kwikset corp. - Neff`s Safe Lock and Security Locksmiths York PA
kwikset corp. - Neff`s Safe Lock and Security Locksmiths York PA Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 K""iksef. The Beauty of Strength." DOORSETllvOCKSETS VALIANT 30 per case. PASSAGE Plain knob on both sides. Turning either knob will retract latch. Standard Duty Oeadlock and a Tylo design, key-in-knob Entry Lockset. 'KW200V-26D IKW200V·3 Sa1in Chrome Polished IBrass 17.70 17.30 Same key 0 perates both locks. Co mas with "four keys. Visual Package. Packed 6 per case. Satin Chrome Polished Brass DOUBLE CYLINDER KW695H KW695T-260 P~lished srass Satin Chrome DUMMY Used on door when only a pull is required. I SINGLE CYLINDER KW690T-3 KW1i90T-26D POLO 30 KW488V·3 I Polished Brass 6.70 I Polished 8 rass Satin Gil rome per case. [PASSAGE !Plain knob on both side. Turning leither knob willirelract latch KW200P-3 Polished IBrass 16.70 KW200'P-11 P Venetiansronze "1"9:·61] KW200P-26 Po] shed G'hrome 1 • 0 KW2DOP- 6D .:atin hrome f ..00 PRIVAC For [bedroom/bathroom noors.Tumlnq button in interior knob locks both knobs Lock may be open ed by emergency entry key in oulsid e knob Polished Brass ~~00P·3 KW3iffiip·3-26 Inside Knob - Polished Chrome ~~W300P-11P Ve neuan Branze KW300P-21i Polished Chrome KW30DP-26D sann Chrome eNTRY For exterior doors. Turn-button inside; keyed exterior. With deadlatch for add ed secu rily 18.50 20:iL21.4'0 20.4'0 18-:80 KW400P-3 ~9P-1iL KW400P-26 ~'OOP-26D- 24.10 27,10 25.BO 24.50 POlished Brass ~netian B·ronze ITaliShe<l Chrrome ann Chrome 14.70 16.40 16.40 '------+--,1'7.60 16.40 16.30 17.80 17.80 5.70 I 319 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LOCKSMITH SUPPLIES Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 KlMiksef. The Beauty of strength: I(P-fkset leCUrllV~ STANDARD IDUTY SERIES 660 With 1" deadbolts, which cornbme extra security with economy. Fits door thicknesses from 1 3/B" - 1 3/4". 12 per case. Double Cylinder Deadlock must be I special ordered for 2 1/4" doors. One-way screws available on reques!. ONE-SIDE DEADLOCK - NO TRIM SINGLE CYLIINDER DEADLOCK Key retracts Ibolt from exterior. i1'urnpl8ce operates bolt from interior. KW660-3 KW660-5 II:W66'O,26'O Polished Brass .Antique Brass Satin Chrome :23.1 '0 '25.2'0 23.7'0 Use only on wood doors. exterior locking or trim. Turnpiece operates from interior only; no KW663-3 KW663-5 KW663-260 11.30 12.1'0 11.5'0 DOUBLE CYlIINDER DEADLOCK Key retracts bolt from exterior and interior. KW665·3 !Polished Brass KW665·5 KWli65-2li'O 30.00 32.'0'0 Antique Brass Salin Chrome ae.en HANDL'ESETS Kwikset Security 600 Ser/as SpeciflcatlDns • Door Pr.~ P""dooll Hanole S•• lIsel Deadbull Hal1C11e Crossbar. 2·1/8' or 1-1/2' Edi'Oor, l' L.Id1Facer x 2-114' Crossbo'! 2-118' Edg,bore 1- lalCh face r ,2·114' 2-3;8" or 2-314' ssnua-d 23/8' or 2-1'4' pl~nlalch s~ndard Do •• ••..3/4· dnDl'ssla;1dard l1tl.kne •• Cylinder Fa.apl.f,. 2-1/4' dOD" optlooal. 5-p" 1":t. 2·1/4' square corner .stanaa(d Round correr and o:her options avalable Strike. OeadbVlI. HandleS.lls Oeadllo!l Handle Door HandIng 1', 21/4' SQuale OlIO" standard 2-114'lulllip sQuat, corner standard Round comer il:ld oHler -options aVililab~e l'lhrow 1/2'lhrow R",,,,o:, lor 119rrt-or I,ft-haod door. 5l>E<:ify Mr'ldmg wn-erl orde-rinQ C!IIlevers as illteriOr trim l{), enencoocrs Dakota Farmington Kwikset Security ,600 Series Dimensions Design 320 ABC D Dakota 2-1/4' 5-1/2" ,8-13/32" Farmington 2-9116' 5-1/2" 8-13/32" 17-7/16" 17-5/8" Dakota x Tylo Interior Pack KW687DA-3 Single Cylinder KW689DA-3 Double Cylinder KW699DA-3 Dummy Farmington x Tylo Interior Pack KW687f'N-5 Single Cylinder KW689FN-5 Double Cylinder KW699FN-5 Dummy Polished Brass 115.50 Polished Brass 128.10 Polished Brass 98.70 91,30 Antique Brass Antique Brass 118,70 Antique Brass 70.40 Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 K""iksef. 