldMtt--Bay City^Marcb -in-growi ng-ft-better-epmti tjr-ofT;i Tfiir rates on creamery butter... are dlaeaaes o f the *olnt. There are only 105 mombdra bo it from me to hit n man whin he's 8. and also to show whore the best quali of tho clnsB.'and there still will bo the speakership .In th en ext house and ^o^ctetate commerce throat and chest: down.—Pyck, Prominent corn 150 vacancies in the corps of cadets, all the plans that the Republicans are commission by the Minnesota Butter will break up tin Tho identity o fth e man whose bouy ties are grown, making and all tho sebemos That In deadly membrane In waa found in Weldon creek," 13 miles .grower 'from all over thh state were The committee on military affairs surgents and regulars are 'entering ki,UA0am c2”i l5Bny- and various other • A Touchy S teed ,. an attack of croup, butter manufacturers In tho northea«t of Ltidington, remalna a mya- in nttendanee, of the United Btates senate haB just “Can; your horso Jump?" and will kill any kina As tho rhsult. of the recent ydL< recommended a change in the law reg- into, depend upon their party’s suetcry. A card was found In hiR cloth of neuralgia or rheu “I don’t know, r nevor neked him." ing which boro the name of John for tile annexation to Flint, GenoBee, .Judge Alton B. Parker, sailing 0» matic pains. “Really! Why not?" Metz, 434 Eleventh avenue, Milwau Burton and Mt. Morris townships arc ujatlng appointments to West Point, „BCr ^ uAu8tG Vietorln, will “l am afraid he might take, a f e W “ kee, Wie,,t. secretary of the Molders’ jiow a, part of thb city, adding to'ite The hope, of tho senators is to keop spend n inrgd part of his (hree the ranks of the joadets full and to w . 1 * W 8 ? 4i ' m T ‘ r ‘" b* monthB stay abroad In Russia; it population at least 5,000 porcons, on io n .' —Harvard Lampoon, / ne*»f!p., 50o,,A$i,oe. obviate the neqsssUy, of appointing wae announced that at St Pcte^bi.rff dEOROE bUNTON. Judge Parker will see the dsar, l r* I; , ..... WOStllDI th# ‘V|&OiO( . Mayor E. B. Evans, of Bay City, has cC O A M I C K , THE D fc Uiu tuiiA. auAM-iukuua^. tendered hia roolgnatlon that he may T R 0 , T M A N W H O . O I I O T M IM C R attend to his business matters more AT YPBILANTI BBCAPBB closely. Evans was, elected , ROGBRTM of, i!® I s s « s 3 3 : a ': % r cM , PARTY LEADERS INVOLVED * Cheat 5S?i! jSf?i s.yea,,‘ oMlt h,.hUllwl Hero*® the Proof. Sloan’s IT ‘'A -.W K ^r iVio. this lit||).tP^ »j.;i,V -W f W •I* >t. u * ■* _ ; w ®^avo ««t. opr government^,000 tnilea from the American continent; w,e have, developed an.-interna tional; commerce amounting to three and a half bib WANTED TQ BE ON SAFE SIDE Woman, Twice Dc>*rted, Didn't Mean to Take Any,Chance* on Hor Third Hubby. halt Into the gray fogiagainat the combined power of ' can ships vanishing from the common highway of * (Wr tugboats sent-to, stop Jt,___ . nations that we have to trust our m ails'to alien ships ships'and seamen (hat . once made the s ta r s ab d htripes' emblems .of courage, enter* prise and success — on ail tbo 8ens_ and oceans? Then '-tea* aider these .plain >W iV«VS' s i SSt ilm l mm f t t if e w. u l'- 'J 'i , facts: • In the past year not one drc-:!. of an American ship for the foreign trade _ was -laid. . - - In the same pe^' riod not a mer- \ chant. ship carry ing the" American .rlla g _ l .p a s s e d .: ’ thfopgimhe—Sues ~calai; ~ ~ -——. The American tramp steamship has practically dis appeared from for* • eign trade. Our ship toiv nago In the, for: -eign- tr a d e h a s shrunk from 2,496,894 tons In 1861 to 940,068 .tons in 1908^ a shrinkage of l -,86C826-tons of 'American foreign shipping in 43 years. 1 ——;_________ __too American steamship line connects us with South 'America,; beyond Venezuela- and Panama. TtefP"aJsingle American steamship’ goes to Brazil, Argentina, CMH orPeru. ■ ■ : _■ j..' The most convenient means of traveling from any of the great. Atlantic-ports of..the United- States .to Souths America is by way of EuropeHnvdlvlng—two, voyages^: -acroesThtottlantlc.c a eapTrJlliat^too^ls-'t t o moatrcgataiL’and sometimes the Quickes t route for mail between t-ho United States and South America-^our greatest natural' market which we defend from foreign.spoliation accord* ing Vo.the Monroe 'doctrine.. There is absolutely no American mall service'south of. the Caribbean-sea. Two-years ago the'Oceanic Steamship Cqinpany of San _Prancl8c'o withdrew it s steamers carrying the American ~^allp ^O'--AuaVraiasUu^—Even with the majH s ubsldy , of |W 59.a voyage paid by tho United States it could not™ French subsidies of 847,814 a voyage,- Japanese subsidies of gjj:t;0i7—a voyage voyage. ■ . ■ . .......... -- In three yeariBi the aumber-Of-Amerrcan . steamships egularly crossing the“Faciflc>has shTunk-froro fifteen to ■six. • - ■>. - . '. * j.., ...... ■■s' , • Alas for our renown as a maritime .nation and for ■the past .prestige of our flag in the commerce of even the most distant countries! Where now is the American =wa~-tho nura; ery and background of our. naval po,wer. It is almost gone. No more American vessels ore being built for the foreign trade’ ahfi. as ships wear out Mid dle, n few years under present conditions will see tie American flag disappear from International com* fierce,------ — ----- - «*- * - --------------------------- — .------Our hearts beat high-when w e think of-our noble, --ATray of battleships; We cheer as^^-tfre-mighty- Utah-^Isiftuncbed, IVe. watch w ith.a growing thrill of pride the egging of tho Papbma' canalT Wo are a groat nation 'Ve sit (n the world council of the great powers. t hrotector-of-the“American"repubitcsr^Wo^ fiaved the Chinese empire from destruction. We brought Peace to Japan and Russia, ^ u r foreign trade- has ex-, P&Med to three and a , third, billions pf dollars annually. * But in 1826, 85 years ago', 92 per centrof our com* ^-y fl-wlth.other oountrie a was carried on by..Amerlcait ; 8hiP8, and to-day only 10 per eent. of our imports and «Porta.lB borne under the American flag. More than eblp»,r CGRt‘ forelgn trade is carried In feritlsh \ O.U-.V. V4° > < a^ v ■ > v ‘ -> v f XtS yl My* W s W est I n d ie s “reached 'the impresslve- sum of '<v {. iv, about $18,000,000 a " ,t* ' , a year. **$ f 4 \5 *J . Who can-think <■ '’ j 1 of the American -w a r —f o r ...lnd*« ___pendenc8_andthe part which Amer ican merchant ships’ ’ placed, in that B t r u g g lie without a feeling of deep humilla. .»Va, T H E V A L E ( S . S ; P A R I S ) C A P T U R IN G W .i s H M /m n The officers of the thumb print b u f : reau wara fuat wishing for something interesting to, turn up when a tele- ; phone .m essage offered timely diver* ston. A woman’w as speaking. .. “Do you make prints of anybody’* thumbs except criminate ?" ’she aakedr ; The bureau did. . , - ’ *" “Well,” said the woman, "If, I will come down there right away with.A man will you make * ■ print of bla ^ thumbs?” -. - ■■ • T^e bureau would. The man and - ■ —■■----- "We-want—bis thumb -p rin ts for identification," eald the woman. "We are gplng.to be marrleji to-morrow. B e is my third husband. The other two ran away and I'had-the hardest kind of a time to find them because toere w.as no sure way of'identifying them. They aav thumb m ints can never change and that a man can- be tracked by them to the ends o f the earth. I hope' I shall never have to use them, but it Is Just as w ell to be on the safe aide, Will you make them?’' The bureau did. H O W -A D Q CTO R C U R E D S C A t a D IS E A S E r ; 3t 3 W ' * { I l l i ; •:;Nl ' . ; ..1 ‘'1 "4i' 3'p^fcv;Vi; t:' «aggss? Br« ,8h M l Oerman r li« l. are i fieesed the hu niHating; 6 pec|ac e ™ launching greater and swifter merchant ships and the Chant stemmjWP"; J ^ ,ai* A Kroonland, tTabs erred o people of the United States are face to 'face with the the Belgian flag because tney count not ue operated with- plain fact that already nine-tenths of their foretaiT „out loss under the America^ ^ ^ al* f trade 1b In foreignjships; dependent- upon foreign g o v ~ American steamships fix. .whole transatlantic trade, ernmeuts for protection. - f f f r ^ natJtmer.lca ^ ---------^--------- _ _ — A_wa.Lbetweep-SngiaB4-and- a foreign^natlonr-Oer* Tt)e American navy..Has become the second naval ■rnariy, for. example, would^almost paralyze the- ocean newer while the American (lag Is being ’rapidly driven transportation facilities of the United-States and the from the fditlgp trade of the world at a time, when Inter- result^ would bo national commerce, has assumed Imperial proportions. f e l t throughout Dob K thrill the American Imagination and .stir the the—-country-^- io; natlonahvprlde - to. 'read of the Ajnerl* Cl m e r c h a -n t Jif 'l .\ J_ This was previously published hero and cured hundreds, ‘'Get one ounce of syrup of, Sarsspa^llA compouaf *&4 one ounce Ton*'Carapound.' Then get .half a pint of good whiskey and put the other- two ingredients intoit. Use a tabieapoodful of tfcia mixture'before each m e a laad at bed time. Shake th e bottle each time.” -Good effects are felt the flrat day. Any drugglat has these Ingredient* on hand or will quickly get them from his wholesale house," ■ C Q F r & f W T - B Y PF% F?< $O N ' Indispensable,’' ' •'it Simple Slit; Powerful Prescription, for ; ftyieumitiem and Lome Bask, -!vV . i • Ipj-v ; ;V ("FattihiirttrUtab <jown t*ie , way* ft - m,umrnjm 7 few y e e keL aga a smiting girl swung l m -h*. .bottle ifPt chaw-. pagne « t the,end o f -------.a gay, rlbboif; and smashed It against' th e’ how of Abe. greatest fighting snip y in existence. :< A roar of JO.QOOvoRes, greeted the ’ mighty etoei hul! as it struck the salt WORTH KNOWING s .s . p t r n enormously increased freight charges There is a brave, prosperous* and glorious past that makes the present seem all the more weak and shame* ■ m -------------------------- ;----------------------Nothing- in-the-histo'ry of the Amer ican people has more of the thrill of romantic ad venture,r steady courage, keen enterprise and1shrewd, substan tial acconiplIsbment_than the story, of TKe“ oncbihatcfiless ship* andiseamen_ rof^^ the American merchant marine. jfe e o N L a fita -L Q a r . to p m e r ic a h p l a £ It m akeeof blood run faster to-day l.o know-1hat- nd-iorelgn' yanht-Cflii. wrest the"queen’s,cup from American seamanship: but what is that to the once continuous yic-" “ tton' __ tories of onr merch'antmeh throughout-the-worldr-to-the^rgait^water-to.day-7prlde of American ships that could outsail all rivals, The colonies let loose their seamen upon the cpm-lead-in-all^sea^rade-and^-wheh burned into-means of merce of their ^haughty enemy. Their, merchant ships war, make the American flag a terror in all waters7 had tong carried cannon ah’d gunners. Fighting w as^,. It was armed American merchant ships that par*- part of commercial seamanship in those piratical days. -(y»a,unrltlBii con in the struggle for, ftlda* In 178h_the thirty cruisers of the_contlnental navy had dwindled down to nine, while the American privateers pendence. It was armed American merchant'ships that humbled amounted to 449, with 6,736 gui;s, nil manned by* mer* chant sailors and directed by private owners. the pride of England in the war of 1812. *' In the beginning" it' was only, natural that civilized. . These/armed merchant ships not only scoured the h i ^ iav° 6l)l8r|t hundreds of millions of dollars ,to Americans should become ship builders and sailors. The seas ~ln all directions, sweeping British commerce away, *>»!' * gre^ uavy.f We have added an empire to our colonists, set oiv.the shores of the Atlantic,'with a,sa v but they even hung on the British coast and ca'ptured the very linen vessels. The Hneh-fleet passing between iibI?0,?1 territory and hoisted our flag.in the.Philippines, age, trackless continent behind them and before them . ’.ftli,.Jlorto — ____ ............................... — ------------------ Ireland and-England had to be, for the first time, con hovftwd which lav the felvlllzatlon and Rico* Sttd-the Panama v»— canal -----------sene. Yat lUL u,m,u L J'ne-lenths of all our foreign commerce is uhder foreign mnrkets of Europe, were, out of the very nature o f voyed by men-of*war. So gallantly did Jthe American privateers outwit or !t ia. estimated that American'shippers pay things, drawu to the sea. Outrun the king's cruisers and prey on the king's com’ uu'00M0o annually jn ocean freight rates and fares to 1 They had forests of the finest/tlmber growing down merce that before the end'of-the^war they had captured «ur rivals in American trade. _ _ to the edge of the salt water and they Were an ener* or destroyed something like $12,000,000-Worth-ofzBrltish thrt ft new American ship being built for thattrade,- gel^- and practical -people. A year after the Puritan property, to say nothing nf the terrific^loss occasioned remaining few are rapidly wearing ,outand our flag colonists settled a t Salem anjt Boston the armed trading by« the (general interruption Of British commerce. And D?m« hauled down .em borne o f 'these. ...... ship Blessing of the Bay. -the first deep sea vessel of It is not difficult to understand, aside from all other dWiDdllntf'of tho Amerlcan shlp bulld* i^n:Uiit , Mbeypnd ■ th» VBv‘VniNViIIHiiUl A mv' ftuitUlvflll _____ . . ‘ M assachusetts, was bulU at Medford l^ ^ togflt^ h a^ tfle^ 6M h an ^ ah ip B -b u ilF d tin American Bhlpyards finOeaftned by Amertean sailors, l charges to our foreign rivals; beyond even an the fishing trade- Commerce with Burofto grew, In made .the purse-sensitive British all,'the more eager to 1769 the colonists built 389 vessels, with n total tonnafle .L^^ ^ d vyholeaome,pride in our flag at sea; beyond abandon the struggle with America. aggregating 20,000 tons., And there were shipyards inj 0 ™orUfylng lack of an dftean mbit service possessed, \yhat could the United States do to-day, under slmlNew Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connect!* tn f^h6r hattohs—thero are even graver consequents cut New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, l a r circumstances, with practically no deep sea morchant nj. , , e ,dl8aPPearanc’e of the Amorlean ship from inter* marine and with a st^am navy that has to depend- for Virginia, North Carolina, South, Carolina and Georgia. f Clonal trtutd, ............... ....... * The British shipyards could not compete with Amer* any unusual"effort’-upbn foreign ships andVoreign^rews J )'® S^0<1 forth a great Hoot to show both the c iy lU ^ ica ThoJBritish Torests wore largeJjt‘;ddhlot§d, while the ., to secure an adequate coal supply? ThR >r'vHi^d world tho Immensity of our armed power, Amerldans had a glorious supply of whito oak, live oak, it la not a fact that the American members of The onnt Powerless withoi t c* al. Yet all but 13 per white blnoi yellow pine and all the materials, save metal Hague international conference continuo tq plead with onrH ho conl 80nt t o ’ keep, nur battleships alive la fastenings, necessary for the construction of ships, grow* other groat nations to respect goods carried In neutral loa in foreign merchant ships, . ' Ing right at t h e margin of the ocean, ships during war? And why? because only 10 per cent. ** i,v totter of record that tho small army provided liW isb shipwrights Bwarmed across to the colonies. of American international commerc/s goos under the >hn shinbuilders of tho Thames uttored a public, American ling an^ wo‘ must depend upon the flags of Vna«i 8 lfttos for the last intervention In Cuba 8 taken there in foreign ships, under foreign flags. S tc r v against the ddparturo of their most skilled work* other nations to pro toot the other 00 per cent. 1/ * In 1794 the tariff weapon was used to protect Amort American War m aterial sen t recently to t h e . men to America. can ships, when congress abandoned the 10 per cent, qnrried In .Tnpanoso ships tinder the rbe mother country-steadily worked to break the reduction in duties on cargoes carried in American ships American shipbuilding Industry, But all In vain, no«!? ^ 8n flflK; !,ud th n t« t00» w hilo thoro wns widespread •» , t(X'h of n posHllile. w ar botwoen tho United Kt the time of thn\ revolution the tonnage of Amerl- and,, instead, added 10 per cent, to thq duties on mer chandise imported In foreign iihips, ,0fi Wd Japbn,: nhins was 398,000 torts’, almost a third of tho entire • declared that "to an active, BrKIsh tonnage and American trado with the, British American shipbuilding A** ocean commerce grew by vrn** oommerce the protection of a naval force is "When I was ten or-tw elve years old- I had a scalp disease;' something like, scald head, though i t 1wasn’t that. I suffered- for--several-m onths, and moBt of my hftlr came out. -- Flnally they had a doctor to see'm e and he recornmended^theCutlcuraltemedies. T hey cured iq* In a few weekfl. I have used the Cutlcura remedies, also, for'a breaking out on my-hands and^ was benefited a great deal. I haven’t leaps1and bounds had any mor^“Vrouble^with“the-scalp under this vigor- disease. Miss Jessie F. Buchanan. protective R. F. D. 3. Hamilton. Qa.. Jan^7■1809■,, ous policy/ in t h r Kept with Barnum’s C.iroua seven—years ly* P. T. Barnum, “the fambus ^circus .■ -ting between J789 and 1796 Ameri man, once wrote: "I have had the can m e r c h a n t Cutictira Remedies among the conshippingTn the foreign trade rose from' 123,89S-tohs-to- tents-of my-medicine chest wlth-mjy576,788 tons. Before the 'aiserlmlnatlPg—tarlff- for tne_ shows for the laat three seasons, and ! protection of ships was adopted only 17 -per cent, of can cheerfully certify that they were American imports were carried, under-the American flag.. VGry effective : iiL every case which— Within five years foreign' ships had been almost ex called for their use." pelled-from American _lnternatjcmal—commerce.— Not W illing to Cbm m it Him self, ’ Everywhere, everywhere the fame of~tbe American The teacher had called upon Fred,Vif. Amorinnn piomhant was spread. The Amer- rdle-BroWa=to glva an illuatratlon-ofr<‘nn w^s carrled ta the-rflmQteal partg_of_the ^arih. the proper ' manner thjvhich to c'omIn. those days American statesmen Knew the national pare tne adjective- "clgan.” " —= ’’Mother is clean,” said he falteringvalue of a merchant marine. . 