grounds - Greater Hilltop Area Shalom Zone


grounds - Greater Hilltop Area Shalom Zone
~ .•.•.
Hilltop, U.S.A.
Business Opportunity & Marketing Analysis
June 25, 2011
Nate Johnson
Table of Contents
The Opportunity
Target Market
Business Concept
Financing Estimates
Appendix A - Competition
Appendix B - Financing
Logo & Men u Designs
DS Created by ...
Meghan Meyer
The Opportunity
The Hilltop Business Association commissioned a market analysis conducted by Blvd.
Strategies. The study revealed that Hilltop residents (especially those situated in the growing
Westgate subdivision) would readily support a "sit-down restaurant and/or coffee shop [where]
folks [can] gather." This desire was substantiated by door-to-door research conducted by
members of the non-profit group, Greater Hilltop Area Shalom Zone.
Not only is this an expressed community desire, but a review of the local competition reveals
that not only can the neighborhood support the cafe concept, but that there are no viable
substitutes nearby. As the majority of established restaurants in the Hilltop area are fast food
chains and pizza restaurants, a local spot offering coffee, sandwiches and a comfortable setting
would be a truly unique product offering for Hilltop residents and commuters to enjoy.
To capitalize on this opportunity and enrich the Hilltop community we propose opening a locally
owned and operated cafe- Uphill Grounds.
Competitive Analysis
Detailed competitive analysis summary - Appendix A, p.18
A thorough analysis of the competition for a cafe in the Hilltop was conducted for this plan. This
analysis focused on who the competition are, where they are located, what products and services
they offer (including atmosphere) and what they charge. A detailed summary of these findings is
included in Appendix A.
This competitive analysis serves as the impetus for many of the recommendations found in this
plan. Among the most important findings is what price point the local economy can support.
This was found by using the average price of a meal to feed one individual from each dining
establishment. The average price for 23 restaurants in the area is $7. This is a crucial point of
information, because it more than anything else tells us what type of businesses the area can
economically support.
The second finding that shaped the recommendations for Uphill Grounds is the type of restaurant
found in the Hilltop. Clearly from the list, the dominant offerings from restaurants in the area
are hamburgers and pizza. Uphill Grounds can easily differentiate from their competition with
their product offerings alone. A fresh menu featuring deli sandwiches, bagels, coffee and Hilltop
beans is not only a healthier alternative to the greasy offerings of fast food establishments, but a
cost effective way to fulfill an unmet need for the area.
The final opportunity uncovered through this competitive analysis is the need for a comfortable
atmosphere that entices customers to "sit and stay awhile." Not only is this a characteristic
sought after by the community, but also this is an opportunity for Uphill Grounds to be ahead of
an industry trend. In May of this year RBC Capital Markets reported that McDonalds will be
remodeling 6,000 locations across the United States to make environments more conducive to
sitting with a cup of coffee and reading, like one would at a Starbucks or Panera. According to
RBC, "it won't be cheap, but the return on investment will be significant." By providing this
atmosphere up front, Uphill Grounds will position itself to be a leader in comfort and atmosphere
in an area saturated with sterile, plastic booths and fluorescent lights.
Meeting Challenges
This concept is not without its set of unique challenges. There are three primary challenges
facing a venture like Uphill Grounds the established competition, the local economy in the
Hilltop area and some negative trends in the limited service food industry.
Established Competition
The local competition in the Hilltop area is mostly established fast-food restaurant franchises.
While there are some family-owned restaurants, the chain restaurants are the most formidable
competitors because of their name recognition, national branding and large corporate support
networks. Companies like McDonalds and Wendy's have been operating for many years and
have certain efficiencies that will be difficult for smaller start-up entities like Uphill Grounds to
emulate. However, the unique and local quality that is inherent in a venture like Uphill Grounds
can be a significant advantage over the "cookie-cutter" sameness of chain restaurants.
Local Economy
The Hilltop area is not an economically thriving neighborhood. According to 2000 U.S. Census
data the median household income was $18,750 for the 42332 zip code encompassing most of
the Hilltop. That number has most likely increased due to inflation over the last decade, but
remains well below the national average. Nevertheless, the study by Blvd. Strategies found that
the median income in the Westgate Subdivision of the Hilltop was a much higher $50,352 and
had a population of approximately 4,500 people.
