Fiscal Year 2008-2009 - Center for the Arts of Bonita Springs


Fiscal Year 2008-2009 - Center for the Arts of Bonita Springs
Annual Report
Fiscal Year Ending May 31, 2009
The Art League of Bonita Springs is committed to enrich the culture of
our diverse community by providing opportunities for artistic expression,
education and appreciation in a supportive and nurturing environment.
Art League of Bonita Springs
Center for the Arts
26100 Old 41 Road
Bonita Springs, Florida
p: 239.495.8989 • f: 239.495.3999
e: •
Vice President
Recording Secretary
Assistant Treasurer
Assistant Treasurer
Assistant Treasurer
Immed. Past President
Jacqueline McCurdy
Mary Beth Crawford
Amy Russian
Terri Cohen
Joan Dixon
Claire Gorman
Marion Haley
Bill Lightner
Tom Falciglia
Larry Green
Larry Hinman
Honey McGrath
Karin Moe
Robert Pierpont
William Scollard
Patt Suwyn
Susan Bridges
Our vision is fulfilled through programs in the
visual and performing arts. Art builds bridges
between communities, generations, and
nationalities. It serves as a common denominator
among all economic groups and stimulates
economies. By instilling individuals with a feeling
of self-worth and confidence, art encourages
positive attitudes and helps people cope with
change. Art can be therapeutic. It opens people’s
minds to new possibilities and their hearts to
new understanding. A catalyst for friendships, art
provides a foundation for shared experience.
The Art League of Bonita Springs is committed to enrich the
President’s Message
Last year I talked about the need for space at the Art League and the planning for a new building to complete the
final phase of the campus to accommodate the many needs of the members and the community. We did plan for
such a building, completed drawings, drew up necessary papers for permits and then realized this was not the
time to go ahead with such a campaign. We are going into our 50th year with a plan for the future but we are also
going to move into the future immediately in a different way.
Over the summer due to the imagination and hard work of our staff and Executive Director we have gone into a
partnership with the Lutgert Company at the Promenade in Bonita Springs to develop its empty spaces into art
galleries showing our members works in paintings, sculpture, jewelry, photographs, art quilts, and fused glass. We
are busy making lemons into lemonade! The galleries are open 3 days a week and on the last Thursday of the
month there is an ‘ArtWalk’ with wine, cheese and music.
Our members said in a survey that they were interested in small musical programs, such as our “Evening With ….”
series. We are busy with the help of Bay Builders preparing space at the Promenade complete with a stage so we
can expand the seating capacity. We hope to use this as we wait for the economy to change and allow us to move
forward with the new building on campus.
We founded the Art League of Bonita Springs Endowment in 2007 to enable us to receive matching funds from the
State of Florida. We are continuing to solicit and receive donations dedicating these restricted gifts to the uses
intended by the donors.
As you can see we are dedicated to continuing to serve our members and community. We are still doing as many
classes as possible in the space. Summer camps for the children as well as plays put on by the children brought
smiles to everyone’s faces. It is indeed an organization anyone could be proud of with the most innovative staff
who keep coming up with ways to make it better for all of us. Our volunteers are truly amazing and are never too
busy to lend assistance. Our members give continued support allowing us to make each year better (and that is
hard to do for 50 Years). We thank you for your past and continued support.
Jacqueline McCurdy
culture of our diverse community by providing opportunities for
This has been a redefining time in our lives and one that merits reflection on where we have been as an
organization. More importantly, it emphasizes the need for us to focus our attention on our future.
In our soon to be 50 year history, we’ve grown in membership from a small group of 15 artists to over 1500.
We’ve also grown from the days when classes were held using a community room in old Bonita to a 10-acre, four
building campus with a full array of resources that appeal to a wide range of residents, members and visitors.
These resources include a variety of classes for all ages in both visual and performing arts; community outreach and
summer camp programs serving many who, otherwise, would not be able to experience the arts; augmented by
very popular cultural enrichment programs like Affairs of the Arts and Evening With Series.
With this great accomplishment comes the responsibility to maintain the consistency of the quality of our
programming and the efficiency and care of our Center for the arts Campus. Let’s take a step back and put this
into perspective. Envision the following when considering how your gift has helped us succeed this past year.
Monthly Electricity
Annual Software Updates
Monthly Newsletter
Monthly Insurance
Monthly Landscape
Sponsor a Student in Camp
Sponsor a Student in Class
Sponsor Annual Outreach Program
Sponsor a Performance
Monthly Telephone/Internet
We appreciate the critical support you continue to lend both financially as well as your volunteer hours and your
participation in the many events held throughout the year. It is because of YOU that the Art League has attained
success. And, it is with your continued support that we will be able to maintain the Art League of Bonita Springs
and the vision that ‘the arts are for everyone.’
Cynthia Smith
Development Chair
Committee Members
Christine Banning, Volunteer
Bill Caputo, Volunteer
Bill Lightner, Volunteer
Bob Pierpont, Volunteer
Jacke McCurdy, Volunteer
Susan Bridges, Staff
The arts, perhaps more than any
other subject, help students
to understand themselves and
others, whether they lived in the
past or are living in the present.
They encourage individuals to
sharpen their skills and abilities
and to nurture their imagination
and intellect.
Ron Paige
Former US Secretary
of Education
artistic expression, education and appreciation in a supportive
Imagine the impact we will make on thousands of lives as time goes on—future generations of students, all
ages, enjoying the benefits of visual and performing arts; benefiting from the foresight of each of you who have
contributed to our Endowment. We are proud to congratulate and thank those who have generously created
an Endowment Fund with us. Your vision secures our future. Many thanks also to everyone who donated to our
General Endowment Fund this year.
