QuickStart Submitter


QuickStart Submitter
User Guide:
The Submitter Role
For Employees who Submit their Expenses with ExpensAble
If you are an employee who is using ExpensAble to submit your travel & entertainment expenses, this
information is for you! This User Guide will walk you through an overview on how to use ExpensAble to
handle your expenses.
EXPRESS USERS: This icon indicates functionality that may be slightly modified or is not available in
ExpensAble Express.
For Employees who Submit their Expenses with ExpensAble ....................................................................................................... 1
User Support ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
Log Into ExpensAble Corporate ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
The Overview Home page ................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
The Expense Report ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Create a New Expense Report .................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Create Reimbursable (Out of Pocket) Expenses................................................................................................................................ 9
Import Corporate Card Expenses .......................................................................................................................................................... 13
Import Expenses from the Mobile App................................................................................................................................................... 17
Edit Expense..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Split Expense.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Allocate Expenses (optional feature) ................................................................................................................................................... 29
Attach Receipt ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 34
Attach Mobile or Email Receipt .............................................................................................................................................................. 34
Attach Scanned Receipt or Saved Email Attachment Receipt .................................................................................................. 37
Submit Expense Report .............................................................................................................................................................................. 40
Resubmit Rejected Expense Report ..................................................................................................................................................... 41
Track Status of Expense Report.............................................................................................................................................................. 41
Some Hints to Getting Started ...................................................................................................................................................................... 42
Training Videos/Help....................................................................................................................................................................................... 43
User Guides/Help ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 45
Best Practice Workflows using Mobile Application and Smartphones ................................................................................... 45
Using Mobile Application to Capture Receipt for Corporate Card Expenses ................................................................... 45
Using Email Receipts to Capture Receipt for Corporate Card Expenses ............................................................................ 46
Using Mobile to Capture a Reimbursable Expense ....................................................................................................................... 46
Settings .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Settings - Email Receipts ............................................................................................................................................................................ 47
Validating Email Address........................................................................................................................................................................... 47
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
User Support
Support is provided in a tiered format where initial help is provided by your Administrator. Please contact
your Administrator and if needed, they will escalate you to our support team at Insperity.
Limited support in available in ExpensAble Express.
Log Into ExpensAble Corporate
To log into ExpensAble Corporate, you will need your company login name, your individual user ID and your
individual password. Your company’s ExpensAble Corporate administrator will provide this information.
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
Open a browser and go to
www.insperity.com/signin (1)
Click ExpensAble (2)
Note: Add this URL to your
Favorites or Bookmarks for fast
access next time.
Log into ExpensAble Corporate
by entering your:
Company ID
Click Sign In
Note: Select the Remember Me
checkbox so the Company and
Username will pre-populate on
your next visit.
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
ExpensAble Corporate does
require pop-up windows to
operate. Once you click Sign In,
if you see a prompt to allow
pop-ups, select Always Allow.
Example using Internet Explorer:
Example using Google Chrome browser:
Example using Mozilla Firefox:
Example using Safari (Click on Safari/Preferences/Security):
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
Once the new settings are saved,
the Overview page is displayed.
The Overview Home page
The Overview Home page is the launch area for all actions in ExpensAble Corporate. What is displayed is
based on the role(s) you have been assigned. Expense reports can be created, edited, tracked, approved (if
you are an approver) and viewed from the Overview. Links to other functionality (as determined by the roles
you are assigned) are accessed here. A summary of the Overview is shared below:
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
Quick Link Bar
Single click to access the Settings screen, download latest release notes,
log out, etc.
Menu Bar
The logged in user and company name are displayed below these links
Provides access to same functions as the blue links shown in the main
area of the screen.
The Help menu displays all training videos separated by categories as
well as release notes and Quick Start Guides.
The toolbar provides specific actions based on what screen you are on.
For example, when inside an expense report a submit icon will appear
so the report can be submitted.
Hover the mouse over the tool to see a tool tip.
Related Training
Drop-down list of 30 second to 3 minute training videos that are specific
to the screen.
Role Sections
Based on the role that you have been assigned you will see specific
actions based on that role. In the screen shot the user has been
assigned both the Submitter and Approver role so both sections are
Mobile Application icon Click the appropriate badge for your smartphone to access the
ExpensAble mobile application.