While this population can help support the business concept, Uphill Grounds needs to be
extremely conscious of their product pricing to make sure that the local population (a primary
target market) can support the venture. Also, Uphill Grounds needs to provide products that
appeal to and directly support this population's needs in order to entice them to spend their
limited funds.
Industry Trends
Not only does the local economy present certain risks to a venture like Uphill Grounds, the
limited service restaurant industry has been facing challenges due to falling overall consumer
spending as a result of the economic recession as well as rising consumer preferences for
healthier eating options. According to the Risk Management Association, a company
specializing in industry research for commercial banks, this awareness will increase in the near
future potentially threatening the fast food industry.
Uphill Grounds can actually take advantage of this trend that has been hurting many of its
competitors by offering healthier menu items. Deli sandwiches made with fresh meats and
vegetables will serve to capitalize on this trend and draw distinct contrasts to the local fast food
Target Market
There are two primary target markets for Uphill Grounds.
1. Residents - Local members of the Hilltop Community
2. Commuters - Visitors who come to the Hilltop to work, but live elsewhere
We assume the resident target market would want a comfortable atmosphere, low prices, internet
access, local ownership and employees, and fast morning service. By focusing on these aspects
of Uphill Grounds, the company can directly appeal to the local residents and achieve a loyal
customer base.
Comfortable Atmosphere
This was an expressed desire of local residents and a trend in the limited service restaurant
industry. Providing an atmosphere that entices customers to sit, work, read and chat with friends
will foster a regular and loyal customer base of local residents.
Low Prices
The economic and competitive environments in the Hilltop make low prices an obvious priority.
This is crucially important to attract and hold local clientele that will be important to the longterm success of Uphill Grounds.
Internet Access
Internet access is less readily available in lower-income areas and offering both wireless service
and computers for customer use will attract Hilltop residents that need to surf the web for a
variety of reasons. This will attract local students doing homework, residents searching for
employment and others that need to check email or update their Facebook page.
Local Entrepreneur & Local Employees
Having a local business manager running Uphill Grounds with local employees will immediately
add a local appeal and a source of community pride in the Hilltop. This is another effective way
to differentiate from the chain restaurant offerings in the area and attract local customers with a
desire to support their neighborhood.
Fast Morning Service
Fast and efficient service is essential when competing with fast food restaurants. Because of the
competitive environment, Hilltop residents may have gotten used to the quick and convenient
service at a McDonalds or Wendy's restaurant. While the environment in Uphill Grounds will
be starkly different, quick service is essential to meeting customer expectations in the area.
We assume the commuter target market would want fresh menu options, a comfortable lunch
alternative, a sense of supporting the local community and fast morning service. While some of
these characteristics overlap with the local resident target market, by focusing on these aspects of
the business, Uphill Grounds is likely to gain the loyalty of both market segments.
Fresh Menu Options
To take advantage of consumer trends toward healthier eating options, especially for the more
affluent commuters, fresh menu options are a key ingredient to attract this market. Make-yourown deli sandwiches give the customer the ability to make a healthier choice than a typical fast
food restaurant can offer.
Comfortable Lunch Alternative
For those that work in the Hilltop and may want to leave their workplace for lunch, providing a
comfortable and inviting atmosphere will further differentiate Uphill Grounds. Fresh dining
options and a unique atmosphere will entice lunching commuters that are weary of chain fast
food menus and environments.
Supporting the Community
Many commuters to the Hilltop work for organizations like The Zone that are working to
improve the Hilltop community in one way or another. Having a uniquely local lunch spot with
local employees will give a sense of supporting the community in which these commuters work
each day.
Fast Morning Service
Commuters of all job descriptions will benefit from a uniquely branded and delicious coffee as
they drive in to work each morning. A fast and efficient drive through service with a coffee and
bagel breakfast special will appeal to these hurried morning commuters.
Positioning Statement
Uphill Grounds - Afresh dining alternative on the Hilltop
where friends and family can sit and stay awhile.