'TheBeauty of strength:' •aJUmum ' 'SleUIITY' IBEL AIR >DESIGN Furnished as a standard with 2 5/6" rose (SR) 30 per ease, VESTIBULE Independent turning interior knob and "always locked" exterior knob, When opened with key, knob remains in locked ~osition when key is withdrawn. -s:atfn~k.r;::o-;:::m;::e--r-."r:n" r---~;i;F;~;':-::-+----ji;'olisliedrrrass PRIVACY Fir bedroom and bathroom doors. Turning button In interior knob locks both knobs. lLock may be opened by emergency entry key in outside knob. COPA Furnished as a standard with 25/8" rose (SR) 30 per case PRIVACY Fir bedroom and bathroom doors. Turning button in interior knob locks both knobs Lock may be opened by emergency entry key in outside knob. I Kw130C"3 I POlished Bmss I 22.50 ENTRY For keyed exterior doors. Knobs locked by inside turn button or outside. bV ke"-,.-,--.-.=..,,.,.,~c::":': ~7l"''iIGr''''' KW740M03- ECLIPSE Furnished as a standard wilh a 2 5/8" rose. 30 per case PASSAGE Plain knob on both sides. For interior doors where a simple latch is all that is required. ENTRY For keyed exterlor doors. Key 1rom outside and turn button from inside will lock or unlock both knobs. KW200E-5 KW200E-3 PRIVACY For Ibedroom and bathroom doors. Turning button in interior knob locks both knobs. Il.ock maybe opened by emergency enlry key in outside knob. Kw31rOE-26D I- KW300E-3 Sa'in Chrome Polished 8 rass KW300E-5 KW300E-5·26 Anl'aue Brass Inside Knob -Pollsned 23.60 20.20 Chrome KW400E-26D Salin Chrome 34.70 KW400E-5 Aruloue IBrass 34.40 IDUMMY used on door when only a pull is required. Polished ;:.Br:.:::as::.:;s~_-+_...;,::: :-=--~Antique Brass 23.30 23.'60 321 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LOCKSMlfH SUPPLIES Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 KlMiksef The Beauty of Strength!' SfUUIITY' uno DORIAN Specify LH for Left Handed or RH for Right Handed when ordering. 20 per case. 20 per case 1;lrset ecurllV. PASSAGE Plain lever on !:loth sides. Turning either ;Iever will retract latch. IKW720LL-3 IKW720LL-5 ~~W720L L-11 P IKWnOLL·26 IKW720LL·260 Polished Brass Anti a ue Brass veneiian B·ronze Polished Chrome Satin Chrome 35.50 4:2.00 42.00 ,I 4"l.DO 42.00 PRIVACY I I 37.50 44.50 4.i:5044.'50 44}5tJ44.50 Polished Brass Satin Nickel I 33.10 35.20 , Polished Brass Salin Nick~i I I 35.1·~1 37.30 I 20 per case Non-Handed 68.50 72.50 ..72.50 72.50 I g I I - ",Reversi bl e" - PASSAGE ~~ ,..,;;:. , , , fKW720TNL-3 I Polished Brass 35.50 I KW720TNL·11P I Venetian Bronze 42.00 42.00 L!..W720.!N.::L;..:·'-'N~ic;.::ke"-J.1..........:.:.:.::..:.....-1 DUMMY Used on door when only a pull is required I KW300DNLC3 KW3000NL·15 I - .. ~ TUSTIN ~-~-:--r-::~~~----'-'-'---r--:-:-----'---..., KW788LL·3 'KW78BLL-5 ~ For keyed exterior doors. Both sides locked or unlocked by key outside or turn button insice. Levers Iboth sides IFor keyed exterior doors. Key trom outside and turn button from ~nside wiJllock or unlock both Ilevers. EqUipped with deadlatch. Polished Brass Antiqu e Brass Venetian BronTe pOlished Brass ~c:.- ENTRY IENTRY KW745LL-3 KW745Ll·5 KW745lL-11P KW745Ll-260 I KW200DNi.-3 KW2000NL·i5 For bedroom and bathroom doors.Turning button on inside lever locks !both levers.Lock may be opened by emergency key in outside lever. Polished Brass Inside Lever· Polished Chrome AntiQue Brass Inside Lever- Polished Chrome Venetian Bronze Salin Chrome ( PASSAGE PtRlVACY KW730LL-3 KW730LL-3-26 KW730Ll-5 KW730Ll-5·26 KW730LL·11P KW730LL·260 ~ ~ ~ PRIVACY Polished Brass 16.00 Antique Brass 19.00 . .;;..:....;:;..;.;;.;;-=--------'--'-==--1 I , , KW730TNL-3 I KW730TNL-HP' KW730TNL·15 I Polish ed Brass Venetian Bronze Satin Nickel 37.50 I 44.50 I 44.50 , I I , ENTRY r~7'"--..