Role based Action links
Each role section contains links to common functions for fast access.
Historical information is also displayed in the appropriate row for the
Corporate Card
This section displays action links and information specific to your
Corporate Card. Pending transactions represent card transactions that
have not been included in an expense report yet.
Electronic Bin (E-Bin)
The E-Bin contains all mobile transactions, receipts and receipts
in ExpensAble
received via
(if setup)
that have not
been included in expense
The Expense Report
The E-Bin section is displayed only when a user has pending receipts or
All expenses are submitted via an expense report. The report is the container or screen that contains all
expenses to be submitted for approval. Cash expenses can be created directly inside an expense report
while Corporate Card transactions and expenses created via the mobile application need to be moved or
imported into the expense report.
The pull-down lists, driving rates, currency and other information are structured to meet your company’s
requirements. In some cases, you can override the given options and type in your own data; in other cases,
ExpensAble Corporate will require you to use one of the existing selections.
Your company’s travel policy has been entered into ExpensAble Corporate. If you enter a travel expense that
violates one of your company’s policies, ExpensAble Corporate will notify you with a warning that tells you
which expense is in violation of policy. Some warnings may be “passive” and will allow you to continue
without making changes, others will require that you make a change before proceeding. These later rules
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
are called “Blockers”.
Limited policies are available in ExpensAble Express.
The process to create and submit expenses is:
Create New Report
Based on trip,
event, date range
Corporate Card, Out
of Pocket, Mobile
Enter Details
Guests, Purpose,
Split, Allocate
Attach Receipts
Submit Report
Routed to Approver
Once the report is submitted an email notification is sent to each approver throughout the approval workflow.
Approvers approve (or reject) reports via the web-site or mobile application.
the Accounting Reviewer only.
Approvals are processed by
After final approval (or any rejection along the way) the submitter receives an email alerting them to the
approval (or rejection) of the report.
Create a New Expense Report
In order to submit expenses a new expense report must be created. Once the blank report is created,
expenses are added to it and receipts attached. If all expenses fall within the company’s accepted policy, the
report can be submitted. The steps below show how to create a new, blank expense report.
From the Overview home
screen, click Create a New
Expense Report
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User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
Enter a name for the report.
Charge to Dept, Bill To and
Item are very special fields.
Check with your administrator
to determine if you should
complete some or all of these
Hint: if you have your
corporate card transactions
coming into ExpensAble
Corporate, you can create the
report and immediately open
the corporate card container by
selecting Import Credit Card
Transactions now?
Charge to Dept, Bill To, and
Item are not available in
ExpensAble Express.
Click Enter and the report will
be created and opened.
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
Click the Corporate Card tool
to select and import credit card
Corporate Card
Transactions are not available
in ExpensAble Express.
Use the mobile tool to import
any expenses created using the
mobile app.
Create Reimbursable (Out of Pocket) Expenses
There are times when you use your own funds to pay for expenses. These are called reimbursable
expenses because you will be reimbursed for them.
The steps below show you how to create a reimbursable expense. You can also create them using the mobile
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
From the Overview home
screen, click Create a New
Expense Report (or click In
Progress to open a report
previously created but not yet
A blank expense report is
displayed. Select the Expense
Type from the list.
Note: if the Expense Type field
is not visible, click the New
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User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
The edit expense screen is
Enter the Amount, Date,
Payment Method and
any other
details required.
Hint: The payment
method selected
determines if the expense
is reimbursable or not.
Look at the
Reimbursable dropdown to see how the
selected payment method
was defined.
Click Save and Close.
Hint: if you have multiple
reimbursable expenses to
enter, click Save and
Note: The expense entry
screen will remain displayed
with some fields
copied from the last
expense, saving you time.
The new reimbursable
expense will be added to
the expense report (1)
Details about the expense
are displayed in
the lower, gray section
Note: The reimbursable
expense amount is shown in
the bottom right corner. (3).
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User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
Attach the receipt and the
expense is complete.
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
Import Corporate Card Expenses
Corporate card transactions are automatically fed into your user profile. This saves time as most of the expense details
such as amount, date, payment method and merchant are provided for you. Corporate card transactions are contained
in their own screen. They must be selected and an expense type selected and then they can be imported into an
expense report.
