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Im mpact of Ventilation V n on Fire Behavior B in n Legacy aand Contem mporary Residentiial Constru uction Steve Keerber, PE Research Engineer, Co orporate Reseearch Issue Date: December 114, 2010 DISCLAIIMER In no even nt shall UL be responsible r to anyone a for whaatever use or noonuse is made oof the informattion contained in this Report and in no event shaall UL, its employees, or its ageents incur any oobligation or liaability for damaages including, b but not limited to, consequential damage d arising out o of or in con nnection with th he use or inabillity to use the iinformation con ntained in this Repo ort. Informatio on conveyed by this Report app plies only to thee specimens acttually involved in these tests. U UL has not establisshed a factory Follow-Up Service Program to determine d the cconformance of subsequently p produced materiial, nor has any pro ovision been maade to apply an ny registered maark of UL to suuch material. Th he issuance of tthis Report in n no way implies Lissting, Classificattion or Recogn nition by UL and a does not aauthorize the u use of UL Listting, Classificattion or Recognition n Marks or otheer reference to UL U on or in conn nection with th he product or syystem. DOCUMEN D NT INFORM MATION Reelease Type Internal Customeer (Confiden ntial) External (Public)) UL Distribution Extern nal Distributiion Date: December 14, 2010 H Seccurity Depaartment of Homeland Key ywords: Ventilation, Fire Behavior, M Modern, Legaccy Title: Imp pact of Venttilation on Fiire Behaviorr in Legacy aand Contempporary Residdential Construcction Author(s) A Step phen Kerber Depaartment Corporatte Research Ph hone Reviewer(s) R Depaartment Ph hone Tho omas Fabian Corporatte Research Prav vinray Gandh hi Corporatte Research 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Under the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Assistance to Firefighter Grant Program, Underwriters Laboratories examined fire service ventilation practices as well as the impact of changes in modern house geometries. There has been a steady change in the residential fire environment over the past several decades. These changes include larger homes, more open floor plans and volumes and increased synthetic fuel loads. This series of experiments examine this change in fire behavior and the impact on firefighter ventilation tactics. This fire research project developed the empirical data that is needed to quantify the fire behavior associated with these scenarios and result in immediately developing the necessary firefighting ventilation practices to reduce firefighter death and injury. Two houses were constructed in the large fire facility of Underwriters Laboratories in Northbrook, IL. The first of two houses constructed was a one-story, 1200 ft2, 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom house with 8 total rooms. The second house was a two-story 3200 ft2, 4 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom house with 12 total rooms. The second house featured a modern open floor plan, twostory great room and open foyer. Fifteen experiments were conducted varying the ventilation locations and the number of ventilation openings. Ventilation scenarios included ventilating the front door only, opening the front door and a window near and remote from the seat of the fire, opening a window only and ventilating a higher opening in the two-story house. One scenario in each house was conducted in triplicate to examine repeatability. The results of these experiments provide knowledge for the fire service for them to examine their thought processes, standard operating procedures and training content. Several tactical considerations were developed utilizing the data from the experiments to provide specific examples of changes that can be adopted based on a departments current strategies and tactics. The tactical considerations addressed include: Stages of fire development: The stages of fire development change when a fire becomes ventilation limited. It is common with today’s fire environment to have a decay period prior to flashover which emphasizes the importance of ventilation. Forcing the front door is ventilation: Forcing entry has to be thought of as ventilation as well. While forcing entry is necessary to fight the fire it must also trigger the thought that air is being fed to the fire and the clock is ticking before either the fire gets extinguished or it grows until an untenable condition exists jeopardizing the safety of everyone in the structure. No smoke showing: A common event during the experiments was that once the fire became ventilation limited the smoke being forced out of the gaps of the houses greatly diminished or stopped all together. No some showing during size-up should increase awareness of the potential conditions inside. Coordination: If you add air to the fire and don’t apply water in the appropriate time frame the fire gets larger and safety decreases. Examining the times to untenability gives the best case scenario of how coordinated the attack needs to be. Taking the average time for every experiment from the time of ventilation to the time of the onset of firefighter untenability 3 conditions yields 100 seconds for the one-story house and 200 seconds for the two-story house. In many of the experiments from the onset of firefighter untenability until flashover was less than 10 seconds. These times should be treated as being very conservative. If a vent location already exists because the homeowner left a window or door open then the fire is going to respond faster to additional ventilation opening because the temperatures in the house are going to be higher. Coordination of fire attack crew is essential for a positive outcome in today’s fire environment. Smoke tunneling and rapid air movement through the front door: Once the front door is opened attention should be given to the flow through the front door. A rapid in rush of air or a tunneling effect could indicate a ventilation limited fire. Vent Enter Search (VES): During a VES operation, primary importance should be given to closing the door to the room. This eliminates the impact of the open vent and increases tenability for potential occupants and firefighters while the smoke ventilates from the now isolated room. Flow paths: Every new ventilation opening provides a new flow path to the fire and vice versa. This could create very dangerous conditions when there is a ventilation limited fire. Can you vent enough?: In the experiments where multiple ventilation locations were made it was not possible to create fuel limited fires. The fire responded to all the additional air provided. That means that even with a ventilation location open the fire is still ventilation limited and will respond just as fast or faster to any additional air. It is more likely that the fire will respond faster because the already open ventilation location is allowing the fire to maintain a higher temperature than if everything was closed. In these cases rapid fire progression if highly probable and coordination of fire attack with ventilation is paramount. Impact of shut door on occupant tenability and firefighter tenability: Conditions in every experiment for the closed bedroom remained tenable for temperature and oxygen concentration thresholds. This means that the act of closing a door between the occupant and the fire or a firefighter and the fire can increase the chance of survivability. During firefighter operations if a firefighter is searching ahead of a hoseline or becomes separated from his crew and conditions deteriorate then a good choice of actions would be to get in a room with a closed door until the fire is knocked down or escape out of the room’s window with more time provided by the closed door. Potential impact of open vent already on flashover time: All of these experiments were designed to examine the first ventilation actions by an arriving crew when there are no ventilation openings. It is possible that the fire will fail a window prior to fire department arrival or that a door or window was left open by the occupant while exiting. It is important to understand that an already open ventilation location is providing air to the fire, allowing it to sustain or grow. Pushing fire: There were no temperature spikes in any of the rooms, especially the rooms adjacent to the fire room when water was applied from the outside. It appears that in most cases the fire was slowed down by the water application and that external water application 4 had no negative impacts to occupant survivability. While the fog stream “pushed” steam along the flow path there was no fire “pushed”. No damage to surrounding rooms: Just as the fire triangle depicts, fire needs oxygen to burn. A condition that existed in every experiment was that the fire (living room or family room) grew until oxygen was reduced below levels to sustain it. This means that it decreased the oxygen in the entire house by lowering the oxygen in surrounding rooms and the more remote bedrooms until combustion was not possible. In most cases surrounding rooms such as the dining room and kitchen had no fire in them even when the fire room was fully involved in flames and was ventilating out of the structure. 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................ 3 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 8 2. Objectives and Technical Plan .............................................................................................. 11 3. Project Technical Panel......................................................................................................... 12 4. Previous Literature ................................................................................................................ 13 4.1. Research on Window Failure ......................................................................................... 13 4.2. Research on Ventilation ................................................................................................. 14 4.3. Fire Service Ventilation Publications............................................................................. 15 5. Panel Furnace Window and Door Experiments .................................................................... 19 5.1. Full-Scale Vertical Fire Furnace .................................................................................... 20 5.2. Experimental Samples .................................................................................................... 21 5.3. Construction of the Experimental Assemblies ............................................................... 22 5.4. Instrumentation............................................................................................................... 24 5.5. Experimental Methodology ............................................................................................ 26 5.6. Window and Door Experiment Results .......................................................................... 27 5.7. Window and Door Experiment Discussion .................................................................... 55 5.8. Window and Door Experiment Conclusions .................................................................. 62 5.9. Future Research Needed................................................................................................. 62 5.10. 6. Fire Service Tactical Consideration ........................................................................... 62 Modern vs. Legacy Room Furnishings Fire Comparisons ................................................... 64 6.1. Experiment 1 .................................................................................................................. 64 6.2. Experiment 2 .................................................................................................................. 70 6.3. Discussion ...................................................................................................................... 75 6.4. Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 75 7. Heat Release Rate Experiment.............................................................................................. 76 7.1. Experimental Set-up and Furnishings ............................................................................ 76 7.2. Experimental Procedure ................................................................................................. 76 7.3. Instrumentation............................................................................................................... 76 7.4. Results ............................................................................................................................ 76 7.5. Discussion ...................................................................................................................... 77 7.6. Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 77 8. Full-Scale House Experiments .............................................................................................. 82 8.1. One-Story Structure........................................................................................................ 82 6 8.2. Two-Story Structure ....................................................................................................... 84 8.3. Fuel Load........................................................................................................................ 87 8.4. Instrumentation............................................................................................................... 89 8.5. Experimental Methodology ............................................................................................ 92 8.6. One-Story Experimental Results .................................................................................... 94 8.7. Two-Story Experimental Results ................................................................................. 169 8.8. Discussion .................................................................................................................... 256 9. Tactical Considerations ....................................................................................................... 284 9.1. Stages of fire development ........................................................................................... 284 9.2. Forcing the front door is ventilation ............................................................................. 285 9.3. No smoke showing ....................................................................................................... 286 9.4. Coordination ................................................................................................................. 289 9.5. Smoke tunneling and rapid air movement in through front door ................................. 292 9.6. Vent Enter Search (VES) ............................................................................................. 294 9.7. Flow paths .................................................................................................................... 296 9.8. Can you vent enough? .................................................................................................. 297 9.9. Impact of shut door on victim tenability and firefighter tenability .............................. 299 9.10. Potential impact of open window already on flashover time ................................... 301 9.11. Pushing Fire .............................................................................................................. 302 9.12. No damage to surrounding rooms ............................................................................ 308 10. Summary of Findings:...................................................................................................... 309 11. Future Research Needs: ................................................................................................... 311 12. Acknowledgements: ......................................................................................................... 311 13. References: ....................................................................................................................... 312 Appendix A: Firefighter Reference Scales for the Results Sections ......................................... 315 Appendix B: Detailed One-Story House Drawings and Pictures .............................................. 317 Appendix C: Detailed Two-Story House Drawings and Pictures .............................................. 323 Appendix D: Furniture Pictures ................................................................................................. 333 Appendix E: Detailed House Experiment Room Temperature Graphs ..................................... 336 7 1. Introduction There is a continued tragic loss of firefighters’ and civilian lives, as shown by fire statistics. It is believed that one significant contributing factor is the lack of understanding of fire behavior in residential structures resulting from natural ventilation and use of ventilation as a firefighter practice on the fire ground. The changing dynamics of residential fires as a result of the changes in construction materials, building contents and building size and geometry over the past 50 years add complexity to the influence of ventilation on fire behavior. UL conducted a series of 15 full-scale residential structure fires to examine this change in fire behavior and the impact of firefighter ventilation tactics. NFPA estimates1 that from 2003-2007, U.S. fire departments responded to an average of 378,600 residential fires annually. These fires caused an estimated annual average of 2,850 civilian deaths and 13,090 civilian injuries. More than 70% of the reported home fires and 84% of the fatal home fire injuries occurred in one- or two- family dwellings, with the remainder in apartments or similar properties. For the 2001-2004 period, there were an estimated annual average 38,500 firefighter fire ground injuries in the U.S.2 The rate for traumatic firefighter deaths when occurring outside structures or from cardiac arrest has declined, while at the same time, firefighter deaths occurring inside structures has continued to climb over the past 30 years.3 Ventilation is believed to be one significant factor that is contributing to this continued climb in firefighter deaths. Ventilation is frequently used as a firefighting tactic to control and fight fires. In firefighting, ventilation refers to the tactic of creating a draft with an opening above or opposite the entry point so that heat and smoke will be released, permitting the firefighters to locate and attack the fire. If used properly, ventilation improves visibility and reduces the chance of flashover or back draft. If a fire is not properly ventilated, not only will it be much harder to fight, but it could also build up enough smoke to create a back draft or smoke explosion, or enough heat to create flashover. However, poorly placed or timed ventilation may increase the air supply to the fire, causing it to rapidly grow and spread. Used improperly, ventilation can cause the fire to grow in intensity and potentially endanger the lives of fire fighters who are between the fire and the ventilation opening. While no known studies compile statistics on ventilation induced fire injuries and fatalities, the following are examples of recent ventilation induced fires that resulted in fire fighter injuries and fatalities. 1) A NIOSH fatality investigation report, 98-FO7 involved “offensive entry (that) was not coordinated with ventilation that was complete and effective” that resulted in a firefighter fatality4; 2) A January 27, 2000 Texas residential fire resulted in one firefighter death as a result of venting through the front door causing “a thermal heat column”5; 3) A February 29, 2008 duplex fire resulted in 1 firefighter death and 1 resident death as a result of, among other factors, “lack of coordinated ventilation”. NIOSH report conclusion states “This contributory factor (tactical ventilation) points to the need for training on the influence of tactical operations (particularly ventilation) on fire behavior”.6 ; 8 4) A November 20, 2008 residential fire in Prince Georges County, Maryland resulted in “two firefighters involved in this incident were seriously injured. The crew from the truck company donned their PPE and SCBA and entered the structure to begin ventilation by removing windows. As additional arriving firefighters stretched another hoseline into position, flashover occurred.”7; 5) NIOSH fatality investigation report F2007-29 reports of a fire in a residential structure and states “…Horizontal and vertical ventilation was conducted and a powered positive pressure ventilation fan was utilized at the front door but little smoke was pushed out. Minutes later, heavy dark smoke pushed out of the front door…. Two victims (firefighters) died of smoke inhalation and thermal injuries.”; 6) While not a residential fire, the Charleston, SC fire on June 18, 2008 that resulted in 9 firefighter deaths reported that misuse of ventilation was one contributing factor. The recent NIOSH report on this event stated “A vent opening made between the fire fighter or victims and their path of egress could be fatal if the fire is pulled to their location or cuts off their path of egress”8; 7) Most recently a residential fire in Homewood, IL claimed the life of a young firefighter and injured another. The NIOSH fatality investigation report, F2010-10 recommends, “Fire departments should ensure that fire fighters and officers have a sound understanding of fire behavior and the ability to recognize indicators of fire development and the potential for extreme fire behavior, and, Fire departments should ensure that incident commanders and fire fighters understand the influence of ventilation on fire behavior and effectively coordinate ventilation with suppression techniques to release smoke and heat.9” An alliance of the Department of Homeland Security, International Association of Fire Chiefs and the International Association of Fire Fighters created a website,, to track fire fighter near miss incidents. The National Fire Fighter Near-Miss Reporting System is a voluntary, confidential, non-punitive and secure reporting system with the goal of improving fire fighter safety. Submitted reports are reviewed by fire service professionals. Identifying descriptions are removed to protect people’s identities. The report is then posted on the web site for other fire fighters to use as a learning tool. Countless reports indicate that ventilation, rapid fire progression and flashover are responsible for near miss situations. Some excerpts of the reports include: “While progressing further into the living area, the temperature of the room, which was about 350 degrees F, rapidly climbed to approximately 800 degrees. Smoke conditions rapidly darkened, and we proceeded to immediately exit the structure. Heat conditions worsened and I began to feel burning on my arms, legs and neck. I turned around and noticed a wall of orange flame as the room began to flash. The firefighter and I made it to the hallway and rapidly exited the structure.10” “We tracked the sound to a door that was leading to a converted garage with 15 foot ceilings. The windows were blackened, giving us a clear indication that there were possible backdraft conditions in that room. I called on the radio for ventilation to be coordinated with our fire attack. Command sent crews to the wrong set of windows. 9 When we opened the door and began to advance, I noticed that the entire room was burning around us. Just as I was ordering crews to retreat and regroup, a wall of flame came rushing toward us and the force of the flame knocked three 225 pound men flat on their backs. We were fortunate to be retreating when the flashover occurred. Although we all suffered minor first and second degree burns, it could have been a lot worse.11” “On arrival at a two-story house fire, we found heavy smoke coming from the 2nd. floor of the house and no visible fire. We entered with a 1 3/4" line, using the stairway. We went to the second floor to do a primary search and search for a confined fire. We advised command that we needed ventilation and a back-up on the second floor. Suddenly, smoke and heat conditions increased, and we were driven down to the landing of the stairway. My officer then told me to take the landing window out, which I did without thinking. Suddenly an explosive event occurred that knocked us down the stairway to the first floor followed by a large fire ball.12” “Arrive on scene of a 2 story 3000 square foot residential structure…Ventilation needed to take place. The ventilation occurred at the rear of the structure. I opened the front door and the smoke was rapidly being sucked back into the building. I was on my knees and looking inside the door to see what I could see. I decided to crawl inside to see where the fire was coming from. As I got to a couch that was about 8 foot inside the door, I stopped as heavy embers of fire were dropping on the floor. I found the smoke had lightened and I could see the roof. All I saw was fire. The gas vapor at the highest level of the structure was burning. I immediately retreated to the exterior of the structure through the doorway. As I turned from the front porch and looked back at the door, the fire was lapping out of the front door about 12 feet. The second line was deployed to knock that fire down and give me a chance to get farther away from the structure. When I regained my position, both hand lines were deployed at the door and the front window. The entire living room was on fire from flashover.13” “We backed out, advised the IC of the situation, and requested ventilation be performed. Two large windows were broken out behind the wood stove in the same room. The smoke layer lifted 3-4 feet. We advanced again inside just past our earlier position when the entire home flashed over. My nozzle man disappeared in flames except for his feet. I could barely see the doorway we entered but was otherwise surrounded by fire. I began dragging my partner by the feet back to the door. Initially he was resistant to this due to the fact he had rolled to his back and opened the nozzle without any apparent effect on the fire. The backup crew assisted as we exited the door. They saw that the fire had blown out the windows on our side and was impinging on both hose lines in the breezeway leading to the door connecting to the garage.14” As fire grows from the initial ignited item to other objects in the room of fire origin, it may become ventilation controlled depending on how well the fire compartment (i.e., home) is sealed. During this incipient stage both the fire growth and power (heat release rate) are limited by available ventilation. If the compartment is tightly sealed, the fire may ultimately self-extinguish due to insufficient oxygen. However, if ventilation is increased, either through tactical action of firefighters or unplanned ventilation resulting from effects of the fire (e.g., failure of a window) or human action (e.g., door opened) heat release will increase, potentially resulting in ventilation 10 induced flashover conditions. These ventilation induced fire conditions are sometimes unexpectedly swift providing little time for firefighters to react and respond. Compounding the problem with ventilation is the changing dynamics of residential fires due to the changes in contemporary home construction including recently developed building materials and construction practices, contents, size and geometry of new homes. Many contemporary homes are larger than older homes built before 1980. Based on United States Census data homes have increased in average square footage from approximately 1600 ft2 in 1973 to over 2500 ft2 in 200815. Newer homes tend to incorporate open floor plans, with large spaces that can contribute to rapid fire spread. The challenge of rapid fire spread is exacerbated by the use of building contents that have changed significantly in recent years, contributing to the decrease in time to untenable (life threatening) conditions. Changes include: a) the increased use of more flammable synthetic materials such as plastics and textiles, b) the increased quantity of combustible materials and c) the use of goods with unknown composition and uncertain flammability behavior. 2. Objectives and Technical Plan The objectives of this research study are to: Improve firefighter safety by providing an enhanced understanding of ventilation (naturally induced and as a firefighting tactic) in residential structures. Demonstrate the impact on fire behavior of changes in residential construction such as those created by window types and furnishings. Develop tactical considerations based on the experimental results that can be incorporated into firefighting standard operating guidelines. The objectives were accomplished through the technical plan depicted in Figure 1. The literature review was conducted to determine the gaps in research and to develop the details of the panel furnace window and door experiments, heat release rate experiment and the modern and legacy room fire experiments. The results of the panel furnace window and door experiments and the heat release rate experiment were used to develop the timeline and fuel load for the full-scale house experiments. All of the experiments were documented for the technical report and the technical report is the basis for the web based outreach program and the dissemination of the results to the key stakeholders such as the Department of Homeland Security, the fire service and other organizations in the fire protection community. 11 Figure 1. Project Techn nical Plan 3. Projject Tech hnical Pa anel A techniccal panel of fire service and research h experts waas assembledd based on thheir previouss experiencce with reseaarch studies,, ventilation practices, sccientific knoowledge, praactical knowledg ge, professio onal affiliatio ons and dissemination too the fire serrvice. They provided valuable input into alll aspects of this project such as expeerimental deesign and ideentification oof tactical consideration c ns. The paneel made this project relevvant and posssible for thee scientific results to o be applicab ble to firefigh hters and offficers of all llevels. The panel consissted of: Charles C Baileey, Captain, Montgomery M y County Firre Departmeent (MD) Jo ohn Ceriello o, Lieutenantt, Fire Deparrtment of Neew York Jaames Dalton n, Coordinato or of Researcch, Chicago Fire Departtment Richard R Edgeeworth, Director of Fire Training, Chhicago Fire D Department Ed E Hartin, Firre Chief, Ceentral Whidb bey Island Fiire Rescue D Department Otto O Huber, Fire F Chief, Loveland L – Symmes S Firee Departmennt Dan D Madrzyk kowski, Fire Protection Engineer, E Naational Instittute of Standdards and Technology T Mark M Nolan, Fire Chief, City C of North hbrook (IL) Stefan Svenssson, Researcch and Devellopment Enggineer, Sweddish Civil Coontingenciess Agency A 12 4. Previous Literature Prior to the start of the experimentation three topics were researched for previous studies that have been conducted, window failure, ventilation research and fire service ventiation publications. 4.1. Research on Window Failure There have been quite a few studies done on the failure of windows. Many of these studies had very different objectives such as windows exposed to room fires, windows exposed to outside fires, glass cracking temperatures, glass fall out temperatures, thick glass windows, multi-glazed windows, radiant exposure of windows, small-scale windows, vinyl, aluminum and wood frame windows, floating glass experiments, speacial types of glass, etc. An analysis was done by Vytenis Babrauskas in 200516 that compiled 21 studies on glass breakage in fires. He highlights the challenges with the lack of repeatability as it pertains to glass fall out. Similar to the house experiments, glass breakage is not important if there is never glass fallout to provide oxygen to the ventilation limited fire. Many of the studies used 4 mm to 6 mm glass which is representative of commercial applications17,18,19,20,21. This study utilized residential windows with glass thicknesses of 2.2 mm to 2.9 mm. Another topic that was researched was wildland fire exposure to the outside of the windows22,23. Two studies examined the impact of frame type24,25. The first study states that they had vinyl frame failure prior to the falling-out of the glazing which was not witnessed in these experiments. The only studies that utilized double glazing were also studies that utilized thick glass so their conclusions provide little importance to our needs. The Building Research Institute of Japan26 conducted a series of experiments on 3 mm thick window glass in a large muffle furnace. They concluded that the mean temperature of glass breaking and falling out was 340 °C (640 °F) with a standard deviation of 50 °C (120 °F). This review concludes that factors such as window size, frame type, glass thickness, glass defects and vertical tremperature gradiant may all be expected to have an effect on glass fall-out. This study will examine many of these variables in Section 0. Another series of experiments was conducted in 200927 to try to develop inputs for FDS for glass breakage and fall-out. The experiments utilized 6 mm thick glass in a compartment fire with up to a 680 kW fire and concluded that glass fall-out temperature was around 450 °C (840 °F). An article by a fire chief in 199228 examines the impact of “Energy Efficient Windows” to firefighting. He explains that the negative impacts include that they keep the heat and smoke in the fire building, they are difficult to break and they severly limit firefighter egress. The author states that the windows allow for faster flashover times and pose a real problem for the fire service. A second article by a fire chief in 200829 restates many of the previous articles concerns. The first concern is the interference with the size-up process. Heat inside the structure is masked by the windows. The article also identifies that energy efficient windows are harder to break and harder to clean out for safe passage. 13 4.2. Research on Ventilation There has been some research on ventilation but no studies on full-scale houses that examined horizontal ventilation for the fire service. To date most scientific studies focus on a single room or a couple rooms. Some studies have been done in full-scale fire training structures or single fires have been examined in acquired structures. Additional ventilation studies are done with computer models and have no supporting experiments. Six studies were found that address fire service ventilation. The first was “Experimental Study of Fire Ventilation During Fire Fighting Operations,” by Svensson in 200130. This study compared natural ventilation to positive pressure ventilation in a simulated 3 room apartment in a concrete fire training faility. Fifteeen tests were conducted using a pan of heptane as the fuel source. The tests show an increased burning rate with ventilation but all of the conclusions focused on the use of positive pressure ventilation. It is concluded that coordination of different measures at the fire scene is crucial. The second study was ““Exploratory Experiments on Backdraft in a Full Residential Scale Compartment, “ by Fleischmann in 1995.31 This study utilizes a single room to try to create backdraft conditions as the result of fire service ventilation operations. The fuel used for the experiments was methane and 18 experiments were conducted. They conclude that they were able to replicate small scale experiments but there were no conclusions about ventilation procedures. Another study was conducted to examine backdraft conditions titled, “Some Theoretical and Practical Aspects on Fire-Fighting Tactics in a Backdraft Situation”, by Gojkovic in 2001. No experiments were conducted but SOFIE computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models were run to examine underventilated fires and the impact of firefighter operations. Four tactics were examined, search and rescue, natural ventilation, positive pressure ventilation and use of the cutting extinguisher. They conclude that the choice of tactic depends on whether or not there are people left in the building, the risks one is willing to take and what resources are available. A second study utilizing CFD modeling was conducted by Saber titled, “CFD simulation for fully-developed fires in a room under different ventilation conditions.”32 This study examined the impact of different ventilation scenarios on heat release rate, fuel total mass loss, temperature, airflow distribution, and fire duration in a single room with a sofa. Ventilation was provided by a door and window. These openings were varied in size and location during the 11 configurations. The study concludes that when the door and window were on the same wall the window size was not significant but when on opposite walls the window size had a significant impact on fire behavior. Additionally, the results showed that the location of the fire load in the room had a significant effect on the fire characteristics. There were no tactical conclusions for the fire service. The next study, “Effect of Positive Pressure Ventilation on a Room Fire,” by Kerber completed in 200533, was a comparison of natural and positive pressure ventilation (PPV) in a bedroom with attached hallway. Examining the natural experiment only, when the window was ventilated the heat release rate increased from approximately 2 MW to 12 MW in seconds. After ventilation, the temperatures rapidly increased from 800 °C (1470 °F) to the maximum temperature of 1050 °C (1890 °F). While most of the conclusions deal with the use of PPV the study does highlight the rapid change in conditions and the need for firefighting crews to be coordinated. 14 The final study by the same authoras the previous study, “Full-Scale Evaluation of Positive Pressure Ventilation In a Fire Fighter Training Building” was completed in 200634. This study also was focused on PPV but half of the experiments were naturally ventilated. The fire training building the experiments were conducted in was to simulate a two story house. The fuel was wooden pallets and straw and the fires were all ventilation limited prior to ventilation. Fourteen different ventilation configurations were examined including, near the seat of the fire, remote from the seat of the fire and several different fire locations. The data suggested that natural ventilation created lower temperatures and the low elevations in the rooms. In these tests the fire did transition back to a fuel limited fire rather quickly because of the heat absorption of the concrete walls of the fire training building and the wood product fuel load. The study concludes that the growth of the fire after ventilation was influenced by the path the outside air traveled to provide oxygen to the fire. When the ventilation window was in proximity of the fire, usually in the correct ventilation scenarios as defined in the report, the initial fire growth was more rapid in the naturally ventilated tests. The average rate of temperature increase for the naturally ventilated tests was 1.91 °C/s (3.44 °F/s). 4.3. Fire Service Ventilation Publications There are several fire service training publications and many fire service magaine articles that address ventilation. Most of the training publications are based on the criteria put forth by NFPA 1001, the standard for “Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications.”35 This standard outlines the requisite knowledge needed by the firefighter should include: Perform horizontal ventilation on a structure operating as part of a team, given an assignment, personal protective equipment, ventilation tools, equipment, and ladders, so that the ventilation openings are free of obstructions, tools are used as designed, ladders are correctly placed, ventilation devices are correctly placed, and the structure is cleared of smoke. Additional knowledge is needed on the principles, advantages, limitations, and effects of horizontal, mechanical, and hydraulic ventilation; safety considerations when venting a structure; fire behavior in a structure; the products of combustion found in a structure fire; the signs, causes, effects, and prevention of backdrafts; and the relationship of oxygen concentration to life safety and fire growth. There are three main publications that provide firefighters with the requisite knowledge outlined above. Each of them teaches ventilation differently and each of them has their own definition of what ventilation is. International Fire Service Training Association (IFSTA) defines ventilation as, “Systematic removal of heated air, smoke, and airborne contaminants from a structure and replacing them with fresh air.” Jones and Bartlett define ventilation as, “The process of removing smoke, heat, and toxic gases from a burning structure and replacing them with clean air.” Delmar defines ventilation as, “the planned, methodical, and systematic removal of pressure, heat, smoke, gases, and in some cases, even flame from an enclosed area through predetermined paths.” All of these definitions are generally the same, with subtle differences. One point to highlight is the inclusion of words that hint at coordination such as, systematic, process, planned, and methodical. The other important point is the mention of fresh air and clean air in the first two definitions and no mention in the third definition. The ability of air to enter during ventilation is a significant component of ventilation. Each of these publishers also generates their own training material based on the opinions, experience and practical knowledge of the committees or authors that get assembled to write them. Unfortunately, there have not been a lot of experiments done to answer many of the topics that need to be covered to meet the NFPA 1001 standard. 