Fiscal Year 2007-2008 - Center for the Arts of Bonita Springs


Fiscal Year 2007-2008 - Center for the Arts of Bonita Springs
Annual Report
Fiscal Year Ending May 31, 2008
The Art League of Bonita Springs is committed to enrich the culture of
our diverse community by providing opportunities for artistic expression,
education and appreciation in a supportive and nurturing environment.
Art League of Bonita Springs
Center for the Arts
26100 Old 41 Road
Bonita Springs, Florida
p: 239.495.8989 • f: 239.495.3999
e: •
Vice President
Recording Secretary
Assistant Treasurer
Assistant Treasurer
Assistant Treasurer
Immed. Past President
Jacqueline McCurdy
Mary Beth Crawford
Helenmary Kasper
Terri Cohen
Joan Dixon
Claire Gorman
Marion Haley
Bill Lightner
Jo Beightol
Tom Falciglia
Larry Green
Honey McGrath
Robert Pierpont
William Scollard
Patt Suwyn
R. J. Vigoda
Susan Bridges
Our vision is fulfilled through programs in the
visual and performing arts. Art builds bridges
between communities, generations, and
nationalities. It serves as a common denominator
among all economic groups and stimulates
economies. By instilling individuals with a feeling
of self-worth and confidence, art encourages
positive attitudes and helps people cope with
change. Art can be therapeutic. It opens people’s
minds to new possibilities and their hearts to
new understanding. A catalyst for friendships, art
provides a foundation for shared experience.
The Art League of Bonita Springs is committed to enrich the cultur
President’s Message
Starting in October, the Art League will be the first venue in the country to exhibit works collected by NASA over
the years of its space problem. We are very proud of this honor and if it wasn’t for all of us working together—staff,
board, contributors and volunteers—this never would have happened. This continued effort by NASA reminded
me of our work through the years to solve our space program. Through its 49 year history, the Art League of Bonita
Springs has served visitors of all ages and provided free public access to some of the world’s greatest traveling
exhibits, such as the one we will see this year, wonderful member and regional art exhibitions and two National
Art Festivals ranked in the top 10 in the country. Not to be put in the background, our faculty annually serves
thousands of students of all ages. What is important to NASA, is also topmost in our minds – space.
The tremendous growth of the Art League and our Center for the Arts Campus has been accomplished through
the generosity of many donors who understand the tremendous difference a quality art organization can make in
the lives of those who live in our community. The look on the faces of the children as they come to class or to our
camps in the summer is testament to this. We do make a difference.
We realize that our space is at a premium and have looked at the building of a final phase of the campus to
accommodate the many needs for workshops, classes, exhibitions, and outreach and family programs. We sent
out a survey to determine what our community wanted and found they were interested in small musical programs,
such as our “An Evenings With” series as well as more of everything else we were offering. We initiated a Building
committee, met with architects and engineers regarding our needs and are ready to present a plan to our Board at
the beginning of this season to move ahead.
To help secure the future of the organization, our campus and our mission the Art League of Bonita Springs
Endowment was founded in 2007. Thanks to you, we’ve raised over $411,274.00 which enables us to file for
matching funds from the State of Florida. We continue to solicit and receive donations dedicating these restricted
gifts and investments to the uses intended by the donors. Generations to come will owe a profound debt of
gratitude to all our Endowment donors.
It’s an exciting time for the Art League-- an organization that is growing, a committed Board, dedicated staff
providing important exhibitions and programming, volunteers extraordinaire and most of all, all of you that have
contributed to our existence. We thank you for your past and continued support, as we would not be able to
accomplish such great things without it.
Jacqueline McCurdy
e of our diverse community by providing opportunities for artistic
This has been an exciting year for Development at the Center for the Arts. In a year filled with great challenges, our
hard work and dedication helped us continue on our secure path.
• After achieving our match share for our new Endowment, we were approved by the State
of Florida for the State’s match share, and placed on the priority list to receive our match
in the next fiscal year.
• Our Annual Fund Drive, the financial backbone of our organization and success, completed
its fourth year as a well-established and recognized way for donors to participate in our
ongoing Art League programs and services.
• Our membership continues to grow. We welcomed hundreds of new members throughout
this past year.
• Our New Building Committee continues to work with architects and engineers toward our
new campus building that will provide over 17,000 additional square footage dedicated to
our programs and activities that serve each of you.
None of our accomplishments would have been possible without your help—members, volunteers, friends and
local businesses who gave generously of your time, dollars, expertise and commitment to our mission. Certainly, next
year will again hold challenges for all of us. Each of us on your Development Committee is dedicated to working with
you, side by side, as we serve our members and our communities. Working together, we will succeed!