Corporate Card transactions are not available in ExpensAble Express.
From the Overview
Home screen, click In
Progress under Expense
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User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
The expense report list
screen opens.
Click the name of the
expense report that will
receive the Corporate
Card transactions.
Note: If you have not yet
created the expense
report, go back to
Overview and click
Create a New Expense
The report will open.
Click the credit card
icon in the toolbar.
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User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
The credit card screen is
opened and displays all
posted card transactions.
The date shown is the
transaction date.
Select the expenses to be
imported into the
expense report using the
Select checkboxes (1).
Select the expense type
Once all desired
transactions have been
selected and an expense
type provided, click
Continue (3).
Hint: Click on the Merchant link to see details about the transaction
including Posting Date.
The credit card screen
will close and the
expense report will
reopen. It now contains
the corporate card
transactions you just
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
If further edits are
required for the expense,
such as adding Guests or
entering a Purpose, select
the expense by clicking
on the expense type
(note the red pointer
indicator) and click Edit.
Attach the receipt and
the expense is complete.
Note: The IRS accepts
credit card data feeds
(such as this) as valid
receipts. Check with your
company as they may still
require you to attach
receipts to card
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
If a mistake was made
and the card transaction
should not be in this
expense report, select it
and click Delete.
The “deleted” transaction
will not be deleted but
will be moved back into
the credit card container.
Import Expenses from the Mobile App
If you are using the mobile application for ExpensAble Corporate you can create expenses at any time. We
recommend capturing the expense at the moment of expenditure whenever possible. A photo of the receipt
can be captured and with a few taps your entire expense can be completed and sent into the website. You
don’t have to worry about keeping the receipt or tracking the expense for entry later.
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
From the Overview
Home screen, click In
Progress under Expense
The expense report list
is displayed.
Click the name of the
expense report that will
receive the Corporate
Card transactions.
Note: If you have not yet
created the expense
report, go back to
Overview and click
Create a New Expense
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User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
The report opens. Click
the E-Bin (Electronic Bin)
icon in the toolbar.
The E-Bin contains all
expenses and receipts
received outside of the
website. All mobile
expenses and receipts are
stored in the E-Bin.
Hint: be sure you import
true expenses and not
just receipts into your
report. Receipts will be
attached to the report.
Receipts can be created
via the New Receipt
feature in the mobile app
and receipts can be
emailed into ExpensAble
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
Hint: hold the mouse
over the paperclip icon
to display the receipt.
You can view the receipt
while editing the expense.
Click and drag the top of
the window to move it
and resize it from the
lower right corner.
Click the red X to
dismiss the receipt image
The E-Bin screen will
close and the expense
report will reopen. It
now contains the mobile
transactions you just
Hint: a big advantage to
using the mobile app is
that the receipt is already
attached to the expense!
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
If further edits are
required for the expense,
such as adding Guests or
entering a Purpose, select
the expense by clicking
on the expense type
(note the red pointer
indicator) and click Edit.
If a mistake was made
and the card transaction
should not be in this
expense report, select it
and click Delete.
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
The “deleted” transaction
will not be deleted but
will be moved back into
the credit card container.
Note: if a receipt was
part of the original
transaction, it will be
preserved after returning
to the E-Bin. If the receipt
was attached from within
the report prior to
deleting the transaction,
the receipt will be
stripped away and go
back to where it began.
Edit Expense
Once expenses are inside the expense report, they can be edited. Edits can include adding Guests to meals
or entertainment, supplying a Purpose or Description for the expense and/or ensuring a receipt is attached
to name a few examples.
Note: depending on your company setup, your screen may look slightly different.
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
Click on the expense to
be edited (1).
Hint: the red triangle will
appear next to the
currently selected item in
the list
Click the Edit button (2)
The edit screen will
appear allowing you add
details to the expense.
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
Depending on the
expense type selected,
the edit screen may
contain different fields.
Meals and Entertainment
will contain Purpose and
Guests entry…
But other expense types
will contain different
fields such as Airfare
shown here.
Once edits are complete,
click Enter to save (if a
corporate credit card
expense) or Save and
Close (if a reimbursable
You are returned to the
expense report.