1 ■, « * Alas, the armed struggle between France and Great iy, "father is—cleaner—’’ Here he Britain which opened the nineteenth century brought paused: temporary ruin to American shipping, Just as American -"And,” prompted the teacher.. men-of-war under Preble, Decatur and Rogers smashed Freddie was still silent and very the barbarous ■■corsair power o r.tfifl. ■thoughtful emperor "of "Morocco- and-tb e-h ey —of---- r^Bqyenlfe-you -somo other relatlye?,, TuniSTrieavTpg the-waters of the Med-, -asked-the. teacher, smiling^ iterranean safe for American ships,'--"Oh, yes,*' replied Freddie, "there’s At first the conflict between Napo- auntie1—but I ain’t sure about her!” . i»the .... . transfer of European ships to the ----------- ^ Entitled te n t ~ "How are things lookin’ over to DinAmerican flag. -The carrying trade of ■gledelir Europe was in American .hands. "They've been lookln*-purty squeamThen the American sugar trade was ish tor a spell. Th’ creek got sd blame killed by a British blockade of the high it overflowed Peasley’s dam, an! French and Butch W est Indies. , The there’s two foot o' water in Widder Brittsh- alah-gnarohed-Oiir miIds at s ea_ -Hffmin’o nollni. ■■ and impressed our sailors info their ‘W ellrwell, I s'pose^ you-folks-oyernavy under the claim that a natural there will be so stuck up pretty soon ized citizen of British birth was still a thet yoiTir he - callin’ yourselves th,J" Brhon. In 1806 and 1807 there vere- -Parisians of Ameriky." 6.000 Americana serving unwillingly Storm E pisode. In the' British "navy. ~American - merTwo handsome young women, be chhnt ships were confiscated ton all comingly dressed, slipped and fell to-.... ; “ sortB“bf pretexts/ They were stopped gether in tha.Bluahy pool of the cross— ------ —------ -------- and searched—by - British naval com- ing. They arose wet and angry. "Wring out, wild belles,” commentmandern oven In American waters. Great Britalnj n 1806 -dfedtared a -b lo c k a d e -o f-th e -E u r o p e a n -c n a s^ b lt^ ^ ^ ^ ed an observer, such an addition of in* Nap_oi'ddh“ flflBWBrw!l Uy a decree suit to iajur r being caBuemned- byali; hrtd th* river Elbe “ ’ * Scotland and who overheard.--Philadelphla Ledger. block&ditttf'thd cobj__. . . w Wales. Later on he ordered the confiscation of aJl neu No Deposits. tral ships accepting British protection or paying British "Do you think there’s money In duties. , ... . . . , __. _ hens?" ____ ______ ■ Those were'paralyzing blows to American-shlpplngr "Well, if there is they keep it well President Jefferson answered the-wholesale seizure of our secured."—Exchange, ■ • •• ships and sailors by persuading congress to forbid Amoncan vessels to engage in foreign trade. . CHANGE THE VIBRATION In 1812, When the United States at last responded to It Makes for Health. British outrages bn our shipping by declaring war,, the policy, of Jefferson had allowed the American navy/to A*man tried leaving off meat," pptashrink to 23 vessels carrying .556 guns,. This small force toes, coffee, and^ etc., and adopted & ^ftjmirffl-3s 4 p-maU flMpg valued with their cargoes at_ breakfast of—fruit, Grape-Nut* with cream; some crisp toast and a cup of $6,600,000. ■ But the debt which Amerlca owes to her merchant rna* Postum. rlne in that second war for independence can be partly His health began to Improve at once estimated by the facLthat, tho armed American privateers for the reason that a meat eater will -numbered..517,.with 2,893 guns.^^d capturcd 1,300 of the _reach a place once in. a while where_ enemy’s shipamud cargoes, valued at $39,000,000, his system" seems to become Clogged In spite of the vexatious efforts of Great Britain to in* and the machinery doesn't work /ahipping-contint. =#mootklyc “ued to increase,- It was not-only the magnificent packet- -A-ehange of 4hls-kind puts aside food ships of the. North Atlantic and the wonderful clipper of low nutritive value and takes up ships of a later day that gave 'renown to the American food and drink of the highest value,' shipyard aid sailor,-but the swiftness of Amor lean ships already partly digested and capable and the.courage and .initiative of their, merchant owners of being quickly changed into good, _in. every sea—even In the rich Aslatto trade—gave such rich blood and strong tissue. -an impetus-tO“Americnn sea enterprise-that in is61-ourA niost^vhluablo'IMturd: p f.. Qrapa! shipping tonnage almost exactly equaled the Whole ton* Nuts Is tho natural phosphate of pot* 1nage of Great Britain. .......... ash grown in the grains from which it To-day our entire tonnngo, including our • coastwise is made. ! This Is the-elem ent which .. trade, from which all foreign ships are excluded, i$ only transforms albumen in the body into ono*thlrd ;of the British tonnage, although our foreign the soft gray substance which fills trado has increased from $508,864,376 ,in 1861 to $3,816,* {rain and nerve centers. A few days’ use ,o.f Grape-Nuts will 272,603 in 1907. Our foreign trado haB increased to more than Rlx times its size in *1801, while our ships in for 'g7V6. One a,degree tif-nervous strength eign trade have shrunk from 2,496,894 tons to 940,086 W'Gl worth thq trial,. liook in pkgs for the little book, "The . torts, . Road to Wellvlllo," "There’s (i Reason," American shipowners to-day frankly acknowledge that ICv^r rend the ebovn lM t« t A * f # it is tho high price of American labor, both In construc one ru m time u h ic to iv w a w **!, Thex a rerj «j>i>e«rs Irom tline.v tion and operation Of ships that has'driven and M still nr« KonnUc, It true, M 4 M l M I t a u in t e r v a l. ’iSrittoli'OftT flag from foreign trade iS p la r .-l m mB W fp i' m m M >. i> vr <. -'it*' mrM■*fistrl. j! • ill n vt IP ■pi’' -r A ttl ■f.*-' :V’7l' ■ i. * ** -7'.-"--Jf T' r mim TH E CHEtSEA CTAITOABB. H A R CH r*o, -*#». MILLIONS OF LIVES LOST Mr. and- -Mrs. Philip Blum, of Ana MiM«ntm w »w m n im n m i»w m w w iiH Arbor; were guests o f Mr/and Mrs. v.'.■ :• .■ ..•. / ' ■.*1 Bert Taylor Sunday. An Awful Toll Collected by ConiumpW’> independent loo*} aowspsper puMUUed W. K. Guerin, who has been spend* tion. ManyUnnecessary Deaths from ^■K'/fyery Thwsdsy afternoon from its rifle? In(be ing several weeks in California, rethis Disease. p^^l'IittllAbuc flnt doop south of the Chrises House Jturned^hgnie„SuMay, . VMsio street, Chrises, MlcWfsn. > „ If people could; only understand Mrs. Jacob" Hummel was in Detroit Tuesday where she attended the that systemic catarrh is tjm internal p fi/ O* T . HOOVER* funeral of a relative, E y c m s o m e d a y - w h e n y o u d o n ’t ’ disease that . external applications SHARON NEWa I ^Ml&sesJSppie andLYetonlcaBreiten^. ^annot-oure ( they^wouhF=nofc=ijee Toraut^ e iux) per »s« m 1i swntflerflftroentst T h e e d l o ’ h u y a n ^ . t n i ^ , aancl^ n d ju st bach were guests of their slater, Mr*. tares months, tweaijiflYSQMts. be warned so often about this malady, Quarterly meeting was he held at A. L. S teger, Sunday. » T o foreign ooimtrie * >1.60per resr, - - l o o k a t o u r g r e a t a rra y " o f H a r t Rome’s Coruer’axhurch^Svmday. which, wheir'negte'cted, paves the ffiri (Advertising wites reseonsbts sad ms4o known Mr. and Mrs.. James Taylor were ,_Mesdaiu,e» L/C. and,H. W. Hayes way-^oftenthne* for consumption, ah —S o h a # iO T - &*“M a r x f t iie c l o t h o s . ~ on sppliestion. ueats o f^ rien d s ta Howell several were guest* a t H, J. Reno’s Tuesday. th*e cost of millions: of liv e s; every S>ays of the pdst week Y o u o u g h t ' t o d o j ^ i s / f o r ; your, / rGeorge Wahr has hired out to Fred year. .Yet catarrh mav be cured, if W.WWJ/W Entered u •eoond'ObUn ni*tW ,M arch 5, JlOfc Wm; CgHg e ld .o f Detroit, spent spafap 'a. .t west Mancheswr fur the the right treatment is-employed,| . ow n sak e to s e e w h a t ' good .sitae postrifloe st-Ohelso*. Mtofctfsn, under (be Sunday with his parents, •ents, Mr. and coming season, A o to tC o M K M o tM *ro h M O T9 , Catarrh is caused by a general .di Mrs. W esley Can&eld,.___. John Kiliuer and wife, of Francisco, olotlieS -T jQ aU y a r e ; t o a p p r e c i a t e Mrs. S. Guerin returned home Sun. spent Sunday a t th e .home of Q. J, seased state - of-'the, system/which th e a d v a n c e s m a d e in - th e -d o -* , m ii leads commonly, to annoying and per W hen one reads 'the advertise day after spending some time with Heselschwerdt.- — . hefrdaughter in Albion, Miss Fffie TTeselsflhwerdt spent a1 haps Serious local/ conditions, which ment in the magazines telling what v d i o p m e n t o f fin e - c l o t h i n g in 'm Swcis1'': ■'■ 1 •aft'ii Mr, and Mrs, A. B. Skinner, jr., o f .art of last: week with relatives and may prove a fertile breeding grouiid fortunes * cari be made by. raising riends near Francisco. . w m i. roednt y ea rs. . chickens on the*hadfend of a village Jackson, spent the latter part of last -M rs-M arshall Kuslcks,- of Indepen for germs *of consumption. . External | week with his parents nere T h e s e c lo t h e s , a r e s tr ic tly 1 jaakes-him thinks that- he has den.ee, Kan./ was a guest at the remedies give, but temporary ease. Mrrrand Mfs^WashlhgtorT-Barry homes of J, R. Lemro and,H / Ji Reno, -i/- \ hftan miastncr anmnfhlhcr.-The fa cto f The only way to successfully treat i l l .were , called to Jackson-Tuesday-hy M!iii/i(iiiiiiu(ii!nuKiiuiiiiiiffli' „ ., t h e - ia ilo r in g .is A j u q h a s /Floyd Gage, o f Grass Lake, was the catarrlT is by employing a medicine i the illness o.f Mrs. W alter Barry. gueBt o f nis grandparents, Mr. and l« W U » iW M ,l* < « W * W W W W |W W t e w c u s t o m t a i l o r s a T C 1c a p a b le which is absorbed and Caroled by the-) shown, as w e have k e p t chickens all Miss Clara Grant* of Detroit, and Mrs. C. C. Dorr from Fridays until blood to allv parts of the system, so otar-our-lot-foryears, .. — — ; d f; t h e s t y l e i s t h e m o s t c o r r e c t Miss" jjcum Lena funicry Forner, ui of wciwnsUUf J"ackson, Were were Sunday. ■• • . ■v *-and w have never ••• '^viian _ / th at the mueous/membrane or infej yet found any eggs nor,received any guests o f - Miss -Genevieve -Hummel T hete were no services at Sharon r l and p e r fe c t k n o w n . revenue from, the aforesaid-fowls as SSunday. undav. -k . -v h m m Center or-Nortlr Sharon school- bouse nal lining of the body is toned up and made capable o f resisting the r inTtheflam ed things always' went home . Julius Stricter and Charles B ates Sunday on. account of Rev. Smith _ r^_i :ection of consumption and other di will leave next week for the west, and Brown being sick. , 2 to lay. and cackle/ JP where-they intend J p do a little pros A spelling contest was held at the seases. — -. . pecting. . ”* 8chdbT" in district No. 9, taught by distrlct^Nol ii< W e have a remedy’ prepared from McCqhmick and his pal heard that Reno, Friday, March 4. The Lelarid Foster and Miss Griffin, o f Florence h e prescriptLon-of^t physician "wHo^ following pupils were-perfeet: Waldo • S e e o u r s p e c i a l lin e '" o f -M e n 's Armstrong was soon to join them,. JJetroit^were - th e 1 guests -of-^the Kusterer and Carl Mayer from the :’ or thirty years studied and made l lie : — .-and-tbeyihought^tftey. woulcTbe on former’s ^parents, Mi*, and Mrs, G, H, S u its : a t $ 1 5 . 0 0 ; a r id . $ 1 0 .5 0 , E vw ett g hbool^ g ^ - ^ Kusterer, catarrh a specialty, and whose record’ Foster, Sunday. • 4 the opposite side of the gate, jvas_a-patienLrfiatpred -to-h ealth : in ?m a d e o f ^ a i i w o r s t e d " i n a t e t t a l s r , who-has beenn |o D r r Holiool/Florence Reno, teacher; every .case where hie- treatm ent was pending the v A, >*• winter1 in Cincinnati] Albert and Haul Zeigler, Elmer Trolss « C a r u s o says that^the Black Hand followed as prescribed. That remedy i S t y l e a n d p a t t e r n s a s _ g o o d a s tlie_ ____ She and Elmer Heselschwerdt from the s Rexall Mucu-Tone. W e are so is trying te make a monkey of him, las returned'to her home here. w as. accompanied • by her grandson; i Graft’s school, Mabel PatDee, teacher; ■jositlve that it will completely over m o re e x p e n s iv e s u its . 1, -It doesn’t seem possible. Hey. John_Knapp. —’leva Kimball and Herman Kulen- come catarrh in all various forms,, W e ' l l f it a n y m a n w l i o - c o m e s Miss Luella Rejlly, Detroit* spent camp from the Sharon Hill school, whether acute or chronic, th at we . .......— ..J. oy.f ^vvavtvfBpl. N ellie Ackerson, teacher; Ruth Trolz iromise to return every penny paid PERSONALS. Monday and’ Tuesday-of this ‘ week af ‘and Florence Bowers from the Pierce us for the medicine in every case to u s a n d d o it r ig h t. the. lroTOe_of her sister, ,Mrs. Thomas copyright H«rt SchiShcr te Mtix school, lone KnlckerbockerLteacher; where it fails or "'for .an any reason I Murphy of this place.' ’ C laren ce.' Koebbe and Josephine does not satisfy the user, Dr, A. Guide was .a Jackson visitor ” Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leach, who Smith from the Rowe’s Corner’s • W e want you to try R exall MucuFriday. have been spending some time with school, Elsie Feldkamp, teacher. : ' Tone ’ on our. recommendation and I Mrs, James Runclman spent Friday fheir daughter ih California, return guarantee, We are right here where . in Jackson. . ed home-this morning, you live, and you do not contract atty Ray Cook, of 'Detroit, spent Sunday obligation or risk-when you try R exall] R t.R ev . W illiam DeBever, of DexFREEDOM NEWS. in-Chelsea,.------ , ducu-Tone—in-two-sizes, 50 cents and] ter, and Rev; FathejLj’ishert:of-Man, l.°°- , Very often the taking]1o f nnc ’ Miss Edna R aftrey-apentSum iavln Chester, were welcome guests at St. G, PIHV.maier 60-cenFbottle is sufficient^tb^m ake a eefory' this week:— mo ved ~te-hi*-Tf arrir -^ A nn -A rb orr~ ;----- r marked impression upon'the case;' Of last Tuesday.,, B o y s ’ K n e e P a n t S u i t s in a l l . t h e n e w e s t . w e a v e s * Bacon, who has been inCallin CaliS*. Miss Mary Weber was an YpsilanH * Wirt W rt Bacon, course in . chronic: cases] a longer __• visitor Sundav.." . ' '_______ N^fornla for several year8,_aurprlSfidJiLs- Mrs. IIQ rtb rin g Ma gradually re. Tc<ttmeiit/lsneoe9saryr-Ji ’he average -------- e v e r j L s u it - g U a r a n t e e d s a t i s f a c t o r y / : —— I h . ----- ■ -———= ~ pare ills, Mr. and- MrsTWm. Bason, eovering^rom -herdong-m neBsi^W Leo Raul; of Detroit, spent, Sunday a s t w e e k T h u r s d a y e v e n i n g by. m a k ' Young people’s meeting a t St. n such instances .is three $1.00bottles; I Remember you hah obtain ] Rexall at his home here. John’s church Sunday evening, i n g t h e m a n u n e x p e c te d v i s it . .Remedies in C helsea-on ly- at ouri H i; /-./GeorgeT Elsele, of Lahsing-, -spent _ M ]s s - M a r g u e r i t e S k i n n e r h a s reMr. and Mrs. John Huehl are the store,—The_ Rexall Store. . L. T. proud -parent s o f a hahy girl born a '’reeraan Co. SundayilLChelsea.; ' _ " ■■ t w n e d fr o in • h e r vis it" t o J a c k s o n . - — ^ W - e - a r e -s h o w in g t h e m o s t u p ^ t o l d a t r f i h e ^ o f .H alts, C a p s . N e c k w e a r . S M r t s ‘>5"f week ago Saturday., . . . . . W h i l e t h e r e s h e w as e n t e r t a i n e d l i v . , ..W i l l i a m Rem nant w as a n - A n n - U n d e r w e a i v e l c r>- e v e r Slroi v n 'in C li'e l s e a r ---------------------- ' • , . 1 , ........ M ly y Il'LMIL1 'iiH iiis , >vrio g a v e a p a r t y 27«rv7Tto—1 xffijeme, o f Metz, Mich.7 Arbdf Ul^lIAr JB'ridaijT" Registration Notics.-----M i i n h e r h o n o r ' l a s t - T h u r s d a y e v e n in g . moved his. furniture laat Thursday. M r , and M rs . W m . S te d m a n s p e n t Notice is hereby given, that the Sunday he ' preached b isllr it sermon F r i d a y in A n n A r b o r . at the Zion church. . ■ _ Church Circles. M r . a n d M r s . F . G ie s k e w e r e A n n Rev, E, Thieine left Monday after qual I—*vV* UMILIlUVt A r b o r v is ito r s S u n d a y . noon .for Detroit to m eet his wife. KAIV1’IST. ... register r e g k ___ .. .. H l a g e and pf 'Miss Otto, o f Detroit, accompanied tjg the names of all persons w hoshalf -• F re d --A I i t i e n i i l I e r -spe n t t h e fir s t o f T T h e S u n d a „y s c h o o l a n d B . Y . P . U . tb tt *1-1 f/\ t h e m t o t h e i F n e w h o mae *.u o n.T 1 Wr .,e Jdlr ie s - be possessed of the necessary qualiflt h e w e e k in T e e u m s e r • w .i .l.l m e e t a t jt h e u s u a l t i o u r s r r ■. j la y ., s h e _ .e x p e c ta -to -r e m a in a b o u t t w o cations ofeldctors, and who may.JLR-. w e e k s ,---------------- . ---------------------.. F l o r e n z E i s e l e ,. o f ..L a n s i n g r-w a s . a jlj/fortlrat purpose, uifBaturday the C h e is e a v i s it o r S u n d a y . T w o w e e k s a g o t h e m e m b e r s o f t h e tw elfth day of March, A, D. 1910, at S T . P A U L ’S . • Z io n c h u rc h h a d a fa r e w e ll re c e p place designated, below: Town T fiia s t o r e i s t h e h o i i i ^ o f H a r t - S c l m f r n c r - ^ M t i r x C l o t h e s ^ , Hchoen. Pastor. L a M o n t B e G o l e , o f D e t r o i t , w as " C h e l s e a r v i s it o j r S u n d a y . "" _ hi e x t_ s u 1 id n y _ a t _ iu :3 U a . m .- T E E e r e t i o n - f o r - H e v . - H —L e m s t e i ^ a r t d - f a m tiy T - Iallj-an(H:fiatEaid-Borard"of Registraw i i L b e a '.p r e p a r a t o r y - H e r v ic e t o - e p n - a t t h e 'p a r g Q h 5 g e .^ l A ^ J i i i m p e r = ^ a s .tion_wiU-be-infSession-Qn-thc-day’ atid — / P r a n k n & a v i s — o f^ J a c k s o n 7" H p e l s e r v e d a t w h ic h a b o u t 90 g U e s t s t o o k at the place above mentioned, from T lir r n a t io n . ■ - - ; S u H d a y-A v itli fr ie n d s h e r e . ■■ — l h ’e a c h in 'g s e r v ic e a t 7:3 0 p r m . " :------- p a r t .,- - M a r c h r Orst-.' -R e v -.- H — L e m s t e r o’clock jirtlfe-forenoon.until 6 o'clock m o v e d h i s - h o u s e h o ld g o o d s t o M a n in the^ternotm -oYthat=d5yf-fbr“the . .F r e d W a g n e r ,- o f S a n d u s k y , s p e n t C h e s te r .----------•---------: purppaajabftve specified, • ' t h e firs t o f t h e w e e k h e r e ; " ___ . __• •— :— CONGREG ATION A t / - ' _ -— \ By. Order of the Board of-RegUtra j '- M r s , F r a n k C.............. a r r i n g e r “ a tR l s o n a re iio n jil. ; R qv.M . L. Grant, Pastor. . v i s i t i n g r e l a t i v e s in J a c k s o n ." — ^ z C o m b i n e d - s e r v i c e —fo r - w o r s h lp '- a n d : -ODated^GhelsearM ichTr^FebruafT S T O C K B R ID G E . 