15 Of the many fire service magazine articles on ventilation, ten of them will be included in this literature review because of their relevance to horizontal ventilation and fire behavior. Much like the training books described above these articles are written based on the experience or opinion of the author. The difference in this case is that the article is written by a single author and not a committee of fire fighters. The first of these magazine articles is Vincent Dunn’s “The Danger of Outside Venting.”36 This Fire Engineering Magazine article from 1989 is written by a retired Deputy Chief of the Fire Department of New York. He had 42 years as a member of FDNY with 26 years as a chief officer. He has written numerous books and countless articles, all based on the knowledge he gained through his experiences. In his article he describes a fire where a firefighter assigned to ventilate the rear of a two story house is met by a mother in the front yard that is panicked saying her baby is in the bedroom next to the kitchen. The firefighter ventilates the bedroom window, crawls in and saves the baby. After this dramatic story that ends in heroism Chief Dunn goes on to teach the importance of ventilation. He says, “outside venting shows that it requires knowledge, skill and determination.” To prove his point he describes the hazards of operating alone, dangers around the perimeter of the structure, dangers of working off of ground ladders, dangers of window removal, the possibility of being cut off from egress by flames such as those on a fire escape and the hazards of entering the structure to search after ventilating. After these topics he defines flashover and says that signs of flashover are high temperatures in smoke filled rooms or intermittent flames at the ceiling of the room. He suggests taking your glove off, raise it to check for heat and if it is too hot to raise then flashover is possible. Dunn mentions that flashover creates temperatures of 1000 F to 1500 F and that “tests” show that skin has extreme pain at 280 F to 320 F. He says that due to the speed a firefighter can crawl, he can only be in the structure 5 to 10 feet and safely escape a flashover. This article is typical of ventilation articles in that it explains a lot about how to ventilate and what to look out for when doing so but does not talk about why a firefighter would ventilate and what impact it would have on the conditions in the structure. It mentions flashover but does not say why flashover could occur. This highlights a significant gap in the knowledge of the US fire service. As a general rule firefighters are taught practical knowledge with little scientific foundation to support their training. Another important question that should be asked by the reader which is often not is, how valid is the knowledge in this article to me? No one would question that Chief Dunn does not have significant experience or practical knowledge, but how does his experience relate to the reader as far as available resources, types of structures, or training level. Very few places have the resources, structures or training of FDNY so is Chief Dunn’s knowledge always applicable and what hazards does that cause? There are not one set of tactics or rules of thumb that apply to all fires but all fires do have to follow the rules of physics. A second article by Comstock and Maxwell, “Firefighters’ 10 Deadly Sins of the Fireground”37 contains a discussion of 3 critical issues which are relevant to this research. “Ignoring Size-up” is the first issue which discusses the importance of looking at the type of structure, especially modern construction techniques as they may provide information about fire spread and length of time a fire has been burning. “Ignoring changing fire conditions” is the next relevant issue. The authors highlight roll-over and flameover and the importance of understanding that smoke can ignite when mixing with air. The third issue is “Ventilating late or not at all.” This supports that 16 ventilation needs to be studied and understood. It goes on to say that ventilation helps trapped occupants and helps advance the hoseline but does not mention the ability of ventilation to increase the size of the fire. Coordinating ventilation is mentioned as waiting for the hoseline to be in place. A Fire Engineering Magazine article titled “First Due Without a Clue: Don’t Let it Happen to You”38 also discussed construction and horizontal ventilation. The authors say that the use of thermal pane windows contributes greatly to the development of flashover conditions by not allowing heat to exit the building. They reference the NFPA code on fire investigation to highlight the changes in heat release rate of natural material chair (290 to 370 kW) and newer polyurethane foam padded chair (1350 to 1990 kW). They use this information and relate it to other contents such as upholstered furniture, mattresses and electronics to make up the “ingredients for a fire scene disaster.” They go on to say, “proper, well-timed venting techniques will greatly reduce the chances for flashover and backdraft. By using these, we can aggressively and more safely perform our interior attack and searches, and any trapped occupants will have increased survival time.” However they don’t define what proper or well-timed means. In August 2008, Battalion Chief Ed Hartin had an article, “Flashover Fundamentals”39 published in Fire Rescue Magazine. This article points out many of the questions we aim to answer with our study. He states, “For many years firefighters have been taught that ventilation reduces the potential for flashover…When a fire is ventilation controlled, heat release rate is limited by the available oxygen. Under ventilation-controlled conditions, increased air supply (ventilation) results in increased heat release rate and establishes a path for fire travel, which may result in flashover.” He reviews several case studies that discuss this phenomena and provides guidance to identify the ventilation profile of the structures. He explains how changes in ventilation will impact that profile. Chief Hartin advises that controlling the air track will limit the potential for flashover and that an access point is also a ventilation opening. The fifth article included in this review is “Getting the Most from Horizontal Ventilation” by Wolfe, published in Fire Engineering Magazine in 200940. Wolfe compares vertical ventilation with horizontal ventilation. He argues that without preexisting openings in the roof such as skylights or scuttles that vertical ventilation takes too long and the focus should be on using horizontal ventilation to relieve interior crews and save the occupants. The coordination of crews is highlighted, “knowing when the attack team has a charged hoseline in place and is ready for ventilation will ease the operation and prevent any premature actions by the attack or ventilation team.” The author concludes that horizontal ventilation hasn’t been used to its fullest potential and that operations can be made safer and less destructive if used. There is no mention in this article about the impact of improper timed or located ventilation. No attention is given to the air entering the structure in this analysis. “Gone With the Wind? Ventilation Fundamentals” was an article published in National Fire and Rescue Magazine in 200141. It highlights the need to understand “systematic” ventilation by knowing the location of the fire, type of building construction, occupancy and pre-fire plan. The author, Peltier, emphasizes that for operations to be carried out effectively, there must be a person specifically in charge of the ventilation crew and the command to vent should be coordinated and come from the incident commander. Another important point is made in that “check to make sure there is a charged hoseline in place before the opening operation takes place.” Peltier describes horizontal ventilation as letting smoke and hot gases out but never talks about the fresh air allowed into the structure and its potential effects. 17 FDNY Lieutenant Tom Donnely wrote an article, “Primary Ventilation: A Review” in Fire Engineering Magazine in 200742. He focuses on the hazard that single family dwelling fires pose and that horizontal ventilation coupled with an aggressive search should be the primary firefighting tactics. He emphasizes communication and coordination as keys to a safe operation and that venting is done for 2 reasons: Venting for fire is done to “facilitate the movement of the hoseline attack into the fire area. We do this by releasing the products of combustion – heat and the highly flammable, toxic gases and smoke – to decrease the flame spread to reduce the possibility of flashover, backdraft or smoke explosion.” Venting for life is defined as, “during an aggressive search effort, we vent to improve conditions for known life hazard while knowing that we may escalate the fire condition.” Another Fire Engineering Magazine article by a FDNY firefighter, Tom Brennan, was published in 200643. The article titled, “Still Talking in the Kitchen…” focuses on the tactics associated with the most well-trained operations that support aggressive structural firefighting. Brennan mentions horizontal ventilation and that a mistake that is rarely detected or talked about is venting without a plan basd on size-up factors and interior aggressive offensive operations. He also describes two types of ventilation, accounting for human life and ensuring effective firefighting. “Venting for life is to open anything that will keep the interior search going-or allow entry and search of areas behind the fire before water or fans start.” “Venting horizontally for fire control is to open the fire floor methodically depending on the fire location, movement of the handline, wind conditions and auto-exposure. This usually means, where the fire is going to be pushed by the nozzle, the flanks of the enclosure that the nozzle is trying to pass through and at the side that the nozzle entered from, if necessary.” The ninth fire service article is titled “Ventilation in Wood-Frame Structures” by Buffalo Fire Department Captain Peter Kertzie44. He shares that putting water on the fire is the most important task but ventilation makes that easier. He goes on to say that venting too early does not occur often because hoselines are put in place quickly and venting too late is dangerous and irresponsible. He adds that random breaking of windows is not right and “systematic” ventilation is what is needed. This should be based on sound firefighting essentials, fire and weather conditions, standard operating procedures, and the use of trained and experienced firefighters. Another point made is that smoke removal gets confused with ventilation and the two should be thought of as being very different. Kertzie says, “ the goal of ventilation is to poke a big enough hole in the structure to let out as much heat, smoke and steam as possible.” He compares ventilation to opening a bag of popcorn. The caveat he provides is that ventilation must be carried out simultaneously with the advancement of charged hoselines to save life and property. While the author mentions coordination he does not mention the fact that the fire can get larger due to the addition of air to the fire. The final article, “When to Break the Windows” by John Carlin, Volunteer Safety Officer, was published in Fire Engineering Magazine in 200145. He explains there are many types of ventilation but horizontal is the most effective on house fires, easiest to perform and least time consuming. Carlin explains that he had adverse fire conditions in a number of fires because of lack of ventilation; they were “cooked like lobsters.” They learned that “beginning the ventilation process by simply breaking the right window at the right time resulted in a much more positive outcome.” Again the coordination of ventilation is emphasized. He goes on to say 18 that the window closest to the fire or in the fire area should be broken. Further the crew will have to have a charged hoseline and be ready to advance into the fire area and that premature ventilation can cause problems that are detrimental to the outcome of the firefight by increasing the intensity of the fire or pull the fire into uninvolved areas. Carlin advises, “flames can be drawn to open windows. Therefore, if you break a window in an unburned area, you can pull the fire to that area, causing greater damage.” He warns, “if the hoseline crew does not have adequate water or is not advancing into the fire area, do not break the window.” Also, “remember that a building on fire is not a green light to randomly smash every window in sight.” From this literature search the following gaps were identified: Window failure data for residential windows is lacking. The ventilation research fell short on creating experiments that give the fire service the necessary details to ventilate intelligently. The fire service publications provide a lot of practical knowledge about ventilation but there are many holes to be filled, especially what is the role of the air allowed into the house during ventilation on fire growth. How ventilation differs in different types of houses and different house geometries. 5. Panel Furnace Window and Door Experiments Fire performance experiments were conducted to identify and quantify the self-ventilation performance of windows, comparing legacy to modern, in a fire event prior to fire service arrival. An additional experiment was conducted to examine interior door performance. The object of this investigation was to evaluate the reaction to fire of six different window assemblies and three different door assemblies, by means of fire endurance experiments with the furnace temperatures controlled in accordance with the time-temperature curve presented in the Standard, "Fire Tests of Window Assemblies," UL 9, 8th Edition dated July 2, 2009 for windows or “Positive Pressure Fire Tests of Door Assemblies,” UL 10C, 2nd Edition dated January 26, 2009 for doors. Window performance measurements included: extent of and mechanism of failure indicated by time of initial glass breakage and size of opening; catastrophic frame failure; and other fire performance characteristics of varying window structures comparing legacy and modern windows. Each window had thermocouples inside and outside the furnace, in the center of the panes as well as near the frame. Heat flux was measured at the face of the window inside the furnace and 1 m (3 ft) back from the window outside the furnace. Different window construction parameters assessed include: 1) wood frame and vinyl frame construction; 2) single and multi-pane designs and 3) single and multi-glazed designs. Different door construction parameters assessed include: 1) Hollow and solid core construction; and 2) different wood types. This data demonstrates and compares window and interior door performance parameters between legacy and modern window and door types. Modern windows are defined as windows that are able to be easily purchased new and that are typically found in houses constructed post the year 2000. The legacy windows used in these experiments were purchased used and are meant to be representative of windows that would be found on houses built between the years 1950 and 1970. These results were used to design specific ventilation parameters for the full-scale house fire experiments. 19 5.1. Fulll-Scale Verttical Fire Fu urnace The full-scale verticaal fire furnacce (panel furrnace) is onee of three maajor furnacess used to evaaluate the fire endurance e ch haracteristiccs of represeentative buillding sectionns. When thhe fire has sppread and engu ulfed an enttire room orr floor, it beecomes neceessary to coontain the fiire. The buiilding materialss coupled wiith building construction n techniquess help resistt the long-teerm effects oof the fire. Fire testiing of buildiing materialls started in the early 19900s. Prior to that timee, fire separaations were ach hieved by alllowing build ders to use only o specificc materials kknown to hoold up undeer fire condition ns. Around the turn of o the centtury, severaal new andd innovativve materialss and constructtion techniq ques were developed. d As A a result, it was neccessary to ddevelop a teesting procedurre that evalu uated these new n innovattions. The saame basic test procedurre has been used ever sincce. The paneel furnace (F Figure 2) waas originally developed tto determinee the fire enddurance rating of wall asseemblies. A representativ r ve section off a wall, 10 by 10-ft, is constructedd. One side oof the assembly y is heated to o temperaturres up to 200 00 F for up to 4 hours. D During the teest, the wall must contain th he fire and limit l the tem mperature risee on the unhheated side oof the assembbly. After thhe fire test, a water w hose strream test is conducted to determinne a wall’s aability to ressist damage from mechaniccal and therm mal stresses. Water is fllowed onto tthe wall usinng a hose too apply a uniiform force to the t entire waall assembly and to cool the assemblly rapidly. T The wall mayy not developp any holes durring this testt. Figure 2. The Panel Fu urnace 20 5.2. Exp perimental Samples S Table 1 describes d thee designation ns, descriptio ons and dimeensions of thhe 6 window ws and 3 dooor samples used u for the experimentss. Figure 3 through t Figuure 11 show the sampless prior to thee experimeents. Moderrn windows are a defined as a windows tthat are ablee to be easilyy purchased nnew and that are a typically y found in ho ouses constru ucted post thhe year 20000. The legaccy windows uused in these experiments e were purchaased used an nd are meantt to be repressentative of w windows thaat would bee found on houses built between b the years 1950 aand 1970. Table 1. Sample S Descriiptions Designattion Description Legacy (L L) or Modern ((M) A Wooden Fram me, Two Panee, Single Glazzed, Storm Vin nyl Clad Woo od Frame, Two T Pane, Doub ble Glazed Wood/Metal Frame / Nine Pane P over One Panee, Single Glaazed Preemium Plastiic Frame, Tw wo Pane, Doub ble Glazed Pllastic Framee, Two Pane,, Double Glazed G Prem mium Wood den Frame, Two T Pane, Doub ble Glazed (L) Size Widdth (in). x Heeight (in.) /G Glass thickneess (in) 330 x 46 1/2 / .093 (M) 300 1/2 x 56 7/88 / .087 (L) 25 5/8 x 59 1/22 / .115 (M) 28 x 54 / .0087 (M) 288 1/2 x 54 1/22 / .088 (M) 29 x 57 / .0089 N/A N/A N/A 30 x 800 30 x 800 30 x 800 B C D E F 1 2 3 Door D – Flush h Oak, Hollow w Core Doorr – Six Panell Molded, Ho ollow Core Do oor – Six Pan nel Pine, Solid Core Figure F 3. Sam mple A Figu ure 4. Samplee B 21 Figure 55. Sample C Figure F 6. Sam mple D Figu ure 7. Samplee E Figure 88. Sample F Figure F 9. Sam mple 1 Figu ure 10. Samplle 2 Figure 11. Sample 3 5.3. Con nstruction off the Experiimental Asssemblies Three asssemblies were installed into i a wood stud and dryywall plug. T The plug waas then installled into a maasonry wall. The plug waas 145 3/4 in n. wide and 885 3/4 in. high; the threee openings fo for the windo ow assembliies were fram med with 2 by b 4 dimensiional lumberr, 32 in. wide and 62 1/22 in. high. Theese openingss were locateed 19 in. apaart and 12 inn. off the botttom edge. A 2 x 6 headeer was the top t edge of the opening. Figure 12 prrovides detaails for this aassembly. Thhe exposed surface was w covered with 1/2 in. non-rated gy ypsum wallbboard. The m masonry walll was constructted on a 4 in n. concrete siill with solid d block and a steel lintel.. The wall haad an openinng 146 in. wide w and 86 in. i high with h two 8 in. wide w by 16 inn. long colum mns built fluush with the exterior of o the exposeed side. Thee columns serrved to splitt the openingg into thirds. An experimeental assemb bly is presentted in Figuree 13. mples were installed i into o the plug oppening so thaat the samples were flush on The expeerimental sam the expossed surface with w the dryw wall. A 3 in.. drywall fraame was attaached to prottect any expoosed lumber needed n for th he custom fitt of each win ndow. The w windows werre orientated such that thhe furnace exposed e sidee would be th he interior siide of the wiindow. 22 After thee completion n of the window experim ments, one oof the windoow plugs waas modified to fit three, 3 ft. f x 7 ft. pree-hung doorrs with wood d frames forr the last andd final experiment. The door openingss were createed by remov ving portion ns of each w window slot that includeed the removval of the window header and a vertical supports. The T pre-hungg doors weree latched cloosed with passage type lock ksets and weere hung with h the hingess provided byy the door aand frame manufacturer. The wood door frames were w secured to the stud wall w with faasteners throuugh the eachh jamb. Striips of d gypsum wallboard w were then used to simullate the caseement trim around the door non-rated opening. Upon completion, th he frame waas lifted into o the masonrry opening. The framee was drilledd and then secu ured to the wall w with scrrews through h the frame and metal pplates. The m metal plates were attached to the mason nry wall. Figure F 12. Un nexposed Side of Frame 23 Figure 13. Exposed E Side oof Frame 5.4. Insttrumentation Each win ndow was instrumented with w eight - 0.5 mm (0.002 in) nominnal diameter type K bare bead thermoco ouples and tw wo Schmidt-Boelter heat flux gaugess. Each winddow pane haad a thermoco ouple in the center c and in n the lower left l corner, oon both sidess of the glasss to measuree the temperatu ure differencce between the t inside an nd outside off the glass. IIt also measuured the differencce in temperaature betweeen the centerr of the winddow pane andd near the frame. The thermoco ouples were bent so that they touched the glass bbut they weree not glued oor fixed to thhe glass in any a way. A heat flux gaauge was insttalled 10 in. below each window succh that the faace was flush h with the gy ypsum board d on the expo osed side of the furnace to measure tthe heat fluxx the windowss or doors weere exposed to. An additional heat fflux gauge w was placed ceentered on thhe top pane of the windo ow, 36 in. baack from thee face of the wood stud w wall. This ggauge measurred f transmittted through h the upper window w panee (Figure 14)). the heat flux or was instru umented with h 4 - 0.5 mm m (0.02 in) noominal diam meter type K bare bead Each doo thermoco ouples and 1 Schmidt-Booelter heat flu ux gauges. T Thermocoupples were plaaced in the toop center off the door and bottom cen nter of the door, d both onn the exposedd and unexposed side. T The thermoco ouples were bent so that they touched the door bbut they weree not glued oor fixed to thhe door in any a way. A heat h flux gau uge was placced centeredd on the top hhalf of the dooor, 36 in. bback from the face of the wood w stud wall. w This gaauge measureed the heat fflux transmittted through the door at faailure (Figurre 15). Video caameras were placed with a field of viiew that focuused on eachh window orr door. A theermal imaging camera was placed to lo ook at the enttire frame. 24 Exposed Side (Viewed from Outside Furnace) 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 A C E Unexposed Side (Outside Furnace) 5 B 5 F 5 D 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 - Heat Flux Gauge - Thermocouple Figure 14. Window Instrumentation locations 25 Figure F 15. Doo or Instrumentt Locations 5.5. Exp perimental Methodolog M y nts were con nducted with h samples A, B and C. Inn each experriment, the The first 3 experimen f until eevery windoow was testedd in each windowss were rotated to the nextt slot in the frame location (A-B-C, ( C-A A-B, B-C-A)). Experimeents 4 througgh 6 were conducted withh samples D D, E and F and d were rotateed just as thee first 3 weree (D-E-F, F--D-E, E-F-D D). The furnaace temperattures were controlled in accordance with the tim me-temperatuure curve presented d in the Stan ndard, "Fire Tests T of Win ndow Assem mblies," UL 99, 8th Editionn dated July 2, 2009 for windows. The T furnace temperatures followed ffor the door eexperiment iis presented in the stand dard “Positiv ve Pressure Fire F Tests of Door Assem mblies,” UL 10C, 2nd Eddition dated January 26, 2 2009 for doors. The furnace tem mperatures w were measureed with twelvve thermoco ouples symm metrically loccated in the furnace f cham mber positiooned approxiimately 6 in. (152 mm) from m the exposeed face of th he assembly. out the experiments, obsservations were w made to note the chaaracter of thee fire and itss Througho control, the t condition n of the expo osed and uneexposed surffaces and of all developm ments pertinent to the firee performance of the asssembly with particular reeference to w window meltting, crackinng, breaking and falling out, heat tran nsmission, passage p of fllame and genneration of ssmoke. 26 5.6. Win ndow and Door Experim ment Resultts 5.6.1. Experiment E 1 The appeearance of th he unexposed d surface of the assemblyy before the fire endurannce experiment is shown in n Figure 16. The T assemblly had, from m right to leftt on the unexxposed side oof the same, experimeental window ws A – B – C. C m the unexposed Observattions during Experiment 1 are detaileed in Table 22. Observattions are from side unleess otherwisee noted. Thee average furrnace temperrature is graaphed versus time in Figuure 17. Wind dow temperaatures are grraphed in Fig gure 18 throuugh Figure 220. The heaat flux for alll three win ndows is graaphed versus time in Figu ure 21. Figure 16. Experiment 1 Setup 27 Table 2. Experiment 1 Observations Time (min:sec) 0:00 1:00 1:30 1:45 2:00 2:40 4:07 4:24 5:30 6:34 7:10 7:40 9:00 11:49 12:00 12:08 Observations Gas on Sample C, the top panes had begun to crack. Sample C, smoke had begun to emit from the crack. Sample B, top exposed internal pane had broken out. Sample B, developed a crack on the top exterior pane. Samples A and C, developed a hole in the bottom pane. Sample B, top interior pane had broken out. Sample B, top exterior pane had broken out. Sample C, center sash had started to burn on the exterior. Sample A, the bottom pane had broken out. Sample B, the top of the exterior frame had ignited. Sample B, a hole had developed in the bottom pane. Sample C, the entire exposed surface of the top wood muntins were burning. Sample C, top sash had slid down to the bottom of the window assembly. Gas off. Sample C, the top sash, which had slid to the bottom, had fallen out of the assembly 800 700 o Temperature ( C) 600 500 400 300 Avg. Furnace 200 UL 9 Curve 100 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) Figure 17. Average Furnace Temperature 28 600 700 900 600 o Temperature ( C) 750 Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Window A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Window B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 450 300 150 0 0 200 400 600 800 Time (s) Figure 18. Window A Temperatures 900 600 o Temperature ( C) 750 450 300 150 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 19. Window B Temperatures 29 800 900 Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Window 600 o Temperature ( C) 750 C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-6 C-7 C-8 450 300 150 0 0 200 400 600 800 Time (s) Figure 20. Window C Temperatures 80 Window Window Window Window Window Window 2 Heat Flux (kW/m ) 60 40 20 0 0 200 400 600 800 Time (s) Figure 21. Experiment 1 Heat Flux 30 1000 A-A A-B B-C B-D C-E C-F 5.6.2. Experiment E 2 The appeearance of th he unexposed d surface of the assemblyy before the fire endurannce experiment is shown in n Figure 22. The assemb bly had, from m right to lefft from lookiing from the unexposed side of the sam me, experim mental windows C – A – B. Observattions during Experiment 2 are detaileed in Table 33. Observattions are from m the unexposed side unleess otherwisee noted. Thee average furrnace temperrature is graaphed versus time in Figuure 23. Wind dow temperaatures are grraphed in Fig gure 24 throuugh Figure 226. The heaat flux for alll three win ndows is graaphed versus time in Figu ure 27. . Figure 22. Experiment 2 Setup 31 Table 3. Experiment 2 Observations Time (min:sec) 0:00 0:45 1:14 1:33 1:47 1:51 4:38 6:41 8:00 10:06 10:46 12:15 14:00 15:00 Observations Gas on Sample B, had begun to smoke. Samples A and C, had begun to crack on the top panes. Sample B, top exposed internal pane had broken out. Sample B, interior top pane had fallen into the furnace. Sample B, interior bottom pane had fallen into the furnace. Sample B, top exterior pane had broken out. Sample B, bottom exterior pane had broken out. Sample A, entire circumference of the frame had begun to burn. Sample A, the top pane had broken out. Sample C, top sash had stated to slip downwards. Sample A, the bottom pane had broken out. Sample C, the top sash had slid down approximately 25%. Gas off. 800 700 o Temperature ( C) 600 500 400 300 Avg. Furnace 200 UL 9 Curve 100 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) Figure 23. Average Furnace Temperature 32 600 700 900 600 o Temperature ( C) 750 Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Window A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Window B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 450 300 150 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Time (s) Figure 24. Window A Temperatures 900 600 o Temperature ( C) 750 450 300 150 0 0 200 400 600 800 Time (s) Figure 25. Window B Temperatures 33 1000 900 Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Window 600 o Temperature ( C) 750 C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-6 C-7 C-8 450 300 150 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Time (s) Figure 26. Window C Temperatures 80 Window Window Window Window Window Window 2 Heat Flux (kW/m ) 60 40 20 0 0 240 480 720 Time (s) Figure 27. Expriment 2 Heat Flux 34 960 1200 C-A C-B A-C A-D B-E B-F 5.6.3. Experiment E 3 The appeearance of th he unexposed d surface of the assemblyy before the fire endurannce experiment is shown in n Figure 28. The assemb bly had, from m right to lefft from lookiing from the unexposed side of the sam me, experim mental windows B – C – A. A Observattions during Experiment 3 are detaileed in Table 44. Observattions are from m the unexposed side unleess otherwisee noted. Thee average furrnace temperrature is graaphed versus time in Figuure 29. Wind dow temperaatures are grraphed in Fig gure 30 throuugh Figure 332. The heaat flux for alll three win ndows is graaphed versus time in Figu ure 33. Figure 28.. Experiment 3 Setup 35 Table 4. Experiment 3 Observations Time (min:sec) 0:00 1:00 1:22 1:44 1:48 3:56 4:07 4:24 7:00 7:46 10:25 10:46 11:42 12:04 12:11 14:19 15:00 Observations Gas on Samples A and C, had begun to crack. Sample B, had begun to crack. Sample B, bottom exposed internal pane had broken out. Sample B, top exposed internal pane had broken out. Sample B, top external pane had broken out. Sample B, top interior had pane broken out. Sample B, top exterior had pane broken out. Sample B, top sash had started to slide downwards. Sample B, the bottom pane had developed openings. Sample A, the top panel had developed an opening Sample B, the bottom pane had broken out. Sample A, the unexposed, exterior frame had ignited. Sample C, the unexposed, exterior frame had ignited. Sample A, the top pane had broken out. Sample A, the bottom pane had broken out. Gas off. 800 700 o Temperature ( C) 600 500 400 300 Avg. Furnace 200 UL 9 Curve 100 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Time (s) Figure 29. Average Furnace Temperature 36 700 800 900 600 A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Window B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 o Temperature ( C) 750 Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Window 450 300 150 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Time (s) Figure 30. Window A Temperatures 900 600 o Temperature ( C) 750 450 300 150 0 0 200 400 600 800 Time (s) Figure 31. Window B Temperatures 37 1000 900 Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Window 600 o Temperature ( C) 750 C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-6 C-7 C-8 450 300 150 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Time (s) Figure 32. Window C Temperatures 80 Window Window Window Window Window Window 2 Heat Flux (kW/m ) 60 40 20 0 0 240 480 720 960 Time (s) Figure 33. Experiment 3 Heat flux 38 1200 B-A B-B C-C C-D A-E A- F 5.6.4. Experiment E 4 The appeearance of th he unexposed d surface of the assemblyy before the fire endurannce experiment is shown in n Figure 34. The assemb bly had, from m right to lefft from lookiing from the unexposed side of the sam me, experim mental windows D – E – F. F Observattions during Experiment 4 are detaileed in Table 55. Observattions are from m the unexposed side unleess otherwisee noted. Thee average furrnace temperrature is graaphed versus time in Figuure 35. Wind dow temperaatures are grraphed in Fig gure 36 throuugh Figure 338. The heaat flux for alll three win ndows is graaphed versus time in Figu ure 39. Figure 34. Experiment 4 Setup 39 Table 5. Experiment 4 Observations Time (min:sec) 0:00 0:57 1:10 1:15 1:35 2:12 2:39 3:39 3:58 5:10 5:15 5:16 5:25 5:26 5:47 Observations Gas on Sample F, had begun to crack. Sample E, had begun to crack. Sample D, top exposed internal pane had broken out. Sample F, top exposed internal pane had broken out. Sample D, bottom exposed internal pane had broken out. Sample E, bottom exposed internal pane had broken out. Sample F, bottom external pane had broken out. Sample D, top external pane had broken. Sample F, top sash had started to slide downwards. Sample D, top sash had started to slide downwards. Sample E, bottom external pane had broken out. Sample D, the top sash had fallen out of the track. Sample E, top exposed internal pane had broken out. Sample E, top external pane had broken out. Sample D, bottom exterior pane had broken out. Sample D, the bottom pane had broken out. Gas off. 6:23 8:30 800 700 o Temperature ( C) 600 500 400 300 Avg. Furnace 200 UL 9 Curve 100 0 0 100 200 300 Time (s) Figure 35. Average Furnace Temperature 40 400 500 900 600 D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4 D-5 D-6 D-7 D-8 Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Window E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6 E-7 E-8 o Temperature ( C) 750 Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Window 450 300 150 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Time (s) Figure 36. Window D Temperature 900 600 o Temperature ( C) 750 450 300 150 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) Figure 37. Window E Temperature 41 600 Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Window 900 600 o Temperature ( C) 750 F-1 F-2 F-3 F-4 F-5 F-6 F-7 F-8 450 300 150 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Time (s) Figure 38. Window F Temperature 80 Window Window Window Window Window Window 2 Heat Flux (kW/m ) 60 40 20 0 0 160 320 480 640 Time (s) Figure 39. Experiment 4 Heat Flux 42 800 D-A D-B E-C E-D F-E F-F 5.6.5. Experiment E 5 The appeearance of th he unexposed d surface of the assemblyy before the fire endurannce experiment is shown in n Figure 40. The assemb bly had, from m right to lefft from lookiing from the unexposed side of the sam me, experim mental windows F – D – E. E Observattions during Experiment 5 are detaileed in Table 66. Observattions are from m the unexposed side unleess otherwisee noted. Thee average furrnace temperrature is graaphed versus time in Figuure 41. Wind dow temperaatures are grraphed in Fig gure 42 throuugh Figure 444. The heaat flux for alll three win ndows is graaphed versus time in Figu ure 45. Figure 40. Experiment 5 Setup 43 Table 6. Experiment 5 Observations Time (min:sec) 0:00 1:00 1:27 2:00 2:30 2:39 3:39 Observations Gas on Sample F, D, E, had begun to crack. Sample F, bottom exposed internal pane had broken out. Sample F, top exposed internal pane had broken out. Sample D, top sash had started to slide downwards. Sample E, bottom exposed internal pane had broken out. Sample D, top sash had slid all the way down. Some internal pane breakage had occurred. Sample E, top external pane and bottom exterior pane had broken out. Sample D, bottom external pane had broken out. Sample E, top external pane had broken out. Sample F, bottom external pane had broken out. Gas off. 4:26 4:36 5:45 5:49 7:00 800 700 o Temperature ( C) 600 500 400 300 Avg. Furnace 200 UL 9 Curve 100 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Time (s) Figure 41. Average Furnace Temperatures 44 350 400 900 600 D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4 D-5 D-6 D-7 D-8 Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Window E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6 E-7 E-8 o Temperature ( C) 750 Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Window 450 300 150 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) Figure 42. Window D Temperatures 900 600 o Temperature ( C) 750 450 300 150 0 0 100 200 300 400 Time (s) Figure 43. Window E Temperatures 45 500 Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Window 900 600 o Temperature ( C) 750 F-1 F-2 F-3 F-4 F-5 F-6 F-7 F-8 450 300 150 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) Figure 44. Window F Temperatures 80 Window Window Window Window Window Window 2 Heat Flux (kW/m ) 60 40 20 0 0 120 240 360 480 Time (s) Figure 45. Experiment 5 Heat Flux 46 600 F-A F-B D-C D-D E-E E-F E 6 5.6.6. Experiment The appeearance of th he unexposed d surface of the assemblyy before the fire endurannce experiment is shown in n Figure 46. The assemb bly had, from m right to lefft from lookiing from the unexposed side of the sam me, experim mental windows E – F – D. D m the unexposed Observattions during Experiment 6 are detaileed in Table 77. Observattions are from side unleess otherwisee noted. Thee average furrnace temperrature is graaphed versus time in Figuure 47. Wind dow temperaatures are grraphed in Fig gure 48 throuugh Figure 550. The heaat flux for alll three win ndows is graaphed versus time in Figu ure 51. Figure 46. Experiment 6 Setup 47 Table 7. Experiment 6 Observations Time (min:sec) 0:00 1:05 1:40 2:12 2:20 3:51 4:02 4:22 5:05 5:12 5:22 5:55 6:01 6:27 7:00 Observations Gas on Sample F, D, E, had begun to crack. Sample F, top exposed internal pane had broken out. Sample D, top exposed internal pane had broken out. Sample F, bottom exposed internal pane had broken out. Sample E, bottom exposed internal pane had broken out. Sample F, bottom external pane had broken out. Sample F, top external pane had broke and had created an opening. Sample D, top sash had slid all the way down. Sample D, bottom external pane had broken out. Sample D, top external pane had started to break out. Sample E, bottom external pane had broken out. Sample F, top external pane had fallen from the sash. Sample E, top external pane had broken out. Gas off. 800 700 o Temperature ( C) 600 500 400 300 200 Avg. Furnace 100 UL 9 Curve 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Time (s) Figure 47. Average Furnace Temperatures 48 350 400 900 Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Window 600 o Temperature ( C) 750 D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4 D-5 D-6 D-7 D-8 450 300 150 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) Figure 48. Window D Temperatures 900 Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Window 600 o Temperature ( C) 750 450 300 150 0 0 100 200 300 400 Time (s) Figure 49. Window E Temperatures 49 500 E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6 E-7 E-8 900 Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Window 600 o Temperature ( C) 750 F-1 F-2 F-3 F-4 F-5 F-6 F-7 F-8 450 300 150 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) Figure 50. Window F Temperatures 80 Window Window Window Window Window Window 2 Heat Flux (kW/m ) 60 40 20 0 0 120 240 360 480 Time (s) Figure 51. Experiment 6 Heat Flux 50 600 E-A E-B F-C F-D D-E D-F 5.6.7. Experiment E 7 The appeearance of th he unexposed d surface of the assemblyy before the fire endurannce experiment is shown in n Figure 52. The assemb bly had, from m right to lefft from lookiing from the unexposed side of the sam me, experim mental doors 1 – 2 – 3. Observattions during Experiment 7 are detaileed in Table 88. Observattions are from m the unexposed side unleess otherwisee noted. Thee average furrnace temperrature is graaphed versus time in Figuure 53. Doorr temperaturres are graph hed in Figuree 54 throughh Figure 56. The heat fluux for all thrree doors is graphed g verssus time in Figure F 57. Figure 52. Experiment 7 Setup 51 Table 8. Experiment 7 Observations Time (min:sec) 0:00 1:00 2:00 2:20 2:26 3:00 3:28 3:41 and 4:36 3:47 5:02 5:12 5:15 5:20 5:45 5:51 6:07 7:05 Observations Gas on All three assemblies had emitted light smoke from the top. All three assemblies had emitted heavy smoke from the top. Door 1, had developed a bubble on the unexposed surface. Door 3, flaming had occurred along the leading edge. All three assemblies had bowed outwards from the furnace. Door 3, flaming had occurred along the top of the frame. Door 3, flaming had re-occurred along the leading edge. Door 2, flash of flame occurred along the hinge edge. Door 3, the unexposed surface of the door had begun to burn. Door 1, the unexposed surface of the door had begun to burn. Door 2, the unexposed surface of the door had begun to burn. Doors 1 and 2, entire surface of doors had ignited. Door 1, had been consumed. Door 2, had been consumed. Door 3, the door had burned through at the six panel locations. Gas off. 800 700 o Temperature ( C) 600 500 400 300 200 Avg. Furnace 100 UL 10C Curve 0 0 100 200 300 Time (s) Figure 53. Average Furnace Temperature 52 400 900 Door 1 - 1 Door 1 - 2 Door 1 - 3 Door 1 - 4 600 o Temperature ( C) 750 450 300 150 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) Figure 54. Door 1 Temperatures 1000 Door 2 - 1 Door 2 - 2 Door 2 - 3 Door 2 - 4 o Temperature ( C) 800 600 400 200 0 0 100 200 300 400 Time (s) Figure 55. Door 2 Temperatures 53 500 900 Door 3 - 1 Door 3 - 2 Door 3 - 3 Door 3 - 4 600 o Temperature ( C) 750 450 300 150 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) Figure 56. Door 3 Temperatures 40 Door 1 - B Door 2 - D Door 3 - F 2 Heat Flux (kW/m ) 30 20 10 0 0 120 240 360 480 Time (s) Figure 57. Experiment 7 Heat Flux 54 600 5.7. Window and Door Experiment Discussion 5.7.1. Window Furnace Exposure Repeatability It was not possible to perform a large number of experiments and to optimize resources, 3 windows were tested at once. To improve repeatability the windows were rotated between bays in the frame so that each window was in each location once. Pillars were built into the furnace between windows to decrease the impact of one window failing on the exposure of the other windows. Figure 58 shows the furnace temperature for each window experiment versus time. The average furnace temperatures were within 20% for the first 3 minutes, 10% from minute 3 to 5 and 6% for the remainder. Another measure of repeatability used was the heat flux to the window assemblies. Figure 59 through Figure 61 show the heat flux for the gauges that were located 10 inches below the windows for every experiment. These graphs show good repeatability between experiments. Figure 62 shows the average heat flux for the same 3 gauges. Heat flux gauge A had the highest average while heat flux gauges C and E had very similar fluxes. The heat fluxes for all of the gauges for every experiment are within 20%. 