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
Split Expense
Splitting an expense is the same as itemizing a bill. A hotel bill is a good example. The bill is a single amount
but within that amount are charges for meals, room tax, parking, internet, etc. Each split item is likely a
different expense type than the original expense (e.g. Hotel bill contains Dinner expense). Most companies
require that hotel bills be split so that those individual charges are itemized and processed into the correct
accounts with the accounting system.
for splits in ExpensAble Express.
Only Expense Type and Reimbursable designations are available
Follow these steps to split an expense
Locate the expense to be
itemized and click on its
expense type to select it
You can see details about
the selected expense in
this area to be sure you
have the right expense
(lodging in this case) (2).
Click the Split button (3).
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
The split screen appears.
At the top is the original
expense. The gray area
will display details about
the expense.
To create a new itemized
or split expense, click
Select the expense type,
dinner in this example.
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
The expense entry fields
will appear.
Enter the amount and any
other fields required.
Click Enter.
Hint: Only click Finish
when you are done
itemizing the entire
expense. Changes will be
lost if you click Finish
rather than Enter.
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User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
The itemized expense is
displayed at the top (1)
and the total of original
expense is decremented
by split expense (2).
Repeat the steps above
expenses are itemized.
Note: To remove a split or itemized expense, click the red x icon in line
with the expense. If you delete the original expense (top row), all split
expenses will also be deleted. If original was a Corporate Card expense, it
will not delete but go back to the credit card screen.
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
Click Finish
The expense will now
contain the word (split)
after the original expense
Allocate Expenses (optional feature)
Some expenses arrive as a single amount but it is an expense that is shared among multiple departments,
customers, projects or events. Multiple allocations may be required to properly share that expense.
Allocation can be entered by amount or by percentage and there is no limit to the number of allocations
allowed. Allocation is different than Split. Split is itemizing a bill. Each split item could be a different
expense type where an allocation is just dividing the total amount among different groups responsible. The
expense type will never change among each allocation. [Express] Allocate expenses is not available as an
optional feature in ExpensAble Express.
Allocations can be by amount or percent and there is no limit to the number of allocations allowed.
Follow these steps to allocate an expense:
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
Locate the expense to be
allocated and click on
expense type to select it
You can see details about
the selected expense in
this area to be sure you
have the right expense
Click Allocate button
The allocation screen
At the top select whether
the allocation will be by
Amount or
Percentage. The last
column’s label will reflect
what was selected.
Note: Charge to Department will only be enabled if the feature to crosscharge departments has been enabled during Implementation.
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
3. In this example we flew to
meet with 2 clients and will
allocate our airfare among
them. 2 projects were
discussed with one client.
In the first row, select either
the department, Bill To and/or
Item (custom field) that will
share this expense.
Enter the specific amount or
percentage to be allocated to
this company/department.
Press Enter or click New
to insert a new row.
4. In the second row, select
either the department, Bill To
or Item (custom field) that will
share this expense.
Enter the specific amount or
percentage to be allocated to
this company/department.
Press Enter or click
Add to insert a new row.
5. Repeat steps 3 & 4 to
complete all allocations.
Click Save and Close. A
confirmation appears.
Click Ok.
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
The expense report will
appear. There will be a
small pie chart icon under
the Allocation column.
Click the pie chart icon
to view and edit the
current allocations.
Approvers will see the
icon as well. They can
click it to view the
Accounting Review (final
approval) can view and
edit the allocations.
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
If you select the expense
and click Edit, the expense
details will alert you that
the expense has been
allocated by displaying an
allocation placeholder in
the field(s).
Allocations can be edited
from the expense details
screen by clicking the
Allocation button.
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
Attach Receipt
All expenses must have receipts attached prior to report submission. Capturing receipts can be done using
the mobile application, email receipts feature, faxing or scanning paper receipts converting them to digital
To learn more about using email receipts, see the Settings section later in this document. You can also view
the User Settings video located in the training drop-down in the overview Home screen:
Attach Mobile or Email Receipt
If you used the mobile application to capture the receipt or validated your email from the Settings link and
sent receipts via email to ebin@expensable.com, you can easily attach those receipts to an expense. This
works especially well with Corporate card expenses as they provide the data, you provide the receipt.