-...-..~ 5eCurltv~ t--------------------------1 DELTA 20 [per case. { I(rtIikset,-- 6B.50 I 72.50 I 1··R:.:..:W.:...:.-(..:..:;f5:..:.t:.:..:N;7.'L;j-1~5::t,=s;a~tinjN~ict:;ketl I 72.50 I ,I , 16.00 I I KW7B6iNL-l1P I Venetian Bronze 'I-~K-;;7.W618::.;li;-;,T~NLi'--""15='--II-:':-Sa'""ti""n""N""ic"'ke;.,:1 ~-----+- t9.:1!.~-1 19.00 IPRIVACY PASSAGE Plain lever on both sides. Turning either lever will retract latch. Salin Chrom~ Polished Brass .... ' Antique Brass Polished Chrome 35.20 3'3·:10- .u=-=34.30 35.-20 DUMMY KW300DL-26D KW300Dl-3 ENTRY _~W4880L-3 k"W4"aSDL'5 KW41180l-26 Polished Brass 13.50 Antique Brass 1""4.70 poITs'7:'h7:ed;-=;C~h.:.:ro~m:-::e----t-~1i'5.-740~ KW4050l·3 1-~~.1!!50L.5 -~-KW-4-8BOL-26D Satin Chrome 15.40 Satin Chrome Polished Brass t---;;KW;';';;;;30;;;0~Df-L-~3.:;;,2..::.6-t--:;.:ln::i.side lever -lPolished Chrome KW3GODL-5 Aliliaue"Srass KW3000L-5·26 Inside Lever- IPolished Chrome I---iiiKWC::'""'30:';;0,:oIl"'"L.""'2.6-:i'''-+-pOITstiecrCtiro me Used on door when only a pull is required. 322 I I ~~::::::j=j~;:~ 1r---::KW=78:":8=TN:::L:--3=-----,'c-=-pO..,.Ii....,sh-e"'"d -:-Br-a-ss------.-,..,...-:~ --~-~---~ f- I Polished Brass l venenan Bronze DUMMY '71 ] KW200Dl-26D KW200DL·3 ~W200DL·5 KW20~OOL'21i 'KW745TNL-3 LKW745TNL-11P 37.30 35.10 37.30 36.50 37.30 37.30 Polished Brass 54.80 ,Anlj~qlu~e';:B~ra:"':'s:-=s -----+~5;-::6:.:.1'::-O-t kW405DL-26 Polished Chrome 57.20 kW405Dl-260 -f-:Salin :C'-£':h=ro-=m7 ;.;.;..:..-----t~15~7,.:.;. 2""'OM e Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 "ksef MaXImum SEC IU H [ T Y' KINGSTON MAXIMUM Residential Light Commercial Grade 2 SECURITY DEADBOLT 20 per case. Door Prep: Backset: Door Thickness: ICylinder: !Faceplates: Kingston Grade·2 Entry Lever Dimensions Desion ~~ns ,A B c D f--I=----i g:11 Ki~gston 2-5/8' 3~1l/16' 2-518' 1/2' 'Strikes: f----A--i Passaae KW200KNl·26D KW200KNl·3 KW300KNl-26D KW3t1t1KNl-3 KW4t15KNl-260 KW405KNL-3 KW462KNL-26D KW4B2KNl-3 KW488KNl-26D KW488K'Nl-3 Passa(le Privacy Priva!:'1 Fntry Entry Storeroom Storeroom Half Dummv Half Dummv Satin Chrome Polished Brass Satin Chrome Polished Brass Satin Chrome Polished Brass Satin Chrome Polished Brass Satin Chrome Polished Brass 44.00 42.00 47.00 45,OL 78.00 76.00 81.50 Bolt: Door Handing: ANSI/BHMA: ADA: Crossbore 2 1/8" or 1 1/2"; Edge Bore 1" Adjustable 2 3/8" or 2 3/4" 1 3/8" - 1 3/4" doors std. 5 pin f' x 2 tl/4" round corner std.; Square 'corner and other options available. 2 1/4' full lip square corner std.; Round corner and other options available. f' throw. Nickel plated steel. Reversible Jar right or left hand doors. A156.5 Grade 2 970 function 44.10 38,10 47.50 42,30 HANDLESETS I9.:§~_ 20.00 19.00 GibBon Handl8SBI Dimensions DIITllln,Io" NEW! GRADE 2 GATElATCH DEADBOLT Unll" '~nlo Crossbore: 1 112" - 2 1/8" IBackset: 2 3/B" Gih$l)n A B C D 2·//16' ,,1/2" 9·11116' 17·3f~· Gibson x Abbey SINGLE CYLINDER SPRINGLATCH latch automatically springs back and Jocks shut when key IS removed or thumb piece is released KW59H03 KW598-26D ~598:3 Lif(;\ime Br~ss 72,00 Satin Chrome POlished Brass 72.00 62.00 DOUBLE CYLINDER SPRINGLATCH Latch automatically springs back and locks shut when key ,is removed form cylinder on either side r-~W599-26D KW599·3 Satin Chrome Po usn ed Brass ..