frindle dictionary #2 - Young Elementary School
frindle dictionary #2 - Young Elementary School
FRINDLE DICTIONARY A One Book/One School Production Published by Nancy Young Elementary PTA Adrienne Morgan, Principal Blaire Ranucci, Librarian Carolyn Fichte, One Book/One School Chairperson Kristen Flanders, PTA President Written by Nancy Young Elementary Students 2011-2012 A ABERLIN (abe-er-lin) verb, to make a difference in the world; “Was she trying to be aberlin by picking up the garbage off the street?” Brianne 4H ABOOLIK (a-boo-lik) noun, a library; “I love the aboolik!” Valeria 2J ADIPDOE (a-dip-doe) noun, a rounded fruit with firm white flesh and a seedy core (aka: apple) Alexis 1D ASLAPTOIN (a-slap-shun) verb, to show appreciation by slapping Myah 4W AUESCARE (aw-scare) adj. awesomely scary Melanie 4BE B BEASTLYBOSSOME (beast-ly-boss-ome) adj. to be a beastly boss and awesome at the same time Nikki and Ryan 4W BHELBA (bhel-ba) noun, another word for Red Riding Hood Ronit 4PE BIP (bip) noun, another way for saying dog Alyson 1MO BLOOFEY (bloo-fe) noun, a car or automobile BOOMBA (boom-ba) noun, a book box Connor 4D Sam 1S BOONZY (boon-zee) verb, An expression of ones love Logan 1D BUNNY BUNNA (bunny-bun-na) noun, animal that looks like a bunny Catherine 1D BURIGIOS (burr-e-gee-os) noun, a burrito and cheeseburger mixed together Micheal 4W C C3PO (see-three-pee-oh) adj. cool Raghav 2ST CAMBOO (kam-boo) verb, a cat jumps Amanda 2ST CLACKY (kla-kee) noun, someone who is weird and crazy CLIPPERS (klip-pers) noun, scissors CLOPPER (klop-per) noun, spoon COAT (kote) noun, books by Kriti 4W Juliana KS Elen 4W COLAMUONE (coul-a-me-own) adj, good luck; break a leg Aubree 5P COLAMUONMWAH (kola-muna-wah) verb, wish me luck COMKIE (kom-kee) verb, to be the happiest person Aubree 5P Kamia 4D CONCABA (kon-ka-ba) verb, to have fun with yourself and others Ananya CONFUZLED (con-fuz-led) verb, to be confused or puzzled about something; “I was very confuzled about my Math Homework.” Leah 4H COOKAPER (cook-a-p-er) noun, paper which you can write on, but it’s made out of cookies so you could eat it Sanjay 4PE CRYING QUEST (cry-ing-qwest) noun, an A.R. test CUGGLE (cuggle) verb, snuggle and cuddle Sylvia 3M Kriti 4W D DAFLECTIONS (da-flec-tion) verb, deflect affection; put hand up before someone tries to show affection (tender feelings) Aimee 4PE DALAMBLE (da-lam-ble) verb, to flip your card DECIA (dee-see-uh) noun, a friend Faith 1E Ava 1K DIGLYOFIE (dig-lie-o-fy) adj. someone who represents class, style; to be cool Dillan 3M DINOREXPENGUIN (dyno-rex-pen-gwin) noun, a dinosaur mixed with a T-rex and a penguin Myah 4W DISCOMBOBULATED (dis-come-bob-u-la-ted) verb, very confused; “I am discombobulated because I am trying to solve this puzzle.” Brianne 4H DOLELOP (do-le-lop) verb, I want my dog Maddison 2G DOSTER (daus-tur) verb, 1. to think or ponder 2. to express curiosity 3. to annoy with over use of questions Twenty-first century English Related forms - dostered, dostering, dostry; Synonyms - reflect, meditate, pester DRADLL (dradl) adv. there is a hole