Cynthia Smith
Development Chair
Committee Members
Bob Pierpont, Volunteer
Bill Lightner, Volunteer
Bill Caputo, Volunteer
Jacke McCurdy, Volunteer
Susan Bridges, Staff
The arts, perhaps more than any
other subject, help students
to understand themselves and
others, whether they lived in the
past or are living in the present.
They encourage individuals to
sharpen their skills and abilities
and to nurture their imagination
and intellect.
Ron Paige
Former US Secretary
of Education
expression, education and appreciation in a supportive and nurtu
Imagine the impact we will make on thousands of lives as time goes on—future generations of students, all
ages, enjoying the benefits of visual and performing arts; benefiting from the foresight of each of you who have
contributed to our Endowment. We are proud to congratulate and thank those who have generously created
an Endowment Fund with us. Your vision secures our future. Many thanks also to everyone who donated to our
General Endowment Fund this year.
As we move forward our Endowment will increasingly play a critical role in the Art League and its programs. Please
contact us if you would like to help secure the future of the Art League. We welcome your financial support,
expertise, or time to continue our mission of the arts.
Art League of Bonita Springs Masterpiece Society Endowment Funds
Named Endowments
Art League Endowment Donors
$40,000 - $50,000
Marie and Stephen Tranovich Fund
Karin and Robert Moe Fund
$10,000 - $14,999
Anonymous (The Thank You Children’s Fund)
$20,000 - $39,999
Fred and Nancy Costello Fund
Cherrill and Richard Cregar Fund
M. William and Marilyn Lightner Fund
Polly Nesi Fund
Jacqueline and Charles Pechette Fund
Loretta Howard Sturgis Fund
$10,000 - $19,999
Larry & Beverly Hinman Fund
Mary Ellen Jones Scholarship Fund
Stephen & Lety Schwartz Fund
The Thank You Children’s Fund
Pat and Joe Wolf Fund
FY 6/01/07 - 5/31/08
$5,000 - $9,999
Larry & Beverly Hinman (Larry & Beverly Hinman Fund)
$1000 - $4,999
Cecil Jones (Mary Ellen Jones Scholarship Fund)
Nancy Near
Up to $999
Cathy & Patrick Keeley (Mary Ellen Jones Scholarship Fund)
Ida McHarris
Joanie Miller (Don Olivieri Memorial Fund)
Mr & Mrs Larrie Yosha (Don Olivieri Memorial Fund)
uring environment. The Art League of Bonita Springs is committed
Annual Fund
People of all ages enjoy, learn and appreciate the arts through the great variety of classes, lectures, workshops,
and local and national exhibitions offered throughout the year. Your Annual Fund dollars provide critical support
for programs, services and day-to-day operations. Our initiatives for fiscal year 2007–2008:
Existing Program Support
The Art League provides Bonita Springs and surrounding communities a wide variety of programming for all ages;
striving to maintain reasonable fees to assure programming remains affordable to all. Yet, programming fees simply
do not cover our costs.
Program Scholarships
Each year thousands of dollars are awarded to students of all ages who need financial assistance. Donors and
sponsors helped us cover the costs of over $36,000 in scholarships during the past fiscal year. For some students,
even with our modest fees, classes are still out of reach. Scholarships made the difference.
New Program Development
The Art League is a remarkable cultural resource. As our communities and membership grow we continue to meet
the challenges of providing new, exciting programming that will engage, enlighten and enrich participants, such as
new mini classes and workshops, expansion of glass and sculpture areas, our performance series, and increased
emphasis on evening and Saturday classes for all ages.
Annual Capital Expenditures
Each year we schedule needed campus improvements, repairs, and maintenance as well as any major equipment
Beyond easels, chairs, tables and annual maintenance, our campus should be prepared for major future repairs and
replacement such as roof, or air conditioning units.
Each year, one of our goals is to dedicate a portion of our annual fund dollars toward our Endowment, securing
the future of the Art League for generations to come.
Art League Leadership Circle Protectors ($10,000-$19,999)
Leadership Circle Stewards ($5,000-$9,999)
Leadership Circle Members ($1000-$4,999)
* Denotes multi-year donors
Friends of the Art League (Up to $999)
Your donation is very important to us. You deserve to be properly recognized for your contribution and we strive for 100%
accuracy. If you have any questions or if we have made an error, please contact the Art League at 239-495-8989.
Our Impact
How successful was the Art League of Bonita Springs this past year? How do we measure our impact on people
and the communities we serve? While these things are difficult to measure, we do know more than 85,000 people
attended our programs, exhibitions, festivals, lectures, tours, performances and events. We welcomed hundreds
of new members and awarded over $36,000 in scholarships to local students who needed our help. This past year
we saw our adult and children’s programs flourish. We successfully added a musical performance series and visual
arts classes that provided new avenues for learning and enjoyment. From raku clay firings to the Business of Art
lectures and new glass classes; we’ve broken new ground and expanded our programming to meet the needs and
requests of those we serve.