28th,'A..D. m . -Bet* ' ■J . Lecmanl W heeler wAy the guest of ■B i b l e st u d y- -H u n ttey - a t 4^. -a.... ..... terland-MeMMi-Rrops,-^ m o n s u b je c t J/ .T h e i_ Reality^Tand :Cl:a-renoe-W t4J a r € - - r e l a t i ves - i i i - Y p s i l a n t L S u n d a y . : Property is raising in value daily in "R e a s o n a b le n e s s o f P r a y e r .” Village Clerk', c h e l s e a , - Mic h i g a n ; M r s . C h a r le s P a u l wais in A n n A r b o r 4 ' “ T h e P i l l a r s o f t h e H o u s e , o r th e town. W e d n e s d a y v i s i t i n g r e la t iv e s . S e c r e t o f a H a p p y H o m e ” w ill b e t h e Mrs. Floyd Hinkley was here on Notice Of Election. . .. ^ _ . M is s J e n n i e T u t t l e , o f C o lu m b u s , t h e m e o f th e 7 ;| ) . m . s e r v i c e .. T h i s is business Friday. Notice., fs hereby given, that an F r id a y a n d S a t u r d a y t h e la s t o f th e s e rie s o n t h e h o m e '. O h i o , is v i s i t i n g r e la t iv e s h e r e . . Andrew .Jackson had a fall and in- Election will^be held in'the Village of C . M, m e e t in g a t ( i :l & .p . m . M a r o h 11 a n d 12___ jured his back one day lately. Chelsea,jCouotv of Wnah^-iQur, L . B iis h , so f ^ Y p s i l a n t i , w a s a C h e lF l o y d . H i n k l e y w a s h e r e - W e d n e a " of Michigan, on Monday the. s e a v is itu i T l i e 1llr y t p f th e w e e lT ... .. o f March, A. D. 1910, for " .the purarch, A - s - A i ,i :.\ r G T ;h M A N m . e ; CH U RCH/ day putting up auction bills and oh day M is s Je s s ie G a y , o f L a n s i n g , is- V ls itp o s e o f other business.— ■ ; ■ , electing th§ following offl-N E A R ERANCIS CO;" in g - h e r .g r a n d f a t h e r , J a y E v e r e t t . Jli" AVdrew Jackson is moving his "C'ers:—" Rev. JV k . Beat, P a a to r.... President. ■ J a c o b .A l b e r a n d ... M is s ■ F r a n c e s T_ household goods from his farm to his. S a b b a t h s c h o o l a t 9:30, - r) S t e e le s p e n t ,S u n d a y a t W i llia m s t o n . new home in the village of Stock- 1 (1) C l e r k . M o r n in g W o rs h i}> ~ a U 10 :.m — —(I)—Treasurer, . . ;— 1 i! Tji'ldge] .F v e n l n g - S e r v l c e a t > 7 .' G e o , .K e .e n a n , o f A n fc A r b o r ', w as (3) Trustess. THE JAPANESE JUGGLER t h e g u e s t o f C h e ls e a . fr ie n d s S u n d a y . W o m a n s ’ B i b l e .s t u d y class w ill Mr. Stocking, who fell and dislo ' ■ - i. • . i . ' * ^ (1),. A s s e s s o r, .. - ........ ■ m e :e t o n - W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 16, P la c o - cated hi* hip and .sustained other in v .Three seasons with Ringlings M iss—L e n e r e C r f r t is , o F 'P J y n o u t h ^ The Polls of . Election in the said o f m e e t in g t o be -a n n o u n c e d l a t e r . ■: juries, is getting along as well aB circus. Enough said,-' s p e n t S u n d a y w ith h e r m o th e r h e re . Village will be held at the place desig ■ W e e .k ly d e v o t i o n a l , s e r v ic e T u e s d a y could lie expected, nated below: Town Hall. The Polls i ■' . H e n r y A h n e m i l l e r ,'o f L a n s i n g , w a s ., e v e n i n g a t 7:3 0 . A f t e r t h is m e e t i n g A card from Miss Irene Webb, Feb- will be open at 7 o’clock in the fore3,000 f e e t a ll. n V w p ic t u r e s caoli t h e ,g u e s t o f h is j i a r e n t s h e r e S u rfd a y,- t h e r e w i l l be a j o i n t m e e t i n g o f t h e n i y y 1^28^ tells - of ^ having ^sumnier T-r tn°<m of said fourteenth dav of March/1 S u n d a y School B o a rd and th e R j -night. -None'repeated 1910. or as Hoon thereafter, asM-iss A n n a - B la e le —l y a s - a L a n s i n g - L e o y m K k b T n e t : havi hg, i t he re.—Robin's,-blackbirds may be, and will be closed a t5 o’clock — v is L to r -s fr v e r a l-d a y s o f^ tlie p a s t - w e e k ; and snakes have- been seen -about i n the afternoon-of-that-day.~----------- _ J M n c e s s . _ S lx - P i e c e — O r c h e s t r a — - ---- v ■ Mfs.-Georgtr-^Ororweli—visiteiT" heT ne'Te. ' ' ■■■' - ■■’. ■ ■ / . METHODIST EPISCO PA L. -fu r n is h e s .t h e m u s i c - S a t u r d a v s is te r i n . D e t r o i t t h e fir s t o f t h e w e e k . .n i g h t . • -r -28?h;‘K S m sea’. reb ™ ” Rev, Dunnlnir Idle, P asto r. M rs . A , F . M o llic a , o f A lb io n , s p e n t • -CiiAiiENOE W. Marne v, C la s s i n 6e t ln g a t 9 /a . m . . .FRANCISCa NOTES.. --------— - Village-Clerk; "" S u n d a y a t th e h o m e o f J , J . R a T tre y . > 1 o n i i n g -w orn h ip a n d B i b lg s tu d y a t 5 Cents.—Admission -1 0 Cents ffie Chelsea Standard Any Day CORRESPONDENCE. te i i p i! j s«iir$Sli i Beys’ Knee Pant Suits / $5 to $10 w-as R , B a k e r , o f . J a c k f.sun s o n ^, w as a g u e s t 1 ^ ,0 'C ^ o c k . S u b jc o t,' “ T h e H o l y G h o s t Auction Sales. ’ -o b T H U t iim e l' S u it- L c ™ l n g .” M rs.. J. Walz spent Thursday in —J u n i o e f-e a g u e a t 3 -p 5J m i - < k ty Chelsea. . i FI w A ' H]cnn]manager of_the Glem E p w o rth : Le a g u e a t 6 :1 5 , H. Nambach is having some/repair- bropk ;BtBck"Furm j_.flve mile south and ■ M is s N .e llie .M a r b h e y w a s a D e t r o i t L e a d e r ,- L y l e - H u n c l m a n , the ifarm uingdone n i u u iic uon ii his n is house n o u s e oon n i.np. a r m . ----- ^ west of P thckney, and rtiiii urmp. iic m n e -- eeftstn s fr tnile v i s it o r th e l a t t e r p a r t .o f t h e naat-i E v ig n it lg ' w o r s h lj r -iLt 7 o ’ c l o c k . T h e w eea^x : r ■: ■. ^ M r s ^ B w t m a n w h o h a s b e e n v i s i t i n V w ill l a st o r w ill p r e a c h ^ t h e - f o u r t h - s e r m o t r h e r mother m o t h e r returned r e t u r n e d home h o m e Tuesday! T u e s d a y . ______ fiv U n w T ng. n ,T l u!>^ ^ m “Miss 'iCnnette C Jo n n o rt,o J 71 ackson. n-the :-seyles “Grea t~ Questions” the her a m n g l" i5 ta d & T h n s Hold. vris“ f f t v r n ‘to ‘t n if? Sainngl-istadeThas^Bbia his farm spent Sunday . — . . . . with- Mrs. W/'.'BTllo: suljject -bging “How- ls tlie Blb'lg ' l h^ ' S March 15, commencing at 10 o’clock a! spiredy” Wm, Locher and will soon move ta m. . La ro n . 1 wenty-one head of cattle, nine i \ I I S . H o lm e s a n d ' d a u g h t e r , M r s . H o w a r d 'E l l i s , w e r e 'i n A n n - A r b o r s a t . ' u r d a y . v .. ■. ■ . i ',/ / / -. ■’ W i l l i a m B u r y ,. o f A n n » i A r b o r , w as -t h e g u e s t o f - A l r i - a n d M i s .C h a s . J e n k j Sunday. ' , .. M isse s C l a r a D e tro it, spent p a re n ts . \ nijd Eva-Barels. of Sunday with their. Prayer service Thursday even|ng: at 7:15 o’clock/ ■■■ yon are cbrclfally Invited to all~the services of the church. SYLVAN HAPPENINGS/ Fred Knoll will com m ence’working for Clarence Gage Monday. .. Rnssell, Everett, o f’YDsllantl. spent Saturday - arid Sunday with. Carl for.Mr. Irwin for the summer, Wagner, H. .T. l)ane,er-and- family, of Chel :. Bessie Morse, of Jackson, was sea,' spent Sunday with J. A. Dancer the guest of Miss. .Blanche Stephens and wife. ..." Saturday. i Herman Schneider, wife and son,.of, ~/Mrs, .l/.D.-Schnaitman, o f Detroit, Detroit, spent Sunday at the home, visited Chelsea friends the first of of Homer Boyd, the week. ; __ _ H. H. Boyd and-w lf^ a tteiid edDhe Miss Lizzie Marqney, __ o l Toledo, iVotluHToh oL^TTie. Gbltlen GlrT^at visited her mother here the first of ;ho Neifr W hitney at Ann Arbor.Saturday tffteynopn. ' the week. Enunett Dancer and family return Mrs. B. B. TurnBull spent several ed to their home in Chelsea after days of this Week with her daughter spending a couple o f weeks at the in Detroit. honm of Jacob Dancer, • _ T/Mr!rand -Mrs. Charles—M iU eiv-of Jackson, visited relatives here one It Saved. HU Leg. day last week. ' '/.'. “All thought I'd lose my leg,” ‘ John Wise and son, who have been writes J. A. Swensen. of Watertown, in. California for some time, have re Wis., “Ten years of eczema, th a tlo turned to Chelsea.".. doctors could not cure had at last laid Lee Chandler, o f Charlotte, spent me u p . Then Bucklen’s Arnica Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Salve cured it. B o u n d and vcell.” In fallible tor sk in , eruptions, eczema, Mrs. Ed. Chandler. salt rheum, bolls, fever sores, bums, Misses Josephine and Florence scalds, cuts and piles. 25c &t^ L, T. Heselschwerdt spent Sunday with Freeman Co,.. H. H. Fenn Co; and L. A »n Arbor friends. ■ , i *» Vogel. V - f a t a l Nextto G lin e s f Lapeer county.'/. .. head of hors^b, five imiles, one Spanish . Mrs. Niokoli, of Allegan epunty, lack, one good stallion, thirty.flM,r '■ was lT.rtOacL- guest {{UCtiLHl of X H, V. i\r KfU's e^and ■"family" i :uli' blood -Shropshire sheep with the fli^it-of the. week. Iambs, one Poland China brood sow Mrs, Fred Mensing was__in Ann with plgsr-vontr improved Economy Arbor Tuesday to see'her uncle who cream separator, one new bean pullbr Does npt injure the hands or one new. Garland ^baseburner. Hot is in the hospital there. 1 ■ fabric; is not inflamable;’ is Mr..Sanford and family will -soon coffee and a lunch served at noon. E. cheaper than soap. W. Daniels, auctioneer. move to Tompkins where ‘they will make their future hoin.e. , For lace cuhtains, w aist Levi Palm er', of Jackson, Is spend- . Fred Bards’ lea se having exuirpd or woolen, Hexine has no ei equal, Ing som etim e .with James; « n u j hlslbrother iiaU Simply -soak goods in a ill little east of Chelsea and three-qnatters of who is sOTetin rering 'with rheumatism. Rexlne dissolved fn a basin of a mile north of the D., J. & c, frdm cold water, rinse out and han£ ^ ^cjjer rwui^Ayljj Heli all his-personal to"afyT“ NoTubbing, ^ " at public auction^on TuesSUGAR LOAF LAKE. d a y , M a r c h " 15 As made now it has germicidal, 5, commencing a t 10 o ’clo ck" a: in., as follows: Three good I deodorant and dislnfectan t prop’ erties, making it .a Ijousehoid work horses; thirty Black Top ewes. George Beernan is on the sick list. necessity in every home, where six yearling ewes,: eight shoats, “ one Leo Gulnan Is worklug for John brood sow, one hundred chickens, line cleanliness is appreciated. ' Walsh this week. of fartnipgitools, household goods, a Kept iin stock and sold by Mrs. E, E. Howe "spent Monday at quantity of corn and potatoes; Lunch the home of William Howlett. 1 SJ“ r7 oofTee served at noon. James x The croak of the bull-frog was W..Finnell, auctioneer. heard ih the vicinity last Tuesday, a Chelsea, Mich. sure sign of spring, ' ( ...n h 11^ W aters having sold his farm I)r, S. G. Bush was called to the* will sell all hIs personal property on i home o f "John Baldwin Monday by the the premises, one and one-half miles illness of-theif daughteh ■. Cards of thanks. A t the spelling contest laftt Friday ......... .............. ..... ............. uurNBH We sincerely appreciate the kindheld a t the Heatley school, hdtfae ten thirteen head of cattle, twcnty-flixl > T Sf 8,ho!vn UH our neighbors and from Lyjiddn stoou fOO, breeding ewes, one brood sow witti ten 1 IS1®nda/ l^ in«' the illness, and'death John Brettenbacluhad a horse badly pigs, two brood sows, eleven shoats, ‘^ th er, \^e extend, our heart* kicked one day last week requiring one stock hog. These are thorough fe,t thanks. ’ ■ . ncan the services of a veterinary to sew arci ? r lan, ^ h1'1 ? lL 0^ ' ,K,Bbty bens, MR. C has . M orse , up the wound. ' ; , a choice line of farming tools, 400 Mws May Monas, bushelscornDOObushelso^ Mr . and Mrs . -F. g" . S t a b Leh, ’--------tlty Syracuse Plbws are fully guaran bundles cornstocks. teed in every spot and place; ask J. UwCwan^ bot^ coffee served at The standard “Want” advs. give Bacon Mercantile Co, al>ont them. noon, E. W. Daniels, auctioneer, give results, Try them. * e THOMAS JENSEN. IT ’S Q U A L IT Y T H A T C O U N T S Ing a M?r6? f « n6a/ ° r yo ^farm don’t bo mislead into got- i S S S i S 's s 'W s a P E E R L ES S F E N C E f f l a a a a s 'a . K 'u ,e o , . .... ,«»n j nn*lo, pull tjnB*«qio lorifth—Bi floRfM, l/orir *]ti Peerless WJre Fence Co^ Ud. Adrian, Miehtaan THE CHEWBA 8TA1TOARD, MARCH io, 1910. The Royal Etttertai*ew met with Mri». WUlw-Benton this afternoon. ; IS LOCAL ltEMS. i rtrttmrrrftllllllMllin imit^ltntnitlHHIlirr i o f jilEN'S AND YOpNG MEN'S FASHIONABLE ♦ L e w is P a in e h as m e v e d d n to F r a n k L e a c h ’s residence* o u C h a n d le r s tre e t. Mrtt. Anna M. H eselachw grdtauf- . M . L . B u r k h a r t ; lost a good horse ™ re d a s h g h t s tro k e o f p a ra y ls is th is M p n d a y. j • ? m o rn in g . ri—-;;’p^ : S p rin g fie ld L e a c h ls m o v in g to ... TOe T h e P rin c e s s t h e a t r e has e re c te d fa r m of Q e o . S c h n e id e r, o f W 'edater. ed a fine e le c tric sig n o v e r t h e e n tra n c e : f o t b e b u ild ih g . . ■ j ■ with New Goods ■ThedPive Hundred Club was enter* taihed, by Mrs.,0. T. Hoover Friday .. Jacob Alber was in Willianbton evening. ________ * ■ Saturday and MondaVTwhere he load* , NOW AWAIT YOUR INSPECTION, All the new, e iw n | 1910 styles Inf harid-tailoredj ,:purfijvoolen garments are ready for you - now -a t’ our sWc^ccynprising the^moat notable exhibits of, strictly ■ high-class. tailoring; fabrics and styles we Have ever -shown— „ ed a car of onions. Herbert Hubbard and family of De troit have moved into 'Charles Cur The senior class .cleaved about & rier’s residence op Grant street.1 from the entertainment at the Syl van-theatre Monday evening. • The Apollo Quintette of Albion Col* lege will appear, at the Methodist E. J. Feldkamp. U making arrange church, Chelsea,.: Friday evening, ments to build a large barn on .the: April 1st. , . . farm that he recently purchased of Orville Gdrton, of Waterloo, pur Sherman Pierce,chased a-Fpller antonaobtle lasf~week" D. S. Sutherland* superintendent of that is to be delivered by their loca the M. C, R. ft,, and D. W. Donahue, agent on Friday. trainmaster, were, in Chelsea Tues day on a tour of inspectiomr_ _ L , , Mr. and Mrs. Mandus Merker shipped their . household! goods'- to Wil Ilamston today, where Mr. Merker John Farrell & Co. are having new shelving placed in their: store and has accepted a position, workmen are now: busy redecorating i i i i —rr~.— i | jf _th£interior_ol_th:e-buiIdihg, — . — Jacob Reiser^harHold-hitr-fdrm trr . . .J.U.. .• : ",T‘ ?rV Bridgewater, to John Girbach. - The Chester Scouten of Buffalo, N. Vi, property consisted of 200 acres, and has moved- his-Jiousebold-godds to the. the consideration was 910,000. Wm. Glenn farm a t- worth Lake, which was purchased by his son. ■- John and Jacob Alber have shipped fro nvUbe Isear duri n gth e^as t ”s easo n Born, Thursday, Match 3, 1910,' to twenty carloads o f onions. The last -tiiTt-wiiQ £ciiOt:.Qi, j « ckl three-carajverelshipped Tuesday.^ -son, twimdaughters; Mr, _Fenn is a of Mr, ana Mrs. C. Fenn of t this - Born; Saturday, March 5, 1910. to sen place. - -r . Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Baldwin of Wil liamsburg, Va., a daughter. Mr.: and Mrs. John Scheiferstein has pur Mrs, Baldwin were former residents chased H. J. Schieferstein’a half in of Lima. . : terest in the house and lo t located on The Michigan Central freight house the ebrner o f Washington and Madi has been conuected with the passen son streets. ger station by telephone. Station Agent Adair acted as. general boss; M, J. Kappler ha8 purchased Henry While Mike Conway, performed on the Winters’ farm north o f Chelsea, and : p o ie = ^ _ .- :___ J= ..................-...... until-MivWTnfers can-give^possession has moved into-thq-house on_the Van <?n account of th ^llness“0fTJfrr^ifd Tyri^farih. .i... • _ Mrs. Lewis Yager, jr., the meeting of the Lima and Vicinity Farmers’ Gnib, M. H. Hasel8wardt-, dashler of the .which was-to be held at , their home First NatlonaLBanirof Rochester has Wednesdayf^vas-held-at^theibome--of ■bought tW C raft lot, corner of Main Mrs. Mayy Clements. and Grlggs .etreets^and will -erect a fine- residence thereop.—Rochester Charles Harrington, who has been, Era._______ ________ ______i___ in the jail at Ann Arbor for the past 4 — Tlicsn-garmerit^r a r e ^ th e fmest productions^ of the best designers injthe country and arc perfectly modeled, : informing tO“ th e - lines; of every figure. Be you short, tall, sltm drstout- ydu^wiilr find in these garments a, ‘ certain grace and elegance’ that makes them irresisti-. hie,— Come in, and see them. SpriagShirts, t h e s e l e c t i o n s m .ad .0 d u r in g t h e p a s t f e w m o n t h s - i n p r e p a r a t i o n for. a n o t h e r sea so n . Q u r p u r c h a s e s h a v e b e e n o il a m o r e l i b e r a l s c a l e , t h a n ,, e v e r b e fo r e * a n d ^ h e ^ -r a n g e ’e f - s t y l i s h g o o d s i s g r e a t e r . W e h a v e - s p e n t ir iu c li t i m e i n m a k i n g o u r s o l e c t i o i j s , s t u d y i n g t h e o u t p u t s o f t h e i t i ill s ,. w o r k s h o p s - u h d f a c t o r i e s i h o r d e r t o s e c u r e t h e b e s t in e v e r y lin o -fo r y o ii, , . . . . W e o x t e n d j o a llla c o r d ia l in v it a t io n t o v i s i t o u r s t o r e . W e w a n t_ y o u to e e e i r u r “s ^ p i e n d i d ^ f i n g ^ l i n e s a s w e l a y t h e n T B e f o r e y o u a s e x a m p l e s o f o u r a h i l i t y ^ t o ' s e r v e , y o u s a t i s f a c t o r i y ^ w h i c h i s o u r h i g h e s t a im . ■ . Ladies’ Waists 111 1 Easter Noekwaar; Our perfect fitting Shirts.are- _ If you want to'get a line sn * w hat.is hew for spring we. .ad- 1 . in a class bv t h e mseives—all icolo.ts guaranteed,— Some_ah vise you^d.come andJQokfav.etlX • ur lines, for we haV^allbwed“"f together now and different pat-terns-:are—being—showp-^for —nothing rea—new- or-good t o . J escape us-^the best efforts of spring-.' : the-best-makors are represent- ? cd-in nnr-stopk. ------ 1 88 nm ^m p 5,: :u,.- MI Muslin Underwear ; ^ T h e l a t e s t a r r iv a ls a r e h a n d s o m e ly t r im m e d g a r m e n t s . C o r s e t C o v e r s in v a r i o u s d a in t y , e f f e c t s 1 9 c , 2 5 c , 3 9 c a n d 5 0 c . G o w n s w it h h ig h n e c k a n d lo w n e c k g r e a t v a l u e s fit 5 0 c , G9c,‘ 8 9 c a n d u p . S k ir ts , a n d d r a w e r s a t b a r g a in p r ic e s . - New Spring Dress Goods I t w iH p a y y o u t o c o m e in a n d l o o k t h e m o v e r , n o w i s t h e t i m e —w h i l e t h e s t o c k i s C o m p le te ;^ " T h is s e a s o n w e a r e m a la n g ^ t h e ^ m o s t e la b d r a W s h o w i f i g e v e r p r e s e n te d t h e p e o p le o f t h is c o m m u n ity . S ilk fa b r ic s , a l l . w o o l^ f a b r ic s , s i l k i a n d - w o o l , s i l k a n d l i n e n , s i l k i a n d c .o tto n f a b r ic s , A ll lin e n a n d a ll c o t t o n w a s h fa b r ic s i n - a l l t h e l a t e s t ^ v e a v e s " a n d 1c o l o r i n g s . ■, _;i.. .L, j : tw o - n ir m th a r.h a ..................................... of Baggageman.Minor: at Ypsilanti, W as'Droughtr into; court Tuesday, wjiere-he pleaded guilty to the charge and.was.sentenced for life. .... riMfW .. . F o r a l l o c c a s i o n s , E v e r y o n e n e w a n d up. t o t h e m in u t e in s t y l e . W e c a ll e s p e c i a l a t t e n t i o n t o t h e h a n d s o m e v a l u e s a t $ 1 . 0 0 . $ 1 . 5 0 , g 9 ,0 Q .