800 700 o Temperature ( C) 600 500 400 Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 3 Experiment 4 Experiment 5 Experiment 6 300 200 100 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 58. Furnace Temperature Comparison 55 800 80 70 2 Heat Flux (kW/m ) 60 50 40 30 Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 3 Experiment 4 Experiment 5 Experiment 6 20 10 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Time Figure 59. Heat Flux Gauge A 80 70 2 Heat Flux (kW/m ) 60 50 40 30 Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 3 Experiment 4 Experiment 5 Experiment 6 20 10 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Time Figure 60. Heat Flux Gauge C 56 300 350 400 80 70 2 Heat Flux (kW/m ) 60 50 40 30 Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 3 Experiment 4 Experiment 5 Experiment 6 20 10 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Time Figure 61. Heat Flux Gauge E 80 70 2 Heat Flux (kW/m ) 60 50 40 30 20 Heat Flux A Average Heat Flux C Average Heat Flux E Average 10 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Time Figure 62. Average Heat Flux for Experimental Series 57 400 5.7.2. Window Failure There were a number of different window failure mechanisms and degrees of failure observed during the experiments. In order to have an impact on the fire growth there has to be a passage for air to enter the structure, therefore the failure of interest was the breaking out of the glass as opposed to the cracking of the glass. Failure is defined as a passage through the window of 25% or more of the total glass area. In most cases this was the failure of the top or bottom pane(s) of the window but in some cases the top window sash moved downward, opening the window 25% or more. The two legacy windows with single glazing failed later than the four modern windows with double glazing. The two legacy windows failed at 577 s and 846 s respectively while the modern windows failed at 259 s, 254 s, 312 s, and 270 s respectively. Images of the experimental assemblies showing post-experiment damage are in Figure 63 through Figure 74. In addition to time, the temperatures at which failure occurred were analyzed. Table 10 shows the average gas temperatures just inside and just outside the upper pane of each window just prior to failure. Similar to time, the temperatures for the legacy windows were higher than those of the modern windows. The legacy windows failed when the furnace side temperature was between 650 °C (1200 °F) and 790 °C (1450 °F), while the modern windows failed between 540 °C (1000 °F) and 650 °C (1200 °F). The corresponding outside of the glass temperature was between 370 °C (700 °F) and 380 °C (720 °F) for the legacy window and between 80 °C (180 °F) and 205 °C (400 °F) for the modern windows. Table 9. Window Failure Times Experiment 1 2 3 Average 4 5 6 Average A (L) 6:34 (394) 10:06 (606) 12:11 (731) 9:37 (577) D (M) 3:58 (238) 3:39 (219) 5:05 (305) 4:14 (254) Window [mm:ss (sec)] B (M) 4:24 (264) 4:38 (278) 3:56 (236) 4:19 (259) E (M) 5:16 (316) 4:26 (266) 5:55 (355) 5:12 (312) 58 C (L) 11:49 (709) 14:30 (870) 16:00 (960) 14:06 (846) F (M) 3:39 (219) 5:49 (349) 4:02 (242) 4:30 (270) Figure 63.. Exp. 1 Post experiment, e Unexposed U sidee Figure 664. Exp. 1 Poost experimentt, Exposed sid de Figure 65.. Exp. 2 Post experiment, e Unexposed U sidee Figure 666. Exp. 2 Poost experimentt, Exposed sid de Figure 67.. Exp. 3 Post experiment, e Unexposed U sidee Figure 668. Exp. 3 Poost experimentt, Exposed sid de 59 Figure 69.. Exp. 4 Post experiment, e Unexposed U sidee Figure 770. Exp. 4 Poost experimentt, Exposed sid de Figure 71.. Exp. 5 Post experiment, e Unexposed U sidee Figure 772. Exp. 5 Poost experimentt, Exposed sid de Figure 73.. Exp. 6 Post experiment, e Unexposed U sidee Figure 774. Exp. 6 Poost experimentt, Exposed sid de 60 Table 10. Top Pane Faiilure Tempera atures Averrage Inner Tem mperature Avera age Outer Tem mperature Averrage Inner Tem mperature Avera age Outer Tem mperature A (L) 650 °C ° (1200 °F)) Window B (M) 540 °C (1000 °F F) C (L) 7900 °C (1450 °°F) 370 °C (700 °F) 1500 °C (300 °F F) 3880 °C (720 °F F) D (M) 650 °C ° (1200 °F)) E (M) 565 °C (1050 °F F) F (M) 6500 °C (1200 °°F) 140 °C (280 °F) 2055 °C (400 °F F) 800 °C (180 °F F) D failure 5.7.3. Door d failure experiment conducted c aand the failurre times are shown in Taable There waas only one door 11. Failu ure was defin ned to have occurred wh hen the unexxposed surfacce of the dooor sustained burning. All of the doors d failed at a approximaately 300 s. There was vvery little difference between the two hollow h core doors d (1 and d 2). The firee ignited thee unexposed side and quickly consum med what wass left of the door. d The so olid core doo or (3) had a similar failuure time but tthe mechanism was diffeerent. Door 3 was a six panel p door so where the panels weree located on the door burrned through because b of itts reduced th hickness. Th he thicker poortions of thee door remaiined intact att the terminatiion of the ex xperiment (Figure 75). This T experim ment shows thhe fire contaainment abiliity of interior doors d during a well ventiilated compaartment fire iis approximaately 5 minuutes. For thee doors evaaluated in th his experimen nt it can also o be concludded that the ttype of woodd had no noticeablle impact on n failure timee. Table 11. Door Failure Times Exp periment 7 Door 2 55:15 (315) 1 5:12 (312) Figurre 75. Post experiment phooto of the doorrs 61 3 5:02 (302) 5.8. Window and Door Experiment Conclusions These experiments demonstrated a significant difference in legacy and modern windows exposed to fire conditions. In this series of experiments the legacy single glazed windows outperformed the modern double glazed windows in terms of longer failure times. It is proposed that this occurred for two reasons. First the legacy windows had thicker glazing than the modern windows. The legacy windows had glass thicknesses of 0.093 in and 0.11 in., while the modern window thicknesses were 0.087 in. Second, the method the glass was fixed into the frame differed greatly between the two eras. The legacy window glass was held in place with putty like substance and there was room in the frame for expansion of the glass. The modern glass was fixed very tightly into the frame with an air tight gasket and metal band, to provide better thermal insulation. This configuration did not allow for much expansion and therefore stressed the glass as it heated and expanded. The doors evaluated in this experiment demonstrated that the type of wood had no noticeable impact on failure time. The failure time was dictated by the thickness of the door. The hollow core doors had the same overall wood thickness as the panels of the solid core door and therefore the fire breached them at very similar times. 5.9. Future Research Needed Future research is needed to examine the impact of uneven heating and the impact of soot deposited on the glass. The furnace exposes the windows to a uniform temperature and flux exposure while windows exposed to actual fire conditions most likely would be heated on a gradient as the hot gas layer moves toward the floor as the fire increases in intensity. The furnace also utilizes a fire condition that has minimal soot production. It has been observed in other experiments that the soot deposited on the glass of a window will protect it from fire exposure for a period of time. Additional door experiments would also be insightful, especially for a solid core door with no panels. Additional experiments could also examine failure mechanisms such as fire breaching around or under the door assembly as opposed to burn through and total containment failure. 5.10. Fire Service Tactical Consideration During window experiments 1-3 it was noticed in the thermal imaging camera view that the modern window hid the fact that there was a fire behind it for a significant period of time as compared to the legacy windows. This is anticipated due to the energy efficient design of the modern window. Figure 76 shows the thermal imaging view of the three windows 7 seconds after ignition. The heat from the furnace immediately is conducted to the exterior of the legacy windows but is not visible in the modern window. The image at one minute and 30 seconds shows that the modern window allows as much heat through as the gypsum board on the inside of the assembly, while temperatures above 150 °C (300 °F) are detected on the legacy windows (Figure 77). Figure 78 shows that heat is now visible through the window and the first crack has developed through the outer, upper pane. At 4 minutes and 27 seconds the modern window upper pane has failed and the temperature registers the same as that of the still intact legacy windows (Figure 79). 62 The temp perature inside the modeern window at a 1 minute aand 30 seconnds is in exccess of 315°C C (600 °F) but is not deetectible on the t outside with w a therm mal imaging ccamera. Thiis is importannt to understan nd for therm mal imaging cameras c bein ng used for ““size-up” off structure firres. The firsst elevated temperaturee (red in the images) i deteected by the thermal imaaging cameraa came after window failure. f Eveen slight tem mperature diff fferentials nooticed with thhe camera w when lookingg at modern windows w maay be indicative of elevatted temperattures in the sstructure. Figure 76.. 7 seconds affter ignition Figure 777. 1 minute 330 seconds aftter ignition Figure 78.. 4 minutes 7 seconds after ignition Figure 779. 4 minutess 27 seconds affter ignition 63 6. Modern vs. Legacy Room Furnishings Fire Comparisons Two experiments were conducted to examine the changes in fire development in modern room’s contents versus that that may have been found in a house in the mid-20th century. The modern rooms utilized synthetic contents that were readily available new at various retail outlets, and the legacy rooms utilized contents that were purchased used from a number of second hand outlets. 6.1. Experiment 1 An experiment was conducted with two side by side living room fires. The purpose was to develop comparative data on modern and legacy furnishings. The rooms measured 12 by 12 ft, with an 8 ft ceiling and had an 8 ft wide by 7 ft tall opening on the front wall. Both rooms contained similar types and amounts of like furnishings. 6.1.1. Experimental Set-up and Furnishings The modern room (Figure 80 through Figure 85) was lined with a layer of ½ inch painted gypsum board and the floor was covered with carpet and padding. The furnishings included a polyester microfiber covered polyurethane foam filled sectional sofa, engineered wood coffee table, end table, television stand and book case. The sofa had a polyester throw placed on its right side. The end table had a lamp with polyester shade on top of it and a wicker basket on its lower shelf. The coffee table had six color magazines, a television remote and a synthetic plant on it. The television stand had a color magazine and a 37 inch flat panel television. The book case had two small plastic bins, two picture frames and two glass vases on it. The right rear corner of the room had a plastic toy bin, a plastic toy tub and four stuffed toys. The rear wall had polyester curtains hanging from a metal rod and the side walls had wood framed pictures hung on them. The legacy room (Figure 86 through Figure 91) was lined with a layer of ½ inch painted cement board and the floor was covered with unfinished hardwood flooring. The furnishings included a cotton covered, cotton batting filled sectional sofa, solid wood coffee table, two end tables, and television stand. The sofa had a cotton throw placed on its right side. Both end tables had a lamp with polyester shade on top of them. The one on the left side of the sofa had two paperback books on it. A wicker basket was located on the floor in front of the right side of the sofa at the floor level. The coffee table had three hard-covered books, a television remote and a synthetic plant on it. The television stand had a 27 inch tube television. The right front corner of the room had a wood toy bin, and multiple wood toys. The rear wall had cotton curtains hanging from a metal rod and the side walls had wood framed pictures hung on them. 64 Figure 80. Modern M room corner c Figure 81. Modern rooom front Figure 82.. Modern sofa a and coffee ta able Figure 883. Modern eend table and toys Figure 84.. Modern LCD D television an nd stand Figure 885. Modern b book case Figure 86.. Legacy corn ner view Figure 887. Legacy frront view 65 Figure 88.. Legacy end table Figure 889. Legacy soofa and coffee table Figure 90.. Legacy telev vision and stan nd Figure 991. Legacy tooys 6.1.2. Ex xperimental Procedure Both rooms were ign nited simultaaneously by placing p a lit candle on thhe right side of the sofa. The fires werre allowed to o grow until flashover an nd maintain fflashover forr a short period of time. The fire was then t extingu uished. 6.1.3. In nstrumentatio on m witth an inconeel thermocouuple array plaaced two feeet out of the right Temperaatures were measured rear corn ner of the roo om. Measureements locattions were evvery foot in elevation frrom the floorr to the ceilin ng. 6.1.4. Reesults The fire in i the moderrn room grew w slowly forr the first minnute as the ccandle flamee extended too the polyesterr throw blank ket and sofa cushion. At A two minutees the fire haad spread to the back cushion of the soffa and a blacck smoke lay yer developeed in the top two to threee feet of the room. At thhree minutes approximate a ely one half of o the sofa iss involved inn the fire, thee carpet has begun to buurn and the hot h gas layer is thickenin ng and flowin ng out of thee top third off the room oopening. Thee modern room r transitiioned to flasshover in 3 minutes m and 330 seconds ((Figure 92 thhrough Figurre 96). i the legacy y room also grew g slowly y in the first m minute as thhe candle flam me spread too the The fire in cotton throw blanket and sofa cushion. At five minutes tthe fire involved the arm m of the sofa and extended d to the curtaains behind th he sofa. Att ten minutess the fire hass spread to appproximatelly one-third d of the sofa.. From ten minutes m to tw wenty minutees the picturres are darkeened becausee the 66 smoke from the modern room haas obscured the t lights in the laboratoory that are tw weny feet abbove the floor,, however th he fire contin nued to spreaad across thee sofa and beegin to devellop a hot gass layer in the t room. Th he legacy room transitio oned to flash over at 29 m minutes and 330 seconds aafter ignition (Figure ( 97 th hrough Figurre 103). The mod dern room tem mperature peeaked at app proximately 1300 °C (23370 °F) whilee the legacy room tem mperature peaked at apprroximately 1200 °C (21990 °F) (Figurre 104 and F Figure 105). Figure 92.. 1 minute aftter ignition Figure 993. 2 minutess after ignition n Figure 94.. 3 minutes affter ignition Figure 995. 3 minutess 30 seconds affter ignition Figure 96.. 4 minutes affter ignition 67 Figure 97.. 1 minute aftter ignition Figure 998. 5 minutess after ignition n Figure 99.. 10 minutes after a ignition Figure 1100. 15 minuttes after ignitiion Figure 101 1. 20 minutes after ignition n Figure 1102. 25 minuttes after ignitiion Figure 103 3. 29 minutes 30 seconds affter ignition 68 1400 1 ft above floor 2 ft above floor 1200 3 ft above floor 4 ft above floor 5 ft above floor 6 ft above floor 7 ft above floor o Temperature ( C) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Time (s) Figure 104. Modern room temperatures 1200 1 ft above floor 2 ft above floor 1000 3 ft above floor 4 ft above floor 6 ft above floor 7 ft above floor 800 o Temperature ( C) 5 ft above floor 600 400 200 0 0 500 1000 1500 Time (s) Figure 105. Legacy room temperatures 69 2000 2500 6.2. Experiment 2 A second experiment was conducted with two side by side living room fires. The purpose was the same, to gain knowledge on the difference between modern and legacy furnishings. Additionally the room size was increased to examine that impact. The rooms measured 13 ft by 18 ft, with an 8 ft ceiling and had a 10 ft wide by 7 ft tall opening on the front wall. Both rooms contained similar amounts of like furnishings (Figure 106 through Figure 113). All furnishings were weighed before being placed in the rooms. Both the modern room and legacy room had a fuel loading of approximately 2.3 lb/ft2. 6.2.1. Experimental Set-up and Furnishings The modern room was lined with a layer of ½ inch painted gypsum board and the floor was covered with nylon carpet and polyurethane padding. The furnishings included a polyester microfiber covered polyurethane foam filled sofa, two matching chairs, engineered wood coffee table, end table, television stand and book case. The sofa had a polyester throw placed on its left side and two polyfill pillows, one on each side. The end table had a lamp with polyester shade on top of it. The coffee table had three color magazines, a wicker basket and a synthetic plant on it. The television stand had two picture frames and a 32 inch flat panel television. The book case had a plastic basket on it. The right rear corner of the room had a plastic toy bin, a plastic toy tub and four stuffed toys. The rear wall had polyester curtains hanging from a metal rod and the side walls had wood framed pictures hung on them. The legacy room was lined with a layer of ½ inch painted gypsum board and the floor was covered with finished hardwood flooring. The furnishings included a cotton covered, cotton batting filled sofa, two matching chairs, solid wood coffee table, two end tables, and television stand. The sofa had a cotton throw placed on its left side. Both end tables had a lamp with glass shade on top of them and a wicker basket. The coffee table had a wicker basket filled with five books and two glass vases. The television stand had a 13 inch tube television with a plant on top of it. The right rear corner of the room had a wood/wicker toy bin, and multiple wood toys. The rear wall had cotton curtains hanging from a metal rod and the side walls had wood framed pictures hung on them. 70 Figure 106 6. Front of Modern M Room Figure 1107. Left walll of modern rooom Figure 108 8. Back wall of o modern roo om Figure 1109. Right waall of modern room Figure 110 0. Front of leg gacy room Figure 1111. Left walll of legacy rooom 71 Figure 112 2. Back wall of o legacy room m Figure 1113. Right waall of legacy rooom 6.2.2.Exp perimental Procedure P nited simultaaneously by placing p a lit candle on thhe left side oof the sofa. T The Both rooms were ign o grow until flashover an nd maintain fflashover forr a short period of time. The fires werre allowed to fire was then t extingu uished. 6.2.3.Ressults The mod dern room waas ignited an nd the fire sp pread to the ssofa cushionn and pillow by the one minute mark. m By two o minutes th he fire involv ved approxim mately one thhird of the toop of the soffa and spreaad to the lam mp shade. Att three minu utes the top oof the entire sofa was on fire and the carpet beegan to burn adjacent to the t sofa. Th he modern rooom transitiooned to flashhover in 3 minutes and a 20 secon nds (Figure 114 through Figure 117)). The legaccy room sofaa was also iggnited on the lefft side and itt spread to th he throw blan nket and soffa cushion byy one minutee. By five minutes the t fire involved the leftt side of the sofa s and sprread to the cuurtains burniing the left ppanel away. At A ten minutees the entire surface s of th he sofa was bburning and by fifteen m minutes the fi fire involved the entire so ofa including g the underside. The flaames reachedd the ceiling but did not extend to o the adjacen nt furnishing gs. The fire burned b downn and never transitioned to flashoverr so it was ex xtinguished at a thirty minu utes after ign nition (Figurre 118 througgh Figure 1224). 72 Figure 114 4. 1 minute affter ignition Figure 1115. 2 minutees after ignitioon Figure 116 6. 3 minutes after a ignition Figure 1117. 3 minutees 30 seconds aafter ignition Figure 118 8. 1 minute affter ignition Figure 1119. 5 minutees after ignitioon 73 Figure 120 0. 10 minutes after ignition n Figure 1121. 15 minuttes after ignitiion Figure 122 2. 20 minutes after ignition n Figure 1123. 25 minuttes after ignitiion Figure 124 4. 30 minutes after ignition n 74 6.3. Discussion Comparing the two experiments, the times to flashover are very similar even though the room size and front opening was varied (Table 12). Even though the second modern room was 90 ft2 larger and had a 14 ft2 larger front opening a similar fuel load was able to flash the room over in the same time. The second legacy experiment did not transition to flashover because it did not have enough fuel burning at the same time to create significant heat in the upper gas layer to ignite items not adjacent to the sofa. The chairs on the left side of the room and the television and bookcase of the right side of the room were never heated to their ignition temperatures. The legacy sectional sofa in the first experiment was able to accomplish this heat generation because of its additional surface area as compared to the second experiments regular sofa. The chairs’ being a few feet away was enough to not allow them to ignite. Table 12. Comparison flashover times Experiment 1 2 Modern 3:30 3:20 Legacy 29:30 Not Achieved 6.4. Conclusion The modern rooms and the legacy rooms demonstrated very different fire behavior. It was very clear that the natural materials in the legacy room burned slower and produced less energy and smoke than the fast burning synthetic furnished modern room. The times to flashover show that the a flaming fire in a room with modern furnishings leaves significantly less time for occupants to escape the fire. It also demonstrates to the fire service that in most cases the fire has either transitioned to flashover prior to their arrival or became ventilation limited and is waiting for a ventilation opening to increase in burning rate. 75 7. Heat Release Rate Experiment Prior to conducting the full-scale house experiments a fuel load needed to be determined. In order to achieve ventilation limited fire conditions during the experiments, the fuel load must consume more oxygen than is available in the houses. To measure this an 18 ft by 13 ft room was constructed in UL’s large fire test building (Figure 125). 7.1. Experimental Set-up and Furnishings The experimental room dimensions, 18 ft wide by 13 ft deep by 8 ft tall, were similar to those of the living rooms in the experimental houses. The opening on the front of the room measured 12 ft wide by 7 ft tall. This opening was meant to simulate multiple openings to adjacent rooms such as in the one-story house. The furniture was chosen to represent a common compliment of furnishings including two sofas, end table, lamp, stuffed chair, armoire, television, carpet and carpet padding. All furnishings in the room were positioned similar to that of the rooms in the houses. For more details on the furniture and their positioning refer to Section 7.3. 7.2. Experimental Procedure Ignition took place remotely using stick matches on the left side of the sofa facing the opening of the room. The fire was allowed to grow unimpeded through flashover and the decay stages of the fire. The fire was suppressed once the furnishings burned to a pile of glowing embers. 7.3. Instrumentation The room was positioned in the nominal 50 by 50-ft. fire test cell equipped with a 25-ft. diameter heat release rate measurement hood (Figure 126). Four inlet ducts provide make up air in the test facility and are located at the walls 5 ft. above the test floor to minimize any induced drafts during the fire tests. The heat release calorimeter is equipped with convective and total heat release instrumentation. The convective instrumentation calculates the heat release rate from the energy rise of the products of combustion entering the calorimeter. The total heat release instrumentation calculates fire size using oxygen consumption techniques. The heat release calorimeter is calibrated up to a 10 MW fire size. Heat release rate data beyond the calibrated value may reflect inaccuracies which are resultant from products of combustion overflowing the collection hood. Temperatures were measured with an inconel thermocouple array placed two feet out of the left rear corner of the room. Measurements locations were every foot in elevation from the floor to the ceiling. 7.4. Results Figure 127 through Figure 136 show each minute for the first ten minutes of the experiment. Flashover occurred at approximately five minutes after ignition. The peak heat release rate was 11.5 MW at approximately six minutes after ignition (Figure 137). The peak temperature measured 1 ft from the ceiling was approximately 1100 °C (2010 °F) eight minutes after ignition (Figure 138). 76 7.5. Discussion To determine the ability to achieve ventilation limited conditions in both houses with this fuel package, the available oxygen needed to be compared to the oxygen consumed during the heat release rate experiment. First the interior volume of the houses was calculated and the volume of interior walls, stairs and floors was subtracted. The volume of the furnishings was disregarded to remain conservative. The percentage of oxygen (21%) was multiplied by the resulting volume to calculate the volume of oxygen. One-Story: 7,600 ft3 x 0.21 = 1,596 ft3 O2 Two-Story: 20,350 ft3 x 0.21 = 4,273 ft3 O2 The volume of oxygen above was converted to mass and multiplied by the mass of oxygen in each house and the theoretical value of 13.1 kJ/g. Using this theoretical value of energy produced by the consumption of oxygen46, a theoretical amount of maximum energy produced can be calculated for each house. 0.001429 g/cm3 x 3.5315×10-5 cm3/ft3 = 40.46 g/ft3 of oxygen One-Story: 40.46 g/ft3 x 1596 ft3 = 64,582 g Two-Story: 40.46 g/ft3 x 4273 ft3 =172,886 g One-Story: 64,582 g x 13.1 kJ/g = 846,204 kJ Two-Story: 172,886 g x 13.1 kJ/g = 2,264,801 kJ The amount of energy produced during the heat release rate experiment was calculated by integrating the area under the curve of the heat release rate versus time plot. This value was 3,647,010 kJ over the 19 minute experiment. Focusing on the time before ventilation in the house experiments the energy released during the first 10 minutes was calculated to be 2,268,436 kJ. This value is greater than that for both houses, so in theory the fire can consume all of the oxygen in the houses prior to ventilation. 7.6. Conclusion The heat release measurement confirms that the fuel package selected is sufficient to generate ventilation limited conditions in both houses. This fuel package and fuel layout will be utilized for the full-scale house experiments in the following section. 77 Figure 125 5. UL's Largee-Scale Fire Test Building Figure 126 6. Heat Relea ase Rate Experrimental Set-u up 78 Figure 127 7. 1 minute affter ignition Figure 1228. 2 minutess after ignition n 9. 3 minutes after a ignition Figure 129 Figure 1330. 4 minutess after ignition n Figure 131 1. 5 minutes after a ignition Figure 1332. 6 minutess after ignition n 79 Figure 133 3. 7 minutes after a ignition Figure 1334. 8 minutess after ignition n Figure 135 5. 9 minutes after a ignition Figure 1336. 10 minutees after ignitioon 12000 Heat Release Rate (kW) 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0 200 400 600 0 800 Time e (s) Figure 137 7. Heat releasse rate versus time 80 1000 1200 1200 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 800 o Temperature ( C) 1000 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 800 Time (s) Figure 138. HRR Experiment room temperatures 81 1000 1200 8. Full-Scale House Experiments To examine ventilation practices as well as the impact of changes in modern house geometries, two houses were constructed in the large fire facility of Underwriters Laboratories in Northbrook, IL. Fifteen experiments were conducted varying the ventilation locations and the number of ventilation openings (Table 13). Ventilation scenarios included ventilating the front door only, opening the front door and a window near and remote from the seat of the fire, opening a window only and ventilating a higher opening in the two-story house. One scenario, each for the one-story and two-story structures were conducted in triplicate to examine repeatability. Details of the structures, instrumentation, fuel load and results follow in this section. To assist with understanding the results, Appendix A contains firefighter reference scales for temperature and carbon monoxide levels. Table 13. Experimental Series Experiment # Structure Location of Ignition Ventilation Parameters 1 1-Story Living Room Front Door 2 2-Story Family Room 3 1-Story Living Room 4 2-Story Family Room Front Door Front Door + Living Room Window (Window near seat of the fire) Front Door + Family Room Window (Window near seat of the fire) 5 1-Story Living Room Living Room Window Only 6 2-Story Family Room 7 1-Story Living Room 8 2-Story Family Room Family Room Window Only Front Door + Bedroom 2 Window (Window remote from fire) Front Door + Bedroom 3 Window (Window remote from fire) 9 1-Story Living Room Front Door + Living Room Window (Repeat Exp. 3) 10 2-Story Family Room Front Door + Family Room Window (Repeat Exp. 4) 11 2-Story Family Room Front Door + Family Room Window (Repeat Exp. 4) 12 1-Story Living Room Front Door + Living Room Window (Repeat Exp. 3) 13 2-Story Family Room Front Door + Upper Family Room Window 14 1-Story Living Room Front Door + 4 Windows (LR, BR1, BR2, BR3) 15 2-Story Family Room Front Door + 4 Windows (LR, Den, FR1, FR2) 8.1. One-Story Structure Seven of the experiments took place in the one-story house. The house was designed by a residential architectural company to be representative of a home constructed in the mid-twentieth century with walls and doorways separating all of the rooms and 8 ft ceilings. The experiments aim to examine the fire dynamics in a structure of this type and to further understand the impact of different types of ventilation on tenability throughout the structure. The one-story house had an area of 1200 ft2, with 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and 8 total rooms (Figure 139 through Figure 141). The home was a wood frame, type 5 structure lined with two 82 layers off gypsum boaard (Base lay yer 5/8 in, Su urface layer ½ in.) The roof was truuss constructtion but not sh heathed becaause the fires were conteent fires onlyy and not strructure fires. The front aand rear of th he structure were w covered d with cement board to llimit exterior fire spreadd. Figure 1422 is a 3D rendeering of the house h with th he roof cut away a to show w the interioor layout withh furniture aand floor cov verings. Thee tan floor sh hows the carp pet placemennt and the grrey shows thhe cement flooor or simulaated tile locaations. Figure 139 9. One-story front f Figuree 140. One-stoory rear Figure 141 1. One-Story House Floor Plan P 83 Figure 142 2. 3D Rendering of the Onee-Story Housee from the Froont 8.2. Two-Story T Structure S The two--story house had an area of 3200 ft2, with 4 bedrrooms, 2.5 baathrooms hoouse and 12 ttotal rooms (F Figure 143 th hrough Figurre 148). Thee home was also a woodd frame, typee 5 structure lined with two layers of gy ypsum board d (Base layerr 5/8 in, Surfface layer ½ in.) The roof was truss constructtion but not sheathed beccause the fires were conttent fires only and not sttructure firess. The frontt and rear off the structurre were coveered with cem ment board tto limit exterrior fire spreead. Figure 143 3. Two-Story front Figure 1144. Two-Stoory Rear 84 Figure 145 5. 3D Rendering of the 2-Sttory House fro om the Front Figure 146 6. 3D Rendering of the 2-Sttory House fro om the Back 85 Figure 147 7. Two-Story House First Floor F Plan Figure 148 8. Two-Story House Second d Floor Plan 86 8.3. Fuel Load Furniture was acquired for the experiments such that each room of furniture was the same from experiment to experiment. Descriptions, dimensions and weights for all of the furniture are in Table 14. The living room in the one-story house, the family room and the living room in the two-story house were furnished similarly with two sofas, armoire, television, end table, coffee table, chair, two pictures, lamp with shade and two curtains (Figure 149 through Figure 151). The floor was covered with polyurethane foam padding and polyester carpet. These were also the same furnishings used in the heat release rate experiment in Section 7. The master bedroom in both houses was furnished with a queen bed comprised of a mattress, box spring, wood frame, two pillows and comforter. The rest of the room had a dark brown dresser, armoire and television. The floor was covered with polyurethane foam padding and polyester carpet (Figure 152 and Figure 153). The remainder of the bedrooms in both houses was furnished with the same bed, armoire, television and flooring compliment as well as a light brown dresser, headboard, framed mirror (Figure 154 and Figure 155). The dining room of both houses was furnished with a solid wood table and four upholstered chairs (Figure 156). The kitchens were furnished with the same table and chairs as the dining room, a dishwasher, stove, refrigerator and simulated OSB base cabinets with cement board counters. The floors of both rooms were also cement board to simulate a tile floor (Figure 157 and Figure 158). The two-story house also had a den on the first floor in which a tan stuffed chair was placed as a target fuel. Table 14. Furnishings Item Armoire Sofa Chair End Table Coffee Table Television Picture Picture Lamp Shade Curtains Mattress Box Spring Dresser Dresser Mirror Headboard Dining Room Table Dining Room Chair General Description Medium brown, with TV Patterned sleeper sofa Solid light tan patterened chair with padded arms Solid wood Solid wood 25 in. screen, tube brass wood frame blue wood frame Plastic cloth weighed as a pair queen queen Light brown, mainly particle board Dark brown, mostly solid wood Particle board frame Particle board Solid wood Upholstered 87 Depth (in) Width (in) Height (in) Weight (lb) 28 36 41 72.5 79 33 285 171 35 24 20 24 30 38.5 32.5 27 36 27 1 1 32.5 24.25 19.5 24 26 21.5 60 23 30 72 8.6 9.4 20 10 9.5 60 60 78 78 7.5 7.5 0.6 6.5 65.5 63 19 71.5 23.25 140 20 28 1.25 44 20 71.75 1 60.5 60 22.5 24 46.5 20 30.5 36 131 25 35 147 24.3 Item I Refrigerrator Oven Dishwas sher Refrigerrator Oven Dishwas sher Island Counterr Chair Comfortter Pillows Generall Description n White – 1 story s White – 1 story s White – 1 story s Stainless Steel S - 2 story White - 2 Story S Stainless Steel S - 2 story 2 Story only Both ranch and 2 story Light brown n, slight pattern with padded arms Full/queen Twin size Depth (in) 29 27 Width (in) 36 30 Height (in) 70 0 46.7 75 27.5 5 26.5 5 27 24 24 36.2 25 30 24 96 96 70.2 25 46..5 34 4 36 6 36 6 Weig ght (lb) N NA N NA N NA N NA N NA N NA 16 60.2 10 02.4 34 2 6 29 86 20 34 4 92 2 26 6 63 3.2 5 5.1 1 1.1 Figure 149 9. One-Story Living Room Figure 1150. Two-Stoory Family Rooom Figure 151 1. Two-Story Living Room m Figure 1152. Two-Stoory Master Bedroom 88 Figure 153 3. One-Story Master Bedro oom Figure 1154. Two-Stoory Bedroom 2 Figure 155 5. Bedroom Fuel F Load Figure 1156. Dining R Room Fuel Load Figure 157 7. One-Story Kitchen Figure 1158. Two-Stoory Kitchen 8.4. Instrumenta I ation t experimeents include d gas tempeerature, gas vvelocity, gas The meassurements taaken during the concentraations and video recording. Detailed d measuremeent locationss can be founnd in Appenddix A and B. Gas temperature was measured m witth bare-beadd, Chromel-A Alumel (typee K) thermoco ouples, with a 0.5 mm (0 0.02 in) nom minal diameteer. Thermocoouple arrayss were locateed in every roo om. The theermocouple locations l in the t living rooom and halllway had an array of thermoco ouples with measuremen m nt locations of o 0.03 m, 0..3 m, 0.6 m, 0.9 m, 1.2 m m,1.5 m, 1.8 m and 2.1 m (1 in, 1 ft, 2 ft, 3 ft, 4 ft, f 5 ft, 6 ft and a 7 ft) beloow the ceilinng (Figure 1159). The 89 thermoco ouple locatio ons in the din ning room, kitchen, k and bedrooms hhad an array oof thermoco ouples with measuremen m nt locations of o 0.3 m, 0.99 m, 1.5 m, aand 2.1 m (1 ft, 3 ft, 5 ft,, and 7 ft) belo ow the ceilin ng. Gas velocity was measured utilizzing differen ntial pressuree transducerss connected to bidirectioonal velocity probes p (Figu ure 160 throu ugh Figure 162). 1 These probes weree located in tthe front doorway and the win ndow used fo or ventilation n. There weere five probes on the verrtical centerlline of each doorway d locaated at 0.3 m (1 ft) from the top of thhe doorway, the center oof the doorway and 0.3 m (1 ft) from m the bottom of the doorw way. Therm mocouples weere co-locateed with the bidirectio onal probes to t complete the gas velo ocity measurrement. Posiitive measurrements are fflows out of thee houses while negative velocity measurements are into the houses. Gas conccentrations of o oxygen, caarbon monox xide and carbbon dioxide were measuured in 4 locationss in the structure. Conceentrations weere measuredd at 1 ft and 5 ft from thee floor in thee living roo om and at 5 ft from the floor f in bedrrooms 2 and 3 (Figure 1663 and Figurre 164). Gass concentraation measurrements afteer water flow w into the stru ructure may nnot be accurrate due to thhe impact off moisture on the gas meeasurement equipment. e Video caameras were placed insid de and outsid de the buildinng to monitoor both smokke and fire condition ns throughou ut each experriment (Figu ure 165). Eigght video cam mera views w were recordeed during eaach experimeent. The vieews recorded d are detailedd in Table 155. Table 15. Video camera a views One-Storry Outside front f Outside rear r Inside fro ont door From din ning room lo ooking into th he living roo om From kitcchen looking g into the liv ving room Bedroom m 3 looking at a closed doo or Bedroom m 2 looking toward t hallw way Master bedroom look king toward hallway Two-S Story Outsidde front Outsidde rear Insidee front door From hallway loooking down into the fam mily room From kitchen lookking into thee family room m From living room m looking tow ward family rroom Bedrooom 2 lookinng toward haallway From master bedrroom lookingg toward halllway Figure 159 9. Thermocou uple Array Figuree 160. Doorwaay Velocity Prrobes 90 Figuree 162. Pressurre Transducerrs Figure 161 1. Window Velocity Probess Figuree 164. Gas Sam mpling Instru uments Figure 163 3. Gas Sampling Tubes Figure 165 5. Interior Viideo Camera 91 8.5. Experimental Methodology All of the experiments began with all of the exterior doors and windows closed and all of the interior doors in the same locations, either open or closed, for every experiment. The fire was ignited in a sofa in the living room of the one story house (Figure 166) and in a sofa in the family room for the two story house (Figure 167) using a remote ignition device comprised of three stick matches (Figure 168). This ignition device used a thin wire which was energized to heat the match heads to create a small flaming ignition. The flaming fire was allowed to grow until ventilation operations were simulated by making openings. The one story house was ventilated at 8 minutes after ignition. This was determined based on three factors, time to achieve ventilation limited conditions in the house, potential response and intervention times of the fire service and window failure times from the window experiments. The ventilation time for the two story house was 10 minutes for the same reasons as the one story house and the additional time enabled ventilation limited conditions, as the larger volume needed a longer time to consume the oxygen. Ventilation scenarios included ventilating the front door only, opening the front door and a window near and remote from the seat of the fire, opening a window only and ventilating a higher opening in the two-story house. When more than one ventilation opening was created in an experiment, such as opening the door and a window, the subsequent openings were made in 15 second intervals. This time was arrived at by assuming well timed and efficient ventilation independent of the ventilation scenario. After ventilation the fire was allowed to grow until flashover or perceived maximum burning rate based on the temperatures, observation of exterior conditions and monitoring of the internal video. Once the fire maintained a peak for a period of time, with respect given to wall lining integrity, a hose stream was flowed in through an external opening. At the conclusion of every experiment a stream of water was directed into a ventilation opening for 10 seconds. The hose line used was a 1 ¾ inch with a combination nozzle with approximately 100 psi nozzle pressure (Figure 169). Two types of flow patterns were used during the experiments, straight stream and fog. During straight stream application the nozzle was adjusted to a straight stream pattern and directed toward the ceiling through the opening at about a 30 to 45 degree angle (Figure 170). During the fog stream application the nozzle was adjusted to create an approximate 30 degree fog pattern and also direct the stream 30 to 45 degrees above parallel to the ground (Figure 171). The flow rate of the nozzle was 100 gpm which means that approximately 17 gallons of water were delivered through the opening into the house during the 10 second flow. The purpose of this flow was not to extinguish the fire but to suppress the burning gases and to see if there was an impact to the surrounding rooms as it pertains to “pushing fire”, which will be addressed in the tactical considerations section. This would allow the potential fire attack crew to slow the fire down prior to making entry and therefore make entry into a safer environment. The experiment was terminated approximately one minute after the hose stream, and suppression was completed by a deluge sprinkler system and the firefighting crew. 92 Ignittion Locatioons Figure 166 6. One Story House Ignition Location Figure 1167. Two Story House Igniition Location n Figure 168 8. Remote Ign nition Device Figure 1169. Suppression Nozzle Figure 170 0. Straight strream applicattion Figure 1171. Fog streaam applicatioon 93 8.6. One-Story Experimental Results Seven experiments were conducted in the one story structure (Table 16). Each experiment’s purpose will be described and a figure is provided to show the fire and ventilation locations. The experimental timeline is developed to show the time of ventilation and suppression changes. Data graphs are provided for temperatures throughout the structure at multiple elevations, gas concentrations at four locations and gas velocities at the opening(s) for each experiment. Each graph has the events labeled on the top with a vertical line indicating when they occurred. Table 16. One-Story Experimental Outline Experiment Location of # Structure Ignition Ventilation Parameters 1 1-Story Living Room Front Door Front Door + Living Room Window (Window near seat of the fire) 3 1-Story Living Room 5 1-Story Living Room 7 1-Story Living Room Living Room Window Only Front Door + Bedroom 2 Window (Window remote from fire) 9 1-Story Living Room Front Door + Living Room Window (Repeat Exp. 3) 12 1-Story Living Room Front Door + Living Room Window (Repeat Exp. 3) 14 1-Story Living Room Front Door + 4 Windows (LR, BR1, BR2, BR3) 94 8.6.1. Experriment 1 mulate a crew making enntry by openning the fronnt door. Igniition Experimeent 1 was deesigned to sim took placce in the livin ng room on the sofa with h a remote ddevice ignitinng matches. The fire greew without intervention i until 8 minu utes after ign nition at whicch time the ffront door w was opened (Table 17 7). The fire again was allowed to grrow until 12::30, post-flasshover conddition, when 10 seconds of o water werre flowed intto the front door d with a ccombinationn nozzle posiitioned in a straight stream s patterrn. At 13:30 0 another 10 seconds of w water was fllowed out off the same noozzle in a fog pattern. p At 14:15 1 the lefft half of the living room m window waas opened allowing moree air into the living l room. The experim ment was terrminated at 15:30 and w was extinguisshed by the suppressiion crew. Fiigure 173 thrrough Figure 180 show the front of the house duuring the experimeent. Table 17. Experiment 1 Timeline Event Ignition Front Do oor Open Straight Stream S into Front Door Fog Streaam into Fron nt Door Left Halff of Living Room R Windo ow Opened End of Experiment 1 Time (mm m:ss) 0:00 8:00 12:30-12::40 13:30-13::40 14:15 15:30 SIDE A SIDE C Figure 172 2. House grap phic highlightiing ventilation n location 95 Figure 173 3. Experimen nt 1 - 0:00 Figure 174. Experim ment 1 - 5:00 Figure 175 5. Experimen nt 1 - 8:05 ment 1 - 10:48 Figure 176. Experim Figure 177 7. Experimen nt 1 - 12:36 ment 1 - 13:33 Figure 178. Experim Figure 179 9. Experimen nt 1 - 14:15 ment 1 - 15:00 Figure 180. Experim 96 SS into Front Door Ignition Front Door Open Fog into Front Door 1200 7 ft. Living Room 7 ft. Hallway 7 ft. Bedroom 1 7 ft. Bedroom 2 7 ft. Bedroom 3 7 ft. Kitchen 7 ft. Dining Room 800 o Temperature ( C) 1000 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 800 Time (s) Figure 181. Experiment 1- 7ft. Temperatures 97 1000 1200 1400 SS into Front Door Ignition Front Door Open Fog into Front Door 1200 5 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Hallway 5 ft. Bedroom 1 5 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 3 5 ft. Kitchen 5 ft. Dining Room 800 o Temperature ( C) 1000 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 800 Time (s) Figure 182. Experiment 1- 5ft. Temperatures 98 1000 1200 1400 