The true measure of our success can also be seen in the intangibles—the number of minds we open, the number
of lives we change, the difference our programs and service make. Thousands of people count on the Art League
every day for programs that celebrate arts and culture—offer perspective on the cultural issues of our time—that
help people become successful learners.
Our programs nourish minds and spirits by fostering contemplation, exploration, critical thinking and dialog to
advance knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the arts. We strengthen and enrich the lives of people
by inspiring lifelong learning, preserving our unique histories, culture, achievements and values, and contributing
to the livability and economic vitality of our communities. We encourage people to explore new ideas, exchange
stories, discover artworks, objects and even themselves. And, in collaboration with our community partners—
from schools and libraries to public broadcasting and social service organizations—the Art League fosters civic
participation and cultural understanding.
When you work in the arts, no matter what your role, you soon realize that passion and vision are the engines
that power the endeavor. At year end, May 31, 2008, over 1,000 volunteers worked over 19,200 hours. Even
at minimum wage—and most of these hours of expertise would be far above this rate—this amounts to over
$136,368 of support. I share your passion and your vision and thanks to your help our programs are expanding;
our membership is growing; and our ideas for serving are flourishing.
Susan Bridges
Executive Director
to enrich the culture of our diverse community by providing oppo
Your Ideas in Action
You’ve heard “can’t get too much of a good thing.” Well, it seems to be the case on campus with mini classes, raku
evenings and other short format programming. “Raku & You”, for example, not only filled each time offered, but was
so popular we offered and filled a second evening each time. While we don’t know just what you’re doing with all
those raku pots you’re taking home—know that we are listening—and will be providing even more this next year
along with an expanded schedule.
We responded to your suggestions for increasing our “An Evening With…” Performance Series by adding additional
events and our year was a sell out; providing classical and contemporary music, dance and comedy. We’ve
expanded our number of performances for next year with some months offering two performances.
We received many requests for expanded programming in sculpture, glass, mixed-media and computer technology.
Thanks to your suggestions, we added new classes to meet “next level” and “new avenues for discovery” in these
studio areas. Look for new classes in our newsletters, course catalogs and on our web site. They’re often printed in
green so you can easily scan for them.
And, our children’s pilot program created last year offering unique visual and performing arts classes that connect
the arts to core academic curriculum areas was a tremendous success. Our faculty, staff and volunteers worked side
by side with families and schools throughout the year. Thanks to your support, these classes are regularly helping
hundreds of at-risk children and will be offered again next year.
Responding to your comments and suggestions, we began research toward a New Building for our Center for the
Arts Campus. Working closely with Gora McGahey Architects and Consul-Tech Engineering we began with each of
your suggestions for new programming as well as expanded programming and profiled a potential 17,300 square
foot building project. This project, along with our case study research will be presented to our Board by our
New Building Committee, chaired by Bill Lightner and Scott Alexander. We will be sure to update everyone as we
continue to profile this new, exciting opportunity. Many thanks to the staff at Gora McGahey Architects and
Consul-Tech Engineers for their donation of valuable time and expertise.
I look forward to an America which
will reward achievement in the
arts as we reward achievement
in business or statecraft. I look
forward to an America which
will steadily raise the standards
of artistic accomplishment and
which will steadily enlarge cultural
opportunities for all of our
John F. Kennedy
ortunities for artistic expression, education and appreciation in a
Adult Programming
Nothing gives us greater pride than to see people of diverse backgrounds, ages, and abilities gather in what has
become a venerable member of our communities, the Center for the Arts. Their presence is the lifeblood of our
campus, literally bringing life to our galleries, studios, performances and programs.
Our six studios provide opportunities to explore mediums like painting, collage, clay, sculpture, glass and pottery;
as well as photography, print making and computer arts. The wide variety of course schedules include Mini Classes
in single days or half days; days, evenings, weekends; 5 and 6 week classes that meet once each week; and weeklong visiting artist workshops.
For those who wish to observe art, rather than create it, we offer art appreciation classes, lectures, bus tours,
visiting artist demonstrations, and even international travel with a cruise to Asia in the spring of 2008. Our
performance series “An Evening With…” featuring jazz, classical and contemporary music performances as well as
comedy, dance and theater evenings, brings new and old friends together for entertaining and social experiences.
From local and regional artists to national touring exhibitions, our schedule is indeed impressive. Exhibitions
are always accompanied by an opening reception—a wonderful opportunity to socialize in an artistic setting.
Our open house events, scheduled across the year, are a great way to meet local artists, faculty, members and
students. Visitors can stroll the campus, see fine art and craft, and enjoy artists’ demonstrations—all accompanied
by refreshments and music. Each open house event coincides with an exhibition opening in our galleries adding to
the evening’s festivities.