- 82,00 73.00 Gillson KW553GNB-L03 KW553GNB·3 KW553GNB·5 KW554GNB·l03 KW554GNB-3 KW554GNB·5 KW555GNB-l03 KW555GNB·3 KW555GNB·5 Single Cylinder Single Cylindpr Single Cylinder Double Cylinder Double Cylinder Double Cylinder Dummy Dummy Dummy Lifetime Polished Antique !Lifetime lPolished Antique Lifetime Polished Antique Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass Brass 270.00 234.00 270.00 293.50 257.00 293.50 217,00 187.50 217.00 323 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LOCKSMITH SUPPLIES Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 The Beauty ,of Strength: -TRIM ROSETTES -MODERNIZATION KITS Round Rosette Adds a special decorator's 'ouch to doorways Ihroughoutthehouse.3IYu;. RECTANGULAR TRIM ROSSETTE ••.round, I 37/8" X 4 V8' for 23/8",23/4" 'KW288·3 I or 5" hackset Polished Brass 1---'1~7.-:-00:--- 71/4" x 33/8" for 2 3/8", 23/4" or 5" backset. I KW249"3 I Polished Brass I 17.70 '0 o No. 26) [ MODERNIZATION KITS For converting old style mortise locks into a modern installation. May not be used with adjustable latches. 10 per case Modernization Consists X Features two 3%" x 7'1/' trimplates, a I" x 6' latch plate and a I" x 5" strike plate. Kit of two trim 1l'lat••• j, larch plate and stnke plate for covering old style mortise locks 31/:":0; [O'll" plates. 1W' x S"lim:h phue ln Modernization Kit 5" stnke pluje MODERNIZATION KIT 31/2" X 10 1/2" Includes two trim plates, latch and strike plate. KW214-3 Polished Brass 56.40 o MODERNIZATION KIT 33/8" X 7 1/4" Consists oftwo trim plates, latch and strike plate. KW215-3 o 324 Polished Brass 39.50 Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 KlNikset The Beauty of Strength;- -OEAOBOlTS ·OEAOlATCHES NEW! ADJUSTABLE, MULTI-FUNCTION !LATCH Deadlocking latch (no faceplates) KW81846 7.20 IPlain latch (no faceplates) IKW81847 5.10 Deadlocking llatch Service Kit KW81844 3.'60 Plain latch Service Kit KW81845 2.80 GATElATCH Available in the Following Finishes: 3, 5, 15, 15A, 26, 690 Kwikset Maximum Security For use with Gatelatch only KW3277 70 18 1 ' Front Deadlatch 5" DEADLATCH Kwikset Security May also be used in place of plain latch for applications requiring this backset. 5L SCDL 1300 For 580, 780, 970 Series. 2,3/6" - 2 3/4" IREPLACEMENT OEADBOLT LATCHES r KW3014 13&0 1" Front* Deadlatch U.l. REPLACEMENT LATCHES a Packed 1 per box. 23/8" BACKSET ~~~ ~ KW4294 IKW4295 IKW4296 IKW4297 Plainlatch 1 1/8·,x 2 114" sq.corner Oeadlatch 1 1/8" x 2 1/4" so.corner Plainlatcn 1" x 21/4" 5·4. corner Oeadlatch 1" x 2 1/4" corner so. 14.20 18.70 14l! 16.70 ~ 5"BACKSET IL--,K:.:.!W:..:;;2:..::73~O_LI ~Sq~ua:::.:re::....::C:::;:or~ne::.:...r r ~ -L_1:...:.1:.:..4::....0 -J1 325 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LOCKSMITH SUPPLIES Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 KlNikset. TheBeauty of 5trength~ ·lOCKSMITH AIDS 138 INSTAllATION KIT All In One Boring Jig • Unique design tor drilling wood, fiberglass and metal" doors • Drills 2 1/8"and 11/2" standard door prep root-tree backsel adjusts wj~h simple twistl Quick Boring System • Tool·free backset adjustment • Quick drill bit adapter changes drill bits without rechucking Trouela Free Setup • Molded kit box holds assembled jig • INa assembly or tear-down required • !Ergonomic handle design ensures firm clamping * Wood edge bo rin 9 I Ergonomic handte design A Qu,d> ~filll;l:-3jilP:C' 9 ~~MJ~';"rlu'ti'DEWALT"! :>1l3~!l1 C .:.11)'11 nurn t~mpt.3te1'l!K:-S\.l".~O\li~ o Marll~ trY.l~~ 1,.•...111:'i~u~re iI.'Ij raL:l'I;I ccmsr fi:;lb~~b~ tsaces eH~·rrlJ~/*'=llt.o' F 2'/~ 1.l1 tor l<ocJ 1'::0,:' on Iy G KW89900-001 Jig Onlv KW138 23980 50320 Killlncludes: • Jig ·21/8" multi· spur bit • l" spade bit ·2 1/8" hole saw • Hole saw mandrel • 1 1/2" multi spur bit arm ~ll-IIII~ 1.(1" wooo CQ:J~:, H 2':'-'~1,,,. 'orm,""'" ';l~I~lil:>:}CGiJIS l l!.i: ;J:d;!L1'Jr r~~~ J Dtp~~,~!D:ll1..l'd'" il( $trl"~i~(..T.ol L In--ln-~;I'm'1J·rr:eltal.