As we move forward our Endowment will increasingly play a critical role in the Art League and its programs. Please
contact us if you would like to help secure the future of the Art League. We welcome your financial support or
expertise to continue our cultural mission.
Art League of Bonita Springs Masterpiece Society Endowment Funds
Named Endowments
$40,000 - $50,000
Marie and Stephen Tranovich Fund
Karin and Robert Moe Fund
Art League Endowment Donors
FY 6/01/08 - 5/31/09
$1000 - $4,999
Cecil Jones (Mary Ellen Jones Scholarship Fund)
Nancy Near
$20,000 - $39,999
Fred and Nancy Costello Fund
Cherrill and Richard Cregar Fund
Mary Ellen Jones Scholarship Fund
M. William and Marilyn Lightner Fund
Polly Nesi Fund
Jacqueline and Charles Pechette Fund
Loretta Howard Sturgis Fund
Up to $999
Marilyn Finley (Mary Ellen Jones Scholarship Fund)
Cathy & Patrick Keeley (Mary Ellen Jones Scholarship Fund)
Mary C Smith (Mary Ellen Jones Scholarship Fund)
Thomas & Joan Taylor (Mary Ellen Jones Scholarship Fund)
Rosemary Welsh (Mary Ellen Jones Scholarship Fund)
Beth & Steven Westra (Mary Ellen Jones Scholarship Fund)
$10,000 - $19,999
Larry & Beverly Hinman Fund
Stephen & Lety Schwartz Fund
The Thank You Children’s Fund
Pat and Joe Wolf Fund
An endowment in your name or that of a loved
one does not require a large, one time gift.
Consider a multi-year commitment to reach
your endowment goal.
and nurturing environment. The Art League of Bonita Springs is
Annual Fund
People of all ages enjoy, learn and appreciate the arts through the great variety of classes, lectures, workshops,
and local and national exhibitions offered throughout the year. Your Annual Fund dollars provide critical support
for programs, services and day-to-day operations. Our initiatives for fiscal year 2008–2009:
Existing Program Support
The Art League provides Bonita Springs and surrounding communities a wide variety of programming for all ages;
striving to maintain reasonable fees to assure programming remains affordable to all. Yet, programming fees simply do
not cover our costs. Annual Fund dollars provide critical support to each and every program and every single student.
Program Scholarships
Each year thousands of dollars are awarded to students of all ages who need financial assistance. Donors and
sponsors helped us cover the costs of over $42,500 in scholarships during the past fiscal year. For some students,
even with our modest fees, classes are still out of reach. Scholarships made their participation possible.
New Program Development
The Art League is a remarkable cultural resource. As our communities and membership grow we continue to meet
the challenges of providing new, exciting programming that will engage, enlighten and enrich participants, such
as new video, fused glass, clay animation and mini class experiences that were introduced. Our growth is possible
thanks to your Annual Fund gifts.
Annual Capital Expenditures
Each year we schedule needed campus improvements and repairs. This past year we upgraded and replaced
studio equipment; repainted campus spaces; created a new entryway between our galleries; and installed air
filtration systems in sculpture and clay studios.
Beyond easels, chairs, tables and annual maintenance, our campus should be prepared for major future repairs and
replacement such as roof. This year we replaced and repaired air conditioning units; and installed a new walkway
ramp near clay and sculpture studios.
Each year, one of our goals is to dedicate a portion of our annual fund dollars toward our Endowment, securing
the future of the Art League for generations to come.
Art League Leadership Circle Protectors ($10,000-$19,999)
* Loretta Howard Sturgis
Leadership Circle Stewards ($5,000-$9,999)
* Larry & Beverly Hinman
* Joan Kuypers
* Bill & Marilyn Lightner
* Mr & Mrs Michael J Lyons
* Robert & Karin Moe
* Polly Nesi
Leadership Circle Members ($1000-$4,999)
JoAnn & Richard Beightol
Edward & Carol Braniff
Susan Bridges & Barry Witt
Nancy & Roger Brown
Fred & Nancy Costello
Jospehine & Henri Dyner
Mary & Hap Farr
Bob & Sally Grugan
Robert & Lucille Jolicoeur
Mr & Mrs Larry Klopp
Jane & Dean Lauritzen
Rosemary Lipman
Jacke & Arden McCurdy
Paul & Honey McGrath
Charles & Jackie Pechette
John & Nancy Rittenhouse
Friends of the Art League ($500 to $999)
Art & Joan Barron
Maxine B Carter
Alice & Dean Fjelstul
Jeff & Phyllis Heller
Larry Green & Deborah Hopkins