SS into Front Door Ignition Front Door Open Fog into Front Door 1400 3 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Hallway 3 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Dining Room 1200 o Temperature ( C) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 800 Time (s) Figure 183. Experiment 1- 3ft. Temperatures 99 1000 1200 1400 SS into Front Door Ignition Front Door Open Fog into Front Door 1400 1 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Hallway 1 ft. Bedroom 1 1 ft. Bedroom 2 1 ft. Bedroom 3 1 ft. Kitchen 1 ft. Dining Room 1200 o Temperature ( C) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 800 Time (s) Figure 184. Experiment 1- 1ft. Temperatures 100 1000 1200 1400 SS into Front Door Ignition Front Door Open Fog into Front Door 25 5 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 3 5 ft. Living Room 20 1 ft. Living Room Oxygen (%) NOTE:LR gas sampling did not function 15 10 5 0 0 200 400 600 800 Time (s) Figure 185. Experiment 1- Oxygen Concentrations 101 1000 1200 1400 SS into Front Door Ignition Front Door Open Fog into Front Door 1.2 5 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Living Room 1 Carbon Monoxide (%) 5 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 3 0.8 NOTE:LR gas sampling did not function 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 200 400 600 800 Time (s) Figure 186. Experiment 1 - CO Concentrations 102 1000 1200 1400 SS into Front Door Ignition Front Door Open Fog into Front Door 12 5 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Living Room 10 Carbon Dioxide (%) 5 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 3 8 NOTE:LR gas sampling did not function 6 4 2 0 0 200 400 600 800 Time (s) Figure 187. Experiment 1 - CO2 Concentrations 103 1000 1200 1400 SS into Front Door Ignition Front Door Open Fog into Front Door 8 6 Top Door Top/Middle Door Middle Door Middle/Bottom Door Bottom Door Velocity (m/s) 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 0 200 400 600 800 Time (s) Figure 188. Experiment 1 – Front Door Velocities 104 1000 1200 1400 8.6.2. Experriment 3 onducted in the t one-story y house. Thiis experimennt was desiggned to simullate a Experimeent 3 was co crew mak king entry th hrough the frront door and d having a vventilation oppening madee shortly afteer near the seat s of the fiire. Ignition n took place in i the living room on thee sofa with a remote devvice igniting matches. m Th he fire grew without inteervention unttil 8 minutess after ignitioon at which ttime the front door was op pened. Fifteen seconds later l the fronnt window too the living rroom was oppened (Table 18 8). The fire again was allowed to grrow until 10::22 when 100 seconds of water were flowed in nto the front door with a combination n nozzle possitioned in a straight streeam pattern. The experimeent was term minated at 11:30 and was extinguisheed by the supppression creew. Figure 1190 through Figure F 196 show s the fron nt of the hou use during thhe experimennt. Table 18. Experiment 3 Timeline Event Ignition Front Do oor Open Living Room R Window Open Straight Stream S into Living Room m Window End of Experiment Time (m mm:ss) 0:00 8:00 8:15 10:22-1 0:32 11:30 2 1 SIDE A S SIDE C Figure 189 9. House grap phic highlightiing ventilation n locations 105 Figure 190 0. Experimen nt 3 - 0:00 Figure 1191. Experim ment 3 - 5:00 Figure 192 2. Experimen nt 3 - 8:05 Figure 1193. Experim ment 3 - 8:17 Figure 194 4. Experimen nt 3 - 10:00 Figure 1195. Experim ment 3 - 10:25 Figure 196 6. Experimen nt 3 - 11:00 106 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 1200 7 ft. Living Room 7 ft. Hallway 7 ft. Bedroom 1 7 ft. Bedroom 2 7 ft. Bedroom 3 7 ft. Kitchen 7 ft. Dining Room 800 o Temperature ( C) 1000 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 197. Experiment 3- 7ft. Temperatures 107 800 1000 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 1200 5 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Hallway 5 ft. Bedroom 1 5 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 3 5 ft. Kitchen 5 ft. Dining Room 800 o Temperature ( C) 1000 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 198. Experiment 3- 5ft. Temperatures 108 800 1000 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 1200 3 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Hallway 3 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Dining Room 800 o Temperature ( C) 1000 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 199. Experiment 3- 3ft. Temperatures 109 800 1000 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 1200 1 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Hallway 1 ft. Bedroom 1 1 ft. Bedroom 2 1 ft. Bedroom 3 1 ft. Kitchen 1 ft. Dining Room 800 o Temperature ( C) 1000 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 200. Experiment 3- 1ft. Temperatures 110 800 1000 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 25 5 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 3 Oxygen (%) 20 15 10 5 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 201. Experiment 3 - Oxygen Concentrations 111 800 1000 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 1.2 5 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 3 Carbon Monoxide (%) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 202. Experiment 3 - CO Concentrations 112 800 1000 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 12 5 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 3 Carbon Dioxide (%) 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 203. Experiment 3 - CO2 Concentrations 113 800 1000 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 8 6 Velocity (m/s) 4 2 0 -2 Top Door Top/Middle Door Middle Door Middle/Bottom Door Bottom Door -4 -6 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 204. Experiment 3 - Front Door Velocity 114 800 1000 8.6.3. Experriment 5 ucted in the one-story hoouse. This eexperiment w was Experimeent 5 was thee third experriment condu designed d to simulate a crew mak king a ventilaation openingg near the seeat of the firee prior to enntry. Ignition took t place in n the living room r on the sofa with a remote deviice igniting m matches. Thhe fire grew w without inteervention un ntil 8 minutees after ignitiion at whichh time the livving room window was w opened (Table 19). The fire agaain was allow wed to grow w until 11:322 when 10 seconds of o water werre flowed intto the living room windoow with a coombination nnozzle positiioned in a straig ght stream pattern. p The experiment was terminaated at 12:455 and was exxtinguished bby the supprression crew w. Figure 206 6 through Fiigure 213 shhow the frontt of the housse during thee experimeent. Table 19. Experiment 5 Timeline Event Ignition Living Room R Window Open Straight Stream S into Living Room m Window End of Experiment Time (mm m:ss) 0:00 8:00 11:32-11::42 12:45 1 SIDE A S SIDE C Figure 205 5. House grap phic highlightiing ventilation n location 115 Figure 206 6. Experimen nt 5 - 0:00 Figure 2207. Experim ment 5 - 5:00 Figure 208 8. Experimen nt 5 - 8:05 Figure 2209. Experim ment 5 - 10:00 Figure 210 0. Experimen nt 5 - 10:30 Figure 2211. Experim ment 5 - 11:25 Figure 212 2. Experimen nt 5 - 11:40 Figure 2213. Experim ment 5 - 12:40 116 Ignition LR Window Open SS into LR Window 1400 7 ft. Living Room 7 ft. Hallway 7 ft. Bedroom 1 7 ft. Bedroom 2 7 ft. Bedroom 3 7 ft. Kitchen 7 ft. Dining Room 1200 o Temperature ( C) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 214. Experiment 5- 7ft. Temperatures 117 800 1000 Ignition LR Window Open SS into LR Window 1400 5 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Hallway 5 ft. Bedroom 1 5 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 3 5 ft. Kitchen 5 ft. Dining Room 1200 o Temperature ( C) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 215. Experiment 5- 5ft. Temperatures 118 800 1000 Ignition LR Window Open SS into LR Window 1400 3 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Hallway 3 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Dining Room 1200 o Temperature ( C) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 216. Experiment 5- 3ft. Temperatures 119 800 1000 Ignition LR Window Open SS into LR Window 1400 1 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Hallway 1 ft. Bedroom 1 1 ft. Bedroom 2 1 ft. Bedroom 3 1 ft. Kitchen 1 ft. Dining Room 1200 o Temperature ( C) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 217. Experiment 5- 1ft. Temperatures 120 800 1000 Ignition LR Window Open SS into LR Window 25 5 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 3 20 5 ft. Living Room Oxygen (%) 1 ft. Living Room 15 10 5 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 218. Experiment 5- Oxygen Concentrations 121 800 1000 Ignition LR Window Open SS into LR Window 1.2 5 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Living Room Carbon Monoxide (%) 1 5 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 3 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 219. Experiment 5- CO Concentrations 122 800 1000 Ignition LR Window Open SS into LR Window 12 5 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Living Room 10 5 ft. Bedroom 2 Carbon Dioxide (%) 5 ft. Bedroom 3 8 6 4 2 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 220. Experiment 5- CO2 Concentrations 123 800 1000 Ignition LR Window Open SS into LR Window 8 6 Velocity (m/s) 4 2 0 -2 Top Right Window Top Left Window Center Window Bottom Right Window Bottom Left Window -4 -6 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 221. Experiment 5- Ventilation Window Velocities 124 800 1000 8.6.4. Experriment 7 onducted in the t one-story y house as w well. This exxperiment waas designed to Experimeent 7 was co simulate a crew makiing entry thrrough the fro ont door andd having a veentilation opening made shortly affter remote from f the seaat of the fire. Ignition toook place in tthe living rooom on the soofa with a rem mote devicee igniting maatches. The fire f grew wiithout intervention until 8 minutes affter ignition at a which tim me the front door d was opeened followeed 15 s later by the openning of the reear bedroom m window (Taable 20). Th he fire again was allowedd to grow unntil 15:46 whhen 10 seconnds of water were flowed d into the fro ont door with h a combinattion nozzle ppositioned inn a straight stream paattern. The experiment e was w terminaated at 16:40 and was exttinguished bby the suppressiion crew. Fiigure 223 thrrough Figure 230 show the front andd rear of the structure duuring the experriment. Table 20. Experiment 7 Timeline Event Ignition Front Do oor Open Bedroom m Window Open O Straight Stream S into Front Door End of Experiment Time (mm m:ss) 0:00 8:00 8:16 15:46-15::56 16:40 2 1 SIDE A S SIDE C Figure 222 2. House grap phic highlightiing ventilation n locations 125 Figure 223 3. Experimentt 7 - 0:00 Figure 2224. Experimeent 7 - 0:00 Figure 225 5. Experimentt 7 - 8:05 Figure 2226. Experimeent 7 - 8:17 Figure 227 7. Experimentt 7 - 10:30 Figure 2228. Experimeent 7 - 11:30 Figure 229 9. Experimentt 7 - 15:50 Figure 2230. Experimeent 7 - 15:50 126 Ignition BR2 Window Open SS into Front Door Front Door Open 1000 7 ft. Living Room 7 ft. Hallway 7 ft. Bedroom 1 7 ft. Bedroom 2 7 ft. Bedroom 3 7 ft. Kitchen 7 ft. Dining Room o Temperature ( C) 800 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 231. Experiment 7- 7ft. Temperatures 127 800 1000 1200 Ignition BR2 Window Open SS into Front Door Front Door Open 1000 5 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Hallway 5 ft. Bedroom 1 5 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 3 5 ft. Kitchen 5 ft. Dining Room o Temperature ( C) 800 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 232. Experiment 7- 5ft. Temperatures 128 800 1000 1200 Ignition BR2 Window Open SS into Front Door Front Door Open 1000 3 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Hallway 3 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Dining Room o Temperature ( C) 800 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 233. Experiment 7- 3ft. Temperatures 129 800 1000 1200 Ignition BR2 Window Open SS into Front Door Front Door Open 1000 1 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Hallway 1 ft. Bedroom 1 1 ft. Bedroom 2 1 ft. Bedroom 3 1 ft. Kitchen 1 ft. Dining Room o Temperature ( C) 800 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 234. Experiment 7- 1ft. Temperatures 130 800 1000 1200 Ignition BR2 Window Open Front Door Open SS into Front Door 25 5 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 3 5 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Living Room Oxygen (%) 20 15 10 5 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 235. Experiment 7- Oxygen Concentrations 131 800 1000 1200 Ignition BR2 Window Open Front Door Open SS into Front Door 1.2 5 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 3 Carbon Monoxide (%) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 236. Experiment 7- CO Concentrations 132 800 1000 1200 Ignition BR2 Window Open Front Door Open SS into Front Door 12 5 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 3 Carbon Dioxide (%) 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 237. Experiment 7- CO2 Concentrations 133 800 1000 1200 Ignition BR Window Open Front Door Open SS into BR Window 4 Top Door Top/Middle Door Middle Door Middle/Bottom Door Bottom Door 3 Velocity (m/s) 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 238. Experiment 7- Front Door Velocities 134 1500 Ignition BR2 Window Open Front Door Open SS into Front Door 4 3 Velocity (m/s) 2 1 0 -1 -2 Top Right Window Top Left Window Center Window Bottom Right Window Bottom Left Window -3 -4 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 239. Experiment 7- Ventilation Window Velocities 135 800 1000 1200 8.6.5. Experriment 9 ucted in the oone-story hoouse. This experiment w was Experimeent 9 was thee fifth experriment condu the secon nd of three reeplicate expeeriments to examine e repeatability. IIgnition tookk place in thee living roo om on the so ofa with a remote devicee igniting maatches. The fire grew wiithout interventtion until 8 minutes m afterr ignition at which w time tthe front dooor was openeed. Fifteen seconds after a the fron nt door was opened the living l room window wass opened (Taable 21). Thhe fire again n was alloweed to grow until u 11:12 when w 10 secoonds of waterr were floweed into the frront door with h a combinattion nozzle positioned p in n a straight sstream patterrn. The expeeriment was terminateed at 12:20 and a was extin nguished by y the suppresssion crew. F Figure 241 tthrough Figuure 247 show w the front of the house during d the ex xperiment. Table 21. Experiment 9 Timeline Event Ignition Front Do oor Open Living Room R Window Open Straight Stream S into Living Room m Window End of Experiment Time (mm m:ss) 0:00 8:00 8:15 11:12-11::22 12:20 2 1 SIDE A SIDE C Figure 240 0. House grap phics highlighting ventilatio on locations 136 Figure 241 1. Experimentt 9 - 0:00 Figure 2242. Experimeent 9 - 5:00 Figure 243 3. Experimentt 9 - 8:05 Figure 2244. Experimeent 9 - 8:20 Figure 245 5. Experimentt 9 - 10:00 Figure 2246. Experimeent 9 - 11:15 Figure 247 7. Experimentt 9 - 12:15 137 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 1200 7 ft. Living Room 7 ft. Hallway 7 ft. Bedroom 1 7 ft. Bedroom 2 7 ft. Bedroom 3 7 ft. Kitchen 7 ft. Dining Room 800 o Temperature ( C) 1000 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 248. Experiment 9- 7ft. Temperatures 138 800 1000 1200 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 1200 7 ft. Living Room 7 ft. Hallway 7 ft. Bedroom 1 7 ft. Bedroom 2 7 ft. Bedroom 3 7 ft. Kitchen 7 ft. Dining Room 800 o Temperature ( C) 1000 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 249. Experiment 9- 5ft. Temperatures 139 800 1000 1200 Ignition LR Window Open SS into LR Window Front Door Open 1400 3 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Hallway 3 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Dining Room 1200 o Temperature ( C) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 250. Experiment 9- 3ft. Temperatures 140 800 1000 1200 Ignition LR Window Open SS into LR Window Front Door Open 1400 1 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Hallway 1 ft. Bedroom 1 1 ft. Bedroom 2 1 ft. Bedroom 3 1 ft. Kitchen 1 ft. Dining Room 1200 o Temperature ( C) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 251. Experiment 9- 1ft. Temperatures 141 800 1000 1200 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 25 5 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 3 5 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Living Room Oxygen (%) 20 15 10 5 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 252. Experiment 9- Oxygen Concentrations 142 800 1000 1200 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 1.2 5 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 3 Carbon Monoxide (%) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 253. Experiment 9 - CO Concentrations 143 800 1000 1200 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 12 5 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 3 Carbon Dioxide (%) 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 254. Experiment 9- CO2 Concentrations 144 800 1000 1200 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 8 Top Door Top/Middle Door Middle Door Middle/Bottom Door Bottom Door 6 Velocity (m/s) 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 255. Experiment 9- Front Door Velocities 145 800 1000 1200 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 8 Top Right Window Top Left Window Center Window Bottom Right Window Bottom Left Window 6 Velocity (m/s) 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 256. Experiment 9- Ventilation Window Velocities 146 800 1000 1200 8.6.6. Experriment 12 he sixth experiment conducted in thee one-story hhouse. Thiss experimentt was Experimeent 12 was th the third of three repllicate experiiments to exaamine repeaatability. Ignnition took pplace in the liiving room on the sofa with h a remote device d ignitin ng matches. The fire greew without iintervention until 8 minutes after ignitiion at which time the fro ont door was opened. Fifteen secondds after the ffront door wass opened the living room m window waas opened (T Table 22). T The fire againn was alloweed to grow unttil 11:09 wheen 10 second ds of water were w flowed into the fronnt door withh a combinatiion nozzle po ositioned in a straight strream pattern n. The experriment was terminated att 12:20 and w was extinguisshed by the suppression s crew. Figurre 258 througgh Figure 2664 show the front of the house du uring the exp periments. Table 22. Experiment 12 Timeline Event Ignition Front Do oor Open Living Room R Window Open Straight Stream S into Living Room m Window End of Experiment Time (mm m:ss) 0:00 8:00 8:15 11:09:11: 19 12:20 2 1 SIDE A SIDE C Figure 257 7. House grap phic highlightiing ventilation n locations 147 Figure 258 8. Experimen nt 12 - 0:00 Figure 2259. Experim ment 12 - 5:00 Figure 260 0. Experimen nt 12 - 8:05 Figure 2261. Experim ment 12 - 8:20 Figure 262 2. Experimen nt 12 - 10:00 Figure 2263. Experim ment 12 - 11:200 Figure 264 4. Experimen nt 12 - 12:00 148 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 1400 7 ft. Living Room 7 ft. Hallway 7 ft. Bedroom 1 7 ft. Bedroom 2 7 ft. Bedroom 3 7 ft. Kitchen 7 ft. Dining Room 1200 o Temperature ( C) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 265. Experiment 12- 7ft. Temperatures 149 800 1000 1200 Ignition LR Window Open SS into LR Window Front Door Open 1400 5 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Hallway 5 ft. Bedroom 1 5 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 3 5 ft. Kitchen 5 ft. Dining Room 1200 o Temperature ( C) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 266. Experiment 12- 5ft. Temperatures 150 800 1000 1200 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 1200 3 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Hallway 3 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Dining Room 800 o Temperature ( C) 1000 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 267. Experiment 12- 3ft. Temperatures 151 800 1000 1200 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 1200 1 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Hallway 1 ft. Bedroom 1 1 ft. Bedroom 2 1 ft. Bedroom 3 1 ft. Kitchen 1 ft. Dining Room 800 o Temperature ( C) 1000 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 268. Experiment 12- 1ft. Temperatures 152 800 1000 1200 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 25 5 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 3 5 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Living Room Oxygen (%) 20 15 10 5 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 269. Experiment 12- Oxygen Concentration 153 800 1000 1200 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 1.2 5 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 3 Carbon Monoxide ( %) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 270. Experiment 12- CO Concentration 154 800 1000 1200 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 12 5 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Living Room 10 5 ft. Bedroom 2 Carbon Dioxide (%) 5 ft. Bedroom 3 8 6 4 2 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 271. Experiment 12- CO2 Concentration 155 800 1000 1200 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 8 Top Door Top/Middle Door Middle Door Middle/Bottom Door Bottom Door 6 Velocity (m/s) 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 272. Experiment 12- Front Door Velocities 156 800 1000 1200 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 8 Top Right Window Top Left Window Center Window Bottom Right Window Bottom Left Window 6 Velocity (m/s) 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 273. Experiment 12- Ventilation Window Velocities 157 800 1000 1200 8.6.7. Experriment 14 he final expeeriment cond ducted in thee one-story hhouse. This experiment was Experimeent 14 was th designed d to examine the impact of o ventilating g with severral openings.. Ignition toook place in tthe living roo om on the so ofa with a remote devicee igniting maatches. The fire grew wiithout interventtion until 8 minutes m afterr ignition at which w time tthe front dooor was openeed. Fifteen seconds after a the fron nt door was opened the living l room window wass opened. Inn fifteen secoond intervals the master bedroom b win ndow, bedro oom 2 windoow and bedrooom 3 windoow were opeened (Table 23 3). The fire again was allowed to grrow until 13::02 when 100 seconds of water were flowed in nto the front door with a combination n nozzle possitioned in a fog stream ppattern. Thee experimeent was term minated at 14:10 and was extinguisheed by the supppression creew. Figure 2275 through Figure F 282 show s the fron nt and rear of o the house during the eexperiment. Table 23. Experiment 14 1 Timeline Event Ignition Front Do oor Open Living Room R Window Opened Master Bedroom B Win ndow Openeed Bedroom m 2 Window Opened Bedroom m 3 Window Opened Fog Streaam into Liviing Room Window W End of Experiment Time (mm m:ss) 0:00 8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45 9:00 13:02-13: 12 14:10 4 5 3 2 1 SIDE A SIDE C Figure 274 4. House grap phic highlightiing ventilation n locations 158 Figure 275 5. Experimen nt 14 - 0:00 Figure 2276. Experim ment 14 - 0:00 Figure 277 7. Experimen nt 14 - 8:05 Figure 2278. Experim ment 14 - 8:20 Figure 279 9. Experimen nt 14 - 8:35 Figure 2280. Experim ment 14 - 10:000 Figure 281 1. Experimen nt 14 - 10:00 Figure 2282. Experim ment 14 – 13:055 159 Ignition MBR Window Open BR2 Window Open LR Window Open Front Door Open BR3 Window Open Fog into LR Window 1200 7 ft. Living Room 7 ft. Hallway 7 ft. Bedroom 1 7 ft. Bedroom 2 7 ft. Bedroom 3 7 ft. Kitchen 7 ft. Dining Room 800 o Temperature ( C) 1000 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 283. Experiment 14- 7ft. Temperatures 160 800 1000 1200 Ignition MBR Window Open BR2 Window Open LR Window Open Front Door Open BR3 Window Open Fog into LR Window 1200 5 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Hallway 5 ft. Bedroom 1 5 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 3 5 ft. Kitchen 5 ft. Dining Room 800 o Temperature ( C) 1000 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 284. Experiment 14- 5ft. Temperatures 161 800 1000 1200 Ignition MBR Window Open BR2 Window Open LR Window Open Front Door Open BR3 Window Open Fog into LR Window 1200 3 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Hallway 3 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Dining Room 800 o Temperature ( C) 1000 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 285. Experiment 14- 3ft. Temperatures 162 800 1000 1200 Ignition MBR Window Open BR2 Window Open LR Window Open Front Door Open BR3 Window Open Fog into LR Window 1400 1 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Hallway 1 ft. Bedroom 1 1 ft. Bedroom 2 1 ft. Bedroom 3 1 ft. Kitchen 1 ft. Dining Room 1200 o Temperature ( C) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 286. Experiment 14- 1ft. Temperatures 163 800 1000 1200 Ignition MBR Window Open LR Window Open BR2 Window Open Front Door Open BR3 Window Open Fog into LR Window 25 5 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 3 5 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Living Room Oxygen (%) 20 15 10 5 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 287. Experiment 14- Oxygen Concentration 164 800 1000 1200 Ignition MBR Window Open BR2 Window Open LR Window Open Front Door Open BR3 Window Open Fog into LR Window 1.2 5 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 3 Carbon Monoxide (%) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 288. Experiment 14- CO Concentration 165 800 1000 1200 Ignition MBR Window Open LR Window Open BR2 Window Open Front Door Open BR3 Window Open Fog into LR Window 12 5 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 3 Carbon Dioxide (%) 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 289. Experiment 14- CO2 Concentration 166 800 1000 1200 Ignition MBR Window Open BR2 Window Open LR Window Open Front Door Open BR3 Window Open Fog into LR Window 10 Top Door Top/Middle Door Middle Door Middle/Bottom Door Bottom Door Velocity (m/s) 5 0 -5 -10 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 290. Experiment 14- Front Door Velocities 167 800 1000 1200 Ignition MBR Window Open BR2 Window Open LR Window Open Front Door Open BR3 Window Open Fog into LR Window 30 Top Right Window Top Left Window Center Window Bottom Right Window Bottom Left Window Velocity (m/s) 20 10 0 -10 -20 0 200 400 600 Time (s) 800 1000 Figure 291. Experiment 14- Ventilation Window Velocities (Living Room Window) 168 1200 8.7. Two-Story Experimental Results Eight experiments were conducted in the two story structure (Table 24). Each experiments purpose will be described and a figure will show the fire and ventilation locations. The experimental timeline will show the time of ventilation and suppression changes. Data graphs are provided for temperatures throughout the structure at multiple elevations, gas concentrations at four locations and gas velocities at the opening(s) for each experiment. Each graph has the events labeled on the top with a vertical line indicating when they occurred. Table 24. Two-Story Experimental Outline Experiment Location of # Structure Ignition Ventilation Parameters 2 2-Story Family Room Front Door Front Door + Family Room Window (Window near seat of the fire) 4 2-Story Family Room 6 2-Story Family Room 8 2-Story Family Room Family Room Window Only Front Door + Bedroom 3 Window (Window remote from fire) 10 2-Story Family Room Front Door + Family Room Window (Repeat Exp. 4) 11 2-Story Family Room Front Door + Family Room Window (Repeat Exp. 4) 13 2-Story Family Room Front Door + Upper Family Room Window 15 2-Story Family Room Front Door + 4 Windows (LR, Den, FR1, FR2) 169 8.7.1. Experriment 2 onducted in the t two-story y house. Thhis experimennt was desiggned to simuulate a Experimeent 2 was co crew mak king entry by y opening th he front doorr. Ignition toook place in the family rroom on the sofa with a rem mote devicee igniting maatches. The fire f grew wiithout intervention until 10 minutes after ignition at a which tim me the front door d was opeened (Table 25). The firre again was allowed to ggrow until 16:0 05 when 10 seconds of water w were flowed fl into thhe front dooor with a com mbination noozzle positioneed in a straig ght stream paattern. The experiment e w was terminatted at 18:00 and was extinguisshed by the suppression s crew. Figurre 293 througgh Figure 2998 shows thee front of thee house du uring the exp periment. Table 25. Experiment 2 Timeline Event Ignition Front Do oor Open Straight Stream S into Front Door End of Experiment SIDE A Time (mm m:ss) 0:00 10:00 16:05-16::15 18:00 1 SIDE C Figure 292 2. House grap phic highlightiing ventilation n location 170 Figure 293 3. Experimen nt 2 - 0:00 Figure 2294. Experim ment 2 - 5:00 Figure 295 5. Experimen nt 2 - 10:05 Figure 2296. Experim ment 2 - 13:00 Figure 297 7. Experimen nt 2 - 16:10 Figure 2298. Experim ment 2 - 17:10 171 Ignition Front Door Open SS into Front Door 600 16 ft. Family Room 7 ft. Second Floor Hall 7 ft. Bedroom 1 7 ft. Bedroom 2 7 ft. Bedroom 3 7 ft. Bedroom 4 7 ft. Living Room 7 ft. Den 7 ft. Kitchen 7 ft. Dining Room 7 ft. Foyer 400 o Temperature ( C) 500 300 200 100 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 299. Experiment 2- 7ft. Temperatures 172 1500 Ignition Front Door Open SS into Front Door 5 ft. Family Room 5 ft. Second Floor Hall 5 ft. Bedroom 1 5 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 3 5 ft. Bedroom 4 5 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Den 5 ft. Kitchen 5 ft. Dining Room 5 ft. Foyer 600 400 o Temperature ( C) 500 300 200 100 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 300. Experiment 2- 5ft. Temperatures 173 1500 Ignition Front Door Open SS into Front Door 400 3 ft. Family Room 3 ft. Second Floor Hall 3 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Bedroom 4 3 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Den 3 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Dining Room 3 ft. Foyer 350 o Temperature ( C) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 301. Experiment 2- 3ft. Temperatures 174 1500 Ignition Front Door Open SS into Front Door 700 600 1 ft. Family Room 1 ft. Second Floor Hall 1 ft. Bedroom 1 1 ft. Bedroom 2 1 ft. Bedroom 3 1 ft. Bedroom 4 1 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Den 1 ft. Kitchen 1 ft. Dining Room 1 ft. Foyer o Temperature ( C) 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 302. Experiment 2- 1ft. Temperatures 175 1500 Ignition Front Door Open SS into Front Door 25 5 ft. Second Floor Hall 1 ft. Second Floor Hall 5 ft. Family Room 20 Oxygen (%) 1 ft. Family Room 15 10 5 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 303. Experiment 2- Oxygen Concentration 176 1500 Ignition Front Door Open SS into Front Door 1.2 5 ft. Family Room 1 ft. Family Room 1 5 ft. Second Floor Hall Carbon Monoxide (%) 1 ft. Second Floor Hall 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 304. Experiment 2 - CO Concentration 177 1500 Ignition Front Door Open SS into Front Door 12 5 ft. Family Room 1 ft. Family Room 10 5 ft. Second Floor Hall Carbon Dioxide (%) 1 ft. Second Floor Hall 8 6 4 2 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 305. Experiment 2 - CO2 Concentration 178 1500 Ignition Front Door Open SS into Front Door 0.6 Top Door Top/Middle Door 0.4 Middle Door Middle/Bottom Door Velocity (m/s) 0.2 Bottom Door 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 306. Experiment 2 - Front Door Velocites 179 1500 8.7.2. Experriment 4 onducted in the t two-story y house. Thhis experimennt was desiggned to simuulate a Experimeent 4 was co crew mak king entry th hrough the frront door and d having a vventilation oppening madee shortly afteer near the seat s of the fiire. Ignition n took place in i the living room on thee sofa with a remote devvice igniting matches. m Th he fire grew without inteervention unttil 10 minutees after ignittion at whichh time the front door was w opened. Fifteen seco onds later thee first floor ffamily room m window waas opened (T Table 26). The T fire agaiin was allow wed to grow uuntil 17:31 w when 10 secoonds of wateer were flow wed into the front door with w a combiination nozzzle positionedd in a straighht stream paattern. The expeeriment was terminated at a 18:30 and was extinguuished by thee suppressioon crew. Figgure 308 throu ugh Figure 315 3 show thee front and reear of the hoouse during tthe experimeent. Table 26. Experiment 4 Timeline Event Ignition Front Do oor Open Family Room R Windo ow Open Straight Stream S into Family Room m Window End of Experiment Time (mm m:ss) 0:00 10:00 10:15 17:31-17::41 18:30 2 SIDE A 1 SIDE C Figure 307 7. House grap phic highlightiing ventilation n locations 180 Figure 308 8. Experimen nt 4 - 0:00 Figure 3309. Experim ment 4 - 0:00 Figure 310 0. Experimen nt 4 - 5:00 Figure 3311. Experim ment 4 - 10:05 Figure 312 2. Experimen nt 4 - 10:20 Figure 3313. Experim ment 4 - 15:00 Figure 314 4. Experimen nt 4 - 17:05 Figure 3315. Experim ment 4 - 17:35 181 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 800 16 ft. Family Room 7 ft. Second Floor Hall 7 ft. Bedroom 1 7 ft. Bedroom 2 7 ft. Bedroom 3 7 ft. Bedroom 4 7 ft. Living Room 7 ft. Den 7 ft. Kitchen 7 ft. Dining Room 7 ft. Foyer 700 o Temperature ( C) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 316. Experiment 4- 7ft. Temperatures 182 1500 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 800 5 ft. Family Room 5 ft. Second Floor Hall 5 ft. Bedroom 1 5 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 3 5 ft. Bedroom 4 5 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Den 5 ft. Kitchen 5 ft. Dining Room 5 ft. Foyer 700 o Temperature ( C) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 317. Experiment 4- 5ft. Temperatures 183 1500 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 800 3 ft. Family Room 3 ft. Second Floor Hall 3 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Bedroom 4 3 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Den 3 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Dining Room 3 ft. Foyer 700 o Temperature ( C) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 318. Experiment 4- 3ft. Temperatures 184 1500 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 800 1 ft. Family Room 1 ft. Second Floor Hall 1 ft. Bedroom 1 1 ft. Bedroom 2 1 ft. Bedroom 3 1 ft. Bedroom 4 1 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Den 1 ft. Kitchen 1 ft. Dining Room 1 ft. Foyer 700 o Temperature ( C) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 319. Experiment 4- 1ft. Temperatures 185 1500 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 25 Oxygen (%) 20 15 10 5 ft. Second Floor Hall 5 1 ft. Second Floor Hall 5 ft. Family Room 1 ft. Family Room 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 320. Experiment 4- Oxygen Concentration 186 1500 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 1.2 5 ft. Family Room 1 ft. Family Room 1 Carbon Monoxide(%) 5 ft. Second Floor Hall 1 ft. Second Floor Hall 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 321. Experiment 4- CO Concentration 187 1500 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 12 5 ft. Family Room 1 ft. Family Room 10 Carbon Dioxide(%) 5 ft. Second Floor Hall 1 ft. Second Floor Hall 8 6 4 2 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 322. Experiment 4- CO2 Concentration 188 1500 Ignition Front Door Open SS into Front Door 1 Top Door Top/Middle Door Middle Door Middle/Bottom Door Bottom Door Velocity (m/s) 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 323. Experiment 4- Front Door Velocities 189 1500 Ignition Front Door Open SS into Front Door 4 Velocity (m/s) 2 0 -2 Top Right Window Top Left Window Center Window Bottom Right Window Bottom Left Window -4 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 324. Experiment 4- Ventilation Window Velocities 190 1500 8.7.3. Experriment 6 ucted in the two-story hoouse. This eexperiment w was Experimeent 6 was thee third experriment condu designed d to simulate a crew mak king a ventilaation openingg near the seeat of the firee prior to enntry. Ignition took t place in n the family room on thee sofa with a remote devvice igniting matches. Thhe fire grew w without inteervention un ntil 10 minuttes after igniition at whicch time the fiirst floor fam mily room win ndow was op pened (Tablee 27). The fire f again waas allowed too grow until 16:32 whenn 10 seconds of o water werre flowed intto the family y room winddow with a combination nozzle positioneed in a straig ght stream paattern. The experiment e w was terminatted at 17:30 and was extinguisshed by the suppression s crew. Figurre 326 througgh Figure 3331 show the front and rear of the housee during the experiment. Table 27. Experiment 6 Timeline Event Ignition Family Room R Windo ow Open Straight Stream S into Family Room m Window End of Experiment Time (mm m:ss) 0:00 10:02 16:32-16::42 17:30 1 SIDE A SIDE C Figure 325 5. House grap phic highlightiing ventilation n location 191 Figure 326 6. Experimen nt 6 - 0:00 Figure 327. Experim ment 6 - 0:00 Figure 328 8. Experimen nt 6 - 5:00 Figure 329. Experim ment 6 - 10:05 Figure 330 0. Experimen nt 6 - 14:45 Figure 331. Experim ment 6 - 16:35 192 Ignition LR Window Open SS into LR Window 500 16 ft. Family Room 7 ft. Second Floor Hall 7 ft. Bedroom 1 7 ft. Bedroom 2 7 ft. Bedroom 3 7 ft. Bedroom 4 7 ft. Living Room 7 ft. Den 7 ft. Kitchen 7 ft. Dining Room 7 ft. Foyer o Temperature ( C) 400 300 200 100 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 332. Experiment 6- 7ft. Temperatures 193 800 1000 1200 Ignition LR Window Open SS into LR Window 400 350 o Temperature ( C) 300 250 5 ft. Family Room 5 ft. Second Floor Hall 5 ft. Bedroom 1 5 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 3 5 ft. Bedroom 4 5 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Den 5 ft. Kitchen 5 ft. Dining Room 5 ft. Foyer 200 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 333. Experiment 6 - 5ft. Temperatures 194 800 1000 1200 Ignition LR Window Open SS into LR Window 300 200 o Temperature ( C) 250 3 ft. Family Room 3 ft. Second Floor Hall 3 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Bedroom 4 3 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Den 3 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Dining Room 3 ft. Foyer 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 334. Experiment 6- 3ft. Temperatures 195 800 1000 1200 Ignition LR Window Open SS into LR Window 160 140 o Temperature ( C) 120 1 ft. Family Room 1 ft. Second Floor Hall 1 ft. Bedroom 1 1 ft. Bedroom 2 1 ft. Bedroom 3 1 ft. Bedroom 4 1 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Den 1 ft. Kitchen 1 ft. Dining Room 1 ft. Foyer 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 335. Experiment 6- 1ft. Temperatures 196 800 1000 1200 Ignition LR W indow Open SS into LR Window 25 Oxygen (%) 20 15 10 5 ft. Second Floor Hall 1 ft. Second Floor Hall 5 5 ft. Family Room 1 ft. Family Room 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 336. Experiment 6- Oxygen Concentration 197 800 1000 1200 Ignition LR Window Open SS into LR Window 0.2 Carbon Monoxide (%) 0.15 0.1 5 ft. Family Room 1 ft. Family Room 0.05 5 ft. Second Floor Hall 1 ft. Second Floor Hall 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 337. Experiment 6- CO Concentration 198 800 1000 1200 Ignition LR Window Open SS into LR Window 8 7 Carbon Dioxide (%) 6 5 4 3 5 ft. Family Room 1 ft. Family Room 2 5 ft. Second Floor Hall 1 ft. Second Floor Hall 1 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 338. Experiment 6- CO2 Concentration 199 800 1000 1200 Ignition LR Window Open SS into LR Window 4 3 Velocity (m/s) 2 1 0 -1 Top Right Window -2 Top Left Window Center Window Bottom Right Window -3 Bottom Left Window -4 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 339. Experiment 6- Ventilation Window Velocities 200 800 1000 1200 8.7.4. Experriment 8 onducted in the t two-story y house as w well. This exxperiment waas designed to Experimeent 8 was co simulate a crew makiing entry thrrough the fro ont door andd having a veentilation opening made shortly affter remote from f the seaat of the fire. Ignition toook place in tthe family rooom on the ssofa with a rem mote devicee igniting maatches. The fire f grew wiithout intervention until 10 minutes after ignition at a which tim me the front door d was opeened followeed 15 s later by the openning of the seecond floor fron nt bedroom window w (Tab ble 28). Thee fire again w was allowedd to grow unttil 17:32 whhen 10 seconds of water were w flowed d into the bed droom windoow with a coombination nnozzle positiioned in a straig ght stream pattern. p The experiment was terminaated at 18:300 and was exxtinguished bby the supprression crew w. Figure 341 through Fiigure 348 shhow the frontt of the housse during thee experimeent. Table 28. Experiment 8 Timeline Event Ignition Front Do oor Open Bedroom m Window Open O Straight Stream S into Bedroom Window W End of Experiment Time (mm m:ss) 0:00 10:00 10:15 17:32-17::42 18:30 2 SIDE A 1 SIDE C Figure 340 0. House grap phic highlightiing ventilation n locations 201 Figure 341 1. Experimen nt 8 - 0:00 Figure 3342. Experim ment 8 - 5:00 Figure 343 3. Experimen nt 8 - 10:05 Figure 3344. Experim ment 8 - 10:20 Figure 345 5. Experimen nt 8 - 13:00 Figure 3346. Experim ment 8 - 17:00 Figure 347 7. Experimen nt 8 - 17:40 Figure 3348. Experim ment 8 - 18:40 202 Ignition BR Window Open Front Door Open SS into BR Window 1000 16 ft. Family Room 7 ft. Second Floor Hall 7 ft. Bedroom 1 7 ft. Bedroom 2 7 ft. Bedroom 3 7 ft. Bedroom 4 7 ft. Living Room 7 ft. Den 7 ft. Kitchen 7 ft. Dining Room 7 ft. Foyer o Temperature ( C) 800 600 400 200 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 349. Experiment 8- 7ft. Temperatures 203 1500 Ignition BR Window Open Front Door Open SS into BR Window 700 5 ft. Family Room 5 ft. Second Floor Hall 5 ft. Bedroom 1 5 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 3 5 ft. Bedroom 4 5 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Den 5 ft. Kitchen 5 ft. Dining Room 5 ft. Foyer 600 o Temperature ( C) 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 350. Experiment 8- 5ft. Temperatures 204 1500 Ignition BR Window Open Front Door Open SS into BR Window 700 3 ft. Family Room 3 ft. Second Floor Hall 3 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Bedroom 4 3 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Den 3 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Dining Room 3 ft. Foyer 600 o Temperature ( C) 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 351. Experiment 8- 3ft. Temperatures 205 1500 Ignition BR Window Open Front Door Open SS into BR Window 500 1 ft. Family Room 1 ft. Second Floor Hall 1 ft. Bedroom 1 1 ft. Bedroom 2 1 ft. Bedroom 3 1 ft. Bedroom 4 1 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Den 1 ft. Kitchen 1 ft. Dining Room 1 ft. Foyer o Temperature ( C) 400 300 200 100 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 352. Experiment 8 - 1ft. Temperatures 206 1500 Ignition BR Window Open Front Door Open SS into BR Window 25 5 ft. Second Floor Hall 1 ft. Second Floor Hall 5 ft. Family Room 20 Oxygen (%) 1 ft. Family Room 15 10 5 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 353. Experiment 8- Oxygen Concentration 207 1500 Ignition BR Window Open Front Door Open SS into BR Window 1.2 5 ft. Family Room 1 ft. Family Room 5 ft. Second Floor Hall Carbon Monoxide (%) 1 1 ft. Second Floor