Almost 50 years ago, the Art League was officially formed. With each succeeding year we have continued to
steadily move forward—meeting the needs of our residents and visitors in visual and performing arts. The year just
completed is yet another sure step forward for this great institution. Many thanks to:
• Anonymous
• Gaceta Tropical
• The News-Press
in memory of Melissa Bornquist
• Dennis & Adrianne Cady
• GSN of SW Florida
• Jane Pearsall
supportive and nurturing environment. The Art League of Bonita Sp
Children’s Programming
We increased our already wide selection of successful courses in theater, dance and visual arts for all ages this year.
Last summer we provided over 90 summer camps for local children. And, we awarded over $36,000 in scholarships
to local students.
The arts are not just expressive and affective, they are deeply cognitive. We do not need more and better art
education simply to develop more and better artists. There are far more important reasons to provide children
with an education in the arts. Arts develop essential thinking tools. They help children realize the breadth of
human experience, see the different ways humans express sentiments and convey meaning, and develop subtle
and complex forms of thinking. Although the arts are often thought of as separate subjects, like chemistry or
algebra, they really are a collection of skills and thought processes that transcend all areas of human engagement.
The arts engage all the senses, wiring the brain for successful learning.
Our courses are infused with a sense of discovery and support, providing a rich exploration of our incredible
world. Children enjoy classes like Things That Fly, Global Expedition, Eager Engineers, and Earth Explorers right
alongside Glass Fusing, All Things Artistic, Clay Animation, Cookonomics, Movie Makers and Sculptures/Structures.
Thanks to your support our courses make a difference in thousands of children’s lives every day of the year.
Many thanks to:
• Carol Allemong
• Creative Events & Taylor Rental
• Frank de la Roche
• Elaine Kim
• Bill & Marilyn Lightner
• Mary & George Peterman
• Robert Ritter
• Ms Catherine Stahl
• Margaret “Scotty” Zoeller
• Elizabeth Zuluaga
in honor of Polly Nesi
• Joyce & John Beach
• Nelson & Marilyn Blackburn
• Dr & Mrs Joseph Bray
• Susan Bridges & Barry Witt
• Carole E Coyne
• Lewis & Winifred Kost
• John & Helga Reynolds
• Amy Samoylenko Russian
• Patricia Warren
• Doris Watschke
When my daughter was about
seven years old, she asked me
one day what I did at work. I told
her I worked at the college—
that my job was to teach people
how to draw. She stared at me,
incredulous, and said, “You mean
they forget?”
Howard Ikemoto
Artist & American Art Professor
prings is committed to enrich the culture of our diverse community
Community Outreach—Experience for All
As part of our mission, we provide important on-going Community Outreach Programs to over 3,800 annually.
This programming spans collaboration with other nonprofits, our schools, cities, Chambers of Commerce, state
agencies, local businesses and civic groups. For example, we regularly visit nearby neighborhood community centers,
providing art related activities as part of a team approach to literacy and English as a second language program. Our
team, comprised of translators, tutors, and art volunteers work to create a learning environment that is not only
educational, but fun!
We are in our 11th year partnering with local schools; our 10th year with Hispanic Social Services, our 8th year with
local Literacy Councils, and 3rd year with Boys and Girls Clubs providing free programs in performing and visual arts.
We are also an ongoing resource to our City, Chambers of Commerce, local businesses and civic groups for free
lectures, art/business programs, exhibitions, and community programs.
Art Goes to School
Artist volunteers visit elementary and middle schools with free education programs. Visits focus on a particular artist,
his or her art, history and culture. Students view the artist’s work and discuss the artist’s culture, artwork and history.
Students then complete an art project that engages and enlightens them, as well as connects historical and cultural
emphasis to the lectures and discussions. Over 2,000 students participate annually.
After School Express
A program providing free art education activities to elementary and middle school students, After School Express
meets from 3:00-5:00pm at our Center for the Arts campus—a safe environment for children after school. Children
may do homework or participate in visual or performing arts activities choreographed by faculty and visiting artists.
Arts Connect
A free program for at-risk elementary and middle school students providing unique courses engaging sciences, art,
history, math and world studies.
by providing opportunities for artistic expression, education an
High School Mentor Program
Free program featuring classes, workshops, annual exhibition and tuition scholarship program.
Theater Program
Free Children’s Community Theater Program providing instructional workshops and an ongoing series of productions
performed at the Center for the Arts campus throughout the year.
Thanks to each of you, thousands of children participate in the Art League’s successful Outreach Programs
throughout the year.