Gili 2ST Eddie 2ST DUNCH (dunch) noun, a meal in between lunch and dinner 5K Justin E ECMATOLLIGY (ec-ma-to-lli-gy) noun, history of Economics Samantha 3L EKQUL (eh-kl) noun, an awesome person, place or thing “NYE is ekqul.” Luke 4W ELEPRARTICUS LLAMA DINSSTRICHA FIN PING PONG (ele-prar-tikus l-a-ma din-str-ka-fin-ping-pong) noun, an elephant playing ping pong against a llama and ostrich ENDIL (en-dyl) noun, sock Aden 5R Arturo 1S ENTRADA (en-tra-da) noun, a birthday party Suvan 1D EXFORENINONIG (ex-for-nin-o-nig) verb, to study while eating muffins; synonyms study, work hard, eat muffins Aabha 4BL F FEENA (fee-na) noun, a star Sawyer KS FICTA (fyk-ta) noun, a kind of flower that is light pink and smells like a cherry by Michaela 2ST FIGGLER (fig-ler) noun, a pencil Phillip 4BL FLITZR (flit-ser) verb, get someone on their back for 3 seconds in wrestling in a quick amount of time Thomas 2SZ FLOOPY (flu-pee) verb, to do a triple bake flip in mid-air FLUFOO (flu-foo) noun, dog Sydney 1S FNOFO (fno-fo) noun, book Jack 1S FOOF (fuf) verb, to blow on your food to cool it down; “Make sure you foof your food before you eat it!” Robyn 5R FOOFY (foo-fi) adj. puffy In the morning; “My hair is foofy.” Morgan 2J FOOGYLYBOO (foog-y-ly-boo) verb, who are You? FOOMFO (foom-fo) noun, fire Amanda 1S Bianca 2G FRAMBLE (fram-bul) verb, to do an awkward motion with your fingers Parama 4BE FRANGO (fran-go) noun, a lot of stuff; “I always get frango for my birthday.” Sean 2J FREAK OVER (freek-o-vur) verb, sleepover Abigail 1S FRENCIL (fren-cil) noun, a pencil; “At school, I have three frencils. One frencil is from home.” FROTE (fro-t) verb, to yell very loud Morgan 2J Nyla 3SM FUCHISIA (fu-chi-sia) adj. the color purple; “My favorite color is fuchisia.” Atma KS FUFOO (fu-foo) noun, a book; “I love fufoos.” FUNER Pranathi 1S Marian 2S FUNDAKELUNGA (fun-du-ku-lun-ga) adj. funny Ribhav 1ME FURBLE (furr-bul) noun, a mixture of a fish and girble FUZITLE (fuzz-ee-tul) adj. awesome Jack 5E Emiliano 4PE G GAMPPY (gam-pee) noun, a person who plays a lot of video games Ayush 2G GARLIND (gar-lynd) adj, not normal; not ordinary; different GLAP (glap) noun, paper; “I found a piece of glap.” Daniel and Josh 4W GOODER (good-er) adj. better than good GOOGLELACHI (goo-gul-la-chww) adv. a word to add to your sentence to make it sound cool Emma 2ST GOOGOLIEMOOGOOLIE (goo ga-la-li-moooo-gaa-ly) adv. being surprised Blake 4B GRINDLE (grin-del) noun, a dictionary Vyshak 3B GRINY (gry-nee) noun, tiny grains of broken rock, found on beaches or in deserts Abby 3B GUEYWOOWEY (goo-ee-woo-ee) adj. cute and adorable; “My baby brother is gueywoowey!” Josie 2J GURPLE (Gur-ple) noun, rubberband or hair band Annekah 5K H HANSHE (hand-shee) noun, eyes Brandon 4BE HECEV (he-kev) verb, to hike a long distance Matthew 2S HOBLEPLA (ho-bble-pla) adj, no in any language HUGETIC (hu-je-tik) adj, bigger than huge Rohan 4W Megan 4BE J JINGLEINE (ging-ling) noun, a lunch box Christina 2SZ JOYLA (goy-la) noun, toy Joy 1S JRULLY (ju-lee) noun, a very fancy chair that comes with a remote that gives you the