Concur Operations Manual


Concur Operations Manual
1. Accounting Review………………………………………………………………………3
2. Adding users to Concur………………………………………………………………..13
3. Interjet…………………………………………………………………………………..23
Page 1 Concur Operations Manual
Concur is the online tool used by MATT Foundation for travel booking and travel expense
Employees are expected to submit their travel expense report for approval by their respective
supervisor by Friday of each week at the latest. Supervisor will look at them Monday and
approve (day 1). Accounting will review and process on Tuesday (day 2).
All reports processed Tuesday will get paid Friday that week (day 5) – you might see the status
changed to “paid” before Friday but the money will appear in your account by Friday
(processing time by the bank).
Every Tuesday, the review and processing for payment in Concur is as follows:
Step 1: Login in to your account
Step 2: Home page
Step 3: Click on the Expense tab
Page 3 Step 4: Click on the Process Reports tab
Step 5: Review the expense reports (one by one).
Select the report you want to review. This will allow you then to look at each of the expense
Page 4 items within that expense report. Review each one of the expenses making sure the fields were
properly completed (business purpose, attendees’ name -if applicable-, etc.). Dates and amounts
shown on the receipts must match with the dates on the report. Receipts must be legible and
must show detail of charges (eg. meal receipt showing all charges and not just the last voucher
with the total and tip). This is particularly important since MATT does not reimburse any
alcoholic beverages, so the detail receipt is the only way to ensure compliance with this policy.
Hotel expenses need to be itemized: they should include the hotel rate, the hotel tax and any
other consumption (eg. meals) that are charged on the hotel bill.
Note: Be sure that all these expenses must be according to MATT Policies.
Step 6:Approval
Page 5 After verifying each expense item, be sure to change the reviewed field to yes. Once all items
are reviewed and no issues are detected, click on the Approve tab.
You have the ability to modify and amount approved should it not be aligned with company
policy. Just overwrite the field “Approved Amount”.
You can also “Send Back the Report to Employee” if there are errors that need to be changed by
the user (eg. wrong or not legible receipt, wrong date or amount, etc). You can send back the
whole report or only a particular line item within the expense report by just checking the box
“Send Back Expense?” within the expense item. This allows you to proceed with the approval
and just “hold” on that specific line item.
Page 6 Step 7: How to get to Payment Manager
Click on administration tab
Then click on Expense Tools
Step 8: Payment Manager
Here you will be available you view batches of approved expenses and download your
transaction files.
Page 7 There are different sections here based on Type of Payment (settings from each of the users).
When users submit reports, it will create an OPEN badge (see status column). That badge will
hold all the users that fall under that type of payment.
Employees Batch Paid By Expense Pay By Concur
Employees that fall here will be paid directly by Concur once the batch is closed. Closing the
batch triggers the system to initiate payment. Concur will credit MATT’s bank account (Harris)
and will deposit directly to the employee. This applies mainly to any employee with a US Bank
Employees Batch Paid By Other Reimbursement Methods
This type of batch requires additional steps to reimburse the employee. This is for employees
with a foreign bank account (practically all employees in Mexico fall here). When you close the
batch, you will have to then go to Online Banking at Harris Bank website to initiate the wire with
a send date of Wednesday (next day); since this is an international wire, it allows 1-2 days to for
the transaction/funds to appear on the employee bank account which would be Friday that week
aligned with the deadline agreed for the reimbursement as per the policy.
Company Paid: Card Batch Paid By Company Check (via Accounts Payable)
An expense report can have an amount that will be reimbursed directly to the employee (line
items marked as paid in “cash” and an amount for expenses paid by the company (hotel and
airfare marked as “company paid”. When you approve the expense report during the review
process, Concur will create 2 badges (if applicable): one for the amount that will be reimbursed
Page 8 to the employee and one for the amount that was “Company Paid” with the company card, thus
creating a Bill Pay to that Credit card in Quickbooks. Closing this batch will create the
transactions on QB for those payments used via the company credit card.
- Click in the Report Name in case you want to review the audit trail. Here you will be able to
see the historical process.
Page 9 -­‐
Select any OPEN Badge (go one by one) from each of the types above and click CLOSE
Once closed, you’ll see a date on the “closed date” column and 2 hyperlinks on the
Actions column: send data & sync details.
Click on “send data”. This will send the transaction data to QuickBooks and create a
Bill, General Journal, or Credit Card transaction for each report.
After being approved and sync the information with QuickBooks, we print out the expense report
for each of the payments we are approving to keep track of all batches closed in Concur . As
well, Concur sends us via email a copy of the receipt of the amount of how much concur paid to
the employee.
