Schlage Lock Lancaster PA
Schlage Lock Lancaster PA Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 ~ {SCH lAG §7 • Complete Locks Ashcroft Inside Trim. (ailing ton level In'idp Trim. Champagne lever Inside Trim, 51- AMeS Lever Inside Trim. Andover Knob Insid. Trim. Dan bury Knob Finish 1625 626 FA360 Siflllie CVlinder, tComoleteHandleset For FA360 0ricino, add FA358 outside desion oricing and FA359 inside design ~ricing IFA358 S'lrrJIe r.v1lnner Oillsirfe Ha,,:,!,n d""le""s""et~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, B~a~I.0[~O~~'~5'1~J .;0{IO~~~116~B~I.O~lJ~~~ 2~15'::"'_O;;IO;:;::"'T.119;':;'4i-!lLOlrnIO,s::.r,r.9<l!_'l""'.O"'0"""1l"n7 94~". (o""ro ...•...• ';n;9,4 ."!]n-10 FA35.9Sioole Cvlinder Inside""ffi1iidleset Andover 84.00 85.70 99.50 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 Danburv 84.90 8'6.50 90.90 90,90 90.90 90.90 90.90 CalfinQton* 107.00 110.00 131.00 119'00 119.00 119.00 119.00 Chamoa()ne~ lU(.OO 110.00 131.oU 119.00 111,1. 0 119.00 119.00 ~t Annp.~· rz rm DC Iii' []n 19.00 HIm 1111.00 11900 FA362 DoubleCVlinder Complete Handleset Andover 299.00 261.00 280.00 346.00 .313:00 313.00 313.00 313.00 1-'--'-"==""-"-.=.1.\;;:,i.rv------+·~36[ 262.00 281.00 347.00 314.100 314.00 314.00 314.00 -Cafiin,ltort" 326.00 286.00 30l,oO_~2_1-~.HilO L...34~ .1..9:4~OQ__ 343.00_,ne· 326.00 286.00 }97.0Jl_~~81.R.~_r-~44.00 344.00 34.~"Q.9.-344.0.2St. Annes' 326.00 286.00 307.00 381.00 344.00 344.00 344.00 344.00 fopA393lj,,.,.,...,C;-o.,...m-=-DI':-et:-eT:H.,,..,d,....le-=-se"":'t---1 ...• F;.:;o~r F::::A;':':3';;:93:;-: p=c"lllr"'ic"-in-=-g, a-;d""d"FA~392"iiutside desiun IHicln':) amI FA394 inside C1eSI(Jn ~nClnc IFA392Dummv. Outside Handleset 117.00 1.!15.00 159.00 202.0'0 183.00 183.00 183.00 ~83.00 J.!;F.,!;lA"'39~4~~D~u.!.!.m!!!ri~lVl.!.!.ns~rlj~e!....!.H.!..!<':a!!..!:!!.!.eE.>s!£etL__ -ii-'A~ln.!.c~!1.0V8I I-....::....- --1---:4~5~9~O+~46~.=:800~-..:.e 5~...~3(O~-_:;.41'9~.~1 0~~49~.1~1 n:+_4E"p.1~1'n:-t---:4~·9::-,.1;.;;rn-j Danburv 5:;'.'60 53.70 6230 56.40 56.40 56.40 56.40 l':.,liinolon· 1,'n' 70 1420 67.10 R710 6Z.10 Chamoa:me' 60.'90 162.70 74.20 67.10 67.10 67.1~_-...~J-2_ St. Annes' 60.'90 '62.170 Y4.<::0 67.10 67·~.1.:.=0~....:;6~7.~10 67.10 • Specify door hand when ordering Callinpton, Champagne, St.Annes. and Merano designs. Notes: 1) FA35B outside of FA360 lincludes entrance handleset and cylinder. 2) FA359 inside of FA360 includes inside knob/lever, inside escutcheon, deadbolt, thumbturn, latch, screws, and strikes. 3) FA392 outside of FA393 mcludes entrance handleset and dummy cylinder. 4) FA394 inside of FA393 includes inside knob/lever, inside escutcheon, and screws. 5) When ordering inside Venice, Monaco. or Florence interior trim, please speclty inside escutcheon. 6) Keyed locks are furnished KD, 5-'Pin C section unless otherwise indicated. 549 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LOCKSMITH SUPPLIES Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 ~c ~ • Complete Locks Chantilly Inside Trim, Callington Lever mside Irim, Champagne lever Inside Trim, S\. Annes Lever Inside Trim. Inside Trim, Andover Knob Danbury Knob Finish D 13 619 T 620 625 fA362_ §Jl!9.!~1ndflI..CO~ Han.dleset !For FA360 llricm~l. add FA3S8 'Outside Idesilln vricino and FA3S9 inside desion [lricin1'l H:F,+A3~5~B-+~S"-,inoJ,,,-;ll-,,-e ~CY'-7':",m.::.;.:de""r.~O~u~ts~id~e~H~al~nd;!!;le~s~et,--~~ +--,1~88~.;;:;00~_1~5~3':f'0"..0 ~1..:;:.6~BOp_ ~~6 194.00 194.00 194.00 I-'-F:...;;AS:;..oS:..:;9_I--",S",inil:z..;ll.::..e-",CV'L;.IIi:;..;n.::.;de",r.,-,I;..:;ns:::.;id""ec..:.H.:.::a""nd""le""s""et'---t--:Andover 84.00 85.70 90.0-0 99:50 90.00 90,100 IDanburv 84.9'0 86.50 101.00 90.90 90.90 90.'80 I--_-+ -+""'C~al~tillil!on* 107.00 110.00 lsToo 119.00 119.00 n9,'00 r--_-+-+-...;;C~ha:;:-:m~ne· l31.GO 119.00 119.00 1WOO St.Annes* rcz.oo 11"D.B0 131.00 1i1l7fr1 If!f.OO 1nr.uIT 299.00 261.00 280.00 '346.'00 313.00 313.00 313.100 [FA362 Double Cvlimder. Oornclete Handleset Aflldover I-_-t-t--':D~an bUN ~OO00 ?62 00 281.00 347.00 3'f47fO ~ 1 ill nn Callington'._ 326.0g_~~86.00 307.00 381.00 344.00 344.00 '344.00 I-----I------------+-Cham·;aone* 326.0'0 286.00 307.00 381.00 3~4.00 1344.00 1344,00. SI. Annes' 326.00 286.00 307.00 381.00 34foo 344.00 344.00 For FA393llricina. ado IFA392 outside desirrn pricinll and FA394 mside des5n~ nClnO FA398_I_p,l!!!Jm~. GO.f}lpleteHan.flleset 17Y6b 145.00 159.00 20'2.00 183.00 18300 183.00,_ IFA3~~I-~ummy, Outside Handleset fl.ndover 45.90.:1680 54.30 iQ.10 49..10 49.10' fA,:l94 Dumm~, Inside Handleset 1-_-++-?lD;.;an+.=b:.;urv~.---+___--+-?.~gg. ~Jo f-~?-30 56.40 56.40 56.40 1-_-+ +-i(~a:l.l.JI::.:iMlol.:t~{l::..n·-:--+--. _+--o6,*D~,~g.~2.]O 1--7,4.20 67.10 IBn!) 67.10 1-_-+ rC~·h ",,;a,mqagne" 60.90 162.70 74,20 67.10 167.10 6710 StAnnAi:* R11]lil fi2.7o 74.20 67.10 67.11rl 67.10 IFrOliuct FuncHon liS Deslon 505 I 605 009 i8.n2-~1O,00 * .specify door hand when ordering Callington, Champagne, St.Annes, and Merano desiqns, Notes: 1) FA358 outside of FA360 includes entrance handleset and cylinder. 2) FA359 inside of FA360 includes inside knob/lever, inside escutcheon, deadbolt, thumbturn, latch, screws, and strikes. 3) FA392 outside of FA393 includes entrance handleset and dummy cylinder. 4) FA394 inside of FA393 includes inside knob/lever, inside escutcheon, and screws 5) When ordering inside Venice, Monaco, or Florence interior trim, please specify inside escutcheon. 6) Keyed locks are furnished KD, 'S-p,in C section unless otherwise indicated 550 626 1.~~ 90.00 90.90 119.00 119.00 119.00 313.00 314.DO 344.02_ 344.00 344.00 LB.~41249.1'0 56.40 67,10 67.10 6710 Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 ~ .{ ~CHLAG§J • Complete Locks Florence tnside trrm. (,lllington Lever Product Function FA360 Sinole Cylinder. ComoleteHandleset IfA35B I Slnole Gvllrqder Outside Handleset FA359 StnaJe C~linder, Inside Handleset lnside Trim, Champagne lever Inside Trim. lnsrde Inrn. Imide Inrn S! Ann" Lever Andover Knob Danbury Knob ,Finish liS O,eslun liS Esc 505 605 1609 I 61~.......-W'1~2D For FA360 Ilricifll.l, add FA358 outside tdeSi& pricinp and FA359 inside desiClnDriciflQ 11l1l.UU 15. ruo lllll.OU (!l~.U(J 194.UU 194.Ul 101.0 Andover IFlorence 103.70 rJ~o.DO 108.00 108.100 · [ 'anoul'v Rorence 102.015 ~fo.r.OOt-:i12"4.06 112.UU · ...."-_. rl~2.0o GH!linnton* 12B.0-6 152.00 Horencs 125.00 37.00 137.00 CbamoaClne* Florence 125.00 128.00 152.00 ~37.o0 137.00 125.U-O 128.00 152.00 137.00 137.00 S1.Annes' Horence Andover Florence 318.00 279;9.g_ 8.Op 366.00 333.00 333.00 Danburv Florence 219.00 '280.00 299.00 373.00 337.00 337.00 iGalliMfan' Florence 344:00 305.100 326.00 404.00 365.00 365.00 IChamr:aone* Florence 344.00 305. Oo 326.00 404.00 365.00 365.00 S1. Annes' J.12.r~ "344.00 0305.00 i32G.o1F-404-:--66 1-365~bo 365.00 Far Ft\393 0 rlcina add IFA392 outside eesian nriclnc and fA3941inside desiOn c flcin(l 177.00 '145.00 159.'00 202.00 163.00 183.00 56.20 Andover Horence 55.00 _6510 58.90 58.~O 64.40 63"10 Danburv Florence 74.80 67.60 67.60 CaJllinotOIn • 83.40 99.100 8_9~50 89.50 [FriO Florence 61.70 83.40 Chaml:laone* Florence · 99.00 89.50 g9:tfiej' Annes' B170 Horsnce 8340 89.50 9_ · · FA362 Double C';'iinder Comililete Handleset r4g J 93 m FA392 I~A394 Dumrrv. Comolete Handleset Dumm'l, Outside Handleset ['umm'l Ilnslde Handlesef - r-'~~:~~ sf 625 6.?~ 194.00 194)~ 108.00 112.00 137.00 137.00 l}LD'p_ 333.00 33700 108.00 112.00 1~7.00 137.00 137.00 333,00 337.100 3fl5.00 365.00 365.00 183.00 5890 67.60 8950 B9.50 89.50 .~.&.QQ.. 365.00 365.00 --- 183.00 !ill.JIO 67.60 89.50 89.50 • Specify door hand when ordering Callington, Champagne, St.Annes, and lMerano designs. Notes: 1) FA358 'Outside of FA360 includes entrance handleset and cylinder. 2) FA359 linside at FA360 includes inside knob/lever, inside escutcheon, deadbolt, lhumbturn, latch, screws, and strikes. 3) FA392 outside of FA393 includes entrance handleset and dummy cylinder. 4) FA394 inside at FA393 includes inside knob/lever, inside escutcheon, and screws. 5) When ordering inside Venice, Monaco, or Florence interior trim, please specify inside escutcheon. 6) iKeyed locks are furnished KD, 5-Pin C section unless otherwise indicated. 551 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LOCIKSIMITH SUPPLIES IS Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 HLAG§} ~ Kent ; Inside Trim, Inside Trim. Inside Trim. Callinqton tever Champagne lever 5t. Annes Lever Product FA360 FA358 FA3!i~ Function Single ~fJ.!J9ilr..COrrt1lete Handleset Sinllie Under Outside Handlese! ~in<JJi.Qr!iDl:!er.I.nsidl! Handleset FA362 Dollbl'eCvlin&~ C~'lete • Complete Locks Handleset 'FA393- ~-.. Dumrn" Comrilete Handleset FA392 FA394 numnw, Outside Handleset Durnmr, Inside Handleset Inside Trim. Andover Knob Inside Trim, IDanbury Knob Finish 625 626 liS Desion I 505" ~ _ 609 T613 T619 11620 For FA360 nncmo add FA358 outside desnn oriciNl '!.nd FA359 inside desinn [ ,rlc.ino 194.00 18BOO 15300 16B.00 215.00 194.'00 194.00 lQ400 R,fOO q:q!rO B!i70 snnc 90.00 so.oo 90.00 Andover I)~nh"'j-,, en QO 9rH1O 9fl.QO 90.90 86~b 101.00 84.90 C~JIinDton' 1P.LOO_ 110.00 131.00 '119.00 11Q.OO 119.00 119.00 119.00 119.00 ~19.00 107.00 ~1'0.00 '131.00 119.00 Charmanne" · 119.1D0 119."00 119.00 St. Annes" f67~00 uo.eo 131.00 119.00 · ~'f071il 299.QQ.....2§J..;00 28000 1346.00 3-fftro 31300 Andover 314.00 314.00 314.00 Danburv 300.00 262.00 281.00 347.00 314.00 344.00 344.00 344.00 32600 128600 307lJO r3ll1.00 344.00 Callinoton" 344.09_ 344.00 344.00 326.00 286.00 307.00 381.00 344.00 Ch~l!!P:aline• 344.00 34400 SI. Annes' 326.00 206.00 307.00 381.00 344.lrO ~44.00 For FA393 Dricina. add FA392 outsice deskin nricinn and FAS94linside desIQnllriGincl 18-3.00 183.00 1~~ 117.00 145.00 ~WOO 202.00 lB3.00 45-:90- 46.80 54.30 49.10 49.10 49.10 49.12_ " Andover 56.4-0 56.40 162.30 56.40 Danburv 5?60 53.70. 5.~~ 67.10 67.10 6710 Callinoton* 74.20 6.9},L •...62.70 .~~ 67.10 67.10 67.1Q_ ( tlamllallne* 67.10 62.70 74.20 60.90 62.70 Fi71n 81. Annes" 67.10 74.20 67.10 60.90 pIlL mOO " · " * Specify door hand when ordering Calling ton, Champagne, St.Annes, and Merano designs. INotes: 1) FA358 outside of FA360 includes entrance handleset and 'cylinder. 2) FA359 mside of FA360 includes inside knob/lever, inside escutcheon, deadbolt. thurnbturn, latch, screws, and strikes. 3) FA392 outsrde of FA393 includes entrance hendleset and dummy cylinder. 4) FA394 linside of FA39S includes inside knob/lever, inside escutcheon, and screws. 5) When ordering inside Venice, Monaco, 10[ Florence interior trim, please specify inside escutcheon. 16) Keyed locks are furnished KD, 5-Pin G section unless otherwise indicated. 552 Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 {SCH LAGEQ • Complete Locks Monaco Inside Trim, Call ington Lever Inside Trim, Champagne Lever Inside Trim, St Annes Lever Inside Trim, Inside Trim, Andover Knob Danbury Knob Single Cylinder Sl. Annes Pricing not in list Finish I:P7ro~d~u~CI-H:F~U",:"----,-+--,l1~IS£.!D~e~sTil~i !:.!."-:--:--...L...!! III:.lj:S..;;E'~sc~505 6lf5 11609 613 619 16-~[f 6~5 IFA:3An I ~;nnlp.~Iimlp.r r.nmnillt •• 1-l2nrl~ Fnr FA~fln nrldnn :ariel FA:35I ;;~t;;;;:rg~'lnn ~ ~,<.;qim:ir ,nAAinn I fir.inn FA35B Sin.9l!:!.Cvlinrlp.r Outside HanI11"~~t 1'18.0n 1~'lM168.00 215.00 194.00 1.~i.QQ.I-J~94t~.0"-\i0-+-,1~94:;!.,,;.0id.