ability to relax Reeti 4D K KETA (key-ta) noun, bubbles that fall from the sky; “On the weather forecast, it said that it was going to keta.” KIDELF (kyd-elf) noun, a notebook Trevor 4BE Sophie 5C L LAMONS (la-mons) noun, 4th grade work LENTISS (l-en-ti-s) noun, a mermaid Madison 4BE Avary KS LOGI (lo-gee) noun, a snack that you eat after dinner (ie: cookie) Natalia 4D M MADEK (may-deck) noun, enjoyment; “All the kids had madek at the birthday party.” Matthew 1D MAGBOOK (mag-book) noun, half book, half magazine MAQUIRE (ma-qwire) noun, a back pack Kara 4BL Daniel and Josh 4W MARCOBIERANNANAR (marko-beer-anar) noun, a class; “I love Mrs. Morris’ markkobierannanar!” Meena 1MO MELLOW (mell-ow) noun, yellow Dalima 1E MILL (myll) verb, to be frightened Arjun 2ST MINZA (meenga) noun, a grandparent; “My minga comes to my house.” Zach 3B MOCKAMSMEELA (mock-um-smeelah) noun, a person who is very cute; “My baby brother is a mockamsmeela.” Anisha 3M MOOPIE (moo-pee) noun, a blank white square that you can write with a frindle on Jack 4D MONSTER (mon-ster) noun, a computer Safa 4W MUNCHY (mun-chee) noun, a half of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich Molly KP MUTOMITAN (moo-to-mee-tan) adj. weirdly funny MYELLO (m-yello) noun, a greeting Alissa 4BE Rushabh 4W N NEMO (nee-mow) noun, a game “McKinley loves to play his nemos.” McKinley 2A NIPH (nip) noun, a computer “Can I have a niph?” Parker 2G NOBALY (no-ball-ee) adj, incomplete not thorough Caleb 4BL NOOB (noob) verb, you have been served Will 4BE O OOHAHH (ooh-ahh) adj, big or large; “That is an oohahh head you have.” Robert 1K OOZA (oo-zuh) noun, a dog William 5R OXERD (ox-erd) noun, a backpack or a book bag Anish 1K P PANKEY (pan-key) noun, pants PENA (pe-na) noun, soup Chase 4PE Kanika 1MO PEPPERFISH (pepp-ur-fish) noun, a pen Christina 1D PINDLE (pyn-dul) noun, pencil PINGAFINS (ping-a-fins) noun, an animal that is half penguin and half fish; it will chase its fish-like tail. Bella 2J PINTILLEAN (pin-till-e-un) noun, an oval shaped ball that is used in football games Joshua 1K PLOOT (ploot) noun, a cup; “I drink milk in my plot.” Neel KTA PUGA (pooga) noun, a baseball; “GT’s favorite position in puga is catcher.” GT 4W PURPLE (purr-pul) noun, the thing you sit on during school Ryan 4W PURPLE (purr-pul) noun, a thing you can sit on (chair) Havish 4W Q Q AND A (kew-and-ayy) noun, a book QUANTLE (quant-le) noun, a clock Vesaal 1S Jackson 3SM QUEVELYN (cwe-ve-lyn) verb, to run; “Are you going to quevelyn in the race?” Robyn 5R R RALYKS (rawl-eeks) verb, to shine brightly through the night; “The moon ralyks when it is full.” Skylar 2ST RANNELI (ran-ely) adj. squishy; “The spaghetti is ranelli.” Jadyn 3SM ROCKING CUBBER LAND (rok-ingcub-ur-land) noun, a rubber band Kriti 4W S SAPOTUW (sap-o tuw) noun, two shoes Jake 4BL SEES (seez) noun, cheese; “I hate sees.” Srilasya 4BE SHBATH (sh-bath-y) noun, a shower and a bath mixed together Madison 1D SHISKEBUB (shis-ke-bub) noun, a worker SHIZZLY (shiz-ul-ee) adj, to be weird Karthik 4BL Cameron 5P SHNAIN (sh-nayn) noun, snow and rain mixed together SHNOODY (shnood-y) noun, a school Tinrey 4BL Michael 1S SHOOGLEY-BOOGLEY (shoo-gel-ee-boo-gel-ee) adj, noun 1. to be thrilled or excited; “I am so shoogley-boogley to go to Arizona.” 