- jfceifrO a n d 1 V., U_j l * V | 1 — — S H O E S A N D : O X F O R D S — H i g h e s t g r a d e d r e s s sh o^ R f o r m a n , w o m e n a n d c h ild r e n . W e a r e A l l o w i n g t h e n io s T p h p u la r T a i l s i n a l l l e a t h e r s a n d p r i c e s ’ l o w e r t h a n e l 's e w h e f e T .... ' . - . Arbor received their second beating at the hands bf CHjlaea Wednesday FANCY. VESTS; evening. These last games were T 5 A S T m GLOVES. rolled at S'eit^ Brothers’ a lley s. and M E N rS P R E S S S H I R T S — T h e l a t e s t p a t t e r n 's i n o h o ifio in n f n ri »1 a - o f f b a fin e s t f In the best domestic -and imCMkea^EM-aUJdireei-games-and-th j —perted-fabrics,—in—white. ;and w e a v e s h a n d s o m e ly f in is h e d . P r i c e s a t 5 0 c . $ 1 / 0 0 a n d $ 1 .5 0 . Best imported and doiheatio Mrs. Martha A. .Covert died at thiT match by 222 pin8, securing"2,^6 pins I , - ■ M ■■ .■ ■ ■■ ■.;....•' ' \ / l i o m e - o f —h e r ^ d a n g h t e r r - !M r s . T h e o 7 to Ahn Arbor’s 2,434. 'colors; gloves; all, colors ail'd styles. C o v e r t , i n L i m a , T d e s d a y ,___ M a r____ c h 8. lD lO . a g e d 9 0 -y e a r s j f iv e - '- m o n t h s - a SiQturday, March T9,“JrC. Hoeks e v e n t e e n - d a y s .— T h e — f n n e r a l - w a w liY fc ll’ srSumtySOTth 'S T fH H V '! Co., a companyuf h tild T h u r s d a y a t .12:3 0 o ’ c lo c k , R e v .- 2o " colored people will be the attrac D u n n i n g Id le o f f i c ia t in g . I n t e r m e n t tion at the Sylvan. This is one of a t L im a -C e n te r . strongest companies playing: on_:the: road^ this seaaonr-and ^wllFbe n^dls^ About twenty-live members- of tinct novelty to Chelsea people, as Olive Lodge, No; 150, F. & A. M , at- all of Its twenty-five members are tended the-scnpol ot-instruction at cojored people—-The company carries Grass Lake Friday: evening, ^.nd all. ajadies’ band, besides a big band of report a fine time. A fter the, work men,___ =__ _ _ _Z _. . .. of the evening the visitors -wiere es Manager. .McLaren of. t h e ; Sylvan corted to the flue dining-room where announces the e ngagement of two of su]7i5Erwa8servqd. the best attractiona' that it has ever been the privilege;of Chelsea people RENTS, REAL ESTATE, POUND Mrs. W. O. Field will talk on tern- to witness., On Saturday, March ID, uerance at the Baptist church next J. C. Rockwell’s Sunny South Co. will LOST- WANTED ETC, . Sunday morning and evening. This appear, and on Thursday, March 24, F O R s not a Baptist meeting,but a general A1. .W, Martin’s Uncle Tom’s .Cabin temperance, rally for the purpose of ’Co., with fifty people will.be the at- •’ 6 r S A L E C H E A P — H o r s e r a k e in reorganizing the W; C. T. if. here. tractiom- - This will. close—the -seasoh ^ oQ o d c o n d it io n . U s e d b u t t w o y e a r s . T,tf t to bid~ T)n :TOtrr^Wlrea;t; -Ryer Mrs. Geo, I aich ot Ann Arbor ..wiil -hb4he-Sylvaiw imrl: R E. D. *2, Chc)sea. Mrsi Dancer- will,' give a . 32 sing, and and Poultry. recitation*' Yon are most c o r d ia ll y I t Is estimated that rthe-apportion F O R - S A L E —S c o t c h " C o l l i e - p u p s r nvited to BS present’. ment of the primary fund w ill. reach • • . -Inquire.of‘John • * ' • ' ic Good‘ stock. I<lo s e , about 97 capita this year. Last Manchester, R. F. D. C 32 A .. T L E n g lis h , year It waalM-per capita. There is f o r B a t t l e t If you ioontempln.te-buU4ing let ns--flga^< low 9780,000 inThe treasury to»be dls- MOLDERS WANTED—Plenty Of ■ . W e lia v o e s t a b l i s h e d a . C R E A M S T A T I O N a t will reside with his daughter. Before trlbuted; mg the 743,000 school Vprk. among Union shop." Kalamazoo uavmg,.Mr, English dropped in and oa-yopr lumber bill. Stove Co., Kalamazoo, Mich. '?■; 34 C H E L S E A , a n d J, 8 .’ C d m m in g s , , o u i’ r o p r e s e n ta le that children but with the amount to be wished us to inform the from corporations under the he had been in Chelsea for -the past collected tiyfe, w i l l b e o n b a n d W e d n e s d a y ; o f e a c h w e e k t o ad^valorum system this-soring it - is LOSTr^Hound, White and yellow, a n six weeks, and also expressfed regret estimated the amount will grow to swers' to nam e-of Rough. Finder at having met but few of our citizens, r e c e i v e a n d p a y c a s h f o r c r e a m . _____ 1 , Ground Feedv Braa and Middlings for -please—r e tu r u -to -E .—JIendershot, espe'cially_as he spent quite-a sum of Milan, Mich;, and recetve reward. money in our ,mi<fst. — sa te ; : ;— -------------------;----------- -- •. ' \ 31 At-the-township election to be held April :4th, female taxpayers having ,Qrt.Thnrsday,.,M bhe quaUficatltnuM bf male electors, I’OIL SALE—Two black ifmre colts ____. Y o i i c a n b r i n g y o i i r ' c r e a m " a n d l B e e r i t . .. w e i g h e d , lrick!s Day, the religious observance who have duly registered, are encoming 2 and 3 years old, sound and We will do your Feed Grinding on-short s a m p le d a n d t e s t e d , a n d r e c e iv e y o u r cn ah nn t h e of the day will be kept by the parish- ;ltled to v,ote on the question of bondall right. W. II. Laird & Son, R. oners of the Church of GET Lady o f ng for a-new county infirmary, The •31 F. I), 4, Chelsea.-1 -sp o t. W h a t ^c a n b e a n y ^f a ir e r o r m o r e s a t i s f a c t o r y ? 1 __notice* - , __ .— —----- — -— :——the-Sncred-tteartr—Highmass^vtH-be wornerrtaxpayers"^qf "Chelsea and _ ,..i. .--'...I_ ..— ■' . celebrated by Rt. Rev. Monsignor ■vicinity who:desire to exercise the FOR SALE—Tbe-C. E.-Depew resi dence on west Middle street; For DeBever, of Dexter, at I) a. m.. and right pf franchise, should-take pains particulars inquire of TurnBull & pdri e gyf|c-eftheBalntwUl-be-prea"ched- to-reglste^at-the-^own hall on April- -par " therell, attorneys, Chelsea. 20tf \Vi aud after raassbbe benediction of the 2d, and attend town meeting April blessed sacrament will be given, _ The 4tb, i’OU SALE—House and lo^on Lincoln choir will render special and appro On Thursday, March. 14, the Sylvan priate music,,. . Theatre will close for th e . season, .Trees; clilcken. house, -etc. ^Albert , -O W O S S O , MICHIGAN. — -_20tf with Al. W. Martin’s Uncle Tom’s j.Eiselc, Chelsea, Mrs^'L. Babcock was eighty-two Cabin as the attraction. This comyehrs old.last Thursday, and on that lany numbers fifty people, there ILAVING,”purchased a Suffolk Punch Stallion, 1 offer him - for service at day about forty-five of her friends icing two bands, a while one and a my barn on north Main street every iiiet at her home and assisted her In colored one. Among the other celebrating the event in a proper Matures are a troupe of ten blood- Saturday. . Terms • $10;;- W. :J. 48 manner: Among the guests were lounds and a number of plckaninies.^ Beutler. , • f o r Q u r H o m e P e o p le Mrs. Jane Tuttle; qf Chicago, Mrs. The company appeared at the Aca*_ -Thos. Shaw and daughter Merry, of demy o f Music at Buffalo ail last FOR•RENT-t70 acres of land: also 40 cords of block wood for sale. In Ypsilanti, and Mrs. J. C. Higgins of week.— —... ----------- ------------quire of-Gllver-K-ttlnm, 31 — DctroTt. A scrub lunch was nerved; ... - -- ^ ^ j Mrs. Babcock has beeh a resident of The following men from this viciname— tcfrolsea-fllhce 1857. ' We belieyh th a t tha^eople who: ty have anulled for "naturalisation' ^ lightn ing rods, ^ l oset^pricea th an —-QurAI&rkefc ig always-supplied with ohoico juicy Beef, Veal, capers ana and wnose whose cases Will be heard ever before ■on first-class copper mpers oe neara tkH m ve-tlT rbW ftrofit;" Last Sunday was an ideal s; n June: JamesStruthers, Scotchman, Muttou,/Pork, Sausages of all kinds, Lard and Chickens. Give us cable. C. W, Ellsworth. 33 day, and when the Jadies looked ou_ Sharon; George Henry Gieake, Ger ortrial order; : ~ ‘ _ _We believe in taking care of home interests—always. ami saw the sun ehimogand allnature man, i Sharon; - Christian PrenMng, BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK and White Leghorns.—Anyone interest wearing Its best smile they wished German, Sylvan} Arnold Henry Kuhl, ed in the chicken business would that Easter, Sunday; would be as German, Sharon; John Frederick Phone (iff, The fanner who has necessities to buy for winter and wishea feel well paid by a visit to the pens VAN KIFER & CHANDLER. pleasant. Late ‘ in ;th e afternoon Koch, Gorman, Sylvan; Emil Ztncke, Froo Delivery, March asserted itself, and the 4,win’ German, Freedom; Christian Fred owned byR. W. Hall. During the 3ld his ero)) for better prices, should be taken^rare. of:by bis months of December, January and .she blew” and the mercury took quite erick Fahrner, German, 8ylvan; Berne bank. The m erchant who wants money to take advantage February two pens of 22 each, a drou. Monday morning the fine mrd Herman Tlrb, Germajb Freedom; PlyirfoutirTtocksand White Leg weather that we had Men enjoying John, ,C. KHcbj German, Freedom; w prices should be able to enlist his hom 1 bank In his enterhorns, mide a record of over 700 for a week was but a memory, and bhn Feuerbacher, German, Freedom, !| The man who desires to purchase a home, a farm or adthe air was filled with .swirling snow {most W. Hanaelman, German, Dex eggs. Settings 91.00 per 16. Bell phone SOt.f irnone 68. “‘ and heavy wraps' were once more ac ter,, , : ", ' e his business intem its Bho\jld feel to call upo>n his home bank ceptable, p jT jrH lY is it th at Geo. R. Foster & Son have sold more windwhatever help ho wants., The Michigan Anti-Tuberculosis I W 1 mills and more pumpa-than any two firms in Washtenw ■’•‘ ........ J'■"'..... ;. . .....;; i ,»■.... r............. ;.........• ....>......r ‘.. ........... r The gentlelnap who Is ahead of the Association have placed their Easter tejBaaji County? First—-Iiccaitse. tlioy aro an old cstnblisheii Uncle Tom’s Cabin Co.,' which Is tO' stamps on sale at the drug stores of iSSSal firm, Second—Because they get tho first chance for the This bank adheres stfiptly to tlio above principles. Hid play here in the near future, dropped Chelsea, Each stamp purchased agencies on Mills and Pumps, and they take tho, best every time. cy deposited with us by the people will be employed to supply into town the' first of the week to stands as a contribution toward wipng tuberculosis out of Michigan, Then if there is any ono else in their territory who wants to sell contract for the raw meat for the o demands. There are 10,000 people in Michigan bloodhounds with the show. He mills and pumps they have to take what is left. They are known K: stated to the Standard that the blood who have tuberculosis. For thq far and near for drilling wells, and if anyivhc needs repairs for hounds are the same ones that play majority of cases no proper treat Give your buslnoas, to your homo bank. Your home bank tlveir wells or mills they can telephone to opr store and there will ed in this play’s first production In the ment can be provided, and they must ■\ do many favors for yon^ your friends and neighbors, • bo someone ready to attend to it lit once. They are not in least; The lawyer,Marks, of which the remain in their hontCB, a menace to If so. come to my barn at Elmer aggregation has three, have had to others, and without opportunity to Uusiness ono yoarjmd out tho next., so you can depend on them. Bench place, West Middle Sty be renewed three times during the get well. In 1009 2,465 citixens of As they do nearly all tho plumbing that is done in tho village and Will also p a y , highest cash past Heason on account qf M ing Michigan died of tuberculosis, and it surroimcIThg country , you can ipp.cnd on tho work being done in a Is a preventable disease. Buy the price for live stock. chawed up by the bloodhounds. Outfirst-class manner. GEO. II. FOSTER & SON. side of the raw meat bill the largest Easter stamps.. They carry a mes Phone 2IU Wm. L one sage of hope to everyone who buys ‘m^of Is caused by having havb item of expense ^caused one. to 'supply so many Lawyer Marks’. AMERICAN FARM PRODUCTS GS. C H ELS EA E LE V A T O R COM PANY C H O IC E Do You Want A Good Work Horse Cheap? M EATS. ---ITT —~ t :' - >/: 1;' 84- THE gHmSEAr.STANPARP* MARSH . 10^1910. ■ tWiiy. s . i : >: • •. .v y. • $ For --j;.■ . • ■/ .v"'> '■, ‘- .:•/ H o ste ss TIMELY SUGGESTIONS lor Thoise Planning Seasonable Entertainments ENGLISH SPARROW ATOS s ORCHARD DURING WINTER ■t ■< ' - - --— 7^ — L„ J R e 4 d l j h S c a X c , £ . * : '" hr * ?r.•it*-vs’• 4> w«r p* fllldezKlIl Two,H«n<ir«d >nd Six In TWp y, » ^ S A t B u r k e , i t j a h q ...,M M *%MAMMi' if 1 A t W e llin g to n , t y a s h ;.. A l |R e ve lsto ke , B . C n' 11t ft *.i B v o g r y L i t t l e B i r d s C le a n B r a n c h A f t e r B r a n c h o f, T F t^ li' —:------ '----■ ■"<'— Tr«M^ o f L a r * # H e m is p h e r i c a l' MEN SWE^T TO HEATH 60; -226kllled ' Saturday in the Rocli mountains at a point between' Rogers gs>" sta tio n * and Olaclor, 6n ■the l anadtan' faclfio railway, near Van» couver, B. C, Fully 300 men were caught:by:the deliige otnsnow and Ice* i that came swopping down upon them ' without; warding. Fifty crawled out, •ome bruised add bleeding, dazed, but safe. All the victims were workmen for the -railway- company and more ' than :h |lf of tnem-were Japanese. ; <The men were working In clearing away a small slide which had cpme :down early Friday night. They were operating a rotary engine over, it iwhen. a larger, sllde-came down-andcarried them to their dc&thJn the canyon below, , ; i --------- ’ John O.’f Cash for Chinese. . That the 1 Incorporating of the Rockefeller Foundation provided for by a bill Introduced In the United BtateB / senate by Senator Galllnger *wlll be followed by Widespread ac« ttvity in. China by John D. Rockefel ler and his co-workers was the belief eXPfhesed at the .University of Chi* pago when the news-reached here. . - President- HaYry Pratt - JudBon .de*rOJared-that-^vhile-rthe: general - educaii tlon board, of which be is a member; has power to direct educational ef forts only in this country, the Rocke feller Foundation will have no limit as to Its activity. ■ > f, F i f t y m e n ' w e re mo rn lh g in ■ Lift the covers that now bind me, Pertaining to Batter, Take them off and you will And m*. v At this season of the year all our antertolnment* naturally partake of fiom e^aiterJuflaostlona,th e spring-like daintiness • that prer* For a children's party send the to «<Jes everything. ■ Ah -Easter ap proaches It la juoat fitting to use the vitatlona Inclosed In an egg ahejl in a 4eUcate colora which among artlata wee basket lust large enough fo boU are known as pastel shades, not fo^ It. gay,; “May I count on you for the getting yellow and white, the true party I am hatching for Easter Mon day?" Have puzzles made from . Faster’ colore. .-Faster postcards cut out by some Next to Christmas, probably there clever hoy on a jigsaw, each put up are more gifts given at Easter than In anegg-shaped box made from card' a t any other season, for all classes board marked with guest’s'-name. F IN E .C U lf and conditions of society celebrate the glorious Eastertide. With theday Children as well as grown people have but two, weeks off, the department for 'the puzzle, craze. , For prizes have th is and next week will be filled with something symbolic, of the season-*-* Undo Sam’s revenuo stamp on each a ll tho Easter hints obtalnable.-T her» there la much from whlotr to select at are always eggs, Emblematic of the most all stores package guarantees the weight o f Tiger Hang-up a sheet after the manner .new life; the Easter hares, or, as lit-Fine Cut— And any user will 4 dl-ybu_ ' tie American children call them, "bun* of the old-fashioned- donkey, party; draw a big brown nest on it with a how much superior it is in quality. <1 nles,” and flowers—first, last and al* "“ ways the best, and; sweetest gift. orayoq7 outlining carefullyrthe^ center Superior ip taste, in freshe ns j and in being Kvery year the shops show, an alhtr* of the nest. Give each child a paper j?gg--SUiLf.rom.some. bright color, with perfectly clean—Tiger Fine Cut is packed i^ lng.-llne of novelties for. this glad season. but there-is one"~Very/attractive child's" name on back fof identifica in air-tight packages and sold from h tin aymhol th atis not aeon as^Oftep as It tion. Blindfold eacb~in~turiLand see canistef. Not in bulk from a dust-col should,be, viz.: the chrysalis and but* who comes nearest pinning egg to ■ terily. ’ ■ ■•,-■ ■ middle of nest. lecting, open pail that dries out the to* Dr. Hyde Indicted. Fills scheme Is equally, good for a A Pair of English 8parrows. ....Let.meJtell you of a beautiful cen* bacco and makes it unfit to chew* : ' Dr. Br Gjarker Hyde, husband of ;a" terplece for an Easter, table, which grown-up party, - niece of the late -Thomas H. Swope, MADAME MERRI. The good that birds do an orchard birds .a r e ’ alsorm any-thsLhave* boem — may be-utilized if deBired for the giv Don’t take chance?; Insist on Tiger, n winter Is well’ Worth considering, observed feeding upon the larger: was Indicted in Kansas City on 13 ing of.' favors or*to announce an on* counts in 11. indictments returned by-----| says Illinois Farther. There are often scala.JnBects.-as well ,as upon aphides gagemont. Ifvmoney does not have '•to, the grand jury that has been jnvestl.- * quite long periods in winter when-all and other gregarious forms, especially gatlng the Swope mystery for tho last ^ ^ 5 C e n ts N - be considered, use real Easter lilies/ nsects are in their hlbernating stlges, In early. Spring when -they flrstr return; Ithree weeks.__T.wq indictments charga!li_ In the center of each a very-small S O ID E V E R Y W H E S S _LJL as well as most seeds o f-weeds -and to thelr- nooting plrteoa. first degree murder In connection with -gift, inajt-he-concealed, oi* the engage* grasses, and sealed- down under. a, In all nearly 60 jdlfferenL8Beci.es. oL -the-death^of pol^Swope and ofJJhm^ .SJSttt ring placed. At the close of the __ _____ ■irepast^ pnHH'the^ar amr'reouest each”— ^Hte gracefu 1—C a t n s b o r o u s t i l l tcoaTlng bt-snaw^andJce and the birc^ birds—In the Various sectionsrof .the ; man Swope.