>0( t6~59 SinlTleC'llinder IinsideHiiildieset Andover Monaco 101.00 103.00_ 1]9.'00 108.00 10B.00 10B.00 10B.00 "Danburv Monaco· 102.00 104.00 124.00 112.00 112.00 11200 11200' CaiHooton* Monaco· 125.'on 128.00 15200 137.00 11LQ.Q.. 1.~,-,-,7o'l<0",-0~13~7-",0,-",0-l ChamDaane* !Monaco • 125.00 12B.~2-"-152.00 137.00 137.00 137.00 B7.00 st Annes* !Monaco· 125.00 128.0U 1"52.00 137.00 137.00 131.(JO U37.00 'j:A3;:"J16",.:2-+.",D-Oll..,.IIJ....,.le-:r.v~11l1In-lrl,..Alr-""'r:;-nm!l..,.,le..,.te-H,.,.a-n"7d,-les-~"-.-II4-!A~liii~r'lOiv~p.r:--~IMonaoo 3HIOO 279.00 2£itl.OO S81l.0n 333.00 3~~_3-lMn 1'IT.7fO Danburv Man-aco 319.00 1---+-----------I--J,::!!,l[aJl,!..!.!in~ult.Lo-n·,.---j.....!!!M~on~a~co4-"'-!2·:i.44'IOD 2Bo'.011 299.00 305.00 326.00 373.00 404.00 337.00 365.00 337.00 36Koo 337.00 36500 337.00 365.00 183!OQ~B3.00_ 58.'90 58.90 67.60 6.1'4Q... 89.5i'i 89.•;;.Q_ 89.50 89.50 89.50 89.50 * Specify door hand when ordering Callington, Champagne,St.Annes, and Merano designs. Notes: 1) FA35Boutside of FA360 includes entrance handlesetand cylinder. '2) FA359 inside of FA360lincludeslinside knob/lever, inside escutcheon, deadbolt, thurnbturn, latch, screws, and strikes. 3) FA392outside of FA393 includes entrance handleset and dummy cylinder. 4) FA394linside of FA393 includes inside knob/lever, inside escutcheon, and screws 5) When ordering inside Venice, Monaco, or !FlorenceInterior trim, please specify linside escutcheon. 6) Keyed locks are furnished KD, fi-Pin C section unless otherwise indicated. ENCYCLOPEIDIA OF LOCKSMITH SUPPLIES 553 Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 (S ~ • Complete Locks Monticello Imide Trim. Calling ton Lever Product FA360 FA358 FA359 Funclion Sin!tle CYlinder Corrulete Handlese! Sinllie Cvlinder, Outside Handleset Sirtci'leCVlinder, Inside Handieset FA36Z Double Cylinder, corratete Handleset M\:I::l FA392 FA394 uumrrr-~.I,;orriorefe Handleset Durnrn«, Outside Handleset nurnnw, Inside Handleset Insl de Trim. Champagne Lever U§JlesilTn For FA360 llricirt:l lnsrde Trirn, St Annes Lever Inside Trim. Andover Knob Finish 619 6ZD 1625 613 add FA358 outside desicn nrlcim and F :1~~9Insldedes~nOlricinQ 505 173~fj6 Andover l.IanOlUlv CaTIincton* Chamr~;ill!De* St. Annes" 282.00 Andover g&3.!JO Danbury . Callmaton* 306.00 308.00 ~.b~Illi-~ne* SI. Annes" 308.00 For-FJlS'S3IHicinlJ. add'rAS9_ 162.00 Andover . Danburv Callinoton* Cham!Jaone" St. Annes' - . - 11605 ens 554 626 197.00 17Jl..:.O~017R.nn 178.00 178.00 140.00 155.00 9O.lQ2_ 90.00 90.00 '90.00 85.70 99.50 '84.00 .84.90 ·90.9b '90.90 9'J.9~_ 90.'90 86.5a 101.'00 131.'00 119.00 119.00 119.00 l-i1'9:OO 107.00 HO.IQO 131.100 119.00 119.00 119.00 119:00107.00 110.00 11900 1-131.100 f1'9.00 107.00 1..~ 119",0~~_ 326.00 295.00 295.00 295.00 295.00 247.00 265.00 -24B.OO 266.'Cffi 327.100 296.00 296.00 296.00 :296.1Q~_ 272.00 292.'00 361)00 3i6~00 ~.O_O 326.00 :3,~ 272.00 292.'00 '361.'00 326.00 326.010 326.00 1-~_2"~~ ,361~00 326.00 326.00 326.0'iJ- ,326.'00 272.00 292.00 loutsiCledeslon IlrlCJ!ill..?L1dFA394 Insldedesl(]n II nClnil __ 185.100 167.00 167.00 167.00 f-1-6ftlO 132.00 146.'00 49:-'10 46':;80 49.10 49.10 49.10 45.9n 54.30 56.40 56.40 56.40 56.40 52:6'0 53.70 62.30 62ZQ..- _74.20 67.10 67.10 f-6~~ 67.10 60.90 67.10 67.10 67.10 74.20 67.10 60.90 62.70 6710 67.10 67.10 67.10 60:910 74.20 62.70 Specify door hand when ordering Callington, Champagne, St.Annes, and Merano designs. Notes: 1) IFA358 outside of FA360 includes entrance handlesel and cylinder. 2) FA359 inside of FA360 includes inside knob/lever, inside escutcheon, deadbolt, thumbturn, latch, screws, and strikes. 3) IFA392 outside of FA393 includes entrance handleset and dummy cylinder. 4) IFA394inside of FA393 includes inside knob/lever, inside escutcheon, and screws. 5) When 'ordering inside Venice. Monaco, or Florence interior trim, please specify inside escutcheon. 6) Keyed locks are furnished KD, !i-Pin C section unless otherwise indicated. * Inside Trim. Danbury Knob I-!~ Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 ~ -'~i ! I : • Complete Locks Sutton Inside Trim, CalIiog ton Lever Producl FA360 "FA358 FA359- Function Sinl'ile GViinder",:Comlll~teJjanrlleset Sioole CYllrder, Outside Handleset Smo Ie Cvlind er [Inside Handleset FA362 Double CyJinder, Comolete Handleset ~. FA393 FA392 FA394 ~CHLAG§J lnside Trim, Champagne lever Inside Trim, S!. Annes lever Inside Trim, Andover Knob lnsid e Trim, Danbury Knob Finish , 625 1[613 JJSDesilln J 505 619 1605 609 1620 For IFA360 nricina add FA358 outside eson oric'nlJ and FA359 insioe desi.' n c ricino 173.00 140.00 155.00 197.00 176.00 176.00 176.00 90']'0 i:lO.OO 84.iJO [65.70 Andover 99.50 90.00 86.50 SU.!l[ Danburv 84.90 101.00 9090 90.90 107.00 110.00 J31.00 Ca(!in:lton* 119.00 119.00 U19.00 107.00 110.00 ~31.00 119.00 Chamoa'lne' 119.00 119.00 St. Annes' .,Q.Q ~19.00 ra7.00 110.00 ~31.00 11i~ Andover 262.00 247.100 .2·~·~&2_ ~.£g.oo 295.00 295.00 295:00 Danbury 28:3:06 ~ 2\16.00 2ge.00 296,00 266.00 327.00 326 nrl 11?Fi 00 Cail1nnlon* ~Qll"",Og_ .~.n..PQ 292.00 -36T.OO ~ ~?~g..... CharnlJa~lne' 308.00 2_~ ~i§l.~ 196.0 326.00 326.,90 St. Annes· 306.00 272.00 292.00 361.00 326.00 326.00 326.00 For FA393 Olricina. add FA392 outside desan oricinu and FA394 inside desion pricino 162.00 132.00 146.00 185.00 167.00 167.00 167.00 Andover 45.90 .~6.80 54.30 49.W 49.10 49.10 56.40 53,70 56.40 56.40 Dan!l.!!rv 5260 6Z3D 62.70 Callington' 60.90 74.20 67.10 67.10 67.10 167.1d" 67.10 GhamD~ne' l6o.9_~__§2-7~_ -!j.;.~ ~?Ll0 62.70 [67.10 St Annes' 60.90 74.20 67.10 67To --1J2. 2_ Dummv, ComDiefe Himdieset Dummv. Outside Handleset Dumrnv, Inside Handleset 626 176.00 90.00 90.90 ~19.00 119.00 119.00 295.0·2_ 296.00 :1?fi Off 326.0Q_ 326.00 167.00 49.10 56.40 6Z~ 67.10 67.10 , Specify door hand when mdering Calling ton, Champagne, StAnnes, and Merano deSigns. Notes: 1) FA358 outside of FA360 includes entrance handleset and cylinder. 2) FA3S9 inside of FA360 includes inside knOb/lever, inside escutcheon, deadbolt, thumbturn, latch, screws, [and strikes. 3) FA392 outside of FA393 includes entrance handleset and dummy cylinder. 4) FA394 inside of FA393 includes inside knob/lever, inside escutcheon, and screws. 5) When ordering Inside Venice, Monaco, or Florence interior trim, please specify inside escutcheon 6) Keyed locks are furnished KD, 5·Pin C section unless 'otherwise indicated. 555 EINCYCLOPEDIJA OF ILOCKSMIITH SUPPUES IS Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 HLAG§/ ~ • Complete Locks Venice InsideInrn, CallingtonLever In5ideTrim, Champagne lever Inside Trim, St. Annes Lev~r InsideTrim, Andover Kf10b InsideTrim, Danbury Knob Finish ~ct Function I/S Desilln II/S Escl 505 1605 1609 1613 1619 r 6:;.,~l::..0 -,-~1_6:::2~5_¥6:::26:.....-~ ~iF~A~36~0~~~~S~'ii1Q~~lle~C~Y~iiin~d~e~r ~,c::::om~npfille~te;:;-::Ha::;;n;:;:d=le::rse~t_rFo::.:.r.!,;FA~3~6:.:;''O.~ Plric~jn;",,"J~ad9rt~F!.-JA~35~8;;.;O;-yUC!;:ts~id~e desian Dricifllland FA359 inside desiJ}n'p[ic~,';:;--,,::;;-t-::-:=:-.-::':'rl F.A:358 Sinale CYlinder,Outside Handles~t 188.'0'0 U53.0'O 168.0'0 215.'0'0 194.'0'0 194.'0'0 194.0'0 194.()l) r.F~A3!5~9-t---;S~in~ln~lle:-;1 G~VIi:'n~d;';;e""r ?:jn:':s-;::;,gfe';:; H~an~dJ~,e~se~t~:::t~A~lilj,~>o;;vie~r::~~V~e-J J~lj~Ce~:~~~:~=1~O~'I~.D~1=H~ID~;:S.i~il~Or----;1!.f::i~o-:-~o'O~· t-:i1~U!l1.~l.Ill\J~_"1~7:a8~''O;;';'O;+-71 ~'O 8(-';.'O~'O:-t-;1:-;O~8*d;;--1bDanbuN VenK:8 • 102_'0'0 104.0'0 124.'0'0 112.''0'0 112.'0'0 112.00 112.'00 I GaJfinlllon* Venice 125.0'0 128.0'0 152.'06 137Jl'O 137.0'0 B7.0'O 1~7'O'O r-----_+--i_;c;:.:h":am""p""a~Qn~e-· r.V'--!"e"'-'ni ••• ce'+-_-_+--:1~25~.~O'O~7:128.00 152.mO 137.0'0 137.'0'0 ~37.'00137 .'00 SI. Annes' Venice 125.0'0 128.'0'0 152.'0'0 137.''00 137.0'0 137.'00 137.'0'0 IrF'MA3~fi2--hD;-:o-:-u bLoI:"'e Cn:~v"'llli=-nll rf::; "'Cr:o~m'='D il~et~e,.,rH~an=-::d;;-1 e~s~et~f-'A~nd::'ov"-:e""r "---t;':V~Hn:7ic:-::e+--3--;:;-;--;18~" D:V;CD.t-;2~7~9 .0-'0 2BB.Cp_ 2126..'00 333,00 333.00 333.DQ 333.90_ Danbury VeJilice 319.0,0 28'0:'00 299.0'0 313.'0'0 337.00 337.00 ~~foo 337.0Q_ r---i-------------ir:r.~Hlliiri[tton· V~mice ~44nD 3-05)00 326,00 4'04.P'O ~61).00 365.0'0 365:'00 3650'0 r---i---iHC~h~am~l;iagn.e* \lenic8 ,344.00 ,305,;,00 326.'00 4'04.'00 365.0'0 365.00 f-3§5.'O'O 365.0'0 St. Anne.s· Venice 344.0'0 305.rO'O 326.0'0 4'04.'00. 365.'0'0 365.'00 365.00 365.'00 t::F'"'"A~3c9:-::3,---I---;D"-u-m-m-nv-,C-;::-o-m-nj)-:-le-:-te..,H-:-a-n..,,dr-es-et:-----hIFor FA393 oricina, add FA392 outside desian cricinc and FA394 inside d~e,O!si~a_ ~n.lf. r)r:;,lic~jn~""'""=_::+_~:-=,-1 FA3E:2 0 umm\l Outside Han~cfl!E!eS~etl.---~f..:-.";_--J.:.:---,-+...L!..! J77'---"''O>!..!='O+--,1~4~5 .~00H-..i.15~9~.'O~04--.!2~0~2.:!f.0*"O +-!1~83:0':b~0H_~1 8~3~.O=*'O+-1~l!.*3 .~'OO:<+~18!-;;3~.'O*"10 FA394 Dumm';t.Inside Handleset Andover Venice 5500 56.2'0 65.10 156.90 58,90 58.9058.9'0 uanourv Venic.e 63.1 0 64.40 74.60 6!6'O 6'7.60 67.'60 67.60 1---__ +--i~G~a~lIil.llnnl.\:to:;:,:,n!..*~V~e~ni~ce+---+_*'_8UO 1-?3.40 99.00 89.50 89,50 8950 '89.50 Chamo-aane' Venice BUD 83.4'0 99.0'0 89.5'0 8950 89.'50 89.5'0 r---+------------lHs~t.-"iA2n""'ne~s=-"· +.'v';"'e.:.::n1-"-'ce+----+-~8~1 ..;.:70~.....;'E~:3.4699.'00 89.50 89.5'0 89.50 89.50 • Specify door Notes:1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 556 hand when ordering Callington, Champagne, StAnnes, and Merano designs. FA358 outside of FA360 includes entrance handleset and Icylinder. FA359 inside of FA360 includes inside knob/lever, Inside escutcheon, deadbolt, thumbturn, latch, screws, and strikes. FA392 outside of FA393 includes entrance handleset and dummy cylinder. FA394 inside of IFA393includes inside knob/lever, inside escutcheon, and screws. When ordsrlnq inside Venice, Monaco. or florence linteriortrim, please specify inside escutcheon. IKeyedlocks are furnished KD,5-Pin C section unless otherwise indicated. Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 ~ @ • Complete Locks Wakefield Inside Trim, Call1ngton lever Inside Trim, Champagne Lever [J1~llll:i'o -n--r-~505---r6(i5 Inside Trim, St, Annes Lever Inside Trim, Andover Knob Inside Trim, Danbury Knob Finish 1613 619 620 1 625 Sino Ie C"1Iinder,ComJllete Handleset For FA360 oricirli. add FA35Boutside desiqn pricin(l and FA359 mstde desiiJn .ricill':l Sina Ie CVlinder, Outside Handle-":':' s~e·"t""-+'~c.:..::::"""'-=~..::,:;173,;;":'O,O,.,(O:.::.:;:..:;.14.,:;IO;:::. O"'O::-:':':::;1~ 55.""'[OO;A.'~19::.,:;7'"'.O ••• OO~~f7;;,r8h.od(O~;;17~B!J;.O;.;.(O~,O;;7a-,8. 0""CO+,""7""8-:<.00""10-l T":": '"P=-:;-rodur.F=-~u-nc-::ti-on-------::-::7"lcll FA360 F/\358 (SCHLAG~ 1/1':::-8"= 609 f'l-IF:.::A3~5 ••• 9 -rSi~iri[!LCitUlJ.rter,JQ2·",idil<..e .w;Ha •••. n""d""IIp.! s>ll<e ••• t _-I-!A~nl.\lld~ov~elr __ +-_. _-+-~8~4 ~00~~8~5.~70~~9~9,,!-.5~0 +-~9~O.~OO~~90~,O~04----,9~O~.0~0-+--,-,:9~O.~00~ 1-_-+ __+..•. D~aJJ.lnbo!.i!ul'.L-IV--~-----__+~84~.9""O(._j..~8IL~1.9LQ.R.--: ~O.90 90.QO _,JtO.90 90.~ 1-_-+ __+~IC~al~fin~not~.lo~n:....· __ _+---___I_tO.l;~~~ o,gg.. .l3J.:..0_~_~-g.0~-r_J19"'.P..9 119.00 119.00 t-_-+ --t-:lClLampaIjQ:.:::.e* _ _+_----+.;.:1 0~7:_:: ..u~OU_+_~1,~O"':!.0~O~1~3,:-:.:. O~0~~1~l9p.:.O~O+1~1~9~.O-::-O t---:1~19::_.~OO~+',~9~.O~0-l 'St. Annes' 107 ..00 110.00 131.00 119.00 119.00 119.00 '119.00 I'A362 DoubfecVi]ii"der. Complete Handleset Andover 282.00 247.00 265.00 326.00 295.00 295.00 295.00 295.00 t-_-+ --t..;;,<-rv-:--_H2*'83~.Oo.;;O:__+_:;,2'"'48.&Q~66g2- 31?.:..0.g_•.•.