Hall 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 354. Experiment 8- CO Concentration 208 1500 Ignition BR Window Open Front Door Open SS into BR Window 12 5 ft. Family Room 1 ft. Family Room 10 5 ft. Second Floor Hall Carbon Dioxide (%) 1 ft. Second Floor Hall 8 6 4 2 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 355. Experiment 8- CO2 Concentration 209 1500 Ignition BR Window Open Front Door Open SS into BR Window 4 Top Door Top/Middle Door Middle Door Middle/Bottom Door Bottom Door 3 Velocity (m/s) 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 356. Experiment 8- Front Door Velocities 210 1500 Ignition BR Window Open Front Door Open SS into BR Window 8 Top Right Window Top Left Window Center Window Bottom Right Window Bottom Left Window 6 Velocity (m/s) 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 357. Experiment 8- Ventilation Window Velocities 211 1500 8.7.5. Experriment 10 he fifth expeeriment cond ducted in thee two-story hhouse. This experiment was Experimeent 10 was th the secon nd of three reeplicate expeeriments to examine e repeatability. IIgnition tookk place in thee family ro oom on the sofa with a reemote devicee igniting m matches. Thee fire grew w without interventtion until 10 minutes afteer ignition att which timee the front dooor was openned. Fifteenn seconds after a the fron nt door was opened the first f floor fam mily room w window was opened (Tabble 29). Thee fire again was w allowed to grow untiil 24:16 wheen 10 secondds of water w were flowed into the familly room wind dow with a combination c n nozzle posiitioned in a sstraight streaam pattern. The experimeent was term minated at 25:30 and was extinguisheed by the supppression creew. Figure 3359 through Figure F 365 show s the fron nt and rear of o the house during the eexperiment. Table 29. Experiment 10 1 Timeline Event Ignition Front Do oor Open Living Room R Window Open Straight Stream S into Living Room m Window End of Experiment Time (mm m:ss) 0:00 10:00 10:15 24:16-24::26 25:30 2 SIDE A 1 SIDE C Figure 358 8. House grap phic highlightiing ventilation n locations 212 Figure 359 9. Experimen nt 10 - 0:00 Figure 3360. Experim ment 10 - 0:00 Figure 361 1. Experimen nt 10 - 5:00 Figure 3362. Experim ment 10 - 10:055 Figure 363 3. Experimen nt 10 - 10:20 Figure 3364. Experim ment 10 - 22:155 Figure 365 5. Experimen nt 10 - 24:50 213 Ignition FR Window Open Front Door Open SS into FR Window 700 16 ft. Family Room 7 ft. Second Floor Hall 7 ft. Bedroom 1 7 ft. Bedroom 2 7 ft. Bedroom 3 7 ft. Bedroom 4 7 ft. Living Room 7 ft. Den 7 ft. Kitchen 7 ft. Dining Room 7 ft. Foyer 600 o Temperature ( C) 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 366. Experiment 10- 7ft. Temperatures 214 1500 2000 Ignition FR Window Open Front Door Open SS into FR Window 600 5 ft. Family Room 5 ft. Second Floor Hall 5 ft. Bedroom 1 5 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 3 5 ft. Bedroom 4 5 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Den 5 ft. Kitchen 5 ft. Dining Room 5 ft. Foyer 400 o Temperature ( C) 500 300 200 100 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 367. Experiment 10- 5ft. Temperatures 215 1500 2000 Ignition FR Window Open Front Door Open SS into FR Window 350 3 ft. Family Room 3 ft. Second Floor Hall 3 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Bedroom 4 3 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Den 3 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Dining Room 3 ft. Foyer 300 o Temperature ( C) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 368. Experiment 10- 3ft. Temperatures 216 1500 2000 Ignition FR Window Open Front Door Open SS into FR Window 250 o Temperature ( C) 200 1 ft. Family Room 1 ft. Second Floor Hall 1 ft. Bedroom 1 1 ft. Bedroom 2 1 ft. Bedroom 3 1 ft. Bedroom 4 1 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Den 1 ft. Kitchen 1 ft. Dining Room 1 ft. Foyer 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 369. Experiment 10- 1ft. Temperatures 217 1500 2000 Ignition FR Window Open Front Door Open SS into FR Window 25 Oxygen (%) 20 15 10 5 ft. Second Floor Hall 1 ft. Second Floor Hall 5 ft. Family Room 1 ft. Family Room 5 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 370. Experiment 10- Oxygen Concentration 218 1500 2000 Ignition FR Window Open Front Door Open SS into FR Window 0.4 5 ft. Family Room 1 ft. Family Room 5 ft. Second Floor Hall 1 ft. Second Floor Hall 0.35 Carbon Monoxide (%) 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 371. Experiment 10- CO Concentration 219 1500 2000 Ignition FR Window Open Front Door Open SS into FR Window 10 5 ft. Family Room 1 ft. Family Room 5 ft. Second Floor Hall 1 ft. Second Floor Hall Carbon Dioxide (%) 8 6 4 2 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 372. Experiment 10- CO2 Concentration 220 1500 2000 Ignition FR Window Open Front Door Open SS into FR Window 3 Top Door Top/Middle Door Middle Door Middle/Bottom Door Bottom Door 2 Velocity (m/s) 1 0 -1 -2 -3 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 373. Experiment 10- Front Door Velocities 221 1500 2000 Ignition FR Window Open Front Door Open SS into FR Window 8 Top Right Window Top Left Window Center Window Bottom Right Window Bottom Left Window Velocity (m/s) 6 4 2 0 -2 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 374. Experiment 10- Ventilation Window Velocities 222 1500 2000 8.7.6. Experriment 11 he sixth experiment conducted in thee two-story hhouse. Thiss experimentt was Experimeent 11 was th the third of three repllicate experiiments to exaamine repeaatability. Ignnition took pplace in the family ro oom on the sofa with a reemote devicee igniting m matches. Thee fire grew w without interventtion until 10 minutes afteer ignition att which timee the front dooor was openned. Fifteenn seconds after a the fron nt door was opened the first f floor fam mily room w window was opened (Tabble 30). Thee fire again was w allowed to grow untiil 15:17 wheen 10 secondds of water w were flowed into the front door with a combination n nozzle possitioned in a straight streeam pattern. The experim ment was term minated at 16:30 and was extinguisheed by the supppression creew. Figure 3376 through Figure 38 83 show the front and reear of the hou use during thhe experimennt. Table 30. Experiment 11 1 Timeline Event Ignition Front Do oor Open Living Room R Window Open Straight Stream S into Living Room m Window End of Experiment Time (mm m:ss) 0:00 10:00 10:15 15:17-15::27 16:30 2 SIDE A 1 SIDE C Figure 375 5. House grap phic highlightiing ventilation n locations 223 Figure 376 6. Experimen nt 11 - 0:00 Figure 3377. Experim ment 11 - 0:00 Figure 378 8. Experimen nt 11 - 5:00 Figure 3379. Experim ment 11 - 10:055 Figure 380 0. Experimen nt 11 - 10:20 Figure 3381. Experim ment 11 - 14:255 Figure 382 2. Experimen nt 11 - 14:25 Figure 3383. Experim ment 11 - 15:200 224 Ignition FR Window Open Front Door Open SS into FR Window 800 16 ft. Family Room 7 ft. Second Floor Hall 7 ft. Bedroom 1 7 ft. Bedroom 2 7 ft. Bedroom 3 7 ft. Bedroom 4 7 ft. Living Room 7 ft. Den 7 ft. Kitchen 7 ft. Dining Room 7 ft. Foyer 700 o Temperature ( C) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 384. Experiment 11- 7ft. Temperatures 225 800 1000 1200 Ignition FR Window Open SS into FR Window Front Door Open 600 5 ft. Family Room 5 ft. Second Floor Hall 5 ft. Bedroom 1 5 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 3 5 ft. Bedroom 4 5 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Den 5 ft. Kitchen 5 ft. Dining Room 5 ft. Foyer 400 o Temperature ( C) 500 300 200 100 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 385. Experiment 11- 5ft. Temperatures 226 800 1000 1200 Ignition FR Window Open Front Door Open SS into FR Window 600 3 ft. Family Room 3 ft. Second Floor Hall 3 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Bedroom 4 3 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Den 3 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Dining Room 3 ft. Foyer 400 o Temperature ( C) 500 300 200 100 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 386. Experiment 11- 3ft. Temperatures 227 800 1000 1200 Ignition FR Window Open Front Door Open SS into FR Window 600 1 ft. Family Room 1 ft. Second Floor Hall 1 ft. Bedroom 1 1 ft. Bedroom 2 1 ft. Bedroom 3 1 ft. Bedroom 4 1 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Den 1 ft. Kitchen 1 ft. Dining Room 1 ft. Foyer 400 o Temperature ( C) 500 300 200 100 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 387. Experiment 11- 1ft. Temperatures 228 800 1000 1200 Ignition FR Window Open Front Door Open SS into FR Window 25 Oxygen (%) 20 15 10 5 ft. Second Floor Hall 1 ft. Second Floor Hall 5 5 ft. Family Room 1 ft. Family Room 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 388. Experiment 11- Oxygen Concentration 229 800 1000 1200 Ignition FR Window Open SS into FR Window Front Door Open 0.5 Carbon Monoxide (%) 0.4 0.3 0.2 5 ft. Family Room 0.1 1 ft. Family Room 5 ft. Second Floor Hall 1 ft. Second Floor Hall 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 389. Experiment 11- CO Concentration 230 800 1000 1200 Ignition FR Window Open SS into FR Window Front Door Open 12 Carbon Dioxide (%) 10 8 6 4 5 ft. Family Room 1 ft. Family Room 5 ft. Second Floor Hall 1 ft. Second Floor Hall 2 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 390. Experiment 11- CO2 Concentration 231 800 1000 1200 Ignition FR Window Open SS into FR Window Front Door Open 6 4 Velocity (m/s) 2 0 -2 Top Door Top/Middle Door Middle Door Middle/Bottom Door Bottom Door -4 -6 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 391. Experiment 11- Front Door Velocities 232 800 1000 1200 Ignition FR Window Open Front Door Open SS into FR Window 4 Velocity (m/s) 2 0 -2 Top Right Window Top Left Window Center Window Bottom Right Window Bottom Left Window -4 -6 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 392. Experiment 11- Ventilation Window Velocities 233 800 1000 1200 8.7.7. Experriment 13 he seventh experiment e conducted c inn the two-story house. T This experiment Experimeent 13 was th was desig gned to exam mine the imp pact of ventillation horizoontally as higgh as possibble near the sseat of the fire. Ignition took t place in n the family room on thee sofa with a remote deviice igniting matches. The fire grrew without intervention i n until 10 minnutes after iggnition at whhich time thee front doo or was openeed. Fifteen seconds s afterr the front dooor was openned the secoond floor fam mily room win ndow was op pened (Tablee 31). The fire f again waas allowed too grow until 12:28 whenn 10 seconds of o water werre flowed intto the second d floor familly room winndow with a combinationn nozzle po ositioned in a straight strream pattern n. A second 10 s burst of water was directed intoo the same win ndow at 14:2 28 with the same s nozzle positioned iin a fog patteern. The expperiment waas terminateed at 15:30 and a was extin nguished by y the suppresssion crew. F Figure 394 tthrough Figuure 401 show w the front an nd rear of th he house duriing the expeeriment. Table 31. Experiment 13 1 Timeline Event Ignition Front Do oor Open Upper Liiving Room Window Op pen Straight Stream S into Living Room m Window Fog Streaam into Liviing Room Window W End of Experiment Time (mm m:ss) 0:00 10:00 10:15 12:28-12::38 14:28-14::38 15:30 2 1 SIDE A SIDE C Figure 393 3. House grap phic highlightiing ventilation n locations 234 Figure 394 4. Experimen nt 13 - 0:00 Figure 3395. Experim ment 13 - 0:00 Figure 396 6. Experimen nt 13 - 5:00 Figure 3397. Experim ment 13 - 10:055 Figure 398 8. Experimen nt 13 - 10:20 Figure 3399. Experim ment 13 - 11:455 Figure 400 0. Experimen nt 13 - 12:35 Figure 4401. Experim ment 13 - 14:355 235 Ignition FR Window Open SS into FR Window Front Door Open Fog into FR Window 1000 16 ft. Family Room 7 ft. Second Floor Hall 7 ft. Bedroom 1 7 ft. Bedroom 2 7 ft. Bedroom 3 7 ft. Bedroom 4 7 ft. Living Room 7 ft. Den 7 ft. Kitchen 7 ft. Dining Room 7 ft. Foyer o Temperature ( C) 800 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 402. Experiment 13- 7ft. Temperatures 236 800 1000 1200 Ignition FR Window Open SS into FR Window Front Door Open Fog into FR Window 600 5 ft. Family Room 5 ft. Second Floor Hall 5 ft. Bedroom 1 5 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 3 5 ft. Bedroom 4 5 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Den 5 ft. Kitchen 5 ft. Dining Room 5 ft. Foyer 400 o Temperature ( C) 500 300 200 100 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 403. Experiment 13- 5ft. Temperatures 237 800 1000 1200 Ignition FR Window Open SS into FR Window Front Door Open Fog into FR Window 800 3 ft. Family Room 3 ft. Second Floor Hall 3 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Bedroom 4 3 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Den 3 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Dining Room 3 ft. Foyer 700 o Temperature ( C) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 404. Experiment 13- 3ft. Temperatures 238 800 1000 1200 Ignition FR Window Open SS into FR Window Front Door Open Fog into FR Window 700 1 ft. Family Room 1 ft. Second Floor Hall 1 ft. Bedroom 1 1 ft. Bedroom 2 1 ft. Bedroom 3 1 ft. Bedroom 4 1 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Den 1 ft. Kitchen 1 ft. Dining Room 1 ft. Foyer 600 o Temperature ( C) 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 405. Experiment 13- 1ft. Temperatures 239 800 1000 1200 Ignition FR Window Open SS into FR Window Fog into FR Window Front Door Open 25 Oxygen (%) 20 15 10 5 ft. Second Floor Hall 1 ft. Second Floor Hall 5 ft. Family Room 1 ft. Family Room 5 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 406. Experiment 13- Oxygen Concentration 240 800 1000 1200 Ignition FR Window Open SS into FR Window Front Door Open Fog into FR Window 1 5 ft. Family Room 1 ft. Family Room 5 ft. Second Floor Hall 1 ft. Second Floor Hall Carbon Monoxide (%) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 407. Experiment 13- CO Concentration 241 800 1000 1200 Ignition FR Window Open SS into FR Window Fog into FR Window Front Door Open 12 5 ft. Family Room 1 ft. Family Room 5 ft. Second Floor Hall 1 ft. Second Floor Hall Carbon Dioxide ( %) 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 408. Experiment 13- CO2 Concentration 242 800 1000 1200 Ignition FR Window Open SS into FR Window Fog into FR Window Front Door Open 4 Top Door Top/Middle Door Middle Door Middle/Bottom Door Bottom Door 3 Velocity (m/s) 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 409. Experiment 13 - Front Door Velocities 243 800 1000 1200 Ignition FR Window Open SS into FR Window Front Door Open Fog into FR Window 20 15 Top Right Window Top Left Window Center Window Bottom Right Window Bottom Left Window Velocity (m/s) 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 410. Experiment 13 - Ventilation Window Velocities 244 800 1000 1200 8.7.8. Experriment 15 he final expeeriment cond ducted in thee two-story hhouse. This experiment was Experimeent 15 was th designed d to examine the impact of o ventilating g with severral openings.. Ignition toook place in tthe family ro oom on the sofa with a reemote devicee igniting m matches. Thee fire grew w without interventtion until 10 minutes afteer ignition att which timee the front dooor was openned. Fifteenn seconds after a the fron nt door was opened the living l room window wass opened. Inn fifteen secoond intervals the den win ndow, first floor right fam mily room w window and ffirst floor lefft family rooom window were w opened d (Table 32). The fire ag gain was alloowed to grow w until 14:333 when 10 seconds of o water werre flowed intto the first flloor right fam mily room w window withh a combinatiion nozzle po ositioned in a fog stream m pattern. Th he experimennt was termiinated at 16:00 and was extinguisshed by the suppression s crew. Figurre 412 througgh Figure 4119 show the front and rear of the housee during the experiment. Table 32. Experiment 15 1 Timeline Event Ignition Front Do oor Open Living Room R Window Open Den Win ndow Open Family Room R Windo ow Open Second Family F Room m Window Open O Fog Streaam into Fam mily Room Window W End of Experiment 5 SIDE A Time (mm m:ss) 0:00 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 14:33-14:443 16:00 4 1 2 3 Figure 411 1. House grap phic highlightiing ventilation n locations 245 SIDE C Figure 412 2. Experimen nt 15 - 0:00 Figure 4413. Experim ment 15 - 0:00 Figure 414 4. Experimen nt 15 - 10:05 Figure 4415. Experim ment 15 - 10:200 Figure 416 6. Experimen nt 15 - 10:35 Figure 4417. Experim ment 15 - 11:055 Figure 418 8. Experimen nt 15 - 14:00 Figure 4419. Experim ment 15 - 14:400 246 Den Window Open LR Window Open FR1 Window Open Ignition Front Door Open FR2 Window Open Fog into FR1 Window 1200 16 ft. Family Room 7 ft. Second Floor Hall 7 ft. Bedroom 1 7 ft. Bedroom 2 7 ft. Bedroom 3 7 ft. Bedroom 4 7 ft. Living Room 7 ft. Den 7 ft. Kitchen 7 ft. Dining Room 7 ft. Foyer 800 o Temperature ( C) 1000 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 420. Experiment 15- 7ft. Temperatures 247 800 1000 1200 Den Window Open FR1 Window Open LR Window Open Ignition Front Door Open FR2 Window Open Fog into FR1 Window 1000 5 ft. Family Room 5 ft. Second Floor Hall 5 ft. Bedroom 1 5 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 3 5 ft. Bedroom 4 5 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Den 5 ft. Kitchen 5 ft. Dining Room 5 ft. Foyer o Temperature ( C) 800 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 421. Experiment 15- 5ft. Temperatures 248 800 1000 1200 Den Window Open FR1 Window Open LR Window Open Ignition Front Door Open FR2 Window Open Fog into FR1 Window 1000 3 ft. Family Room 3 ft. Second Floor Hall 3 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Bedroom 4 3 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Den 3 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Dining Room 3 ft. Foyer o Temperature ( C) 800 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 422. Experiment 15- 3ft. Temperatures 249 800 1000 1200 Den Window Open LR Window Open FR1 Window Open Ignition Front Door Open FR2 Window Open Fog into FR1 Window 1000 1 ft. Family Room 1 ft. Second Floor Hall 1 ft. Bedroom 1 1 ft. Bedroom 2 1 ft. Bedroom 3 1 ft. Bedroom 4 1 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Den 1 ft. Kitchen 1 ft. Dining Room 1 ft. Foyer o Temperature ( C) 800 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 423. Experiment 15- 1ft. Temperatures 250 800 1000 1200 Den Window Open LR Window Open FR1 Window Open Ignition Front Door Open FR2 Window Open Fog into FR1 Window 25 5 ft. Second Floor Hall 1 ft. Second Floor Hall 20 5 ft. Family Room 1 ft. Family Room Oxygen (%) NOTE: Instrument malfunction 15 10 5 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 424. Experiment 15- Oxygen Concentration 251 800 1000 1200 Den Window Open LR Window Open FR1 Window Open Ignition Front Door Open FR2 Window Open Fog into FR1 Window 0.14 5 ft. Family Room 0.12 1 ft. Family Room Carbon Monoxide (%) 5 ft. Second Floor Hall 1 ft. Second Floor Hall 0.1 NOTE: Instrument malfunction 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 425. Experiment 15- CO Concentration 252 800 1000 1200 Den Window Open LR Window Open FR1 Window Open Ignition Front Door Open FR2 Window Open Fog into FR1 Window 8 5 ft. Family Room 7 1 ft. Family Room 5 ft. Second Floor Hall Carbon Dioxide ( %) 6 1 ft. Second Floor Hall 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 426. Experiment 15- CO2 Concentration 253 800 1000 1200 Den Window Open LR Window Open FR1 Window Open Ignition Front Door Open FR2 Window Open Fog into FR1 Window 8 6 Velocity (m/s) 4 2 0 -2 Top Door Top/Middle Door Middle Door Middle/Bottom Door Bottom Door -4 -6 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 427. Experiment 15- Front Door Velocities 254 800 1000 1200 Den Window Open FR1 Window Open LR Window Open Ignition Front Door Open FR2 Window Open Fog into FR1 Window 4 Velocity (m/s) 2 0 -2 -4 Top Right Window Top Left Window Center Window Bottom Right Window Bottom Left Window -6 0 200 400 600 Time (s) 800 1000 Figure 428. Experiment 15- Ventilation Window Velocities (Family Room Window) 255 1200 8.8. Discussion The overall objective of this study was to examine the effectiveness of horizontal ventilation performed by initial arriving companies at two common types of structures, a one story, 1200 ft2 house with compartmentation and a two story, 3200 ft2 house with an open floor plan and high ceilings. All of the fires started in the same location and were allowed to grow for the same amount of time prior to ventilation. The repeatability of these experiments was examined by comparing the first 8 minutes of the one story experiments and the first 10 minutes of the two story experiments. Additionally two scenarios were run in triplicate for each structure in order to compare repeatability of the entire experimental series. Another important factor in these experiments is tenability of potential occupants in the structures prior to fire department intervention as well as after fire department intervention. Tenability will also be examined for the firefighters that could be operating in the structure during ventilation operations. A significant factor in this tenability is the rate of change of hazardous conditions and how this varies with different ventilation practices. 8.8.1. One Story Repeatability In order to compare the ventilation practices a large amount of attention was placed into making sure pre-ignition conditions were as close to identical as possible. All of the furniture was purchased to be the same and the positioning of the furniture was the same between experiments. Ignition was initiated in the same location and the amount of air leakage area was controlled by filling cracks around the doors and windows with fiberglass insulation. Figure 429 through Figure 435 compare temperatures and oxygen concentrations across all of the experiments in the one story house. Of the seven experiments, Experiment 3 had a slower growing fire and Experiment 14 had a faster growing fire. The other 5 experiments grew similarly for the first 8 minutes before ventilation. Temperatures near the ceiling in the living room of the 5 similar experiments reached approximately 700 °C (1290 °F) at around 320 s and quickly decreased to 175 °C (350 °F) at 480 s as the oxygen was consumed in the house (Figure 429). The temperatures at the same elevation in Bedroom 2 (most remote from the living room) reached 350 °C (660 °F) before decreasing to an average of 150 °C (300 °F) as the fire became ventilation limited (Figure 430). As a further comparison the temperatures at 1 ft above the floor in both the living room and rear bedroom were plotted together. Living room temperatures reached 325 °C (620 °F) and the Bedroom 2 temperatures reached an average of 80 °C (180 °F) before declining to 100 °C (210 °F) and 60 °C (140 °F) respectively (Figure 431 and Figure 432). Oxygen levels in the living room and the bedroom at 5 ft above the floor were between 10% and 14% at the time of ventilation. However, they did drop as low as 2 to 5% at 6 minutes after ignition (Figure 433 and Figure 435). At the 1 ft level in the living room the oxygen level declined to 11 to 14% at 360 s and remained there until ventilation (Figure 434). The oxygen probes in the living room for Experiment 3 were not functioning properly so that data can be ignored. As a whole, the set of experiments in the one-story structure showed good repeatability prior to ventilation. The two experiments which showed different growth rates from the others, 3 and 14, still had similar temperatures and oxygen concentrations at the time of ventilation. Every 256 experiment was within 50 °C (120 °F) at the time of ventilation at the 4 measurement locations chosen, which were remote from each other. Oxygen concentrations were also similar, within 4% of each other, at the time of ventilation. 800 800 Exp. 1 Exp. 3 Exp. 5 Exp. 7 Exp. 9 Exp. 12 Exp. 14 500 600 o o Temperature ( C) 600 400 300 400 300 200 100 100 0 0 80 160 240 Time (s) 320 400 480 0 80 160 240 Time (s) 320 400 480 Figure 430. 7 ft. Bedroom 2 Temperatures Figure 429. 7 ft. Living Room Temperatures 800 800 Exp. 1 Exp. 3 Exp. 5 Exp. 7 Exp. 9 Exp. 12 Exp. 14 500 600 o 600 Exp. 1 Exp. 3 Exp. 5 Exp. 7 Exp. 9 Exp. 12 Exp. 14 700 Temperature ( C) 700 o 500 200 0 Temperature ( C) Exp. 1 Exp. 3 Exp. 5 Exp. 7 Exp. 9 Exp. 12 Exp. 14 700 Temperature ( C) 700 400 300 500 400 300 200 200 100 100 0 0 0 80 160 240 Time (s) 320 Figure 431. 1 ft. Living Room Temperatures 400 0 480 80 160 240 Time (s) 320 Figure 432. 1 ft. Bedroom 2 Temperatures 257 400 480 25 20 20 Oxygen (%) Oxygen (%) 25 15 Exp. 1 Exp. 3 Exp. 5 Exp. 7 Exp. 9 Exp. 12 Exp. 14 10 5 15 Exp. 1 Exp. 3 Exp. 5 Exp. 7 Exp. 9 Exp. 12 Exp. 14 10 5 0 0 0 80 160 240 Time (s) 320 400 0 480 Figure 433. 5 ft. Living Room Oxygen Concentrations 80 160 240 Time (s) 320 400 Figure 434. 1 ft. Living Room Oxygen Concentrations 25 Oxygen (%) 20 15 Exp. 1 Exp. 3 Exp. 5 Exp. 7 Exp. 9 Exp. 12 Exp. 15 10 5 0 0 80 160 240 320 400 480 Time (s) Figure 435. 5 ft. Bedroom 2 Oxygen Concentrations Experiments 3, 9 and 12 followed the same timeline to examine repeatability through the entire experiment. In all three experiments the front door was opened at 8 minutes and the living room window was opened 15 seconds later. The fire was allowed to burn until a post flashover condition was reached. Figure 436 and Figure 437 show the temperature versus time at 7 ft. and 1 ft. above the floor in the living room and bedroom 2. Experiments 9 and 12 were very similar throughout the entire timeline. Experiment 3 develops slower prior to ventilation but responds faster to the window being ventilated. After ventilation all of the experiments have similar temperature rates of change as well as peaks. 258 480 1400 1400 Exp. 3 - LR 7 ft. Exp. 9 - LR 7 ft. Exp. 12 - LR 7 ft. Exp. 3 - BR2 7 ft. Exp. 9 - BR2 7 ft. Exp. 12 - BR2 7 ft. 1000 o o Temperature ( C) 1000 Exp. 3 - LR 1 ft. Exp. 9 - LR 1 ft. Exp. 12 - LR 1 ft. Exp. 3 - BR2 1 ft. Exp. 9 - BR2 1 ft. Exp. 12 - BR2 1 ft. 1200 Temperature ( C) 1200 800 600 800 600 400 400 200 200 0 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) 800 1000 Figure 436. Exp. 3, 9, 12 Repeatability -7 ft. Temperatures 0 200 400 600 Time (s) 800 Figure 437. Exp. 3, 9, 12 Repeatability -1 ft. Temperatures 8.8.2. Two Story Repeatability The two story house had the same furniture layout and ignition location as the one story house. The only difference in the family room was the geometry of the room. To examine repeatability in all 8 two story house experiments the first 10 minutes of each experiment was compared. Ventilation took place at 10 minutes after ventilation in every experiment. Figure 438 through Figure 444 compare temperatures at various elevations in two locations remote from each other. Oxygen concentrations were also compared at two different locations in the house. Three different elevations were examined in the 17 ft tall family room. The first was 16 ft from the floor. Temperatures at this elevation peak between 325 °C (620 °F) and 450 °C (840 °F) at between 450 s and 550 s. Just before ventilation the temperatures at this elevation are all between 240 °C (460 °F) and 310 °C (590 °F) (Figure 438). Experiments 13 and 15 grew slower than the other 6 experiments, but every experiment peaked and declined in temperature prior to ventilation which is consistent with a ventilation limited fire. The second elevation was 7 ft above the floor. These temperatures were a little more varied as the fire grew but converged at between 180 °C (360 °F) and 230 °C (450 °F) just prior to ventilation (Figure 439). The temperatures at 1 ft above the floor behave similarly to the two other elevations and converge at between 110 °C (230 °F) and 150 °C (300 °F) just prior to ventilation (Figure 440). Temperatures in Bedroom 3 were also compared between the 8 experiments. Bedroom 3 was remote from the family room and is a good indication of heat flow to the second floor of the house. At 7 ft. above the floor in Bedroom 3 all of the temperatures peaked around 200 °C (390 °F) and leveled off or slightly decreased up to the ventilation time. At 1 ft above the floor in Bedroom 3 the temperature followed the same trend but peaked at approximately 100 °C (210 °F). Oxygen concentrations were compared at 5 ft in the family room and at 5 ft in the hallway on the second floor. In the family room oxygen concentrations steadily decrease from ignition to ventilation. Just prior to ventilation concentrations range from 13 to 16 % for the 8 experiments. 259 1000 On the second floor hallway the oxygen concentrations decrease to 14 % to 18% just prior to ventilation. Experiment 2 was the only experiment that decreased to a minimum of 13% and increased slightly to 14% prior to ventilation, all others steadily declined from ignition. 600 600 o Temperature ( C) 400 500 300 200 100 400 2 4 6 8 10 11 13 15 300 200 100 0 0 0 100 200 300 Time (s) 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 Time (s) 400 500 600 Figure 439. 7 ft. Family Room Temperatures Figure 438. 16 ft. Family Room Temperatures 600 600 Exp. 2 Exp. 4 Exp. 6 Exp. 8 Exp. 10 Exp. 11 Exp. 13 Exp. 15 400 o o 400 Exp. 2 Exp. 4 Exp. 6 Exp. 8 Exp. 10 Exp. 11 Exp. 13 Exp. 15 500 Temperature ( C) 500 Temperature ( C) Exp. Exp. Exp. Exp. Exp. Exp. Exp. Exp. o 500 2 4 6 8 10 11 13 15 Temperature ( C) Exp. Exp. Exp. Exp. Exp. Exp. Exp. Exp. 300 200 100 300 200 100 0 0 0 100 200 300 Time (s) 400 500 600 Figure 440. 1 ft. Family Room Temperatures 0 100 200 300 Time (s) 400 Figure 441. 7 ft. Bedroom 3 Temperatures 260 500 600 25 600 Exp. 2 Exp. 4 Exp. 6 Exp. 8 Exp. 10 Exp. 11 Exp. 13 Exp. 15 20 Oxygen (%) 400 o Temperature ( C) 500 300 Exp. 2 Exp. 4 Exp. 6 Exp. 8 Exp. 10 Exp. 11 Exp. 13 Exp. 15 10 200 5 100 0 0 0 100 200 300 Time (s) 400 500 600 Figure 442. 1 ft. Bedroom 3 Temperatures 20 15 Exp. 2 Exp. 4 Exp. 6 Exp. 8 Exp. 10 Exp. 11 Exp. 13 Exp. 15 10 5 0 0 100 200 300 Time (s) 400 0 100 200 300 Time (s) 400 500 Figure 443. 5 ft. Family Room Oxygen Concentrations 25 Oxygen (%) 15 500 600 Figure 444. 5 ft. Upper Hallway Oxygen Concentrations 261 600 1000 1000 Exp. 4 Exp. 10 Exp. 11 800 o Temperature ( C) o Temperature ( C) 800 Exp. 4 Exp. 10 Exp. 11 600 400 600 400 200 200 0 0 0 400 800 Time (s) 1200 1600 Figure 445. Exp. 4, 10, 11 Repeatability -16 ft. LR Temps. 0 400 800 Time (s) 1200 Figure 446. Exp. 4, 10, 11 Repeatability -7 ft. BR Temps. 25 Oxygen (%) 20 15 10 Exp. 4 Exp. 10 Exp. 11 5 0 0 400 800 Time (s) 1200 1600 Figure 447. Exp. 4, 10, 11 Repeatability - 5 ft. FR Oxygen 8.8.3. Tenability A core mission of the fire service is life safety, both their own and that of occupants. These experiments allow for the assessment of tenability prior to fire department intervention and after fire department intervention. Ventilation is viewed as a tactic that if use properly increases tenability for the fire service and occupants. However when not used properly can decrease tenability. Two measures of tenability were used during these experiments, temperature and gas concentration. Temperature measurements taken throughout the houses allowed for the analysis of occupant tenability. Research by Montgomery47 in 1975 indicated that in humid air, rapid skin burns would occur at 100 °C (210 °F), and 150 °C (300 °F) was the exposure temperature at 262 1600 which escape was not likely. In 1947, Moritz48 conducted experiments on large animals and found that 100 °C (210 °F) represented the threshold for local burning and hyperemia (general burning). For this analysis, a temperature value of 150 °C (300 °F) was considered the temperature at which victims would be incapacitated. The measurements at 1 ft above the floor were used, assuming that the victim was lying on the floor where the lowest temperatures are typically found. Temperatures and oxygen concentrations at 5 ft above the floor were also used to examine a walking person. Firefighters operating in structures are also susceptible to harm from exposure to elevated temperatures. Firefighter protective clothing standards such as NFPA 1971 require that protective clothing withstand exposure to 260 °C (500 °F) for five minutes without substantial damage49. Other data indicate that a fire fighter can survive flashover conditions of 816 °C (1500 °F) for up to 15 seconds depending on the conditions. For this analysis, a temperature value of 260 °C (500 °F) was considered the upper limit for a fire fighter to remain in the environment for a short period of time. The temperatures were evaluated at 3 ft above the floor assuming that fire fighters would be crawling in an attempt to operate in the lowest temperature region of the room. This analysis is based on temperature alone and does not factor in heat flux which would further reduce the firefighters ability to operate in a location. Another important factor not accounted for is the time the firefighter is in an elevated temperature environment. Turnout gear protects the firefighter inside by absorbing energy and keeping it from reaching the firefighter inside. A firefighter could be operating in lower temperatures than the 260 °C (500 °F) threshold for a period of time and their gear could become saturated with energy. The energy would then be passed onto the firefighter inside causing burn injuries. According to Purser a room becomes untenable for people when the oxygen volume fraction drops below 12%50. This level is generally accepted by the fire protection engineering profession as leading to incapacitation, but may be tolerated for a short (unspecified) time. A lethal concentration of carbon monoxide in humans has been reported to be as low as 0.5% for 5 minutes51. The temperatures, oxygen concentrations and carbon monoxide concentrations were examined in the Living Room (LR) and Bedroom 2 (BR2) of the one-story house to determine the time at which the tenability thresholds were exceeded. Table 33 shows the results for the one-story experiments. Temperature was the tenability criteria exceeded first in every experiment. In every experiment tenability was exceeded in at least one location prior to ventilation taking place (before the simulated fire department arrival). The average time to untenability in the living room, 1 ft above the floor was 336 seconds, and 292 seconds 5 ft above the floor in the bedroom. The elevation of the measurement in the living room assumes someone lying on the floor, while the elevation in the bedroom assumes someone sitting up out of bed or walking to escape. Figure 448 through Figure 454 show the peak temperatures throughout the house prior to simulated fire department arrival (480 seconds). Temperatures in red are above the tenability threshold and temperatures in blue are below that threshold. These figures show the potentially survivable locations within the house. These locations are very close to the floor (1 ft in most locations but 3 ft in some locations) and not near the fire and in the bedroom behind a closed door (Bedroom 3). With the door closed to the bedroom the temperatures remained at less than 63 °C (150 °F) in every experiment. 263 Table 33. Time to occupant untenabiility in one-sto ory house Experimeent 1 3 5 7 9 12 14 NOTE: Tem mp Untenabillity LR @ 1 ft BR2 @ 5 ft 308 29 96 570 0 35 57 296 6 28 86 292 2 27 70 320 0 30 02 294 4 27 78 274 4 25 52 NA N = Not Achieved A Kitchen n 7 ft. – 313 °C 5 ft. – 263 °C 3 ft. – 205 °C 1 ft. – 133 °C Beedroom 3 7 ftt. – 52 °C 5 ftt. – 32 °C 3 ftt. – 24 °C 1 ftt. – 22 °C Ox xygen Untennability LR @ 1ft BR R2 @ 5ft NA* N 350 640 6 610 380 3 340 700 7 310 680 6 350 400 4 340 700 7 320 CO Untennability L LR @ 1ft BR2 @ 5ft NA* 380 NA NA 380 380 380 380 400 380 650 350 650 650 Hallw way 7 ft. – 64 46 °C 5 ft. – 53 31 °C 3 ft. – 25 57 °C 1 ft. – 10 04 °C Din ning Room 7 ftt. – 349 °C 5 ftt. – 309 °C 3 ftt. – 264 °C 1 ftt. – 145 °C B Bedroom 2 7 ft. – 347 °C C 5 ft. – 246 °C C 3 ft. – 167 °C C 1 ft. – 77 °C Living R Room 7 ft. – 7703 °C 5 ft. – 6623 °C 3 ft. – 5575 °C 1 ft. – 3331 °C Bedroom 1 7 ft. – 279 °°C 5 ft. – 193 °°C 3 ft. – 144 °°C 1 ft. – 78 °°C Figure 448 8. Experimen nt 1 - Peak tem mperatures beffore ventilatioon (Red = unteenable for occcupants) 264 Kitchen n 7 ft. – 222 °C 5 ft. – 179 °C 3 ft. – 145 °C 1 ft. – 93 °C Beedroom 3 7 ftt. – 35 °C 5 ftt. – 31 °C 3 ftt. – 29 °C 1 ftt. – 28 °C Hallway 7 ft. – 51 19 °C 5 ft. – 30 02 °C 3 ft. – 14 48 °C 1 ft. – 66 °C Din ning Room 7 ftt. – 230 °C 5 ftt. – 190 °C 3 ftt. – 144 °C 1 ftt. – 79 °C B Bedroom 2 7 ft. – 213 °C C 5 ft. – 160 °C C C 3 ft. – 113 °C 1 ft. – 65 °C C Living R Room 7 ft. – 4411 °C 5 ft. – 3318 °C 3 ft. – 2223 °C 1 ft. – 1107 °C Bedroom 1 7 ft. – 190 °°C 5 ft. – 139 °°C 3 ft. – 102 °°C 1 ft. – 66 °°C Figure 449 9. Experimen nt 3 - Peak tem mperatures beffore ventilatioon (Red = unteenable for occcupants) Kitchen n 7 ft. – 359 °C 5 ft. – 278 °C 3 ft. – 237 °C 1 ft. – 167 °C Beedroom 3 7 ftt. – 46 °C 5 ftt. – 38 °C 3 ftt. – 33 °C 1 ftt. – 30 °C Hallw way 7 ft. – 68 84 °C 5 ft. – 41 12 °C 3 ft. – 25 58 °C 1 ft. – 99 9 °C Din ning Room 7 ftt. – 378 °C 5 ftt. – 334 °C 3 ftt. – 289 °C 1 ftt. – 147 °C B Bedroom 2 7 ft. – 354 °C C 5 ft. – 261 °C C C 3 ft. – 177 °C 1 ft. – 96 °C Living R Room 7 ft. – 6686 °C 5 ft. – 6639 °C 3 ft. – 5519 °C 1 ft. – 3308 °C Bedroom 1 7 ft. – 305 °°C 5 ft. – 214 °°C 3 ft. – 155 °°C 1 ft. – 98 °°C Figure 450 0. Experimen nt 5 - Peak tem mperatures beffore ventilatioon (Red = unteenable for occcupants) 265 Kitchen n 7 ft. – 313 °C 5 ft. – 253 °C 3 ft. – 215 °C 1 ft. – 157 °C Beedroom 3 7 ftt. – 45 °C 5 ftt. – 37 °C 3 ftt. – 31 °C 1 ftt. – 28 °C Hallway 7 ft. – 63 35 °C 5 ft. – 53 37 °C 3 ft. – 25 52 °C 1 ft. – 90 9 °C Din ning Room 7 ftt. – 395 °C 5 ftt. – 316 °C 3 ftt. – 254 °C 1 ftt. – 139 °C B Bedroom 2 7 ft. – 336 °C C 5 ft. – 236 °C C 3 ft. – 167 °C C 1 ft. – 89 °C C Living R Room 7 ft. – 6651 °C 5 ft. – 5542 °C 3 ft. – 4482 °C 1 ft. – 2290 °C Bedroom 1 7 ft. – 293 °°C 5 ft. – 203 °°C 3 ft. – 148 °°C 1 ft. – 93 °°C Figure 451 1. Experimen nt 7 - Peak tem mperatures beffore ventilatioon (Red = unteenable for occcupants) Kitchen n 7 ft. – 302 °C 5 ft. – 258 °C 3 ft. – 220 °C 1 ft. – 124 °C Beedroom 3 7 ftt. – 63 °C 5 ftt. – 42 °C 3 ftt. – 31 °C 1 ftt. – 28 °C Hallw way 7 ft. – 57 75 °C 5 ft. – 44 49 °C 3 ft. – 20 09 °C 1 ft. – 98 9 °C Din ning Room 7 ftt. – 329 °C 5 ftt. – 290 °C 3 ftt. – 242 °C 1 ftt. – 133 °C B Bedroom 2 7 ft. – 303 °C C 5 ft. – 213 °C C 3 ft. – 152 °C C 1 ft. – 77 °C C Living R Room 7 ft. – 6687 °C 5 ft. – 5580 °C 3 ft. – 4410 °C 1 ft. – 2260 °C Bedroom 1 7 ft. – 261 °°C 5 ft. – 176 °°C 3 ft. – 137 °°C 1 ft. – 77 °°C Figure 452 2. Experimen nt 9 - Peak tem mperatures beffore ventilatioon (Red = unteenable for occcupants) 266 Kitchen n 7 ft. – 298 °C 5 ft. – 262 °C 3 ft. – 204 °C 1 ft. – 124 °C Beedroom 3 7 ftt. – 62 °C 5 ftt. – 41 °C 3 ftt. – 28 °C 1 ftt. – 25 °C Hallway 7 ft. – 62 29 °C 5 ft. – 52 25 °C 3 ft. – 26 69 °C 1 ft. – 10 09 °C Din ning Room 7 ftt. – 360 °C 5 ftt. – 314 °C 3 ftt. – 266 °C 1 ftt. – 143 °C B Bedroom 2 7 ft. – 336 °C C C 5 ft. – 230 °C C 3 ft. – 165 °C 1 ft. – 80 °C C Living R Room 7 ft. – 6688 °C 5 ft. – 5564 °C 3 ft. – 4498 °C 1 ft. – 3329 °C Bedroom 1 7 ft. – 290 °°C 5 ft. – 191 °°C 3 ft. – 146 °°C 1 ft. – 80 °°C Figure 453 3. Experimen nt 12 - Peak tem mperatures beefore ventilatiion (Red = untenable for occcupants) Kitchen n 7 ft. – 269 °C 5 ft. – 236 °C 3 ft. – 195 °C 1 ft. – 122 °C Beedroom 3 7 ftt. – 51 °C 5 ftt. – 35 °C 3 ftt. – 30 °C 1 ftt. – 27 °C Hallw way 7 ft. – 58 84 °C 5 ft. – 42 23 °C 3 ft. – 20 03 °C 1 ft. – 95 9 °C Din ning Room 7 ftt. – 306 °C 5 ftt. – 260 °C 3 ftt. – 204 °C 1 ftt. – 111 °C B Bedroom 2 7 ft. – 276 °C C 5 ft. – 206 °C C C 3 ft. – 145 °C 1 ft. – 75 °C Living R Room 7 ft. – 4475 °C 5 ft. – 3391 °C 3 ft. – 3312 °C 1 ft. – 1172 °C Bedroom 1 7 ft. – 236 °°C 5 ft. – 167 °°C 3 ft. – 126 °°C 1 ft. – 75 °°C Figure 454 4. Experimen nt 14 - Peak tem mperatures beefore ventilatiion (Red = untenable for occcupants) 267 The temperatures, oxygen concentrations and carbon monoxide concentrations were also examined in the Family Room (FR) and Second Floor Hallway (Hall) of the two-story house to determine the time at which the tenability thresholds were exceeded. Table 34 shows the results for the two-story experiments. Temperature was the tenability criteria exceeded first in every experiment in this house as well. In every experiment tenability was exceeded in at least one location prior to ventilation taking place (before the simulated fire department arrival). The average time to untenability in the family room, 1 ft above the floor was 558 seconds, and 423 seconds 5 ft above the floor in the second floor hallway. The elevation of the measurement in the family room assumes someone lying on the floor, while the elevation in the second floor hallway assumes someone walking to escape the bedrooms. Figure 455 through Figure 462 show the peak temperatures throughout the house prior to simulated fire department arrival (600 seconds). Temperatures in red are above the tenability threshold and temperatures in blue are below that threshold. These figures show the potentially survivable locations within the house. Remote from the fire, below 3 ft throughout the house was usually tenable. The Den and Bedroom 2 were the most tenable rooms. The den door was open and the door to Bedroom 2 was closed. With the door closed to the bedroom the temperatures remained at less than 32 °C (100 °F) in every experiment. The two-story house had more tenable locations due to the larger volume at the same fuel package. Table 34. Time to occupant untenability in two-story house Experiment Temp Untenability (s) Oxygen Untenability FR @ 1 ft Hall @ 5ft FR @ 1ft Hall @ 5ft 2 252 402 NA 850 4 282 432 NA 1000 6 252 402 NA NA 8 784 364 900 820 10 1444 424 NA 1400 11 424 364 NA 850 13 514 484 NA 740 15 754 514 NA* NA* *- Instrumentation Malfunction, NOTE: NA = Not Achieved 268 CO Untenability FR @ 1 ft Hall @ 5ft NA 820 NA NA NA NA 900 850 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA* NA* Hallway 7 ft. – 400 °C C 5 ft. – 380 °C C 3 ft. – 235 °C C 1 ft. – 110 °C C Kitchen 7 ft. – 238 °C C 5 ft. – 207 °C C 3 ft. – 167 °C C 1 ft. – 101 °C C Familly Room 7 ft. – 482 °C 5 ft. – 475 °C 3 ft. – 468 °C 1 ft. – 448 °C Bedroom 1 7 ft. – 183 °C 5 ft. – 146 °C 3 ft. – 119 °C 1 ft. – 81 °C Deen 7 ft. – 1155 °C 5 ft. – 1132 °C 3 ft. – 1108 °C 1 ft. – 83 °C Bedroo om 4 7 ft. – 24 40 °C 5 ft. – 19 94 °C 3 ft. – 16 61 °C 1 ft. – 98 9 °C Diining Room 7 ft. – 248 °C 5 ft. – 233 °C 3 ft. – 202 °C 1 ft. – 115 °C Bedroom m2 7 ft. – 32 °C 5 ft. – 26 °C 3 ft. – 24 °C 1 ft. – 22 °C Bedroom m3 7 ft. – 2433 °C 5 ft. – 1800 °C 3 ft. – 1577 °C 1 ft. – 1077 °C Livving Room 7 ftt. – 226 °C 5 ftt. – 197 °C 3 ftt. – 162 °C 1 ftt. – 104 °C Foy yer 7 ft. – 300 3 °C 5 ft. – 260 2 °C 3 ft. – 175 1 °C 1 ft. – 125 1 °C Figure 455 5. Experimen nt 2 - Peak tem mperatures beffore ventilatioon (Red = unteenable for occcupants) Hallway 7 ft. – 300 °C C 5 ft. – 240 °C C 3 ft. – 160 °C C 1 ft. – 95 °C C Kitchen 7 ft. – 165 °C C 5 ft. – 143 °C C 3 ft. – 106 °C C 1 ft. – 69 °C C Bedroom 1 7 ft. – 156 °C 5 ft. – 124 °C 3 ft. – 104 °C 1 ft. – 76 °C Bedroom m2 7 ft. – 31 °C 5 ft. – 26 °C 3 ft. – 24 °C 1 ft. – 22 °C Deen 7 ft. – 1111 °C 5 ft. – 96 °C 3 ft. – 81 °C 1 ft. – 64 °C Bedroo om 4 7 ft. – 18 84 °C 5 ft. – 14 48 °C 3 ft. – 11 19 °C 1 ft. – 80 °C Diining Room 7 ft. – 162 °C 5 ft. – 150 °C 3 ft. – 114 °C 1 ft. – 71 °C Familly Room 7 ft. – 279 °C 5 ft. – 286 °C 3 ft. – 293 °C 1 ft. – 318 °C Bedroom m3 7 ft. – 1955 °C 5 ft. – 1544 °C 3 ft. – 1333 °C 1 ft. – 96 °C Livving Room 7 ftt. – 154 °C 5 ftt. – 138 °C 3 ftt. – 111 °C 1 ftt. – 75 °C Foy yer 7 ft. – 205 2 °C 5 