—D x/H ydo lR allecRTn^.ar What He Was After. that remain with us are put to straits countryy arojtnown to feed habitually: “have given flTom strychnine tablets." . guest to take .one; the surprise comes the leader aihong "evening ham. One indictment accuses Dr^-Hyde of George Washington Henry Clay Lin* :o flnd-a sufficiency of food. "or occasionally upon these small but when' the: favoT is_'dlscovered. Arti _ Instiad of a single fancy*button as manslaughter1by bleeding Jamcs^Moss' coln_Car.ter, one, of Georgia's younger It. is_at such^times that they render. exceedingly injurious epeni lg i of fruit ficial-lilies m aybe made ..otputchased^ iiJ lnleh to^the^front of a coat. a tassel "Huntonria- "CoUBin of Col. Swope, In darkey citizensT'was suddenly called Never Fails <o Kesfjara Grayllalr to th Natural Color and Beauty. Stops its fatUo*' which serve , the same purpose ad* more or less elaborate Is often used t he o r c hardTst^ffl cl eh t s e r vice in tbe and shadeirees, as well as matry more Tn_neglectful-manner, upon not long ago to bxplaln-hls-pre destruction of the more conspicious io w ly pl antsrand, though their -atdlir out. »nd positively removes DsndrCff. la not *4 The kilted plaid skfrt with the plain Tntrablyr Another very"effective table Dye. _ Refute ail_sabatlt.uies, *i.o* ‘ ence at 1 a, m .:in 'the henbouse of a .Petllei -decoration Js -made by uslng-a low cloth ' bodice. *wlth_ tight sleeves," _is pscale insects, as. w ell as of the eggs reduclng the numbers o f these pests by Mail OLD DniuHts. NEWS IN BRIEFr white neighbor. r and pupae of larger"¥pectes"^wh'ich" eanfiot "be“ exact 1y" estimated it is un* bowl filled with spring flowers, over among the fashionable ‘delights of the Stg d iw“fw~tsrge^«Hnple Bonta 'Stealing my chickens, ara yniT,~ynu ------------------ theyi5_ear_ch_ out :in_-crevlcea-_of nark,. queatlohably-of very-considerable lm1* which .a number - of - artificial -butter* season^-------- , — PhltorHay. Spec. _^o., Newark. N. J„ V. 'S. A An explosion of powder in. the ,black-rascal?”:the owner demanded. files are suspended. The ie are made, Th£' sharp-pointed jvaist 1b seen now arouna the next season’s blossom buds portance, “Mexican" mine, Alaska, killed 23 - George W. H. C. L, C. rolled his eyes of -the. colors-predominating ' In the and . then —ln-^ultra-fashlonable cos and, e8pecially-,-in-the-crotches of the miners, and seriously injured eight until they were all whites. branches and twigs^ t Excellent Garden CompoaL flowers. They are hung on very fine tumes, but it is stttt-too radical to be -others, of-whom - four rmay“ dleTL“ “r“ "Now, now, lookyeh. Mara George,1 The speejes most actlve lnvthls good "The best fertilizer " I have ever tried threads- of Irregular lengths frqtn a e x p l o ite d —fr«miy~ W h e t h e r " i t (ri i n Admiral Thomas has reported from ft. hoop wound, with ferns or smilax come, back to Its own remains to be work are the various woodpeckers, for garden crops Is a conipost made of Hampton Roads to Secretary of the he protested;."dat ain'irno way ter ac1 notably the small black and. white two parts stable manure, one'part hen Navy Meyer i that the "Battleship —an* ple%ae don’ pint dot gun at m e / fastened over the.table from the light seen. . ! U J or ceiling. These butterflies may be . Cashmere, cloth is one of the most downy and; hairy, "the nuthatches aiTd' manure and one part hardwood ashes, ‘Michigan has completed—her—24-hour ^ a t er_ way, cunnel, sah,"—he hastily J L U V n L I I several -speerts of the titmouse fsmi* I “usually" place the com p ost^ esp aaendurance" trtalrhaving-rnaln+ahted-ao made at home from tissue paper or popular of the season’s fabrics, and a shield. “Ah 'clar Ah warb’t gwine ASSURED PERMAHENT INCOME •.they may be purchased at a Japanese nothing.;,ls_hetter-for_practlcal wear. ly, as well as the blue Jay, and to near the spot'to be fertilized as pos average speed of 18.22 knots. steal; no chickens; hd,“fiah! 7t>i'H wVj. some extent the snowbirds and sparsible, so that the work of dlatrlhutlon-The-seeretaiy-of-State— has-slgned -fttore-Or-fayoE-counter. -—-— • ; It-ls-to-be-had In-near! y-any-design rows^. _______ tin' er dlalec’. story—-an Ah des* come can-be done at odd times when other a proclamation giving to Austrla-Hun Cocoon's made from tissue paper, and color.; Black and blue are pop* It" fa here that" even the outlawed mosbyen roun! hyah ter'git.foeal-colorwork is not pressing, says a writer in gary 'the minimum rates of the Uni* “^BTTSDFOBUTKRAi'IJIUB — .-------------;,-fttu©qd-iWltb=CQUoBT=AFe=appFoprlate m la r .----- — SnglliB8parrowhas"been;seen; ab8(K —yas, sah, dfft’s all Ah was after; Ah ted Statesunder_fh e“ Payne*'A]drich Baltimore American. Fbr cabbage in OOTernment Reporte and Vlew* ofThe wide silk rubber, girdles","stud*' _. receptacles1for holding small gifts or . this-* profitable Hardwood timber tariff-apt— The->proclftmatfbn is.now .'clar,'to de Lawd hit w as!’’ utely cleaning brapeh after, branch of our section no fertilizer equals, this, or-steeLamLaccompanled favgrgr-^-The^mame—carifima-yL-bff-at. grown In 8outbem“Oallfornla by ir jefere* the_"pYasidenf"f0 rS ign atu re,"“ responilble corporation on Irngatetaefied to them with-the following deT T>y/(vWe,—long^ashespworked with the peach^antfTplum trees.: o L th e large and-rooL crops -are - equally -as good Landa near Log Angeles. Qrorea President Taft has accepted an In* An.Appreciated Dletraotion. jet or-steel, are" st|H, popular where heitHspherlcal, reddish terthpln scale, when the compost 1b well- mixed-wlth vltatipn to -address the .“Presbyterian ■criptive- verse: told on easy terms. so prevalent.now on stone fruit trees. the soil, The work of composting can So you think the automobile has a-tw o^ iece -costume—admits of the From my httliv-ciaittr-tnyK'tHKi~ m adellfei much'-Dleafiflnlar?^ _ Theucottony.iaaple-Bcalo-lB-another- be^j separate girdle. — r l t c a n 't wake, u n le ss you w a sp m'e; c o n s p i^ u 8 p e a tron_ wh1ch“ thissp"a‘r- more thoroughly it is mixed- the soon* _ ‘1 LhaBL_for-me,—answered .the com* E J M ' C U L L Y CO. m wr-aa- well as7_several _othor—staall er it wHl7 booome ready "to apply "to .tO -speak-before-a- largo lahor meeHng fortabie-okiflon. .. “I drlve^a fast hprse which is to be held in connection ifrds, feed.persistently when no more the spot and iny son rides a^Toycle, The. au □ i n i v/ f v t i i r -with-the-rgeneral assembly." ’ . .... easily obtained- food is available, apd tomobile has, taken the minds of the B o n n e ts f o r B a b y Through a atenographn^s mistake police off both of qs." n northern climates, where snow and • Setting Hens. ' the American Bible society of New L U v n u i ■ U J Ice; prevail, this scale seldom appears _ ScttingihenB should not be fed white York' is $4,995 poorer than It thought !n destructive numbers for two con* oh the nest. - They need all the exer- it was a_week ago, . A letter from a Thinking of Garden Time. 327 W. 34 ST.LOS ANGELES(AL secutive years, mainly jowing to the cise they are likely to get. Too con* man in Ohio was received last week s. Bacon-*—I .think muck of** the* man good offices of these hunger-driven stant setting makeg them bf had «Hb. subscribing 85.00(1 townrri fv>n $s n y Who<can mafte two hindea of grassJTrds position hnd. difficult to" manage when 000 •endowment - fund. ; A warm l e __ grow where oneigrew before..Egbert—I’ve not got rny eyb on him. they come ort witn tke~brobd. Eggs of thanks was sent in reply, but e* pectatlons were shattered when a re I admire more the man who can make will stand a wide range of tempera* turn- letter froni the Ohio man said only one weed grow where a dozen Wfiat Qdvarnor Dwtieen, o f Illinois; ture without Injury,. J ; S a y s A bout it* •he had meant $5., and "his stenog* grew before. raphe,— hatLnalBtaftegly -ciphers, ■' CHEWING TOBACCO Mb c u r i iv n r ls f r|ESM»n%Si3 V WESTERSCANADA , :A*«n.Amer!o*nX»a del Iah Ud to roe the te> meranble nroH»eM„ol W eitero ■Canada. Qur people erb flocking oe tno.boandnTr' in th Sanaa, and I.have not ye| p e t ono who admltu ho had mado a mUtnt. They are all doing sol] There Is eanrooljr a com. _ _ _ _ muntty la the MfddlW . . Woatorn States tlinthat got. • .roriwontatlvo in-Staalloba, SMVatcheffan o r AlhertaT'’ THE MARKETS *■ • V. ' Detrolt^Cattle-Market active, 10« to 16c; higher than Inst week; best steers heifers, m?MUB; steers and heifers, 1 ,0.00 to; 1,200 lbs., *6 ,6 0 0 5 .85 ; ? lW l> a.nd heifers. 800 to l.O.oir lbs,’ $o,2o@fi,50; 8tee,rH and holfers that ara fatJ 500 to_7.Q0 lbH^f^.OXBO^choldo lat-rcows, * 5 ; good fat. eows, $4 @4.50: =e^Hn©}i—cmvsr^iT^oigrJ^t)/’ cahnerpi, sdt oholce .heavy bullH, »5@5.50; fair tie ^good^ologrms, bulls, *4.60@4.75; stock ■btills* t3.50@4; milkers. Tnrpft' ymm|, med* age.iV 0@6 D;co m:non - tni ike r", °P odgrades 22c towith 50o h gher c*w®8T han last woek; steady _W^dnflsday4^aM^*8.50^10r^thorsr ©9' rn]]ch_cowH_ftjnd__aprlugerH~»toftdy. sheep amt- iambs—Recejpts, 4,397; m a r k e t fifir* ■iiigb<.r biftti—la»t—weekt -.steady.', w ith .-W <etjnosday^- betrt—lambs, I*; fair to "good Jambs, ^8:60@9;>llght to common lambs, >7@8: fair tn gnns' «li e e p | 5,50@0,6OT-ffunl^aM ."^mmbn , #o,. ■ ■■ ■ - ............. -..’ ji-. T .ll 058,pt^ ..2'?33! m arket, good ^ ' J a s t Thursday, 10c w t e r tJmnt10 ^®, IBc d.n®’sd,ay : P ig s'a n d 'lig hoft Yoik^rs* low«r, HariArA P>?8. I o@9.40■ light Yorkers, 19,^ 3>9.60; stags, one-third off. ■■■ . •E ast Buffalo,—Cattle strofijr, sill spreads these out apart as they rlso up this forms a narrow bottom, -always^dean feed“ fa c k r The one" inch by six inch boards shown on;the end elevation are spiked to the skids -and-pp-plumb to’ the ends bf the two inch by four inch scantling .which forms, the, top rail for the rack. , "Sy JOClA BOTTOMLEY. 1 used- when the embroidery applied is OTHING is_quite so comfortable of mull or batiste. But If it is silk or and arid nothing !s prettier nrettler than ther lisle the'body of the bonnet, ribbon, little, bonnets1of velvet or silk, or "any tics are required, kimirf(f7 fabrics, which "aro" worn^B^" Brown, cream, bluet' and white h'ave tiny girls. Plush with ribbon or ,silk proven strong favorites for children’s Introduced In tho* make-up is .used for bonnets, as to dolor,.. Bright red is come, very handsome ones. liked when tho little coat is of the Then bonnets aro easily made, ns same warm color. Nothing- is prettier most of thorn are built on tho simply than cream color or br.own. '‘— Stuart enp with, tho- addition of ru/nes It is a simple matter to make those over the face and at the neck, whore little bonnetB* AH the standard pat thoy form a:protbeting cape. tern houses fiirnlnh papor patterns An elaborate bonnot Is shown In by which to cut them. By making FIft, 1, made of silk and trimmed with them by hand and adding some hand a narrow braid, This has a douhlo embroidery, they aro placed far. above -ruffle about the -faco and a double the commonplace, hiachine-made bon capo and tics of broad, soft ribbon, nets which ono can buy ready made, For the younger child a simple cap and aro hot more exffonslvo. When is shown In Fig. 2. This Is. of em such hand-made and hand-embroidered broidered broadcloth over a silk li bonnets are sought at the shops, it ning, A band of hand embroidery fin will be found that tho price Is high ished with' a border of velvet com and out .of roach of tho little mother pletes (his pretty piece of hendwenr who allows her good Judgment to con for the baby, Soft mulPtlos may be trol bur purchases. . N .■ v'i •Mr.' is quite easily made andJbajauthe ad vantage of giving Hthe* animals a chance to clean u j n d l“ tM 'fod d er placed before them without Btrainlng to_reach_tlio last of it, as is the case in a wide bottom rack. In thls style Remedy lor Boaly Legs, the fodder settles to the bottom as it Tho disease of scaly legs is chused is eaten out. The rack has an open top and gives easy access to feed. The by a mite which burrows under the two skids, one at'either end, are six -?ealer oLthp-feet“flndnsh"ank¥ "and “IF considered to be infectious, but does not spread rapidly. It is noticed most frequently 1n old fowls, says the Cul tivator. The scales can bo removed by soaking the feet and shanks In warm, Boapy water and by rubbing or brushing them off with a toothbrOah o.r:nailbrush. After the scaloB have been removed apply sulphur ointment or equal parts of melted lard and kor-’ osone. Tho frequent application qf ^erosene has hlHo beon foma^effebtuaT without the previous soaking In wa ter, . rtin, kll' vatioh Tho calf should not be fed skim Inches by six lnohen and on tho peft* milk for two weeks afto*r birth. ter of these a V-shnpod Bill sits-with pointed edgo down. To these beveled Tl10 horse Industry la attrHCflng the Bides the one inch by three Inoh slats fttra?«r l° » boater ntre nailed and ns the beveling of this extqnt than in any other period, 1 h is Hog:#—iL o w er; h e a v y , |1 0 .I0 ® 1 0 y o rk c r* , * l0 @ ip .l6 : p ig s, ! 9 . 6 0 @ ™ 7 o ' S h e e p — B e st la m b s, 19,60@9.70* v e a r lin g s . *8.50@ 8.7fi; w e tf y>eftr 7,450; e w e s, Jfl.fir . VCalves *o to *11. Grain, Hie. •4 Detroit; -‘iT'^beat—Caeh k ,i? .in f e y No. 2 red. 63o " a e k T d ^ 8 ' N ° ' 3' ’6 2c; N ° ' S y c n ° w * O a ts — S ta n d a r d ; 48c; No, 3 w h ite , jf y o —C ftjh No. 1 ^ 8 2 W O lo v o rse e d — P rim e 125 Million - I w h e l s j l Wboat t e i M i ®ty70,(HW.0CK).00 in oneh. i yaivu itii npro. rn.wn Your Liver is Clogged up J ha»’* Why You’re Tirad-Out ol Sorts—Have No Appetite.^ CARTER'S LT UVERP1LLS will wg you right ina lewdeyt. They do their d ay. C«o ComUm . tin, fin* , ^ _ _ _ iniMit, ladigettln, ud Skk Uwfeb*. rS S H S if* 00a»m a NUB GENUINE nuut bear dpahiret nFMTTiTr *uTh.° ,old. a(lft*,° tP th-t effect that" as the twig Is bent the tree Is/inciined hftB received a.voto of confidence from New York Riiffragcttes. They bftVe just started a movement In Now York whereby they plan- to enroll tho""high school girls of every largo city in the .country a, supporters of their caus J During February 20 banks with a wore autho^ l/.c | to begin busIncHs by tbe cornu* trollers ofllco of tho treasury depart* K a S hT® ftro 7’070 national an authorized capital of. 1984,001,935 and circulation outstand* Ing amounting to $710,022,8(18. 8 (O eead lrraiieerettroa.) (11 SOUR STOMACH u Jl1 U1*4. CascLarets feel like a new man. I nave been a sufferer from dy«v peiwm and sour atotnaelrfor thrlast two , 1 hftV®been taking medicine and other drags, hut could find so relief only for a short time, X will recommend Cascarets to my friend* a* the only thing for indigestion and sour stomach and to keep the bowel* in good condition,' They arc very nice to eat," ------ H a rry-R tn c k le y, M auch C h u n k , Po* U*®**!!*' ftdstAble, Potent, T**t« Good, Q^JvNever Sicken, WeakenorOripe, Never Aol5 In balk; Tbe sen- io P 19 *6^6', 9 ftt *6, T im o th y seed -Prime spot, ioo bags at *^,80. * . ■ ------ "-obtained, o ealtablaloiMtJon ily.M _a»». f ------ - ----- A&IXU M t, ie(MM,17l JtffttweAw^liinili tr C, ALiprltr, SnU Sit. Mule, MM, PATENT KRBR. Suae, A WnNhlniyfoh ijiOi KM,43yro, Jioit Putorouccn! p THICK, SWOLLKN QLANDS s a fv A M s r s Sm S'tW ' • * * u” ■ or Swellimr. no. h*fr is the word •oremember’ whenyounwdaremedy mankind,. amceto!f^oi”r* - ni ' Du®refornr 1 onnfM to fiEFIAHOE STIRQR-1the pwikM* a orlrti u l ’U f S S S S T t S l ^ w « N . u ,, D E T R O I T , N O , 11-19 10 . '■'^TTWS «**MUNIMia< / 1» • T O E ...................., . ..... . _ n»re’* last la their, partings and d ad th a t w ill'b e the I M t o f 111 T h e w.er<y f lo w e d usually *by t^egratos people g f N o rth C a ro lin a , ought to he SERIAL about the m oat preposterous th in g ! or suggesttons f o , rom antic* STORY ‘ proud o f D a n g erfleld ; he’s one o f the best governors th d y ever had. A n d O s b o rn ! *» # flrst-olass m a n , too, one o f th e old P a lm e tto fam lllssi” T h e discussion had begun to bore w o td he w en t back hack to his bis uG rls ru w ,a >, «a n« d : be beyrnK it ln - m f id to re- S i *£ 5 ,® .new h y p o th e tic touch* S i Caf j K ld d ftnd bis burled treas* Silt *A i mo*r® .!uw wrote £ ver, v ” ‘v.w rot« letti letters; om loy«d T m rS iri he sug ^ v e m e s s a g e , w ith telegraph o p e * jiw u p u to itr-te irw o rd s w s s l h l S g a * r iP A W T M B K U W Jt ligbted * olgar and: opened the afternoon A tla n ta papers In the ■smoking, cqrapaw m ent:. ;lfia eye was "V” SfHBfnppM •Vi'• -i. ®* . , : 1HERSDITH NIGHOftSOf^ , i t \ oncf b y Iw perattve headlines, I t to n o t too m uch to say th a t the^eye of the continent was arrested th a t-e ve n in g by, the am azing disclos ure, now . ta rd ily Teaching, the public, th a t som ething unusual had occurred « the annual m eeting o f th e 1 Cotton Plan ters : association, a t N e w Orleans on th b 'p re vio u s d ay,. E v e r y copy mortal.-aVii ryAvPar,a g ta p b e r S uiwins'. MAN'S real character will ad* S e M ,” . I t had g ro w n d a rk . 'and the m ov visible la e e y - w e i;' briiM ant l r ilHht g d .— T g g r r ' his' household { than anjj* w ere n o t m ore th a n h a l f . a dozen where else; and his practical wisdom other berEona in h u siiwpa^-jsnd t b e it -----lro-- bflttBgxhlblto d - b y t .h. .e. -___ m s ... nns . ..c......................... ...r ,4»w et® ,w idely, dbatjietedv H a v in g taken whlch he bears rule therey than -oven, in. larger affairs of business or pubUe an in ve n to ry o f bis belongings to bs the life." ■ . : r ' ' sure th e y \were all, a t band/ he be* came conscious o f the presence o f a • s M6u|«h0ld Hints, y o u n g , l& dy in th e opposite section. ' Iv o r y ca rvin g s th a t h a ve become In the seat: behind h e r sat an old discolored should! b e .p a in te d w ith stnr*> colored w om en itv ,; snowy- cap and pentlne and exposed fo U ie sunBhlne. a p ro n , ,w h o was e vid e n tly the young K e e p the piano, k e y s - f[o m . dam p* la d y’s se rvan t, G risw o ld was aware noss, ."A ir and. su nlight w ill n o t in * th na bo ristled and j ure it, “ “a"it this udusky u b k v -*duen auernm risue a ana It, sum Su nlig ignh t keens the k e ys fr o m ivovtne* -and™pursed h e m p s In t h f T u r n in g , ye lib w ., b o fs m is r s s a t,th s p ro p s r s o rt o f f f T h e fa rm e y p f to d a y buys ia xpuoh la rg sr proflortJon o f th e fppd th a t goes on th e table th a n >he d id te n yearn a i d . It's a good th in g th a t th is is so because be h as a g re a t v a r ie ty to select fr p m r — H e abe hld, h o w e v e r, g re a t care in selecting i o r th e best re s u lts in h e alth a n d lit r e n g th . ^ ______ T h e w idespread tenden cy In th e c ity to increase th e a r io u n t o f Q u a k e r O a ts eaten la due v e r y la rg e ly t o th e re c e n t demonitratlpDs o y scie nun c m e n tn a t th p Q i ^ e r Oats- fe d span is th e m a n w ith g re ate st p hysica l endurance and greatest m e n ta l v ig o r. N ^ h n n e r a S h o u ld g ive th is subject c a re fu l; th o u g h t a n d should increase the q u a n tity o f Q u a k e r O a ts e ate n b y them selve s , th e ir c h ild re n a n d th* fa rm h a n d s .' ',- 6 7 .'; A n a lyse d ^b y C h e m is ts. - ;; . i i i,■■ «B,r,r.wwg..