}'''<l "ltJer'J'~:ill(llJI$ M 1'/""1" ml'~I"iip~r tJl~ MINI INSTALLATION IKIT 130WD For 2 1/8" Lockset in Waod Doors Perfect installation for iocksets and deadlocks. Accurate, dependable, and economical. Contains 21/8" bimetal hole saw, and 1" spade bit. 3/8'· mandrel. Individual visual pack on cards, 10 per carton. ·11/2" nng adapter ·663 boring depth stop • Wood and metalm-ime arm guides • Mortise tools (strike, IJatcll & 780 max security) with square and round corner blades KW130WD 2590 FULL LIP MORTISE TOOL KW89910 Full Lip Round Gorner Strike Blades KW89911 Full Lip Square Corner Strike Blades (3 blades per pack) KWag913 KW89914 Full Lip Round Gomer Latch Blades Full Lip Square Corner Latch Blades 8.,80 8.'80 REP,lACEMENT STRIKES o 10.40 10.40 KW8g912 Latch KWa9909 Strike 3100 2940 ~ FULL ROUND LOCKSET STRIKE 13/4" KW3929 2.50 REPLACEMENT PART When ordering any replacement knob deslqn, specify the first letter of the Knob name and the desired finish after the part number. Roses only. 14.00 ADDITIONAL PARTS INFORMATION ON REQUEST 326 o 10 STANDARD "400" CYLINDER ASSEMBLY WITH TWO KEYS For all Kwikset knobs. KW18S0 x 3 Polished Brass 0" 660 Series STANDARD LOGKSET STRIKE KW3437 2.50 KW5072 2.50 0 0 0 Std. on: 780/ 785, 970/975, 980/985 KW3222 3.00 Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 KlMiks t The Beauty -DOOR LOCKS -SERVICE KITS -Aecessenas SQUARE SLIDING DOOR LOCKS -REPLACEMENT ICYLINDERS -TUMBLER KITS ULTRAMAX REPLACEMENT 665 DOUBLE CYLINDER CYLINDERS DEADBOLT CYLINDERS Require only single notch in the door for installation. For 1 3/8" doors only. 12 per case. 88i:~~;~~" PRIVACY 780 care For bedroom and bathroom doors. Turn-b utton inside. Emergency release exterior 'KW333·3 Polished Brass IKW33J.5 Antique' Brass Deadbolt Cylinder KW8325-3 Polished Brass 12.90 28.00 29.90 29.30 P,olished Steellnt. KW333·3f,l2 of Strength.~ 7,J .~ ~ '665 Interior KW2776-3 Polished Brass 11.40 1 17.401 ----------1 l-==========I =18::.4::0=..1 ROUND POCKET DOOR LOCK Door Prep: 2 1/8" face bore Backsel: 2,3/8" Door Th'ickness: Adj. tor 1 3/8" - 1 3/4" Lalchboll: Accomodates flat & beveled doors--"Lalchbolt Fronts: 1" x 2 1/4" rounded corners ~=-.•.~ 27.20 Abbey Knobs IKW7750A·3 Polished Brass 10.40 665 Exterior KW2777·3 Polished IBrass 11.40 7750A KWIKSET 660 CYLINDER {outside} KWIKSET KEYBLANKS 30.20 PASSAGE KW334-3 KW334·5 KW334·15 IKW334·15A IKW334·32 Polished Brass Antique Brass Satin Nickel Antique Nickel Bright Stainless PRIVACY KW335·3 KW335·5 KW335·15 KW335·15A KW335·32 KW335·3x32 Polished Brass Antique Brass Satin Nickel Antique Nickel Bright Stainless IBrass x Stainless SERVICE KIT KW272 Universal. IFor all keyed cylinders. KW1858 11.00 per 100 KW364·3 HeM,1l1 .172 .195 .218 .241 .264 .287 Code Code KW3108 KW3110 ~W3112 Height .023 .046 ~~1)3 KW3114 .092 .115 ,9.99 11.100 per 100 ~Wll00 KW3101 KW3103 KW3105 KW3106 "KW-3i07 11.00 K·Bow, 6 pin Brass/NP KWB1208 SO/box 1.15 ea. MORTISE CYLINDERS BOTTDM PINS MASTER PINS K-Bow, ~5pin Brass/NP KW81063 50/box 1.15 ea. 81208 Keyed replacement cylinders tor mortise locks. Polished Brass. 5 pin KW360,3 1 1/8" 37.00 KW361-3 1 1/4' 37.00 DRIVER PIN (TOP) 100 per pack. Deadbolt Cylinder KW15843·3 Polished Brass 11.40 196.50 Builder keying kit for keying Kwikset & Titan. ruMBLER PINS 81063 r 37,00 RIM CYLINDER Replacement cylinder tor night Ilatches. KW363·3 1 Polished Brass 132.20 l per 100 327 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LOCKSMITH SUPPLIES Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 K""ik ,et. The Beauty of Strength~ -'iial SlCURITY' ASHFIELD Why UltraMax Knobs? • • • • Kw'ik-Install Concealed Screws Easy to re-Key Front Removable Cylinder ANSI Gradin!l: Mechanical Warranty: Finish Warranty: Cylinder: Anti-Pry Shield: Dual Torque Springs: Kwikset-lnstall: Concea'led Screws: Pre-Ali!lned Screws: Universal Keying Capacity: Grade 2 LIfetime Lifetime-Anti Tarnish 6 pi n zinc Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes KW720ADL-3 Polished Brass KW720ADL-11P Venetian Bronze KW720ADL-15 Satin Nickel KW730ADL-3 Polished IBrass KW730ADL-HP Venetian iBronze KW730AD L-15 Salin Nickel KW740ADL-3 Polished Brass KW740~DL-!!f., .