ft. – 165 1 °C 3 ft. – 120 1 °C 1 ft. – 95 °C Figure 456 6. Experimen nt 4 - Peak tem mperatures beffore ventilatioon (Red = unteenable for occcupants) 269 Hallway 7 ft. – 310 °C C 5 ft. – 260 °C C 3 ft. – 170 °C C 1 ft. – 100 °C C Kitchen 7 ft. – 182 °C C 5 ft. – 160 °C C 3 ft. – 120 °C C 1 ft. – 69 °C C Familly Room 7 ft. – 304 °C 5 ft. – 318 °C 3 ft. – 332 °C 1 ft. – 355 °C Bedroom 1 7 ft. – 163 °C 5 ft. – 131 °C 3 ft. – 108 °C 1 ft. – 76 °C Deen 7 ft. – 1127 °C 5 ft. – 1107 °C 3 ft. – 86 °C 1 ft. – 68 °C Bedroo om 4 7 ft. – 19 93 °C 5 ft. – 16 61 °C 3 ft. – 12 28 °C 1 ft. – 84 8 °C Diining Room 7 ft. – 174 °C 5 ft. – 162 °C 3 ft. – 131 °C 1 ft. – 69 °C Bedroom m2 7 ft. – 27 °C 5 ft. – 23 °C 3 ft. – 22 °C 1 ft. – 20 °C Bedroom m3 7 ft. – 2044 °C 5 ft. – 1600 °C 3 ft. – 1422 °C 1 ft. – 999 °C Livving Room 7 ftt. – 169 °C 5 ftt. – 150 °C 3 ftt. – 122 °C 1 ftt. – 85 °C Foy yer 7 ft. – 215 2 °C 5 ft. – 175 1 °C 3 ft. – 145 1 °C 1 ft. – 95 °C Figure 457 7. Experimen nt 6 - Peak tem mperatures beffore ventilatioon (Red = unteenable for occcupants) Hallway 7 ft. – 310 °C C 5 ft. – 250 °C C 3 ft. – 160 °C C 1 ft. – 100 °C C Kitchen 7 ft. – 180 °C C 5 ft. – 160 °C C 3 ft. – 124 °C C 1 ft. – 74 °C C Bedroom 1 7 ft. – 155 °C 5 ft. – 127 °C 3 ft. – 107 °C 1 ft. – 77 °C Bedroom m2 7 ft. – 27 °C 5 ft. – 22 °C 3 ft. – 21 °C 1 ft. – 19 °C Deen 7 ft. – 1128 °C 5 ft. – 1109 °C 3 ft. – 87 °C 1 ft. – 78 °C Bedroo om 4 7 ft. – 18 88 °C 5 ft. – 15 59 °C 3 ft. – 13 32 °C 1 ft. – 85 8 °C Diining Room 7 ft. – 177 °C 5 ft. – 166 °C 3 ft. – 109 °C 1 ft. – 75 °C Familly Room 7 ft. – 315 °C 5 ft. – 210 °C 3 ft. – 181 °C 1 ft. – 144 °C Bedroom m3 7 ft. – 1911 °C 5 ft. – 1577 °C 3 ft. – 1388 °C 1 ft. – 944 °C Livving Room 7 ftt. – 168 °C 5 ftt. – 152 °C 3 ftt. – 126 °C 1 ftt. – 83 °C Foy yer 7 ft. – 205 2 °C 5 ft. – 190 1 °C 3 ft. – 155 1 °C 1 ft. – 95 °C Figure 458 8. Experimen nt 8 - Peak tem mperatures beffore ventilatioon (Red = unteenable for occcupants) 270 Hallway 7 ft. – 290 °C C 5 ft. – 235 °C C 3 ft. – 140 °C C 1 ft. – 90 °C C Kitchen 7 ft. – 167 °C C 5 ft. – 150 °C C 3 ft. – 103 °C C 1 ft. – 66 °C C Familly Room 7 ft. – 253 °C 5 ft. – 200 °C 3 ft. – 162 °C 1 ft. – 138 °C Bedroom 1 7 ft. – 153 °C 5 ft. – 123 °C 3 ft. – 103 °C 1 ft. – 72 °C Deen 7 ft. – 1118 °C 5 ft. – 99 °C 3 ft. – 82 °C 1 ft. – 65 °C Bedroo om 4 7 ft. – 18 80 °C 5 ft. – 14 48 °C 3 ft. – 12 23 °C 1 ft. – 78 °C Diining Room 7 ft. – 163 °C 5 ft. – 150 °C 3 ft. – 119 °C 1 ft. – 70 °C Bedroom m2 7 ft. – 28 °C 5 ft. – 23 °C 3 ft. – 21 °C 1 ft. – 20 °C Bedroom m3 7 ft. – 2011 °C 5 ft. – 1566 °C 3 ft. – 1366 °C 1 ft. – 1133 °C Livving Room 7 ftt. – 155 °C 5 ftt. – 140 °C 3 ftt. – 115 °C 1 ftt. – 77 °C Foy yer 7 ft. – 205 2 °C 5 ft. – 160 1 °C 3 ft. – 135 1 °C 1 ft. – 80 °C Figure 459 9. Experimen nt 10 - Peak tem mperatures beefore ventilatiion (Red = untenable for occcupants) Hallway 7 ft. – 340 °C C 5 ft. – 290 °C C 3 ft. – 175 °C C 1 ft. – 120 °C C Kitchen 7 ft. – 225 °C C 5 ft. – 195 °C C 3 ft. – 154 °C C 1 ft. – 89 °C C Bedroom 1 7 ft. – 180 °C 5 ft. – 141 °C 3 ft. – 119 °C 1 ft. – 87 °C Bedroom m2 7 ft. – 32 °C 5 ft. – 27 °C 3 ft. – 24 °C 1 ft. – 23 °C Deen 7 ft. – 1155 °C 5 ft. – 1130 °C 3 ft. – 1105 °C 1 ft. – 85 °C Bedroo om 4 7 ft. – 20 03 °C 5 ft. – 16 64 °C 3 ft. – 15 53 °C 1 ft. – 97 °C Diining Room 7 ft. – 221 °C 5 ft. – 213 °C 3 ft. – 188 °C 1 ft. – 102 °C Familly Room 7 ft. – 426 °C 5 ft. – 458 °C 3 ft. – 375 °C 1 ft. – 205 °C Bedroom m3 7 ft. – 2033 °C 5 ft. – 1644 °C 3 ft. – 1466 °C 1 ft. – 1144 °C Livving Room 7 ftt. – 204 °C 5 ftt. – 185 °C 3 ftt. – 153 °C 1 ftt. – 101 °C Foy yer 7 ft. – 265 2 °C 5 ft. – 240 2 °C 3 ft. – 175 1 °C 1 ft. – 120 1 °C Figure 460 0. Experimen nt 11 - Peak tem mperatures beefore ventilatiion (Red = untenable for occcupants) 271 Hallway 7 ft. – 290 °C C 5 ft. – 250 °C C 3 ft. – 153 °C C 1 ft. – 102 °C C Kitchen 7 ft. – 176 °C C 5 ft. – 152 °C C 3 ft. – 109 °C C 1 ft. – 67 °C C Familly Room 7 ft. – 240 °C 5 ft. – 213 °C 3 ft. – 176 °C 1 ft. – 150 °C Bedroom 1 7 ft. – 152 °C 5 ft. – 124 °C 3 ft. – 105 °C 1 ft. – 73 °C Deen 7 ft. – 1122 °C 5 ft. – 1101 °C 3 ft. – 84 °C 1 ft. – 67 °C Bedroo om 4 7 ft. – 17 78 °C 5 ft. – 14 48 °C 3 ft. – 12 23 °C 1 ft. – 81 °C Diining Room 7 ft. – 165 °C 5 ft. – 160 °C 3 ft. – 124 °C 1 ft. – 71 °C Bedroom m2 7 ft. – 28 °C 5 ft. – 24 °C 3 ft. – 22 °C 1 ft. – 21 °C Bedroom m3 7 ft. – 1899 °C 5 ft. – 1522 °C 3 ft. – 1366 °C 1 ft. – NA A °C Livving Room 7 ftt. – 161 °C 5 ftt. – 143 °C 3 ftt. – 118 °C 1 ft ft. – 77 °C Foy yer 7 ft. – 205 2 °C 5 ft. – 160 1 °C 3 ft. – 140 1 °C 1 ft. – 80 °C Figure 461 1. Experimen nt 13 - Peak tem mperatures beefore ventilatiion (Red = untenable for occcupants) Hallway 7 ft. – 300 °C C 5 ft. – 240 °C C 3 ft. – 160 °C C 1 ft. – 100 °C C Kitchen 7 ft. – 175 °C C 5 ft. – 152 °C C 3 ft. – 113 °C C 1 ft. – 69 °C C Bedroom 1 7 ft. – 160 °C 5 ft. – 130 °C 3 ft. – 109 °C 1 ft. – 75 °C Bedroom m2 7 ft. – 27 °C 5 ft. – 23 °C 3 ft. – 22 °C 1 ft. – 21 °C Deen 7 ft. – 1126 °C 5 ft. – 1102 °C 3 ft. – 83 °C 1 ft. – 64 °C Bedroo om 4 7 ft. – 18 86 °C 5 ft. – 15 53 °C 3 ft. – 12 28 °C 1 ft. – 82 °C Diining Room 7 ft. – 169 °C 5 ft. – 162 °C 3 ft. – 125 °C 1 ft. – 68 °C Familly Room 7 ft. – 235 °C 5 ft. – 204 °C 3 ft. – 168 °C 1 ft. – 147 °C Bedroom m3 7 ft. – 1966 °C 5 ft. – 1633 °C 3 ft. – 1433 °C 1 ft. – 1144 °C Livving Room 7 ftt. – 162 °C 5 ftt. – 144 °C 3 ftt. – 118 °C 1 ft ft. – 77 °C Foy yer 7 ft. – 220 2 °C 5 ft. – 170 1 °C 3 ft. – 160 1 °C 1 ft. – 90 °C Figure 462 2. Experimen nt 15 - Peak tem mperatures beefore ventilatiion (Red = untenable for occcupants) 272 The previous section identified a high hazard for occupants during a fire in either of the two houses. While most of the houses would be untenable there were locations in which occupants could need to be rescued from. Firefighters are going to need to make ventilation openings in order to gain access to search for occupants. This section examines the time that the firefighters have before the fire responds to the additional oxygen and conditions become untenable for them. Table 35 and Table 36 show the time from ignition to untenability for potential firefighters that may be inside during the time following ventilation for the one-story and two-story houses respectively. Temperatures are reported at the elevation of 3 ft above the floor. This represents a firefighter crawling close to the ground in an attempt to stay as cool as possible. This analysis also assumes that no water is being applied to the fire. Practical examples of this could be searching ahead of a hoseline or searching and something goes wrong with the hoseline. In the one-story house, during Experiment 1, only the front door was opened which limited the amount of oxygen made available to the fire so only the living room and dining room became untenable. During all of the other experiments the entire house became untenable with the exception of the bedrooms. The two experiments that included the ventilation of the bedrooms had upper layer temperatures greatly increase but the lower layer, below 3 ft remained below 260 °C (500 °F) because the outside air was being pulled in through the windows to grow the fire in the living room and hallway. Minimum time from ventilation to firefighter untenability in the one-story house averaged 100 seconds (87 seconds minimum and 113 seconds maximum). During this time the firefighters would have to suppress the fire or evacuate to remain safe. Table 35. Time and location of firefighter untenability (One-story) Experiment 1 3 5 7 9 12 14 NOTE: LR 595 567 613 599 601 581 566 NA = Not Achieved Time of Firefighter Temperature Untenability @ 3 ft (s) DR Kit Hall BR1 BR2 651 NA NA NA NA 606 618 597 NA NA 641 651 645 NA NA 645 655 635 NA NA 625 634 633 NA NA 606 622 604 NA NA 593 601 581 NA NA BR3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA In the two-story house there were few locations that were untenable for firefighters. In every experiment but Experiment 6 both the family room and second floor hallway became untenable after ventilation. Depending upon the ventilation location(s) additional room became untenable for firefighters. In Experiment 2, only the front door was opened, which limited the air to the fire and no other rooms became untenable. Experiment 6 was similar in that only the window was opened, therefore only the family room became untenable. Experiments 4, 10 and 11 all opened the front door and window in the family room. This additional air created additional heat generation and the dining room and foyer also became untenable. Experiment 4 and 11 were similar and Experiment 10 behaved differently because the second sofa did not ignite until after the first sofa was completely consumed by fire. This caused slow fire growth and is not similar to the other 7 experiments. Experiment 13 was similar to Experiments 4 and 11 except the upper family room window was ventilated. This caused untenability faster but localized the 273 untenability to just the family room and second floor hallway. Ventilating the front door and a window remote from the fire (upstairs bedroom) caused the living room, foyer and two upstairs bedrooms to become untenable. Ventilating the from door and 4 additional first floor window allowed the most air into the fire and created untenability for firefighters in most of the house. Due to the very different fire growth in Experiment 10 a median time to untenability is more appropriate than the average. The median time from ventilation to firefighter untenability in the two-story house was 200 seconds. During this time the firefighters would have to suppress the fire or evacuate to remain safe. Table 36. Time and location of firefighter untenability (Two-story) Experiment FR Den 2 672 NA 4 942 NA 6 822 NA 8 784 NA 10 1414 NA 11 814 NA 13 694 NA 15 724 NA NOTE: NA = Not Achieved Time of Firefighter Temperature Untenability @ 3 ft (s) LR DR Kit Foyer Hall BR1 BR2 BR3 NA NA NA NA 825 NA NA NA NA 1032 NA 1050 1000 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 904 NA NA 844 784 NA NA 784 NA NA NA NA 1414 NA NA NA NA 842 NA 874 844 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 775 NA NA NA 814 752 814 752 752 NA NA 874 BR4 NA NA NA 844 NA NA NA 784 There are a number of variables beyond the two measurements described above that could lead to incapacitation or death in a fire scenario. Some of them are the exposure time, the rate of change of the exposure, the susceptibility of a particular individual, or any preexisting antagonistic conditions. It has also been well studied that these measures have additive effects. For example an oxygen deficient environment could cause an individual to breath faster which would increase the intake of CO and hot gases. 8.8.4. Rate of Change An important factor when analyzing ventilation is how long it takes for the fire to respond to the air provided by the ventilation event and when the environment becomes untenable for firefighters operating in the structure. To examine this for each experiment the time of ventilation was subtracted from the time of untenability. Looking closer at this time window you can see when the temperature begins to rise and at what rate. This could be the time firefighters notice there is a problem and how long they have to evacuate. Figure 463 shows the temperatures at 1 ft above the floor in the living room of the one-story house from time of ventilation until post flashover. This shows the exponential growth of the fire once it responds to the air provided by the ventilation. From the time the temperatures begin to increase until firefighter untenability and further to flashover is a very short period of time (Table 37). Experiments 3, 9 and 14 have temperatures that increase from 260 °C (500 °F) to over 600 °C (1110 °F) in less than 10 seconds. This requires the firefighter to make it to an exit very quickly when conditions begin to deteriorate. 274 1600 1400 o Temperature ( C) 1200 1000 Exp. 1 Exp. 3 Exp. 5 Exp. 7 Exp. 9 Exp. 12 Exp. 14 800 600 400 200 0 480 520 560 Time (s) 600 640 Figure 463. One-story LR 1 ft. Rate of Change Figure 464 shows the temperatures at 1 ft above the floor in the family room of the two-story house from time of ventilation until post flashover. There were fewer experiments that transitioned to flashover in the two story house but the three experiments that did were Experiments 4, 13 and 15. Due to the larger volume they took a little longer than the one-story house to have dramatic temperature increases but they still occurred. Experiments 13 and 15 had temperatures that went from 260 °C (500 °F) to 600 °C (1110 °F) in less than 20 seconds and 36 seconds respectively. This is also very little time for firefighters to react to the changing conditions. 275 1600 Exp. 2 Exp. 4 Exp. 6 Exp. 8 Exp. 10 Exp. 11 Exp. 13 Exp. 15 1400 o Temperature ( C) 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 600 700 800 900 1000 Time (s) 1100 1200 1300 Figure 464. Two-story FR 1 ft. Rate of Change Table 37. Time to untenability and flashover after ventilation Experiment Time from Ventilation Until FF Untenability (seconds) Time from FF Untenability Until Flashover (600 °C) (seconds) NA NA 8 86 17 NA 21 NA 9 NA NA 14 20 7 36 1 115 2 72 3 85 4 342 5 133 6 220 7 119 8 184 9 119 10 814 11 214 12 101 13 94 14 86 15 124 NOTE: NA = Not Achieved 276 8.8.5. Comparison of Tactical Ventilation Methods Fifteen experiments were conducted varying the ventilation locations and the number of ventilation openings. Ventilation scenarios included ventilating the front door only, opening the front door and a window near and remote from the seat of the fire, opening a window only and ventilating a higher opening in the two-story house. The temperature data will be compared to examine the conditions in the houses dependent upon which ventilation openings are made. Firefighters are taught to ventilate based on the location of the fire and in coordination with the operation that is being implemented. These comparisons provide a way to examine why they are taught those ideas and what those ideas mean for the tenability and fire dynamics within the houses. Influence of Creating Additional Ventilation Openings The amount of air and the location that the air supplied to an oxygen limited fire changes how much energy a fire generates and how fast it generates it. Figure 465 shows the living room temperatures 5 ft above the floor in each of the one-story ventilation scenarios. This figure shows how fast the temperatures in the living room increase and to what magnitude. When only the door was opened (RED), the fire was not getting all the air it needed to burn to its potential so it reached a peak temperature of approximately 700 °C (1290 °F) and did so the slowest of the 5 scenarios. Opening the bedroom window (ORANGE) in addition to the door allowed the fire to peak at 825 °C (1520 °F) about 30 seconds faster. Opening the living room window only (BLUE) allowed the fire to reach a peak of over 1200 °C (2190 °F) and it reached the temperature of the previous two scenarios faster. When the door and the living room window (GREEN) were opened the fire also reached in excess of 1200 °C (2190 °F), but did it even faster. The final scenario of opening the door and 4 windows (GREY) including the living room window and bedroom windows the fire reached close to 1200 °C (2190 °F) and did so 20 seconds faster than the next closest scenario and 75 seconds faster than just opening the door. Figure 466 shows the family room temperatures 5 ft above the floor in four of the two-story ventilation scenarios. When only the door was opened (RED) the fire approached flashover but did not have enough air to achieve it. Opening only the window (BLUE) did not allow for flashover and the maximum temperature remained below approximately 450 °C (840 °F) and was the slowest developing of the scenarios. When the door and window were opened (GREEN) the fire grew faster and peaked at 550 °C (1020 °F). The final scenario where the front door and 4 windows (ORANGE) were opened the fire transitioned to flashover the fastest of any of the scenarios and peaked at 950 °C (1740 °F). 277 Ignition Ventilation Window Open Front Door Open 1400 Door Only Window Only Door and Window Door and BR Window Door and 4 Windows 1200 o Temperature ( C) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 100 400 500 600 700 Time (s) Figure 465. One-Story House Living Room Temperatures 5 ft above the floor Ignition 200 300 800 Ventilation W indow Open Front Door O pen 1000 Door O nly W indow Only Door and W indow Door and 4 W indow s o Temperature ( C) 800 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Tim e (s) Figure 466. Two-Story House Family Room Temperatures 5 ft above the floor 278 Near the Seat S of Fire and a Remote From the Seeat of Fire n guidance firefighters fi arre given in their t basic veentilation traaining is to vventilate as cclose The main to the seaat of the fire as possible. This is meaant to localizze the growtth of the firee to the area oof origin. Ventilating V reemote from the seat of th he fire createes the potenttial to spreadd the fire to uninvolv ved parts of the t house by y creating a flow f path andd source of ooxygen from m that uninvoolved area. Experimeent 12 (Figu ure 467) and Experiment 7 (Figure 4668) in the onne-story houuse are compared in Figuree 469. The RED R lines reepresent the temperatures t s 5 ft above the floor durring the experimeent when thee front door was w opened, followed byy opening thhe living room m window. This scenario represents ventilating v neear the seat of o the fire whhich is consiistent with a correct ventilatio on action bassed on firefig ghter trainin ng. The BLU UE lines are measuremennts in the sam me locationss but from th he experimen nt where the front door w was opened ffollowed by the openingg of the windo ow in Bedro oom 2. The graph g showss a slightly fa faster growinng fire when ventilated nnear the seat of o the fire. This T can be expected e beccause the souurce of oxyggen is in the fire room annd the fire can react r to this and a increasee its heat releease rate. Thhe bedroomss also increaase in temperrature but Bedro oom 2 only peaks p at app proximately 250 2 °C (4800 °F) and Beddroom 1 peaaks at 210 °C C (410 °F).. Then they begin to deccrease in tem mperature because of thee lack of oxyygen availablle to burn at th hat side of th he house. When W ventilatted remote fr from the seatt of the fire tthe living rooom temperatu ure does nott peak as hig gh because itt has less oxyygen supplieed to it. Thee difference iis in the bedro ooms. An arrea that was previously limited in tem mperature beecause it waas out of the flow path has now becomee part of the flow path. This T increasses the tempeeratures to close to 500 °°C (930 °F) in Bedroom m 2 and up to 300 °C (570 0 °F) in Beddroom 1. If tthe fire had nnot been t save the sttructure for subsequent s eexperiments both bedroooms would hhave suppresseed in order to become involved i in fire f creating an undesired situation fr from a ventillation choicee. Bedroom 3 was unafffected by eitther ventilation scenario o because thee door was cclosed. Figure 467 7. Near Seat of o the Fire Flo ow Path Figurre 468. Remote from Seat oof the Fire Floow Path 279 Ignition Ventilation Window Open Front Door Open 1400 5 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Bedroom 1 5 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 3 5 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Bedroom 1 5 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 3 1200 o Temperature ( C) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) 800 1000 1200 Figure 469. Comparison of Living Room and Bedroom Temperatures at 5 ft above the floor Experiment 4 (Figure 470) and Experiment 8 (Figure 471) in the two-story house are compared in Figure 472. The RED lines represent the temperatures 5 ft above the floor during the experiment where the front door was opened, followed by opening the family room window. This scenario represents ventilating near the seat of the fire which is consistent with a correct ventilation action based on firefighter training. The BLUE lines are measurements in the same locations but from the experiment where the front door was opened followed by the opening of the window in Bedroom 3. Ventilating near the seat of the fire localizes the temperatures and the combustion. This also creates the highest peak temperature (775 °C [1430 °F]) in the family room because all of the available oxygen is coming right into the family room. Unlike the ranch house ventilating near the seat of the fire peaked later than ventilating remote from the seat of the fire because the remote vent location was on the second floor which allowed more air to enter from the front door and grow the fire. This air was limited which did not allow for temperatures to peak as high as the two ventilation points of the near the seat of the fire experiment. Comparing the bedroom temperatures highlights the impact of creating a flow path through the bedroom. When Bedroom 3 was not in the flow path, its peak temperature was 250 °C (480 °F). However, when it was in the flow path, temperatures increased to 575 °C (1070 °F). 280 Figure 47 70. Two-story y Near Seat off the Fire Flow w Path Ignition Figgure 471. Two-story Remoote from the Seeat of the Firre Flow Path entilation Window Open Ve Front Door Open 800 0 5 ft. Fam mily Room 5 ft. Bed droom 1 5 ft. Bed droom 3 5 ft. Bed droom 4 5 ft. Fam mily Room 5 ft. Bed droom 1 5 ft. Bed droom 3 5 ft. Bed droom 4 700 0 o Temperature ( C) 600 0 500 0 400 0 300 0 200 0 100 0 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) 1500 200 00 Figure 472 2. Compariso on of Family Room R and Bed droom Temperratures at 5 ftt above the flooor Ventilating g High and Ventilating V L Low When deetermining ho ow to most effectively e ventilate v a rooom it wouldd be intuitivee to ventilatee near the top of the room since that is where w the ho ot gases from m a fire deveelop a layer. One must aalso ol air enters the t room as the hot gasees are leavingg the room. If the cool aair consider how the coo entering the room is needed n by th he available fuel, then thhe room willl transition too flashover aand 281 the burniing will take place at thee ventilation locations, leeaving the rooom fully invvolved in flaames. Clearly, in i this scenaario ventilatin ng the top off the room ddid not proviide the relieff that was intended. Figure 47 73 and Figurre 474 show renderings of o the windoows that werre opened to ventilate low w and high in the familly room. The temperaturres at 1 ft abbove the flooor and 16 ft aabove the flooor are plotteed in Figure 475. In both h experimen nts, the fire ggrew, becam me ventilationn limited andd then the temperatures t s decreased. Once the door d and winndow were oppened, the hhigh ventilatiion window caused c temp peratures to increase i mucch faster thann the low veentilation winndow. The high window experiment e reached r 950 °C (1740 °F F) at the ceilling and 6500 °C (1200 °F F) at the flooor at approxim mately 720 seeconds. A floor fl temperaature above 6600 °C (1110 °F) indicaates that the family ro oom transitio oned to flash hover. The lo ow window experiment reached 8000 °C (1470 °F) at the ceilin ng and 500 °C (930 °F) at a the floor at a approximaately 870 secconds. This is a dramatic diffference in fire f growth. A comparisoon can be m made to a woood burning sstove when fresh air is allo owed to flow w in low and the hot comb mbustion prodducts are alloowed to flow w out high. Allowing air in nto a ventilaation limited fire low andd letting the hhot gases ouut high can ccreate prime conditions for a flashover, even in a laarge volume like the twoo story familyy room. Another point illu ustrated by th his graph is that t the famiily room didd not cool muuch, if at all,, when the high window was w ventilated. The tem mperature 1 ft f above the ffloor did nott decrease frrom 125 °C ((260 °F) beforre it increaseed exponentiially to 650 °C ° (1200 °F)). This is coounterintuitivve to the reason a ventilatio on opening would w be maade in the first place. In this case thee ventilation limited fire respondeed so quickly y to the addittional/needed air that it ddid not cool the family rroom. Figure 473 3. Ventilating g the Family Room R Low Figurre 474. Ventillating the Fam mily Room Higgh 282 Ignition FR Window Open Front Door Open 1000 16 ft. Family Room (Vent Low) 1 ft. Family Room (Vent Low) 16 ft. Family Room (Vent High) 1 ft. Family Room (Vent High) o Temperature ( C) 800 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 800 Time (s) Figure 475. Comparison of ventilating high and low 283 1000 1200 9. Tactical Considerations Bringing together the results of these experiments or all experiments for the fire service, to understand how they may impact tactics on the fire ground is crucial to the safety of the fire service. All of the changes to the fire environment that have occurred over the past few decades make it essential for the fire service to reevaluate their tactics on a regular basis. This section will attempt to bring the science to the street. Many of the topics examined in this section can be attributed to the projects technical panel which consisted of fire service leaders from around the world. Before you read this section it is very important to understand this information and these considerations as they pertain to the types of structures used in these experiments. Another important factor to keep in your mind is the capabilities and resources available to your particular department. If your department has 3 person staffing on an engine and your mutual aid is 20 minutes away you should look at these considerations differently that if your department has 6 person staffing and you expect 4 engines and 2 trucks on the scene in 10 minutes. There are no two fires that are the same and not every scenario has one answer that is correct every time, most of the time it depends on a number of variables. Even in these controlled experiments with the same house and fuel load there are differences in how the fire develops. These tactical considerations are not meant to be rules but to be concepts to think about, and if they pertain to you by all means adapt them to your operations. 9.1. Stages of fire development A key element to fire behavior training is the fire growth curve that is used to demonstrate where the different stages occur in relation to each other. The basic fire growth curve shows fire ignition followed by the growth stage, flashover, fully developed stage and finally the decay stage (Figure 476). This curve can be misleading. If an item like a sofa was placed in a large room or outside, where plenty of oxygen is available, then the growth curve will look like Figure 476. A more realistic explanation of the modern fire environment where there is usually not enough oxygen available would be ignition followed by a growth stage, decay stage, ventilation (either by the fire service or by an opening created by the fire like window failure), a second growth stage, flashover, fully developed stage and finally the decay stage. Figure 477 depicts what this would look like. Taking an average of all of the fire room ceiling temperatures for both houses shows the shape of the time-temperature curve for all of the ventilation scenarios (Figure 478). 284 Figure 476 6. Basic fire growth g curve Figurre 477. Compaartment fire ggrowth curve 1200 0 One-S Story Averrage Two-S Story Averrage 800 0 o Temperature ( C) 1000 0 600 0 400 0 200 0 0 0 2 200 40 00 600 0 Time e (s) 800 0 1000 1200 Figure 478 8. Average firre room ceiling temperaturee for each hou use 9.2. Forcing F the front door is ventilatio on In most cases, c when ventilation is i taught to new n firefightters it is defiined by the rremoval of hheat and smok ke from a strructure. Inteernational Fiire Service T Training Association (IFSTA) definees ventilatio on as, “Systeematic remov val of heated d air, smoke , and airbornne contaminants from a 5 structure and replacin ng them with h fresh air.”52 The probllem is that pproper respecct is not giveen to the fact th hat as an opeening is mad de, air is ablee to enter thee structure aand provide tthe missing ppiece of the fire triangle to a ventilation n limited firee. Many fireefighters do not think off opening thee front doo or as ventilattion, but rath her as forced d entry for acccess to searcch and attackk the fire. W While 285 entry is necessary, one must also realize that air is being feeding the fire and there is little time before either the fire gets extinguished or it grows until a untenable condition exists, jeopardizing the safety of everyone in the structure. Examining fire room temperatures at 5 ft above the floor in both houses during the experiments where only the front door was opened shows the increase in temperature following ventilation (Figure 479). In the one story experiment (Experiment 1) the temperature was 180 °C (360 °F) at ventilation (480 s), exceeded the firefighter tenability threshold of 260 °C (500 °F) at 550 s and reached 600 °C (1110 °F) at 650 s. In the two story experiment (Experiment 2) the temperature was 220 °C (430 °F) at ventilation (600 s), exceeded the firefighter tenability threshold of 260 °C (500 °F) at 680 s and reached 600 °C (1110 °F) at 780 s. Both of these experiments show that opening the front door needs to be thought of as ventilation as well as an access point. This necessary tactic also needs to be coordinated with the rest of the operations on the fireground. A simple action of pulling the front door closed after forcing entry until access is ready to be made as part of the coordinated attack will limit the air to the fire and slow the potential rapid fire progression. 1000 5 ft. Living Room (One-Story) 5 ft. Family Room (Two-Story) o Temperature ( C) 800 600 400 200 Front Door Opened 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) 800 1000 Figure 479. Living/Family room temperatures during front door only ventilation experiments 9.3. No smoke showing During the experiments it was observed that prior to ventilation smoke stopped coming out of the gaps in the structures. As the fire became ventilation limited the temperatures decreased rapidly and significantly. While this drop was occurring the pressure in the structure would also be 286 decreasing as temperature and pressure created by the fire are dependent on each other. While the pressure was decreasing, smoke would completely stop coming out of the cracks in the structure. Figure 480 shows the temperature in the living room prior to ventilation. As the fire grows, smoke is visible coming from around the windows and the door. As the temperature peaks and then declines, there is no longer smoke visible from the front of the one-story house. The same phenomenon was seen in the two-story house. Figure 481 shows the temperature in the family room and images of the rear of the two-story house during the growth of the fire until it became ventilation limited and decayed. Smoke is visible coming from the windows at 390 seconds but no smoke is visible at 510 seconds. Tactically, this could be very important for the initial crews sizing up a fire. With no smoke showing from the structure complacency could easily set in. It is important to consider that little or no smoke showing does not mean that conditions are safer than having fire showing. Smoke conditions need to be used to try to determine the conditions inside the structure but this should be done with extreme caution because smoke is not always an indicator of what is happening in the structure. With the modern fire environment and response times being what they are, consider that the fire is most likely in the initial decay stage of the fire growth curve and not the incipient stage. 287 288 9.4. Coordinatio C on There aree many fire service s publiications thatt say that firee attack shouuld be coorddinated and thhere is a very good reason n for that. Ass shown in previous p secttions, if air iss added to thhe fire and w water plied in the appropriate a time t frame th he fire gets llarger and thhe hazard to firefighters is not app increasess. Examining the times to t untenabiliity provides the best casee scenario of how coordinatted the attack needs to be. b Taking th he average tiime for everry experimennt from the time of ventilaation to the time t of the onset o of fireffighter untennability condditions yieldss 100 secondds for the one-sstory house and a 200 seco onds for the two-story t hoouse. In manny of the expperiments frrom the onsett of firefighteer untenabiliity until flash hover was leess than 10 sseconds. Thhese times shhould be treated d as being veery conservaative. If a veent location already exissts because thhe homeownner left a win ndow or door open then the fire is go oing to respoond faster to additional vventilation 289 openingss because thee temperaturres in the hou use are goingg to be higheer at the timee of the additionaal openings. When to make the veentilation opening is ano other consideeration for a coordinatedd fire attack. This question will bee answered in ndependently on every ffire because no two firess are the sam me. Respect needs n to be given g to the time it is go oing to take tthe hoseline to get to thee seat of the ffire. If it is a ranch r house like the one used in thesse experimennts then it prrobably wonn’t take long to get to thee seat of the fire. This means m you may want to vventilate oncce the attack line is chargged at the front door. In larrger structurees like the 2--story housee or a commeercial structuure it may bee safer to delay d ventilaation until thee engine adv vises they arre prepared too put water oon the fire. Making ventilation v openings o befo fore water caan be appliedd to the seat of the fire coould lead to rapid firee progression n and life thrreatening situ uations. Figure 48 82 through Figure F 489 describe d a hy ypothetical seearch operattion during a fire in the oonestory hou use. The red d line in Figu ure 482 show ws their searcch pattern annd timeline oof the searchh. The searcch team forcces open the front door at a 8:00 (See F Figure 483 aand Figure 4484 for condition ns). They seee the amoun nt of smoke coming c out oof the doorw way and theyy put on theirr SCBA faace pieces. While W they are a doing thiss the ventilattion team veents the frontt window at 8:15. Th he search team then makees entry and d begins to seearch the living room. T They see firee on the sofas in the midd dle of the roo om but condiitions are stilll tenable for them. Theey skip the bedroom ms and decidee to search th he left side of o the house. They enterr the kitchenn at 9:00 (Seee Figure 48 85 and Figurre 486 for co onditions) an nd search it qquickly and m move into thhe dining rooom at 9:30. Th hey make theeir way aroun nd the dining g room and make it backk to the entraance to the lliving room at 10:00 1 (See Figure F 487 an nd Figure 48 88 for condittions). This shows that 2 minutes is not a lot of tiime to operaate inside a sttructure and d those condiitions can goo from tenabble for a search to untenablee very quick kly. Figure 489 4 shows th he temperatuures at crawlling height (33 ft above thhe floor) forr the rooms being b search hed. This depicts that thee rooms werre tenable whhile they weere being seaarched but on nce the fireffighters circle back towaard the livingg room it is uuntenable annd they musst find anotheer way out, which w at thaat point the ddining room and kitchen become untenablee so the only y option is to o bail out of a window. Hyypothetical S Search Team m Operation 8: 00 – Team fforces front ddoor 8: 00 – 8:20 - Team puts oon SCBA maasks 8: 15 – Ventilaation team vents the fronnt window Team enterss to start searrch 8: 20 – 8:30 - T 8: 30 – 9:00 – Team searchhes living rooom 9: 00 – 9:30 – Team searchhes kitchen 9: 30 – 10:00 – Team searcches dining room Figure 482 2. Search team m path 290 Figure 483 3. Front of ho ouse at 8:00 Figgure 484. Insside view of hoouse at 8:00 Figure 485 5. Front of ho ouse at 9:00 Figgure 486. Insside view of hoouse at 9:00 Figure 487 7. Fornt of ho ouse at 10:00 Figgure 488. Insside view of hoouse at 10:00 291 LR Window Open Front Door Open 3 ft. Living Room 1200 3 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Dining Room Search Dining Room Search Kitchen 400 Make Entry Mask Up 600 Search Living Room 800 o Temperature ( C) 1000 FF Tenability 200 0 480 520 560 Time (s) 600 640 Figure 489. Search Room Temperatures at 3 ft. 9.5. Smoke tunneling and rapid air movement in through front door In today’s fire environment there is more smoke generated due to the increased usage of synthetic materials53. In all of these experiments the smoke layer reached the floor prior to ventilation leaving zero visibility in the houses. After ventilation this smoke layer did not repeatedly lift above the floor throughout the house. A better way of describing the impact of ventilation on the smoke was a temporary tunnel as air rushed in through the ventilation opening. Higher smoke release rates and heat release rates have decreased the desired smoke lifting that is traditionally the intent of ventilation. If visibility is increased then search and fire attack are easier to accomplish. It appeared that as the fire received air it produced more smoke than was being ventilated out of the house and therefore not lifting the smoke layer. It is possible to get an idea of what may be happening inside the structure by observing the flows at the front door after it is opened. In these experiments there was an obvious flow in through the front door toward the fire location. The average velocity through the bottom of the front door for all of the experiments where the door was opened was 1.5 m/s (3.4 mph). There was also a tunneling effect that resulted from the in rush of air through the front door. Figure 490 and Figure 491 show this effect during Experiment 10. An image was captured from the video 292 camera in nside the fro ont door 5 seeconds beforee ventilationn and 5 seconnds after venntilation. Another similar exam mple was cap ptured during g Experimennt 13 in Figuure 492 and F Figure 493. Without the impact of o wind this could c indicaate there is a ventilation llimited fire iinside and precautio ons should be taken. Slo owing down and ensurin g a charged hoseline witth the crew iis a good prim mary precau ution. In som me cases the smoke liftedd above the ffloor in adjaacent rooms tto the fire but b rarely in remote r room ms such as th he bedrooms. The liftingg usually weent away oncce the fire room m transitioned d to flashoveer. Figure 490 0. Front Doorr Image from Experiment 10, 1 5 seconds beefore Ventilation Fig ure 491. Fron nt Door Imagee from Experiiment 10, 5 secoonds after Ven ntilation Figure 492 2. Front Doorr Image from Experiment 13, 1 5 seconds beefore Ventilation Fig ure 493. Fron nt Door Imagee from Experiiment 13, 5 secoonds after Ven ntilation 293 9.6. Vent V Enter Search (VE ES) VES is a tactic used by b many firee departmentts. It can bee described aas ventilatingg a window, entering the window,, searching that t room an nd exiting ouut of the sam me window enntered. Thesse experimeents show the ability of a closed door to protect a room from m fire conditiions even wiith an open win ndow. They also show how h conditio ons can worssen as a winddow is ventillated remotee from the fire, creating a flow path h from the window w to thhe fire. A prrimary objective of VES is to close the door of the room ventilated to isolaate the flow ppath to the fiire and not aallow the air from the open window to make m it to th he underventtilated fire. T This can be tthought of ass Vent Enterr Isolate Seearch. Whille one may be b able to seaarch the room m quickly annd exit, the nnew flow paath created by b this tactic if not isolated could cau use an uninteended interioor condition crews are nnot expecting g. During Experiment E 8 the second floor bedroo om (Bedroom m 3) was veentilated. Thhis tactic couuld representt a firefighter conducting g a VES opeeration of thee bedroom w without closinng the door tto the bedro oom. Figuree 494 showss the bedroom m temperatuures versus tiime with arroows indicatiing tenability y thresholds.. If a VES operation o were conductedd in this beddroom tempeeratures wouuld increase significantly y. The temperature 1 ft above a the flooor was apprroximately 660 °C (140 °F) at ventilatio on and increaased to the occupant o tenability limit in 2 minutes and to the firefighter tenability y threshold in n 3 minutes.. If the doorr had been cllosed the tem mperatures w would not haave increased d much abov ve 60 °C (140 °F) based on the peak temperaturee of Bedroom m2 (the adjaccent bedroom m) that had th he door closeed. Ignittion BR3 Window Ope en Fron nt Door Open 600 7 ft. f Bedroom 3 5 ft. f Bedroom 3 3 ft. f Bedroom 3 1 ft. f Bedroom 3 400 o Temperature ( C) 500 300 Fireffighter Tenabbility 200 Occuupant Tenabiility 100 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) 800 0 1000 1200 Figure 494 4. VES bedro oom temperatu ures In Experiiment 14 thee window to the closed bedroom, b Beedroom 3, waas opened att 8:42 (Figurre 495). Th his could sim mulate condu ucting a VES S with a clos ed bedroom or what wouuld happen w when the door was closed. Figure 496 and Figure 497 show thhe same view w one minutee and two 294 minutes after a ventilattion respectiively. Durin ng each of thhese pictures there is a fuully developeed fire right outside the door to the bedroom b and d the smoke layer is lifteed and condiitions improvved in the bed droom for th he duration of o the experim ment. This further highhlights the im mportance off closing th he door during VES opeerations. Thee image of thhe rear of the house alsoo shows thickk black sm moke ventilating out of Bedroom 2 which has an open bedrooom door. Cllosing a doorr between a firefighterr and a fire during d emerg gency condittions is also a good way to buy moree time to be rescued. 8:42 Figure 495 5. Experimen nt 14 view of reear of house and a Bedroom 3 at 8:42 9:42 Figure 496 6. Experimen nt 14 view of reear of house and a Bedroom 3 at 9:42 10:42 Figure 497 7. Experimen nt 14 view of reear of house and a Bedroom 3 at 10:42 295 9.7. Flow F paths Many firre departmen nts teach theiir search crew ws to “ventiilate as they go.” The reeasoning is thhat the proceedure may crreate cooler and clearer conditions c thhroughout thhe structure. Experimennts 14 and 15 sh how this is not n the case if i water is no ot applied too the fire. Figure 498 shoows the flow w paths creeated between the seat off the fire and d the 4 open windows. T The living rooom temperaature from ven ntilating the door d and 4 windows w is compared c to ventilating tthe front dooor and only 1 window near n the seatt of the fire (Figure ( 499)). Opening m more window ws created fa faster fire groowth and flash hover approx ximately 40 seconds s fasteer. Figure 5500 shows thhe flow path from the sam me ventilatio on scenario in i the two-sttory house. In I this experriment, openning multiplee windows aalso created faster fa fire gro owth and flaashover cond ditions approoximately 800 seconds fasster (Figure 5501). Every neew ventilation opening prrovides a neew flow pathh to the fire aand vice verssa. This couuld create veery dangerou us conditionss when there is a ventilattion limited fire. Addingg many opennings does not confuse the fire or creatte cooler tem mperatures foor a longer pperiod of tim me. Window(s) Open n Front Door Open O Ignition 1200 D Door and 1 Window 1000 Temperature (oC) D Door and 4 Windows s 800 600 400 200 0 0 Figure 498 8. Experimen nt 14 flow path hs 100 200 300 4 400 500 Tim me (s) 600 0 700 800 F igure 499. On ne-Story 1 win ndow versus 4 windows 296 I Ignition Window w(s) Open Fron nt Door Open 12 200 Door and a 1 Window 10 000 Temperature (oC) Door and a 4 Windows 8 800 6 600 4 400 2 200 0 Figure 500 0. Experimen nt 15 flow path hs 0 200 400 600 0 Time (s) ( 800 10 000 1200 Figurre 501. Two-S Story 1 window versus 4 windows C you ven nt enough? 