*■■■■ CONVINCING PROOF : a r TH I VM TU* W ■’ L y d i a f t P l n k h a m ’s V e g e t a b l e C o m p o u m f W hat is the use of proewtinating^ in the face of such evidqice as the following letters represent? If you are a. ick woman or know one w hais, what sensible reasop have* genuine and honest, too, every one of them M r t, G e o r g e M Mvs* 8*J . Barber gays t ':^M n k a y ia y ii Ko one knom> hfitrhgte s£rered from fe*; _ troubles, oralgla pains, : ' baokabhe. ... doctor sawT ; .ftwld nnt glVftt. .e anything to i t Th ro u g h - advice of aI began use Lydia E. kbam's Vege-. “ 1*3thinkLydia B. uTnihath’s Venewble CoxnpoiSfl la thebeat medi cine in tho world for women—and I feel it my duty to le t o th era know the good it has done forme. _ Three years ago I had a tum or which; the dootor said would haye to . more thuu » «MT or two, at most. 1 wrote Mrs. ham, atlyniL Maas., for ad^chrAnd took 14 bottles of Lydia B7 Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, andtoday the tumor la gone and I am ;a ' irfectly well woman. I hope my _ atimonlalwill be Of-benefit toothera^ —Mra. S. J. Babbeb. Scott, ■:?-). on every newsnaner in the n v of hi ,* picturesque ukind . , ‘k. j- .h . _ on every newspaper the inrwi land had w A p ro p o s o f fr e s id e h t T a f t a nd big w ay' her "as thel To double the life of mottihg give it smiled and reached-for a fresh pencil glanced at her, as though lils pres a coat of varnish aftey putting it recent decision a bo ut W h isky, R lo h a r4 ?.:..>■• as a preliminary bulletin announced ence were an intrusion upon her mis* down, J .e G allle a t ma %as*saava. d ln u !rv:a fjVIL •vasn n e Psaid ttiu uu at t th g»f *be passing of harsh words between tfessj who sat withdrawn to the ex* Llnoloumrshould be treated—to a - „ , , *. i the governor of North Carolina and tremo cprner of her section,!’seeking coat iat of varnish once^or-twice a year. ' - - While, 1 was liv in g .; in XJywP0®! 1 the governor of South Carolina. It its fullest vsecdusiom with her' head, W lfl> t»y|Tb«Bobb'»-MMrUi Company, ...... - **•-----—k*--*— improves-its appearance;and’ ore* there arose a hot whisky dlflcusslon; may as well be_aoknnwicrtgart here against a plHow. apd the Ups of her1 This w a s p o t s u u w h is k y ; th e o n ly , wholes serves it; "*------SYNOP8IB,-------- ^------- that just what really happened at the suede shoes showing under her gray One of the .best' furaiture pollshes some< one, o r .w as p a te n t still w h is k y Cotton Planters’ convention will traveling, skirt on the further half of and one used b£ many fumittirq dsal* tho one npn.polsonouB d r in k ? ’ C h e m l: Tommy Ardmore, New York m»Uonftlre known, - for .this particular the section. She twirled Idly In her ers Is equal p&rts of .benzine and lin cal analyses' w p fe a p p lie d : tp ; e v e r y and owner of a great- estate in. North never [Carolina, reaches Atlanta In watch o f a meeting was. held behind closed doors, fingers a half-opened white rosebud—' v e i f i t h a d n o t been f o r M r a .: I#;;: seed oil. Remember benzine is in* w h is k y going . tewtty girl who winked .at .him .as their and_ as t h e.... two F i n k b a m 's a d v i c e a n d L y d i a E . , .... governors were "A Liverpudlian, entered, a ; public Irffni ataod QPDOBlte eaoh other two cay s a fact unimportant in Itself, but des X 'flammable, so should be used w iih ku>T*T _ O rt-n the i Ua depot /lanr ‘ olatform he-meets honored guests of the association, no P in k h a m ’ s V e g e ta b le - C o m p o u n d .” ’ , - . lb«% ro. house near the—Albert/ docks on( -» - _ - IhU oW friend, Harry Griswold, professor.. -member—has—ever.- breathe^1iy word tlned to Jlnger long in^ Griswold's care. ‘ —M r s . G e o r o e M a y , 8d d tii A t e » memory,^-Theplllow-afforded-thehap ImthMverstty of^lrginiai-on-his.wayAll hard finished4-walth~should bo ulght-andsaid: P a te r s o n , N . J . touching an incident that all most pleat pdsslble background • for hsr wiped to remove the ditdt; thoBe of “ ‘l a y e r w h is k y p u r e ? ', , ,. I r *®. ____r ■ M r s. W , K , H o u s h s a y s i M r s , B , F « E to y e s s a y s t .Sincerely deplored. Indeed, no hint brown head, her cheek bright with rough surface need brushing;;... (‘ VW ell, I should th in k flo / .th e ; pub* j '1:vWffi- j! ' ‘rfr“ CHAPTER I.—Continued. “I waa under the l"I have been; of it would ever have reached the pub- color, and a profile jelear-out, and •jufit lican answ ered, fit's b e e n p a ra ly ze d completely cutedt d o c to r 's tr e a t 410 had it not been that both gentle, now—an- Impression due, perhaps, to b y th re e anarchista.’ " Pa la ta ble L i v e r , ' ! ■ ment for aflbroid of ; a severe fe- * ^ ‘ ■-*" . . • • ......, , , ; ‘’Not If I endow all the chairs In th b men hurriedly left the convention hall, the slight quiver of her noBtrlls and Liver Is a meat hot to he'despised. male trbubld br tumor. I suffered Betrayed *b y th e T ip p in g H a b it. luniversity! Y o u ’ v e : n o t only-, g ot to refused to keep their appointments- to the compression ot her Ups—seemingly Try cookihg it In the casserole or hov Lydia E; Fin& w ith jpain, sore!‘Y o u r frie n d , !tne c o u n t, m y d e a r,” [come, b u ty o u ’re going to / .be. tjiere speak at the ! banquet that .followed disdainful of the world. -.,h: ered baking dish. Pry a few jlle e s of _sald th e m llU o na lre to bis b lo o m in g ham'a Vegetablen e sa ,D lo a tin g ,; V: • [the day they, arrive. uuu were re* .*u» wuumu the business «»»sn«gBr meetings,-and re T h e bumvk lack w om an rqse rose ■anuj and,' minis* minis Compouna, and-and c o u ld t f o t fat salt pork In a frying pan, remove d au gh te r, "h as an o dd w a y o L e xte n d walk or stand on wane to recom “Thoraaie Afdmore of New; York and- -portetrto have.taken:the first tralnr~thred to her mlstressi mutt’eHng In the; pork and add ‘ one onion Nthiniy^ lng hla h a n d . D ld vo u n o tic e jv h e n W.e bImipv his-heayy hiR hfliivv gtlok-=heHtlok—he Jor jthelr_respectlve-capital8. -It— was ifinH mrnintnno nnronintmi,, mend it to all suf m y fe" et 'a n y I aidslejMtruckkind-m onotoneconsolatory^pbrases -sliced and when slightly “brown: add fering .women.’*’ length o f time. I lalways carried a heavystlek—smartly whispered by & few persons that the from wblch "chile1!, and "honey" occa the sllcqd liver and sear well ipn both parted tp-i)Ight th a t h e held his palm w r o t e t o Mrs. -M r s . W . X r Ion the cement platform In the stress -governor of South Carolina had sionally reached, Griswold’s ears. The sides. Turn all into a casserojepporkr upperm ost?” , si.:.,:,-.. Finkham fo r a o HovsH.TEastlot hia feeling. He was much shorter takes a fling at the authenticity of old mammy produced. from a Jiag say. liver and onion, add a-cueful of atook. I.lH ts ^ d a u g h te r sighed. vice, followed hefl‘ Ave., 01n.~“ . . Iftn nrlawold. to Whottt he was deep* tUe-MeckienpaKf ^declaration of Inde- eral toilet bottles, a fresh handker* and half a dozen button onions pahd ir e c t io n s and cinnati,Ohio. •i' i \'i ’I'-f. ■r!■ ■attached^for-whom he had; lAdeed^ peMence^t^waa-rutnored In—other ohlef,-7a=—han d ^ otrror-^a'nd-ft-brugh. Jbfilled -^.season: and^cook an_ hour Jtr "th a t I f A lphonse w a s exposed I t took Lydia E. Pinkttam’aVegetable “ jBeoause_your case is a difficult rwould be found th a t h e Was a t least Compound. To-day l am a well ie frank udralratiomofa small hoy quarters-that ;the governor of North which she arranged In the empty aeat: tbe -oven^ one, doctors baving done you no restaurants w a ite r—b u t" I ’m a f r a ld ^ flfl1 'woman, the tumor was expelledanc good, do not continue to suffer with* n a . big - brother. He sometime* Carolina was the’aggressor,-he having "Thank you^Aunt Phoebepl’m feel* Another nice way to serve a lamb’s was 'o n ly a sh o e e h in e r in a b a rb e r my whola system strengthened. I out giving Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegondered how fully Griswold entered; —it was said—declared that > people ing much better; Just let me alone pr calf’s liver, -Whole, . .lard it wiU) Jjh o p r’; advise all Women who are afllicted etabTe Compound aflrial. It surefy ^the^prblecta-ofradventuye^whlch: (mean!ng^tlre-freemen oH he common* now,1please.” -strips' o f f a t-pdrkaud^pu t“i n a casser with tumors or female troubles to has cared many cases of female illsw The girl put aside the white rose ole. Add stock seasonings of salt, », in his,; supreme Idleness, planned wealth of South Carolina) -who were try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Ves $ 10 0 R e w a rd , $ 10 0 . ad proposedy b'ut be himself had' not: intelligent, enough .to..,raise, their for a .moment-'ahd.breathed deeply of' pepper anh teaspoonfiil-of tomato cat Compound."— Mrs, E. F» H T!m nsa«n et tuts ptper wm Im p)«sa»4 to n*m — T a m been quite ready v to mount own hay, and jyhor^moreovor, bought the vinalgrette. whose keen,- pungent sup.’ -Whdn-feooked lay on a platfer and tlukt tben Mri itMVooejUMKtod CIwms tlwt.ietaaM 1890 wdshington St., Boston,: hM been able to our*. inT»U l(« iuc<*> *oC tlwt H-. that article In phfri, wora nnt ■;Q dor stole acroas thfl alalft tn Or I a. |hQM¥-or^ahake-out^ pour. qrouBd-a- tMekened giavy. Gann* c*v»ra; ^yre^ir »i« |driswold“had~ fcald^abotrt^ being • oonitmiuoiuu <n*eMe. «ouEr» * couviuittoo»l tre*tment, HRli’a CaUrrh Cure to Ukeo inrankled In his heart, He was sorry Interment. It Is not the purpose" of hand mirror, ..and brushed the hair casserole with the liver. ills . X o s ic k w o m a n d o e s j u s t ic e t o Um »lly, Mting Ulwetlr upon the blood *nd tsueoua -r.i'.i/.-t.s: iow that he had told of this new en this chronicle either to seek the truth away from her forehead with half a h e r s e lf w h o w i l l n o t t r y th is f a m o u s m e d ic in e . euKeoe* of the eyiiem. thereby deitroying the foundetloa ot the dU eeae, end giving-the petleat M a d e e x c ln s lv e ly f r o m r o o ts a n d h e r b s ,, a n a terprise to which hbdtad pledged him- o f what passed between the two gov- dozen light-strokesr- She touched her AlmondBIteult. i etrength by. .building ud the eoMtltutlon and. aitlet* h a s t h o u s a n d s o f c u r e s t o i t s cred it . Ing nature b doing It# worit. Thejiropnewn bvn: srew- ‘ ounces eo much faith u Ita curative powera>that they offer M r c < P in k h a m I n v ite s a ll s ic k w o m e n |weld’s lack of sympathy a s -h e re* the points of hlatpry and ^agriculture passed it across her eyes, and. then monds and half an ounce of bitter One Hundred Dollar* tor any eaM that-It-tail*.tb« H*nit tor 1t«t nt . .: _______ t o w r it e h e r f o r a d v ie m S h e , haa^ jd&cted that tpe quest of a winking raised In th e . statem ents just ind i took up tne .rose a g a in , an'd settled alHUundsr pound to .a panto. Add u n e--* A ddree* P. J. OHBKEY-S CO.. TOledOrO.. g u id e d th o jv sa n d i t o h e a lt h f r e e o f c h a r g e , “ ‘ all DAigglata, 78e. . . Igirl wa¥TatbeT^beneatfirthe dignity cated^ A s e ve ry one knows,- the 20th ■ ^ a c ir r w it h r a - r im ie s ig h - o t - r e H e f ^ i r -cupful^of-sugar,. the beaten yolks of " “ ' “ foLcoMtJaayoa,- A d d r e s s M r s .- P liik h a m >-Lyiuh-M aas» lot a gentleman yeaned not merely to; of Miay (or was it~tbe Hist!57 1776, is her“ naw=up'rlgbt~positton—her gaze -flve^eggs and heat for five m in u ted [the law, hut to.the, austere teaching; solemnly observed In North Carolina rested upon Griswold's newspapers, mix jiLJour-iahlespoonfuls of sifted [professions s-welh-IiH hlfrjhearti-he: as-the-day-on—which-the-patriots-of- -whieh-he-had-flungHiown-on^thie-empty =fiour-,and-cut_ and_fold“fn t h e b e s t e n DUTCm gK «0K Dr. Cook .was talking to a .Washing[forgave Griswold, but he was all th&j Mecklenburg county severed the ‘re- half of his section. One of them had whites of five eggs. Rake in molds. ;:.y C A T A M H A t FS V Eft ton correspondent. - ' A N B A LLJ10 S E | moreresoived^to address hlmselff^ub lations-theretofore-exlBting—between fallen—open and -lay—with its - outer ^"TEelmahllarjwrQngrinJilfl-attacks." A N O T H K O A T D IS E A S E * bomly to. hie. puf8uit^of~the d e ity of; them and his majesty,, King- George T age^ tarin g-w ltlr:th trir 9 ld “grin- of he said. “He errs as ludicrously in his __ Core*the sfcSaSCecta a* » prevantlve for other*. Liquid given oei [the car Alexandra, for only-bjrfinding th<rThirdr-7Equally-wellknown-is-the^ dlBplay^type^ — ld ea o ip o la r“Condltlon8-as"the.^Brookthe tongue. Safe for brood m*re»»nd all other*. Be*tkldaev rem*dy:W her fiouid he establish himself in Gris-; fact tb.at in-‘South • Carolina: It *ls ’an — T W O G O V E R N O R S A T ^ W A R I .lyn domestic, who said: cent* andIf .00a bottle; K.00 and 110.00 the doeaa. Sold by all drnggUta aad horse good* houses, or acst expreu paid, by the maaufactnrsra. Article of religious faith that on that JwokTs eyes-as a man of - action,! ■ ‘" it must, be a “filthy place, .that W h a t b id the G o v e rn o r o f N o rth . abie-j' C a r o lin a . S a y = to -th e = G o v e y O H H M E D I C A L C Q w ^ C h e m ie lg . C O S H E H . IN D IA N A HTNOawhrcU'cOuldnjavfir.Dava naorth^olermft^mi—I. hear_lt’B- full, o t Iroqulrlng^cievernesBand^taCfe man—h"aj}fey^-4e*^ mB-hiigH"HefllgaB^ohurches;hl,^Wash^ “ velop-a- power—to ■ Ardmore-Wa8-ftlmoHt-pflinf»|lr-rli>h, .The- colty-deenenert—In-tHe —glrl’*^ lngton -Starrhim'strong', Strength'and not happlnass, face^- a slight-frown- gathered, (n her ju::rathcrL_onlj!_that— j but the usual diversions of the wealthy ^iiapplnesa—wblehsmooth' forehead; .theirsfie called tKA comesi by- strength Is the end of human ^“ LIQUOR has destroyed more men^ did not appeal to him, 'and^ having exthan any war or epidemic combined; colored , woman-and a brief colloquy Hvlng.’’—Phillips Brooks. [hsusted foreign travel, he spent much is the tu rn in g -p o in t to e c o n o m y still some men think they must drink, followed between them. In a moment time on his estate In the North Caroin w ear a n d tear o f w a g o n s . T r y The Acme Home-Treatment Is the W (ln t«r F o o d s , / . Griswold was addressed in a tone and [Una hills, where he could ride- all a box? E v e r y d e a le r, e ve ryw h e re P e o ple /livin g In the n o rth e rn coun safest' and surest way to rid yourself manner at once condescending and day on his own land, and wbere he trie s, w h e r e -th e th e rm o m e te r la .a t you-wiU deferential. . Ireadr prodlglouslr-1tt~a^huge library t h e - dlffere nce betweon whiskey ‘If yo; please, suh, would yo’ ail ’low "goroi^ondr h el&w for w eek s;- m u st ubc(Incorpoiraf d l mat he had assembled with speclai ty mistus t ’ iook at yo‘ newspapahs?" -Iftfis -q u & m ltle r o f ^ t j y 'f o o d s t o k e e p health and Acme health:' W rite test reference to works oh piracy, a 'SuS* up the Interaal h e a t of the b o d y. F a t s F o r t jn , D ic k e y B ld g , Chicago, f o r a fr e e "Pertalnly. Take them along,” jdet that had attracted him from early ........................................................ .... re a te a t. -trta l,Irlflffolri— t youth,____ !_____ ____________ :____ 1 ^ r*so ti wi>,—,a "the^ .’a lmmeUlate~75bsorptlonr in the A .B c I f llit Idea. seh m tor owce It waa thla^ hobby _thaOrad~Beaieamount of fat wo will be more cpip* telegram sfrom rNew' Or 1 e a n8_Teiatiag_|“ Yeast.—I t is said th a t th e b a y s bird nls friendship with-Grlswdld, who had That le, It J* the intention of every farmer or4*lrym»n whek. to the difficulty between the two for table,.IiThe clothing does not keep, ^ f India“flp~e7fiB^his^spare tim e catchM»Hard punhMUng * Mpera’ tor to get one-to one to ]*et * llfeUrae. For thl* •operator leUnqulshed the practice ,ot law, after out the cold, but holds In the heat al. re *w n . e v «x j»V Int n t ebout the machine should be carefully ezgovernors. . Lifdat -Ing-ftreftlesr-w hich h e fasten s to t h e MrUllaut BUirt in his nhtive clty of A thorough InveiUgttlou vrUl eon*' •mlhed beforotroylHg. ■: . As she read she lost, he thought.: ready there. sldeB of his n e st w ith m oist clay. ^ O n ▼Ideeyop that the Richmond, to accept tb^e associate pro* U g h t* The dlges^lpllity of fats depends a d a rk nig ht a b aya ’s nest g lo w s lik e something of her aplendid. color, and fossorship of admiralty In the law de largely: upon the klnd,-JButter, •cream,, an electric stree t dam p . at onefloint In her reading her face __ partment oF'the Unlyerslty of Vip uwUhout rUhout queetlon qu« the beet In the merket. It ekltae went white for a moment, and Gris bacon -fatrand^ollve oll are easily di C rlm so n be ak.— S a y , the re’ s a b rig h t jtola- Marine law had a particular _ cioeyr, rune easier, le.of simpler construotlon, end esa gested fats: wold saw the, paper wrinkle under the Cbued idea fo r decorating th a t ke yh o le in be.clesned quicker tbsti any other mske. Send for lUustrated Ifascination for Grlawold from its escstelogue containing full psrtlcnlars snd scorns of testlmon-- The;fat- of-animals must-be-cooked m y fro n t doqr! “ tlghtenlnggrasp ofher -handsThe [Mhtlally romantic character. As a Isis, or have your local dealer demonstrate * National free to kili-dangevous germs, and the cook* ot all charge to you. '-----:— —— ~ " lay student he had read all, t he de- Lig h te d * C ig a r and Opened_the A fte is tidings from -New Orleans had un- Ing^makes^them-^harder to— digest; O m n i Im portant to M other*. — “ ’ noon A t Ia n tA " P a p e r. . . . r Houbtedlr-arouBed her “irrdIgnatlonr TM I NATIONAL DAIRY ORACHINK COMPANY clsiMs in admiralty th at the, libraries l Sklaaer Examine carefully every bottle of She seemed to lose account of. her Fats’°dec<#!npose atw hlgh temperature G osh en , Indiana C h loago, lliln o le and, though- falthfully-serv* twentieth day of-Majv^l776^the-clti-- surroimdlngB.~and_seyeral times-Gris and create fatty aclda which cause-^m CA8TORIA.a eaf»andsure remedyJor■Norttr liflt .ths-unWer s lty .h e ^tlli occttslonal-' zens or MecKienourg. w old was/qulte sure th a t he heard her teatlnal _disorders. - B u tte r' has a low rummers in aamiraity W m e ltin g porat a n d decomposes a t “ the h alf exclaim : "P reposte ro us! In fs te e m a r k cases of unusual Importance. Hie lee- adopted'resolutions reaffirm ing the ir m o u s!" b o U ln g s poln t o f w a te r,^ w h lc h la th tf-Sig n a tu re o f i • — :— — ;— attended fby ancient aljegiance to ' th e ^ B ritis h W hen pbe had finished the N e w -O r - chlef reason fo r se rving It cold. O liv e In U s e F o r O v e r 9 0 Y e a rs . f^sereU llf 0t^er ®hTif:oT The crown, rrfiis controversy and tBS~tn leans telegram s she cast the offends a jl , b e ing vegetable, Is fre e fro m T h e K in d Y o u H a v e A lw a y s B o u g h t JUhs Us II o w i B p P P ray -WAtTBIS;:,.V2b' ' »M V» IM VM V'W - IHM VVW W IVRM *• gpptt_. . HP OIL CO. YOU o m r BUY * Natlona I Graam Separator l S d‘B,Wcy and entertaining exposlL°° ^ .e laws touching- the-Ubellng ioi schooners and tha rflffnvfiry nt ■.ittlsoned cargoes,. Henry Maine uriswdd was tall, slender and dark, frniSv, v hovered recklessly, as he Put It, on1the brink of ' 2 ‘ v H® 8tr°hed his thin brown 52^2,® habitually, as though to hide ®mlle that played about his’ huL n2 ul tnouth‘- “ amiie that lay even I bB,c^rely ,n hie fib® brown eyes; tim. vV0 ence 40 the Academic tradiIcsm, 5 - drLeBB,n* ^ith metropolitan ‘ erav' ftTrt'r [ThwaV v:, K"'f*^ii=m^v&lUng — izErcvaiiing note, cobn?