~.912.Q... f96 ~96 0_9-_~96..Qg... Callinoton' 308.00 272.00 292.00 361.00 :326.100 326.00 326.00 326.00 I--_-+ __+..!:;C~ha~m~lo~aaln~e'-* _~3~OB;t..:.0,:.:;04..;.2~72~.O~O~_:2~9?,.92_ 36\~~.+-926109_~-2(l:.Oo-~~:QQ... Jll9;.9.o 81. Annes' 308.00 272.00 292.00 361.00 ,326.100 326.00 326.00 326.00 FA393 IDumlll'>'.Gom!lle-teHandleset For PA39Snrlcin ~rirl FA39" ollt<:irle lesion Dricloo and IF-39410side des\O)ln[ Flcino FA392 IDum!Tll',Out§i.Q::-:e :.::Ha;;:.;n':""dl""'es":"et"-__ +:.-: -+-'1'-"6!::.:2.""00"-l-'1-';3;:.:2.~OO~-'jc..;.4'="6.~0o::-t-''"''8~5~.'O-::-0+-1''-';6''''7~.0*"0+--'1-767;,-:..0''''0~..:..:16; f'A394 Dumrne.Inside Handleset Andover .. 45.90 46.80 54:30 49.10 49.10 49.10 49.10 Danburv 52.60 53.70 62.30 56.40 56 40 56.40 56.40 ~--t------------I-:Calling==::t •... on--;*--+---+~6:e0:-'.:.9~0-t-~6~2"!;,7~0 ;-!7~4~2~0+-~6~7.~10H-~6~7~.1~O+-.:z67~.f!1 0~~16~7.'7.1~0 ChamCl~>]ne" 60.90 62.70 74.20 67.10 67.10 67.10 167.10 'St. Annes" 60.90 62.70 74.20 67.10 67.10 67.10 167.10 • Specify door hand when ordering Callington, Champagne, St Annes, and Merano designs. Notes' 1) IFA358outside of FA360 includes entrance handleset and cylinder. 2) IFA359inside ot IFA360includes inside knob/lever,linside escutcheon, deadbolt, thumbturn, latch, screws, and strikes. 3) IFA392outside of FA393 Includes entrance handleset and dummy cylinder. 4) 'FA394 inside of FA393 includes inside Iknob/lever, inside escutcheon, and screws. 5) When orcertno inside Venice, Monaco, or Florence interior trim, please specify inside escutcheon. 6) Keyed locks are furnished KD, 5-Pin C section unless otherwise Indicated. 557 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LOCKSMITH SUPPLIES Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 (SCHLAG§> ~ CALLINGTON (Handed) • Complete Locks CHAMPAGNE(Handed) ST. ANNES(Handed) Merano(Handed) CertHicalion: ANSI A156.2, 1996, Series 4000, Grade2. Available UL Listed for 3 hour fire door Latch: 1" x 2-1/4" square corner facepl~~ 7/8" hou~ng ~ame~~ 1~'throw with T ripie 0 ptlOn r ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ANDOVER Strike: 1-5/8" x 2-1/4" radius corner, full lip, no box, dual option. Backset: Dual backset latches, fits either 2-3/8" or 2-3/4' backsets, ICylinder: s-pln, C [keyway, keyed differ- ent. Door Range: PIN H10 FA3D ~ FA5' FA5 rAB1 FA170 Funcl[on r-assCK;le Keviess Pat! a 505 3'5-.30 rivac 605 1609 613 31,.20 34..30 34.20 34.90 3ti.60 56.40 56A0 ~0.1 0 ""4:3",.70 :.:l~.~U ~evea .ntrance leY'eo:l ntrance e~ed toreroom lnale Dummv 57.50 57.50 51.30 51.30 54..90 12.70 60.30 14."2D 619 36.30 36:3"0 39,50 45.20 40.90 """"65",4lJ 0S".20 '65.40 59.20 70.00 63.30 16.4'0 1"4"90 620 39.50 1625 36,30 39.50 626 36.30 3950 4D.90 40.90 40.90 5~.20 59:2"0 59.20 'EJrnJ 1-6'3.30 14,90 14.90 59.20 59,20 PIN IFunction 14.00 J 505 605 609 613 619 620 625 BA300DEADBOLTS 59.20 ~'i - ;2 per lock, 5-pin, C section 63.30 DANBURY -: , Keys: 626 BA360 Single Cylinder PIN Finish [BA360 505/605 iBA36D 605 BA36D 609 BA360 613 BA360 619 BA360 1620 BA360 1622 BA36D 1625 BA36D 626 BA36D 716 I-iFfit1ID~-=.:.:.t-=.-=."';'~P~;a:z.:::stsa~g~e;,,-,...,-.,....-_-_-J-~i4~41 ..~6U':.ti43~.~iO==-t-=,4~~~;7cg~.;;~.::<:"~-j-+~--;~~~·5~'5IT;...J....:;;.5Q;.:..~20;......+.....;,50~,2~._I-§O;I~,.2~0+--;;;';':'ii-I2D Double Cylinde'r F 30 Ke''iess Patio 48. 0 49,7 60,00 5.4",.~30~-;,54,;.;,":~~O;....· +-;,b4,;.:,·.3~0i---!-..;'.r,3~larl PIN Finish F l4D tJ\rlO 558 Pnvar.y 47.10 51.7 Sinale eurnmv zs.eo LL. )0 5!f.90 53.20 53.20 53.20 26.90 2~.3 24.30 24.30 1'3/8" thru 1-3/4" .20 '4.30 BA362 BA362 BA362 BA362 BA362 BA362 BA362 BA362 BA362 BA362 505/605 605 609 613 619 620 622 625 626 716 BA362 Price 60.40 53.90 59.30 68.80 62.20 62.20 62.20 62.20 62.20 62.20 Price 79.70 71.00 78.10 82,10 82.10 82.10 82.10 82,10 82.10 82.10 Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 ~CHLAG§J k [ v [ R I:. S T" KEY CONTROL EllcTJ!'si .•..PllteJJud Kc.,.YWd)FS hdl Sf-Ulmar:b{("t~((bl~ Cmr Evo.",(" Pdlell/ed KepiJayJ FuU SiL(' r...¥I;J~J~~ Everest" Patented KryrlJilJ," SrnaU '7 i'nt 7 /'i'l Introducing Everest, the new patented cylinder family trom Schlage. Whether you need convenient key duplication or restricted key control, Everest has a product to address your security issues, What sets 'Everest apart from the rest? Everest is a patent protected keying system Ithat provides you as much key control as you need, Direct replacement for original Schlage cylinders in alilocksets Specify keyway (C123, C145), finish (606, 626), KD or KA CYLINDER8 8C30-021 Mortise cVI., L cam, no collar 8C26-021 Mortise cvt., stralcht cam. Ina collar B series insert C\lL.lno tailpiece ~~~~2 8C21-002 NH knob fylinder 8C21-002-122 NH Orbit knob cvllnder 8C2H120 AL c~:linder D knob c/Hnder _8g2~-OD~ 8C23-013 D lever cylinder 8C23-030 Interchangeable core. full size 18CBO~037 lnterchaneeable core. small format 47.00 4B.00 47.00 47.00 47.00 47.00 47.00 47.00 48.00 52.00 FurrTIR.t fme,."/m1Jgr:nb/,, B~5t Kcyw".ys Small ('un: J:1 CdmlmiJII4'" ~{J-O UII.omhil1{1/f'd 80·036 F.cH'M! blUn:ilalllr:nb/.f Gm~ 6-Pm {jnr-iJ,./}bm4r~' 80 7-Ph, 80-033 U"rumIIlFUllt,J ()..j.j EveresFMkey control tor your existing Best"'7 pin interchangeable core systems, All the benefits of easy rekeying, with Schlage Everest key control. For those not wanting to change their keying systems, 'You can purchase Schlage products that accomodate the standard IBesfStyle interchangeable cores. in 6 or 7 pin, KEYBtANK8 §lf~Ji-Oo 9-&123 8C35-D O9-C145 8C35-D09·C124 8C35-009-&135 8C35-002-C10O SC35 -002-&15 0 8C35-003-C123 8C35-003-C145 SC35-003·C124 SC35-003-C135 8C35-OO3-C120 8C35-003-C150 8C35-0D3-C100 Kev Blank Kev Blank Key Blank Kev IBlank Key Blank Master OND Kev IBlank, Master OND rKev IBlank Control IKev Blan k, Control IKev Blank Control IKeI' Blank Control Key Blank. Control Master Section Key Blank. Control, Master Section K~Y Blank. Control, Master Section 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 '1.80 1.80 3.10 3.10 3.1D 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 IF Y!OUR NEIEOS ARE KEY CONTROL THIINK EVEIREST 559 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LOCKSMITH SUPP liES Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 {SCHlAG§7 • A SERIES HEAVY DUTY LOCKSETS A SERIES HEAVY DUTY ILOCKSETS Lock mechanlsrns are precision made of high strength steel, plated and dichromated for superior corrosion resistance and maintenance-free performance. Available in a wide variety IQf function and finishes; in many knob and lever designs. Ideal for quality residential and fight commercial buildings. lnal<aKnob _ SMp-oninoldeR no axposed screws -: MountintlSc: •.•••• Applications: Heavy duly residential, Iig'ht and medium commercial. Certification!:: ANSI A156.2-2003, Series 4000 Grade 2. (Formerly FF-H1DB Series 160) ULlisled tor 3 hour fire door (1/2" Throw latch functions). _ Mountlngl'lete _ TurnJ_ Button -c----------, proVides vunbl.elocldng status Exposed Trim: Wroughl brass, bronze or stainless steel. l.:evers are pressure cast zinc, plated to match finish symbols. Keying 6 Pin tumbler with two nickel silver keys per Jock. Stock locks are keyed 5-p in. Door Range: 1-3/8" to 1-7/8" Standard 2" to 2-1/2" regular parts assembled W order. Backsel: 2-3/8" Standard. 2-3/4" and 3-3/4" backset latches available S', T, 10" 18' or over, backset links available. 0.""",_ o..tsloM Knob for quitk f&~aying or cyr~nder repfZlcement ~=~~---------' ThrNded0vtMM R•••• adiusls for door lhi~nfI'" ~. ThrowSpringlaloh 1'0- threw optional PaacIIoc~lng I'tu ---' A10S Passage latch 80th kn nbs always unlocked F75-2 ~a~ MOS Balh/b ad room privacy lock Push :button Ilocking. Can be opened from outside with 'small $crewd rivers 0 r flat narrow tool. Turning inside knob or closing door releases button, F76-2 ~a~, A53PD IEnlrance lock Turn/push bunnn locking: IPushing and turning button locks outside knob requiring use of key until button is man ually unlocked. Push bullon Ilocking: Pushing buttor locks outside knob un il unlocked by key or by turning inside knob, FBH Classroom lock Outside knob locked and unlocked by ,key. Inside knob alwavs unlocked. FB4-2 A70P'[) 560 ·~C~· .~=~ Quantity Discounts Available. Call tor IQuote. Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 {SCH LAG§J I • A SERIES I~~ 6.- I LEVON-ORBIT ,.JT 3·3/32" 79mm .L 2-,9116" 65 mm ..J.. ENTRANCE-ORBIT Keyed One Side; Turn-Pushbutton on Other side. 20 per case. Code Finish Baekset SCA53PDL-04-605 2-3/4' Bricht Brass ~SCA.5~PDL-04-626 Satin Chromium Plated 2-3/4" SCA53PDL-OB-605 [Brioht Brass 2-3/8" SCA53PDL-08-626 Satin Chromium Plated '2-3/8" ~ Backset 2-3/4' 2~3/4· 2-3/8" 2-3/8" Price/Ea. 141.00 gpO 141.00 141.00 [Price/Ea. 229.00 229.00 229.00 229.1111 BATH/BEDROOM PRIVACY LOCK Pushbutton Locking. 20 per case. Code Finish SCA40LEV4-605 Brio,ht Brass SCA40SLE4-605/625 BrilJht Brass/ Bria[ht Chromium Plated SCA40SLlEV4-626 Satin Chromium Plated Brk.J[ht[Brass SCMoSLIEVB-605 SCMOSLEV8·626 Satin Chromium Plated Price/Ea. 65.00 65.00 Backsel 2=-31i 2-314" 2-3/4" 2-3/8' 2-3/8" Price/Ea_ 165.'O1l 165_00 165..J!L 165.110 165.011 .•.. [l[~ <, ~ LOCKSETS STOREROOM LOCK Keyed Side Always Locked; other Side Unlocked. Lever Inside Only, 20 per case. PricelEa. I I Backsel Code Hnlsh 229.Dll SCA80PDLEV8-626 N/8" Satin Chrornlum Plated 1-3-3!16"~ B1 mm 'SINGLE DUMMY TRIM [For One Side of Door. 20 per case. F,inish Code SCA1711LEV-605 Brinht Brass Satin Chromium Plated ~FllLEV-626 DUTY PASSAGE LATCH Both Levers Always unlocked. 20 per case. 'Code Finish SCA10SLEV4-605 BrilJht Brass Satin Chromium Plated SCA10SLEV4-626 SCA10SLEV6-605 . Briilht Brass Satin Chromium Plated SCA10SLEV6-626 !LEVON Symbol: LEV Material: Pressure cast zinc. Wrought brass or bronze rose. &. HEAVY T~T 2-9/16" 2-118" 65 mm GEORGIAN J.. Symbol: GEO t 2-5/16"i Material: Wrought brass. 59mm IPASSAGE LATCH Both Knobs Always Unlocked. 20 per case. Code Finish SCA10SGE04-605 Briuht Brass SCA10 SGE04-609 Satin Brass Blackened Bri~-ht Brass SCA10SGE08-605 SeAl0SGEOB-609 Satin Brass Blackened BATH/BEDROOM PRIVACY LOCK Pushbutton Locking. 20 per case. Code Finish SCA40SGE04"605 Bright Brass SCA40SGEIl4-,605/625 BrIght Brassl Brioht Chromium Plated SCA40SGE04-609 S~~!I!... Brass Blackened SCA40SGEIl4-609/625 Satin Brass Blackened/ Bright Chromium Plated SCA411SGE08-6115 Briuht Brass SCMOSGEOB-6115/625 Bright Brass/ Briaht Chromium Plate SCMOSGE08-609 Satin Brass Blackened SCA40SGEIl8-609/625 Bright Brass Blackened/ Satin Chromium Plated Backsel 2·3/4" 2-3/4" 2-3/8" 2-3/8" Backsel 2-3/4" 2-3/4" 54 mm ..L Price/Ea. 116.00 116.00 116.00 116.00 Price/Ea. 123_'00 123.00 2-3/4' 2-3/4" 123.00 123.00 2-3/8' 2-3/8" 123.00 123.110 2-3/S" 2-3/8" 123.00 123.00 ENTRANCE LOCK Keyed One Side; Turn-Pushbutton 'on Other Side. 20 per case. Code finish Backset SCA53PDGED4-605 2-3/4" Briuht Brass SCA53PDGE04-6119 Satin Brass Blackened 2-3/4' SCA53PDGE1l8-6115 2-3/8" BriQiht Brass SCA53PDGE08-609 Satin Brass [Blackened 2-3/8" CLASSROOM LOCK Keyed One 'Side; Inside Always Unlocks. 20 per case. Code Finish Bright Brass SCA70PDGEOB-605 SCA70PDGE08-6119 Salin Brass Blackened Backset 2-3/8" 2-3i8'~ Price/Ea. 204.00 204.'00 204.100 204.100 Price/Ea. 20~ 204.11o STOREROOM LOCK Keyed Side Always Locked; Other Side Unlocked. 