Mr & Mrs Charles E Johnson II
Helen Lord
Linda Lucks
Betty & Jerry Mason
Norma R Merzbacher
* Denotes multi-year donors
* Carol Phelon
* Patt & Mark Suwyn
* June & Bill Winn
Mr & Mrs James D Ryan
Bill & Kuniko Scollard
Mr Roger Tachuk
Krisztina Treyvaud
Judy & Bill Turner
Claude & Yvette Weir
* William & Marie Winter
Rod & Nancy Murtaugh
Bob & Joan Rudolph
Cyndi & Chip Smith
John & Maggie Warfield
Jo Ann F Withrow
Friends of the Art League (Up to $499)
Alice & Lawrence Adkins
Grace Alexander
Jean Alexiou
Carol & Douglas Allemong
Dawn & Bob Anderson
Bob & Sue Armstrong
Joan & Sam Arneson
Elizabeth C Aschauer
Linda Bagwell
Christina & Patrick Banning
Joan Baron
Stephen & Carol Bartholf
David & Trisha Barton
George & Barbara Beatrice
Michael & Nancy Beebe
Jeanne Bellenger
William & Marion Besuden
Ray & Pat Billinghurst
Dubby E Bogdan
Barbara & Marc Boocher
Mr & Mrs Ren Bookman
David & Sue Bowers
Jeanne K Bradley
C Robert & Babette Brenton
Dee Brown
Ted & Audrey Brown
Tom & Sue Brown
Jeanni & Peter Burgwald
Fred & Meg Bushnell
Lee Butera
Raymond & Mae Cairns
Dorothy & Charles Campbell
Patricia & Robert Chapman
Jim & Dolores Claeys
Richard Clinton
Terri Cohen
Cherrill & Dick Cregar
Sharon Dardy
Barbara & Tom Denomme
Brigitte Devlin
Rita Dotterweich
Bonnie Doty
Mr & Mrs Robert Dougherty
Pamela & Richard Doyle
Mrs Doris Duesing
Linda & Wayne Edsall
Linda & Franklin Edwards
Sara Edwards
Christine Ehrhart
Ray & Henny Eifler
Gerald & Donna Elliott
Marcia Fairbanks
Kelly Falany
Tom & Paula Falciglia
Carol Ann Fallon
Edith L Fedelem
Mary Lou & Matthew Fenton
Barbara & Thomas Fewster
Sheila & Patrick Fouché
Linda Fraine
Sharon Franklin
Joyce Freund
Louise & Peter Friedlander
Kathy & Dale Frost
Michael & Mary Beth Gadus
Francine Gerson
Leonard Gibson
Dr & Mrs Ralph Gillhooley
Linda & Larry Gonneville
Claire & Bud Gorman
Patsy Graham
Beth Graves
Mr & Mrs Robert Grayson
Susan & Jeff Green
Roberta & Jay Greenland
Christina Greenwood
Ms Meli Gumma
Robert & Sheila Hague
Marion & Thomas Haley
Lisa Hare
Luella Harlos & Henry Bertolon
Carmen Haynes
Sally Hebeisen
Peggy Hoefler
Joy & Robert Holloway
Vladimir & Svatava Hoschl
Mary Housley
Stanley & Ann Marie Hyduk
Dr & Mrs Bob James
Diane Jedlinski
Lester & Martha Jeffries
Eileen & Rollin Johnson
Joanie Johnson
Mary Ellen & Hugh Johnston
Helenmary & Joseph Kasper
Holly Kataras
Malcolm & Mary Kessinger
Frances & Judson Knox
Dot & Bill Laggett
Coyeen & Robert Lawton
Marion LePree
Maury & Marcia Levine
Maria Regina & Ken Lewis
Connie & Henry Liebel
Phil & Susan Loyd
Alfred & Frances Luessenhop
Robert Macguffie
Jean & Martha Mador
Debbie & John McGushin
Douglas & Helene McIntosh
Mark & Sherry McManus
Mr & Mrs Howard R Meeker, Jr
Mr & Mrs Gerald T Meier
Christine & Michael Melnik
John Merchant & Dr Sandra F Mark
Harry & Donna Meyer
Laurie & Fred Milburn
Dr & Mrs Peter Mooney
Bob & Jackie Moore
Joan & Ed Moran
Nancy & Fred Morgan
Michael & Catherine Moukios
* Tele Murphy
* Patricia Newman
Alexander & Karen Nicholson
Jo Ellen O’Callaghan
Victoria Ohlandt
* Julia Siler Olander
* Gloria & William Oliver
* Ruth O’Toole
Sal & Laurie Paci
Harry & Margaret Palmer
* Ruth & Edgar Parks
* Jean Patnode
* Janice Pavik
* Anita & George Perry
* Bob & Marion Pierpont
Chip & Sue Proshek
* Robert H Rehm, Sr
Hal & Cindy Reisenfeld
Mr & Mrs Pat Richter
Kathy Saldivar
Anthony & Pat Selby
Janet & Thomas Selby
Maria & Massoud Shahidi
* Dave & Kathie Shellenbarger
Anne Shorr
* Sybil Simon & Everett Berlinsky
Bobbi Skaggs
* Lynn & John Smart
Loueen Snow
Pat Snyder
Joan & Fred Sonnenberg
* Anne & Walter Steffen
* Wesley & Rosalyn Stillwaggon
* Ronald & Gloria Tachuk
* Stephen & Marie Tranovich
* Chrys & Bud Trotta
* Richard & Barbara Turner
* Charles & Lucy Tweed
Anthony C & Louise A Urick
* Bob & June Uroda
* Johnny & Sandra Vanzant
Sharon & Bob Vik
Jeannette Vogt
Ed & Nancy Wagoner
* Ron & Mary Ann Weber
* Terri Wegman
Penelope Weisskopf
Lynne B Wilcox
Joan & Bill Wilde
* Don & Nancy Williams
Genevieve Willis
Barbara & Robert Wilmoth
* Jean & Bill Wise
* Mary & Clarence Witsken
Robert & Jackie Wydock
Pamela B Ytterberg
* Jeff & Judy Zaller
Judy Zieve
* Mr & Mrs Zimmerman
Nancy Zygmuntowski
Your donation is very important to us. You deserve to be properly recognized for your contribution and we strive for 100%
accuracy. If you have any questions or if we have made an error, please contact the Art League at 239-495-8989.