•.'yenetlan·g~ KW740ADL-15 Satin Nick!;1 46.00 54.50 54_50 49.00 58.00 58_00 84.00 -9"['00!II!.DO CIRCA HANCOCK no Hall & Close t: Far interior doors whe re a 12/case. simple latch lis required. Plain knob both sides. 730 ~2/case. Bed & Bath: Turn button in interior knob locks both Iknobs. Emergency entry key will open exterior knob. 740 1?Icase. Entry: IKeyed exterior. Turn button interior will lock or unlock both knobs. 744 Classroom: Outside licked or unlocked by 12/case. key outside. Inside always free. 750 StoreroomNeslibule: Outside unlocked only 12/case. while key is turned. Inside always free. 7BB Hall'Dummy: For doors where only a pull is 20/case. required. ABBEY KW720CA-3 KW730CA-3 KW130CA-3i26 KW730CA-26 KW7 40 CA-iL03 KW740CA-3 K'W744Ci\73 KWT50CA-3 KW7BBCA-3 ponshed Brass Polished Brass Sati nlPo Iis hed Polis hed IChrom e Lifetime Brass Po Iis IIed IBrass Polished [Brass Polished Brass PolisheirSrass 31.00 34.50 40_50 40.50 66.50 5B.00 61_50 61.50 14.~O LAUREL KW720A-3 KW720A-?60 KW730A"3 KW730A-26ll KW740A-LD3 KW740A-3 KW740A-26D XW744A-3 KW744A-26D XW7.50•••·3 KW750A-lliD KW7BBA-3 KW78BA-26D 328 Polished Brass Satin Chrome Polished Brass Satin Chrome Lifetime Brass Polished Brass 'Salin Chrome Polished Brass :Satin Chrome Polished Brass Satin Chrome Polished Brass Satin Chrome 24.00 lB.OO 26.50 30.00 53.50 47.50 53.50 51.00 57_00 51.00 57.00 11.00 12~~ KW720L-3 'iW72liC:tr KW730L-3 'KW730L-15 KW730L -3/26 KW730L·15/26 ~40L:L03 KW740L-3 1IiW74GL-16 KW188L-3 KW7lillL-15 KW720H-L03 Lifetime Brass 29.00 KW720H-3 Polished Brass 24.00 KW720H-5 Antique Brass 29.00 KW720H-15 Satin Nickel 29.00 KW7S0ii-3polbh"tiiJ-Brass 25.50 t-;KT,-;W;;:7~3~OH·';--~5 --l-':'An::";:\i'::":qu':::e:::'SO:-ra:":::s':::s :......j-;:3f~OO Kw'isoo:-i-5 --I~S:;'at'1'ri'"NiCker KW730H-3/26 KW73(lH-15/26 KW730H-.26 KW740H-L03 KW740H-3 KWT40H-5 KW740H-15 k.W744H-3 k.W750H-3 KW78BH-15 KW7aaH-3 Satin/Polished Salin/Polished Polished Chrome Lifetime Brass Polished Rrass Anuoue Brass Satin Nickel Pousneo Brass Polished Brass ISa"n Nickel IPollshed Brass 3Y'O-O 31.00 31.00 3'1.0'0 52.50 46.00 52.50 52.50 49.50 49.50 13.00 11.00 CORTEZ Polished Brass Salin Niekel Polished Brass Satin Nickel Brass/Chrome NickelfCh ro me l.ilerime Brass Polished Brass Satin lIlicl\e·1 POilsllell (;rass salin Nlc~el 45To 5.!!:~~_ 45.50 53.50 53.50 52c.~.~_ 811.00 77.00 '19.00 23.00 KW720CZ-3 KW730CZ-3 KW730CZ-3,'2'6 KW140CZ-3 Polished Brass Polished Brass Satin/Polished IPolls"fied Brass 19.90 22.40 2~~ 37.00 Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 Kwikset The Beauty of strength. 11(_. SECURITY' KWIKSET ULTRAMAX SECURITY LEVERS Kwikset UJtraMax Securily Lever Specilications Kwikset U/traMax Security Lever Dimensions Door Prep Crossbore 2-1/8" ,Edge Bore l' Lalch Face 1" x 2-1/4' Dimensions Design Batksel 2·3(8' standard o~ inleriors. Ad) ustable 2-3/8" or 2-3(4" slandard UL ;1-3/4' standard, 2-318" optional. I--B-==h Brooklana 2 5/8" 43/16' 2·3/16" CommOnwealih 2-5/8' 3-5/8' 1-15/15" g lr on entry Door Thickness 1-3/8" - 1-3/4' doors standard. 