Bonita Bay Group
City of Bonita Springs
Celeste Borah
(in honor of Leslie Brokaw & Matthew Barber)
Fred & Nancy Costello
Creative Events & Taylor Rental
Ms Barbara Culbertson
Jim & Linda Davidson
Sharon & John Davies
Wayne & Sue Detling
Ms Chely Dosoretz
First Presbyterian Church
of Bonita Springs
• Francine Gerson
• Claire & Francis Gorman
(in honor of Edith Fedelem)
• Julian & Roberta Greenland
(in honor of Betty Andres)
• Haines Air Conditioning
Ms Dorota Harris
M N Hayes
Delores Heyd
Larson Allen, LLP
Bill & Marilyn Lightner
Michael & Emily Lyons
M & I Wealth Management
Jacqueline & Arden McCurdy
Merrill Lynch/The Green Smith Group
Dr & Mrs Gerald Miller
Gregor Moe
Adele J Moore
Michael & Catherine Moukios
Bettina A Murdock
Polly Nesi
Night Train Band
Victoria & Wayne Ohlandt
Nuch & Andy Owen
Mr & Mrs Don Peterson
(in honor of Karin & Bob Moe)
• Kay & Mel Resnick
(in memory of Alice Jacobs)
Mary Elizabeth & Raymond Rich
Donna & Ross Roberts
Gerald & Marjorie Rubacky
Mary Jane & Craig Schopf
Mary & Alfred Schultz
Ms Justine Smith
SWFL Community Foundation
SWFL Pastel Society
Donald & Karen Strang
Joanne & F Gurney Thompson
William & Judith Turner
Randy & Judy Wells
(in honor of Karin & Bob Moe)
• Pat & Joe Wolf
• Women of Style Leadership Fund
of the CFCC (in honor of Marie Tranovich)
• Over 100 dedicated volunteers
Make no little plans for
they have no magic to
stir men’s blood...Make
big plans, aim high...
Daniel Hudson Bernham
nd appreciation in a supportive and nurturing environment. The
Special Events
Celebrate the Arts Day
Families participate at no charge in a day’s activities of visual and performing arts on our Center for the Arts
campus. Activities include mural drawing, painting, puppet making, paper collage, creative puzzles, sculpture, 3D
design and crafts. This is an opportunity for families to experience the arts with their own creations. Multi-cultural
storytelling and creative writing sessions; a variety of musical performances from voice to musical instrument;
multi-cultural dance performances—ballet, jazz, lyrical; theater performances; as well as professional visual artist
demonstrations in a variety of media are enjoyed throughout the day.
Off The Walls!
This fund raising event to benefit the Art League’s Scholarship Program is a member favorite. Each ticket holder
goes home with an artwork, collectible or jewelry worth more than the price of admission. A sumptuous hors
d’oeuvres buffet starts the evening off and then the fun begins as tickets are drawn and attendees choose from a
gallery bursting at the seams with art donated by festival artists, artist members, and friends of the Art League from
across the nation.
The Art League provides scholarships for classes, workshops and camps as well as college tuition scholarships for
graduating high school seniors pursuing a career in the arts, architecture, communications, or design. Over $45,000
was awarded in college tuition and class scholarships during the past year.
Thanks to you thousands of students will participate in wonderful programs at the Center for the Arts and local
high school students will go on to build their future in the arts, architecture, communications, and design. Many
thanks to our donors and sponsors who made these events such a great success.
Joyce & John Beach
City of Bonita Springs
Dairy Queen of Bonita Springs
Mary Lou & Matthew Fenton
Frame It - Vickie & her staff
Gaceta Tropical
The Gannett Foundation
Mark Giersch
Jamie & Jacob Catering
Cecil Jones
Albert LePree
Bill & Marilyn Lightner
Polly Nesi
The News-Press
Nicola’s Wines
Parent & Child Magazine
Al & Audrey Petersen
Russell’s Clambakes
SWFL Arts & Attractions
(administered by the SWFL Comm. Foundation)
Target Corporation
WGCU Public Media
Attendees of Off The Walls!
Over 145 fabulous volunteers
Art League of Bonita Springs is committed to enrich the culture o
Bonita Springs National Art Festival
The Art League of Bonita Springs proudly provides TWO Bonita Springs National Art Festivals. The festivals are held
at the beautiful Promenade at Bonita Bay at South Bay Drive and US 41 where artwork and ambience create a most
enjoyable experience.
Area art lovers view and purchase the work of 208 award winning artists from the United States, Canada and
Europe. Consistently ranked in the top ten in the nation and #1 in Southwest Florida, the focus for the festivals
is quality and originality. Paintings, jewelry, glass, photography, sculpture, wood and more can be found at these
extraordinary fine arts and fine crafts festivals.