2. to be frightened with delight; “Oh my shoogleyboogley, thank you so much.” Nicole 4D SHWIGINSWITER (sh-wig-in-swite-er) noun, a paper Safa 4W SKADUSH (ska-do-sh) verb, to go away (do hand signals when saying it) Jake 3H SKRAGHUTALS (skra-ghutals) noun, anything; “ love skraghutals.” Kaden 4PE SLINY (sly-nee) adj, smooth by Tvisha 1D SLOPING (slop-ing) noun, something you can use to erase; a small piece of rubber used to remove the marks made by a pencil Estrella Cabral 2S SNOW’GLE (snow-gul) noun, a beagle dog sliding down a snowhill Mrs. Dyschkant 1st grade SNUSH (snush) noun, snow and slush mixed together Tyler 4BL SOCKPO (sock-po-s) verb, a hippo wearing socks; “I went to the zoo and saw a sockpo.” Manal 4PE SOODLE (soo-duhle) noun, soup on top of noodles SPAKE (spak) noun, a fancy dog Kylee KS Zoe 1E SPIKER (spik-yr) noun, a name for computer Joesh 1S SQUIDABA (squid-a-ba) conjuntion, a word used when a word you don’t know appears Rissa 4PE SROAM (sro-am) noun, a room Allison 2ST STOMBI (stom-bee) verb, really happy Rahul 4BE STRUNO (struno) noun, a desk Nishit 4BL SUSLSTUDS (sus-ul-studs) noun, ice cream Alexa 4BL SUPERTASTIC (soop-er-tas-tik) verb, happy Sanjana 4BE SYNDER (sin-dor) noun, a female dog; “I love to play with my synder.” Shreya 2A T TABUMBLE (ta-bum-bul) verb, to go tumbling with friends Anabel 1S TADAWA (ta-da-wa) verb, to show excitement ; an interjection Laurel 4PE TAKI (tah-kee) noun, a book; “Quincy is enjoying reading his taki.” Quincy KC TEENA (tee-na) noun, a star Sawyer KS TOSSY (taugh-c) noun, a nose Rishabh TOWBATAGON (to-ba-ta-gan) noun, a large glass mug with a handle for tea, coffee, or hot chocolate Shinji KTA TRISQUAD (tris-kwad) noun, a monster Aayush 4BE V VEKENTYRE (vek-en-tire) verb, to pop Robyn 5R VLYIVISDALE (vly-ivi-ess-dale) noun, an invisible fly Daniel 5K W WABALOOBI (wab-a-loo-bee) adj. to be excited Jesse 4BE WAZ (waz) noun, someone who is crazy and psychotic Cameron 5P WEIRCKY (wyr-cky) adj. weird and funky Katie 3H WEIRDOOWAAA (werd-oo-wah) noun, peculiar guy walking, from the word weird Cole 1D WELFULLY (wel-ful-ly) verb, a very happy, fun motion WHILK (wilk) noun, dirty water from the ground WHINT (wint) verb, to be nice Jasmine 4PE Aaron 4W Gregory 2A WIRGLE (wir-gul) verb, to wiggle in place Carly 1D WORKBOT (werk-bot) noun, a robot that does work for you Ryan 2A Y YELLOWUH (yel-low-uh) noun, a big yellow construction truck with a digger Claudio KP YOGALOG (yog-a-log) noun, a winged, mushroom-like creature that breaks pineapples Aditi 5C YOUEE (yowee) verb, to cuddle Allison 3L YTHISE (ya-ti-see) verb, means to talk really fast; “I ythised that I started hiccupping!” alternatives: ythised, ythising Akshaya 4PE Z ZIZZY WEE (zizz-ee-wee) verb, the highest point while swinging on swing Olivia 2A ZYLIP (z-i-lip) noun, a book Drew 4D ZYNLE (zinl) noun, a piece of paper; “Can I have a zynle?” Zachary 4PE