20 per case. ICode Finish Backset 2-3/8" SCABOPDGE08-605 Brill hi Brass SCABOPDGE08-609 sann Brass BJackened 2·3/8" Price/Ea. 204_00 204.00 SINGLE DUMMY TRIM For One Side of Door. 20 per case. Code IFinish SCA170GEO-605 IBnoht Brass SCA170GEO-609 Satin Brass Blackened Price/Ea_ '54_00 54_00 561 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LOCKSMITH SUPPLIES Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 ~CHLAG§l • A SERIES HEAVY DUTY LOCKSETS \ , 'PLYMOUTH Symbol: PLY Material: Wrought brass, bronze or stainless steel, (i) 2-9/16" T~~ 2~1/8" '65 mm 54 mm J.. -~2~5!16"~ 59 mm PASSAGE LATCH Both Knobs Always Unlocked. 20 per case. Code Finish SCA1OSPLY4-605 Brioht Brass SCA1OSPLY4-612 Satin Bronze SCA10SPL Y4-626 Satin Chromium 'Plated SCA1IlSPL YB·605 Brraht Brass SCA10SPL YB·612 Satin Bronze SCA10SPLYB·626 Satin Chromium Plated Backsel 2-314' 2-3/4' 2·3/42-3/8" 2-3/S" 2-3/S' ,price/Ea. 95,00 95.00 B6.00 95.00 95.00 B6.00 Backset 2-'3/4' 2·314" 2-3/4" 2·314" 2-314" 2-3/8" 2-3/8' 2'}/S~ 2-3/S" 2-3/8" PricQ/Ea. 101.00 101.00 101.00 101. DO 92.'00 101.00 101.00 101.00 101.00 92.00 .~ --t; 3+-=r= 4:: J --f..~:1+- ,.c LH Leftlland RII IRightIIlIlIlI :b LRB Leftlland ReverseBavel • ~ RRB Right HlIlld Reverse BaYal BATH/BEDROOM PRIVACY LOCK Pushbutton lLocking. 20 Code SCA40SPLY 4-605 SCA40SPL Y4·605/625 SCA40SPLY4·612 SCA40SPL YH12/625 SCA40SPLY4·626 SCA40SPL YB-605 SCA40SPL YB-605/625 SCA40SPL YB-612 'SCA40SPLY8·612/625 SCA40SPL YB-626 per 'case. Finish Briaht Brass Briaht Brass/Chrome Satin Bronze Satin Bronze/Chrome Satin Chromium P,lated Briaht Brass Brioht Brass/Chrome Satin Bronze Satin Bronze/Chrome Satin Chromium Plated ENTRANCE LOCK Keyed One Side; Turn-Pushbutton an Other Side. 20 per case. Code Finish Backsel SCA53PDPL Y4-605 IBright Brass 2-3/4" SCA53PDPLYH12 'Satin Bronze 2-3/4' SCA53PDPLY4·626 Satrn Chromium Plated 2·3/4' SCA53PtDPLYB-605 Brioht Brass 2-3/S" SCA53P.DPLYB·612 Satin Bronze 2-3/8" SCA53P,OPLYB-626 Satin Chromium Plated 2-3/8' Price/Ea. 173.00 173.00 164.00 173.00 173.00 164.00 CLASSROOM LOCK Keyed One Side; Always IUnlocked Ion the other Side. 20 per case. '"Code Finish Backset SCA70PDPLY8·605 Br'~Jht Brass 2-3/8° SCA70PDPLYB·612 Satin Bronze 2-3/8" SCA70POPL YB-626 Satin Chromium Plated 2·3/8" Door Preparation 2.31tr' 1- ,GOmm p-: I :J;y~E9 <, 57 mm \( _ I t : '-- 7!8" dia. 22mm : 1I ./ ~ 2·1f8" 54mm 562 J rri.~e~a.:..... 173.00 173.110 164.00 STOREROOM LOCK Keyed Side Always Lacked; Other Side Unlocked 20 per case. Code Filiish Backsel SCA80PDPLYB-605 BriJlht Brass 2-3/8" SCABOPDPLYB-612 Satin 18 ronze 2-3/8' SCA80PDPLYB·626 Satin Chromium Plated 2-3/8" Price/Ea. 173.'00 173.'00 164.00 SINGLE DUMMY TRIM For One Side of Door. 20 per case. Code Finish SCA170PL Y-605 BrlOht Brass SCA170PL Y-612 Satin Bronze 'SCA170PlY -626 Satin Chromium IPlated Quantity Discounts Available. Call for Quote. Price/Ea. 51.00 '51.'00 46.00 Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 (SCHLAG§! • A SERIES HEAVY DUTY lOCKSETS ORBIT 'Symobol: ORB Material: Wrought brass or bronze. Tte~ 2-9/16" ENTRANCE WCK Keyed One Side; Turn-Pushbutton Ion Other Side. 20 per case. Finish Backset Price/Ea. Code 2-3/4" 164.00 SCA53PD 0 ~.B3:60~ ~@tBr~g; 2-3/4" SCA53PDORB4-609 Satin IBrass IBlackened 164.00 164.100 2-3/4" SCA53PDORB4-613 Oil Rubbed Bronze SCA53PDORB4-625 sncht Chromium Plated 2-3/4" 164.00 2-3/4" 155.'00 ~.f!l_?3PD.ORB4-626 _ I- S~ti..nChromium Plated 2,3/8" SCA53PDORBB-605 164.00 Bncht Brass 2-3/8" 164.00 SCA53PDORBB·609 Satin Brass Blackened SCA53PDORB8-613 2-3/8" 164.00 Oil Rubbed Bronze 2-3/8" ,.!S.C_A~3.P~~~~.~.:!i?§_ I--~ri(lht Chromium Plated ._,-:.- ~_J.6~,-0.0 _ SCA53PDORB8-626 2-3/8" Satin Chromium Plated 155.00 2-1/8" 65 mm 54 mm ..L. ••••• I- 2-7/8"-1 73 mm PASSAGE LATCH Both Knobs Always Unlocked. 20 per case. Code Finish SCA10S0RB4·605 Briaht Brass Sati n Brass Blacken ed S_CA1DSO~~4·609 SCA10S0R84-613 Oil Rubbed Bronze SCA10S0RB4-625 Brioht Chromium Plated SCA1OSORB4-626 Satin Chromium Plated Briaht Brass "-SCM OSOR88-605 SCA10S0R88-609 Satin IBrq,ssBlackened SCA10S0RB8-613 all Rubbed Bronze SCA1OSORB8·625 Brloht Chromium Plated SCA1OSORB8-626 Satin Chromium Plated ---•.•....--..- Backset 2-3/4' 2-3/4' 2-3/4' 2-3/4' 2-3/4" 2-3/8' 2.'3/8" 2-3/8" 2-3/8" 2-3/8" Price/Ea. 95.00 95.00 95.00 95.00 86.00 95.00 95.00 95.00 95.00 86.00 Backset 2-3/4" 2-3/4" Price/ea. 101.00 101.00 2·3/4" 2-3/4" ~01.O0 101.00 2-3/4" 2-3/4" 101.00 101.00 2-3/4" 2·3/4" 2-3/8" 2·3/8" 101.00 92.00 101.00 101.00 2·3/8" 2-3/8" 101.00 101.00 2·3/6" 23/8" 101.00 101.00 2·3/8" ?-3/8" 101.00 92.00 CLASSROOM IKeyed One Side; Always Unlocked on the Other 20 per case. Code Finish Backsel SCA70PDORBB·605 Brioht Brass 2-3/8" SCA70PDORB8-609 Satin Brass Blackened 2-3/8" Oil <RubbedBronze SCA70PDORB8-613 2-3/8' SCA70PDORB8-625 Briuht Chromium Plated 2-3/8' SCA70PDORBB-626 Satin Chromium Plated 2-3/8" BATH/BEDROOM PRIVACY LOCK Pushbutton Locking. 20 per ,case. Code Finish Britlht SCA40S(l RB4-605 SCMOSORB4-605/625 Bright Brassl Bri(lht Chromium Plated Satin Brass Blackened ~40S0RB4:609 SCMOSORB4-609/625 Satin Brass [Blackenedl BriQht Chromium P,lated SCA40S0RB4-613 Oil Rubbed Bronze SCA40S0RB4-613/625 Oil Rubbed Bronze/ Brioht Chromium Plated SCA40S0HB4-625 srant Chromium Plated SCA40S0RB4-626 Satin Chromium Plated SCMOSORBB-605 IBriaht Brass SCMOSORBB-605/625 Bright Brass/ IBright Chromium Plated SCA40S0RBB-609 Satin Brass Blackened SCA40S0 RB8-609/625 Sati n Brass Blackend/ Bri;Jht Chromium Plated SCA40S0RBB-613 Oil Rubbed Bronze SCA40SDRBB·613/625 Oil Rubbed Bronze! Bricht rChromium Plated SCA40S0RBB-625 Bricht Chromium Plated SCA40S0RBB-626 Satin Chromium IPlated Price/Ea. 164.00 164.00 164.00 164.00 155.00 STOREROOM !LOCK Keyed Side Always Locked; Other Sided Unlocked. 20 per case. Code IFinish Baeksel SCABOPDORBB-605 Bright Brass 2-3/8" SCABOPDORB8-609 Satin Brass Blackened 2-3/8" SCABOPOORB8-613 2-3/8" Oil Rubbed Bronze SCA80PFORBB-625 Bright Chromium Plated 2-3/8" SCA80POORB8-626 Satin Chromium Plated 23/8" ~-,- Price/Ea. 173.00 173.00 173.00 173,00 164.00 SINGLE DUMMY TRIM For One Side of Door. 20 per case. Code Finish SCA1700RB-605 Bri,Qht Brass SCA1700RB·609 Satin Brass Blackened SCA1700RB-613 Oi!JR..':!P.~ed Bronz~ SCA1700RB-625 Bright Chromium Plated SCA1700RB-626 Satin Chromium Plated Price/Ea. 51.00 51.00 51.00 51.00 46.00 563 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LOCKSMITH SUPPLIES Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 {SCH LAG §J • A SERIES LOCKSETS [ENTRANCE LOCK TULIP Symbol: rUL Material: Wrought brass, bronze or stainless steel Tt-I.,.- 2" 2~9/161t 65mm. 51mm .L •.•... IKeyed One Side-, Turn-Pushbutton on Other Side 20 per case Finish Backsel Code SCA53PDTUL4-6115 Brioht Brass 2-3/4' 2-3/4" SCA53 POTUL4-612 Satin Bronze 2-3/4" SCA53PDTUtB-626 Satin Chromium Plated 2-3/8' SCA53PDTULB-605 Bright Brass 2-3/8" SCA53PDTULB-612 Sati n Bronze 2-3/8" SCA53PDTULB-626 Satin Chromium Plated PrICe/Ea. ?~.~:~O_ 204.1I0 204.1I0 2114.00 2114·911_ 2114.01l ~ ,2-5/8ui PASSAGE LATCH Both Knobs Always Unlocked 20 per case Code Finish SCA10STUL4-612 Satin Bronze 1----'--'-----'" -SCA10STUL4-605 Brioht Brass SCA10STUL4-626 Satin Chromium Plated SCA10STUlB-605 Briaht Brass SCA1 OSTUlB-612 Satin Bronze SAC10STULB-626 Satin Chromium Plated CLASSROOM LOCK 67mm Backsel ,2-3/4' 2-3/4" 2-3/4" 2-3/S' 2-3/8' 2-3/8" Price/Ea. 116.00 116.00 '116.00 116_00 116. DO J16. DO BATH/BEDROOOM !PRIVACY LOCK Pushbutton 1L0cking. 20 Code SCA40STUL4-605 SCA40STUl4-605/625 per lease. Finish Brig ht Brass Brig ht Brass/ Bright Chromium Plated SCA40STUL4-612 Satin Bronze SCA40STUL4-612/625 Satin Bra nzel Briaht Chromium Plated SCA40STUL4-626 Satin Chromium P,lated SCA40STUL8-605 Bright Brass SCA40STUL8-605 Bright Brassl Briaht Chromium P,lated SCA40STUL8-612 Satin Bronze SCA40STULB-612/625 Satin Bronzel Briaht Chromium Plated SCA40STULB-626 Satin Chromium Plated Backsel 2-3/4" 2-3/4' 2-3/4' 2-3/4' 123_01l 123.1I11 2-3/4" 2-3/S" 2-3/4" 123,1I0 123.1I0 123_00 2-3/8" 2-3/4" 123_00 123.1I11 2-3/8" ~23_00 MULTIPLE TAILPIECE REPLACEMENT CYUNDER Reduce Cylinder Inventory Multiple tailpiece cyllnders allow high inventory {Iexibility with low investment. Included with each cylinder are tailpieces to suit these locks: • A-Series (all designs) • AL -Series • a-Series Knobs • o-Seri es Levers • H-Series Knobs (all designs) • NO-Series Levers Cylinders are furnished O-bitted. Conventional cyltnders are furnished with two 1(2)Iblank keys. 564 Price/Ea. 123.00 123.01l SC40-100 4700 Specify Keywav Keyed One Side' Always Un locked on the Other 20 per case Code Finish Backsel 2-3/S" SCA711PDTULB-6115 Brtaht Brass 2-3/S' SCA711PDTULB-612 Satin Bronze SCA7DPDTULB-626 2-3/S' Satin Chromium [Plated PriceJEa. 204.1I0 204.00 204.1I0 STOREROOM LOCK Keyed Side Always Locked: Other Side Unlocked 20 per case Finish Backsel Code 2-3/S" SCA80PDTUl'8-605 Sriaht Brass 2-3/8" SCA80PDTUl8-612 Satin IBronze 2-3/8" SCAB0 PDTUl8-626 Satin Chromium Plated Price/Ea. 21l_tDlI_ 2D4.1I11 204.'llO SINGLE DUMMY TRIM For One Side of Door 20 per case Code SCA17l1TU'l-612 SCA1711TU.t-626 ,sAC17l1TUL-605 Finish Price/Ea. 54_liD Satin Bronze 54. liD Satin Chromium Plated 54.1I0 snont Brass Classic IConventional (1) !Pre-assembled cylinder a-bitted, less tailpiece (1) A301-33S tailpiece, A & H-Series Orbit (1) A700-031 tailpiece, A, AL, H-Series (except Orbit) (1) C603-524 tailpiece, O-Series Levers (1) C604-243 tailpiece, O-Series Knobs (1) N523-023 tailpiece, NO-Series Levers (silver) (2) C503-115 cap pin springs (2) C503-116 cap pins 2 35-101 ke blanks Everes!®Conventionat All 'C' Family (1) Pre-assembled cylinder a-bitted, less tailpiece (1) A301-33S tailpiece, A & IH-Series Orbit P) A700-031 tailpiece, A, AL, H-Series (except Orbit) (1) C603-524 tailpiece,IO-Series Knobs (~) C604·243 tailpiece, ID-Series Levers (t) N523-022 tailpiece, NO-Series Levers (black) (2) C503·115 cap pin springs (2) C503-116 cap pins (2) 35-009 key blanks Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 ~CHLAG~ '. A SERIES LOCKSETS A SERIES 'lATCHES AND STRIKE Square Corner Latches "A" Series latches are adjustable for flat or beveled edge doors. Latches and strike are furnished In brass, bronze or chrome finishes compatiable with lock trim. Faceplates and strikes are packaged with a removable covering to protect finishes before installation. When ordering, specify quantity, part number, finish and strike lip length. Standard 'Iatches and strikes are shown in bolt type. Drive-In ~ CO ~~ e Springlatch Latches Springlatch Deadlatch ~ Deadlatch SPRINGLATCH Code SC11·005-612 SC11-005-626 SC11-06B·605 SC11-06B·626 Deserjntlon l' x 2-114" Square l' x 2-1/4" Square 1" x 2-1/4" Square f' x 2-1(4" Square Corner Gomer Corner Corner Hnlsh Salin Bronze Plated Satin Chromium Plated Bn.Qht Brass Satin Chromium Plated Throw 3/8" 3/8" 1/2" 1(2" Backsel 2-3/8' 2-3(8' 2-3(8" 2-3/8" HSG. 'ora. 718" 7/8" 7/8" 7/8" t--S~C~1-:-1--7'O~69;-·6~oc:-5-1-_r x 2'1(4" Round Corner SC11-1I69'1I26 1" x 2-1(4" Round 'Corner Brioht Brass Satin Chromium Plated 1(2" 1/2" 2-3/8" 2-3/8" 7/8" 7/8" t--S_C;,.;;1..;..1·...;.1...,1 0•... ·6_0 •5-+---,-1'-,",la:;..r •. ..:;.D;.;.riv",e...;.·1 n;.:..;..;..No::.;.n:....;·U:..;;L;........