Follow these steps to attach a receipt:
Click on the blue
paperclip located in line
with the expense
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
The attachment manager
(1) By default, the E-Bin
Receipts tab is
displayed. The E-Bin (or
Electronic Bin) contains
all photo receipts
captured via the
ExpensAble mobile
application and any
receipts sent via the
Email receipts feature.
(2) Details about the
expense that the receipt
will be attached to are
displayed in the lower
area of the screen.
(3) Up to 3 receipts can
be attached to a single
Hint: Click on a
thumbnail to view the
image in a separate
window where it can be
displayed full size.
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
If you used the mobile
app or email receipt
feature to capture the
receipt, select the
receipt(s) and click
A red paperclip icon will
appear under the
Receipt column. Up to 3
icons may appear in that
column representing the
number of receipts
attached to the expense.
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
Position the mouse
pointer over the red icon
(hover) to display it in a
moveable image viewer.
The image viewer allows
you to zoom in/out, pan,
resize and move the
window. Move the mouse
inside the image to rotate
or detach the image.
Detaching will move the
receipt back to the E-Bin
(if that is where it came
If the image is still too
small to see, click on the
red paperclip to view the
receipt in a separate
Close the new window
when done.
Attach Scanned Receipt or Saved Email Attachment Receipt
If you scanned a paper receipt you can easily attach it to an expense. If you received an email with a receipt
attachment and saved the attachment to your computer/network you can attach those receipts to an
expense as well. This works especially well with Corporate card expenses as they provide the data, you
provide the receipt.
Follow these steps to attach a receipt:
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
Click on the blue
paperclip located in line
with the expense
The attachment manager
(1) By default, the E-Bin
Receipts tab is displayed.
The E-Bin or Electronic
Bin contains all photo
receipts captured via the
ExpensAble mobile
application and any
receipts sent via the
Email receipts feature.
(2) Details about the
expense that the receipt
will be attached to are
displayed in the lower
area of the screen.
(3) Up to 3 receipts can
be attached to a single
(4) Click Upload
Receipts tab
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
Click on (1) Browse…
then select (2) the
scanned or saved
attachment file.
Repeat if the expense
requires more than one
Click Attach (3)
A red paperclip icon will
appear under the Receipt
column. Up to 3 icons
may appear in that
column representing the
number of receipts
attached to the expense.
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
Position the mouse
pointer over the red icon
(hover) to display it in a
moveable image viewer.
The image viewer allows
you to zoom in/out, pan,
resize and move the
window. Move the mouse
inside the image to rotate
or detach the image.
Detaching will move the
receipt back to the E-Bin
(if that is where it came
If the image is still too
small to see, click on the
red paperclip to view the
receipt in a separate
Close the new window
when done.
Submit Expense Report
Once you submit your expense report ExpensAble Corporate will automatically route the report to the
appropriate approval. There are many options available for approval workflow but in most cases, the
approver will be the departmental manager. If approved, it will continue to be forwarded to the
appropriate approvers for eventual reimbursement. Accounting Review is the final approval step and once
approved here, reimbursement will be next. Once final approval is met, you will receive an e-mail
To submit your report, click the Submit icon in the toolbar.
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
Prior to submission the system will check for any policy rule violations. If violations are found they will be
displayed and you have the option to go back and fix the violations or to continue to submit the report with
the violations.
If the report is rejected, you will receive an email reporting the rejection. The Overview screen will also
display the rejected report the next time you log on to ExpensAble Corporate. Opening the report and
clicking on the Routing tab will display the rejection reason. Changes can then be made to resubmit the
expense report.
Resubmit Rejected Expense Report
Click the “Rejected Report(s)” link from the Overview screen.
Click the highlighted expense report name to open it.
Click on the Routing tab to read why the report was rejected.
Edit the report as required.
Click the checkmark icon (Submit) at the top of the page to resubmit.
Track Status of Expense Report
You can easily check the status of an expense report. Click the “View All Expense Report(s)” link in the
Overview screen. Locate the desired expense report, and then click its name to select it. Click the Routing
tab to see where your report is in the approval process.
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
Some Hints to Getting Started
ExpensAble Corporate is designed to be intuitive and provide functionality using alternative technologies
such as email and smart phones. Here are some useful tips to get you started:
Most screens contain a drop-down near the top containing training videos specific to the screen you
are on. These 30-second to three-minute videos help you learn more about using ExpensAble. You
can also click the Help menu to see all generic training videos.