Business Concept
While the residents themselves inspired the idea for a cafe in the Hilltop, the concept for Uphill
Grounds goes beyond these expressed desires. In addition to offering a comfortable place to
enjoy a cup of coffee among friends, Uphill Grounds will offer food items, computer access and
wireless service. Recent trends in restaurant marketing and environments support a plan to
create a unique atmosphere that fosters conversation and regular visits. In fact, even fast food
restaurants like McDonalds and established chain coffee shops like Starbucks are actively
seeking ways to make their restaurants more comfortable and unique.
Limited Service
Uphill Grounds will be a limited service restaurant in a leased retail space on West Broad Street
between Wilson Road and Hague Avenue. The service model will be similar to fast food
restaurants in that customers will approach a counter, place their order, seat themselves and
retrieve their order once it is ready. This model is in the interest of saving the customer time and
money (in avoiding tips for waiters). Also, this model requires fewer employees to run
efficiently, which will limit overhead costs and improve the profitability of Uphill Grounds.
Ideally the location will be situated on the end of a strip center with a drive-through window to
take advantage of morning coffee drinkers and take-out customers. The primary competition in
the area is from fast food restaurants and matching their product offerings will be crucial to
success for Uphill Grounds. While matching services is essential, Uphill Grounds' competitive
advantages are derived from its stark differences with fast food chains in products and
Unique Branded Coffee
Coffee will be a central product offering for Uphill Grounds. The coffee should have a unique
flavor that is higher quality than coffee that is readily available from fast food establishments and
convenience stores in the area. However, while the coffee will be higher quality, the menu will
not be complicated. Instead of having a full menu of coffee drinks (i.e. Starbucks' espressos and
frappacinos) Uphill Grounds will offer regular and decaf coffee to remain simple and familiar to
the Hilltop community.
Fresh Deli Sandwiches & Local Sides
Aside from coffee, Uphill Grounds will offer a variety of simple deli sandwiches that are
inherently healthier than grease laden fast food burgers and fries. It is also important for the
menu to have an item that makes it uniquely a part of the Hilltop community. A local side dish
is a cost effective way to transform the menu from a typical deli, to a uniquely Hilltop
The largest community festival in the neighborhood is the Hilltop Bean Dinner, which takes
place annually at West Gate Park and its inspirations date back to the Civil War. Not only are
beans uniquely Hilltop, but they are an inexpensive side that go with any sandwich or stand on
their own. By offering "a hill of beans" as a side to any sandwich, Uphill grounds will appeal to
locals and commuters alike - anyone who wants a quintessential Hilltop dining experience.
Sample Menu on the following page
Sample Menu
Sandwiches (after
Early Bird Special
Freshly brewed coffee, toasted
bagel with cream cheese.
Food (served anytime)
Bagel with cream cheese
Fruit Cup
Hill of Beans
Our homemade Hilltop Bean
Recipe, add to any order!
Can of Pop
Soup (after
Homemade chili, vegetable, and
chicken noodle.
(All sandwiches served with chips
and a pickle spear on a choice of
white, wheat, bun, or bagel.)
Chicken Salad
Tuna Salad
Our homemade salad with lettuce
and tomato.
Classic Club
Turkey, ham, bacon, cheddar,
lettuce, tomato, mayonnaise.
Italian Sub
Ham, pepperoni, salami, lettuce,
tomato, onion, provolone, and our
homemade Italian dressing.
Veggie Sandwich
Fresh bell peppers, cucumbers,
lettuce, tomato, onion, feta
cheese, homemade balsamic
Deli Sandwich
Choice of meat, cheese, toppings.
Salads (after
Chef's Salad
Mixed greens, tomato, bacon bits,
cheddar, carrots, house dressing.
Caesar Salad
Romaine lettuce, parmesan
cheese, homemade Caesar
dressing, and croutons.
Add a hill of beans to any sandwich for just $O.7S!
Computers & Wireless Service
Another way to mitigate the economic challenges in the Hilltop area is to offer products that
directly appeal to this population. One way to do this is to offer computer and Internet access in
the cafe. According to a U.S. Commerce Department study households with median income less
than $50,000 a year were more likely to use the internet in a place other than their home or
workplace. Anecdotal evidence in the Hilltop supports this opportunity as well. The local branch
of the Columbus Metropolitan Library system has a sizeable computer lab that is often
completely full. This indicates that many Hilltop residents would find value in a place that
offered computer and Internet access.