2-114" doors opronat on 720 and 740 models. Cylinder &-p i n removable core. Faceplates l' x 2·1/4' square corner standard Round comer and other optlorsavailable. Strikes 2-1/4" full lip square corner slandard. Round comer and other oplions available, I--A --l Boll 1/2" throw. Nickel plaled Door Hand Ing Specify handing when ordering all levers as inlerior trim for exerlcr doors, ANSIIBHMA A156.2 Grade 2. BROOKLANE PIN KW720DRL·3 KW730BRL·3 KW730BRL -3/26 KW740BRL-3 KW788BRL-3 Function Passsce Privacy Bath Entrance Dummy Finish Polished Brass Polished Brass Brass/Chrome Polished Brass Polisned Brass [Price 46,00 49,00 58,00 84,00 21,00 Door Prep: Single cylinder only, •• t;'\\ • • One Touch l.ocklnq, Full 1" ~ ~ Il'\ Projection deadbolt 4 - 8 Digit Personal Entry Code, 2 Code Capacity , • Easyto Install, Easyto Program, IEasyto Use • No Wiring, Uses 4 AA Batteries, Low Battery Indicator LightAlerts When Batteries are Low ~<:!Ji..-.::.I • <9(9 C B ._. PIN Finish Price KW720CHL·3 Polished Brass 42.50 l.!K!.!W!.!7.!:;.2~OC~H!!:L~.5~-+..::..:::;=t::::....-+_ ~~ti~.e _B.@ss50.00 KW720CHL·15 Satin Nickel 50,00 KW720CHL-26D Satin Chrome 50,00 KW730CHL-3 Polished Brass 45.00 I-!K!.!W!.!7.::::3~OC~H!~L~-5~-+..:...:.:.;=!....--+_A~~.e Brass 53.00 KW730CHL-15 Satin Nickel 53.00 KW730CHL·26D Satin Chrome 53.00 KW730CHL·26 Polished Chrome 53.00 j..!K~W'-!.;7~3~OC~H;!:.L,-"·3::.1.2~64"':::'::::::"'_---4_BrassfChrome 53.00 KW730CHL·15/26 Nickel/Chrome 53.00 KW740CHl·3 Polished Brass 78,50 KW740CHl·5 Anti. ue Brass 92,50 KW740CHl·15 Satin Nickel 92,5~ KW740CHl·26D Satin Chrome 92.50 KW7B8CHl-3 Polished Brass 19,50 KW7BBCHl-5 Anti ue Brass 22.50 KW7BBCHl·15 Satin Nickel 22.50 KW7BBCHL·26D Satin Chrome 22.50 POWERBOL T® 1000 Powerbolt provides the convenience of keyless access for today's active lifestyle. The latest in electronic technology operates on just 4 AA batteries and permits access with your personalized code or a key. It is easy to install, easy to program and easy to IUse.Powerbolt requires no wiring and easily replaces existing door hardware. A Backsel: Door Thickness: Cylinder: Faceplates: Strikes: Bolt: Door Handing: Oeadbolt - 2 1/8" diam. face hole and 1" diameter latch hole Adjustable to 2 3/8' or 2 3/4" 1 3/8" - 2" doors standard 5-pin 1" x 21/4·, Round corner, Round corner strike. 1" projection deadbolt with 1/4" hardened steel roller Reversible for left or right hand doors. KW907·L03 Lifetime Polished Brass 190.00 KW907-15 Satin Nickel 190.00 329 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LOCKSMITH SUPPLIES Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 ikset The Beauty at St,.ength: ax eUIITY' KWIKSET UlTRAMAX SECURITY DEADBOlTS Full 1"throw adjustable deadbolt with hardened steel roller insert resists hacking. Heavy gauge steel reinforcing plate will withstand even the heaviest blows.High security 6-pin cylinder makes lit ditticult to pick. Lifetime mechanical warranty. 780 Series Grade 2 900S Series Grade 1 Do.crPre-p 1-3!4T standard Cyliodo, 6-PkJl, IJl(;Jud-es.3 anti·pic~ top pins. 1" x 2·114" Specify rpurdcnmer, StriklS I ;(J.-51B~ SpEi';lty rc~rcdcone-or square corner, OtherO+lt!Gns evarlaale eoft Brass.batt, ful11·rlhrow TIHII'I,um E1lloy \hrowbiJl~ core neer Handing ANSl/BHMA Al56 5 G,a~.l Re"'8-rSJ~IA fl)( or left-hand Kwiksst WtlQMax Seellrfty 780 -785 DBadbolt S.pBcifications 760,765: Dcssbore 2·j/l3"" H'.I· Edge 61>", l' latrJ1F..=!Ce1".,2-114" 782, 754; Crossoore 2-1/S' 'EdQe Bora " L~cI1Fa"j"21i4' foe.pral. :>QUJJ!l ccrrsr ell drive·in IDDor Thfc:knUi Cylinder 1·3/8'-1·314' s~'daId I-liS' - 2·1/4~oDt:cn21. 1"~2-1W stuare rorne standard RClInd comer a.r:~ ene CJlti01J avalablf. 1-1/ti' [3-5ta' SG~2;recorner slardard ROl,JM corer .[I~dwe O}:tiDIlSa\i3ili3:b~B doors al,'." AM Ul Comes with 980 series Grade 1 deadbolt and entrance knob lock. Keyed alike, 4 keys per package. LIFETIME FINISH 980S.9A5S "'0$'00," ,.IIll' or 1·1/2" Edge Bo:e l' lalCh Fat' 1" ,2·lj4' 981S. 004S' Dossbore 2·IIB· E~g. Bcrer lat," Fece l" ,2·1/4' Doar Thtcknoss COMBO PACKS IMeets 3 hour fire rafm for all UL functions ';;Ui,lfflrrJQNS A1565 Single CyUnder. Oe.adbotr operflted by kEl~outside ao~ mumbtum traide UllJstlng standard on 982 ..