= 5 8 scarfs ventured upon bold isiu«Mheme8'that'interested'his stu* T h « ^ V much as his lectures. *hai-Ai?rke,8, ! fact his life—and one I * * ‘th none—was his experi* nits Vv rt8, his uhdergrad* Ii iihi. ho bad written occasionally lore inV°n£' ^aite for his own pleas* orthl.1 ^ f,lng» *ttd to a little sheaf MaSv# manuscript he still X i f6w v®r,Mn0W and then, to Ms , S y’ A^ y ’’ he was skying c iC «™ai' *• “all aboard" was M tet n?d he reckleM. When III 1,1 rough looking for tho wink* IM w » col?e UP to Charlottesville Cspi kirt vP1, ? ,,Th0 True Life of t0ftak. dd. hat Is some day going ,?** us famous." * more ,Rtop'” r«P»fid Ard0r1sWoi,i (1° ll'o train began to move, to XL* ‘°a"«d out of tho vestibule ‘lil fioihno, nflt farewell to Ardmoro, 1,1(1 rood tlf8' vory klna an(I a°ntio Wr's ’ p y l 0 . J 00 fl,1Pue In th e . law- stalllni- V Wottt iutn the car .W trtkA r ’l0 called Ardmore hi*. womI ' R'** amused by his V)M«- which were a lw a y s Ard. crop must be, passed on to the pampheteers, rwlth^ such otherrvexed -ques tions as Andrew Jackson’s birthplace—moro debated than Homer’s and not to be carelessly conceded to the strutting sonB of Waxbaw. Griswold read of the . New Orleans incident with a smile, white soveral fellow-passengerB discussed it in a tono of banter. One of them, a gen tleman from Mississippi, presently produced , a flask,, which he offered to the others, remarking: \"As the gov* ernor of North Carolina said to the governor 5f Smith: Carolina;"which fivvoi ° . wwi v* . -----:_i ik '■ it** kAiiti w as,' to be Bure, p o rtin e n tiO the hour and the discussion, and bristling w ith fresh significance. t ... "T h e y w ere both in A tla n ta this m o rn in g " said the m an w ith the flask, "and th e y would have .been tra veling together on i this train , if they hadn’ t m e t in the ticket office and nearly exploded w ith rage." • / T h e speaker was suddenly overcome w ith his ow n h u n w r, and slapped his knee and laughed; then th e y «»*' laughed, Including G risw old. _ "O n e ought, to have taken the lower berth and one the- upper to m ake It perfect," observed an Alab am a m an. " I wonder w hen th e y'll get home, " T h e y ’ll probably both \vnlk to be suro tiioy don’ t take the same tra in ," suggested a com mercial traveler from Cincinnati, w h o had Just come from N e w Orleans. " T h e ir friends are do, Ing tlielr best to keep - thorn apart. T h o y both have a reputation for being quick on tho trlg g o r." ^ ; " II o r U ! ” exclaimed Grisw old, I d a r n say It’s nil a newspaper story. T h e re ’ s no k n ifo -a n d -p ls j^ n o iis o n s o in the south a n f go homo and attend to their business, .. lng-new spaperfl-from -berT th e n , recall-^ Ing hersel f . . s u m m o n e d t h e b lack w om an, and returned the m to G risw o ld r the duaky- agen t-cxp re sB lng -the elaborate than ks o f h er race fo r his courtesy, T h e -g irl had u tte rly Ignored G ris w o ld ,-a n d she now pulled down the curtain a t her elbow w ith a ; snap and turned her face a w a y fro m him . (TO BE CONTINUED.) Exh ib itio n of M aine H e irloom s. T h e M aine to w n fa irs are great places to see fa m ily helrloom B/w h ic h have been handed dow n fro m genera^ -^suffering -generation w ear or change. A m o n g the curious old pieces shown at Green fa ir w ere a blue spread 160 years o ld , done b y a n 'a n ce sto r o f M rs. M ehltable M o w e r; a tow el w o ve n b y one o f ^ urg oyno.’s , soldlera w h ilo a ; captive In the re vo lu tio n , a curious; pitchplpe o f wood used bjr Splom oft Jackson w h ile chorister in a W ’lnth rop church in"l80(T, and old Iron dishes shown b y M rs, A n n L . F o g g . T h e n thero w ere M rs . F re d B . barker's "p um pkin hood,” old-fashlonqd straw bonnet and hom e-woven articles and much p ew ter w are belonging to A u n t P o lly S a w ye r. A bedspread 125 yeurs old, made b y M rs . Dorcas D e a rb o rn , was shown b y Au gu sta D a g g e tt, w ho ftl ffo^htfdytv'hand v e d -h a te h e t—f o r co m b in g /fla x,—Kennebec (M e .) Jo u r nal. t.t+mm—— . . ..... H e r G a m in g T a b le . , germ fl, ls easily d lgeste d -a n d h e n c a -a va lu a b le fa tty f o o d ^ F a t t y foods re quire care in pre se rvatio n , a s .th e y abB o rb ^ fla vo rs fro m oth er f o o d s ^ B u t t e r, cream and olive o il. Should he ke p t w e ll covered In a cool, clean p la c e s T h e substituted oils or fa ts , as cotton seed oil,-; Is no t as easily digested as o live o il, but is b etter fo r fr y in g th a n anim al fa ts, if one can overcom e the objection to the slight odor and tast^. F r i e d foods are indigestible a t best, b u t as the dem and seems to keep up fo r doughnuts a n d . croquettes, w e m u st needs com ply. Sauteing Is m o re objectionable th a n fry in g , u s th e food* cooked in a sm all am ount o f fa t Is m o re a p t to absorb it In the cooking. H a v in g a sm all q u an tity o f f a t , I t Is fre q u e n tly too b ro w n , and so decom posed; the upper p art of th e article frie d Is cool and absorbs the grease. T o fry : im m erse the fo o d to be frie d In deep fa t sufficiently h o t to sear th e outside and fo rm a coverin g so- th a t the fa t cannot ente r. BY>r cro quettes o r foods previously cooked, a h o tte r f a t Is needed than fo r uncooked fo o d s ;: ' T e s t fo r fry in g fat.: W h e n the fa t jegtns to sm oke, drop in a . cube o f )rend. I f it brpw ns In 40 seconds a golden b ro w n , It Is S u ffic ie n tly h ot fo r .c Q Q k a iU tQ Q ilfliw ^ .S & fc th e test fo r doughnuts or a n y unbooked m ixtu re . * W hile .men are accorded the gam ing table, tho horse race, and sim ilar dt-.. A 8 lg n lflc s n t H i n t . / versions, w6mon m ust reBort to the I f thero were no blfds m an could n o t bargain counter to satisfy th o ir in ivo on the e a rth , and birds a rs daherent desire to got all they can withcreasing in this c o un try.—O u r D u m b ovjt a -fa ir, veturu^-Odlsa Sopltronlsba A n im a ls ........ Brockenrldgo. It’s -N o -W o n d e r . — ------A u ro ra .— W h y are com m uters alw ay th in ? . -----------------B orealis.— P ro b a b ly because th e y -tra in dow n e ve ry d a y .—Y a la R e c o rd . •should be her pride- . Y o u r home should F rsfleet y o u r o w ^ ln d lvfd u a ll t y . Y o u 1 -cannot n a ve special w all papers de signed b y y o u rpr each room—yo u caa carry out a special Alabsstine decora* ' tlve scheme fo r those rooms—yo u e a it be a* leader in yo u r com m unity and have y o u r home the ta lk o f pour frtmuti* 8-80 “P lait Ey*» Is flpldtm le. 'Attacks the Eyes In- the Springtime. I* Contagious and Calls (or ImmedlaterAe*tlon. Marino Eye Remedy Afford* Reli able Relief. It Soothe*, i Apply Mu lino, Freely - and Frequently; Doesn't Smart. A la b a s tin e W h e n a b ab y talks w ith o u t saying a n yth in g it attrac ts a -lo t m ore attention th a n a m an w h o is doing like? wise. __ The S ty lis h W a l l H at Is tho materiel that wtn sccomplmh this result. We can •how Innumerable color effects; claselo stencil designs, and eur Art Department It at your sendee. Sead for Oa Akbaitinebeslc ezriLlalag wKstwegs fjwyoj, aad how w* foraWi free stsaeUi whero AleUettsi B e a r y o u r ow n burdens fir s t, a fte r th a t help to c a rry those o f oth er peo ple.—G e o rg e W ash in g to n . ■ Alabsstine U a powder mtdefront Alebaiter, ready for B*e by mlzlor with cold water, and ie applied with an or dinary wan brush. Pull direction* on each package. _ TO C C IIA COLD XKONB DAY 9*U l^tXATIV* BHOMO Qnlnlas Tsblett firagtfiUMfaod moner if it fan* to cure. a. w OROVa’SMDStsesraeQeaeabok. SJe, Nsw Ye s* City, N .Y . 1 Alabagtine Company <kaa4RapUs,Mleh. me PACKAoe. I t doesn’ t ta ko one long to become a n export fa u lt finder. tM O *k a «a u «s ■vsu^eru.-"*' AI.W«h ( m •MS'11 '"*»« »>A - .* T ^ H E e ffe c tive n e s s o f h o u s e c le s n in r e A n he m a t e r ia lly in c re ase d b y 1 t h e m e a n s o f p a in ts a n d v a r n is h e s . B y t h e ir use y o u r h o m e „ w i U n o t . o n l y l o o J t c l e a n e r i j u t i t w l l l b e c le a n e r . S fa s h e r w in -W il l ia m s B r is h t e h Up F in is h e s include a paint; varnhh, stain, or enamel for every surface In the home* By using this line you can refinish chairs* tables, woodwork^ floors, etc., and give the whole interior a bright and attractive m appearance. Ask the dealer in your town for tho particular Brighten Up Finish adapted for your purpose or write us direct. T H S S H E B w m - W i a i / m s C o ., G O Q C a m U I d ., N . W . , Cw fla m d , o . \ ii^.j L UiV :.i. ypP, yPPP:,it til <■ raff; t!& ??«£3 Adds Heathful Qualities to the Food Economizes Flour, Batter and ft !'"k'7 The only bakfnff pow der made from Royal Grape Cream; -' -61 Tartar V Ho Alum-No Umo Phosphates ' CHBL8BA SJTAICMKD* M ARCH *o, Farmers ► :,gV’ \m:k. .. . , ,- ' 7 7 " ' . - .. 7 7 ',' 7 7 7 7 ; ' . j y c j ? m w d " & B ^ S 's u ^ i ^ r ^ S J ^ A i p .h e d ^ M c P h e r s o ! t r i » r o F - - l n OU$9U» Mm I Mm i • M i*** >• * i < lyash^enavTHopie Telephone ----‘ m g It ha&solid tires. on Two :baa to ignition. ,' ■ ,. *,4' ' ' .4 ’ “FunerarDirector and Embalmer, F ine Funeral F urnishings. Calls answered promptly night or day, Chelsea, Michigan. Fhohefl. ’ :p , ' E . W . D A N IE LS , ir r . -General-Aactioneer, Satisfaction G uaranteed., F or Inform ation cal ' a t Tbe sta n d ard office, o r address Gregory .M ich -igan, r. b d JL —Bhono conn ectio n s.- Auction bills and tin cups furnUlicd f^co. J . W . B IR D ^ ,-------— —-- j - -—’■ PracticalA uctioneer.For informat ion cnll a t THc S tandard office, or ~ --mldrcss: Dexter, Micli;; R;~F. D. No, 3, Arrangemciita m ade for satc’B bjrpljohb a t myexpcTiSC. — WebsTCMpwKt'Fftofie, ■Aifciionbnirffcb. 88 Business Education CUT ■ A N N A R B Q R — F iv e ye a rs a g o A n n A r b o r r h f .d t w o l i t t l e : p a r k s ; a’.s h o r t s t r e t c h ,6l b o u l e v a r d , - b e a u t ifu l b u tu n k e m p t , a n d a s m a ll p a r t o f C e d a r H t m O r - ^ F h o - p a - r k s - w e r e a ll r i g h t as t h e y w e n t , b u t t h e y , s to p p e d to o s o o n . A l m o s t b e f o r Q - o n e r c a u z e d - h e -w a s in a p a r k , het h a d s t e p p e d o u t o f i t . T o d a y A n n A r b o r ’s p a r k s a n d b o u le v a r d s c o v e r n e a r l y 200 a c re s ,’ a n d t h is c i t y is lc o n s i d e r e d - L o - 11a v u -rth e T T B n e s t-p a rfc a n d b o u l e v a r d s y s te m o f a n y c i t y o f its s iz e in t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s . To P r o f . G e o r g e P . B u r n s , w h o h a s ju s t b e e n - g r a n t e d a tw o - y e a r s ’- le a v e o f l f r o n r t h e 'tTiii:v a r s it y o f M lc ti-~ i g a n , m u s t i... b e -' g i v----e n -4.^--------* th e m a "I'part majo' o f t h e c r e d i t — f o r ? :c u r t n gr tnee la n d , l a y i n g o u t t h e p a r k s a n d m o u le v a r d s a n d b e a u t ify i n g th e m , a n d a t th e s a m e t i m e n e v c r - d e s t r o y lo g -o n e -w h y k o f t h e i r n a t u r a l b e a u t y .- TED PLA N TS - (F U N E R A L D E S IG N S ELVIRA CLARK, Phono 180—3*1 M : FLORIST % w. I.IMITJtn cars , ' Fast bound,7:24am 1:24 pm 4:24 pm 7:24 pm West bound, 9:43 am 2:43 pm 3:43 pm 8:43 am POCAT, OARS, - Fast bound - (1:10 am, nnd every two hours to 10:10 pin, To Ypsllanti only, u iS5 pm, Westbound-(1:20and 7iW am, and every two hours to ll:60pm. 1 Cars connect at Ypsllanti for Hallno and fit Wayne for Plymouth and Northvilie. No'tiretrouile. m ortKO fM , oiu^w r* tm, And whe , -eroa» th* am o u n t claimed f0 . upon said m ortgw B is th e sum qf f41W.cS 2 s u ito r wpccedinK has been Instituted l Noovor the d ebt now rem aining wouiediS or tb«Qof, , h a s l»cn mmlo ik L m e n to r th e money secuvod by said m la th e ^ f r iow ta h iod-ttgfffl ttgfj . _4aw7 there ford; notice 1h hereby klvsn e virtu e of t he , w w er o f sale, null Ti)mLr therfof, an d of the sta tu te in such c»s^ and provided, th e said mortBOKQ wIiT&i Closed by sale of th e mortguRcd premise*, ii lie vendne, to th e hlxliest bidder, at^thsil front door o f tho court house, at tho olt> of? Arbor, in said county of W ashtenaw, tfii ' H h e - p l e e o « H ^ i » * 7the;oircuhr'conrtwit, oouaty, on th e 88th daV of Mavoh, a ,- l a t tO olelookinthe forenoon t the deoeflnw vyhloh said premuesB contained in sald moS Is os follows: All th a t certaiivjilew or iSS of Jan d situ a ted In th e VlUuao of Clieise/7; O o tn ftr^ -w aa U ten aw .an d Htate of jaiiS and-described as follows, to-wlt-i Lot sS tluee (8) in btOQK num ber two (2l, .a«onH' 7 ' a; ' . 77. , . 77/. : Pated, November. «tb..ia)0^——.. T EMKRY D. Cmp^AN, Mert*™ Jamr Kalmbaoh, Attorney for MorigogMirN No extra tires power, g- wheel: Busin^s address, Obelsea, Miob, STATE QF MICHIGAN. te n a w .’ s s , Dorcas u. Donboan, Register. Fjrpbote Order 1-lb . a lr - tlg h t ye,,ow packages, thua_urfl=. - 20c. thePound. AlwaystheSeme Ask Your Dealer fo r M O -K A COFFEE.— - .- Default h aving been m ade in th e conditions] a mortgage bearing d ate J a n u a ry 21; iwu, and exeonted by Jam es N, W allace and El} W allace to M artha 8. Beal, recorded in tlift t of tne R egister of. Deeds fo r Washtenaw .mi sta te o f M ichigan, on the. 2C,th day of Jaw 181W; in Liber 81 of m ortgages onjiage.M. V mortgage was duly assigned by Martha a.', to Mary B. N orton on tho 10th day of May, and said assignm ent recorded lu -said Ki offic<M>n the fitlvdoy of-JannfiryrBiOiMn-] o f assignm ent of m ortgages on ,page.713.7] which, imu-tgage there Is claim ed lo b e due! pate: Of th is notice fo f pr.lnclual, iiUerert L, attomsyfffftft aspTovided" in sgld mortgagMfi sum o f Twenty-one .H undred; and sirt; Dollars, . v - —r — —■ Notice is horeby given th a t sr.icV mortgage^« be foreclosed by a salo of .the mortgaged prsaf a t public vendue to tlift h ighest bidder on the I day. of May,- n ext a t te n o ’clock in the fit noptf. ftt th e son - 'icrly fro n t _door of the < IS A QUESTION ‘EASILY ^SETTLED ' > ' WHEN YOU BUY YOUR.MEAT- OF US < ... '■ - ■ . ... ■■ - ' ’. -■ i ^ur~-meats-a^}ustly-^rnous-for^tlieir--frpshnessl ttnd tender~~and~ -4uicy: ;qtmlitioo, - ATl^fe?nd3-^dt~sausage, als.o smoked meats. i^ A R D H A S N O -H Q U A L^ -T R Y A _--ftTA3TE,- O F Jd lO H IG A N . County of Wj|j teuaw rss.— A t-.a session, o f tlie-probatrS l f o r . ttid .c o u n ty of:'W ashtenavy; held-Mil probate office in: th e .city o f^ n n .A rlio r^ w S ifitlTdoy of -February Jn th o y o a ro h o tboui -nine hundred an d ten,. '' Present; E m ory Uh L eland, Judge of Probi In th e m a tte r pf tho e sta te of John Bk schneider, deceased. . r —-— -—R udolph KfUBerexeebtor o f the tvlirof i tute, having filed in th is co u rt his final a1, an d............................................................... prayhig th a t: the. sauie’ m ay bO: heardl allowed. *v » u .u o ic u. ijjm iiic i.u ( ,u a r ui maican a t ten o'clock in the- fo re n p o n ra t-said prol jffice be appointed for h ea rin g said account.' . And it is fu rth e r ordered, th a t ft oo|tjr of: aider bfr pubMsiiod th rift sue " r’ l o u s :to "said 'tu n e aSutanndda ar dr d.a,an re w s p o p e t printcdThTd elf in sa idI ccmrnty. o u n t: of .W ashtenaw , EMORY E. LL'LAND. Jndgo Of ProbM^ (A true copy.l ___ l ■ '* LoBCAB .u.^owKqAN. R egister. 7 M o r la a g f iS a ie . To Eat or Not to Eat ’ C o u n iy - of. "Wd ■", ,-r o_____ b a t o __ court] (A tru e copy). Coffee, l s P .u t U P In A s a a e s s l o n .o f 1 said county of W ashtenaw , hofd a t tiib'D office in th e o lty o f Aim A rb o r, on the ,of F ebruary in - th e y e a r one thousands hundred an d to n y " . • ' ■ * Present, Em dry K. In la n d , Judjreof pjob In th e m a tte r -.o f , th p -. estate of Am R em nant,,deceased... - • , - xOn reading- an d filing, th e duly verified g iion-O f Wm, T, R em nant, son, iirayiu'b a certain paper in w riting and nowon fileliu court, purporting to be th e lu st will- and .i m ent of A m itilda R em nant be adm lttodw bate, and th a t Jo h n Halmbach" the erL named in said will, or som e other suiuhlTi son- be appointed executor -thereof, a w 4 (bim ralsore and com mlsslonora be appoints,” I t "is ordered, t h a t th o 11th day of g y next: a t teno'elook jn th e forenoon, atiS tti bate office bo appointed for hearing said tihla And it is fu rth e r en tered , th a t a eojiy c d order be published three suceesslvq week?: ioufi to said, tim e of hearin g , I k t m cti A Satisfacto ry B reakfast M akes a B etter D ay's ,AVo rk. BegiiL t h er day right. B e cheerful an a bright; A cup of MO-KA 1ig h te n s th e w o r k o fth e > day; "7 ' i.:;:';;/: } s S m M iu ^ ilB v “ -* Probrite .Order -& a g n * H - Shaft Drive.' Licensed- under the Seldon patent. f . Of P A IL O R C A N . certain "pieces or narcols of fund situa......... n nity ni VpsTlant f, CouTity -of-w aslhcnaw, 8t>iM IJ- -th r e o ^ a n ^ T o u r ( tb in - D iv is addition tO:i| city^fiLYpfli-iiati.iMiohigan. Dated Fob ruar/2-i, ' "— ~ M A ft ■ B .'N O H T 0y,L Assignee of said Mortgaitf D. O. G b if f ih , A ttorney fo r Assignee. Ypsllanti, Miohigan. 11897 C o m m is sio n e r!