To take advantage of this opportunity we propose that Uphill Grounds have four or five
computer stations in the cafe. Ideally the computers could be donated or bought used to limit the
associated start-up costs, but in either case this product offering will entice new customers to try
the new restaurant in the neighborhood.
Demand will likely be high for computer access and a system to rotate customers should be in
place to ensure multiple visitors can access the computers during the day and evening. A sign-up
sheet and time limit would be an effective way to manage this problem. This could be refined to
a system where one or two of the computers are reserved for short sessions (to check email or for
a quick web search). At the same time, the other computers could be signed out for longer time
periods for customers to search for jobs or do homework. This hybrid system will deliver
maximum value to customers who do not have Internet access readily available at their home or
Finally, wireless service is a cheap and easy way to offer Internet access to customers who have
laptops of their own. The wireless router can be password protected and only given out to
paying customers to help move inventory and entice customers to try the coffee and other food
items on the menu. Computer and Internet access will not only deliver increased value to Hilltop
customers, but also add to the unique atmosphere and service offerings to further differentiate
from the fast-food competition in the area.
The exterior of the building must have an eye catching and inviting theme. A well designed logo
is important to create an on street allure for Uphill Grounds. The logo does not need to be
elaborate, but should be clear and simple. Below is a photo of a diner located in Grandview
Heights. It has an attractive storefront, with large windows and a well-designed theme centered
on their logo.
Also of note is the Grandview Bobcats (local school mascot) Athlete sign in the window. Simple
touches like these instantly give the D.K. Diner a local appeal to residents in the area. Uphill
Grounds should replicate this strategy to differentiate from their competition and appeal directly
to their local target market. The D.K. Diner continues this strategy in their interior decoration
and atmosphere as well. While this is a free standing building, this same type of design could be
implemented in strip centers, which are more prevalent on West Broad Street where The Zone
plans to open Uphill Grounds.
D.K. Diner - Grandview
The inside of Uphill Grounds should be a clean, inviting and cozy atmosphere that entices
customers to relax and stay for some time. The environment should be conducive to sitting alone
or with friends, working or doing homework and quiet chatting. This environment will be a key
distinguishing factor between Uphill Grounds and its competitors. Fast food and even the few
full service restaurants are somewhat sterile chain environments with little local appeal or
uniqueness. In fact, Uphill Grounds will be a trendsetter in the neighborhood even as
McDonalds and other restaurants remodel to make their atmosphere more comfortable and
conducive to retaining customers. The decor will be simple and inspired by local events and
themes related to the Hilltop.
Below is an example from a coffee shop called Stauf's that is also in the Grandview area. They
have an open floor plan with small tables that are easily moved around to accommodate groups
or individuals. On the back wall are wooden slats where pamphlets and brochures from
businesses and individuals in the Grandview area are placed as free advertisement for their
services and events.
Stauf's - Grandview
While Stauf's has a layout that entices customers to stay for a period of time, the decor is trendy,
with provocative art hanging on the walls. This is not the local, kitchen table image that Uphill
Grounds will promote. Instead, Uphill Grounds should draw its decor ideas from other
restaurants that are simpler and emphasize its local appeal.
On the following page there is a sample layout for Uphill Grounds that incorporates the ideal
features to maximize value delivered to its customers. The layout incorporates moveable tables
for groups or individuals. A drive-through window is pictured; however, this will only be
possible in a freestanding building or at the end of strip mall, certainly items to consider when
selecting a specific location. Along the right wall are a line of individual computer stations with
desks and chairs. Also, near the front window and cash register is elevated bar seating for
individuals with laptops or customers that want a view of the street. The cashier is placed so that
one employee could potentially serve both the walk-in customers and drive through depending
on the traffic in the restaurant. Adjacent to the cashier is a kitchen area with storage as well as a
Sample Layout
Bar Seating
• • II II BileMi II II II
Available Retail Space
Selecting a retail location is one of the most important decisions to make when opening a
restaurant like Uphill Grounds. While there are many factors to consider when selecting a
location, below is a list of some important criteria. This list is not exhaustive, but should serve
as a starting point for the selection process.