Each January and March thousands visit the Bonita Springs National Art Festivals. Visitors meet artists from around
the world and view their incredible artwork. The artists share their ideas, their passion for art and enjoy the
opportunity to speak with visitors about how their artwork is created. Join us January 10-11, 2009 and March 1415, 2009 for next year’s spectacular events.
Proceeds from the festivals support Center for the Arts programming for people of all ages such as community
outreach programs, art classes, computers, performances, a theater program, exhibitions, lectures, dance classes
and unique social events. Support for the festivals and the Center for the Arts has been generously provided by
sponsorship from the following companies.
Bonita Banner
Bonita Daily News
Bonita Living Magazine
Kinetco Water Systems
Premier Properties
The Lutgert Companies
The Promenade at Bonita Bay
WGCU Public Media
Over 200 Helpful Volunteers
education because they invite
students to explore the emotional,
intuitive, and irrational aspects of
life that science is hard pressed to
Dr. Charles Fowler
Author & Educator
of our diverse community by providing opportunities for artistic
Beaux Arts Ball
An elegant evening of dining, dancing and both live and silent auctions, the Beaux Arts Ball is an annual black-tie
event that benefits the Art League of Bonita Springs’ many programs and day-to-day operations.
This annual fund raising event offers attendees a wide variety of auction items to choose from—beautiful jewelry,
paintings, vacation packages and more. Pre-Ball festivities included a fashion show and a kick-off party. Join us
March 21, 2009 at beautiful Quail West Country Club, when we’ll experience the elegance of “Tropical Splendor”.
Many thanks to our generous sponsors for their invaluable assistance in making our Beaux Arts Ball, Fashion Show
and Kick Off Party such a great success. Your hard work and vision have created a learning and social environment
for all to enjoy.
Richard & Jo Beightol
Barbara & Robert Bartholomew
Jeanne Bradley
Ms Nancy Brown
Cappelli’s Catering
Dick & Cherrill Cregar
Cummings & Lockwood, LLC
John & Georgia DallePezze
Diamond District
Barbara DuFrane
Dianne Elges
Tom & Paula Falciglia
First Watch
Florida Gulf Coast University
Robert Gillette
Grandeur Magazine
Grand Hotel
Beth Graves & Ray Alvey
Roberta Grayson
Bonnie Hawley
Bruce Hirsch
Inn on the Alameda
Eileen Johnson
Duane & Peggy Joseph
Bob & Karin Moe
Kay’s on the Beach
Longstreth-Goldberg Art
Fran Luessenhop
M & I Wealth Management
Mahalo Salon & Spa
Donna McCarty
Jacke McCurdy
Merrill Lynch Global Wealth
Management (The Green-Smith Group)
• Nicola’s Wines
• The News-Press
Northern Trust Bank
Paradise Potted
M.E. Parker
Marilynn & Duane Paulson
Robb & Stucky Interiors
Donna & Ross Roberts
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Rubacky
Charles & Jacqueline Pechette
Robert & Marion Pierpont
Tom Reussé
John & Judy Spoelhof
Donald & Karen Strang
Trianon Hotel
William & Judith Turner
R.J. & Renata Vigoda
Pat & Joe Wolf
Yamron Jewelers
(in honor of Karin & Bob Moe)
expression, education and appreciation in a supportive and nurtu
Affairs of the Arts
The “per person” events offered at the Beaux Arts Ball evolved into “Affairs of the Arts” during the 2006-2007 fiscal
year and continued to grow in popularity during fiscal year 2007-2008. A booklet featuring 19 events was mailed
to all Art League members and friends and sold out quickly. These social “happenings” offer members and the
public a wide variety of entertainment options including dinners in private homes, wine tastings, lectures and music.
The Art League offers its sincere thanks to the following sponsors who generously contributed to make “Affairs of
the Arts” such a resounding success. And, we invite everyone to share next year’s spectacular selection of “Affairs.”
Contact us to receive your own program booklet listing each of these intriguing and entertaining events.
• Frederick Balduini
& Michael McKee
• Dave & Sally Barnes
• Richard & Jo Beightol
• Jean Beaver
• Jim & Marilyn Bethke
• Bonita Bay Club
• Mary Bookman
• Café Casablanca
• Bunny Caravello
• Nancy Cobb-Lippens. D.M.A.