Our Impact
How successful was the Art League of Bonita Springs this past year? How do we measure our impact on people
and the communities we serve? While these things are difficult to measure, we do know more than 85,000 people
attended our programs, exhibitions, festivals, lectures, tours, performances and events. We welcomed hundreds
of new members and awarded over $42,500 in scholarships to local youth who needed our help. This past year
we saw our adult and youth programs flourish. We successfully expanded our performance series and visual arts
classes providing new avenues for learning and enjoyment. From raku clay firings to lectures and new glass classes;
we’ve broken new ground, expanded our programming, and met the needs and requests of those we serve.
The true measure of our success can also be seen in the intangibles—the number of minds we open, the number
of lives we change, the difference our programs and service make. Thousands of people count on the Art League
every day for programs that celebrate arts and culture, offer perspective on cultural issues, and help people
become successful learners.
Our programs nourish minds and spirits by fostering contemplation, exploration, critical thinking and dialog. We
advance knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the arts. We strengthen and enrich the lives of people by
inspiring lifelong learning, preserving our unique histories, culture, achievements and values. We contribute to the
livability and economic vitality of our communities. We encourage people to explore new ideas, exchange stories,
discover artworks, objects and even themselves. And, in collaboration with our community partners—from schools
and libraries to public broadcasting and social service organizations—the Art League fosters civic participation and
cultural understanding.
When you work in the arts, no matter what your role, you quickly realize that passion and vision are the engines
that power the endeavor. At year end, May 31, 2009, over 1,000 volunteers worked over 19,319 hours. Even
at minimum wage—and most of these hours of expertise would be far above this rate—this amounts to over
$139,290 of support. I share your passion and your vision and thanks to you our programs are expanding; our
membership is growing; and our ideas for serving are flourishing.
Susan Bridges
Executive Director
committed to enrich the culture of our diverse community by
Your Ideas in Action
You’ve heard “can’t get too much of a good thing.” Well, it seems to be the case on campus with mini classes, raku
evenings, our performance series, and other short format programming. “Raku & You”, for example, not only filled
each time offered, but was so popular we offered and filled a second evening each time. While we don’t know just
what you’re doing with all those raku pots you’re taking home—know that we are listening—and will be providing
even more this next year along with an expanded schedule.
We received many notes and suggestions about our expanded performance series last year. Patrons wanted more
performances, more variety, and more space! And, we received numerous suggestions from member artists asking
for more expanded exhibition programming. While we continued to work behind the scenes toward our New
Building for our Center for the Arts Campus, we also searched for partnership opportunities within our community to
fulfill your requests and suggestions. Thanks to our partnership with Lutgert Companies, Premier Properties and the
Promenade, we formalized two new components to our Art in Public Places Program:
Live at the Promenade!
We will expand our popular performance series bringing it to the Promenade. This new space across from Silver
Spoon, will open October 4 featuring a stage thanks to Bay Builders; and professional sound and lighting equipment.
We have a great year of fun, exciting, and entertaining performances in music, dance, theater, comedy and even
magic scheduled. So, jump in, the entertainment’s fine!
Art League Studios at the Promenade
Utilizing unused merchant spaces at the Promenade, we created an artists’ studios and galleries initiative
featuring demonstrations and displays of members’ artworks in clay, painting, wood, glass, jewelry, sculpture and
photography; and an “ArtWalk’ the last Thursday of each month 4pm to 7pm, featuring demos, exhibitions, live music
concert and refreshments. If you are a member artist interested in participating, call us!
I look forward to an America which
will reward achievement in the arts as
we reward achievement in business
or statecraft. I look forward to an
America which will steadily raise the
standards of artistic accomplishment
and which will steadily enlarge
cultural opportunities for all of our
John F. Kennedy
providing opportunities for artistic expression, education and
Adult Programming
Nothing gives us greater pride than to see people of diverse backgrounds, ages, and abilities gather in what has
become a venerable member of our communities, the Center for the Arts. Their presence is the lifeblood of our
campus, literally bringing life to our galleries, studios, performances and programs.
Our six studios provide opportunities to explore mediums like painting, collage, clay, sculpture, glass and pottery;
as well as photography, print making and computer arts. The wide variety of course schedules include Mini Classes
in single days or half days; days, evenings, weekends; 5 and 6 week classes that meet once each week; and from
three-day to week-long visiting artist workshops.
For those who wish to observe art, rather than create it, we offer art appreciation classes, lectures, bus tours
and visiting artist demonstrations. Our performance series “An Evening With…” and now ‘Live at the Promenade!’
feature jazz, classical and contemporary music performances as well as comedy, dance and theater evenings,
bringing new and old friends together for entertaining and social experiences.
From local and regional artists to national touring exhibitions, our schedule is indeed impressive. Exhibitions
are always accompanied by an opening reception—a wonderful opportunity to socialize in an artistic setting.
Our open house events, scheduled across the year, are a great way to meet local artists, faculty, members and
students. Visitors can stroll the campus, see fine art and craft, and enjoy artists’ demonstrations—all accompanied
by refreshments and music. Each open house event coincides with an exhibition opening in our galleries adding to
the evening’s festivities.
50 years ago, the Art League was officially formed. With each succeeding year we have continued to steadily move
forward—meeting the needs of our members, residents and visitors in visual and performing arts. The year just
completed is yet another sure step forward for this great institution. Many thanks to:
and appreciation in a supportive and nurturing environment.
Children’s Programming
We increased our already wide selection of successful courses in theater, dance and visual arts for all ages this
year. Last summer we provided over 110 summer camps for local children. And, we awarded over $36,000 in
scholarships to local youth.