-+.....:;.;Bri-"'iQ "'" Iht""B;;,;.ra=.:,ss SC11-110·626 1" Circular Drive-In Non·UL Satin Chromium Plated SC11-111·605 r x 2·1 f4' Square Corner Briaht Brass SC11·111-626 1" x 2·1/4" Square Corner Satin Chromium [Plated SC11-112'605 1" x 2·114" Round Corner Bri<Jht Brass I- SC1l-1l2-626 1" x 2-1/4" Round Corner Satin Chromium [Plated SC1H13-605 1" Circular Dnve-ln Non·UL Bright Brass SC11-116-605 1·1IS" x 2-1/4" Bright Brass J---:S=C:-7l-=-1--:-117:6:-'·6::2-=-6 -1-......;...1·...:;1/~8'...:;' x:"':2:--, .1-:-':14-:-"-:: SIl. ~u-a-re~c~o-rn-e-r -+-s=-"aflnChro m Ium Plated SC1H18·605 SCl1-1l8·626 Price/Ea. 12,80 12,80 36.40 36.40 36.40 36.40 1--...:;1/"'2_·' _-+-....;2;.,-3;:;;,/.;:;.8·_-+-....;1_" __ -+.......;3;;;,6'-".4..:;.0--1 1/2" 2·3/8" 1" 36.40 1/2" 2-3(4'· 7/8" 36.40 1/2'· 2·3/4" 7/8" 36.40 ~/2" 2·3/4·' 7(8" 36.40 1/2" 2·3/4" 7(8" 36.40 1i2" 2·3/4' r 36.40 U:...2'_-+_2-.~L4" I" 3~O_ 1(2' 2-314"- -11-'1-" ---+--36,40 1·1/8" x 2-1/4" Square corner H/8' x 2·1/4" Square Corner Bright Brass Satin Chromium Plated 1/2" 1/2" 3~314" 3-3(4" 1" 1" Description 1" x 2-1/4" Square Corner 1" x 2-1/4" Square ICorner 1" x 2-1/4" Square Corner 1" x 2 1/4" Round Corner 1" x 2·1/4" Round Corner ~"x 2-1/4" SQuare Corner 1" x 2·1/4" Square Corner 1" x 2·1(4" RoundGorner 1" x 2·114" Round Corner 1-1/8" x 2-1(4" Square Corner 1·1 (8" x 2-114" Square Corner 1-1IS' x 2-1/4" Square Comer 1·1/8" x 2-1(4" SQuare Corner H/8" x 2·1/4" Square Corner 1" Circular Drive-in Non-UL 1" Circular Drive-in Non-UL 1" <Circular Drive' in INooJUL 1" 'Circular Drive'ln [NonJUL Finish Bright ~rass Oil Rubbed Bronze Satin Chromium Plated Bright Brass Sati n Chromium Plated Briah t Brass Satin 'Chormium Plated Br@.t.!Brass sann cnrcmium Plated BrighliBrass Brioht Brass, Blackened saun Chromium Plated IBri~ht Brass Satin Chromium Plated IBriaht 8 rass Satin Chromium Plated Bril:)!ht.8rass lhrow Backsel 2·3/8" 2-3/8" 2~3/8' 2-3/8" 2-3(6" 2·3/4' :2-3/4' ;2-3/4" HSG. Dia. 7/8" 7(8" 7/8" 7/8" 7/8' 7/8' 7/8' 7/8" 2-3(4' 2,3(4" 7(8" 2·314" 2-3/4" 3-3/4" 3·:3/4" 2-3/8" 2-3/8" 2·3/4' l' l' 39.10 39.10 DEAD LATCH Code SC11-085-605 SCll-0B5·6l3 SC11-085·626 SC11-088·605 SC11·0BB·626 2C1.1.:09l :60~ SCll·091-626 SC11·092-605 SC11·092-626 SC11-096-'605 SC11-096-6l0 SC11-096-626 SC1l-10H05 SC11-103·626 scn-i iJ4-605 SC1l-104·626 SC11·105-605 SC1l·l05-626 Satin Chromium Plated 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2 1/2' 1/2" 1/2" 1/2' 1(2" 1(2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2' 1/2" 1/2" 112' "1/2" i"'3/4' 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" Price/Ea. 3li.40 36.40 36.40 36.40 36.40 36.40 36.40 36.4L 36.40 36.40 36.40 36.40 39,10 39.10 36.40 36.40 36.40 36.40 565 Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 tsCHLAG§7 AL SERIES STANDARD DUTY COMMERCIAL LOCKSETS For standard duty, commercial exterior and interior doors for medical, office, hotel/motel, public buildings, religious, multi-family, facilities. Also for heavy duty residential. n""",,,? \';,w The AL-Series keyed Jever Jock utilizes the Schlage original ASeries cylindrical chassis with stylish lever designs 'Supported by heavy duty spring cages. This design provides strength and performance in the more abusive commercial Grade 2 applications. The AL -Series is available in a wide Ivariety of 1ceyedand non-keyed functions and in the most popular finishes. The ALSeries also features lever designs that ere compatible with the complete family of Schlage ADA compliant commercial grade Jevers. retaiJ/storefront and government TI~~tho-D<lL)h·b~I(jlw;l ~\oI:S.'ld"'<IlkilrpC!j:ln.cia-ll A.l.~!:,u~1o!l.'\b~ " I'~~~ r·lf/.J,I' .f.' .•..,]~iri:! ~n~ ,l~," l"tK,",,"-S(lhc:l """'~ p~~~r'Ilbltr 1C=~""o:l""'~ WntJ nl~~~1 ~•••1l-' ke-~ -_ ---S-\a[Rluf!~I .•• (l· 1TI'~fld-d:,J\!Iipolldl-eU""'JlI.tI~OO-ilE'ld Certilications: ANSI A 156.2-2003, Series 4000 Grade 2. UL listed for all functions up to 3·hour doors. Exposed Trim: Wrought brass and bronze. Levers are pressure cast zinc, plated to match finish symbols. Keying: 16 pin tumbler with two nickel silver keys per lock. Stock locks are Ikeyed,5 pin. Other keying options available from factory include rnasterkevlnu, grandmasterkeying, construction keying and interchangeable core. Door Range: 1-3/8' to 1-7/B" standard. Backsel: 2-3/4' standard. 2-3/8" and 3-3/4" backset latches available. 5" backset links are also available. ltl'C~llli'l·'1 F:1rrr.h ,ll~ ,i.,N'=;:l ,\ 1 '=.1>". ~'HI:)... ~,~ ,~"~,,,,~ '"",,J,", soonoo T"'r ''''''''''fi.,.l...olt'''r;'li ~ r"~'"nHI"'i""""~I"n~1 l ;•.• ~'I-"" .i.•.•~jo.",r~Cinn~!1J JI""~d~I1~I'~ pir,\:;Ilf1 f'L.'[I.hrl. ~~~id" •• ,[(~!l'loto:-<Io..-l,"'t: ~rmrilid"'1.,,,n ft'l :.JJ.,-.d :n~",';' .,...'''''- t"'--"~~(.~IL"- I<.i'!.,rl I~,,~~ t, Itt k->.;hd f"'<-'1.(IVIII~IJ\<'h Io-i.-~l'~"'1 f1ll1: 1dt .•oed 'I"'" J>""'-"'''~ C'I1IJ n ••l...J,,lnJ IH3L"!-.,Li<".i ,l-,r·!'J,I"'..l h\~1,~wJ h_-io~ 1,'Ci<.t:'t p:, "•..h',,~ <.-+u ..~, M the .J~OJ .,,~t !.-Jvr .IIJ'"!' I':t)um'~ ~I w:' \\"r~ "f""C'"Il.. ,"t.>p<'<l 'h'k:-J. 1':I"IoIFh.I.,h~'lr; ~,,<l I"~I '''' ·IN ~i'';'i lj;r,"~ ,hdl'l'-r<"'"'u. -r"J...,........."'nrJ~ {,'r n<.", }i,;v;.r i-..),ll.,.,.. n1'<;"tl1 Joo, [1,[(\<." I ~'I,cN 1u•..•;.:-')"1" .(I~'~h< l.1~ ~~II1<'~ ..m,:: 11l~ro;'~Id ,.~,,,-,•• ~"j r •••"uIJ ,I''''i ~.I~'~ ~.r"""l"r n- I'~' :0.' I'''''' ''''''>''''1'1' '~f"''>r .11.."" '1"-"~lBJ r:-;J_" ....tiQ.'Im<'~~ ~ ..Jl",AL-S,,".H:~ 1111 1""- 1J11~n"~ ,hl..,~.;j-:'N, '''',,''''' .,'", "" .• P!" ,"",bk,~I,",k.,'" ""W ••lver"'~ "" """," l·~k lift ·\,.jUlo':C '(I .I', :::..:H:.p;.:~ I:t:)-••.-!.~.~ T4-1/4" 108 mm T 1 3-7/16" 87mm .L 1~2-1/2.~ 64mm 566 ".~"'·."h s,,"", 1'1'"'' ,ml '""I"c,"' K.-;" [),"'I"'JI""-"'l-I.k ",,~l'I..J<: lto~t &" q"'.,;~kJ..'l""~ ~id (-.u," J:,~",<~~ PIN function SCAl10SSAT-605 Passaae SCAli OSSAT-626 Passaee SCAl4 OSSA T-61l5 Pnvacv SCAl40SSAT -626 Privacv SCAl40SSAT-605{625 Bath SCAl53POSAT-605 Entrance SCAL53POSAT-625 Entrance SCAL53POSAT ,----,--626 ~ntrance SCAL70 POSAT -605 Classroom SCAl 70 POSAT -626 Classroom SCAL80POSAT -605 Storeroom SCALa OPOSAT -626 Storeroom SCAL170SAT-605 Sinale IDummv SGAL170SAT-626 Sin_gle Dummv """~ J"'''"mr~~' ,!,n,,,, <"",,", :,k "'"'P""' """~ I~,d, ••.~"h. C,,, H<", J~~".rnKr"'I', "t'k<'~ SATURN "OOlJ <";f::l.u. 'Y'" ~"n,.I: I """I (0' \.'."'''''n. k .• ,. ,('I':". ]"'J,'nll~..."J.l'm·l"",, Finish Polished Brass Satin Chromium Polished Brass Satin Chromium Brass/Chrome Puhshed Brass Polished Chrome Satin Chromium polished Brass Satin Chromium Pollshed Brass Satm Chromium Polished Brass Satin Chromium .11"". ~,,"<"'n., onJ '" 't11.tfl,·lun..:r~h:f Price 193.00 181.0!l 217.00 205.00 217.00 276.00 276.00 264.00 276.00 264.00 276.00 264. DO 109.00 103.00 <y"ju'Od--r i.~ ,",,",," ••~ ,,, ••••.J T~I,I•.•.~m",,1l ~v;irld~t':!-i..~"I~"bk Door Preparation Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 NEPTUNE ~CHLAGijl PIN T 4-1W 108 mm T 1 3-7/16" B7mm ..L ~ 2-1/2ui 64mm SCAll0SNEP-605 SCAl1OSNEP-625 SCAl1OSNEP-626 SCAl40SNEP-605 :SCAl40SNEP-625 'SCAl40SNEP-626 'SCAL40SNEP-605/625 SCAl53PDNEP-605 SCAl53P DNEP-625 SCAl53PDNEP-626 SCAl70~P-605 SCAl70PDNEP-625 SCAl70PDNEP-626 SCAlBOPDNEP-605 SCAlBOPDNEP-625 SCALBOPDNEP-626 SCAl'17oNEP-605 SCAl'17oNEP-625 SCAl170NEP-626 SCAllOSJUP-605 SCAl10SJUP-606 Funclion Passa:1e Passace 1.~Al10S~UP-625 Passaae SCAL1OSJUP-626 SCAL40SJ UP-6 05 SCAl40SJUP-606 SCAL40SJUP-625 SCAL40SJUP-626 SCAL40SJUP-605/625 'SCAl53PDJUP-605 SCAl53PDJUP-6D6 'SCAl53PDJUP-625 SCAL53PDJUP-626 SCAl70PDJUP-605 SCAl 70PDJ UP-6 06 SCAl70PDJUP-625 SCAl70PDJUP-626 SCAl80PDJUP-605 SCAl80PDJUP-'606 SCAlBOPDJUp·625 SCAlBOPDJUp·626 SCAl170JUP-605 SCAl170JUp·606 SCAl170JUP-625 SCAl170JUP-626 Passa'')e PIN JUPITER T4-1/4" T 3-7/16" 87mm 108mm 1 J... ~2-1/2~" 641mm Function Passaqe Passaqe Passage Privacy Privacy Privacy IBath Entrance Entrance lEntrance Classroom Classroom Classroom Storeroom Storeroom Storeroom Smgle Dummy smole Dummv Sino Ie Dummv Privacv Prlvacv Privacv Privacy Bath Entrance Entrance Entrance Entrance Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Storeroom Storeroom Storeroom Storeroom SirlOle Dummv Sinole Dummv Sine Ie numrne Sinnle Dummy Fiiiish Polished Brass Polished Chrome Satin Ghromium PDIishe d 8 rass Polished Chrome Satin Chromium Brass/Gh ro me Polished Brass Polished Chrome Salin Chromium Polished Brass Po lish ed Cn ro me Satin Chromium Polished Brass ~~ed Chrome Satin Chromium Pol ishe d 18rass Polsihed Chrome Satin Chromium Finish Polished Brass Satin Brass Polished Chrome Satin Chromium Polished Brass Satin Bra~s~ Polished Chrome Satin Chromium Brass/Ch ro me Polished Brass Satin Brass Polished Chrome Satin Chromium Polished Brass Satin Brass Polished Chrome Sati n en ro me Polished Brass Satin IBrass Polished Chrome Satin Chromium Polished IBrass Satin Brass Polished Chrome Satin Chromium Price 193. DO 193.00 lB1.00 217.00 217.00 205.00 217.00 276.00 276.00 ,264.00 276.00 276.00 264_00 276. DO 276.00 264.00 109.00 109.00 103. DO P,rice 193.00 193.00 193.00 181.00 217.00 2)L.QL 217.00 205.00 217.00 g]6.:.00_ 276.00 ,276.00 264.00 '2{J.:.OQ_ 276.00 276.00 264.00 .276.:.00_ 276.00 276.00 264.00 109.00_ 109.00 109.00 103.00 567 ENCYCLOPEDIIA OF LOCKSMITH SUPPLIIES Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 {SCHLAG§J • D SERIES EXTRA HEAVY DUTY COMMERCIAL LOGKSETS D SERIES EXTRA IHEAVY DUTY COMMERIGAL LOGKSETS Top-ot-ths-ltne in heavy duty commericallocking applications. Specified when the [highest Iquality lock mechanisms are required. Precision manufactured to high tolerances and exacting specifications. D Series is best suited tor commercial. institutional and industrial instaiiations. n Series D53PD In_Knob 910 Levers _ -- I Plirt CytIndior __ OotakIoKmb IrOf quid: l1:koyiOij rX cylind.f '~e.cooleM ~ 0utUcie ROM adjultJIrcxdoorth~ ....,~_U1..._ rDoller bNriro& coil comlX"8Mioo aprir.g. f[HJmoot"k~-Ktion ·lIoadl.dd"llP!ungor ---' Applications: Extra heavy duty commerical, residential, institutional and government buildings. (Knobs are not ADA approved) Certifications: ANSI AI56.2-2D03, Series 4000, Grade 1. (FF-:I+106C Series 161.) UL Listed for 3-hour fire door. Cylindrical Housing: Heavygaugecold rolled steel mechantsmsarecorrosslon for normal atmosphere conditions. treated Keying: 6 Pm tumbler with two nickel silver keys per lock. Stock locks are keyed 5 pin. Door Range: 1-3/8' to Z' [standard. 2" to 2-1/2" regular parts assembled to order Backsel: 2-3/4" standard 2-3/8" and ,3-3/4" backset latches available. ,5" links available. 568 Handing: All D-Series lever locksets are non-handed. Door Thickness: 1-5/S' to 2-1/8" (41mm-54mm) standard including Vandlgard19 functions. B acksel: 2-3/4" (70mm) standard. 2-3/8', 3-3/4" and 5" (60mm. 95mm. ~27 mm) optional. faceplate: Brass, bronze or stainless steel. H/8" x 2·1/4" (29 mm x 57mm) square corner, beveled. Lock Chassis: Zinc plated lor corrosion resistance. Lateh IBolt: Steel. 1/2' (12mm) throw, deadlocking on keyed and exterior functions. 3/4" (19mm) throw anti-friction latch available for pairs of fire doors. [Exposed Trim: [Levers: Pressure cast zinc, plated to match finish symbols. Roses: Solid brass. Strike: ANSI curved lip strike 1-1/4" x 4-7/8" X 1-3/16" [lip to center standard. Optional strikes, lip [lengths and ANSI 'strike box available. Cylinder & Keys; 6-pin Everest C123 keyway standard with two patented nickel silver keys per lock. Keying Options: Interchangeable core and Primus® high security cylinders. Master keying, grand master keying and construction keying. Warranty: Seven-year limited ror all functions including 'Vandlgard® ANSI Meets or exceeds AI56.2-2003, Series 4000, Grade 1 strength and operational requirements. Meets A117.1 Accessibility Code. IFederal [Meets FF-H-I06C Series 161. 