9.8. Can h is that opening g enough veentilation loccations will ttransform a Another firefighter hypothesis on limited firre to a fuel limited fire. Figure 502 shows the teemperatures 1 ft above thhe ventilatio floor in th he living roo om for each of the differrent ventilatiion scenarioss. In all fourr scenarios tthe living roo om transition ns to flashov ver. The oraange curve reepresents thee scenario w where the dooor and 4 win ndows were opened and d this is also the t scenario where flashhover occurred the fastesst. During th his experimeent there wass 102 squaree feet of venttilation opennings (Table 38). All fouur scenarioss also remain ned ventilation limited th hroughout thhe experimennt, until supppression took place. Th he two-story y house behaaved very sim milar to the oone-story hoouse in that tthe scenario with the front door and 4 additional a windows w tran nsitioned to fflashover thee fastest (Figgure 503). During th his experimeent there wass 159 squaree feet of venttilation opennings. In thee heat releasee rate experimeent in Section n 7 there waas 70 square feet open onn the front off the room aand the fire w was ventilatio on limited. In I both of the house expeeriments, wiith significanntly more veentilation areea, the fire sttill burned at a the openings indication n a ventilatioon limited fire and not a fuel limitedd fire. 297 Table 38. Experimental Ventilation Area Ventilation Parameters 2 Ventilation Area (ft ) Experiment # Structure 1 1-Story Front Door 19.1 2 2-Story 19.1 3 1-Story 61.2 4 2-Story Front Door Front Door + Living Room Window (Window near seat of the fire) Front Door + Family Room Window (Window near seat of the fire) 5 1-Story Living Room Window Only 42.1 6 2-Story 42.1 7 1-Story 8 2-Story 9 1-Story 10 2-Story 11 2-Story 12 1-Story Family Room Window Only Front Door + Bedroom 2 Window (Window remote from fire) Front Door + Bedroom 3 Window (Window remote from fire) Front Door + Living Room Window (Repeat Exp. 3) Front Door + Family Room Window (Repeat Exp. 4) Front Door + Family Room Window (Repeat Exp. 4) Front Door + Living Room Window (Repeat Exp. 3) 13 2-Story 14 1-Story 15 2-Story Front Door + Upper Family Room Window Front Door + 4 Windows (LR, BR1, BR2, BR3) Front Door + 4 Windows (LR, Den, FR1, FR2) Ignition Ventilation Window Open Front Door Open 1400 Door Only Window Only Door and Window Door and 4 Windows 1200 o Temperature ( C) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Time (s) Figure 502. One-story comparison of different ventilation areas 298 800 61.2 32.5 61.2 61.2 61.2 61.2 61.2 61.2 102.4 158.8 Ignition Ventilation W indow Open Front Door O pen 1000 Door O nly W indow Only Door and W indow Door and 4 W indow s o Temperature ( C) 800 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Tim e (s) Figure 503. Two-story comparison of different ventilation areas 1200 9.9. Impact of shut door on victim tenability and firefighter tenability When it comes to rescuing occupants, the fire service makes risk based decisions on the tenability of occupants. They assume personal risk if it may save someone in the house. During the experimental design it was decided to have one closed bedroom in each house for every experiment. This allowed for the comparison of tenability of two side by side bedrooms, one with an open door and another with the door closed assuming the occupant already had a closed door or the closed it when they discovered there was a fire in the house. In the one-story house there was a thermocouple tree in the closed bedroom (Bedroom 3) and one in the hallway right outside the closed bedroom. Figure 504 shows the ceiling (worst case scenario) temperatures during Experiment 14 in both of these locations for comparison. In the hallway the temperature reached 900 °C (1650 °F) while the Bedroom remained below 125 °C (260 °F). Large variances in temperature were observed in every experiment. The oxygen concentrations were also compared from inside the closed bedroom at 5 ft. above the floor, in the adjacent open bedroom and outside the room in the living room at 5 ft. above the floor (Figure 505). The living room and open bedroom had oxygen concentrations decline to 10% while the closed bedroom did not decline below 19.5%. The closed bedroom conditions were tenable while the open bedroom was not. A comparison can also be made in the two-story house. Bedroom 2 had a closed door and the adjacent Bedroom 3 was open. There is also a thermocouple tree on the second floor hallway landing right outside the two bedrooms. Figure 506 compares the temperatures at these 3 299 locations. The second floor hallway temperature reaches 825 °C (1520 °F) and the open bedroom reaches 430 °C (810 °F) while the closed bedroom remains below 100 °C (210 °F). Conditions in every experiment for the closed bedroom remained tenable for temperature and oxygen concentration thresholds. This means that the act of closing a door between the occupant and the fire or a firefighter and the fire can increase the chance of survival. During firefighter operations if a firefighter is searching ahead of a hoseline or becomes separated from their crew, and conditions deteriorate then an option would be to get in a room with a closed door until the fire is knocked down or escape out of the room’s window with more time provided by the closed door. 1000 20 7 ft. Hallway 7 ft. Bedroom 3 800 Oxygen (%) o Temperature ( C) 15 600 400 5 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 3 5 200 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) 600 700 800 Figure 504. Experiment 14 Hallway and Bedroom 3 Temperatures with Door Closed 7 ft. Second Floor Hall 7 ft. Bedroom 2 7 ft. Bedroom 3 800 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) 800 1000 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (s) 600 700 Figure 505. Experiment 14 Hallway, Bedroom 3 and Bedroom 2 Oxygen Concentration with Door Closed 1000 Temperature (oC) 10 1200 Figure 506. Experiment 15 Temperatures on the 2nd Floor Hallway and in Bedroom 2 with the door closed 300 800 9.10. Poten ntial impact of open win ndow alread dy on flashoover time All of theese experimeents were deesigned to ex xamine the fi first ventilation actions bby an arrivingg crew wheen there are no ventilatio on openings.. It is possibble that the ffire will breaak a window prior to fire f departmeent arrival orr that a door or window was left opeen by the occcupant whilee exiting. It is importaant to undersstand that an already opeen ventilationn location prrovides air too the fire, allow wing it to su ustain or grow w. In the ex xperiments w where multipple ventilatioon locations w were made it was w not possible to create fuel limiteed fires. Thee fire respondded to the addditional air provided d. That mean ns that even with a ventillation locatioon open the fire is still vventilation limited and will respo ond just as fast f or faster to any addittional air. Itt is more likeely that the ffire will respo ond faster beecause the allready open ventilation llocation is allowing the fire to mainttain a higher temperature th han if everytthing was clo osed. In the se cases rapid fire progrression is higghly probable and coordin nation of firee attack with h ventilation becomes evven more impportant. The closeest experimeent to demon nstrate this phenomenon p ment 1. Thee fire was was Experim ventilated d at 480 seco onds by open ning the fron nt door. Thee fire producced its peak ttemperatures of 725 °C (1 1340 °F) at approximate a ely 660 secon nds (Figure 5507). The fi fire was allow wed to grow w and then two 10 second bursts b of watter were flow wed into the front door. At 857 secoonds one halff of the living g room wind dow was opeened (Figure 508). This caused the lliving room tto transition to flashoverr in approxim mately 30 seeconds and peak p above 1 300 °C (23770 °F) (Figurre 509 and Figure 51 10). Figure 507 7. Peak fire co onditions with h front door open 301 Fig ure 508. Con nditions at time of window oopening (14:15 5) Figure 509 9. Conditionss after ventilattion of window w (14:50) 9.11. ng room temp peratures for E Experiment 1 Fig ure 510. Livin Pushiing Fire With the changes thaat have occurrred in the fiire environm ment and the speed at whhich fires groow there hav ve been quesstions posed about the vaalidity to thee belief that ffire can be “ppushed” witth a hose stream. Pushing g fire could occur as a reesult of threee potential m mechanisms. Once a hosse stream iss directed intto an opening g with fire or o hot gases eexiting, the ppressure from m the stream m, airflow created c by the stream or steam s expan nsion could ccreate condittions in the hhouse that arre worse do ownstream. It was not th he focus of th his research to examine this problem m but since thhese fires werre knocked down d by exteernal water application, a tthe data can be analyzedd to look at thhe possibilitty of pushing g fire. In each experiment, e the t fire was allowed to grow g to apprroximately ppeak burningg rate before water waas introduced d through thee opening. In I order to exxamine the iimpact of thee water, temperatu ures were ex xamined in each e room, 30 3 seconds bbefore water application, during the 110 seconds of o water app plication and d 30 seconds after water application. Figure 511 through Figgure 527 show w the temperrature versuss time for eveery water appplication, foor every experiment, andd for every roo om. The water application duration is identifiedd by the timee interval bettween the tw wo black verrtical lines. In Experimeent 1 and Experiment 13 both types oof streams w were used. T The stream was w directed toward t the ceiling c to coo ol the ceilingg and was noot directed ddirectly onto any burning fuel f which iss why there is i no dramattic cooling seeen in the grraphs. Exam mining the grraphs from the 15 experimeents, there iss no evidence of “pushinng fire”. Tem mperatures tend to decreease and any temperature t increase afteer water app plication wass minimal. T There were aalso no temperatu ure spikes in n any of the rooms, r especially the ro oms adjacennt to the fire room. It appears that t in most cases the fire was sloweed down by tthe water appplication andd that externnal water app plication had d no negative impacts to o occupant suurvivability. While room temperattures were not n influenceed by the usee of the fog sstream, theree was an imppact on visibillity or the diisruption of the t thermal layer l in Expperiment 14 aand 15. Twoo key factorss for this weree the air entraainment on the t stream an nd the prese nce of a flow w path. Thee flow from tthe nozzle caaused steam formation an nd that steam m flowed thrrough the floow path creaated by the oopen door and d windows. Figure F 528 and a Figure 52 29 show an example of tthis thermal layer disrupption in the two-story housse. The firstt quad view shows s the frront, rear, froont door andd living room m 302 views from the video just before the fog nozzle was operated. The second quad view was captured 10 seconds after the first and the visibility has greatly decreased because of the flow of gases out of the front door and living room windows. Figure 530 and Figure 531 show this same phenomenon in the one-story house during Experiment 14. The first two pictures show the front of the house and the master bedroom just prior to fog stream application. The second two pictures were captured 10 seconds later and the gases from the water application are forced into the bedroom in the flow path with the open window. This did not occur with the use of the straight stream water application but the fog stream was more effective at cooling during these experiments. While steam was “pushed” along the flow path there was no fire “pushed”. SS into Front Door 500 o o 300 200 200 740 750 760 Time (s) 770 780 0 780 790 3 ft. Family Room 3 ft. Second Floor Hall 3 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Bedroom 4 3 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Den 3 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Dining Room 3 ft. Foyer 400 350 300 250 800 810 820 Time (s) 830 840 850 Figure 512. Experiment 1 Fog Stream Figure 511. Experiment 1 Straight Stream SS into Front Door 790 200 150 3 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Hallway 3 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Dining Room SS into LR Window 1200 1000 800 o 730 Temperature ( C) 0 720 o 300 100 100 Temperature ( C) 3 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Hallway 3 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Dining Room 400 Temperature ( C) 400 Temperature ( C) Fog into Front Door 3 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Hallway 3 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Dining Room 500 600 400 100 200 50 0 940 950 960 970 980 Time (s) 990 0 1000 600 Figure 513. Experiment 2 Straight Stream 610 620 630 Time (s) 640 650 Figure 514. Experiment 3 Straight Stream 303 660 700 o 3 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Hallway 3 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Dining Room 1200 1000 o 600 1400 Temperature ( C) 800 Temperature ( C) SS into LR Window 3 ft. Family Room 3 ft. Second Floor Hall 3 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Bedroom 4 3 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Den 3 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Dining Room 3 ft. Foyer SS into FR Window 500 400 300 800 600 400 200 200 100 0 1040 1050 1060 Time (s) 1070 1080 0 1090 670 Figure 515. Experiment 4 Straight Stream 3 ft. Family Room 3 ft. Second Floor Hall 3 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Bedroom 4 3 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Den 3 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Dining Room 3 ft. Foyer SS into LR Window 300 690 700 Time (s) 710 720 730 SS into Front Door 1000 3 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Hallway 3 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Dining Room 800 200 o Temperature ( C) o 250 680 Figure 516. Experiment 5 Straight Stream Temperature ( C) 1030 150 100 600 400 200 50 0 920 930 940 0 970 980 990 1000 Time (s) 1010 1020 1030 950 960 Time (s) 970 980 Figure 518. Experiment 7 Straight Stream Figure 517. Experiment 6 Straight Stream SS into LR Window 1400 SS into BR Window 3 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Hallway 3 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Dining Room 700 o Temperature ( C) 500 400 300 1000 o 600 1200 Temperature ( C) 3 ft. Family Room 3 ft. Second Floor Hall 3 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Bedroom 4 3 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Den 3 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Dining Room 3 ft. Foyer 800 600 200 400 100 200 0 1030 1040 1050 1060 Time (s) 1070 1080 0 1090 650 Figure 519. Experiment 8 Straight Stream 660 670 680 Time (s) 690 700 Figure 520. Experiment 9 Straight Stream 304 710 SS into FR Window SS into FR Window 300 o Temperature ( C) 250 200 150 3 ft. Family Room 3 ft. Second Floor Hall 3 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Bedroom 4 3 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Den 3 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Dining Room 3 ft. Foyer 500 400 o 3 ft. Family Room 3 ft. Second Floor Hall 3 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Bedroom 4 3 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Den 3 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Dining Room 3 ft. Foyer 600 Temperature ( C) 350 300 200 100 100 50 0 0 1430 1440 1450 1460 1470 Time (s) 1480 890 1490 900 910 930 940 950 Figure 522. Experiment 11 Straight Stream Figure 521. Experiment 10 Straight Stream 3 ft. Second Floor Hall 3 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Bedroom 4 3 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Den 3 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Dining Room 3 ft. Foyer SS into FR Window SS into LR Window 3 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Hallway 3 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Dining Room 1000 700 600 o o 800 800 Temperature ( C) 1200 Temperature ( C) 920 Time (s) 600 400 500 400 300 200 100 200 0 720 730 740 0 640 650 660 670 680 Time (s) 690 700 750 760 Time (s) 770 780 Figure 524. Experiment 13 Straight Stream Figure 523. Experiment 12 Straight Stream Fog into FR Window Fog into LR Window 700 o Temperature ( C) 600 500 400 300 200 100 1200 3 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Hallway 3 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Dining Room 1000 800 o 3 ft. Family Room 3 ft. Second Floor Hall 3 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Bedroom 4 3 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Den 3 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Dining Room 3 ft. Foyer Temperature ( C) 800 600 400 200 0 840 850 860 870 880 Time (s) 890 900 0 760 Figure 525. Experiment 13 Fog Stream 770 780 790 Time (s) 800 Figure 526. Experiment 14 Fog Stream 305 810 820 Fog into i FR1 Window 1000 3 ft. Family Room R 3 ft. Second Floor Hall 3 ft. Bedroom m1 3 ft. Bedroom m2 3 ft. Bedroom m3 3 ft. Bedroom m4 3 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Den 3 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Dining Room R 3 ft. Foyer o Temperature ( C) 800 600 400 200 0 8 850 860 870 880 Time (s) T 890 900 910 Figure 527 7. Experimen nt 15 Fog Strea am Figure 528 8. Two-story house before fog f stream ap pplication (Exp periment 15) 306 Figure 529 9. Two-story house 10 seconds after start of fog stream m application (Experiment 15) Figure 530 0. One-story house h before fog f stream app plication, Froont, left and Beedroom 1, righ ht (Experimen nt 15) Figure 531 1. One-story house h 10 secon nds after fog stream s applicaation (Experim ment 14) 307 9.12. No da amage to surrounding rooms r Just as th he fire triang gle depicts, fiire needs oxy ygen to burnn. A conditiion that existted in every experimeent was that the fire (living room or family f room m) grew untill oxygen wass reduced beelow levels to sustain it. This T means th hat it decreaased the oxyggen in the enntire house bby lowering the oxygen in n surroundin ng rooms and d the more remote r bedroooms until coombustion w was not possible. In most cases c surroun nding roomss such as the dining room m and kitcheen had no firee in them evven when thee fire room was w fully inv volved in flam mes and wass ventilating out of the sttructure. Thhere was not enough e oxyg gen in the strructure to bu urn so there w was some pyyrolysis or m melting becauuse of high teemperatures, but there was w no burnin ng in the adjjacent roomss. The only time this didd not hold wass when remote windows were ventilaated. Doing this createdd a flow pathh for oxygen to come fro om another part p of the ho ouse and igniite rooms in the flow patth but not ouutside the floow path. Th his is a good demonstration as to why y ventilatingg near the seaat of the firee is ideal. Thhe fully dev veloped fire conditions c were w localized by ventilatting near thee seat of the fire. Examinin ng the video of the interiior condition ns in the houuses as comppared to the eexterior condition ns highlighteed the flame locations an nd extent of ffire extensioon within thee houses. Figure 532 show ws the video views from Experimentt 3. At 10 m minutes after ignition, flam mes were extending g out of the entire front door d and living room wiindow. The view in the bottom righht is the view from the kittchen into th he living room m, and the fl flames are fillling the entiire doorway and intermitteently flowing in through h the top of th he door but are not fillinng the kitcheen due to lack of oxygen. During all of o the experiments the ap ppliances, caabinets, kitchhen table andd chairs mellted a little bit but b never became involv ved in the firre. If the kitcchen door orr windows w were ventilatted this woulld change an nd the flow path p would allow a for burrning of the ccombustiblees in the kitchhen. Figure 532 2. Experimen nt 3 at 10:00 sh howing flame extension. 308 10. Summary of Findings: There has been a steady change in the residential fire environment over the past several decades. These changes include larger homes, more open floor plans and volumes and increased synthetic fuel loads. UL conducted a series of 15 full-scale residential structure fires to examine this change in fire behavior and the impact of firefighter ventilation tactics. This fire research project developed the empirical data that is needed to quantify the fire behavior associated with these scenarios and result in immediately developing the necessary firefighting ventilation practices to reduce firefighter death and injury. The increased use of synthetic materials in the home has created faster flashover times. The two experiments demonstrated flashover times of less than 4 minutes with modern furnishings as compared to more than 29 minutes with legacy furnishings. This difference has a substantial impact on occupant and firefighter safety. Tenability in these two homes was limited for occupants but the possibility of savable lives, especially behind closed doors should be considered by the fire service in their risk analysis. Also, emphasis should be placed on closing doors when the fire service is educating the public. Tenability for firefighters can also be quantified for these experiments. Firefighters had 100 seconds in the one-story house and 200 seconds in the two-story house after ventilation before water would have to be applied to remove the hazard or the firefighter would have to exit the house. These numbers should be considered conservative as the fire were allowed to become ventilation limited and decrease to a low temperature without becoming extinguished. A significant portion of the 100 second and 200 second time to firefighter untenability is fresh air being entrained into the ventilation limited fire. In many of the experiments the time from the beginning of temperature escalation until untenability was less than 10 seconds. This provides little warning that the fire is going to flashover and highlights the need to understand that ventilation opening are not only allowing hot gases to escape but fresh air to enter. Several ventilation comparisons could be made from the experimental series. First, the more ventilation openings that were made the faster the fire room transitioned to flashover. This shows that even in these modestly furnished homes fuel is not the limiting factor and that more air will create more burning and less tenability. Ventilating near the seat of the fire localized the combustion and temperatures within the house. Ventilating remote from the seat of the fire created a flow path which expanded the area available to burn and further decreased tenability within the homes. Allowing air into a ventilation limited fire low and letting the hot gases out high can create prime conditions for a flashover, even in a large volume like the two-story family room. More efficient ventilation can mean more efficient air entrainment which can lead to faster flashover times if water is not applied in the shorter tenability window. Several tactical considerations were able to be developed with the assistance of the technical panel of fire service leaders. In summary, the stages of fire development change when a fire becomes ventilation limited. It is common with today’s fire environment to have a decay period prior to flashover which emphasizes the importance of ventilation. Forcing entry has to be thought of as ventilation as well. While forcing entry is necessary to fight the fire it must also trigger the thought that air is being fed to the fire and the clock is ticking before either the fire 309 gets extinguished or it grows until an untenable condition exists jeopardizing the safety of everyone in the structure. A common event during the experiments was that once the fire became ventilation limited the smoke being forced out of the gaps of the houses greatly diminished or stopped all together. No smoke showing during size-up should increase awareness of the potential conditions inside. Once the front door is opened attention should be given to the flow through the front door. A rapid in rush of air or a tunneling effect could indicate a ventilation limited fire. During a VES operation primary importance should be given to closing the door to the room. This eliminates the impact of the open vent and increases tenability for potential occupants and firefighters while the smoke ventilates from the now isolated room. Every new ventilation opening provides a new flow path to the fire and vice versa. This could create very dangerous conditions when there is a ventilation limited fire. Conditions in every experiment for the closed bedroom remained tenable for temperature and oxygen concentration thresholds. This means that the act of closing a door between the occupant and the fire or a firefighter and the fire can increase the chance of survivability. During firefighter operations if a firefighter is searching ahead of a hoseline or becomes separated from his crew and conditions deteriorate then a good choice of actions would be to get in a room with a closed door until the fire is knocked down or escape out of the room’s window with more time provided by the closed door. All of these experiments were designed to examine the first ventilation actions by an arriving crew when there are no ventilation openings. It is possible that the fire will fail a window prior to fire department arrival or that a door or window was left open by the occupant while exiting. It is important to understand that an already open ventilation location is providing air to the fire, allowing it to sustain or grow. In the experiments where multiple ventilation locations were made it was not possible to create fuel limited fires. The fire responded to all the additional air provided. That means that even with a ventilation location open the fire is still ventilation limited and will respond just as fast or faster to any additional air. It is more likely that the fire will respond faster because the already open ventilation location is allowing the fire to maintain a higher temperature than if everything was closed. In these cases rapid fire progression if highly probable and coordination of fire attack with ventilation is paramount. If you add air to the fire and don’t apply water in the appropriate time frame the fire gets larger and safety decreases. Examining the times to untenability gives the best case scenario of how coordinated the attack needs to be. Taking the average time for every experiment from the time of ventilation to the time of the onset of firefighter untenability conditions yields 100 seconds for the one-story house and 200 seconds for the two-story house. In many of the experiments from the onset of firefighter untenability until flashover was less than 10 seconds. These times should be treated as being very conservative. If a vent location already exists because the homeowner left a window or door open then the fire is going to respond faster to additional ventilation opening because the temperatures in the house are going to be higher. Coordination of fire attack crew is essential for a positive outcome in today’s fire environment. This research study developed empirical fire experiment data to demonstrate fire behavior resulting from varied ignition locations and ventilation opening locations in legacy residential structures compared to modern residential structures. The data will be used to provide education and guidance to the fire service in proper use of ventilation as a firefighting tactic that will result in mitigation of the firefighter injury and death risk associated with improper use of ventilation. 310 11. Future Research Needs: These experiments were the first of their kind and there are countless experiments that could be done in two full-scale houses, especially the 2-story house. Other full-scale house experiments were done in an acquired structure and did not allow for repeatability or examination of multiple variables. There are several variable changes that could be done to further validate the conclusions from this series of experiments. The first variable that could be altered is the fire location. These experiments focused on living room or family room fires. Additional experiments with fires in the kitchen or bedrooms would allow for analysis of fire spread from these locations. Additionally, changing fuel loading could provide some further insight. These experiments were realistically loaded but more experiments could examine the upper bound of fuel loading which may further emphasize the impact of ventilation. Future experiments should also consider creating a ventilation point after one already exists from the fire creating one of its own by failing a window or a door being left open by an escaping occupant or a window left open on a warm day. This will also show the importance of ventilation. With an opening the fire will still be ventilation limited but will not be as starved for oxygen. This will allow the fire to respond to the ventilation faster demonstrating a very dangerous yet common situation. There are also two more types of ventilation in addition to horizontal ventilation that are frequently used by the fire service that did not fit into the scope of this project but should be analyzed in a similar manner. These are vertical ventilation and positive pressure ventilation. Very little research has been conducted on these tactics used in a house. 12. Acknowledgements: Without the financial support of the Department of Homeland Security’s Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program’s Fire Prevention and Safety Grants this research would not be possible, in particular the staff members Dave Evans, Kathy Patterson, Ellen Sogolow and Maggie Wilson. 311 13. References: 1. Ahrens, Marty. “Home Structure Fires”, National Fire Protection Association, March 2010. 2. Karter, Michael J. “Patterns of Firefighter Fireground Injuries” National Fire Protection Association, February 2007. 3. 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April 2010. 314 Appendix A: Firefighter Reference Scales for the Results Sections This section includes tables with reference values that firefighters can use to assist with putting the results in the following sections into perspective. Table 39 provides a set of temperatures commonly experienced during firefighting operations and information on the human and equipment response. Table 40 provides common symptoms from carbon monoxide exposures of a given duration to a particular concentration. There are number of variables that could cause an individual to respond differently. Table 39. Firefighter Temperature Reference Table Temperature 37 °C (98.6 °F) 44 °C (111 °F) 48 °C (118 °F) 55 °C (131 °F) 62 °C (140 °F) 72 °C (162 °F) 100 °C (212 °F) 140 °C (284 °F) 230 °C (446 °F) 250 °C (482 °F) >300 °C (>572 °F) >600 °C (1112 °F) Response Normal human oral/body temperature 1 Human skin begins to feel pain 2 Human skin receives a first degree burn injury 2 Human skin receives a second degree burn injury 2 A phase where burned human tissue becomes numb 2 Human skin is instantly destroyed 2 Water boils and produces steam 3 Glass transition temperature of polycarbonate 4 Melting temperature of polycarbonate 5 Charring of natural cotton begins 6 Charring of modern protective clothing fabrics begins 6 Temperatures inside a post-flashover room fire7, 8 References: 1. Klinghoffer, Max, M.D., “Triage Emergency Care Handbook,” Technomic Publishing Company, Inc., Lancaster, PA, 1985. 2. American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM C1055, Standard Guide for Heated Systems Surface Conditions That Produce Contact Burn Injuries, 4:6, ASTM West Conshohocken, PA, 1997. 3. Shugar, G.J., Shugar, R.A., Lawrence, B., “Chemical Technicians’ Ready Reference Handbook,” McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1973. 4. Quintiere, J., “Radiative and Convective Heating of a Clear Plastic Fireman’s Face Shield”, National Bureau of Standards (currently NIST), Gaithersburg, MD, NBS Report 10-855, March 1972. 5. Askeland, Donald R., “The Science and Engineering of Materials”, Wadsworth, Inc., Belmont, CA., 1984. 6. Krasny, John F., Sello, Stephen B., “Fibers and Textiles, Fire Protection Handbook,” 16th Edition, 1986. NFPA, pp.5-27. 7. Fang, J.B., and Breese, J.N., “Fire Development in Residential Basement Rooms,” National Bureau of Standards (currently NIST), Gaithersburg, MD, NBSIR 80-2120, 1980. 8 Drysdale, D., “An Introduction to Fire Dynamics”, 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1999. Table 40. Carbon Monoxide Firefighter Reference Table 1, 2, 3 Concentration 35 ppm (0.0035 %) 150 ppm (0.0150 %) 400 ppm (0.04 %) 800 ppm (0.08 %) 6400 ppm (0.64 %) 12800 ppm (1.28%) Common Symptoms None Mild headache Headache/nausea Headache/nausea/dizziness Progressing to unconsciousness Headache/nausea/dizziness Immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH) 315 Duration of Exposure <= 8 hours 2 – 3 hours 1 – 2 hours 45 minutes 2 hours 1 – 2 minutes 1 – 2 minutes References: 1. Delagi, Robert, “A CO Emergency: Whose Call Is It, Anyway?”, Fire Engineering Magazine, October 2007. 2. Henry CR, Satran D, Lindgren B, Adkinson C, Nicholson CI, Henry TD, MD (2006). "Myocardial Injury and Long-term Mortality Following Moderate to Severe Carbon Monoxide Poisoning". JAMA 295: 398-402. 3. Raub JA, Mathieu-Nolf M, Hampson NB, Thom SR. (2000). "Carbon monoxide poisoning-a public health perspective". Toxicology 145 (1): 1-14. 316 Appendix B: Detailed One-Story House Drawings and Pictures 14 inches 60 inches Screws for picture are at 18.5" from ceiling, 31.25" from right wall and 25.5" to the left Picasso Picture centered on wall; 38-½”W x 1"D x 21-½”H 47 inches, 3" off floor 25.5" 71 inches 32 in. Couches used: Sante Fe patterned with dimensions of 36" D x 72-½” L x 33" H 31-¼” End Table Spaced 1-½” off both couches from table top/edge; lamp centered on table. 26 inches in. Coffee Table Dimensions 36"L x 20"W x 19-½”H 23 in. 51-1/2 in. Living Room 8 ft. 0 in. Ceiling 24” Figure 533. One-Story Living Room Detail 317 29 in. 18 in. 34 inches 20-½ in. 10", 3" off floor 58-¼ in. Foyer 42-¼ in. 9 foot 8 inches . 36 in Pen Camera Gas Analyzer, installed vertically thru ceiling, 1', 5' above floor Curtain TC Tree w/8 TC’s 1', 2', 3', 4', 5', 6', 7', 7'11" from floor Sprinkler (Pendent) Bi-Directional Probe, w/ readings at 1', 28", 40", 54” and 68" off floor 1 . 5 " 9 feet 1-¾ inches 34 Armoire Dimensions 28" D x 41" W x 79" H Spaced 42-¼” off wall at right and 1-½” off back wall TV centered in top of Armoire 22" 5 ft. 1 in. 27" 15 in. Floral Picture centered on wall; 30”W x 1"D x 26”H 24" Screws for picture are at 22.5" from ceiling, 24" from right wall and 22" to the left 6-½ inches Chair used: Light tan with solid pattern Dimensions 35"D x 32-½” W x 32-½” H Note: back left corner of chair (when facing) is butted against window wall. Stove Dimensions 27"D x 30"W x 46-34" H Butted against cabinet on right and spaced 1-½” off back wall Vacant space Dimension 25" x 20" Built-in cabinets Dimensions: 8'L x 2'D x 3'H 35" Breakfast 18" 5' 10-½” 8' 4" 10' 9" 6" Kitchen Built-in cabinets Dimensions: 8'L x 2'D x 3'H 8 ft. 0 in. Ceiling 6" 46" 21-½’ 26-½” 6' 7" Dining Room Chairs Dimensions: 20"D x 22-12"W x 36"H Positioned as shown, with the Backs 6 inches off the table. 6" 11' 9" Dining Room Table Dimensions: 44" W x 60" L x 30-½” H Butted flush against wall and spaced 35-½” off the door wall 6" Dishwasher 27"D x 24"W x 34"H Refrigerator Dimensions: 29"D x 36"W x 70"H 3 " Pen Camera TC Tree w/4 TC’s 1', 3', 5' and 7' starting at floor Figure 534. One-Story Kitchen Detail 318 Sprinkler (Pendent) 6" 6' 6" 6" 13 ft. 0 in. 30" Dining Room Chairs: Positioned as shown, centered along the sides of the table with the chair backs 6 inches off the table. Dining Room Table Dimensions: 44" W x 60" L x 30-½” H Spaced 45-½” to cement board inside window 6" 32" 29" 52" Dining Room 8 ft. 0 in. Ceiling 11 ft. ¼ in 59" 6" 4' 6-½” TC Tree w/4 TC’s 1', 3', 5' and 7' starting at floor Figure 535. One-Story Dining Room Detail 319 Sprinkler (Pendent) 2 " Armoire Dimensions 25-1/2" D x 36" W x 79" H Spaced 42" off wall at right and 2” off back wall TV centered in top of Armoire 42" 45 in. Mirror on wall centered above bed; 28"W x 1"D x 46-½”H Headboard attached directly to wall, 60"L x 2"D 6' 2-¼” 5' 8" 5' 7-3/4" Bed (Mattress + Box Spring) Dimensions 60"W x 78"L Butted flush against headboard and 38-1/2" off wall on right 8 ft. 0 in. Ceiling 11 ft. 10-½ in. Master Bedroom 18 in. 5' 11-¼” 12 ft. 4-1/2 in. 38-½” Dresser Dimensions 20" x 71-¾”L x 24" H Spaced flush with window wall and 39" off the left wall (when facing dresser) 39" 6", 23" off floor Pen Camera Sprinkler (Pendent) TC Tree w/4 TC’s 1', 3', 5' and 7' starting at floor Figure 536. One-Story Master Bedroom (Bedroom 1) Detail 320 TV is centered on dresser, butted against wall. 1' off headboard, 2 “ off wall sitting on floor Light Dresser Dimensions 19" x 71-½” L x 23-14" H Spaced 2" off wall and 46¼” off the window wall 12 ft. 10 in. Mirror on wall centered above bed; 28"W x 1"D x 46-½”H 6' 5" 2" Headboard attached directly to wall, 60"L x 2"D Bed Mattress/Box Spring Dimensions 60"W x 78"L Butted flush against headboard and wall on left 24" 3' 10-¼” 23" 4' 5-¼” Bedroom 2 8 ft. 0 in. Ceiling 4' 3" 11" 3' 5" 8 ft. 10-½ in. Armoire Dimensions 28" D x 36" W x 79" H Spaced 11" off wall at right and 11-½” off wall at left (when facing) 11-½” Pen Camera O2 Analyzer, installed horizontally, 5 ft above floor TC Tree w/4 TC’s 1', 3', 5' and 7' starting at floor Sprinkler (Pendent) Figure 537. One-Story Bedroom 2 Detail 321 3 ft. 0 in. 24" 11 ft. 9 in. 5' 8" 23" 4' 3" 13 ft. 9-½ in. Bedroom 3 8 ft. 0 in. Ceiling 8 ft. 11 in. 3 ft. 11-½ in. Pen Camera TC Tree w/4 TC’s 1', 3', 5' and 7' starting at floor Figure 538. One-Story Bedroom 3 Detail 322 Gas Analyzer, installed horizontally, 5 ft above floor Appendix C: Detailed Two-Story House Drawings and Pictures 36-¼ in. 24 in. 22-½ in. 24 in. 18" from wall to front right-hand corner 43-½ in. 26” from wall to back left-hand corner 5 ft. 10-½ in. 5 ft. 2 in. 8 ft. 5 in. Island Dimensions: 2'W x 8'L x 3'H 4 ft. 9 in. Light Tan Chair Dimensions: 35"D x 32-½”W x 32-½”H 48 in. 23 in. Coffee Table Dimensions 36"L x 20"W x 19-½”H 9 ft. 4 in. Armoire Dimensions 28" D x 41" W x 79" H Spaced 43-½” off wall at left and 1" off back wall. TV centered in top of Armoire 6 ft. 6-¾ in. 1 ft. 5 in. 2" 15 in. 2" 62-¾ in. 24" 24" End Table Dimensions: 24"W x 27"L x 24-¼”H Spaced 1-½” off both couches 27" 27" Family Room 17 ft. 0 in. Ceiling (carpet to ceiling) Pen Camera mounted to island Two Gas Analyzers, installed horizontally, 1' and 5', respectively above floor TC Tree w/17 TC’s at 1' increments starting at 1' above the floor Sprinkler (Pendent) Figure 539. Two-Story Family Room Detail 323 Curtain Couches used: Sante Fe patterned with Dimensions: 36" D x 72-½” L x 33" H En tra nc e to D en 3 ft Up 2 ft. 4.5 in. Entrance to Dining Room 9 in 6 ft. 6 in. Entrance to Dining Room 3 in. Closet Entrance 11 ft. 9 in. Foyer 1' 2-½” Up 8 ft. 0 in. Ceiling Stairwell & Landing 6 ft. 2-½ in. 3 ft. 11 in. 8" 4" 2 ft. 1 in. Front Door 1 ft. 7-½ in. Pen Camera at floor level TC Tree w/7 TC’s located at 1', 2', 3', 4', 5', 6' and 7" above the floor and 1" below the ceiling Figure 540. Two-Story Foyer Detail 324 O2 Analyzer, installed vertically thru ceiling, 10" above floor Curtain Sprinkler (Pendent) Bi-Directional Probe, w/readings at 13", 27", 40", 54-½” and 68-½" off floor 7 ft. 0 in. 5 ft. 7 in. 9 ft. 10-½ in. 10 ft. 2 in. Light Tan Chair Dimensions: 35"D x 32-½”W x 32-½”H 13 ft. 5-½ in. 15 ft. 10-½ in. Den 4 ft. 10 in. 8 ft. 0 in. Ceiling 5 ft. 2 in. 2 ft. 4¾ . in oo D ni pe rO ng 2f t. 1 in . 2 ft. 4-½ in. opening " 10 1' TC Tree w/4 TC’s at 1', 3', 5' and 7' above the floor 1' 5-½” 1 ft. 11 in. 1' ½ " 1' ¾” 4 ft. 2-½ in. Figure 541. Two-Story Den Detail 325 Armoire Dimensions 28" D x 41" W x 79" H Spaced 42-¼” off wall at right and 1-½” off back wall TV centered in top of Armoire Couches used: Sante Fe patterned with dimensions of 36" D x 72-½” L x 33" H 8-½ in. Living Room Up 65 in. 8 ft. 0 in. Ceiling Closet Entrance 12 ft. 4-¼ in. 16 ft. 9-½ in. 4 ft. 2 in. 23-¾ in. 24" End Table Dimensions 24"W x 27"L x 24-¼” H Spaced 2" off each couch TC Tree w/4 TC’s at 1', 3', 5' and 7' above the floor Sprinkler (Horizontal Sidewall) Figure 542. Two-Story Living Room Detail 326 16 in. 28 in. 40-½ in. 27" 5 ft. 8-¾ in. 67 in. 5 ft. 6 in. 22-½ in. Up 13 in. 23-½ in. Coffee Table Dimensions 3'L x 20"W x 19-½”H 3 in. Light Tan Chair Dimensions: 35"D x 32-½”W x 32½”H 5 in. Pen Camera mounted at floor 6 ft. 1-¾ in. Built-in cabinets Dimensions: 8'L x 2'D x 3'H 8 ft. 1 in. Island Dimensions: 2'W x 8'L x 3'H 5 ft. 10-½ in. Stainless Steel Dishwasher Dimensions: 27"D x 24"W x 34" H 5 ft. 11 in. 6" Kitchen 5 ft. 9 in. Breakfast 2" Dining Room Chairs: Positioned as shown, centered along the sides of the table with the chair backs 6 inches off the table. 15 ft. 10 in. Built-in cabinets Dimensions: 8'L x 2'D x 3'H 6 ft 8-¼ in. Dining Room Table Dimensions: 44" W x 60" L x 30-½” H Spaced 6' 8-¼” from cabinets adjacent to dishwasher and 5'10-½” from back wall as shown. 6" 2" 6" 3 in. 6" Range Dimensions 27"D x 30"W x 46-34" H Spaced 3" off cabinet on right and 1" off back wall TC Tree w/4 TC’s at 1', 3', 5' and 7' above the floor 8 ft. 0 in. Ceiling Sprinkler (Horizontal Sidewall) 13 in. 34 in. Stainless Steel Refrigerator Dimensions: 27-½”D x 36-¼”W x 70-¼”H Spaced 34" from the right, 30" from the left and 2" from back (when facing) walls Figure 543. Two-Story Kitchen Detail 327 34 in. 3 ft. 4-½ in. Pen Camera mounted to island facing ignition source (family room) 3 ft 4-½ in. 2 ft. 4.5 in. 24 in. 28 in. 63 in. Dining Room 8 ft. 0 in. Ceiling 6" 14 ft. 5-½ in. 6 ft. 6 in. Dining Room Table Dimensions 44" W x 60" L x 30-½” H Spaced 45-½” to cement board inside window The chairs are centered along the sides of the tables with the Backs 6 inches off the table. 