The Help menu also provides access to user guides and release notes. User guides are downloadable
and displayed based on your assigned roles in ExpensAble Corporate. Click on the Release Notes
title to see the contents. These notes are written for end-users complete with step by step
instructions when necessary. [Express] User Guides and Release Notes are not available in
ExpensAble Express.
Once you have logged in and changed your password, download the mobile application if you have
an iPhone or Android smartphone. Capturing expenses or receipts at the point of expenditure is a
huge time saver and stress reliever. Expenses can be fully edited Approvers can approve expenses
while on the road right from the mobile app. If you are using the Spend Card you can check
balances in real time, request funds and approve funds. There are hyperlink badges/icons right on
the Overview screen to assist you in locating the mobile application. [Express] Spend Card is not
available in ExpensAble Express.
Click on Settings and validate your email address. Validating your email address (up to 3) allows
you send receipts from that email directly into the service so they can be attached to expenses. If a
vendor emails your car rental receipt, for example, you don’t have to print it and scan it or save the
attachment, just forward that email to ebin@expensable.com (once you validate your email
addresses) and the receipt will be delivered to the E-Bin.
ExpensAble Corporate maximizes the use of SmartLists. These lists operate much like popular
search engines. Just start typing in the field and matches will be displayed as you type:
For many of the pull-down lists, entering the first letter of the item will take you to the items that
start with this letter—another way to minimize your typing.
If you enter driving expenses our distance expense integrates the Google location API in the
segment fields. Just type a business name, point of interest or address in the From/To fields and let
Google find it and plot it for you. There are no limits to the number of segments/destinations that
can be entered for a single day. A map can be attached as the receipt and trips can be saved as
templates for re-use later.
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
Training Videos/Help
We recommend viewing the training videos that reside in each screen and via the Help menu. The videos
displayed in the Related Training drop-down on the screens only contain training that is applicable to the
screen you are on. To see all the videos click the Help menu. Each video is between 30 seconds and 3
minutes long and should provide good insight and value.
Related Training Video library
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
Help Menu – complete training video library
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
User Guides/Help
On the right side of the Help screen are User Guides based on the roles you are assigned and a listing of the
most recent Release Notes. All are PDFs that can be saved, printed or viewed on-line:
Help Menu – User Guides and Release Notes
Best Practice Workflows using Mobile Application and Smartphones
The mobile app is a big time saver and it lowers stress. Stress is lowered because you can use the mobile
app to capture a photo of receipts right at the point of expenditure, send it to the service then forget about
that receipt. It saves time because it is very fast and efficient to snap a receipt photo vs. holding the paper
receipt and then scanning it later to convert it from paper to digital. Additionally, if the expense was paid
for using cash, the entire expense can be completed all in one move.
Using Mobile Application to Capture Receipt for Corporate Card Expenses
If you pay for your expenses using a corporate credit card, those transactions are likely to be fed into
ExpensAble Corporate.
Most card transactions take 2-3 days to process before they arrive in your profile. This causes a delay in
matching the receipt to the expense. Here’s what we recommend:
When the expense is paid using the corporate card, capture the receipt using our mobile application on
your smartphone.
1. Open the ExpensAble Corporate mobile app and tap New Receipt, snap the photo and tap Send. A
confirmation will appear once the receipt is received.
2. Once the credit card transaction appears in ExpensAble Corporate:
a. Open the expense report
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
b. Click on the Credit card icon in the toolbar
c. Select and import the credit card transaction into your expense report.
3. Click on the small, blue paperclip icon located in line with the credit card transaction. The E-Bin tab
will open and display all images/photos. Locate the receipt you captured in step 1, select it and click
4. Make any further edits required to the expense.
5. Your expense is complete and ready for submission.
Using Email Receipts to Capture Receipt for Corporate Card Expenses
If you pay for your expenses using a corporate credit card, chances are good that those transactions are
coming into ExpensAble Corporate. Most card transactions take 2-3 days to process before they arrive in
your profile. This causes a delay in matching the receipt to the expense. Here’s what we recommend:
1. Validate your email address via the Settings link at the top of the screen. You must click the
verification link that is sent to the email address you enter to complete the process.