'California Siale Reference Code i(Formerly Tide 19, iCalifornia State Fire Marshal Standard) All levers with returns comply; levers return to within 1/2" of door face. Quantity Discounts Available. Call for Quote. Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 {S HLAG§l • D SERIES EXTRA HEAVY DUTY COMMERCIAL TULIP ( ORBIT Symbol: TUL Material: Wroug ht brass, bronze or stainless steel. ( (j) Symbol: ORB Material; Wrought brass, bronze or stailnless steei. ~~'" Z-9111t-lIlIr ~~ I---f 2-Htl6 U PASSAGE LATCH PASSAGE LATCH Both Sides Always Unlocked, 10 per case, Finish C'Jde SCD1 DSTUl4-605 Brloht Brass SCD10STUl4-612 Satin Bronze Plated SCD10STUl4-626 Satin Chromium Plated Both Sides Always Unlocked, 10 per case, Code Finish SCD10S0RB4-605 Bricht Brass SCD10S0RB4·626 Satin Chromium Plated Backset 2-3/4" 2-3/4' 2-3/4" Price/Ea. 331_00 331_00 331.00 BATH/BEDROOM PRIVACY LOCK Pushbutton Locklnq. 10 per case, Code Finish SCD40STUl4-605 Brioht Brass SCD40STUl4-605/625 Bright Brassl Brio ht Chrorniu m Plated SCD40STUl4-612 Sa~~ Bronze Plated SC D40STU l4-612/625 Satin Bronzel Bright Chromium SCD40STUl4·626 'Satin Chromium Plated Backset 2-3/4" 2-3/4' P~i,~~lE~ 403_00 403.00 p,rice/Ea. 322.00 305.00 Backset 2-3/4" 2-3/4' Price/Ea_ 394.00 394. DO BATH/BEDROOM PRIVACY LOCK Pushbutton Locking, 10 per Code SCD40S0RB4-605 SCD4 OS0 RB4-6 05/625 SCD40SDRB4-626 case, finish Brioht Brass Bright Brass/ BTiahl Chromium Plated Satin Chromium Plated 2-3/4' N/4" 2-3/4" 4.03~~ 403.'00 IENTRANCE LOCK 2-3/4" 403_00 Keyed on Outside; Turn-Pushbutton on Inside, 10 per case, Backset Code IRnish 2-3/4" SCD53PDORB4-605 B rierht Bra8S8 2-3/4" SCD53PDORB4-626 Satin Chromium Plated ENTRANCE LOCK Keyed on Outside; Turn-Pushbutton on Inside, 10 per case. Finish Backsel 2-3(4'" SCD53PDTUL4-605 Brioht Brass 'SCD53PDTUL4-612 Satin Bronze Plated 2-3/4' 'SCD53PDTULH26 Satin Chromium Plated 2-3/4' cSode Price/Ea. 464.00 464.00 464_00 CLASSROOM LOCK ·:<e.yedOn Outside; Always Code SCD70PDTUl4·605 SCD70PDTUl4·612 SCD70PDTUl4-626 IBacksel 2-3/4" 2-3/4" 377.00 Price/Ea. 455.00 438.00 CLASSROOM LOCK Keyed On Outside; Always Code SCD70DORB4-605 SCD70DORB4-626 Unlocked Inside. 10 per case, Finish Baekset 2-3/4" Brlcht Brass 2-3/4' Satin Chromium Plated IPrice!~ 455.00 438_00 STOREROOM LOCK Unlocked Inside, 10 per case, Finish Backset Brioht Brass 2-3/4" 'Satin Bronze Plated 2-3/4' Satin Chromium Plated 2-3/4' Price/Ea. 464.00 464.00 464_00 Outside Always Locked, [Inside Always Unlock. 10 per case, Code Finish Backset SCD80PDTUt4-605 Brillht Brass 2-3/4" SCD80PDTUl4-612 Satin Bronze Plated 2-3/4" SCD80PDTUl4-626 Satin Chromium Plated 2-3/4" Price/Ea. 464_00 464.00 464.00 Outside Always Locked; Inside Always Unlocked, 10 per Code Finish SCD80PDORB4·605 Britlht Brass SCD80PDORB4-626 Satin Chromium Plated case. Backset 2-3/4" 2-3/4" Price/Ea. 455.00 438.00 'STOREROOM ILOCK 569 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LOCKSMITH SUPPLIES Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 /SCHlAG§J • 0 SERIESEXTRA IHEAVY DUTY ICOMMERCIALLOCKSETS ----( (i) ~ [PLYMOUTH RHODES Symbol: PLY Material: Wrought brass, bronze or stainless steel. Material: Lever; pressure cast zinc. Rose; wrought brass or bronze. Symbol: RHO t 2 911f ~ 1/4n 0 ~ ~ c:::r cJ3 209116 PASSAGE LATCH H [PASSAGE LATCH ! Both Sides Always Unlocked. 0 per case. Code finish SC01oSPLY4-605 Bri~ ht Brass SC010SPl Y4-612 Satin Bronze SC01 OSPl Y4-626 Satin Chromium Plated Backsal 2-3/4' 2-3/4' 2·3/4" Price/Ea. 322.00 322.00 305.00 BATH/BEDROOM PRIVACY LOCK Pushbutton Locking 10 per case. ICode finish SCD40SPLYH05 IBricrht Brass SCD40SPLY4-60S/625 . Bright Brass/ Satin Chromium Plated I-SCD40SPLY4-612 Satin Bronze SC040SPl Y4-626 Satin Chromium Plated [Backsel 2-314" 2-3/4" 2·3/4" 2-3/4" PriceiEa. 394,00 394.00 394.00 377.00 ENTRANCE LOCK Keyed on Outside; Turn-Pushbutton on Inside. 10 per case. finish Backset ~Ode SCD53PDPLY4-605 Brioht Brass 2-3/4" SCD53PDPLY4-612 Satin Bronze 2-3/4' SCD53PDPLY4-626 Satin Chromium IPlated 2-3/4' Price[Ea. 455.00 455.00 43B.00 Price/Ea. 309.00 301.00 Backset 2·314" 2-314" Price/Ea. ,3S6.0o ,348.00 BATH/BEDROOM PRIVACY LOCK Pushbutton Locking. 6 per case, '-Code Finish SCND40SRH04-605 Briaht Brass SCND40SRH04-626 Satin Chromium Plated ENTRANCE/OFFICE LOCK Push Butlon Lucking.Pushing button locks outside lever by turning inside lever. 6 per case. Code Finish SCND50PORH04-605 Bri~ht Brass ,SCND5 OPORH04-626 Satin Chromium Plated until unlocked with key or Backset 2-3/4' 2-3/4' Plrice/Ea. 420.00 412.00 Keyed on Outside; Turn-Pushbutton on Inside. 6 per case. Code Finish B~c~~~ SCNDS3PDRH04-605 Bri{]lht Brass 2-3/4" SCND53PDRH04-626 Satin Chromium Plated 2·3/4" ...f.riceLE.3..:420.00 412.00 CLASSROOM LOCK Unlocked [inside. 10 per case. Finish B~ ..Brass Satin Bronze Satin Chrormum Plated Backset 2-3/4" 2-3/4' 2-3/4" Price/Ea. 455,00 455.0.~_ 438.00 STOREROOM LOCK Outside Always Locked; Inside Always Unlocked. 10 per case. Code Finish Backsel SCOBOPDPl Y4-605 Brioht [Brass 2-3/4" SCOBOPDPLY4-612 Satin Bronze 2-3/4" SCD80POPl Y4-626 Satin Chromium P,lated 2-3/4" 570 Bac'ksel 2-314" 2-3/4" ENTRANCE LOCK [CLASSROOM LOCK Keyed on Outside: Always Code SCD70POPl Y4·60S SCD70P.oPL Y4-612 SCD70P.oPl Y4-626 Both Sides Always Unlocked. 6 per case. Code Finish SCN01OSRH04-605 Bricht Brass SCND1OSRH04-626 Salin Chromium Plated Price/Ea. 455.100 455.00 438.00 Keyed On Outside; Always Code SCND70PDRHO.t~9~ SCND70PORH04-626 [Unlocked linside. 16per case. Finish Backset Bricht Brass 2-3/4" Satin Chromium Plated 2-3/4" Price/Ea. 42'0.00 412.00 Outside Always Locked: Iinside Always unlocked. 6 per case. Code Finish Backset SCND8oPORH04-605 Brkiht Brass 2-3/4" SCND80PDRH04-626 Satin Chromium Plated 2-'3/4" Price(~ 420,00 412.00 STOREROOM LOCK INTERCHANGEABLE CORE (cores not included) Designed to accept small formatfigure "8" interchangeable core cylinders manufactured by Arro~ Best~ Falcon®and KSf"5' Satin Chromium Plated Code Function Backsel Price/Ea. SCN053B ORH04-626 Entrance 2-3/4" 420.00 SCN07OBDRH04-626 Classroom 2-3/4" 420.00 SCND8oBORH04-626 Storeroom 2-3/4" 420.00 Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 (~ e------ ATHENS ENTRANCE/OFFICE LOCK Material: Lever; pressure cast zinc. Rose: wrought brass or bronze. Symbol: ,ATH Push Button l.ncklnq.Pushinp button locks outside lever by turning inside lever. 6 per case. Finish Code SCND50POATHH05 Bri\lht Brass SCN0511PDATH4-606 Satin Brass SCND50PDATH4-625 Polished Chrome SCN0511POATH4-626 Satin chromium Plated .~lIi.JT +&.16" 1 PASSAGE LATCH Both Sides Always Unlocked. 6 per case. Finish. Gode Bright Brass SCNDl lISATH4-6115 SCN01 OSATH4-'606 Satin Brass Chrome SCN01 lIS_~~~.4:6~5 ~.Q!ished sc N01 1ISATH4·626 Satin Chromium Plated PricefEa. Backse\ 30Y_00 2-3/4" 2·3/4" 311Y.00 2-3/4" ~3.DY·l!L 2:-3/4-;;3111.01l -~: :r;; SPARTA -=-~ Backsat 2-3/4" 2-3/4' 2-3/4" 2-3/4" Price/Ea. 420.1I11 42D.1I0 420.1I0 412.1I0 Keyed on Outside; Turn-Pushbutton on Inside. 6 per case. Backsel IFinish Code 2-:314" SCND53PDATH4-605 Brinht Brass 2·3/4" .SCND53PDATH4-606 Satin Bras.s 2-3/4" SCIND53PDATH4-625 Polished Chrome 2-,314" SCND53PDATH4-626 Satin Chromium Plated Price/Ea. 4211.00 420.00 420.1I11 412.1I11 [CLASSROOM LOCK IKeyed On Outside; Always Unlocked Inside. 6 per case, Colle Finish. Backset 2-3/4" Bright Brass SCN07DPOATH4-6D5 2-3/4" SCN07DPOATH4-626 Satin Chromium Plated r+ [BATH/BEDROOM PRIVACY LOCK Pushbutton Locking. 6 per case, Code Finish Brj;]ht Brass SCND40SATH4-605 Satin Brass 1-~~~[HPSATH4-606 SCND40SATH4-625 Polished Chrome SCND40SATH4-626 Salin Chromium Plated until unlocked with key or ENTRANCE LOCK f.-13"6"l "" ~CHLAG§J Backsel 2-3/4' 2-3/4" 2-3/4' 2-3/4" Price/Ea. 356.00 ~~§.&O_ 356.00 348.00 STOREROOM LOCK Outside Always Locked; Inside Always Unlocked. 6 per case Finish. Backsel Gode 2-3/4" Bri;] ht Brass SGNDBDPDATH4-605 2-3/4" SGNDBDPDATH4-626 Satin Chromium Plated --l'12""f- ALSO STOCKED IN SATIN BRASS (606) POLISHED CHROME (625) T M"""" Lever:pressure ~ cast zinc. Rose; wrought brass or bronze. T Symbol: SPA Price/Ea. 420.00 412.00 [5-114" ~lIr 1 Price/Ea. 42.0.:.0Q_ 412.00 s I-----l 2-1:ll16"' PASSAGE LATCH Both Sides Always Unlocked. [6 per case. Code IFinlsh SCND1DSSPM-6115 IBriQht Brass SCNDl DSSPA4-626 Satin Chromium Plated ENTRANCE LOCK Backsel 2-"3/4' 2-3/4" Price[Ea. 30Y.lID 301_lID BATH/BEDROOM PRIVACY tOCK Pushbutton Lock[ng. 6 per case. Gode Finish SCND40SSPA4·1605 Briah't Brass SCND4DSSPA4-'626 Satin Chromium Plated Price/Ea. 1-'-'. ,-'-420. liD 412.1I0 CLASSROOM tOCK Backset 2-3/4' 2-3/4' Price/Ea. 356.00 34B_OO ENTRANCE/OFFICE LOCK Push IButton Locking,Pushing Ibutton locks outside lever by tu rn ing inside lever. 6 per case. Code F,inish SGND5DPDSPM·605 Bright Brass SGND5DPDSPM·626 Satin Chrormurn Plated Keyed on Outside; Turn-Pushbutton on Inside. 6 per case. ICode Finish Backs~ 2-3/4" 'SCN'D53PDSPA4-605 Brill ht Brass 2-3/4' SCND53POSPA4-626 Satin Chromium Plated Keyed On Outside, Always Code SCND7DPDSPM-6D5 SCND70PDSPA4-626 Unlocked inside. 6 per case. Bac'kset IFinish Brass 2-3/4' 2-3/4' Satin Chromium Plated Price/Ea. 420.00 412.00 Outside Always Locked; Inside Always Unlocked. 6 per case. Backset Finish Code 2-3/4" Brj:Jht Brass SCNDBOPDSPM·605 2-3/4" SCNOBOPDSPA4-626 Satin Chromium Plated P~i~.~ 420.01l 412.00 STOREROOM LOCK until [unlocked with key or Backset 2-3/4" 2-3/4" Price/Ea. 420.00 412.00 511 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LOCKSMITH SUPPLIES Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 (SCHLAG§} IOMEGA ENTRANCE/OFFICE LOCK Material: Pressure cast zinc lever. Wrought brass rose. Symbol: lOME r--~ Push Button Locking.Pushing button lacks outside lever by turning inside lever 6IPer case Code Finish SCND50P[lDME4-605 Bright Brass SCN050PODME4-619 Satin Nickel SCN050POOME4·626 Salin Chromium Plated until unlocked with key or Backsel 2-3/4" 2-3/4' 2-3/4" I PriceFta. 420.00 420.00 412. DO ENTRANCE !lOCK Keyed on Outside; Turn-Pushbutton an Inside. 6 per case. ICode Finish Backsel 'SCN053POOME4·605 Bright Brass 2-3/4' SCN053POOME4·619 2-3/4' Satin ~ickel ..•......... , SCN053POOME4-626 Satin Chromium Plated 2-3/4" ~--- PASSAGE LATCH Both Sides Always Unlocked 6 per case Code Finish SCN01 OSOME4-605 BriGht Brass 'SCND10S0ME4-619 Satin Nickel 'SCND10S0ME4-626 Satin Chromium Plated Backsel 2-3/4" 2-3/4" 2-3/4" PrIce/Ea, 309.'00 309.00 301.00 Backset Price/Ea_ CLASSROOM LIOCK Keyed On Outside; Always Code SC'N070PDOME4-605 SCND70PDOME4·526 BATH/BEDROOM PRIVACY LOCK Pushbutton Locking. 6 [per case. Code Finish SCN040S0MEH05 SCN040S0ME4-606 SCND40S0ME4-626 Unlocked inside. 6 per case. --,-"..-,.-.".FlOish Backset Price/Ea. 420_00 Brioht Brass 2-3/4" Satin Chromium Plated 2-3/4' 412.00 'STOREROOM LOCK Outside Always Locked; Inside Always Unlocked. 6 per case. [Finish 'Backse't [~Lg!!.B-,,~ra~ss'"__ -11-,,-2--::.3/,-,4_" -1----'03",,-56;;";".;;;.;00,--Code Satin Nickel 2-3/4" 356.00 S_t;:!l~Bi!PDOME4-60 Bri ht Brass 2-3/4' Satin Chromium Plated 2-3/4" 348.00 SCNOBOPDOM,E4-626 Satin Chromium Plated 2-3/4" F SERIES STANDARD DUTY RESIDENTIAL LOCKSETS ==..,.c:: Economical line at door hardware, designed and manufactured with superb Schlage precision and workmanship. Durable for long use, they Hli the need for moderate to low cost locks without sacrificing quality. Il""icMKf'Ob.mdRoM :::·=,..=•• I0;::,od<=:, •• lunmbly _ , ~ t., ~,~ _DutoIdo Knabfotq~kf¥k~(J( eylindll!l're~,..