• 980S, $82S E/JI~I ~ r--'" Doubl. Cyl~nder. Deadbrlt operated by ~~ both sides.. UL I'Sill1:Q $taoadard on 984 -934S, 98SS f()!.I1 lk9tP!1 Q~ Grad' 2 ADA . -::---------- ......• Kwfkse/ W/IQMax Sscurity Func/ion Descrfptions Fundlon Mod.1 O"oripllo. C$ Nots: ANSI func-tl~n5ilr~ Ilsfed In !t.?ltc.s TITt A 1: A 1..JL C Design A gaDS lntsnor 2·9/16" 980S Exterior 2-518" 9B5S l~leriOi 2·5/8" 985S Exterior 2·5/8' B C 1·5/32"" 1·13/16' 1·1/16" 1·1/10" 1·1/16' ~'m Kwlkse/ UlfraMax Sscurity mmin:slnniS- TTl ]01 1 j 7BO,785 OeadboJI Dimensions Desll1n 780 782lnleri:lr 700. iB2 b:lerw A " .2·'.~ ._. B C \·1/16' 1 t5/1~' 2·518' 1·5132' lB{ 78SJntenor 2-5/8" 15m' 78-1. 7as Exte~.ol 2·518" 15/32:" J!~.[!!Cvlinder !i.W991H·L03·CP·A! Double Cvlinder KW992H·L03·CP-AL I . Hancock Knob Set I 94.20 I Hancock Knob Set I 114.10 Lancaster, Pennsylvania Phone 717-392-6333 lMikset The Beauty of Strength! '881 SEC"IT~ KWIKSET ULTRAMAX GRADE 1 ENTRANCE HANDLESETS Arlington x Han cock Chelsea x Hancock Sheridan x Hancock l~ 0 ~~ v ~ , "'i I" ~ ~ PIN I~ PIN nish Function KWBDOIlNH-L03 lime Brass isned Bra's's KWBOOANH-3 KWBOOANH-5 lque Brass in N'fchl KWB OANH-15 KWBOOANH-26 , Chrome KW801ANH-L03 Life lime Brass KW801ANH-3 Pol ished Brass KW801ANH-5 Ant ique Brass KWB01ANH-15 Sal in Nickel KWBO'IANH-2ii POI. Chrome KW802ANH-L03 Life time Brass W802ANfI-3 Pol '1 sheliBrass KWB02ANH-5 Anl icue Brass -'-'.KW802ANH,15 in Nickel KW802ANH-26 Pol . Chrome sat Price _c~::+~~ _Sinqle Sinale eyl. _'200.'50 Single Cyl !219."50 Singie \,;yl. 2i!i.SO Singi'e Cyl. 219,50 6Ou,i)i€Cyl. 243.00 Double Cvl. 223,50 Double Cyl. 243.00 Double Cv! 243.00 Double Cyl. 243.00 Dummy 189,00 172.00 Dummv Dummy 189.00 Dummy 189_00 Dummy 189.00 Finish KW800CE H-LOS KWBOOCH1-'3 KWiiiilOCEil-5 KW800CEH-15 KW80DCEH-26 KWB01CEH-L03 KW8D1CEfl-3 KW801CEH-5 KW8D1CEH-15 KW'801 CEH-26 KW'B02CEH-L03 KWB02:CEH-3 KW8D2CEIi-5 KW802CEH-15 KW802CEH-2fJ Function Lifetime Brass Polished 8 rass Anti~ ue Brass Salin Nickel Pol. Chrome Lifetime Brass Pol is h ed srass Antique Brass Satin Nickel Pol. Chrome Lifetime Brass POlished Brass Antique IBrass Satin Nickel Pol. Chrome Price Sin!)le Cyl. :219.50 Sin me Cvl. i 200,50 Sin~j,e C~1. :219,50 Smole Cvl. :219,50 Sin!'le (,'j;1. ~19.5D Double Cyl. '243.00 Double Cyl. 223_50 Double Cvl. 243.00 DOUble G~'I. 243.00 Double Cvl. :243,00 Dummy 189,00 Dummy 172.00 Dummy 1 B9.00 Dummy 189.00 189,00 Dumm~ Kwikset .uitraMax Security Handlesel DImensions Door Pr8:.!:p:....-...:C::::ros::::s::;:,bo::::re.::.2-.:!.1/~6·...!,::;;dg!::.:8 B::::o::,re..:..1'...:L::::atc::::h""Fa""ce",,1--,' x:..:;2",,-1/c.:.4' __ -BBc~ Deadboll Handle: MjuSl2ble 2-3/8' or 2-3/4 '. 2-3/8' plainlatch slamJard. 2-3/4- plainlalch 0 _li~na_I. Door 1-3/4' doors standard, 2-1/4' opuoeal Nol designed lor use on 1-3/8' doors Thickness Kwikset OftraMax Security function Dimensions Dimensions ( AJ DeSign ::~, ,J I II B C D Arlington 2-17/32' 5-1/2' 11' 19-1/16" Chelsea 2-5/32' 5-1/2' 9-11/16' 18-1/2' Sheridan 2-3142' 5-1/2' 11" 18-:9/16' ~U, Cy?-"'Jln::;::dC"er,-----":6-pio. 5-pin optional. Fauplales 1- x 2-1/4' square comer slaniJard. OIher O)1Uonsavailable Strtr<8~ Deadbolt Handle; 1-1/4' x 3-5/8' square comer sla~dard 2-1/4' lull lip square corner stsncarc. Round comer and 0lh81 options available. Bolts Deadbolt Handle: Blass boll. F~111' throw, Tilanium alloy railer pin 112' Ihrow. Nickel Dialed. Dour Reversible tOllight- 01 leH-hand DOOrs.Specify handillg when orde~ng a.!!.I~~ il2..!~rio!. trim for exlelior doors. Handrng __ ~ _ AJolSWHMA _ A156.5 Grade I deadboll, No slandard exists lor non-keyed handlesels 331 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LOCKSMITH SUPPLIES
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