• Dick & Cherrill Cregar
• Jim & Denni Englehart
• EVOO Bistro & Market
• Sheriden Fenwick
Florida Gulf Coast University
Dr. Michael Fauerbach
Victoria Green
Dorota Harris
Gail Kelly
Kristin’s Boutique & Art Gallery
Bill & Marilyn Lightner
Norman Love Confections
Michael & Emily Lyons
Connie Maetzold
Mahalo Salon & Spa
Bob & Linda Martin
Steve & Connie McIntosh
Bob & Karin Moe
Angie Nichols
Northern Trust Bank
Bernice Pescosolido
Mary Elizabeth & Raymond Rich
Mary Jane & Craig Schopf
William & Kuniko Scollard
Mark & Patt Suwyn
Bruce & Candace Taylor
Carl & Lorrie Theorin
Gurney & Joanne Thompson
Valerie Van Note
Barbara Van Vooren
Cliff & Lindsay Weidner
Art & Diane Welsh
The arts reflect profoundly the
most democratic credo, the belief
in an individual vision or voice...
The arts’ belief in potential gives
each of us—both audience and
creator—pride in our society’s
ability to nurture individuals.
Wendy Wasserstein
uring environment. The Art League of Bonita Springs is committed
Each year the Art League of Bonita Springs’ Center for the Arts presents a dynamic and wide-ranging selection
of exhibitions which both appeal to and enlighten our membership and visitors. While some exhibitions feature
member, faculty or student artists from Bonita Springs and surrounding communities, other shows feature traveling
exhibitions from national institutions in the U.S. or artworks from around the world.
Our exhibition programming strengthens and enriches everyone by inspiring lifelong learning. It also highlights and
helps preserve our unique histories, culture, achievements and values. Join us as we host NASA | ART: 50 Years
of Exploration, October 24, 2008 thru January 17, 2009. This phenomenal exhibition features world class art
highlighting history, art and engineering complemented by entertaining and educational events, lectures and family
weekend programs.
Our thanks to the many members, sponsors, donors and volunteers for their vision and dedication, without whom
we could not accomplish our incredible exhibitions schedule.
Bonita Bay Group
Carrabba’s Italian Grill
City of Bonita Springs
Barbara Culbertson
Dairy Queen of Bonita Springs
Gaceta Tropical
The Gannett Foundation
Haines Air Conditioning
Jamie & Jacob Catering
Cecil Jones
Larson Allen, LLP
The Lightner Family
Michael & Emily Lyons
M & I Private Bank
The News-Press
Nicola’s Wines
Outback Steakhouse
Parent & Child Magazine
Al & Audrey Petersen
Don & Patti Peterson
Daniel Richards & Roger Tachuk
Robert Ritter
Russell’s Clambakes
The Schultz Family
Show Biz Productions, Inc.
• SWFL Arts & Attractions
(administered by the SWFL
Community Foundation)
• Southwest Florida Pastel Society
• Target Corporation
• Women of Style
Leadership Foundation
• Beth Westra
• WGCU Public Media
• The Painters of Wyndemere
• Margaret “Scotty” Zoeller
• Over 300 generous volunteers
If you removed all the arts
in the lives of our children...
there is no way that adding
more mathematics, increasing
reading programs, requiring
more science, mandating
more tests, or scheduling
more computer courses could
replace what they would have
National Arts Education
to enrich the culture of our diverse community by providing oppo
Annual Members’ Exhibition
Each winter our members fill both galleries at the Center for the Arts with the best of their work from the previous
year. The collection of artworks features a wide range of media from glass to painting and photography to
sculpture and fiber arts. A great tribute to both students and instructors, viewers get a first hand look at their
incredible skills and artistic passion.
The Princeton Art of Science
A unique collection featuring science as art. The intriguing images, taken from experiments by Princeton University
students, depicted a wide variety of sciences from medical to engineering.
Storytelling Through the Mail: Tall Tale Postcards
A trip down memory lane to a time when postcards were in their heyday, when photos were manipulated in the
dark room to make cantaloupes appear larger than cars and jack rabbit and antelope images were merged to
create a jackalope. This was a fun exhibition for all ages. Family activity days provided animated storytelling, short
films and art projects allowing parents and their children to create their own shared memories.
Visions of Florida: The Photographic Art of Clyde Butcher
Breathtaking images of natural Florida by renowned artist Clyde Butcher brought thousands of visitors through
our doors. Clyde graciously attended the opening reception and conducted a book signing event as part of the
exhibition’s opening celebration.
Twist & Shout: The New Needleworks
A look at modern textile art, Twist & Shout, filled the galleries with a stunning collection of needle crafts that
went beyond function and into the world of concept driven art. The exhibition gave a fresh, new contemporary
perspective to the time-honored techniques of knitting, crochet, embroidery, cross-stitch and needlepoint.
The Art of Uncle Monday
This entertaining exhibition showcased the drawings, watercolors and writing of Kristin G. Condon featuring many
of her famous Florida folktales.
ortunities for artistic expression, education and appreciation in a
Art Focus / Florida Artists’ Showcase
A showcase of regional artworks, Art Focus, was well received in March 2008. Florida Artists’ Showcase filled our
two galleries in April 2008 with winning artworks from around the State. Both exhibitions have become highly
regarded for the quality of the artwork and the premier artists who enter the competitions. Viewers enjoyed
elegant old world style oils and cutting edge mixed media along with everything in between.