The arts are not just expressive and affective, they are deeply cognitive. We do not need more and better art
education simply to develop more and better artists. There are far more important reasons to provide children
with an education in the arts. Arts develop essential thinking tools. They help children realize the breadth of
human experience, see the different ways humans express sentiments and convey meaning, and develop subtle
and complex forms of thinking. Although the arts are often thought of as separate subjects, like chemistry or
algebra, they really are a collection of skills and thought processes that transcend all areas of human engagement.
The arts engage all the senses, wiring the brain for successful learning.
Our courses are infused with a sense of discovery and support, providing a rich exploration of our incredible
world. Children enjoy classes like Things That Fly, Global Expedition, Eager Engineers, and Earth Explorers right
alongside Glass Fusing, All Things Artistic, Clay Animation, Cookonomics, Movie Makers and Sculptures/Structures.
Thanks to your support our courses make a difference in thousands of children’s lives every day of the year.
Many thanks to:
•Anthony & Virginia Aquino
•Jill Augustine
•Edward & Nancy Barr
•JoAnn & Richard Beightol
•Mary Blackwood
•Mary Bookman
•Thomas & Elisabeth Boyle
•Susan Bridges & Barry Witt
•Ed & Beth Brunswick
•Joe Cooper
•Nancy & Fred Costello
•Frank De La Roche
•Barbara Dufrane
•David & Sharon Dupont
•Henriette & Ray Eifler
•Mary & Hap Farr
•Google Grants
•Lawrence & Debrah Green
•Larry & Beverley Hinman
•Lucille & Robert Jolicoeur
•Connie & Dennis Maetzold
•Jacke & Arden McCurdy
•Joyce & Wayne Meredith
•Robert & Karin Moe
•Audrey & Al Petersen
•Robert & Marion Pierpont
•Mary Elizabeth Rich
•John & Nancy Rittenhouse
•William & Kuniko Scollard
•Cynthia & Chip Smith
•Jack & Loretta Strange
•Marie & Steve Tranovich
•Patricia & Frank Valva
•Clifford & Lindsay Weidner
•Bill & Jean Wise
•Robert H & Hope Wismar
When my daughter was about
seven years old, she asked me
one day what I did at work. I
told her that my job was to teach
adults how to draw. She stared at
me, incredulous, and said, “You
mean they forget?”
Howard Ikemoto
Artist & American Art Professor
The Art League of Bonita Springs is committed to enrich the
Community Outreach—Experience for All
As part of our mission, we provide important on-going Community Outreach Programs to over 5,000 annually.
This programming spans collaboration with other nonprofits, our schools, cities, chambers of commerce, state
agencies, local businesses and civic groups. For example, we regularly visit nearby neighborhood community centers,
providing art related activities as part of a team approach to literacy and English as a second language program. Our
team, comprised of translators, tutors, and art volunteers work to create a learning environment that is not only
educational, but fun!
We are in our 12th year partnering with local schools; our 11th year with Hispanic Social Services, our 9th year with
local Literacy Councils, and 4th year with Boys and Girls Clubs providing free programs in performing and visual arts.
We are also an ongoing resource to our City, Chambers of Commerce, local businesses and civic groups for free
lectures, art/business programs, exhibitions, and community programs.
Art Goes to School
Artist volunteers visit elementary and middle schools with free education programs. Visits focus on a particular artist,
his or her art, history and culture. Students view the artist’s work and discuss the artist’s culture, artwork and history.
Students then complete an art project that engages and enlightens them, as well as connects historical and cultural
emphasis to the lectures and discussions.
After School Express
A program providing free art education activities to elementary and middle school students, After School Express
meets from 3:00-5:00pm at our Center for the Arts campus—a safe environment for children after school. Children
may do homework or participate in visual or performing arts activities choreographed by faculty and visiting artists.
Arts Connect
A free program for at-risk elementary and middle school students providing unique courses engaging sciences, art,
history, math and world studies. Youth are recommended by school counselors, administrators, and social service
High School Mentor Program
Free program featuring classes, workshops, annual exhibition and special scholarship program.
culture of our diverse community by providing opportunities for
Performance Program
Free Youth Community Performance Program providing classes, instructional workshops and an ongoing series of
productions performed at the Center for the Arts campus throughout the year.
Thanks to each of you, thousands of children participate in the Art League’s successful Outreach Programs
throughout the year. Your time, expertise, support and passion have provided thousands of lives with positive,
enriching experiences that will be remembered far into the future.
• Anonymous
• Judith Blakemore
• Bonita Springs-Estero Association
of Realtors, Inc
• Susan Bridges & Barry Witt
• Bonita Bay Group
• Nancy & Fred Costello
• Barbara Culbertson
• Frank G Daveler
• Wayne & Sue Detling
• Arlene Diorio
• Shirley Dynes
• European American Network
• Exxon Corporation
• Sheila & Patrick Fouché
• Friends of Bill Anderson
• Rosalie Goldstein
Google Grants
Haines Air Conditioning
Nicole Hart
Robert & Lucille Jolicoeur
Cecil Jones
Larson Allen, LLP
The League Club
Marilyn & Bill Lightner
Ms Janet McGriff
Polly Nesi
The News-Press
Painters of Wyndemere
Audrey & Al Petersen
Carolyn Preston
Russell’s Clambakes
Mr & Mrs Nicholas Samiotes
Southwest Florida Community
• Southwest Florida Pastel Society
• Bill & Karryn Stieby
• Loretta Howard Sturgis
• Target Corporation
• Scotty Zoeller
In memory of Jaye Berg:
• Kimberly Berg
• Mary Beth Burrows & Betty Payne
• Carousel Cove Homeowner’s
• Sally & Robert Grugan
• Andrew & Connie Hahn
• Michael Hahn
• Roy & Sherry Moss
• Janice Wall
• Ulric Wm Wall, JR
If you removed all the arts in the
lives of our children...there is no
way that adding more mathematics,
requiring more science, mandating
more tests, or scheduling more
computer courses could replace
what they would have lost.