( Exposed Trim. Wrought brass or bronze trim rings with concealed security insets Levers are zmc base, plated to match finish symbols. ~ "l Keying: 5 Pin tumbler C keyway with two nickel silver keys per lock. 6 pin keying available. Door Range: 1-3/8" to 1-3/4" standard. (Also availble for 2" doors, specify when ordering). ]Price/Ea_ 420.00 412.00 -----------1 ~ Ap,pli~ations: Single and multi-family residential doors. ____ full Up $"'" Unly'-~~ Alvemr.lliiII Latch rl\l-botll 2~r Ind 2*.1' bIodMt 51'1n__ Cyl_ _J FrSeries F51N Oubido_ •••• F_""""",,,," ANSt A151.2 s.n...&iIOO Backset: Universal backset latches standard, fits either 2-3/8" or 2-3/4". IRESIDENTIAL WARRANTY 572 Price/Ea. 420.'00 420_00 412.00 F10N Passage latch Both knobs alwa s unlorleo. F40N Bath/bedroom privacy lock Push butte n locking Can be opened from outside with narrow cir.£~~~'l!.'0l,-. __ F51N Entrance lock Unlocked by key from outside when outer knob is locked by turn button in inside knob. Instce knob is alwa.ys unlocked ,Ouantity Discounts Available. Call for Ouote. + -1 Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 (SCH LAG §7 • F SERIES STANDARD DUTY RESIDENTIAL"lO'CKSETS~~' ( BElL FLAIR Symbol: BEL Material Wrought brass or bronze Specify tH or RH ~. (I) ; 102mm MMt~r 71l Both Knobs Always Unlocked. 30 per case. Finish ~;ode I SCF10NBELB-6D5 Briaht Brass I I Backsel Price/Ea. 2-3/8 to 3/4" 24.10 PASSAGE LATCH Both Sides Always Unlocked, Code SCF10FLA-5D5/605 SCF10FLA-6D5 SCF10FLA-609 I I Backset Price/Ea. 2·3/8 to 3/4~ 27.60 2-3/8 to 3/4 31.80 Price/Ea. Backset 2-3/8 to 3/4' 47.7D 2-3/8 to 3/4' 42.5D 2.:3/8 to 3/4' 46.BD case. Finish Bnght Brass Satin Brass Blackeneo Bri~llhtChromium Plated tJngm teras'S! Brit)ht Chromium Plated Backsel 2-3/8 to 3/4" 2-3/8 to 3/4" 2-3/8 to 3/4' Price/Ea. 45.80 50.30 52.80 2-3/8 to 3/4" 52.80 ENTRANCE LOCK Backsel Price/Ea. 2-3/8 to 3/4" 47.40 2-3/8 to 3/4' 50.80 Keyed 'on Outside; Turn Button on Inside. 20 per case. 8,ackset Finish Code 2}/8 to SCF51 FYt.:505!6D5 Brass SCF51 FLA-605 2-3/8 to snom Brass SCF51 FLA-609 Sati n Brass Blackened ~. 3/8 to SCF51 FLA-625 BriQht Chromium Plated 12-3/8 to STOREROOM LOCK Outside Always Locked; Inside Always Unlocked. 20 per case, Code Finish Backset Price/Ea. SCF80NBEL8-605 Brio ht Brass 2-3/8 to 3/41 50.70 3/4" 3/4" ,3/4" ,3/4" Price/Ea, 97.BO 87,20 95,90 101.0D SINGLE DUMMY TRIM SINGLIE DUMMY TRIM For One Side of Door. 20 per case. For One Side of Door. 30 per case. Code Finish SCF170BEL -605 IBriQht Brass Code SCF17DFLA-605 SCF17DFLA-609 Backsel Price/Ea. 2-3/8 to 3/4 1 D.60 GEORGIAN ~ 20 per case, l~i~ish Lifeti me/B ri:Jht Brass Bright Brass Satin Brass Blackened BATH/BEDROOM PRIVACY !lOCK Pushbutton Locking. 20 per Code SCF4oFLA-6D5 SCF4o'fLA-6 D9 SCF4DFLA-'6?5 SGF40FLA-LH-6(f516~5 ENTRANCE LOCK Keyed on Outside; Turn Button on Iinside. 20 per case. Flnlsh ~de SCF51 NBELB-6D5 BriClht Brass SCF51NBEL8-626 Satin Chromium .1 57mm BATH/BEDROOM IPRIVACY LOCK case. Finish Br~~:htBrass Brig'ht Brassl Bri!liht Chromium Plated t./ _/) ~- rom t'·lW., PASSAGE LATCH o l~ l-JJ. ~T 1 2-","- Pushbutton Locking. 30 per Code SCF40NBEL8·6D5 SCF40NBEL8-6D5/625 \ ~ Tt4T '·3{4" 7,amm .1 Nn6" 5~mm -')-25!15'~ 5!l'mm -..,•.•..•. ~ - PASSAGE LATCH lBoth Knobs Always Unlocked. 30 per case. Code Finish r----" SCF10NGED8-6D5 Briaht Brass SCF1DNGED8,609 Satin Brass Blackened BackSel Price/Ea. 2· 3/8 to 3/4" 18.60 '2-3/8 to 3/4" 20,50 BATH/BEDROOM PRIVACY LOCK "}:>o'~' I ~/\~ Finish Brklht IBrass Satin Brass Blackened Pushbutton Locking. 30 per case. Code Finish SCF40NGEOB-605 Brioht Brass SCF40 NGE08-605/625 Bright Brass/ Bri>;JhtChromium Plaled SCF40NGE08-6D9 Satin Brass Blackened SCF4DNGE08·6D9/625 Satin Brass IBlackened Bright Chromium Plated Backset Plrice/Ea. 2-3/8 to 3/4" 28.40 2-3/8 to 3/4" 32.80 2-3/Sto 3/4'\ 31.20 2-3/S to 3/4" 32.80 ENTRANCE lOCK Backset Price/Ea. 2-3/8 to 3/4" 24.91J 2-3/8 to 3/4" 27.40 Keyed on Outside; Turn Button on Inside. 20 per case. Code Finish Backsel Price~ SCF51NGE08-605 2-3/8 to 3/4" 45.20 Briaht Brass SCF51 NGE08-609 2·3/8 to 3/4" 49,80 Satin IBrass Blackened 573 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LOCKSMITH SUPPLIES Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 t'§CH LAG §I • F SERIES STANDARD DUTY RESIDENTIA1LDCKSETS ENTRANCE LOCK ORBIT Keyed on Outside; Turn Button Inside. 20 per case. Code Finish SCF51NOAB8-605 Br.iqht Brass SCF51 NORB8-'609 Satin Brass Blackened SCF51 NORB8 ·626 Satin Chromium Plated Symbol: ORB Material: Wrought brass or bronze. 1/ ~_~.~_- ~ ~~ t-eI,fl" 2.9JJ1: .l •..•2.71."-1 PASSAGE LATCH Both [Knobs Always Unlocked. '30 per case. Code IFinish SCF10NORB8-605 Brroht Brass SCF10NORBB·609 Satin Brass Blackened SCF10NORB8-626 Satin Chromium Plated Backsel Price/Ea. 2-3/8 to 3/4" 31.20 2'3/8 to 3/4" 34_30 2-3/8 to 3/4' 36.30 IBATH/BEDROOM PRIVACY LOCK Pushbutton Locking. 30 per case. Code Finish f- SCF40NORB8-61l5 Brig ht Brass SCF40N 0 RB8-605/625 Bright Brassl Brioht Chromium Plated SCF40NORB8·609 Satin Brass Blackened SCF4oNORB8·609/625 Satin Brass Blackened/ Briqht Chromium Plated SCF40NORBB·626 Satin Chromium Plated ( {( (o Backset IPriceiEa. 2-3/8 to 3/4' 33.30 2-3/8 to 3/4" 40.90 2-3/8 to 3/4" 36.60 2·3/8 to 314" 40_90 2-3/8 to 3/4" 40.90 For One Side of Door. 30 per case. ~.inish ~~ SCF170NORBB-605 Brioht Brass SCF170NORB8-609 Satin IBrass IBlackened SCF17IlNORB8·626 Satin Chromium Plated Code SC29·016 ·606 SC29·016·626 SC29·017-606 SC29-017-626 SC29-018-606 SC29-'018-626 Finish Satin Brass Satin Chromium Satin Brass Satin Chromium. Satin Brass Satin Chromiuml Application BEL, GEO,PLY SIE BEL GEO.PLY SIE ORBIT ORBIT ACCENT, FLAIR ACCENT, FLAIR BATH/BEDROOM PRIVACY IJOCK :;:·5116" Both Knobs Always Unlocked. 30 per case. Code Finish f--SCF10NPLY8-605 Briuht Brass SCF1oNPLYB-626 satm Chrorruum Plated iBacksel Price/Ea. 2-3/8 to 3/4' 24.10 2-3/8 to 3/4" 29.60 SINGLE [DUMMY TRIM For One Side of Door 30 per case. Code Finish ~70N'PL Y8-605 BrilJiht Brass SCF170NPL Y8·626 Satin Chromium Plated Backsel 2-3/B to 3/4' 2·3/8 to 3/4" 2-3/8 to 3/4" Price/Ea. 12.90 14.20 14.90 L.SERIES REPLACEMENT CYLINDERS Pushbutton Locking. 3D per case. _Colle Finish SCF40NPLYB·605 Bright Brass SCF40NPL Y8-605/625 Bright Brass/ Brk! ht Chromium Plated SCF40NPL Y8·626 Sati n Chro ml um IPlated ~ Price/Ea. 54.90 60.30 63.30 SINGl.!E DUMMY TRIM PLYMOUTH PASSAGE LATCH 574 STOREROOM LOCK Outside Always !Locked; Inside Always Unlocked. 20 per case. Code Backset Fini~h r----'--.SCF80NORB8·605 Bright Brass 2·3/8 to 3/4' SCF80NORB8-609 Satin Brass Blackened 2·3/8 to 3/4' SCF80NORB8-626 2-3/8 to 3/4' Satin Chromium Plated Symbol: PYL Material; Wrought brass or bronze. 2'9ITf~{~I'. Backsel Price/Ea. 2-3/8 to 3/4" 51.30 2-3/8 to 3/4' 56.40 2-3/8 to 3/4" 59.20 Price/Ea. 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.DO ~ (I:~ Backsel Price/Ea. 2-3/8 to 3/4 27.60 2-3/8 to 3/4' 31.80 2-3/8 to 3/4" 31.80 ENTRANCE LOCK Keyed on Outside; Iurn Button on Inside. 20 per case Code Finish SCF51NPL YB·605 Briaht Brass SCF51NPL YB·626 Satin Chromium Plated Backset Price/Ea. 2-3/8 to 3/4" 47.40 2-3/8 to 3/4" 50.80 STOREROOM LOCK Outsrde Always Locked; Inside Always Unlocked. 20 per case Code Finish sackset Pr!p~ SCF8oNPLY8·605 BriUlht Brass 2-3/8 to 3/4" 50.70 SCF80NPl Y8-626 Satin Chromium Plated 2-3/8 to .3/4' 54.30 Backsel IPrice/Ea. 2-3/8 to 3/4' 10.60 2-3/8 to 3/4" 12.30 Ouantity Discounts Available" Call for Quote. Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 {SCHLAG§7 • if SERIES STANDARD DUTY RESIDENTIAL LOCKSETS J ACCENT Specify LH/RH BEDROOM IPRIVACY LOCK ~ T 2414' tn mm Pushbutton Locking, 20 per case. Price/Ea. Code Finish Backset 46.70 SCF40ACC·605 Briaht IBrass 2',3/~3/4" SCF40ACC-605/625 Briaht Brass/ Chromium 2-3/8 to 3/4" 53.90 SCF40ACC-609 2-3/8 to 3/4" 51.30 Satin Brass Blackened ~T1 H~l' 10~mlll J_ ~~ JH3112'1 OlImm __ ENTRANCE LOCK PASSAGE LATCH Both Sides Always Unlocked. 20 per case. Code Finish SCF10ACC-505/605 LlfetimelBriahl Brass SCF10ACC-605 Bright Brass. SCF1OACC-609 Satin Brass Blackened SCF10ACC-613 011 Rubbed Bronze SCFl OACC-619 Satin Nickel SCF10ACC-625 Bricht Chromium Plated Backsel 2-3/8 to .2-3/8 to 2-3/8 to ,2-3/8 to 2-3/8 to 2-3/8 to 3/4 3/4' 3/4' 3/4 3/4 3/4 Pr·icefEa. 48.70 43.40 47.70 55.40 50.10 50.10 Artisan Finishes (505, 609, 613, 619 available in all functions) Keyed on Outside; Turn Button on Inside, 20 per case, ICode Finish Lifetime/Bright Brass SCF51ACC·505/605 Bright Brass SCF51ACC-605 SCF51ACC-609 Satin Brass Blackened Backsel Price/Ea. 2-318 to 314" 99.60 2-3/8 to 3/4" 88.80 2-3/8 to 3/4" 97.80 SINGLE DUMMY TRIM IFor One Side of Door. 20 per case. IFinish Code SCF170ACC-605 Brioht Brass SCF170ACC-60 9 Satin Brass Blackened !Price/Ea. Backsel 2-3/8 to 314" 19_'00 2-3/8 to 3/4" 20_90 ELAN 3-718" T ~T 2-314' 7Dmm 'SI5rnm 1 .1 ,2·7M·, 5Zmm IPASSAGE LATCH Both Sides Always Unlocked, 20 per case '-Code Finish SCF10ELA-605 Srioht Brass SCF10ELA-626 Satin Chromium Backset Price/Ea. 2-3/8 to 3/4 42.50 2-3/8 to 3/4'1 49.20 BEDROOM PRIVACY LOCK Pushbutton Locking, 20 per case. Finish Backset I-~.ode SCF40ELA-605 Briuht Brass 2-3/8 to 3/4" SCF40ELA-e05!625 BriQh! Brass/ Chromium 2-3/8 to 3/4" SCF40ELA-626 Salin Chromium 2-3/8 to 3/4" Price/Ea. 45.89._ 52.60 52.80 'SINGLE DUMMY TRIM for One Side of Door. 20 per case. Code Finish SCF170ElA-605 Bright Brass Satin Chrornlum SCf170ELA-626 Backsel Price/Ea. ~-3/8 to 3/4 18.60 2-3/8 to 3/4" 21.50 Also availabfe in 609 finish. ,JAZZ ~ . BEDROOM PRIVACY LOCK 4-9~2" NJ. ~T 1 Pushbutton Locking. 20 per case. Finish ~ Gode SCF40JAZ-605 Briaht Brass SCF4OJAZ-605/625 Brl·Jht Brass/Chromium 1(]'9mm ~ ... 70mm .L t-t·114-, 10mm PASSAGE LATCH Both Sides Always unlocked, 20 per case. [Gode I Finish SCF10JAZ-6D5 I Bright Brass Backsel Price/Ea. 2-:3/8 to 3/4" 45.'80 2-3/8 \'0 3/4" 52.80 SINGLE DUMMY TRIM I Backse\ I 'Price/Ea. I IFor One Side of Door. 20 per case. 2-3/8 to 3/4' 42.1fiD , Code Finis~ SCf170JAZ -60S Briaht Brass IBackse\ 2-3/8 Ito 3/4" J Price/Ea. I 18.60 575 EINCYCLOPEDIA OF LOCKSMITH SUPPLIES I Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 {SCHLAG§} • F SERIES STANDARD DUTY GRIP HANDIJE ENTRANCE LOCKS F SERIES RESIDENTIAL DUTY ENTRANCE HANDLiESETS F]OQ Series. •.. Applications: Single and multi-family resldentlal doors. Expnsad Trim: Solid forged brass hand lese! for longer life and superior appearance. Wrought brass trim rings with concealed security inserts Inside trim: Wrought brass;levers are pressure cast zinc, plated to match finish. Keying: 6 Pin tumbler with two nickel silver keys per lock. [Keyed 5 pins. Door Range: 1-5/8" to 2" standard. Backsel: Universal backset latches standard, fits either 2-3/8" or 2-3/4' backset. ."..,,,..,,.... i·;.I~"'hMd~~1 •••••"iI~<'-'deJ_~.1t • lo.t~l~l. .-. '. Entrance lock Dead bolt thrown or retracted by key from outside or by inside turm untt, Latch retracted by thurnbprece from outside or by inside knob. F360 F362 ,.~ F393 BOWMAN BOWMAN 11."' .•.•••• , •• - X ••••• \ ;/ f - FLAIR I Y ~ ~~ >DUMMY TRIM X Available with F Series Knobs for Inside Trim 4 per case. ICode finish Price/Ea. :SCF360CEN/FLA-605 Bri ht Brass 217.40 SCf360CEN/ORB-605 Sri-' ht Brass 215.00 SCF360CEN/ORB-625 BTl ht Chromium P,lated 256.00 SCF360CErN/ORB-626 Satin Chromium Plated 256.00 SINGLE CYLINDER 1J? ,...U--:s8,-a...,.s_D..:....o o:..;.r_P..:....u 1.;..llo:..;.r...:;D...:;u __ mm!y•...;..1fr.",im __.,....4,...:; __c..:....as_e_. ~=--"-",,----.".•..