6" 32 in. 6" 6" 2 ft. 1 in. 2 ft. 6 in. 52 in. from table top to cement board 2 ft. 1 in. 4 ft. 11-¼ in. Pen Camera at floor level Sprinkler (Horizontal Sidewall) TC Tree w/4 TC’s 1', 3', 5' and 7" above the floor Figure 544. Two-Story Dining Room Detail 328 2' 4" Bedroom 2 7½ Master Bedroom ” Floor/Ceiling Open to Family Room Below 2' 4½ ”D oo rO pe nin g 7½ Hand Rail 13' 2-½” 2' 10" 3' 0" 16' 7-½” 1' 6" ” Bath 2 2' 2-½” Door Opening 2' 4-½” Door Opening 2' 4-½” Hallway 1' 7" Hand Rail 10' 4-½” 10" 2' 5" Door Opening 3.5" 1' 2' 3' 8-½” Bedroom 3 Up Bedroom 4 3" 2' 6" Door Opening 1' 6" 32" 8" Floor/Ceiling Open to Foyer Below Pen Camera #1 flush w/door opening at floor level Pen Camera #2 mounted on top of handrail, pointed at lower level Bedroom 4 Closet Up TC Tree #1 (hallway) with w/8 TC’s located at 1', 2', 3', 4', 5', 6', 7' and 7'11" above the floor Gas Analyzer, installed vertically thru ceiling, w/2 ports at 1' and 5' above floor Sprinkler (Pendent) Hand Rail Figure 545. Two-Story Second Floor Hall Detail 329 WIC Mirror on wall centered above dresser; 28"W x 1"D x 46-½”H 3 " 5 ft. 8 in. Armoire Dimensions 25-1/2" D x 36" W x 79" H Spaced 80" off wall at right and 3” off back wall TV centered in top of Armoire 80 in. Dresser Dimensions 20" x 71-¾”L x 24" H Spaced ½” off wall 9 ft. 5-½ in. Master Bedroom 8 ft. 0 in. Ceiling 7 ft. 11 in. 12 ft. 11 in. Bed Mattress Dimensions 60"W x 78"L Butted flush against headboard and 65" off wall to the left. 15 ft. 10 in. 65 in. TC Tree w/4 TC’s at 1', 3', 5' and 7' above the floor Headboard attached directly to wall, 60"L x 2"D Figure 546. Two-Story Master Bedroom (Bedroom 1) Detail 330 Mirror on wall centered above bed; 28"W x 1"D x 46-½”H Headboard attached directly to wall, 60"L x 2"D 29" 25" 12 ft. ¼” Light Dresser Dimensions: 19" x 71-½” L x 23-¼” H Spaced ½” off window wall and 25" off the left wall (when facing); TV positioned (angled) on right side of dresser, as shown, with back left corner butted against window ledge. Bed (Mattress+ Box Spring) Dimensions: 60"W x 78"L Butted flush against headboard and 29" off window wall 12 ft. 4 in. 4 ft. 11-¼ in. 1 1 / 2 Bedroom 3 4 ft. 6 in. 3 ft. 9 in. 6 ft. 2 in. 8 ft. 0 in. Ceiling Armoire Dimensions 28" D x 36" W x 79" H Spaced flush with wall and 36” off wall at left (when facing) 3 ft. TC Tree w/4 TC’s at 1', 3', 5' and 7' above the floor Sprinkler (Pendent) Figure 547. Two-Story Bedroom 3 Detail 331 Pen Camera mounted on top of dresser 2 " TV is centered on dresser, butted against wall. 4 ft. 5 in. 11" Light Dresser Dimensions 19" x 71-½” L x 23-¼” H Spaced 2" off wall and 11" off the left wall (when facing) Mirror on wall centered above bed; 28"W x 1"D x 46-½” Headboard attached directly to wall, 60"L x 2"D 9 ft. 10-½ in. 17-½” 8 ft. 0 in. Armoire Dimensions 28" D x 36" W x 79" H Spaced 17" off wall at right and 17-½” off wall at left (when facing) 10 ft. 10.5 in. 8 ft. 0 in. Ceiling TC Tree w/4 TC’s at 1', 3', 5' and 7' above the floor Sprinkler (Pendent) Figure 548. Two-Story Bedroom 4 Detail 332 32" 33 in. 17” Bedroom 4 Appen ndix D: Furniture F e Picturees Figure 549 9. Sofa Figure 5550. Chair Figure 551 1. Armoire an nd TV Figure 5552. Dining R Room and Kitchen Table Figure 553 3. End Table Figure 5554. Television 333 Figure 555 5. Dark Brow wn Dresser Figure 5556. Light Brrown Dresser Figure 557 7. Kitchen Figure 5558. Den Chaair Figure 559 9. Brass Fram me Picture Figure 5560. Blue Fraame Picture 334 Figure 561 1. Bedroom Mirror M Figure 5562. Bed Figure 563 3. Kitchen Ba ase Cabinet 335 Appendix E: Detailed House Experiment Room Temperature Graphs Experiment 1 SS into Front Door Ignition Front Door Open Fog into Front Door 1400 8 ft. Living Room 7 ft. Living Room 6 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Living Room 4 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Living Room 2 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Living Room 1200 o Temperature ( C) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 800 Time (s) 1000 Figure 564. Experiment 1 - Living Room 336 1200 1400 SS into Front Door Ignition Front Door Open Fog into Front Door 300 7 ft. Bedroom 1 5 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 1 1 ft. Bedroom 1 200 o Temperature ( C) 250 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 800 Time (s) Figure 565. Experiment 1 - Bedroom 1 1000 1200 1400 SS into Front Door Ignition Front Door Open Fog into Front Door o Temperature ( C) 400 350 7 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 2 300 3 ft. Bedroom 2 1 ft. Bedroom 2 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 800 Time (s) 1000 Figure 566. Experiment 1 - Bedroom 2 337 1200 1400 SS into Front Door Ignition Front Door Open Fog into Front Door 70 7 ft. Bedroom 3 5 ft. Bedroom 3 60 3 ft. Bedroom 3 1 ft. Bedroom 3 o Temperature ( C) 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 200 400 600 800 Time (s) 1000 1200 1400 Figure 567. Experiment 1 - Bedroom 3 SS into Front Door Ignition Front Door Open Fog into Front Door 500 7 ft. Dining Room 5 ft. Dining Room 3 ft. Dining Room 400 o Temperature ( C) 1 ft. Dining Room 300 200 100 0 0 200 400 600 800 Time (s) 1000 Figure 568. Experiment 1 - Dining Room 338 1200 1400 SS into Front Door Ignition Front Door Open Fog into Front Door 800 8 ft. Hallway 7 ft. Hallway 6 ft. Hallway 5 ft. Hallway 4 ft. Hallway 3 ft. Hallway 2 ft. Hallway 1 ft. Hallway 700 o Temperature ( C) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 200 400 600 800 Time (s) 1000 1200 1400 Figure 569. Experiment 1 - Hallway SS into Front Door Ignition Front Door Open Fog into Front Door 350 7 ft. Kitchen 5 ft. Kitchen 300 3 ft. Kitchen 1 ft. Kitchen o Temperature ( C) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 800 Time (s) 1000 Figure 570. Experiment 1 - Kitchen 339 1200 1400 Experiment 2 Ignition Front Door Open SS into Front Door 250 7 ft. Bedroom 1 5 ft. Bedroom 1 200 3 ft. Bedroom 1 o Temperature ( C) 1 ft. Bedroom 1 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 1500 Time (s) Figure 571. Experiment 2 - Bedroom 1 Ignition Front Door Open SS into Front Door 50 o Temperature ( C) 40 30 7 ft. Bedroom 2 20 5 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 2 1 ft. Bedroom 2 10 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 572. Experiment 2 - Bedroom 2 340 1500 Ignition Front Door Open SS into Front Door 300 7 ft. Bedroom 3 5 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Bedroom 3 250 200 o Temperature ( C) 1 ft. Bedroom 3 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 1500 Time (s) Figure 573. Experiment 2 - Bedroom 3 Ignition Front Door Open SS into Front Door 350 7 ft. Bedroom 4 5 ft. Bedroom 4 300 3 ft. Bedroom 4 1 ft. Bedroom 4 o Temperature ( C) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 574. Experiment 2 - Bedroom 4 341 1500 Ignition Front Door Open SS into Front Door 200 7 ft. Den 5 ft. Den 3 ft. Den 1 ft. Den o Temperature ( C) 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 1500 Time (s) Figure 575. Experiment 2 - Den Ignition Front Door Open SS into Front Door 300 7 ft. Dining Room 250 5 ft. Dining Room 1 ft. Dining Room 200 o Temperature ( C) 3 ft. Dining Room 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 576. Experiment 2 - Dining Room 342 1500 Ignition Front Door Open SS into Front Door 700 600 o Temperature ( C) 500 400 17 ft. Family Room 16 ft. Family Room 15 ft. Family Room 14 ft. Family Room 13 ft. Family Room 12 ft. Family Room 11 ft. Family Room 10 ft. Family Room 9 ft. Family Room 8 ft. Family Room 7 ft. Family Room 6 ft. Family Room 5 ft. Family Room 4 ft. Family Room 3 ft. Family Room 2 ft. Family Room 1 ft. Family Room 300 200 100 0 0 500 1000 1500 Time (s) Figure 577. Experiment 2 - Family Room Ignition Front Door Open SS into Front Door 350 8 ft. Foyer 7 ft. Foyer 6 ft. Foyer 5 ft. Foyer 4 ft. Foyer 3 ft. Foyer 2 ft. Foyer 1 ft. Foyer 300 o Temperature ( C) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 578. Experiment 2 - Foyer 343 1500 Ignition Front Door Open SS into Front Door 300 7 ft. Kitchen 5 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Kitchen 250 200 o Temperature ( C) 1 ft. Kitchen 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 1500 Time (s) Figure 579. Experiment 2 - Kitchen Ignition Front Door Open SS into Front Door 250 7 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Living Room 200 1 ft. Living Room o Temperature ( C) 3 ft. Living Room 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 580. Experiment 2 - Living Room 344 1500 Ignition Front Door Open SS into Front Door 600 8 ft. Second Floor Hall 7 ft. Second Floor Hall 6 ft. Second Floor Hall 5 ft. Second Floor Hall 4 ft. Second Floor Hall 3 ft. Second Floor Hall 2 ft. Second Floor Hall 1 ft. Second Floor Hall 400 o Temperature ( C) 500 300 200 100 0 0 500 1000 1500 Time (s) Figure 581. Experiment 2 - Second Floor Hall Experiment 3 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 1200 8 ft. Living Room 7 ft. Living Room 6 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Living Room 4 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Living Room 2 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Living Room 800 o Temperature ( C) 1000 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 582. Experiment 3 - Living Room 800 345 1000 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 350 7 ft. Bedroom 1 5 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 1 1 ft. Bedroom 1 300 o Temperature ( C) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 583. Experiment 3 - Bedroom 1 Ignition 800 1000 LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 350 7 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 2 1 ft. Bedroom 2 300 o Temperature ( C) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 584. Experiment 3 - Bedoom 2 800 346 1000 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 40 7 ft. Bedroom 3 5 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Bedroom 3 1 ft. Bedroom 3 35 o Temperature ( C) 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 585. Experiment 3 - Bedroom 3 Ignition 800 1000 LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 700 7 ft. 5 ft. 3 ft. 1 ft. 600 o Temperature ( C) 500 Dining Room Dining Room Dining Room Dining Room 400 300 200 100 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 586. Experiment 3 - Dining Room 800 347 1000 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 800 8 ft. Hallway 7 ft. Hallway 6 ft. Hallway 5 ft. Hallway 4 ft. Hallway 3 ft. Hallway 2 ft. Hallway 1 ft. Hallway 700 o Temperature ( C) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 587. Experiment 3 – Hallway Ignition 800 1000 LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 500 7 ft. Kitchen 5 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Kitchen 1 ft. Kitchen o Temperature ( C) 400 300 200 100 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 588. Experiment 3 - Kitchen 800 348 1000 Experiment 4 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 700 8 ft. Second Floor Hall 7 ft. Second Floor Hall 6 ft. Second Floor Hall 5 ft. Second Floor Hall 4 ft. Second Floor Hall 3 ft. Second Floor Hall 2 ft. Second Floor Hall 1 ft. Second Floor Hall 600 o Temperature ( C) 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 500 1000 1500 Time (s) Figure 589. Experiment 4 - Second Floor Hall Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 300 7 ft. Bedroom 1 5 ft. Bedroom 1 250 3 ft. Bedroom 1 o Temperature ( C) 1 ft. Bedroom 1 200 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 1500 Time (s) Figure 590. Experiment 4 - Bedroom 1 349 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 50 o Temperature ( C) 40 30 7 ft. Bedroom 2 20 5 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 2 1 ft. Bedroom 2 10 0 0 500 1000 1500 Time (s) Figure 591. Experiment 4 - Bedroom 2 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 350 7 ft. Bedroom 3 300 5 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Bedroom 3 1 ft. Bedroom 3 o Temperature ( C) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 1500 Time (s) Figure 592. Experiment 4 - Bedroom 3 350 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 400 7 ft. Bedroom 4 350 5 ft. Bedroom 4 3 ft. Bedroom 4 300 o Temperature ( C) 1 ft. Bedroom 4 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 1500 Time (s) Figure 593. Experiment 4 - Bedroom 4 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 250 7 ft. Den 5 ft. Den 200 1 ft. Den o Temperature ( C) 3 ft. Den 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 1500 Time (s) Figure 594. Experiment 4 - Den 351 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 400 7 ft. Dining Room 350 5 ft. Dining Room 3 ft. Dining Room o Temperature ( C) 300 1 ft. Dining Room 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 1500 Time (s) Figure 595. Experiment 4 - Dining Room Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 800 700 o Temperature ( C) 600 500 400 300 17 ft. Family Room 16 ft. Family Room 15 ft. Family Room 14 ft. Family Room 13 ft. Family Room 12 ft. Family Room 11 ft. Family Room 10 ft. Family Room 9 ft. Family Room 8 ft. Family Room 7 ft. Family Room 6 ft. Family Room 5 ft. Family Room 4 ft. Family Room 3 ft. Family Room 2 ft. Family Room 1 ft. Family Room 200 100 0 0 500 1000 1500 Time (s) Figure 596. Experiment 4 - Family Room 352 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 500 8 ft. Foyer 7 ft. Foyer 6 ft. Foyer 5 ft. Foyer 4 ft. Foyer 3 ft. Foyer 2 ft. Foyer 1 ft. Foyer o Temperature ( C) 400 300 200 100 0 0 500 1000 1500 Time (s) Figure 597. Experiment 4 - Foyer Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 350 7 ft. Kitchen 300 5 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Kitchen 1 ft. Kitchen o Temperature ( C) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 1500 Time (s) Figure 598. Experiment 4 - Kitchen 353 LR Window Open Ignition Front Door Open SS into LR Window 350 7 ft. Living Room 300 5 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Living Room o Temperature ( C) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 1500 Time (s) Figure 599. Experiment 4 - Living Room Experiment 5 Ignition LR Window Open SS into LR Window 1400 8 ft. Living Room 7 ft. Living Room 6 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Living Room 4 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Living Room 2 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Living Room 1200 o Temperature ( C) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 600. Experiment 5 - Living Room 800 354 1000 Ignition LR Window Open SS into LR Window 350 7 ft. Bedroom 1 300 5 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 1 1 ft. Bedroom 1 o Temperature ( C) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 601. Experiment 5 - Bedroom 1 Ignition 800 1000 LR Window Open SS into LR Window 400 7 ft. Bedroom 2 350 5 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 2 o Temperature ( C) 300 1 ft. Bedroom 2 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 602. Experiment 5 - Bedroom 2 800 355 1000 Ignition LR Window Open SS into LR Window 50 7 ft. Bedroom 3 5 ft. Bedroom 3 40 3 ft. Bedroom 3 o Temperature ( C) 1 ft. Bedroom 3 30 20 10 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 603. Experiment 5 - Bedroom 3 Ignition 800 1000 LR Window Open SS into LR Window 500 7 ft. Dining Room 5 ft. Dining Room 400 3 ft. Dining Room o Temperature ( C) 1 ft. Dining Room 300 200 100 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 604. Experiment 5 - Dining Room 800 356 1000 Ignition LR Window Open SS into LR Window 800 8 ft. Hallway 7 ft. Hallway 6 ft. Hallway 5 ft. Hallway 4 ft. Hallway 3 ft. Hallway 2 ft. Hallway 1 ft. Hallway 700 o Temperature ( C) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 605. Experiment 5 - Hallway Ignition 800 1000 LR Window Open SS into LR Window 500 7 ft. Kitchen 5 ft. Kitchen 400 3 ft. Kitchen o Temperature ( C) 1 ft. Kitchen 300 200 100 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 606. Experiment 5 - Kitchen 800 357 1000 Experiment 6 Ignition LR Window Open SS into LR Window 500 8 ft. Second Floor Hall 7 ft. Second Floor Hall 6 ft. Second Floor Hall 5 ft. Second Floor Hall 4 ft. Second Floor Hall 3 ft. Second Floor Hall 2 ft. Second Floor Hall 1 ft. Second Floor Hall o Temperature ( C) 400 300 200 100 0 0 200 400 600 800 Time (s) Figure 607. Experiment 6 - Second Floor Hall Ignition 1000 1200 LR Window Open SS into LR Window 250 7 ft. Bedroom 1 5 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 1 200 o Temperature ( C) 1 ft. Bedroom 1 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 608. Experiment 6 - Bedroom 1 800 1000 358 1200 Ignition LR Window Open SS into LR Window 35 30 o Temperature ( C) 25 20 7 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 2 15 3 ft. Bedroom 2 1 ft. Bedroom 2 10 5 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 609. Experiment 6 - Bedroom 2 Ignition 800 1000 1200 LR Window Open SS into LR Window 250 7 ft. Bedroom 3 5 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Bedroom 3 200 o Temperature ( C) 1 ft. Bedroom 3 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 610. Experiment 6 - Bedroom 3 800 1000 359 1200 Ignition LR Window Open SS into LR Window 250 7 ft. Bedroom 4 5 ft. Bedroom 4 3 ft. Bedroom 4 200 o Temperature ( C) 1 ft. Bedroom 4 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 611. Experiment 6 - Bedroom 4 Ignition 800 1000 1200 LR Window Open SS into LR Window 200 7 ft. Den 5 ft. Den 3 ft. Den 1 ft. Den o Temperature ( C) 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) 800 1000 Figure 612. Experiment 6 - Den 360 1200 Ignition LR Window Open SS into LR Window 300 7 ft. Dining Room 5 ft. Dining Room 250 3 ft. Dining Room 200 o Temperature ( C) 1 ft. Dining Room 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 613. Experiment 6 - Dining Room Ignition 800 1000 LR Window Open SS into LR Window 600 400 o Temperature ( C) 500 300 1200 17 ft. Family Room 16 ft. Family Room 15 ft. Family Room 14 ft. Family Room 13 ft. Family Room 12 ft. Family Room 11 ft. Family Room 10 ft. Family Room 9 ft. Family Room 8 ft. Family Room 7 ft. Family Room 6 ft. Family Room 5 ft. Family Room 4 ft. Family Room 3 ft. Family Room 2 ft. Family Room 1 ft. Family Room 200 100 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) 800 1000 Figure 614. Experiment 6 - Family Room 361 1200 Ignition LR Window Open SS into LR Window 350 8 ft. Foyer 7 ft. Foyer 6 ft. Foyer 5 ft. Foyer 4 ft. Foyer 3 ft. Foyer 2 ft. Foyer 1 ft. Foyer 300 o Temperature ( C) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) 800 1000 1200 Figure 615. Experiment 6 - Foyer Ignition LR Window Open SS into LR Window 250 7 ft. Kitchen 5 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Kitchen 1 ft. Kitchen o Temperature ( C) 200 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 616. Experiment 6 - Kitchen 800 1000 362 1200 Ignition LR Window Open SS into LR Window 250 7 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Living Room 200 3 ft. Living Room o Temperature ( C) 1 ft. Living Room 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 617. Experiment 6 - Living Room 800 1000 1200 Experiment 7 Ignition BR2 Window Open Front Door Open SS into Front Door 1000 8 ft. Living Room 7 ft. Living Room 6 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Living Room 4 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Living Room 2 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Living Room o Temperature ( C) 800 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 618. Experiment 7 - Living Room 800 1000 363 1200 Ignition BR2 Window Open Front Door Open SS into Front Door 400 7 ft. Bedroom 1 5 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 1 1 ft. Bedroom 1 350 o Temperature ( C) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 200 600 Time (s) Figure 619. Experiment 7 - Bedroom 1 Ignition 400 800 1000 1200 BR2 Window Open Front Door Open SS into Front Door 600 7 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 2 1 ft. Bedroom 2 400 o Temperature ( C) 500 300 200 100 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 620. Experiment 7 - Bedroom 2 800 1000 364 1200 Ignition BR2 Window Open Front Door Open SS into Front Door 100 o Temperature ( C) 80 60 40 7 ft. Bedroom 3 5 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Bedroom 3 1 ft. Bedroom 3 20 0 0 200 600 Time (s) Figure 621. Experiment 7 - Bedroom 3 Ignition 400 800 1000 1200 BR2 Window Open Front Door Open SS into Front Door 600 7 ft. Dining Room 5 ft. Dining Room 3 ft. Dining Room 1 ft. Dining Room 400 o Temperature ( C) 500 300 200 100 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 622. Experiment 7 - Dining Room 800 1000 365 1200 Ignition BR2 Window Open Front Door Open SS into Front Door 1000 8 ft. Hallway 7 ft. Hallway 6 ft. Hallway 5 ft. Hallway 4 ft. Hallway 3 ft. Hallway 2 ft. Hallway 1 ft. Hallway o Temperature ( C) 800 600 400 200 0 0 200 600 Time (s) Figure 623. Experiment 7 - Hallway Ignition 400 800 1000 1200 BR2 Window Open Front Door Open SS into Front Door 500 7 ft. Kitchen 5 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Kitchen 1 ft. Kitchen o Temperature ( C) 400 300 200 100 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 624. Experiment 7 - Kitchen 800 1000 366 1200 Experiment 8 Ignition BR Window Open Front Door Open SS into BR Window 800 8 ft. Second Floor Hall 7 ft. Second Floor Hall 6 ft. Second Floor Hall 5 ft. Second Floor Hall 4 ft. Second Floor Hall 3 ft. Second Floor Hall 2 ft. Second Floor Hall 1 ft. Second Floor Hall 700 o Temperature ( C) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 500 1000 1500 Time (s) Figure 625. Experiment 8 - Second Floor Hall Ignition BR Window Open Front Door Open SS into BR Window 300 7 ft. Bedroom 1 5 ft. Bedroom 1 250 3 ft. Bedroom 1 200 o Temperature ( C) 1 ft. Bedroom 1 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 1500 Time (s) Figure 626. Experiment 8 - Bedroom 1 367 Ignition BR Window Open Front Door Open SS into BR Window 60 40 o Temperature ( C) 50 30 20 7 ft. Bedroom 2 10 5 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 2 1 ft. Bedroom 2 0 0 500 1000 1500 Time (s) Figure 627. Experiment 8 - Bedroom 2 Ignition BR Window Open Front Door Open SS into BR Window 600 7 ft. Bedroom 3 5 ft. Bedroom 3 500 3 ft. Bedroom 3 400 o Temperature ( C) 1 ft. Bedroom 3 300 200 100 0 0 500 1000 1500 Time (s) Figure 628. Experiment 8 - Bedroom 3 368 Ignition BR Window Open Front Door Open SS into BR Window 400 o Temperature ( C) 7 ft. Bedroom 4 350 5 ft. Bedroom 4 300 3 ft. Bedroom 4 1 ft. Bedroom 4 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 1500 Time (s) Figure 629. Experiment 8 - Bedroom 4 Ignition BR Window Open Front Door Open SS into BR Window 250 7 ft. Den 5 ft. Den 200 3 ft. Den o Temperature ( C) 1 ft. Den 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 1500 Time (s) Figure 630. Experiment 8 - Den 369 Ignition BR Window Open Front Door Open SS into BR Window 400 7 ft. Dining Room 350 5 ft. Dining Room 3 ft. Dining Room o Temperature ( C) 300 1 ft. Dining Room 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 1500 Time (s) Figure 631. Experiment 8 - Dining Room Ignition BR Window Open Front Door Open SS into BR Window 17 ft. Family Room 16 ft. Family Room 15 ft. Family Room 14 ft. Family Room 13 ft. Family Room 12 ft. Family Room 11 ft. Family Room 10 ft. Family Room 9 ft. Family Room 8 ft. Family Room 7 ft. Family Room 6 ft. Family Room 5 ft. Family Room 4 ft. Family Room 3 ft. Family Room 2 ft. Family Room 1 ft. Family Room 1000 o Temperature ( C) 800 600 400 200 0 0 500 1000 1500 Time (s) Figure 632. Experiment 8 - Family Room 370 Ignition BR Window Open Front Door Open SS into BR Window 500 8 ft. Foyer 7 ft. Foyer 6 ft. Foyer 5 ft. Foyer 4 ft. Foyer 3 ft. Foyer 2 ft. Foyer 1 ft. Foyer o Temperature ( C) 400 300 200 100 0 0 500 1000 1500 Time (s) Figure 633. Experiment 8 - Foyer Ignition BR Window Open Front Door Open SS into BR Window 400 7 ft. Kitchen 350 5 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Kitchen o Temperature ( C) 300 1 ft. Kitchen 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 1500 Time (s) Figure 634. Experiment 8 - Kitchen 371 Ignition BR Window Open Front Door Open SS into BR Window 350 7 ft. Living Room 300 5 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Living Room o Temperature ( C) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 1500 Time (s) Figure 635. Experiment 8 - Living Room Experiment 9 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 1400 8 ft. Living Room 7 ft. Living Room 6 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Living Room 4 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Living Room 2 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Living Room 1200 o Temperature ( C) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 636. Experiment 9 - Living Room 800 1000 372 1200 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 350 7 ft. Bedroom 1 5 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 1 1 ft. Bedroom 1 300 o Temperature ( C) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 200 600 Time (s) Figure 637. Experiment 9 - Bedroom 1 Ignition 400 800 1000 1200 LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 400 7 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 2 1 ft. Bedroom 2 350 o Temperature ( C) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 638. Experiment 9 - Bedroom 2 800 1000 373 1200 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 70 7 ft. Bedroom 3 60 5 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Bedroom 3 1 ft. Bedroom 3 o Temperature ( C) 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 200 600 Time (s) Figure 639. Experiment 9 - Bedroom 3 Ignition 400 800 1000 1200 LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 600 7 ft. Dining Room 500 5 ft. Dining Room 1 ft. Dining Room 400 o Temperature ( C) 3 ft. Dining Room 300 200 100 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 640. Experiment 9 - Bedroom 4 800 1000 374 1200 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 800 8 ft. Hallway 7 ft. Hallway 6 ft. Hallway 5 ft. Hallway 4 ft. Hallway 3 ft. Hallway 2 ft. Hallway 1 ft. Hallway 700 o Temperature ( C) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 200 600 Time (s) Figure 641. Experiment 9 - Hallway Ignition 400 800 1000 1200 LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 400 7 ft. Kitchen 350 5 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Kitchen 300 o Temperature ( C) 1 ft. Kitchen 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 642. Experiment 9 - Kitchen 800 1000 375 1200 Experiment 10 Ignition FR Window Open Front Door Open SS into FR Window 600 8 ft. Second Floor Hall 7 ft. Second Floor Hall 6 ft. Second Floor Hall 5 ft. Second Floor Hall 4 ft. Second Floor Hall 3 ft. Second Floor Hall 2 ft. Second Floor Hall 1 ft. Second Floor Hall 400 o Temperature ( C) 500 300 200 100 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 643. Experiment 10 - Second Floor Hall Ignition 1500 2000 FR Window Open Front Door Open SS into FR Window 250 7 ft. Bedroom 1 5 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 1 1 ft. Bedroom 1 o Temperature ( C) 200 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 644. Experiment 10 - Bedroom 1 1500 376 2000 Ignition FR Window Open Front Door Open SS into FR Window 50 o Temperature ( C) 40 30 7 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 2 1 ft. Bedroom 2 20 10 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 645. Experiment 10 - Bedroom 2 Ignition 1500 2000 FR Window Open Front Door Open SS into FR Window 400 7 ft. Bedroom 3 5 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Bedroom 3 1 ft. Bedroom 3 350 o Temperature ( C) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 646. Experiment 10 - Bedroom 3 1500 377 2000 Ignition FR Window Open Front Door Open SS into FR Window 350 7 ft. Bedroom 4 5 ft. Bedroom 4 3 ft. Bedroom 4 1 ft. Bedroom 4 300 o Temperature ( C) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 647. Experiment 10 - Bedroom 4 Ignition 1500 2000 FR Window Open Front Door Open SS into FR Window 200 7 ft. Den 5 ft. Den 3 ft. Den 150 o Temperature ( C) 1 ft. Den 100 50 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) 1500 Figure 648. Experiment 10 - Den 378 2000 Ignition FR Window Open Front Door Open SS into FR Window 350 7 ft. Dining Room 5 ft. Dining Room 3 ft. Dining Room 300 1 ft. Dining Room o Temperature ( C) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 649. Experiment 10 - Dining Room Ignition 1500 FR Window Open Front Door Open SS into FR Window 17 ft. Family Room 16 ft. Family Room 15 ft. Family Room 14 ft. Family Room 13 ft. Family Room 12 ft. Family Room 11 ft. Family Room 10 ft. Family Room 9 ft. Family Room 8 ft. Family Room 7 ft. Family Room 6 ft. Family Room 5 ft. Family Room 4 ft. Family Room 3 ft. Family Room 2 ft. Family Room 1 ft. Family Room 800 700 600 o Temperature ( C) 2000 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 650. Experiment 10 - Family Room 1500 379 2000 Ignition FR Window Open Front Door Open SS into FR Window 400 8 ft. Foyer 7 ft. Foyer 6 ft. Foyer 5 ft. Foyer 4 ft. Foyer 3 ft. Foyer 2 ft. Foyer 1 ft. Foyer 350 o Temperature ( C) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) 1500 2000 Figure 651. Experiment 10 - Foyer Ignition FR Window Open Front Door Open SS into FR Window 350 7 ft. Kitchen 5 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Kitchen 1 ft. Kitchen 300 o Temperature ( C) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 652. Experiment 10 - Kitchen 1500 380 2000 Ignition FR Window Open Front Door Open SS into FR Window 300 7 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Living Room 250 3 ft. Living Room o Temperature ( C) 1 ft. Living Room 200 150 100 50 0 0 500 1000 Time (s) Figure 653. Experiment 10 - Living Room 1500 381 2000 Experiment 11 Ignition FR Window Open Front Door Open SS into FR Window 700 8 ft. Second Floor Hall 7 ft. Second Floor Hall 6 ft. Second Floor Hall 5 ft. Second Floor Hall 4 ft. Second Floor Hall 3 ft. Second Floor Hall 2 ft. Second Floor Hall 1 ft. Second Floor Hall 600 o Temperature ( C) 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 200 400 600 800 Time (s) Figure 654. Experiment 11 - Second Floor Hall Ignition 1000 1200 FR Window Open Front Door Open SS into FR Window 300 7 ft. Bedroom 1 5 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 1 1 ft. Bedroom 1 200 o Temperature ( C) 250 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 655. Experiment 11 - Bedroom 1 800 1000 382 1200 Ignition FR Window Open Front Door Open SS into FR Window 50 o Temperature ( C) 40 30 7 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 2 20 1 ft. Bedroom 2 10 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 656. Experiment 11 - Bedroom 2 Ignition 800 1000 1200 FR Window Open Front Door Open SS into FR Window 350 7 ft. Bedroom 3 5 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Bedroom 3 300 1 ft. Bedroom 3 o Temperature ( C) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 657. Experiment 11 - Bedroom 3 800 1000 383 1200 Ignition FR Window Open Front Door Open SS into FR Window 350 7 ft. Bedroom 4 5 ft. Bedroom 4 300 3 ft. Bedroom 4 1 ft. Bedroom 4 o Temperature ( C) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 658. Experiment 11 - Bedroom 4 Ignition 800 1000 1200 FR Window Open Front Door Open SS into FR Window 250 7 ft. Den 5 ft. Den 200 o Temperature ( C) 3 ft. Den 1 ft. Den 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) 800 1000 Figure 659. Experiment 11 - Den 384 1200 Ignition FR Window Open Front Door Open SS into FR Window 350 7 ft. Dining Room 5 ft. Dining Room 3 ft. Dining Room 300 1 ft. Dining Room o Temperature ( C) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 660. Experiment 11 - Dining Room Ignition 800 1000 FR Window Open Front Door Open SS into FR Window 1000 o Temperature ( C) 800 600 400 1200 17 ft. Family Room 16 ft. Family Room 15 ft. Family Room 14 ft. Family Room 13 ft. Family Room 12 ft. Family Room 11 ft. Family Room 10 ft. Family Room 9 ft. Family Room 8 ft. Family Room 7 ft. Family Room 6 ft. Family Room 5 ft. Family Room 4 ft. Family Room 3 ft. Family Room 2 ft. Family Room 1 ft. Family Room 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 661. Experiment 11 - Family Room 800 1000 385 1200 Ignition FR Window Open Front Door Open SS into FR Window 500 8 ft. Foyer 7 ft. Foyer 6 ft. Foyer 5 ft. Foyer 4 ft. Foyer 3 ft. Foyer 2 ft. Foyer 1 ft. Foyer o Temperature ( C) 400 300 200 100 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) 800 1000 1200 Figure 662. Experiment 11 - Foyer Ignition FR Window Open Front Door Open SS into FR Window 350 7 ft. Kitchen 5 ft. Kitchen 300 3 ft. Kitchen 1 ft. Kitchen o Temperature ( C) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 663. Experiment 11 - Kitchen 800 1000 386 1200 Ignition FR Window Open Front Door Open SS into FR Window 300 7 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Living Room 250 200 o Temperature ( C) 1 ft. Living Room 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 664. Experiment 11 - Living Room 800 1000 1200 Experiment 12 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 1400 8 ft. Living Room 7 ft. Living Room 6 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Living Room 4 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Living Room 2 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Living Room 1200 o Temperature ( C) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 665. Experiment 12 - Living Room 800 1000 387 1200 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 350 7 ft. Bedroom 1 5 ft. Bedroom 1 300 3 ft. Bedroom 1 1 ft. Bedroom 1 o Temperature ( C) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 200 600 Time (s) Figure 666. Experiment 12 - Bedroom 1 Ignition 400 800 1000 1200 LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window o Temperature ( C) 400 350 7 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 2 300 3 ft. Bedroom 2 1 ft. Bedroom 2 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 667. Experiment 12 - Bedroom 2 800 1000 388 1200 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 80 7 ft. Bedroom 3 5 ft. Bedroom 3 70 3 ft. Bedroom 3 1 ft. Bedroom 3 o Temperature ( C) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 200 600 Time (s) Figure 668. Experiment 12 - Bedroom 3 Ignition 400 800 1000 1200 LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 600 7 ft. Dining Room 5 ft. Dining Room 3 ft. Dining Room 500 400 o Temperature ( C) 1 ft. Dining Room 300 200 100 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 669. Experiment 12 - Dining Room 800 1000 389 1200 Ignition LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 800 8 ft. Hallway 7 ft. Hallway 6 ft. Hallway 5 ft. Hallway 4 ft. Hallway 3 ft. Hallway 2 ft. Hallway 1 ft. Hallway 700 o Temperature ( C) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 200 600 Time (s) Figure 670. Experiment 12 - Hallway Ignition 400 800 1000 1200 LR Window Open Front Door Open SS into LR Window 400 o Temperature ( C) 7 ft. Kitchen 350 5 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Kitchen 300 1 ft. Kitchen 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 671. Experiment 12 - Kitchen 800 1000 390 1200 Experiment 13 Ignition FR Window Open SS into FR Window Fog into FR Window Front Door Open 700 8 ft. Second Floor Hall 7 ft. Second Floor Hall 6 ft. Second Floor Hall 5 ft. Second Floor Hall 4 ft. Second Floor Hall 3 ft. Second Floor Hall 2 ft. Second Floor Hall 1 ft. Second Floor Hall 600 o Temperature ( C) 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 200 600 800 Time (s) Figure 672. Experiment 13 - Second Floor Hall Ignition 400 FR Window Open 1000 1200 SS into FR Window Fog into FR Window Front Door Open 250 7 ft. Bedroom 1 5 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 1 1 ft. Bedroom 1 o Temperature ( C) 200 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 673. Experiment 13 - Bedroom 1 800 1000 391 1200 Ignition FR Window Open SS into FR Window Fog into FR Window Front Door Open 40 35 o Temperature ( C) 30 25 20 7 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 2 1 ft. Bedroom 2 15 10 5 0 0 200 600 Time (s) Figure 674. Experiment 13 - Bedroom 2 Ignition 400 FR Window Open 800 1000 1200 SS into FR Window Fog into FR Window Front Door Open 350 7 ft. Bedroom 3 5 ft. Bedroom 3 3 ft. Bedroom 3 1 ft. Bedroom 3 300 o Temperature ( C) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 675. Experiment 13 - Bedroom 3 800 1000 392 1200 Ignition FR Window Open SS into FR Window Front Door Open Fog into FR Window 350 7 ft. Bedroom 4 5 ft. Bedroom 4 3 ft. Bedroom 4 1 ft. Bedroom 4 300 o Temperature ( C) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 200 600 Time (s) Figure 676. Experiment 13 - Bedroom 4 Ignition 400 FR Window Open 800 1000 1200 SS into FR Window Front Door Open Fog into FR Window 200 7 ft. Den 5 ft. Den 3 ft. Den 1 ft. Den o Temperature ( C) 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) 800 1000 Figure 677. Experiment 13 - Den 393 1200 Ignition FR Window Open SS into FR Window Front Door Open Fog into FR Window 300 7 ft. Dining Room 5 ft. Dining Room 250 3 ft. Dining Room 200 o Temperature ( C) 1 ft. Dining Room 150 100 50 0 0 200 600 Time (s) Figure 678. Experiment 13 - Dining Room Ignition 400 FR Window Open 800 1000 1200 SS into FR Window Front Door Open Fog into FR Window 1000 17 ft. Family Room 16 ft. Family Room 15 ft. Family Room 14 ft. Family Room 13 ft. Family Room 12 ft. Family Room 11 ft. Family Room 10 ft. Family Room 9 ft. Family Room 8 ft. Family Room 7 ft. Family Room 6 ft. Family Room 5 ft. Family Room 4 ft. Family Room 3 ft. Family Room 2 ft. Family Room 1 ft. Family Room o Temperature ( C) 800 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 679. Experiment 13 - Family Room 800 1000 394 1200 Ignition FR Window Open SS into FR Window Fog into FR Window Front Door Open 400 8 ft. Foyer 7 ft. Foyer 6 ft. Foyer 5 ft. Foyer 4 ft. Foyer 3 ft. Foyer 2 ft. Foyer 1 ft. Foyer 350 o Temperature ( C) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) 800 1000 1200 Figure 680. Experiment 13 - Foyer Ignition FR Window Open SS into FR Window Fog into FR Window Front Door Open 300 7 ft. Kitchen 5 ft. Kitchen 250 3 ft. Kitchen 200 o Temperature ( C) 1 ft. Kitchen 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 681. Experiment 13 - Kitchen 800 1000 395 1200 Ignition FR Window Open SS into FR Window Fog into FR Window Front Door Open 300 7 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Living Room 200 o Temperature ( C) 250 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 682. Experiment 13 - Living Room 800 1000 1200 Experiment 14 Ignition MBR Window Open BR2 Window Open LR Window Open Front Door Open BR3 Window Open Fog into LR Window 1400 8 ft. Living Room 7 ft. Living Room 6 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Living Room 4 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Living Room 2 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Living Room 1200 o Temperature ( C) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) 800 1000 Figure 683. Experiment 14 - Living Room 396 1200 Ignition MBR Window Open BR2 Window Open LR Window Open Front Door Open BR3 Window Open Fog into LR Window 500 7 ft. Bedroom 1 5 ft. Bedroom 1 3 ft. Bedroom 1 1 ft. Bedroom 1 o Temperature ( C) 400 300 200 100 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) 800 1000 1200 Figure 684. Experiment 14 - Bedroom 1 Ignition MBR Window Open BR2 Window Open LR Window Open Front Door Open BR3 Window Open Fog into LR Window 600 7 ft. Bedroom 2 5 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 2 1 ft. Bedroom 2 400 o Temperature ( C) 500 300 200 100 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) 800 1000 Figure 685. Experiment 14 - Bedroom 2 397 1200 Ignition MBR Window Open LR Window Open BR2 Window Open Front Door Open BR3 Window Open Fog into LR Window 120 7 ft. Bedroom 3 5 ft. Bedroom 3 100 3 ft. Bedroom 3 80 o Temperature ( C) 1 ft. Bedroom 3 60 40 20 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) 800 1000 1200 Figure 686. Experiment 14 - Bedroom 3 Ignition MBR Window Open LR Window Open BR2 Window Open Front Door Open BR3 Window Open Fog into LR Window 600 7 ft. Dining Room 5 ft. Dining Room 500 3 ft. Dining Room o Temperature ( C) 1 ft. Dining Room 400 300 200 100 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) 800 1000 Figure 687. Experiment 14 - Dining Room 398 1200 Ignition MBR Window Open BR2 Window Open LR Window Open Front Door Open BR3 Window Open Fog into LR Window 1000 8 ft. Hallway 7 ft. Hallway 6 ft. Hallway 5 ft. Hallway 4 ft. Hallway 3 ft. Hallway 2 ft. Hallway 1 ft. Hallway o Temperature ( C) 800 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) 800 1000 1200 Figure 688. Experiment 14 - Hallway Ignition MBR Window Open BR2 Window Open LR Window Open Front Door Open BR3 Window Open Fog into LR Window 500 7 ft. Kitchen 5 ft. Kitchen 400 3 ft. Kitchen o Temperature ( C) 1 ft. Kitchen 300 200 100 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) 800 1000 Figure 689. Experiment 14 - Kitchen 399 1200 Experiment 15 Den Window Open FR1 Window Open LR Window Open Ignition Front Door Open FR2 Window Open Fog into FR1 Window 1000 8 ft. Second Floor Hall 7 ft. Second Floor Hall 6 ft. Second Floor Hall 5 ft. Second Floor Hall 4 ft. Second Floor Hall 3 ft. Second Floor Hall 2 ft. Second Floor Hall 1 ft. Second Floor Hall o Temperature ( C) 800 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) 800 1000 1200 Figure 690. Experiment 15 - Second Floor Hall Den Window Open FR1 Window Open LR Window Open Ignition Front Door Open FR2 Window Open Fog into FR1 Window 350 7 ft. Bedroom 1 5 ft. Bedroom 1 300 3 ft. Bedroom 1 1 ft. Bedroom 1 o Temperature ( C) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) 800 1000 Figure 691. Experiment 15 - Bedroom 1 400 1200 Den Window Open FR1 Window Open LR Window Open Ignition Front Door Open FR2 Window Open Fog into FR1 Window 50 o Temperature ( C) 40 30 7 ft. Bedroom 2 20 5 ft. Bedroom 2 3 ft. Bedroom 2 1 ft. Bedroom 2 10 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) 800 1000 1200 Figure 692. Experiment 15 - Bedroom 2 Den Window Open FR1 Window Open LR Window Open Ignition Front Door Open FR2 Window Open Fog into FR1 Window 500 7 ft. Bedroom 3 5 ft. Bedroom 3 400 3 ft. Bedroom 3 o Temperature ( C) 1 ft. Bedroom 3 300 200 100 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) 800 1000 Figure 693. Experiment 15 - Bedroom 3 401 1200 Den Window Open FR1 Window Open LR Window Open Ignition Front Door Open FR2 Window Open Fog into FR1 Window 400 7 ft. Bedroom 4 350 5 ft. Bedroom 4 3 ft. Bedroom 4 o Temperature ( C) 300 1 ft. Bedroom 4 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) 800 1000 1200 Figure 694. Experiment 15 - Bedroom 4 Den Window Open FR1 Window Open LR Window Open Ignition Front Door Open FR2 Window Open Fog into FR1 Window 350 7 ft. Den 5 ft. Den 3 ft. Den 1 ft. Den 300 o Temperature ( C) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) 800 1000 Figure 695. Experiment 15 - Den 402 1200 Den Window Open FR1 Window Open LR Window Open Ignition Front Door Open FR2 Window Open Fog into FR1 Window 500 7 ft. Dining Room 5 ft. Dining Room 3 ft. Dining Room 1 ft. Dining Room o Temperature ( C) 400 300 200 100 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) 800 1000 1200 Figure 696. Experiment 15 - Dining Room Den Window Open LR Window Open FR1 Window Open Ignition Front Door Open FR2 Window Open Fog into FR1 Window 1200 17 ft. Family Room 16 ft. Family Room 15 ft. Family Room 14 ft. Family Room 13 ft. Family Room 12 ft. Family Room 11 ft. Family Room 10 ft. Family Room 9 ft. Family Room 8 ft. Family Room 7 ft. Family Room 6 ft. Family Room 5 ft. Family Room 4 ft. Family Room 3 ft. Family Room 2 ft. Family Room 1 ft. Family Room 800 o Temperature ( C) 1000 600 400 200 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 697. Experiment 15 - Family Room 800 1000 403 1200 Den Window Open LR Window Open FR1 Window Open Ignition Front Door Open FR2 Window Open Fog into FR1 Window 700 8 ft. Foyer 7 ft. Foyer 6 ft. Foyer 5 ft. Foyer 4 ft. Foyer 3 ft. Foyer 2 ft. Foyer 1 ft. Foyer 600 o Temperature ( C) 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) 800 1000 1200 Figure 698. Experiment 15 - Foyer Den Window Open LR Window Open FR1 Window Open Ignition Front Door Open FR2 Window Open Fog into FR1 Window 500 7 ft. Kitchen 5 ft. Kitchen 3 ft. Kitchen 1 ft. Kitchen o Temperature ( C) 400 300 200 100 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) Figure 699. Experiment 15 - Kitchen 800 1000 404 1200 Den Window Open LR Window Open FR1 Window Open Ignition Front Door Open FR2 Window Open Fog into FR1 Window 500 7 ft. Living Room 5 ft. Living Room 3 ft. Living Room 1 ft. Living Room o Temperature ( C) 400 300 200 100 0 0 200 400 600 Time (s) 800 1000 Figure 700. Experiment 15 - Living Room 405 1200