National Arts Education
artistic expression, education and appreciation in a supportive
Special Events
Arts Worldwide
People of all ages participate at no charge in a day’s activities of visual and performing arts. Activities include
mural drawing, painting, puppet making, paper collage, creative puzzles, sculpture, 3D design and crafts. This
is an opportunity for all ages to experience the arts with their own creations. Multi-cultural storytelling and
creative writing sessions; a variety of musical performances from voice to musical instrument; multi-cultural dance
performances—ballet, jazz, lyrical; theater performances; as well as professional visual artist demonstrations in a
variety of media are enjoyed throughout the day. Please join us Saturday, November 21, 11:00am to 4:00pm at the
beautiful Promenade for ‘Art Worldwide 2009’.
Off The Walls!
This fund raising event to benefit the Art League’s Scholarship Program is a member favorite. Each ticket holder
goes home with an artwork, collectible or jewelry worth more than the price of admission. A catered reception
starts the evening off and then the fun begins as tickets are drawn and attendees choose from a gallery bursting at
the seams with art donated by festival artists, artist members, and friends of the Art League from across the nation.
The Art League awarded over $45,000 in scholarships for classes, workshops and camps as well as college tuition
scholarships for graduating high school seniors pursuing a career in the arts, architecture, communications, or
design. Thanks to you thousands of students will participate in wonderful programs at the Center for the Arts and
local high school students will go on to build their future. Many thanks to our donors and sponsors who made
these events such a great success.
We hope you will join us Friday, December 4, 2009 for our next ‘Off the Walls!’
(administered by the SWFL Comm.
education because they invite
students to explore the emotional,
intuitive, and irrational aspects of
life that science is hard pressed to
Dr. Charles Fowler
Author & Educator
and nurturing environment. The Art League of Bonita Springs is
Bonita Springs National Art Festival
The Art League of Bonita Springs proudly provides TWO Bonita Springs National Art Festivals. The festivals are held
at the beautiful Promenade at Bonita Bay at South Bay Drive and US 41 where artwork and ambience create a most
enjoyable experience.
Area art lovers view and purchase the work of 209 award winning artists from the United States, Canada and
Europe. Consistently ranked in the top twenty in the nation and #1 in Southwest Florida, the focus for the festivals
is quality and originality. Paintings, jewelry, glass, photography, sculpture, wood and more can be found at these
extraordinary fine arts and fine crafts festivals.
Each January and March thousands visit the Bonita Springs National Art Festivals. Visitors meet artists from around
the world and view their incredible artwork. The artists share their ideas, their passion for art and enjoy the
opportunity to speak with visitors about how their artwork is created. Join us January 15-16, 2010 and March 1314, 2010 for next year’s spectacular events.
Proceeds from the festivals support Center for the Arts programming for people of all ages such as community
outreach programs, art classes, computers, performances, our theater program, exhibitions, lectures, dance classes
and unique social events. Support for the festivals and the Center for the Arts has been generously provided by
sponsorship from the following:
Mr William Anderson
Bonita Banner
Bonita Daily News
Bonita Living Magazine
Mr Richard Clybourne
Kinetico Water Systems
Lutgert Company
The New York Times
On the Avenue Marketing Group
Premier Properties
The Promenade at Bonita Bay
WGCU Public Media
Over 200 Helpful Volunteers
committed to enrich the culture of our diverse community by
Beaux Arts Ball - Tropical Splendor
An elegant evening of dining, dancing and both live and silent auctions, Tropical Splendor is an annual black-tie
event that benefits the Art League of Bonita Springs’ many programs and day-to-day operations.
This annual fund raising event offers attendees a wide variety of auction items to choose from—beautiful jewelry,
paintings, vacation packages and more. Join us February 27, 2010 at beautiful Bonita Bay Club, when we’ll
experience the elegance of “Tropical Splendor 2010”.
Many thanks to our generous sponsors for their invaluable assistance in making last year’s Tropical Splendor such a
great success. Your hard work and vision have created a learning and social environment for all to enjoy.
Accessories, Inc.
Sally Barnes
Joan Baron
Jean & Don Beaver
Jo & Dick Beightol
Elaine & Robert Birrell
Mary & Ren Bookman
Dorothy & Charles Campbell
The Chautauqua Institution
Mary Beth & Walter Crawford
Cherrill & Dick Cregar
Cummings & Lockwood, LLC
The Diamond District
Barbara DuFrane
Dianne Elges
Tom & Paula Falciglia
Rick Gallo
Diana Gessler
The Golf Guys
Patsy & Lou Graham
The Grand Hotel
Larry Green & Deborah Hopkins
Dorota & Max Harris
Bonny Hawley
Larry & Beverly Hinman
Bruce Hirsch
Inn on the Alameda
Marilyn & Bill Lightner
Fran Luessenhop
Emily & Michael Lyons
Connie & Dennis Maetzold
Pat Marchetti
Paul & Honey McGrath
Merrill Lynch/The Green-Smith Group
Karin & Robert Moe
Nicola’s Wines
John Oyler & Bonita Bay Pros
Paradise Potted
M.E. Parker
Jacqueline & Charles Pechette
Susanne & Larry Pickering
Carol Prokap
PRP Wine International
Colin Reed &
Gaylord Opryland Hotel
The Ringling Museum
Marjorie & Gerald Rubacky
Sarasota Hyatt
Bill & Kuniko Scollard
Cynthia & Chip Smith
South Seas Island Resort
Patt & Mark Suwyn
Beverly & Tom Tranovich
Bill & Judy Turner
Renata & RJ Vigoda
Nancy & Chuck VonMaur
Clifford & Lindsay Weidner
Yamron Jewelers
The arts reflect profoundly the
most democratic credo, the belief
in an individual vision or voice.