Small Works & Miniatures
The tradition of miniature and small artworks is the highlight of this annual exhibition. Specific eligibility and size
restrictions are carefully adhered to in the creation of these unique and often delicate works. Always a favorite,
Small Works & Miniatures, showcases the tremendous talent of our area artists.
International Bookplate Exhibition
This intriguing collection from corporate and private collections around the world, added a new dimension to the
concept of small works and miniatures. Bookplate artworks are and continue to be used to identify ownership of a
book. Our lucky viewers quickly realized, however, that this miniature art form carries with it so much more both in
the artist’s statement and incredible technical expertise.
Student Showcase 2007
This unique exhibition featured artworks from our next generation of artists—local high school students. The
entire community celebrated the talent of our area youth. Over 500 attended the opening reception when
college tuition scholarships were awarded. Over $14,500 went to college bound seniors planning to study art,
communication, design or architecture. And, over $9,500 was awarded for Center for the Arts scholarships to
freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors.
Our Dedicated Volunteers
Fiscal Year 2007-2008 we benefited from over 1,000 volunteers giving over 19,200
hours of their precious time. If we calculate all of that hard work and expertise,
even at minimum wage, that totals $130,368. Incredible! Thank you!
Only through art can we
get outside of ourselves
and know another’s view of
the universe which is not
the same as ours and see
landscapes which would
otherwise have remainged
unknown to us like the
landscapes of the moon.
Marcel Proust
Novelist, Essayist, Critic
supportive and nurturing environment. The Art League of Bonita Sp
What a year we’ve had! In a period of volatile stock, bond, commodity and housing markets, the Art League
continued its proud history of fiscal stability, despite many challenges. With only two exceptions, the following
figures are taken directly from the Art League’s audited financial statement for the 2007-2008 fiscal year.*
If you compare this year’s Statement of Activities to last year’s, you can see that the Art League has increased its
expenditures toward Program Services by more than $186,000, even though the total net assets of the organization
were reduced by less than $33,000 during the year. While increased expenditures are often viewed negatively in the
for-profit business world, the Art League’s increased expense for Program Services is a positive change, indicating
that the Art League is using more resources for its charitable mission. The increased expenditures for Program
Services reflects an increase in awards and scholarships given by the Art League, as well as an increase in resources
used for its educational course offerings.
Of course, as the old adage goes, there is no free lunch. The Art League’s ability to expand its programs and services
depends almost exclusively upon increasing donations of time, goods, services and money from individuals and
organizations. To illustrate, the audited financial statements show that scholarships awarded in 2007-2008 increased
more than 95% over scholarships awarded in 2006-2007. Much of the increase in scholarships can be attributed to
the generous attendees of the 2008 Beaux Arts Ball, who sponsored scholarships for children in our community to
attend the summer programs offered at the Art League campus.
The Art League’s primary goal is to advance its mission of art education by providing the most programs and
services possible with each year’s revenues. However, just like any individual or organization, the Art League cannot
consistently use substantially more resources than it receives, without jeopardizing its ability to provide programs
and services for many years to come.
Each and every success of the Art League can be attributed to the encouragement, time, and financial resources
given by its members, students, volunteers, and donors. Thank you for the support you have provided this year.
YOU are the reason the Art League can celebrate another successful year.
Terri Cohen
*For consistency with prior annual reports, we have broken down the Cash and Cash Equivalents item in the audited Statement of Financial
Position to reflect the portion of those assets that are restricted for long-term purposes, and we have combined the Board Designated and
Undesignated asset items in the audited Statement of Financial Position into one line item of Board Designated assets.
prings is committed to enrich the culture of our diverse community
31, 2007- MAY
AND 2006
31, 2008
Total Assets
$ 3,805,718
$ 3,825,701
Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses
Deferred Revenue
Total Liabilities
Investment in Property and Equipment
Board Designated
Total Unrestricted
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted
$ 3,805,718
$ 3,825,701
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Expenses FY 2008 - $1,496,356
Cash and Cash Equivalent
Certificates of Deposit
Unconditional Promises to Give, Net
Prepaid Assets
Property and Equipment, Net
Total Net Assets
AND 2007
Revenues FY 2007-08 - $1,469,916
2007ENDED MAY 31, 2008
Arts Education Income
Special Events
Less: Costs
Net Special Events
Commissions and Fees
Membership Dues
Investment Return
Net Assets Released from Restrictions
Total Support and Revenues
Program Services
Management and General
Total Expenses
$ 3,651,856
$ 3,357,919
FL 34135
26100 Old 41 Road
Bonita Springs, Florida 34135