* N o tic e . /^.A fter^inyoicing we find’ we ,l\ave too m any odds and ends_. ot Men^s WorkibhotJyrnost^y large sizes. N ex t week we wfiT.be m position to place on _t.he^bargain7,tablc - m en's work shoes' a t “ about O.NE-HALP regular price. W atch this space Tor bargains. CandidateFor -"tTQjm F A R R B L L & 00 , STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of-W» t naw, Tho undersigned h av in g been hpi«IM by the Probate Court for said county; coma bloners to receive, exam ine and adjust a|l_cl»| "onddeinands" o f alFpersohs ag a in st the csm t' Samuel H. K uhl la te of said county, dec. hereby give notice th a t fo u r m onths from i, a r e allowed, by ord, r of said Probate courU creditors to present th eir claim s against the,I .tfttfiJL B ftla .d eceased s and=that-they whl >P‘ at-Turn Bull .A^VIthcreH’s-officoIn "tlioVUll of chelaea, in .s a id 1-r^ unty, on tha aa y or. v (May,- and on . tho day of ,July next, a t te n o’clock a, JfjK W hprtaM dayg.toreoetveToxam ineaM ust said claims. -. . Dated, A nn A rbor, M ich.. M arch I, 1010,, v --------- •— O kohok B kG o:,b, - I ___ ... __ ^ ... AUSfallT E,WlNANS,-7 "0 Commisslonerfij ; Village President ON PEOPLE’S TICKET Your V o te Will Bo Appreciated. L - A c q ^ l^ t o J m e _ Q L I o w e lr y ^ ^ h ( / a r C l o c k a , S p e c t a d o s T_ © t o ^ K A~new loT of^ontings W v bargain. See our line of Silverwwe ^ you purchase. - - - ___ — S tivers & Kalmbaoh", Attorneys, P ro b a te O r d e r . ■' I t d o o s H c e m t h a t w o m m ” h a v e T H o r e th a n a f a ir s h a re o f th e a c h e s a n d p a in s t h a t a f f l i c t 'h u m a n i t y ;.t h e y m u s t t 'k e e p u p ,” m u s t a t t e n d ^ f j ^ d u f l e F in. s p it e o f c o n s t a n t l y a c h in g " b a c k s , o r H e a d a c h e s , d i z z y s p e lls , b e a r in g - d o w n p a l n Mi .U i f e y - m u s t - H t Q & p - o y e r y - w h e n - t o stopiV n i .e a n a ,. t o r t u r e .1 T h e y .m u a tw a l k a rid b e n d a tu l ,w o ‘ r k w i t h - r a c k * p a in s a n d m a n y a c h e s f r p m k i d n e y Ills . K i d n e y s c a u s e m o r e s u ffe r in g Jth a ti_ a n y o t h e r o r g a n o f t h e b o d K e e p t b e k id n e y s w e ll m i d h e a lt h e a s ily m a i n t a i n e d . R e a d o f a r e m e d y f o r k i d n e y s o n ly t h a t h e lp s a n d c u re s t h e k i d n e y s a n d is e n d o rs e d b y p e o p le you kn o w , • M r s .. W l l H a m T a y lo r, C h e l s e a .' M ic h ’. , s a y s : " I k n o w t h a t D o a n ’ s K i d * n e y P i l l s a r c a ifo o d k i d n e y r e m e d y ; as t h e y h a v e b e e n used w i t h v b e n e fic ia l r e s u lts in m y h o m e , m e m b e r o f m y f a m i l y w a s t r o u b le d w it h k i d n e y c o m p l a i n t a n d s u ffe r e d g r e a t l y fr o m " b a c k a c h e . T h e c o n t e n t s o f o n e b o x o f D o a n ’s K i d n e P i l l s b r o u g h t e n t ir e r e l i e f . A lt h o u g " I h a v e n e v e r h a d o c c a s io n t o t a k e a k i d n e y m e d ic in e m y s e l f , I h a v e b e e n c o n v i n c e d . D o a n 's K i d n e y P i l l s a r c v e r y e ff e c t i v e in r e m o v i n g 1 k i d n e y d i f f i c u lt i e s .” . ' F o r s a le b y a ll d e a le r s . P r i c e '5 0 c e n ts , F o s t c r - M i l b u r n C o ..1 B u f f a lo , N e w Y o r k , s o le a g e n ts f o r t h e U n i t e d S ta te s . ' ‘ ■ R e m e m b e r t h e n a m e —D o a n ’o— a n a ta k e n o o th e r. DETROIT UNITED LINES <liotween Jackson,Chelsea, Ann Arbor, Ypsllanti and Dotroit. ' - 7 7 ; - 7 . 7 LYNN L. GORTON. Waterlob, Mich. A. E. WINANS & SON, Jewelers, Chelsea W o m e n 'A re F in d in g R e lie f at La s t. FLOW ERS ' - 7 ' ■ : § WOMEN’S WOES. such an is obtainable a t The Detroit" Husiness University is one of th o ju rc fjt passports 16 success. F ree catalogue by return mull. all. W rite K. R. Shaw. Sec’y., 16 G rand River Avc, E., D etrdlt, Mich, # ' : '’ ‘ 400 SOLD LAST YEAR A solid tire machine that rides and drives as easy as a pneu matic. Sold by . 1 , -7" -B y , A u d ilo r-lla c o n — ■ ---------w o r t h y , "a f a r m e r liv in g - - t w o . m u le s • '* ■ • * ■ * 83 86 0o o n ,. w a s fo u rid ^ m . G . D o t y , j u s t i c e . - . * . . . . . . Office (it M artin’s livery bam . Calls answered e a s t o f R i v e s J u n cc ttilo R e s o lved th a t ith e i— n —1---t — tt -r r 1, »L. A --P n 1 IB flf! promptly niK htorday. F our years experience. t y n if f b e n e a t h th e , b r i d ge o f t h e M ^ ffir a n k A , . R i t c h i e ,'j U S f t l g g Telephone No 5. . 1 2 , d e p u t y s h e r i f f .,.. 30 1 5 t h e B o a r d f o r t h e m o n t h _o f F e b r u a r y U . - R . -w h ic h s p a n s t h e - M i c h i g a r i C e n ^ , d e p u t y s h e r i f f . b e ; p r i n t e d in t H e - C h e l s e a - -S t a n d a r d ■t r a l t r i u i k s . a t t h i s p o i itt S a t u r d a y 20 65 a n d t h e ;W a s h t e n a w , f ’d s t. C a r r i e d ^ T U K N B U L L & W IT H E R E L L , m o r n i n g . H e - w a s b r o u g h t t 0 7 t h e W m . G a u h t l e t t , d e p u t y s h e riff;" ------ 3-00 s t a t i o n u m r d ie d w it h i n a n h o u r .' It" •Roblson-Go.r-livor-w— • — 7 " vG t o . I I ." F i a o i i F R ," C h a i r m a n . Attoroey r a t L a w , is=b t l i c v e d = C l apw ofc t h y " -f e H - f r o m -t-iie - G e o . H . J a e k s o n “ C has . 'L Miller,. Clerk. o n e r s .................................................................. 7 SO b r id g e w h ile ' a t t e m p t i n g t o c ro s s i t B. B. T u rs B ulu H. D. W itiibrbix . J o h n L . M c D o n a l d , D e t . h o u s e Offices, Freeman-Cumminga bloott, Chelsea, F r i d a y n i g h t . H e le a v e s a w id o w a n d o f c o r r e c t i o n ............! . . . . . . , . . . 1 2 7 30 . ■. T h e La s h o f a Fie n d . t h r e e c h i ld r e n . ... -i ' Mlohi^n. . : ....... 1 're tn e R . S t a r k , e x p e n s e d e p r_______ -^ -W o u ld -h a v e -b e e n -a b o u ta s " w e lc o m e 7 - ,T A C K S O N —T h e " s u p re m e " c o u rt u t y s h e r if f. . . . . . . . . . . 19 00 h a n d e ff'c T o w n a d e c is io n in t h e case of- D . B . S u t t o n , e x p e n s e s h e r i f f .. _ 13 -3 0 - t o A , C o o p e r " o f G s w e g o , N , Y . , : a k 'H JAM ES S. GORMAN, R o b e r t " C a m p b e ll, a f o r m e r r e s id e n t J o h i i O 'M a r a ; t a k i n g p r is o n e r m e r c ile s s l u n g - r a c k i n g c o u g h , t h a t d e o f W a s h t e n a w c o u n t y w h o w e n t to . t o D e t . h o u s e o f c o r r e c t i o n ,. . 3 .40 fie d . a l L r e t n e d i e s - f o r y e a r s .— m t - w a s Attorney a t Law . . J a c k s o n s e v e r a l y e a r s a g o a n d b e - T h o s . Q ’ B r i e i p t a k i n g p r is o n e r . -m o s t t r o u b le s o m e a t n i g h t ," h e w r it e s , — Office,- Middle street east. Chelsea, Michigan. £ i i r i l c - n i v o l ^ ^ to D e t . h o u s t; o f c o r r e c t i o n . -3 40 T in b ih ir ig ^ h c4 p e 'd -'n te ^ti4 1' I--u s e 'd ~ D r S T IV E R 3 & K A L M B A 0 H , s u a d e e . o f a .w a r r a n t c h a r g i n g , h im tn T int, nrm sp. o f c n r r p h t l n n , ,: 3 ,Q2 K i n g 's N e w . D is c a v e rv -iL -w h ic h c u r e d w i t h e m b e z z le m e n t . C a m p b e l l m a d e H . 1). W i t h e r e l l , j u s t i c e .. 24 35 rue _completdy. I never cough . at . A ttorneya-at L aw. ' h i s .e s c a p e = a t - * h e - .t i m e _ a n d —w a s - fo b H e r b e r t - A . - B h ssr— s t e n o g ^ nigi^t-howr”; Miilions-know-lts mateh' r a p lie r . General Iaw practice In all courts. N otarjr lo w e d f r o m o n e - c i t y t o a n o t h e r 'm n t l l 3 80 less'mevit for stubborn colds. obstinatc Public in-the office. Office in Hatch-Durand f i n a l ly h e w a s c a u g .h t-:r= a n d --b .r o u g h t .F s ^ h k .A ; S t i v e fs .s u e c i a lc o u n r b a d k t o J a c k s o n , f o r a t r i a l , a t w h ic h s e l...'.................’...................... 100 00 coughs, sore lungs, lagrippe* asthma, blook, Chelsea, Michigan. iPhone 63. : . . t i m e h e w a s f o u n d g u i l t y of- t h e A ; L . A l e x a n d e r , p h o t o p r -ls -. ! , . , hemorrhage, cropp. whooping cough, c h a rg e - o f e m b e z z le m e n t , - H e im m e d o n e rs ............................................. 6 50 Or hayfever. It relieves quickly and P A R K E R & B E C K W IT H , i a t e l y . a p p e a le d t h e ca se t o 't h e su- H a z e l D a v e n p o r t , s e r v ic e s j u v and never falls to satisfy. A trial p re m .c C o u r t . I 1h e __•• — e m lpT /y-.-. ......... 1; --.--T7- ■■. 9 - 6 6 - _eu:uv.inceH, Me, $1.00. Trial bottler .- Real Estate Dealers. S a t u r d a y n tiflrm e d t.Vw» flp n iu in n rt-f r h ” i ^ r F V G o o d r i c h f s t e n o g r a p h e r ,. "" 2" 00 _ — ---- ----- 1 ; free... jIFs positively 'guaranteed by a Money to Loan. Life and F ire Insurance. lo w e r c o u r t,." fin d in g t h a t C a m p b e l l C a r l S to rrh "" p r o s e c u t in g a t _L,:T, ' Freeman Co., H. H. Fenri' Co"." to r n e y ,- e x p e n s e s ................. 1 7 4 8 . and L. P, Vogelj Office in H atch'B urand -blockr Chelsea. Mlchi- w a s . g u i l t y _ o i.^ th e u c h a r g e ' " a g a in s t v ,i *” < 7ftm p b t‘ 1l-h as b e e n g&n t c n c c d t o te n y e a rs a t Io n ia . S. A. MAPES, ......................... .. .......... ......... tow 11ah III of l7iiu*,'bOunt> aiiti' kiaattlitiM d ata 4not Util ,L... Ouy WlUi' MApITNTAUKBON 2 25 30 t)a^Dav^n3um -inque8trX^ --2 -2 G 7 CO., to lls .,.,,♦ • ■.«■.*I t «fM «I Q. B. Turner, juror inquest... 2 25 K; Fujita, embossing resolu tions, bounty house., 3 60 LouferKillian, juror inquest.. . ' 75 Samuel F.* Guthrie,^juror in* r Schumacher & Backus, work 372 45 - -qufest...................................... ■ 1 50 , •••>««*• h i t !:«>«-• i <• -65-00 Harrison-Weat, juror-inquest. ■ f 160 St.Joseph Retreaty-iosapgT jufor‘ O. S. B. Burgess,__________ Wm» Arnold, repairingiclock quest.. . . . « . . . . , . . . . . . +•, 7— 160 6 50 at jail. State Asylum, Ionia. 121 35 William Salisbury, juror In* b t o p & ohAs b , ' .1 50 quest...................... 7 50 Sid W. Millard, p rin tin g... / Physicians and Surgeons. 4 00 Louis Kellogg, juror inquest.?-- . 1 BO Atherfs P ressr^rinting;. ~ 1.50 3 00 Jaraes W. Cook, juror inquest. Athens Press, printing 8 ,0 , Bo h . ___ __R.F.Chas». . , 2 40 3 00 Lydia Guthrie, witness....... Dr. L. J. Ijell,. ex ju v en ile .... ■■OfficwIn theFreeman-Cummlngsblock. Chet2 40 4 50 Geo,. Ward, witness. . . . . . . . . R, S.-Ellis.1hauling ashes,:.. _ •m, miQbi«r&n. 2 4Q Geo. P. Staftaiji, w itn e s s ...... Ghas. C. Hopkins, elk. Supt 24 50 ..a.k«■a . a i,6o: W. L. Henderson, liv ery ....... C y .... BE. J. T. WOODS, ______L_ ; JACfcSON’-O n accouhtrofillhealth — George Wahr, s u p p lie s .,,.... 44 85 W. L. Henderson, livery....... i - 4 00 3 00 Physioian and Surgeon. — ~ Stephen ;H. Carroll) who* has been Doubleday_Bros.,-supplies .... 28 Op W . P. Draper, ju stice.. .. . . . . . 3 15 M. J. Martin, deputy sheriffs. alderman the Fifth ward for 26 Schumacher. Hardware Co."“ O ff io e iu th e Btaftan-Merkel M o ck* Residence suppl le s .......... ........................ -5' 20 Wm.-L, Eldert, constable.-.—^ —50 00 o n O o n g d o a stre e t. C h e ls e a . M ic h ig a n To te, years,i has resigned. He is taking 3 45 C h a s . H i p p , d e p u t y s h e r i f f ,. . . R. A*. Dolph, burying in d igen t phone l l L treatm ent at Mt. Clemens. ... .soldiers widow. . . . . . , . . . . . . . 55 00 , CONTAttlOUS, . . . . . t-, 2 50 S t a t e S a n i t a r i u m , H o w e l l . , . v 7 JACKSON—1A sad case is. th a t.o f C. F. M e/ers, supplies A. L. STEGEK, 7 50 Miss Gertrude Cunningham;1 whose Washtenaw Home Telephone* Y p s i l a n t i A s s o .c i a t i p n ;. . . : .1 00 tolls.... i.i", ,«■«,«». i, . . . . . . ,« 2 25 D r , W . 7 B . H in s d a le ,- s e r v ic e s , . . >5 00 Dentist. mind has become unhinged over re- -John CrFischer & Co., supplies. 4 50 C . J , H a e u s s le r , s u p p lie s . . . . v . 2 75 OffloeTKerapf BankBlock, Chefeea',' Miohtgau ligion.. She has been employed ty a Chelsea Standard, printing G . F . W ile y -; e x a m i n a t i o n s .. . . . 4 2 00 Phone, Office. 8%8r;Residence. 855.8r, 2 45 D r . W . R . B a r t o n , s e r v i c e s ;. , , . 7 2 00 January p roceed in gs......... skirt factory and her parents live in Gregory, Mayer.& Thom, sup Canada. She is 29 years old and will ._ G . B r i t t o n , s e r v i c e s .. . f -5- 00 S . E. DEFENDQBF, . II. . , 28 00 D rr.: W R . A. ClUVor/l s p r v ic e a -9.1-00 -obably be sent to an. Insane asylum'.! plies-. ... ? a h fe ■ Chbpe, supplies > ... 8 00 Veterinarian. er father cam e-yesterday and took r , R . A , C liff o r d , s e r v i c e s .. . 42 00 her back homej*™-Jackson-Star.—— - R. i,.; Polk & Co., co.uq.ty direcT • D r , F . W . P a t K i n , s e r v i ces 33 no Office,- second floor-H ateh -^-D u ran d -b lo o k , . tories.....»-. * .... Vi • rivv. •. <-, 40 00 Phone Jto, 61.- Nightror day. • r - -,.- - ANN“.-A-RB0Ii^T'errided-;by —thtr H rW . Crippen, exchange etc,”’ “ 75 A .-G r -L e ffle F r H iu p p W e s -f-j-w T i-v -^ - v g O - ^ 7 1 50 swiftly rushing water and unbalanced Chelsea Standard^ printlngV,." 3 00 V e r a - J o h n s o n , n u r s i n g . , . 1 , G E O . A . G O B M A N ---------- - - by-t-he-bigh- gal er^tra. Ge orge - S im- Geo. H7Fischer, auditor,, . . i ., 15 28 r M rs . C h r i s t i n e K o c l i ,L b o a rd 77. r. 20 00 o c h i - q u a r h u t i r i e .. . 36 00 ■■■ . .■■ ■ * mons, a woman about 38 years of age B’rank Stowell, auditor,. i , . . . , 16 80 CM. aGl veeonriga e- K,: M 42 00 MVUi^Ci.iui. D . , os«ve»"r v i c e s .. ; . Veterinary Physician and Surgeon and for a couple of months a resident William Bacon, auditor,. . . . .. 17 52 Hvi 44 35 Sr irtirti rt e- s u y - s u p p H e s r ; All calls answered prom ptly night o r day. of this cTtyf^vas^drownedi- ln the mill- Michigan State Telephone Co, t ' r_ . FUKfr-A^N-D-LIGHT. tolls. Office a f Ja co b s’ livery bam . Phone No. race Sun day> a f ter noon wni 1e at'te m nt :-8 95 -v~n<i-afl- - - — _______________ - __ LL ing3b-croks-oa-the—narrow-log-w-hioh- M ic h ig a n S t a t e T e l e p h o n e 'C o T A n n A rb o r-G a s -C Jo * '-j V » 4 « ~ 64-64 race about-half "r2r2o W .k s n te n a iv b i g h t a n d P o w e r " ■ : to lls , i • > . r . « . , .-*1 Isaac'Pittman Sbh’sf¥ifppllesi '22" 80" , C o . . ............ -4 6 96 10 00 W v - I - I .- L . R h o d e , c o a l ................. . . 1 7 6 48 Dr. T. J.H itter, ex in san e.,., — R I V ES L —J U N C T I O N S ! va ■ Veterinary Surgeon.^' t e l and Business Men, Attention. JIf you want a maohirie that will carry, four passengers oyer ■any roads nine orten months in a year machine for you to buy. t BREVITIES P i^ i^ - w 19 10 . M o r t g a g e S a le . Leo t , Watkins justice.. . . . . . I SO ^ County Auditor*’ Report. JohnH. Herley, justlqp.'........ 7 45 Boardof County Auditor^ February D. B. Sutton; board of pris* ■ Session) 1910, . oners............ ......................... 301780 Leach, deputy sheriff.. ' 41 "0 'l^he Hoard of County Auditors met Frank. Geo. Dietle, deputy sheriff.. . . ,, 9 08 in regular session in the Auditors Ww* A, 8eery; truant o ffic e r v . 99 00 room in the Court House, in the city P., S Cook, livery. . . . . . i i ......... tHSQ of Ann Arbor, Monday, Tuesday apd Polhemus Transfer Line, Uvf - e r y . . . . . .........., .................................. 3,00 Wednesday, February <V 8 and 9th, Wm. Walsh, deputy sheriff, 1910. . . expenses............ .V... $ 80 .Presents-Auditors. Flacher, Bacon Willis Johnson,cbroneni..... . 39.15' 8. W.' Burchfield, coronfafr. v— .VIQ IO __ 8. VH. iJ yu^JU*g>.U4_Vy > Stowelh ’ r -^ 4 JbsiWoss,’' prlf. Detrhouae of. The following bills were audited ami correc tion. warraatss'ordeyed drawn for the samet Geof Shans, prig. Det. house 4U 0 Ji i correction, ,,,TP —----- COUNT Y B IL L 8. Jos. Gross, gonst‘able._.'1 A 13 15 American Houser beard .of Dr. C, S. Lane, ex in s a n e .,...! detective.............................. „ =1 00 Doubleday B cob.,' supplies.,, , , Milo Gage, marshal.. . s. . , . . 2 25 Doubleday Bros., supplies, ♦. Gertrude^. Mui'ray^i atertOg* _ _ _ _ r R.S.JEllis,rbaulingasnes. , . . . rapher......................... . 2 00 H. G. Beach, supplies Bhrank Stowell, room rent. for Rowe’s Laundrylaundry for 5.2 5 L ,-c o r 6 n e r .............................. v 4 00 'jail......., . , . , , <•« " Henry S, Platt, juror inquest.. ?. 2 25 9 50 Chas, F, Meyers, printing....... Chas,<F.7Meyers, supplies........ 5 00 Herbert H. Bmlffi; juror in* . QUfi&tiii *»i'.i< i »**«. 'l^-AVr -10 00 Dr. if. H',;Lemen,’.exinsane. «rtf- i f ....... .. rm * R E P A IR IN G A S P E C IA L T Y . , : ' 1 ' • Candidate For Village ’ :----- ON PEOPLE’S TlOgET Respectfully solicits your vote At the Village Election, Monday : , March 14,1010. t— -HOTEL GRISWOLD ■ ^GIWND lnVEHTOTSrtrE- n«+v.rtU "L AND GRISWOLD STRKTiT D e t r o i t , MlChv POSTAL HOTEL CO. :, FRED POST, .L, bres, - . , M, A, SHAW, Manager. $50,000 n o w b e in g e x p e n d e d Iri R e m o d e l i n g , F u n i i s h l n g a n d D e c o r a t i n g ’ *W K CHICKEN FEED As this is the season of the year when Kggg are worth look ing after ami your liens must bo-feed to produco the best results Don t overlook the fact tha,t we are headquarters of all EG G PRODUCING M ATERIALS Oyster' Shells, Mica . Grit, Grohnd Hone, Hcef Scrap,.Beef Meal Scratch Feed and. Gharcoal, Gold Medal Flour at 8Bc per sack. HUMMEL B R O TH ERS FEED STO R E W IL L -IIA V H . of-reinytsfmontr— -----^ ----- n 4 -i'v^ xS!1 o’clock in (he forenooiu ill . 0 ,,lc9 t e im nointed for ltcnring.' potit/ion, .i ■» ._ And it Ih further Oivioml, T h a t a copy of thkj ORior oopubllHhwl tlirai wiccorrIvo woeks prtt^ bivo of hearing, in tho eh d jg . HtandaM n iiowspapur printed and olrcnlatlwj in said County of WiiMbteninv, KbfORY E, LHLANH, Jm lgo of Prolmlt. A true copy] I/OROAB Cr JIONI'gAN» Hotfifltftri ^*7 Club; Breakfast, 25 Conts and up T w o h u n d r e d 'r o o m s ,' a l l w i t h b a t h s v " N e w L a d es' a n d G e n t l e m e n 's C a f e N e w G r i l l f o r G 6n t le m e h H a ) l , w i t h s e a tin g C a p a c it y o f 400 p e rs o n s , f o r C o n v e n t io n s , B a n - 6 0 YEARS* E X PE R iE N C f Luncheon,' 60 Cents ?> : nccsL U n C 1 C O n S ’ C a r a P a r t i e s a n d S i x P r i v a t e D t n i h i f R o o m s f o r C lu b s .and A f t e r T l i o a t e r P a r t i e s 1 r lv a tc M o r s fo r W e d d in g s , R e c e p tio n s , M e e t in g s , K t c . T rade Maa*"’ Table d' lloto . Dinner, 75 Cohts fori service i ne*.er5.qp,ti0lI \V and »itoilar to the best hotels of New York Business now going on as usual to $11,00- D c a iO N B CoPY A IO N Tt ACiA IU ilF * Wnitiig u fkMch nnd awtcrlpMou [jyOjiJf MWrfnln f)nr npimnn fri# w W h rr SJ'.PJJi J1.!" t1r’ * ’ »bly Cv-rnmnni* f I mentx Also Servioo V 'S ” 4Agrnrr for i*o «rm s Ihrod^h Mmin * Co. irfriul rvoftr*, W|( hour Oherge, in 1 a la Carte .0 0 1 STATE OF MICRIG a N. County of WsiMj n ^ V 8^ : . ^ ft.8.e,8,Hl0.11 of u ,° Probate CourtT Md County of W ashtenaw, hold lit tho’ProV thee in the city of A nnA rbor^on-t-lie Mrd c. SLS0? r j n.ry’' yeur 01,0 thousand nine htt dred nnd ten. \ Present, Finopy 10, Inland, Jtjdgo <5f PrubMA'I iucompctont,t t i r of ‘lie M a t o of Jacob _ O n rending nittl filing th e petition of Ji Hummel, guardian ofimid_egcnto," “pTnybig ;■ 0® 1loon Red (o sell certain real ■«! dcacribod thorcln a t private sale for the pur For D ay Hmericati. «1 INwklT bc Puirtial _ _ — — MMAbyai & £Kvm vssr.^-