The arts’ belief in potential gives
each of us—both audience and
creator—pride in our society’s
ability to nurture individuals.
Wendy Wasserstein
Affairs of the Arts
The “per person” events offered at our Beaux Arts Ball evolved into “Affairs of the Arts” during the 2006-2007 fiscal
year and has continued to grow in popularity. A booklet featuring the events is mailed to all Art League members
and friends and sells out quickly. These social “happenings” offer members and the public a wide variety of
entertainment options including dinners in private homes, wine tastings, lectures and music.
The Art League offers its sincere thanks to the following sponsors who generously contributed to make “Affairs of
the Arts” a resounding success. We invite everyone to share next year’s spectacular selection of “Affairs.”
• ArcheBooks Publishing
• Frederick Balduini &
Michael McKee
• Christine & Patrick Banning
• Sally & Dave Barnes
• Jean & Don Beaver
• Jo & Dick Beightol
• Prudy Taylor Board
• Dr Ben Bova
• Dr Ron Bowman
• Nancy & Roger Brown
• Mary Beth & Walter Crawford
• Creative Events & Taylor Rentals
• Cherrill & Dick Cregar
• John & Georgia DallePezze
• Dr Jeanine Darnell
• James & Carol DeJoy
• Barbara DuFrane
• Allison Durian
• Josephine & Henri Dyner
• Marie Fabiano
• Paula & Tom Falciglia, CHAIRS
• Sheridan Fenwick
FineMark National Bank & Trust
Florida Gulf Coast University
Mimi & Jim Gallo
Elaine Giammetta
Gourmet Girl Magazine
Beth Graves
Robert & Sheila Hague
Sukie Honeycutt
Ingo Wullaert Chocolatier
Jacquie’s Jamming
Jazz & Vine Caterers
Maureen & Arnold Lerner
Marilyn & Bill Lightner
Lou Luzzo
Jacke & Arden McCurdy
Paul & Honey McGrath
Merrill Lynch/The Green-Smith Group
Mikkelsen’s Pastry Shop
Robert & Karin Moe
Moondance Productions
Naples Honey
Naples Smokehouse
Nicola’s Wines & Liquors
Joan Norris
Northern Trust
Miranda & Ruven Perelman
Robert & Marion Pierpont
Planned Perfection
Nancy Rasmussen
Robb & Stucky Interiors
Bruce Roland
Marjorie & Gerald Rubacky
Russell’s Clambakes
Ed Russo
Patt & Mark Suwyn
Sweet Charity
Lorrie & Carl Theorin
Joanne & Gurney Thompson
Marie & Stephen Tranovich
Judy & Bill Turner
Diane Vacca
Victoria Boutique-Art-Coffee Bar
Charles & Nancy Von Maur
Arthur & Diane Welsh
and appreciation in a supportive and nurturing environment.
Each year the Art League of Bonita Springs’ Center for the Arts presents a dynamic and wide-ranging selection
of exhibitions which both appeal to and enlighten our members, residents and visitors. While some exhibitions
feature member, faculty or student artists from Bonita Springs and surrounding communities; other shows are
traveling exhibitions from national institutions bringing artworks and ideas we might not otherwise experience.
Our exhibition programming strengthens and enriches everyone by inspiring lifelong learning. It also highlights and
helps preserve our unique histories, culture, achievements and values. This past year we were the first to host the
blockbuster exhibition NASA/ART: 50 Years of Exploration on its national tour across the U.S. On display in our
galleries from October 24, 2008 through January 17, 2009, this phenomenal exhibition featured world class art
created by some of the greatest artists in the U.S. and around the world.
To complement NASA, our staff and volunteers created entertaining and educational lectures, family weekend
programs and special events. With our help, visitors discussed history, art and engineering accomplishments. Over
8,000 people of all ages enjoyed docent tours, hands-on creative activities, and our special film series.
Thanks to the many members, sponsors, donors and volunteers for their vision and dedication. We could not
accomplish our incredible exhibitions schedule without you.
(administered by the SWFL
Community Foundation)
Make no little plans for
they have no magic to
stir men’s blood...Make
big plans, aim high...
Daniel Hudson Bernham
The Art League of Bonita Springs is committed to enrich the
Annual Members’ Exhibition
Each winter our members fill both galleries at the Center for the Arts with the best of their work from the previous
year. The collection of artworks features a wide range of media from glass to painting and photography to
sculpture and fiber arts. A great tribute to both students and instructors, viewers get a first hand look at their
incredible skills and artistic passion.
Small Works & Miniatures
The tradition of miniature and small artworks is the highlight of this annual exhibition. Specific eligibility and size
restrictions are carefully adhered to in the creation of these unique and often delicate works. Always a favorite,
Small Works & Miniatures, showcases the tremendous talent of our area artists.