•.. Code Finish SCF393BOW/PLY-605 Bright Brass '1' ••••• It •.••.•••~ CENTURY X ORBIT, CENTURY SINGLE CYLINDER PLY GEO Available with F Series Knobs for Inside Trim 4 per case Code Finish Price/Ea. SCF360BOW/Pl Y-605 Brioht Brass 205.40 :SCF360BOW/GEO-609 Satin Brass Blackened 223.20 576 \ Outside and inside dummy trim For use as door pull or as dummy trim on inactive leaf of pair of doors. Fixed thumb piece and inside knob. Dummy c linder with inside late. X ,hll __'''In· l llouble cylinder entrance lock Deadbolt thrown or retracted by key from either side. Latch retracted by thumbplece trom outside or b linside knob. 'r_ ••.•~..In I· ••••• II IDOUBlE CYLINDER Avariable with IF Series Knobs for Inside Trim. 4 per case, Code Ffnish Price/Ea. SCF362CEN/ORB-605 Bri ht Brass 236.00 SCF362CEN/ORB-625 Bri ht Chromium Plated 262.'0'0 DUMMY TRIM Use as Door Pull lor Dummy Irim, 4 per case. CDde Finish SCF393CEtJ/ORB-605 Bri ht !Brass SCF393C£NJORB-625 Bri· ht Chromium Plated auantity Discounts Available. Call for Quote. Price7Ea_ 169_90 203.10 Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 {SCH LAG ij( • F SERIES STANDARD DUTY IGRIP HANDLE ENTRANCET(JCKS~ PARTHENON X GEO PLYMOUTH X PLY Symbol: PAR Material: Forged brass grip handles, wrought brass Dr bronze trim rings. Symbol: PLY Material: Forged brass grip [handles, wrought brass or bronze trim rings. SINGLE CYLINDER Available with F Series Knobs for Inside Trim. per case. Code Finish Backsel p(jce/Ea. SCF360PAR/GEO·609 Satin Brass Blackened 2-3/8 to 3/4" 223.20 DOUBLE CYLINDER Available with IF'Series Knobs for Inside Irirn per case. I~g~_e Finish" Backset Price/Ea. 'SCF362PAR/GEO-609 Satin Brass Blackened 2-3/8 to 3/4" 245.00 SINGLE CYLINDER DUMMY TRIM Use as Door Pull or Dummy Trim. 4 per case. Code Finish SCF393PAR/GEO·609 Satin Brass Blackened CAMELOT X Price/Ea. 180.20 PLY Symbol: ICAM Material: Forged brass grip handles, wrought brass trim rings. Available with IFSeries Knob Code SCF360Pl Y/Pl Y-505/605 SCF360Pl Y/Pl Y-605 SCF360Pl Y/Pl Y-609 SCF360PLY/GEO-609 for Iinside Trim 4 per case Finish lifetime/Bright Brass BrilJht Brass Satin Brass Blackened Satin Brass Blackened Backset 2.'3/8" 2-3/8" 2-3/8" 2-3/8" IPrice/Ea. 228.40 199.40 212.80 215,20 Available with F Series Knobs lor Inside Trim 4 per case Code Finish Backsel 2-3/8" SCF362PlY/PlY-605 Brioht Brass 2-3/8' Satin Brass Blackened SCF362PlY/PLY-609 Price/Ea. 219.00 234.00 IDOUBLE CYLINDER ~ 13m" DUMMY TRIM Use as Door Pu'irlor Dummy Trim 4 per case Finish Code 8riy ht Brass SCF393PL Y!PLY-605 Satin Brass Blackened SCF393PLY/PLY-609 Price/Ea. 157.00 172.90 SINGLE ICYLINDER Available with F Series Knobs for Inside Trim. Code Finish SCF360CAM/Pl Y~505/605 Lifetime/Bright Brass 577 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LOCKSMITH SUPPLIES Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 (SCHLAG§) NEW! SERIES 2 LNKC5196-2-605 lNKC5196-2-626 LNKC9111-2-613 MORE CAPABILITIES LNKC9111-2-626 LNKC9232-2-626 LNKC9233-2-626 IndiVidual Codes: 1000 individual users codes + credentials Audit Trail: 1000 'events Battery Lile: Cycles: 80,000 cycles or 3 years, 4 AA Batteries Lever Mechanism: Vanclqard" Iclutching mechanism. Levers operate independently. Envi ronmental Pertorman ceo-2 a OFto +130· F, Weathe rproof gasket incl uded Wa nanty: 1 Year Latch Types: Cylindrical Latchbolt, Mortise Latchbolt, Mortise Autobolt Replaces IIco 1000 Series Replaces Ilea 1000 Serres Narrow Stile, ILever,lOeadlatch Narrow Stile, lLever,IDeadlatcll Narrow Stile, Knob,Deadlatch Narrow Stile, Knob.Deadbott Polished Brass Satin Chrome Oil Rubbed Bronze san n Chro me Satin Chrome Satin Chrome 974.00 866.00 81 B.OO 710.00 710.00 710.00 Cylinder: Solid brass 6 pin mortise cylinder with a Schlage Everest C123 keyway keyed di1ferent with two 6 pi nickel silver keys. Accomodates most mortise cylinders with a compatible Schlage straight cam. - 101/8" mortise cylinder (1-1/4" with cullar) Handing: Field Heversrble levers Screws: High security spanner screws on Inside escutcheon. No exposed screws on exterior escutcheon. - Mechanical Function: Classroom/Storeroom function means you do not need a code or credential for egress ~ Chassis: Patented heavy duty zinc die cast - Cylindrical Backset: 2-3/4" standard (2-3/8" option available) - Cylindrical Latchbolt: 1/2" Standard 1(3/4"option available) - Mortise Deadbolts (where applicable): Stainless Steel 1" throw, 1 5/8" high, 5/8" thick Buttons: 12 buttons, stain less steel - Indicator lights: 'Red and Green. Indicates activation. System Status, Errors and Low IPower CCDBRA BYSCHLAGE'" Cobra by Schlage lis an architecturally designed programmable Ilocking system. This attractive, batterypowered electronic cylindrical lockset is ideal for new construction or retrofit applications where aesthetics are j mpo rtant & program flexibi Iity at lhe lock is crili cal. With Cobra's programming flexibility, users can program up to 1003-8 digit user codes right at the keypad. In addition, the lock features red and green LED indicators tor visible access & programming acknowledegment. A concealed emergency override gives you additional flexibility to tie into existing SFIC keying systems. Additional features Include extended battery life, Vandigard1M clutching lever design, a variety ofarchltectural finishes & 2 lever designs Cobra by Schlage is an excellentcnolcetor schools, hospitals, multi-family units, retail stores, & commercial & government facilities looking to upgrade their access control from rnechanicallocks or other manufacturers' lock. 578 • ~~O-COdecapacity, programmable at keypad ·4 AA batteries provide over 80,000 cycles • 626 Satin Chrome Finish/605 Polished Brass • 17 style lever • Accepts SFIC cylinder, dummy plug provided • Shipped right-handed, field reversible ·2-3/4" backset with 1/2" latchbolt • Accommodates door thickness from 1-1/2" to 2' • Exterior gasket • High-security spannerscrews on inside escutcheon; JnO expo sed screws 0 n exte ri 0 r • Classroom/storeroom function • 1 year warranty LNMPC-17-6D5 LNMPC-17-626 Polished Brass Satin Chrome LNMPC-SK Shim Plate in 65.00 Satin Chrome Finish 691.100 583.00 --.~ Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 ~CHLAG§7 '. DEADLOCKS SCBS62P OOUBLE CYLINDER SC8560P SINGLE CYLINDER The double cylinder version of the 8500 Series deadbolt. In this function the deadbolt lis thrown or retracted by key from either side. A standard duty deadbolt that provides an added measure of security to the residential or commericaJ appl1cation. The deadbolt features a 1/4" Ihardened steel roller to add resistance to sawing or cutting through the bott The large thumbpiece turn unit on the inside adds to the ease of operation of the lock. The deadbolt is adjustable for 2-3/8" to 2-3/4" backset. Replaces BCi00 series dsadholts Code Finish H/8" x 2-3/4' Square Corner IFaceolate SCB562P"605 Brillht Brass Satin Brass Blackened SCB562P"609 Satin Chromium Plated SCB562P"626 Price/Ea. 2-3/8" to 2-3/4 56. DO 2-,3/W to 2-3/4 61. DO N/8·· to 2-3/4 59.00 2-3/8' to 2·3/4 76.00 2-3/8' to 2-3/4' 8J:O,0_ 2-3/8" to 2-3/4' 79.00 8200 SERIES DEADLATCHES SCBS80 TURN BOLT The B580 Series deadholt is thrown by the turnpiece from the inside only. No external cylinder or trim on the outslda • ~-3/8" or 1-3/4" Door Installation • 9/16' Throw Deadlatch • Wrought IBrass or Bronze Trim Rings ·6 Pin Sal1d Brass Cylinder 1-1/8'''Square Corner Strike Colle SCBS80-605 SCB580-609 SCB580-626 IPrice/Ea. Backsel Code Sinole Cvlinder SCB250~D:605 SCB250PD"626 Finish BriGht Brass Satin Brass Blackened Satin Chromium Plated I Einish I Bril}ht Brass Satin Chromium Plated I I Backsel 1 1 Backse\ Price/Ea. 2-3/6" to 2-3/4' 43_00 2-3/8" to 2-3/4 48.00 :2·3/8" to 2-314 46_00 2-3/8" 2-3/8" I "price/Ea. I I 195.00 180.00 213.00 198.00 579 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LOCKSMIITH SUPPUES Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 ~CHlAG§J • DEADLOCKS EXTRA HEAVY DUTY 8600 SERIES Applications: Gommerical quality auxilary and primary locking for applications demanding a higher level ot protection. "B600" Series deadbolts are designed to meet or exceed various security and lite-safety codes and door preparations as determined hy local building codes and regulations. Certffications; ANSI A156.5-2001, Grade1 auxiliary lock. UUisted for 3 hour fire door. Keying: 6 Pin tumbler with two nickel silver keys per lock. Stock Jocks keyed 5 pin. Exposed Trim: Trim rings are solid brass or bronze. Cylinder housings, trim, bolt faceplates and strikes are wrought brass or bronze. Door Range: 15/8' to 2' (44mm - 51 mm) Standard. Up to 2-1/2' available. Also 1-3/6", Boft: 1" Throw standard. High strength solid steel alloy with anti-saw pin. Baeksets: 2-3/6" Standard. 2-3/4", 3-3/4" and 5" available. 8660P HEAVY DUTY DEADBOLT SINGLE CYLINDER Finish Brig'ht IBrass Satin Chromium Code SCB660P-605 SCB660P-626 Price/Ea, 151.00 145.100 Backset 2-3/8" 2-3/8" DOUBLE CYLINDER SCB662p·605 SCB662p·626 Acommerical quality deadboltthat provides an extra measu re of securityto the residential or cornrnerlcal application. The deadbolt features a 1/4" hardened :steel roller to add resistance to sawinq or cutting tnrouqh the bolt 580 Bri .ht Brass Satin Chromium SINGL.:ECYLINDER OUTSIDE, CLASSROOM lORN INSIDE SCB663P-626 I Satin Chromium I 2-3/8" I ;\51.00 Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 {SCHLAG~ • DEADLOCKS • Accessories B SERIES BOLT AND LATCHES Standard "B" Series deadbotts and latches have adjustable faceplates for RH or lH flat or beveled edge doors. Faceplates are furnished in finishes compatible with the locktrim.AII deadboltsfeature aconcealed hardened steel roller for added resistance to sawing or cutting. • KEYBLANKS DEADBOL T FOR B600 SERIES i-1/8" x 2-3/4" Square Corner. l' to H/16" HSG Diameter. .&.... / L;\~:T---.., ~ I~ DEADLATCH FOR IB250 SERIES H/8" x 2-114' Square Corner. 1" HSG Diameter. ~~ 0 ~ ~ Code I- S~12·100·605 SC12·100-626 SC12-103·605 SC12·103·626 Finish Bright Brass Satin Chromium Plated BrilJht Brass Satin Chromium Plate Throw 9/16" 9/16" 9/16" 9/16" Backset 2-3/8' 2-3/8' (-3/4" 2-3/4" Price/Ea. 53.30 53.30 53.30 53.30 DEADBOLTS FOR B500 SERIES Code SC12-630-605 SC12-630-626 SC12-631-605 SC12-631-626 SC12-632-605 SC12-632-626 SC12-633-605 :SC12-633-626 'SC12-640 SC12·1641 SC12-643 Finish Brioht Brass Satin Chromium Bright Brass Satin Chromium Brioht Brass Satin Chromium Briilht Brass Satin Chromium Drive-in Drive-in Drive-In threw IPlated 1" 1" 1" Plated l' 1" 1" Plated r r Plated t: 1" 1" IBackset 2-3/8" 2-3/8" 2-3/4" 2-3/4" 3-3/4" 3-3/4" 5" 5' 2-3/8" 2-3/4" 5" Price/Ea. 32.10 32_10 32_10 32.10 56.10 56.10 56_10 56.10 32.10 32.10 56.10 1" x '2-114"Square Corner. 7/B" HSG Diameter. 2-3/B' or 2-3/4" Backset KEY BLANKS 50 per box, 1J 71/1..- Code Finish Throw 1" SC12·288·605 Briaht Brass SC12-288-626 Satin Chromium P,lated 1" SC12-289~605· 1" Brioht Brass L-~C12-289·626· Satin Chromium Plated l' • Radius round corner Backsel 2,3/8" to 2-3/8" to 2~3/8' to 23/8' to 2-314' 2~3/4' 2-3/4' 2-3/4" Price/Ea. 26.50 26_50 26.50 26.50 Code SC35·100·C SC35·100·E SC35·100-F SC35·101·C SC35·101·E SC35·10H Ileserlntlnn '5-Pin C Section s-an E Section 5-Pin F Section 6-Pin C Section 6-Pin E Section 6-Pin f Section PriceiEa. 1_10 1.10 1.10 1.50 1.50 1.50 581 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LOCKSIMITH SUPPLIES
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