Page 10 Step 9: QuickBooks
Login to QB. Company: Mexicans & Americans Thinking Together (501c4)
Start Sync Manager and click on sync. This will ensure the transactions from Concur are
received by QB and the corresponding accounting transactions are created.
Verify that the amounts from each batch transmitted appear in QB.
To create new users in Concur, they need to be created first in QuickBooks in the Vendor center.
First name, Last name and email address fields need to be populated so the information can be
properly imported to Concur.
Once created, open Sync Manager and synchronize.
Now in Concur go to Setup, Option 5) Users.
Click on “add users from QuickBooks” and select the users you want to import into Concur and
click “add”.
Page 13 System will fill some fields based on info entered on QB and all you need to do then is complete
the missing fields.
1) Add a temporary password (example. 123) since you need to log in to this user and make
some setups in his/her profile.
Page 14 2) Make sure the QB Vendor name is the correct one (matches the user). This is how the
system syncs info to QB, if the vendor is not correct, the synchronization will have
3) Country of Residence: if the employee has a bank account in the US, select US even if
the employee is in another location.
4) Reimbursement Currency: always select US Dollar, regardless of country of residence.
This is used to determine the currency used that will import into QB. Our company’s
functional currency is dollars so the reason to use USD on all users.
5) Select the corresponding Department and Manager (this is the person that approves
his/her expense reports/travel).
6) Travel Policy: always set as GENERAL.
7) Reimbursement Method: For employees with a US bank account, select “Expense Pay
By Concur”. This setting allows the system to pay directly to the employee when
reimbursing expenses. For all other employees, select “Other Reimbursement Methods”.
8) If this new user is a manager and has direct reports, check option “can approve” in
addition to “submit” expense reports. Also the “limit approve” and enter 100,000.00 this
is the DEFAULT for all users.
ONLY Administrators for Travel/Concur have Administrator option checked for both
Expense and Travel. The option “process expense reports” applies if this admin will be
reviewing and processing expense reports.
9) If this new user will be doing travel for others (eg. department assistant), check the box
“guest booking” under Travel.
10) You do not need to enter anything under additional configurations
(GDS Profile, XML Profile). These will be completed by the system afterwards.
11) Complete the Department and Location fields under Travel Custom fields.
Page 15 When you create a user in Concur, it will automatically create a user on the travel side. Any
updates here are then automatically reflected on the user section under Travel setup.
Log out from Concur and Log in with this new user and go to the Profile tab.
Page 16 Go to Credit Cards under Personal Information section.
Click on Add a Credit Card. Here you need to enter the Company’s credit card which will be
used to purchase flights and hotels when the user makes a travel reservation.
Page 17 If this user will have someone assist him with his travel, click on “add an assistant” and follow
the prompts
Then go to “expense delegates” under Expense Settings and add the same assistants if the
assistants will also be doing his/her expense reports.
Page 18 And the last part on the user profile would be to active e-receipts. Click on it under “Other
Settings” and just follow the prompts. This will help us ensure that users receive e-receipts from
participating providers that they can include when submitting their expense reports.
Log out from this user’s account.
Page 19 Next steps (to send to new users only):
1) Send initial email with rollout announcement (word), login checklist and FAQ.
Sample email and files are located on the Travel folder on Google Drive under “07.
deployment”. Include files 1, 2, 3 as well as Contact Sheet and PPT presentation on what
to do.
2) Send email with links to training demos (#1) so the user gets familiar with the system.
3) If the user will be approving expense reports, also send email #2 that explains how to
approve the reports.
4) The car mileage only applies to few employees that their activities require them to travel.
Please check with the Finance head if you are in doubt on whether this email applies for
the user you’re working on or not.
Page 20 5) Log in to your account (travel administrator) and go to setup/expense/5) users
6) Double click on the user created and check the box in the top so when you save, the
system will send the invite email to the user.
Page 21 •
Email user receives looks like this:
To buy tickets online using the commuter tickets we have. It’s very simple just follow the
next steps.
1. Log in in to their website. Interjet
User ID :
Password : mattfoundation
2. Once you are logged in, go to JetBook SAT to check how many flights or tickets you
have available before start looking for your flight. 3. After seeing how many tickets do you have left, click in one of the tickets and now you can
start looking for your flight.
Page 23 4. Here you just need to start filling in the blanks to book your flight (departure,
destination, etc).
After you've booked your flight all confirmations will be sending it to
In case you have any trouble when you are trying to book your flight, please contact the
following people:
Name (s): Lourdes o Armando
Phone numbers : (210)-822-3019 and (210)-822-3400
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