2. Be sure that email account is enabled on your smartphone or tablet.
3. When the expense is paid for using the corporate card, capture the receipt using your
smartphone/tablet. Use the camera on your smartphone/tablet to capture the receipt and then
email it to the E-Bin using the email address you validated in step 1.
4. Once the credit card transaction appears in ExpensAble Corporate:
a. Open the expense report
b. Click on the credit card icon in the toolbar
c. Select and import the credit card transaction into your expense report.
5. Click on the small, blue paperclip icon located in line with the credit card transaction. The E-Bin tab
will open and display all images/photos. Locate the receipt you captured in step 1, select it and click
6. Make any further edits required to the expense.
7. Your expense is complete and ready for submission.
Using Mobile to Capture a Reimbursable Expense
These expenses are perfect for the mobile application because you can capture the receipt and enter all
expense details from one screen. When done, the entire expense is complete!
1. When the expense is paid for via cash, open the ExpensAble Corporate mobile app on your
smartphone and tap New Expense. Tap the camera icon to capture the receipt then enter the
Amount, Date, Expense Type, etc. until the expense is complete.
2. Tap Send.
3. When ready to submit your expenses, log into ExpensAble Corporate and open/create your new
expense report.
4. Click on the E-Bin/smartphone icon in the toolbar. Locate the expense you created in step 1. Select
it and click Import.
5. The expense is imported into your report and is ready for submission.
Note: for more information regarding the functionality available through our mobile applications, please
refer to the ExpensAble Corporate Mobile 4.0 User Guide found in the Help section of the ExpensAble
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
Corporate application.
The Settings screen allows you to edit personal information, manage passwords and security questions as
well as the means to setup email addresses for sending receipts from email into the solution.
Settings - Email Receipts
This feature allows submitters to use their work and/or personal email address to send receipts into their
E-Bin. The E-Bin is just a screen within ExpensAble Corporate that holds all remote expenses and receipts.
Remote expenses and receipts can be created via the mobile application or by emailing receipts. Examples
of receipts that could be emailed are a digital receipt received from a merchant (e.g. hotel, car rental,
iTunes) or a photo receipt taken using your smart phone.
For example, a submitter takes a taxi. They use their smart phone to take a photo of a taxi receipt. Right
from the smart phone they email the receipt to ebin@expensable.com. Assuming the email was previously
validated, the photo receipt will be received in the E-Bin. The submitter can then attach that photo receipt
to the actual taxi expense if a credit card was used. Or if they used cash they would simply edit the fields
displayed for the photo in the E-Bin and create a new expense. In this case the photo, which is already
attached, becomes the receipt for the expense.
Another example would be the traveler who asks the rental car company to email them the receipt for a
rental. The receipt could then be forwarded to ebin@expensable.com and acted on in the same ways
mentioned above; either as a pure receipt validating an expense or as a new expense itself. In this case, they
would likely import the credit card transaction and attach this receipt to that transaction.
Validating Email Address
In order for receipts to be received by ExpensAble Corporate, the email address(es) sending the receipt
needs to be validated and verified. This validation process is very simple and takes seconds to complete. Up
to three email addresses can be validated so both business and personal emails can be used to send
receipts. Follow the below steps to validate an email address.
Once validated and receipts are sent, refer to the earlier section labeled “Attach Mobile or Email Receipt”.
Log into ExpensAble
Click on Settings link at
top of screen.
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
Scroll down to Email
Receipts section.
Type in the first email
address to be validated
and click Send
Validation Code.
3. A message will appear
prompting the user to
check their email.
This window can be
closed or left open at
this time.
4. Log in to your email
program and open
the email received
from Admin.
5. Click the link provided or
copy/paste it into the
browser address bar.
Copyright ExpensAble 2015
User Guide for Expense Reporting:
The Submitter Role
A new webpage will
open indicating the
email address has been
Receipts may now be
emailed to
The email address has
been verified and the
user can now send
receipts from this email
Go back to ExpensAble
Corporate and click the
Settings link to see the
verification success.
To add additional email
addresses, follow the
above steps for each.
To remove an Email
address, click Remove.
Copyright ExpensAble 2015