Evaluative Criteria
Foot and vehicle traffic (monitor before making a selection)
Drive through accessibility (end of strip mall or stand alone building)
Parking availability
Neighboring businesses (other restaurants nearby will bring hungry people)
Interior features (if a space has previously been a restaurant it might have built in features
that will reduce remodeling costs)
Exterior features (a place for visible signage, built in sandwich boards, some built in
signage can be expensive)
Visibility (on the street or back in a strip mall away from heavy traffic)
There are retail spaces for lease in The Zone's current target area on West Broad Street between
Wilson Road and Hague Avenue. Another possible site to consider is the retail strip on Sullivant
Avenue near Westgate Park. Both locations have some other restaurants in the area and have the
potential for adequate vehicle and foot traffic.
An informative website is always an important aspect of small business promotion. More and
more customers are finding new places and products via the Internet and an online presence is
essential to being discovered. A simple website is an inexpensive and an effective way to
communicate with new and repeat customers.
Also, an unobtrusive registration process to gather customer information (like email addresses) is
an easy way to begin building a meaningful customer database. With this database in place,
management can send out more strategically targeted promotional items as well as coupons in
the future. This database can also be used to communicate events, specials, changes in the menu
and any other goings on at Uphill Grounds.
Social Media
While a unique and independent website is ideal for any small business, social media websites
like Facebook and Twitter are free ways to promote online. This might be the best way to start
the online promotion of Uphill Grounds. Encouraging Facebook users to "like" Uphill Grounds
will create immediate awareness to each customer's network of online friends.
A good model for how to use Facebook to promote a business like Uphill Grounds is a fellow
Hilltop restaurant, Josie's Pizza. Josie's has been in business in the hilltop since 1959 and they
have set up an informative Facebook page with pictures, events and specials for their website.
The site can be found from the link below.
Josie's Pizza on Facebook http://www.facebook.comlpages/Josies- Hilltop- Pizzal162169719681 ?sk=wall
Non-Profit Network
The Greater Hilltop Area Shalom Zone's network of non-profit connections is another excellent
way to promote Uphill Grounds. This may become the most inexpensive and effective
marketing tool at management's disposal. Asking groups like the Buckeye Ranch and other
collaborative organizations to recommend and promote Uphill Grounds in exchange for the
display and promotion of their services is a mutually beneficial promotional strategy. It is also
easy to implement in that it is merely an act of advertising partner organization literature in the
restaurant and asking them to do the same.
Bulletin Board
A large bulletin board prominently
displayed in the Uphill Grounds
dining area can serve many
purposes. One, this is the easiest
way to promote fellow
organizations and receive similar
"free advertising" in exchange.
Second, this is a great way to give
Uphill Grounds a local appeal and
establish the position that the
restaurant is truly connected to the
Hilltop community. Posting signs
for school teams, local events and
even the services of other local
businesses and entrepreneurs will
further distinguish Uphill Grounds
from chain competition and appeal
directly to the local population.
Bulletin Board, D.K. Diner - Grandview
Promotional Menus
Small giveaway menus are a way to let customers remember their experience at Uphill Grounds.
These are also an item that partner organizations can give out and display to get the word out
about this new restaurant. The menu should be complete with prices to make sure customers
understand that Uphill Grounds is delivering different food at prices they are used to.
While this will appeal to local residents that frequent these partner organizations, these
promotional items may be more effective in promoting directly to the commuter target market.
These flyers can be given to the other businesses and organizations in the Hilltop where these
commuters work each day. Letting these employees know that there is a fresh lunch alternative
in the area will likely encourage commuters to initially try Uphill Grounds. Once they are in the
restaurant and discover other options like the fast morning service, they may become regular
morning visitors.
Door Hangars
While direct mail is typically not a cost effective way to reach people given the economic
efficiencies of the Internet, advertising cards that hang on doorknobs are a way to reach
customers that may not have Internet access at home. These should be purchased and used to
target the local residents in the Hilltop to generate awareness and excitement when Uphill
Grounds opens. They should typically provide a coupon or discount of some kind to entice first
time customers to try Uphill Grounds.