Art Focus
A showcase of regional artworks created by artists throughout Southwest Florida, Art Focus has become highly
regarded for the quality of artwork and the premier artists who enter this competition. Viewers enjoy elegant, old
world style oils and cutting edge mixed media along with everything in between.
Faculty & Student Exhibition
This show features the unique and accomplished artworks created by our faculty members displayed alongside
artworks created by their adult students who have participated in their classes. The artwork highlights both the
learning experience of these students and, for many, seeing their work on display in a professional setting for the
first time.
Student Showcase 2009
This unique exhibition featured artworks from our next generation of artists—local high school students. The
entire community celebrated the talent of our area youth. Over 500 attended the opening reception when
college tuition scholarships were awarded. Over $14,500 went to college bound seniors planning to study art,
communication, design or architecture. And, over $9,500 was awarded for Center for the Arts scholarships to
freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors.
culture of our diverse community by providing opportunities for
What’s in our exhibitions future? We’ll continue our mission and commitment to our members, local and regional
artists. With respect to visiting exhibition opportunities, we are very pleased to announce we have been approved
to host two traveling exhibitions.
Ansel Adams: Early Works
March 22, 2010 through May 1, 2010 we welcome ‘Ansel Adams: Early Works,’ a fascinating exhibition consisting of
50 original photographs by this master. A giant in the field of landscape photography, Adams was also a musician,
naturalist, explorer, critic and teacher. Torn in early adulthood between a career as a concert pianist versus one
in photography, we will see and appreciate his choice to be one of the most masterful photographers of the 20th
Century. Our activities with this beautiful exhibition will include a film series devoted to Adams’ work and life
Women Call For Peace: Global Vistas
Looking a bit farther into the future, the Art League has been approved to host one of the most exciting national
exhibitions of 2010-2011, “Women Call for Peace: Global Vistas.’ This collection of sixty works is formidable in its
disavowal of violence of all kinds—personal, political, domestic, and international. And, their messages are all the
more compelling because they reflect a range of religious beliefs, racial identities, and personal encounters with
The fifteen distinguished artists featured in this cutting-edge exhibition have come together to denounce violent
aggression and advocate global peace through nonviolent conflict resolution. They share a commitment to the
unique power of art and firsthand experiences to sensitize and inform audiences about these social and political
issues. In this new millennium—an age that has held the promise of global interconnectedness—the penchant for
conflict and need for resolution never have been more evident. Since 9/11, international terrorism has become a
calculable fact of life world wide.
Our Dedicated Volunteers
Fiscal Year 2008-2009 we benefited from over 1,000 volunteers giving 19,319 hours
of their precious time. If we calculate all of that hard work and expertise, even at
minimum wage, that totals $139,290. Incredible! Thank you!
artistic expression, education and appreciation in a supportive
Despite an extremely difficult economy in Southwest Florida, the community continues to value the Art League
and its programs and services. As evidence of that fact, we can report increased revenue year-over-year from our
Arts Education programs and Membership Dues. However, we cannot say that the Art League was unscathed by
everything going on outside its doors; our revenue from donor contributions and special events has fallen.
As many of you have done in your personal lives, the Art League has pushed to trim expenses wherever possible.
Unfortunately, for our 2008-2009 fiscal year, expenses still outweighed support and revenues. As you know, the
Art League’s expenses cannot consistently exceed revenues without jeopardizing its ability to provide high quality
programs and services in the future.
The net assets of the Art League are substantial, but please note that the majority of assets reported are property
and equipment. While we are very blessed to have a beautiful campus, functional equipment, and a wonderful
staff, these things all require maintenance. Contributions remain our primary source of revenue, and your financial
support is more important than ever.
We truly appreciate the time, talent, and money you have contributed to make the Art League great, whether you
are a member, student, or volunteer! You are the reason the Art League exists, and we hope that you will continue
to support the Art League whenever you can, so we can maintain our wonderful facilities and continue to provide
all the programs and services our community has come to know and love.
For consistency with prior annual reports, we have broken down the Cash and Cash Equivalents item in the audited
Statement of Financial Position to reflect the portion of those assets that are restricted for long-term purposes,
and we have combined the Board Designated and Undesignated asset items in the audited Statement of Financial
Position into one line item of Board Designated assets. Otherwise, the figures shown are taken directly from the Art
League’s audited financial statement for the 2008-2009 fiscal year.
Terri Cohen
Only through art can we get outside
of ourselves and know another’s view
of the universe which is not the same
as ours and see landscapes which
would otherwise have remained
unknown to us like the landscapes
of the moon.
Marcel Proust
Novelist, Essayist, Critic
and nurturing environment. The Art League of Bonita Springs
MAY 31, 2009 AND 2008
Cash and Cash Equivalent
Certificates of Deposit
Unconditional Promises to Give, Net
Accounts Receivable
Accrued Interest Receivable
Prepaid Expenses
Property and Equipment, Net
Total Assets
$ 3,649,808
$ 3,805,718
Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses
Deferred Revenue
Total Liabilities
Investment in Property and Equipment
Board Designated
Total Unrestricted
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted
$ 3,649,808
$ 3,805,718
Expenses FY 2008-09 - $1,518,578
Revenues FY 2008-09 - $1,391,265
2009 MAY 31, 2009
Art Education
Special Events
Less: Costs
Net Special Events
Commissions and Fees
Membership Dues
Investment Return
Net Assets Released from Restrictions
Total Support and Revenues
Program Services
Management and General
Total Expenses
$ 3,524,543
$ 3,225,440
FL 34135
26100 Old 41 Road
Bonita Springs, Florida 34135