Financing Estimates
Estimated Marketing Costs
Breakeven analysis was conducted for the marketing recommendations found in this plan. Based
on the $7 average meal price and an industry average 60% mark-up, it will take 345 meals sold
to pay for these recommendations. That is less than one meal a day to pay for these items in one
Cost - Company
Website (4 pages)
Door-Hangars (2,500)
Menu Cards (2,500)
Average meal price
$1,000 - Pepper Glen Design
$225 - Advance Printing & Graphics
$225 - Advance Printing & Graphics
345 meals
Estimated Start-Up Costs
For ideas for acquiring start-up financing - Appendix B, p.20
After reviewing several business plans for comparable restaurant propositions, we believe the
start-up financing required could reasonably be $80,000 to $200,000. This is the range Subway
Restaurants give as the potential costs associated with starting a franchise of the popular sub
shop. The majority of other plans we reviewed that focused specifically on coffee shops,
delicatessens and diners typically required around $150,000 in up front financing. The next step
for Uphill Grounds will be to create an operational plan and to secure start-up financing.
Appendix A - Competition
(Pnce of an average
meal for 1 person)
(See map on following page)
Bella's Pizza (Large $12)
Burger King
Fast Food
Drive- Thru/Dine
Pizza (Large $12)
Fast Food
Dine In/Carry
Pizza (Large $13)
Fast Food
Golden Chopsticks
Greek Village
Gyro Shoppe
B & Franklinton
Dine In/Carry
Dine In/Carry
Fast Food
Dine In/Carry
Fast Food
Dine In/Carry
Dine In
Dine In/Carry
Fast Food
Fast Food
Drive- Thru/Dine
Dine In/Carry
Mark Pi's
Fast Food
Dine In/Carry
Massey's Pizza
Fast Food
Dine In/Carry
Fast Food
Carry Out
Fast Food
Drive- Thru/Dine
Fast Food
Taco Bell
Pizza (Large $14)
Josie's Pizza
Fried Chicken
B & C
Drive- Thru/Dine
Fast Food
Sit Down
Tim Horton's
Fast Food
Fast Food
White Castle
Fast Food
Old World Bakery
(Baked goods only)
Tee Jay's Country
B & Franklinton
Competition Map
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--1l1lJ.DcD·,p d
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The Zone - Restaurant
Competition - Map
1 views - Public
Created on May 30 - Updated 26 minutes ago
By Nate
Hilltop - B
White Castle, Gyro Shop, McDonalds, Hometown Buffet, Mark Pi, Burger King, Tee Jay's Country Place
Target Location
Domino's Pizza, Josie's Pizza, Greek Village
Hilltop - A
Hunt's Pizza
Sulliyant Ave
KFC, Donato's Pizza, Joseppi's (Italian Restaurant), Wendy's, Massey's Pizza, Diary Twist (Ice Cream), Kingo's
Deli (Pizza/Bar)
Tim Horton's, Subway, Wendy's, Burger King, KFC, White Castle, McDonalds
Hilltop - C
Golden Chopsticks (Chinese Restaurant), Shannon's Pub, Taco Bell, Rally's, Tim Horton's, McDonalds
Hilltop - D
United Dairy Farmers, Bella's Pizza, Old World Bakery (?)
Appendix B - Financing
us. Small Business
409 3 Street, SW
Washington, D.C. 20416
S.B.A. Answer Desk
The Small Business Administration is a government program designed to support small business
growth in the United States. On their website there are numerous ideas for raising start-up
capital including programs aimed at small business development in low-income areas.
The S.B.A. also has loan guarantee programs where they partner with lending institutions
(mostly banks) and guarantee a portion of a loan in the event of default. These government
guarantees allow banks to lend capital with a reduced risk of loss and can make start-up lending
more palatable to normally conservative lenders. The S.B.A. website also offers many other
resources for small businesses and entrepreneurs.
Ohio Finance Fund
17 South High Street, Suite 900
Columbus, Ohio 43215-3441
Phone (614) 221-1114
Fax (614) 221-7493
Toll Free: 1-800-959-2333
http://www .financefund. org/
The Ohio Finance Fund is a non-profit financial intermediary with the stated goal of finding
funding and resources to support projects in low-income areas. Among other subjects their
programs focus on small business entrepreneurship and in some cases they provide funding
directly. Their website encourages curious parties to contact them for more information.